The Study of Cows’ Uterine Tone in Normal and Pathological Postpartum Periods
The Study of Cows’ Uterine Tone in Normal and Pathological Postpartum Periods
Albina Gabdrakhimovna Darmenova1, Samat Ravkhatovich Yusupov2, Abzal Kenesovich Kereyev1*, Mirzabek Gashimovich Zukhrabov2, Yerbol Maratovich Sengaliyev1, Dosmukan Ermuhkanovich Gabdullin1, Berik Garipullievich Satybaev1
Device for determining uterine contractions
Comparative index of cow uterine contraction strength at normal and pathological postpartum periods.
Comparative index of the duration of uterine contractions in cows at normal and pathological postpartum periods.
Comparative index of cow uterine contraction frequency in normal and pathological postpartum periods.