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Johanna Lindahl 1, 2

British Journal of Virology
...mergence. Several of the mechanism by which urban disease emergence is promoted also increase the risks of vector-borne diseases, and the mosquito-borne Dengue virus is one of the pathogens benefitting from this. The related virus Japanese encephalitis virus is the most important cause of mosquito-borne encephalitis in the world, and is maintained in avian reservoirs and amplified by pigs. The occasional spill-over of the virus into humans results in more than...

Sandeep Satapathy and Rupam Ghosh intracellular defense mechanisms. Associated with IL-6 signalling is the expression acceleration of sequestrome 1(SQSTM1) / aggrosome and colocalization of HDAC6 to the cytoplasm. The key player HDAC6 is investigated for modelling several intracellular processes that come into action to bring out the viral clearance. The shuttling of HDAC6 takes place from nucleus to cytoplasm and vice versa controlling the overexpression of IFN-beta and ISGs which subseque...

Ye Liu2, Yulong Cong2, Yiming Shao1*

...s of Tat and its working mechanisms, this review exhibits the superior potential of Tat as immunoregulator on optimizing immune responses mediated by vaccines. These examples of selected studies will provide researchers some implications and inspirations for using HIV Tat to optimize immune responses of vaccines.


Kathryne E. Taylor1 and Karen L. Mossman1,2*

...f diverse functions, the mechanisms through which it produces these effects continue to be elusive. Recent investigations into the ability of ICP0 to block the activation of antiviral signaling have revealed a potential explanation for some of this confusion – namely, that ICP0 has important functions in the cytoplasm that have been generally disregarded, due to the fact that many frequently used experimental manipulations restrict this protein to the nu...

Derk Pereboom

...for by the conditions on mechanism-ownership, a feature of the compatibilist account of moral responsibility he and Ravizza (1998) developed, which, he correctly points out, I neglect in favor of the reasons-responsiveness component.


Weili Kong1, Guangpeng Ma2 and Jinhua Liu1*

...luenza virus by multiple mechanisms. Due to C-terminal ‘tail’ (CTT) truncation of NS1, there are length variation types of NS1 in different subtype influenza viruses. CTT functions in several ways to defeat the cellular innate immune responses. Here, we discuss those different effects of CTT truncation or elongation of NS1 protein in different genetic backgrounds of influenza experimentations. Conclusively, it can be stated that CTT confers a posit...

Luke Galen

...erature reveals that the mechanisms of most beneficial associations with religiosity are attributable to factors other than beliefs, chiefly, social engagement and embeddeness in supportive groups. Often, those with the lowest levels of well-being and prosociality are uncommitted or indifferent religious believers, not socially engaged nonbelievers. Therefore, defining individuals who are not committed or engaged in socially supportive groups solely in terms o...

Luca Vitale

...ns by means of different mechanisms that contribute to their adaptive success in different habitats.


Jonas Johansson Wensman1*a, Karl-Johan Leuchowius2,3 a, Jiting Yan1, Anna-Lena Berg4, Liv Bode5, Hanns Ludwig5, Sandor Belak6, Ulf Landegren2, Ola Soderberg2, Mikael Berg6

...rved, however, the exact mechanisms behind BDV’s ability to establish persistence despite a prominent immune response are not known. Here we have used in situ proximity ligation assay (in situ PLA), a selective tool for studying virus-host protein-protein interactions. BDV P (phosphoprotein) and N (nucleoprotein) have previously been reported to interact with several host proteins, thereby interfering with various signaling pathways. In this study, we fo...

 Mukhtiar Ahmed, Jana Pickova, Taufiq Ahmad, Muhammad Liaquat, Abid Farid, Muhammad Jahangir

...urs by several molecular mechanisms such as generation of reactive oxygen precursors and free radicals. Oxidation affects many interactions among food constituents, leading to both desirable and undesirable products. Food lipids are the foods components that are most susceptible to oxidation, therefore oxidation reactions are one of the major sources of deterioration that occurs during manufacturing, storage, distribution and final preparation of foods. Lipid ...

Yingbin Wang*, Ting Ye, Xiaogang Wang and Congyu Zhou

... find out the underlying mechanisms.


Iqra Mahmood1, Asif Nadeem1*, Masroor Ellahi Babar2, Muhammad Muddassir Ali1, Maryam Javed1, Aisha Siddiqa1, Tanveer Hussain2 and Muhammad Tariq Pervez2

...tanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the host immune response to the infectious agents is necessary. Identification of the genes, and their variants, involved in innate immune responses is essential for the understanding of this inflammatory disease and to identify potential genetic markers for resistance to mastitis. This article presents a systematic integration of complex biological interactions of 226 mammary gland genes to uncover underlying reg...

Metin Duru1*, Asuman Arslan Duru1, Köksal Karadaş2, Ecevit Eyduran3, Harun Cinli4 and Mohammad Masood Tariq5

...etter prove relationship mechanism between egg quality characteristics which are of great importance for higher price and more income of fertile and table eggs.


Jose M. Rojas, Noemi Sevilla and Veronica Martin

...o clearly understand the mechanisms developed by these viruses, in particular PPRV, to interact with the host immune system. A better comprehension of this behaviour could lead the global strategy for the control and eradicaton of PPR, initiated by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) on 2015.


Jixue Hou1,2, Xueling Chen3, Jing Wang4, Hongwei Zhang2, Yu Xi2, Jie Xia2, Xinyu Peng2,* and Xiangwei Wu2,5*

...g the pathophysiological mechanisms to restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) as well as translational approaches. In this Experiment, we established a unique murine model of femoral artery injury through a home-made wire. The mouse model of vascular injury may be used to explore the molecular mechanism of post-angioplasty restenosis with lowest costing.


Ibni Amin Khalil* and Raziuddin

... as non-additive genetic mechanisms were found important due to significant effects for both components i.e. General Combining Ability (GCA) and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) effects. Maximum GCA was shown by L-7 and T-1; whereas high SCA was noted for L-6 and L-7 with good ability to combine with T-3 and T-1 respectively, and could be utilized as genetic material in future breeding programs. Overall the biplot approach was found much cooperative in elabora...
Waqar Islam*1, 2, Madiha Zaynab3, Muhammad Qasim2 and Zujian Wu1,2 explain the molecular mechanisms involved in triggering the antiviral resistance in plants. Antiviral RNA silencing, R-gene mediated resistance and host factor related recessive resistance are categorized as most beneficial plant defense approaches used by plants. The review also briefly explains about introgression of durable resistance to generate virus resistant cultivars for economically important crops through molecular breeding techniques via utilizin...
Sung Kwon Park1a, Jin Young Jeong2a, Eun Seok Cho3, Yong Dae Jeong3 and Chang Seok Park4*
...r understand the precise mechanisms of PEDV in pig PBMC. 
Xiang Nong1,2,3,*, Yao-jun Yang1,2, Guang-you Yang3, Feng-zheng Chen2, Mei Tang1,2 and Gang Wang2
...e insecticidal molecular mechanism of stigmasterol to lay the foundation for the development of stigmasterol as nontoxic and pollution-free pesticides that can be introduced into the environment.

Sitansu Pan and Someshwar Bhagat

Biological control of plant diseases
...l of plant diseases. The mechanisms of action of these biocontrol agents against target pathogens are antibiosis, mycoparasitism, competition for space and nutrient, production of certain toxins and secondary metabolites, solublization and sequestration of immobilized plant nutrients, plant growth prowth promoting properties and induced resistance. Multiple interactions between bacteria-fungi-actinomycete, may exist in nature and that is why consortium of micr...

M. S. A. Mamun and M. Ahmed

Integrated pest management in tea: prospects and future strategies in Bangladesh
...varieties and mechanical mechanisms like manual removal, heat treatments, light traps, use of bio-pesticides, bio-control agents and sex pheromone trap need to be given more importance in pest management programme. A tentative IPM strategy for tea cultivation in Bangladesh has been proposed in this paper. Thus the proposed integrated pest management (IPM) strategy should help tea industry for successful long lasting plantations which will ensure consistent cro...

M.A. Pendse, P.P. Karwande and M.N. Limaye

Past, present and future of nematophagous fungi as bio-agent to control plant parasitic nematodes
...tion, trap formation and mechanism of nematode capture as well as probable causes of death. The review traces the shift in the areas of research as well as ups and downs in the interest shown by the researchers. Guide lines for organized, coordinated research to i) screen different strains of NF that are tolerant to antagonism by other fungi, and ii) develop a bioagent based on nematophagous fungi which will show consistent success for the controlling of phyto...

D.K. Hazra, Megha Pant, S.K. Raza and P. K. Patanjali


Formulation technology: key parameters for food safety with respect to agrochemicals use in crop protection
...volved in the pesticidal mechanism. This implies that most of the applied pesticides find their way as 'residue' in food chains where they undergo concentration and pro-duce potential, long term, adverse health effects. Pesticides in developing countries in Asia and Pacific region are mainly available as dust, wettable powder, emulsifiable concentrates, solutions, etc. These types of formulations are regarded now as ?conventional‘, ?old technology‘...

A. K. Ganguly and Uma Rao

Decades of researches in biochemical and molecular nematology at IARI
...h areas were biochemical mechanism of resistance against phytonematodes and diagnostics of economically important plant parasitic nematodes. Specific isozymes have been identified for differentiating the important root knot nematodes species of India belonging to the genus Meloiodogyne. Further, molecular markers like RAPDs, AFLP, SSRs and PCR–RFLP of rDNA have been employed to study the molecular genetic diversity in major root knot and cyst nematode sp...
Wenqiao Hui1, Jishun Tang1, Dejian Zhu1, Qian Ban2* and Sheng Chen1*
.... However, the molecular mechanism of puberty onset has not been well understood. It has been demonstrated leptin act as a critical metabolic cue linking adipose and the onset of puberty. In the present study, we first assessed the morphological changes in adipose tissue at pre-puberty and puberty onset stages of goats, and then determined the role of leptin to activate signaling pathways which modulate the expression of hypothalamic genes involved in reproduc...
Yun Wang1,*, Lei Guan1, Jiding Chen1, Yaping Kong1, Lang Si2 and Asif Shah3
...o improve the protection mechanism for the four large ungulates viz., Tibetan antelope Pantholops hodgsonii, Tibetan gazelle Procapra picticaudata, Kiang Equus kiang) and Wild Yak Bos grunniens; we suggest that the distance between the proposed route for the expressway and the present highway and railway should at least be 1500m, and ideally, it should be 2500m.
Tiansen Li1, Meiling Huang2, Zhen Wang1,Fei Guo3,Hui Zhang1,* and Chuangfu Chen1,*
...cellosis. Currently, the mechanism behind the pathogenesis of Brucella remains unclear. For this reason omp10 mutant was constructed to examine the impacts of the outer membrane protein 10 (Omp10) on bacterial survival, virulence, phagosome-lysosome fusion, and apoptosis induction, as assessed in appropriate in vitro (cell culture) and animal models. Results showed the omp10 mutant was dramatically attenuated for survival in macroph...

Qudsia Khalid, Safdar Hussain Shah*, Faiza Zaeem and Saad Hussain Shah 

...s some of the adaptation mechanism(s). Adapted calli line was obtained on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D (2 mg/l) and kinetin (0.25 mg/l). For regeneration MS medium with 1.0mg/l NAA and BAP + 30g/l D-Sorbitol was used. LiCl adapted line showed significantly higher indices of tolerance than unadapted line at 100, 150, 200 and 250 mM NaCl stress. Adaptation resulted in enhanced accumulation of saturated fatty acids (myristic and stearic acids), while unsatur...

Mian Ahmad Raza*, Ghulam Hassan and Naqib Ullah Khan 

...ance type of inheritance mechanism was involved in the expression for maturity trait, plant stature, spike length, spikelet spike-1 and grains spike-1. Negative intercept of regression line indicated the major role of over-dominance in the inheritance of plant height, spikelets spike-1while for grains spike-1 the positive intercept of regression line indicated predominance of partial dominance in inheritance.F1 cross combination FS × JNB were observed as...
Fang Wang, Yong-Fang Jia, Po Wang, Qi-Yan Du and Zhong-Jie Chang*


... to reveal the molecular mechanism by which LET caused sex reversal, juvenile carp (120dph) were exposed to 0, 5, 25, 125, and 625μg/L LET for 15 days, and the expression profiles of seven gonad differentiation related genes (Cyp19A, Cyp19B, Arα, ERα, Dax, Foxl2, Dmrt1) and gonad histological changes were examined. The results showed that LET could inhibit oocyte growth in female and promote the development of testes in males. For the gonad diff...
Nargis Bano and Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*
...that are involved in the mechanism of stress tolerance. SA is part of an extremely complex signal transduction network’s part and it works differently in different systems. Drought stress is a major restraint for crop production in arid and semi arid states such as Pakistan. In this study experiments were conducted against the responses of strawberry plant to both pre-harvest application of salicylic acid and drought treatments. The design of the experim...

Rabia Tahir1*, Khushi Muhammad1, Masood Rabbani1, Muti-u-Rehman Khan2, Farah Khan1, Hassan Bin Aslam1 and Arslan Mehboob

...e lacking. The molecular mechanism and establishment of latent infections warrant future investigations to elucidate these discrepancies.

Saba Manzoor1,*, Ali Raza Awan1, Abdul Wajid1, Sehrish Firyal1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Muhammad Mansha2, Asim Khalid Mahmood3, Abu Saeed Hashmi1 and Muhammad Wasim1,*
...needed to understand the mechanism of tumor pathogenesis in animals in order to identify the molecular targets for proper cure of this ailment.
Rehana Shahida1, Tasnim Farasat1, Shagufta Naz1,* and Shahjahan2
...stance and the molecular mechanisms involved in the interaction of atherosclerosis and hyperglycemia within the context of chosen pro atherogenic parameters including plasma glucose level, serum levels of insulin, IL-6, and TNF-α. Serum level of thrombomodulin was assessed as a measure of vascular damage. Different demographic parameters as age, BMI, waist /hip ratio, B.P., personal history and socioeconomic status were recorded. Fasting glucose and HbA1...
Prof. Dr. Saira Afzal the quality control mechanism. Scientific discoveries and advancements have far reaching implications especially in health and medical publications. The quality assurance mechanism in medical journals has to be stringent and flawless. The peer review systems are continuously being criticized, debated and updated. It may be open peer review or blind peer review, both have advantages and disadvantages. Open peer review is...
Pei-feng Yin1,2,Xiu-xiu Li1,Qi-wei Zeng3, Cheng-chen Shen1, Le Gao1 andJian-zhang Ton2,*
...the molecular resistance mechanism of fruit mulberry “Da10” i.e., popcorn disease, Two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE), matrix-assisted laser desorption/ ionisation time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-TOF MS) and bioinformatics technique were used for characterize the differential expressed proteins. Almost 78 patho-stress responsive proteins which expression level more than 1.5-fold were identified, where 50 proteins were ...
Guang-Xin E1, Yong-Ju Zhao1, Yue-Hui Ma2, Ming-Xing Chu2, Jia-Hua Zhang1, Zhong-Quan Zhao1, Hui-Jiang Gao2, Huai-Zhi Jiang3, Di Liu4, Li Liu5, Yan-Bin Zhu6, Wang-Dui Basang6, Luo-Bu Danjiu7, Tian-Wu An8, Xiao-Lin Luo8, Shi-Cheng He7 and Yong-Fu Huang1,*
...esearch on the molecular mechanisms of dominant follicle selection in goats. In this study, 90276370 and 115579236 clear reads in dominant and nondominant follicles of goat were generated through Illumina paired-end sequencing, and their mapping rate was 84.99% and 84.47%, respectively. A total of 12577 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were identified, including 6009 upregulated and 6568 downregulated genes in dominant follicles compared with nondominant ...
Bian Xunguang1,2, Li Jiancheng1, Xu Chu1 and Yang Li2,3,4,*
...viduct and the molecular mechanism of sperm storage.

 Maryum Fakhar, Iqra Jabbar, Anjum Nasim Sabri*

...tegies involving several mechanisms of resistance and tolerance. Biofilm formation is one such resistance mechanism for bacterial survival. This paper provides the basis for use of bacteria isolated from saline environment and to check their biofilm forming ability under nickel stress. Our previous results showed that these bacteria are capable of producing proline, glycine betaine, choline and other osmolytes under NaCl str...

Soraya Khosravian Dehordi*, Abdolnaser Mohebbi and Kahin Shahanipour creates by the common mechanism their carcinogenicity and toxicity. The present study was planned to determine whether an oral administration of nano-selenium (nano-Se) influencing on biomarkers of oxidative status in the rats spleen exposed to the cadmium (Cd) metal. For this purpose, thirty male rats equally divided into six groups, group I received nano-Se (0.1mg/kg) alone as dose, group II selenite odium (0.1mg Se/kg) alone, group III Cd chloride (300mg...

 Shazia Erum, Rashid Anwar and Shahid Masood*

...o;Benefit sharing’ mechanism can be accelerated by escalating farmer’s participation for more cultivation in the interest of country.


 Naheed Akhtar, Waseem A. Gillani, Ehsan ul Haq, Javed Khan, Irshad Begum, Shaheena Yasmin* and Kamran Saeed**

...nducted to determine the mechanisms of resistance like antixenosis, antibiosis and tolerance. Results indicated that the entry B-00080 had antibiosis and B-99036 was the tolerant one. So, on the basis of present studies the entry having high level of resistance against R. padi (B-99036) should be incorporated in the future breeding programmes.

Nazish Shaukat1, Muhammad Javed1,Faiza Ambreen2* and Fariha Latif1
...sive nature and adaptive mechanisms of tissues (gills and liver) against free radical induced toxicity.

 Naheed Akhtar*, Awais Iqbal**, Habib Iqbal Javed*, Javed Khan*, Muhammad Riaz*, Waseem Ahmad Gillani*, Tariq Mahmood*, Awais Rasool* and Tahira Yasmin*

...preferred in antixenosis mechanism of resistance NARC-2009, Momal-2002 and Sulaman-96 were the least fecund in antibiosis mechanism of resistance and TD-1, NARC-2009 and Sussui were highly tolerant in tolerance mechanism of resistance. Out of 50 varieties under trial three varieties namely NARC-09, Momal-2002 and TD-1 were recommended as resistant varieties against S. graminum for higher y...

 Abid Hussain*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Nouman Badar*

...through suitable support mechanisms.

Leila A. Kaimbayeva1,*, Elena S. Malysheva2, Rashit Kazikhanov3 and Saule R. Kazikhanova4
...this study highlight the mechanisms of the autolytic process and its influence both on the morphological composition of the lean tissue and on the shelf life of the meat. 

Safdar Ali1*, Obaidullah Shafique1, Tariq Mahmood2, Muhammad Amir Hanif1, Ijaz Ahmed3 and Bashir Ahmad Khan

...icals and novel delivery mechanisms to enhance crop production and decrease in pesticide use. Nanotechnology also contributes in increasing the crop yield in agriculture. One of the major contribution of nanotechnology in the field of agriculture is the formulation of nano based pesticides and fertilizers for increased crop production. Precise farming techniques can promote crop production without damaging soil and water, reducing losses due to leaching of nit...
Bin Wang1, 2, Qianji Ning1,*, Qian Wang2, Wei Peng2, Tong Hao2,*and Jinsheng Sun2,*
...t studies on the molting mechanism mainly focused on the independent analysis of single protein, rather than a protein-protein interaction. In this work, with the systematic point of view, the subcellular location of 830 unidentified proteins were annotated based on the previously reconstructed protein-protein interaction network (PIN) of E. sinensis using the bioinformatics analysis method, which accounts for 91.9% of all un-localized proteins in the n...
Sadaf Noveen1*, Shaista Habib Ullah2, Babar Alam3
Ayesha Noreen1, Dilara A. Bukhari2 and Abdul Rehman1,*
...r understanding into the mechanism of ROS in cancer progression might be useful for the development of biomarkers and therapeutic strategies. The objective of this review was to summarize the roles of ROS in different stages of cancer, cell invasion, angiogenesis and metastasis.
Rafa Almeer1,*, A. Alqarni1,2, S. Alqattan3, S. Abdi4,*, S. Alarifi1, Z.Hassan5 and A. Semlali6 However, its mechanism of action remains unclear. The present study evaluated the effect of two varieties of natural honey (Sidr and Wild) on a human breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cell line. The MDA-MB-231 cell lines were treated with Sidr honey (H1) and Wild honey (H2) for 6, 24, or 48 h followed by cell morphology evaluation. Cell viability was examined by MTT assay and gene expression of three tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMPs) ...
Arifa Mehreen1, Iram Liaqat2,Muhammad Arshad3, Muzzamil Waheed4 and Najma Arshad1,*
...lence and immune evasion mechanisms provide novel opportunities to adopt preventive measures and design therapeutics against most prevailing resistant and virulent strains. With this background, this study was designed to characterize Staphylococcus aureus, the most common pathogen,using conventional microbiological and molecular methods. The agar disc diffusion method was used to evaluate the antibiotic susceptibility. Virulence-associated genes were d...

Asinamai Athliamai Bitrus1*, Olabode Mayowa Peter2, Muhammad Adamu Abbas3 and Mohammed Dauda Goni

...ssociated infection. The mechanism of resistance development in bacteria involved the integration of a complex systems that included the efflux pump, alteration of drug target site, enzymatic inactivation and, mutation in drug target site and gene acquisition of resistance determinants through horizontal gene transfer. This review focused on the mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance in S. aureus. Understanding the concept o...

Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Javeria Choudhary1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Sohail Ahmed2 and Muhammad Sajjad Khalil

...ext-align: justify;">The mechanism of resistance was determined in four different field populations of red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) collected from Faisalabad (Fsd-strain), Jhang (Jh-strain), Sahiwal (Swl-strain) and Sargodha (Sgd-strain) districts of Pakistan. Bioassays with two frequently used insecticides, i.e. deltamethrin and permethrin and one biological insecticide, spinosad, were performed on these strains of T. castaneum. Toxicological studie...
Şehriban Çek Yalnız 1,* and Erdal Yilmaz2
...understanding in atresia mechanism. It seems that apoptosis has a major role in the elimination of POF and atretic oocytes in the ovaries of C. gariepinus.
Soumble Zulfiqar1, Khuram Shehzad1, Sana Tahir1, Khalid A. Al-Ghanim2 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2,3,*
...xification and exclusion mechanisms of which multicopper oxidase (CueO) is an integral component. In addition to acting as copper regulatory elements, CueOs have been shown to possess laccase activity. In this study, we have cloned and over-expressed the CueO of locally isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae KW strain. The CueO protein was purified to homogeneity by nickel affinity chromatography. Enzyme assays of CueO protein with phenolic substrates reve...
Mouslim Bara1,2,* and Luciano N. Segura3
...ronmental gradients, but mechanisms by which climate influences the bird abundance are still unknown. We analyzed seasonal variations on the bird community structure of Rallidae and Anatidae families in the northeastern Algerian Garaet Hadj Tahar for three consecutive years (September 2012 to August 2015). We studied the effect of air temperature and water depth on bird abundance and two ecological diversity indices (Shannon and Shannon E). Significant inter-a...

Umair Riaz1*, Muhammad Ali Kharal2, Ghulam Murtaza3, Qamar uz Zaman4, Sana Javaid4, Hina Ahmed Malik3, Humera Aziz3 and Zafar Abbas1 

...iety. The most effective mechanism is the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites at cellular level which included organic compounds that help plants to cope with stress conditions by reducing the intensity of stress through enhancing antioxidants activities, detoxifying toxic ions, regulating the uptake of nutrients and by mediating the transport and distribution of different hormones. Caffeic acid is actively involved in plant physiology and
Muhammad Khan
...r targets and anticancer mechanism of PSD-A which may help the further design and conduct of research and repositioning it for oncological clinic.
Bei Liu1, Yanli Hong1, Huifang Zhou1,*, Zhenzhen Cao1, Shuang Zhang1, Jing Jin1, Miao Jiang1, Cunsi Shen2 and Jianjian Ji2
..., and to investigate the mechanism of BSZYD in treating infertility due to luteal phase defect (LPD), a GnRH-receptor (GnRHR) antagonized model of pituitary cells was established by using the blocking agent of Cetrorelix. The cells were treated with BSZYD-containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Thus, a total of five groups of cells, including blank (+) group, Cetrorelix (+) group, CSF with BSZY (+) group, model-treated (+) group and corresponding blocker-treated...
Tafail Akbar Mughal1, Muhammad Zubair Saleem2, Shaukat Ali3,*, Khawaja Khurshid Anwar1, Muhammad Majid Bashir1, Muhammad Babar4 and Muhammad Adeeb Khan1
...dative and non-oxidative mechanisms.
Juan Augusto Hernández-Rivera1, Jaime Molina-Ochoa2,*, Luis Jorge García-Márquez1, Omar Francisco Prado-Rebolledo1, Rafael Julio Macedo-Barragán1, Arturo César García-Casillas1 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3
...ess on dairy cattle; the mechanism of autoregulation; the benefits of the heterosis in crossbreeding cattle by hybridization; the body condition score in crossbred dairy cattle; the yields in crossbreds; here is also discussed that even when there have been many crossbreeding in dairy cattle, but when the producer choose a system crossbreeding in dairy cows always mostly contemplate only body weight, body condition score, dry matter intake, and feed efficiency...
Luo Lei1, Xingxing Deng1, Dengyue Yuan2, Zonglin Zheng1, Chengke Zhu1, Hui Luo1, Baohai Li3, Hua Ye1,* and Chaowei Zhou1,3,*

 Xu Lijie, Obaid Ullah, Liu Haixing, Ihsan Ali, Zhongshu Li* and Nan-Zhu Fang*

...y embryos and define the mechanism responsible for the arrest in development during the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT), we used an embryo model of oxidative damage by H2O2. We found that H2O2 exposure significantly decreased embryo development, increased the intracellular ROS level, and upregulated the expression levels of the NADPH oxidase genes NOX2, DUOX1, and NOXA1. By contrast, embryo treatment with piogli...
Jie Yang
...hils are a more dominant mechanism in human host defense. Related research results show the functions of human PGLYRP1 in the innate immunity of neutrophils is to conducive to the killing of intracellular and extracellular bacteria. Bactericidal activity of human PGLYRP-1, PGLYRP-3, PGLYRP-4, and PGLYRP-3:4 for both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria require Zn2+. In addition, for killing of Gram-negative bacteria, Zn2+ cannot be re...
Aisha Khalid1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Tahir Yaqub2, Ali Raza Awan1, Muhammad Wasim1, Shagufta Saeed1, Sehrish Firyal1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori3
...and environment friendly mechanism for the production of thermostable cellulase. Production of cellulase was focused due to its diverse range of application in industry. In the present study, conditions were optimized for the maximal production of recombinant thermostable cellulase from Thermotoga naphthophila using BL21-CodonPlus (DE3) cells as expression host and pET28a as expression vector. Effect of various concentration of Isopropyl β-D-1-thio...

Hafiz Umar Farid1, Muhammad Zubair2, Zahid Mahmood Khan1, Aamir Shakoor1*, Behzad Mustafa1, Aftab Ahmad Khan3, Muhamad Naveed Anjum4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Mubeen

...s, farming mode, pumping mechanism, backup support, system type, energy source, tenancy status, farm location, groundwater quality and farming experience because these parameters have significance coefficient values of 0.471, 0.342, 0.169, 0.163, 0.142, 0.110, 0.076,0.071,0.046, -0.037, -0.116, -0.212, respectively. The analysis indicated that parameters such as farm location near the head reach, groundwater quality and long farming experience showed negative ...
Shengjie Zhou1,2, Pengfei Wang1,2, Chao Zhao1,2, Mingjun Fu3, Jian G. Qin4, Lihua Qiu1, Zhenhua Ma1, 4,* and Maoshang Lin1
...mation on the functional mechanism of L-FABP gene in the ontogenetic development of golden pompano.

Abdur Rehman1*, Iqbal Javed2, Zhang Nannan3, Muhammad Niamatullah1, Raheel Saqib4 and Allah Bakhsh information guarantee mechanism, the construction of specialised agricultural information service team, to enhance the quality of agricultural informatisation workers, comprehensively promote the development of Hebei province and even the national agricultural modernisation. 

Hong Zhang1, Shu-Fen Han2, Jing Wang1, Shao-Kang Wang1, Gui-Ju Sun1 and  Cheng-Kai Zhai1, *
...d the possible molecular mechanisms, 40 male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to four different diets, including reference chow diet (RCD), high fat and cholesterol diet (HFCD), city diet (CD) and compound whole-grain diet (CWD). Serum lipid profiles and glucose level were examined after 8 weeks. The molecular mechanisms underlined the effects of CWD on lipid metabolism were investigated by western blot and real-ti...
Songhao Zhang1, Yiwen Gong1, Jian Xu1, Mou Hu2, Peng Xu3 and Yanliang Jiang1,2,4,*
...erstanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the biological characteristics of purse red carp will advance our knowledge of the genetic differentiation between different common carp varieties caused by domestication, and accelerate the molecular selection of fish species with consumer-favored skin color and body shape.
Zhengfei Wang*, Dan Tang, Xuejia Shi, Huayun Guo, Xiuping Chen, Daizheng Zhang and Boping Tang*
...our understanding of the mechanisms of hypoxia adaptability in vent crabs and to confirm if there is a correlation between mitochondrial protein coding genes (PCGs) and adaptation to the extreme hydrothermal vent environment.Thirteen PCGs from mitochondrial genomes of 48 Brachyura species and one Diogenidae species were examined. Each of the genes was investigated and compared to orthologous sequences using PAML, Datamonkey, and TreeSAAP. Nine mitochondrial PC...
Muhammad Naveed Sheas1, Haris Rasool2, Muhammad Nouman Rafique2, Muhammad Rizwan Tariq1*, Abid Muhammad1, Khubaib Ali1 steadfast the defense mechanisms of body against oxidative stress which is a key factor in elevating depression. This study is designed to reveal the efficacy of honey and curcumin against depression in rat model. 24 male wister rats were randomly divided into 4 groups. After the trial, blood biochemistry was done in which antioxidant enzymes like SOD, Catalyze, Glutathione peroxidase were performed that shows significantly high levels in the blood than the...

Amjad Ali1*, Wiqar Ahmad1, Muhammad Zeeshan1, Farmanullah Khan2 and Muhammad Motasim Billah1 

... of the highly discussed mechanisms to enhance soil fertility worldwide. Manipulation of this amendment to enhance its role in soil fertility management is a new area of research. In this study, it was applied to soil in three particle sizes (< 2, 2-5 and 5-10 mm) in combination with two commercial biofertilizers; Bizote-N and Rhizogold to lentils during Winter 2015 in an RCB design and the residual effect was evaluated on soil micro-nutrient status and...
Jie Zhang1,2,*, Baradi Waryani3,4 and Qihai Zhou2,*
...y and molecular invasive mechanism are urgently needed for both native and invasive populations. Present investigation details 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci and 12 to 26 alleles per locus denoted. Whereas, d expected and observed heterozygosity values ranged from 0.902 to 0.972 and 0.750 to 0.958, respectively. Moreover, the polymorphic information content (PIC) values ranged from 0.869 to 0.949. The cross-species amplification and applicability were also...

Shaikh Abdul Lateef, Zhou Lin, Wu Jian, Junjie Qian, Jonathan Hartanto Tan and Zheng Shusen*

... life cycle, infectivity mechanisms, immune escape strategies, disease epidemiology and preventive measures associated with HBV. The current antiviral therapeutics are not providing adequate protection against HBV. It is mandatory to characterize and devise novel antiviral therapies to control the spread of hepatitis  

Tian-Yi Zhao1, Zi-Qing Liu2, Bo Yang1, Qiao Gao1, Hong-Yu Zhang1, Pei-Yu He1, Ming-Hua Duan1* and Yu-Li Yan1*
... elucidate the molecular mechanism underlying the effects of APs in the recovery of anemia. Red blood cell count and hemoglobin level in peripheral blood were measured using a fully automatic blood cell counter. Flow cytometry was performed to detect the changes in red blood cell counts and number of T cells in peripheral blood and the spleen. Western blotting was performed to detect Stat5, Bcl-2, and Cyclin D1 protein expression in peripheral blood.The red bl...
Aqsa Javaid and Nageen Hussain* involved in tolerance mechanism so failure of tolerance can lead to mutations in this gene. The main objective of this project was to analyze the possible mutation especially in FOXP3 gene exon 1 that may clarify the reason of reduction of T regulatory cells (Tregs) due to HIV/AIDS. A total of 25 HIV patients were chosen from the Institute of Public Health on the basis of confirm HIV infection and 25 healthy controls as well. First genomic DNA was ex...
Kun Wang1,2, Yinglin Cui2, Xu Zhao2 and Changjiang Hu1*
...ittle is known about the mechanism of action of XN, the purpose of this project was to investigate the neuroprotective effect of XN on ICH model rats and to explore the underlying mechanisms of this therapy. In this study, experimental ICH was induced by the administration of stereotaxic collagenase type VII into the caudate nucleus. XN (at a high dose and a low dose of 3.60g·kg-1 and 1.80g·kg-1...
Zijuan Li1,2, Rong Ma2, Muhammad Khan3*, Chenchen Liu2, Xiaolin Cui2 and Yongming Li1,2*
... However, the anticancer mechanism of piceatannol is not well studied. In the meantime, cisplatin (CDDP) is the first line treatment for some tumors. The present study was aimed to explore the cellular targets and anticancer mechanism of piceatannol in human osteosarcoma U2OS cells. Cell proliferation was measured using CCK-8 assay and colony forming assay. Flow cytometry was used to determine apoptosis and cell cycle profil...
Lin Sun1, Xiaofang Bu2, Jian Wang1*, Xiaorui Liu1 and Zhanyi Kong2
...MPP). However, the exact mechanism of CXCL8 and its mRNA in the children with Mycoplasmal pneumonia needs to be further clarified. The concentration of the CXCL8 in serum and the level of CXCL8 mRNA in PBMCs of forty-eight children were dynamically measured by ELISA and PCR. The ratio of lgcDNA/lgGAPDH was regarded as the extreme level of CXCL8 mRNA. The serum level of CXCL8 and expression of CXCL8 mRNA in PBMCs in MPP children were (298.917±51.860) pg/...

Muhammad Abdul Rahman1*, Abdul Saboor1, Gulnaz Hameed1, Ghulam Bilal2 and Farooq Tanwir3 

...rge farmers. Input price mechanism, regularization of dairy sector, separate policy measures for meat and dairy animals and preservation of local breeds are few optimistic policy options to safeguard Pakistan’s dairy production system from environmental factor under climate change. 


Umar Hayat1*, Shahid Ali1, Abdul Mateen2 and Hazrat Bilal strict implementation mechanism. It will enhance the tempo of agricultural growth towards poverty alleviation which will ultimately increase the speed of economic development in Pakistan. Furthermore, sub sectors of agriculture may be properly analyzed to find the potential of these sectors for income generation activities which will provide a solution to the key economic issues in the country to meet the sustainable development targets of United Nations&nb...
Hafiz Muhammad Arsalan1, Maria Altaf1, Zeemal Seemab Amin1, Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan2, Anum Shahzadi1, Hina Mudasser1, Iqra Maqsood1, Nazia Gulshan1, Saira Naseem3
...the body’s defense mechanism which cause potential oxidative injury to tissues and lead to cartilage degradation in RA patients.
Honghua Wang1,2, Summia Perveen1,2, Shucheng Shao1,2, Kun Wang1,2 and Fei Yin1,2,*
... cyst wall formation and mechanisms.

Asim Munawar1,2*, Farooq Ahmad1, Aqsa Arshad1, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi3 and Chengjuan Liang4 

...against them. Resistance mechanisms in R. dominica and T. castaneum against these control agents at different geographical locations was largely unknown. To overcome this gap our research was undertaken to evaluate the resistance mechanism in lab and field collected strains of R. dominica and T. castaneum against deltamethrin and phosphine. Results indicated significant difference between lab and field collected pests strain...

Muhammad Rehan3, Asim Aslam3, Javeria Umber4, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan3, Waqar Azeem3, Hassan Aftab5, Ahsan Anjum3, Muhammad Abid6, Abdul Hameed Khan3, Hafiz Hasnain Ayoub5, Altaf Hussain2 and Muhammad Farooq Khalid1* 

...seases however its exact mechanism is still unknown, but low levels of vitamin D has been detected in different diseased cases. Recent investigations have reported various cells of body exhibiting vitamin D receptors and CYP27B1 which is capable of converting inactive form vitamin D into biologically active form 1,25(OH)2D3, that important for maintaining immune homeostasis. These findings lead to more studies on the non-classical effects of vitamin D especial...
Tong Feng, Zilu Zhang, Minghao Qu, Chan Luo, Laiba Shafique, Qingyou Liu and Kuiqing Cui*
...ts and the color genetic mechanism of Nubian goats.
Hong-mei Gao, Wen-long Su, Gui-bin Tao, Han-yang Li, Wen-zheng Cao and Zhi-dong Qiu*
...-FU) treatment mice. The mechanism of action of genistein on erythrocyte production is not clear. This study suggests that Geniposide promotes red blood cell production. We demonstrated that genistein did not affect the erythrocyte differentiation of mouse CD34+ cells. Then, we tested the geniposide indirectly affecting BM accessory cells. We conclude that geniposide maybe will control the erythropoiesis in vivo and reverse the BM microenviro...
Tian-Yi Zhao1, Zi-Qing Liu2, Shu-Fei Ma3, Bo-Yang1, Fan-Fan Guo1 and Ming-Hua Duan1*


.... However, the molecular mechanisms of biatractylolide in preventing and protecting Alzheimer’s disease (AD) remained elusive. This study was conducted to observe the effect of biatractylolide on the pathological changes of amyloid beta protein (Aβ)-induced AD. In vitro assays (MTT and flow cytometry) were applied to detect the effect of biatractylolide on PC12 cell proliferation, growth inhibition rate and apoptosis. In order to assess the spatial ...
Mingsan Miao*, Hui Zhao, Jiaojiao Jia, Xiaoyan Fang and Yanyan Miao assess the protection mechanism of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. The repeated cerebral ischemia-reperfusion mice model was used where bilateral common carotid artery was targeted to block blood flow, reperfusion and then re-blocking the arteries. Brain tissues were examined 24 hours post-drug administration to determine the level of biochemical indicators such as serum NSE in the brain tissue. To investigate the impact of total phenolic acid on the ...
Ju Zhang1,2, Dong-Sheng Jia3, Shi-Hao Zhao1,2, Xiao-Liang Xie3, Hong Chen4 and Hai-Feng Li4,*


...and potential underlying mechanism of actions, Caenorhabditis elegans was exploited as model organisms. The anti-aging capacity of HGQwas determined by lifespan and lipofuscin fluorescence assays in wild-type C. elegans N2. Calorie restriction pathway was detected by pharyngeal pumping rate assay and lifespan examination in sir-2.1 mutant nematodes. The antioxidant activity of HGQ was investigated by determining reactive oxygen species (RO...
Jun Yan Bai1*, Xiao Ping Jia2, Xiao Hong Wu1, Guang Lu Li1, Heng Cao1, Xue Yan Fu1 and Kun Peng Shi1
...her exploring the action mechanism of FMO3 on fishlike smell of quail eggs. Research results show that, One SNPs mutation site (A66G) was detected from the exon 2 of FMO3, the A allele frequencies of A66G in Beijing white quail, China yellow quail and Korean quail were 0.603, 0.500 and 0.574, while G allele frequencies were 0.397, 0.500 and 0.426, respectively. One SNPs mutation site (C219T) was detected from the exon 9, C allele frequencies of C219T in Beijin...
Ahmet Ozer Sehirli1,2, Serkan Sayiner3*, Ayliz Velioglu-Ogunc4, Nedime Serakinci5, Emel Eksioglu-Demiralp6, Berrak Yegen7, Feriha Ercan8 andGoksel Sener2
... indicate that oxidative mechanisms induce tissue damage in CRF, and the angiotensin receptor blocker, Valsartan, improved oxidative tissue damage when used in combination with the ACE inhibitor, Captopril or NAC, yielded better results and could be a novel approach for the treatment of CRF when used in combination with anti-oxidants.
Jiao Qin,Qian-Qian Su and Quan-Sheng Liu* 
...iological and behavioral mechanisms of cabergoline as a sterilant in practice remain little known. This study determined the effects of different doses of cabergoline on the inter- and intra-sexual social behavior and reproduction physiology in adult female lesser rice-field rats, Rattus losea. Results showed that the ovary weight of female rats treated with cabergoline significantly increased at day 24, but there were no notable changes in the uteri re...

Asmaa A. Darwish 

...t starts as a protective mechanism, it ends with serious cliniopathological alterations, which disappoint our therapeutic programs and frustrate our expectation for curing. This work aimed to assess the most important clinicopathological alterations related to sheep pneumonia, arthritis and enteritis and spot the light on MMP-2 and MMP-9 diagnostic and prognostic accuracy in these conditions. 80 barki lambs were divided into four groups control group (CG), pne...
Daniel Cocan1, Vioara Mireşan1, Florentina Popescu1, Radu Constantinescu1, Aurelia Coroian1, Călin Laţiu1, Romulus Valeriu Flaviu Turcu3, Alexandru Ştefan Fărcăşanu3 and Cristian Martonos2,*
...rstanding of the defence mechanism of this species. The presence, topography and structure of venomous glands made brown bullhead one of the top invasive species spreading its habitat worldwide. The specimens were collected from Stejeriş Lake, Cluj County. MRI investigations were conducted within the National Center for Magnetic Resonance (NCMR), Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physics. For anatomical investigations, RARE (Rapid Acquisition with Refocuse...

Shilong Chen1,2, Shifeng Xiao1,2, Shao Wang1,2, Fengqiang Lin1,2, Xiaoxia Cheng1,2, Xiaoli Zhu1,2, Dandan Jiang1,2, Shaoying Chen1,2* and Fusong Yu3* 

...owever, the pathogenesis mechanisms of cross-species transmission, retardation and beak atrophy are still needed to be elucidated. 


Jie Yang, and revealed a novel mechanism of miR-16-mediated apoptosis through extracellular-regulated kinase pathway.

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Riyasat Sultan 

... to study the causes and mechanisms of seasonal migration, to find out the causes responsible for its decline and to bring in light the effects of modernization on transhumance in Village Utla, district Swabi. The study is based on questionnaire survey. In Utla only 40 households practice transhumance, and the present study covers all the households who practice transhumance. Land use data were collected from revenue office Topi. Patterns of transhumance in Ut...
Yan Xu1, Jia Zhou1, Guangfu Lv2, Yuexin Liu1, Xintong Zhao1, Xin Li1, Doudan Ye2, Xiaobo Qu1,* and Xiaowei Huang1*
...rdial injury and related mechanisms through in vitro experiments. Different concentrations of DOX were used to treat H9c2 cells for 6, 12, 24, and 48 h, respectively, to determine the IC50. Different concentrations of PAP were treated to H9c2 cells for 24, 48, and 72 h to determine the effect of PAP on H9c2 cells. The experiment was divided into control group, DOX group, PAP group and DOX+PAP group. Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage and creatine k...
Hui-Ying Chen1,2*, Ping-Chuan Yin1,2, Ya-Nan Lu1,2, Hai-Yun Li1,2*and Yang Shan3
...the underlying molecular mechanisms of aspirin in the prevention of cancer are yet to be fully elucidated. In the current study, the GSE115660 microarray dataset was downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus database to identify key genes in aspirin-damaged yeast cells following redox injury. Differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were subsequently identified and functionally enriched for analysis. Additionally, a protein-protein interaction network (PPI) was...
Khayyam1*, Muhammad Zahid1, Naiz Ali2 and Qadeem Khan3
...investigated to find the mechanism underlying it.

Farid Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Iqbal1 

... and through the railing mechanism it can move vertically as well as horizontally. Moreover, a wooden block
containing a fixture for a device is glued to the center of the speaker. A power amplifier and a function generator
are utilized to provide the desired signal for the operation of the shaker. The wind generating portion of the testing
rig comprised of a variable speed fan, a duct pipe and an anemometer. The vibration and wind produci...

Muhammad Amir, Syed Waqar Shah, Michael J. Pont 

... of a Port Guardian (PG) mechanism can also improve fault-management on system’s level. 


 Muhammad Amir*1, Syed Waqar Shah1, Michael J. Pont2

... of a Port Guardian (PG) mechanism can also improve fault-management on system’s level.

Shahrukh Khalid* and Athar Mahboob**

...earch. A large number of mechanisms have been proposed for configuring MANET nodes. This paper presents a survey of latest and primitive auto-configuration mechanisms for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs).
Muhammad Shaheen
... there is no centralized mechanism for penalizing negligence of either party. This paper proposes (1). a method to regulate the technical part of the GIS contract by suggesting a simple and wizard-based Graphical user interface. (2). Conversion of existing manually prepared contracts into electronic contracts through lexeme-based congregation which is done through labelled K Means Clustering. These converted clusters are then stored into centralized datab...

 Saman Shahid1, Shahid Ali1, Muhammad Abdullah Ahmad1, Sarfraz Munir2

... in design and operation mechanism. This study used a Physics based mathematical model, which can aid the engineers to design and analyze the canals on scientific basis. The research evaluated the existing design of BRBD link canal using SETRIC (Sediment Transport in Irrigation Canals) model based on Saint Venant shallow water equation and also, compared the sediment deposition’s result under various maintenance conditions for both Brownlie and Engelund ...

Ahmad Khan1*, Yasir Mehmood2

...e networks. The proposed mechanism is intuitive and is based on packet aggregation implemented in intermediary node called aggregation node. Small memory (buffer) is used to held the small packets for some time. When the buffer capacity is achieved the accumulated packet is sent to receiver. Furthermore, a timer mechanism is used for avoiding huge delays of the aggregated packets. Simulation results (graphs) s...

 Nashitah Alwaz1, Safdar Raza1*, Sadaqat Ali1

...n free signal generating mechanism is proposed. The mechanism injects the transient reactive power in frequency droop characteristics by observing the changes in microgrid. This injection disturbs the actual active power sharing which is helpful for the computation of reactive power sharing errors. These errors are minimized by utilizing the proportional integral (PI) controller. The PI controller modifies the...

 S.W. Shah*, M.I. Babar*, L. Khan**, M.N. Arbab*, H. Ullah*** and R.A. Syed***

...underlying delivery mechanism for multicast is presently based on User Datagram Protocol (UDP) that provides a “best effort” delivery service. Best effort implies that IP packets are treated with essentially equal weight, and while IP makes an effort to deliver all packets to their destination, packets may occasionally be delayed, lost, duplicated, or delivered out of order. One of multicast’s weaknesses is its lack of rel...
Feng-Mei Yang1, Rui Li2, Xiu-Xue Hu3, Yong Liang4, Bo Gao3* and Wei Chen3*
...urations, thus unveiling mechanisms underlying HSF senescence induced by Ultraviolet B (UVB). NHSFs treated under different doses (100, 200, 300 mJ/cm2) of UVB with different durations (1, 2, 3 days) were case group, while those without UVB irradiation were control group. Expressions of gene/protein were obtained with real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and western blot; cell proliferation inhibition rates (CPIR) of HSF were obtained by MTT, and HS...
Zumama Khalid1, Muhammad Abrar Yousaf2, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan1Farah Rauf Shakoori2, Muhammad Munir3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*
...complete disease-causing mechanisms of COVID-19 remain to be fully elucidated, active research is being conducted continuously in the field to gather as much information about every aspect of this disease as possible. Also, a clear difference is prevalent in different regions of the world about the rate of deaths and survivals. Therefore, the current comprehensive review has been written in view of all these aspects so as to present a complete picture of where...

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi1*, Ayoola Olugbenga Oladele2 and Ibrahim Maharazu3

Profitability Analysis and Marketing Efficiency of Soyabean (Glycine max) Value Chain among Actors in Abuja, Nigeria
...or common transportation mechanism. This may reduce high cost of transportation of their stock from farm gate to the market.


Dilshad Ahmad1* and Muhammad Afzal2

An Empirical Analysis of Economic Efficiency and Farm Size of Cotton Farmers
...on and regulating market mechanism for consistency in prices of crop inputs and outputs. It is essential to increase managerial competencies among farmers through increasing literacy, sufficient access of extension services, familiarity and infusion of advanced mechanisation and adequate access of formal credit through implementing adequate policy measures by concerned authorities of the state.


Ghulam Akbar1*, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Aamna Rafique1, Sania Riasat1, Mohsin Raza1, Mahpara Qamar1, Shahneela Nusrat1 and Shakila Hanif1

Critical Update for the Treatment of Anemia by using Advanced Genome Editing Crispr Cas Technology
...he remedy of anemia, its mechanism of movement and sickle cellular mutation corrections.

Hong Hu1, 2, Li Qian1, Yuanlang Wang1, Chaodong Wu1, Xiaodong Zhang1, Yueyun Ding 1*, Li Wang1, Xudong Wu1, Wei Zhang1, Dengtao Li1, Jian Ding1, Min Yang1 and Zongjun Yin1* explore the molecular mechanisms and candidate genes associated with fat metabolism in Anqingliubai (obese) and Yorkshire (lean) pigs. The transcriptome profiling of backfat between Anqingliubai and Yorkshire pigs was carried out by RNA-sequencing technology. The sum of clean reads were 288.3 and 365.3 million which was obtained from the RNA sequencing data in the Anqingliubai and Yorkshire pigs, respectively. Most reads were located in exonic region, while...

Kecheng Zhu1,2,3, Peiying He1, Baosuo Liu1,2,3, Huayang Guo1,2,3, Nan Zhang1,2,3, Liang Guo1,2,3, Shigui Jiang1,2,3 and Dianchang Zhang1,2,3,* 

...anscriptional regulatory mechanism of the myomaker gene has not been explored in marine fishes. In the present study, molecular cloning, bioinformatic analysis and transcriptional analysis of Acanthopagrus latus myomaker (Almyomaker) were performed. The open reading frame (ORF) sequence of Almyomaker is 858 bp, which encodes a polypeptide of 285 amino acids. Moreover, phylogenetic and gene structure analysis indicates that Almyomake...
Yihong Tian, Yongmei Qi*, Sajid Naeem, Ke Gao and Yingmei Zhang*
...he autophagic effect and mechanism of spermidine have been reported, the role of spermidine-induced autophay in cancer cell survival has not been fully elucidated yet. In the present study, we aim to investigate the effect and toxic mechanism of spermidine on cell survival using Hela cells, a cervical cancer cell line as a model. Cell viability was assessed by MTT assay. LDH leakage was determined using a LDH assay kit. Mito...

Fan Sigang1, Guo Yihui1* and Xu Youhou2

...the molecular regulatory mechanisms of gonadal maturation in scallop is critical in the aquacultural industry. Here, gonads in maturing stage were obtained from noble scallops and sequenced using an Illumina high-throughput sequencer, producing 6.68 and 6.70 Gb of data for the ovary and testis, respectively. Reproduction-related genes, including vasa, nanos, and vitellogenin, and sex-determining genes, such as FoxL2, Dmrt, and sox9, were detected. Transcriptom...

Faiqah Ramzan1,2,*, Irfan Zia Qureshi2 and Muhammad Haris Ramzan3

...g of the neurobiological mechanisms that govern the pituitary-gonadal-axis. However, in sexually immature male mammals, the maturation of gonads is not clear yet. The current study tested the hypothesis that continuous kisspeptin administration suppresses gonadotropin and testosterone release and spermatogenesis. Intraperitoneal kisspeptin administration was carried out in 05 weeks old prepubertal male Sprague Dawley rats, twice daily for 12 days, at three dif...
Yahui Wang1, Ling Ren1, Yishen Xing1, Xin Hu1, 2, Qian Li1, Lingyang Xu1, Junya Li1* and Lupei Zhang1*
... (MSCs) in mesoderm. The mechanisms of preadipocytes differentiate into mature adipocytes to a great extent are clear, but the commitment of MSCs to preadipocytes is largely unknown. In this study, the Platelet-derived growth factor receptor α (PDGFRα) positive progenitor cells were isolated from the longissimus dorsi muscle (LM) of fetal bovine and induced adipogenesis. To optimize the in vitro IMF differentiation model, the effects of bone...

Agustine Christela Melviana1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Maizirwan Mel3, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4 and Juris Burlakovs5

Gene Expression Related to Steviol Glycoside Synthesis Produced in Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Shoot Culture Induced with High Far-Red LED Light in TIS RITA® Bioreactor System
...ering dramatically. This mechanism happened because steviol glycoside synthesis and flowering process share the same precursor. However, this interfering factor could be inhibited by using a high-red LED induction  to delay the flowering stage, which may contribute to higher biomass and glycoside concentrations through greater system productivity. Hitherto, there was no significant study about the effect of far-red LED induction to improve the steviol gly...
Adeen Kiran1, Umar Farooq Gohar1*, Ayesha Farooq1, Malik Muhammad Asif2 and Hamid Mukhtar1
Redressal of Antibiotic Resistance using Plant Extracts
...e explains the different mechanisms adopted by microbial life to develop resistance against antibiotics. This article also explains how the resistance can be reversed as well as the bio-medicinal importance of plants and their effectiveness against many pathogens.


Muhammad Amir1*, Syed Waqar Shah1, Salman Ilahi1 and Michael J. Pont2

Integrating TTC-SC5 and TTC-SC6 “Shared-Clock” Protocols
...this paper, we present a mechanism for integrating the properties of both protocols in one. We present an amalgamation of protocols that result in a new protocol which addresses all the above stated issues on a single platform.


Yuan Xing, Congming Tan, Yan Luo and Wenjun Liu* mice and its possible mechanism of action. The mice received varying doses of quercetin from 22-30 days (1, 10 and 50 mg / kg, p.o.) and montelukast (10 mg / kg, p.o.). Intranasal OVA has been instilled on the 21 days. Biochemical parameters, spleen weight, physiological parameters, interleukin (IL-1β and IL-6) parameters and immunoglobin-E (IgE) were calculated at the end of the experimental study. To investigate the potential
Zhen-Yang Wu1, Li Li1, Yu-Hua Fu2, Sheng Wang3, Qing-Ming An1, Xiao-Hui Tang4, Xiao-Yong Du3,5,* and Fei Zhou6,*
...of the complex molecular mechanisms of coat color in Tibetan sheep and provide a foundation for future studies.
Shikang Deng1,2, Yan Jin2, Jing Xu2, Xiufang Zhu2, Pinghai Hu2, Jiao Li2, Li Zhang2 and Jianzhong Tang2,*
...e duct scars. One of the mechanisms may be related to its ability to inhibit the expression of TGF-β1, cyclinD1, and CDK4 in bile duct scar fibroblasts.
Huan Yang1, Tingting Li1, Huimin Zhao1,2, Xiaoyuan Zhang1, Huiyan Xu1, Yangqing Lu1, Xingwei Liang1, Shengsheng Lu1, Xiaogan Yang1*and Kehuan Lu1*
... platform to explore the mechanisms of proliferation and differentiation of buffalo SSCs.
Muhammad Rashid, Mahmood Ahmad Sajid, Nosheen Noor Elahi, Sibgha Noreen and Kausar Hussain Shah*
Ying Liu1, Shankun Liu1, Hui Wang2 and Weihua Su2,*
...nd explores the possible mechanism of action. A total 36 female rats were caged into the male rats for the pregnancy, and 33 female pregnant rats were collected and weight. The female rats were group into following groups and each group contains 6 rats. Once the pregnancy was verified, the streptozotocin (STZ) single intraperitoneal injection was used for the induction of diabetes. The rats were received the various dose of caffeic acid. After the pregnancy (1...
Qiang Tang1 and Qianli Tang2*
...gate effect and possible mechanism of isoliquiritin on wound healing in scalded rats. The results show that at 24 h after the last administration, wound healing rate of isoliquiritin group was higher than that of model group (p=0.024). Compared with control group, thickness of epidermis and dermis in model group was thinner (p<0.001), and width of subdermal collagen fibers also decreased (p<0.001), inflammatory factors TNF-α, I...
Chen Tongde1, Fakher Abbas1, Jiao Juying1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2*, An Shoshan1, Muhammad Ansar3, Qaiser Hussain2, Mah-Noor Azad2 andAyaz Ahmad2
...rosion, and study of the mechanism and process of soil erosion at different scales should be strengthened in order to protect the land resources in Pakistan.
Ryan Septa Kurnia1* and Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto2

.... Current research about mechanism of disease and drug development is conducted in 2D cell culture or in animal models. The 2D cell culture models poorly imitate the condition in vivo and provide limited utility due to mimic tissue physiology in multicellular organisms. Although animal models can be used as pre-clinical tools for new-agent screening prior to clinical testing, there is a growing awareness of the limitations of animal research and its ina...

Anwar Ali1,5*, Horia Shaukat2, Munir Ahmed3,5, Ahmed Bostani4 and Syed Ashiq Hussain3

Basharat Ahmed1, Muhammad Hamza Azhar2, Farah R. Shakoori1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,3,*
...were the main resistance mechanisms for tetracycline.
Canan Vejselova Sezer*
... analyses for cell death mechanism and confocal and transmission electron microscopies for morphological and ultrastructural changes. Based upon our findings, it can be concluded that silymarin-loaded solid lipid nanoparticles significantly reduced the growth of A549 and MCF-7 cells compared to silymarin. Also these nanoparticles induced apoptosis both in A549 and MCF-7 cells in higher percentages than that of silymarin. In microscopic investigations, it was s...
Muhammad Farhan Qadir1, Xin-Yu Han1, Meng-li Qiao1, Ying Wang1, Ding Zhang1, Yu-hai Bi1,2, Ali Raza Jahejo1,Qian-qian Cheng1 and Wen-xia Tian1,*
...res, and to evaluate the mechanism exhibited by erythrocytes in response to H9N2 with new experimental evidence in chickens.

Safdar Hussain1, Muhammad Naeem Mushtaq5, Ali Bakhsh3, Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Muhammad Sarwar1, Muhammad Jan4*, Muhammad Abdul Qayyum2 and Arif Husain2 There are promising mechanisms by which wheat can tolerate drought stress that can be measured in terms of foliar application of plant growth regulators and plant extracts. Wheat genotypes (Triple dwarf-1, Aas-2011; Faisalabad- 2008) were exposed to critical drought stage. The plants were exposed to normal irrigation, application of bio stimulants like 2µM ABA, 10 mM SA, 15% MLE and 10% MBLE were applied at grain filling stage but skipping irrigatio...
Tai-hua Jin1, An-gang Lou2,Jiu-xiu Ji1, Cheng-dou Cui2, Long-zheng Yu2 andLi-zeng Guan1*
...o analyze the regulation mechanism between miR-1468 and GH. The results showed that the GH mRNA and protein level in pituitary cells of Yanbian yellow cattle could be significantly decreased by adding miR-1468 mimics (P<0.01), while these were significantly increased by adding miR-1468 inhibitor (P<0.05). The results of bioinformatics analysis and double luciferase reporter gene system validation showed that miR-1468 targeted ...
Sara Sultan Alomran1, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak1,2, Amir Ali Khan1,2*, Sallam Hasan Abdallah2, Abeer Maher Fayyad1 and Khalid Bajou1,2
...m;">Unraveling molecular mechanisms that govern adipocyte formation will lead to a greater understanding of obesity and subsequent treatment. In the current study, we assessed the effects of miR-22-3p, a non-coding RNA, on adipocyte differentiation from telomerase-transformed Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (iMSC3). The transfection of iMSC3 with miR-22-3p suppressed adipocyte differentiation as evident by reduction in lipid content and number of lipid droplets. Whi...
Saba Afzal1, Sohail Raza1,*, Masood Rabbani1, Sehrish Firyal2, Imran Altaf1 and Zahra Naeem1 predicts the possible mechanism of the drug. Therefore, our study first time demonstrated the antiviral potential of ivermectin against PPRV in vitro and its future potential for its use as anti-PPRV therapeutics.

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

...changing the drive wheel mechanism (from rear to front) for seed metering was incorporated in modified drill so that it can be easily operated by commonly available 50 hp tractor. After modification, fertilizer band placement drill was tested and compared it with zero tillage drill and rabi drill (farmers practice) by sown wheat in five different location of arid zone of Chakwal. Comparative field testing of three drills shows that FBPD gives significantly mor...

Muhamamd Rizwan1*, Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Kashif3, Aneela Zameer Durrani4, Asghar Abbas5, Tanveer Ahmad6, Muhammad Nadeem7 , Kinza Khan8

...e viral infection by the mechanism of sequence specific Adaptive Immunity. CRISPR Cas system is sustainable to combate with the mutation developed in viral genome that help viruses to escape from bacterial CRISPR Cas based immune system. CRISPR Cas system is a molecular mechanism of prokaryotic microorganism. It acts as bacterial natural adaptive immune system against phages, plasmids and foreign genomic elements. Mostly pro...

Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Tajnees Pirzada1*, Abdul Majid2 and Farzana Rashid3 

...nsight information about mechanism and effects of HA on other plants.

Shuang Yang1,2, Huiting Zhao3, Xuewen Zhang2, Kai Xu1, Lina Guo1, Yali Du1 and Yusuo Jiang1,*
.... However, the molecular mechanism of chemoreception in G. mellonella pertaining to sex pheromone recognition has not been elucidated. In this study, transcriptome sequencing was conducted on the antennae of male and female greater wax moths to assess the differential expression patterns of chemosensory genes and better understand the underlying olfactory mechanism. In the results, a total of 121 chemosensory gene tra...

Maha I. El Zaafarany1, WafaaM. Badawy2, Eman M. El Salakh3

...iology and the molecular mechanisms related to breast carcinogenesis remain poorly understood. Some reports have examined the role of Human Papillomavirus (HPV) in this disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of HPV in breast cancer.Fifty four fresh frozen breast cancers samples were analyzed. Samples were tested for HPV by PCR, and products were sequenced. Findings were correlated with clinical and pathological characteristics.The H...

Shimaa A. Khalaf1 , Mohsen M. Elsharkawy2, Samir A. Sidaros2, Shawky A. El Kewey2, Ayman F. Omar2, Ali Hamed1

...le of these genes in the mechanism of induced resistance against PRSV by GU23-3.
Conclusion: GU23-3 could be considered a new and alternative strategy to control PRSV infection.
Bingjie Zhou1, Hitesh Bhagavanbhai Mangukiya1, Siva Bharath Merugu1, Fakhar-un-Nisa Yunus1, Yuchen Fan1, Zhenghua Wu1,* and Dawei Li1,2,*
...r function and molecular mechanism.
Guan-bao Ning1, Sheng Niu1, Yue-jian Li1,2, Xiao-xiao Lu1,3, Shi-xiong Yang1,  Ali-Raza Jahejo1, Ding Zhang1, Wei-fang Hao4, Wen-wei Gao1, Yu-jun Zhao1, Jian-hui Li1, Fang Yan1, Rong-kun Gao1, Yu-hai Bi1,5, Wen-xia Tian1* and Ling-xia Han6*
... elucidate the molecular mechanism of chicken erythrocytes relate to immune responses in MDV infection.
Pengfei Liu*, Xuexue Qin and Fei Shang
...n, try to figure out the mechanisms permit stable coexisting of these two species, and hypothesized that the different nesting site selection favours coexisting of these two species. We determined the breeding time, reproductive success and nesting characteristics through field works, our results revealed highly difference in nest height above the ground and different preference for nesting plants between the two species. However, the nest predation rate and b...

Javed Anwar Shah1, Azhar Iqbal1, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood2, Muhammad Aslam3, Muneer Abbas4 and Ilyas Ahmad5*

...he host plant resistance mechanism. The present study for screening of 60 elite chickpea lines was carried out for two consecutive years during 2017-18 and 2018-19 under controlled environment at pulses research Institute Faisalabad, Pakistan. Favorable conditions for disease incidence were developed by maintaining the temperature between15-20 °C and humidity >70%. Test entries were inoculated equally by spraying fungal suspension during initial floweri...
Zunaira Noreen* and Khawar Sultan
...elopment of new learning mechanisms pointed to the change in bird behavior at the landfill. This work highlights the need for a new research field ‘Landfill Ecology’ to study the impact of landfill on biota including avian, in a time when biodiversity loss is the hottest global issue.
Chao-Qun Shi1, Hong-Ying Lin1, Jin-Qing Zheng1, Fan Yang1, Kwame Ayisi Lartey1, Dan-Ju Kang1, Hwa-Chian Robert Wang2, Ravi Gooneratne3*and Jin-Jun Chen1* vitro, and the mechanism of action of TFCO in combating Escherichia coli-induced diarrhoea in mice. MBC and MIC values of 0.25 and 0.125 g TFCO/ml showed it was effective as an antibacterial agent against E. coli (CMCC 44752) in vitro. Ninety Kunming mice were randomly divided into five groups of 18 mice per group (1 male: 1 female). The groups were control (saline), negative control (E. coli + 0 mg/kg TFCO), low dose (...
Sen Liu1,2, Yue Zhu2, Haixia Leng2, Ying Wang1, Xiangju Yin1 and Yajun Zhao1*
...sues, but the underlying mechanism for this requires further investigation. This work provides basic data for future studies on the intrinsic epigenetic mechanisms of vital biological processes, such as tissue development and differentiation, hibernating processes, and the environmental adaptability of Chiropteran animals.
Iram Liaqat1,*, Safdar Ali Mirza2, Sumera Sajjad3, Shaukat Ali1,*, Muhammad Faiz Qamar4 and Ikram Ul Haq5
...d will help to elucidate mechanism and design principles necessary to understand protein secretion systems.
Mengke Wang1, Shucheng Huang2, Cai Zhang1*, Haizhou Gong1
Shunan Cuan1, Shuaishuai Wang1, Qi Shao1, Wenhao Xu1, Sudan Meng1
Pengfei Li1, Yuqin Wang1 and Zijun Yang1 elicited by a complex mechanisms involving free radical-induced oxidative stress, which can cause considerable injury to commercial laying hens. However, the effects of monoammonium-glycyrrhizinate in improving liver lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity of laying hens is unclear. The current study examined the ameliorative effects of monoammonium-glycyrrhizinate (MAG) on liver lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity in laying hens. One hundred eighty...

Muhammad Aftab1*, Aneela Riaz2, Ghulam Sarwar3, Muhammad Arif1, Qudsia Nazir1, Ifra Saleem1, Sarfraz Hussain1, Abid Ali4, Abid Niaz1, Fakhar Mujeeb4, Khalid Mahmood5 and Sarfraz Nawaz6

...n toxicity. However, the mechanism involve in salinity-boron interaction is still not well known. This research was carried out to evaluate the plants tolerance under combined stress of B and salt. In combined stresses of (B and Salt) causes oxidative stress in plants due to increase in production of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) including hydroxyl radicals (OH-), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and superoxide (O2-). However, on their side, efficient antioxidant ...
Anwar Khan1, Fareeha Nosheen2,4, Bushra Tabassum2*, Olawale Samuel Adeyinka2, Khurram Shehzad3, Naila Shahid2, Arif Muhammad Khan4 and Idrees Ahmad Nasir2
...s a regulatory conserved mechanism that uses small interfering RNAs to control the expression of desired gene by inhibiting mRNA transcription. The present study aims to investigate the potential role of different siRNAs in down-regulating the mRNA expression of potato virus X in cell culture assays. Three specific siRNAs against CP-PVX gene were designed in which siRNA 3 significantly reduced the CP-PVX mRNA expression in HepG 2 cells upto 91.91% (12.5 fold) ...
Meiping Deng1, Xiaowen Ye1, Jiashan Wu1, Lijuan Chen1, Xiaoxia Jiang1, Changzheng Zhang1, Peiling Zhou1* and Yi Luo2*
...characteristics and mechanisms of arecoline action, and raise great concerns regarding the cardiovascular effects of arecoline treatment in clinical practice.
Xueli Jiang1,2, Jie Gao3, Muhammad Zahid Sharif1,2, Xuewen Zhang4 and Fanglin Liu1,*
...des new insight into the mechanism underlying the catastrophic events of bee losses or honey harvests, which have been reported worldwide.

Saadu Mustapha1,2, Norsida Man1*,  Jasmin Arif Shah1, Nitty Hirawaty Kamarulzaman1 and Ahmadu Abubakar Tafida3

...tify;">One of the strong mechanisms in the extension service delivery is the connection between agricultural research, extension and the farmers. The evolving new model of agricultural production and the small number of extension agents question old ways of providing valuable knowledge to farmers. The goal was to define the respondents’ socioeconomic characteristics, classify the types of ICT tools adopted by the respondents and identify factors influenc...
Jia Liu1, Zhen Wang1, Zifan Ning1, Ali Mujtaba Shah2,3,Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Huadong Yin1, Zhichao Zhang1, Lu Zhang1, Yaofu Tian1, Diyan Li1,Gang Shu2,4, Lin Ye1 and Xiaoling Zhao1,*
...the underlying molecular mechanisms responsible for the differences in post-hatch muscle development are unclear. Here, we report on the identification of several candidate genes that may modulate myofiber growth and thus explain some of the differences in the skeletal muscle phenotype of FG and SG chickens. We collected pectoralis major (PM) and gastrocnemius muscles (GM) on d 1, 7, 28, 49, and 70 post-hatch, and measured the weights of the muscles, diameter ...
Roheela Yasmeen1*, Laiba Asif1 and Samia Djeffal2
...structure, uses, and the mechanism of the action of diclofenac and its negative impacts on vulture populations along with less harmful alternatives such as meloxicam, and controlling measures to stop decline of vulture species that can be adopted to regain normal population numbers of these vulture species.
Monif AlRashidi1*, Sami Saeed M. Hassan2 and Mohammed Shobrak3
... considered a behavioral mechanism to protect the egg from direct sunlight.

Daniel Stewart Robertson

..."text-align: justify;">A mechanism by which novel virus particles evolve from existing virus particles is described. The control of nucleic acid base order in the new virus particles is discussed. The natural control of virus particles in a metabolism is shown to be hydrolysis of the capsid by monophosphoric acid. Also shown is that for protection against the common cold an individual has ideally to be vaccinated with attenuated versions of the virus particles...

Faryal Malik, Mudassar Nawaz Khan* and Israr-ud-Din

...ed for flooding response mechanism. Poorly drained fields and unexpected rains in the sowing and germination times lead to flooding stress. Wheat varieties namely Atta Habib, Siran and Ghanemat-e-IBGE were grown in glass house and studied for their flooding stress response and ability to recover after flooding stress removal at morphological and antioxidant enzymes (catalase; CAT, superoxide dismutase; SOD, and peroxidase; POD) levels. Wheat varieties were gro...

Keqiang Wei1*, Yue Wei2 and Changxia Song1

...tter understand immunity mechanisms of crustacean and promote disease control.


Jiao Ma*

...rties and the regulatory mechanisms for their development have not been thoroughly explored. Stem cells are a population of cells with the potential for self-regeneration and differentiation into cell types that can play an important role in embryogenesis and embryonic development. So far, seven types of cardiac stem cells with different molecular phenotypes and differentiation potentials have been discovered and studied. Increased proliferation and differenti...

Xiaoli Cai1,2, Saeed Ahmed3, Zhixin Lei1,*, Jianping Wu1,* and Taolei Sun1,2,*

...ibes the drug resistance mechanism of bacteria, the bactericidal mechanism of antibiotics, the way of nanoparticles overpasses the cell membrane and approaching the cell, the strategies, prospects and challenges of nanoparticles treating intracellular bacteria.

Guangming Xiang1, Ran Di1, Yaowu Wang1, Shangquan Gan2, Shouren Liu2, Xiangyu Wang1, Wenping Hu1, Qiuyue Liu1* and Mingxing Chu1*

...the animal. However, the mechanism of fat deposition in tail is unclear. The polymorphisms of candidate sheep CEBPA, PRKAG3 and SREBF1 genes and their relationship with fat deposition between fat-tailed (rumped) and thin-tailed breeds were investigated. Two and one SNPs were identified for PRKAG3 and SREBF1 respectively. Genotyping method was used to analyze genotypes among Altay sheep (fat-rumped breed) and White Suffolk (thin-tailed breed) by Sequenom MassAr...

Dabeeran Zehra1, Zahida Memon1, Shumaila Usman2,*, Almas Jabeen3, Kauser Ismail1 and Rehan Ahmed Siddiqui2

... efficacy and resistance mechanisms against this drug, generates necessity to develop novel therapeutic strategies and drugs. Recently macrolides have drawn attention of researchers in the treatment of cancer owing to their proposed chemotherapeutic role, based on the concept of repurposing, as they are well tolerated, less toxic and inexpensive. In this study we evaluated the combine effects of low dose of Azithromycin with Sorafenib in HepG2 cell line. Co-tr...

Zhang Dong-jie1, He Xin-miao1,2, Wang Wen-tao1,2 and Liu Di1,2*

...r studies of the genetic mechanisms associated with important economic traits in the Min pig.


Hong Yin*, Dan Yang, Ji-Jie Liu, Jing-Wei Ding and Dan-Dan Cui induced by aging. The mechanisms of the regulating effects likely tend to pass through controlling the oxidative stress and balancing the level between FAS and acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC).


Doaa Sh. Mohamed1, Nema S. Shaban2 , Mai M. Labib3, Olfat Shehata4 

...jection. The effects and mechanisms of doxorubicin on superoxide dismutase activities were elucidated by molecular docking studies. Treatment with almond oil attenuated lipid peroxidation, improved superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities that are associated with doxorubicin administration. Also almond oil considerably modulated the gene expression of toll like receptor 4 (TLR4) and lowers the serum levels of both nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and tumor n...

Kanakuntla Sandhyarani*, Dhoppalapudi Madhuri, Yadala Ravikumar 

...o gout due to uricotelic mechanism for excretion of nitrogenous waste and lack the enzyme uricase, which converts uric acid to less harmful substances. Uric acid itself is not toxic but precipitated crystals can cause severe mechanical damage to tissues like kidneys, heart, lungs, intestine (visceral gout) and also in the joints (articular gout). Gout is a multifactorial metaboic disease which involves infectious agents, nutritional factors and managemental pr...

Nan Jiang, Tong Liu, Jimin Liu and Guobin Tang*

...thma, and to explore the mechanism of action. In this study, 180 patients who had been diagnosed and treated for bronchial asthma in our hospital were enrolled as research objects. They were divided into experimental group accepting inhalation of low-dose budesonide powder combined with pulmonary rehabilitation and control group accepting conventional drug therapy. The therapeutic effects of the two groups were compared. Compared with the control group (77.78%...

Ji Xu, Zhonghua Liu, Zhenhai Cui and Wenhai Zhao*

...1β and its possible mechanism. Chondrocytes were isolated from rat knee joints and cultured. Chondrocytes were treated with IL-1β, and chondrocytes were treated with different concentrations of GSTT. ELISA was used to detect the levels of IL-6, TNF-α and IFN-γ. Flow cytometry was used to detect the apoptotic rate. The expressions of Bax, cleaved-caspase3 and Bcl-2 were detected by Western blot. qRT-PCR was used to detect the effect of GST...

Min Li1, Shiwu Deng2*, Yiqian Peng3 and Hong Li2 was to explore the mechanism by which dexmedetomidine (DEX) alleviates myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury (MIRI) through mitochondrial and ER oxidative stress pathways. Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF), left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVEDd) and left ventricular end-systolic diameter (LVESd) of SD rats were measured by echocardiography, and the mRNA expression level of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma co-activator 1-...

Uzma Jabeen1, Asmat Salim2*, Irfan Khan2, Nadia Naeem3 and Rubina Mushtaq4

... Among several suggested mechanisms, the role of oxidative stress remains obscure, though it is the most probable mechanism for its cardiotoxic effect. The main focus of this study is to analyze the mechanism of renal toxicity caused by this chemotherapeutic drug. As reactive oxygen species are significant regulators of transcription factors and gene expression, this study was aimed at ana...

Lin Lu

...vestigate the effect and mechanism of Hedyotis diffusa polysaccharide (HDP) on apoptosis of thyroid cancer cell line. TPC-1 cells were treated with HDP (final concentration 1 mg/mL, 2 mg/mL and 4 mg/mL), PI3K/AKT signal pathway inhibitor LY294002 (20 μmol/L) and LY294002 + HDP (4 mg/ml HDP and 20 μmol/L LY294002). Cell viability and apoptosis rate were detected by MTT and flow cytometry, respectively. The expression of Cyt-C, Bcl-2, Bax, cleaved Caspase-...

Roshana Mukhtar1, Shaheen Shahzad1*, Sajid Rashid2, Maryam Rozi2, Madiha Rasheed3, Imran Afzal4 and Pakeeza Arzoo Shaiq5

...luence heme biosynthesis mechanism through altered Urogen binding mechanism. Therefore, we propose that the newly identified pathogenic missense variant (c.935T>C [p.L237P]) p.Gly439Ser) of the UROS gene causes CEP in a large consanguineous Pakistani family, possibly by hindering heme biosynthesis mechanism through altered Urogen binding mechanism.

Guo-dong Zhao1,2*, He-ying Qian1,2, Yi-ling Zhang1,2, Gang Li1, 2, Jian Tang1, 2 and An-ying Xu1,2*

...all understanding of the mechanism of silkworm’s tolerance to pesticides and provide a new control strategy of Lepidoptera pests.


Haipeng Liu1, Xubin Jiao1, Xiangqing Li1 and Xinru Xu2* osteoporosis, and its mechanism of action may be related to improving bone metabolism, promoting bone formation, and increasing bone mineral density.

Chuanfeng Fan1,2,*, Wenguo Feng1,3, Jingchang Yang1,2, Qingchao Chen1,2 and Yu Wang1,4

...tinal nerve cells, whose mechanism may be related to the enhancement of mitochondrial transmembrane potential.
De Hu, Jia Wang, Huan Wang, Xiang-Yang Leng, Tian-Yi Zhao* and Shu-Min Wang*
...To explore the potential mechanism of the fermentation product (FP) of Calvatia lilacina on gastric ulcer, fifty mice were randomly divided into 5 groups (10 mice per group), namely control (normal saline), model (normal saline), ranitidine group (0.03 g/kg) and FP groups (1 and 2 g/kg). Stress gastric ulcer was induced by water-immersion and restraint stress (WIRS) after 10 days of drug administration. To observe the histopathological changes of gastric mucos...

Haroon1, Chen-Xu Ye1, Yu-Xin Li1, Hong-Xin Zhang1, Qing Liu1, Xiao-Hong Su1,2,3 and Lian-Xi Xing1,2,3,*

...l insects have a diverse mechanism of reproduction to know the termite genealogy, and we examined the Reticulitermes aculabialis breeding mechanism. This well-known species was reared in an artificial environment under darkness at Northwest University, Xian, China, from May 2018 to June 2019. After the inaugural colonies foundation, imagoes started egg-laying during 30-40 days. The hatching ratio increased gradually during t...

Wei Cui1, Yanwei Du1, Lijuan Jiang1, Yan Wei1, Yuguo Li1, Wenfeng Zhang1* and Ling Zhang2*

...he protective effect and mechanism of BHD on hippocampal neurons in diabetes, a high glucose (HG) induced PC12 cell injury model was established, cell proliferation and apoptosis were detected. The protein expression levels were detected by western blot. Rats with type 2 diabetes mellitus were fed high-fat-sugar diet and low dose of streptozotocin for 4 weeks to observe the body weight, fasting blood glucose, etc. The pathological changes of hippocampal CA1 re...

Phassakon Nuntapanich1*, Hathaichanok Nuntapanich2 and Woraman Maicharoen3

...d policies that act as a mechanism for driving society leading to organics farming production in the TKR. 


Feng Xu, Weijing Fan and Guobin Liu*

...d to analyze whether the mechanism is related to the regulation ofNEXN-AS1 and miR-410-3p expression. The CCK-8 method was used to detect the toxicity of rutin of different concentrations (0, 25, 50, 100, 200, 400 μmol/L) on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). HUVECs were treated with 100 mg/L ox-LDL for 24 h for establishing HUVECs injury model, and then treated with rutin in different doses. The cell activity and apoptosis rate of HUVECs were...

Tao Ren1, Guiqiu Cao2, Xiao Han3, Feng Tan1, Qiaoli Chen4, Shicheng Yang5 and Haiyan Zhang6*

...d elucidate the possible mechanism of action. In vitro studies, the H9c2 cardiomyocytes cells were treated with naringenin or without naringenin and then subjected to I/R, respectively. At end of the experimental study, the rats were anesthetized and blood samples were collected to scrutinize the various parameters such as creatine kinase myocardial band (CK-MB), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine, troponin-T (TRT), cholester...

Mehwish Saleem Khan* and Sumama Farooq

...cteria develop number of mechanisms to protect themselves against the action of antibiotics. Antibiotics are chemical substances which bacteria and fungi produce either to inhibit or kill the other microbes. Antibiotics are classified on the basis of their structure and mode of action. Bacteria resist antibiotics by inactivating the drugs, altering the target site, chemically modifying the antibiotics and by ribosomal splitting. Antibiotic resistance can be in...

Sameena Gul1, Sayyeda Hira Hassan1, Amara Maryam1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Khan*1, Muhammad Irfan2, Farah Rauf Shakoori1 and Javed Iqbal Qazi1

...c drugs through multiple mechanisms including MDR1 gene expression. EGCG (Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate) is one of the major polyphenols present in the dry leaves of green tea plant (Camellia sinensis). It has been observed to potentiate the apoptosis and also inhibit cancer cell growth by affecting various signaling molecules and cell cycle regulatory proteins. Clinical studies demonstrated that EGCG treatment of different type of cancers has synergistic effect ...

Xiaojing Liu and Zhongxin Li*

..., in order to reveal the mechanism of TSG. After 12 weeks of administration, compared with those in the DN modeling group, 24 h urine protein, serum creatinine (Scr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), blood uric acid (UA), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) significantly reduced in rats treated with TSG (20 mg/kg) (P<0.05), blood total protein (TP) and albumin (ALB) significantly increased (P<0.05), VEGF expression significantly...

Xiaoguang Su1,*, Yanjun Gao2, Yanling Wang1 and Yaohui Ma2

...loid fibroblasts and its mechanism. Primary HFB cells were isolated and cultured, and treated with different concentrations of HAE for 48 h. Cell viability was measured by MTT. Flow cytometry was used to detect the apoptosis rate. qRT-PCR and Western blot were used to detect the effects of HAE on miR-128-3p and EPHB2. The above method was used to detect cell viability and apoptosis rate after overexpression of miR-128-3p or inhibition of EPHB2. The dual lucife...

Guang Yin, Wencheng Kong, Yuqiang Shan, Jian Zhang, Rongchao Ying and Sixin Zheng*

...oma Hep-3B cells and its mechanism. In present study Hep-3B cells cultured in vitro were divided into control group (normal culture), NC-siRNA group (transfected with NC-siRNA), and TINCR-siRNA group (transfected with TINCR-siRNA), In addition, cells treated with cisplatin after transfection of TINCR-siRNA were designated as the TINCR-siRNA + cisplatin group, and only cells treated with cisplatin were designated as cisplatin group. The expression levels of TIN...

Muhammad Akram1*, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq2, Amber Malik3, Farmanullah Khan4, Munir Ahmad Bhinder5 and Muhammad Sajjad6

...ural antioxidant defense mechanisms include endogenous glutathione concentration, superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione S-transferase (GST). GST neutralizes reactive oxygen species to regulate physical homeostasis in the body. The target of this study was to evaluate the molecular role of GST genotypic polymorphism involved in the development of CVD. For this case-control study, a total of 504 participants including 261 CVD patients and 243 healthy i...

Junling Liu, Chen Sun, Qiao Yu, Yanzhi Liang, Shanshan Lin and Meng Tian*

... explores the underlying mechanism. Benzene was used for the induction of leukemia in experimental rats. The rats were divided into different groups and received the daphnetin (12.5, 25 and 50 mg/kg). The body weight, haematological parameters, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) fragmentation and cell cycle regulatory parameter were also estimated. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used for the estimation of messenger RNA (mRNA) expression ...

Qi Zhuo, Yuanchun Yao, Meisongzhu Yang*, Jinhua Chen and Miao Tian

...y was to investigate the mechanism of MiR-216b-5p and HDAC8 inhibiting the proliferation, metastasis and invasion of breast cancer cells. Tissue samples (28) were collected, and malignant and normal tissues were confirmed pathologically. The breast cancer cell line MDAMB-231 and the immortalized normal breast epithelial cell line MCF-10A were used in this study. Western blot analysis of miR-216b-5p and HDAC8 protein expression in tissue samples; reverse transc...

Alexander Tsybulsky1*, Eduard Kostetsky1, Anton Degtyarenko2, Michail Shchelkanov1,2,3 

...for the intensity of the mechanisms of antitumour surveillance in general. However due to the inhibition of gadd45g gene expression, the described expression pattern indicates an imbalance in the molecular censor systems that protect the health of the cellular genome. Evaluation of the expression levels of this spectrum of genes, especially the gadd45g and ifnλ1 genes, may be useful as an additional criterion for the differential diagnosis of benign and...

Olufemi Bolarin, Sijuade Adebukola Adebayo and Sola Emmanuel Komolafe*

...fy;">Resilience building mechanism to mitigate effects of climate change by yam farmers in Benue State, Nigeria was investigated in this study. One hundred and eighty (180) yam farmers were sampled for the study. Primary data was gathered with the use of interview schedule. Descriptive statistics and regression were used to analyze data collected. The result shows that the mean age of the farmers was 45.3 years and 83.3% were males. The result also shows that ...

Shabana Ehsan1*, Aneela Riaz2, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Abid Ali1, Ifra Saleem3, Muhammad Aftab3, Khalid Mehmood4, Fakhar Mujeeb1, Muhammad Asif Ali1, Hina Javed1, Fraza Ijaz1, Anwar-ul-Haq5, Khaliq-ur-Rehman3 and M. Usman Saleem

...a siderophore production mechanism. Inoculation with seed soaking of such siderophore-producing bacteria can be a cost-effective biofortification technique. The current study includes the collection of rhizobacterial isolates from wheat, maize, sorghum, millet, and maize rhizosphere soil of Rawalpindi and Sargodha divisions. The screening of bacterial isolates for siderophore production through CAS-shuttle assay (quantitative) and CAS-agar (qualitative) was do...

Xiajun Zhang1, Jie Yang2, Wenjun Zhou1, Zhenshi Chen2, Weidong Wu3, Shaoru Zhang2 and Lihui Wang2*

...rst time to describe the mechanism of lncRNA CASC7/miR-26/ASPN/TGF-β/Smad axis in the proliferation and invasion of endometrial cancer cells.


Jiangbo Shao1, Donglai Zhu2, Shengqiang Zou1, Guohong Ge1 and Ju Huang1*

... potential functions and mechanisms of SOX9 in promoting hepatocellular carcinoma progression were investigated through comprehensive bioinformatics analysis. We found that SOX9 mainly participated in heat stress response, protein folding as well as metabolism and biosynthesis of amino acid. SOX9 correlated with HSPA1B were negative to the progression in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. These results suggest that SOX9 participated in hepatocellular carcinoma...

Bnar Shahab Hamad1, Bushra Hussain Shnawa1*, Rafal Abdulrazaq Alrawi2 

...s and preventing evasion mechanisms of the parasite, these findings help improve the understanding of local immune responses to CE and maybe lead to the design of novel treatments.

Keywords | Cystic echinococcosis, BALB/c, Liver, Immunohistochemistry, Apoptosis 


Jiahua Peng1,2, Shiyao Hua3* and Qian Wu4

... to explore the possible mechanism. Forty rats were randomly divided into four group, the model groups each of 10 the control group, the DHEA group (low dose, 15 μg/kg/d) and the DHEA group (high dose, 30 μg/kg/d). DHEA subcutaneous injection was used to construct the PCOS model of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) model of rats. The general condition of rats (body weight, ovary weight) and ovarian tissue pathology changes were observed. The changes i...

Samaa M Galal1, Sally Ibrahim2, Karima Mahmoud2, Ola Adel1, Aya A. Shokry3, El-Belely MS1, Ismail Sayed Taha1* 

...aloes let us to know the mechanisms of this regulation. We aimed to (1) figure out the expression profile of apoptotic genes (TNFα- BAX - CASP3 - FASLG - AGTR2 - and NOS2) mRNAs during early, mid, and late stages of CL and (2) clarify the accompanied changes in progesterone (P4), nitric oxide (NO) concentrations and histological evaluation through different stages of CL in buffaloes. Forty five paired samples of ovarian tissue from buffaloes were obtaine...

Man Wang1 and Fengmei Yang2*

... to explore the possible mechanism of topoisomerase IIA in the development of liver cancer based on bioinformatics analysis. GEPIA, UALCAN, cbioportal and other tools were used to analyze the correlation between TOP2A gene expression and methylation, prognosis and immune cell infiltration in databases. The expressions of TOP2A gene and protein in tumor tissues were higher than those in normal tissues, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0....

Emtiaz Ibrahim Ghoniem, Gaber Mamdouh Abdelgalil, Amira Farouk Gad* and El-Sayed Hassan Eshra

...e one of the biochemical mechanisms of CuSO4 toxicity. 
Novelty Statement | This is the first study to investigate the sub-lethal effects of CuSO4 on biochemical interactions of land snail, Theba pisana. Our findings will contribute to understand the biochemical defects of CuSO4.

Mochamad Rizal Umami1, Zainuri*2, Sebastiana Viphindrartin2 and Rafael Purtomo Somaji2

...ptive market, the market mechanism is more efficient than the contractual mechanism. Furthermore, this study found that the development of accelerative information technology during the COVID-19 pandemic (social media) has destroyed social capital between sugarcane farmers and partners (sugar factories) due to cheaper information costs borne by sugarcane farmers.


Jinzhao He1, Pengfei Feng2, Junqi Qin2, Yun Teng1, Xu Luo2*, Zigui Chen1*, Huawei Ma2* and Dayan Zhou1

...te the genetic molecular mechanism of body color differentiation and variation of red tilapia, selecting the main genes related to the variation and cultivating the pure and stable red tilapia variety. The effects of different temperature treatments on body color and survival of Guam red tilapia, pearl white red tilapia and Florida red tilapia were compared. Besides, comparative transcriptome analysis was used to screen the candidate genes linked to the skin c...
Serkan Özkaya1*, Oktay Özkan2, Sabri Erbas3, Isa Gökhan Yalçın4, Dariusz Piwczynski5 and Wojciech Neja5 
...the antioxidative stress mechanism of calves while supporting their growth (e.g., total and daily weight gain, body measurements). The findings of the present study showed that Oreganum onites L. aromatic water, a by-product, can be used safely in alleviating the problems such as oxidative stress that may occur in intensive growing systems.


Sumreen Begum, Atta-ur-Rahman and Asmat Salim*

...espect to their specific mechanism in renal development is imperative to regeneration. The purpose of this study is to analyze systematic identification of genes with respect to nephron lineage and pluripotency during postnatal renal development and at adult stage of rat kidney. In the current study, the mRNA levels of nephron genes were analyzed by reverse transcriptase PCR in neonatal and adult rat kidney tissues. These genes were divided into three categori...

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Luqman1*, Bushra Pervaiz2, Rana Shahzad Noor3, Muhammad Ameen4, Sadia Hassan3 and Wassi Abbas1

...s rural advisory service mechanisms for improving food security in the Sargodha district. The sample size of the study was 120 farmers. An interview schedule was used as a research instrument for data collection using the face-to-face interview method. Descriptive statistics; mean, frequencies and percentages were applied to draw results and to interpret. The prominent mode of rural advisory services by the public sector was ‘training program’ wher...

Hongfeng Guo

...aimed to investigate the mechanism of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) combined with caffeine citrate and aminophylline in the treatment of premature infants with apnea. in present study, sixty premature SD mice were randomly divided into blank control group (n = 20), intermittent hypoxia group (n = 20) and drug administration group (n = 20). Establishment of intermittent hypoxia model: the oxygen concentration in the cabin of mice in intermittent hy...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel4, Abdelwahab M. Abdelwahab1,5
...mance, the physiological mechanisms, and the economic profits of egg production.
Keywords | Hermetia illucens, Larvae meal, Laying hens, Egg production, Egg quality, Physiological aspects, Economic efficiency

Aqleem Abbas1, Mustansar Mubeen2, Yasir Iftikhar2, Qaiser Shakeel3*, Hafiz M. Imran Arshad4, Maria del Carmen Zuñiga Romano5 and Sarfaraz Hussain6

...ops and biological agent mechanisms of action are discussed.


Lihang Wang, Qiling Chen, Tingsheng Lu, Shudan Yao, Xingwei Pu and Chunshan Luo* was to explore the mechanism of mild hypothermia (MH) plus methylprednisolone (MPS) was in spinal cord injury (SCI) therapy. Application of modified Allen’s method was for injury of the spinal cord (T10) in rats and treated SCI was with MH or/and MPS immediately. Conduction of Basso-Beattie-Bresnahan (BBB) scores was on all rats at different time points after surgery. Subsequently harvest of the serum and the spinal cord tissues was behind euthanas...
...-vivo. Fickian diffusion mechanisms have been read for the release of insulin at diverse pH (5.4 and 7.5). 

Caiping Duan

... to explore the clinical mechanism of propofol in relieving myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury in type 2 diabetic patients. In the present study, 369 patients suffering from myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury who were diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in our hospital from January 2018 to May 2019 were selected as study subjects and randomly divided into low-dose propofol group (n=123; intravenously injected with 25 mg before angiography), high-dose propof...

Chenchen Liu1,2, Tong Wang1, Muhammad Khan3*, Xiaolin Cui2 and Yongming Li1,2*

...cancers through multiple mechanism. However, the anticancer effects of ALT against ovarian cancer remains unknown. Here, we report that ALT inhibits growth and induces apoptosis in parental and cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cells. Growth inhibitory effects of ALT are evident from CCK-8, Edu, and colonogenic assays. The molecular mechanism associated with induction of apoptosis includes ROS generation, G2/M phase arrest ...

Zhe Lin1, Yumo Li1, Yuchen Wang1, Yuechen Li1, Ke Pei1, Guangfu Lv2, He Lin1* and Zhun Yu3*

... its anti-stress effects mechanism has not been fully revealed. In this work, based on network pharmacology, the potential targets of OR were screened, and an protein-protein interaction (PPI) network between the target of OR and anti-stress target was constructed using STRING database. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) was used for analyzing the pathways of target gene. To further verify this, total 96 ICR mice were used, forced swim test and ano...

Pengliang Xie1, Lufang Zheng2*, Mingxia Dong3, Huaiqiang Zhang1 and Fang Chen1

...y was to investigate the mechanism of soluble vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-1 (sVEGFR-1) and sVEGFR-2 in regulating branch retinal vein occlusion with macular edema. A total of 45 patients with branch retinal vein occlusion and macular edema who were treated at Tangshan Eye Hospital from November 2018 to June 2020 were enrolled in the study, including 19 cases of localized macular edema, 12 cases of diffuse macular edema, and 14 cases of cystoid ...

Chun Shi, Juanjuan Guo, Meng Li, Qi Yang and Jingang Li*

...on of animal hibernation mechanisms and research on intestinal ischemic re-enema injury.


Sen Ye1, Jiangang Pang2 and Xiuli Wang3*

...y was to investigate the mechanism by which rivaroxaban reduces cerebral hemorrhage in mice with TPA ischemic stroke after thrombolysis. Male Wistar mice (11-week-old) as our experimental subjects were administered with warfarin (0.2 mg/kg/day), rivaroxaban (60 mg/kg/day), rivaroxaban (120 mg/kg) /day), or solvent pretreatment for 14 d to induce transient middle cerebral artery occlusion for 90 min, followed by perfusion with tPA (10 mg/kg/10ml). Infarct volum...

Muhammad Asim Bhutta1,2*, Amna Bibi2, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Sadia Kanwal2, Zarmeena Amjad1, Hafeez ur Rehman3, Umar Farooq3, Muhammad Nouman Khalid4 and Syeda Fiza Nayab5

...apted several protective mechanisms like production of antioxidants, enzymes and carotenoids to face reactive oxygen species and avoid photoinhibition. This article provides overview of molecular mechanisms involved in photoinhibition and its protective elements.


Meng Wang, Dongliang Zhou, Huixia Li, Chunqin Wu,Yan Zhao and Houqiang Luo*

...acteria use a variety of mechanisms to transport proteins synthesized in the cytoplasm to the outer membrane or extracellular environment of the bacterial cell, or directly to other cells. The bacterial secretion system plays an irreplaceable role in this process. Up to now, at least 11 kinds of secretion systems are involved in the pathogenesis role of bacteria, especially the formation of bacterial resistance. Therefore, the study of the bacterial secretion ...

Xiaowei Huang1, Chao Ma1, He Lin1, Yuchen Wang1, Yan Xu1, Guangfu Lv2* and Zhe Lin1*

...medicine. To explore its mechanism of antidepressant effect, healthy Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) male mice were divided into control, chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS), fluoxetine (3 mg/kg), OR800 (OR 800 mg/kg) and OR400 (OR 400 mg/kg) dose groups. After the last administration, the content of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT) in serum were detected. Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&...

Ahmad Shahzaib1*, Tabish Raza2 and Aisha Areej2

... the immune-inflammatory mechanism that exacerbates disease symptoms and complications. Up to 20% of the infected people need hospitalization on account of the severity of the infection, while the rest of the patients are asymptomatic or have minor symptoms. In addition, many COVID-19 patients have co-infection or secondary infection, which exacerbate the disease. In general, it is believed that viral infections predispose patients to superinfections that have...

Lu Xie1,2,3,4,5, Ye Gu1,2,3,4, Qiang Liu1,2,3,4, Hongzhang Shen1,2,3,4, Yifeng Zhou1,2,3,4, Jiangfeng Yang1,2,3,4, Xiaofeng Zhang1,2,3,4* and Jinyu Huang1,5*

...alyzed the functions and mechanisms of the SET7/9-E2F1 axis using data mining. Data from the UALCAN database showed abnormal expression of both SET7/9 and E2F1 in multiple cancer types. Survival curves and correlation analysis by GEPIA supported the significant roles of SET7/9 and E2F1 in the progression of HCC. Functional enrichment analysis suggested that the SET7/9-E2F1 axis is involved in the regulation of cell cycle, DNA repair and replication, and gene t...

Yufang Liu1,2, Guiling Cao3, Yujing Xie3 and Mingxing Chu1*

...To explore the molecular mechanism of the puberty effects on the reproduction of goats, goats at different growth stages from two breeds (Jining Grey (JG) goats and Liaoning Cashmere (LC) goats) were divided into three groups with three replicates (juvenile stage (JG 30d vs. LC 30d, AO group), puberty (JG 90d vs. LC 180d, BO group) and the same age control of puberty (JG 90d vs. LC 90d, EO group). Ovary tissues were taken from goats on 30 days, 90 days and 180...

Yajuan Zheng, Qiuping Mo, Hongchao Tang, Qinghui Zheng and Dandan Guan*

... the role and regulatory mechanism of LGR5 in the occurrence and development of breast cancer. Fresh breast cancer case samples and normal breast cell samples were collected. Western blot was used to analyze the expression of LGR5 and (phosphorylated IQGAP1)/(IQGAP1). Construct metastatic human breast cancer MDA-MB-231 cell line knocking down LGR5. The relative expression levels of LGR5 and phosphorylated IQGAP1 were detected by Western blot. The relative acti...

Qi Zhuo, Yuanchun Yao, Meisongzhu Yang* and Jinhua Chen and Miao Tian

...anscriptional regulation mechanism of transgelin gene in colon cancer cells. HT29 cells were randomly divided into three groups: CON group, TGT group and DGT group. The transgelin gene was sub-cultured in the control (CON) group, transfected in the TGT (cells transfected with tranglin gene) group, and knocked out in the DGT (cells in which tranglin gene has been knowcked out) group. The protein expression and the gene expression were measured using Western blo...

Ayoub Hadjeb1,2*, Ismahane Lebbouz3 and Yasmine Adjami4

...nt a fundamental data in mechanisms interpretation of variation in abundance of this pest.


Dajun Su1, Tao Deng2* and Mingshui Xie2

...nvestigate the molecular mechanism of lncRNALOXL1-AS1 regulating the proliferation and apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells by targeting miR-761. Ovarian cancer cells SKOV-3 and normal ovarian cells FTE187 were divided into groups according to the experimental procedures, and were transfected negative, respectively. The expressions of lncRNALOXL1-AS1 and miR-761 in ovarian cancer cells were measured by qRT-PCR (quantitative real-time PCR). LncRNALOXL1-AS1 targeti...

Lianci He1, Dingxi Bai2, Chenxi Wu2, Yizhu Zhong2, Shi Chen2, Xinru Bao2, Jing Gao2*, Chaoming Hou2*

...vant signal transduction mechanism in the treatment of CFS. Seventy two male SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups with 12 rats in each group. Namely: control group (CON), low dose Shenxian Congee group (SXC-L), medium dose Shenxian Congee group (SXC-M), high dose Shenxian Congee group (SXC-M), fluoxetine hydrochloride group (influenza group, FLU) and chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) group. In addition to the CON group, the remaining five groups establishe...

Yakun Ge

...justify;">To explore the mechanism of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitor combined with photodynamic therapy to regulate cancer stem cells through reactive oxygen species (ROS). A2780 cell line was purchased from the American Type Culture Collection and cultured in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, 50μunits/mL penicillin and 50μg/mL streptomycin, maintained at 37°C and 5% CO2 in a humid incubator environment. Quant...

Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan and Abdul Rauf Shakoori*

...tanding of its molecular mechanisms is continually increasing, the identification and consequently the roles of transcription factors (TFs) in the respective molecular events under neuroinflammatory conditions in distinct brain regions is still lacking. To address the said gap in knowledge, first we have identified the TFs specific to IL-1β a key player in mediating inflammatory process using online databases. Next, we identified the interacting partners ...

Lili Zhao1, Fan Zhao1 and Yaping Jin2*

.... However, the molecular mechanism of trophoblast cell proliferation, invasion and hormone secretion remains elusive. In this study, we explored the role of GRP78 in the functionalities of goat trophoblast cells (GTCs). The Grp78 gene was efficiently knockout by using the CRISPR/Cas9 system, which resulted in altered morphology and function of GTCs. The cell shape showed a subrounded configuration, and the cell size also significantly increased. Furthermore, G...

Chen Zhao, Lulu Ding, Ying Ye, Congying Kou, Haoran Xiao, Jing Zhu and Jicang Wang*

...d other animals, but the mechanism of Cd-induced autophagy in the kidney and the antagonistic effect of Nar on Cd are still unclear. In this study, SD rats were treated with Cd and/or Nar to investigate the protective effect of Nar on Cd-induced toxicity. The rats were treated for 4 weeks. The histopathological observation, oxidative stress index and autophagy-related gene expression level were detected of rat kidneys. The results showed that Cd caused the pat...

Laikun Ma1,2, Jiaojiao Wang1, Shanshan Lyu2 and Jianhua Hou1* aggression signalling mechanism. However, our results suggest that song length may be an indicator of the fighting ability of male dusky warbler and may function in short-term communication.


Jamshid Ali1,2, Sabeeqa Usman Malik1*, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf1, Jia Zhongkui2, Zuhair Husnain3 and Saeed Gulzar1 

...e change. Nature has its mechanisms for carbon storage. Forests are important natural storehouses of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Estimation of forest biomass in various ecosystems is of key importance in the context of international climate treaties. The objectives of the current study were to assess above-ground carbon (AGC), belowground carbon (BGC) and total carbon stock in the sub-tropical pine forest in Upper Kurram District, Kurram (Pakistan). Twen...

Reza Esmaealzade Dizaji1, Arasb Dabbagh Moghaddam1*, Arash Ghalyanchi Langeroudi2, Mohamad Foad Heydari3, Seyyed Javad Hosseini Shokouh4 and Ana Shirzad Shahrivar5

... of Integrin 1 and other mechanisms, reducing healing time and improving healing quality.

Sri Rahayu*, Muhaimin Rifa’i and Widodo 
...lopment, ovulation cycle mechanisms, ovarian follicle growth, and female fertility.


Azza M. El-Kattawy1, Tarek Abou Zed1, Randa Megahed1 and Mohammed El-Magd2*, however, its actual mechanism of action has not been investigated yet. Therefore, this study aimed to unveil the biochemical and molecular changes that accompany the application of Sim as anti-arthritic in a mouse model of pristane-induced arthritis. Female Swiss albino mice (20-30g) were randomly divided into 5 groups (n= 10/group): control, Sim control, pristane-induced arthritis, Sim co-treated, and Sim post-treated group. Sim treatment significantly 1...

Ming Wang1, Nan Yang2, Xiaolin Zhang2 and Wei Liu1*

... prevention, and control mechanisms, as well as reshaping the deratization concept can encourage the herdsmen to establish a scientific and rational ecological explanation justifying the necessity of deratization. This can not only contribute to the long-term prevention of disease and damage caused by the rodents in the Sichuan Tibetan area but also benefit the local sustainable development.


Abdullah Alsrhani1*, Aisha Farhana1, Shahid Hussain2 and Muhammad Ikram Ullah1

...e thyroid functions, the mechanism of action of vitamin D on thyroid hormones remains unclear. The objective of the present study was to determine serum concentrations of thyroid hormones, serum thyroid antibodies, and serum 25(OH)-D and underscore the association of vitamin D with thyroid function in HT. A cross-sectional study comprising 150 subjects, including 80 HT cases and 70 healthy controls was carried out. The serum thyroid hormone concentrations (FT4...
Burarah Arooj1, Zeeshan Mutahir1, Moazzam Ali1, Mohsina Akhter2, Malik Siddique Mahmood1, Arslan Hamid3 and Mahjabeen Saleem1*
... in the enzyme catalytic mechanism. This is the first time a thermostable chitinase from Paenibacillus sp. Y412MC10 has been cloned, expressed heterologously, and purified.


Mahmoud Abdelhady Metwally1*, Mona Abdelftah Ali1, Farouk Abdelmohdy1, Mohamed Kassab1, Tarek Kamal Abouzed2 and Khalil Fathy Abou-Easa1

...the underlying molecular mechanisms involved. We isolated BMMSCs and identified them using flowcytometry and culture characteristics, then prepared BMMSCs-CM. HepG2 cells were treated with various concentrations of BMMSCs-CM for up to 72 h. The methylthiazolyldiphenyl-tetrazolium (MTT) assay showed decreased proliferation, while flowcytometry showed increased apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase with inhibition of entry into the S phase. RT-PCR s...
Yafang Wang1,2,3, Fugui Jiang2,3, Haijian Cheng2,3, Yifan Liu2,3, Chen Wei2,3, Ce Liu2,3 and Enliang Song1,2,3* To further study the mechanisms underlying the action of ASIV to improve antioxidant functionality and immune level in vitro experiments should be explored.


Zhipeng Song1,2, Jialiang Xin1,3, Xiaoli Wei1,2, Abula Zulipiya1,3, Kadier Kedireya1,2 and Xinmin Mao1,3* on db/db mice and its mechanism of action intervening in diabetic retinopathy. For in vivo experiment: 10 healthy db/m mice were used as the control group. Forty healthy db/db mice were randomly divided into the model, positive, ranibizumab and marein groups. There were 10 mice in each group. All mice were adaptively fed for one week. They were given the appropriate drugs by gavage. Tissue material was taken after 12 weeks. Haematoxylin-eosin (H&E) stai...
Qiangsheng Wu1, Yumei Yin2, Hui Gao1, Baoding Chen3, Jianjun Yu2, Jian Zhang4, Donglai Zhu5, Fang Liu6, Guohong Ge7 and Ya-Mei Dang8*
...tential interactions and mechanisms of these genes in promoting hepatocellular carcinoma were analyzed through bioinformatics analysis. The results showed that the functions of these 1495 differently expressed genes enriched in cell cycle, oxidation-reduction and drug metabolic process. Additionally, the top 10 core genes of these differently expressed genes were mainly participated in cell cycle and strongly correlated with worse prognosis of survival, which ...
Guo-Hai Wang1, Ji-Feng Long2, Li-Juan Wei3, Zhi Qin2, Wei Yao4, Chuang-Bin-Tang1* and Qi-Hai Zhou4*
...amental in revealing the mechanism of niche differentiation among sympatric species and the coexistence of such species communities. However, there is no clarity on whether the activity patterns of the sympatric species red-bellied squirrels (Callosciurus erythraeus) and Northern tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) overlap; knowledge on the coexistence mechanism of these animals in the karst habitat is also minimal. Herein, we us...

Salim Saifullah1*, Tasmina Kanwal2 and Khadija Rehman2

... learning the underlying mechanisms responsible for changes in air quality, which subsequently exert substantial effects on climate patterns. Various chemical processes, including the production of greenhouse gases and photochemical reactions, have an impact on the composition of the atmosphere and the rise in air pollution. The release of pollutants resulting from human activities, including transportation and industrial processes, worsens air quality issues,...

Abdul Hayee Gabol1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir Rajput1, Jamal-U-Ddin Hajano2, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi3, Ghulam Qader Mangrio1 and Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahito4

... planned to evaluate the mechanism of resistance among different tomato varieties against T. absoluta so that better breeding strategies could be employed to develop more resilient varieties with good yield potential.


Yanmei Wang1,2, Haoyun Li1, Lijuan Han1 and Wenkui Wang1*

...e studied to explore the mechanism of MIF participating in PH. In this study, 4-5 weeks broilers with clinical PH were collected as experimental (PH) group, while the healthy broilers were taken as control group. The related mRNA expression levels were determined by qRT-PCR. The protein expressions and distributions were detected by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The results showed that, the mRNA expression of MIF, Raf, ERK, Akt, GSK3β, cyclin...

Aniqa Nasir1, Rashid Masih1, Shazma Massey1*, Laiba Arshad2, Sabi Ur Rehman2, Irva Waqar1 and Anwar Khalid3

...e-exponential factor and mechanism of thermal degradation. The prepared dressings were subjected to thermal analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the degradation of wound dressing occurs at 225˚C - 400˚C. Thus, the dressing was found to be stable up to wide ranges of temperature. Kinetics of thermal degradation was also studied by model-free isoconversional analysis. Activation energy, pre-exponential factor and decomposition

Ying Chen1, Chao-Zheng Li2, Zhun Yu3, Jia Zhou4, Yan Xu4, Zhe Lin4, He Lin4* and Xiao-Wei Huang4*

...vestigate the protective mechanism of VAP on MIRI in rats. Total 90 male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were divided into the control, model (MIRI), positive (Diltiazem, DLZ, 20 mg/kg), VAP high, medium, low dose (VAP 300, 200, and 100 mg/kg) groups. After 21 days of intragastric administration, the electrocardiogram (ECG) changes in each group were detected. The activities of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB) isoenzymes in serum, and supero...

Jinwen Liu, Hong Li, Jinhua Zhang, Jianping Li and Xiujuan Yan*

...nding on the interaction mechanism between above-ground and below-ground herbivore on the host plants, and have guiding significance for agricultural pest control.


Shu-Zhi Qin, Wen-Pei Ling, Mei-Fang Yin, Chun-Yu Luo and Cheng-Guo Zhao* pathway to reveal the mechanism of PF against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, in this study, the H/R model of H9C2 cells was established by hypoxia for 3 h and reoxygenation for 3 h. H9C2 cells were divided into 4 groups, the control, PF + control group, H/R group and H/R + PF group. The activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured by colorimetry; Apoptosis rate and reactive oxygen species (ROS) conten...
Xiao-Wei Huang1,2, Mei-Li Liu1, Jin-Ji Wang1, Yue-Xin Liu3, Zhe Lin1, Chun-Shu Rong4* and Ji-Xiang Ren4*
...y aimed to elucidate the mechanism of velvet antler polypeptide (VAP) in improvement of learning and memory function in mild cognitive impairment (MCI) rats model, specifically by investigating the PI3K, AKT and mTOR pathway. The type and content of amino acids (AA) in VAP were determined using pre-column derivatization-high performance liquid chromatography (PD-HPLC). Wistar rats were randomly divided into 5 groups (n=10 per group): control, model, piracetam ...

Yu Song1*, Yueping Wei2 and Peng Wang3

...y to further explore its mechanism. In this study, the samples of different growth stages of rice, including tillering stage (TS), jointing stage (JS), heading stage (HS) and mature stage (MS) were collected to analyze the impact on the community composition, diversity and functional potentialities of the rhizosphere bacterial in the coupled rice-crab system were investigated through 16S rRNA gene high-throughput sequencing. The results showed that, a total of...
Naila Amjad1, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1*, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2, Shafaat Yar Khan1 and Sania Waliat1
...ontrolled through proper mechanisms and strategies.


Taidong Wang1, Xiaowei Huang1, Jian Huang2, Guangfu Lv3 and Zhe Lin1*

...the antipyretic role and mechanism of Saposhnikoviae Radix (SR). To achieve the objectives TCM-ingredient-target network and PPI network were constructed by TCMSP, TTD, DisGenet, OMIM databases and Cytoscape 3.7.2 software, and topology analysis was performed on the PPI network. KEGG signaling pathways were analyzed using DAVID database, and molecular docking verification was performed on the core targets after topology analysis. Subsequently, 24 rats were ran...

Ho Thi Dung, Nguyen Van Chao, Nguyen Thi Hoa, Le Dinh Phung, Tran Thi Na, Nguyen Thi Thuy, Tran Nguyen Thao, Pham Hoang Son Hung* 

... stress, the fundamental mechanisms associated with heat stress responses and intestinal barrier function, especially in the large intestine, remain inadequately defined. This study aimed to determine histomorphology change and tight junction genes expression in the cecum of chicken exposing to heat stress. Fifty broiler chickens at 14 days old were randomly allocated to the thermoneutral control (TC) treatment and the high ambient temperature (HT) treatment (...
Omaima Khamiss
...relation to stability or mechanism of infection in the same host multiple nucleopolyhedroviruses (MNPVs) Spli MNPV, and granulovirus SpliGV. Mixed infection of the tow viruses was carried out in vivo and in vitro, showing clearly that the mixture with Spli GV enhance the effect of Spli NPV when it was introduced 24hr prior to NPV or simultaneously: In addition to' protein profiles by SDS-PAGE, TEM electron microscopy ultrathin sections and hybridization dot bl...

H. A. Hussein1, N.A. Mohamed2, F.M. Mohamed2 and M.A. Shalaby1

... result of recombination mechanism.


Nurhashunatil Mar’ah1, Safika Safika2*, Agustin Indrawati2

... of the multi-resistance mechanisms commonly found in dairy farms is ESBL (Extended Spectrum Beta Lactamase). This study aimed to investigate the antibiotic resistance and virulence factors of Klebsiella pneumoniae from Dairy Farm isolates in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Twelve isolates obtained in the field were tested for phenotype resistance profile with four antibiotics of β-lactams using the Kirby-Bauer method. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was u...

Zhengfei Wang1*, Chenchen Shen1,2, Yiping Zhang1, Dan Tang1,3, Yaqi Luo1, Yaotong Zhai1, Yayun Guan1, Yue Wang1 and Xinyu Wang1

...s of olfactory molecular mechanism in Procambarus clarkii, and provided further insight for a better understanding of olfaction molecular mechanism in crustaceans.


Faisal Alzahani1* and Mohammed Abu El-Magd2*

...ise epigenetic molecular mechanisms for the combined therapy are still unclear. This study aimed to investigate the epigenetic mechanism of CAPE and/or CNPs on human HepG2 cells. The results revealed a significantly higher cytotoxic effect for CAPE on HepG2 cells than CNPs. The combined therapy with CAPE and CNPs exhibited significantly higher expression of the apoptotic Bax gene and lower expression of the antiapoptotic Bcl...

Ahmed M. Manthoor, Ali H. Saliem* 

...onducted to find out the mechanism of action and the activity of Portuluca oleracea methanolic extract in vitro against Escherichia coli. The first step was involved collection and extraction of P. oleracea with absolute methanol in a Soxhlet apparatus and phytochemical analysis of extract. While in the second step, the antibacterial effects of the extract as compared with ciprofloxacin, as well as zone of inhibition, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and...

Xiangmei Chen, Burie Bao* and Mo Degema

...) were used to study the mechanism of the hypoglycaemic effect of CPP on diabetic rats. We found that camel placenta produced no meaningful changes in the weight of hyperglycaemic rats or the weight of the liver, kidney, or pancreas. After STZ modelling, the blood glucose levels of rats noticeably increased. However, the blood glucose values of rats decreased substantially due to camel placenta treatment from the 4th to the 6th week. Camel placenta dramaticall...

Afrasyab Khan1,3, Ali Raza Jahejo1,3, Meng-li Qiao1,3, Xin-yu Han1,3, Raza Ali Mangi1,3, Ding Zhang1,3, Yu-hai Bi2, George F Gao1,3* and Wen-xia Tian1,3*

...iae infection resistance mechanisms and the role of NF-κB signaling pathway and other immune system genes in the control of the host immune response.


Abdeljabbar Nassiri1, Mouloud Lamtai1*, Inssaf Berkiks1,2, Hajar Benmhammed1, Sidi Mohamed Coulibaly1,3, Miloud Chakit1, Laila Ibouzine-dine1, Abdelhalem Mesfioui1, Aboubaker El-Hessni1

...ned in detail. Also, the mechanism by which MD causes these disorders is far from fully understood. Therefore, this study was designed to examine the impact of MD on anxiety- and depression-like behaviors and oxidative stress (OS) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) of rats across different ages (adolescence, emerging adulthood, and middle adulthood) and the possible existence of sexual dimorphisms. Rat pups were maternally deprived on postnatal day 9 for 24 hours....

Xin-yu Han1,2, Afrasyab Khan1,2, Ali Raza Jahejo1,2, Qian-qing Cheng1,2, Meng-li Qiao1,2, Raza Ali Mangi1,2, Muhammad Farhan Qadir1,2, Ding Zhang1,2, Ying Wang1,2, Yu-hai Bi1,3, Rui-wen Fan1,2 and Wen-xia Tian1,2

...iae infection resistance mechanisms and the role of TLR signaling immune genes in the control of the host immune response.


Phoebe Lyndia Tolentino Llantada1,2*, Midori Umekawa2, Shuichi Karita2

... to come up with a novel mechanism for rumen manipulation and strategies for phenotypic trait improvements.
Keywords | Bacteria, Buffalo, GIT, PCR-DGGE, Species-specific primer

Suhad Mohmmed Alrobyrai1 , Falah Muosa Al-Rekabi2* elucidate the precise mechanisms, and caution is warranted in interpreting these preliminary results. The clinical implications could revolutionize APAP-induced toxicity management, emphasizing the need for continued research in this area.
Keywords | Subacute toxicity, Acetaminophen, Mice, Tempol, Alpha Lipoic acid, Liver Injury, Analgesic, Biochemical marker, Hepatio protective

Alif Rahman Rohim Puarada*, Safika, Agustin Indrawati

...ervoir and dissemination mechanisms. Fecal samples were collected from Papua, Indonesia. The DNA was extracted using the DNeasy Power Soil Pro Kit. A shotgun metagenomic sequencing process from the MGI DNBSEQ-G400 platform was carried out to obtain DNA sequence data from the genes in the sample. The resulting DNA sequence data were then analyzed using MEGAN6 software using the SEED subsystem. The investigation reveals a notable abundance of AMR genes, with bac...

Kashif Abdaal, Aneeza Batool, Muhammad Tariq Navid*, Saeed Ahmed, Asma Saleem Qazi, Waseem Safdar, Haidar Ali, Mobeen Ur Rashid, Somia Rafaqat 

...and plant-based delivery mechanisms have proven as more targeted and adaptable approaches to boost immune responses. Hence, it proves the vaccines as a big breakthrough in preventive and therapeutic medicine over 200 years and named “Future Medicine”. To assess vaccine safety and efficacy, scientists are now using various model animals like mice, ferrets, pigs, and nonhuman primates before using them for human trials. The other side of successful v...

UROOJ SAEED1, SAJID RASHID AHMAD2, HAMMAD GILANI3*, RAB NAWAZ4, NAEEM SHAHZAD5, IRFAN ASHRAF6 & WAQAS AHMED QAZI3 plantation-monitoring mechanism, which can be replicated over any plantation sites at diverse landscapes.


 Muhammad Sultan1,4, Muhammad H. Mahmood2,4, Takahiko Miyazaki3,4, Shigeru Koyama3,4, Zahid M. Khan1


...ikely due to the complex mechanism of adsorption kinetics in open system. This study can be useful to determine the open-cycle adsorption kinetics from the close system data for designing the desiccant air-conditioning system.


Mehwish Zafar1, Muhammad Shahzad1*, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Quratulain3, Mehak Shehzad4 and Samreen Nazeer5*

...ting major physiological mechanisms i.e., ionic, oxidative and osmotic stress. One possible and climate resilient strategy is to introduce new crops that can bear high level salinity and allow irrigation with saline water. Quinoa has great potential to grow under saline conditions having outstanding nutritious value. Pot based complete block design was conducted in COMSATS University Abbottabad, Pakistan during winter season. Five quinoa lines (L30, L81, L11, ...

Xin Niu1, Xuelan Fang2, Sang Ba3, Yihao Fang1,4, Davide Fornacca1,7, Kun Tan1,4, Yanpeng Li1,4,5*, Zhipang Huang1,4,5* and Wen Xiao1,4,5,6,7

...mal species is a primary mechanism maintaining a long-term and stable coexistence. Information on the pattern of coexistence among sympatric species is vital to provide specific conservation measures and management. This study focuses on the spatial-temporal niche differentiation strategy adopted by black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) and rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) to support their coexistence along a large elevation gradient in the ...

Abdelghafour El-Hamzaoui*, Mouloud Lamtai, Laila Ibouzine‑Dine, Sofia Azirar, Mohamed Yassine El-Brouzi, Ayoub Rezqaoui, Aboubaker El-Hessni, Abdelhalem Mesfioui

...rscore OS as a plausible mechanism explaining the underpinnings of the neurotoxic effects observed following exposure to GBH.

Abdel Satar Arafa
...tinal tropism. The ideal mechanism of transmission among birds varies by host species and virus strain. The respiratory and contact transmission are likely the primary routes of transmission and may partly arise initially as an adaptation to poultry which clearly has implication for zoonotic transmission. Inactivated vaccines are the most common vaccines used to control H9N2 viruses, however they have a wide antigenic variability in different lineages.

Muhammad Ayyub, Mitha Khan*, Syed Abdul Malik, Sakhawat Ali, Syed Shamsullah, Mujeeb ur Rehman, Ikhlaq Ahmed, Ameer Uddin, Habibullah Kakar, Mohammad Zahid, Khalil Ahmed, Mana Khan, Mukhtiar Ahmed, Muhammad Rafiq Khetran, Zia ul Haq and Muhammad Azam

...ext-align: justify;">The mechanism of genetic improvement for yield of food crops have become highly important for the plant breeders. It has been used for selection of suitable parents for true development of the hybrids. The current research was carried-out to determine heritability, general combing ability (GCA) and specific combing ability (SCA) during (Rabi Season 2018-19) at Directorate of Oilseed Crops, ARI Sariab, Quetta, Balochistan. The research tria...

Shabnam Javed1 and Amna Shoaib2

... to know the
mechanism(s) involved in the cell death.

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito2, Bhugro Mal3 and Naseem Qureshi4

... are sustainable control mechanisms that show the potential to earn profitable yield.


Mir Manzar Ud Din1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Muhammad Salman1, Fazli Amin1 and Saeed Ud Din

...ion of silk protein, the mechanisms of silk synthesis, and the factors that influence its physical and mechanical properties. Furthermore, we explore the potential applications of silk protein in various fields, such as biomedicine, textiles, and materials science. This research paper aims to deepen our understanding of the biochemistry of silk protein and highlight its significance in diverse domains.


Kang Cheng1*, Zhihua Song2, Jingyi Niu1, Jin Huang1, Laiting Liu1, Jinrong Wang1 and Yong Zhang1*

...and explore the possible mechanisms at transcriptional levels. Twenty-four male Sprague-Dawley rats aged 8 weeks were randomized to 3 groups, namely, control, heat stress, and heat stress + fisetin (HS-FIS). The experiment lasted for 3 days with daily 1.5 h of heat treatment (40°C) for the heat stress and HS-FIS groups. Rats of the HS-FIS group were orally given 100 mg fisetin /kg body weight/day before the heat treatment. The results showed ...

Abdul Rahman Sesay1,2, Muhammad Saif-ur-Rehman1*, Faisal Ramzan1 and Faisal Saeed Awan3

...ight into the underlying mechanisms controlling these traits in Sahiwal cattle.


Yasameen Waleed Al-Abedi1, Murtadha Kadhim Hasan2*, Alaa Abdalhadi Halboti3, Ali Abdulhussein Saleh Alsaeedi3, Rafed Abbas Kadhum1

... system, followed by the mechanisms of genome modification, mainly focusing on the repair mechanisms of the double-stranded breaks. This key idea becomes the starting point of the investigation for the grander pathway that leads to exploring the essence of epigenetic modifications and their role in gene regulation. The precise gene regulation has a potential to provide better understanding of the intricate process as well as...

Basheer Ahmad, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

...ty, challenges in market mechanisms, and issues with wood pricing. To effectively promote agroforestry, creating typical agro,forestry farms at the community level can be a valuable extension approach. However, effective extension programming needs partners to share an understanding of the challenges and an idea for positive results. Moreover, it necessitates the appropriate selection of messages, messengers, target audiences, and effective communication tools...
Farah Samuel and Syed Kamran Hussain
...ity based watch and ward mechanisms can be a better option for conservation. We conclude that awareness campaigns and environmental education are principally required to promote useful knowledge in the conservation of River Kabul ecosystem. Key words: River Kabul; Hunting; Poaching; Fish species; Migratory Birds; Freshwater turtles...
Muhammad Tahir Laeeq and Maqbool Hassan and practices, market mechanism, dependence and perception of household engaged in Mazri products manufacturers and trade, and to propose the management strategy for better use of the resource through community participation in Mazri area of Kech district.

The study reveals that majority of the people have their own small size of lands which are economically not feasible under mechanized agriculture system and circumstances and force to Mazri leaves ...

Syed Said Badshah Bukhari and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...d a significant feedback mechanism among temperature, rainfall and evaporation. The temperature showed negative correlation with rainfall (r2 = 0.49) while positive correlation with evaporation (r2 = 0.78). The range of variation and coefficient of variation of temperature, rainfall, evaporation and wind showed a great volatility especially in the spring and autumn seasons. Present findings forecast a likely increase of 4.13oC ...

Kremlin Mark B. Ampode

...r investigation into the mechanisms underlying its beneficial effects.
Keywords | Origanum vulgare, Antimicrobial alternatives, Phenolic compounds, Flavonoid compounds, Gut health, Mortality

Syed Saqlain Hussain1*, Muhammad Rasheed2, Zammurad Iqbal Ahmed2, Ghulam Jilani3, Muhammad Irfan4, Muhammad Kashif Aziz5, Fiaz Hussain1, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassar1 and Zuhair Hasnain2

...s on the plant. However, mechanism of melatonin which is involved in salt stress mitigation is still under inspection of plant scientists. For the purpose, this research was carried out and the effects of melatonin priming was searched out viz., hydro-priming (HP), 500, 1000 and1500 µM on seed germination and early seedling establishment of six maize genotypes viz., MMRI-Yellow, NCEV-1530-9, YH-1898, Composite, SB-9617 and FH-949 under salinity-induced s...

Hong Chen1,2, Jiawei Liu1,2, Chuan Lin1,2, Hao Lv1,2, Jiyun Zhang1,2, Xiaodong Jia1,2, Qinghua Gao1,2 and Chunmei Han1,2*

...neration and its related mechanism. This study explored the mechanism of the rapid growth of regenerated antlers after top pruning damage using transcriptome sequencing technology. A damage repair model was constructed by top pruning treatment on the left antlers of three 10-month-old Tarim red deer, and RNA-seq analysis was performed on the Illumina platform to compare the transcriptome sequencing results of the left regene...
Hong Su1,2, Lu Chen1,3, Wenrui Guo1, Daqing Wang1,3, Aolei Dou1,2, Jie Su1, Yanyan Yang4, Ying Tian4, Tingyi He4, Caiyun Wang1, Chenguang Du1, Haijun Li1, Xihe Li5, Guifang Cao1*, Yongli Song5* and Fuxiang Bao3*
...isticate organs and body mechanisms, and genes associated with protein and fat digestion, hematopoietic stem cell lineage and osteoblast differentiation, are enriched during the development of the Ujumqin sheep 16-day embryo U(E16). Our work provides important complementary reference data for the study of early embryonic development in sheep.


Riam Yousfe Muttair 

... doors leading us to the mechanism of the development of cancer cells as well as the immune system that can kill the cancer cells. Checkpoint inhibitors, the main pillars of the immunotherapy, are explored in a detailed manner taking into account some of the most important checkpoint pathways and their clinical implications. Next-generation checkpoint inhibitor is the same thing as opening new ways in which the success of cancer immunotherapy can be improved. ...

Zhiwen Xu explore the molecular mechanisms by which Snail/Slug promoted OSCC cell proliferation by regulating YAP. The activation of the Snail/Slug pathway promoted the progression of OSCC. The Snail/Slug regulated the OSCC process via targeting YAP. Inhibition of the Snail/Slug pathway, however, reversed the effect of YAP on OSCC. These findings suggest that the Snail/Slug pathway promoted OSCC progression by targeting YAP.

Fangmei Zhang1,2, Xiaocen Zhao1,2, Li Qiao1,2, Shibao Guo1,2, Li Zhang1,2
Jian Yin1,2, Zhou Zhou1,2, Chuleui Jung3 and Shubao Geng1,2*
...>In order to explore the mechanism underlying chemosensation in the tea looper, Scopula subpunctaria (Lepidoptera: Geometridae), the types, morphology, quantity and distribution of sensilla on the antenna were observed by scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that females and males antennae were filiform, bipectinate, respectively, which be divided into three segments, scape, pedical and flagellum that consisted numerous individual flagellomeres, re...

Lin Li1*, Lu Lu2, Gang An2 and Xiaoguang Zhang3

... light and the potential mechanism. Human RPE cells were divided into blank control group, blue light model group and TF-TP group. The survival rate of human RPE cells and the optimal dose of TF-TP were detected by CCK-8 method. The morphology in the cells were observed under the inverted microscope electron microscope. The apoptosis of the cells was assayed by Hoecht staining. The expressions of TF, Bax and Bcl-2 in the cells were determined by Western blot. ...

Toyin B. Ajibade1*, Mukhtar A. Yusuf1, Sijuwade A. Adebayo2, Uswat T. Adeyemi1 and Olubunmi A. Omotesho1

...and the error correction mechanism. We found that the sea surface temperature, wind speed, current year marine litter plastic waste, and magnitude of marine litter plastic wastes from the previous year negatively influenced the artisanal fish capture quantity in the period under review (p<0.05). We conclude that climate change and marine plastic pollution are major issues with negative impacts on artisanal fish capture in Nigeria. We recommend the need to d...

Chukwujekwu A. Obianefo1,2*, Ngozi J. Obiekwe1, Nma O. Okoroji3, Zahoor A. Shah4, Uzochukwu V. Uchemba5 and Ebele G. Osegbue5 an efficient feedback mechanism. Determinants of ease of use were gender, age, educational background, work experience, household size, work motivation, and organizational support, these were significant at various levels of probability. Constraints on the use of e-extensions were rotated into three factors (commitment, political, and institutional), and in the commitment factor, the extension worker suffered from a lack of support and inadequate training f...

Wadood Shah* and Sanam Zarif Satti

... their natural defensive mechanisms by producing anti-oxidative enzymes and accumulating osmoprotectants. Changes in photosynthetic pigments are one of several factors that affect how much water is accessible to plants under scarce water situation. Photosynthetic pigments, antioxidant enzymes and phenolic compounds play a vital role in a plant’s capacity to endure drought stress conditions. 


Hawraa F.H. Alowaid1*, Afrah Adil Hassan1, Majdy Faisal Majeed2

...rrently no known precise mechanism for how TML damages the liver and kidneys. The goal of the current investigation was to assess the potential contribution of oxidative stress dysfunction to the etiology of renal and hepatic injury brought on by TML. For this purpose, male adult rats were treated with TML (15 and 30 mg/kg/day oral administration) 30 days in a row. A significant decrease in liver and kidney tissue SOD, CAT, NO, and MAD was detected in TML grou...

Husnurrizal Husnurrizal1,2, Hafizuddin Hafizuddin2*, Sri Wahyuni3, Cut Nila Thasmi2, Tongku Nizwan Siregar2,4 

...esults. In addition, the mechanism leading to increased spermatozoa concentration after administration of PGF2 has not been clearly explained. Therefore, this research aimed to assess the impact of the time interval between PGF2α administration and semen collection on the enhancement of spermatozoa quality, testosterone, cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP), and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) levels. A total of 15 rats (Rattus norvegicus) categorized into...

Atyab Amjad1*, Riaz-Ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Shafique Khalid2, Samia Ikram1, Riaz Bukhari1, Muhammad Shafique3 and Muhammad Luqman4

...underlying physiological mechanisms responsible for the enhanced performance of Crystal Blanco under these specific growing conditions.


Bushra Irfan1, Muhammad Shahbaz1*, Asif Mukhtiar1, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Muhammad Atif Bashir3, Sabina Asghar4, Abdul Ghaffar5 and Samreen Nazeer6*

... growth, physio-chemical mechanisms and productivity. To address this issue a pot trial was conducted to check the effectiveness of hydropriming (water; control), thiourea (150 mM) seed priming under normal (10.8 mM) and saline conditions (70 mM). The seeds of two varieties (TS-05 and TH-06) was sown at Botany Garden, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Results showed that salinity decreases the growth (root and shoot parameters) impaired the balance betwee...

Arba Aleem, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik*, Wan Razarinah Wan, Abdul Razak and Norfatimah Mohamed Yunus

... by a complex network of mechanisms impacted by symbiotic interaction which incorporates the complex network mechanism of biotic and abiotic method. In abiotic conditions, plant exudates via roots to deal with different stresses from the environment such as salinity, drought, and heat stress. In biotic conditions, plant roots secrete exudates which may attract or repel microbes. Certain microorganisms present in the soil may...
Nan Jiang1,2, Chaochao Luo3, Mingying Shao4, Ziping Zheng4, Qudrat Ullah6, Muhammad Zahoor Khan5,6*, Guangming Sun2, Dun-Zhu Luosang2, Rubina Mushtaq7, Yulin Ma5 and Wang-Dui Basang1,2*
... cows, but the molecular mechanisms responsible for milk fat synthesis in yaks are still unclear. This study examined the regulatory mechanism of milk fat synthesis in yak mammary epithelial cells (YMECs) by investigating the role of Ribosomal protein L8 (RPL8) in the mTORC1-SREBP1 signaling pathways. The results showed that over-expression or inhibition of RPL8 had a significant effect on triglyceride (TG) secretion, which ...
Hai Thanh Nguyen1*, Cuong Kien Nguyen2, Duy Ba Ngo2, Anh Thi Ngoc Dang1* potential factors and mechanisms that influence the meat value change in pork. The fatty acids’ profile, particularly UFAs, is a crucial determinant of meat’s sensory quality. However, they are prone to instability due to lipid oxidation (LO) that occurs after slaughter. LO, caused by free radicals, is the most common process leading to unacceptable flavor in pork. It is now clear that LO is the primary process for reducing storage times, rather...

Mehak Muhammad Ashfaq1*, Aqsa Naeem Chawla1, Muhammad Umaid Ali1 and Adnan Ahmed Bhutto2

...t functions through many mechanisms. Eating dark chocolate lowers blood pressure, both diastolic and systolic, increases the bioactivity of nitric acid, and strengthens endothelial function. However, due to the amount of sugar it contains, it adversely impacts our health, resulting in weight gain.


Mohammed H. Asker*, Nagham S. Mohammed, Zinah S. Zamil  

...r investigation into its mechanisms of action. 


Zhongjiang Niu1, Periyannan Velu2, Annamalai Vijayalakshmi2*

... epilepsy kindling. This mechanism has potential in epilepsy therapy and future research.


Rico Anggriawan1*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari2, Sri Hidanah3, Muhammad Anam Al Arif4, Diyah Ayu Candra5

...t work together in their mechanism of action and have synergistic action in the antibacterial spectrum . Tylosin is a broad-spectrum macrolide antibiotic, while enrofloxacin is a broad-spectrum fluoroquinolone antibiotic. On commercial poultry farms in Indonesia, the combination of enrofloxacin and tylosin Tylosin and enrofloxacin are often used together as they have a synergistic action against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. However, overuse of ant...

Sana Eijaz, Asmat Salim* and Mohammad Anwar Waqar

...egarding their molecular mechanism of action. In this study, we used a new combination of the aforementioned herbs and Trigonella foenum graceum as a separate treatment. We investigated their effect on the blood glucose level, body weight, expression of some of the insulin signaling genes in skeletal muscle and adipose tissue including insulin receptor (INSR), insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), protein tyrosine phosphatase-1B (PTP-1B), phosphoinositide 3-ki...

King Hei Ip

...nderstanding towards the mechanisms and triggers to viral disease emergence. 


Abdul Zahir1*, Asad Ullah1, Yonis Gulzar2*, Mohammad Shuaib Mir2, Abdus Salaam3 and Arjumand Bano Soomro2

...strengthen the complaint mechanism by making it more transparent and time-bound. It may also involve the farmers in the water distribution system to reduce the chance of inequality in irrigation water distribution.


Amal Mahmood Alwan1*, Thekra Atta Ibrahim1, Ghalib Idrees Atiya Ali2 

...tanding future molecular mechanisms of diseases. 


Rehmat Ullah, Riaz Ahmed*, Muhammad Tahir, Abdul Majid Nasir and Mushtaq Muhammad

...with a robust monitoring mechanism to ensure the effective allocation and utilization of funds.


Karar Ali Abdulkhuder* and Abdul Kareem Salman Alyassari 

...ity profiles and genetic mechanisms underlying resistance is crucial for guiding effective treatment strategies. This study aimed to assess the antibiotic susceptibility patterns and molecular characteristics of Staphylococcus aureus strains isolated from eye infections. For this purpose, a total of 20 Staphylococcus aureus isolates were obtained from eye infection samples and then were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing using standard methods. Add...

Bassant Mahmoud Emam1, Jehan Abd Elrazek Hassanen1, Abeer Gaffer Ali Hassan3, Azza Mahmoud Abdullah1, Hadeer Said Aboelnaga2, Amina Ali Dessouki2*

...c drugs having different mechanism of action than DAPA. 
Keywords: Fenugreek, Dapagliflozin, Liver function, Diabetes mellitus, Streptozotocin

Ma Huadan1,2,3, Sher Zaman Safi3*, Huang Junjie4*, Wei Hua5, Guo Xingrong6 and Ikram Shah Bin Ismail3

... its potential molecular mechanism, aiming to provide a conceptual basis for the potential of using MEG3 as a clinical diagnostic, prognostic, and targeted therapeutic approach for vascular-related diseases.


Zainab A. Shehab1*, Assad H. Eissa2, Hind A.A. Alahmed1 

...t place in the apoptotic mechanism in kidney and liver tissue. A total of two groups including control and treated experimental groups (intraperitoneal injection of 5-FU (60 mgkg body weight) were formed in the study. After intraperitoneal injection of 5-FU on days 0, 5, 10, 15, all rats were scarified at day 21 and blood collected for hematological kidney and liver tissues taken from the rats and fixed in 10% formaldehyde solution for histological and immunoh...

Rico Anggriawan1,2*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari1, Sri Hidanah1, Muhammad Anam Al Arif1, Diyah Ayu Candra2  

...nal tract. The metabolic mechanisms of probiotics differ from those of antibiotics. While antibiotics destroy both pathogenic and non-pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract and can leave residues in tissues, probiotics enhance digestive health. They adhere to and form colonies on the intestinal epithelium, thereby minimizing the attachment and replication of pathogenic bacteria. In conclusion, probiotic microorganisms produce enzymes such as lipase, amylas...

Ming-Hao Yu, Ming-Hui Gu, Xin Dai, Dao-Chen Wang and Sheng-Mei Yang*

...ction and its underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Therefore, this study explored the effects of tannic acid on the reproduction of Brandt’s voles. We treated female Brandt’s voles from four weeks postpartum with varying tannic acid doses (0 (control), 0.3% (low dose) or 0.6% (high dose) tannic acids) until 8 weeks (puberty) and 13 weeks (sexual maturity)). Ovarian specimens were collected for immunohistochemical analysis and RT-PCR. ...

Soumble Zulfiqar* and Abdul Rauf Shakoori

...volved in the regulatory mechanisms of copper resistance. The study highlights the evolutionary conservation of this two-component system and provides insights into its functional dynamics across diverse bacterial species. These results enhance our understanding of metal resistance mechanisms and could inform future research on bacterial adaptation to environmental stresses.


Junrong Yang1, Ning Zhang1*, Muhammad Akram Khan2, Qingpeng Wang1*, Zhengping Wang1*, Quiqin Liu3, Lanjie Li3, Jun Han1, Abdul Asim Farooq4, Aayesha Riaz5 and Ruiyan Zhang1

...or effects. However, the mechanism of KD inhibiting colon cancer remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism underlying the effects of KD on cell cycle and autophagy in colon tumor-bearing mice. Our results showed that compared with the SD group, KD treatment upregulated the expressions of autophagy-related proteins LC3-II and Beclin-1 while downregulated the expression of p62 protein in CT26+ tum...

Donghao Zhang1, Lingqian Yin1, Zhongzhen Lin1, Chaowu Yang2, Chunlin Yu1,2, Zengrong Zhang2, Mohan Qiu2* and Yiping Liu1*

...esearch on the molecular mechanism of autosomal influence on feather development is of great significance for chicken production and early sex identification. Here, genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technology was used to develop genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers for early-feathering (EF) and late-feathering (LF) phenotypes in Daheng broilers. A total of 11626 high-quality SNPs were identified, and the different positions and numbers of S...

R. Umamaheswari*, P. Prabu, M.S. Rao, B.M. Kavya and G. N. Grace

...udy aims to decipher the mechanism of action of B. amyloliquefaciens IIHR BA2 against M. incognita by studying the presence of nematicidal genes and production of VOCs. In vitro study recorded 88.34% of M. incognita Juvenile mortality treated with B. amyloliquefaciens IIHR BA2 cell free crude extract at 100% after 72 h. Neutral and alkaline protease genes which are responsible for nematicidal action were identified in B. amyloliquefaciens IIHR BA2. Through Hea...

Yifan Wang1,2, Liangyu Hu2, Numan Ullah2 and Mengzhi Wang2,3*

...the molecular regulatory mechanism whereby Arg regulates casein synthesis and mammary development, focusing on novel mechanisms, including transcription factors, microRNA and metabolic enzymes. Our aim is to highlight fundamental information that can aid in the improvement of approaches to enhance milk protein quality.


Adnan Ibrahim Khamis1, Jasim Mohammed Saleh2*, Najwa S. Ali3 and Anhar Mohamed Ali Hasan4

...ctor and identifying the mechanisms and procedures adopted by the agricultural extension regarding these risks. These procedures included five topics (administrative and technical, irrigation water, crops, agricultural land, and environment). Researchers included agricultural adviser staff in the Department of Agricultural Extension and its affiliated training centers so that the number of targeted staff was reached (161). The questionnaire used to collect dat...

Sofia Azirar*, Abdelghafour El Hamzaoui*, Mouloud Lamtai, Mohamed Yassine El Brouzi, Aboubaker El Hessni, Abdelhalem Mesfioui

...ded to clarify causative mechanisms.
Keywords | Mercury neurotoxicity, Oxidative stress, Cognitive impairment, Hippocampus, Behavioral disorders

Xinmin Liu1, Fengming Ni2 and Lan Gao1*

...velop HAA. Early warning mechanism and corresponding preventive measures of HAA in stroke patients should be established in clinical practice. Meanwhile, nutrition management of stroke patients should be strengthened, hemoglobin should be monitored regularly, HAA should be detected in time and anemia should be corrected by active measures. Future multicenter studies should be conducted to observe the incidence of HAA in patients receiving enteral nutrition or ...
Volume 2, Issue 2, March and April 2018, Pages 34-36
...009), the use of new mechanisms for plant disease control is basically required, however, recent development of nanopesticides can help to control many plant diseases. Sekhon, (2014); Ahmed and Lee, (2015) later added that the use of nanoparticles (NP) is considered as a promising alternative way to control phytopathogens. In a previous study, Jo et al., (2009), explained that multiple mechanisms of ...

Rawia F. Gamal

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 101-104
...ion lately; however, the mechanism that allows plants to recruit endophytes is largely unknown.


Praveen Reddy P., K. Sandhya  and Aparna Srikantam*

...biotics, detailing their mechanisms of action and discussing their potential applications in the treatment of certain psychiatric disorders. Subsequently, this study delineated the characteristics of psychobiotics and highlighted their impacts on the nervous system. Additionally, various psychobiotics utilized in the management of specific psychiatric conditions have been examined based on numerous clinical trials and experiments conducted on both animal model...

 Yahaya, S.M.1*; Mardiyya, A.Y.1; Sakina, S.B.1; Hayatu, L.W.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 204-214
...ights into the infection mechanisms utilized by this pathogen. Fungal genes important for successful infection by B. cinerea were identified. Such knowledge provided perspectives for designing novel, and rational plant protection strategies that could effectively counteract important pathogen virulence factors. In this study; the infection process will be divided into different stages; moreover, the role of various fungal enzymes and metabolites in the differe...

Bilal Javid*, Hafiz Muhammad Bilal Akhtar, Tahira Kamal and Muhammad Naeem Riaz

...w explores the etiology, mechanism of disease development, risk factors, diagnostic methods, and especially the role of nutrition in causing Fatty Liver Disease in layers. FLD is characterized by the excessive accumulation of lipids in hepatocytes. It is a multifactorial disorder influenced by various factors including genetics, nutrition, environment, and management practices. The economic impact of FLD on egg production and quality, as well as the welfare im...

Enas M. Hefzy1*; Reda M. Taha2; Safaa Abd El Salam2; Abdelrhman Abdelmoktader1; Mahmoud A.F. Khalil3

...>hypervirulence, and the mechanisms of antibiotic resistance of the hvKp strains in order to
provide a better understanding of the basic biology of these strains.

Radhika Baheti; Jayashri Mahore*; Vinita Patole

...obiotics through several mechanisms; leading to a
significant number of probiotics that are available after passing through the various GI
barriers, in addition to showing the desired therapeutic and/ or prophylactic effects. A brief
critique of the health effects of probiotics, issues associated with their delivery, and the
various formulation strategies employed to improve the probiotic transport are provided i...

Dalia G. Ali1; Gamal F. M. Gad1; Osman A. O. Ismail2; Hala R. Ahmed1*; Reham A. Ibrahem1

... have been brought on by mechanisms other
than qnr and aac (6')-Ib genes. Finally, since Proteus spp. are widespread in the environment;
healthcare facilities must

Anugrah Masih; Aditi Singh*

molecular mechanism of biofilm formation and risk of bacterial biofilms in the hospital
settings. The second part of the review is giving an insight on bacteriophage derived lytic
protein-endolysin, which has emerged as a potential alternative to eliminate bacterial biofilms,
and should be explored to combat infections caused by them.

Malathi H1*; Pooja Sharma2

...the adaptive
mechanisms that allow the bacteria to thrive in the metal-contaminated environments, have all
been linked to the dramatic shifts in the microbial diversity, which are observed during the
microbial restoration. It has been suggested that in situ bioremediation (ISB) can help with the
emerging contamination problems; as the bacteria can be used to clean up the polluted areas.
In the future,...

Souvik Roy1*; Saheli Majumder1; Aniket Deb1; Lopamudra Choudhury2

...e have also reviewed the mechanisms of action of some of
the most commonly used antimicrobial preservatives, including the organic acids; parabens,
phenol, organomercurials, ethanol, chlorobutanol, benzalkonium chloride, chlorocresol,
sodium benzoate, isothiazolinones, sodium sulfite, and sodium metabisulfite, in addition to the
potential toxicity caused by them to the consumers.
Debasmita Dubey1; Gopal Krishna Purohit2; Shakti Rath3*; Sushree Swagatika Subhadarshini4; Rajashree
...osts defence
mechanisms and their dysregulation, such as the innate immune response and the genetic
susceptibility factors, play a crucial role in determining the susceptibility to VVC. Candidahost
interactions in the vaginal environment, including the adhesion mechanisms and the tissue
invasion, have been extensively investigated, revealing the intricate strategies employed by...


Emad, M. Abdallah

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1057-1062
...p between the protective mechanisms of this bacterium in the human skin, and to realize the influences that direct this bacterium to turn from a useful commensal to a serious contagion.



Bala, N. Umar1*; Jibril, Adamu1; Muhammad, T. Ahmad2; Kabiru, H. Ahmad3; Ochuko, Orakpoghenor4; Bashir, S. Aliyu5; Nuhu, Mohammed6; Aliyu Sada1,7

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1162-1175
...s and the immune evasion mechanisms. Hence, adequate understanding of the host immune response mechanisms to SARS-CoV-2 will generate the impetus towards effective control and preventive measures. The objectives of this article were to provide an overview of the host immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 infection, the viral immune evasion strategies, and to define certain knowledge gaps that require further studies.



Sunday Zeal Bala1*; Abdullahi Nasiru1; Madinat Hassan2; Priscilla Kini3; Paul Isaac Ojodale4; Yusuf Muhammed5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(5): 1351-1370
...-2 vaccines development, mechanisms of action as well as the general acceptance of these vaccines by various countries/or people. Sequel to the outbreak, several vaccines models have been discovered with promising outcomes. Few of these vaccines have been approved for emergency use; but so far, only a small portion of the world’s population has been vaccinated, which is a global problem that requires urgent intervention. Knowledge of the immune response ...

Rutuja S. Patankar1; Vasudeo P. Zambare2,3*; Mohanadoss Ponraj4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(5): 1371-1391
...growth requirements, and mechanism for salt resistance and tolerance. This will be followed by their biotechnological applications focusing on the biomedical industry, due to the emergence of the new multi-drug resistant pathogenic microbes.


Bijay Kumar Shrestha1*; Manita Tumbahangphe1; Jenish Shakya1; Sujata Chauhan1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1614-1634
... several host protection mechanisms; however, UPEC may persist inside the urinary tract and serve as a reservoir of recurrent infections and complications. Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of UTI with broad spectrum antibiotics are essential before this infection causes other medical complications. Generally, in clinical settings, diagnosis of UTIs involves bacterial culture and antibiotic susceptibility assay, in addition to other medical examinations, wh...


Heba Ahmed Mohamed1*; Gamal Fadl Mahmoud Gad1; Mona Fattouh Mohamed2; Hend Harby Ahmed3; Ameer Effat Elfarash4; Nahed Fathallah Fahmy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1801-1820
...em resistance levels and mechanisms, in addition to the genotyping of A. baumanni in Upper Egypt. About 200 clinical samples were collected from different wards of Sohag University Hospital, Egypt, from which 20 A. baumannii isolates were recovered and then identified using conventional methods and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Antibiotic sensitivity testing was carried out using the Disk diffusion method, followed by PCR testing of the common carbapenemase...

Gopinath R.; Arundadhi M.; Dhanasezhian A.; Thangam G. Sucila*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2339-2353
...em, encompassing diverse mechanisms with profound implications on neurological health. Situated in the gastrointestinal tract, the gut microbiota, a diverse bacterial community, which communicates with the brain through various processes, including neurotransmitter and neuropeptide synthesis, immune system modulation, and involvement of the vagus nerve. These interactions not only impact digestion but also influence emotions, cognition, and behavior. Recent re...


Apoorva Jain1; Ajay Kumar Oli1*; Sughosh Kulkarni2; Raghavendra D. Kulkarni2; Kelmani Chandrakanth3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2435-2451 antibiotic resistance mechanisms, pose a significant threat to the public health. Their ability to evade traditional antimicrobial treatments underscores the urgent need for novel therapeutic stratifies or alternative approaches to mitigate their negative impact. Understanding the intricate mechanisms underpinning antibacterial resistance in ESKAPE bacteria is paramount for developing effective interventions. Enhanced ins...


Zine El Abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1; Laila Reklaoui1; Houda Benaicha1,2; Said Barrijal1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2491-2509
...achieved through various mechanisms, including bacterial membrane disruption and leakage of internal bacterial constituents, leading to bacterial death. Consequently, the CS@OM combination evinced a high capacity to prevent the development of drug resistance in the examined isolates. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to appraise the combination of colistin and Origanum majorana essential oil against colistin- resistant isolates, including t...


Hend M. Radwan; Nagwan G. El Menofy*; Sahar M.R. Radwan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2510-2525
...AMR's underlying genetic mechanisms. The most common molecular approaches for assessing AMR in water include quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and whole genome sequencing (WGS). Metagenomic WGS sequencing provides more extensive genomic data and taxonomic classification than quantitative PCR, as it makes sequencing for the entire genome of microorganisms. The objectives of this review were to demonstrate the primary mechanis...

 Maria R. Boushra1*; Noha A. Hassuna2; Gamal F.M. Gad1; Reham A. Ibrahem1; Nancy G.F.M. Waly1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2526-2541
...e predominant resistance mechanism. Additionally, P. aeruginosa possesses many efflux systems that enable it to resist a variety of antimicrobial agents. This study aimed to determine the resistance patterns to several antibiotics as well as the possible mechanisms of aminoglycosides resistance, including aminoglycosides modifying enzymes (AMEs), genes, and active efflux system, observed in clinical P. aeruginosa isolates re...


Zine El abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1*; Laila Reklaoui1; Monsif El Madany2; Houda Benaicha3; Said Barrijal1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2632-2652
...developed various
mechanisms to combat the effects of antibiotics, including modifying their genetic material to
evade the drugs' harmful effects. Colistin disrupts bacterial cell membranes by interacting with
lipopolysaccharides (LPS), causing cell death. Currently, colistin is regarded as a last-resort
antibiotic for treating infections caused by Gram-negative bacteria (GNB). Overuse of colistin
in animal feed and human med...

Omnia Karem Riad*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2734-2749
...blem of AMR, discuss the mechanisms and advantages of different sustainable biological strategies, and introduce several strategies, including probiotic bacteria, predatory bacteria, and bacteriophages, which are powerful tools valuable to fighting resistant microorganisms with fewer chances of resistance development. Naturally synthesized products such as antimicrobial peptides and bacteriocins revealed successful treatment options. Additionally, the Clustere...

Adeola D. Ayanyinka1,2*, Itunuoluwa Oyelayo1,2, Adedayo Simeon Okediji1,2, O. Opaleye1,2, O. Ojurongbe1,2 and Olugbenga A Olowe1,2

...areas. Pathogen-specific mechanisms, such as immune system interactions, drug-drug interactions, and immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS), complicate treatment further. Contemporary strategies to tackle these challenges encompass integrated screening, customized treatment protocols, and public health initiatives such as vaccination and enhanced healthcare systems. This review also emphasizes the necessity of multidisciplinary strategies and regio...

Burhan Khalid1, Muhammad Umer Javed2, Muhammad Atiq Ashraf3, Hafiza Zara Saeed4, Musrat Shaheen5, Talha Riaz6*, Rabiya Riaz7 and Shumaila Nawaz3

...lant systemic resistance mechanisms. These biostimulants not only improve nutrient uptake but also enhance the plant’s innate immune responses against viral pathogens. Recent studies reveal that specific strains of PGPR can induce systemic resistance in various crops, mitigating the effects of infections caused by viruses like Cucumber Mosaic Virus (CMV) and Tobacco Mosaic Virus (TMV). This review discusses how microbial biostimulants enhance plant defen...

Safa T. Whaeeb1*, Zeid Alsadoon2, Ali Hussein Fadhil3 Hayder M. Mohammed4

...ive of adaptive survival mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets. 
Keywords | B. bovis, BAECs, Invasion dynamics, Msa-2b gene, Proteomic analysis

Mashael Alhumaidi Alotaibi*

...cells and its underlying mechanisms. MCF7 cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of lemongrass leaves extract (0, 50, 100, 200, and 300 μg/mL) for 24 h, and cell viability was assessed using the MTT assay. The results demonstrated a concentration-dependent reduction in the survival of MCF7 cells when treated with lemongrass leaves extract, indicating its selective cytotoxicity towards cancer cells. The calculated IC50 for lemongrass leaves extract ...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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