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Khalid Usman, Aziz-Ur-Rehman

...educed tillage (RT), and conventional tillage (CT) to split application of N fertilizer [50 kg N at sowing + 100 kg N ha-1 at first irrigation (T1); 50 kg N at first irrigation + 100 kg N ha-1 at second irrigation (T2); 50 kg N at sowing + 50 kg N at first irrigation + 50 kg N ha-1 at second irrigation (T3); and 50 kg N at first + 50 kg N at second + 50 kg N ha-1 at third irrigation (T4)] in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) based cropping system. The experiment ...

Stephen Suleyman Schwartz

...e moderate, traditional, conventional, spiritual, and even conservative (but not radical) Muslims, I must begin any commentary on the French atrocities by rejecting the claim that extremism and terror are not aspects of Islamic history. To declare, as even French president Francois Hollande did, “these terrorists and fanatics... have nothing to do with the Muslim religion” is inaccurate.


Huaichang Sun

...the immune protection of conventional vaccines. RNA interference (RNAi) has becoming a feasible strategy against various virus infections. Recently, a significant advance in RNAi technology is the use of artificial microRNAs (amiRNAs) to fight virus infections. However, different strategies are needed to prevent virus variation or mutation escape. This review is intended to present the current situation of antiviral roles of amiRNAs, against variable RNA virus...

Ilham Ulla, G. Arjumand, Nawab Ali and Mohammad Akmal* annuus L.), a non-conventional oil seed crop, can successfully be fit in the cropping system as spring or summer season crop. However, its planting in summer is at risk of the moon-soon outbreak duration in the season. Present study was aimed to quantify delay-sowing response with increasing N-rate on crop productivity at Agronomy Research Farm, University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan. Sunflower (cv. Hysun-33) was planted on different dates i.e. Jul...

Klara Fischer1*, Erika Chenais1,2, Emeli Torsson1, Jonas Johansson Wensman1

... collect disease data in conventional ways. Participatory epidemiology (PE) has been suggested as a particularly suitable research method to study epidemiology and social impacts of diseases in these contexts. However, for PE to achieve its full potential, stronger efforts to achieve true participation and to incorporate lessons about participation and power from the social sciences may be required. This review shows that social science engagement in PE to dat...

Hina Fatima, Muhammad Azeem Khan, Mahreen Zaid-Ullah, Abdul-Jabbar, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai

...ieties with those of the conventional non-BT-Cotton varieties. The population  of  this research covers the area of Rahim Yar Khan of Pakistan. Two hundred and fifteen farms were selected from each of the NonBT-cotton farms and BT-cotton farms. The Cobb- Douglas Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) has been employed to determine the technical efficiency of these growers. Technical efficiency has been found dissimilar under both the situations. The esti...

Paul I. Ankeli, Mashood A. Raji, Haruna M. Kazeem, Moses O. Odugbo, Nendir J. Umaru, Idowu O. Fagbamila, Livinus T. Ikpa, Obinna O. Nwankiti, Issa A. Muraina, Pam D. Luka and Nicholas D. Nwankpa

... and characterized using conventional biochemical tests and polymerase chain reaction (PCR), respectively. Six (6) were observed to ferment glucose, reduce tetrazolium chloride and hydrolysed casein. They had no phosphatase activity, did not produce ‘film and spots’ and neither hydrolysed arginine nor urea and were preliminarily identified as members of the Mycoplasma mycoides sub-cluster which comprises Mmm and Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies capri...

Adedeji A.J, Sati N.M, Pewan S.B, Ogbu K.I, Adole J.A, Lazarus D.D, Ijiwo S.J, Okpanachi A, Nwagbo I.O, Joannis, T.M and Abdu P.A

...anemia virus (CAV) using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). IBDV antigen was detected by AGID while CAV by PCR. This confirms the diagnosis of concurrent infection of CIA and IBD in the affected flock. This is the first case report of a concurrent and natural field outbreak of CIA and IBD in a commercial poultry farm in Nigeria.


Rashid Ahmed Khan* and Muhammed Naveed

...e and injudicious use of conventional insecticides resulting in problem of insecticide resistance, environmental pollution, fruit contamination and health hazards. The major goal of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a bio-insecticide, emamectin benzoate with other conventionally used insecticides against B. zonata. The results revealed the high toxicity of emamectin benzoate with LC50 value of 38.25 foll...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Saeed Akhtar

...s that the centuries old conventional subsistence agriculture is changed to market farming i.e. from wheat to vegetable and sugarcane. The yield per acre of almost every crop grown has been increased, which considerably increased the crop revenue. Due to availability of irrigation water, the current fallow in both the Rabi (winter cropping) and Kharif (summer cropping) has decreased with matching increase in area net sown. The study suggests that mouza has cap...
Zafrullah Khan1, Shah Alam Khan1*, Hamayoon Khan2, Naeem Khan3, Khwaja Junaid1 and Inamullah Khan1
...far eight genes from the conventional wheat cultivars that are resistant to the attack of R. padi have been incorporated in the commercial wheat cultivars to help manage R. padi. During this study seven wheat genotypes were evaluated as antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance. These tested genotypes were (Pir Sabaq-2004, Atta-Habib, Saleem-2000, Serin-2010, Khyber-87, Sarhad-82, and Khushal-69) in three separate experiments. Antibiosis resistance w...

Abhijit Ghosal and M. L. Chatterjee

Bioefficacy of imidacloprid 17.8 SL against whitefly, Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius) in brinjal
...hat of imidacloprid. The conventional insecticide, methyl demeton (125 g a.i./ha) was less effective.


D.K. Hazra, Megha Pant, S.K. Raza and P. K. Patanjali


Formulation technology: key parameters for food safety with respect to agrochemicals use in crop protection
...ons are regarded now as ?conventional‘, ?old technology‘ or ?classical‘ or ?traditional‘ because of their increased in dose rate or repeated applications to get desired bioefficacy which lead to accumulation of pesticide residues in food commodities along with environmental pollution. Conventional formulations, because of their characteristics i.e. dustiness and use of volatile organic solvents in the...

Anjan Bhattacharyya, Suhrid Ranjan Barik & Pritam Ganguly

New pesticide molecules, formulation technology and uses: Present status and future challenges

N. Mandi and A. K. Senapati 

Integration of chemical botanical and microbial insecticides for control of thrips, Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood infesting chilli
...fectiveness of different conventional & eco-friendly insecticide (synthetic and biological origin) against thrips (Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood) infesting chilli (Capsicum frutescens). The effectiveness of four insecticides acetamiprid 0.004% (Dhanpreet – 20% SP), thiamethoxam 0.005% (Avant-25% WG), neem pesticide 0.4% (ultineem 1% W/W) and Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. kurstaki (BT) at gL-1 was evaluated in the field of Coastal Saline Zone of West Be...

Sania Shaheen1*, Hina Fatima2 and Muhammad Azeem Khan3

... technical efficiency of conventional and dry rice farmers and also determine the factors which significantly contribute to increase the rice output. Moreover, this study estimated the sources of inefficiency. Data collected from 300 sample rice farmers into the Kharif cycle (2013-14) at five main rice growing districts of Punjab namely: Hafizabad, Sheikhupura, Jhang, Vehari, and Gujranwala. Stochastic frontier analysis (SFA) was applied to find the results of...
Sumit K. Satpathi1, Suprakash Pal2*, Rupsanatan Mandal2, Nonigopal Shit2 and Ashutosh Sarkar3
... cowpea in comparison to conventional pesticide based pest management modules. The pesticide based management modules proved better as compared to the biopesticide based modules in managing the attack of sucking pests and pod borer of cowpea. The pesticide based IPM-II module resulted in the highest per cent reduction of pod borer population (91.17%) and the highest pod yield (9.85 t/ha). The IPM and biopesticide based management modules resulted in poor cost-...
Fahad Tanveer1, Adnan Afzal2, Muhammad Adeel3*, Sana Shahid4 and Maham Masood5
...mobilization and group 3 conventional treatment. Baseline, post-intervention and follow up readings were taken through numeric pain rating scale (NPRS) for pain intensity, neck disability index (NDI) for functional status,goniometer for range of motion and manual muscle testing for muscle strength of neck. The subject in each group were given twelve sessions, with three sessions a week. Data were analyzed through statistical package of social sciences (SPSS) 2...
Shumaila Ashfaq1, Liaqat Ali2*, Muhammad Ashraf Zia2, Rizwan Ahmad Khan2 and Mehtash Butt3
...aesthesia who were given conventional treatment versus conventional treatment plus hydrocortisone.Double blind randomized control trial. Study conducted in department of anaesthesia and obstetrics of Allama Iqbal Medical College, Jinnah hospital (tertiary care) conducted from13th June 2014to 13th December 2014. Sample size was calculated 60 (30 each) cases using 95% confidence interval, 80% power of tes...

Hassnain Shah, Hina Riaz, Nadeem Akmal , Muhammad Sharif* and Abdul Majid**

...ock is changing from the conventional concentrate feeding to a formulated compound feed. Considering the importance of livestock in the livelihood of the people, scarcity of green fodder three feed producing units were provided under Community Action for Livestock Development Project in Pakistan. From the technical and scientific points of view, the balance feed technology works reliably in improving livestock productivity. Breakeven Point, Internal Rate of Re...

 Mazher Abbas*, Muhammad Waqas Akram**, Ikram Saeed*** and Arshed Bashir*

...ess the economics of non-conventional oilseed crops in the Punjab. Therefore 60 respondents were taken from Faisalabad, Toba Tek Singh and Chiniot districts of Central Punjab. Percent area allocated to canola crop was comparatively higher at medium farms as compared to small and large farms. The results of the study showed higher yield of canola at large farms as compared to medium and small farms. Average gross revenue by small, medium and large farmers was R...

 Abdullah Adil Ansari* and Kumar Sukhraj**

... soil health rather than conventional methods based on the earlier observations.


 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Muhamamd Safar Mirjat, Abdul Quadir Mughal** Nadeem Amjad***, Muhammad Azhar Saeed, Shabbir Kalwar, Asif Ali Mirani and Habib Iqbal Javed****

...llage regimes i.e. deep, conventional and zero and four fertilizer levels viz., -1 control 100-50-50, 150-75-75 and 200-100-100 NPK kg ha . The randomized complete block design was used with three replications. There was significant differences in maize emergence percentage, plant height, -1 grains cob , 1000-grain weight and grain yield due to tillage practices and various fertilizer levels, between tillage practices. However, the NPK @ -1 200-100-100 kg ha a...

 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Nadeem Amjad**, Muhammad Safar Mirjat***, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Khalil Ahmad Ibupoto***, Shabbir Ahmad Kalwar****, Asif Ali Mirani**** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed****

EFFECT OF TILLAGE AND USE OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON GROWTH AND YIELD COMPONENTS OF MAIZE namely, deep tillage, conventional tillage and zero tillage, and four fertilizer levels. Results showed that plant height, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and dry matter were maximum with deep tillage as compared to conventional and zero tillage. Comparing the seasons, the overall better plant height, 1000- grain weight, grain yield and dry matter were gained during autumn season due to its crop residue effect and suppleme...

 Muhammad Ayub*, Rizwan Maqbool*, Muhammad Tahir*, Zoaib Aslam*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem* and Muhammad Ibrahim**

...p;In Pakistan, fennel is conventionally grown without fertilizer. A field experiment, was conducted to study the effects of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer treatments (NP in ratio of 0:0, 30:0, -1 0:30, 30:15, 30:30, 60:30, 60:60, 90:45 and 90:90 kg ha ) on growth, seed yield and quality of fennel during 2011-2012. Fertilizer NP dose (90:45 kg -1 ha ) increased plant height by 44%, number of leaves per plant by 76%, 1000 seed weight by 44%, biological yield...

 Ali Raza Shah**, Muhammad Saffar Mirjat**, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Inayatullah Rajper** and Asif Ali Mirani****

PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT TILLAGE SYSTEMS IN A CLAY LOAM SOIL* four treatments i.e., conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), zero tillage (ZT) and controlled traffic farming (CTF) was carried out to evaluate the performance of tillage systems. Results indicated that the soil pulverization was higher (P<0.05) under MT and lower under CT treatments while, it was nonsignificant between MT and CTF treatments. Similarly, soil volume disturbed and effective ploughing depth was maximum (P<0.05) under CT followe...

 Arshia Naeem*, Maria Anjum*, Mariam Rehman*, Zahid Mahmood** and Muhammad Asif Kamran**

...e, the need to move from conventional ways of farming to easy, effective and efficient smart solutions are required to minimize yield losses in crop plants. An integrated application to facilitate farmers to communicate their crop related issues directly to agriculture scientists is proposed. This 'AXPERT Platform' consists of web application that provides user centered interface to farmers and a desktop application that facilitates agricultural scientists to ...
Muhammad Sharif1*, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2, Muhammad Ansar3, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Syed Abdul Sadiq5
...plit plot design, having conventional tillage (CT), minimum tillage (MT), reduced tillage (RT) and zero tillage (ZT) systems in main plots,while residue retained (R+) and removed (R-)in sub-plots.The results showed that seedling emergence, wheat biomass and grain yield were statistically same under CT (83 plants m-2, 6.02 Mg ha-1, 3.32 Mg ha-1, respectively), MT (83 plants m-2, 5.90Mg ha-1<...
Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Farkhanda Khan2, Muhammad Kashan3, Qadir Ullah4 and Abdur Rauf5
...efficiencies compared to conventional practices. In conclusion, drilling of 24 kg N ha−1 as DAP into the soil at cotton sowing followed by three top-dressing of 42 kg N ha−1 each just prior to first, second and third irrigations is a better applied N management strategy for ZT cotton that enhanced cotton yield, quality and N efficiency in wheat-cotton system. 
Youbao Zhong1, Xianlai Zhang1, Xiaofen Hu1 and Yong Li1, 2,*
...ast cell distribution by conventional HE and modified toluidine blue staining, respectively. Despite its similarity to the general mammal small intestine microstructure, the present results indicated that the hedgehog duodenum contained fewer Brunner’s glands, and that the Paneth cells were lacking in the crypt. The connective tissue was denser in the jejunal submucosa, but the muscularis was thicker. The intestinal glands were greatly developed in the i...
Aitezaz Ahsan1*, Muhammad Usman1, Ihsan Ullah2, Aamer Bin Zahur3 and Adnan Rasheed Malik4
...r diagnostic assays from conventional reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction to real time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction and reverse transcriptase loop mediated isothermal amplification over the last decade. These diagnostic assays vary in their sensitivity, specificity, reliability and reproducibility. Although these assays are detecting PPRV with precision but there is need to develop some cost effective diagnostic assays which woul...
Xiaopeng Tang1,3, Rong Xiang1, Sijia Chen1,3, Shufen Yang1,3, Hu Liu1,3, Rejun Fang1,3,* and Aike Li2,
...proving the quality of unconventional protein sources, such as the CSM.

Madeeha Alamzeb1, Shazma Anwar1, Asif Iqbal1,2*, Song Meizhen2, Mazhar Iqbal3, Sara4, Muhammad Ramzan2 and Afza Tabassum1

...t under tillage systems (conventional and deep tillage). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement, having three replications. Tillage systems and organic sources were used as main plot factor, nitrogen levels as subplot factor. The results revealed that organic sources, nitrogen levels and tillage system significantly affected dry matter partitioning of wheat. Application of poultry manure improved dry matter ...
Muhammad Kashif Munir1*, Sana Rehman1, Rizwan Iqbal1, Muhammad Saqib Saeed2, Muhammad Aasim1
...assays by comparing with conventional standard drug proportion method. Additionally, to explore whether the assay can be utilized in treatment of Multidrug Resistant TB
Settings: This study was undertaken in Pakistan Health Research Council TB Research Centre in collaboration with Department of Pulmonology, King Edward Medical University, Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
Methods: Sputum samples from 125 patients were collected from ...
Mudassar Javed1,Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1,*, Muhammad Sufyan1, Sajjad Ali2 and Muhammad Afzal1
... 18 pesticides including conventional and new-chemistry synthetic insecticides and different botanical extracts were screened against these pests on okra variety ‘Pusa Sawani’ under field conditions during 2015 and 2016 in a randomized complete block design. The average number of lepidopterous larvae in plots treated with the synthetic insecticides was 1.87 and 2.12 larvae/plant in 2015 and 2016, respectively, compared with 6.5 larvae/plant ...

Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahito1*, Tajwer Sultana Syed1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1 and Inayatullah Rajper2  

...ium alexandrinum L.) and conventional IPM on population of sucking insect pests of cotton during 2013. The population of sucking insect pests i.e., Bemesia tabaci, Amrasca biguttula biguttula and Scirtothrips dorsalis was recorded on weekly basis cotton grown with both green manure and IPM treatments. The green manure treatments suffered comparatively higher population of B. tabaci (0.83±0.09) and S. dorsalis (3.43±0.47) than IPM treatment with p...
Arifa Mehreen1, Iram Liaqat2,Muhammad Arshad3, Muzzamil Waheed4 and Najma Arshad1,* common pathogen,using conventional microbiological and molecular methods. The agar disc diffusion method was used to evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility. Virulence-associated genes were detected using PCR while association analysis was used to test the likelihood of strains carrying combinations of genes involved in toxin production and/or host immune evasion. Highest resistance was observed against beta-lactam group followed by cephalosporin, lincosamid...

Amar Razzaq1, Abdur Rehman4*, Abdul Hassan Qureshi2, Iqbal Javed3, Raheel Saqib5 and Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal6 

...oductivity of modern and conventional-irrigated farms. We used primary data collected from 120 farmers located in Nurpur Thal, Bhalwal, Sargodha and Lodhran districts of Punjab province. These areas were purposively selected based on relatively higher concentration of HEI infrastructures installed on the farms. Sprinkler irrigation system was mainly installed on wheat crop while the drip irrigation systems were installed on mango orchards. Therefore, one half ...

Aneel Salman1, Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain1, Inayatullah Jan2*, Muhammad Ashfaq2, Mudassar Rashid1 and Usman Shakoor1 

...egies. Using data of 205 conventional farmers from three district of Punjab province, this study provides insights into farmers’ perceptions about climate change, on-going adaptation practices, and constraints to various adaption strategies. We found that majority of the farmers do not consider climate change as a potential threat to agriculture; therefore, they do not make any intentional efforts to change their farming practices. However, a few adaptat...
Muhammad Khan
...onsuming compared to the conventional drug discovery strategy involving de novo identification, characterization and validation of new bioactive molecules. Proscillaridin A (PSD-A), is a natural cardiac glycoside molecule used to treat cardiac arrhythmia. Recently, it has been rediscovered for its potential anticancer activity. This review will mainly focus on the anticancer activity, cellular targets and anticancer mechanism of PSD-A which may hel...

 Zubair Ahmed#, Muhammad Farhanullah Khan, Habiballah Rana*

Toxicological effects of Haloxylon recurvum Bunge ex Boiss (Khar Boti) whole plant extract and novel insecticide chlorantraniliprole against maize weevil, Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky
...ternative against
conventional insecticides.


Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Nosheen Fatima1, Raheel Babar3 and Ikramul Haq4  

...d they know only limited conventional ways to maintain it. The statistical analysis showed weak significant association between factors responsible for biodiversity loss and two types of biodiversity since χ2 (3) = 11.338, p = 0.010 and concluded that all factors are not equally responsible for loss in both types of biodiversity. Results showed that biodiversity conservation has its role in agricultural development. By conserving biodiversity, ag...

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Sami Ullah1, 3*, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Ahmad Mujtaba1, Mumtaz Hussain2, Muhammad Jahangir Shah2, Bashir Ahmad2 and Ijaz Ahmad4 

...ces, i.e., deep tillage, conventional tillage, minimum tillage, simple cultivation flat sowing, simple cultivation ridge sowing, zero tillage dibbling and zero tillage drill were performed as the experimental treatments. Results showed that maize hybrid sown under deep tillage gave the maximum grain yield (7.2 t ha-1), number of grains cob-1 (528), 1000-grain weight (265 g), plant height (205 cm), plant population (7.2 plants m-2) and stem diameter (1.58 cm), ...

Rafiullah1*, Abdur Rahman2, Khalid Khan1, Anwar Ali1, Arifullah Khan2, Abdul Sajid3 and Naimatullah Khan3 

Yang Liu1, Jing-xin Mao2, Xiao-dong Wei2, Man Yi2, Xiao-long Zhang2, Ke Zheng3, Xian-xin Chen4, Guo-Ze Wang5 and Bing-bo Chen1,*
...roportion of 1.5% to the conventional feed. Then the Sprague-Dawley rats were fed by normal feed and 4 different BFA feed for 4 weeks. It was observed that the counts of neutrophils, white blood cells, and monocytes was significantly decreased in the lactobacillus BFA group than the control group (P<0.05); neutrophil was reduced in bacillus BFA group than the control group significantly (P<0.05). Compared to the control group, total protein, albumin, and...

 Ellen Y. Zhang

...anscends the rigidity of conventional mores and life patterns so that a person can respond to the world of flux more effectively and happily.

Faiza Jabeen1,*, Bushra Muneer2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3
...nzymes and proteins in unconventional and economical substrates suitable for various industrial uses.

Muhammad Adnan Islam1,2*, Muhammad Iqbal2, Zia-ul-Haq2,3, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Shabbir Ahmed Kalwar1, Liaqat Ali Shahid1, Badar Munir Khan Niazi1 and Muzammil Husain1 

... of field preparation by conventional method. Zone disc tiller machine developed in the department of Farm Machinery and Power, was employed for sowing wheat instead of conventional tillage in cotton stubble to avoid further late sowing of wheat. Zone disc tiller drill sows crop in strips. Strip tillage of soil reduced labour, fuel, irrigation and machinery costs. Zone disk tiller was tested for its field performance with th...

Hafiz Umar Farid1, Muhammad Zubair2, Zahid Mahmood Khan1, Aamir Shakoor1*, Behzad Mustafa1, Aftab Ahmad Khan3, Muhamad Naveed Anjum4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Mubeen

...ore yield as compared to conventional irrigation methods. However, the most burning issue of these systems is their non-adoptability or low adoptability by the farming communities, despite their proven benefits. It was highly desirable to analyze and evaluate certain parameters which keep systems functional as well as ensure adoptability of these systems at farmer’s fields. A total of 30 sites were selected randomly in Punjab province of Pakistan where H...
Emel Banu Buyukunal1,*, Rojan Ibrahim Albazaz1 and Mehmet Ali Bal2,3
...hickens were analyzed by conventional and molecular methods for E. coli isolation in this study. Subsequently, antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of E. coli isolates (n=71) were determined against thirteen agents; amoxicillin-clavulanic acid, piperacillin-tazobactam, ceftazidime, cefotaxime, ceftriaxone, cefpodoxime, aztreonam, ciprofloxacin, amikacin, ertapenem, imipenem, meropenem, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole by disk diffusion method. Doub...

Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor*, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Luqman and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed 

...xtensive applications of conventional synthetic pesticides, citrus farmers are unable to get rid of this pest. In order to find out alternate biorational pesticides, this laboratory study was carried out to evaluate few selected novel chemistry insecticidal formulations against 2nd instar nymphs of D. mangiferae using standard twig-dip bioassay method according to Completely Randomized Design. Results showed that both factors i.e. insecticidal treatments (F 9,...
Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor*, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Asam Riaz and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed
...e and injudicious use of conventional synthetic insecticides against D. mangiferae have led to many environmental and health problems urging to seek out environment-friendly and safe alternate strategies to control D. mangiferae. To this end, the present study evaluated the methanolic extracts and essential oils of eight indigenous plant species for their insecticidal potential against 2nd instar D. mangiferae individuals. Stand...

Muhammad Sharif1*, Sadullah1, Ghulam Rasool2, Muhammad Nasir Khan1, Zubair Rehman1, Ahmed Khan2, Ijaz Ahmad3 and Khalid Hussain4 

...der the treatments, i.e. conventional tillage (CT), Zero tillage (ZT) and Chisel plough (CP) during the year 2016 at the field research area of Balochistan Agriculture College, Quetta. The study was designed to compare conventional versus conservation tillage practices and their effects on soil physico-chemical properties such as total organic carbon (TOC), infiltration rates, soil water contents (SWC), soil reaction (pH), e...
Saleh S. Alhewairini
...n be used to replace the conventional, over-aged and less effective insecticides that have been extensively used in controlling RPW.  
Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Naimat Ullah Khan3, Muhammad Asfandyar Khan2, Kashif Prince1,*, Mahboob Ali1, Ghazunfar Rashid1 and Azmat Ulah Khan2
...ed for toxinotyping with conventional PCR. Sequence analysis of 73 strains from diseased lambs showed 13.10% type A, 9.52% type B and highest 20.83% proportion of Clostridium perfringens type D. Out of 108 strains from kids, 54.62% were type A, 9.25% were type B and 36.11% were type D. Clostridium perfringens type C and E were neither detected in lambs nor in kids. The association of various factors (i.e. area, housing, seasons, colostrum ...
Zübeyde Kumbıçak1,* and Hatice Poyraz2
...ound spider species, the conventional staining provide important chromosome markers for karyotype evolution in gnaphosids and chromosome structure studies.
Nazir Ahmad Khan1,*, Mudassir Alam1, Rafiullah khan1, Kamran Khan2 and Sadeeq ur Rahman3
... the effect of replacing conventional maize (CM) with QPM in broiler feed on bird’s performance, diet digestibility, nitrogen retention, meat amino acids profile and farm profitability. Grains of QPM200 and QPM300 hybrids, approved by Pakistan maize variety evaluation committee in January 2017, were provided by International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre (CIMMYT), Pakistan. The content of CP was higher in QPM300 (10.8% dry matter (DM)) and QPM200 (9...
Muhammad Faheem Akbar1,*, Muhammad Abdul Haq2, Imtiaz Ahmad1, Vasileva Viliana3 and Amjad Sultan1
...iological degradation of conventional and bio pesticides sprayed on cauliflower crop. Bio pesticides are environment-friendly products and highly biodegradable with low persistency and residual effects. Imidacloprid, endosulfan and profenofos were selected as convectional, while spinosad and biosal (neem compound) as bio pesticides, and were sprayed at the rates of 49.4, 642.2, 988, 35.5 and 158 g a.i. ha-1 respectively. The pesticide residues were ...

Shazia Mansoor1, Muhammad Sohail2*, Saima Aslam3 and Muhammad Nauman ul Islam4 

... more TDN), and group C (conventional grazing). Weekly body weight changes were recorded on digital balance and body condition score was calculated (1-5) on weekly basis. Bodily changes of ewes were significantly higher in group B (1.73±0.13 kg/week) followed by group A (1.22±0.07 kg/week) and group C (0.85±0.03 kg/week). The similar pattern was found for birth weight of lambs (group B > group A > group C). Least growth rate of lambs...
Meriem Msaad Guerfali1,*, Heitham Hamden1, Salma Fadhl1, Wafa Djobbi1, Lotfi Sillini1, Wafa Marzouki1 and Mohammed Ammar2
...d with malathion as main conventional control method. Malathion upon repeated and prolonged use may cause resistance. In an attempt to reduce the insecticide residues in fruit, the government is trying to introduce the application of spinosad that was also reported to cause resistance under extensive use. The aim of this work was to monitor the susceptibility to malathion after prolonged use in wild caught tunisian

Faisal Hafeez, Asad Aslam*, Ayesha Iftikhar, Afifa Naeem, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar and Muhammad Jawad Saleem 

... using non-selective and conventional insecticides for the control of sucking fauna, especially against jassid, must be transformed / amended to most selective insect growth regulators (IGR’s) and new chemistry insecticides, that are safe and harmless for nature and environment. 

Murtala Muhammad, Ting Zhang, Siyu Gong, Jing Bai, Jiansong Ju, Baohua Zhao* and Dong Liu*
...entified its identity by conventional physiological, biochemical, and molecular techniques. Virulence and pathogenesis of the disease were determined by intraperitoneal injection of the etiological agent to the healthy A. sinensis. Physiological and 16s rRNA molecular analysis identified Streptococcus iniae as the causative agent of the disease outbreak. The bacteria has a unique biochemical profile compared with most of the previously isola...

Muhammad Rasheed1*, Zafar Ullah1, Muhammad Ansar1, Asma Hassan1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2, Muhammad Hussain Shah4 and Muhammad Arshadullah

...s under conservation and conventional tillage systems. The highest number of tillers plant-1 (11) for Oats was recorded in oats-vetch mixture under conventional tillage (CT) while comparing minimum tillage (MT) to zero tillage (ZT) 43 percent higher yield of oats was obtained under MT. The impact of cereal legume mixture on forage yield was optimistic. In economic analysis MT depicted the highest net benefit per hectare over...
Neelam Pery*, Nayab Batool Rizvi, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq
...rsistent monopoly of the conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs over the drug platform has been taken over by a number of biologics including TNFα inhibitors, IL-1 inhibitors, IL-6 inhibitors, and co-stimulatory signal inhibitors with better efficacy and safety profile. However, certain factors such as lack of univer...

Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Luqman2, Muhammad Arshad Javed2, Syed Wasim Hasan3 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed

...uded some most effective conventional and novel chemistry insecticides, botanicals and cultural control practice (i.e. two under-canopy deep hoeings with 15 days interval along with lower-branch pruning) alone or in combination with the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana (@ 1x108 conidia mL-1). First experiment was conducted in March 2016 and 2nd was performed from November 2016 to March 2017 in a citrus (Citrus reticulata cv. kinnow mandarin) orchard....

Rana Shahzad Noor1,2*, Fiaz Hussain2, Muhammad Umair2, Waqas Aslam2, Muhammad Ameen4, Muhammad Adnan Islam3 and Muhammad Sheraz2 


...income was determined in conventional tillage system T1 and reduced tillage system T2. 


Muhammad Qasim Khan1, Syed Athar Masood1 

...ility factor. Therefore, conventional productivity improvement models are
as such not fully applicable to public sector rebuild organizations. In this context, data of a public sector automobile
rebuild organization has been collected. Total and partial productivities of the organization have been measured and
analyzed by using Total Productivity Model (TPM). Detailed productivity analysis of the selected organization has
been carri...

 M. Ihsan Ul Haq1, Ahmad Hussain2*, Farzana Yasmeen3, Shafiq R. Qureshi4


Misbah Ullah1, Rehman Akhtar1, Sikandar Bilal Khattak1, Khawar Naeem1 and Khizar Azam2 

...tly manufactured through conventional methods in developing countries including Pakistan.
Shortages of energy resources across the globe have pushed companies to manufacture those products with least
possible costs by using significant factors. Indeed, the role of statistical design of experiment in general and factorial
design in particular is vital in identifying these significant factors in comparison to the con...

Waqas, A. Imtiaz1, Yousaf Khan1, Syed Waqar Shah2 


Khuram Rashid1, Saroosh Danish2, Muhammad Akram Tahir3 

... partial substitution of conventional aggregates. Seven mixtures
were proportioned; one mixture with conventional aggregates was the control specimen, three mixtures were casted
by replacing fine aggregate by waste rubber tires powder and remaining three were proportioned by replacing coarse
aggregate by waste rubber tires chips. Fresh and hardened properties of rubberized concrete were evaluated and

Ghani Akbar1, Muhammad Munir Ahmad1, Abdul Ghafoor1, Matiullah Khan1, Zafar Islam1 

... labour. 


Shabana Rafique1, Shahnaz Parveen Khattak1, Tanveer Hussain2, Faiza Tauqeer1, Bashir Ahmad3 

... is more economical than conventional method, since, more
energy can be conserved by using same machinery for dyeing, finishing, drying and curing. Furthermore, elimination
of post wash treatment in this method caused little or no contamination. Despite its manifold advantages, the rubbing
fastness and fabric stiffness of pigment dyed fabrics in deeper shades is doubtful, hence needed further exploration.
The effect of various param...

Farid Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Iqbal1 

...are fabricated by
conventional machining. For vibration shaker, a 1000 W speaker is fitted in a wooden box. The wooden box is made
adjustable and through the railing mechanism it can move vertically as well as horizontally. Moreover, a wooden block
containing a fixture for a device is glued to the center of the speaker. A power amplifier and a function generator
are utilized to provide the desired signal for the operation of the sha...

Muhammad Masood Tahir1, Ayyaz Hussain2, Saeed Badshah3, Qaisar Javaid2 

...of expensive training of conventional classifier. A test rig is used to acquire vibration data from bearings
having localized faults, and various TDFs are extracted. It is worth mentioning that fluctuations in random vibration
signals may alter the feature values. Therefore, each of the TDFs is processed statistically to approximate its reliable
central values (CVs) against the respective faults. In this way, every feature provides a set o...

Salman Saeed*, Akhtar Naeem Khan**, Rashid Rehan*, Sikandar Hayat Sajid**, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam*, Khan Shahzada** 

... shown that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the cost and performance of bridge superstructure
are not necessarily competing factors. Relationships for slab thickness and girder spacing are presented that result
in optimal performance and cost of the bridge superstructure. 


Numan Habib, Naseer Ahmed, Riaz Muhammad, Himayat Ullah, Muftooh Ur Rehman, Kareem Akhtar 

...leads to fracture during conventional turning (CT). In recent days new two alloys are developed named Ti-6Al-7Zr-3Nb-4Mo-0.9Nd and Ti-5Al-7Zr-7Nb-0.7Nd with better performance in machining. These two developed alloys contain 0.9% and 0.7% neodymium by weight, respectively. It produces discontinuous chips during metal cutting, which make possible the automatic machining. It also reduces machining time and increase productivity. Ultrasonically assisted turning (...

 Sikandar Afridi*, Muhammad Irfan Khattak**, Nasim Ullah***, Gulzar Ahmad**, Muhammad Shafi**

...WT) instead of using the conventional PCA technique. In this technique to reduce the computational
complexity of traditional PCA the size of the image is first reduced by taking the DWT of it. After applying
the DWT the facial features of the image are extracted by calculating the Eigenface of the image with size already
reduced by taking DWT. As a result of this process the size of database will reduce to one-fourth of the ...

 Numan Habib1, Naseer Ahmed1, Riaz Muhammad1*, Himayat Ullah2, Muftooh Ur Rehman1, Kareem Akhtar3

...leads to fracture during conventional turning (CT). In recent days new
two alloys are developed named Ti-6Al-7Zr-3Nb-4Mo-0.9Nd and Ti-5Al-7Zr-7Nb-0.7Nd with better performance
in machining. These two developed alloys contain 0.9% and 0.7% neodymium by weight, respectively. It produces
discontinuous chips during metal cutting, which make possible the automatic machining. It also reduces machining
time and increase...

Farid Ullah Khan*


 Nashitah Alwaz1, Safdar Raza1*, Sadaqat Ali1

...table as compared to the conventional methods in terms of transients and steady state responses.

Parakriti Gupta1, Kapil Goyal2 and Mini Pritam Singh3*

Hepatitis E Virus and Zoonosis
...has been documented. The conventional diagnosis is established by detection of HEV antigen or anti-HEV IgM in acute sera. However, the detection of HEV RNA is important to establish the diagnosis in immunosuppressed patients. In transplant patients, decrease in immunosuppression is usually done, however ribavirin therapy has also shown a definitive role. There is upcoming literature on the role of sofosbuvir also in these groups of patients. Since the virus ha...

Rana Shahzad Noor1,2, Fiaz Hussain2, Irfan Abbas3, Muhammad Umair2, Abu Saad2, Muhammad Umar Farooq4 and Yong Sun1*

Assessing Sustainability of Rainfed Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) Production under Various Soil Tillage Systems: An Energy and Economic Analysis
...reduced tillage (RT) and conventional tillage (CT) on wheat yield, fuel usage and energy use efficiency under rainfed agriculture systems for Chakwal-50 wheat cultivator at Koont research station of PMAS-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi during 2018 and 2019 wheat seasons. The study treatments were evaluated in term of energy analysis and economics of wheat production. Highest energy inputs obtained were fertilizer, seed and fuel + oil energies in all ti...
Sajad Ali1*, Naeem Ur Rehman Khatak1, Iftikhar Ahmad2, Jangraiz Khan3 and Azra4
Impact of Socioeconomic Factors and farm Size on Wheat Productivity: A Case Study of District Peshawar, Pakistan
...chniques or improve theirconventional agriculture practices to increase wheat productivity.


Imtiaz Hussain1, Azhar Mahmood Aulakh2, Muhammad Sohail1*, Khalid Hussain2, Ansaar Ahmed3, Abdul Hamid3 and Muhammad Imtiaz3

Impact of Zero Tillage on Productivity of Traditional Mung Bean-Wheat Cropping System of Punjab, Pakistan
...ndingly in comparison to conventional tillage practice. This improvement in grain yield with zero tillage can be linked to better germination. Adoption of zero tillage planting technique reduced total cost of production by Rs. 6236 ha-1 and helped farmer to earn additional Rs. 25601 ha-1 in terms of annual net returns than prevailing conventional tillage system. The benefit-cost ratio under zero tillage was calculated as 2.1...

Muhammad Yasir*, Mansoor ul Hasan, Muhammad Sagheer, Amer Rasul, Rameesha Amjad Ali and Habib ur Rehman

Evaluation of Spinosad Applied to Grain Commodities for the Control of Stored Product Insect Pests
... used for replacement of conventional neurotoxic insecticides for managing the insect pests of stored commodities.


Shawaiz Iqbal1*, Nadeem Iqbal2, Usama Bin Khalid1, Muhammad Usman Saleem1, Adila Iram1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Muhammad Sabar1 and Tahir Hussain Awan1

Growth, Yield and Economic Analysis of Dry-Seeded Basmati Rice
...s were compared with the conventional transplanting (TR) method in lines having row to row and plant to plant distance of 22.5cm distance, and farmer transplanting method. Experimental design was randomized complete block, replicated 3 times. Data were recorded on height (cm), tillers m-2, filled and unfilled grains panicle-1, thousand grain weight (g), grain and biomass yield (t ha-1). Grain sterility (%) and harvest index (%) were also calculated. Highest gr...
Sana Mehmood1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Muhammad Summer1, Sher Muhammad Sherawat2, Shaukat Ali1*, Sajida Naseem3
...ation as compared to the conventional taxonomy. Moreover, the barcodes of the spiders has generated the reference molecular library which would help in establishing the phylogenetic relationships among various spider species for diversity analysis in future. Authentic molecular evaluation will also help to correct the misidentified specimens.
Faheem Ahmed Khan1*, Sarzamin Khan2, Qurat-ul-Ain3, Saqib Ishaq1Muhammad Salman1, Abdul Rehman1, Ikram Ullah4, Kalsoom5 and Johar Jamil5
...ds for production of non-conventional proteins utilizing the available cheap sources. The indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated from different fruit samples, identified by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and were characterized for production of single cell microbial protein (SCMP). Out of 60 different fruit samples, a total number of confirmed S. cerevisiae isolates were 1, 2 and 1 from...
Arsalan Khan1, Aminullah Khan2, Dil Fayaz Khan2, Sajid Khan1, Anjum1, Waqar Ali3, Habib Akbar1 and Ahmad Khan1*
Muhammad Bilal Anwar1, Mirza Azhar Beg1, Amjad Rashid Kayani1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1*, Syed Israr Shah1, Sajida Noureen2
Muhammad Mushtaq1 and Tariq Mahmood3
...uo; diets in contrast to conventional proportional representations. An inverse relationship between the body size of owls and preys suggested prey selection might be associated with ecological dynamics in prey populations.
Asima Batool1, Ghulam Abbas2*, Zuhair Hasnain3, Nasira Perveen4 and Muhammad Naeem Akhtar5 indicated that like conventional synthetic maize varieties, the hybrids also respond differentially to the prevailing high temperature stress condition. The results also showed that hybrids capable of producing greater root mass were better able to withstand the heat stress than those with a lesser root volume. In the current screening effort, the hybrid SB-11 emerged as heat tolerant while ICI-984 was ranked as...
Asma Chaudhary1, Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad1, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Sadia Roshan2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3*
... related side effects of conventional therapies have caused researchers to explore alternate strategies, such as probiotics employment for disease control in aquaculture.
BamideleAkinsanya1, Isaac O Ayanda2,*, Benson Onwusa1 and Joseph K Saliu1
...ification was done using conventional method. Only one parasite species, Teneuisentis niloticus, an acanthocephalan was recovered. There was 72% infection prevalence. The result also revealed that both BTEX and PAHs were accumulated in the body of the parasite. Two components of BTEX, (1,2-dichlorobenzene and 1,3-dichlorobenzene) and five PAH congeners-Acenaphthylene, Phenanthrene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene and 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene wer...

Ch. Muhammad Rafiq1, Qasim Raza1*, Awais Riaz1, Misbah Hanif2, Wajiha Saeed2, Shawaiz Iqbal1, Tahir Hussain Awan1, Syed Sultan Ali1 and Muhammad Sabar1

...r saving advantages over conventional transplanting culture, however, poor crop establishment due to reduced germination in variable field conditions greatly hampers its large-scale adaption. To address subordinate germination issues, we investigated the effects of five salicylic acid (SA) concentrations (0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 ppm) on polyethylene glycol (PEG) induced drought stress conditions (0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6 and -0.8 MPa). Highly significant (p < 0....
Naimat Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Hassan Saleem2, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shafee3, Ayesha Hassan2, Mumtaz Ali Khan2 and Nadeem Rashid3
...oocysts was done through conventional acid fast ZN staining. Prevalence in District Bannu was 48/480 (10%) followed by District Lakki Marwat12.08 % and in Kohat 19.16 %, respectively. Overall prevalence in three Districts was 13.75%. The highest month wise percent prevalence was recorded during July/August 25.83%, 26.66% with lowest in December 0.83%. On seasonal basis overall highest prevalence was during the summer season 21.87 %, followed by autumn 13.75 %,...

Shujaa Arshad1, Muhammad Umair1*, Rana Shahzad Noor1, Chaudhry Arslan2, Arslan Afzal1 and Zafar Islam3

...needs are fulfilled with conventional cooling systems that use huge electric power and also these systems are not environment friendly. Therefore, it is needed to use alternate energy sources for cooling systems with environmentally friendly technologies. In this research, a small scale solar-driven desiccant cooling system was developed with 3 feet length, 2 feet width and 2 feet height and tested for local environmental conditions of Pakistan. Pakistan has b...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

...ammonium phosphate (DAP) conventionally applied to wheat by broadcast method before sowing crop. This is wasteful method of fertilizer application as only 15-20% of applied phosphate is utilized by the crop. To overcome the problems of phosphorus fixation, fertilizer band placement drill (FBPD) for wheat had been developed and its performance was evaluated at farmer’s fields. This drill places DAP fertilizer near the seed that is about 5 cm away and 5 cm...

Muhammad Waqas1*, Muhammad Shoaib2, Muhammad Saifullah1, Adila Naseem4, Sarfraz Hashim1, Farrukh Ehsan1, Irfan Ali3 and Alamgir Khan1

...Single Decision Tree and conventional Multilayer Perceptron Neural Networks (MLPNN) are used for predicting streamflow of Jhelum River basin. The dataset was divided into two sections, i.e., training dataset (1971-2000); and testing dataset (2001-12). The tendency investigation was done by the Sen’s slope and Mann–Kendall (MK). Decreasing trends annually and seasonally found in MK and Sen’s Slope tests. The highest decreasing trend of -2.23 w...

Fazal Subhan1,2, Abdul Malik1, Zia Ul Haq1 and Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,3*

...ow irrigation (FFI), and conventional furrow irrigation (CFI) techniques with three levels of irrigation; full irrigation, 80% of full irrigation (DI20), and 60% of full irrigation (DI40) were carried out in randomized complete block design (CRBD) with three replications. Crop water requirement was calculated using CropWat software. Total four irrigations were applied during the growing period of cauliflower. Data on plant parameters were collected periodicall...

Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Tajnees Pirzada1*, Abdul Majid2 and Farzana Rashid3 

...cum) seed growth. HA was conventionally extracted from soil sample of agriculture lands of Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan by International Humic Substance Society method and confirmed by UV-Visible spectroscopy and characterized by spectral features obtained by using different techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Finally, the effect of extracted humic acid on wheat seed germination pr...

Ahmed A. Kheder

...fold higher than that of conventional RT-PCR. Finally it is recommended to use LAMP assay which is useful for researchers, seed production specialists and was suggested to the Egyptian quarantine system which is interested in determining strawberry virus infections by using a single assay.


Mohammed Bashar Danlami1*, Basiru Aliyu1, Abbas Bazata Yusuf1, Bashar Gulumbe Haruna1 and Asmau Nono Mahe1

...>Papanicolaou smear is a conventional cytological examination for the screening of cervical cancer. However, the routine test is known and prone to significant error rate. This study examines the prevalence of abnormal and unsatisfactory Pap smear among women attending Federal Medical Center Birnin Kebbi. The study was a retrospective review of all Conventional Papanicolaou smear registry data of women who underwent a cytolo...

Ain-ul-Abad Syed1*, Zaheer Ahmed Khan1, Shakeel Hussain Chattha1, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh2, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio3, Shahzad Hussain Dahri2 and Ghous Bakhsh Buriro4 find a substitute for conventional farming practices that could conserve water, fertilizer and generate more sustainable food vertically and horizontally. Two treatments were performed, each with two replications. The treatments included hydroponic (soil-less) and geoponic (soil) spinach seed cultivation. The seed was initially grown in a seedling tray before being transferred onto a prepared plot and a hydroponic model, respectively. All the standard mater...

Nashwa M. Helmy1, Ahmed S. Ahmed2, and Zeinab3 Y. Mohamed

...Conclusion: Sero-survey, conventional techniques and PCR assay should be applied besides clinco-pathological for any cases with skin lesions as early as possible to diagnosis and apply adequate control measures. The results encountered in the present study revealed that cattle infected with LSD exposed to strong oxidative stress so recommended to use antioxidants in infected animals during treatment.


Lamya A. F. Ateya1, Said A. Ahmed 2, Mansour H. Ayman3, Khamees K. Ashraf 4, Heba A. Abdel-Hady 5

...les were +ve for LSDV by conventional PCR.The results showed that 11/23 biopsies were positive by IFAT. Molecular identification of LSD virus by using RT-PCR, revealed positive for amplification of bands at the predicted molecular size (1926bp). Neutralizing antibodies against LSDV were (55) out of total 100 serum samples by serum neutralization test. Conclusion: Selection and processing of clinical specimens, viral isolation and PCR assay applied, for LSDV ar...

Ola Youssef 1; EL-Deeb A.H.2 Nassif S.A.1 and Ahmed A. El-Sanousi 2.

...valuated by applying the conventional QC
tests such as identity, safety, purity, potency and efficacy that were not satisfactory in vaccine
Objective: The present study was conducted to standardize a protocol for quality control and
evaluation of the recombinant HVT-H5 vaccine.
Methods: The protocol was designed for evaluation of H5 identity besides regular vaccine safety,

Manar F. Seioudy1, Magda M. Sayed1, Ahmed A. El-Sanousi2 and Mohammed A. Shalaby2

... molecular techniques as conventional reverse transcriptase polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) and real time RT-PCR in identity test of PPR vaccine.
Methods: Four batches of PPR vaccines that produced in Egypt by Veterinary Serum and Vaccines
Research Institute (VSVRI) were collected and tested for identification of PPRV by conventional RTPCR
using two primer sets targeting F-g...
Muhammad G. Khodary1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2, Mohamed M. Emara2, Othman E. Othman1, Hussein A. Hussein2 samples were typed by conventional reverse
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of 6
representative samples were performed.
Results: Testing of 80 collected samples of Oropharyngeal, oral epithelial tissue and/or vesicular
fluids by real time Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) revealed 65 out of 80
FMDV positive samples (81%)....

Lamiaa M. Omar, Mohamed A. Abdrabo, Dali M. Omar, Nermeen A. Marden

Dina A. Abdulrahman1, Ayman H. EL-Deeb2, Momtaz A. Shaheen1 & Hussein A. Hussein2

...s were then tested using conventional PCR and pan
FMD primers. The same samples were tested again using serotype-specific primers to amplify the VP1
coding region and the products were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis.
Results: FMDV RNA was detected in eight out of the 12 samples tested using real time RT-PCR.
Conventional PCR revealed that Six of the eight samples were posi...

Akram I. Aboelkhair1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2, Momtaz A. Shahin1 and Hussein A. Hussein2

...sitive for LSDV by using conventional PCR direct from nodular lesion, 4
positive samples were inoculated on CAM showed characteristic pock lesion, formerly after passaging
of samples on MDBK cell line revealed characteristic cytopathic effect of LSDV, as well as tissue
culture suspension were positive using conventional PCR . For antigenic identification SNT were
applied. Seque...

Abdelaziz A. Yassin, Ayman H. El Deeb, Abeer E. Mansour, Hussein A. Hussein

...f calves vaccinated with conventional inactivated trivalent FMD vaccine. Expression of Th1 and Th2 was determined using quantitative ELISA. Results reveled peaks of IL-4 at 7th day, IFN-γ at 14th day and IL-2 at 21st day post vaccination. Lymphocytic proliferation assays demonstrated the continuous response of lymphocytes started at the 3rd day till reaches peak at 28th day post vaccination then start to decline. Whereas the peak titers for antibodies we...
Hadeer M. Mossa, Ausama A. Yousif, Emad A. Aboelsoud, Mahmoud El Gamal, Ahmed El-
...h some
other conventional testing before judging the sample.
Soad, E. Elsayed 1, Mohammed A. Shalaby2, Ausama A. Yousef2, Abu bakr A. Agor1,
Sherouk E. Aly1
...ease the efficacy of the conventional formulation by converting the
microemulsion to Bio-compatible and stable Nano emulsion. Emulsification was applied through
ultrasonication of Montanide ISA 206 in the presence of Tween 80 as a detergent. The physical
characteristics were studied and imaged by TEM.
Results: Images showed particle size ranged from 200-400 nm instead of 1 micron of the original.
Shourok E. Aly 1, Karim Zaki1, Soad E. Elsayed2, M. Elgamal2, Ausama A. Yousef1, Mohamed A. Shalaby1
...he immunogenicity of the conventional vaccine by
developing a smaller particle size vaccine formulation through ultrasonic dispersion of aluminum
hydroxide adjuvant.
Methods: This was achieved by ultrasonication of aluminum hydroxide gel in the presence of
trehalose as dispersant and measuring different physical characters including particle size, Zeta
potential, loading capacity and imaging of adjuva...

Ljupco Angelovski*, Zagorka Popova, Katerina Blagoevska, Sandra Mojsova, Marija Ratkova Manovska, Mirko Prodanov, Dean Jankuloski, Pavle Sekulovski

... were confirmed with the conventional microbiological method and with the use of multiplex PCR method. Both methods confirmed the overall prevalence of C. jejuni of 39.2%. In the second part of the study 108 confirmed isolates of C. jejuni were analyzed for the presence of resistance genes (CmeB, Blaoxa-61, tet(O), aph-3-1 and aadE). The analysis in the third part of the study was concentrated on the antimicrobial resistance of the C. jejuni ...

Haroon Ur Rashid1*, Nazia Tahir2, Muhammad Zamin3, Naveed Shehzad4, Aman Ullah2, Bibi Zainub5 and Farooq Azam6

... regimes namely minimum, conventional, and deep tillage regimes were assigned to main plots (Factor A) and various allelopathic plants [Sorghum {Sorghum bicolor (L.) Conard Moench.}, Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.)] residues as surface mulches and their water extracts integrated @ 15L each +atrazine @ 0.125 kg a.i ha-1(1/4th of the recommended dose) was assigned to sub plots (Factor B). Data were recorded and analy...

Khalid Mehmood1*, Abdul Rehman2 and Ammara Khan1

...formance of improved and conventional groundnut varieties. Logit model was estimated to determine the factors affecting the adoption of improved groundnut varieties. The empirical findings suggested that the input elasticity of production of improved groundnut varieties was greater than that of conventional ones. Most of the farmers considered the improved varieties superior to the conventional
Arsalan Khan1*, Navid Anjum2, Muhammad Shuaib Khan3, Shakeeb Ullah3
Ali Zaman3, Kamran Safdar3, Khalid Muhammad3, Ambrina Tariq4
Muhammad Inam Malik3, Muhammad Kamal Shah3, Atiq ur Rehman3 
and Hamza Maris3
...vermectin (63.24%) being conventionally used.
...trol group (n=100) given conventional treatment (bronchodilator, antioxidant, expectorant antitussive) and the research group (n=100) given pulmonary rehabilitation combined with tiotropium bromide treatment. The BODE indexes of two groups were compared and observed at 4 and 8 months of follow-up. After four months the research group showed significant improvement in dyspnea, 6MWD, FEVl% pred, BMI and BODE index, p<0.05. At eight months of treatment, the im...
Ahmad Wahyudi1*, Sujono Sujono2, Listiari Hendraningsih2, Ari Prima2, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile3 and 
Ivar Zekker4
...e types of feed, namely: conventional feed containing concentrate and forage without urea (CON), TMR, and TMR silage containing 1.5 % urea. The variables have been observed were feed intake and digestibility of dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) and average daily gain (ADG). The data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and followed by Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. The average DM intake (kg head-1 day-1) for CO...
Ou-Mei Hao1*, Xue-Feng Wang1, Zhi-Jun Yue1, Chun-Hong Nan1,Yan Yu1,Tong Zhang2,Yu-Feng Liu3 and Xue Zhao1
...ssion of MPP better than conventional treatments combined with western medicine.
Nasir Ali Tauqir1, Asim Faraz2*, Annamaria Passantino3, Muhammad Asif Shahzad1, Rana Muhammad Bilal4, Adeel Tahir1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2 and Abdul Waheed2
... enzose mixture as a non-conventional protein ingredient in day old broiler chicks. For this purpose, 42 days study was conducted using hubbard broiler chicks (n=200). The birds were divided into 5 groups containing 4 replicates having 10 chicks each. Birds were offered 5 iso-caloric and isonitrogenous broiler starter (metabolizable energy 2850 kcal/ kg; crude protein 20%) diet from day 1-21 and broiler finisher (metabolizable energy 2880 kcal/ k...

Ayesha Muzamil, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir, Shaukat Ali, Iram Liaqat, Aamir Ali, Muhammad Summer

Eman H. Mahrous1, Mohamed. W. Abd Al -Azeem2, Faisal A. Wasel1, Waleed Younis2* 

...d for PCR test and other conventional methods of identification. Recovery of P. multocida isolates of diseased rabbits from lung, liver, and heart were 23 (46%), 11 (22%), 13 (26%), respectively, with a total incidence of 47 (31.3%). Biochemical reactions proved that 20 (42.5%) out of 47 isolates had the typical biochemical properties of P. multocida. However, only 10 isolates were identified as P. multocida using species-specific primers by

Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2

... and fly ash) along with conventional potassium fertilizers (MOP & SOP) on wheat growth and potassium availability in soil. Carbon sequestering fertilizers were applied @ 0% (Control), 0.5 & 1% of soil weight along with recommended rated of commercial K fertilizers. After the crop was harvested, soil sampling was carried out followed by analysis in the laboratory. It was observed that use of press mud @ Yield 1 % in integration with SOP as chemical K f...

Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1, Dilbar Hussain2, Muhammad Luqman3, Muhammad Qasim1, Gulfam Yousaf1, Hamza Latif1 and Muhammad Zeeshan1

...ry non-target effects of conventional synthetic insecticides necessitate evaluating biorational insecticides owing differential chemistry and modes of action than the conventional ones. This laboratory study comparatively evaluated some selected differential chemistry insecticides against some destructive and economically important insect pests i.e. mango mealybug (Drosicha mangiferae Green), mango leafhopper (Idioscopus cly...

M. Hanafy1, Rehab Elhelw2, Soliman M. Soliman3, Sherif Marouf2* 

...f Pasteurella species by conventional phenotypic method and genotypically by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). At the level of biochemical characterization, the incidence of Pasteurella multocida was 40.4%, and Mannheimia haemolytica was 7.1%. Using KMT1 gene for identification of the isolates for P. multocida and SSE gene for identification of the isolates for M. haemolytica, the results revealed that six isolates showing positive PCR for Pasteurella multocida...

Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Umbreen Shahzad2, Azhar Abbas Khan2, Sami Ullah2, Muhammad Arshad Farooq2, Muhammad Kashan2 and Shitab Khan2

...llowed by rotavator) and conventional (20 cm depth, including disc plough, cultivator, rotavator, and levelling operations)] and five irrigation intervals (10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 days) on cotton yield and lint percentage. Total irrigation water used in irrigation treatments, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 days intervals were 1125, 750, 560, 450 and 360 mm, respectively. Results indicated that reduced tillage had higher plant population (32454), plant height (114.8cm), b...

Yan Jiang1,2, Xia Tao3,4 and Hongxia Chen5,6*

...r table. On the basis of conventional treatment, the control group was given prednisone and cyclophosphamide treatment, and the study group was given rituximab-assisted prednisone and cyclophosphamide treatment, both of which were treated for 6 months. The efficacy, adverse reactions, and recurrence rates of 1 and 2 years after treatment, clinical symptom scores and renal function indices such as urine protein quantification (Upro), blood creatinine (Scr), ure...

Sameh Abdel-Moez Ahmed Amer1*, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Kutkat1, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel-Baki1, Asmaa Mahmoud Maatouq1, Omnia Mohamed Kutkat2, Hagar Magdy Ahmed1, Khaled Mohamed El-Bayoumi1 

...try flocks in Egypt. The conventional vaccines can no longer provide an adequate protection for birds against ND outbreaks, where expected to be due to genotype mis-matched vaccines to the rapidly evoluted NDV field strains. Herein, the present study investigated the prevalence and the phylography of currently epidemic genotypes of NDV. Out of 550 samples were collected during an active surveillance in 2020 and 2021 from different poultry farms in five Egyptia...

Lungile Gumede1,2, Thobela L. Tyasi1, Teedzai Chitura1*, Khanyisile R. Mbatha3 

...ormulated by replacing a conventional supplement of Lucerne with M. oleifera. The inclusion levels varied from 0% to 50%. Data on the growth and haematological parameters of the animals used in the study were analysed using a general linear model (GLM) procedure in a completely randomized design. The results indicated that only platelet counts, monocyte counts and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) showed significant differences (p<0.05) amongst the 11 blood pro...

Saba Iqbal, Asmat Ullah*, Muhammad Luqman, Hafiz Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Kashif Munir and Nawal Zafar

...ill planting techniques (conventional techniques). Likewise, it was figured out that minimum water was required in wheat planted at ridge (47266 m3 ha-1) and bed (40772 m3 ha-1) techniques than with broadcast (65347 m3 ha-1) and drill sown (57498 m3 ha-1) wheat. Similarly, higher water use efficiency was recorded in ridge (0.10 kg/m3) and bed (0.13 kg/m3) sown wheat followed by the drill (0.08 kg/m3) and broadcast (0.05 kg/m3) methods. Moreover cost benefit ra...

Riaz Shah1*, Shaikha Hilal Al Ismaili2, Sheikha S. Al-Siaby1, Amal Mohammed Al Nasiri2, Thuraiya Hafidh Al Maskari2, Jamal AlSabahi3 and Huda Al-Ruqaishi3

...esh and dried organic or conventionally grown basil available in Oman. The essential oils from Omani and Indian fresh conventionally grown basil, fresh organic Belgian basil, dried organic Egyptian basil and dried conventionally grown UAE basil were extracted using advanced microwave extraction system. The essential oils chemical composition was determined using Gas Chromatography Mass Spe...

Mohammed H. Galhoum1, Hamza M. Eed2, Essam S. Soliman1* 

...nd slaughterhouses using conventional culturing, biochemical, and serological identifications versus molecular detection. A prospective study was designed to last for six months from March 2021 to the end of August 2021. A total number of 126 chicken samples (100 samples from five broiler chicken farms and 26 samples from two slaughterhouses) were collected from the Ismailia governorate. Each sample was composed of liver, intestine, and breast and thigh muscle...
Heba Mohamed Shaheen1, Ali Meawad Ahmed1*, Hosny Abdelltief Abdelrahman1, Rania Helmy Abohatab Abdou2, Aya Salama Mohamed Kamel1
...tracyclines are the most conventionally used antibiotics for raising chicken in Egypt. The occurrence of antibiotic residues in broiler chicken is the chief causes of the development of antibiotic resistance in food-borne pathogens. Antibiotic resistance is setting the achievements of present day medication at chance. Therefore, in this study 300 chilled broilers carcasses were collected from different poultry markets in Ismailia City, Egypt to evaluate qualit...

Nan Jiang, Tong Liu, Jimin Liu and Guobin Tang*

... control group accepting conventional drug therapy. The therapeutic effects of the two groups were compared. Compared with the control group (77.78%), the overall treatment effective rate of was significantly higher in the experimental group (94.44%), p<0.05. The improvement degree of pulmonary function in the experimental group was more significant than that in the control group, p<0.05. Observing asthma symptom scores of the patients in the two groups,...
Panjono1*, Endy Triyannanto2, Widagdo Sri Nugroho3, Muhammad Danang Eko Yulianto1, Bayu Andri Atmoko1,4
...conducted traditionally, conventionally, and tends to be rough so that the cattle experience torture. Restrain is important in the slaughtering process by using equipment in the form of a restraining box. This study aimed to examine and identify the effect of using the portable restraining boxes (PRB) on the slaughtering efficiency and the level of animal welfare in the slaughtering process of sacrificial cattle during the Eid al-Adha. The study was conducted ...

Bilal Jan1, Farida Anjum1*, Aasma Bibi1, Syed Roohul Hussain1, Abdul Ahad1, Azeem ud Deen1, Zia Ullah2 and Farrakh Mehboob3

...h and development, under conventional agricultural practices especially in developing countries. Pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables have achieved considerable attention due to the unempirical utilization of pesticides. Fruits and their products can serve as potential sources of toxic constituents such as pesticide residues, as they are often consumed unprocessed. This study was designed to assess the pesticide contamination level in different varietie...

Hazel Tamakan* and Huban Gocmen and otitis externa by conventional culture methods, automated identification system and PCR-RFLP. This is the first study to research the presence of MRSP in cats and dogs in Cyprus. The PCR-RFLP method based on the pta gene was confirmed to S. pseudintermedius. Methicillin resistance results were revealed with VITEK 2 and mecA gene detection was performed by PCR. A total of 100 samples including 50 cats and 50 dogs were examined from 6 veterinary clinics. ...

Muhammad Tahir Latif1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Ayesha Latif2, Majid Hamid Bajwa1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Ali Zohaib1, Naeem Faisal1 and Muhammad Hamza3

...e (MTR) in comparison to conventional manual transplanting (CT). Convenience and snow-ball non probability sampling method was used due to less adoption rate of MTR with a sample size of 240. Among targeted MTR growers 72% had 6-row riding type mechanical transplanters (MT), 18% had 4-row walk after type MT and 10% had 8-row riding type MT. Super Basmati and PK 386 were found more adopted varieties with 47% and 38% share of rice area. An 11-13% improved yield ...

Jiang Wu*

...olated and identified by conventional methods as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Escherichia coli and Listeria monocytogenes. Different bacteria were respectively inoculated into LB medium, the OD600 was adjusted to 0.5, and the initial bacterial concentration was adjusted to about 5×108 CFU/mL. T. officinale were dried in a hot air oven, and chemical substances in the dried powder were separated using Soxhlet extraction method with light petroleum as...

Mujahid Tanvir1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Mazhar Iqbal Zafar2, Muhammad Tariq3 and Muhammad Bilal Tayyab1

... by the extensive use of conventional synthetic insecticides against most of which it has developed resistance. This study was aimed at determining the toxicity of selected microbial and synthetic insecticide formulations and botanical extracts against C. quinquefasciatus larvae. Among the n-hexane extracts of 40 indigenous plant species collected from Soon Valley and surrounding salt range of Pakistan bioassayed against C. quinquefasciatus larvae, eighteen bo...

Md. Enayet Kabir1, Md. Jahangir Alam1*, Md. Mosharaf Hossain2, Zannatul Ferdaushi3 

...sis) fed separately as a conventional feeding system. Cattle in the other two treatment groups were fed TMR, where one fed TMR (TMR1) with control ration and the other fed TMR (TMR2) with the same feed ingredients in the same quantity except probiotic fermented rice straw instead of untreated rice straw of TMR1. The trial lasted ninety days. Feeding of TMR2 improved the growth rate (P<0.05) of fattening cattle compared to others. Furthermore, TMR2 fed cattl...

Naseem Sharif1,2*, Imran Muhammad Siqqique2, Muhammad Kashif Raza3, Urwa Irshad1, Muhammad Ikhlaq Khan4, Ammara Noreen4 , Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi1, Mohsin Abbas5, Muhammad Maaz Aziz5, Sitwat Riaz5, Komal Aslam5 and Naseem Akhtar6 basis for initiating conventional breeding programmes and can be helpful in biotechnology for gene transfer process. Management of natural plantation of Ziziphus nummularia in Thal zone is highly favoured to save rich genetic resources of this unique jujube specie.


Syed Muhammad Amir1*, Shehzad Khan2, Asif Ali Abro3, Ehsan Inamullah4 and Tahir Mehmood5

...stify;">Extensive use of conventional energy sources with negative impacts and existing poor farming systems in Pakistan have driven implementation of biogas technology by governmental and non-governmental organizations. This study focuses on the rate of successful adoption of bio gas technology and its multiple impacts on 113 farming households in two purposively selected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (i.e. district Mardan and Dera Ismail Khan). Ba...

Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik1, Khalid Usman1*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Saad1, Said Ghulam2 and Azmat Ullah1

...system (i.e. reduced and conventional) was main plot treatment and potassium levels (0, 50, 100, 150, 200 & 250 kg ha-1) sub-plot. K-levels were applied 50, 100, 150, 200, and 200 kg ha-1 as soil application treatments and 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 as a foliar application of 2% K2SO4 solution at peak boll formation stage. Results revealed that tillage did not influence yield and quality attributes of cotton; however, potassium levels significantly affected yield a...

Waleed Asghar1,2*, Ahmad Mahmood1, Farhan Iftikhar2,3, Bushra Ahmad4, Rehmat Ullah5, Muhammad Bilal5, Abdul Latif6*, Muhammad Arsalan6, Madeeha Khan6, Rizwan Latif7 Muhammad Ehsan7

... waste as an additive to conventional fertilization could save chemical fertilizer’s contribution and minimize soil deterioration by overuse of chemical fertilizers.


Dede Kardaya*, Dewi Wahyuni, Elis Dihansih 

...mercial rations (R1), nonconventional rations + 2% Asam gelugur leaf meal (AGLM) (R2), nonconventional rations + 4% AGLM (R3), and nonconventional rations + 6% AGLM (R4) in a completely randomized design with five replicates containing three ducks each. Ducks were reared in battery cages for five weeks. Measurements were taken on meat physical qual...

Sarzamin Khan1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Rafiullah1, Ibrahimullah1, Ghulam Abbas3*, Jabbar Khan4, Muhammad Saeed Imran5, Asghar Ali Kamboh6 

...t as well as shortage of conventional feed ingredients has driven the dire need to search for alternative protein and energy sources to be incorporated in poultry feed. Insects may be one of the alternative feed source which can be used as a good quality, low-cost and sustainable ingredients of poultry feed. Therefore, the present experiment was designed to explore the effect of dietary inclusion of mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) scales in diet on production perf...

Tertia Delia Nova1*, Yulia Yelita2, Rizky Machicula1

...ed is classified as an unconventional feed that can be used as an alternative feed ingredient for fibrous protein sources. In addition, it contains several minerals, xanthophyll pigments and -carotene which are important nutrients for ducks. However, the practical use of this plant has not been fully studied. This experimental study used a Randomized Block Design with a Split Plot pattern. The ducks were divided into three groups. Each group is further classif...

Huajun Lin, Wei Qu and Zhuxian Yu*

...l group was treated with conventional methods. The clinical treatment effects, connective tissue growth factor (CTGF), TGF-β1 levels in serum and cognitive function were compared between the two groups. The total effective rate of treatment in the combination group was 93.75%, which was significantly higher than 62.50% in the control group (P<0.05); after treatment, the serum CTGF and TGF-β1 levels in both groups were higher than before treatment....

Hagar Magdy Ahmed1, Mohamed Mahrous Amer2*, Khaled Mohamed Elbayoumi1 , Sameh Abdel- Moez Ahmed Amer1, Asmaa Mahmoud Matoaq1 , Mohamed Abdel Aziz Kutkat1, Gomaa Abd El-Rhim Abdel-Alim2  

...sease when compared with conventional vaccination regimes.

Keywords | Newcastle disease virus; Vaccination protocols; Growth Performance; Protective immunity; Genotype-matched vaccines. 


Dede Kardaya*, Ayu Ratnasari, Dewi Wahyuni 

...entation in fermented nonconventional diets on the percentage of spent layer duck carcasses. The study used a completely randomized design with three treatments, and 50 replicates. The treatments consisted of 50% rice bran and 50% aking (leftover rice) diets (R1), 0% GALM in the fermented nonconventional diets (R2), and 6% GALM in the fermented nonconventional diets (R3). The parameters we...

Muhammad Usman1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Nasir Mehmood2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1 and Mamoona Chaudhry3

...specific primers through conventional PCR. We found that 4.3% dogs and 8.9% tick pools were positive for B. burgdorferi s.l. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (86.5%) was the most abundant tick species. 57.1% I. gibbosus and 8.4% R. sanguineus pools tested positive for B. burgdorferi s.l. Phylogenetically, our sequences clustered with B. burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. bavariensis, B. garinii, and B. bissettii sequences sourced from different hosts worldwide. Sequences s...

Shad Mahfuz1,2†, Hong-Seok Mun1,3†, Muhammad Ammar Dilawar1, Keiven Mark B Ampode1,4, Veasna Chem1, Young-Hwa Kim5, Jong-Pil Moon6, Chul-Ju Yang1,7* 

...wo) incubators, control (conventional) incubator and the solar based incubator with 10 replicates each. The experimental duration was 10 weeks (70 days). Feed intake, body weight gain, electricity consumption, environmental parameters includes temperature, humidity, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentration were measured on weekly basis. There were no significant differences on the final body weight, average daily body weight gain (ADG), average daily feed in...

Reza Aghnoum*, Hamid-Reza Sharifi, Masoud Ghodsi and Ahmad Zare Fizabadi

...h three tillage systems (conventional tillage, minimum tillage and no-tillage) as the main plots and three level of crop residue retention (no-residue, 30%, and 60% of residue retention) as the sub-plots that replicated three times during five consecutive cropping seasons. The results showed that fungivorous and free living nematodes exhibited differential responses to tillage and residue retention under different rotation patterns. Analysis of variance showed...

Inam Ul Haq1*, Humara Umar1, Farah Umar2, Naeem Akhtar3 and Muhammad Jan4

...atment of IBA (T1) being conventionally used.


Ghani Akbar*, Zafar Islam, Muhammad Umar and Shahi Salam

...standing water under the conventional flat basin flooding method. 


Xuan Liang, Rongfang Zhang, Yan Xu, Hui Yang, Li Guo, Feiyang Na and Donghai Liu*

... The 3 groups were given conventional treatment. On this basis, control group A was given spleen aminopeptide adjuvant treatment, the control group B was given xinxibao adjuvant treatment, while the observation group was given xinxibao combined with spleen aminopeptide adjuvant treatment. Statistical comparison was made on the clinical efficacy, clinical symptom improvement time and trace element calcium (Ca), zinc (Zn) content, peripheral blood T lymphocyte s...

Manzoor Ali Magsi1*, Naimatullah Laghari1, Ahmed Ali Tagar1, and Habibullah Magsi2

...of return as compared to conventional and no-tillage treatments. Comparable investigations need to be carried out in other ecological zones of Pakistan on different types of soils to introduce appropriate tillage practices that perform better and are site-specific not only for wheat rotation but for other crops. Further experiments should be conducted to analyze the impact of deep tillage treatments on the tillage practices and organic fertilizers on soil prop...

Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil1*, Abdus Subhan3, Ghani Akbar1, Muhammad Asif1, Zafar Islam1, Adnan Shakeel1 and Fawad Anwar2 

...5% of field capacity and conventional irrigation (300mm seasonal requirement) was used. In conventional irrigation methods, irrigation was used to maintain field capacity using 33kPa tension-meter reading during tillering, stem elongation, tillering and grain formation stages. It is clear from the experiment results that parameter of wheat growth including plant height, days to harvest, and number of tillers per plant and gr...

Rinat Islamov*, Dinara Turegeldieva, Altyn Rysbekova, Kuralay Sarmantayeva, Victor Semenuyk 

... of some pathogens among conventional laboratory animals used by some academic institutes and universities of Almaty has been shown. Rodentibacter pneumotropicus has been detected in the SPF animals, while no other pathogens from the FELASA list have been detected. The obtained results show the importance of not only regular health monitoring, but also the need to improve the quality of care and well-being of laboratory animals in some facilities of the Almaty...
Rafik Soliman1, Neven Waheeb2, Essam Nasr2, Mahmoud El-Hariri1, Heidy Abo-Elyazeed1, Hassan Aboul-Ella1*
...itive alternative to the conventionally established expert-dependent techniques. The current work’s main objective is to evaluate the reliability of two widely distributed rapid kits for as a suitable substitution for the gold standard bovine tuberculosis diagnostic techniques. IQRT Anigen Rapid Bovine TB Ab kit and Ubio quick VET Bovine Tuberculosis Antibody kit were used in testing 3750 dairy cattle. The results obtained were compared with the ELISA, b...
Shaker Al-Suwaiegh
... recent attention as non-conventional feed for ruminant animals. The effects of Azolla pinnata on nutrient digestibility, growth performance and blood metabolites of growing Ardi goats were explored. Twenty one growing Ardi goats, 27.0 ± 0.40 kg body weight and aged 4.0 - 5.0 months, were randomly allocated to three equal groups (seven/group) as Azolla pinnata (10.0 and 20.0 % daily feed) and control groups. The trial lasted 12 weeks. Feed intake, feed ...

Muhammad Shakil Ahmad1, Muhammad Afzal1, Liu Yu Feng2, Muhammad Shahroaz Khan1 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*

...esistance to most of the conventional synthetic insecticides. In this study, some previously selected most effective biorational synthetic, botanical and microbial insecticidal formulations were evaluated either alone or in binary combinations against 3rd instar larvae of S. litura under laboratory and then under the field conditions. In both trials, insecticidal treatments affected significantly the mean mortality or reduction of S. litura larvae recorded bot...

S.H.M. Faruk Siddiki1*, Md. Golam Morshed2, Md Robiul Karim1, Lutfun Naher1, Md. Sodrul Islam3

...ations, as well as other conventional laboratory procedures. The recorded clinical cases were classified into ten major diagnostic groups. Parasitic diseases (30.16%), infectious diseases (21.84%), general systemic states (20.12%), digestive disorders (18.55%), gyneco-obstetrical diseases (4.37%), and surgical cases (3.06%) were recorded as major clinical problems, with other diseases having a prevalence of less than 1% for each. Among the ten categories, the ...

Aqleem Abbas1, Mustansar Mubeen2, Yasir Iftikhar2, Qaiser Shakeel3*, Hafiz M. Imran Arshad4, Maria del Carmen Zuñiga Romano5 and Sarfaraz Hussain6

Yuli Retnani1*, Heri Ahmad Sukria1, Indah Wijayanti1, Didid Diapari1, Muhammad Dimas Erlangga1, M Fatahillah Ibsyah1, Taryati1, Nisa Nurmilati Barkah1,3, Novia Qomariyah2,3

...mpared to sheep fed with conventional feed. Processing of agricultural waste into silage and wafers can improve the performance of local sheep so that agricultural waste has great potential to be used as animal feed. 


Zongliang Li1, Rongxin Ma2,*, Yan Wei1 and Jianghua Zuo3

...g to the experiment: the conventional treatment group (taking one tablet of propranolol) and the combination treatment group (topical application of timolol maleate and 32P application). mRNA expression of VEGF and TGF-b was increased in the conventional treatment group compared with the combination treatment group (P<0.05). The protein expression of bFGF and IL-6 in the combined treatment group was lower than that in the...


...ext-align: justify;">The conventional method for the detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis has been based on biochemical tests. A rapid and sensitive method for identification and detection of Xanthomonas axonopodis is required for management of citrus canker. PCR-based diagnostic test is appropriate for monitoring pathogen in a very short time compared to laborious, non-specific and expensive protocols. ELISA, Nested PCR has been used for many years in differen...

Ahmed Abdel-Rady3*, Mohamed Karmi2, Menna_allah Youssef1, Aml M. Abdel-Ra’ouf1, Bahaaa Madkour1 

...R test compared with the conventional method for diagnosis of bovine tropical Theileriosis. PCR proved a highly sensitive and accurate method for diagnosis of bovine tropical Theileriosis especially in detection of blood and lymph smears negative cases.

Nazish Huma Khan1*, Muhammad Sufyan Khan1, Tooba Saeed2, Mohammad Ilyas3 and Hazrat Husaain4
...r this, both medical and conventional methods need to be adopted depending on the severity of viral attack. Moreover, vaccination is also referred to improve the immunity against this viral attack.

Mohamed Adam1*, Hassan Sobhy2, Mohamed Abouzid3, Dalia Elhafny4 and El-Desouki Ibrahim5

...ticides could be used in conventional agriculture without any negative impacts on plant and soil.


Farha Deba1, Rubina Nelofer2 and Muhammad Irfan1*

...terial rather of various conventional procedures that are expensive and not ecologically friendly.
Novelty Statement | The study reports proteolytic/keratinolytic bacteria for the first time from abattoir  region. 

Saddam Hussein Mahmoud* and Shaimaa Nabhan Yassein

...h were detected by using conventional methods such as the germ tube test, urease production, Chlamydospore formation, and chromogenic medium. Hemolysis, phospholipase activities, and biofilm formation were among the virulence tested factors. Hemolysis and phospholipase activities were detected in 76.2% and 83.33% of C. albicans isolates, respectively, while biofilm formation was detected in 100% of C. albicans isolates. The diagnosis was confirmed using 25 of ...

Moustafa M. Zeitoun 1,3; Mohamed M. Mansour 2,4* 

...could be identified with conventional semen quality assessments, but relative in vivo fertility varies significantly for camels considered fertile. Aim; Study the blood and seminal plasma aldosterone and testosterone levels of male dromedary camels and their outcome on semen parameters and fertility. Methods; From breeding history records, depending on fertility status, sixty camels had divided into two groups; control “fertile” (n = 20) and infert...

Jameel-ur-Rehman1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Ahmad Ali Moryani1, Riaz Ahmed Leghari1, Abdullah Sethar2, Ali Raza Nizamani3, Abdul Ahad Soomro3, Kanwar Kumar Malhi1 

...acterial organisms using conventional culture method and isolates were tested for antimicrobial sensitivity according to CLSI method. According to results, the prevalence of bacterial organisms was high (p < 0.05) in CC than CM and LR. E.coli were the most common organism in market and pond fish samples with occurrence of 86.6% and 66.6% respectively. Next most prevalent pathogens were Salmonella spp. (78.3% & 58.3%), Shigella flexneri (61.6% & 53.3...

Peter Amuguni Mbato*, Wanzila Usyu Mutinda, Noah Kipkoech Maritim, Nicholas Edwin Odongo 

...e, respectively, and the conventional complete confinement, treatment D (control). The birds were weighed and their foot pad lesions evaluated at 2, 4, 6 and 8 weeks of age. Liver samples were collected at 8 weeks of age and processed for culture and sensitivity. Relative risk analysis (RR) was used to determine the association between confinement as a risk factor and bacterial infection. Birds in the FRPS had lower body weights that probably results less pres...

Xu Yun-Ming1*, Sun Zhi-Yuan1, Yang Jian-Bo1, Bian Rong-Rong2, Ren Hong-Lin3, Zhong Si-Yuan1, Cai Yu-Hong1, Peng Jing1 and Bao Hua-Xia1

...mized LAMP assay and the conventional PCR. The optimal reaction conditions of LAMP assay (25uL each reaction) comprised 1.0 mol/L betaine, 6 m mol/L Mg2+, 1.4 mmol/L dNTPs, 1.6 μmol/L inner primers (1:1), 0.2 μmol/L outer primers (1:1), 2.5 μL 10×thermpol reaction buffer, 1 μL Bst DNA Polymerase (8U/μL), 1 μL template DNA, at 65 ℃ incubating 60 min. Two strains of B. cereus out of 18 strains were positive result by LAMP assay. The det...

Mehran Ali* and Inamullah

...rovides an edge over the conventional use of synthetic P fertilizer. Moreover, AM fungi provides improved infrastructure to transfers P to plants for growth promotion under reduced P level, and had more potential to improve wheat yields and P uptake on sustainable basis in P deficient calcareous pH soils.


Nadeem Akmal1, Abid Hussain1*, Muhammad Yousaf2, Waqar Akhtar1 and Hassnain Shah1

... with the coexistence of conventional and mechanized farming. In this reference public sector is supporting rice farmers through the knowledge dissemination and service provision in the country for the mechanization of rice crop. In this article economic comparison of mechanical and conventional rice sowing methods in the rice-wheat cropping zone of the Punjab province has been made by applying economic analysis technique. A...

Muneer Abbas1*, Sohail Abbas2, Imran Faraz3, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Zubeda Parveen1, Muhammad Nadeem1, Sana Ullah4* and Malik Akhtar Iqbal5

Ali Mosa Rashid Al-Yasari1, Zahid I. Mohammed2, Haider S. Almnehlawi3,4, Ali F Bargooth5, Nawar Jasim Alsalih1, Huda F. Hasan6*, Mohenned A Alsaadawi1 

...d is commonly applied in conventional medicine to cure a number of ailments. In this investigation, we delivered fresh milk from Arabian camels to adult male rats that had been given STZ to induce diabetes. Three groups of ten adult male Albino rats each were created at random from the thirty total animals. Control group was given ordinary food and free water, the STZ-Diabetes group received one (ip) injection of streptozotocin (40 mg/kg), and the STZ-diabetes...

Hayder M. Watban1,2, Nabeel M.H. Al-Maaly2

...olecular detection using conventional PCR and sequencing. The finding showed that Klebsiella pneumoniae were 31 out of 74(41.89%) from total 100 camels that slaughter in the abattoir. This study indicates that Klebsiella pneumoniae reported higher infection rate as it is the predominant bacteria isolated from pneumonic camels which slaughter in Al-Muthanna abattoir.
Keywords | Camels, Klebsiella pneumoniae, pneumonia, PCR, Al-Mut...
Mahmoud M. Bayoumi
... several advantages over conventional or molecular-based vaccine types. The mRNA vaccine only encodes the target viral protein, with no infection hazard or even nucleic acid integration. Furthermore, mRNA vaccines can stimulate both specific cellular and humoral immunity in a short time scale to combat a life-threatening or emerging viral disease. This review will comprehensively cover the recent advances in mRNA vaccine production, the delivery methods, and t...
Amany M. Reyad1*, Aya Maher Rabie1, Reda Mohamed Taha1 and Khalid El-Dougdoug2
... crucial advantages over conventional methods of controlling pathogenic bacteria in which they have a high ability to self-reproduce, host specificity, and develop with their bacterial hosts. The most common pathogenic bacteria were isolated from fresh meat and identified using the VITEK II automated system. Phages specific to Escherichia coli, ...

Amal Hammad*, Shaaban Gadallah, Tarik Misk, Ahmed Mourad 

...eir poor tolerability to conventional high doses.


Aleena Kokab1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1*, Masood Rabbani1, Wasim Shehzad2, Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Sohail Raza1 and Rida Haroon Durrani1

...ternative or addition to conventional antimicrobials used in the food industry.

Hagag, N.M.*•, Arafa, A.*; Shalaby, M. A. ** El-Sanousi, A. A. **and Aly, M. M. 
...n 2 different formats of conventional RT-PCR (one and two steps) and 3 different formats of RRTPCR (one step using TaqMan probe, two steps using TaqMan probe and two steps using hybridization probe) were performed and compared as a diagnostic tool for H5N1 virus detection. All these formats of PCRs appeared within the same specificity for H5 gene detection, while they showed difference in sensitivity as the one step conventional...

SHARAW11'2*S S. S. A.; AL-HOFUFY2, A. N. and AL-BLOW12, M. H.

...chieved in 10 samples by conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). During further studies performed, it was shown that CPV was isolated in   Chorio-allantoic membranes (CAMs) and in Vero cell as well as demonstration of pock lesions and cytopathic effect (CPE) due to CPV were observed while CPV virus antigen was detected and identified by indirect immune-fluorescent assay (IFAT) in Vero cells. A trial for development of a simple and rapid qualita...

Rawaa Saladdin Jumaa

...ples was amplified using conventional PCR by amplification of the P4b gene. The positive samples had been inoculated on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Thickening of CAM were seen in the first passage, whereas pock lesion at the second (2nd) and third (3rd) passages. The chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells propagated by the prepared infected CAM have shown the cytopathic effect (CPE) that included rounding, detachment of the cells from the monolayer and aggr...
Asad Ullah1, Hayat Ullah2, Muhammad Lateef3, Imrana Niaz Sultan4, Afrasiab Khan Tareen4 and Muhammad Waseem Khan4,5*
...States) in comparison to conventional techniques used for the diagnosis of TB. Our study is one of the first ones from Pakistan investigating and assessing the performance of GeneXpert. We recruited eight hundred clinically TB suspects initially and included seven hundred and sixteen clinically TB suspects in the final analysis. The results of GeneXpert were compared with Mycobacteria Growth Indicator Tube (MGIT) and Ziehl-Neelsen (ZN) staining. In comparison ...

Siqiang Li1,2, Tiantian Wang1, Peng Sun1, Airong Gao1, Xin Gong1, Yuanhong Xu2, Baogen Wang2, Jun Wu1* and Bo Liu1*

...esei was constructed via conventional molecular cloning methods, and expressed in a 5-liter fermentation tank. The target protein was purified in three-step purification and identified by peptide mass of fingerprint. The enzymatic activity and optimal reaction conditions of MDS I were detected using DNA sequencer-assisted fluorophore-assisted carbohydrate electrophoresis. We obtained MDS I with a purity exceeding 90% in gram scales, which was capable of digest...

Kadhim Kh. K. Al-Khayat1*, Athmar K. A. Al-Azawi2

... NAD1 and COX1 genes and conventional PCR during the period from 1/ March / until 31/ May/ 2022 in Baghdad city, Iraq. Rabbits were humanely euthanized and abdomen opened longitudinally to looking for any cyst may be founded grossly in the peritoneal cavity or on the visceral organs, all cysts were examined for their structures scolex, membrane and the size measurements. The fluid was collected from each cyst for measurement the volume, and some cysts were sta...

Muhammad Tahir Latif1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Ali Zohaib2 and Ishtiaq Hassan3

...s of wheat production to conventional tillage/broadcasting method (CT). As the SS has not been adopted on large scale to find out its adopters easily; therefore, twenty innovative farmers were included in sampling frame with non-probability sampling procedure for field survey as well as six field experiments were conducted in Gujranwala zone, Pakistan to evaluate four sowing techniques, i.e., CT, happy seeder, ridge sowing and SS with Randomized Complete Block...

Muhammad Usman1*, Muhammad Uzair Khalid2, Muhammad Hasnain3*, Muhammad Tauseef4, Ali Raza4, Muhammad Akram4, Muhammad Shahid4, Abrar Ahmad4, Muhammad Shoaib Ismail1, Rabia Afzal2, Atta-Ulla2 and Muhammad Hussnain Babar3

... just like zero tillage, conventional tillage, deep tillage, and bed sowing. Result showed that osmo-priming is the best method to increase the plant height (94.74cm), tillers (311.49 m-2), spike length (10.18cm), number of grains per spike (43.24), grain yield (4244.8kg ha-1), straw yield (8330.5kg ha-1) and Harvest Index (33.81%) especially in late-sown wheat. It should help to reduce the time to germinate and increases metabolic actions in plants. Healthy s...

Muhammad Akram1, Anirban Mandal2*, Mehwish Iqbal3, Arindam Mukherjee4, Ritika Bandyopadhyay5, Surendar Rangasamy6, Rida Zainab1, Muhammad Talha Khalil1, Pragnesh Parmar7 and Umme Laila1

...and over prescription of conventional antibiotics. Plant extracts can be good alternative in day-to-day illness instead of antibiotics misuse. Complementary and alternative medicines are good option for treatment of routine ailments. Complexes and constituents with antiviral activity exists in numerous plants, for instance, rutin, a flavonoid glycoside generally found in a range of botanicals, is efficient against herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), herpes si...

Shirina Akter Toma1, Shah Ahmed Belal2, Md Abdul Baset3, Md Nazim Uddin3*

... greater advantages over conventional broilers. The broiler’s meat compared to spent hens has a variety of unique qualities. The current information can be useful for consumers’ healthy lifestyles for the selection of desired muscle meat from commercial spent hen and broiler.
Keywords | Broilers, Spent hen, Meat, Muscles, Nutritional properties, Quality traits

Genlong Zhan1*, Yunhua Zheng2, Desheng Li*4 and Hongmei Zhang3

...l group was treated with conventional western medicine, and the treatment group was treated with self-made Yiqi Huoxue Tongmai Decoction. The efficacy of both strategies was evaluated with clinical symptoms, nerve reflex, electromyography, nerve conduction velocity, and hemodynamics. We found that the number of markedly effective cases in the treatment group was higher than that in the control group. The total effective rate was 89.23% in the treatment group a...
Aatif Masood Ahmad Khan1, Masood Rabbani1*, Arfan Ahmad1, Muhammad Wasim2 and Sohail Raza1
...ection and other for the conventional diagnosis procedure. All isolates were identified as Avibacterium paragallinarum and required nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NAD) for their growth. The isolates were typical for Av. paragallinarum as they were not able to ferment neither galactose nor trehalose. Performing PCR of direct swab samples provided higher detection level as compared to the PCR from isolated colonies following <...

Wafa’a Mohammad Abduwhab1*, Waseem Ali Hasan2, Mohanad Abdulsataar AL-Bayati3

...ved the encapsulation of conventional Lidocaine within a phytosome structure, resulting in the formation of nanoparticles. This modification was undertaken to enhance both the physical stability of the oil and the therapeutic properties of pumpkin seed oil, while simultaneously mitigating the potential side effects associated with Lidocaine. Evaluation of the therapeutic effect of Nano phytosome pumpkin-lidocaine gel on the healing of third burn wounds. Twenty...

Tianhoun Denté Fidèle1,2*, Meda Nãg-Tiéro Roland2, Zabré Geneviève3, Koama Benjamin2, Kaboré Adama1, Tamboura H. Hamidou1, Bélem Adrien Marie Gaston4 

...iated with resistance to conventional anthelmintics observed in small ruminants has led to the development of alternative strategies focusing on the use of medicinal plants. Thus, the present study was carried out to assay total phenolics and evaluate the in vitro anthelmintic efficacy of aqueous and hydroacetone extracts of Combretum micranthum leaves on the parasite Haemonchus contortus. Following phytochemical assay, five increasing concentrations (0.6; 1.2...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar*, Riffat Maqsood, Muhammad Zain, Muhammad Suleman, Tayyab Ur Rehman, Sana Asif, Abdul Wadood and Jawad Hussain

...the diagnosis of Rabies, conventional techniques such as Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test (dFAT) and histopathology are still employed. The OIE and WHO both frequently propose the gold standard test, the Direct Fluorescent Antibody Test (dFAT), for the diagnosis of Rabies in fresh canine brain tissues. The preferred methods for routine diagnosis include PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction), and Mouse Inoculation Test (MIT). In endemic locations, vaccinations with D...
Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1*
...o the control treatment (conventional spacing used by farmers).

Saira Jabeen1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Kamran Ashraf2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

...nature of this pathogen, conventional mastitis control measures often prove ineffective. Hence, the endeavor to combat E. coli mastitis through vaccination appears feasible and economically prudent. This study was aimed at preparation and evaluation of mastitis vaccines prepared by using local E. coli isolate, bearing the aggR gene, derived from mastitis cases in dairy cows. Prior to embarking on vaccine preparation, the immunogenicity of this E. coli (aggR) s...

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Khadija Akram1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Arshad1, Samina Khalid2, Hamza Latif1, Aqsa Amjad1, Nahdia Perveen1, Emaan Sajid1

... natural alternatives to conventional chemical pesticides. The findings underscore a promising avenue for sustainable pest management strategies, emphasizing the pivotal role of plant essential oils in mitigating economic losses and ensuring food security in grain storage facilities.

Muhammad Rafiq,1 Amna Shoaib,1 Arshad Javaid1

... the
current conventional practices against diseases are limited and are associated with toxicity
and resistance. Botanical fungicides have shown enormous antifungal potential against
many sclerotial forming phytopathogens. In the present study, methanolic root extract of
Sonchus asper was assessed for its antifungal activity against R. solani. The methanolic
extract was prepared by soaking dried root...

Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Hammad Ud Din1 and Fazli Amin1

...gation conditions with a conventional watering frequency of once per month. The objective of the study was to identify the best-performing Sesame varieties that would enhance productivity in the target areas. The experiment followed a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The tested Sesame varieties included TS-3, TS-5, TH-6, Till-18, DM-14, Anmol-Till, and Black King. The analysis of variance revealed significant variations in pheno...

Mansoor Ali Khan*, Khalid Imran, Zahid Rauf, Tanvir Hussain, Muhammad Umair Khan and Sajid Ali

... from Peshawar and three conventional varieties were collected from Karak, Kohat and Nowshera. Different conventional (seasoning and titrometric) and spectrophotometric methods were used for sample analysis. Results from the Guava (Psidium guajava) revealed that moisture contents (80.16%), protein (2.52%), fibers (2.22%), phosphorus (1.47%), iron (80.20PPm), Vit-C (1.36%), total phenol contents (180.00mg/100g), calcium (11.0...
Muhammad Shakil Ahmad1, Muhammad Afzal1, Liu Yu Feng2
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Hina Safdar3, Arif Mehmood1, Shahid Iqbal4 and Muhammad Adnan1
...resistance to almost all conventional insecticides and it is imperative looking for novel biorational insecticides to control this pest. In this regard, this study bioassayed some promising biorational insecticides including botanical, microbial and non-conventional synthetic insecticidal formulations against 3rd instar larvae of S. litura. Bioassay with botanical formulations showed a significant toxicity of oil and extract...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir and Khalid Hussain Solangi
...paper in addition to its conventional uses....
Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...transportation vis-a-vis conventional rearing method on silkworm growth and economic cocoon traits was assessed. Besides, different transportation modes and means were evaluated. The results revealed that the young age larvae of C-102 strain reared under cooperative house conditions and transported by motorbike gave 5.12% (larval body weight gain), 11.34% (cocoon weight) and 12.69% (shell weight) more than conventional metho...
Hanif Gul and Mirza Hakim Khan
...omic limit, therefore no conventional control measure were feasible, rather than to wait for improvement in the moisture conditions in coming monsoons and winters. Moisture availability in this way will reduce the stress and reset the health and vigor of the trees, thereby naturally eliminating the insect pests.

Raza-ul-Haq and Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry
...ments were compared with conventional method of planting on four species viz. Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia nilotica and Acacia modesta at Kharian. Data on survival and growth of these species were recorded.

The survival under different water conservation techniques i.e. contour trenches, micro-catchment and Gradoni was 79%, 78% and 82% respectively while in simple pits it was only 70%. The average highest survival p...

Siraj-ud-Din and Abdul Waheed Baloch
...iques were compared with conventional method of planting (simple pit planting) of three species viz. Pistacia khinjak, Elaeagnus angustifolium and Atriplex spp. at Mianghundi Quetta. The above techniques were also compared at Karak valley on Atriplex canisence, A. lentiformus, Ailanthus sp. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Data on survival of all species and height of Atriplex canisence was recorded and analyzed.
The survival of species at Mianghundi und...
Sardar Muhammad Rafique
...clipping and continuous (conventional) grazing were tested in 10 x 10 metres plots. Each plot was sub divided in 10 x 5 metres and chemical fertilized was applied in one sub-plot under each major treatment at the uniform single dose of NPK (1:2:2) at the rate of 100 Kg N, 200 Kg P and 200 Kg K. The experiment was twice replicated. The study has revealed that floristic composition of grass and forbs species had improved manifolds. The vegetation cover percent...
S. M. Rafique
...o grazing + over-sowing, conventional grazing + over sowing and conventional grazing only were tested in two replications. The variables were assigned randomly to 4 plots of 10 x 10 m. Each plot was subdivided into two subplots of 10 x 5 m and one sub plot under each major variable was fertilized for 1st 3 years with uniform dose of NPK (1:2:2) at the rate of 100 kg N, 200 kg P and 200 kg K per ha/year. The results i...
Hanif Gul
... methods other than the conventional chemical control. The new concepts in addition to chemical control for build up of a model of an integrated management of termites were population assessment, wood resistance trails, resistant wood extractive trials, influence of plant stress on termites infestation. Population assessment trial carried out in different localities showed the species wise distribution along with their strength. Wood resistance, trial...
Sardar Mohammad Rafique
... rotational grazing) and conventional grazing (continuous seasonal grazing) were applied randomly in 3 plots of 10 x 10 meter size. Similarly, three sub- plots of 10 x 5 meters size were fertilized with single dose of NPK (1:2:2) at the rate of 100 kg N + 200 Kg P + 200 Kg K per ha in split plot design. Ten permanent sample plots of 1 x 1 meter size (Braun - Blanquet's method) in each sub plot were established for estimation of forage production by clipping ...
M. Ayaz
...85 for the comparison of conventional and improved tools in timber harvesting on the basis of technical labour productivity under an equal and maximum work stress. Result of the study reveal that the technical labour productivity of conventional and improved tools at maximum work stress is 0.47 and 0.61m3 of timber and firewood per man hour respectively. Improved tools were found to have (30%) higher produ...
M.I. Sheikh and Raza-ul-Haq has been planted at a conventional spacing of 6 x 10 ft. To release the congestion and depending on the condition of the crop, first thinning is done in the 6th year, the second in the 12th, another in the 18th year if need be, and the final felling at the age of 20-22 years.

In order to find out the effect of spacing on the pattern of growth, a study was laid out in the Pakistan Forest Institute Research Garden in January, 1978....

Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...n bark hack method. The conventional French method of tapping with and without 10% sodium chloride solution was also used. Increase in diameter of the trees under each treatment was measured after 5 year and it turned out that acid treatments had not adversely affected the tree growth. Also no tree died due to acid treatment. ...
Raja Walayat Hussain and Zaheer Ahmad
...tive forests needs an unconventional approach to reduce the wide gap existing between wood supply and demand. To over come this imbalance foresters and researchers have realized the necessity of raising plantations of fast growing trees for quite some time. In this context they became interested in Hybrid poplars, in general, which ranked high among fast growing tree species owing to their intrinsic qualities and in Poplar clone 1-214, in part...

Muhammad Ikram Ullah Malik1*, Aamir Saleem1, Lubna Ansari1 and Arshad Mahmood Malik2

...ystem as compared to the conventional agricultural crops. An area of one acre (8 kanals) was taken for practicing this model. 3 kanals were used for the plantation of tree species (Poplar and Sheesham), to increase the soil fertility and production of income for the household. 2 kanals were used for the growth of agricultural crops such as wheat (Triticum aestivum), to meet the basic needs of the local communities. The wheat was sown by broadcasting of seed. 2...

Helal F. Al-Harthi1*, Essam H. Eldrehmy1,2, Afaf Eladl3, Marwa I Abd El-Hamid2*

Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Azhar Abbas Khan2, Zeshan Hassan2, Umbreen Shahzad2, Muhammad
Arshad Farooq3, Malik Fahim Abbas4, Aamir Roheen4 than zero tillage and conventional
tillage and conservation tillage may improve yield of cotton in addition to improvement in
soil quality if severe weeds are not infesting the crop.

Ali D. Nashmi1*, Jawad K. Hasan1, Manal A. Ibrahim2 

...and 5, dipyridamole is a conventional antiplatelet drug that increases adenosine. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether dipyridamole plays a role as an anti-inflammatory to improve airway inflammation. A total of 24 healthy rats (albino, male), were weighted (150-300 g), were divided into four groups, each group consisting of six rats; Group A rats were given oral distal water and was considered a negative control group. Group B rats received di...

Muti Ul Hannan1, Wazir Ahmed1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Muhammad Baqir Hussain1 and Khuram Mubeen1

...sortia and foliar K with conventional fertilizers for ameliorating detrimental effects of heat stress on morphological and fiber characteristics of cotton. During study, salicylic acid based Fe, Zn, B consortia (S-N consortia), foliar potassium (K) and compost were used in different combinations along with conventionally used fertilizers. Nutrient Results reveal that integrated use of compost and S-N consortia improved yield...

Agus Subhan Prasetyo, Tutik Dalmiyatun, Siwi Gayatri, Kadhung Prayoga, Wulan Sumekar and Joko Mariyono*

...llot in the glebagan and conventional systems, with a sample size of 100 for each group. The sample selection criteria include the farmers adopting the glebagan system for two years in technically irrigated lands in the peak season of shallot. The control group was selected based on the same seasons. Production function was employed to analyze the impact of the glebagan system. The results show that farmers growing shallots in the glebagan system gained many a...

Muhammad Qasim1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Umair Abbas1, Mehar Zubair Shehzad1 and Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,2

...rmites in Pakistan. Many conventional synthetic insecticides are being used to combat termite infestations with often unsatisfactory control results. This study assessed the comparative toxicity of some prevailing synthetic insecticides with different modes of action against subterranean termites Coptotermes heimi Wasmann (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae) which was found as a dominant termite species in district Sargodha. Filter paper disc-based bioassays revealed t...
Suherman Suherman1*, Muhammad Fahri Rizky1, Zaki Bahrul Fikri1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1,  Zane Vincevica-Gaile2, Anwar Saeed Khan3, Erkata Yandri4,5 and Iswahyudi Iswahyudi6 
...ts are still dried using conventional methods. Although, traditional drying is relatively simple, it has disadvantages such as relatively long drying time, relatively low drying quality, significant damage, and the sun’s ultraviolet rays can also damage the chemical components of dried materials. Therefore, a new drying process technology, Photovoltaic Ventilation (Solar Dryer) was developed to overcome the above problems. In this research, onions were d...

Shoaib Zawar1, Muhammad Waqas Yonas1,2*, Muhammad Mujahid Akbar1 and Abeer Ahmad1

...sowing methods (i.e. the conventional broadcasting, bed sowing (75 cm distance), augmented furrow (60 cm distance), modified drill (15.5 cm distance) and drill sowing (22.5 cm distance). Results revealed that sowing methods significantly influenced wheat production. Among treatments, augmented furrow expressed consistently the higher grain yield (42.46%) compared to conventional broadcast method, which was due to its ability...

Anom Yusuf Tri Bambang Susilo1, Muhammad Fathin Hanif1, Bambang Ariyadi2, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra3, Ali Agus1*

...cularly after the ban on conventional cages. Meanwhile, a bibliometric analysis entails the use of statistical methods to discover patterns and trends in scientific publications. This approach includes studying the quantity of publications, identifying the countries with the highest productivity, and defining the main fields of research. Through this analysis, we could gain valuable understanding of the dynamics and limitations in knowledge within the field. I...

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Asmat Ullah2, Arbab Jahangeer1, Naveed Akhtar3, Tahira Tabassum3, Ali Zohaib3, Naveed Ramzan3

...treatments were control (conventional), plastic mulch (PM), wheat straw mulch (WSM), farm yard manure mulch (FYMM) and FYMM + WSM. Mulching significantly increased soil water contents (32%), hydraulic conductivity (5%) whereas reduced soil salt contents (67%) and bulk density (12%) compared to control especially where FYMM + WSM were applied. This treatment also gave higher values of soil organic matter (43%), total nitrogen (31%) and available phosphorous (62...

Byamungu Mayange Tomple1*, Ik-Hwan Jo2, Rajaraman Bharanidharan1, Seun-Gun Won2 and Muhammad Mahboob Ali Hamid3*

...concerns associated with conventional farming practices.

Nurhayati1*, Chandra Utami Wirawati2, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri1
...pected to be used as non-conventional alternative feedstuff to be tested as feedstuff for various types of poultry.
Keywords | Mineral addition level, Fermentation duration, Palm kernel cake, Cassava byproduct, Aspergillus niger, Nutrient value
Nurhayati1*, Chandra Utami Wirawati2, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri1
...pected to be used as non-conventional alternative feedstuff to be tested as feedstuff for various types of poultry.
Keywords | Mineral addition level, Fermentation duration, Palm kernel cake, Cassava byproduct, Aspergillus niger, Nutrient value

Sana Nawaz1, Shahzor Gul Khaskheli1*, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1, Inayatullah Rajper2, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh3, Ashfaque Ahmed Khaskheli1 and Shaista Soomro1

...plications. Common and unconventional manufacturing processes for FV waste utilization are discussed, emphasizing the importance of adopting new technologies to achieve high recovery rates of substances that are bioactive. These extracted compounds hold potential applications in food, medicine, cosmetics, chemistry, and functional foods. Fruits and vegetables are highly valuable horticultural crops, offering health benefits and culinary versatility. However, s...
Hend E.M. Elsheikh1*, Mamdouh F. El-Mekkawi1, A.A. Abou-Zaid1 and 
Amal M. Abd El Raof2
...protein gene (958-bp) in conventional PCR.


Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

...heck, where berseem is a conventional green manure crop. Incorporation of 4% parthenium along with NPK adversely affected all the parameters studied, which perhaps was due to its allelopathic effect at higher concentration. Berseem also showed allelopathy to maize and sorghum even greater than parthenium, as it inhibited all the parameters studied. Further research is suggested to confirm these findings.


Huzaifa Hammad1, Bakhtiar Gul1, Haroon Khan1, Muhammad Fawad1*, Hafizullah2, Haidar Ali3 and Tamana Bakht4

...mes cover cropping) with conventional weed control practices in maize crop. The experiment was carried at the New Developmental Farm, the University of Agriculture, Peshawar during Rabi season 2021, using Randomized complete block (RCB) design with ten treatments, replicated three times. Data was recorded on days to 50 % tasseling, silking, and maturity, plant height, fresh weed biomass, dry weed biomass, weed species composition, biological yield, thousand gr...

Afnan Ahmed Allhyani1, Mohamed Baeshen1, Nagwa Thabet Elsharawy2,3

...a natural alternative to conventional formulations for those interested in naturally based products.
Keywords: Ethanolic extraction, Water extraction, Foodborne pathogens, Antimicrobial agents, Meat preservation, Goat meat

Israa M. Essa*, Ghazi Y. Azzal, Alaa Tariq Abdulwahid

Niaz Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Aslam1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Khalid Hussain2, Muahammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Irshad1, Zubeda Parveen1, Fiaz Hussain3 and Azhar Mahmood Aulakh4
...o;Thal-2020” using conventional plant breeding procedures. This variety expressed higher yield potential, bold seed size and resistance to various diseases. The breeding process commenced in 2006-07 by crossing two local genotypes, 97086 (female parent) and 950130 (male parent), to create genetic variability for bold seed size. Recombinants having higher yield along with bold grains were selected from the F2 population raised from the F1 seed. Subsequent...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Abdul Hafeez Mastoi2, Sanaullah Sattar3, Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito4 and Shahid Ali Jakhrani1

Preetysh Nanda Patnaik1, V.K. Venkataramani1, N. Jayakumar1, R. Durairaja1, Adyasha Sahu 1 and C. Sudhan2*

... network. With regard to conventional morphometry in portunid species, only few characters are seemed to be diagnostic and many characters are found to be overlapping. Hence, Truss morphometry was attempted. Eleven truss distance landmarks were fixed on the cephalothorax dorsal surface using tpsUtil and digitized using tpsDig computer software package. A set of multivariate methods (Principal component analysis and Discriminant function analysis) was performed...

Yusuf Subagyo*, Merryafinola Ifani, Hermawan Setyo Widodo

...hemicals and can replace conventional concentrates up to 30% of goat feed without significantly affecting productivity and milk quality.
Keywords | Peranakan etawa goat, C. calothyrsus, Concentrate, Milk quality, Milk production, Phytochemical
Hend E.M. Elsheikh1*, Mamdouh F. El-Mekkawi1, A.A. Abou-Zaid1 and Amal M. Abd El-Raof2
...V and MEVAC-LSDV. So the conventional PCR targeting the partial EEV Glycoprotein gene is a quick and precise method for identifying LSDV. Also, the Partial sequence of EEV Glycoprotein gene has the ability to perform DIVA approach when use MEVAC LSD vaccine. In contrast it’s not capable to do the same on Al-Abbasya LSDV vaccine due to unlikely presence of 27 nucleotides that specific for field strain in this type of vaccine.

Hend E.M. Elsheikh1*, Mamdouh F. El-Mekkawi1, A.A. Abou-Zaid1 and Amal M. Abd El-Raof2
...V and MEVAC-LSDV. So the conventional PCR targeting the partial EEV Glycoprotein gene is a quick and precise method for identifying LSDV. Also, the Partial sequence of EEV Glycoprotein gene has the ability to perform DIVA approach when use MEVAC LSD vaccine. In contrast it’s not capable to do the same on Al-Abbasya LSDV vaccine due to unlikely presence of 27 nucleotides that specific for field strain in this type of vaccine.

Nor Adila Zulkifli1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1*, Zalilawati Mat Rashid1, Zarinah Zakaria1, Norshazila Shahidan2, Lee-Hoon Ho1 and Faridah Yahya3
...elulut honey compared to conventional heating as it only increased from 14.33 mg/kg to 34.44 mg/kg. According to these findings, the application of ultrasounds at 20% for 5 minutes was the most suitable combination of amplitude and treatment time as it could minimize the increase in HMF. Thus, it can be concluded that ultrasound processing can be used as an alternative method to the producers in providing minimally-processed Kelulut honey and maintaining the q...

Mostafa R. Zaher1,2*, Amir A. Shehata1, Azza M. El Amir2, Naglaa M. Hagag1, Reham H. Tammam3**

...pment, highlighting both conventional and innovative technologies that could enhance vaccination effectiveness and availability.Various types of FMD vaccines have been discussed, including inactivated, attenuated, virus-like particles, peptide, and nucleotide-based vaccines, highlighting their properties, drawbacks, and recent advancements. Besides, the use of adjuvants and delivery systems to boost vaccine performance was also reviewed. Furthermore, we explor...

Ningyu Zhu, Runzhen He, Qianrong Liang, Xiaoye Zheng, Gaohua Yao, Wenjun Ma and Xueyan Ding*

... more sensitive than the conventional PCR. Moreover, the coefficient of variations was less than 1% for both intra-assay and inter-assay, and no cross reaction was found in other aquatic viruses such as GCRV, KHV, ISKNV and NNV. 54 samples were detected positive from 104 clinical samples by the SYBR Green I RT-qPCR assay, while 22 samples were detected positive by the conventional PCR. The SYBR Green I RT-qPCR assay showed t...
Rukayat Omolara Folarin1,2, Nurhadirah Hairil1, Nurafiqah Anis Ismail1, Putri Athirah Zamrifana1, Lina Nadhirah Abdullah1, Muhammad Afiq Zabhin1, Ariff Imran Alkaf1, Farrah Izzuanie Zainudin1, Hanisah Basir1, Asmad Kari1, Enike Dwi Kusumawati3, I Wayan Karyasa4 and Connie Fay Komilus1*
...ion is an alternative to conventional planting, providing a constant supply of green fodder for livestock year-round. It involves growing plants without soil in water or a nutrient-rich solution in a greenhouse. All parts of the hydroponic fodder (leaves, stems, roots, and grain) are fed to livestock by the farmers. This experiment aimed to identify the effect of goat manure liquid fertilizer on growth performance, production yield and proximate composition of...

Eslam Arafa1,2, Hanan M.F. Abdien1*, Mohamed Ali Zain El-Abideen3, Emad Diab2,4, Mahmoud Assad2,5, Mohamed Tarek3, Mohsen M.Z. El-Dimerdash1, Wael K. Elfeil1

...rnal immunity induced by conventional vaccines due to the mismatch between vaccine strains and circulating variants. It is advisable to conduct further epidemiological research on various circulating genotypes and develop targeted autovaccines to address the reovirus situation in Egyptian flocks effectively.
Keywords: ARV Isolation, Viral arthritis, Running-stunting syndrome, ARV vaccine, ARV Egypt
Khalid Abdullah1, Muhammad Mamoon-ur-Rashid2*, Muhammad Safdar Baloch3, Iqtidar Hussain3, Zuhair Hasnain4 and Muhammad Naeem2
...armer’s practices (conventional approach) where 7 and 10.5% infestation of fruit flies was recorded in dropped and harvested fruits. In conclusion, the IPM protocol comprising of the combination of bait application, MAT, orchard sanitation and the cover spray of plant derivatives was most effective in reducing fruit flies in mango orchards.


Ammara Khan1, Khalid Mehmood1,2*, Ali Raza1, Ishtiaq Hassan3 and Ayesha Sultana4,5

...ces with the unappealing conventional practice of residues burning on yield performance of wheat crop. Results reveal the highest average wheat grain yield by residues incorporation practice (4366 kg/ha) followed by zero tillage practice (4289 kg/ha) and then conventional residues-burning practice (4047 kg/ha), respectively. Similarly, greater germination count, number of productive tillers and grains per spike were observed...

Muhammad Ridla1,2*, Nahrowi1,2

...for reducing reliance on conventional protein sources such as soybean meal, thereby contributing to more sustainable livestock feeding practices.
Keywords | Cassava pulp, Eco-friendly, Indigofera, Methane, Mitigating, Silage

Saad Ahmad1, Shahbaz ul Haq1, Shujaat Hussain2, Khurram Ashfaq1, Shahrood Ahmed Siddiqui3,4, Arsalan Khan5*, Abubakar Yameen1, Muhammad Wasim Usmani6, Rafiq Ullah7 and Muhammad Arslan Aslam1*

...reen light, with that of conventional suturing in a canine model. Twenty mongrel canines were divided into two groups: Group A underwent PTB, and Group B received conventional suturing for closure of ventral midline cutaneous incisions. Parameters assessed included healing score, healing time, tensile strength of the healed tissue, and histological characteristics. The PTB group demonstrated superior outcomes in several para...

Roheena Abdullah*, Kinza Nisar, Afshan Kaleem and Mehwish Iqtedar

...ity was identified using conventional methods, including morphology and microscopic features, and confirmed by 18S rDNA gene sequencing using specific ITS primers. The selected strain was then subjected to sequencing and phylogenetic analysis to further characterize its properties. The result indicates the selected strain was found to be A. niger.and this strain was given code A.niger KBT-3. The Five fermentation media were also screened. The Medium2 gave high...

Yousaf Jamal1, Muhammad Zubair Anjum1*, Zahir Muhammad1, Saira Amin1, Muhammad Irfan1 and Muhammad Qayash Khan2

...loc technology (BFT) and conventional pond culture systems (CPCS).Fish samples (n=5) of the same age (120 days) were collected and analyzed. Results showed significantly (p>0.05) higher growth performance in BFT as compared to CPCS in terms of daily weight gain (DWG), total weight gain (TWG), specific growth rate (SGR), productivity and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Various hematological parameters i.e., white blood cells (WBC), red blood cells (RBC), hemogl...

Imelda Siska1,4, Ambo Ako2*, Asmuddin Natsir3, Renny Fatmyah Utamy2

...ial as an alternative to conventional forages due to their high protein content. However, their use is constrained by anti-nutritional factors such as hydrogen cyanide (HCN) and tannins, which require proper processing. This study aims to assess and examine the processes of haymaking and activated charcoal soaking to optimize the use of cassava leaves as a sustainable substitute for green forage for Ettawa crossbred goats in dry and rainy seasons. A completely...


Mahesh Raj Pant 1 Dipti Shrestha 1 Shovana Thapa 2

Volume 2, Issue 3 May and June 2018 Pages 53-60
...cimens were processed by conventional culture technique and antibiogram of isolates were done by modified Kirby-Bauer disc-diffusion method. Out of 219 skin pus samples, 132 (60.3%) were reported to be bacterial culture positive. Eight different bacterial species were identified as; S. aureus 75 (56.8%), Coagulase negative S. aureus (CONS) 20 (15.2%), Escherichia coli 13 (9.8%), Citrobacter spp. 7 (5.3%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa 5 (3.7%), Klebsiella spp. 5 (3.7...

Praveen Reddy P., K. Sandhya  and Aparna Srikantam*

...rstood. Furthermore, the conventional therapies are not effective for all patients with psychiatric disorders. Hence, alternative therapeutic strategies/agents are much needed. Clinical researchers suggest that certain microorganisms (beneficial microorganisms/probiotics) could be substituted for conventional therapies and/ or can be used in combination with current drugs. Such beneficial microorganisms which can influence t...


E.O. Garuba1*; O.M. Ajunwa2; O.S. Oguntomi1; A.A. Onilude1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 624-640
...E29; respectively, under conventional fermentation process. However, under electro-fermentation, increased enzyme yields of 129.6± 0.002 U/ ml, 164.9± 0.001 U/ ml, 125.3± 0.002 U/ ml, and 136.6± 0.001 U/ ml, for same respective isolates was obtained. The biophysical characteristics of the enzymes produced showed that the thermostable lipases had optimum activity at a temperature range of 45oC - 55oC, pH of 7 - 9, and enhanced activi...

Taiba F. Al-Mayyahi, Dhafer A. Jameel and Haider A. Alghanmi*

... impact of spraying with conventional and nano-NPK fertilizer on several vegetative Growing properties and composition of Lactuca sativa var. capitata L., the experiment included two fertilizer treatments, 2 and 4 g/l of conventional and nano-NPK fertilizer, in addition to an un-fertilized control group. The results showed significant superiority of Nano NPK 4g/l treatment in the characteristic of leaf number, vitamin K, pho...

Saad Rasheed1, Dilbar Hussain2, Usama Saleem1, Muhammad Usman1, Zeeshan Javed1, Saqlain Irshad1, Muhammad Imran1, Usama Bilal1, Saddam Hussain3, Rashid Ali1 and Muhammad Asrar1*

...ted the effectiveness of conventional insecticides and indigenous plant extracts against sucking insect pests (Whitefly and Jassid) on sunflowers. Two different concentrations (50 ml/L and 100 ml/L) of botanical extracts of Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus globulus, Nicotiana tabacum, Piper nigrum, and Allium sativum were tested. A. indica caused maximum mortality (58.93% and 60.48%, respectively) of whitefly and Jassid @ 50ml/L after one week of treatment. At 1...

Shahbaz Hussain1*, Atif Naeem1, Asif Ameen2, Muhammad Yousuf3, Imtiaz Hussain3 and Muhammad Ehsan Safdar4

...anting of rice (MTR) and conventional transplanting of rice (CTR) were compared at various locations. Data on yield-contributing traits and paddy yield were recorded. An Economic analysis was also carried out to determine the cost-effective planting method. Rice cultivars PK-386 and Super Basmati produced the highest number of tillers (410 and 350 m-2) under DSR, while the lowest number (276 m-2 and 253 m-2) from CTR, respectively. Number of grains per panicle...


Rabaa Yaseen1; Ahmed I. S. Ahmed2; Amal M. Omer1*; Mohamed K. M. Agha2; Tamer M. Emam1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 884-900
...rtant alternative to the conventional fertilizers and pesticides, due to their potential roles in crop production, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and mitigating the adverse impacts in soil. The aims of the current study were to highlight nanotechnology in terms of several important definitions including; nano-fertilization, biosynthesis of nano-fertilizers and the use of nanomaterial as an alternative to the traditional mineral fertilizers. This is i...


Shimaa, A. Abdel Salam1; Raghda, Hager2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 968-978
...the E-test. In addition, conventional Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out for detection of mcr-1 gene among the colistin GNB resistant isolates. Most of the GNB isolates (60 %) were recovered from blood samples. Klebsiella pneumoniae (K. pneumoniae) was the most common isolated bacterium; that was represented by 24 isolates (68%). Out of the 35 GNB, only five isolates (14.3 %) were resistant to colistin by E-test, with MIC >256 𝜇g/ ml. The mc...


Mojisola, C. Owoseni*; Clara Ginikanwa; Bashiru Sani; Peter Uteh Upla

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1132-1145
...ed microorganisms as the conventional antibiotics that were used as positive controls. Results obtained indicate the risk of nosocomial infections caused by multidrug resistant pathogens originating from the hospital environment. Good hygienic practices, public awareness on nosocomial infections and further research into ethnomedicine are hereby recommended.


Omnia A. Eltantawy1*; Amany M. Kamal2; Lamyaa E. Allam3; Nadia M. Elsheshtawy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1227-1240
...ate early diagnosis. The conventional blood culture has lots of false-negative results besides being time consuming. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a rapid diagnostic tool that helps in saving the patients’ life. This study aimed to investigate the feasibility of multiplex PCR in early diagnosis of IE compared to the conventional blood culture, and to evaluate its impact on IE diagnosis in cases of negative blood c...

Shrikant Verma1; Mohammad Abbas1,2*; Sushma Verma1; Aliya Abbas Rizvi1; Almas Khan1; Syed Tasleem Raza3; Farzana Mahdi1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1313-1324
...dology that thinks about conventional elements (i.e. age, sex, clinical aggregate), just as arising hereditary qualities and connections with natural components, to individualize prevention; diagnosis, treatments and prognosis. The aim of this review was to summarize how precision medicine is impactful in the management of COVID- 19.



Noura El-Kattan1*; Kamilia A.M. Allam2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1447-1462
...nd then identified using conventional biochemical methods and API 20 kits. Staphylococcus aureus was found to be the most prevalent isolate (26.1 %), following by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25.2 %), Klebsiella pneumonia (23.5 %), Acinetobacter baumannii (12.2 %), Proteus vulgaris (7.8 %), and the less common isolate of Escherichia coli (5.2 %). Among 14 antibiotics tested in vitro for their susceptibility using the standard disk diffusion assay, results showed th...


Salwa Mahmoud Masoud1; Rehab Mahmoud Abd El-Baky1,2; Sherine A. Aly3; Reham Ali Ibrahem1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(2): 1543-1556 carried out using the conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). High prevalence of ESBLs producers (61.6 %) was detected, whereas ESBLs and MBLs production was significantly associated with high multiple antimicrobial resistance index (MARI). The bla-TEM was the most prevalent genotype (94.6 %), while the prevalence of bla-NDM and bla-IMP was 45.9 % and 40.5 %, respectively. Imipenem and amikacin were the most effective antibacterial antibiotics. The cu...


Heba Ahmed Mohamed1*; Gamal Fadl Mahmoud Gad1; Mona Fattouh Mohamed2; Hend Harby Ahmed3; Ameer Effat Elfarash4; Nahed Fathallah Fahmy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1801-1820
...nd then identified using conventional methods and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Antibiotic sensitivity testing was carried out using the Disk diffusion method, followed by PCR testing of the common carbapenemase-encoding genes, including OXA-51, OXA-58, KPC, GES, IMP, NDM, VIM, SIM, and GIM. Genotyping was performed using the Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus-Polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR). About 85 % of A. baumannii strains were multidr...

Omnia Karem Riad*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2734-2749
...mising. When compared to conventional antibiotics, these tactics have different mechanisms of action that may slow the emergence of antibiotic resistance.


Asmae Benabderrahmane1*; Majid Atmani1; Kaoutar Hamriri1; Zoubida Laghrari2; Saadia Belmalha3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2790-2808

Maytham Askar Alwan Al-shabbani1, Hawraa Nasser rufaish1, Hassan Hachim Naser2, Murtadha Abbas3*, Hazem Almhanna4

...spp. was conducted using conventional PCR, sequencing, and phylogenetic techniques based on the 18S rRNA gene. The blood isolates from cattle and sheep were subjected to PCR-based molecular assays, which detected Theileria and Babesia infections at 694 bp and 383 bp, respectively. PCR products from positive isolates were then used for DNA sequencing to construct the phylogenetic tree of Theileria and Babesia species using partial 18S rRNA gene sequences. NCBI-...

Muddassir Ali1*, Fraz Ahmad Khan1, Hafiz Mutther Javed1, Syed Ali Zafar1, Atif Naeem2, Ahmad Jawad2, Bilal Ashraf2 and Tahira Bibi1

Diego Armando Tuárez García1, Hernán Humberto Chevez Véliz2, Luis Humberto Vásquez Cortez3,5, Kerly Estefanía Alvarado Vásquez4, Jaime Fabián Vera Chang1, Cynthia Yadira Erazo Solorzano1 and Frank Guillermo Intriago Flor6
... density compared to the conventional yellow banana. Its flavor, often likened to fresh raspberries, makes it a promising alternative for both local consumption and export. Despite its potential, limited scientific data on Maqueño bananas produced in Ecuador has prompted this study, which aims to characterize their physical and chemical properties. This research was conducted in El Empalme and La Maná, two Ecuadorian towns, to evaluate how geogra...

Hong Sun and Jie Shao*

...eceived somatostatin and conventional treatment, and the experimental group adopted modified Dachengqi decoction based on the controls. After treatment, the incidence of complications in experimental group was lower as against controls (P < 0.05). The duration of gastrointestinal symptoms and recovery time of gastrointestinal function in experimental group were shorter as against controls (P < 0.05). The level of amylase (AMS) in blood and urine of two g...

Duo Yuan, Bin Shi and Yanhua Tu*

...up CWM were treated with conventional western medicine, while the group SCD were treated with SCD. After one month, the clinical efficacy, IL-6 and TNF-α levels of the groups were compared. The results showed that the total effective rate was significantly higher in the group SCD than the group CWM (P<0.05). Moreover, the psoriasis area and severity index (PASI), four item itching questionnaire (FIIQ) scores, and the IL-6/TNF-α levels at 1 and 3...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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