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Zaheer Ahmed Deho1, Shamsuddin Tunio2, Qammaruddin Chachar2, Fateh Chand Oad2

...r values for most of the traits like sympodial branches plant-1 (14.28), seed cotton yield plant-1 (51.04g), seed cotton yield (2223kgha-1), ginning out turn (36.8%), seed index (7.4 g), and seed germination (58.5 %) as compared to other varieties. The normal (1st May sown crop) sowing showed significantly highest values for boll weight (3.18g), seed cotton yield plant-1 (65.2g), seed cotton yield (2711 kg ha-1), seed index (7.7g), staple length (27.60mm), and...

Mohammed Ali Hussain, Zakiya Ahmed Hassan

...aize hybrids for all the traits. The hybrid un44052 x DK took minimum days to tasseling (65.83 days) and silking (68.50 days). Hybrid zp-707 x un 44052 was short statured (155.59 cm) with desirable ear height of 62.93 cm. However, maximum leaf area produced by hybrid DK x Hs in both locations with averages 768.56, 670.26 and 719.42 cm2, respectively, while hybrid sangaria recorded maximum value for 300 grains weight 68.16 g and the hybrid IK 8 x zp-707 showed ...

Malik Ikram Ullah1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Inayatullah Awan1, Muhammad Munir2, Ghazanfarullah1

... trial. Growth and yield traits and quality such as plant height, stem diameter, leaf area plant-1, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, green fodder yield, dry matter yield, crude protein, crude fiber and ash percentage were significantly increased with increase nitrogen levels (200, 240, and 280 kg N ha-1). However, highest benefit-cost ratio was estimated when 240 kg N ha-1 was applied which was found best compromise between forage yield and quality for ma...

Shahid Iqbal Awan1*, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad2, Muhammad Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Aurangzeb Rao1

...for morpho-physiological traits. Simple correlation coefficients indicated that grain weight had a significant positive relationship with residual transpiration, osmotic adjustment, cell membrane stability, flag leaf weight, specific flag leaf weight, while negatively correlated with specific flag leaf area. These results indicated the importance of physiological traits and their positive influence on grain weight. Multivari...

Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi

...liefs, and psychological traits. The findings regarding religiosity have been striking. Academics, especially eminent ones, turn out to be quite irreligious. This is especially striking for academics in the United States, where a culture which is manifestly the most devout among First World nations has produced a sub-culture, which is a mirror image of itself. How can we explain the secularity of academics? Research indicates that it has to do with a process o...

 David F. Bradley*, Julie J. Exline, Alex Uzdavines (Big Five personality traits, adult attachment style, and socially desirable responding) were not strong predictors of the characteristics nonbelievers assign to hypothetical gods. Seeing a hypothetical god as more loving, less cruel, and less distant was associated with more past positive emotional experiences with gods, less past anger at gods, less participation in explicitly nonreligious activities, and greater desire for gods to exist. Basing a hypothe...

Ummara Waheed Khan, Raza Ahmed, Irum Shahzadi and Mohmmad Maroof Shah

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...cultivars with desirable traits through somaclonal and gametoclonal selection. While successful tissue culture is critical for genetic transformation, it has been facing greater impediments in wheat and related crop species. Its success depends largely upon the average effect of several important factors including explant tissue, culture medium, plant genotypes, and their interactions, the detail of which is not fully explored. Current ...

Tauseef Taj Kiani1*, Mozammil Hussain1 and Hidayat ur Rahman2


...sub>) were quanti ed for traits including shelling percentage, kernels per row, kernel rows per ear, and 100-grain weight and grain yield. Non-additive gene action was evident for shelling percentage, kernels per row and 100-grain weight and grain yield for which both heterosis and inbreeding depression were expressed by crosses like NCMLQ2 x NCMLD2 and NCMLQ2 x NCMLD4. The parental lines used in above F

Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Mohammad Tariq Jan2, Mohammad Jamal Khan3 and Abdul Bari4

...ment methods for all the traits except emergence %. Planting sources exhibited significant differences for emergence percentage. The interaction of cane portions and setts placement methods were significant except for emergence percentage. Millable canes showed significant interaction for planting sources and setts placement methods. Maximum cane yield was recorded for top portion and triple setts. Millable canes excelled when top portion from standing source ...

Tahir Khan, Raziuddin, Fakharuddin* and Muazam Jamal Razi better for different traits. Whereas among F4 populations, cross combinations CA5 × DH8, CA2 × DH7, CA2 × DH8, CA5 × DH7, CA4 × DH7 and CA4 × DH8 performed better. Plant height and main raceme length displayed moderate to high broad sense heritability and maximum genetic advance for most of the F4 populations. Current results suggested the effectiveness of selection in early generations for the impr...

Qaizar Ahmed1, Fida Mohammad2, Hidayat-ur-Rahman2, Sheraz Ahmed2* and Fakharuddin2

...gronomic and biochemical traits in Flue Cured Virginia tobacco. Seven tobacco varieties/lines, ‘NC606’, ‘K399’, ‘Spt G 126’, ‘Spt G 28’, ‘KHG21’, ‘KHG22’ and ‘KHG24’ with contrasting traits were crossed in all possible combinations to generate 7 x 7 diallel crosses. In 2008 and 2009, all F1 hybrids along with their parent cultivars...

Muhammad Jurial Baloch1*, Ghulam Murtaza Channa2, Wajid Ali Jatoi2, Abdul Wahid Baloch1, Imdad Hussain Rind1, Muhammad Ahmed Arain1 and Ayaz Ali Keerio1

...enetic analysis of yield traits from half diallel crosses was carried-out. Mean squares due to GCA and SCA were significant for days to 75% maturity, tillers plant-1, spike length, spike density, grains spike-1, grain yield plant-1, seed index and harvest index. Significance of GCA and SCA variances suggested that both additive and non-additive genes were controlling these characters. The magnitude of SCA variances were higher ...

Murad Ali Khan and Mohammad Akmal 

...d and yield contributing traits of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid Hysun-33 at the Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan during spring 2011 and repeated in spring 2012. The planting geometries were (a) 70 x 20 cm with rows spaced at 70 cm and plants spaced within the rows at 20 cm and (b) 90 x 15.5 cm with rows spaced at 90 cm and plants spaced within rows at 15.5 cm. It is important to mention here that 70 cm is the ...

 Muhammad Ishaq and Raziuddin

...y and plant architecture traits. Analyzed data revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for days to flowering, maturity, plant height, primary branches plant-1 and main raceme length. Analysis of combining ability revealed highly significant GCA (general combining ability), SCA (specific combining ability) and RCA (reciprocal combining ability) effects for the studied traits. Based on GCA, best general com...

 Gul Naz and Mohammad Akmal

...ties for yield and yield traits, Pirsabak-2005 produced the highest grain yield (3043 kg ha-1) and the minimum (2494 kg ha-1) grain yield was observed by wheat variety Saleem-2000. The highest grain yield of the variety corresponds to higher thousand grains weight (46.98 g), spikes per meter square (263) and grains spike-1 (37.24). Variety Saleem-2000 showed the minimum number of spikes m-2 (242) and grains spike-1 (34.13). It can be concluded from results tha...

 Umed Ali Laghari, Ahmed Naqi Shah, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro, Zia-ul-Hassan, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro and Khalid Hussain Talpur

...-significant for all the traits of grass pea under study. As expected, the increasing rate of K significantly (p<0.05) increased various growth traits and yield of grass pea genotypes. The crop supplied with 20 kg K2O ha-1 produced maximum branches per plant (5.2), pods per plant (32.3), seeds per pod (4.7), seed index (82.7 g) and seed yield (2589 kg ha-1) when compared with 0.0 and 10 kg K2O ha-1. Interestingly, Sel-449...

 Arif Khan, Abdur Rahman, Shoail Akhtar, Siraj Uddin, Zahid Ullah and Nazir Ahmad

...rovement in beef quality traits and could be a potential source of quality beef for export in future.


Mian Shamas Murtaza1, Aysha Sameen1, Nuzhat Huma1 and Fatma Hussain2

...t cheese for most of the traits. Hence, it was concluded that hydrocolloids particularly guar gum can effectively be used up to 0.45% to improve the functionality and acceptability of low fat Cheddar cheese.


Sungil Kim1, Muhammad Riaz2, Amjad Farooq3 and Sungkwon Park4*

...erformance, pork quality traits, and fatty acid composition in loin were analyzed. No significant difference in growth performance and quality traits of pork loin between control and DDGS was observed. Fatty acid composition in pork belly, however, was significantly affected by DDGS treatment. Levels of palmitoleic acid (C16:1) and oleic acid (C18:1) which are positively associated with meat flavor, were greater (p<0.05) ...

Safdar A. Wahocho, Tanveer F. Miano, Noor U.N. Memon and Niaz A. Wahocho

...l the growth and quality traits of Zinnia. The Zinnia grown under 8 hours daylight (8 am – 4 pm) with 38.29 cm plant height, 6.61 side branches plant-1, 41.25 leaves plant-1, 39.75 days taken to initiate flower bud, 7.49 cm flower diameter, 5.76 g weight of single flower, 3.27 days taken to open 1st flower, 8.41 flowers plant-1, 23.67 days blooming period and 28 percent leaf chlorophyll content. Similarly, photoperiodic treatment comprised of 6 hours day...

Misbah Riaz1, Qaiser Mansoor2, Maleeha Akram1, Muhammad Ismail2, Parveen Akhtar3, Shakeel Mirza4, Mazhar Qayyum1, Afzaal Ahmed Naseem1, Faheem Tahir5 and Syed Shakeel Raza Rizvi1*

...manifested in phenotypic traits such as low concentrations of FSH, LH and T and delayed puberty. In conclusion, mutations in GNRHR may cause delay in male puberty in Pakistani population.


Pan-pan Guo1, Wei Liu2, Yan Li2, Rui-yu Ma2, Wang Zaigui1*, Kai Zhan2*, Jun-ying Li2 and Sheng-nan Liu2 

... effects on reproduction traits, and the genotype GG was the advantageous genotype. Additionally, four HTT haplotypes (H1: GG; H2: GC; H3: AG; H4: AC) and their frequency distributions were estimated using the phase program. Haplotypes combinations constructed on these two SNPs of HTT gene were associated with some reproduction traits. In particular, diplotype H1H1 had positive effect on reproduction

Muhammad Saeed* and Iftikhar Hussain Khalil

...ity and yield components traits were determined. The main objective of the research was identification and proper selection of best performing wheat parental genotypes and best F1 crosses, based on GCA and SCA estimates. Significant differences were observed among the wheat genotypes for all the studied traits. The estimates of σ2gca and σ2sca and its ratio (σ2gca/σ2sca) indicated that non-additive ge...

Fida Mohammad, O.S. Abdalla, Sheraz Ahmed, Fakharuddin and S. Rajaram

...ions for all the studied traits excluding biomass. Genotype by environment interactions (GEI) were significant for all the characters except for thousand kernel weight. The influences of yield components on grain yield were explained by the cluster analysis of environments. Clustering of five test environments based on Shifted Multiplicative Model (SHMM) exposed the major role of grains spike-1 and harvest index in production of grain yield. Though the rate an...

Sheraz Ahmad Khan and Ghulam Hassan

... yield and yield related traits in wheat. For all the studied traits, mean squares showed the presence of significant variation (p≤0.01) among the genotypes. Heritability estimates were observed high (h2˃0.60) for all the traits. The highest heritability (0.93) was noticed in plant height followed by flag leaf area (0.89). The values of genetic advance were recorded low to moderate...
Md. Yeamin Hossain1,*, Md. Alomgir Hossen1, Md. Nasir Uddin Pramanik1, Fairuz Nawer1, Md. Mosaddequr Rahman2, Suraiya Sharmin1, Dalia Khatun1, A. H. Bahkali3, Abdallah M. Elgorban3 and Khairun Yahya4
...cription on life-history traits of B. dario, including ─ sex ratio, length-frequency distributions (LFDs), length-weight relationships (LWRs), length-length relationships (LLRs), condition factors (allometric, KA; Fulton’s, KF; relative, KR), relative weight (WR), form factor (a3.0), size at first sexual maturity (Lm) and natural morta...
Yaoguo Li1,2 and Maoxian He1
...ylation level and growth traits inpearl oyster, Pinctada fucata (P. fucata). The incidence of type II locus (hemi-methylation locus) was significantly correlated with the shell height and the shell length, with Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.204 and 0.233, separately. The incidence of type IV locus (super methylated locus) on the other hand was significantly correlated with the shell length, with Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.217. T...

 Sheraz Ahmed and Fida Mohammad generally low for all traits except nicotine and reducing sugar. Days to flowering was the most environment responsive trait and its heritability fluctuated between 0.22 and 0.91. Plant height was significantly associated with yield at phenotypic level only. Yield exhibited significantly negative phenotypic correlation with days to flowering. Similarly, yield was positively correlated with leaves per plant, green leaves weight per plot, cured leaves weight ...

Mohammad Raoofi and Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim

...e and some morphological traits of alfalfa, forage crop, as factorial and based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in two cuttings during 2013-14 crop years. The experimental treatments were weed interference and non-interference in two levels (hand weeding and non-hand weeding) and plant density in four levels (20, 40, 60 and 80 stems per square meter). The results obtained in two cuttings in the third year of established alfalfa sh...

M. Abdus Salam1, M. Moynul Haque2, Md. Obaidul Islam3, M. Nasir Uddin4 and Md. Nazmul Haque3*

Muhammad Tahirand Memoona Shehzadi* for yield and quality traits during 2014 at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. The treatments comprised on the combination of chemical fertilizers (No chemical fertilizer, half recommended dose of fertilizer and full recommended dose of chemical fertilizer) and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) (No PGPR, PGPR-1, PGPR-2 and PGPR-1 + PGPR-2). The PGPR used in this study were pre-isolated and characterized, taken from soil microbiology ...
Muhammad Qadir Ahmad¹*, Farheen Ashraf Raza¹, Abdul Qayyum¹, Waqas Malik¹, Rao Wali Muhammad2, Muhammad Asif Saleem1, Amir Hamza2, Ahmad Baksh Mahar3
...ociation of leaf related traits i.e. leaf area (LA), leaf angle position (LP), number of lobes per leaf (NL), leaf chlorophyll contents (SV), relative water content (RWC), leaf hairiness (HL), leaf color (LC) and yield related traits i.e. boll weight (BW), number of seeds per boll (NS), number of locules per boll (NLB), seed index (SI) and seed volume (SEV). Twenty cotton genotypes were grown using randomized complete block ...
Rafi Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1,*, Abdul Hafeez1, Asad Sultan1, Nazir Ahmad Khan2, Naila Chand1 and Naseer Ahmad1 
..., hematology and carcass traits in broilers at finisher phase. Five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets were uttered with the step-wise i.e. 0% (D1), 25% (D2), 50% (D3), 75% (D4) and 100% (D5) replacement of soybean meal with silkworm meal in commercial broiler rations. A total of 150 day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were randomly distributed into fifteen replicate groups (n=10), and consequently reared on five experimental diets according to a complet...
Sidra Manzoor1,Asif Nadeem1,*, Masroor Ellahi Babar2, Wasim Shehzad1, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Muhammad Imran1, Tanveer Hussain2, Abdul Wajid1 and Maryam Javed1
...nificant in all analyzed traits. So, it was inferred that it might be due to environmental or epigenetic effect, sampling number or a breed difference. To know the functional consequences of the identified polymorphism, RNA secondary structure analysis was performed and SNP was found changing the termination loop shape in mRNA. However, to increase the selection efficacy of dairy animals, the effects of candidate polymorphism should further be screened in diff...

Khurram Shahzad and Mohammad Akmal*

... better plant health and traits at 140 kg ha-1 when NAR was applied as treatment NAT2 and NAT3 as compared to any other application timings. Treatment 140 kg N ha-1 showed the highest grain and biomass yield of wheat in a cereal based cropping system i.e. maize-wheat in rotation. The results concluded that wheat crop fertilized with 140 kg ha-1 preferably in three splits for sustainable farming system for Peshawar climate and surroundings.

Muhammad Imran Shabbir
... for monogenic Mendelian traits without the need to draw Punnett square for every parental genotype combination. These illustrations provide information for both forward (phenotype to genotype) as well as reverse genetics (genotype to phenotype) approaches.

Aftab Wajid1, Ashfaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Awais2, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman3*, M. Aown Sammar Raza2, Usman Bashir2, Muhammad Naveed Arshad1, Sana Ullah4, Muhammad Irfan5 and Umair Gull1

...ntributed to the related traits of cotton growth, seed cotton yield and yield attributes. Increasing N increments reveals a positive association with biomass accumulation (growth), yield and yield associated components. Among N increments, 200 kg ha-1 achieved more number of bolls per plant (31.00), average weight per boll (3.48 g) and ultimately lead to higher seed cotton yield (2.42 t ha-1) as compared to other N rates (50, 100, 150 kg ha-1). Significant dif...

Niamatullah Khan1*, Najeeb Ullah2, Inam Ullah2 and Asif Imran Shah1

...ld and yield attributing traits of seven cotton varieties during 2015 and 2016. The experiment was laid out in split plot design having three repeats. Sowing dates; March 15, April 01, April 15, May 01, May 15 and June 01 were kept in main plots while sub plot contained seven cotton varieties (CIM-600, CIM-616, CIM-622, CRIS-641, DNH-105, DNH-40 and DNH-57). Results indicated that earlier sowing produced extra vegetative growth rather than seed cotton yield wh...
Ali Karabacak1, Senol Celik2, Adile Tatliyer3, Ismail Keskin1, Yakup Erdal Erturk4, Ecevit Eyduran5, Yasir Javed6 and Mohammad Masood Tariq7,*
...estimation of BW and CCW traits might be utility for further researches linked with characterization of sheep breeds, and sheep breeding in very large flocks.

Attaullah Khan1, Muhammad Shafi1*, Jehan Bakht2 and Shazma Anwar1

...dversely affected growth traits of wheat varieties however, seed priming with CaCl2 has alleviated the adverse effects of salinity in wheat varieties. 


Kamran A. Awan1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal3

... yield and yield related traits. Sowing made on November 25 showed higher yield than the expected early sown on November 15 or late sown thereafter on December 5 in season in the region. Overall delay in sowing date i.e. from December 5 onwards resulted in sever losses in biomass and grain yield (GY). On averages of varieties, a decrease in biological- and grain yield was estimated 261 and 89 kg ha-1, reapectively, per day in wheat in season for Peshawar when ...
Saleem Khan1, Amir Hamza2, Farhadullah Khan3, M. Subhan4, Aziz Khan1, Irfan Ali Shah1, Shakirullah Khan Shakir3*
...served on some agronomic traits like Plant height, Number of branches plant-1, number of bolls plant-1, Fiber Fineness and yield of seed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences for radiation treatments, genotypes and interaction for treatments × genotypes regarding plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of bolls plant-1 and yield of cotton seeds plant-1. Higher le...

Mian Ahmad Raza*, Ghulam Hassan and Naqib Ullah Khan 

...tions for some important traits using diallel mating design in wheat at Peshawar Pakistan. Eight wheat genotypes viz. Janbaz (JNB), Fakhr-i-Sarhad (FS), Pirsabak 2005 (PS), AUP-5008 (AUP), Saleem 2000 (S2K), Tatara (TTR), Barsat (BST) and Siren (SRN) were crossed in all possible combinations during 2011-12 cropping season. The resultant F1 hybrids were planted following a randomized complete block design using three replications in the subsequent wheat growing...

 Zabih Ullah*, H. Rahman and Niaz Muhammad

...for maturity and related traits in the geographical location of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The experiment was conducted at The University of Agriculture, Peshawar during the cropping season of 2016. Randomized complete block design was used, having two replications and 35 genotypes, comprised of 33 hybrids and two local checks. Data were recorded on days to 50% tasseling, days to 50% anthesis, days to 50% silking, anthesis silking interval, plant height and ear eight...
Mahmood-Ul-Hassan*, Naeem Fiaz, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassir and Muhammad Yasin
...esting dates for most of traits and genetic potential of genotypes. It was also found that the ratoon crop yield was highly dependent on the number of sprouts which were significantly varied among harvesting dates and the genotypes tested as well (R2=0.998 & 0.994, respectively).

Amjad Ali1*, Sher Aslam Khan2, Abid Farid2, Ayub khan2, Shah Masaud Khan2 and Naushad Ali2 indicating that these traits could be selected in the improvement of crop yield. Genetic gain was higher for cane length (36.53 cm), plant height (31.84 cm) and number of tillers (12.98 tillers per 9 m2). Number of tillers (rg=0.96, rp =0.83), plant height (rg =0.95, rp = 0.81), cane length (rg =0.90, rp = 0.76), number of nodes (rg =0.79, rp = 0.67), internodes length (rg =0.80, rp =0.74) and number of millablecane (rg =0.96, rp = 0.87) exhibited highly si...

Arshad Iqbal1*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1 and Muhammad Sharif Kakar

...bility for various plant traits during crop season 2014-15 at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar. The randomized complete block design with three replications was used in the experiment. Data were recorded on yield and some other important plant traits like days to heading (days), days to maturity (days), flag leaf area (cm2), spike length (cm), grains spike-1 (no.), grains weight spike-1 (g), biological yield (kg ha-1)...

Sikandar Hayat, Khalid Usman* and Muhammad Tahir Amin 

...d and yield contributing traits. Row spacing and N application methods interaction showed that zero tillage wheat had the optimum wheat yield (5352 kg ha-1) when grown at 30 cm row spacing and fertilized with N placement method. The overall results indicated that N placement method along with 30 cm row spacing is quite feasible in zero tillage wheat having no clogging problem to wheat seeder besides higher yield (5352 kg ha-1) and economic return as evident fr...
Sher Khan Panhwar1,2,3, Zhou Yong Dong1,4,*, Gao Tianxiang1,3, Wang Ping5, Han Zhiqiang1, Wang Zhongming1,4 and Wang Yang1,4

Ehtisham Shakeel Khokhar1*, Amir Shakeel1, Muhammad Amir Maqbool1, Muhammad Waheed Anwar1, Zoraiz Tanveer1 and Muhammad Fahad Irfan2 

... of significance for all traits except fiber fineness. The mean performance of F1 populations were better than parents. Maximum GCV was recorded for number of monopodial branches followed by number of sympodial branches and seed cotton yield. High broad sense heritability estimates were reported for seed cotton yield and all yield contributing traits except fiber quality with high response to selection. High heritability wit...

Malak Atiq Ullah Khan* and Fida Mohammad 

...gnificant for almost all traits. Significant GEI suggested that the performance of genotypes was not consistent across environments, revealing strong influence of environments. Generally, GEI explained major portion of total variation and thus had larger effect than G and E on the expression of phenotype for all traits. Average over nine environments, genotype G-79 exhibited maximum values for tillers m-2 (181 tillers); grai...
Yakut Gevrekçi* and Çiğdem Takma
...on (EP) and some related traits by decision tree analysis with Classification and Regression Tree (CART) and Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) algorithms. A total of 1912 EP records of layers which hatched at four different periods were collected from a commercial flock in west of Turkey. The analysis performed with cathegorical (cage and line) and continuous (hatch, age at sexual maturity and body weight of sexual maturity) predictors and a ...

Waqas Liaqat1, Mohammad Akmal1* and Jawad Ali 

...g dates. Likewise, yield traits (i.e. rows per ear, grains per ear, thousand grain weight) were also adversely affected by sowing dates, which decreases both biomass and grain yield. Varieties did differ in phenology (i.e. emergence, silking, tasseling, maturity) and morphology (i.e. height, leaf area, ear height, cobs per plant and its weight) that showed differences in biomass and grain yields. The study suggested that a delay in sowing of maize crop from Ju...

Syed Asif Imran Shah1*, Shah Jehan Khan2, Kalim Ullah1 and Obaid Ullah Sayal

... yield and fibre quality traits using principle component analysis. The experiment was carried out at Cotton Research Station, Deara Ismail Khan, Pakistan during 2014-15. The triplicated randomized complete block design was followed and attributes of interest were plant height, monopodia plant-1, sympodia plant-1, bolls plant-1, plant population, seed index, boll weight, lint index, staple length, lint %, fibre fineness,staple strength, uniformity ratio and se...

Zahid Akram, Saif Ullah Ajmal, Ghulam Shabbir, Muhammad Munir and Nasir Mahmood Cheema

... different yield related traits estimated were spike length, number of spikelets spike-1, number of grains spike-1, 1000 grain weight and grain yield plant-1. The analysis of variance depicted that 56 F1 and their parents were significantly different for all the parameters. Uniformity of Wr-Vr over arrays as well as significant deviation of regression coefficient (b) from unity confirmed the suitability of additive-dominance model to account for the data analy...

 Z. A. Soomro, M.B. Kumbhar, A.S. Larik*, M. Imran** and S.A. Brohi***

...r different quantitative traits is important in determining the effectiveness of selection. In this study the potential effectiveness of selection in parents and their F2 and F3 progenies of Gossypium hirsutum for plant height, sympodia/ plant, bolls/plant, boll weight, seed index and seed cotton yield/plant was determined. It was found that all the populations alongwith parents differed significantly (P < 0.01) and exhibited genetic variability among the g...

 R. Hussain* and A. N. Naqvi**

...ductive and reproductive traits. Somatometric measurements indicated the average height 70.41±0.837 cm vs. 57.91±0.342 cm, heart girth 83.58±0.628 cm vs. 70.42±0.702 cm and body length 78.18±0.355 cm vs. 70.10±2.160 cm in males vs. females of Gojali goat. The data on growth traits indicated the average birth weight, weaning weight and adult weight as 1.53±0.070, 7.04±0....

Barkat Ali*, Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah, Ghulam Shabbir** and Nasir Mahmood Cheema***

...tance of different plant traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Six genotypes viz., BJA-592, ACALA-SJ-4, 4-F, CP-15/2, CIM-497 and PB-899 were included in diallel crosses. Results revealed that over-dominance type of gene action was controlling the inheritance of monopodial and sympodial branches plant height number of bolls and boll weight. The line CP-15/2 possessed maximum dominant genes for monopodial branches, plant height and boll weight, BJA-5...

 Ghulam Shabbir*, Muhammad Aftab, Abid Mahmood** Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah* and Nasir Mahmood Cheema***

...the desirable phenotypic traits and superior seed yield, SPS-5 was approved as a rapeseed variety “Chakwal Sarson” by the Punjab Seed Council in 2002 for general cultivation in the Punjab barani tract.


 M. Yasin Mirza, Mubashir A. Khan, M. Akmal, Akbar S. Mohmand, Malik S. Nawaz, Nazakat Nawaz and Najeeb Ullah* were high for all the traits during three years ranging from 63% for plant height and 97% for seed yield. High heritability pooled estimates of 89% for 1000-seed weight and seed yield ha-1 coupled with corresponding high estimates of genetic advance in percent of mean (17.23 and 18.33) for these traits indicated the predominance of additive gene effects. Mass selection based on these additively controlled

 Shazia Erum*, Muhammad Naeemullah, Shahid Masood** and Muhammad Irfan Khan*

...stance for morphological traits ranged from 3.60 to 7.26. Conversely on the basis of total seed proteins genetic distances ranged from 0.11 to 1.00. Due to greater genetic diversity in Ocimum germplasm and its suitability for commercial cultivation even in the area under small holdings, the investigation suggest its genetic as well as biochemical investigation for the production of commercial varieties and exploitation of the plant for economic benefits of the...
Mustafa Sahin1,*, Esra Yavuz1 and Fatih Uckardes2
...the interior egg quality traits using the Least Squares (LS), Ridge Regression (RR) and Principal Components Regression (PCR) methods. For this reason, eggs were collected from 20 to 24 weeks of age, non-selected and random-mated Japanese quails. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of egg external quality such as egg width (X1), egg length (X2), Haugh unit (X3), and shape index (X4). The impact of thes...

 Nazakat Nawaz, Malik Shah Nawaz*, Nasir M. Cheema** and Mubashir A. Khan*

Corresponding author:[email protected]

... recorded in any mustard traits. A positive correlation was recorded between seed yield -1 -1 and 1000-seed weight with the application of 5 kg Zn ha and 1.5 kg Fe ha in combination at the time of sowing. It can therefore be concluded that 100 % -1 seed yield of mustard variety BARD-1 increased at 5 Zn: 1.5 Fe kg ha as a -1 -1 result of increased pods plant , number of seeds pod and 1000-seed weight.


 Javid Iqbal, Asghar Ali Mian, Tanveer Ahmad*, Shamsul Hassan** and Sohail Hassan Khan* 

... performance of economic traits of four internationally reputed broiler strains, imported in Pakistan, under the local environmental and management conditions. A total of 360 day old chicks of four broiler strains (90 from each strain) were procured from the local hatcheries and designated as four treatments i.e., A (Hubbard), B (Arbor Acres), C (Ross 308) and D (Hybro PN). The chicks were raised under recommended rearing requirements for 7 weeks and the econo...

 Muhammad Arifullah, Muhammad Munir*, Abid Mahmood**, Saifullah Khan Ajmal and Ghulam Shabbir*

... ability for most of the traits except plant height and siliqua length. UCD-8/4, KJ-119 and BRS-2 were good general combiners for yield related traits. A cross BRS-2 × UCD-8/4 showed best desired SCA for number of primary branches and siliquae per plant. S-9 × Canola Raya for siliqua length, Canola Raya × UCD-8/4 for number of seeds per siliqua, KJ- 119 × BRS-2, BARD-1 × NIFA Raya for 1000-seed ...

 Khalid Mahmood Qureshi, Fakhar ul Hassan, Qamar ul Hassan, Usman Shaukat Qureshi, Saman Chughtai and Adnan Saleem*

... on different vegetative traits i.e., plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh and dry weights of leaves, crown size , root length and reproductive parameters i.e., number of trusses, number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit size, fruit weight and qualitative measures viz., total soluble solids, total sugars, ascorbic acid were found significantly higher under tunnel condition as compared to other cultivation systems. The experiment was arranged by e...

 Gulzar S. Sanghera and Wassem Hussain*

...interactions for all the traits studied. The specific combining ability (SCA) effects along with per se performance revealed that some of the crosses have shown desirable SCA effects, having superior per se performance for most of the traits thus indicating the selection of these crosses. Based on standard check varieties (SR-1 and Jhelum) assessment of heterosis for effective restored cross combinations showed a significant...

 Muhammad Yaqoob*, Rukhsana Anjum, Mumtaz Hussain and Muhammad Jahangir Shah**

...he data on various plant traits including, days to panicle initiation, panicle length, spikelet fertility, days to maturity, plant height, number of grains per panicle, number of productive tillers, 1000 grain weight and paddy yield were recorded. The results of analysis indicated a high range of genetic variation among various hybrids for plant height, number of grains per panicle, number of productive tillers per plant, 1000 grain weight and paddy yield. The...

 Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Amjad* and Malik Shah Nawaz*

... significant for all the traits showing heritable variation among the genotypes. The linear component of GE interaction was also significant for all traits except branches per plant. Pooled deviation was significant only for yield indicating the differential genotypic response across the locations. The significant variance due to environment (linear) indicated that the performance of genotypes was under genetic control. The ...

 Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Muhammad Amjad*, Nazakat Nawaz*, Malik Shah Nawaz* and Doulat Baig*

...the accessions for these traits. Dendrogram based on Euclidean distance coefficient using 10 quantitative traits, grouped all the linseed accessions into 13 clusters. Cluster II was the biggest and had 33 accessions followed by Cluster I having 11 accessions. For the development of high yielding varieties, best performing accessions of Clusters I and II could be used in hybridization programme by crossing with accessions of ...

 Said Salman*, Shah Jehan Khan*, Javed Khan**, Rehmat Ullah Khan*** and Imran Khan****

...ed for yield and related traits during winter 2010-2011. Highly significant (P≤0.01) differences were found for all the traits studied indicating the scope of improvement through simple selection for high mean values of these traits. Maximum genotypic differences were observed for all the studied parameters except chlorophyll concentration index and number of spikelet per spike indicati...

 Muhammad Sohail*, Imtiaz Hussain*, Riaz-ud-Din*, Sikandar Khan Tanveer*, Maqsood Qamar* and Syed Haider Abbas*

...o evaluate the agronomic traits of three advance lines (NR-397, NR-379 and NR-400) in comparison to released variety (NARC-09) under rainfed conditions during crop season 2010-2011. Crop was sown on normal (November 15) and late (December 15) planting times to create variable growing conditions especially during reproductive growth period. The adverse effect of the late planting was significant (P<0.05) on grain yield of the crop. Late planting produced 29%...

 Frasat Saeed*, Jehanzeb Farooq*, Abid Mahmood**, Tassawar Hussain***, Muhammad Riaz* and Saghir Ahmad****

... some yield contributing traits, 101 cotton genotypes imported from USA were evaluated. Different statistical procedures like cluster, principle components (PC) and correlation analysis were employed to identify the suitable genotypes that can be further exploited in breeding programme. Significant associations were found between yield contributing trait, boll weight and fiber related trait, staple length. Earliness related traits

 Israr Ali*, Naushad Ali*, Riffat Tahira**, Sardar Ali*, Izhar Hussain* and Sher Aslam Khan*

...he studied morphological traits. Among the tested genotypes, genotype Kalabat proved to be superior as compared to other studied genotypes due to maximum level of studied traits like -1 pod length (7.03 cm), seed pod (32.33), 1000-seed weight (5.38 g), seed yield -1 plant (110.8 g) and oil content (52.9%). The highest level of performance -1 recorded by Kalabat in terms of branches plant , pod length (cm), number of seed -1 ...

 Syeda Nasreen*, Muhammad Ayub Khan*, Muhammad Arshad*, Maryam Kamal**, Doulat Baig *, M. Tariq*, Talat Gilani* and Musarrat Gilani*

...tified for yield related traits. Among

females, CMS-H55-2-2-1 expressed the highest significant GCA effects for 1000- seed weight whereas female, CMS-303 represented the highest and significant GCA estimates for head diameter, yield and harvest index. Among male parents, RHA-295 expressed the highest significant magnitude for head diameter while SF-187R possessed the highest significant GCA effects for 1000-seed weight, harvest index and moist...

Salar Khan Yousafzai*, Shah Masaud Khan*, Khalil ur Rehman**, Junaid Khan*, Sher Aslam Khan*, Ijaz Hussain* and Ishrat Naz***

...ications. Almost all the traits showed significant differences for organic fertilizers and varieties, while their interactions had a varied response. The analyzed data showed that poultry manure -1 -1 gave maximum yield (24.65 tha ), followed by FYM (24.38 tha ) and mushroom -1 compost (24.11 tha ) while minimum was recorded in plots where no organic fertilizer was used. The results revealed that cultivar, Rio Grand showed maximum number of plant survival perc...

 Muhammad Tahir* and Nawal Zafar* 

...fodder yield and quality traits. -1 The maximum number of tillers, number of leaves plant , leaf area, crop growth -1 -1 rate, fresh weight plant , dry weight plant , green forage yield and dry matter yield were obtained in plots where barley was sown alone at 100% seed ratio. The highest crude fiber and total ash percentage was observed in plots where oat was sown alone at 100% seed ratio and crude protein percentage was highest when oat was blended together ...

 Nisar Ahmed Soomro*, Abdul Fatah Soomro**, Hamz Ali Samo* and
Muhammad Siddique Depar***

...ects on growth and yield traits over 5 irrigations with 84.77% germination, 79.16 cm plant height, 10.07 tillers plant , 254.91 tillers m , 51.91 grains spike , 57.60 g 1000-seed weight and 5230.75 kg grain yield ha ; while the plots given 3 irrigations showed lowest values for all the parameters. In varieties, Imdad-2005 maximizes its performance with 90.81% germination, 88.33 cm plant height, 10.29 tillers plant , 273.10 tillers m , 54.99 grains spike , 58.4...

Basharat Hussain Shah*, F. S. Hamid*, Shams ul Islam*, Fayaz Ahmad*, Sohail Aslam*, and Noorullah Khan*

...ed for all the agronomic traits studied. Root rot attack was observed during the growth period. Pea variety 'Meteor' was found susceptible against this disease followed by 'Sarsabz 9800-1' as moderately susceptible and 9375 as resistant. The other varieties/lines Pea-09, Climax, Local and PF-400 were found tolerant against this disease. Green pod yield per hectare data revealed that pea variety 'Climax' produced the highest yield (11.6 t ha-1) followed by adva...

 Nasarullah*, Raiz uddin*, Fakhar Uddin* and Muhammad Jamal*

...ere high for all studied traits. Similarly, genetic advance was also high for all studied traits except days to heading and maturity where genetic advance was low. High heritability coupled with high genetic advance indicated the effectiveness of selection in early generation for the improvement of these traits. Genotypes Faisalabad-2008 and line from Tajikistan (2S-3094) performed better ...
Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Farkhanda Khan2, Muhammad Kashan3, Qadir Ullah4 and Abdur Rauf5
... yield and fiber quality traits. Drilling of 24 kg N ha−1 as DAP into soil at cotton seeding followed by three top-dressing of 42 kg N ha−1 each just prior to first, second and third irrigations significantly enhanced seed cotton yield, quality, N uptake and N efficiencies compared to conventional practices. In conclusion, drilling of 24 kg N ha−1 as DAP into the soil at cotton sowing followed by three top-dre...

Mohammad Nazeer* and Safdar Hussain Shah analyze morphological traits of four indigenous goat breeds of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan. The breeds selected for this study were namely Damani, Surguli, Kaghani and Gaddi. Data was collected from two districts to the south (Dera Ismail Khan and Kohat) and two districts to the north (Kaghan and Naran) of KP province. Total number of 120 goat specimen (30 per breed) was selected for this study from random locations. A pretested questionnai...
Ali Haider Saleem1,*, Khalid Javed2, Masroor Ellahi Babar3, Tanveer Hussain3, Asad Ali2, Afzal Ali2, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Zahid Farooq1 and Muhammad Dawood2
...ociated with many growth traits like weaning weight, six month body weight and nine-month body weight etc. in cattle, buffalo, goat and sheep worldwide. LEP gene polymorphism and associations have not been extensively reported in Lohi sheep of Pakistan, so this study aimed to find any variations in gene sequence and possible association with growth rate to explore meat potential of this breed. A total of 18 Lohi animals were selected from the flock. After the ...
Ehtisham Shakeel Khokhar*1, Amir Shakeel1, Muhammad Amir Maqbool1, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar2, Sumaira Zareen2, Syeda Sana Aamir4 and Muhammad Asadullah4
...ield, yield contributing traits and fiber quality parameters. Six lines, viz., VH-259, IUB-222, CRS-456, AA-703, KZ-191, PB-39 and four testers PB-39, CIM-608, BH-163 and PB-900 were crossed in line × tester crossing fashion to develop 20 F1 hybrids. Analysis of variance displayed significant differences among parents and hybrids indicating the presence of genetic variability except fiber fineness. δ2GCA/δ2SCA...

Hamza Khan1, Safdar Ali1, Ijaz Ahmad*2, Ihsanullah Khan3, Shujaat Hussain1, Bashir Ahmad Khan4 and Muhammad Suhaib5  

... best for early maturing traits.  


Nadia Faqir1, Aish Muhammad2*, Ghulam Muhammad Ali2, Armghan Shehzad2, Hafeez Ur Rahman3, Farhatullah4 and Muhammad Zeeshan Hyder

... seventeen morphological traits, five parameter of proximate composition of date fruit and sequence analysis of two genes (maturase k and geranyl geranyl biphosphate reductase) from chloroplast region. Analysis of variance has revealed significant variation among the studied date palm samples pertaining to the studied physical traits and chemical composition of fruit. Sequences of the maturase k gene has complete identity to...

Zakirullah Jan1, Shamsher Ali1*, Tariq Sultan2, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Zahir Shah1 and Farmanullah Khan1 

...centration and agronomic traits of rice crop as compared to control. Among the strains, the Gloeobacter strain (MMF-4) surpassed by augmenting all agronomic parameters of rice crop like plant height (85 cm), plant fresh weight (45 g), dry weight (24.5 g) and root dry weight (2.80 g) followed by MMF-5 treatment. As regard shoot tissue analysis, the nutrients concentration was significantly changed in plant. The highest concentration of N (3.62 %), P (0.77 %), K...

Muhammad Ismaeel1,2*, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1, Aziz Ur Rahman1 and Mian Ahmad Raza

... (P≤0.01) for all the traits. Among the rice parents, Bas-6129 and Bas-370 showed the highest values for grains panicle-1 (214.0) while IR-8 displayed maximum values for spikelets panicle-1 (238.0), 1000-grain weight (30.9 g) and grain yield (0.97 kg m-2). F1 hybrids Dokri-Bas/Bas-6129, DR-92/DR-83, Bas-2008/Kashmir-Bas, IR-8/NIAB-IR-9 and Bas-6129/Dokri-Bas produced maximum spikelet’s panicle-1 (270.0), grains panicle-1 (233.0), 1000-grain weight (31...
Selçuk Kaplan
...n the genes and economic traits of livestock animals. However, phenotypic values do not generally indicate the real genotypic values of animals. However, using MAS approaches in selection of animals can increase the accuracy of selection. From this point of view, validation of candidate gene markers for marker assisted selection is very important to increase genetic gains in breeding. Leptin is a 16 kDa protein which is highly expressed in adipose tissue. Lept...

Ghulam Abbas1, Muhammad Jawad Asghar1, Muhammad Rizwan2*, Muhammad Akram1, Jaffar Hussain1 and Fiaz Ahmad1 

...ility and correlation of traits. For this purpose, fifty eight exotic and indigenous diverse mungbean genotypes were evaluated for seed yield and other related traits. The genetic analysis of mungbean germplasm revealed high genotypic (GCV) and phenotypic (PCV) coefficients of variability for biological yield (GCV% = 31.70, PCV% = 33.58), harvest index (GCV% = 27.80, PCV% = 30.16) and seed yield (GCV% = 25.28, PCV% = 27.54)....

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmed1, Muhammad Zeshan1,2, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1 and Kazim Ali

.... All yield contributing traits showed positive response with increase in fertilizer rate. Maximum yield was found at T6 (NPK @ 40:30:15) and T6 and T7 (NPK @ 40:30:30) showed parity for seed yield. Significant difference was not observed in increase in yield due to the addition of potassium but branches per plant showed substantial difference. Highly significant positive correlation was observed for yield and yield contributing traits...

Rizwana Qamar1, Maria Ghias1, Fida Hussain1, Sajida Habib1, Muhammad Khuram Razzaq2*, Muhammad Aslam1 and Imran Habib3 

Saeed Ullah1, Amanullah Jan1, Murad Ali2*, Wiqar Ahmad3, Hafeez Ur Rehman2, Muhammad Ishaq2 and Bilal Ahmad2  

...yield and related growth traits of the chickpea crop. Interaction among nutrients and application methods showed that application of nutrients with band placement method gave excellent results even at lower doses emphasizing proper application method as more important than mare increasing nutrient levels for obtaining higher returns 


Imadud Din1*, Fazal Munsif1, Irfan Ahmad Shah3, Hamayoon Khan1, Fahad Ullah Khan1, Ibrarullah2, Shahab Uddin4 and Tauqir Islam1 

...: justify;">Variation of traits is the basic tool involved in the natural assessment and causes to produce sustainable crop under various environmental conditions. The aim of the present study was to assess twenty-four different wheat genotypes for morphological traits and yield components. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block (RCB) design having three replications. Components of variation, broad sense he...
Jingen Xu1, Yang Liu2, Erhui Jin1, Youfang Gu1, Qin Zhang3 and Shenghe Li1,*
...>Divergent hematological traits in swine may confer physiological differences, so we studied transcriptome profiles in spleens of Yorkshire pigs with different peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets. The results showed that 2050 differentially expressed transcripts were identified, with 1554 up-regulated and 496 up-regulated in high and low T lymphocyte groups, respectively. Among differentially expressed genes, IL1B, IL17F, IL6R, CXCL2, CCL20 and CCL...

Fiaz Ahmad1, Mumtaz Hussain2, Ghulam Abbas1, Muhammad Jawad Asghar1 and Muhammad Rizwan3* 

...-physiological and yield traits were studied. Both varieties showed gradual reduction in morphological traits at increasing concentration of lead and water stress. Moreover, morphological traits were more severely affected by combined lead and water stress treatment (80 mg Pb2+ 50% FC) as compared to single lead (40 mg Pb2+ 100% FC and 80 mg Pb2+ 100% FC) and single water stress treatment ...

Shahen Shah1*, Manzoor Hussain1, Arshad Jalal1, Mohammad Sayyar Khan2, Tariq Shah1, Muhammad Ilyas1 and Muhammad Uzair3 

...onomics and reproductive traits of wheat. 


Muhammad Zahid1, Naeem Iqbal1, Sohaib Muhammad2*, Summiya Faisal3, Wajid Mahboob3, Makhdoom Hussain4 and Zaheer ud din Khan2 

... yield and physiological traits


Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Muhammad Zeshan1,2, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmed1 and Sabir Hussain Shah3 

...s and yield contributing traits. It was observed that source of nitrogen has no significant difference on growth or yield while the N placement timing significantly affects these traits. Results showed that most efficient N placement timing is split dose of fertilizer at T3 (½ at 1st irrigation and ½ at flowering) for either urea or CAN fertilizer. 


Muhammad Faheem Jan1*, Asad Ali Khan1, Waqas Liaqat1, Haseeb Ahmad1, Muhammad Dawood Ahmadzai1 and Wazir Rehan

...r values for the studied traits were recorded in plots which were treated with K 40% from organic (poultry manure) and 60% from inorganic (sulphate of potash) sources. It can be concluded that application of K at the rate of 80 kg ha-1 from both organic and inorganic sources at the ratio of 40% organic + 60% inorganic respectively to hybrid DK-Garanon resulted in higher net return from maize in terms of yield.  


Saif Ullah and Mohammad Akmal*

...lts for all the observed traits with P 90 kg ha-1. Sulphur application of 30 kg ha-1 also showed better performance on sunflower yield traits. At some observations S 20 and 30 kg ha-1 were found non-significant. Situation like field remains longer under cereal crops cultivation, the integrated effect of nutrients i.e. N 80 with P 90 kg and S 30 is the best option to grow sunflower for better oil and protein. The study sugges...
Shabana*, Saleem Ullah Shahid and Shahida Hasnain
...sity. The anthropometric traits were significantly different between dyslipidemic obese subjects and nondyslipidemic non obese subjects. In conclusion, obesity is accompanied by a dyslipidemic profile and increased weight and/or BMI. The progression of clinical forms of obesity can be assessed by the strong predicting indices, including weight, BMI, low HDL and high TC.

Tariq Aziz1, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1, Quaid Hussain1,3*, Tariq Shah2,3, Nazir Ahmad1 and Amir Sohail1 

... grain yield and related traits in 12 F3 populations of wheat got from mating of six advanced lines and two widely cultivated cultivars (Pirsabak-08 and Janbaz) at University of Agriculture, Peshawar during 2013-14. All wheat genotypes (8 parents and 12 F3 populations) showed significant differences for all traits. Cultivar Janbaz had maximum spike length (13.9 cm) and maximum number of grains spike-1 (89.2). Parental line B...

Shamsher Ali1, Zakir Ullah Jan1*, Zahir Shah2, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Farmanullah Khan2, Inayat ur Rahman3 and Shah Fahad3 

...ncreased yield and yield traits of Hybrid CS-200 and Azam variety than rest of the fertilizers treatments. The significantly maximum plant height of Azam cv. (260 cm) and hybrid (247cm) were recorded in treatment T5 (N- P2O5@ 130-90 kg per hectare + 20 ton per hectare FYM) followed by T6 (50-45) kg N, P2O5 ha-1 + FYM @ 20000 kg ha-1. The Azam plants were taller than hybrid. The treatment (T5) significantly yielded more grain (6806 kg ha-1) and (5106 Kg ha-1) f...
Merica Slišković1, Meta Povž2, Marina Piria3,*, Goran Jakšić4, Ana Gracanin5 andGorana Jelić Mrčelić1
...metric and four meristic traits, were analysed. Fulton condition coefficient and LWR value indicated that sichel specimens’ were well adapted to the environmental conditions. Positive allometry in both males and females were observed (W = 0.004 L3.119). This represents the first LWR dataset for sichel. The morphometric and meristic traits values from this research add to the limited data that i...

Arshad Iqbal1*, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1, Hidayat ur Rahman1, Faiza Aman2 and Aziz-ur-Rahman

...or various morphological traits. Thirty-eight lines derived from F5 rice cross combinations along with their 8 parents were planted in a randomized complete block design (RCB) having three replications at The University of Agriculture, Peshawar during 2016 rice crop growing season. Data were taken on some of the morphological traits like number of days to heading (days), number of days to maturity (days), flag leaf area (cm2...

Monsif Ur Rehman1*, Hidayat-ur-Rahman1, Muhammad Iqbal2, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1 and Zahir Shah3 

...ated for yield and other traits (days to anthesis, kernels ear-1, 100-grains weight) in RCB design with two replications. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among hybrids, lines and testers. Differences due to site × hybrid interaction for grain yield were also significant. Non-additive gene action was predominant for the inheritance of the studied traits. Tester, T-4 was the best general combiner with...

Sher Nawab Khan* and Ghulam Hassan 

... yield and yield related traits at Peshawar-Pakistan. Data were generated on spikelets spike-1, spike length (cm), days to heading and grain yield plant-1. Significant differences were present for all the studied parameters. In diallel analysis highly significant dominant (b) and additive (a) genetic effects were detected for all the parameters except spikelets spike-1. Scaling test for the adequacy of the model was complete to partially adequate for the studi...
Tahira Batool1*, Nabila Roohi1, Athar Mahmud
...on slaughter and carcass traits in Lakha, Mianwali, Mushki and Peshawari varieties of indigenous Aseel chicken. A total of 240 day-old chicks, 60 from each of the variety were taken randomly and sub-divided equally into three groups (A, B and C). They were offered three lysine regimens i.e., L1 constituting 1.3% lysine from 0-6th week (1-phased) to group A and L2 containing 1.4-1.2 % lysine where 1.4% lysine was offered from 0-3rd week an...

Muhammad Arshad*, Sabeeta Jan, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam, Shiguftah Khalid and Muahmmad Ayub Khan 

... for different agronomic traits to assess genetic specifications, genetic divergence, and correlation coefficient, direct and indirect effects of eight characters towards seed yield under field condition. Experiment was conducted according to RCBD design at NARC (National Agricultural Research Centre), Islamabad during year 2015. Data were recorded on Days to flower initiation, Days to flower completion and Days to maturity, 100 seed weight, oil content percen...

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar*1, Shahid Riaz Malik1, Waqas Ahmad2, Muhammad Sajid Mahmood3, Muhammad Jawad1, Muhammad Asadullah1, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Muhammad Imran1

... for most of the studied traits including yield. In case of planting times delayed sowing enhanced the maturity but July 05 reported best results especially for yield attributes like no. of clusters per plant, pods plant-1, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index, however it was statistically similar with planting time July 15 for all these traits. The interaction also exhibited significant results and G2S3 recorded ...

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Ammarah Hasnain2, Ateeq ur Rehman1 and Rashida Perveen1 

... effect on the agronomic traits of rice plants. The reduction of disease in all the trials along with healthy crop stand in glass house and field indicated that these decoctions might play an important role in biological management strategies for the control of BLB of rice. The present research may provide an avenue for the formulation of new bactericides for future uses. 


Muhammad Kashif Asghar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Shahid Riaz Malik2, Waqas Ahmad3, Sumaira Zareen4, Safdar Ali5 and Abid Ali6 

...nificant for most of the traits


 *Muhammad Waseem1, Dost Mohammad Baloch1, Ghulam Khaliq1,
M. Rashid1, Qurban Ali2 and Mustajab A. Khan3

...trogen sources on bamboo traits a field experiment was conducted during 2014-15. Experiment were carried out using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with square system of transplanting which was consist of 3 repetitions contained a net field size of 4.5m to 4.5m. Experimental sites were 20 km away from the Arabian Sea with an altitude of 2m. The bamboo (Bambusa bambos L.) plants were grown with four fertilizer sources i.e. S = Control (0) kg N ha-1, S = ...

Masab Umair Khan, Syed Mehar Ali Shah, Hidayat-ur-Rahman, Arshad Iqbal* and Ezaz Aslam 

...yield and its associated traits is an essential step towards the development of a crop variety. Crop breeders mostly practice selection for the desired traits to identify superior genotypes. This research was conducted to assess the performance of 20 maize hybrids along with two checks at The University of Agriculture Peshawar during spring 2017 crop growing season. The experimental material was planted in randomized complet...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Khalid Usman2*, Muhammad Arif1, Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi3, Muhammad Munir4 and Imran Khan

Ali Zohaib1*, Saima Yousaf1,2, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Tahira Tabassum1, Tasawer Abbas3, Wardah Muzaffar1 and Wasiq Ikram2 

...a) on growth, allometric traits and dry matter yield of different soybean genotypes viz. EBR4V4, Freedom and Swat-84. Seed inoculation significantly improved the total chlorophyll content, leaf area index, leaf area duration, crop growth rate and dry matter yield. Seed inoculation with P. fluorescens produced more pronounced results for all the studied traits as compared to R. japonicum. The tested genotypes of soybean did n...
Jun Yan Bai1,*, Yong Gang Zhao2 and Yu Qin Wang1
...genetic marker of growth traits of goats. In this study, GHRL genes of black goat and Yaoshan goat were collected for PCR amplification. Polymorphism of goat species was tested by sequencing technology. Results demonstrated that there are two mutation sites (SNP loci) of the primer GHRL-2 in black goat and Yaoshan goat, which are G447C site and T498C site. At G447C site, gene frequencies of G and C in black goat and Yaoshan goat were detected 0.621/0.379 and 0...

Fouzia Tabssum1, Qamar uz Zaman2*, Yinglong Chen3,4, Umair Riaz5*, Waqas Ashraf6, Ambreen Aslam2, Nusrat Ehsan2, Rab Nawaz2, Humera Aziz7 and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah8 

...ogical and yield related traits of rice cultivars. Proline application improved the efficiency of salt tolerance of rice cultivars, Shaheen basmati showed better response in terms of yield than Super basmati. In crux, foliar applications of 50 mM proline at seedling and vegetative stages are more effective for achieving the best kernel yield under saline conditions.  


Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Nazakat Nawaz, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Tahira, Doulat Baig, Ihsan Ullah Khan and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah 

...nt, using 9 quantitative traits, grouped 98 sesame genotypes in to 6 lineages and 29 clusters. Cluster 25 had the maximum number of genotypes i.e. 18 followed by Cluster 23 (14 genotypes), 19 (12 genotypes) and 9 (9 genotypes). There was a wide range of genetic diversity in this set of sesame germplasm which could be utilized for crop improvement. It is further recommended that for making improvement in sesame crop, identified superior sesame lines viz. SG-115...

Muhammad Salman Wazir and Mohammad Akmal 

...he NS1. Likewise, better traits of wheat plant and hence the yield including grain wet gluten content were reported for the treatment NS3 as sole wheat crop, followed by the intercropped with fababean. Among the intercropping, IC-I with fababean showed better future scope of wheat crop production under the changing climate to produce higher production per unit area with sustainable soil use under cereal cropping system. Among the tested species sunflower and f...
Daniel Zaborski,1,* Muhammad Ali,2 Ecevit Eyduran,3 Wilhelm Grzesiak,1 Mohammad Masood Tariq,2 Ferhat Abbas,2 Abdul Waheed4 and Cem Tirink5
...tial predictors of these traits. A total of 382 reproduction records including three predictors (month of lambing - MOL, age at first lambing - AFL and lambing weight - LW) and seven dependent (output) variables (services per conception - SPC, service period - SP, lambing interval - LI, twinning rate - TR, gestation length - GL, breeding efficiency - BE and fertility rate - FR) were used. A 10-fold cross-validation was applied to train and evaluate the models....

Muhammad Tahir Amin, Khalid Usman*, Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik and Nishter Ali

...eld, and quality-related traits such as fiber length, fiber strength, micronaire, and fiber uniformity. Frequent irrigation interval (7th day) produced taller plants (139 cm) and more sympodial branches (18.3) compared to less frequent irrigations (10-19th day). However, 19th day irrigation interval significantly improved seed cotton yield and fiber quality traits (fiber length, fiber strength, micronaire, and fiber uniformi...

Nadejda Lukanova1*, Radka Vlaeva2 and Boriana Ivanova

...xamine some reproductive traits of trotter mares – gestation length depending on foal gender and gestation length depending on the month of covering, and duration of covering estimated in days. We calculated duration of covering, length of gestation, gestation length in accordance with the foal gender (in days) and gestation length in accordance with the month of covering. 


Muhamad Jawad*, Shahid Riaz Malik, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar, Muhammad Asadullah, Israr Hussain and Rabia Khalid 

...itative and quantitative traits showed significant variability among the genotypes. Correlation analysis indicates negative correlation of yield with lowest pod height and highly significant correlation between lowest pod height and plant height. Cluster analysis performed for qualitative and quantitative traits separately. It was observed that genotypes with suitable plant type for mechanized harvesting belongs to different...

Ali Bakhsh1*, Mashal Rehman1, Said Salman1 and Rehmat Ullah

... yield and fiber quality traits under water stress and non-stress conditions. All the genotypes depicted significant differences for days to first square formation, days to first flower formation, plant height, monopodial branches per plant, sympodial branches per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, fiber length, fiber strength, uniformity index, fiber fineness, ginning out turn and seed cotton yield per plant in both watering treatments. Water stre...

Zakiullah1, Muhammad Farid Khan1*, Muhammad Mohibullah3, Muhammad Iqbal2, Irfanullah3, Faheemullah3, Madiha Urooj1 and Uzma Arif1 

Muhammad Tufail1, Naila Chand1, Rafiullah1, Shakoor Ahmad2, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3 and Shabana Naz4,*
Rahat Afza, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed and Muhammad Asam Riaz*
...f several key biological traits of the exposed coccinellids through physiological and behavioral effects. It is crucial to understand the effects of insecticides on the coccinellids. The current research was aimed at determining the intra-guild predation (IGP) of different life stages combinations of Coccinella septempunctata and Coccinella transversalis in the presence and absence of prey and the impact of sublethal concentrations of insecticide...

Muhammad Naveed Afzal1, Muhammad Tariq1*, Muhammad Ahmad1, Khuram Mubeen2, Muhammad Ayaz Khan3, Muhamamd Umer Afzal4 and Shakeel Ahmad did not improve fiber traits. The PD X N interaction was non-significant for lint mass and fiber quality. The agronomic and economic nutrient use efficiency and partial factor productivity (PFP) was maximum with low doses of nitrogen. Whereas, the percent relative yield (PRY) at 50 kg N was very low in relevance to 150 kg. 


Ali Awais, Charassri Nualsri and Watcharin Soonsuwon* 

...tative measurements. The traits, especially plant height, panicle length, number of filled grains, number of grains per panicle, 1000 grain weight and yield per plant showed a clear fall off when compared to control while the panicle length in both mutants were higher than that of control. Several mutants also revealed some notable phenotypic variations in the roots, seeds, panicles and leaf morphology. Phenotypic observations determined that the Dawk Kha 50 h...
Juan Augusto Hernández-Rivera1, Jaime Molina-Ochoa2,*, Luis Jorge García-Márquez1, Omar Francisco Prado-Rebolledo1, Rafael Julio Macedo-Barragán1, Arturo César García-Casillas1 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3
...ted to contemplate other traits like genetic potential, lactation (305 d), lactation number, fertility rate, and economic impact to observe clarity the potential of each crossbred in dairy cattle in the future.

Muhammad Aslam Rajput1,3, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan2, Rehana Naz Syed3 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi3* 

...ease incidence and other traits as well as between numbers of whips and tillers. 


 Adile Tatliyer1,*, Sinan Bas1 and Serdar Yagci2


... different morphological traits measured from Savak Akkaraman lambs at three different periods (average 11 days after birth, weaning and at the beginning of grazing) using factor scores in multiple linear regressions to remove multicollinearity problem. Morphological data obtained from 159 lambs were subjected to Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s Sphericity tests to ascertain the suitability of factor score analysis. A result showed that imp...

Ihsan Ullah Khan*, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Muhammad Ashraf, Ashiq Saleem, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam and Shamim Ul Sibtain Shah 

...erent Agro-morphological traits in sunflower hybrids. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used with three replications. The experimental material consisted of nine hybrids, six inbred lines and a commercial check (Hysun-33). The recorded data on days to flowering initiation (DFI), days to flowering completion (DFC), days to maturity (DM), plant height (PHT, cm), stem thickness (ST, mm), head diameter (HD, cm), 100-grain weight (100-GW, gm), oil content...

Qaizar Ahmed1, Fida Mohammad2, Sheraz Ahmed2*, Sultan Akbar Jadoon2, Imtiaz Ali2 and Ajmalud Din2 

...chitecture of production traits is important to devise effective breeding and selection strategies. This investigation was carried out to elucidate relationship between Hayman and Griffing analyses in flue cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco. Plant material comprised of seven tobacco cultivars which were hybridized in full diallel mating system at the Tobacco Research Sub-station, Mansehra, Pakistan during 2007. Thereon, seven parents and their forty-two F1 hybrids w...

Aziz Ur Rahman* and Syed Mehar Ali Shah 

... yield and yield related traits in rice. The genetic material comprised 87 rice F5:7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) along with three check cultivars namely Pakhal, Kashmir Basmati and Fakhr-e-Malakand. The genetic material was planted in alpha lattice design using three replications across different locations namely Peshawar, Swat, Manshera and Charsadda of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan during 2017. Pooled analysis of variance indicated signific...

Abid Ali1*, Hidayat ur Rahman1, Farhatullah1 and Zahir Shah

Sher Bahadar Khan1,2,*, Zou Geng1, Cheng Yu-ting1, Asad Sultan3, Mumtaz Ali4,5, Irshad Ahmad6 and Rui Zhou1
...istance, they share many traits with the human pathogenic isolates based on virulence gene contents that may pose a potential threat to public health.

Songhao Zhang1, Yiwen Gong1, Jian Xu1, Mou Hu2, Peng Xu3 and Yanliang Jiang1,2,4,* morphological traits such as red skin color and purse-shaped body form. However, the underlying genetic basis is less studied. In the present study, we utilized the powerful approach of comparative transcriptome analysis via high throughput sequencing, and examined transcriptome profiles of purse red carp by comparing with Yellow River carp, of which the skin color and body shape are quite similar to wild carp. A total of 434 million reads was gener...
Fazal Wahab1, Naila Chand1, Rifat Ullah Khan1, Nazir Ahmad1, Urooba Parvez2, Zia ur Rehman3 and Shabana Naz4,*
... treatments. Egg quality traits including egg shell weight, egg weight, egg shell thickness, Haugh unit, albumin height and yolk weight were not affected by supplementation of fenugreek seeds. It was concluded from the study that supplementation of fenugreek at the rate of 0.5% increased egg production without affecting egg quality traits.
Khalid P. Loneand Irfana Liaqat*
... regarding other somatic traits, the testes were fixed in buffered formalin and processed for routine histology and light microscopy. The annual maturity stages can easily be divided into five gross stages namely, immature and developing, maturing and developed, ripe and running, post spawning and spent-regressed. The testis in Labeo rohita were unrestricted and lobular. The maximum GSI (2.89±0.25) was seen in June when the photoperiod and temper...

Durr-e-Nayab*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil, Fida Mohammad and Shad Khan Khalil 

...ghly significant for all traits under both normal as well as late plantings. There was general reduction in mean performance of genotypes for important yield component traits due to late planting but the magnitude of reduction varied over genotypes and traits. Mean of 29 genotypes (9 parents and 20 F1 hybrids) were 18.0 vs. 7.4 for spikes plant-1, 23.4 vs. 20.5 for spikelets spike-1, 70.2 ...

Muhammad Ilyas* and Fida Mohammad 

... performance for various traits. Wheat RIL25 produced maximum grain yield in E2 (3123 kg ha-1), E3 (3665 kg ha-1) and E7 (3256 kg ha-1), thus emerged as promising line with wider adaptation. Conversely, RIL24 had higher grain yield in E1 (2800 kg ha-1); RIL1 in E4 (2884 kg ha-1); RIL58 in E5 (2370 kg ha-1); RIL7 in E6 (3200 kg ha-1) and RIL53 in E8 (2339 kg ha-1) suggesting their specific adaptability to respective environments. Grain yield was significantly c...

Wajid Khan* and Raziuddin 

... morphological and yield traits. The eight parental genotypes i.e., AUP-01, AUP-05, AUP-07, AUP-08, AUP-10, AUP-13, AUP-18 and AUP-21 were crossed in full diallel fashion to generate 56 F1 crosses. These parental genotypes and their F1 hybrids were evaluated during 2015/16 in the field at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan. Mean squares revealed significant genetic variability among parents and their F1 crosses for days to maturity, primary bran...
Sajida Sabahat1, Asif Nadeem1,*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1, Shahid Nabeel1 and Abu Saeed Hashmi2
...spective of quantitative traits that play key roles in development and regulating growth. The present study was conducted to characterize genetic variability in the growth hormone (GH) and growth hormone receptor (GHR) of Camelus dromedarius. GH is secreted and synthesized from somatotroph cells of the anterior pituitary lobe and plays significant role in growth, development, metabolism, lactation, and reproduction. Growth hormone interact with GHRs and...
Ihsanullah*, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Sohail Akhtar and Syed Muhammad Suhail
...sonal stress on economic traits with special emphasis on postpartum resumption of ovarian activities. Reproductive and productive records of crossbred dairy cows were analyzed at a large-scale state dairy farm from 1997 to 2013. Genetic groups consisted of HF 50.0%, HF 62.5%, HF 75.0% and HF 87.5%, having the respective levels of Holstein Friesian blood were studied in different seasons of the year. No significant differences were found between the groups with...
Tahsin Razzaq*, Muhammad Fareed Khan and Shahid Iqbal Awan
...g scale and pathological traits, it was reported that three parental genotypes Karamat-Bar-25, SZP-13200, NCEV-1530-11 had lowest values for all pathological traits and severity rating of 5R, 5R and 10R and marked as highly resistant (R) genotypes, whereas three parental genotypes Soan-3, Ghuari-122, Kissan-60 were evaluated as highly susceptible (S) within germplasm and had highest values for pathological
Sajida Sabahat1, Asif Nadeem1,*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Ghulam Yasein2 and Ghulam Abbas1 improvement of growth traits in camel. These results suggest that Marecha camel has genetic variability in the IGF-1 and may be helpful for preservation strategies and future selection programs.  


Memis Ozdemir
...mprovement of production traits in dairy cattle, because prolactin has an important regulatory role in the development of the mammary glands, the secretion of milk and the expression of milk protein genes. It has been seen many studies about Prl/RsaI polymorphism found in the exon 3 or exon 4 region of bovine prolactin gene in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine whether the DNA sequence of the Prl gene exon 3 or exon 4 in cattl...

Arifa Khan1*, Shazia Erum2, Naveeda Riaz1, Abdul Ghafoor2 and Farhat Ali Khan3 

...yield and baking quality traits at National Agriculture Research Center Islamabad, Pakistan during autumn 2016-2017. The experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Data were recorded on sprouting, plant height, number of tubers per plant, average tuber weight per plant, tuber shape, skin, flesh color, number of eyes per tuber, sensory evaluation and proximate analysis. Results showed significant differences in all y...

Tanveer Ahmad1*, Muhammad Mujtaba Rafiq1, Waqas Ahmed Dogar2, Abid Mahmood Alvi3, Qumer Iqbal4, Muhammad Azam5 and Arshad Ali Khan6 

...iation of the biological traits of phalsa with phosphorus was further estimated by correlation analysis. Results indicated that phosphorus application @ 150g plant-1 has improved various traits i.e. number of fruit bush-1 (4866.7), yield bush-1 (2.19 kg), single fruit weight (0.656 g), number of fruiting nodes (12.18) and number of sprouted shoots cane-1 (13.89). However, vegetative characters particularly leaf area showed ...

Sana Munir1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi1*, Ahmad Naeem Shahzad2, Ismat Nawaz3, Muhammad Shahzad Anjam4, Sumaira Rasul4 and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar5 

...d contributing and fiber traits using various multivariate analysis such as principle component analysis and linkage cluster analysis. Principle component analysis (PCA) exhibited that first four PC out of nineteen PC, with eigen value >1, contributed about 80.326 % of total variability. Positive contribution towards PC1 was given by seed traits such as lint/seed, seed weight/seed, boll weight, seed index and seed cotton/...
Hüseyin Erdem* and Ibrahim Cihangir Okuyucu
...n some colostrum quality traits in Holstein cows. The material of the study consisted of 51 Holstein Friesian cows. The specific gravity of colostrum, fat, non-fat dry matter (NDM) and protein percentages were measured for colostrum produced at 2, 24, 48 and 72 h after birth. The specific gravity of colostrum (colostrum quality) was determined using a colostrometer. The effects of DPL, ADMY, parity and calving season on the specific gravity of colostrum (colos...

Noorullah Khan1*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Fayaz Ahmad1, Sabaz Ali Khan2, Imtiaz Ahmed1, Muhammad Abbas Khan1, Shamsul Islam1, Abdul Waheed1, Basharat Hussain Shah1 and Hussain Shah

...l the growth attributing traits over the control. However, the highest number of first-order adventitious roots (NFARP) plant-1 (9.5), seedling survival rate (SSR) (51.7), and plant height (85.5 cm) were recorded in plants treated with 3000 ppm IBA. Contrarily the longest roots of 50.7 cm were observed with IBA concentration of 5000 ppm. Correlation analysis revealed that SSR % and growth of kiwi seedlings are strongly associated with NFARP as we found strong ...
Nurlybay Kazhgaliyev1*, Talgat Kulmagambetov2, Dulat Ibrayev1, Saule Bostanova1 and Zhanat Titanov1 impact the adaptation traits among different animal species.We describe here the rationale and economics of adaptation of Aberdeen Angus and Hereford beef-producing animals brought from Canada and the Netherlands to Northern Kazakhstan. In order to investigate common zootechnic methods, daughters of imported Aberdeen Angus and Hereford cows were grouped at the age of 18-19 months with a live weight of no less than 350 kg. Groups were constituted using the a...
Tong Feng, Zilu Zhang, Minghao Qu, Chan Luo, Laiba Shafique, Qingyou Liu and Kuiqing Cui*
...d Nubian goat wool color traits and the color genetic mechanism of Nubian goats.

Ajmalud Din1*, Munir Ahmad2, Fahad Masoud Watto2, Sheraz Ahmed1, Imtiaz Ali1 and Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah physiological traits viz. proline content, osmotic adjustment, excised leaf water retention (ELWR), relative water content (RWC), cell membrane stability (CMS), chlorophyll content and canopy temperature. Mean squares for all traits revealed significant differences among genotypes under moisture stress and normal environmental conditions. High variations were recorded for cell membrane stability, relative water co...
Bhandari Jyoti1,2, Yasen Shali3, Zhang Zehua4, Yao Xiaoho5, Deng Jiang3, Zhang Yaling5, Wang Cuiling5, Li Yang5, Lei Xueping5, Wang Wenfeng5, Mohammad Farooque Hassan6 and Li Can1,*
...rstanding on the species traits is necessary. In this study, the population dynamics, life history and spatial distribution pattern of L. m. tibetensis Chen were explored on meadow and farmland of the Tibetan plateau during 2012. The first objective of this study was to investigate the population dynamic and life history of this pest on their outbreak sites. The second objective was to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of L. m. tibetensis ...

Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Ghulam Shah Nizamani1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan1, Abdullah Khatri1 and Nighat Seema Soomro2 

...rtant yield contributing traits like number of branches plant-1, seeds pod-1 and 1000 seed weight were also seen to be highest in the mutant AEL-40/30 (3.95, 1.91 and 29.11 (g), respectively). Moreover, the same genotype showed an extraordinarily high yield of 1765.1 kg ha-1. The other two mutant lines viz. AEL-13/30 and AEL-12/30 produced seed yield of 1628.4 and 1561.9 kg ha-1, respectively. Yield of the check varieties as well as the parent was substantiall...

Muhammad Ilyas1, Sardar Ali Khan1, Shahid Iqbal Awan1, Shafiq-ur-Rehman1, Waqar Ahmed1, Muhammad Riaz Khan2, Raja Mohib Muazzam Naz2, Muhammad Mohib Ullah Khan3 and Sumaira Hafeez1* 

... of certain quantitative traits on as many as possible plant individuals in basic experimental generations. Initially, 108 inbred lines of maize were planted in two separate trails under water deficit and normal irrigation conditions in the experimental field of Department of Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics. Selection of parents for further study was done with regards to grain yield and its component traits. Broad rang...
Abdüssamet Aydın1 and Ş. Canan Bölükbaşı2*
...performance, egg quality traits, thiobarbituric acid reactive substans (TBARS) of yolk, the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismütase (SOD) and glutation peroxidas (GSHPx) in serum. Sixty Lohman LSL white layers, 40 weeks of age, kept in individual cages were assigned randomly to five treatment groups, each group included 12 hens. The hens received one of five diets with 0, 32.5, 65 or 130 mg/kg pennyroyal extract and 50 mg/kg BHA, respectiv...
Chen Shi, Jianlong Zhang and Guanghui Teng*
...owth characteristics and traits. It is significant for monitoring and understanding the pig growth at different stages effectively. In this study, the experiment adopted a management and data acquisition system based on LabVIEW, which automatically acquired and recorded the body measurements and body weights of 30 pigs during 90-day grower-finisher stage. Three body ratios between two each body measurements showed that the body length and width were the major ...

Muhammad Ilyas1*, Sardar Ali Khan1, Shahid Iqbal Awan1, Shafiq-ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Riaz Khan2 and Sumaira Hafeez1 yield and its related traits. Inbred lines explained a broad range of genetic variability and displayed different levels of drought tolerance. Four inbred lines were selected i.e. VDR-51, DR3-126, DR-37 and 5CDR-53. Crosses were done among the selected inbred lines. Six generations as P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 were prepared for both the crosses to calculate heterosis and inbreeding depression for Randomized Complete Block Design under split plot arrangeme...
Savas Atasever*, Huseyin Erdem and Ibrahim Cihangir Okuyucu
...s calculated between two traits. Routinely recording productive traits and rechecking feeding management for elevating RFS in the farms may be suggested in the investigated farms.

Muhammad Rasheed*, Tayyaba Naseer, Asma Hassan, Fayaz ul Hassan, Rifat Hayat, Ghulam Jilani, Samman Gul Vaseer and Muhammad Bilal Ali 

...response regarding these traits. The maximum fresh weight plant-1 (7.2560 g) and dry weight plant-1 (0.6047 g) was recorded at treatment BS3 and among the different cultivars, NIA 2005 depicted better response than other two cultivars. Crop growth rate showed maximum value (3.3977 gm-2day-1) at treatment BS3 and among the cultivars, NIA 2005 gave highest crop growth rate than others. Net assimilation rate increased due to increase in dry matter of plant and cr...
Savas Atasever*, Ali Vaiz Garipoglu and Huseyin Erdem
...s on milk production and traits in Jersey crossbred cows. A total of 78 smallholder dairy farms in the Middle Black Sea region province of Turkey was investigated by raw milk composition (fat (F), protein (P), lactose (L)), density (D), freezing point (FP), somatic cell count (SCC) and daily milk yield (DMY) according to the different feeding applications (grazing (G), silage usage (S), compound feed usage (C), number of milking cow (NMC), calf suckling period...

Pushpa1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Shahla Karim Baloch2, Mehmooda Buriro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Muhammad Tahir Khan3, Qamar Uddin Jogi1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1 and Farheen Deeba Soomro1 

...germination and seedling traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Wheat varieties Amber and TJ83 were subjected to powder of Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis and Avena fatua under three different treatments i.e. 25, 50 and 75g. The effect of these weed powders on seed germination (%), shoot length (cm), root length (cm), shoot fresh weight (g), root fresh weight (g), shoot dry weight (g), root dry weight (g), and seed vigor index of test species was inve...

Fazli Ahad1, Raziuddin1, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Muhammad Nauman1, Touheed Iqbal3, Nabeel Khan1, Fazli Hameed4 and Quaid Hussain2 

...nces for all the studied traits except primary branches plant-1 and pods main raceme-1, which revealed non-significant differences. Among parents DH4, DH5 performed better for seed yield plant-1 (15.2 g), seeds pod-1 (23.7), respectively, while DH8 showed better performance for pods main raceme-1 (76.6), pod length (7.7 cm) and 1000-seed weight (7.3 g). Cross combinations CA5 × DH6, CA5 × DH7, CA2 × DH7 and CA5 × DH3 showed potential pe...

Nadia Mangrio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Nihaluddin Mari3 and Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2

...ed) resulted in enhanced traits particularly cane yield (111.9 t ha-1), brix (23.1%), and plant nutrients content such as N (2.4 %), K (0.7 %), Zn (68.5 ug g-1) and B (31.7 ug g-1). Similarly, foliar application of B at 0.1 % produced highest attributes specifically cane yield (107.4 t ha-1), brix (21.9%), and plant nutrients content i.e. N (2.3 %), K (0.7 %), Zn (68.5 ug g-1) and B (31.7 ug g-1). Amongst interactive effects, the interaction of Zn at 15 k.g ha...

Ahmad Naeem Shahzad1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi2, Samee Ullah1, Muhammad Latif3, Shakeel Ahmad1 and Syed Asad Hussain Bukhari1* 

... Different morphological traits of plants including number of leaves, leaf fresh weight, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, plant height, leaf dry weight and root dry weight were severely hampered by salt stress. The absence of necrosis in cotton leaves under salt treatments indicated that growth was primarily restricted by the osmotic component of salt stress. Activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase) in plant leave...

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Muhammad Zubair Khan1, Ayesha Bibi2, Muhammad Shehzad Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad

... viscosa). Morphological traits such as plant height, maximum number of fruits plant-1 and yield were observed and severity of disease was investigated for supplement efficacy. The biochemical results obtained were all positive, which confirmed stem rot pathogen as Erwinia carotovora sub spp. chrysanthemi (gram-negative bacteria). Highest plant height (75.3 cm) and maximum number of fruits plant-1 (14.3) were recorded with A. indica when applied at 15ml L-1 al...

Hasnain Alam1*, Jabar Zaman Khan Khattak1 and Taoufik Saleh Ksiksi

...or different germination traits including germination percentage, germinating index, mean daily germination, mean germination time, promptness index, germination stress tolerance index, coefficient of velocity of germination and germination rate. Osmotic stress significantly decreased most of the germination traits, while mean germination time increased with decreasing OL in all four species. A. leucoclada showed significant...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

...n growth and biochemical traits of wheat” for two years at Agricultural Research Station Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The experiments were laid out using three factors factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Bio-aab was used as a source of (BM) culture. Microbes present in this culture were species of photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Rhodobacter spaeroides), lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillu...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Sami Ul-Allah2*, Muhammad Naeem1, Muhammad Ijaz2 and Muhammad Qadir Ahmad3 

...(seed oil contents) seed traits. The study determined the effects of water stress on genetic variability of root and shoot traits and association of the seed traits with seedling vigor. 15 cotton cultivars were studied at two levels of irrigation during 2014-15. Results showed highly significant (p≤0.05) genotypic differences for seed and root‒shoot traits

Javed Iqbal1, Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Adnan Bashir1, Muhammad Hamza2, Wardah Muzaffer3, Muhammad Tahir Latif1 and Naeem Faisal1 

...ignificantly for studied traits. Correlation analysis revealed that grain yield was positively correlated with number of productive tillers per m2 during all years and grain weight during first year; while, negatively correlated with number of grains per spike during second year indicating that increase in grain yield was associated mainly with increase in number of productive tillers per unit area in response to seed rate. In conclusion, increase in seed rate...

Parsa Riaz and Muhammad Naeem*

Digestive Enzymes Activity with Gut Morphometric Parameter of Carnivorous Fish Wallago attu (Siluridae, Siluriformes)
...tive data of the studied traits included total body weight, total body length, gut weight, gut length, condition factor, standard length in Wallago attu. Fish body weight showed positive Pearson’s correlation with total length, gut weight, standard length and amylase enzyme. Fulton’s factor showed positive correlation with fish ZI, lipase and protease. ZI showed positive correlation with amylase and protease. Regression analysis of Protease has hig...

Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Shamsher Ali3*, Adnan Nasim1, Muhammad Ismail1, Nur Ul Haq1 and Muhammad Usman4

Effect of Planting Sources, Cane Portions and Setts Placement Methods on Sugarcane Yield Attributing Traits
...arcane yield attributing traits were examined at Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI), Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The experiment was conducted in RCB Design with split plot arrangements, in 3 replications for two years (2012-14). Different planting material i.e., trenched (sugarcane buried in soil to avoid frost damage) and fresh cane (directly obtained after harvesting of standing crop) stalk segments i.e. upper, middle, lower and 33 % (having uppe...

Javed Iqbal1, Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Adnan Bashir1, Wardah Muzaffer2, Naeem Faisal1, Muhammad Tahir Latif1 and Sami Ullah1

...r 15). Yield and related traits of all varieties were decreased by delayed sowing. Early sown crop (November 01) had maximum emergence which decreased gradually with delayed sowing. Tillers m-2, grain weight, grains per spike and yield of all varieties was greater on November 15 sowing and decreased by sowing afterwards (November 30 - December 15). Although Lasani-08 and Punjab-11 both were high yielders but grain yield of AARI-11 was least affected by sowing ...
Guang-Hui Tan, Yi-Yu Zhang*, Yuan-Yu Qin, Lei Wu and Jie-Zhang Li
... of CYP7A1 gene on lipid traits in Tianzhu Black Muscovy (Cairina moschata). We detected two novel silent mutations, CDS 216 A>G and CDS 681 T>A in exon 2 and exon 3 of CYP7A1 gene, respectively, and both SNPs changed DNA single strand conformation. The A and T allele of CDS 216 A>G and CDS 681 T>A was dominant allele, and its frequency was 0.554 and 0.800, respectively. Each SNP resulted in three genotypes. The genotypic distribution of CDS...

Shouguo Yang1, Fen Cheng1, Xiangyu Wu1, YiXuan Xing1, ZhiFeng Gu2 and Xianming Tang1,*

...nts between morphometric traits and total weight reached the significant level. With the increasing of animal age, the growth of total shell length, width and weight significantly increased, while the growth rate decreased with the increasing of animal age. Results from the present study provide the first biological reference to H. ternatanus and are useful for assessing the growth and resource assessment of H. ternatanus.
Duo Jing Qiu1,2,3, Xin Yu1,2,3, Mao Jun Zhong1,2,3 and Long Jin1,2,3*
...volution of life-history traits, which leads to variation in temperature, food availability and duration of breeding season in amphibians. Here, we examined differences in somatic condition and testis mass of male Duttaphrynus melanostictus distributed in two altitudes (120 m and 1673 m above sea level) in Hunan and Yunnan Province, southwest China. We found that D. melanostictus displayed significant differences in body mass and relative testis ...
Yan Zhou1,2, Hai Xia Han1,2, Qiu Xia Lei1,2, Jin Bo Gao1,2, Wei Liu1,2, Fu Wei Li1,2, Jie Liu1,2 and Ding Guo Cao1,2*
...otypes with reproduction traits were assessed, their effects on gene expression were evaluated also. As a result, three haplotypes H1 (G-G-A), H2 (G-G-G) and H3 (A-A-G) were obtained, H1 was the main haplotype with a frequency of 91.75%. The correlation analysis showed that diplotypes (H1H1, H2H2 and H3H3) were significantly associated with egg production at age of 40W (E40) (P=0.0342) and egg production at age of 43W (E43) (P=0.0184). The egg pr...

Hafsa Naheed* and Hidayat-Ur-Rahman

Genotype by Environment Interactions of Vegetative Growth Traits of Bread Wheat Genotypes
...nce of vegetative growth traits of the 40 exotic bread wheat lines was assessed across seven different environments during 2015-16 and 2016-17 growing seasons. The trials were conducted using RCB design at four locations for two years; Research Farm, of the University of Agriculture, Peshawar; Agriculture Research Station, Buner; Agriculture Research Station, Baffa, Mansehra; and Barani Agriculture Research Station, Jarma, Kohat (one year only). Data were reco...

Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola

Comparative Productive Performance among three Plumage Varieties of Noiler Hens
...g production performance traits in the tested plumage varieties of Noiler hens.


Rao Wali Muhammad1, Hafiz Muhammad Wasif Ali2*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Qadir Ahmad2, Abdul Qayyum2, Waqas Malik2 and Etrat Noor2

Estimation of Different Genetic Parameters in Various Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Genotypes under Field Condition
...garding various economic traits i.e. days to flowering, plant height, days to maturity, no. of primary branches per plant, no. of secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, 1000-seed weight and yield per plant of 200 safflower accessions. Analysis of variance and principal component analysis were carried out to estimate the extent of variability for studied parameters and to partition the germplasm into various cluster groups on basis of their mean performa...

Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Muhammad Farooq1,2, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1, Farrukh Ilahi1 and Muhammad Asif1

Fiber Quality Studies with Respect to Different Cotton Insect Pests using Multivariate Analysis
... different fiber quality traits. The ANOVA results depicted considerable variation in almost all traits. Fiber length was greatly influenced by the population of thrips, jassid, whitefly, pink bollworm and dusky cotton bug. Fiber fineness was influenced by the population of jassid, pink bollworm and dusky cotton bug while fiber strength was slightly affected by the population of thrips. The advance lines of cotton viz. FH-40...

Shahid Nadeem1*, Taj Naseeb Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Adnan Younis2 and Iram Fatima3

Influence of Plant Growth Regulators by Foliar Application on Vegetative and Floral physiognomies of Gladiolus
...tative as well as floral traits of gladiolus. The maximum numbers of days (7.90) for the sprouting of gladiolus corms were counted with 1mM of SA similarly maximum plant height (93.60cm) and maximum numbers of leaves (9.86) were observed by 1.75mM SA. The relationship between plant’s vegetative phase and growth regulators stood noteworthy resulted in maximum leaf length (71.14cm), rachis length (57.33cm) and spike length (77.67cm) at 1.75mM concentration...

Attiq ur Rehman1,2*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil3 and Ihtisham Ali4

Genetic Diversity and Traits Association in Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat Genotypes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan
... agronomically important traits renders the basis for development of a successful crop improvement program. An experiment containing 16 wheat genotypes (8 durum and 8 spring wheat) was conducted in crop season of year 2015-2016, at The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. The experimental design used was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The parameters under study were days to heading, days to maturity, flag leaf area, plant he...

Khan Sher1*, Muhammad Subhan1, Muhammad Nisar2, Ali Hazrat2, Zahid Fazal1, Gul Rahim2, Imran Ahmad1, Riaz ul Haq1 and Shamia Bibi1

Genetic Diversity in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgarus L.) Collected from Different Ecological Zones of Malakand Division (A Part of the Sino Japanese Region of Pakistan)
...akistan. The qualitative traits showed significant level of diversity like seed shape was determined by two alleles, seed color was defined by 13 numbers of alleles and four alleles were responsible for flower color. Similarly, the quantitative traits showed 73% diversity in the parameters studied. However, it was different in individual characters. In overall, 59% of the yield contributing traits
Mikail Arslan1, Orhan Yilmaz2, Bahattin Cak2* and Ahmet Fatih Demirel2
...investigate reproductive traits of Kivircik ewes under three lambing systems in two years and their lambs’ survival and growth performances. A total of 200 Kivircik ewes and 15 Kivircik rams were used. Ewes were subjected to a system of lambing every 8 months. Ewes were mated in August (summer), April (spring) and December (winter), respectively. Ewes were synchronized using FIS (intravaginal flourogestone sponges) for 14 days. Additionally, 600 IU eCG (...

 Majid Shahi Bajestani1, Esmat Mahdikhani Moghadam2*, Reza Aghnoum3 and Hamid Rohani2

Study of Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Description of New Record (Rotylenchus alius) Associated with Barley (Hordium vulgare L.) in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeast Iran
...lecular level. Molecular traits on Meloidogyne arenaria species done by partial 18s ribosomal DNA primer and sequence results verified the morphometric studies and showed 99 percent resemblance to AB905316 sequence from Japan. In addition, scanning electron microscope (SEM) assay on infected roots by Meloidogyne arenaria showed that this species has been able to create gall in barley root and disrupt on cellular metabolism.

Feng Xu1,2,3*, Weikang Yang1,2,3*, Ming Ma1,2,3 and David A. Blank4
... and a predator, season, traits of species and numbers of others factors were thought to have significant impacts on vigilance. Here, in this study we considered only three of them: group size, disturbance, and predation vulnerability and their impact on the vigilance of the Demoiselle crane (Antropoides virgo). Our results showed that group size, human disturbance, and predation vulnerability significantly affect Demoiselle crane’s vigilance. Wit...
Inga Kowalewska-Łuczak1 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska2,*
...ed milk and reproductive traits in the Polish Holstein-Friesian cattle (black and white variety). Analysis of genotypes of individual species was carried out using the PCR-RFLP. The frequency of the most occurring alleles for the individual polymorphisms studied was the following g.18174 A>G NCF4 gene A
Yifan Ni1, Jian Liu1, Fen Wu1, Jianfeng Cai1, Jinzhi Zhang1*, Jianqing Hua2 and Jiping Fu2
...iation with reproductive traits in Landrace, Large Yorkshire and Jinhua sows. A total of 316 sows of three different breeds were used to examine the genotypes, and DNA sequencing method was employed to detect the potential SNPs in this study. There were two SNP loci found in these genes totally. One mutation (G→A) was detected in exon 1 of MDR1 gene, which caused a synonymous mutation of amino acid (Leu→Leu), the other one (T→A) in exon 7...

Muhammad Jahanzaib1*, Nazakat Nawaz1, Muhammad Arshad1, Shehzadi Saima4, Muhammad Suhaib2, Muzammil Husain3, Haris Khurshid1 and Shahid Ali Khan1

Effect of Temporal Application of Gypsum on Mineral Uptake and Economically Important Morphometric Traits in Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L) under Rain-fed Conditions
...ld and related agronomic traits as well as mineral concentration in response to gypsum application. The highest pod yield (3522.2kg/ha), root biomass (9.03g/ plant), and nodules (382/ plant) were observed in treatment T3. The calcium concentration (0.80 %) in shoots of T3 was the highest. In the present study application of gypsum at the time of sowing and pegging was found to have a positive effect on grain yield and mineral concentration. We recommend that o...
Anjali Khadka1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Subarna Sharma Acharya3, Amrit Poudel4 and Sushma Adhikari1
Morphological Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill Genotypes in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal
...tion and contribution of traits on yield, the varietal trial was performed at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Lumle, Kaski, Nepal. Sixteen soybean genotypes were placed out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. According to mean performance, the genotypes F778817, G-1873 and KAVRE performed better and were found high yielding. Phenotypic coefficient of variation was found to be higher than the genotypic coefficient of va...

Muhammad Ali Shah, Faiz Ur Rehman, Abbas Mehmood, Fareed Ullah, Sayed Irfan Shah and Syed Majid Rasheed*

Combining Ability, Heritability and Gene Action Assessment in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) for Yield and Yield Attributes and yield associated traits, utilizing randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two replications, at Bacha Khan Agricultural Research Farm (BARF), Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan during the growing season of 2017-18. The data were collected for pods related traits and total yield. The results of the study showed significant differences among parents and F1’s for all the studied ...

Ghulam Rabbani1, Uzma Javed1*, Javed Iqbal2, Ruqeah Mustafa3, Ghulam Shabbir2 and Fida Hassan Shah4

Barani Mash a Newly Developed Disease Resistant and High Yielding Mash Cultivar for Rainfed Areas of Punjab, Pakistan
...ight. Based on desirable traits and higher yield, this line was approved with name of “Barani Mash” by the Punjab Seed Council for its cultivation on commercial level in rainfed areas of Punjab. “Barani Mash” will prove to be a good alternative of existing cultivars and cultivation of this cultivar would help to increase the productivity and income of mash growers in Barani tract.


Amjed Ali1, Rafi Qamar1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Salman Saleem2, Sami Ullah3, Muhammad Arshad Javed4 and Syed Wasim Hasan5

Development and Growth: Influence of Sowing Dates on Performance of Cotton Cultivars
...lopmental and allometric traits of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under the agro-ecological conditions at Sargodha, Punjab, during Kharif season, 2015. The study consisted of i) three cultivars viz. Bt. FH-142, Bt. MNH-886 and FDH-170 and ii) three sowing dates viz. 21st April, 5th May and 20th May. Cultivars and sowing dates improved developmental and allometric traits of cotton in the study year. Significantly, 21st April ...
Jun Yan Bai1*, Ren Tao Di Wu2, Qiang Zhang2, Di Bao2, Le Ma Dao2 and Xing Hua Tian3
...iated with the body size traits of Sonid bactrian camels, so as to provide reference for marker-assisted selection of Sonid bactrian camels. The results showed that 64 alleles were detected in 17 microsatellite markers. The average number of alleles was 3.7647, the average heterozygosity was 0.6205, and the average polymorphism information content was 0.5602. It showed that the population of Sonid bactrian camel had high genetic diversity. Among 17 microsatell...
Zhilong Tian1, 2, Yuqin Wang2, Jishun Tang1,3 and Mingxing Chu1*
...ection of high fecundity traits in sheep. A total of 384 small tail han sheep (STH) were sampled to detect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), and Sequenom Mass ARRAY®SNP assay was applied to genotype SNP loci of the SYNE2 gene. In this study, four SNPs were identified and that SNPs were identified that involved in amino acid changes. Population genetic analysis indicated that SYNE2 gene g.73310578G>A, g.73312791A>G showed ...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Naimatullah Leghari2, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio3, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro4, Nadia Mangrio1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5

Evaluation of Irrigation Frequencies and Seed Priming with Plant Nutrients on Growth and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Genotypes
... on growth and yields of traits of sunflower genotypes. In case of irrigation frequencies, enhanced seed yield (2256 kg ha-1) was recorded in five irrigations followed by four irrigations having non-significant differences with each other. Genotype, HO-1 was found superior over Hysun-33 by producing greatest seed yield (1894 kg ha-1). The seed priming with 0.2% ZnSO4 resulted in highest (2010 kg ha-1) seed yield seconded by seed priming with 1.0% Urea (1966 kg...
Zhen-Yang Wu1, Li Li1, Yu-Hua Fu2, Sheng Wang3, Qing-Ming An1, Xiao-Hui Tang4, Xiao-Yong Du3,5,* and Fei Zhou6,* of important economic traits which can affect wool price directly. In this study, to investigate the functional roles of genes in Tibetan sheep skin with different coat colors, we sequenced genes from six skin samples using Solexa sequencing. The RNA-Seq analysis generated 63,283,784 and 63,644,062 clean reads in black and white skin, respectively. A total of 60 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, providing evidence that the different coa...
Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Hui Rong Gong, Xiao Ning Lu and Zi Heng Li
...ymorphism on the carcass traits of laying quail. The polymorphism of ESR1 gene exon 4 in three laying quail populations was detected by PCR product sequencing, and the correlation between ESR1 gene and carcass traits of laying quail was analyzed. The results show that, Exon 4 of ESR1 gene among Beijing white quail, the pectora weight and pectoral muscle rate of CC genotype was significantly higher than that of CT and TT geno...
Jun Yan Bai*, Kun Peng Shi, Xiao Ning Lu, Xiao Hong Wu, Xue Yan Fu, Heng Cao, Hong Deng Fan, Meng Ke Chen and Yong Kang Ma

Tofique Ahmed Bhutto1, Mahmooda Buriro1, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2, Safdar Ali Wahocho2, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro3*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Reema Vistro1, Fehmeeda Abbasi1, Sanam Kumbhar1, Fateh Muhammad Shawani4 and Nadar Hussain Khokhar5

Evaluation of Wheat Cultivars for Growth and Yield Traits under Agro-Ecological Condition of Tandojam
...wth and yield associated traits. The highly varied performance of crop cultivars of the same species for growth and yield-related attributes is well documented. The present investigation investigated the performance of wheat cultivars under Tando Jam conditions. For this study, two-year field experiments were performed during October 2015-2017 (both seasons) applying randomized complete design with three replications. Performance of various wheat varieties for...

Saba Aleem1*, Mehvish Tahir2, Iram Sharif3, Muqadas Aleem4, Muhammad Najeebullah2, Ali Nawaz1, Amina Batool1, Muhammad Imran Khan1 and Waheed Arshad1

Principal Component and Cluster Analyses as Tools in the Assessment of Genetic Diversity for Late Season Cauliflower Genotypes
...ontribution of different traits to the total variation. In the present study, nineteen genotypes were evaluated for presence of genetic diversity through principal component and cluster analyses. The experiment was designed in randomized complete block design with two replications at the experimental area of Vegetable Research Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan in 2019. In the principal component analysis, first three principal components had eigenvalue >1 and...
Ghulam Sarwar1, Amna Nazir1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Eram Shahzadi2 and Abid Mahmood3
...tor loading of earliness traits, fiber fineness and negative factor loading of sympodia per plant and seed cotton yield. In PC-II, there was maximum positive factor loading of bolls per plant and GOT % while negative factor loading for CLCuV % and fiber length. A biplot between PC-I and PC-II showed that major contribution towards variability of fiber fineness and earliness traits among the studied genotypes. In cluster anal...
Muhammad Muhsin1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3,Sadia Khan4, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Muhammad Zubair Amin6, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub7, Usman Anwar8, Muhammad Umair Hassan1 and Muhammad Umer Chattha1*
...ncrease in yield related traits.

 Shuanping Zhao, Lei Xu, Hai Jin and Yutang Jia*

... their effects on growth traits in Chinese Dabieshan (DBS) cattle. By DNA sequencing and (forced) PCR-RFLP methods, three polymorphisms (g.1500G>A, g.1694T>A and g.2213C>G) were identified and genotyped in our population (n=298). Genetic diversity analysis showed that g.1500G>A and g.1694T>A belonged to an intermediate level of genetic diversity (0.25<PIC<0.5), and SNP g.2213C>G belonged to a low polymorphism level (PIC<0.25). LD (Li...
Abdul Waheed Solangi, Lei Zhang, Yunxia Cheng and Xingfu Jiang*
...ed suite of life-history traits on progeny growth i.e. developmental time, larval and pupal mass. We found that forced flight females had early oviposition with higher fecundities and shorter lifespan, whereas control females had delay oviposition with lower fecundities and longer lifespan. In addition, to these maternal effects, flight stimulated changes in maternal egg provisioning had direct significances on progeny life history tra...
Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Hera Gul2, Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Sami Ullah3, Ghulam Sabir Hussain4, Mumtaz Hussain1, Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmad1, Rao Wali Muhammad1, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Zeshan6

...itative and quantitative traits of crop were recorded by using standard procedure. Highest number of millable cane m2 (10.35) was recorded for sugarcane planted in 100 cm spaced and 90 cm wide triple against the lowest of 8.55 cane m2 for that planted in 100 cm spaced and 30 cm wide single row ditch...
Muhammad Zubair1, Habib Ahmad2*, Brian E. Hemphill3, Muhammad Tariq4 and Muzafar Shah5
...of non metric phenotypic traits of the mature teeth, in three ethnic groups’ viz. Daudzai, Khalil and Mohmand of Peshawar districts, of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KP) of Pakistan. Dental casts obtained from both mandible and maxilla of 375 volunteers in which 75 male and 50 females of all the tribes. The dental casts for each individual were analyzed for a set of 35 tooth-trait accordance with the Arizona State University Dental Morphology System. ...

Muhammad Jahanzaib1*, Nazakat Nawaz1, Muhammad Arshad1, Haris Khurshid1, Muzamil Hussain2 and Shahid Ali Khan1



...ate genetic variability, traits association, and path coefficient analysis in eleven groundnut advanced breeding lines together with check vis BARD-479, using randomized complete block design with three replications at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan. Through One-Way Analysis of variance significant discrepancies were found among the genotypes for most of the traits. In this study 100 kernel...
Junyan Bai*, Zhihao Dong, Youbing Yang, Ziheng Li, Xiaoning Lu and Huirong Gong
...analysis of meat quality traits at different segmented parts of small-tailed Han sheep was conducted. The results showed that drip losses of back and tendon were obviously lower than those at other parts (P<0.05). Cooking loss of tendon was significantly lower than that at other parts (P<0.05). The shearing force of hind leg was obviously lower than that at other parts (P<0.05). The flesh color of waist was significantly lower tha...

Faiza Aman1,*, Neelam Ara1 and Syed Mehar Ali Shah2



...or the nine quantitative traits to assess the variability and association patterns for the characters under study. The genotypes were grown in plots using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) at Horticulture Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar during 2016-2017 pea growing season. All the studied parameters showed significant (p≤0.01) differences, indicating the presence of sufficient variability among the genotypes. Minimum days to firs...
Asima Batool1, Ghulam Abbas2*, Zuhair Hasnain3, Nasira Perveen4 and Muhammad Naeem Akhtar5
Javaria Sherani1,2*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Tanveer Ahmad2, Sohail Kamaran3, Abdul Manan2, Tehseen Ali Jilani2 and Mateen Sajid2
... fruit yield and quality traits, we examined the scion-root interaction of four scion cultivars viz. Delhi White, Suffen, Karela and Mahmud Wali during March-April 2013-14. After the establishment of plant, data were recorded for yield and fruit quality traits during three consecutive years (2016-19). Results showed that Dehli White grafted plants produced maximum yield kg/plant (60.33, 71.43, 78.00 ) followed by Mehmud Wali...
Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Nadia Mangrio1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2, Ghulam Sughra Mangrio3, Nihaluddin Mari4, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5
...cially yield and quality traits.
Md. Sabbir Ahamed1, Md. Rayhan Chowdhury1, Md. Atik Mas-ud1, Sujat Ahmed2, Md. Shahadat Hossain1 and Mohammad Nurul Matin1
...d and yield contributing traits of 13 local rice cultivars grown in Bangladesh were estimated. Results indicated that most traits including, plant height (PH), panicle length (PaL), leaf length (LL), leaf breath (LB), 100-grain weight (100-GW) as well as filled and unfilled grain per panicle (FGPa, UFGPa), and primary branch (PB) obtained significant variation in case of treatment. The genotypic variance (
Yongyun Zhang1, 2, Xinyang Fan1, Fangting Zhou1, Weizhen Li3, Yina Ouyang1,4 and Yongwang Miao1*
...ive value and production traits of milk. So far, αS1-CN coding gene (CSN1S1) has been widely studied in dairy cattle, but the polymorphisms of the CSN1S1 gene have not been fully understood in buffalo. In this study, the polymorphisms in coding sequence (CDS) of the CSN1S1 gene for river and swamp buffalo were detected using PCR product direct sequencing. The CDS for both types of buffalo was the same in length, whi...
Bram Brahmantiyo1,*, Henny Nuraini2,3, Astari Wibiayu Putri3, Maizirwan Mel4,5 and Cecep Hidayat6 used for quantitative traits and descriptive analysis for qualitative traits. Qualitative characteristics of hair color variation of Hyla rabbit was different than other with 7.7 % pointed on their white hair color, and hip type compact of Hycole, Hyla and New Zealand White were 90 %, 84.6 % and 76.9 %, respectively. Quantitative characteristics of chest depth of Hycole and Hyla rabbits were higher than New Zealand White....
Uzma Ayaz1,* and Muhammad Fareed Khan2

...was recorded for various traits i.e. germination percentage, flower initiation days, full flowering days, full development days, total leaves per plant, chlorophyll content (mg/cm-2), height of plant (cm), disk length (cm), thickness of stem (mm), 1000-achene’s weight (g), fresh achene’s weight (g), dry achene’s weight (g) and achene’s yield (kg/ha). This experimental study depicts dependence and linkage of some agrono...
Muhammad Naveed1, Asif Nadeem1,2*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Fahad Bhutta3 and Ruqayya Bint Khalid1
...ival and milk production traits in farm animals. The genomic characterization of STAT5A gene has not been assessed before in Nili Ravi Buffalo. In present research work, the sequence of the bovine STAT5A gene was analyzed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms and its effect on evolutionary divergence. Nine polymorphisms, six in intronic and three in exonic regions, were identified in STAT5A gene. One exonic polymorphism G→A, in ...
Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman2,3*, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2, Md. Moshiur Rahman3,4 and Muhammed Aslam Pathiri2
...ct effects on phenotypic traits expression in different fish species. The present study was, therefore, intended to explore whether these light and shelter could influence some phenotypic traits of African catfish larvae under laboratory condition. Newly hatched larvae were stocked in plastic aquaria (10L) at a rate of 5 individuals/L and reared for one month under four treatments such as 24h light (24L), 24 h dark (24D), 12...

Frederic Ndihokubwayo and Atakan Koç

...idering the milk quality traits, the effect of farm on FC (P < 0.01); the effects of farm, parity, calving season and lactation stage on NFDMC (P < 0.01) and the effects of farm, parity and TEHS on Log10SCC (P < 0.01) were found statistically significant. The Log10SCC positively correlated with the TEHS (r = 0.24; P < 0.01), but its correlation with BDS is very low (r = 0.07; P > 0.05). As a result, the BDS having no significant effect on milk y...

Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Abdul Waheed, M. Abbas Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Shamsul Islam, Basharat Hussain Shah, Sohail Aslam and Qamar uz Zaman

...rious growth attributing traits of fifteen early flushing tea (Camellia sinensis L) clones. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replication and 100 plants per replication.  Data were recorded on plant height (PH), number of branches per plant (NBP), number of leaves per plant (NLP), stem diameter (SD), main root length (MRL), root diameter (RD), number of lateral roots per plant (NLRP), dry shoot weight (DRW) ...

Hafiz Basheer Ahmad1*, Sajida Habib2, Waqas Shafqat Chattha3, Rizwana Qamar2, Shazia Saeed2, Abdul Khaliq1 and Salsabeel Rauf2

...t the mean values of all traits except for days to 50% flowering of maintainer lines were higher than restorer lines. The principal component analysis for B-lines showed that first eigen value equals 2.77 and represented 39.57 % of the total variability while second eigenvalue equals 1.24 and showed 17.76% of the total variability. The first two factors showed 57.34% of the initial variability. The principal component analysis for R-lines showed that the first...

Tanweer Fatah Abro1, Asif Ali Kaloi1, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Tarique Ahmed Baloch2, Tanveer Ali Soomro1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1 and Waqar Hussain Shah4

...nd fiber quality related traits in upland cotton. Significant differences were observed among genotypes, parents, F4 populations and parents x F4 populations for all the studied attributes which articulated greater genetic variation in the breeding material. Heritability estimates were moderate to high for all the traits. The F4 population CRIS-134 x FH-113 displayed the highest heritability estimates for plant height (95.24...

Saba Aleem1*, Iram Sharif2, Mehvish Tahir3, Muhammad Najeebullah3, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Amina Batool1 and Waheed Arshad1 

... different physiological traits. Heat susceptible genotypes showed lengthened curd induction stage. Further, decrease in chlorophyll and osmoprotectants contents was also seen in heat susceptible genotypes. TSX-C40 was identified as most susceptible genotype to heat stress due to low accumulation of glycine betaine and proline, and greater relative cell injury percentage, along with lengthened curd induction stage. Curd induction in TSX-C40 was seen when the m...

Habiba ur Rehman, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar and Waqas Raza

...t results in all studied traits as compared to all other treatments at the concentration of 6mM. The results showed that Nativo exhibited the maximum germination % (71.47), seedling length (23.67, 35.00 and 47.33 cm), number of leaves/plant (6.33, 7.67 and 11.33), minimum disease incidence (12.33, 11.12 and 10.13 %), minimum disease severity (26.80, 24.67 and 11.37 %) and maximum plant survival (89.62, 94.35 and 98.37%) at 15, 30 and 45 days after treatment, r...

Arshad Khan1, Mohammad Ihsan1, Mohammad Nisar1, Ali Hazrat1*, Murad Ali3, Rashid Ul-Haq3, Khalid Khan2, Karishma Gul1 and Shah Faisal1 

...ds such as morphological traits, biochemical (SDS PAGE) and molecular markers. The present work was conducted on the basis of morphological and biochemical characterization in order to estimate the genetic diversity among the barley landraces; to explore significant variation which can be used in breeding programs. For this purpose, 40 barley landraces were collected from Dir Lower and Swat, districts of KP, Pakistan. A total of 18 tra...
Asif Sadam*, Rahmat Ullah Khan and Sajid Mahmood
...dy aimed to identify the traits that enable bird species to become urban exploiters i.e. to colonize and become abundant in highly urbanized areas. Bird species were identified in point counts without distance estimation, in three habitats: urban area, residential area, and agricultural area. Twelve sampling sites were selected in well-defined habitats in Mardan district. Bird species traits were taken from field observation...

Huma Qamar1, Mariam Hassan1, Muhammad Zubair1*, Adnan Arshad2, Muhammad Qusain Saeed3, Muhammad Umar3, Sundas Shahzad1, Tariq Mahmood1 and Muhammad Aftab1 Mean square for five traits was constructed which was highly significant except plant height. Correlation in plant’s height and branches, days required for flowering and days required for maturity was positive at genotypic as well as phenotypic levels. Correlation between numbers of branches and days required for flowering was positive, while negative association of branches’ number was observed with days required for maturity and the obtained ...

Muhammad Akhtar1, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood2*, Kaiser Latif Cheema1, Mushtaq Ahmad2, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khalid1, Amir Amin1, Javed Anwar Shah1, Zeeshan Qadeer1 and Zeshan Ali3

...n performance of various traits revealed significant differences among all the included chickpea advance lines. Drought indices i.e. drought tolerance efficiency (DTE), drought susceptibility (DSI) and yield reduction percentage were calculated to identify the drought tolerant chickpea lines. Correlation analysis showed that the strains possessing higher number of pods plant-1, more root length and maximum grain weight were comparatively least susceptible to m...
Junyan Bai1*, Zhihao Dong1, Rentaodi Wu2, Lema Dao2, Di Bao2, Qiang Zhang2, Xinghua Tian3 and Hui Cao1
...ody weight and body size traits of Alashan Bactrian camel. The results showed that the S growth model of body height, body length, chest circumference and tube circumference had the best fitting effect, and the fitting degree was 0.937, 0.982, 0.972 and 0.914, respectively. The S growth models of body height, body length, chest circumference and tube circumference were Y=e(5.219-0.520/X), Y=e(5.140-0.601/X), Y=e(5.473-0.615/X),...

Iftikhar ud Din* and Yousaf Hayat

...dently. In reality these traits are not independent and appropriate techniques for analyzing multiple traits simultaneously, is the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). This study deals with the illustration of MANOVA using simulated data, related to agricultural trials. The appropriate design, methods of analysis, interpretation and conclusion are carried out on simulated data. For illustration three factors are cons...
Song Jiang1,2,3, Xianbin Mo1,2, Falin Zhou2,3, Jianhua Huang2,3, Qibin Yang2,3, Lishi Yang2,3 and Shigui Jiang2,3*
...body weight and survival traits, as well as the interaction effect of genotype and environment. The results showed that the average body weight and survival rate of P. monodon in Diet A group were higher than those of Diet B group, and the heritability of P. monodon in Diet A and Diet B group was 0.53±0.12 and 0.39±0.09, respectively, which belonged to high heritability, and the heritability of survival after transformation was 0.38...
Song Jiang1,2,3, Ming-ge Zhuang1,2,3, Fa-lin Zhou1,2, Qi-bin Yang1, Jian-hua Huang1, Li-shi Yang1 and Shi-gui Jiang1*
...fect on the reproductive traits and VTG mRNA expression level in parent shrimps of P. monodon.

M. Azam, Iqtidar Hussaian*, Ghazanfar ullah, A.A. Khakwani, M.S. Baloch, K. Waseem, M. Amjed Nadeem and M.K. Javaid 

...nificant differences for traits such as unfertile tiller hill-1, while transplanting dates also indicated significant differences for biological yield, grain yield, plant height, spikelet fertility (%), 1000-grain yield and number of unfertile tiller per plant. Seedling densities and transplanting dates interaction also showed significant differences for various parameters under study. Data revealed that 3 seedlings hill-1 transplanted on 18th July gave maximu...

Muzamil Farooque Jamali1, Fayaz Ali Jamali1, Tanveer Fatima Miano1, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi2, Sohail Ahmed Otho3, Khalid Hussain Talpur4, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho1 and Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro5*

...ed and flowering related traits. The plants treated with canal water showed better seed germination (82.56 %), seed germination index (2.04), plant height (21.31 cm), branches/plant (45.61), leaves/plant (201.67), flowers/plant (8.56), diameter of flower (7.95 cm), fresh root biomass (0.821 g) and dry root biomass (2.28 mg). The plants treated with 2 dSm-1 showed seed germination (65.35 %), seed germination index (1.53), plant height (16.61cm), branches/plant ...
Arshad Khan1, Mohammad Ihsan1, Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Muhammad Laiq1, Maryam Bibi1, Nasir Ali2, Ulfat Naz1, Muhammad Zakria1, Nausheen Nazir3, Adam Khan4 and Muhammad Asif Nawaz5
...erized for 11 phenotypic traits (4 qualitative and 7 quantitative). A significant diversity was found for leaf length with the range of 4 to 15 cm, leaf width 1 to 7.0 cm, petiole length range from 0.5 to 4.5cm.The internodes length ranged from 0.5cm to 6. The seed length ranged from 4 to 11mm. The 100 seed weight ranged from 7.7 to 48g. Correlation analysis revealed that leaf width was strongly significant with leaf length (0.454**), 100 seed weight with leaf...

Hafsa Naheed* and Hidayat-Ur-Rahman

... significant for all the traits studied, indicating that the performance of most of the genotypes was not the same across the environments. Various stability parameters; Eberhart and Russell, Perkin and Jinks and Finlay and Wilkinsons models were used to determine stability. Considering the Eberhart and Russell’s approach G.27, G.34, G.11, G.17, Siran and G.35 for tillers m-2 and G.22, G.23, G.31 for kernel weight had the bi (regression coefficient) valu...
Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska1, Iwona Szatkowska1, Daniel Zaborski2*, Wilhelm Grzesiak2, Sara Tabor-Osińska1, Małgorzata Wasielewska1Witold S. Proskura1, Wojciech Kruszyński3 and Edward Pawlina3
...evel of milk performance traits in different cattle breeds. The study involved 227 Jersey, 147 Polish Holstein-Friesian black-and-white (HO) and 181 Polish Holstein-Friesian red-and-white (RW) cows. PCR-RFLP was used for genotyping. A bioinformatic analysis of the P1 regulatory sequence was also carried out. Three genotypes (TT, CT and CC) were identified. The CT genotype was the most frequent (0.40, 0.50 and 0.52 in Jerseys, HO and...
Jun Yan Bai*, Yu Chen, Qi Hang Hu, Zhi Hao Dong, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Shu Juan Zhao and You Zhi Pang
...lymorphism on the growth traits of quails. PCR products were used to directly sequence the polymorphism of exon 4 of ESR gene in three quail populations (Chinese yellow quail, Korean quail, Beijing white quail) and analyze the association between ESR gene and growth traits of quails. The results show that three genotypes, CC, CT and TT, were detected in exon 4 of ESR1 gene in three quail populations. The...
Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Shu Juan Zhao, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Heng Cao and Kun Peng Shi
... and analyze the carcass traits of french giant meat quail and savimalt meat quail in order to provide reference for breeding and improvement of meat quail. The results show that french giant meat quail shows far higher body weight, carcass weight, carcass net weight, breast muscle weight (total), leg muscle weight (single) and leg muscles rate compared to savimalt meat quail (P<0.05). Moreover, heart weight, liver weight, slaughter rate, whole net c...

Muhammad Zubair Ishaq1, Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2*, Saghir Ahmad2, Amna Bibi2, Hafeez UR Rehman3, Umar Farooq3, Javaria Ashraf4 and Samaria Nisar4

Muhammad Nauman1, Iftikhar Ali3, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Fazli Ahad1 and Touheed Iqbal4

...ere observed for all the traits studied. Among parental lines, C-88 performed better for protein content (20.48%) and erucic acid content (50.31%), C-89 for oleic acid (36.15%), and linolenic acid content (10.18%). Among F2 populations, C-95 × C-93, C-88 × C-95, C-97 × C-95, C-88 × C-89, C-93 × C-95 C-97 × C-88 performed better for oil content (51.48%), protein content (21.62%), oleic acid (37.60%), glucosinolates content (8...

Amir Muhammad Khan1, Laila Fayyaz2*, Raziuddin2, Sajid Ali1, Israr-ud-Din1, Sheraz Ahmad2, Haidar Ali1 and Ijaz Ahmad2

... for seven morphological traits including days to flowering, primary branches mainstem-1, plant height, main raceme length, pods mainraceme-1, pod length, 1000-seed weight and three seed quality traits; oil content, glucosinolate and erucic acid. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) found significant variation among Brassica napus L. lines for all the studied morphological and seed quality traits<...
Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3* and Abdul Waheed3
... collected and biometric traits recorded were withers height (WH), body length (BL), head length (HL), head width (HW), ear length (EL), ear width (EW), neck length (NL), neck width (NW), heart girth (HG), rump length (RL), rump width (RW), tail length (TL), barrel depth (BD), sacral pelvic width (SPW), birth weight (BiW), Live body weight (BW), teat length (TEL), teat diameter (TED), testes length (TsL), testes width (TsW) and scrotal circumference (ScD). Mal...

Nazeer Ahmed Lashari1*, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh2, Aijaz Hussain Soomro2 and ShamsuddinTunio3

...ico-chemical and cooking traits of the rice change during the storage . The study aimed to determine the physical attributes and baking quality of two coarse (IR-6 and DR-82) and two aromatic (Basmati-385 and Lateefy) rice varieties grown in Pakistan along with their packaging effects and storage circumstances. Study was carried out at Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam at IFST, Pakistan. White rice was produced by dehulling the paddy through stake Sheller...
Zhi Hao Dong1, Jun Yan Bai1*, Xiao Ping Jia2, Ying Lei1, Hui Cao1, You Bing Yang1 and Guang Lu Li1
... polymorphism and growth traits in two populations of quail. The results showed that three genotypes, CC, CT and TT, were detected in exon 1, exon 4 and exon 8 of ESR gene. The frequencies of CC genotype in expressed exon 1 of ESR gene were the highest in french giant quail and savimit quail (0.531 and 0.778, respectively). The frequencies of TT genotype in expressed exon 4 of ESR gene were the highest in french giant quail and savimit qua...

Iffat Nawaz1*, Tahseen Zeb1, Bibi Saima Zeb2 and Javaria Sherani3

...diversity in qualitative traits (leaf color, leaf pubescence, hypocotyls pigmentation, flower color, pod color, growth habit, dry pod color, pod curvature, pod beak position, pod beak orientation, seed shape, seed coat pattern and seed color) was studied by using standard Chi square test for homogeneity of populations. Results showed that agro climatic conditions have no influence on the qualitative traits. Secondly, each la...
Muhammad Arsalan1, Muhammad Aman Ullah1 and Abdul Waheed2,*
...ed from 14 morphological traits. Pearson correlations between live body weight and 13 other morphological traits obtained to analyze the nature and strength of the relationship. Simple regression models were fitted to predict live body weight from 13 other morphological traits as independent variables. Descriptive statistics of body indices and morphological traits...

Rasool Bux Kalhoro1, Ghulam Mustafa Laghari2*, Ghulam Hyder Jamro2 and Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2

Syeda Shazia Bokhari, Aisha Waheed Qurashi*, Roheela Yasmeen*, Fouzia Yasmeen, Nabeela Nayab, Uzma Rafi

...lants and soil fertility traits.

Ayesha Muzamil, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir, Shaukat Ali, Iram Liaqat, Aamir Ali, Muhammad Summer

... biological and economic traits of silkworms.
Jarosław Pytlewski1, Ireneusz R. Antkowiak1 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska2*
...tion to selected rearing traits. Relationships were determined between the genetic variants of the three polymorphic sites of the PIT-1 gene and the following rearing parameters: body weight at birth, body weight at weaning on day 270, daily weight gain from birth to weaning, age at first calving and body weight after first calving. The frequency of alleles of the analysed loci was: T =0.2887 and G =0.7913 (IVS4-39G>...

Vahid Mollasadeghi1,2* and Samaneh Elyasi1,2

...ariance of the evaluated traits showed that the effect of PVY virus treatment was significant on chlorophyll a, b, leaf area and stem length at 1% and 5%, respectively. In addition, the effect of Pars Humic seven on chlorophyll a, b, leaf area and stem length was significant at 1% level. The results of the interaction effect of PVY virus treatment in Pars Humic were significant only for chlorophyll a, b and leaf area at 1% level. Pars Humic treatment with conc...
Samaria Nisar1, Tariq Manzoor Khan1, Muhammad Ahsan Iqbal1, Rahmat Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3*, Saghir Ahmad3, Amna Bibi3, Hafeez ur Rehman4, Umar Farooq4 and Muhammad Zubair Ishaq5
Ardi Prasetio1*, Christina Maria Sri Lestari2, Sutaryo Sutaryo2, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum3,4Muhammad Zahoor5, Asma Nisar6 and Muhannad Illayan Massadeh7
...n effect on rabbit blood traits. This study was performed using 28 wk old weaned male New Zealand White rabbits (1300 g ± 130 g) that were randomly divided into control group (T0) and treatment group (T1, T2, T3), which respectively substituted 0 %, 10 %, 20 %, and 30 % SBM with BSFL. Blood samples were collected from the right ear marginal vein. The result showed an increasing trend of leukocytes and neutrophils in the treatment group (P > 0....

Imran Ali Chandio1, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Qamaruddin Jogi1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2 and Siraj Ahmed Channa3

...ffected growth and yield traits of sunflower. Greater seed yield (kg ha-1) and the oil content (%) were documented in N10 = 125 kg N ha­­­­­-1: three splits (⅓ broadcasting at sowing time + fertigation- ⅓ at 1st and ⅓ at 3rd irrigation), followed by N8 = 125 kg N ha­­­­­-1: two splits (½ broadcasting at sowing time + ½ as fertigation at 2nd irrigation). In between genotypes, higher seed yield (kg ha-1...

Ali Zohaib*, Muzzammil Hussain, Iftikhar Ahmad and Adnan Bashir

...rowth, yield and related traits of fine basmati rice. Increase in seeding rate from 80 to 110 g per tray successively increased number of plants per tray and per hill after transplanting while decreased the root length and root/shoot ratio of rice. Plant height was not affected significantly by seeding rate. Highest increase in number of productive tillers (8%), 1000-grain weight (8%), total dry biomass (14-17%) and grain yield (10-16%) was caused by 90 g seed...

Muhammad Rizwan1*, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Amjad Farooq1, Muhammad Farooq1,2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Riaz4, Muhammad Rafique Shahid3, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1 and Muhammad Kashif Shahzad Sarwar1

...cotton yield and related traits. Remaining six components contributed very less viz. 30.8% in total variability. Valuable positive factor loadings on PC I was attributed by seed cotton yield, chlorophyll contents, boll weight, No. of sympodia, seed index and Ginning out turn (GOT)%. In PC II, maximum positive contribution was presented by plant height whereras maximum negative factor loadings were showed by GOT % and seed index. PCA also confirmed the results ...

Amira Mahmoud Refaie1*, Marwa Hosni Abd El-Maged2, Hassan Abd El-Kriam Hassan Abd El-Halim2, Hanan Abd El-Rahman Hassan Alghonimy2, Sayed Ahmed Mohamed Shaban1 

...rameters and egg quality traits of laying hens. A total number of 240 Fayoumi chicken hens were classified into two equal experiments, 120 hens each (4 groups × 3 replicates × 10 birds). In each experiment, birds were divided into 4 treatment groups as follow: Normal control, positive control (0.0125% Butylated hydroxytoluene; BHT), 0.1% and 0.3% DPP, respectively. The DPP was used in two forms i.e., powder (DPP) for Exp.1 and aqueous extract (DPPE...

Muhammad Waqas1, Naveed Ahmed2*, Hamid Saeed Malik1, Unaiza Qamar3, Hasnain Javed4 and Ahsan Hussain1

...ns of β-thalassemia traits. A total 293 β-thalassemia carrier patients were included in study. Fr 8-9 (+G) was found the most common mutation of β-thalassemia carrier patients in the population which was 112 (38.2%), followed by IVS1-5 (G-C) which was 82 (28%), Fr41-42 which was 24 (8.2%), Cd 5 which was 20 (6.8%) and others which were 55 (18.8%) patients. The IVS 1-5 (G-C) was the most common mutation in Punjabis while Fr 8-9 (+G) was the most ...

Serdar Eratak1, Metin Çabuk2,* and Ahmet Alcicek3

...ternal organ and carcass traits of growing quails. Day-old quails (240; Coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly divided into 4 treatments, each with 4 replicates: control, 10%, 15% and 20% lentil byproducts—fed to the quails between 1 to 35 days of age. The mash experimental diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. No significant effects of the lentil byproduct inclusion level were observed on the mean total feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and...

Abdul Haleem1*, Ghulam Hassan1, Arshad Iqbal2, Fahim Ullah Khan3, Muhammad Sajid3, Farhad Ahmad4, Rafi Ullah Khan5 and Mohammad Ilyas2

...d sense heritability and traits varied from, 36 lines of wheat were field tested in RCBD with three replications. The experimental materials include twenty eight F2 population and eight parents. Data showed considerable genetic variation amongst the studied lines, parents, F2 progeniessand parent versus F2 progenies for all the studied traits. Among parents, best lines were Atta-Habib for plant height (95.10cm) and tillers p...

Hera Gul Mohmmand1, Rozina Gul1, Hamayoon Khan2, Sheraz Ahmed1*, Laila Fayyaz1, Ajmalud Din1 and Imtiaz Ali1

...(GE) interaction for all traits except plant height. Application of phosphorus enormously improved seed yield in all chickpea genotypes. Based on mean data, chickpea plants with P application produced more seed number plant-1 (60.9), pods plant-1 (57.3) and seed yield (557.2 kg ha-1). Higher seed yields were produced by genotypes NDC-4-20-1 (1004 kg ha-1) and NKC-5-S-15 (851 kg ha-1). Seed yield had significantly negative phenotypic correlation with plant heig...

Javed Khan1, Abdul Majid1, Mohammad Nisar2*, Ali Hazrat2, Nausheen Nazir3, Muhammad Zahoor3, Mohammad Ihsan2, Azhar Hussain Shah1, Muhamad Ajmal Khan4 and Muhammad Yahya1

...luated for morphological traits (leaf, petiole, nut, and catkin size). A significant level of variations was observed in the size of the leaf (10.22%), petiole (24.84%), catkin (9.19%), and nut (3.08%). There is a significant correlation between petiole size and leaf size, which is an important nutritional parameter that could be used successfully in future breeding programs. Based on cluster analysis all the genotypes were divided into two main lineages; line...

Zhang Dong-jie1, He Xin-miao1,2, Wang Wen-tao1,2 and Liu Di1,2*

... with important economic traits in the Min pig.


Muhammad Tariq Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akhtar2, Kaiser Latif Cheema2, Abdul Ghaffar3, Imtiaz Ali4, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khalid2 and Zeshan Ali5

...nce of studied different traits. Principle component analysis distinguished the traits into eight components. Results revealed that PC1 and 2 extracted >1 Eigen values explaining that these components have major contribution in genetic variability. Cluster analysis distributed the genotypes into four distinguished clusters. Agglomerative dendrogram of genotypes was constructed by Ward’s method. On the basis of Eucli...

Ayman M. Khalifah1*, Walaa A. Kashyout1, Sara A. Abdalla2, Hassan S. Zeweil3, Soliman M. Zahran3, Tarek A. Ebeid4, Waleed M. Dosoky3 that the performance traits, including feed conversion ratio (FCR), daily egg number, and egg mass, were affected positively by Cr-Met supplementation (P ≤ 0.05) compared to birds fed BD. All eggshell and interior egg quality traits were not affected by Cr-Met supplementation. Cr-Met administration positively affected yolk total lipid and yolk total cholesterol compared to birds fed BD as their values were decreased. ...

Maskur Maskur1*, Muhammad Muhsinin1, Lestari, Tapaul Rozi1, Asnawi2 

...ed based on morphometric traits and four microsatellites marker. Experimental ducks consisted of 75 Sasak ducks, 75 Khaki Campbell ducks and 70 Mojosari ducks. Morphometric traits were recorded and statistically analyzed, whereas genetic parameters of microsatellite loci were calculated using PopGene32. In this study, the mean PIC of the 4 microsatellite loci in all populations was 0.472, whereas AY287 was the most polymorph...
Mohamed Ali Zayed water on the previous traits. Both groups showed significant (P<0.05) differences in average daily gain, pre-slaughter weight, empty body weight, hot carcass weight, total fat, edible parts, and non-edible parts. Where the average daily gain increased by 50.68 % for lambs that drank fresh water group compared with those kept on saline water group. On the other hand, there no significant differences between two groups were observed on dressing percentages...

El-Kholy KH1, Tag El-Din H1, Tawfeek FA2, Sara HM Hassab1* 

.... Regarding reproductive traits, the treatment increased the hatchability to total and fertilized eggs, maximizing in groups treated with 5 and 7.5 ml SLAE/kg diet. There was a non-significant association between SLAE addition and all reproductive traits, however, SLAE at the dose of 7.5 and 5 ml /kg diet decreased numbers of unfertilized eggs compared to the control treatment, as well increased fertilized eggs, the counts ...

Fatma Desouki Mohammed Abdallah

...d in determining carcass traits features and decreasing the messy in such type of biological data. This technique and its related techniques play an important role in many statistical methods like principal component regression.
Keywords | Carcass traits, Eigen-values, Japanese quail, Principal component analysis, Scree plot

Mohamed Attia Ahmed Awad1*, Obaida Abdel Kareem Almasri2, Mohamed Abd El-Aziz Mohamed Ibrahim1, Rabie Ragab Sadek1, Samy Abou-Bakr1

...gnificant on all studied traits. It could be concluded that Wood’s incomplete gamma function was adequate to characterize the shape of the lactation curve for Shami cows and the shape of the lactation curve of Syrian Shami cows in the current study followed the ideal shape of other cattle breeds.
Keywords | Incomplete gamma function, Lactation curve parameters, Milk yield, Persistency, Shami cows

Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Shaukat Ali1, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti2, Azizullah1, Shafaat Yar Khan3, Abdul Khaliq4

...contents) and biological traits (fresh weight of each larva, silk gland, pupa and moth) of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) have been enhanced with natural food supplements. The current review highlights details about the overview of sericulture, constrains of sericulture industry being faced by local farmers in Pakistan and impact of natural food supplements on silkworms growth and cocoon yield. 
Mubashir Ali Rather1, Ambreen Hamadani2*, Syed Shanaz2, Nusrat Nabi2, Showkat Ahanger1, H. Hamadani2, Ruksana Shah2
...However, concerning wool traits, the production potential of these breeds was poor. Accordingly, crossbreeding was taken up the breeding policy to improve the genetic worth of these breeds. As a result, a fast-growing and fine wool-producing sheep strain Kashmir Merino was developed. The present article summarizes the performance of this important synthetic sheep strain in the temperate region of Jammu and Kashmir. The overall least square means (inch) of 9.90...

Shewangizaw Wolde1,2*, Tadele Mirkena1,3, Aberra Melesse1, Tadelle Dessie4, Solomon Abegaz5 

...ale chickens and carcass traits of old hens, and genotype and age effects on carcass traits of male chickens. A total of 150 Normal Feathered local chickens (LL), 150 Sasso-RIR (SRSR) and 150 their F1 crossbred (LSR) chickens were hatched and reared on station until 18-weeks of age. Then, 32 males of each genotype were evaluated for growth performance for a period of 8-weeks. Besides, 40 hens of each genotype were reared for...

Ly Thi Thu Lan1, Nguyen Thi Anh Thu1, Lam Thai Hung2, Nguyen Thi Hong Nhan3, Le Thanh Phuong4, Nguyen Trong Ngu3* 

...elated to growth-related traits and carcass characteristics of Noi chickens. A total of 183 birds were examined in the study. Body weight was recorded individually at days 1, 35, 63, and 91, and carcass parameters were determined at 91 days for all chickens. For determining single nucleotide polymorphisms, the PCR-RFLP method was used with the help of AcyI restriction enzyme. A polymorphic site was found in the population, with the frequencies of 11, 12, and 2...

Hilaire S.S. Worogo*, Thierry O.T.L. Offoumon, Cham D.A. Alabi, Urbain Tchokponhoué, Yaya Idrissou, Alassan S. Assani, Fade Soule, Christophe Iwaka, Ibrahim Alkoiret Traoré 


Keywords | traits, indices, shape, Borgou cattle, Okpara 


Hafeez-ur-Rehman1*, Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2, Saghir Ahmad2, Muhammad Akram2, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid2, Hammad Hussnain2, Muhammad Shahid2, Muhammad Mehmood Iqbal2, Ali Raza2 and Muhammad Iqbal2

...ogical and fiber quality traits in both irrigation regimes. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed existence of considerable genotypic variations for studied traits. Genotypes with high GMP and low DSI were selected as potential drought-tolerant genotypes. Under drought stress condition, cotton yield had a strong positive association with NBP, PH and significantly positive with BW; whereas negative with GOT, FS. These results d...

Adriana Cervantes-Noriega1, Norma A. López2, Alfredo Estrada-Angulo2, Beatriz I. Castro-Pérez2, Elizama Ponce-Barraza2, Gilberto López-Valencia1, Alberto Barreras1, Alejandro Plascencia3* 

...tary energetics, carcass traits, and diarrhea frequency in finishing lambs. Lambs were fed with a cracked corn-based high-energy diet during 89-d. Treatment consisted in filtering and sanitization of raw dam water qualified as “clean and safe” comparing it as follows: 1) dam water (RAW), and 2) dam filtered-sanitized water (FILT). Water filtered-sanitized decreased three-fold total solids and remove coliforms, E, coli, and salmonella. Filtered-sani...

Taiwo Oladoye Akande*, Dayo Johnson Ogunyemi, Priscilla Funmilola Okunlola, Emmanuel Owolabi, Odetayo Olakanmi 

...utilization, and carcass traits of broilers. The overall benefits accrued in birds fed with the blend of the PFAs. While garlic showed a higher anti-lipogenic tendency, moringa had a greater influence on the feed intake and growth of the experimental birds.

Keywords | Blood lipids, Broiler, Carcass yield, Ilea digestibility, Phytogenic additive 


Sutopo Sutopo, Dela Ayu Lestari, Edy Kurnianto, Asep Setiaji* 

...gnificant on most of the traits. Male Kedu chickens showed more superior than the female ones. EWG showed positive phenotypic correlations to most of BW measured.

Keywords | Average daily gain, Kedu chickens, Mixed model, Phenotypic correlations 


Jumshaid Iqbal1, Muhammad Sharif1*, Muhammad Nadeem Suleman2, Muhammad Saeed3, Fawwad Ahamd1, Asghar Ali kamboh4, Tugay Ayaşan5 and Muhammad Arslan3 to determine carcass traits. Samples of intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) were collected to perform histomorphology. Results indicated that FC, WG and FCR were linearly improved (P<0.05) in B, C and D groups as compared with control (A group). Carcass characteristics and relative organs weight showed non-significant results (P>0.05). However, data obtained on live body weight and abdominal fat pad were significantly different (P<0.05) among all...

Huapu Chen1, Zhiyuan Li1, Yaorong Wang1, Wei Yang2,*, Hongjuan Shi1, Shuisheng Li1,3, Chunhua Zhu1 and Guangli Li1,*

...ion with superior growth traits can significantly increase farmer’s benefits due to its sexual dimorphism in growth. Herein, the sex ratio and differences in morphometric traits were observed between females and males in a full-sib population of S. argus. Then the correlation between these traits and their effects on body weight (BW) was analyzed. The results showed significant growt...

Amira M. Nowier1, Hassan R. Darwish2, Sherif I. Ramadan3, Nadia A. Abo El-Maaty2 and Othman E. Othman2*

...dy weight and milk yield traits in Egyptian goats. One hundred and sixty blood samples were collected for DNA extraction; 74 from Zaraibi, 41 from Damascus, and 45 from Barki breeds. Two genotypes, TT and TC, in the α-lactalbumin gene were identified using single strand conformation polymorphism. DNA sequencing resulted in one non-synonymous MT163744: g.128T>C SNP (TCG Ser> CCG Pro) at the sixth nucleotide of α-lactalbumin gene exon III. Bark...

Junyan Bai*, Jingyun Li, Yu Chen, Zhihao Dong, Youbing Yang and Ying Lei

...orphic sites with growth traits. The results showed that AA, AB and BB genotypes were detected in exon II of GH gene in the six sheep populations. The highest frequencies of AB genotype detected in Mongolia sheep, Small-tailed han sheep, Tong sheep, Lanzhou large-tailed sheep and Henan large-tailed Han sheep were 0.375, 0.531, 0.545, 0.350 and 0.596, respectively, and the highest frequency of BB genotype in Yuxi fatty-tailed sheep was 0.378. Exon II of GH gene...
Thobela Louis Tyasi1*, Lebo Trudy Rashijane1, Kwena Mokoena1, Kagisho Madikadike Molabe1, Madumetja Cyril Mathapo1, Victoria Rankotsan Hlokoe1, Lebelo Joyceline Selala1, Masixole Maswana1 and Lubabalo Bila2
...ight (EW) on egg quality traits such as egg length (EL), egg diameter (ED), yolk weight (YW), albumen weight (AW), shell weight (SW), shell index (SI), yolk ratio (YR), albumen ratio (AR) and shell ratio (SR). Potchefstroom Koekoek layer genotype eggs (n = 200) were used. Pearson correlation and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for analysis. Correlation results indicated that egg weight had a statistical significant correlation (P < 0.05) with egg qua...

Ahmed M. Darwish1*, Hassan R. Darwish1, Dalia M. Mabrouk1, Mohamed A. Abdelhafez1, Ahmed M. Abdel-Salam2, Ibrahim E. Mohamed3, Ibrahim M. Farag1 

...bulin, Leptin gene, Milk traits, Goat 


Thobela Louis Tyasi1*, Lubabalo Bila2, Nkgaugelo Kgasago3, Siza Mthi4 



Tehseen Ali Jilani1*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani2, Javeria Sherani3, Kashif Waseem2, Muhammad Sohail Khan2, Hasnain Saleem3, Abdul Manan2, Rashid Jawad2 and Sami Ullah4 for yield determining traits under the growing condition of D. I. Khan, KPK. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated thrice during two normal growing seasons (2013-14 and 2014-15). At physiological maturity, data were collected for yield contributory traits. In Season 1, the genotype Minarellet proved to be early maturing by taking lesser number of days to flower initiation (55.48 day...

Luke Chukwudi Ali*, Nnanna Ephraim Ikeh, Bright Chigozie Amaefule, Amarachi Linda Obinna, Ndubuisi Samuel Machebe 

...rabbits in all the semen traits except in semen volume. Semen pH showed significant (P<0.01) variations with semen of bucks in T4 having the highest value (8.67). Sperm motility, sperm concentration, live and normal sperms in decreased with an increase in dietary DCSM whereas non-motile, dead and abnormal sperms increased with an increase in dietary DCSM. Testicular morphometric measurements and histomorphological evaluations were similar in all treatments ...

Zilu Zhang1, Ning Wang2, Ce Hou1, Laiba Shafique1, Saif ur Rehman1, Zhuyue Wu2, Zhiqiang Wang1, Mingsong Wei3* and Kuiqing Cui1*

Rabia Goher, Inamullah and Mohammad Akmal*

...ver, expressing suitable traits, a genotype could be used as a source of well breeding material for ensuring food security in changing climate.

Tri Eko Susilorini1*, Ahmad Furqon2, Wike Andre Septian1, Desinta Wulandari3, Suyadi Suyadi3
... district, Lumajang. The traits observed were milk yield, fat, lactose, solid non-fat, total-solid, and protein. The CSN3|Alw44I polymorphism was analysed using Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restricted Fragment Length Polymorphism method. The result showed that three genotypes (CC, CT, and TT) and two alleles (C and T) were found. The frequencies of CC, CT, and TT genotypes were 0.450, 0.500, and 0.050 respectively, while the frequencies of C and T allele were 0.7...
Zayed Mohammad Ali I.1*, Mona Mohamdy1, M.F. Shehata1, Nasser Ghanem2
...ered to evaluate carcass traits. There was no significant (P< 0.05) difference on average pre slaughter weight (37.63± 2.97 and 36.88±3.83kg) for G1 and G2, respectively. However, significant differences were obtained between G1 and G2 in dressing percentage based on slaughter weight (49.11 vs. 46.21 %), liver percentage (1.74 vs. 1.39%) and percentages of edible parts (2.60 vs. 2.14%). Our results indicated that animals rose under semi-intens...

Mohamed El-Henfnawy*, Essam A. El-Gendy, Ahamed M. El-Kaiaty, Mostafa Helal 

...e effects on body weight traits were significant and consistent except for 2-wk body weight. Also, significant sex effects were shown for body weights at all ages. The effect of sex on biweekly body weight gains and growth rates was significant for the traits from 0 to 4, 6 to 8, and 12 to 14 weeks of age. The line effect was significant for 0-2 and 2-4 growth rates, and 0-2 and 6-8 body-weight gains. The line × sex in...

Chandni Wajid1, Abdul Hameed Baloch1, Ahmed Nawaz Khosa1*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri2, Nasrullah Bangulzai1, Sarfraz Ali Fazlani1, Haleema Sadia3, Saeeda Kalsoom4, Muhammad Bilawal Arain2, Wassem Ali Vistro2 

...lated to wool production traits including the fleece weight and wool color with diverse pigmentation and genetic variations observed in the coding region of the PROP1 gene. This study indicates that the PROP1 gene may be used as a selective marker for the future selection of the sheep breeds for different wool productive traits.

Keywords | Genotypic variation, Phenotypic variation, Sheep, PROP1 gene, Wool trait. ...

Luu Huynh Anh1, Huynh Tan Loc2, Nguyen Hong Xuan3, Le Minh Thanh1, Trinh Thi Hong Mo4, Ly Thi Thu Lan5, Nguyen Trong Ngu1*
...f commercially important traits in chickens improved after phage treatment, proving that these phages are capable of controlling O6 E. coli infected in Noi chickens.
Keywords | Bacteriophage, Carcass characteristic, Chicken, E. coli, Growth performance

Adil Ali Gadahi1, Wajid Ali Jatoi1, Saima Mir Arain2, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Sadaf Memon1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Zeeshan Majeed Kumbhar1 and Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1

...cantly impact on all the traits. Among the genotypes, V3-10-34 showed minimum reduction in spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, seed index, grain yield per plant and harvest index. The genotype, V2-10-15 manifested minimum decrease for days to 75% maturity and spikelets per spike at zero irrigation and two irrigations. C7-98-4 gave minimum decrease for flag leaf area and V2-10-3 caused smaller amount of reduction for biological yield plant-1 at...

Naseem Sharif1,2*, Imran Muhammad Siqqique2, Muhammad Kashif Raza3, Urwa Irshad1, Muhammad Ikhlaq Khan4, Ammara Noreen4 , Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi1, Mohsin Abbas5, Muhammad Maaz Aziz5, Sitwat Riaz5, Komal Aslam5 and Naseem Akhtar6

...ological and biochemical traits like leaf length (1.8-5.4cm), thorn length (0.6-2.9 cm), fruit weight (1.88-4.72g), fruit length (8.83-19.34mm), fruit width (11.03 -22.74mm), stone weight (0.32-1.09g), TSS (5.9-13.2%) and vitamin C contents (131.2 to 165.56mg/100g). Most positive correlation was noted between leaf length and leaf width (r=0.897) whereas, the correlation between stem girth and stone width (r= -0.409) was most negative. In addition, principal co...

Heba Abdo Basha1, Walaa Slouma Hamouda Abd El Naby2*, Samya Erian Ibrahim3, Abeer Fikry Elnahas2 

... body weight and carcass traits of Black Bronze turkey with the single nucleotide polymorphism in the coding region of the MSTN gene and IGF-2 (3’-UTR), using DNA sequencing. Fifty turkeys were categorized into high and low body weight. Blood samples were collected from each bird for DNA extraction. Four birds were selected randomly/group to be slaughtered for carcass traits. In MSTN, only six non-synonymous SNPs were ...

Mohamed E. El-Speiy1, Tarek A. Sadak1, Mohamed A. Abd-Elaal1, Ayman M. Khalifah2, Amr S. Morsy2*

...igher growth performance traits than control. The Zn, AG1Zn, and AG2Zn enhanced all apparent digestibility coefficient parameters compared to other treatments. In addition, carcass traits were improved by AG2, Zn, AG1Zn, and AG2Zn treatments. Regarding economic efficiency, each AG2 or AG1Zn and AG2Zn represented the most promising treatments. Results referred that an individual dose of (AG2) or its combination (AG1Zn and AG2...

Madiha Khalil1, Amjad Farooq1, Asim Faraz2*, Abdul Waheed2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Riaz Hussain Mirza2 and Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2

... affecting the lactation traits. For this purpose, data on lactation performance of Holstein Friesian cows were collected from government livestock farms located at Quetta. Data obtained on calving from 608 cows during last sixteen years (2000-2016) were analyzed. After editing the data for consistency and errors it was subjected to statistical analysis using fixed effect models. Independent variables were year of birth, season of birth, year of calving, seaso...

Abdul Ghaffar*, Niaz Hussain, Muhammad Nadeem, Khalid Hussain, Muhammad Aslam, Mudassar Khaliq, Muhammad Irshad, Zubeda Parveen and Muhammad Younas

...ns for the data recorded traits. Principal coefficient analysis differentiates all the traits into six PCs. Two components expressed more than one Eigenvalue which collectively contributed 80.12% towards the genetic variation. High positive loadings were expressed by the secondary branches per plant and pods per plant in all components. Path analysis revealed that secondary branches/plants expressed the highest direct positi...

Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik1, Khalid Usman1*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Saad1, Said Ghulam2 and Azmat Ullah1

...fected yield and quality traits except fiber micronaire. Potassium fertilizer (soil-applied) at 250 kg ha-1 along with five foliar sprays of K2SO4 produced higher plant height, sympodial branches plant-1, bolls plant-1, 100 cotton seed weight, seed cotton yield, ginning outturn, fiber length, and fiber strength compared to other K-levels. Moreover, tillage × potassium interaction indicated that reduced tillage along with 250 kg K ha-1 plus 5 foliar spray...

Ahmed Abd El-Salam1*, Yasser Hamouda1, Salah El-Safty2, Ahmed El-Attar2

Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini*, Ali Basim Abd Al-Hadi
...dy condition. Productive traits of ewes are known to be affected by lamb sex and body measurement. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the association of lamb’s sex with the ewes’ body measurement in single and twin pregnancies in Awassi ewes. Within the current study, 232 sexually mature, healthy ewes (109 with twins and 123 with single pregnancies) between the ages of 3 and 4 years were evaluated. The body measurements and the live body weight ...
Ali Basim Abd Al-Hadi*, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini, Mohammed Baqur Sahib Al-Shuhaib
...tors affect reproductive traits, including ovulation rate, hormones, and genetics. Genetics and endocrine signal transpositions between the pituitary and the ovary play a crucial role in the reproductive traits of sheep. Genetic polymorphism of candidate genes is associated with economic traits. Follistatin (FST) gene is one of the most notable potential candidate genes linked to economic ...

Muhammad Jamil1*, Kamran Javed1 and Imran Akhtar2

...eans for all other study traits were found highly significant at (p<0.01). Descriptive statistics illustrated presence of sufficient range in the studied traits. Out of 11 principal components (PC), first 5 PC indicated Eigen value >1 and contributed 75.826% towards cumulative variability. Yield related traits plus lint quality attributes depicted positive loading behavior, while dis...

Amina Batool1*, Saba Aleem1, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Waheed Arshad1, Muhammad Aslam2, Shiraz Ali3 and Muhammad Zeeshan3

...antly affected all plant traits except days to 50% heading, plant height and germination percentage. Contrarily, the interactive effect of genotype and seeding rate on all growth and yield attributes was found non-significant. Whereas, seeding density of 120 kg ha-1 exhibited more germination percentage (85 %), shoot length (11.57 cm), coleoptile length (3.97 cm), days to 50% heading (130), plant height (110 cm), nodes per stem (5.0), 1000 grain weight (49.53 ...

Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Asif Sadam2, Karim Gabol1, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Sajid Mahmood4, Mustafa Kamal5, Hamid Ullah6, Syed Abidullah7, Muhammad Tufail8, Bashir Ahmad4, Gul Bacha Khan4 and Habib Ul Hassan1

...ent in the growth of all traits, morphometry, diet, and food collection sites. However, no difference in feeding was noted. The main loss of nestlings was by mammalian predators and grazing and cutting of local crops. Awareness about the protection strategy of skylark from egg laying till fledging is required among locals and farmers.


Victoria Rankotsane Hlokoe, Thobela Louis Tyasi* 

...easured body measurement traits such as heart girth (HG), body weight (BW), rump width (RW), body length (BL), head length (HL), withers height (WH), ear length (EL), rump height (RH), head width (HW) and sternum height (SH), and to detect the best-fitted regression model for the prediction of BW of Nguni cattle. A total of 70 Nguni cattle (59 females and 11 males) aged 2-4 years were employed in the current study. Pearson’s correlation and stepwise regr...

Sarzamin Khan1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Rafiullah1, Ibrahimullah1, Ghulam Abbas3*, Jabbar Khan4, Muhammad Saeed Imran5, Asghar Ali Kamboh6 

... on performance, carcass traits and histomorphology of ileum.

Keywords | Mealworm scales; Japanese quail; Performance; Gut histomorphology 


Muhammad Umer Chattha1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Imran Khan1, Athar Mahmood1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3*, Ambreen Fatima4, Muhammad Iqbal5, Muhammad Tahir Akbar6, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Faran Muhammad7, Muhammad Talha Aslam1 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

...ological and biochemical traits of chickpea cultivars. The experiment comprised of different levels of salinity stress i.e., 0, 8 and 12 dsm-1 and different chickpea cultivars i.e., NIAB-2016, Bittle-2016 and Bhakar-2011. The maximum time to 50% emergence (T50), and mean emergence time (MET) and minimum germination percentage (GP) and emergence index (EI) was recorded when high level of salt stress (12 dsm-1) was imposed, while minimum, T50, and MET and maximu...

Muhammad Mansoor1, Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil2*, Zafar Islam2, Muhammad Asif2, Ghani Akbar2, Muhammad Ashraf Khan3 and Ibadullah Jan4

...g treatments on fruiting traits was conducted. It was concluded that bunches covered with blue paper bags obtained highest score among all the traits and is recommended to achieve best results under current climate change scenario. Generally, fruit covering shields the fruit from adverse effects of monsoon rains, birds, pests and dust.


Gudeta Nepir Gurmu, Tade Bitima Mulisa, Alemu Lenco Gemechu, Kegna Gadisa Amena and Gemechu Nedi Terfa*

... yield and yield-related traits such as harvest index, above-ground biomass, number of seed per pods, and hundred seed weights were recorded. Analysis of variance combined over five locations manifested significant differences among varieties, environment, environment, and varieties interaction for grain yield and other yield-related traits. The combined mean of grain yield of varieties indicated that Bursa (3.03 t/ha), Adi ...

Madumetja Cyril Mathapo and Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...ships between testicular traits, body measurements and body weight. A total of twenty-five (25) Boer goat males aged between one and two years were used in the study. Testicular length (TL), scrotal circumference (SC), body weight (BW), body length (BL), heart girth (HG), rump height (RH), withers height (WH) and sternum height (SH) were measured. Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression were used for data analysis. Phenotypic correlation outco...

Zulqarnain Haider1*, Muhammad Akhter2, Syed Sultan Ali1, Tahir Latif1, Rana Ahsan Raza Khan1, Awais Riaz1, Tahira Bibi1, Muhammad Ijaz3, Qasim Raza1, Mohsin Ali Raza4, Samina Sarfaraz1, Muhammad Iqbal1 and Muhammad Rafiq1

... relative to all studied traits in all the advance Basmati lines. Convincingly, the higher yielding and more stable among the studied advance Basmati lines can be utilized as new candidate Basmati lines as compared to existing Basmati verities used as checks. 


Zayed M.A1, M.F. Shehata1, I.M. Ismail1, Mona Mohammady1, M.A. Radwan2*  

...dered one of pre-weaning traits which influence the post-weaning growth performance. In addition, ultrasound technique is commonly used in the livestock sector, such as a diagnostic tool and a tool in animal science and veterinary research. So, the present study was performed to study the effect of different weaning weights on growth performance, ultrasound measurements, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Barki ram-lambs. Moreover, this investigation ...
Alicja Kowalczyk1*, Inga Kowalewska-Łuczak2, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska3*, Jesús Juan Cantalapiedra4, Joaquim Orlando Lima Cerqueira5,6 and José Pedro Pinto de Araújo5,7

Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko1*, Joelle Toffa1, Azize Orobiyi1, Gbèblonoudo Anicet Dassou2, Rolande Okpeicha1, Dieudonné Gavoedo1 and Alexandre Dansi2

... of seven grain physical traits (testa thickness, colour, texture, hardness, length, breadth, and 100-grain mass) on the susceptibility of eight soybean varieties to C. maculatus were evaluated in the laboratory. The correlations and contributions of the studied traits were evaluated using correlation path coefficient analysis. The tested soybean varieties showed a variation in physical seed characteristics. A differential s...

Ishtiaq Ahmad1,2* and Muhammad Akbar Anjum1

...a based on morphological traits was analyzed in multivariate analysis. Cluster analysis indicated that 78 genotypes were grouped into five clusters where cluster-I comprised of (19) genotypes, cluster-II contain (8) genotypes, cluster-III contain (21) genotypes, cluster-IV contain (6) genotypes and cluster-V contain (24) genotypes. PCA analysis based on first two components for morphological attributes of Capsicum frutescens genotypes explained (39.62 %) varia...

Hasan Çelikyürek

... influence on testicular traits or on any of the body measurements except body length. Live weight gain had significant impact (p<0.001) on all traits. Age also had significant impact on lambs’ body length, chest width, and chest depth (p<0.001), a significant effect on rump height and chest girth (p<0.01), and a significant effect on withers height (p<0.05).


Ghulam Ali Bajwa1*, Zahid Rızwan2 and Muhammad Atıf Majeed1 yielding quantitative traits. Heterosis was measured using multiple evaluation index (MEI), mid-parent heterosis (MPH) and better-parent heterosis (BPH), and hybrids were ranked using MEI and cumulative sub-ordinate function (CSF). The hybrids produced MEI >50 with the highest in PO206×J101 (63.2). All hybrids produced evaluation index (EI) >50 for filament length, while seven hybrids produced EI >50 for fecundity, larval body weight, pupatio...

Muhammad Jamil1*, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah2, Taj Muhammad2, Syed Waqar Hussain Shah3, Khezir Hayat4, Muhammad Zahid Aslam5 and Abdul Sattar6

...tes influenced all study traits significantly except for staple length. Similarly, genotypes and interactive effects were found significant. Genotype VH-351 yielded the highest (2523.3 kg ha-1) when sown in 1stMarch, while VH-402 gave the lowest seed cotton yield (209 kg ha-1) on the planting date of 16th June. The finest lint-bearing micronaire value (3.9656) was obtained by normal season sowing in 1stMay. Late sowing on 16th June resulted in coarse lint with...

Khalid Khan1*, Mahmood-ul-Hassan2, Ihsan Ullah1, Haris Khurshid1, F.Y Saleem Marwat1, Salman Saleem1, M. Jehanzeb1 and Zubair Ahmad1

...sed on its morphological traits and statistically interpreted. Its genetic diversity is most important for exploitation of the genetic resources to develop promising hybrids. The objectives of such experimental study were to assess the best performing hybrids; on the basis of genetic diversity by applying different statistical techniques. Total 14 sorghum hybrids including standard Check, were used and data was collected on morphological ...

Xin Xing Dong1*, Gai Cui Bai2, Ming Li Li1, Guo Xiang Lan1, Da Wei Yan1, Xiao Yi Wang1, Qiang Chen1 and Shao Xiong Lu1*

...e novel SNPs with growth traits. PCR-SSCP and sequencing were used to detect the GHRL gene polymorphisms in the present study. Three SNPs were detected, one in the exon 1 (g.3734 G>T), which was synonymous, and two SNPs in intron 4 (g.7691 A>C and g.8523 T>C). The sites g.3734 G>T and g.7691 A>C had significantly impact on body weight at 21 days (BW21) and body weight at 70 days (BW70), the days when the pigs reached the target weights of 30 kg(...

Murad Ali Rahat1*, Muhammad Israr2, Hakim Khan1, Ishtiaq Hassan1, Mohammad Islam1 and Muzafar Shah3 prevalent human color traits among Pakhtun population of Shangla was brown eye color and the IrisPlex system accurately predicted blue and brown eye color as such as an actual eye color of the individual while intermediate was misclassified into brown eye color, so online tool of IrisPlex system needed more SNPs inclusion for the prediction of accurate intermediate eye color prediction. Therefore, the Irisplex system represents a useful tool for immediate a...

Masixole Maswana, Thinawanga Joseph Mugwabana and Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...riation in morphological traits among donkey breeds of the same area within that country. One of the key aspects in animal evolution and migration from one area to another is at the core of it informed by adaptability. This study will help donkey farmers, extension officers and researchers to understand the morphological variation among donkey breeds.


K. H. El-Kholy1*, Enayat Hassan Abo El-Azayem2, Safaa Ataya Barakat2, Mona Gamel Mohamed3, Sara H. M. Hassab1 

...ry AV addition on growth traits, caecal ecosystem and some physiological and biochemical responses in growing rabbits. APRI rabbits (age = 6 weeks, n = 60) were split equally into four groups (n = 15 in each group). First group was fed a basal diet only (control group, G1), while the other three groups fed a basal diet along with 0.5 (G2), 1.0 (G3) and 2.0 g (G4) AV leaves powder/kg diet. The results revealed that, AV addition at its highest levels (G3 and G4)...

Ahmed Rizk1, Gomaa Said Ramadan2*, Alaa Eldin Abdou3, Ossama Ahmed El-Weshahy1, Omer Sayed Rashed1 

...ASM), and egg production traits (EP) from 36 - 42 weeks of age were also applied. Our results showed that the average body weight for Tanta G-1 and Mamourah chicken strains was 866.45 grams and 558.75 grams in the first generation. In the second generation, the Tanta G-1 line’s body weight was 1006.50 grams against 555.10 grams for the Mamourah strain, while in the third generation the average body weight in the Tanta G-1 line was 1068.93 grams versus 55...

Ibrahim El-Ratel1*, Mostafa El-Moghazy2, Amira El-Gaml2, Ibrahim Abu El-Naser2 

...erm function and quality traits of rabbit bucks. This study amid to investigate the efficacy of propolis ethanolic extract (PEE) oral administration on antioxidant capacity, reproductive hormones, immunity response, and quality and fertility of fresh and cryopreserved rabbit buck semen under HS conditions. A total of 40 APRI line rabbit bucks (7months old and 3.00±0.20 kg live body weight) were divided into four treatments (10/treatment). The 1st, 2nd, ...

Antonius1,3, Anuraga Jayanegara2*, Komang Gede Wiryawan2, Simon Petrus Ginting3, Anjas Asmara Samsudin4, Elizabeth Wina5 

Hafiz Ghulam Muhu-Din Ahmed1*, Aziz Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3, Ammara Yasmeen4, Hafeez ur Rehman5 and Umar Farooq5

...on of yield and physical traits of grain in 33 spring wheat genotypes were examined under field experimental conditions during the wheat crop season of 2020-21. The experiment was set up in a three-replications through randomized complete block design (RCBD). Analysis of variances revealed that all the studied parameters, like spikelet per spike (SPS), number of grains per spike (NGS), grain yield per plant (GYP), grain length (GL), grain width (GWD), grain ar...

Ifrah Amjad1, Muhammad Nouman Khalid1*, Muhammad Kashif1, Muhammad Noman1, Sajid Ali2, Rizwan Ahmed Shaikh3, Muhammad Babar4, Muhammad Asim Bhutta5 and Amna Bibi5

...rought tolerance related traits. The results suggested that genotype having Sub1 genes can effectively be grown under rainfed region which are equally prone to floods and drought stress.


Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Azizullah1, Muhamamd Farooq Bhatti2, Shaukat Ali1, Muhamamd Summer1 and Farman Ahmad Chaudhary3

...conomical and biological traits of Bombyx mori (L.) (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) was recorded. The 5th instar (day 1) mulberry silkworms were divided into four groups of 20 each: namely a control and three experimental groups. Plain (untreated) mulberry leaves were offered to the control group while experimental groups were fed on the mulberry leaves treated with exogenous nutrients alone (5% sericin, 3% honey) and in combination (5% sericin + 3% honey). Results ...

Riaz Noor Panhwar1*, Abdul Fatah Soomro1, Muhammad Chohan1, Illahi Bux Bhatti1, Ali Hassan Mari1, Samia Arain1 and Sagheer Ahmad2

...l cane sugar percentage) traits. Experiments were conducted in plant crop for two consecutive years 2018-19 and 2019-20 during the autumn cropping season at Makli farm of PARC-National Sugar and Tropical Horticulture Research Institute (NSTHRI), Thatta, Pakistan. A total of four sugarcane genotypes i.e., YtTh-1701, YtTh-1705, YtTh-1707, and YtTh-1730 against standard variety Thatta-10 as check were tested. The genotypes were developed from the exotic fuzz of C...

Khunsa Khakwani1*, Muhammad Asif1, Zaheer Ahmed2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Yasmeen Abbassi2 and Ghulam Murtaza2 

...bility to exploit in the traits which were investigated.


Andi Tenri Bau Astuti Mahmud1, Lellah Rahim2, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2*, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati2, Wempie Pakiding2 

... Kalosi chickens, so RFI traits could be used as one of the selection parameters for Kalosi chickens.

Keywords | Kalosi Chicken, RFI, Feed Efficiency, Carcass Quality, Physical Meat Quality, Growth Traits


Ahmed Fathy1, Rania A. Hassan2, Essam S. Soliman3* 

...ductive and reproductive traits such as milk yield (MY/kg), days in milk (DIM/days), age at first calving (AFC/months), calving interval (CI/months), days open (DO/days), dry period (DP/weeks), number of services per conception (SPC rate), and days to first insemination (DFI/days). The raw data on 927 buffaloes (763 crossbred and 164 Baladi buffaloes) were collected from a dairy farm in Al Sharqia governorate- Egypt. The results showed that MY/kg, DIM/days, AF...

Ibrahim Samir Abd El-Hamid1, Alaa Emara Rabee2, Moustafa Mohamed M. A. Ghandour2, Rasha Salah Mohammed3, Ahmed Mohamed. Sallam4 

...uction and immunological traits in goat males under heat stress conditions.


Keywords | Herbs additives, Quebracho tannins, Antioxidants, Sperm quality, Damascus goats. 


Maskur1*, Muhammad Muhsinin1, Sulaiman Ngongu Depamede2 

...ey affected the prolific traits of Kacang and Boerka goats. This study indicates that the FecXG and FecB mutations were associated with litter size in Kacang and Boerka goat breeds. The FecXG has two genotypes in both Kacang and Boerka goats, namely homozygote wild type ++ and heterozygote mutant carrier G+ with a litter size of 1.56 and 1.65 (Kacang); 1.61 and 1.75 (Boerka), respectively. Meanwhile, FecB mutations produce three genotypes: homozygote wild type...

W. M. El-Nagdi,1†, Z. , E. Ghareeb2 and E. M. Zayed3

...detected for all studied traits except for fresh foliage weight. The relative susceptibility to root-knot nematode parameters (gall index, gall size, gall area and damage index) indicated that two fodder beet genotypes Beta Rozsa and Jamon were considered as the best with high yield and resistant reaction to M. incognita; in contrast Starmon genotype had highly susceptible reaction while Jary, Mnro andVorosch genotypes had moderately resistant. Fodder root yie...

Yuejing Yang1,2, Mengbin Xiang1,2, Zhengshi Zhang3, Minrui Zhou1, Bingjie Hu1, Tingsen Jing1, Zhe Li1, Fenglin Liu1, Hui Luo1, Qinglu Li1* and Hua Ye1*

...netic markers for growth traits, correlation analysis between 31 SNP markers and growth traits in S. prenanti was analyzed using 164 samples with the same growth conditions. Principal component analysis showed that the body weight accounted for 94.50% of the variance, the eigenvalue was greater than 1, and the accumulative variance was more than 85%. So, the body weight was the first principal component of the growth

Zubair Aslam1, Ali Ahmad1*, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Hira Kanwal1, Muhammad Asif1 and Ehsan Ullah1

... yield and yield related traits (petiole length, no. of primary branches, stem diameter, time taken for flowering, time taken to fruit set, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit weight plant-1, plant-1 no. of fruits, plant-1 fruit yield, and yield ha-1) and physiological traits (membrane stability index, relative water content of leaves, total carotenoids, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total chlorophyll (a+b) contents, SPAD va...
Makruf Arif1*, Claude Mona Airin1, Dwi Sunu Datrianto2, Dinda Anggun Roro Sejati3
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel4, Abdelwahab M. Abdelwahab1,5
...ontrol), and egg quality traits, such as Haugh unit, yolk color, shell strength, and shell thickness, with the increase in the BSFL inclusion levels into the layer diets. The BSFL treatment linearly (p < 0.05) augmented the concentration of total protein, triglycerides, cholesterol, and calcium in the plasma. Furthermore, a linear increasing effect (p < 0.05) on the T3 and E2 hormone concentrations and on the humoral and cellular immune response were obt...

Shakeel Ahmed Tunio1, Muhammad Naeem1*, Atique Ahmed Behan1, Asmatullah Kaka2 

...gement systems on growth traits and carcass characteristics of male Kachhi lambs. A total of 18 post weaned male lambs having three months of age were distributed into two groups (A & B), comprising nine lambs in each group. The lambs of group A & B were kept under intensive and semi-intensive management systems respectively. Initially the lambs were provided 15 days adaptation period, followed by 12 weeks experimental period. The average final body we...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Mohammad A. Al-Mahaish4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel5
...wth performance, carcass traits, meat quality, physiological status, and economic efficiency of broiler chickens. The study included 360 unsexed Cobb500™ commercial broiler chicks aged 1 day and weighing 46±1.5 g. Starting from the 22nd to the 42nd d of age, the chicks were randomly distributed according to the dietary inclusion levels of MWM into six treatment groups (6 replicate pens per group × 10 chicks per replicate, considering the equ...

Tilahun Bekele* and Abebaw H. Georgis

...fore, concerning overall traits, it can be concluded that the Darbera variety combined with a 15kg/ha seed rate can be suggested for production in the research region.


Idrees Ahmad1, Muhammad Jamil2*, Hafiz Muhammad Zia Ullah1, Saira Saleem1, Syed Ahtisham Masood3, Umair Faheem4, Imran Akhtar5, Muhammad Abdullah6, Abdul Majid Khan5 and Naeem Iqbal7

...titative and qualitative traits. Bagh-o-bahar Raya is the name for strain KJ-238 and is an outcome of pedigree selection after hybridizing KJ-206 and J90-43001genotypes. Its maximum grain yield (3306 kg ha-1) was recorded at the Sahiwal location in national trials during 2017-18. Mean oil recovery was 38% with an average grain yield of 2048 kg ha-1 across twelve test locations in the national trial. It showed a 17% higher grain yield than the check variety (Kh...
Lovita Adriani1*, Chitra Kumalasari1, Endang Sujana2, Ronny Lesmana3
...d profile, Physiological traits, Immunostimulant, Gut micro flora
Fatma Salih Mohammed1*, Nasser Khedr1, Tahia Ahmed1, Liza S. Mohammed2
... formulations on carcass traits and histomorphological changes in the intestine. A total of 198 one-day-old Ross® 308 chickens were randomly distributed into three groups with different dietary treatments (66 birds per group). The dietary treatments were as follows: D1, control (soybean meal 46%); D2, D1 + EE-SBM (50 kg starter, 100 kg grower, and 200 kg finisher/ton); and D3, D1 + EE-SBM (100 kg starter, 150 kg grower, and 250 kg finisher/ton). The study ...

Saba Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat-Ul-Ain Akbar1, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique3, Saqib Arif1, Shahid Yousaf2, Masooma Munir4, Abdul Karim Khan4, Shazia Arif5,  Abdul Ahad6 and Muhammad Arif7 of the basic quality traits being used in local and international trade. In addition to the NIR-spectroscopy, wheat grain samples were also analyzed through standard methods for hardness such as hardness index (HI) and particle size index (PSI). Samples had hardness scores ranging between 55.5 and 79.1. A positive correlation shown among the values of NIRS and HI (r = 0.92). However, PSI values were weakly related to HI (r = -0.46) and NIR (r = -0.30) valu...

Ghada A. Ibrahim1*, Mohamed Sayed Helal1, Nahed Abd Elhafeeze Kamoura2, Mohamed Samir3,4, Amira Mohamed Mazid5, Mohamed F.M. Farag6

... high-level of virulence traits that make it is more difficult to be treated. This study provides insight into the respiratory infections by Klebsiella spp. and its MDR profile in bovine cases, as well as the potential target genes that were involved in the links between virulence determinants and MDR. The bacterial examination of 200 nasal swabs and 30 lung tissue samples (taken from 30 emergency slaughtered cattle) indicated that Klebsiella spp. was recovere...

Rana Aamir Shehzad1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Sabir Hussain Shah2, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Imran Shehzad1 and Usman Saleem4

...ed. The growth and yield traits were recorded and data were analyzed using LSD at a 5% level of probability for significance differences. Results of the research intimated that highest height of plant (71.42 cm), shoot dry weight (10.74 g), length of spike (13.33 cm), tiller numbers in a plant (7.16), weight of dry root (0.335 g), root length (11.68 cm), weight of 1000 grains (37.88 g) and wheat biomass (48.63 g) were recorded with T11 (T2 + all P from PROM). ...

Doungnapa Promket1,2,4*, Khanitta Pengmeesri2,4, Jennarong Kammongkun3, Thassawan Somchan2

...ions with egg production traits in 300 Thai native chickens were investigated. DNA was extracted from blood samples for genotyping using specific primers and restriction enzymes for each gene, and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism was used to identify the genotypes (PCR-RFLP). Three genotypes were found for each gene as BB, Bb and bb for NPY; TT, TC and CC for DRD2 and II, ID and DD for VIP. Genotype frequencies of NPY (range 0...

Yue-Xia Ding1, Qun Wu2, Zhao Namula1 and Yi Ma1,*

...resistance and virulence traits of bovine Streptococcal isolates. Induced resistance was conducted for Streptococcus pneumonia ATCC49619 and erythromycin-sensitive strains by gradually increasing the antimicrobial concentration. Plasmid conjugation test was carried out by membrane filtration method. The correlation between antimicrobial resistance and virulence traits was analyzed by LD50 and related genes. Sensitive Strepto...

Fei Shang and Pengfei Liu* have female-like body traits (wing length and plumage coloration) to avoid attacks from adult males in breeding season and increase maneuverability to escape predation risks. Adults have the longest wing, which could support their early arrival at wintering ground in migration. Our studies suggest that body size in juveniles is fully developed and the yearling males display female mimicry in wing length which is an adaptive strategy to sexual selection.


Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1*

...t stress. For treatment, traits such as germination rate, emergence percentage, vigor index, seedling height, fresh weight and dry weight of seedling are significant at 10% alpha, likewise the interaction of genotypes x treatments (G x T) is significant for seedling height at 1% alpha in all rice lines, seedling height and dry weight decreased along with elevated stress levels. Four lines, NRPC-9, NRPC-7, NRPC-6, and NRPC-1 were shown to be tolerant at 15% PEG...

Sahar Ezeldien1,2, Foromo Dramou2, Fatma M. Yousseff3*, Alexander A. Nikishov2, Sergy B Seleznev2

...ntioxidant capacity, Egg traits, Productivity

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Kim Ngan Vo1, Chi Hieu Do1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Nguyen Khang Duong3, Quang Minh Luu4

...iation with reproductive traits of TB crossbred ducks. Three hundred and thirty-one crossbred ducks were used in this study, with blood samples collected from the wing vein for DNA extraction to amplify the fragment length with 536 bp by PCR, and then the PCR products were cleaved with the PstI enzyme. The fragment length with 536 bp was successfully amplified in all individual samples, while genetic polymorphism at the PRL/PstI site was identified as C and T ...

Muhammad Zeeshan Siddiqui1, Mujahid Ali2*, Shoaib ur Rehman3, Shahid Iqbal4, Malik Abdur Rehman5, Hafiz M. Tayyab Khan4, Muhammad Ali6, Muhammad Azher Nawaz4 and Saqib Ayyub1

...ntial. Various agronomic traits and physiological traits along with seedlings’ ionic content of sodium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium in leaves revealed that ‘Round ball’ has better NaCl tolerance ability compared with other genotypes used in this study. The highest ionic sodium concentration (10.34 µg g-1 DW) was found in Green ball, whereas Round gold (8.92 µg g-1 DW) showed the minimum. ...

Hafiz Muhammad Walayat Ali1, Hafiz Basheer Ahmad1*, Zaheer Ahmad Nazar2, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassir1, Mahmood-Ul-Hasan1, Abdul Khaliq1 and Muhammad Shahzad Afzal1

...cant (p≤0.05) for the traits such as cane weight, cane height, cane girth, and sugar recovery during plant and ratoon crop. Nevertheless, the smut was found significantly but negatively correlated with cane height and cane girth in both years. Estimations of broad sense heritability along with genetic advance was higher for cane weight, sugar recovery and smut incidence which indicated additive gene action and selection would be effective in later generatio...

Abdulaziz A. Alaqil

...e productive performance traits, including the total feed intake, final body weight (FBW), BW gain, and feed conversion ratio in the EC group by approximately 7.7, 22.5, 30.6, and 33.3%, respectively, relative to the group C. The spleen, thymus, and bursa indexes as relative weights of FBW were significantly (p < 0.05) decreased by approximately 16%, 20%, and 35%, respectively, due to EC. Other immunological aspects were significantly (p < 0.05) impaired...

Rameez Raja Kaleri1,2*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Raza Ali Mangi3, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptan4, Sana Noor5, Zainab Lanjar6, Hubdar Ali Kolachi7 Abdul Wahid Solangi1 and Sheva Dari1

... to analyze the economic traits of two different breeds of sheep, Rakhshani and Harnai. These sheep were being raised at two different farms, Langhove and Pirkani, located in Dera Murad, Baluchistan. The study focused on several parameters related to the weight of the sheep, including their birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), as well as their weight at 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of ageData was collected over a three-year period (2018-2020) and analy...

Abdur Rauf1*, Muhammad Jawad1, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Muhammad Yasin4, Samrin Gul5, Wisal Khan3, Ikramullah Khan1, Farkhanda Bibi1, Wajid Khan6, Tanweer Kumar6, Muhammad Arif6 and Khilwat Afridi7

...(P≥ 0.01) for studied traits, indicating that genotypes performed differently in three sowing times. Under early, normal and late planting, genotypes PR-138, PR-140 and Gulzar-19 had the highest grain yield respectively. PR-138 performed outstandingly across three sowing times for seed yield. Hence, it is concluded from the present study that delayed sowing progressively decreases the yield performance of the studied genotypes and the most suitable sowing t...
Umer Farooq1,2, Nimra Murtaza2, Abubakar Siddique1, Bilal Saleem1, Obaid Ur Rehman1, Nageen Zahra1, Muhammad Uzair1, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1,3* and Muhammad Ramzan Khan1*
...h economically important traits including milk and meat yield, development, and resistance against diseases. In this present study, our main objective was to identify the deleterious SNPs and their associated genes which possibly disrupt protein’s structure and function, as well as lead to genetic disease. We performed genome wide reference-based sequence alignment and functional annotation to identify deleterious non-synonymous SNPs (nsSNPs) in cattle b...

Abiyu Tadele 1,2*, Gebreyohannes Berhane2, Wondmeneh Esatu3

...formance and egg quality traits of chicken are essential for consumers and chicken husbandry, helping them to anticipate yield, market, and exploitation of the genotypes in future breeding plans. The main ecotypes in Southwest Ethiopia are the indigenous naked-neck and normal-feathered chicken genotypes, and the exotic Tetra H, a dual-purpose genotype that was imported from Hungary. Data were collected from 168 hens of the three genotypes kept under intensive ...

Ramzan Ali1, Erum Iqbal1*, Muhammad Ismail Bhatti2 and Saboohi Raza1

...phology and morphometric traits of native populations of these nematodes were found correspond to the type specimens. According to the latest information, these identified nematodes species are new records from Pakistan.


Jie Wang1, Di Fang1, Jianqing Zhao1, Fei Huang2, Bo Liu2, Weikun Tao2, Baoshan Cui2 and Qinghua Gao1,2,3*

...ssociated with important traits. Yet, so far, only a few studies have reported differences in single-cell transcriptome between bovine embryos of different genders. In this study, we performed transcriptome analysis of cattle embryos based on a single Cell RNA-Seq. Bovine sex-controlled semen for artificial insemination were used to obtain different stage embryos: bovine 8 cell XX embryo, 8 cell XY embryo, 16 cell XX embryo, 16 cell XY embryo, morula XX embryo...

Rameez Raja Kaleri1,2*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Nazeer Hussain Kalhoro5, Raza Ali Mangi3, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi4, Deepsh Kumar Bhuptani6, Sher Muhammad Khosa1, Abdul Wahid Solangi1, Ayaz Ali Lashari7 and Sheva Dari1

...a regarding quantitative traits were observed using the measuring tap mentioned in the (FAO) manual. The findings of our study 86.69% out of the 470 birds recorded with normal feather pattern. The common color of shank was found 27.71% white with 89.11% pea comb. The result for body weight revealed that significantly higher body weight was recorded in male birds as compared with female 2425±27 and 1482±11, respectively. The result for overall ave...

Saeed Ahmad1, Muhammad Iqbal1*, Muhammad Akram1, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid1, Muhammad Shahid1, Taj Muhammad1, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah1, Zunera Saeed2 and Mazhar Ali3

... observed in all studied traits (Number of bolls per plant, boll weight, boll retention %, seed germination %, seed index and fiber characteristics). However, T3 (organic matter (1.5%) showed maximum increase in all characteristics. In T2 (organic matter 1%) varieties showed 15.8 to 19% increase in bolls per plant and 33.3 to 36.8% in T3. In treatment with organic matter (0.5%) the boll weight was (2.46gm), number of bolls (19.0), boll retention (38.0%), Ginni...

Arshad Khan, Mohammad Ihsan, Maryam Bibi, Gul Rahim, Fazl Ullah, Komail Khan and Ali Hazrat*

Elfadil, G.E.1,3, G.F. Gouda1*, M.A. Rashed2, A.R. Shemeis1

...n the aggregate genotype traits is expected to be associated with unfavorable genetic changes in carcass weight distribution and in carcass composition. Restricting the full index to result in zero genetic change in Muscle:Fat ratio (M:F) and hind leg percentage (HLP), separately, (I1(HLP) and I1(M:B), respectively) is expected to reduce the RTI by 17% and 23%, respectively. Restricting the same index (I1) to result in zero genetic changes in both of HLP and M...

Yang Pan1,2, Yang Huang3, Guo-hai Wang4* and Qi-hai Zhou3*

...tions of bird functional traits (behavioral traits: foraging quantity, number of birds per visit, and foraging duration; morphological traits: weight and body, wing, and tail lengths) to both seed removal patterns and dispersal distances of Cayratia japonica in an urban garden in southwest China. Eleven bird species were recorded feeding on its seeds, and eight bird species were confirmed ...
Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2*, Basanti Mondal3, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Ganesan Nagarajan4,5,6, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman3, Md. Mostafizur Rahman7, Adnan Alhajji1 and Md. Moshiur Rahman3,8*
... on different phenotypic traits in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in order to find out any traits that can be expressed through compensatory growth. Equal sized juvenile Nile tilapias were randomly assigned into two treatments including control treatment (CT: constantly 0 ppt) and salinity treatment (ST: 25 ppt in 1st and 3rd month and 0 ppt in 2nd month). Each treatment contained 45 fish having three replications and ...

Mohammed A. El-Sayed1*, Mahmoud H Hatab2, Heba AEM Assi3, Nashaat S Ibrahim2, Hisham M Saleh2, Waheed AA Sayed2, Birgit A Rumpold4 

...nt and HS, whereas these traits had no or minimal effects on the diet B and diet C groups. The HSP70 gene transcription level was highest in birds exposed to cyclic HS and fed control diet A, and lowest in birds in the diet C groups. Conclusively, 100% replacement of the soybean meal with H.illucens meal can enhance the growth response, reduce HSP70 gene transcriptionand mitigate the negative effects of HS on quails exposed to cyclic heat stress. 


Javed Hussain Umrani1, Roseena2, Ashfaq Ahmed3, Saba Iqbal2, Amtul Sami4, Mumtaz Ali Salito5 and Gulnaz Parveen2*

...d all the initial growth traits. However, seeds germination percentage  root and shoot length were remained satisfactory as compared to control at 50 mol m-3 of NaCl salinity level.


Tahir Abbas Khan1*, Imran Ashraf1*, Athar Mahmood1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Sardar Alam Cheema1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal3 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

Dhurgham K. Seger1, Rahman H. H. Al Qasimi2, Azhar A. Jaffar3, Salah H. Faraj4, Ahmed I. Ateya5* 

...nd the remaining carcass traits including live weight, carcass weight, clearance percentage, and spleen and kidneys weights. This study highlights the possible efficiency of using SSTR1 as candidate marker for carcass traits in sheep. 


Di Zhou1, Qingmeng Long1*, Rong Yang1, Xiaoshan Tan1, Jun Li1, Mingyan Tang1, Zhonghai Zhao3, Ye Ao2, Zhinan Zhou1 and Changxue Chen1

...s affecting reproductive traits for the Guizhou black goat. We utilized mRNA collected from uterine, ovarian and fallopian tube tissues of goats with the same pedigree and analyzed the results using bioinformatics and qRT-PCR. We found 8120 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in ovarian tissues (3205 up- and 4915 down-regulated), 5255 DEGs in the fallopian tubes (1317 up- and 3888 down-regulated) and 5180 DEGs in uterine tissue (2597 up- and 2583 down-regula...
Skorykh Larisa Nikolayevna1*, Fominova Irina Olegovna1, Kovalenko Dmitriy Vadimovich1, Skokova Antonina Vladimirovna1, Dmitrik Irina Ivanovna1, Kizilova Natalia Igorevna2 and Violeta Caro Petrovic3
...d their influence on the traits of meat productivity. Genotyping of sheep for somatotropin and calpastatin genes was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with further study of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Three genotypes were identified for the GH gene (AA, AB, and BB) and two for CAST (MM and MN). The highest frequency of occurrence for the GH gene was characterized by the heterozygous AB genotype (42.8%), for the CAST gene - the...

Naeem Akhtar1*, Sana Noureen1, Muhammad Asif2, Ahsan Aziz2, Usman Saleem1, Talat Mahmood3, Nadeem Raza4 and Waqas Raza5

...luation of all agronomic traits and screening of superior genotypes would help in future sugarcane-breeding program to increase sugar production and development of SCMV resistant cultivars.


Salam N. Aritonang*, Elly Roza, Rizqan, Winda Habsani 

Jaweria Iqbal1, Muhammad Tanveer Altaf2, Muhammad Faheem Jan3, Waqas Raza4*, Waqas Liaqat5, Ikram ul Haq6, Amna Jamil7, Sameer Ahmed1, Amjad Ali2 and Arif Mehmood8

...n varieties with desired traits.


Slamet Widodo1*, Mohammad Ikhsan Shiddieqy1, Teguh Wahyono2, Yeni Widiawati1, Zultinur Muttaqin1

... physical and biological traits that contribute to its individual ability to adapt, grow, and produce. While some generalizations can be made, it is vital to recognize the quality differences between various plant species and even different cultivated varieties. This   study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between nutrient content, digestibility, and gas production of several forages in Indonesia that could help to develop prediction equat...

Sri Suharyati, Tiwi Aries Pani, Akhmad Dakhlan, Syahrio Tantalo, Kusuma Adhianto*

Salma Sharif1, Rana Arsalan Javaid2*, Abid Majeed2, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed2, Qurat ul Ain Sani2, Faiza Siddique2, Muhammad Arshad3 and Niaz Ali

...for all the quantitative traits as days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, number of tillers, panicle length, flag leaf area, leaf length, culm length, culm diameter, number of grains per panicle, grain length, grain diameter, chlorophyll content, net differential vegetation index, thousand grain weight and grain yield. The overall mean for Grain yield ranged from 1.71 tons/ha to 6.18 tons/ha. Grand mean of all genotypes for Grain yield was 4.1 tons/h...

Sona Salem El-Nwehy1*, Assem Abbas Mohammed El-Naggar2 and Adel Badr El-Nasharty1

...ecially in the following traits: leaf area, Days to first floret opening, Fresh weight of florets/spik, new corm diameter, new corm fresh weight, chlorophyll and the content of N, P, K, Fe, Mn, and Zn in leaves. It was concluded that using 2% EM1 in combination with either 75 percent or 100 percent NPK significantly improved yield and growth, as well as improved quality, because of increasing bio-N, P, and K production and saving one-fourth of the amount of ch...

Nurul Isnaini*, Dedes Amertaningtyas, Hanief Eko Sulistyo, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Faizal Andri

...stigate the reproduction traits of eggiest of black soldier flies (Hermetia Illucens) in different enriched media and its potential as a poultry feed. A total of 1000 one-day-old eggiest were weighed (pool of 200 eggiest per single weight), randomly divided into groups of five and allocated in 5 bio ponds (12 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm) (5 replicated per dietary treatments). The treatments enriched media was formulated as follows: T0: 100% dried poultry waste; T1: mix...

Hafiz Nawaz1*, Kashaf Nawaz2, Attiq ur Rehman1, Muhammad Bashir3, Mussera Hira2 and Mariyam Nawaz4 Thus, mungbean viral traits, differentiating features, and dispersion must be studied critically. Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Disease (MYMD) is a whitefly-transmitted viral disease. Infected plants have uneven yellow-green spots. Diseased plants develop late and produce few flowers and pods. MYMD causes 85% of economic losses. Begomovirus is a Begomovirus. DNA-A and DNA-B make up its single-stranded genome. The virus’s virulence and symptoms need both com...

Javed Iqbal*, Mamoona Hanif, Nadia Hussain Ahmad, Amna Bibi, Zaib-un-Nisa and Sadia Kanwal

...mperatures. Based on the traits utilized for screening, there were fifty genotypes with significant variation. Five heat-sensitive genotypes (Ali akbar-703, Ali akbar-708, IR-1524, Tarzan-1, CIM-598) and seven heat-tolerant genotypes (CIM-602, Cyto-178, MNH-1020, FH-142, MNH-1026, MNH-886 and IUB-222) were chosen. These selected heat tolerant genotypes can be utilized further in breeding program.

Zain Ali1, Amjed Ali1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Asif1, Adnan Ashraf1, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Iram Inayat2, Aneela Nijabat3 and Rameez Hussain3,4

Muhammad Farooq Bhatti1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Aamir Ali1, Hooria Ashraf Khan1, Rabia Fajar Ali2, Ayesha Muzamil1, Fariha Munir3, Fatima Ijaz1, Rizwan Khurshid3

... biological and economic traits at optimum conditions. The silkworm eggs were hatched at a range of temperatures (21-30°C) and humidity levels of 75-80-% and 80-85% respectively. The silkworms hatched at optimal conditions were provided variable meals and the leaves consumption rate was calculated. In a separate experiment, the 5th instar silkworm larvae were assessed for biological and economic traits. The results of th...

Nguyen Huu Van1*, Nguyen Thi Mui1, Dinh Van Dung1, Van Ngoc Phong1, Tran Ngoc Long1, Le Tran Hoan1, Le Duc Thao1, Vo Thi Minh Tam1, Ngo Mau Dung1, Bui Van Loi1, Nguyen Xuan Ba1, Ton Nu Minh Thi2, Nishino Naoki2

El-Sayed • l , Eman H; Mahfouze , Sherin A.; Shaltout ,A. D.; El-Dougdoug3 ,Kh. A. and Sayed1 , R. A.

...ove it yield and quality traits against BBTV and BMV viruses. There are several mutagens available for banana crop improvement and each mutagen has its important role as positive or negative effects on banana plants. The chemical mutagens such as create mutations in the genome of plants. Selection of plant mutants is based on morphological and ISSR-PCR markers. The DNA based marker is reliable and reproducible for mutant selection for BBTV and BMV resistance b...

Divanildo Outor-Monteiro1,2,3*, José António Silva2,3,4, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3

...) on the growth, carcass traits and meat quality of growing rabbits. 120 animals were randomly allocated to three different production systems. At both slaughter ages, the M. biceps femoris of Oa and CP rabbits exhibited higher cooking losses (5.50 vs. 3.83%) and total pigments (0.37 vs. 0.28 mg/g) compared to Cg rabbits. The production system did not significantly impact dressing out, visceral development, Warner-Bratzler Shear Force – WBSF and meat pH....

Syed Majid Rasheed1*, Tauseef Ali1, Saad Jan1, Faiz ur Rehman2, Muhammad Ali Shah3, Zahid Hussain1 and Abdul Waheed4

...s were observed for most traits, except stem diameter and marketable fruit diameter. Among genotypes, G10 flowered earliest (41.5 days), G22 had longest internodes (3.59cm), G16 had heaviest fruits (9.65g), and G14 had longest and thickest marketable fruits (13.8 cm, 1.74cm). Combing ability analysis revealed that non-additive gene action was involved in controlling all traits. Non-additive gene action was important for all ...

Doungnapa Promket1*, Khanitta Pengmeesri1, Jennarong Kammongkun2, Thassawan Somchan1 

...tion with egg production traits. The results revealed significant associations between these genes and several egg production parameters on Thai indigenous chicken populations. In the case of the MTNR1C gene, significant effects were observed on WE360d, NE360d, and E/M (P < 0.05). Specifically, Thai indigenous chickens carrying the AA genotype in the MTNR1C gene displayed higher WE360d values compared to GG genotypes. Furthermore, the GG genotypes of MTNR1C...
Saliha Bashir*, Muhammad Shafique, Muhammad Shahzad, Muhammad Sohail Anjum and Ahmad Ali Shahid
...orrelations of pigmented traits and iris surface features in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province of Pakistan. Digital images of eyes and skin were examined by investigators to determine color using Fitzpatrick Phototype Scale. Similarly, iris patterns were characterized by Edward iris feature software and association studies were conducted through SPSS program. Intermediate eye color was frequent in KPK (44%) while brown was higher in Punjab (47%). Co...
Raed M. Al-Atiyat1,2*, Gamaleldin M. Suliman3, Khaled Abu-Alruz4, Firas Al-Zyoud5, Amer Mamkagh6, Ahmed M. El-Waziry7, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer8 and Rifat Ullah Khan9
...on live body and carcass traits. The traits were body height at wither and rump, body length, heart girth, body depth, head length, ear length, body weight at slaughtering, empty body, dressing percentage, hot carcass, cold carcass, and head weight which had a significant effect on breed. The phenotypic associations between the traits were also studied and strong associations between econo...

Farid S. Nassar1,2, Osama A. El-Sayed3, Saidi Ouassaf4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2* 

...e performance, slaughter traits, biochemical components, cholesterol profile, stress indicators, and immune status. Four hundred male Cobb500 broiler chickens were grown on floor pens and fed a mash-based corn-soybean diet from one day to 21 days old. From 22-42 days of age, the birds were divided into four experimental groups (10 replicate pens × 10 chicks each) in which the birds were fed on a finisher-based diet supplemented with 0, 10, 20, and 30 g/k...

Lingang Dai1,2,3, Xiang Chen1,2,3, Jiajin Huang1,2,3, Jiali Xu1,2,3, Meimei Xiao1,2,3, Jiajing Chen1,2,3 and Yong Ruan1,2,3*

...ymorphisms and slaughter traits, meat quality traits and organ coefficients was determined in 39 F3 generation hybrid goats. The results showed that the slaughtering performance of male goats was better than that of female goats, and there were highly significant (P<0.01) and significant (P<0.05) differences in live weight and carcass weight, respectively. In meat quality, the marbling score of female goats was signifi...

Tinda Afriani1*, Jaswandi1, Yurnalis1, Putri Oktavially1, I Made Merdana2 

...ion for desirable growth traits. One approach to improving the performance of Pesisir with Holstein Friesian cattle crosses involves identifying growth hormone variations through analysis of the exon 5 gene. This study aimed to identify the characteristics of qualitative and quantitative traits and growth hormone patterns in crossbreeds between Pesisir and Friesian Holstein (FH) cattle. A total of 60 crossbreeds of Pesisir a...

Pedro Nunes1*, José Teixeira1,2, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Divanildo Monteiro1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3

... development and carcass traits were evaluated in 10 rabbits from each treatment group at 64 days of age. No significant differences were observed among the treatment groups, except for caecum length, which was greater in the control diet compared to the EOC diets, and cecal content dry matter, which was lower in the control diet relative to the EOC10 diet. Consequently, this study validates the potential utility of exhausted olive cake as a valuable component...

Sudeb Saha1,2*, Jay Prakash Ray3, Apurbo Kumar Mondal4, Md. Irtija Ahsan5, Marina Debnath6, Dilruba Afrin7, Syed Sayeem Uddin Ahmed5, Jayanta Datta Gupta3, Nivedita Datta8, Hugo O. Toledo-Alvarado9, Haruki Kitazawa1

..., Blood parameters, Milk traits, Subclinical mastitis

Faramin Javandel Soum Sarai1, Mir Daryoush Shakouri2* and Alireza Seidavi3*

... on performance, carcass traits and some blood biochemical and hematological parameters of broilers under heat stress (34 ˚C for 8 h). A total of 160 28-d-old Ross 308 broiler chickens were divided into 4 treatment groups with 4 replicates and 10 birds per each by employing a completely randomized design. Broilers were fed on corn-soybean meal basal diets with no additive (control) or added chromium picolinate (400 mg/kg), chromium picolinate (400 mg/kg)­...

Aimal Zeb1, Abdur Rauf1*, Nabila Bano2, Muhammad Qayash3, Muhammad Yasin4, Ikramullah Khan1, Syed Abidullah1, Wisal Khan5, Muhammad Asmat Ullah2, Abdul Ghaffar Khan6 and Samrin Gul

...g varieties for examined traits. The maximum number of green leaves (28), was produced by PVH-2324 at first picking, while PVH-1600 showed the maximum number of leaves (22), leaf area (1241cm2), green leaves (29.3 Kg) and cured leaves weights per plot (4.6 Kg). Furthermore, PVH-1600 and K-399 showed the maximum mean values for green leaves (0.97 Kg) and cured leaves (0.227 Kg) weights respectively. The tallest plant was identified as PVH-2324 (136.21 cm). Geno...

Shakir Ullah1*, Lubna Shakir2, Ghani Subhan3 and Mohammad Sohail4

...nt effect on most of the traits except the weight of the plant. The pod full stage is more affected by the drought than other stages on most of the parameters tested. Irrigation regimes at pod full stage reduced the number of pods plant-1 by 38.4% and 26.0%, the weight of pods plant-1 by 23.7% and 53.6%, the number of seeds plant-1 by 29.0% and 28.8%, seeds weight plant-1 by 17.2% and 38.8%, 100-seeds weight by 35.3% and 38.1% for 1488, respectively. Irrigatio...

Thobela Louis Tyasi*, Lebo Ngorima, Victoria Rankotsane Hlokoe

...esult in the egg quality traits that can best predict egg weight in chickens. The study aimed to develop a model that can be employed to estimate egg weight from egg quality traits with stepwise regression in the Lohmann brown chicken breed. The study was conducted at Kitamu farm in Ntsima village in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The Pearson’s correlation findings displayed that egg weight (EW) had a highly positive ...

Zahid I. Mohammed

...ological and biochemical traits in Black Iraqi kids. A total of 28 male kids aged 4-5 months, with body weight 18.35 to 22.76 kg, were randomly assigned to four nutritional groups (each group involved 7 animals). The first group was fed concentrate diet 3% of the body weight every day and was deemed to be the control group. The second group was daily fed concentrate diet 3% of the body weight in addition to Spirulina (2gm/head). The third group was daily fed c...

Shirina Akter Toma1, Shah Ahmed Belal2, Md Abdul Baset3, Md Nazim Uddin3*

...onal properties, Quality traits

Shahid Iqbal1, Arshad Khan, Ali Hazrat1*, Gul Rahim, Mohammad Ihsan1, Umar Zad Gul1, Maryam Bibi1, Khadija Bibi1 and Muhammad Mukhtiar2

...for all the quantitative traits, where a positive correlation was recorded for plant height (0.37), leaf length (0.18), and seed per plant (0.127). Biomass per plant shows a positive correlation with leaf length (0.118), leaf width (0.27), and seed per plant (0.22) whereas a negative correlation was found in petiole length (-0.044), plant height (-0.002), pod length (-0.59) and pod per plant (-0.99). Principal component analysis (PCA) based on 9 quantitative <...

Faris Sahib Imran1*, Layth Hamzah Merzah2, Mohammed Mohsin Kareem3

...phyllum demersum; Growth traits; Protein.

Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory1*, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2, Majeed Ajafar1, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali1

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Thi Tuong Vi Trang1, Thi Thuy Tien Nguyen2, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Duc Thoa Nguyen2

...on with the reproductive traits of color dual-purpose VLV hens. Egg production parameters were recorded as age at first egg (AFE; days), body weight at first egg (BWFE; gram/bird), mean egg weight (MEW; gram), and accumulated number of eggs (ANE) up to 38 weeks of age. DNA collected from the wing vein at 38 weeks of age was extracted from whole blood samples of 393 VLV chickens. The 24 bp indel/PRL target gene was amplified by PCR and the product was separated...

Nawab Ali1, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Asmatullah kaka1, Amjad Hussain Mirani2, Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar3*, Nisar Ahmed Solangi1, Kashif Ali Malik1, Fazul U Rahman1, Moin Akhtar Vistro1 

...ed and frozen-thaw sperm traits) and in-vivo conception rate of Kamohri buck semen. 


Mehwish Zafar1, Muhammad Shahzad1*, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Quratulain3, Mehak Shehzad4 and Samreen Nazeer5*

Addisu Jimma1,2*, Aberra Melesse1, Aynalem Haile3, Tesfaye Getachew3  

...formance improvements in traits such as growth, coat color, litter size, survival, and lambing interval. Moreover, the program had a positive influence on economic benefits, as CBBP members reported higher annual income from sheep-related activities. This income played a crucial role in supporting farmers’ livelihoods, contributing to house maintenance and providing food for households. In conclusion, the study highlights the positive influence of the Do...

Ali Hassan1, Javaria Ashraf1*, Salman Wahid1, Kamran Alyas1, Samaria Nisar1, Sadia Kanwal2, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Amna Bibi2 and Rameen Nawaz3

...ogical and yield related traits using line × tester design is very important to identify best performing parents in future cotton breeding program. Therefore, in this study five lines (MNH-1020, MNH-1035, FH-152, CIM-632 and BS-20) were crossed with three testers (CEMB-100, RH-662 and NIAB-5) using line × tester crossing design, which resulted 15 F1 hybrids. The analysis of variance found significant variation between the parents and hybrids, demon...

Shakil Ahmed1, Mahin Das2, Md. Rayhan Sojib3*, Shishir Kanti Talukder4, Sadia Sultana5, Prantika Datta1, Shofiqul Islam1 and Gazi Md. Mohsin2

...xperiment involved seven traits, including germination percentage, days to first flowering, fruit weight, fruits per plant, fruit length, seeds per plant, and yield. The study compared local hybrids (Saba, Lalbeni, Tokii, and 1070) and exotic hybrid (White Beauty, imported from Thailand) using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The results revealed that exotic hybrid varieties had a positive significant difference (p<0.001) in the number of seeds pe...

Umair Ahmad1*, Asad Sultan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Tahir2

...orly for the performance traits like feed intake, weight gain and FCR. Phyto-protease addition at 100mg kg-1 feed exhibited significant effect on body weight, FCR, and carcass traits compared to the control. The highest body weight gain was recorded in birds fed GPP2, followed by birds on GPP1 and the lowest in N-CON fed birds. Ginger-derived phyto-protease supplementation significantly lowered serum cholesterol (TG and LDL)...
Asad Ali1*, Khalid Javed1, Imran Zahoor1, Khalid Mahmood Anjum2, Numan Sharif1, Imtiaz Ahmad3 and Aftab Hussain Aftab3
...s for seven reproductive traits using phenotypic records from an experimental Kajli flock in Punjab, Pakistan. Phenotypic data comprised 2501 records of litter size at birth (LSB), cumulative litter weight at birth (LWB), and mean litter weight at birth/ lamb born (LMWB), 1657 records of litter size at weaning (LSW), cumulative litter weight at weaning (LWW), and mean litter weight at weaning/ lamb weaned (LMWW), and 1674 records of lambing interval (LI) from ...
Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1*
...values in the productive traits, whereas spacing with 0.3 m and 0.4 m reported the best behavior. The spacing of 1.1 m between rows and 0.3 m between plants showed the best Marginal Rate of Return for cultivated cotton with the variety “BRS-336”. The combination of the studied factors registered higher values in agronomic and productive variables when compared to the control treatment (conventional spacing used by farmers).

Muhmmad Asif1, Khunsa Khakwani1, Muhammad Hasnain1*, Farrukh Ilahi1, Muhammad Hussnain Babar1, Shahid Munir Chuhan1, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1, Iqra Parveen1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Saeed Ahmad2 and Hammad Hussnain2

Muhammad Ayyub, Mitha Khan*, Syed Abdul Malik, Sakhawat Ali, Syed Shamsullah, Mujeeb ur Rehman, Ikhlaq Ahmed, Ameer Uddin, Habibullah Kakar, Mohammad Zahid, Khalil Ahmed, Mana Khan, Mukhtiar Ahmed, Muhammad Rafiq Khetran, Zia ul Haq and Muhammad Azam

...general combiner for the traits plant height, No. of tillers plant-1, Harvest index, Spike density, spikelets spike-1, Grains spike -1, Fresh weight, Dry weight, Flag leaf area, thousand grain weight, Grain yield plant-1 and Tones per hectare as showed highly significant positive general combining ability, respectively. While among TD1 × Benazir and Umeed × Raskoo were observed as good specific combiner crosses in all parameters. Further, it is rec...
Mona Adel El-Wakeel1*, Salah El-Din Abd El-Ghany Ahmed, Sanaa Abd El Rahman Mohamed
and Nadia Khalil Messiha
...wth parameters and yield traits, sole
application of PLP at successive rates is more effective than PLP at the same successive
rates with acetic acid 5%. So, it was observed that PLP at 60g pot-1 and 45 g pot-1
significantly developed most of growth parameters and yield traits of C. annuum than the
healthy plants in both seasons. On the contrary, acetic acid treatment alone rec...

Mona Adel El-Wakeel1 and Ibrahim Mohamed El-Metwally1

...wth parameters and yield traits of common bean. Estimated phenolic
compounds, flavonoids and essential oils in orange peels may be responsible for this
inhibitory effect.

Tebogo Letsukulo Percy Thepa, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...ion between ovine growth traits and the SNPs of the MSTN gene. Four databases (PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar) were systematically evaluated using the keywords sheep, MSTN, polymorphism, genetic variation, growth traits, gene polymorphism, skeletal muscle growth, GDF-8, without any year of publication restrictions and 8 studies were found to be eligible. The results indicated that eight (n = 8) publ...

Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Hammad Ud Din1 and Fazli Amin1

... other yield attributing traits. Numerically, the top-performing Sesame varieties in terms of seed yield were Till-18 (11 qt/ha), TS-3 (10.3 qt/ha), and DM-14 (10 qt/ha), and they are recommended for the specific community and its vicinity. None the less, further studies are needed, including the evaluation of recently released varieties, to strengthen the recommendations for improved Sesame production in the target area and ensure a solid basis for the recomm...
Rameez Raja Kaleri1,5*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Ahmed Nawaz Khosa2, Raza Ali Mangi3, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi4 Mushtaq Ahmed Jalbani1, Irfan Ali Sahto1 and Muhammad Ismail1
...ver, the meat production traits or carcass traits are not studied well. In this study 8 months old, 120 healthier animals with 30 males from each Balochi, Rakhshani, Harnai and Bibrik sheep breeds were randomly selected from various sheep farms of Balochistan. They were divided into A, B, C and D groups including Balochi, Rakhshani, Harnai and Bibrik sheep breeds respectively, raised under the semi-intensive management syste...
Abdullah, Gul Hassan, Ijaz Ahmad Khan, Sheraz Ahmad Khan , Hussain Ali
GUL HASSAN,MUHAMMAD IQBAL MARWAT,Khan Bahadar Marwat,Haji Khalil Ahmad

Hadi Awad Hassooni1, Safaa Sabbar Atiyah2*, Alaa Saleh Jassim1 

...ers in selecting desired traits, such as milk production, disease resistance, and growth monitoring, which in turn leads to improving the overall productivity of animals. This research aims to study the linkage among the genetic marker DIK20 and several physiological and productive features in Holstein cattles, which includes milk production, mastitis, and percentages of fat, lactose, and protein. The research was conducted in one milk production season, start...

Majeed Ajafar1, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory1*, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2

...sophospholipid, Hatching traits, Chick’s quality, Chick’s physical traits, Broiler, Energy

Putri Islamiati1, Muhammad Fathin Hanif2, Joko Sujiwo1,3, Adi Nugroho4, Bambang Ariyadi1*

...wth performance, carcass traits, digestive organs, blood hematology, and intestinal histomorphology of broilers. A total of 240-day-old male New Lohmann broilers were randomly assigned to two treatments: ad libitum feeding (AF) and restriction feeding (RF). Restricted feeding is carried out by fasting method once a week after the brooding period at 10, 17, 24, and 31 d. Each treatment was replicated in 15 groups (each replicate consisted of 8 broilers). Data c...

Katleho Lephuting, Lebelo Joyceline Selala, Kwena Mokoena, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...d testicular measurement traits of Savanna breeding bucks. The study follows the descriptive research method. A total of 19 Savanna goat bucks between the ages of 2 and 3 years old were used as experimental animals. Three testicular measurement traits namely testicular length (TL), testicular diameter (TD), and scrotal circumference (SC) were collected using a measuring tape. Body weight (BW) was collected using the electron...

Abdul Rahman Sesay1,2, Muhammad Saif-ur-Rehman1*, Faisal Ramzan1 and Faisal Saeed Awan3

...ated with vital economic traits. The QTL enrichment analysis has shown eight substantial QTLs in BTA19 and BTA20 linked with milk, production, as well as reproduction traits. Therefore, understanding the selection signatures and candidate genes that influence important economic traits can provide foundational knowledge that can be used effectively to gain insight into the underlying mechan...
Muhammad Bilal Zia and Muhammad Tahir Laeeq
...ifferences in the tested traits among the four species. Paulownia catalpifolia was top ranking followed by Paulownia tomentosa. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were higher i.e. 23.43% and 24.36% for DBH. During the study of both years this trait also showed genetic consistency for these coefficients, broad sense heritability (0.93, 0.96) and genetic advance (2.62, 2.92). Based on these findings it is suggested that P. ca...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Miskeen Ali

GPS Dhillon, Avtar Singh and DS Sidhu
...e noticed for all growth traits at all ages. Clones S7C8, 113324, L-188/84, L-313/85, L-51/84, L-71/84, 154/84, 110702 and 64-243-1 were promising clones at 7-year age with volume per tree ranging from 0.242 to 0.320 m3. The phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were relatively higher for volume (11.15-31.78%) and the minimum for tree height (4.71-13.65%). The broad sense heritability ranged from 29.68 to 73.11 per...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Miskeen Ali
...ed on eight quantitative traits. The heterosis was estimated using multiple evaluation indices (EI), mid parent heterosis (MPH), better parent heterosis (BPH), and sub-ordinate function indices (SF). The results showed highly significant (p<0.01) difference in rearing performance of inbred and hybrid breeds. Hybrid JL04xCL04 showed superior performance in the fecundity (596.50±4.03 eggs per female), larval body weight (3.55±0.07 g), pupation rate (94...
Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...owth and economic cocoon traits was assessed. Besides, different transportation modes and means were evaluated. The results revealed that the young age larvae of C-102 strain reared under cooperative house conditions and transported by motorbike gave 5.12% (larval body weight gain), 11.34% (cocoon weight) and 12.69% (shell weight) more than conventional methods of rearing. In case of 206-PO, return of larval body weight gain, cocoon and shell weight were 8.15%...
Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...sons. Eight quantitative traits viz., total food ingestion (Tl), Total food digestion (TD), cocoon weight, shell weight, efficiency of conversion of ingested food into cocoon (ECIC) & shell (ECIS), efficiency of conversion of digested food into cocoon (ECDC) & shell (ECDS) were measured. Rearing was carried out at 24±1°C and 75±5%RH during spring and 28±1°C and 75±5%RH during autumn. The strains J-99, J-101 and 205-MKD were the most...

Javaria Sherani1*, Tehseen Ali Jilani2, Jalil Ahmad3, Rashid Jawad1, Shabana Nazeer4 and Muhammad Jan5 

...rved among the agronomic traits and biochemical traits. The cultivar’s performance for Delhi White was good as compared to the other cultivars in both years.

Muhammad Naeem Korejo1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1 and Niaz
Ahmed Wahocho2
...ungbean growth and yield traits
particularly seed yield (2404 kg ha-1). Bermuda grass extract @ 15 L ha-1 in integration with
herbicides (atlantis @ 0.1 L ha-1 + puma super @ 0.156 L ha-1) followed in effectiveness
with weed density of 61.0 m-2 and weed dry weight of 132.0 g m-2 as well as mungbean
seed yield of 2282 kg ha-1. As much as irrigation frequencies are concerned, the least weed
density (82....

Tariq Ahmed Keerio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro3

...uperior growth and yield traits particularly kernel yield (t
per ha ) of maize . Sorghum mature plant extract @ 15 L per ha in integration with
herbicide (Mesotrione Atrazine @ 1.0 L per ha ranked 2 nd in effect iveness of controlling
weeds as well as increasing m aize kernel yield t per ha As the effect of seed rates is
concerned, the le ast weed density m 2 and greatest kernel yield (t per ha ) were noticed

Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3, Abdul Waheed3*, Ecevit Eyduran4 and Muhammad Tariq5

...valuate the multivariate traits in Thalli sheep for phenotypic characterization and their association with the live bodyweight of the animals for the selection of superior individuals by using the principal component analysis (PCA) technique and regression equation. Twenty-one (21) multivariate traits were taken of young Thalli sheep aged 0-12 months in Thall area of Punjab, Pakistan. Morphometric tr...

Walid Elmonir1*, Dalia Abdeltawab1, Hanem El-Sharkawy2 and Rasha N. Zahran3

...antimicrobial resistance traits of non-typhoidal Salmonella in commercial and backyard egg production systems in Kafrelsheikh Governorate, Egypt. A total of 610 samples (200 egg shells, 200 egg contents, and 210 environmental samples) were collected from 10 commercial layers farms and 170 samples (50 egg shells, 50 egg contents, and 70 environmental samples) were collected from 10 backyard layers flocks. The overall prevalence of Salmonella was 4.1% for each p...
R. Javed1,2, T. Usman1, S. Niaz2, N. Ali2,3, H. Baneh4, K. Ullah5, I. Khattak1, M. Kamal1,2
S. Bahadar6, N.U. Khan1, S. Khan1,7, Y. Wang3*, Y. Yu3* and Mostafa K. Nassar8
...ilk quantity and quality traits in cattle are affected by udder health, breed, genetic (such as heritability, repeatability, and heterosis), and environmental factors. The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of udder health, genetic factors and environmental factors on milk performance traits in cattle breeds. The study was conducted on four dairy farms in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A total of 291 milk sampl...

Amal Ahmed Abdel-Halim1, Esteftah Mohamed El-Komy2, Ahmed Mosaad Abdelsalam2, Gomaa Said Ramadan2*

...rstanding of the genetic traits and growth potential of these quail hybrids, with Hy5 Imported Quail demonstrating superior performance in carcass characteristics.
Keywords | Carcass characteristics, Growth performance, Japanese Quail, Quail, Selection

Gautam Kumar Deb1*, Md Faizul Hossain Miraz1, SM Jahangir Hossain1, Shahrina Akter1, Md. Ahsanul Kabir1, Md Ruhul Amin2, Md Panir Choudhury1, Nure Hasni Desha1

...racterize the phenotypic traits of native horses and investigate the management practices and socioeconomic status of horse owners. A total of 233 horse-rearing households were interviewed by structured questionnaire from selective locations covering all divisions of Bangladesh. Phenotypic traits (Body weight, body length, chest girth, neck length, head length, ear length, wither height, back height, length from ear to tail,...

Ihteram Ullah1*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil2, Said Salman1, Nasir Mehmood3, Abdul Majid4, Syed Noor Muhammad Shah5 and Zahoor Ahmed6

...conditions. All measured traits, except grain weight per seed, showed significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) amid environments. There was also substantial genetic variation among the wheat lines for all traits with significant genotype × environment interactions, particularly for spike production and grain yield. Compared to irrigated conditions, rainfed conditions caused significant reductions in studied

Nask Jawher Ahmed and Kawa A. Ali*

...ogical and physiological traits of sesame. The study was consisted in two different environments. Treatments were irrigation based on principal development stages according to the general BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, und Chemische Industrie) scale, with three levels of water regimes: (a) control (full irrigations), (b) No further irrigation after flowering (65BBCH), and (c) No further irrigation after seed development (79 BBCH) stages of the crop. There we...

Hamid Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Anas1*, Rozina Gul1, Waseem Ullah Shah1, Abdul Haleem2, Muneeb Ahamd Khan1, Muhammad Taimur1, Tahreem Shah1, Sajjad Ur Rahman1, Noman Anjum1 and Muhammad Saqib3

...ical and yield-promoting traits over different years is a key component in cultivar development. The main goals of the current research studies were to identify pod worm-resistant/tolerant and high-yielding genotypes over two years along with other desirable traits that could be manipulated in future chickpea breeding programs. The experimental material consisted of 45 chickpea genotypes tested over two years in the Randomiz...

Le Thanh Phuong1, Pham Tan Nha2*

...nerations and productive traits was analyzed based on One way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with Minitab software version 16.0. The results showed that G1 generation had the highest average egg production rate (34.6%) and the lowest average FCR (4.60 g feed/g egg) (P<0.05). At 42 weeks old, the Noi hens reached peak egg production as follow 45.7% in G0 generation and 48.6% in G1 generation. The G1 generation had average feed intake for 10 eggs (3.29 kg) lowe...

Kh. Amber1, S.G. Kotb1, W.A. Morsy2* and W. Khalifa1

... parameters, and carcass traits of broiler. A total number of 576 unsexed one-day-old Cobb broiler chicks were grown over a 35-d period. Chicks were similar concerning body weight and sex. The experimental design was factorial 3x2; three forms of feed (pellet, crumble, and mash) with or without supplementing CIBENZA enzyme (0.005%) in diets. All diets were nearly iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric based on digestible energy and contained similar levels of microel...

Amaq Fadholly1,2*, Endang Tri Margawati1, Alek Ibrahim1 and Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra1

...nce for selecting growth traits in Pasundan beef cattle. Amount of 50 blood samples was collected from Breeding Center (?) of BPPT Cijeunjing, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia. DNA samples were isolated and then purified following the extraction continued with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The Association of MYF5 genotypes with body weight and body size measurements was analyzed using General Linear Model ...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch, Ejaz Ahmad Khan and Asghar Ali Khan

...the morpho-physiological traits of maize crop. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design having three repetitions. Water extracts of ten different plants viz., neem (Azadirachta indica L.), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum L.), Indian lilac (Melia azadirach L.), acacia (Acacia nilotica L.), poplar (Populous deltoids L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), jaman (Syzygium cumini L.) and karir (Capparis d...

Zuyang Zhou1, Xi He2, Yufang Liu1, Qiuling Li3, Pingqing Wang2, Yongfu An4, Ran Di1, Yuze Yang5 and Mingxing Chu1*

Niaz Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Aslam1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Khalid Hussain2, Muahammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Irshad1, Zubeda Parveen1, Fiaz Hussain3 and Azhar Mahmood Aulakh4
...highlights its promising traits, including high yield potential, disease resistance, and adaptability to various conditions. “Thal-2020” offers future benefits such as enhanced productivity, reduced pesticide use, and improved economic returns for farmers. Its introduction is expected to significantly enhance the sustainability and profitability of chickpea cultivation.

Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, Mahmoud Yassin Mohamed1*, Mahmoud Sayed Sayah2,1, Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Ezzat Arafa Ahmed El-Beltagi1, Shimaa M. Ali1

... growth and reproductive traits in Friesian calves. thirty calves (15 males, and 15 females), were categorized into three equal groups. The 1st group (n=5 males and 5 females), which recorded the lowest values from GH, and LP at weaning (105 d) considering then the average daily gain (ADG) from birth to weaning in each animal; 2nd group that had moderate values, and 3rd group that had the highest values. The results indicated that the 3rd group exhibited the 3...

Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara*, Tina Sri Purwanti, Budi Hartono, Awang Tri Satria, Izdihar Ratnaduhita Hidayat

...influenced by individual traits and environmental background. Hedonic value positively influences consumer attitudes, showing that enjoyment and positive emotions associated with UHT milk enhance favorable purchasing behavior. However, environmental value negatively affects consumer attitudes, as consumers may perceive eco-friendly packaging as less convenient. Product knowledge positively influences consumer attitudes, indicating that providing detailed produ...

Shiguftah Khalid1, Muhammad Jahanzaib2*, Haris Khurshid2, Rabia Khalid3, Sundas Waqar3, Faiza Siddique3, Fazal Yazdan Saleem Marwat3 and Zahid Akram1

... the importance of these traits for selecting high yielding genotypes under the screening process. Path analysis revealed a positive direct effect of leaflet area, pods per plant, shelling percentage, average pod length and hundred seed weight. In contrast, leaf area, pegs per plant and mature pods per plant revealed negative direct effect. The mean values for genotypes N0334, abCG005 and BARI-2000 had maximum pod yield per plant among all the genotypes. Biplo...

Zahraa Ahmed Khlaf*, Alfred S. Karomy, Qutaiba Jassim Gheni 

.... In terms of production traits, birds fed with T3 feed showed a significant improvement (P ≤ 0.05) in average live body weight and weight gain rate compared to the control group (T1). Moreover, a significant improvement (P ≤ 0.05) in feed conversion efficiency was observed for all ozone treatment groups compared to the control. 


Tamadhur H. Hussein, Layth H. Merzah, Tahreer M. Al-Thuwaini* 

... progeny type and animal traits was further explored using logistic regression analyses. It was noted that progeny type showed a significantly higher association with the live body weight (P = 0.04, OR (95% CI) = 1.50 (1.08-3.24)), tail length (P = 0.03, OR (95% CI) = 1.69 (0.96-3.86)), and hormones leptin (P = 0.02, OR (95% CI) = 2.31 (1.51-5.18)) and visfatin (P = 0.01, OR (95% CI) = 2.03 (1.34-5.21)). In conclusion, levels of leptin and visfatin were found ...

Ridha Tunnisa1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2*, Sri Purwanti2, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati2, Wempie Pakiding2

...lationship to the growth traits of Alope chickens. A total of 120 animals consisting of 52 cocks and 68 hens, were included in this study. Chickens were kept in individual cages to observe growth traits, including initial body weight, final body weight, daily body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio. Growth traits were analyzed using the general linear mod...

Oluwakamisi F. Akinmoladun1,2*, Olusegun O. Ikusika1, Conference T. Mpendulo1

Keywords | Carcass traits, Coturnix coturnix Japonica, Growth performance, Haematology, Sodium

Layth H. Merzah, Tamadhur H. Hussein, Tahreer m. Al-Thuwaini*

Keywords | Growth traits, Pregnancy, Sheep, Stress hormone, Twinning rate, Weaning

Jennarong Kammongkun1, Doungnapa Promket2*

...rformance and morphology traits in 281 PH chickens using PCR-RFLP genotyping. The analysis revealed significant associations between growth performance and morphology traits in PH chickens. The correlations between average daily gains (ADG4 to ADG16) and body weights (BW0 to BW16) ranged from 0.33 to 0.99, indicating a consistent upward trend over time. The high body weight (HBW) group exhibited superior growth performance a...

Farhan Anjum1*, Sheraz Ahmad Khan1, Raees Muhammad2, Yousaf Jamal1, Durrishahwar1, Jawad Ali Shah1 and Hidayat Ullah1*

...genotypes for almost all traits. Genotype ‘Saleem Khan-2’ had the maximum days to tasseling, whereas the ‘Bamkhel-2’ genotype had the shortest. The genotypes ‘CIMMYT Yellow’ and ‘Saleem Khan-2’ took the maximum number of days to silking, while ‘Bamkhel-2’ had the minimum days. Genotype ‘Eidhi’ had the lowest plant height, whereas genotype ‘Bamkhel-2’ had the highest. Genotype &...

Nguyen Ba Trung1,2*, Pham Thi Kim Phuong1,2

...o economically important traits have not yet been examined. This study centered on examining the genetic traits of Vang cattle by utilizing molecular markers. We investigated the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA and the SRY gene on the Y chromosome, as well as performed genotyping of the DGAT1, NCAPG, and RNF212 genes related to economically important traits such as milk yield, ca...

Elfira Kariane Suawa1*,  Juliet R. Roberts2, Greg Parkinson3,  Angelina Novita Tethool1

Tamadhur H. Hussein1, Zainab M.A. Alrubayei2, Tahreer M. Al-Thuwaini1*

...tter size and phenotypic traits in Awassi ewes. In conclusion, Awassi ewes with twin births had lower thyroid hormone levels. These results provide valuable insights into the relationship between litter size, thyroid hormone, and lamb growth. In this context, further investigation into thyroid hormones may enhance understanding of sheep breeding and reproduction.
Keywords | Birth type, Lamb weight, Pregnancy, Reproduction, Sheep,...

Bibigul Sansyzbayeva1, Sholpan Adylkanova1, Toleukhan Sadykulov1 and Koray Kırıkçı2*

... meat quality and growth traits. A fat-tailed Kazakh sheep, the Saryarka is characterized by a hardy constitution that allows for year-round grazing. In 2016, two factory lines (for meat and wool production) were created from the Zhanaarka type of the Sаryarka sheep breed. The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the CAST gene in lambs of the Saryarka meat production line and to evaluate associations between the CAST genotype and live weig...

Asim Karim*, Anwar Ali, Bilal Ahmed Qazi, Nowsherwan Zarif and Wadood Shah

...with hybrids of selected traits produced in vitro propagation. The major hybrids include in vitro clone 112, Cotevisa 2 and Shan Tong. Compared to Southern European countries, Central European countries have slower rates of growth and lesser manufacturing capacities. Paulownia breeding experiments are new and often replicate cultivation of Asian or Southern European hybrids. Agronomic techniques are, nevertheless, being produced, and studies are being conducte...

Muhammad Usman Saleem*, Tahir Hussain Awan, Bilal Atta, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir and Muhammad Ijaz

...s on agronomic and yield traits of Basmati rice (cv. Basmati 515) cultivated with a direct-seeded rice method. Field trials were carried out during 2019 and 2020 in rice growing seasons. The five fertilizer treatments were applied as recommended from the combination of DAP + Urea, DAP + CAN, NP + Urea, NP + CAN along with a control (no fertilizer). Agronomic data such as tiller per square meter, plant height, panicle length, and rice yield were recorded. The c...

Hasan SA Jawad1*, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali2, Galib A. Al-Kassie3, Abdul-Razzak L. Al-Rubaie3, Lokman IH4 

... All of the histological traits were studied such as the villus height, the crypts depth, the percentage of the villus height to the crypts depth and immunological traits are both the immunity directed against Newcastle disease and the test of the relative hypersensitivity in the wattles and relative weight and the Fabricia gland index, and biochemical traits, such as concentration of gluc...

Faheen Riaz1, Sarfraz Mehmmod1, Aatka Jamil1, Khansa Jamil1, Imran Riaz Malik2, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1* and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...are typical quantitative traits that are simultaneously regulated by many QTLs and polygenes. The cytochrome P450 enzymes can impact several dairy functions. Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase is a mitochondrial enzyme that is produced using instructions from the CYP11B1 gene. In cattle, it facilitates the conversion of 11-deoxy-cortisol to cortisol and 11-deoxycorticosterone to corticosterone. The protein produced by the bovine CYP11B1 gene, which has nine exons and...

Shaila Akter1, MD Zobayer Rahman2*, Farzana Islam1, Zamal Hussan1, Rasel Mia3, Kazi Rabeya Akther1, Nirmal Chandra Roy1

...mized the most desirable traits of growth for H. fossilis fish fry. 
Novelty Statement | This study introduces a novel approach for nursery rearing of H. fossilis fry in outdoor hatcheries, showing that a 75% feed and 25% floc mixture (T2) significantly enhances growth metrics-such as weight gain, length, and feed conversion ratio-without water exchange. The findings demonstrate BFT’s poten...

Amal S.Omar, Mahmoud A. Ahmed, Nada A.S. El-Shahawy, Wael A.H. Ali, Sabbah F. Youssef, Hoda M.A. Shabaan, El-Sayed M. Abdel-Kafy* 

... system, focusing on the traits and perspectives of breeders. The goal was to gather information that could aid in the conservation of local geese in Egypt and improve their production system. The study was conducted in the governorates of El-Fayoum, Luxor, and Kafr El-Sheikh, representing the three main regions in Egypt. The research involved a cross-sectional survey of 78 randomly selected villages. Semi-structured questionnaires and field observations durin...

Kwena Mokoena, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...s on chicken egg quality traits. PubMed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and Web of Science were evaluated systematically using the combination of the following keywords: Chicken, storage methods, and egg quality traits. A total of 5 eligible articles published between 2013 and 2022 in Nigeria, Poland, Sri Lanka, and Egypt were included. The results showed that out of the 5 included articles, vegetable oil was the most used (n...

Iftakher Alam1,2, Biswajit Das1,3*, Kazi Md. Younus Tanim1, Rafiat Zannat1,3, Amiya Das Hridoy1,4, H.M. Fahad Hossain1,4, Tarikul Islam1 and Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuiyan1

... the other morphological traits (number of tillers, number of effective tillers, panicle length, grains per hill and yield), comparatively modern varieties outperformed. Binadhan-10, a modern variety, showed the highest yield of 5.23 tons/ha, demonstrating superior performance in the coastal region due to its adaptability to saline conditions. In the principal component analysis (PCA), the first two PCs explained 68.01% of the total variation between genotypes...

Misbah Farooq1, Muhammad Zubair Anjum1*, Zahir Muhammad1, Maqsood Jan1, Muhammad Shahbaz Azhar1, Shaina Rasool1 and Muhammad Qayash Khan2


...ingerlings. Morphometric traits were measured including total length (TL), standard length (SL), fork length (FL), head length (HL), eye diameter (ED), dorsal fin length (DFL), pectoral fin length (PFL), pelvic fin length (PvFL), anal fin length (AFL) and caudal fin length (CFL). The highest FBW (14.20±0.08g), WG (11.25±0.08g), AWG (0.18±0.00g), SGR (2.61±0.05% day-1), %WG (381.340±14.40g), and SR (100%) and lowest FCR (1.94&...
Nan Jiang1,2, Chaochao Luo3, Mingying Shao4, Ziping Zheng4, Shakeeb Ullah5, Qudrat Ullah6, Guangming Sun2, Dun-Zhu Luosang2, Rubina Mushtaq7, Yulin Ma8, Muhammad Kamal Shah5, Saima Naz9, Muhammad Zahoor Khan5,8* and Wang-Dui Basang1,2*
... of improving production traits in yaks, this study explores the potential of harnessing genetic diversity and marker-assisted selection (MAS) techniques. The genetic diversity of yak populations is a valuable resource that can be tapped into to enhance desirable traits such as meat quality, milk yield, disease resistance, and adaptability to harsh environments. This study emphasizes the importance of conducting comprehensiv...

Zarifshan Malik1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed2 and Sabina Noor1

...arried out for different traits such as sperm motility, sperm motility duration and sperm viability. Fertilization rate was determined by using same diluted milt aliquots. The results indicated that sperm quality indices and fertilization rate of milt treated with activation media show better results in comparison to control. Best results with respect to all parameters were obtained from experimental group treated with Commercial activation media (C) while low...

Mube Kuietche Hervé1*, Saknteh W.B1, Azoutane Julien2, Kana Sagne Derrick1, Vemo Bertin3, Djoumessi Gina4, Tatsinkou Alain Serge1, Francois Djitie5, Defang F. Henry1

...characteristics, carcass traits, and blood biochemical parameters were collected over a 6-week experimental period. The results showed no significant differences in growth performance and carcass yield among the groups. The T0+ diet, which included antibiotics, was associated with a significant increase in abdominal fat, creatinine, ALAT, and ASAT levels as compared to the other treatments. Conversely, the highest white blood cell and granulocyte values were r...

Burhan Khalid1*, Muhammad Umer Javed2, Talha Riaz3, Muhammad Atiq Ashraf4, Hafiza Zara Saeed5, Musrat Shaheen6, Shumaila Nawaz4, Amir Khan Korai7, Rabiya Riaz8 and Muhammad Asim4

...tions of intrinsic viral traits and extrinsic environmental factors. We investigate how a virus’s capacity to infect a variety of host species is influenced by genetic uniqueness, adaptive trade-offs, and virus-vector interactions. This review also looks at how ecological factors, like species cohabitation and community interactions, affect the dynamics of viral transmission. Because environmental heterogeneity makes it difficult to extrapolate trends, t...

Naveeda Anjum1, Muhammad Aqeel Feroze1, Rizwan Rafique2,3*, Monis Hussain Shah4, Tehseen Ashraf5, Muhammad Asim6, Bushra Zulfiqar6 and Muhammad Shahid Iqbal7

...>Grape yield and quality traits are interlinked and understanding their interactions is highly critical. This challenge is more obvious under rain fed conditions which impose physical constraints for normal plant growth. The present study was designed to find interactions between yield and quality characters of grapes cultivars. Therefore, several grapevine cultivars like ‘Kings Ruby’, ‘Flame Seedless’, ‘Perlette’, ‘Su...

Aizaz Akbar1*, Ijaz Ahmad2, Aftab Jehan3, Imtiaz Ali4 and Muhammad Haris5

...enotypes for the studied traits. Genotype CIM-47 was observed for early heading, while CIM-39 showed early maturity. Genotype CIM-37 had the longest grain filling duration, while CIM-18 showed the shortest plants. Genotype CIM-10 produced the most productive tillers plant-1, while CIM-36 revealed the longest spikes. Genotype CIM-48 had the highest 1000-grain weight, while CIM-10 and CIM-36 showed the highest grain yield. Heritability and genetic advance as a p...

Renny Fatmyah Utamy1, Ambo Ako1, Syahdar Baba2, Zulkharnaim1, Sri Gustina1, Laode Alhamd3, Indrawirawan2, Aulia Uswa Noor Khasanah1, Arif Rahman4,5, Siti Annisa Sukri5, Rara Mufliha5, Zyahrul Ramadan5 and Purnama Isti Khaerani6

.... Whereas, morphological traits like plant height, the optimal combination was associated to P1D2 with P 5 ml/l and D 0.33 g/cm². Similarly, fresh and dry weights indicated the best combination in P2D3, with PGPR at 10 ml/l and a seedling density of 0.40 g/cm². The optimal combination for proximate analysis was P2D2, with PGPR at 10 ml/l and a seedling density of 0.33 g/cm². Furthermore, a positive correlation (p<0.001) was observed between f...

Hebat–Alla Adel Alhamdani1, Mohammed Ali Shahooth2, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali3, Baraa Hameed Mousa2, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini3*

...1) on some physiological traits and immunological responses. Seventy-two laying hens, 45 weeks old (Lohman Brown), were randomly assigned to six treatments with four replicates per treatment (three hen/replicate). The experiment was carried out in cages. Birds in T1 fed basal diet without addition, birds in T2 fed basal diet contaminated with AFB1 200 ppb, birds in T3 fed basal diet contaminated with AFB1 200 ppb + commercial anti-fungal, birds in T4 fed diet ...


Ahmed Ali1*; Ahmed I. Abd El-Mawgoud2; Al-Hussien M. Dahshan1; Azza A. EL-Sawah1; Soad A. Nasef3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(4): 415-427 relation to virulence traits were discussed. In addition, the most recent vaccination trials against the APEC diseases in poultry were discussed. We concluded that the virulence gene patterns of APEC can be considered as molecular markers of pathogenicity. Although of their current limitations, some vaccine trials showed promising results as good alternative to control colibacillosis in poultry.


Shahbaz Hussain1*, Atif Naeem1, Asif Ameen2, Muhammad Yousuf3, Imtiaz Hussain3 and Muhammad Ehsan Safdar4

...ta on yield-contributing traits and paddy yield were recorded. An Economic analysis was also carried out to determine the cost-effective planting method. Rice cultivars PK-386 and Super Basmati produced the highest number of tillers (410 and 350 m-2) under DSR, while the lowest number (276 m-2 and 253 m-2) from CTR, respectively. Number of grains per panicle and 1000-grain weight remained unaffected from planting methods whereas paddy yield was significantly i...

Bushra Mushtaq, Aamir Ali, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Ayesha Muzamil, Hooria Ashraf Khan, Hamid Manzoor, Naveed Akhtar,  Kiran Zainab

Qingqing Liu1,2, Zhilong Tian1, Chunhuan Ren2, Zijun Zhang2 and Mingxing Chu1*

... most important economic traits in sheep. This study aimed to explore the association of polymorphisms of ESR1 gene (g.75521224T > A, g.75378892A>T), PGR gene (g.4187121T>C) and CYP19A1 gene (g.56122588G> A) with litter size in sheep, searching for new molecular markers for litter size trait in sheep. Sequenom Mass ARRAY® SNP technology was used to detect polymorphisms at these loci of ESR1, PGR and CYP19A1 genes in seven sheep breeds including...


Mohammed Ajdig1,2; Bahia Rached2,3; Ahlam Mbarki1,2; Taha Chouati2,4; Chouhra Talbi1; Elmostafa El Fahime2,4; Marouane Melloul1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2414-2434
...In addition, several PGP traits such as phosphate solubilization and the production of siderophores and indol-3 acetic acid were also observed. Molecular identification through 16S rRNA sequencing initially identified all the isolates as Bacillus spp. The multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) scheme, using six housekeeping genes (adk, ccpA, recF, rpoB, sucC, and spo0A) had unveiled distinct allelic profiles resulting in 13 unique sequence types (ST). Notably, a c...


Osama M. Ghanem1; Nehal Kamal2; Alaa F. Said3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2469-2490
...d plant growth promoting traits. The promising isolates were identified by sequencing of their16S rRNA as Arthrobacter globiformis (MW3) and Micrococcus luteus (AB3). A field trial was conducted to evaluate the activity of the two PGPB and their mixture to act as biofertilizers for maize under deficit irrigation 0.75 from crop evapotranspiration (ETc). All tested inoculants significantly increased yield components of maize, NPK uptake by plants, availability o...

Tesfaye Edjem1,2, Yisehak Kechero2*, Asrat Guja2

...e for fattening based on traits such as breed, sex, age, conformation, reproductive performance, and body color, reflecting cultural and practical preferences (e.g., breed: χ² = 127.2, P < 0.001; selection criteria: χ² = 208.9, P = 0.001). For instance, 83.7% of pastoralists prioritized pedigree in cattle selection, compared to 51.6% of agro-pastoralists and 36.2% of mixed farmers (P = 0.001). Feed availability varied significantly across ...
Muhammad Fahad1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Saba Tabasum2, Saeed Rauf2, Saba Tahseen3, Abdul Munim Farooq4 and Idrees Ahmad Nasir4
...orphic and physiological traits with boll damage by H. armigera. ELISA results revealed significantly high toxin (Cry1Ac) contents in Bt varieties particularly in PB-38, CRS-456 and PB-896 at 30-day post-germination. Moreover, toxin level in leaves decreased after 30 days of germination in most varieties except CRS-456 and PB-896. Bt varieties PB-896, CRS-456, PB-38 and VH-57 had the highest yield with low to moderate bollworm damage and exhibited a high and s...

Ahyuni Indahwati, Edy Kurnianto, Enny Tantini Setiatin, Daud Samsudewa*

...cation about qualitative traits of Ongole grade cows is important for breed conservation and reproduction performance observation. Measuring the conformity of qualitative traits of Ongole grade cows in Rembang regency to the Indonesian National Standards across different grades is the purposes of this research. The research was held May to July 2022 in Rembang regency. Two hundred and thirty-nine cows of Ongole grade cow use...

Syed Muhammad Saqib Raza1, Sheheryar1, Rabia Khalid1, Muhammad Mansoor2, Sonia Sumreen3 and Muhammad Muzammil Bin Khalil1

Tan Loi Le1, Thi Tuong Vi Trang2, Tuan Thanh Hoang3, Pin-Chi Tang1,4*, Ngoc Tan Nguyen2*

...iation with reproductive traits in the reciprocal TB and BT duck lines were assessed. The 441 bp segment of the PRL gene was amplified from the genomic DNA samples derived from total of 225 ducks (111 TB and 114 BT), and the PCR-RFLP technique to examine the genetic variations in the PRL gene among individuals. The restriction enzyme, XbaI, was digested to cleave the 441-bp PCR products and revealed the TT, TG, and GG genotypes. The TT genotype was most preval...

Ajmal Hussan1, AT Ramachandra Naik2, Subhendu Adhikari3, Arabinda Das3, Farhana Hoque3, Pramod Kumar Sahoo4 and Jitendra Kumar Sundaray4*

...valuate the reproductive traits of Amazon sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis in relation to the nutrient contents (nitrogen and phosphorus) of the invaded sites of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW), India. Over the study period a total of 608 adult specimens of the fish and 120 water samples were collected from five distinct sites of the wetlands. Sex ratios were found highly female-biased in all study sites with no discernible site-wise variation (χ2= 1....

Bashar Falih Zaqeer1, Muntaha Y. Yousief1*, Eftekhar Hassan Muhssen1, Hadar A. Al-Bataat2

...netic influence on these traits. This suggests that genetic improvement can be achieved by selecting animals with favorable genotypes. 
Keywords | DGAT1 Gene, CAPN1 Gene, Estimating breeding value, Free fatty acid in meat, Veal meat, Heritability of fatty acids 

Syeda Khshnood1, Muhammad Yasir Khan2, Qayash Khan1, Farooq Jan1, Saman Yaqoob1, Kashmala Jabbar1, Ikramullah Khan1, Nasir Shah2, Iqra Ambreen1, Guleena Khan1 and Abdur Rauf1*

Ahmad Fahrudin Husen1, Suyadi1, Yudi Parwoto2, Muhammad Sairi2, Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih1*

...f age. Nine morphometric traits were measured: body weight (BW), body length (BL), withers height (WH), chest girth (CG), chest depth (CD), hip height (HH), ear length (EL), ear width (EW), and mane ruff length (MRL). The methods used in this study included descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Results showed significant sexual dimorphism, with males exhibiting larger body sizes BW (27.15±5.39 kg...

Advances in Animal and Veterinary Sciences


Adv. Anim. Vet. Sci., Vol. 13, Iss. 3,


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