The Effects of Equilibration Time and Post-Thawing Temperatures in Cryopreservation of Gaga Chicken Semen
The Effects of Equilibration Time and Post-Thawing Temperatures in Cryopreservation of Gaga Chicken Semen
Sri Wahjuningsih1*, Ani Atul Arif1, Khaerudin2, Herlina Pratiwi3, Ardyah Ramadhina Irsanti Putri1
Viability of sperm Gaga chicken a. dead sperm b. live sperm.
Plasma membrane integrity of sperm a. damaged PMI b. intact PMI (swelling in tail of sperm).
Acrosome Integrity of sperm Gaga chicken using colouring solution of Coomassie Brilliant Blue (CBB) a: integrated acrosome (blue coloured in head sperm) b: unintegrated acrosome (less coloured in head sperm).