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Muhammad Arif1, Fazal Jalal1, Mohammad Tariq Jan1, Dost Muhammad2

...ificantly enhanced plant height and grain yield. The plots previously sown with legumes produced taller plants and high number of grains ear-1. Nitrogen application increased plant height, number of grains ear-1, thousand grains weight, grain and biological yield. It is concluded that integration of biochar and legumes could be a useful strategy for enhancing the overall farm profitability and productivity of cereal-based sy...

Salma Shaheen, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani average spinach plant height (35 cm), number of leaves (16.4), fresh foliage yields (330 g pot-1), dry foliage yields (32 g pot-1), leaf length (40.5 cm) and leaf area (238.4 mm2) relative to poultry manure, compost or FYM treatments. Similar trend was observed during 2010-11. Over all, press mud with EM was more effective in improving soil quality and enhancing spinach growth and quality followed by FYM and poultry manure. These results suggested that Pres...

Muhammad Irshad1, Abdur Rab1, Javed Rahman2, Muhammad Sajid1, Ilyas Khan2, Sajad Ali1, Muhammad Razaq1, Sallahuddin1

... roots plant-1 and plant height were significantly affected by planting dates and soil media. Maximum survival percentage (29.16%), number of root plant-1 (13.31), and plant height (40.42 cm) was recorded for the cuttings planted on 20th Feb. On the other hand minimum days to 50% sprout- ing (28.49) were recorded for cuttings planted on 2nd March. Significant effect of planting media was observed for most of vegetative stage...

Arshad Ali Khan1, Muhammad Sajid1, Abdur Rab1, Sahib Alam2, Abdul Bari3

...2010. However, the plant height (134 cm) and fruit size (147.1 cm3) were higher at 25-75 and 75-25 treatment, respec- tively. Whereas, the less number of leaves plant-1 (15), plant height (28.25 cm), fruit size (92.3 cm3) and tomato yield (7.5 t ha-1) were recorded for Rio Grande in control during, 2009. The fruit weight (69.25 g) and TSS (4.55 oBrix) were higher in Rio Grande cultivar in treatment 75-25 and 50-50, re- spect...

Mohammed Ali Hussain, Zakiya Ahmed Hassan

...9 cm) with desirable ear height of 62.93 cm. However, maximum leaf area produced by hybrid DK x Hs in both locations with averages 768.56, 670.26 and 719.42 cm2, respectively, while hybrid sangaria recorded maximum value for 300 grains weight 68.16 g and the hybrid IK 8 x zp-707 showed highest rows ear- 1 at both locations and their averages reached 19.33, 17.33 and 18.33, and the same hybrid produced highest yield plant-1 at both location with average values ...

Malik Ikram Ullah1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Inayatullah Awan1, Muhammad Munir2, Ghazanfarullah1

...nd quality such as plant height, stem diameter, leaf area plant-1, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, green fodder yield, dry matter yield, crude protein, crude fiber and ash percentage were significantly increased with increase nitrogen levels (200, 240, and 280 kg N ha-1). However, highest benefit-cost ratio was estimated when 240 kg N ha-1 was applied which was found best compromise between forage yield and quality for maize cultivar Kissan under the agr...

Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Anser Ali1, 2 *, Tanveer ul Haq1, Muhammad Nasir Majeed1, Dong Jin Lee2


...nificantly reduced plant height, number of total tillers per plant, number of fertile tillers per plant, number of nodes per plant, spikelet per spike, number of grains per spike, 100-grain weight and dry matter per plant as compared with control. Wheat genotype Faisal-2008 exhibited comparatively more drought tolerance with less decrease in growth rate (18.70%); total dry matter (26.94%), 100-grain weight (23.45%) and grain yield (21.50%) as compared with all...

Muhammad Shah Zaman1, Ghulam Muhammad Ali2, Aish Muhammad1, Khalid Farooq2, Iqbal Hussain1*

...y with the highest plant height (6.5 cm), number of nodes (8.8), fresh shoot weight plant-1 (0.166 g), number of roots (4.6) and root length (2.5 cm) at 60 mM NaCl followed by Sh-5. Desiree and Cardinal were moderately tolerant varieties to NaCl stress. The most sensitive variety Asterix produced minimum plant height (2.7 cm), number of nodes (2.4), number of roots (2.6), root length (0.7 cm), root weight (0.021 g) and shoo...

Imdad Sohu1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi2*, Ghulam Raza Bhutto2, Muhammad Salim Sarki2, Rabail Gandahi3

...effect on chickpea plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of pods plant-1 and seed index. The growth and yield of chickpea significantly increased with the collective application of chemical fertilizers and organic manures. It is concluded that the application of half of recommended dose of NKP (18-36-10 kg ha-1) in combination with poultry manure or farmyard manure at the rate of 20 t ha-1 was found best combination for higher chickpea crop yields ...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro*, Habib-Ur-Rehman Memon, Muhammad Ali Ansari, Ahmed Naqi Shah

...duced maximum plant height (117.0 cm) and seedcotton yield (3977.8 kg ha-1) but conferred less (Rs. 2,14,151) net monetary benefits as compared to obtained in sorghum + Dual Gold and sunflower + Dual Gold. Overall results suggested that maximum net income was recorded when sorghum water extract was applied in integration with Dual Gold. The combined application of sunflower with Dual Gold ranked second in monetary benefits. Intercultur...

 Nagina Zeb, Muhammad Sajid, Abdul Mateen Khattak and Imtiaz Hussain

...g (118.1), maximum plant height (45.83 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (54.1), fresh flower weight (44.29 g) and dry flower weight (5.12 g) was obtained with the application of 200 mg K2O pot-1. In case of maleic hydrazide, the plants grown under control treatment took minimum days (112.9) to flowering, maximum plant height (47.06 cm) and number of leaves (57.89) plant-1. Maximum fresh flower weight (47.85 g) and dry flower we...

Ilham Ulla, G. Arjumand, Nawab Ali and Mohammad Akmal*

... higher leaf area, plant height and stem diameter (cm). Traits e.g. the head diameter, grain head-1 and grains weight were indicators contributing towards grain yield by early sowing compare to late sowing or increasing N-rate (40 to 120 kg ha-1). The oil content and oil yield was naturally contributed well to early sowing date in season. However, a decrease in oil content with increasing N was observed. Oil yield (kg ha-1), th...

Mukhtarullah1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal1*

...ted differences in plant height (cm), spikes m-2, spike weight (g), thousand grains weight (g) which affected the grain yield. Based on biomass, which contributes from plant height and grains weight, varieties Lalma, Chakwal-50 and Pak-2013 could be the best varieties for planting early to late in season in the area. Delay sowing of wheat crop due to dry weather i.e. late rainfall and/or eventuality of the previou...

Tahir Khan, Raziuddin, Fakharuddin* and Muazam Jamal Razi

... days to maturity, plant height, primary branches plant-1 and main raceme length. Among parents, CA2, DH8, DH4, CA4 and DH6 performed better for different traits. Whereas among F4 populations, cross combinations CA5 × DH8, CA2 × DH7, CA2 × DH8, CA5 × DH7, CA4 × DH7 and CA4 × DH8 performed better. Plant height and main raceme length displayed moderate to high broad sen...

Nadeem Khan1*, Arshad Ali Khan1, Mukhtar Ahmad2, Muhammad Nouman2 and Badshah Islam1

...Tarocco attained maximum height (156.13 cm), followed by Mexican Lemon (146.80 cm). Similarly, maximum plant spread and leaf area were recorded in Mexican Lemon 124.07 cm and 11.35 cm2, respectively. However, Hamlin showed the highest stem girth (9.90 cm) and number of branches (66.53). The internode length was the greatest in Kinnow cultivar (2.66 cm). In case of disease incidence maximum lesion on leaves were found in Kinnow (14.2) while in Cara C...

 Muhammad Ishaq and Raziuddin

...owering, maturity, plant height, primary branches plant-1 and main raceme length. Analysis of combining ability revealed highly significant GCA (general combining ability), SCA (specific combining ability) and RCA (reciprocal combining ability) effects for the studied traits. Based on GCA, best general combiners were AUP-7 for earlier flowering and maturity, AUP-2 for plant height, AUP-14 for primary branches plant-1 and AUP...

Allah Wadhayo Gandahi, Khalilluah Panhwar, Rabail Gandahi, Muhammad Saleem Sarki and Mahmooda Buriro

...1 resulted maximum plant height, number of green leaves plant-1, number of opened bolls plant-1, seed index, and seed cotton yield ha-1. Red leaves reduced when soil was fertilized with N, P and K @ 120-70-40 kg ha-1; and plots without application of K (120-70-0 kg ha-1) and PK (120-0-0 kg N ha-1) increased number of red leaves. In case of micronutrients, Zn @ 4 kg and B @ 1.5 kg ha-1 were highly effective to control reddening of leaves, respectively. Interact...

Safdar A. Wahocho, Tanveer F. Miano, Noor U.N. Memon and Niaz A. Wahocho

... pm) with 38.29 cm plant height, 6.61 side branches plant-1, 41.25 leaves plant-1, 39.75 days taken to initiate flower bud, 7.49 cm flower diameter, 5.76 g weight of single flower, 3.27 days taken to open 1st flower, 8.41 flowers plant-1, 23.67 days blooming period and 28 percent leaf chlorophyll content. Similarly, photoperiodic treatment comprised of 6 hours daylight (8 am – 2 pm) produced 30.37 cm plant height, 4.36...

Metin Duru1*, Asuman Arslan Duru1, Köksal Karadaş2, Ecevit Eyduran3, Harun Cinli4 and Mohammad Masood Tariq5;0.01), egg weight-egg height (r=0.799, P<0.01), and egg shape index-egg height (r=0.693, P<0.01). ANOVA results revealed that treatment factor influenced only egg height among all the egg characteristics (P<0.05). The effect of treatment by week interaction on all the characteristics was non-significant. The significant differences in other egg characteristics between weeks wer...

Ecevit Eyduran1, Daniel Zaborski2*, Abdul Waheed3, Senol Celik4, Koksal Karadas5 and Wilhelm Grzesiak2

...k circumference and rump height) predictors were utilized. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the actual and predicted BW (r) and root-mean-square error (RMSE) were used as goodness-of-fit criteria, among others. A 10-fold-cross validation was applied to train and test CART, CHAID and ANN and to estimate MR coefficients. The most significant BW predictors were sex, rump height, shank circumference and head girth. Th...

Zafar Waheed, Khalid Usman, Iftikhar Ali

...ults revealed that plant height, spikes m-2, spike length, spikelets spike-1, grains spike-1, 1000-grain weight, biological yield, grain yield, harvest index and losses in grain yield were significantly affected by Rumex dentatus population. All parameters decreased with increasing density of Rumex dentatus except loss in grain yield which increased (1.3 to 69.8%) with increasing density of Rumex dentatus (from 5 to 30 plants m-2). The threshold level of Rumex...

Muhammad Shafiq and Tahir Maqsood

...tative growth i.e. plant height, tillering and total biomass were affected non-significantly in response to B application. Regarding chemical analysis concentration of boron in both wheat straw and grains increased with B application but there was no effect of fertilizer B on NPK concentration of straw and grains. These results are very heartening; signifying that for any soil, B adsorption isotherm need to be worked out for location precise fertilizer B use.<...

Salma Shaheen, Mumtaz Khan, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani, Zarina Bibi, Muhammad Munir and Mehwish Kiran


... 0.05) increase in plant height (11%), number of leaves (124%), fresh foliage yield (136%), dry foliage yield (16.4%), leaf length (20.2%) and leaf area (77.4%) were noted where pressmud + EM was applied as compared to its corresponding treatment without EM. Maximum Fe, Cu and Mn concentrations were found where pressmud + EM was applied. Dietary fiber, vitamin C and crude proteins were also increased in spinach with pressmud + EM application. It was concluded ...

Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed and Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi

...maximum values for plant height and number of nodes. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences for plant height, number of tillers, leaf area, brix percentage, reducing and non-reducing sugar. A total of 79.75% cumulative variance was estimated in genotypes with PCA analysis at eigenvalue >1 and grouped 20 genotypes into five clusters at Euclidean distance (ED) 7. Cluster analysis revealed that the memb...

Sheraz Ahmad Khan and Ghulam Hassan

...93) was noticed in plant height followed by flag leaf area (0.89). The values of genetic advance were recorded low to moderate for all parameters. Grain yield was observed to have positive significant association with most of the important yield related traits such as fertile tillers, spike length, 1000-grain weight and grains per spike. These results suggest that all the traits showing significant correlation with grain yield needs better attention in future ...
Yaoguo Li1,2 and Maoxian He1
...orrelated with the shell height and the shell length, with Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.204 and 0.233, separately. The incidence of type IV locus (super methylated locus) on the other hand was significantly correlated with the shell length, with Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.217. The genome methylation levels were significantly positively correlated with shell height, shell length, shell width, total weight a...
Abida Butt,* Imtiaz Alam and Rabia Naz
... the adult spiders, mesh height, capture area and capture thread length was positively correlated with IVth leg length; mesh size also showed positive correlation with carapace width and wet weight of the spider. However, body measurements of young A. trifasciata did not show any correlation with their web characteristics. Decorated and non-decorated webs did not differ in mesh size, capture area and capture thread length. No significant diff...

 Sheraz Ahmed and Fida Mohammad

...een 0.22 and 0.91. Plant height was significantly associated with yield at phenotypic level only. Yield exhibited significantly negative phenotypic correlation with days to flowering. Similarly, yield was positively correlated with leaves per plant, green leaves weight per plot, cured leaves weight per plot and grade index at both phenotypic and genotypic level. Based on findings of the present study, selection among RILs would be more effective on the basis o...

Mohammad Raoofi and Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim

...esh and dry yield, plant height, and number of leaves per plant, number of main-stem nodes, leaf area and percentage of vegetation cover as well as increased the nutritional value of alfalfa in terms of nutrient elements, proteins and factors such as ADF, Ash, CF, NDF.


Muhammad Noor, Hidayat ur Rahman and Muhammad Iqbal

...along with plant and ear height parameters in four popcorn populations. Broad sense heritability estimates varied from 0.69 to 0.76, while narrow sense ranged from 0.38 to 0.69. Maximum broad sense heritability estimate of 0.84 was observed in cross-II for days to anthesis. Minimum narrow sense heritability of 0.46 was calculated in cross-III for plant height. Plant height exhibited high e...

Zain-ul-Aabdin Abro1*, Naheed Baloch1, Niaz Hussain Khuhro2, Waseem Akbar Qazi2, Noor Abid Saeed3

...e arrayed at three meter height and replenished on fortnightly basis in experimentation sites. Results revealed that significantly highest (124.86) population was recorded on L. acutangula and lowest (104.725) on L. siceraria at both experimental sites throughout the course of experiment. Moreover, significantly higher population densities of B. cucurbitae were observed during the 4th week of May on L. acutangula (339.4±22.59) and lowest (11.0±0....

S. K. Dutta, S. Roy Chowdhuri, D. Pandit and A. K. Bajpai

Rot diseases of muga host, Som (Persea bombycina) in Assam, India of Som plant at 6 ft height is a common practice in North Eastern region of India for controlled rearing (outdoor) of muga silkworm. It was observed that stems of som plant (specifically the pollarded plants) were generally infected with rot disease when it grows older. Phellinus contigus (under Polyporaceae), a white rot fungus, causes heart rot disease and Biscogniauxia mediterranea (= Hypoxylon mediterranea) (under Xylariaceae) causes canker rot disease...

P.S. Ajith, K.K. Lakshmesha, S. Mahadev Murthy and N. Lakshmidevi

Botanicals for control of anthracnose of bell peppers
... there is an increase in height and weight of the plants by 22% and 44% respectively in seeds treated with C. aromaticus when compared to chemical fungicide Bavistin and also 13% reduction in disease incidence is observed when compared to untreated control. From the results it is evident that C. aromaticus were effective in not only controlling the disease but also increase the height and weight of the plants and hence are h...

A. Sajeena and T. Marimuthu

Efficacy, stability and persistence of Ganosol, a Ganoderma based fungicide against plant pathogens
....62% reduction in lesion height caused by the sheath blight pathogen. Two isoforms of poly phenol oxidase, PPO 1 and PPO 3 were observed to be induced only in Ganosol 10EC sprayed plants and were absent in control. The formulation was tested to have good emulsion stability. The antifungal activity of the formulation persisted up to seven days after spraying the formulation on rice plants. The formulation retained its 100% antifungal efficacy up to three months...

Shyam Singh and L.P. Awasthi

Plant products for the management of yellow mosaic disease of mungbean and urdbean
...pectively. Maximum plant height (70.90 and 56.20 cm), primary branches (6.36 and 6.38 per plant), secondary branches (13.56 and 10.68 per plant), nodules (27.48 and 37.69 per plant), pods (17.25 and 22.85 per plant), seed yield (4.43 and 3.89 g per plant) were recorded in eight sprays with Clerodendrum aculeatum leaf extract followed by eight sprays with Boerhaavia diffusa root extract and Azadirachta indica leaf extract. On the other hand maximum disease inci...
Mohammed M. Ibrahim1,2*, Y.S. Chandel1 and Anil3
... of populations for head height × width, proboscis length, thorax length, abdomen length, fore wing length × width, cubital index, hind wing length × width, number of hamuli, coxa length, trochanter length, femur length, tibia length and metatarsus length × width were found to be 3.19±0.10 × 3.68±0.09 mm, 6.29±0.06 mm, 4.26±0.20 mm, 5.91±0.93 mm, 9.13±0.18 × 3.00±0.08 mm, 2.20...

Shahid Iqbal Khattak1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch1, Khalid Naveed2 and Ejaz Ahmad Khan1

...≤0.05) affected plant height (89 cm), tillers m-2 (313), grains spike-1 (48), 1000-grain weight (43.0 g) and economic yield (3760 kg ha-1). Foliar applied nitrogen also produced higher nitrogen use efficiency, net return, value cost ratio and relative increase in income as compared to soil applied method. However, maximum grain protein content was recorded in soil applied method in comparison to foliar N application. In conclusion, higher results for all th...
Ali Karabacak1, Senol Celik2, Adile Tatliyer3, Ismail Keskin1, Yakup Erdal Erturk4, Ecevit Eyduran5, Yasir Javed6 and Mohammad Masood Tariq7,*
...dy measurements (withers height (WH), chest depth (CD), body length (BL), hearth girth (HG) and leg circumference (LC)) measured from five sheep breeds (Akkaraman (9), Dağlıç (10), Kivircik (10), Merinos (10) and Karacabey Merino (8)) reared in Konya province conditions located in the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. For measuring the predictive performance of three algorithms in Models I and II, goodness of fit criteria (coefficient of dete...
Muhammad Abdullah1,*, Rashid A. khan2, Muhammad Rafay3, Tanveer Hussain3, Tahira Ruby4,Fariha Rehman5, Sangam Khalil3 and Sohail Akhtar6
...n nesting behavior (nest height and diameter), birds plumage variations, courtship behavior, eggs measurements (clutch size, eggs length, breadth and weight), incubation and hatching. The hatching of the chicks was observed to be an asynchronous one i.e., chicks did not hatch at the same time but at an interval of a day (20-25 h). Role of parents during weaning period i.e. feeding and parental care of nestlings was performed by both partners. It may be ...
Muhammad Tariq Saeed1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1, Mumtaz Akhtar Cheema2, Muhammad Shahid1, Abdul-Shakoor1, Abdul-Sattar3
... maturity (96.42), plant height (25.84 cm), plant population at harvest (25.22), 1000-seed weight (94.97 g), seed yield (1.71 t ha-1) and biological yield (4.37 t ha-1) of both soybean varieties was significantly improved by hydration inoculation and hydro priming techniques. It was concluded that hydration inoculation and hydro priming were best techniques for better stand establishment of soybean and may be recommended for farmers havin...
Saleem Khan1, Amir Hamza2, Farhadullah Khan3, M. Subhan4, Aziz Khan1, Irfan Ali Shah1, Shakirullah Khan Shakir3*
...onomic traits like Plant height, Number of branches plant-1, number of bolls plant-1, Fiber Fineness and yield of seed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences for radiation treatments, genotypes and interaction for treatments × genotypes regarding plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of bolls plant-1 and yield of cotton seeds plant-...
Shabana1,*, Farah Ehsan1 and Shahida Hasnain1,2
...LC had no effect on age, height, triglycerides, HDLC and leptin. In conclusion, Gly482Ser variant appears to be significantly associated with diabetes in Pakistani population. The variant appeared to exert its effect by changing serum fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol and LDLC levels.

Mian Ahmad Raza*, Ghulam Hassan and Naqib Ullah Khan 

...the inheritance of plant height, spikelets spike-1while for grains spike-1 the positive intercept of regression line indicated predominance of partial dominance in inheritance.F1 cross combination FS × JNB were observed as good specific combiners for spike length, while hybrids FS × SRN and BST × S2K were revealed as good specific combiners for spikelets spike-1 and grains spike-1, respectively. These F1 cross combinations being good specific...

 Zabih Ullah*, H. Rahman and Niaz Muhammad

... silking interval, plant height and ear eight. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences for all the traits except anthesis silking interval that exhibited non-significant difference among the tested genotypes. Moderate to high broad sense heritability were observed for all the traits. Hybrid, HP1097-21 showed minimum days to tasseling, anthesis, and silking (70.5, 73.0, and 76.5, respectively) and hence proved to be the earliest maturing hy...
Shakeel Ahmad Anjum, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem, Muhammad Shahid, Abdul Shakoor*, Muhammad Safeer, Imran Khan, Ayesha Farooq, Iftkhar Ali and Usman Nazir
...nd B produced more plant height, cob length, girth, stem girth, shelling percentage, number of grains per cob, 1000-grain weight, harvest index, grain and biological yield. Maximum marginal rate of return was obtained with foliar application of both Zn and B and using foliar Zn alone. Integrated B and Zn application produced more marginal rate of returns both in soil and foliar applications. Use of foliar Zn application also depicted promising results while fo...

Amjad Ali1*, Sher Aslam Khan2, Abid Farid2, Ayub khan2, Shah Masaud Khan2 and Naushad Ali2 

...number of tillers, plant height, cane length,number of nodes, internodes length,number of millablecane and cane yield while non-significant differences were recorded for cane diameter. The effect of genotype and crop interaction was highly significant fornumber of tillers while non-significant for other characters. Broad sense heritability for different characters showed varying levels and it was higher for internodes length (43%), number of nodes (39%),cane l...
Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz
...l N rates. Data on plant height (132.00 cm), number of plants (91.33 m-2), number of tillers (146.00 m-2), number of leaves tillers-1 (5.66), total dry matter (17.70 t ha-1) and fodder yield (60.90 t ha-1) showed that nitrogen application @ 150 % N of recommended dose with drill sowing proved to be the most cost effective technique for fodder oat production in salt affected soil as compared to other treatm...
Muhammad Imran Mahmood* and Muhammad Zubair
...ibited the highest plant height in Sufeda under flooding which were 135 and 125cm after and before the experiment. However, Neem showed maximum plant height after experiment (103 cm) under drought condition. But, the minimum plant height (57 cm) before experiment was observed in Sufeda under droughtexhibiting 50% decline than Sufeda under flooding. Contrary to that Neem exhibited the maxim...
Liushuai Hua1,3, Shiping Gong1,*, Xiangjing Zhong2, Jun Tao2, Yu Chen2 and Jieming Deng2 than three times body height) is helpful for body weight maintenance (P< 0.01) when the ambient temperature is not cold enough for normal hibernation. These findings can provide technical guidance for safe overwintering of big-headed turtles in captivity, and will help facilitate conservation of this endangered freshwater turtle species.

Muhammad Asad1, Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Ramzan Ansar2, Ijaz Ahmad3*, Muhammad Suhaib4 and Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 parameters like plant height, number of tillers per m2, spike length and number of spikelets per spike remained statistically at par among various treatments. Significantly higher number of fertile tillers (172), Plant height (93.83 cm), spike length (7.4 cm) were noted with Wheat Star @ 370.5 g ha−1. Although treatments did not differ significantly with respect to wheat grain and biological yields, yet the highest ...

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Muhammad Tahir2, Abid Ali3, Manzoor Hussain3, Muhammad Waheed Anwar4, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 and Ijaz Ahmad

...reatments, maximum plant height (168.34 cm) cob length (16.32 cm), number of grains per cob (410), 1000-grain weight (200.22 g), biological yield (16.63 t ha-1) grain yield (5.75 t ha-1) harvest index (34.22 %) and grain protein content (8.56%) was obtained with (moringa green manuring).While Among fertilizer levels (100% of RDF) produced maximum plant height (189.02 cm) cob length (18.21 cm), number of grains per cob (438.7...

Ehtisham Shakeel Khokhar1*, Amir Shakeel1, Muhammad Amir Maqbool1, Muhammad Waheed Anwar1, Zoraiz Tanveer1 and Muhammad Fahad Irfan2 

... the genotypes for plant height (cm), number of sympodial branches, number of monopodial branches, seed cotton yield (g), number of bolls, boll weight (g), lint percentage (%), fiber strength (g/tex), fiber length (mm) and fiber fineness (µg/inch). Analysis of variance revealed significant differences at 1% level of significance for all traits except fiber fineness. The mean performance of F1 populations were better than parents. Maximum GCV was recorded...

Imtiaz Ahmed, Muhammad Abbas Khan, Noorullah Khan, Naveed Ahmed, Abdul Waheed, Fazal Yazdan Saleem, Sajjad Khan and Sohail Aslam 

... disease severity, plant height (cm), bulb weight (g), bulb diameter (mm), clove weight (g), number of cloves bulb-1 and yield (t ha-1) was measured. The result of the study reveals that plant spacing had significant impact on the occurrence of rust disease and its severity, yield and yield components. Plants with 10 cm spacing had more disease incidence and severity (79 and 55.66% respectively). Plants with 20 cm spacing had more Bulb weight (99.33 g), Bulb d...

Bibi Haleema1*, Abdur Rab1 and Syed Asghar Hussain2 

... at 0.6% increased plant height (88.04 cm), number of primary (2.63) and secondary (7.15) branches, leaves plant-1 (182), leaf area (65.52 cm2), and fruit per plant (66.15). In case of B levels, more plant height (88.14 cm), number of primary (2.61) and secondary (7.44) branches, number of leaves plant-1 (177), number fruits plant-1 (67.78) were recorded with foliar spray of B at 0.25%, while maximum leaf area was found at 0...
İbrahim Aytekin1,*, Ecevit Eyduran2, Koksal Karadas3, Rifat Akşahan4 and İsmail Keskin1 study were: withers height (WH), back height (BH), front rump height (FRH), back rump height (BRH), body length (BL), back rump width (BRW), chest depth (CD) and chest circumference (CC). Also, the breed factor was considered as a nominal predictor and fattening period (FP) was accepted as an ordinal predictor. To obtain the prediction equation, the...

Rafiullah*, Muhammad Jamal Khan and Dost Muhammad 

...hree replications. Plant height, shoot and root dry biomass of 6 weeks old seedling were significantly increased with each increment of foliar P suggesting effective absorption through leaf stomata and translocation to other parts of the plant body. The plant height, shoot and root dry biomass yield increased by 55, 40 and 35%, respectively, at 144 mM KH2PO4 solution over control. The shoot and root [P] as well as its total ...
Wanrong Wei and Weiguo Zhang* 
... Tunnel width and tunnel height were not significantly different between the temporary and permanent burrows. The permanent burrow had a nesting chamber but temporary did not have any. No hoarding chamber was found in either the permanent or the temporary burrow. The temporary burrow was used to avoid predators in emergency situations, and probably was the initial stage of construction of more complex burrows of some dispersing pikas. Permanent burrows were us...


...ext-align: justify; line-height: 10.3pt;"> 

Waqas Liaqat1, Mohammad Akmal1* and Jawad Ali 

...s morphology (i.e. plant height, ear height, including ear length) was affected (p<0.05)by sowing dates. Likewise, yield traits (i.e. rows per ear, grains per ear, thousand grain weight) were also adversely affected by sowing dates, which decreases both biomass and grain yield. Varieties did differ in phenology (i.e. emergence, silking, tasseling, maturity) and morphology (i.e. height, ...

Muhammad Zamin* and Abdul Mateen Khattak 

...atus were cut at various heights, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cm. Significant differences were found among various ecotypes and mowing heights for different growth and quality parameters including green cover, canopy stiffness, leaf length and width. Most of the ecotypes gave better performance at mowing height 3 and 4 cm, which comply with the standard mowing height

Syed Asif Imran Shah1*, Shah Jehan Khan2, Kalim Ullah1 and Obaid Ullah Sayal

...s of interest were plant height, monopodia plant-1, sympodia plant-1, bolls plant-1, plant population, seed index, boll weight, lint index, staple length, lint %, fibre fineness,staple strength, uniformity ratio and seed cotton yield. The analysis of variance depicted significant (P>0.01) genetic variability among cotton germplasm. Highest and close symmetry between phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variances while lower values of environmental coeffi...
Senol Celik1,* and Orhan Yilmaz2 proposed that withers height (WH), abdominal width (AW), rump height (RH) and chest depth (CD) can significant effect the body weight. Quantitatively, it was identified that values of WH > 62.500 cm and RH > 67.500 cm can positively correlated with the highest body weights. On the other hands, MARS model’s finding showed that the dogs which had the values of WH > 51 cm can be expected to have the highest bo...

Muhammad Ijaz Khan* and Amanullah Jan 

..., leaf area plant, plant height, biological yield (above ground parts of the plant), grain and straw N contents were found in five times irrigated plots as compared with lower irrigation regime. Results showed that growth characteristics and quality of maize were significantly affected by soil conditioners (SC). Farmyard manure incorporation produced significantly higher crop growth rate, leaf area plant-1, taller plant, higher biological yield, grain and stra...

 Z. A. Soomro, M.B. Kumbhar, A.S. Larik*, M. Imran** and S.A. Brohi***

...ypium hirsutum for plant height, sympodia/ plant, bolls/plant, boll weight, seed index and seed cotton yield/plant was determined. It was found that all the populations alongwith parents differed significantly (P < 0.01) and exhibited genetic variability among the genotypes for all the traits except sympodia/plant. Genetic parameters computed through variance components method show that all the traits were highly heritable in F2 and F3 generations except sy...

Haq Nawaz Malik*, Iffat Ara**, Muhammad Naeem, Mozammil Hussain, M. Hanif Munawwar and M. Yousaf

...eling and silking, plant height, ear height, number of kernel rows per ear, number of grain per row, 100 grain weight, grain moisture and grain yield. The hybrids NT-6622 and NT- 6651 ranked top and second in grain yield by producing 7842 and 7759 kg ha-1, respectively. Generally the hybrids produced more grain yield than the open pollinated varieties. Days to 50% tasseling ranged from 47.33 (EV-1098) to 64 (NT- 6632) while ...

 R. Hussain* and A. N. Naqvi**

...ts indicated the average height 70.41±0.837 cm vs. 57.91±0.342 cm, heart girth 83.58±0.628 cm vs. 70.42±0.702 cm and body length 78.18±0.355 cm vs. 70.10±2.160 cm in males vs. females of Gojali goat. The data on growth traits indicated the average birth weight, weaning weight and adult weight as 1.53±0.070, 7.04±0.17 and 41.38±0.39 kg in males against 1.28±0.04, 5.61±0.58 and 25.21&pl...

 Badaruddin Khokhar*, Imtiaz Hussain** and Zafar Khokhar*

...nificant effect on plant height, whereas plant height was affected significantly in different cultivars. Application of five irrigations at different wheat growth stages resulted in higher spike length, higher number of grains and wheat grain yield. Wheat variety Abadgar–93 and V–7004, had taller plants in comparison with cultivars NARC–9 and V–7004 however, wheat grain yield was not affected signific...

Barkat Ali*, Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah, Ghulam Shabbir** and Nasir Mahmood Cheema***

...sympodial branches plant height number of bolls and boll weight. The line CP-15/2 possessed maximum dominant genes for monopodial branches, plant height and boll weight, BJA-592 for sympodial branches and ACALA-SJ-4 has maximum dominant genes for bolls per plant. However the cultivar CIM-497 carried maximum recessive genes for monopodial branches and plant height, PB-899 for bolls per plan...

 M. Yasin Mirza, Mubashir A. Khan, M. Akmal, Akbar S. Mohmand, Malik S. Nawaz, Nazakat Nawaz and Najeeb Ullah* significant for plant height, number bolls plant-1, 1000-seed weight and seed yield hectare-1. These studies were conducted at National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan during rabi 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05. Pooled genotypic and phenotypic variances were maximum for seed yield and minimum for 1000-seed weight. Genotypic coefficient of variation and phenotypic coefficient of variation were observed maximum for seed yield and minimum for p...

 Ashiq Saleem, Habib Iqbal Javed, Rashid Saleem,* Muhammad Ansar** and M. Amir Zia*

... parameters except plant height had significant effect in both maize and sorghum. Days to 50% silk in maize are significantly affected by potash when compared with control treatment, but there was no significant effect between single, two and three splits. The grain yields of these two crops increased significantly at K2O level of 120 kgha-1 with three splits. Level of 120 kgha-1 with three splits is recommended for potash application in maize and sorghum.


 Parvez Khaliq*, Muhammad Azim Malik**, M. Aslam Gill*** and
Nasir M. Cheema*

Corresponding author:

...ze fodder biomass, plant height, number of leaves per plant and maize fodder yield enhanced, with the application of RF+FYM. However, the effect of FYM+RF and recommended dose of fertilizer was statistically non-significant and on average basis RF+FYM treatment -1 produced higher green fodder (19971.5 kg ha ) than fodder yield of 18349.1 kg -1 ha produced by applying recommended dose of fertilizer. However, green fodder yield produced with these two fertilizer...

 Muhammad Arifullah, Muhammad Munir*, Abid Mahmood**, Saifullah Khan Ajmal and Ghulam Shabbir*

... the traits except plant height and siliqua length. UCD-8/4, KJ-119 and BRS-2 were good general combiners for yield related traits. A cross BRS-2 × UCD-8/4 showed best desired SCA for number of primary branches and siliquae per plant. S-9 × Canola Raya for siliqua length, Canola Raya × UCD-8/4 for number of seeds per siliqua, KJ- 119 × BRS-2, BARD-1 × NIFA Raya for 1000-seed weight while cross BRS-2 × UCD-8/4 for seed yield ...

 Khalid Mahmood Qureshi, Fakhar ul Hassan, Qamar ul Hassan, Usman Shaukat Qureshi, Saman Chughtai and Adnan Saleem*

...ative traits i.e., plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh and dry weights of leaves, crown size , root length and reproductive parameters i.e., number of trusses, number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit size, fruit weight and qualitative measures viz., total soluble solids, total sugars, ascorbic acid were found significantly higher under tunnel condition as compared to other cultivation systems. The experiment was arranged by employing the Random...

 Safdar Ali, Sahiba, M. Azim Malik, Fayyaz-ul-Hassan and M. Ansar*

GROWTH OF RAINFED FODDER MAIZE UNDER DIFFERENT LEVELS OF NITROGEN AND PHOSPHORUS parameters like plant height, stem diameter and leaf area. It was concluded that fertilizers combination of -1 180:90 NP kg ha was recommended for obtaining higher maize fodder yield under rainfed conditions of Rawalpindi, Pakistan.


 Muhammad Yaqoob*, Rukhsana Anjum, Mumtaz Hussain and Muhammad Jahangir Shah**

... days to maturity, plant height, number of grains per panicle, number of productive tillers, 1000 grain weight and paddy yield were recorded. The results of analysis indicated a high range of genetic variation among various hybrids for plant height, number of grains per panicle, number of productive tillers per plant, 1000 grain weight and paddy yield. The variation for days to 50% panicle initiation, panicle length, spikele...

 Arshad Ali, Muhammad Arshadullah, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder, Imdad Ali Mahmood and Badar-uz-Zaman*

RICE PRODUCTIVITY AND SOIL HEALTH AS AFFECTED BY WHEAT RESIDUE INCORPORATION ALONG WITH NITROGEN STARTER DOSE UNDER SALT-AFFECTED SOIL on tillering, plant height, spike length, number of grains -1 spike , 1000-grain weight, straw and paddy yields were recorded. Plant samples collected at maturity were analyzed for K, Ca and Na -1 concentration in grain and straw. Tillering, grains spike , 1000-grain weight and paddy yield significantly (P≤ 0.05) increased with different -1 levels of N doses. Maximum tillers plant (27.66), plant height (138.33 cm), -...

 Syed Ishtiaq Hyder, Muhammad Arshadullah, Arshad Ali and Imdad Ali Mahmood*

...a on tillering, -1 plant height, spike length, number of grains spike , 1000-grain weight, straw and paddy yields were recorded. Na, K, Ca and B concentration in grain and straw were estimated using atomic absorption spectroscopy. -1 Tillering, number of grains spike , 1000- grain weight and paddy yield significantly (P≤0.05) increased at different levels of B. 1000-grain weight -1 -1 (31.7 g) and grain yield was the maximum (5.0 t ha ) at 2 kg B ha and 22%...

 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Muhamamd Safar Mirjat, Abdul Quadir Mughal** Nadeem Amjad***, Muhammad Azhar Saeed, Shabbir Kalwar, Asif Ali Mirani and Habib Iqbal Javed****

...rgence percentage, plant height, -1 grains cob , 1000-grain weight and grain yield due to tillage practices and various fertilizer levels, between tillage practices. However, the NPK @ -1 200-100-100 kg ha and deep tillage produced the highest emergence percentage, plant height, grains per cob, 1000-grain weight and grain yield followed by other fertilizer levels and conventional tillage. The zero tillage -1 plots produced t...

 Muhammad Arshadullah, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder, Arshad Ali and Imdad Ali Mahmood*

CUMULATIVE EFFECT OF SULFUR AND CALCIUM ON WHEAT GROWTH AND YIELD UNDER SALINE-SODIC SOILS on tillering, plant height, spike -1 length, number of grains spike , 1000-grain weight, straw and paddy yields were recorded. Potassium (K), Na, Ca, S and Mg concentrations in grain were estimated using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Tillering, -1 grains spike , 1000-grain weight and paddy yield significantly (P≤0.05) enhanced by increasing the rate of gypsum (CaSO ). The maximum 4 -1 number of grains spike (60), 1000-grain weight (47 g) and grain yi...

 Tahir Abbas, Bushra Nawab, Rahila Nazli, Rubina Saleem, Amrat Lal and Khalid Jamil*

...racter in terms of plant height, number of flowers, diameter of flowers, 1000 grains weight and oil contents. The highest significant improvement in plant growth characters were recorded in plots treated with cotton waste compost and cotton waste compost+ Fertinemakil fertilizer. The Fertinemakil alone showed less significant effect but it is a good source of organic fertilizer.


 Sara Khalid*, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*, Ishfaq Ahmad Hafiz*, Khalid Saifullah Khan* and Usman Shaukat Qureshi*

...itive influence on plant height (15.21 cm), canopy spread (20.37 cm), crown diameter (1.47 cm), fresh weight of plant (10.71 g), number of runners per plant (2), total number of flowers (58), total number of fruits (42), fruit size (3.04 cm), fruit weight per berry (8.82 g) while T (soil + silt + 4 -1 200 g kg vermicompost) improved fresh leaf weight (0.92 g), number of 2 leaves (6.67), leaf area (43.07 cm ) and days required for first bloom (96.67). Leaf manu...

 Rabeea Tariq*, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*, Imran Hassan*, Muhammad Rasheed* and Usman Shaukat Qureshi*

...tely increased the plant height, canopy size, leaf area, number of fruits, fruit size, fruit weight and titratable acidity. A significant increase in fresh and dry weight of leaves, number of leaves, fruit yield in term of fruit number, fruit size and fruit weight, and fruit quality with high ascorbic acid contents were observed. On the other hand, plants grown in silt, sand and FYM (1 : 1 : 1) at both planting densities showed significant increment in vegetat...

 Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Muhammad Amjad*, Nazakat Nawaz*, Malik Shah Nawaz* and Doulat Baig*

...productive period, plant height, branches per plant, bolls per plant, plot biomass, harvest index and seed yield. Wide ranges between the mean values with high CV values were exhibited by plant height, bolls per plant, biomass and seed yield accompanied with maximum values of variances and standard deviation, revealed the existence of greater genetic diversity in the accessions for these traits. Dendrogram based on Euclidean...

 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Nadeem Amjad**, Muhammad Safar Mirjat***, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Khalil Ahmad Ibupoto***, Shabbir Ahmad Kalwar****, Asif Ali Mirani**** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed****

...esults showed that plant height, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and dry matter were maximum with deep tillage as compared to conventional and zero tillage. Comparing the seasons, the overall better plant height, 1000- grain weight, grain yield and dry matter were gained during autumn season due to its crop residue effect and supplemental fertilizer. Therefore, considering the environmental conditions, the deep tillage with r...

 Mustaring,* I. Subagyo,** Soebarinoto** and Marsetyo*

...s measured include plant height, tillage number, dry matter (DM) yield, in vitro digestibility and nutrient contents. Plant height and tillage number were monitored at week 4, 6 and 8 then harvested at week 8. Results revealed that the Brachiaria mutica (8 weeks old) had highest plant height (207 cm), but lowest tillage number (64), crude protein (CP) content (8.64%), in vitro organic matt...

 Farman Ullah Shah*, G. Mustafa Sajid** and Sadar Uddin Siddiqui**

... stover yield (g), plant height (cm), number of cobs plant , number of leaves -1 -1 plant , average grain number of five cobs and grain yield (t ha ). With the -2 -2 exception of hand weeding, minimum number of weeds 128 m and 164 m were recorded in black plastic and weeds as mulch, respectively, compared -2 to 595 m in weedy check. Similarly, maximum grain yields (1.91 and 1.85 -1 t ha ) were recorded in black plastic and weeds as mulch, while minimum -1 grai...

 Frasat Saeed*, Jehanzeb Farooq*, Abid Mahmood**, Tassawar Hussain***, Muhammad Riaz* and Saghir Ahmad****

...odial branches and plant height. Principal component (PC) analysis showed first five PCs having eigen value >1 explaining 67.8% of the total variation with days to st -1 1 square and flowering along with plant height and sympodia plant which were being the most important characters in PC1. Cluster analysis classified 101 accessions into five divergent groups. The genotypes in st cluster 1 only showed reasonable values for...

 Muhammad Tahir*, Muhammad Irfan* and Aziz-Ur-Rehman*

...ificantly improved plant height, stem 4 -1 length, fruiting zone length, fruiting branches, number of capsule plant , -1 number of seed capsule , 1000-seed weight, straw yield, seed yield, and seed oil contents compared to control. Therefore, for producing a higher seed yield and oil contents of flax, it is suggested that 3.00% zinc at bud initiation and after capsule filling stage of flax should be used.


 Muhammad Ayub*, Rizwan Maqbool*, Muhammad Tahir*, Zoaib Aslam*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem* and Muhammad Ibrahim**

... -1 ha ) increased plant height by 44%, number of leaves per plant by 76%, 1000 seed weight by 44%, biological yield by 50%, seed yield by 296%, harvest index by 162% and protein content by 6%. However, fertilizer NP -1 (90:45 kg ha ) decreased oil content by 26%. Therefore, addition of NP fertilizer had the potential to increase fennel seed yield, but reduce oil content, under Faisalabad conditions.


 Kalim Ullah*, Zahid Usman*,Niamatullah Khan*, Rehmat Ullah**, Fazal Yazdan Saleem***, Shahid Iqbal Khattak**** and Muhammad Ali*****

...boll weight and 144.5 cm height in comparison to other eight genotypes. The cultivar Gomal-93 and SLH-373 also showed comparable yield and contributing parameters. The genetic variances of the studied parameters were higher in comparison to variances of environment and highly heritable in broad sense. These instant results suggest that these breeding materials have the room for further improvement and can be successfully utilized in future breeding programmes....

 Israr Ali*, Naushad Ali*, Riffat Tahira**, Sardar Ali*, Izhar Hussain* and Sher Aslam Khan*

...turity (DM), -1 -1 plant height (PH), primary branches plant (PBPP), pod length (PL), seed pod (SP), -1 1000-seed weight (1000-SW), yield plant (YPP) and oil (%). Three checks (Pakola, CM and TA), were used to check the performance of collected materials with already available brassica varieties. Significant statistical differences were observed among the tested genotypes based on the studied morphological traits. Among the tested genotypes, genotype Kalabat p...

 Said Salman*, Shah Jehan Khan* and Javed Khan**

...e -1 evaluated for plant height, number of tillers plant , days to 50% heading, -1 -1 spike length, number of spikelets spike , number of grains spike and 1000-grain weight. Maximum heterosis and heterobeltiosis interactions were noted in Pari-73 x Hashim-08 for 1000-grain weight (29% and 22%), grains per spike (19% and 11%) and spike length (33% and 22%). Promising results were obtained with respect to shorter plant height,...

 Imran*, Shaheeda Naveed**, Asad Ali Khan* and Inayat Khattak* 

...ob length (19 cm), plant height 2 5 -1 (179.19 cm), 1000 grain weight (192.83 g) and grain yield (2712 kg ha ). While maximum -1 -1 grain cob (375 ) was given by 30 kg seed ha treated with 75 kg P O . On 2 5 -1 the basis of the above results, among the tested seed rate 40 kg ha treated with 75 kg P O is recommended for late sowing on high elevation under the agro- 2 5 ecological conditions of Swat valley.


 Muhammad Farrukh Saleem*, Munir Ahmad*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza** and Abdul Shakoor*

...90 cm, 120 cm and 150 cm height; three -1 nitrogen levels: 150, 200 and 250 kg ha . Net plot size was 6 m × 3 m. Maximum days to first floral bud initiation (44.68), appearance of first flower (65.64), first boll splition (105.47) and monopodial branches per plant (0.81) were recorded at 250 kg -1 N ha . Minimum days for first floral bud initiation (36.66), appearance of first flower (55.97), first boll splition (86.31) and monopodial branches per plant ...

Muhammad Zahid Kiani*, Tariq Sultan**, Arshad Ali**, Ghulam Qadir*** Imdad Ali Mahmood**, Tauseef Tabassam**, Muhammad Arshad Ullah** and Nasir Abbas* 

...rding root length, plant height, root dry weight and shoot dry weight were recorded. The plant growth improved significantly with PGPR strain under salt stress. The root length, plant height, root and shoot weight increased up to 40%, 40%, 167% and 255%, -1 respectively over un-inoculated at 12 dS m salinity level. Whereas an increase of 38%, 54%, 109%, and 117% in root length, plant height

 Nisar Ahmed Soomro*, Abdul Fatah Soomro**, Hamz Ali Samo* and
Muhammad Siddique Depar***

...mination, 82.77 cm plant height, 10.88 tillers plant , 266.74 tillers m , 59.41 grains spike , 60.50 g 1000-seed weight and 5862.25 kg grain yield ha . The crop irrigated four times, showed bit adverse effects on growth and yield traits over 5 irrigations with 84.77% germination, 79.16 cm plant height, 10.07 tillers plant , 254.91 tillers m , 51.91 grains spike , 57.60 g 1000-seed weight and 5230.75 kg grain yield ha ; while...

 Muhammad Bilal*, Zafar Abbas*, Ijaz Ahmad**, Muhammad Aslam*, Muhammad Ijaz****, Adnan Shakeel***, Mushtaq Ahmad*** and Kashif Bashir*****

...), Faisalabad. The plant height of NIAB-111 was more affected by soil salinity than that of other varieties. The number of bolls per plant also showed the similar fashion to salinity stress for all varieties. Maximum average weight of cotton boll was recorded in control practice as compared to salinity gradient treatments. Sodium (Na ), Potassium (K ) and Chloride (Cl ) contents in leaf sap were present more in salinity gradient treatment cotton genotypes as c...

 Muhammad Tahir* and Neelam Yasin*

...ificantly improved plant height, cob length, number of grains rows cob , cob weight, 1000-grain weight, grain yield, biological yield, harvest index, grain protein and grain oil contents. However, micronutrients application at stem elongation stage showed non-significant effect on plant papulation and number of cobs plant . Therefore, for attaining maximum yield of maize, it is suggested that 250 ml ha at stem elongation stage of maize should be used.


 Ehsanullah*, Muhammad Amjad Shahzad*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Ali Zohaib*, Muhammad Ishfaq* and Ejaz Ahmad Warraich*

...aximum increase in plant height (152 cm), number of monopodial branches (4.7) and sympodial branches (22.6) per plant, number of unopened (9.4) and opened bolls (41.1) per plant, and average boll weight (3.0 g) of cotton. However, highest seed cotton yield (2944.5 kg ha ) was obtained by flat sowing on 25 cm apart rows owing to highest planting density per unit area. Maximum ginning out turn (GOT) (41.6%) was noticed in pit planting of cotton, while, fiber qua...

 Tassadduq Rasool*, Ali Zohaib*, Ehsanullah*, Riaz Ahmad*, Tasawer Abbas*, Tahira Tabassum*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem*, Mahmood-ul-Hassan*

...eless, least decrease in height (23%), leaf area (42%) and number of leaves (16%) of pearl millet was occurred by intercropping sesbania in 45 cm apart two-row strips of pearl millet, as compared to sole cropping of pearl millet. Total green forage yield (60%) was increased by sesbania intercropping over sole-cropping of pearl millet and the intercropping of sesbania in 45 cm apart two-row strips of pearl millet was most beneficial. Intercropping improved qual...

 Nasarullah*, Raiz uddin*, Fakhar Uddin* and Muhammad Jamal*

... days to maturity, plant height (cm), spike length (cm), spikelets spike , 1000-grain weight and grain yield. Flag leaf area (cm displayed non-significant differences across environments and its interaction with genotypes. Mean values across the environments range between 147.17 to 174.00, 190.83 to 202.83, 23.32 to 54.13,78.40 to 115.17, 9.72 to 13.08, 16.33 to 23.80 for days to heading, maturity, flag leaf area, plant height
Zheng Quan Jiang1,2, Feng Shan Li3, Jiang Hong Ran1,*, Chen Hao Zhao1, Man Zhang1 and Hua Li4
...length, nest width, nest height and nest volume among the four types of nests all were significantly different in the order: floating grass nests >dirt mound nests >grass mound nests >natural island nests, indicating that nest size was related to nest type. Among the three kinds of nest-site habitats, there were no significant differences in nest length and nest width, but differences were found in nest height and n...
Yan Li1, Kai Zhan1,*, Junying Li1, Wei Liu1, Ruiyu Ma1, Shengnan Liu1, Tao Han2, Shaoquan Li2, Shaolin Wang2 and Yang Hu2
...ificantly higher albumen height, Haugh units and yolk colour. No significant differences were found in other laying performances and egg quality characteristics. Except for the back region of AI females which had better feather cover, the average feather score for most body parts of AI and NM hens was not significantly different. An overall feather score of NM females was significantly lower than that of AI ones. The average feather score for each individual p...
Ehtisham Shakeel Khokhar*1, Amir Shakeel1, Muhammad Amir Maqbool1, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar2, Sumaira Zareen2, Syeda Sana Aamir4 and Muhammad Asadullah4
...of gene action for plant height, number of monopodial branches, number of sympodial branches, numbers of bolls, boll weight, seed cotton yield, lint percentage, fiber length and fiber strength. The parents VH-259, CRS-456 and AA-703 among lines and PB-39 among testers displayed significant GCA effects for most of the traits. VH-259 × PB-39, CRS-456 × CIM-608 and AA-703 × PB-900 registered significant SCA effects and positive heterosis and het...

Hamza Khan1, Safdar Ali1, Ijaz Ahmad*2, Ihsanullah Khan3, Shujaat Hussain1, Bashir Ahmad Khan4 and Muhammad Suhaib5  

... leaves per plant, plant height, head diameter, days to maturity, 100 seed weight, number of seeds per head and seed yield per hectare. Quality parameters were consisted upon oil content (%), protein content (%) and Fatty acid profile. Results showed that SMH-1001 and SMH-1215 hybrids performed best for yield and quality parameters, whereas, SMH-1006 and SMH-0909 were considered best for early maturing traits.  


Azhar Mehmood1,2,*, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem2, Muhammad Tahir2, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar3, Tasawer Abbas4, Ali Zohaib2, Hafiz Tassawar Abbas

...ld components like plant height, stem diameter, head diameter, achene and biological yield were significantly affected by varying levels of nitrogen and boron fertilizers. Results revealed that boron/nitrogen synergetic effect additively increased yield and yield components in sunflower plant. The oil and protein contents of sunflower were significantly affected by varying levels of both nitrogen and boron and maximum oil contents were observed when boron was ...

Zakirullah Jan1, Shamsher Ali1*, Tariq Sultan2, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Zahir Shah1 and Farmanullah Khan1 

... of rice crop like plant height (85 cm), plant fresh weight (45 g), dry weight (24.5 g) and root dry weight (2.80 g) followed by MMF-5 treatment. As regard shoot tissue analysis, the nutrients concentration was significantly changed in plant. The highest concentration of N (3.62 %), P (0.77 %), K+ (2.68 %), Ca++ (0.60 %), Mg (0.44 %) and Na+ (2.49 %) was found in the shoot of rice crop grown in saline condition of 7.0 dS m-1 treated with Gloeobacter strain as ...
Ghulam Muhae-ud-Din1,4, Anam Moosa1, Umer Farooq Ghummen1, Muhammad Jabran1, Amjad Abbas1, Muhammad Naveed2, Abdul Jabbar1 and Muhammad Amjad Ali1,3,*
...y shoot weight and shoot height was variable for all plants and the maximum canopy length was recorded in C. macrocarpa, while maximum fresh root weight, dry root weight, root length and shoot weight were recorded in O. japonicus and R. escelsa, respectively. The susceptible plants were subjected to the application of endophytic bacteria Pantoea agglomerans strain MN34 and Pseudomonas putida strain MN12 in a pot experiment. B...

Mehran Ali, Inamullah*, Sajjad Ahmad and Arsalan Khan 

...bited that, higher plant height (200.4 cm), grains ear-1(351), seed index (228.8 g), grain yield (3522 kg ha-1), and biological yield (10799 kg ha-1) were observed with nitrogen sources incorporated with mould board plough. In case of nitrogen sources; poultry manure (3507 kg ha-1), sheep manure (3468 kg ha-1) and mushroom spent (3450 kg ha-1) gave at par grain yield with urea (3667 kg ha-1). However, soil organic matter was significantly higher in organic fer...

Qasim Iqbal1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Obaidullah Shafique1, Bashir Ahmed Khan2, Ijaz Ahmad3 and Ihsanullah Khan4  

...flower completion, plant height, days to maturity, stem diameter, head diameter, number of leaves, 1000 seed weight and seed yield per hectare. Quality parameters were consisted upon oil content (%), protein content (%), and fatty acid profile. The results showed that significantly highest seed yield (2187.3) kg ha-1 was produced by SF 16003 followed by SF16010 and SF 16002 having (2016.2) kg ha-1 and (1888.2) kg ha-1 seed yield respectively. The Cluster analy...
Hongqun Li1, Xiaoli Liu2,*, Zhenmin Lian3,RenheWang4, Yongbin Wang4, Yongyao Fu1 andDingyi Wang5 shrub cover (1.0 m in height) than unsuccessful nest-sites. Forward elimination stepwise logistic regression was worked out with the above significantly different variables and their first-order interaction as independent variables. Finally, regression equation with the lower Akaike’s Information Criterion for small sample sizes (AICc) value was regarded as the optimal model. The model indicated that nest-site success of brown-eared pheasants was nega...
Abdur Rahman1,*, Ibrahim Sadi Cetingul2, Ismail Bayram2, Cangir Uyarlar2, Abdil Burhaneddin Akkaya2, Eyup Eren Gultepe2, Hikmet Keles3, Aykut Ulucan4 and Zafar Hayat1
...lts revealed that villus height was significantly higher in group D compared to control group, whereas crypt depth was significantly higher in all supplemented groups specifically remarkable in group D. Thickness of the tunica muscularis was higher in group C while other groups like D, E and F showed reduction in thickness compared to control group. Overall, this study data suggest that group D, which was supplemented with 3% dried oregano leaves, showed bette...

Shamsher Ali1*, Sarmad Khan1, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Naveed ullah4, Muhammad Rashid3 and Wiqar Ahmad1 

...ding emergence and plant heights. From the interactions it is clear that under normal soil conditions, emergence percentage of Pirsabak-2004 variety was maximum (100 %), under moderate soil salinity, emergence percentage of Siren variety was maximum (27 %), while under high salinity, emergence percentage of Atta Habib variety was maximum (30 %). Under highly saline soil, the maximum plant growth i.e 1.03 cm, 1.80 cm and 3.77cm after 1st, 2nd and 3rd week of em...
Nasreen Ishaq1, Arif Rasheed Malik2, Zameer Ahmad1, Saad Ehsan Ullah3
...of age, determination of height and blood groups identification. Among these, DNA analysis and dental data provide easiest identifications, however, these techniques are expensive and not readily available necessitating additional techniques for identification. One of such novel approach is cheiloscopy i.e. study of lip print patterns. 
Methodology: In order to investigate the lip prints-based identification, a study was conducted in th...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmed1, Muhammad Zeshan1,2, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1 and Kazim Ali design. Data on plant height, branches per plant, capsules per plant, number of seeds per capsule and yield was taken into account at maturity and statistically analyzed. All yield contributing traits showed positive response with increase in fertilizer rate. Maximum yield was found at T6 (NPK @ 40:30:15) and T6 and T7 (NPK @ 40:30:30) showed parity for seed yield. Significant difference was not observed in increase in yield due to the addition of potassium...

Saeed Ullah1, Amanullah Jan1, Murad Ali2*, Wiqar Ahmad3, Hafeez Ur Rehman2, Muhammad Ishaq2 and Bilal Ahmad2  

..., 4, 27 and 9%, in plant height (PH), PN, GY, BY and HI, respectively over the control, and recorded the lowest number of days to maturity (185) compared to control (188 days). Both 70 and 105 kg P2O5 ha-1 registered PH with 8% increase, PN with 8 and 7.4% increase, respectively, GY with 4% increase, BY with 25% increase and HI with 9.2 and 9.5% increase over the control. Number of days to achieve crop maturity also remained the same (185 days) for the P2O5 le...

Imadud Din1*, Fazal Munsif1, Irfan Ahmad Shah3, Hamayoon Khan1, Fahad Ullah Khan1, Ibrarullah2, Shahab Uddin4 and Tauqir Islam1 

...e was recorded for plant height. Wheat genotype PR-110 out performed for grain yield, while PR-103 exhibited higher biological yield. Highest number of productive tillers m-2 was counted for PR-111, while intense leaf area index was displayed by PR-103. Hybrid-404 had relatively higher grain spike-1 while PR-114 was observed for highest 1000-grain weight. Among the genotypes Pirsabak-08 excelled for dwarf traits, while Hybrid-403 was found early maturing genot...
Rana Khurram Aftab1*, Farhat Ijaz2, Samia Jawed3
...ence, hip circumference, height and weight were recorded. Moreover, on these subjects bosy mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist hip ratio (WHR) were calculated and blood pressure was recorded.
Results: Amongst 213 students, a total of 97(45.5%) were male and 116 (54.5%) were females. Among studied subjects, 2 (2.1%) males and 8 (6.9%) females were underweight, whereas 55(56.7%) male and52(44.8%) were of normal weight. The preval...
Muhammad Younus1*, Sabah Usman2 and Samia Jawed3
... such as name, age, sex, height, weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio were recorded. Spirometry of all the subjects was performed on Spirolab iii. Correlation between FVC, FEV1, FEV1/ FVC ratio and body mass index, waist circumference, and waist to hip ratio was measured by Pearson coefficient. A p value <0.05 was considered as significant. 
Results: In this study mean age of subjects was 28.92 ±...
Irshad Ali1, Mohammad Masood Tariq2,*, Abdul Waheed2, Ferhet Abbas Yousafzai1, Farhat Abbas Bokhari1, Majed Rafeeq1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Adnan Attique1, Shahid Amin3 and Tahir Hameed1
...ctively. Male had higher height at wither, chest girth and length compared to female (P<0.05). It is suggested that Bhag Nari cattle were distinct breed and having upright potential of growth. It could be efficiently used to evolve a new beef breed of the area.

Fazal Munsif1, Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Arif2, Kawsar Ali3 and Ijaz Ahmad

...ct on tillers m-2, plant height, number of leaves tiller-1, mean leaf area, leaf area index, stem diameter, number of nodes tiller-1, internodes length, cane yield, total dry matter, cane yield, pol and sugar recovery. Higher number of tillers (14.0), number of nodes tiller-1 (15.3) mean leaf area (466.3 cm2), leaf area index (10.47), internode length (14.3 cm), thicker canes (2.48 cm), total dry matter (105.8 t ha-1), cane yield (82.5 t ha-1) and higher sugar...

Ali Sher1*, Khalid Naveed1, Gulzar Ahmad2, Ayub Khan1, Muhammad Saeed1 and Shah Masaud1 

..., leaf area index, plant height, days to physiological maturity and biological yield were significantly increased by both N and Zn while the same parameters except days to anthesis, days to physiological maturity were also significantly enhanced by using Fe. Result revealed that higher leaf area tiller-1 (113 cm2), leaf area index (2.3), plant height (100 cm), biological yield (11431 kg ha-1) by 150 kg N ha-1 , 3 kg Zn ha-1 ...

Muhammad Ishfaq1*, Nadeem Akbar1, Imran Khan1, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Usman Zulfiqar1, Muhammad Ahmad1, Mumtaz Ahmad2 and Muhammad Umer Chattha1 

...count (177.3 m-2), Plant height (71.6 cm) at physiological maturity, and opaque kernel (13.7%) were maximum while weed density and weed biomass was minimum in S2 (11.25 cm row spacing) treatment. Statistically, maximum productive tillers (296.8 m-2), numbers of grains per panicle (93.7), 1000-grain weight (19.4 g), paddy yield (3.5 t ha-1) and harvest index (34.3%) were recorded in S3 treatment. Percentage of sterile spikelet (9.5%), abortive kernel (9.7%) wer...

Muhammad Faheem Jan1*, Asad Ali Khan1, Waqas Liaqat1, Haseeb Ahmad1, Muhammad Dawood Ahmadzai1 and Wazir Rehan area index, and plant height) which resulted in different grain yield. Among hybrids DK-Garanon gave highest value for all the studied parameters as compared to others hybrids. Similarly, in K ratios higher values for the studied traits were recorded in plots which were treated with K 40% from organic (poultry manure) and 60% from inorganic (sulphate of potash) sources. It can be concluded that application of K at the rate of 80 kg ha-1 from both organic an...

Tariq Aziz1, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1, Quaid Hussain1,3*, Tariq Shah2,3, Nazir Ahmad1 and Amir Sohail1 

...tion responses for plant height (0.76 and 10.96 cm), spike length (0.93 and 4.51 cm), grains spike-1 (0.93 and 25.54), single spike weight (0.89 and 3.08 g), 100 grain weight (0.90 and 1.26 g) and grain yield plant-1 (0.75 and 12.15 g), respectively. On basis of high heritability coupled with high selection response for yield related traits, F3 populations B-IV(N)5 × Pirsabak-08, B-IV(N)5 × Janbaz, B-RF1 × Janbaz and B-RF7 × Janbaz shou...

Shamsher Ali1, Zakir Ullah Jan1*, Zahir Shah2, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Farmanullah Khan2, Inayat ur Rahman3 and Shah Fahad3 

...nificantly maximum plant height of Azam cv. (260 cm) and hybrid (247cm) were recorded in treatment T5 (N- P2O5@ 130-90 kg per hectare + 20 ton per hectare FYM) followed by T6 (50-45) kg N, P2O5 ha-1 + FYM @ 20000 kg ha-1. The Azam plants were taller than hybrid. The treatment (T5) significantly yielded more grain (6806 kg ha-1) and (5106 Kg ha-1) from hybrid (CS-200) and a local maize Azam cultivar, respectively. Similarly, stover yield of hybrid (10378 Kg ha-...

Raza Ullah Khan*, Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Zameer Khan, Fayyaz Hussain and Sonia Saba 

...growth parameters (plant height, biomass and grain yield) was collected at the end of the experiment taking as an average of the three replications. Nutrients such as K, P and selected micronutrients concentration in shoot and root were determined once after harvest of crop and shown as mean of three replications. Results showed that different combination of P yielded significant response in plant growth parameter. It was found that split application of P equa...

Ambrin Rajput* 

...eters. The maximum plant height (85.00 cm), pods plant-1 (43.8), seed index (455 g per 1000 grains), seed yield (1896.0 kg ha-1), total biomass (5205 kg ha-1), straw yield (31050 kg ha-1), protein (15.77%), shoot N, P and K (2.1, 0.3 and 1.3 %) concencentration and N, P and K uptake (95.3, 16.4 and 49.9 kg ha-1) were recorded by combined application of N, P and K fertilizer application. However, the minimum values were obtained from control treatment. The comb...
Naila Chand1, Shamsullah1, Rafiullah1, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3, Shabana Naz4,*, Ebrahim Rowghani5 and Murad Ali Khan2
...nificantly higher villus height, crypt depth and goblet cell count was recorded with MOS-100 while values lower with MOS-0 treatment. It was concluded that improvement in growth performance, intestinal histomorphology and relative weight of lymphoid organs in broiler chicks during starter phase was attributed to the supplementation of MOS.

Muhammad Arshad*, Sabeeta Jan, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam, Shiguftah Khalid and Muahmmad Ayub Khan 

...significantly with plant height (PH) for both genotypic and phenotypic level. Correlation between plant height and oil content was found to be highly significant and positive. Seed yield had positive association but non-significant with DFI, PH 100SW, HD and OC percentage while negative association with DFC and DM. DFI, DFC, HD, 100 SW and OC percentage contribute positively toward seed yield. Present study depicts that for ...

Zubina Hameed1, Muhammad Azim Malik1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Farina Shaheen1, Ijaz Ahmad2 and Khisrao Kalim3 

...number of tillers, plant height, spike length, and biological yield when compared with other treatments. The highest biological yield (10.55 t. ha-1) and grain yield (3.57 t. ha-1) were recorded in plots treated with Buctril-super along with highest benefit-cost ratio (2.52). Therefore, Buctril-super is recommended for best control of broad-leaved weeds and taking an economical yield of wheat. 


 *Muhammad Waseem1, Dost Mohammad Baloch1, Ghulam Khaliq1,
M. Rashid1, Qurban Ali2 and Mustajab A. Khan3

...the traits such as plant height, number of culms per plant, stem diameter of culms and growth rate of newly emergence culms per day also showed higher vigour under the application of treatment combination {50% N from urea (the recommended dose) + 50% N from Farm Yard Manure (FYM)}. It was suggested that the growing of bamboo should be produced through the use of combination of chemical {50% N from urea and organic N (50% N from Farm Yard Manure).


Durr-e- Samin Tahir*, Waqar Nasir, Sarah Bushra, Fatima Batool

Height trends in the population of Rabwah, district Chiniot, Pakistan and comparison with WHO standards
...n: justify;"> Human height is a quantitative trait with high heritability, controlled by many gene pairs. It is influenced by environmental factors such as nutrition, disease and lifestyle. A study was carried out to compare the height trends of
the local population of Rabwah with WHO standards. A total of 4293 accurate observations (male=2084 female =2209) were recorded. The age group chosen for present study is...

Nabila Roohi, Mehjabeen, Samina Ashraf*

Effects of cigarette smoking on serum proteins profile in male active and passive smokers
...terms of comparable age, height, weight
and socioeconomic set up. Serum protein profile was analyzed using commercially
available kits by using automated clinical chemistry analyzer. Serum total proteins
have shown a significant decrease in smokers in comparison with controls. A
significant depression in serum albumin was observed in smokers due to increased
excretion of albumin in bound state with the chemicals, whereas, tot...

Masab Umair Khan, Syed Mehar Ali Shah, Hidayat-ur-Rahman, Arshad Iqbal* and Ezaz Aslam 

... were observed for plant height, ear height, days to tasseling, days to anthesis, days to silking, cob length, cob diameter, kernel rows cob-1, 100-kernel weight and grain yield. Among the hybrids, ZH1610 was observed as the earliest maturing hybrid with minimum days to tasseling (91.7), days to anthesis (93.7) and days to silking (96). Hybrid ZH169 showed maximum cob length (19.5 cm) while ZH1621 produced maximum kernel row...

Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Iqbal1 and Malik Muhammad Hashim2 

...t, photosynthesis, plant height (cm), number of leaves plant -1, leaf length (cm), leaf area (cm2), leaf weight plant-1(g), root weight plant-1 (g), root/top ratio, root length (cm), root diameter (cm), sucrose%, tss %, purity %, leaf yield (t ha-1), root yield (t ha-1), sugar yield (t ha-1) and harvesting index. The results indicated significant variation among the treatments for all parameters during both years of study. Among the treatments I3 (15 days&rsqu...

Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Nazakat Nawaz, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Tahira, Doulat Baig, Ihsan Ullah Khan and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah 

...od filling period, plant height (cm), number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, seed yield (kg/ha). Seed yield ranged from 352 to 878 kg/ha with a mean value of 521 kg/ha. A total of forty genotypes produced more seed yield than standard cultivar (517 kg/ha) with a range of 524 to 878 kg/ha. Maximum variation was showed by pods per plant, seed yield, branches per plant, pod filling period and plant height. Dend...

Muhammad Tahir Amin, Khalid Usman*, Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik and Nishter Ali

...parameters such as plant height, sympodial branches, seed cotton yield, and quality-related traits such as fiber length, fiber strength, micronaire, and fiber uniformity. Frequent irrigation interval (7th day) produced taller plants (139 cm) and more sympodial branches (18.3) compared to less frequent irrigations (10-19th day). However, 19th day irrigation interval significantly improved seed cotton yield and fiber quality traits (fiber length, fiber strength,...

Muhamad Jawad*, Shahid Riaz Malik, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar, Muhammad Asadullah, Israr Hussain and Rabia Khalid 

...of yield with lowest pod height and highly significant correlation between lowest pod height and plant height. Cluster analysis performed for qualitative and quantitative traits separately. It was observed that genotypes with suitable plant type for mechanized harvesting belongs to different cluster and high yielding genotypes belongs to another cluster. It indicates that the genotypes sui...
Jair Millán-Orozco1,*, Jersson Millán-Orozco2 and Luz María Tejada-Ugarte3
...ained at a sward surface height of 30 cm. Observations were conducted during daylight hours (06:00-18:00) from May to April of the next year for three consecutive days every month of the following year. The highest (P<0.05) grazing activity was observed during September (38.9±11.4 min/h), while in May (27.1±14.3 min/h) was the month with least activity (P<0.05). Within days, the highest (P<0.05) grazing activity was ...

Muhammad Ilyas*, Sardar Ali Khan, Shahid Iqbal Awan and Shafiq-Ur-Rehman 

...or grain yield and plant height, hence additive gene action was depicted. While, narrow sense heritability and genetic advance was lower for remaining parameters under both the environmental conditions which clearly specified that non-additive gene action was present. Results indicated that the said breeding material might be better suited for heterosis breeding under drought prone semi-arid areas. 


Ali Bakhsh1*, Mashal Rehman1, Said Salman1 and Rehmat Ullah

... flower formation, plant height, monopodial branches per plant, sympodial branches per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, fiber length, fiber strength, uniformity index, fiber fineness, ginning out turn and seed cotton yield per plant in both watering treatments. Water stress on an average, caused a reduction of 13% in days to first square formation, 14% in days to first flower formation, 19% in plant height, 18%...

Salman Ali*, Inamullah, Muhammad Arif, Mehran Ali, Muhammad Owais Iqbal, Fazal Munsif and Arsalan Khan 

...higher biological (plant height and biological yield) and grain yield (grains ear-1, thousand grains weight, grain yield and harvest index) components of maize. Increase in K levels beyond 75kg ha-1 showed a slight decrease in yield. It is concluded that water stress at each critical crop growth stage can drastically reduce crop yield, therefore, five times irrigation each at (mentioned) crop growth stage along with 75 kg ha-1 K is recommended for higher maize...

Zakiullah1, Muhammad Farid Khan1*, Muhammad Mohibullah3, Muhammad Iqbal2, Irfanullah3, Faheemullah3, Madiha Urooj1 and Uzma Arif1 

...ys to germination, plant height, leaf area, number of grains ear-1, grains moisture % at harvest, grain yield and biological yield. Mean square values due to general combining ability were highly significant (P≤0.01) for all the experimental parameters except grain yield and biological yield. Highly significant specific combining ability for direct and reciprocal crosses shows highly significant differences for all the studied parameters. PSEV-3 proved best...
Muhammad Tufail1, Naila Chand1, Rafiullah1, Shakoor Ahmad2, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3 and Shabana Naz4,*
...nificantly higher villus height, crypt depth and goblet cell count were recorded in MOS-100. It was concluded from the results that improvement in growth performance, intestinal histomorphology and relative weight of lymphoid organs in broiler chicks during finisher phase was attributed to MOS at the level of 100 mg/kg.

Shamsher Ali1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Zahir Shah2, Naveedullah3 and Abdul Jalal1 

...percent emergence, plant height, number of leaves, shoots and roots weight. The results revealed that all data parameters except number of leaves were affected significantly (p < 0.05) by different levels of salinity. Irrespective of maize varieties, the percent emergence, plant height, number of leaves, shoots and roots weight of Maize were reduced with linear increasing levels of salinity. Among the genotypes, maximum 1...

Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik1, Khalid Usman1*, Tahir Amin1, Muhammad Riaz2, Zafar Iqbal3 and Fiaz Hussain (14) and higher plant height (131cm) as compared to other irrigation intervals. Higher bolls (19 / plant), boll weight (2.9 g), seed cotton (2424 kg ha-1), ginning out turn (GOT, 37%), fiber length (28.1mm), fiber strength (29.5 g per tex) and micronaire value (3.5 µg per inch) were achieved from irrigation interval of 25 days. Interaction effects (irrigation x varieties) revealed that variety CRIS-134 in combination with 25 days irrigation interval c...

Ali Awais, Charassri Nualsri and Watcharin Soonsuwon* 

...traits, especially plant height, panicle length, number of filled grains, number of grains per panicle, 1000 grain weight and yield per plant showed a clear fall off when compared to control while the panicle length in both mutants were higher than that of control. Several mutants also revealed some notable phenotypic variations in the roots, seeds, panicles and leaf morphology. Phenotypic observations determined that the Dawk Kha 50 has more potential of vari...

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Sami Ullah1, 3*, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Ahmad Mujtaba1, Mumtaz Hussain2, Muhammad Jahangir Shah2, Bashir Ahmad2 and Ijaz Ahmad4 weight (265 g), plant height (205 cm), plant population (7.2 plants m-2) and stem diameter (1.58 cm), cob length (19.1 cm), biological yield (19.5 t ha-1) and harvest index (37.0%), while lowest grain yield (3.08 t ha-1), number of grains per cob (319), 1000 grain weight (204 g), plant height (174 cm), plant population (6.2 plants m-2), stem diameter (1.28 cm), cob length (14.9 cm), biological yield (12.1 t ha-1) and harv...
Ajmal Khan Kassi1,*, Humayun Javed1 and Tariq Mukhtar2
...a was evaluated. The heights and stem girths of comparatively resistant varieties were statistically greater as compared to intermediate resistant and comparatively susceptible varieties. Contrarily, hair densities on leaf midrib and leaf lamina were comparatively less in case of comparatively resistant varieties as compared to intermediate resistant and comparatively susceptible varieties. With one exception in each category, no significant differences we...
Marian Kuczaj1, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska2,*, Alicja Mizera1, Renata Pilarczyk2, Bogumiła Pilarczyk3 and Patryk Barton1
... condition, body weight, height at the back, hip width, order of calving, age of calving heifers, and data on the type of valuation and country of origin of the bull (calf’s father). It was found that the high vitality of the calves is statistically significantly (at p ≤ 0.01) affects: the height at the back (˃ 150 cm) and the width in the hips of cows (˃ 63 cm). The Dutch and German fathers’ heifers were si...
Iqra Bano1,*, Moolchand Malhi2, Pershotam Khatri3, Saeed Ahmed Soomro2, Hira Sajjad4, Ambreen Leghari5, Muhammad Awais2, Safia Kandhro6 and Shakeel Ahmed Lakho5 and Munaza Soomro7
...tudies revealed that the height of the germinal epithelium was significantly higher in SY as compared to C. Although the diameter of seminiferous tubule and thickness of the basal membrane were not significantly different in both groups. The serum glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity as well the testicular GPx activity was significantly increased in SY as compared to C. Furthermore, the serum T-SOD activity was significantly elevated in SY as compared to C. M...

Saqib Bashir* and Bashir Ahmad 

... days to maturity, plant height, thousand grains weight, biological yield and grain yield of wheat. The integration of pigeonpea green manuring with nitrogen levels significantly increased wheat growth, yield and yield components. In case of green manuring, plots in which pigeon pea crop was incorporated at the age of 90 days showed maximum plant height (103.3 cm), thousand grains weight (45.2 g), biological yield (10199 kg ...

Ihsan Ullah Khan*, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Muhammad Ashraf, Ashiq Saleem, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam and Shamim Ul Sibtain Shah 

... to maturity (DM), plant height (PHT, cm), stem thickness (ST, mm), head diameter (HD, cm), 100-grain weight (100-GW, gm), oil content percentage (OC %) and seed yield (SY, kg ha-1) revealed statistically significant differences. All the crosses out-performed the standard check in terms of seed yield (kg ha-1) with significant differences in this regard. Positive and significantly high mid-parent heterosis was observed in all the hybrids for all the studied tr...

Saud Khan and Inamullah* 

...f P levels, higher plant height (157.3 cm), higher number of achenes capitulum-1 (1028), thousand achenes weight (53.8 g), higher achene yield (2527 kg ha-1), oil yield (1146 kg ha-1) and maximum oil contents (38.5%) were observed in experimental units supplied with P @ 90 kgha-1. Finally, it was concluded that tillage operation with MB plough followed by cultivator or only rotavator and P @ 90 kg ha-1 were better to maximize grain and oil yields in sunflower....

Hamid Ali, Muhammad Arshad, Ibad Ullah Jan, Muhammad Zamin*, Junaid Khan, Ikram Ullah and Mushtaq Ali 

...micronutrients for plant height (53,21cm), number of leaves (16.34), length of spike (77.68cm), diameter of spike (7.51cm), floret number (25.27) and length of rachis (16.1cm) at 150 ppm gibberellic acid and 3000 ppm micro nutrients and hence recommended for increasing growth and flowers in tuberose. 


Fraza Ijaz1*, Umair Riaz2, Shazia Iqbal3, Qamar uz Zaman4, Muhammad Furqan Ijaz5, Hina Javed1, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Zuhra Mazhar3, Ahmad Hassan Khan6, Hassan Mehmood7 and Ijaz Ahmad8 

... plant-1), highest plant height (103.45 cm), number of seeds per head, thousand seeds weight were recorded with Co-inoculation + Tryptamine @ 10-5 M (T8). Nutritious Parameters crude protein (30.23%), neutral detergent fiber (33.45%) and acid detergent fiber (26.56%) gave significant results as compared to control (T1). Results indicated that the combined application of Rhizobium species and Tryptamine performed better by improving growth and yield and quality...
Senol Celik
...ody length (BL), withers height (WH), rump height (RH), belly girth (BG) and chest girth (CG) as continuous predictors from 130 Pakistan goats. Also, sex factor was included as a possible nominal predictor in the current study. To measure predictive performances of the tested algorithms, model evaluation criteria such as the correlation coefficient between actual and predicted LBW values (r), Akaike’s and corrected Aka...

Aliya Ayaz, Gohar Ayub, Maqsood Khan* and Syed Aizaz Ali Shah 

...gth, fruit weight, plant height, yield plot-1, total yield and survival percentage. In case of dipping durations, seeds dipped for 18 hours significantly reduced days to emergence and days to first flower, while increased germination percentage, number of fruits plant-1, fruit length, fruit weight, plant height, yield plot-1 and total yield. Interaction was found non-significant for all the studied parameters except days to ...

Abid Ali1*, Hidayat ur Rahman1, Farhatullah1 and Zahir Shah

...ression of plant and ear height, maturity and stover yield as well. Additive x dominance type of epistasis played major role in the inheritance of ear leaf area, stover yield and harvest index in all crosses. Similarly, in the inheritance of days to silking, ear leaf area, ear length, stover yield, biological yield and harvest index additive epistasis was involved. Based on the findings from this study, crosses SW-491 × EV-157, EV-157 × SW-491 and ...
Jun Yan Bai*, Shuai Yang, You Zhi Pang, Xiao Hong Wu and Guang Lu Li
...05). The short end, yolk height, yolk width and yolk weight of Korea quail and China white-feather quail are significantly higher than those of China yellow quail (P<0.05), the yolk index of China yellow quail is far higher than those of Korea quail and Beijing white quail (P<0.05), the protein height of Beijing white quail is greatly higher than those of ret two species (P<0.05). Based on comprehensive evaluation, ...

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Sami Ullah1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Abbas3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Muhammad Zeshan5, Adeel Abbas1, Mehmood Ali Noor1 and Mohsin Nawaz1 

...antially increased plant height, productive tillers, 1000 grain-weight and final grain yield. It was observed that 0.05 M B applications at delayed growth stages after booting is less effective in improvement of yield attributes of wheat crop as compared to booting stage. Economic analysis revealed that 0.05 M B application gave highest net income and benefit-cost ratio. Thus foliar application of 0.05 M B application (foliar) at booting stage can improve whea...

Imdad Ali Mahmood1, Muhammad Imran2, Muhammad Sarwar1, Matiullah Khan1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar2, Shoaib Ahmed1 and Shahid Riaz Malik

...ronomic data i.e., plant height, pods per peduncle, seeds per pod, 100-seed weight, total biomass and grain yield were recorded. Plant samples were collected at maturity to determine Zn concentration in plant tissues and grains. A significant increase in pods per peduncle, seeds per pod, grain yield and total biomass of lentil was observed with Zn application even at lower rate (5 kg ha-1) under PGPR inoculation. Maximum 100-seed weight (2.56 g) was recorded w...
Fazal Wahab1, Naila Chand1, Rifat Ullah Khan1, Nazir Ahmad1, Urooba Parvez2, Zia ur Rehman3 and Shabana Naz4,*
...ess, Haugh unit, albumin height and yolk weight were determined on weekly basis. The results showed that FS supplementation significantly (P<0.05) decreased feed intake (g/hen/day) at all recorded stages. Overall higher feed intake was noted for the control treatment while lower feed intake was noticed for treatment FS-1. Significantly higher (P<0.05) egg production was recorded for treatment FS-0.5 followed by treatment FS-0.75 while lower egg productio...

Asad Ullah Khan1, Wiqar Ahmad1*, Amir Raza2, Farmanullah Khan3 and Muhammad Sharif3 

...(p<0.01) higher plant height, chlorophyll content, root length, biological yield, grain N, K and Zn uptake, straw N and P accumulation compared to the rest. For root N, Pirsabak 2015 was similar to FS-99 (7.2, 7.1 mg pot-1) whilst being significantly higher over the rest. Some other genotypes were superior for specific attributes like Batoor-2007 for grain P and Straw Zn, NRL-0320 for straw K, NRL 0707 for root K and PR-103, NRL 0517 and NRL 0707 for root Z...

Muhammad Affan Khan* and Abdur Rab 

...ka had the maximum plant height (136.8 cm), number of branches per plant (1.42), number of pods per plant (26.33), number of seeds per pod (60.67), seed weight per pod (3.87 g) and seed yield (4.54 t ha-1). The plant spacing of 20 cm resulted in the maximum plant height (136.92 cm) but minimum values for all other attributes. 40 cm plant spacing resulted in the maximum seeds per pod (67.28), seed weight per pod (4.61 g), hun...

Zafar Abbas1*, Muhammad Mubashir1, Umair Riaz1, Zeenat Javid1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Saeed ur Rehman1, Muhammad Javid Qamar1, Syed Ali Zulqadar1 and Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2 

... leaves per plant, plant height, fruit length, root and shoot dry weight, fresh fruit weight, the total number of fruits per plant, fruit yield and total yield increase. No significant increase was observed in the yield and growth of okra under control and full NPK fertilizer treatment. Application of organic fertilizers like poultry manure and compost as well as its mixture with full NPK considerably increase the growth and total yield attributes of Okra. On ...
Nazia Qamar* and Sher Khan Panhwar
...mensions such as length, height, weight were plotted against fish body parameters length and weights. The regression models estimate for otolith dimensions and fish body parameters estimates can be useful for studies on population structure of five important carangids species.
Salahud Din1,*, Saima Masood1, Hafsa Zaneb1, Habib Ur Rehman2, Saima Ashraf1, Imad Khan3, Muqader Shah4 and Syed Abdul Hadi1
...lly. The average maximum height and breadth for fibular tarsal, tibial tarsal, central and fourth fused tarsal, first tarsal, second and third fused tarsal are (5.61±0.23 cm and 2.06±0.13 cm), (2.79±0.05 cm and 1.74±0.01 cm), (1.51± 0.13 cm and 2.08±0.07cm), (0.61 ±0.01 cm and 1.10±0.06 cm) and (0.98±0.01 cm and 1.49±0.01 cm), respectively. 
Emre Barlas1 and Elif Yamaç2,*
...urce, agricultural area; height, width and orientation of cave entrance and activity of cave values were determined. Seven out of 10 recorded bat species were evaluated as new records for the area. There was a significant preference for caves which were situated at lower altitude, far from paved road and close to water source. Bats were mostly found in longer caves. Caves with entrance oriented to northwest and southeast were preferred by bats. Undertaking eff...
Ali Mujtab Shah1,2,3, Muhammad Naeem2, Muhammad Giasuddin Shah2, Muhammad Haaroon2, Quanhui Peng1 and Zhisheng Wang1,*
...period. Whereas; withers height, heart girth and body length were found non-significant (p > 0.05) among the groups. The morbidity rate of calves fed different levels of colostrum by ST, NF and NS, diarrhea was found 40, 80 and 60% calves affected among the groups respectively, whereas pneumonia problem was observed as 20, 40 and 60% calves were affected accordingly. It is concluded from the present study theconcentration of serum IgG following administrati...

Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad2 

.... Sorghum biomass, plant height, plant diameter and no of plants/m2 were noted and it was observed from results that leaching fraction technique proved useful to mitigate the ill effects of brackish water. All the collected data were subjected to statistical analysis.  


Aamir Saleem1, Arshad Mahmood Malik2*, Najam Ul Hassan1 and Imtiaz A. Qamar

... number of leaves, plant height, fresh land dry weight and crude protein) and meteorological data regarding rain fall, temperature, pan evaporation, sunshine and wind speed for interpreting results along with their statistical analysis as fixing legume with grass has improved the forage quality. Overall, these results has suggested that grass-legume mixtures can improve livestock and pasture productivity, sustainability and as well as to fix atmospheric nitrog...

Mazhar Habib1, Aamir Saleem1, Arshad Mahmood Malik2*, Sarfraz Ahmed3 and Sameera Arshad4 

...ogical characters (plant height, tiller density and herbage yield) of Blue panic grass. With the advance in maturity of clipping stages, plant height and no. of tillers in the grass increased (P<0.05). Herbage yield showed (fresh biomass yield, dry matter yield) significant differences (P<0.05) at each clipping stage. With advanced plant maturity species, its herbage yield increased (P<0.05). However, phonologically...

Muhammad Saleem1*, Ehsan Elahi1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1, Hajra Ibrahim2 and Muhammad Ali3 

...lant growth parameters ; height of plant (cm), stem girth, diameter of flower disk (cm), quantity of achenes (head-1), weight of 1000 achenes, oil (%) in achene, yield (ha-1), and sulphur content (%) in plant straw were evaluated. The values among the treatments for higher plant height (161.80 cm), wide stem girth (4.80 cm), flower head diameter (15.40 cm), maximum number of achene head-1 (787), weight of 1000 achenes (50.29...

Arifa Khan1*, Shazia Erum2, Naveeda Riaz1, Abdul Ghafoor2 and Farhat Ali Khan3 

...rded on sprouting, plant height, number of tubers per plant, average tuber weight per plant, tuber shape, skin, flesh color, number of eyes per tuber, sensory evaluation and proximate analysis. Results showed significant differences in all yields and phenotypic quality traits. High sprouting (100%) and plant height was observed in CIP8 (31.60 cm). CIP12 produced more number of tubers/plant (23.4 tubers) with low tuber weight...

Manzoor1*, Ahmad Khan1, Amir Sohail2, Shahzad Ali1, Fawad Ali Shah3, Junaid Iqbal3, Muhammad Owais Khan4 and Sultan Nawaz4 

...significantly more plant height (189.25 cm), 1000 grain weight (211.25 g), leaf area (425.95 cm2), number of leaves (16.23), grain yield (3352.75 kg), biological yield (10726.08 kg) and shelling percentage (47.78). Whereas one irrigation missing at six leaves stages produced maximum Harvest index (33.99 %). In case of planting methods, ridge planting had significantly higher plant height (186.10 cm), Plant at harvest (61316....

Hassnain1, Abdul Basit1*, Mehboob Alam1, Imran Ahmad1, Izhar Ullah1, Noor Alam2, Inayat Ullah3, Muhammad Areeb Khalid1, Muhammad Shair4 and Noor ul Ain1 maximum average plant height (82.69 cm), average number of leaves (104.02), leaf area (81.47 cm2), chlorophyll content (71.31 SPAD), relative water content (67.27%), excided leaf water retention (68.24%), number of fruit plant-1(24.66), average fruit weight (73.718 g) and yield (37.50-ton ha-1). Similarly, foliar application of chitosan at 100 mg L-1 resulted maximum average plant height (80.74 cm), average number of leav...

Roshan Ali1, Afsar Ali2, Shamsher Ali2, Muhammad Arshad Khan3*, Haroon Shahzad3, Noman Latif3, Muhammad Waheed4, Ashraf Khan5 and Murad Ali6 

...ested. The maximum plant height (90 cm) was recorded in T4 when silicon was applied at the rate of 150kg ha-1, followed by plant height (85cm) of T3, treated with 100kg silicon ha-1. The data on 1000 grain weight and straw yield of rice crop revealed that there were non-significant (P>0.05) pair wise differences among the means of the treatments. The significant maximum biological yield (9299 kg ha-1), grain yield (3901 k...

Noorullah Khan1*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Fayaz Ahmad1, Sabaz Ali Khan2, Imtiaz Ahmed1, Muhammad Abbas Khan1, Shamsul Islam1, Abdul Waheed1, Basharat Hussain Shah1 and Hussain Shah

... (SSR) (51.7), and plant height (85.5 cm) were recorded in plants treated with 3000 ppm IBA. Contrarily the longest roots of 50.7 cm were observed with IBA concentration of 5000 ppm. Correlation analysis revealed that SSR % and growth of kiwi seedlings are strongly associated with NFARP as we found strong correlation (P<0.001) among NFARP, SSR% and plant height. In addition, the main root length also showed moderate corre...

Jawad Ali*, Ibad Ullah Jan and Hidayat Ullah 

... number of leaves, plant height, number of branches, stem dry weight, root dry weight, fruit diameter, number of fruit per plant and 1000 seed weight. Visually reduction in vegetative and yield parametric quality okra plant okra were significantly alleviated by the foliar application of Se under drought stress. Se application of 3 mg L−1 significantly increased the number of leaves, plant height, number of branches, st...

Ghulam Murtaza1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Fakhar Mujeeb2, Sher Muhammad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Ayesha Zafar1  

...plant parameters such as height of sorghum plants, diameter of stem, number of plants/ m2, total biomass of fresh plants were noted. Among all the treatments, T7 (T1 + organic matter @ 10 Mg ha-1) performed the best which produced the highest values of growth parameters. However, the treatment T3 (water of EC 3.0 dS m-1) proved inferior to all others with respect to height of sorghum plants, diameter of stem, number of plant...

Basharat Hussain Shah*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Shams ul Islam, Naveed Ahmed, Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan and Qamar uz Zaman. parameters like plant height, tillers per plant, stem diameter, flag leaf length, 1000-grain weight and yield per hectare. Except for stem borer attack no prominent disease attack was observed in the experiment during the growth period. Significant differences were observed in the genetic material for all the parameters studied. Maximum plant height of 165.8 cm was recorded for Line-31. Maximum number of tillers per plant...

Yousaf Ali1, Muhammad Zamin1*, Ibadullah Jan1, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Mazhar Hussain3, Fazli Rabbi4 and Muhammad Amin

...nificant effect on shoot height, number of leaves, stem and root length, however stem diameter was significantly affected by compost and non significantly affected by genotypes. As far as the genotypes performance is concerned, genotype money maker showed the best performance for all the agronomic characters providing maximum shoot height (34.07cm), lengthiest root (47.87 cm), maximum number of leaves (6.42) and the highest ...

Anwar Ali1*, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf2, Saeed Gulzar2 and Muhammad Akmal2

...nged from (12-93 cm) and height (H) varied between 9.50-40.10 m. Allometric equation was developed through testing different allometric models. The best fit model was obtained through logarithmic transformation of response and explanatory variables. It was found that square of DBH and H (D2H) was the best independent variable for predicting above ground biomass of an individual tree. The equation was also evaluated and compared with the existing generic allome...

Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Ghulam Shah Nizamani1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan1, Abdullah Khatri1 and Nighat Seema Soomro2 

...40/30 (92.0 days). Plant height was observed to be low in all the studied mutant lines (AEL-40/30, AEL-13/30 and AEL-12/30) against the parent and the control varieties. Important yield contributing traits like number of branches plant-1, seeds pod-1 and 1000 seed weight were also seen to be highest in the mutant AEL-40/30 (3.95, 1.91 and 29.11 (g), respectively). Moreover, the same genotype showed an extraordinarily high yield of 1765.1 kg ha-1. The other two...
Chen Shi, Jianlong Zhang and Guanghui Teng*
...5% on body ratio between height at hip and hip width, 75% and 80% on body ratio between body length and height at hip, 50% and 45% on body ratio between body length and hip width, respectively. The statistical analysis of the body ratios could be used for dividing the different growth stages that replaces the body weight or growth day method. It also can provide a scientific foundation for precision feeding and automatic man...

Masaud Khan1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Shahab Ahmad2, Asad Ali3, Numan Khan3 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad

...resh weight ratio, plant height, days to 50% flowering, were found to be non-significant. Results indicated that deficit irrigation (I15, I30 and I45) had significant effect (P<0.05) on plant height and NUE. Plant height tends to decrease by 1.3 and 5.5% with deficit irrigation. NUE also decreased by 17, 16 and 24 with deficit irrigation. Compared to I0, while the effect on dry to fresh...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chandragouda M. Patil, Shashikant S. Udikeri* and Shreeshail. S. Karabhantanal; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Studies on resistance of Tetranychus urticae Koch population from grapevine orchard indicated considerable survival on dicofol 18.5 EC, fenpyroximate 5 SC, diafenthiuron 50 SC, sulphur 80 WP, abamectin 1.9 EC, hexythiazox 5.45EC, spiromecifen 240SC, propargite 57% EC, ethion 50EC, fenazaquin 10%EC treated leaves. Field populations had high degree of resistanc...

Muhammad Rasheed*, Tayyaba Naseer, Asma Hassan, Fayaz ul Hassan, Rifat Hayat, Ghulam Jilani, Samman Gul Vaseer and Muhammad Bilal Ali 

...f BS3 enhanced the plant height (31.423 cm), leaf area plant-1 (15.459 cm2), leaf area index (1.9323) and leaf area duration (110.84). Among the different lentil cultivars, NIA 2005 gave the better response regarding these traits. The maximum fresh weight plant-1 (7.2560 g) and dry weight plant-1 (0.6047 g) was recorded at treatment BS3 and among the different cultivars, NIA 2005 depicted better response than other two cultivars. Crop growth rate showed maximu...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jun Yan Bai*, Hong Deng Fan, Shuai Yang, Xue Yan Fu, Heng Cao, Xiao Hong Wu, You Zhi Pang and Kun Peng Shi; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Quail is extensively cultured in China for characteristic of quick growth, small fodder consumption, early sexual maturity, big egg output and short production period. To recognize molecular markers of egg quality of quail, SNP in control regions of cytogenin gene (MyoG) 5’ in China yellow quail, Beijing white quail, Korean quail detected by PCR-SSCP method in...
height: normal;">Amna Shoaib*, Zoia Arshad Awan and Naureen Akhtar
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Molds produce noxious mycotoxins and cause more than 30% yield losses. The aflatoxins producer Aspergillus minisclerotigenes and Aspergillus flavus are morphologically similar species that belong to the Aspergillus section Flavi. A. minisclerotigenes and A. flavus were isolated from soybean and okra seeds, respectively. The isolated species were first identified morphologically...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wen Xiong1,2*, Qitao Zeng2, Dangen Gu1 and Yinchang Hu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study presents 49 length-weight relationships gathered from literature and our investigation pertaining to Gambusia affinis and G. holbrooki. The value of the slope b ranged from 2.44 for male G. holbrooki in Tajan River (Iran) to 3.81 for combined G. holbrooki in reservoirs of Segura River basin (Spain). The mean value of ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rafia Sadaf1, Ishrat Younus2*, Sidra Maqbool2, Talha Bin Fayyaz3Sarah Jameel Khan1, Sidra Siddique1 and Rida Fatima1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Pulsatilla nigricans Linn has traditionally been used in various disorders related to both male and female and proves a great remedy for ovaralgia, ovaritis, epididymitis, orchitis nervousness, sadness, mild restlessness and mental disorder. This investigation is designed to evaluate acute toxicity and anti-anxiety activity of ethanol extract of Pulsatilla...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fatima Hashim Abbas1,2* and Alaa Tareq Shakir Al-Hassnawi1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In pregnancy, any disturbance in the balance between antioxidants and oxidants in favor of the later can cause serious problems such as abortion. So the investigation of the oxidants/antioxidants status during early stages of pregnancy is urgently needed to help us solving such health issues. In this current study, One hundred and thirteen aborted women (73 known ca...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Farzana Rashid1, Rabia Masood1 and Mariam Faiz2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Carbapenem resistance conferred by metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) has increasingly being reported worldwide among Enterobacteriaceae. In this study, 240 non repetitive gram negative clinical isolates were studied for antimicrobial resistance. Presence of bla NDM was determined by polymerase chain reaction. Among 240 strains, prevalence of MBL in K. pneumoniae, P. ae...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mubashra Salim1, Omeira Ibrahim1, Hugo Vilhena2,3,4, Carla Maia5, André Pereira5, Maria Shahzeen1, Shabana Kalsoom1, Asim K. Mahmood6 and Furhan Iqbal1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hemotropic mycoplasmas (hemoplasmas) are obligate Gram-negative bacteria that target red blood cells, and infect a wide range of hosts including cats, dogs, domestic ruminants, pigs, rodents and humans. The present study was designed for the molecular detection of Mycoplasma haemofelis and Candidatus Mycoplasma haemominutum in feline blood sampl...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahsan Numan1,4, Khadija Irfan Khawaja2, Abdul Basit Qureshi3Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf4, Imtiaz Rabbani4, Hafsa Zaneb5 and Habib Rehman4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study aimed at investigating the prevalence and associated risk factors of diabetic sensorimotor polyneuropathy (DSP) in previously diagnosed Type-2 diabetic subjects in Lahore, Pakistan during April, 2013 to June, 2013. The DSP was diagnosed using the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument Score. Blood was collected during the examination for the dete...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asim Faraz1,*, Abdul Waheed1, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2 and Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Barela is very important dairy breed of Punjab having prominent milk vein. The present study was conducted to check its milk production and composition in Thal desert. With an average milk yield of 7.38 liter under traditional management, Barela camel appears as a camel breed with a good dairy potential. Moreover, according to its gross composition (fat, protein, la...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Veli Sel1, Isa Yilmaz2,* and Mete Yanar3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to investigate the role of some environmental factors affecting the somatic cells count (SCC) in the farms of Anatolian water buffalos in Igdir. For this purpose, a total of 637 milk samples gathered from 91 animals raised in 54 farms were analyzed and statistically evaluated. The age and education level of the farmers and the effect of the...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tasbihullah1, Sadeeq ur Rahman2,*, Tariq Ali3 , Umer Saddique1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Muhammad Shafiq4, Sultan Ayaz2, Hamayun Khan1, Ijaz Ahmad1 Asadullah2, Raheela Taj5, Hafiz Nidaullah6 and Alamgir Khan7; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Whilst food-producing-animals could be a pool of resistance-conferring elements in the existing animal production system in Pakistan, the issue has not yet judiciously been highlighted. This study was conducted to determine incidence of extended spectrum β lactamase (ESBL) - producing Escherichia coli in table eggs and human with history of close associa...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Saeed Murtaza1, Abdul Sattar1*, Nasim Ahmad1, Muhammad Ijaz2Maqsood Akhtar3 and Muhammad Shahzad4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Repeated use of exogenous oxytocin in newly calved buffalo has made buffalo breeder anxious about its reproductive and productive performances. Moreover, misconceptions about its harmful effect on public health are increasing day by day during postpartum period when animal has been already in stress. To know effect of oxytocin injection on cervix, uterus and milk co...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nazia Qamar1,2*, Sher Khan Panhwar2 and Wang Ping1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, periodic changes of population dynamics of high valued shrimp species Exopalaemon styliferus (112), Metapenaeus monoceros (265), Parapenaeopsis stylifera (688) collected from September 2017 to April 2018 by Estuarine Set Bagnet are discussed. High linearity (>0.8) among parameters was estimated by fitting a liner model and a ne...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahmet Ozer Sehirli1,2, Serkan Sayiner3*, Ayliz Velioglu-Ogunc4, Nedime Serakinci5, Emel Eksioglu-Demiralp6, Berrak Yegen7, Feriha Ercan8 andGoksel Sener2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The protective effects of ACE inhibitor, Captopril, and angiotensin receptor blocker, Valsartan, were evaluated in the treatment of chronic renal failure (CRF) with and without the presence of N-acetylcysteine (NAC). The renal mass of Wistar albino rats was reduced at a rate of 5/6. Captopril, Valsartan and NAC were applied intra-peritoneal alone or in combination. ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Babar Khan1,2 *, Nazir Javed1, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Nasir Ahmed Rajput1, Muhammad Atiq1, Abdul Jabbar1, Abdul Rehman3, Anam Moosa1 and Muhammad Amjad Ali1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Entomopathogenic nematodes (EPNs) are considered as very effective biological agents against several soil dwelling pests. The following research demonstrates the reproductive potential of EPN specie Steinernema kraussei against last instar larvae of four lepidopteran insects, wax moth (Galleria mellonella), pink bollworm(Pectinophora gossypiella...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Weigeng Wen1,2,3, Xu Chen1,2,3, Wang Zhao1,2,3, Qibin Yang1,2,3, Jian G. Qin4 and Zhenhua Ma1,2,3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study investigated the reproductive capacity of pond-reared female Penaeus monodon after unilateral eyestalk ablation. A total of 240 females (57.0-143.3g) were used as broodstocks in a continuous three-year breeding experiment. After unilateral eyestalk ablation, the relationships of egg and nauplii at the first spawning event and female bodyweight were...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ertuğrul Kul*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present investigation was conducted to determine the lactation curve parameters and to choose the best model that defines the lactation curve. Data were composed of 4897 test day milk yield (TDMY) records from Anatolian buffaloes calved during 2014-2017 raised under different farm conditions in Amasya Province, Turkey. Five different lactation curve models such ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sumaira Akram1, Sajid Aleem Khan1*, Nazir Javed1 and Saeed Ahmad2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">M. graminicola Golden and Birchfield (MG) is an important pest of cereal crops. In Pakistan the yield of wheat is extremely low as compared to many other developing countries. Among several factors, responsible for low crop yield, MGis an emerging threat. In vitro hatching percentage of MG was evaluated that was varied significantly at different...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jiao Qin,Qian-Qian Su and Quan-Sheng Liu*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lesser rice-field rat is one of major pests in eastern and southern Asia, causing considerable losses in rice, vegetables, and other crops. The more serious situation was that R. losea has developed high resistance to anticoagulants with repeated and long-term application of anticoagulant rodenticides in southern China. Fertility control is considered as an a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mustafa Boğa1, Kerim Kürşat Çevik2* and Aykut Burgut3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study aim to describe the impact of the number of lactation, lactation days, age at first calving and breeding, and number of insemination (ratio) on cattle milk yield (last seven days in average). For this purpose, the milk yields of 156 Holstein Friesian cattle were investigated according to different age, lactation, calving and insemination associated parame...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Riffat Sultana1, Nuzhat Soomro1,*, Santosh Kumar2, Ahmed Ali Samejo1 and Samiullah Soomro1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The egg-pods of 04 species viz: Oxya hyla hyla Serville, 1831, O. velox (Fabricius, 1787), O. fuscovittata (Marschall, 1836) of genus Oxya and Oxyina bidentata (Willemse, 1925) of Oxyina were examined under laboratory conditions. Significant differences were found in the sizes and shapes of the pods. Beside this, number of e...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Anila Naz Soomro1*, Hiroshi Suzuki2, Sadaf Tabassum Qureshi3 and Wazir Ali Baloch1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was conducted to study the presence of amphidromy in two atyid shrimps Caridina sakishimensis and Caridina typus along the continuum of Urabaru stream. Study was carried out to clearly outline the life cycle of an endangered atyid C. sakishimensis and its co-existing species C. typus. Entire continuum of stream was divid...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aouicha Djebroune1*, Aissa Mokabli1, Miloud Hammache2 and Gahdab Chakali2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The potato cyst nematodes (PCN) Globodera rostochiensis and Globodera pallida are considered as being redoubtable pests of potato crop and are subject to strict quarantine regulations in several countries. In Algeria, the potato crop is the most important food crop widely cultivated in different agricultural areas. In this investigation, the response o...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Daniel Cocan1, Vioara Mireşan1, Florentina Popescu1, Radu Constantinescu1, Aurelia Coroian1, Călin Laţiu1, Romulus Valeriu Flaviu Turcu3, Alexandru Ştefan Fărcăşanu3 and Cristian Martonos2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study we analysed the shape and topography of venomous glands in Brown bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus) through MRI investigations. The main reason of this investigation was to provide a better understanding of the defence mechanism of this species. The presence, topography and structure of venomous glands made brown bullhead one of the top invasive spec...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhi Yi Jin and Shao Ming Qin*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Habitat selection of the Endangered Scaly-sided Merganser Mergus squamatus was studied in four rivers of Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China at landscape and micro-habitat scales, from November 2017 to March 2018 and November 2018 to March 2019. At landscape scale, the main foraging habitats of this species include woodlands and farmlands. The largest propor...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Syed Basit Rasheed*, Ahmad Yar, Farrah Zaidi and Qaisar Jamal; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Taxonomically ants are the most neglected group of insects to be studied in Pakistan. The current study was conducted to collect ants from all three tehsils: Charsadda, Tangi and Shabqadar of district Charsadda. Ants were collected randomly from indoor (rooms, kitchen and washrooms) and outdoor (streets, crop fields, barren ground and grave yards) sites by using buc...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Godwin Ikechukwu Ngwu1*, Maria Ifeyinwa Ngwu2, Fabian Chukwuemenam Okafor1, Aruh Ottah Anaga3 and Christopher Didigwu Nwani1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Comparative study of the effects of methanolic crude extracts of Ipomoea stolonifera on 4th instars larvae of both laboratory-reared and field-collected Aedes aegypti were carried out. The 4th instars larvae of laboratory-reared and the field-collected A. aegypti mosquitoes were exposed to 5000mg/L, 2000 mg/L, 1000 mg/L, 50...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mehtap Bayir*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Superoxide dismutases are the best-known enzymatic antioxidants because of their central role in the antioxidant defense system. In this study, the phylogeny, gene structure, and conserved gene synteny of sod1 and sod2 genes in fugu—a model organism—were determined. Maximum amino acid similarity identity was found between putative fugu Sod1...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Boxin Dou, Ying Liu*, Yumeng Liu, Lili Fan, Yongqiang Ma, and Yanguo Shi; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to investigate anti angiotensin I converting enzyme (ACE) activity of the rice bran (RB) and comparison of its activity with selected commercial antihypertensive pharmaceutical. A new peptide with ACE inhibition properties was obtained by using alkaline protease to enzymatic hydrolysis of RB crude protein purified by ultrafiltration, size e...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Gul Bahar Khaskheli3, Allah Jurio Khaskheli2 and Arshad Ali Khaskheli1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Present study was conducted at the Department of Animal Nutrition, Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam during the year 2018. Study was subjected to screen and assess different vegetations though browse by camels surrounding the area of Mithi (sandy desert zone), Tando Allahyar (irrigated zone) and Thatta (coastal mangroves zone) of Sindh province. The attributes...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jiantong Feng, Xueping Wen, Yahong Guo, Yingying Ye*, Jiji Li and Baoying Guo; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The clam Meretrix lamarckii is an ecologically and economically important species in the coastal regions of China. In order to characterize the genetic diversity and population structure of M. lamarckii, a 750 bp region of mitochondrial COIII gene and an 822 bp region of 12S rRNA gene were sequenced and analyzed for 118 and 105 individuals from five po...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Housh Muhammad Solangi1, Javaid Ali Gadahi1*, Mansoor Tariq2, Bachal Bhutto1Zubair Ahmed Laghari1, Jamila Soomro3, Taufeeq Ahhmed Khosa1 and Abdullah G Arijo1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Haemonchus contortus is a blood sucking abomasal nematode parasite of small ruminants producing the economic losses. The present study was conducted to explore the immunogenic properties of H. contortus crude proteins (HcCP). Protein profile of HcCP was checked by SDS PAGE and immunogenic proteins were recognized by the antisera produced by using the H...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Gulnaz Afzal1, Ghulam Mustafa2*, Shakila Mushtaq3 and Amer Jamil4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Knowledge about the systematic research is problematic, because distinguishing morphological features are difficult to use in identification of organisms. This problem can be inferred based on DNA sequences of mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit 1 (CO1). In this study, we distinguished five species of spiders using their CO1 gene sequences and compared...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Waseem, Tariq Mahmood*, Abid Hussain, Abdul Hamid, Faraz Akrim, Shaista Andleeb and Hira Fatima; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetanus laniger) inhabits deciduous, broad-leaved forests, thorn brush forests, and coniferous forests, occurring from 1500 up to 4,000 m above sea level. The species, in many areas of its range, is in conflict with humans, however, data on its population and economic losses are scanty in the country. We investigat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yunfang Tian, Zeqin Fu, Jiantong Feng, Yahong Guo, Yingying Ye*, Jiji Li and Baoying Guo; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The freshwater discharge from river and ocean current system influenced the population genetic structure of marine mollusk organisms via promoting or limiting planktonic larval dispersal. The clam, Meretrix meretrix, is an important aquaculture species in the coastal regions of China. However, the previous studies of genetic information about M. meretrix
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lei Gao1, Gong-xue Jia2, Zheng-yuan Huang1, Ming-xing Yue3, Chao Zhang1, Shi-en Zhu1 and Xiang-wei Fu1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study investigated the effect of aging on meiosis progression, embryo developmental competence and DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) in mouse oocytes and resultant early embryos. Germinal vesicle (GV) oocytes were first cultured to monitor the progression of germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) and polar body extrusion (PBE) during in vitro maturation (IVM), ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Seval Dernekbasi* and Emin Karatas; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of alternate cycled feeding regime with diets including different oil sources on fatty acid profiles and growth performances of rainbow trout. Seven trials were implemented; fish oil trial [FO; continuously fed by diet with fish oil (FO)], canola oil trial [CO; continuously fed by diet with canola oil (CO)], safflowe...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Yahya1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Imtiaz Sarwar1, Khurram Shehzad2, Muhammad Luqman3 and 
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sher Muhammad Shahzad2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Land-use types exert a differential impact on soil quality and on the dynamics of edaphic (soil-dwelling) arthropods. This study determined the quality status of soils under different land-use categories (i.e. agricultural crop land, orchard land and natural uncultivated land) and different land-use types (i.e. sugarcane, fodder and rice-wheat fields, ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asim Faraz*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A four-month study was carried out to check the growth potential of Marecha (Camelus dromedarius) calves in intensive management system (IMS) and extensive management system (EMS) in Thal desert, Punjab Pakistan. Twelve male and female calves were divided into two comparable groups of six each containing three males and three females. The first group calves w...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bo Gao1,2, Fengmei Yang3, Wei Chen2, Xiaojia Song4, Xiaobo Liu5 and Dongmin Li1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The purpose of this study is to detect the relative expression level of Multi-drug resistance gene (MDR1) in common tumor malignancies, and evaluate the prognostic value of MDR1 expression in common malignancies. mRNA relative expression levels of MDR1 were detected byreal-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) in tumor, adjacent, and non-cancerous tissues. The tumor markers were de...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Savas Atasever*, Ali Vaiz Garipoglu and Huseyin Erdem; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This aim of this study was to determine the effect of some different feeding and management practices on milk production and traits in Jersey crossbred cows. A total of 78 smallholder dairy farms in the Middle Black Sea region province of Turkey was investigated by raw milk composition (fat (F), protein (P), lactose (L)), density (D), freezing point (FP), somatic ce...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Rizwan Ashraf1, Asif Nadeem1,2, Eric Nelson Smith3, Maryam Javed1, Utpal Smart3, Tahir Yaqub4, Abu Saeed Hashmi1 and Panupong Thammachoti3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Snakes are one of the most dangerous animals with over 40 species of venomous snakes found in Pakistan. One such group of snakes belongs to genus Echis is saw scaled viper (Ehcis carinatus). Molecular techniques have made it easy to elucidate phylogenetic relationships and evolutionary histories of different groups of organisms. This study is the first attem...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ali Asghar1*, Tariq Mukhtar1, Muhammad Usman Raja1 and Asim Gulzar2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The information on the interaction between root-knot nematodes and bacterial wilt is lacking in chili, therefore, in the present study, effects of Meloidogyne javanica and Ralstonia solanacearum were studied on chili singly and in combinations. Significant effects of M. javanica and R. solanacearum and their interaction were observed in c...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Peimin Yang*, Zongyun Hu, Yixin Liu, Guanghai Jin and Lei Wang; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Amur sleeper (Perccottus glenii), is a remarkable invasive species in Euroasia, is natively distributed in Northeast Asia and has been recognized as a candidate for aquaculture in northeast China. To investigate the genetic variability and population structure of this species in its native range, we analysed variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cyt ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wenping Hu1, Xiangyu Wang1, Xiaodi Sun2, Ran Di1, Qiuyue Liu1, Zhangyuan Pan1, Xiaofei Guo1, Xiaohan Cao1, Jinyu Wang2, Yingjie Zhang3, Mei Jin4, Yuze Yang5 and Mingxing Chu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">TAC3 gene is related to the regulation of animal reproductive function. Here we tried to find out the association of the expression and polymorphism of TAC3 gene with the estrus of sheep. TAC3 expression in uterus and pituitary gland increased in estrus of Small Tail Han sheep and Tan sheep. The TAC3 expression level in uterus might relat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Larysa Kladnytska1, Anatoliy Mazurkevych1, Natalia Bezdieniezhnykh2Oleg Melnyc1, Sergiy Velychko3, Mykola Malyuk1, Vasyl Danilov1Yuriy Kharkevych1 and Magdalena Gryzinska4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of the study was immunophenotypic analysis of mesenchymal stem cells from dog adipose tissue during in vitro cultivation. Materials and Methods: Mesenchymal stem cells were obtained from dog adipose tissue by explant method. The cells were cultured in CO2 incubator by standard procedure. Expression of cytoplasmic and membrane proteins on dog...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jing Zhang1,2, Xin Wang2, Yun Zhao2, Yongcheng Jin2, Yongfeng Zhou2, Junmei Wang2, Yurong Fu2, Rui Wang2, Ruihua Li2, Hengtong Fang2 and Hao Yu2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Although mounting evidence has shown that mycotoxins can cause intestinal dysfunction and mucosal immune disorders, the effect of zearalenone (ZEA) on intestinal mucosal function remains controversial. We aimed to explore the effects of short-term ZEA exposure on the mucosal barrier function in the colon. We found that the morphology of colonic mucosa in mice was normal after ZEA was administered ...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Abdullah Khan1, Ibadullah Jan1, Fazli Rabbi2, Shahen Shah3, Rashid Ali1, Kaleem Ullah1 and Muhammad Amin4 

...ther parameters of plant height, number of leaves, leaf length and spike length were at par with their respective maximum results. However, the lengthiest spike (88.10cm) was produced at 100kg/ha nitrogen. Similarly, the application of nitrogen at the rate of 200 kg/ha produced tallest (110.95cm) plants with maximum (9.37) number of leaves and lengthiest (55.75cm) leaves. It can be concluded that application of nitrogen and potash at the rate of 100 kg ha-1 an...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Gong Ga1,2 and SuoLang Sizhu2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is a major potential public health problem in the world. HEV is also highly endemic in China. However, information is lacking on the prevalence of HEV infection in swine in Tibet of China, where raw pork and mixed farming of different species of domestic animals are consumed traditionally. In this study, 173 serum sam...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xuhui Zhang1, Zhiyuan Sun2, Jinfeng Cai1, Guibin Wang1, Zunling Zhu1, Linguo Zhao3 and Fuliang Cao1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of this study was to compare the effect of non-fermented (NF) and fermented Radix astragali-ginkgo leaves (FR) products produced by fermentation using Aspergillus niger on growth, antioxidant capacity and meat quality of broilers. Three hundred day-old commercial Arbor Acres (AA) broiler chicks were randomly allocated into 5 dietary treat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aftab Shaukat1,*, Sana Hanif2, Irfan Shaukat3, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem4,5, Shadab Shaukat6, Rizwan Shukat8, Shahid Ali Rajput9, Imran Shaukat10, Mubashar Hassan4, Khalid Mehmood7, Saqib Umar11 and Muhammad Ali Jamil1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">MicroRNAs (miRNA) are the novel class of small non-coding RNAs comprising of 17-24 nucleotides that, targets in silencing of one or more genes. Despite their importance as gene regulator, computational strategies are still at its initial stages. Several computer based prediction databases remain the only foundation for rapid identification of putative microRNA targe...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Celalettin Gözüaçik1,*, Mustafa Güllü2, Ayda Konuksal3, Reşat Değirmenci3 and Ercan Akerzurumlu3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The cereal leafminer, Syringopais temperatella Lederer (Lepidoptera: Scythridae) is an important pest in barley and wheat in Northern Cyprus. This study was carried out to identify the larval parasitoids and to determine the parasitism rate of S. temperatella. These studies were conducted in 42 cereal fields of 18 villages in Lefkoşa, Girne, Güze...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dongping Liu1, Guogang Zhang1, Chao Wang2, Baoping Qing2 and Jun Lu1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The crested ibis Nipponia nippon formerly occurred throughout East Asia, but since 1981 its unique population has been confined to a narrow band in transborder area of Yangxian, Chenggu and Xixiang County of Shaanxi Province, Central China, on the south slope of the Qinling Mountains. During 2004-2005, 23 crested ibises were experimentally reintroduced to an ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Naseeb Ullah1, Assad Ur Rehman1, Aamir Khan1, Rabia Noushin2Shahid Naiz Khan1, Syed Ishtiaq Anjum1, Sajida Afzal1, Asma Naseem1Kenza Javed1, Ujala Rauf1 and Kalim Ullah1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is an infectious viral disease of cloven-footed animals. It is widespread in Pakistan with huge economic losses. The chief objective of the study was to estimate the sero-prevalence of FMD in livestock in district Lakki Marwat, southern part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) Pakistan. 376 blood samples were randomly collected from livestock (la...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yan-Guo Han, Jia-Yuan Wu, Ri-Su Na, Wei-Jiang Si, Yu-Qin Han, Yan Zeng, Yong-Ju Zhao and Yong-Fu Huang*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study analysed the effect of novel oral and plasmid-injected KISS1 DNA vaccines on immunocastration and in inhibiting mutton odour of male goats. In this study, 20 male goats aged eight weeks were randomly divided into the oral and plasmid-injected KISS1. DNA vaccine groups (groups T1 and T2) and the empty vector groups (groups C1 and C2) for immu...
height: normal;">Mohammad Ejaz1, Salma Javed2, Muhammad Hamza1, Sadia Tabassum2, Muhammad Abubakar3, Irfan Ullah4*
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Natural bioactive molecules or compounds isolated from different living organisms are the rich sources for the novel drugs. Endophytes are the rich source of these bioactive molecules having a wide range of applications as compared to the original products. Fungal endophytes are the most commonly used endophytes for the isolation of various different types of bioac...

Attique Ahmed1, Tariq Sultan1, Ghulam Qadir2, Obaid Afzal2*, Mukhtar Ahmed5, Shamim-Ul-Sibtain Shah3, Muhammad Asif4, Safdar Ali2 and Muhammad Zeeshan Mehmood

...nt, no. of leaves, plant height, ear leaf area, ear inter nodes girth, flag leaf area over T1 in pot experiment. Similarly, the inoculation of PGPR + PSB with T2 and in combination with T1 also at 75% of recommended NP significantly increased chlorophyll content, no. of leaves, plant height, ear leaf area, ear inter nodes girth, flag leaf area over control in the field experiment. Inclusion of PGPR and PSB significantly incr...

Fazli Ahad1, Raziuddin1, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Muhammad Nauman1, Touheed Iqbal3, Nabeel Khan1, Fazli Hameed4 and Quaid Hussain2 

... to 50% flowering, plant height, primary branches plant-1, main raceme length, pods main raceme-1, pod length, seeds pod-1, 1000-seed weight, seed yield plant-1 among genotypes, parents and F3 population. Similarly, parents vs. F3 population also showed significant differences for all the studied traits except primary branches plant-1 and pods main raceme-1, which revealed non-significant differences. Among parents DH4, DH5 performed better for seed yield plan...

Rehman Ali Keerio1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui2, Muhammad Tahir Khan2, Ghulam Shah Nizamani2*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Maryum Siddiqui4, Hajra Khan3 and Farheen Deeba Soomro

...tions. The maximum plant height (203.33 cm), stem girth (11.67 cm), head diameter (19.71 cm), number of seeds head-1 (1300.0), seeds weight head-1 (62.74 g), seeds index (60.12 g), seed yield (1927.8 kg ha-1) and oil content (41.92%) were observed under 2.00% Zn, while and minimum plant height (143.67 cm), stem girth (6.19 cm), head diameter (12.65 cm), number of seeds head-1 (715.3), seeds weight head-1 (35.53 g), seed inde...

Nadia Mangrio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Nihaluddin Mari3 and Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2

...s of planting when plant height was about 75 cm. Application of Zn was done in the shape of Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) whereas, Boron in the shape of Borax (Na2B4O7. 10H2O). The statistical analysis of pooled data of two years experiments indicated that growth, yield, quality and plant nutrients contents of sugarcane were affected appreciably (P<0.05) by Zn and B as judged to check plots. Zn at 15 kg ha-1 (soil applied) resulted in enhanced traits particularly c...
height: normal;">Qaisra Siddique1, Sajid Abdullah1, Huma Naz2*, Khalid Abbas1, Laiba Shafique3


...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Abstract | This work was performed to evaluate glutathione S-transferase (GST) activityand total protein contents (TPCs) in tissues viz. brain, gills, kidney, heart, muscle and liver of Labeo rohita kept under sub-lethal dose (4.13 µgL-1) of chlorpyrifos. Fish was kept under chlorpyrifos stress for two months and samples were collected on weekly basis. It was noted ...
height: normal;">Waqas Ahmad Shams1*, Gauhar Rehman1, Khurshaid Khan1, Ibrar Ahmad1, Saima Bibi1, Saif Ul Islam2, Dawood Safi1, Saba Gul Ayaz1
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The crab found in fresh water is a source for proteins having immense importance and its use as a food is not hidden from anyone. Its use by the traditional healers and animal therapists as a healthy calcium supplement and in healing of other injuries is also proven. In the present study, the diversity and abundance of crabs from Buner district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan were looked over, ove...
height: normal;">Mubashar Hussain1*, Misbah Younas1,Muhammad Faheem Malik1, Muhammad Umar1, Maimoona Kanwal1, Moazama Batool2
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Dung beetles play significant role in the ecosystems by nutrient recycling and waste removal. The study was conducted to explore the distributional patterns of dung beetle assemblages on local scales. The sampling was accomplished by surveying grassy fields, croplands, old dung piles and fresh dung pats from selected localesofSialkot during 2016. Specimens were collected by hand picking and cattl...

Ahmad Naeem Shahzad1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi2, Samee Ullah1, Muhammad Latif3, Shakeel Ahmad1 and Syed Asad Hussain Bukhari1* 

...root fresh weight, plant height, leaf dry weight and root dry weight were severely hampered by salt stress. The absence of necrosis in cotton leaves under salt treatments indicated that growth was primarily restricted by the osmotic component of salt stress. Activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase) in plant leaves were increased in response to salt stress. Treatment of stressed plants with trehalose considerably improve...
height: normal;">Daniel Kerr Baines
...l; font-size: 32px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">At the time of writing this article 11 April 2020, the disease CoVID-19 caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2 has claimed over 100,000 lives and affected essentially every country on the globe with over 1.6 million cases (John Hopkins, 2020). CoVID-19 has overwhelmed the medical capacity of countries like Italy and Spain, to a point not seen since the Spanish flu e...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Maria Khalid1, Tanveer Hussain1*, Zahid Farooq2, Kamran Abbas1 and Masroor Ellahi Babar1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The taxonomy of Alectoris chukar (A. chukar) has been a complex debate with different classifications and revisions suggested based on their morphology, geographical distribution and chromosome number. In Pakistan the Chukar partridge (A.chukar)), is an important member of Phasianidae family, however a scarce molecular data is reported that urged us to...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mehmet Mamay1* and Ayşin Bilgili2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study was carried out in total of 10 pomegranate orchards in Central Şanlıurfa, Akçakale, Bozova, Harran, Hilvan, Siverek and Suruç counties of Şanlıurfa province in South-Eastern Region of Turkey in 2013 and 2014. Infestation rate of Carob Moth (CM) and Brown Spot Disease (BSD) were determined by controlling a total of 100 fruits from four dif...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was carried out in District Swat from January to July, 2017. Blood samples were collected from all age groups patients visiting hospital labs and District Head Quarter Laboratory who were recommended for diagnosis of malaria. About 1050 patients were examined and malaria was detected through microscopy of thick and thin blood smears and rapid diagn...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Sarmad, Syed Muhammad Zaka* and Syed Muhammad Tahir Abbas Shah; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The dusky cotton bug, Oxycarenus laetus Kirby. (Lygaidae: Hemiptera) had become a critical pest of cotton crop. Dusky cotton bug feeds on leaves, stems and seeds of host plants. Being a serious pest of many important crops, the present work will study on biology and bionomics of O. laetus on three different hosts Gossypium hirsutum,
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Masroor Ellahi Babar*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kappa-casein played critical role in the expression of milk protein. It stabilizes the milk micelle and gene 5’ flanking region which works valuably in transcription regulation. Current study illustrates that Kappa-casein gene 5︠ flanking region in Dromedary camel of Pakistan is highly polymorphic and it is phylogeneticaly linked with other mammals. The anal...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Samia Afzal*,Sadia Zahid, Iram Amin, Muhammad Shahid and Muhammad Idrees; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chikungunya virus is Aedes mosquitoe transmitted virus that has typical signs and symptoms of high fever, headache, hemorrhage and body rashes. Although in the past decade millions of people in several continents like Asia, Africa and some islands of Indian Ocean have faced the major outbreaks of Chikungunya virus because of its travel associated febrile natu...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hifzulrahman1, Muhammad Abdullah1*, Muhammad Uzair Akhtar2, Jalees Ahmed Bhatti3, Muhammad Saadullah1 and Muhammad Naveed-ul-Haque2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of present study was to evaluate the effect of Ca salts of palm fatty acids on milk production, milk fat, plasma metabolites, and reproductive parameters in early-lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes. Sixteen early-lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes received 2 treatments in a completely randomized design with a period length of 120-d. The treatments were 1) Ctrl =...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wen Qin1,2, YanGan Huang1, Lei Wang1, Gonghua Lin1, Jundong Yang1,2, Pengfei Song1,2, Hongmei Gao1,2, Jingjie Zhang1,2 and Tongzuo Zhang1,3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Goitered gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa) mainly live in arid and semi-arid environments. In Qinghai Province, goitered gazelle are found only in the Qaidam Basin, which shows pronounced seasonal changes ranging from cold, dry winters to short, hot summers. The gut microbiota plays a very important role in host health, immunity, and digestion. Therefore, season...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Renlong Lv1*, Ken-Ichi Horiguchi2, Shin-Ichi Tagawa3, Shoichi Ichihara4 and Norio Yoshida; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of the study was to investigate feed intake, blood biochemistry, liver function, and ruminal fermentation in sheep fed heat-treated jatropha meal. The experiment was performed twice (experiment I and II). The subjects were 6 wethers. They were divided into two treatments (rapeseed diet and jatropha diet) randomly and were tested by using a cross over m...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sikander Ali* and S. Wajiha Khalid; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present work describes the optimization of process parameters for the enhanced production of a novel fungal exo-inulinase under liquid culture. Different fungal cultures were isolated and collected from various localities of Lahore and Murree (Punjab, Pakistan). Screening of these cultures was carried out in chemically defined medium i.e., 0.5 g/l (NH4
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Weihao Chen1,2, Zhilong Tian2, Lin Ma2, Shangquan Gan3, Wei Sun1,4,* and Mingxing Chu2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To elucidate the tissue expression levels of BMPR1B, BMP15, GDF9, Smad1, Smad5, and Smad9 genes in rams with different fecundity, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to investigate the expression level of six genes in the brain, cerebellum, hypothalamus, pituitary, testis, epididymis, vas deferens, and ...

Jie Yang; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Papillary thyroid cancer is one of the most common tumours subtype in thyroid cancers. Substantial amount of data have indicated that miR-16 is an important regulator of various tumours; however, the molecular functions of miR-16 in papillary thyroid cancer remained largely elusive. In order to investigate the regulation of miR-16, human papillary thyroid carci...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Qingzhan Ma1, Bo Wu1, Jianping Jiang2 and Zhaobin Song1,3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In the present study, the genetic variability and relationships of the domestic populations of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) in Sichuan Province, China were studied to determine their genetic background and provide essential data for its artificial breeding. Eight microsatellite markers were used to analyze genetic characteristics of eight channel cat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Quratulain1, Ata-ul-Mohsin1, Muhammad Naeem1, Ghulam Shabir1, Muhammad Khalid Rafique2 and Rashid Mahmood2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Thrips tabaci Lind. commonly called as onion thrips, is important foliage feeding pest of vegetables crops of Pakistan. For this research Ten onion accessions Early red, Phulkara, Chiltan, Saryab red, Swat-1, Hazara, Nasarpuri, Red imposta, VRIO-7, VRIO-8 were evaluated during rabi season of 2017-18 at Chak Shahzad, Islamabad (33o 40 N and 7...

 Muhammad Rafay1,*, Ghafoor Ahmad1, Tahira Ruby2, Muhammad Abdullah3, Fahad Rasheed4, Muhammad Abid1, Sohail Akhtar5, Zulfiqar Ahmad6 and Riaz Hussain7; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study was undertaken to find out breeding activities and feeding behavior of jungle babbler Turdoides striata from February to September, 2014. The cup shaped nests were made of dry grass and roots by a group of individuals of jungle babbler on Albizzia species having an average clutch size of 4 eggs. Average peripheral and core diameter, depth of ...
height: normal;">Saeed Fatima1, Khalid Javed Iqbal1, Usman Atique2,3*, Arshad Javid4, Noor Khan2, Sonia Iqbal2, Hamid Majeed5, Hamda Azmat2, Bakhat Yawar Ali Khan6, Irfan7, Muhammad Tausif Shahid1, Gulnaz Afzal1
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) and cadmium (Cd) are one of the greatest threats to aquatic biota for their persistence, bioaccumulation and biomagnification across the globe.This study presents the first hand data of toxic trace metals in edible fish muscles, sediments and water sampled from Head Punjnad (HP), Pakistan during 2017. The likely reason for the selection of HP as a study target was its e...
height: normal;">Muhammad Shuaib Khan1, Shakeeb Ullah1, Nisha. A.R2, Muhammad Umar3, Muhammad Inamullah Malik1*, Syed Muhammad Kamal Shah1, A. Zaman1, Shakir Ullah1, Imdad Ullah1, Sumera Ali Khan4
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Domestic farming has a great contribution in rural agriculture, livestock and dairy sectors of Pakistan. Their help ranges from the crop and livestock production to cottage industry. The women in rural societies of Pakistan deliver many farm duties especially in the Punjab province, anterior Sindh, KP, Gilgat-Baltistan and Baluchistan. In the hilly areas men and women of the rural community use t...
height: normal;">Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Annamaria Passantino2, Ayman Balla Mustafa3, Nasir Ali Tauqir4, Naeem Ullah Khan5, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel6
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The present study was undertaken to evaluate the blood biochemical and wool mineral profile of Marecha dromedary camel calves reared in intensive management system (IMS) by feeding two different dietary regimes. The study was conducted at camel breeding and research station (CBRS) Rakh-Mahni tahsil Mankera of district Bhakkar-Punjab, Pakistan. Ten male calves of 31...
height: normal;">Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Mudasser Nazir2, Aneela Hameed3, Nasir Ali Tauqir4, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Rana Muhammad Bilal5
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Posterior pituitary releases a hormone named oxytocin (OT) that causes contraction of smaller ducts and myoepithelial cells surrounding the alveoli of mammary glands. The milking process is allowed to be managed by an exogenous OT by its vital role in neuro hormonal milk-ejection process. OT increases milk yield by
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahmad Osman Mal1 and Mohamed Hosny Gabr1,2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The current stock status of two Parrotfish, Hipposcarus harid and Scarus ferrugineus in Jeddah was assessed. Scales were used for age determination and back calculations of length-at-ages. The growth parameters were estimated to be: the asymptotic length L = 54.044 cm, the growth coefficient K = 0.168 year-1, and age at zer...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Salahud Din1,*, Saima Masood1, Hafsa Zaneb1, Habib ur Rehman2, Saima Ashraf1, Imad Khan3, Muqader Shah4 and Syed Abdul Hadi1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of this study was (1) to study gross morphological, osteometric and clinical important landmarks in the skull of adult Chinkara to obtain baseline data and (2) to study sexual dimorphism in male and female adult Chinkara through osteometry. For this purpose, after performing postmortem examination, the carcass of adult Chinkara of known sex and age was...

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Muhammad Zubair Khan1, Ayesha Bibi2, Muhammad Shehzad Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad traits such as plant height, maximum number of fruits plant-1 and yield were observed and severity of disease was investigated for supplement efficacy. The biochemical results obtained were all positive, which confirmed stem rot pathogen as Erwinia carotovora sub spp. chrysanthemi (gram-negative bacteria). Highest plant height (75.3 cm) and maximum number of fruits plant-1 (14.3) were recorded with A. indica when applied...

Muhammad Safdar Hussain1*, Muhammad Farrakh Nawaz2, Muhammad Ayyoub Tanvir2 and Noor-E-Hira

...d plant growth. The mean heights of E. camaldulensis and T. aphylla were maximum (38.16 and 34.7 cm, respectively) at control irrigation while minimum height was found (17.1 and 24.9 cm, respectively) at 50% drought. So, the reduction in plant height of E. camaldulensis was more (55.6%) as compared to T. aphylla (28.1%). The reduction in root length of both species was 19% and 9% respectiv...

Akbar Hayat*, Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Ehsan Ul Haque, Ahmed Raza, Faheem Khadeeja 

...ock ratio. Maximum plant height attained in T0(Rough lemon) with max. canopy volume. All the exotic root stocks are compatible with Feutrell’s early. Objectively maximum fruit weight, fruit size, juice percentage and yield obtained in T1 Troyer citrange and T2 Cox mandarin as compared to local root stock rough lemon. Results depict that exotic citrus root stock Troyer citrange and Cox mandarin performed well with Feutrell’s early in the local clima...

Aqsa Ahmad1, Iftikhar Ahmad1* and Malik Fiaz Hussain Ferdosi (days), tallest plant height (cm), optimal leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD), highest leaf area (cm2), fresh and dry weight (g), longest vase life (days). Substrates containing CC, RH and PM (50% + 40% + 10%; v/v/v) were superior to substrates of SD, PH and PM. For commercial cut antirrhinum production, substrates with locally available components of CC, RH and RM can be recommended. 

height: normal;Times New Roman";">Min Lv1, Hui Gan2, Zhide Ruan1, Huizan Yang1, Rui Wang1, Laiba Shafique3, Huma Naz4 and Huawei Ma1,; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A total of 204 Cirrhinus molitorella at a stocking density of 7 individuals/m3were equally divided between three closed rectangular concrete ponds (4 m × 2 m × 1.6 m; water depth 1.2 m) with dissolved oxygen concentrations above 5.2 ± 0.3 mg/l, and pH 6.5–8.1. Water flow in the ponds was poor. The amount of feed increased f...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Daniel Masood1, Noor Khan1*, Khalid Javed Iqbal2, Sadaf Dogar1, Abdul Hanan1, Sadia Nazir1, Sheeza Bano1, Azra Anwar2, Sameul A.M. Martin3  and Chris J. Secombes3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was conducted to examine the effect of replacing soybean meal in fish diets with the cheaper alternative plant protein moringa meal (Moringa oleifera) on growth and body composition of Labeo rohita fingerlings. L. rohita (average weight 190.25±00g) were stocked randomly in glass aquaria for a 90 day feeding trial. Fish w...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bin Huo1 and Xiaoyun Shen1,2,3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tibetan Gazelle (Procapra picticaudata) are native wildlife to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, China. During the past five years, Tibetan Gazelle have been affected by rickets and osteomalacia, characterized by emaciation, growth retardation, lameness,enlargement of the costochondral junctions and abnormal curvature in long bones. The aim of the study was to deter...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ali Uzun* and Bilgenur Yasa; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, the effect of temperature and the total number of individuals of coot Fulica atra on group formation and dispersal on the lake surface was studied. Coots form large groups in winter (as many as 11,500 individuals). The total number of individuals has no effect on dispersal on the lake surface and grouping behavior of the species (p>0.05). Te...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Urosevic Milivojeheight: normal;">1, Matejevic Milosavaheight: normal;">2height: normal;">*, Drobnjak Darkoheight: normal;">1 and Ozkanal Umitheight: normal;">3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tazi is a Turkish sighthound breed that has not yet been officially recognized by the world canine organization - Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). Research and analysis of morphometric parameters are required in order to write an official breed standard and recognize this breed. Previous research on this sighthound breed has shown on...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Şükrü Önalan1*, Muhammed Arabacı1and Haşmet Çağırgan2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lactococcus garvieae is one of the main pathogenic agents in rainbow trout farms in Turkey. Twenty-two L. garvieae isolates obtained from different regions in Turkey were evaluated phenotypically in the study. In all isolates, cream colored, bright, round and S-type colonies with smooth margins were seen in TSA medium. They were alive during native exa...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aamir Mushtaq1,2, Rukhsana Anwar1 and Mobasher Ahmad1,2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Considering Alzheimer’s disease a universal challenge, this study was planned to utilize the bio-constituents of Pimpinella anisum dried seeds to check the oxidative neuronal decay in brain parts. Methanolic extract of Pimpinella anisum (meP.a) dried seeds was explored qualitatively and quantitatively for analysis of phytoconstituents along with ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yan Xu1, Jia Zhou1, Guangfu Lv2, Yuexin Liu1, Xintong Zhao1, Xin Li1, Doudan Ye2, Xiaobo Qu1,* and Xiaowei Huang1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Doxorubicin (DOX) is widely used clinically for the treatment of various malignant tumors, but it is accompanied by severe body toxic reactions, especially cardiac toxicity. This article explores the effects of pilose antler peptide (PAP) on DOX-induced myocardial injury and related mechanisms through in vitro experiments. Different concentrations of DOX were used t...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Alicja Kowalczyk1, Marian Kuczaj2, Anna Szul3 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to examine the effect of the GnRH analogue (buserelin acetate) on the quality of frozen-thawed bovine spermatozoa. In this study, ten Polish Holstein-Friesian bulls with an average age of 3.5 ± 0.5 years were housed individually in pens. From each bull, two ejaculates were collected using an artificial vagina. Semen samples that show...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ke Zhang1, Shuai Liu2, Qiu Chen1, Yu Wang1, Li Liu1, Bingjie Li1, Kai Ma1, Xiaoya Wei1, Aijun Li3 and Junyan Li2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">We aimed to screen novel tick antigens using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) followed by western blot analysis (WB) with artificial antiserum. A total of 105 Haemaphysalis longicornis (H. longicornis) ticks were selected to prepare protein samples. Some of them were used for 2-DE, and the others were used to immunize mice to collect tick ant...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ambrin1*, Ghulam Dastagir1, Jehan Bakht2 and Muhammad Adil1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study investigates antimicrobial activities of different solvent extracted samples of Ziziphus mauritiana var. spontanea and Oenothera biennis against different microbes. Ethyl acetate and ethanolic extracts of Z. mauritiana var. spontanea measured the highest zone of inhibition against Staphylococcus epidermidis, Es...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Asim1, Zaheer Ahmad2, M. Akbar Khan1, M. Adeeb Babar1, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1,*, Muhammad Khalil Nawaz1, Kiran Aftab3 and Muhammad Akhtar4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tragoportax cf. salmontanus have been recovered from the Chinji Formation of the Lower Siwalik Subgroup, Pakistan. The remains comprise horn-cores, maxillary and mandibular fragments, and isolated teeth. Having compared with the previously described bovid remains from the Siwaliks, the new material has been allocated to Tragoportax cf. salmo...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Imran Khan1, Muhammad Nawaz1,*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Mansur-ud-Din Ahmad2, Adnan Mehmood1, Masood Rabbani1, Amina Mustafa1 and Muhammad Asad Ali1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Probiotics are useful in modulating and strengthening the gut microbiota. Present study was designed to determine the effect of three previously characterized probiotic lactobacilli i.e. L. fermentum IKP 23, L. fermentum IKP 111 and L. salivarius IKP 333 on histomorphology of small intestine and D-xylose absorption capacity in broiler cha...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sajjad Ali1,*, M. Irfan Ullah2, Asif Sajjad1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, M. Aslam Farooqi1, M. Shahid Rizwan3, Qaiser Shakeel4, Sohail Akhter1,Muhammad Raheel4 and Muhammad Arshad2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">How fitness of herbivore insects alters with different host plants in terms of their physicomorphic attributes has been the subject of great interest with point of their integrated pest management. Helicoverpa armigera (Noctuidae; Lepidoptera) -being highly polyphagous- is the pest of many crops and exhibits high fecundity and migrating efficiency. The presen...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hui-Ying Chen1,2*, Ping-Chuan Yin1,2, Ya-Nan Lu1,2, Hai-Yun Li1,2*and Yang Shan3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aspirin is a widely used anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic drug that exhibits chemopreventive anti-tumor properties. Aspirin is considered to be partially mediated by the induction of apoptosis in cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of aspirin in the prevention of cancer are yet to be fully elucidated. In the current study, the GSE115660 microarra...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lei Wang1, Lu Yang2, Lei Luo1, Yaqi Gao1*, Jian Gao1 and Ping Liu1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study elucidated the differences between Apocheima cinerarius Ershoff (1874)populations from various geographic regions (southern and northern Xinjiang) based on morphological features, biological characteristics, and gene expression, thus providing a theoretical basis for the genetic manipulation of A. cinerarius. Illumina RNA-Seq was used to per...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yuhong Li1, Dongxue Wu1, Xue Wang1, Mi Zhang1, Hanyu Zhu1, Zhe Shi1 and Fumin Feng1,2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) regulates the gene expression of eukaryotic cells. This study aims to reveal the changes in NF-κB during the development and progression of liver injury induced by anti-tuberculosis drugs in mice. A total of 168 Kunming mice were randomly divided into four experimental groups and one baseline group. The drug groups were or...

Riffat Sultana*, Nuzhat Soomro and Muhammad Saeed Wagan; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A new species Oxya kashmorensis (Oxyinae: Acrididae: Orthoptera) from Kashmore, Sindh, Pakistan is described and illustrated. We provide a comparison of Oxya kashmorensis sp.nov. and O. nitidula which is recorded from Pakistan for the first time. Comparative information on the female genitalia of both species is provided. Further, a note on...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sana Khan1, Raheela Taj1, Noor Rehman2, Asad Ullah3, Imad Khan3 and Sadeeq ur Rahman3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Citrobacter freundii, a common cause of nosocomial infections leading to diarrhea, urinary tract infection and meningitis, is increasingly becoming multidrug resistant. The current study was aimed to determine the prevalence and antibiotic susceptibility pattern of extended spectrum β-lactamases producing C. freundii clinical isolates. A to...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shaista Abbas1,Imtiaz Rabbani1, Hafsa Zaneb2, M. Shahbaz Yousaf1, Saima Ashraf2, Abid Hussain Shahzad3, M. Afzal Rashid4 and Habib Rehman1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Transition period in ruminants is defined as a phase of 3 weeks preceding and post parturition. It is characterized by metabolic stress, reduced feed intake, intense mobilization of energy reserves, increased nutritional requirements and changes in dams’ metabolism. Yeast Supplementation has been found to increase the production performance and nutrient digest...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Saeed Imran1, Asim Aslam1*, Muhammad Yasin2, Tahir Yaqoob2 and Beenish Zahid3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Despite the presence of vaccines, Newcastle disease (ND) and Infectious Bronchitis (IB) outbreaks are not uncommon in endemic countries. Therefore, the current study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of commercially available vaccines against each virus alone as well as co-infections with NDV and IBV in commercial poultry. For assessment of vaccine efficacy,...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fermín López-Uriostegui1, Jesus T. Ponce-Palafox2*, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso1, María R. Castañeda-Chávez1, Itzel Galaviz-Villa1, Sergio Castillo-Vargasmachuca2 and Arturo Ruiz Luna3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The effect of different levels of temperature (23, 26, 29, and 32ºC) and salinity (0, 5, and 10‰) on growth performance and survival of Macrobrachium americanum was studied under controlled laboratory conditions. Sub-adult’s prawns (10.29 ± 0.27 g) were reared in these conditions for 72 days. Each experimental group contained 25 prawn...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yue Qin Song, Hui Zhong Sun* and Jun Feng Dong; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Olfactory receptors (ORs) in the dendritic membrane of olfactory cells are the key elements in the molecular recognition and discrimination of odorants. On the basis of female and male antennal transcriptomes of Yemma signatus adults, a total of 66 candidate Y. signatus olfactory receptor genes (YsigORs), including one olfactory co-receptor (Orco), wer...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mahvish Rajput1, Abdullah G. Arijo1, Muhammad Bachal Bhutto1Rehana Shahnawaz Buriro2, Javaid Ali Gadahi1, Muhammad Naeem3 and Zubair Ahmed Laghari1*; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of rumen fluke (Paramphistome spp.) infection in sheep slaughtered at the abattoir of Hyderabad, Pakistan and their molecular characterization with analysis of their evolutionary relationship. A total of 200 rumens from slaughtered sheep were examined and out of 200 sheep, a total of 75 (37.5%) were positiv...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Murtala Muhammad, Ting Zhang, Siyu Gong, Jing Bai, Jiansong Ju, Baohua Zhao* and Dong Liu*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";"> Streptococcus iniae infection of cultured fish species is in an alarming trend, due to the possible emergence of antibiotic resistant strains. The bacteria was responsible for the disease outbreak that caused massive mortality of Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis) in 2016. We isolated the pathogenic bacteria (HNM-1) from the infected A. sin...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Arifa Savanur1,*, Tallat Naz1,2, Tayyaba Hamid1,3, Syed Abid Ali4, Mian Jahangir1,3 and Muhammad Abdul Azeem4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mechanical properties of a muscle have traditionally been described on the basis of the characteristics of parallel elastic component (PEC), series elastic component (SEC) and contractile element (CE). Reptiles in general and Uromastix in particular have been less investigated regarding the mechanical responses and the characteristics of elastic elements of t...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sohail Ahmed1,*, Muhammad Waseem Saleem1, Abid Ali1, Muhammad Shahid Nisar2, Rashad Rasool Khan1 and Abdul Rashid3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In order to find out the integration of biocontrol agents with plant chemical and insecticide against Thrips tabaci L. (Thripidae: Thysanoptera), release of Coccinella septempunctata and Chrysoperla carnea, spray of Neem Seed Kernel Extract (NSKE) 5% and spinosad 240 SL (Tracer) were integrated in all possible combinations, thus, making a total ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Omer Draz1, Xijun Ni2, Khizar Samiullah1,*, Riffat Yasin1, Rana Mehroz Fazal1, Sakeela Naz1, Saleem Akhtar1, Mahpara Gillani1 and Muzammil Ejaz1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">New fossil remains of order artiodactyla have been recovered from Dhok Pathan Formation, northern Pakistan. The assemblage represents 16 specimens belonging to seven species of order artiodactyla which are Selenoportax vexillarius, Pachyportax latidens, Dorcatherium minus, Dorcatherium majus, Gazella lydekkeri, Hippopotamodon sivalense and Propotamochoerus...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Anwarullah1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Ghulam Mustafa3, Muhammad Husnain1 and Muhammad Usman1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Johne’s disease has its economic importance worldwide because of heavy treatment cost and poor outcomes. This study is conducted on experimentally challenged rabbits to observe the efficacy of amikacin and cinnamon. A total of 40 SPF (specific pathogen free) rabbits were selected at the age of two months. Rabbits were given experimental challenge with oral ino...

H. Liu1, X.P. Tang1, R.J. Fang1,*, F.Yi2, C. Zhang2, R.Q. Yang1, F. Sun1 and S.Y. Zhou1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of different level of copper amino acids complex on growth performance and serum Cu-Zn SOD activity in piglets. A total of 288 (144 castrated males and 144 females) healthy post-weaned at 23-day-old piglets (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire) with an average body weight of (8.79±1.15) kg were ra...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xiuqing Hao1, Zhe Hong2, Huili Gao1, Fumin Tian1, Hongke Zhang3, Yu Zhou3, Yuming Guo3, Guang Yang1,* and Bingyao Chen1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The baseline information of density, distribution pattern of seabird community, and seabird-fishery interactions in the oceans are still relatively rare in China. From November 2013 to January 2014, we utilized line-transect method to investigate the bird community and fishery vessel in Beihai and Shatian, northern Beibu Gulf, China, for obtaining the baseline knowl...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sara Zafar* and Asmatullah; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Our objective was to assess the fetotoxic effect of a commonly used antihypertensive drug, atenolol during gestation and ameliorative effect of pomegranate juice against its toxicity. Dose was administered to pregnant mice by gavage. The high dose contains Atenolol 2.5 µg/g body weight (B.wt.) of treated mice and low dose contains 1.65 µg/g B.wt. The dos...

Tingting Li, Shuangshuang Geng, Long Xie, Huiyan Xu, Aolin Luo, Pengwei Zhao, Huan Yang, XingWei Liang, YangQing Lu, XiaoGan Yang* and KeHuan Lu*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a neurotrophic factor cloned from mouse brain tissue by Lin et al. (1993) and can also be secreted by Sertoli cells. GDNF has a variety of physiological functions and plays important roles in the nervous system and in the reproduction of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). To date, commercialized murine and ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rabia Saeed1, Muhammad Naveed1, Muhammad Razaq2*, Muhammad Rafiq1, Muhammad Tahir Jan1, Syed Ishfaq Ali Shah1, Shabana Wazir1 and Fahad Munir3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dysdercus koenigii Fabricius (Hemiptera: Pyrrhocoridae) has become destructive pest of cotton since 2011. The pest causes severe lint staining and seed germination reduction problems. Antilochus coquebertii (Fabricius) (Heteroptera: Pyrrhocoridae) is significant predator of the genus Dysdercus and other members of the pyrrhocoridan family...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Khayyam1*, Muhammad Zahid1, Naiz Ali2 and Qadeem Khan3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was conducted to find the hormonal variations resulted after the autoimmune thyroid disease. Out of total eighty two autoimmune thyroid patients 50 were Hashimoto’s thyroiditis patients (HT) (30 female, mean age=34±1.43 years, 20 males mean age =38.35±1.17 years) and control group included 35 individuals (20 females mean age=31....
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shaheen Rahman1, Kafeel Ahmad1*, Niaz Ali2, Muhammad Idrees3 and Waqar Ali4; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Agrobacterium tumefaciens is a plant pathogen that causes devastating Crown Gall disease. Current studies were aimed at the isolation of A. tumefaciens from local soil. Five soil samples were collected from research farm of Agricultural University Peshawar, Pakistan. Soil samples were processed for the isolation of A. tumefaciens. Various bioche...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tehreem Usman1, Sajid Abdullah1, Huma Naz2*, Khalid Abbas1, Laiba Shafique3 and Qaisra Siddique1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The main objective of this experiment was to see the behaviour, catalase (CAT) activity and total protein contents (TPC) in Ctenopharyngodon idella under binary mixtures of insecticides viz. endosulfan(ES)+chlorpyrifos(CPF) and endosulfan(ES)+bifenthrin (BIF). The fish behaviour was observed from both treated and control groups. Fish under exposure of insecti...
height: normal;">Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Saliha Khalid1, Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,2, Ayesha Iqbal1, Muhammad Ameen1
...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Current study deals with the systematic investigations of Boselaphine specimens belonging to genera Pachyportax and Selenoportax. The available information on both taxa is scanty and only few specimens are known for both genera especially Pachyportax. The members of both genera have medium to large sized body with strong hypsodonty of teeth representing grazing on coarse gras...
height: normal;">Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Imran Bodlah1*, Ammara Gull e Fareen1,2, Muhammad Shakeel Khokhar1
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Carebara Westwood (1840) is a species rich genus in subfamily Myrmicinae. Many species of this genus are reported from various parts of the world including neighbouring countries of Pakistan. Members of this genus are considered as generalized foragers and cryptic in nature. Collected material was verified using most recent and available literatu...
height: normal;">Dil Afroza Khanom1, Amirun Nesa1, Muhammad Abu Sayed Jewel1, Muhammad Ayenuddin Haque1, Alok Kumar Paul1, Sonia Iqbal2, Usman Atique2,3*, Lubna Alam4
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">This study investigated edible and commercially valuable fish species viz. Gudusia chapra and Eutropiichthys vacha, for the muscular tissue bioaccumulation of selected heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr, Zn, Cu, and Mn) and their human health risks. A total of 50 fish species (25 individuals each) were examined from the Padma River, Bangladesh, and subjected to heavy metal...
height: normal;">Afzal Nimra1, Zulfiqar Ali1*, Safdar Sidra 2, Rida Ahmad1
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The airborne levels of carcinogenic trace metals lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), arsenic (As) and nickel (Ni) were evaluated in the Orthopaedic Operation Theater (OOT), Orthopaedic Wards (OW) and Orthopaedic Emergency Rooms (OER) of six hospitals, in Lahore, Pakistan. Overall, the average levels of Cd, As and Ni (31, 20, and 37 ng/m3) were lower indoors as compared to outdoors (39, 21, and 51...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

...ed LAI (9.6%), increased height (3.5%), enhanced crop growth rate (CGR) (8.6%) and increased chlorophyll a and b (9.8% and 8.5%). BM application significantly increased emergence (6.1%), delayed heading (2.3%) and maturity (3.04%), increased leaves and leaf area tiller-1 (9.1 and 14.1%), increased LAI (36.4%), increased height (8.65%), enhanced CGR (27.8%) and increased chlorophyll a and b (29% and 27.9%). Significantly earl...

Muhammad Younis1, Shahen Shah1*, Inamullah1, Rozina Gul2, Arshad Jalal1, Farhan Khalil1, Iqbal Hussain1 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad

...‑1, grain yield, plant height, and harvest index (HI) were observed highest using P @ 50 kg ha-1, while flowering and maturity were delayed when no P and S applied. Pods plant-1and biological yield were recorded highest at sulphur level 45 kg ha-1. The HI attained its peak at 75 kg P ha-1 with no sulphur application. It was concluded that solicitation of phosphorus and sulphur @ 50 kg ha-1 and 45 kg ha-1, respectively resulted in significantly higher yield c...

Ahmad Khan1*, Raza Ullah Khan1, Sadia Khan2, Muhammad Zameer Khan1 and Fayyaz Hussain1 

... show that highest plant height of 45cm was obtained when HS applied at the rate of 30 mg l-1as followed by 44.67cm where HS was applied @ 45mg l-1. The highest number of pods/plant-1 (22) were obtained in HS applied at the rate of 30 mg l-1 followed by 22.00 at the rate of 45 mg l-1. The maximum biomass wt. 14.24 g was received in 15 mg l-1followed by 30 mg l-1 having weight of 14 g. The highest straw weight of 8.78 g was obtained in 30 mg l-1 treatment. The ...
height: normal;">Mian Adnan Kakakhel1, Faryal Gohar1, Zahid Anwar2, Raza Ullah1, Muhammad Attaullah3, Shahbaz Ahmad4, Aamir Khan5, Kalimullah5*
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Toxoplasmosis is a parasitic disease caused by T. gondii, which infects warm-blooded animals worldwide. This study was conducted with the main objectives, determination of seroprevalence of T. gondii infection in pet dogs. To evaluate the main associated risk factors related with T. gondii exposur...

Ayesha Zafar1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Sarfraz2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sher Muhammad3 and Ghulam Murtaza

...ity data regarding plant height, capsules/plant and seeds/capsules, 1000 grain weight, number of plants/m length, grain yield, total biomass and harvest index were recorded. All the above parameters were enhanced by increasing fertilizer rate and maximum values were achieved where fertilize was applied at the rate of 210-210-112.5 kg ha-1 (150 % of recommended dose i.e., T5). Grain yield increased more prominently when compared with straw yield where fertilize...

Muhammad Jan1*, Safdar Hussain2, Muhammad Anwar ul Haq3, Javed Iqbal4, Ilyas Ahmad4, Muhammad Aslam4 and Aiman Faiz3 

...f bolls per plant, plant height, sympodial branches, monopodial and seed cotton yield as compared to compost and FYM individual application. Among the all varieties, Lalazar performed better by producing maximum monopodial and sympodial branches, plant height, bolls per plant and seed cotton yield as compared to BT-142 and BT-786 while minimum performance was observed in BT-142. 

height: normal;">Muhammad Mohibullah1*, Mehran1, Sundas Batool1, Muhammad Amin1, Zakiullah1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Irfanullah1, Abdur Rehman1 and Sardar Ali3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Genetic variability and heritability studies were carried out during 2017-2018 for earliness, phonological and yield related parameters in desi Cicer arietinum L. genotypes atAgriculture Research Institute, D. I. Khan, Pakistan. Sixteen chickpea genotypes including 14 accessions along with 2 check varieties (Bhakkar-2011 and Bittle-2016) were grown and evaluated according to (RCB) design in three blocks. High va...
height: normal;">Neelam Pery*, Nayab Batool Rizvi, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Therapeutic options for rheumatoid arthritis have increased tremendously over the last two decades. The persistent monopoly of the conventional disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs over the drug platform has been taken over by a number of biologics including TNF
height: normal;">Majeeda Rasheed1*, Tanveer Akhtar1, Nadia Mukhtar2, Muhammad Furqan Shahid2, Muhammad Imran3, Saima Yaqub2
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) caused by PPR virus (PPRV), is a contagious disease of domestic and wild small ruminants. The disease is endemic in developing countries of African and Asian worlds including Pakistan, where several clinical cases in small ruminants (sheep and goat) have been frequently reported. Despite PPRV is endemic in Pakistan, information...
height: normal;">Saira Saleemi1*, Zafar Iqbal1, Abdul Nasir Khalid2
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Fungal diseases are very common in freshwater fishes. Aspergillosis is a fungal disease of fish. This study was designed to examine a fungal infection in silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. The infected fish showed clinical signs such as: eroded gills, damaged fins and lesions all over the body. The fish specimens showed mild to severe infection. The infection caused by fungus...
height: normal;">Hina Nazli, Abida Butt*
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">ntegration of biological and chemical control methods are required to successfully manage insect pests. Along with insect pests, many predators of these pests are also present in crops and affected by these management activities. Spiders are the most abundant predators of insect pests in the agroecosystem. The present study was designed to assess and compare acute ...
height: normal;">Fehmina Ashraf1*, Muhammad Irfan2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Laccases (p-diphenol: oxygen oxidoreductase, EC are multi-copper polyphenolic oxidases that oxidize many phenolic and non-phenolic aromatic compounds such as amino or methoxy monophenols, syringaldazine, ABTS and amino or methoxy monophenols. They have been depicted in various species of bacteria, plants and in different genera of fungi. Laccases have been purified by various methods. I...
height: normal;">Ayesha Iqbal1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Ayesha Iqbal1, Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Ameen1
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The current study reports the cranial morphology of Sus scrofa, with detailed comparison of different features of skull. The cranial morphology has been utilized as a tool to discriminate between the different species of wild and domesticated suids. The studied material comprises of the three skulls. The straighter snouts and slenderer crania manifests that ...

Jawad Ali Jan1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan1,2*, Shehzad Ahmad1, Peer Sikandar Shah1, Saddam Hussain1 and Sehrish

... plant-1 (208.93), plant height (42.27 cm), stem diameter (1.60 cm), number of fruit plant-1 (52.53), yield plant-1 (184.61 g) and total yield (3.69 t ha-1), while maximum fruit weight (3.65 g), fruit volume (9.47 cm3) and fruit diameter (12.0 mm) were noted in variety Magma. In case of humic acid levels, maximum number of leaves plant-1 (243.67), branches plant-1 (5.50), plant height (47.33 cm), stem diameter (1.83 cm), num...
height: normal;">Muhammad Usman Asif1*, Sadam Hussain Soomro2, Raza Muhammad1, Sikandar Ali Soomro2
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Toxicity of five different insecticides viz., Uniron 10 EC, Bio Care TM 16000 IU/mg, Voliam Flexi 300 SC, Neomed 3 SC and Coragen 20 SC was recorded against 3rd instar larvae of Helicoverpa armigera under laboratory conditions at their low, recommended and high doses by leaf dip method. The results concluded that significantly high toxicity was shown after treatment with Neomed ...
height: normal;">Imad Hassan1, Bilal-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Amir2, Faheem Ali2*, Salman Ilahi2 and Amjad Ali3 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The use of agricultural based biomass through combustion is playing an important role in the production of heat and electricity worldwide. The emission of particulate matter pollution from biomass combustion has drawn significant attention because of its harmful effects on human health and environment. Consequently, it becomes important to have a simple and cost effective solution to avoid the problems of air pollution...

Amjad Ali1, Awais Salman1, Gul Daraz Khan1, Aftab Ahmad Khan2, Sher Shah Hassan2*, Muhammad Arif Goheer2, Mahmood Alam Khan3 and Sajjad Ahmed

... width (10.46 cm), plant height (39.27 cm), turnip length (17.24 cm), turnip diameter (7.84 cm), turnip yield (22.42 tons ha-1), turnip weight (256.62 gm) and harvest index (52.34 %) were recorded for I1. Maximum turnip length (18.09 cm), turnip diameter (7.69 cm), turnip yield (21.11 tons ha-1), turnip weight (304.22 gm) and turnip moisture content (93.62 %) were recorded for SD1. The interactive effect of different deficit irrigation levels with sowing dates...

Farid Ullah Khan*, Adeel Ahmed*, Uzair Khan Jadoon*, Fahim Haider* 

MODELING, SIMULATION AND FABRICATION OF AN UNDERSHOT FLOATING WATERWHEEL a width of 1.75 m and height of 0.55 m, are capable of generating the desired power from stream flow velocity
of 1.5 m/s. Moreover, a prototype of an undershot floating waterwheel is also fabricated from low weight materials,
such as, fiber glass and mild steel square tubes. For electrical power generation a DC generator is coupled with
the output shaft of the waterwheel. The developed prototype wheel successfully produced a maximum pow...

Anjum and Ahmad Khan*

Phenology, Crop Stand and Biomass of Wheat in Response to Farmyard Manure and Soil Amendments
...iller-1 (107 cm2), plant height (96.5 cm) and biomass (11783 kg ha-1) were improved with 20 Mg FYM but were non-significantly different from plots having 15 Mg FYM ha-1 over two years averaged data. Among the amendments, greater days to anthesis (126 days) and physiological maturity (154 days) was noted with effective microbes over two years. Similarly, the addition of effective microbes has increased the emergence m-2 (123), leaf area tiller-1 (105.6 cm2), pl...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Fazli Rabbi2, Shahen Shah3, Muhammad Amin4, Haroon Ur Rashid5, Hasnain Alam6 and Sabahat  Ali1

Performance of Lilium (Lilium elegans L.) Genotypes using Different Planting Media
...n terms of maximum plant height (72cm), highest number of flowers (5.4) and least days to flowering (45.92 days). However, maximum number of leaves (53.3) were recorded in genotype Red carpet and largest (17.67cm) flowers were noted in genotype Yena. On the other hand, the genotype Star fighter started flowering after 125.17 days and other varieties were found between the two-genotype range, covering a large period of flowering. As far as the planting medium i...

 Muhammad Irfan*, Saeed Gul*, Mohammad Younas*, Babar Nawaz*, M. Ishfaq*, M. Amir Durrani*, Abid khan*

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Nisar Mohammad*, Mohammad Mansoor Khan* Noor Mohammad*
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 Khizar Azam*, Abdul Shakoor*~ Afzal Khan*, Riaz Akbar Shah*~ Shaukat Ali Shah·
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Tabassum Yasmin*, Muhammad Sadiq*
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...east-asian: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-size-adjust: auto;" />


 Fcroz Shah*~ Mohammad A. Irfan**, Rizwan Gul*~ Abdul Shakoor*
height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-size-adjust: auto;" />

...east-asian: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-size-adjust: auto;" />


 Farid Ullah Khan·
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...east-asian: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-size-adjust: auto;" />


 Muhammad Khurram Ali*, Raft Javed Qureshi**, Mirza Jahanzaib***
height: normal; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-size-adjust: auto;" />

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Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Shamsher Ali3*, Adnan Nasim1, Muhammad Ismail1, Nur Ul Haq1 and Muhammad Usman4

Effect of Planting Sources, Cane Portions and Setts Placement Methods on Sugarcane Yield Attributing Traits
...d shoots, tillers, plant height and biological yield. Results revealed higher (p≤ 0.05) emerged shoots and tillers in canes planted from standing source (sugarcane standing crop) top portion with triple setts. This was also found that tallest plants with maximum biological yield were recorded in canes top portion with triple setts placement methods. Minimum results were observed for all the traits when bottom portion from trenched planting source was plante...
height: normal;">Sitara Nawaz1, Shamaila Irum1, Haroon Ahmed2, Shazia Shamas1, Sadia Roshan1, Muhammad Ather Rafi4, Irfan Ullah5*, Gulnaz Parveen3*
...; font-size: 9.5px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Bloodsucking sandflies belonging to dipteran are vectors of human disease called leishmaniasis. It is one of most neglected diseases in our country. The main purpose of the study was to identify the prevalence of sandflies in selected regions of Panjab and their relationship with hospital-reported cases of Leishmaniasis. Clinical information of 124 patients was recorded. Observable factors of pre...
height: normal;">Sumaira, Ali Mujtaba Shah*, Ghulam Asghar Solangi, Ifra Anwar, Qudratullah Kalwar 
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Milk is a complete diet for the human beings because it comprises all the supplements, such as water, fat, carbohydrates, lactose, protein, minerals, nutrients and catalysts. A total of 20 % milk is obtained from different species including sheep, ass, horse, yak, goat, bison and camel while the 80 % milk is produced by cows. Milk of camel plays an essential part in the diet of human. Additionall...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zarish Yaqoob1, Saleema Bashir Shams2, Gaitee Joshua2 and Bibi Nazia Murtaza2,3*; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Heavy metal contamination of river water adversely affects the growth and productivity of fish and contributes to the human health disasters. River is a trans-country river originating in Himachal Pradesh, India and joins Indus and its tributary rivers in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The present study describes the concentration of heavy metals in the water and ...

 Gulzar Ahmad1, M. Inayatullah Babar2

... material is 4.4 and its height or thickness is 1.64mm. Different methods were engaged to expand its bandwidth from 9.07GHz to 13.13GHz. The reflection coefficient of -45dB at the central frequency, a gain of 7dBi and total efficiency of 0.99 have been demonstrated by this proposed design of the patch antenna. This novel structured wide band and high efficient antenna can be engaged in various types of wireless applications in near future.<...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Samet Hasan Abaci1,*, Hasan Onder1, Mustafa Sahin2 and Esra Yavuz3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lactation curves are one of the basic tools in animal breeding. Therefore, modeling lactation curves with appropriate and precise equations are of great importance for obtaining estimates. Lactation curves have different tendencies in different breeds. To examine the tendencies and differences Jersey (J), Brown Swiss (BS) and Holstein Friesian (HF) breeds which are ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kadir Karakuş1, Turgut Aygün2, Şenol Çelik3, Mohammad Masood Tariq4*, Muhammad Ali4, Majed Rafeeq4 and Farhat Abbas Bukhari4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was aimed to search testis growth of Karakaş male lambs raised in intensive conditions and to build the forecasting model of live weight in lambs using 4 data mining CHAID, Exhaustive CHAID, CART, and multivariate adaptive regression splines (MARS). Effects of genotype and some environment factors such as birth type, dam age, lamb’ age in control a...

Sikander Hiyat1, Nazim Hussain1, Muhammad Ishaq Asif Rehmani2*, Muhammad Nasir Abbas2, Smana Raza3, Javed Shabbir Dar4 and Tauqeer Ahmad Yasir5 

...ha-1). Vegetative (plant height, number of monopodial and sympodial branches, no. of nodes plant-1) and reproductive growth and yield (no. of flowers plant-1, no. of square plant-1, no. of open and un-open bolls plant-1, seed cotton yield and cotton seed yield) parameters were recorded. The results revealed that exogenous application of mepiquat chloride @ 0.61 L ha-1, significantly reduced plant height as compared to contro...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sinan Uzundumlu1, Yesim Buyukates1,*, Murat Yigit2, Musa Bulut2,  Rıdvan Kaan Gurses1 and Barbaros Celikkol3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was conducted in a copper alloy cage fish farm to observe the environmental properties of the marine system. Water quality parameters such as temperature, salinity, pH and dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, chlorophyll-a and inorganic nutrients such as NO2+NO3, NH4, PO4 and SiO2 were observed between May ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fang Liu*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Previous studies suggest FGF10, which is expressed in the ventral hypothalamus, plays important roles in axon guidance and in vasculature guidance of the developing hypothalamus. Here, using ex vivo analyses in chick, we show that FGF10 exerts concentration dependent functions in angiogenesis and hypothalamic axon guidance. At lower concentration of 100ng/ml,...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ming-Yan Shi2, Xu-Liang Yan1, Ping-Ping Han1, Yu-Jie Tang1 and Hui-Xia Li1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Skeletal muscle satellite cells (SMSC) are a population of multipotent cells that exist not only during animal infancy, but are also present in the adult mammalian body. Previous studies have indicated that Wnt/β-catenin signaling is involved in the regulation of multipotent cell differentiation and is essential for the regulation of adipogenesis. However, the ...

Muhammad Usama Hameed*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Sajjad Khan and Allah Bakhsh 

...s exhibit a medium plant height (110-120 cm), high crude protein (36.23% over check variety S-2000), thick stem (14.86% more than check variety S-2000) and higher leaf area per plant (21.55% over check variety S-2000). The variety is drought tolerant may be grown in semiarid and arid areas having minimum rainfall up to 300 mm, highly lodging-resistant, late-maturing i.e. stay green till mid May, having up to 12 % crude protein and having green fodder potential...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Guang-Hui Tan, Yi-Yu Zhang*, Yuan-Yu Qin, Lei Wu and Jie-Zhang Li; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cholesterol 7α-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) plays a crucial role in the synthesis of bile acid, fatty acid and cholesterol metabolism in human and rodent. However, a little was known in the literature on the question of the effect of CYP7A1 gene on poultry lipid homeostasis. This study was performed to investigate the effect of the polymorphisms of CYP7A1 gene on lipi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Roni Koneri1*, Meis Nangoy2 and Pience V. Maabuat1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dragonflies play an important role in an ecosystem and can serve as control agents of agricultural insect pests. Dragonflies can be used as bioindicators for evaluating environmental changes in long-term studies (biogeography) and short-term studies (conservation biology). This research study was aimed to analyse the composition and diversity of dragonflies in Tunan...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Faruk Çolak1 and Ferhat Matur2,3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Subterranean animals are limited in mobility and have reduced sensory ability due to living underground, and therefore are presented with a challenge to communicate. One solution is to use seismic signalling, by head drumming, to convey species-specific information. The lesser blind mole rats (Nannospalax sp.) are obligate subterranean rodents known for their...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Magbolah Salem Helal Alzahrani; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chamomile is a member of the Asteraceae family and has been well established as a medicinal plant. There are many different species of chamomile, the two most common being German chamomile (Marticaria chamomilla) and Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile). The use of chamomile has been associated with calming and anti-inflammatory properties. The ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Shakoor Ahmad2, Irshad Ahmad3, Kashif Prince1*, Ghazunfar Rashid1, Mahboob Ali1, Imdad Ullah Khan4Asad Ullah5, Naimat Ullah4, Muhammad Shoaib2 and Said Sajjad Ali Shah2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of this study was to determine variations of different physiological biomarkers in Clostridium perfringens (CP) infections in Balkhi breed of sheep in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Study was conducted on 184 sheep suspected of having enterotoxemia and 107 sheep were identified to be infected with Clostridium perfringens. Genotypic Analysi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cheng Zhao1,2, Jianghong Ran2*, Bin Wang2,3, Qin Shi4 and Marwan M.A. Rashed1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The giant panda Ailuropoda melanoleuca is one of the most iconic mammals in the world. The species has experienced declines in its habitat and population due to human disturbance. To protect this species, we investigated the relationship between giant panda habitat use intensity and human disturbance density in the Daxiangling Mountains. The results indicated...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Waqar Majeed1, Naureen Rana1, Elmo Borges de Azevedo Koch2* and Shahla Nargis1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The diversity and distribution of arthropods associated with seasons and environmental variables in two different wetlands sites was estimated and study was performed on monthly basis for a whole year. The arthropods were collected by sweep net, direct hand picking, forceps. For each sampling day in each month, 20 sweeps were randomly taken in each block. The insect...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mahak Fatima1, Memoona Syed1, Rabia Zeeshan2, Farah Rauf Shakoori3, Naveed Shahzad4, Moazzam Ali1 and Zeeshan Mutahir1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nudix hydrolase 1 (NUDT1) or human MutT homolog 1 (MTH1) catalyzes the conversion of oxidized purine nucleotides to their monophosphate forms, thus preventing their incorporation into DNA and subsequently to oxidative damage. The present study explores the relationship between MTH1 gene silencing and its outcome on the growth of gemcitabine resistant breast c...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Maryam Yousaf1, Naveed Shahzad2, Zeeshan Mutahir1 and Moazzam Ali1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rab GTPases are important regulators of intracellular trafficking, having distinct intracellular localisation for controlling endocytic, exocytic, and recycling pathways. The impairments in Rab pathways have been linked with drug resistance in various cancers. However, the role of Rab21, an endocytic Rab GTPase, in the emergence of drug resistance is not known. Ther...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Anum Feroz1, Abdul Rauf Shakoori2 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Toxic effect of sub-lethal concentration (LC20) of bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos and their combinations was studied on the specific activities of esterases in the 4th and 6th instar larvae of susceptible laboratory strain (Lab-S) and deltamethrin resistant population (GUW) of stored grain pest, Trogoderma granarium. After ex...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ayesha Noreen1, Amina Elahi1, Dilara Abbas Bukhari2 and Abdul Rehman1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The arsenite resistant Bacillus cereus 3.1S, isolated from pesticide industry effluent, showed maximum growth at pH 7 at 37 °C in LB medium after 24 h of incubation. The strain tolerated As3+ up to 40 mM and also showed resistance against Pb2+ (8mM), Cd2+ (6mM), Cr6+ (6mM), and Cu2+ (10mM). The arseni...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hamed A. Ghramh,1, 2, 3,Zubair Ahmad 1, 2, 4, Khalid Ali Khan1, 2, 3*and Farhat Khan4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, Microplitis tihamicus sp. nov., M. faifaicus sp. nov. and M. khamisicussp. nov. (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Microgastrinae) are described. The genus Microplitis is recorded for the first time from Saudi Arabia. Characters of these new species and their affinities with related species are discussed....
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mah Jabeen and Amjad Farooq*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Four species of Brassica viz,. B. napus, B. juncea. B. compestris and B. rapa were studied for their relative resistance/susceptibility against aphids, under field conditions for three consecutive crop seasons i.e., 2009-2010, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012. The data on the incidence of aphids were recorded at weekly interval. Host plant ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Khan1, Tehmina Ameer Khan1, Aziz Ud Din2, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Irfan Ullah3,*, Kalim Ullah4, Sadia Tabassum1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a condition in which the myocardial muscles become thickened without an apparent cause. It exhibits the prevalence of 1/500 globally. Eighteen samples from four families of maternally inherited HCM were collected, based on their clinical records. Three mitochondrial encoded genes 16S-rRNA (MT-RNR2), tRNAIle (MT-TI) an...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zubair Ahmad1, 2,5, Hamed A. Ghramh1, 2, 3,Khalid Ali Khan1, 2, 3*, Kavita Pandey4 and Farhat Khan5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Two new species viz., Chelonus (Areselonus) caeruleus sp. nov. and Chelonus (Areselonus) lithocolletiscus, sp. nov., are described as new to science from the northern part of India. These two species were reared from Acrocercops caerulea (Meyrick) and Lithocolletis virgulata (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae). Mater...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kui Li1, Lijun Li1, Jialun Fu2, Yi He2, Zhaohui Song2, Shuiping Zhou2Luobu Gesang1* and Rui Liu2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was conducted to investigate the efficacy of prophylaxis by administering compound Danshen dripping pills (CDDPs) on acute mountain sickness (AMS). To this end, a total number of 58 healthy low-altitude inhabitants residing in Beijing were randomized to two treatment sequences, receiving either 270mg CDDPs or plac...
height: normal;">Abdul Waheed*, Asim Faraz, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">As desi poultry farming is an integral part of rural households everywhere in Pakistan, therefore a preliminary study was launched to highlight some aspects of this farming system prevailing in southern Punjab. For this reason data was collected from 30 households and was subjective to descriptive statistical analysis. The farmer’s family size averaged 6.4±1.6 with average monthly in...
height: normal;">Muhammad Rizwan1*, Bilal Atta1, Ana Maria Marino de Remes Lenicov2, Roxana Mariani2, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Tahir3, Misbah Rizwan4, Muhammad Sabar1, Ch. Muhammad Rafique1, Muhammad Afzal5
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Diversity of planthoppers and their host plants were studied in the “Kallar” tract of the Punjab, Pakistan (an important growing area of the world for producing Basmati rice). Planthoppers are considered the most important pests of rice. Delphacidae and Cixiidae are families of planthoppers with the most harmful species. Delphacids are primarily ve...
height: normal;">Shagufta Parveen1*, Kousar Perveen1, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Amir Gilani2, Muhammad Musadaq3
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Inappropriate weaning practices in infancy can lead to malnutrition that may have long-lasting impacts on health of the child. The objective of this study was to find out association of malnutrition in infants with the age at which weaning was started. This is an observational, cross-sectional study which was conducted in the P...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tehmina Aslam, Shagufta Saeed*, Muhammed Tayyab, Huma Mujahid, Ali Raza Awan, Sehrish Firyal and AbuSaeed Hashmi; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential of different agricultural wastes like wheat bran, rice polishing and molasses for the synthesis of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) by Azotobacter vinelandii. The optimization of different carbon sources and various physical parameters was also performed. Highest yield of PHB was obtained by fermentation of ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,*, Samina J.N. Ahmad1,2,*, Mubashir Ahmad Malik1, Abid Ali1, Muhammad Ali3, Ejaz Ahmad1, Muhammad Tahir2 and Muhammad Ashraf2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Locust commonly known as short horned grasshopper is one of the most dangerous agricultural pests worldwide. There are various important species of large swarms forming of desert locusts found in different regions of the world. In early 2020, in Pakistan, huge swarm of desert locust infestation was observed in different provinces of Pakistan. Precise and correct ide...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhi Yijin, Shao Mingqin* and Li Quanjiang; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">From October to December 2018, and March to May of 2019, habitat, water depth utilization and niche separation of wading birds in Poyang Lake, China, was assessed. A total of 38 bird species, including 4 class I and 3 class II Chinese nationally protected bird species were identified. Of six habitats, 64% (15,435 individuals) of the total number of wading birds coun...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">He Wenyun, Zhi Yijin and Shao Mingqin*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">From February to March 2017, November 2017 to March 2018 and November 2018 to March 2019 we used the point count method to survey the sex ratio, habitat selection and foraging behavior of Mandarin duck (Aix galericulata) in water systems (Raohe River, Ganjiang River and Xiuhe River) of Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China. We recorded 162 individuals and dete...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Gregory Ejikeme Odo1,*, Juliana Ekenma Agwu1, Nkechi Nweze2, Clara Ikegbunam2,Felicia Ekeh N1, Vincent Ejere1, Ngozi Ezenwaji1, Reginald Njokuocha2, Godwin Ngwu1 and Fabian Okafor1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Thisstudyevaluated thephysiological effects of ethanolic leaf extracts of Duranta erecta (L) in 48 albino wistar rats, Rattus norvegicusu

Tao He1,2,3, Cheng-jing Chen4, Jian-guang Qin3, Yun Li1,2, Rong-hua Wu1,2 and Tian-xiang Gao4,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to compare sagittal morphometric features between Liza haematocheilus stocks in the China coasts at the Ying Kou, Dong Ying, Qing Dao, Wen Zhou and Guang Zhou regions and test a complementary method to quantify the variation of sagittal shapes to discriminate L. haematocheilus stocks. The sagitta variation of five L.

Andrei V. Tanasevitch1 and Yuri M. Marusik2,3,4,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A new species, Carniella nepalensis sp. n., is described from eastern Nepal. The male of new species is most similar to C. forficata (Gao and Li, 2014) and clearly differs by the shape of the embolus. The type locality of new species is northwesternmost for the genus in Asia.

 Honghai Zhang1,*, Yao Chen1, Xiaoyang Wu1, Shuai Shang2, Jun Chen2, Jiakuo Yan1, Qinguo Wei1, Xibao Wang1, Yongqiang Lu3 and Huanxin Zhang2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The gut microbiota plays an important role in animal performance and the environment. We collected fresh feces of the Tibetan wild ass (Equus kiang) from the Jinan Wildlife World and Qinghai - Tibet Plateau Wild Animal Park. And we divide the sample into Group A (the low altitude area) and Group B (the high altitude area). we studied the basic structure of th...

Shouguo Yang1, Fen Cheng1, Xiangyu Wu1, YiXuan Xing1, ZhiFeng Gu2 and Xianming Tang1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Length-weight relationship and growth of a marine gastropod mollusk, Hemifusus ternatanus was studied for 36 months under artificial condition. The total shell length (SL), shell width (SW) and total weight (TW) were measured for eight times throughout the experimental period. The length-weight relationship can be expressed as Wt = 0.0734×SL
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fei Wang1, Xianlai Zhang1, Youbao Zhong2, Xiaoen Tang3, Xiaofen Hu1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">ShanShan Yang1, Shengwei Zhong1, Zuohong Zhou1, Jin Liu1, Xu Yuan1 
height: normal;Times New Roman";">and Yong Li1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In order to further investigate the structural characteristic of pigeon intestine, the microstructure of each part of intestine was analyzed by HE staining, and its vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) was detected by immunohistochemistry staining and RT-qPCR. In present results, the intestinal mucosa epithelium is a single layer of columnar epithelium, other structu...

Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Abdul Rasul Naseem1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Muhammad Khalid2, Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich3 and Muhammad Arif

...ypsum. The maximum plant height, 1000-grain weight, paddy and grain yield of rice and wheat crops were obtained where the gypsum+ humic acid were used @75 % GR+ HA @ 30 kg ha-1 followed by gypsum @ 100% GR while the chemicals properties of soil (pHs, ECe, SAR) were under the safe limits in both treatments. Gypsum @ 75 % GR+ humic acid @ 30 kg ha-1 reduced the pHs (6.70%), ECe (27.60%) and SAR (54.96%), hydraulic conductivity (9.75%), and bulk density (3.94%) o...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shikun Ge1, 2, Yanli Yang3, Brindha Chelliappan4, 5, Antonysamy Michael5, Fagang Zhong1 and Xiaoying Zhang1, 2, 3, 4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Egg yolk can be used as feed additives to improve the immune status of animals and as passive therapy for veterinary diseases, and the egg yolk has proved to be a promising source of antibodies. However, the extraction methods and storage stability of IgY antibodies from egg yolk for feed supplements remain major problems in mass production. Based on Based on IgY an...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Feng-Mei Yang1, Rui Li2, Xiu-Xue Hu3, Yong Liang4, Bo Gao3* and Wei Chen3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study aims at measuring expressions of β-catenin and senescence marker protein-30 (SMP30) after normal human skin fibroblasts (NHSFs) irradiated by different UVB doses as well as durations, thus unveiling mechanisms underlying HSF senescence induced by Ultraviolet B (UVB). NHSFs treated under different doses (100, 200, 300 mJ/cm2) of UVB with di...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ashfaque Ahmed Nahiyoon1*, Nasira Kazi2 and Shahina Fayyaz2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A new and a known species belonging to the family Belondiridae are described from Sindh, Pakistan. Amphibelondira sindhicus n. sp., is characterized by having reduced anterior genital branch, more slender body, smaller neck length and expanded part of pharynx, smaller spicule and clavate tail with distinct radial striae. Belondira paraclava Jairajpur, ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aribah Naz1*, Uzma Badar1,Afsheen Arif2*, Zaid Qureshi1, Sondas Saeed1,Erum Shoeb1, Maqsood Ali Ansari1 and Obaid Yusuf Khan1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Luminescent bacteria are the most widely distributed organisms among glowing creatures, many of which are found in sea water while some are found in fresh water or terrestrial habitat. Marine micro flora possesses unique features that help them to survive under diverse environmental conditions including high salinity and low pH. Ease of detection is one of the promi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Safia Arbab1, Rehana Buriro1, Shams Uddin Bhugio1, Atta Hussain Shah2,  Jamila Soomro3,Qudratullah Kalwar4, Saqib Ali Fazilani1 and Waseem Ali Vistro5*; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Despite the exploration of antibacterial activity of the Aloe Vera in different families of animals. However, very limited information is documented about antibacterial activity of Aloe Vera in equines. The present study was designed to check the antibacterial activity of the Aloe Vera against most pathogens found in the wounds of donkey. For this purpose, two diffe...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sumaira1, Syed Mohsin Bukhari1, Maqsood Iram2, Arshad Javid1Ali Hussain1, Waqas Ali1, Khalil Ur Rehman3, Shahla Andleeb3, Irfan Baboo4 and Nimra Khalid1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The effects of feed and environmental factors have been studied in ecdysis process in Indian rock python. Ten experimental animals were observed in captivity and it was noted that ecdysis was more rapid during summer compared to winter. Furthermore, ticks and mites were recorded during both the seasons while internal parasite species belong to genus Pseudomonas
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Duo Jing Qiu1,2,3, Xin Yu1,2,3, Mao Jun Zhong1,2,3 and Long Jin1,2,3*; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Altitude, served as one common geographical gradient has been considered to have a major influence on the evolution of life-history traits, which leads to variation in temperature, food availability and duration of breeding season in amphibians. Here, we examined differences in somatic condition and testis mass of male Duttaphrynus melanostictus distributed i...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zengwen Huang1,2, WuReliHazi Hazihan2*, Baheti Bodai2, Kadyken Rizabek3, Nuralieva Ulzhan3, Omarova Karlygash4, Juan Zhang1 and Yaling Gu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Ye Mule Aries (YM) Sheep is a valuable local sheep breed from Xinjiang, China. This breed is well adapted to harsh environmental conditions and displays strong disease resistance, fast growth, and high cold tolerance. The effect of small interfering RNA (siRNA) on the expression of follistatin inhibin alpha gene (INHα) in YM sheep was analyzed, and the INH...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Huma Abbas1*, Nazir Javed1,Muhammad Kamran2, Sajid Aleem Khan1Hira Abbas3, Ehetisham-ul-Haq2, Abdul Jabbar1, Mehwish Naz1 and Ihsan Ullah4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and WhiteChitwood is the most widespread and destructive pathogen of tomato, difficult to control due to its wide host range. In present investigation effect of bio (Cure, Azadirachtin) and synthetic (Cartap, Virtako) chemicals was evaluated on the induction of systemic activity by using...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yan Zhou1,2, Hai Xia Han1,2, Qiu Xia Lei1,2, Jin Bo Gao1,2, Wei Liu1,2, Fu Wei Li1,2, Jie Liu1,2 and Ding Guo Cao1,2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) is of vital importance for egg production in mediating the synthesis of yolk protein precursors. To better understand the effects of VLDLR on reproduction in chickens, the haplotypes and diplotypes based on three genetic mutations (NC_006127.2:g.8467G>A, NC_006127.2:g.12321G>A and NC_006127.2:g.13876A>G) were co...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zumama Khalid1, Muhammad Abrar Yousaf2, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan1Farah Rauf Shakoori2, Muhammad Munir3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">As the COVID-19 is becoming an increasing health threat, it has urged the scientists all over the world to not only research about its transmission, prevalence and causes but also to spread its awareness in the maximum possible ways. Although the complete disease-causing mechanisms of COVID-19 remain to be fully elucidated, active research is being conducted continu...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zubair Ahmad1, 2, 4, Hamed A. Ghramh1, 2, 3,Khalid Ali Khan1, 2, 3*, Farhat Khan4 and Shujauddin5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The mutualistic relation between ants and aphids is considered as one of the best examples of inter-specific mutualism between species that produces net benefits for the participants. In this paper, the interaction between aphid M. sacchari and their attending ants on sugarcane (Saccharum officinerum) was studied. The presence of ants, especially, C...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yan Wen1, Liu Lian2, Zhuang Xun3, Murong Jiaying4, Cui Shuyi1, He Wanwen1, Mai Guanghuai5, Huang Wenzhu1, Chen Gang1,* and Wang Zhijun1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of an outdoor rehabilitation program performed in a garden setting for elderly patients affected with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The elderly patients suffering from COPD were randomly divided into an observation group (n=30) and a treatment group (n=30). Accordingly, the patients...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ishrat Perveen1, Yasar Saleem2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Presence of heterocyclic amines (HCAs) in high proteinaceous food specifically in cooked meats is a point of great concern for the health risk factor of Pakistani community. Ready-to-eat (RTE) chicken kabab samples of four commercially available brands (K, S, D and B) were analysed for the simultaneous determination of HCAs i.e. 2-amino-3-methyl-imidazo[4,5-<...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aamir Khan1, Rabia Noushin2, Mohammad Attaullah3, Shahid Naiz Khan1, Rafiqe Hussain4, Farman Ullah Dawar1, Faiz Ur Rehman1, Muhammad Ijaz1 and Kalim Ullah1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Looking into the importance of tick born diseases in the livestock sector, the present study was conducted to find out the prevalence of babesiosis among domestic cattle of Southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Blood samples (1500) were collected from clinically suspected cattle in span of one year. All blood samples were examined through microscope. Overall incidence of bab...

Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Ghulam Qadir1, Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Muhammad Faisal Nawaz1 and Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich2

Impact of Fertilizer and Planting Geometery on Garlic (Allium sativum L.) Yield in Saline-Sodic Soil
...ons included were; plant height, bulb mass, bulb diameter, cloves bulb-1 and bulb yield. Data revealed that phosphorus @ 125% of RD with planting geometry 15cm x 20cm recorded maximum yield and yield attributes with higher economic returns, therefor, under saline-sodic conditions it is proposed as a most cost-effective management practice for garlic cultivation.


Hafsa Naheed* and Hidayat-Ur-Rahman

Genotype by Environment Interactions of Vegetative Growth Traits of Bread Wheat Genotypes
...rded on leaf area, plant height, biological yield and straw yield. Highest plant height was recorded for G02, G31 and G11. The exotic lines included in the study generally had more plant height in Peshawar as compared to other locations. The highest maximum mean for leaf area was observed for G17 and CSA while minimum was observed for G03 followed by G33 and G25. Among the seven environmen...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmad1, Rao Wali Muhammad1, Sami Ullah2, Adeel Abbas3, Ijaz Ahmed4 and Muhammad Zeshan5

Effect of Balance Use of Fertilizers on Performance of Wheat Under Arid Climatic Condition
...ficantly increased plant height and the highest plant height (86.5 cm) was observed at 86:58:62.5 kg NPK/ha treatment. Maximum tillers/plant (3.1), spikelet’s/plant (2.9), and spike length (8.9 cm) was found in 86-58-62.5-3 kg NPK + Zn/ha treatment. Furthermore, highest grains/spike (83.4), 1000 grain weight (4.3 g), and yield (6381 kg/ha) was found in 86-58-62.5-3 kg NPK + Br/ha treatment. Our results demonstrated tha...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tong Zhang1,2, Feng Xu1,*, Ming Ma1 and Peng Ding3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In the autumn of 2011, both the time budget and diurnal rhythm of behavior of black-necked crane (Grus nigricollis) were studied at Altun Mountain National Nature Reserve, Xinjiang, China. The results showed that foraging was the main behavior of cranes in autumn, accounting for 69.07±1.64% of the diurnal time budget, followed by alert (19.38±0....
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sehrish Firyal1,*, Ali Raza Awan1, Muhammad Umair Latif1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Muhammad Wasim1, Shagufta Saeed1 and Imaad Rashid2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) analysis is a powerful tool for taxonomic and phylogenetic analysis. These are bi-allelic molecular markers, easy to interpret and uniformly distributed within genomes. In this study cytochrome b (Cytb) gene based SNPs analysis was employed to genetically characterize the Pakistani domestic breed Lathy pigeon. Cytb...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shahid Ali*, Aijaz Ali Channa, Waqar Ahmad, Rafia Akram and Imbasat Yousaf; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hydramnios was successfully managed in a full term pluriparous Nili Ravi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) that was recumbent and under extreme stress because of intemperate bilateral abdominal distension. Trans-rectal palpation revealed a taut uterus (bulged, tense and inelastic) and alive fetus. Subsequently upon induced cervical dilatation, 60-70 L of amniotic liq...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chao Zhao1,2, Sigang Fana2 and Lihua Qiua2,3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Although shrimp larvae are susceptible to many pathogens and water quality and diseases affect commercial shrimp production, the relation between these factors are less studied. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the effect of bacterial dynamics and water quality factors on Penaeus monodon larvae. We recorded the survival rates, water quality (total ammonia, ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad R. Khan1, Bushra A. Rakha1,* and Muhammad S. Ansari2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Morphometric characters and meristic counts of genera Shizothorax and Schizothorichthyes have been studied from River Swat, Pakistan. Monthly collection of both Genuses was conducted and identified on morphometric and meristic counts and fin formula. The minimum and maximum range, mean, standard error, percentage of various parameters in total length a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hari Prasad Sharma1*, Shova Adhikari1, Yogesh Rai1, Rajkumar Sijapati1, Sapana Chand1, Manisha Karki1, Rubina Thapa Magar1, Ashik Husain1Khadka Bahadur Khatri1, Melina Karki1, Samiksha Badu1, Sushila Bajracharya1, Somika Pathak1, Rachana Shah2 and Chiranjibi Prasad Pokheral2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zoos are established to engage the general public in informal education, research and conservation, as well as maintaining their role as attractive places for entertainment and recreation. Zoos provide home for different animals that are of common occurrence, geographically rare species, attractive species, trafficked animals seized by the authorities, and injured a...

Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola

Comparative Productive Performance among three Plumage Varieties of Noiler Hens

Rao Wali Muhammad1, Hafiz Muhammad Wasif Ali2*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Qadir Ahmad2, Abdul Qayyum2, Waqas Malik2 and Etrat Noor2

Estimation of Different Genetic Parameters in Various Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Genotypes under Field Condition
...days to flowering, plant height, days to maturity, no. of primary branches per plant, no. of secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, 1000-seed weight and yield per plant of 200 safflower accessions. Analysis of variance and principal component analysis were carried out to estimate the extent of variability for studied parameters and to partition the germplasm into various cluster groups on basis of their mean performance. A value of 74% was indicated by ...

Shahid Nadeem1*, Taj Naseeb Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Adnan Younis2 and Iram Fatima3

Influence of Plant Growth Regulators by Foliar Application on Vegetative and Floral physiognomies of Gladiolus
... similarly maximum plant height (93.60cm) and maximum numbers of leaves (9.86) were observed by 1.75mM SA. The relationship between plant’s vegetative phase and growth regulators stood noteworthy resulted in maximum leaf length (71.14cm), rachis length (57.33cm) and spike length (77.67cm) at 1.75mM concentration of GA3. The Effect of SA found worthy as it enhanced the floral growth and decrease the number of days towards blooming. Moreover, the days to s...

Attiq ur Rehman1,2*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil3 and Ihtisham Ali4

Genetic Diversity and Traits Association in Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat Genotypes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan
...y, flag leaf area, plant height, tillers m-2, spikes m-2, spikelets spike-1, 1000-grain weight, grain yield and harvest index. Among the genotypes for various study traits, statistically significant differences were observed. Except for the flag leaf area and days to maturity, durum vs. spring wheat contrast was significant for all other studied parameters. The flag leaf area of durum wheat was more than that of spring wheat and it took fewer days to initiate ...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Anees Muhammad1, Ibadullah Jan1, Hidayat Ullah1, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin3 and Haroon Ur Rashid4

Production of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) as Affected by Bulb Size and Planting Medium
...flowering (97.44), plant height (43.29cm), number of leaves (24.54), number of florets (19.17), bulblets plant-1 (24.30) and bulblet diameter (2.08 cm) were produced by growing large sized bulbs.


Muhammad Zamin1*, Anees Muhammad1, Ibadullah Jan1, Hidayat Ullah1, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin3 and Haroon Ur Rashid4

Production of Tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa L.) as Affected by Bulb Size and Planting Medium
...flowering (97.44), plant height (43.29cm), number of leaves (24.54), number of florets (19.17), bulblets plant-1 (24.30) and bulblet diameter (2.08 cm) were produced by growing large sized bulbs.

height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Zahid Mengal1, Hamida Ali2, Raheela Asmat3, Muhammad Naeem1,4, Ferhat Abbas1, Abdul Samad1, Mohammad Zahid Mustafa1, Jannat Raza2 and Tauseef M. Asmat1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">GeneXpert MTB/RIF has revolutionized the tuberculosis diagnosis by simultaneous detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis and resistance to RIF (rifampicin), a surrogate marker for multidrug-resistant TB in less than two hours. The RIF-resistance pattern in Balochistan, Pakistan, is not documented. This study was aimed to detect RIF-resistant TB and mutations in RNA polymerase beta (rpoB)<...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bushra Ismail Khan1, Shamim Akhter1, Sanwal Aslam2* and Rabea Ejaz1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The current study was planned to evaluate the supplementation of Polyvinylpyrrolidone in extender on cryopreservation of Nili-Ravi buffalo bull semen. The semen samples were collected from Nili-Ravi buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) bull kept at SPU Qadirabad, District Sahiwal, Pakistan. Qualifying semen ejaculates having motility >60%, volume >5-6ml and concen...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asmat Ullah1,2, Shahid Iqbal1,2 and Furhan Iqbal2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Present study was designed to investigate the effects of 300 mg/ml solvent/Kg of body weight of Bauhinia variegata’s leaf extract on selective aspects of albino mice behavior in a gender specific manner. Seven week old female and male albino mice were used as experimental animals. Mice were orally supplemented either with 300 mg/ml solvent/Kg of body we...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Gulzhan Aubakirova1*, Zhanat Adilbekov2, Assylkhan Inirbayev2, Assel Zhamanova2 and Aibar Akhmetov3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This article presents the results of a study of the hydrochemical regime of water bodies in the Karaganda region, the Republic of Kazakhstan, and assesses the safety of fish. It was established that the hydrochemical regime of the water bodies was within the permissible concentration, however, a decreased permanganate oxidation was noted, which indicates a satisfact...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aatif Amin1,*, Zakia Latif2, Arslan Sarwar1, Basit Zeshan1 and Mushtaq A. Saleem1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mercury resistant (HgR) bacteria were isolated from heavy metal polluted wastewater and soil, collected from the proximity of some tanneries from Kasur, Pakistan. Three out of 30 bacterial strains were screened out on the basis of resistance level against various concentrations of HgCl2. Bacterial isolatesAZ-1, AZ-2 and AZ-3 showed resistance u...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mikail Arslan1, Orhan Yilmaz2, Bahattin Cak2* and Ahmet Fatih Demirel2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was carried out to investigate reproductive traits of Kivircik ewes under three lambing systems in two years and their lambs’ survival and growth performances. A total of 200 Kivircik ewes and 15 Kivircik rams were used. Ewes were subjected to a system of lambing every 8 months. Ewes were mated in August (summer), April (spring) and December (winter...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Shahid Mehmood2*, Athar Mahmud2Khalid Javed3 and Jibran Hussain2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A 4-week study was conducted to evaluate the effect of including compost in the diet on quails’ growth performance, carcass yields, blood biochemistry, and immune antibody response. A total of 1200 newly hatched quail chicks (Coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly allocated to five treatment groups. Each treatment group contained 40 birds and experim...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asim Faraz*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was conducted at Camel Breeding and Research Station (CBRS) Rakh Mahni to check the effect of management system on the blood biochemical and hair mineral profile of male and female camel calves. Eighteen Marecha camel calves of almost same weight and age were divided randomly into three groups each having 3 ♂ and 3 ♀ reared under intensive (IMS), semi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rabea Ejaz1*, Saima Qadeer2,Muhammad Sajjad Ansari3, Bushra Allah Rakha4Shazia Shamas5, Iram Maqsood1, Asma Ul Husna6, Asima Azam1 and Shamim Akhter6; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study aimed to evaluate in vivo fertility of cryopreserved buffalo spermatozoa by addition of arachidic acid in semen extender. For this purpose, semen was collected from 3 adult buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) of same age by artificial vagina keeping temperature at 42°C for a period of 5 weeks (replicates; n=30). Ejaculates were mixed in tr...

Mushtaq Ahmad Khan*, Abdul Basir and Beena Saeed

Biochar Improves Phenological and Physiological Attributes of Wheat in Soil Amended with Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources
... area index (LAI), plant height, number of tillers and spikes m-2 when compared to control. Whereas, application of 150 kg N ha-1 as urea, FYM and PM, delayed booting, anthesis, physiological maturity in wheat and increased plant height and spikes m-2 of wheat. Similarly, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1 applied from PM, FYM and urea resulted in higher LA, LAI, tillers and spikes m-2 over control plots. Hence, application of 120 kg N h...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abida Parveen1, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Nazir Javed1, Anam Moosa1*, Khushboo Javaid1, Hina Safdar1 and Asma Safdar2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Meloidogyne incognita (Kofoid and White) Chitwood (MI)is a potential threat to tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) production. In this study, the inhibitory effect of Moringa oleifera L. (MO) extracts and Steinernema kraussei Steiner (SK) as stand-alone treatments and in combination was assessed to suppress the reproduction and develo...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sher Bahadar Khan1, Mumtaz Ali Khan2,*, Hameed Ullah Khan3, Sher Ali Khan4, Shah Fahad5, Faheem Ahmad Khan6, Irshad Ahmad7, Nighat Nawaz8, Sidra Bibi9 and Muhammad Muneeb10; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Campylobacter species are one of the most important food borne zoonotic pathogens. A total of 1260 poultry meat samples were collected from four different regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province and processed for isolation of campylobacter species. A total of 182 (14%) Campylobacter jejuni were isolated using enrichment and plate media followed by confirmation...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rubina Munir1,2*, Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman3, Muhammad Makshoof Athar1, Noman Javid1,4, Ayesha Roohi2 and Syeda Fatima Razavi2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Eight novel quinolinyl-sulphonamide based Schiff bases have been prepared by condensation of substituted 2-chloroquinoline-3-carbaldehydes with sulphonamide substituted benzoic acid hydrazides. Structures of the Schiff bases have been confirmed by spectral techniques including FT-IR, 1H-NMR, 13CNMR, and mass spectroscopies. The purity of compou...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Awais Nazir1, Khalid Mahmood Anjum1, Junaid Naseer1, Ahsan Anjum2, Aneela Zameer Durrani3, Saba Usman2, Muhammad Asif Munir1, Omer Naseer4 and Muhammad Usman3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was undertaken to investigate the impact of replacement of fishmeal (FM) with soybean meal (SBM) in diets of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). A total of 600 rainbow trout, with an initial mean body weight of 15.92 ± 0.34 g, were distributed randomly into twelve experimental tanks (50 fish per tank). Four isoenergetic and isonitrogenous f...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ammara Gull-E-Fareen1, 3, Imran Bodlah1*, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Yasir Niaz2, Muhammad Adnan Bodlah2, Muhammad Asif4 and Nasir M. Khokhar5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ants are the economically important and metropolitan insects on earth. They act as soil engineers, scavengers, decomposers, predators, pollinators and herbivores. The mutualistic relationship between ants and aphids is a very common and widespread phenomenon. It has been studied in various parts of the world. In this relationship, aphids provide food to the a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">MA Liman1, QI Yongxiao1, Wang Wenji2* and Zhong Qianyi3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Angiogenesis, the formation of new blood vessels, is tightly regulated in the normal organism. Excessive angiogenesis can have detrimental consequences in various processes, including promoting uncontrolled tumor growth. Inhibiting angiogenesis using natural compounds is an important focus in developing new cancer treatment strategies. Ginsenoside Rh2 (G-Rh2), a nat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wajahat Azeem1,*, Tariq Mukhtar1 and Tooba Hamid2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Root-knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne badly affect crop production worldwide and cause huge yield losses. Among the known root-knot species, Meloidogyne incognita is by far the most destructive, widely distributed and the most dominant and prevalent. In the present study, the efficacy of a biological control agent, Trichoderma harzianum a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rida Younas1*, Tamseela Mumtaz1, Nabeela Roohi2 and Muhammad Amir Iqbal3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the major cause of morbidity and mortality around the world. Evaluation of expressed of proinflammatory cytokine and chemokine as biomarker was obtained in moderate, severe and very severe COPD patients and established their relationship with lung obstruction. Samples were collected between April and August 2017, total...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Umer Khan1,2*, Muhammad Farooq Sabar1, Atif Amin Baig3, Arif-un-Nisa Naqvi4 and Muhammad Usman Ghani1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mitochondrial DNA has been adopted as a versatile genetic marker all over the globe and provides a unique maternal ancestry portrait of a person’s genetic pin code. Overall knowledge of mtDNA profiles of worldwide populations can benefit population genetics and forensic sciences. Consequently, this study was designed to establish the mtDNA profiles of the Shin...

Sehrish Ashraaf1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1* and Sajida Naseem2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Spiders are natural predators of many insect pests and preferred as they are carnivores. In the present study we identified the cursorial spiders of different families using DNA barcoding as it is very helpful in identifying species where morphological identifications can be difficult e.g., delimitation of juvenile stages. Standard barcode region of CO1 gene of 64 s...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nihat Tekel1, Seyrani Koncagül2, İlkay Baritci1, Halit Deniz Şireli1, Muhittin Tutkun1, Ecevit Eyduran3 and Mohammad Masood Tariq4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to comparatively evaluate some nonlinear functions i.e. Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy in order to describe the growth of Awassi male lambs (n=120) at the age of 10 months. The coefficient of determination values estimated for Brody, Negative Exponential and Bertalanffy models were 0.9523, 0.6094, and 0.9428 R2 for t...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hong Hu1, 2, Li Qian1, Yuanlang Wang1, Chaodong Wu1, Xiaodong Zhang1, Yueyun Ding 1*, Li Wang1, Xudong Wu1, Wei Zhang1, Dengtao Li1, Jian Ding1, Min Yang1 and Zongjun Yin1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present work aimed to explore the molecular mechanisms and candidate genes associated with fat metabolism in Anqingliubai (obese) and Yorkshire (lean) pigs. The transcriptome profiling of backfat between Anqingliubai and Yorkshire pigs was carried out by RNA-sequencing technology. The sum of clean reads were 288.3 and 365.3 million which was obtained from the RN...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shakeel Ahmed* and Sarwat Jahan; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Neuromedin S (NMS), an anorexigenic neuropeptide was first discovered in rat brain. It is a ligand for receptor FM4/TGR-1 which is also called as NMU receptor type II (NMU2R). Mainly it is expressed in SCN and involved in regulation of food intake and dark light circadian rhythms. In rodents and higher primates its stimulatory role in HPG axis is reported. Growth ho...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sadaf Aslam1,2*, Abdul Majid Khan2 and Muhammad Akhtar2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The middle Miocene rocks of the Chinji Formation, Siwaliks Hills, Pakistan are well known for their rich and diverse vertebrate fossil assemblages. Here new suid fossil remains of the extinct species Hyotherium pilgrimi described. The known stratigraphic range of Hyotherium is about 14 to 11 million years. This species is closer to its smaller European...
height: normal;">Taqiur Rahman1, Tabassum Yaseen1*, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, Samiullah3, Ghulam Jelani3, Gul Nawaz1,Qudratullah Kalwar2
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Ethno veterinary medicine is a program focused on traditional values, expertise and skills; the methodologies and methods used to treat diseases, maintaining animal health and its importance to ethnobotany and Pharmacogonosy.The objective of the present study is to identify the leading medicinal plants used by local communities for the treatment of animals and document the threatened herbal knowl...
height: normal;">Hamida Sarwar1, Kousar Perveen1,Rida Mazhar2, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Amir Gilani3
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Abstract | COVID-19 pandemic has been shown to have significant effects on the mental health of people all across the globe, generally, and healthcare workers, particularly. This report is a cross-sectional study comprising statistical data and mental health measurements from HCW including doctors, nurses, and paramedics from DHQ Hospital, Jhelum, Punjab Pakistan during the period April 24...
height: normal;">Tehreem Zahra1, Muhammad Irfan1, Muhammad Nadeem2, Misbah Ghazanfar1, Qurratulain Ahmad3, Shaukat Ali4, Farzana Siddique5, Zarina Yasmeen6, Marcelo Franco7
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The potential of Trichoderma viride for cellulase production using seed pods of silk cotton tree as substrate in submerged fermentation by response surface methodology has been investigated. Three variables like substrate concentration, peptone and KH2PO4 were optimized at three levels. The optimum carboxymethylcellulase (CMCase) activity and filter paper cellulase (F...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kui Zhang1,2, Ping Geng1, Sher Khan Panhwar3, Khadim Hussain Memon4 and Zuozhi Chen1,2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Marine fisheries play an important role in the national economy of Pakistan, as reflected in the provision of animal protein, employment solutions, and foreign-exchange earnings through exports. However, stock assessments are available for few of the commercial marine fish species in Pakistani waters. Most commercial fish species lack assessments of maximum sustaina...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Aamir Naseer1, Amjad Islam Aqib2*, Ambreen Ashar3Muhammad Ijaz Saleem1, Muhammad Shoaib4Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar1, Khurram Ashfaq1, Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta1 and Shagufta Nighat5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dairy milk is overwhelming with biofilm producing Staphylococcus aureus (bpSA), whereas response to commonly used antibiotics is not only becoming worrisome in bpSA but also in non-biofilm producing S. aureus (nbpSA). Current study was planned to detect bpSA from dairy milk, confirmation of presumed risk factors, and comparative analysis of antibiogram...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ayesha Talib1,2, Khanzadi Nazneen Manzoor1, Wajahat Ali1, Maria Saeed1, Muhammad Asif Gondal1, Malik Badshah3 and Abid Ali Khan1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Resistance towards a number of antibiotics in a variety of microorganisms is expanding at an alarming pace. There is a dire need to devise novel tactics to deal with these minute yet evolving ever clever microscopic entities. One of the possible ways to fight them is through nanoparticles. Green synthesis is an easy way to synthesize nanoparticles by using biologica...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fanrong Xiao, Jichao Wang and Haitao Shi*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Elucidating the relationships between morphology, performance and ecology is central to understand how morphology influences fitness. Previous work has already shown that two sympatric turtles, the Keeled box turtle Cuora mouhotii and the Flowerback box turtle C. galbinifrons, have divergent morphologies and occupy different microhabitats (steep, rocky...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Babar Zahoor, Basharat Ahmad*,Riaz Aziz Minhas and Muhammad Siddique Awan; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was conducted to investigate human-black bear (Ursus thibetanus) conflict in and around Moji Game Reserve (MGR) Leepa valley, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The main cause of human-black bear conflicts was damages in the form of livestock killings, crop raiding and human casualties. Estimated quantity of maize grains and fodder damaged du...

Kecheng Zhu1,2,3, Peiying He1, Baosuo Liu1,2,3, Huayang Guo1,2,3, Nan Zhang1,2,3, Liang Guo1,2,3, Shigui Jiang1,2,3 and Dianchang Zhang1,2,3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Myomaker is a muscle-specific membrane protein that is essential for myoblast fusion. Myomaker is regulated by myoblast determination protein (MyoD), a muscle-specific basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor in higher vertebrates. However, the transcriptional regulatory mechanism of the myomaker gene has not been explored in marine fishes. In the p...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yihong Tian, Yongmei Qi*, Sajid Naeem, Ke Gao and Yingmei Zhang*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Although the autophagic effect and mechanism of spermidine have been reported, the role of spermidine-induced autophay in cancer cell survival has not been fully elucidated yet. In the present study, we aim to investigate the effect and toxic mechanism of spermidine on cell survival using Hela cells, a cervical cancer cell line as a model. Cell viability was assesse...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yasir Sharif1, Saba Irshad1*, Ammara Muazzam1, Muhammad Hamza Tariq1, Ambreen Kanwal1, Sana Rasheed1, Mabel Baxter Dalrymple2 and Anam Tariq1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To assess iron overload, disturbed liver and hematological profile and secondary complications in β thalassemia major (BTM) patients, the current study was carried on 408 subjects including 204 patients and 204 controls. For all 408 individuals; complete blood count (CBC), blood group, serum ferritin level and liver function tests were performed. Secondary comp...

Fan Sigang1, Guo Yihui1* and Xu Youhou2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Noble scallop (Chlamys nobilis) is an economically important cultured marine bivalve shellfish common in southern China. Investigation on the molecular regulatory mechanisms of gonadal maturation in scallop is critical in the aquacultural industry. Here, gonads in maturing stage were obtained from noble scallops and sequenced using an Illumina high-throughput...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhi Chen1, Toshifumi Minamoto2, Longshan Lin3 and Tianxiang Gao4,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Environmental DNA (eDNA) analysis is a powerful tool within ecology for the distribution or abundance study of aquatic species. DNA extracting was an indispensable process to employ this method. In eDNA extracting of macro-organisms, DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit was commonly used, but its price was about 80 RMB/sample, which was too expensive. Cheaper eDNA extraction...

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Ayman Balla Mustafa2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Rana Muhammad Bilal4 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Camel is an integral part of livestock as Pakistan ranks 8th in the world regarding its population. Mainly the camel production is in remote areas as pastoral system in desert ecosystem of Pakistan. Due to the urbanization, this husbandry system is changed and the cameleers are moving towards urban/peri-urban areas of arid and semi-arid environment. This study was p...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Neelam Pery1*, Fatima Ijaz1, Nayab Batool Rizvi1, Munawar Ali Munawar1 and Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease with prevalence all over the world. Several therapeutics with different modes of action are available to deal with the disease but have failed to produce universal response leaving a large proportion of patients untreated. This is due to complex pathogenesis comprising a network of signaling pathways. By controlling one ...

Shazia Rasheed1*, Javed Mustaquim2 and Khalil Hasni1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In the present paper, size at sexual maturity was determined by relative growth (functional) as well as by examining the condition of gonads (physiological) in both sexes of Portunus pelagicus. During the study it was observed that the physiological and functional maturities occur almost at the same size which was from 68 to 75 mm short carapace width or 86 t...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Gautam Patra1*, Ana Sahara2, Sonjoy Kumar Borthakur1, Parthasarathi Behera3, Subhamoy Ghosh1, Apurba Debbarma4 and Seikh Sahanawaz Alam5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The increasing emergence of wildlife diseases with the possibility to ecological threats as well as domestic animals and human health has prompted the importance of understanding disease dynamics and associated risks in biological conservation. The present study was undertaken from North Eastern part of India from January, 2017 to March, 2018 to identify and molecul...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jian Yang1, Guangxiang Tong2, Zhipeng Sun2, Xianhu Zheng2, Weihua Lv2, Dingchen Cao2, Xiaowen Sun2 and Youyi Kuang2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, we used an intermuscular-bones (imbs) partial deletion zebrafish (Danio rerio) mutant to analyze the impact of imbs deficiency on adjacent muscle development and growth by examining expression of muscle-specific genes and muscle structure. Five muscle-specific genes including myod, myog, myf5, mef2ca and sox6 ...

Faiqah Ramzan1,2,*, Irfan Zia Qureshi2 and Muhammad Haris Ramzan3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Discovery of kisspeptin and its receptor has enhanced our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms that govern the pituitary-gonadal-axis. However, in sexually immature male mammals, the maturation of gonads is not clear yet. The current study tested the hypothesis that continuous kisspeptin administration suppresses gonadotropin and testosterone release and ...

Turgay Şişman1,*, Muhammet Çağrı Keskin1, Hatice Dane1, Şeymanur Adil1, Fatime Geyikoğlu1, Suat Çolak2 and Esra Canpolat1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In order to determine the effects of environmental contamination, nuclear abnormalities of peripheral erythrocytes and lung, liver, and kidney histopathologies were evaluated in marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) in agricultural areas. The most prominent histopathological alterations observed in lung tissue were noted as epithelial hyperplasia, thickness of a...

Tasleem Akhtar1, 2, Ghazanfar Ali1,* and Nuzhat Shafi2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The morphometrics, length-weight relationships and condition factor are presented for commercially important Schizothoracinae from Neelum and Jhelum rivers during 2015-2016. In the present study, four species of Schizothorax had been found, in which three species were already reported (S. esocinus, S. plagiostomus and S. progastus) and one new s...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xia Li1*, Xueliang Zhan1 and Xinjie Shi2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Objective of the present study was to observe and analyze the efficacy of ulinastatin combined with ambroxol in the treatment of AECOPD complicated with type II respiratory failure. A total of 180 patients treated in our hospital due to AECOPD complicated with type II respiratory failure were enrolled in the study and divided into study group and reference group...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Feng Xu1,2,3*, Weikang Yang1,2,3*, Ming Ma1,2,3 and David A. Blank4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Vigilance was defined as the behavior for increasing probability of detecting and recognizing a predator before being detected themselves. Group size, human disturbance, environment factors, body size of a prey and a predator, season, traits of species and numbers of others factors were thought to have significant impacts on vigilance. Here, in this study we conside...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mushtaq Ahamd Khan1, Ziaul Islam2, *, Amin Ullah Jan3, Kamran Khan2 and Abdullah Shah3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Toxoplasmosis is the most prevalent parasitic zoonotic disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii that infects a wide range of warm-blooded animals including humans. Congenital infection with T. gondii during pregnancy can result in severe abnormalities in infants such as hydrocephalus and mental retardation. The present study was conducted to estimate seropr...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yujun Zhao and Jianping Fan*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of our present study was to assess the effects of Kanglaite injection on apoptosis and expression of apoptosis-related factors Bcl-2 and Bax protein and the activities of Caspase-3 and Caspase-8 in colon cancer SW480 cells were studied. Compared with the control group without medication, the proliferation inhibition rate of cells processed with Kanglaite inj...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zeki Aras1*, Gökçenur Sanioğlu Gölen1, Zafer Sayin2 and Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlu3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chlamydophila abortus C. abortus cause placentitis, abortion, weak neonates and infertility in sheep and goats worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of C. abortus in abomasum content of aborted sheep and goat fetuses from provinces of the Central Anatolia of Turkey by PCR. A total of 105 aborted sheep fetuses and 15 aborted g...

 Amna Arshad Bajwa1, Saher Islam1, Muhmmad Imran1, Karman Ashraf2, Arman Khan1, Muhammad Farhan Khan3, Imran Rashid2, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1Waseem Ahmad Khan4 and Wasim Shehzad1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Gender identification of wild ungulates is imperative and critical, particularly for juveniles. Accurate gender determination is important for studying ecology and conservation biology. Therefore, a simple molecular technique, that is precise with non-invasive sampling approaches such as faeces, would be valuable. In the present study a set of molecular markers was...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mudussar Nawaz1, Iahtasham Khan2, Muhammad Shakeell*, Arfan Yousaf1, Zahid Naseer1, Munibullah1, Ali Zohaib3, Riaz Hussain4 and Qudrat Ullah5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis are important zoonotic pathogens. Brucellosis is an occupational hazard for veterinarians and animal handlers. The current work aimed to determine the prevalence of brucellosis in buffaloes and goats of Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan. A total of 341 milk samples from buffaloes (n=180) and goats (n=161) we...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yahui Wang1, Ling Ren1, Yishen Xing1, Xin Hu1, 2, Qian Li1, Lingyang Xu1, Junya Li1* and Lupei Zhang1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Intramuscular fat (IMF) content is one of the most important factors determining beef quality and price. Intramuscular adipocytes develop from mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) in mesoderm. The mechanisms of preadipocytes differentiate into mature adipocytes to a great extent are clear, but the commitment of MSCs to preadipocytes is largely unknown. In this study, the P...; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present paper is the first confirmed finding of the pronghorn lobster, Panulirus penicillatus in the southern coastal waters of Oman of the Arabian Sea. A single specimen was captured using a bottom set gill net at a depth of 12 m on 26 March 2019. It was male measuring 42.0 cm in total length, 17.2 cm in carapace length and weighed 3.15 kg. Description o...
height: normal;">Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Shahzad Akbar1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Mustaqeem2, Muhammad Luqman3, Ijaz Asghar4 and Muhammada Asam Riaz1
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Methanolic extracts and essential oils of ten indigenous plant species were evaluated for their insecticidal and repellency potential against the subterranean termite Odontotermes obesus Ramb, a destructive insect pest of wooden infrastructures, agricultural crops, orchards and forest plantations. Standard filter paper disc method was used for both toxicity ...
height: normal;">Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Afzal1,Muhammad Asam Riaz1,Kanwer Shahzad Ahmed1, Muhammad Luqman2, Mehar Zubair Shehzad1, Muhammad Bilal Tayyab1, Mujahid Tanvir1 and Saadia Wahid1
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">This laboratory study encompasses comparative evaluation of insecticidal potential of indigenous ethnomedicinal flora of Soone Valley and surrounding Salt Range of Pakistan. Acetone extracts (10%) of forty plant species were evaluated against Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri), armyworm (Spodoptera litura), house mosquito (Culex quinquefasciat...
height: normal;">Muhammad Ramzan, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mudssar Ali and Hasan Riaz
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The biology and morphology of Trilocha varians was studied on Ficus benjamina (L.) under the laboratory conditions. The results on different biological and morphological parameters showed that the fecundity of female ranged from 160 to 281 which increased its survival rate. Trilocha varians has five larval instars. The last instar changed its c...
height: normal;">Tafail Akbar Mughal1, Shaukat Ali1*, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1, Shumaila Mumtaz1, Samaira Mumtaz1, Ali Hassan1 and Syed Akif Raza Kazmi2
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Hyperlipidemia is a condition in which blood is overloaded with lipids. This condition is challenging for living beings. There are many ways to solve this problem but herbal medicines take on paramount importance in this regard. The purpose of the current research was to inspect the effects of an aqueous extract of Berberis lycium Royleroot bark on lipid pro...

Samia Ikram1*, Riaz ur Rehman1, Farwa Batool2 and Atyab Amjad3

Evaluation of Bird of Paradise for Commercial Flower Production by using Organic Manures
...e sludge). Maximum plant height (93.53 cm), Number of suckers (4.20), Number of leaves (8.00), Number of flowers (4.11), Stem diameter (5.025 cm) and Spike diameter (5.03 cm) were contributed by T2whereas maximum spike length (61.21 cm) was recorded in T3 and maximum shelf life (14.81 days) was noted in T4. The present research study revealed that T2 significantly contributes to commercial cut flower production of Bird of paradise in agro metrological conditio...

Mohammad Mohsin Faqeer1, Muhammad Aquil Siddiqui2*, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Shameem Raja3, Muhammad Tahir Khan2, Ghulam Shah Nizamani2, Fareen Deeba Soomro4 and Muhammad Mahran Aslam2

Impact of Row Spacing on the Growth and Yield Parameters of Lentil (Lens culinaris L) under Semi-arid Region of Pakistan
...ximum germination, plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of pods plant-1, weight of 1000 seeds, seed yield, and early days to maturity were observed at 30 cm row spacing. Interaction of varieties x row spacing indicated that NIA Masoor 2016 showed the best performance at 30 cm row spacing. This genotype exhibited highest germination (97.02 %), plant height (41.17 cm), number branches per plant (7.53), number of po...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jianjun Fu1, Shili Liu2, 3, Wenbin Zhu1, Yongyi Jia2, 3, Lanmei Wang1, Yufen Yang4, Zhimin Gu2, 3*and Zaijie Dong1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The topmouth culter (Culter alburnus) is an economically important fish in China. However, natural stocks have been decreasing rapidly in recent years. Genetic improvement breeding programs of C. alburnus offer an essential strategy in developing a sustainable solution. In this study, we developed three multiplex PCR panels, including twelve microsatel...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mumtazur Rahman1, Farhan Anwar Khan1,*,Umar Sadique1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Faisal Ahmad1,2, Hayatullah Khan1,3, Muhammad Saeed1, Faiz Ur Rehman1, Ibrar Hussain1, M. Faraz Khan1, M. Izhar ul Haque1 and Hanif-ur-Rehman1,3
height: normal;Times New Roman";">; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae (Mccp) is a highly contagious and deadly disease of small ruminants, especially goats. It is an economically important disease, causing high morbidity and mortality in goats. More recently Mccp Pakistan strain has been identified and isolated by our laborat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xiaopeng Tang1,2* and Kangning Xiong1,2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of epidermal growth factor (EGF) on glutamine and glucose absorption of IPEC-J2 cells using the Ussing chamber system. Cells were treated with: (1) EGF (0 ng / mL) + LPS (0 μg / mL) (Control group), (2) EGF (100 ng / mL) + LPS (0 μg / mL) (EGF group), (3) EGF (0 ng / mL) + LPS (1 μg / mL) (LPS group), and...
...r: rgb(76, 76, 76); line-height: 18px; font-size: 14px; font-family: "Benton Sans", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; margin-bottom: 10px !important;">37th PAKISTAN CONGRESS OF ZOOLOGY (INTERNATIONAL) DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY, GC UNIVERSITY, FAISALABAD, PAKISTAN

height: 18px; font-siz...

height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abdul Majid Khan1,*, Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Rana Manzoor Ahmad2, Ayesha Iqbal1, Hafiza Imrana Naz1, Amtur Rafeh1 and Muhammad Ameen1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present paper reports the first record of Eotragus noyei from the late Miocene deposits of Dhok Pathan Formation, Chakwal, Pakistan. The sample comprises maxillary and mandibular fragments along with isolated upper and lower teeth. The morphometric analysis of the dental specimens led us to recognize the sample as belonging to Eotragus noyei, which...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yaqiu Liu1, Zhijian Wang 2, Xinhui Li 1*, Jianrong Zhao2 and Weitao Chen 1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The effect of oxidative stress on gill and gut enzyme activity in Paramisgurnus dabryanus was studied under different breathing restraint treatments. A total of 150 healthy mature individuals (mean initial body weight = 16.1 ± 3.7 g and mean initial total fork length = 13.1 ± 1.2 cm) were selected for the experiment. The experimental specimens w...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Mohsin1, Yin Hengbin2,* and Zhang Luyao3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The fishing industry of the China is the largest in world which is usually believed to be facing overexploitation risk. In this condition, it becomes necessary to estimate stock status of fishery resources particularly having commercial importance. Thus, this study is the first time attempt to know whether Spanish mackerel, a major landed fishery resource in Shandon...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ye Ge1,2,3, Qiucheng Yao1, Hongliang Chai3, Yuping Hua3* and Guohua Deng2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wild birds, as reservoirs of viruses, play active roles in influenza virus transmission and reassortment. To further evaluate the potential infection risk of H6 AIVs from wild birds, we inoculated these viruses into A549 cells, which showed that these wild bird H6 AIVs have acquired the ability to cross interspecific barriers and have the potential to infect mammals...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Syed Zakir Hussain Shah1*, Muhammad Afzal2, Mahroze Fatima3Syed Makhdoom Hussain4 and Tanveer Ahmed5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A factorial experiment under completely randomized design was conducted by using citric acid (CA) supplementation (3 levels) and phytase (PHY) supplementation (3 levels) as the main effects. CA was supplemented at 0, 1.5 and 3% and PHY was added at 0, 750 and 1000 FTU/kg diet in a 3 × 3 factorial arrangement. All the nine test diets were contained 37.6% crude ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jin-Juan Wan, Mei-Fang Shen*, Hui Xue, Hong-Yan Liu, Mei-Qin Zhang, Xi-He Zhu and Chong-Hua Wang; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was aimed to evaluate the effects of feeding frequency on growth performance, antioxidant status and immunity of juvenile red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkia (average weight: 3.01±0.02 g). Crayfish were randomly assigned to one of five feeding frequencies (1,2,3,4 and 5 times/day, F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5) following the same ration size for ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yonghua Liu*, Xianhua Li, Xiongfei Yan and Gang Li; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The yellow tortrix, Acleris fimbriana Merick (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), is a serious pest on fruit trees in North China. Under laboratory conditions (temperature 25 ± 1ºC, 80 ± 5% relative humidity, photoperiod 14L:10D), the effect of the 4 host plants Armeniaca vulgaris (apricot), Malus pumila (apple), Prunus salicina...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xuya Zhou1, Ying Liu1, Deqin Xu1, Jie Bao1, Yaru Cao2 and Yong Jin3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Many drugs increase the risk of cardiovascular disease, such as thiazolidine diketone: rosiglitazone, selective cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors: rofecoxib, celecoxib. This study was aimed to find out whether unification of two drugs would increase cardiovascular side effects. Type 2 diabetic rat model was induced through feeding with fodder containing high sugar a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yifan Ni1, Jian Liu1, Fen Wu1, Jianfeng Cai1, Jinzhi Zhang1*, Jianqing Hua2 and Jiping Fu2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of this study was to investigate the single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) of the Multiple Drug Resistance Gene 1(MDR1) and the Porcine Osteopotin (OPN) gene and their association with reproductive traits in Landrace, Large Yorkshire and Jinhua sows. A total of 316 sows of three different breeds were used to examine the geno...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yongmei Gao1, Peihong Gao2, Yanjun Wang3, Jinhua Han4 and Yang Shu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Theobjective of the study was to observe the effect of mifepristone combined with Guizhifuling capsule in the treatment of uterine fibroids. Patients (160) diagnosed and treated for uterine fibroids in our hospital were enrolled as research objects. The patients were randomly divided into an experiential group and a control group, each containing 80 patients. The ex...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Saima Siddique1* and Zarrien Ayub2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The population structure of Echinometra mathaei was studied monthly from May 2011 to November 2012 at a rocky shore of Buleji, Pakistan, Northern Arabian Sea. The test diameter and total weight showed significant temporal variations. The test diameter/wet weight and test height/wet weight relationships followed negative al...
Anjali Khadka1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Subarna Sharma Acharya3, Amrit Poudel4 and Sushma Adhikari1
Morphological Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill Genotypes in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal
...mber of nodes, basal pod height, internodal length, plant height, number of branches, number of grains, pod length at maturity, leaf area was positively correlated with grain yield while days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, number of trifoliate, number of pods and fresh weight of the pod were negatively correlated with grain yield. The path analysis depicts that the internodal length and days to maturity had the highest ...

Amjed Ali1, Rafi Qamar1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Salman Saleem2, Sami Ullah3, Muhammad Arshad Javed4 and Syed Wasim Hasan5

Development and Growth: Influence of Sowing Dates on Performance of Cotton Cultivars
...uiting branch and branch height (65.02), (112.56), (10.02) and (26.43 cm) in FDH-170, respectively while boll maturation (48.05) was noted in Bt. MNH886. Sowing date 5th May plot recorded more leaf area index and net assimilation rate in FDH-170 (4.45 and 3.87 g m-2 day-1) while leaf area duration and crop growth rate in Bt. FH-142 (282.32 and 6.67 g m-2 day-1), respectively. Significantly, higher TDM production was recorded on 21st April in Bt. FH-142 (1104.3...

Sajid Ali1, Abdul Basit1,3*, Abdul Mateen Khattak1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Izhar Ullah2, Noor Alam Khan3, Imran Ahmad1, Kamran Rauf1, Salman Khan1, Irfan Ullah1 and Intizar Ahmad1

Managing the Growth and Flower Production of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) through Benzyle Amino Purine (BAP) Application and Pinching
...of plant by reducing its height. Similarly, pinching of terminal branches increase the cytokinins and decrease auxin concentrations flourishing the axillary buds. A research study on the growth and production of zinnia flowers through application of BAP (25, 50, 75 and 100 mg L-1) and pinching (2, 4 and 6 leaf stages), was carried out at The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan. Research analysis showed that zinnia plants treated with 100mg.L-1 and pin...

Ali Zohaib1*, Habib Ullah2, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum2, Tahira Tabassum2, Muzzammil Hussain1, Mohsin Nawaz3, Ghulam Abbas4 and Sohail Irshad5

Effect of NPK Fertilization Strategies on Growth, Yield, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Economic Benefits of Relay Intercropped Wheat in Cotton
...mum improvement in plant height, fertile tillers, grains per spike, biological yield, grain yield and NUEA. Economic analysis also manifested that the greatest net returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR) were obtained by same NPK application timing (i.e. T4). In conclusion, fertilization timing substantially affected the yield, NUEA and economic benefits of relay intercropped wheat in cotton; and application of ½ N and all PK at sowing and ½ N at ti...
height: normal;">Muhammad Saeed Shah1, Fazal Nasir2, Sana Ul Haq1 and Muhammad Tahir Khan2*
...l; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The human immune system is a highly sophisticated system of biological structures that defends the human body against harmful antigens. In this paper, the concept of biological immune system, idiotypic network theory and clonal selection theory are applied in multi-robot cooperation. Idiotypic network theory governs the stimulation and suppression of an antibody in response to an antigen. Clonal ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jun Yan Bai1*, Ren Tao Di Wu2, Qiang Zhang2, Di Bao2, Le Ma Dao2 and Xing Hua Tian3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, 17 microsatellite markers were used to analyze the genetic diversity of Sonid bactrian camels, and the correlation between microsatellite markers and their body size was analyzed to find microsatellite markers associated with the body size traits of Sonid bactrian camels, so as to provide reference for marker-assisted selection of Sonid bactrian camel...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Faisal Ayoob1,2, Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani1, Asghar Ali Kamboh3, Mansoor Ayoob4, Waseem Ali Vistro3 and Abdul Sattar Baloch3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was designed to investigate the pathology and transmission of experimental velogenic viscerotropic newcastle disease (VVND) in Japanese quails and mynas. Both birds were divided into Q1, Q2, Q3, M1, M2 and M3 group each of four bird. The birds of group Q1, M1 and Q2, M2 were administered with 0.3ml of VVND virus (1.8×109 EID 5...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Haseeb Nisar1, Usman Pasha1, Kiran Hanif1, Rizwan Abid1Rehan Ahmad Khan Sherwani2, Haja N. Kadarmideen3 and Saima Sadaf1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Genetic polymorphisms in the interleukin 6 gene (IL-6) and its promoter regions have extensively been studied because of their potential role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Due to the confounding results, reported in several studies, we performed the systematic literature search on IL-6 -572 G/C polymorphism (rs1800796 SNP) and assessed its...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhilong Tian1, 2, Yuqin Wang2, Jishun Tang1,3 and Mingxing Chu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To elucidate the association between polymorphism of SYNE2 and litter size in sheep and provide a new locus for marker-assisted selection of high fecundity traits in sheep. A total of 384 small tail han sheep (STH) were sampled to detect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), and Sequenom Mass ARRAY®SNP assay was applied to genotype SNP loci of ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Q. Sun1, Q. Liu1, R. Di1, Y. Wang1, S. Gan2, S. Liu2, X. Wang1, W. Hu1, X. Cao1, Zh. Pan1, X. Guo1, Y. Yang3, H.E. Rushdi4* and M. Chu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sheep is a significant agricultural animal and food source for people worldwide. The fat tail/rump is considered as an adaptive selection under harsh challenges which serves as a fat store for the animal. Thyroid hormone responsive (THRSP) is a crucial protein for cellular de novo lipogenesis. THRSP gene encodes a nuclear protein which regulates fatty ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sukhpreet Kaur Sidhu*, Gurkirat Singh Sekhon, Randeep Kaur Aulakh and Tejdeep Kaur Kler; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ponds in farmlands are an integral component of the hydrological system; and perform diverse roles in the biosphere. The present study on ponds was carried out on avian diversity and its services of composition in relation to vegetation distribution to understand their biodiversity. Four natural ponds and one man-made pond were surveyed at three locations viz. Ludhi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Saima Yaqub1, Tahir Yaqub1*, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir2, Asif Nadeem3Aziz-Ul-Rahman1, Muhammad Furqan Shahid1, Zarfishan Tahir4 and Nadia Mukhtar4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) is common among injecting drug users (IDUs), and HIV-1 positive IDUs may have potential of HIV transmission among general population through different ways. Therefore, an understanding towards current status of HIV prevalence and genomic characteristics of circulating strains is crucial to devise and implement necessary interve...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chaojie Yang1,2,3, Haishan Wang1,2,3, Le Ye1,2,3 and Zhi Chen1,2,3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The identification of species constitutes the basic step in phylogenetic studies, biodiversity monitoring and conservation. The morphological descriptions and DNA barcoding study about Muraenesocidae in the East China Sea were old, rough and deficient. Morphometric measurements and meristic counts were taken for all collected Muraenesocidae samples in our present st...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mardan Aghabey Turghan1, Roller MaMing1*, Li Weidong2, Di Jie1 and Xu Guohua1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">An updated checklist of bird species that occur in the Arjin Mountain Nature Reserve and its adjacent areas, including parts of Kunlun Mountain, Qimantagh and Kumkul Basin, is provided as part of the basic data for a second nation-wide field survey of wildlife resources of China (2010-2020). The information provided is based on field observations made from 2010 to 2...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jiawei Zhang1,2, Thomas Quirke1, Shibao Wu2*, Shaoshan Li2 and Fidelma Butler1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This paper describes an assessment of the Impact of weather changes and human visitation on behavior and activity level of Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) in captivity. The study is based on activity time-budgets from a flock of over 20 birds at Fota Wildlife Park, Cork, Ireland, gathered during daytime observations over a six month period. The result...

Zohaib Ahmad Hassan1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Usman Saleem3, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1, Aneela Riaz4, Khurshid Ahmad Mufti5 and Aamer Sattar2

Toxic Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) on Growth and Yield of Rice components like plant height, fertile tillers, total biomass, straw and paddy yield were noted for all pots of the experiment. Statistical analysis of all collected data was accomplished. It was noted from the results that control (T1) proved superior with regard to plant height, fertile tillers/pot, total biomass, straw and paddy yield. All these yield contributing components indicated a declining trend in all subsequent...

Bilal Pervaiz Khan1, Neelam Ara1, Shujaat Ali1,2*, Kamran Khurshid Baigh1 and Abdul Wahab1

Effect of Seed Priming on Radish with Different Nutrients at Various Soaking Durations
...nce (9.1), tallest plant height (41 cm), yield of leaves plant-1 (14.4), leaf area (295.8 cm2), root length (20.6 cm), root weight in g (522.4) root diameter in cm (4.51), and total yield (23.8 tones ha-1) were obtained when seeds were soaked in DAP solution. In case of storage duration, The maximum germination percentage (82.5 %), survival percentage (84.4 %), plant height (43.7cm), ), total yield of leaves plant-1 (14.2 g)...
height: normal;">Rehman Akhtar1, Khizar Azam2, Abdur Rehman Babar1, Qazi Salman Khalid1, Rashid Nawaz1 and Imran Ahmad1 
height: normal;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Solar energy that is produced through solar farms is a freely available, renewable source of energy that reduces greenhouse effect. It holds utmost importance in a developing country with power shortcomings and pollution issues. Choosing the best site for a solar farm amid various location alternatives is a complex multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) problem as numerous conflicting qualitative and quantitative cri...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Li Yao1,2,3, AnQing Zhang1,2,3, HaiYan Zhang2, Jian Shao1,2,3, Ming Wen2,4, ChangAn Wang5, HaiBo Jiang1,2,3,* and Ming Li6,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study was to investigate effects of dietary Eucommia ulmoides Oliver (EUO) bark aqueous extract on growth performance and nutritional composition of rainbow trout (145.56 ± 4.12 g) (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed five different diets, including 0 (EUO-0), 5 (EUO-5), 10(EUO-10), 20 (EUO-20) and 40(EUO-40) g kg-1 EUO bark aqueous extract....
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Adnan Khan1, Rifat Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi2Muhammad Mobashar3, Ali Gohar4, Shakoor Ahmad1, Kamran Khan5Hamayun Khan1 and Shabana Naz6*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nine mature bulls were selected in three (n=9) different groups (Holstein Fresian, Jersey and Nili Ravi) to find out equilibration time (T1, 2 h; T2, 6 h and T3, 6 h) effects on different semen quality parameters. Highest sperm progressive motility, sperm plasma membrane integrity were observed in T2. It reflects high damages at T3 and T1 due to cryo shock and oxida...

Yuan Xing, Congming Tan, Yan Luo and Wenjun Liu*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asthma is a chronic inflammatory airway disease, characterized by reversible goblet cells, smooth muscle hyperplasia, airflow obstruction, hyperactivity enhanced, ultra-structural remodeling, and airway mucus production. The current experimental study was aimed at scrutinizing quercetin’s inhibitory effect on airway inflammation in mice and its possible mechan...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Arnab Tanveer, Shabana Naz*, Azhar Rafique and Asma Ashraf; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A study was conducted to find the prevalence of endo-parasites in Pavo cristatus and the comparative efficacy of Albandazole and Levamisole against the endo parasites at three different locations viz. Jallo Wildlife Park Lahore, Wildlife Park Murree and Wildlife Park Bahawalnagar. Freshly dropped fecal sample were collected once before treatment with anthelmi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hongqun Li1*, Xiaoli Liu2*, Zongxian Han1, Shabin Wu1 and Changlei Cao1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Understanding animal habitat selection is significant for informed conservation management actions. The autumn foraging and day-roosting site selection of the brown-eared pheasant (Crossoptilon mantchuricum) was studied in Huanglong MountainsNature Reserve, Shaanxi Province, China from October to November 2018. Data were collected by examination of fresh site...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ehsan Kashani1, Hamid Reza Rezaei2*, Morteza Naderi3 and Nematolah Khorasani4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Knowledge about the genetic diversity of the mammalian species and their plasticity in ever-changing environments is emphasized by scientists and conservation biologists. Central deserts and steppes of Iran host a different kind of insectivores like hedgehogs; however, their ecology and genetic properties are rarely documented. For species of hedgehogs that are incl...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Shafiq1,2,*,Rajwali Khan1, Ilyas Ali3, Sadeeq Ur Rahman4, Saif Ullah3Shah Jan Mohammad2, Mohammad Jan2 and Jinhu Huang2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to determine the effect of cattle breed type on (a) cow serum IgG and serum total protein concentration (b) colostrum immunoglobulin level and (c) their respective calves’ serum immunoglobulin and serum total protein concentration. Three breeds of cattle were observed: Jersey, Holstein Friesian (HF) and local Pakistani cow breed Achai...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chen Zeng1,2, Baosuo Liu1,4, Kecheng Zhu1,4, Liang Guo1,2, Huayang Guo1,4, Nan Zhang1,4, Quan Yang1,3, Jing Wen Yang1,4 and Dianchang Zhang1,4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To study the growth and development rules of the longfin batfish Platax teira, three nonlinear models, logistic, Gompertz and Bertalanffy, were used in the study to fit and analyse the body height, body length, full length and body weight growth curves of the fish at the age of 2-8 months. The results showed that the three ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mohsin Ali1, Nargis Haider Kakar2, Rida Dawood3,4, Qurat-ul-ain Fatima5, Zunera Tanveer2, Shoaib Ahmad Malik6, Tauseef Muhammad Asmat1, Asadullah1, Muhammad Masood Tariq Kiani1 and Mohammad Zahid Mustafa1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Diabetes mellitus (DM) is responsible for a large number of deaths worldwide, and diabetic patients are at risk of having other immune diseases including thyroid abnormalities. The current study, undertaken in collaboration with Shaikh Khalifa-Bin-Zayed Hospital Quetta, investigates the relation of thyroid abnormalities in 224 DM (both type 1 and type 2) patients. T...

Shawaiz Iqbal1*, Nadeem Iqbal2, Usama Bin Khalid1, Muhammad Usman Saleem1, Adila Iram1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Muhammad Sabar1 and Tahir Hussain Awan1

Growth, Yield and Economic Analysis of Dry-Seeded Basmati Rice
...s. Data were recorded on height (cm), tillers m-2, filled and unfilled grains panicle-1, thousand grain weight (g), grain and biomass yield (t ha-1). Grain sterility (%) and harvest index (%) were also calculated. Highest grain yield (5.00 to 5.11 t ha-1) with harvest index (30.00 to 31.50%) and relatively low grain sterility (12.00 to 12.01%) were observed in DSR-ridge and DSR-drill sowing method. Moreover, DSR (i.e. DSR-ridge and -drill) resulted in 104 and ...

Hafiz Muhammad Wasim1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Sher Muhammad3, Usman Saleem4, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1, Aneela Riaz5 and Aamer Sattar2

Impact of NaCl Toxicity on Yield and Yield Components of Rice (Oryza sativa) Grown in Aridisol
...parameters such as plant height, number of productive tillers, total biomass, straw and grain yields were negatively influenced by the increasing levels of sodium chloride when compared with control treatment. Injurious impact of NaCl was more pronounced as the concentration of salt increased in the treatments.


Muhammad Rizwan1*, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Muhammad Farooq1,2, Aqeel Sarwar4, Abid Ali3, Farrukh Ilahi1, Muhammad Asif1 and Ghulam Sarwar1

Quantitative Studies in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) using Multivariate Techniques
...n parameters viz., plant height (cms), days taken in 50% flowering, monopodia plant-1, sympodia plant-1, boll weight (g), No. of bolls plant-1, ginning out turn (%), lint index(g), seed index(g), 2.5 percent span length(mm), bundle strength(g/tex), micronaire (µg/in), fibre elongation (%), uniformity ratio and yield plant-1(g). Using Mahalanobis D2 analysis, these parameters were assembled into seven clusters. Among these clusters, cluster I and VII were...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fangqing Liu1, Jared Atlas2, Chaohao Du1, Anoop Das3 and Longying Wen1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study aims to assess morphological variation of the ring-necked or common pheasant Phasianus colchicus across mainland China in response to environmental factors. We collected 399 pheasant and divided them into two groups: high altitude (>1500m) and low altitude (<1500m). The results that all morphological size measures of males were significantly ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abid Mahmood Alvi1*, Naeem Iqbal1,2, Javid Iqbal3, Kazam Ali4, Muhammad Shahid1, Waqar Jaleel5,6,7, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan8 and Tiyyabah Khan8; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In the current study, populations of whitefly (Bemisia tabaci) and thrips (Thrips tabaci) were observed in 2016 under three different conditions: 75 cm row to row spacing without mapiquate chloride (growth inhibitor), 30 cm row to row spacing without mapiquate chloride, and 30 cm row to row spacing with mapiquate chloride, using two cotton varieties (B...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yasin Altay1, Saim Boztepe2, Ecevit Eyduran3, İsmail Keskin2Mohammad Masood Tariq4*, Farhat Abbas Bukhari4 and Irshad Ali4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The purpose of this study was to capture some factors affecting wool fineness (WF) in Karacabey Merino. For this goal, CHAID (Chi-Square Automatic Interaction Detector) tree-based algorithm implemented to construct a regression tree diagram was specified based on Bonferroni adjustment within the scope of the prediction of wool fineness as a response variable. Also, ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahmad Sadiq1, Muzafar Shah2*, Habib Ullah1, Irfan Ali1, Amir Alam3
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Navid Jalil1 and Muhammad Khan3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Diabetic patients are deliberated to be at greater risk of hypertension and lipid abnormalities, which are the main cause of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). The present work revealed the role of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) for the detection of lipid profile and CVD. In recent study 108 (56 males and 52 female) type 2 diabetes (T2DM) subjects were diagnosed at Hayatab...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wentao Wang1,2, Xu Lin3, Jianshu Zhuo3, Dongjie Zhang2, Xiuqin Yang3* and Di Liu1, 2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">E2F3 is an important member of E2F transcription factors and has been involved in carcinogenesis. So far, little is known on porcine E2F3. Here, we cloned the complete coding sequence (CDS) of E2F3b and identified seven alternatively spliced transcripts in pigs using molecular biology technique for the first time. The CDS of the canonical transcripts (named V1) of p...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nadia Islam1, Khalil Ahmed1,*, Maisoor Ahmed Nafees1, Mujtaba Khalil2, Ishtiaq Hussain3, Muhammad Ali1 and Raja Imran1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was conducted to determine the physico-chemical and bacteriological status of drinking water of Mishto uch (good spring) and Bar (big spring) springs of Sherqilla village, District Ghizer during winter and spring seasons. A total of twenty one samples were collected and analyzed by membrane filtration method. At Misto uch, the mean temperature was 9.7°...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhen-Yang Wu1, Li Li1, Yu-Hua Fu2, Sheng Wang3, Qing-Ming An1, Xiao-Hui Tang4, Xiao-Yong Du3,5,* and Fei Zhou6,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tibetan sheep is one of China’s three coarse-wool sheep, the wool is mainly used for the production of Tibetan carpets and its coat color as one of important economic traits which can affect wool price directly. In this study, to investigate the functional roles of genes in Tibetan sheep skin with different coat colors, we sequenced genes from six skin samples...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Minghao Gong1*, Shiliang Pang2, Zhongyan Gao2, Wanyu Wen1, Ling Zhang3, Gang Liu1, Huixin Li1, Fawen Qian4 and Wenfeng Wang2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The endangered red-crowned crane (Grus japonensis, RCC) has the smallest population of all Chinese cranes, and is also susceptible to climate change because of its large body size, short migration distance, and specialized diet. We examined climate change-induced RCC habitat shifts and suggested some purposeful, resolute and crucial improvements needed to pro...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ayesha Alam1,* and Labeeb Ali2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The presence of viruses in treated and untreated sewage water is a serious issue in the agricultural sector as it is highly dependent on recycled water for irrigation purposes due to the shortage of fresh water resources. In this study viruses in untreated and treatedwastewater has been reviewed to evaluate the health threats to the people. It has been cited that vi...

Muhammad Shahbaz1,*, Nosheen Farooq1, Abu ul Hassan Faiz1, Arshad Javid2, Irfan Baboo3, Misbah Shoukat1 and Muhammad Aslam Khan4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Present study explored the biodiversity of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the district of Bagh, and at some adjoining areas, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, during the period May 2017 to October 2017. The specimens were identified under the binocular microscope by following the taxonomic keys of Christophers (1933), Barraud (1934) and Rueda (2004). A total of 2895 speci...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Hui Rong Gong, Xiao Ning Lu and Zi Heng Li; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of estrogen receptor gene (ESR1) polymorphism on the carcass traits of laying quail. The polymorphism of ESR1 gene exon 4 in three laying quail populations was detected by PCR product sequencing, and the correlation between ESR1 gene and carcass traits of laying quail was analyzed. The results show that, Exon 4...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shikang Deng1,2, Yan Jin2, Jing Xu2, Xiufang Zhu2, Pinghai Hu2, Jiao Li2, Li Zhang2 and Jianzhong Tang2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) on the expression of TGF-β1, cyclinD1, and CDK4 in fibroblasts of miniature pig bile duct scar model cultured in vitro. The bile duct scar fibroblasts were replicated by incision and anastomosis in miniature pigs and bile duct scar fibroblasts were obtained. After cell identificati...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Somia Shehzadi1, Sana Javaid Awan2, Maryam Javed1*, Asif Nadeem1 and Tahir Yaqub3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In-vitro culture of equine Achilles tendon fibroblasts (ATFs) is a feasible method to study hallmarks of tendinopathy, but ATFs should be viable and grown enough. For this purpose proper medium and supplements are required, which contain suitable growth factors for viability of ATFs. Fetal bovine serum (FBS) is used extensively in cell culture but being expen...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Pengfei Liu1*, Hongxia Liu2 and Jiajia Xiao1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The plain laughingthrush Garrulax davidi concolor (PL) and Elliot,s laughingthrush Trochalopteron elliotii (EL), are two members of family Leiothrichidae, who are both assumed sexually monomorphic. We employed reflectance spectrometry to determine the plumage coloration in these two species in the hand. PL with dull plumage, the males had br...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Shoaib1, Imran Rashid1*, Haroon Akbar1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh2, Shahid Hussain Farooqi3, Muhammad Asif3, Mumtaz Ali Khan4, Shakeel Mahmood5 and Farhan Anwar Khan6; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ticks as vectors of various human, livestock and companion animal diseases are most important globally. In accordance to its economic impact the current study was conducted in three districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan i.e. Mardan, Kohat and Swat. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ixodid ticks and associated animals’ re...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Maria Syafiqah Ghazali1, Azlan Che’ Amat2 and Nor Azlina Abdul Aziz1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In nature, wild animals live in an enormous space and usually have very low genetic resistance against parasitic infection mainly due to low exposure towards the parasites themselves. However, when herds of these wild animals are kept in captivity, or in zoological gardens, parasitic infections might be worse and pose a serious threat to endangered species. The pres...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hannan Nasib Hamid1,*, Muhammad Rais1, Muhammad Arif2 and Rubina Noor2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Amphibians and reptiles hold significant position amongst the vertebrates, and play a vital role in the ecosystem. The present study reports herpetofauna of Sheikh Buddin National Park for the first time which could be used as a baseline. The national park features arid climate and two main vegetation types: tropical thorn forest and sub-tropical broad-leaved ever g...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jun Yan Bai*, Kun Peng Shi, Xiao Ning Lu, Xiao Hong Wu, Xue Yan Fu, Heng Cao, Hong Deng Fan, Meng Ke Chen and Yong Kang Ma; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To recognize molecular markers of slaughter performance of quail, SNP in control regions of cytogenin gene (MyoG) 5’ in French giant quail, and Savimit quailwas detected by PCR-SSCP method in this study. Moreover, correlations of control regions of MyoG 5’ with slaughter performance of quail were analyzed. Results demonstrated that: In meat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rabia Riaz1, Khushi Muhammad1*, Masood Rabbani1, Muhammad Amjad Iqbal2, Aamir Riaz Khan2, Sadia Sarfaraz1, Mudassar Naseer3 and Khalid Majeed1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In Pakistan the poultry sector is an important and vibrant segment of agriculture in Pakistan with a significant contribution to the national GDP (1.3%). Mycoplasma gallisepticum (MG) causes avian mycoplasmosis and is only controlled through mass vaccination. Antibody response of birds to inactivated MG vaccine is poor. On 7th day of age (broilers: n=40) each...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Qianbao Wang, Zhengyang Huang, Shoufeng Li, Huayun Huang, Chunmiao Li and Zhenhua Zhao*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">An appropriate dietary quantity level is considered to be important in controlling body weight and improving semen quantity and quality in broiler breeder males. A total of 60 F line broiler breeder males from 20 maternal families were averagely distributed into three groups received treatments of 135.5, 125.5 and 115.5 g/d diet respectively with ME 2770 kcal/kg and...
height: normal;">Aamer Sharif1,*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi1 and Riaz Muhammad2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The demand for renewable energy is increasing in developing countries. In developing countries like Pakistan renewable energy such as micro hydropower has come to be one of the most dominant sources of energy for its low cost, user- friendly, reliable and clean generation of electricity. Gravitational water vortex power plant is certainly one of such low head hydro turbines in which the potential energy of free surface...
height: normal;">Gulzar Ahmad*, Muhammad Bilal Khan, Junaid Bahadar Khan and Faheem Ali
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Abstract: The microstrip patch antennas offered in this research exposure was designed and simulated on three different substrate materials to investigate its performance for its employment in future higher frequencies wireless applications in general and 5G cellular applications in particular. In the past, researchers employed different dielectric substrates to analyze microstrip patch antenna in low frequency ...
height: normal;">Oluwatobi Emmanuel Olaniyi1,2*, Chukwudiemeka Onwuka Martins2, Mohamed Zakaria2
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The study aimed at estimating the population and modelling the site occupancy of the Porphyrio porphyrio indicus (PPI) and Amaurornis phoenicurus (AP) populations in the Paya Indah (PIW) and Putrajaya (PW) wetlands, Peninsular Malaysia. The distance sampling point count technique using stratified random design was employed to survey (from November 2016 to December 2018) and c...
height: normal;">Sana Mehmood1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Muhammad Summer1, Sher Muhammad Sherawat2, Shaukat Ali1*, Sajida Naseem3
...; font-size: 9.5px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Present study was outlined to evaluate the authenticity of morphological identifications of spiders from rice ecosystems of district Lahore, Sialkot and Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan by using DNA barcoding. A total of 2736 spiders were collected from July to October during 2018-19. They were brought to the laboratory for subsequent morphological identification, DNA extraction and sequencing. ...

Inam Ullah1,2, WU Qing-Ming1*, Ruqia Bibi2 and Najam Un Nisa2

Comparison of Nesting Site Preferences and Breeding Ecology of Red-Vented Bulbul, Baya Weaver, and Grey Bush Chat in Sheikh Badin National Park Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
...ighest nests   height of 5.06 ± 0.43 m were observed for Red-vented bulbul. Maximum Nest n=8 of baya weaver bird observed. Grey Bush Chat successfully hatched 100%.   The average incubation days for Red-vented Bulbul l12.83 ± 1.16, Baya weaver 12.71 ± 0.75, and Grey bush chat 13.25 ± 1.5 were recorded.

height: normal;">Eslam Moradi-Asl1*, Behnam Mohammadi Ghalehbin2, Kamran Akbarzadeh3, Jafar Mohammad-Shahi4, Hajar Afshin4
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Myiasis were occurs in tropical regions and rural areas where animal contact is common. Wound myiasis occurs when fly larvae infect open wounds. We describe an old male with wound myiasis by agent of Lucilia cuprina, who had a history of diabetes and also blind that reefed to hospital in 13 September and was admitted to date 18 September 2019.Larvea extracted manually from thumb finger of ...
height: normal;">Luka Anthony*, Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Elizabeth Samuel Ebukiba and Vandi Gamba
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Factors influencing the output of rice produced and choice of marketing outlets among small-holder rural farming households are the main focus to improve rice production and increase the income of the farmers. Primary data were used for this study. Data were obtained using a well-designed well-structured questionnaire. The questionnaires were administered to two hundred and seven (207) small-holder rural rice farming h...
height: normal;">Alam Zeb* and Amanullah Jan
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Water shortage should be intimidating issue for agriculture crops. Adaptation of modern techniques and management practices in oil seed crops can reduce water shortage risks with optimum yield in oil seed crops. Sesame is being considered the most tolerant crop for avoiding drought conditions with higher yield. Experiments on “response of sesame to sowing methods, nitrogen and sulphur levels” were carried o...
height: normal;">Vijay Lal and Muhammad Naeem*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Extensive research work has been done on proximate analysis of the fish around the world but very little analysis on marine fish Terapon jarbua have been performed. Therefore, the current analysis was carried out to analyze the proximate composition of T. jarbua. 70 samples of T. jarbua ranging from 18.00-29.90 cm in length and 119.60-429.50 g in body weight were collected from Fisheries Harbour, K...

Tofique Ahmed Bhutto1, Mahmooda Buriro1, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2, Safdar Ali Wahocho2, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro3*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Reema Vistro1, Fehmeeda Abbasi1, Sanam Kumbhar1, Fateh Muhammad Shawani4 and Nadar Hussain Khokhar5

Evaluation of Wheat Cultivars for Growth and Yield Traits under Agro-Ecological Condition of Tandojam
..., tillers plant-1, plant height (cm) and biological yield (kg ha-1). However, TD-1 proved to superiority in yield-related contributes such as spike length (cm), spikelets spike-1, grains spike-1, 1000 grain weight (g), and grain yield (kg ha-1) under both seasons. Among all cultivars, Imdad-2005 revealed the lowest values for all the scored traits. Based on the finding of the current study, it is concluded that the wheat cultivars TD-1 and Moomal-2002 performe...

Zafar Abbas1*, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2, Muhammad Nasir3, Muhammad Ashraf4, Salma Kausar5, Nadeem Iqbal6, Muhammad Zahid Khan Nazar7, Iftikhar Ahmad3, Ghulam Murtaza1 and Ijaz Ahmad8

Evaluation of Best Dose of Micronutrients (Zinc, Iron and Boron) to Combat Malnutrition in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)
... exhibited maximum plant height, fruit weight, total yield, number of fuits plant-1 and survival percentage except number of leaves plant-1 which were maximum in T4 i.e. (100-60-50)+ ZnSO4 0.5%. Concludingly, growth parameters of all the theree cultivars of egg plant showed maximum performance i.e plant height (88.57, 139.77 and 135.11 cm), fruit weight (213, 284 and 261 g), yield (10.11, 11.98 and 12.39 t ha-1), survival pe...

Saba Aleem1*, Mehvish Tahir2, Iram Sharif3, Muqadas Aleem4, Muhammad Najeebullah2, Ali Nawaz1, Amina Batool1, Muhammad Imran Khan1 and Waheed Arshad1

Principal Component and Cluster Analyses as Tools in the Assessment of Genetic Diversity for Late Season Cauliflower Genotypes
...ield, leaf length, plant height to extreme, and the number of leaves contributed significant positive component loading to these principal components (PCs). Biplot analysis among the first two PCs found the Casper RZ, AA Cauli-08, and Snow queen as diverse genotypes. Cluster analysis based on Euclidian distance grouped the genotypes into 3 distinct clusters. Some of the genotypes that have narrow genetic base were grouped into a similar cluster. Based on these...

Hafiz Hammad Ahmad1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1*, Noor-us-Sabah1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Aneela Riaz4

Growth and Yield Response of Sunflower to Organic Amendments in Aridisol
...biomass (25.73 g), plant height (110.90 cm), head size (21.36 cm), number of achene haed-1 (864) and achene yield plant-1 (32.16 g) of sunflower was observed with application of NK + Rock phosphate at 7 g pot-1 + Wheat straw at 28 g pot-1 (T6) in cultivar Hysun-33. While, lowest value of fresh biomass (72.73 g), dry biomass (15.72 g), head size (16.63 cm), achene head-1 (711), achene yield plant-1 (18.36 g) was noted under NK + P0 (T1) treatment in Agwara-3. A...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Keke Liu, Yuanhao Ying, Yuxin Xiao, Jing Yan, Mengzhen Zhang and Yonghong Xiao*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A new species, Otacilia dadongshanica Liu, sp. nov. (♂♀) is firstly described from Jiangxi Province, China. The new species is diagnosed and illustrated with photographs. A distribution map is also given.
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Umar1, Muhammad Arshad2, Mubashar Hussain1*, Moazama Batool3 and Muhammad Faheem Malik1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">For two consecutive years, population estimates of avifauna were carried out. Simultaneously hydrological analysis of surface water of Mangla wetland was also conducted. Bird census was carried out in the months of January and February for both years (2010 and 2011) when a large number of migratory birds visit the Mangla Wetland. The birds were counted by the Point ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xiaopeng Tang1,*, Lei Chen1, Kangning Xiong1, Dun Deng2 and Peng Peng2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study aims to investigate the effects of different levels of corn distillers dried grain with solubles (DDGS) on the growth performance of meat ducks. To this end, a total of 450 Shuanggui-tou meat ducks with comparable body weights were treated with increasing concentration of DDGS. Compared to mock-treated group, the average daily gain (ADG), average daily fe...
height: normal;">Ashara Sajid1, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Saeed Rauf 2, Zahoor Hussain3, Salman Ahmad1 and Yasir Iftikhar1,*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Asian citrus greening disease is one of the leading causes of the citrus decline in many parts of the world, including Pakistan. Adequate information about disease incidence is essential for the eradication and controlling measures of disease. In this context, a survey regarding the incidence of citrus green disease (CGD) was recorded in two cultivars Kinnow (Citrus reticulate Blanco) and Mosambi (Citrus&...
height: normal;">Umair Faheem1*, Qaisar Abbas1, Saghir Ahmad2, Ghayour Ahmad2, Abdul Karim2and Mussurat Hussain1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Cotton is considered as the back bone of Pakistan’s economy. It is attacked by several sap sucking and chewing insect pests during its growth, which results in the significant reduction of the cotton yield. Among these insect pests, Amrasca biguttula biguttula ‘Jassid’ are the most destructive ones. Beside these insect pests, environmental factors also affect the cotton production as well as po...
height: normal;">Ghulam Sarwar1, Amna Nazir1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Eram Shahzadi2 and Abid Mahmood3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The upland cotton (G. hirsutum L.) is utmost natural fiber used in textile industry. Awareness about genetic diversity is very essential for fruitful genetic improvement approaches. Correlation, principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analyses were performed to estimate genetic diversity in 25 cotton genotypes. Correlation analysis revealed that days to first square, flower and boll opening were positivel...
height: normal;">Faiza Altaf1, Shamim Gul1,2*, Tasawar Ali Chandio3, Gul Bano Rehman1, Attiq-ur-Rehman Kakar4, Sami Ullah4, Naqeebullah Khan4, Umbreen Shaheen5, Muhammad Naeem Shahwani6, Muhammad Ajmal7 and Misbah Manzoor8
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Chromite mining activities in Balochistan are causing serious heavy metal contamination in agricultural soils. Due to high adsorption capacity of biochar, its amendment in heavy metal-contaminated soils is known for reducing soil toxicity to crops. This pot-based study investigated influences of wood-derived biochar and farmyard manure-derived (cow dung-derived) biochar as mixtures with air-dried poultry manure on the ...
height: normal;">Abdul Rauf Bhatti1*, Ahmed Zia1, Falak Naz2, Amjad Usman3, Rukhshanda Saleem4, Ghulam Sarwar5 and Amad Ud Din6
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In the present work entimind weevils, an ignored group of class Insecta in Pakistan was explored. For this, comprehensive surveys were undertaken in Pothohar plateau of Punjab province. Results revealed three new to country records viz. Ptochus assamensis, P. ovulum and P. limbatus. The species were recorded from walnut (Juglans regia) trees and Khabbal Grass (Cyanodon dactylon), which highl...
height: normal;">Imran Haider1, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza1*, Rashid Iqbal1, Salman Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Usman Aslam1, Muhammad Israr3, Umair Riaz4, Maliha Sarfraz5, Nasir Abbas6, Salman Haidar Abbasi7, Zafar Abbas8 and Muhammad Aamer9
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Drought stress is in spotlight as a main limiting factor for crop production across the globe especially in arid to semi-arid regions. Overcome this, various management practices are used one of them is the use of a growth enhancer. In the present study drought ameliorating effects of amino acid and yeast on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), development and yield were observed. A field experiment was performed at Ag...
height: normal;">Muhammad Muhsin1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3,Sadia Khan4, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Muhammad Zubair Amin6, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub7, Usman Anwar8, Muhammad Umair Hassan1 and Muhammad Umer Chattha1*
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro"; min-height: 8px;"> 
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Delayed wheat sowing is the main factor responsible for the lower yield of wheat owing to low temperature during emergence and early growth. Seed size has an appreciable potential to improve stand establishment, growth, and yield under late sowing conditions. Therefore, the present study was performed to assess the impact of diverse seed sizes (SS) on the growth and yield of wheat crop under late sowing conditions. The...

Mansoor Qadir1*, Yousaf Khan2, Shahid Khan3, Djamaleddine Djeldjli3 and Muhanned Ismael Ibrahim Al Firas4

...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Optical code division multiple access (OCDMA) techniques have attracted much attention by allowing each communicating subscriber’s simultaneous access of the entire medium with maximum security and spectral efficiency. This paper aims to design and analyze 2 dimensional OCDMA based coding scheme and corresponding network architecture to support high capacity Gigabit Passive Optical Network (GPON). The coding sche...
height: normal;">Nasir Rashid1,2*, Javaid Iqbal1,2, Umar Shahbaz Khan1,2, Mohsin Islam Tiwana1,2 and Amir Hamza1,2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Brain Computer Interface (BCI) facilitates the user to regulate the peripheral devices with electroencephalogram (EEG) signals. These signals are recorded from the surface of the brain called the scalp. The acquired EEG signals are further processed using feature extraction approach and finally classified into movements using classification techniques. This research article mainly focuses on classification of motor mov...
height: normal;">Nowsher Yousaf1*, Bushra Khan1, Dennis Flanagan2 and Ishaq Ahmad Mian3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Soil erosion is one of the major threats to the soil of Miandam valley, Swat Pakistan. The soil of the valley is one of the most fragile and vulnerable to erosion. The main objective of this research was to investigate the effect of soil infiltration capacity, soil texture and rainfall on soil erosion occurring under various land use land cover (LULC) in the study area. Soil erosion was monitored through erosion pipes ...
height: normal;">Abdul Hafeez1*, Akhtar Nawaz Khan2 and Zahid Ullah3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Important biological molecules including DNA/proteins and diseased human cells can be detected by a variety of micro and nanoscale devices and systems. Unfortunately, these biomedical applications suffer from huge amount of data. That is, the data generated by such systems is so large that a typical computer workstation cannot handle it in real-time. Traditional approaches rely on unloading raw data to off line storage...
height: normal;">Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal3, Iftikhar Zeb1,4 and Muhammad Azeem Khan1,5
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Limited fresh irrigation water is a resource constraint to agricultural productivity enhancement in water scarce areas of the globe. The farmers in these areas especially in the developing countries are using saline water for irrigation. This laboratory scale study was aimed to investigate the effects of saline water irrigation on development of total water potential within coarse and fine textured soils using a novel ...
height: normal;">Shahid Hussain Abro1*, Mohammed N. Alghamdi2, Muhammad Sohail Hanif3, Hazim Moria2 andHamza Suharwardi1
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Continuous heating phenomena performed at lead bath-quenching in which austenitic development morphology investigated. The CHQ steel analyzed in the context of Advanced Optical Microscope of Olympus GX51, SEM and Thin-film X-ray Diffracto-meter, with high-intensity mode have been deployed in order to examine the kinetics behavior of austenitic development at CHQ steel. On several quenching experiments the austenite for...

 Shuanping Zhao, Lei Xu, Hai Jin and Yutang Jia*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cofilin 2 (CFL2) is essential for skeletal muscle development and maintenance through regulating the length of actin filaments. In this study, we aimed to identify common variations in CFL2 gene and investigate their effects on growth traits in Chinese Dabieshan (DBS) cattle. By DNA sequencing and (forced) PCR-RFLP methods, three polymorphisms (g.1500G>A, g.1694T>A and g.2213C&...
height: normal;">Ghazanfar Ali and Riffat-un-Nisa Awan*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Critical thinking (CT) includes skills and dispositions which are closely linked with learning, decision making, problem solving and academic success.Scientific inquiry employs CT in enquiring about and explaining natural phenomenon. However, fostering CT through instruction is still a neglected area in educational institutions. The current study was intended to find out the relationships among critical thinking based ...
height: normal;">Humza Sami1, Mahnoor Sagheer1, Muhammad Amir Altaf1, Javaid Iqbal2 and Muhammad Zubair1,*
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In this work, a complete microwave imaging system is designed and implemented for the reconstruction of breast tumor images. An UWB Vivaldi antenna is used in the bandwidth of 2-6 GHz to detect and localize the small tumors. The prototype hardware setup uses two Vivaldi antennas, one as transmitter and other as receiver for scanning. The distance between phantom and antennas is kept almost 20 cm. The scattered signals ...
height: normal;">Javeria Afzal, Muhammad Abid, Faisal Hussain* and Alia Abbas
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Nematicidal activities of different plants viz., Amaranthus viridis, Chenopodium album, Solanum nigrum, Carica papaya and Euphorbia hirta have been evaluated against root-knot nematodes. Plants were collected from different areas of Karachi. Aqueous extracts (2, 6 and 10%) of these five plant species were made for the experiment. All selected plant species inhibited egg hatching and c...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Faiz Muhammad Khand1,Allah Bux Kachiwal2, Zubair Ahmed Laghari2, Shakeel Ahmed Lakho1, Pershotam Khattri2, Saeed Ahmed Soomro2, Nazar Ali Korejo2 and Ambreen Leghari1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The main objective of present study was to estimate gestational age of teddy goat by B-mode ultrasound measurement of embryonic or fetal parts and uterine diameter throughout pregnancy by transrectal approach. Three parameters crown rump length (CRL), trunk diameter (TD), and uterine diameter(UD)were selected for measurement of gestational age with the weekly...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Huan Yang1, Tingting Li1, Huimin Zhao1,2, Xiaoyuan Zhang1, Huiyan Xu1, Yangqing Lu1, Xingwei Liang1, Shengsheng Lu1, Xiaogan Yang1*and Kehuan Lu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs), a class of primitive germ cells located on the basement of the seminiferous tubules of the testes, are the only kind of adult stem cells that can pass their genetic material to offspring and are also capable of proliferation and differentiation, ensuring the efficiency of passing transgenes from parents to subsequent generations. In...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ming-Yue Zhang*, Bo Yuan, Xiao-Hui Zhang, James Ayalaand Rong Hou*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Environmental enrichment plays a very important role in improving the behavioral selectivity, health and welfare of captive giant pandas. The increase in specific behaviors and the reduction of abnormal behaviors are considered to be important indicators of the physical health of giant pandas, and the ideal result of environmental enrichment is to make captive giant...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Faheem Ahmed Khan1*, Sarzamin Khan2, Qurat-ul-Ain3, Saqib Ishaq1Muhammad Salman1, Abdul Rehman1, Ikram Ullah4, Kalsoom5 and Johar Jamil5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Malnutrition is a rising issue in most of the developing countries. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to explore alternate methods for production of non-conventional proteins utilizing the available cheap sources. The indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated from different fruit samples, identified by conventional polymerase chain reaction (P...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Amjad Ali, Kafeel Ahmad*and Shaista Rahat; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen and the leading cause of nosocomial infection worldwide. This bacterium produces enzymes known as extended spectrum β-lactamases which render broad spectrum cephalosporins and penicillins inactive. This study reports antibiotic susceptibility pattern, multiple antibiotic resistance (MAR) index and preva...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Małgorzata Dzierzęcka1, Sławomir Paśko2, Marcin Komosa3, Karolina Barszcz1, Bartłomiej Jan Bartyzel1 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study analyzed the impact of horse age and body weight on the angle between the parietal surface of the coffin bone and the ground. A precise description of the plantar margin and the inclination of the parietal surface of the bone may contribute to a better understanding of the biomechanics and strength of the hoof, in particular in horses with higher body wei...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Qin Liu1,2, Bin Wang1,3, Yu Xu1,4, Xiuyue Zhang1, Tao Zeng1* and Jianghong Ran1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The buff-throated partridge (Tetraophasis szechenyii), a sexually mono chromatic Galliformes species, is an endangered bird endemic to western China. Previous studies suggested that it had the behavior of facultative cooperative breeding, which was rarely reported in Galliformes. In this study, we isolated 17 tetra-nucleotide microsatellite loci to test paren...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abdul Waheed Solangi, Lei Zhang, Yunxia Cheng and Xingfu Jiang*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Environment experienced by mothers can influence many of the characteristics of their offspring also apply resource-related maternal effects through differential egg provisioning; we investigated impact of flight on female egg production and longevity in the oriental armyworm Mythimna separata (Walker) and whether this contributed to making difference in con...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Umar1, Mubashar Hussain1*, Muhammad Faheem Malik1, Muhammad Naeem Awan2 and David C. Lee3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">An assessment of the avifauna of Deva Vatala National Park (DVNP), Bhimber, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan was conducted from June 2017 to May 2018. Data were collected along one km line transects at three sites within the National Park: Barmala, Deva and Vatala. In total, 52 species were recorded, which included the globally threatened sociable lapwing. The most ...
height: normal;">Muhammad Ayub1*, Munir Hussain2, Sher Ahmad2, Syed Arif Hussain Rizvi3, Shahid Hussain1, Muhammad Qasim2, Muhammad Din2, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi4 and Tajudin2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) is the fourth major food crop of the world and it is gaining status of cash crop in Gilgit Baltistan. White grub is most destructive insect pest damaging potato tubers and causes economic loss of Gilgit-Baltistan. The study was conducted with an aim to...
height: normal;">Muhammad Hamayoon Khan*, Niaz Hussain Khuhro, Muhammad Awais, Muhammad Usman Asif and Raza Muhammad
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The tephritid fruit flies are the major pests of horticultural crops across the globe. In Pakistan, two fruit fly species, Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) and B. dorsalis (Hendel) cause severe qualitative and quantitative damages to various fruits. The present study was executed to record the population dynamics of these fruit fly species in guava and mango orchards with respect to meteorological factors usi...
height: normal;">Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Jahangir Shah1, Rao Wali Muhammad1, Sami Ullah2,3, Hera Gul4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Zeshan6
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Among arid zone plant species, Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), being an evergreen, perennial, multi-stemmed, and multipurpose plant has attracted wide attention due to its economic value, potential by-products and ability to withstand vagaries of the desert environment. By realizing the economic importance of this high-value desert plant, a pioneer study on seed germination response to various agro-climatic facto...
height: normal;">Mashal Malik and Mudassar Nawaz Khan*
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Soybean is nutritionally rich source of proteins and fats. It is grown in many countries of world including US, China, Brazil and India. Pakistan grows soybean on a very limited land owing to lack of farmers interest and government attention. Soybean lines; B24G14, B23G5, B20G16, B21G2, B21G9, B6G23, B23G16 and B29G11 were grown for one month and analyzed for morphological and molec...
height: normal;">Arsalan Khan1, Aminullah Khan2, Dil Fayaz Khan2, Sajid Khan1, Anjum1, Waqar Ali3, Habib Akbar1 and Ahmad Khan1*
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Nitrogen application has a significant impact on wheat crop phenology and crop stand. To optimize nitrogen sources i.e. urea, farmyard manure (FYM) and poultry manure (PM) for improving wheat phenology and crop stand, an experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Station Perdal Khel, Bannu (South part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan) during 2016-17. The soil of the experimental area was Loamy sand with Haplic yer...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Zubair1, Habib Ahmad2*, Brian E. Hemphill3, Muhammad Tariq4 and Muzafar Shah5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Analyzing the diversity of non metric phenotypic traits of the mature teeth, in three ethnic groups’ viz. Daudzai, Khalil and Mohmand of Peshawar districts, of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KP) of Pakistan. Dental casts obtained from both mandible and maxilla of 375 volunteers in which 75 male and 50 females of all the tribes. The dental casts for each indi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Naveed Akhtar1*, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1*, Sadia Tabassum1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Munawar Saleem Ahmad2 and Khan Dil Badshah3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The current study describes effect of different concentrations of cypermethrin on hematological parameters, biochemical components of blood, histopathological changes in different organs and DNA damage in Chirruh snow trout Schizothorax esocinus. WBCs, RBCs, hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC and platelets were significantly decreased in all treatedgroups...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wenyou Huang1, Dan Yü1, Song Huang1,2, Jian Xiao2, Ping Qi2, Anhua Song2* and Zhen Huang1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The ability of entomopathogenic fungi to be applied for pest control in field applications is often hampered by negatively active abiotic factors including high temperature, desiccation and UV irradiation. Selecting isolates with high UV tolerance and virulence is important in improving the efficacy and utility of fungal insect pathogens as insect biological control...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wali Muhammad1*, Humayun Javed1, Munir Ahmad1 and Tariq Mukhtar2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Brinjal shoot and fruit borer (Leucinodes orbonalis Guenee) causes severe crop yield losses. Utilization of the ecological approach through different sowing times might provide its long-term control and safety to the environment. In the present study, effect of four sowing dates was evaluated on the infestation of L. orbonalis on brinjal at two locatio...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Syahruddin Said1*, Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra1 and Dani Nur Arifin2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bovine luteinizing hormone receptor (bLHR) gene in mammals is important for several reproduction function such as steroidogenesis, follicular growth, oocytes maturation, ovulation and corpus luteum formation. The aim of this study was to identify the polymorphisms in the exon 11 of bLHR/HhaI gene (SNP g.1553C>T) and its association with service per concept...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ye Ge1, Chunmiao Zhao1, Weitian Xie2, Ying Liu2,* and Chunhou Xu1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bacillus subtilis (B. subtilis) produces spores, and Rhamnose lactobacillus produces lactic acid. In this study, to obtain functional bacteria with lactic acid and lactobacilli and simultaneously producing spores and digestive enzymes, we produced the protoplast as the parent strain of B. subtilis and Rhamnose lactobacillus and analyzed t...
height: normal;">Muhammad Rashid, Mahmood Ahmad Sajid, Nosheen Noor Elahi, Sibgha Noreen and Kausar Hussain Shah*
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...l; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Drought is key abiotic stress that reduced crop growth, development and yield. While several physiological processes are played role in plant adaptations to drought stress. However, antioxidant defense system and lipid peroxidation play a key role in drought tolerance. The current study was intended to investigate physiological adaptations for drought tolerance in different wheat varieties. Three...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Younis1, Muhammad Irfan-ur-Rehman Khan1*, Mustansar Abbas1Ali Murtaza1, Imran Mohsin2, Muhammad Shahzad3 and Muhammad Zahid Tahir1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of the study was to determine ovarian follicular development and steroid hormones concentrations during estrous cycle of Lohi sheep. Ovaries of nine Lohi ewes were monitored for two consecutive estrous cycles using B-mode trans-rectal ultrasonography during the breeding season (Sep-Nov 2018). Plasma progesterone and estradiol-17β concentrations we...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muneer Abbas1*, Dilbar Hussain2, Muhammad Saleem2, Abdul Ghaffar2Sohail Abbas3, Niaz Hussain1 and Abdul Ghaffar1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) has endangered the trade of Pakistani fruits in foreign markets. Use of IPM is best way to control fruit fly by avoiding harmful insecticidal spray application in order to save natural enemies and environment. Experiment was conducted in three guava, citrus and mango producing ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kamal Al-Samawi1, Mohamed Al-Hassan2, Hussein Migdadi3,4*, Megahed Ammar5 and Salem Alghamdi3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The accuracy of interferon-stimulated gene 15 (ISG15) and interferon-stimulated gene 17 (ISG17) mRNA levels in early detection of pregnancy in Aardi goats compared to progesterone and ultrasound (US) were evaluated. Female goats were synchronized using the ovsynch protocol level in combination with natural mating (NM). Blood samples were ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ijaz Haider1*, Muhammad Akhtar1, Ali Noman2 and Muhammad Qasim3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A research trial was conducted at Rice Research Institute, Kala Shah Kaku, Punjab, Pakistan to study the population fluctuation of five species of rice pests namely white stem borer Scirpophaga innotata (Walker), yellow stem borer Scirpophaga incertulas (Walker), rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Gu...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Guofang Wu1,2, Xingxing Xue1, Wenjuan Shen1, Lei Wang1,2*, Yuhong Ma1 and Jiping Zhou1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Teat number is an important economic trait in the pig breeding industry and is directly related to the livability and growth status of piglets. By applying genetic technology, it may be possible to increase the number of teats and thus enhance production. Previous research has shown that teat number exhibits moderate levels of heritability that could be accelerated ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Ayesha Iqbal1 and Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dental materials of three hipparionine species from Dhok Pathan Formation (late Miocene) has been utilized in this study to reconstruct the palaeodiet and palaeoecology by using stable isotope analyses of carbon and oxygen of tooth enamel carbonate. A gradual increase in hypsodonty and complexity in plications indicate the drier environments with hard and tough food...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ying Liu1, Shankun Liu1, Hui Wang2 and Weihua Su2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is an atypical condition of pregnancy outcome that affect the maternity and infant. Pregnant women are a high risk to develop the GDM suffering from the diabetes, it showed the effect on the development and growth of the fetus. During the GDM increase the incidence of oxidative stress. Caffeic acid is a powerful free radical scave...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Naeem1,2, Nasir Rajput1,2, Sher Ali3, Asmatullah Kaka2, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro2, Mehvish Rajput2 and Tian Wang1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study was conducted to compare the chemical composition and in vitro degradability of steam treated rice straw, alfalfa hay (AH) and Chinese wild rye (CWR).The rice strawswere treated with steam pressure, i.e. TRS-I (exposed to 15.5 kgf/cm2 steam pressure for 90 sec), TRS-II (exposed to 15.5 kgf/cm2 steam pressure for 120 sec).The re...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahmad Kamran Khan1, Muhammad Hamid Bashir2*, Shanza Ahmed3, Muhammad Amjad Bashir1, Shahbaz Ali1, Syeda Amber Hameed4Munaza Batool5, Irfan Ahmed6 and Muhammad Naeem Khan7; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Suborder Prostigmata is extensively distributed geographically and present in all the terrestrial ecosystem. Family richness, diversity, abundance and evenness of soil inhabiting Prostigmata mites population in disturbed and undisturbed soil were estimated from five different localities of Punjab, Pakistan. Soil sampling was done after two months interval for a year...

Muhammad Aman Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Abdul Rehman1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khan1, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub3, Arbaz Ahmad Khan1, Muhammad Adil Rehman1, Bilal Ahmad Shahzad1, Sajid Hussain1, Muhammad Umair Hassan1 and Riaz Ahmad1

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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Planting patterns have a crucial role in cane and sugar yield. This investigation was performed to determine the ratooning potential of diverse clones of sugarcane under different trench spacing. The study was comprised of different trench spacing i.e., 90, 120, 150 and 180 cm and diverse sugarcane clones i.e., US-272, US-658, US-127 and US-704. The study was conducted in a randomized complete block design with split p...

Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1*, Aslam Khan Gadehi1, Inayatullah Rajpar1, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro2, Mukesh Kumar Soothar1 and Zohaib Ur Rehman Bughio1

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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">A greenhouse experiment was executed to quantify the response of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) genotypes (English and Sindhi) against a range of NaCl salt-waters (EC 2.0, 4.0, 6.0 and 8.0 dS m-1) and canal water (EC 0.3 dS m-1). Spinach plants were irrigated with defined EC levels at 80% field capacity of a clay loam, non-saline soil. Results indicated that the growth and yield para...

Muhammad Jahanzaib1*, Nazakat Nawaz1, Muhammad Arshad1, Haris Khurshid1, Muzamil Hussain2 and Shahid Ali Khan1

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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) is an important grain legume crop. However, there is still great need to develop superior varieties and lift its production. Germplasm characterization plays a vital role in improved cultivars’ development. The current study was conducted to estimate genetic variability, traits association, and path coefficient analysis in eleven groundnut advanced breeding lines together wi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Bilal Anwar1, Mirza Azhar Beg1, Amjad Rashid Kayani1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1*, Syed Israr Shah1, Sajida Noureen2
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Mushtaq1 and Tariq Mahmood3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The collared owlet (Glaucidium brodiei), spotted owlet (Athene brama) and eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) are different sized avian predators coexisting in the Wildlife Park Lohi Bher, Rawalpindi district of the Punjab province of Pakistan. These crepuscular and nocturnal owls are the least studied group of birds in northern regions. In this stud...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Eman A. Al-Shahari1,2, Abdelhalim A. Alkhazendar3, Eman R. ElBealy4 and Abeer A. Alm-Eldeen3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aging is a natural process that affects testicular functions via increasing the oxidative stress. Quercetin, a polyphenolic, that has antioxidant activity. Therefore, this study was performed to examine the possible role of quercetin in modulating aging-induced testicular damage. Samples from 30-months old rats’ testis were examined before and after 200 mg of ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Baochao Liao1,2, Xiujuan Shan2,3* and Yunlong Chen2,3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dynamic energy budget (DEB; also known as Kooijman–Metz DEB) theory is a well-tested framework for modelling energy acquisition, and for describing vital rates at which organisms acquire and use energy, such as for growth and reproduction. The coupling of a DEB with an agent-based model (generating a DEB- ABM) enables examination of the effects of environmenta...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Qayash Khan1,2, Muhammad Zubair Anjum2, Muhammad Adnan3, Abbas Khan1, Hafsa Zahid1, Javed Nawab4, Sher Zaman Safi5Muhammad Ishaq Ali Shah6, Atif Kamil7 and Abid Ali1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Among closely related fish species the taxonomic ambiguities arose as a result of morphological similarities which not only conceal the genetic diversity but also pose problems in fisheries management and conservation practices. The purpose of the present study was a molecular characterization of fish species of economic importance belonging to the genus Schizoth...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Iram Liaqat1*, Tahir Hussain1,2, Aisha Waheed Qurashi3, Gulbeena Saleem2Asia Bibi4, Muhammad Fiaz Qamar5,ShaukatAli1 and Ikram-ul-Haq6; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Salmonella Gallinarum,is a host specificpathogenic bacterium of fowl typhoid, one of the most important diseases of poultry that increases the death rate and reduction in eggs production. Bacteria forms the complex structural colonies enclosed in a sticky matrix known as biofilm. Various antimicrobial approaches used to treat gastrointestinal infections are u...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Akram Muneer1, Khalid Munir1, Ghulam Abbas1’*, Isra Munir1Mumtaz Ahmad Khan1, Asif Iqbal1, Munsoor ud Din Ahmad1, Muhammad Arshad Javid2, Zareen Fatima1 and Maria Arshad1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A variety of infectious public health problems are prevailing in the world. Among these, epidemics of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS), H1N1 influenza and Middle EastRespiratorySyndromecoronavirus(MERS-CoV)emerged as very importantissuesduringlastthree decadesas these infectionscaused quitelargenumberofhumandeathsworldwide.Coronavirusesaresingle-strandedpo...

Natalija Grittner1, Radomir Mandić2,* and Milivoje Urošević3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This paper presents animal genetic resources of Serbia. Breeds of horses, donkeys, cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, geese, turkeys, ducks, guinea fowls, dogs and bees were analyzed. The number of populations these indigenous breeds in Serbia has been shown in this paper. It is proposed that 15 breeds (13 breeds and 2 strains), which are not protected b...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Laura Alejandra Arriola-Mosqueda1, Yadira Jiménez-Lara2, Eugenia del Carmen Prieto-Avella1, Carlos Ricardo Cruz-Vazquez3, Roberto Montesinos-Matias4, Mauricio Valencia-Posadas2, Ana Martha Cruz-Avalos5, Jaime Molina-Ochoa6,7 and César Andrés Angel-Sahagún2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this research was to evaluate the virulence of Metarhizium anisopliae on the eggs and larvae of Rhipicephalus sanguineus, as well as the LC50 on R. sanguineus larvae, were determined and the germination (at 18 and 24 h post-inoculation) and radial growth (after 14 days) of four strains of M. anisopliae. We evaluated ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ammara Gull-e-Fareen1,2, Imran Bodlah1,*, Muhammad Adnan Bodlah3, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Habib Ali4 and Muhammad Asif5; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Callaspidia is a Holarctic genus; some species of Callaspidia attack the larvae of order Diptera and Coleoptera. Callaspidia notata (Boyer de Fonscolombe, 1832) (Hymenoptera: Figitidae: Aspicerinae) is reported with colour variations like scape, pedicel and basal part of antennal segment 3 slightly darker than remaining segments, scutellum and m...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Iftikhar Hussain1, Sardar Azhar Mehmood1, Muzafar Shah2*, Mohammad Salim3, Shabir Ahmed1, Sana Ullah1,Sidra Batool4, Nadia Saeed1 and Khalid Usman1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">During the present survey, extending from the May 2015 to November 2016 the short-nosed fruit bat Cynopterus sphinx (n = 4) was captured from Frontier Region Kohat and Shublan, Kurram Agency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The morphometry and cranial characteristics of the captured specimens were compared with literature. C. sphinx is being reported form the st...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Qiang Tang1 and Qianli Tang2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of study was to investigate effect and possible mechanism of isoliquiritin on wound healing in scalded rats. The results show that at 24 h after the last administration, wound healing rate of isoliquiritin group was higher than that of model group (p=0.024). Compared with control group, thickness of epidermis and dermis in model group was thinner (...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was carried out in Swat valley for malarial disease in 2017. Blood samples were collected from all age groups patients visiting hospital labs and District Head Quarter Laboratory who were recommended for diagnosis of malaria. About 1050 patients were examined and malaria was detected through microscopy of thick and thin blood smears and rapid diagn...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rao Muhammad Ramiz1, Arfan Ahmad2*, Aamir Ghafoor2, Muhammad Avais3, Qurat-ul-Ain1 and Muhammad Zahid Iqbal3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bovine leukemia virus (BLV) is the cause of enzootic bovine leukosis and has worldwide distribution. This is study reports presence and genetic diversity of BLV in cattle of two districts of Punjab, Pakistan. Blood samples (n=400) taken from local (n=200) and exotic (n=200) breeds of cattle were processed for complete blood count. Based on lymphocyte counts, samples...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rashid Mahmood1*, Muhammad Abu Bakar2, Muhammad Fahim Raza3, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1 and Muhammad Yahya2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Varroa mite, Varroa destructor is a destructive ecto-parasite of honey bee (Apis mellifera L) colonies. The main objective of this study was to examine the role of naturally occurring chemicals against Varroa mites of A. mellifera. Nine colonies of A. mellifera were selected to check the infestation of V. destructor rand...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nosheen Basharat1, Usman Waheed2,3*, Muhammad Arshad1, Noor e Saba4, Iram Masood1, Akhlaaq Wazeer1, Ahmad Farooq1, Sadaf Moneeba1Abdul Rauf5 and Hasan Abbas Zaheer2,3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Donor screening and testing are two mainstays in blood processing centres. Torque teno virus (TTV) is highly prevalent among the general population throughout the world. TTV was discovered in 1997 in the serum of a Japanese patient. TTV is a non-enveloped small virus of 3.8 kb containing a circular single-stranded negative-sense DNA genome. TTV represents the first ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Riffat Sultana1*, Nuzhat Soomro2, Santosh Kumar3 and Ahmed Ali Samajo2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">We describe the mating behavior of 4 species of Oxyinae: Oxya hyla hyla Serville, 1831, O. velox (Fabricius, 1787), O. fuscovittata (Marschall, 1836) and Oxyina bidentata Willemse. In trials carried out in laboratory we verified the following mating sequence: (1) sexual recognition by antennation; (2) courtship with male turning his abdom...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tanveer Hussain, Masroor Ellahi Babar*, Akhtar Ali and Fiaz Hussain; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">With the imminent danger of global climate change threatening the Earth’s biodiversity, the camel proved to be a unique animal with physiological features. These attributes of the camel instigate us to explore its genetic architecture. Pakistan boasts a camel population of about 20 different breeds and a total of one million head. However, till date, scarce ge...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Eman Khalifa1*, Riad Khalil2 and Haitham Elaadli3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">From the worlds highlight on dangers of tuberculosis as a zoonotic and debilitating disease threatening animal and human health beside economy, this research aimed to determine the prevalence of Mycobacterium bovis from buffaloes’ mastitic milk by isolation on Lowenstein-Jensen medium (LJ medium), Ziehl-Neelsen staining; identif...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Junyan Bai*, Zhihao Dong, Youbing Yang, Ziheng Li, Xiaoning Lu and Huirong Gong; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A comparative analysis of meat quality traits at different segmented parts of small-tailed Han sheep was conducted. The results showed that drip losses of back and tendon were obviously lower than those at other parts (P<0.05). Cooking loss of tendon was significantly lower than that at other parts (P<0.05). The shearing force of hind leg was obv...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rahmat Ullah Khan, Asif Sadam and Sajid Mahmood*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The population density and ecological factors affecting chakor partridge (Alectoris chukar) were studied in district Bajaur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa during May, 2017-April, 2018. Known habitats were divided into three categories: 1) vertical barren rocks 2) rocky vegetation slopes and 3) grassy mountainous slopes near agricultural fields. The average monthly popul...

Ahmad Ur Rahman Saljoqi, Muhammad Salim* and Iftikhar Ahmad 


...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Field efficacy of different management techniques were studied against thrips (Thrips tabaci)nymph and adult populations in garlic crop during the year 2017-18. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design having two factors with three replications and six treatments. Treatments Emamectin 1.9 EC @ 750 ml ha-1, orange (Citrus aurantium L.) peel extract @ 5%, neem (Azadirach...
height: normal;">Sana Khan1*, Faiza Aman1, Muhammad Ismaeel2, Zafar Ali2, Mehboob Alam1, Sadeed Iqbal1 and Taimur Khan3
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">An experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of varying levels of phosphorus on growth and yield parameters of pea (Pisum sativum L.) cultivars at Agricultural Research Station, Swabi-Pakistan, during the year 2016-17. The plots were prepared according to Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with split plot arrangement that were replicated three times. Phosphorus levels (0, 30. 60, 90, and 120 kg ha

Faiza Aman1,*, Neelam Ara1 and Syed Mehar Ali Shah2

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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">A total of fifty-seven pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes including 50 accessions and seven varieties were evaluated for the nine quantitative traits to assess the variability and association patterns for the characters under study. The genotypes were grown in plots using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) at Horticulture Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar during 2016-2017 pea growing seaso...
height: normal;">Saba Shabeer1, Riffat Tahira2 and Atif Jamal3*
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In total, more than 1.5 million fungal species exist in the world, amongst them pathogenic species can attack plants at different stages causing considerable damage amounting to millions of rupees. One of the plant pathogenic fungi is Fusarium spp. Fusarium species are very well-known soil-inhabiting fungi that cause many economically important diseases of crops.Many species are included in the Fu...
height: normal;">Hafiz Hammad1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Abid Niaz4 and Muhammad Arif4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In order to scrutinize the phosphorus acquisition efficiency of sunflower from sparingly soluble P source i.e. Rock Phosphate (RP), a pot research was conducted by growing sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) in P deficient environment at research area, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha in year 2018. The experiment was laid out in a complete randomized design (CRD) with eight treatments which were repli...
height: normal;">Sheza Shehzadi1, Mohammad Umar Farooq2*, Rukhsana Kausar1, Ijaz Ali1*, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3 and Maqbool Shahbaz4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Alternative renewable energy is getting progress in current era keeping in view of energy insecurity in the coming years and the ever increasing threat of environmental and social health due to the use of fossil fuel. Lingo-cellulosic biomass has seen getting fame as bioenergy crops in maintaining food security alongside fulfilling energy demands. Napier grass (Pennisetum purpureum) has turn out the promising nu...
height: normal;">Kartika Noerwijati1*, Sholihin Sholihin1, Tinuk Sri Wahyuni1, Rohmad Budiono2, Nguyen Van Minh3, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi4, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile5 and Lulu Husna6
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The research was conducted in the rainy season in early 2018, in the Jambegede Research Station, Kepanjen sub-district, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. Clones that selected in this study were 1,016 clones from 42 families. Cassava selection in the early stages involved a large number of clones, therefore cluster analysis (the K-means cluster analysis method) was carried out to classify clones based on tuber yield and har...
height: normal;">Muhammad Tariq Chaudhary1, Saleem Ashraf 2, Muhammad Yaseen3 and Muhammad Luqman3
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This study explored some notable factors contributing to the employability in agriculture department, Government of the Punjab as perceived by the Diploma in Agricultural Sciences (DAS) holders. who were recruited in agriculture department during 2017. This study was quantitative and data were collected through questionnaire from 300 respondents who were recently appointed as Field Assistants (FAs) in Agriculture Depar...
height: normal;">Sana* and Abbas Ullah Jan
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This study investigated child work in the agricultural sector of district Mardan, Pakistan. Data    collected from a sample of 275 farm households, and the involvement level of their children in agriculture was quantified over three points Likertscale(Neverinvolved,Part-time involved and Full-time involved). Data analysis revealed that 34.7 percent of children of the sampled farm h...
height: normal;">Raheel Saqib1*, Muhammad Luqman2, Saleem Ashraf3, Tahir Munir Butt4, Abdur Rehman5, Imtiaz Hussain6 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood2
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Family farming is basically a system to establish a set up for forestry, agricultural, fisheries, countryside and aquaculture production. Through family farming employment generation takes place and unemployment issue prevailing in the society minimizes. The output of the family farm is high productivity and enhancement in farm income. Directly or indirectly, family farming leads to the food security situation and upli...
height: normal;">Sadaqat Khan1,Saleem Ullah1* and Muhammad Sajid2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">An experiment was carried out in plots during 2016 and 2017 to evaluate the effect of different levels of selenium application in irrigation water and foliar spray on physicochemical parameters of tomato hybrid Salar F1 grown in simple plastic tunnels using randomized complete block design. The data showed that plant height in centimeter, buds, flower, leaves and leaflets in numbers ...

Dilara Devranoglu, Ilksen Tavaci, Gonul Filoglu and Ozlem Bulbul*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are the most abundant genetic markers in the human genome. SNPs are used in forensics for predicting the externally visible characteristics of a given individual based on a sample of DNA alone. In this study, we tested degraded DNA samples to determine the eye color prediction accuracy of the IrisPlex system. We used five years...

Muhammad Ihtisham1, Noor Amjad2, Muhammad Nauman3, Asghar Ali3, Khawar Riaz3, Muhammad Sajid3, Muhammad Owais Shahid*3 


...n gave the maximum plant height (25.42 cm), leaves plant-1 (34.45), leaf area (8.00 cm2), stem thickness (0.47 cm), fresh leaves weight (3.31 g), fresh stem weight (1.95 g), root length (22.10 cm) and winter survival (94.44%). However, the same treatment also gave minimum days to germination (2.96) and seedling emergence (12.96). The seeds scarified for 90 min gave maximum plant emergence percentage (97.78%). The seeds sown on 14th April gave minimum days to g...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yuanyuan Zhang1*, Liping Song1, Hui Guo2, Jun Wu1, Xiaoli Wang1 and Fangbin Yao1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">We evaluated the growth performance and the hepatoprotective and antioxidant effects of curcumin against carbon tetrachloride (CCl4)-induced liver injury in common carp Cyprinus carpio. A 10-week feeding trial was carried out. A basal feed was supplemented with 0 (control), 30, 60, 120 and 240 mg/kg curcumin to formulate five experimental feeds. At...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jiawei Hong1,2, Mingqiang Chen 1,2, Zhenghua Deng1,2, Youning Li1,2 and Yu Wang1,2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To investigate the possible impact of enrofloxacin (ENR) on noble scallop (Chlamys nobilis), we quantitatively evaluated the microbial shifts in the intestine of noble scallop in response to enrofloxacin treatments at different dosages (0, 5, and 10mg/L ENR) using 16S rDNA gene sequencing. A total of 11 phyla comprising 76 genera were detected. At the phylum ...
height: normal;">Waseem Khalid1, Ali Ikram1*, Muhammad Rehan2, Farukh Adeem Afzal1, Saadia Ambreen1, Marryam Ahmad3, Afifa Aziz1 and Anam Sadiq1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Food waste is a big problem today. On the other hand, the market for natural composites for health is growing. Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is a very common fruit, eaten all around the world, containing significant quantities of seeds as well as peels that have been discarded. These seeds contain high functional and nutritional potential compounds. It is the most exported and consumed fresh fruit and the residues lik...
height: normal;">Sadaf Javaria1, Anum Marwat1, Muhammad Nadeem2, Mehwish Zerlasht1, Aiman Kareem3, Iqra Rubab1 and Masooma Munir4*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Fresh fruit leathers, a dehydrated snack have the potential to increase fresh fruit utilization especially in the children. The present investigation was designed to standardize the formulation of apple peach mixed fruit leather. Exact formulation has very important role in producing an acceptable and admired food product and the product grab more market. Therefore, the formulation of apple peach mix fruit leather was ...
height: normal;">Salman Ali1*, Ayaz Ali2, Riaz Ali Rind2, Majid Ali3, Zulfiqar Ali Mastoi2, Shagufta Naz3, Muhammad Shakir3, Rashid Ahmed Qaim Khani1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The study was carried out during the 2019-20 at laboratory of Institute of Food Sciences and Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam. The treatments included in the study are: Grilled fish T1=, Fried fish T2=, Microwave T3 = respectively, and treatment were arranged in CRD with the repeats. The results revealed that the cooking in methods were significantly varied (LSD<0.0...
height: normal;">Asima Batool1, Ghulam Abbas2*, Zuhair Hasnain3, Nasira Perveen4 and Muhammad Naeem Akhtar5
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Ten maize (Zea mays) commercial hybrids were screened for checking their comparative response against high temperature / heat stress at Botany Department, Agriculture University, Faisalabad. Germinated maize seedlings / plants were placed in the glass fitted canopies, where canopy temperature was found 7-10°C higher than ambien...
height: normal;">Ahmad Abrar Khan* and Muhammad Idrees
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The present study was conducted to find out the factors affecting the production of apricot in district Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa- Pakistan. Data were collected from 132 respondents belonging to the district Mansehra’s five agriculture circles through a pre-tested interview schedule. Results were obtained through frequency, percentage and multiple regression with a dummy variable model. The majority (46.2%) ap...
height: normal;">Tariq Ali Mastoi1, Zulfiqar Ali Mastoi2*, Zahoor Ahmed Khetran3, Ghulam Hussain Alizai2, Binish Baig4, Mitha Khan2 and Syed Jahangir Shah1
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This research study was conducted to explore the role of micro finance on the agricultural development in the district Jaffarabbad, Balochistan through survey method. Eight districts were selected purposively by using random sampling techniques to investigate eligibility, education and obstacles of the respondents for obtaining micro finance loan from Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited (ZTBL). Out of selected districts; ten ...
height: normal;">Javaria Sherani1,2*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Tanveer Ahmad2, Sohail Kamaran3, Abdul Manan2, Tehseen Ali Jilani2 and Mateen Sajid2
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Climate change and enormous increase in population are causing food insecurity situation in developing countries like Pakistan. Major food crops are seemed failing to fulfill food requirements hence, it is imperative to search for alternate food sources. Ber could be very handy alternate food crop if its yield and quality is enhanced. Grafting is a widely used technique to improve yield, disease resistance and fruit qu...
height: normal;">Tasneem Shah*, Muhammad Tariq and Dost Muhammad
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Biochar can be used as a strategy to facilitate C and N sequestration in less fertile soil. Surface soil samples from a 4 years long field experiment were collected to assess the effect of added biochar (0, 50, 90 and 130 t ha-1) and chemical fertilizers (viz., urea for N, single superphosphate for P and potassium chloride for K) on soil respiration and N mineralization during lab incubation experiment under...
height: normal;">Shakeel Ahmed Soomro1,2, Sikandar Almani3, Lal Bux4, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto2, Muhammad Sohail Memon2, Farman Ali Chandio2, Shakeel Hussain Chattha2, Zaheer Ahmed Khan2, Zubair Ahmed Soomro5,Babar Mustafa Ansari6 and Kunjie Chen1*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Present study was conducted to assess the effect of drying on physical properties of Nanjing 9108 paddy variety using response surface methodology. A mathematical model was used predicting the effects of indicators i.e. temperature (40.86, 45, 55, 65 and 69.14 ºC) and time (4.11, 30, 92.5, 155 and 180 min) each with five levels on observed parameters. The suitability of quadratic model for present study was descri...
height: normal;">Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Nadia Mangrio1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2, Ghulam Sughra Mangrio3, Nihaluddin Mari4, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The use of inorganic fertilizers in Pakistan is imbalanced and inappropriate. It is very important to use proper doses of balanced fertilizers to exploit the maximum yield potential of cane crop. This study focused on hypothesis that application of suitable planting methods and NPK level play a major role in improving sugarcane yield and quality. Experiment was performed under field conditions at Sugarcane Research Ins...
height: normal;">Md. Sabbir Ahamed1, Md. Rayhan Chowdhury1, Md. Atik Mas-ud1, Sujat Ahmed2, Md. Shahadat Hossain1 and Mohammad Nurul Matin1
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Here genetic variability, correlation coefficient and character association of yield and yield contributing traits of 13 local rice cultivars grown in Bangladesh were estimated. Results indicated that most traits including, plant height (PH), panicle length (PaL), leaf length (LL), leaf breath (LB), 100-grain weight (100-GW) as well as filled and unfilled grain per panicle (FGPa, UFG...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yongyun Zhang1, 2, Xinyang Fan1, Fangting Zhou1, Weizhen Li3, Yina Ouyang1,4 and Yongwang Miao1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Alpha S1-casein (αS1-CN) is a major casein in milk, which exerts a crucial role in casein transport and is related to individual milk components, nutritive value and production traits of milk. So far, αS1-CN coding gene (CSN1S1) has been widely studied in dairy cattle, but the polymorphisms of the CSN1S1 ...

 Muhammad Ajmal1, Saima Mustafa1, Fizza Ibrahim Bajwa1, Cheng Zhou2, Guangdong Wen2, Soe Lwin Myint2, Syed Irfan Raza3, Ihtasham Bukhari4, Mubashir Hassan5, Muhammad Faisal6 and Furhan Iqbal1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Atrichia with papular lesions (APL) is a rare autosomal recessive form of total alopecia, characterized by hair loss soon after birth and the development of papular lesions of keratin-filled cysts over extensive areas of the body. Two consanguineous families were enrolled from Basti Mochi Wala, Mouza Gulab Shah in Muzaffargarh District of Punjab (Pakistan) having mu...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hazrat Ali1, 2* and Ezzat Khan1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Contamination of water bodies with toxic heavy metals is a genuine environmental problem. Bioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals in fish poses a potential health risk to fish consumers including humans. The aim of present research work was to study the bioaccumulation of Cr, Ni, Cd and Pb in the carnivorous fish Mastacembelus armatus at different sites of thre...
height: normal;">Kamran Baksh Soomro1*, Sina Alaghmand2, Sanyogita Andriyas3, Muhammad Rehmatullah Khan4, Naveedullah5 and Amin Talei6
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Due to the unavailability of fresh water for agriculture, the use of saline water often emerges as an alternate source of irrigation. However, one hardly knows the economic implications of such recommendations. In this regard, the effect of saline irrigation on the economics of crop yield deserves scientific inquiry. A field experiment was conducted during 2018-19 to study the impact of saline water on the economics of...
height: normal;">Chen Tongde1, Fakher Abbas1, Jiao Juying1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2*, An Shoshan1, Muhammad Ansar3, Qaiser Hussain2, Mah-Noor Azad2 andAyaz Ahmad2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The research aims to investigate soil erosion in Pakistan in order to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of soil erosion in Pakistan and for the understanding of the ecological environment status in Pan-Third Pole. The Pothohar Plateau was selected as the representative area of soil erosion in the country. Along the route of Muree-Islamabad-Rawalpindi-Gujar Khan-Chakwal, 15 investigation units (1...
height: normal;">Haseeb Khattak1, Imran Ahmad1, Abdul Basit1*, Izhar Ullah1,2, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Humaira Wasila3, Inayat Ullah4, Intizar Ahmad1 and Noman Ahmad1
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Diverse genotypes of cucumber under different cropping patterns may signify to examine the potential of best and desired selection for quality crop. The study was carried out to evaluate cucumber genotypes (IT-145, Damaz, Yayla, Eva, Chinese Slanger, Poinsett-76, SCM-01 and SCM-03) under various gardening patterns (Horizontal and Vertical) at Vegetable Directorate, HRI, NARC, Islamabad-Pakistan. It was observed that gr...
height: normal;">Umair Riaz1*, Shazia Iqbal2, Muhammad Irfan Sohail2, Tayyaba Samreen2, Muhammad Ashraf1, Fatima Akmal2, Ayesha Siddiqui3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Muhammad Naveed5, Naveed Iqbal Khan5 and Rao Masood Akhter6
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The medicinal and aromatic plants (MAPs) are current hot topic in the industries for their products. MAPs used in various items like pharmaceutical industry, health care items, cosmetics, organic food items etc. MAPs are gaining global admire and most of the pharmaceutical companies filing patents on medicinal plants and their derivatives and about 40% newly approved drugs during last two decades are formulated from na...
height: normal;">Roland Eric Yessinou1*, Alain Richi Kamga Waladjo2, Nestor Noudeke1, Ignace Dramou3, Justin Adinsi1, Victorien Tamègnon Dougnon4, Elsie Yélognisê Sangnidjo5, Razack Osse5, Alfred Dansou6 and Souaïbou Farougou1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Lassa virus (LASV) is a highly prevalent arenavirus that affects two to three million people in West Africa. A retrospective was conducted review through literatures search using the AGORA, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, Researchgate and Google Scholar Databases on Lassa fever (LF) from West Africa. A total of 34 articles were studied from 11 countries. Studies were categorized by host and country, and analysis conduc...
height: normal;">Saad A. Moussa1, Mohammed Ahmed Mahmoud Abdullah2*, Mahmoud Saied1, Mustafa Saleh1, Mohamed A. Soliman2 and Ali Mahmoud Zanaty2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Velogenic strains of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) cause Newcastle disease (ND), a devastating disease of poultry and wild birds. Phylogenetic analysis of recent Egyptian isolates in Menofia governorate, Egypt was constructed, and showed to be of genotype VII. Eight NDV viruses were isolated from vaccinated commercial broiler flocks showing respiratory manifestation in Menofia governorate, Egypt during 2019. Those viru...
height: normal;">Ryan Septa Kurnia1* and Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto2
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Respiratory epithelium is one of the mucosal epithelial which functions as protective and adaptive barrier against continuously inhaled substances including pathogens and allergens. Current research about mechanism of disease and drug development is conducted in 2D cell culture or in animal models. The 2D cell culture models poorly imitate the condition in vivo and provide limited utility due to mimic tissue phy...
height: normal;">Hafiz Imran Iqbal1*, Zahir Ahmad Zahir2, Obaidur Rehman1, Rizwan Khalid1*, Abdul Waheed1, Raja Abad Raza1, Shahid Saleem1, Muhammad Rashid1, Sarosh Tariq Alvi1 and Asia Munir1
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Growth of maize plant affect by saline stress conditions. Salt stress can be reduced through beneficial rhizobacteria that may increase the growth of plants. An experiment in pot was conducted to assess the effect of combined use of rhizobia and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (containing 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylate (ACC) deaminase) on the growth and yield of maize under salt affected conditions. In p...
height: normal;">Sohail Akbar1*, Muhammad Shafiq2, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal2, Kashif Ishaq2, Muhammad Kamran2, Shazia Shamas3, Arbab Sikander4 and Muhammad Hashim5
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Heat stress is failure of heat dissipation of body when too much heat is produced. Summer season is the most detrimental for production in animals especially reared in tropical and sub tropical area. Exotic dairy cows are more prone to environmental stress as they have more heat of metabolism. Moreover, they are high producer and high producer animals are more susceptible to heat stress. Heat Stress has harmful impact ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asma Chaudhary1, Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad1, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Sadia Roshan2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study was endeavoring to investigate in vitro as well as in vivo antibacterial and probiotic potential of Sphingomonas sp. AsCh-P3 (MF543123) and Bacillus aerius AsCh-A7 (MF543123) against fish pathogen Pseudomonas fluorescens. Antagonism by cross streak was observed in ten isolates out of total twenty. Six isolates showed bett...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aylin Celile Oluk1*, Ugur Serbester2, Murat Reis Akkaya3 and Oya Berkay Karaca4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Various factors such as species, breeds, lactation stage and location affect milk composition. We evaluated the composition of Kilis goat milk in two different seasons on the basis of alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, esters, indoles, carboxylic acids, aromatic hydrocarbons and terpenes. Milk samples were collected at the early and late lactation periods from Hatay and ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">A.E.S. Patrick1,*, S. Kuganathan2 and U. Edirisinghe3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Linear regression analysis of length-weight relationships (LWRs) were studied to reveal the growth patterns of 380 specimens belonging to 10 species, 9 genera and 5 families of local fish in Vavuniya reservoir, Sri Lanka during January, 2013 to August, 2014. The regression coefficient value ‘b’ from LWR and statistical comparison from the ideal va...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">BamideleAkinsanya1, Isaac O Ayanda2,*, Benson Onwusa1 and Joseph K Saliu1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Lagos lagoon is continually being subjected to all forms of pollution. Human activities like industrialization, agriculture, and oil exploration are constantly threatening the health of this aquatic ecosystem. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and mono-aromatic hydrocarbons-benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) are chemicals derived from fossil f...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ibrar Muhammad Khan1, Dezhi Xu1, Zubing Cao1, Hongyu Liu1, Adnan Khan2,  Sajid Ur Rahman3, Jam Zaheer Ahmed4, Muhammad Akmal Raheem5 and Yunhai Zhang1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Vitamins and amino acids are important trace nutrients that are essential for body growth and reproductive soundness, whereas the lack of these nutrients is directly related to reproductive performance. Hence, the antioxidants agents(L-cysteine and vitamin E) were added into semen diluent and assessed the freeze-thawed semen quality parameters. The ejaculates were c...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahsan Numan1,4, Abdul Basit Qureshi2, Fehmeda Farrukh Khan3,Faisal Masud3,Ijaz Ahmad4, Kamran Ashraf5, Nisar Ahmad5, Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf 4, Imtiaz Rabbani4, Hafsa Zaneb6 and Habib Rehman4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study investigated the effect of duration of diabetes mellitus type-2 on the electrophysiological characteristics of sensorimotor nerves in patients with clinical diabetic polyneuropathy (DSP). Clinical diagnosis of DSP was assessed with the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument. The diagnosed patients with DMT2 were randomly distributed into 2 groups. Group-...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hagar E. Mohammed1, Ranwa A. Elrayess2 and Heba N. Gad El-Hak2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of combinations of Artemisia monospermia with Mentha piperita on male fertility.Treated rats with different doses of A. monosperma or M. piperita alone induced severe testes histopathological lesions and histochemical alteration associated with a reduction in epididymis weight, abnormality ...

 Amjad Ali1*, Pirzada Jamal Ahmad Siddiqui1, Naveed Ahmad2,Shabir Ali Amir3, Rafaqat Masroor3,Seema Shafique1 and Zaib-un-Nisa Burhan1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Reef ecosystem is an important source of recreation and fish diversity. Present study aimed to record the distribution and diversity of fishes from different coral habitats along the coast of Pakistan. Additionally, potential threats and conservation strategies were also discussed. SCUBA diving was conducted at 10 different dive sites along the coastline. Relative a...
height: normal;">Muhammad Moosa Abro1*, Nadir Ali Birmani2 and Muhammad Bachal Bhutto3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Nematehelminthic examination of two species of freshwater fishes, Mastacembelus armatus and Oreochromis niloticus collected from the Indus river of Sindh Pakistan, revealed presence of subgenus Spirocamallanus of genus Procamallanus. The subgenus was characterized by the presence of spiral thickening in buccal capsule. The prevalence of subgenus was higher in Mastacembelus armatus (33...
height: normal;">Simeen Mansoor, Jabeen Farheen* and Meher Hassan
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The specific proteins induced by sublethal-temperature are molecular chaperons that positively regulate plant growth and development that govern acclimation in plants but little has been known under lethal-temperature stress. Thus, the impact of induction of thermotolerance by sublethal-temperature (40 °C), 100 µM indoleacetic acid (IAA), and 100 µM gibberellic acid (GA
height: normal;">Suwati Suwati1, ErniRomansyah1,*, Syarifudin Syarifudin1, Yahya Jani2, Agus Heri Purnomo3
height: normal;">Damat Damat4 and Erkata Yandri5,6
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In Indonesia, seaweed has a critical role in improving the welfare of coastal communities. As a source of nutrition, seaweed consists of carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber and ash, vitamin, and beta-carotene. Right drying methods are needed to preserve the quality of dried seaweed. This study aims to compare the trend of weight reduction in seaweed during drying by natural and cabinet met...
height: normal;">Bram Brahmantiyo1,*, Henny Nuraini2,3, Astari Wibiayu Putri3, Maizirwan Mel4,5 and Cecep Hidayat6 
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...l; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Hycole and Hyla rabbits were imported in 2012 and 2013. Hycole and Hyla rabbits were known as best broiler rabbit and had potentiality as genetic resources to develop Indonesian broiler rabbit. The aim of this study was to characterize phenotype of Hycole and Hyla rabbits to evaluate their adaptability in tropical environments. Research were held at Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Produc...
height: normal;">Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani1,*, Sri Rahayu1, Endang Dwi Purbajanti2, Devi Dwi Siskawardani3, Karina Stankeviča4 and Roy Hendroko Setyobudi5
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Peanut plants use nitrogen sources from the atmosphere with the help of Rhizobium bacteria. Rhizobium was requiring P elements for root nodules formation. This study aims to determine the effects of the application of mycorrhizae at different levels that play an essential role in increasing P elemental uptake and rhizobia inoculants to improve N element fixation and root nodule formation. Rhizobia inoculant application...
height: normal;">Titin Herawati1,*, Indra Adiwiguna1, Ayi Yustiati1, Iis Rostini1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Hafizan Juahir3 and Asep Sahidin1
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The purpose of the research is to map the diversity of fish in Cimanuk River, specifically upstream and downstream Jatigede Reservoir. Field observation method and census sampling technique were applied. Research commenced from November 2017 to January 2018. Parameters measured are diversity index, dominance index, equitability index, and water quality. Data analysis employed comparative-descriptive method by mapping t...
height: normal;">Haris Setiawan1, Aris Winaya1,*, Herwintono Herwintono1, Mulyoto Pangestu2 and Yayuk Kholifah3
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...l; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Freezing process reduces sperm quality due to membrane damage. Antioxidants protects the membrane of spermatozoa. This study aimed to observe the effects of Snakehead Fish (Channa striata [Bloch 1793]) Extract (SFE) supplementation in tris Egg-yolk extender on mortality and motility of spermatozoa of Limousin bull (Bos primigenius...
height: normal;">Shehzadi Saima1, Maqsoda Perveen2, Muhammad Nawaz1, Khalid M. Ahmad1,* and Haider Sultan1
...l; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Potassium is a macro nutrients that play a key role in development and growth of plants. Therefore, the present study was planned to test the effects of potassium on Gladiolus by different treatment methods, and to find out which method is more promising. The corms of Gladiolus hybrid cv. yellow stone was used for plantation. Experiment was carried out in complete randomized design (CRD) with fou...
height: normal;">Dara Jaff1,2* and Michael C. Jarvis
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Barley genotypes selected by farmers or breeders for dry climates need to cope with wide variation in rainfall from year to year. Vigorous vegetative growth is needed for yield when drought terminates growth early, but this character can lead to lodging in years with above average rainfall. Barley cultivars and landraces bred adapted to these conditions have thinner straw than higher-yielding cultivars adapted t...
height: normal;">Wahyu Widodo1,*, Imbang Dwi Rahayu2, Adi Sutanto3, Apriliana Devi Anggraini4, Harum Sahara4
height: normal;">Sara Safitri4 and Abubakar Yaro5,6
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The purposes were to analyze the effect of Curcuma xanthorriza Roxb. as a feed additive towards super kampong chicken (Indonesian native/local chicken - Gallus gallus domesticus Linnaeus, 1758) and to determine the most effective level of curcuma xanthorriza for the chicken. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this research through experimental design. Treatments in this research covered T0:
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chaogang Yao, Daxin Pang, Chao Lu, Aishi Xu, Peixuan Huang, Hongsheng Ouyang* and Hao Yu*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Intramuscular fat (IMF) content has become an important determinant of meat quality for raisers and consumers in modern society. The objective of this work was to investigate the roles of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) and fatty acid metabolism signaling pathways in determining the IMF contentin the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle of pigs. The e...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Yu Chen, Jing Yun Li, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Kun Peng Shi and Xue Yan Fu; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">For China yellow quail, Beijing white quail and Korean quail, number of eggs, total egg weight and laying rate begin to soar up with the increase of age from the 8th week to 12th week. Such growth rate declines gradually with the increase of age from the 12th week to the 15th week. The best regression equation for the numb...

Masood Sadiq Butt1, Sadia Aslam1,2, Rizwan Shukat1,*, Syed Qamar Abbas1, Muhammad Issa Khan1, Shadab Shaukat3 and Muhammad Shahid4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fish waste contains an appreciable amount of proteins, enzymes and fats. It was considered as garbage of no financial value and disposed of without any attempt of recovery. The aim of this study was to optimize the hydrolysis conditions for production of protein hydrolysate with enhanced functionality. Minced rohu (Labeo rohita) waste mainly comprising of hea...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Saima Siddiqui1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed 1Abdul Sattar Buriro2, Sohail Ahmad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4 and Muhammad Asam Riaz4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cotton is one of the important crops of Pakistan and is attacked by many chewing and sucking pest. Chemical insecticides are used abundantly to suppress the pest population. The use of host-plant resistance is an alternative tool to control cotton insect-pests. The current research was aimed to identify the cotton physio-morphological marker to manage pressure of su...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Basharat Ahmed1, Muhammad Hamza Azhar2, Farah R. Shakoori1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of 146 Campylobacter spp.isolated from diarrheal patients admitted to hospitals in Azad Kashmir Pakistan were analyzed to determine their changing trends in response to fifteen antibiotics. Campylobacter isolates were identified as C. jejuni (66.4%) and C. coli (33.6%). An over whelming majority o...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Canan Vejselova Sezer*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cancer disease is a major cause of death worldwide in the last few decades. Recently, the risk of cancer and its mortality rates have increased both in economically less and highly developed countries. Two of the leading causes of the death of cancer are lung and breast cancers among males and females, respectively. A variety of drugs are in use for cancer treatment...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Farhan Qadir1, Xin-Yu Han1, Meng-li Qiao1, Ying Wang1, Ding Zhang1, Yu-hai Bi1,2, Ali Raza Jahejo1,Qian-qian Cheng1 and Wen-xia Tian1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chicken’s erythrocytes are most abundant cells circulating in the body which participate in inflammation and immune responses. However, expression levels of prostaglandins-related genes in H9N2 infected chicken’s erythrocytes have not been studied yet. So, the present study was designed to investigate the PG-related genes in erythrocytes of H9N2 infected...
height: normal;">Rukhsar Ali* and Ali Muhammad
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Storage stability of mango and loquat blended pulp was conducted to study the effect of selected food chemical preservatives i.e. sodium benzoate (SB), potassium metabisulphite (KMS) and potassium sorbate (PS) on physicochemical qualities (total soluble solids, pH, acidity, phenolic compounds, total sugars, antioxidant activity, Vitamin C content) and sensory evaluation as color, taste, and overall acceptability stored...
height: normal;">Aysha Riaz* and Said Wahab
...l; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Wheat flour biscuits are of widely consumed bakery products and mostly considered as nutritionally poor due to lacking in certain essential micronutrients. Moringa leaves are very rich in nutrients namely proteins, fibers and minerals. Keeping in view the nutritional importance of moringa leaves powder, the present study was carried out to investigate the effe...
height: normal;">Naveed Ali1, Umar Hayat1*, Shahid Ali1, Muhammad Imad Khan1 and Sanam Wagma Khattak2
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height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Apart- from providing food to the massive population, agriculture sector contributes a big share to South Asian GDP and it also provides employment to the fast-growing population. Examining the sources of agriculture productivity has not attained much importance related to SAARC countries. Moreover, the studies on the role of agriculture productivity in case of the South Asian region are limited to individual countries...
height: normal;">Muhammad Farooq1*, Allah Rakha2,Jawad Ul Hassan2, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, A. Shakoor3, Muhammad Bakhtiar4, Muhammad Noman Khan5,Shoaib Khan5, Ibrar Ahmad6, Shabir Ahmed7 andWang Yunyang1*
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height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">At global level many species of eatable mushrooms have been used for diet and medication purposes. In addition to its dietetic value mushroom have many medicinal importance because mushroom is used against several viral, bacterial and cancer diseases. Mushroom powder also used to reduce blood pressure and increase resistance of person against many diseases. Keeping in perspective the position of dietary and medicinal v...
height: normal;">Iftikhar Alam1, Atta Ulllah Jan1, Muhammad Ali2 and Muhammad Farooq3*
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Data on priority research areas are scarce such that decision making on the types of research in nutrition is tough both for researchers and health policy makers. Defining research priorities is important for proper planning in nutrition. The objective of the present study was to identify most important nutrition research areas of the highest priority in order to be more focused on decision making issues concerning nut...
height: normal;">Saira Batool1, Safdar Ali Shirazi1 and Syed Amer Mahmood2*
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This research deals with soil removal assessment through the RUSLE model hypsometry and spatial autocorrelation incorporated with GIS in the Chakwal watershed-Potwar- Pakistan. It is observed that 70.06% of the Chakwal watershed lies in the tolerable (low erosion), 16.51% in the intermediate range and 13.44% in highly eroded zones of the total Chakwal watershed area. Chakwal watershed is a rainfed and semi-arid with a ...
height: normal;">Arshad Bhat1*, Masudul H. Wani1, Shabir A. Wani2, Abid Qadir3, Iqra Qureshi4 and Abid Sultan2
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height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Use of indiscriminate pesticides have severe negative impacts on human health, biosphere and ecological web-chains. Easy access and availability of pesticides has opened the sphere of choices to the growers, but the recognition of standard and sub-standard pesticides has made the growers very much perturbed and they lack confidence to rely on these pesticide outlets. By using such pesticides, the growers are bei...
height: normal;">Tanay Dineshkumar Shah
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height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Mushrooms have high nutritional value. They are a rich source of protein and fiber and have very low calories and low cholesterol. Days are not far when mushrooms will be a regular alternative to vegetables for many vegetarians. India is having a favorable environmental condition to grow mushrooms. Hence various varieties of mushrooms are grown in different regions of India. However, the per capita consumption of mushr...
height: normal;">Uzma Ayaz1,* and Muhammad Fareed Khan2
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height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">
... font-size: 12.5px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Globally among oil seed, sunflower is a major oil contributor with high productivity following cotton and rapeseed. Twenty-five local and imported hybrid seeds along with two check hybrids (Hysun-33 and NKS-278) collected from National Agriculture Research centre Islamabad were field tested at Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir during July and August 2019. The cultivation was carried out in three r...

Safdar Hussain1, Muhammad Naeem Mushtaq5, Ali Bakhsh3, Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Muhammad Sarwar1, Muhammad Jan4*, Muhammad Abdul Qayyum2 and Arif Husain2

...ation (95.55 m-2), plant height, tillers (88.77 m-2), spike (287.17), spikelets per spike (18.56), grains per spike (55.21), spike length (12.38 cm) and thousand grain weight (40.95). Similar trend was also observed in case of grain yield (5708.51 kg ha-1), biological yield (16380.9 kg ha-1), harvest index (34.85 %), water use efficiency (4.78 kg ha-1 mm-1), drought yield index (92.21%), protein contents (17.37 mg g-1), leaf water contents (72.65 %), soil mois...

Ijaz Ahmad* and Bakhtiar Gul

... The maximum wheat plant height (38.1 and 39.4) was recorded in wheat, having no weeds competition during the year 2018 and 2019 respectively. Whereas, the minimum plant height (cm) 30.4 and 31.9 was recorded in wheat infested with Avena fatua and Silybum marianum. Due to the large leaf canopy of S. marianum, it is not possible for other species to sustain, because several broadleaf weeds are highly competitive and make a hi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tai-hua Jin1, An-gang Lou2,Jiu-xiu Ji1, Cheng-dou Cui2, Long-zheng Yu2 andLi-zeng Guan1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">At present, the relationship between miRNAs and GH has been reported. However, the effect of miR-1468 on growth hormone (GH) is unknown. The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of miR-1468 on GH in pituitary cells of Yanbian yellow cattle in this study. Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR), Western blot, Targetscan and RNAhybrid analysi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aneeqa Saleem1, Muhammad Islam1, Hamid Saeed1* and Mehwish Iqtedar2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of the present study was to investigate the in vivo anti-urolithiatic effects of both peel and pulp extractives of Cucumis melo L., in mice model of nephrolithiasis. Extractives of peel and pulp were obtained using hot and cold methods. Ethylene glycol (0.75% V/V) was used IP for 10 days to develop mice model of nephrolithiasis. Extracts were a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1 and  Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Marecha camel has good potential for commercial camel farming and it could be the source for future food production especially in arid and semi-arid areas of Pakistan. Research work on production potential of Marecha camel is scanty. In the current study, 10 male Marecha calves (Camelus dromedarius) around 300±30 days of age were weaned at 9 months age...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Li Shengqing1,2,3, Zhang Xiyun2,3, Liu Shengcai2,3, Hu Guoyuan2, Fan Yuxia2,Liu Huaixin2, Wang Tingting2 and Zhang Yanming1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This work aims to explore the feasibility of using type D botulinum toxin as a novel, environmentally friendly biological rodenticide for the population control of rodents in plateau pastoral area. The toxin is subjected to toxin component, DNA sequencing, and bioinformatic analyses. The lethal median dose (LD50) values of intragastrically and orally admi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Naveed1, Asif Nadeem1,2*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Fahad Bhutta3 and Ruqayya Bint Khalid1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Signal transducer and activator of transcription 5A (STAT5A), also called mammary gland factor (MGF), is a key mediator of signal transduction within mammary gland and uterine epithelial cells. It is a member of placental lactogen (PL) and interferon-tau (IFN-τ) signal pathway. It is also the main mediator of growth hormone. When cells encounter growth hormones ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Alamaary Mohaammed Saad1,3, Abd Wahid Haron1*, Mohamed Ali2
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mark Wen Han Hiew1 and Lawan Adamu1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Spermatozoa are susceptible to the oxidative stress OS during cryopreservation. The excessive reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the capacity of the antioxidants could affect the OS level in the frozen semen. This study was to determine the addition of different concentrations of antioxidants to evaluate oxidative stress and fertility of frozen semen in horses. Seven...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jing Yu1*, Jiangmei Mao1,2 and Dongliang Wang1,3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Marine primary productivity (PP) is closely related with fishery resources. This study benefited a lot by providing the reference for the use of remote sensing data to inverse PP and then to assess fishery resources in typical offshore fishery waters. The paper adopted the inversion analysis of the primary productivity (PP) in the Daya Bay, China applying the vertic...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sara Sultan Alomran1, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak1,2, Amir Ali Khan1,2*, Sallam Hasan Abdallah2, Abeer Maher Fayyad1 and Khalid Bajou1,2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Unraveling molecular mechanisms that govern adipocyte formation will lead to a greater understanding of obesity and subsequent treatment. In the current study, we assessed the effects of miR-22-3p, a non-coding RNA, on adipocyte differentiation from telomerase-transformed Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (iMSC3). The transfection of iMSC3 with miR-22-3p suppressed adipocy...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xinjian Wang1,2, Eryan Yang1,2 and Lizhi Zhou1,2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Tundra swan, Cygnus columbianus, wintering in the lakes of Yangtze River floodplain are facing wetland degeneration and habitat loss. Daily activity rhythm, time budget and foraging pattern of wintering swans are the important presentation of behavioral strategy in response to habitat variations. We studied the behavior of Tundra Swan wintering in the wet...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman2,3*, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2, Md. Moshiur Rahman3,4 and Muhammed Aslam Pathiri2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Photoperiod and shelter have direct or indirect effects on phenotypic traits expression in different fish species. The present study was, therefore, intended to explore whether these light and shelter could influence some phenotypic traits of African catfish larvae under laboratory condition. Newly hatched larvae were stocked in plastic aquaria (10L) at a rate of 5 ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hesham Saeed1*, Manal Abdel-Fattah1, Ahmad Eldoksh1, Farid S. Ataya2 and Manal Shalaby3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Theopen reading frame encoding interferon alpha (IFNα) of the camel liver, Camelus dromedarius was isolated and cloned using reverse transcription-PCR. Sequence analysis of that gene showed a 564-bp encoding a protein of 187 amino acids with a predicted molecular weight of 21 kDa. Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) sequence analysis revealed that...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xiujun Yao1, Haofeng Wang 2, Ligong Zhang3, Jingzhang Wu4 and Lijun Wang1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ten out of 30 rats were randomly selected as normal group. Remaining 20 rats were used to establish rat model of mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis (MsPGN), and were equally divided into model group and total glucoside of paeony (TGP) group. TGP group was given 150 mg/kg TGP by gavage, normal group and model group were given the same amount of saline by gava...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chaman Ara1*, Asmatullah1, Saima Hanif1, Shagufta Andleeb2, Beenish Zahid3 and Madeeha Arshad4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was planned to investigate the therapeutic potential of onion extract against aluminum (Al) induced toxicity in male albino mice, Mus musculus. Eighty, 8-9 week old mice were divided randomly into eight groups, each containing 10 mice and exposed to three sub-lethal concentrations (37.5µg/g; 18.7µg/g; 9.37µg/g B.W) of aluminum, wi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abdul Muhaimin Wahab1, Basit Zeshan2,*, Naveed Ahmed2, Muhammad Afzal2 and Muhammad Naveed2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Campylobacter spp. is responsible for food borne illness in humans while Campylobacter jejuni is the most common species for majority of human enteritis cases. The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of C. jejuni, risk factors associated with the occurrence, identification control and preventive measure to reduce the prevalen...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">J.Y. Bai1,*, R.T.D. Wu2,*, Q. Zhang2, D. Bao2, L.M. Dao2 and X.H. Tian3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, 17 microsatellite markers were used to analyze the genetic polymorphism, genetic differentiation, gene flow and genetic distance of Alashan desert Bactrian camel, Alashan Gobi Bactrian camel, Sunite Bactrian camel and Qinghai Bactrian camel.The results indicated that the number of effective alleles of the four Bactrian camel varieties ranged from 2.73...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fuhua Zhang, Yishuang Yu and Shibao Wu*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Pregnancy diagnosis is critical to the management of captive breeding of wild animals, as accurate pregnancy diagnosis can improve the reproductive efficiency of captive animals. Pangolins do not show obvious morphological changes during pregnancy, which increases the difficulty of pregnancy diagnosis. In this study, pregnancies were diagnosed using B-ultrasonograph...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Naimat Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Hassan Saleem2, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shafee3, Ayesha Hassan2, Mumtaz Ali Khan2 and Nadeem Rashid3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cryptosporidium is a protozoan parasite causing diarrhea in human and animals. This study has been aimed to find out its prevalence and chemotherapy of cryptosporidiosis in goats in three selected districts of southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. A total of 1440 fecal samples were collected from goats, 120 samples per month from each of 3 districts fo...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hamed A. Ghramh1,2,3, Zubair Ahmed1,2,4 and Khalid Ali Khan1,2,3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A new species viz., Stantonia hayati Ahmad, sp. nov., is described and illustrated from India, while S. hammersteini Enderlein, 1908is recorded from Saudi Arabia. Affinities of the new taxa with related species have also been discussed. The genus Stantonia is also recorded for the first time from Saudi Arabi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Saba Afzal1, Sohail Raza1,*, Masood Rabbani1, Sehrish Firyal2, Imran Altaf1 and Zahra Naeem1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was conducted to find the antiviral potential of ivermectin against Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPRV) in vitro. Firstly, cell cytotoxicity of ivermectin in the Vero cells was determined using MTT assay. The antiviral activity of ivermectin was determined using viral inhibition assays and median tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rida Haroon Durrani1*, Fareeha Akhtar1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1, Munazzah Maqbool1, Aleena Kokab1, Kiran Imtiaz2 and Muhammad Ilyas Riaz3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Food spoilage is a complex process in which food deteriorates to that extent at which it becomes unfit for human consumption. Food spoilage due to microorganisms is a serious issue which causes approximately 25% food loss globally Present study revealed the effects of storage temperature associated with bacterial spoilage of fish meat. A total 24 samples were procur...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Khurram Goraya1,*, Qais ALRawahi1, Sultan ALBalushi1, Hani ALSaadi1, Sami ALRahbi1, Zahir ALAlawi1, Muhammad Hammad Hussain2 and Madad Hussain1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Al-Wusta Wildlife Reserve (WWR) is the first wildlife reserve in Oman. It was established in 1980 for reintroduction and breeding of the Arabian oryx (Oryx leucoryx) and recently other wildlife, which includes the Arabian gazelle (Gazelle gazelle cora) and Sand gazelle (Gazella subgutturosa marica). These antelopes are only kept in a few countri...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Celalettin Gözüaçık1, Ecevit Eyduran2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The current study was conducted to develop a new approach for revealing egg-laying behaviour of alfalfa weevil, Hypera postica (Gyllenhal) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)laying in alfalfa fields at late fall. Totally, the infected 675 alfalfa plants were evaluated with the objective to predict height of eggs laid by the alfalfa...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aiguo Zhou1,2, Di Sun1,2,Shulin Liu 1,2, Yongyong Feng1,2, Yue Zhang3
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yanfeng Chen4, Shaolin Xie1,2* and Jixing Zou1,2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The control region for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) has been considered as one of the most effective molecular markers in the study of identification for fish species, which has a fast evolutionary rate. And thus, in the present study, investigation of genetic comparison was performed based on the complete sequences of mtDNA control region for “Bicolor” and...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Saqib Nawaz1, Sher Bahadar Khan1*, Umar Sadique1, Muhammad Israr2
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mumtaz Ali Khan3, Hameed Ullah Khan4, Muhammad Irshad5, Ihsan Ali1 and Haq Aman Ullah1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The main objective of this study was isolation and determination of changes caused by Clostridium perfringens type D from sheep. For this purpose, a total of 272 fecal samples were collected from sheep and lambs from four different zones of district Peshawar. Isolates were morphologically, biochemically and molecularly confirmed through Gram staining, gelatin...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Junyan Bai1,2, Ren Tao Di Wu2, Le Ma Dao2, Di Bao2, Qiang Zhang2 and Xing Hua Tian3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, SPSS17.0 software was used to analyze the wool fineness of 1079 Alxa Bactrian camels. The results showed that the wool fineness of male camel was significantly higher than that of female camel (P < 0.05). At the age of 2-7, the fluff fineness of male and female camel increased with age, At the age of 8-10 years, the fluff fineness of male and femal...

Imran Ullah Khan*, Noor Ul Amin, Sayyed Hamad Ahmad Shah, Maqsood Khan, Shehzad Ahmad and Syed Aizaz Ali Shah

...days to flowering, plant height (cm), number of leaves plant-1, leaf area (cm2), number of branches plant-1, number of flower plant-1, diameter of flower (cm), fresh flower weigh (g), flower stalk length (cm) and flower vase life. The above mentioned parameters are highly influenced by most of humic acid levels. The increment value were shown on humic acid at the rate of 10 kg ha ‑1 for days to flowering (21.2 days), plant height

Attaullah Jan1*, Saleem Khan2, Iftikhar Alam1, Farzeen Khan3 and Muhammad Farooq4*

...d measurement of weight, height and BMI. Age and anthropometrics (weight, height and BMI) were used for z-score calculation following WHO standards and using WHO AnthroPlus software. Dietary data were collected in a 24-HR Dietary Recall Questionnaire. Data were analyzed in SPSS (Version 20) and was reported in means (SD). Pearson correlation analyses were performed to establish relation between anthropometrics and nutrients ...

Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Akmal1, Qadeer Ahmad2, Zahid Akram2, Adnan Arshad3, Huma Qamar4*, Hafeez Ullah5, Muhammad Zubair4 and Muhammad Rizwan Khurshid4

...of pods per plant, plant height; seed yield per plant and improved the quality by increasing iron concentration in grains. The pH and electrical conductivity (EC), organic matter and NPK of the soil were also significantly affected through Fe-enriched organic amendments.


Shujaa Arshad1, Muhammad Umair1*, Rana Shahzad Noor1, Chaudhry Arslan2, Arslan Afzal1 and Zafar Islam3

... 2 feet width and 2 feet height and tested for local environmental conditions of Pakistan. Pakistan has blessed with an abundance of solar energy in most parts of the country and desiccant cooling technology in an environment as well as user-friendly technology. The objective of this study was to test the developed system for local conditions of Pakistan so that this technology can be promoted to be used in agriculture for control sheds/greenhouses for cooling...

Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Abdul Waheed, M. Abbas Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Shamsul Islam, Basharat Hussain Shah, Sohail Aslam and Qamar uz Zaman

...a were recorded on plant height (PH), number of branches per plant (NBP), number of leaves per plant (NLP), stem diameter (SD), main root length (MRL), root diameter (RD), number of lateral roots per plant (NLRP), dry shoot weight (DRW) and dry root weight (DRW). The highest plant height (78.66 cm) was produced by clone BP2-2, followed by Clones BP1-4, BP1-3, BP3-1 and BP2-5 with plant height<...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Furqan1*, Zulfiqar Ali1, Usman Ali2, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad3, Bushra Nisar Khan1, Waqar Ahmed1, Zakir Hussain1, Mian Amman Ullah1Nimra Afzal1 and Anjum Ara2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ and K) is blessed with a rich floral and faunal diversity. The Indian grey mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii Hilaire, 1818) is a small carnivore, controls the population of reptiles, ground birds, small mammals, insects, distributed in plain areas of Pakistan and southern AJ and K. The present study aimed to investigate conflict ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Imran Tarique1*, Muhammad Ghiasuddin Shah1, Illahi Bux Kalhoro1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani2, Mansoor Tariq 2, Jamil Ahmed Gandahi1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Saqib Ali Fazlani3 and Benazir Sahito3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study is carried out on the histology and micrometrical analysis in skin of different body regions (dewlap, abdomen, scrotum / udder and thigh) of young and adult of either sex of red Sindhi cattle (Bos indicus). Skin of red Sindhi cattle showed epidermis thickness rang of 41.1-50.13 µm and dermis thickness rang of 443.97-597.05 µm in all body...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ayse Haligur* and Sema Ozkadif; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The red fox is widely distributed all over the world. These animals feed as wild animals and off the waste of people, thus having a close association with people. Anatomical knowledge of the red fox is very poor and we aimed to investigate the branches of the plexus brachialis in the red fox. We used six male red foxes that were died in traffic accidents. The right ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tariq Mahmood1*, Luqman Ullah Khan1 and Muhammad Naeem2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Comprising about 13% of the world avian diversity, Indian sub-continent has approximately more than 2060 species of birds. In Pakistan, there are more or less 660 bird species belonging to 23 orders and 74 families. The abundance and diversity of avian species in a specific habitat can serve as a useful measure of their ecological status. In response to land use cha...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yawang Sun, Yongjiang Wu, Jingbo Chen, Zili Wang, Juncai Chen, You Yang and Guozhong Dong*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study investigated oxidative stress and the consequent DNA damage induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in bovine mammary epithelial cell line MAC-T cells. Cells were cultured for 48 h with different LPS levels (0, 0.1, 0.5, 2.5, 12.5, and 100 ng/mL). The results showed that cell viability was negatively correlated with LPS concentrations. The production of react...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xuhai Wang1,2, Xin Li1, Fangyuan Yuan1, Chaocheng Li1, Bin Jia1* and Song Jiang1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To study the early molecular immunity of Echinococcus granulosus infection in livestock, especially in sheep, the immunohistochemistry, in-situ hybridization was used to study the relationship and the distribution between miR-216b and IL2RB in the intestine tissue of kazakh sheep with resistant and non-resistant MHC haplotypes after oral infection with E. ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jen-Hong Chu1, Ya-Wen Lan2, Shyn-Shin Sheen3 and Angela Chien3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A feeding experiment investigated the effects of dietary lipid levels on the growth, muscle composition and digestive enzyme of 0.28 g Laevistrombus canarium. Five semi-purified diets containing 0% (L0), 2% (L2), 4% (L4), 6% (L6), and 12% (L12) lipids were formulated. Each diet was randomly assigned to three replicate groups of L. canarium larvae. The ...
Muhammad Afnan Rabbi, Iqtidar Hussain*, Ejaz Ahmed, Muhammad Saad and Aitezaz Ali Asad Shahani
...ic parameters i.e. plant height (cm), spike weight (g), spike length (cm), number of tillers, weight of 1000 grains (g), number of grains spike-1, biological yield (kg ha-1), yield of grain (kg ha-1), yield of straw (kg ha-1), productivity score and harvest index were significant in different doses of N and P2O5 with different levels of NAA. Maximum grain yield and yield contributing parameters were acquired from fertilizer dose of 180 N and 120 P2O5 and PGR l...

Tanweer Fatah Abro1, Asif Ali Kaloi1, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Tarique Ahmed Baloch2, Tanveer Ali Soomro1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1 and Waqar Hussain Shah4

...lity estimates for plant height (95.24%). The maximum heritability for sympodial branches plant-1 (85.30%) and seed index (82.02%) were exhibited by the F4 population CRIS-342 x IR-3701. The F4 population CRIS-342 x Neelum-121 manifested the highest heritability values for bolls plant-1 (90.81%) and boll weight (96.85%). For seed cotton yield plant-1 and ginning outturn, the highest heritability values (90.08 and 90.20%) were confirmed by the F4 population CRI...

Arjun Bastola1*, Sachet Subedi2 and Malatee Bastola3

...composite had higher ear height hence susceptible to stalk lodging than rest of the genotypes. Stalk lodging seen less in CP-808. Rajkumar had longer cob length and larger cob diameter while maximum number of rows per cob were noted in CP-858 genotype. Higher number of grains per rows was recorded in Rampur hybrid-10 genotype. Rampur hybrid-10 genotype had more shelling percentage but sterility percentage was lower. Highest grain yield was obtained from CP-858...

Muhammad Fiyyaz1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sarfraz Hussain3, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1 and Aneela Riaz4

...8) produce maximum plant height (115.0 cm), biomass (64.34 g) and root length (27.083 cm) of maize. Organic matter content (1.78 %), phosphorus (16.67 ppm) and potassium (213.0 ppm) concentration in soil was also increased in this treatment.

height: normal;Times New Roman";">Iqra Muzammil1, Muhammad Ijaz Saleem1, Amjad Islam Aqib2,*, Ambreen Ashar3Syed Ashar Mahfooz1, Sajjad ur Rahman4, Muhammad Shoaib4, Muhammad Aamir Naseer1, Imran Khan Sohrani1, Javeed Ahmad1, Razaullah Saqi1, Fizzah Laeeq Lodhi1 and
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Qaisar Tanveer5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The nutraceutical milk of goat in agrobased countries is at risk of contamination with pathogenic strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The current study was designed to investigate prevalence of pathogenic strains of S. aureus, assessment of risk factors, and in-vitro antibiogram of non-biofilm producing S. aureus (nbpSA) and biofilm positiv...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yahong Guo1,3, Zeqin Fu1,3, Jiantong Feng1,3, Chengrui Yan1,3, Yingying Ye1,3*, Kaida Xu2 and Baoying Guo1,3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The hard-shelled mussel, Mytilus unguiculatus, is one of main aquaculture bivalve species in Southeast China Sea, and excellent growth characteristics. For mussel breeding, farmers use wild individuals to multiply the cultured populations. However, blind selection of wild parents has inevitably resulted in inbreeding and decreased genetic variation. In this s...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Abdul Moeez1, Humaira Ramzan1, Mudassar Hafeez1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Sher Muhammad4 and Muhammad Latif4

...h of rice plant. Maximum height of rice plant (106 cm), fertile tillers number per spike (6), 1000-grain weight (21.76 g), shoot fresh biomass (25.62 g) and shoot dry matter (12.86 g) were found under saline environment when maximum concentration of Si was applied i.e. 100 µg Si/g and least values were obtained when no Si was applied. Thus, application of Si as higher concentration (100 µg Si/g soil) proved superior to mitigate harmful effects of s...

Amjed Ali1, Kamran Arooj1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1­, Muhammad Imran1,2, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz3 and Muhammad Fraz Ali4

...eaf area duration, plant height (cm), number of pod bearing branches per plant, number of grains per pod,1000-grain weight (g), grain yield (kg ha-1), biological yield (kg ha-1) and harvest index (%) of mungbean were recorded by using standrd procedure. Results of experiment revealed that sowing date of 1st march and varity AZRI-2006 result in maximum leaf area index (3.43), leaf area duration (24.14), plant height (74.067cm...

Maqsood Ahmad1, Muhammad Umer Chattha1, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha2*, Faqir Hussain Anjum3, Sadia Afzal4, Muhammad Faran1, Fiaz Hussain3, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Abdul Jabbar5, Muhammad Sultan Ali Bazmi5, Mahnoor Mehmood6 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

...-2006. The maximum plant height (52.67 cm), pod length (11.39 cm), pods/plant (22.11), seed yield (1300.22 kg ha-1) and biological yield (4439.56 kg ha-1) was recorded in crop sown on 25th April and minimum plant height (43.67 cm), pod length (9.92 cm), pods/plant (18.33), seed yield (1975.22 kg ha-1) and biological yield (3761.67 kg ha-1) was recorded in crop sown on 15th May. In the case of cultivars, NM-2006 performed rem...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sadaf Aslam1*, Abdul Majid Khan1 and Muhammad Akhtar2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The fossil remains of Hippohyus (Artiodactyla, Mammalia) from the Late Miocene/Pliocene of Middle and Upper Siwaliks are described.Hippohyus sivalensis is a common suid of late Miocene to Pliocene rocks of Tatrot/Hasnot area of Pakistan. The molar resemblance with equids indicates their grazing feeding habits. This species migrated to Potwar lan...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhi Wang1*, Wenhua Liu2 and FadaoTai3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The complex-toothed flying squirrel has completely different diet and living habits compared with other squirrel species. Still, its circadian activity patterns and time budgets in different behaviors remain unclear. Using artificial population of the animal bred in a simulated natural environment, activity patterns and time budgets were investigated. The results sh...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bin Liu1,2, Libo Wang2, Dandan Xue2, Peng Xu1, Yuting An2 and Changhu Lu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Birds of different ages or sexes may select different migration strategies. We studied the spring and autumn migration as well as the body condition of different ages and sexes of the Blue-and-white Flycatcher Cyanoptila cyanomelana at a migration corridor in Yancheng, Jiangsu, China, in 2017. A total of 121 individuals were captured in mist nets, 62 in sprin...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Amreen Zahra1, Mushtaq A. Saleem1*, Hasnain Javed2, Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan3, Muhammad Naveed1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Human immunodeficiency virus the retrovirus causes AIDS. HIV mainly targets the body’s immune system, including the CD4 cells, which help the immune system fight off infections. Gag-Pol are the principal viral elements in HIV-1, which cause disease initiation and progression. Here we present a comprehensive study, where both the in vitro and ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sajid Ali1, Muhammad Avais1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Kamran Ashraf2, Saira Jabeen1, Sajid Hameed3, Muhammad Awais1, Jawaria Ali Khan1 and Imtiaz Ahmad4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lameness is one of the biggest insults to the well-being and productivity of dairy cows, which results in colossal economic losses for dairy producers. Nevertheless, it is overlooked and least studied dairy problem in Pakistan. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence and associated risk factors of lameness at...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Guangyu Wang, Xu Tian, Lintao Liu, Junyang Liu, Bo Zhang and Jingming Dong*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sodium hyaluronate are used to reduce pain and improve function in patients with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) and in traditional Chinese medicine, Shujin Huoxue Tablets (SJHXT) is known to be a useful medicine for KOA. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of SJHXT combined with sodium hyaluronate on synovial inflammation in a patients with KOA. A total ...

Barış Bayraklı; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, monthly amino acid and fatty acid contents of warty crab (Eriphia verrucosa) were determined. From the southern coast of the Black Sea, fifty individuals of warty crab were caught every month. Amino acid score (AAS), chemical score (CS), and meal size amino acid score (MSAAS) were calculated. In August, when E. verrucosa breed...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Maria Qibtia1, Muhammad Wasim1, Farzana Chowdhary1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Sehrish Faryal1, Ahmed Mansouri2, Zeeshan Ahmad2, Muhammad Hamid3 and Ali Raza Awan1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lactose non-persistence (LNP) develops due to the downregulation of the lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) enzyme. LPH is encoded by the LCT-gene located on chromosome 2q21. In this study, 50 patients with LI were investigated for the identification of mutations in the LCT-gene. In comparison of 30 subject with lactose persistence (LP) considered as hea...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Assefa Tessema Tecklie1*, Abebe Getahun Gubale1, Seyoum Mengistou Yilma1, Tadesse Fetahi Hailu1 and Eshete Dejen Diresilign2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The study was conducted between January and December, 2018. The objectives of the study were to assess fishing activities and the impact of fishing on the Nile tilapia fish species in Lake Hayq. A total of 198 fishermen selected randomly from Kebeles bordering Lake Hayq were used as respondents for structured questionnaires. In addition to this, 30 fish traders and ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shuang Yang1,2, Huiting Zhao3, Xuewen Zhang2, Kai Xu1, Lina Guo1, Yali Du1 and Yusuo Jiang1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella (Linnaeus, 1758), is a notorious pest of honey bee colonies that has negatively affected the global apicultural industry. Olfactory cues influence the behavior of wax moth, where males attract females, making them an ideal candidate for pheromone studies. However, the molecular mechanism of chemoreception in G. mel...

Arshad Khan1, Mohammad Ihsan1, Mohammad Nisar1, Ali Hazrat1*, Murad Ali3, Rashid Ul-Haq3, Khalid Khan2, Karishma Gul1 and Shah Faisal1 

...tion was found for plant height ranging from 36cm to 50cm, days to flowering range from 130 to 133 days), while 100 seed weight ranged from 36 to 86 g and plant biomass range from 50 to 199.5 g per plant. SDS-PAGE analyses of total seed storage protein resulted in a total of 18 polymorphic bands. Total genetic diversity on the basis of total seed storage protein analysis was 17.5%. In Band, the 14 total genetic diversity was (0.60%) followed by Band 16 (0.58%)...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shafaq Fatima1,*, Farkhanda Manzoor1, Humaira Amman1, Zakia Kanwal1, Asma Latif1, Zeeshan Ali2, Hamid Iqbal Gondal2, Sumera Sajjad1 and Raja Shahnawaz Janjua3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Linseed is an economically important plant source of n-3 polyunsaturated alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which can be used as supplemental dietary lipid in fish feed particularly carps. In developing countries where fish oil is not an ingredient of fish feed due to its high cost, the addition of economical plant oils rich in n-3 PUFA in fish diet can remarkably improve i...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Majed Rafeeq1,*, Nadeem Rashid1, Muhammad Masood Tariq1, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh1, Muhammad Zahid Mustafa1, Muhammad Shafee1, Khalid Mehmood1, Rana Muhammad Bilal2 and Tauseef Asmat1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of ethanolic crude extracts of cumin (Cuminum cyminum) and jir (Artemisia scoparia) on the performance of broiler chickens. The study used 120 unsexed Hubbard one day old broiler chicks randomly divided into three groups of 40 chicks that were each further divided into four replicates of ten chicks. Ext...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Mohsin1, Yin Hengbin2*, Qian Chong3 and Bohyun Kim4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Most of the published scientific literature declares Pakistani marine fisheries a victim of open access phenomenon. Under the influence of this ongoing regime, it becomes necessary to estimate overexploitation risk and understand ongoing economic implications of particularly important fishery resources. Thus, this study is the first-time attempt to evaluate very imp...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asif Sadam*, Rahmat Ullah Khan and Sajid Mahmood; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The expansion of urban landscape causes shift in biodiversity. This study aimed to identify the traits that enable bird species to become urban exploiters i.e. to colonize and become abundant in highly urbanized areas. Bird species were identified in point counts without distance estimation, in three habitats: urban area, residential area, and agricultural area. Twe...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ghulam Raza1*, Maqsood Anawar2, Muhammad Akbar1, Muhammad Ali1, Alamdar Hussain1, Azhar Hussain3 and Tanveer Hussain4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Himalayan ibex (Capra ibex sibirica) is a subspecies of Capra ibex, and is evenly distributed throughout the upper comparatively dry mountains of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. It is categorized as a Least Concern species globally as well as in Pakistan, however its presence in the Karakorum mountain plays a significant role in the economy of the r...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hesham M. Abd El Halim1, Maysa M. Hegazy1,2, Aishah Alatawi3, Imtiaz Ali Khan4 and Munawar Saleem Ahmad5*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Since plant extracts have long been known to be chitin inhibitor and agents for developmental arrest, chitinase genes and genes that are vital for starting the differentiation program of cells at discrete steps during development are major targets for biocide plant extracts. The current study evaluates the in vitro toxic effects of golden piller (Cupressus macroc...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nilgun Dogan1,height: normal;">* and Hakan Adanacioglu2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The main purpose of this study is to determine the economic performance of the beekeeping farms. For this purpose, a survey was done in Kelkit County, in northeastern Turkey. The performances of the beekeeping farms were evaluated by cost, profitability and efficiency analysis. The cost of a unit of honey was US$3.16 and the average price paid to the beekeepers was ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sana Ilyas1, Muhammad Hidayat Rasool1,*, Muhammad Javed Arshed2, Muhammad Usman Qamar1 and Bilal Aslam1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">TheEnterobacteria harboring the extended-spectrum-β-lactamase (ESBL) are a serious threat to public health particularly in developing countries. The study was aimed to investigate the prevalence and genomic characterization of ESBL producing E. coli from poultry, environment and poultry farm workers in Islamabad and Rawalpindi Pakistan.A to...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zeynep Sonmez1 and Memis Ozdemir2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to determine new polymorphisms in GDF5 (growth differentiation factor 5 (CDMP-1)) and EPS8 (epidermal growth factor receptor substrate 8). After the PCR analysis of the identified gene regions of 72 head Holstein cattle, samples were separated by the high-resolution melting analysis (HRMA), and sequence analysis was app...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xiangzu Wang,1,2 Jifeng Xi,1,2 Bin Jia,1,* Yongsheng Zhang,1 Chaocheng Li1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The relationship of cell proliferation and apoptosis is important in normal kidney development. The ZFX gene is important for regulation of growth, proliferation and differentiation in tissue cells while the Bcl-2 and BAX genes regulate apoptosis. This experiment adopted the real-time fluorescence quantitative technique to test ZFX, Bcl-2, and BAX expression in mice...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rahma Mohamed, Sara Nader, Dalia Hamza and Maha A. Sabry*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cryptococcus has gained medical importance over the last decade, as it is an emerging pathogen among immunocompetent individuals. There are no epidemiological data on the prevalence of this fungus in donkeys. The current research was conducted to investigate the possible role of the Egyptian donkeys in the epidemiology of such pathogen. Bacteriological analys...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kai Huang1,2, Wancai Xia1,2, Yi Fu3, Yaqiong Wan4, Hao Feng2, Ali Krzton5, Jiaqi Li4,* and Dayong Li1,2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dominance hierarchies are common in social mammals, especially primates. The formation of social hierarchies is conducive to solving the problem of the allocation of scarce resources among individuals. From August 2015 to July 2016, we observed a wild, provisioned Yunnan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus bieti) group at Xiangguqing in Baimaxueshan National Nat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Arshad Ali1, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak2*, Muhammad Ali Nawaz3 and Shoaib Hameed3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Humans living close to carnivore habitats sometimes develop a negative attitude towards them because of the damages they cause. Such an attitude has costs, both for wild carnivores and local communities. Human costs are mostly in the form of economic loss to property and infrastructure, damage to crops, and depredation on livestock. In northern Pakistan where large ...

Huma Qamar1, Mariam Hassan1, Muhammad Zubair1*, Adnan Arshad2, Muhammad Qusain Saeed3, Muhammad Umar3, Sundas Shahzad1, Tariq Mahmood1 and Muhammad Aftab1

...significant except plant height. Correlation in plant’s height and branches, days required for flowering and days required for maturity was positive at genotypic as well as phenotypic levels. Correlation between numbers of branches and days required for flowering was positive, while negative association of branches’ number was observed with days required for maturity and the obtained yield of a plant. Positive as...

Sami Ul Haq1, Abid Hussain1*, Umair Riaz2, Muhammad Baqir Hussain1, Adnan Fareed1, Nabeel Ahmad Ikram3 and Fahim Nawaz3

...erable increase in plant height (67.60%), chlorophyll b content (92.10%), stomatal conductance (158%) as well as shoot P content (50.25%) that ultimately increased the yield (80%) of sunflower plants grown in soil fertilized with 75 kg S kg ha-1 plus Compost (750 kg ha-1). The application of Compost is one of the effective strategies to enhance the availability of nutrients, including S, to obtain high quality and product in sunflower. It can be suggested that...

Syed Muhammad Sulaiman, Nazir Ahmad and Nazir Ahmad Khan*

...P ˂ 0.001) in the plant height, ranging from 68.7 to 79.3 cm. The chemical composition showed large range (P ˂ 0.001) among the five wheat cultivars, the ash content varied from 6.01 to 7.90%, crude protein (CP) from 8.71 to 12.40% and crude fat (CFat) from 1.02 to 3.26%. The neutral detergent fibre (NDF) from 43.2 to 44.7%. The IVDMD varied from 48.4 to 58.9% and IVGP varied from 110 to 172 mL/g organic matter. Among the five wheat cultivars Bakhtawar-92 ha...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Samina Tahir Kiani1, Abdul Rauf1, Syed Ayaz Kazmi1,*, Nuzhat Shafi1, Madiha Khalid2, Naeem Latif1, Samina Gul2, Saghir Yousaf3 and Muhammad Arshad4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Present work describes the prevalence of above-mentioned diseases in underprivileged orphans of District Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Blood samples of a total of 300 children (150 males and 150 females), 4-17 years of age were screened for anti-HCV antibody, HBsAg and anti-MTB antibodies using ICT kits. Sputum microscopy for MTB was done in MTB antibody positive sa...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ying Yang 1,2,3, Tietao Zhang 1,2,3, Min Rong 1,2,3, JiaPing Xu 1,2,3 and Xiumei Xing 1,2,3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The requirement of energy for growth was studied in 176 pastel farm-raised mink (88♂+88♀). Diets formulated with 32% of crude protein and increasing bean oil contents were fed to eight groups of mink. It were fed containing approximately 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 or 24% bean oil in the complete dry power respectively. Mink were voluntary feed intake was found to b...

Ain-ul-Abad Syed1*, Zaheer Ahmed Khan1, Shakeel Hussain Chattha1, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh2, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio3, Shahzad Hussain Dahri2 and Ghous Bakhsh Buriro4

...eaf area was 24 percent, height 25 percent, and steam scale 24 percent greater than geoponic. Statistically, there was a substantial (p<0.05) variation in the leaf area, height, and steam scale of plants, suggesting that hydroponic technology could also increase crop yields by up to 25 percent. It is inferred from this analysis that hydroponic cultivation is successful in saving water and fertilizer and increasing crop yi...

Hanaa H. A. Gomaa1; Entsar A. A. Nassar2; K. A. El-Dougdoug3

... parent varieties (plant height, main branch, total branches, head flower, fruit yield per plant). Concentration and yield amount of seven detected silymarin compounds using HPLC showed wide variations among varieties. They ranged from 9.2 to 34.78 mg/g fruits or 450.25 to 1250.25 mg/plant. The silymarin production has the same pattern of fruits yield. The methanolic solutions were extracted from milk thistle varieties then evaluated against HAV, HSV1 and COXB...

Maryam Yousaf1, Salman Ahmad1*, Romana Anjum2 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3

...radual decrease in shoot height and root length was also observed in the diseased plant as compared to healthy plants.

height: normal;Times New Roman";">Arslan Mahmood Ahmad1, Muhammad Ameen Jamal1, Abdul Sattar1,  Aamir Ghafoor2, Aqeel Javeed3 and Amjad Riaz1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zygote, the first step in the life establishment, is sensitive to environmental impact. Any detrimental effect to this unit may lead to major abnormalities in future development. Artificial activation of oocyte is a one of key step in cloning. Strontium chloride (SrCl2), a calcium oscillation inducing salt, is commonly used for the artificial activation m...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asma Kaouachi1, Mohcen Menaa1*, Abderraouf Chouaib Rebbah2 and Mohamed Cherif Maazi1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The wood pigeon Columba palumbus is a common bird in Algerian forests. In the near past the species populations have increased significantly in Algeria. In order to better comprehend the ecology and vital needs of the wood pigeon and to help with our results in the process of conservation management of wood pigeon, a study of the diet of this pigeon was under...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ruqayya Bint Khalid1, Asif Nadeem1,2*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir3 and Masroor Ellahi Babar4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">β-casein is second most abundant protein of cow’s milk. β-caseingene is highly polymorphic. A1 and A2 are the frequently occurred variants. A1 is recognized as potential cause of several human diseases. It is important to evaluate the A1/A2 β-casein status in milk. Current study was conducted to molecular characterize the exonic regions of &beta...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abdullah Sheikh1,*, Faisal Almathen1,2 and Hairul Islam Mohamed Ibrahim3,4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tyrosinase (TYR) gene has a role in regulating the pigmentation process and acts as a precursor for eumelanin or pheomelanin. There have been many studies that reported variations in this gene associate with the coat color of the animal. This is the first study of TYR gene expression analysis from various dromedary or Arabian camel (Camelus dromedar...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sahar Mubashar*, Tariq Mukhtar and Nasir Ahmad Khan; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The novel coronavirus took the whole world by storm and in no time spread across the globe and claimed many lives. The most affected countries of the world are USA, Brazil, India, Italy, Iran, Spain, Russia, South Africa, United Kingdom and Peru. In Pakistan, the pilgrims from Iran became the major source of spread of the virus in the country, as the Government did ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Roheela Yasmeen1*, Nida Mobeen1 and Samia Chaudhry2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Pandemic COVID-19 is a global issue which affected almost 213 countries with definite cases of 20,542,666 across the world as reported by World Health Organization on August 12, 2020. It causes severe acute respiratory syndrome and mainly invades the lungs through angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptor. These ACE2 receptors are also found in heart and are r...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zain-Ul-Aabdin Abro1*,Naheed Baloch1, Raza Muhammad Memon2 and Niaz Hussain Khuhro2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The population dynamics of the peach fruit fly, Bactrocera zonata (Saunders) and oriental fruit fly Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) were monitored from January to December 2018 in guava orchards of the Sindh Pakistan. The investigations were done at different localities of Hyderabad and Larkana using Steiner type traps incorporated with methyl eugenol. Th...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nehafta Bibi1,2, Faiq Jan3, Munawar Saleem Ahmad4 and Haitao Wang1,5,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The great majority of avian species is diurnal and thus endures variation in light intensities, associated with daily, seasonal or lunar cycles. These diurnal birds search their food in light abundant environment and raise their broods in dark cavities. However their visual performance in dim light conditions is largely unknown. Here, we compared light intensity thr...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Saira Gul1,2, Sohail Ahmed2*, Tahir Usman1*, Khalid Khan3, Sultan Ayaz1, Saleha Gul4 and Nawab Ali5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bovine anaplasmosis is an infectious tick-borne disease caused by a rickettsial parasite Anaplasma marginale. This study investigated the prevalence of A. marginale in cattle on different commercial farms in subtropical conditions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). A total of 120 cattle from different farms were randomly sampled ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zahid Mahmood Sarwar1*, Ayub Iqbal Malik1, Maryam Suhail2, Shafqat Saeed3, Muhammad Umair Sial3, Waqar Jaleel4, Muhammad Nadir Naqqashand Qamar Saeed1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A comprehensive and a comparative taxonomic study of new species of the genus Spodoptera i.e. Spodoptera hirsutus is very similar to the Spodoptera litura but easily distinguish on the basis of different characters of genitalia. Specimens of this genus were identified on the base of their genitalia characters. This new species Spodoptera hirs...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wen-Feng Li, Rong-Yue Zhang, Jiong Yin, Hong-Li Shan, Xiao-Yan Cang, Zhi-Ming Luo, Xiao-Yan Wang, Jie Li and Ying-Kun Huang*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The sugarcane borer is a type of pest that severely damages sugarcane. To explore and seek effective and environmentally friendly control technology for sugarcane borers, promote environmentally friendly control for sugarcane pests, new sex pheromone trap of sugarcane borers, Abamectin•Bacillus thuringiensis and Tebufenozide were selected and applied for...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Syed Maaz Nadeem1,*, Muti ur Rehman Khan1, Asim Aslam1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh2, Arfan Ahmad2, Syed Nadeem Mansoor3 and Muhammad Anees4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was designed to compare the cytological changes in chicken infectious anemia virus (CIAV) infected bone marrow in broiler chicken. Bone marrow samples were collected from proximal tibiotarsus and femur of each of the five healthy and CAV-infected flocks under natural condition. The bone marrow smears were fixed, stained with Romanowsky Giemsa Stain (RGS) ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Junyan Bai1*, Zhihao Dong1, Rentaodi Wu2, Lema Dao2, Di Bao2, Qiang Zhang2, Xinghua Tian3 and Hui Cao1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, SPSS software was used to fit five growth models (Logarithmic, Quadratic, Cubic, S, and logistic) of body weight and body size traits of Alashan Bactrian camel. The results showed that the S growth model of body height, body length, chest circumference and tube circumference had the best fitting effect, and the fitt...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abeera Razzaq1, Sajid Abdullah1, Huma Naz2*, Khalid Abbas1, Laiba Shafique3 and Qingyou Liu3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Increasing load of heavy metals from industrial, agricultural and commercial chemicals discharged into aquatic habitats could pose a serious threat to the aquatic life like fish. These metals have ability to induce the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). These ROS can interact with nucleic acids and cause oxidation of DNA. The potential of ROS to damage DNA...

Samah A. Mokbel, Eman A. Ahmed, Hanan F. El-Kammar, Ahmed A. Kheder

...spongy tissue thickness, height and width of the vascular bundle.
Results: Phylogenetic analysis results indicated that SEA-CMV-isolate under study (acc. no.
MT491996) closely related (99.9%) to Beet-EG-CMV-isolate (JX826591), isolated from sugar beet
plants from Kafr El-Sheikh governorate, Egypt during 2012. Results of sequence analysis confirmed
the classification of isolate SEA as a member of group IA. Infecti...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ramazan Erdogan1*, Mikail Tel2, Vedat Cinar2 and Ragip Pala2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to determine the effect of exercise on levels of fatty acid synthesis (FAS), zinc-α2-glycoprotein (ZAG), adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL), glucose transporter-4 (GLUT-4) and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) in adipose tissue of rats fed on zinc picolinate supplement diet. A total of 42 male 8-week-old Wistar albino rats were ran...

Ayesha Manzoor1, Muhammad Saqib Naveed1, Sayed Rashad Ali1, Danish Ibrar2, Sairah Syed1, Sharmin Ashraf1 and Rafiq Ahmed1*

...rowth by increasingplant height, number of primary branches/plant, number of secondary branches/plant, number of productive stems/plant and number of pods/plant. But still, both treatments significantly delays flowering. In terms of seed yield and quality, longer (T5=15cm) and wider stecklings (T6=4.9cm and T7=6.3cm) increased number of seeds/pod, seed size (mm), seed vigor index and total seed yield/plant(g). However, extra wide stecklings (8cm) significantly...
height: normal;">Khawaja Adeel Tariq1*, Hadhi Hassan Khan2, Shuja Zaib Afghan3 and Arslan Raza4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This research focus on assessing traffic conditions at eastern corridor of Gujranwala, City. The selected intersections are Chan Da Qila, Kangniwala Bypass and Sialkot Bypass. The research is performed to identify the existing and future traffic operations at theses intersections. The selected intersections are mostly used by traffic coming to Gujranwala City or moving towards neighboring cities of Daska and Sialkot. T...
height: normal;">Jehan Dastagir, Muhammad Amir*, Bilal Ur Rehman, Shahid Hameed and Majad Ashraf
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Congestion control in networks is prioritized for maintaining high and error free data rates. The work in this paper directly investigates possible attainment of optimized TCP congestion control over wired networks through a proposed modification done to one of the existing TCP protocols. Firstly, the proposed approach looks into various queue limits e.g. Drop Tail and RED. Evidently, a comparison of these two queue li...

Mian Ibad Ali Shah*, Yasir Saleem Afridi and Laiq Hasan

...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Strategic information was requested to understand the novel coronavirus using a global call. In response to but not limited to the call and extending the work to similar global pandemics, this work has been conducted on a dataset acquired from Pakistan’s COVID data. Analysis of the statistics and trends has been carried out and recommendations regarding the precautionary measures and implementation of controlling...

Iftikhar ud Din* and Yousaf Hayat

...esponses yield and plant height. Data on two parameters (say plant height and yield) are simulated with varying magnitude (low, moderate, and high) of correlation coefficient between the two response variables. The comparative analysis of MANOVA and ANOVA reveals that even a small amount of correlation between the dependent variables creates huge change on the status of main effect and interaction of the three independent va...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Song Jiang1,2,3, Xianbin Mo1,2, Falin Zhou2,3, Jianhua Huang2,3, Qibin Yang2,3, Lishi Yang2,3 and Shigui Jiang2,3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The purpose of the present study is to reveal the effects of different dietary levels of fish meal protein on body weight and survival of Penaeus monodon families. In this study, 5400 P. monodon from 36 families were mixed cultureed with two kinds of different dietary levels of fish meal protein (Diet A and Diet B) for 56 days to analyze the genetic pa...

 Yongmin Li1,2, Huabin Zhang1, Xiaoyou Wu1, Dongwei Li 2, Peng Yan1 and Xiaobing Wu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">We determined the complete mitochondrial (mt) genome of Rhacophorus dennysi (family Rhacophoridae). The R. dennysi mitogenome (18,052 bp) contained the 37 genes and a single control region (CR) typically found in neobatrachian mtDNAs. In the new mt genome, the ND5 gene and a TLPF tRNA cluster (tRNAThr, tRNALeu(CUN), ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bingjie Zhou1, Hitesh Bhagavanbhai Mangukiya1, Siva Bharath Merugu1, Fakhar-un-Nisa Yunus1, Yuchen Fan1, Zhenghua Wu1,* and Dawei Li1,2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Anterior gradient 2 (AGR2), initially discovered as an estrogen-responsive gene in breast cancer cell lines, is a developmentally regulated gene belonging to the protein disulfide isomerase (PDI) gene family. AGR2 exists in both intracellular and secreted form, it is overexpressed in many types of cancer cells and also detected in extracellular space of solid tumor ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jing Yu1*, Yao Lu1,2, Zhaojin Lin1, Pimao Chen1 and Yuting Feng1,3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The western Guangdong Waters (WGW) locates in the northern South China Sea (SCS), and is an important area for fishes spawning, feeding, breeding, and migrating. This study built the Suitability Index (SI) Model for the spatial-temporal distribution of spawning grounds in the WGW based on the simple non-linear regression, using satellite remote sensing and in...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Liangkun Pan1, Qun-Lan Zhou1*, Bo Liu1, Jiaxing Yan2 and Ajun Sun1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To explore the gut microbial profile of blunt snout bream (Megalobrama amblycephala), fish were fed with a commercial diet for 16 weeks. Then high-throughput sequencing was applied to compare the microbiota between foregut and hindgut. The results showed that the microbial profiles between the foregut and hindgut were different based on the alpha-diversity an...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aamer Abbas1, Jabbar Khan1*, Mir Abid Hassan2, Asif Qayyum3 and Hamed Shafiq4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Metals can adversely affect the size of testis, the normal process of spermatogenesis and quality of semen. Moreover, metals can lead to decreased or no production of prostaglandin, seminal fluid and endocrinology of reproductive process and thus results in male infertility. It was also here attempted to characterize the drastic effects of heavy metals on male infer...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Guan-bao Ning1, Sheng Niu1, Yue-jian Li1,2, Xiao-xiao Lu1,3, Shi-xiong Yang1,  Ali-Raza Jahejo1, Ding Zhang1, Wei-fang Hao4, Wen-wei Gao1, Yu-jun Zhao1, Jian-hui Li1, Fang Yan1, Rong-kun Gao1, Yu-hai Bi1,5, Wen-xia Tian1* and Ling-xia Han6*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Marek’s disease virus (MDV) is a highly cell-associated, oncogenic alpha herpesvirus that causes Marek’s disease (MD) in chickens. Chicken erythrocytes are nucleated cells of myeloid origin which contribute to gases exchange, transportation and immunity. The objective of this study was to reveal the immune responses of MDV-infected erythrocytes of chicke...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asma Chaudhary1, Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad1, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Mehwish Iqtedar2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was attempted to investigate the probiotic effect of a novel locally isolated bacterium from home-made yogurt, Sphingomonas sp. AsCh-P3 on growth, survival and biochemical constituents of Labeo rohita fingerlings challenged with well-renowned fish pathogenic bacterium Vibrio anguillarum. Positive control-C2 as well as experimental gro...

Dilan Ozmen Ozgun1, Gonca Alak2, Arzu Ucar2, Sinan Bilginer3, Halise Inci Gul3, Mahmut Kocaman2, Cem Yamalı3, Veysel Parlak2, Muhammed Atamanalp2, Ahmad Maslat4 and Telat Yanık2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, a mixture of a suitable chalcone and p-hydrazinobenzenesulfonamide hydrochloride in 1:1.1 mol ratio in ethanol (25 ml) in the presence of glacial acetic acid (0.05 ml) was refluxed for synthesis of 4-(3-(4-Bromophenyl)-5-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) benzenesulfonamide, B4, for 7h at first experiment. Effects ...

Jie Gao1, Guannan Wang1, Chuang Zhou1, Megan Price2, Jinnan Ma1, Xiaohong Sun1, Benping Chen3, Xiuyue Zhang2 and Bisong Yue1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fulvetta cinereiceps (grey-hooded fulvetta) has been classified as belonging to the multi-clade babblers within Passeriformes. The complete mitochondrial genome of F. cinereiceps is lacking although there has been considerable phylogenetic research on babblers. Therefore, we aimed to determine F. cinereiceps’ mitogenome and investigate its...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Donglai Li1,Mei Han1,Huw Lloyd2, Linyu Jin1, Lei Zhang1, Jiangxia Yin1 and Dongmei Wan1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Males of socially monogamous bird species may be faced with providing costly care for unrelated offspring when nests have extra-pair young (EPY). Theoretical models predict that cuckolded males should lower their parental investment as the likelihood of paternity decreases. However, empirical data are not always in support of this prediction.Here, we explore parenta...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Noman Koondhar1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1,*, Muhammad Ammar Khan2, Riaz Ahmed Leghari3 and Parkash Dewani4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In order to isolate and characterize the antimicrobial profile of Salmonella spp.beef meat samples were collected from the local butcher shops (n=75) of Karachi, Pakistan. Three types of meat samples were collected viz., muscles, lymph nodes and minced meat (n=25 each). The samples were packaged aseptically and tra...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hassan Shahzad Khan1, Muhammad Tariq1*, Tariq Mukhtar2 and Asim Gulzar1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aedes albopictus is a known vector of many diseases such as Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika and Yellow fever. Many control measures have been adopted to manage the vector of these diseases. The excessive use of insecticides has led to development of resistance in Aedes albopictus and negative impact on the environment and non-target organisms. To overcome th...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Houqiang Luo1*, Yanfang Lan2, Ping Gan3, Wenjun Zhou4, Meng Wang1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bing Hu5, Zhuning Zhang5, Yu Bai1* and Kun Li6*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ehrlichia canis is an important zoonotic tick-borne pathogen transmitted by the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latrielle) that causes canine monocytic ehrlichiosis (CME) in dogs. We have investigated the prevalence of R. sanguineus and E. canis infection in pet dogs in Wenzhou, China. Serum samples were obtained from animal hospitals were...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wenjuan Yan1, Qunlan Zhou2, Bo Liu2,3*, Cunxin Sun2, Huimin Zhang3 and Changyou Song2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A 9-week feeding trial was conducted to investigate the effects of Isaria cicadae Miquel (I. cicadae) on growth performance and meat quality of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii). The prawns were fed with five isonitrogenous (40.54% crude protein) and isolipid (6.16% crude lipid) diets with different I. cicadae levels (0, ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Song Jiang1,2,3, Ming-ge Zhuang1,2,3, Fa-lin Zhou1,2, Qi-bin Yang1, Jian-hua Huang1, Li-shi Yang1 and Shi-gui Jiang1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Traditional broodstock diets, being susceptible to virus attacks or carrying the virus to parent shrimps, bring a huge bio-security risk to shrimp breeding. This study was carried out to determine the feasibility of Pheretima tschiliensis as a replacement of traditional bait to accelerate the maturity of parent shrimps of Penaeus monodon, which was ver...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Khaled Siddiq1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1,2*, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Muhammad Umar Ijaz3,Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1, Muhammad Asim1Asif Mahmood Qureshi4, Mahboob Iqbal4 and Muhammad Akhtar4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Upper Siwalik (Pleistocene) outcrops known as Pabbi Hills are well-exposed in the vicinity of Sardhok village, Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. The locality yielded the typical Pleistocene fauna of the Siwalik Group in Pakistan. The fossils of Bubalus platyceros described in this article were excavated from the Pleistocene of Sardhok. The collected specim...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nianhong Huang, Yan Wu, Yuanyuan Li* and Jinhong Zhao*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Species of the genus Hepatozoon are the most common haemoparasites infecting snakes. High parasitemia of Hepatozoon can negatively impact snake fitness, growth rate and reproductive output. Given that snakes are a valuable source of traditional Chinese medicinal materials and food consumption, stresses the importance of conducting a study on snakes and...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Maimoona Imran1,2, Soumble Zulfiqar2, Hafsa Saeed2 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Increasing concentrations of different essential and non-essential metals in the environment have posed a serious threat to all kinds of life. Bioremediation is considered as the best possible solution among the existing ones to reduce this kind of pollution. In the current study, copper resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae strains KW and CC were investigated for ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nabila Kousar1, Tanzeela Riaz2, Anum Feroz1, Abdul Rauf Shakoori3 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was conducted to determine the LC50 of deltamethrin and diatomaceous earth (DE) alone and in different combinations i.e., 0.5:01, 01:0.5 and 1:1 against 4th instars of insecticide resistant populations of Trogoderma granarium collected from godowns of Gujranwala (GUW), D.G. khan (DGK), Okara (OKR), Lahore (LAB-S) and La...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Atta Muhammad Memon1, Ubedullah Kaka2*, Muhammad Umer3, Asghar Ali Kamboh4, Atique Ahmed Behan5, Habibullah Janyaro6, Yong Meng Goh7, Amir Bukhsh Kalhoro6Jalila Abu8, Khaleeq ur Rehman Bhutto9 and Arsalan Maqbool10
height: normal;Times New Roman";">
height: normal;Times New Roman";">; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Smooth recovery from anaesthesia is vital in the restrain and surgery of animals, including birds. In birds, ketamine is often combined with alph2 agonists, which are respiratory depressants to ensure safe or balanced anaesthesia. The timing of administration and the effect on recovery for specific alhpa2 agonist antidotes in birds have not been widely investigated....
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Pengfei Liu*, Xuexue Qin and Fei Shang; font-size: 7px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The coexistence of ecologically similar species is widespread in nature and has fascinated the evolutionary biologists for a long time. In order to avoid direct competition, closely related bird species that breed alongside each other are expected to use different habitats characteristics for nesting. We looked for possible differences in breeding ecology of two bir...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Mobashar1, Qazi Aqeel1, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Assar Ali Shah2*, Ahmed A.A. Abdel-Wareth3, Salman Khan4, Nazir Ahmad1, Sami Ullah1 and  Haq Amanullah5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of the study was to evaluate the dietary supplementation effect of alfalfa and Prangos pabularia hay on feed intake, growth performance, in-vivo and in-saco nutrient degradability in Kari sheep. A total of 36 Kari sheep were randomly weighed and offered the following four type of ration: A, total mix ration (TMR) + alfalfa (AL) 70 % and ...
height: normal;">Syed Azmat Ali Shah1*, Asfandyar Ahmed2, Khan Shahzada3, Syed Muhammad Ali4, Akhtar Naeem Khan5 and Akhter Gul6
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The behavior of solid brick masonry is presented under the application of lateral loads. Two frames made of reinforced concrete, bare frame and masonry infilled frame, were subjected to displacement controlled lateral loading. Experimental tests and numerical modeling were performed, and the results compared show a good relationship. The analysis results match very well with the experimental observations. For nu...
height: normal;">Asim Mushtaq1*, Asra Nafees1, Raza Muhammad Khan1, Amina Israr1 and Zaeem Uddin Ali
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Polymers can contribute to the strength and flexibility of concrete formulations. A freshly assorted cement-based material is a particulate suspension far from its equilibrium state and possesses very non-linear and irreversible characteristics. The pavements made by bituminous and the requirement of continuous maintenance and even constructing it again guide us towards the cement concre...
height: normal;">Shoaib Khan1, Sida Hussain2, Amir Naveed1*, Nazia Wali3, Zafar Ullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Muhammad Sadiq4 and Muhammad Asif5
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Renewable energy technologies are the main focus in today’s world for scientists and engineers due to global climate issues. Energy extracted from wind and solar are the two most established ones as more than 5% of electricity is produced from wind globally. This paper gives insight knowledge to the energy planners for developing a cost-effective way to mitigate the electricity problems in low-income areas by inc...

M. Azam, Iqtidar Hussaian*, Ghazanfar ullah, A.A. Khakwani, M.S. Baloch, K. Waseem, M. Amjed Nadeem and M.K. Javaid 

...ent (μ g cm-2), plant height (cm), number of fertile tillers hill-1, number of unfertile tillers hill-1, panicle length (cm), spikelet fertility (%), number of grains panicle-1, 1000-grain weight(g), biological yield (kg ha-1), grain yield (kg ha-1), benefit cost ratio (BCR) and Harvest index (%). Seedling density showed significant differences for traits such as unfertile tiller hill-1, while transplanting dates also indicated significant differences for b...

Muzamil Farooque Jamali1, Fayaz Ali Jamali1, Tanveer Fatima Miano1, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi2, Sohail Ahmed Otho3, Khalid Hussain Talpur4, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho1 and Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro5*

...tion index (2.04), plant height (21.31 cm), branches/plant (45.61), leaves/plant (201.67), flowers/plant (8.56), diameter of flower (7.95 cm), fresh root biomass (0.821 g) and dry root biomass (2.28 mg). The plants treated with 2 dSm-1 showed seed germination (65.35 %), seed germination index (1.53), plant height (16.61cm), branches/plant (40.38), leaves/plant (195.33), flowers/plant (6.83), diameter of flower (6.75 cm), fre...

Izaz Hussain, Ahmad Khan* and Habib Akbar 

...x, ear length, and plant height) were improved in treated plots than control plots. The application of 50 L BM ha-1 improved maize growth contributing parameters over 25 L BM ha-1. Increasing the application rate of HA from 3 to 9 kg ha-1 had increased leaves plant-1, leaf area, leaf area index, plant height and ear length of maize. Higher application of FYM had improved the maize growth parameters. Mineral nitrogen contents...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kai Jin1,2,3, Chen Chen 1,2,3, Xinyu Sun1,2,3, Caiye Zhu1,2,3, Mahmoud F. Ahmed1,2,3,4, Qisheng Zuo1,2,3, Jiuzhou Song4 and Bichun Li1,2,3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Goat (Capra hircus) stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1) plays a crucial role in fatty acid metabolism including milk and muscular fatty acid. This study investigated the expression of SCD1 gene in goat and examined its inheritability and expression in transgenic SCD1 mice and goats. Our results suggested the possibility of generating transgenic goats by s...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2*, Syed Shahid Ali2 and Mushtaq Ahmad Saleem1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Toxic effect of LC20 of phosphine on carbohydrate metabolism and macromolecular concentrations in two larval instars (4th and 6th) of the khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium, at different exposure periods (24-120 h) was determined. Two populations of khapra beetle used in this research possessed different levels of susceptibil...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tanmoy Mandal1 and Sunil Kr. Ghosh2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muga silk worm (Antheraea assama West wood) is reared on leaves of som plant (Machilus bombycina King) because of their high nutritional value. Rearing becomes difficult due to attack of large number of insect-pests on som plant. Leaf miner(Phytomyza spp.)(Diptera: Agromyzidae) is a major pest and very harmful to som plant leaves. From ob...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahmet Arpacık; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dorsal guard hairs from three canid species that included red fox (Vulpes vulpes), golden jackal (Canis aureus), and gray wolf (Canis lupus) found in Turkey were characterized using light microscopy to study hair features, including cuticle and medullary patterns, medullary index, and hair length and root. The morphological features of the medul...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zunaira Noreen* and Khawar Sultan; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Urbanization and associated accumulation of solid waste at landfills is attracting large numbers of wild avifauna for food subsidies and transforming landfills into new habitats by changing the wild profile of native species. This study aims to establish the baseline situation of avian diversity and abundance on various land uses including the landfill at Gujranwala...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chao-Qun Shi1, Hong-Ying Lin1, Jin-Qing Zheng1, Fan Yang1, Kwame Ayisi Lartey1, Dan-Ju Kang1, Hwa-Chian Robert Wang2, Ravi Gooneratne3*and Jin-Jun Chen1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Flavonoids are important chemotaxonomic markers for the genus Chromolaena. Chromolaena odorata Linn. (CO) is used in folklore medicines to treat gastrointestinal diseases such as diarrhoea. This study examined the feasibility of total flavonoids from C. odorata (TFCO) as an antibacterial agent in vitro, and the mechanism of action of...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhengyi Fu1,2,3,4, Rui Yang2,3,4, Zhenhua Ma2,3,4*, Mingyang Han2,3,4 and Yifu Wang2,3,4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study evaluated the effects of different dietary non-protein energy sources on growth performance, somatic parameters, histology and digestive enzymatic activity of barramundi (Lates calcarifer). Fish were fed ioso engery diets (18 kJ/g) with two types of non-protein energy sources in the experimental groups and a regular diet was used as the contro...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mona Kadry, Sara Mohamed Nader*, Esraa A. Elshafiee and Zeinab S. Ahmed; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Antimicrobial resistance has become one of the most severe worldwide dangers to human and veterinary Medicine. β-lactam resistant Salmonellae are of great concern as they are becoming multi-drug resistant. This study describes the role of chicken in harboring and environmental spread of ESBL and carbapenemase - producing Salmonella spp, which could pose a poten...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska1, Iwona Szatkowska1, Daniel Zaborski2*, Wilhelm Grzesiak2, Sara Tabor-Osińska1, Małgorzata Wasielewska1Witold S. Proskura1, Wojciech Kruszyński3 and Edward Pawlina3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of the present study was to verify the potential effect of the C>T substitution at position -512 in the regulatory region of the IGF-1 gene on the level of milk performance traits in different cattle breeds. The study involved 227 Jersey, 147 Polish Holstein-Friesian black-and-white (HO) and 181 Polish Holstein-Friesian red-and-white (RW) cows. PCR...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kanwal Haneef1,2, Rakhshinda Habib1,3, Nadia Naeem1,3 and Asmat Salim1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cardiovascular disorders are major cause of death globally. Regeneration of cardiac tissue with the use of stem cells has appeared as an effective cell-based therapeutic option. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are the potential candidates for cell therapy due to their ease of isolation, proliferation, anti-apoptotic and proangiogenic properties. MSCs have the ability ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sen Liu1,2, Yue Zhu2, Haixia Leng2, Ying Wang1, Xiangju Yin1 and Yajun Zhao1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">DNA methylation may play a vital role in tissue development and differentiation as it plays an important role in gene expression regulation. In previous studies, epigenetic variation in the muscles of bat populations were explored; however, the extent of the patterns and levels of genomic DNA methylation among tissues in chiropteran animals have yet to be investigat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hui-Ming Li1, Bi-Ze Yang1, Xue-Jun Jin1,2, Lin-Miao Li1, Hai-Ying Jiang1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xiu-Juan Zhang1 and Jin-Ping Chen1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Malayan pangolin (Manis javanica) is an endangered mammal species exhibiting scales characteristics. The conservation and management of this species could benefit from a better understanding of its genetic diversity and structure. In this study, 24 novel SSRs were isolated from full-length transcriptome and they were used for assessing of parent-offspring...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Masoomeh Sohrabi Mollayousefi1* and Babak Moghaddasi2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Foraminifera and Ostracods are regarded as ideal indices of marine pollution investigations. During spring 2017, we investigated benthic assemblage of Foraminifera and Ostracods along the Gilan province in the southern shoreline of Caspian Sea, Iran as a pioneer study throughout the country. The sampling stations were selected to cover the shoreline both extremes as...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Kang Chen1,2, Dekui He1, Chengzhi Ding3,4, Yintao Jia1 and Yifeng Chen1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Otolith geographic variability is investigated as a tool for fish stock discrimination. Despite increasing studies of otoliths in marine ecosystems, feasibility of otolith shape as an investigative tool in freshwater fish assemblages needs to be validated. The aim of this study was to test stocks of Gymnocypris selincuoensis that may be distinguished using ot...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aftab Raza Khan1, Azhar Abbas Khan2*, Javed Iqbal3, Arif Muhammad Khan4, Zeshan Hassan2, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif2 and Umbreen Shahzad2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Human-mediated wildlife reshuffling has raised concerns over the conservation of insects and predatory birds. Globally the population of grey francolin Francolinus pondicerianus is the Least Concern in the Red List of Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). However, its population has been significan...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wanqiu Zhao1,2, Taoyan Yuan1, Li Chen2, Xue Du2, Weihu Chen4, Yan Fu1, Dong Niu3,* and Lizhi Lu2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The primary purpose of this study is to characterize the intestinal microbial communities in Zhedong White geese (a local breed in China) at different reproductive stages and to investigate the relationships between intestinal microflora and geese reproductive states. We performed 16S rRNA sequencing of geese duodenum content samples at three different stages (layin...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">HuaBin Zhang1,2, YaSen Li1, Tao Pan1, Peng Yan1, En Li1, Hui Xue1 and XiaoBing Wu1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Leptin is a multifunctional hormone encoded of the ob gene, plays an important role in food intake and energy homeostasis. Recent studies indicated that the role of leptin is much broader, such as the regulation of reproduction and hibernation. But so far the limited study of leptin and its receptor has investigated in Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis. T...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Iram Liaqat1,*, Safdar Ali Mirza2, Sumera Sajjad3, Shaukat Ali1,*, Muhammad Faiz Qamar4 and Ikram Ul Haq5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Biofilms formation is a serious problem in both clinical and environmental settings. Various gram negative bacteria exhibit biofilm formation mediated by flagellum-mediated motility. Type III protein secretion systems of several gram-negative bacterial pathogens use flagella to invade foreign surfaces, host tissues and substrates. Flagellar biosynthesis and function...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hui Wang1,2, Yuchen Zhao1 and Xinpu Wang1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Enclosures, mowing, and sustainable grazing were used to help restore biodiversity and the production of the natural grasslands in China. The effects of grassland management on invertebrate diversity and its associated environmental factors were less reported in northern China. The relationship between the activity-density of carabid beetles and environmental factor...

Muhammad Waheed* and Dost Muhammad

...ges with time. The Plant height, biomass and total P uptake were found significantly higher in the treatment fertilized with 2 % TSP enriched compost followed by 4 % TSP enriched compost as compared to control. The effect of TSP enrichment was better than RP as well as the enrichment with 2 % was better than 4 % for both sources in both soils. Moreover, only labile P determined at 10th week of germination and similarly leaf [P] at this stage showed significant...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yanhong Hu* and Linkai Cui; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Bio-wax components are produced in specialized glands of animals, plants as well as other organisms via well-characterized biosynthetic pathways. Fatty acyl alcohols are the key components for synthesis of wax. A fatty acyl-CoA reductase (FAR) is often essential in this biosynthetic pathway. The subcellular localization of FARs is crucial for understanding the proce...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chaochao Hu1,2, Xue Xu1, Wenjia Yao1, Wei Liu3, Deyun Tai1, Wan Chen4 and Qing Chang1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The Eurasian oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus is a relatively large migratory wader with an extremely large distribution range.The objective of this study was to determine the complete mitogenome sequence of H. ostralegus, and illustrating mitogenomes structure and investigating their evolutionary relationship by comparing 31 species in Charadriifor...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhongyong Wu1, Wenzhu Li2, Chunxia Ni1, Zhuolin He1, Xiao Hou1 and Wanxia Pu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In order to provide science-based information for the control of cow mastitis, to understand the genetic polymorphisms of dairy-sourced Staphylococcus aureus, we conducted genotyping of Staphylococcus aureus isolates from milk samples collected from cows with clinical mastitis using the random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method with three oligonuc...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mengke Wang1, Shucheng Huang2, Cai Zhang1*, Haizhou Gong1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shunan Cuan1, Shuaishuai Wang1, Qi Shao1, Wenhao Xu1, Sudan Meng1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Pengfei Li1, Yuqin Wang1 and Zijun Yang1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Liver injury is elicited by a complex mechanisms involving free radical-induced oxidative stress, which can cause considerable injury to commercial laying hens. However, the effects of monoammonium-glycyrrhizinate in improving liver lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity of laying hens is unclear. The current study examined the ameliorative effects of monoammoniu...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhengyi Fu1,2,3,4, Rui Yang1,2,3, Shengjie Zhou1,2,3, Zhenhua Ma1,2,3* and Gang Yu1,2,3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Significant size heterogeneity in barramundi Lates calcarifer juveniles has been frequently reported in hatchery practices. Huge variation of mortality in different size grade of juvenile fish has also been observed. In order to explore the effect of size heterogeneity on gene expression level of barramundi juveniles, we graded them according to body len...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jia Li and Hong Yang*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The biodegradation of benz [α] anthracene (BaA), a high molecular weight polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) was increased via a combination of alkyl polyglucosides and alkaline treatment during the waste activated sludge (WAS) anaerobic fermentation. During the experimental study, the biodegradation efficiency of BaA was enhanced from 12.2% in the control ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Li Ma1 *, Xu Han1, Bo Yang2 and Chunhua Zhou3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In order to understand the protective impact of kaempferol, MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) assay was applied in hydrogen peroxide-treated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). The hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis was gauged using flow cytometry whereas western blotting was applied to detect the expression of key cell...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Junyan Bai1*, Rentaodi Wu2*, Qihang Hu1, Lema Dao2 and Xinghua Tian3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, the correlation between microsatellite marker polymorphism and wool fineness of sunite bactrian camel was analyzed. The results show that, the average effective allele number, heterozygosity and polymorphism information content of 17 microsatellite markers in sunite bactrian camel were 2.8913, 0.6205 and 0.5602, respectively. The wool fineness of AB g...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Huijuan Sheng1, Xiang Xu1, Haiqiang Yin1*and Muhammad Irfan1,2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A new species of pholcid spider, Khorata danxia Sheng and Xu, sp. nov. (♂♀), is described from Danxiashan National Nature Reserve in Guangdong, China. The new species is diagnosed, described and illustrated with photographs.
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Arsalan Khan1*, Navid Anjum2, Muhammad Shuaib Khan3, Shakeeb Ullah3
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ali Zaman3, Kamran Safdar3, Khalid Muhammad3, Ambrina Tariq4
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Inam Malik3, Muhammad Kamal Shah3, Atiq ur Rehman3 
height: normal;Times New Roman";">and Hamza Maris3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ticks infestation is the most common constraint to the livestock production in terms of drop in meat and milk production, decline in hide worth, physical damage to the skin of animals and susceptibility to infestation of tick borne parasitic infections. Conventionally acaricides are used in the treatment of tick infestation in livestock but potentially satisfactory ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jun Yan Bai*, Yu Chen, Qi Hang Hu, Zhi Hao Dong, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Shu Juan Zhao and You Zhi Pang; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of estrogen receptor gene (ESR) polymorphism on the growth traits of quails. PCR products were used to directly sequence the polymorphism of exon 4 of ESR gene in three quail populations (Chinese yellow quail, Korean quail, Beijing white quail) and analyze the association between ESR gene a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ayman Balla Mustafa1, Abdalla Elgenaidi1, Aldukali Alkeskas1, Asim Faraz2,*, Ahmed Eisa Elhag3, Mohanad Bashari4 and Bernard Faye5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Camel milk has important role in human nutrition in desert and semi-desert regions; this milk provides the man with all essential nutrients in addition to its medicinal properties. A study was conducted to determine the impact of parity order on nutrition values of camel milk overall four months postpartum under modern system. Eight she-camels were selected immediat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shuli Zhu, Yaqiu Liu, Weitao Chen, Xinhui Li and Yuefei Li*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Length-weight relationships (LWRs) were estimated for four fish species [Spinibarbus hollandi (Oshima, 1919), Distoechodon tumirostris (Peters, 1881), Bangana decora (Peters, 1881), Ptychidio longibarbus (Fang, 1981)] from Liujiang River, China. Fishes were collected from local fish markets that using various fishing gears such as gillnet...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhi-Ming Luo*, Xiao-Yan Wang, Jiong Yin, Ying-Kun Huang, Wen-Feng Li, Rong-Yue Zhang, Hong-Li Shan, Xiao-Yan Cang and Jie Li; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Quantification of resistance to borer pest damage in sugarcane varieties is key to sustainable crop protection and integrate pest management. Here, were assessed resistance to damage caused by two species of borer in seedlings of 12 new sugarcane varieties. The results showed that there were differences in resistance among the varieties, where varieties YT60, GT31, ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Shu Juan Zhao, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Heng Cao and Kun Peng Shi; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The purpose of this study is to compare and analyze the carcass traits of french giant meat quail and savimalt meat quail in order to provide reference for breeding and improvement of meat quail. The results show that french giant meat quail shows far higher body weight, carcass weight, carcass net weight, breast muscle weight (total), leg muscle weight (single) and...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yuzhou Luo1, Ping Wang1, Kaijun Yu2*, Song Luo3 and Longjie Sun4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this work, the sleep stages discrimination by breath sounds have been used as characteristic parameters for monitoring sleeping condition. Our objective was to determine and verify a high performance algorithm to correlate the sleep stages with respective stages of breath sound signals. The algorithm was designed for breath sound signals and was tested with sever...; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This paper observes the effect of pulmonary rehabilitation combined with tiotropium bromide on BODE index in clinical stable patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary (COPD) disease. For this purpose, a retrospective cohort was designed. In this work, 200 patients with COPD at stable stage were enrolled as research subjects. They were divided into the contr...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Romaan Hayat Khattak, Zhensheng Liu* and Liwei Teng*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Human activities have primarily destroyed natural habitats, due to which captive breeding has become an important conservation tool. Besides conservation, it also provides opportunities for education, research, and recreational activities. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, several wild ungulate species are raised in captivity. However, there is a lack of detailed info...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tian Tian, Lili Luo*, Haiyan Wang and Lei Wang; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of this study was to observe and analyze the clinical value and nursing effect of β- human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone monitoring on the treatment of ectopic pregnancy with methotrexate combined with mifepristone. One hundred and eighty patients with ectopic pregnancy were included in the study, all of whom were treated with methotrexa...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aqsa Shahid1, Saima Muzammil1, Farhan Rasheed2,Bilal Aslam1, Muhammad Akhtar Ali3, Syed Zohaib Haider4, Masroor Ellahi Babar4, Muhammad Saeed1, Umair Waqas1 and Mohsin Khurshid1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The increasing reports of multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii associated infections especially in the healthcare settings are of global concern. The recent emergence of 16S rRNA methylases particularly armA is associated with a high-level resistance to the routinely used aminoglycosides in clinical settings. The current study aimed to screen th...

 Yanqiang Zhou1, Lixin Wang1, Chunxiao Hao1, Xiuyun Li2, Shakeel Hussain1, Dongdong Shen1, Zhiwei Peng1, Qi`an Zhai1 and Zhijun Hou1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of current study was to find out the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in blue wildebeest, alpacas, and goats with same husbandry and fence site in Harbin Zoo, China. From August 2015 to August 2016, 507 fecal samples of blue wildebeest (188), alpacas (195) and goats (124) were examined for gastrointestinal parasites by saturated sodium chloride...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Sehrish Firyal1, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Antibiotic susceptibility testing is the most suitable strategy for antibiotic resistance detection in bacteria. This project was an initial step for the production of β-lactamase for clinical diagnostics in Pakistan. The current work deals with the optimization of conditions for higher level production of recombinant β-lactamase from Bacillus subtilis<...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Niaz Muhammad1, Samina Yasin1, Zunaira Fatima1, Noor ul Ain1, 
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Faizan2 and Sadaf Naz1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Achondroplasia is an autosomal dominant disorder of rhizomelic dwarfism. It is predominantly caused by de novo mutations in FGFR3. This study was aimed to determine the common variants of FGFR3 in one inherited, and eighteen sporadic cases of achondroplasia from Pakistan. Sanger sequencing analysis of FGFR3 exon 9 revealed that more than ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Waqar Ali1,3*, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Abida Arshad1, Guifu Dai3,Safir Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Arshad Malik4, Imran Ullah1 and Ihsan Ullah1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A total of 514 milk samples collected independently from beetal goats were tested for prevalence of clinical and subclinical mastitis through surf field mastitis test. The bacterial isolates identified through different biochemical test and colony morphology from positive milk sample were Staphylococcus aureus (25.4%), Escherichia coli (20.3%...
height: normal;">Yuli Andriani1*, Rintan Octaviana Julia1, Lintang Permata Sari Yuliadi1, Iskandar Iskandar1 and 
height: normal;">Yaya Rukayadi2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This study aims to examine the carotenoid content in Butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) leaves meal (BPLM) as a source of natural pigment and its effect on the tail color quality of Swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri, Heckel. 1848). Completely Randomized Designed (CRD) was applied consisting of four treatments with three replications. The treatments were added 0 % (A), 1 %, (B), 6 % (C) and 12 % (D) of...

Muhammad Zubair Ishaq1, Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2*, Saghir Ahmad2, Amna Bibi2, Hafeez UR Rehman3, Umar Farooq3, Javaria Ashraf4 and Samaria Nisar4

...died genotypes for plant height, boll weight, and seed cotton yield. The mean seed cotton yield during both years ranged 1434.58 to 1983.77 kg ha-1. Maximum seed cotton yield during both years was showed by SLH-8 that was 1726.82 and 2240.71 kg ha-1. Correlation analysis showed that seed cotton yield was positively correlated with the boll weight (0.738**) and number of bolls per plant (0.53**). Sowing dates in March, April, and May were grouped together in cl...
height: normal;">Diana Rachmawati1*, Johannes Hutabarat1, Olga Anne2, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi3 and Tita Elfitasari1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Accumulation of feed waste from a long-term aquaculture practice has resulted in the deterioration of the aquaculture environment. Floating net aquaculture engineering of tiger grouper (Epinephelus fuscoguttatus Forsskål, 1775) on Bacillus subtilis supplementation in the diet is one of the solutions to overcome the deterioration of the aquaculture environment caused by the accumulation of dieti...
height: normal;">Rosidah Rosidah1*, Angga Nugraha1, Yuli Andriani1, Kiki Haetami1, Olga Anne2 and Agus Heri Purnomo3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This research aims to study the ability of Aloe vera (Burm.f.), extract to treat Koi fry [Cyprinus rubrofuscus (Lacépède, 1803)] which is attacked by Aeromonas hydrophila (Chester, 1901). The method used was the experimental method using a completely randomized design with five treatments and three replications was applied. The treatment used was immersion with A. vera extract ...

Azra Nadeem1*, Shaukat Hussain2, Saeedullah2, Asma Akbar3, Zahoor Ahmad4, Maryam Tariq5, Robina Karim6 and Muhammad Huzaifa7 root weight and plant height at the time of harvest of the crop. The biocontrol agent (T. viride) showed lowest disease incidence (53.73%) and severity (1.27) at 8% moisture level. There was a reduction of 43.33% and 63.29% over control by T. viride for disease incidence and severity respectively at this moisture level. The effect of soil moisture was highly significant and maximum tuber weight was recorded at 15% soil moisture. Both fresh root weight and p...
height: normal;">Ayu Suci Wulandari1, Siwi Indarti1,2*, Muhannad Illayan Massadeh3 and Nguyen Van Minh4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Plant-parasitic nematodes are one of the most prominent type of pests in garlic (Allium sativum L.). To determine the influence of elevation and soil abiotic factor to abundance and diversity of plant parasitic nematode in garlic crops, this research was conducted Sampling  was carried out in four locations: Brebes, Magelang, Tegal and Temanggung, Central Java, Indonesia. Samples of soil, roots and tub...
height: normal;">Ahmad Wahyudi1*, Sujono Sujono2, Listiari Hendraningsih2, Ari Prima2, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile3 and 
height: normal;">Ivar Zekker4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Urea addition into feed to some extent has been shown to increase crude protein content and improve feed efficiency. However, its addition in Total Mix Ration (TMR) and also TMR silage on calves’ growth performance is yet to be elaborated. Therefore, the effect urea addition on TMR and its silage on performance of Friesian Holstein (FH) male calves were evaluated. The calves (n = 27; 5 mo to 7 mo, mo = month old)...
height: normal;">Nazish Huma Khan1*, Mohammad Nafees2, Tooba Saeed3, Khaliq Ur Rahman4 and Adila Bashir2
height: normal;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In most parts of the world, particularly developing countries, there is no practice of keeping proper records of the handling, treatment and disposal of urban and industrial solid wastes. For this reason, there are difficulties in planning solid waste management. In this context, this study aims to determine the organization’s role in record keeping and solid waste management in th...
height: normal;">Bushra Shaikh, Sadia Muniza Faraz*, Syed Riaz un Nabi Jafri, Syed Usman Ali
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The use of mobile robots is increasing day by day. However, an effective robotic navigation system demands efficient localization and path planning techniques. A map matching algorithm based on matrix matching is being proposed in this paper. The localization of robot is determined by the path acquired during the random maneuvering on the grid based maze, whereas, the shortest path to the target position is determined ...

Amir Muhammad Khan1, Laila Fayyaz2*, Raziuddin2, Sajid Ali1, Israr-ud-Din1, Sheraz Ahmad2, Haidar Ali1 and Ijaz Ahmad2

...anches mainstem-1, plant height, main raceme length, pods mainraceme-1, pod length, 1000-seed weight and three seed quality traits; oil content, glucosinolate and erucic acid. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) found significant variation among Brassica napus L. lines for all the studied morphological and seed quality traits. Furthermore, analysis of correlation revealed that 1000 seed weight was significantly correlated with primary branches on main stem, main ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mona Mohammed EL-Derbawy1, Eman Naser Hafez2*, 
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Mona Abdel Daym Abd Rabbo1, Nagwa Ibrahim Toaleb3,
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> Saedia Abdel Hady Sayed El-Ahl1 and Bahaa Eldkeen Wade EL-Aswad4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Irradiation of Schistosoma mansoni cercariaeinducesstructural and motor changes in its surface molecules converting it from poor immunogenic to highly immunogenic surface.This study aims to comparatively analyze normal and gamma radiation-attenuated Schistosoma mansoni cercarial antigens (SCA) by ELISA for serodiagnosis. Total IgG ELISA was assessed to...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dong-Min Hou1, Ting Jia2, Chun-yan Liu1, Zheng-Kun Wang1 and Wan-Long Zhu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Small mammals had their own adaptive strategies to changes of food resources. In order to investigate the adaptive changes of white adipose tissue (WAT) in Tupaia belangeri under food restriction (FR, fed 70% of ad libitum food intake) and refeeding (Re), body mass, food intake, resting metabolic rate (RMR), morphology, the positive expressions of unco...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jun-Dong Tian1,2, Wei-Jie Guo1,2, Han Yan1, Jie Zhang1, Shu-Liao Tian3 and Ji-Qi Lu1,2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Animal gastrointestinal tracts host rich and diverse microorganisms, and the microbial community could be affected by many factors including activity rhythm which responds to the timing of feces defecation. To test the effect of activity rhythm on fecal microbiota, we used non-invasive sampling method to collect the feces defecated in the morning (AM group) and afte...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Mansha1*, Sidra Yaqub1, Asma Abdul Latif2, Muhammad Wasim3 and Peter C. Thomson4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women. The objective of the present study was to evaluate diagnostic utility of HER2/neu test and the association of premature termination of pregnancy with breast cancer. Two hundred breast cancer patients from INMOL hospital, Lahore (Pakistan) were interviewed on reproductive ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Anwar Khan1, Fareeha Nosheen2,4, Bushra Tabassum2*, Olawale Samuel Adeyinka2, Khurram Shehzad3, Naila Shahid2, Arif Muhammad Khan4 and Idrees Ahmad Nasir2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Coat protein gene of potato virus X is a structural protein that plays a vital role in viral transmission and pathogenesis. RNA interference or post transcriptional gene silencing is a regulatory conserved mechanism that uses small interfering RNAs to control the expression of desired gene by inhibiting mRNA transcription. The present study aims to investigate the p...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rizwana Sultan1, Asim Aslam1, Muhammad Yasin Tipu1, Habib ur Rehman2, Saba Usman1, Ahsan Anjum1,*, Muhammad Saeed Imran1, Muhammad Usman3 and Muhammad Zahid Iqbal3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Coccidiosis caused by Eimeria tenella is a parasitic disease affecting chickens. In Pakistan, there has been no previously published report on phylogenetic analysis of Eimeria tenella. In this retrospective study, tissue samples were collected from a flock of clinically infected chicken followed by haematology, serum biochemistry, and histopathology. S...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Meiping Deng1, Xiaowen Ye1, Jiashan Wu1, Lijuan Chen1, Xiaoxia Jiang1, Changzheng Zhang1, Peiling Zhou1* and Yi Luo2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Arecoline is the main pharmacological alkaloid of areca (betel) nut, which is a traditional medical herb widely used in tropical and subtropical countries, and has several cholinomimetic effects with parasympathetic features. This study was aimed to determine the role of arecoline on systemic blood pressure (BP) modulation and the modulatory characteristics. After r...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Li Qiao1,2, Quan Zhang1, Shubao Geng1,2, Fangmei Zhang1,2, Junhua Chen1,2 and Shibao Guo1,2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The effects of illumination of four LED wavelengths (440~450 nm, 460~465 nm, 600~605 nm and 490~495 nm) on egg quantity, oviposition rate and adult longevity of Ectropis grisescens Warren were investigated in laboratory. The results showed that the total egg quantity, oviposition rate and adult longevity were all affected. The egg number every female adult of...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nagarathinam Arunkumar*, Jainullabudeen Gulsar Banu, Nagarajan Gopalakrishnan and Arkalgud Hiriyannaiah Prakash; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lipases (EC are triacylglycerol acylhydrolases that hydrolyze triglycerides to glycerol and fatty acids. The numerous applications of lipases in chemical, food, pharmaceutical, biotechnological, detergents and surfactants, and agricultural industries and in waste treatment plants proved their importance. In this study, 23 wax-degrading bacterial strains iso...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Liyun Chang1, Yingbin Chen1, Qian Kang1, JianhuaQin1,* and Zhiyong Liu2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) is a parasitic protozoan that causes cryptosporidiosis in mammalian intestinal tract. In this study, C. parvum infection model was established in Balb/c mice, followed by extraction of total RNA from small intestine of infected mice at 1, 3, 7 and 14 dpi, respectively. The relative expression of IFN-γ, TNF-&alph...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Amal E. Abdel-Hady*, Sara M. El-Amir, Noura S. Al-Muttri and Heba M. El-Hariri; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The outer surfaces of scales have provided significant adaption and functional value in lizards. In this paper, we examined the microornamenation of the outer surface of the dorsal scales from the mid-body region of Acanthodactylus opheodurus (Lacertidae), Mesalina guttulata guttulata (Lacertidae) and Trapelus ruderatus blanfordi (Agamidae). Ski...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xueli Jiang1,2, Jie Gao3, Muhammad Zahid Sharif1,2, Xuewen Zhang4 and Fanglin Liu1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nectar phenolics have a widespread effect on honey bees and their colonies. Because of their complex, non-linear interactions, it is difficult to assess honey bee health risks from exposure to real-world floral nectar with complex phenolic mixture. In the study, we investigate the bee losses of Apis mellifera in the flowering period of the Mexican sunflower <...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Essam H. Ibrahim1,2,3, Attalla F. El-kott1,4, Ali Alshehri1, Mona Kilany2,5,  Reza Yavari6, Salahud Din7* and Diaa Massoud8,9; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The morphology and histology of the tonguein two adult Asian bears were examined by light and scanning electron microscopy. Four types of papillae; filiform, conical, fungiform and vallate were observed on the dorsaum lingua. Numerous filiform papillae were visible on the lingual apex and body, while, fungiform papillae were scattered among them. The discoid-shaped ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Azhar Abbas Khan*, Humaira Kanwal, Sumair Batool, Zeshan Hassan, Jawad Munawar Shah, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif, Ahmad Nawaz, Hasan Taha and Yasir Ishfaq; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Insect pests and their vectored diseases are the most common factors which cause severe damage to the cotton crop. In this two year study, the effectiveness of Commando plus®, Oshin®, Talstar®, Radiant®, Movento® and Maximal® was evaluated against Thrips tabaci, Amrasca bigu...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yonghua Liu*, Xianhua Li, Xiongfei Yan, Gang Li, Caiyun Luo and Ying He; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The moth Trabala vishnou gigantina Yang is a leaf-eating pest, and there have been severe outbreaks of it in Hippophae rhamnoides plantations in North China. To study the effects of short-term high temperatures on its feeding, mating, longevity, and fecundity, T. vishnou gigantina were cultivated at 30, 35, and 40°C for 1, 2, and 4 h. The re...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zheng Yan1,2,*, Shuang Liu2, Ai-Qing Liu2 and Hai-Yan Wang2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ultraviolet (UV) radiation in sunlight is the main exogenous factor leading to skin aging. The prevention and repair of UV induced skin aging has become a significant research focus over recent years. To investigate the protective effects of the oral administration of elastin peptide on photoaged skin, BALB/C Nude mice were exposed to UVA+UVB for 16 weeks to establi...

Suhu Duan, Zaiqiang Li, Zhenzhen Fan, Mengran Qin, Xiaoxue Yu* and Liuan Li*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">To study the effect of Perilla frutescens (Perilla) seeds on the polyunsaturated fatty acid in egg yolk. Three groups, each of 40 healthy Gallus domesticuss 26 weeks old, were fed 6, 10 and 15% of perilla seeds in addition to daily basic ration.. The control group (CK) of 40 birds was fed basic daily ration. The polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) conten...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Gong Xue-na1, Jia Ting2, Zhang Di2 and Zhu Wanlong1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Small mammals usually showed physiological and behavioral adaptations to cope with seasonal environmental changing, such as temperature, photoperiod, and food etc. To investigate the physiological and behavioral adaptation strategies in Eothenomys miletus of different areas from Hengduan mountain regions in response to high-fat diet, E. miletus in Jian...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dilek Şahin1*, Meryem ÖZ2, Orhan Aral2, Mehmet Bahtiyar2 and Selda Taşçi2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study aimed to investigate the effects of the purslane extract on growth and pigmentation of goldfish (Carassius auratus L, 1758). The study was carried out with 4 experimental groups of which composed of control (0%, T0) and different amount of purslane plant extracts (3%, T3; 6%, T6; 9%, T9) and each group had 3 replicates. The fish with an average liv...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ou-Mei Hao1*, Xue-Feng Wang1, Zhi-Jun Yue1, Chun-Hong Nan1,Yan Yu1,Tong Zhang2,Yu-Feng Liu3 and Xue Zhao1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of this study was to assess changes in the expression levels of relevant factors associated with inflammation after Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia (MPP) infection and compare the therapeutic effects of Qing Zhi Zhi Ke formula (QZZKF), QZZKF combined with azithromycin (AZM) and AZM on experimental mice. Fifty female BALB/c mice were randomly divided i...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jialiang Han1, Guohou Liu1*, Wenke Bai2,3, Qixian Zou4, Ye Cao5, Caiquan Zhou2,3*, and Guy Michael Williams6; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">François’ langur (Trachypithecus francoisi) is an endangered primate that has experienced a decline in population size and associated loss in habitat as a result of human disturbance (IUCN, 2020). We investigated human disturbance and habitat use of François’ langur in Mayanghe Nature Reserve, Guizhou, China, by analyzing the effects...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Farhan Qadir1, Xin-Yu Han1, Meng-li Qiao1, Qian-qian Cheng1
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Raza Ali Mangi1, Ali Raza Jahejo1, Afrasyab Khan1, Yu-hai Bi1,2 and Wen-xia Tian1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Avian influenza virus (H9N2) is one of the major cause of illness in chickens with potential threats to human health. Chicken erythrocytes are known as most abundant circulating cells in the body which participate in inflammation and immune responses. Influenza viruses interact with the host cells at cell surface, leading to cell death in human and animals through a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3* and Abdul Waheed3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present research was conducted to define the morphological structure of Thalli sheep. Data on 792 Thalli sheep were collected and biometric traits recorded were withers height (WH), body length (BL), head length (HL), head width (HW), ear length (EL), ear width (EW), neck length (NL), neck width (NW), heart girth (HG), rump le...
height: normal;">Suherman Suherman1*, AndhiniPutri Trianita1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1 and Wea Aanisah Mentari Putri2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Mango (Mangifera indica L.) is one of the local foods in Indonesia, which has high water and sugar content and is vulnerable to heat conditions. This study aims to determine the effect of freeze-drying time (t) and pressure (P) on mass balance and characteristics of dried mango slices produced through treatments based on time 13 h and 17 h and pressure 25 Pa, 30 Pa, and 35 Pa, with temperature constant -50 ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zafer Karslı1,*, Dilek Şahin1, Meryem Öz2, Ünal Öz2 and Orhan Aral2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, effects of dietary supplementation of two different hormones on growth, sex conversion and reproduction of electric yellow cichlid, Labidochromis caeruleus were investigated. Moreover, possible negative (sterilization, mortality, reproduction performance etc.) and positive (growth, sex conversation etc.) impacts of hormone adminis...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dia Mamadou1,2*, Meissa Beyah1, Sow Amadou Harouna1, Ba Samba Alassane1, Bouzouma Moustapha1, Braham Cheikh Baye1 and Beibou Ely1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Due to its biological characteristics (i.e. late sexual maturity, long reproductive cycle and high mortality of the larval phases due to predation and/or climatic hazards), the lobster is considered a highly vulnerable species. Furthermore, its high market value is such has led to a rush to exploit it to such an extent that some coastal cephalopods fishing vessels a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Farhat Iqbal1, Abdul Waheed2*, Zil-e-Huma3 and Asim Faraz2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study aimed to compare four popular machine learning algorithms to model and predict the body weight through various body measurements of small ruminants. The regression tree, random forests, support vector machine and gradient boosting machine methods have been used to predict the live body weight (target variable) of the animal. The predictors (independent va...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Zohaib1, Muhammad Sajjad Ansari1*, Bushra Allah Rakha2* and Ali Akhter2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nesting and breeding success of red-vented bulbul (Pycnonotus cafer) were studied in orchards, parks and agriculture fields in Renala Khurd, district Okara, Punjab, Pakistan. A total of 69 nests were located in the study area; breeding activity was observed in 51 active nests. The successful nests for breeding activity were recorded in parks (46%) followed by...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Mohsin Javed1*, Muhammad Azhar Nisar2 and 

Muhammad Usman Ahmad2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Vegetable waste has been analyzed for bioelectricity production in locally designed U-shaped microbial fuel cell. These fuel cells were subjected to different concentrations of NaCl and pH for evaluation of power generation. The MFC with 50 mM NaCl concentration showed maximum response and gave 88.9 W/m2 power densities and 569 mV of open circuit voltage....
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Zahid1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Khushi Muhammad2,Muhammad Usman1,*, Muhammad Husnain1 and Nadeem Kamal3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study therapeutic trials of two different regimes for BEFV were evaluated under field conditions on the basis of clinical biomarkers. A comparative analysis of physiological biomarkers was also made. For this experimental study 30 BEF positive cattle at their first lactation were selected and equally divided into three groups A, B, and C. A fourth group &ldq...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Amin Arif1, Khizar Samiullah1*, Riffat Yasin2, Bilal Rasool1, Shakila Naz1, Xijun Ni3 and Saleem Akhtar1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Taxonomic study from a late Miocene Fossil locality Dhok Bun Ameer Khatoon, Lower Siwalik Hills of Pakistan has been conducted. New fossil remains belong to family Giraffidae which include right and left maxilla, isolated upper premolars and molars. After morphological and comparative analysis, the collection is attributed to Giraffokeryx punjabiensis and ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Madiha Nawaz and Shoaib Freed
height: normal;Times New Roman";">
height: normal;Times New Roman";">; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley is a destructive pest of cotton, ornamental plants and many other crops due to its polyphagous nature. A study was conducted to check the efficacy of different local isolates of entomopathogenic fungi on 2nd nymphal instar of P. solenopsis under laboratory conditions by immersion method. Three ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhiyuan Sun1, 3, Xuhui Zhang2,*, Xian Li3, Yanping Huang3, Shiyan Sui3, Weifeng Liu3, Guochao Ni3, Xiaozhou Xu1, Jianbo Yang1, Xue Lian1 and Hui Jia1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The crosstalk between glucocorticoid (GC) and immune response is critical for the maintenance of homeostasis. However, it remains elusive whether chronic stress affects lipopolysaccharide (LPS) -induced inflammation via the crosstalk. Pigs were administered LPS injection with or without continuous adrenocorticotropine hormone (ACTH) pretreatment. Twenty-four 30-day-...

Salma Javed1* and Daniyal Siddiq2

...ct was recorded in plant height and shoot weight for extracts and concentration. Extracts of S. cumini may have potential for controlling M. javanica on tomato.


Asma Hanif* and Shahnaz Dawar

...ncreasing the weight and height of tested crops and reducing the nematode infection on roots plant.

height: normal;">Ishtiaq Ahmad1*, Abid Usman1, Khursheed Iqbal1 and Shams Ur Rehman2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Corporate governance study is growing rapidly as compliance with corporate governance is mandatory. Multiple questions rose regarding measurement of Corporate Governance Practices. In this study, the authors argue whether the Corporate Governance characteristics influence the firm performance of Non-Financial Firms in Bangladesh. In this study, three types of industries like pharmaceutical, cement, and food were analyz...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jia Liu1, Zhen Wang1, Zifan Ning1, Ali Mujtaba Shah2,3,Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Huadong Yin1, Zhichao Zhang1, Lu Zhang1, Yaofu Tian1, Diyan Li1,Gang Shu2,4, Lin Ye1 and Xiaoling Zhao1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">There are weight and size differences in skeletal muscles of fast- (FG), and slow- growing (SG) chickens, however, the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for the differences in post-hatch muscle development are unclear. Here, we report on the identification of several candidate genes that may modulate myofiber growth and thus explain some of the differences...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ziyue Qin1, Zhen Wang1, Ali Mujtaba Shah3,4, Zifan Ning1, Yaofu Tian1, Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Huadong Yin1, Zhichao Zhang1, Lu Zhang1, Lin Ye1, Diyan Li1, Gang Shu2 and Xiaoling Zhao1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Feed restriction during the growing period is a common practice in husbandry to limit body weight gain during the grower period in broiler breeders. However, whether the chickens with different genetic background have the same response to feed restriction is not reported, herein we evaluated three levels of feed restriction effects on growth performance and blood gl...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ömer Ertürk and Beyhan Taş*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, the distribution of Sceliphron curvatum F. Smith, 1870 (Hymenoptera: Apocrita, Sphecidae) has been reported in Eroupe and Turkey. S. curvatum is an invasive species. Rapidly spreading to Europe from Southeast Asia. It is distributed throughout Europe today. There are also records from transoceanic America continent. For anthropophilic
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Qazi Muhammad Noman1, Farhan Mahmood Shah1, Khalid Mahmood2 and Muhammad Razaq1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) species pose a significant threat to mango and citrus production worldwide including Pakistan. In the present study we identified and monitored the population dynamics of fruit flies species using male attractants Attrex® (methyl eugenol 98%, evyol group) and static Spinosad® (spinosad 2% and methyl e...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Song Jiang, Dong-liang Liu, Fa-lin Zhou, Xian-bin Mo, Qi-bin Yang, Jian-hua Huang, Li-shi Yang and Shi-gui Jiang*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, three genes, PmATP synthase, PmNa+-K+-ATPase and PmToll receptor gene, were selected to study their relative expression in different tissues of Penaeus monodon. The results showed that the mRNA level of PmATP synthase gene was not significantly up-regulated under low salt stimulation (P&g...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Congfen Zhang1,Yingxiao Liu2, Linfeng He2, Fengjun Shi2, Weitang Yao2 and Xuegang Luo2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Uranium (U) is one of the heavest metals in nature, which has been mainly used in atomic energy industrial system, but its toxic effects on most organisms are largely remained unknown especially in insects. Antheraea pernyi pupae were injected with uranyl acetate, which concentrations were 6.25mM, 12.5mM, 25mM. Changes in malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduce...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Seung-Yun Baek1 and Seong-Min Lee2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wildlife–vehicle collisions (WVCs) are increasing worldwide, posing a threat to both humans and wildlife in terms of human injury and loss of wildlife. Understanding the temporal and spatial non-randomness of WVCs is an essential process for effective WVC management. Roe deer (Capreolus pygargus) is the most prevalent wildlife species in WVCs on Jeju Is...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhi-Peng Li, Laiba Shafique, Saif ur Rehman, Kui-Qing Cui, Xiao-Can Lei, Xing-Rong Lu, De-Shun Shi* and Qing-You Liu*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, expression pattern-and function of growth arrest specific gene 6 (Gas6) during porcine oocyte maturation and early embryonic development were systemically investigated. The expression of Gas6 in the process of follicular development was studied by immunohistochemical staining, immunofluorescence, QRT-PCR and western blot. Immunohistochem...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Luis Daniel Jiménez Martínez1, Vicente Morales Garcia2Carlos Alfonso Frias Quintana3, Alejandra del Carmen Castillo Collado1, Gloria Gertrudys Asencio Alcudia4, Carina Shianya Alvarez Villagomez4, Emyr Saul Peña Marín4,5, Bartolo Concha Frias1 and 
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Carlos Alfonso Alvarez-Gonzalez4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tropical gar (Atractosteus tropicus) is an ancestral subtropical fish species in southeastern Mexico, which has great potential as a model species for physiological, biomedical and genomic studies. The quantification of gene expression through RT-qPCR is one of the most commonly used techniques, due to its precision, sensitivity and high performance, particul...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rajesh Kumar Oad1, Nasir Rajput1, Imdad Hussain laghari1, Hidayatullah Soomro1, Muhammad Azhar Memon2, Abdul Sattar Baloch5, Qudratullah Kalwar3,  Mashhood Ahmed1, Zubair Ahmed Soomro2 and Waseem Ali Vistro4*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hubbard broilers were studied to investigate the influence of lysine on meats production and behavior performance. Total 300 day old chicks were divided into six groups (50 broilers each) i.e. A, B, C, D, E and F, fed ration containing 0, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00, 1.25 percent of synthetic lysine, respectively. Feed intake in broiler group A was higher (3572 g/b) (P&l...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Manar M. Farouk1*, Amal El-Molla1, Fayez A. Salib1 and Yousef A. Soliman2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A cross sectional survey study aimed to: 1) Identify the management factors associated with the occurrence of salmonellosis in some diarrheic sheep and goats belonging to mixed reared flocks in Giza governorate, Egypt, 2) Investigate the presence of enterotoxin(stn) gene in the recovered Salmonella spp. strains, and 3) Build a phylogenetic tree for the...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Awais1,2, Waqas Ahmad3, Akhtar Rasool Asif4, Sayyed Aun Muhammad1, Iahtasham Khan1*, Muhammad Amjad Ali5, Muhammad Qaiser Riaz1 and Muhammad Saqib2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Honey isconsidered as theoldest knowntraditional medicine being used for a variety
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ikechukwu Eugene Onah*, Ifeoma Esther Aniaku, Jude Ifeanyi Okwor and Ada Sylvester Haruna; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The African pied crow, Corvus albus is a widely distributed and common African bird whose close association with man could be of public health risk. Data on plasma biochemistry profile which is indicative of the health condition of the birds in the wild is scanty while knowledge of the environmental factor that bridges the gap between the crow and man is lack...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Vishal Ambidi 1,3, Sanjeev Bantewad2, Suraj Prasad Mishra1, Anupama Hingane1 and Jagdish Jaba1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Host plant resistance is an important component for minimizing the losses due to the pod borer, Helicoverpa armigera and other pod borer complex. Among pod borer, which is the most devastating pest of pigeonpea. An understanding of different morphological and biochemical components of resistance is essential for developing strategies to breed for resistance t...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Wei Luo 1,2,3, Yongtao Jin 1,2,3, Xuqing Li 1,2,3 and Ke Liu 1,2,3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, we monitored large herbivores in Maduo County of Qinghai Province by means of Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) remote sensing.The monitoring objects include three kinds of domestic herbivores: Tibetan sheep, yaks, and horses, and three kinds of wild herbivores: Tibetan antelopes, Tibetan wild assess, and blue sheep.All the kinds of large herbivores in t...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Roheela Yasmeen1*, Laiba Asif1 and Samia Djeffal2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Worldwide there are 23 species of vultures. The vultures are known as one of nature’s most successful scavengers. However, since the 1990’s vulture numbers in South East Asia have been in decline, especially the oriental white-rumped vulture (Gyps bengalensis), thelong-billed vulture (Gyps indicus), and the slender-billed vult...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Hamza Tariq1, Mahjabeen Akram2 and Yasir Sharif3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a pandemic and this disease has infected millions of people globally now. COVID-19 is caused by a novel beta coronavirus strain known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Once SARS-CoV-2 manages to enter the body, it identifies and binds to the angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) receptors through...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yu Yang1,2, Shengqiang Ye1, Lixia Wang1, Xing Chen1, Yunguo Qian1 and Ping Gong1,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">DMRT1 expression has been followed in the developing testes of three groups (Testes weight: Body weight ratios (<1%, 1%-2%, 2%-3%)) of adult mule duck using immunohistochemical staining method. The result showed that DMRT1 was mainly expressed in spermatogonia nucleus of seminiferous tubules and had no expression in Leydig cells. It was indicated that the DMRT1 e...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nida Sadaqat1, Abdul Wajid2, Quratul Ain2, Muhammad Zia Akbar2Farkhanda Manzoor4, Muhammad Sarwar Khan1, Nasir Ali3,  Masroor Ellahi Babar3 and Tanveer Hussain3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Scrapie is a fatal neurodegenerative disease caused by the accumulation of improperly folded forms of host-encoded cellular-prion protein (PrPc) in the central nervous system (CNS) and in some peripheral tissues in sheep and goats. Scrapie resistant/susceptibility have been associated with the presence of PRNP gene polymorphisms. We analyzed...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sohail Anjum1, Awais Ahmad1, Farzana Bibi1 and Hazrat Ali2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">House crow (Corvus splendens) is a native species of the Indian subcontinent. It shows greater tractability as it can easily adapt to new environment where food supply and garbage are found in abundance. Their intelligence is also acknowledged duly. They are also obligate to human presence. We can assume that “where there is human, there is house crow e...

Muhammad Usman Asif*, Raza Muhammad, Waseem Akbar, Mubasshir Sohail, Muhammad Awais and Javed Asgher Tariq; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The seasonal abundance of the pink bollworm, Pectinophora gossypiella (Saunders) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), was investigated from January 2016 to December 2018 in Tandojam, Pakistan, through pheromone trapping. Results showed that adult moths were present throughout the year in Tandojam. Moth abundance varied among months due to differences in weather condit...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shoaib ur Rehman1, Jabbar Khan2*, Raaza Malja Khan3, Maimoona Azam4 and Zeeshan Mutahir5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">β-Thalassemia (β-thal) is a monogenic disease characterized by mutations on the HBB gene, affecting the production of globin that results in hypochromic and microcytic anemia. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of six common β-thal mutations, their frequency, consanguinity in parents and inheritance pattern in patients of Kara...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zhi Hao Dong1, Jun Yan Bai1*, Xiao Ping Jia2, Ying Lei1, Hui Cao1, You Bing Yang1 and Guang Lu Li1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">In this study, PCR-RFLP was used to analyze the correlation between estrogen receptor (ESR) gene polymorphism and growth traits in two populations of quail. The results showed that three genotypes, CC, CT and TT, were detected in exon 1, exon 4 and exon 8 of ESR gene. The frequencies of CC genotype in expressed exon 1 of ESR gene were the highes...

Mubeen Zahra1,2, Muhammad Nawaz3, Muhammad Umer Chattha4, Imran Khan4, Muhammad Bilal Chattha5*, Muhammad Ashraf Bhatti6, Abdul Rehman4, Faryal Ahmed4, Faran Muhammad4, Mina Kharal7 and Muhammad Umair Hassan4

...aisalabad-2008 (standard height and low tillering), Td-1 (low height and low tillering) and Galaxy-2013 (standard height and high tillering). The results indicated that maximum leaf area index (LAI), crop growth rate (CGR), tillers (356.2 m2), spikelet/spike (18.61), grains/spike (49.53), 1000-grain weight (44.4 g), biological yield (12.95 t ha-1) and grain yield (4.61 t ha-1) was recorded...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Monif AlRashidi1*, Sami Saeed M. Hassan2 and Mohammed Shobrak3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study recorded the first nesting attempt of the Eurasian Spoonbill (Platalea leucorodia) in Al-Fanateer Island, located about 1.5 km east of Jubail Industrial City, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. A trail camera was used to record and describe the nest attendance behavior of this species over 24 h. The results showed that the egg was incubated more than ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nasir Ali Tauqir1, Asim Faraz2*, Muhammad Arif1, Abdul Rehman1Imtiaz Hussain1, Abdul Waheed2, Gabriele Marino3 and Michela Pugliese3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study was designed to examine the influence of varying levels of limiting amino acids (lysine, methionine and threonine) supply to lactating Nili-Ravi buffaloes on their nutrient’s intake and utilization, milk yield and composition, nitrogen balance and hematological parameters. Fifteen lactating Nili-Ravi buffaloes in mid lactation with almost sim...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Misbah Sarwar1*, Abdul Hamid2 and Iftikhar Hussain2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was conducted to assess hunting pressure on Demoiselle cranes (Anthropoides virgo) in South Waziristan, Pakistan from October 2015 to January 2016. The data were collected by questionnaire survey. A total of 110 hunters were interviewed from 10 different hunting camps and record of capturing was documented from 2012 to 2015. The results revealed th...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abdul Sattar*, Hasan Orooj and Muhammad Iqbal Afridi; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dengue fever causes an estimated 50 million infections annually and approximately 2.5 billion people are at risk around the globe. Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Capital Development Authority/Metropolitan Corporation, which is responsible for urban Islamabad, has developed long term strategic plan in the very beginning when the dengue epidemic had erupted fir...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abdul Sattar*, Hasan Orooj and Muhammad Iqbal Afridi; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Dengue fever causes an estimated 50 million infections annually and approximately 2.5 billion people are at risk around the globe. Directorate of Health Services (DHS), Capital Development Authority/Metropolitan Corporation, which is responsible for urban Islamabad, has developed long term strategic plan in the very beginning when the dengue epidemic had erupted fir...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hailong Dong1, Fubin Gan2, Khalid Mehmood3, Jiang-Yong Zeng4, Rao Zahid Abbas5, Mushtaq Ahmad Gondal6, Zhenyu Chang1 and Qingxia Wu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Fascioliasis is a common foodborne and waterborne zoonotic trematode parasitic disease infection worldwide. However, yak’s fascioliasis is rarely reported on Tibetan Plateau. In this study, serological survey and associated risk factors of Fasciola hepatica (F. hepatica) infection in Tibetan yaks was investigated using an ELISA ass...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Arsalan1, Muhammad Aman Ullah1 and Abdul Waheed2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The data on 14 morphological trait measurements were obtained from 291 indigenous sheep found in the southern Punjab of Pakistan. Ten various body indices were obtained from 14 morphological traits. Pearson correlations between live body weight and 13 other morphological traits obtained to analyze the nature and strength of the relationship. Simple regression models...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ho-Seong Cho1 and Yeonsu Oh2,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A 17-year-old captive male puma (Puma concolor) died after presenting anorexia, vomiting, weight loss and lethargy. At necropsy, the right middle lobe of the liver was severely affected by a tumor, and small tumor nodules were disseminated throughout the other lobes. The numerous tumor nodules were also found in the lung, stomach, kidney, heart and diaphragm,...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nasir Ali Tauqir1, Asim Faraz2*, Annamaria Passantino3, Muhammad Asif Shahzad1, Rana Muhammad Bilal4, Adeel Tahir1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2 and Abdul Waheed2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Globally, poultry products have been considered as an indispensable source of animal protein and it is speculated that the demand of animal protein will be increased by 60-70% in 2050 for human consumption and much of this share will come from developing nations. This research was executed to find out the nutritional influence of corn steep liquor and enzose mixture...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shabana Naz1*, Nishat Ali Khan1, Arnab Tanweer1, Shifa Moazzam1, Qudrat Ullah2, Farkhanda Asad1, Irfan Khattak3, Sajida Batool4 and Rifat Ullah Khan5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">A study was conducted on Pavo cristatus (Indian peafowl)kept in captivity at Jallo Wildlife Park to find the comparative efficacy of Albendazole and Levamisole against gastrointestinal parasites. For this purpose, the fecal samples were collected from 30 peafowl. Sampling was done thrice from same birds i.e., once before treatment and twice after treatment wi...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">He Yujiao1,2, Xie Huichun1, Lin Gonghua2,3, ZhangTongzuo2,3, Su Jianping2,3 and Du Yurong1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is widely distributed across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP) and has experienced the quaternary climate and geological events of the plateau. In this study, we assessed the population patterns and the differentiation time in the plateau pika using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Analysis suggests that the differentiation wit...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Junli Liu1, Tongfang Yang2 and Lisheng Wu3*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of homoharringtonine on proliferation and apoptosis of osteosarcoma cells through long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) LINC00857/microRNA (miR) -340. U2OS of osteosarcoma cells was treated with harringtonine at a concentration of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 μg/ml. P21 and cysteine-containing aspartic protease 3 (Caspase-3)...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Zekeriya Özüdoğru1, Hülya Kara2*, Adem Kara3, Derviş Özdemir3 and Hülya Balkaya2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study investigates the distribution and relative frequencies of the endocrine cells in the gastrointestinal tract of the partridge (Alectoris chukar). These cells which secrete coloestokinin (CCK), motilin, ghrelin, gastrointestinal polypetide (GIP) and vasointestinal polypeptide (VIP) in gastrointestinal tract were examined by using immunohistochem...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Iqra Mobeen1*, Rabia Arif1*,Maimoona Ilyas1, Siu Fai Lee2 and Muhammad Saleem1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) are one of the most common and abundant class of molecular markers present in the genome of many organisms. The current study represents the first attempt to investigate the natural variations in the RK-MTases genes; Ribosomal N-lysine methyltransferase1 (RKM1) and Ribosomal N-lysine methyltransferase4 (RKM4
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Sadaf Ashraf1, Masood Ahmed Siddiqui1*, Kanwal Nisa1, Samar Ali1 and Naeem Rashid2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The gene encoding Pcal_0222 from hyperthermophilic archaeon Pyrobaculum calidifontis was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. Pcal_0222 was composed of 529 amino acids with a theoretical molecular mass of 58 kDa. The amino acid sequence contained the four conserved regions that are a characteristic of GH13 family members. Recombinant Pcal_0222 was...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Funda Turan1*, Ihsan Akyurt2 and Sehriban Cek-Yalniz1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Monosex populations are in demand in many finfish species with sexual dimorphism, e.g., better growth performance, higher economic value. Synthetic steroids are commonly used to induce monosex population in fish but because of the potential hazards of such steroids; the use of new phytochemicals is a potential alternative to be explored. We evaluated hypothesis that...
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Khanitta Ruangwittayanusorn1, Doungnapa Promket1*, Kamonnate Pimrueng1, Jennarong Kammongkun2
...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">The objectives of the research were to determine the association of Dopamine Receptor D2 type (DRD2) and Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) on egg production in 281 high egg strain of Pradu Hangdum Chiangmai chickens (HPHC). PCR-RFLP protocols were used to identify polymorphisms of both genes. The frequencies of TT, TC and CC genotypes of DRD2 were 0.05, 0.40, and 0.5...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Farah Deeba1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Irfan2, Muhammad Khan1 and Javed Iqbal Qazi1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Chitinase is most promising natural enzyme present in all life forms. It has various environmental, food, medical industrial and biotechnological applications. Twenty strains were isolated on chitinase producing medium (CPM) from soil samples collected from local termites’ influenced areas. Of all these, three isolates gave positive test for chitinase screened...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Teuku Fadlon Haser1*, Muh. Saleh Nurdin2, Eddy Supriyono3, Deni Radona4, Fauziah Azmi1 , Kukuh Nirmala3, Widanarni3, Tri Heru Prihadi4, Tatag Budiardi3 and Riris Yuli Valentine5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Information on reproductive biology is crucial in formulating policy to manage and conserve mahseer in Atu Suasah and Lawe Melang Rivers, Aceh, Indonesia. This research aimed to analyse and compare of mahseer biology including sex ratio, length and weight relationship, Fulton and relative condition factor and fecundity to estimate the reproductive potential of mahse...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Rizwan1*, Bilal Atta1, Misbah Rizwan2, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Tahir3, Muhammad Sabar1, Muddassar Ali1 and Muhammad Yasir Ali4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Rice leaffolder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée), is one of the most destructive and key pests of rice in Asian countries. Effective insecticides are available to cope with this pest, but this solution is not a long-term strategy because of apprehensions about health and environmental hazards, exposure risks, residual perseverance and development of ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Longjun Guo*, Jiaqi Teng, Juan Wang and Yukun Chen; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study was aimed to investigate the relationship between diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) quantification and cerebrospinal fluid τ (Tau) protein expression in leukoaraiosis patients. Inpatients who attended the Department of Neurology of our hospital from January 2018 to December 2018 were selected as study subjects, with 58 patients with leukoarais as the exp...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Amr N. El-Shahat1, Refaat G. Hamza1,*, Ashraf M. Mounir1 and Madeha N. Al-Seeni2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Exposure to ionizing radiation is characterized by production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) associated with increase in lipid peroxidation. Graviola fruits have been reported to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The present study was designed to determine the possible protective effects of graviola fruit juice (GFJ) against radiation induced o...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Syed Sikandar Habib1*, Saira Naz2, Sadia Nawaz1, Iqra Ameer1, Ameer Khatoon1, Hameed Ur Rehman3, Sahibzada Muhammad Jawad4 and Haider Ali5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Thecomplete blood count is powerful tool for the aquaculturist to monitor quality of water, related soil and to ensure the health status in response to feed, disease therapy and confirming the maturity. So the present study was designed to determine the hematological parameters of farm and river Chenab (wild) selected fish species including (Labeo rohita, Cirrhin...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jarosław Pytlewski1, Ireneusz R. Antkowiak1 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of the study was to analyse the polymorphism of the PIT-1 gene withe introns 4 and 5 and exon 6 in the Limousine cattle breed and its relation to selected rearing traits. Relationships were determined between the genetic variants of the three polymorphic sites of the PIT-1 gene and the following rearing p...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nabila Rasheed1*, Bushra Waseem1, Kanwal Haneef2, Shumaila Usman3, Madeeha Sadiq1, Tabinda Urooj1, Sarah Tarique2 and Dabeeran Zeha4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Stem cells derived from Wharton’s jelly of human umbilical cord (WJMSCs) are considered as the potential therapeutic agents for regeneration and are a valuable source for stem cell banking. Current investigation shows metabolic disorders are not only responsible for genetic problems and certain disease risk factors in adult life but also have adverse effects o...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Jhan Zeb1*, Saiqa Tufail1, Nausheen Saboohi1, Zafar Samuel2, Asher Azeem3, Yaseen Amir4 and Sehrish Akram5; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This project was a 2×2 factorial design executed for the evaluation of optimum lipid/protein level in pelleted diets for Labeo rohita (Initial weight; 2.87±0.01g). Four pelleted diets varying in their lipid/protein levels i.e. 7.5/25, 9.5/25, 7.5/30 and 9.5/30% were formulated and hand fed for 90 days to four groups of 10 fish each. Result...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Nasir Ali Tauqir2 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The aim of present study was to evaluate the growth performance, blood biochemical and wool mineral profile of Marecha camel calves kept under intensive management system by feeding two different dietary regimes. The study was carried out at Camel Breeding and Research Station, Rakh Mahni Tahsil Mankera District Bhakkar Punjab, Pakistan. Twelve male calves around on...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Abdullah Abdo Albegali1, Tayyaba Aftab1, Atiq-ur-Rehman1*, Amir Rashid1 and Mayada Mohammad1,2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Citrullus lanatus, a traditional plant is used for the treatment of various ailments. It has been investigated that this plant has supportive treatment, for combating diabetes complications, blood pressure, oxidative stress and haematological disorders. This study was done in the investigation of antihyperlipidemic effects of methanol extract of seeds of this...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Muhammad Anwarullah1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Usman1*,Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1Muhammad Husnain1,Ahsan Anjum3, Qurratulain Ashraf4 and Ghulam Mustafa3
height: normal;Times New Roman";">; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The present study elucidated sero-prevalence of Mycobacterium avium sub sp. paratuberculosis (MAP) in cattle and buffalo. Diarrhea is a major risk factor for MAP, so 1100 blood samples were collected from diarrheic animals or having history of some diarrheic episodes from four districts of Punjab i.e. Kasur (n=300), Rawalpindi (n=230), Lahore (n=230) a...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Noor Bad Shah Khattak1, Hamayun Khan1, Muhammad Tarique Tunio2, Shakoor Ahmad1, Nazir Ahmad3, Syed Murtaza Hassan Andrabi4, Obaidullah5, Ihsan Ali1,5,* and Nan-Zhu Fang5,*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">This study describes antioxidative activity of green tea (GT) extract on standard post-thawed quality indicators of frozen buffalo bull’s spermatozoa. Semen samples were obtained from the bulls for three weeks through artificial vagina. Egg yolk was used as an extender, in which different concentrations of GT extract (0.0%, 0.50%, 1.0%, 1.5%, 2.0% and 2.5%) we...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Weihao Chen1, 2, Zhilong Tian1, Lin Ma1, Shangquan Gan3, Wei Sun2, 4* and Mingxing Chu1*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Circadian rhythm is a biological rhythm that is related closely to the rhythmic expression of a series of clock genes. A number of studies have revealed the role of circadian rhythms in the estrous mode of mammals. In the present study, the expression patterns of six canonical clock genes (Clock, BMAL1, Cry1, Cry2, Per1 and Per2) were analyzed in year-...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Xiaoyun He1, Yongfu La2, Jinxin Wang1, Ran Di1, Qiuyue Liu1, Xiangyu Wang1, Wenping Hu1 and Mingxing Chu1*
height: normal;Times New Roman";">; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) is the pituitary hormone that regulates gonadal function by Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis (HPGA) in vertebrates. FSHR has the function of transmitting follicle-stimulating growth biological information in animal breeding activities. In this study, we analyzed the structure of FSHR gene’s promoter, expression regu...

Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2 maximum plant’s height (95.10 cm), length of spike (11.04), number of fertile tillers (5.67), 1000 grains weight (39.26 g) and grain count per spike (51).

height: normal;Times New Roman";">Hongbin Li1,2, Lei Fang1, 3 and Lei Cao1,2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Following the flush of spring growth of primary production (the “green wave” hypothesis) has been applied as a universal explanation for spring migration timing of avian herbivores. However, studies of the green wave hypothesis have focused on species feeding intensively on above-ground primary production. To test whether a facultative grazer strictly fo...

Aftab Ahmad Sheikh1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Belqees Akhter1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Hafeezullah Rafa1, Abdul Wakeel1, Abdul Manan Saeed2

...Data regarding the plant height, fresh/dry fodder yield, nitrogen free extracts (NFE), crude fat, crude protein, crude fiber, phosphorus, and calcium contents were envaulted at the physiological maturity of crop, four months after the sowing of crop. Results revealed that water salinity adversely affected the quantitative and qualitative attributes of sorghum crop and negative effects were more pronounced with higher level of salinity ECiw (10 dS m-1). Irrigat...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Nacira Djabali1*, Souad Dougat2, Wahida Haddadi2 and Lamis Fadhli2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Glycol ethers (GEs) are amphiphilic solvents widely used for industrial or domestic applications. Their toxic effects on the reproduction and development of mammals have been well studied. This family presents important structural differences leading to various behaviors in terms of their metabolism and their toxic effects. This work aims to study the impact of ethy...
Samaria Nisar1, Tariq Manzoor Khan1, Muhammad Ahsan Iqbal1, Rahmat Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3*, Saghir Ahmad3, Amna Bibi3, Hafeez ur Rehman4, Umar Farooq4 and Muhammad Zubair Ishaq5
...sed for the study. Plant height (PH), boll weight (BW), bolls/plant (BP), ginning out turn (GOT percent), hundred seed weight (100SW), yield/plant (YP), fiber fineness (FF), fiber length (FL), and fiber strength (FS) all revealed substantial variation in the analysis of variance (FS). The goal of this research was to quantify variability and conduct a correlation analysis to see potential for selection in the F2 population. Plant heigh...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Aiguo Zhou1,2,4, Shaolin Xie1,2, Zhuolin Sun1,2, Yongyong Feng1,2, Shulin Liu1,2, Di Sun1,2, Yanfeng Chen3 and Jixing Zou1,2*; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Classification of the dispute is in existence among the Channa genus. In present study, we measured 11 countable characteristics and 29 measurable characteristics of 89 individuals and performed morphological analysis among five Channa species. The principal component analysis showed that the cumulative contribution rate of five principal components re...
height: normal;">Stefan Pratama Chandra1, Yoanes Maria Vianney1, Theresia Liliani Christie2, Merlyn Wongso2, Melisa Widjaja2, Deok-Chun Yang3, Se Chan Kang4, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum5,6 and Johan Sukweenadhi1*
...l; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Panax ginseng C.A. Mey. is one of the most well-known plants in traditional medicine that contains bioactive compounds called ginsenosides. It is widely used as raw material in many pharmaceutical industries in Indonesia. However, to supply for this purpose, they still rely on imports. PT. Kalbe Farma (through its subsidiary, PT. Bintang Toedjoe), University of Surabaya (Ubaya), and Hanban...
height: normal;">Ardi Prasetio1*, Christina Maria Sri Lestari2, Sutaryo Sutaryo2, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum3,4Muhammad Zahoor5, Asma Nisar6 and Muhannad Illayan Massadeh7
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Meat consumption in Indonesia is dominated by high-cholesterol meat that can lead to several cardiovascular diseases. Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus Linnaeus, 1758), known as low cholesterol meat, can be alternatively chosen for daily consumption. Soybean meal (SBM), as the primary protein source in rabbit ration, has some disadvantages. Protein value in Black Soldier Fly Larvae -BSFL (Hermetia illucens L...
height: normal;">Ali Ikhwan1*, Dian Indratmi1, Faridlotul Hasanah1, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum2,3 and Irum Iqrar4,5
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">One disease that often attacks chili (Capsicum L.) is anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum capsici [(Syd.) E.J. Butler & Bisby]. In the field, C. capsici is controlled with a chemical fungicide that harms the environment. The purple Cleome plant (Spider plant – Cleome rutidosperma Linn.) can be extracted and function as an organic fungicide for environment-friendly control. This re...

Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Umbreen Shahzad2, Azhar Abbas Khan2, Sami Ullah2, Muhammad Arshad Farooq2, Muhammad Kashan2 and Shitab Khan2

...opulation (32454), plant height (114.8cm), bolls per plants (18.9), bolls weight (2.42g), seed cotton yield (1812 kg ha-1) and lint percentage (36.72%) than conventional tillage. Likewise, frequent irrigation interval of 10 days produced taller plants compared to less frequent irrigations (20-25 days). Irrigation at 20 days interval improved seed cotton yield (48.7%) and lint %age (21.1%). Interaction effects (tillage x irrigation) revealed that reduced tillag...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Yang Yang1,2, Ji Shao1,2, Mingxu Zhou3,4, Qiangde Duan1,2, Xinyi Zhang1,2 and Guoqiang Zhu1,2*
height: normal;Times New Roman";">; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Diarrhea of piglets is an important disease affecting the development of pig industry, while F4 enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is an important pathogen causing diarrhea of newborn or weaned piglets, which seriously harms animal husbandry and causes huge economic losses. The pathogenicity of E. coli is closely related to its virulence factors, ...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Tabinda Urooj1,*, Bushra Wasim1, Shamim Mushtaq2, Syed Nudrat Nawaid Shah1, Lubna Faisal3, Moazzam Ali2, Nabeela Rasheed1 and Syed Faizan Ali Rizvi4; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Among Asian population at present, we comparatively acquire less information associated with breast cancer risk factors. This study has analyzed the data gathered from two-renowned tertiary health care centers targeting a large subpopulation of Karachi. This will greatly help in determining the most prevalent risk factors as well as the clinical findings of breast c...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Romaan Hayat Khattak1, Zhensheng Liu1*, Liwei Teng1* and Ejaz ur Rehman2; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Natural wildlife habitats are regularly encroached by humans for different purposes, which are heading the biodiversity towards dramatic falls. The presence of several endangered species in many areas remains unveiled due to the lack of faunal inventories. In such situations, it is imperative to make proper records of the existing fauna on local scales to strengthen...

Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro1*, Nadeem Sadiq1, Javed Ahmed Abro1, Amanullah1, Fateh Muhammad2, Maqbool Ahmed3, Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed Shah3 and Qasid Hussain4

...ied parameters which was height of plant, leaves per plant, branches per plants and girth of stem. As regards to soil analysis for nutrients concentration, it is concluded from this study that the observed from various of parameters which is growth and developments of olive saplings and soil nutrient status improved through mineral fertilizer when applied in soil during the two periods (three months), besides treatment 5 (NPK 50:25:25) was the superior in this...

Ali Zohaib*, Muzzammil Hussain, Iftikhar Ahmad and Adnan Bashir

...oot ratio of rice. Plant height was not affected significantly by seeding rate. Highest increase in number of productive tillers (8%), 1000-grain weight (8%), total dry biomass (14-17%) and grain yield (10-16%) was caused by 90 g seed per tray, as compared to 110 g seed per tray. Order of grain yield produced by different seeding rates was 90 > 80 > 100 > 110 g per tray. Economic analysis exhibited that maximum net returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR)...

Muhammad Rizwan1*, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Amjad Farooq1, Muhammad Farooq1,2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Riaz4, Muhammad Rafique Shahid3, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1 and Muhammad Kashif Shahzad Sarwar1

...n was presented by plant height whereras maximum negative factor loadings were showed by GOT % and seed index. PCA also confirmed the results of correlation studies by presenting significant positive association among leaf chlorophyll contents, seed cotton yield, No. of sympodia, seed index and boll weight. These results will be helpful in further breeding strategies for selection of genotypes with respect to chlorophyll contents, yield and associated traits.<...

Anguara Khatun1*, Sachchidananda Das Chowdhury1, Bibek Chandra Roy2, S.M. Shafikul Gani3, Bipul Chandra Ray1, Tanvir Ahmed1 

...increased duodenum villi height, width and reduced crypt depth (p<0.01). The jejunum and ileum villi height and width were significantly increased in the multi-enzymes supplemented group but showed a reduction in crypt depth (p<0.01). Feeding multi-strain probiotics to broilers were more cost-effective. In conclusion, multi-strain probiotics and multi enzymes in diet enhances growth performance, improves feed efficienc...
height: normal;">Amjad Ali1, Muhammad Amir2*, Bilal Ur Rehman2, Zafar Khan3 and Abid Munir1
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Nowadays,biometric data protection is one of the main security parameters to be looked after. In fingerprint processing, initially, appropriate proven methods are used for processing fingerprints in a sequential manner followed by the application of various encryption algorithms for ensuring protection of such biometric data. In fingerprinting, image processing techniques include: low-quality-fingerprint enhance...

Fei Shang and Pengfei Liu*

...ted positively by culmen height, wing length, body mass and body condition. We argued that the body condition of greenfinches may be important in mutual mate choice. Male air courtship and incubation feeding behaviour provide evidence that female mate choice may be responsible for sexual dimorphism of bill size and wing length. Mutual mate choice and life histories may be responsible for non-randomly mating pattern by body condition, high quality individual pr...

Abdul Haleem1*, Ghulam Hassan1, Arshad Iqbal2, Fahim Ullah Khan3, Muhammad Sajid3, Farhad Ahmad4, Rafi Ullah Khan5 and Mohammad Ilyas2

...ere Atta-Habib for plant height (95.10cm) and tillers plant-1 (12.30), Janbaz for economic yield per plant (20.93g) and spike length (10.87cm), Khatakwal for 100-grain weight (3.27g). Among F2 progenies, best combinations were Khatakwal × Lalma-13 for plant height (93.96 cm), Janbaz × Pirsabak-05 for tillers plant-1 (12.90), Khatakwal × Tatara-96 for economic yield per plant (28.36 g), Pirsabak-05 × L...

Hera Gul Mohmmand1, Rozina Gul1, Hamayoon Khan2, Sheraz Ahmed1*, Laila Fayyaz1, Ajmalud Din1 and Imtiaz Ali1

...were documented on plant height, pod number plant-1, seed number pod-1, seed number plant-1, 100-seed weight, seed yield and harvest index. Amongst genotypes, highly significant variation was observed for the studied characters. Similarly, significant results were obtained for genotype by environment (GE) interaction for all traits except plant height. Application of phosphorus enormously improved seed yield in all chickpea ...
height: normal;">Zane Vincevica-Gaile1, Karina Stankevica1, Maris Klavins1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Damat Damat3*, Praptiningsih Gawawati Adinurani4, Lili Zalizar5, Muhammad Zul Mazwan6, Juris Burlakovs7
height: normal;">Didiek Hadjar Goenadi8,9, Rista Anggriani3 and Aamir Sohail10
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Increasing global population and urbanization demands enhanced food and feed crop production, but due to several reasons, the areas of fertile agricultural lands are reducing worldwide. The market of growing substrates, soil amendments, and improvers still is based on peat extraction and processing. Due to peat’s fossil origin, it can be considered environmentally unfriendly and unsustainable. Seeking peat...
height: normal;">Indah Prihartini1*, Miftachi Ari2, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum3,4, Akhis Soleh Ismail1 and  Listiari Hendraningsih1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This study aimed to determine the effect of supplementation lignolitic probiotics in rice straw (Oryza sativa L.) on digestibility and efficiency of microbial protein synthesis using in vitro residual gas production and the optimal lignolitic probiotic in rice straw. The materials used were rice straw IR 64 cultivar and lignolitic TPG probiotic. The method used was Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with fo...
height: normal;">Warkoyo Warkoyo1*, Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Anggit Ayu Pradana Siwi1, Moch. Wachid1, Ivar Zekker2 and Jumpen Onthong3
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Biodegradable food packaging is important to be expanded to reduce the increasing waste in the world. An edible film based on lesser yam (Dioscorea esculenta L. Burkill) has the potential to be innovated and expanded, which contained starch yield up to 21.4 %. Several starch properties obstruct edible film characteristics. It cannot tolerate acid and high temperature, which produces suspension with inconsistentl...

Abdul Jabbar*, Anees-Ul-Hussnain Shah, Abdul Basit, Ghulam Ahmad, Aftab Ahmad Khan, Suleman Raza, Muhammad Sultan Ali Bazmi, Imtiaz Akram Khan Niazi and Ahmad Hussain

...m apart were used. Plant height (cm), number of capsules/m2, number of seeds/capsule, 1000-grains weight (g) and seed yield (kg/ha) parameters were studied. It was observed that sowing methods had a significant outcome on seed yield. The results depicted that broadcast sowing gave maximum seed yield of 954 kg ha-1 while the lowest seed yield (789 kg ha-1) was recorded in 60 cm row spacing sowing. In nut shell, broadcast method had the highest potential to achi...
height: normal;">Dyah Roeswitawati1*, Iva Kristova1, Muhidin Muhidin1, Otto Endarto2, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum3,4, Irum Iqrar5,6 and Luqman Ali Shah7
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Red mites [Panonychus citri (McGregor, 1916)] is one of the pests of the Citrus L. That causes yellow/brown spots on Citrus leaves. So far, farmers have dealt with chemical pesticides that contain compounds with high toxicity. The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of type and concentration of natural pesticides soursop (Annona muricata L.) leaves, papaya (Carica papaya L.)...
height: normal;">Damat Damat1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Juris Burlakovs3, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile4
height: normal;">Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Rista Anggriani1 and Anas Tain5
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Analog rice is a processed rice product produced from non-rice with slightly more carbohydrates than natural rice. Arrowroot (Maranta arundinacea L) canbe used as raw material in analog rice, with red seaweed (Gracilaria spp.) are added to increase the fiber content. A disadvantage of analog rice is its bland taste, which can be improved by adding spices and seaweed, expected to increase the functional va...

Junaid Ahmad1*, Shazma Anwar1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Sher Shah Souri1, Bibi Amina3, Wajia Noor4, Abidullah1 and Muhammad Adil1

...ules plant-1 (26), plant height (79 cm), protein (21.70 %), carbohydrates (60.53 %) and seed N content (3.76) was recorded with molybdenum applied at rate of 2.5 kg ha-1. Similarly in case of phosphorus application at rate of 60 kg ha-1 recorded maximum pods (30), seed pod-1 (11), thousand seed weightage (40 g), biological and grain production (3017, 816 kg ha-1). Whereas phosphorus applied at rate 90 kg ha-1 produced plants taller (81 cm), nodules plant-1 (22...

Muhammad Shoaib1*, Muhammad Nawaz2, Muhammad Ilyas3, Muhammad Shafique1, Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Muhammad Sultan Ali Bazmi4, Muhammad Arshad5, Ghulam Ahmad4, Muhammad Irfan6, Muhammad Umer Chattha1 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

... maximum LAI, CGR, plant height (94.32 cm) productive tillers (PT) (364 m-2), thousand grain weight (TGW) (42.67 g), biological yield (BY) (10.61 t ha-1), grain yield (GY) (4.49 t ha-1) and harvest index (HI) (41.94%) was obtained with 150 kg ha-1 seeding rate and lowest LAI, CGR, height (88.65 cm) PT (283.11 m-2), TGW (38.30 g), BY (9.57 t ha-1), GY (3.66 t ha-1) and HI (38.66) was noted in seed rate of 100 kg ha-1. In case...

Mirza Lena1,2, Dinda Fathia Syahramadani2, Alfi Nurrachma Gustya2, Arif Darmawan2,3, Sumiati2, Wiwin Winarsih4, Minoru Maeda5, Komang Gede Wiryawan2*  

...ved (p < 0.05) villus height. The highest villi surface, true metabolizable energy (TME) value (p < 0.05) were recorded in the L. lactis group. In conclusion, the combination of L. lactis D1813 and B. licheniformis D3270 increases feed efficiency in the pre-starter period compared to the B. amyloliquefaciens group. This probiotic combination is unable to achieve the effectiveness of L. lactis in improving villi surface area, TME, and TMEn values. All pro...

 Hanan Fathy Hammouda1, Mohammad Mahmoud Farag2*, Mervet M.F. El Deftar3, Mohamed Abdel-Gabbar4, Basant M. Mohamed4

...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">This research aims to evaluate cerium-doped nanobioactive glass/collagen/chitosan composites scaffolds with osteoblast mineralization of normal rabbit bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (rBM-MSCs) and cancer osteosarcoma cells. The non-cellular in vitro bioactivity test was performed in simulated body fluids for periods 1, 3, 10, 20 and 30 d by measuring the calcium and phosphate ion conce...
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Heba Mohamed Shaheen1, Ali Meawad Ahmed1*, Hosny Abdelltief Abdelrahman1, Rania Helmy Abohatab Abdou2, Aya Salama Mohamed Kamel1
...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Antibiotic resistance is growing to dangerously high levels in all foods of the sector. Tetracyclines are the most conventionally used antibiotics for raising chicken in Egypt. The occurrence of antibiotic residues in broiler chicken is the chief causes of the development of antibiotic resistance in food-borne pathogens. Antibiotic resistance is setting the achievements of present day medication ...
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Ghada Mohamed Safwat1*, Mohamed Ahmed Kandiel1, Omayma A.R. Abozaid2, Mahmoud Mohamed Arafa3, Sahar Omar Mohamed4
...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">This research evaluates the biochemical effect of adding 7% olive cake as feed additives on lipid profile, fatty acids, antioxidants concentrations in serum and/or egg yolk and on gene expression of fatty acid synthase and acetyl CoA carboxylase in laying hens. The experiment was applied on 42 Commercial Mandarah strain laying hens which divided equally into control and olive cake (7%) group.Addi...

Naima Din1, Misbah Ashraf1, Muhammad Rizwan2*, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal4, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas2, Farrukh Ilahi2, Amir Hameed5, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub6, Qurban Ali1 and Muhammad Farooq2,3

...c characters viz., plant height, number of branches, area of leaf lamina, hair density on midrib, chlorophyll contents and moisture percentage were also evaluated for the tested varieties. Among the tested varieties, OK Advanta-803 was most resistant to the jassid (13.36/leaf), whereas NS-810 was most susceptible to the A. devastans (23.93/leaf). A. devastans population showed a significant and positive correlation (r = 0.8573*) with area of leaf lamina and mo...
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Soliman Mohammed Soliman
...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Methane emission from ruminants during the fermentation of feed represents a loss of energy and contribution of greenhouse gas. Feed additives are one of the various dietary strategies that have been used to mitigate and reduce methane production in dairy cows. This aimed to determine the effects of three varieties of feed additives (green seaweed, probiotics Saccharomyces cerevisiae or
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Mohamed Ali Zayed
...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">In the desert and semi-desert lands, livestock usually drinks lowly or marginal quality water. Irregularly as water is excessive in salt, which could reason physiological dissatisfied or maybe a death in farm animals. Three major muscles Triceps Brachii (TB), Longsimus Dorssi (LD) and Biceps Femoris (BF) samples were collected at 24 h postmortem from the carcasses of Bakri lambs. Lamb...
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Panjono1*, Endy Triyannanto2, Widagdo Sri Nugroho3, Muhammad Danang Eko Yulianto1, Bayu Andri Atmoko1,4
...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Generally, slaughtering the sacrificial cattle on Eid al-Adha is conducted traditionally, conventionally, and tends to be rough so that the cattle experience torture. Restrain is important in the slaughtering process by using equipment in the form of a restraining box. This study aimed to examine and identify the effect of using the portable restraining boxes (PRB) on the slaughtering efficiency ...

Sajjad Khan*, Naila Chand, Abdul Hafeez, Nazir Ahmad 

...y high (P<0.05) villi height (VH), low crypt depth (CD) and high VH:CD was recorded at 1.5% GA in different parts of intestine. Similarly, count of E. coli, Salmonella and C. perfringens was significantly low in ileum, caecum and colon. It was concluded that supplementation of GA at 1.5% resulted in significantly (P<0.05) improved growth performance, visceral organs along with improved histomorphology and limited growth of pathogenic bacteria in broiler ...
Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Mushtaq Ali2, Tahira Tabassum3 and Adnan Bashir1
...duced the greatest plant height. However, Kissan Basmati and NIAB Basmati 2016 matured earlier while Super Basmati matured at last. The highest productive tillers and grains number per panicle were produced by Super Basmati and Chenab Basmati, respectively; however, maximum 1000-grain weight was produced by Noor Basmati and PK-1121 Aromatic. Among all varieties, the Chenab Basmati was highest yielder while NIAB Basmati 2016 produced the lowest yield. However, ...
Mubashir Ali Rather1, Ambreen Hamadani2*, Syed Shanaz2, Nusrat Nabi2, Showkat Ahanger1, H. Hamadani2, Ruksana Shah2
...), BL (body length), WH (height at withers), HG (chest girth), PG (paunch girth) and TL (tail length), respectively. Was reported the maximum average body weight at birth, weaning, 6, 12, and 24 months of age reported was 3.66±0.05, 21.80±0.15, 20.46±0.09, 28.41±0.13, and 28.07±0.49 kg, respectively. Kashmir Merino sheep was seen to produce 2.72 kg of greasy fleece per annum with a fiber diameter of 18-22 µ. The estimat...

Hilaire S.S. Worogo*, Thierry O.T.L. Offoumon, Cham D.A. Alabi, Urbain Tchokponhoué, Yaya Idrissou, Alassan S. Assani, Fade Soule, Christophe Iwaka, Ibrahim Alkoiret Traoré 

Jumshaid Iqbal1, Muhammad Sharif1*, Muhammad Nadeem Suleman2, Muhammad Saeed3, Fawwad Ahamd1, Asghar Ali kamboh4, Tugay Ayaşan5 and Muhammad Arslan3

..., lumen area (LA), villi height (VH) and villi width (VW) with respect to supplementation of NGP. Maximum IW and VW was observed in duodenum and jejunum respectively, whereas greater LA and VH was noticed in ileum. In conclusion, supplementation of non-antibiotic NGP improved the performance and histomorphology of broiler chickens. 


Huapu Chen1, Zhiyuan Li1, Yaorong Wang1, Wei Yang2,*, Hongjuan Shi1, Shuisheng Li1,3, Chunhua Zhu1 and Guangli Li1,*

...was observed in the body height (BH) (male) and body length (BL) (female). In females, BL, body thickness (BT), head length (HL), and BH had a significant and direct effect on BW. The determination coefficients of traits BL, BT, BH, and HL to BW were 0.163, 0.159, 0.057, and 0.018, respectively with the total value being 0.928. In males, the determination coefficients of six traits to BW were 0.124 (BH), 0.192 (BT), 0.053 (BL), 0.018 (OL), 0.0088 (HL), and 0.0...

Taghreed Mohamed Nabil1, Randa Mohamed Hassan1, HebatAllah Hamdy Mahmoud2, Mohamed Gomaa Tawfiek2, Usama Kamal Moawad1* 

...e length, shape, number, height of the mucosal folds, and glandular contents as well as the thickness of the muscular coat, which allow the turkey hens to be adaptive for egg formation and transportation along their reproductive tract during the egg-laying period.

Keywords | Histochemistry, Laying Turkey hens, Oviduct, SEM, Sperm host glands 


Junyan Bai*, Jingyun Li, Yu Chen, Zhihao Dong, Youbing Yang and Ying Lei

...ght, chest width and hip height (P<0.05). Moreover body weight and carcass weight of AB genotype were significantly higher than those of AA and BB genotypes (P<0.05) and chest width and hip height of AB genotype were remarkably higher than those of AA genotype (P<0.05).


Thobela Louis Tyasi1*, Lubabalo Bila2, Nkgaugelo Kgasago3, Siza Mthi4 

...eart girth (HG) and rump height (RH) in males, while in females, BW was positively correlated with RH, body length (BL), withers height (WH) and shoulder height (SH). The findings of the study suggest that rump height can be used as an accurate indicator/good management tool for goat selection and breeding programs in improvement of BW. The findings of t...

Tehseen Ali Jilani1*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani2, Javeria Sherani3, Kashif Waseem2, Muhammad Sohail Khan2, Hasnain Saleem3, Abdul Manan2, Rashid Jawad2 and Sami Ullah4

...nd Green feast for plant height (81.33 and 80.77 cm), number of pods plant-1 (18.64 and 17.77), weight of pods plant-1 (51.74 and 50.89 g), pod length (11.09 and 11.31 cm), pod width (2.51 and 2.31 cm), number of grains pod-1 (8.02 and 7.64), and pod yield (5.61 and 5.50 t ha-1), respectively. Almost similar results were obtained in S2. Results concluded that the best yielding capability of genotypes Climax and Green feast were mainly because of high pod yield...
height: normal;">Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, Erkata Yandri2, Yogo Adi Nugroho3, Mardiana Sri Susanti4
height: normal;">Satriyo Krido Wahono5, Wahyu Widodo1, Lili Zalizar1, Elfi Anis Saati1, Maftuchah Maftuchah1
height: normal;">Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum6, Muhannad Illayan Massadeh6, Dwi Yono3, Rangga Kala Mahaswa7
height: normal;">Herry Susanto2, Damat Damat1*, Dyah Roeswitawati1, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani8 and 
height: normal;">Susi Mindarti1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Coffee Cherry Flour (CCF) of Arabica Coffee Pulp (CP) produced in Kintamani, Bali, Indonesia, has been compared to CCF traded in La Boite, New York. CP samples were picked from the pulper, oven-dried at 80 °C for 15 h, and then grounded using a coffee grinder. Analyses on Mengani’s CCF and La Boite’s comprised Fe content (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer) as well as five enhancer...
height: normal;">Didiek Hadjar Goenadi1,2*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi3,4, Erkata Yandri3,4, Kiman Siregar5,6, Aris Winaya7, Damat Damat7, Wahyu Widodo7, Ahmad Wahyudi7, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4,8
height: normal;">Maizirwan Mel9, Ivar Zekker10, Muhammad Zul Mazwan7, Devi Dwi Siskawardani7
height: normal;">Endang Dwi Purbajanti11 and Ida Ekawati12
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The most efficient oil-producing crop, oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) is able to generate a higher yield than soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.], rapeseed (Brassica napus L.), and sunflower (Helianthus L). Relatively affordable in price, palm oil is in high demand in Asia. Further than a food source, Crude Palm Oil also serves as feedstock for biodiesel – an environmentally friendly ...
height: normal;">Yunilas Yunilas1*, Nurzainah Ginting1, Tri Hesti Wahyuni1, Muhammad Zahoor2, Nelzi Fati3 and 
height: normal;">Ahmad Wahyudi4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Corn crop waste in the form of corn straw, cobs, and corn husks can be used as ruminant animal feed, but its utilization as animal feed is not optimal. The application of silage feed technology using local microorganism additives is expected to improve the physical quality of silage feed. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding local microorganisms (MOL) and fermentation time on the physical quality of corn ...
height: normal;">Bambang Yudi Ariadi1*, Rahayu Relawati1, Barbara Szymoniuk2 and Waris Ali Khan3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Organic vegetables are cultivated without chemical inputs to make them environmentally friendly, increasing the selling price. This study aims to analyze the influence of product attributes, psychography, and demography on the purchase of organic vegetables, product attributes, demography, and purchase to the willingness to pay (WTP) for organic vegetables . The research was conducted in East Java, Indonesia, in May 20...
height: normal;">Syarif Husen1*, Devi Dwi Siskawardani2, Setiawan Deny Rexmardi1, Erny Ishartati1, Muhidin Muhidin1, Jumpen Onthong3 and Ivar Zekker4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal; text-align: left;">Potato(SolanumtuberosumL.)istotheactualoptimumproductivityupto 40tha-1.Thebiggestchallenge isthe unavailability of astrategichorticulturalcommodityintendedforcrop productioninIndonesia,essentialforfooddiversification.However,potato productivityin Indonesiaisconsideredlow (15tha&nd...

Jawad Abdullah Butt1*, Yasmin Nergis1, Ahmad Hussain2 and Mughal Sharif1 

...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Pakistan has enormous coal reserves and needs to recognize the latest technology concerning coal. Coal combustion is receiving too much attention about electricity production and pollution control. This study is aimed to evaluate the characteristic parameters of Thar local coal samples from Block-II and adjacent Block-VI for toxicity consideration and to estimate the potential of Thar coal assets for environment-friend...
height: normal;">Hafiz Liaqat Ali1, Muhammad Tahir Hassan1*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi2, Mehwish Arshad1 and Muhammad Mudassar Sharif3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Natural gas (NG) is extensively used in automobiles and studied in spark ignition (SI) engines. NG with lean combustion has revealed the potential to enhance efficiency and decrease emissions over stoichiometric petrol engines. The ignitability and instability are the main issues of NG lean combustion. Adding hydrogen (H2) in NG can be a solution to lean NG combustion limits. Herein, the experimental researc...
height: normal;">Ateeq-Ur-Rauf1*,Wisal Khan1, Muhammad Salman Rafi2 and Nauman Khan3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Global warming and abrupt seasonal changes are the current challenging issues across the globe. Precipitation and temperature are two most important climatic factors. Both these climatic parameters seriously affect the water demand and strategies to assure its availability. Pakistan is an agricultural country and its economy, food security and prosperity lies in the best water management of water resources. These facts...

Muhammad Shaheen1* and Abdullah2

...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Classification in data mining is one of the major functionalities that is performed either by predicting the value of unknown class labels on the basis of previously labeled data or to make groups of the dataset on the basis of some implicit similarity measure. Clustering works on unsupervised datasets and converts datasets to groups on the basis of some measures like Euclidean distance in K Means Clustering. The perfo...

Rabia Goher, Inamullah and Mohammad Akmal*

...marked effects on tiller height, spike length, spike weight and unit grain weight, which has resulted in significant changes (p<0.05) for biomass and grain yield. Harvest indices did differ for AE among genotypes. Based on the experimental results, it is concluded that a genotype may not necessarily perform similar in production with changing the AE. However, with a close association of the crop developmental stages, more than one genotype can be recommende...

Gamal Shawki1, Tawfek Mohamed Barakat1, Attia Mohamed Samy2, Ahmed Alhamed AL-Mejren2, Ayman Mesalam1* 

...arly, the length, width, height and volume of testes as well as the width of total scrotum were higher (P < 0.05) during August, July and September. Moreover, the number of mounts per ejaculation, reaction time, time to erection, ejaculation times and time to ejaculation were significantly lower during summer and spring seasons (P < 0.05). A positive correlation (P < 0.05) between sperm parameters and testicular parameters and negative correlation bet...
Manatsanun Nopparatmaitree1*, Pornpan Saenphoom1, Sittichai Bunlue1, Silchai Washiraomornlert1, Warangkana Kitpipit2,3,4, Soranot Chotnipat1
...ion increased the villus height, villus surface area, and the depth of the crypt of Lieberkühn of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum (p < 0.01). Moreover, TABP combined with probiotic supplementation significantly affected the feed intake and average daily gain of broilers (p < 0.05). The data showed that minimum supplementation of synbiotics from TABP at 10 g/kg in combination with probiotics (2 g/kg) in diets has the potential to improve digestibili...
Chinar Mustafa Mohammed1*, Thamer M. Bashir1, Omar A.M. Al-Habib2, Farhad Ramadhan1, Mohammed Bassam1
...V), T amplitude (mV), ST height (mV), JT height (mV), QT intervals (s) and QTc (s).
Keywords | ECG, Taurine, Isolation, Heart rate, QRS

Junaid Ali1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Muhammad Ilyas3, Muhammad Umer Chattha1, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha4*, Muhammad Arshad5, Muhammad Akram6, Mina Kharal7, Ehsan Ullah1, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Fareeha Athar1, Ayesha Mustafa1 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

... crop. The maximum plant height (47.66 cm), branches per plant (11.66), pods/plant (85.33), biological yield (5204 kg/ha), 1000 grain weight (20 g) and grain yield (1145.30 kg/ha) were recorded in ridge sowing with three irrigations applied 30, 60 and 90 days after sowing (DAS) and minimum plant height (38.33 cm) branches/plant (5), pods/plant (61.33), biological yield (4820 kg/ha), 1000 grain weight (10 g) and grain yield (...

Muhammad Zeeshan Nadeem1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1 and Muhammad Anwar ul Haq2

...Cl2 ­increased plant height significantly during both years of study over the other priming agents. Similarly, maximum fodder yield during both growing seasons (67 t ha-1) was observed under CaCl2 seed priming. Likewise, fodder crude proteins, crude fiber contents, ash contents and ether extractable fat were increased prominently by CaCl2 over the other priming agents. Among the cultivars, Sargodha Bajra 2011 performed better than other cultivars it showed...

Iqtidar Hussain1, Haroon Shahzad2*, Sami Ullah2*, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1 and Muhammad Rizwan3

...elling, 50% silking, ear height (cm), stem diameter (cm), leaf area (m2), Biological yield (t ha-1), and grain yield (t ha-1), significantly affected by different weed management practices in three maize varieties. Maize variety Afghoiy interacted with Dafli (herbicide) after hand weeding registered the best treatment in all regards. However, Herbicides (Dafli and Xiawang 1X) seemed more effective in weed management over control. Horse purslane (Trianthene por...

Inam Ul Haq1*, Muhammad Ramzan1, Mansoor Khan Khattak1 and Ahmad Khan2

...cant effect on the plant height, spike m-2, grains spike-1, grain yield, biological yield, and harvest index. The highest plant height (0.44 m) and spike m-2 (88) were found in the combination of P3 with C2. The highest grain yield (3298 kg ha-1) was recorded in the combination of P2 and C3. The highest biological yield (9144 kg ha-1) was found in P1 with C3. Though the highest grains spike-1 (89), thousand-grain weight (45 ...
Dalia M. Aboelhassan1*, Inas S. Ghaly1, Noha E. Ibrahim2, Nermeen M. Shaffie3, Mariam G. Eshak1, Aboelfetoh M. Abdallah4, Ibrahim M. Farag1
...nol A (BPA) has received heightened attention because of its ubiquitous presence in our living environment. However, it was revealed that this component has potent genotoxicity, causing various disorders to human and animal health. Hence, the present work is designed to investigate the capacity of Fagonia cretica extract (FCE) to inhibit bisphenol A-induced genotoxicity and histopathology in rats. In the genetic study, the assaying of expressions of IkBα...

Abdul Ghaffar*, Niaz Hussain, Muhammad Nadeem, Khalid Hussain, Muhammad Aslam, Mudassar Khaliq, Muhammad Irshad, Zubeda Parveen and Muhammad Younas

...days for maturity, plant height as well as potential yield were recorded. The measured data were analyzed to principal component analysis (PCA), correlation, and path coefficient analysis. Analysis of variants revealed good variation among the accessions for the data recorded traits. Principal coefficient analysis differentiates all the traits into six PCs. Two components expressed more than one Eigenvalue which collectively contributed 80.12% towards the gene...

Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik1, Khalid Usman1*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Saad1, Said Ghulam2 and Azmat Ullah1

...O4 produced higher plant height, sympodial branches plant-1, bolls plant-1, 100 cotton seed weight, seed cotton yield, ginning outturn, fiber length, and fiber strength compared to other K-levels. Moreover, tillage × potassium interaction indicated that reduced tillage along with 250 kg K ha-1 plus 5 foliar sprays was superior to conventional tillage for producing higher sympodial branches, bolls plant-1, seed cotton yield, and ginning outturn (%).

Ahmed Abd El-Salam1*, Yasser Hamouda1, Salah El-Safty2, Ahmed El-Attar2

...pecific Gravity, Albumen height, Albumen weight, Yolk diameter, Yolk index, Yolk weight, Yolk percent, Yolk albumen ratio, Wet shell weight, and Shell percent, according to the findings. Strain and age had no effect on Albumen weight, Albumen percent, or Yolk height, according to the findings. In terms of hatchery egg shell quality, the w-36 is better than brown.
Keywords | Genetic differences;...

Amina Batool1*, Saba Aleem1, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Waheed Arshad1, Muhammad Aslam2, Shiraz Ali3 and Muhammad Zeeshan3

...ys to 50% heading, plant height and germination percentage. Contrarily, the interactive effect of genotype and seeding rate on all growth and yield attributes was found non-significant. Whereas, seeding density of 120 kg ha-1 exhibited more germination percentage (85 %), shoot length (11.57 cm), coleoptile length (3.97 cm), days to 50% heading (130), plant height (110 cm), nodes per stem (5.0), 1000 grain weight (49.53 g), g...
height: normal;">Muhammad Jalees
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">E-marketing practices in the businesses have strengthened supply chain management (SCM) and providing a competitive advantage over their rivals. Companies tend to look into smart technologies to convince their customers/consumers for selling their items. Electronic marketing is an integral part of SCM to attract consumers around the globe, which may extend to the next level when the incorporation strategy between the s...
height: normal;">Samreen Fatima* and Muddasir-Uddin
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Portfolio managers, investors and policymakers are interested in predicting volatility to achieve higher profits or lower risk positions. Due to economic globalization and advancement in information technology, the financial market has become increasingly unstable therefore to understand the pattern of the volatility is difficult. This study aims to compare the performance of Artificial Neural Network (ANNs) and the vo...

Victoria Rankotsane Hlokoe, Thobela Louis Tyasi* 

...ead length (HL), withers height (WH), ear length (EL), rump height (RH), head width (HW) and sternum height (SH), and to detect the best-fitted regression model for the prediction of BW of Nguni cattle. A total of 70 Nguni cattle (59 females and 11 males) aged 2-4 years were employed in the current study. Pearson’s correlation and stepwise regression techniques were employed for the ...

Sarzamin Khan1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Rafiullah1, Ibrahimullah1, Ghulam Abbas3*, Jabbar Khan4, Muhammad Saeed Imran5, Asghar Ali Kamboh6 

...n crypt depth and villus height of birds was recorded fed diet supplemented with mealworm scales (3g/kg). The breast percent and carcass weight recorded in birds fed 3g/kg mealworm scales in diet was significantly (P<0.05) higher than other groups. In conclusion, data of the current experiment indicated that mealworm (Tenebrio molitor) scales at the level of 3g/kg in quail’s diet has important effects on performance, carcass traits and histomorphology...

Muhammad Umer Chattha1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Imran Khan1, Athar Mahmood1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3*, Ambreen Fatima4, Muhammad Iqbal5, Muhammad Tahir Akbar6, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Faran Muhammad7, Muhammad Talha Aslam1 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

... Likewise, maximum plant height (PH: 68.20 cm), root length (RL: 7.70 cm), shoot length (SL: 16.67 cm), root fresh weight (RFW: 0.45 g) and shoot fresh weight (SFW: 5.22 g) were recorded in control condition while minimum was observed under high salt stress. Cultivars Bhaker-2011 had maximum PH (67.70 cm), SL (14.02 cm), and SFW (5.27 g) while cultivar NIAB-2016 had minimum PH (57.10 cm), SL (14.02 cm), and SFW (4.54 g) among the cultivars. The maximum chlorop...

Sajid Ali1*, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin3, Asad Ali Khan2, Sajjad Khan4, Dawood Ahmad5, Faiq Ahmad2, Maaz Khan2, Sikandar Azam1, Siddique Ahmad2 and Bismillah Khan2

... area index (2.8), plant height (255 cm) and days to harvest maturity (89 were significantly affected when120 kg P ha-1 was applied. Days to tasseling (53), days to silking (55), leaf areaplant-1 (4400 cm2), leaf area index (3.1), plant height (258.6 cm) and days to harvest maturity (89) were significantly affected in plots treated at the rate of 5 kg ha-1 with Zn. In case of application stages (AS), when Zn was applied 1/2 ...

Madumetja Cyril Mathapo and Thobela Louis Tyasi*

..., heart girth (HG), rump height (RH), withers height (WH) and sternum height (SH) were measured. Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression were used for data analysis. Phenotypic correlation outcomes indicated that SC had a positive statistically significant (P<0.05) correlation with BW (r = 0.425) and non-significant correlation with BL (r = 0.108), HG (r = 0.082), RH (r...

Muhammad Halim Natsir*, Osfar Sjofjan, Yuli Frita Nuningtyas, Danung Nur Adli, Lizar Basnelda, Dimas Frisky Apriyanto, Wahyu Tri Utami 

... (p < 0.01) on villus height and significant difference (p < 0.05) on microbial population. In contrast, the result showed no significantly difference (p > 0.05). In conclusion, combinations of nano-fountain clerodendrum and avocado seed flour help to increasing villus height and adverse microbial on Lohmann broiler chickens.

Keywords | Avocado, Clerodendrum, Growth Performance, Intestinal Profile, NanoTechn...

Zulqarnain Haider1*, Muhammad Akhter2, Syed Sultan Ali1, Tahir Latif1, Rana Ahsan Raza Khan1, Awais Riaz1, Tahira Bibi1, Muhammad Ijaz3, Qasim Raza1, Mohsin Ali Raza4, Samina Sarfaraz1, Muhammad Iqbal1 and Muhammad Rafiq1 relationship of plant height with days to maturity and highly negative with panicle length and thousand grains weight. Dendrograms divided the genotypes into six distinct Clusters. Based on GGE biplots, PK10324-1-1 followed by PK9444-8-1-2 and PK10029-13-2-1 were identified to be most superior and potential candidate Basmati lines with better yield and stability across three years (growing seasons). Whereas, Super Basmati (check), PK 10436-2-1-1, PK10437-14...

Hafiz Kashif Ali1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Mujahid Ali2*, Zahoor Hussain3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem4, Malik Abdul Rehman5, Barkat Ali6, Muhammad Iftikhar7

...oduced the highest plant height for three cultivars of stock. ‘Cheerful White’ had the highest stem length when plants were sprayed once at 1 ppm Isabion. Among cultivars, ‘Iron Rose’, produced highest leaf area (42.8 cm2) with 3 ppm Isabion application, when sprayed only one time. Among the number of sprays, plants sprayed three times with Isabion produced the thickest stem diameter followed by 2 and 1 sprays. ‘Cheerful White&rsq...

Habib Ullah Habib1, Malik Muhammad Akram2, Mujahid Ali1*, Tahir Mehmood3, Muhammad Manzoor4, Maqsood Ahmad3, Hasseb Ahsan1, Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal3, Malik Abdul Rehman5, Muhammad Mohsan1 and Ahsan Mohyo ud Din6 

...ding plant canopy, plant height, the average weight of fruits, the weight of large size fruits, the weight of medium size, the weight of small size fruits, number of fruits per plant, number of small fruits per plant, number of medium-size fruits per plant, and number of large size fruits per plant. The maximum number of medium-size fruits (15%) was observed at 15% water depletion level with a 50% NPK level. However, the minimum number of medium-size fruits (1...

Kokab Nazim1*, Asghari Bano1 and Ghulam Jellani2

...icant reduction in plant height, setting %age and fruits per plant was observed in sensitive genotypes. Antioxidant enzyme essay showed enhanced production of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase coupled with higher accumulation of proline in tolerant genotypes while their production was lower in sensitive genotypes during two growing seasons under stress. All the genotypes made two major clusters. Main cluster “I” was comprised of two genotypes. Main...

Ishtiaq Ahmad1,2* and Muhammad Akbar Anjum1

... 0.82 cm), maximum plant height was gained in genotypes AZRI-Selection-06-1C (71.35 ± 4.63 cm), while maximum yield per plant was calculated in genotypes Sky Line 2 (325.95 ± 19.48 g), maximum number of leaves per plant were counted in genotypes AZRI-Selection-02-A2 (516.91 ± 22.29), however maximum leaf area was recorded in genotypes Kot Sultan (62.24 ± 2.14 cm2), the maximum time took to flower was observed in genotype 37032 (66.0...

Asma Hassan*, Zuhair Hasnain, Muhmmad Asadullah, Syed Saqlain Hussain and Muhammad Abbas Anees

...uinoa. The maximum plant height (66.133cm) and the number of branches (5.667) were with N 95 kg ha-1. Leaf area plant-1 from 0 to N85 kg ha-1 was increased gradually but later on, decreased. Gradually the Dry matter formation increase with an increase in N level, but above 85 kg ha-1 dry matter formation was regressively declined. The highest dry matter accumulation and harvest index 66.6g plant-1 17.31% respectively were calculated with N 85 kg ha-1. The high...

Hasan Çelikyürek, chest depth, withers height, rump height, and chest girth were 50.25±0.55, 14.65±0.15, 23.64±0.25, 58.49±0.55, 59.14±0.55, and 71.39±0.73 cm, respectively. According to the results of the GLM analysis that birth type had no significant influence on testicular traits or on any of the body measurements except body length. Live weight gain had significant impact (p<0.001) on all ...

Shabana Ehsan1*, Aneela Riaz2, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Abid Ali1, Ifra Saleem3, Muhammad Aftab3, Khalid Mehmood4, Fakhar Mujeeb1, Muhammad Asif Ali1, Hina Javed1, Fraza Ijaz1, Anwar-ul-Haq5, Khaliq-ur-Rehman3 and M. Usman Saleem

...ficant increase in plant height, grain yield, spike length, grain weight, no. of tillers plant-1, and wheat quality in a field trial. The results from the current study proposed that in the plant, rhizobacteria can also play a beneficial role in nutrient translocation to plants efficiently and nutrients uptake from the soil insoluble form.


Ahmad Nadeem1,2 and Rubina Arshad1,2,*

...aximum increase in plant height (16.7%), root length (5.9%), number of secondary branches (19%), pod number (63.2%) and seed number per plant (75%) was observed in MLPA6 mutant inoculated plants as compared to control whereas maximum increase in 100 seed weight (43.1%) and plant weight (90%) was attained in consortium treated plants over control. In desi variety, MLPA6 mutant also manifested significant increase in root length (53%), pod number (43.5%), seed n...
height: normal;">Rafiq Ali Khan1, Sajjad Ahmed1, Salim Raza2* and Shehla Gul1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The Lockhart Formation is a proven hydrocarbon reservoir in the Kohat–Potwar areas of Upper Indus basin. The geomechnical properties of the formation varies laterally and are not uniform due to which the drilling and field development is a serious challenge for petroleum companies. The Lockhart Formation is categorized into three lithological units to assess its geotechnical characteristics. The representative sa...
Farzana Bashir2, Aysha Saleem1, Khalid Iqbal Khichi2, Rubina Nelofer3* and Rauf Ahmad Khan2
...cterial count and column height) and their interactions were tested by means the analysis of variance (ANOVA) with 95% confidence limits. The antibacterial susceptibility was optimized for flow rate, bacterial count and column height. High regression coefficient between the variable and response (R2=99.4%) showed good evaluation of experimental data by polynomial regression model. The optimum conditions suggested by the mode...

Madad Ali1, Muhammad Ahsan1, Muhammad Zubair Akram*2 and Samreen Nazeer3

...c correlation with plant height (r = 0.784) followed by number of leaves per plant (r = 0.715). Grains yield also showed the highest positive and significant phenotypic correlation with plant height (r = 0.469) followed by total biomass (r = 0.431). Number of grain rows per cob (r = 2.662) exhibited the highest positive direct effect on grain yield per plant followed by total biomass (r = 1.993) and 100 grains weight (r = 1....

Shakir Ali1, Zia Ul Haq1, Abdul Malik1, Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2* and Ijaz Ahmad Khan3

...ety. The beds and ridges height were kept 15 cm while plant-plant distance of 20 cm was maintained for all the patterns. From statistical results of the data, it was observed that flat pattern P1 produced significantly (P<0.05) higher grain (7568.7 kg ha-1) and biomass (17571.2 kg ha-1) yield as compared to P5 that produced 6160.85 kg ha-1 grain and 11340.65 kg ha-1 biomass. The planting pattern P2 is par with P1 produced 6944.5 kg ha-1 grain yield and 1650...

Ansar Abbas1*, Muhammad Aman Ullah2, Abdul Waheed3 and Muhammad Asif4

...urements such as withers height (WH), body length (BL), head length (HL), rump length (RL), head width (HW), rump width (RW), barrel depth (BD) and heart girth (HG). A total of 271 female Thalli sheep of southern Punjab were included in the study. We used different goodness of fit criteria such as coefficient of determination (R2 %), adjusted coefficient of determination (Adj-R2 %), standard deviation ratio (SD ratio), root mean square error (RMSE), relative a...

Faiq Ahmad1, Shahen Shah1*, Muhammad Amin2, Ikram Ullah3, Sajid Ali4, Maaz Khan1, Muhammad Shakur5 and Sajjad Khan6

...-1 (118.9 cm2) and plant height (92.4 cm) were noted with addition of 120 kg N ha-1 applied as 50% from FYM and 50% from PM with beneficial microbes. Likewise, nitrogen sources application one month before sowing has increased leaf area tiller-1 (121.6 cm2) and plant height (91.3 cm). Therefore, it is recommended that 120 kg N ha-1 compensated as 50% each from FYM and PM with the combination of beneficial microbes and its ap...

Andy1,4*, Ratmawati Malaka2, Sri Purwanti3, Hikmah M Ali2, Tutik Lusyta Aulyani4, Danung Nur Adli5 

...sfully increasing villus height and reduce feed conversion ratio without any adverse effect.

Keywords | Broiler, Encapsulation, Growth Performance, Intestinal Profile, Liquid Smoke  


Muhammad A. Ahmad1, Shabbir Hussain2*, Humera A. Awan3, Muhammad Riaz4 and Muhammad Saeed1

...lopment, stem growth and height of the wheat plants. The PGRs concentrations of 100ppm and 150ppm were proved to be most effective and possessed the momentous potential to increase the plant growth as well as yield of the wheat crop. It was concluded that the PGRs application reduces the economic cost of the farmer and also increases the nutritional value of wheat crop.


Khalid Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Zubeda Parveen1, Sohail Abbas2, Ali Raza3 and Abdul Ghaffar1

...nd dough stage) and trap height (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 meter) on the basis of mean aphid collection and species richness. Results indicated that population appeared in the standard week (SW) 52 of 1st year to SW 18 of 2nd year in both traps. Population peaks in the yellow moericke traps (YMT) and sticky trap (YST) were found during SW 08-14 and SW 10-14, respectively. The YMTs were 50 % more effective due to their higher attraction and killing rate of aphids as com...

Khalid Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Zubeda Parveen1, Sohail Abbas2, Ali Raza3 and Abdul Ghaffar1

...nd dough stage) and trap height (0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 meter) on the basis of mean aphid collection and species richness. Results indicated that population appeared in the standard week (SW) 52 of 1st year to SW 18 of 2nd year in both traps. Population peaks in the yellow moericke traps (YMT) and sticky trap (YST) were found during SW 08-14 and SW 10-14, respectively. The YMTs were 50 % more effective due to their higher attraction and killing rate of aphids as com...
Humaira Gul1*, Muhammad Junaid Yousaf1*, Fawad Ali1, Mamoona Rauf1, Farhad Ali2 and Iqthedar Ali3
... branches, fruits, plant height, proteins, and chlorophylls were significantly (P<0.05) increased in sandy soil proportion whereas in soil analysis moisture, hygroscopic water, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), chlorides, organic matter were significantly (P<0.05) increased for the soily soil in same proportion that is of sandy soil. This reveals that Barley should be grown in sandy soil for its better growth and productivity. The least growth paramete...

Noor-us-Sabah1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Tayyab Boota1, Muhammad Luqman2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Amir Aziz1 and Ameer Hamza1 

...uality attributes (plant height, plant stem diameter, total leaf chlorophyll contents, leaf are index (LAI), shoot and root dry weight, seed germination %, leaf P %, and leaf K %) significantly as compared to control. Similarly, soil chemical properties including organic matter (O.M %) contents, available and extractable concentration of P (ppm) and K (ppm) in soil also increased. Although, all the organic sources had shown positive results but press mud appli...

Abdullah Al Musabbir1, Md Abedur Rahman2*, Naveed Anjum2, 3 and Mustajab Ali4,5

...y using Blade A in straw heights of 20, 30, and 40 cm was found to be 9.03%, 10.36%, and 12.14%, respectively. Whereas, these were 6.50%, 8.74%, and 8.88% for the corresponding straw heights, which were 28.01%, 16.63% and 26.85% lower, respectively while using Blade B. In both anchored and loose straw conditions, the effective field capacity was witnessed to be higher for Blade B. Furthermore, a significant reduction in the ...

Ifrah Amjad1, Muhammad Nouman Khalid1*, Muhammad Kashif1, Muhammad Noman1, Sajid Ali2, Rizwan Ahmed Shaikh3, Muhammad Babar4, Muhammad Asim Bhutta5 and Amna Bibi5

...orophyll contents, plant height, number of productive tillers per plant, panicle length, total spikelets per panicle, number of grains per panicle and 1000 grain weight were affected by submergence stress. While in another experiment drought stress was applied for 30 days on five Sub1 genotypes along with Nagina-22 (Drought tolerant check) and IR-64 (drought susceptible check) in split plot design with three replications. Drought stress severely reduced all th...

Muhammad Khalid Bhatti, Khalil Ahmed*, Ghulam Shabir, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Ashfaq Anjum, Muhammad Sarfraz, Amar Iqbal Saqib, Abdul Wakeel, Hafeezullah Rafa, Nadeem Iqbal, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz, Ghulam Qadir, Muhammad Rizwan and Muhammad Faisal Nawaz

...AR) 25. Data about plant height, shoot fresh/dry weight, root fresh/dry weight, panicle length, No. grain/ panicle, No. of tillers/plant, grain yield and 1000 grain weight were recorded at maturity while Na and K contents were determined in leaves. Overall results revealed that SRI-23 and SRI-28 showed better performance than all other genotypes and produced comparatively better plant height, shoot fresh/dry weight, root fre...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Emel Hulya Yukseloglu1, Fatma Cavus Yonar1*, Omer Karatas1, Gulten Rayimoglu1, Faruk Asicioglu1, Elif Canpolat1, Onur Ozturk2 and Itir Erkan3; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The purpose of this study was to identify paternity relations and increase the likelihood success in DNA identification of biological samples found in mass disasters and criminal events by using the 6-dye GlobalFilerTM amplification kit with 21 autosomal STR loci in our laboratory for validation purpose and routine use. In this regard, swab samples from different regions of Turkey (n=35...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Shahrokh Mojarradgandoukmolla* and Hasan Akan; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Trigonella or fenugreek is one of the most important and the oldest known medicinal plants in the world which is used in the treatment of many diseases due to its various effective compounds. Trigonella strangulata, Trigonella filipes and Trigonella uncinata are three widely used species and folk medicine that grow well in the northern su...
height: normal;Times New Roman";">Ahmad Zaman, Azhar Rafique*, Farhat Jabeen and Tayyaba Sultana; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">The current study was conducted to find out the avian diversity of district Chiniot, Pakistan. The surveys were performed from March, 2020 to February 2021 on weekly basis, using point count method for the collection of data. Naked eyes and binocular telescope (10x50) were used to count the birds and camera was used to photograph the birds. The study area was divide...

Riaz Noor Panhwar1*, Abdul Fatah Soomro1, Muhammad Chohan1, Illahi Bux Bhatti1, Ali Hassan Mari1, Samia Arain1 and Sagheer Ahmad2 (Cane thickness, cane height, millable stalks, and cane yield) and four quality-related (Brix, pol, purity, and commercial cane sugar percentage) traits. Experiments were conducted in plant crop for two consecutive years 2018-19 and 2019-20 during the autumn cropping season at Makli farm of PARC-National Sugar and Tropical Horticulture Research Institute (NSTHRI), Thatta, Pakistan. A total of four sugarcane genotypes i.e., YtTh-1701, YtTh-1705, YtTh-1707, a...

Khunsa Khakwani1*, Muhammad Asif1, Zaheer Ahmed2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Yasmeen Abbassi2 and Ghulam Murtaza2 

...a was recorded for plant height (PH), number of monopodial branches (MB), number of sympodial branches (SB), number of bolls/plant (BP), boll weight (BW), ginning out turn (GOT), fiber fineness (FF), fiber length (FL), fiber strength (FS) and seed cotton yield (SCY). FH-414 proved to have very good GCA for BW and FL. FH-415 showed good GCA for FL and monopodial branches. Similarly, FH-490 for GOT and FF, FH-492 for SB, BW, BP and SCY. FH-ANMOL proved best comb...

Umair Faheem1*, Madiha Mobeen Khan2, Qurban Ali3, Muhammad Jamil4, Wajiha Anum2, Mashal Rehman2, Imran Akhtar2, Mussurrat Hussain1, Qaisar Abbas1, Ghayour Ahmad5 and Abrar Ahmad6

...op parameters like plant height (cm), number of silique per plant, yield loss in unsprayed blocks was compared to the yield of pesticide sprayed blocks. The yield components and yield in the insecticide free plots were much lower than that of insecticide sprayed plots which were kept aphid free. Maximum percentage reduction (14%) in plant height was observed on BRJ-9072, the silique per plant loss percentage was maximum on K...

Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil1*, Abdus Subhan3, Ghani Akbar1, Muhammad Asif1, Zafar Islam1, Adnan Shakeel1 and Fawad Anwar2 

...t growth including plant height, days to harvest, and number of tillers per plant and grain weight per ear were significantly changed by the application of different amounts of water (treatment) during the two years of the experiment. Conventional irrigation showed significantly higher values ​​of growth parameters, but was comparable to the irrigation regime applied to 50 and 75% of the field capacity. Similarly, the use of different amounts of water sign...

Y. Danso†, J. Adomako, K. Osei and B. Abugri

...index, stem girth, plant height and shoot dry matter weights were not significantly affected. These maize varieties could be incorporated into well planned crop-land rotational and maize breeding systems to minimize M. incognita populations’ build-up and damage to susceptible crops such as okra which follow maize in a crop rotation system.


Farwa Batool1*, Riaz ur Rehman1, Samia Ikram2 and Maham Zahara3

...ough observing the plant height (cm), leaf length (cm), leaf area (cm), number of leaves (cm), stem diameter (mm) and survival (%). The pH, EC, potassium (K), nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and organic matter of different ratios of SGS were also observed prior to utilization. The maximum plant height of A. commutatum (46cm), D. deremensis (159cm), A. elatiors (66cm) was recorded in SGS of leaf compost + silt + sawdust + sand (...

I. Jafri, A.A. Shahid, A. Ibrahim† and M. Atif

...ength, plant
height, egg-mass, number of juveniles and number of knots per root system. Outcomes revealed that
Controlled (C1) Meloidogyne sp., Bacillus sp., (T1), Meloidogyne sp., and Bacillus thuringiensis (T2)
remarkably suppressed nematode infestations because they act as growth inhabiting agents for juveniles;
reduce gall masses, diminish knot formation on root system, toghether with increasing shoot and roo...

A.W. Amin† and A.W. Mona* decreased shoot plant height and leaf area,
when they were grown in soil infested by RKN compared to infested plant (check). In addition, RKN infestation
alone decreased the plant nematodes, in natural infested soil experiments in both seasons, data was non-significant.
Plant and fruit characteristics; cucumber yields (number of days to first flower, fruit characteristics (fruits weight,
length and diameter), ...

O. A. Fabiyi

...ficant increase in plant height, number of leaves,
number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant as compared with Carbofuran (p<0.05). In the laboratory,
chromatographic fractions from acetone extract had the highest percentage juvenile mortality. The infrared analysis
of the fractions revealed the presence of anhydride and carbonyl stretching frequencies at 3638, 1702, 1735 and
1771 cm-1. The Nuclear ...

Yuejing Yang1,2, Mengbin Xiang1,2, Zhengshi Zhang3, Minrui Zhou1, Bingjie Hu1, Tingsen Jing1, Zhe Li1, Fenglin Liu1, Hui Luo1, Qinglu Li1* and Hua Ye1*

...ength, body length, body height, and body weight were significantly associated. In conclusion, ug25066-1502 and ug22539-1605 were significantly associated with the growth traits, which could be used as important candidate molecular markers for selective breeding of S. prenanti. 


Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

... per plant (NTPP), plant height (PH), spike length (SPL), number of spikes per plant (NSPP), days to maturity (DM) and seed yield per plant (SYPP) were recorded. Estimates of heritability values were high in SYPP and DF ranged from 0.998 to 0.930, respectively, like all characters except DFI noted as 0.658 whereas genetic advance ranged between 16.3069 in the parameters i.e., NTPP and 1.4473 for the character of SYPP. Highest coefficient of variation (CV=11.53...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

... per plant (NTPP), plant height (PH), spike length (SPL), number of spikes per plant (NSPP), days to maturity (DM) and seed yield per plant (SYPP) were recorded. Estimates of heritability values were high in SYPP and DF ranged from 0.998 to 0.930, respectively, like all characters except DFI noted as 0.658 whereas genetic advance ranged between 16.3069 in the parameters i.e., NTPP and 1.4473 for the character of SYPP. Highest coefficient of variation (CV=11.53...

Shakeel Ahmed Tunio1, Muhammad Naeem1*, Atique Ahmed Behan1, Asmatullah Kaka2 

... body girth, length, and height of lambs in group B as compared to lambs of group A. The carcass weight and weights of neck, shoulder, thorax, loin and flank, legs, kidneys, and weight of liver of lambs in group B was recorded significantly (P<0.05) higher than the lambs of group A managed under intensive and semi-intensive management systems respectively. Based on the present study, it was concluded that weight gain, body length, chest girth and

Tilahun Bekele* and Abebaw H. Georgis

... days to maturity, plant height, and thousand seed weight. Based on the over-year combined analysis, the highest capsule number per plant (10.4), yield per plant (2.46), and total yield (703.9kg/ha) were noticed for the Darbera variety treated with a 15 kg/ha seed rate. The highest seed number per capsule (87.2) was also recorded for this treatment in the 2017 growing season. Essential oil (0.85 in 2017 and 0.65% in 2018) and oleoresin (29.4 in 2017 and 29.8% ...

Muhammad Umair1,2, Muhammad Naeem1, Asad Jamil3 and Muhammad Younas2,4*

...aximum increase in plant height (51.82%). Similarly, maximum increase in shoot dry weight (160.24%), root dry biomass (169.52%), root length (15.87%), and chlorophyll contents (53.62%) was also found for rice husk biochar @ 0.3% as compared to saline-sodic control. rice husk biochar @ 0.3% was found most effective in improving maize growth and soil properties under saline-sodic conditions.


Mishal Bano1, Amir Shakeel1, Waqar-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Nouman Khalid1*, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Muhammad Sajid Sharif3, Sadia Kanwal2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2, Amna Bibi2 and Ifrah Amjad1

...nt for most of the plant height, sympodial branches/plant, monopodial branches/plant, first fruiting nodes, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, number of seeds per boll, seed cotton yield/plant, lint index, lint percentage, seed index, seed density, seed volume, fiber fineness, fiber strength, and fiber length. For plant height, fibre strength, and seed density, Tarzon-05 stood out among the lines as a very effective gen...

A. N. Mahar, N. D. Jan†, A. Q. Mahar and S. R. Gowen

...position: relative; line-height: 0; vertical-align: baseline; top: -0.5em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">th instar) of Galleria 

M. A. Radwan†, S. A. A. Farrag, M. M. Abu-Elamayem and N. S. Ahmed

...position: relative; line-height: 0; vertical-align: baseline; bottom: -0.25em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">2) as well as on plant growth characteristics in a glasshouse. The rate of the formulated form of oxamyl, carbofuran or cadusafos was 0.1 g/kg soil, while it was 0.125 g / kg soil for fosthiazate and 0.25 g / kg soil for ethop...

O. A. Fabiyi, G. A. Olatunji and O. Atolani

...position: relative; line-height: 0; vertical-align: baseline; top: -0.5em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">th and 6height: 0; vertical-align: baseline; top: -0.5em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">th

Rana Aamir Shehzad1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Sabir Hussain Shah2, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Imran Shehzad1 and Usman Saleem4

...h intimated that highest height of plant (71.42 cm), shoot dry weight (10.74 g), length of spike (13.33 cm), tiller numbers in a plant (7.16), weight of dry root (0.335 g), root length (11.68 cm), weight of 1000 grains (37.88 g) and wheat biomass (48.63 g) were recorded with T11 (T2 + all P from PROM). Thus, P application improved the wheat growth and yield traits significantly (T1) and T11 was found more effective for achieving the optimum output.


Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Karim Gabol1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamidullah4 and Abdul Rahim1

...vegetation at an average height of 2.87±1.3 m above the ground. The shape of the nest was round to oblong, in the center or on the branch fork of plants. The nests were mainly constructed using local dry grasses (48%) followed by crop leaves (35%), plastic string (10%), and unidentified materials (7%). The average outer diameter of the nest 12.00±1.1 cm, inner diameter 9.13±2.3 cm and inner cup depth was 4.99±2.1 cm. This bird has o...

Syed Hilal Sardar1, Yousaf Jamal1*, Iltaf Ullah2, Abdul Basir1, Hidayat Ullah1 and Mukhtar Alam1 and Ikramullah3

...ings revealed that plant height (cm), ear weight (g), grains ear-1, 1000 grain weight (g) and grain yield (kg ha-1) varied significantly (P≤0.05) among different hybrids while no significant variations were observed in terms of emergence m-2, days to 50% emergence and ear length (cm). Our data revealed maximum plant height (245.00 cm), 1000 grain weight (363.00 g) and grain yield (5031.11 kg ha-1) for PSHW-201916. 30K08 p...

Ambrin Rajput1* and Mehrunisa Memon2

...eters. The maximum plant height (70 cm), number of plant/ treatment (82), number of fruits bearing branches (23), number of pods plant-1 (88), 1000 grain weight (45.3 g), biomass yield (2478 kg ha-1), yield of grain (2986 kg ha-1), yield of straw (509 kg ha-1), protein (22%), leaves P (0.46 %) content, P uptake (11.49 kg ha-1) and P utilization efficiency (10.3 %) were noted by P application with N and K applied treatment. However, the lowest values were recor...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> MUHAMMAD MUNEEB SOHAILheight: normal;">1, FATIMA AMEERheight: normal;">2, GUR CHARN SINGHheight: normal;">2, MUHAMMAD ZAIDheight: normal;">1* 
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> It has been shown that dyslipidemia involves low concentrations of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL) but high concentrations of other plasma lipids. This study reanalyzes the relation between plasma lipids and various anthropometric parameters. In this cross-sectional type of study, the participants (n=53) were recruited for the study. Participants were given one-day free health camps and they were anthr...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> SAFDAR ALI KHANheight: normal;">1, FARHEEN ANSARIheight: normal;">1, SANWAL ASLAMheight: normal;">2*, AMJAD HUSSAINheight: normal;">3, MUREED HUSSAINheight: normal;">1, MAJID MAHMOODheight: normal;">4, ALI MUHAMMADheight: normal;">4, RAHMAT ALIheight: normal;">1 , ASAD ASLAMheight: normal;">3 AND FATIMA ALIheight: normal;">
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> In the present study, 150 farm chicken and 100 desi chicken were screened for the existence of parasitic helminthes. Among the desi chicken, 61 were reported positive for helminthes parasites by gross examination of gastrointestinal tract. In these 61 positive cases, 42 (68.85%) were found positive for nematodes, 6 (9.83%) for cestodes and remaining 13 (21.31%) had mixed infection; Ascaridia galli, Heterakis g...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> SADAF SARFRAZheight: normal;">1*, SAFDAR AMEERheight: normal;">1, REENA AMBREENheight: normal;">1, SHOMAILA SIKANDAR height: normal;">2, SHAISTA NAWAZheight: normal;">3 AND YASIR SALEEMheight: normal;">
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Globally, an increased use of pesticides has resulted in the occurrence of drug resistant microbes. This has urged the investigators and researchers to use and develop the antimicrobial agents derived from some natural resources. Among various naturally occurring medicinal plants, Cinnamaldehyde, owing to its acid generation, acid tolerance and virulence gene expression has gained a considerable attention
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> ASMAT MEHMOOD, ZAEEMA KHAN AND NAILA MALKANI* 
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Oral cancer is widely spreading throughout Asia. This study focused on the prevalence of oral cancer in Pakistan from 2010 to 2016. Data for oral cancer cases was collected from the country's numerous cancer registries and cancer treatment facilities. Age and gender factors were analyzed in the data. For the given time, prevalence, incidence, and rate of age-standardized illness were determined. Data analysis ind...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> SAIMA AFTABheight: normal;">1, ATTIA HAMIDheight: normal;">1, MAHJBEENheight: normal;">2, JAVERIA TARIQheight: normal;">2, ZULQURNAIN ALIheight: normal;">2, ASMA ZAFARheight: normal;">2* 
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Bioethanol production at the industrial level is engaged by various bacteria, yeast, and fungi. But Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most commonly used yeast. Different substrates have been used for ethanol production such as sweat sorghum cane extract, lignocellulose, starch-based substrate and molasses, and other wastes. In this study low-quality apples were used for the production of ethanol that was fur...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> SAIMA AFTABheight: normal;">1, ATTIA HAMIDheight: normal;">1, MAHJBEENheight: normal;">2, JAVERIA TARIQheight: normal;">2, ZULQURNAIN ALIheight: normal;">2, ASMA ZAFARheight: normal;">2* 
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Bioethanol production at the industrial level is engaged by various bacteria, yeast, and fungi. But Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the most commonly used yeast. Different substrates have been used for ethanol production such as sweat sorghum cane extract, lignocellulose, starch-based substrate and molasses, and other wastes. In this study low-quality apples were used for the production of ethanol that was fur...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> ANSA KHALID, UZMA HAMEED* AND IKRAM-UL-HAQ 
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Dextransucrase is used for the production of dextran, a commercially important product, with numerous applications in many industries such as food, medical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics. In the current study, dextransucrase producing microorganisms were separated from different vegetables, fruits, and milk samples collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. Sucrose-based medium, supplemented with vancom...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> ANSA KHALID, UZMA HAMEED* AND IKRAM-UL-HAQ 
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Dextransucrase is used for the production of dextran, a commercially important product, with numerous applications in many industries such as food, medical, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics. In the current study, dextransucrase producing microorganisms were separated from different vegetables, fruits, and milk samples collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. Sucrose-based medium, supplemented with vancom...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> MUHAMMAD WAHEED MUSHTAQheight: normal;">1*, NAUMAN JAMIL KHANheight: normal;">1, NAVEED ASLAM DOGARheight: normal;">1, AISHA HAMEEDheight: normal;">2, ABDUL HAMEEDheight: normal;">2, MALIK ADILheight: normal;">2, HAROON IFTHIKHARheight: normal;">3 & SAIRA ISHAQheight: normal;">
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Leafy vegetables (LVs) have health promoting phytochemicals and are rich source of many nutrients such as Vitamin C (Vit. C). The aim of this study was to design an easy, accurate, sensitive and fast method to determine concentration of vitamin C (ascorbic acid) from leafy vegetables. So, concentration of Vit. C was measured spectrophotometrically by making a red color complex between 1, 10 Phenanthroline and Vit...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> MONIS HUSSAIN SHAHheight: normal;">1*, RIAZ UR REHMANheight: normal;">2, RIAZ ALI SHAHheight: normal;">1, RIZWAN RAFIQUEheight: normal;">3, MUHAMMAD USMANheight: normal;">4, SAJIDA BIBIheight: normal;">5 AND SADIA YASEENheight: normal;">
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Gerbera is an important cut flower that is famous for its attractive and wonderful colors. The gerbera is produced in all around the globe especially in South East Asian country of Japan and in Netherlands in Europe. The short vase life of gerbera is limiting factor in earning full profit from gerbera cut-flower sale. The standardization of suitable substrate for extending vase life of gerbera is not present. The...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> MUHAMMAD MUDASSAR SHAHZADheight: normal;">1*, FATIMA KHALIDheight: normal;">1, MEHWISH FAHEEMheight: normal;">2, SYED ZAKIR HUSSAIN SHAHheight: normal;">3, SANA BASHIRheight: normal;">1 & SYED MUHAMMAD KHANheight: normal;">
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Taurine (Tau) is vital compound that is limited to oilseed based diets and its inclusion is essential in aquafeeds particularly when low fishmeal levels are used. Fish feed with addition of organic acids lowers the pH of fish gut that ultimately improves the hydrolysis of phytate, improves minerals absorption, upsurges the pace of gastric activities and augment digestion. The present study was designed to judge t...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> USMAN AHMAD*height: normal;">1, AMTUL JAMIL SAMIheight: normal;">1, MADEEHA KARAMATheight: normal;">1, MADEEHA KHALIDheight: normal;">1, FAIZAN NAEEMheight: normal;">2 & MUHAMMAD JAMIL YOUSAFheight: normal;">
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> Transdermal drug delivery seems to be overwhelming and alternative to other means of drug delivery via oral or intravenous. To treat the diabetes mellitus and to get rid of the traditional injection treatment which is a painful process and can cause infections and allergy, the drug delivery through the skin cells can substitute only if the skins cells permeability for the drug is increased, which is now done by c...
height: normal;Times New Roman";"> SYED ALI RAZAheight: normal;">1, MUHAMMAD WASEEM MUMTAZheight: normal;">2*, AYOUB RASHID CHheight: normal;">1, ABDUL WAHEEDheight: normal;">1, JAMES WILLIAMheight: normal;">3 & MUHAMMAD ARSHADheight: normal;">
...l; font-size: 10px; line-height: normal;"> The present study describes the antioxidant and pancreatic lipase inhibitory properties of different hydroethanolic leaf extracts of Conocarpus lancifolius. Freeze drying assisted ultra-sonication was adopted for extract preparation. The results showed that highest total antioxidant power of 291 ± 0.50 mg ASE/g DE was exhibited by 60% ethanolic extract which was slightly lower than antioxidant power...
height: normal;">Nazish Huma Khan1*, Muhammad Sufyan Khan1, Tooba Saeed2, Mohammad Ilyas3 and Hazrat Husaain4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The COVID-19 pandemic has shocked the entire world. It originated in China and is now spreading around the world. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused major disruption in people’s lives. Various steps are being taken by countries to prevent the spread of COVID-19 disease. This review article aims to investigate about each likely impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in Pakistan. According to the results, agriculture loss i...
height: normal;">Riaz Muhammad1*, Aamer Sharif2 and Muftooh ur Rehman Siddiqi³
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Gravitational water vortex power plant is an emerging technology among various micro hydro-power plants because of its low head, cost-effectiveness, environmentally friendly and minimal installation and setup time. In the present study, the performance of single-stage gravitational water vortex turbine assembled in a conical basin with curved blade has been analyzed at different head and flow rate to investigate the pe...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Asif1, Amjed Ali1, Ahsan Aziz1, Naeem Akhtar2, Muhammad Shahid Gulrez1 and Waqas Raza3*

...34.4 g m-2 day-1), plant height (195.0 cm), and silique length (6.06 cm) biological yield (15.67 tons ha-1), seed yield (3.85 t ha-1) and oil yield (1188.3 kg ha-1) of canola were recorded with 2 kg ha-1 B + 10 kg ha-1 Zn treatment. The enhancement in seed and oil yield of canola seems to be due to improvement in seeds per silique (29) and 1000-seed weight (4.25 g). A synergistic relationship might exist between these two nutrients as their combined applicatio...

S.A. El-Kewey1; R.A. Omar1; S.A. Sidaros2 and Samaa Abd El-Khalik3

...symptoms severity. Plant height, leaf area. fresh and dry weight of bulb decreased significantly with the increasing of severity symptoms on garlic plants of both cultivars. The electron microscope preparations of crude sap extracted from naturally infected garlic plants and negatively stained with 2% PTA showed flexuous rod-shaped particles 657-714 nm long. Biological relationships between the virus and insect vectors were studied.

height: 107%;">height:107%">Saiwa N. Zein
...; text-indent: 0in; line-height: 107%; text-align: justify;">height:107%">Kaki (Diospyros kaki) trees, showing vein banding. upward rolling of leaves and stunting of growth were observed in the farm Of South Tahrir. Isolation trials revealed that these symptoms were induced by Tobacco rattle virus. The virus was transmitted by mechanical inoculation. Symptoms were reproduced in the gre...
A.l. Abd El-Fattah; A.s. Saclik M.M. El-Kholi; I.A. Åbdcl-Hmnid and M.A. Madkour
...text-indent:18.25pt;line-height:108%">height:108%">Sugarcane mosaic pot.1Virus (SCMV) is the causal agent Of mosaic disease which is reported to be one of the most important viral diseases attacking sugarcane crop in Egypt. Therefore. the present work was designed to screen the SCMV strains in Egypt based on biological. serological and molecular characterization. Data of the use of Sorghum ...

Luqman1*, Zahid Hussain2, Tamana Bakht3, Fazli Wahab1, Miftah-ud-Din1, Haroon Khan2, Imran Shinwari1, Ata Ullah1, Liaqat Khan1 and Sara Hidayat

...biomass (kg ha-1), plant height (cm), no. of leaves plant-1 and biological yield (kg ha-1). The results of the investigation showed that both the cropping patterns and weed control measures significantly affected all the studied parameters except plant height at maturity (cm). Furthermore, the N-S sowing direction proved to be more effective in terms of weed control and enhancing the yield of onion crop. Among the weed contr...

Thobela Louis Tyasi1* and Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra2

...ength, body length, rump height, withers height, sternum height, rump width and chest girth were performed in this study and taken from forty-nine (49) Nguni cows. Pearson’s correlation and PCA were utilized for analysis of data. The correlation results revealed that chest girth had a positively high statistically significant association (P < 0.01) with rump ...

Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1*

...e, vigor index, seedling height, fresh weight and dry weight of seedling are significant at 10% alpha, likewise the interaction of genotypes x treatments (G x T) is significant for seedling height at 1% alpha in all rice lines, seedling height and dry weight decreased along with elevated stress levels. Four lines, NRPC-9, NRPC-7, NRPC-6, and NRPC-1 were shown to be tolerant at 15% PEG 6000...

Edwin Ormachea V1,2*, Bilo Calsin C1,2, Eyner Aguilar S3, Buenaventura Ormachea V4, Henry Gonzales C1, Yecenia M. Masias G5

Mahpara Fida Ahmed1, Abdul Hanan2* and Sher Ahmed2

...3 %) with a maximum leaf height (25.32 cm), higher number of leaves/plant (7.26) and higher number of daughter corms (6.33). However, the saffron stigma fresh and dry weight produced by large corms was recorded as 0.0354 and 0.0075g, respectively. Further results indicated no significant differences among the parameters recorded for the row to row and plant to plant spacing experiment except for total flower production where the highest production (162.3) was ...

Pawinee Kingkan1, Thanathip Supcharoenkul1, Chaowit Rakangthong1, Chaiyapoom Bunchasak1, Komwit Surachat2,3, Wiriya Loongyai1* 

...ter (p < 0.05) villus height at the jejunum and ileum compared with the Amox-Phage group and deeper crypts in the jejunum. Moreover, the goblet cell density in the duodenum was greater in the Amox-Phage group. The total intestinal population of E. coli did not differ between the groups (p > 0.05), ETEC (F18) and EHEC were not detected. Amox-Phage supplementation did not affect cecal bacterial diversity. Firmicutes was the core phylum in the gut microbiot...

Endang Baliarti1*, Muh Auliya Rozzaq2, Adi Tiya Warman2, Sigit Bintara3, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi1, Diah Tri Widayati3, Bayu Andri Atmoko4, Tristianto Nugroho1 

...gth, head length, wither height, rump width, and chest depth were selected as discriminant variables. Based on those variables, 98.30% of Bali cattle were predicted as members of its origin. However, Simbal cattle are classified as Simbal (62.50%) and Limbal (33.30%) while Limbal are classified as Limbal (66.70%) and Simbal (29.60%). The set of body morphometric and reproductive performance variables on Bali Cross have a high canonical correlation. It is concl...

Hafiz Muhammad Walayat Ali1, Hafiz Basheer Ahmad1*, Zaheer Ahmad Nazar2, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassir1, Mahmood-Ul-Hasan1, Abdul Khaliq1 and Muhammad Shahzad Afzal1

...uch as cane weight, cane height, cane girth, and sugar recovery during plant and ratoon crop. Nevertheless, the smut was found significantly but negatively correlated with cane height and cane girth in both years. Estimations of broad sense heritability along with genetic advance was higher for cane weight, sugar recovery and smut incidence which indicated additive gene action and selection would be effective in later genera...
Muhammad Zahid Rashid1, Amina1*, Hafiz Wasif Javaad2, Muhammad Asim Rashid3 and Amina Rashid3
...of seeds survived, plant height, leaf area, suckers evolved and other parameters were noted for better yield and quality of date palm for purpose of chance seedlings development. This research experiment was arranged at Progeny orchard of Horticultural Research Institute, Faisalabad during the year 2019-2021.The research was designed according to Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) with eighteen treatments having four replicates. The documented data was ...

Chang-Man Kim1, Sam-Churl Kim2 , Young-Ho Joo2, In-Hag Choi3*

...ed twice a week at 90 cm height and ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide levels were measured twice a week at 10 cm height from the pig slurry pits. Over time, the addition of 0.05% and 0.1% AlCl3 decreased overall ammonia and hydrogen sulfide losses and average ammonia and hydrogen sulfide levels at 10 cm height and overall ammonia losses at 90 cm
Daud Khan1, Naila Chand1, Muhammad Saeed2, Muhammad Tahir3, Alam Zeb4 and Rifat Ullah Khan5*
...infected + SN150. Villus height, crypt depth, goblet cells and epithelial thickness were significantly (p<0.01) higher in negative control compared to positive control. It was concluded that silver nitrate at the rate of 100 mg/kg has positive effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics, decreased E. coli count and enhanced gut histological features in broilers infected with E. coli challenge.


Abdur Rauf1*, Muhammad Jawad1, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Muhammad Yasin4, Samrin Gul5, Wisal Khan3, Ikramullah Khan1, Farkhanda Bibi1, Wajid Khan6, Tanweer Kumar6, Muhammad Arif6 and Khilwat Afridi7, days interval, plant height, flag leaf area, tillers m-2, spike length, spikelet spike-1, grain spike-1, thousand grain weight, grain yield and biological yield across three planting dates i.e., early, normal, and late respectively. Differences between wheat genotypes and genotype-environment interaction were also highly significant (P≥ 0.01) for studied traits, indicating that genotypes performed differently in three sowing times. Under early, normal a...

Shujaullah Khan1, Zahid Hussain1*, Haroon Khan1 and Omer Suha Uslu2

...nd weed frequency. Plant height of wheat crop and number of grains spike-1 were non-significantly affected by the applied treatments. However, the tallest plants and the highest number of grains spike-1 were observed in hand weeding. The highest thousand-grain-weight, biological yield and grain yield were recorded in the hand weeding treatments. However, the results of hand weeding treatments were statistically at par with the treatments of artificial intellig...

Abdur Rauf1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Wisal Khan3, Ikramullah Khan1, Khilwat Afridi4, Muhammad Shuaib5, Muhammad Khalid6 and Samrin Gul7

...g, flag leaf area, plant height, tillers per plant, spike length, spikelets per spike, grain yield per plant, biological yield per plant, and 1000-grain weight. The analysis of variance showed significant differences for all the mentioned parameters (P ≤ 0.05). In local germplasms, all parameters revealed significant results excluding the 1000-grain weight, while the exotic germplasms also showed significant genetic variation except spikelets per spike and ...

Luh Gde Sri Surya Heryani1*, Ni Luh Eka Setiasih1, Ni Nyoman Werdi Susari1, I Made Merdana1, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Tri Laksana2, I Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan2 that the average hip height and width, rump length, body length, shoulder height, chest width and depth, head width and length were 55.68cm, 17.53cm, 10.62cm, 67.40cm, 54.92cm, 17.81cm, 41.24cm, 10.63cm, and 26.26cm, respectively. Furthermore, the result of measuring the index of the female and male heads was 40.76% and 39.41%. The results showed that Principal Component 1 (KU1) and 2 (KU2) had a variance of 5.834 and 1....

Yuliaty*, Brigida A. Correia, LigiaT. Correia, Joao Americo, Mateus Da Cruz De Carvalho, Joana da C. Freitas 

...bles were: total leaves, height plant, biomass and seed production of sorghum. The results showed that the highest total leaves at A3 (72,87 leaves/plant) and significantly different (P<0,05) to A0, A1 A2. The highest height was at A3 (94,72 cm) significantly different with A0, A1, and A2. The highest biomass production was A3 (1,70 kg/plant) not different (P>0,05) with A2 but significantly different with A0 and A1. T...

Zia Gul1, Muhammad Sajid1, Muhammad Noman Khan1*, Faheem ul Haq1, Zohra Nawaz1, Muhammad Bakhtiar2, Sajid Siddique1, Komal Aslam3 and Muhammad Irshad1 (9.9) plant-1, plant height (34.5 cm), leaf length (36.8cm), leaf area (173.5 cm2), leaf breadth (4.0 cm), leaf thickness (3.1 cm) leaf weight (181.3 g), number of suckers (5.5) plant-1, amount of gel (149.3 g) leaf-1, and survival percentage (80.8) was recorded when plants were irrigated at 15 days interval. While regarding organic manures, the maximum number of leaves (11.0) plant-1, plant height (41.6cm), leaf length ...

Akbar Hayat1*, Muhammad Asim1*, Tehseen Ashraf2, Ehsan-Ul-Haque1, Rabia Zulifqar2, Maryam Nasir3, Ahmed Raza1, Fahim Khadija1, Sohaib Afzal1 and Shafqat Ali1

...n was recorded for plant height, stem thickness, number of branches, number of leaves, fresh plant weight, dry plant weight, fresh root weight, dry root weight, root length, root diameter, leaf area and chlorophyll contents. The results from this study indicated that in term of stem thickness(2.98mm), more no. of leaves (15), root fresh weight (1.39g), root length (25.5 cm), No. of branches (4) root diameter (4.47 mm) and maximum chlorophyll contents were obse...

Muhammad Ashfaq ur Rahman1*, Saleem Khan1, Aurang Zeb2, Zia ud Din1 and Zafar Iqbal3

...easured included weight, height, BMI, body fat, albumin and sputum test. Subjects with BMI status below normal, normal, and above normal were represented by 23.0%, 58%, and 19%, respectively. Albumin levels were found to be within normal range (3.5 g/dL) in 57% of the individuals. At the two-month follow-up, 75% of patients who had a normal BMI and/or albumin level had SC (p, for all trends 0.05). Based on their body fat composition, these ppatients in the nor...

Ghulam Sarwar Channa1*, Abdul Razak Mahar1, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Abdul Aziz Mirani3, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti2, Muneer Ali Bhagat1 and Wazir Ali Maitlo

...ercentage, average plant height, shoot dry weight, percent reduction over control (PROC) for plant height and shoot dry weight, the accumulation of less Na+ and more K+ as well as the higher K+/Na+ ratio in shoot dry matter, than rest of the cultivars at low to high salt-stress (NaCl) conditions. The results show that the non-aromatic rice cultivar DR-92 can survive and give better yield in moderately (40-120 mM NaCl) saline...
Muhammad Shoaib1, Muhammad Mahboob Ali Hamid1, Shafaq Amir2, Shaukat Ali Bhatti1*, Hafiz Hassan Iqbal1, Najam-us-Sahar1 and Mubsher Hussain1,3
...P < 0.05) FCR. Villus height of ilium and villus surface area was higher (P < 0.05) in birds of NC1LB and lower (P < 0.05) villus height and less (P < 0.05) villus surface area were recorded in NC2 group. In conclusion addition of lipase and bile acids as emulsifier in combination form had improved production efficiency and increased villous surface area in broilers reared on 75 kcal reduced energy diet.


Rosidi Azis1, Gatot Ciptadi2, Sri Wahjuningsih2, Dwi Nur Happy Hariyono3, Yuli Arif Tribudi4, Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih2* 

...ements (BMs) such as hip height (HH), body length (BL), and chest girth (CG) at weaning, and to detect the best-fitted regression model for the prediction of BW in Bali cattle. Data from 535 (275 males and 260 females; aged six months) of Bali cattle were collected from the Bali Cattle Breeding Center during the period 2018-2020. The Pearson correlation (r) between BW and BMs was determined, and the simple and multiple regression analysis were performed in a M...

Jamshid Ali1,2, Sabeeqa Usman Malik1*, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf1, Jia Zhongkui2, Zuhair Husnain3 and Saeed Gulzar1 

...o collect tree diameter, height and density-related information. Allometric equations were used to estimate total carbon stock from field data. The results depicted that the mean total biomass in the study area was 54.90 (t ha-1) with the above-ground biomass (AGB) 43.60 t/ha and below-ground biomass (BGB) 11.34 t/ha.. The mean carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) were 94.50 t/ha. The result of the correlation between mean height

Bushra Allah Rakha1*, Farah Qayyum1, Muhammad Sajjad Ansari2, Ali Akhter1, Komal Shakeel1, Javeria Batool1, Faryal Akhtar1 and Sehrish Hina1

...lants 16.25%. Preferable height for nest construction by white-cheeked bulbul was 1-2m (60%) followed by 2-3m (23.7%) and 0-1m (16.25%). Outer diameter of nest was recorded (16.0 ± 4.22cm) while inner diameter was (10.8 ± 2.95cm). The preferred plant species used by white-cheeked bulbul for nest construction was garanda (Carrisa opaca; 58.7%) followed by sanatha (Dodonaea viscosa; 26.25%), panch phuli (Lantana camera; 6.25%), beri (Zizyphus mauri...

Arshad Khan, Mohammad Ihsan, Maryam Bibi, Gul Rahim, Fazl Ullah, Komail Khan and Ali Hazrat*

...ll mays varieties. Plant height in case of control and treated, the mean value was 31.27, standard error 1.16, coefficient of variance was 26.94, range from Minimum 25 cm and maximum 32 cm, leaf length in control and treated, the mean value was 21.50, standard error 1.74, coefficient of variance was 33.45, range from Minimum8.00cm and maximum 32 cm, leaf width incase control and with salt treated mean value was 0.37, with standard error 0.02, coefficient of va...
height: normal;">Mai M. Dawood*1, Mohamed Fawzy2 and Mohamed S. Elshahidy3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) is a highly contagious disease of young chickens, that results in bursal necrosis and severe damage of the immune system. IBDV remarkably persist to affect the poultry industry in Egypt. Hence this study was done to identify and characterize very virulent Infectious Bursal Disease virus in Egypt during the period 2019-2020. bursal samples were collected from 8 vaccinated broiler f...
Misbah Ammanat1, Abdul Qadir1, Zulfiqar Ali2*, Rida Ahmad2,3, Usman Ahmad1, Irfan Zainab2 and Aliza Batool2,3
...aked in November, at the height of fall migration; the secondary peak of back migration in March was much smaller. Most abundant species in the study area included Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo), Common Myna (Acridotheres tristis) and Carrion Crow (Corvis corone) with relative abundance 9.36, 6.58 and 5.73 respectively. Out of 215 species, 27 are collision-prone based on published reports or morphology. Natural birds and migratory sub-routes in the stud...

Nwafili Sylvanus Anene, Ibinabo Jessica

height: 0px; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 2147483647; overflow: visible;">

...tion: fixed; width: 0px; height: 0px; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: 2147483647; overflow: visible;">


Tahir Abbas Khan1*, Imran Ashraf1*, Athar Mahmood1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Sardar Alam Cheema1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal3 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

...Similarly, maximum plant height (199.83 cm), leaves per plant (LPP) (12.15), cob weight (0.209 kg), cob length (17.27 cm), grains/cob (441.06), thousand grain weight (TGW) (279.33 g) and grain yield (GY) (6.49 t ha-1) was noted with application of 80 kg/ha P and lowest plant height (174.39 cm), LPP (10.09), cob weight (0.187 kg), cob length (11.99 cm), grains/cob (300), TGW (181.67 g) and GY (4.31 t ha-1) was recorded in con...

Rahamdad Khan1, Saad Muhammad2, Muhammad Haroon3, Saad Jan1 and Syed Majid Rasheed1*

...ce (i.e., biomass, plant height, leaf area, and number of branches) was all reduced. In addition, with increasing light duration (9 hours), both species grew faster and recorded their maximum biomass plant height, leaf area, and number of branches. Both weed species grown under reduced light duration could not reach maturity and complete their life cycles. P. hysterophorus has the potential to grow quickly and replace C. sat...
height: normal;">Jaffar Hussain*, Zeenat M. Ali and Syed Farman Ali Shah
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The biodiesel was the best alternative of petroleum diesel. The 1st generation feedstock would create the food shortage. The second-generation yield was comparatively less and from third generation feedstock the process was complicated and expensive. The fourth-generation feedstock produced from genetically modified algae or by artificial photosynthesis in plants to produce the raw material for biodiesel pro...

Salam N. Aritonang*, Elly Roza, Rizqan, Winda Habsani 

...ody length, and shoulder height. Data analysis was carried out descriptively based on arithmetic mean, standard deviation, and coefficient of variance. The result showed that the body weights of male and female buffalo crosses at <6, 7−12, 13−18, and 19−24 months were 210.26 and 196.48, 304.14 and 288.42, 399.46 and 394.12, and 430.85 and 423.16 kg, respectively. The chest circumference of male and female buffalo crosses at ages ≤ 6, 7&...

Sri Suharyati, Tiwi Aries Pani, Akhmad Dakhlan, Syahrio Tantalo, Kusuma Adhianto*

...t, body length, shoulder height, chest circumference, chest width, chest depth, hip width, and hip height were 43.62±1.08 kg, 62.79±2.76 cm, 62.31±1.57 cm, 75 .74±2.56 cm, 20.39±2.41 cm, 30.54±1.89 cm, 15.93±0.86 cm, 68.35±0.73 cm in single births does and 44.25±1.34 cm, 64.05±2.62 cm, 66.48±1.86 cm, 81.55±1.24 cm, 22.95±1.03 cm, 32.51..."margin: 0cm; line-height: normal; font-size: 11pt;"> Peanut Mottle Virus (PMoV) was isolated from Lentil cvs. Giza51. The infected indicator plants featured severe mosaic on Lentil cv. Giza51, mottling on cv.Giza9, mild mottle on cv. Giza 4, yellow mild mottling on cv.  Giza370. Seed transmission tests of PMoV confirmed of the virus transmissi...

Shafqat Ullah1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Rafiq Ullah1, Raheela Taj3, Fatima Syed3, Shumaila Gul4, Faiza Khan5, Ibad Ullah Jan6, Muneeb Islam7 and Sumaira8

...l morphology i.e. villus height, villus width, villus surface area showed better growth(P≤0.05) in the selenium supplemented groups. The FCR initially did not differ (P≥0.05) among the groups but toward the end it was comparatively better (P≤0.05) in selenium supplemented groups. The relative body weight of different organs i-e liver, gizzard, heart, pancreas, and proventriculus etc. showed significant (P≤0.05) results in each of selenium-supplemen...

Salma Sharif1, Rana Arsalan Javaid2*, Abid Majeed2, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed2, Qurat ul Ain Sani2, Faiza Siddique2, Muhammad Arshad3 and Niaz Ali

... days to maturity, plant height, number of tillers, panicle length, flag leaf area, leaf length, culm length, culm diameter, number of grains per panicle, grain length, grain diameter, chlorophyll content, net differential vegetation index, thousand grain weight and grain yield. The overall mean for Grain yield ranged from 1.71 tons/ha to 6.18 tons/ha. Grand mean of all genotypes for Grain yield was 4.1 tons/ha. Maximum Grain yield was observed in GSR 11 follo...

Muhammad Raza Salik1, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal1,2*, Ayesha Komal3, Muhammad Nawaz Khan1, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah4, Faheem Altaf5, Akbar Hayat1 and Hira Tariq1 evaluated were: plant height, plant spread, canopy volume, month wise incremental trend of fruit growth, fruit size, fruit weight, juice weight, juice%, no. of seeds per fruit, peel thickness, TSS, acidity%, TSS/acid ratio, and no. of fruit/plant (yield). Results revealed that plant height, spread and canopy volume was significantly higher in T4 as compared to T1. Fruit of larger size was obtained in 2013 in T4 while in 2...

Shiferaw Demissie Tola1, Diriba Muleta2, Fassil Assefa2 and Beira Hailu Meressa1*

...or root length and shoot height, respectively. Furthermore, the maximum multiplication rate (a) and population densities (M) were estimated as 8813.2 and 3420.1 (eggs and J2 (g soil)–1), respectively. Therefore, evaluating hot pepper varieties for resistance using a wide range of Pi could generate more reliable information on the host status of pepper varieties. 

height: normal;">Rusli Tonda1, Lili Zalizar1*, Wahyu Widodo1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, David Hermawan1, Damat Damat1, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile2, Irum Iqrar3, Trias Agung Pakarti4,5, Shazma Anwar6 and Wirawan Wira7
height: normal;"> 
height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Indonesia is among the highest organic waste-generating countries, with an average of 12 × 106 t yr–1. After being processed, organic waste is highly potential to contribute to animal farming, and “aking rice” is one such product. After cleaning and rinsing, rice remains are sundried to reach a water content of < 14 %. However, no literature or findings are yet to discov...

Ahmad Khan1, Muhammad Amjad Ali1, Muhammad Tahir1, Samreen Nazeer2*, Muhammad Zubair Akram3*, Muhammad Arslan Azmat1 and Sabina Asghar4

...t crop stands with plant height (92.79 cm), root weight (0.94 g), tillering capacity (12.4), grain count per spike (49.7), grain weight (42.0 g), and grain yield per pot (9.3g). Ujala-16 and Faisalabad-86 had minimum galls per pot and egg mass index of 1.6:1.2 and 1.9:1.8, respectively. Mexipak-65 had maximum 9.4 galls per pot. There were significant variations observed among the varieties, indicating varying levels of resistance or susceptibility to nematode ...

Muhammad Mukhtar*, Syamsul Bahri, Syahruddin 

...ant growth, namely plant height and tiller number, (2) biomass production, namely fresh matter weight, dry matter weight and leaf blade percentage and (3) nitrogen uptake. The results showed that the treatment had a very significant effect (P<0.01) on growth and biomass production, and a significant effect (P<0.05) on nitrogen uptake. The highest yield for plant height growth reached 446 cm and the growth of tiller num...

Sajida Batool1, Mubeen Akhtar1, Shafaat Yar Khan1,2*

...rameters like weight and height were compared as percentages. Results of current study showed that body mass index was significantly (P<0.05) elevated in PCOS patients when compared with BMI of control females. Number of successful pregnancies were noticed to be significantly (P<0.001) increased in control females. Percentage of infertile, hirsute and acne patients was higher in PCOS group, while serum interleukin-3 level was significantly (P<0.05) lo...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Abdullah1, Muhammad Ibrahim1, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan1, Saima Hashim1, Shomayela Afzal2 and Khalid Nawab3 

... tenuifolius Cav., plant height (cm), number of nodes and branches plant-1, leaf area index (LAI), number of pods plant-1, number of grains pod-1, 500 seed weight (g), biological yield (kgha-1), grain yield (kgha-1) and cost benefit ratio (%).The data analysis revealed that the herbicide Pendimethalin showed the lowest A. tenuifolius Cav. density (6.10 m-2), fresh weight (1.30 kgm-2) and dry weight (0.43 kgm-2) , while the control plots had the highest density...

Cahya Alamsyah Putra Anugerah1*, Ita Krissanti1, Diky Ramdani2 

...rth, chest width, wither height, and shoulder width were 19,72±3,77 kg, 42,5±6,36 cm, 59±5,65 cm, 15,25±0,75 cm, 43,5±2,5 cm, and 14,5±0,5 cm for does, and 30,05±1,20 kg, 47,5±0,5 cm, 73±2 cm, 20,5±1 cm, 52,5±6 cm, and 20,5±0,5 cm for bucks respectively. All goats were infested with helminth eggs at mild in goats I and III, moderate in goat IV, and severe degree in goat II. The...

Nusirat Aderinsola Sadiku1, Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi2* and Tesleem Taye  Bello

... number of leaves, plant height and yield compared to the untreated control. In addition, BPL at 400 mg/ml had substantially higher nematicidal effects on both the soil and root population of nematodes of L. sativa and compared favourably with the carbofuran treatments. We concluded that BPL could serve as a very potent eco-friendly alternative to synthetic nematicides in managing M. incognita of lettuce.

height: normal;">Iko-Ojo Charity Ikwe Agada, James Agbo Ameh, Olatunde H. Olabode and Martha Echioda-Ogbole*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Canine parvoviral enteritis (CPE) is a viral disease of dogs caused by carnivore Protoparvovirus 1 (CPV). The CPV is a small, non-enveloped, single-stranded DNA virus of the family Parvoviridae. CPE is a highly contagious enteric disease of dogs transmitted mainly via the fecal- oral route. This ten (10) years retrospective study was carried out to describe the pattern, prevalence and seasonality of canin...
height: normal;">Mahmoud M. Bayoumi
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The most effective way to prevent infectious viral diseases is through vaccination. The use of mRNA technology in vaccine development has proven to be a highly effective approach that can be utilized to rapidly develop vaccines against infectious viral pathogens. This technology has the potential to revolutionize vaccine development, offering a more efficient and cost-effective approach that can be tailored to specific...
height: normal;">Moustafa A. Zaghloul1*, Mohamed F. Azooz1, Saleh E. Ali1*, Heba M. Soliman1, Maha M. Sayed1, Mohamed H. Kafafy2 and Alaa R. Morsy1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Lumpy skin disease is an emerging viral illness of ruminants that is highly contagious and economically damaging. The goal of this study is to perform sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of GPCR, RPO30, P32 and EEV glycoprotein genes of Lumpy Skin Disease Virus (LSDV) recent isolates in Egypt, as well as to use artificial intelligence to predict the immunogenic landscape of circulating lumpy skin disease in the Egypti...
height: normal;">Morcos Ibrahim Yanni1* and Eid Elsaid Abdelaziz2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Rabies is a fatal worldwide viral disease and contributes to a great economic load in Egypt through the death of animals and control strategy costs. Due to Egypt’s privileged location and friction with neighboring countries and far countries from Europe and Asia throughout the ages, the current research goal is to evaluate the extent of their influence on nucleotide and amino acids variation of rabies virus isola...
height: normal;">Akram A. Salama1, Moustafa A. Zaghloul2*, Ahmed A. Zaghawa1, Mohamed A. Nayel1, Ahmed M. Elsafey1, Mohamed F. Azooz2, Hanem S. Harb1 and Walid S. Mousa1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV), causes lumpy skin disease (LSD), is a transboundary viral disease of cattle that has a significantglobal economic impact. This study aims to identify the lumpy skin disease virus that circulated in El-Menofia Governorate between April 2020 and April 2022 by partially amplifying the EEV gene. Additionally, the amplified gene sequence was subjected...
height: normal;">Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1*, Dalia Y.A. Amin1, Mona A. Ismail1, Basma Hamdy2, Khaled A. El-Dougdoug3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Fig viruses have been found as naturally mixing infection in many countries in the world and Egypt. The present study aimed to evaluate the potential effect of nanochitosan and biomagic for treatment of the pathological effects related to virus infection in fig plants. The fig (Ficus carica L.) cv. sultani) plants were grafted by infectious blind eye from Fig latent virus (FLV) infected plants. Infected a...

Zhimin Wu1,2, Yaping Yang1, Arshad Zahoor1, Aftab Shaukat1 and Ganzhen Deng1,2*

...dexes of thorax, such as height, width and their ratio which were measured and/or calculated for further normalizing the differential indexes. Healthy pulmonary radiographies (n=76) were selected to scale the normal parameter threshold, and patients with respiratory diseases and obvious clinical syndromes (n=57) were selected as trials to evaluate and confirm the availability of these indexes for the diagnosis of canine pulmonary function. The most valuable in...
height: normal;">Suneela, Sajida Mushtaq*, Sadia Maalik, Asma Waheed Qureshi and Moazama Batool
...l; font-size: 13px; line-height: normal;Adobe Caslon Pro";">Biodiversity is defined as the variety of life. In agricultural system, biodiversity refers to estimation of number of species that are present in that ecosystem. In an interrelated ecosystem, different species of insects perform different functions; act as pollinators, recycle nutrients, water and energy in many ways. In this kind of mutually dependent systems, the loss of even single species ca...
height: normal;">Muhammad Fiaz Qamar1*, Tahir Hussain1, Iram Liaqat2, Madiha Kiran1, Abdur Rahman Ansari3, Faiza Yasmeen1 and Tahira Batool3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Pigeons (Columba livia), the members of Columbidae family are domesticated all around the globe in the villages, towns and cities. Jhang is a distant and underdeveloped district of Punjab province, Pakistan. The purpose of the present study was the determination of the prevalence of gut parasites in domestic pigeons through routine laboratory methods in district Jhang. Fresh fecal samples (n = 1800) of pi...
height: normal;">Kanwal Nisa1, Sadia Roshan1, Shazia Shamas1,2*, Raheela Atta Mustafa3, Shamaila Irum1, Kalsoom Sughra4 and Memoona Iqbal1 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The purpose of the present study is to detect the association between the levels of testosterone with prostate cancer patients by the evaluation of a tumor marker Prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Prevalence was recorded in Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Blood samples of normal and prostate cancer males were taken from Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Information including age, marital status, smoking, Prostate-specific antigen (PS...
height: normal;">Annum Razzaq1*, Zia Ullah2, Arooj Naseer1 and Abdul Nasir Khalid1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The genus Asterophora belongs to the mycoparasitic class of fungi and mostly infects fruiting bodies of Russula and Lactarius. During a survey for the collection of macrofungi from forests of sub-himalayas, Bhurban, Punjab, Pakistan, a unique fungus Asterophora lycoperdoides found growing on a decaying Russula species. Previously, no species of Asterophora has been described so...
height: normal;">Nauman Jamil Khan1, Rabia Tariq2, Hina Saleem2 and Muhammad Waheed Mushtaq2*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Sodium is an essential element to regulate the various functions of body. There are different sources of sodium such as table salt, breads and rolls, sandwiches, soups, cold cuts and cured meats, savory snacks, chicken etc. However, the excessive intake of sodium may cause health issues such as hypertension, brain strokes, renal irregularity, heart attack etc. Various analytical techniques including atomic absorption s...

Abdul Aleem Memon1*, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2, Javaid Ahmed Shah3 parameters viz. shoot height, root length, fresh shoot weight, dry shoot weight, fresh root weight, and dry root weight in sunflower seedlings. Similarly, shoot K content was also decreased by 30.44% at increased lime content level (30%) over control, and chlorophyll concentration in leaves declined with increasing% of lime in comparison with the control. Moreover, when compared to the control, SoP application resulted in greater growth parameters, followed...
height: 107%;">height: 107%;">Omaima Khamiss
...ext-indent: 36.5pt; line-height: 107%; text-align: justify;">height:107%">Baculovirus genomes from different virus species generally exhibit a considerable degree of structural diversity. However, some sequenced baculovirus genomes from closely related viruses are structurally very similar and share overall nucleotide sequence identities in excess of 95%. This work focuses on the compa...
height: 112%">height:112%">El-Dougdoug. K.A.1, Mervat, M. Fath Alah2, Reham A. Hassen3,Rehab A . Dawoud2
...xt-indent: -0.55pt; line-height: 107%; text-align: justify;">This study is concerning with searching use of the phenomenon of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) to control plant viruses and increased growth in vitro. Through this study, it was and proved to induced SAR in potato plants using bacterial and fungal contaminants in tissue culture against Potato virus Y. These biotic inducers were Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Xanthomonas sp. as well as Trichoderm...
Mohga A. El-Tahlawey1, Samah. A. Mokbel1, A.M. Mandour1,and H. A. Mohamed2
...xt-indent: 24.95pt; line-height: 111%; text-align: justify;">height:111%">Peanut mottle virus (PMoV) was isolated from lentil cv. Giza 51. The infected plants feature severe mosaic on lentil cv. Giza51. mottling on cv. Giza9. mild mottle on cv. Giza4, yellow mild mottling on cv. Giza370, Seed transmission tests Of PMoV confirmed of the virus transmission through Lentil seeds.
height: normal;">Johan Sukweenadhi1*, Stefan Pratama Chandra1, Finna Setiawan2, Christina Avanti2, Kartini Kartini2, Arief Koeswanto3 and Deok-Chun Yang4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Skin is the largest organ in the body and has a very important role. A wound is an injury in which the skin is torn, cut, punctured, or traumatized. Wounds in diabetic patients are difficult to heal. Green synthesis is one of many methods that can be used to synthesize silver nanoparticles. Based on a statistical analysis of the average wound area, epidermal reconstruction, and TIME-H scores, significant differences be...

Wisit Ketpanyapong1, Kulisara Marupanthorn2* 

...2, respectively). Villus height/crypt depth in the 250 mg/kg diet MOLE group was significantly higher than in the control group (P=0.002). Our study is the first to report that dietary supplementation with MOLE granules at 250 mg/kg improved growth performance, reduced diarrhea rate, and microbial shedding in weaned pigs. 


Zein Salwa N; Abd El-khalik, Samaa; Khatab  , Eman A.A.H and Azzam4,Clara R.

...radiation doses on plant height; all used doses increased plant height comparing with the control. Inoculation with TMV-S caused decreases in plant height over all other factors. Number of leaves differed significantly according to the used cultivars, gamma ray doses and T&W-S. The highest number of leaves were found during M2 generation, The differences in head diameter between cultiv...
Raed M. Al-Atiyat1,2*, Gamaleldin M. Suliman3, Khaled Abu-Alruz4, Firas Al-Zyoud5, Amer Mamkagh6, Ahmed M. El-Waziry7, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer8 and Rifat Ullah Khan9
...ts. The traits were body height at wither and rump, body length, heart girth, body depth, head length, ear length, body weight at slaughtering, empty body, dressing percentage, hot carcass, cold carcass, and head weight which had a significant effect on breed. The phenotypic associations between the traits were also studied and strong associations between economically important traits were reported. The analyses of principal components were efficient in showin...

Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain2, Ishtiaq Hassan3, Muhammad Tahir Latif2, Tahira Tabassum1 and Naeem Faisal2

...sery. Root length, plant height and root/shoot ratio was significantly higher at 72 hours puddled soil setting period; however, seedling age didn’t affect plant growth. The productive tillers, total dry matter (TDM) and grain yield of MTR was improved interactively by 72 hours puddled soil settling period and 25 days old nursery. The 1000-grain weight was increased by increase in puddled soil setting period while didn’t affect significantly by seed...
height: normal;">Muhammad Saleem1, Saifullah Khan2* and Mahmood ul Hasan3
height: normal;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The study intended to document the different factors that were subjected to contribute to the delay in the metro bus construction project in Multan, Pakistan. In this regard, six major contributing factors have been highlighted to evaluate their impact on the project for being delayed and overrun time schedule. The work adopts the questionnaire-based survey as a means of data collection for the employees of the metro b...
height: normal;">Syed Roohullah Jan1, Kareem Akhtar2*, Uroosa1, Muhammad Zeeshan Zahir3, Abdul Shakoor4
height: normal;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Coatings generated using traditional methods undergo oxidation and contamination problems. Cold spray is recently used to obtain pure coatings without oxidation. In this work coatings of Ag-Sn-Cu powder are achieved on the Aluminum substrate and human teeth, using the high-pressure cold spray technique. The powder when mixed with Mercury is called amalgam and is commonly used in dental applications for cavity filling. ...
height: normal;">Syed Tayyab ul Mazhar1, Hasnain Khan1, Uzma Afzal1*, Shazia Usmani1 and Tariq Mahmood2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In this article, we provide a collection of tweet data from five major cities (provisional capitals and federal capital) of Pakistan for the year 2021. A python’s library “Tweepy” was used to collect the data. Tweets were filtered out using a set of related keywords. The dataset has five sub-datasets, i.e., one dataset for a city. Each sub-dataset contains the tweet data on a daily basis and can be an...
height: normal;">Syed Tayyab ul Mazhar1, Hasnain Khan1, Uzma Afzal1*, Shazia Usmani1 and Tariq Mahmood2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In this article, we provide a collection of tweet data from five major cities (provisional capitals and federal capital) of Pakistan for the year 2021. A python’s library “Tweepy” was used to collect the data. Tweets were filtered out using a set of related keywords. The dataset has five sub-datasets, i.e., one dataset for a city. Each sub-dataset contains the tweet data on a daily basis and can be an...

Alveena Izhar1*, Basit Ullah2, Rabia Asghar1, Aqeel Ahmad1 and Hassam Bin Mujahid1

...ish crop. Maximum, plant height (65 cm), number of pods plant-1 (187), pod length (7.9 cm), pod diameter (3.70 mm), seed pod-1 (8), 1000 seed weight (22.6 g), seed yield plot-1 (25.8 g), seed yield (170.5 kg ha-1) and seed germination viability (97.8) with less number of days to 50% flowering (32) were noted in the plants supplied with phosphorus at the rate of 100 kg ha-1, while the minimum were observed in the control plots. Steckling size also affected the ...

Aimal Zeb1, Abdur Rauf1*, Nabila Bano2, Muhammad Qayash3, Muhammad Yasin4, Ikramullah Khan1, Syed Abidullah1, Wisal Khan5, Muhammad Asmat Ullah2, Abdul Ghaffar Khan6 and Samrin Gul

...8, and K-399). The plant height, leaf dimensions, green leaves, cured leaves weight, nicotine, and reduced sugar contents were examined. Analysis showed highly significant differences (P>0.01) among varieties for examined traits. The maximum number of green leaves (28), was produced by PVH-2324 at first picking, while PVH-1600 showed the maximum number of leaves (22), leaf area (1241cm2), green leaves (29.3 Kg) and cured leaves weights per plot (4.6 Kg). Fu...

Muhammad Usman1*, Muhammad Uzair Khalid2, Muhammad Hasnain3*, Muhammad Tauseef4, Ali Raza4, Muhammad Akram4, Muhammad Shahid4, Abrar Ahmad4, Muhammad Shoaib Ismail1, Rabia Afzal2, Atta-Ulla2 and Muhammad Hussnain Babar3

...od to increase the plant height (94.74cm), tillers (311.49 m-2), spike length (10.18cm), number of grains per spike (43.24), grain yield (4244.8kg ha-1), straw yield (8330.5kg ha-1) and Harvest Index (33.81%) especially in late-sown wheat. It should help to reduce the time to germinate and increases metabolic actions in plants. Healthy seedling germination will increase the yield of the crop. Moreover, it was concluded that osmo-priming is best for farmers to ...

Yude M Yusuf1,2, Rudy Priyanto1*, Jakaria1

...ength (BL), and shoulder height (SH) at birth, weaning (205 days), and yearling (365 days). The principal component analysis was performed to find the specific identifier characteristic among the genotypes. As a result, BB cattle’s BW, CC, and BL were superior at birth compared to the crossed genotype. However, these excellences did not persist in weaning and yearling. The PCA analysis showed that the identifier characteristics for the BB, BB-B, and BB-F...

Shahid Iqbal1, Arshad Khan, Ali Hazrat1*, Gul Rahim, Mohammad Ihsan1, Umar Zad Gul1, Maryam Bibi1, Khadija Bibi1 and Muhammad Mukhtiar2

...n was recorded for plant height (0.37), leaf length (0.18), and seed per plant (0.127). Biomass per plant shows a positive correlation with leaf length (0.118), leaf width (0.27), and seed per plant (0.22) whereas a negative correlation was found in petiole length (-0.044), plant height (-0.002), pod length (-0.59) and pod per plant (-0.99). Principal component analysis (PCA) based on 9 quantitative traits showed significant...


...71%, respectively, plant height up to 30%, shoot fresh weight up to 19%, shoot dry weight up to 31%, root length up to 79%, root fresh weight up to 58%, root dry weight up to 66%, number of fruits plant-1 up to 89%, fruit fresh weight up to 79%, fruit dry weight up to 78%, concentration of N up to 20%, P up to 65%, K up to 20%, and protein contents up to 20% as compared to uninoculated control. It is concluded that inoculation of ZSB strains like Bacillus sp. ...

Adriana Beatriz Sánchez-Urdaneta1,2*, Gisela del Carmen Rivero-Maldonado2, Cecilia Beatriz Peña-Valdivia3 and Dianelis del Carmen Sánchez-Urdaneta4

height: normal; font-family: "Adobe Caslon Pro"; min-height: 14px;"> 


...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Plants of Opuntia have modified stems, which are called cladodes, and are specialized structures able to photosynthesize. This study was conducted in order to compare the anatomy of the cladodes of the fruit-producing cultivars Floreadora, Moradaza, and Solferino of prickly pear (Opuntia ficus-indica (L.) Mill.). The thickness of cladodes, cuticle, epidermis, collench...
height: normal;">Jaime Vera Chang1, Arianna Torres Coronel2, Luis Vásquez Cortez2,3, Kerly Alvarado Vásquez2,3 and Frank Intriago Flor4*
height: normal;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The objective of this research was to prepare a drink based on mucilage and cocoa powder infected with 25% of Moniliophthora roreri (monilla), adding a tropical fruit such as Guava (Psidium guajava L.). A completely randomized design was applied, with five treatments and four repetitions. giving a total of 20 study objects. To determine differences between treatments, Tukey’s multiple range test was...

Lendrawati*, Tinda Afriani, Eli Ratni

... girth = GH and shoulder height = SH) using the SPSS program. The Pearson correlation (r) between body weight and measurements was calculated and the degree of fit of the models was assessed using the coefficient of determination (R2), Adj R2 and root mean squared error (RMSE). Body weight had a highly significant (P< 0.01) correlation with BL (r = 0.723), CG (r = 0.814), and SH (r = 0.549). The optimal estimation of body weight was achieved through a blend...

Marwa R. El-Deken1, Raouf E. Rizk1, Mona R. Ahmed1, Fouad A. Tawfeek1, Hossam A. Shahba1, Wesam A. Fares1, Ayman M. Khalifah2*

...icant increase of villus height and villus area was observed for chickens of Glu3 group (0.6%) compared with the others groups. While chickens of Glu3 and Glu4 (0.6 and 0.8%) represented the significant increases of villus width compared with those for the rest groups. Also, supplemented concentrations of 0.6, 0.8 and 1 % Glu significantly improved Seedor index for tibia. This study implies that dietary supplementation of 0.6 or 0.8 % Glu during late laying ph...

Faheem Akbar1, Naveed Ahmed4*, Maria Mussarat1, Imtiaz Ahmed4, Dost Muhammad1, Toseef Ahmad2, Muhammad Afaq Akbar1, Shehryar Rafique3, Seemab Ali4, Sohail Aslam4, Basharat Hussain Shah4, Fayaz Ahmad4 and Muhammad Abbas Khan4

...bly improved onion plant height, leaf area, bulb weight, fresh yield and as well as sulfur contents in onion bulbs and phosphorous concentration in onion leaves. When the data were averaged over trichoderma levels, these parameters showed linear increases with sulfur levels up to 50 kg ha-1 and then remained unchanged or showed declining trend with further increase in sulphur levels. The mean onion fresh bulb yield increased from 14.11 t ha-1 o 18.91 t ha-1 wi...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Woo Kyun Kim2, Aamir Khan3 and Abubakar Sufyan4

...y higher duodenum villus height and crypt depth during all phases while ileum villus height was significantly lower in the 9%SH treatment group than in all other groups. In conclusion, the dietary supplementations of soybean hulls increased the digesta viscosity, and have no adverse effect on fecal consistency, hematological and serum biochemistry, and intestinal morphometric parameters in the laying hens during the peak egg...

Ali Hassan1, Javaria Ashraf1*, Salman Wahid1, Kamran Alyas1, Samaria Nisar1, Sadia Kanwal2, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Amna Bibi2 and Rameen Nawaz3

...l traits including plant height, number of nodes per plant, number of bolls, boll weight, yield per plant, percentage of ginning outturn (GOT%), fiber length, micronaire value and fiber strength, the ratio of general combining ability (GCA) variance to specific combining ability (SCA) variance (2 GCA/2 SCA) indicated the prevalence of non-additive gene action. In addition, lines FH-152, CIM-632 and BS-20 showed a strong GCA impact for majority of the studied t...

Umair Ahmad1*, Asad Sultan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Tahir2

...better integrity, villus height, crypt depth, and villus surface area by birds in the GPP2 group. These findings demonstrated that adverse effects associated with using a high level of locally available animal protein concentrates could be ameliorated by supplementing birds with a ginger phyto-protease enzyme.

height: normal;">Abdel Satar Arafa
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Abstract | Avian influenza virus (AIV) of the subtype H9N2 virus has been detected worldwide in wild and domestic birds as well as in few occasions in mammals. The virus was recorded in several African countries, with endemic status in Egypt and frequently reported in different other countries like Morocco, Tunisia, Uganda, Benin and Togo since 2016. Egypt and Morocco have applied a mass vaccination programme fo...
height: normal;">Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This research was done to measure the effect of spacing between rows and plants on the growth, development, and production of the cotton variety BRS-336. Twelve plant densities were used: 55 556, 37 037, 27 778, 50 000, 33 333, 25 000, 45 455, 30 303, 22 727, 41 667, 27 778 and 20 833 pl ha-1, with single row planting arrangements. A randomized complete block design, in factorial arrangement (A x B), with fo...
height: normal;">Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1* 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">
height: normal;">The aim of this research was to determine the appropriate time and dose of ap...
height: normal;">Julio Adolfo Corzo-Bacallao1*, Carlos Alfredo Salas-Macías1, Osvaldo Fonseca-Rodríguez2,3, Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos1, Erika Isabel Alcívar-Muñoz1 and Henry Fabricio Baque-Loor1 
height: normal;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The experiment was developed under production conditions on a farm in the Santa Ana city, south-central region of the province of Manabí, Ecuador, in a mountainous area of approximately 300 meters above sea level. Coffee (Coffea arabica, sp.) production is carried out in a context of peasant family agriculture, with an agroforestry system with coffee trees of the Sarchimor variety planted at 1.5 x 1.5 m, ...
height: normal;">Yanis Cruz-Quintana1*, Ana María Santana-Piñeros1, Byron Manuel Reyes-Mero1, Leonela Griselda Muñoz-Chumo1 and Lenin Cáceres-Farías1,2 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Ectoparasitic protozoa of the genus Trichodina are considered one of the main pathogens affecting cultured fishes, mainly in small organisms or early ages. However, its incidence and effects on Amazon traditional aquaculture species such as Piaractus brachypomus has been little studied. The objective of the present investigation was to establish the presence of Trichodina heterodentata, its paramet...

Wajid Ali1, Muhammad Noman Khan1*, Ghulam Nabi1, Shahid Ur Rahman1, Saira Sattar2, Muhammad Fawad Khan1, Saeed Ur Rahman1, Sayed Zubair1, Qurat Ul Ain1, Muhammad Sabeeh1 and Afsar Ali3

... okra. The maximum plant height (226.1cm), flowers plant-1 (34.5), number of fruit pickings (28.3), pod length (9.5 cm), pod diameter (14.6 mm), individual pod weight (11.3 g), pods plant-1 (34.5), yield ha-1 (14.6 tons) were noted with dry Moringa powder extract solution. Among different levels of Moringa leaf extract solution, the maximum flowers plant-1 (36.3), pods plant-1 (36.3), pod length (11.0 cm), pod diameter (15.8 mm), individual pod weight (12.0 g)...

Faisal Ali1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Iqtidar Hussain1, Ghazanfar Ullah1, Atiq Ahmad Ali Zai2, Moneeza Abass3, Zuhair Hasnain4* and Sara Zafar5*

...dder yield (t ha), plant height (cm), net photosynthesis rate (u mole m-2 sec-1), crop growth rate (g cm2 day1), (%), brix (%), bagasse (%), purity (%), reducing sugars and pol (%). Though, there was not a noticeable impact on the amount of chlorophyll (u g cm3) or the number of leaves on the plant. The most significant interaction between the Sudan grass hybrid and fertilizer increased the crop growth rate (16.43 g day), leaf area index (5.01), net photosynth...

Muhammad Ayyub, Mitha Khan*, Syed Abdul Malik, Sakhawat Ali, Syed Shamsullah, Mujeeb ur Rehman, Ikhlaq Ahmed, Ameer Uddin, Habibullah Kakar, Mohammad Zahid, Khalil Ahmed, Mana Khan, Mukhtiar Ahmed, Muhammad Rafiq Khetran, Zia ul Haq and Muhammad Azam

...ner for the traits plant height, No. of tillers plant-1, Harvest index, Spike density, spikelets spike-1, Grains spike -1, Fresh weight, Dry weight, Flag leaf area, thousand grain weight, Grain yield plant-1 and Tones per hectare as showed highly significant positive general combining ability, respectively. While among TD1 × Benazir and Umeed × Raskoo were observed as good specific combiner crosses in all parameters. Further, it is recommended that...

Saad Parvaiz1, Khuram Mubeen1*, Mudassir Aziz1 and Tanveer-ul-Haq2

...iv>parameters like plant height (178.49 cm), cob weight (27.88 g), cob length (28.72 cm),
stover yield (10.20 t ha-1), kernel yield (6.86 t ha-1) and growth parameters like crop growth
rate, leaf area index, leaf area duration and net assimilation rate in weeds free (whole
season). In treatment (horse purslane free 40 DAE) kernel yield was higher as compared to
treatments such as horse purslane free 20 DAE and 40...
Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Abdul Rehman1, Amjed Ali1,
Nasir Iqbal2, Qaisar Mumtaz1, Amir Javed1
increases in plant height (up to 85%), pod bearing branches (up to 77%), number of
pods per plant (up to 83%), 100-seed weight (up to 37%) and seed yield (up to 160%)
of soybean. Among herbicides, topramezone at 21.5 g a.i ha-1 gave significantly the
highest (1234 and 1272 kg ha-1 in years 2018 and 2019) seed yield of soybean and HEIs
(1.28 and 1.03 in year 2018 and 2019, respectively). However, oxyfluorfen...
Muhammad Bilal Niaz1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Khuram Mubeen1, Mahmood Alam Khan1
and Wazir Ahmed2
...rse purslane reduced the height of cotton plants by
26.51%, crop growth rate in terms of biomass by 28.44%, total dry matter 28.46% and
seed cotton yield by 45% as compared to weed free treatment for whole season. The
increase in yield in horse purslane free crop for whole season (23.45%), horse purslane free
crop for 30 DAS (14.27%), horse purslane free crop for 60 DAS (18.07%), horse purslane
and ot...
Haseeb Ahmad1*, Muhammad Shafi1, Waqas Liaqat1, Muhammad Faheem Jan1,
Shahzad Ahmad2 and Muhammad Farooq3
plant height (226.41 cm), grain rows ear-1 (16), and shelling percentage (79.11%). All weed
control methods showed significant reduction in weeds m-2, weeds fresh
Imtiaz Khan,1 Muhammad Kabir, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Haroon Khan, Saima
Hashim and Muhammad Azim Khan
...eed biomass (kg) , plant height (cm),
spike length (cm), leaf area (cm), number of tillers (m-2), number of grains spike-1, 1000
grain weight (g), biological yield (kg ha-1) and grain yield (kg ha-1), Harvest index (%).
These data parameters were formally observed with great care to avoid any repetition or
error of the data. Noxious weeds were observed and recorded in the field viz. Avena fatua,
Muhammad Saleem Chang*[1], Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro2, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi4, Jay Kumar Sootaher*3, Piar Ali Shar3, Kashif Ali Buriro2, Nadia Mangrio5, Zafarullah Channa3
...6 m-2), plant height (106.3 cm), spike length (11.5 cm), grains spike-2 (47.3), seed index (51 g), biological yield (11737 kg ha-1), grain yield (4493 kg ha-1) and harvest index (41.9%) were recorded under T7 = Puma super 7.5% emulsifiable water at 0.625 liters ha-1 50% reduced (30 Days after sowing) + Purple nutsedge water extract at 15 liters ha-1 (45 Days after sowing). Hence, it w...

Iqtidar Hussain1, Ejaz Ahmed Khan1, Jawad Nazir and Ehtesham-ul-Haq1

...ed of germination, plant height (cm), root length (cm), Shoot length (cm), coleoptile length (cm), fresh weight (g), dry weight (g), tiller (plant-1) and chlorophyll content (μg cm-2) of Triticum aestivum.All concentration of Leaves litterof M. azedarachshowed pronounced inhibitory effect on all parameters of T. aestivum. M. azedarach exerted phytotoxic influence on T. aestivum at initial growth stages. M.azedarachexhibited a significant negative impact on ...
height: normal;">Wagner Antonio Gorozabel Muñoz1*, Mayra Jossenka Loor Solórzano1, Josselyn Gema Palacio Intriago1, Virginia Vanessa Andrade Andrade1 and Carlos Alfredo Cedeño-Palacios1,2 
height: normal;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In the quest for new food options for consumers, there has been a proposal to add value to a raw material that is underutilized by the Ecuadorian industry, such as squash. This was accomplished by evaluating its properties and conducting physicochemical, antioxidant, and beta-carotene analyses on the flours obtained from the pulp of three squash varieties: vermilion squash, pepo and macre. For the research project, the...

Majid Ali1*, Naila Chand1, Sarzamin Khan1, Shakoor Ahmad2 and Muhammad Tahir3

...t affected, while villus height, width, and crypt depth were significantly improved in the M50T50 diet group. These findings demonstrate that the supplementation of methanolic extract of M. oleifera and T. vulgaris in drinking water either alone or in combination improves the production performance, nutrient digestibility and gut health in broilers.


Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Sarzamin khan1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Abubakar Sufyan2 and Muhammad Ayaz3

... and ileum villus width, height, crypt depth, and surface area were recorded higher (P<0.05) in the T2 diet group. It is concluded that the replacement of soybean meal in the diet of laying hens by 3%SH in combination with enzyme (β-Mannanase) at the level of 20 and 30mg/kg feed has a positive effect on the nutrient digestibility, digesta viscosity, feces consistency and intestinal histomorphology during early peak egg production period in the laying h...
Pervez Manan1, Farhat Jabeen1 and Ahmad Zamir2
...lot, diameters at breast height (DBH) and height of trees with DBH more than 5 cm were measured. Above-ground dry Biomass (AGB) in Kg per 0.1ha was calculated at plot level by using the following equation (Ali, 2015):
AGB = 0.0253D2.6077 (1)
Where AGB is above-ground dry biomass in Kilogram (Kg) and D is DBH in cm. to obtain per hectare value the plot level AGB was multiplied by 10. W...
ASM Helal Siddiqui, Md. Najmus Sayadat Pitol, Md. Akramul Islam and Sk. Mehedi Hasan
...howed the high growth in height (m) and high survival rate (%). Mean height and survival rate (%) for Sundri plantations were 1.82m and 58.95% respectively. The mean height for less, moderate and strong saline zones were 2.31m, 1.63m and 0.73m where mean survival rate (%) were 81.84%, 38.75% and 49.51% respectively. Creating more Sundri stand from top dying free mother tree will compensati...
Khalid Hussain, G. M. Nasir and Tanvir Hussain
...f each species at breast height and data were collected for the growth rate and heartwood percentage. To observe variations in anatomical properties, the sample blocks were removed from the disc of each species and permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections were prepared and examined under the microscope. Data were collected for ring growth rate, heartwood and sapwood percentage along with different dimensions of fiber, vessel and wood rays of e...
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
... leaves per plant, plant height, number of inflorescence and number of tillers per plant at three different growth stages i.e., vegetative, flowering and maturity of grasses was analyzed statistically by ANOVA using RCBD. Significant results were observed among selected grass species in terms of biomass production and growth potential and revealed that Cynmbopogan distans (Chita) grass showed higher morphological growth in comparison to other grasses at...
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
... leaves per plant, plant height, number of inflorescence and number of tillers per plant at three different growth stages i.e., vegetative, flowering and maturity of grasses was analyzed statistically by ANOVA using RCBD. Significant results were observed among selected grass species in terms of biomass production and growth potential and revealed that Cynmbopogan distans (Chita) grass showed higher morphological growth in comparison to other grasses at...
Ashar Farooq1; Farid Shah2; Saifullah Zahri2 and Samiullah Jaffar2
... by comparing the cover, height, density and Fe+ concentration in the samples taken from both un-protected (browsed) and protected (un-browsed) areas. The sampling followed the line transect method. Leaves of intercepted plants were removed at a distance of 5 meters. The cover and height of the same plants was also measured. Quadrat method was used to measure the number of individuals per unit area of Seriphidium at b...
Anwar Ali1, Muhammad Iftikhar2, Sajjad Ahmad3, Ayaz Khan4 and Sultan Muhammad5
...ont> (DBH) and total height of the sample tree were measured before felling. After felling, the bole was cut into 2m logs with end log of variable length. The over bark mid diameter of the log and its length were measured for determining volume of logs. Total volume of a tree was determined by adding volumes of all logs. Different regression models were tested for deterring best relationship between DBH and height and DB...
Islam Ullah Shah, Anwar Ali, Ayaz Khan and Sultan Muhammad
...mposition, their DBH and heights. This data was used to estimate growing stock and carbon stock in the study area. Pinus gerardiana is present in all four stands as the leading dominant specie. Average Density of all stands was calculated as 342.88 trees/ha with basal area 55.34144 m2/ha. The average volume of all stands was calculated as 132.324m3/ha. The distribution of Pinus gerardiana is satisfactory in almost all the st...
A. S. M. Helal Siddiqui1, Abul Khair2, M. Masudur Rahman3 and S.M. Mosfeka Hasnin4
...bole. The tree attains a height of 15-20 m and the exploitable age 100 years. Now Passur is affected by heart rot problem. Actually heart rot is internal damaged condition locally known as "dhor". The fruit body, gall and cankers are developed on the different portion of the standing living trees. Thus it is characterized by the gradual death of the crown starting first with small twigs and then gradually larger branches die. To know the status of hear...
Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry1, Ashar Farooq2 and Ghulam Muhammad3
...y in all the farms. Crop height was significantly affected up to 3.0 m distance from the base of tree rows on eastern and western aspects with north-south orientation while it was non-significantly affected on northern and southern aspects of East-west oriented tree rows. Crop yield was significantly affected up to 11.0 and 7.0 m distance on northern and southern aspects of east-west oriented tree rows. Significant effect on cotton yield on eastern and western...
Muhammad Bilal Zia and Muhammad Tahir Laeeq
... parameters such as tree height, diameter at breast height (DBH) and survival were assessed after one and two years of plantation. The results showed highly significant differences in the tested traits among the four species. Paulownia catalpifolia was top ranking followed by Paulownia tomentosa. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were higher i.e. 23.43% and 24.36% for DBH. During the study ...
Muhammad Tahir Laeeq and Muhammad Asif Aziz
...tervals 2 days. However, height growth of control seedlings was found significantly better than those of seedlings treated at intervals of 2, 4 and 6 days. In Terracottem study, the chemical did not show any positive effect on survival as well as height growth of the seedlings. In the experiment of four different soil mixtures, no difference in seedlings survival was found among all the treatments. However, soil, sand and fa...
GPS Dhillon, Avtar Singh and DS Sidhu
...ed on diameter at breast height, tree height and volume per tree at 2, 3, 5 and 7-year age were analyzed and genetic parameters were worked out. Significant differences among clones were noticed for all growth traits at all ages. Clones S7C8, 113324, L-188/84, L-313/85, L-51/84, L-71/84, 154/84, 110702 and 64-243-1 were promising clones at 7-year age with volume per tree ranging from 0.242 to 0.320 m
Ashar Farooq, Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry and Ghulam Muhammad
...on southern aspect. Crop height was significantly affected up to 7.0 m distance from the base of trees on northern and southern aspects while significant effect on eastern and western aspects was observed up to 11m distance. Boll formation and cotton yield were significantly affected on eastern, western, northern and southern aspects. Cotton yield was deleteriously affected near the base of tree rows and it improved progressively with the increase in distance ...
Waqar Ahmad, Zahid Ali, Muhammad Rafique and Tariq Mahmood root collar (DRC) and height was in-significant under partial shade and no shade treatments during the course of study. Fresh and dry weight of plant was adversely affected by partial shade. Similarly the root-shoot ratio was not found to be affected by partial and no shade treatments. It was statistically confirmed that the Albizia lebbeck should be raised under full sunlight for better results....
N. R. Wani1, A. H. Mughal2 and M. A. Khan3
...verage diameter, average height and basal area whereas the minimum average diameter, average height and basal area were recorded in Cedrus deodara. The soil analysis of the afforested site and the adjoining barren land revealed that soil reaction was approximately neutral in case of vegetation area but was mildly alkaline in barren land. However, vegetation area was comparatively superior in organic carbon, available ...
Md Golam Moula
... The maximum and minimum heights were found in E. agallocha (10.30 ± 0.36m) and in L. racemosa (3.60 ± 0.05m) respectively. C. decandra, A. corniculatum, P. paludosa, E. agallocha, H. fomes, X. mekongensis and C. ramiflora were found promising (survivability more than 80%). Among these species E. agallocha, H. fomes and X. mekongensis are tree species and others are shrub or small tree or thorney palm. Consid...
Ghayyas Ahmad, Anwar Ali, Miskeen Ali and Irfan Akhtar
...i.e. pruning upto ½ height, pruning upto ⅓ height and no pruning, on its diameter and height growth rate. The Randomized Complete Block Design was used. Data were analysed using the Analysis of Variance procedure and the Duncan multiple range test. Results reveal that at 5% level of significance there were significant differences between the three treatments as far as diameter g...
Ashaer Farooq, Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry and Ghulam Muhammad
...on southern aspect. Crop height was also significantly affected upto 3.0m distance from the base of trees on northern and western aspects while it was non-significant on eastern and southern aspects. Boll formation and cotton yield were significantly affected on northern, eastern and western aspects. However on southern aspect, tree row did not produce any significant effect on cotton crop. More reduction in yield was observed near the base of trees and yield ...
Ghazala Yasmeen
...weight of nodules, plant height, weight of shoots and weight of pods per plant. The study reveals that rhizobial strain Thal 8 being more efficient as compared to TAL 620, can be used to increase root nodulation and yield in chickpea (Cicer arietinum)....
Raza-ul-Haq and Mohammad Khan
...The data on diameter and height growth of trees of different Paulownia species after 5 years of planting indicated that Paulownia catalpifolia, P. fortune and P. elongate are faster growing tree species than the other Paulownia species tested in the trials. Fast growth rates, sparse crowns and deep root system of these species make them ideal for planting on farmlands in Pakistan.

Keyword: Paulownia species, species trial, comparative trial...

J. Kayode
... records of the seedling heights kept for three months indicated that increase in heights was most rapid in the fallow soil. However, there was no significant difference in the heights of the seedlings from the three soil samples at 5% level. Nodulation occurs in seedlings growing in the three soil samples....
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
... whereas, the minimum on height of ray (0.00006) as a result of simple linear regression analysis.

Keywords: Anatomical variation, Pith, Bark, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Wood.

Chaudhry Abdul Rashid1, Raja Muhammad Omer2, Chaudhry Muhammad Faisal2, Waqar Ahmed3, Zahid Ali4
...pacing of 2m x 3m. Plant height (m) and diametre at breast height (DBH) (cm) were measured annually from 1992 to 1998 Soil samples were analysed for pH, organic matter (OM) %, P, K, total soluble salts (TSS) % and soil saturation % Results indicated that the growth of E camaldulensis was highest in combination with Leuceana leucocephala and Dalhergia sissoo Soil factors had no effect on the growth of ...
Muhammad Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...rains. The maximum plant height of 14.5 cm and minimum of 2.5 cm are noted. While the maximum cap width of 14.0 cm and minimum of 2.5 cm are measured among its different members. The present colour shade of the specimens includes the golden brown (37.5%), brown (12.5%), light brown (12.3%), dark brown (6.3%), copper (6.3%), deep red (12.5%), pale cream-(6.3%) and country cream (6.3%).

More than 66.6% members of Schizophyllaceae are recorded fr...

Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash
...d cessation of roots and height-growth (Bangash & Gardiner, 1985). Boron deficiency causes increase in total sugar and starch in leaves and stems of boron deficient plant (Oram, 1961); while a greater amount of benzene insoluble matter is also found in the leaves of normal plants and in the stem of boron deficient plants. Certain parts of plants die because of lack of sugar of inadequate presence of boron. Thus boron deficiency symptoms may be an expression of...
M. K. Hossain, B. M. Khan and B. Koirala
... Similarly, the seedling height, root length, collar diameter and leaf number followed the same trend of higher value of T5 and T4 treatments respectively following T1 treatments. Similar trends were also found in shoot, root and total seedling dry weight, seedling vigor index and seedling quality index Therefore, presowing treatments of T5 and T4 (seeds soaked in concentration H2SO4 for seven minutes or five minutes followed by cold water washing) or, T1 (soa...
Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Mushtaque, Aqeela Mubeen Akhtar, Nighat Chughtai and Shaheena Ramzan
...s and attained one-meter height within a period of two months...
Raza-ul-Haq and Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry
...a (57%). The average height growth after 8 years of age of four tree species in contour trenches, micro-catchment, gradoni and simple pit was 4.74 m, 5.45 m, 5.30 m and 3.89 m respectively. Maximum positive response to the conservation techniques was observed with E. camaldulensis which gained almost two times more height (8.28 m) in 3 conservation techniques as compared to simple pit (4.63 m).

Muhammad Naqash, Anwar Ali, Ahmad Hussain, Mamoona Wali Muhammad, Ahmad Zamir, Ikram Ul Haq
...ity of plants (74%) have height of above 9 inches and 26% have height less than 9 inches. Species composition showed 83.80% Eucalyptus camaldulensis, 14.21% Pinus roxburghii and 1.57% Robinia pseduacacia. It was found that growth rate of Eucalyptus and Chirpine is comparatively higher in Phase-II plantations as compared to Phase I. The study recommends to reduce the proportion of Eucalyptus in plantation...
Siraj-ud-Din and Abdul Waheed Baloch
...niques on the growth and height of different plant\tree species at Karak and Mianghundi (Quetta) and Mastung districts of Balochistan.
Rainwater harvesting and dry afforestation techniques were compared with conventional method of planting (simple pit planting) of three species viz. Pistacia khinjak, Elaeagnus angustifolium and Atriplex spp. at Mianghundi Quetta. The above techniques were also compared at Karak valley on Atriplex canisence, A. lentiform...
Muhammad Rafique and Muhammad Afzal
...nting as these gain more height alongwith more cost for retaining them for longer time in the nursery. The study was designed to find out the optimum and economical age/size of Eucalyptus camaldulensis tubed nursery plants for transplanting in the field. Six different age groups of seedling were planted for this purpose. Results revealed that seedlings of three months old or less are not suitable for out-planting due to their high mortality rat...
Jehan Zeb, M. Aslam, Shahid Ahmad, Aamir Kabir and Taj Ali Khan
...s. The increase in plant height for E. camaldulensis was 16% in bag size of 20" x 30" as compared to control (without bags). For A. nilotica, the increase in plant height in bags size of 18" x 24" was about 59% that of the control (without bags). E. camaldulensis gained 82-88% and A. nilotica 75-89% of its height during May-August. The peak daily pot...
...e tree plot designs. The height growth data of indigenous species were compared with exotics. Preliminary results have shown that under arid and semi-arid conditions (rainfall between 300-900 mm per annum) exotic species like Prosopis chilensis, P. alba and P. pallida exhibited 1 and half to 3 times better growth than P. cineraria indicating the scope of improvement of exotic Prosopis species on marginal and low nutrient lands in t...
Hanif Gul, G. A. Bajwa and G. N. Panhwar
...lied on stems at breast height level. For chemical control two experiments were carried out in RCBD. In first experiment five insecticides, i.e. Buldock 25 EC, Endon 35 EC, Fenvelrate 20 EC, Mepra 50EC and Sherpa 5EC were sprayed on stems of Paulownia spp. At the dose rate of 0.2% of given formulations. All the test insecticides reduced the pest population significantly over control with Mepra 50 EC most effective affording 2.4, 108 and 0.97 in...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Shams-u-din Jalbani
...better plant growth and height was observed in all treatments. The grain yield was higher and significant in doses of manure than control. It is concluded that Paulownia leaves manure shows positive effect on wheat and improves the grain yield of the crop. On account of this, Paulownia spp. are ideal for agro-forestry in Pakistan....
Altaf Hussain

Comparative height growth in the nursery and field trials indicated that the provenances ranking have completely changed. The slowest growing provenance (Lehtrar) in the nursery obtained top ranking in the field.

The growth results indicated significant differences between the nine provenances for height and diamter. Lehtrar provenance is the most vigorous amongst all the provenances. Provenances originated ...

Md. Serajuddoula, A. S. Khan, M. R. Islam and M. A. H. Shahjalal
...). The data on survival, height and diameter was recorded and statistically analyzed. Out of eleven species jhaw (Casuarina equisetifolia), babla (Acacia nilotica) rain tree (Samania saman) payra (Pithecellobium dulce), sada koroi (Albizzia procera) and soan boloi (Hibiscus tilliaceus) showed promising for Rangabali location. Where as in Kukri-mukri location the promising species were raintree (S. saman), pyra (...
Mohammad Noor and Bashir Hussain Shah
...oriae gained minimum height, dbh growth, and produced minimum airdried biomass of 14 kg/tree. None of the other three tree species showed any significant difference in airdried biomass....
G. A. Bajwa and H. Gul
...-3.5 and 4-5 meters tree height, respectively. On western, eastern, and northern side of crown, difference in damage at the two tree heights was significant (P< 0.05), while it was insignificant on southern side. Similarly, the overall damage on the four directions differed significantly. The highest (36.49%) and the lowest (31.88%) overall damage was recorded on western followed by eastern (34.96%, 31.81%), southern (30.93...
Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry, Sahibzada Muhammad Hafeez and Muhammad Jahangir Ghauri
... Survival percentage and height and diameter growth of seedlings at nursery as well as field phase were found non-significant. Economy in irrigation water and use of labour for irrigation without affecting the growth of plants was also worked out....
S. M. Raidh, M. K. Hossain and S. Akhtar
... of seedlings like total height, collar diameter, root length, root diameter, dry weight of root and shoot etc. were measured at the end of the experiment. The finding showed that the polybags of T4 treatment (30.5 x 15 cm size) produced quality seedlings of both the species within three months time and the size may be used in quality seedling production purposes for a short time. But, for large scale plantations, the polybags of T2 treatment (23 x 15 cm siz...
Muhammad Hafeez and Wahid Rasheed
...s varied in diameter and height and were on the southern side of the wheat field. The trees were divided into seven diameter classes i.e. D1 = 20 - 24.9 cm, D2 = 25 - 29.9 cm, D3 = 30 - 34.9 cm, D4 = 35 - 39.9 cm, D5 = 40 - 44.9 cm, D6 = 45 - 49.9 cm, D7 = 50 - 55.9 cm. Effect of Acacia nilotica on crop height was observed upto a distance of 11.0 m. but was statistically non-significant. Similarly the tree size...
Mohammad Rafique and Mohammad Hafeez
...r of tillers per plant, height of crop and yield, (straw and grains) of wheat crop were studied which were statistically insignificant....
Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Hanif Gul
...ter treatment were plant height, number of leaves per plant, fresh weight of leaves, fresh weight of stem, dry weight of leaves, dry weight of stem and percent dry matter. Five plants per treatment were selected at random, then data were converted on per plant basis. Plant height was the only parameter which significantly increased in response to Temik, while others were non-significant. Temik 10g at the dose of 3.2 ...
Bashir Hussain Shah and Mohammad Noor
...uary, 1994 the survival, height, diameter at breast height (dbh) and biomass data were collected. There was no significant difference among the tree in survival. Acacia albida showed significantly greater growth in height dbh and biomass followed by Prosopis cineraria; Acacia modest and Tecoma undulate. Acacia albida produced 75 kg/plant air dry biomass and out y...
M. Rafique Sardar intensities 9stubble heights) and 3 frequencies (clipping intervals) were tested in 4 different seasons namely; the spring (February-April), the summer (May-July), the fall (August-October) and the winter (November-January). The study showed that average forage production under control (no treatment) was highest of all the treatments. This indicated that seeded Cenchrus ciliaris is sensitive to repeated clippings. However, clippings at different in...
Mohammad Saleem and C. A. Call
...y clipping (3-cm stubble height) plants in monoculture and mixture zero, one, two or three times at 4-week intervals (32, 36. and 40 weeks after emergence), and clipping (3-cm stubble height) one species in mixture zero, one, two or three times at 4-week intervals (32, 36 and 40 weeks after emergence) without clipping the associated species. The final harvest of all plants in every defoliation treatment occurred at 44 weeks ...
Muhammad Arif Chaudhry and Altaf Hussain
....580%, on soil pH, plant height and apical dieback in Leucaena leucocephala, Albizzia lebbek, Acaica nilotica and A. ampliceps. The results indicated that the highest salt concentrations (.0.878% - 1.580%) produced deleterious changes in soil pH and resulted in dieback injury in A. nilotica, A. lebbek and L. leucocephala in an increasing order. Although the growth of A. ampliceps was reduced appreciably but it showed a...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...ense crown. It attains a height and girth of about 12-15m and 1.8-2.7m respectively (Parker, 1921; Troup, 1921). It has moderate, thick grey bark (1.2-2.5 cm) and reddish hard and durable heartwood (air dried specific gravity 0.72- 0.83); leaves are compound. 22.5-37.5 cm long; flowers in axillary panicles, lilac, honey-scented particularly during night....
...AR reaching at seedlings height was reduced to 2-4% of total PAR received in the open conditions. After seeds germinate, mortality rates of 1 to 3 year old seedlings are high. The mortality rate of 1, 2 and 3 year old seedlings are high. The mortality rate of 1, 2 and 3 year old seedlings observed after 3 years were 88, 60 and 70% in open while 79, 82 and 69% in shade respectively. Survival rate of 4 to 7 years old seedlings is less affected in the ope...
Rash Khan and Faridullah Khan
...ays to germinate. Plant height was 65.5 and 42.5 cm and the fresh matter yield was 38.0 and 30.0 t/hr for the covered and uncovered treatments respectively during the first growth year. No significant difference was observed in the growth during the 2nd and 3rd years in both the treatments. The plant height and fresh yield of the covered crop during the first year was high as compared to that uncovered crop due to hi...
*Muhammad Iqbal, James A. Moore and ***Charles R. Hatch
...gies. Diameter at breast height squared (Dbh2) and its square proved to be the independent variables to predict crown biomass weights....
Mohammad Rafique Sardar
... It attained the average height of 5.9 meters in 4 years with 1.3 meter average annual growth rate. Slope method of planting gave highest survival and establishment rates for all the species. A. albida based on its performance is recommended for planting under slope method of planting in areas having similar climatic conditions like Peshawar valley....
S. M. Rafique
...eters of trees at breast height (dbh) ranged from 6 cm (2.4 inch) to 50 cm (20 inch) with standing volume of 134.73 (4755.5 ft3), which was estimated with the help of volume table of the species....
Wahid Rashid and Mohammad Hafeez
...f variable diameter and heights were selected for southern side of the field and were divided into seven diameter classes e.g.15 - 19.9, 20 - 24, 9, 25 - 29.9, 30, 34.9 cms, 35 - 39.9, 40 - 44.9 and 45 - 50 cms. Dalbergia sissoo trees affected crop height up to a distance of 11.0 meters but the effect was statistically non-significant. On the other hand both the biomass and grain yield was significantly affect...
Altaf Hussain and Pazir Gul of their survival and height growth. Local species, such as, Tamarix aphylla, Acacia modesta and as well as exotic species, such as, Acacia stenophylla, Acaia ampliceps, Casuarina obesa, Eucalyptus camaldulensis Prosopes chilensis, Prosopis siliquestrum and Prosopis alba exhibited high survival rates. Eucalyptus camaldulensis had higher height growth as compared to other species....
Bashir Hussain Shah attaining three times height of seedlings planted in simple pits. The response of A. modesta was however, low. A. nilotica suffered frost damage at Raisan....
M. Iqbal Ahmad and I. A. Hafiz
... Pollarding at 30 to 70 height cm from ground level was suitable in mulberry plantations on agriculture flat land and 70 cm to 170 cm height in irrigated forest plantations. The best planting time for mulberry was 15th December to 31st January in Punjab and N.W.F.P....
M. B. Bhatti, M. I. Sultani, M. Aslam and Ehtesham Ali Syed
...5 m. While the per plant height differed significantly, plants being taller under closer spacing, the variations in per-plant fresh weight were found insignificant....
M. I. Sultani, Zafaruddin and Ghulam Akbar
...s of mulberry with plant height less than 10 feet are generally cultivated for sericulture in many countries like Japan, China, and Korea while in Pakistan major source of mulberry leaves for silk worm rearing is the high trunk mulberry varieties; which are low yielding and deciduous in nature. There is, therefore, scarcity of mulberry leaves in the country and exists a great demand for introduction of dwarf, high yielding and nutritive mulberry varieties for...
S. Rehman, A. Hussain and S. Ameen
... discussed....
Ghulam Sarwar Khan
...ase in tillering, plant height, fresh and dry matter yield. Flowering was earlier in 5 to 15 KR and delayed for other doses. Germination was not much affected. Pollen fertility gradually decreased with the increase in radiation dosage....
J.O. Adegbehin, S. Nokoe, J. A. Okojie and G. O. Otegbeye
...durensis attained a top height of 23.4m at a reference age of 20 year and that a maximum mean annual increment (M. A. I) of 24.2m3/ha/yr could be obtained at age 30 with an overbark total volume production of about 726m3/ha. Among the other things discussed are the factors influencing the growth rate of the species and the application of the resulting growth figures to its management....
F. O. C. Nwonwu
...y for four weeks and the height gains by plants measured. At the end of 4 week watering was stopped and two plants from mixes A and B were selected and observed for the length of survival without watering. Results showed that height gains due to weeks of watering and soil mix are both significant at the 1% level with LSD (0.01) of 6.9 cm and 5.5cm respectively. However height gains for soi...
Muhammad Shafiq and M. I. Nizami
...eas mean monthly growth (height) attained was 18cm, 16cm and 4cm respectively....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and B. H. Bangash
...nificantly influence the height and diameter growth of the trees. Likewise, fertilization did not significantly affect the foliar contents of P or K except N which changed with the rates of fertilizer applied....
Mohammad Iqbal Sheikh
...t at 1%level for dia and height and at 5%for volume; 1-69/55 showing the overall best performance followed by 1-4/64, 1-90/60 showed the poorest growth....
M. Kamaluddin and M. K. Bhuiyan
...ants attained an average height of 11,54 m with an average diameter (dbh) of 11.64 cm. The yield of fuel wood including bark and branches was 139,1 t/ha 12% moisture content. The results show a good prospect in raising fuel wood plantation of the province in rural waste and marginal land on a rotation of 5 years....
M.I. Sheikh, R. W. Hussain and M. Khan
...rameters, viz, diameter, height and volume. For quantity of wood available on first thinnings Populus deltoides I-63/51 is followed by Salmalia malabarica, Eucalyptus citriodora and Datbergia sissoo. ...
M. A. Latif, S. A. Khan and M. K. Bhuiyan
...rees attained an average height of 10.3 m with 10.4 cm diameter at breast height. The growth rate is comparable to that of Eucalyptus camaldulensis and better then that of Pinus caribaea and Swietenia macrophylla which were planted simultaneously. The species, therefore, shows great promise for afforfestation in Bangladesh and further trial plantations may be raised to study its growth and performance in...
M. I. Shiekh, S. H. Bangash and S. Hasan Abbas
...easured for diameter and height growth and Foliar nutrient composition was recorded during 1979-82. At Sharda, the analysis of height measurements recorded in 1981 gave a significant response to NPK combined treatment whereas over all diameter and height growth from 1979--82was not affected. Also the diameter and height measurement recorded at Auth...
M.A. Hassnain Fatime and Raja Walayat Hussain
... with diameter at breast height. Straight line regression equations were developed for each set of diameter separately using sets of diameter at different heights as independent variables and diameter breast height as dependent variable. DBH was estimated from these equations against diameter range from 6 to 60 inches for British units and 2Cm to 136cm. for Metric Units at different...
M. I. Shiekh and S. H. Bangash
...n these studies. Data on height and diameter of plants were recorded from 1978-82. The results did not reveal any significant differences in plant height and diameter. However, the nutrient uptake by the leaves of treated plants during the first vegetative growth period increased significantly....
M.I. Sheikh and Raza-ul-Haq
... effect on diameter, and height growth. Spacings had also highly significant effect on volume production; highest volume under 1.8 x 1.8 m spacing and the least under 5.5 x 5.5 m....
M. Aliul Hassnain Fatime and S. Hasan Abbas
...relationship with fir in height and form for the same diameter, it was considered advisable to prepare volume table for fir and extend the same to spruce. ...
M.I. Sheikh and Sultan Maqsood Khan
... as well as the average height of survived plants. The irrigation frequencies had a differential effect on the biomass production of leucaenea and the height of trees but not on their survival percentage. Leucaenea leucocephala, had a much more survival, height and biomass than all other species. Robinia did not do well under low or no irrigation and Tecoma did as good...
M.I. Sheikh ploughed. The average height and diameter after three years Were 5.85 m, 4.3 cm for the control plots, these were 7.71 and 5.6 cm for the ploughed plots. Necessity of soil cultivation in poplar plantations is therefore quite evident and we should not expect normal growth if soil cultivation requirements of poplars are not kept in view....
M.I. Sheikh and S. H. Bangash
...gnificant difference in height and diameter growth in the younger crop. Also the foliar mineral composition of the young stands had significantly increased, while there was no such indication for the older plants. Higher dose of the fertilizers is recommended for future trials. ...
M.I. Sheikh, B. H. Shah and A. Aleem
...eep planting the average height of plants was 76 cm and in shallow planting it was 60 cm. A. tortilis showed better rate of growth as the average height gained by the plants during the period was 102 cm at both depths. While average height of T.undulata and A. aneura were 54 cm and 49 cm respectively. ...
Anjum Amin and Raja Walayat Hussain
...ion with diameter breast height. Separate straight line regression equations were developed using sets of diameters at different heights as independent variable and diameter breast height as dependent variable. Estimations of diameter breast height were done from these equations against diameters ranging from 0.5 to 47 inches (1cm to 120 cms) at di...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Khalique
...ees were 5 to 6 meter in height and wheat was sown the yield was not depressed. However, in the case of cotton, when the height of the tree belts was up to 7 meter the yield was comparatively poor within a distance of 15-30 meter on either side of the belt....
Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... for this study. Initial height of plants was recorded. The fertilizers were added in a water solution, 50 ml to each tube, on 1-5-1979:...
Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...nificantly increases the height growth of Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Juniperus excelsa and Pinus reoxburghii seedlings. However, there seems to be no positive response of the nutrient on diameter of species under study....
Raja Walayat Hussain and Hassan Abbas
...ound level up to breast height 4.5 feet (1.37 meters). Each set of diameters exhibited a strong linear correlation with diameter breast height. Separate straight line regression equations were developed using sets of diameters at different heights as independent variables and diameter breast height as dependent variable. Estimations of diameter br...
Raja Walayat Hussain and S. Hassan Abbas
...round level up to breast height 4.5 feet (1.37 meters). Each set of diameters had a strong linear correlation with diameter breast height. Separate straight line regression equations were developed using sets of diameters of different heights as independent variables and diameter breast height as dependent variable. Estimations of diameter breast <...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... large tree (upto 20 m height and 0.5 m dbh), comes up naturally on banks of streams and on moist sites in Hazara, Swat and Azad Kashmir from 1000 m to 1500 m elevation. The tree has caught the eye of the foresters as it has been found quite useful for the manufacture of bobbins in the textile industry. A study was started to select straight stemmed healthy plants for getting seed and clonal material for large scale propagation...
Raja Walayat Hussain in diameter at breast height from 2 in. (5 cm) to 14 in. (36 cm). These trees were removed in thinnings. Data from about 1070 trees were made available by Genetics branch of Pakistan Forest Institute who felled some plots of this species last year. The latter group of data consisted of small sized trees. In order to get an adequate representative sample for each diameter class, random selection of 20 to 40 trees was made from each diameter class havin...
K.M. Siddiqui and Altaf Hussain
...ferences of survival and height and diameter growth of different species are reported. In addition to commonly planted species of Eucalyptus, other species have also shown promising growth in this study. ...
Wali-ur-Rehman and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...plant of 60,150and 240cm height. Termik gave 100%kill of nymphs and adults within 3 to 7 days in each height groups of plants. Terracur gave 100%mortality of nymphs in 10-20 days only in the smaller plants. Disyston rated 3rd by giving 96%mortality of nymphs only in highest dose and smaller plants. Disyston other insecticides other insecticides showed no effect against the pest. In check all nymphs survived but 1-6%adults ...
Munawar Ashfaq and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...anched herb 30-90 cm. in height with reddish brown rhizome. The plants occur in the hilly areas of Swat, Dir, Hazara, Kaghan, Murree Hills, Chitral, Kurram Agency and Azad Kashmir....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...d 1.9x1.9 m). As regards height, the closet spacing has an edge over the rest. ...
Musarrat Nasreen Ali and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...b, about 1-3.5 metres in height with rough and light greyish bark, yellowish orange branched tap roots and violet berries. The plants are distributed throughout the hilly areas of Pakistan, from Baluchistan to Dir, Chitral, Gilgit, Hazara, Murree and Azad Kashmir at an elevation of 900-3,000 metres (4)....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... a large tree (upto 30 m height and 1 m dbh), comes up naturally on banks of streams and on moist sites in Hazara, Swat and Azad Kashmir from 1000 m to 1500 m elevation. Is being heavily cut for the manufacture of bobbins....
Zakaullah and Khial Badshah
...m diameter and ten meter height, corresponding to the age of about 180years....
G. M. Khattak and Abdul Aleem
...C. siliqua. The mean height of E. camaldulensis was 5m and mean diameter 5cm....
Mohammad Ayaz
...larger, both along their height and width; in elm , cell size was significantly higher but not cell number. No significant relationship was found between rate of growth and either cell number or cell size along the width or height of rays in ash and mulberry....
Miss Munawar Sultana and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...arious shrub 48-96 cm in height with a fetid smell. The plants are commonly distributed in Karachi, Sind, North Waziristan, Khyber and Kurram Agencies, Dir, Chitral, Swat, Lower Hazara, Rawalpindi and Jhelum district upto an elevation of 1200 meters (3).
The plant is much valued for its powerful expectorant and anti-spasmodic properties. Leaves are used in asthma, chronic bronchitis and all kinds of coughs. The powdered leaves are used in malarial fe...
M.I. Sheikh, Abdul Aleem and Mohammad Hafiz
...3. Significant effect on height by the material and colour of aprons.
4. Light resistant type of plastic was mere durable....
K.M. Siddiqui
...straightness of stem and height growth. Selection thinning in the experimental plantation will leave only the best individual trees to produce seed. Seedlings were assigned to blocks according to size ranking within the families, with a view to reduce the influence of nursery environment variation on the selection outcome. ...
Mohammad Hafeez
...3. Significant effect on height by the material and colour of aprons.
4. Light resistant type plastic was more durable. ...
Raja Walayat Hussain and lshtiaq Ahmad Qazi
...e quality is the raltive height growth as a function of age. This is closely related with the ultimate measure of site quality i. e. volume and is only slightly affected by the stand density (5,10). In over stocked and stagnated young stands height may not be the proper measure of the index but still it is generally accepted for the sake of convenience. It is also considered to be a reasonable numeri...
Raja Walayat Hussain and M. A. Cheema
...) and internodal growth (height) arc being made use of in growth prediction studies and in the construction of the yield tables using calculus and regression techniques (2, 5). Curtis (2) estimated the rate of height growth i.e. through regression techniques by measuring each of the last six internodal lengths by grouping them into diameter classes. He subsequently utilized it in obtaining the current rate of volume growth i...
M. A Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
...wn streaks. It attains a height of 80-100' or even more. It has a wide natural range of distribution and is found in pure as well as in mixed form. In wild state it is found usually from 5000' to 10,000' and in cultivated form it is found from 3,500' to 10, 000'. It occurs chiefly on deep well drained and fertile soil on sheltered situations such as moist ravines or depressions. Pure crops are found on lower gentle slopes of well drained depressions the parts ...
Anwar Masrur, PFS (I)
...elum and originates at a height of about 14,000 feet. The catchment known as Kaghan valley, has an area of 1011 square miles, of which, 988 square miles lie in Mansehra and Abbottabad tehsils of Hazara district and the remaining in Azad Kashmir. The total length of the valley is 80 aerial miles and width varies from 10 to 30 aerial miles. The catchment is predominantly mountainous with steep and precipitous slopes. In order to provide numerical dat...
Raja Walayat Hussain and Muhammad Afzal Cheema
...s to 10 inches at breast height these are felled by the farmers to meet their small constructional demands. The wood is in great demand for making of packing cases and crates etc. Since the trees have almost clear and straight boles these yield good bailies which fetch handsome revenue to the growers. The trees also have no adverse effect on their cash crop as the shade of the crowns is not dense. Closely planted, the trees along the border of the fields act a...
Mohammad Hafeez
...owing tree. It obtains a height from 20 to 30 feet. It occurs more or less gregariously in dry hills up to 4,000 feet. It is found in various geological formations and is capable of growing in poor dry shallow soil where few other species can survive. It may occur pure or in mixture with other trees. It is not found in loamy soil but has been introduced. (3). In West Pakistan it is mainly found in Attock, Jhelum and Rawalpindi Forest Divisions. It is also foun...

Sundus Oun Ali Al-Zaini1, Mohanad A. Al-Bayati3*, Khazaal Abbas Khazaal2, Salma Talib Salih1

...ose, aiming to achieve a heightened level of immunity compared to the outcomes observed in the initial phase. Additionally, we aim to combine the two vaccine agents, namely the virus and bacterial components, into a single product. Conclusion the study successfully developed and tested two liposomal vaccines for common carp, one against Koi Herpesvirus (KHV) and another against Aeromonas hydrophila bacteria. The vaccines were prepared using formalin-inactivate...

Mohammad Umar* and Gohar Ayub

...on (66.8), maximum plant height (45.21cm), leaves plant-1 (15.84), leaf weight (11.00 g), primary curd weight (340.94 g), secondary curd weight (189.50 g), primary curd diameter (8.60), secondary curd diameter (7.56cm), curds plant-1 (8.73), yield (8.03 t ha-1) and survival (92.67 %) than rest of the treatments. As for as irrigation level is concerned, irrigation at 35 % rate resulted in in early curd formation (66.44 days), maximum plant

Duong Thanh Hai1*, Phan Thi Hang1, Nguyen Thi Thuong2, Zábranský Luboš3

...estibility and the villi height in the chicken duodenum. However, whether effects of feed fermentation on carcass characteristics, meat quality and amino acid contents remain unknown. This study was conducted to examine the effects of maize and rice bran fermented with Saccharomyces cerevisiae on carcass characteristics, meat quality and amino acid composition of (Ri x Luong Phuong) chicken. The study was carried out using two hundred forty crossbred chickens ...

Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3, Abdul Waheed3*, Ecevit Eyduran4 and Muhammad Tariq5

...ts measured were withers height (WH), head width (HW), head length (HL), body length (BL), ear width (EW), ear length (EL), neck width (NW), neck length (NL), heart girth (HG), rump length (RL), tail length (TL), rump width (RW), barrel depth (BD), birth weight (BiW), live body weight (BW), sacral pelvic width (SPW), teat diameter (TED), teat length (TEL), testes length (TsL), scrotal circumference (SC) and testes width (TsW). Positive and highly significant (...

Asad Alam1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Yaseen1, Rafiq Ullah1, Tahira Tayyeb1, Muhammad Hanif1, Maiz ur Rahman1, Muhammad Owais Khan1, Fatima Syed3, Raheela Taj3, Shumaila Gul4, Muhammad Sadeeq5 and Muneeb Islam6

...ns of length was 15feet, height=4.5feet, water level=3.2 feet) with water volume of 17000 liters in each tank. Formulated feed was used with 30% and 40% crude protein (CP) and buffalo meat. Water temperature was maintained at 31oC using heater (500Watts) with thermostat. The results were recorded with significant value in the growth of fish during 4th to 9th weeks. The values of fish weight were recorded higher (P<0.05) in group 3 than the group 1 and group...

Hafiz Ishtiaq Ahmad1, Jinlong Zhang1, Fuxun Luo1, Owais Iqbal2 and Yuying Wang1*

... revealed that the plant height, leaf length, leaf width and root number were significantly increased in the red, blue and white (RBW) composite treatment, while composite red, blue and yellow (RBY) subjected seedlings exhibited maximum leaf number, root length, and proliferation rate as compared to the others. Therefore, seedlings exposed to the light combination of red and blue (RB) exhibited the highest chlorophyll a and b, total chlorophyll content, catala...
height: normal;">Nazish Huma Khan1*, Mohammad Nafees2, Tooba Saeed3, Sarzamin Khan1, Hazrat Hussain4, Adila Bashir2 and Nida Naz1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In developing countries, the stone-crushing industry is an important industrial sector, producing raw materials for construction activities. On the other hand, stone crushing has significant effects on the environment and human health. This study reviews the contribution of stone crushers in the construction sector and the degradation of environmental quality with special reference to Pakistan. For this purpose, litera...

Anwar Ali1*, Muhammad Ayaz Khan2, Muhammad Atif Majeed1 and Nowsherwan Zarif1

...erage diameter at breast height (DBH) was recorded as 12.49 cm, and the average tree height was estimated as 6.78 m. The average canopy cover is 30% in the area. The total growing stock in the landscape was estimated as 51,978 m3. The average growing stock was determined as 7.94 m3 per ha. The growing stock level in riverine forests in the study area is far lower than that of the normal riverine forest. The study recommends ...
Tariq Ahmad1*, Anum Razzaq2, Hira Shahzadi2, Faiz Ur Rehman4, Li Bo1
Saif Ullah2, Omama Saqib1, Muhammad Tayyab Khan5, Muhammad Suliman1 and Ayesha Zulfiqar3
...%). The findings on nest height indicate that spotted dove preferred (32.18%) nest height of 3.6-4 m, which was followed by (24.13%) and (21.83%) with heights of 3.1-3.5 m and 4.1-4.5 m, respectively. Successful nest cavities were noticed on Quercus incana with 29.03% followed by Olea ferruginea (22.58%), Broussonetia papyrifera (19.35%), Quercus dilatata (9.67%), Rosa bronii (9.67%) and A...
height: normal;">Cristian Mendoza1*, Adriana Celi-Soto2, Ernesto Cañarte3 and George Cedeño-García2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Sagalassa valida is a pest that restricts the oil palm root system growth, causing damage that reaches as much as 80% of it, consequently reducing the oil palm yield between 50% and 83%, depending on how the plant is managed. The present study aimed to evaluate the influence of physical barriers (mulching) using different parts of oil palm plants on controlling root borer (S. valida) in the interspecific ...
height: normal;">Suherman Suherman1*, Muhammad Fahri Rizky1, Zaki Bahrul Fikri1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1,  Zane Vincevica-Gaile2, Anwar Saeed Khan3, Erkata Yandri4,5 and Iswahyudi Iswahyudi6 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Onions (Allium ascalonicum L.) are one spiced vegetable that serves as a culinary spice, food flavoring, and traditional medicine. Onions have relatively high minerals, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, and essential oils. Agricultural products are still dried using conventional methods. Although, traditional drying is relatively simple, it has disadvantages such as relati...

Gautam Kumar Deb1*, Md Faizul Hossain Miraz1, SM Jahangir Hossain1, Shahrina Akter1, Md. Ahsanul Kabir1, Md Ruhul Amin2, Md Panir Choudhury1, Nure Hasni Desha1

...ngth, ear length, wither height, back height, length from ear to tail, mane length, tail length) and reproductive features (Age of 1st heat and conception, foaling interval, gestation length and estrous length) were recorded for phenotypic characterization (n=240). Half of the farmers (53.20%) possess a basic level of education and agriculture is the main occupation (43.30%) followed by business. Horses are reared for income...

Ashiq Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib1*, Sohaib ul Hassan2, Abubakar Sufyan3, Kinkpe Lionel5, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Majid Ali1, Aamir Khan4, Qudrat Ullah2 and Waqar Azeem6

...eased (P<0.05) villus height, crypt depth, villus width, and villus height to crypt depth ratio. The digestibility of dry matter, ash, crude fiber, crude protein, ether extract, and calcium was also calculated significantly higher in the 2ml/l of LE group. Total cost in the control group while the gross and net return was recorded significantly higher in the group containing 2ml/l of LE. The dressing percentage had a sign...

Asad Ali, Anwar Ali, Muhammad Farooq and Basheer Ahmad* girth of 3.4 cm and a height of 0.4 m in 15 months, while Acacia nilotica reached an average girth of 5.8 cm and a height of 1 m in 16 months. Eucalyptus had an average girth of 4.4 cm and a height of 1 m in 12 months, Dodonaea viscosa reached an average girth of 4 cm and a height of 0.5 m in 20 months, Tamarix aphylla had an average girth of 1 cm and...

Ameer Sultan1, Abdur Rauf1*, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Muhammad Yasin3, Tanweer Kumar4, Wajid Khan4, Muhammad Arif4, Kashmala Jabbar5, Wisal Khan6, Farhan Ullah1, Syed Shabab Hussain1 and Ikramullah Khan1

... 50%-DSW increased plant height, cane diameter, leaf count per plant, and tillers per plant, while 60%-DSW had a diminishing trend compared to the other concentrations. 

height: normal;">Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, Shazma Anwar2, Mohammed Ali Wedyan3, Damat Damat1*, 
height: normal;">Yogo Adhi Nugroho4, Tony Liwang4, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani5, Satriyo Krido Wahono6
height: normal;">Evika Sandi Savitri7, Bayu Agung Prahardika7, Irma Rahmaita Utarid8, Iswahyudi Iswahyudi9 and 
height: normal;">Hemalia Agustin Rachmawati1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world. However, during processing coffee a substantial quantity of waste is produced. This study analyzed the amino acid composition of coffee cherry flour (CCF) from four farms: Ijen Farm, Karang Ploso Farm, Mengani Farm and La Boitê. The results depicted that the amino acid composition of CCF varied among different sources. Serine, histidine, threonine, isoleucine...
height: normal;">Marchel Putra Garfansa1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Iswahyudi Iswahyudi1, Shazma Anwar3
height: normal;">Damat Damat2,Tony Liwang4, Mardiana Sri Susanti5, Diah Hermayanti2*, Meddy Setiawan2
height: normal;">Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi2, Dewi Mariyam6, Yolla Muvika Ananda2, Satriyo Krido Wahono7
height: normal;">Adil Basir8, Musrif Musrif9 and Anwar Saeed Khan10
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Microplastic (MPs) pollution is an increasing global problem, creating deep concerns regarding its potential impact on human health. Numerous experiments have been conducted on living organisms to investigate the dispersion patterns of MPs. Furthermore, the extent of distribution and research conducted on MPs about mice still needs to be improved. This study aimed to determine the impact of PET (polyethylene terephthal...

Nask Jawher Ahmed and Kawa A. Ali*

...bserved including (plant height (cm), capsules (plant-1), seed (capsule-1), seed yield (kg d-1), thousand seeds weight (g), biological yield (kg d-1) and harvest index (%), along with some chemical components (oil (%), nitrogen (%), phosphorus (%), potassium (%), carbohydrate (%) and proline content(ppm). The results showed that adding SA has a significant impact on seed yield during drought in both locations, with the highest values recorded (320.47 kg d-1) a...

Atyab Amjad1*, Riaz-Ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Shafique Khalid2, Samia Ikram1, Riaz Bukhari1, Muhammad Shafique3 and Muhammad Luqman4

...bited the greatest plant height (86.9 cm) under green shade netting. This cultivar also produced the thickest stems (8.4 mm) under both shade lath house and green netting conditions. Additionally, Crystal Blanco displayed the largest leaf area (153.9 cm²) when grown in polyethylene tunnels. The maximum number of leaves per plant (38) was observed for Crystal Blanco cultivated in a greenhouse environment. Notably, the number of flower buds per plant did no...

Hamid Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Anas1*, Rozina Gul1, Waseem Ullah Shah1, Abdul Haleem2, Muneeb Ahamd Khan1, Muhammad Taimur1, Tahreem Shah1, Sajjad Ur Rahman1, Noman Anjum1 and Muhammad Saqib3

...e, days to flower, plant height, pods per plant, seed per pod, 100 seed weight, grain yield, larval infestation, pod damage percentage and biological yield. The pooled analysis of variance showed highly significant differences (P<0.01) between years and between genotypes and genotype-year interaction (GYI) for all traits examined, except plant height. On average over two years, a minimum of (126) days to flowering were re...
height: normal;">Iswahyudi Iswahyudi1,2, Wahyu Widodo1*, Warkoyo Warkoyo1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi3, Damat Damat1
height: normal;">Dyah Roeswitawati1, Shazma Anwar4, Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi1, Irma Rahmaita Utarid5,  Marchel Putra Garfansa2, Mohammad Shoimus Sholeh2, Ida Ekawati6, Rusli Tonda7,  Wahyu Alvina Mujianti2, Dody Sukma RA8, Sri Utami Lestari8 and Choirul Anam9
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Microplastics (MPs), which are defined as particles of plastic waste with a size smaller than 5 mm, are considered as emerging contaminants and attract global attention. On plants, MPs have detrimental effects such as interfering with nutrient absorption, slowing germination and roots development. Of all the stages of growth, seeding has an important role in the crop yields obtained. The examined the impact of thr...
Dian Septinova1*, Isnaini Nurfianti2, Denita Eptiana2, Khaira Nova1, Riyanti1
*Correspondence | Dian Septinova, Department of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lampung; Email:
...teristic of albumen (pH, height, diameter, index, Haugh unit), physical characteristic of yolk (pH, height, diameter, index, colour) and organoleptic properties (saltiness, sandiness, oiliness and flavour). The results showed that T1 significantly (P<0.05) had lower salt content and saltiness compared to T0, but the other egg characteristic parameters were not significantly different (P>0.05). T2 significantly (P<0....

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Asmat Ullah2, Arbab Jahangeer1, Naveed Akhtar3, Tahira Tabassum3, Ali Zohaib3, Naveed Ramzan3

... population (34%), plant height (14%), total number of bolls per plant (44%), average boll weight (30%), and seed cotton yield (50%) were also documented in FYMM + WSM. Economic analysis revealed that FYMM + WSM were the most economically feasible option with 30% higher benefit cost ratio (BCR) than control. Therefore, it is recommended that the bed tops should be covered with FYMM + WSM at the time of sowing to obtain improved growth, yield, and economic bene...

Byamungu Mayange Tomple1*, Ik-Hwan Jo2, Rajaraman Bharanidharan1, Seun-Gun Won2 and Muhammad Mahboob Ali Hamid3*

... with the greatest plant height observed at the highest manure fertilization levels. The manure fertilization application level of 200 kg N/ha resulted in the highest dry matter (DM) yield, coupled with the highest crude protein (CP) content in kenaf leaves. Elevating manure fertilization level had a significant diminishing effect on acid detergent fiber (ADF) content, concurrently escalating neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content. Notably, the manure fertiliza...

Jamal Abdul Nasir1, Naila Chand1, Abdul Hafeez1 and Rifat Ullah Khan2*

... cecum, including villus height, width, and their respective ratio, were significantly higher in PO3 compared to the control group. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that supplementing the diet with various levels of oyster mushroom stem waste led to improved growth performance, enhanced immunity, and improved gut morphology in quails, all without affecting liver and kidney functions. The most favorable outcomes were achieved when oyster mushroom stem was...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat, Muhammad Zeshan Maajid, Mubashar Nadeem and Amjed Ali

...-2 but reduced its plant height. A significant reduction in wheat growth and yield was recorded by increasing C. arvensis density. Wheat plant height, number of productive tillers, spike length and grain yield showed a significant decline at and beyond C. arvensis density of 8 plants per m2. Whereas number of grain spike-1 and 1000-grain weight of wheat were prone to substantial reduction at and above 4 and 12 C. arvensis pl...

Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

...-1 (9.52, 3.22 g), plant height (46.98 cm), leaf area (71.94 cm2) and root length (10.27 cm) were recorded in the 2% parthenium + NPK recommended dose, but for all the parameters differences were non significant from 3% parthenium + NPK and the NPK alone. These treatments ranked higher than 2% berseem + NPK and the untreated check, where berseem is a conventional green manure crop. Incorporation of 4% parthenium along with NPK adversely affected all the parame...

Huzaifa Hammad1, Bakhtiar Gul1, Haroon Khan1, Muhammad Fawad1*, Hafizullah2, Haidar Ali3 and Tamana Bakht4, and maturity, plant height, fresh weed biomass, dry weed biomass, weed species composition, biological yield, thousand grain weight, grain yield, harvest index and cost benefit ratio. The results showed that both the herbicides (Atrazine and Stomp 300 EC) were effective in weed control having lowest fresh weed biomass of 29.31 and 32.65 kg ha-1, respectively. Maximum biological yield (8309.7 kg ha-1) was recorded in cowpea as living mulch while minimum bi...
Never Assan1,2, Michael Musasira3, Maphios Mpofu3, Nicholas Mwayera4, Kwena Mokoena5, Thobela Louis Tyasi5
...ody length (BL) and rump height (RH) (r = 0.70), while BWT and heart girth (HG) showed a significant correlation (r = 0.68) (p<0.05) at I2 stage. Simple regression models demonstrated good predictive power on BWT at the FM stage for HG (R2 = 74%), BL (R2 = 65%), and WT (R2 = 53%) (p<0.05). The predictive power of multiple regression models for I3 was slightly reduced when non-significant components were removed. The findings suggest that HG is the best p...
height: normal;">Sohaila Fathi El-Hawary1, Nermeen M.L. Malak2, Reda A. Gomaa3, Hesham Z. Tawfeuk3, Suzan Ismail4, Nady Khairy Elbarbary5*
...l; font-size: 11px; line-height: normal;">Abstract | Vibrio species are significant pathogenic bacteria found in fish that induce gastroenteritis, a major public health issue. The present research investigated the occurrence, virulence gene detection, antibiotic resistance profile, and the antibacterial influence of lemon juice and pomegranate peel extract on V. cholerae and V. parahaemolyticus. Samples were 150 fish (30 of each Nil...
height: normal;">Marlon Reinaldo Castro-García1*,Vanessa Gabriela Espinoza-Posligua1, Francisco Horley Cañarte-García1, Doris Fernanda Rizzo-Alcivar2, Christian Simón Rivadeneira-Barcia1 and Alex Alberto Dueñas Rivadeneira3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Consuming healthy and good quality foods has promoted the development of new conservation technologies, such as edible coatings. The aim of the present study was the characterization of Cordia lutea gum films. The films were prepared by heating gum-water solutions at 80 ±1 ° C for 5 minutes. The chemical analyzes of acidity, pH and ° Brix were made in the gum of C. lutea. The variables dete...
height: normal;">Plinio Vargas Zambrano1*, Luis Vásquez Cortez2,3, Julio Ibarra Arteaga4, Camilo Chávez Ceballos4 and Ramona Párraga Alava1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Natural preservatives are widely used in the food industry since they have the ability to preserve or to be an antioxidant, but with the great difference that they are not harmful to health. Garlic with its compounds become a preservative agent, therefore, the objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of garlic extract (Allium sativum) as a preservative in a kefir-type fermented milk beverage. A compl...
height: normal;">Damat Damat1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Shazma Anwar3, Mohammed Ali Wedyan4
height: normal;">Zane Vincevica-Gaile5, Yogo Adhi Nugroho2, Tony Liwang2, Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi1*, 
height: normal;">Ahmad Fauzi1, Hanif Alamudin Manshur1, Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Vritta Amroini Wahyudi1
height: normal;">Yolla Muvika Ananda1 and Hemalia Agustin Rachmawati1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">A form of waste from coffee processing, coffee pulp (CP), and coffee husk (CH) has not been optimally explored for value-added products despite the essential nutrients contained. In fact, this solid waste causes various environmental pollution problems. This study aimed to ascertain the characteristics of Indonesian locally-grown CP and confirm its feasibility for coffee cherry flour (CCF) production. Dried CP samples ...
height: normal;">Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1*,Nuratiqah Emran1, Nurul Elyni Mat Shaari1, Arba Aleem2, Zanariah Mohd Nor1 and Ali Majrashi3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Cadmium (Cd) is a very poisonous and non-essential heavy metal which is easily absorbed by plants. The metal makes living organisms susceptible to its acute and chronic toxicity through plant food. Similarly, Cd hinders the growth of plants by causing the loss of chlorophyll, which in turn negatively impacts the activities of photosynthesis. Therefore, this current study aims to evaluate the effects of Cd on the germin...

Muhmmad Bilal Islam1* and Sar Zamin Khan2

...hometry including villus height, width, crypt depth and surface area were significantly affected by the treatment groups. The villus surface area for ileum for T-1 to T-5 groups recorded were 129497, 129013, 135655, 137894, 120535 µm2. A significantly (p<0.05) lower pH value was recorded for T-3 group for crop, small intestine and gizzard having the aqueous concentration of garlic, onion and chilli as (50:37.5:12.5). The weight of lymphoid organs like...

Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, Mahmoud Yassin Mohamed1*, Mahmoud Sayed Sayah2,1, Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Ezzat Arafa Ahmed El-Beltagi1, Shimaa M. Ali1

...tal growth (body length, height at withers, and heart girth) adhered to the same pattern. Calves in the 3rd group reached maturity earlier (about 50d and 63d) and recorded heavier body weights (about 35 kg and 55 kg) of both males and females, respectively. Also, sexual activity, semen characteristics and testosterone levels for bulls developed earlier than the 1st group. Heifers in the same group were superior in reproductive performance such as reaching pube...

Jahid Hasan Tipu1, Md Ashraful Islam2, Md Altafur Rahman3, Md. Nazim Uddin4, Obaidul Islam5* 

...eart girth, body length, height at withers, height at back, and paunch girth in Black Bengal goats. A total of 125 Black Bengal goats were selected from Sylhet Government Goat Development Farm and Khadimnagar union of Sylhet Sadar upazila of Bangladesh. Goats were categorized into different groups based on their age and sex. Live weight was estimated by digital balance, and other body measurements were estimated by measuring...

Elkhan Rajaf Allahverdiyev1*, Azer Agazade Khalilov2, Araz Mustafa Gasimov2, Zahid Gurban Khalilov2, Parvana Bahlul Bayramova2, Kamala Fatiaga Abilova2 and Sait Engindeniz3

... sown in intercrops. The height of the mixed sowing sorghum plant increased to 245-255 cm, and the height of the pea plant increased to 100-110 cm in the variant with 10 t/ha+N70P125K90 of mineral and organic-mineral fertilizers. The researches prove that in the variant applied with organic-mineral fertilizers at the rate of 10 t/ha+N70P125K90, along with the growth and development of plants, green mass yield has increased s...
height: normal;">Hajjar Hartini Wan Jusoh1,2, Hafizan Juahir1,2*, Azimah Ismail1, Nurfarahana Mohd Nasir3,5, Setyo Budi Kurniawan1,4 and Ahmad Jusoh5
height: normal; min-height: 14px;"> 
height: normal;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The usage of malathion pesticide and a subsequent release into the environment was a major concern worldwide due to detrimental effect and their toxicity to ecosystem. Concerned about the impact of malathion pesticide, this study investigated the effectiveness of granular activated carbon (GAC) in removing malathion from agricultural runoff. The study focused on how particle size and dosage of GAC impact the removal ef...
height: normal;">Wan Norhafizah Wan Azman and John Yew Huat Tang* 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of various citric and acetic acid conditions against L. monocytogenes in lettuce, as well as to ascertain the overall reduction of L. monocytogenes by various decontamination procedures. Before decontamination process, the sample was inoculated with L. monocytogenes and stored in the chiller for 24 h. Different concentrations of acetic and c...
height: normal;">MohamadRahijan AbdulWahab*andAhmadAimanSalahudin
height: normal; min-height: 14px;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Stingless bee honey contains high source of antioxidants, phenolic acids, and flavonoidsthat are capable of promoting health and wound healing. However, few studies have beenconducted on factors determining stingless bee honey consumption. This study aims to ascertain customer satisfaction, attitude, and purchase intent with reference to Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, and stingless bee honey consumption. The study’s ...
height: normal;">Shaiqah Mohd Rus1*, Anika Z.M.R.2, Awis Sukarni Mohmad Sabere3, Mohd. Rushdi Abu Bakar4,5, Farahidah Mohamed4 and Abd Almonem Doolaanea6*
height: normal; min-height: 14px;"> 
height: normal;"> 
... font-size: 11.5px; line-height: normal;">Black seed oil (BSO) contains thymoquinone, an active ingredient that is well-known for its antioxidant property and used in food and traditional medicine. BSO is encapsulated in micrometre-sized alginate beads (AB), to increase its palatability. This encapsulation is established and produced on a small scale in the lab. To achieve the ideal BSO alginate nanoemulsion during large-scale manufacturing, it is vital to use...
height: normal;">Nur Amira Idayu Romzi1, Aina Zahirah Mohd Suhaili1, Norhayati Ngah1,2 and Mohd Fahmi Abu Bakar1*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Nitrogen is an essential element for maize growth. The crude protein produced by maize is related to the amount of nitrogen within the tissue. Different amounts of nitrogen could generate different amounts of crude proteins in maize plants. This study focuses on the determination of the crude protein production from different amounts of nitrogen composition in the fertilizers. A total of sixty maize seeds (GWG 888) wer...
height: normal;">Che Ku Nur Ain Mardhiah Che Ku Azman and Norlia Muhamad*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Immature Melon Manis Terengganu (MMT) contains high moisture content, making the fruit highly perishable and rapidly deteriorating. Drying is the most common method used in food processing to extend its shelf life. The main objective of this project was to investigate the thermal degradation kinetics of the dried immature Melon Manis Terengganu (MMT) using a hot air dryer at four different temperatures (40, 50, 60...
height: normal;">Abdussalam Muhyideen Zainab Funmilayo and Lee-Hoon Ho*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Unprocessed beetroot juice has a short shelf life. Pasteurization had been one of the common techniques practised in beverage industry for prolonging shelf life of juice. This research was conducted to determine effect of storage time on the biochemical and microbiological quality of enzymatically pasteurized beetroot juice. A 3:1 ratio was used to blend the beetroot pulp with distilled water. After that, pectinase was...
height: normal;">Roshita Ibrahim1*, Anis Nursyazwani Aminuddin1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">High demand, low-cost production, and vigorous mycelium growth of grey oyster mushroom (Pleurotus sajor-caju) make it popular among small farmers to commercially cultivate it in Malaysia. This study explored the impact of different physical stimulations on the growth and yield of grey oyster mushrooms. The treatments included individual applications of electrical shock (12V; 13A) and high light intensity (1500 L...
height: normal;">Nurul Aini Kamaruddin, Nur Qistina Afiqah Muhamad Asri and Nur Alya Adila Rosli 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Ruminant growth performance is significantly dependent on adequate nutrient intake, as these animals obtain essential nutrients from their diets. This study aims to determine the nutrient composition of a basal diet supplemented with Azolla microphylla and measure its effects on the growth performance of Saanen doelings. The feeding treatments consisted of Control (100% Pak Chong Napier), T1 (90% Pak Chong Napie...
height: normal;">Mok Sam Lum, Nurul Fadhilah binti Aldam and Clament Fui Seung Chin* 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Sweet corn (Zea mays L. var. saccharata) is an important palatable grain grown for human consumption, for both fresh and processed foods. In this study, efficacy of Azolla pinnata aqueous extract on the growth and yield of sweet corn through foliar application was evaluated. Independent variables were application rates of urea (120, 110, 100, 90, 80, and 0 kg ha-1) and aqueous ...
height: normal;">Nur Anis Hashim1, Nor Hasima Mahmod1*, Abubakar Abdullahi Lema2, Lee-Hoon Ho3 and Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Abstract | Hibiscus sabdariffa or roselle is well known for its high antioxidant content. This species is originated in West Africa and spread to Asia by the colonials in 1700s. The optimal conditions for the preparation of dried materials for further processing and suitable drying techniques while preserving their antioxidants have yet to be inferred. Thus, the present study aims to determine the content...
height: normal;">Mohd Aiman Hamdan1, Muhammad Fitri Yusof2, Hajar Fauzan Ahmad3,Mufafikri Musa4, Najmuddin Mohd Ramli5,6 and Mohd Najib Razali5,6*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">There are many cat food products sold in the current retail market. The cat food product industry is rapidly expanding due to the enlargement of middle-class citizens and the increase in spending on pets per capita. However, there is no validation of the actual nutritional value of these products. The present study aimed to determine the dietary nutrient profile of six commercial cat food available in Malaysia with com...
height: normal;">Dyana Louis Anak Peter, Elldiwirna Saimen, Lucky Poh Wah Goh, Mohd. Khalizan Sabullah, Rahmath Abdulla, Jualang Azlan Gansau and Roslina Jawan*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Prebiotics are indigestible fibre components that are only fermented by the gut microbiota and provide benefits to the host’s wellbeing and health. However, probiotic substrate preferences vary according to the strain, and choosing a suitable prebiotic is essential to produce symbiotic products. This study aimed to investigate fermentability of different types of prebiotics b...
height: normal;">Nor Adila Zulkifli1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1*, Zalilawati Mat Rashid1, Zarinah Zakaria1, Norshazila Shahidan2, Lee-Hoon Ho1 and Faridah Yahya3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Honey produced by stingless bee is commonly known as Kelulut honey. Honey is frequently heated to purify, filter, and permit packing in order to inhibit the growth of microbes. However, heating could increase the amount of the potentially cancer-causing substance hydroxymethylfurfural (HMF) in honey and will reduce the physicochemical and nutritional attributes due to its heat sensitivity. Hence, ultrasound which is a ...

Siew Ing Nguang, Nur Syafiqah Binti Zainal, Ahmad Mukhlis Bin Hafas, Hou Chew Ha, Connie Fay Komilus, and Asmad Kari*

...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Fish sperm cryopreservation is important for preserving sperm viability and genetic potential during freezing and thawing. Each fish species requires a specific extender because of diverse sperm characteristics. Tilapia (Oreochromis sp.) popular in Malaysia for its hardiness and rapid growth is an excellent choice for aquaculture. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) (Av) shows promise in spermatogenesis, but its...

Aimen Raza1, Muhammad Muzamil Ijaz1,2*, Adnan Younis1, Nasir Ahmad Khan3, Ahsan Akram1, M. Abdul Salam khan2 and M. Nadeem4

... regarding maximum plant height (86.05 cm), number of leaves per plant (58.33), leaf length (100.70 cm), leaf width (0.97 cm), fresh leaf weight (0.91 g), leaf total chlorophyll content (136.40 SPAD), photosynthetic rate (118.33 μmol m2s-1), transpiration rate (0.33 mmol m2s-1), epidermal cell area (1.00 μm2), metaxylem cell area (0.45 μm2), cortical thickness (7.50 μm) and xylem thickness (7.40 μm) were recorded in T5 coco peat 50% + leaf compo...

Farhan Anjum1*, Sheraz Ahmad Khan1, Raees Muhammad2, Yousaf Jamal1, Durrishahwar1, Jawad Ali Shah1 and Hidayat Ullah1*

...uo; had the lowest plant height, whereas genotype ‘Bamkhel-2’ had the highest. Genotype ‘Bamkhel-2’ had the highest leaf area measured, whereas ‘Eidhi’ had the lowest. The highest grains per ear were noted for genotype ‘Bamkhel-2’ (567.40), and the minimum was recorded in ‘Saleem Khan-2’ (448.53). The genotype ‘CIMMYT Yellow’ achieved the highest thousand-grain weight (331.40g), whereas th...

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Arbab Jahangeer1, Muhammad Arshad1, Naveed Akhtar2, Ansar Hussain3, Mussarrat Hussain4, Muhammad Shahid5 and Qaisar Abbas4 for plant population, height, sympodial branches per plant, bolls per plant, boll weight, and seed cotton yield. Cotton sown at 15 cm spacing had the highest plant population and plant height, while 30 cm spacing resulted in the higher sympodial branches, bolls, and highest boll weight. De-topping at 90 DAS significantly improved the number of branches, bolls and yield, whereas 75 DAS had the lowest values. Higher seed co...

Muhammad Salim1,2*, Muhammad Zakria2, Ahmad Ur Rahman Saljoqi2, Shahid Sattar2, Ayhan Gökçe1, Amjad Usman3 and Hayat Badshah4

...esulted in maximum plant height (100.67 cm), spike length (12.33 cm) and total yield (3910.23 kg/ha). Based on the above results, P. hysterophorus leaves extract can be recommended in wheat for the management of targeted pest including S. avenae. 

height: normal;">Khaled A. El-Dougdoug1, Wael S. El-Araby2* and Rehab, A. Dawoud3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Virus-like particles (VLPs) are biological entities at the nanoscale level that are made of viral proteins organized in a morphology that resembles the original virion but lacks the viral genetic material. VLPs are appealing as a system because their proteins can be altered both chemically and genetically, opening up a wide range of potential uses. Virus-like particles (VLPs) are ideal for antigen and medication admini...
height: normal;">Khaled A. El-Dougdoug1, Wael S. El-Araby2* and Rehab A. Dawoud3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The viromes of land plants are enormous and diverse, and they are dominated by RNA viruses. However, reverse-transcription and single-stranded (ss) DNA viruses also make significant contributions to the viromes of land plants. In this article, we present a thorough taxonomy of viruses that was recently adopted and is based on phylogenomic investigations. This taxonomy is then applied to the plant virome. We continue ou...

Manar Mousa Alhussein*, Eman Faisal Albghdady

...n increase in epithelial height; hyperplastic epithelia; and an appearance of cribriform forms with infiltration of inflammatory cells. Also, treated rats in G2 exhibited significantly (P ≤ 0.05) lower blood testosterone and higher estradiol levels. This study concluded that rats exposed to 50 µg/rat of estradiol benzoate pre-puberty showed epididymis toxicity effects.
Keywords | Epididymis toxicity, Estradiol benzoate, ...
height: normal;">Satya Narayana Rao Ramasamy1,2, Assis Kamu3 and Connie Fay Komilus1*
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens)are widely known as essential and demanded ornamental fish in Malaysia. This fish is attractive and elegant that it is being cultured domestically. Meanwhile, crustacean crab is produced about 40 % and it being discharged about 60 % to 80 % as biomass into the environment. As this waste contains protein that could enhance growth rate, it could be a good choice to be use...

Jumiati Asis1, Nur Aainaa Hasbullah1, Mohamadu Boyie Jalloh1, Noor Khairani Mohamad Basri1, Palanivell Perumal2, Peter Mojiun2 and Mohd. Rashid Mohd. Rakib1* 

...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Trichoderma species are well-known biological control agents (BCAs) that have significant antagonistic activity against various fungal phytopathogens. On the other hand, Ganoderma boninense has been identified as the phytopathogen causing basal stem rot (BSR), a devastating disease in oil palm crop (Elaeis guineensis). In this study, the in vitro and in planta inhibition of G. boni...

 Saranyah Sathiaganeshan1,2, Nur Aina Natasha Yusoff1, Siti Juzailah Zuraimi1, Rukayat Omolara Folarin1,3, Satya Narayana Rao Ramasamy1,4, Asmad Kari1, Enike Dwi Kusumawati⁵, I Wayan Karyasa⁶ and Connie Fay Komilus1*

...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">A 30-day feeding trial on 45 quails aged 12 days was conducted to evaluate the effects of organic wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum) fodders on growth performance and meat quality of Japanese quail (Coturnix japonica). This research aims to determine nutrient compositions in organic wheatgrass fodder (OWF) and to evaluate the effect of organic wheatgrass on the growth performance and meat quality of quail. Wh...

Ali Mobder Niyf*, Jafar Ghazi Abbas Al-Jebori 

...e the villi are short in height while. At 70-75 days of examination, the rectum was more developed with advancement of gestation and all histological layer was observed with villi in various lengths. At third trimester of gestation (100-105 days and 130-140) days, the rectal villi disappeared, epithelial goblet cells increased in number and density and rectal glands. Tunica muscularis increased in thickness and the mesenchymal layer transformed to connective t...
height: normal;">Jessenia Castro-Olaya1, Dorys T. Chirinos1* and Takumasa Kondo2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Cacao, Theobroma cacao L. has a diverse entomofauna, including the scolytines. During March - August 2021, the scolytinae community was studied in Manabí province, Ecuador. Two farms in agroforestry (AF) and monoculture system (MF) were selected in three areas: Lodana (LAF and LMF), Pachinche (PAF and PMF) and Santa Ana (SAAF and SAMF). Diversity, abundance, and IndVAl were estimated as well as its correl...
height: normal;">José J. Cedeño-Díaz1, Caridad A. Torres-García1, Marina García1, Freddy Zambrano-Gavilanes1, Naga Raju Maddela2* and Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos3*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The study aimed to evaluate the effects of the application of organic fertilizers such as caster seed cake (Ricinus communis L.), physic nut seed cake (Jatropha curcas L.), and vermicompost on seedlings and adult plants of INIAP H-603 maize under semi- controlled and field conditions at the Pacific coastal Ecuador. Unfertilized and urea-fertilized plants were used as controls in both environments. Under t...
height: normal;">Roshita Ibrahim1*, Mohd Firza Ahmad Fauzi1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The current trend favours health drinks that incorporate herbs and solid components such as aloe vera pieces, grass jelly, fruit jellies, and tapioca balls. These drinks typically sweetened, which contribute to increased calorie intake. This study explores the use of black jelly mushroom (Auricularia auricula-judae) with its gel-like texture in producing healthy drinks, aiming to diversify the market’s ran...
height: normal;">Zarinah Zakaria1*, Nur Nabilah Norsham1, Nur Hasyimah Mat Shah1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1, Napisah Hussin2, Fauziah Tufail Ahmad3, Faridah Yahya3 and Norshazila Shahidan4
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The market for functional foods, including tea, has indeed seen growth due to increasing consumer awareness of the potential health benefits associated with these products. Tea intake is frequently hampered by its odour, colour, and taste since it is processed as a crude aqueous extract, restricting its consumption despite the fact that it provides considerable medicinal benefits due to the inclusion of important bioac...
height: normal;">Rukayat Omolara Folarin1,2, Nurhadirah Hairil1, Nurafiqah Anis Ismail1, Putri Athirah Zamrifana1, Lina Nadhirah Abdullah1, Muhammad Afiq Zabhin1, Ariff Imran Alkaf1, Farrah Izzuanie Zainudin1, Hanisah Basir1, Asmad Kari1, Enike Dwi Kusumawati3, I Wayan Karyasa4 and Connie Fay Komilus1*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Hydroponic wheatgrass (Triticum aestivum Linn) production is an alternative to conventional planting, providing a constant supply of green fodder for livestock year-round. It involves growing plants without soil in water or a nutrient-rich solution in a greenhouse. All parts of the hydroponic fodder (leaves, stems, roots, and grain) are fed to livestock by the farmers. This experiment aimed to identify the effec...
height: normal;">Pia Amabelle M. Flores1,3, Connie Fay Komilus2, Emelyn Joy Mameloco3 and Rex Ferdinand M. Traifalgar3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">A 60-day feeding trial was performed to assess the effects of replacing soybean meal (SBM) with fermented copra meal (FCM) on growth, feed utilization, survival, and enzyme activity of hybrid saline-tolerant tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus x Oreochromis mossambicus) juveniles. Soybean meal was replaced with fermented copra meal at 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% (by weight). Five iso-nitrogenous (at 38% CP) and iso...
height: normal;">Mat Zin Ain-Auzureen1, Maizan Mohamed1, Tan Li Peng1, Mohd Faizal Ghazali2, Choong Siew Shean1, Kamaruddin Mardhiah3, Najiah Musa4, Nora Faten Afifah Mohamad5, Chai Min Hian2 and Ruhil Hayati Hamdan1*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Vibrio alginolyticus caused vibriosis and contributed to a major problem in seabass farming. This study aims to determine the antibiotic resistance and virulence genes of V. alginolyticus isolates from Asian seabass in the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia. A total of 180 Asian seabass was dissected and a loopful of kidney and liver samples were inoculated on thiosulp...
height: normal;">Norsyasya Shari1, Nur Nabilah Husin1, Zalilawati Mat Rasid1, Maaruf Abdul Ghani2 and Noroul Asyikeen Zulkifli1*
height: normal; min-height: 14px;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Coconut milk drink (CMD) is plant-based milk that has been formulated into ready-to-drink beverage in response to the changing lifestyles and the growing health concerns among people nowadays, which influenced people towards choosing dairy product alternatives. The aim of the research was to ascertain the physico-chemical, nutritional properties and sensory characteristics of formulated CMD. Formulated CMD contains coc...

Muhammad Usman Saleem*, Tahir Hussain Awan, Bilal Atta, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir and Muhammad Ijaz

... per square meter, plant height, panicle length, and rice yield were recorded. The combined results indicated that the NP + CAN treatment consistently produced the highest values for key agronomic traits. Specifically, this treatment resulted in the greatest tiller density (344.00 tillers/m²), tallest plants (148.50 cm), longest panicles (28.93 cm) and highest 1000-grain weight (23.21 g). Moreover, the NP + CAN combination also achieved the highest paddy ...
Jalal Ahmed Khan1, Ishfaq Ahmed Hafiz1, Ayesha Maryam2, Sher Muhammad2 and Rashid Iqbal Khan1,3*
...mum no. of leaves, plant height and lateral branches were found in 40 ppm AgNo3 application. Similarly, the best outcomes regarding reproductive parameters were observed from 40 ppm AgNo3. Thus, the use of nanoparticles is suggested as a promising technique to create a healthier environment for optimizing growth and productivity of Gloxinia flower.

height: normal;">Tayyaba Gul Tareen1*, Wajahat Ullah Khan Tareen2, Muhammad Aamir3, Jehanzeb Khan1 and Naveed Jan4
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This paper examines a comprehensive and systematic review of the published work proceeding on the progressive decrease of switches forsmart batterychargers with the APFs configuration. The key characteristics of the cutting-edge technology in RES, dual active bridge converter with functions of active power filter (APF), and electric vehicle (EV) battery charging system have been elaborated in this research. Following w...
height: normal;">Syed Zeeshan Ahmed Naqvi1, Aftab Khan1*, Abdul Majid2, Tahir Javed1 and Muhammad Huzaifa1 
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...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Machine learning techniques have become pivotal in revolutionizing various industries, offering transformative solutions to complex challenges. This review paper provides an extensive examination of the multifaceted applications of machine learning across diverse sectors. It explores how machine learning is reshaping industries including accommodation, tourism, manufacturing, supply chain, energy and utilities, transpo...

Hussain Shah1, Ali Hazrat2*, Ateef Ullah1, Hafsa Razzaq3, Shabir Ahmad1, Muhammad Yahya2, Muhammad Abdullah1, Sahar Nasim2, Waqar Ahmad2, Muhammad Junaid1 and Gul Rahim2

...fresh leaf weight, plant height, number of branches, nods, types of flowers, inflorescence, flower color, pods number, length of pod, seed number per pod, weight of each pod, weight 10 pods, 100 seeds weight and total yield per plant has been investigated. Compared to other alternatives, variety PL8 had the greatest number of leaves. On the other hand, the yield an important factor was also recorded for all of the selected varieties. The variety PL8 can produc...

Hasan SA Jawad1*, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali2, Galib A. Al-Kassie3, Abdul-Razzak L. Al-Rubaie3, Lokman IH4 

...udied such as the villus height, the crypts depth, the percentage of the villus height to the crypts depth and immunological traits are both the immunity directed against Newcastle disease and the test of the relative hypersensitivity in the wattles and relative weight and the Fabricia gland index, and biochemical traits, such as concentration of glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, globulin, albumin, and total protein. ...
height: normal;">Arbab Waseem Abbas1*, Waseem Ullah Khan1, Huda Nauman1, Khalid Saeed2 and Syed Mujtaba Abbas Zaidi3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This paper presents a novel approach to segmenting typed Pashto text images into individual characters, addressing a critical challenge in Optical Character Recognition (OCR) for this language. Pashto, a right-to-left, highly cursive language similar to Arabic and Urdu, poses unique segmentation difficulties due to the variable shapes and forms of its characters depending on their p...

Muhammad Mushtaq1, Ihsan Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib5*, Naila Chand1, Abubakar Sufyan3, Muqader Shah2, Ziaul Islam4, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Aamir Khan5, Qudrat Ullah2 and Usman Zeb6

... showed increased villus height, villus height: crypt depth, and villus surface area. Moreover, the supplementation of 12×106spore@0.03 ml/L also increased (p<0.05) the net profit due to increased production. In conclusion, the use of water-based supplemented B. clausii (12×106spore@0.03 ml/L) has a positive impact on production parameters and intestinal health in meat-type chicken.


Jiaojiao Wang, Peng Pan, Tingting Wu and Jianhua Hou*

...rne insects at different heights above the lawn after vehicles had passed through was higher than that in areas without moving vehicles, with the 0.25–1 m stratum layer having the highest density of insects. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of barn swallows and the number of insects after vehicles had passed through. The results indicate that the vehicles driving on the airfield lawn disturbed the insects in the lawn layer,...

Syed Abdul Hadi1, Jameel Ahmed Gandahi1*, Muhammad Ghiasuddin Shah1, Saima Masood2, Noor Samad Gandahi1  

...;0.05) in jejunum villus height, width, villus surface area and crypt depth in HZNC. Similarly, the count of acidic, neutral and mixed goblet cells across all supplemented groups increased in comparison to PC. In cecal tonsils, the length of lymphatic nodules (LLN), width of lymphatic nodules (WLN), and area of lymphatic nodules (ALN) showed significant increases (P≤0.05) in HZNC compared to PC. Muscle pH, and muscle fiber diameter significantly increased (...

Bashir Ahmed and Salma Javed* 

...mance in promoting plant height and root growth compared to other treatments, indicating their dual role in pest control and plant health. These findings underscore the potential of integrating biopesticides into pest management strategies to enhance sustainability in urban agriculture. Future research should focus on optimizing formulations and exploring synergistic combinations of biopesticides to maximize pest control efficacy and improve crop yield.


Constant Boris Bankole1, Ignace Ogoudanan Dotche1*, Serge Gbênagnon Ahounou1, Mahamadou Dahouda2, Issaka Youssao Abdou Karim1, Marcel Senou2

...lvic width, chest girth, height at withers, the length of the tail, shoulder width and circumference of hock) were taken on the animals using a Animal Weigh Tape. The phenotype data (snout appearance, coat pattern, coat color, head profile, ear type, ear orientation, skin appearance, hair type and back line) were subsequently recorded following an observation of the animals. These data were subjected to analysis, and the impact of genetic type and sex on morph...

Abdul Razak1, Imran Altaf1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Ali Raza Awan2 and Farhat Nazir Awan3

...ed to optimize resin bed height in column based on resolution between curves, while that FMDV was used to optimize flow rate of mobile phase and sample volume based on column efficiency. The chromatographic fraction of FMDV was ensured for purity through protein analysis by SDS-PAGE and serologically by 3ABC-NSP ELISA. It was found that maximum resolution of 1.86 was achieved at 48cm of resin bed height followed by 1.5 and 1...

Touseeq Haider1, Saeed Gulzar1, Sabeeqa Usman Malik1*, Aamir Saleem1, Zuhair Hasnain2, Nazakat Hussain3, Syed Ali Abbas1, Amir Hussain4 and Qadir Hussain4 parameters, including height, number of leaves per tiller, and biomass also decreased. The maximum and minimum biomass values were 9 and 2g in Chloris gayana and 7 and 2g in Setaria anceps grass. However, Chloris gayana slightly performed better than Setaria anceps in all parameters. The results were analyzed using SPSS, Complete Randomized Design (CRD) one-way ANOVA with a probability threshold of 0.05%.

height: normal;"> Nadeem Raza1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1,  Ali Ahmed Sheikh2, Muhammad Usman1*, Quratulain Mujahid3,  Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1, Muhammad Rizwan4 and Muhammad Husnain Ali Alvi1; font-size: 8px; line-height: normal;Times New Roman";">Lyme borreliosis is multisystemic disease caused by Borrelia burgdorferi spirochete, which is tick-borne zoonotic disease of animals and human. It has worldwide circulation including Pakistan. The current study was designed to detect, the B. burgdorferi sensu lato in ticks on camels. Two hundred ticks collected (Bhakkar=100, Bahawalpur=100) from camel ...

Urfiana Sara1,3, Muhammad Irfan Said2*, Wempie Pakiding2, Sri Purwanti2

... cage density, cage area height, cage height, and length of time manure accumulate). Multiple linear regression analysis was used to determine which factors had the most influence on the farm’s manure ammonia levels, and correlation analysis was used to find interactions between groupings of factors. Ammonia emissions surrounding the cage are partially and simultaneously reduced by higher wind speed values, population,...

Zahid Hussain

...ves plant-1 (NLP), plant height (PH) (cm), tuber weight (TW) (g plant-1) and tuber yield (TY) (t ha-1). Results revealed that the plant spacing, weed-mulches and their interactions had a significant effect on majority of the parameters studied. Among the different levels of factor A, the plant to plant space of 35 cm resulted in a significant increase in WD (108.8 m-2), FWB (1609 kg ha-1), NLP (28.39 plant-1), and (TW) (695.45 g plant-1); while plant spacing o...

Gulzar Ullah1*, Riaz Alam1, Gohar Ayub2 and Ibrar Hussain3 plant (118.47), plant height (82.72 cm), number of flowers per cluster (5.91), number of flower clusters per plant (16.95) and yield (22.27 t ha-1) was obtained in Rio Grande plants in contrast to Roma and Yaqui plants. Roma plants resulted in lowest blossom end rot (14.96%) as compared to Yaqui and Rio Grande. Regarding various brassinolide levels, maximum number of leaves per plant (116.41), plant height (85.48 cm), num...

Renny Fatmyah Utamy1, Ambo Ako1, Syahdar Baba2, Zulkharnaim1, Sri Gustina1, Laode Alhamd3, Indrawirawan2, Aulia Uswa Noor Khasanah1, Arif Rahman4,5, Siti Annisa Sukri5, Rara Mufliha5, Zyahrul Ramadan5 and Purnama Isti Khaerani6

...nation percentage, plant height, fresh weight, dry weight, and proximate analysis. Results indicates that both level of P and D significantly influenced the measured parameters. Interaction of the factors P and D has a highly significant effects (p<0.01) on germination rate, plant height, fresh and dry weight. The combination of P at 15 ml/l with D 0.47 g/cm² showed the highest germination. Whereas, morphological tra...

Ghassan Adnan Abdul Ameer

... number of leaves, plant height, ear length, number of corn cobs, and grain per cob. Increasing the planting distance also resulted in taller plants and more leaves, which positively affected the cob characteristics and number of grains. The highest productivity was achieved with the treatment of two sprays combined with a planting distance of 25 cm, resulting in a higher number of grains per cob.

height: normal;">Hadda Kareche1*, Ola Elbohy2 and Janet M. Daly2
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Avian influenza (AI), which is recognized as one of the most contagious respiratory diseases in poultry worldwide, is caused by avian influenza A virus (LPAIV). Wild birds are considered the primary natural reservoirs of low pathogenicity avian influenza (LPAI) viruses. This review focusses on the epidemiological situation and the spread of LPAI viruses of the H9N2 subtype in poultry in North African countries includin...


Ahmed M.F.A

Volume 2, Issue 2 March and April 2018 Pages 37-47
... font-size: 10.5px; line-height: 0; position: relative; vertical-align: baseline; top: -0.5em; color: rgb(51, 51, 51); text-align: justify;">6 cfu/ ml)” and “Plant guard (T. harzianum

Abdelhak Rhouma 1 Ibtissem Ben Salem 1 Mahmoud M’Hamdi 2 Naima Boughalleb-M’Hamdi 1

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 85-100
...ith mean values of plant height (76.75-79.83 cm, and 81.83-80.92 cm), root volume (2.39-2.22 cm3, and 1.84-1.88 cm3), above grounds fresh weight (16.07-16.57 g, and 12.84-14.93 g) and dry wt. (2.49-2.6 g, and 2.66-2.70 g), underground fresh wt. (0.725-0.654 g, and 0.717-0.690 g) and dry wt. (0.147-0.214 g, and 0.156-0.152 g). Based on current results, it appears that Trichoderma spp. could be employed in soil treatments to promote watermelon plant growth and d...

Sheheryar1 and Iqtidar Hussain2*

... reduced the maize plant height, grain yield, 1000-grain weight, and leaf area index, whereas lower densities (≤10 plants m-²) had minimal effects. At the highest density (25 plants/m²), the maize yield and grain protein content were reduced by 59.68% and 13.05%, respectively, compared with those of the control. These findings underscore the competitive threat posed by jungle rice and highlight the necessity of maintaining weed densities below 10 ...

Taiba F. Al-Mayyahi, Dhafer A. Jameel and Haider A. Alghanmi* superiority in plant height, total chlorophyll, carotenoids, protein and nitrogen among all treatments with values reaching 27.33 cm, 4.61 mg/gm fresh weight, 0.21 mg/gm, 1.79% and 2.36%. Statistical analysis confirmed considerable variations were found between several tests at p ≤ 0.05.


Michael E. Nkereuwem1,2*; O. Fagbola2; Iniobong E. Okon3; Ini D. Edem4; Adeniyi O. Adeleye5; Victor O.

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 808-824
...ntent of the soil, plant height, number of leaves, fresh and dry weights, percent of mycorrhizal root colonization, and fungal total colony count, were collected at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after planting (WAP). Current results showed that mycorrhizal inoculation and fertilizer application enhanced the tolerance and growth of C. lucanusianus plant to the crude oil contaminated soil. Mycorrhizal inoculation and NPK fertilizer application at 1.2 g/ pot recorded higher ...

Alaa Fathalla Mohammed

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 992-1004
...esults showed that plant height inoculated with SN and AA increased by 27.30% and 24.95; respectively, while inoculation with Gigaspora gigantean (GG), G. mosseae (GS) and G. monosporum (GM) increased by 16.01%, 14.6% and 6.83%, respectively. Number of spikes/plant, spike length, number of spikelet/spike, 1000-grain weight and grain yield/plant of wheat plants inoculated with AMF increased significantly, compared with the non-inoculated control plants under wa...
height: normal;">Frank G. Cedeño-Lozano1, Freddy Zambrano-Gavilanes2 and Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos3*
height: normal; min-height: 14px;"> 
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">In this work, the effect of commercial algal extracts was examined based on Ascophyllum nodosum, Sargassum spp., and Spirulina spp. on the incidence of dead plants (%), Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC) concerning that variable, severity (%) of rot in roots and hypocotyls, and vascular necrosis in hypocotyls (%) associated with charcoal rot, and the chlorophyll index (SPAD) in cotton pl...
height: normal;">Gerardo J. Cuenca-Nevárez1,2* and Juan Carlos Menjivar-Flores2,3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">At present, there are no reliable criteria for how much nitrogen fertilizer to add in pasture soils, so it is important to improve the efficiency of nitrogen (N) fertilizer use in pasture soils. It is therefore necessary to identify a fast and reliable soil N test procedure for predicting mineralizable N (mN), for soils cultivated with tropical grasses. In this investigation the Nm of 35 farms (depth 0.20m) of the Nort...
height: normal;">Robinson Torres Ronquillo1, Manuel Carrillo Zenteno2, Wuellins Durango Cabanilla2, Diego Franco Ochoa1, César Quinaluisa Morán1, Seyed Mehdi Jazayeri3,4, Gregorio Vásconez Montufar5, E. Rajasekhar6, Naga Raju Maddela7* and Ronald Villamar-Torres1,5*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The objective was to determine the effects on morphological changes in cocoa plants (EET-103 clone) due to the effect of increasing doses of heavy metals (HMs): Mercury (Hg), Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Cadmium (Cd). Through seven treatments with four replications, the variations in stem diameter, plant height and chlorophyll activity were determined. The obtained results were analyzed b...

Syed Muhammad Saqib Raza1, Sheheryar1, Rabia Khalid1, Muhammad Mansoor2, Sonia Sumreen3 and Muhammad Muzammil Bin Khalil1

...rcentage (94.65%), plant height (222.20 cm), number of cobs (2.65 plant-1), number of grains (347.23 cob-1), 100 grains weight (28.25 g) and grain yield (6.87 t ha-1), but also gave maximum net returns (2.40). Since this treatment can be the most productive for farmers of the target locality, therefore it was recommended for general use in maize crop.

height: normal;">Muhammad Bilal Yasser and Muhammad Imran Majid
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">An integrated social, environmental, economic, and statistical analysis is conducted of Karachi’s construction sector in an analyzed case study and survey. The methodology involves the identification and ranking of adverse impacts and quantification of social costs based on well-known analytical models. The results have implications for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) process improvement within Pakistan...
height: normal;">Zaheer Abbas, Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Yousuf Rafiq, Hafiz Shahzad* and Aqeel Ur Rehman
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This paper examines the thermally radiative Poiseuille flow of a non-Newtonian Jeffrey fluid through a porous medium with variable inclination and permeability. For simplification, let us assume that permeability varies in a quadratic parabolic form. The Brinkman model is applied to the porous medium to effectively regulate the flow. The impacts of viscous dissipation are also incorporated into the energy equation. The...

Li Yang1, Xuliang Ma2 and Chao Wang1*

... the bone width and bone height in experimental group were higher as against controls (P<0.01). The level of bone resorption in experimental group was higher as against controls (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between two groups before treatment (P>0.05). The plaque index, sulcus bleeding index, probe bleeding index, and periodontal probe depth in experimental group were better as against controls (P<0.01). It was concluded that the u...
height: normal;">Diego Armando Tuárez García1, Hernán Humberto Chevez Véliz2, Luis Humberto Vásquez Cortez3,5, Kerly Estefanía Alvarado Vásquez4, Jaime Fabián Vera Chang1, Cynthia Yadira Erazo Solorzano1 and Frank Guillermo Intriago Flor6
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">The banana (Mussa acuminata) is a fruit native to Asia and has been a staple food for centuries due to its high nutritional value and versatility. The Maqueño banana “Red Dacca” is a unique variety with a reddish-purple skin, smaller size, and greater nutrient density compared to the conventional yellow banana. Its flavor, often likened to fresh raspberries, makes it a promising alternative fo...

Muti Ullah1*, Muhammad Kashif Raza1, Muhammad Zahid Rashid2, Amina2, Maryam Nasir2 and Zaid Mustafa3 

.... Result regarding plant height (cm) and number of fronds were found maximum in Ajwa cultivar, while maximum suckers were observed in Khudri. Reproductive parameter spathe per plant was noted maximum (8.5) in Amber followed by khudri (7.2). In case of yield/plant, maximum yield was noted in case of Amber (35.93Kg) trailed by khudri (33.70 Kg) and Barhee (29.12 Kg) whereas lowest yield was observed in ajwa (26.12Kg). The highest percentage of TSS was found in A...
height: normal;">Khaled Abdel-Fattah El-Dougdoug1, Aya Hussin El-Turkey2*, Wael Sayed El-Araby2, Ahmed Ramadan Sofy3, Adel Abd El-Based Mousa1 and Ahmed Abbas3
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Ocimum basilicum L., commonly sweet basil, belongs to the Lamiaceae family and is characterized by an essential oil primarily composed of monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and phenylpropanoids. Viral infections can influence the levels of these compounds. The cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), which causes viral diseases in numerous significant crops globally, has been identified in the basil plant (Ocimum basilicum).<...

Syeda Khshnood1, Muhammad Yasir Khan2, Qayash Khan1, Farooq Jan1, Saman Yaqoob1, Kashmala Jabbar1, Ikramullah Khan1, Nasir Shah2, Iqra Ambreen1, Guleena Khan1 and Abdur Rauf1*

...observed including plant height, ear height, grain yield, days to 50% pollen shedding, days to 50% silking, and ear population per hectare. The analysis of variance revealed that the plant height, ear height, and grain yield indicated significant differences, while ear population per hectare, days to 50 % pollen shedding, and 50% silking showed non-signi...

Maryam Nasir1*, Nida Mahreen1, Muhammad Maaz Aziz1, Malik Mohsin Abbas1, Akbar Hayat Saggu2, Afzal Ansari1, M. Amna Jamil Kanwal1 and Hira Faiz1

...eters studied were plant height, canopy area, stem girth, leaf length, number of flowers, number of fruit set, number of fruits matured, average yield and fruit quality (TSS, TA, vitamin C, sugars, Total phenolic contents and antioxidants. Results showed that the vegetative growth, yield and quality of Red lady is better than Calena and it is well adapted for cultivation under climatic conditions of Punjab.


Ahmad Fahrudin Husen1, Suyadi1, Yudi Parwoto2, Muhammad Sairi2, Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih1*

...ody length (BL), withers height (WH), chest girth (CG), chest depth (CD), hip height (HH), ear length (EL), ear width (EW), and mane ruff length (MRL). The methods used in this study included descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, and canonical correlation analysis (CCA). Results showed significant sexual dimorphism, with males exhibiting larger body sizes BW (27.15±5.39 kg vs. 24.53±3.85 kg in f...
height: normal;">Adham Ezz El-Regal Mahmoud1, Atef Shoukry Sadik2 and Ahmed Mahdy3*
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">This study presents a comprehensive analysis of the physicochemical, pharmacokinetic, and molecular docking properties of black seed (Nigella sativa) bioactive compounds-Nigellicine, Carvacrol, Nigellidine, and Thymoquinone-compared to the antiviral drug Ribavirin, using SwissADMET predictions and molecular docking simulations. The physicochemical profiles revealed that all black seed compounds are drug-like, wi...
height: normal;">Mehwish Iqtedar*, Mahnoor Siddique, Asma Shahzad, Afshan Kaleem and Roheena Abdullah
...nt-stretch: normal; line-height: normal;">Zinc oxide nanoparticles are widely and safely used due to their characteristic nature. The current study is focused at microbial synthesis of Zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and their applications in biomedical and environmental areas. Intracellular ZnO NPs were developed utilizing Bacillus subtilis (CP002905.1) which is not only cost-effective but eco-friendly method too. The UV-Vis spectrum of the synthesi...

Biologia (Lahore)


Vol.70, Iss. 1


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