Molecular Identification of Mushroom Flies by Utilizing 28S rRNA
Molecular Identification of Mushroom Flies by Utilizing 28S rRNA
Dalal Tareq Al-Ameri1* and Ali Sabah Alhasan2
On Al-Qadisiyah farms, mushroom flies can cause several damages by reducing growth of mushroom body. Recently, mushroom flies have significantly reduced mushroom production in Iraq. moreover, larvae and adults of these pest cannot be identified due to their lack of morphological and genetical information. Thus, Iraqi farmers are unable to identify which pest is the primary cause of the mushroom damage in their farms. In this study, mushroom flies (adults) were collected from damage mushroom farms at Al-Qadisiyah governorate in Iraq, and subsequently determined by using 28S ribosomal RNA. Divergences of the 28S ribosomal RNA sequences among the species discriminated the clusters clearly, and the mushroom flies were identified as Scatopse notata and Coboldia fuscipes.
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