Efficacy of Lipase-Producing, Wax-degrading Bacteria against the Solenopsis Mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley and the Striped Mealybug, Ferrisia virgata Cockerell (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) on Cotton
Efficacy of Lipase-Producing, Wax-degrading Bacteria against the Solenopsis Mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley and the Striped Mealybug, Ferrisia virgata Cockerell (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae) on Cotton
Nagarathinam Arunkumar*, Jainullabudeen Gulsar Banu, Nagarajan Gopalakrishnan and Arkalgud Hiriyannaiah Prakash
Comparison of cell growth and lipase production in wax degrading bacteria (WDB); a) PSADI, b) PSAD2, c) PSAD6, d), PSAD7, e) PSAD8, f) PSAD9.
Phylogenetic classification of wax degrading bacteria isolated from cotton mealybugs by Neighbor-joining phylogenetic tree based on complete 16S rRNA sequences. Bar, 0.02 nucleotide changes per position. The wax degrading bacterial strains obtained in this study shown in blood. A bootstrap value ≥ 50 is shown.