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Hanqin Shen1,3, Boliang Wu1,2, Guangwei Li1, Feng Chen1, Qingbin Luo1,3, Yimin Chen1, Qingmei Xie1,2,3*

...inant subtype in China, attracting considerable attention due to human infections and the contribution of internal genes to H5N1 and H7N9 influenza viruses. Multiple H9N2 AIV genotypes have been identified from various species, including birds and mammals. H9N2 AIVs could spread through water, air, and live bird markets. Since the first isolate from 1994 in China, H9N2 AIVs have been prevalent over 20 areas of China, especially in South China, such as Guangdon...

Aradhana Chopra1, Ravi Shukla2 and Tarun Kumar Sharma2,3*

...ification makes them an attractive candidate for a variety of applications. Since the last decade, aptamers have been regarded as an emerging player in biology. They have found applications not only in biosensors, but also in other areas such as diagnostics, biomarker discovery, drug delivery, bio-imaging and molecular therapy. In this review we have summarized recent advancements and applications of aptamers in biology.


Michael R. Molnar

...e Star of Bethlehem has attracted much attention and produced many theories about what may have appeared in the skies, marking the birth of Jesus as Christians believe. Details of the ce- lestial event given in the New Testament Bible are vague leaving much room for widely varying ideas. As the Star involves Christian faith, there are valid suspicions that some explanations may have taken liberties to support religious beliefs. That idea is central to one of t...

John Martin Fischer

...usible, and even deeply attractive. Whereas there are other forms of moral responsibility skepticism on the market, Pereboom’s is (in my view) the most fully developed and most appealing. Although I am not myself a moral responsibility skeptic, and, in particular, I do not believe that causal determinism is incompatible with the kind of freedom that grounds robust, desert-based moral responsibility, I find that (surprisingly) our views don’t real...

Muhammad Irshad1, Abdur Rab1, Javed Rahman2, Muhammad Sajid1, Ilyas Khan2, Sajad Ali1, Muhammad Razaq1, Sallahuddin1

...tages including rooting attributes of Kiwi (cv. Hayward) cuttings. Maximum survival percentage (22.46%), number of roots plant-1 (12.65), plant height (40.15 cm) and minimum days to sprouting (44.17) were recorded for the media Silt: Garden soil: FYM at the ratio of 2:1:1 respectively. Kiwi cuttings planted in the month of February showed good results in most of parameters, rather than month of January and March. In case of planting media most of the root and ...

Dallin D. Oaks


...t have been incorrectly attributed to the account. In fact, the account may not be reporting a sudden and immediate confusion of languages, or even a sequence in which a confusion of languages led to a scattering of the people. Indeed, a close examination of the account seems to allow an interpretation of events that is compatible with what linguists have observed about how languages can diversify, though some challenges may still remain in reconciling assumpt...

Asma Noshad1, Mudassar Iqbal1*, Zafar Iqbal1, Hamida Bibi2, Saifullah3, Salma Bibi4, Hamid Ullah Shah1

...lites with insecticidal attributes that could be used as a potential source for developing new and novel bio-pesticide(s).


Luke Galen

...ns with religiosity are attributable to factors other than beliefs, chiefly, social engagement and embeddeness in supportive groups. Often, those with the lowest levels of well-being and prosociality are uncommitted or indifferent religious believers, not socially engaged nonbelievers. Therefore, defining individuals who are not committed or engaged in socially supportive groups solely in terms of their lack of religious belief virtually guarantees that atheis...

Rabnawaz1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Tahir Sarwar2, Mohammad Jamal Khan3

... system was mainly attributed to over irrigation (because of high water allowance). Quantitative analysis of the yield per unit volume of water applied was carried out using dummy-regression model. The difference in means for maize, sugarcane and tomato crop was found highly significant while in case of wheat it was non-significant. This study concludes that the public system remained more productive with high CWP at farm level for all...

Muhammad Arif Zafar1*, Arfan Yousaf1, Murtaz-ul-Hasan1, Faisal Ayub Kiayani1, Matee ul Islam2 and Muhammad Farooq Iqbal1 

... was done with sliding mattress sutures. After first 10 days post-surgical decompression and administration of fluid, antibiotics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, good outcome in the calf was obtained. There was no postoperative complication suggesting that modified two-layer hand-sewn anastomosis technique was a successful technique. It was concluded that traumatic hernia may lead to septic shock and modified two-layer hand-sewn anastomosis technique...

Mushtaq Ahmad1*, Habib Akbar1, Mohammad Tariq Jan1, Muhammad Jamal Khan Khattak2 and Abdul Bari3

...rowth and yield related attributes of sugar beet. Mean maximum leaf area plant-1 (173.32 cm2), leaf area index (6.68), root length (36.50 cm), root weight plant-1 (1.03 kg-1) and sugar sucrose (15.91%) were recorded in band placement method of nitrogen. Application of biochar significantly improved soil fertility and maximum leaf area plant-1 (171.99 cm2), leaf area index (6.48), root length (36.17 cm), root weight plant-1 (1.02 kg-1) and sucrose contents (15....

Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Mohammad Tariq Jan2, Mohammad Jamal Khan3 and Abdul Bari4

...lacement methods on the attributes of sugarcane were assessed at Sugar Crops Research Institute, Mardan-Pakistan. The experiment was conducted in RCB Design with split plot arrangement, over years (2012-13 and 2013-14). Planting sources i.e. standing (fresh canes frost exposed) trenched (stored canes frost protected) and canes portions top, middle, bottom and mixed 33 % each were assigned to main plots, while setts placement methods i.e. single, one and a half...

Muhammad Amjad Nadim1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch1, Ejaz Ahmad Khan1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Kashif Waseem2

... plant growth and yield attributes with recommended doses of NPK fertilizers. This treatment (NPK at recommended levels) resulted in higher leaf area index (0.33 and 0.27 [49 days after sowing-DAS] and 2.03 and 2.77 [98-DAS]), crop growth rate (40.42 and 40.96 g m-2 day-1), relative growth rate (88.94 and 84.14 mg g-1 day-1), net assimilation rate (3.58 and 3.89 mg m-2 day-1) and grain yield (4.40 and 5.29 t ha-1) during the years of experimentation. Similar t...

Shahida Bibi* and Ijaz Ahmad Khan

...hod for yield and yield attributes were studied under different crop combination at the Research Farm of The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan during the year 2012. The study was carried out in a split-plot design with three replications. Herbicide treatments (herbicide used and herbicide not used) were assigned to main plots, while intercropping treatments (sole maize, sole mungbean, 5 rows of mungbean + 6 rows of maize, 10 row of mungbean + 6 rows...

Tahir Khan, Raziuddin, Fakharuddin* and Muazam Jamal Razi

...c advance for important attributes in Brassica napus using 10 parental lines and their 21 F4 populations. Significant differences were observed among genotypes, parents, F4 populations and parents versus F4 populations for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, primary branches plant-1 and main raceme length. Among parents, CA2, DH8, DH4, CA4 and DH6 performed better for different traits. Where...

 Zahir Shah, Shakoor Ahamd, Mian Saeed Sarwar, Murad Ali Khan and Javid Ali

...was closed by applying mattress sutures. Adjunct therapy of broad-spectrum antibiotic was administered intramuscularly for five days as a post-operative measure. Catamnesis revealed that the healing was complete in 14 days with no recurrence and untoward consequences.


Mian Shamas Murtaza1, Aysha Sameen1, Nuzhat Huma1 and Fatma Hussain2

...l, textural and sensory attributes of low fat Cheddar cheese. Buffalo milk was standardized at 2% and 4% fat levels to manufacture Cheddar cheese. Cheese samples were manufactured by adding xanthan gum and guar gums individually @ 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5% in low fat cheese (2% fat) besides the negative (2% fat) and positive (4% fat) control samples. The cheese samples were ripened at 6-8oC for 30 days and analyzed for physico-chemical composition, functional, textura...

Halide Nihal Açikgöz1*, Serdal Kenan Köse2 and Ali Açikgöz3 used in the study to attract blowflies. Eggs and larvae of the flies that oviposited on the liver were raised and identified. Six different indices were used to determine diversity (Shannon-Wiener [H’], Simpson Dominance [Sd], Simpson Diversity [S], Margalef Species Richness Indices, Pielou’s Evenness [EH], and Simpson Resiprocal Indices). Calliphora vicina (Robineau-Desvoidy), Calliphora vomitoria (Linnaeus), Lucilia sericata (Meigen) and Lucil...

Atul Sharma, Aruna Chandra Singh, Gautam Bacher, Sunil Bhand

...ance to antibiotics has attracted the significant attention, mainly due to the consequences of multi drug resistance and potential threat to human health and the environment. With the increasing incidences of antimicrobial contamination, especially in food, dairy products, agriculture and environment, their regular monitoring is on prime interest. Aptamers are synthetic short sequences of single stranded (ss) oligonucleotides (ss-RNA or DNA), which are develop...

John Gachohi, Simon Karanja, Salome Wanyoike, Nduhiu Gitahi, Salome Bukachi, Kenneth Ngure

...f adverse environmental attributes that support Leptospira growth, (ii) animal and human seasonal public health burden of Leptospirosis, (iii) seasonal variation in the distribution of Leptospira determinants in a slum setting, and (iv) a simulation model based on an ecological metapopulation framework to track Leptospira bacterial population dynamics in biotic and abiotic habitats in a slum setting. This is the first study in Kenya to describe the role of tem...
Fazal Said1,Mian Inayatullah2 and Hussain Ali3*
...lower in blooming stage attracted large number of bee visitors particularly Apis mellifera and A. florea. Visitation/foraging of honeybee contributed significantly towards increase in the yield and quality of sunflower seed.

Idowu Fagbamila1*, Adaobi Okeke2, Micheal Dashen2, Patricia Lar2, Sati Ngulukun1, Benshak Audu1, David Ehizibolo1, Paul Ankeli1, Pam Luka1, Maryam Muhammad1

...ed in this study may be attributed to the generally poor infrastructure, lack of well-equipped poultry slaughter houses, lack or inadequate water supply at these markets which hampers the ability of handlers to maintain good sanitary and hygiene conditions of the carcass, environment and themselves. Data collected could be valuable for instituting effective intervention strategies for Salmonella control in Nigeria with the aim of reducing Salmonella spread fro...

M. Abdus Salam1, M. Moynul Haque2, Md. Obaidul Islam3, M. Nasir Uddin4 and Md. Nazmul Haque3*

...yield and fiber quality attributes of cotton. Yield and quality of cotton were significantly higher when crop was grown from seeds stored in polythene bag as compared to cloth bag. Interaction of genotypes and seed sources indicated that highest sympodial branches plant-1 (19.11), days to 50% flowering and boll splitting (72.00 and 156.33, respectively), number of bolls plant-1 (20.33), boll weight (4.60 g), seed cotton and lint yield (2305.30 and 832.49 kg ha...

Muhammad Noor, Hidayat ur Rahman and Muhammad Iqbal

... flowering and maturity attributes along with plant and ear height parameters in four popcorn populations. Broad sense heritability estimates varied from 0.69 to 0.76, while narrow sense ranged from 0.38 to 0.69. Maximum broad sense heritability estimate of 0.84 was observed in cross-II for days to anthesis. Minimum narrow sense heritability of 0.46 was calculated in cross-III for plant height. Plant height exhibited high estimates of broad sense heritability ...

1Parvin Noor and 2Md. Nashir Uddin

Morphological changes of different castes of the subterranean termites (Odontotermes proformosanus) in fungus combs of termitophiles
...fungus comb. Biological attributes indicated that Odontotermes proformosanus are polymorphic in nature and have exopterygote post-metamorphic development. During the period of study, eggs and nymphs were collected in different seasons from the fungus combs of termite mounds. Eggs of O. proformosanus were found profusely in fungus comb in the months of March, May, September and October of 2006 to 2008 Average lengths and standard deviation (mean±SD) of t...
Azhar Abbas Khan1,*, Arif Muhammad Khan2 and Muhammad Afzal3
...n;0.2027, respectively) attracted significantly more numbers of C. septempunctata as compared to control and aphids alone (0.7667±0.1204 and 0.8333±0.1153). With every next hour (3, 6 and 12 h) of observation the movement of C. septempunctata toward target localities was elevated. Finding of the current investigation revealed that wheat, brassica, citrus and rose infested with aphids can be used as host plants for mass rearing and c...
Aneela Qureshi1, Ammara Ainee1*, Muhammad Nadeem1, Masooma Munir1,2*, Tahir Mahmood Qureshi1, Saqib Jabbar2
...hysicochemical, sensory attributes and microbiological properties of fruit cakes were examined during 30 days of storage. Results showed that with varying fiber content water activity, texture, color, moisture, fat, protein, ash, NFE and fiber content changed significantly (p<0.05). Gross energy level in cake which is desirable by consumers was reduced but high fiber cake was dark colored, low in volume and with increased hardness. Treatment (T3)...

Aftab Wajid1, Ashfaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Awais2, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman3*, M. Aown Sammar Raza2, Usman Bashir2, Muhammad Naveed Arshad1, Sana Ullah4, Muhammad Irfan5 and Umair Gull1

... cotton yield and yield attributes. Increasing N increments reveals a positive association with biomass accumulation (growth), yield and yield associated components. Among N increments, 200 kg ha-1 achieved more number of bolls per plant (31.00), average weight per boll (3.48 g) and ultimately lead to higher seed cotton yield (2.42 t ha-1) as compared to other N rates (50, 100, 150 kg ha-1). Significant differences were also observed in cultivars, CIM-496 prod...

Niamatullah Khan1*, Najeeb Ullah2, Inam Ullah2 and Asif Imran Shah1

...ates on yield and yield attributing traits of seven cotton varieties during 2015 and 2016. The experiment was laid out in split plot design having three repeats. Sowing dates; March 15, April 01, April 15, May 01, May 15 and June 01 were kept in main plots while sub plot contained seven cotton varieties (CIM-600, CIM-616, CIM-622, CRIS-641, DNH-105, DNH-40 and DNH-57). Results indicated that earlier sowing produced extra vegetative growth rather than seed cott...
Saleem Khan1, Amir Hamza2, Farhadullah Khan3, M. Subhan4, Aziz Khan1, Irfan Ali Shah1, Shakirullah Khan Shakir3*

Syed Tanveer Shah* and Muhammad Sajid 

...ffected all the studied attributes. More fruit firmness (5.57 and 5.69 kg cm2), less Total soluble solids [TSS] (8.57 and 8.26 °Brix) and TSS-acid ratio (12.62 and 11.48) were recorded by the alone application of calcium chloride at 1.0% calcium concentration, respectively. The effect of calcium sources and concentration on the rest of the quality attributes were found non-significant. The means for storage duration show...
Nargis Bano and Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*
...various and biochemical attributes, but augmented the leaf proline. SA application significantly increased plant fresh and dry weight, leaf area, proline and decreased root length, number of roots and water use efficiency. SA treatment therefore decreased adverse effect of stress on strawberry plants. Thus the result suggests that SA at a concentration of 3mML-1 concentration could be used commercially to improve yield of strawberry.

Zahid Mehmood*, Alam Zeb and Muhammad Ayub 

...ied for physicochemical attributes (TSS, pH, titratable acidity, total phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, ascorbic acid) and organoleptic characteristics (flavor, color, texture and overall acceptability). The results revealed decrease (P<0.05) in pH, ascorbic acid, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity while increase in acidity, total soluble solids during six months storage. Decrease in score of organoleptic attr

 Zabih Ullah*, H. Rahman and Niaz Muhammad

...ed with other desirable attributes.  

Nehafta Bibi1, Muhammad Shafiq2, Munawar Saleem Ahmad3 and Haitao Wang1,4,*
... has traditionally been attributed as social facilitation, which is an important characteristic of social and flocking birds. In this study, we investigated Eurasian siskin (Carduelis spinus) dominant individuals for neophobia and influence of social context on foraging. In our experiments, a subject (observer) was presented with three novel and familiar food in each of three contexts: asocial, first social context (conspecifics without food) and second...

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Muhammad Tahir2, Abid Ali3, Manzoor Hussain3, Muhammad Waheed Anwar4, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 and Ijaz Ahmad

...e the yield and quality attributes of autumn maize at Agronomic Research Farm, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. There were two factors, green manuring (No green manuring, moringa green manuring and Jantar green manuring) and different levels of NPK fertilizers (no fertilizers, 50% of RDF, 100% of RDF). The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with split plot arrangement in triplicate run. Results from the experiment revealed that b...

Bibi Haleema1*, Abdur Rab1 and Syed Asghar Hussain2 

...rowth and fruit related attributes of tomato. The experiment was conducted using Randomized Complete Block (RCB) Design with 3 factors, replicated 3 times. Calcium (0, 0.3, 0.6 and 0.9%), Boron (0, 0.25, 0.5%) and Zinc (0, 0.25, 0.5%) were applied as foliar spray three times. Calcium application at 0.6% increased plant height (88.04 cm), number of primary (2.63) and secondary (7.15) branches, leaves plant-1 (182), leaf area (65.52 cm2), and fruit per plant (66...

Riaz Alam* and Muhammad Sajid 

... the rooting and growth attributes of olive cultivars. Mid August, proved to be the most favorable time for air-layering in terms of rooting percentage (42.40%), number of root (4.37), root length (4.35 cm), weight (1.68 g), number of re-sprout (3.67) and shoot length (5.61 cm) while late (September 14) and early (July 1) layering responded poorly to all the studied attributes. The response of individual cultivar was dissimi...
Jarosław Pytlewski1, Ireneusz Antkowiak1 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska2,*
...umber of semen portions attributable to successful insemination, length of pregnancy and periods of: insemination service, postpartum resting period, interpregnancy period and intercalving period. The study also determined weight of the cow and weight of the calf at calving (including gender). Statistical calculations were performed using the statistical package SAS v.9.3. The following procedures were used: MEANS and GLM. In black and white Holstein-Fresian c...
Hayat Badshah1, Farman Ullah1, Paul-André Calatayud2, Hidayat Ullah3 and Bashir Ahmad1
...operties of hibiscus to attract the parasitoid.

Naila Riaz1 , Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2* , Khizar Samiullah3

... was achieved at 8 hr posttreatment when applied topically. Similarly, oral administration of 1µl and 0.5µl venom caused 100% mortality at 8 hr post-treatment compared to 10 hr and 12 hr post-treatment of topical application, respectively. It is concluded that oral treatment of venom was more efficient compared to its topical treatment with same doses of treatment.


Faiza Hassan1, Mubshara Saadia1,*, Muhammad Sher1, Mian Anjum Murtaza2, Muhammad Arshad3,Asam Riaz4 and Mahmood Ahmad Khan5
...alizing the biochemical attributes. On the basis of findings, it is recommended that the garlic ether extract should be applied in herb-drug combinations commonly used as antidiabetic.

Syed Asif Imran Shah1*, Shah Jehan Khan2, Kalim Ullah1 and Obaid Ullah Sayal

...regarding yield related attributes, seed cotton yield and fibre quality traits using principle component analysis. The experiment was carried out at Cotton Research Station, Deara Ismail Khan, Pakistan during 2014-15. The triplicated randomized complete block design was followed and attributes of interest were plant height, monopodia plant-1, sympodia plant-1, bolls plant-1, plant population, seed index, boll weight, lint in...

Fazal Ullah1*, Muhammad Sajid1, Syeda Leeda Gul2, Bibi Zainub1 and Maaz Khan

... effects on the quality attributes of sweet orange. However the maximum fruit volume (160.25 ml), juice content (57.00%), firmness (2.89 kg cm-2), ascorbic acid (40.96%) and acidity (1.64%) were noted in fresh fruits. The HWDT of 15 minutes was found to be the most suitable treatment for preserving the postharvest quality of sweet orange. From the above findings, it can be concluded that hot water treated (Hot water temperature: 45 °C) sweet orange fruits ...
Alim-un-Nisa1*, Sajila Hina1, Sania Mazhar1, Imran Kalim1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Naseem Zahra1, Shahid Masood1, Muhammad Khalid Saeed1, Qurat-ul-Ain Syed1 and Maida Asif2
...n candies increased the attractiveness. The spectrophotometric analysis at 474nm of extracted color both in crude form and in candies was found to be stable at 4oC and showed decay in mean lutein concentration at higher temperatures i.e. 25oC and 45oC. The microbiological study of the extracted color and candies prepared in laboratory and dyed with T. erecta extract color showed that the color extracted from T.erecta ...

Saeeda Raza, Muhammad Naeem Safdar, Amer Mumtaz, Nouman Siddiqui, Khalid Nasim and Muhammad Amjad*

...nd evaluate the sensory attributes and shelf life at ambient conditions. Four different recipes of baby foods were developed containing 50% cereals, 30% legumes, 10% vegetables and 10% nuts and seeds. Different processing methods cleaning, washing, germination of pulses, peeling, cutting and blanching of vegetables, drying, roasting, grinding and mixing of ingredients were used. Recipe “A” containing rice, mung, potato and poppy seed was organolept...

 Muhammad Azam Niazi*, Hassnain Shah, Waqar Akhtar and Nadeem Akmal**

... to make agriculture an attractive investment domestically and competitive internationally.


 Muhammad Afzal, Sarfraz Ahmad , Abdul Salam Baloch* and Qazi Bashir Ahmad**

...he effects of different attributes of the animals namely, live weight, age, gender, body score and time of sale of animals. The results indicated that there were significant differences in prices among seasons. The seasons considered in the study were Eid-ul-Azha, Ramadan, and severe feed shortage period. The prices were the highest at Eid-ul - zha followed by Ramadan and feed shortage (winter) season. The explanatory power of the model was considered adequate...

 Hidayatullah, T. Mahmood, M. Farooq, M. A. Khokhar and S.I. Hussain*

* Corresponding author: [email protected]

... and yield contributing attributes.


 Muhammad Arifullah, Muhammad Munir*, Abid Mahmood**, Saifullah Khan Ajmal and Ghulam Shabbir*

...nd some important yield attributes. The results for combining ability analysis indicated significant general combining ability for most of the traits except plant height and siliqua length. UCD-8/4, KJ-119 and BRS-2 were good general combiners for yield related traits. A cross BRS-2 × UCD-8/4 showed best desired SCA for number of primary branches and siliquae per plant. S-9 × Canola Raya for siliqua length, Canola Raya × UCD-8/4 for number of...

 Faisal Khalil, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi, Ammaz Khan, Fakhar-ul-Hassan and Nabila Bibi*

...n observed which may be attributed to numerous factors. Some of them are probably related to the internal imbalance of growth regulators and other physiological factors. Plant growth regulating hormones like gibberellic acid (GA ), salicylic acid (SA) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) alone and/ 3 or coupled with girdling operations may improve cropping potential of existing olive varieties in Pakistan. Therefore, this study was envisaged on olive trees to exp...

 Khawer Jawad Ahmad*, Asif Razzaq*, Khalida Hamid Abbasi*, Muhammad Shafiq*, Muhammad Saleem** and Muhammad Arshadullah***

...s of fluvalinate may be attributed to the development of resistance against fluvalinate strip.


 Ali Ahsan Bajwa*, Ehsanullah*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Wahaj Nafees*, Mohsin Tanveer* and Hafiz Salman Saeed*

...wth and weed dispersion attributes. The rate, timing, type and method of fertilizer application affect biological trends of weeds. In conservation tillage systems, the interaction between fertilizers and weeds is very complex, and there are reports of positive as well as negative correlations with weed establishment. Altered physical and chemical properties of reduced-tillage soils result in different weed growth and weed-crop competition periods and thus have...

 Saima Rani*, Hassnain Shah*, Umar Farooq** and Bushra Rehman**

SUPPLY, DEMAND, AND POLICY ENVIRONMENT FOR PULSES IN PAKISTAN consumption could be attributed to disproportionate increase in pulses price that would affect the poor segment of population in fulfilling the protein demand. Hence there is need to increase production through improving management practices and dissemination of improved technologies.


 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai*, Amer Mumtaz*, Nouman Rashid*, Shahzada Arshad Saleem**, Saeeda Raza* and Muhammad Naeem Safdar*

...ugars) and organoleptic attributes. TPC count in both samples were nil. Yeast and -1 mould count was nil in branded while it was 600 and 400 cfug in orange and tangerine marmalades, respectively. Sugar contents, pH and Brix ranged from 14.97% to 59.70%, 3.00 to 3.46, 15.0 B to 60.2 B in branded and non-branded marmalades, respectively. Organoleptically marmalade developed at FSPDI was non-significantly different from all the branded marmalades except Salman&rs...

 Syed Asif Imran Shah*, Shah Jehan Khan**, Abdul Aziz Baloch*** ,
Obaid Ullah Sayal**, Kalim Ullah* andShujaat Ali**

...e;0.01) for all studied attributes except kernels ear and grain yield. Highly significant variations for specific combining ability of direct and reciprocal effects were observed for all attributes. Azam -1 proved good combiner for days to 50% silking and kernel rows ear while -1 Islamabad Gold for kernels ear and grain yield. Islamabad White × Sadaf was the best combiner for grain yield. For reciprocal effects, BS-I &...

 Israr Ali*, Naushad Ali*, Riffat Tahira**, Sardar Ali*, Izhar Hussain* and Sher Aslam Khan*

...different morphological attributes. Data were recorded on days to maturity (DM), -1 -1 plant height (PH), primary branches plant (PBPP), pod length (PL), seed pod (SP), -1 1000-seed weight (1000-SW), yield plant (YPP) and oil (%). Three checks (Pakola, CM and TA), were used to check the performance of collected materials with already available brassica varieties. Significant statistical differences were observed among the tested genotypes based on the studied ...

 Ibrar Ali*, Abdul Mateen Khattak*, Muhammad Ali* and Kalim Ullah**

...luenced all the studied attributes of tomato cultivars. Among different -1 cultivars, Roma gave maximum plant survival (93.8%), number of leaves plant -1 -1 (84.1), number of flower inflorescence (5.4), number of fruits inflorescence (4.3), -1 3 -1 number of fruit plant (25.4), fruit size (63.9 cm ), fruit weight plant (9.1 kg) and -1 total yield (22.9 t ha ). However, it was closely followed by cultivar Rio Grande for -1 -1 number of leaves plant (79.6), numb...

 Sameera Arshad*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Maqsood Anwar* and Sarwat Naz Mirza*

...s around airfields that attract bird species, pose serious threat to aviation industry. Habitat survey for recognizing bird attractants and hazardous bird species was carried out at 8 selected study sites within 8 km radius of Benazir Bhutto International Airport (BBIA), Islamabad. Each site represented a different habitat and was ranked for the presence of bird attracting sites using Habi...

 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai*, Amer Mumtaz*, Saeeda Raza* and Shahzada Arshad Saleem** 

...ased while organoleptic attributes such as texture (mouth feel), flavour, taste, colour and overall acceptability of phalsa juice were decreased during the study period. The pH and TSS value were decreased from 3.99 to 3.54 and from 11.22 to 9.55, respectively after 2 weeks -1 -1 storage. Total plate count also showed decline from 6.2×10 to 3.2 x 10 -1 cfuml whereas yeast and mould counts increased simultaneously from -1 -1 -1 -1 2.6×10 and nil to ...

 Saima Kanwal*, Saeeda Raza*, Khalid Naseem*, Muhammad Amjad*, Naseem Bibi* and Musarrat Gillani*

... (T ). Chemical 3 4 5 1 attributes of biscuits showed that T has maximum level of pumpkin flour (20%) 5 with maximum protein (12.30%), fat (28.29%), ash (4.13%), iron (2.28%) and zinc (3.11%). Sensory results also revealed increasing trend in all sensory parameters. Results showed acceptability at all levels but treatment T with 15 % pumpkin 4 seed flour scored highest (8.0) for maximum overall acceptability. It was concluded that pumpkin seed flour can be sup...

  Sohaib Arshad*, Sarwat Naz Mirza*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar** and Maqbool Shahbaz**

...rity stage. It could be attributed to their genetic inheritance potential. Mean value of crude protein content (CP) in three grasses varied from > 12% to < 5% depending upon the different growth stages of the grasses. Sabre showed highest CP content than other two at flowering stage. The results also showed that protein contents were lowest at the maturity stage of all the experimented grasses. This study has shown that Katambora is the variety which can...

 Mubbashira Nazir*, Saira Batool*, Sultan Ali Tariq**, Abid Hussain** and Ya Sakina**

... rate data these can be attributed to expansion in area to a great extent and partially to productivity improvement. Variations in production of minor fruits increased overtime (from 1970s to 1990s) and then declined in 2000s. During the study period, fruit production varied due to area, though productivity altered considerably. The results of decomposition analysis indicated a relatively stronger stimulus of area expansion in production of citrus. While yield...

Mehwish Kiran*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani*, Kashif Waseem*
and Muhammad Sohail**

...evealed that all growth attributes and yield were significantly enhanced by the application of organic manures and NPK. The highest values were found in NPK treated plants followed by PM, GM, SS, PrM and FYM, respectively.


 Sadaf Javaria*, Muhammad Qasim Khan*, Kashif Waseem*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani*, Habib ur Rahman*, Muhammad Sohail Khan* and Muhammad Sohail**

...on with physicochemical attributes and shelf life. Data are provided for the researchers for further investigation.

Wazha Mugabe1,3,Gaolebale Segolame Mpapho1, John Kamau1, Wameotsile Mahabile2, Shalaulani James Nsoso1, Kealeboga Dipheko1 and Assar Ali Shah3,*
...roduction practices and attributes of goat farmers in the Oodi agricultural region, Botswana. Ninety-one farmers were purposively selected based on milk production potential from a list of 170 farmers officially registered with the Oodi agriculture station. Farmers were visited to conduct face to face interviews and administer a questionnaire. The results showed that farmers milking average three goats constituted the highest (47%) share, and the majority...
Muhammad Umair Sattar1, Aysha Sameen1,*, Nuzhat Huma1 and Muhammad Shahid2
... parameters, functional attributes, texture (hardness), appearance (L* value) and proteolysis by RP-HPLC. Use of guar gum as fat mimetic and cheese milk homogenization significantly (p<0.01) affected the composition, functionality, texture and appearance of LFMCs. LFMCs functionality and texture also improved during ripening but appearance was negatively affected. Reverse phase HPLC results indicated that level of intact casein in LFMCs decreased wit...
Waqas Ali1,*, Arshad Javid1, Syed Mohsin Bhukhari1, Ali Hussain1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2, Hira Rafique1
...n and reptilian species attracted attention of the conservation biologists worldwide to monitor herpetofunal diversity for effective conservation planning and management. Different sampling techniques are applied during herpetofaunal surveys and some of them might be expensive, time intensive and their effectiveness in different regions of the world are still debatable. Moreover, data recorded from inappropriate designed surveys are not suitable for statistica...
Muhammad Umar1, Mubashar Hussain1,*, Ghulam Murtaza1, Farid Asif Shaheen2 , Fatima Zafar1
...Pakistan and are mainly attributed to continued loss of wintering habitat, habitat modification, fragmentation, eutrophication, anthropogenic activities and illegal hunting. The adverse effects of habitat loss (Band tailed fish eagle, Black Stork and Water Pipit), pesticides (Gulls, Eagles, Terns, Ducks and Cormorants), eutrophication (Painted stork and Dalmatian pelican), Agrochemical Contamination (Black-tailed godwit and Fish bird) Heavy Metal Pollution Con...
Hamayun Khan1,*, Abdul Wahab1, Navaid Kazi2, Younas Muhammad1,Summaya Kazi3, Salman Kazi4, Azmatullah Khan1, Ikramullah Khan5 and Shakoor Ahmad1

Saima Rani*, Hassnian Shah, Nusrat Habib and Muhammad Azeem Khan 

... vegetables and product attributes. The empirical findings indicate that age, employment status, income, education, number of children, taste, no chemical residual, high nutritional value, freshness and colour of the vegetables have positive effects on consumer to pay a high price. While in case of product size and shape has a adverse effect on consumer. Results indicate that when making choices of food, consumers in Islamabad prioritise their health. Furtherm...
Nadeem Munawar, Iftikhar Hussain and Tariq Mahmood*
... millet and maize crops attracted significantly higher population of rodents. On the other hand, at post-harvested and un-ploughed/non-crop fallow fields, higher number of rodent burrows were recorded on the field edges under wild vegetation which provided shelter and cover to the rodents. The study suggests that agricultural operations such as land preparation, ploughing, weeding, removal of crop cache and cutting of wild vegetation, should be encouraged to p...

G. Venkatesan* and Amit Kumar encoded products are attributed to host immune evasion, short-term immunity both in natural infection post-vaccination in target species and repeated host susceptibility. However, these genes are variable among ORFV isolates/strains as they are not located in central part of genome and some of them are either virus specific namely Viral interferon resistant (VIR) and GM-CSF/IL2 inhibition factor (GIF) genes and or host specific namely vascular endothelial g...
Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek


...ct the intensity of the attraction and repulsion of nematodes to several fungi. Of the 14 fungi tested, 11 attracted root-knot nematodes, one repelled nematodes, and two were neutral. The attraction intensity was directly proportional to time and based on the nutrients provided by the nematodes. In this experiment, the nematophagous fungi Arthrobotrys oligospora, A. superba, A. musiform...
Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1,*, Ibrahim A. Alhidary1, Gamaleldin M. Suliman1,2, Abdullah H. Alyemni3, Mohamed Y. Al-Saiady3, Faisal A. Alshamiry1,Mohsen M. Alobre1 and Riyadh S. Aljumaah1

Shahen Shah1*, Manzoor Hussain1, Arshad Jalal1, Mohammad Sayyar Khan2, Tariq Shah1, Muhammad Ilyas1 and Muhammad Uzair3 

... the yield and yielding attributes of wheat at the Agronomy Research Farm in the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan during winter 2014-15. The experiment was designed in RCBD with split plots arrangement, replicated four times. Three levels of nitrogen (N) (90, 120, 150 kg ha-1) were allotted to main plots, while combination of sulfur (S) levels (15, 30, 45 kg ha-1) and application timings (100% at sowing, 100% at tillering and 50% at sowing + 50% a...

Irfan Ali Sabir1, Saeed Ahmad1*, Muhammad Nafees2, Ahmad Sattar Khan1, Maryam3 and Ishtiaq Ahmad

Muhammad Siddiq1*, Sahib Alam2, Hamid Ullah Shah2, Zafar Iqbal2, Kalsoom Siddiq3 and Taufeq Ahmad4 

...s blends on the sensory attributes of potato (Solanium tuberosum L.) cultivar Carola chips during three successive frying sessions. Olive and palm oils were blended in the ratios of 10:90, 20:80, 40:60 and 60:40% and the blends as well as the sole oils were used for frying of potato chips. The fried potato chips were evaluated for appearance, taste, texture, color and overall acceptability. The results indicated that the highest average scores for appearance (...
Muhammad Mobashar1, Muhammad Tahir1, Shahbaz Javaid2,*, Muhammad I. Anjum2, Insha Gul3, Nazir Ahmad1 andAbdul Sami1
...ilk production could be attributed to the flowering stage of harvest maturity.

Muhammad Zahid1, Naeem Iqbal1, Sohaib Muhammad2*, Summiya Faisal3, Wajid Mahboob3, Makhdoom Hussain4 and Zaheer ud din Khan2 

...yield and physiological attributes. Glucose was supplied in various concentrations (0, 5, 10, 25 and 50 mM) as seed priming and foliar spray treatments at vegetative and reproductive stages. Plant growth and grain yields were reduced under drought. Two glucose treatments (10 mM and 50 mM) improved tillering and dry biomass as compared to other treatments. Foliar sprayed-glucose treated plants showed increasing trends in grain yield under drought. Physio-chemic...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2,*, Rashid Mushtaq1, Samina Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2, Sumaira Maqsood3, Ishita Ahuja4 and Atle M. Bones4
...t of biopesticide is an attractive strategy to minimize the problems of pest resistance, environmental pollution and human health concerns. The isolates of S. litura nucleopolyhedroviruses (SltNPV) were collected from infected larvae fed on natural cotton crops. The NPV was isolated from the larvae and viral occlusion bodies (VOBs) were detected using a light microscope. The toxicity of native isolates against S. litura also studied by testing di...

Muhammad Ishfaq1*, Nadeem Akbar1, Imran Khan1, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Usman Zulfiqar1, Muhammad Ahmad1, Mumtaz Ahmad2 and Muhammad Umer Chattha1 

...yield and yield-related attributes along with quality of direct seeded rice. Farmer field-based experiment comprised two soil moisture regimes at the time of sowing: (M1 = Sowing in moist (field capacity) condition, M2= Sowing in dry condition) in main plots, while three different row spacings (S1: broadcasting, (no defined row spacing) S2: 11.25 cm row spacing, S3: 22.50 cm row spacing) were assigned to sub-plots. The experimental results revealed that treatm...

Madiha Naz1, Qudrat Ullah Khan1*, M. Jamil Khan1, Obaid Ullah Sayal2, Asim Afridi3 and Aziz Ullah Sayal3 

...ement practices. Tomato attributes were studied under controlled condition using manures and pressmud incombination with foliar spray of macro-nutrients and naphthalien acetic acid (NAA) and compared with inorganic soil applied fertilizers. The results of the study showed significantly higher number of branches, chlorophyll content in the treatment recieving inorganic fertilizers, the manures in combination with foliar NPK was comparable. The yield a

Monsif Ur Rehman1*, Hidayat-ur-Rahman1, Muhammad Iqbal2, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1 and Zahir Shah3 

...ed with other desirable attributes 


Amjad Ali1, Abbas Ullah Jan1, Lal Almas2, Noor Piao Khan1 and Khurran Nawaz Saddozai

...crease in output level. Attractive output prices, timely payment and provision of quality extension services would help farmers to redirect their scarce resource allocation and reduce allocative inefficiency. 

Naila Chand1, Shamsullah1, Rafiullah1, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3, Shabana Naz4,*, Ebrahim Rowghani5 and Murad Ali Khan2
...uring starter phase was attributed to the supplementation of MOS.
Muhammad Khan
...s. Drug repurposing has attracted the attention of scientific community involved in anticancer drug discovery because it is cost effective and less time consuming compared to the conventional drug discovery strategy involving de novo identification, characterization and validation of new bioactive molecules. Proscillaridin A (PSD-A), is a natural cardiac glycoside molecule used to treat cardiac arrhythmia. Recently, it has been rediscovered for its pote...

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar*1, Shahid Riaz Malik1, Waqas Ahmad2, Muhammad Sajid Mahmood3, Muhammad Jawad1, Muhammad Asadullah1, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Muhammad Imran1

...regarding growth, yield attributes and yield were collected and analyzed. Considering the individual effect, results depicted that among genotypes G2 (NCM-13) exhibited significantly better performance as compared to G1 (NM-11) for most of the studied traits including yield. In case of planting times delayed sowing enhanced the maturity but July 05 reported best results especially for yield attributes like no. of clusters pe...

Muhammad Kashif Asghar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Shahid Riaz Malik2, Waqas Ahmad3, Sumaira Zareen4, Safdar Ali5 and Abid Ali6 

...ved achene yield, yield attributes and oil contents of sunflower. However, seed priming with 1 mM B solution was the best treatment in improving achene yield and oil contents of sunflower hybrid. While in case of hybrids HYSUN-33 performed significantly better than FH-331 for all studied parameters except for oil contents. However, the interaction between sunflower hybrids and seed priming treatments was non-significant for most of the traits. 


 Sumera Siddique1,†, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1*, Amtul Bari Tabinda2, Muhammad Irfan1

Screening of some agri-wastes for economical cultivation of Candida tropicalis SS1
...e important biochemical attributes of the abundantly produced fruit wastes and their efficiency for economic production of C. tropicalis SS1 which could be used as SCP supplementing animal feed’s formulations.


Muhammad Shahzad Khattak1*, Amjad Khan1, Mahmood Alam Khan1, Waqas Ahmad2, Shafiq ur Rehman3, Mohammad Sharif4 and Sajjad Ahmad1 

... 12 years, which may be attributed to climate change. Extreme drought events were observed at Tarbela during October-September and at Mangla during October-June with SDI value of -2.36 and -2.74, respectively. Moderate to severe wet conditions were also detected in the analysis period. Several strategies for the mitigation of adverse impacts of droughts in the study region are recommended. 


Fouzia Tabssum1, Qamar uz Zaman2*, Yinglong Chen3,4, Umair Riaz5*, Waqas Ashraf6, Ambreen Aslam2, Nusrat Ehsan2, Rab Nawaz2, Humera Aziz7 and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah8 

...ntial), and biochemical attributes (SOD, CAT, MDA, EL and T CHL). Under field conditions, exogenous application of optimized dose of proline both at seedling establishment and vegetative stage significantly improved the performance of rice cultivars by improving tillering dynamics, plant water-relations, chlorophyll pigments, photosynthetic pigments, morphological and yield related traits of rice cultivars. Proline application improved the efficiency of salt t...

Muhammad Tahir Amin, Khalid Usman*, Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik and Nishter Ali

...ized yields and quality attributes 


Sahar Shibli1,2*, Farzana Siddique1, Saeeda Raza2, Zaheer Ahsan3 and Irum Raza4 

...w O/L ratio (0.93) that attributed to its oxidative instability. Sensory evaluation of peanut butter samples showed overall good acceptability of product among the people. Storage study of peanut butter samples demonstrated shelf stability of product up to three months at room temperature. 

Muhammad Tufail1, Naila Chand1, Rafiullah1, Shakoor Ahmad2, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3 and Shabana Naz4,*
...ring finisher phase was attributed to MOS at the level of 100 mg/kg.
Hao Gu*, Zhi Yang, Weiqiang Yu, Kan Xu and Yuan-fei Fu*
...f dental tissue, mainly attributed to Streptococcus mutans, Actinomyces viscosus, Lactobacillus and Streptococcus sanguis. Capsaicin extracted from chili peppers were selected to explore the antibacterial activity against the four cariogenic bacteria in terms of acid producing and biofilm. The antibacterial activity of capsaicin was evaluated by the minimal bactericidal concentration, change of pH in the first 12 h and OD values of ...
Ajmal Khan Kassi1,*, Humayun Javed1 and Tariq Mukhtar2
...ance to plants is often attributed to physical, morphological, physiological, biochemical, molecular and genetic characteristics of the plants. As the information about the relationship between physico-morphic characteristics of commercially grown okra cultivars and resistance or susceptibility to Helicoverpa armigera is lacking, therefore, in the present study relationship between physico-morphic characteristics and resistance or susceptibility of okra...

Mohammad Wasiullah Khan1*, Abdur Rab1, Roshan Ali2, Muhammad Sajid1, Faiza Aman1, Imran Khan3, Iqbal Hussain3 and Akhtar Ali3 

...itative and qualitative attributes of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) at Agricultural Research Institute Mingora Swat, during winter 2014. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design using three replications. Four K levels (00, 90, 120 and 150 kg ha-1) and three levels of Zn (00, 05 and 10 kg ha-1) were used. The various parameters studied during experiment were tuber yield (ton ha-1), total soluble solids (TTS), specific gravity and starch c...
Guo-hai Wang1, Zai-xi Yang1, Pan Chen1, Wei-ning Tan2 and Chang-hu Lu1,*
...>K. septentrionalis attracts native birds to forage and disperse its seeds in karst habitats, and that a high level of seed predation by ground-dwelling animals and microhabitat in karst unfavorable for seed germination might be the bottle-neck of its regeneration rather than the lack of seed dispersers.

Tianlong Cai1, Falk Huettmann2, Kisup Lee3 and Yumin Guo1,*
...undments can be used to attract wintering hooded cranes at these seven sites. Theoretically, our models show that these habitats can accommodate approximately 3,713 wintering individuals (ca. 35% of the wintering population in Izumi).

Gulnaz Saleem1, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1*, Nouman Rashid2 and Mehar un Nisa Narejo3 

... respect to all sensory attributes. The biscuits supplemented with wheat; lentil flour at all proportion ratios was found to be acceptable for sensory quality. 


Aziz Ur Rahman* and Syed Mehar Ali Shah 

...nce for yield and yield attributes across locations while AUP-3, AUP-29, AUP-30 and AUP-29 displayed adaptation to specific environments of Peshawar, Swat, Mansehra and Charsadda, respectively. 

Hayat Zada and Ahmad-ur-Rahman Saljoqi*
...ilst minimum yield were attributed to Apple + Wheat (61.47±1.11) followed by sole (52.75±1.23). The results further confirmed that maximum yield losses (31.51%) were avoided by the intercrop Apple + Trifolium and gain in the yield (43.90%) over control was also featured to the same intercrop, whilst all other intercrops were inferior in avoiding the loses and gain in the yield.
Hayat Zada1, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1,*, Ijaz Ali2, Bashir Ahmad1, Abdul Waheed Khan2 and Shabeer Ahmad2
... pomonella might be attributed to the climatic conditions, geographical location and pest control programs.

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Sami Ullah1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Abbas3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Muhammad Zeshan5, Adeel Abbas1, Mehmood Ali Noor1 and Mohsin Nawaz1 improvement of yield attributes of wheat crop as compared to booting stage. Economic analysis revealed that 0.05 M B application gave highest net income and benefit-cost ratio. Thus foliar application of 0.05 M B application (foliar) at booting stage can improve wheat productivity possibly by optimizing post-vegetative plant metabolic activities during grain filling, in contrast to late application rate. 


Asad Ullah Khan1, Wiqar Ahmad1*, Amir Raza2, Farmanullah Khan3 and Muhammad Sharif3 

...e superior for specific attributes like Batoor-2007 for grain P and Straw Zn, NRL-0320 for straw K, NRL 0707 for root K and PR-103, NRL 0517 and NRL 0707 for root Zn. However, FS-99 stood distinctive upon the superior agronomic performance and nutrients accumulation attributes and is suggested for cultivation. 


Muhammad Affan Khan* and Abdur Rab values for all other attributes. 40 cm plant spacing resulted in the maximum seeds per pod (67.28), seed weight per pod (4.61 g), hundred seed weight (6.87 g) and seed yield (4.42 t ha-1). The okra varieties and plant spacing interaction was significant for seed weight per pod only. In conclusion, 40 cm plant spacing can be recommended for optimum seed production in okra. 


Zafar Abbas1*, Muhammad Mubashir1, Umair Riaz1, Zeenat Javid1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Saeed ur Rehman1, Muhammad Javid Qamar1, Syed Ali Zulqadar1 and Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2 

...ield and physiochemical attributes of okra Abelmoschus esculentus a field trial was conducted. For this purpose, organic form of fertilizers like kitchen waste, poultry manure and compost were used while the inorganic sources were NPK fertilizer. This experiment was laid out in the field area of soil and water testing laboratory for research, Bahawalpur in growing seasons from July to October of 2017. Treatments were arranged in Two factorial Completely Random...

Ammara Saeed* and Noor-ul-Amin 

...owed that all the study attributes were recorded significantly best in 2015 compared to 2014. In cultivars, Gold Medal produced early sprouting (12.7 days), maximum number of branches (7.4), and number of leaves branch-1 (15.3), survival percentage (87.1%), number of flowers (10.6) and flower persistence (9.2 days). While cultivar Cardinal produced highest flower stalk length (41.6 cm) and flower diameter (7.4 cm). The interaction between treatments and cultiv...

Masooma Munir1,2*, Abdul Ahad3, Asra Gull1, Aqsa Qayyum2, Nouman Rashid Siddique2, Amer Mumtaz2, Naeem Safdar2, Barkat Ali2, Muhammad Nadeem1 and Tahir Mahmood Qureshi

...ll meals having sensory attributes as well. In the present study, apricot based snack bars were prepared with spinach powder addition to enhance micronutrient status of snack food bars. Four treatments were prepared by increasing the level of spinach in apricot bars and storage was done up to 3 months. Moisture and sugar content decreased with storage time while ash and fiber contents remained same during storage. The mineral and ash contents increased signi...

Rashid Iqbal1,2, Mathias Neumann Andersen1*, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza2, Muhammad Adil Rashid1 and Salman Ahmad2 

...WUE), and yield related attributes of wheat. These irrigation treatments were started at anthesis stage and maintained for 30 days. For FI and DI, 100 and 50% of evapotranspiration (ET) was replaced by irrigating the entire pot surface every 4-5 days. For PRD, root system was split into two equal halves and during each irrigation event, only one-half of the root system was irrigated with the same amount of water as applied to DI, and subsequently, irrigation w...
Salma Javed1, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Irfan Ullah2, Sadia Tabassum1,*
...essful lifestyle, could attribute to the disease. So regional campaigns should be initiated for awareness. 

Masood Ahmad* and Abdur Rab 

...l effects on vegetative attributes and quality production of gladiolus corms, an experiment was conducted during the years 2016-2017. The influence of foliar calcium application was investigated by spraying the gladiolus plants cv. “White Prosperity” with 0, 100, 200, 300 and 400 mM calcium solutions at different times (3rd, 5th and 7th leaf stages). The findings showed that maximum leaf area (43.21 cm2), leaf chlorophyll content (58.275 SPAD), siz...
Tahsin Razzaq*, Muhammad Fareed Khan and Shahid Iqbal Awan
... loss and yield related attributes. Results showed that area under disease progressive curve ranged 10-402dsu while disease incidence ranged 25 to 77% and showed negative correlation with grain yield and yield traits. Parents and their F1 progenies indicated that there is improvement in new recombinants of selected parents for yield enhancement. The present study revealed the effectiveness of selection and hybridization for enhancement of resistance...

Muneer Abbas1*, Muhammad Ramzan1, Niaz Hussain1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Khalid Hussain1, Sohail Abbas2 and Ali Raza3 

...ts of gram and mungbean attracted in light traps. May, June and July were hottest months of the year with highest population captures of 2892, 2789 and 2475, respectively. Temperature had significant impact of 80.7 % on per unit population attraction (r=0.807). However, humidity had no significant impact (2.9 %) on per unit population attraction in light traps (r=0.029). Increasing adult c...

Muhammad Saleem1*, Ehsan Elahi1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1, Hajra Ibrahim2 and Muhammad Ali3 

... plant growth and yield attributes were significantly improved. The application of sulphur at 20 kg ha-1 was superior in enhancing overall growth, achene yield and oil content % of sunflower. 


Jahangir Khan*, Syed Attaullah Shah, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai, Muhammad Fayaz, Shahid Ali, Abbas Ullah Jan and Ghaffar Ali 

...y for different quality attributes of apple in Peshawar district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. A sample 150 apple consumers were interviewed at different fruits retail shops to collect data on apple varieties, prices and quality attributes, such as color, size, shape, freshness and external defect. The data were analyzed using hedonic pricing model. Results show that Consumers have strong preferences for apple freshness, size, colo...

Yousaf Noor*, Zahir Shah and Muhammad Tariq 

... on the yield and yield attributes of citrus (Citrus Sinensis) orchards established on calcareous soils at three farmers fields in Dubandai and Palai area of District Malakand of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan during 2009-2010. A randomized complete block experiment with split plot arrangement was used. Methods of application (Soil and Foliar) were assigned to main plots while micronutrients (Zn @2.5 kg ha-1, B @ 2.5 kg ha-1 and Zn plus B) were kept in subplots....
Shaukat Ali1,*, Sadia Batool2, Fatima Javed Butt2, Sundas Nasreen1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1
...metallic nanoparticles) attracted many researchers to conclude a novel cancer treatment strategy. Unluckily every strategy had some working limitations as a result of which cancer remained a catastrophe for humanity. The present review article devised the modern cancer treatment paradigm which proposed directions towards probiotics or biotics-cancer treatment strategy. The probiotics are present in the human gut region and acting as a health promoter; as they ...
Muhammad Ramzan1*, Muhammad Nadeem1, Masood Maqbool1, Ghulam Murtaza2
.../plant) were found more attractive varieties against thrips population during the whole study period. The study concluded that NIAB-78 is best variety and shows resistance against insect pests like thrips.
Hafiza Sadaf Zahra1, Asia Iqbal2, Sayyeda Hira Hassan1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1*, Muhammad Khan1*, Muhammad Irfan3, Chaman Ara1, Shaukat Ali4
... about 10% BC cases are attributed due to inherited genetic mutations while remaining 90% cancer cases are associated with environmental factors. Artificial light at night (ALAN) is considered one of the major environmental risk factors for breast cancer. It inhibits production of melatonin (MLT) from pineal gland which results in abnormal epigenetic changes that relates with an increased risk of BC. The most important ALAN-mediated epigenetic changes include ...

Sanaullah1, Fazli Rabbi2*, Shahid Ali2, Zeeshan Khan3 and Muhammad Zamin4 

...s shall be initiated to attract tourists vis-à-vis realize the objectives of the sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity. 


Noorullah Khan1*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Fayaz Ahmad1, Sabaz Ali Khan2, Imtiaz Ahmed1, Muhammad Abbas Khan1, Shamsul Islam1, Abdul Waheed1, Basharat Hussain Shah1 and Hussain Shah

...ncreased all the growth attributing traits over the control. However, the highest number of first-order adventitious roots (NFARP) plant-1 (9.5), seedling survival rate (SSR) (51.7), and plant height (85.5 cm) were recorded in plants treated with 3000 ppm IBA. Contrarily the longest roots of 50.7 cm were observed with IBA concentration of 5000 ppm. Correlation analysis revealed that SSR % and growth of kiwi seedlings are strongly associated with NFARP as we fo...

Jawad Ali*, Ibad Ullah Jan and Hidayat Ullah 

...he vegetative and yield attributes of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L) primarily by disrupting its biochemical and physiological functions. The current study was conducted to appraise the Selenium (Se) role in improving the drought tolerance in okra. Drought stress (three days (control), six days (mild stress) and nine days (severe stress)) and four doses of Se (0, 1, 2, and 3 mg L−1) were imposed after 30 days of sowing. Our outcomes showed that drought ...

Basharat Hussain Shah*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Shams ul Islam, Naveed Ahmed, Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan and Qamar uz Zaman. 

...lity of yield and yield attributes in advance rice lines. For this purpose, fourteen elite rice lines namely Line-21, Line-25, Line-28, Line-31, Line-37, Line-46, Line-48, Line-50, Line-64, Line-73, Line-80, Line-128, Line-130 and Line-140 developed in the background of Basmati-385 by Department of Genetics, Hazara University Mansehra Pakistan were evaluated along with check variety Swat-1 for yield and yield components. Experiment was conducted at National Te...

Asif Yaseen1, Muhammad Israr2*, Allah Bux Khan1, Ahsan Javed3, Nafees Ahmad4 and Zia Ullah

... channels appeared more attractive alternative, having been shown to offer increased net income to smallholder citrus growers. Findings showed the importance of production experience and know-how of quality issues are the significant determinants of farmers’ reliance on high value marketing channels. To this end, policy makers need to give due consideration to certain exogenous factors such as price expectation, delay of payment, trust in buyer, price fl...
Muhammad Asif Gondal, Qazal Waheed, Sana Tariq, Waseem Haider, Aisha Khan, Qudsia Rasib and Haroon Ahmed*
... freshwater snails have attracted the attention of biologists. The ecological attributes like diversity, species richness and equitability of freshwater gastropods are important due to various reasons like intermediate hosts for many trematodes and bio-indicator. Snails are cosmopolitan in distribution and diversity of habitat to perform ecological performance is abosolute. The freshwater malacological information is sparse ...
Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Gul Bahar Khaskheli3, Allah Jurio Khaskheli2 and Arshad Ali Khaskheli1
... of Sindh province. The attributes like major nutrients (moisture, dry matter, total organic matter, inorganic/mineral matter (ash), ether extract, crude protein, crude fiber, nitrogen free extract and total carbohydrate contents) were included. Comprehensive survey indicated year round availability of 19 different vegetations at study areas whereby dry matter contents in Calligonum polygonoides (93.63%) recorded significantly high, and in Trifolium ...

Amit Sharma1* and Pankaj Sood2 

...species which is mainly attributed to the compositional variation of the sperm plasma membrane. Different factors affect affects the semen cryopreservation viz. species, breed, semen collection technique, collection season, extender composition, type of cryoprotectant used, cooling rate, equilibration time, freezing and thawing rate. All these factors should be given due credit for achieving better post-thaw post thaw quality of semen to be utilized in diffe...

Arjumand Nizami1, Muhammad Zulfiqar2*, Jawad Ali1, Naushad Khan2 and Imran Sheikh

...and leveling is already attracting huge investment from the government but AWD technology is yet to get its place in government priority. It is therefore recommended that AWD technology should be up-scaled to address water constraints in agriculture sector. 


Nadia Mangrio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Nihaluddin Mari3 and Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2

... 0.1 % produced highest attributes specifically cane yield (107.4 t ha-1), brix (21.9%), and plant nutrients content i.e. N (2.3 %), K (0.7 %), Zn (68.5 ug g-1) and B (31.7 ug g-1). Amongst interactive effects, the interaction of Zn at 15 k.g ha-1 (soil applied) × B at 0.1 % (foliary applied) gave increased parameters distinctively cane yield (119.0 t ha-1), brix (24.0 %), and plant nutrients content viz. N (2.5 %), K (0.9 %), Zn (73.9 u.g g-1) and B (35...

Ahmad Naeem Shahzad1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi2, Samee Ullah1, Muhammad Latif3, Shakeel Ahmad1 and Syed Asad Hussain Bukhari1* 

...bly improved the growth attributes and reduced the activities of antioxidant enzymes, indicating its ameliorative role in salt stress alleviation. However, no improvement was noted in K+ and Na+ dynamics by trehalose application. In conclusion, trehalose plays a key role in survival of plants under elevated saline conditions. 

Sajjad Ali1,*, M. Irfan Ullah2, Asif Sajjad1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, M. Aslam Farooqi1, M. Shahid Rizwan3, Qaiser Shakeel4, Sohail Akhter1,Muhammad Raheel4 and Muhammad Arshad2
...of their physicomorphic attributes has been the subject of great interest with point of their integrated pest management. Helicoverpa armigera (Noctuidae; Lepidoptera) -being highly polyphagous- is the pest of many crops and exhibits high fecundity and migrating efficiency. The present study aimed to evaluate its physicomorphic responses towards different host plants. The highest larval and pupal weights were observed when fed on gram, Cicer a...

Ghulam Mohi Uddin Paracha* and Yasser Durrani 

...corbic acid and sensory attributes whereas increase was observed in TSS and titratable acidity. The pH, total phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity and ascorbic acid content decreased from 3.84 to 3.16, 36.18 to 23.08 mg GAE/100g, 85.31 to 50.31 TE/100g and 28.31 to 13.47 mg/100 g respectively. Similarly, the values of titratable acidity and total soluble solids increased from 0.67 to 0.77 % and 9.12 to 10.59 °Brix respectively. On the basis of sensory ...

Samman Gul Vaseer1, Muhammad Rasheed1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Yamin Bibi2, Saqlain Shah1, Asma Hassan1, Lubna Ayub Durani1, Muhmmad Asif3 and Zuhair Husnain

...espect to growth, yield attributes, nodule number, nodule weight and higher grain yield over control. The increase in nodule formation (nodule size 0.0988cm and the nodule weight 136.87mg) was found in NM-11@ Cobalt Nitrate 30ppm and 20pmm respectively. Better nodule grading 3.25 were found at treatment 30ppm cobalt nitrate in NM-16. Similar yield response achieves in a three different mung bean varieties.  


Shah Nawaz Khuhro1*, Irshad Ali Junejo1, Muhammad Haroon Hullio1, Sultan Ahmed Maitlo2, Javeed Shabir Daar3 and Shahjahan Rajput

...that yellow sticky trap attracted more number of whiteflies as compared to the green, pink and light green, so yellow color traps may be used in methods of insect population monitoring. The other colors were less attractant so this study found that using yellow-colored sticky-traps as an alternative for Brinjal crop for the monitoring and management of whitefly. On the basis of results it is suggested that sticky traps are t...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Sami Ul-Allah2*, Muhammad Naeem1, Muhammad Ijaz2 and Muhammad Qadir Ahmad3 

...ign: justify;">Physical attributes of seed play a prime role in seedling establishment. Present study was conducted to investigate genotypic variability and correlations among upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) cultivars for some physical (seed weight, seed surface area and seed density) and biochemical (seed oil contents) seed traits. The study determined the effects of water stress on genetic variability of root and shoot traits and association of the seed t...
Muhammad Mohibullah1*, Mehran1, Sundas Batool1, Muhammad Amin1, Zakiullah1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Irfanullah1, Abdur Rehman1 and Sardar Ali3

Noor Islam1*, Rashid Mahmood1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sarfaraz Ahmad2 and Saleem Abid

...were tested for various attributes of commercial apiary of honey bee, Apis mellifera in Kohat from June to October 2018. Data were recorded for consumption rates, sealed worker brood area, strength of honey bee colonies and honey yield. Data analysis showed significant difference among all diets tested and check (i. e. control colonies). Diet 2 induced the highest consumption rate (71.90 g per colony), maximum sealed worker brood area (1562.0 cm2 per colony), ...

Ghani Akbar*, Muhammad Asif, Zafar Islam and Shahid Hameed 

... The main reasons being attributed to lack of knowledge of furrow bed design, installation and management. Therefore, this study is aimed to illustrate appropriate installation and management of furrow bed irrigation method for enhancing decision support on farms. Pakistan is a major irrigated agricultural country with more than 90% of crop production coming from irrigated areas. Irrigation water available at farm gates either from surface or groundwater resou...
Neelam Pery*, Nayab Batool Rizvi, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq
...t have rendered these unattractive. All this has paved the path for orally available small molecule kinase inhibitors and ‘Tofacitinib’, the first FDA approved Janus kinase inhibitor, invaded the market. The success of ‘Tofacitinib’ has switched on the myriad efforts for more efficacious and safe inhibitors. Here we report the in-Silico development of novel 1, 7-dihydrodipyrrolo[2,3-b:3’,2’-e]pyridine -3-carboxamide d...
Ayesha Iqbal1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Ayesha Iqbal1, Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Ameen1
...panese wild boar may be attributed to some evolutionary, climaticor hunting pressures. 

Ahmad Hussain1*, Syed Murtuza Mehdi2, Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Adeel3, Mohammed Hassan Jabal4, Farid Nasir Ani4 

...lined, The tribological attributes are investigated through the well known four ball tribotester method. In the
experiments, castor oil is blended at volumetric ratio ranging from 20 to 80 % with commercial mineral oil, where
the setup is consictent with ASTM D4172. Results indicate that a mix of castor oil with commercial lubrication oil
rather than mineral oil, can bring down the diameter of wear scar. The mix exhibits a decrease in the ...

Kifayat Ullah*1, Tahir Mahmood2, Naeem Jan3, Zeeshan Ali4 

...of IFSs and PFSs. Multi-attribute
decision making (MADM) process is comprehensively discussed in T-spherical fuzzy environment and elaborated with
a numerical example. The results obtained are analyzed and their advantages over existing structures are studied.


Riaz Muhammad1*, Naseer Ahmeda, Abdul Basit2, Rizwan Alim Mufti2 

...emperature are the main attribute
of titanium alloys. These alloys also exhibit low modulus of elasticity, making it ideal for spring, body implant,
dental fixtures and different sports equipment. Ti-64 accounting for more than 50 percent of titanium usage in today
modern world high-tech industries subjected to various nature of cyclic loading. This study includes the experimental
assessment of fracture toughness of Ti-64 using inde...

Inayat Ullah*, Shah Khusro**, Saeed Mahfooz**, Azhar Rauf**

...ric consists of several attributes like bandwidth, delay, reliability, Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) and load. Usually it is considered that because of the simple metric value, RIP produces better results for any application in simple network architectures. This paper studies the performance of RIP and IGRP in simple networks of different sizes, using email application as evaluation entity. The objective is to find that where, in simple n...

 Amjad Ali*, Amir Nawaz Khan*, Atta-ur-Rahman*, Muhammad Saeed*

...t. The new Balakot town attract the low income and servant class of the old Balakot town for residential purposes. However, the politicians, businessmen and landlords of the community are fear to suffer. As a result, these groups resist the process of resettlement. This uncertainty about the resettlement is the product of human interaction with the site and situation of new Balakot town in post 2005 Kashmir earthquake scenario. The site is ...

Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Shamsher Ali3*, Adnan Nasim1, Muhammad Ismail1, Nur Ul Haq1 and Muhammad Usman4

Effect of Planting Sources, Cane Portions and Setts Placement Methods on Sugarcane Yield Attributing Traits
...hods on sugarcane yield attributing traits were examined at Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI), Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The experiment was conducted in RCB Design with split plot arrangements, in 3 replications for two years (2012-14). Different planting material i.e., trenched (sugarcane buried in soil to avoid frost damage) and fresh cane (directly obtained after harvesting of standing crop) stalk segments i.e. upper, middle, lower and 33 % (...

Sajad Ali1*, Jangraiz Khan2, Arshadullah Jadoon3, Muhammad Riaz4 and Abid Khan1

Evaluation of Farmers Socioeconomic Characteristics Influencing Tomato Output in District Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...rld. It is economically attractive to farmers, due to its short duration for ripping which increases productivity. Thus, it is becoming an indispensable source of farmer’s income in Pakistan. The production of tomato has been decreased considerably during the last five years. The present study has been conducted to explore the farmer’s socio-economic characteristics, affecting the tomato production in district Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan...

Abroon Jamal Qazi*, Afzal Khan*, Muhammad Tahir Khan*, Muhammad Ali Kamran* and Khizar Azam*

...mfort and road handling attributes respectively.

Rafi Javed Qureshi* and Iftikhar Hussain**

...mies. When data on SMEs attributes and entrepreneur’s characteristic is categorical, single methodology to analyze factors influencing exporting are far from sufficient. A multi-method and exhaustive approach is necessary to explore the adequacy of factors in question. The three methods relevant to categorical data analysis (CDA) in this paper highlights the enabling role of the exploratory factors in understanding the relationship wi...

Sikander Hiyat1, Nazim Hussain1, Muhammad Ishaq Asif Rehmani2*, Muhammad Nasir Abbas2, Smana Raza3, Javed Shabbir Dar4 and Tauqeer Ahmad Yasir5 

...ngs on growth and yield attributes of cotton. The experiment was conducted on randomized complete block design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement. Three levels of row spacing (25 cm, 50 cm, and 75 cm) were arranged in main plots, whereas, mepiquat chloride treatments (control, MQC0), mepiquat chloride 0.61 liter ha-1). Vegetative (plant height, number of monopodial and sympodial branches, no. of nodes plant-1) and reproductive growth and yield (no. of flowers ...
Fang Liu*
...wer concentration FGF10 attracts both magnocellular and parvocellular axons; but at higher concentration, FGF10 repels parvocellular TH+ (tyrosine hydroxylase) axons, and attracts magnocelluar vasopressin+ axons in the hypothalamus.

Muhammad Jan1*, Tanveer ul Haq2, Hina Sattar3, Madiha Butt4, Abdul Khaliq5, Muhammad Arif6 and Abdul Rauf

...logical and biochemical attributes under drought conditions. Drought stress adversely reduced the vegetative growth in term of primary branches, secondary branches and pod yield. Based on biochemical, morphological and physiological parameters a significant difference was observed among the genotypes. Out of twenty-five genotypes, three chick pea genotypes i-e chick pea genotypes GGP1260, GGP1426 and PB01 shown the best drought tolerance efficiency (83.78, 84....

Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Abdul Rasul Naseem1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Muhammad Khalid2, Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich3 and Muhammad Arif

...d that growth and yield attributes increased significantly, and properties of saline-sodic field were ameliorated remarkably by the integrated use of HA and gypsum. The maximum plant height, 1000-grain weight, paddy and grain yield of rice and wheat crops were obtained where the gypsum+ humic acid were used @75 % GR+ HA @ 30 kg ha-1 followed by gypsum @ 100% GR while the chemicals properties of soil (pHs, ECe, SAR) were under the safe limits in both treatments...

Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Ghulam Qadir1, Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Muhammad Faisal Nawaz1 and Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich2

Impact of Fertilizer and Planting Geometery on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Yield in Saline-Sodic Soil
...maximum yield and yield attributes with higher economic returns, therefor, under saline-sodic conditions it is proposed as a most cost-effective management practice for garlic cultivation.


Muhammad Yaseen1*, Syed Amir Zia Abid1, Muhammad Luqman1, Syed Wasim Hasan2, Muhammad Aqeel Pitafi3, Muhammad Tariq Chaudhry4 and Muhammad Ameen5

Training Needs Assessment of Training Professionals Working in Agricultural Training Institutes in Punjab, Pakistan
... related to demographic attributes, training needs and constraints faced by professionals affecting their performances. Collected data were analyzed with the help for SPSS, results revealed that majority of the were included training professionals did not get any training at national/ international level. Moreover, they were facing many constraints, which affect their performance like limited of financial resources and lack of linkage with research. The most e...

Muhammad Ahsan Naseer1, Mehdi Maqbool1, Saima Rafiq2*, Noosheen Zahid1, Abdul Hamid1 and Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah1

Comparative Analysis of Physical and Biochemical Attributes of Edible Fig (Ficus carica L.) Collected from Three Districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Located at Different Elevations
...hysical and biochemical attributes of wild fig collected from different localities of three selected Districts [Bagh (Arja, Bagh city, Dholi), Poonch (Hajira, Dwarandi, Akhorbun) and Kotli (Sehnsa, Kotli city, Khoiratta)] of AJK. Samples of wild fig fruits were collected and analysed for physical (fruits weight, fruits diameter, neck length) and biochemical attributes (pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, total mois...
Safina Naz1, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi2*, Bushra Siddique3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4 and Abdur Rehman5 
Exogenous Application of Selected Antioxidants and Phyto Development Directors Influenced the Development, Output and Biochemical Attributes of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)
... along with biochemical attributes of Lycopersicum esculentum fruits during 2014 and 2015. Foliar spray of GA3(100 ppm) and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (200 parts/million and 100 parts/million) give rise to significantly taller plants and greater leaf area while, shorter plants and lower leaf area was recorded in control. Greater leaf number per plant was obtained with application of GA3(100 ppm). This was followed by salicylic acid (200 ppm). Leaf number was signif...

Safina Naz1*, Muhammad Akbar Anjum1, Bushra Siddique2, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3*, Sajid Ali1, Hassan Sardar1, Sakeena Tul Ain Haider1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4, Hajra Azeem3, Sibghat Ullah5, Shah Pasand6 and Zehri Khan5

Effect of Sewage Water Irrigation Frequency on Growth, Yield and Heavy Metals Accumulation of Tomato and Okra
...crease in the addressed attributes of production in okra. The yield, as well as growth aspects of the okra, were reduced noticeably by using the reasonably less repetitive application. Frequent sewage water application resulted in an increased amount of Fe, Cu, Pb, Cr, Ni and Cd in okra pods and tomato fruits than moderately and less repetitive irrigation. The leaves and root of okra and tomato displayed the higher contents of metal when these crops were culti...
Hari Prasad Sharma1*, Shova Adhikari1, Yogesh Rai1, Rajkumar Sijapati1, Sapana Chand1, Manisha Karki1, Rubina Thapa Magar1, Ashik Husain1Khadka Bahadur Khatri1, Melina Karki1, Samiksha Badu1, Sushila Bajracharya1, Somika Pathak1, Rachana Shah2 and Chiranjibi Prasad Pokheral2
...intaining their role as attractive places for entertainment and recreation. Zoos provide home for different animals that are of common occurrence, geographically rare species, attractive species, trafficked animals seized by the authorities, and injured and orphaned animals. The presence of visitors and their activities affect the behavior of animals in the zoo due to the structural design and the at...

Muhammad Arsaln1, Sair Sarwar2*, Rizwan Latif1, Junaid Nawaz Chauhdary3, Munazza Yousra2 and Shahbaz Ahmad2

Effect of Vermicompost and Microbial Inoculants on Yield, Soil Fertility and Economics of Wheat under Rainfed Conditions
...observed in other yield attributes i.e. no. of tillers m-2 (T8; 348, 352 vs control; 240, 238), spike length (T8; 12cm, 14cm vs control; 9.10, 10.9), no. of grains spike-1 (T8; 63, 65 vs control; 34, 28) during both years, respectively. It has also mended the soil health by improving the soil OM status (0.58%), NO3-N (13ppm) and phosphorus (9.4ppm) contents. The economic analysis revealed that maximum net returns were found in integrated nutrient application (...
Huma Abbas1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2, Muhammad Kamran3, Muhammad Umar Shahbaz3*, Haseeb Ullah Kamber1, Nazir Javed1, Muhammad Junaid1, Hira Abbas4 and Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq3
Evaluation of Advanced Mung Bean Germplasm against Cercospora Leaf Spot and its In-vitro Management by Different Fungicides
...95% yield losses may be attributed in severe conditions. To manage the diseases through tolerant germplasm and with environmentally safe fungicides is a cost-effective approach. The present study was aimed to find the resistant germplasm against the disease and to evaluate the relative efficacy of different fungicides against the C. canesens in lab conditions. Twenty varieties/lines were screened against Cercospora Leaf Spot disease in field conditions. No lin...

Moazam Ali1, Wajid Ali2, Ayhan Ceyhan2 and Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta3*

Pigmentation Genome Influence in Animals and Human Interventions in its Course of Action
...he wild always remained attractable to humans. The color pigmentation is essential in animals regarding beauty, tick resistance, photo-protection, camouflage appearance in wild, and identification. Pigmentation is a complex and multi-factorial regulated process to produce the melanin from melanocytes. Melanin amount, size, shape, and distribution control the color pigmentation of fiber, coat, and hairs in animals. Melanin production in an intricate course is u...

Sajid Amin Sarmad1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Luqman1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Sohail Ahmed3 and Sylvain Nafiba Ouédraogo2

Development and Laboratory Evaluation of a Slow Release Formulation of Fipronil against Subterranean Termites (Odontotermes obesus Rambur)
... maize cobs in order to attract and kill the subterranean termites.


Muhammad Nazar1, Chaudhary Muhammad Ayyub2, Mujahid Ali3*, Malik Abdul Rehman4, Shoib ur Rehman5 and Saqib Ayyub2

Amelioration of Thermo-Tolerance Ability in Spinacia oleracea L. Cultivars by Foliar Application of Chitosan
... significantly affected attributes under heat stress. All Pure Green was affected more followed by Desi Local, while Lahori Palak was least affected. Chitosan at 100 ppm revealed the optimized results. It was observed that maximum value (17.48 SPAD units) was found in Lahori Palak at 25 ppm of chitosan, followed (17.05 SPAD units) at 100 ppm in Lahori Palak for chlorophyll contents. The minimum EL (57.75%) was observed in Lahori Palak at 100 ppm, similarly chl...
Yihong Tian, Yongmei Qi*, Sajid Naeem, Ke Gao and Yingmei Zhang*
...rvival of Hela cells is attributable to autophagy induction.

Muhammad Abdullah1, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai1, Jahangir Khan1*, Mohammad Fayaz1, Irfan Ullah1* and Sabeeh Ullah2

Analysis of Agricultural Land Price Determinants and Policy Implications for Controlling Residential and Commercial Encroachments: Facts from District Swabi (Pakistan)
...ricultural and location attributes and this is consistent with the Ricardian’s Land ‘Rent’ and Von Thunan’s ‘Land Location’ theories. Based on these findings, the study recommends that agricultural land must be protected through laws from residential and commercial encroachments. Investment in development of agricultural infrastructure and provision of subsidized on important inputs could raise farmers’ returns from ag...

Md. Gulam Rabbany Rassel1, Kazi Afsana Homayra Orchy1, Md. Moshiur Rahman Khan1, Marzia Rahman2 and Md. Mahmudul Alam1*

Hematological and Serum Biochemical Indices in Calves with Navel Ill
...l and serum biochemical attributes in calves affected with navel ill. Peripheral blood was collected from affected and healthy calves, and serum was separated for biochemical evaluation. In term of haematological profile, Hb and TEC were decreased whereas PCV and TLC were elevated compared to healthy calves. Some leading enzymes such as ALT, AST, ALP, LDH, CK were elevated in affected calves than their healthy counterparts. Creatinine, BUN, LDL, HDL, cholester...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Roshan Hussain1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehmood1, Ijaz Asghar2 and Usman Saleem1

Comparative Analysis of Dietary Intake Patterns of Rural and Urban Communities of Southern Punjab, Pakistan
...rural community is much attracted towards carbohydrates and dairy products, while urban community prefers wheat bread with fruits and vegetables. Fruits, dry fruits and legumes are a best source of attaining maximum micro and macro nutrients. In comparison to this rural community of the study area perceived that vegetables and fruits are rich in macro and micro nutrients. Keeping in view the dietary pattern of rural as well as urban localities, best suitable t...

Bilal Pervaiz Khan1, Neelam Ara1, Shujaat Ali1,2*, Kamran Khurshid Baigh1 and Abdul Wahab1

Effect of Seed Priming on Radish with Different Nutrients at Various Soaking Durations
...mination and vegetative attributes of radish. The result of experiment showed that the highest germination percentage (86.4 %), percentage of survival (83.6 %), minimum days to emergence (9.1), tallest plant height (41 cm), yield of leaves plant-1 (14.4), leaf area (295.8 cm2), root length (20.6 cm), root weight in g (522.4) root diameter in cm (4.51), and total yield (23.8 tones ha-1) were obtained when seeds were soaked in DAP solution. In case of storage du...

Mehar Ul Nissa Rais1*, Tahmina Mangan1, Jam Ghulam Murtaza Sahito1 and Naeem Ahmed Qureshi2

A Trend Analysis: Forecasting Growth Performance of Production and Export of Chilli in Pakistan
...12, these losses can be attributed to major floods, diseases attack, poor management practices and shortage of high yielding varieties. Sindh is major producer of chilli with 85 percent contribution in chilli production of Pakistan. Sindh and Balochistan provinces depicted a positive growth of 0.016 percent and 0.035 percent, respectively. Growth performance of Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa provinces portrayed negative growth rate -0.044 percent and -0.006 per...

Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai1, Amer Mumtaz2, Naseem Rauf1, Saeeda Raza2, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui2, Muhammad Naeem Safdar2, Sahar Shibli2, Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim3*, Muhammad Akhtar4 and Muhammad Saad Rehan5

Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Soymilk Carrot Blend
...On the basis of quality attributes it was observed that plain and carrot supplemented soymilks remained acceptable up to 7 days at refrigerated temperature. Plain soymilk had lower TPC at both temperatures than carrot supplemented milk. pH, TSS, carotenoids and protein contents in samples were decreased with increased time at both the temperatures. Highest protein and carotenoid content was detected in 6% carrot supplemented milk.


Muhammad Riaz Gondal1*, Sultan Ahmad Rizvi1, Aaqib Riaz2, Waqas Naseem1, Ghulam Muhammad1, Mazher Iqbal3, Humara Umer3 and Inam ul Haq3

Apposite Sowing Techniques to Optimize Productivity and Profitability of Berseem
...maximum values of yield attributes and increased fodder yield by 43.78 %, seed yield by 14.18 % and CP yield by 45.14% over control (i.e., row spacing of 30 cm). Economic analysis indicated a maximum benefit-cast ratio of 3.51 under broadcast sowing in standing water as compared to control.

Tofique Ahmed Bhutto1, Mahmooda Buriro1, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2, Safdar Ali Wahocho2, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro3*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Reema Vistro1, Fehmeeda Abbasi1, Sanam Kumbhar1, Fateh Muhammad Shawani4 and Nadar Hussain Khokhar5

Evaluation of Wheat Cultivars for Growth and Yield Traits under Agro-Ecological Condition of Tandojam
...rowth and yield-related attributes is well documented. The present investigation investigated the performance of wheat cultivars under Tando Jam conditions. For this study, two-year field experiments were performed during October 2015-2017 (both seasons) applying randomized complete design with three replications. Performance of various wheat varieties for their yield and yield-related characters, including TD-1, Moomal-2002, Anmol-91, and Imdad-2005 were inve...

Junaid Ahmad1*, Shazma Anwar1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Fazal Yazdan Saleem Marwat3, Hamida Bibi4, Farhan Ahmad1, Wajia Noor5 and Bibi Sadia5

Yield and Nutritional Status of Mungbean as Influenced by Molybdenum and Phosphorus
...hat all the nutritional attributes and yield were significantly influenced with molybdenum and phosphorus addition except potassium uptake by grains and straw. Higher seed yield (772.45 kg ha-1) and harvest index (26.18 %) with application of 1.5 kg  ha-1 molybdenum while more protein content (21.91 %), carbohydrates (60.36 %), nitrogen content in grain (3.76 %) and straw (1.10 %), phosphorus uptake in grain (0.380 %) and straw (0.186 %) was achieved with...

Mansoor Qadir1*, Yousaf Khan2, Shahid Khan3, Djamaleddine Djeldjli3 and Muhanned Ismael Ibrahim Al Firas4

...(OCDMA) techniques have attracted much attention by allowing each communicating subscriber’s simultaneous access of the entire medium with maximum security and spectral efficiency. This paper aims to design and analyze 2 dimensional OCDMA based coding scheme and corresponding network architecture to support high capacity Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON). The coding scheme is proposed by deploying diagonal eigenvalue unity (DEU) scheme at the freque...
Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Jahangir Shah1, Rao Wali Muhammad1, Sami Ullah2,3, Hera Gul4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Zeshan6
... multipurpose plant has attracted wide attention due to its economic value, potential by-products and ability to withstand vagaries of the desert environment. By realizing the economic importance of this high-value desert plant, a pioneer study on seed germination response to various agro-climatic factors was conducted at the Arid Zone Research Institute Bahawalpur. Healthy jojoba seeds were sown at the fortnightly intervals by dividing the whole year into 16 ...
Tanveer Hussain, Masroor Ellahi Babar*, Akhtar Ali and Fiaz Hussain
...logical features. These attributes of the camel instigate us to explore its genetic architecture. Pakistan boasts a camel population of about 20 different breeds and a total of one million head. However, till date, scarce genetic data is available on Pakistani camel’s genomics. In efforts to explore the genetics of the camel, we chose to study the Inteferon beta 1 (IFNβ1) gene in in Mareecha camel and non-descript camel breeds in Pakistan. We amplif...

Muhammad Ihtisham1, Noor Amjad2, Muhammad Nauman3, Asghar Ali3, Khawar Riaz3, Muhammad Sajid3, Muhammad Owais Shahid*3 


...the germination, growth attributes and winter survival of Sophora.

Md. Sabbir Ahamed1, Md. Rayhan Chowdhury1, Md. Atik Mas-ud1, Sujat Ahmed2, Md. Shahadat Hossain1 and Mohammad Nurul Matin1
...ficient values of yield attributing traits reveals that the association among total grain per panicle (0.96**) and FGPa (0.95**) were positive and significant with yield.
Ahsan Numan1,4, Abdul Basit Qureshi2, Fehmeda Farrukh Khan3,Faisal Masud3,Ijaz Ahmad4, Kamran Ashraf5, Nisar Ahmad5, Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf 4, Imtiaz Rabbani4, Hafsa Zaneb6 and Habib Rehman4*
...ll electrophysiological attributes of motor nerves except tibial nerve of the DSP patients compared to DMT2 patients in the short duration group. Similar results were noticed for sensory nerves except ulnar nerve in DSP patients. For long duration group, DSP nearly affected all 3 electrophysiological characteristics in both sensory and motor nerves. When short and long duration groups were compared with each other for electrophysiological indices for their res...

Anwar Ali1,5*, Horia Shaukat2, Munir Ahmed3,5, Ahmed Bostani4 and Syed Ashiq Hussain3

...d to boost meat sensory attributes. But it may also have adverse effects on some meat quality characteristics like holding capacity of water and other one is color. To get the desirable effects from electrical stimulation, it should adequately along with other methods. In spite of a wide exploration and study on electrical stimulation, the fact that it has been explored and investigated thoroughly in a number of countries around the world. It is currently appl...
Aysha Riaz* and Said Wahab
...e analyzed for physical attributes, proximate composition and sensory evaluation. The results showed that moringa leaves powder have higher protein content, crude fat, ash content and crude fiber whereas lower NFE content compared to whole wheat flour. In moringa leaves powder and whole wheat flour, the protein, fat, ash, fiber and NFE contents were 23.27 and 12.48, 8.49 and 1.48, 12.98 and 1.33, 12.64 and 2.41 and 34.60 and 75.15% respectively. The farinograp...
Muhammad Farooq1*, Allah Rakha2,Jawad Ul Hassan2, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, A. Shakoor3, Muhammad Bakhtiar4, Muhammad Noman Khan5,Shoaib Khan5, Ibrar Ahmad6, Shabir Ahmed7 andWang Yunyang1*

...lour to improve sensory attributes of muffins. The proximate analysis of mushroom based powder and wheat flour was also performed. After this loaf weight and volume, structural examination, sensual attributes of muffin were also performed. The effect of mushroom powder on moisture, crude protein crude fat and nitrogen free extract of muffin were non-significant and effect on ash and crude fiber were significant when 0%, 10%,...

Salma Javed and Samreen Khan*

...25ºC. The nematode attraction and mass culture were appeared on Fusarium oxysporum only. On the first week, propagation rate was noted approximately 2.5x10³ followed by 3.9x10³ on the second week and finely after three weeks incubation period the greatest multiplication rate estimated up to 8.9x10³; however, the same did not appeared on Aspergillus niger and result was found negative. The main purpose of captioned study was to report mass c...

Aurang Zeb1, Abdur Rab1, Shujaat Ali1,2*, Ijaz Hussain2, Shah Masaud Khan2, Israr Ahmad1, Bilal Pervaiz Khan1, Shakila Umer3 and Muhammad Abbas1

... of location on quality attributes and storage performance of Sweet orange (Blood red). The Sweet oranges were collected from four different locations i.e. location-1 (Torwarsak, Buner), location-2 (Rabat, Lower Dir), location-3 (Wartair, Malakand) and location-4 (Palai, Malakand), which were stored in three replications at room condition for 48 days and Complete Randomized Design was used during the post-harvest experiment. Data were recorded on fruit juice p...
Arsalan Rasheed1, Tahir Usman2,*, Sadaf Niaz1, Irfan Khattak2, Saira Gul2, Nawab Ali1,Naimat Ullah Khan2, Hazrat Ali2, and Mian Saeed Sarwar2
...stify;">Coronavirus has attracted a lot of attention due to its ability to cause fatal zoonotic infections. These are the zoonotic viruses of both medical and veterinary importance. The virus spread through respiratory droplets and causes diseases, ranging from colds to more serious illnesses: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Severe Respiratory Syndrome, and Severe Respiratory Syndrome 2. The prevalence rate is high during winter and spring. Genomes of corona...

Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Akmal1, Qadeer Ahmad2, Zahid Akram2, Adnan Arshad3, Huma Qamar4*, Hafeez Ullah5, Muhammad Zubair4 and Muhammad Rizwan Khurshid4

...rowth and yield related attributes like number of pods per plant, plant height; seed yield per plant and improved the quality by increasing iron concentration in grains. The pH and electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter and NPK of the soil were also significantly affected through Fe-enriched organic amendments.


Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Abdul Waheed, M. Abbas Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Shamsul Islam, Basharat Hussain Shah, Sohail Aslam and Qamar uz Zaman

...mean for various growth attributing traits of fifteen early flushing tea (Camellia sinensis L) clones. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replication and 100 plants per replication.  Data were recorded on plant height (PH), number of branches per plant (NBP), number of leaves per plant (NLP), stem diameter (SD), main root length (MRL), root diameter (RD), number of lateral roots per plant (NLRP), dry shoot we...

Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1*, Muhamad Jan1, Azhar Hussain2, Shoaib Akhtar1, Hussain Nawaz1, Muhammad Afzal3 and Humara Umar1

... sized fruit have great attraction for olive growers and consumers. The last three-years (2017-2019) study was conducted with the objective to evaluate varietal performance of table olives i.e. Ascolana, BARI Zaitoon-1, Earlik, Gemlik, Hamdi, Hojiblanca, Manzanilla and Picual at Barani Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Chakwal. Eight olives varieties were evaluated for their growth and yield under Pothwar region of Punjab, Pakistan. The trial was conduct...

Tanweer Fatah Abro1, Asif Ali Kaloi1, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Tarique Ahmed Baloch2, Tanveer Ali Soomro1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1 and Waqar Hussain Shah4

...ons for all the studied attributes which articulated greater genetic variation in the breeding material. Heritability estimates were moderate to high for all the traits. The F4 population CRIS-134 x FH-113 displayed the highest heritability estimates for plant height (95.24%). The maximum heritability for sympodial branches plant-1 (85.30%) and seed index (82.02%) were exhibited by the F4 population CRIS-342 x IR-3701. The F4 population CRIS-342 x Neelum-121 m...

Arjun Bastola1*, Sachet Subedi2 and Malatee Bastola3 justify;">The yield attributes of maize, open pollinated varieties and hybrids were compared to the local varieties in Nepal, as the adoptability of these cultivars will cause variations in maize productivity. A total of 10 maize genotypes were evaluated in randomized complete block design with three replications during summer season 2019 in Chitwan, Nepal. Out of 10 maize genotypes, 8 (TX-369, CP-808, Pioneer-3396, Rajkumar, JKMH 502, Shresta NMH-731, CP-...

Allah Bakhsh1, Attiq Akhtar1*, Fiaz Hussain1 and Shabbir Ahmed2

...e fruit’s quality attributes.The proper penetration of light and air in the plants, as a result of leaf removal, decreases the occurrence and severity of bunch rot to less than 5%.This method is extremely useful for maintaining grape quality and quantity without the use of chemicals to combat disease. As a result, this strategy is both environmentally and health-friendly. In Pakistan, we consider using leaf removal therapy to treat grape bunch rot diseas...

Muhammad Ahsan1*, Aneela Ramzan1, Muhammad Nafees1, Adnan Younis2, Muhammad Amin1, Gulzar Akhtar3, Khansa Saleem1 and Azka Sabeeh1

...ancing the post-harvest attributes of Rosa hybrida cv. Freedom.

Shuang Yang1,2, Huiting Zhao3, Xuewen Zhang2, Kai Xu1, Lina Guo1, Yali Du1 and Yusuo Jiang1,*
...f wax moth, where males attract females, making them an ideal candidate for pheromone studies. However, the molecular mechanism of chemoreception in G. mellonella pertaining to sex pheromone recognition has not been elucidated. In this study, transcriptome sequencing was conducted on the antennae of male and female greater wax moths to assess the differential expression patterns of chemosensory genes and better understand the underlying olfactory mechan...

Hanaa A. Elsamadony1, Laila A. Tantawy1, Sabry E. Omar2 and Heba A. Abd Alah1

...ry and these losses are attributed to high mortalities, reduced production and
cost for preventive medications.
Objective: The aim of this study was to identify CAV obtained from farms with problems associated
with decreased body weight and immunosuppression. Also to determine their relationship with vaccine
used in the field and other reference strains. Then to observe microscopic lesions and to detect CAV

Ayesha Manzoor1, Muhammad Saqib Naveed1, Sayed Rashad Ali1, Danish Ibrar2, Sairah Syed1, Sharmin Ashraf1 and Rafiq Ahmed1*

...ty seed is an important attribute for higher yield and better crop production for famers and is a foundation of any crop species. Root to seed method is widely used in Pakistan for radish seed production but still low and inferior quality seed is being produced that cause a significant loss in yield due to lack of standardization of seed production technology.Therefore, to improve seed yield and quality, present research was conducted toevaluate the effect of ...
Aamer Abbas1, Jabbar Khan1*, Mir Abid Hassan2, Asif Qayyum3 and Hamed Shafiq4
... clinical and molecular attributes was done using standard protocols. Healthy women were used as negative controls. This study revealed significant concentrations of Zn, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu. Except Zn and Pb, the other 3 metals were found below the permissible limit set by WHO. Interestingly, the infertile males having maximum age limit of above 47 years and highest marriage ages during the present study showed comparatively higher concentrations of all the heavy m...

Gulzar Ullah* and Gohar Ayub

...ificant for most of the attributes studied except chlorophyll content and number of flower clusters plant-1. It can be concluded that heat pretreatment of 350C for 20 hours and Rio Grande variety resulted in enhanced growth, biochemical attributes and production of tomato in the agro-climatic conditions of Peshawar.


Muzamil Farooque Jamali1, Fayaz Ali Jamali1, Tanveer Fatima Miano1, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi2, Sohail Ahmed Otho3, Khalid Hussain Talpur4, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho1 and Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro5*

...d and flowering related attributes. The variety dwarf double mix had a better seed germination and flowering growth and production in comparison with African orange. The double mix showed better seed germination (64.64 %), seed germination index (1.53), plant height (14.94 cm), branches/plant (36.71), leaves/plant (190.73), flowers/plant (5.64), diameter of flower (6.32 cm), fresh root biomass (0.660 g) and dry root biomass (2.12 mg). It is concluded that salt...
Zunaira Noreen* and Khawar Sultan
...d waste at landfills is attracting large numbers of wild avifauna for food subsidies and transforming landfills into new habitats by changing the wild profile of native species. This study aims to establish the baseline situation of avian diversity and abundance on various land uses including the landfill at Gujranwala in northeastern Punjab, Pakistan, and understanding the impact of urban solid waste in changing bird behavior. Field observations in a variety ...
Ayman Balla Mustafa1, Abdalla Elgenaidi1, Aldukali Alkeskas1, Asim Faraz2,*, Ahmed Eisa Elhag3, Mohanad Bashari4 and Bernard Faye5
...alues of milk should be attributed to parities, calve number and physiological factors.

Muhammad Dawood1,2, Naeem Sarwar2, Muhammad Umer Chattha1, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3*, Faiz Hussain4, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Muhammad Akram4, Hammad Husnain5, Muhammad Shahid5, Mussarrat Hussain6 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

Hasnain Raza1*, Maryam Maqsood2, Muhammad Muzamil Nazir1, Iqra Tariq1, Kaynat Ahmed1, Qurat-ul-Ain1, Ali Raza2, Huda Bilal3, Muhammad Bilal Shoukat1, Attiq ur Rehman1, Awais Rasheed1 and Muhammad Zeshan Gulzar1

...nd its phytoremediation attributes as a plant-based cleanup solution for wastewater remediation.


Inam Ur Rahman1, Sanam Wagma Khattak2*, Muhammad Israr3 and Saima Hashim4

... existence is primarily attributed to access to quality and nutritious food. Food Security is essential for wide ranging positive economic outcomes like economic growth, poverty reduction, trade opportunities, increased global security and stability, and improved health and health care. The current study is an attempt to analyze food security situation in Pakistan. Food security, being a multi-dimensional phenomenon comprises of Food Availability, Food Accessi...

Nazeer Ahmed Lashari1*, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh2, Aijaz Hussain Soomro2 and ShamsuddinTunio3

... determine the physical attributes and baking quality of two coarse (IR-6 and DR-82) and two aromatic (Basmati-385 and Lateefy) rice varieties grown in Pakistan along with their packaging effects and storage circumstances. Study was carried out at Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam at IFST, Pakistan. White rice was produced by dehulling the paddy through stake Sheller, the samples were dried at 25±2 °C for 24 hours and kept in cotton, gunny &...
Amin Arif1, Khizar Samiullah1*, Riffat Yasin2, Bilal Rasool1, Shakila Naz1, Xijun Ni3 and Saleem Akhtar1
...ysis, the collection is attributed to Giraffokeryx punjabiensis and Giraffa priscilla. Size variation in dentition is taxonomically important for vertebrate evolutionary point of view and this is the main reason to conduct this study at this specific site to add additional information about family Giraffidae. The fossil site has well exposed Chinji and Nagri Formation and has dated approximately 14.2-9.5 Ma. In this study, different aspects of ev...

Riaz Alam1*, Muhammad Sajid2 and Durri Shahwar3

...results for the studied attributes while Ottobratica and Pendolino responded efficiently to all these attributes, when treated with 1000 and 3000 ppm IBA solution respectively. 

Qazi Muhammad Noman1, Farhan Mahmood Shah1, Khalid Mahmood2 and Muhammad Razaq1*
...lies species using male attractants Attrex® (methyl eugenol 98%, evyol group) and static Spinosad® (spinosad 2% and methyl eugenol 51%, target group) in mango and citrus orchards at different locations in Multan, Southern Punjab, Pakistan. Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) was the most abundant fruit fly species in this study. Our results indicated a positive and significant correlation betwee...

Amina, Muhammad Zahid Rashid and Amina Rashid

...nd effective in quality attributes such as TSS, titratable acidity, total sugars, total phenolic compounds as well as antioxidants.


Aftab Ahmad Sheikh1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Belqees Akhter1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Hafeezullah Rafa1, Abdul Wakeel1, Abdul Manan Saeed2

...itative and qualitative attributes of sorghum crop and negative effects were more pronounced with higher level of salinity ECiw (10 dS m-1). Irrigation with higher level of salinity ECiw (10 dS m-1) decresed the plant height (9%), fresh fodder yield (16.21%), dry biomass yield (7.86%), crude fat (25.40%) and crude protein (17.94%) as compared to control. Results also showed that water salinity of 4 dS m-1 did not decreased most of the studied parameters as com...

Muhammad Rizwan1*, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Amjad Farooq1, Muhammad Farooq1,2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Riaz4, Muhammad Rafique Shahid3, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1 and Muhammad Kashif Shahzad Sarwar1

...or loadings on PC I was attributed by seed cotton yield, chlorophyll contents, boll weight, No. of sympodia, seed index and Ginning out turn (GOT)%. In PC II, maximum positive contribution was presented by plant height whereras maximum negative factor loadings were showed by GOT % and seed index. PCA also confirmed the results of correlation studies by presenting significant positive association among leaf chlorophyll contents, seed cotton yield, No. of sympod...

Arshad Ali Lashari1, Shakal Khan Korai1*, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Khalid Hussain Qureshi1, Abdul Mubeen Lodhi1, Amir Khan Korai1 and Punhoon Khan Korai2*

...dh Raya to evaluate the attractiveness of sucking insect pests. The results showed that, the maximum number of jassid (12.40±0.99) was recorded on the yellow trap followed by green (7.70±0.85) and blue (1.60±0.22), whereas the minimum number (0.50±0.16) was recorded on red trap in all mustard varieties. The maximum thrip (54.30±1.89) was recorded on yellow trap followed by green (18.20±1.22) and blue (7.40±0.70)...

Muhammad Khubaib Hameed, Muhammad Aziz ur Rahman, Muhammad Ashraf, Safdar Hassan, Muhammad Riaz, Muhammad Qamar Bilal, Fawwad Ahmad, Muhammad Sharif*

...wth parameters, Carcass attributes, Immune functions  

Damat Damat1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Juris Burlakovs3, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile4
Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Rista Anggriani1 and Anas Tain5
..., which provided a more attractive color and improved the taste and smell.

Hafiz Ghulam Muhu-Din Ahmed1, Aziz Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3*, Amna Bibi3, Hafeez-ur-Rehman4 and Umar Farooq4

...glasshouse for seedling attributes against limited water conditions using completely randomized design during the season 2019-20 in the Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Based on mean values reasonable variations were noticed in evaluated genotypes for studied attributes. Results from radar analysis, performance designated that the root related attributes were the most sensitive and import...

Junaid Ahmad1*, Shazma Anwar1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Sher Shah Souri1, Bibi Amina3, Wajia Noor4, Abidullah1 and Muhammad Adil1

...boosted yield and yield attributes and thus recommended for higher productivity in agro ecological zone of study area.


Nargis Sardar1*, Maria Binte Sarfraz2, Sufian Rasheed3 , AKM Rezwan Sardar4 , Fahamida Zaman5, Arsalan Rasheed6,7* 

...ochemical biosensors is attributed to the existence of UV radiation and transactivation of pharmaceutical items, food, or even human blood plasma in the detection of Vitamin D from diverse samples, including Vitamin D production in nature. Among the most commonly used electrochemical biosensors for vitamin D detection are Ab-25OHD/SPE/ FMTAD, CYP27B1/GCE, SiO2/GO/Ni(OH)2/GCE, BSA/Ab-VD2/CD-CH/ITO, BSA/Anti VD/Fe3O4 PANnFs/ITO, BSA/Ab-VD/Asp-Gd2O3NRs/ITO, 25OHD...

Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Shahid Yousaf2*, Salman Khurshid1, Saqib Jabbar2, Neelofar Hamid3 and Uzma Sitara1

Nazakat Nawaz1, Nasir Mahmood Cheema2*, Malik Muhammad Yousaf3, Muhammad Jahanzaib1, Mubashir Ahmad Khan1 and Muhammad Munir4

...ARD-479 and Golden. Its attributes include 70% shelling, 100-kernel weight 66g, 20-pods length 58 cm, oil content 53% and protein content 28%. It was also evaluated under natural field condition to check its potential and tolerance against fungal disease and insects. The subject line is rated as moderately resistant to fungal attack. At the same time, it is 10 to 15 days earlier than check varieties i.e. BARD-479 and Golden. PG-1090 has been approved by concer...

Rasha Ali Taha Hamza1, Atef Saad Osheba1, Hassan Mohamed Sobhy2, Sahar Hussein Abdalla Hekal2* 

...ous extracts on quality attributes of beef burger was evaluated. The ethanolic extracts of both galangal and sumac were shown to have significantly higher total phenolic and flavonoid contents than the aqueous extract, in particular 90% Ethanol Extract, where the 90% Ethanol Extract of sumac had 58.03 mg gallic acid/g dry sample for total phenolic and 28.45mg quercetin /g dry sample for total flavonoid whereas the 90% Ethanol Extract of galangal had 46.12 mg g...
Bambang Yudi Ariadi1*, Rahayu Relawati1, Barbara Szymoniuk2 and Waris Ali Khan3
...he influence of product attributes, psychography, and demography on the purchase of organic vegetables, product attributes, demography, and purchase to the willingness to pay (WTP) for organic vegetables . The research was conducted in East Java, Indonesia, in May 2021, based on an online survey through social media. Questionnaires were filled by 95 respondents who met the requirements. Data were analyzed using the partial l...

Ghulam Abbas1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Muhammad Saeed2*; Safdar Imran3, Ashgar Ali Kamboh4, Duraid KA Al-Taey5, Muhammad Asad Aslam1, Muhammad Saeed Imran6, Muhammad Ashraf3, Muhammad Asif7, Abdul Jabbar Tanveer8, Razia Abdul Majid Qureshi9, Maria Arshad1, Hussain Ahmed Khan Niazi1, Muhammad Tariq10, Sikandar Abbas1 

...icken feed are consider attractive ways to improve digestion. The use of OA may be a good choice to improve the wellbeing of poultry birds. There’s a belief that more research is required to determine the direct effect of OA in multiple stages of poultry health and diseases of infectious nature to determine the appropriate amount of supplementation of OA.

Keywords | Organic acids, Gut health, Natural compounds, Poultry health, Layer production.&n...

Adil Ali Gadahi1, Wajid Ali Jatoi1, Saima Mir Arain2, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Sadaf Memon1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Zeeshan Majeed Kumbhar1 and Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1

...atments for most of the attributes, however genotypes x treatment was also significant for several characters. Among the treatments, T3 (four irrigation) recorded higher mean perform then T2 (two irrigation) and T1 (zero irrigation) which showed that different irrigation regimes caused significantly impact on all the traits. Among the genotypes, V3-10-34 showed minimum reduction in spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, seed index, grain yield pe...

Muhammad Zeeshan Nadeem1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1 and Muhammad Anwar ul Haq2

...ming agents for all the attributes. For example, seed priming of CaCl2 ­increased plant height significantly during both years of study over the other priming agents. Similarly, maximum fodder yield during both growing seasons (67 t ha-1) was observed under CaCl2 seed priming. Likewise, fodder crude proteins, crude fiber contents, ash contents and ether extractable fat were increased prominently by CaCl2 over the other priming agents. Among the cultivars, ...

Farzana Begum* and Gohar Ayub

... seed yield and quality attributes of okra sown at different dates (March 10, March 30, April 19 and May 9) at Agriculture Research Institute Tarnab Peshawar, during 2016 and 2017. A Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement having sowing dates as the main plot factor, while harvesting stages as sub plot factor was used. The seeds of okra, after harvesting and drying were packed in polythene bags and stored for 0, 3 and 6 months at ro...
Ch. Muhammad Rafiq1, Muhammad Rizwan1*, Bilal Atta1, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Misbah Rizwan2, Muhammad Arshad3, Muhammad Zeeshan3, Hamza Latif3, Usama Bin Khalid1, Shawaiz Iqbal1
...ens abundance and yield attributes of the crop using susceptible rice (var. Basmati 515). Results indicated that planting geometries with more space (60 and 90 cm) after 12 lines with a uniform number of plants in each plot had less incidence of N. lugens as compared to narrow spaced (0 and 30 cm) geometries. More number of N. lugens nymphs (80.0-95.0 number/plant) were recorded with less spaced planting geometry as compared to higher spaced planting geometry ...

Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik1, Khalid Usman1*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Saad1, Said Ghulam2 and Azmat Ullah1

...uence yield and quality attributes of cotton; however, potassium levels significantly affected yield and quality traits except fiber micronaire. Potassium fertilizer (soil-applied) at 250 kg ha-1 along with five foliar sprays of K2SO4 produced higher plant height, sympodial branches plant-1, bolls plant-1, 100 cotton seed weight, seed cotton yield, ginning outturn, fiber length, and fiber strength compared to other K-levels. Moreover, tillage × potassium...

Muhammad Jamil1*, Kamran Javed1 and Imran Akhtar2

...BD). The data for novel attributes were recorded. Analysis of variance results indicated that a significant level of variation was existing among the strains for disease index, plant population and micronaire value at (p<0.05), while means for all other study traits were found highly significant at (p<0.01). Descriptive statistics illustrated presence of sufficient range in the studied traits. Out of 11 principal components (PC), first 5 PC indicated Eig...

Amina Batool1*, Saba Aleem1, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Waheed Arshad1, Muhammad Aslam2, Shiraz Ali3 and Muhammad Zeeshan3

...on all growth and yield attributes was found non-significant. Whereas, seeding density of 120 kg ha-1 exhibited more germination percentage (85 %), shoot length (11.57 cm), coleoptile length (3.97 cm), days to 50% heading (130), plant height (110 cm), nodes per stem (5.0), 1000 grain weight (49.53 g), grain per spike (41.0), days to maturity (172.67) and grain yield (3755 kg ha-1) in Fatehjang-2016. Whereas Dharabi-11 showed maximum root length (17.64 cm) and ...

Mohammed A. Almujtaba1, Turky Omar Asar2, Salma Naqvi3, Vikas Kumar4, Fahad A. Al-Abbasi1, Abdulbasit I. Al-Sieni1 and Firoz Anwar1*

... cardiac remodeling. We attributed this effect to the presence of zinc in alkaline medium of Zamzam.

Muhammad Jalees
...integral part of SCM to attract consumers around the globe, which may extend to the next level when the incorporation strategy between the supply chain partners starts to exist. This study helps to analyze the relationship between SCM profitability, design elements, and the moderating effect of collaborative advertising on its association. The survey-based methodology was used for the collection of data from the Telecom industry in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. 25...

Noor Muhammad* and Shah Alam Khan

...n less number of aphids attracted/sustained and low number of progenies produced as compared to the tested genotypes Abaseen, Omega and Zahoor showed strong vigor against mustard aphid and symptoms of attack/damages were observed.


Junling Liu, Chen Sun, Qiao Yu, Yanzhi Liang, Shanshan Lin and Meng Tian*

...eatment having the more attraction to treat the leukemia. The current study was to scrutinize the anti-leukemic effect of daphnetin against benzene induced leukemia in rats and explores the underlying mechanism. Benzene was used for the induction of leukemia in experimental rats. The rats were divided into different groups and received the daphnetin (12.5, 25 and 50 mg/kg). The body weight, haematological parameters, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragmentation a...

Shahbaz Ahmed1, Mubeen Ahmad1, Muhammad Razaq1* and Farhan Mahmood Shah1,2*

...under irrigation stress attracted feeding by more aphids which resultantly reduced chlorophyll amount. The abundant prey attracted more predation in the stressed wheat. The aphids and predator’s preference change under irrigation stress are clear in our findings. We also discuss tri-trophic effects and implications of current study toward wheat aphid control.

Ejaz Ur Rehman1, Shakeel Ahmad2, Fathul Bari3*, Tanveer Khan2, Naveed Ullah Khan2, Abdullah Khan4 and Romaan Hayat Khattak2
...ctivity patterns may be attributed to time needed for incubation and responsibility of providing food to the young ones. White-throated kingfisher makes need based time allocation for various activities to increase reproductive success. The current study documents important ecological and behavioral aspects of white-throated kingfisher. Nevertheless, it is limited to a single breeding season in a small area therefore making broader generalization may not be ap...

Sajid Hanif1, Abdul Shakoor1,4*, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1, Ifra Saleem2, Sajid Ali3, Muhammad Awais Ashraf4, Majid Nadeem4, Hira Shair4, Anwar ul Haq5, Rana Abdul Hamid Khan6 and Muhammad Amir Amin7

...proline and its quality attribute due to improved chlorophyll and relative leaf water contents (10% increase) alongside reductions in undesired quality parameters like chalkiness, opaqueness and abortive kernels. Concurrent heat and drought stress were the most hazardous as comparison with individual stress and 30 mM proline utilization gave more amelioration against stress.


Hassan Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Irfan Majeed2, Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman1 and Muhammad Asam Riaz1

...des with some cellulose attractant. In this study, 5% technical grade fipronil was formulated as small beads (3.5 mm) made by a matrix composed of 65% maize cob powder (as source of natural cellulose for termite attraction), 18% starch, 6% sodium alginate, 4% sodium silicate, and 2% urea. Termites infested monitoring stations installed in a sugarcane field were treated with the formulated bait beads and were inspected for te...

Sajjad Ali1*, Atta ur Rahman1 and Sher Ali2

...rend from 1990 to 2020, attributed to the rapid increase in population. The prediction showed that the per capita share of inhabitants in major crop production would decrease further. In 2050, the study area will be unable to feed its inhabitants due to the rapid increase in population and the built-up environment.


Zulqarnain Haider1*, Muhammad Akhter2, Syed Sultan Ali1, Tahir Latif1, Rana Ahsan Raza Khan1, Awais Riaz1, Tahira Bibi1, Muhammad Ijaz3, Qasim Raza1, Mohsin Ali Raza4, Samina Sarfaraz1, Muhammad Iqbal1 and Muhammad Rafiq1

...of phenotypic variation attributed by genetic values. Correlation matrix portrayed significantly positive relationship of grain yield with maturity days; significantly positive relationship of plant height with days to maturity and highly negative with panicle length and thousand grains weight. Dendrograms divided the genotypes into six distinct Clusters. Based on GGE biplots, PK10324-1-1 followed by PK9444-8-1-2 and PK10029-13-2-1 were identified to be most s...

Dede Kardaya*, Ayu Ratnasari, Dewi Wahyuni 

... content, so it is less attractive to people in Indonesia. Asam gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis) leaves are known to reduce fat content in duck meat because it contains hydroxy citric acid. This study aimed to examine the effect of Garcinia atroviridis leaf meal (GALM) supplementation in fermented nonconventional diets on the percentage of spent layer duck carcasses. The study used a completely randomized design with three treatments, and 50 replicates. The trea...

Habib Ullah Habib1, Malik Muhammad Akram2, Mujahid Ali1*, Tahir Mehmood3, Muhammad Manzoor4, Maqsood Ahmad3, Hasseb Ahsan1, Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal3, Malik Abdul Rehman5, Muhammad Mohsan1 and Ahsan Mohyo ud Din6 

...uated by various growth attributes. The study aimed to optimize water depletion level and nutrient requirement in drip-irrigated high dense kinnow orchard. To study such changes present study was performed with kinnow under different water depletion levels and fertilizer levels. The research was conducted on Water Management Research Farm, Renala Khurd, Okara. Kinnow was given two water depletion levels 10% and 15% along with four NPK fertilizer levels 100%, 7...

Ishtiaq Ahmad1,2* and Muhammad Akbar Anjum1

...s through morphological attributes. The diversity assessment based on morphological attributes indicated maximum fruit weight was gained in genotype AZRI-Selection-10-B (2.82 ± 0.26 g), maximum fruit length was observed in genotype Super-Hot F1 (6.79 ± 0.52 cm), however maximum fruit diameter was recorded in genotypes 36563 (26.42 ± 1.93 mm), maximum pedicle length was measured in genotype KP Local (4.27...

Hira Jabbin1, Muhammad Arshad1*, Naunain Mehmood1, Wardah Hassan1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2 and Farzana Siddique3 fillets. The sensory attributes texture, color, taste and odor were significantly improved in chitosan treated samples as compared to untreated samples. Furthermore, among chitosan treatment groups, 1% chitosan treatment showed best preservative effect on mori fillets. Therefore, it can be concluded that 1% chitosan treatment is most effective for maintaining the storage quality of mori fillets during this experiment.


Akbar Hayat1*, Ehsan Ul Haque1, Marayam Nasir2, Rab Nawaz3, Tariq Mahmood4 and Sohaib Afzaal1

...rcial exploitation. The attributes in analytical work for fruit quality evaluation were fruit size, weight, peel thickness, peel percentage, juice percentage, rag percentage, total soluble solids (TSS), acidity, TSS/acid ratio, number of segments, and number of seeds, maturity period and degree of granularity. This was ever important study in Pakistan for evaluating the citrus exotic material of latest generation. This endeavour led to the sound recommendation...

Khalid Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Zubeda Parveen1, Sohail Abbas2, Ali Raza3 and Abdul Ghaffar1

...ive due to their higher attraction and killing rate of aphids as compared to the YSTs. The efficiency of attraction depends upon the size, shape, and height of trap, as well as the abiotic factors affecting them. To achieve ideal trap efficacy their height should be adjusted according to the crop growth stage. It is very important to keep traps just above the crop canopy. Traps at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 meter heights were more eff...

Khalid Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Zubeda Parveen1, Sohail Abbas2, Ali Raza3 and Abdul Ghaffar1

...ive due to their higher attraction and killing rate of aphids as compared to the YSTs. The efficiency of attraction depends upon the size, shape, and height of trap, as well as the abiotic factors affecting them. To achieve ideal trap efficacy their height should be adjusted according to the crop growth stage. It is very important to keep traps just above the crop canopy. Traps at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 meter heights were more eff...

Hafiz Ghulam Muhu-Din Ahmed1*, Aziz Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3, Ammara Yasmeen4, Hafeez ur Rehman5 and Umar Farooq5

... grain’s physical attributes in the current experiment. It will help the breeders for the selection of high yielding genotypes by only identifying plant yield and physical grain’s attributes to develop the high yielding wheat varieties.


Noor-us-Sabah1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Tayyab Boota1, Muhammad Luqman2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Amir Aziz1 and Ameer Hamza1 

...lant growth and quality attributes (plant height, plant stem diameter, total leaf chlorophyll contents, leaf are index (LAI), shoot and root dry weight, seed germination %, leaf P %, and leaf K %) significantly as compared to control. Similarly, soil chemical properties including organic matter (O.M %) contents, available and extractable concentration of P (ppm) and K (ppm) in soil also increased. Although, all the organic sources had shown positive results bu...

Mushtaq Hussain Soomro1, Jan Muhammad Mari1, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal2* and Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar2

...s were taken on the RPW attracted in traps. Food and water were changed after weekly observations. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design where each treatment was replicated three times. Results confirmed a significant effect of the addition of sugarcane and date palm stems to enhance the mean capture of RPW compared to Ferrolure+ traps. The addition of banana stems captured a smaller number of weevils. The ability of Ferrolure+ to a

Muhammad Khalid Bhatti, Khalil Ahmed*, Ghulam Shabir, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Ashfaq Anjum, Muhammad Sarfraz, Amar Iqbal Saqib, Abdul Wakeel, Hafeezullah Rafa, Nadeem Iqbal, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz, Ghulam Qadir, Muhammad Rizwan and Muhammad Faisal Nawaz

...I-24 was poor for these attributes. It was concluded that SRI-23 and SRI-28 were comparatively salt tolerant, while SRI-38 and SRI-24 were salt sensitive genotypes. These findings are significant and could be used to bring the salt-affected area under rice culture.


Riaz Noor Panhwar1*, Abdul Fatah Soomro1, Muhammad Chohan1, Illahi Bux Bhatti1, Ali Hassan Mari1, Samia Arain1 and Sagheer Ahmad2

...e genotypes for desired attributes acceptable to growers and sugar mills is necessary before releasing them as commercial varieties. The study was undertaken to evaluate variations in sugarcane genotypes employing four morphological (Cane thickness, cane height, millable stalks, and cane yield) and four quality-related (Brix, pol, purity, and commercial cane sugar percentage) traits. Experiments were conducted in plant crop for two consecutive years 2018-19 an...

Sumaria Maqsood1*, Muhammad Ali 2, Amna Shoaib3, Shahbaz Ahmad2 and Noor-ul-Ain2

...vealed that development attributes based on mass rearing of S. litura on the modified diet (wheat germ + tomato paste) significantly reduced the larval and pupal developmental duration by 30%, while, considerably enhancing eclosion rate, pupation survival rate, and the number of eggs by 20-30% along with the 40-50% reduction in the pupal and larvae mortality rate as compared to the tomato paste diet and chickpea diet. The rearing expenses for 200 larvae on the...

Zaheer Ahmed Lashari1, Muhammad Saleem Sarki1, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1, Muhammad Sachal Khokhar1 and Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio2*

...ed the growth and yield attributes of onion crop than all other treatments. Compost or NPK application either in integration or alone boosted the NPK levels in onion leaves with respect to control treatment. The upmost content of N (0.91 %), P (0.91 %) and K (2.80 %) were recorded from T8, T2, and T7 respectively. We suggest that an integration of compost with inorganic fertilizer is a better choice for improved growth, yield and quality of onion crop.


Amal G. Abdelrahman1, Nabil A. Yassien1, Hussein M.H. Mohamed1, Khaled S. Tolba2, Heba H.S. Abdel-Naeem1* 

... raw and cooked sensory attributes as compared to their counterpart control samples. Such effect was more pronounced in spent hen meat patties treated with a mixture of kiwi (5%) and pineapple (5%).

Keywords | Spent hen patties, Tenderization, Proximate chemical analysis, Deterioration criteria, Sensory attributes 


Nazish Manzoor1*, Alim Khan1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Abid Ullah1, Zulqarnain2 and Iftikhar Jan2

...ignocellulosic biowaste attracting worldwide attention as a potential substitute for fossil fuels derived from the sugar and alcohol industry. In this study, ethanol was produced from the acid and alkaline pretreated samples of sugarcane bagasse using a fermentation process. Amylase was partially purified from the bacterial strain N1 and its activity was checked at distinct pH and temperature. The optimum pH was from 6-8 whereas the temperature was 40 °C. ...

Monu Karki, Amit Kumar and Gnanavel Venkatesan*

... sporadically. The main attraction to this virus has always been its wide range of virulence factors, known to be responsible for deceiving the host’s defense strategies and causing re-infection within a year of infection. From viroceptors like chemokine binding protein to GM-CSF and IL-2 inhibiting factors, to virokine like Interleukin-10, shifting the cell cycle phase (Poxviral anaphase-promoting regulator complex) and enhancing nutrients and oxygen su...

A. Ghasemzadeh1, S. Jamali1†, M. Esfahani2 and H. Pedramfar1

...osynthetic fluorescence attributes in two tomato cultivars, Falat Y as a susceptible, and Gina VF as a tolerant cultivar. The experiment was done in a completely randomized split plot design under greenhouse conditions with four nematode populations, 0 (as control), 500, 1000 and 2000 second stage juveniles, and four sampling times (20, 40, 60 and 80 days after inoculation). After sampling, purification, identification, and population of root-knot nematode spe...
Jawad Ahmad1, Huang Yun-He2, Arab Hussain1, Amjadullah1, Ahmad Yar1, Subhanullah1, Zeshan Ali1, Hamid Sattar3, Tariq Hussain3, Hamayun Khan3, Ali Gohar6, Obaidullah4, Nan Zhu Fang5, Yanya Fang5, Ihsan Ali3* and Zhongshu Li5,* four groups (Group1=1sttrimester Group 2= 2ndtrimester and Group 3= 3rd trimester, Group 4= non-pregnant). Blood samples were collected from all the animals and assayed for hematological biomarkers like erythrogram, leukogram and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) were determined during three stages of pregnancy. The highest RBC count was recorded in group 4, The highest Hb, MCH and MCV was recorded in group 3. The lymphocytes and neutrophils were high in...

Kalsoom1, Nasir Shah2, Muhammad Ibrahim3*, Tahira Bibi1, Kazim Ali4 and Zahir Shah2

...phology and biochemical attributes of a wild (Sante wild) and two transgenic (Sante 2 event and Sante 8 event) potato varieties in in vitro condition. These varieties were grown on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media subjected to (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 mM) of Sodium Chloride (NaCl). Potato varieties showed an adverse in vitro growth response to all levels of salt in MS media, while plants of all the tested varieties were dead at concentrations more than 50 mM of Na...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

... higher values in plant attributes under study witnessed that these parameters abide by the effects of additive genes, concluding that sorting of superior germplasm may direct the quick heritable improvement of the material.


Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

... higher values in plant attributes under study witnessed that these parameters abide by the effects of additive genes, concluding that sorting of superior germplasm may direct the quick heritable improvement of the material.


Sutawi*, Ahmad Wahyudi, Abdul Malik, Suyatno, Asmah Hidayati, Imbang D. Rahayu, Endang S. Hartatie

...ree factors that can be attributed to the re-emergence of FMD outbreaks in Indonesia. First, the loss of the principle of maximum security. Indonesia’s success in freeing itself from FMD after 100 years is thanks to the implementation of maximum security policy by enacting a country-based system, which is to only import livestock and livestock products into the country from FMD-free countries. Second, the share of imports of boneless frozen beef/buffalo ...

Mishal Bano1, Amir Shakeel1, Waqar-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Nouman Khalid1*, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Muhammad Sajid Sharif3, Sadia Kanwal2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2, Amna Bibi2 and Ifrah Amjad1

...GCA and SCA values. All attributes, with the exception of seed index, were governed by non-additive gene action. The information related to GCA, SCA and gene action obtained from this research will be helpful for plant breeders in future breeding programs.


Tae-Kyung Eom1, Jae-Kang Lee1, Dong-Ho Lee1, Ho-Kyoung Bae1, Hyeongyu Ko1, Kyu-Jung Kim1, Sung-Cheol Jung2, Jong-Hwan Lim2 and Shin-Jae Rhim1*

...ctivity, which could be attributable to differences in community inter-specific interactions and food resources for water deer inhabiting the Seoraksan and Jirisan National Parks.


Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Karim Gabol1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamidullah4 and Abdul Rahim1

...ny plants, represent an attractive habitat for bulbul. Factors such as avian predation, nest destruction, heavy storm, nest failure, and the presence of potential predators are affecting the breeding success of red-vented bulbul in the area.


Ali I. Al-Ameedi1, Zahraa M. Ayad2*, Wed Abbas Mohammed3, Salim K. Hajwal4 that suggested to be attributed to the genotoxic effect of the drug. On the other hand, a significant decrease (P>0.05) in the mean of chromosomal aberration in both groups (T2 and T3) that pretreated with GB extract and omega3 respectively. HU treatment caused serious CAs formations such as dicentric chromosome, Acentric, deletion, ring, and a high rate of breaks in bone marrow cells. As a results, GbE would be good candidates for administration as a su...
... (27.8%). This could be attributed to the existing maternal immunity in the chicks and the longer exposure of the older chicken to both helminthes and ova from the surroundings. Female desi chicken (65.5%) was more infected as compared to male desi chicken (58.8%). 
... that is famous for its attractive and wonderful colors. The gerbera is produced in all around the globe especially in South East Asian country of Japan and in Netherlands in Europe. The short vase life of gerbera is limiting factor in earning full profit from gerbera cut-flower sale. The standardization of suitable substrate for extending vase life of gerbera is not present. The gerbera was placed in substrates 6-Benzyleadenine, Silicic acid and Silver nitrat...
...e in-vitro anti-obesity attribute of extracts was assessed by measuring the inhibition of enzymatic activity of pancreatic lipase. The 60% ethanolic leaf extract exhibited maximum pancreatic lipase inhibition of 54.55 ± 0.72% but lower than standard drug orlistat (66.65 ± 0.68%). Findings explored the hidden antioxidant and pancreatic lipase inhibitory potential of Conocarpus lancifolius that may be exploited for naturopathic treatment of ...

Imran Muhammad Siddique1, Naseem Sharif1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Mudassar Naseer1, Ammara Noreen3, Naseem Akhtar4 and Safeer ud Din5 and internal quality attributes. Average fruit weight and size outstripped other contestant strains. It produces average weight per fruit as 170.58gms with length/breadth, as 70.68mm and 68.08 mm respectively. Maximum juice recovery as 46.22% with glucose 48.08gms per liter, fructose 27.72gms per liter was obtained significantly high in less seeded strain LSKS-2. Total soluble solids as 11.70% remained in the same strain (LSKS-2). Vitamin C was18.43 mg/100g...

Rashid Khan1, Muhammad Sajid2, Saud Khan3*, Jehanzeb4 and Aslam Noor5

...luenced various quality attributes of apricot fruits. The fruits harvested at the greenish stage had the lowest physiological weight loss and decay index that shows an increase in fruits harvested at orange yellow stage respectively after 25 days of storage. Similarly, after 25 days of storage, fruits stored in plastic bags having 10 pores retained fruit weight and attained minimum physiological weight loss with low decay index. Similarly, the fruits harvested...

Muhammad Ismail1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,2, Zarina Qasim3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*

...n (T1), pheromone-based attract and kill strategy (T2), protein-based bait method (T3), combination of all three methods (T4) and control (T5) were evaluated against B. dorsalis infestation in citrus during 2015 and 2016. Data of percent infested fallen fruits, percent pupae recovered from these fallen fruits, percent adult deformity, percent sex ratio and cost-benefit ratio were recorded. Results showed that when all of the components were used together (T4),...

Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1*, Atta Hussain Shah1, Muneer Ahmed Jamali1 and Asghar Ali Kamboh2

Mansoor Ayoob1, Atta Hussain Shah1, Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani2, Muhammad Faisal Ayoob2,3*, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1,5 and Abdul Sattar Baloch4
...obial and antioxidative attributes. Hence, it prolongs the shelf life of beef meat without having any adverse effects on its quality.


Yong Bin Zhao1, Hui Song1, Guo Gong Yi1*, Xi Lian Hao1, Bai Wang2, Zhi Wen Chen2

... way that clarifies the attribution of feather samples. As some endangered birds cannot be captured, feather sampling is the only feasible method for isotopic research. However, whether it can be used for research on individuals remains to be clarified. In this study, the values of δ13C and δ15N of the rachises and barbules of 27 feathers from 3 pigeons were measured, and cluster analysis of these samples was carried out by using the system cluster...

Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1* level (20% PEG). All attributes examined were shown to differ significantly across all levels of drought stress. For treatment, traits such as germination rate, emergence percentage, vigor index, seedling height, fresh weight and dry weight of seedling are significant at 10% alpha, likewise the interaction of genotypes x treatments (G x T) is significant for seedling height at 1% alpha in all rice lines, seedling height and dry weight decreased along with e...

Imran Ahmad

... sensory (organoleptic) attributes corresponding to the textural qualities measured by a texture analyzer. A commercial MIS (size ≤ 40 microns) was added to the puree of five arbitrarily selected fruits (strawberry, banana, and apple) and vegetables (beetroot and carrot) at three different levels (3%, 5%, 7% w/w). A Texture Analyzer determined hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness. The difference among the treatments was analyzed us...

Abdul Hassan1*, Arshad Farooq1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Ghulam Sadiq2 and Asif Nawaz3

...iation to socioeconomic attributes. The study was carried out in two districts Nowshera and Charsadda of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan using principal component analysis approach and regression analysis. The data were collected randomly from 130 sampled vegetable growers comprised of 65 respondents each from Nowshera and Charsadda districts through pre-tested interview schedule during financial year 2020-21. Principal Component Analysis was used for determining...

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Imtiaz Khan1*, Ijaz Ahmad1, Javed Khan2, Shahid Sattar1, Bashir Ahmad Khan and  Muhammad Salim

...n: justify;">Life table attributes of Chrysoperla carnea (Steph.) fed on Myzus persicae (Sulzer) were investigated under controlled conditions at 25 °C, a relative humidity of 60 %, with a light-to-dark time ratio of 16:8, in 2018.The results regarding biological parameters indicate that larvae duration was 10.34 days. The larvae consumption rates were 379.2 aphids during their life span. Functional response of larval instars indicates that with increasing...

Indri Juliyarsi1*, Sri Melia1, Rizki Dwi Setiawan1, Deni Novia1, Lailatul Anshor2, Tomi Candra2 

...vity, and color sensory attributes, but did not affect the moisture content, aroma, and flavor (P>0.05). The greater the amount of rosella extract added, the higher the a* value of the color attribute (redness), which gives a deeper red color to the whey edible film. Increasing the concentration of rosella added to the whey edible film also increased antioxidant activity. The use of rosella extract can increase the antiox...

Yufang Liu1,2, Guiling Cao3, Yujing Xie3 and Mingxing Chu1*

...categories, mainly in posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones, energy production and conversion, and transcription process. Pathway analysis in KEGG pathway database of the known genes revealed that the five pathways that most differentially expressed genes involving: GnRH signaling pathway, oxytocin signaling pathway, melanogenesis, thyroid hormone synthesis, and insulin secretion. Online tool was used to predict the function of DEGs, the...

Ahmad Noor and Malik Muhammad Shafi*

...itical leadership to an attractive option of climate change adaptation for groundwater resources preservation at district Karak.


Monis Hussain Shah1*, Riaz Ur Rehman2, Riaz Ali Shah1, Farwa Batool3, Rizwan Rafique4, Muhammad Usman5, Sajida Bibi6, Sadia Yasin7 and Samida Qamar8

...tor). The morphological attributes of plants were observed better in cv. Antarctica and Oxford. The research was repeated during the subsequent years. The variable response was observed in various varieties of tulip in Rawalpindi climate. The cv. Antarctica and Oxford were observed as best performer wise all the attributes. The same varieties are recommended to local farmers for cultivation as well. 


Dina A. Yousif, Mohamed M.T. Emara, Marwa R.S. Abdallah*  

...ved the overall sensory attributes, eliminated the unfavorable mutton flavor, improved the fatty acid composition, and produced a more stable color with a higher tenderness score. It has been concluded that the aqueous extracts of Mentha piperitae folium and Zingiber officinale can be utilized to improve the quality of old-aged mutton and facilitate its use in further processed meat products without color or flavor problems. 

Mahroze Fatima1*, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2, Muhammad Afzal3, Muhammad Bilal4 and Ayesha Khizar1
...oxidant has become very attractive to reduce oxidation and improve overall performance of fish. Two adequate (100, 150 mg/kg) and two high levels (1000, 1500 mg/kg) of vitamin E with a control level (0 mg/kg) were analyzed in this study. Results showed that adequate levels of supplementation increased growth performance compared to higher levels. The minimum value of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) was recorded in 100 mg/kg vitamin E supplement...

Karamat Shah1, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Zaib Ullah2*, Rashid Ali Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1, Naveed Akhtar2 and Muhammad Naeem Awan3

...s of damage, and people attributes towards the wildlife, etc. The domestic animals killed by the wildlife in the study area were the goats and sheep, (38.98%). The rate of depredation of livestock has been recorded to increase in the early summer season (60%), spring (15%), followed by winter (12%), and autumn is less (13%). Wildlife damage maize crop and majorly attack on the area of crops which are close to the forest in summer.


Umana Niazi, Muhammad Mushtaq*, Mehwish Kanwal and Momina Raheem

...ctivity of groundnut is attributed to a number of factors, like, rainfall uncertainties, low yielding varieties, diseases, insect and rodent pests etc. (Okello et al., 2010; Parshad, 1999).


Muhammad Noman Khan* and Ghulam Nabi

...cantly affected various attributes of sweet lime. Among different sources, KNO3 was more effective in increasing leaf chlorophyll content (46.47 mg g-1 FW), leaf area shoot-1 (135.29 cm2), fruit weight (85.64 g) number of fruits tree-1 (808.75) and fruit yield tree-1 (69.48 kg). Potassium sulfate application decreased days to full bloom (33.58). Whereas the application of potassium sources on 17th March significantly increased leaf chlorophyll content (44.31 m...

Fatimah A. Al-Saeed 

...inst Cd toxicity may be attributed to its antioxidant activities.


Wei Fang1,2,3, Jiawei Hong1,2,3,4, Zhengyi Fu1,2,3, Jing Hu1,2,3, Gang Yu1,2,3, Zhenhua Ma1,2,3* and Humin Zong5*

...was mainly related to posttranslational modification, protein turnover, chaperones, intracellular trafficking, secretion, vesicular transport, transcription, amino acid transport and metabolism; KEGG analysis showed that DEGs was mainly related to cardiac muscle contraction, renin-angiotensin system, adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes, oxidative phosphorylation; The distribution types of SSR sites and their characteristic analysis results showed that the m...


...ter (PM) is
attributed as major source of health concerns in children as well as adults
but comparatively less information is available about sources and health
impacts of indoor PM. The current study was designed to monitor microenvironments
of asthmatic residential houses (n=50) in Lahore, Pakistan.
PM10 and PM (Total) was monitored in the living rooms and immediate
outdoor of residentia...

Qasim Ali1, Mudssar Ali1*, Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed

...compassed both physical attributes (such as fruit dimensions, weight, pulp content, and seed count per fruit) and biochemical parameters (including Total Soluble Solids (TSS), Titrable Acidity (TA), pH, and Vitamin C). The pollinator community observed consisted of two species of bees and eight species of flies. Among these, Episyrphis balteatus emerged as the most prevalent insect pollinator, closely followed by Apis florea and Calliphora sp. The highest visi...

Salma Sharif1, Rana Arsalan Javaid2*, Abid Majeed2, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed2, Qurat ul Ain Sani2, Faiza Siddique2, Muhammad Arshad3 and Niaz Ali

...s, as well as to select attractive genotypes for use in breeding programs in the future. A set of 65 accessions were evaluated in the field of Crop Sciences Institute, NARC following factorial design with three replications. highly significant differences were observed for all the quantitative traits as days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, number of tillers, panicle length, flag leaf area, leaf length, culm length, culm diameter, number of grains p...

Muhammad Raza Salik1, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal1,2*, Ayesha Komal3, Muhammad Nawaz Khan1, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah4, Faheem Altaf5, Akbar Hayat1 and Hira Tariq1

...`) might result in poor attributes in some citrus plant and yield characters such as height, canopy, spread and yield. Moreover, chemical parameters of citrus fruit like juice percentage, TSS, acidity and TSS/acid ratio did not vary when plant to plant and row to row spacing was reduced from 22`×22`. However, only one benefit of reduced plant spacing observed was the occurrence of less number of seeds per fruit in T1 as compared to others. Based upon the...

I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada1*, I Nyoman Sutarpa Sutama1, Agus Susilo2

...dant activity, textural attributes and hedonic properties of cheese resulting from Moringa leaf extract fortification. Moringa leaf extract was fortified in the five treatment groups, 1000 ml each with different concentrations, namely 0% (P0); 2% (P1); 4%(P2); 6%(P3) and 8%(P4). The research method used one-way analysis of diversity (at p<0.05) and continued with the Duncan test using the SPSS version 25 system. The results showed that increasing the level ...

Fatemeh Beheshti1, Maliheh Safavi2, Mohammad Reza Akbari Eidgahi1,3, Parviz Kokhaei4, Mehdi Vazirian5 and  Ali Akbar Shabani1,3*

...ilities, which might be attributed to the existence of bioactive molecules and provide additional data for future research.


Ashfaq Hussain1, Javed Khan2, Ammara Blouch3, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Ashraf Khan4,5* and Zaheer Sikandar6

...evaluate the biological attributes and feeding efficiency of Menochilus sexmaculata fed on Lipaphis erysimi under laboratory conditions. The mean developmental time from egg till adult emergence was 41.60±0.70 days under laboratory conditions of 24±1c° with 55±5 percent relative humidity (R.H.). The incubation period was 4.00±0.25 days. The pre-oviposition, oviposition, and post-oviposition periods were observed at 8.6, 24.1 and...

Ghusoon Hasan Jadaan1*, Khalisa K. Khudair2 

... vibrations that can be attributed to SiO2’s Si—O—Si and Si—O vibrations, respectively. Thirty-two Female rats that had reached adult were randomly split into four groups: Control; T1: received oral 200 mg/kg of SiO2 - NPs were gavaged orally to this group of rats. T2: received oral 100 mg/kg of CPNPs and Sio2NPs. T3: received oral 100 mg/kg of CPNPs. We analyzed blood samples of malondialdehyde (MDA), total antioxidant capacity(...

Iftikhar Alam1*, Sumbal Ali1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Aneela Tahmeed1, Hafsa Nawaz1, Shumail Bakht1 and Muhammad Farooq3*

... story for its literary attributes. Following a comprehensive literature search, an initial twenty-one-item scale was developed and was subjected for content validation to a panel of experts (n=30). The pre-validation version of the scale contained 21 items. However, the final version of the scale was reduced to 15 items as six items were removed and/or merged together. Content validity index showed that the “item content validity-index” (I-CVI) an...

Qurat ul Ain1, Asifa Khan1*, Asia Riaz2 and Nazia Suleman

...w temperatures and this attribute can wisely be used to increase their shelf life for mass rearing. The possibility of short-term storage for adults and larval stages of seven spotted ladybird beetle under low temperature conditions was examined in the present study. The results showed that adults survived well up to five weeks of storage period at two temperature regimes. However, duration of cold storage affected the post storage survival of adult and larvae...

Shakir Ullah1* and Lubna Shakir

...plant age increased was attributed to the loss of chlorophyll (green pigments) as a plant part matures. The results indicated that the relationship between phytochemical yield and age of harvesting is not linear. Harvesting at a lower age of < 2 months gives fewer phytochemicals than at 3-4.5 months, which seems to be optimal. It was also found that E. helioscopia, (sun spurge or madwoman’s milk) from Arrang District Bajaur contains the highest phytoc...
Syed Tayyab ul Mazhar1, Hasnain Khan1, Uzma Afzal1*, Shazia Usmani1 and Tariq Mahmood2
...s. These data sets also attract the attention of researchers from different fields such as data science, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, psychology and others.
Syed Tayyab ul Mazhar1, Hasnain Khan1, Uzma Afzal1*, Shazia Usmani1 and Tariq Mahmood2
...s. These data sets also attract the attention of researchers from different fields such as data science, sentiment analysis, natural language processing, psychology and others.

Aalaa S. Saad1*, Taghreed H. A. Ali2, Nayerah Alatfeehy3, Dalia Elmasry4 

... by bees, looks like an attractive option owing to its antibacterial action against many pathogens in food. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of propolis extract (PE) and propolis nanoemulsion (PN) on L. monocytogenes, its toxins’ expression, and the sensory qualities of breaded chicken panne during chilled storage. The 30% PN concentration had a size of 19.783 nm and a narrow size distribution (polydispersity index: 0.253) with a distin...

Riaz Alam1*, Muhammad Sajid2, Imtiaz Hussain3, Gulzar Ullah1, Hussain Shah3, Muhammad Arshad Farooq3 and Rashid Muhammad4 assessed for quality attributes at various stages of harvesting, i.e., Lemon green, Semi-ripe and Ripe. The extracted oil from Manzanilla fruits has lower Peroxide Value (POV) (3.21 meq kg-1) with high chlorophyll (4.58 mg L-1) as well as Phenol (616.67 mg kg-1) contents. The extracted oil from Frontoio fruits exhibited a lower percentage of Free Fatty Acids (FFA) (0.43%) and a higher carotene content (2.70 mg L-1). These quality values fell within the esta...

Hossam F. Abou-Shaara

... All feeding types were attractive to bee colonies but bees consumed significantly more yeast and sugar candy within 72h than corn and turmeric. All feeding types did not impair the ability of young larvae to develop into pupae. Bee colonies had high sealed brood area and number of bees in yeast group followed by sugar candy and corn flour. Each of corn flour and turmeric affected the survival ability of bee workers negatively unlike yeast and sugar candy. All...

Phoebe Lyndia Tolentino Llantada1,2*, Midori Umekawa2, Shuichi Karita2

...rous feed materials are attributed to the foregut, midgut, and hindgut with the aid of the microorganisms that thrive in this region. However, knowledge and studies on bacterial communities across the GIT are very limited. Most researches only focus on the rumen or the hindgut. Therefore, this study was performed to evaluate the bacterial microbiota in three gut regions (foregut: the rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum; midgut: duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and hin...


...icantly increased these attributes of okra. Inoculation of strain Bacillus sp. ZM20 followed by Bacillus aryabhattai ZM31 was significantly more effective among the tested ZSB strains. Strain Bacillus sp. ZM20 improved relative water contents up to 17%, chlorophyll a and b up to 67 and 71%, respectively, plant height up to 30%, shoot fresh weight up to 19%, shoot dry weight up to 31%, root length up to 79%, root fresh weight up to 58%, root dry weight up to 66...



...logical and biochemical attributes of plants was analyzed by launching a petri dish and pot experiment. The analysis spread out in a totally block design (randomized) with ten replicates for each salt (0 and 120 mM NaCl) and SA (0, 0.1, 0.5 and 1mM) treatment. The commercially available cultivar (cv. Faisal) of maize was planted in earthen pots for 15 days. After fifteen days of growth, seedlings were irrigated with saline water (120 mM NaCl) and SA was applie...
Jaime Vera Chang1, Arianna Torres Coronel2, Luis Vásquez Cortez2,3, Kerly Alvarado Vásquez2,3 and Frank Intriago Flor4*
...ntensity of each of the attributes established for this organoleptic test was evaluated.


...cantly improving growth attributes and activities of antioxidant enzymes. It was concluded that disease suppression is directly linked with increase in activities of antioxidant enzyme (peroxidase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase) thus provides the basis for resistant in chickpea.


Deni Novia*, Indri Juliyarsi, Rizki Dwi Setiawan, Clara Mustika, Cindi Melani

...rties, except for color attributes in the hedonic preference test. The longer the drying time, the lower the antioxidant activity, moisture content, solubility, and color values (a* and b*) and the higher the energy value, protein, fat, ash content, brightness (L*), and hedonic preferences and quality. 


Teedzai Chitura* performance and meat attributes of poultry species fed diets supplemented with probiotics. The search process was conducted with the use of electronic databases such as Science Direct, Google scholar, JURN, Directory of Open Access Journals, and Research gate. The keywords were “antibiotics’, “growth performance”, “meat quality”, “poultry”, and “probiotics”.The objective of this review study was to...

Addisu Jimma1,2*, Aberra Melesse1, Aynalem Haile3, Tesfaye Getachew3  

...ake rates. The CBBP was attributed to performance improvements in traits such as growth, coat color, litter size, survival, and lambing interval. Moreover, the program had a positive influence on economic benefits, as CBBP members reported higher annual income from sheep-related activities. This income played a crucial role in supporting farmers’ livelihoods, contributing to house maintenance and providing food for households. In conclusion, the study hi...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Muhammad Inam Ullah Qaisrani1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Zuhair Hasnian2, Umar Khitab Saddozai1, Muhammad Naeem4, Hadia Gul5 and Moneeza Abbass3

... of parthenium has been attributed to its alllelopathic potential. Allelochemicals released from parthenium have been reported to decrease germination and growth of agronomic crops, vegetables, trees and many other weed species. Growth promoting effects of parthenium extracts at low concentrations have also been reported in certain crops. A laboratory experiment was carried out to evaluate the germination and germination indices of maize with estimation of mai...

Muhammad Usman1, Majid S. Hashmi1, Ayaz Ahmad1*, Fawad Ahmad2 and Zahid Alam1

...rthermore, organoleptic attributes such as color, taste, aroma, and overall acceptability were subject to evaluation. The findings indicated a decrease in pH values and ascorbic acid content over time, while total soluble solids, as well as titratable acidity, increased. Notably, the OD2 formulation exhibited significantly (P≤0.05) higher pH and ascorbic acid content while having lower TSS and TA content compared to the sugar-based sample and other stevia-c...

Philip O. Akporhuarho1, Ufuoma Godstime Sorhue1*, Adimabua Mike Moemeka2, Onyinye Stella Onwumere-Idolor3, Jonathan Ujomu1, Emmanuel Abadah1, Jennfer Aaron1 performance, sensory attributes, and expression patterns of the interleukin-10 and interleukin-1β genes in the spleen of chickens subjected to Aframomum chrysanthum seed meal (ACSM) as a replacement for synthetic antibiotic in broiler production. A total of one hundred and forty-four day-old Aboracre strains of broilers were randomly allotted into four dietary treatments. Treatments one (control) had no ACSM in the diet but was given routine antibiotic...

Ndubuisi Chinedu Adikuru1*, Paul Inyang2, Abraham Agwu Ngwuta1, Chinyere Prisca Anyanwu1 and Rosemond Adaohuru Alagba1

...010 and 2011). This was attributed to inter-annual variability in climatic factors within the study area. Maize grown in 2011 flowered (anthesis) 3 days earlier and matured 5 days later than maize grown in 2010.Therefore, grain filling duration was 6 days greater in 2011 and led to 33.1 % higher yield when compared to 2010. Based on superior grain yield and kernel number in addition to lower ASI, five varieties (TZECOMP3C2DT, DTSYN-11-YF2, DTSYN-7-WF2, OBA SUP...
Shahid Iqbal Khattak1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch*1, Khalid Naveed2, Muhammad Amjad
Nadim1, Asghar Ali Khan1 and Kaleem Ullah3

Pradeep Shah1*, Shrawan Kumar Sah2, Komal Bahadur Basnet2 and Mina Nath Paudel3

...iomass, yield and yield attributing characters of rice were collected and analyzed using MSTATC statistical software. The data revealed decreasing weed density with increasing days of knockdown of Sesbania. Significantly lower weed densities were recorded when Sesbania was knockdown at 42 DAS as compared with 21 and 28 DAS at all dates of observations and in both years 2015 and 2016. The weed densities at knockdown days of 35 and 42 DAS were statistically at p...

Gulshan Riaz1, Zaheer-ud-din Khan1, Muhammad Umer Farooq Awan1, Andleeb Anwar Sardar1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Sarah Maryam Malik and Sohaib Muhammad1

...y the phytosociological attributes of weeds of some selected crop fields of chickpea, mustard and wheat of Tehsil Isa Khel, District Mianwali, Punjab. Forty one (41) weed species were collected from the study area belonging to twenty one (21) different families. Twenty four weed species found in chickpea, twenty five in mustard and twenty nine in wheat crop fields. Sixteen weed species were common in three crops. Family Poaceae and Astraceae had maximum weed s...

Muhammad Nasir Mazhar1, Muhammad Arif*, Naeem Akhtar1 and Muhammad Shafiq1 and Muhammad Yousaf1

... and yield-contributing attributes, hence produced maximum grain yield.


Salim Saifullah, Muhammad Ilyas, Bashir Ullah and Sanam Zarif Satti*

...amin C content could be attributed to climate, including temperature and rainfall patterns, which directly influence plant growth and metabolism. Rosehips are used in the production of a variety of sweets and beverages, including syrup, marmalade, jellies, and jams. Therefore, high vitamin C content as well as TDW and TSS characteristics for rosehips are desired and preferable.


Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Hammad Ud Din1 and Fazli Amin1

...d yield and other yield attributing traits. Numerically, the top-performing Sesame varieties in terms of seed yield were Till-18 (11 qt/ha), TS-3 (10.3 qt/ha), and DM-14 (10 qt/ha), and they are recommended for the specific community and its vicinity. None the less, further studies are needed, including the evaluation of recently released varieties, to strengthen the recommendations for improved Sesame production in the target area and ensure a solid basis for...

Ashar Farooq1*, Farrukh Waheed1 and Asad Abbas Khan2

...un-grazed area. This is attributed to protection from grazing while the cover percent and air dried forage production of Eleusine flagellifera and Cymbopogon jwarancusa were higher in grazed area. Apparently, grazing animals have shown lesser preference to these species when found in association with Cenchrus ciliaris and Cynodon dactylon. Therefore, it is recommended that there is a need for ecological management of the degraded rangelands through restoration...
MUHAMMAD SAJID,Zahir Shah,Taufiq Ahmad,Syed Tanveer Shah,Nadeem Khan,NOOR UL AMIN,SHAHIDA BIBI,Faheem ul Haq,Fazal Ghafoor
MUHAMMAD SAJID,Abdur Rauf,Bibi Haleema,Nadeem Khan,NOOR UL AMIN,SHAHIDA BIBI,Faheem ul Haq,Syed Tanveer Shah
Ijaz Ahmad, Imtiaz Khan, Shah Zareen, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Rahamdad Khan and Muhammad Haroon
Zaid Khan, Bashir Ahmad, Habib Akbar, Muhammad Ayoub Khan , Sajjad Ahmad, Hafeez ur Rahim, Barkat Ali and Laiq Zada
Hazrat Ali , Zahir Muhammad, Wisal Muhammad Khan, Ghulam Jelani, Abdul Majeed and Rehmanullah

Kang Cheng1*, Zhihua Song2, Jingyi Niu1, Jin Huang1, Laiting Liu1, Jinrong Wang1 and Yong Zhang1*

...meability, which may be attributed to the improved redox status, the decreased myeloperoxidase activity, the suppressed toll-like receptor 4 signaling pathway mediated expression of pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha at translational and transcriptional level, and the increased gene expression of interleukin 10 in the jejunum. In conclusion, fisetin alleviated the intestinal injury in rats caused by heat stress through inhibiting of oxidativ...

Abdul Rahman Sesay1,2, Muhammad Saif-ur-Rehman1*, Faisal Ramzan1 and Faisal Saeed Awan3

...nce in Pakistan, mostly attributed to its ability to withstand high temperatures, resilience to diseases, and satisfactory performance when fed low-quality roughages. Domestication and breeding of mammals have exerted a consistent selection pressure on a wide range of characteristics in many domesticated species, resulting in discernible genetic modifications at the individual genome level. The study aimed to discover and analyze potential indicators of recent...
Muhammad Ilyas1 *, Sanam Zarif Satti2 , Bashir Ullah3 and Salim Saif Ullah4
...g the properties may be attributed to factors such as higher altitude and more annual rainfall in Mansehra, which increase the organic matter content, resulting in reduced soil pH and bulk density as well as increased moisture-holding capacity of the soil.

Keywords: Soil Charateristics, Peshawar, Mansehra....
Ashar Farooq1 and Shakeel Ahmad2
... the various vegetation attributes regarding slope stabilization measures carried out in Kalam Forest Division, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In Billion Tree Afforestation Project certain targets were given to the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Forest Department for bad land stabilization. In Kalam Forest Division, total four sites were treated with bad land stabilization techniques in Asrait, Niam, Kullaly, and Dabargai localities respectively. In all these areas, the techniques a...
Muhammad Nawaz Rajpar, Mohamed Zakaria, Ebil Yusof and Kamziah Abd Kudus
...water wetland is highly attractive to wide array of waterbirds.

Keywords: Waterbirds, Freshwater, Wetland, Feeding Guild, Point Count

Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Muslim
...give natural beauty and attract to visitors. The present study may provide guideline for planning afforestation activities and conservation of medicinal plants in the study area.

Muhammad Nawaz Rajpar and Mohamed Zakaria
...tland reserve is highly attractive habitat for wide array of waterbird and terrestrial bird species.

Keywords: Wetland, Waterbird, Terrestrial Birds, Mist-net, Relative Abundance

Ashar Farooq, Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry and Ghulam Muhammad
...s on cotton crop can be attributed to the fact that the nutrient and water consumption of Eucalyptus is very high resulting in depletion of moisture and nutrients for cotton crop with low water requirement. Additional quantity of water and fertilizers should be provided up to 11.0 m distance from tree row to minimize the root competition....
Hanif Gul
...ial period. ...
*Raja Muhammad Omer, **Shaukat Ali Khan and ***Charles R. Hatch
...3. This study describes attributes of private farm nursery operators, estimates the supply, demand and direct sale of tree seedlings from private farm nurseries, identifies limitations which prevent the marketing of tree seedlings, and suggests changes in forest department policies which could increase seedling sales....
K. M. Siddiqui development started attracting the attention of planners in the sixties. In seventies and early eighties, energy conservation caught their attention due to energy crisis and resultant high cost of fossil fuels. This crisis however, compelled some development planners to find out the possibility of extended use of biofuels including wood in place of fossil fuels in the developed countries. Some efforts were also directed towards establishment of ...
Charles D. Bonham, Javed Ahmed and Larry L. Larson
...ecies and the physical attributes of the site. Data analyses included principal component, McNaughton and Wolf's niche index, and discriminate and canonical analyses. The analyses techniques identified under story sensitivity to aspect, elevation, and soil profile attributes that influence soil moisture. The under story species studied exhibited a relative independence to over story composition and dominance....
M. A. Ogigirigi and A. B. I. Igboanugo locations. This was attributed to the pisolitic nature of the Nimbia plinths which can go soft when wet but hard when dry as opposed to the continuously hard plinth types at the other localities. The relationships between root penetration tree growths, and the tree abilities to harness soil water during the dry season at different localities are discussed....
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...%and NaCl were tried as attractants for snails feeding on juniper seedlings. Among them Temik was the most effective, which attracted and killed 99snails released at a distance of 1-2 meters in 120 hours. Thiodan, Diazinon and Disyston also attracted and killed few snails but NaCl did not act as attractant. ...
M Shabir Baig, M. Akram and M. Amjad Hassan
...nd with respect to land attributes such as geology, land forms, soils pedoclimate and vegetation. These units have been, on the basis of similar potential, grouped together into range management units have different capabilities and capacities for forage and livestock production and therefore requiring different management practices. Two maps, each showing the distribution and extent of physiographic units and range management units, have been prepared on a sc...
Moin Uddin Ahmad and S. A. Qadir Dr.
...less methods. Community attributes, maturity and homogeneity of every stand were studied. 10 communities were recognized on the basis of physiognomy, floristic composition and importance value index....
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Altaf Ahmad
...procurement of opium to attract the cultivators to hand over their opium produce to the Department. Cultivation of Papaver somniferum on state owned farms or by private firms under the super-vision of Excise Department has been recommended....

Javaria Sherani1*, Tehseen Ali Jilani2, Jalil Ahmad3, Rashid Jawad1, Shabana Nazeer4 and Muhammad Jan5 

...logical and biochemical attributes were evaluated. Different treatments such as: T1: control; T2: (500 g NP + 300 g P2O5 plant-1), zinc sulphate spray (0.3%); T3: (500 g NPK+ 300 g P2O5 plant-1), zinc sulphate spray (0.5%); T4: (500 g NP + 300 g P2O5 plant-1), zinc sulphate spray (0.7%). Each cultivar shows a different response to the different amendments due to its genetic makeup. The morphological attributes showed good pe...

Abdul Basit1 and 2Sana Ullah* Various
attributes i.e. identification of plants, total area of nurseries, soil type, irrigation system,
weeding, fertilizer application, propagation method, propagation time, transplanting time,
field situation and finally problems of the nurseries were studied. All the agricultural and
horticultural practices were not fully applied and practiced in proper recommended way. Out
of the total studie...

Farhatul-Ain Arshad1, Asia Bibi1*, Amna Mushtaq1, Rubaida Mehmood2 and Nahid Kausar1

... prevalence of PCOS are attributed to multiple alternative factors which warrant future studies comprising of larger cohorts and at the national levels.


Muti Ul Hannan1, Wazir Ahmed1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Muhammad Baqir Hussain1 and Khuram Mubeen1

...onsortia improved yield attributes particularly fruit set percentage, flower to fruit conversion percentage, square boll size and weight, opening of square bolls and seed-cotton yield compared to conventional approach. Compare to farmer practice, foliar K application showed a significant increase in fiber quality parameters such as fiber length, fiber strength, MIC, micronaire and ginning out turn (GOT). Results advocate compost, micronutrients and K essential...

Agus Subhan Prasetyo, Tutik Dalmiyatun, Siwi Gayatri, Kadhung Prayoga, Wulan Sumekar and Joko Mariyono*

...l variables to show the attributable impact of the glebagan system. 

Suherman Suherman1*, Muhammad Fahri Rizky1, Zaki Bahrul Fikri1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1,  Zane Vincevica-Gaile2, Anwar Saeed Khan3, Erkata Yandri4,5 and Iswahyudi Iswahyudi6 
...-temperature drying was attributed to the deterioration of bioactive components such as polyphenol compounds due to excessive heat.

Toyin B. Ajibade1*, Mukhtar A. Yusuf1, Sijuwade A. Adebayo2, Uswat T. Adeyemi1 and Olubunmi A. Omotesho1

...tion, and deepening the attractiveness of the upcycling node in the waste value chain were also recommended. Given the potential of climate variables to lower artisanal fish capture, it becomes critical to target efforts at confronting climate change. 


Noorullah Khan1, Shahid Ali1, Azher Zeb2, M. Noman1, M. Imran Kasana1, Rashid Iqbal Khan1*, Saima Mumtaz1, Shumaila Rasheed1, M. Muneer3 and M. Qamar-Uz-Zaman1

...g high yield and growth attributes. This scenario demands the evaluation of different scion cultivars for their compatibility and growth behavior. The current research trial was conducted to evaluate ten promising scion cultivars of peach on local root-stock for their growth and development. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replication and 10 plants per replication. Data were recorded on plant survival rate (PSR...

Ameer Sultan1, Abdur Rauf1*, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Muhammad Yasin3, Tanweer Kumar4, Wajid Khan4, Muhammad Arif4, Kashmala Jabbar5, Wisal Khan6, Farhan Ullah1, Syed Shabab Hussain1 and Ikramullah Khan1

...eatment challenges. The attributes of wastewater and concentrations of contaminants vary significantly from one industry to another. Recently, there has been a growing interest in utilizing industrial waste as a soil amendment. The distillery spent wash (DSW) released through the sugarcane processing, is abundant in organic materials and a variety of essential nutrients, including Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, and Sulphur. Different concentrations ...
Iswahyudi Iswahyudi1,2, Wahyu Widodo1*, Warkoyo Warkoyo1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi3, Damat Damat1
Dyah Roeswitawati1, Shazma Anwar4, Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi1, Irma Rahmaita Utarid5,  Marchel Putra Garfansa2, Mohammad Shoimus Sholeh2, Ida Ekawati6, Rusli Tonda7,  Wahyu Alvina Mujianti2, Dody Sukma RA8, Sri Utami Lestari8 and Choirul Anam9
...erging contaminants and attract global attention. On plants, MPs have detrimental effects such as interfering with nutrient absorption, slowing germination and roots development. Of all the stages of growth, seeding has an important role in the crop yields obtained. The examined the impact of three polymer MPs (1 % w w–1) on paddy seeding and control as a comparison with four repetitions by using soil culture experiment for 20 d. Plant height,...

Arba Aleem, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik*, Wan Razarinah Wan, Abdul Razak and Norfatimah Mohamed Yunus

...rete exudates which may attract or repel microbes. Certain microorganisms present in the soil may cause the activation of plant defense system. Root exudates secreted by plants roots can attract beneficial microbes that help plants by boosting nutrient intake and improving plant growth. Sustainable agriculture and ecosystem management potentially benefit from an understanding of the mechanisms and purposes of root exudates u...

Daniel Offiong Etim1*, Etim Johnson Umana1, Idorenyin Asukwo Udo2, Ndarake Eden Ini-Ibehe1

...ntrol. Growth and yield attributes were significantly (P≤0.05) enhanced in plants amended with neem cake and Trichoderma species. The highest fresh pod yield was obtained on T. viride in combination with 4.00 t/ha of neem cake. 

Olagbaju Olawole1, 2, Ayoola Mathew*1, Lawal Tunde1, Olorunleke Solomon3, Oladejo Opeyemi1, Oguntunji Abel1 , Alabi Olufemi1 , Aderemi Foluke1, Ajayi Abimbola1
...d a spike on days 7-11, attributed to the second prostaglandin analogue administration. The subsequent decline on days 12-13 signalled impending estrus, accompanied by a rise in blood estradiol. Group 3 exhibited a progesterone spike on day 10, with a corresponding decrease in estradiol. The study demonstrates that regardless of synchronization protocol, the lowest mean VER reading post-treatment corresponds to high blood estradiol and low progesterone concent...

Waheed Iqbal* and Muhammad Faheem Malik

...rflies are stunning and attractive insects that are also important pollinators and members of a well-studied taxonomic group, order Lepidoptera of class Insecta. In order to explore the diversity of the butterfly fauna, a field survey was conducted every two weeks from June 2017 to September 2019 in selected locales of the Potohar Plateau, Punjab, Pakistan. An annotated checklist of the butterfly fauna was prepared using a total of 1117 specimens of butterflie...

Muhammad Shahid Hassan1, Nargis Naz2, Hassan Raza Javeed1*, Sabahat Zafar1, Laraib Kanwal1, Seerat Mariyum1, Areej Fatima1, Areeba Bashir1 and Muhammad Imran Atta3

... m2. Phyto-sociological attributes such as density, frequency, cover, relative density, relative frequency, relative cover, and importance values index were measured for each field. The importance value index and Simpson’s biodiversity index were also calculated. Weeds community in the study areas encompasses 18 weed species with 17 Genera and 11 families. The dominant families of weed flora were Poaceae (22.22%), Fabaceae (16.66%), Ammaranthaceae (11.11...

Fawad Ali1, 2, Gul Hassan2*, Naveed Akhtar3, Muhammad Jamal Babar3 and Ataullah Jan4

...nce of annuals could be attributed to the fact that under annual tillage regime the perennials are not successful to establish as their perennating parts are disturbed by tillage, while the short lived annuals germinate, establish, set seed and vanish.


Huzaifa Hammad1, Bakhtiar Gul1, Haroon Khan1, Muhammad Fawad1*, Hafizullah2, Haidar Ali3 and Tamana Bakht4

...proved growth and yield attributes of maize crop. Whereas, the cost-benefit analyses revealed that hand weeding and watermelon mulch were the most economical. However, for sustainable maize cultivation integration of hand-weeding and legume mulches is the best choice.


Mohammad Wasiullah Khan* and Abdur Rab

... for all studied growth attributes when compared with control. Zn at the rate of 1.1 kg ha-1applied 15 days after fruit set increased leaf protein content (6.53 %), the total number of fruits plant-1 (916). Among application stages, Zn sprayed 15 days after fruit set increased leaf protein content (6.70 %), total number of fruits plant-1 (932). Various attributes studied for storage duration of plum fruit were significantly ...

Nguyen Tuyet Giang1,2*, Le Thi Thuy Hang1,2, Phan Phuong Loan1,2 and Le Thi Thuy Loan1,2

... composition, and color attributes to evaluate the influence of drying temperature on the quality of carrot peel powder. The results showed that the increment in drying temperature increased the hydration properties, the values of L*, and ΔE*, but reduced the contents of protein, and total carotenoids, as well as the values of a*, b*, and C*. In the range of hot-air conditions tested in this study, it is suggested to use an operating temperature of 50&de...
Niaz Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Aslam1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Khalid Hussain2, Muahammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Irshad1, Zubeda Parveen1, Fiaz Hussain3 and Azhar Mahmood Aulakh4
... cultivars with desired attributes is crucial due to the vulnerability of crop varieties to various biotic and abiotic stresses over time. This necessitates the replacement of existing varieties with genotypes that exhibit enhanced productivity potential and built-in tolerance against a range of stresses. This study highlights the development of a new desi chickpea cultivar “Thal-2020” using conventional plant breeding procedures. This variety expr...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Yasmeen Buriro1, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1 and Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito

...rmine the morphological attributions of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. The female eggs color patterns were milky white oval, and cylindrical. The length and width of eggs (2.56±0.40) (1.18±0.28) were noted at (30±2°C) followed by (2.33±0.42), (1.102±0.22) mm, at (20±2°C). The newly hatched larvae were white-brown and gradually turned into dirty-brown at later stages. The 1st instar stage measurement was recorded (0...

Meray Nabil Ramsis

...rene, stained with red Rottring ink, was injected in order to examine the artery supply. For radiography, 50 g of lead oxide powder was injected into the other four heads after being dissolved in 100 ml of red gum milk latex. The samples were dissected, and a digital camera with a 5x magnification was utilized to record the fine details of the vessels and their branches. The results revealed that the majority of the blood flow to the donkey’s eyes ball w...

Mokammel Hossain Tito, Most Hoor E Jannat, Marzia Afrose, S.M. Jubayer Ahmed, Shah Md Maruf, Md. Arafat Hossain, Safiullah Samani, Ruksana Jahan Mira, Barshon Saha, Asraful Islam Jihad and Tonmoy Kumar Das

...MD outbreaks and assess attribute correlations. The dataset is taken from mendely with prevalence ranges from 4.8% to 72.1% in cattle. In this paper we have used total of five algorithms including Naïve Bayes, MLP (Multilayer Perceptron), SMO (Sequential Minimal Optimization), AdaBoostM1, and REP Tree. Each model evaluated using various criteria, such as Accuracy, Kappa statistic, Precision, Recall, F measure, Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) and re...

Fitrini1*, Masyhuri2, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti3

...rtment so that they can attract cross-regional beef cattle trade and (5) the government needs to formulate an agropolitan master plan.
Keywords | Leading commodity, Beef cattle potential, Agropolitan, Development strategy

Abdulla A. Albishtue1,3, Nurhusien Yimer1,5*, Md Zuki A. Zakaria2, Abd Wahid Haron1, Abdul Salam Babji4

...histology and apoptosis attributed to increased TAC and decreased lipid peroxidation (TBARS). These results suggest that EBN’s anti-apoptotic, proliferative, and antioxidant properties lessen the neurotoxicity caused by lead acetate.
Keywords | LA, EBN, TAC, TBARS, Cerebellum, Cerebrum

Muhammad Khubaib1*, Muhammad Salman Khan1, Zia Ur Rahman2, Nafees Ahmad1, Muhammad Atif Haider1 and Mushtaq Ahmad Khan3

...rategy, and making more attractive artificial feed, additional study is required to reduce the generation of shooters at juvenile stages.


Shahid Ali Khan1*, Farooq Ahmad1, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Yan Tongyu3, Fatima Urooj1, Kamran Ahmad1, Saeed Ullah4, Sharmeen Zulfiqar5, Tahira Batool6, Aqsa Sarwar1, Yaqoob Sultan7 and Samreen Nazeer8*

...ological and anatomical attributes that reveal their ecological success in a variety of habitats.


Sadia Rashid1, Muhammad Waqas Alam Chattha2, Almazea Fatima1*, Muhammad Farooq Hyder3 and Nazia Tabasam1

...productivity was mainly attributed to less use of fertilizer due to soaring prices. Consolidated efforts could be used to improve the market price of wheat by lowering the prices of fertilizer.

Roshita Ibrahim1*, Anis Nursyazwani Aminuddin1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...stigated in this study, attributed to its shorter spawning time and the highest yield of mushrooms produced.
Nor Adila Zulkifli1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1*, Zalilawati Mat Rashid1, Zarinah Zakaria1, Norshazila Shahidan2, Lee-Hoon Ho1 and Faridah Yahya3
...hemical and nutritional attributes due to its heat sensitivity. Hence, ultrasound which is a non- thermal processing was chosen as an alternative method to minimize the quality loss during the processing of Kelulut honey. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ultrasound processing on the quality of Kelulut honey. The ultrasound processing was conducted at five different amplitudes (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%) and three different treatment ti...

Nesreen Z. Eleiwa1, Radwa A. Lela2, Eman K. Fathalla2

...shelf life, and sensory attributes of food products has become an issue of interest to researchers and consumers alike. Lactic acid bacteria, especially Lactobacillus plantarum, have been frequently used as a starter culture for fermented sausage production. Water Kefir is another valuable product that causes sausage fermentation and enhances its flavor, quality, and shelf life. Therefore, this study was conducted to compare Lactobacillus plantarum, which acts...

Eman Wahsh1, Tarek M Ibrahim2, Mirna E. ElAwady3*

... properties of CCBs are attributed to inhibition of brain calcium transportation. Propranolol reduces the physical signs of anxiety by blocking adrenergic neurotransmitters. Currently, Vogel conflict paradigm was applied to measure anxiety and validated by using anxiolytic agent, diazepam, and anxiogenic drug, caffeine. Vogel paradigm is based on the conflict between animal’s licking water and receiving electric shocks. Rats were individually tested in t...

Yasser Asaad Hameed Al-Shareef, Firas Hussain Kadim Abawi*

...l infections in poultry attributed by severe economic losses and undermining poultry well-being. The ND can cause high mortalities in all types of poultry nevertheless of vaccination status, indicating breakthrough infections. In order to investigate the nature and dynamics of these breakthrough infections, samples were collected from infected flocks with existing clinical signs of the disease. Attempts to isolate, identify and characterize positive samples we...
Satya Narayana Rao Ramasamy1,2, Assis Kamu3 and Connie Fay Komilus1*
... Malaysia. This fish is attractive and elegant that it is being cultured domestically. Meanwhile, crustacean crab is produced about 40 % and it being discharged about 60 % to 80 % as biomass into the environment. As this waste contains protein that could enhance growth rate, it could be a good choice to be used as alternate source of feed for fighting fish. The objectives of this study are to determine proximate composition in formulated fish feed using crusta...

Anas A. Humadi1*, Samer I. Sabeeh2, Ahmed Talib Yassen Aldossary3, Bushra I. Al-Kaisei2 

...together, it is clearly attributed that alcoholic extract of Syzygium aromaticum protect liver damage against C. auris potentially by increasing in catalase enzyme and lymphocyte count in treated mice. 

Chang Guoliang1,2*, Pan Zhengjun1,2, Zhu Chuankun1,2, Zhao Haitao1,2
Yan Zhang3, Summaya Rajput4 and Laghari M. Younis4*
...mulsifier, lysolecithin attracted increasing interest in fish species. In the present study, lysolecithin as a substitute for SO was used to observe the growth and immune performance of M. nipponense. Four types of diets containing similar basal compositions but differing in lysolecithin ratios were used. lysolecithin 0.1% was added to all diets except the control diet (0.0% lysolecithin). The contents of SO in the four diets(Diet# 1, Diet# 2, Diet# 3 and Diet...
Roshita Ibrahim1*, Mohd Firza Ahmad Fauzi1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...ity assessment involves attributes such as aroma, color, texture, taste, and overall acceptability. Results revealed that black jelly drinks sweetened with stevia had the lowest TSS and calorie content (1.2°Brix and 4.04 kcal/100 g, respectively). Conversely, beverages sweetened with honey showed the highest ascorbic acid content (96.67 mg/100 g). Notably, black jelly mushroom pieces sweetened with stevia exhibit the highest levels of ash, total phenolic c...
Norsyasya Shari1, Nur Nabilah Husin1, Zalilawati Mat Rasid1, Maaruf Abdul Ghani2 and Noroul Asyikeen Zulkifli1*
...6, CMD7 and CMD8 in all attributes, increasing trends of each attribute can be observed with CMD6 got the highest ratings for general acceptability, color, sweetness, and sourness, indicating that it was the most favored CMD during the analysis.

Eslam Arafa1,2, Hanan M.F. Abdien1*, Mohamed Ali Zain El-Abideen3, Emad Diab2,4, Mahmoud Assad2,5, Mohamed Tarek3, Mohsen M.Z. El-Dimerdash1, Wael K. Elfeil1

...d viral arthritis cases attributed to a novel strain of variant avian reovirus (ARV) that could bypass the protection conferred by traditional vaccines. Consequently, our study focused on identifying and characterizing the circulating ARV strain among various broiler flocks in Egypt. Out of 73 suspected reovirus examined samples, 23% tested positive for reovirus PCR at a fragment of 1088 base pairs using primers P1 and P4. These samples were collected from bro...

El-Sayed I. Hassanein1, Abdallah E. Metwally1, Hossam Eldin M. Abd Elbaky1*, Walaa Fathy Saad Eldin2

... dressing % and carcass attributes. The breast muscle of broilers fed linseed oil had considerably (P<0.05) greater values of poly unsaturated fatty acids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids than that of the control groups. Additionally, there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the amounts of triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL, VLDL, and TAC. Nevertheless, consuming meals containing linseed oil led to a significant (P<0.05) increase in serum levels o...

Saiqa Jehan1*, Tahir Sarwar1, Naveedullah1, Shahzad Khan Khattak2 and M. Jamal Khan3 

...risk of floods has been attributed to increase in rainfall intensity and snow and glacier melt. However, dry periods has increased by 2-3 weeks according to majority of the respondents. All the respondents mentioned that the temperature has changed of the area in the last 25 years, which has resulted in GLOF (Glacial Lake Outburst Floods). Most of the respondents reported that they have experienced the disasters (such as flash floods, drought, GLOF, landslides...

Roheela Yasmeen1*, Sadia Amjad1 and Naseem Zahra2

...on in the rice industry attributed to aflatoxins (AFs), which also pose serious health risks. Various research efforts are underway to improve storage methods and reduce AF contamination. In this study, white and brown rice samples were analyzed for aflatoxin contamination and treated for detoxification. A total of 50 samples, 30 white rice and 20 brown rice were collected from different areas in and around Lahore, Pakistan. Aflatoxins were quantified using Th...

Jiaojiao Wang, Peng Pan, Tingting Wu and Jianhua Hou*

... moving vehicles easily attract barn swallows, which start following the vehicle after it has been moving for 2.250 ± 0.228 min; the number of barn swallows following the moving vehicle peaked after the vehicle had been moving for 11.750 ± 0.668 min; and the barn swallows stopped following the vehicle and quickly flew away from the lawn area 0.055 ± 0.003 minutes after the vehicle stopped moving. The number of swallows was significantly hi...

Muhammad Jahangeer*1, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Muhammad Altaf2*, Riaz Aziz Minhas1 and Usman Ali3 

...wn. Based on land cover attributes, the research region was divided into five habitat categories. During 2020-21, a point transect count was used softly up to 30-50 m radius with a random sample approach. One-way ANOVA was used to evaluate the data. This research discovered a total of 38 families totaling 127 species. Muscicapidae was numerically the dominant family (n=18; 14.17%) Highest number of individuals (n=938; 24.26%) was recorded from Agricultural cro...
Imad Ahmad Noor1, Abdullah1, Ihteram Ullah2*, Kashif ur Rahman4, Imtiaz Ahmed1 and Habib Ur Rahman3
...nhanced the host growth attribute in term of root and shoot length. Fresh and dry weight of seedlings was also enhanced when associated with fungi. The fungal strains didn’t influence each other growth when grown side by side on the agar plate. It concluded that both the fungi can be used as bio-inoculants in combination for plant growth and development. Based on the current study the above mentioned fungal strains are suitable and can be utilized to enh...

Zhang Qiang1,2

... highest proportion was attributed to amino acids and their metabolites (18.58%), followed by organic acids and their derivatives (16.20%). Meanwhile, 89 significantly different metabolites (SDMs) were identified between groups, of which 55 were significantly upregulated (e.g., 3-methylcrotonyl glycine, 2-hydroxy-3, and 5-dinitrobenzoic acid, etc.) in the yaks living at extremely high altitude. In addition, 28 metabolites (fumaric acid, serotonin, glycochenode...

Irfan Ahmed1, Uswah Sehar1, Zakia Panhwar1 and Muhammad Mushtaq2

...orested environment and attracting them towards poison baiting sites/points. The study was conducted at two different locations, Muzafferabad, AJK and Attock, Punjab, Pakistan. The waste motor oil was applied on ground surface at 14 sites at both locations, each one measuring 2x2 square meters near established bait stations where wild boars had been regularly observed. The results indicated that wild boar activity of digging of soil surface, rolling over oily ...

Zhishuai Zhang, Zhiyuan Sui, Jihu Zhang, Qingjin Li, Yongjie Zhang, Chenguang Wang, Xiaojun Li and Feng Xing*

Abdul Nabi Jatt1*, Abdul Sattar Qureshi2 and Abdul Sami Dahri1

...crobial cells have been attributed to play a crucial role in dissociation of these large carbon rich particles with a profound impact on marine food webs along with biogeochemical cycles in marine environment. This mini review highlights the role of AHL based QS system in marine snow with respect to enhanced enzymatic activities (EEA) of marine snow associated bacterial populations and hydrolysis of these carbon rich aggregates.


Amam Amam1*, Ebban Bagus Kuntadi2*, Ahmad Zainuddin2, Ana Nurcholis Shobirin1, Supardi Rusdiana3*

...sitive score with total attribute scores of 15.01 and 16.81, falling in the good category. Motivation had percentages of fulfilling living needs at 85.67% and 85.53%, in the very strong category. The variable of establishing good relationships with capital owners had percentages of 61.46% and 63.4%, in the strong category. Meanwhile, the variable of achieving increased income had values of 53% and 44.5%, in the quite strong category. Based on the results, atti...

Gulzar Ullah1*, Riaz Alam1, Gohar Ayub2 and Ibrar Hussain3

...for most of the studied attributes. It was concluded that treatment of tomato plants with 1.5ppm brassinolide concentration resulted in maximum growth and yield attributes.

Abdul Qadeer1,2, Muhammad Avais1*, Abdul Wajid3, Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1, Hanif Ullah4, Asad Khan5, Sajid Ur Rahman2,6, Aqeel Javeed7 and Sher Zaman Safi8,9
...o medicinal plants have attracted attention due to their affordability and beneficial effects. In this study, the activity of Hedera helix extracts was investigated against H. contortus in sheep. In the in-vitro trial, the anthelminthic activity of methanolic and aqueous extracts of Hedera helix was checked on eggs and developed larvae of H. contortus at different doses (0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.15 0.2 mg). Aqueous and methanolic extract of Hedera helix was assessed...
Xueyu Wang1,2, Dejun Zhang1,2, Wancai Xia1,2, Jie Hu1,2, Xiaoxia Yuan1,2, Ali Krzton3 and Dayong Li1,2*
...mension of grooming has attracted more attention in research. According to biological market theory, grooming can be traded as currency for other commodities or exchanged for reciprocal grooming. Based on this theory we can roughly rank females, according to the reciprocity index of grooming. Yunnan snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) are a polygynous species, and the female individuals have to compete for access to a single male in their unit to get preg...

Dmitriy V. Alekseev*; Artem V. Lyamin; Karim A. Kayumov

...e, which is
attributed to the respiratory tract tissue destruction. Additionally, it is still unknown; how do
the anaerobic microbes contribute to CF infections, and whether they collaborate with the
traditional CF pathogens or compete with them. In this article, we are analyzing CF respiratory
infections from the ecological perspective and proposing in our opinion a more comprehensive
picture of thei...


Emad, M. Abdallah

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1057-1062
...nt mini- review were to attract the attention of the scientific community to this perplexing bacterium, and to develop an enhanced understanding about the role of this microorganism in the skin. Furthermore, it is necessary to understand the relationship between the protective mechanisms of this bacterium in the human skin, and to realize the influences that direct this bacterium to turn from a useful commensal to a serious contagion.



Bala, N. Umar1*; Jibril, Adamu1; Muhammad, T. Ahmad2; Kabiru, H. Ahmad3; Ochuko, Orakpoghenor4; Bashir, S. Aliyu5; Nuhu, Mohammed6; Aliyu Sada1,7

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1162-1175
...D-19 infection has been attributed to the inflammatory cytokine storm, and to influx of the activated immune cells to the lungs; leading to severe pneumonia, extensive ARDS and finally to death. Despite of this, the protective and pathogenic aspects of the human immunity have not been fully elucidated. Recent attempts conducted by several published research works have focused on information derived from the immune responses to the severe acute respiratory synd...


Nnoli, O. Chidinma*; Adetayo, E. Temidayo; Ogunjobi, A. Adeniyi

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(5): 1392-1404
...cterial strains that is attributable to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics has led to the search for new antimicrobials of plants origin. This study aimed to assess the potentials of the multidrug resistant bacterial strains to develop resistance to the aqueous fruit extract of Xylopia aethiopica. The tested bacterial strains were; Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli. In this...


Ghadir A. El-Chaghaby; Heba A. Shehta; Sayed Rashad; El-Shaimaa A. Rawash; Heba R. Eid

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2303-2319
...ant and microbiological attributes of the SCE treated chicken fillets were investigated at 3 d intervals for 15 d. The results showed that inclusion of SCE enhanced the chicken fillets antioxidant properties and microbiological characteristics. Furthermore, the chicken fillets treatments succeeded in stopping the rise of the total bacterial count, with no Salmonella sp. or fungal contamination, and additionally, the overall total coliform was less than 102 cfu...

Mai N. Amer1; Maissara M.K. Elmaghraby2; Aya A.M. Abdellatif2; Sondos R. Salem3; Mariam M. Salama3; Omar A. Abdel Maksoud3; Radwa M. Nasr3; Mohamed N.H. Amer4; Mohamed M.H. Marghany5; Hassan M. Awad1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2580-2603
...ides with antibacterial attributes. Consequently, probiotics are utilized in food technology to develop the functional foods that promote the human health.



Subhasmita Mallik1; Samikshya Nayak1; Arpita Panda2; Smrutirekha Behera1; Kamalakanta Swain2; Archita Patra1; Rukmini Mishra1; Jatindra Nath Mohanty1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2604-2631
...ore their antibacterial attributes. Specifically, transcriptome profiling should be employed to identify therapeutic molecules from plant-based products that can effectively combat MDR bacteria before synthesis of nano-drugs. The outcomes of this study will enable the researchers to obtain the best approaches to tackle MDR pathogens through using the nano-based phytochemicals.


Aml Ghanem1,2; Ahmed A. Al-Karmalawy3,4; Noha E. Morsy5; Mahmoud Elsabahy6; Ahmed M. Rayan2,7*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2750-2771
...hin plant tissues, have attracted much attention as potential sources of novel bioactive compounds. This study aimed to evaluate the chemical and biological characteristics of Alternaria alternata as an endophytic fungus isolated from Thymus vulgaris. Alternaria alternata was isolated from Thymus vulgaris leaves and characterized using morphological and molecular identification techniques. Chemical characterization of dichloromethane fraction (DCM) of Alternar...

Aklilu Getahun*, Yisehak Kechero and Nebiyu Yemane retain their natural attributes without compromising nutritional integrity. Consequently, innovative technologies in aquaculture and seafood processing have become essential for sustaining industry growth while ensuring food safety. Advancements in aquaculture, such as biofloc technology, robotic systems, sensor-based monitoring, and nano-vaccinology, have significantly improved fish farming productivity and strengthened the economic stability of fish farme...

Veterinary Sciences: Research and Reviews


Vol.10, Iss.2, Pages 40-104


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