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Gregg D. Caruso

Science, Religion and Culture
...The relationship between science, religion, and culture has been a subject of profound interest for philosophers, scientists, theologians, and cultural historians for centuries. In fact, as far back as the ancient Greeks, when Thales of Miletus and other pre-Socratic philosophers began to offer scientific explanations of the natural world, questions about the relationship between science and religion began to emerge. Given t...

Francisco J. Ayala and John C. Avise (eds.)
Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014, 547 pp., $47.64 (hbk),
ISBN 1421413051.

Reviewed by David Pindel



Science, Religion and Culture
...nciple of the biological sciences. To remedy this, they have put together an impressive collection of classical papers, encompassing virtually all aspects of evolutionary biology and including all of key figures in the development of this field.



John Shook


Science, Religion and Culture
...cally appeals to current sciences and scientific methodologies to help explain why no gods are real. Folk religions and anthropomorphic gods can’t survive, but science vs. religion is hardly the whole story. Only science joined by philosophical reflection suffices to skeptically analyze the natural theology arguments for supernatural gods, too aloof and abstract for direct confrontat...

Tom Gilson & Carson Weitnauer (eds), True Reason: Confronting the Irrationality of the New Atheism (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2013), 315pp, US$17.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-8254-4338-1

Reviewed by Gregory W. Dawes, Associate Professor of Philosophy

Science, Religion and Culture
...ism” of the modern sciences, the relations between faith and reason and religion and science, the role of religion in supporting our moral convictions, the reliability of the biblical accounts of Jesus’ life, and the problems posed by biblical endorsements of slavery and genocide. No review could do justice to so wide a range of issues, so my aim here is simply to offer some general reflections on the strategies ...

Joseph Andrew Bracken

Metaphysics for a World in Evolution
...lly oriented research in science and in the humanities seems to be either ignored or regarded with great suspicion at the present time. Natural scientists, for example, by and large employ an instrumentalist approach to the study of the laws of nature. Their aim is to deal, not with things in themselves (the Kantian noumena) but with their empirical manifestation (Kantian phenomena) via tentative hypotheses subject to empirical verification. In the humanities,...

Reviewed by David Svolba, Fitchburg State University, USA email: [email protected]

Science, Religion and Culture
...a source of claims of conscience, and liberty of conscience is supported on both broadly Kantian and utilitarian grounds. People will likely be happier in a society that allows them a “private space” in which “they can freely choose what to believe and how to live,” and affording each other this space is one important way in which we show respect for each other as persons (15-19). So the book’s ...

Reviewed by John Shook, University at Buffalo, USA; Email: [email protected]

Science, Religion and Culture
...cross the humanities and sciences the same five ques- tions about science and religion, what would you ask? This opportunity came to philosopher Gregg D. Ca- ruso, thanks to a publisher whose “5 Questions” series is permitting readers to examine direct answers on all sorts of topics from today’s premier public intellectu- als. Reading the answers about science and religio...

H. Bruce Rinker

... the emergence of modern science that later accelerated especially with the emergence of ecology and evolutionary thinking. However, the strict determinism and mechanistic assumptions inherent in the physical sciences delayed unification and, thereby, contributed inadvertently to the present-day scourges of fragmentation such as human-accelerated climate change and biodepletion. A philosophia prima is now required to repair ...

Mark Zelcer of numer- ous popular science textbooks in Yiddish, like Z. P. Nathans’ Populere erḳlerung fun Aynshṭayn’s relaṭiṿiṭeṭ ṭeorye (Popular Explanations of Einstein’s Theory of Rel- ativity) and Yiddish translations of scientific classics like Darwin’s The Descent of Man1. These were geared toward a largely bilingual Jewish audience that had strong cultural ties to Yiddish (the language of Eu- rop...

Mark Zelcer a book of philosophy, science, and religion written for a lay audience. Comprised of five loosely connected chapters dealing with a plethora of interesting themes, the book is principally a polemic against inserting metaphysical assumptions into mathematics, science, and religion. The book focuses on the metaphysical worldviews of philosophers, scientists, mathematicians, and religious thinkers. Though for reasons I elabo...

Bruce L. Gordon

...the relationship between science and Scripture held in the evangelical community and, unfortunately but understandably, the view of science most non-Christians associate with evangelicalism. For scientifically literate non-Christians, it presents an obstacle to Christian faith, and for young Christians who have been raised to equate YEC with the teaching of Scripture, it can destroy their faith altogether when its falsity is...

Yashab Tur


Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 2, Iss. 2
.... These fruits of modern science are accompanied by a host of ideas about the emergence and propagation of life on earth which, to the lay believer, seemed outright un-Godly. Marwa Elshakry, now an Associate Professor of History at Columbia University, explores the encounter of the Arab world with these and many other Western technologies and ideas in her wide-ranging Reading Darwin in Arabic through a panoramic lens, which then zooms in to focus on specific i...

Ahmed Sultan Jatoi1*, Shahid Mehmood2, Jibran Hussain2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2, Yassar Abbas3, Muhammad Akram2


Thomas J. Coleman III1*, Ralph W. Hood Jr.1 and John R. Shook2

...s ranging from cognitive science to religious studies, and from anthropology to sociology. The study of atheism and secularity is of high interest to not only scholars, but also the public in general. In this special issue of Science, Religion & Culture, Guest Edited by John R. Shook, Ralph W. Hood Jr., and Thomas J. Coleman III, we present 8 articles, 2 research notes, and 3 book reviews on the topics of atheism, secula...

Luke Galen

...">The majority of social science research on religiosity and associated variables has tended to focus on putative beneficial aspects, implying that the absence of religious belief is accompanied by liabilities. However, a closer examination of the literature reveals that the mechanisms of most beneficial associations with religiosity are attributable to factors other than beliefs, chiefly, social engagement and embeddeness in supportive groups. Often, those wi...

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi

...s. Academic research, or science, is the product of counter-intuitive, unnatural psychological processes, and the resulting concepts are beyond the reach of most. It is not surprising that religion has been around for possibly more than 100,000 years, while academic research is a recent historical development. Over the past century, individuals who make academic research their life’s work have been themselves the subject of academic studies which looked ...

Marcus Mann

...graduate student in neuroscience at the University of California – Los Angeles, woke up with an itch. He had been shaken to his core by the events of the previous day and found himself drawn to his computer, relating his thoughts on the 9/11 terrorist attacks’ implications to a word processor. What started as an itch evolved into his first book, The End of Faith: a scathing indictment of religion, which in his opinion, was an impetus just as effect...

Reviewed by Dr William Patterson

...ting mindsets underlying science (with its emphasis on rationality, evidence, experimentation, and observation) and religion (with its emphasis on faith) are intrinsically opposed and that all attempts to reconcile them must result in failure. Coyne has much of use to say on the topic and many of his points are powerfully made. His case is weakened, however, by his incoherent treatment of epistemology. This problem is serious in that it lies at the heart of th...

Elly Vintiadis

...he conflict between science and religion is ill-posed because, properly understood, theism incorporates science since it too, just like science, requires people to seek the truth and to think critically. In order to go about showing why this
is so, Steane embarks on showing what theism is and how it offers an explanation of the world and life of which <...

Maurice A. Finocchiaro

... incompatibility between science and religion. Recently the Galileo affair has been studied by several scholars whom I label “Berkeley para-clericals,” chiefly philosopher Paul Feyerabend and historian John Heilbron. Their approach is distinctive: it views controversial topics involving the relationship between science and religion from a perspective that is secular-minded, but appreciative of religion, and yet c...

Moorthy S. Muthuswamy

...g of modernity backed by science. Science not only contests religious leaders’ worldview, but it also offers a credible alternative. However, beginning in the 1970s, thanks to Saudi Arabia’s backing, religious leaders began growing in power due to the popularization of a self-serving theme that sharia is all-encompassing divine law and an essential guide to life. A new analysis of the 2013 Pew data shows us that ...

Klara Fischer1*, Erika Chenais1,2, Emeli Torsson1, Jonas Johansson Wensman1

...nd power from the social sciences may be required. This review shows that social science engagement in PE to date is virtually non-existent, but that increased efforts to draw lessons from the social sciences and to increase the degree of participation in PE could increase its potential as an important tool in disease impact assessment and control. Particular attention is paid here to the ...

Jannatul Noor, Md. Ahaduzzaman, Mir Md. Afzal Hossain, Mohammad Alamgir Hossain, Sardar Abdur Rahim and Md. Samun Sarker

Xiangxing Zhu1, Junyu Nie1, Shouneng Quan1,2, Huiyan Xu1, Xiaogan Yang1, Yangqing Lu1, Kehuan Lu1 and Shengsheng Lu1*

...i Bama mini-pigs in neuroscience research requires solving the germline transmission problem of the phenotype.


Mariano Gastón Asla

...s, including the natural sciences. In fact, this interest does not entail just an expansive theoretical movement, but also the development of a practical dimension, i.e. the active pursuit of life and signs of intelligence in the outer space. My goal in this article is twofold. First, in a practical level, I will explore some arguments in favor of the scientific interest regarding the search of extraterrestrial life. Second, from a theoretical perspective, I w...
Yusuf Koc1, Ecevit Eyduran1* and Omer Akbulut2
...ata set regarding animal science. To achieve the aim, 1884 Mengali lambs were provided for predicting weaning weight from sex (male and female), birth type (single and twin), birth year (2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2009), farm (Research station, Mastung, Quetta, and Noshki), birth weight, dam age, and dam weight. To choice the best regression tree method, goodness of fit criteria such as coefficient of determination (R2%), adjusted coefficient of det...

Zahir Shah, Ahmed Nawaz Tunio, Shakoor Ahmad, Ijaz Ahmad, Javid Ali, Sher Bhader Khan

Waqas Ahmed Dogar2, Arshad Ali Khan3*, Saeed Ahmed2, Sudheer Tariq2, Mukhtar Ahmad2, Muhammad Imran2, Muhammad Noman2 and Nadeem Khan1 

A. K. Ganguly and Uma Rao

Decades of researches in biochemical and molecular nematology at IARI

K. K. Hegde and B. S. Nandihalli 

Bioefficacy of some indigenous products in the management of okra fruit borers

Shrinivas Mudigoudra and Shekharappa

Evaluation of plant products aganist sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani


Biological control of earhead caterpillar, Helicoverpea armigera Hubner in sorghum
Fahad Tanveer1, Adnan Afzal2, Muhammad Adeel3*, Sana Shahid4 and Maham Masood5
...stical package of social sciences (SPSS) 21. The results of each group showed pre-treatment pain intensity for group 1 was 7.04+1.338 that changed to 3.52+0.714 and for group 2 it was changed from 7.52+0.872 to 5.16+0.850 and 7.16+0.943 to 5.12+0.781 for group 3. The NDI score for group 1, 2 and 3 were 31.56+5.560, 25.040+7.086 and 25.560+5.477 that were changed to 13.120+2.759, 16.360+2.899 and 12.600+2.020 respectively. The one way ANOVA test compared mean o...

Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1, Khanum Zahra2, Arooj Zaheer2, Khizar Samiullah3

Lowell Gustafson
...l set of dialogues among science, history, and religion. His goal is to expand a secular view of Big History to one of Cosmic History that includes a view of God as its author or co-author. I quibble at a number of points: (1) big historians and some scientists see meaning in nature and history despite Peters’ claim to the contrary; (2) even though most big historians are atheists or agnostics they are still interested in religion because they want to kn...
Ann Milliken Pederson
...ines (humanities, social sciences, natural sciences) into a holistic integration of knowledge, places the quest and the question of God within the historical narrative of the natural and cultural history of the entire cosmos, and offers a vision of hope and action to create a sustainable and wholesome view for the future. 

Khalid Mahmood Aujla, Sajida Taj*, Khalid Mahmood** and Nadeem Akmal*

 Sajida Taj*, Akhter Ali*, Nadeem Akmal*, Shujaat Yaqoob** and Mubarik Ali***


 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai*, Amer Mumtaz*, Nouman Rashid*, Shahzada Arshad Saleem**, Saeeda Raza* and Muhammad Naeem Safdar*


 Saima Kanwal*, Saeeda Raza*, Khalid Naseem*, Muhammad Amjad*, Naseem Bibi* and Musarrat Gillani*


 Muhammad Nisar Khan*, Tariq Hassan*, Hassnain Shah*, Saleem Abid*, Irum Raza* and Saqib Shakeel Abbasi*

Grace C. Onyishi, Ifeanyi Oscar N. Aguzie, Christopher D. Nwani*, R.N.N. Obiezue and I.C. Okoye
Zahida Parveen1, Safdar Sidra1*, Bushra Nisar Khan2
Thomas W. Clark
...roceeds apace, driven by science, in particular neuroscience as it maps the brain processes that mediate choice and behavior. Where the soul once presided, there are, it turns out, only neurons in fantastically complex structures which somehow maintain the coherent psychological and behavioral pattern – character, beliefs, desires – that constitutes each of us as a person. The feeling of being a singular self tha...
Nasreen Ishaq1, Arif Rasheed Malik2, Zameer Ahmad1, Saad Ehsan Ullah3
...edicine is basically the science of identification and during last few decades multiple research work has been conducted for detection of different methods of identification to establish a baseline of identity e.g. dental data, fingerprinting, DNA analysis, anthropometry, identification of sex, assessment of age, determination of height and blood groups identification. Among these, DNA analysis and dental data provide easiest identifications, however, these te...
Naveed Rashid*1, Muhammad Aamer2, Uzma Malik3, Nimra Arif4, Muhammad Waqar Akram5 and Ayesha Irshad6
Hafiz Manzoor Ahmad1,*, Hamad Bin Rashid1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Shahid Hussain Farooqi1, Muhammad Rafi Ullah2 and Usman Ghani1

Ijaz Iqbal1, Maqsooda Parveen1 and Zafar Mahmood2* 

...xperiment in agriculture sciences. In this paper an investigation is made of a special kind of incomplete block design known as the resolvable balanced incomplete block design. An algorithm is presented to construct diallel cross design through resolvable balanced incomplete block design, which is established via cyclic shifts. Construction of diallel cross designs using the proposed approach is illustrated with an example. A list of efficient diallel cross de...

Nadia Sharif1, *Neelma Munir1 and Shagufta Naz1

...ineering and bio medical science.


 Anam Javed, Javed Iqbal Qazi*

Skin health implications of Chemical detergents and importance of biodetergents
...ith rapid advancement in science and technology in the last few centuries, modifications in every aspect of life are continuously occurring. No doubt, these modifications are improving life standards but among them some are harmful for our health. Along with numerous benefits, side effects of formulated synthetic chemicals are needed to investigate further to develop alternatives with ideally no or at least less side effects. This review highlights a wide rang...
Muhammad Kashif Maan1, Ghulam Mustafa1, Munibullah2 and Sajid Umar2,*

Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Nazakat Nawaz, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Tahira, Doulat Baig, Ihsan Ullah Khan and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah 

Muhammad Ramzan1, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1*, Muhammad Ishtiaq1, Ghulam Murtaza2, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1 and Faisal Manzoor1
Shaukat Ali1,*, Sadia Batool2, Fatima Javed Butt2, Sundas Nasreen1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1
... in the field of medical sciences shortly. Appropriate monitoring and treatment are strongly recommended to prevent hepatocellular carcinoma complications. 
Imdad Ullah Khan1, Shehla Gull Bokhari2, Mumtaz Ali Khan3, Ikramul Haq3*and Naimat Ullah Khan4

Saleem Ashraf1, Raheel Saqib2*, Zakaria Yousuf Hassan3, Muhammad Luqman4 and Abdur Rehman5  

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Anam Sarwar2, Muhammad Junaid1, Mirza B. Baig3, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel4 and R. Kirby Barrick

Naeem A. Mughal1*, Yasmin Nergis1 


Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Saima Sadaf1, Adnan Ahmad1, Usman Rafique1 and Muhammad Arshad Javed1

An Assessment of Farmers’ Awareness Level Regarding Integrated Farming System in District Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Saima Sadaf1, Adnan Ahmad1, Usman Rafique1 and Muhammad Arshad Javed1

An Assessment of Farmers’ Awareness Level Regarding Integrated Farming System in District Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan

 Sikandar Bilal Khattak1*, and Iftikhar Hussain1

...ctors for environment conscience construction differs in different regions. Identification of these factor is the first step towards achieving it. However, no all-inclusive study exists for a developing and terror hit country like Pakistan. This paper identifies and quantifies the environmental conscience factors, respectively. The data is then analyzed through Taguchi Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) to rank the f...
Zubair Ahmad1, 2,5, Hamed A. Ghramh1, 2, 3,Khalid Ali Khan1, 2, 3*, Kavita Pandey4 and Farhat Khan5
... are described as new to science from the northern part of India. These two species were reared from Acrocercops caerulea (Meyrick) and Lithocolletis virgulata (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Materials about other species viz., Ascogaster acrocercophagus Shujauddin and Varshney and C. (A.) chailini (Walker and Huddleston) have also been recorded. The importance of apico-dorsal spine of metasoma for taxonomy is discussed...

Shahzad Malik* and Ayesha Khan

Gap Analysis of Farmers’ Capacity Building by Public and Private Agriculture Extension Sectors in Central Plain Valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Tahseen Ullah* and Noor ul Amin

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Medicinal Plant Extracts

Nadeem Abbas Shah1*, Ejaz Ashraf1, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Zaheer ud Din Mirani3, Usman Rafique1 and Raees Abbas Shah4

Assessing Perceptions of the Households-heads Regarding Food Security Status in Drought-hit Areas of District Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan: A Case Study for Agricultural Extension
...tical package for social sciences (SPSS). According to the results of the survey, the majority of the respondents perceived that factors such as global warming and climate change, unproductive land, depleting water resources, unavailability of drought-tolerant crop varieties, lack of health facilities, lack of awareness for food security measures, lack of Extension services in the area, limited income resources, and insufficient information for food security w...
Muhammad Umer Khan1,2*, Muhammad Farooq Sabar1, Atif Amin Baig3, Arif-un-Nisa Naqvi4 and Muhammad Usman Ghani1
...on genetics and forensic sciences. Consequently, this study was designed to establish the mtDNA profiles of the Shin ethnic group in Gilgit-Baltistan, the northern most territory of Pakistan. Phlebotomy was performed for a total of 79 maternally unrelated Shin volunteers. Genomic DNA was extracted from whole blood samples and subjected to PCR amplification using specific primers for the control region of mtDNA (covering positions 16024–16569 and 1–...

Sajid Khan* and Shahnaz Akhtar

Effect of Farm Labor Transformation on Households Income in Central Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Muhammad Luqman1*, Roshan Hussain1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehmood1, Ijaz Asghar2 and Usman Saleem1

Comparative Analysis of Dietary Intake Patterns of Rural and Urban Communities of Southern Punjab, Pakistan
Eslam Moradi-Asl1*, Behnam Mohammadi Ghalehbin2, Kamran Akbarzadeh3, Jafar Mohammad-Shahi4, Hajar Afshin4
Ghazanfar Ali and Riffat-un-Nisa Awan*
...hemistry, and biological sciences. The study determined the moderating effects of gender, and academic discipline along with mediating effect of CTD and CTS in the relationship between CTIPs and AA. A sample of 320 final year science students of BS programs, was selected from three selected universities and surveyed through a questionnaire. The results of data analyses revealed gender wise differences in perceived level of C...
Muhammad Tariq Chaudhary1, Saleem Ashraf 2, Muhammad Yaseen3 and Muhammad Luqman3
Salman Ali1*, Ayaz Ali2, Riaz Ali Rind2, Majid Ali3, Zulfiqar Ali Mastoi2, Shagufta Naz3, Muhammad Shakir3, Rashid Ahmed Qaim Khani1
Roland Eric Yessinou1*, Alain Richi Kamga Waladjo2, Nestor Noudeke1, Ignace Dramou3, Justin Adinsi1, Victorien Tamègnon Dougnon4, Elsie Yélognisê Sangnidjo5, Razack Osse5, Alfred Dansou6 and Souaïbou Farougou1

Monoar Pallab*, Moktadir Reza and Debashish Sarker

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Abdul Moeez1, Humaira Ramzan1, Mudassar Hafeez1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Sher Muhammad4 and Muhammad Latif4

Muhammad Ahsan1*, Aneela Ramzan1, Muhammad Nafees1, Adnan Younis2, Muhammad Amin1, Gulzar Akhtar3, Khansa Saleem1 and Azka Sabeeh1

Mohammed Bashar Danlami1*, Basiru Aliyu1, Abbas Bazata Yusuf1, Bashar Gulumbe Haruna1 and Asmau Nono Mahe1

Samira M. Bolis1, Magda Mahmoud2, Salah E. Gumma3, Naser E. Bilal1 and
Isam ElKhidir4

Bakhtiar Gul*, Saleetha Rabial and Haroon Khan

Zhongyong Wu1, Wenzhu Li2, Chunxia Ni1, Zhuolin He1, Xiao Hou1 and Wanxia Pu1*
...ll;">In order to provide science-based information for the control of cow mastitis, to understand the genetic polymorphisms of dairy-sourced Staphylococcus aureus, we conducted genotyping of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from milk samples collected from cows with clinical mastitis using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method with three oligonucleotide primers. In total, 177 Staphylococcus aureus isolates were obtained from dai...

Muhammad Yaseen*, Muhammad Adnan, Muhammad Luqman, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed and Muhammad Umer Mehmood

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Sallam Shahzad2, Farhat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Luqman1, Usman Saleem3 and Shoaib Nasir4

Thomby Paul, Sreekanta Biswas, Sabiha Zarin Tasnim Bristi, Debashish Sarker, Saroj Kumar Yadav and Bhajan Chandra Das*

Saydat Saad1, Doaa Abdel-Fattah1, Tarek Khamis2, Aya El-Sobky1* 

...nology is defined as the science and technology of small objects with a diameter of less than 100 nanometers. Nanomaterials may undergo novel chemical and physical changes as a result of their size, indicating increased reactivity and solubility. Nanotechnology has a huge potential to make a major change in the agriculture and livestock sector. It can introduce new tools for molecular and cellular biology, biotechnology, veterinary physiology, animal genetics,...

Fatma Desouki Mohammed Abdallah

...nary medicine and animal sciences. Animals and birds are major sources for human feeding (protein source) then, statistical analysis of animal characteristics is of great importance. The objective of this paper was to explain and apply an important statistical method called principle component analysis to extract new carcass trait components of Japanese quail from old variables. The idea of this method is that it forms a new variable (linear combinations of th...

Zunaira Fatima Syeda1*, Ahafaque Ahmad Shah2, Farrah Deeba3 and Farheen Malik1

...ric competence in sports sciences students. The measuring instrument comprising 19 items (competences) was adopted from Reflex Project. Total 170 respondents of sports science department and some more sports students from other departments participating in sports activities were conveniently selected as a sample of the study. Mean median, mode and range were calculated to describe the data. The difference between the levels ...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Adeel Mustafa1, Sheer Abbas2, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehomood1 and Raheel Saqib3

Aiman Al-Mufarji1, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed1*, Haitham Al-Masruri2, Rashid Al-Zeidi3
...body health collected of scienceDirect and Elsevier search engine, of which 49.0% were published in the last five years.
Keywords | Microalgae, Growth, Reproduction, Milk, Blood

Ayesha Khan*, Mohammad Tariq Aziz, Urooba Pervaiz and Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

Muhammad Kashif Maan1*, Rohma Shabbir2 

Zayed M.A1, M.F. Shehata1, I.M. Ismail1, Mona Mohammady1, M.A. Radwan2*  

...ool and a tool in animal science and veterinary research. So, the present study was performed to study the effect of different weaning weights on growth performance, ultrasound measurements, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Barki ram-lambs. Moreover, this investigation aimed to examine the relationship among ultrasound measurements, body measurements, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Barki lambs. Twenty-three Barki lambs were divided into...

Farah Naz1*, Asad Umair2 and Ghazala Noureen3

... solutions from the life science alone. They failed to take into account structural inequalities present in societies that affect the ability of an individual to cope with this medical condition and follow the recommended strategies. As Geoffrey Rose (1992) concluded his seminal monograph ‘The strategy of preventive medicine’: Pandemics are social, economic, and biological phenomena. By taking an approach that considers not only the biological but ...

Cristina Stanca Moise1*, Cornelia Chimisliu2, Mihaela Arinton3, Tom Brereton4 and George Moise1

F. Shahina†, K. Nasira, K. Firoza and Y. I. Erum

...h 232 species are new to science. The paper includes i) new nematode species described from Pakistan in chronological order; ii) species of plant parasitic nematodes; iii) species of free-living soil nematodes; iv) species of marine nematodes; v) species of entomopathogenic nematodes all in alphabetical order and vi) taxonomic position of the all nematode species of Pakistan.


Rinat Islamov*, Dinara Turegeldieva, Altyn Rysbekova, Kuralay Sarmantayeva, Victor Semenuyk 

Muhammad Ahsan Riaz1, Ayesha Riaz2, Muhammad Asif Mahmood3, Muhammad Uzair Mukhtar3*, Zaib Un Nisa1, Beenish Ijaz4 and Muhammad Shahid Rasool5

Asim Faraz1*, Nasir Ali Tauqir2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Muhammad Arslan Akbar3, Muhammad Abubakar Sufyan1, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Usman Saleem4, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel5, Morteza Bitaraf Sani6, Amal AlKharusi7, Samira Jebahi8 and Ayman Balla Mustafa9

... investigations in camel science.

Hassan Raza1, Muhammad Kashif Afzal2, Muhammad Luqman1*, Tahir Munir Butt3, Muhammad Yaseen1 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood1

Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1*

Syed Muhammad1*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui2, Farhat Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Adnan3, Sami Ullah3 and Nawab Khan4

Lipigwe Lauya1*, Peace Nkiruka Okeke2, Chukwudi Chizorom Ibeh1, Bello Ozovehe Banimoh1 and Nanma Tongnan Cosmas1

Hamdi Mayulu1*, Endang Sawitri2

...elopment and progress of science and modern technology.
Keywords | Black Garlic, Bioactive Compounds, Antioxidants, Feed Additives, Livestock

Muhammad Salman Ikram1, Tahir Mehmood1,2*, Sehrish Firyal3, Huma Sattar4, Shagufta Saeed3, Fareeha Nadeem3 and Muhammad Imran Mahmood Khan5

...n: justify;">In forensic science, Human Y-chromosome markers are extensively used for DNA analysis of such cases with limited information of autosomal DNA profiling, difficult to obtain data or identification has to be made from Y-chromosome markers. This review describes the uniqueness of structure and relative position of Y-STRs loci, history of Y- chromosome, role of genetic markers like Y- Short tandem repeat (Y-STR) and Y- Single nucleotide polymorphism (...

Nadia Jabeen1, Abdul Mubeen Lodhi1*, Rehana Naz Syed1, Muhammad Ali Khanzada2 and Alia Gul3

...Lodhi was added as a new science species in the genus Marasmiellus (Omphalotaceae ), collected from the lawn and grassy soil of Hazara University, Mansehra. The comparative studies revealed that Marasmiellus agrianum N. Jabeen and M. Lodhi was grown on lawn soil and is a  flattened convex whereas Marasmiellus scandens being pathogenic was found mostly on the trunk of trees and is a semicircle convex-shaped basidiocarp. The species were studied for morphol...

Zaib Ullah1*, Sajid Mahmood2,3, Zafar Iqbal4, Fakhar-i-Abbas5, Naveed Akhtar1 and Abdul Majid Khan6*

Jaiperkash Moolchandani1*, Geeta Moolchandani2, Syed Mohsin Turab3, Nasima Iqbal4, Ambreen Rehman5 and Shaima Sultana Memon6

Dhurgham K. Seger1, Rahman H. H. Al Qasimi2, Azhar A. Jaffar3, Salah H. Faraj4, Ahmed I. Ateya5* 

...rried out at the biology sciences laboratory of the Marshes Research Center/Thi-Qar University. Sequencing technology was used to detect mutations in SSTR1 gene. The results of the multiple alignment analysis of the sequence of SSTR1 gene indicated the presence of one mutation 264 A>G. The obtained mutation produced three genotypes, namely AA, AG, and GG. The frequency of the genotypes AA, AG and GG were 0.50, 0.17 and 0.33, respectively. While the frequenc...

Swagata Das Gupta1, Majharul Islam1, Towhida Kamal2,Md. Rayhan Faruque3,Md. Shohel Al Faruk4* 

Salma Sharif1, Rana Arsalan Javaid2*, Abid Majeed2, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed2, Qurat ul Ain Sani2, Faiza Siddique2, Muhammad Arshad3 and Niaz Ali

Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Saqib Arif1, Qurrat-ul-Ain Akbar1, Saba Iqbal2, Shahid Yousaf3, Kainat Qureshi1, Abdul Karim Khan5, Abdul Ahad6, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique4 and Neelofar Hamid7 in modern medical science for better results and benefits to society and human safety. Use of medicinal plants for antimicrobial and secondary metabolites activities has gained tremendous attention from researchers. 


Ismail Demircioglu1, Yasin Demiraslan2, Barıs Can Güzel3*, Ali Koçyigit4 and Aysegül Demircioglu5

..., taxonomy, and forensic sciences were presented.


Ahmed, AmalA.; Zein, Salwa N. and Khatab, Eman A. H.

...of the first time the prescience of this disease in Egypt.


Karl Maramorosch in diverse fields of science and from participation in symposia and congresses.

Geeta Moolchandani1, Jaiperkash Moolchandani2*, Nasima Iqbal3
Syed Mohsin Turab4, Muhammad Kashif5 and Lubna Farooq6
Syed Tayyab ul Mazhar1, Hasnain Khan1, Uzma Afzal1*, Shazia Usmani1 and Tariq Mahmood2 fields such as data science, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, psychology and others.
Syed Tayyab ul Mazhar1, Hasnain Khan1, Uzma Afzal1*, Shazia Usmani1 and Tariq Mahmood2 fields such as data science, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, psychology and others.
Nusrat Bano1, Muhammad Tayyab1*, Bushra Muneer2, Sehrish Firyal1, Abu Saeed Hashmi3, Muhammad Wasim1 and Ali Raza Awan1

Teedzai Chitura*

Abdul Asim Farooq1,2*, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Hamid Akbar1
Muhammad Ashraf3, Saima Inayat4, Muhammad Usman Saleem5
Saeed Murtaza2, Maqbool Hussain Shah2 and Muhammad Arshad Javid5

Muhammad Asif Iftikhar1, Talat Naseer Pasha2, Saima Inayat1, Khalid Javed3 and Rahman Ullah4*

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Bilques Bano3, Muhammad Muddassir Ali4, Nazia Rubab5, Syed Tasadak Mehdi6, Muhammad Wasim Iqbal7, Kumay Hassan Akhtar8, Aqeel Raza9, Ujala Fatima Shan10, Muhammad Aftab11


Farrukh Avais1, Anser Ali1, Hamza Javed2, Muhammad Saleem3, Tehreem Tahir4,
Muhammad Rafiq5,*

Tebogo Letsukulo Percy Thepa, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

Mir Manzar Ud Din1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Muhammad Salman1, Fazli Amin1 and Saeed Ud Din

... textiles, and materials science. This research paper aims to deepen our understanding of the biochemistry of silk protein and highlight its significance in diverse domains.

Deirdre Lemerle
M. K. Hossain, B. M. Khan and B. Koirala
Raja Mohammad Ashfaque
...4). Fire is an art not a science. As the skill in use of fire in range, wildlife and forest management develops fears and hesitations in adopting it as a tool, will gradually diminish....
Abdul Aleem
...n the natural and social sciences for the rational use and conservation of the resources of the biosphere, and for the improvement of the global relationship between man and the environment.
Because of its abiding concern for the conservation of renewable resources, the Pakistan Forest Institute hosted a seminar from August 13-15, 1977 on the Role of Social Sciences in the MAB Programme. UNESCO, Pakistan
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Altaf Ahmad, gradual evolution of science of Taxonomy. In the present age because of synthetic products some of the medicinal plants have lost their old value but still a considerable number of drugs mentioned in the formularies are manufactured from plants. A casual look on the national formulary booklet confirms this statement.
Pakistan is importing crude extract of drug plants from developed countries, although these medicinal plants are available in our countr...
Javairia Mehboob1, Syeda Hafsa Ali1*, Fahima Ashraf Kasi1, Syeda Ayesha Ali2, Safa
Farooqi3, Muneeza Arbab4,
... is a promising field of science that implicates use of nano size
particle which anchors a prominent place in various biomedical applications. Silver is known
for its antimicrobial nature. This study elucidates the qualitative phytochemical properties of
three plant extracts and utilizing it in biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles. Green Silver
nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized from 1mM Silver Nitrate (AgNO3...
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Azhar
Hassan1, Jamshaid Qamar2, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Adnan2, Rafia Khalid3, Muhammad
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2,
Muhammad Mughees Ud Din4, Jamshaid Qamar2, Muhammad Waqas1, Muhammad Mohsin
Amin2, Burhan Khalid1

Shabana Mangi1, Waheed Ali Pahnwar1* and Abdul Manan Shaikh1

species to science while Agriotes bulgaricus is first time reported from Sindh Pakistan.
Besides this, morphological description along with digital images are provided. Definitely this
study will prove to be a base line for future taxonomist dealing with this genus.

Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan2*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin2, Jamshahid Qamar2, Azhar Hassan1, Muhammd Alam Elahi1, Jamshed Haider1, Muhammad Irfan4 and Memuna Ghafoor Shahid5

Anom Yusuf Tri Bambang Susilo1, Muhammad Fathin Hanif1, Bambang Ariyadi2, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra3, Ali Agus1*

Atikah Nur Baity1, Noni Ashri Maghfiroh1, Syalsa Bella Fitriana1, Kurniawan Dwi Prihantoko2, Dyah Maharani2, Diah Tri Widayati2*

Abdullah Channo1,2*, Asmatullah Kaka1, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Mool Chand Malhi3, Muhammad Bakhsh4, Qudratullah Kalwar5, Shakeel Ahmed Tunio6 and Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar7

Maqsood Jan1, Muhammad Zubair Anjum1*, Zahir Muhammad1, Misbah Farooq1, Muhammad Qayash Khan2 and Shamim Akhter1

...l package for the social sciences (SPSS) computer software. After the 90 days of experimental trial the results revealed that probiotics treated groups had significantly (P < 0.05) better meat quality as compared to control. The best meat quality was observed in D4 in terms of crude protein, crude fat, ash content and total moisture (45.86±0.44, 33.59±0.28, 8.80±0.34, 63.98±0.01) compared to control and other tasted groups. The L...

Abdessatar Omezine1

Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

Uzma Zafar1*, Zaima Ali1, Ambreen Tauseef2 and Saba Khaliq3

Mohammad Wasiullah Khan* and Abdur Rab

Heba El-Sayed Mostafa1,2*, Lama Sulaiman Alahmadi1, Shiyma Abullah Alrahule1, Nada Fareed Alzughaibi1, Hala Rafat Zulali1, Yasmin Islam Magdi3, Saada Saad Alharbi1


Sadia Rashid1, Muhammad Waqas Alam Chattha2, Almazea Fatima1*, Muhammad Farooq Hyder3 and Nazia Tabasam1

...ical packages for social sciences and Microsoft Excel were used. The results of the wheat productivity analysis show that the wheat yield was 36 percent lower among sampled farmers. Profitability analysis reveals that fertilizer cost are the highest among the other production costs, accounting for 33.90 percent of the total cost. The value of the benefit-cost ratio is 1.17 in 2022 and 1.42 in 2021 which shows that the net return of the farmers is 25 percent gr...

Oluwakamisi F. Akinmoladun1,2*, Olusegun O. Ikusika1, Conference T. Mpendulo1

Mahisba Waris1, Muhammad Azim Khan2*, Muhammad Fawad1*, Nabeela Jafer1, Rashid Hussain3 and Haseeb Ahmad3

Kwena Mokoena, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1,2*, Atta Hussain Shah1, Muhammad Farooque Hassan2, Gul Bahar Khaskheli1, Zubair Ahmed Leghari3 and Qudratullah Kalwar2


Ekadashi Rajni*; Vishnu Kumar Garg; Rajat Vohra; Yogita Jangid1; Richa Sharma

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1700-1712

Gopinath R.; Arundadhi M.; Dhanasezhian A.; Thangam G. Sucila*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2339-2353
...xciting frontier in neuroscience and medicine. The aims of this study were to investigate and elucidate the intricate interplay between the gut microbiota and neurological health, and exploring the mechanisms of communication along the gut-brain axis. As research progresses, the potential for groundbreaking strategies to prevent and treat the neurological disorders becomes increasingly apparent. This comprehensive review delves into the nuanced world of the gu...

Wellem H. Muskita1*, Agus Kurnia1, Muhaimin Hamzah1, Khairunnisa Khairunnisa1, La Ode Muh. Munadi2, Achmad Selamet Aku2 and La Ode Sahaba2

Jingjing Guo, Ruitong Niu, Shanshan Mu* and Anshi Wu

Muhammad Luqman1*, Muhammad Yaseen1, Talha Mohsin Tanvir1, Tahir Munir Butt2, Muhammad Usman1 and Abdus Salam3

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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