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Science, Religion and Culture’s desperate maneuvers for avoiding science and scientific atheology only delay the inevitable. Partner atheologies wielding logic, ethics, and civics await to help theology extinguish the gods.



Lei Chen, Ling Zhu, Zhi-Wen Xu, Wan-Zhu Guo


Molecular Genetics of Aichivirus C (Porcine Kobuvirus) in China
... C is a member of the Kobuvirus genus within the Picornaviridae family and is widely distributed in both healthy and diarrheic pigs from China. Due to the high detection rate in the severe diarrhea in China, Aichivirus C is thought to be a potential pathogeny of pig diarrhea. The review represented the discovery of Aichivirus C in China, and made a brief summary about molecular and epidemiology characterizations of Chinese Aichivirus C strains. Mutiple Aichivi...

Ghulam Ali Bajwa1, Faizah Abood2, Yusof Bin Ibrahim3

...text-align: justify;">Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) was bio-assayed against three larval instars of Atteva sciodoxa under laboratory conditions of 27±2ºC, 75% RH and 12:12 h photoperiod. Instar 3rd responded with 100% mortality at 5x107 conidia ml-1, while same level of mortality was recorded in 5th instar at 1x108 conidia ml-1. Instar 5 also showed the lowest mortality (33.3%) at 1x106 conidia ml-1. Median effective concentration (EC50) ranged betwe...

Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Rysanek

...95.6%) and second stage juveniles (J2) (95.8%) infection. In greenhouse experiment, similar trend was found. L. muscarium proved to be more effective against M. hapla whereas S. rugosoannulata and C. rosea showed better results among other tested fungi in experiments. Moreover, plant growth parameters were also improved due to antagonistic relationship of fungi and nematodes in soil.


Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Rysanek

...250 g of soil, eggs and juveniles per cyst. Nematicides effects were not quite significant among each other but had tremendous effects in reducing nematode population compared to that of untreated control. A significant (P=0.05) reduction in numbers of eggs per cyst warrants that nematicides were able to penetrate into cysts. Reproduction rate (Pf/Pi) of L. muscarium treated plants was documented minimum as compared to that of control but slightly higher compa...

Abida Saleem, Sajida Parveen and Muhammad Jamal Khan

...aline soils [Piedmont alluvium, silty clay loam, Ustochrept]. The Zn adsorption capacity was determined by adding 50 ml of 0, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60, 120, 240 and 360 mg Zn L-1 (initially Zn applied, IZnA) to 5 g soil with absence (non-treated) or to soil pretreated with FYM, PM or BC at rate of 10 g kg-1. The suspension was shaken on horizontal shaker for 20 h continuously to assess the equilibrium Zn concentration (EZnC). The difference between the IZnA and EZnC ...

Ayanda Opeyemi Isaac,1,* Oniye Sonnie Joshua2 and Auta Jehu2


...e of Clarias gariepinus juveniles to commonly used herbicides, glyphosate and paraquat was evaluated through changes in fish behaviour and mortality. Juveniles of the African catfish were exposed to varying acute concentrations of glyphosate and paraquat. The fishes responded, exhibiting different behavioural abnormalities like hyperactivity, abnormal swimming, restlessness, loss of equilibrum and haemorrhage. Observation of...

Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek

...f galls and egg masses, juveniles and eggs per root system, and reproduction factor. Four initial populations (Pi) (500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 eggs) mixed with antagonistic fungal conidia levels (1×103, 1×104, 1×105, 1×106) were used during the experiments. The roots were stained with Phloxine B, the egg-masses were quantified, the root systems were rated for galling, and the egg masses were measured on a 0 to 5 scale, where 0 = no gall ...

Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek

...nd egg masses, eggs and juveniles (J2), and the reproduction factor (Rf=Pf/Pi) was observed in the plants treated with L. muscarium compared to the control. However, all chemical nematicides were also effective in reducing the nematode infestation significantly (P=0.05) in soil compared to the control, but there was no significant difference (P=0.05) among them. Plant growth was significantly (P=0.05) improved in the plants treated with L. muscarium.


 Ali Murad Rahoo1,2, Tariq Mukhtar3,*, Simon R. Gowen1, Rehana Kanwal Rahoo4 and Shaukat Ibrahim Abro5

...production of infective juveniles (IJ) of Steinernema feltiae and ability to locate hosts, therefore, in the present studies investigations were done on these aspects. A significantly greater emergence of IJ of S. feltiae from Galleria mellonella was observed with White traps than with modified Baermann trays. Maximum juveniles of S. feltiae emerged at 50 IJ dose followed by 100 IJ. The emergence of IJ decreased significantl...

G.E. Odo1*, E.J. Agwu1, N.I. Ossai2, C.O. Ezea3, J. Madu1 and V. Eneje2

...catfish (C. gariepinus) juvenile on days 7, 14, 21 and 28. Fish were exposed to 0.175, 0.0875 and 0.035 mg/L corresponding to 1/10, 1/20 and 1/50 of the 96 h LC50 value (1.75) of the pesticide. Behavioral responses which include colouration of the fish skin and opercula colouration were observed. Aluminium phosphide elicited effects on the haematological parameters of the fish such as a decrease in Hb when compared to the control; reduction of MCV, MCH and MCH...

Abdul Aziz Khan1,*, Waseem Ahmad Khan2, Waseem Ahmad Khan3 and Najam-ul-Huda Khan4

...ults (56.06%) while the juvenile/sub-adults were 43.94% of the total specimens trapped. The highest trap success of Mus booduga of 74% was achieved at Namal Lake, followed by Khabeki (38.67%), Uchali (30.67%), Kallar Kahar (16%) and the lowest at Jahlar Lake (12%). The results of the present study indicated that distribution of Mus booduga was abundant in thorn-scrub habitat around five lakes in the Salt Range.


Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1*, Lorenzo Gallus2, Sara Ferrando2, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman3, Abdul Ghaffar4 and Abdul Mateen5

...and body composition of juvenile black fin sea bream, Acanthopagrus berda (weight 23.5g−125.8 g) were investigated. Fish were randomly distributed in rectangular glass tanks (150 liter) and were fed at six ration levels of 2.0, 2.5, 3.0,3.5, 4.0 and 4.5% body weight per day (BW d−1) and four feeding frequency i.e., once, twice, thrice and four times per day. Fish in all replicates were fed with diet comprising 40% protein and 20% lipid for 75 days....
Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1,*, Muhammad Naeem2, Sara Ferrando3, Lorenzo Gallus3, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman4, Abdul Ghaffar5 and Abdul Mateen6
...and body composition of juvenile black fin sea bream Acanthopagrus berda was investigated. Fish juvenile (10.1±0.5 g) were collected from Sonari Channel, Hawksbay, Karachi and were brought to aquaculture laboratory of the Centre for 15 days acclimatization. After acclimatization, they were randomly distributed into the rectangular tanks (3 × 1.5 ×1.5 ft each). In each tank, 10 fish were stocked with...
Atta ur Rehman Khan1,2*, Nazir Javed2, Shahbaz Talib Sahi2, Tariq Mukhtar1, Sajid Aleem Khan2 and Waqas Ashraf3
... with 1000 second stage juveniles of M. incognita. Eggplants inoculated with nematodes only served as control. Each treatment was replicated tenfold. Data were recorded after one week interval up to five weeks to record different developmental stages of M. incognita. After each harvest, neemex in combination with G. mosseae proved the most effective as the development of nematode was adversely affected. Developing j
Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1,*, Sara Ferrando2, Lorenzo Gallus2 and Abdul Ghaffar3
...dy, growth potential of juvenile black fin sea bream, Acanthopagrus berda was examined in brackish water ponds. Fish were stocked @ 1500 individuals per pond (2 treated and 2 control) of approximate dimensions, 13.72 m × 10.97 m × 1.52 m (229 m3). In treated ponds, fish were fed with artificial diet (protein 42%, lipid 20% and energy 25.2 kJ g-1) for 120 days in three equal meals. On the other hand, control ponds remain...
Memoona Akber1, Muhammad Mushtaq1,*, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1, Amjad Rashid Kayani1 and Noor-un-Nisa2 
...orway rat dominated the juvenile during all the seasons of the year. Data on the body weight reflected that the males were heavier than the females in all the four seasons of the year; the heaviest males were observed during the winter season. Reproductive activity revealed that the males were recorded reproductively active throughout the year while more than 50% specimens of females were recorded inactive throughout the year; yet lactating and pregnant female...
Matiyar Rahaman Khan1,*, Sabyasachi Pal2, Ghule Tushar Manohar2, Somnath Bhattacharyya3, Amit Singh4, Prahlad Sarkar5 and Samuel Lalliansanga6
...minimum 10 second stage juvenile (J2)/200 cc soil can cause reduction of plant growth parameters and highest reproduction (R=87.27). 

Nirbhay Kushwaha, Achuit K Singh, Brotati Chattopadhyay and Supriya Chakraborty

Recent advances in geminivirus detection and future perspectives
...evirus, Curtovirus, Topocuvirus and Begomovirus. Begomoviruses are transmitted by whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci Gennadius) and usually possess a bipartite genome of twoDNAcomponents approximately 2.7 kb in size, designated as DNA-A and DNA-B. Monopartite begomoviruses are also known to occur. Recently, a novel class of molecule, known as satellite DNA-? of ~1.35 kb size are also found to occur in India. Whitefly transmitted geminiviruses categorized as begomoviru...

1Bikash Ranjan Ray and 2Mrinal Kanti Dasgupta

Management of root holoparasite Aeginetia pedunculata of (Orobanchaceae), causing wilt of sugarcane by trap and catch crops
...Setaria italica (L.) Breauv.), black gram (Phaseolus mungo L.), dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata (Willd.) Pers.), sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), jute (Corchorus olitorius L.), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.), and groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) were found effective as trap crops for their ability to germinate the seed of A. pedunculata. Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) was identified as a catch crop for its ability to support further growth and developme...

A. K. Chaubey and Satyandra Kumar

Bio-management of root knot nematode and root rot disease by antagonistic fungi and rhizobacteria
...lated with second stage juveniles of M. incognita @ 2J2/g soil. The exposure of M. incognita eggs and juveniles to the culture filtrates showed high inhibition in egg hatching and caused high mortality of juveniles than the control (P< 0.05). The microorganisms which caused high nematicidal activity also showed antifungal activity in dual plate culture test in vitro. All the antagonists...

Debjani Chowdhury, P. C. Paul and B. Dasgupta

Management of leaf spot of Centella asiatica (Thankuni) caused by Alternaria sp. and target leaf spot of Rauvolfia serpentina (Sarpagandha) caused by Corynespora cassicola
...nd target leaf spot of Rauvolfia serpentina (Sarpagandha) caused by Corynespora cassicola by spraying three fungicides (carbendazim at 0.1%, mancozeb at 0.025% and blitox at 0.25%) and four biocontrol agents (Trichoderma viride at 107 cfu / ml, T. harzianum at 107 cfu / ml, Pseudomonas fluorescens at 108 cell / ml and Biomonas-a formulated product of P. fluorescens preparation at 0.15% for three times at an interval of 15 days. The results revealed that the lo...

Goutam Mondal

Plant growth promoting activity of some indigenous Tricho-derma isolates and their field performance against sheath blight of rice in old alluvial zone of North Bengal
...isolated from the old alluvial zone of North Bengal and their biocontrol activity were tested in dual culture and found effective against soil-borne plant pathogens, namely, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. ciceri (Padw.) Matuo. and Rhizoctonia solani Kühn. Efficacy in plant growth promoting activity of all the isolates was also tested on cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var botrytis L.), chilli (Capsicum frutescens L.) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) w...

D.K. Hazra, Megha Pant, S.K. Raza and P. K. Patanjali


Formulation technology: key parameters for food safety with respect to agrochemicals use in crop protection
...egradable ingredients/adjuvants of the conventional formulations but also increase the bio-efficacy of the products through incorporating latest technologies including size reduction (WP to SC, SL to ME), increased coverage of applied surface area (EC to ME/Nano-formulations), reduced wastage (Dust/WP to Con-trolled Release Formulations) and dose rates of same pesticides applied to improve food quality with minimum pesticide residues. 


Anil Sehajpal, Saroj Arora and Parminder Kaur 


Evaluation of plant extracts against Rhizoctonia solani causing sheath blight of rice
... Morus alba, Thevatia peruviana, and Withania somnifera did not exert any effect. Among all the plant extracts, A. sativum exhibited strong fungitoxicity even at the lowest concentration, i.e. 100 ppm, with relative magnitude of inhibition 2.0 mm against the pathogen R. Solani. With regard to the effect of 8 plant oil samples tested, it was noticed that the oil of Syzygium aromaticum showed strong inhibition i.e. 7.5 mm at 1000ppm whereas Helianthus annus and ...

S. Pal, H. Banerjee and N. N. Mandal 

Efficacy of low dose of herbicides against weeds in transplanted kharif rice (Oryza sativa L.)
...arch Sub-Station (New Alluvial Zone), Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya, Chakdaha, Nadia, West Bengal. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with 7 treatments and 3 replications. The results revealed that the major weed flora associated with the transplanted rice during kharif season was mainly comprised of Echinochloa colona (30 %), Cyperus difformis (20 %), Monochoria vaginalis (30 %) and Ludwigia parviflora (20 %). Penoxsulam 24 SC at ...

Elvera Monin, B. Dasgupta, Palash Chandra Paul, Jayanta Saha and Srikanta Das

Mehwish Faheem1,*, Saba Khaliq2 and Khalid Parvez Lone2
... effect of bisphenol-A, juvenile Catla catla was exposed to graded concentrations of bisphenol-A (10,100,1000μg/l) for 14 days. BPA exposure strongly elevates vtg mRNA level in fish exposed to 100μg/l but at 1000 μg/l exposure of BPA, vtg level decreased compared to 100µg/l exposed fish. These results showed that BPA has estrogenic action and cause endocrine disruption in juvenile C. ca...
Ayesha Ilyas1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2,* and Abdul Qadir1,*
...ow kaner (Thevetia peruviana) and safeda (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) against the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saunders), at 2% concentration in a free choice bioassays. Acetone, chloroform, petroleum ether and ethanol were used for extraction from leaves. Amongst the various treatments applied, the acetone extract of D. alba showed the highest repellency of 84.14%, whereas, the lowest repellency of 10.73% was observed by the c...
Muhammad Aslam Farooqi1,*, Mansoor-ul-Hasan2, Sohail Akhtar1Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Naveed Aslam3 and Muhammad Rafay4
Hameeda Kalhoro1, Abdul Malik2,Ghulam Abbas2,*, Illahi Bux Kalhoro3, Sajjad Ali Shah4and Haleema Kalhoro3 capacity each). Fish juveniles (length: 10.63 ±0.980 cm, weight: 9.030±1.40g) were stocked after acclimatization. A total of 3 treatments were tested following 2 replications i.e. first treatment (T1, Squid feed), second treatment (T2, Tubifex feed) and third treatment (T3, pellet feed). Juveniles were fed with 5% of total biomass twice in a day. At the end, higher growth inc...
Fang Wang, Yong-Fang Jia, Po Wang, Qi-Yan Du and Zhong-Jie Chang*


...ET caused sex reversal, juvenile carp (120dph) were exposed to 0, 5, 25, 125, and 625μg/L LET for 15 days, and the expression profiles of seven gonad differentiation related genes (Cyp19A, Cyp19B, Arα, ERα, Dax, Foxl2, Dmrt1) and gonad histological changes were examined. The results showed that LET could inhibit oocyte growth in female and promote the development of testes in males. For the gonad differentiation related genes, the expression pro...
Habibun Nabi1, Saher Islam2, Amna Arshad Bajwa2, Imran Rashid1,*, Haroon Akbar1, Wasim Shehzad2, Kamran Ashraf1, Nisar Ahmad1 and Aneela Durrani3
Naheed Bano* and Muhammad Afzal diet especially at juveniles stage. This study focus on the healthy production with low cost by using sunflower meal to some extent replace fish meal. In this 3× 3 factorial and completely randomized design study 324 fish were used. The acidification levels were (0, 1.5 and 3%) whereas the phytase levels were (0, 500 and 1000 FTU). The addition of 3 % citric acid and 1000FTU phytase produced significant interaction effect on calcium and phosphorus d...
Temel Gokturk1, Elif Tozlu2,* and Recep Kotan2
...and additionally 1 Beauveria bassiana (ET 10) fungus isolate were examined for their insecticidal activities in this study. The studied bio agents were tested by spraying on R. simulans nymphs and adults. B. thuringiensis subsp. kenyae, B. brevis and B. sphaericus GC subgroup D were the most effective on nymphs, whereas B. thuringiensis subsp. kurstakii, P. chlororaphi, and B. brevis were th...
Rana Fartab Shoukat1, Shoaib Freed1,*, Kanwar Waqas Ahmad1 and Ateeq-ur-Rehman2
...opathogenic fungi, Beauveria bassiana (isolates Bb-01, Bb-10), Metarhizium anisopliae var. anisopliae (isolate Ma-11.1, Ma-2.4)and Isaria fumosorosea (isolates If-2.3, If-02) and chemical insecticides i.e., bifenthrin, lambda cyhalothrin, imidacloprid, triazophos, spinosad, pyriproxyfen and nitrinpyrum, as larvicides against C. pipiens. Highest larval percent mortality (73.3 ± 4.7) was observed after application...
Abdul Malik1,2, Ghulam Abbas1,*, Abdul Ghaffar3, Sara Ferrando4 and Lorenzo Gallus
...07g) were investigated. Juveniles of red tilapia were randomly distributed into seawater tanks (60 cm × 30 cm × 45 cm each). Ten fish were stocked in each tank with 2 replications. Fish were fed with commercial floating pellet (35% protein) at 3% body weight per day for 40 days. Results showed that fish growth was significantly (P<0.05) higher in term of weight gain, WG % of initial weight, mean daily WG, SGR, feed conversion and survival rate f...

Arooj Fatima1* and Ashfaq Ahmed

...outine physiotherapy maneuvers in subjects having rotator cuff tendinopathy. Eccentric loading training for the cure of shoulder pain due to rotator cuff tendinopathy has confirmed to be more helpful in aiding pain, and fixing functional impairment in patients having rotator cuff tendinopathy than routine physiotherapy treatment methods. 

Muhammad Naeem1, Bushra Sadia1,2,*, Faisal Saeed Awan1and Muhammad Anjum Zia3
Ali Murad Rahoo,1,2,* Tariq Mukhtar,1,3 Shoukat Ibrahim Abro,4 Barkat Ali Bughio5 and Rehana Kanwal Rahoo6
...production of infective juveniles (IJ) in G. mellonella was significantly affected by nematode species. Significantly higher numbers of IJ were produced by Heterorhabditid species than Steinernematid species in the cadaver. The production of IJ was the maximum in the case of H. bacteriophora which was not statistically different form H. indica. Minimum IJ were produced by S. feltiae. The IJ produced by S. kraussei and S. c...

Raania Ahsan* and Zafar Altaf**

Maryyum Khalil1, Hamda Azmat1,*, Noor Khan1, Arshad Javid2, Ali Hussain1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain3, Asim Ullah1 and Sumaira Abbas1
Jaime Molina-Ochoa1, 2, 6,*, Edelmira Galindo-Velasco2, Ana María Rosales-Gutiérrez2, Martín González-Ramírez3, Roberto Lezama-Gutiérrez3, Wilberth Chan-Cupul3, Steven R. Skoda4, Muhammad Irfan Ullah5, Luis Jorge García-Márquez2 and  John E. Foster6
... the emerging infective juveniles (IJs) were collected from White traps, and pooled in canted neck vented plastic flasks. The susceptibility of an important livestock arthropod, the cattle tick, Rhipicephalus microplus Canestrinito JMO71 was determined. Ticks were manually collected from cross-bred beef cattle, and then the heterorhabditid nematodes assayed against these ticks using the Petri dish assay. Concentrations of 0, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 80...

 Khawer Jawad Ahmad*, Asif Razzaq*, Khalida Hamid Abbasi*, Muhammad Shafiq*, Muhammad Saleem** and Muhammad Arshadullah***

...h formic acid 65 % and fluvalinate (strip) as standard control measure against Varroa mite. The mite mortality rate was recorded in honeybee colonies of Apis mellifera during 2011-12 at research farm of Beekeeping and Hill Fruit Pests Research Station, Rawalpindi. Analysis of variance for different treatments indicated (F=3.64, F>P=0.15) significantly different effect among treatments as well as for the control of mite. The average efficacy of thymol was 73...
Dachuan Cheng1,2, Md Mahbubul Hassan3, Zhenhua Ma1, 2, 3,*, Qibin Yang1 and Jian G. Qin3
...ropterus larvae and juveniles from hatching to 36 day-post hatching (DPH). Mandible, ceratobranchial, cleithrum and gill arches were the initial skeletal structures appeared at 3 DPH that supported the vital life functions such as feeding and respiration. Ossification of premaxilla and maxilla and dentary started at 3.21 ± 0.25 mm (9 DPH), and completed at 5.91 ± 0.34 mm (18 DPH). The head skeleton formation completed at 22.35 ± 2.26 m...
 Nazia Qamar1, Sher Khan Panhwar1,* and Ralf Riedel2,* species, life stage (juvenile and adults), gender, and weather (rainy and dry season) as factors. Patterns of empty stomachs were investigated to estimate feeding intensity. Feeding intensity was estimated with logistic regression, using the same independent variables as above. Prey importance was also investigated. Prey importance was assessed using a Wilcox Rank Correlation analysis on the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) by species and life-stage. Perm...
Ali Murad Rahoo1,*, Tariq Mukhtar2, Ali Murad Jakhar3, Rehana Kanwal Rahoo3
...the dosage of infective juveniles (IJ) applied and exposure periods. Significantly (P< 0.001) greater numbers of nematodes (predominantly IJ) were recovered from the cadavers of T. molitor that had been inoculated with S. feltiae than H. bacteriophora. The inoculum dose also had an influence on the numbers of nematodes recovered. There were significantly greater numbers of S. feltiae in the 50 and 500 IJ treatments than the 10 IJ...
Chuanpeng Zhou1, Heizhao Lin2,*, Zhong Huang2, Jun Wang1, Yun Wang1 and Wei Yu2;0.05). The hepatic pyruvate kinase activity peaked 6 h after oral administration in both doses of glucose groups and thereafter started to decrease 24 h after oral administration. While the hepatic PEPCK and G6Pase activities decreased 9 h after oral administration in both doses of glucose groups and then returned to the level at 0 h (P<0.05). These results suggested that glucose oral administration resulted in prolonged hyperglycemia and high lev...
Zahida Parveen1, Safdar Sidra1*, Bushra Nisar Khan2
Farhan Ahmad1,*, Muhammad Waris Sanjrani1, Shah Nawaz Khuhro1, Asif Sajjad2, Abid Ali3, Rashad Rasool Khan3, Farooq Ahmed3 and Junhe Liu4,*
Ghulam Muhae-ud-Din1,4, Anam Moosa1, Umer Farooq Ghummen1, Muhammad Jabran1, Amjad Abbas1, Muhammad Naveed2, Abdul Jabbar1 and Muhammad Amjad Ali1,3,*
...l number of egg masses, juveniles and females, were observed in highly susceptible plants. The values of canopy length, dry root weight, fresh root weight, root length, dry shoot weight and shoot height was variable for all plants and the maximum canopy length was recorded in C. macrocarpa, while maximum fresh root weight, dry root weight, root length and shoot weight were recorded in O. japonicus and R. escelsa, respectively. The suscepti...
Wael S. El-Tohamy1,*, Russell R. Hopcroft2 and Nagwa E.M. Abdel Aziz3
...e estuary upstream. The juvenile copepods and the cyclopoid Oithona spp. together with the numerically dominant polychaete and cirriped larvae seemed little affected by salinity gradients.
Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Ikramul Haq1,*, Imdad Ullah Khan3, Naimat Ullah4, Naimat Ullah Khan4, Kashif Hussain1 and Azmat Ullah Khan2
...ified, formalized and adjuvanted with aluminium hydroxide gel. Safety, sterility and stability of the toxoid were ascertained. Bacterin toxoid of C. perfringens type D was procured from Veterinary Research Institute Peshawar. The immunogenicity of toxoid vaccines and bacterin toxoid vaccine were studied and compared initially in rabbits and then in goats and sheep. Experimental trials were conducted on 54 healthy animals of each species and were divided...

Wasim Javaid1, Farid Asif Shaheen1*, Farah Naz2 and Muhammad Usman Raja2 

...thogenic fungi (EPF), Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae was evaluated to manage pulse beetle (PB), Callosobruchus chinensis by using different fungal concentrations of 1×106, 1×107 and 1×108 spores/ml in stored chickpea grains. Highest mortality (90%) of PB was observed in 72 hours through application of 1×108spores/ml of M. anisopliae compared to B. bassiana with 60% mortality. On 24 hours of exposure, minimum mortality (4%...
Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek
...ion of the second stage juveniles, and the reproduction rate were detected at the highest levels in untreated soil, whereas low numbers were encountered in soils initially treated with the fungus, L. muscarium. Meloidogyne incognita and other plant parasitic nematodes multiplied significantly more in untreated soil than in treated soil, which clearly indicated that L. muscarium effectively reduced the nematode infestation level in the soil.

Muhammad Javed Iqbal and Muhammad Naeem* 

... out for five groups of juvenile Labeo rohita fed with various protein: Energy ratios; fish meal (T0), 25%CP (Crude proteins) (T1), 30%CP (T2), 35%CP (T3) and 40%CP (T4). Experiment was designed to replace enriched fish meal diets with cheaper plant origin crude protein diets in fish culture. A total of 15 aquaria having 20 samples each were arranged in triplicate for 90 days to study the effect of five feeding groups on Length-weight relation and external mor...
Ali Murad Rahoo1, Tariq Mukhtar2,*, Barkat Ali Bughio3 and Rehana Kanwal Rahoo4
...production of infective juveniles (IJ) from Galleria mellonella cadavers may differ among different species of EPN and hosts of various sizes. Therefore, the objective of conducting the present study was to compare the productivity of two EPN (Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora) in G. mellonella larvae of different sizes. The size of G. mellonella had significant effect on the emergence of IJ. Significantly...

Mohsin Iqbal1, Farid Asif Shaheen1*, Farah Naz2, Muhammad Usman Raja2, Muhammad Fiaz3 and Muhammad Nadeem1 

...hizium anisopliae and Beauveria bassiana were used as the bio-control agents against this economic pest and proved good alternatives to chemicals. Less number of eggs (2 per grain), more number of holes (8.3 per grain), less number of F1 adults (20.3 per jar) and more number of days (7) to 100% mortality of C. chinensis adults were recorded when chickpea grains were treated with the highest concentration of B. bassiana as compared to that of M. anisopliae. The...

Asma Sohail1*, Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi1, Maryum Arif2 and Fatima Najam1 

Jafar Aqeel Naqi1, Abdul Mateen1, Dilawar Hussain2,*, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2, Sajjad Hussain1 and Abuzar Tabasum1 A total of 150 juvenile’s tilapia were taken randomly and divided into five experimental units (10 fishes per unit) with three replicates. Fish was hand feeded containing five different levels of garlic (T1, control) 2.5 (T2), 5.0 (T3), 7.5 (T4), and 10g/500g (T5) in powdered form. Fish were fed at 6% of body weight twice, daily. Feed utilization was estimated in terms of feed conversion rat...

 Tahir Abbas*1, Khawaja Raees Ahmad2, Asmatullah3, Khalid Pervaiz Lone4, Muhammad Ali Kanwal2, Sadia Suleman2

Reno-hepatic protective effects of Jambul against chromium induced anomalies in mice
...ion of Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase (SGPT), Serum Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase (SGOT), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), total protein, bilirubin, globulin, creatine and uric acid along with reduction of SGOT/SGPT, Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN), urea and albumin as compared to control. Treatments with JFE after Cr+6 exposures significantly improved the hepatic and renal functional profiles possibly by partial liver rehabilitation and regeneration. The JFE si...

 Muhammad Mohsin Ahsan1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2*, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1, Arshad Ali3, Zafar Iqbal Kahan4, Kafeel Ahmed4

Intra- and inter-specific foraging in three scorpion species
...acked and fed more upon juvenile and sub- adults (medium- sized), scorpions. They also consumed dead scorpions of their own species. Odontobuthus odonturus preferred to attack and consume healthy adults and did not feed on dead scorpions. Androctonus finitimus aggressively attacked and consumed all types of prey scorpions of its own species, except the dead ones. In inter-specific feeding experiment, M. tumulus consumed healthy adults, injured adults, pregnant...
Chao Zhao1,2, Juan Feng1, Haidong Xu1, Lihua Qiu1,2,*, Qibin Yang1, Zhenhua Ma1 and Jian G. Qin3
Yan-Guo Han1, Xiao-Li Peng1, Kai Li1, Yu-He-Tian Zhao1, Xun-Ping Jiang2, Guang-Xin E1, Yong-Ju Zhao1, Jun-Hua Ye3, Li Xu3, Qin-Tao Zhao3 and Yong-Fu Huang1,*
...jection of CpG adjuvant and somatostatin (SS) DNA vaccine can enhance the effect of the vaccine and promote the growth of animals. This study investigated the enhancing effect of the fusion type of CpG motifs on SS DNA vaccine and growth of ram lambs. In this study, we constructed the ptS/2SS-asd plasmid, pCpG plasmid and the CpG-SS fusion type recombinant plasmid named ptCS/2SS-asd. Twelve ram lambs were randomly divided into three groups, namel...
Muhammad Asad Saleem1,*, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1, Mudssar Ali1, Muhammad Amin2, Muhammad Tayyab1,3 and Sumaira Maqsood4
Hao Gu*, Zhi Yang, Weiqiang Yu, Kan Xu and Yuan-fei Fu*
...xpected to be used as adjuvant medicine to treat caries.
Rahila Huma1,2, Tariq Mahmud1,*, Rubina Munir2, Sana Javaid Awan3,Kiran Iftikhar4 and Mufakkira-Tul-Islam5
Ali Murad Rahoo1,*, Tariq Mukhtar2, Barkat Ali Bughio3 and Rehana Kanwal Rahoo4
...e survival of infective juveniles (IJ) following inundative applications would be quite short. The application of EPN in cadavers may be appropriate because of the non-availability of industrially produced isolates. Therefore, in the present studies, Galleria mellonella and Tenebrio molitor were compared for invasion and production of IJ of Steinernema feltiae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora. Both the nematodes caused 100% mortali...
Catherine J. Allen
...y drawn from Southern Peruvian Quechua, including allin kawsay (well-being), pacha (world), ayllu (community), ayni (reciprocity), uyway (nurturance), hucha (sin) and animu (individuating energy), with particular emphasis on values and ontological orientations that are generally consistent across the Andean ethnographic and ethnohistorical record. Underlying this vocabulary is a mindset that prioritizes relation...
Tahira Moeen Khan* and Amat ul Mateen
...tion and absorbance. The uv-vis spectrum revealed the shift of absorption towards longer wavelength with the increasing concentration of plant extract. XRD indicates CuO Nps particle size is in between 14-20 nm. CuO nanoparticle show very significant antibacterial activity against four bacterial strains three gram negative (Escherichia coli, Proteus mirabilis, Salmonella) and one gram positive (Clostridium tetani). The minimum concentration of le...
Naveed Ahmad1,*, P.J.A. Siddiqui1, Amjad Ali1, Khan Mir Khan2, Rafaqat Masroor3, Noor ul Akbar4, Muhammad Amin5 and Mohammad Attaullah6
...on and Survival Rate of Juvenile Snakehead (Channa marulius) Fed on Different Feeds. Pakistan J. Zool., vol. 49(5), pp 1871-1877.
(iii) Abdul Malik, Ghulam Abbas,*, Abdul Ghaffar, Sara Ferrando and Lorenzo Gallus, 2017. Impact of Different Salinity Levels on Growing Performance, Food Conversion and Meat Quality of Red Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) Reare...
Iqra Jaffar, Zainab Sehzadi, Muhammad Adeel, Khalid P. Lone and Mehwish Faheem*
...h (Labeo rohita) juveniles were exposed to low concentrations (10μg/l and 100μg/l) of di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) for 7 days to evaluate oxidative stress in liver and gills by analyzing activity of glutathione-S-transferase (GST), catalase (CAT), glutathione (GSH) and by measuring lipid peroxidation (LPO). Catalase activity increased significantly in liver and gills of fish exposed to 10μg/l of DBP. Level of GSH and LPO increased significantly i...
Mohsan Iqbal1, Farid Asif Shaheen1, Rashid Mahmood2,*, Muhammad Khalid Rafique2, Imran Bodlah1, Farah Naz3 and Muhammad Usman Raja3
...genic fungi (EPF), Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae and entomopathogenic bacteria (EPB), Photorhabdus temperata and Xenorhabdus nematophila were studied as bio-control agents to manage this pest. In addition, percent conidial germination and % mortality of C. chinensis were also evaluated when B. bassiana was used with DEBBM. The minimum number of eggs (0.66 grain-1), number of holes (1 grain
Yan-Guo Han1,2, Jun-Hua Ye1, Qin-Tao Zhao1, Yong-Jie Huang2, Kai Li2, Yong-Fu Huang2 and Li Xu1,*
...eptide and CpG adjuvant and delivered by attenuated Salmonella choleraesuis at weeks 0, 3 and 6 of the study, and rats in control group (Group C) was orally given empty vector vaccine. Blood samples were collected before primary immunization and at weeks 3, 5 and 7 after primary immunization and body weight of offspring were weighed at weeks 0, 2 and 4 after birth. Both SS-14 and SS-28 DNA vaccines induced humoral immune resp...
Muhammad Afzal1, Nighat Sultana1, Ali Hassan1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2,*, Mahroze Fatima3, Syed Makhdoom Hussain4, Muhammad Bilal5 and Majid Hussain2
...u (Labeo rohita) juveniles fed citric acid (CA) acidified phytase (PHY) pretreated soybean meal (SBM) based diet.Basal SBM based diet was supplemented with two levels of CA (0 and 2%) and two levels of microbial PHY (0 and1000 FTUkg-1) in factorial arrangement resulting in the formulation of four experimental diets. Chromic oxide (1%) was added as an inert marker in the diets to evaluate the nutrient digestibility. Important water quality par...
Iram Liaqat1,*, Nazish Mazhar Ali2, Najma Arshad3, Riffat Iqbal1 and Zain-ul-Abideen1
Asima Azam1, Asma-Ul-Husna2, Saima Qadeer3, Qaisar Shahzad4, Rabea Ejaz1, Nemat Ullah5, Tasneem Akhtar4 and Shamim Akhter2,*
...quo;s Albumin Lactate Pyruvate (TALP) medium for about 20 h, the presumptive zygotes were randomly distributed into 6 culture groups; Group I: Synthetic Oviductal Fluid (SOF) medium alone, Group II: SOF + co-culture, Group III: Conditioned SOF, Group IV: M199 alone, Group V: M199 + co-culture and Group VI: Conditioned M199 for in vitro culture (IVC). The percentage of embryos capable of crossing 8-16 cell block and reaching morula stage were higher (P &...
Khansa Nazir1,*, Tariq Mukhtar1 and Humayun Javed2
...he maximum mortality of juveniles was recorded at a concentration of 100 mg/ml followed by 75 mg/ml of AgNP. The minimum mortality was recorded with 25 mg/ml of AgNP. With the increase in concentration, there was a corresponding increase in the mortality of juveniles showing a direct relationship between mortality and concentration of nanoparticles. The effect of time on mortality was also found significant. With the increas...
Jae-Kang Lee, Hyun-Su Hwang, Tae-Kyung Eom and Shin-Jae Rhim*
...hly captured adults and juveniles of A. agrarius and A. peninsulae were significantly higher in the post- than in the pre-thinning session. Population sizes were dramatically increased in the post-thinning session. Ground and understory vegetation coverage and number of downed trees ha-1 positively influenced the density. The overstory vegetation coverage negatively influenced the density. Tree thinning resulted in well-developed groun...
S. Jalbani1, N.T. Narejo2,* and P. Khan2 


...tiated for 90 days. The juveniles of experimental fish with mean initial body weight 6.40 ± 1.6 g were procure from local fishing community of River Indus near Jamshoro. Feed regime like live small fish (tilapia), tubifex larvae, chopped chicken viscera and dead small fish (tilapia) were used as live and prepared feed with control. It was observed that the experimental fish fed with chopped chicken viscera exhibited significantly better growth (129.10 &...
Manzoor Hussain*, Marie Maňasová, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek
...asses, and second-stage juveniles (J2) and rate of nematode reproduction (Pf/Pi) and improving plant growth factors. 
Shagufta Naz1, Ayesha Javed1, Ayesha Saleem1, Khadija Murtaza1, Rukhama Haq1, Akbar Hayat2 and Neelma Munir1,*
...ological weight loss, pyruvate analysis and sugar contents. Gamma radiation affected these parameters at higher doses but at 0.5 kGy no significant change was observed. 0.5 kGy prouting was inhibited and microflora was reduced at this dose without affecting its nutritional and sensory qualities. So, it was proved to be the best optimized dose was 0.5kGy.
QihangLiu1,2, YueliJiang2, Tong Li2, Jin Miao2, Zhongjun Gong2, Yun Duan2, and YuqingWu2*
Sumaira Abbas1, Muhammad Sultan Haider2,*, Fatima Kafayet1, Sana Ashraf2, Atifa Masood3 and Moazma Batool4
...i>Carassius auratus juvenile having body weight 20±7.54g in powder form for 92 days. Weight gain, length gain and FCR were calculated fortnightly. At completion of feeding trial, color intensity and pigment concentration was measured in Carassius auratus skin. Statistical analysis of results showed non-significant differences (P<0.05) among all treatments in weight gain and FCR. Maximum color intensity 1.52±0.08 and carotene concent...
Khursheed Ahmed, Shoaib Freed*, Rana Fartab Shoukat and Kanwar Waqas Ahmad
...f some isolates of Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae and Isaria fumosorosea and six synthetic insecticides i.e., triazophos, imidacloprid, bifenthrin, nitenpyram, pyreproxifin and lambda cyhalothrin against O. hyalinipennis. The efficacy of these microbial agents could be enhanced by applying in combination with insecticides. Five concentrations i.e., 1×106, 1×107, 1×10<...
Bibi Nazia Murtaza1, Mazhar Saeed Chaudry2, Shamaila Inayat Nadeem1, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4,*
...e before the start of adjuvant therapy. Further studies needed to confirm the functional aspects of rs112445441 and other variants involved in NHL pathogenesis. 
Hafrijal Syandri1*, Ainul Mardiah2, Azrita3 and Netti Aryani4


...nd biometric indices of juvenile gurami sago in the synthetic sheet pond. Fish were stocked at densities of 10, 15 and 20 fish/m3 in synthetic sheet pond with three replicate. Fish were fed with commercial feed containing 29% crude protein and gross energy of 3,340.50 kkal/kg of feed and cultured for 90 days. The physicochemical parameters of water were always at satisfactory levels for fish culture throughout the experiments except for NH3
Muhammad Afzal1, Mahroze Fatima2, Aasma Qamar1, Muhammad Farhan1 and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah3,*
... of Labeo rohita juveniles. Four experimental diets were prepared by supplementing citric acid (0 and 2%) and phytase (0 and 1000 FTU/kg) in 2×2 factorial arrangements. Total 180 juveniles (3.45±0.013) were distributed to 12 tanks having triplicate tank for each test diet. Weight gain of each replicate was recorded on weekly basis. Results showed that growth of L. rohita ju...
Kanwal Nisa1, Sadaf Ashraf1, Masood Ahmed Siddiqui1*,Naila Taj1Habib-Ur-Rehman1, Arifa Bano1 and Naeem Rashid2
...nzyme, which exhibits pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (POR) and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) activities, was purified to an apparent homogeneity from this archaeon. The purified enzyme exhibited optimal activities at 95oC for POR and 90oC for PDC reactions. The optimum pH for POR reaction was 8.5 and for that of PDC it was 9.5, in the absence of oxygen. The specific activities for POR and PDC reactio...
Babar Khan1,2 *, Nazir Javed1, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Nasir Ahmed Rajput1, Muhammad Atiq1, Abdul Jabbar1, Abdul Rehman3, Anam Moosa1 and Muhammad Amjad Ali1*
...iplication of infective juveniles (IJs) of the S. kraussei. Four different concentrations(50, 100, 200 and 500 IJs) of tested EPN speciewere used against insect’s larvae. Reproduction rate of S. kraussei was highest at concentration of 500 IJs as compared to 50, 100 and 200 IJs. Similarly, the effect of different temperatures was also studied to evaluate the efficacy of S. kraussei on insect larvae. At 25°C, S. kraussei sh...
Sumaira Akram1, Sajid Aleem Khan1*, Nazir Javed1 and Saeed Ahmad2
...nd rugby produced 100 % juvenile mortality at S concentration. After 48 h the treatment TH + PL caused highest juvenile mortality of MG and among plant extracts tobacco extract caused the highest juvenile mortality after 48 h. The protective and curative effect of chemicals, biocontrol agents and plant extracts on the development of MG was recorded on the basis of number of eggs on the mos...
Anila Naz Soomro1*, Hiroshi Suzuki2, Sadaf Tabassum Qureshi3 and Wazir Ali Baloch1
...ted atSt. 1 only, a few juveniles of C. sakishiemnsis were recorded at St. 3, St. 4. The length frequency histograms showed the occurrence of large number of juveniles at St. 3, 4 and 5 in smaller length groups. Also C. typus ovigerous females exhibiting spawning migration to the downstream and its juvenile also migrate back to upstream after completing the larval development...
Aouicha Djebroune1*, Aissa Mokabli1, Miloud Hammache2 and Gahdab Chakali2
...tion of cysts, eggs and juveniles / kilogram of soil increased significantly in the variety Desiree compared to the initial population. A significant decrease was noticed in the variety Kondor. However, the variety Spunta did not show significance between the final and initial nematodes population. The effect of these nematodes on the tuber yield of various potato varieties was also studied. Variety Kondor produced the best yield while Desiree gave the least. ...

Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Luqman2, Muhammad Arshad Javed2, Syed Wasim Hasan3 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed

...tomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (@ 1x108 conidia mL-1). First experiment was conducted in March 2016 and 2nd was performed from November 2016 to March 2017 in a citrus (Citrus reticulata cv. kinnow mandarin) orchard. In first year field experiment, there was a significant impact of all treatments on the reduction of mealybug infestation (F9, 39 = 39.10, P < 0.001; HSD at α = 0.05) as compared to control plants. Results of 2nd experiment also ...

S. Ahmed† , L. Yue, Q. Liu and H. Jian

Evaluation of media for mass production and fermentation of Pseudomonas spp. for integrated management of cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae)
...gainst the second stage juvenile mortality (J2) of H. avenae. The culture filtrates formed in media No.8 (Corn flour 17g/L, Glucose 10g/L, Soybean Cake Powder 25g/L, Maltose 10g/L, Yeast Extract 5g/L) and media No.5 (Corn flour 5g/L, Yeast Extract 1.5g/L, Fish Peptone 2.5g/L, Soybean Cake Powder 20g/L, Peptone 0.75g/L, KH2PO4 3g/L, CaCO3 0.5g/L, MgSO4 0.3g/L) has more toxic effects on the second stage juvenile (J2) mortality...

 K. Abbasi 1 , R. Wick2† and D. Zafari1

Chitinase activity of biocontrol fungi cultured from the golden potato cyst nematode, Globodera rostochiensis
... our chitinase assay, Beauveria bassiana, Lecanicillium muscarium, Paecilomyces sp. and Trichoderma atroviridae had the highest activity. We selected these four isolates to determine the optimum pH, temperature, and reaction time. Zymography was also used to demonstrate the chitinase activity of the four isolates. The biocontrol potential of 10 selected isolates was assayed in water-agar in vitro and under greenhouse conditions. L. muscarium had the most poten...

Shabana Rafique1, Shahnaz Parveen Khattak1, Tanveer Hussain2, Faiza Tauqeer1, Bashir Ahmad3 


Shahida Nasreen Zakir*, Samina Siddiqui**, Nasreen Ghaffar*

MAJOR ELEMENTS CONCENTRATIONS IN CALCAREOUS SOILS soils derived from alluvium, piedmont and loess parent materials remained in scarcity. This study was conducted to evaluate the major elements concentrations in soils derived from various parent materials and then to classify such soils in calcareous, moderate and non-calcareous soils. Soils were analyzed for total content of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Si and Ti with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometery and U...

Arshad Habib Malik*, Aftab Ahmed Memon** and Muhammad Rafiq Khan***

...uated for power maneuvering from 270 MWth to 310 MWth on the nuclear power plant in Pakistan and found highly efficient and satisfactory within the control design constraints.

Parakriti Gupta1, Kapil Goyal2 and Mini Pritam Singh3*

Hepatitis E Virus and Zoonosis
...ure on the role of sofosbuvir also in these groups of patients. Since the virus has only one serotype, univalent vaccine can provide protection against all HEV genotypes. Two vaccine candidates have been evaluated in clinical trials. Among these two vaccine candidates, one has been developed by Glaxosmithkline and another HEV 239 (Hecolin) has been developed by Innovax (China) and is in use in China since 2012. Considering the expanding clinical spectrum of HE...

Syeda Farzana Bibi* and Siraj-ud-Din

Fluorescence Analysis, Extractive Values and Cytotoxic Screening of Crataeva adansonii DC Leaf and Bark through Brine Shrimp Larvae Assay
Abida Parveen1, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Nazir Javed1, Anam Moosa1*, Khushboo Javaid1, Hina Safdar1 and Asma Safdar2
...ract + SK produced 100% juvenile mortality while the treatment MO + SK caused the least juvenile mortality of MI. Juvenile mortality was increased in a time-dependent manner. Aqueous MO extract + ethanolic MO extract + SKproduced 100% egg hatching inhibition at standard ‘S’ concentration. Plant growth was significantly enhanced in plants treated with MO extracts, SK and their c...

Sehrish Ashraaf1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1* and Sajida Naseem2

...t e.g., delimitation of juvenile stages. Standard barcode region of CO1 gene of 64 samples was amplified. The sequences of 658 base pairs were recovered from 62 samples, representing 7 families, 20 genera and 27 species. Araneidae was the most dominant familyfollowed by Salticidae, Oxyopidae, Clubionidae, Tetragnathida, Thomisid...
Ayesha Talib1,2, Khanzadi Nazneen Manzoor1, Wajahat Ali1, Maria Saeed1, Muhammad Asif Gondal1, Malik Badshah3 and Abid Ali Khan1*

 Amna Arshad Bajwa1, Saher Islam1, Muhmmad Imran1, Karman Ashraf2, Arman Khan1, Muhammad Farhan Khan3, Imran Rashid2, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1Waseem Ahmad Khan4 and Wasim Shehzad1*

...tical, particularly for juveniles. Accurate gender determination is important for studying ecology and conservation biology. Therefore, a simple molecular technique, that is precise with non-invasive sampling approaches such as faeces, would be valuable. In the present study a set of molecular markers was developed exploiting the AMLx/y gene to assess gender of Punjab urial population in Kala Bagh, using faecal samples as the DNA source. In our study, among 92...
Jin-Juan Wan, Mei-Fang Shen*, Hui Xue, Hong-Yan Liu, Mei-Qin Zhang, Xi-He Zhu and Chong-Hua Wang


... status and immunity of juvenile red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkia (average weight: 3.01±0.02 g). Crayfish were randomly assigned to one of five feeding frequencies (1,2,3,4 and 5 times/day, F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5) following the same ration size for 60 days. After the feeding trial, fish were challenged with white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) and cumulative mortality was recorded for the next 4 days. The results showed that the weight gain rate...
Xuya Zhou1, Ying Liu1, Deqin Xu1, Jie Bao1, Yaru Cao2 and Yong Jin3*
...f streptozotocin. The adjuvant-induced arthritis model was established by Paraffin/BCG. We used western blot to explore the protein expression levels of COX-2 and cytochrome P450 (CYP) 4A1. The expression of CYP4A1 was detected by immunohistochemistry. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (Elisa) was used to detect the prostaglandin E2 (PGE-2), 20-Hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (20-HETE), endothelin 1 (ET-1) and B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) in blood serum of di...
Huan Yang1, Tingting Li1, Huimin Zhao1,2, Xiaoyuan Zhang1, Huiyan Xu1, Yangqing Lu1, Xingwei Liang1, Shengsheng Lu1, Xiaogan Yang1*and Kehuan Lu1*
Ming-Yue Zhang*, Bo Yuan, Xiao-Hui Zhang, James Ayalaand Rong Hou*
...male giant pandas and 6 juvenile giant pandas from Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, and performed a one-month behavioral study during the non-mating season, focusing on observing the performances of stereotypes and behavioral diversity. The results showed that both adult and juvenile giant pandas preferred to feed in places where substrate was placed; additionally, juvenile gian...
Wenyou Huang1, Dan Yü1, Song Huang1,2, Jian Xiao2, Ping Qi2, Anhua Song2* and Zhen Huang1*
Baochao Liao1,2, Xiujuan Shan2,3* and Yunlong Chen2,3
...xogenous feeding larva, juvenile, and adult) and predicted how individual-level processes affect energy dynamics at higher levels of biological organization. We estimated primary model parameters (e.g., energy conductance, ; allocation coefficient, κ; and volume-specific somatic maintenance, [M]), and for a 5-year simulation, calculated a mean population growth rate (rp) of 3.4 year−1

Dilara Devranoglu, Ilksen Tavaci, Gonul Filoglu and Ozlem Bulbul*

Ibrar Muhammad Khan1, Dezhi Xu1, Zubing Cao1, Hongyu Liu1, Adnan Khan2,  Sajid Ur Rahman3, Jam Zaheer Ahmed4, Muhammad Akmal Raheem5 and Yunhai Zhang1*
...4.8 mmol vitamin E. The juvenile results indicated that L-cysteine and vitamin E improves the freeze-thawed spermatozoa characteristics in crossbred bulls.
Guangyu Wang, Xu Tian, Lintao Liu, Junyang Liu, Bo Zhang and Jingming Dong*
...that effectiveness of adjuvant treatment can be improved.



Hussan Ara Begum1, Muhammad Hamayun1, Noor Shad1, Waqar Khan3, Jawad Ahmad1, Muhammad Ezaz Hasan Khan2, David Aaron Jones2 and Kishwar Ali2*

Walaa ,S. Shabanaa;Bakr, A. Abdallaa; Eman, M. ELShalamia; I.M. Redab; M. A. Shalabyb

... Montanide ISA 50 oil adjuvanted combined FMD/RVF
vaccine was tested in sheep and compares it with single vaccines either FMD or RFV alone.The
mean of antibody titers continued with the protective level till the 32 to 36th week post vaccination,
In single vaccination either FMD or RFV alone while till to 40th WPV in combined FMD/RVF
vaccine.In the final we can conclude that the use of Montanide ISA 50 as an oil a...
Abeer A. Feisall; B.A. Othman2; Kh.A. El-Dougdoug2 and H.S. Shalaby1

Hiam M. Fakhry and Assem A.A.

...nducted to reveal the adjuvant's effect of zeolite on the immune response of oil adjuvanted trivalent Foot and mouth disease (FMD) vaccine in sheep. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of Zeolite (Zeolith UF) as an adjuvant using inactivated trivalent foot and mouth disease virus, to induce protection against foot and mouth disease. This study was conducted in three sh...

Walaa Abd El-Fatah S. Metwally1, Ismail M. Reda2, Ahmed A. El-Sanousi2, Mohamed Abd El-Khalek Ali2

...ich has been added as adjuvant using reassortant AI strain H5N1. The prepared vaccines with Montanide ISA70VG varied in the HA units per dose and also differed in the ratios between two reassortant strains (Chicken and duck strains) of AI. The results of testing humoral immunity revealed that the prepared vaccines with Montanide ISA70VG containing 350 HA unit/dose were high in antibody titer than vaccines containing 256 and 100 HA unit/dose. The prepared vacci...

Afaf. A. Khedr*, Ekram Salama*, A. A. Samy**, Abdella, Y.A.*** and Suzan. K. Tolba***

...bined inactivated oil adjuvant vaccines against infectious coryza and infectious bronchitis diseases were prepared, one adjuvanted with mineral oil and the other with Montanide ISA-70. Evaluation of both vaccines were done by challenge test, haemagglutination inhibition test, ELISA test for Avibacterium Paragallinarum, and ELISA test, indirect haemagglutination inhibition test and ciliostasis score for infectious Bronchitis ...

1Mona A. El-Manzalawy, 2Abeer A. Boseila , 3Hanan M. El Zahed

...F vaccine Formulation adjuvanted by Peppermint oil (PMO) with Aluminum hydroxide gel (Alum gel) or without Alum gel, then ensure the safety and sterility of these vaccines and compare between them with the local RVF vaccine with Alum gel alone in sheep. This peppermint formulation including Alum gel adjuvant was the best of choice as it induced higher immunological enhancement. In addition, synergistic action was discovered ...

Eman A. H. Kattab1,3, A. H. Ebrahem2 , Om-Hashem M. El-Banna2 and Hanan F. EL-Kammar³

Amir M. Walaa1 ; Ausama Yousif1; Walid H. Kilany2; Magdy El-Sayed1; Ahmed A. El-Sanousi1

...ccines with different adjuvants except for group 1 & 2. Group 1 was kept as unvaccinated control. At 28 days all groups were challenged with a dose of 105.5 EID50/bird of Variant 2 genotype (1494) IBV through oculo-nasal rout. Blood samples were collected randomly from 10 birds from each group at day 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 . Organs of 3 birds/each group were collected (trachea, bronchi and kidneys) for PCR at 3, 7 and 10 days post vaccination and post ch...

Maha A. El-Abhar1, Moustafa A. Elkady1, Khaled M. Ghanem2, Hussieny A. Bosila3

... economic
adjuvant in FMD vaccine for cattle.
Hanan Sayed1, Mohamed S. Madkour1, Hussein A. Hussein2, Mounir Mohamed Elsaft 3,
Marwa F. El saied3, Ahmed A El-Sanousi2 using montanide 71 adjuvant. The prepared vaccine was
injected intramuscularly in specific pathogen free and commercial layer chicken, the injection was
repeated as a booster vaccination one month after the first vaccination. Humoral immune response was
measured by HI for both H9N2 and LaSota viruses weekly for one and a half month after the booster
vaccination, then monthly until the end of duration. Challeng...

Hanan Sayed 1, Mohamed S. Madkour 1, Hussein A. Hussein 2, Ahmed A El-Sanousi 2 using montanide 71 adjuvant. The prepared vaccine was
injected intramuscularly in specific pathogen free and commercial layer chicken, the injection was
repeated as a booster vaccination after a month from the first vaccination. Humoral immune response
for IBV was measured by ELISA weekly until about one month after the booster vaccination then
periodically till the end of duration. Challenge trial for both IB...

Youssef A. Elgharbawy1, Mervat M. Ali1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2, Mohamed A. Shalaby2

...g equal volume of the adjuvants (Montanide ISA 50 and Montanide ISA 206 ) to the total quantity 3ml of the vaccine. The prepared vaccine tested for determination of immunological response against the vaccine with ISA 50 and ISA 206 adjuvants and the results was compared. The results of cellular and humoral immune response and the challenge test showed that using inactivated LSDV vaccine improved by Montanide ISA 206 elevate ...

Abdelaziz A. Yassin, Ayman H. El Deeb, Abeer E. Mansour, Hussein A. Hussein

...ports the role of ail adjuvant in stimulating the cellular response for inactivated vaccine.

Soad, E. Elsayed 1, Mohammed A. Shalaby2, Ausama A. Yousef2, Abu bakr A. Agor1,
Sherouk E. Aly1
...tanide ISA 206 is the adjuvant used in FMDV vaccine produced in Egypt which is
w/o/w microemulsion.
Methods: We aimed to increase the efficacy of the conventional formulation by converting the
microemulsion to Bio-compatible and stable Nano emulsion. Emulsification was applied through
ultrasonication of Montanide ISA 206 in the presence of Tween 80 as a detergent. The physical
characteristics were stu...
Shourok E. Aly 1, Karim Zaki1, Soad E. Elsayed2, M. Elgamal2, Ausama A. Yousef1, Mohamed A. Shalaby1
...luminum hydroxide gel-adjuvanted inactivated Rift Valley
fever virus (RVFV) vaccine.
Objective: Herein, we aimed to enhance the immunogenicity of the conventional vaccine by
developing a smaller particle size vaccine formulation through ultrasonic dispersion of aluminum
hydroxide adjuvant.
Methods: This was achieved by ultrasonication of aluminum hydroxide gel in th...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Samra Ammara1, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1, Shahbaz Hussain2, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Abdul Rehman1 and Amjed Ali1

...ank mixed addition of adjuvant (alkyl ether sulfate) at Research Area, University of Sargodha during spring 2015. The studies consisted of seven herbicide treatments, viz. lactofen complete dose (180 g a.i. ha-1) alone, lactofen complete dose + adjuvant, lactofen 80% dose alone, lactofen 80% dose + adjuvant, lactofen 60% dose alone, lactofen 60% dose + adjuv...

Md. Abdullah Al Mamun1,2*, Shamima Nasren1,3, Sanjay Singh Rathore1 and Kavalagiriyanahalli Srinivasiah Ramesh1

...t most of these were at juvenile stages. Infested fish were transferred to the glass aquaria (60 L) and treated with 4 treatments for 15 days: I) Potassium permanganate II) Aquarium salt III) Formalin and IV) Mechanical. The significant lower (P<0.05) parasitic burden were found in mechanical treatment followed by salt, formalin and potassium permanganate. Clinical signs like excessive mucus production, fin erosion, pale gills, and slight hemorrhage were ob...

Moheem Khan1, Arif Ali1*, Shafique Ahmed Memon1, Taimoor Khan Qambrani2, Ghulam Khaliq3, Jahanzaib Khan1, Saghir Ahmed1, Azmat Hussain Abro4 and Sohail Azeem Baloch1

Zhengyi Fu1,2,3,4, Rui Yang2,3,4, Zhenhua Ma2,3,4*, Mingyang Han2,3,4 and Yifu Wang2,3,4
Aftab Raza Khan1, Azhar Abbas Khan2*, Javed Iqbal3, Arif Muhammad Khan4, Zeshan Hassan2, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif2 and Umbreen Shahzad2 of both adults and juveniles. Chi-square test (χ2) reflected a positive relationship between adult crop contents and different calendar months and stands. The data regarding breeding biology exhibited mean incubation period, clutch size and egg weight of 16.67±1.45, 4.0±0.58, 9.56±0.33 in study (stand 12) and 13.60±0.46, 6.4±0.46, 11.44±0.58 in control area (stand 16) respectively. There was a positive ...
Zhengyi Fu1,2,3,4, Rui Yang1,2,3, Shengjie Zhou1,2,3, Zhenhua Ma1,2,3* and Gang Yu1,2,3*
...i> Lates calcarifer juveniles has been frequently reported in hatchery practices. Huge variation of mortality in different size grade of juvenile fish has also been observed. In order to explore the effect of size heterogeneity on gene expression level of barramundi juveniles, we graded them according to body length and selected growth-related genes (GHRH, GH, GHR, IGF-I, IGF-II, ...
Liping Liu and Pengfei Liu*
... both the sex ratios of juveniles and adults were male-biased in this roost, which possible originated from different migrating strategies with sex and age. Culmen length, wing length and tail length of male is longer than female, male is heavier than female in body mass, these differences showed slight male-biased sexual size dimorphism, the larger body size of male may have resulted from sexual selection, while pressure of natural selection may not be signif...
Bushra Shaikh, Sadia Muniza Faraz*, Syed Riaz un Nabi Jafri, Syed Usman Ali
...ed during the random maneuvering on the grid based maze, whereas, the shortest path to the target position is determined by estimating x and y coordinates. The algorithm interprets the map of the environment, expressed by grid based model and generates an optimal or near optimal path. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated by simulation studies using MATLAB and VREP. The algorithm is verified by a sensors based robotic setup with three different maps. The expe...

Kirshan Chand1, Fahad Nazir Khoso1*, Arfan Ahmed Gilal1, Abdul Mubeen Lodhi2, Agha Mushtaque Ahmed1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro3, Sohail Ahmed Otho1 and Jamal-U-Din Hajano4

...Abamectin, Cyromazine, Fluvalinate, Imidacloprid, Methiocarb and Spiromesifen. Moreover, all the samples were exceeding the permissible pH level of 4.0 to 6.5 required for the mixing of commonly used insecticide such as Acephate, Azadiachtin, Buprofezin, Fenpropathrin, Fenpyroximate, Flonicamid and Pyriproxyfen. Furthermore, there were 23 samples (58%) exceeding the required level (114-342) of hardness and 39 (98%) samples were unfit in terms of TSD levels (25...

Tajnees Pirzada1*, Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Mansoor Ali Kalhoro2, Mir Munsif Ali Talpur1, Waheed Ali Mirbahar1, Abdul Ghafar Solangi1, Zulfiquar Ali Jumani1 and Rehana Kerio1

Dia Mamadou1,2*, Meissa Beyah1, Sow Amadou Harouna1, Ba Samba Alassane1, Bouzouma Moustapha1, Braham Cheikh Baye1 and Beibou Ely1
Madiha Nawaz and Shoaib Freed

...opathogenic fungi; Beauveria bassiana (isolates Bb-01, Bb-08), Metarhizium anisopliae (isolates Ma-11.1, Ma-2.1) and Isaria fumosorosea (isolates If-2.3, If-02) showed percent mortalities of (61.0%, 85.0%), (78.0%, 56.0%) and (52.0%, 54.0%) with LC50 values of (4.25×108, 2.54×108 spores/ml), (3.26×108, 5.08×108 spores/ml) and (6.22×108, 7.20&tim...

Salma Javed1* and Daniyal Siddiq2

...conditions second-stage juveniles (J2) mortality was recorded after 24, 48 and 72 h of incubation in concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 or 1%. Maximum mortality was achieved with ethanol extracts followed by aqueous and methanol extracts. In the greenhouse, leaf extracts at 60 days after inoculation produced reduction in root galling, egg masses, and nematode populations in plants in treated containers compared to untreated plants (control) with values increasing as ...

Asma Hanif* and Shahnaz Dawar the second stage of juveniles. Other homeopathic drugs used in the experiment showed no significant nematicidal effect against M. incognita. Kent-20 and Santonine-43 at three different concentrations of 50, 100 and 75% was highly effective when used as seed treatment of okra, sunflower, mung bean and mash beans followed by drenching the soil with these concentrations of both homeopathic drugs separately, also resulted in increasing the weight and height of...

Mohammed Abdel-Mageed Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Mageed1, Eman Alsayed Hammad2*, Nashaat Abdel-Aziz Mahmoud1 and Anas Farag El-Mesalamy1

...urvival of the nematode juveniles and egg-masses hatched depending on materials property, concentrations and solvents used in extraction. The aqueous extract had the best percentage of mortality and inhibition of egg hatching compared to the acetonic and methanolic extracts. Whereas, aqueous extracts of deadly nightshade, winter cherry and chili pepper at concentration 500 ppm applied to the plants as foliar sprays alone, foliar sprays with chelates and soil d...

Atef El-Sagheer1*, Anas El-Mesalamy1, Abdel-Monem Anany2 and Nashaat Mahmoud1

...atching of second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne javanica were estimated in laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Results revealed that all the tested culture filtrates caused significant reduction in number of J2 in all treatments, compared to the non-inoculated control, where the hatching inhibition and mortality percentages increased with an increase in exposure time. At 24 hours, increased the mean number of J2 hatched slowly than in first stages of e...

Sudip Debnath1, Dipta Sundar Sarker1, Pankaj Kundu1, Md. Shahin Parvez1, Shaikh Tareq Arafat1, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef A Alkhamis2,3, Md Moshiur Rahman1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman1* 

... triplicates. Swordtail juveniles (initial weight: 0.46±0.03 g and length: 3.28±0.30 cm) were randomly stocked in glass aquaria feeding ad libitum two times a day. After four weeks of feeding trial, survival of swordtail juveniles was high (≥ 90%) in all treatments and remained unaffected by the dietary treatments (P > 0.05). Differences in growth performance were realized in terms of final weight (g), fi...

Abbas M. Al-Azab1*, Ahmed A. Zaituon2, Khalid M. Al-Ghamdi3, Fahd M. Abd Al Galil4,5 

...bility of the adult and juvenile stages of A. aegypti occurred throughout the year in different densities depending on the climatic conditions and the effectiveness of the breeding sites. The density of adult were 2.61 (Ghuleel), 2.55 (Al-Jameiah), 2.25 (Al-Balad), 2.47 (Al-Safa) and 1.86 (Al-Nazlah Al -Yamaneyyah). Whereas the density of immature stages were 5.03 (Ghuleel), 4.01 (Al-Balad), 2.48 (Al-Jameiah), 2.38 (Al-Safa) and 1.91 (Al-Nazlah Al-Yamaneyyah) ...
Tabinda Urooj1,*, Bushra Wasim1, Shamim Mushtaq2, Syed Nudrat Nawaid Shah1, Lubna Faisal3, Moazzam Ali2, Nabeela Rasheed1 and Syed Faizan Ali Rizvi4
...d cancer treatment as adjuvant therapy, were included as treated (Group B) cases. Regarding patient’s demographic data, mean age of enrolled patients was found to be 48.26±10.74 years. The mean age of menarche was found to be 13.39±0.89 years. The calculated BMI (body mass index) was found to be 20.4. Majority of the enrolled subjects have acquired primary or basic education and most of them were married and housewives. For the reproductive...

Mohammad Hussain Haidary1, Rozanaliza Radzi1*, Muhammad Waseem Aslam1, Seng Fong Lau1, Farina Mustaffa Kamal2, Ahmad Rasul Radzali1 

Oce Astuti1, La Sara2*, Muzuni3 and Safilu4

...s, hatch and grow to be juveniles. Therefore, BSC population stocks in this waters are continuously sustained.


Hung Van Mai1, Tuan Duc Nguyen2, Nang Thu Tran Thi3 and Hung Phuc Nguyen4*

...aily to three groups of juvenile pompano (20 fish/group, 36 g/fish) for 4 weeks. The results showed that the plasma total cholesterol level, liver lipid content, intestinal total BA concentration, intestinal lipase activity, and lipid ADC were significantly higher in the FSBM1D and FSBM3D groups than the SBMD group (P < 0.05). These parameters tended to increase in the FSBM2D group as compared to the SBMD group, although the differences were not significant...
Abdul Jabbar1, Muhammad Tariq1*, Asim Gulzar1, Tariq Mukhtar2 and Tayyaba Zainab3

Ramy S. Yehia1,3, Essam A. Shaalan2* and Hashem M. Al-Sheikh1 

...c fungi, particularly Beauveria bassiana and Metarhizium anisopliae, and botanical oils have shown potential as synthetic insecticides alternative for house fly control. In the present work, local isolates from both fungi as well as their mixtures with essential oils were evaluated against house fly larvae under laboratory conditions. Batches of house fly larvae (25 individuals per replicate and 4 replicates per dose of fungi) were subjected to five doses from...

Nargis Sardar1*, Maria Binte Sarfraz2, Sufian Rasheed3 , AKM Rezwan Sardar4 , Fahamida Zaman5, Arsalan Rasheed6,7* 

Chandrakala Rana1*, Deepak Subedi1*, Shanti Kunwar1, Rajesh Neupane1, Birendra Shrestha2, Khan Sharun3, Dinesh Kumar Singh4 and Krishna Kaphle2

..., Paklihawa Campus, Tribhuvan University with symptoms of urinary inconsistency, haematuria, and inappetence. Radiography and ultrasonography revealed the presence of calculus in the urinary bladder. Cystolithotomy was performed and the dog responded to the intervention and recovered uneventfully.


Bilal Jan1, Farida Anjum1*, Aasma Bibi1, Syed Roohul Hussain1, Abdul Ahad1, Azeem ud Deen1, Zia Ullah2 and Farrakh Mehboob3

...using Agilent’s Intuvo-9000 GC-µECD system. A total of thirteen peach samples, ten from fruit orchards and three from fruit markets, belonging to five different varieties were collected and analysed. 38% of the samples were found to be non-compliant to EU-MRL for chlorpyrifos, 8% for atrazine and parathion-methyl, whereas no non-compliance was observed for FAO/codex maximum residue limits (MRLs). The designed method for the multi-class pesticide re...

Sana Shakoor, Tahir Rehman Samiullah, Naila Shahid, Abdul Qayyum Rao*, Aneela Yasmeen, Sana Tahir, Ayesha Latif, Saira Azam, Ahmad Ali Shahid and Tayyab Husnain

...with enhancer (ferund adjuvants) was done and produced antibodies in serum was detected by immunodot blotting assay. The appearance of the dot on spotted position confirmed the specificity of anti-HA antibodies. The titer of antibody produced in immunogenic mice was determined through ELISA. The highest geometric mean titer of HA-specific serum IgG, which was greater as compared to the control.


Evrim Sönmez

...he mortality rates of Beauveria bassiana’s A. obtectus, studies on the effects on the biology of the pest, the number of eggs it lays and the number of adults emerging from beans after the application are limited. In this study, the effects of different concentrations of Beauveria bassiana (Nostalgist BL®) on the mortality rates of A. obtectus adults, the number of eggs they lay and the number and percentages of ad...

Seok-Jun Son1,3, Sung-Kyung Lee1, Jung-Woo Oh1, In-Kyu Kim2, Dal-Ho Kim2, Bo-Ra Hyun1 and Jung-Hoon Kang1,* were attached to two juvenile Chinese egrets from an uninhabited island in the Chilsan Archipelago off the west coast of the Korean Peninsula. GPS tracking was used to identify their autumn migration route and their home range and habitat type in breeding (post-fledging/pre-migration stages) and wintering sites (post-migration stage). The two egrets crossed the East China Sea to Taiwan. The signal for one bird was lost, whereas the other rested and then mov...

Asmaa S. Mohammed*, Ahmed F. Abou-Elnaga, Ahmed I. Ateya, Mohammed M. Fouda, Ragab A. Darwish, Usama A. Abou-Ismail 

Ahmed Alazzouni1, Ashraf Al-Brakati2,*, Sherif Rabie1, Mohamed Gabry1 and Basmaa Hassan1

...apeutic agents and as adjuvants to ameliorate histopathological changes associated with leukemia.

Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, Erkata Yandri2, Yogo Adi Nugroho3, Mardiana Sri Susanti4
Satriyo Krido Wahono5, Wahyu Widodo1, Lili Zalizar1, Elfi Anis Saati1, Maftuchah Maftuchah1
Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum6, Muhannad Illayan Massadeh6, Dwi Yono3, Rangga Kala Mahaswa7
Herry Susanto2, Damat Damat1*, Dyah Roeswitawati1, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani8 and 
Susi Mindarti1

Judith Kiptoo1*, Daniel Mutisya2, Paul Ndegwa1, Ruth Amata3, Lucy Irungu4 and Rotich Godfrey5

... Rackers in Baringo and Luvisols, Ferralsols and Cambisols in Machakos County were dominant. Tylenchulus, Meloidogyne and Helicotylenchus species were most abundant in Kitale, Taita-Taveta, Kilifi and Kwale. The results presented here show how possible population density of PPNs in varied soil class types, rainfall amounts and prevailing temperature would be influenced by abiotic factors therein.


Noora Hassan Hezam Al-Aqmer1*, Zain Aamir2, Muhammad Farooq Hanif3, Soumble Zulfiqar4, Sibgha Zulfiqar1, Mateen Izhar5 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4*

Muhammad Anwar Ul Haq1*, Tariq Mukhtar1, Muhammad Inam-ul-Haq1 and Azeem Khalid2

...arly, minimum number of juveniles were recovered from roots and soils of resistant genotype (Janak) followed by moderately resistant genotype (Pala) while maximum juveniles were recovered from roots and soils of susceptible and highly susceptible genotypes. Likewise, variations were also observed in reproduction of the nematode on 21 genotypes. Minimum reproductive factor of M. incognita was observed on Janak followed by Pal...

Ikele*, Chika Bright, Ujunwa Aghaji, Mgbenka, Benard Obialo 

...n on Clarias gariepinus juveniles with emphasis on the growth performance and impact on physiological status. A total of two hundred and seventy juvenile Clarias gariepinus were randomly distributed into six plastic bioreactors groups (A-F) in triplicates with equal volume of inoculum, maintained in 30 L tank with constant aeration. Addition of organic carbon sources (CN 10:1, 20:1) were evaluated to stimulate rapid growth o...

Mohamed A. Hussein1, Bahgat A. Abd El-Rehman2, Kareem A. Eldin2, Mohamed Fouad Mansour1* against infection. Adjuvant of vaccine is an important factor in enhancing the immune response. It must be safe, inexpensive and easy to prepare. This study aimed to develop a new RVF virus vaccine with chitosan nanoparticles and aluminum phosphate nanoparticles as adjuvants and evaluate their impact on biochemical, cellular and humoral immune response in sheep, The prepared vaccines were sterile, safe, emulsion is stable...

Saima Mehar1 and Salma Javed2*

...tions. The second stage juveniles (J2) were exposed at 24, 48 and 72 hours in different concentrations of plant extracts. During in-vitro condition inhibition of egg hatchability and J2 juveniles’ mortality varied according to the concentration of plant extract. WC=1 showed 100% mortality after 48 hrs of exposure at 1% with the lethal concentration (LC50) values 0.168 mg/land all four concentration are 100 % toxic at 7...
C.A. Angel-Sahagún1, J.E. Ortega Palomares1, A.A. Hernández-Rangel1, C. Cruz-Vázquez2, R. Montesinos-Matias3, M. Valencia-Posadas1 and A.M. Cruz-Avalos4*
...m anisopliae (Ma) and Beauveria bassiana (Bb) isolates, obtained from adult Ctenocephalides canis, the dog flea, under laboratory conditions. Nine, monosporic cultures were isolated. Each were pathogenic when exposed by immersion at a concentration of 1x108 conidia/ml, causing between 10-100% mycosis at ten days post-inoculation. Four isolates identified as Bb9, Bb6, Ma9 and Ma10, were the most pathogenic as mycosis reached 100%, which places them as potential...

Febriza Dwiranti1, Nur Fadhilah2, Ursula Paulawati Maker2, Priyo Sambodo3* 

...les, adult females, and juvenile Spilocuscus papuensis (S. papuensis). In total, nine S. papuensis ex situ in the Manokwari Region of Papua (three adult males, three adult females, and three juveniles) were used in this study. Morphological observations of S. papuensis were based on body hair pattern and blood values, including erythrocyte count, leukocyte count, hemoglobin level, hematocrit number, platelet count, and leuko...

Syed Ishfaq Ali Shah1,3, Azaz Ahmad2 and Wanzhi Cai1,*

... within the subfamily Reduviinae. Acanthaspis quinquespinosa (Fabricius, 1781), is a common species in Pakistan. Due to its variable color patterns, its taxonomic distinction from Acanthaspis flavipes Stål, 1855 has been confounded. The genitalia in Reduviidae are commonly used for species identification and in present studies, because of identical genitalia, A. flavipes Stål, 1855 stat. restit. is restored as a ...

Samina Kausar1, Rana Badar Aziz2, Muhammad Waseem3, Muhammad Ahmad3, Hamza Shafiq4, Muhammad Asim5, Usama Zia6, Sobia Afzal7, Wanpeng Xi8*, Mansoor Hameed1* and Muhammad Usman Shoukat9

Jianmin Liu1, Jiancheng Zhang2, Peijuan Wang3,* and Moslem Lari Najafi4

...d sex hormones in the adjuvant treatment of ovarian function decline. Ninety patients with ovarian function decline were randomly divided into 3 groups: new addition congrong tusi pill treatment group (n=30 cases), diethylstilbestrol treatment group (n=30 cases) and the control group (n=30 cases). A comparative analysis is made on sex hormone levels, ovarian artery blood flow, ovarian volume and number, treatment efficacy, glucose metabolism, ovulation and fer...

Rezqita Putri Pitaloka1, Kartiawati Alipin1, Mas Rizky A.A Syamsunarno2, Gemilang Lara Utama3, Ramdan Panigoro2, Ratu Safitri1* 

... extract (SWEE) as an adjuvant and substitute for iron chelator. The adjuvant test group was given 60 mg/kg BW iron dextran (ID), 75 mg/kg BW deferiprone (DFP), and 50 to 200 mg/kg BW SWEE, while the substitute group was administered with 60 mg/kg BW ID and DFP:SWEE with a gradient ratio. The ID was given orally for the first 14 days at intervals of 3 days, while DFP and SWEE were administered orally every day for 28 days. T...
Farah Abid1,2, Mohammad Saleem1,3*, Tahir Maqbool4, Tania Ahmed Shakoori5, Faheem Hadi4, Tahir Muhammad4, Saira Aftab4, Yasir Hassan7 and Shabana Akhtar4,6*
...mplete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) and treated with different concentrations of E-AM (250, 500 or 750 mg/kg), and with standard treatment, piroxicam (10 mg/kg). Antioxidant assays (superoxide dismutase and catalase) and histopathological examination were performed to determine the values of various parameters of inflammation and arthritis. Real-Time PCR technique was applied to analyze the expression levels of different cytokines and interleukins involved in...

Xuan Liang, Rongfang Zhang, Yan Xu, Hui Yang, Li Guo, Feiyang Na and Donghai Liu*

...signaling pathways in adjuvant treatment of children with recurrent respiratory tract infections (RRTI). A total of 138 children with RRTI admitted to our hospital from May 2017 to May 2019 were selected as the study subjects and randomly divided into 3 groups with 46 cases in each group. The 3 groups were given conventional treatment. On this basis, control group A was given spleen aminopeptide adjuvant treatment, the contr...
Huma Abbas1*, Nazir Javed1, Muhammad Kamran2, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Abdul Jabbar1, Akhtar Hameed1, Hira Abbas3, Azhar Iqbal2 and Ehetisham-ul-Haq2
...ith 500 freshly hatched juveniles (J2s) of M. incognita. Data were recorded after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days to check the invasion and development stages. All the treatments significantly reduced invasion and subsequent development of M. incognita in roots. Different application methods regarding protective and curative were used to test the efficacy of Cartap, Virtako, Cure and Azadirachtin. Results revealed that Protective application of bio and synthetic chemica...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi1*, Mariam Temitope Baker2 and Gabriel Ademola Olatunji2

...and repeat experiments. Juvenile population per gram root and soil were reduced significantly at 0.75 and 0.50 mg/ml of FAE in comparison with control. Late flowering was recorded in the untreated control experiment, while plants treated with FAE flowered notably earlier. Application of FAE is recommended for the sustainable management of M. incognita in Jew’s mallow plants.


M. M. A. Youssef† and W. M. A. El-Nagdi

...gher number of nematode juveniles in plant roots occurred. Thus, plant density, such as 4 plants if produced it promoted the number of the hatched juveniles, galls and egg-masses in roots as compared to the plant densities of 1, 2 and 3/pot. However, number of juveniles in soil decreased with increasing plant density.


S. F. A. Awad-Allah 1 and M. S. Khalil 2

... incognita second-stage juveniles (J2) was increased as their concentrations and exposure times were increased. The LC50 of VCT ranged from 30.86 × 103 to 83.77 × 105 mg/l, while the LC50 of Nemaless® ranged from 2.69 × 108 to 3.17 × 108 cell/ml. Results from the field experiments revealed that all of the tested treatments greatly suppressed (P ≤ 0.05) the numbers of galls, egg-masses and nematode final populations. The most pote...

S. Ahmed†, Q. Liu and H. Jian

...gainst the second stage juvenile
(J2) mortality assay in vitro. About 40.16 % isolates showed 40.0% J2 mortality during 12 hours. Significantly
increased upto 86.0% mortality was observed in 24 hour exposures. Among them twenty six Bacillus strains were
identified by morphological, physiological and biochemical carbon source utilization using API 50CHB strips that

A. Beyan1, A. Seid†2 and H. Shifa1

... second-stage infective juveniles (J2) and 10 ml FOL suspension (1x106 spores per milliliter) per pot around the root rhizosphere one week after transplanting except the control which was not inoculated. The result revealed that concomitant inoculation of MJ and FOL (NF) followed by MJ first and FOL ten days after inoculation (N1F2) was found to be highly significant in reducing the tomato growth, biomass and pathogen related parameters compared to the un-inoc...

A. Ghasemzadeh1, S. Jamali1†, M. Esfahani2 and H. Pedramfar1

...0 and 2000 second stage juveniles, and four sampling times (20, 40, 60 and 80 days after inoculation). After sampling, purification, identification, and population of root-knot nematode species and race were determined, and after amplification of purified population on the tomato cultivar cv. Rutgers, inoculums were sufficiently obtained. In four-leaf stage of the plant growth, the nematode inoculum levels were introduced, and photosynthetic parameters were ev...

I. K. A. Ibrahim1, Z. A. Handoo 2†, A. M. Zid1 and M. R. Kantor2

... Mi and Mj. The flax cultuvars Giza 7 and Giza 8 were susceptible to Ma and Mi while these were moderately susceptible (MS) to Mj only.
In three separate experiments the response of 4 banana cultivars (Baladi, Grand Naine, Magraby and Williams), 3 peach rootstocks (Bitter almond, Baladi, and Nemaguard), and 6 ornamental palm trees (California Washington palm, Mexican Washington, Canary date palm, Queen palm, Common palm...

L. Yue, S. Ahmed†, Q. Liu and H. Jian

...rtality of second stage juvenile (J2) followed by Bacillus sp., at 12 h and 24 h duration of exposure time as compared to the control treatment containing medium (L.B). In the green house experiments Fosthiazate had significant increased the root length, shoot length and reduced the number of root-knot nematode galls on tomato roots followed by biocontrol agent S. rubrogriseus and Bacillus sp., as compared to the untreated control treatment after 60 DPI and 90...

Muhammad Shahid Nadeem*, Jalaluddin Azam Khan and Firoz Anwar

...lpha-ketoglutarate to pyruvate and L-glutamate in the presence of pyridoxal 5 phosphate, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) is an enzyme which operates at the cross roads of amino acid and carbohydrate metabolism. The enzyme has been reported from a wide range of organisms including animals, plants, fungi and microbes. The enzyme has a clinical applications in the diagnosis of many diseases. In the present study we have produced a recombinant of ALT from Pyrococcu...

A. M. Rahoo1, 2, †, T. Mukhtar3, B. A. Bughio4, S. R. Gowen1 and R. K. Rahoo5 dosage and infective juveniles (IJ) production are
available for Steinernema affine. Therefore, in the present study the effect of inoculation doses of S. affine and
extraction methods was investigated on the production of IJ in Galleria mellonella. There was significantly greater
emergence of IJ of S. affine from the Galleria mellonella using White traps than with modified Baermann extraction

M. S. Bajestani1, K. Dolatabadi2†, E. Mahdikhani-Moghadam1

...00 and 5000
juveniles were studied on susceptible tomato cv. Karoon under greenhouse condition. Although all the treatments
reduced root infections rate and significantly effect on root weight (P ≤ 0.05). It was observed that when the
nematode inoculum increased, reproduction factor also increased while extract treatments effect decreased. In
between treatments, rosemary extract has the greatest impact on the ...

A. S. A. Saad1, M. A. Radwan2†, H. A. Mesbah1, H. S. Ibrahim3 and M. S. Khalil3

... egg-mass and number of juveniles (J2) in the soil as well as plant
growth characteristics. All nematicidal treatments reduced the incidence of root-knot nematodes when compared
with the untreated check. However, fenamiphos and oxamyl were proved to be the highest chemical compostions
that decreased galls by 91.73 and 89.53% and egg-masses by 90.80 and 88.65%, respectively. Whereas, avermactin
A.M. El-Baha1, A. A. El-Sherbiny2†, M. Z. M. Salem1, N. Shaarawy3 and N. H. Mohamed3
...rtality of second stage juvenile. Inhibition of egg hatching (%) and mortality (%) of
J2 were increased linearly with increasing concentration of EOs. Corymbia citriodora EO was more effective than
E. camaldulensis in inhibiting egg hatchability and suppressing J2 viability. Probit analysis results showed median
inhibitory concentration (IC50) values of 412.7 and 615.9 mg/l for C. citriodora and E. camaldulensis leaves EOs,<...

M. A. Radwan†, M. M. Abu-Elamayem, S. A. A. Farrag and N. S. Ahmed

...oot galls and 2nd stage juvenile numbers in soil compared with
control. Except DNSA and AA, foliar application of tested organic acids was more effective in reducing nematode
galls than soil drench application. Foliar application of ASA caused superior effect in the reduction of J2 in soil (100
%) followed by AA (89.44 %), OA (88.25 %) and SA (70.69 %). CA (96.52 %) was tended to be the most effective
chemicals i...

D. A. Darban†, S. R. Gowen and B. Pembroke

stage juveniles from 50 g of the soil samples from second crop than the first crop soil samples. Three weeks duration
allowed more endospores as compared to one week and two weeks treatment.
Istkhar† and A. K. Chaubey†
... of 3rd stage infective juveniles (IJs) placed the
nematode in bicornutum group and differentiated from other compared Steinernema spp. The morphological
characters of 3rd stage infective juveniles and 1st generation males showed close resemblance with S. abbasi, S.
thermophilum and S. pakistanense however, the body length was varied (583mm vs 541mm, 555 mm and 683 mm,
E. Yavuzaslanoglu1†, U. Gozel2, C. Gozel2 and M. Aydogdu3
... 72 h with 50 infective juveniles at 25

D. A. Darban1†, S. R. Gowen1, B. Pembroke1 and F. Hussain2

...irst harvest showed few juveniles encumbered with an average of 1-5 spores and the number of juveniles without
spores very high.

A. M. Rahoo1,2,†, T. Mukhtar3, S. R. Gowen2, B. Pembroke2 and M. A. Rahu4

...rnema feltiae infective juveniles (IJ) from infected Galleria mellonella cadavers in
moist and dry conditions. A significantly high number of infective juveniles of S. feltiae emerged in moist
conditions as compared to dry. A positive correlation was found between the weight of the Galleria
larvae at infection and the numbers of IJ recovered in the moist as compared with dry conditions.
M. M. A. Youssef† and W. M. A. El-Nagdi
hatched juveniles on roots of dry bean and number of juveniles in soil were higher on dry bean plants replacing
cutting sugar beet than those on dry bean plants replacing uprooted sugar beet within the most periods. In contrast,
plant growth parameters were higher for dry bean plants replacing uprooted sugar beet than parameters for plants
replacing cutting sugar beet.

A. M. Rahoo1,*, †, T. Mukhtar2, S. I. Abro3, S. R. Gowen1 and B. A. Bughio4

feltiae infective juveniles (IJs) from infected Galleria mellonella cadavers was monitored under moist and dry
conditions at 5 and 10oC. Greater numbers of IJs of S. feltiae recovered from G. mellonella cadavers kept at 10oC
than from those kept at 5oC. Likewise, significantly greater number of infective juveniles emerged in moist
conditions as compared to dry. The relationship betwe...

M. T. Javeed†, A. S. Al-Hazmi and Y. Y. Molan

...bition and mortality of juvenile (J2). The mortality of J2 and un-hatching of eggs increased as the
concentrations of the culture filtrates increased. In general, T. harzianum (isolate No.27), T. hamatum (isolate
No.5) and T. viride (isolate No.8) were the most effective among all tested isolates. Therefore, these three isolates
were further evaluated in the greenhouse test on tomato against M. javanica. The three tested iso...

Ahmed S.M.H. EL Roby

...d were sprayed with EPN juveniles. Results showed that H. bacteriophora strain (EKB20) and
Heterorhabditis sp (EIK) were more efficient with higher pathogenicity and virulence in the laboratory than the
other strains and gave the highest corrected mortality percentage in the infestation (from 68.59% to 70.83%). The
LC50 were 25.42 and 45.5 IJs/ insect for the two strains, respectively.

K. Taimoor1† and F. Shahina2

...gnita; however, minimum juvenile population were recorded from extracts of Matricaria lesiocarpa
which was 3532.5 at dose 3g/liter. Similarly minimum root-knot index (1.0) was recorded from extracts of fourteen
medicinal and aromatic plants at dose of 3.0g/liter and reproductive factor was also minimum 0.56 at dose of
3.0g/liter from extracts of Zatoria multiflora, Ferula oopoda and Matricaria lasiocarpa.

S. Fatemy†1 and H. Ghasemi2

...Developmental stages of juveniles of G. rostochiensis Ro1 were studied in the susceptible cv. Marfona and in the resistant cvs Agria, Satina and Banba in glass-house conditions. The hatching response of the nematodes to root diffusates of these cvs was also investigated. Disinfected cysts of G. rostochiensis were placed in root diffusates and the numbers of hatched second stage juveniles (J2) were counted weekly over a 6-wee...

S. Ahmed†, Q. Liu and H. Jian

...tro on the second stage juveniles of cereal cyst nematode, Heterodera avenae. The isolate XZ33-3 showed significant results against juveniles (J2s) mortality followed by the isolate of XZ 17-1, XZ 24-2-1, MH 58-60-10, MH 58-60-04 and isolate MH 01-04-01, respectively. Among them four Bacillus isolates were identified on molecular basis using 16S rDNA, physiologically and biochemically and grouped as plant growth promoting ba...

A. S. A. Saad1, M. B. Al-Kadi1, A. A. A. Deeabes2 and A. M. El-Kholy2

...hatching inhibitory and juvenile mortality potential and to ascertain their role as organic amendments for the management of root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) affecting okra plants in vitro as well as in vivo conditions. Five concentrations of all chemicals were prepared. Data of in vitro studies showed a marked nematicidal and nematode hatching inhibitory activity against root-knot nematode (M. incognita). However, the nematicidal activity differed b...

I. Jafri, A.A. Shahid, A. Ibrahim† and M. Atif, egg-mass, number of juveniles and number of knots per root system. Outcomes revealed that
Controlled (C1) Meloidogyne sp., Bacillus sp., (T1), Meloidogyne sp., and Bacillus thuringiensis (T2)
remarkably suppressed nematode infestations because they act as growth inhabiting agents for juveniles;
reduce gall masses, diminish knot formation on root system, toghether with increasing shoot ...
A.A. Tanimola and B. Fawole1
second-stage juveniles (J2) of Meloidogyne incognita was investigated in vitro. Extracts were tested at
concentrations of 50,000 mg/kg and 25,000 mg/kg in an experiment laid out in completely randomized design in the
laboratory. Data were collected on inhibition of egg-hatching, mortality of juveniles and analyzed using ANOVA (P
 0.05). Both concent...

W.M.A. El-Nagdi, M.M.A. Youssef† and M.F.M. Eissa

...egg-masses on roots and juveniles in soil but they were rated as less affected by root-knot nematode depending
their plant growth vigor. It is concluded that younger date palm seedlings seem to require root tissue maturation
before expressing full resistance against root-knot nematode.

W.M.A. El-Nagdi and M.M.A. Youssef†

... egg-masses and hatched juveniles on roots. Consequently,
they lowered rates of nematode population ranged from 0 and 0.01, respectively. However, the higher nematode
populations were supported rest crops. It is concluded that use of poor or non host crops may be beneficial for
controlling root-knot nematode population densities in intensive cropping system.

A.E. Ismail† and A.M. Kheir*

...>Population dynamics of juveniles and cysts of corn cyst nematode, Heterodera zeae under stress of a cropping
sequence regime revealed that the average numbers in each stage greatly fluctuated. The density of juveniles or
cysts gradually increased with the favorable host (Giza 2 corn) to reach its peak at the crop maturity, while the
nematode population dropped...

M.A.M. El-Saedy, A.A. Mokbel*† and S.E. Hammad**

...e galls, egg-masses and juveniles/250 cc soil (93.6-
97.5%) was reached on tomato seedlings, which transplanted in soil previously cultivated with either tested garlic
cultivars. In the greenhouse experiment, values of reproductive factor (Rf) decreased as a result of garlic oil to
reach (0.07- 0.23 and 0.16-0.34) before and after transplanting of tomato seedlings, respectively. Likewise, Rf
values were sharply d...

I. Umar† and A. Mamman*

...ining 1000 second stage juveniles of M. javanica. Egg hatch inhibition and larval mortality was
observed over a period of 72 hrs. Sterilized loamy soil (4 kg) contained in 36 perforated plastic pots (30 cm dia.
and 40 cm depth) were separately mixed with 0, 30, 40, 50 and 60 g (equivalent to 0, 10 15, 20 and 25 tons/ha) of
the fruit powder. Carbofuran was applied at 0.060 g/pot. Control pots received no amendment. Two early ...

F. Shahina†, K.A. Tabassum and M.A. Habib*

...N spray @ 1000 and 2000 juveniles/ml water were assessed for mortality percentage. All four species of insects,
viz., Helicoverpa armigera, Earias insulana, E. vitella and Pectinophora gossypiella were found susceptible to
infective juveniles of the four EPN species; S. pakistanense was the most virulent EPN species. There is a dire need
to focus further research on these EPN isolates to e...

O. A. Fabiyi

...he field. Three hundred juveniles were used for the
assessment. Acetone extract coded DNLO/Me2CO caused a significant increase in plant height, number of leaves,
number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant as compared with Carbofuran (p<0.05). In the laboratory,
chromatographic fractions from acetone extract had the highest percentage juvenile mortality. The infrared analysis<...

W.M.A. El-Nagdi†, M.M.A. Youssef and M.G. Dawood*

... egg-masses and hatched juveniles on roots of eggplant and number of juveniles in soil at harvest
stage compared to untreated plants significantly (p ≤ 0.05). Lower concentration of the tested materials caused
higher percentages reduction the mentioned nematode criteria. Vice versa, increase in length of shoots, dry and fresh
weights of shoots and roots occurred by higher concentration ...
Chalothon Amporn1, Somchit Guntaprom1*, Sarawut Duongmawong1, Wilasinee Srisanyong1, Sirikanda Thanasuwan1, Phalita Koonnadilokpot1, Dechawut Bunyaluk2, Juggrid Jugsumrit3, Jakrit Yaeram4, Chompunut Lumsangkul5 hCG, 0.2 mM sodium pyruvate, 1 μg/ml 17-β-Estradiol, and either 0, 100, or 200 μM/ml cysteine where 0 served as the control. IVF-TALP medium was used to fertilize the mature oocytes which subsequently underwent culturing in a simple culture medium (KSOM). The results showed that percentage of matured oocytes, fertilized oocytes, 8-16 cells developments, blastocyst in 100 µM cysteine group (73.00%, 54.79%, 30.14%, and 17.81%, respectively) w...

Tariq H.Y. Al-Maliky*, Mahmood S. Hashim and Amal S. Al-Sheraa

...acrobrachium nipponense juvenile shrimp cultured in two salinities (3 and 15 g.L-1) were observed during 45 days. The initial and final weights of M. affinis were (0.939 ± 0.069 and 1.581 ± 0.183 g) in 3 g.L-1, and (0.939 ± 0.065 and 2.274 ± 0.294 g) in 15 g.L-1. While for M. nipponense, it was (0.914 ± 0.086 and 1.308 ± 0.070 g) in 3 g.L-1, and (0.908 ± 0.070 and 1.086 ± 0.107 g) in 15 g.L-1. The environ...

Muhammad Afzal1,3*, Shafqat Saeed1, Hasan Riaz1, Muhammad Ishtiaq1, M. Habib ur Rahman2

J. Salma and F. Shahina

...production of infective juveniles were 60 × 10 4 to 87.4 × 10 4 IJs from each larva of G. mellonella 4.2 × 10 4 to 9.8 × 10 4 IJs from each ad...

A. N. Mahar, N. D. Jan†, A. Q. Mahar and S. R. Gowen

...our different infective juveniles (IJs) of entomopathogenic nematodes S. carpocapsae (All isolate, cultured at 25 °C), 

M. A. Radwan†, S. A. A. Farrag, M. M. Abu-Elamayem and N. S. Ahmed

...on numbers of galls and juveniles (J2) as well as on plant growth characteristics in a glasshouse. The rate of the formulated form of oxamyl, carbofuran or cadusafos was 0.1 g/kg soi...

B. Archana and R. Saxena

...ty against second stage juvenile of Meloidogyne incognita by in vitro technique. Aqueous extract of all plant roots exhibited nematicidal activity. LC50 values calculated as 1024 ppm for C. roseus, 1867 ppm for S. nigrum, 1968 ppm for A. spinosus, 3428 ppm for C. album and 962 ppm for O. sanctum. LC50 values showed that out of these extracts O. sanctum found to be the most effective. In vivo experiment was conducted to study the effect of root extract of O. sa...

O. A. Fabiyi, G. A. Olatunji and O. Atolani

...(255, 255, 255);"> juveniles and eggs. The fractions were significantly effective in causing juvenile mortality. 75% concentrations of fraction being more active and showed significant differences from other concentrations. Fractions from A. boonei

Dalia Zaafar1*, Heba M.A Khalil2, Soha Hassanin3, Mohamed R. Mousa4, Mona G. Khalil1 

... it can be used as an adjuvant agent to boost the therapeutic efficacy of chemotherapy in the treatment of many types of cancer.

Keywords | Pioglitazone; Cisplatin; Ehrlich solid carcinoma; Oxidative stress; VEGF; PPARγ; anticancer agents; tumorigenesis; biochemical indices 


Siti Fairus Mohamed Yusoff1, Annie Christianus1*, Yuzine Esa1, Muhammad Fadhil Syukri Ismail1, Bashiru Garba2, Nik Siti Zaimah Safiin3, Nur Hamid Hidayahanum4

Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob1, Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi2, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef2*, Entesar H. Taha1, Mona M.S. Zayed3, Hassan Abd- El-Khair4 and Nora R.A. Saleh2

...ges of the second stage juveniles mortality increased with increasing the concentrations and exposure periods. Generally, the highest egg hatching inhibition and juvenile mortality occurred after 96 and 72hrs exposure to the suspensions of the tested isolates of P. fluorescens depending upon their concentrations and exposure periods, respectively.


Hayam S. Abdelkader1; Gamalat M. Allam1; T. A. Moustafa2; and M. El-Hanunady2

...culentum and Physalis peruviana plants. Total nucleic acids were reverse transcribed using Retrotool reverse transcriptase enzyme and the PCR reactions were performed for 30 min in a capillary thermal cycler.  RFLP analysis of the PCR products was performed using Msel restriction enzyme. The results showed a dimorphic restriction digestion profile that "as suitable for identifying the two isolates. The method described here is rapid. reliable and hig...

Muhammad Akram¹,²*, Rashid Mahmood³, Fahim Arshad4 and Umer Farooq Gohar5

...servation of P. minima. Juvenile leaves were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0 µM thidiazuron (TDZ). As a result, 100% callus induction was achieved on the medium containing 1.0 µM TDZ. Notably, calli grown on 1.0 µM TDZ exhibited greater potential for shoot regeneration and proliferation in the growth regulator-free MS liquid medium (95.25%) as compared to the solid medium (89.00%). Shoot cultures rema...

Muhammad Saad Waqas, Li Xia, Tian-Ci Yi*, Liang-Yu Sun, Rong Xiao and Dao-Chao Jin*

...piles, dead bodies and exuviae are the waste materials of S. inthanonsis nests. The defecation behaviour showed that S. inthanonsis deposited the less fecal pellets at the entrance of nest and more fecal pellets near their original feces using both tactile cues and excrement cues. More than 80% S. inthanonsis used excrement cues during defecation. Nest relocation patterns showed that S. inthanonsis could relocate when nest was completely damaged. Relocation pa...

Fei Shang and Pengfei Liu*

...among three age groups (Juveniles about 3-month old, yearlings, adults > 2 y) during autumn migration in central China. We found that body measurements changed with age, yearling males have shoretest wing length in three groups and similar to adult female, express female-like wing length and plumage coloration. Juveniles have relative longer wing to support their first migration; yearlings have female-like body traits (wi...

Saima Mehar1, Amtul Sami2 and Erum Iqbal3* and mortality of the juveniles of root-knot nematode Meloidogyne javanica. After 72 hours, C. cyminum (MeOH) demonstrated the maximum nematicidal activity in egg hatching (15%±2.10) of M. javanica, followed by N. sativa (Ether), 22.33±6.86%, at the lowest administered dose of 0.25 % concentration. After 72 hours of treatment, C. cyminum (MeOH) and N. sativa (BeOH) had a non-significant difference in nematotoxic impact (90.0±10.3, 88.0&p...

Javeria Khourshid*, Ghulam Abbas, Shahnaz Rashid, Asma Fatima* and Abdul Malik

...nd T2= simple aeration. Juveniles were fed on supplementary pelleted diet thrice daily at 2% of their total body weight. Results showed that WG and SGR were significantly higher in T1, in which we applied Oxy Aqua organic® product without aeration than T2, whereas no significant difference (p>0.05) was found in FCR between treatments. No mortality was occurring during the whole experimental period. Comparative growth analysis of both fish species reveal...

Yufang Liu1,2, Guiling Cao3, Yujing Xie3 and Mingxing Chu1*

... with three replicates (juvenile stage (JG 30d vs. LC 30d, AO group), puberty (JG 90d vs. LC 180d, BO group) and the same age control of puberty (JG 90d vs. LC 90d, EO group). Ovary tissues were taken from goats on 30 days, 90 days and 180 days, total RNA was extracted, differentially expressed (DE) gene libraries were constructed by suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) technology, and puberty-related differential genes were screened. A total of 184 dif...

Ahmed El-Sayed Ismail 

... population dynamics of juveniles and cysts of H. zeae under the stress of a cropping sequence regime revealed that the average number in each stage greatly fluctuated. The density of juveniles or cysts gradually increased with the favorable host (Giza 2 corn) to reach its peak at the crop maturity, while the nematode population dropped sharply when the field became fallow. Likewise, the population densities of the previous ...

Muhammad Adeel Farooq1, Shaukat Ali1*, Ali Hassan1, Rida Sulayman1, Muhammad Ahsan Kaleem2, Hafsa Shahzad1, Muhammad Summer1, Arooj Latif1, Tahreem Tanveer1

Jing Hu1,2,3 and Zhenhua Ma1,2,3*

...ehavior was observed in juvenile fish. The damage performance in gill generally deepened over time. Lamellar fusion and curling of secondary lamellae also deepened from C group to T3 group. The proportion of interrenal tissue and hematopoietic tissue was moderate in all head kidney. Tissue vacuoles, ambiguous cell boundaries and necrotic cells deepened over time within 96h and also deepened from C group to T3 group. In all groups, triglyceride increased with t...

Deny Juniwati1, Hadri Latif2*, Trioso Purnawarman2, Zhang Shuqi3


Sajid Ali1, Ghulam Abbas1, Shahnaz Rashid1, Asma Fatima1*, Abdul Malik1, Dilawer Ali1, Muneer Hussain Bijoro1, Ushra Batool Hashmi1, Rumaisa Abdul Rahim1, Shahid Hussain2, Kashif Ali3, Jabbar Memon4 and Javeria Khourshid1

...;9.5 feet) for 60 days. Juveniles (35.75±3.2g) were collected with the help of cast net from Sakro creek and transferred into the earthen fish ponds located at Garho, Thatta, Sindh. Juveniles were acclimatized for more than two weeks (15 days) to the experiment conditions. After acclimatization period, juveniles (n=15) were distributed into each treatment hapa (T1 and T2) with two r...

Zaib Ullah1*, Sajid Mahmood2,3, Zafar Iqbal4, Fakhar-i-Abbas5, Naveed Akhtar1 and Abdul Majid Khan6*

...s thibetanus G. (Baron) Cuvier, 1823) was conducted in Kaghan and Siran Valleys of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan. The different surveys (questionnaire, sighting, and sign survey) were conducted in all sites of the forests from June to November 2018. Thirteen different types of signs were observed during the field survey. Potential site selection was based on sign observation (Encounter Rate; ER). Four black bears were observed from three differe...

Tahir Rasool Qamar1, Sanaullah Iqbal1*, Muhammad Nasir1 and Habib-ur- Rehman2

... author:
Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2*, Basanti Mondal3, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Ganesan Nagarajan4,5,6, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman3, Md. Mostafizur Rahman7, Adnan Alhajji1 and Md. Moshiur Rahman3,8*
...ory growth. Equal sized juvenile Nile tilapias were randomly assigned into two treatments including control treatment (CT: constantly 0 ppt) and salinity treatment (ST: 25 ppt in 1st and 3rd month and 0 ppt in 2nd month). Each treatment contained 45 fish having three replications and the entire study was carried out up to three months. After each experimental month, all the selected phenotypic traits (i. e. standard length, tail length, body area and color pat...

Imran Nadeem1, Qurban Ali1, Muhammad Kamil Malik1*, Asad Aslam1, Imran Tariq2, Muhammad Bilal Bin Iqbal1, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Sikander Ali3, Muhammad Jawad Saleem1, Muhammad Zubair3 and Aqsa Abbas1

...ogenic fungus, “Beauveria bassiana, and one noval insecticide, e.g., Radiant 120 SC (Spintoram), were evaluated to check the percentage infestation reduction of Pectinophora gossypiella under field conditions under the RCBD design. The results showed that the effectiveness of the traps was excellent in the early days but declined as time went on. The results showed that Pb rope traps had maximum control over the pink boll worm population (96.30%), follow...

Bdour Muhammed Al-Shweily1*, Jawad Bulbul Al-Zaidawi2, Muhammed Jubair Hanawi1 

...tion with 100 infective juveniles/mL of nematodes (resulting in an 83.33% mortality rate for larvae and 80% mortality rate for pupae). Remarkably, the mortality rate of the treated larvae surpassed that of the treated pupae at identical concentrations of fungi and nematodes, implying that larvae exhibit greater sensitivity and responsiveness to biological control measures compared to pupae, which benefit from partial protection due to their cocoon enclosure, m...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Jamshaid Iqbal2, Tariq Mustafa3, Gul Rehman2, Muhammad Faisal Shahzad2, Muhammad Younas4,5*, Aftab Ahmad Khan6, Ameer Hamza2, Abdul Ghaffar1 and Muneer Abbas1

...umosorosea (Wise) and Beauveria bassiana (Bals) (Racer-BB) were investigated against the mung bean thrips, Megalurothrips distalis Karny (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). Evaluations were based on thrips population, percentage reduction in number of thrips per flower, and percentage damage of the mung bean pods. On an accumulative basis, B. bassiana at 7.5 % concentration resulted in the reduction of thrips population per flower (59.42 %) and it was observed more sup...

Sehrish Ishtiaq1, Mahroze Fatima1*, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2, Noor Khan3, Muhammad Bilal4, Maryam2 and Sobia Nisa1

...The feed intake (FI) of juvenile remained unaffected (p > 0.05) by mineral supplementation. Whole body protein content increased (p < 0.05) slightly with Ca and P supplementation. However, moisture, fat and ash contents remained unaffected (p > 0.05). Dietary Ca and P supplementation improved (p < 0.05) the protein and fat digestibility in silver carp. Ca and P contents showed significant increase (p < 0.05) with increasing Ca and P levels in th...

Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed Youssef and Wafaa Mohamed Abd - El-Hameed El-Nagdi

... incognita second stage juveniles (J2s). The obtained results revealed that the tested extracts at 10% caused 100% nematode mortality at 72 h of exposure followed by the other concentrations with the percentages of net mortality ranging from 49 at the lowest concentration of mashed leaves to 100% at the highest concentration of mashed leaves and flowers. Under screen house conditions, the same plant parts of khella as residues at the rates of 5.0 and 10.0 g or...

Bilal Ahmed Shah1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Masood Rabbani2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Asad Ali2, Muhammad Awais1, Sohail Ahmad3 and Shahan Azeem2*

...inactivated montanide adjuvanted polyvalent mastitis vaccine (FMPV), formalin-inactivated aluminum hydroxide adjuvanted polyvalent mastitis vaccine (FAPV), and formalin-inactivated montanide plus aluminum hydroxide adjuvanted mastitis vaccine (FMAPV) were prepared after confirmation for antigenicity and immunogenicity and evaluated for safety, side effects, challenge protection assay, ster...


Orooba Mohammed Saeed Ibrahim1*, Rawaa Saladdin Jumaa2, Nibras Zeyad Yahya1 

... the market for novel adjuvants. The primary initial source of many medicines used to treat diseases today was plants. This study aims to ascertain the antibacterial activities of fruit Citrus aurantium and Citrus limonum juice on isolated Staphylococcus aureus, Sterptococcus pneumoniae and Klebsiella pneumonia. The antibacterial activity of fruit juice extract on bacterial strain was determined using macro-broth dilution, agar well diffusion methods and time...

Nur Saptahidhayat1, Claude Mona Airin1, Yanuartono1, Dyah Ayu Widiasih1, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto1*, Sri Handayani Irianingsih2, Meta Iqomah3

Aishat Adetola Anifowose*, Nkechi Betsy Izuogu and Benoit Katchitche Sossou

... with 2400 M. incognita juveniles at planting. Compost manure was incorporated a week before planting at 1.5 t/ha for the single treatments and at 0.75 t/ha at planting for the combined treatments. EM was applied twice at a two-weeks interval at 4000 l/ha and 2000 l/ha for the single and combined treatments, respectively. The nematode-inoculated, untreated pots and plots served as negative controls. Generally, the increase in growth and yield parameters and de...

Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi1*, Hassan Abd- El-Khair2, Usama S. Elkelany1, Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad1 and Mona G. Dawood3

...ased on the percentages juvenile reduction in soil at harvest time, the combined treatments of Tv or Tvr with PP recorded 66.8 or 60.5% nematode reductions, respectively, as each fungal agent was applied in soil before planting. However, such reductions were 83.7 and 78.7%, respectively, when Tv or Tvr were used as single treatments indicating more efficacy on M. incognita populations in the absence of PP. All treatments significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased w...

Haneen Imad Al-Sultani1*, Ahmed Obaid Hussain1, Hazar Shakir Saleh2 

...thological effects of rosuvastatin in male albino rats. Thirty-two adult albino rats were used in the study. After acclimatization, the rats were randomly divided into four groups (8 rats in each group) as follows: The first control group was given normal saline solution, the second group 10 mg/kg rosuvastatin, the third group was given 20 mg/kg rosuvastatin, while the fourth group wa...

Muhammad Nauman Arif1, Muhammad Mansha1* and Tanveer Hussain2 showed that Rucervus duvauceli (swamp deer), Axis axis (chital deer), Axis porcinus and query sequences (B2_N1, H2_N7, C2_N2, G2_N6) form one clade being close relatedness. The study provided us with useful genetic analysis about Axis porcinus genetic variations and its phylogenetic relationships with related taxa, highlighting the importance to protect Pakistan’s unique genetic resource.


Rana Mahmood Ahmad*, Orooba M.S. Ibrahim 

...mplete Freund’s Adjuvants injected (S.c.) into the hind paw. The confirmation of the synthesis and characterization of ZnONPs was achieved through the utilization of a UV-spectrophotometer and SEM. For this purpose, eighteen adult male rats 200 ± 50 g at six months of age will be randomly divided into three groups, each containing six rats. Groups 2 and 3 were treated daily fo...

Nusirat Aderinsola Sadiku1, Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi2* and Tesleem Taye  Bello

...e inoculated with 1,000 juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita. BPL was applied at three concentrations of 100, 200 and 400 mg/ml. Results revealed that nematode infected lettuce plants treated with BPL recorded significantly higher (P< 0.05) mean number of leaves, plant height and yield compared to the untreated control. In addition, BPL at 400 mg/ml had substantially higher nematicidal effects on both the soil and root population of nematodes of L. sativa and...

Dan Song1,2, Ming-Juan Ge3, Jie Li1,2, Yi Jiang1, Xiu-Mei Kong1, Jiao-Jiao Xu1, Xu Ji1,2, Rui-Xin Shi1 and Qin Zhao1,2*, Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase, pyruvate kinase (PK) and phosphofructokinase (PFK) in mice brain were evaluated. In the results, G. straminea ethanol extract markedly enhanced hypoxia tolerance in mice. It attenuated hypoxia-induced oxidative stress by reducing MDA levels (in liver and brain), and elevating SOD (in liver and brain), T-AOC and CAT (in liver). Furthermore, pre-treatment with G. straminea ethanol extracts significantly increased ATP content, up-regulated t...

Amal Hammad*, Shaaban Gadallah, Tarik Misk, Ahmed Mourad 

...Yintang as a sedative adjuvant in dogs. Five adult healthy mongrel dogs were randomly assigned to receive each of four sedation protocols at one-week interval. Hence, 4 groups were evaluated: XH (xylazine high: 1mg/kg of xylazine intravenously); XL (xylazine low: 0.25mg/kg of xylazine intravenously); XLL (xylazine low combined with laser acupuncture: 0.25mg/kg of xylazine intravenously with laser stimulation at GV20 and Yintang) and XLV (xylazine low combined ...

Oghenebrorhie M. Oghenochuko1,4*, Olubukola T. Adenubi3, Olusola L. Ajayi3, Fakilahyel M. Mshelbwala3, Johnny O. Olukunle3, Samson A. Rahman3 and Godfrey N.O. Ezeri2

...d to Clarias gariepinus juveniles at 200,100,25g/kg and 5, 1.5, 0.4g/l through diets and bath. Cellular immune response, humoral changes, liver and kidney function and histopathology of some visceral organs were examined. Proximate composition of the bulb was determined. Onion bulb revealed presence of carbohydrate (7.82%), protein (4.48%), crude fiber (1.68%), iron (0.5mg/l), magnesium (210mg/l), flavonoids (0.46%), saponins (0.28%), tannins (0.95%). PCV, Hb,...
Yi Zhao1,2,3, Lei Luo1,2, Liqi Tan4, Jianhua Huang1,2, Dongliang Liu1,2,5, Shigui Jiang1,2 and Lishi Yang1,2*
...e of temperature, the pyruvate kinase activity in the hepatopancreas and gill tissues of crayfish was gradually increased, and the fatty acid synthase activity at 10°C and 30°C were significantly lower than the control group of 25°C. Furthermore, lysozyme, catalase and superoxide dismutase in 10 °C and 30 °C were significantly lower than that of 25 °C. ELISA revealed that HSP90 activities was enhanced with the increasing temperature in ...

Rizk, Sonia A.; El-garf, Eman M. and Talaat, Abeer A.

...onduced to reveal the adjuvant's effect of Ginseng Stem-leaf Saponins (GSLS) on the immune response of gel adjuvanted Bivalent Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccinated calves. This study conducted in two calve groups; goup (A) vaccinated subcutaneously with bivalent Alhydragel adjuvanted (30) % FMD vaccine, while group (B) vaccinated subcutanously with bivalent FMD vaccine adj

Ebied, Eman M.; Salem, Zeinab T. and Al-Imam, Hemmat S.

...extran solution as an adjuvant. It was found that mares developed high haemagglutinating inhibition (HI) titre at 3 weeks post vaccination and remain with protective level up to 6 months, while their foals had moderate (HI) antibodies within  48 hours post colostral suckling, the HI antibodies rise to a level similar to their dams within one to two weeks then persisted with considerable level up to 6 months of their age.


Sonia, A.M.; El. Sanousi, A.A.; Saber, M.M.; Daoud, A.M.; Samira, E.K.; and Ismail I.

... using four different adjuvants which are: Montanide ISA 206, Quil A saponine, Ginseng extract and Montanide IMS 3015. These vaccines were compared with Al (OH) 3 gel vaccine and tested in calves. The obtained results revealed that the duration of immunity elicited by gel FMD vaccine was shorter than oil adjuvanted FMD vaccines. Results also indicated that vaccine emulsified with Montanide IMS 3015 could elicit the best prot...

Abdel Razek,B.Omar*and Magda M.Sayed**

...mplete Freund’s adjuvant. Identity tests were applied by agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) and indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT). Serum neutralization test (SNT) and ELISA tests were applied for titration and evaluation of the hyperimmune sera before conjugation with fluorescent. Total protein concentration of the prepared LSDV antisera was 0.8g/dl. Separation of anti-LSDV immunoglobulins 1gG were done using ammonium sulphate followed by co...

Arwa H. El -Naggar, Nirmeen G. Shafiek, and M. S. Wassel.

...d incomplete Freund's adjuvant and without adjuvant in successive doses into susceptible guinea pigs. Serum neutralization (SNT), ELISA and indirect fluorescent assay (IFA) tests were used to evaluate the hyper immune serum Before conjugation with fluorescent. The antibody titer reach 32 by SNT and 5984 by ELISA and identified by IFA to be Bovine rota. Separation of anti B. Rota immunoglobulins IgG "were done using acti...
Nael Abutaha, Fahd A. AL-Mekhlafi*, Khalid Elfaki Ibrahim, 
Mohammed S. Al-Khalifa and Mohamed A. Wadaan

Salema Lafta Hassan1*, Taghred Jabbar Humadai1, Sabrin Ibraheem Mohsin

...ation with 0.1 ml oil adjuvant vaccine (OAV) of Pasteurella multocida twice a week for two weeks. The third group was vaccinated by I/P with 0.1 ml oil adjuvant vaccine (OAV) of Pasteurella multocida in two doses separated by two weeks. The fourth group (G4) was assigned the role of negative control at this time, the 28th day after immunization for work, serum samples were taken for passive hemagglutination test (PHA); Immun...

Muhammad Yasin1, Azhar Abbas Khan2*, Sana Rubab2 and Sumaira Maqsood3

...ticidal properties of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) in combination with commercial diatomaceous earth (DE) formulation Inert-PMS alone and in integrate manners against these pests. Beauveria bassiana was applied at 1×106 and 1×107 conidia/ml alone, or in combination with DE at 50 and100 ppm. Adult insects were exposed to the treated wheat for 5, 10 and 15 days at 27±2 &or...

M. Imran Kasana, Rashid Iqbal Khan*, Noor Ullah Khan, M. Noman, Shahid Ali, Saima Mumtaz, Shamaila Rasheed and M. Qamar-Uz-Zaman off-spring and long juvenile period. Therefore, asexual propagation via grafting is the most appropriate method for producing high-quality, true to type plants. The current study was planned to evaluate four different grafting techniques (Cleft, Tongue, Patch and T-budding) in ten different cultivars of avocado. The outcomes suggested that Cleft grafting was most suitable one among all other evaluated techniques. The highest survival rate (27.40%) was reco...


Javairia Shafi*, Kashifa Naghma Waheed, Zahid Sharif Mirza and Shaista Razaq

...ere prepared and fed to juvenile catla for 60 days at the rate of 5% fish biomass. No significant difference (P>0.05) in fish growth parameters and feed efficiency was observed among the treatments. There was no significant difference in apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) of dry matter among treatments. Feed ADC (protein) with duckweed at 30% inclusion level was significantly lower (P<0.05) compared to the other treatments. There was no significant...
Abdul Asim Farooq1,2*, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Hamid Akbar1
Muhammad Ashraf3, Saima Inayat4, Muhammad Usman Saleem5
Saeed Murtaza2, Maqbool Hussain Shah2 and Muhammad Arshad Javid5
... efficient biological adjuvant for healing long bone fractures. BMA comprises bone mesenchymal stem cells. This study aims to assess the potential of autologous BMA on metacarpal and metatarsal fracture of Beetal goats presented at the surgery clinic of the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan. Beetal goats were selected (n=20), and divided into four different groups. The first group was designated as bone plating with bone marrow aspi...

Shahzad Aslam1*, Amjad Rashid Kayani2, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf3, Muhammad Azhar Jameel2 and Kiran Sahar4 females, sub adults, juveniles and infants. Analysis of food resources preference of five age/ sex classes of rhesus monkeys revealed that it mainly varied due to nutritional requirements and physiological conditions of monkeys. Rhesus monkeys preferred succulent foods to the non-succulents. Eight different feeding categories: arboreal, ground, provisioning, scavenging, begging, stealing, snatching and suckling were defined. A total of 540 observations were...

Aspen Abutalip*, Batyrbek Aitzhanov, Assiya Mussayeva, Vladislava Suchshikh, Natalya Yegorova

...r antigen Clostridium chauvoei were used, which sensitised latex microparticles with a size of 0.8-1.1 microns from Thermo Fisher Scientific Corporation. In the process of testing the prepared diagnostic system with vaccine strains of the causative agent of emphysematous carbuncle used for active immunisation of animals in Kazakhstan and field experiments with biological material from sick and deceased animals, results were obtained that indicate that the deve...

Saira Jabeen1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Kamran Ashraf2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

...h employing different adjuvants. To ensure the quality and safety of these vaccines, quality control assessment was carried out. The efficacy evaluation of the vaccines was performed on 24 locally bred rabbits, divided into 4 groups. Each group received a different type of vaccine, with booster doses at 15-day intervals following the priming. Serum samples were collected biweekly over a 60-day period, and the antibody titers were measured using IHA test. Geome...

Yan Wang1,2*, Lin Liu3, Na Li4, Yijun Zong1, Wei Liu1, Wenhua Xu1, Qi Wang1, Peijuan Zhang1 and Huiling Feng2,5*

Li Min1, Yong Chen2, Shunying Wu3, Xuefei Zheng1 and Mucheng Xu1*

...rats were selected, and juvenile dental pulp stem cells (JDPSCs) of young rats and adult dental pulp stem cells (ADPSCs) were isolated respectively. The JDPSCsof young rats were divided into groups A and B, respectively at 0 μ m/m and 1 μ of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 24 h. The ADPSCs of young rats were divided into groups A and B, respectively at 0 and 1 μ/mL of LPS for 24 h. The number of mineralized nodules and ALP activity in group B were signif...

Wei Li1, Xvming Qi2, Xueli Lu3, Li Yuan4 and Huaiqing Deng1*

... hypothesized that both juveniles in group C may be males. The results show that the circadian cycle of adult females and the sex identification of juveniles in Hainan gibbons may be inferred from differences in fecal progesterone and testosterone levels.


Abdur Rahman Khan1*, Mansoor Ali Khan1, Abdur Rehman1 and Muhammad Umair Khan1

Altaf Hussain and Shams-ur-Rehman
...e technique for rooting juvenile cuttings of chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sarg.) under nursery conditions. Top shoot cuttings of 2-0 seedlings were treated with various concentrations of Indole-butyric acid (IBA) in talc formulation and tested for root initiation in three different seasons i.e. March, July and October using sand media by following randomized complete block design. The results indicated maximum rooting (85.4%) with 4000 ppm IBA treatment....
Hanif Gul and Abida Hamid
...opathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (Bals) vuill against all stages of E. dodecastigma trials were conducted in the laboratories at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. The fungus, B. bassiana was tried in the doses of 0.4 x 104 spores / ml 0.6 x 104 spores/ml and 0.8 x 104 spores / ml against all stages of Hadde beetles. The fungus B. bassiana proved to be effective against all the stages except eggs. For grubs among the thre...
G. A. Bajwa, R. Kehr and G. Zimmermann
...entomogenous fungi Beauveria bassiana (Bals) Vuill. (Bba 3), Metarhizium anisopliae (Metch) Sorok, (Ma 3, Ma 6 and Ma 43), Paecilomyces fumosoroseus (Wize) Brown et Smith (Pfr 11) and P. cicadae (Miquel) Samson (Pc 3) were tested in the laboratory for virulence on Pityogenes chalcographus. 20 adults of P. chalcographus contaminated with conidia by releasing on agar plates for two minutes were reared on bark of <...
Hanif Gul, Nighat Mansoor Chaughtai and Rukhsana Kausar
...opathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana was tested as biological control agent against forest nursery pests Poecilocerus pictus, and Brachutrypes portentosus in the laboratory at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar under the controlled temperature of 25-35°C and 55-65% relative humidity, for evolving their best possible biological control. B. bassiana fungus was tested in the doses of 0.8 x 104 spores/ml, 0.6 x 104 spore...
*Sadiqa Malik, **Nazir Ahmad and **Mahmood Akram
P. H. Haydock Wilson and A. R. Beg
...ylindrica (L.) P. Beauve. a pan-tropical weed. Plots with and without the presence Imperata were sampled over six sites along a single watershed. The number and biomass of Chir pine (Pinus roxburghii Sargent) seedlings of all ages were found to be markedly less in plots where Imperata ground cover exceeds 75%. Over the range of sites, however, other factors of the pine's regenerative ecology appear to dwarf this effect and analysis of ...
S. M. Chughtai, Jehandar Shah, Syed Zahir Shah and Sardar Hussain Shah
...In moderately wet new alluvial lands, Saccharum spontaneum was the leading dominant; on relatively drier sites, Astragalus graveolens took the lead over; and in more wet habitats, Salvia-Polypogon community dominated the scene. The stable land was dominated by Cynodon-Imperata community representing a relatively a advanced stage of succession....
Parvez Khawaja, I.A. Hafiz and M. I. Chaudhry
...pathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. Was tried against the larval stages of the pest. The fungus displayed its pathogenecity by killing 72.5-97.5% larvae in various treatments as against 50% natural mortality in check treatment. The method can safely be used against the pest on larges scale....
Abdul Aleem
...west around the vast alluvial plain of the Indus which forms the core of the country (Roitzsch, 1968)....
G. M. Khattak and Abdul Aleem
... on 18-2-1975 in deep alluvial clay loam soil at Peshawar and each plant irrigated with four gallons of water at planting. The rainfall during 1975 and 1976 was 439 and 554mm respectively (annual average 377mm). On 5-1-1977 the survival of E. camaldulensis was 97% against 52 for Z. mauritiana and 53 for C. siliqua. The mean height of E. camaldulensis was 5m and mean diameter 5cm....

Sura Ayed Radam*, Inam Badr Falih

...ume of Freund’s adjuvant, 2 doses, 14 days intervals, 2nd group was immunized s/c with Concanavalin-A Con-A (1.5 mg/ml), 3rd group was immunized with mixed S. pyogenes Ag. and Con-A, 2 doses, 14 days intervals, and 4th group was given Phosphate buffer saline (PBS) as negative control group. Results Analysis of cellular and humeral immunity recorded higher concentration of Immunoglobulin G IgG, Tumer Necrosis Factor alpha TNF-a and Interleukin 10 IL-10 we...
Javairia Mehboob1, Syeda Hafsa Ali1*, Fahima Ashraf Kasi1, Syeda Ayesha Ali2, Safa
Farooqi3, Muneeza Arbab4,

Muhammad Nadeem1, Jamshaid Iqbal2, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Tariq Javeed1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Irshad1, Muhammad Aslam1, Gul Rehman2 and Shahar Yar Ahsan1

...tomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana and synthetic insecticides (acephate and chlorfenapyr), were tested individually and in various combinations for managing thrips (Megalurothrips distalis). A mungbean genotype, 13TM-04, known for its comparative resistance, was chosen for these trials. The treatments, whether applied alone or in various combinations, showed significant differences in efficacy when compared with each other. A combination of treatments vi...

Humam T. Hadi1*, Orooba M. S. Ibrahim2 

Maysaa A. Jumaah*, Ali A. Al-Iedani 

...l) to current vaccine adjuvants (alum) using inactivated antigens (sonicated and whole-killed bacteria) of E. coli. We also aimed to reveal tthe nature of host innate and adaptive immune responses by measuring the extent of their effects on the level of pro-inflammatory (interferon γ and interleukins (IL)-12) and anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-4 and IL-10) and innate immune responses (total white blood count, phagocytosis and respiratory burst). Our res...

Noor-ul-Ain1, Zulfiqar Ali1*, Rida Ahmad1,2 and Nida Naeem1 seasons on adult and juvenile carnivores’ captive behavior. The study was conducted in Lahore Zoological Garden, Pakistan, documenting the cage area and behavioral ethogram. The subjects were two African lions, six African lionesses, four lion cubs, two Bengal tigers, and two Bengal tigresses which were observed for auditory, aggression, feeding, moving, resting, and excretory behaviors by scan sampling method. The winter data were collected in Februa...

Tariq Zaman1*, Fawad Khan2, Sajjad Ahmad2*, Alia Mehsud2, Atta Ur Rahman3, Muskaan Zaman2 and Sumaira Noor2

Ying Zhong1,3,4, Jingni Chen1, Chunping Huang1, Huaiyuan Jin1, Jinlu Huang1, Lining Zhao1, Yi Geng3, Guiping Wang1,4 and Xueqiao Qian1,2*

...ains were isolated from juvenile shrimp. The results of 16S rRNA sequencing and biochemical identification showed that all seven pathogenic bacteria were Vibrio parahaemolyticus and that they carried the pirA and pirB virulence genes. These bacteria showed β-hemolysis with translucent rings, and six serotypes were identified. The regression infection results showed that the lethal rates of the three V. parahaemolyticus strains of serotypes O1:KUT and OUT:...
Sohaila Fathi El-Hawary1, Nermeen M.L. Malak2, Reda A. Gomaa3, Hesham Z. Tawfeuk3, Suzan Ismail4, Nady Khairy Elbarbary5*
...s (19%), and V. fluvialis (11.1%). According to a polymerase chain reaction analysis, most Vibrio isolates had one or more virulence genes. Antibiotic sensitivity tests showed that the isolates were highly resistant to many commonly used antimicrobial drugs in Egypt. These drugs included ampicillin, tetracycline, and sulfamethoxazole. The average MAR score was 0.530 indicating that the isolates have acquired a hereditary resistance that poses...

Ibrahim Ali1,2, Hanan Mohamed Fathy Abdien1*, Wael Kamel Elfeil1, Mohsen Mohamed Zaky ElDemerdash1, Mohamed Ali Zain El-Abideen2,3, Walid Hamdy Kilany2,3 Oil excipients as adjuvants. We have formulated a novel monovalent experimental vaccine against the recent circulated HPAI H5N8 clade viruses using following adjuvants (MONTANIDE™ GEL 01 PR, MONTANIDE™ IMS 1313, and MONTANIDE™ ISA70 to evaluate their impact on the vaccine efficacy, potency, with special focus to humoral and cell mediated immune response. Seven groups of specific pathogen-free (...

Israa M. Essa*, Ghazi Y. Azzal, Alaa Tariq Abdulwahid

...asciola spp., in which, juvenile flukes were observed significantly (79.31%) when compared to adults (20.69%). Based on morphology, all adult flukes were diagnosed as Fasciola. Accordingly, positive rate, risk and Odd ratio of fasciolosis were reported significantly in sheep of larger than 3 years than those of larger than 2-3 years, 1-2 years and sheep of less than 1 year. Concerning sex, no variation was detected between female (9.02%) and male (5.26%) sheep...

Kouakou Yadom Yao François-Regis*, Kra Kouamé Daniel and Atta Diallo Hortense

...a control. Second-stage juveniles and eggs of M. incognita were exposed to extracts for 72 hours and 10 days, respectively. Egg-hatching inhibition and juvenile mortality were used to evaluate the in vitro efficacy of extracts. Castor leaf extracts were applied to okra soils infested with M. incognita. The gall index, gall reduction, and nematode reproduction were determined. The unhatched egg rate ranged from 49.50 to 81.60...

Muhammad Khubaib1*, Muhammad Salman Khan1, Zia Ur Rahman2, Nafees Ahmad1, Muhammad Atif Haider1 and Mushtaq Ahmad Khan3

...neration of shooters at juvenile stages.

Sultan Çobanoğlu1, Waheed Anwar2*, Muhammad Asim Javed2 and Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan3
...imes;108 conidia/ml): Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Verticillium lecanii, against the adult female of T. urticae strains (red and green) using leaf-disc bioassay method. Their corrected mortalities were also calculated using Abbot formula. Results indicated that the concentration 4×108 conidia/ml of Trichoderma longibrachiatum caused the highest mortality of red (86.97%) and green (88.63%) strains of T. urtic...

Naglaa A. El-Taib1*, Asmaa T. Talayea2, Hanan R. Ghanayem3

...citation using sodium pyruvate as nourished media, the VBNC cells in case of used 200, 100 and 50 ppm chlorine were recorded 3.13±0.04, 4.08±0.04, and 4.49±0.02 CFU/mL, respectively. In contrast, application of 0.1, 0.3-, and 3-mM concentrations of hydrogen peroxide for 30 minutes could not induce E. coli o157 into VBNC state but only significancy (P<0.05) decreased the count of viable cells from 6.93±0.04 (100%) to 6.49±0...

Mostafa R. Zaher1,2*, Amir A. Shehata1, Azza M. El Amir2, Naglaa M. Hagag1, Reham H. Tammam3**

.... Besides, the use of adjuvants and delivery systems to boost vaccine performance was also reviewed. Furthermore, we explore state-of-the-art methodologies such as exosome-based vaccines, cell-free protein synthesis systems, self-amplifying RNA vaccines, and the application of artificial intelligence (AI) and computational biology in vaccine design. These methodologies may offer solutions for the challenges posed by the foot-and-mouth disease virus’s hig...

Diaa El-Boraey1, Mousa A. Ayoub1, Wael K. Elfeil2*, Said Ibrahim Fathalla3, Ibrahim Said Abu-alya3, Mohamed Abaza4, Ahmed R. Gado5, Mobarez A.A.6, Nehal K. Alm Eldin6

...ctivated oil in water adjuvant avian influenza vaccine (H9) in broiler chickens. Four groups of chickens were established as follow: a negative control, a positive control (vaccine only), a group receiving the vaccine with amikacin, and a group receiving the vaccine with gentamicin. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) titers were measured to assess antibody responses in addition to performance parameters. The obtained results demonstrated a reduction in antibody ...
Chang Guoliang1,2*, Pan Zhengjun1,2, Zhu Chuankun1,2, Zhao Haitao1,2
Yan Zhang3, Summaya Rajput4 and Laghari M. Younis4*
Pia Amabelle M. Flores1,3, Connie Fay Komilus2, Emelyn Joy Mameloco3 and Rex Ferdinand M. Traifalgar3
...hromis mossambicus) juveniles. Soybean meal was replaced with fermented copra meal at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (by weight). Five iso-nitrogenous (at 38% CP) and iso-lipidic (at 5% CL) formulated diets were fed to hybrid tilapia juveniles (0.42 g ± 0.07) following a complete randomized statistical design. Weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and protein retention (PR) showed no sign...

Aiman Mohammed Baqir Al-Dhalimy*, Alaa Kamil Mahmood

...ous canine hepatitis and uveitis in canine.The study was conducted on 200 stray dogs from three provinces in Iraq (Baghdad, Najaf, Karbala, and Diwaniya). Clinical examinations and signs were documented. Blood samples were obtained from the cephalic vein of dogs with EDTA tubes for molecular assay, and without anticoagulant tubes for serological tests. Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) tests were used to identify CAV...

Shahbaz Ahmad1*, Mubashar Iqbal1, Arshad Javaid2, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3, Muhammad Ashfaq4, Tajamal Hussain5 and Sumra Ashraf1

...attenuatum (MBC 807), Beauveria brongniartii (MBC 397) and Beauveria bassiana (MBC 076) were assessed. Five conidial/spore concentrations (1×105, 1×106, 1×107, 1×108, and 1×109 conidia mL-1) of each EPF were prepared in different concentrations of essential oils (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 35%) in tween-20. The virulence and mortality of each strain was estimated after 3, 5, 7, 14 and 21 days. Re...

R. Umamaheswari*, P. Prabu, M.S. Rao, B.M. Kavya and G. N. Grace

... 88.34% of M. incognita Juvenile mortality treated with B. amyloliquefaciens IIHR BA2 cell free crude extract at 100% after 72 h. Neutral and alkaline protease genes which are responsible for nematicidal action were identified in B. amyloliquefaciens IIHR BA2. Through Head space solid-phase micro extraction gas chromatography- mass spectrophotometer 52 VOCs were detected. Among the different compounds, synthetic limonene exhibited the maximum j
Irsa Shafique1, Saiqa Andleeb1*, Farrukh Naeem2, Shaukat Ali3, Tauseef Tabassum4 and Tariq Sultan4
...r of cocoons (186), and juveniles (360) were recorded during 12 weeks of composting due to the high metabolic rate of earthworms. During the process of composting, pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, C: N ratio and moisture decreased till the end of the experiment and the final vermi-compost had pH (7.8), temperature (25 ˚C), electrical conductivity (2.82 mS/cm), C: N ratio (11:1), and moisture (25%). The maximum NPK content and various trace metals wer...

Asher Azeem1, Misbah Javed2, Muhammad Riaz ul Haq1, Maria Shahzeen1, Muhammad Asif1, Gul Muhammad1, Khalid Hussain3, Ahmad Ali3, Muhammad Latif4, Noreen Samad2 and Furhan Iqbal1*

...ue of diafenthiuron for juvenile C. idella was 5.67 mg/L. Analysis of the hematological profile revealed that red blood cell (RBC) count, haematocrit, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration, hemoglobin, white blood cells, monocytes, granulocytes and lymphocytes significantly increased while RBC distribution width, mean corpuscular haemoglobin, mean corpuscular volume and platelet distribution width significantly decreased in diafenthiuron exposed treatments...


Abo-State M.A.M. Partila A.M.

Volume 2, Issue 1 January and February 2018 Pages 19-32


Abd-Elhalim, B.T.1*; Gamal, R.F.1; Abou-Taleb, Kh.A.1; Haroun, A.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 558-578


Vinita C. Patole1*; Jayashri G. Mahore1; Tanaji D. Nandgude1; Anil Gutte1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1659-1669


Gehad M. Mohamed1*; Ahmed B. Barakat1; Marwa M. Gado1; Fatma M. Abdallah2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2320-2338
...ents, who received Sofosbuvir (SOF) and Daclatasvir (DCV) combination therapy. All patients that were infected by chronic HCV had completed treatment with SOF and DCV combination therapy and were followed up after the end of this treatment. A total of 10 out of 100 serum specimens were collected from the enrolled patients and analyzed, where two and eight specimens were representatives for VR and SVR, respectively. These samples had undergone reverse transcrip...

Remy Ntakirutimana1,2*, KM Mujeeb Rahiman2, Megha Lovejan2

...y and gut microbiota of juvenile Nile Tilapia fed these diets for 60 days were evaluated. The results showed that T2 had comparable growth and nutrient utilisation to T1, while T3 showed inferior performance. Yeast supplementation improved feed conversion efficiency, intestinal morphology, and protein and lipid utilization. The replacement did not affect negatively the fish blood parameters. Importantly, yeast also improved gut microbial balance, implying a pr...
Muhammad Nur Syafaat1,2, Che Zulkifli Che-Ismail3, Adnan Amin-Safwan2, Mohamad N. Azra2, Mohammad Syahnon2, Ambok Bolong Abol-Munafi2 and Mhd Ikhwanuddin2*
...e early stocking of the juvenile crab in the aquaculture facilities or crab ponds and for its selection breeding program or monosex culture development.


Maytham Askar Alwan Al-shabbani1, Hawraa Nasser rufaish1, Hassan Hachim Naser2, Murtadha Abbas3*, Hazem Almhanna4

...y cause illness in both juvenile and mature animals. The primary objective of this study was to identify the specific genotypes of Theileria and Babesia species responsible for infections in cattle and sheep. Blood samples were collected from male and female cattle and sheep slaughtered at the Al-Najaf slaughterhouse. Identification of Theileria and Babesia spp. was conducted using conventional PCR, sequencing, and phylogenetic techniques based on the 18S rRNA...

Xiang Lv1, Sufang Zhang2, Li Ling3, Xian Wang4, Ying Xia5, Xiaoping Wang6 and Yan Li1*

...e reference value for adjuvant treatment of patients with tumor radiotherapy.


Majharul Islam1, Swagata Das Gupta1, Mohammad Anisur Rahman2, S.K.M. Azizul Islam3, Nazmul Hasan1, A.K.M. Saifuddin3, Md. Shohel Al Faruk3*

... prompt intervention, adjuvant therapy, analgesics, antibiotics, and antiseptic.
Keywords | Bone fracture, X-ray, Metalic plate, Gaseous anesthetics, Surgery, CBC
Mehwish Iqtedar*, Mahnoor Siddique, Asma Shahzad, Afshan Kaleem and Roheena Abdullah

Biologia (Lahore)


Vol.70, Iss. 1


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