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Salma Shaheen, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani

...ith or without effective microorganism (EM) on the agronomic performance of spinach crop, at Gomal University D.I. Khan during 2009- 11. A commercial product called Bio-Aab was used as a source of EM. Organic manure was first mixed with Bio-Aab, left for 7 to 15 days at room temperature (20oC) and then applied to appropri- ate pots. The treatments of farm yard manure (FYM) @ 10 t ha-1, press mud @ 20 t ha-1, compost @ 0.7 t ha-1 and poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1 w...

Aqeel Ahmad, Zammurad Iqbal Ahmed, Irfan Aziz* phosphorus mobilizing microorganisms 2.5 packets ha-1, in addition to control were evaluated under lentil-sorghum and lentil-mungbean cropping patterns. Fertilizer treatments were only applied to lentil while their residual effect was studied on sorghum and mungbean. The results revealed that net benefits and marginal rate of return from NPK were the highest mainly due to high lentil yield and poultry manure was next to it. The residual analysis ...

Atul Sharma, Aruna Chandra Singh, Gautam Bacher, Sunil Bhand

...or inhibit the growth of microorganisms. Their abuse results in various side effects on the human health, environment and agriculture. The occurrence of bacterial “suprainfection” with tolerance to antibiotics has attracted the significant attention, mainly due to the consequences of multi drug resistance and potential threat to human health and the environment. With the increasing incidences of antimicrobial contamination, especially in food, dair...

Iram Liaqat1*, Najma Arshad2, Muhammad Arshad3, Safdar Ali Mirza4, Nazish Mazhar Ali1 and Ammara Shoukat1

...ivity against all tested microorganisms, while C. sinensis and M. piperita showed weak antimicrobial activity. Methanolic plant extracts exhibited greater antimicrobial activity than aqueous extracts. Maximum zone of inhibition exhibited by methanolic extracts of S. aromaticum was 10 mm and 20 mm in mono and mixed culture bacterial isolates, respectively. The findings from this study warrant further research to help to establish an alternative anti-infective p...

Salma Shaheen, Mumtaz Khan, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani, Zarina Bibi, Muhammad Munir and Mehwish Kiran




Sanaullah Jalil*, Asim Hayat, Abid Majeed, Syed Haider Abbas, Muhammad Noman, Muhammad Imran Kasana and Muhammad Mazhar Hussain

...rd manure with effective microorganisms would be a promising strategy for enhancing P use efficiency and productivity of wheat crop in eco friendly way.


A. K. Chaubey and Satyandra Kumar

Bio-management of root knot nematode and root rot disease by antagonistic fungi and rhizobacteria
...ontrol (P< 0.05). The microorganisms which caused high nematicidal activity also showed antifungal activity in dual plate culture test in vitro. All the antagonists showed reduction in root knot and root rot disease and promote plants growth as the length and weight of root and shoot in pot trials on tomato plants. Keywords: Antagonistic fungi, root knot nematode, wilt fungus, bio-management



Sitansu Pan and Someshwar Bhagat

Biological control of plant diseases
...hat is why consortium of microorganisms is needed for tackling several plant pathogens simultaneously instead of only one biocontrol agent-one pathogen,which is the most common and established system of biocontrol of plant diseases.

Rana Muhammad Aadil1,2*, Xin-An Zeng1, Saqib Jabbar3, Akmal Nazir2, Abid Aslam Mann2, Muhammad Kashif Iqbal Khan2, Abdullah2, Amna Ramzan2, bioactive compounds, microorganisms and enzyme analysis. The grapefruit juice was treated with processing variables of HPP treatment (0, 150, 200 and 250 MPa), temperature (40, 50 and 60 oC), for processing time of 3 minutes and thermal treatment was done in a water bath at 70 oC for 90 seconds. In HPP treatment (250 MPa/60 °C/3 min), significant reduction was observed in microorganisms, PME and...

 Nasia Batool*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar**, Imdad Hussain Mirza** and Muhammad Fateh Ullah Khan**


 Sadaf Javaria*, Muhammad Qasim Khan*, Kashif Waseem*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani*, Habib ur Rahman*, Muhammad Sohail Khan* and Muhammad Sohail**

EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON IMPACT OF BIO AND ORGANOMINERAL FERTILIZES ON COMPOSITION AND SHELF LIFE OF TOMATO ( ) FRUIT. (effective microorganisms) with or without organic manure (Farmyard Manure) and inorganic fertilizer (NPK) on the quality characteristics of tomato. The pot experiment was conducted by combining 7 treatments in completely randomized design with 3 replications. The results revealed that nutrient sources significantly affected different quality parameters including; physicochemical (vitamin C, lycopene, total soluble solids and pericarp thickness);...
Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska1,*, Magdalena Skibicka1, Barbara Cioch-Szklarz1, Jolanta Karakulska2, Karol Fijałkowski2 and Sonia Hiller3
...d absence or presence of microorganisms in the nasal cavity in a small amount (<10 CFU).


Syed Aun Muhammad1, Muhammad Soaib Said2, Shams Ur Rehman2, Muhammad Dawood2, Muneer Ahmed Qazi3 and Nighat Fatima2,*
...merging highly resistant microorganisms. The existing beta lactamase inhibitors are considered ineffective against these superbugs and there is an urgent need for discovery of novel drugs with selective potential. In this study, we illuminate the binding mode of pimarane diterpenes (diaporthein A and diaporthein B) to the NMD-1 by molecular docking. A computational ligand-target docking approach was used to analyze structural complexes of enzyme target with di...

Hareem Mohsin, Azka Asif*, Warda Fatima, Sarooj Nadeem, Anjum Nasim Sabri

Assessment of biocalcification by the water absorption test using microorganism from oil contaminated site
...f calcium along with the microorganism under optimum culture conditions. Alkaline conditions produced by the activity of the enzyme urease allowed the reaction between calcium and carbonate ions that leads to the precipitation of the calcium carbonate. The water absorption test was performed to check the presence of a protective layer that provides resistance to water penetration and corrosion to cement. The samples treated with calcium and urea for one hour ...
Dur-E-Shahwar1,2, Riaz Ahmad Sheikh1, Nazia Jamil2*
...ds which are produced by microorganisms that have several applications in petroleum, pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. Produced water is a major waste water stream of petroleum industry which is produced during petroleum extraction from subsurface in which hydrocarbons are found as a main environmental pollutant. Present study is focused on production of biosurfactants from indigenous bacteria, isolated from produced water and produced water contamin...
Zahra Nazir1, Saba Ijaz1, Roquyya Gul2 and Mahjabeen Saleem1,*
...ead in plants, fungi and microorganism, gain commercial importance for improving the yield and nutraceutical properties of juice processing industry, degumming of fibre plants and maximum oil recovery. These enzymes break down complex polysaccharide polymers of plant tissues into simpler monomer like D-galacturonic acids. In this study, polygalacturonase from grape skin was purified by salting out with ammonium sulfate, gel filtration on Sephadex G-75 column a...
Mohammed Al Bratty1,*, Hassan A. Alhazmi1,2, Desam Nagarjuna Reddy3, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab3, Sadique A. Javed1 and Zia ur Rehman1,4
...side attackers including microorganisms. In present study, propolis sample was collected from adjacent to Jazan city, Saudi Arabia and the chemical constituents of the ethanolic extract was evaluated by GC-MS. The ethanolic extract was tested against selected strains of microorganisms for its antibacterial and antifungal activities. The major classes of compounds indentified in the extract were fatty acid esters and aliphati...
Shagufta Naz1, Ayesha Javed1, Ayesha Saleem1, Khadija Murtaza1, Rukhama Haq1, Akbar Hayat2 and Neelma Munir1,*
... total demolition of all microorganisms and their spores in foods. In recent study garlic samples were treated with three different doses of gamma radiation such as 0.5, 1 and 2 kGy. Effects of gamma radiation were analyzed for different aspects like microflora, moisture, fat, ash, fiber, phenolic content, sprouting inhibition, physiological weight loss, pyruvate analysis and sugar contents. Gamma radiation affected these parameters at higher doses but at 0.5 ...

Matiullah Khan1*, Motsim Billah2, Shoaib Ahmad1, Raza Ullah Khan1 and Muhammad Sarwar1 

...oculating with effective microorganisms (EM) on the wheat during 2010-11. Both experiments were conducted consecutively, in the same lay out of randomized complete block design with three repeats. Various doses of PEC (6, 4, 2 Mg ha-1) were compared with simple poultry-litter compost (PLC) as 8 Mg ha-1, single super phosphate (SSP) fertilizer as 100 kg P2O5 ha-1 and control. The results showed that PEC at 6 Mg ha-1gave 14.7% and 7.7% increased paddy yield and ...
Tanzeela Riaz, Fiza Sana-Ullah Khan, Farah Rauf Shakoori
...kistan. Locally isolated microorganisms were screened for their mannanase producing characteristics on mineral salt agar medium pH 7. Six isolates were found to be mannanase producers by qualitative analysis. Three isolates (MBL-SP02, MBL-CW01 and MBL-GN02) produced maximum zone of hydrolysis with maximum activity ratio. These isolates (MBL-SP02, MBL-CW01 and MBL-GN02) produced maximum units of mannanase activity, i.e., 9.474, 7.364 and 3.568 U/ml in qu...
Barkat Ali1,2, Wasim Sajjad1,2,3, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Rafiq1, Sahib Zada1, Aamer Ali Shah1 and Fariha Hasan1,*
...esistance emerging among microorganisms against antibiotics already in use. Microorganisms from unusual environments, such as reported from the surface and inside of rocks are a repository of certain metabolites that might be able to solve the problem of increasing resistance against antibiotics. The present study was designed to isolate endolithic and epilithic bacterial strains from the rapidly weathering rocks collected f...

Saleha Ashfaq1, Manzoor Hussain1, Nazish Bibi2, Jan Alam1, Muhammad Junaid2 and Sabi-Ur-Rehman3*

...nd n-hexane 26mm against microorganisms studied. Standard antibiotics were used as a positive control for bacteria and fungi respectively. The cytotoxic assay results showed that methanolic extracts of stem and root of H. gilesii had toxic effects on brine shrimp larvae with LD50 values of 116.72 µg/ml and 168.16 µg/ml respectively. The antimicrobial and cytotoxic parameters reported can be considered as quality standards of H. gilesii in herbal in...
Nafeesa Batool1*, Javed Iqbal Qazi1, Nida Aziz1, Ali Hussain2 and Syed Zawwar Hussain Shah3
...settings at substrate to microorganism (S / M) ratio of 1.0 based on volatile solids (VS) for 30 days. Solids [Total solids (TS), volatile solids (VS), fixed solids (FS) and their ratios as (VS / TS)] determinations were also carried out for process monitoring. The highest cumulative biogas yield of 459.4 mL /g VS was observed in the co-digestion of DM + FW with 58.63 and 41.36 % CH4 and CO2 contents. BMP of the microcrystalline cellulose...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

...n sources and beneficial microorganisms on growth and biochemical traits of wheat” for two years at Agricultural Research Station Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The experiments were laid out using three factors factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Bio-aab was used as a source of (BM) culture. Microbes present in this culture were species of photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Rhodobacter spaero...

Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud1, Yonis Abukar Mohamed2, Osman Sheikh Ali Jama3, Pravin Mishra4* and Mohamed Idiris Mohamed5 

Prevalence and Major Pathogens Associated with Clinical and Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in Benadir Region of Somalia
...recognize the associated microorganisms as causal agents of mastitis. The prevalence of this study was measured by using California mastitis test (CMT). Milk samples were collected from the Deyniile District, Benadir Region of Somalia. The overall prevalence of mastitis was 16.66% (7.93% on the quarter basis), the prevalence of clinical and subclinical mastitis was found to be 22.78% and 9.85% on the animal basis and 9.37% and 6.15% on quarter basis, respectiv...

Taqi Raza1*, Sergio de Los Santos Villalobos2, Muhammad Shehzad3, Shakeel Imran4 and Derly José Henriques da Silva5

PGP Characterization of Rhizobacteria Associated with Apple Gourd (Praecitrullus fistulosus L.)
... are beneficial group of microorganisms which improve plant and soil health by enhancing nutrient availability and protecting plant against stresses. The current study was carried out to characterization of rhizobacteria associated with Apple Guard (Praecitrullus fistulous L.). Morphological, qualitative and quantitative tests were performed to characterize the PGPR abilities of isolated rhizobacteria. Lab study indicated that isolated bacterial strains have m...
Ayesha Talib1,2, Khanzadi Nazneen Manzoor1, Wajahat Ali1, Maria Saeed1, Muhammad Asif Gondal1, Malik Badshah3 and Abid Ali Khan1*
...ibiotics in a variety of microorganisms is expanding at an alarming pace. There is a dire need to devise novel tactics to deal with these minute yet evolving ever clever microscopic entities. One of the possible ways to fight them is through nanoparticles. Green synthesis is an easy way to synthesize nanoparticles by using biological resources as it is cost effective, eco-friendly and large-scale production possibilities exist. Copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) hav...
Abdul Nabi Jatt1,2*
...QS) is a system by which microorganisms can monitor their own population density via small signalling molecules to communicate with each other. The sinking of marine snow aggregates is as an essential process for moving organic carbon source from the up-ward to down-ward in the ocean. Marine snow associated bacterial communities perform a crucial role in organic material degradation by producing extracellular hydrolytic enzymes and are considered as key compon...
Rida Haroon Durrani1*, Fareeha Akhtar1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1, Munazzah Maqbool1, Aleena Kokab1, Kiran Imtiaz2 and Muhammad Ilyas Riaz3
...on. Food spoilage due to microorganisms is a serious issue which causes approximately 25% food loss globally Present study revealed the effects of storage temperature associated with bacterial spoilage of fish meat. A total 24 samples were procured during three different seasons from local retail shops (n=12) and supermarket (n=12) in order to observe the bacteria which are associated with meat spoilage. Total viable count of aerobic psychrophilic, mesophilic ...

Muhamamd Rizwan1*, Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Kashif3, Aneela Zameer Durrani4, Asghar Abbas5, Tanveer Ahmad6, Muhammad Nadeem7 , Kinza Khan8

...mechanism of prokaryotic microorganism. It acts as bacterial natural adaptive immune system against phages, plasmids and foreign genomic elements. Mostly prokaryotes uses their CRIPR Cas system to enhance the integrity of their cell membrane that inhibit the permeability of antimicrobials from host body into the bacterial cells. CRISPR Cas system also help bacteria to evade from the host immune system by suppressing the activity of their immune receptors e.g. ...

Shimaa M. Gad1, Ahmed A. Kheder1, Mohamed A. Awad 2

...Phytoplasmas a wall-less microorganism belongs to Class Mollicutes cause diseases in
several commercial ornamental plants, leads to serious economic losses all over the world. During
2017-2018, gazania showing phyllody, yellowing, proliferation, virescence and little leaf symptoms
was observed Giza, Egypt.
Objective: The current work aims the detection and molecular identification of phytoplasma infecting
Ahmed A. ElWakil1, Ausama A. Yousif2 , Adel A. Fayed3, Ibrahim M. elsabagh2, Mahmoud
El Gamal2, Omnia H. Refaei3
...commensal and pathogenic microorganisms that
have been reported to replicate in ticks (e.g. Staphylococci, streptococci ) In addition, the analysis
revealed a LSDV sequence output that was nearly equal to sequence output of different bacteria
known to replicate in ticks.
Conclusion: The modified RT-PCR assay used to detect the polyadenylated LSDV DNA polymerase
mRNA in combination with data generated ...

Ljupco Angelovski*, Zagorka Popova, Katerina Blagoevska, Sandra Mojsova, Marija Ratkova Manovska, Mirko Prodanov, Dean Jankuloski, Pavle Sekulovski

...obial resistance of this microorganism towards some critical antimicrobials used in the human and veterinary medicine. In this study samples were taken from three points in the broiler meat production (farm, slaughter line and cold storage of the meat before shipping to the market). A total of 283 samples (cloacal swabs, caeca and carcass swabs) were analyzed for the presence of C. jejuni. The isolates of C. jejuni were confirmed with the con...

Md. Sahidur Rahman1*, Tishita Ape1, Md. Islam1 and Sharmin Chowdhury2

... antimicrobial-resistant microorganisms. We conducted a cross-sectional study to assess the perspective of dairy farmers regarding antibiotic use as well as its residual and resistance effect. We collected data from 101 dairy farmers in Chattogram, Bangladesh. The results revealed that ceftriaxone, gentamicin, streptopenicillin, amoxicillin, and sulfur drugs were the most frequently used antibiotics in the study area. Among the participants, 99% did not follow...
Jun-Dong Tian1,2, Wei-Jie Guo1,2, Han Yan1, Jie Zhang1, Shu-Liao Tian3 and Ji-Qi Lu1,2,*
...ts host rich and diverse microorganisms, and the microbial community could be affected by many factors including activity rhythm which responds to the timing of feces defecation. To test the effect of activity rhythm on fecal microbiota, we used non-invasive sampling method to collect the feces defecated in the morning (AM group) and afternoon (PM group) from a zoo rhesus macaque population. Then 16S rRNA sequencing technology was adopted to assess the microbi...
Yunilas Yunilas1*, Nurzainah Ginting1, Tri Hesti Wahyuni1, Muhammad Zahoor2, Nelzi Fati3 and 
Ahmad Wahyudi4
...d technology using local microorganism additives is expected to improve the physical quality of silage feed. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding local microorganisms (MOL) and fermentation time on the physical quality of corn straw silage. This study used a completely randomized design, factorial 3 × 3 with three replications. Factor I was various doses of MOL (1 %, 3 %, 5 %), and Factor II was different...

Nkiru E. Ekechukwu, Felicia N. Ekeh, Chinenye M. Ohanu, Hope C. Ezinwa and Ifeanyi Oscar N. Aguzie*

...s the vector for various microorganisms. They have the potential for spreading diseases in the environment where they are found. Many insects are associated with animal feces and manure, and abattoirs are one of the important sources for such contacts and disease dissemination. We assumed that understanding the diversity of insect fauna might help to shade light on vector insect-borne diseases, prevalence and transmission rates in abattoir communities. Here we...
Mohammad Belal Shaker1, Waleed Rizk El-Ghareeb2,3*, Marwa Magdy Seliem4, Wageh Sobhy Darwish3, Bassam Abdulla Alhawas2, Ahmed E. Tharwat3 of the opportunistic microorganisms, that normally inhabits aquatic environments such as fresh, and marine water bodies. Aeromonas spp. might cause food-borne gastroenteritis that might be complicated to cause septicemia, meningitis, endocarditis, and osteomyelitis with high mortalities in immune-compromised persons. This international collaborative research was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Aeromonas spp., particularly A. hydrophila in three ...

Yahia A. Amin1*, Alaa Eldin Z. Mahmoud2, Mohamed Sabry Aref3, Abd El-Latif Shaker Seddek4, Waleed Younis5 

...ic to different types of microorganisms responsible for endometritis and its effect on the days open and pregnancy rate. The current study was carried out on 100 Holstein Frisian cows that were not pregnant for 90-120 days after calving. The cows were classified into two groups: the first group is the normal control group (9 cows), and the second group (91 cows) is the treated group and suffered from endometritis. Samples for bacteriological examination were t...

Eman H. Abotalp, Sahar R. Mohamed, Jakeen K. El Jakee

...r owners, and so harmful microorganisms can be easily transmitted from them to human beings. The ongoing review applied to be aware assuming canines and felines in Egypt are colonized with unsafe E. coli serotypes and the antibiotic resistance in these E. coli isolates. A total of 129 rectal swabs were gathered from apparent healthy and diarrheic canines and felines. By using Vitek2 compact system, 42 E. coli isolates (32.6%) were resulted from canines (2...

Aulia Nurul Saputri, I Komang Gede Wiryawan, Dilla Mareistia Fassah*, Dewi Apri Astuti 

...ive for AGP by providing microorganisms that have a health benefit for the host. This study was to identify the molecular characteristics of LAB isolated from the digestive tract of black soldier fly (BSF) larvae on different substrates as probiotic candidates. The LAB from the digestive tract of BSF larvae in chicken manure and palm kernel meal substrates was isolated and taxonomically identified using the 16S rRNA sequence homology and molecular identificati...

Ali Ahmad1*, Zubair Aslam1, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Ehsan Ullah1, Ali Raza1 and Muhammad Asif3 eliminated beneficial microorganisms, depleted soil fertility, and lowered natural resistance in crops, making them more susceptible to disease and having detrimental consequences for the environment and human health. To address these issues, we must turn to ecologically friendly alternatives like vermicompost tea and vermicompost, which not only increase crop growth and production while lowering diseases and pests over time, but also protect environment an...

Shama Sadaf1*, Komal Hassan1, Ayesha Saeed1 and Zeeshan Ahmad2 

... binder. The presence of microorganisms was checked by ASTEM E2149 shake flask method before and after applying antimicrobial finish and after successive 25 washes. The results were analyzed through MANOVA. The fabric properties were checked by using ISO standard test methods. The fabric which was treated with A. indica showed 100% reduction on all samples after 22 hours, but after six days only one colony of microorganism w...

S.A. Khan†, M. Abid and F. Hussain1

...ive sign against harmful microorganisms which are responsible for
considerable losses in agriculture yield.

Nuzhat Munawar1, Abrar Hussain1, Imran Sajid2, Zahra Noreen1, Muhammad Aslam3*, Zeeshan Rehman1 and Aamir Ali3,4

... various disease-causing microorganisms. In the case of well diffusion assay, the plant exhibited a maximum 16mm inhibition zone against B. subtilis a minimum 10 mm inhibition zone against P. aeruginosa, with acetone extract. The same extract seems inactive against K. pneumoniae as compared to control. When tested on S. aureus, chloroform showed a 10 mm inhibition zone while it was inactive against all other experienced bacteria. Ethyl acetate extract gave an ...

Vetlana Aleksandrovna Shemyakova1, Boris Kazievich Laipanov1, Ismail Anatolyevich Bittirov2, Kerim Khasanovich Bolatchiev1, Kamilla Gadzhimuradovna Alieva4, Anatoly Murashevich Bittirov2,3* 

...on and identification of microorganisms.Water samples showed the presence of faecal contamination; especially coliform bacteria which is a risk for the health of local community. Salmonella spp. was detected in 7.42 % of water samples having range 1-20 CFU 100ml-1, while E.coli was detected in 91.4% of water samples having colonial population between 1-40 CFU/100ml. According to this study, 98 % of the water sources of study area did not meet the safe limits f...
...bating properties to the microorganisms in various species of cinnamon. 
...dextransucrase producing microorganisms were separated from different vegetables, fruits, and milk samples collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. Sucrose-based medium, supplemented with vancomycin and tetracycline, was used for the selective growth of Leuconostoc species. The obtained isolates were screened by using the shake flask method. The isolate IIB-C9 was selected for the parametric optimization as it gave the maximum activity. Amon...
...dextransucrase producing microorganisms were separated from different vegetables, fruits, and milk samples collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. Sucrose-based medium, supplemented with vancomycin and tetracycline, was used for the selective growth of Leuconostoc species. The obtained isolates were screened by using the shake flask method. The isolate IIB-C9 was selected for the parametric optimization as it gave the maximum activity. Amon...

Yusmarini Yusuf*, Usman Pato*, Shanti Fitriani, Emma Riftyan, Evy Rossi, Diky Arma Fauzi, Ghina Ismadiah, Miftahul Hidayah, Windy Sabiliani

...ures showed the count of microorganisms that had exceeded the quality standard on the early 30th day, they were still comparable to those preserved with nitrite, chitosan, and bacteriocin preservatives. Based on sensory evaluation, the fishballs for all treatments had a smooth surface, were slightly hollow and bright, tasted delicious and had somewhat product-specific flavor, and had a dense, compact, and slightly chewy texture.

Abubakar Sadiq Muhammad1,2, Latiffah Hassan1, Saleha Abdul Aziz1, Zunita Zakaria1, Hassan Ismail Musa1, 2*, Maswati Mat Amin3 

...environment within which microorganisms dwell have been shown to influence the presence of Burkholderia pseudomallei. A total of 78 isolates, of which 56 are from soil and 22 from water obtained from livestock farm environments, were molecularly characterized by multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and analyzed against the environmental physicochemical properties from 33 livestock farms in four selected states of Negeri Sembilan, Pahang, Perak, and Selangor in Pe...

Nguyen Thi Kim Dong1*, Nguyen Van Thu2 

...s effects of the benefit microorganisms and enzymes supplementation in diets. A total of 150 Guinea fowls at 5-week old was placed in a completely randomized design with 5 nutritional treatments and 3 replicates, including ten birds per experimental unit. The treatments were supplement levels of 0 (no supplement),0.2% and 0.4% benefit microorganism and 0.4 and 0.8%vitamin-enzyme (VE)to concentrate-basal diets corresponding t...

Bambang Hartoyo1*, Tri Rachmanto Prihambodo1,2, Wahyuningsih3, Sri Rahayu1, Fransisca Maria Suhartati1, Muhamad Bata1, Efka Aris Rimbawanto1

Farha Deba1, Rubina Nelofer2 and Muhammad Irfan1*

... a major priority to use microorganisms for the enzymatic destruction of keratin waste material rather of various conventional procedures that are expensive and not ecologically friendly.
Novelty Statement | The study reports proteolytic/keratinolytic bacteria for the first time from abattoir  region. 
Tabark F Ahmed, Nibras Z. Yahya*
...E. coli showed that this microorganism is highly sensitive to ciprofloxacin and resistance to erythromycin.
Keywords | Ascorbic acid, E. coli O157, Minimum inhibitory concentration, Time killing curve, Ciprofloxacin, Erythromycin

Pham Tan Nha*, Le Thu Thuy

...alysis of chicken manure microorganisms revealed that the G1.5 treatments exhibited the highest levels of Lactobacilli, while the G1.5 treatments demonstrated the most favorable results with regards to lower levels of E. coli and Clostridium. Overall, the results indicated that incorporating 1.5% (DM) Black Garlic into the diet of Tre chickens between 6 to 13 weeks of age produced the best outcomes.
Keywords | Tre chickens, Diges...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Jamshaid Iqbal2, Tariq Mustafa3, Gul Rehman2, Muhammad Faisal Shahzad2, Muhammad Younas4,5*, Aftab Ahmad Khan6, Ameer Hamza2, Abdul Ghaffar1 and Muneer Abbas1

...edators, parasitoids and microorganisms likewise fungi, bacteria and viruses has proven to be a viable and sustainable pest management technique. Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) are currently used as biocontrol agents and are alternatives of synthetic insecticides in sustainable agriculture. The bio-efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi (EPF); Metarhizium anisopliae (PacerMA), Verticillium lecanii (Zimm) (Mealikil-VL), Isaria fumosorosea (Wise) and Beauveria bassian...


...esis of many
microorganisms. A number of animal and clinical studies have presented
importance and role of biofilms in various clinical conditions. This form of
growth enables them to grow in form of microbial communities, which
help them to grow and survive better. Resistance to antibiotics is usually
linked and described as a reason for better survival of microbes in
biofilms. In fact, i...

Siddique Ahmad1*, Basit Ullah1, Sajid Ali2, Ali Zaid1, Zeeshan Ahmad3, Muhammad Usaid1, Muhammad Zeeshan1 and Saif Ullah3

...The principle beneficial microorganisms (BM) in bio-aab contain photosynthetic bacteria, lactic acid bacteria and yeast. These BM produced useful substances such as amino acids, nucleic acids, lactic acid, bioactive substances, hormones, enzymes and sugars. All these substances promote active cell and root division, plant growth, productivity, suppress harmful microorganisms, and enhance the decomposition of organic matter. ...

Sona Salem El-Nwehy1*, Assem Abbas Mohammed El-Naggar2 and Adel Badr El-Nasharty1

...ertilizer EM1 (effective microorganisms) combined with varied rates of the recommended NPK mineral fertilization would affect vegetative growth, flower yield, quality, chemical constituents, and reduce mineral fertilization of NPK on Gladiolus hybrida cv. “Rose Supreme”. A pot experiment was undertaken during the planting seasons of 2020 and 2021 in the Antoniades Botanical Gardens, Horticulture Research Institute, Alexandria, Egypt. There are 7 tr...

Aishat Adetola Anifowose*, Nkechi Betsy Izuogu and Benoit Katchitche Sossou production, effective microorganisms (EM) and compost manure were applied singly and in combination on two varieties of sweet potato under field and -screenhouse conditions. The trials were 2x5 (screenhouse) and 2x4 (field) factorial experiments fitted into a randomized complete block design (RCBD), respectively, and the field was naturally infested. Each pot in the screenhouse was inoculated with 2400 M. incognita juveniles at planting. Compost manure was ...

Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi1*, Hassan Abd- El-Khair2, Usama S. Elkelany1, Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad1 and Mona G. Dawood3

Hafsa Saeed, Soumble Zulfiqar, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan and Abdul Rauf Shakoori*

...entrations, are toxic to microorganisms. A chromosomally encoded znt operon plays an important role in multi-metal resistance in some members of Enterobacteriaceae. However, its role has not yet been explored in K. pneumoniae. This study focused on molecular characterization of ZntR, a transcriptional regulator of znt operon. The minimum inhibitory concentration of zinc, lead and cadmium were 10, 10 and 4 mM, respectively against K. pneumoniae KW. The strain a...

Phoebe Lyndia Tolentino Llantada1,2*, Midori Umekawa2, Shuichi Karita2

...dgut with the aid of the microorganisms that thrive in this region. However, knowledge and studies on bacterial communities across the GIT are very limited. Most researches only focus on the rumen or the hindgut. Therefore, this study was performed to evaluate the bacterial microbiota in three gut regions (foregut: the rumen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum; midgut: duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and hindgut: cecum, colon, rectum) of two riverine type buffaloes using P...

IRFANA IQBAL1*, PAKEEZA TANWEER1, FARKHANDA MANZOOR1, MUHAMMAD NAUMAN AFTAB2, AFSHAN KALEEM3, ROHEENA ABDULLAH3, ASMA ZAFAR4 & MEHWISH IQTEDAR3 honey samples against microorganisms isolated from infected burned skin of patients in children hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. The isolated microorganisms were identified as P. aeruginosa, E.coli, K. pneumoniae and S. aureus. The original bacterial inoculum was serially diluted (adjusted to 1.5 X 106 CFU) and spread on the nutrient agar plates. Whattmann filter paper discs were soaked in three different concentrations (50%, ...


...evelop new drugs against microorganisms, resistant to presently available anti-microbials. In the present study, 13 hydrazone derivatives were screened in vitro for their biological activity against microorganisms by employing agar well diffusion method. The microbes, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus and Candida albicans were cultured on agar plates. Wells in agar plates were loaded with 50 μl of 0.02 μg/ml and ...
...mbat drugs resistance in microorganisms. The aqueous and methanolic extracts of Nigella sativa and Ficus carica seeds were used against bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli) and Fungi (Candida albicans, Fusarium oxysporium and Microsporum canis) to check their antimicrobial activities. For antibacterial assays, the volume and concentrations of extracts used were 0.5 μl (62.5 μg), 1 μl (125 μg), 5 μl (625 μg) and 10 μl (1250...

Teedzai Chitura*

...rgence of drug-resistant microorganisms threatens human and animal health. The inappropriate use of prescribed antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock production is the main contributor of antimicrobial resistance. As a result, there have been growing calls by consumers and international health organizations for reduced application of antibiotic growth promoters in livestock production. To address this problem, several animal feed commissioners and summit...
Muhammad Atif Raza1, Muhammad Tariq Javed2, Muhammad Fiaz1*, Muhammad Shakeel3, Muhammad Shahbaz Ul Haq2, Amna Kanwal2, Syeda Maryam Hussain1 and Muhammad Zubair Siddiqi4
...imicrobial resistance in microorganism. Main aim of this study was to find out substitute of antibiotic against Fowl Typhoid in broiler in terms of immunological, serum biochemistry and lipid profile parameters. Broiler chicks (Age = 1 d and n = 90) were kept under uniform management conditions. Chicks were divided randomly into six groups on day ten of their age with 15 replicates in each; control negative (CN), control positive (CP) and four treatments (T1, ...

Mercy Cuenca-Condoy1*, Lourdes Reinoso-García2, Juan González-Rojas2, Dionel García-Bracho3  

...tudy was to identify the microorganisms that cause subclinical bovine mastitis and their frequency in the Biblián-Ecuador canton. One thousand four hundred and forty mammary quarters were analyzed, coming from 360 Holstein cows in milk production. The California Mastitis Test (CMT) was used to qualitatively verify the increase in somatic cell count (SCC) in milk to indicate the presence of microorganisms causing bovin...
Danish Riaz1,2, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2*, Majid Hussain3, Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan4 and Eman Naeem2
...n against gut pathogenic microorganisms. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of supplementing Catla catla fingerlings fed a diet including sunflower meal (SFM) with probiotics (Protexin®) on growth performance, nutritional digestibility, and hematological indicators. Six test diets and one control diet (0 g/kg) were formulated before the beginning of the experiment, with varying amounts of probiotics (0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 and 3 g/kg) add...
Sobia Mushtaq,Ibatsam Khokhar,Amna Ali,Irum Mukhtar

Azhar Ali1, Faheem Ahmed Khan2, Wu Di3, Huang Chunjie3, Muhammad Rizwan Yousaf1, Bilal Ahmed1, Farwa Shakeel1, Nuruliarizki Shinta Pandupuspitasari1, Windu Negara2, Bambang Waluyo Hadi Eko Prasetiyono1*

...s indicates that certain microorganisms carry several resistance genes, which are often found in close proximity and originate from various species. Our findings indicates that the gastrointestinal system of dairy cows harbors a repertoire of 216 antimicrobial resistance genes, which are presumed to confer resistance to 23 distinct antibiotics. The identified ARGs were associated with tetracyclines, macrolides, bacitracin, quinolones, β-lactams, and amino...

Arba Aleem, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik*, Wan Razarinah Wan, Abdul Razak and Norfatimah Mohamed Yunus

... repel microbes. Certain microorganisms present in the soil may cause the activation of plant defense system. Root exudates secreted by plants roots can attract beneficial microbes that help plants by boosting nutrient intake and improving plant growth. Sustainable agriculture and ecosystem management potentially benefit from an understanding of the mechanisms and purposes of root exudates under biotic and abiotic conditions. Harnessing the potential of plant-...

Noor Rahmawati*, Dea Indriani Astuti and Pingkan Aditiwati

...abolites from endophytic microorganisms, particularly endophytic fungi, have been undertaken on plants that are able to produce secondary metabolites with unique properties. When tested using the DPPH radical-scavenging assay, the secondary metabolite Toona sinensis Roem, which was extracted using 80% acetone, shown antioxidant activity. To create antioxidant chemicals, the endophytic fungus T. sinensis must be isolated and researched. Thin-layer chromatograph...

Suhair Sh. Al-Siraj1, Jihan M. Badr2 and Dalia M.A. El-Masry3*

...multiple drug resistance microorganisms, especially dangerous bacteria, created a concern for both humans and animals. Plant components may be utilised to cure or manage infections instead of antibiotics. This study examined the antibacterial effects of Bay leaf (laurusnobilis) aqueous extracts and nano-emulsion against gram-positive (Staphylococcus aureus) and gram-negative (E. coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa) bacteria and their effects on virulence and antib...

Afnan Ahmed Allhyani1, Mohamed Baeshen1, Nagwa Thabet Elsharawy2,3

...medium for the growth of microorganisms and highly perishable food items. That increases the demand to find safe materials, extending the shelf life of meat. The study aims to examine Moringa oleifera extracts as natural preservatives by examining its antibacterial effect by (aquas & ethanolic) extracts by different concentrations (1.25, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 & 15) cc against six foodborne microorganisms (Listeria mo...

Doni Supadil1, Sri Melia2*, Indri Juliyarsi2

...fy;">Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when consumed in sufficient amounts, benefit the body’s health. One such probiotic is Pediococcus acidilactici BK01. This study evaluates the impact of different types and amounts of sweet potato flour on the prebiotic and antioxidant properties of fermented milk. The objective is to determine the effects of different types and percentages of sweet potato flour on prebiotic and antioxidant properties. An expe...

Zhulmaydin C. Fachrussyah1*, Indra G. Ahmad2, Iin S. Lantu3, Arafik Lamadi2, Wila R. Nento3

...ofloc is a collection of microorganisms that promote fish growth and development. The purpose of this study is to inventory ectoparasites in catfish (Clarias sp.) cultivated with Biofloc in Gorontalo. This study was carried out from November to December 2023 at Gorontalo State University’s Integrated Laboratory of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Technology. A total of 40 catfish samples measuring 20-25 cm from cultivation sites using a biofloc system were...

Zahraa Ahmed Khlaf*, Alfred S. Karomy, Qutaiba Jassim Gheni 

...) gas on the presence of microorganisms, mycotoxin concentrations, and various feed characteristics. A total of 225 one-day-old unsexed broiler chicks (Ross-308) were used, distributed randomly into five experimental groups with 45 chicks per group, and each group was further subdivided into three replicates of 15 birds each. The experimental treatments were as follows: T1 served as the control (feed not sterilized with ozone), while T2, T3, T4, and T5 involve...

Rico Anggriawan1*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari2, Sri Hidanah3, Muhammad Anam Al Arif4, Diyah Ayu Candra5

... by bacteria. One of the microorganisms that cause digestive and respiratory diseases in broiler chickens is the bacteria. Treatment of bacterial infections with antibiotics is increasing every year. Broiler chickens infected by gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria are often treated with a combination of the antibacterial agents enrofloxacin and tylosin, that work together in their mechanism of action and have synergistic action in the antibacterial spectr...

Ali Bain*, Musriah, La Ode Nafiu, La Ode Muh. Munadi, La Ode Muhsafaat, Nur Santy Asminaya, Astriana Napirah, Widhi Kurniawan, Fuji Astuty Auza, Deki Zulkarnain 

...e growth and activity of microorganisms to optimally digest nutrients during in vitro incubation. Supplementation of 4.5% CaS-soybean oil in the fermented corn cob-based rations resulted the best NH3-N levels and total VFA production, followed by the highest nutrient digestibility (DMD, OMD, CPD and CFD) compared to the other treatments. The study concluded that rations based on fermented corn cobs and other agricultural by-products supplemented with 4.5% CaS-...

Nuttanun Leamkrajang, Somkiert Prasanpanich, K. Teepalak Rangubhet, Phongthorn Kongmun*

... the population of rumen microorganisms. The investigation utilized a 3×2 factorial in CRD, incorporating four replications. The inoculum sources included three animal species (swamp buffalo, beef cattle, and goat), while the dietary treatments consisted of two roughages to concentrate ratios: 100:0 and 70:30, using dry leucaena leaves as the source of roughage. The kinetic values of fermentation, gas production, and IVDMD showed significant differences ...

Ivania Farrah Nadhira1, Trioso Purnawarman2, Chaerul Basri2*

...l affect the presence of microorganisms on meat.
Keywords | Animal welfare practice, Ducks, Meat, Microbiological quality, Slaughter facilities

Sehar Aslam1, Muhammad Qasim1*, Mohsin Khurshid2*, Usman Ali Ashfaq1 and Muhammad Akhtar Ali3

...erties. These beneficial microorganisms can interact with the gut microbiota to restore an impaired gut microbiome. While probiotics can be sourced from various sources, this study focuses on isolating and characterizing novel probiotic strains from dairy sources, specifically Dahi. To evaluate the probiotic potential of these isolates, various biochemical, morphological, and physiological tests were performed, followed by 16S rRNA gene sequencing to genotype ...

Maria Endo Mahata*, Yose Rizal, Sepri Reski, Zurmiati, Elsanila Suryadi Buwono, Kamiliya Rahma Sari

...fermentation using local microorganisms as inoculum. This study aimed to determine the effect of brown seaweed Padina australis, with reduced salt and crude fiber content, on the growth performance and physiological organs of broiler chickens. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with brown seaweed Padina australis levels of 0, 5, 10, and 15% in broiler chicken diets, with each treatment repeated five times. The parameters measured were daily f...

Shaila Akter1, MD Zobayer Rahman2*, Farzana Islam1, Zamal Hussan1, Rasel Mia3, Kazi Rabeya Akther1, Nirmal Chandra Roy1 focused on developing microorganisms that swiftly convert floc chemicals into feed for H. fossilis. The investigation focused on the nursery rearing of H. fossilis fry in non-biofloc (T1) and biofloc (T2, T3 and T4) reared systems for 60 days to examine growth without exchanging water. At the same time, water quality metrics were carefully monitored and maintained. The stocking density in all tanks was 800 fry of H. fossilis initial weight of (0.51±0...

Lubna M. Abdul Kareem*, Ali B. Al-Deewan

... of milk with pathogenic microorganisms. Serratia marcescens is a significant but less studied bacteria in public health. This pathogen causes milk contamination and infects humans and animals. However, studies are less common and therefore, this study aims to investigate Serratia marcescens in raw, pasteurized, and mastitis milk. Additionally, to identify how resistant Serratia is to antibiotics, whether the isolates contain beta-lactam resistance genes, and ...

Rico Anggriawan1,2*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari1, Sri Hidanah1, Muhammad Anam Al Arif1, Diyah Ayu Candra2  

...teria and fungi. Notable microorganisms in this category are Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) such as Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp., as well as fungi like Saccharomyces spp., Rhizopus spp., and Mucor spp. These microbes specifically target the gastrointestinal tract. The metabolic mechanisms of probiotics differ from those of antibiotics. While antibiotics destroy both pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract and can leave residues...

Hangyu Lin1, Minhui Chen1, Hao Yang1, Xinying Xia1, Huaying Zhou1, Xi Song1 and Tao He1,2*

... by a variety of aquatic microorganisms in water. MeHg accumulates in fish through the food chain and eventually poses a particular challenge to public health. In this study, we used a new tool named AIEgen (Aggregation-induced emission fluorogen) to quantify the process of MeHg bioaccumulation in vivo on the species of rotifers Brachionus plicatilis. We analysed the relationship between the ratio of photoluminescence (PL) intensities (I585/I480) and MeHg conc...

Tawoos Mohammed Kamel Ahmed1*, Khalid Mahmood Yosif1, Sameerah Faydhallah Mohammed2 

...on, none of the examined microorganisms could break down trimethoprim, and it was clear that the drug exhibited a solid resistance to biodegradation . Although TMP is light-sensitive, the abiotic control demonstrated that during the experimentation period, photodegradation did not occur. 


Madeeha1, Shahida Naveed1*, Ayosha Hanif1, Jalwa Afroz1, Abdul Haq1, Gul Rose2, Inayat Ullah3 and Zunaira Inayat4

...gainst the selected test microorganisms. The acetone and ethanol extracts were most active against all the tested micro organisms. Candida albicans was most susceptible (36.00 mm) in acetone extract among the handpicked microorganisms to different crude extracts of nut galls, followed by Staphylococcus aureus (34.00mm) in acetone extract, Streptococcus mutans (33.00mm) in acetone extract, Salmonellatypha (32.67mm) and Escher...

Dina Al-Shinawy1*, Reda E.M. Moghaieb2, Sara B. Awaly2, Gihan El-Moghazy1 and Dalia S. Ahmed2

... % of the total detected microorganisms. Morphological and molecular analyses revealed that all strains exhibited 97-100 % similarity with a reference strain and were significant producers of B-type AFs. The data showed that all samples except one (S1) contained total aflatoxin levels below 20 μg/ kg, considered safe for animal consumption according to the European Union (EU), United States Food and Drug Administration (US FDA), and World Health Organizatio...

Eze E.M. 1 Unegbu V.N. 2 Ezebialu C.U. 3 Nneji I.R. 4

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 147-155
... results. A total of 640 microorganisms were isolated. Nine (9) microbial genera were recovered consisting of seven bacterial genera; one yeast sp. and one protozoan isolate. Monomicrobial growth was recorded in 53 (7.17%), polymicrobial growth in 23 (7.7%) and bacterio-fungal growth in 10 cases (33%). Staphylococcus aureus accounted for 150 (50%) cases; followed by Escherichia coli 125 (41.7%), Streptococcus pyogenes 15 (5%), Klebsiella pneumonia 55 (18.3%), ...

Praveen Reddy P., K. Sandhya  and Aparna Srikantam*

...ers suggest that certain microorganisms (beneficial microorganisms/probiotics) could be substituted for conventional therapies and/ or can be used in combination with current drugs. Such beneficial microorganisms which can influence the central nervous system and cure the neurological complications are referred to as psychobiotics. In fact, the psychobiotics are the probiotic/ prebiotic ag...

 Gonçalves, A.P.P.1; da Rosa, G.2*; Merlini, L.S.1; Geronimo, E.1; Borges, J.L.1; Neto, A.P.3; de Lima, J.S.1; Almada, A.F.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 223-231
...(18%) recorded growth of microorganisms, and 16 samples of these were selected for the antimicrobial assay, according to the standard count for coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. Results of antibiogram showed that; 56.25% of the samples were resistant to Vancomycin, 50% to Penicillin, 31.25% to Tetracycline and Ampicillin, 18.75% to Erythromycin and Enrofloxacin, 12.5% to Oxacillin, 6.25% to Gentamicin and Clindamycin, whereas, only Cephalothin did not show re...

Laxmi, D.1*; Gayathri, C.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 252-257

 Many halophilic microorganisms have evolved unique properties of a considerable biotechnological importance. In this study, two halophilic bacteria were isolated from the solar saltpans of the Thoothukudi district, located in Tamil Nadu, India, and were investigated for their hydrocarbon degrading abilities. These isolates were assigned names as GD30 and DM27; and then were subjected to morphological and molecular characterization, finally identified ...


Shaimaa A. Elbadri1*; Marwa S. Fathi1; Amira E. Abdel Hamid1; Hanaa A. ElGendy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(4): 428-439
...istant biofilm producing microorganisms such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa has pushed efforts to find safe alternatives to antibiotics; such as probiotics. Lactobacilli are one of these promising probiotics, with reported antibacterial and anti-biofilm activity against many different pathogenic microorganisms. This study aimed to study the potential antibacterial and anti-biofilm effect of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356, ag...


Sohila A. Abd Elmohsen1*; Samah A. Mohmed1; Ghadir E. Daigham2; Essam M. Hoballah3; Nagwa M. Sidkey2


Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 546-557
...erent methods including; microorganisms, plant extracts and\ or plant biomass. These methods in some time are better alternatives to the chemical and physical methods through an environmentally route. In the present work, twenty fungal strains were isolated from eight potable water samples and tested for producing silica nanoparticles (SiO2NPs), using precursor salt Dipotassium fluorosilicate (K2SiF6). Out of these twenty fungal strains, only one fungal isolat...


Abd-Elhalim, B.T.1*; Gamal, R.F.1; Abou-Taleb, Kh.A.1; Haroun, A.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 558-578
...reen nanomaterials using microorganisms is considered clean, eco-friendly and viable, instead of the physical or chemical methods. This study aimed in the biosynthesis of copper nanoparticles (CuNPs) exploiting Egyptian local bacterial isolates. Sixteen copper-resistant isolates out of 160 bacterial isolates; were captured from various plant rhizospheres including; chamomile, hibiscus, neem, iris, and pea, beside samples collected from the Sharm El-Sheikh seaw...


Safaa M. Ali1*; Nadia A. Soliman2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 590-597
...(s) in the suitable host microorganism. The total genomic DNA was extracted using a kit (QIAGEN), and then digested by different restriction enzymes BamHI. The digested fragments ranging from ~300-5000 bp were ligated, cloned into pUC19 vector, and then transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α. The resulting clones were screened as cellulase producers using a qualitative method. The positive clones which showed hydrolysis on the plate were screened once mo...

Radhika Baheti; Jayashri Mahore*; Vinita Patole

...llection of trillions of microorganisms that live within the human body and
form an ecosystem that is complex, adaptive, and unique to each organ. The probiotics have
varied applications and exhibit side effects; as a result, they have been employed as food
supplements with both therapeutic and prophylactic effects on disorders of the gastric and nongastric
regions. The significant contribution of probiotics to t...

Abeer Muazi Alenazi1; Yasir Anwar1*; Salah E.M. Abo-Aba1; Noor M Bataweel1,2 to compete with other microorganisms, including
those of the same genera, Streptomyces species produce several secondary metabolites.
However, despite the discovery of antibiotics, the infectious diseases remain the secondleading
cause of death worldwide. Each year, around 17 million people die from bacterial
infections; mainly children and the elderly. In addition to the overuse of antibiotics, a key

Malathi H1*; Pooja Sharma2

... of bioremediation using microorganisms; using unique methodologies and
integrated assessment methods. In addition to providing an overview of ISB for pollutant(s)
elimination; this review is useful for comprehending the primary functions of microorganisms
in this process.

Noha Mostafa Mahmoud*

...rk matter of
microorganisms or the minor populations. As a result of the rebirth of cultural techniques in
microbiology; the field of "culturomics" is created to cultivate the unidentified bacteria that
reside inside the human gut. In the 21st century's discipline of clinical microbiology; microbial
culturomics becomes a promising strategy that may be used to cultivate hundreds of novel

Anjana Suresh*; Grasian Immanuel

the marine microorganisms associated with sponges; corals, ascidians, seaweeds, and sea
grasses, serve as the primary sources of antifouling substances and exhibit antimicrobial;
antibacterial, and antifouling activity. During the screening of antifouling compounds; these
marine microorganisms displayed antifouling ability against the macro and micro-foulers. This

Dmitriy V. Alekseev; Artem V. Lyamin; Karim A. Kayumov

...occupied by the virulent microorganisms, which get resource
advantage and form new stable community. The severity of such chronic infections is
correlated with biological diversity in the communities, which tends to decrease in the more
severe cases and in the exacerbations. The aim of this study was to create an ecological model
of the chronic infections; through synthesizing the ecological and medical knowledge...

Dmitriy V. Alekseev*; Artem V. Lyamin; Karim A. Kayumov

...ations of the individual microorganisms between each other and
between the human bodies as their ecological substrates. As a result, microorganisms that are
usually safe for the healthy people become extremely dangerous for CF patients; having
adapted to a new ecological niche and having got definite resource advantage, which is
attributed to the respiratory tract tissue destru...

Nishat Zafar1*; Ashiq Ali2; Muhammad Yasir Afzal3; Qaisar Tanveer4; Sidra Bibi2; Irha Basit5; Huma Nasir1;
Shanzay Imtiaz3; Usman Nazir3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 766-778
...ptococci are the leading microorganisms associated with dental plaques. These are Gram-positive, normal microbial flora, non- motile, non-spore forming, and facultative anaerobes. These include Alpha, Beta, and Gamma hemolytic species. Streptococcus sp. produces a high amount of lactic acid through the fermentation of sugars, causes lowering of the pH leading to the plaque formation around teeth, and serves as a biofilm. Microbial biofilm provides certain atta...

Ola Joshua Ajibola 

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 779-789
...rmful bacteria and other microorganisms in meat, poultry and seafood. Moreover, it can disinfest spices, extend shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables, and control sprouting of tubers and bulbs such as potatoes and onions; thus, can be used as a food preservation method. It is a safe process that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and more than 60 of other national food control authorities for many types of foods. There are th...

Sheeza Sakhawat, Aniza Iftikhar, Uswa Zeb, Aqsa Noreen, Suleman Hussain Shah and Mubashar Hussain*

...iotic relationships with microorganisms to synthesize and use nutrients. The gut microbiota includes bacterial phyla such as Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium, Clostridium, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Deltaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Streptomyces, Actinobacteria, with variations linked to diet, geographical location, and beetle species. The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in breaking down complex organic compounds, neutralizing toxins, ...


Hosam, El-Sayyad1, 2; Khaled, F. Elyasergy3; Tahany, M. Abdel Rahaman3; Moustafa, A.S. Aly1, 4; Menna Allah, Ashraf 1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 979-991
...g the different types of microorganisms; the fungal biomass is considered as an effective mediator for bioremediation of heavy metals, due to its higher surface area and extensive hyphal density in the soil. About seven fungal spp. were isolated from the soil garden of the Middle Eastern Regional Radioisotope Center for Arab Countries (MERRCAC); however, a single isolate of Aspergillus japonicus with high potential of metals biosorption was selected for furthe...


Emad, M. Abdallah

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1057-1062 of the most abundant microorganisms among the other skin microbiome. Moreover, this bacterial sp. is considered as an active microbiological barrier of the skin and one of its defensive components. On the other side, S. epidermidis is a causative agent of serious infections including wound infections, and bacteremia. The aims of the current mini- review were to attract the attention of the scientific community to this perplexing bacterium, and to develop a...

Maysaa, T. Alloosh1*; Walid, I. Khaddam1; Adbulsalam, K. Almuhammady2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1077-1090
... be done using plants or microorganisms; however, synthesis of NPs using microorganisms is economical and an ecofriendly method. This review article provides highlights on the latest studies on using diverse microorganisms such as; bacteria, actinobacteria, fungi and algae for the biosynthesis of some metal nanoparticles including; silver, gold, palladium, selenium, magnesium, titanium dio...


Mojisola, C. Owoseni*; Clara Ginikanwa; Bashiru Sani; Peter Uteh Upla

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1132-1145
...g resistance. The tested microorganisms exhibited various levels of multidrug resistance patterns except for Candida sp. which was resistant to two classes of antibiotics (azole group and griseofulvin). On the other hand, Klebsiella sp. was resistant to eight antibiotics of four classes. The ethanolic leaf extract of C. cujete was more effective against all the selected microbial pathogens, while the bark extract of S. mahogani was substantially effective. R. ...

Noha M. Mahmoud1*; Samah S. El-Kazzaz1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1415-1430
...sistance (mcr) harboring microorganisms become of a health concern. Hence, screening for fecal carriage of Col-R Enterobacteriaceae could aid in the prevention and control efforts of Col-R. This study aimed to screen for Col-R Enterobacteriaceae in the stool specimens of the hospitalized patients; explore for colistin minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) and the genetic determinants of these isolates, and to predict the risk factors among the studied patien...

Abdulaziz Yahya Al-Ghamdi

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(2): 1515-1529
...tency against the tested microorganisms increased. At 50 mg/ ml, the extract was inactive recording an inhibition zone (IZ) diameter of 0-8 mm, partially active (9-11 mm IZ) at 100-200 mg, and active (11-15 mm IZ) at 300 mg/ ml. At 25-100 mg/ ml, the chloroform extract expressed partial activity against all the tested microorganisms recording an IZ of 11-12 mm, active (13-15 mm IZ) against E. coli, P. aeruginosa, S. aureus, ...

Olubusola A. Odeniyi*; Ladi Turaki

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(3): 1557-1582
...e phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs), produce and characterize alkaline phosphatase, and determine their plant growth promoting abilities. About forty-one bacterial and twelve fungal isolates were isolated from the soil and water samples, and then screened for their phosphate solubilizing potentials on Pikovskaya (PVK), and the National Botanical Research Institute's Phosphate (NBRIP) growth media. The isolates of Penicillium sp. (PSF-8) and Bacillus...


Amal Nasser Alahmari1*; Shahira A. Hassoubah1; Bothaina Ali Alaidaroos1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1742-1767
...ges and their associated microorganisms; mostly bacteria, are abundant producers of bioactive compounds such as secondary metabolites. This mini-review aimed to discuss tens of secondary metabolites of various chemical classes that were generated by a variety of bacterial phyla associated with marine sponges, including Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria. Numerous secondary metabolites with antibacterial or antifungal e...


Amal Nasser Alahmari1*; Shahira A. Hassoubah1; Bothaina Ali Alaidaroos1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1742-1767
...ges and their associated microorganisms; mostly bacteria, are abundant producers of bioactive compounds such as secondary metabolites. This mini-review aimed to discuss tens of secondary metabolites of various chemical classes that were generated by a variety of bacterial phyla associated with marine sponges, including Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria. Numerous secondary metabolites with antibacterial or antifungal e...

Syeda Sadaf Wajahat

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2265-2284
... of animals, plants, and microorganisms, which have several benefits in the biotechnological developments. This review aimed to investigate the potentials of using the marine microbial enzymes in therapeutics. The marine microbial species were uncultivable but recently, scientists cultivated certain seawater microbes effectively by a metagenomic technique. Several studies on the marine microbiome are undergoing and it can be assumed that approximately 91 % of ...


Hend M. Radwan; Nagwan G. El Menofy*; Sahar M.R. Radwan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2510-2525
...for the entire genome of microorganisms. The objectives of this review were to demonstrate the primary mechanisms through which bacteria develop resistance to antimicrobials in water, and investigate the impact of hospital effluent water on the spread AMR and ARB. Additionally, various approaches for assessing AMR levels and guidelines for preventing and managing the transmission of AMR to the environment were discussed.



Zine El abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1*; Laila Reklaoui1; Monsif El Madany2; Houda Benaicha3; Said Barrijal1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2632-2652


Artem V. Lyamin1; Lyudmila V. Orlova2; Vladimir I. Platonov3; Natalia M. Troz4; Aleksey S. Sustretov1; Elena A. Zakharova1; Karim A. Kaiumov1; Dmitriy V. Alekseev1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2683-2693
...l microbiota (i.e., soil microorganisms in particular). Today, with respect to the background of active use of modern technologies, including genetical ones, we have the opportunity to examine such volumes of data that will allow us to fully analyze microbiological diversity of the different ecological niches in terms of their common features, differences, and mutual influences. Such studies will make it possible to identify potential factors determining the c...


Artem V. Lyamin1; Lyudmila V. Orlova2; Vladimir I. Platonov3; Natalia M. Troz4; Aleksey S. Sustretov1; Elena A. Zakharova1; Karim A. Kaiumov1; Dmitriy V. Alekseev1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2683-2693
...l microbiota (i.e., soil microorganisms in particular). Today, with respect to the background of active use of modern technologies, including genetical ones, we have the opportunity to examine such volumes of data that will allow us to fully analyze microbiological diversity of the different ecological niches in terms of their common features, differences, and mutual influences. Such studies will make it possible to identify potential factors determining the c...


Tran Thi Hong1; Ngo Van Anh1; Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh2; Nguyen Van Phuong3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2694-2711
...iculty of culturing many microorganisms under laboratory conditions. Therefore, this study aimed to decipher the structural and functional diversity of microbial communities, including un-culturable species in lagoon sediments collected from Tam Giang, Nai, and Thi Nai lagoons, which were located in the central coast of Vietnam using metagenomics approach. The results showed that all three large lagoons exhibited a high diversity of fungal species among the eu...

Omnia Karem Riad*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2734-2749
...le to fighting resistant microorganisms with fewer chances of resistance development. Naturally synthesized products such as antimicrobial peptides and bacteriocins revealed successful treatment options. Additionally, the Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR-Cas) system is a gene-editing tool that can re-sensitize the resistant bacteria. Vaccination prevents infectious diseases and halts the emergence of resistant pathogens. Meanwh...

Nguyen Vu Thuy Hong Loan1, Ho Trung Thong1, Pham Tan Nha2*

...the number of beneficial microorganisms (Lactobacillus) while reducing harmful microorganisms (Salmonella spp., E. coli, Clostridium perfringens) in Ac Chicken manure.
Keywords | Ac chicken, Egg quality, Reproductive, Intestinal health

Sundus Malik, Dawood Ahmad*, Irfan Safdar Durrani and Muhammad Sayyar Khan

...s against all the tested microorganisms. Notably, the crude methanol extract of Diospyros lotus demonstrated the highest zone of inhibition (57%) against Escherichia coli. The ethyl acetate extract fraction of Diospyros kaki showed a strong inhibitory effect on E. coli (54%), while Diospyros lotus exhibited a slightly higher inhibition rate of 55%. Additionally, n-butanol extracts of both species displayed notable inhibition (52%) against E. coli and Pseudomon...

Sarhad Journal of Agriculture


Vol.40, Iss. 4, Pages 1102-1532


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