Sequence Analysis of SAG2 of Feline Toxoplasma gondii Oocysts in Pakistan
Sequence Analysis of SAG2 of Feline Toxoplasma gondii Oocysts in Pakistan
Habibun Nabi1, Saher Islam2, Amna Arshad Bajwa2, Imran Rashid1,*, Haroon Akbar1, Wasim Shehzad2, Kamran Ashraf1, Nisar Ahmad1 and Aneela Durrani3
Agarose gel eletrophoresis of SAG2 gene products (242, 171, 211, 230 and 288bp).
Phylogenetic and bootstrapping analysis of 3 isolates with published archetypal lineages and atypical strains. UVAS-Toxo 1, 3 and 6 are our isolates from cat feces. XM_00384580 is the SAG2 sequence of Neospora caninum served as out-group. AF357581 is the SAG2 sequence of atypical T. gondii strain.
Clustal W alignment of 3 isolates of this study with the representative 3 clonal strains of Type I (EU053942), Type II (EU053943) and Type III (EU053944). Red rectangular marked sequences show dissimilarity of our isolates at 5’ locus of SAG2 with Type I, II and III strains.