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Kathryne E. Taylor1 and Karen L. Mossman1,2*

...ICP0 protein from herpes simplex virus is complex and frequently contradictory, meaning that although this protein has been implicated in a wide variety of diverse functions, the mechanisms through which it produces these effects continue to be elusive. Recent investigations into the ability of ICP0 to block the activation of antiviral signaling have revealed a potential explanation for some of this confusion – namely, that ICP0 has important functions i...

Shahid Iqbal Awan1*, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad2, Muhammad Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Aurangzeb Rao1

John Stinespring, Ryan T. Cragun*

...;">The authors develop a simple Markov model to forecast future rates of religious nonaffiliation. A two-period, two-variable Markov switching model is used which yields a tractable steady state solution and growth path for the share of the population that is nonreligious. The model setup and solution are shown to be both intuitive and determined by three parameter values. The authors illustrate its use by estimating these parameter values using biannual data ...

Ali Muhammad*, Muhammad Ayub

...ert the oleourepean into simple sugar and decreased during treatment process. Lye solution penetrates inside the msesocarp and than endocarp during four weeks of treatment process. The lye treated olive fruits were treated afterwards into brine solution for the next week and so on which gradually remove the bitter taste of lye solution and got salted taste during four week of treatment process. The residual water of treated olive fruits wer...

Abiodun D. Olabode

...rved. The study employed simple percentages to analyse the farmers’ responses; while regression model established significant relationships between rice yield and farm management methods adopted in this area. Results were presented using charts and tables. The study revealed that; chemical fertilizers, manual weeding and shifting cultivation are essential for rice cultivation in the study area; the regression model established strong influence of farm-si...

Taghreed A. Hafiz1, Murad A. Mubaraki1*, Mohamed A. Dkhil2,3 and Saleh Al-Quraishy2

Fukuan Du1,2, Yan Li2, Zhixin Wen1, Ruguo Chen1 and Pao Xu2*

Qamar Ali, Muhammad Ashfaq and Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan

...ucumber growers by using simple random sampling. Cobb-Douglas was good on the basis of R2 (0.748) and f-statistics (17.505). Production elasticity was positive for education, polythene sheet, fertilizers, chemical, irrigation and labour days. Under utilization of resources was found for polythene sheet, fertilizers, chemicals, irrigation and labour days. Over utilization of resources was observed for seed quantity and use of tractor. There exist decreasing ret...
Hafiz Aftab Ahmed1, Asif Ali2, Akbar Ali2, Salman Ahmed Abid3 and Sajid Umar4*
...he skin was apposed with simple interrupted sutures using silk. Post-operative care was continued for five days. Clinical signs abated in all operated animals, proving that the technique employed was effective and of simple execution for the treatment of dorsal patellar fixation in bovine.

Waqar Islam

...aged effectively through simple and credible efforts.


Sitansu Pan and N. K. Mishra

Epidemiological studies on some diseases of guava (Psidium guajava L.)
...egression equations. The simple correlation coefficient matrix showed significantly positive correlation of canker severity with maximum relative humidity at 1% level whereas, anthracnose correlated well with minimum relative humidity, temperature and number of rainy days at 5% level. The negative correlation was obtained for stem canker and dry rot with all parameters at 1% significant level. In case of Phytophthora fruit rot, positive correlation was also re...

T. P. Ghosh, D. Mandal, S. Laha and M. K. Dasgupta 

Dynamics and severity model in managing fungal diseases
...ngs may help in building simple decision rules for management early in the season as soon as the disease appears in one case, and when some intensity has been achieved in all other cases. Where validated this approach may be a useful tool in plant protection, especially supervisory management and appropriate IPM.



S. Pal and I. Sarkar

Pests infesting ornamental plants in hilly region of West Bengal
...teran pests Taeniothrips simplex was very much serious on Gladiolus and another species of thrips (unspecified) was found infesting Carnation. Amongst the lepidopteran pests, gram pod borer (Helicoverpa armigera) was found most important inflicting serious damage to Carnation, Gerbera, Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum and Straw flower. The green semilooper, Plusia orichalcea caused damage to Gerbera and Gladiolus by feeding on the leaves. The tobacco caterpillar (Spod...
Muhammad Imran Shabbir
...ties in a very quick and simple way. Also ternary genotype codes along with gender symbols and affection status are used to modify the Punnett squares. On applying these modified Punnett squares along polygonal shapes covers all possible parental combinations and their genotypic and phenotypic outcomes in offspring. In this way, simple illustrations incorporate a considerable amount of information that provides the opportuni...
Muhammad Aslam Farooqi1,*, Mansoor-ul-Hasan2, Sohail Akhtar1Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Naveed Aslam3 and Muhammad Rafay4
..."text-align: justify;">A simple and fast analytical method using High Performance Liquid Chromatography with ultraviolet detection (HPLC-UV) was used to determine residues of commonly used agricultural insecticides (imidacloprid, thiametoxam, profenofos, endosulfan, spinosad and deltamethrin) in multi-floral raw honey of Apis dorsata F. collected from the cotton belt area of Punjab, Pakistan. The residues of these insecticides were extracted using ethyl...
Faiz Muhammad1,*, Syed Khurram Fareed1, Urooj Zafar1, Taseer Ahmed Khan2 and Aqeel Ahmad1 dilution method found simpler and most efficient for positive PCR. Primers were selected for 16s rRNA and it could detect up to 100 cfu and 250 cfu from MS and MG respectively in a samples. We have tested pure DNA of other mycoplasmas (5 species from avian origin and 3 other mycoplasmas species) but it produced only the genus specific band. The optimized ratio of tPCR primers were 1: 1: 10: 1. For Outer F, Inner R, and Inner F and Outer R, respectively. MgC...
Tahira Kamal1*, Saeed-Ul-Hassan Khan2, Amir Bin Zahoor3, Khalid Naeem3, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1, Siddra Tayyab Akhtar4, Ghulam Muhammad Ali1*
...lab. Whereas Lamp PCR is simple and accurate test for the rapid diagnosis of FMD. This study has been done initially with FMD known serotypes (O, A, Asia1) already in use at animal health.Viral RNAs were extracted using R Neasy Minikit (Qiagen) according to instruction manual. After extraction RNAs were eluted in 60 ul elution buffer and stored at -70C. Each strain of FMD virus was serially diluted to -5dilution in order to check the efficacy of test. Reaction...

  Farhat Ullah Khan, Nowshad Khan and Zaibunnisa Abdullah*

Corresponding author: [email protected] (This is part of Ph.D. work of senior author)


 Amir Khatam*, Sher Muhammad and Ijaz Ashraf** 

...ere analyzed by applying simple descriptive statistics showing means, scores, ranking order and standard deviations. The results show that skills were highly enhanced in st the aspect of nursery raising techniques which was ranked 1 with mean value 3.40 closely followed by timely and balanced use of fertilizers and nd rd using recommended seed rate, which were ranked 2 and 3 with mean value 3.08 and 3.05, respectively. While, skill improvement in plant protect...

 Abid Hussain*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Sonila Hassan**

...l data collected through simple random sampling technique in April, 2011 from 220 camel farmers and 17 market intermediaries. It is found that both camel farmers and market intermediaries were less educated. It is observed that markets for camel milk, meat, hides and hair are less established in semi desert and desert areas of the country. Mean production of milk per farm household was 5.4 and 6.5 liters per day in summer and winter seasons, respectively; howe...

 Said Salman*, Shah Jehan Khan*, Javed Khan**, Rehmat Ullah Khan*** and Imran Khan****

...e of improvement through simple selection for high mean values of these traits. Maximum genotypic differences were observed for all the studied parameters except chlorophyll concentration index and number of spikelet per spike indicating considerable amount of variation among the accessions for each trait. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation estimates were higher for all the traits except chlorophyll concentration index and days to physiologi...

 Abid Hussain*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Sonila Hassan**

...armers, selected through simple random sampling technique. Shares of different feed resources in total feeding cost have been determined and cost-benefit analysis of milk production by ecological zones was also conducted. Wide variations in share of feed sources in total feeding cost per annum, milk productivity and profitability of main cow breeds across selected areas have been observed. Concentrate feeding is the main cost item for cow milk production in ir...

 Naveed Jehan*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla**, Muhammad Shahzad*, Abid Hussain**, Muhammad Zahoor*, Majid Khan* and Ahmed Bilal*

...ata was analyzed through simple averages, correlation analysis and paired t-test. Average yield of bitter -1 gourd crop was 23569 kg acre with cell phone use of 8h per season. It is perceived that low communication cost and availability of information about wholesale market prices through SMS service and low cost calling packages will help farmers and market agents in improving bitter gourd production and its marketing, respectively.

Archana Naithani, Pongthep Suwanwaree* and Bartosz Nadolski
...ies (5 species each).Six simple dietary guilds were observed during the present study; the maximum number of species belonged to insectivore group and minimum to nectarivore. Analysis of data revealed that the average of species diversity index of the avian community (H’)during the study period was 3.88. Using the Berger-Parker dominance value, we found the most abundant species was House sparrow (Passer domesticus), followed byOriental turtle dov...

Rehman-Ud-din* and Naeem-Ur-Rehman Khattak 

...s in each district under simple random selection. In this way, a sample size of 175 farmers was randomly selected from nine villages on a proportional basis. The study reveals that a large number of both types of farmers are neither completely mechanised nor completely non-mechanised. Majority of the farmers in each type of farmers do not have their own farming machines/animals. Per acre productivity of mechanised farmers is a little bit greater than the non-m...
Xi-wen Chen1,2, Qian Wang1,3, Miao Yin1, Zhong-hui Pu1,2, Ai-wei Guo3, Lian Li 1,3, Wen-tao Luo1,3 and Xiong-qing Wang1,*
...scribed here is a rapid, simple, sensitive, specific test for PRRSV that can potentially be applied in clinical settings.
Masood Nizam Tabassum1*, Muhammad Ather Khan2, Saira Afzal3, Amir Gilani4, Abdul Wahab Gureja5, ShafaqTabassum6
...rculosis patients. After simple random sampling 1120 patients coming from different parts of the Punjab province were included in this study. Data were collected and analyzed by SPSS version 22.
Results: A total of1120 patients were included in this study; the mean age of cases was 33 ± 16.76 years with minimum and maximum age of 15 and 100 years. The median and mode of ages was 27 and 15 years, respectively. The most common age group...
Amtur Rafeh, Rana Manzoor Ahmad, Ayesha Iqbal, Abdul Majid Khan*
... conservative bovid with simple morphology. 
Yan-Guo Han1, Xiao-Li Peng1, Kai Li1, Yu-He-Tian Zhao1, Xun-Ping Jiang2, Guang-Xin E1, Yong-Ju Zhao1, Jun-Hua Ye3, Li Xu3, Qin-Tao Zhao3 and Yong-Fu Huang1,*
...lar to the effect of the simple co-injection of CpG and SS DNA vaccine. Thus, the fusion type of CpG adjuvant is an effective, simple, and low-cost method in enhancing the effect of SS DNA vaccine and the growth of ram lambs.

Muhammad Aslam Rajput1,3, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan2, Rehana Naz Syed3 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi3* 

...ould be less cumbersome, simple, and rapid. Here, we compared the effectiveness of six different inoculation methods, i.e., dipping, paste, wound+paste, soil infestation, spraying and injection methods for the establishment of smut disease. It appears that disease expression was significantly influenced by pathogen inoculation method. The infection caused by S. scitamineum and subsequent whip smut development has also been greatly varied with the inoculation m...

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Sami Ullah1, 3*, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Ahmad Mujtaba1, Mumtaz Hussain2, Muhammad Jahangir Shah2, Bashir Ahmad2 and Ijaz Ahmad4 

...illage, minimum tillage, simple cultivation flat sowing, simple cultivation ridge sowing, zero tillage dibbling and zero tillage drill were performed as the experimental treatments. Results showed that maize hybrid sown under deep tillage gave the maximum grain yield (7.2 t ha-1), number of grains cob-1 (528), 1000-grain weight (265 g), plant height (205 cm), plant population (7.2 plants m-2) and stem diameter (1.58 cm), cob...
Ayesha Chaudhary1, Fouzia Mumtaz1, Muhammad Yaseen2* and Muhammad Younis Afzal3 
...t first, on the basis of simple random sampling Faisalabad saddar tehsil was selected. Six villages were selected from two union councils using simple random sampling. The villages were Dhol Mahjra, Lilan, Sar Shameer, Javadi, Mulanpur, and Suman. In the last stage, 30 respondents from each village were selected randomly. The total sample thus comprised of 180 farmers. A significant association was observed between...
Tahira Moeen Khan* and Amat ul Mateen
...ical methods. A cheaper, simple to perform method giving high yield without by products is employed here. The leaf extract act both as reducing and capping agent. The atomic absorption shows a linear curve between concentration and absorbance. The uv-vis spectrum revealed the shift of absorption towards longer wavelength with the increasing concentration of plant extract. XRD indicates CuO Nps particle size is in between 14-20 nm. CuO nanoparticle show very si...

Saeed Ullah1, Muhammad Israr1*, Shakeel Ahmad2, Nafees Ahmad3 and Asif Yaseen

...ed through proportionate simple random sampling from 857 register farmers. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from the heads of the farming households (HH) and analysed by descriptive statistics and Chi-square test. It was found that majority (62%) of the farmers were in the age groups of 41-60. HH size of the farmers was 6-9 members per HH. Farming experience of the HH heads was 21-31 and above years as reported by 63.33% of the resp...
Fukuan Du1,2, Yongkai Tang1, Juhua Yu1, Shengyan Su1, Fan Yu1, Jianlin Li1, Hongxia Li1, Meiyao Wang1 and Pao Xu1,2,*
Zahra Nazir1, Saba Ijaz1, Roquyya Gul2 and Mahjabeen Saleem1,* of plant tissues into simpler monomer like D-galacturonic acids. In this study, polygalacturonase from grape skin was purified by salting out with ammonium sulfate, gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 column and ion exchange on Q-Sepharose column chromatography. Polygalacturonase was recognised as a protein with 47kDa molecular weight by SDS-PAGE. The optimum pH of purified polygalacturonase activity was found to be 4.5 and stable within pH range 3.5-5.5. Tempe...
Gulzhan Аubakirova1,*, Zhanat Adilbekov2, Assylkhan Inirbayev2 and Tanatar Dzhamanbayev1
... the transition from the simple exploitation of fish stock to the creation of the highly efficient regulated fishery in lakes and reservoirs. By their potential capacity, small and medium-sized lakes can produce significantly more fish with better quality if regulated and properly managed intensive-type lake farms are created.

Rizwan Ahmad and Muhammad Zulfiqar* 

...multi-stage sampling and simple random sampling used to select five Union Councils (UCs), one village council from each UC and one village from each village council. Out of 611 households (HHs), 180 head/elders selected through random sampling process were interviewed. The secondary data, spread over 30 years from 1984 to 2013 pertaining to temperature, precipitation, area under cultivation and yield of crops was collected. Analytical models used are Logit Mod...

Muhammad Arshad1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Mian Anjum Murtaza2, Ejaz Ahraf3, Zahoor Hussain4, Syed Muhammad Ali Zahid1 and Maryam Riaz1 

...was accurate, relatively simple, easy and inexpensive to calculate the leaf area damage caused by CLM larvae. 

Taimoor Khalid*, Asad Ullah and Mussawar Shah
...udy area and selected by simple random sampling technique. Perception of the respondents regarding illegality in forest management (independent variable) and forest governance (dependent variable) were measured on three level likert scale. Chi-square test was applied to test the association between the study variables. The results show that poor forest governance had highly significant association with people cut trees by legal permits (P=0.000), due to illega...

Matiullah Khan1*, Motsim Billah2, Shoaib Ahmad1, Raza Ullah Khan1 and Muhammad Sarwar1 

...ha-1) were compared with simple poultry-litter compost (PLC) as 8 Mg ha-1, single super phosphate (SSP) fertilizer as 100 kg P2O5 ha-1 and control. The results showed that PEC at 6 Mg ha-1gave 14.7% and 7.7% increased paddy yield and 14.7% and 11.9%-increased total dry matter yield over PLC at 8 Mg ha-1 and SSP, respectively. The highest soil post-harvest extractable P content of 5.42 mg kg-1and rice-plant P uptake (17.50 kg ha-1) were also recorded in the tre...

Wajid Shah Yousafzai1, Irfan Ullah1*, Amjad Ali1, Mahmood Iqbal2 and Salman Khan1 

Mahnoor Pervez and Farkhanda Manzoor* 

...ue was used for fast and simple detection of pesticide residues of commonly used pesticides (imidacloprid, deltamethrin, chlorpyrifos, fipronil, thiamethoxam, carbaryl, profenophos and bifenthrin). Among a total of 100 pollen samples, 47% were found to be positive. The most frequently found residues were imidacloprid (11%), thiamethoxam (7%) and carbaryl (6%). Among all 100 nectar samples, 36% samples were positive and most abundant pesticides in nectar were i...

Muhammad Ramiz Murtaza1, Tahir Mehmood2*, Aziz Ahmad2 and Uzma Arshad Mughal3 

Gulfam Hassan1*, Ijaz Ashraf2, Muhammad Qavi Irshad3, Shafiq-ur-Rehman Zia2 and Muhammad Idrees

...first followed by use of simple and familiar words during training sessions and provision of timely information in case of strengths of training programs. While looking into weaknesses of trainings, vegetable growers disclosed the unavailability of literature and bad condition of training equipment the top most weaknesses of trainings. On basis of results it is recommended that Extension Field Staff (EFS) should organize more trainings equipped with appropriat...
Tanveer Ahmad1, Tariq Mehmood1, Muhammad Shahid1, Adnan Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Asim Raza Basra1, Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman3* and Munawar Ali Munawar1
...ds were synthesized from simple molecule of 4-aminobenzenesulfonamide by its reaction with aryl sulfonyl chlorides. Anti-diabetic activities of these pharmacophores were studied by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) percentage analysis on Sprague Dawley (SD) rats at the dose of 20mg/kg using glibenclamide (GC). Among these synthesized pharmacophores, six compounds exhibited percentage reduction (20.47±2.54 to 44.97±2.16 %) and (20.79±1.55 ...

Mahfooz Khan* and Himayatullah Khan 

...12 farm households using simple random sampling. The sample size constituted 5 percent of total farm households in selected villages of district Peshawar. A multinomial logistic regression model was used for choice of alternative energy sources for cooking purpose. Results of the study showed that income of farm households, education level of household head and cooking cost had significant effect on the use of electricity, firewood and natural gas as against a...
Yan-Guo Han, Jia-Yuan Wu, Ri-Su Na, Wei-Jiang Si, Yu-Qin Han, Yan Zeng, Yong-Ju Zhao and Yong-Fu Huang*
...tion vaccines because of simple operations and low cost.

Fazal Haq*, Asia Parveen, Safdar Hussain and Arshad Hussain 

Shah Nawaz Khuhro1*, Irshad Ali Junejo1, Muhammad Haroon Hullio1, Sultan Ahmed Maitlo2, Javeed Shabir Daar3 and Shahjahan Rajput

...remely not expensive and simple they can be posted by any unqualified labor. 


Filza Fatima Rizvi1*, Waqar khan2, Syed Mohsin Raza Kazmi3 and Muhammad Umer

...ives a more appropriate, simple and effective representation of results and User-friendly software for linear modeling. The simulation showed 99 % accurate results as the actual readings, e.g. the actual flow rate calculated at the field was 274 GPM while the designed value was 276.76 GPM. The designed total dynamic head was 110.34 feet, while the actual in the field was 108 feet. Through linear modeling, we can get our desired results very quickly and easily ...

Muhammad Raheel Faiz1, Ijaz Ashraf1, Haq Nawaz2, Muhammad Zubair3*, Muhammad Sajid Mahmood4, Sajid Hussain5 and Abdul Qadeer2 

... 6 were selected through simple random sampling. From each selected union council, one village was selected at random and from each selected village, 20 vegetable growers were selected randomly thus making a sample size of 120 respondents. A well-planned interview schedule was prepared for the collection of data from the selected respondents. The survey showed that major problems of the vegetable production were the labour shortage, high prices of fertilizers ...
Imad Hassan1, Bilal-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Amir2, Faheem Ali2*, Salman Ilahi2 and Amjad Ali3 
...omes important to have a simple and cost effective solution to avoid the problems of air pollution due to the combustion of biomass. Using an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is an effective method for the removal of particulate matter from industrial processes and boilers. This research proposes the development of a cost effective, simple and compact ESP, through practical installation and efficiency analysis. Experimental ...

Muhammad Farooq1, Shahid Bashir1*, Irshad Ullah1, Muhammad Nadeem1 

... microstrip antenna. The simple design
consists of two slots and two feeds. In one slot there is a switch. The two feeds are positioned on the right and left
diagonal of microstrip antenna. When the switch is ON the electrical size of antenna becomes small and it resonates
at higher UMTS 2100 MHz band with circular polarization. Similarly, when the switch is OFF then size of antenna
is large and it operates at lower UMTS 1900 MHz ba...

Muneeb Abrar1, Shabbir Majeed Chaudhry2 

DESIGN OF A LOW NOISE, LOW POWER AND SPURIOUS FREE PHASE FREQUENCY DETECTOR AND CHARGE PUMP FOR PHASE-LOCKED LOOPS paper presents a very simple approach to design effective PFD (Phase Frequency Detector) and charge pump
(CP)circuitsfor high frequency Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) applications. ThePFD design uses only six transistors for
the detection process, which reduces the chip area and power consumption of the PLL block. It also minimizes the
dead zone and eliminates the reset path to reduce the delay. The output is passed through a buffer to suppres...

Muhammad Naveed Anjum1, Abdur Rehman1*, Muhammad Niamatullah Khan1, Raheel Saqib2, Mohammad Fayaz3 and Iqbal Javed4

Impact of Microfinance on Socioeconomic Status of Farmers in District Dera Ismail Khan
...hi square statistics and simple linear regression models were used. The results of the study highlighted that 72.2% of the farmer’s incomes increases due to microcredit’s facility and due to increase in income, the farmers are able to get more access to the health facilities than before. 82.2% farmer’s response indicated that the microfinance have a positive and significant impact on the children’s educational status and due to microfin...

Inayat Ullah*, Shah Khusro**, Saeed Mahfooz**, Azhar Rauf**

... the network. RIP uses a simple metric value of hop-count while IGRP uses a composite metric. A composite metric consists of several attributes like bandwidth, delay, reliability, Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) and load. Usually it is considered that because of the simple metric value, RIP produces better results for any application in simple network architectures. This pap...

Syed Mufeed Hadi Naqvi1*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui1, Waqar-Ul-Hassan Tareen1, Muhammad Ameer Qarib Naqvi2 and Naseeb Hussain3

Usage of Mobile Phone by Vegetable Growers and its Impact on Vegetable Production
...t were selected by using simple random sampling, then four union councils from each tehsil and three villages from each union council, also selected at random. Due to the limitations of study such as time and financial support five farmers from every village were selected to make a total one hundred and twenty respondents for the study. Most (44.2%) of the respondents of present study were present in middle age group and one out of three (31.7%) of the respond...
Muhammad Shaheen
...contract by suggesting a simple and wizard-based Graphical user interface. (2). Conversion of existing manually prepared contracts into electronic contracts through lexeme-based congregation which is done through labelled K Means Clustering. These converted clusters are then stored into centralized database. Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is used to train the system on performance indicators defined for compliance by both contracting parties.


Shahzad Malik* and Ayesha Khan

Gap Analysis of Farmers’ Capacity Building by Public and Private Agriculture Extension Sectors in Central Plain Valley of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

Khalil Ahmed1*, Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Abdul Rasul Naseem1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Muhammad Khalid2, Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich3 and Muhammad Arif4

Use of Hyacinth Compost in Salt-Affected Soils
... salt-affected soil is a simpler technique. Therefore, present research work was carried out to appraise the efficacy of water hyacinth compost as an ameliorant for improving the deteriorated properties of saline-sodic soil. Treatments included were; T1, control, T2, gypsum @ 100 % GR, T3, gypsum @ 50 % of GR, T4, hyacinth compost @ 15 t ha-1, T5, gypsum @ 50 % of GR + hyacinth compost @ 5 t ha-1, T6, gypsum @ 50 % of GR + hyacinth compost @ 10 t ha-1, T7, gyp...

Muhammad Imran1,2*, Shahbaz Talib Sahi1, Muhammad Atiq1 and Amer Rasul3

Brown Leaf Spot: An Exacerbated Embryonic Disease of Rice: A Review
... resistant source is the simple, reliable, operative and cost-effective strategy to control the diseases and maximize the yield in limited time. Due to changing the environmental conditions and appearance of the disease epidemic, the use of fungicides judiciously is the alternate significant method for quick and efficient control of diseases and improving the yield of rice. While, the use of phytoextracts and antagonist are considered to be safe, eco-friendly,...

 Amna Arshad Bajwa1, Saher Islam1, Muhmmad Imran1, Karman Ashraf2, Arman Khan1, Muhammad Farhan Khan3, Imran Rashid2, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1Waseem Ahmad Khan4 and Wasim Shehzad1*

...on biology. Therefore, a simple molecular technique, that is precise with non-invasive sampling approaches such as faeces, would be valuable. In the present study a set of molecular markers was developed exploiting the AMLx/y gene to assess gender of Punjab urial population in Kala Bagh, using faecal samples as the DNA source. In our study, among 92 urial samples, 54 (58.69%) were identified as female samples, 34 (36.95%) were recognized as males while for rem...
Maria Syafiqah Ghazali1, Azlan Che’ Amat2 and Nor Azlina Abdul Aziz1*
..., larvae, and oocysts by simple faecal floatation and formalin – ether sedimentation technique. All large felines in the zoo were infected with gastrointestinal parasites. A total of six species of gastrointestinal parasites were recovered including four nematodes (Toxocara cati, Ancylostoma spp., Toxascaris leonina, and Oxyuris sp.), a cestode (Spirometra sp.), and a protozoan (Isospora sp.). Half (n=5/10) of th...
Gulzar Ahmad*, Muhammad Bilal Khan, Junaid Bahadar Khan and Faheem Ali
...bile applications. Three simple rectangular patch structures were designed on three different insulated substrates including FR-4, Mica and Preperm. The thickness of the Mica was 2.15mm and the thickness of FR-4 was 2mm, while the thickness of the Preperm was reduced to 1.75mm. The parameters of all the three antennas were optimized to demonstrate better results. The results obtained from all the aforementioned structures were compared with one another. Emphas...
Mashal Malik and Mudassar Nawaz Khan*
Wenyou Huang1, Dan Yü1, Song Huang1,2, Jian Xiao2, Ping Qi2, Anhua Song2* and Zhen Huang1*
...that of the wild type. A simple approach coupling mutagenesis and growth & second metabolites were used to isolate strains with increased stress resistance and virulence. Increased virulence in some of the mutants correlated with increased insecticidal activity in cell-free extracts that could potentially be used directly for insect control. 
Sadaqat Khan1,Saleem Ullah1* and Muhammad Sajid2
...hybrid Salar F1 grown in simple plastic tunnels using randomized complete block design. The data showed that plant height in centimeter, buds, flower, leaves and leaflets in numbers per plants with a range of 131.33 to 176.67 cm, 60 to 105, 41.5 to 60.0, 50.66 to 77.167 and 7.607 to 15.33, 30.33 to 82.0, respectively were significantly affected (P<0.05) by the interaction of selenium application in irrigation and foliar spray in relation to season. The effe...
Suwati Suwati1, ErniRomansyah1,*, Syarifudin Syarifudin1, Yahya Jani2, Agus Heri Purnomo3
Damat Damat4 and Erkata Yandri5,6 were analyzed using simple linear regression to formulate a trend of reduction in the weight of seaweed while drying. The results showed that the weight reduction in seaweed by the natural method can be illustrated by the simple regression linear equation Y = -2.385 3x + 943.65 with R² = 0.985 9, which means a reduction in weight of seaweed i.e. 2.385 3 g min–1 during 340 min. While cabinet ...
Suman Bhattarai1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Jaya Prakash Dutta3, Meghnath Timalsena4 and Rajendra Bam5
...elected for interview by simple random sampling technique. Interview using semi-structured questionnaire schedule was carried out for primary data. Cobb Douglas production function, multiple regression, and paired t-test were used for the analysis of collected data. Multiple regression model revealed that family labor (p=0.68), age(p=0.007), family size (p=0.001), experience (p=0.007), harvesting (p=0.000) and maintenance of flowering plants (p=0.057) have sig...

Kiran Shahjeer1*, Gauhar Rehman1, Khurshaid Khan1 and Toheed Iqbal2

...clude L. frauenfeldi, L. simplex, L. opaca and its sub-species L. o. pulchella. Among them two species viz., L. simplex, L. opaca and a subspecies of L. opaca i.e. L. o. pulchella are reported as first distributional records from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Keys to the subfamilies of Family Formicidae and worker caste species of genus Lepisiota collected from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with its spatial distributional map for all speci...

Muhammad Qaddafi Khan Wali, Arif Alam* and Ikram Shah

...s were reached through a simple random sampling strategy using a structured questionnaire as a tool for collecting data and used for various factors responsible for food security status and the affect they have on food security at the household level. We used binary regression analysis to identify factors affecting food security in the target area. This investigation discloses that 90 % of the sampled households are suffering from food insecurity. From the exp...

Elharony, S.B.1,3, SaharA.Youssef2 and Richard F. Lee3

...and cloning.

Asfand Raheel1, Syed Zulfiqar Ali2, Muhammad Waris2, Muhammad Basharat2, Basheer Ahmed2, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder4 and Taqi Raza4*

..., capable of recognizing simple or complex odors. In the food industry, electronic nose is popularly used to detect smells and flavors of a wide range of food items. Latest steps are required for postharvest management through which the economy of horticultural products around the globe is almost at minimal losses. This review is highlighting the basic but truly important postharvest advancements to retain and maintain quality and quantity of vegetables and fr...
Jing Yu1*, Yao Lu1,2, Zhaojin Lin1, Pimao Chen1 and Yuting Feng1,3
... in the WGW based on the simple non-linear regression, using satellite remote sensing and investigation data during April to June in 2014 and 2015. Satellite data including Sea Surface Temperature (SST), Sea Surface Salinity (SSS) and water Depth from Digital Elevation Model (DEM) were used to build the Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) model, based on Maximum Model (MAXM), Minimum Model (MINM), Arithmetic Mean Model (AMM), and Geometric Mean Model (GMM). Result...

Sana Javeid* and Khalid Nawab

...llected using multistage simple random sampling techniques. The data were collected using an interview schedule; analysis were carried out by using cross-tabulation, frequency counts, percentages through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). To measure the poverty level of apple orchard growers, poverty score card was employed. In addition, bivariate analysis was used to examine relationship between various extension practices and poverty. Results of...
Bushra Shaikh, Sadia Muniza Faraz*, Syed Riaz un Nabi Jafri, Syed Usman Ali
...he proposed algorithm is simple, low cost, independent of lighting conditions and requires less computational steps to identify the exact location on the map. 
Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3* and Abdul Waheed3
...tric traits than that of simple correlation method. PCA was used to ascertain the important morphometric traits having greater variation and these traits can be helpful for improvement and in formulation of breeding plans and selection criteria for elite animals.

Tajnees Pirzada1*, Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Mansoor Ali Kalhoro2, Mir Munsif Ali Talpur1, Waheed Ali Mirbahar1, Abdul Ghafar Solangi1, Zulfiquar Ali Jumani1 and Rehana Kerio1

...tris seed germination. A simple one-pot method was used to synthesize HA/ZnO NPs involving zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO) core (20-35 nm in diameter) and humic acid shell. HA/ZnO NPs were used to investigate the effect on the germination profile of Brassica campestris. Germination profile parameters were measured as root-shoot length, germination index, fresh and dry weight for 15 days. HA/ZnO NPs were confirmed with various physicochemical techniques such as ...

Dilshad Ahmad1*, Muhammad Afzal2 and Asif Ali Abro3

...Pakistan. The study used simple random sampling approach for collecting primary data of 240 livestock household farmers and employed regression analysis model to estimate credit impact on household income and livestock production. An economic technique of log-linear regression model was applied to identify the factors influencing dairy production and estimate household income difference from dairy production due to formal credit from Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limit...
Misbah Sarwar1*, Abdul Hamid2 and Iftikhar Hussain2
Muhammad Arsalan1, Muhammad Aman Ullah1 and Abdul Waheed2,*
...up>2 of 0.938. The simple regression analysis shows that barrel depth is best predictor of live body weight.

Mohammad Hussain Haidary1, Rozanaliza Radzi1*, Muhammad Waseem Aslam1, Seng Fong Lau1, Farina Mustaffa Kamal2, Ahmad Rasul Radzali1 

...retrospective data using simple percentages. Fifty-seven cats were analyzed up to the final treatment with known survival status. The majority affected cats age between 3-6 years old (24/57) and male (41/57). Most affected cats came from indoor multicats households. The two most common clinical signs were halitosis (42%) and anorexia (28%). Caudal stomatitis (100%) and gingivitis (93%) were the two most intraoral findings. Elevated total proteins (96.5%) and h...

Muhammad Niamatullah1, Abdur Rehman1* and Raheel Saqib2

...ured questionnaire using simple random sampling procedure. Regression analysis as a statistical method was used to assess the impact of tube well irrigation on agriculture production, household annual income, poverty line, kinds of land, sources of irrigation and inputs used on land. The significant (P<0.05) impact of household annual income of farmers was observed on agriculture production. The significant (P<0.01) impact of household annual income of f...

Hilarius Yosef Sikone1*, Budi Hartono2, Suyadi2, Bambang Ali Nugroho2 

...el that occurs was quite simple, and there were five supply chain channels where identified. Channels 1 and 2 were the supply chain flow of live cattle to inter-island destinations and channels 3, 4, and 5, the cattle supply chain for the abattoir. In general, The product and financial flows were distributed vertically, while the information flow was vertical and horizontal. The highest added value of farmers was (60,6%), and marketing institutions or butchers...

Heba El-Zahar*, Zeinab Abd El-Rahman, Abbas El-Naggar 

...nuous rise in incidence, simple and cost-effective methods of diagnostic and clinical assessment are urgently required. The goal of this study was to look at the hematobiochemical alterations in association with the evaluation of C-reactive proteins (CRP), haptoglobin and fecal calprotectin concentration as prognostic markers in dogs with IBD. After a detailed clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic examination 21 IBD dogs with symptoms of chronic gastrointe...

Ibrarul-Haq* and Malik Muhammad Shafi

... sample households using simple random sampling technique with the help of well-structured and self-administered questionnaires. The study has employed multiple regression model to estimate the relationship amongst the variables. The empirical estimation indicates that all variables except household’s size and agriculture land holding have shown positive and significant influence on income from the NTFP’s. Household’s size and agricultural la...

Shuhuan Li1*, Yongheng Bo2, Youzhi Li3 and Xiuzhen Yang2

...chromatography (HPLC), a simple but potent method was used to quantify atropine residues in beef. The results indicated that the method could measure atropine residues accurately, with the average recoveries between 82.37 and 88.31 % when the additional concentration ranged from 0.5 to 5.0 mg/kg, and a detection limit of 0.25 mg/kg, providing an effective and reliable method for the detection of atropine residues in beef. 

Asim Zubair1*, Iffat Batool2 and Ghulam Akbar Malik3

...industry. The study used simple random sampling procedures to select 160 respondents as the study’s sample. The questionnaire was utilized by the researchers to gather data. Statistical analysis was done to see the either NGOs were playing their best role in Agricultural Sector or not. To examine the research hypothesis, a chi square test was also used. The findings revealed that NGOs had a favorable impact on agriculture.


Shambel Boki Dabi

...ured directly on site. A simple test kit was used to evaluate nitrite and ammonia levels. The result revealed a high level of alkalinity (66.3±39. 1mg. L-1) at downstream and lowest concentration (58±40mg.L-1) was found in the middle stream. The upper stream has a high CO2 concentration (14±3.6mg.L-1) while the middle stream has a low CO2 concentration (9.4±0.77mg.L-1). The maximum chloride content (28.7±2.6 mg. L-1) was foun...
Fei Wang1, Xiaofen Hu1, Feng Wen2, Xiaoen Tang3, Shanshan Yang1, Shengwei Zhong1, Zuohong Zhou1, Xu Yuan1 and Yong Li1,*
...onal characteristic, the simple structure, subcellular localization, hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity indirectly account for its extensive distribution and various functions as expected.


Rashid Al Zeidi1, Haitham Al Masruri2, Aiman Al Mufarji3, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed3, Al-Hassan Mohammed4* 

...turation appears to be a simple step, but it is a very complex process. Maturation of oocytes include several changes at the cytoplasmic and nuclear levels that makes the oocytes able to undergo fertilization, pre-implantation and post-implantation embryo development. Oocyte meiotic maturation in vivo starts after LH hormone surge whereas it starts in vitro upon release of oocyte from the ovarian follicle. Rodent oocyte maturation lasts 15-17hr. whereas that o...

Madumetja Cyril Mathapo and Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...’s correlation and simple linear regression were used for data analysis. Phenotypic correlation outcomes indicated that SC had a positive statistically significant (P<0.05) correlation with BW (r = 0.425) and non-significant correlation with BL (r = 0.108), HG (r = 0.082), RH (r = 0.038), WH (r = 0.097) and SH (r = 0.280), while TL had non-significant correlation with BW (r = 0.009), BL (r = -0.351), HG (r = -0.147), RH (r = -0.108), WH (r = -0.086) a...

Pharaoh C. Sianangama1*, Brian Tembo2, Sylvia J. Harrison1, Rubaijaniza Abigaba1,3 

...yakoti test, a cheap and simple pregnancy diagnostic tool, for application in dairy cattle especially among smallholder farmers. The study involved four treatment groups: distilled water (DW), urine from artificially inseminated cows (AIC), non-inseminated cows (non-AIC), and non-inseminated heifers (non-AIH). Free-catch urine samples, from 18 randomly selected dairy animals, were collected on day 15, 22, 30, and 35 after insemination and used at a dilution ra...

Fahrauk Faramayuda*, Soraya Riyanti and Sitty Mahanadhiandinie

...s is picked and dried by simple processing. Brewing white tea leaves have been shown to have antioxidant activity. This study aimed to determine the antioxidant activity of white tea leaves grown in Indonesia using extraction methods other than brewing, i.e., maceration. Study of free radical scavenging activity of 1,1- Diphenyl-2- Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the determination of the total polyphenol content of white tea leaves have been conducted using UV-Visib...

Hashem Saeed Murad1*, Salah Jassem Amin2, Rawa’a Muhammad Al-Chalabi3, Mahmood Khalaf Wasmi4 and Sundus Salim5

...ges and percentages, the simple correlation coefficient and rank correlation of Spearman. The results showed that the degree knowledge of agricultural extension workers in the Domain of climate change in general is moderate to high while high in the causes of climate change phenomenon. It was followed by the Domain of how to face the negative effects resulting from climate change, and finally the Domain of negative effects resulting from the phenomenon of clim...
Xiao Zhang1, Guoqing Shen1, Yang Wang1, Pengdan Huang1,2, Yan Shui2, Zenghong Xu2 and Huaishun Shen1, 2*
...atellites, also known as simple sequence repeats (SSRs), are a type of DNA marker that are highly polymorphic in the genome. However, the microsatellite markers available for the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii are limited. In this study, a sizeable number of microsatellites were identified using the data of the P. clarkii genome survey generated from Illumina Hi-Seq PE sequencing. A total length of 1,625 Mb genomic sequences of P. clarkii were assemble...

Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1*, Shimaa A.S. Hasan1, Nashwa Harb1, Amal H.A. Gomaa2 and Maha Anani3

...-align: justify;">Herpes simplex virus infections are usually asymptomatic, however infection during pregnancy is life-threatening for pregnant women and their newborns. We aimed to assess both the seroprevalence of herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 among pregnant women in Ismailia City as well as the impact of pregnancy duration on their prevalence. A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on 94 serum samples of pr...

A. Khan†, Saifullah, M. Iqbal* and S. Hussain

placing in simple water. P. citronopileatus was found more effective than other species and it killed 100%
nematodes after 24 hrs followed by fruiting body extracts of P. florida 99% and waste of P. ostreatus 77%.

Zubair Aslam1, Ali Ahmad1*, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Hira Kanwal1, Muhammad Asif1 and Ehsan Ullah1

...vermicompost, vermi-tea, simple compost and chemical fertilizers can help to minimize this threat. In order to combat nutrient deficiency, an experiment was carried out to optimize the best dose of fertilizers for tomato crop at Student Research Farm, Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad in a tunnel under field conditions. The experiment had five treatments in which the mineral (NP) fertilizer,
Chalothon Amporn1, Somchit Guntaprom1*, Sarawut Duongmawong1, Wilasinee Srisanyong1, Sirikanda Thanasuwan1, Phalita Koonnadilokpot1, Dechawut Bunyaluk2, Juggrid Jugsumrit3, Jakrit Yaeram4, Chompunut Lumsangkul5
...underwent culturing in a simple culture medium (KSOM). The results showed that percentage of matured oocytes, fertilized oocytes, 8-16 cells developments, blastocyst in 100 µM cysteine group (73.00%, 54.79%, 30.14%, and 17.81%, respectively) were higher than the control group (48.00%, 37.50%, 18.75%, and 10.42%, respectively) and 200 µM cysteine (respectively, 52.00%, 38.46%, 19.23%, and 9.62%) at a significance level of 0.05, but the difference be...

Muhammad Akram¹,²*, Rashid Mahmood³, Fahim Arshad4 and Umer Farooq Gohar5 thus establishes a simple in vitro liquid culture system for the mass propagation of P. minima, providing a strategy for the long-term conservation of multiple endangered plant species.


Meng Wang, Dongliang Zhou, Huixia Li, Chunqin Wu,Yan Zhao and Houqiang Luo*

...culosis. T5SS may be the simplest secretion system available among all the secretion systems, and plays a vital role in the pathogenic mechanism of bacteria by participating in bacterial adhesion, biofilm formation, and contributing to the ability of nutrition acquisition a nd environme ntal adaptability. T5SS is a vital factor in the gradual reduction of antibiotic effectiveness, so the system has been the target of alternative antimicrobial strategies based ...

Javeria Khourshid*, Ghulam Abbas, Shahnaz Rashid, Asma Fatima* and Abdul Malik

...d as T1= OxyAqua and T2= simple aeration. Juveniles were fed on supplementary pelleted diet thrice daily at 2% of their total body weight. Results showed that WG and SGR were significantly higher in T1, in which we applied Oxy Aqua organic® product without aeration than T2, whereas no significant difference (p>0.05) was found in FCR between treatments. No mortality was occurring during the whole experimental period. Comparative growth analysis of both f...

Saqib Ali Rustam1, Shoaib Sultan Afridi2, Muhammad Inamullah Malik1*, Shakeeb Ullah1, Syed Muhammad Kamal Shah1, Faiqah Ramzan1, Arsalan Khan3, Israr ud Din3, Wasimullah3, Hafiz Ahmad Raza4

...beet pulp feeding versus simple in different concentration on weight gain of Bulkhi breed’s lambs were carried out. The trials were done on 12 lambs of age under 24-30 weeks and also have weight about 30 ±1.5kg. Lambs were grouped as A, B, C and D and each group contained 3 lambs. Groups were fed by four rations as ration containing 4% urea, 2% urea treatment, only sugar beet pulp, and control ration, respectively. After adaptation period of 10 da...

Rosidi Azis1, Gatot Ciptadi2, Sri Wahjuningsih2, Dwi Nur Happy Hariyono3, Yuli Arif Tribudi4, Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih2* 

... was determined, and the simple and multiple regression analysis were performed in a Matlab R2021a. The quality of fit of the models was evaluated using the coefficient of determination (R2) and root mean squared error (RMSE). The results showed that BW had a positively high significant correlation (P < 0.01) with HH (r = 0.756), BL (r = 0.754), and CG (r = 0.877). The stepwise regression results showed that the model using three predictors (BW = -159.57+0....

Ijaz Ahmad1,5*, Haihong Hao1, Pascal Sanders2, Zafar Iqbal3, Saeed Ahmed4, Farhan Anwar Khan5, Zahir Shah5, Muhammad Ibrahim6 and Lingli Huang1

...d method was shown to be simple, rapid, economical and sensitive compared to the previously reported method, and thereafter applicable for the pharmacokinetics study in animals.


Al Salihi karima Akool1* , Almas. M. Al-Bayati2, Iman Mousa Khaleel3  

...oli, which were lined by simple columnar epithelium; vice versa, more connective tissue and few alveoli lined by flattened epithelium were seen in the SCN-PMG. In conclusion, this study showed the presence of large anatomical and histological variations in the she-camel’s udder reliant on the physiological state.  


Rokhani Rokhani1, Amam Amam2*, Mochammad Wildan Jadmiko2, Dhimas Yusantoro2 were analyzed using simple linear regression. The results showed that the farmer empowerment positively and significantly affected the economic dimension with the equation Y = 27.712 + 0.305X and the social and cultural dimension with the equation Y = 13.531 + 0.310X. It is concluded that it is necessary to increase the implementation of farmer empowerment regulated in the Government Regulation Number 6 of 2013 and evaluate all lines to support the One Th...

Wenxiao Jia1*, Yilinuer Yilihamu1, Yunling Wang1, Shuang Ding1, Dilinuerkezi Aihemaiti1, Hanjiaerbieke Kukun1 and Yanhui Ning2

...s method of modelling is simple to conduct, has a high success rate and requires a short duration, making it an effective animal model of unstable atherosclerotic plaque.


Shehar Bano Bhatti1, Muhammad Irfan Malik2, Rabia Faryad Khan1, Mahmood Ul Hassan2, Muhammad Shahbaz Aslam3 and Zaigham Abbas1*

...on asthma are limited to simple gene markers. This study aimed to determine the association of HLA DRB1 alleles with atopic asthma in the Pakistani population. Blood samples of 568 subjects were collected from Punjab, Pakistan. HLA typing was performed by using sequence-specific primers (SSP). Total immunoglobulin E (IgE) was estimated by ELISA. Graph pad Prism 8 was used for statistical analysis. HLA DRB1* 0701-02 and HLA DRB1* 1301-04 showed a positive assoc...

Zhimin Wu1,2, Yaping Yang1, Arshad Zahoor1, Aftab Shaukat1 and Ganzhen Deng1,2*

...methods and indexes, the simple radiographic findings are difficult to be used in accurate clinical evaluation. This test aimed to develop a radiographic method of comparing canine posterior lung field angles include vertebrophrenic angle (cranial), vertebrophrenic angle (caudal), sterno-diaphragmatic angle, costophrenic angle (left), costophrenic angle (right) to identify whether pulmonary disordered. Meanwhile this method also introduced the indexes of thora...

SHARAW11'2*S S. S. A.; AL-HOFUFY2, A. N. and AL-BLOW12, M. H.

...ial for development of a simple and rapid qualitative Real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was applied using primer site belongs to Capripowirus to detect CPV load in prepared tissue samples comparing to inoculated


Nejra Dučić1, Senad Kovačević1, Faruk Tandir1,2, Rizah Avdić2, Ermin Šaljić3, Anel Vejzović2, Nedžad Hadžiomerović2* 

...ction, affordability and simple execution. Four different dental nerve blocks have been described in cats: infraorbital, maxillary, inferior alveolar (mandibular) and middle mental block. Considering the size of a cat’s head and location of important anatomical structures, iatrogenic trauma can happen very easily while performing dental nerve blocks. This study aimed to investigate morphometric details of the skull and mandible nerve foramina as crucial ...

Muhammad Akram1, Anirban Mandal2*, Mehwish Iqbal3, Arindam Mukherjee4, Ritika Bandyopadhyay5, Surendar Rangasamy6, Rida Zainab1, Muhammad Talha Khalil1, Pragnesh Parmar7 and Umme Laila1

...efficient against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2), and influenza A virus. Ascorbic acid, beta carotene and lots of phenolics play active parts in decreasing inflammation, postponing aging, and averting certain kinds of carcinomas. There are some phenolic compounds such as tannins, flavonoids, vitamins and lignins derived from plants acts as antioxidants. In this review article, we dis...

Hossam F. Abou-Shaara

...bstitutes prepared using simple materials were compared. The first one contained yeast as protein source (yeast), the second one contained corn flour (corn flour), and the third one contained corn flour plus turmeric (turmeric). These pollen substitutes were presented to bee colonies beside sugar candy without any protein source as a control group. Some parameters were subsequently measured under apiary and laboratory conditions. All feeding types were attract...

Tanveer Jilani1*, Irfan Khan2, Asmat Salim2, Fareena Bilwani1, Bushra Moiz3 and Mohammad Perwaiz Iqbal1,4

...Cs used in this study is simpler, user friendly and is more efficient as compared to other techniques. Human EPCs differentiated by this protocol can then be used to study normal and abnormal erythropoiesis.


Farrukh Hussain1, Sajid Aziz1, Gul Hassan2, Khalid Aziz1 and Sapna Raisham1

...f the 8 types of leaves, simple entire leaves were dominant (67.86%).Three closely similar communities: Echinochloa-Salvia-Hypericum, Cynodon-Echinochloa-Eragrostis and Eragrostis-Echinochloa-Impatien swere established in the three sites. The Jaccord (82.14-90.01) and Motyka similarity (69.33- 76.40), IVCI and CMI (1.3-1.5) indices showed narrow differences among the communities and sites. Constancy value showed that 40 species were in class V and 14 species i...

Maqsood Anwar1, Naveed Akhtar1*, Shah Khalid1 and Hassan Zeb2

... 25 (89.3%) species with simple leaves, 2 (7.1 %) species with compound leaves while 1 (3.6 %) species was represented by dissected leaves.


Abdullah1, Syed Mukarram Shah2, Adnan Ali Shah1, Murad Muhammad1, Muhammad Abdussalam1, Khushnood Ur Rehman3 and Haroon Khan4*

... Sixty eight species had simple leaves while 26 species had dissected leaves. The findings of the study reflects a detailed phytodiversity and ecological features of the weeds that may be important as reference work for the future ecological, weed management and conservational studies.


Nabeel Akhtar1, Owais Iqbal1,2*, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Rehana Naz Syed1 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi1

...nced accessibility and a simple application process for chemical control systems have made it practical and widely accepted. In the present study, ten different fungicides viz., Shincar, Antracol, Alliete, Ridomil Gold, Moncut, Systhane, Kocide, Evito, Nativo, and Topsin M at 200, 400, 600, 800, and 1000 ppm concentrations were tested in in vitro by poisoned food method against Rhizoctonia solani, Verticillium albo-atrum and Macrophomina phaseolina. Our result...

Viranga Kumudini Jayasundara¹*, Ali Khatibi², Jacqueline Tham²

Katleho Lephuting, Lebelo Joyceline Selala, Kwena Mokoena, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...’s correlation and simple linear regression. Phenotypic correlation results indicated that SC (r = 0.90) and TL (r = 0.86) had a highly positive statistically significant correlation with BW (p < 0.01). Testicular measurement traits are positively correlated with each other (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that when the measured testicular measurement traits increase the BW of the Savanna breeding bucks also improves. Regression analysis findings...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Hassan Sher2, Junaid Khan2, Shahid Hussain2, Ashfaq Ali2 and Atif Majeed3
...ta was collected using a simple and comprehensive questionnaire which was specially designed to meet the requirements of the present study. Interviews were arranged with knowledgeable persons and for validation purpose field visits were arranged. Data about conservation status was obtained through quadrate method. The study reported 40 herbaceous medicinal plants belonging to 33 different angiosperm families used by local people to cure different ailments. Lam...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...(0.00006) as a result of simple linear regression analysis.

Keywords: Anatomical variation, Pith, Bark, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Wood.

Nasreen Fatimah Rao, Muhammad Tahir Laeeq and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman
...a district of NWFP area, simple, multiple and double log regression analysis was carried out. Girth of the tree was used as dependent variable and leaf area, age and space were used as independent variables. In this regard, data were collected from 2 and 7 years old compact plantations, 3 years intercropping plantation and 8 years linear plantations It was found that simple regression equations showed better predictability i...
Raza-ul-Haq and Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry
...2% respectively while in simple pits it was only 70%. The average highest survival percentage of three water conservation techniques was in E. camaldulensis (92%) and minimum with Acacia modesta (57%). The average height growth after 8 years of age of four tree species in contour trenches, micro-catchment, gradoni and simple pit was 4.74 m, 5.45 m, 5.30 m and 3.89 m respectively. Maximum positive response to th...
Siraj-ud-Din and Abdul Waheed Baloch
...onal method of planting (simple pit planting) of three species viz. Pistacia khinjak, Elaeagnus angustifolium and Atriplex spp. at Mianghundi Quetta. The above techniques were also compared at Karak valley on Atriplex canisence, A. lentiformus, Ailanthus sp. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Data on survival of all species and height of Atriplex canisence was recorded and analyzed.
The survival of species at Mianghundi under different water conservation t...
*Muhammad Iqbal, James A. Moore and ***Charles R. Hatch
...s study was to developed simple and practical prediction models using linear regression to estimate crown biomass. Models were developed for green and air-dried branch wood and fodder crown biomass components under different lopping intensities. Tables were produced to formulate management, planning and marketing strategies. Diameter at breast height squared (Dbh2) and its square proved to be the independent variables to predict crown biomas...
S. H. Iqbal and Firdaus-e-Bareen
...ere common comprising of simple and aggregated granulated vesicles surrounding the rhizoids and senescing leaves of mosses (Funaria hygrometrica, Polytrichum commune). Compartmented double-walled vesicles and simple vesicles were common in the thallus and rhizoids of liverworts (Marchantia palmate) while many types of vesicles occurred in the rhizoids, stem and leaves of mosses. At the approach of winter the...
Bashir Hussain Shah
... trenches, gradonii and simple pits were used for planting Eucalyptus canaldulensiss, Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia nilotica and A. modesta seedlings. Preliminary results based on the years data are presented in this article. All the three techniques proved effective for the establishment of tree species. Both the survival as well as growth rate of seedlings planted with water conservation techniques was almost double as compares to those...
Bashir Hussain Shah
...s were tested along with simple planting and control at one site and only three biotechnical techniques were tested along with simple planting and control at the second site. All techniques were quite successful in the latter....
Aaron S. M. Mgeni
... more useful than using simple but rigid formulae....
Mohammad Amjad
...e number was not large a simple random sample comprising 25 workers was drawn, 13 regular and 12 casual. The workers were interviewed by the investigators. The objective of the investigation and the questions were explained to them in their language and their replies recorded on the questionnaires....

Rabab Abd Alameer Naser1*, Sameer Ahmed Abid Al-Redah2, Enas S. Ahmed3, Fatimah S. Zghair2, Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy4

...nds, while ostriches had simpler tubular glands. The submucosa was less distinct in turkeys compared to ostriches, where it was well-developed. The muscularis layer also differed between the two species.
Keywords | Anatomy, Histology, Esophagus, Ostrich, Turkey

Muhammad Idrees1, Wisal Muhammad Khan1*, Haroon Khan2, Arshad Iqbal1, Nosheen Umar3, Shah Khalid1 and Nisar Ahmad4

Humam T. Hadi1*, Orooba M. S. Ibrahim2 

...erged as a realistic and simple alternative to more difficult chemical synthesis techniques for generating gold nanoparticles. This study evaluated the potential of Syzygium aromaticum gold nanoparticles (SaAuNPs) in treating psoriasis in mice. The study had two parts. The first part involved the extraction of clove oil and the synthesis of SaAuNPs using a green synthesis method. The second part involved the induction of psoriasis in mice using 5% imiquimod c...

Hafiz Ishtiaq Ahmad1, Jinlong Zhang1, Fuxun Luo1, Owais Iqbal2 and Yuying Wang1*

... seedlings were grown in simple light and transplanted about 0.1 cm long into a solid culture medium. The plants were subjected to various LED spectra for a duration of 14 hours each day and continuous subsequent 100 days. The experiment was completely randomized design with nine treatments and each treatment have ten replications. The SPSS statistics software was used to analyses experimental data. In addition, the result of the current study revealed that th...
Suherman Suherman1*, Muhammad Fahri Rizky1, Zaki Bahrul Fikri1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1,  Zane Vincevica-Gaile2, Anwar Saeed Khan3, Erkata Yandri4,5 and Iswahyudi Iswahyudi6 
...nal drying is relatively simple, it has disadvantages such as relatively long drying time, relatively low drying quality, significant damage, and the sun’s ultraviolet rays can also damage the chemical components of dried materials. Therefore, a new drying process technology, Photovoltaic Ventilation (Solar Dryer) was developed to overcome the above problems. In this research, onions were dried using a photovoltaic ventilated solar dryer, and temperature...

Chukwujekwu A. Obianefo1,2*, Ngozi J. Obiekwe1, Nma O. Okoroji3, Zahoor A. Shah4, Uzochukwu V. Uchemba5 and Ebele G. Osegbue5

Yujun Shuai and Jinhong Zhao*

...lign: justify;">Anisakis simplex is a zoonotic disease-causing parasitic nematode belonging to the Anisakidae family. In this study, the nematode samples of A. simplex were collected from rockfish Sebastes sp. From the comparison and analysis of the mitochondrial genome of Anisakis simplex, the results revealed a full-length genome with 13,903 bp, including 12 protein-coding genes, 2 rRNAs...

Ming Wang and Chaoqi Wang*

...<0.05). Compared with simple ginger moxibustion, tamsulosin combined with ginger moxibustion can effectively improve the lower urinary tract symptoms of elderly patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia.


Abdessatar Omezine1

...terpret the results of a simple mixture experiment, if the phenomena act together. An experimental design is used to study interactions between chilies or peppers, Capsicum annuum L. var. ‘Baklouti’ and Setaria verticillata (L.) P. BEAUVOIS. A replacement series design was used to compare C. annuum/ S.verticillata interactions under monocultures vs. polycultures. The experiment is conducted in the greenhouse of the Higher Institute of Agricultural ...
Never Assan1,2, Michael Musasira3, Maphios Mpofu3, Nicholas Mwayera4, Kwena Mokoena5, Thobela Louis Tyasi5

Nasr Tarq Mohammed 

...cell lines. The use of a simple aqueous extract allows for easy and cost-effective preparation while retaining bioactivity. In this research, the effectiveness of AGE in inhibiting cancer cell viability was assessed using cancer cell lines CAL51 and AMN3. The cell lines were treated with various concentrations of AGE (100, 200, 300, 400, and 500 µL) in vitro. The findings indicate that at a concentration of 500 µL, AGE caused 95% destruction of CAL...

Krishna Adhikari1, Suman Poudel1 and Manoj K. Shah2

... fixation (ORIF) using a simple intramedullary (IM) Steinmann pin and orthopedic cerclage wire. The dog was regularly examined postoperatively for evaluation of wound and fracture healing and return to functional mobility of the limb. The radiographic and physical examination on the 12th week showed cortical union, no signs of fracture lines, and absence of bridging callus on the alignment, with the dog being able to walk normally and bear proper weight on the...

Ahmed Jamil Abid*, Ahlam Jaber Hamza 

... covered by single layer simple epithelial tissue. The endocardium was thin and inner layer, the composed of three layers (endothelial the simple squamous epithelial tissue, subepithelial and subepicardial). At the six-month age of animals, morphologically the heart was a muscular cone in shape with a sharp apex, the heart was located in the thoracic cavity and extended from the 3rd to 6th ribs, the two surfaces, two borders...

Muhammad Waqas1*, Razia Bashir1, Haroon Ali2, Arslan Shahzad1 and Tehmina Saddique3

...netic stirrer method and simple solvent extraction method. The effects of habitat nature, n-Hexane to algal biomass ratio, algal biomass particle size, and contact time on the percentage yield of extracted lipids were studied and analyzed. The study showed that algae from agricultural runoff had the highest lipid extraction efficiency at 3.9%, while industrial effluent samples had the lowest at 3.56%. The hot plate magnetic stirrer method achieved 1.38% effici...
Muhammad Safdar1*, Muhammad Younus2, Faiz-ul Hassan1 and Yasmeen Junejo3
...ion, this PCR assay is a simple, rapid, sensitive, precise, and economical method to identify donkey, pork, and cow species in commercial food samples.


Zarifshan Malik1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed2 and Sabina Noor1

...not be collected through simple hand stripping method. Therefore, the males require to be sacrificed in order to get the milt from the testes. As millions of sperms are present in per ml of milt so, in order to utilize milt more efficiently, various researches are based on use of different types of activation or dilution media. Therefore, the lab prepared activation media A and B, commercial activation media C and fresh water were used in this experiment to co...

Iqbal Hossain1, Kazi Shams Al-Arefin1, Rayhan Ahmmed Pranto2, Deepanjana Sarker3, Kazi Abdus Sobur4*

...e for rabbit spaying was simple, inexpensive, and highly effective.
Keywords | Ovariohysterectomy, Spaying, Rabbit, Surgical technique, General anesthesia, Case study

Amam Amam1*, Ebban Bagus Kuntadi2*, Ahmad Zainuddin2, Ana Nurcholis Shobirin1, Supardi Rusdiana3*

...shbein, correlation, and simple linear regression analysis methods. The results showed that farmer attitude towards bull and cow farming business partnership systems had a positive score with total attribute scores of 15.01 and 16.81, falling in the good category. Motivation had percentages of fulfilling living needs at 85.67% and 85.53%, in the very strong category. The variable of establishing good relationships with capital owners had percentages of 61.46% ...

Dina Al-Shinawy1*, Reda E.M. Moghaieb2, Sara B. Awaly2, Gihan El-Moghazy1 and Dalia S. Ahmed2 strains, twelve inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) primers and seven Sequence Related Amplified Polymorphism (SRAP) primer combinations were utilized, producing scorable and reproducible banding patterns with about 52 % polymorphism. Various genetic diversity parameters, including polymorphic information content (PIC), effective multiplex ratio (EMR), marker index (MI), and resolving power (RP) were evaluated to determine effectiveness of the primers in d...


Naïma Boughalleb-M’Hamdi1*; Najwa Benfradj1; Ibtissem Ben Salem1; Paloma Abad-Campos2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 271-280
... primers pair, and Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) technique. Results obtained confirmed the presence of F. solani f.sp. cucurbitae race 1 in Tunisia. ISSR dendrogram of the ten F.s.c. isolates generated by bi- and trinucleotide primers; and conducted by the unweight pair grouping using mathematical averaging (UPGMA) method from Nei’s genetic distance, revealed the presence of similarities between the isolates that ranged from 31 to 84%. The isolates...

Maysaa, T. Alloosh1*; Walid, I. Khaddam1; Adbulsalam, K. Almuhammady2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1077-1090
... zinc oxide.. etc, under simple manufacturing conditions and within a short period that ranges from a few minutes to several days. The resulting NPs mostly show anti-fungal potential towards several fungal species that cause important human diseases mainly; Candida albicans and Aspergillus niger. Moreover, NPs has antibacterial efficacy against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which recently become less affected by several antibiotics like pen...


Shrouk E.E. Farg1; Shafik D. Ibrahim2; Samir Mahgoub3*; Atef S. Sadik1; Mamdouh H. Abdel-Ghaffar1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2370-2392
...ted using the five inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR-PCR) used primers. The maximum identity (%) among the ZYMV-infected and healthy samples was 59, 56, 45, 40, 30, and 29 % for the plant samples of watermelon, squash, cantaloupe, qethaa, cucumber, and luffa samples, respectively. Phylogenetic tree of DNA polymorphisms confirmed the genetic relationship between each of the healthy samples of watermelon and cucumber, healthy samples of qethaa and cucumber, ZYM...
Muhammad Azhar1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1*, Muhammad Ijaz1, Ayesha Safdar2 and Kamran Ashraf3
... theileriosis along with simple microscopy. 


Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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