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Mortalities Among Young Rabbits: Impact of Maternal Behavior and Bacterial Causes

Mortalities Among Young Rabbits: Impact of Maternal Behavior and Bacterial Causes

Dalia Mansour Hamed1, Mohsen Zaky El Dimerdash1, Ahmed Abdelatif Ali2, Samer Adel Abd El-Gaffar3, Mona Salim Abdallah1* 

1Department of Avian and Rabbit Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Kilo 4.5 Ring Road, Ismailia, Egypt, 41522; 2Department of Poultry and Fish Behavior and Management, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Kilo 4.5 Ring Road, Ismailia, Egypt, 41522; 3Post-graduate student, Department of Avian and Rabbit Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Kilo 4.5 Ring Road, Ismailia, Egypt, 41522.

*Correspondence | Mona Salim Abdallah, Department of Avian and Rabbit Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Suez Canal University, Kilo 4.5 Ring Road, Ismailia, Egypt, 41522; Email: drmona_salim 

Figure 1

Clinical signs of S. aureus infected rabbit at 3rd day PI showing clinical signs of arched back (a) and wet matted fur (b). 

Figure 2

Postmortem lesion of S. aureus infected rabbit showing lung congestion with petechial hemorrhage (c) and liver was severely congested, enlarged with white purulent lesions on the surface (d). 

Figure 3

Lung of rabbit infected with S. aureus: (a & b) showing an interstitial inflammatory reaction, hemorrhages, and focal peribranchial leukocytic infiltrations. (c) lung treated with an antibiotic, showing mild focal peribranchial aggregations along with mild interstitial pneumonia. (d) lung treated with antibiotic+ probiotic. showing mild thickening of interstitial tissue and mild congestion. H&E. X 100. 

Figure 4

Liver of rabbit infected with S. aureus: (a & b) showing congestion, hyperplasia of bile ducts, perivascular edema, focal degeneration, and necrosis of hepatocytes, and in (b) large abscess formation. (c) liver treated with an antibiotic, showing mild hyperplasia of bile ducts and congestion of portal blood vessels. (d) liver treated with antibiotic+ probiotic. showing pronounced improvement of hepatic tissue. H&E. X 100. 

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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