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Sandeep Satapathy and Rupam Ghosh

...QSTM1) / aggrosome and colocalization of HDAC6 to the cytoplasm. The key player HDAC6 is investigated for modelling several intracellular processes that come into action to bring out the viral clearance. The shuttling of HDAC6 takes place from nucleus to cytoplasm and vice versa controlling the overexpression of IFN-beta and ISGs which subsequently triggers virus specific immune response.


Masood ur Rahman1*, Zahid Mahmood2, Taj Ali2, Muhammad Aziz Irfan Mufti3, Jehangir Khan Seyal4, Munir Ahmad5

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Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 31, Iss. 1
...cted on a self-propelled locally made rotary hoe to overcome a problem of frequent transmission failure. The machine is used for mechanical weed control and hoeing. It was observed that the worm gear used in its transmission often failed due to surface wear of gear teeth. Worm gears made from three different copper alloys were tested against soil resistance in sandy loam soil bin. The gears were formed of commercial gun metal (Cu 87.76%, Sn 7.74, Zn 1.52%), gu...

Joseph Langston1*, Joseph Hammer2, Ryan T. Cragun3

...such groups if they were locally available. Neither maximum accommodation nor confrontation with religion was indicated by a majority of nonbelievers, though more respondents opted for accommodation (60%) than confrontation (25%). Most respondents indicated that their willingness to attack or ridicule religion was not absolute, but rather context dependent.


Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro*, Habib-Ur-Rehman Memon, Muhammad Ali Ansari, Ahmed Naqi Shah

...verized with the help of local tool spade. The statistical analysis of data showed that interculturing, Dual Gold, and sorghum and sunflower water extracts caused significant reduction of weeds and increased seedcotton yield as compared to weedy check. The combined application of sorghum @ 15 L ha-1+ Dual Gold @ 1.25 L ha-1 resulted in weeds mortality upto 66.6%, produced seedcotton yield of 3961.4 kg ha-1 and gave net benefit of Rs. 2...

Youssef Lhor1*, Mounir Khayli1, Mohamed Bouslikhane2, Mehdi El Harrak3, Ouafaa Fassi Fihri2

Email: [email protected]

...s species in a specified locality so that control measures
can be implemented well in time to contain the disease spread.


Mukhtarullah1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal1* and Khttakwal a local as check) were planted on five dates (i.e. 29th Oct, 10th Nov, 25th Nov, 10th Dec, and 25th Dec. 2014) using a seed rate of 130 kg ha-1. Nutrients were applied as one bag urea (N 46%) and di-ammonium phosphate (N 18% and P 46%), each at sowing time during seedbed preparation and an extra bag of urea in February at stem elongation stage of the crop (each bag 50 kg h...

Mohammad Mushfiqur Rahman1, Rokshana Parvin1, Ataur Rahman Bhuiyan1, Mohammad Giasuddin2, Shah Md. Ziqrul Haq Chowdhury3, Mohammad Rafiqul Islam1, Emdadul Haque Chowdhury1* in Bangladesh. Twelve local isolates of Bangladeshi PPRV were successfully detected from post mortem samples (lymph node, spleen and trachea) of goats and a sheep during the year 2008-2012. The partial N gene of ten isolates and partial F gene of eight isolates were amplified by RT-PCR, and were sequenced. The phylogenetic analysis revealed that PPRVs circulating in Bangladesh belonged to Lineage IV and they formed a separate sub-cluster along with recent i...

 Zahir Shah, Shakoor Ahamd, Mian Saeed Sarwar, Murad Ali Khan and Javid Ali

...e area was incised under local anesthesia. After surgical procedure site was closed by applying mattress sutures. Adjunct therapy of broad-spectrum antibiotic was administered intramuscularly for five days as a post-operative measure. Catamnesis revealed that the healing was complete in 14 days with no recurrence and untoward consequences.


 Inamullah Khan, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Rajwali Khan, Syed Muhammad Sohail, Ijaz Ahmad, Muhammad Shoaib and Asim Ijaz

...erent breeds i.e. achai, local non-descript and crossbred (non-descript x jersey) cattle. Higher prevalence in female cattle (15.14%) was recorded as compared to male (14%). Similarly significant difference was recorded among age group i.e. adult were more susceptible as compare to young ones. In subsistence farms level prevalence in intensive, extensive farming and nomads was 74.07%, 57% and 83.3% respectively. Breeding through natural service was in greater ...

 Arif Khan, Abdur Rahman, Shoail Akhtar, Siraj Uddin, Zahid Ullah and Nazir Ahmad

...slaughtered buffaloes at local municipal abattoir Peshawar. The effect of breed and animal age on marbling, water holding capacity (WHC) and tenderness and sarcomere lenth of the two buffalo breed beef samples were investigated. A two x three factorial design was used to analyze the beef quality characteristic data in Genstat software. Breed and animal age had significant and their interaction has significant (P < 0.05) effects on marbling. Animal age group...

Hina Fatima, Muhammad Azeem Khan, Mahreen Zaid-Ullah, Abdul-Jabbar, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai

... without considering the local environmental conditions of Pakistan. Thus the main objective of the research was on the comparative efficiency and the productivity analysis of BT- Cotton varieties with those of the conventional non-BT-Cotton varieties. The population  of  this research covers the area of Rahim Yar Khan of Pakistan. Two hundred and fifteen farms were selected from each of the NonBT-cotton farms and BT-cotton farms. The Cobb- Douglas S...

Haidar Ali, Malik Muhammad Shafi and Himayatullah Khan

...ability of off-farm jobs locally. The study recommends that with the decrease in the size of holdings unemployment in the agriculture sector is likely to increase. There is a need to create off-farm employment opportunities. Agro based industries seems to potential area to generate employment opportunities. Simultaneously there is need for initiating skill development programs.


Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Hamid Bashir1*, Bilal Saeed Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid2

... reported from different localities of Pakistan. The main objective of this study was to screen out locally used pesticides i.e., pyriproxyfen, acetamiprid, chlorfenapyr, diafenthiuron and thiacloprid against N. barkeri in order to find its compatibility with some pesticides. Leaf disc arenas were used and leaf dip bioassay was conducted. Pesticides were tested for their compatibility with N. barkeri at different concentrati...

Pan-pan Guo1, Wei Liu2, Yan Li2, Rui-yu Ma2, Wang Zaigui1*, Kai Zhan2*, Jun-ying Li2 and Sheng-nan Liu2 

...erformances in two Anhui local chicken breeds. A total of 800 chickens (400 Huangshan black chickens and 400 Huainan partridge chickens) of similar age and weight were evaluated in the present study. We extracted DNA from blood samples and analyzed polymorphisms of HTT gene as wells as possible association with egg production performances including age at first egg (AFE), laying rate (LR), egg production (EP), egg weight (EW), average egg weight (AEW). Two pol...

Sania Subhan Qureshi, Mian Saeed Sarwar and Zahir Shah

... of meat and eggs to the local population and helps in poverty alleviation and a source of family income through entrepreneurship. A hen with the complaint of swelling on abdominal region, came to Veterinary Teaching Hospital, The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Physical examination was performed and it was diagnosed a case of muscle tumor (myoma). A skin incision was given to expose and to remove tumor mass from the surrounding tissues. Peritoneum, muscl...

Tasnim Farasat*, Saima Sharif, Farkhanda Manzoor, Muneeza Zafar and Shagufta Naz

...n their first visit to a local hospital. Among the newly diagnosed diabetic subjects 33% (n=66) were with retinopathy. Out of which 30% (n=18) were male and 70% (n=48) were female. High density lipoprotein (HDL), both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol level and serum insulin were significantly higher (p< 0.05) in proliferative group of diabetic retinopathy, while triglyceride level, HbA1c (%), and low density lipoprotein (LDL) were non-sign...

Oluwasogo David Olorunfemi, Oluwasegun Adetokunbo Adekunle, Felix Olayinka Oladipo, Temitope Oluwaseun Oladele and Oladimeji Idowu Oladele

Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed and Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi

...behavior sugarcane under local conditions. Two year data revealed that genotype HSF-242 showed maximum mean values for, internodes length, brix percentage and reducing sugar while S-08-FSD-19 showed maximum values for number of tillers and stem girth, whereas S-05-FSD-307 revealed maximum values for plant height and number of nodes. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences for plant height, number of tillers, leaf area, brix percentage, red...

Hina Fatima, Lal Almas and Bushra Yasmin

...t are best suited to the local weather patterns and cropping systems.

Ahmad Kamran Khan1, Muhammad Hamid Bashir1,*, Bilal Saeed Khan1 and Nazir Javed2
...ated from five different localities of Punjab, Pakistan in 2014. Family richness, abundance and Shannon diversity indexes were higher in undisturbed soil as compared to the cultivated soil in all the localities, while low variability in evenness had been found. The highest diversity of soil inhabiting Mesostigmata (H’=1.93) was recorded in undisturbed soil in April at Dera Ghazi Khan local
Lingtong Ye1, Chao Cao1,2, Bin Tang1,2, Tuo Yao1, Ruixuan Wang1 and Jiangyong Wang1*
...ongkongensis in that locality. Two polydorid-specific primers were successfully designed, for the first time, to amplify target fragments of the COI gene. This study is the first to molecularly validate unidentified larvae from the aquatic environment through the known COI sequences of adults.
Hafiz Aftab Ahmed1, Asif Ali2, Akbar Ali2, Salman Ahmed Abid3 and Sajid Umar4*
...ateral recumbence, under local anesthesia achieved by 2% lignocaine hydrochloride. The skin was apposed with simple interrupted sutures using silk. Post-operative care was continued for five days. Clinical signs abated in all operated animals, proving that the technique employed was effective and of simple execution for the treatment of dorsal patellar fixation in bovine.
Farkhanda Manzoor1, Iram Amin2,*, Muhammad Shahid2,Samia Afzal2,Hania Ramzan1, Tahir Rehman Samiullah2 and Muhammad Idrees3
...collected from different localities of Lahore during May to September of 2012 to 2014. RNA extracted from each mosquito larvae pool was tested by nested PCR for detection of dengue virus. Out of total 50 pools of Aedes aegypti larvae, DV-2 was the most prevalent serotype. DENV-1 was not found in any pool. While all pools of Aedes albopictus were negative for dengue virus. Our study showed that the main cause of spreading of dengue virus was Ae...
Zafrullah Khan1, Shah Alam Khan1*, Hamayoon Khan2, Naeem Khan3, Khwaja Junaid1 and Inamullah Khan1

Zahir Shah, Ahmed Nawaz Tunio, Shakoor Ahmad, Ijaz Ahmad, Javid Ali, Sher Bhader Khan

Wesam Hasan Mohamed Mady 1*, Bing Liu2, Dong Huang2, A. Arafa1, M.K. Hassan1, M.M. Aly1, Pucheng Chen2, Yongping Jiang2* and Hualan Chen2

Sadiq Ali* and Ijaz Ahmad Khan

...ays resulting in loss of local biodiversity. Field survey of district Swabi (Peshawar Valley) of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, was carried out during May-June, 2013-14 to study the distribution of Parthenium weed. Five villages were selected and thirty locations were randomly selected from each village. The data revealed that the flora is predominated by parthenium weed with the highest relative density of 63.4% among all weeds, followed by Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers., ...
Syed Ishfaq Ali Shah1,*, Tassawar Hussain Malik2, Imran Rafi Khan1 and Zahid Hussain
...) disease with promising local varieties tolerant to the disease. After screening, the most resistant accessions of USDA were USG-14-2464 and USG-14-2478. However, USG-14-2481 and USG-14-2484 were recorded as partially resistant to CLCuV disease. Among the local germplasms, all accessions screened were found extremely susceptible. Disease index increased with day after planting (DAP) and high infestation level of whiteflies ...

Zain-ul-Aabdin Abro1*, Naheed Baloch1, Niaz Hussain Khuhro2, Waseem Akbar Qazi2, Noor Abid Saeed3

...ried out at two discrete localities, Jeay Shah and Dehli Farm, in three different crops i.e., bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria), bitter gourd (Momordica charantia) and ridge gourd (Luffa acutangula) using cue-lure baited traps. The male lure baited traps were arrayed at three meter height and replenished on fortnightly basis in experimentation sites. Results revealed that significantly highest (124.86) population was recorded on L. acutangula and lowest (104....

S. Subharani, S. S. Thorat, N. Abem, L. Amit Kumar and T. K. Singh 

A database on parasitoid of insect pests of crops in Manipur, India
...ts of crops in different localities of Manipur was developed by using MS-Access. The database is for academic purpose and it includes the taxonomic details of the parasitoid, host insect, host plant, morphological characters, geographical distribution, period of activity, parasitoid behavior and its biology etc. Image of the parasitoid species are also provided for helping in easy identification of the species. Keywords: Database, insect-pest, parasitoids, Man...

Sunita J. Magar and D.D. Nirmal

Effect of plant spacings and cultivars on spread of Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus (YVMV) disease

M. S. Joshi , D.M. Sawant and A.P. Gaikwad

Isolate variations in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting pomegranate
...sistant varieties Yarcud local and Bedana thin skin showed uniform resistant reaction against six isolates of the pathogen. The interaction between isolates x varieties was also statistically significant. Highest DRI (15.22) was recorded in the interaction between Bhagwa x Cg 85 and it was on par with Ganesh x Cg 86, Aarakta x Cg 82, Aarakta x Cg 84, Ruby X Cg 86, Patna 5 X Cg 86 and Patna 5 X Cg 82.

Yasemin Bircan Yildirim* and Hediye Tugce Vurmay
...t 6 different locations (local fishermen’s fish market) were evaluated. The Serratia spp., Enterobacter aerogenes, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Enterobacter cloacae were isolated from the gill samples, while E. aerogenes, E. cloacae, Proteus vulgaris, K. pneumoniae and Pseudomonas fluorescens were isolated from the fish intestine samples. E. aerogenes (68.4%), Serratia spp. (53.3%), E. cloacae ...

Hussein Aly Hussein1*, Omneya Mohamed Khattab2, Shereen Mohamed Aly2, and Mohammed Abdel Mohsen Rohaim1 

...s in comparison with the local reference strain, LSDV-Egypt/89 Ismalia. Compared with the GPCR sequences of SPV and GPV strains, 21 nucleotide insertion and 12 nucleotides deletions were identified in the GPCR genes of our isolates and other LSDVs. The amino acid sequences of GPCR genes of our isolates contained the unique signature of LSDV (A11, T12, T34, S99 and P199). Phylogenetic analyses showed that the GPCR genes of LSDVs identified from ticks were close...
Azhar Abbas Khan1,*, Arif Muhammad Khan2 and Muhammad Afzal3
...nctata toward target localities was elevated. Finding of the current investigation revealed that wheat, brassica, citrus and rose infested with aphids can be used as host plants for mass rearing and culture maintenance of C. septempunctata.
A. Hamid1,*, M. Ilyas2 and S. Kalsoom3
...m major food grains used locally on plasma cholesterol level of dietary-induced hypercholesterolemic rats. Insoluble dietary fiber (lignin and cellulose) was extracted from wheat and maize, while ß glucan was extracted from barley and sorghum. Male rats (n = 32), weighing 200-220 g were induced with hypercholesterolemia and were equally divided into 5 groups to study the effect of purified diet-AIN-93 G, wheat bran feed (WBF) , maize bran feed (MBF), sor...

Wesam Hasan Mohamed Mady1*, Bing Liu2, Dong Huang2, Abdel Satar Arafa1, Mohamed Khalifa Hassan1, Mona Mehrez Aly1, Pucheng Chen2, Yongping Jiang2* and Hualan Chen2

Ghulam Abbas1,Asif Nadeem1,*, Masroor Ellahi Babar2, Tanveer Hussain2, Muhammad Sajid Tahir3, Wasim Shehzad1, Rajput Zahid Iqbal3, Muhammad Tayyab1 and Maryam Javed1
...collected from different localities. After DNA extraction and quantification, amplification of gene was done by polymerase chain reaction. PCR products were sequenced bi-directionally, aligned and single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified. Bioinformatics tools were applied for construction of phylogenetic tree and genetic diversity analysis. Lower genetic diversity was observed. The finding of this research is prerequisite for future research.
Kanwer Shahzad Ahmed1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1,*, Muhammad Ather Rafi2, Fatima Sellami3 and Muhammad Afzal1
...idely distributed in all localities studied, whereas, Sargodha locality represented highest diversity indices of Shannon-Weiner’s (1.65), Margalef’s (1.40) and Simpson’s (0.75).

Wali Khan1, Naushad Khan2 and Shaista Naz2* facilities at the local and regional level. 

Fareeda Tasneem1, Farah Rauf Shakoori1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori2,*


...bp) was sequenced in ten locally isolated strains of Paramecium species including a standing-alone on the basis of 18SrDNA gene sequence strain FT8. In order to readdress the relationships of FT8 strain with other strains of Paramecium species, a molecular phylogenetic analysis was performed on the basis of H4 gene sequences. A phylogenetic tree was constructed using the aligned sequences of our study with 22 entries of closely related species fr...

Fawad Ali1*, Hidayat Ullah2, Ikhtiar Khan1

...ewater for irrigation by local farmers since long has contaminated the soil and now the pollution is being transferred to our food chain. An investigation has been done to ascertain toxic heavy metal concentration in the wastewater, irrigated soil, their accumulation in vegetables, and potential human health risks. The results reveal that Cr concentration in the wastewater, Cd and Zn in soil and in vegetables have been found well above the permissible limits o...

Muhammad Amin1*, Khalid Mahmood2, Imran Bodlah3, Muhammad Rahim Khan2 

...rds for the country. New locality records are presented, in the country, for Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus) Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas), Rhodobium porosum (Sanderson), Myzaphus bucktoni Jacob and Wahlgreneilla nervata (Gillete) on Rosa species. Metopolophium dirhodum (Walker) was recorded on new host plant, Rosa species, in Pakistan. Distinguishing characters, morphometric data, biology and distribution of the studied species are provided herewith.  
Zuhao Huang*, Meifang Li, Rujue Ruan and Jiawei Qin
... Ardeidae sequences were localized. Maximum likelihood method was used to reconstruct the phylogenetic trees based on HKY+ G model. The phylogenetic tree grouped members of every genus were grouped into each clade, except the genus Gorsachius. Our results indicated that the genus Gorsachius might not be monophyletic.

 Zabih Ullah*, H. Rahman and Niaz Muhammad

...ed of 33 hybrids and two local checks. Data were recorded on days to 50% tasseling, days to 50% anthesis, days to 50% silking, anthesis silking interval, plant height and ear eight. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differences for all the traits except anthesis silking interval that exhibited non-significant difference among the tested genotypes. Moderate to high broad sense heritability were observed for all the traits. Hybrid, HP1097-21 showe...
Nosheen Rafiq1, Asmatullah Kakar2,*, Arshad Ghani3, Asim Iqbal2, Wali Mohammad Achakzai2, Shagufta Sadozai2, Mohammad Shafiq4 and Mohammad Alam Mengal5 
...t elevated prepotency in local (88.97%) and cross breeds (13.33%), respectively.

Attaullah Ansari* and Nasreen Memon habitats of various localities of central Sindh during March to December 2015. Adult specimens were captured/trapped through Malaise trap, Yellow pan water trap and insect hand net. As a result, a total of 783 specimens belonging to 8 species, 6 genera of two subfamilies were collected, among which Episurphusbaltatus, De Geer, Eritalinus aeneus, Scopoli, and Ischiodon scutellaris, Fabricius were found to be most prevalent whereas; Eristalis arbustoru...
Carolina A. Bonin1,2, Eric A. Lewallen2,3, Andre J. van Wijnen3, Marta Jussara Cremer4 and Paulo C. Simões-Lopes5*
...s should facilitate both local and broad-scale efforts to preserve critical habitats for this population of dolphins, and by extension may help inform management plans for ecologically vulnerable S. guianensis populations in other parts of their distribution.
Minmin Chen1, Xiaoke Zhang1, Kexiong Wang2, Zhigang Liu1, An Wan3, Daoping Yu1,*, Hong Ji3 and Fangzhen Peng1
...ion. Observations of the local spatial and temporal distribution dynamics can help establish better conservation strategies. In order to understand the characteristics of habitat chosen, a continuous 15 months observation on the distribution patterns of the Yangtze finless porpoise at the confluence of Yangtze and Wanhe rivers was conducted. The results showed that the distribution of the porpoise changed seasonally. From October 2013 to March 2014 and from De...
Muhammad Khaled Siddiq1, Ayesha Riaz2, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1, Khalid Mahmood1,* and Muhammad Akhtar1
...erial in the Pleistocene locality of Sardhok (Punjab, Pakistan) includes dentition that provides a better knowledge of the taxon morphology, and this material expands our anatomical knowledge of this taxon. Boselaphus namadicus is spanning from about 3.4 to 0.6 Ma in the Siwalik Group. The Pleistocene species, Boselaphus cf. namadicus, was adapted to open and dry habitats of the Siwaliks.
LX Ye1,2, JX Wang1,2,*, P Li1,2 and XT Zhang1,2 
...ican ostrich testes were localized only in the parenchyma, and mostly in the tubular compartments. The ghrelin-ip cells in the tubular compartments were mainly spermatogenic cells and some Sertoli’s cells. In the insterstitial tissue, the ghrelin-ip cells were identified as Leydig cells. The ghrelin-ip cells showed cytoplasmic staining, and were irregularly shaped. These findings indicate that ghrelin may participate in the spermatogenesis in the African...

Haidar Ali* and Malik Muhammad Shafi 

...ability of off-farm jobs locally. In developed villages of two districts, average per month income of sample small farmers from farm output was higher than the undeveloped villages of these districts due to the high sale price of vegetables grown on large area and more milk production. Similarly, in developed villages income from off-farm employment was more than undeveloped villages. Because large number of family labors of sample respondents were working on ...
Hailong Dong1, Hui Zhang2, Kun Li2, Khalid Mehmood2,3, Mujeeb Ur Rehman2, Fazul Nabi2, Yajing Wang2, Zhenyu Chang1,2, Qingxia Wu1,* and Jiakui Li1,2,*


... Tibetan piglets, as the local herdsmen can directly suffer a great economic loss.

Imran Ali Rajput1*, Tajwer Sultana Syed1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Imran Khatri1 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi2 

...reased the input cost of local farmer and similarly aroused the serious problem of pest resistance. The introduction of transgenic cotton since last decades has played a significant role in suppressing the pest population of Pectinophora gossypiella (Saund) which is the main pest of cotton in all over the world. Nevertheless, the indigenous botanical extracts have been used effectively against various sucking pests of cotton but only few studies have...
Medeni Aykut
...ected from 118 different localities and identified. In total, 40 species in 17 genera of family Dytiscidae were recorded, of which 37 were new to the study area. Eretes sticticus (Linnaeus, 1767) is the second record for Turkish fauna. Furthermore, Hydroporus inscitus Sharp, 1882 is new record for the Turkish fauna.
Saswati Roy1, Rakesh Pashi2, S. Dey3 and Shantanu Jha
...20.27%) were recorded as local migratory, nine species (12.16%) were recorded to be winter migratory and rest of the 50 species (67.57%) were recorded as resident.
Pan Hong, Ruonan Li, Yumeng Li, Hainan Lan* and Xin Zheng*
...lization and subcellular localization of porcine growth hormone (pGH), and the results showed that pGH could be internalized into porcine hepatocytes in a time-dependent manner. The results also showed that pGH could be translocated into cell nuclei in a time-dependent manner. In addition, the subcellular localization, according to immunoelectron microscopy, showed that pGH was localized i...
Muhammad Saqlain1, Humaira Kalsoom1, Muhammad Fiaz1,2, Abid Mahmood1, Rizwan Aziz Qazi4 ,Waseem Safdar5, Pakeeza Arzoo Shaiq1,Bernard M.Y. Cheung3 and Ghazala Kaukab Raja1,*
...ponents was studied in a local Pakistani population. MetS subjects and controls were recruited from out-patient departments of Pakistani hospitals. Ala54Thr genotyping of 200 MetS patients and 200 healthy controls was performed using a PCR-RFLP. Genotype and allele frequencies were calculated and computed for genetic associations presented as odds ratios (ORs) with a threshold of p≤0.05 to determine statistical significance. The frequency of 54Thr allele of...
Muhammad Siraj-ud-Din1,2, Riaz Aziz Minhas1, Usman Ali3,*, Mayoor Khan2, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Nuzhat Shafi1 and Basharat Ahmad1
... and also collected from local people, hunters and shepherds (n=78). During scan sampling, focused feeding animals were observed with the help of a telescope and spotting scope. Ladakh urial preferred montane dry sub-tropical scrub zone habitat with 41.87% evidences of its presence followed by alpine meadows/alpine scrub zone (21.14%), sub-alpine scrub zone (13.41%), and dry temperate coniferous forests (8.54%). On the other hand, agricultural lands (3.24%) an...
Hayat Badshah1, Farman Ullah1, Paul-André Calatayud2, Hidayat Ullah3 and Bashir Ahmad1
...ariable according to the locality and the plants on which P. solenopsis is feeding. In this context, this experiment investigated under field and laboratory conditions the influence of the host plant of P. solenopsis on the parasitism success and the female fitness of A. bambawalei, Five plant species, commonly found to be host of P. solenopsis, were tested: hibiscus, potato, okra, eggplant and tomato. Under no choice test co...
Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1,*, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Kiran Aftab2, Ayesha Riaz3, Abdul Ghaffar4 and Muhammad Akhtar1
...ed from Dhok Pathan type locality of Northern Pakistan. The assemblage presents seven bovid species Pachyportax latidens, P. cf. nagrii, Selenoportax cf. vexillarius, Tragoportax punjabicus, T. cf. salmontanus, Elachistoceras khauristanensis and Gazella lydekkeri. The boselaphines are predominant at the type locality. The taxa are consistent with a Late Miocene-Early Pliocene age of ...
Bian Xunguang1,2, Li Jiancheng1, Xu Chu1 and Yang Li2,3,4,*

 Bushra Mazhar1, Nusrat Jahan1, Nazish Mazhar Ali1, Saiqa andleeb2, Shaukat Ali2*

...s carried out to explore local bacterial isolates for vanillin production using waste residues of rice bran oil. After the screening of different bacterial isolates, a novel strain Enterobacter hormaechei showed significant production of vanillin when inoculated in waste residues of rice bran based media. E. hormaechei produced 5.2 g/l of vanillin in culture media containing ferulic acid as a substrate. Optimum pH for E. hormaechei was 7 and the temperature wa...

Farah Rauf Shakoori, Momina Shokat, Faiza Saleem and Tanzeela Riaz

...roduction of enzyme from locally isolated bacteria and to optimize the assay conditions under which enzyme possessed maximum activity. Two bacterial isolates XPB-GS02 and XPB-CW01 with maximum activity ratio showed 18.3 and 12.2 U/ml xylanase activity, respectively. Maximum xylanase was produced in medium M1 containing xylan after 48 hours of incubation. Maximum amount of enzyme was produced by XPB-GS02 at 45ᵒC, pH 9 using 1% xylan concentration, while X...
Amjad Khan1,*, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq1, Mansur ud Din Ahmad1, Jawad Nazir1, Zahida Fatima2, Asghar Khan3 and Shahid Hussain Farooqi3
...riables including “local equine density per 2 KM”, “equines workings in ponds and rivers”, and “geography of the equine” were significantly (P<0.05) associated with seroprevalence of EIV. Our findings of the EIV occurrence in equine population in Pakistan, suggests an under-diagnosis of this virus in Pakistan and warrant additional investigation and continuous surveillance at the molecular level to identify circulating st...
Tania Ahmed Shakoori1,*, Muhammad Saqib Saeed2, Asif Hanif2, Saima Mukhtar3 and Ayesha Ghauri4 
...f acute exacerbations in local chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in a cross sectional analytical study design. For this purpose 137 patients were included in the study after obtaining necessary permissions from the ethical board of the hospital. COPD was diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms and a post bronchodilator values of FEV1/FVC<0.70 on spirometry. Frequent exacerbator’s were defined as patients experiencing 2 or more ...
Jo Ik-Hwan1, Choi Kwang-Won1 and Muhammad Fiaz2,* strategy of rye with local hairy vetch didn’t need any manure application for optimum crude protein yield, whereas 100 kg N/ha manure would be adequate for overall optimum forage yield and 150 kg N/ha needed for obtaining optimum carrying capacity for Hanwoo heifers. Similarly, Rye pea mixed culture didn’t need manure application for optimum crude protein yield but 50 kg N/ha manure would be needful for adequate dry matter yield and carrying ca...
Yanjie Guo1, Weini Wu1, Hongmei Wang2, Xiao Guo2 and Yongping Xu2,*
...gens, and the process of local immunity in the female reproductive system is regulated by the coordinated integration of the nervous, immune and endocrine systems. The nerves that branch from the inferior mesenteric ganglion (IMG) are a major source of sympathetic nerves, which dominate the immune response of the female reproductive system. Interleukin-18 (IL-18) is an important Th1 cytokine and plays an important role in pregnancy. To explore whether or not T...

Abida Sajid* and Aqsam Sajid 

... by the stake holders at local and national level to prevent and treat this problem in order to reduce morbidity and mortality associated with it. 


Golam Moula*

...ifferent rice varieties, local variety, Kazol Shail and high yielding variety, BRRI-32. The yields of paddy of Kazol Shail in the shaded and un-shaded area were 0.76 and 2.21 t ha-1, respectively. The yields of paddy of BRRI-32 in the shaded and un-shaded area were 1.83 and 3.63 t ha-1, respectively. The yields of green straw of Kazol Shail in the shaded and un-shaded area were 4.89 and 10.11 t ha-1, respectively. The yields of green straw of BRRI-32 in the sh...

Zaheer Ahmad, M. Yaqub Mujahid, M. Anwar Khan, Shaheena Yasmin, M. Asif and Maqsood Qamar*

...ll other lines including local check and gave 21.5% higher grain yield than check in Punjab and 8.3% higher yield on overall country basis during 2005-06; whereas, during 2006-07 it gave 26% higher grain yield than check in Punjab and 10.18% higher yield on overall country basis under rainfed conditions. On station agronomic trials of the line were also carried out. The variety possesses desirable characteristics such as resistance against yellow and leaf rust...

Hassnain Shah, Hina Riaz, Nadeem Akmal , Muhammad Sharif* and Abdul Majid**

...use of balance feed. The locally produced balance feed was found cost effective along with better animal productivity over the conventionally used cotton seed cakes. The intervention provided better competitiveness, sustainability, accessibility with inclusiveness of small holders along with scalability option for the entrepreneurs.


 Aly Khan* and S. Shahid Shaukat**

...onducted encompassing 12 localities of Balochistan Province. Twelve genera were recorded from the rhizosphere of pomegranate. The most dominant species was Meloidogyne incognita. Species diversity (H’) was highest in Wadh while lowest in Ali Dasht. Equitability (J’) component of diversity was highest in Kork and lowest in Ali Dasht, while species richness (d’) component was highest in Alat. The soils associated with Pomegranate orchards were ...

 Abid Hussain*, Imdad Hussain Mirza and Muhammad Azeem Khan** improved by educating local communities about the proper supplementation and by planting palatable shrubs and fodder trees.


 Nadeem Akmal, Hassnain Shah*, Muhammad Azam Niazi** and Waqar Akhtar*

...e age than the kids from local buck crosses. The farmers believed that the price difference was not only due to the higher weight but a better look and better structure of the Beetal goat. Farming community showed keen interest in using this intervention on a regular basis.


 Shazia Erum*, Muhammad Naeemullah, Shahid Masood** and Muhammad Irfan Khan*

...economic benefits of the local communities.

Naveed Akhtar,1,* Riaz Muhammad2, Kausar Saeed2, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Muzaffar Shah3, Jehan Zeb2, Shahid Ahmad2, Azam Jan Afridi4 and  Aftab Hussain5
...vided into six different localities namely, Shahkot, Shalhodabuna, Sharra, Hanjar, Hkar gata and Muhammad Baig. During this study 10 different species belonging to 9 families, 5 orders and 10 genera of mammalswere identified. The reported species are Naemorhedus goral, Panthera pardus, Sus scrofa, Lepus nigricollis, Macaca mulatta, Canis aureus, Vulpes vulpes, Myotis myotis, Herpestes edwardsii and Hystrix indica. During the research jacka...

 Javid Iqbal, Asghar Ali Mian, Tanveer Ahmad*, Shamsul Hassan** and Sohail Hassan Khan* 

...d in Pakistan, under the local environmental and management conditions. A total of 360 day old chicks of four broiler strains (90 from each strain) were procured from the local hatcheries and designated as four treatments i.e., A (Hubbard), B (Arbor Acres), C (Ross 308) and D (Hybro PN). The chicks were raised under recommended rearing requirements for 7 weeks and the economic traits measured were body weight, feed intake, f...

 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai, Saeeda Raza* and Shahzad Arshad Saleem**

...berry was purchased from local market and its juice was kept for two weeks at room temperature to check its shelf life. Total plate count (TPC), pH, flavor, color, yeast and moulds were checked weekly. Quality changes of strawberry juice during storage can be caused both by microbiological and physiological processes. At day 0; pH 3.2, color bright 2 -1 red, excellent flavor, TPC 2.7 x 10 cfu g were recorded, while no yeast or mould were found. After one week,...

 Amir Khatam*, Sher Muhammad and Ijaz Ashraf** 

... insect pests control by local nd rd recipes and their mass killing which were ranked 2 and 3 with mean values 3.03 and 2.84, respectively. Likewise, chemical and manual weed st nd control measures were ranked 1 and 2 with mean values 2.99 and 2.97, respectively. Correspondingly, farmers' skills in furrow irrigation was ranked at the top with mean value 3.32 followed by flood, border and basin irrigation techniques with mean values 2.98, 2.85 and 2.76, respect...

 Muhammad Farooq*, Hidayat Ullah*, Nausherwan Nobel Nawab* and Khalid Mahmood Qureshi**

...ustify;"> Seventeen locally developed indeterminate tomato hybrids were evaluated along with 'Sahel' as check under plastic tunnel for yield and yield components at National Agricultural Research Centre, -1 Islamabad. Maximum yield of 71.58 tha was recorded in NTT-12-08 while minimum -1 yield (34.75 tha ) was observed in NTT-16-08. Sahel used as -1 check bore maximum number of fruits plant (30.26) and followed by NTT- -1 04-08 and NTT-03-08 bearing 28.68 ...

 Abid Hussain*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Sonila Hassan**

... camel farmers and other local stakeholders is recommended to benefit the local communities by ameliorating supply of camel products in local markets.


 Shahid Ali*, Anjum Shehzad*, Muhammad Ather Rafi* and Ahmed Zia*

...tchi orchards from three localities of district Haripur was studied. Insect collections were made from mid March to mid May, 2012. During collection, 494 insects were collected which yielded 20 species under 16 genera of eight families belonging to orders Diptera and Hymenoptera. Family Calliphoridae, Muscidae, Sarcophagidae and Syrphidae, represented the order Diptera, while families, Andrenidae, Apidae, Halictidae and Vespidae belonged to order Hymenoptera.<...

 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai*, Amer Mumtaz*, Nouman Rashid*, Shahzada Arshad Saleem**, Saeeda Raza* and Muhammad Naeem Safdar*

...nges were purchased from local markets while tangerines were product of in-house farm at Food Science and Product Development Institute (FSPDI), National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad. Juices were extracted and kept in sterilized and sealed glass bottles. Samples were subsequently analyzed for Total Plate Count (TPC), yeast, moulds, pH, sugars and vitamin C contents. Marmalade was prepared from blended juices of orange and tangerine. Branded m...

 Syeda Aimen Hadi*, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry*, Aftab Ahmed** and Shaheer Ellahi Khan***

...cused on recognizing the local approaches of farming in designing and implementation of development projects. These approaches are representative of a particular ecological, social, economical, and political system, shaped by the constraints and opportunities associated to the area. Effective and successful development projects must include the local perceptions, their approaches and practices, as the <...

 Tosif Tabassam*, Tariq Sultan**, M.Ehsan Akhtar**, M.Mahmood-ulHassan** and Arshad Ali**

... a suitable carrier from locally available cheap material and evaluate for shelf life by using locally isolated plant growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) strains from maize rhizosphere. Different combinations of material were prepared using clay soil (35-50%), fly-ash (30-45%), press mud (5-15%) and lignite (5-15%). Clay soil (53% clay) was used for adhesion purpose but considering free of lump formation an important prope...

 Rashed Saeed*, Shoaib-ur-Rehman**, Muhammad Qasim*, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood*** and Irfan Mehmood*

...nts (94.2%) reported the local Meno as the best yielding variety. Imported and 40 day varieties were not popular as only 5.8% farmers were cultivating these varieties in the study area. On the basis of survey data, benefit cost and total factor productivity analyses depict that radish cultivation is a profitable enterprise in the study area. Productivity gap between current and potential yield of radish can be minimized by the adoption of recommended productio...

 Amjad Pervez*, Syed Muzaffar Ahmed*, Akhlaq Ahmad** and Qazi Mehmood Ali**

... for its management. Six locally available food grains viz., wheat, rice, maize, black gram, sorghum and millet were offered in whole/crack form. Under no choice and choice tests, rice was the most preferred food, followed by wheat, maize and others. The present study suggested that rice in whole or cracked form alone or in combination with wheat can be applied as very palatable (32% and 27%, respectively) and cost effective grain as bait base for effective ma...

 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai*, Amer Mumtaz*, Saeeda Raza* and Shahzada Arshad Saleem** 

...halsa was purchased from local market, juice was prepared and kept in sterilized bottles at room temperature. Physicochemical and microbial and oragnoleptic quality of the juice was examined till two weeks. Microbial activity in phalsa juice increased while organoleptic attributes such as texture (mouth feel), flavour, taste, colour and overall acceptability of phalsa juice were decreased during the study period. The pH and TSS value were decreased from 3.99 t...

 Anwar Hussain* and Muhammad Rahman**



 Farid Asif Shaheen*, Sadia Parveen*, Ahmed Zia**, Ghulam Qadir*,
Mureed Husain*** and Rifat Ullah Khan****

...collected from different localities and its culture was maintained in laboratory. Three ant species namely, Dorylus labiatus, Camponotus rufipes and Monomorium minimum were collected from forest and non-forest habitats and compared for their predation against different life stages of RFB. Results showed D. labiatus of forest habitat as an efficient pupal predator that consumed 91.66% pupae of RFB. It was significantly different from non-forest ant population a...

  Muhammad Nisar Khan*, Hassnain Shah*, Saqib Shakeel Abbasi and Abid Hussain*

...ailability of biozote at local level, less farmers' awareness and low education level of farmers were identified as major issues in adoption of this technology in the study areas.


 Abdul Haq*, Anjum Shehzad**, Muhammad Ilyas**, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi**, Abdul Rauf Bhatti** and Mian Inayatullah*

...eem Town is most diverse locality then Nikrian B with relative values of 2.213 and 1.136.


Basharat Hussain Shah*, F. S. Hamid*, Shams ul Islam*, Fayaz Ahmad*, Sohail Aslam*, and Noorullah Khan*

...AARI) Faisalabad and one local variety was included in the experiment as a control. The experiment was conducted during 2014-15 at National Tea & High Value Crops Research Institute (NTHRI) Shinkiari, Mansehra. Altogether seven pea genotypes were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Normal agronomic practices were carried out during the growth period and data was recorded on different growth parameters. Significant d...

 Ghazala Nawaz*, Muhammad Nawaz Malik**, Muhammad Hassan
Mushtaq***, Fraz Munir Ahmad****, Ali Abdullah Shah*****, Farooq
Iqbal******, Shinawar Waseem Ali*******, Zahida Fatima******** and
Amjad Khan*********

...trol brucellosis through local government support.



Shakir Ullah*, Aish Muhammad*, Iqbal Hussian*, Hafeez-Ur-Rahman**, Muhammad Zeeshan Hyder***, Muhammad Din**** and Nizamud Din

... Armeniaca (Lam). Twelve local
apricot cultivars (Marghulam, Shakarfo, Shakanda, Charmagzi, Shai
Pawand, Nili Pawand, Halman, Habi, Ali Shah Kakas, Astore 1, Narie and
Skardu Local) were evaluated for morphological UPOV (International Union
for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants) and the International Board for
Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) characteristics....

 Nasarullah*, Raiz uddin*, Fakhar Uddin* and Muhammad Jamal*

..., one from China and two locally grown cultivars. The analysis of variance revealed significant differences among genotypes, locations and genotype by environment interactions for days to heading, days to maturity, plant height (cm), spike length (cm), spikelets spike , 1000-grain weight and grain yield. Flag leaf area (cm displayed non-significant differences across environments and its interaction with genotypes. Mean values across the environments range bet...
Yan Li1, Kai Zhan1,*, Junying Li1, Wei Liu1, Ruiyu Ma1, Shengnan Liu1, Tao Han2, Shaoquan Li2, Shaolin Wang2 and Yang Hu2
...teristics and welfare in local poultry breeds. These findings are expected to provide a theoretical guide to choice of breeding methods for poultry enterprises.
Fouzia Tabssum1* and Syed Shahid Ali2
...-producing bacteria from local habitats. To enrich the diversity of isolated bacteria that produce pectinase, samples were collected from the soil, water, fruits and vegetables wastes. Initial screening of pectinase producing bacteria was carried out on pectin containing agar plates of pH 7 incubated at 37ºC. Among isolated thirty-seven strains, a total of thirteen strains showed satisfactory pectinase productivity. Pectinase production of the thirteen st...
Fouzia Tabssum1* and Syed Shahid Ali2
...-producing bacteria from local habitats. To enrich the diversity of isolated bacteria that produce pectinase, samples were collected from the soil, water, fruits and vegetables wastes. Initial screening of pectinase producing bacteria was carried out on pectin containing agar plates of pH 7 incubated at 37ºC. Among isolated thirty-seven strains, a total of thirteen strains showed satisfactory pectinase productivity. Pectinase production of the thirteen st...

Muhammad Suleman Bacha1*, Mohammad Nafees1 and Syed Adnan2 the aim to understand local perceptions about changing climate, its vulnerabilities and farmers adaptive measures toward climate change in district Swat of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Additionally, vulnerability matrix was used to identify livelihood resources that are vulnerable to climate change induced hazards. Results showed that primarily deforestation and pollution contributed more to the perceived causes of climate change which resulted frequent a...

Hamza Khan1, Safdar Ali1, Ijaz Ahmad*2, Ihsanullah Khan3, Shujaat Hussain1, Bashir Ahmad Khan4 and Muhammad Suhaib5  

...lopment and promotion of local sunflower hybrids can be one of the options. Local sunflower hybrids with higher yield and wider adoptability can make Pakistan self sufficient in edible oil. Therefore a study was carried out at National Agricultural Research Centre Islamabad, to evaluate the performance of 12 locally developed sunflower Hybrids. Twelve sunflower hybrids including two checks...
Muzafar Shah1,*, Mazhar Ali2, Sardar Azhar Mehmood2, Shabir Ahmad2, Khushi Muhammad3, Israr Alam1, Kausar Saeed1 was carried out in local population of Barikot, District Swat for incidence of malarial disease. For this purpose a total of 997 individuals were screened for malarial test in the study area and divided into four category of age i.e. (1-15), (16-30), (31-45), (46-onward), gender wise, union council (Kota, Barikot, Shamozo and Ghalegi) and month wise. It was concluded that out of 997 samples, 204 (20.46%) were found positive, in which mostly under ...

Muhammad Iftikharul Husnain1, Aneel Salman1, Inayatullah Jan2*, Tahir Mahmood3 

...ial endogeneity by using locality as an instrument. Unsurprisingly, the magnitude of temperature coefficient increases substantially when endogeneity is controlled and becomes significantly higher (6 percent to 13 percent) than the previously reported findings in the literature. The findings suggest that endogeneity is a crucial issue and must be controlled before carrying out an empirical analysis on the temperature-agriculture nexus to obtain reliable estima...
Muhammad Akbar Khan
...n the middle Pleistocene locality of Bhimber (Azad Kashmir, Pakistan) includes an almost complete mandible that provides a better knowledge of the taxon morphology. Hexaprotodon sivalensis is reported for the first time from the Bhimber Pleistocene locality of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
Arshad Mahmood Malik1, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2, Sarfraz Ahmed Mian2 and Atta Ullah Khan2
...g of the produce in both local and in export market. Yield of hydroponic tomatoes was measured in hectares. Benefit cost ratio was studied and other measures of performance like export intensity, local penetration ratio etc. were also analyzed. Average yield of hydroponic tomatoes was found to be 161.8±6.6 ton per hectare as against 10.07±0.4 in open field. The BCR was found positive at 1.07 and 1.44 for with a...
Hongqun Li1, Xiaoli Liu2,*, Zhenmin Lian3,RenheWang4, Yongbin Wang4, Yongyao Fu1 andDingyi Wang5
...ivity and prohibition of local peoples’ firewood collection in the core areas may provide some optimal nest habitat for the brown-eared pheasant.
Mohammed Al Bratty1, Hassan A. Alhazmi1, Somaya Jadoh Ogdi1, Jana Ahmad Otaif1, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab2, Mohammad Firoz Alam3 andSadique Akhtar Javed1,* not consumed by the local population. Meat, the most consumed part of the chicken has been found to be among the least contaminated tissues. Importantly, the lead (Pb) content was found to be of serious concern in the tested chicken samples, as it was measured to be higher than its maximum permissible limit (0.1 mg/kg) in poultry meat set by WHO and European Union. The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of the tested metals through the consumption of the Bala...

Usman Shakoor1, Ali Nasir2, Mudassar Rashid1, Muhammad Iftikhar-ul-Husnain1, Nabila Khurshid1 and Zuhair Husnain spent on provision of local services which, in return, would help farmers increase income leading to higher income tax revenue. 

Abdul Samad1, Ferhat Abbas1, Zafar Ahmad1, Olena Pokryrshko2 and Tauseef M Asmat1,*
...s of food items consumed locally. Total of 800 most common food samples such as chicken, beef meat, raw milk, vegetables and salad samples were collected from retail market, the overall contamination of food samples with infectious agents was 48.37%. Campylobacter jejuni was recorded much higher (28.99%) compared to other foodborne pathogens. Food samples were also found positive for Salmonella spp. (19%), E. coli (O157:H7) (8%) and...
Bin Wang1, 2, Qianji Ning1,*, Qian Wang2, Wei Peng2, Tong Hao2,*and Jinsheng Sun2,*
...unts for 91.9% of all un-localized proteins in the network. Subsequently, the molting interaction network was extracted from the global PPI, which contains 35 proteins and 32 interactions. By analyzing the subcellular annotation of the molting interaction network, the subcellular localization of 12 proteins was obtained. Half of these proteins located on the cell membrane, indicating the close relationship between molting pr...
Zartasha Anjum1*, Rakhshindah Bajwa2 and Munazza Hassan3
...cinomas. However, in our local population, expression of HMG-COAR is not investigated. The objective of our study was to examine the expression of HMG-CoAR in primary breast carcinomas and determine its association with ER/PR expression.
Material & Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study was conducted to examine the immunohistochemical expression of HMG-CoAR in 75 cases of breast carcinoma. Study was carried out in postgraduate medical...
Irshad Ali1, Mohammad Masood Tariq2,*, Abdul Waheed2, Ferhet Abbas Yousafzai1, Farhat Abbas Bokhari1, Majed Rafeeq1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Adnan Attique1, Shahid Amin3 and Tahir Hameed1
...acters are rare in other local breeds of the area such as tick resistance, tolerance against > 50oC temperature in the hot weather nevertheless still gives good productive results. It has extraordinary long limbs which protect them from very heated ground. The odor of BN animal sweat is so pungent that helps it in tick resistance. The white color of the skin is natural reflector in an extreme weather, whereas, the inner coat of this animal has bl...

Jahangir khan* and Abbas Ullah Jan 

...e fresh fruits, produced locally, such as Apple. For data collection, a sample of 200 households was randomly selected from urban and rural region of Peshawar district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Sampled households were interviewed face to face. An open-ended CVM question was designed to elicit households’ willingness to pay (WTP) and a linear regression analysis conducted to identify important determinants of households’ WTP. Results show that...

G. Venkatesan* and Amit Kumar  

...viruses and also produce localized skin lesions in humans who are in contact with infected animals and their products. Unique and specific virulence genes located at termini of ORFV genome with their encoded products are attributed to host immune evasion, short-term immunity both in natural infection post-vaccination in target species and repeated host susceptibility. However, these genes are variable among ORFV isolates/strains as they are not located in cent...

Muhammad Haroon Hullio1,4, Abdul Ghani Lanjar2, Abdul Rahman Dhuyo3, Imran Khattri4 and Agha Mushtaque Ahmed4* 

...varietal screening of 30 local rice varieties in term of pest population was observed. The data were collected for two rice growing seasons 2012 to 2013. In results, the maximum mean population of 15.25 WBPH/25 hills at 38 0C with 50% relative humidity was observed in district Badin in the first week of August, 2012. The correlation results regarding mean population of WBPH also indicated effect of temperature and relative humidity (r= 0.51, 0.63 and 0.85 in L...
Safia Rehman1, Nazish Mazhar Ali1,*, Gerald B. Pier2, Iram Liaqat1 and Bushra Mazhar1
...infections admitted to a local hospital in Lahore. Susceptibility of 134 isolates of P. aeruginosa was tested against selected antibiotics (meropenem, imipenem, piperacillin, amoxicillin, amikacin, gentamicin, tobramycin, kanamycin, clarithromycin, clarithromycin, cefepime, cefixime, levofloxacin, and ciprofloxacin), Lactobacillus strains and metal nanoparticles (copper, ferric and zinc). P. aeruginosa isolates showed in vitro resis...
Ali Karabayir1,*, Nazan Arifoğlu2 and Mustafa Öğütcü3
... Australorp and Village (local mix-breed village chickens) was evaluated in the present study. Supplementation of disinfectant clearly improved the microbiological quality of chicken drinking water, by reducing the total bacteria, coliform and E.coli counts. On the other hand, disinfectant addition decreased feed and water intake of all chicken strains. Furthermore, the results revealed that feed and water intake was strain dependent. Lower feed convers...
Naeem Ahmad1,* and Zulqurnain2*
...GIFT-Tw, obtained from a local hatchery) in two earthen ponds, fed with commercially available feed. Similar feeding regime and physical conditions were maintained for both treatments. It was found that there was no significant difference in final total length (TL) and standard length (SL) of the fish in both treatments (P>0.05). However, average monthly weight gain, final total wet weight (WW) and weight gain with increase in TL were higher in GIFT-Th as c...
Dilara A. Bukhari1,*, Naureen Fatima1 and Abdul Rehman2


...s aimed at screening the local Bacilllus thuringiensis (B.t.) isolates for Cry11 and assess their potential use for mosquito control. A total of 15 B.t. isolates were collected, of which 75% were from dry, leaf litter, garden soil samples, 15% were from animal waste and 10 % were from moist soil of the crop area. A 650bp of cry11 gene was amplified by PCR and seven isolateswere found positive for cry11 gene. The 16S rDNA study expos...

Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali, Liaquat Ali Jamali, Shakeel Ahmed Soomro*, Shakeel Hussain Chattha, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto, Naseer Ahmed Abbasi and Noor Mehdi Qumi  

... strongly suggested that local farmers should adopt sugarcane trash cover method which do provides a convenient and safe storage system. 

Imran Taj1,*, Ferhat Abbas1, Zafar Ahmad1, Mohammad Kamran Taj1, Deedar Ahmad2, Zahoor Ahmed2, Ghulam Mohammad2, Ajaz-ul-Haq1, Farooq Shahzad1 and Sabiha Azam3
...were also carried out on local isolates of C. perfringens type D. Out of 204 analyzed samples, 89.18 % were found positive while 10.82 % were negative for C. perfringens type D. The division wise distribution showed that Quetta, Zhob, Sibi and Kalat were more effected zones of the Balochistan province. Sheep were more effected (54.78 %) than goats (34.4 %). C. perfringens was identified through different biochemical tests and PCR. Based on...

Shamsher Ali1, Zakir Ullah Jan1*, Zahir Shah2, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Farmanullah Khan2, Inayat ur Rahman3 and Shah Fahad3 

... hybrid (CS-200, cv) and local variety (Azam cv.) under the same application of fertilizer treatment and dozes during summer 2015. The field experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with split plot arrangements having two maize varieties in main pot and six levels of fertilizer treatments in sub pots repeated four times. Fertilizers treatments were made from the application of Nitrogen (N), Phosphorus (P2O5) and farmyard manure (FYM) which w...

Yasir Ali1*, Muhammad Aslam Khan1, Muhammad Atiq1 and Muhammad Hussain2 cultivars and related local species using different molecular approaches. This review provides a detailed discussion of the different aspects for controlling three rust diseases caused by P. recondita Rob. exdesm f. sp. tritici , P. striiformis West. f. sp. tritici, P. graminis Pers. f. sp. tritici and the importance of race specific and non-specific rust resistance genes in in global wheat varieties. This knowledge will help as basis for plant pathologist,...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Bushra Hassan2, Nadeem Anwar2, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel3 and Shafique-ur-Rehman

...rgodha was obtained from local district office of the Population Welfare Department. All rural families live in tehsil Sargodha served as population in the study. Tehsil Sargodha was selected purposively. Of the 62 rural union councils, four were selected purposively and from each selected union council two villages were selected purposively. Hence, from each village 15 respondents were selected randomly which makes a sample of 120 respondents. During the stud...

Sajad Ali1*, Syed Asghar Ali Shah2, Jaffar Ali3, Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal4, Arshadullah Jadoon5 and Farmanullah

...armers directly from the local market that is Mansehra and Haripur. It is worthwhile to mention that the public sale arrangement was not totally available in the local markets. Furthermore, the 68 percent in district Mansehra while, in the Haripur 46 percent farmers traded the pea’s output in the local markets. The left over peas output in both the selected districts were offered for...
Soumble Zulfiqar1, Khuram Shehzad1, Sana Tahir1, Khalid A. Al-Ghanim2 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2,3,* the CueO of locally isolated Klebsiella pneumoniae KW strain. The CueO protein was purified to homogeneity by nickel affinity chromatography. Enzyme assays of CueO protein with phenolic substrates revealed its laccase activity. The kinetic studies showed Km value of 0.2µM, kKcat 0.68 S-1 and Kcat/km 1.2S-1 µM-1 for 2,6-Dimethoxyphenol (DMP) and Km value of 0.25mM, Kcat 300 S-1 and...
Qudrat Ullah1,*, Huma Jamil1, Zafar Iqbal Qureshi1, Muhammad Saqib2 and Heinrich Neubauer3
...type of farming, region (locality of farm), presence of ticks, animal health status and season of sampling. In conclusion, the study indicates the occurrence of antibodies to C. burnetii at the government livestock farms included in the study.

Arshad Iqbal1*, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1, Hidayat ur Rahman1, Faiza Aman2 and Aziz-ur-Rahman

...p new rice genotypes for local cultivation. 


Kiran Aftab1,*,Muhammad Asim2, Muhammad Khalil Nawaz2, M. Adeeb Babar2, Muhammad Akbar Khan2 and Zaheer Ahmed3 

...nd. These Middle Miocene localities are found within the Chinji Formation of the Lower Siwalik Subgroup in northern Pakistan. Our reports include isolated teeth, maxilla and mandible fragments of Giraffokeryx punjabiensis and Giraffa priscilla, which exhibit some primitive features for the Lower Siwalik giraffids. This paper also documents the first middle Miocene giraffid from the Kund locality of the Siwaliks...
Muhammad Babar Khawar1, Muddasir Hassan Abbasi2*, Zillay Mariam1, Nadeem Sheikh1,2* to humans but also to local flora and fauna. The purpose of current research work was to analyze the toxicity of leachate in Wistar rats. Wistar rats of about 250g were selected and divided into three groups namely Control, Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 was given 4ml/kg leachate while Group 2 received 4ml/kg of 1:10 diluted leachate intra-peritoneally. After 24 hours of the injection, animals were euthanized and blood was drawn for further studies. Data were...

Muhammad Arshad*, Sabeeta Jan, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam, Shiguftah Khalid and Muahmmad Ayub Khan 

 Muhammad Tahir Waseem, Muhammad Awais Sarwar, Rana Manzoor Ahmad, Abdul Majid Khan*

Newly discovered fossil remains of Selenoportax vexillarius from Hasnot, locality of Siwaliks of Pakistan

Durr-e- Samin Tahir*, Waqar Nasir, Sarah Bushra, Fatima Batool

Height trends in the population of Rabwah, district Chiniot, Pakistan and comparison with WHO standards
...ght trends of
the local population of Rabwah with WHO standards. A total of 4293 accurate observations (male=2084 female =2209) were recorded. The age group chosen for present study is 5-19 years which is the phase of growth and height
increase. Heights of the parents and siblings up to 25 are also recorded for further analysis. The R- Programming and
smoothing spline technique were applied to analyze the height trends of the collected dat...

 Saima Naz*, Adil Ali Rajpar, Abdul Hameed Chandio

New Records of some Phthiraptera (chewing lice) of birds from urban areas of Hyderabad, Sindh, Pakistan
... reported from different localities of Hyderabad city.
It was the first chewing lice survey that has been carried out in the region, which reported eight species of
Menoponidae and eleven species of Philopteridae. These species were Campanulotes compar (Burmeister, 1838),
Colpocephalum turbinatum (Denny, 1842), Columbicola columbae (Linnaeus, 1758), Hohorstiella lata (Piaget, 1880)
on pigeons and doves; Brueelia subtilis (Nitzsch, 1...

 Zafar Iqbal*, Hafiza Madhia Imtiaz

Parasites of double tail goldfish, Carassius auratus L. imported to Pakistan
... Pakistan to protect the local biodiversity of


 Hafiz Muhammad Awais Sarwar, Muhammad Tahir Waseem, Abdul Majid Khan*, Rana Manzoor Ahmad

Propotamochoerus hysudricus remains from late Miocene deposits of Hasnot, Pakistan
... outcrops of Hasnot type locality, Punjab, Pakistan. The present
findings will strengthen the previous records of the species Propotamochoerus hysudricus from the Late Miocene
Siwaliks of Pakistan. This species can act as a marker suid species of the Late Miocene Siwalik deposits.


Sadaf Niaz1, Masroor Ellahi Babar2, Tanveer Hussain2, Asif Nadeem1, Misbah Hussain1, Riffat Mehboob3*, Fridoon Jawad Ahmad3

Mutation analysis of RING1 domain of Parkin in early onset of Parkinson’s disease in Pakistani patients-a pilot study
...nce of
disease in local population. It may be due to genetic changes in any other part of the gene or due to other
environmental factors. However, we have limitation of sample size due to less occurrence of disease in this area. The
current study is very important for successive researches in Pakistan as the disease ratio is increasing continuously
due to consanguineous marriages.


 Waqas Ali, Arshad Javid, Ali Hussain, Syed Mohsin Bukhari

Public attitude towards amphibian and reptiles in district Kasur, Punjab, Pakistan
...d taxa and killed by the locales. Conservation
education and awareness campaigns are recommended to avoid unnecessary
killing of the amphibians and reptiles of the study area.


 Zafar Iqbal1, Muhammad Farooq Nasir1, Imran Bodlah1*, Rahmatullah Qureshi2, Ayesha Aihetasham3

Notes on three morphs of Bulaea lichatschovii (Hummel) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Northern Pakistan
...2015-2017 from different localities of Northern Pakistan (Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad
Jammu and Kashmir). Three food plants of the coccinellid are, Krascheninnikovia
ceratoides, Artemisia vulgaris and A. maritima, are documented. Notes on
diagnostics of the species are given with illustrations and new distributional


Muhammad Iqbal1, Khalid Usman2*, Muhammad Arif1, Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi3, Muhammad Munir4 and Imran Khan

...obel, Sharmic and Louki (local check variety). The experiment was laid-out in randomized complete block design having ten treatments (including 9 exotics plus 1 local genotype) and three replications. The results showed that there were significant variations in all the parameters except moisture content that was found to be non-significant in 2013. The comparative assessment of the exotic germplasms investigated in this stud...
Muhammad Kashif Maan1, Ghulam Mustafa1, Munibullah2 and Sajid Umar2,*
...erative complications or local recurrence were reported by owner of each case.

Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Nazakat Nawaz, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Tahira, Doulat Baig, Ihsan Ullah Khan and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah 

... experiment comprised 98 local sesame genotypes including a standard cultivar (TS-3), was conducted during the Kharif seasons of 2011 and 2012 in the research fields of Oilseeds Research Program, Crop Sciences Institute, National Agricultural Research Center, Islamabad, Pakistan. Data were recorded on days to flower initiation, days to flower completion, reproductive period, days to maturity, pod filling period, plant height (cm), number of branches per plant,...
Shaher Bano1, Sarah Ghafoor1,* and Nadia Naseem2
...r functions and is immunolocalized in ductal epithelium of salivary glands. The development of salivary glands is under the influence of various hormones including Triiodothyronine hormone (T3). Submandibular gland of rat is an excellent model to study salivary gland organogenesis. The study is designed to understand T3-mediated regulation of TGF-α expression during postnatal salivary gland development as it is currently unknown.Twelve male rats were tak...

Mujib ur Rahman1, Munir Khan2*, Himayatullah Khan2, Malik Muhammad Shafi2 and Haidar Ali2 and Suit cloth in the local market was found Rs. 7,800/- and Rs 6,552/-, respectively. While selling these products in other cities per month profit was Rs. 13,650/- and Rs. 12,636/-, respectively. The overall profit in the business is low. Profit is higher for those producers who sold their products in other cities. In local market the profit margins of Chadar and Suit was 17% and 14% respectively. The profit margin of C...

Sahar Shibli1,2*, Farzana Siddique1, Saeeda Raza2, Zaheer Ahsan3 and Irum Raza4 

Muhammad Saqib Shahzad1, Amina Arif1,*,Saeeda Kalsoom2, Javed Iqbal3, Shahnam Shafique2, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem4 and Rafique Ahmed5
...r findings can guide the local clinicians to inform the patients about the possible effectiveness of drug therapy and to manage the disease with more efficient plan.
Muhammad Furqan1, Usman Ali1,*, Anjum Ara1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Muhammad Siddique Awan3, Riaz Aziz Minhas3, Khawaja Basharat Ahmad3, Qamar Zaman Qamar4 and Naeem Iftikhar Dar5
...pestes edwardsii) 18 localities were sampled from 3 zones created in Mirpur district (Azad Jammu and Kashmir). Random transects of fixed length were laid and number of active burrows counted and habitat analysed using quadrat method. Mongoose was distributed with average population density of 9.8 animal/km2, with highest (17.8 animal/Km2) density at Kalyal and lowest (3.5 animal/km2) at Panyam. Most favored altitudinal rang...

Muhammad Rameez Khan1, Muhammad Imtiaz2, Farhatullah3, Sohail Ahmad1 and Sajid Ali1* 

...d-2008, Shahkar and some local lines. Future wheat improvement programmes must be encouraged to consider resistance to powdery mildew, particularly for lines to be cultivated in the Himalayan region of Pakistan. 

Shamesa Maryam1, Ajaz Ahmad Sandhu1, Imran Bodlah2*, Muhammad Asif Aziz2, Ayesha Aihetasham3


... plants at six different localities of Gujranwala area of Punjab province, Pakistan. Total 12 species namely; Aphis craccivora, Aphis fabae, Aphis gossypii, Aphis nerii, Rhopalosiphum padi, Lipaphis erysimi, Macrosiphum euphorbiae, Myzus persicae, Pentalonia nigronervosa, Sitobion avenae, Greenidea (Trichosiphumpsidii and Cinara (Cupressobium) tujafilina have been ...
Farheen Shaikh*, Saima Naz, Nadir Ali Birmani were observed in four localities including two urban and two rural areas of Jamshoro and Hyderabad Districts. The selected birds were tagged with identity rings and 5-8 hosts in each locality were examined. Infestation of chewing lice on each bird was checked periodically in each month. Moreover, permanent microscopic slides of ectoparasites were prepared. During the study, three species of chewing lice were reported from...

Khwaja Tariq Ziad1, Umar Hayat1, Muhammad2 and Muhammad Suleman Bacha3* 

...luding five farmers, one local middleman, and representatives of two dairy companies were interviewed during the study, focusing the social aspects and people behaviour towards the dairy sector. Results showed a lack of coordination among small-scale farmers and associated high transaction costs. This case study suggests that small-scale farmers are illiterate and not properly trained. The way they handle and produce milk shows the dominance of informal mid-ch...

 Saira Zaheer1, Abrar Hussain1*, Aqsa Khalil1, Muhammad Mansha1, Muhammad Lateef2

...l controls, vaccines and local medicinal plants are being explored to control the parasitic worms. The aim of this study was to evaluate the anthelmintic potential of two local plants, Albizia lebbeck L. and Camellia sinensis L against H. contortus using Adult Motility Assay (AMA). Crude Ethanolic Extracts (CEE)of dried leaves of A. lebbeck L. and whole plant of C. sinensis L. w...

Hina Ali*, Iram Shaheen and Feroza Hamid Wattoo 

...iners from the different localities of Rawalpindi such as Dhokekala khan, Morgah, Scheme-III, Gulshandadan khan, Satellite town, Dhoke kashmirian, Pandora, Bahria town, University campus (Mehr water) and Air Port. The pH of PMAS-AAUR campus water ( Mehr Water) was found within WHO recommended values (pH limit 6.5-8.5) whereas the pH of other water samples were ranged from 7.3-8.9.The salts values of Mehr Water were determined as Calcium 58mg/l, Sulphate 48mg/l...

Muhammad Ali1,2*, Norsida Man2 and Farrah Melissa Muharam2 

... of farming community at local, regional and international level. Agricultural extension workers as change agents are required to keep the motivation level high otherwise, food security and bread and butter of farmers would become jeopardized by climate changes at the national and global level. 


Dilshad Ahmad1* and Muhammad Afzal2 

...ision of raw material to local textile industry, exporting cotton lint and livelihood of cotton farmers in Pakistan. Potential productivity in agriculture is possible with introduction of advanced mechanization, which is only feasible with financial injections in this sector. The study in hand has focused the role of credit in the cotton production of southern Punjab. Simple Random Sampling technique was used in the study for selecting the respondents in both ...

Manzoor Hussain1, Muhammad Awais2, Farhatullah3, Saiqa Bibi1, Muhammad Rameez Khan3, Afifa Khalid1 and Sajid Ali3* 

...d from Europe along with local check, under natural field conditions at District Mansehra, Pakistan. Data on crown rust severity and host reaction was taken at three scoring dates to assess partial resistance using area under rust progress curve, infection rate, co-efficient of infection and final rust severity. A moderate crown rust pressure was observed during oat season 2015-16, with relatively late crown rust onset after mid of April. Based on the crown ru...

 Shaher Bano1, Nadia Naseem2 and Sarah Ghafoor1,*

... of salivary glands. The localization of TGF-α in post-natal submandibular gland (SMG) of rats and humans is well-studied.However, less is known regarding post-natal sublingual salivary gland (SLG) development and expression of TGF-α. The comparison of TGF-α expression in SLG with that of its expression in SMG during post-natal rat salivary gland development has not been documented in the literature so far. Following ethical approval, a total...

 Abdul Maalik1, Shahzad Ali1,*, Anam Iftikhar1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Haroon Ahmad2 and Iahtasham Khan1

...faloes kept at different localities in district Kasur, Punjab, Pakistan. The possible risk factors inquired from farmers were animal type, breeds, urbanicity, age (years), teat washing, bedding area, lactating stage and previous exposure of mastitis. Initially surf field mastitis test (SFMT) was applied for screening subclinical mastitis followed by bacteriological techniques on positive milk samples for confirmatory isolation of Staph. aureus as a bovi...

 Sohaib Afzaal1, Usman Hameed2, Nasir Ahmad3,*, Naeem Rashid3 and Muhammad Saleem Haider1

... isolated from different local food groups, on the basis of stress tolerance assays. Identification of the screened strains was further confirmed by 16S ribosomal DNA sequences and strain level differentiation was carried out by sugar fermentation tests. These strains were further analyzed for their ability to produce lactic acid. Overall, Leuconostoc mesenteroides was found as pre-dominant group (41.1% prevalence) among LAB strains in the isolated food...

Huma Khalil1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Sajjad Khalil1, Farghama Khalil2 and Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel1 

...m various citrus growing localities. A total of 3,176 parasitoids belonging to five subfamilies (Alysiinae, Aphidiinae, Braconinae, Microgastrinae and Opiinae), 12 genera and 16 species were collected. Out of them, two genera and 12 species were recorded for the first time from this area. Aphidiinae contains 1,107 individuals which showed that it’s a dominant braconid subfamily while Opiinae (209) was the least dominant. The richness of braconid parasito...
Guo-hai Wang1, Zai-xi Yang1, Pan Chen1, Wei-ning Tan2 and Chang-hu Lu1,*
...d dispersing behavior of local bird species to examine their role in dispersing seeds of Kmeria septentrionalis, an endangered tree species in a karst habitat in southwest China. Twenty-seven bird species were recorded feeding on its seeds, and fourteen bird species were confirmed as seeds dispersers. The chestnut bulbul (Hemixos castanonotus), striated yuhina (Yuhina castaniceps), scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus flammeus) were the ma...
Faiz-ul Hassan1,*, Muhammad Sajjad Khan1, Muhammad Saif-ur-Rehman1, Syed Muhammad Raihan Dilshad2 and Muhammad Amjad Ali3
...alanwala and Anmol) from local horse breeders of Punjab province. Genomic DNA was extracted from the blood samples and amplified by PCR using 40 RAPD primers. PCR products were separated on an agarose gel electrophoresis and scoring of bands was performed. Phylogenetic tree was constructed by UPGMA method to determine the genetic similarity among the horse breeds. Thoroughbred and Arab horse breeds showed a higher similarity with Pakistani indigenous breeds, s...
Muhammad Khalil Nawaz, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas, Muhammad Akbar Khan, M. Adeeb Babar*, Muhammad Asim, Rabia Shahid and Muhammad Akhtar
...neglected Middle Miocene locality of Chabbar Syedan, Jhelum district, Punjab, Pakistan. The lower deciduous incisor (di1) of L. pentapotamiae has been described for the first time from the Siwalik Group. The newly discovered remains are fruitful to understand the fauna of this Middle Miocene locality and excavated material expands our anatomical knowledge about the recorded species.

Anum Khursheed1, Malik Muhammad Shafi2 and Haidar Ali2* 

...P has enormous effect on local community which contributed positively to livelihood of local community. 


Muhammad Rehan1, Asim Aslam1, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan1, Muhammad Abid2, Shakeel Hussain3, Javeria Umber4, Ahsan Anjum1 and Altaf Hussain2* 

... endemic in Pakistan and locally known as Ranikhet. Wild birds are considered natural reservoirs of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) and some common resident or migratory wild birds are associated with outbreaks of ND in commercial poultry in Pakistan. Continuous isolation of new genotypes in Pakistan shows the evolving nature of the virus and the emergence of new strains is limiting in its diagnosis and control. Pakistan is a developing country and poultry indus...

Khan Sher1*, Muhammad Nisar2 and Muhammad Subhan1 

...kers were used for sixty local common beans landraces. Among all markers, only one was monomorphic, while the remaining were polymorphic. At average 2 alleles per locus were identified. The size of all alleles ranged from 210bp to 630 bp. Major allelic frequency fluctuated from 54.0% to 96.0%. An overall, the total No. of alleles per locus extended from 22 (PVBR 20) to 49 PvM053. Similarly, the frequency values oscillated from 0.06 of PVBR 20 to 0.14 of PvM053...
Xiaona Cao1,3-5, Yuanyuan Ren2-5, Xiaoteng Cui2-5, Baoxin Qian2-5, Chunyan Zhao 2-5, Jie Yang2-5, Chao Su2-5,* and Xingjie Gao2-5,*
...on and nucleus/cytoplasm localization under stress condition. We found that hnRNP A1, HuR and TIA1-containing SGs were aggregated in the cytoplasm of HeLa cells, and accompanies the alteration of nucleus/cytoplasm localization during arsenite induced-oxidative stress. Increased hnRNP A1 fluorescence signal within cytoplasm was detected from 3% of normal cells to the 28% of stressed cells; in contrast, 87% of cells with stron...
Zhengfei Wang*, Dan Tang, Xuejia Shi, Huayun Guo, Xiuping Chen, Daizheng Zhang and Boping Tang*
...vely selected codons was localized in or close to the important functional regions (protein binding region and helical transmembrane region) in the mitochondrial protein structure.These results help explain why Bythograeidae crabs are capable of living in the hydrothermal vents and suggest that these crabs might have acquired an enhanced capacity for energy metabolism in an extreme hypoxic environment. These findings highlight the critical role of PCGs in the ...

Muhammad Yasin1, Romana Shahzadi1, Muhammad Riaz2, Mahideen Afridi2, Wajya Ajmal3, Obaid Ur Rehman2, Nazia Rehman3, Ghulam Muhammad Ali1,3, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1,2,3* 

...ogs of SHPs and FUL from local canola “Pakola” and “Punjab Sarsoon 3”, and to study expression patterns of their transcripts. Morphological data revealed significant difference between pod wall thicknesses, seeds per pod and pod length between the two cultivars. PCR amplification and sequencing revealed that two products namely BnSHP1-like and BnSHP2-like could be identified. The sequence analysis of BnSHP1-like and BnSHP2-like demonstr...

Hala Mohamed Nabil Tolba1, Naglaa Fathy Saeed Awad1*, Gamelat Kotb Farag Kotb2, Amany Adel3 

...cks located in different localities at Sharkia governorate, Egypt. These samples were subjected for direct detection of a 620 bp hypervariable region in the VP2 gene using Reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences for VP2 hypervariable region of selected five IBDV field isolates were determined and compared to well characterized reference and vaccine strains worldwide. The IBD virus was detected i...

Sadaf Rahim and Mudassar Iqbal* 

...d for the development of local agro-chemical product as environmental friendly biodegradable organic insecticides. 


Usman Zubair1*, Anjum Shehzad2, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi3 and Khalid Mahmood1 

...ere collected from seven localities including Rawalakot, Banbake, Jandali, Pakhar, Kakuta, Mandhol and Bagh (Harighel) using McPhail traps during the years 2016-2017. Specimens were identified up-to species level using taxonomic key by Mahmood and Hassan (2005) and pictorial key by Prabarker (2012). A total of 09 species of fruit fly of family Tephritidae from study sites were identified. Among these nine species, Bactrocera scutellaris, B. tau, B. nigrofemora...
Aly Khan1,*, Khalil A. Khanzada1 and S. Shahid Shaukat2
...ea mays L.) of eight localities, namely Anjira, Kalat, Khazeena, Khuzdar, Mangochar, Rodeni, Surab and Zehri was conducted in Balochistan. A total of 13 plant nematodes were recorded. Out of these seven nematodes were encountered in only one locality. Most common species in maize fields was found to be Pratylenchus zeae that occurred in 5 out of eight localities, one-way of vari...

Ayub Khan* and Ghaffar Ali 

...ecting the livelihood of local people. Agriculture and tourism, the main sources of livelihood of the inhabitants in the area, have been severely hit by this problem. Human activities, such as deforestation, overgrazing and extensive agriculture have made soil resource more vulnerable to rain and flood water. Programs at government and society level are required to control soil erosion. The objectives of this study are to seek the farm household willingness to...

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar, Muhammad Imran Hamid, Mubashar Raza, Waqas Raza*, Misbah Iqbal Qamar 

...of tomato from different localities of district Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan which were recognized morphologically. Three isolates of T. harzianum HM, HK, HC and one isolate of T. asperellum TH were evaluated in dual culture assays and in pots amended with different composts against P. infestans and F. oxysporum. Mycelial growth reduction and inhibition percentage of P. infestans and F. oxysporum in dual culture assay significantly higher by T. harzianum HK as c...

Muhammad Amin1,2*, Khalid Mahmood2 and Imran Bodlah3 

...w host plants and 71 new locality records in Pakistan. Aphis gossypii and Aphis craccivora were found infesting 8 tree species in 8 genera and 6 in 6 genera respectively. Rosaceae with 5 species in 4 genera carrying 9 aphid species in 5 genera was the most aphid-prone family. Systematics, host range, distribution of the related aphids and catalogue of host plant-tree species in the studied area from Pakistan are given herewith. 


Zeshan Siraj1*, Amjad Farooq1 and Zahid Mehmood2 it is recommended for local farmers to do some control measures to avoid attack of jassids in this month priorly in order to reduce the economic loss,.It was concluded that mid of September was more suitable for incidence of jassids 

Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Shahid Yousaf1, Salman Khurshid1*, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Nasreen Fatima2 and Ali Murad Rahoo3
...from the three different local markets of Karachi. Some of the fungal species viz. Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizopus stolonifer and Alternaria alternata have been identified in citrus samples. However, major incidence was recorded for Aspergillus niger (41.6%) followed by Fusarium oxysporum (27.7%). Infected samples (5.9) had high pH as compared to the healthy samples (3.1). Total soluble solids wer...

Rizwan Ahmad and Muhammad Zulfiqar* 

...e capacity to strengthen local resilience, participation of farming community in formulation of policies, making meteorological information available to farmers, Design research plans to evolve wheat varieties addressing changing climatic challenges, construct water harvesting structures for high efficiency irrigation and further research to estimate range of temperature and precipitation within which crops under study perform better. 

Salma Javed1, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Irfan Ullah2, Sadia Tabassum1,*
..., clinics, and different localities of Hazara region.The report included 2,400 participants, amongst which, 1,000 subjects were suffering from type II diabetes, including 432 males (43.2%) and 568 females (56.8%). Whereas 814 (81.4%) of them were over 40 years of age. Battagram district had the highest prevalence (24.2%) because of the lack of awareness about the disease, while Torghar exhibited the lowest prevalence (12.4%). The sociodemographic factor...
S. Jalbani1, N.T. Narejo2,* and P. Khan2 


... 1.6 g were procure from local fishing community of River Indus near Jamshoro. Feed regime like live small fish (tilapia), tubifex larvae, chopped chicken viscera and dead small fish (tilapia) were used as live and prepared feed with control. It was observed that the experimental fish fed with chopped chicken viscera exhibited significantly better growth (129.10 ± 2.90 g weight gain) followed by chopped small fish (103.90 ± 1.10g) as prepared fee...
Rais Ahmed1,2,*, Muhammad Khalid Mansoor1,2, Iftikhar Hussain1, Muhammad Saqib3, Muhammad Hammad Hussain4, Amjad Islam Aqib5, Haleema Sadia6, Javed Muhammad7, Asma Irshad8, Kashif Prince5, Muhammad Zain Saleem9 and Abdul Whab Manzoor10
...t paratuberculosis using local isolates.
Muhammad Raza Khan1, Tariq Mahmood1,*, Hira Fatima1, Faraz Akrim2, Shaista Andleeb1 and Abdul Hamid1
...ive perception among the locals. Most of the depredation occurs at night time while maximum livestock are depredated during winter season. 
Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Imtiaz Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad1, Fazal Maula2 and Sardar Hussain1
...o cultivars include Swat local, Rio-Grande early, U-Grande, Rio-Grande late, Tomato BSS-30, 87-5 China and Roma VF. These varieties were sown in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Results of this research showed that aphid population remained constant on different cultivars throughout the experiment. The lowest (3.30 aphids leaf-1) mean number of aphids were recorded on 87-5 China followed by U-Grande (3.72 aphids leaf-1<...
Muhammad Khaled Siddiq1, Fatima Yousuf Dar1,M. Akbar Khan1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1,*, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1, Asra Ghaus1, Musdassir Iqbal1 and Muhammad Akhtar2
...the first time from this locality. 
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Imtiaz Sarwar1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Rehan Khalid1, Muhammad Yahya1 and Khurram Shehzad2
... categories in different localities of District Sargodha (Punjab, Pakistan). Moreover, the quality status of soils under these land-use types or categories was also determined by working out the soil biological quality (QBS) index. Extensive soil sampling was done in different randomly selected land-use types for four consecutive seasons from spring 2017 to Spring 2018. Results showed that the collection season, land-use categories and land-use types had a sig...
Muhammad Siddique1, Muhammad Shafique2,*,Abdul Mateen3, Naveed Shahzad4, Bilal Aslam2, Nasir Ahmad1 and Muhammad Usman Qamar2
...prevalence of HCV in our locality with the most prevalent HCV genotype 3a.
Zahra Eftekhar1, Morteza Naderi2,*, Mohammad Kaboli3, Hamid R. Rezaei4 and Nematollah Khorasani3
...ary divergence among the local populations settled in the Hyrcanian forests of northern Iran. Geometric morphometric approaches in this study confirm the presence of multiple cryptic refugia for Fat dormouse as a small forest-dwelling species during paleontological oscillations. Such findings correspond to those of previous molecular and niche analyses. Our research also confirms an ideal capability of morphological approaches in species evolutionary assessmen...

Muhammad Abdul Rahman1*, Abdul Saboor1, Gulnaz Hameed1, Ghulam Bilal2 and Farooq Tanwir3 

...mals and preservation of local breeds are few optimistic policy options to safeguard Pakistan’s dairy production system from environmental factor under climate change. 


Jahangir Khan1*, Abbasullah Jan1, Kar Ho Lim2, Syed Attaullah Shah1*, Aditya R Khanal2 and Ghaffar Ali1 

...(WTP) for pesticide-free locally produced fresh fruits in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A Contingent Valuation Survey Method (CVM), constructed with a double-bounded WTP elicitation format, was used to interview a randomly selected sample of 600 households. Survey data revealed that households were willing to pay on average rupees 26 more per kilogram of pesticides free fruits. Results from regression analysis showed that age of the household head and his awar...
Tanzeela Riaz, Fiza Sana-Ullah Khan, Farah Rauf Shakoori
... obtained from different localities of Lahore city, Pakistan. Locally isolated microorganisms were screened for their mannanase producing characteristics on mineral salt agar medium pH 7. Six isolates were found to be mannanase producers by qualitative analysis. Three isolates (MBL-SP02, MBL-CW01 and MBL-GN02) produced maximum zone of hydrolysis with maximum activity ratio. These isolates (MBL-SP02, MBL-CW01 and MBL-GN02) pr...
Syed Maaz Nadeem1*, Muti ur Rehman Khan1, Asim Aslam1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1, Arfan Ahmad1* and Muhammad Anees2
...ase and understanding of local field CAV strains. The CAVs have been reported previously both in broiler chicken and layer birds in Pakistan; however, their molecular characterization is largely inadequate and requires continuous evaluation. In this study, sequencing and molecular analysis of specific regions overlapping VP1-VP2 and VP2-VP3 genes of CAV strain from outbreaks in broiler flock (n=45) were undertaken in the Punjab Province of Pakistan. The phylog...

Sanaullah1, Fazli Rabbi2*, Shahid Ali2, Zeeshan Khan3 and Muhammad Zamin4 

..., the livelihoods of the local population were adversely affected. As public financial resources for the development of the area have been meagre in the past, therefore, this study is aimed to estimate tourists’ Willingness to Pay (WTP) for development and biodiversity conservation. A well-structured interview schedule was used and face to face interviews were conducted with a total of 264 tourists. Travel Cost Method (TCM) and poisson regression techniq...
Qamar Zeb1*, Silvia I. Rondon2, Hayat Badshah,1 and Arsalan Khan1
...r (‘rabi’ in local language) season. Plots were arranged in a randomized complete block design with three replicates per treatment/cultivar. Population of aphids, and numbers of parasitoids and predators were recorded at weekly intervals. Rhopalosiphum padi Linnaeus, Schizaphis graminum Rondani, and Sitobion avenae Fabricius were the predominant aphid species (Homoptera: Aphididae). Two species of parasitoids Aphidius...
Sumaira Abbas1, Muhammad Sultan Haider2,*, Fatima Kafayet1, Sana Ashraf2, Atifa Masood3 and Moazma Batool4
...eels were collected from local market dried and grinded. Organic solvent extraction was carried out by hexane and acetone mixture (1:1 v/v). Carotenoid concentration was determined by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and found satisfactory. By mixing fish meal, sunflower meal and rice polish four treatment diets, T1, T2, T3, were prepared and citrus peel powder was added @ 200g, 400g and 600g/ 1000g, respectively. While fourth o...

Rahat Naz*, Mussawar Shah, Asad Ullah, Intikhab Alam and Younas Khan 

...uman lives in context of local response to agricultural production was conducted in District Buner-Pakistan. Tehsil Gagra, out of the six tehsils of district Bunir, constituted the universe of the study. A sample size of 370, was randomly selected from the total population of 10142 through proportional allocation method. The conceptual framework comprised of two study variables i.e “agriculture production” and “climate change effects on human...
Asima Rani1,*, Syed Kashif Nawaz2 and Muhammad Arshad3
...s were selected from the local population. Malarial samples were divided in to complicated malaria (N=89) and mild malaria (N=139) groups according to WHO criteria. Malarial groups were further divided into P. vivax and P. falciparum groups based on the Plasmodium species responsible for the infection. Allele specific PCR was employed for the amplification of rs8177400 polymorphism. Results of genotyping were confirmed via PCR-RFLP strateg...

Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal2, Taj Ali Khan2, Zia Ul Haq2, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak2 and Abdul Malik2 

...tatistical uniformity of locally available drip emitters. These indices were compared with the manufacturer data and available technical standards. A test bench was developed to measures the flow of emitters at different operating pressures. Data was consequently used for evaluating the hydraulic flow characteristics. Nine types of emitters marked S1-S9 having sample size of 27 were tested on the hydraulic bench. When evaluated for compliance with manufacturer...
Muhammad Asif Gondal, Qazal Waheed, Sana Tariq, Waseem Haider, Aisha Khan, Qudsia Rasib and Haroon Ahmed*
...zed bottles from various localities during the months of July 2017 to December 2017. Physical parameters affect the presence of snails e.g. alkalinity of the soil indicates the survival of more number of species. A significant correlation was found between diversity and equitability (Pearson correlation value=0.961, p-value=0.00). Higher the electrical conductivity of soil lower is the diversity of snail. A significant correlation was found between dive...
Dilara Abbas Bukhari*, Mehwish Faheem, Shamoona Arshad and Khalid P. Lone function of mice. Two locally manufactured brand of Banaspati ghee daily to mice at a rate of 10% of their daily food intake for a period of 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, both male and female mice were sacrificed and kidneys were taken out. Biochemical parameters e.g., lipid peroxidation (LPO), catalase (CAT), glutathione-S-transferase (GST), reduced glutathione (GSH) were determined to evaluate oxidative stress while urea and creatinine, was used to evaluate kid...
Nahed H. Ghoneim, Maha A. Sabry, Zeinab S. Ahmed and Esraa A. Elshafiee*
... gathered from different localities in Giza and Cairo Governorates. An additional 50 stool specimens were collected from individuals in contact with the examined chickens. Eleven Campylobacter isolates were recovered through bacteriological examination. Campylobacter spp. were identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) as C. jejuni (63.6 %) and C. coli (36.4 %) through the detection of the Map A and Ceu E genes, res...
Nadeem Munawar1,2*, Tariq Mahmood2, Paula Rivadeneira1, Ali Akhter2 and Saqib Mehmood2
...tat. During crop season, local farmers in the Pothwar agro-ecosystem in Pakistan do not manage wild vegetation on the field edges, and that may impact rodent populations near their fields. This study was conducted to examine the effect of adjacent non-crop vegetation on rodent populations in the Pothwar agro-ecosystem in Pakistan. Over 14 months, vegetation analysis was conducted using the quadrate method to record the vegetation around rodents’ active b...

Haidar Ali1*, Malik Muhammad Shafi1, Himayatullah Khan1 and Hamra Haidar

...ability of off-farm jobs locally. Furthermore, in developed villages average per month income of small farm households from farm output was higher than the underdeveloped villages due to the high sale price of vegetables grown on large area and more milk production. Similarly, in developed villages income from off-farm employment was more than underdeveloped villages. Because large number of family labors of small farmers were working on high paid jobs or empl...

Sanaullah1*, Urooba Pervaiz1, Shahid Ali2, Mohammad Fayaz2 and Aftab Khan and organizing local trainings and learning workshops. It is recommended that farm inputs i.e. fertilizers, seed and pesticides needs to be subsidized to enable farmers apply recommended quantities of these inputs for getting the optimum yield. Extension department needs to introduce improved farming practices among farming community to achieve higher maize yields. 

Muhammad Yahya1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Imtiaz Sarwar1, Khurram Shehzad2, Muhammad Luqman3 and 
Sher Muhammad Shahzad2
...arried out from selected localities in district Sargodha (Punjab, Pakistan) and soil microarthropods (i.e. springtails and mites) were extracted from composite soil samples using Tullgren-Berlese funnel. Impact of collection seasons (i.e. spring, summer, autumn and winter) and impact of different land-use types or categories on the population abundance of soil microarthropods was assessed. Moreover, soil physico-chemical and microbiological prope...
Waqas Ahmad Shams1*, Gauhar Rehman1, Khurshaid Khan1, Ibrar Ahmad1, Saima Bibi1, Saif Ul Islam2, Dawood Safi1, Saba Gul Ayaz1
...District, nine different localities were selected for conduction of survey. The results showed that there were two crab species yawi and Smalley. These species belong to Allacanthos. They have gonopod with a distal portion of mesio laterally flattened. They have a cephalic sub distal portion which is concave. There is a narrow marginal process with an almost straight distal end and a sharp tip lateral part with an apex. Periodic and corporal aspects inclined t...
Mubashar Hussain1*, Misbah Younas1,Muhammad Faheem Malik1, Muhammad Umar1, Maimoona Kanwal1, Moazama Batool2 beetle assemblages on local scales. The sampling was accomplished by surveying grassy fields, croplands, old dung piles and fresh dung pats from selected localesofSialkot during 2016. Specimens were collected by hand picking and cattle dung baited pitfall traps. Sixteen species representing three guilds i.e. Paracoprid (10 species), Endocoprid (4 species) and Telecoprid (02 species) were recorded. Onitis excavatus ...
Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1
Sikander Ali* and S. Wajiha Khalid
...d collected from various localities of Lahore and Murree (Punjab, Pakistan). Screening of these cultures was carried out in chemically defined medium i.e., 0.5 g/l (NH4)2SO4, 3 g/l KH2PO4, 1.5 g/l NaNO3, 0.01 g/l MgSO4.7H2O and 3 g/l inulin at pH 7. Kinetic parameters for comparing product yield coefficients of different fungal strains were applied to further optimize exo-i...

Peer Sikandar Shah1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan*1,2, Saddam Hussain1 and Jawad Ali Jan1

...a acutangula L. Roxb) is locally known as Kalitori. It is also called angled gourd or angled loofah, belonging to genus Luffa of Cucurbitaceae family. Macro nutrients such as Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium play a significant role in the plant growth and development such as nitrogen support the vegetative parts of the plant and phosphorus have significant role in the development of the root and also producing the energy by forming ATP and potassium encourag...
Muhammad Shuaib Khan1, Shakeeb Ullah1, Nisha. A.R2, Muhammad Umar3, Muhammad Inamullah Malik1*, Syed Muhammad Kamal Shah1, A. Zaman1, Shakir Ullah1, Imdad Ullah1, Sumera Ali Khan4
...e and sale in the nearby local market to cope their daily needs. The present study was carried out in three different rural towns of Dera Ismail khan district of KP in the year 2016, where the house hold community members male and female keeping animals to cope their livelihood needs. By restoring proportionate sampling each group was comprised of 30 males 30 females. Animal’s owners were selected for the purpose of this study as the representative sampl...
Salahud Din1,*, Saima Masood1, Hafsa Zaneb1, Habib ur Rehman2, Saima Ashraf1, Imad Khan3, Muqader Shah4 and Syed Abdul Hadi1
...nd age was buried in the locality of the Manglot Wildlife Park and Ungulate Breeding Centre, Nizampur, Pakistan, after a specific period of time the bones were unearthed. Gross morpohological features and various osteometric parameters of the skull were studied in the University of Veterinary and Animal Sciencies, Lahore, Pakistan. The shape of the Chinkara skull was elongated and had thirty two bones. The skull was comprised of the cranial and the facial part...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Riyasat Sultan 

... schedule devised by the local population is based on indigenous knowledge and is for the better management of forests, grasses and agriculture resources. According to field survey, availability of fodder (grasses) at the pastures, ban on cutting of grasses and grazing in the village, management of land at pastures, refuge from scorching heat of summer are the major causes of seasonal migration. There used to be a time when almost every household use to move t...

Akbar Hayat*, Muhammad Nawaz Khan, Ehsan Ul Haque, Ahmed Raza, Faheem Khadeeja 

...ents four exotic and one local root stock (To Rough lemon, T1 Troyer citrange, T2 Cox mandarin, T3 C-35, T4 Carrizo citrange) were budded with Feutrells early in 2013. The statistical analysis of vegetative data from trial site shown good compatibility in term of scion/root stock ratio. Maximum plant height attained in T0(Rough lemon) with max. canopy volume. All the exotic root stocks are compatible with Feutrell’s early. Objectively maximum fruit weigh...

Aqsa Ahmad1, Iftikhar Ahmad1* and Malik Fiaz Hussain Ferdosi

...duction, substrates with locally available components of CC, RH and RM can be recommended. 


Gulnaz Hameed1, Abdul Saboor1, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai2*, Ghaffar Ali2, Dawood Jan2 and Mansoor Rasheed

Xiuqing Hao1, Zhe Hong2, Huili Gao1, Fumin Tian1, Hongke Zhang3, Yu Zhou3, Yuming Guo3, Guang Yang1,* and Bingyao Chen1,*
...possibly due to abundant local fishery resources and forging behavior of seabirds. The MaxEnt model with the area under receiver operating curve (AUC) value of 0.957 for training data and 0.935 for test data showed reliable and accurate prediction. The distance to coast (64.7% contribution) and bathymetry (30.7% contribution) were the major variables. The model predicted extensive suitable coastal habitat of seabirds in northern Beibu Gulf. The present study p...
Shaheen Rahman1, Kafeel Ahmad1*, Niaz Ali2, Muhammad Idrees3 and Waqar Ali4
...>A. tumefaciens from local soil. Five soil samples were collected from research farm of Agricultural University Peshawar, Pakistan. Soil samples were processed for the isolation of A. tumefaciens. Various biochemical and morphological tests were conducted to confirm the identity of A. tumefaciens. The pathogenicity of the isolates was confirmed by in vitro carrot and potato discs inoculation assays. A total of seven strains of A. tumefacie...

Muhammad Younis1, Shahen Shah1*, Inamullah1, Rozina Gul2, Arshad Jalal1, Farhan Khalil1, Iqbal Hussain1 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad

...ore, recommended for the locality. 


Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Luqman2, Muhammad Arshad Javed2, Syed Wasim Hasan3 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed

...g are recommended to the local citrus growers for an effective control of D. mangiferae infestation. 


M. Hammouchi1*, G. Sebbar1, N. Touil2, C. Loutfi1, Y.S. Malik3, M. El-Harrak1 and O. Fassi-Fehri4 

...aching 100%, contrary to local breeds which were less susceptible to the disease. In the present study, animals of local breed of Moroccan sheep (Timahdid) were experimentally infected using the protocol previously validated for Alpine goats. The infected animals showed mild or no clinical signs of disease, with low levels of viral RNA detectable in swabs and fecal samples taken at the peak of infection. The transmission of ...

Muhammad Alam Zeb Khan1*, Muhammad Ali Kamran1, Khan Muhammad2, Khizar Azam1 

Darra Adam Khel is being reported. The coal samples were tested in a cyclone combustor using the pulverized coal
combustion technique. Effect of mesh size, primary and secondary air velocity at various air fuel ratios was investigated
to quantify the combustion performance by measuring the furnace temperature. Mesh size 200 was found to
be readily combustible within the o...

Muhammad Ismail1, Shahid Maqsood1*, Abdul Shakoor2, Feroz Shah2 

DESIGN AND COST ANALYSIS OF MOLD MAKING FACILTY AT GHANI GLASS INDUSTRY: A CASE STUDY producing molds for local based bottles production industry. The mold making machine
shop capacity is enhanced to fulfill the annual requirement by minimizing travel distance, removal of bottlenecks
during production, material handling and losses. Firstly, several layouts were generated using Systematic Layout
Planning (SLP) method and efficiency rate is calculated. The cost analysis of the modified layout was calculated by

Zeeshan Al Hameed1, Junaid Saleem2*, Syed Sajid Hussain1, Ahsan Abdul Ghani2, Hira Lal2 

... refining operation of a local steel mill of Pakistan and results were stated
on the basis of degree of desulphurization and different basicity indexes. 


 Waqas Javaid1*, Adnan Tariq1, Iftikhar Hussain2, Sahar Noor2


Khizar Azam1*, Abdul Shakoor1, Shahid Maqsood2, Muddasar Habib3, Muhammad Fahad4, Akhtar Zaib1 

... such as availability of local grid, barren land, roads, water, and good
climatic conditions. The Average solar intensity (I) was calculated by using solar geometry on a daily basis, which
served as the basis for annual projections. It has been found that the best location for building a solar farm is district
QilaSaifullah (I = 9.79 kWh/m2/day) in Baluchistan province. In the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, district Nowshera
(I= 8.06 ...

Muhammad Masood Tahir1, Ayyaz Hussain2, Saeed Badshah3, Qaisar Javaid2 

... which identifies
localized faults in ball bearing. The RDS offers an accurate and efficient diagnostic procedure, and purges the
requirement of expensive training of conventional classifier. A test rig is used to acquire vibration data from bearings
having localized faults, and various TDFs are extracted. It is worth mentioning that fluctuations in random vibration
signals may alter the feature v...

Asif Ali Khan*, Laiq Hassan*, Salim Ullah* 

..., an exact algorithm for local alignment, is the most
accurate of them all. However, the space and time complexity of the SW algorithm is quadratic. It is imperative to
use parallelism and distributed computing techniques in order to speed up this process. In this paper, we discuss and
evaluate an OpenMP based implementation of SW algorithm. All the experiments have been performed on a Linux
based multi-core machine thereby reducing...

Muhammad Naveed Anjum1, Abdur Rehman1*, Muhammad Niamatullah Khan1, Raheel Saqib2, Mohammad Fayaz3 and Iqbal Javed4

Impact of Microfinance on Socioeconomic Status of Farmers in District Dera Ismail Khan
...he farmers contacted the local agricultural credit officers, with governmental and non-governmental organizations and with different friends and relatives. The overall study concluded that the socioeconomic status of the farmers had been improved due to microcredit facility from the Khushhali Bank limited and other governmental and nongovernmental micro financing institutions in D.I. Khan. Finally, the study recommended that the government should manage the in...

Sajjad Haydar*, Zunaira Asif*, A. A. Bhatti**, Obaidullah Nadeem***, Ghulam Hussain*, Nadeem Abbas*

...atment plant (WWTP) of a local tanning industry. Raw wastewater showed high concentration of organic matter
and Chromium. Phosphorous concentration was found deficient for satisfactory biological treatment. WWTP showed
overall removal efficiency of 88.81, 84.54 and 62.31% for total suspended solids (TSS), five day biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD) and chemical oxygen demand (COD), respectively. Whereas, the mean effluent conce...

 Uzma Nawaz1*, Muhammad Iftikhar Khan1, Muhammad Naeem Arbab1

...vestigated with the local brands of batteries. The results showed the battery useful life as a function of charging/discharging cycles. In particular analysis shows that the operating cost of the battery increases with the number of cycles the battery undergoes. The work will form a platform for conducting studies related to UPS, for setting standards, policy and the areas where improvement is needed.


 Nashitah Alwaz1, Safdar Raza1*, Sadaqat Ali1

...y;">link. In this work a localized/communication free signal generating mechanism is proposed. The mechanism injects the transient reactive power in frequency droop characteristics by observing the changes in microgrid. This injection disturbs the actual active power sharing which is helpful for the computation of reactive power sharing errors. These errors are minimized by utilizing the proportional integral (PI) controller. The PI controller m...

 Zawar Hussain Khan1*, T. Aaron Gulliver2, Khizar Azam3, Khurram Shehzad Khattak4

...n to observe and process local traffic conditions and then initiate actions while psychological behavior includes the attitude and awareness of a driver. Thus, the traffic constant encompasses the perception, awareness, attitude, and reaction of a driver. The proposed model is evaluated for changes in traffic flow caused by an inactive bottleneck. The results are compared with those for the Payne-Whitham (PW) model. This shows that the temp...

Altaf Hussain Rajpar1, Abdul Hameed Memon1, Mohammad Akram Shaikh2, Weimin Zhang3

...rget object iv) hand-eye localization. For hand localization and to limit the orientation problem a blue colored rectangle block was pasted on the robot hand. The blue colored rectangle block four sides were detected by applying karhunen loeve (K-L) transform, Hough transform and Least Square Error (LSE) methods. For hand-eye coordination a hand-eye model was developed to adjust the position and orientati...

 Nisar Mohammad1, Mohammad Mansoor Khan1

...roducts available in the local market including pharmaceutical grade talc was carried out for comparison with Swat raw- talc under study and to know the level of impurities in it. The results revealed that Swat emerald mines talc rock contains calcite, magnesite, dolomite, muscovite and quartz as impurities. Talc content in the original rock ranges from 60 to 65% and possible to liberate at grind size of 45 microns. Flotation test results r...

Adnan Tariq,1 Iftikhar Hussain,2 Abdul Ghafoor,3 Sahar Noor2


 Iftikhar Ahmad1, Sahar Noor1

...logical locations of the local talc and other raw materials, a local optimum wall tile composition was needed which can lead to the utilization of abundant talc resources in Pakistan. Considering this fact, here, several different compositions are arranged and analyzed. The variation within these compositions bases on gradual increase in talc percentage which drastically boosted fired strength, stabilized...

 Muhammad Naeem Khan Khattak1, Hamidullah1, Shehryar2

...working for Japanese and local motorcycle assemblers. The analysis of the findings of survey interviews, expert’s discussions, and media releases has unveiled some daunting facts pertinent to automotive vendor industry of Pakistan. The salient outcomes of the analysis are presented. On the basis of the analysis and interview results, comprehensive recommendations are also provided for the automotive vendor industry of Pakistan.

 S.W. Shah*, M.I. Babar*, L. Khan**, M.N. Arbab*, H. Ullah*** and R.A. Syed***

RELIABLE MULTICAST IMPLEMENTATION IN JAVA multicast in a local area network (LAN) environment. The reliability has been introduced at application layer and is receiver’s initiated, NACK (negative acknowledgement) based.

Zakeer Ahmed Khan Abbasi* and Allah Nawaz contributes to the local responses to address the impact of climate change in agriculture sector in the context of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab provinces of Pakistan. Pakistan’s agriculture is vulnerable to the cataclysmic transformations in the climate system; causing productivity loss, soil degradation, water scarcity, resource depletion etc. Climate change awareness empowers the farming communities to take appropriate measures to mitigate the n...
Waqar Majeed1, Naureen Rana1, Elmo Borges de Azevedo Koch2* and Shahla Nargis1
...species differed between localities and between the studied seasons. The arthropod composition varied significantly according to the sampled sites and according to the seasons studied. Temperature was positively correlated to diversity while humidity was negatively correlated to diversity and abundance. Results might be beneficial in developing the strategy for natural biological control. This can only be achieved by coordinated planning and conservation measu...
Maryam Yousaf1, Naveed Shahzad2, Zeeshan Mutahir1 and Moazzam Ali1*
...g distinct intracellular localisation for controlling endocytic, exocytic, and recycling pathways. The impairments in Rab pathways have been linked with drug resistance in various cancers. However, the role of Rab21, an endocytic Rab GTPase, in the emergence of drug resistance is not known. Therefore, we aimed to investigate the role of Rab21 in MRP-1, drug efflux pump, mediated resistance in prostate cancer cells. Drug sensitive (PC-3/Wt) and epirubicin resis...

Murtaza1, Syed Attaullah Shah1*, Shahid Ali1, Amjad Ali1 and Asia Baig2

Economic Analysis of Maize Production in Central Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...rid maize as compared to local maize crop. The estimated Stochastic Frontier Model-1 showed that maize yield is positively affected by hybrid seed cultivation, irrigation, organic and inorganic fertilizers application. The model predicted mean technical efficiency of 85% with a maximum possible of 97%. This indicates that 12% increase in yield is possible with the existing production technology. Results for the Stochastic Frontier Model-2 identified head&rsquo...

Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Khan Sher2, Jehandar Shah2, Tour Jan1 and Abid Ullah1

Taxonomic and Medicinal Study of Papilionaceae of District Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...onomic knowledge and the local and medicinal uses of the root juice of Desmodium elegans DC, combined with the bark juice of Bauhinia malabarica for the treatment of cholera, branches of the Indigofera heterantha Wal. ex Brands vari; gerardiana used in basket making, twig bridges making, soil cover for preventing erosion. Similarly, Astragalus genus used as a fodder, fuel wood, miswak, fatigue, tooth ache, Crotalaria juncea forage for goats and cattle and also...

Oluwatoyin Olagunju1* and Luqman Abiodun Akinbile2

Farmers Perceptions of the Effect of Rural Transportation Systems on Farming Income in Ondo State, Nigeria
...mmunities across the two local governments in the study area using a two-stage random sampling technique. Data used for the study were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as chi-square and Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). The study revealed that farmers perceived the quality of transportation system causes a reduction in their income. Gender (χ2=6.472) and marital status (χ2=9.745) positively influenced incom...

Andrei V. Tanasevitch1 and Yuri M. Marusik2,3,4,*

...of the embolus. The type locality of new species is northwesternmost for the genus in Asia.
Fei Wang1, Xianlai Zhang1, Youbao Zhong2, Xiaoen Tang3, Xiaofen Hu1
ShanShan Yang1, Shengwei Zhong1, Zuohong Zhou1, Jin Liu1, Xu Yuan1 
and Yong Li1*
...h part of intestine. The localization of VIP is extensive in the intestinal wall, but most typical in the lamina propria and muscular layer; VIP in mucosal epithelium is mainly distributed within goblet cells. The distribution of VIP is stronger in the duodenum than in other parts, followed by the rectum, ileum, and jejunum. The lamina propria, muscular layer and serosa always contain VIP nerve fibers with deep staining. Unexpectedly, the results of RT-qPCR sh...
Aribah Naz1*, Uzma Badar1,Afsheen Arif2*, Zaid Qureshi1, Sondas Saeed1,Erum Shoeb1, Maqsood Ali Ansari1 and Obaid Yusuf Khan1
...haracterize and identify local Gram negative luminescent bacterial strain isolated from gut of Nemipterus japonicus commonly known as Japanese threadfin bream fish.Isolation, temperature optimization for growth and luminescence, growth curve, MTC for heavy metals and antibiotics were determined. Morphological, Biochemical and 16S ribosomal RNA gene sequencing have been done for the identification of the strain. 16S region was amplified by PCR and subjec...
Zengwen Huang1,2, WuReliHazi Hazihan2*, Baheti Bodai2, Kadyken Rizabek3, Nuralieva Ulzhan3, Omarova Karlygash4, Juan Zhang1 and Yaling Gu1*
...(YM) Sheep is a valuable local sheep breed from Xinjiang, China. This breed is well adapted to harsh environmental conditions and displays strong disease resistance, fast growth, and high cold tolerance. The effect of small interfering RNA (siRNA) on the expression of follistatin inhibin alpha gene (INHα) in YM sheep was analyzed, and the INHα gene was amplified from total RNA of the ovary tissue of YM sheep and was successfully cloned. The eukaryo...

Muhammad Ahsan Naseer1, Mehdi Maqbool1, Saima Rafiq2*, Noosheen Zahid1, Abdul Hamid1 and Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah1

Comparative Analysis of Physical and Biochemical Attributes of Edible Fig (Ficus carica L.) Collected from Three Districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Located at Different Elevations
...collected from different localities of three selected Districts [Bagh (Arja, Bagh city, Dholi), Poonch (Hajira, Dwarandi, Akhorbun) and Kotli (Sehnsa, Kotli city, Khoiratta)] of AJK. Samples of wild fig fruits were collected and analysed for physical (fruits weight, fruits diameter, neck length) and biochemical attributes (pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids, total moisture, vitamin C, total phenolic and antioxidant activity). Results showed that wild...
Sehrish Firyal1,*, Ali Raza Awan1, Muhammad Umair Latif1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Muhammad Wasim1, Shagufta Saeed1 and Imaad Rashid2


...i>Cytb haplotype for local domestic breed was developed. Homology analysis of Cytb gene revealed Columbia livia as closest homologue of Pakistani Lathy pigeon with five novel SNPs. Phylogenetic analysis of domestic lathy pigeon indicated the monophyletic relation with C. livia. We are reporting for the first time, the novel SNPs in the Cytb gene of local domestic pigeon breed that might act as...

Joseph Anejo-Okopi1*, Obinna Oragwa Arthur2, Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1, Sarah Joseph1, Geoffrey Chibueze1, Joshua Adetunji1, Joseph Ameh Okwori3, David Ochola Amanyi4, Otobo I. Ujah5 and Onyemocho Audu6

Seroprevalence of Rift Valley Fever Virus Infection among Slaughtered Ruminants in Jos, North-Central, Nigeria
...animal species, sex, and localities of origin. The blood samples were screened for RVFV antibodies using competitive Enzyme Linked-immunosorbent Assays (C-ELISA) to detect anti-RVFV IgG/IgM. Eleven out of 100 samples tested positive for anti-RVFV antibodies (prevalence=11%). Seropositive cases were more among cattle (16.0%) than goats (6.0%) (P=0.001). Seropositivity was also higher among the animals from Yan-shanu market, with 90.9% of the seropositive animal...

Mehnaz Safdar and Urooba Pervaiz*

Constraints in Accessing Agricultural Extension Services by Rural Women: Evidence from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...le. It was observed that local famers/colleagues were the main source of information for 41 % respondents, while no female extension worker was available to be accessed for taking agricultural information. Only 14% respondents attended trainings. This situation is very alarming and shows negligence of extension department. These trainings were provided by various NGOs and private organizations. Those women who got trainings were more updated than those who did...

Ashraf Ismail Afia1 and Ahmed Soliman Mohmed El-Nuby2*

Soybean Genotypes Response to Root-Gall Nematode
...-align: justify;">twenty local and imported soybean (Glycine max) genotypes were evaluated for susceptibility to root-gall nematode (RGN), Meloidogyne incognita race 2, under greenhouse conditions. Significant differences among the genotypes resistance degrees were achieved. Substantial variations existed among the soybean genetic resources with regard to the evaluated parameters. According to reduction percentage in reproduction factor (RPRF), the tested geno...
Ammara Gull-E-Fareen1, 3, Imran Bodlah1*, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Yasir Niaz2, Muhammad Adnan Bodlah2, Muhammad Asif4 and Nasir M. Khokhar5 plants in different localities of Pothwar region. As a result of surveys, ant-aphid new mutualistic trophic associations were determined like Camponotus compressus with 12, Formica fusca 1, Formica clara 2, Lepisiota frauenfeldi 9, Myrmica aimonissabaudiae 4, Tapinoma melanocephalum 11 and Tetraponera allaborans with 1 new association in various localities of Pothwar on differen...

Muhammad Nazar1, Chaudhary Muhammad Ayyub2, Mujahid Ali3*, Malik Abdul Rehman4, Shoib ur Rehman5 and Saqib Ayyub2

Amelioration of Thermo-Tolerance Ability in Spinacia oleracea L. Cultivars by Foliar Application of Chitosan

Shahid Ahmed1,2*, Huiqing Su1, Xuqian Sun1, Peng Feng1, Yongpan Chen1, Liang Yu1, Qian Liu1 and Heng Jian1

Performance of Cereal Varieties against Cereal Cyst Nematode (Heterodera avenae)
...and 1 wheat line and the local check were highly susceptible to H. avenae. These genotypes need to be exploited in breeding program to introduce the resistance gene pool in local cereal cultivars for resistance to H. avenae in China.

Atef  Mohamed El-Sagheer
Status of Phytonematodes in a Main Commercial Banana Production of Upper Egypt
...s absent in two surveyed localities viz., Abo-Teg and Assiut regions but present in Manfalot and East Mangabad with the prominence value 1.82 and 0.22 and population densities 43 and 11, respectively.

Taqiur Rahman1, Tabassum Yaseen1*, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, Samiullah3, Ghulam Jelani3, Gul Nawaz1,Qudratullah Kalwar2
...medicinal plants used by local communities for the treatment of animals and document the threatened herbal knowledge from the elder formers (R1, R2 and R4) this study labels the ethno veterinary practices in different villages of District Shangla, where the documentation process is carried out through semi-structured questionnaires in 2017 (R1) where about seventy plant species belonging to different families of spermatophytes have been collected, among which ...
Mumtazur Rahman1, Farhan Anwar Khan1,*,Umar Sadique1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Faisal Ahmad1,2, Hayatullah Khan1,3, Muhammad Saeed1, Faiz Ur Rehman1, Ibrar Hussain1, M. Faraz Khan1, M. Izhar ul Haque1 and Hanif-ur-Rehman1,3

... the growth curve of our local strain and its susceptibility to commonly using antimicrobials is unknown. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the growth curve and susceptibility of Mccp against commercially available quinolones in Pakistan by broth microdilution method. Quinolones including moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and enrofloxacin were selected for in vitro susceptibility of Mccp Pakistan strain. The concentration for each drug was m...

Zubia Rahim1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Salma Gul2 and Khushnood-ur-Rehman3

Ameliorating Effects of Salt Stress (KCl, NaCl) on Growth and Germination Parameters of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum)
...(Pennisetum americanum), locally named as Bajra. Five seeds sown in petri dishes to observe the radical, plumule length and germination percentage after treatments to 100, 150, 200 and 250mM concentration of above mentioned salts. Control petri dishes/ pots were irrigated with distilled water. The experiment was extended to study growth (number of leaves, leaf length, stem breadth, stem length, number of tillers) and yield (spike length, total seeds on single ...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq1*, Muhammad Kamran1, Muhammad Idrees1, Shahid Nazir2, Ihsan Ullah3, Sumera Naz1, Shaukat Ali1 and Muhammad Zafar Iqbal2

Morpho-Molecular Characterization of Xanthomonas Axonopodis Pv. Citri Associated with Kinnow (Mandarin) and its Management
...c survey of randomly ten localities/sampling sites was conducted for a reliable estimation of citrus canker disease in District Sargodha of Punjab Province. Nine sampling sites showed 90 % the presence of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri and only one site was free of citrus canker disease. Total cellular DNA was isolated from freshly growing aqueous bacterial culture using CTAB protocol with modifications. Amplification of 581bp fragment from isolated DNA from...

Ghulam Rabbani1, Uzma Javed1*, Javed Iqbal2, Ruqeah Mustafa3, Ghulam Shabbir2 and Fida Hassan Shah4

Barani Mash a Newly Developed Disease Resistant and High Yielding Mash Cultivar for Rainfed Areas of Punjab, Pakistan
...rough screening from the local material. It was further evaluated in yield trials for six years from 2012 to 2016. The line 11CM-707 had higher yield than check cultivars per all replicated yield trials. In addition, it has resistance to yellow mosaic. The main yield contributing characters were number of pods per plant, number of primary branches per plant, yield per plant and 100-kernal weight. Based on desirable traits and higher yield, this line was approv...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Roshan Hussain1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehmood1, Ijaz Asghar2 and Usman Saleem1

Comparative Analysis of Dietary Intake Patterns of Rural and Urban Communities of Southern Punjab, Pakistan
...f rural as well as urban localities, best suitable timing must be kept in mind for specific food group to be included in the meal. Less nutritious food items must be used rarely as they contribute less to develop human health.

Muhammad Faisal Ayoob1,2, Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani1, Asghar Ali Kamboh3, Mansoor Ayoob4, Waseem Ali Vistro3 and Abdul Sattar Baloch3*
... erosions in epithelium, localized hemorrhages and congestion in the glandular region. In small intestine of affected birds, villi appeared hyperemic and ulcerated. Tracheal surface epithelium often showed discontinuation, the loss of cilia of the lining epithelium and disturbance of the coherence among various histological layers. In spleen, there was enormous infiltration with mononuclear lymphocytes, especially in the area of red pulp. Haemagglutination inh...
Rehman Akhtar1, Khizar Azam2, Abdur Rehman Babar1, Qazi Salman Khalid1, Rashid Nawaz1 and Imran Ahmad1 

Sanaullah1*, Abdul Basit2 and Inayat Ullah3

Challenges and Prospects of Farm Mechanization in Pakistan: A Case Study of Rural Farmers in District Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
...ndomly selected from two local union councils of provincial government Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar. The accumulated data were analysed using mean and standard deviation with an acceptance mean value of ≥3.00 and estimating logit model. Socio demographic features revealed that majority (52%) were in middle age group of 41-50 years, 64% were literate, while 68% respondents had farming as their income source and land owners were 64% with small landholding (46%...
Muhammad Shafiq1,2,*,Rajwali Khan1, Ilyas Ali3, Sadeeq Ur Rahman4, Saif Ullah3Shah Jan Mohammad2, Mohammad Jan2 and Jinhu Huang2
...lstein Friesian (HF) and local Pakistani cow breed Achai. To assess serum IgG, sodium sulphite precipitation technique was used while IgG in colostrum were determined using digital Brix refractometer (Atago RX-1000) and serum total protein (STP) in cows and calves were analyzed by chemistry analyzer (Procan PS-520). Overall Achai breed of cattle showed highest mean value for pre and postpartum serum immunoglobulin (11.78 ± 0.92 mg/ml, 10.00 &plus...
Wentao Wang1,2, Xu Lin3, Jianshu Zhuo3, Dongjie Zhang2, Xiuqin Yang3* and Di Liu1, 2* domains of E2Fs, were localized throughout cells. No functional nuclear localization sequence and export signal were characterized through site-directed mutagenesis analysis, although their existence was predicted by bioinformatic methods. The results increase our knowledge of E2F3b mRNA diversity and provide basis for in-depth functional research.

Tofique Ahmed Bhutto1, Mahmooda Buriro1, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2, Safdar Ali Wahocho2, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro3*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Reema Vistro1, Fehmeeda Abbasi1, Sanam Kumbhar1, Fateh Muhammad Shawani4 and Nadar Hussain Khokhar5

Evaluation of Wheat Cultivars for Growth and Yield Traits under Agro-Ecological Condition of Tandojam
...h better adaptability to local conditions is important for growth and yield associated traits. The highly varied performance of crop cultivars of the same species for growth and yield-related attributes is well documented. The present investigation investigated the performance of wheat cultivars under Tando Jam conditions. For this study, two-year field experiments were performed during October 2015-2017 (both seasons) applying randomized complete design with ...
Humza Sami1, Mahnoor Sagheer1, Muhammad Amir Altaf1, Javaid Iqbal2 and Muhammad Zubair1,*
...of 2-6 GHz to detect and localize the small tumors. The prototype hardware setup uses two Vivaldi antennas, one as transmitter and other as receiver for scanning. The distance between phantom and antennas is kept almost 20 cm. The scattered signals from the high contrast objects emulating the tumor characteristics have been processed through an open-source imaging algorithm, known as MERIT, to construct the image. To get the best results, images are constructe...
Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Ayesha Iqbal1 and Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,3
... well dated late Miocene localities between 8.8-7.7 Ma are analyzed. All the δ13C values (V-PDB) are in range of -11.27‰ to -3.36‰ which represent that these horses dominantly inhabited C3 vegetation however, the C4 grasses were being indicated as the diet of Hipparionines the latest Miocene. All these species are believed to inhabit more open environment with patchy grasslands. Non-significant differences w...
Ahmad Kamran Khan1, Muhammad Hamid Bashir2*, Shanza Ahmed3, Muhammad Amjad Bashir1, Shahbaz Ali1, Syeda Amber Hameed4Munaza Batool5, Irfan Ahmed6 and Muhammad Naeem Khan7
...ated from five different localities of Punjab, Pakistan. Soil sampling was done after two months interval for a year 2014. Family richness, abundance and Shannon diversity indexes were higher in undisturbed soil as compared to the disturbed one in all the localities, while low variability with respect to evenness had been found in two different types of soil. The highest diversity of soil inhabiting Prostigmata were recorded...
Eman A. Al-Shahari1,2, Abdelhalim A. Alkhazendar3, Eman R. ElBealy4 and Abeer A. Alm-Eldeen3*
...nt defense and the immunolocalization of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen.
Rao Muhammad Ramiz1, Arfan Ahmad2*, Aamir Ghafoor2, Muhammad Avais3, Qurat-ul-Ain1 and Muhammad Zahid Iqbal3
...mples (n=400) taken from local (n=200) and exotic (n=200) breeds of cattle were processed for complete blood count. Based on lymphocyte counts, samples were divided into two groups (A, lymphocytosis, B, normal lymphocytes) and tested through ELISA and nested PCR for serological investigations and molecular characterization respectively. In this study, animals of group A (32.5%) showed significantly greater seropositivity (P<0.05) against BLV than group B (1...
Grace Okongor, Chukwudi Njoku*, Pauline Essoka and Joel Efiong
Javaria Sherani1,2*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Tanveer Ahmad2, Sohail Kamaran3, Abdul Manan2, Tehseen Ali Jilani2 and Mateen Sajid2
...used to be propagated on local rootstocks to enhance yield as well as fruit quality that will contribute in ensuring food security.
Md. Sabbir Ahamed1, Md. Rayhan Chowdhury1, Md. Atik Mas-ud1, Sujat Ahmed2, Md. Shahadat Hossain1 and Mohammad Nurul Matin1
...ontributing traits of 13 local rice cultivars grown in Bangladesh were estimated. Results indicated that most traits including, plant height (PH), panicle length (PaL), leaf length (LL), leaf breath (LB), 100-grain weight (100-GW) as well as filled and unfilled grain per panicle (FGPa, UFGPa), and primary branch (PB) obtained significant variation in case of treatment. The genotypic variance (
Muhammad Ilyas Khan*, Ihsan Mabood Qazi and Mohammad Ayub
...e rice flour of selected local varieties were investigated for physicochemical, amylose, functional and pasting properties. Where, in second phase of the study flour of low and high amylose rice varieties were blended in various ratios (100:00, 80:20, 60:40, 40:60, 20:80 and 00:100) and were studied again for functional and pasting profile. Results indicated that colour, moisture, water solubility index (WSI), water absorption index (WAI), swelling power (SP) ...
Umair Riaz1*, Shazia Iqbal2, Muhammad Irfan Sohail2, Tayyaba Samreen2, Muhammad Ashraf1, Fatima Akmal2, Ayesha Siddiqui3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Muhammad Naveed5, Naveed Iqbal Khan5 and Rao Masood Akhter6
...of medicinal plants both locally and at international level. The world trade in botanicals is US $ 32.702 billion and Asian botanical trade is for US $ 14.505 billion with 6.634 million tones and accounts for 44.35 per cent and 53.13 per cent of world trade in terms of value and volume, respectively. Following the leading role of China with 1.48% share in MAPs exports, India is second largest exporter of MAPS with 8.75% share in Asian trade of MAPs. Various bi...
Roland Eric Yessinou1*, Alain Richi Kamga Waladjo2, Nestor Noudeke1, Ignace Dramou3, Justin Adinsi1, Victorien Tamègnon Dougnon4, Elsie Yélognisê Sangnidjo5, Razack Osse5, Alfred Dansou6 and Souaïbou Farougou1 of transmission, both locally and internationally. This study is also important in order to guide interventions, public health authorities and inform on the evolution of the disease.
A.E.S. Patrick1,*, S. Kuganathan2 and U. Edirisinghe3
...genera and 5 families of local fish in Vavuniya reservoir, Sri Lanka during January, 2013 to August, 2014. The regression coefficient value ‘b’ from LWR and statistical comparison from the ideal value (b=3) were used to find the growth patterns. Most of the local species showed isometric growth except Amblypharyngodon melettinus, Puntius sarana and Heteropneustes fossilis. Only<...

 Amjad Ali1*, Pirzada Jamal Ahmad Siddiqui1, Naveed Ahmad2,Shabir Ali Amir3, Rafaqat Masroor3,Seema Shafique1 and Zaib-un-Nisa Burhan1

...centers, tour operators, local community), making tourism laws and their implementation, rehabilitation of microhabitats for fish communities through the involvement of local community and creating awareness in general public on the significance (ecological, commercial) of these natural resources via print and electronic media for a sustainable ecotourism. Further, to better understand the effects, regular monitoring monitor...

Saad A. Moussa1, Ahmed F. Afify1*, Suzan Salah2 and Ayman Hamed3

...nd identification of the local circulating BCoV strain for further diagnosis or vaccination. In cattle, Betacoronavirus 1 bovine coronavirus (BCoV) is primarily involved in enteric infections which leads to serious complication which may be fatal in young calves up to 3 months of age. A total of 20 fecal samples were collected in the winter season of 2018 and 2019, all samples were serologically screening by antigen-capture ELISA, then molecular confirmation b...
Wahyu Widodo1,*, Imbang Dwi Rahayu2, Adi Sutanto3, Apriliana Devi Anggraini4, Harum Sahara4
Sara Safitri4 and Abubakar Yaro5,6
...icken (Indonesian native/local chicken - Gallus gallus domesticus Linnaeus, 1758) and to determine the most effective level of curcuma xanthorriza for the chicken. Completely Randomized Design (CRD) was used in this research through experimental design. Treatments in this research covered T0: Curcuma xanthorriza as feed additive 0.0 % (parameter), T1: Curcuma xanthorriza as feed additive 0.33 %, T2: Curcuma xanthorriza as feed addit...
Saira Batool1, Safdar Ali Shirazi1 and Syed Amer Mahmood2*
...e in accordance with the local estimations that agree with each other well. The output maps indicate that the approximated total possible soil loss annually of about 92.6 million tons is equivalent to the calculated sediments of 148 tons/ha. Chakwal watershed is acutely facing severe erosion due to its soil characteristics and topography. The outputs generated from this research are a way forward to plan and implement strategies for combating erosion and natur...
Uzma Ayaz1,* and Muhammad Fareed Khan2

...nd rapeseed. Twenty-five local and imported hybrid seeds along with two check hybrids (Hysun-33 and NKS-278) collected from National Agriculture Research centre Islamabad were field tested at Rawalakot Azad Jammu and Kashmir during July and August 2019. The cultivation was carried out in three replications uniformly by applying randomized complete block design (RCBD) by maintaining R x R space of 75 cm and plant to plant space of 20 to 25 cm. The average tempe...

Mustasim Famous1*, Asim Chakrabartty Aditya2, Shahabuddin Ahmed3 and Sabuj Sutradhar2

Md. Ariful Islam, Md. Badol Ashraf and Md. Mahmudul Alam*

...ingh and its surrounding localities.


Muhammad Arslan Ibrahim1*, Aneeqa Aleem2, Farkhanda Manzoor2, Shahbaz Ahmad1, Hafiz Muhammad Zahid Anwar1, Talia Aroob2 and Mansoor Ahmad3 

...rn fields from different localities of Lahore and Kasur region of Pakistan, were surveyed after the published reports of fall armyworm presence in other parts of the country. Out of the total spots observed, the fall armyworm occurrence was spotted on ten variable locations. The highest level of infestation recorded was 19.39 % followed by 18.69 % while the lowest damage in percentage was 9.28. The present study was also directed to investigate the mortality f...
Hesham Saeed1*, Manal Abdel-Fattah1, Ahmad Eldoksh1, Farid S. Ataya2 and Manal Shalaby3
... weight of 21 kDa. Basic local alignment search tool (BLAST) sequence analysis revealed that C. dromedarius IFNα gene shares high sequence identity with IFNα genes of other species, including C. ferus, Vicugna pacos, and Homo sapiens. Expression of C. dromedarius IFNα cDNA in Escherichia coli revealed a fusion protein with a weight of 22.5 kDa after induction of expression with IPTG for 5 h. The recom...
Rida Haroon Durrani1*, Fareeha Akhtar1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1, Munazzah Maqbool1, Aleena Kokab1, Kiran Imtiaz2 and Muhammad Ilyas Riaz3
...e different seasons from local retail shops (n=12) and supermarket (n=12) in order to observe the bacteria which are associated with meat spoilage. Total viable count of aerobic psychrophilic, mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria was performed through selective enrichment and culturing of samples to determine the diversity of bacteria. Staphylococcus aureus (42%), Enterococcus faecium (54%), Salmonella sp. (38%), Bacillus ...
Saqib Nawaz1, Sher Bahadar Khan1*, Umar Sadique1, Muhammad Israr2
Mumtaz Ali Khan3, Hameed Ullah Khan4, Muhammad Irshad5, Ihsan Ali1 and Haq Aman Ullah1

Muhammad Yousif Jakhrai1, Ahmed Nawaz Tunio2, Ali Mujtaba Shah1*, Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1, Muhammad Mohsen Rahimoon1

...all ruminant anesthesia, local anesthesia in ruminants and high epidural analgesia in sheep and goats were key points for this review. However, these research papers were included in this study, were published between from 1999 to 2017. The bibliographies of these references were also used for reviewing the High epidural anesthesia in small animals. However, a total of 29 articles were reviewed for this study. The scope of lumbosacral epidural analgesia and al...

Shujaa Arshad1, Muhammad Umair1*, Rana Shahzad Noor1, Chaudhry Arslan2, Arslan Afzal1 and Zafar Islam3 height and tested for local environmental conditions of Pakistan. Pakistan has blessed with an abundance of solar energy in most parts of the country and desiccant cooling technology in an environment as well as user-friendly technology. The objective of this study was to test the developed system for local conditions of Pakistan so that this technology can be promoted to be used in agriculture for control sheds/greenhous...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

...veloped with the help of local manufacturer. Over all Weight reduction (from 450 to 390 kg) and changing the drive wheel mechanism (from rear to front) for seed metering was incorporated in modified drill so that it can be easily operated by commonly available 50 hp tractor. After modification, fertilizer band placement drill was tested and compared it with zero tillage drill and rabi drill (farmers practice) by sown wheat in five different location of arid zo...
Muhammad Furqan1*, Zulfiqar Ali1, Usman Ali2, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad3, Bushra Nisar Khan1, Waqar Ahmed1, Zakir Hussain1, Mian Amman Ullah1Nimra Afzal1 and Anjum Ara2 2015-March 2016 in 18 localities of Mirpur, AJ and K. Human mongoose conflict was evaluated following structured questionnaire method. A total of 490 poultry and pets were killed by mongoose during the study period, summing up to an estimated cost of 0.126 million PKRs (784 US$). The highest (n=56) depredation was recorded at Naugran and Mehmoodabad locality and the lowest (n=14) at Rata and Thara

Arjun Bastola1*, Sachet Subedi2 and Malatee Bastola3

...ids were compared to the local varieties in Nepal, as the adoptability of these cultivars will cause variations in maize productivity. A total of 10 maize genotypes were evaluated in randomized complete block design with three replications during summer season 2019 in Chitwan, Nepal. Out of 10 maize genotypes, 8 (TX-369, CP-808, Pioneer-3396, Rajkumar, JKMH 502, Shresta NMH-731, CP-666, CP-858) were from international seed producing companies and two (Rampur c...

Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar*, Sania Waliat, Shafaat Yar Khan, Naila Amjad

...ected from two different localities i.e., location 1 (L1) was Chak 07 SB Bhalwal (32°14’52.3”N 72°55’25.5”E) and location 2 (L2) was Chak 02 NB Bhalwal (32°19’20.1”N 72°54’56.5”E), Punjab, Pakistan. The flies were reared in mesh-cages and maintained on an artificial diet in the lab. Lab strain flies were collected from area where minimum insecticides were used. Flies from the F1 generation were us...

Muhammad Rafique1, Inam Ul Haq1*, Humara Umar2, Muhammad Jan2 and Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2

...ttings to strengthen the local olive nursery setup. A practical problem is that the commercial production of potentially important olive cultivars is limited by poor rooting. Therefore, this research was designed to evaluate the stimulatory effect of indole butyric acid (IBA) treatment durations for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 seconds by dip method on rooting ability of Gemlik cuttings. The data recorded showed that T6 (30 seconds) produced best results for rooti...

Hajira Nur-ul-Islam1, Ahmed Zia2*, Khurshaid Khan1, Hirad Ali3 and Abdul Aziz3

...were found from a single locality of the district. Identification of the specimens was done at National Insect Museum, Islamabad. Detailed description including synonyms, differential characters for the species, previous global records, habitat description, measurements of body parts and ecological data for the positive localities are provided. With the addition of this taxon, Anisoptera fauna of Pakistan now counts 74 speci...

Sajid Ali, Shahen Shah* and Muhammad Arif

... crop cultivation in the locality of Peshawar.



Ayaz Ahmed* and Muhammad Zulfiqar

...t (JFM) on livelihood of local communities in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Purposively three forest divisions had been selected namely Swat, Kalam and Siran of Malakand and Hazara forest regions. The study based on cross sectional data. Data were collected from 321 randomly selected households in three JFM (experimental group) and nearby three non-JFM (control group) villages, located in the same forest-ecological and socio-economic settings. The study analyz...

Tahseen Ullah* and Noorul Amin

...ris (Berberis lycium L.) locally know as Kora in hilly area of upper Swat is an important medicinal plant. An investigation to find out the effect of rooting hormones and types of stem cutting on the rooting of Berberis (Berberis lycium L.) was conducted at Horticulture Research Institute, National Agriculture Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan during the year 2016-2018. The experiment was laid out in Complete Randomized Design, with two factors i.e. three d...
Ghulam Raza1*, Maqsood Anawar2, Muhammad Akbar1, Muhammad Ali1, Alamdar Hussain1, Azhar Hussain3 and Tanveer Hussain4 handsome money to the local inhabitants of the mountainous community. The characteristic habitat analysis and preference was important as the ibex move downwards during winter to cope the fodder shortage after heavy snowfall. This may expose the ibex to potential threats of predation by predators, poaching and competition for food with livestock during winter season. Therefore, the study was conducted to analyze the characteristic habitat feature and prefer...
Rahma Mohamed, Sara Nader, Dalia Hamza and Maha A. Sabry*
...thy donkeys at different localities in Egypt revealed that the overall occurrence of Cryptococcus spp. was 11.5%. The highest proportion was in El-Fayoum Governorate (25). Phenotypic identification of Cryptococcus indicated that 13.2 % and 7.1% among healthy and diseased donkeys were positive for this pathogen, respectively.The study of the potential risk factors associated with Cryptococcus colonization in the donkeys did not show any sta...
Arshad Ali1, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak2*, Muhammad Ali Nawaz3 and Shoaib Hameed3
... for wild carnivores and local communities. Human costs are mostly in the form of economic loss to property and infrastructure, damage to crops, and depredation on livestock. In northern Pakistan where large carnivores like common leopard (Panthera pardus), snow leopard (Panthera uncia), Asiatic black bear (Ursus thibetinus), Himalayan brown bear (Ursus arctos isabellinus)), grey wolf (Canis lupus), and lynx (Lynx lynx...

Sehrish Khudadad1, Muhammad Ather Rafi2, Ahmed Zia3, Mian Sayed Khan4, Gulnaz Parveen5, Muhammad Kamal Sheikh6*, Falak Naz7, Muhammad Qasim8 and Syed Waqar Shah9

...collected from different localities of district Mansehra. Total 28 species were identified under 16 genera of three sub-families, namely Camponotinae, Myrmecinae and Ponerinae. Subfamily Myrmicinae represented 20 species under 10 genera, followed by subfamily Camponotinae with seven species under five genera, while a single species from subfamily Ponerinae has been identified. Among 28 identified species six species, namely Anoplolepis gracilepis Jerdon, Cardi...

Ain-ul-Abad Syed1*, Zaheer Ahmed Khan1, Shakeel Hussain Chattha1, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh2, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio3, Shahzad Hussain Dahri2 and Ghous Bakhsh Buriro4

...nic model, obtained from local markets, were combined accordingly to achieve the results of set goals. A total of 9680.00 PKR was the approximate expense of the manually manufactured hydroponic model. The field under geoponic cultivation was maintained equal to the manufactured hydroponic model (4’x 4’). Full-Spectrum Light-emitting diode (LED) grow light was used to meet the plants’ light requirements. The stock solution (a combination of wa...

Ghulam Murtaza1*, Muhammad Ramzan2, Assad Ullah3, Abid Ali5, Ayesha Zafar3, Rukhsar Beanish3, Ahmad Ali4, Ghulam Mustafa4 and Mudassar Aslam4 

...uits were collected from local fruits and vegetables market and brought to laboratory. Collected fruits and vegetables were placed in cages having sand in bottom for pupation. After the adult emergence fruit fly species were identified based on diagnostic morphological features and placed in separate cages. Different fruits such as guava, apple, fig, banana and citrus were exposed to Bactrocera zonata for oviposition. Fruits were placed in cage to assess the h...
Ala’audin Hakami,1AusamaA Yousif,2* Mohamed Zaki,3 Mahmoud Ismail,4,5 Ahmed Al-Ali,5 Abdu-Rahman Al-Ankari5 
... birds collected from 10 locally-bred and
imported Psittaciformes. Specimens were collected between 2008 and
2010. A replicase-associated protein (Rep) gene-specific PCR was used to
amplify a 603 bp region of the viral genome. PBFDV was detected in
31.6% of clinical cases (3.5% of samples). Two positive samples were
collected during 2008, three during 2009, and one during 2010. Positive

Yasser F. Elnaker 1, Mohamed El-Tholoth 2, Sahar Saber 3, Amira A- Elsaid4, Mohamed A. Saad 3, Emad E. Younis 5

...e diseased calves showed localized or generalized skin nodules with or without fever. Skin lesions were collected from clinically diseased calves for virus isolation in embryonated chicken eggs for three passages followed by ten successive passages in Madin Darby Bovine Kidney (MDBK) and identification of isolated virus was done by indirect immunofluorescence test. The serum antibody titers were determined by serum neutralization test (SNT) and Enzyme linked i...

Walaa Abd El-Fatah S. Metwally1, Ismail M. Reda2, Ahmed A. El-Sanousi2, Mohamed Abd El-Khalek Ali2

1Mona A. El-Manzalawy, 2Abeer A. Boseila , 3Hanan M. El Zahed between them with the local RVF vaccine with Alum gel alone in sheep. This peppermint formulation including Alum gel adjuvant was the best of choice as it induced higher immunological enhancement. In addition, synergistic action was discovered in RVF inactivated PMO vaccine including Alum gel as the immune response detected by serum neutralization test (SNT). This vaccinated group of sheep was the highest while the group of sheep vaccinated with RVF vaccine...

K.A. El-Dougdoug1, A.R. Sofy2, A.A. Mousa2 and E.E. Refaey2

... L. where gave chlorotic local lesions. Eleven potato cultivars
(Solanum tuberosum) mechanically inoculated with PVY isolate under greenhouse condition
were divided to three categories, resistant (Diamond, Execusa, Hermes and Valor), tolerant
(Sisi, Lady Balfor, Nikola, Ditta and Lady Rosetta), susceptible (Anabel and Spunta) based on
different external symptoms, the severity infection and virus concentration. Ex...

Eman A. H. Kattab1,3, A. H. Ebrahem2 , Om-Hashem M. El-Banna2 and Hanan F. EL-Kammar³

...elonging to Fabaceae and locally with 2 species belonging to Chenopodiace. It was transmitted mechanically and by Sitona lineate. It was detected serologically by indirect ELISA using BBMV specific antiserum. Light microscopy of epidermal strips of faba bean infected-leaves revealed amorphous cytoplasmic inclusions (X-bodies). The UV absorption spectrum of the purified virus had a maximum at 260 nm and a minimum at 245 nm. The ratios of Amax/Amin and A260/280 ...

Amel, S.M. Abo-Senna1; M.A. Nasr-Eldin2; B.A. Othman3 and A.A. Megahed4

...s resulting systemic and local symptoms. Stability of the isolated virus in vitro was found as 55 oC for TIP, 10-4 for DEP and LIV 4 days. The characteristic spectrophotometric data of the highly purified virus showing that maximum and minimum absorbance was 250 and 260 nm respectively; the ratio for A280/A260 was 1.004; and the Amax./Amin. was 1.099 with the final yield as 0.883 mg/ml. Electron microscopy showed the filamentous flexuous particles with about 7...

Sherif .M. Ibrahim*, Abd El-Razek. B. Abd El-Razek*. Hanan. M. El-Zahed Amal. A. Fatouh* and Ayatollah. I. Ibrahim*

...ine from the circulating local PPV isolate, PPLH, which characterized through this study, after confirming its immune response as a candidate vaccine.

Abd El-Hamid, M.I1, Seham, A.El-Zeedy1, El-Sanousi, A.A2, Reda, I.M2, Nehal, S. Saleh1, Abbas, A.M1
...-1 (EHV-1gD) gene of the local isolate was sent for sequence analysis, multiple alignment revealed single nucleotide substitution at the base pair number 121 from the start codon which give lead to single Amino Acid Substitution from CAG (Glutamine(Gln/Q)) which is considered as a polar Amino Acid to AAG (Lysine(Lys/K)) which is a basic Amino Acid, then the sequenced product of the local isolate was cloned Into PET 151 D top...

Abd El-Hamid, M.I1; Seham, A. ElZeedy1; El-Sanousi A.A2, Reda, I.M2, Nehal, S. Saleh1., Abbas, A.M1

...rization of EHV-1 of the local isolate Egypt/VSVRI/Zahraa/2014 using the glycoprotein D of EVH-1 due to its role in virus infectivity and its function in entry of virus into cells and is considered as one of the most potent inducers of virus-neutralizing antibody among the spectrum of EHV-1 proteins based on sequence analysis and multiple alignment revealed single nucleotide substitution at the base pair number 121 from the start codon which give lead to singl...

Amir M. Walaa1 ; Ausama Yousif1; Walid H. Kilany2; Magdy El-Sayed1; Ahmed A. El-Sanousi1

...ut to evaluate different local and imported combined inactivated NDV+IBV vaccines and investigate its ability to protect experimental broiler chickens against challenge with wild ND and IB viruses. Two hundred and eighty commercial one-day-old broiler saso chicks were divided into 8 groups (35 birds each). Groups 2, 3, 4&5 were vaccinated at one-day-old with live hitchner + IB Primer. Then all groups at 7 days old were boosted with inactivated combined NDV...

Sahar A. Youssef1; Manal A. El-Shazly1,2; Azza G.Farag1,3; Eman A. Khattab1,2

...lly purified from single local lesion formed on Chenopodium quinoa. The isolated virus was identified on the basis of symptomatology, transmissibility, serological tests and molecular technique. The virus was identified serologically by direct ELISA, dot and tissue blotting immune-binding assay using authentic and induced antiserum for PNRSV.RT-PCR with specific PNRSV primer was used to confirm the obtained results. No amplified product was obtained from healt...

Manal A. El-Shazly1. M. I .Kobeasy2and Sarah H . Altalhi3

...y purified from a single local lesion formed on Chenopodium amaranticolor Caste & Reyn. The isolated virus was identified on the basis of symptomatology, transmissibility, host range and serological tests by indirect –enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Indirect- ELISA) and dot blotting immunobinding assay (DBIA) using an induced antiserum for TSWV. All the five tested tomato cultivars were found to be susceptible when mechanical inoculated under gree...

Nashwa M. Helmy1, Ahmed S. Ahmed2, and Zeinab3 Y. Mohamed

...ks post vaccination with local attenuated sheep pox virus vaccine located in Sharkia and Fayoum governorates. Methods: Lumpy skin disease virus (LSDV) was isolated from skin biopsies collected from clinically infected cattle. The virus was isolated on MDBK cell line and identified by agar gel precipitation test (AGPT) and indirect fluorescent antibody technique (IFAT) using specific hyper immune serum against LSDV. Further identifications were carried out by p...

Lamya A. F. Ateya1 , Said. A .Ahmed2, Khamees K.S. Ashraf3, Heba A. Abdel-Hady4

...ssment of vaccination by local and imported FMD vaccines in cattle sera in Kalubeya Governorate. Methods: 220 serum samples were tested for FMD NSP by 3ABC Trapping ELISA.20 serum samples were used as control (no vaccination),100 serum samples collected from animals received local vaccine and 100 serum samples from animals received imported vaccine. Results: 34/220(15.5%) were +ve and 186/220(84.5%)were –ve for FMD NSP...

Maha A. El-Abhar1, Moustafa A. Elkady1, Khaled M. Ghanem2, Hussieny A. Bosila3

... three successive single local lesion passages onto Chenopodium
ammaranticolor which reproduced prominent local lesions. The virus isolate was then propagated in
potato Ditta cv. plants, The virus was identified on the bases of host range, symptomatology,
transmission and serological diagnosis, in addition to the ultrastructural changes produced in potato
leaf cells infected wi...
Maha M. Khedr1, Reem A. Suliman1, Marwa F. Mohamed1, Mounir D. El Safty1, Hussein A.
Hussein2 3 (vaccinated with local prepared
vaccine) showed 100 shedding by rRT-PCR and 100%, 60% and 60 % of the chickens in tracheal swabs
and 100%, 80% and 60%in cloacal swabs when tested by virus isolation in eggs at 3, 5 and 7 days post
challenge; respectively. Swabs of 10 days post challenge of group 3 were positive by rRT-PCR and
negative by virus isolation. On the other hand, group 6 (vaccinated with imported...
Hussein A. Hussein, Maha Khedr, Reem A. Suliman, Marwa F. Mohamed, Mounir D. El
Safty 3 (vaccinated with local prepared 500HAU vaccine) showed at the 3rd and
5th days shedding by rRT-PCR and 80% and 20 % of the chickens in tracheal swabs and 80% and 40% in
cloacal swabs when tested by virus isolation in eggs at 3 and 5 days post challenge; respectively. Whereas
swabs of 7 and 10 days post challenge of group 3 were negative by rRT-PCR and virus isolation. On the
other hand, group 6 (vaccinate...
Dalia M. Omar1, Nermeen A. Marden1, Lamiaa M. Gaafar1, Elham A. El-ebiary1, Khalid El-Dougdoug2, Badawi Othman2, Abd Elsattar Arafa3, Hussein A. Hussein4
Zain-Ul-Aabdin Abro1*,Naheed Baloch1, Raza Muhammad Memon2 and Niaz Hussain Khuhro2
...s were done at different localities of Hyderabad and Larkana using Steiner type traps incorporated with methyl eugenol. The trap catches of B. zonata and B. dorsalis in both climatic zones shown a similar pattern during the study with a major peak in August in off seasoned guava. Whereas decreased population of Bactrocera flies were obtained in the month of January in Larkana (16.5±1.18, 12.9±1.47) and Hyderabad (19.3±...
Saira Gul1,2, Sohail Ahmed2*, Tahir Usman1*, Khalid Khan3, Sultan Ayaz1, Saleha Gul4 and Nawab Ali5
...Phylogenetic analysis of local isolates showed a close homology with the isolates from Australia, Brazil, Turkey and Japan. It was found that aged, exotic and crossbreed cattle were more susceptible to A. marginale infection in summer season compared to the younger and indigenous cattle breeds, respectively (P˂0.01). Moreover, the study revealed widespread prevalence of A. marginale in the subtropical areas of KP,...
Othman N. O. Mansour 1, Naglaa Hagag 2, Momtaz A. Shahein 1, Sayed S. Hassan 1 Ahmed
A. EL-Sanousi 3 and Mohamed A. Shalaby3
...Africa, and to check our local breeds of camels in
different governorates of Egypt for presence of MERS-CoV among them.
Methods: During the period of March 2016 to December 2017, 1500 nasal swabs were collected from
imported camels in Birqash veterinary quarantine, 195 nasal swab and Serum samples collected from
imported breeds in abattoirs of different governorates in Egypt, In addition to 98 nasal swabs and
Allam A. Megahed, Badawi A. Othman, Samar S. El Masry, Abeer A. Faiesal and Mohamed A. Nasr Eldin
...he cultivated commercial local tuber seeds using Double Antibody Sandwich-Enzyme Linked
Immuno-Sorbent Assay (DAS-ELISA). The PVM was mechanically isolated on potato cv. Diamant.
Host range was carried out by mechanical inoculation of PVM on a set of different plant species.
Electron Microscopy was used to examine the virus morphology. The cytopathic effect of the virus on
tissue ultrathin section was examined by...

Aml S. El-Saadany1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2 and Hussien A. Hussien2

...collected from different localities. IBDV was detected using
RT-PCR. Sequence analysis of the variable region of VP2 gene purified from the PCR product.
Comparative phylogenetic analysis based on the sequence of the hyper variable region of VP2 gene as
well as phylogenetic tree was constructed along with local and reference IBDV strains using DNAstar
– MegAlign” sof...

Ahmed M. Soliman

...ated by single chlorotic local lesion on Chenopodium amaranticolor and propagated in healthy Nicotiana benthamiana. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with specific primers designed for the coat protein gene of CMV were used to detect the virus. RT-PCR products (657 bp) of coat protein gene of CMV were cloned and then sequenced.
Results: CMV was isolated from four vegetable crops (...
Hadeer M. Mossa, Ausama A. Yousif, Emad A. Aboelsoud, Mahmoud El Gamal, Ahmed El-
Methods: A local isolate of LSDV strain was propagated on MDBK cell line and CPE was appeared
after 72 hours as cell rounding, cell aggregation and cell degeneration with titer of 105.5TCID50/ml,
DNA extraction and PCR for the candidate strain was performed using universal and specific primers
for virus identification and confirmation. The size of the produced amplicons was 192 pb for the
universal ...

Samah A. Mokbel, Eman A. Ahmed, Hanan F. El-Kammar, Ahmed A. Kheder

... CMV, and isolation from local lesions on
Chenopodium amaranticolor as a local lesion host. Eleven plant species belonging to four families
were used to confirm the presence of CMV in the inoculum. Detection of the coat protein gene of
CMV in infected leaves has been done by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR),
and the appearance of 678 bp bands confirmed t...

Anila Kousar, Muhammad Naeem*, Samrah Masud, Abir Ishtiaq, Zara Naeem and Rabia Iqbal

...n cost effectiveness and local availability of cheaper plant protein feed ingredients. Ten specimens were randomly selected from each treatment hapa for evaluating the concentrations of selected essential and non-essential elements in GIFT fingerlings fed with dietary protein levels of 15% (T1), 20% (T2) and 25% (T3) crude protein. Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometer was used for the analysis of whole-body elemental concentrations in relation to fish size und...

Zainab Iftikhar, Muhammad Arif, Iqbal Munir and Sajid Ali hybrids along with 5 local checks tested during 2017-18, significant variability (P<0.01) was observed for days to jointing and booting, the parameters related to crop duration. The overall impact was negative on the crop duration, resulting in selection of earlier lines. Although selection increased the mean value, the variability decreased for most of the parameters. Variability in Chinese hybrids reflects on the potential of selection for candidate h...

Md. Sahidur Rahman1*, Tishita Ape1, Md. Islam1 and Sharmin Chowdhury2

...ers/dealers, experienced local farmers, and the farmer’s own self were three other important prescriber groups recommending antimicrobials. The study revealed the necessity of awareness programs for farmers and antimicrobial stewardship programs targeting veterinarians, and other stakeholders to reduce the antimicrobial resistance crisis. 


Muhammad Rafique1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2, Inam Ul Haq1*, Muhammad Ramzan Anser2, Humara Umar2 and Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah2

... regions. The demand for local plants is increasing and no scientific study has been previously carried out to standardize propagation technology concerning optimization of light intensity under greenhouse conditions. The current study was conducted at Izhar farms (Pvt.) Ltd. under the collaboration with Barani Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) Chakwal to find out the appropriate light intensity for successful olive propagation under greenhouse conditions...
Asma Chaudhary1, Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad1, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Mehwish Iqtedar2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3,*
...biotic effect of a novel locally isolated bacterium from home-made yogurt, Sphingomonas sp. AsCh-P3 on growth, survival and biochemical constituents of Labeo rohita fingerlings challenged with well-renowned fish pathogenic bacterium Vibrio anguillarum. Positive control-C2 as well as experimental groups was challenged with V. anguillarum intraperitoneally. Probiotic treated feed with antibacterial potential against V. anguillarum ...
Muhammad Noman Koondhar1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1,*, Muhammad Ammar Khan2, Riaz Ahmed Leghari3 and Parkash Dewani4
... were collected from the local butcher shops (n=75) of Karachi, Pakistan. Three types of meat samples were collected viz., muscles, lymph nodes and minced meat (n=25 each). The samples were packaged aseptically and transported to laboratory within 4-6 hs of collection in cooling conditions. The samples were examined for Salmonella contamination; isolation and identification of
Muhammad Khaled Siddiq1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1,2*, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Muhammad Umar Ijaz3,Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1, Muhammad Asim1Asif Mahmood Qureshi4, Mahboob Iqbal4 and Muhammad Akhtar4
...t, Punjab, Pakistan. The locality yielded the typical Pleistocene fauna of the Siwalik Group in Pakistan. The fossils of Bubalus platyceros described in this article were excavated from the Pleistocene of Sardhok. The collected specimens represent some of the rarest anatomical elements of the species, found in Pakistan for the first time, and add substantial knowledge on the anatomical features of Bu. platyceros. Bubalus j...

Khalid Mehmood1*, Abdul Rehman2 and Ammara Khan1

... respect of their taste, local adaptability, and pest tolerance. The results also suggested that the adoption of improved groundnut varieties depended upon the farmers’ age, education level, access to quality seed, registration status, awareness, and active participation in farmers training programs. Farmers’ conventional behavior, lack of awareness, lack of access to quality seed, and lack of promotion of improved crop varieties were found as the ...

Miloudi Hilali1*, Hanae El Monfalouti1, Larbi El Hammari2, Farid Amar3, Zakaria Mennane4, Malika Haddam5, Nadia Maata6 and Badr Eddine Kartah1

...l are absent depends, on local agricultural culture and community experiences local, therefore harvesting periods are related to the degree of maturity of the olives from the point of view of the village women, thus determines maturity for them, is not a scientific criterion, but a specific period of time or a particular season. The aim of present study was to determine the optimal olive harvest time, this study was carried ...
Shoaib Khan1, Sida Hussain2, Amir Naveed1*, Nazia Wali3, Zafar Ullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Muhammad Sadiq4 and Muhammad Asif5
...r the load demand of the locality. The total capacity of the generator designed is 60kW. Sensitivity analysis of the designed machine is done by varying the hyper-parameters of the wind turbine generators. 
Wanqiu Zhao1,2, Taoyan Yuan1, Li Chen2, Xue Du2, Weihu Chen4, Yan Fu1, Dong Niu3,* and Lizhi Lu2,*
...n Zhedong White geese (a local breed in China) at different reproductive stages and to investigate the relationships between intestinal microflora and geese reproductive states. We performed 16S rRNA sequencing of geese duodenum content samples at three different stages (laying, broody, and recovery stage). Taxonomic analysis revealed that Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, and Proteobacteria were the three most abundant phyla in the duodenum of the laying geese. Cya...
Yanhong Hu* and Linkai Cui
...pathway. The subcellular localization of FARs is crucial for understanding the process of synthesis and transport of wax to the surface of body. In this study, we characterized the subcellular localization of EpFAR from the scale insect Ericerus pela using an immunofluorescence assay of the insect cells and a bioinformatics analysis. The result of immunofluorescence assay showed EpFAR to be lo...
Shuli Zhu, Yaqiu Liu, Weitao Chen, Xinhui Li and Yuefei Li*
...shes were collected from local fish markets that using various fishing gears such as gillnets, castnets and shrimp cages in July and December 2018. The LWRs parameters a and b values for the four species varied 0.008861-0.02018 and 3.041-3.367. New maximum standard lengths for one species was presented in this paper. And the LWRs for two species: Bangana decora and Ptychidio longibarbus is reported for the first time. The result wil...
Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Sehrish Firyal1, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1
...nd 2% yeast extract. The locally produced recombinant β-lactamase exhibited strong potential regarding the hydrolysis of β-lactam ring containing antibiotics and showed comparable results to β-lactamase from Hi-media kit available in the market. The β-lactamase from current study was found suitable for its use as positive control in antibiotic susceptibility testing and this enzyme will be utilized for the development of antibiotic suscepti...
Bushra Shaikh, Sadia Muniza Faraz*, Syed Riaz un Nabi Jafri, Syed Usman Ali
...system demands efficient localization and path planning techniques. A map matching algorithm based on matrix matching is being proposed in this paper. The localization of robot is determined by the path acquired during the random maneuvering on the grid based maze, whereas, the shortest path to the target position is determined by estimating x and y coordinates. The algorithm interprets the map of the environment, expressed ...
Jialiang Han1, Guohou Liu1*, Wenke Bai2,3, Qixian Zou4, Ye Cao5, Caiquan Zhou2,3*, and Guy Michael Williams6
... area also used by small local roads. The ecological effect of the edge of a road “road-effect zone” was estimated to be 1400m, shorter than the maximum daily travel distance of the François’ langur. Therefore, we suggest that an important conservation intervention for supporting the persistence of the species should involve controlling the expansion of road construction to minimize the impacts of human disturbances on the langurs.
Suherman Suherman1*, AndhiniPutri Trianita1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1 and Wea Aanisah Mentari Putri2 L.) is one of the local foods in Indonesia, which has high water and sugar content and is vulnerable to heat conditions. This study aims to determine the effect of freeze-drying time (t) and pressure (P) on mass balance and characteristics of dried mango slices produced through treatments based on time 13 h and 17 h and pressure 25 Pa, 30 Pa, and 35 Pa, with temperature constant -50 oC. Freeze-dried mango was calculated for mass balance and a...
Muhammad Mohsin Javed1*, Muhammad Azhar Nisar2 and 

Muhammad Usman Ahmad2 

...lectricity production in locally designed U-shaped microbial fuel cell. These fuel cells were subjected to different concentrations of NaCl and pH for evaluation of power generation. The MFC with 50 mM NaCl concentration showed maximum response and gave 88.9 W/m2 power densities and 569 mV of open circuit voltage. The results showed that NaCl, at its optimum level, plays an important role in increasing the bioelectricity and sustaining the internal ...
Amin Arif1, Khizar Samiullah1*, Riffat Yasin2, Bilal Rasool1, Shakila Naz1, Xijun Ni3 and Saleem Akhtar1 a late Miocene Fossil locality Dhok Bun Ameer Khatoon, Lower Siwalik Hills of Pakistan has been conducted. New fossil remains belong to family Giraffidae which include right and left maxilla, isolated upper premolars and molars. After morphological and comparative analysis, the collection is attributed to Giraffokeryx punjabiensis and Giraffa priscilla. Size variation in dentition is taxonomically important for vertebrate evolutionary point of...
Madiha Nawaz and Shoaib Freed

...he efficacy of different local isolates of entomopathogenic fungi on 2nd nymphal instar of P. solenopsis under laboratory conditions by immersion method. Three entomopathogenic fungi; Beauveria bassiana (isolates Bb-01, Bb-08), Metarhizium anisopliae (isolates Ma-11.1, Ma-2.1) and Isaria fumosorosea (isolates If-2.3, If-02) showed percent mortalities of (61.0%, 85.0%), (78.0%, 56.0%) and (52.0%, 54.0%) with LC50

Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Mahran Aslam1, Mahboob Ali Sial1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Shumaila Sial2 and Imtiaz Ahmad Khan1

...d yield (1818kg/ha) than local check varieties (1457 kgha-1) in NURYT during 2007-08 and similar trend was observed during 2008-09. The oil quality of Surhan-2012 was also determined. The mutated variety showed 9.7% increase in its oil content and novel fatty acid profile which was comparatively higher than the commercial check variety. It was also tolerant against insect pest and diseases including Alternaria blight, powdery mildew, downy mildew and white rus...
Ömer Ertürk and Beyhan Taş*
...15. In this study, a new locality record was made for this species from the province of Ordu, which is in Central Black Sea Region on the coast of South Black Sea. This wasp species, which has very important role in the functioning of ecosystem, just like other bees, is not aggressive and it does not harm people.

Mst. Deloara Begum1, Md. Muniruzzaman1, Md. Salauddin2* and Md. Mostafizer Rahman1

...collected from different local market. In which 54 samples were from dried fish and 25 from cooked fish samples. In this research there were 18 different types of dried fish and 6 types of cooked fish were used as a sample. Laboratory work was done by different bacteriological laboratory methods and purified isolates were identified according to gram’s staining reaction, colony morphology, cultural characteristics, biochemical and antibiotic susceptibili...

Muhammad Usman Hanif, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Irfan Ullah

...queous extracts of three local plant species (i.e. Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn., Citrus limon L. and Azadirachta indica A. Juss) against the grubs and adults of E. vigintioctopunctata. Three concentrations of each synthetic insecticide (i.e. 2.5, 2 and 1.5%) and botanical extract (i.e. 10, 7.5 and 5%) were bioassayed using standard leaf-dip method. Results revealed that spinosad and 10% A. indica aqueous extract exhibited maximum mean cumulative mortality of...
Zahid Beg Mirza1,*, Naveed Ali Soomro2 and Farwah Shariff1
...ations and interviews of local communities. Field Guide to the Birds of Pakistan, by the senior author and other related literature, as well as the use of a high resolution camera helped in the identification of the species. During the surveys, information on the use of non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs, that is diclofenac and other drugs known to be harmful to vultures, were gathered through interviews. This paper suggests that the vultures and other raptor...
Farah Deeba1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Irfan2, Muhammad Khan1 and Javed Iqbal Qazi1*
...l samples collected from local termites’ influenced areas. Of all these, three isolates gave positive test for chitinase screened on the bases of clear zone on CPM following chitinase assay. The best chitinase producer was selected and identified as Bacillus subtilis employing 16S rRNA gene sequence identification technique. B. subtilis yielded highest chitinase on CPM at pH 7 with 3% inoculum size after incubating at 37 °C for 3 days. ...

Najeeb Ullah1*, Muhammad Nadeem2, Malik Mujaddad-ur-Rehman1, Rubina Nelofer2 and Yasir Arfat3

...duction of protease by a locally isolated Bacillus sp. In order to ensure the best results Response surface methodology (RSM) was employed to optimize five different independent variables including substrate, Molasses, temperature, pH and incubation period. Maximum protease activity was observed by using molasses (540.62 ± 26.77 IU/ml) as carbon source and NaNO3 (606.95 ± 7.61 IU/ml) as nitrogen source. The optimum conditions predicted by RSM wer...

Mohammed Naji Ahmed Odhah1,2*, Dhary Alewy Almashhadany6, Abdullah Garallah Otaifah7, Bashiru Garba5, Najeeb Mohammed Salah2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse4*, Mohd Azam Khan G.K3 some ruminants (both local and imported breeds of cattle, sheep, and goats) slaughtered in the abattoirs in Dhamar Province-Yemen. The samples were collected from the Central Corporation Slaughterhouse in Dhamar-Yemen from January 2019 to November 2020. During this period, a total of 29,071 and 5,705 samples were collected from local and imported food animals respectively. The results of analysed samples revealed that th...

Eman H. Mahrous1, Mohamed. W. Abd Al -Azeem2, Faisal A. Wasel1, Waleed Younis2* 

...ard rabbits at different localities in Sohag governorate, Egypt. All samples were submitted for PCR test and other conventional methods of identification. Recovery of P. multocida isolates of diseased rabbits from lung, liver, and heart were 23 (46%), 11 (22%), 13 (26%), respectively, with a total incidence of 47 (31.3%). Biochemical reactions proved that 20 (42.5%) out of 47 isolates had the typical biochemical properties of P. multocida. However, only 10 iso...

Nguyenthuy Linh1, Nguyen Thi Kim Dong2*, Nguyen Van Thu3 acid digestibility of local Muscovy ducks in two periods. Two factors of the trial were dietary lysine levels (0.8%, 1.0% and 1.2%) and metabolizable energy (ME) levels (12.55MJ/kg DM and 12.97MJ/kg DM) for 8-week-old period; and dietary lysine levels (0.7%; 0.9%; 1.1%), and ME levels (13.39MJ/kg DM; 13.81 MJ/kg DM) for 10-week-old period. There were three replications and four ducks per experimental unit. The findings indicated that the apparent nutrient d...

Muhammad1, Saadat Mehmood1,2, Atif Muhammad1*, Zaib Ullah3

...HBV) and (HCV) among the local population of district Swabi. A preliminary study was conducted from 1st January to 31st May 2016. The study revealed that the ratio of Hepatitis B and C in the local population was found 103 (34 %) and 199 (66 %) respectively. Out of 143 males, 37 (26 %) were infected by HBV while the remaining 106 (74%) were infected by HCV. 66 (42%), out of 159 infected females were infected by HBV while the...
Romaan Hayat Khattak1, Zhensheng Liu1*, Liwei Teng1* and Ejaz ur Rehman2
...of the existing fauna on local scales to strengthen the conservation practices. Twenty-one species representing 18 genera, 12 families and six orders of mammals were recorded in Nowshera district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (KP), Pakistan from an inventory conducted from November 2018 to July 2019. Selected locations were scanned by walking and grey literature was used. Five of the recorded species were found in captive breeding facilities while rest of the s...

Saleem Ur Rahman1, Muhammad Irfan Yousaf1*, Mozammil Hussain2, Khadim Hussain1, Shahid Hussain1, Muhammad Husnain Bhatti1, Dilbar Hussain1, Aamir Ghani1, Abdul Razaq1, Muhammad Akram1, Iqra Ibrar1, Muhammad Shakeel Ahmad1, Shoaib Anwar Kohli3, Muhammad Abubakar Siddiq4

...urther unveiled that two local maize hybrids i.e., YH-5507 and YH-5427 were the most productive, stable and heat tolerant while YH-5532, P-1543 and NK-8711 showed poor performance under high temperature stress conditions as compared to normal sowing. High temperature stress indices could be efficiently used to screen heat tolerant genotypes. 


Asif Sadam1*, Rahmat Ullah Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1 and Juma Gul2

...esults in an increase in local extinction rates and eliminates the majority of native species. The pattern of rainfall is changing and frequency of extreme events increasing due to urbanization and rapidly increasing average global temperature. These changes are having observable impacts on biodiversity at species level and ecosystem level, in terms of distribution, composition and function. Mardan district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has different habitats; it repr...

Tintin Rostini1*, Irwan Zakir1, Danang Biyatmoko2 

...tion of palm waste-based local feed without Curcuma and yeast), TR1 (basal diet with 0.5% yeast), TR2 (basal diet with 2% Curcuma flour) and TR3 (basal diet with 0.5% yeast and 2% Curcuma flour). Meanwhile, the variables measured include consumption, dry matter digestibility, organic matter, crude protein, NDF, ADF, daily body weight gain, feed conversion, and blood metabolism. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed using analysis of variance while diffe...

Keqiang Wei1*, Yue Wei2 and Changxia Song1

...vestigate their cellular localization and expression in hepatopancreas of red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii), a commercially important aquaculture species in China. Using polyclonal antibodies, the strong staining of these proteins in hepatopancreatic cells was observed. The synchronous expression of p38 and its phosphorylated form (p-p38) was mainly present in B- and R- cells, and their MOD values were 0.0055±0.0038 and 0.0046±0.0027, resp...
Johar Hussian1, Faiz Muhammad2, Shafqat Fatimah Rehmani3, Aqeel Ahmad4, Nazir Ahmad Lone4, Moomal Bughio5, Syed Khurram Freed1 and Shakeel Ahmed Khan4*
...mes for HA reaction. IBV local isolates were characterized by SDS-PAGE and RT-PCR. The indigenous isolate HA antigens were treated with different proteolytic enzymes trypsin, neuraminidase and phospholipase C. The prepared antigen were stored at -86oC and used for HA test. All antigen prepared by different enzyme were found to give significant HA titer up to 7 log2. During stability test antigen prepared by phospholipase C were found most stable up to six mont...

Grace Chinenye Onyishi, Chinedu Ifeanyi Atama*, Fejiokwu Esther Chioma, Ifeanyi O Aguzie, Godwin I Ngwu and Christopher Didigwu Nwani

Pham Tan Nha1*, Nguyen Thi Kim Dong2, Le Thu Thuy1 

...ol index in the blood of local chicken decreases, which is good for the health of chicken. Consumers using low triglyceride and total cholesterol chicken meat will be good for their health as well. It was concluded that ginger supplementation in the diet at a level of from 0.3 to 0.4% DM improved growth performance and digestin for growing Tau Vang chicken production. It showed that ginger made quantification of triglycerid and quantification of total choleste...
Zane Vincevica-Gaile1, Karina Stankevica1, Maris Klavins1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Damat Damat3*, Praptiningsih Gawawati Adinurani4, Lili Zalizar5, Muhammad Zul Mazwan6, Juris Burlakovs7
Didiek Hadjar Goenadi8,9, Rista Anggriani3 and Aamir Sohail10 production waste) and local freshwater sediments in a mass ratio mixture of 67:100, optimally applicable for soil improvement at a rate of 50 g L–1. Besides, regional opportunities in Indonesia and Latvia are referred. It was concluded that peat-free soil amendment elaboration can be better implemented on a regional scale after assessing agricultural needs, soil specifics, and available raw material variety applicable as ingredien...

Amtul Jamil Sami*, Sehrish Bilal and Syeda Anum Zahra

...ion covering exon 1 from local specie of Bubalus bubalis. As the 5’ region of the GH is very important in controlling the expression of the gene and minor changes in this sequence can affect its expression in blood. The PCR amplicon was sequenced and analyzed for homology with the help of BLAST search. Surprisingly, along with various point mutations in this region, we found that a considerable base sequence upstream exon 1 was similar to Bos mutus (yakQ...
Anjum Ara1, Usman Ali1, Muhammad Furqan2*, Zulfiqar Ali2
Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad3, Khawaja Basharat Ahmed4
Riaz Aziz Minhas4, Waqar Ahmed2, Zakir Hussain2 and Mian Aman Ullah2
...ther sub-divided into 18 localities. Line transect, hand capture, visual survey, tracking, trapping methods were applied to collect data related to diversity, distribution, density and questionnaire method applied to assess threats. Analysis of data revealed that four freshwater turtle species including Indian flapshell turtle (Lissemys punctate), Indian narrow headed softshell turtle (Chitra indica) Indian softshell turtle (Nilssonia gangetica) and Crowned ri...

Gülseren Kırbas Dogan1,*, Emin Karakurt2, Mushap Kuru3 and Hilmi Nuhoglu2

...s can be observed either locally or systemically. This study aimed to evaluate in detail the various anomalies in six calves according to pathological and anatomical investigations. Six calves were delivered to the Department of Pathology at the Kafkas University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine between 2017 and 2019. These calves comprised one with anencephaly, one with diencephalic syndrome, one with schistosoma reflexum, two with anasarca, and one with nasal ...

Ndumiso Malusi1, Andrew Bamidele Falowo2, Yiseyon Sunday Hosu3,4, Emrobowansan Monday Idamokoro3,4* 

... from exploring both the local and global markets. To upsurge farm practices that can be sustainable and the involvement of cattle production to defeat starvation and financial lack among poor-resourced areas and in the nation at large, there is need by the government and other vital stakeholders to tackle the prevailing challenges faced by cattle farmers. This can be achieved by adopting workable initiatives that will promote best farming practices in rural c...
 Mian Abdul Hafeez1*, Adeel Sattar2, Faiza Aslam3, Muhammad Imran3, Kamran Ashraf1, Rashid Zia2 and M. Muntazir Mehdi1
...oocysts of mixed species local isolates at 21st day of age. Groups A and B were medicated with Ibuprofen (100mg/kg body weight) orally and Ibuprofen (100mg/kg B.W) orally plus Clopidol (0.5g/kg) of feed respectively, post infection for five days. The group C was medicated with Clopidol (0.5g/kg) of feed. The group D served as infected unmedicated (negative) control and birds in group E were kept as noninfected and nonmedicated (positive) control. Therapeutic e...

Ramy S. Yehia1,3, Essam A. Shaalan2* and Hashem M. Al-Sheikh1 

...ol. In the present work, local isolates from both fungi as well as their mixtures with essential oils were evaluated against house fly larvae under laboratory conditions. Batches of house fly larvae (25 individuals per replicate and 4 replicates per dose of fungi) were subjected to five doses from each fungus (101, 103, 105, 107 and 109 conidia/ml) in plastic cups for one min then transferred to a clean one. Both test and control cups were incubated for 7 days...

Maskur Maskur1*, Muhammad Muhsinin1, Lestari, Tapaul Rozi1, Asnawi2 

...ree breeds of Indonesian local duck in Lombok island West Nusa Tenggara province locus was investigated based on morphometric traits and four microsatellites marker. Experimental ducks consisted of 75 Sasak ducks, 75 Khaki Campbell ducks and 70 Mojosari ducks. Morphometric traits were recorded and statistically analyzed, whereas genetic parameters of microsatellite loci were calculated using PopGene32. In this study, the mean PIC of the 4 microsatellite loci i...
Heba Mohamed Shaheen1, Ali Meawad Ahmed1*, Hosny Abdelltief Abdelrahman1, Rania Helmy Abohatab Abdou2, Aya Salama Mohamed Kamel1
...spectively. Based on the local and international regulations, the results revealed that out of 260 positive samples for tetracycline levels, 170 (65.4%) were unfit the maximum residual limit and 90 (34.6%) broiler samples were agreed with the MRL. After the samples were simmered, the average concentration values of OTC, TTC, CTC, and DOC were significantly reduced (P>0.05) to 18.71, 8.70, 10.45, and 23.15µg/Kg respectively, with reduction parentage of...

Farheen Aslam*, Hira Lodhi, Rasheeda Bashir, Faiza Saleem and Shagufta Naz different diseases at local tertiary care hospital of Lahore.


Hassan Ali1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1* and Muhammad Imran Hamid2

...insect potential of four local plant extracts and two promising microbial formulations against 5th instar larvae of T. granarium. Toxicity bioassays revealed that the extracts of Citrus reticulata L. and Solanum nigrum L. were most effective against T. granarium causing significantly higher larval mortality (35 – 40%) than other botanical treatments. Similarly, the highest concentration (15%) of C. reticulata extract exhibited maximum repellency (88%) of...

Zulu Blantina Fangele, Tyasi Thobela Louis, Gunya Busisiwe* 

...ritional requirements of local chickens, but the results were inconclusive and contradictory. This review concludes that indigenous chickens play a significant role in improving livelihoods, and strategies to preserve and sustain them must be intensified. However, it has been well established that citric acid can acidify the gastrointestinal tract of the chicken which improve the feed intake, furthermore, they improve the growth performance of the chicken incl...

Halidou Maiga Nafissatou1*, Abdou Moussa Mahaman Maâouia2, Moumouni Issa1, Marichatou Hamani1 

Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Shaukat Ali1, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti2, Azizullah1, Shafaat Yar Khan3, Abdul Khaliq4 to meet the demand of local market. Nutritional background of larval stage (1st, 2nd and 3rd instars etc.) significantly influences the status of the resulting larva, pupae, adult and fiber. For this purpose, sericulture productivity has been impressively modulated by fertilizing the silkworm’s diet with natural food supplements or exogenous nutrients like Amway protein, honey, bovine milk, sericin, probiotics (Bacillus cereus, B. subtilis, B. amyloli...

Muhammad Rizwan, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*, Muhammad Arshad

...y was conducted in three localities (tehsils) of district Sargodha during 2017 to determine the population dynamics of D. mangiferae nymphs and adults on citrus plants. Results showed that the average population of mealybug nymphs (9.92 individuals per branch) and adults (14.55 individuals per branch) was higher in Bhalwal as compared to Kotmomin and Sargodha. The maximum population of nymphs (31.93 individuals per branch) was observed during April and the adu...

Arman Sayuti1, Hamdan Hamdan2, Miftahul Jannah3, Safriadi Safriadi3, Teuku Nasri3, Tongku Nizwan Siregar2*

...and progesterone) in the local rabbits. In this study, we used 10 non pregnant rabbits that have given birth and were healthy clinically. All rabbits were randomly divided into two treatment groups, namely control group (K1) and treatment group (K2) where each group consist of five rabbits. The rabbits of K1 group were injected with aquabides for three consecutive days at a doses of 1.0, 0.5 and 0.3 mL each, whereas rabbits K2 were injected with BPE for three ...
Ni Putu Vidia Tiara Timur1*, Maria Maliga Vernandes Sasadara2, Purwanta1, Anak Agung Jayawardhita3
...fy;">A 2-year old female local Bali dog weighing 13 kg presented to Udayana University Veterinary Hospital with swelling in the mandibular region and was reported that the swelling has been observed and was getting bigger since the dog was 8-month old. An initial examination identified a large volume of fluid. In 3 month period, the aspiration was performed twice, collecting a 8 cc and 5 cc clear yellowish fluid for each aspiration. The surgical treatment was ...

Moh Zali*, Nur Ihsan, Bambang Ali Nugroho, Kuswati, Umi Wisaptiningsih Suwandi, Riszqina, Suyadi

...Our data were drawn from local breeders in Pamekasan, Indonesia, known as a centre of Sonok cattle breeders. To examine the interaction effects, we used an IBM SPSS Statistics 25. Our study suggests that age, education, long-time breeding experience, family dependents are not related to cattle business activities. Moreover, we find that number of livestock is positively and significantly associated with cattle business activities. The theoretical and practical...

Safaa M. Barghash1*, Amani A. Hafez2

...vaccine (prepared from a local strain), and subsequently challenged virulent P. multocida. The differences in the regulation of IFN-γ, TNF-α, IL12, IL6, and IL10 cytokine levels expression, were assessed as biomarkers of the clinical phase of infections. Results revealed that T. evansi infection has a significant influence on the performance of rats, and antibody responses against both vaccines were significantly reduced in T. evansi-infected group...

Shewangizaw Wolde1,2*, Tadele Mirkena1,3, Aberra Melesse1, Tadelle Dessie4, Solomon Abegaz5 

... of 150 Normal Feathered local chickens (LL), 150 Sasso-RIR (SRSR) and 150 their F1 crossbred (LSR) chickens were hatched and reared on station until 18-weeks of age. Then, 32 males of each genotype were evaluated for growth performance for a period of 8-weeks. Besides, 40 hens of each genotype were reared for a period of 34-weeks. While, carcass traits were evaluated for male chickens at 18- and 26- weeks of age and for hens at 52- weeks of age. Data were ana...

Magdy M. Fahmy1, Nisreen E. Mahmoud 1*, Mohamed R. Mousa2, Manal M. Zaki3, Elshaimaa Ismael3, Mai Abuowarda1 

...ish farms considered new localities for the detected crustacean and monogenean species. Significant positive correlations between the prevalence of parasitic infestation and water quality parameters were reported. Pathological finding of the affected fish tissues revealed deleterious responses especially in gill tissues. Result analysis concluded that the associated impacts of ectoparasitic infestation together with the water quality deterioration played a sig...

Husmaini1*, Riza Andesca Putra1, Indri Juliyarsi1, Tevina Edwin1, Linda Suhartati1, Aditya Alqamal Alianta1, Harmaini2 

...nggek Chicken (KBC) is a local chicken in West Sumatra as a crowing chicken. This study aims to obtain primary data on population structure and management of KBC maintenance in in-situ areas. The respondents of this study were fifty-seven farmers who kept the KBC. The method was survey method and purposive sampling to determine the respondents. The observed variables were breeder profile, maintenance management, number of KBC, actual population (Na), effective...

Jabbar Khan1, Mehwish Jehan1, Zeeshan Mutahir2, Muhammad Rafi1, Muhammad Ismail1, Aamer Abbas1 and Jabbar Tanveer3

...weeks. Twenty non-Damani local goats were as control and were not supplemented with Se and vitamin E in diet. It was observed that the mean values of TSH, T3 and T4 were significantly higher in control than experimental Damani breed. Similarly, the mean values of cortisol were comparatively higher in control breed than Damani experimental group, showing that Damani breed was more prone to heat stress conditions than control group and that oxidative stress, ind...

Ouedraogo Oumar1,2, Tianhoun Denté Fidèle2,4*, Séré Modou3, Kaboré Adama2, Tamboura H. Hamidou2 and Belem Adrien Marie Gaston4

...led that 1,716 cattle of local breeds, consisting of 875 females and 841 males, were slaughtered and checked by the veterinary inspection officers. At post-mortem inspection, 30 cattle were found to have tuberculosis, giving an overall prevalence of 1.75%. This prevalence showed no significant difference (P˃0.05) between breeds, sex, age and body score of the animals while it was significantly influenced (P= 0.0283) by the breeding origins of the inspected ca...
Yunilas Yunilas1*, Nurzainah Ginting1, Tri Hesti Wahyuni1, Muhammad Zahoor2, Nelzi Fati3 and 
Ahmad Wahyudi4 feed technology using local microorganism additives is expected to improve the physical quality of silage feed. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding local microorganisms (MOL) and fermentation time on the physical quality of corn straw silage. This study used a completely randomized design, factorial 3 × 3 with three replications. Factor I was various doses of MOL (1 %, 3 %, 5 %), and Factor II was dif...

Judith Kiptoo1*, Daniel Mutisya2, Paul Ndegwa1, Ruth Amata3, Lucy Irungu4 and Rotich Godfrey5

...cies in all the surveyed localities was T. semipenetrans. Factor regression analysis results showed that modest rainfall amounts favoured high density populations of PPNs on citrus roots where soil types of Rackers in Baringo and Luvisols, Ferralsols and Cambisols in Machakos County were dominant. Tylenchulus, Meloidogyne and Helicotylenchus species were most abundant in Kitale, Taita-Taveta, Kilifi and Kwale. The results presented here show how possible popul...

Dali Wang1,2, Yujing Zhu1,2, Wancai Xia1,2, Mei Zhao1,2,3, Chan Yang1,2 and Dayong Li1,2*

...s flows cause a shift in local ecological conditions, which can have profound impacts on the habitat of non-human primates. This study investigated the characteristics of surface vegetation found within the debris field of a landslide and debris flow that occurred in 2008 at Gehuaqing in Baimaxueshan Nature Reserve ten years later. We calculated the surface area of the debris field to be 71672.96 m2, affecting around 312500 m2 of the known home range of a resi...

Jawad Abdullah Butt1*, Yasmin Nergis1, Ahmad Hussain2 and Mughal Sharif1 

...istic parameters of Thar local coal samples from Block-II and adjacent Block-VI for toxicity consideration and to estimate the potential of Thar coal assets for environment-friendly consumption in power production. In the current study, forty Thar coal samples from each Block II and adjacent Block VI were analyzed for their physicochemical and pyrolysis properties with the chemical configuration of coal ashes. The mean moisture content found in both Thar coal ...

Nausheen Irshad1, Maria Akhter1, Tariq Mahmood2*, Faraz Akrim3, Muhammad Rafique Khan1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem4

...nd reported sightings by local community). During one-year study period (September 2015-August 2016), a total of 28 individuals of the species were sighted in the field including 18 live and 10 dead specimens. In addition, 93 fecal samples of the species were collected and analyzed for investigating its diet composition and identification of its prey species. Analysis of scats revealed its diet comprising of both vertebrates and invertebrates along with some p...

Phassakon Nuntapanich1*, Hathaichanok Nuntapanich2 and Woraman Maicharoen3

...The research present the local rice-fish economy system of small farmer households in Tung Kula Ronghai (TKR), Northeast Thailand. Secondary data related to the study site were collected and analyzed to enhance primary data collection. A semi-structured interview was used for in-depth study in the community. Trapping ponds in paddy fields have developed and transferred from the old generation as local wisdom. It is the tools...

Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1*, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shumaila Hanif4, Sehrish Firyal1, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1

... β-lactamase from a locally isolated strain Bacillus subtilis R5. The study was an initial step for the fulfillment of commercial needs of β-lactamase in Pakistan. The 1 kb β-lactamase gene was amplified by PCR using the genomic DNA of B. subtilis R5 as template. The purified PCR product was cloned in pTZ57R/T and sub-cloned in pET21a. Expression of recombinant protein was examined in BL21 CodonPlus (DE3) cells. SDS-PAGE confirmed the size of re...

Samira Merabet1, Nora Khammes-El Homsi1,*, Lydia Aftisse1 and Stéphane Aulagnier2

...ological conditions in a locality of Great Kabylia (Algeria). Apodemus sylvaticus, and Mus spretus synchronized their reproduction in winter and spring, Lemniscomys barbarus in spring and summer. Photoperiod and temperature cannot explain this reproduction shift that might be linked to the feeding ecology of the species.


Weam Mohamed Baher*, Gamilat A. El said 

...ted from rural and urban localities in Egypt. Evaluation of the hygienic status of chicken meat was done via estimation of total bacterial count (TBC), most probable number (MPN) of coliforms, total staphylococcus count (TSC), and total mold count (TMC). An experimental trial for the improvement of the hygienic status of chicken meat (breast) was done using the bacteriocin, nisin, and gingerol at two concentrations (1%, and 2%). The achieved results indicated ...
Tri Eko Susilorini1*, Ahmad Furqon2, Wike Andre Septian1, Desinta Wulandari3, Suyadi Suyadi3
...perties. Senduro goat is local breeds in Indonesia that provide milk. This study was aimed to analyse CSN3 gene polymorphism and its association with milk production and composition on Senduro goat. A total of 42 lactating Senduro goat were used in study from parity 1 to 4. Blood and milk samples were collected in Senduro district, Lumajang. The traits observed were milk yield, fat, lactose, solid non-fat, total-solid, and protein. The CSN3|Alw44I polymorphism...

Mohamed El-Henfnawy*, Essam A. El-Gendy, Ahamed M. El-Kaiaty, Mostafa Helal 

...evaluating and improving local breeds is essential. Genotype-by-sex interaction refers to the interaction of genetic architecture with male or female performance. The current study aimed to evaluate the genotype-by-sex (G×S) interaction on the growth performance of a selected chicken line and its genetic control line. The results revealed significant G × S interactions for body weights at 4 and 10 weeks of age. The line effects on body weight trait...

Noor Muhammad Khan1,2, Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,3*, Rashid Rehan2 and Iftikhar Zeb4

...tion capabilities of two locally available plant species Arundo donax (A.d) and Typha latifolia (T.l) for removing HM from the untreated wastewater of Hayatabad Peshawar used for irrigation downstream. The wastewater analysis showed that HM concentration exceeds the limits of thresholds values. For phytoremediation the T.l was tested in both on-site (in-situ) and laboratory conditions (ex-situ) while A.d was applied only in an ex-situ setup. For T.l, the avera...

Akbar Hayat1*, Marayam Nasir2, Ehsan-Ul-Haque1, Muhammad Asim1, Sohaib Afzaal1, Shagufta Naz3, Muhammad Nawaz1, Abid Mahmood4, Faheem Khadija1, Fiaz Hussain1 and Tariq Mehmood5 performed well under local climatic conditions of Sargodha Pakistan.


Syeda Rubab Zaidi* and Safdar Ali Mirza

...e enzyme production from locally isolated and screened potential fungal strain of Aspergillus flavus was monitored. During this study culture medium and different parameters such as incubation period and inoculum size were optimized and inducers were employed for enhanced production of laccase. Partial purification was accomplished through Ammonium-Sulphate precipitation and for further purification gel filtration and anion exchange methods were used along wit...
Sara Mohamed Hemeda1, R.H. Sayed2, Hani Hassan1, Sheima A.E.2, Hassan Aboul-Ella3, R. Soliman3*
...ity, and accuracy of the locally prepared kits were 93.7%, 95.3%, and 94.6%, respectively.
Keywords | Polyclonal antibodies (PAbs) production, Nano-gold applications, Lateral flow immunochromatographic assay (LFA), Antibiotic residues, Rapid detectors

Muhammad Luqman1*, Adeel Mustafa1, Sheer Abbas2, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehomood1 and Raheel Saqib3

... have easy access to the local livestock market for selling animals and their products. Moreover, according to the livestock farmers cow has proven the least productive species in the study area. There is an ignorable trend of spending on mechanized livestock management/handling, paid extension services, and loan repayments. Almost 81% of the livestock farmers said that they only keep the health record of their livestock head. Above 50% of the farmers said tha...

Atta Ullah*, Nasrullah Khan, Ataur Rahman and Rafi Ullah 

...le folk benefits for the local peoples. This study aimed to document the folk benefits obtained by local inhabitants from different indigenous angiosperms and their products in Sheikh Buddin National Park. Information from 250 respondents (240 male, 10 females) was gathered randomly about plants’ medicinal and folk uses in the park. One hundred and sixteen plants species belonging to 99 genera and 50 families were reco...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Minh Thanh Tram1, Thi Thu Pham1, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Khanh Ly Nguyen1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Cong Thieu Pham3, Nguyen Khang Duong4 

...A (mitochondrial DNA) of local goat breeds in Ninh Thuan Province, Vietnam was studied to provide useful information on their origin. Blood samples were taken from two local goat breeds in Ninh Thuan (De Co = CO and Bach Thao = BT, 10 samples each) and three other exotic goats including Saanen (SA; 10 samples), Red Boer (RB; 10 samples) and White Boer (WB; 9 samples) raised at An Phu Dairy Company in Cu Chi District, Ho Chi ...

Ziaul Islam1*, Asad Sultan1, Sar Zamin Khan1 and Sher Bahader Khan2

...00) were procured from a local hatchery and were randomly allocated to five different dietary treatments. A basal diet formulated with corn-soybean meal (CON; without any additives) served as control diet and fed to birds in control group. Birds in other four groups were given same basal diet mixed either with zinc bacitracin (150 mg/kg diet; ZB-150); organic acids (200 mg/kg feed; OA-200); essential oil (150 mg/kg feed; EO-150) and or a combination of organic...

Madiha Khalil1, Amjad Farooq1, Asim Faraz2*, Abdul Waheed2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Riaz Hussain Mirza2 and Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2

...f Friesian cattle in the local environment of Quetta, Pakistan and to evaluate non-genetic factors affecting the lactation traits. For this purpose, data on lactation performance of Holstein Friesian cows were collected from government livestock farms located at Quetta. Data obtained on calving from 608 cows during last sixteen years (2000-2016) were analyzed. After editing the data for consistency and errors it was subjected to statistical analysis using fixe...
Tariq Mehmood1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Ayesha Safder Chaudhry1, Kamran Ashraf2, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1,3, Muhammad Faisal Ayoob3*, Mudassir Hussain4, Farrukh Saleem3 and Muhammad Fayaz3
...itis, tumors and diverse local injuries and lesions are corrected by resection of the intestine. Twelve cats were subjected to 3 variable degrees of jejunal resection, i.e. group A (20%) and group B (40%), while group C (0%). Sampling was performed on days 0, 15, and 30 to test various clinical and biochemical parameters. Results showed weight loss in all groups until day 15 post-surgery while in group A and C gradual weight gain was noted. Fecal consistency w...

Nurul Isnaini*, Akhmad Kurniawan, Muhammad Nur Ihsan, Dedes Amertaningtyas, Artharini Irsyammawati, Faizal Andri 

...rming system. Indonesian local cows (n=200) and Brahman crossbred bulls (n=10) were raised under oil palm and cattle integrated farming system. Data were collected for cow and calf performance from two consequent calvings that were distributed into two groups according to the rainy days and rainfall for a year backward from the calving date. The rainy days were categorized as low (< 150 d) and high (≥ 150 d) whereas rainfall was ...

Zahin Anjum1*, Farhat Shehzad1, Shaista Ali1, Sumbla Yousaf2, Amina Rahat1 and Hamid Ullah Shah3

...ples were collected from local food vendor spots or general restaurants, and control samples of gas and electric grilled meat samples were also prepared and analyzed. Significant difference sp≤0.05 in PAHs levels were observed in different grilling procedures. Among the mutton samples, the highest concentration of PAHs was recorded in mutton grilled on coals. The chrysene, naphthalene, flourenthene and DBAHA concentrations were assessed high in mutton sampl...

Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Asif Sadam2, Karim Gabol1, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Sajid Mahmood4, Mustafa Kamal5, Hamid Ullah6, Syed Abidullah7, Muhammad Tufail8, Bashir Ahmad4, Gul Bacha Khan4 and Habib Ul Hassan1

...d grazing and cutting of local crops. Awareness about the protection strategy of skylark from egg laying till fledging is required among locals and farmers.


Muhammad Furqan and Zulfiqar Ali

...tes. As per respondents, local community is also concerned about the conservation of this species. Development of more protected areas for conservation, awareness education, implementation of wildlife laws, patrolling of officials in the breeding season, and long-term monitoring plan can help in the conservation of kalij pheasant.

Fei Wang1, Xiaofen Hu1, Feng Wen2, Xiaoen Tang3, Shanshan Yang1, Shengwei Zhong1, Zuohong Zhou1, Xu Yuan1 and Yong Li1,*
...e structure, subcellular localization, hydrophobicity and hydrophilicity indirectly account for its extensive distribution and various functions as expected.


Mahmoud S. Sirag1*, Effat L. El Sayed2, Mahmoud M. Hussein3, Khalid A. El-Nesr1, Mahmoud B. El-Begawey1 

... and Immunohistochemical localization and distribution of BVDV antigen in the genital organs of persistently infected and acutely infected cows, this study was carried out on genital organs of thirty cows submitted to slaughter houses suffering from reproductive disorders. Pathologically, three mummified fetuses had been extracted from the uterus of examined cows (3/30). The disrupted growing and mature follicles were a distinctive microscopic feature in infec...

Gawhara Ahmed-Abdelmonem1*, Zeinab Aboezz2, Ahmed Habashi1, Saad Sharawi2 (99.42-99.57%) to the local vaccine strain, while the other one belonged to African topotype genotype IV (GIV) and was genetically different from the local vaccine strain with 85.65% identity. These findings support the suggestion of adding the African topotype GIV as a supplementary vaccine to the currently used one.

Keywords | FMDV, Serotype A, Genotype IV, VP1gene, phylogenic analysis. 


Umar Farooq Gohar, Attia Majeed, Bushra Muneer* and Hamid Mukhtar

...collected from different localities of Pakistan. About 261 fungal strains isolated, among them 22 strains had the ability to produce podophyllotoxin. Maximum podophyllotoxin production (88.14µg/ml) was shown by fungal strain P-18, which was later identified as Penicillium sp. through 18S rRNA gene sequencing. Optimum growth conditions and parameters such as fermentation medium, pH, temperature, inoculum size, carbon and nitrogen sources were optimized to...

Sharon Zulfiqar1, Mubashar Hussain1*, Kiran Aftab1, Muhammad Faheem Malik1, Rizwan Khursheed2, Somia Liaqat1 and Maimoona Kanwal1 silkworm races fed on local mulberry. The disease-free eggs of Chinese, Korean and Bulgarian races were obtained from Sericulture Research Laboratory, Lahore. The silkworm eggs were incubated at standard conditions. Larval rearing was maintained at standard rearing conditions of temperature (25 ± 1°C), Relative Humidity (75 ± 5 %), and photoperiod (12 light: 12 dark). The experiment was laid out in the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) wi...

Tarek A. Wrshana1, Yousry A. Dowidar1, Bahgat A. El-Fiky2, Ali M. El-Rify1, Walaa A. El-Sayed3, Basem M. Ahmed4* 

...or poultry industry both locally and internationally. ND frequently emerges in highly vaccinated flocks causing high economic losses without specific treatment. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are a group of pluripotent cells with multiple biotechnology applications, including but not limited to tissue genesis, tissue repair, hematopoiesis, and immune modulation. Therapeutic strategies based on the usage of stem cells includes the cells either themselves or thei...
Allah Bakhsh1, Attiq Akhtar2, Fiaz Hussain3, Hafiz Wasif Javaad4, Inam ul Haq5* and Humara Umar

Ghulam Qadir1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Anjum1, Quais Muhammad Affan2, Muhammad Zaighum Mushtaq3, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi4, Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Hafeezullah Rafa1, Abdul Wakeel1, Ghulam Shabir1, Muhammad Rizwan1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1 and Muhammad Faisal Nawaz1

...e screening of available local plants which can grow or survive under salt stress and have considerable economic importance to the farming community. Therefore, a three-years pot experiment was executed to explore the salinity tolerance of medicinal plants i.e., Podeena (Mentha spicata), Hina (Lawsonia inermis), Qulfa (portulace oleracea), Methi (Trigonella foenumgraceum), Dill (Anethum graveolens) and Kalwanji (nigella sativa), under dual stress of ECe (elect...

Gudeta Nepir Gurmu, Tade Bitima Mulisa, Alemu Lenco Gemechu, Kegna Gadisa Amena and Gemechu Nedi Terfa*

...eld pea varietiesand one local variety at west Showa zone Oromia region to identify high yielding varieties. The experiment was carried out using a randomized complete block design with two replications at Babich, Goda Hora, Chelia Rafiso Alenga, EjersaLafo, and Goromti locations. Data on yield and yield-related traits such as harvest index, above-ground biomass, number of seed per pods, and hundred seed weights were recorded. Analysis of variance combined ove...

Iram Amin1,2*, Shazia Rafique1, Nadeem Ahmed1, Muhammad Shahid1, Samia Afzal1, Tahir Rehman Samiullah1, Mohsin Ahmed Khan1 and Muhammad Idrees1,3 protein of HDV of the local isolate is the primary objective of the study. This antigenic recombinant HDAg protein can be useful for both vaccine development and as a diagnostic marker of HDV. After determination of HDAg antigenic region of HDV and its amplification, the fragment was cloned in bacterial expression vector. The expression of recombinant protein was checked by SDS-PAGE and after the purification of protein by using Ni-affinity column. antigeni...

Sidrah Ashfaq1, Muhammad Nadeem1*, Muhammad Yamin1, Talha Afzal1, Muhammad Waqar Akram1, Rabia Anam1 and Ali Mehboob2

...ter was fabricated using locally available materials in the workshop of the Dept. of Farm Machinery and Power at the University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Uniform distribution of 2.54-5.08 cm2 sizes of feedstock was used for gasification. Air was used as a gasifying agent. The reactor capacity was 0.19 m3. The values of performance parameters for wood waste and corncobs were recorded as fuel consumption rate (0.002195, 0.002323) kg-s-1, the volume of gas prod...

Marcos E. Bollido1,2*, Renell Jay G. Villaluz1,2 and Ronald L. Orale1 27% of the supply was locally produced, and 73% were imported from other regions. Locally sourced pig supply is pegged at 53%, and the rest (47%) are imported from various towns in Samar and other regions. The demand for pork and live pigs is 27% and 55% higher than the supply. The said gap can be filled in by local farmers/raisers with an overall market opportunity of 70,996 kilograms ...

Shakeel Ahmad1, Muhammad Israr2*, Rasheed Ahmed3, Anam Ashraf1, Muhammad Amin4 and Nafees Ahmad5

...ese LULC vulnerabilities locally and regionally.


Sadaf Ansari1, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Abdullah Sethar3, Ghulam Abbas4, Sabahat Ansari1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1* 

Farheen Shaikh*, Saima Naz and Nadir Ali Birmani

...ifferent urban and rural localities of Sindh, Pakistan. There were 15 guinea fowl Numida meleagris (Linnaeus, 1758) were captured and brought to the Parasitological laboratory of Department of Zoology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. The study was carried out from April 2015 –March 2016. Guinea fowls Numida meleagris (Linnaeus, 1758) were sprayed with Permathrin (Coopex powder) and ket on white paper sheets for about 32-35 minutes. The fowls were checked ...

Ali Ahmad1*, Zubair Aslam1, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Ehsan Ullah1, Ali Raza1 and Muhammad Asif3

...ic products by utilizing locally available composting material.


Midrar Ullah1, Nail Chand2, Abdul Kabir3, Muhammad Rasheed4, Hubdar Ali Kaleri5, Saqib Kakar5, Mubarak Ali4, Deepesh Kumar6, Asad Ali Shah1, Amir Shahb1, Muhammad Amir Khan1, Raza Ali Mangi7, Abdul Wahid Solangi5, Rameez Kaleri5,8*

...icks were purchased from local market and randomly divided into two groups 1 control and 1 irradiated. These groups were further distributed in two more replications with 50 birds per replication using the random treatment design. The findings our study showed that there was no significant influence of feed intake was recorded with irradiation. The results for feed intake of total chick was observed 2652.33±59.45 and 2625.78±16.31g was observed f...

Bnar Shahab Hamad1, Bushra Hussain Shnawa1*, Rafal Abdulrazaq Alrawi2 

...ove the understanding of local immune responses to CE and maybe lead to the design of novel treatments.

Keywords | Cystic echinococcosis, BALB/c, Liver, Immunohistochemistry, Apoptosis 


Nurul Isnaini1*, Ervin Kusuma Dewi Reksadinata1, Faizal Andri1, Tri Harsi2, Ida Zahidah Irfan2 

...n production, Indonesian local cattle, Reproductive performance, Total sperm output 


S. M. Ashraful Karim1, Md. Shohel Al Faruk2* 

...cats. A 9-year-old male local cat was brought to the Teaching and Training Pet Hospital and Research Center with a history of off-feed, weight loss, polyuria, and skin disease. Clinical examination revealed dehydration and polydipsia and the cat was suspected of CKD. The Blood sample was collected for estimation of biochemical parameters e.g. ALP, ALT, AST, Phosphorus, Glucose, Total protein, BUN, and Serum creatinine. The Urine sample was taken also for dete...

Murad Ali Rahat1*, Muhammad Israr2, Hakim Khan1, Ishtiaq Hassan1, Mohammad Islam1 and Muzafar Shah3

...f IrisPlex system in the local Pakhtun population living in Shangla Valley of Pakistan, the current study was carried out. DNA samples as well as photographs were taken from total of 226 individuals. Exclusion and inclusion criteria were set for samples collection. The analysis showed that brown eye color individuals were greater in number than blue and intermediate eyes color individuals. Moreover, Irisplex system predicted 100% blue and brown eye color while...

Sherif Abdelghany1, Hossam Mahrous Ebeid2*, Ahmed Abdelkader Aboamer2, Mohamed Ali Radwan1, Rania Agamy1 

...aised crossbred cows and local buffaloes in mid-lactation, with an average of 4.4 parties and an average herd size of 1.28 and 1.19 head/farm for Nile Valley and Newly Reclaimed districts, respectively. A structured questionnaire survey was designed, and field interviews were conducted to collect data and to characterize the current situation. Representative feed staff and milk samples were collected and analyzed. Feeding practices efficiency indicators were c...
Abdullah Iqbal1, Muhammad Abubakar2, Shumaila Manzoor3, Muhammad Kamran Ameen4 and Rani Faryal1*
...e against PPR vaccine in local goats. Group 1 and group 2 goats were given mineral supplementation and fat-soluble vitamin supplementation for 21 days. Group 3 goats were twice dewormed with Fenbendazole. Group 4 bucks were kept as controls. All bucks were vaccinated with the Pestivac vaccine. Antibodies detection was done using competitive ELISA from serum samples. Antigen shedding by vaccinated animals via nasal and fecal route was checked by the haemaggluti...
Mansha Tahir1, Abdul Rauf2,3, Syed Ayaz Kazmi2,3*, Nuzhat Shafi2, Muhammad Hasnain Ali Gillani3, Sundus Khawaja4, Syeda Maria Fiaz Bukhari4, Tehniat Summer4 and Muhammad Majid Bashir2
... range of LFTs. Visit to local clinic, major or minor surgery and tattooing or piercing of nose, ears etc., were assessed significant risk factors in the spread of hepatitis B and C. Awareness of the general population was carried out through organizing awareness lectures and distribution of awareness material.


Ahmed Rizk1, Gomaa Said Ramadan2*, Alaa Eldin Abdou3, Ossama Ahmed El-Weshahy1, Omer Sayed Rashed1 

...mpared with the Mamourah local strain. The selection was applied for three generations. Body weight at sexual maturity (BWSM), age at sexual maturity (ASM), and egg production traits (EP) from 36 - 42 weeks of age were also applied. Our results showed that the average body weight for Tanta G-1 and Mamourah chicken strains was 866.45 grams and 558.75 grams in the first generation. In the second generation, the Tanta G-1 line’s body weight was 1006.50 gr...

Nosheen Jehajo*, Nasreen Memon, Mansoor Ali Shah and Naheed Shah

...e efficacy of some other local plant extractions as an alternative to chemical pesticides.


Pham Tan Nha*, Le Thu Thuy  

...el on the performance of local chickens in the south of Vietnam. It was (3*2*3 factorial) with 2 factors. Factor fermentation: Yeast-fermented maize (YM), Yeast-fermented broken rice (YR), Probiotic fermented maize (PM). Factor protein level: 20% (CP20) and 16% (CP16). One hundred and eighty Noi chickens at 6 weeks of age (334±9.5 g/bird), and 10 birds per unit (balanced sex) were in the treatment. All treatments were added 4% (DM) of fermented feed to ...

Ifrah Amjad1, Muhammad Nouman Khalid1*, Muhammad Kashif1, Muhammad Noman1, Sajid Ali2, Rizwan Ahmed Shaikh3, Muhammad Babar4, Muhammad Asim Bhutta5 and Amna Bibi5

...g with two high yielding local cultivars. All Sub1 genotypes showed less elongation percentages than Super Basmati and KSK-133 while maximum survival percentage was observed in IR-07-F289 Sub1 followed by Swarna Sub1 and FR-13A. Five rice genotypes (FR-13A, Swarna Sub1, Ciherang Sub1, IR-07-F289 Sub1 and IR-44 Sub1) along with two high yielding local varieties (KSK-133 and Super Basmati) were evaluated under submergence stre...

Mushtaq Hussain Soomro1, Jan Muhammad Mari1, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal2* and Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar2

...lure+ against RPW. Three locally available food baits i.e., date palm, sugarcane, and banana along with Ferrolure+ (positive control) and detergent water (negative control) were evaluated against RPW. Three hundred grams of each food bait along with Ferrolure + was used in the traps as weekly observations were taken on the RPW attracted in traps. Food and water were changed after weekly observations. The experiment was arranged in randomized complete block des...

Md. Aminul Islam1*, SM Mostafizur Rahaman Sumon1, ANM Aminoor Rahman2, Fahima Khatun3 

...find out the efficacy of locally available anthelmintics against helminths, anthelmintic treatments were given to dairy cows in five different farms of Gazipur, Bangladesh and the helminth parasitic loads of dairy cows were determined before and after treatment by Modified Stoll’s Dilution Technique using a McMaster counting chamber. A total of 85 faecal samples from five different dairy farms were examined. The overall infection rate of helminths in dai...

Monis Hussain Shah1*, Rizwan Rafique2,6, Munawar Almas1, Muhammad Usman3, Sadia Yasin4 and Sajida Bibi5

...ld and quality of fruits local fruits. Secondly the nurseries stocks of fruit plants should be certified, the small land holders should be supported by the government incentives for specific fruit production. Research according to the modern steps regarding plant protection measures, introduction of exotic varieties and use of Biotechnological tools for crop improvement should be adopted for better yield and production.


Shabana Parveen1*, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Ayaz Hussain Qadri1, Ghulam Dastagir3, Muhammad Hanif Chandio4, Pervaiz Khan4, Faheem Saddar5, Naveed Ahmad Abro6, Shahnaz Rashid7 and Ghulam Abbas7

... the commercial catch of local fisher community. The investigations were based on estimation of fecundity and its relationship with other body parameters, variation in egg size and calculation of gonadosomatic index. The results of fecundity estimation were based on 10 mature female fish ranging in size 30.4 to 43 cm and from 235.0 to 765.0 g in length and weight respectively. The lowest egg production (2193) was noted from small sized and highest was recorded...

Samiya Rehman*, Eman Mustafa, Ali Ahmad Faiz, Maheen Kanwal, Farkhanda Yasmin and Arooj Fatima

...l activities. Support of local community, use of preventive measures and public policies are required for strong long-term planning to prevent from drug addiction.


Monu Karki, Amit Kumar and Gnanavel Venkatesan*

...s a mild, self-limiting, localized skin disease of small ruminant’s viz. sheep and goats, ensuring its presence and related economic loss all over the world. The virus is the prototype member of the Parapoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family and is known to cause zoonotic affection sporadically. The main attraction to this virus has always been its wide range of virulence factors, known to be responsible for deceiving the host’s defense strategies...

S. Miheret1, A. Seid2† and N. Hailu3

...represents six different localities of the two districts. The results revealed that the highest incidence percentage (80%) of the Meloidogyne species from root samples were recorded from three farms of district Kewet and three farms of district Efratana Gidim. Meloidogyne incognita and M. javanica were found infecting 70% of the surveyed tomato farms in mixture. Meloidogyne incognita was more prevalent than M. javanica from the surveyed tomato farms across the...
K. Nasira, S. Shamim and F. Shahina†
...hese pollutants at eight localities of Sindh, which
are Malir, Karachi; Kalri (Keenjhar) Lake, Thatta; Karachi Canal and Al-Manzar at River Indus near Jamshoro;
Goth Detha Hyderabad; Khesana Mori near Tandojam; Mirpurkhas and Jamesabad (Kot Ghulam Mohammad).
Samples from different sources of freshwater viz., river, lake, canal, tube well, pond and irrigation water chennal

R. Singh1† and R. Z. Sayyed2

...ations and histochemical localization of various metabolites in
normal and galled roots of sponge gourd, Luffa cylindrica L., infected with root-knot nematode Meloidogyne
incognita. Histochemistry of the roots revealed an increase in protein, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) and
amylodextrin (hydrolyzed starch) concentration in the infected regions as compared with normal healthy sections.

K. Nasira† and S. Shamim

...matode population within localities. Relative density of fresh water nematode species of
studied sites ranged between 0.7-10.4 % while absolute frequency and relative frequency ranged between 15-98%
and 0.86-8.8%, respectively. Analysis of overall occurrence percentage of feeding groups revealed that predators
dominated the entire nematode community (35%) followed by bacterivores (32.5%), herbivores (20%), algal feeders

M. S. Yasir†, A. K. Sajid, N. Javed and M. Ghani

...ferent randomly selected localities of the date-palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) growing
areas of district Kharan for the determination of incidence, prevalence, severity and identification of major species
of root-knot nematodes. During the survey, a total of 160 root samples were collected from different localities and
cultivars of date-palm. The maximum prevalence was recorded from

I. Kepenekci

...istribution in different localities of Turkey have been
surveyed. A total number of 240 nematode species of plant parasitic nematodes belonging to 56 genera of
Tylenchida detected in Turkey. These nematode species found associated with 66 plants from 48 different
localities of the country.

Z. Gill and K. Firoza†

... there was 4 groups of 8 localities in relation to 32 nematode species.
Morphological and taxonomical studies indicated that all nematode genera and species have been identified and
recorded for the first time from date palm orchards of Khairpur district. Merlinius nothus Allen, (1955) Siddiqi,
1980, is reported as a new record nematode species in Pakistan. It is briefly redescribed and illustrated herein.

Mutasim Billah1, Sardar Azhar Mehmood1, Abdul Rauf Bhatti2*, Ahmed Zia2, Shabir Ahmed1, Waqas Ahmad2, Kiran Shahjeer3, and Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi4

... along with valid names, localities, ecological observation and abundance for all collected species are discussed. A need to explore weevil fauna along with more detailed surveys for weevil is highly suggested in the area.


Hendro Prasetyo1*, Diah Karmiyati2, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Ahmad Fauzi2, Trias Agung Pakarti1,3, Mardiana Sri Susanti4, Waris Ali Khan5, Leila Neimane6,7 and Maizirwan Mel8,9 continue to grow local rice variants. This study aims to identify, analyze, and describe farmers’ attitude and behavior. A survey was employed for quantitative data gathering and an interview was for the qualitative ones. A total of 52 respondents were of local rice farmers in Sidodadi and Banturejo villages of Ngantang district, Malang Regency, East Java, Indonesia. The result of correlation test showed good c...

Seema Perveen Memon*, Nasreen Memon, Mansoor Ali Shah, Reshma Sahito and Aiman Amur

...gram (AMCP) of different localities of district Sanghar. Total 26161 suspected cases of malaria were examined, 490 patients were found malaria positive. Among these positive cases, 477 patients were found Plasmodium vivax and 13 cases with Plasmodium falciparum. Gender wise and age wise malaria were examined, maximum cases were observed in male (283 patients) as compared to female, while in age wise distribution adult (73% patients) have a high percentage of m...

Tariq Mahmood1*, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2, Sami Ullah1, Bilal Ahmad3, Zarmina Aslam4, Naveed Ahmad Khan5, Muhammad Shahzaib Tariq6, Muhammad Ali Raza6, Rana Usama Iqbal7 and Samia Zain8

...e honey bee ecotypes and local species that are more resistant to pests, diseases, and pesticides, as well as to quantify the synergistic impacts of the probable causes of present colony loss, further research is required.


Tilahun Bekele* and Abebaw H. Georgis

...haye, Darbera, Aden, and local), and four levels of seed rate (10kg, 15kg, 20kg, and 25kg per ha) set out in a randomized complete block design and replicated three times. The findings of the statistical analysis exhibited that the majority of the response variables under consideration were significantly (P<0.01) influenced by seed rate, variety, and interaction of both factors except for days to maturity, plant height, and thousand seed weight. Based on th...

Idrees Ahmad1, Muhammad Jamil2*, Hafiz Muhammad Zia Ullah1, Saira Saleem1, Syed Ahtisham Masood3, Umair Faheem4, Imran Akhtar5, Muhammad Abdullah6, Abdul Majid Khan5 and Naeem Iqbal7

...s of Pakistan. Enhancing local production through breeding high-yielding cultivars is the possible solution. The present research work was carried out at Oilseeds Research Station Khanpur from 2006-21. The main objective was to develop a mustard cultivar with improved quantitative and qualitative traits. Bagh-o-bahar Raya is the name for strain KJ-238 and is an outcome of pedigree selection after hybridizing KJ-206 and J90-43001genotypes. Its maximum grain yie...

Hasina Basharat1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Aziz Ahmed2, Rehana Kausar2 and Shamim Akhter1

... and acclimatized in the local environment of Pakistan. For the successful culture of any fish species, the knowledge about the proper feeding regime especially the appropriate amount feed offered, is very important. To determine the optimum feeding level for African catfish culture, an experiment was conducted in earthen ponds of size 0.02 hectare each, for the period of four months at a stocking rate of 10,000 fingerlings per hectare (500 fish/acre). The exp...

Ayaz Ahmed1*, Muhammad Zulfiqar1 and Saadutullah Khan2

...e tools and trainings to local collectors.


Saba Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat-Ul-Ain Akbar1, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique3, Saqib Arif1, Shahid Yousaf2, Masooma Munir4, Abdul Karim Khan4, Shazia Arif5,  Abdul Ahad6 and Muhammad Arif7

...ity traits being used in local and international trade. In addition to the NIR-spectroscopy, wheat grain samples were also analyzed through standard methods for hardness such as hardness index (HI) and particle size index (PSI). Samples had hardness scores ranging between 55.5 and 79.1. A positive correlation shown among the values of NIRS and HI (r = 0.92). However, PSI values were weakly related to HI (r = -0.46) and NIR (r = -0.30) values. The grouping of d...

Yuli Retnani1*, Heri Ahmad Sukria1, Indah Wijayanti1, Didid Diapari1, Muhammad Dimas Erlangga1, M Fatahillah Ibsyah1, Taryati1, Nisa Nurmilati Barkah1,3, Novia Qomariyah2,3

...he growth performance of local sheep fed with agricultural waste in the form of silage and wafers. The study consisted of five treatments and four groups using 20 local male sheep. The results showed that feeding local sheep with agricultural waste in the form of silage and wafers had a significant (P < 0.05) effect on the dry matter, crude protein, and crude fat intake and was able to ...

Faustin Dokui1*, Frédéric M. Houndonougbo1, Service G. Djidda1, Venant P. Houndonougbo1, Edith Gangbedji1, Gwladys Menon Agbo2, Sedjro Ludolphe Dedome2, Séverin Babatoundé1, Soumanou Seibou Toleba1, Christophe A.A.M. Chrysostome1 

...h feed supplements using locally available ingredients. Three lick stones were made and tested on 16 Borgou cows in the central part of Benin, West Africa. All test animals had similar initial milk yield, lactation number and body weight. They were divided into four groups of four animals and each group was randomly assigned to one type of dietary treatment. The experiment lasted 90 days. The cows were fed natural pasture, either supplemented or not supplement...

Trisiwi Wahyu Widayati1*, Aris Triyono Syahputra2, Andoyo Supriyantono1, Onesimus Yoku1, Deny Anjelus Iyai1, Priyo Sambodo1, Iriani Sumpe1 

... Mountains Regency on 30 local pigs with a body weight of 10-15 kg and a minimum EPG of 2000, before and after the application of laleken. Stool samples come from fresh feces. Water samples were collected from pools around the farmer’s house in both systems, vegetable samples were collected from three points ± 0 m, ± 1 m, and ± 2 m apart from the fence and soil samples were collected at three points ± 1 m apart, ± 10 m ...

Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Karim Gabol1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamidullah4 and Abdul Rahim1

...n. However, this bird is locally found abundantly in Bajaur valley, but the basic data on its status and breeding performance have not been collected. To stipulate all the associated data about its breeding and nest characterizations, complete research was carried out in the cultivated areas of Bajaur valley during 2020. The breeding season starts from mid-April and lasts until July. Nests were explored orderly in all the probable sites with help of the landow...

Athhar Manabi Diansyah1, Muhammad Yusuf2*, Abdul Latief Toleng2, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2, Tulus Maulana3, Hasrin4, Abdullah Baharun5 


Imdad Hussain Soomro1, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Naeem Rajput1, Rameez Raja Kaleri2,6*, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani3, Raza Ali Mangi4, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi5, Sheva Dhari6, Abdul Wahid Solangi6 and Zoya Parveen Soomro

... age were purchased from local market and divided into two groups, each group contains six kids. (Group A was fed with fresh maize grass and Group B was fed with maize feeding silage). After completion of 2 months trail results was collected and analyzed. The result for weekly weight gain statistical analysis showed that non-significant (P≥0.05) difference between groups from 1st to 4th week. However, showed significant (P≤0.05) effect was recorded from ...

Safriyanto Dako1, Nibras Karnain Laya1, Syukri I Gubali1, Ari Ardiantoro2, V.M Ani Nurgiartiningsih3, Gatot Ciptadi3, Desinta Wulandari3, Suyadi Suyadi3*

...pment and maintenance of local cattle. This study aims to evaluate genetic diversity and relationships using microsatellite markers between the populations of Gorontalo cattle in Gorontalo Province, Indonesia, using 3 microsatellite markers. A total of 126 samples of local bovine blood were collected, which consisted of North Gorontalo (n=28), Gorontalo (n=52), Bonebolango (n=37), PO (n=3), and Bali (n=6), were used in this ...

Saleem Hussain1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Tauqir Anwar1, Talha Nazir2*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3, Zohaib Asad2,4, Muhammad Adnan3 and Tajwar Alam5

...icity potential of seven local plant species (i.e. parthenium Parthenium hysterophorus L., eucalyptus Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., milkweed Calotropis gigantean (L.) Dryand., bakain Melia azedarach L., neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss., tobacco Nicotiana tabacum L. and thorn apple Datura stramonium L.) against wheat aphid (Schizaphis graminum Rondani) under laboratory and field conditions. Using foliar spray method, toxicity bioassay was conducted with thre...

Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Luqman1*, Sheer Abbas2, Usman Saleem1, Abdul-Gafar Ahmed3 and Muhammad Salman Aslam1

...nditions. In this study, local adaption practices and strategies, private and government institutional support and efforts, national adaption policies and strategies are also surveyed at different scale.



...collected from different localities of the Middle Siwalik of Pakistan of Late Miocene-Early Pliocene ages (7.0-3.5 Ma). The fossiliferous sites are situated in district Jhelum near well-known villages the Hasnot and the Padhri. The newly recovered fossils comprise isolated molars and premolars. The studied dental material was identified based on the morphological and metrical characters and assigned to Pachyportax latidens.
Key W...
...a risk for the health of local community. Salmonella spp. was detected in 7.42 % of water samples having range 1-20 CFU 100ml-1, while E.coli was detected in 91.4% of water samples having colonial population between 1-40 CFU/100ml. According to this study, 98 % of the water sources of study area did not meet the safe limits for drinking water of the country as well as the WHO guidelines. Conclusively it was declared that water quality is unacceptable for human...
...mples collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. Sucrose-based medium, supplemented with vancomycin and tetracycline, was used for the selective growth of Leuconostoc species. The obtained isolates were screened by using the shake flask method. The isolate IIB-C9 was selected for the parametric optimization as it gave the maximum activity. Among the 10 different fermentation media screened for enzyme production, maximum dextransucrase activity...
...mples collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. Sucrose-based medium, supplemented with vancomycin and tetracycline, was used for the selective growth of Leuconostoc species. The obtained isolates were screened by using the shake flask method. The isolate IIB-C9 was selected for the parametric optimization as it gave the maximum activity. Among the 10 different fermentation media screened for enzyme production, maximum dextransucrase activity...

Caiping Duan

... group (n=123; receiving local anesthesia before angiography, subcutaneously injected with 2% lidocaine 2.5 ml at puncture point). After coronary angiography in each group, the serum nitric oxide (NO), endothelin-1 (ET-1) and cardiac troponin (cTnT) contents in different treatment groups were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Coronary blood samples were obtained during coronary angiography. Expressions of interleukin-1β (IL-1β), interleu...

Ubaida Hussain1,2*, Amtul Jamil Sami1*, Shazia Rafique3*, Muhammad Idrees khan3 and Ahmad Ali Shahid3

...inhibitory activities of local medicinal plant Azadirachta indica (A. indica) extracts on expression of NS3 and NS5A nonstructural proteins of HCV 3a genotype. Owing to the fact that HCV patients can develop HCC, plant extract has also been tested for cytotoxic activity. Colorimetric analysis was done to determine the vitality of HepG 2 cells for 24 h after treatment with methanolic seed extract and minimum inhibitory concentration was calculated. HepG2 cell w...

Amber Khalid1*, Amjad Rashid Kayani1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1, Muhammad Mushtaq1, Mirza Azhar Beg1 and Surrya Khanam2

...collected from different localities of Pothwar during different seasons. Stomachs were separated during autopsy. Slides from stomach contents were prepared and were compared with reference slides. Relative frequency of every food item observed in the stomach was calculated as percentages. The results showed that Indian gerbil predominately consumed plant matter in its diet (74.5%) along with animal matter (25.5%). Among plant matter, Triticum aestivum (wheat) ...

Ahmed Ali Chandio1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Nazar Ali Korejo2, Riaz Ahmed Leghari3 and Muhammad Ali Chandio4

...125) were purchased from local hatchery and equally divided into the five groups, i.e., C (control) that offered basal diet, while, T1, T2, T3 and T4 groups were supplemented 0.5, 1, 1.5 and 2% P. pinnata leaf powder (PPLP) in basal diet respectively. The experimental groups were observed for the performance parameters, antibody titer against Newcastle disease virus (NDV), relative weight of lymphoid organs (bursa, spleen and thymus) and enumeration of gut mic...

Ovirup Bhushan Paul1, Shodipta Sharma Urmi2, Md. Ashraf Ali Biswas3* 

...prove digestibility with locally accessible feed supplies using a completely randomized design. TMR feed was produced with 70% roughage of silage & rice straw and 30% concentrate mixture. FTMR feed was produced by mixing TMR feed with molasses containing Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Prepared TMR and FTMR feed mixed with rumen fluid buffer for in vitro digestion at 6h, 12h, 24h, & 48h of the incubation period. There were five replications at each of TMR a...

Hayam S. Abdelkader1; Gamalat M. Allam1; T. A. Moustafa2; and M. El-Hanunady2

...ent symptoms varied from local necrosis, systemic necrosis, systemic mosaic yellowing, bronzing, or stunting. The virus transmitted by mechanical means as well as by Thrips tabaci. Its TIP was between 45-50oC, DEP was 10-5 and LIV was between 5-6 hrs. Local lesion technique for biological purification and electron microscopic analysis confirmed the production of mature infectious virus particles underlining the conclusion th...

M.A.S. El-Kady1, Om-Hashem M. El-Banna 2, E.A Salama2, Salwa N. Zein1 performed to purify a local isolate Of Barley stripe mosaic Hordevirus (BSMV). The 1st procedure was successful in producing relatively high yield of virus preparation 3.7 mg/100 g of barley leaves with adequate purity and one light-scattering zone was round in sucrose density-gradient column. The 2nd and 3rd procedures yielded aggregated virions (2.3 and 7.0 mg/ 100 g of fresh barley leaves, respectively). Electron microscopy of negatively stained purified...

A. S. Gamal El din1; Sohair I. El-Afifi2; A. S. Sadik2; Nashwa M. A. Abd El Mohsen1; and H. M. Abdelmaksoud1 hosts as it induced local lesions and top necrosis on Capsicum annuum L. cvs. California Wonder & Godion as well as Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cvs. Streen B and Casel Rock. Solanum tuherosum L cv. Cara. Nicotiana glutinosa L. Nicotiana benthamiana gave systemic infection only. On the other hand. systemic symptomless infection had occurred with N. tabacum L. cvs. White Burley and Xanthine. Whereas PAMV didn't infect Ch. umaranticolor Cost. Reyn and ...

 Salwa N. Zeinl and Hanaa S. Zawam2

...odies raised against the local isolate of ACLSV had a specific titer of l: 8000. The concentration of IgG and IgG conjugate with alkaline phosphatase was l: 1000. The prepared antiserum was used for detection Of ACLSV using ELISA dot immunobinding assay (DIBA). The presence of the virus was checked in blossom parts. (Petioles, stigma, and flower cup).


Bismillah Khan1*, Muhammad Mehran Anjum1,2*, Maaz Ullah1, Izharullah1, Aftab Ahmad3 and Jawad Akbar1

...ion of weeds density for local and Chinese lines in northern Pakistan under different sowing intervals” during winter season 2020-2021. The experimental design was used randomized complete block (RCB) with split plot arrangement replicated thrice. Treatments were consisted of sowing dates (1st November, 16th November and 1st December 2020) and wheat lines (MY409-4, MY1617, MY1416, MY291-4, MY1501, MY1419 and MY902) with one local...

Pengliang Xie1, Lufang Zheng2*, Mingxia Dong3, Huaiqiang Zhang1 and Fang Chen1

...y, including 19 cases of localized macular edema, 12 cases of diffuse macular edema, and 14 cases of cystoid macular edema. Forty-five healthy people in physical examination were recruited as control. We found that the diseased group had higher proportion of hypertension (P<0.05) compared with the control group, and there was no difference in other general information (gender, age, BMI) (P>0.05). Compared with the control group, the diseased group had hi...

Muhammad Arshad Iqbal*, Aamir Ghafoor, Irfan Ahmad, Muhammad Ijaz 

...ckens were obtained from local hatchery and were reared for 42 days. Three groups (A, B, C) of birds were divided into 3 subgroups with 20 birds in each group. Group A (-ve control) received diet without AGP or probiotic. Group B (+ve control) was fed with AGP. Group C was probiotic feed supplemented with B. amyloliquefaciens. All subgroups 1 were kept non-challenged, at day 21, subgroups 2 were challenged with 1x105 CFU of S. Enteritidis and subgroup 3 were c...

Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1*

...bility over the time and locality. In terms of sensitivity to this environmental stress, rice, which is a drought-sensitive crop, exhibits notable varietal variability. for the estimation of elite coarse rice lines to withstand against the drought stress especially during early plant developmental phases and germination and seedling stage, an experiment was carried out from June to July 2021 at the Rice Molecular Breeding Laboratory of the Rice Research Progra...

Sukandi Sukandi1,4, Djoni Prawira Rahardja2*, Herry Sonjaya2, Hasbi Hasbi2, Sudirman Baco2, Sri Gustina3, Kirana Dara Dinanti Adiputra1

...ustify;">Bali cattle are local cattle owned by Indonesia that play a role in meeting the lack of meat demand in the country. In its development, both horned and hornless Bali cattle were found. This study aims to determine the influence of heat stress on the physiological and hematological profiles of horned and polled Bali cattle. Eight male Bali cattle (four horned and four polled) with an age range of 2.5–4.5 years were used. Parameters observed were ...

Indira Jurinskaya1*, Tynyshtyk Kenzhebaeva2, Kairat Iskakov3, Bekzat Niyazbekov1 

... down output of goats of local breeds and reducing the cost of manual labor in the technology for obtaining down. The research was carried out at the “Aiganym” farm of the Zhambyl district on one-year-old goats of the Kazakh coarse-haired and Gorno-Altai downy breeds as well as their crossbreeds. Animal groups were formed according to the principle of analogue groups, taking into account age and live weight. Animals downy breed were more than 2.5 t...

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

...uction including raising local chicken (75.76%) and other animal species such as cattle, goats, and rabbits (41.7%). The average mortality rate recorded in these farms was 11.7%. Biosecurity Index Score ranged from 44-66% (mean 53.83 ±4.23). There was low adoption of biosecurity between the farm’s boundary and the poultry houses. The study concludes that in the Pwani region biosecurity was moderately applied, which shows that farmers in this regio...

Jaffar Hussain1*, Zeenat M. Ali1, Syed Farman Ali Shah1, Abdul Nasir Laghari2 and Munazza Sohail3

...ountries face increasing local demand for energy in rural areas, they also must deal with both economic and environmental pressure on agricultural lands in general. According to an estimate the energy demand may increase from 60.4 to 129 million tones of oil equivalent in the next 15 years in Pakistan. Fossil fuels are the major source of energy in the world. The consumption of fossil fuels like that natural gas, coal and petroleum base products are going to e...

Muhammad Usman Shafi1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1*, Tiyyabah Khan2, Waheed Anwar2, Adnan Akhter2 and Muhammad Zubair3

...e from farmers regarding local knowledge system (LKS) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Most of respondents 97% (out of total 250) were male and 28% were between the ages of 26-45 years. Thirteen percent respondents had acquired education up to secondary level, and 92% respondents got knowledge about pesticide usage from pesticide retailers. Most of the respondents (85%) visited doctor after any exposure and 96% took showering after application. Most of th...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad1, Ahmad ur Rahman Saljoqi1, Shah Alam Khan1, Javed Khan3 and Muhammad Azim Khan2 was selected in both localities for the cultivation of sugarcane varieties (CP77/400, Jhang 59, 2086, US-633, YT-55, CPF-252, CPF-246, CPF-251, CPF-247, CPF-250, CPF-248, and CPF-249) in Feb 2020. Each variety was planted in sub-plot size 3×2 meters having 3 rows and 5plants/row in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. The data was recorded from Mar-Nov from fresh and ratoon crops of the year 2020 and 2021, respectively. Th...

Falah Mahmood Hameed1*, Asaad Khalaf Talal AL-Shuwaili2, Eman Jawad Jabber3, Mayada Sahib Hassan1  

...tosan powder was applied locally to wounds in group (A), as well as administered orally in group (B), and the wounds were left untreated in group (C) as a standard group. Each group was split into four subgroups, each consisting of two wounds, for histological analysis at the 0, 3, 7, and 14-day post-wound production and treatment durations. The findings showed that the speed of wound healing in treated rabbits were faster than non-treated rabbits. Additionall...

Ikram Ullah1, Zaib Ullah2*, Junaid Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1, Zafar Iqbal3 and Naveed Akhtar2

...ring 2015-19. Generally, local inhabitants expressed negative attitudes (48%), and they were in favor of eliminating bears due to frequent conflict incidents. Although good husbandry is the most effective measure of preventing black bear damage, compensation of loss and community involvement in conservation programs were documented as the most effective mitigation strategies. Human dependence on forest resources, habitat destruction, anthropogenic food waste, ...

Monis Hussain Shah1*, Riaz Ur Rehman2, Riaz Ali Shah1, Farwa Batool3, Rizwan Rafique4, Muhammad Usman5, Sajida Bibi6, Sadia Yasin7 and Samida Qamar8

...nt for recommendation to local farmers for better yield. Four tulip varieties cv. Antarctica, Oxford, Ballerina and Apeldoorn were purchased for evaluation. The 100 bulbs of each variety were planted in the bed. The performance of the plants during 2017-18 were judged by observing the bulb germination percentage, leaf width (cm), leaf length (cm), scape length (cm), flower size (mm), primary color of the flower, secondary color of flower, no. of large, medium ...

Muhammad Aijaz1, Nasir Mahmood2, Ghulam Mujtaba3 and Imran Riaz Malik1*

...recruited from different local tertiary care hospitals along with healthy subjects (n=100) for molecular analysis of the human IL-10 gene mutation at the -1082 (G/A) position. Extraction of genomic DNA was done from patients and healthy subjects. An allele-specific polymerase chain reaction determined polymorphism at a position (-1082 G/A). PCR products were analyzed by agarose gel electrophoresis to detect polymorphism. Further analysis was done by sequencing...

Abdur Rauf1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Wisal Khan3, Ikramullah Khan1, Khilwat Afridi4, Muhammad Shuaib5, Muhammad Khalid6 and Samrin Gul7

...ability among exotic and local wheat genotypes at Cereal Crop Research Institute (CCRI) Pirsabak, Nowshera, Pakistan. A total of sixteen genotypes i.e., eight exotic and eight local germplasms were sown in a three-replication randomized complete block design. The different parameters were recorded including days to heading, flag leaf area, plant height, tillers per plant, spike length, spikelets per spike, grain yield per pl...

Dede Kardaya*, Deden Sudrajat, Dewi Wahyuni 

...even-eight months old of local male lambs (20.12 ± 2.1 kg BW) allotted to four treatments in a randomized group design to determine how it affects lamb performances. The treatments were rations containing no urea (NU), urea (U), zeolite (Z), and urea-impregnated zeolite (UZ). Zeolite or urea-impregnated zeolite inclusion into field grass-based diets of lamb maintained feed intake level, improved dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), neutral detergent fi...

Ahmed El-Sayed Ismail 

...e first factor, when two local corn cultivars, namely, Giza 2 (susceptible) and Kahera 1 (resistant), were subjected to the infection by H. zeae to determine the biotic effect of the host susceptibility on development and reproduction of the nematode, the final population and rate of build-up of the nematode were more remarkable on Giza 2 cultivar than on Kahera 1. Due to the high suitability of Giza 2 for nematode reproduction, there was more pronounced damag...

Muhammad Shoaib Azeem1, Hafiz Qadeer Ahmed2,3*, Adil Shahzad2,4, Umar Farooq2,5, Ghayyoor Ahmad6, Muhammad Yaqoob3, Jamal Nasir1

... cuts and offal yield of local goats in Pakistan. Thirty-six goats were randomly selected and divided into four groups based on sex and age. Groups A and B (n=9) consisted of male goats with milk teeth and two teeth, respectively, while groups C and D (n=9) consisted of female goats with milk teeth and two teeth respectively. The results showed that age had a significant effect on the percentage of retail cuts, with two-teeth animals (male or female) having hi...

Qi Liu1,2, Weiyuan Li2,3, Qi Zhang2,3, Ziwei Wang2,3, Rui Gao1,2, Wenlei Liu1,2, Lei Zhang1,2, Ying Liu1,2, Tao Tian2,3 and Hongwei Yan2,3* of hatchery stocks on local F. chinensis populations across five years. A set of 13 microsatellite markers were used to evaluate genetic patterns across 2015, 2016 and 2019. We observed a significant Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium across all stocks. The inbreeding coefficient (Fis) was positive (0.121–0.131) for all stocks. A loss of genetic diversity was detected in the 2019 stock and significant differences were observed for number of different allel...
Tariq Ahmad1*, Anum Razzaq2*, Li Bo1, Faiz ur Rehman3, Gul Saba2, Omama Saqib1, Saif Ullah2 and Muhammad Suliman1
...exity, affecting largely local communities that nearer to forests. Therefore, the two villages of District Dir lower (village Takoro and village Koherai Malakand), the part of great Himalayas has been selected to highlight the conflict between Himalayan palm civet (Paguma larvata) and local community during January 2018 to end of November 2020. During current studies it was found that the problem mainly arises due to civets ...

Ghulam Sarwar Channa1*, Abdul Razak Mahar1, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Abdul Aziz Mirani3, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti2, Muneer Ali Bhagat1 and Wazir Ali Maitlo

... in the current study. A local nursery was established for each cultivar and healthy seedlings were shifted in isolated hydroponic plastic tubs containing the Hoagland solution and 0 (control), 40, 80, 120 and 160 mM of NaCl concentrations. Amongst the five rice cultivars, DR-92 performed better in terms of survival percentage, average plant height, shoot dry weight, percent reduction over control (PROC) for plant height and shoot dry weight, the accumulation ...

Rashid Saraz1, Saiqa Amur1, Zia-ul-Hassan1*, Naheed Akhter Talpur1, Inayatullah Rajpar1, Muhammad Sohail Memon2, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro3, Khalid Hussain Talpur1 and Nizamuddin Depar4

... of district Mirpurkhas (locally known as talukas) i.e. Digri, Hussain Bux Mari, Jhuddo, Kot Ghulam Muhammad, Mirpurkhas and Sindhri. The coordinates of each sampling point were recorded with Magellan® Triton™ 200 GPS device. Efforts were made to include all agriculturally important union councils of six talukas, involving a variety of soil use and crop scenarios, viz. wheat, sugarcane, mango, brassica. Soil texture (Bouyoucos Hydrometer method), ele...

Kiran Afshan1*, Sobia Baseer1, Shanza Kiran1, Ghulam Narjis2 and Sabika Firasat1

...pected women who visited local hospitals in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Sera of 425 suspected women were screened by latex agglutination test (LAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to measure the IgG and IgM antibodies level. Univariate analysis and odds ratios were calculated to determine the strength of association. The overall T. gondii infection was 60% with LAT, 52% IgG, and 56.26% with IgM ELISA. The seroprevalence was 7...

Asif Sadam1*, Rahmat Ullah Khan2, Karim Gabol2*, Muhammad Awais3,4, Mohammad Ismail1, Sajid Mahmood1, Muhammad Aslam4 and Hamidullah5

... results showed that the local villagers of the remote area of district Mardan were the active observers of trapping, over hunting and trading of waterhen in the study area. The structured interviews with locals revealed striking facts about ongoing hunting and illegal trade by hunters and traders. The two tribes namely Ottomankhail of district Swabi and Mamund of district Buner were identified to be involved in illegal traf...

Nasratullah Baloch1, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Hamida Narejo3, Muhammad Farooq Hassan4, Ghulam Abbas5, Shahnaz Rashid5, Muhammad Hanif Chandio6, Faheem Saddar7 and Majida Parveen Narejo8

...income generation of the local people.


Mudawamah Mudawamah1*, Sumartono Sumartono1, G. Ciptadi2, E. Susanto3, Y. Hartoyo4, L. Affandhy5,6

...The genetic resources of local Indonesian sheep that must be protected and preserved include the Sapudi sheep and their crosses, which produce meat with highly adaptive and sigmoid fat tails. This study aims to determine the differences in the relationship between physiological status, morphology, and total protein of the single and twin ewe sheep and their crosses. The research method was a field study with quantitative and laboratory analysis, with statistic...

Ali A. M. Al-Kuhla1*, Yaman S. Fadhil1, Saffanah K. Mahmood2 

...p>One hundred and twenty local male quails were used to investigate the effects of individual and combined malic and acetic acid in drinking water on the production performance and intestinal histomorphometry of quails. The quails were divided into 4 groups with 3 replicates for each group, 10 birds per each replicate. 1st group represented the control group, which was free of any additives. In 2nd and 3rd groups, malic and acetic acid respectively were added...

Jameel-ur-Rehman1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Ahmad Ali Moryani1, Riaz Ahmed Leghari1, Abdullah Sethar2, Ali Raza Nizamani3, Abdul Ahad Soomro3, Kanwar Kumar Malhi1 

... i.e., Labeo rohita (LR; local name Rohu), Catla catla (CC; local name Thaila) and Cirrhinus mrigala (CM; local name Morakhi). The samples were processed for isolation of bacterial organisms using conventional culture method and isolates were tested for antimicrobial sensitivity according to CLSI method. According to results, the prevalence of bacterial organisms was high (p < 0.05) in ...

Sameh Abdel-Moez Ahmed Amer1*, Aly Mohammed Ghetas1, Asmaa Mahmoud Maatouq1, Hagar Magdy Ahmed1, Khaled Mohamed El-Bayoumi1, Mohamed Abd El-Rahman Bosila1, Ahmed Ali El-Shemy2

...e, especially in endemic localities in Egypt. The phylogenetic proximity between used vaccines and field viruses can definitely protect against repeated NDV outbreaks. Therefore, the aim of the this work is to prepare a secure, sterile and potent an oil inactivated vaccine from a recent local isolate genotype VII 1.1 “NDV-CH-EGY-GIZA-VVTNRC-2021” and evaluates its efficacy against commercially available NDV genot...

Ming Wang1, Nan Yang2, Xiaolin Zhang2 and Wei Liu1*

...rea but also benefit the local sustainable development.


Asifa Majeed*, Amir Rashid, Palvasha Waheed, Asma Faryal, Aden Razaq and Ayesha Maryam

Sumaira Kousar* and Safdar Ali Shirazi

...rn expanse, encompassing locales like Kalam, Bahrain, and Pashmal. Within these regions, the magnitude of exposure is underscored by an average soil loss of 31.25 tonnes per hectare per year, coupled with compelling evidence of substantial erosion. The specter of erosion’s far-reaching implications beckons for immediate intervention, especially for the 2% of land grappling with extreme soil erosion. Urgent measures are imperative to preserve land integri...

Amistu KU1,2*, Monahan FJ2, Wims P2, Yonatan KY1 , Fahey AG2, Takele TA3 

...used to obtain data from local cattle fattening farmers (n=306) using a semi-structured questionnaire. The majority (94.4%) of respondents depend on the mixed crop-livestock farming activity as a source of income. The major feed resources for beef cattle fattening during the dry season are Desho grass (30.7%), hay (15.0%), and crop residues (14.7%) as basal diets, whereas for the rainy season fatteners almost fully depend on natural pasture (97.7%). However, f...
Sami Ullah1, Choudary Ihtasham Ali1, Umar Ijaz Ahmed1*, Shoaib Nasir1 and Amjad Masood2
...t health concerns, urban locality, age, education, family size, and income significantly influence the preference for oil over vanaspati ghee. At the same time, the taste has a negative and significant influence on the choice of vegetable oil. The estimates indicate that the highest income group in the data prefers edible oil more than the lowest income group. As vegetable oil is costly as compared to ghee, consuming healthier food, price is an essential crite...

Abnet Mekonnen1*, Kadir Abderehman1 and Feti Seyaka2

...icacy. The commonly used local anesthetic agents include procaine, lidocaine and bupivacaine. Understanding the pharmacology of local anesthetics enables the anesthetists to predict the potency, speed of onset, duration of action and safety of a specific drug in a given clinical situation. A local anaesthetic disrupts ion channel function within the neuron cell membrane preventing the tran...

Olabode, H.O.K1, Mailafia, S1, Martha Echioda-Ogbole1*, Ameh, J.A1, Amadi, K.I1 and Meseko C.A

...ence were 4% and 16% for local and exotic (layers) chickens respectively, while broilers showed no detectable antibodies. Questionnaire responses indicated low awareness level on the zoonotic potential of AI but high level of awareness on the economic impact of the disease. In conclusion, this study provides preliminary information on the occurrence of Avian Influenza virus H5 and H5/H9 co-infection and circulation in chickens characterized by poor zoonotic aw...

Razia Sultana1, Shinawar Waseem Ali1*, Ghulam Murtaza2 and Shahid Mahmood2

...tify bacteria present in locally processed yogurt using the advanced next-generation sequencing (NGS) method. Yogurt samples were collected from open-air shops located in different areas of Pakistan. All yogurt samples were mixed to make one composite sample. DNA was extracted from yogurt using the phenol-chloroform (organic) method. Extracted DNA was used to perform NGS/Illumina high-throughput sequencing of hypervariable regions (V3 and V4) of the 16S rRNA g...

Khalid Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1,2, Muhammad Adeeb Babar3 and Muhammad Asim4

...n) and Sethi Nagri (type locality of the Nagri Formation) is assigned to Sansanosmilus rhomboidalis based on the morphology of canine. The recovered material is unique and rare in the Siwaliks of northern Pakistan. It also increases the stratigraphic range of this barbourofelines species from the Chinji Formation to the Nagri Formation.


Muhammad Altaf1*, Arshad Javid2, Abdul Majid Khan3, Sadia Nazer4, Irfan5, Khalid Javed Iqbal6, Muhammad Sultan Haider7 and Sana Ashraf7

...g marks and meeting with local communities). The habitat preferences of large, medium and small mammals varied significantly. A decrease in mammalian diversity was observed from forest habitat to urban landscapes. Indian wild boar, Asiatic jackal, Indian fox, jungle cat, Indian pangolin and long-eared desert hedgehog preferred forested areas as well as slightly modified habitats while northern palm squirrel, house mouse, house shrew and rat species preferred h...


...y samples collected from local markets and house farms
of District Mianwali. The selective media used for the Salmonella was
hektoen enteric agar. The incidence of Salmonella in egg shells of
commercial eggs and non-commercial eggs was 32.5% and 27.5%. The
Salmonella prevalence in egg content was 15% and 12.5% in samples of
commercial eggs and non-commercial eggs. The Salmonella incidence


...ected from two different localities of Lahore and categorized in two groups: Group A (Raiwind, 30 samples), Group B (Bedian Road, 20 samples). All samples were analyzed for estimation of aflatoxins level using thin layer chromatography (TLC) method. The results showed that out of 50 samples, 20 (40 %) were fit as no level of aflatoxins detected in these samples. However, 30 (60 %) were positive for aflatoxins. 15(50 %) samples were highly contaminated and unfi...


...hence this report is new locality and host record.


Al Salihi karima Akool1* , Almas. M. Al-Bayati2, Iman Mousa Khaleel3  

...icroscopical features of local Arabian she-camel’s productive and nonproductive mammary glands (SCPMG & SCN-PMG). Sixteen mammary gland samples and its teats ( 8 SCPMG and 8 SCN-PMG) were collected from Al Muthanna abattoir. Gross examination, and full description were done and recorded. The samples were dissected and kept in a 10 % neutral buffered formalin. All samples were processed by histological technique and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin...
Nighat Nisar*, Hasina Maham Qadri, Asad Afridi, Muhammad Sami Khan, Muhammad Abdullah Khan
...teria as compared to the local market. The food items such as snacks and cold drinks were found expensive as compared to local market. About half of the study participants reported that the cost of mineral water was high in the cafeteria as compared to the local market. Forty-two percent of the students were not satisfied with the staff attitude and dissatisfied with the availability of fo...

Moazzam Baig*, Sohaib Ahmed and Arz Muhammad Umrani

.... These animals harm the local regeneration as well as the local land cover. The proposed Hypothesis shows that the significant relationship between Dependent and Independent variables i.e. Forest Degradation and Socio-Economic Factors.


Anwar Ali1*, Muhammad Ayaz Khan2 and Nowsherwan Zarif1

...wood requirements of the local community due to which biomass carbon stock has been significantly reduced. The study recommends to conserve and develop these forests through initiation of a REDD+ Project with active community participation. It is also recommend to stop open grazing and illicit cutting for the rehabilitation of these valuable forests.


Ferry Lismanto Syaiful1*, Jaswandi Jaswandi2, Mangku Mundana2, Ilham Ilham2, Novirman Jamarun1, Efrizal Efrizal3

...nsitivity, and phases of local buffalo pregnancy, and detecting buffalo pregnancy quickly, massively, and cheaper. The object of this study was 40 local buffalo post-AI with the criteria of BCS ≥3 and 2-3 parturition. The research medium used was green bean seeds. Then use urine and water samples. The urine samples used in this study were 120 samples. The dosage uses the ratio of mixing urine and water 1:12 mL, 1:14 mL, a...

Naeem Tariq Narejo1*, Muhammad Hanif Chandio2, Faheem Saddar3, Majida Parveen Narejo4, Bushra Ainy Dars5, Hafeez ur Rehman Narejo6, Athar Mustafa Laghari2, Shafiq ur Rehman Shaikh3, Shahnaz Rashid7 and Ghulam Abbas7

...s were prepared by using locally available ingredients (wheat and rice bran, powder of mustard oil cakes, whole wheat flour etc.) to have varying levels of crude protein, specifically 35%, 40%, and 45%. The aeration provided to the aquaria was continuous for 24 hours, and feeding occurred twice daily. The findings of this study indicate that T-II demonstrated the highest performance in terms of growth metrics, followed by T-III. Conversely, a significant drop ...
Waheed Ahmad1, Muhammad Tayyab1*, Bushra Muneer2*, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Mansurud Din Ahmad3, Shagufta Saeed1, Muhammad Nauman Aftab2, Sehrish Firyal1, Muhammad Wasim1, Muhammad Azam4, Muhammad Talha5 and Ali Raza Awan1
..., 5000 and 7500 IU/kg of locally characterized thermostable protease while group E was supplemented with the commercially available neutral protease (5000 IU/kg) that served as a positive control. The trial lasted for five weeks and during the trial period birds were offered ad libitum access to water and feed. The maximal weight gain was recorded when the feed was supplemented with 7500 IU/Kg of locally characterized protea...

Waheed Ali Panhwar1*, Mehtab Ali Mahar2 and Abdul Manan Shaikh3

...tle fauna from different localities of Sindh Province. 46 specimens were captured and sorted out into Genus Melolontha Fabricius, 1775 of subfamily Melolonthinae with two species i-e: Melolontha indica Hope, 1831 and Melolontha furcicauda Ancey, 1881. In addition to this, M. indica constructed as a new regional record for Pakistan while M. furcicauda is reported first time from Sindh Province of Pakistan. Beside this, description of the species and distributio...

Abdul Hayee Gabol1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir Rajput1, Jamal-U-Ddin Hajano2, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi3, Ghulam Qader Mangrio1 and Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahito4

... NAGA F1 and T-1057) and local tomato varieties (Desi Local and Shimlo) of Sindh, Pakistan against T. absoluta. All the varieties grown with standard agronomic practices as data on infestation of T. absoluta was taken weekly since the fifteen days of tomato transplanting depending on its characteristic damage symptoms. Both local tomato varieties were found significantly more susceptible t...

Muhammad Farooq Bhatti1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Aamir Ali1, Hooria Ashraf Khan1, Rabia Fajar Ali2, Ayesha Muzamil1, Fariha Munir3, Fatima Ijaz1, Rizwan Khurshid3

...uced a high yield in the local climatic conditions of Pakistan.  
Novelty Statement | Sericulture is a declining cottage industry. One of the major limitation faced by the farmers is the availability of most appropriate silk seed that suits the local environmental conditions. This research study suggests that the silkworms of Chinese race are better adapte...

Nusirat Aderinsola Sadiku1, Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi2* and Tesleem Taye  Bello

...arbonised at 500 oC in a locally fabricated pyrolizer with automatic temperature control to obtain the Bamboo Pyroligneous Liquor (BPL). Two weeks old lettuce plants were inoculated with 1,000 juveniles of Meloidogyne incognita. BPL was applied at three concentrations of 100, 200 and 400 mg/ml. Results revealed that nematode infected lettuce plants treated with BPL recorded significantly higher (P< 0.05) mean number of leaves, plant height and yield compare...
Naila Amjad1, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1*, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2, Shafaat Yar Khan1 and Sania Waliat1
...cted from five different localities of Sargodha division (Sargodha, Khushab, Jauharabad, Mianwali, and Bhakkar), Punjab, Pakistan, and tested against selected insecticides. The resistance ratios (RR) at LC50 ranged from 10.32-35.37 folds for deltamethrin, 17.49-38.13 folds for fipronil, and 10.70-18.81 folds for chlorpyrifos. The RR values at LC50 for imidacloprid and pyriproxyfen ranged from 4.35-28.0 and 10.56-21.45 folds, respectively. The study showed vary...

Hualong Jiang1, Tao Li2,3*, Jing Xiang3, Hanqing Yang3 and Maolin He3

... bridge constructions on local microeukaryotic compositions and functional shifts. In the present study, next-generation sequencing and bioinformatics analyses were performed to compare changes of microeukaryotic communities in local sediments influenced by sea-crossing bridge construction. Relatively low levels of alpha diversity and high levels of beta diversity were observed in samples influenced by bridge construction (g...
Riffat Sultana1*, Mohan Lal1, Samiullah Soomro1, Santosh Kumar2 and Ahmed Ali Samejo1
...stify;">In this study 09 localities of Thar Desert of Sindh have been surveyed and 1383 specimens of band-winged grasshoppers were collected. These samples were sorted out into 07 genera and 11 species. Morphological and morphometry account of each species with illustration ecology and global distribution was given. Taxonomic keys have been generated at generic and species level.

Morcos Ibrahim Yanni1* and Eid Elsaid Abdelaziz2
...t with earlier isolates, locally used vaccinal strains and other used strains internationally. Ten brain tissues from confirmed rabid cases in three governorates; Dakahleya (3), Alexandria (4); and Beheira (3) were diagnosed using viral cell culture and Direct Fluorescent Test (DFT) for the rabies virus. The samples were tested positive by DFT and isolated on baby hamster kidney cell culture. Of them, three confirmed rabies samples were picked to determine the...

Khalid Ali Khan1,2,3* and Hamed A. Ghramh1,2,4

...t on the conservation of local fauna. It has huge potential for the sustainable beekeeping industry if properly exploited. Beekeeping in Pakistan is mainly focused in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, central and northern regions of Punjab provinces but nowadays it is growing rapidly across the country. Three native species of honey bees including Apis dorsata, A. florea, and A. cerana whereas one exotic species A. mellifera are present in Pakistan. Honey produced in Pakist...
Muhammad Fiaz Qamar1*, Tahir Hussain1, Iram Liaqat2, Madiha Kiran1, Abdur Rahman Ansari3, Faiza Yasmeen1 and Tahira Batool3
... Jhang home fanciers and local retailers. Smearing, sedimentation, and flotation procedures were among the various parasitological methods used to analyze all of the samples that were gathered. Herein, the prevalence of coccidiosis was 70.7% and that of capillariasis was 15.7% whereas, mixed infection was 13.4%. Eggs per gram (EPG) were recorded as 750 and 700 for Coccidia and Capillaria, respectively. This study recommends the proper mana...
El-Dougdoug. K.A.1, Mervat, M. Fath Alah2, Reham A. Hassen3,Rehab A . Dawoud2
Elamien***, Mohammed; Kotob**, Nahla S.; Elsayed*, Eltayeb A.; Ragab, Yasser M. and Mourad, Fathia E.
...d from all Red Sea State localities. Fifty seven bOPV samples and fifty seven topV samples were taken during NIDs campaign in February 2010 and June 2010 respectively, and their potency were tested by the determination of a cell culture infective dose 50% (CCID50) in Hep-2 Cincinnati cell line and using the Karber's Formula. All topV (type 1, 2 and 3) samples were found to be potent, within World Health Organization (WHO) normal limits. However, type-3 poliovi...

Zaghloull , A.H.; Mahmoud2, Amal; Hassanl , H.Y.; Hemeida2, A.A.; Nayell , M. A. and Zaghawal , A.A.

...egions. In conclusion, a local Egyptian probe was designed and applied in the dot blot hybridization technique for diagnosis of bovine ephemeral fever virus.


El-Dougdoug2, Kh.A; Ghalyl, M.F. and Tahal , M.A. reduced the number of local lesion and in 2nd experiment, plants treated with CF showed variable visible viral symptom9compared with the broth media treated control 15 days post inoculation and remained symptom less throughout the study period. Such five Streptomyces species identified were able to produce an antiviral component in the culture filtrate, non phytotoxic and effective in local as well as systematically contr...
Nassarl , Entsar A.; El-Dougdoug , Kh. A.; Osmanl , M.E; Dawoud3, Rehab
A. and Kinawy l , Aliaa H.*
...l transfer of the single local lesion technique on Nicotiana gultinosa. The induced antiserum for the isolated virus had a titer 1\1024. 600 bp DNA fragments from the coat protein gene (CP) of TMV—Ch—EG was amplified with Rt-PCR technique. Phylogenetic analysis of the TMV-Ch-EG/CP- gene showed 89% nucleotide sequence homology with other published strains of TMV in GenBank and 81% amino acid sequence homology. Tissue culture approach was used to pem...

Ahmed, AmalA.; Zein, Salwa N. and Khatab, Eman A. H.

...lly purified from single local lesions formed on Chenopodium amaranticolor. CeMV was identified by its host range, symptom expression, modes of transmission and particle morphology.  CeMV able to infect only 20 plant species and varieties from 22 tested by mechanical inoculation. The virus was transmitted in a non-persistent manner using Myzus persicae Sulz. Infected plants were reacted positively only with the specific antiserum for the CeMV using double...

*El-Helaly, Sahar H.; ** Ahmed, Amal A.; * Awad, M.A. and ** Soliman, A.M.'

...collected from different localities in Minufyia Governorate, Egypt. AMV was readily mechanically inoculated by sap extracted from infected potato leaves to host plants (bioassay). The identity of AMV isolate was confirmed by sequence analysis of their coat protein (CP) gene. The sequence of the coat protein gene (CP) of AMV was determined from cDNA clones. The CP gene was cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector, and transformed into Escherichia coli (E. coli) strain DH...

Ahmed, Amal A. and Fath-Allah, Mervat M.

...lly purified from single local lesions which formed on cucumber cotyledon and/or Chenopodium quinoa. Identification of this virus was based on host range, transmissibility, and serological tests. CMV was able to infect only 20 plant species and varieties out of 24 tested plants by either grafting or mechanical inoculation, and PPV was able to infect only 19 plant species and varieties. CMV and PPV can be transmitted by Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae from cu...

Madbouly, H.M; Orkhan, M.H**; Nagwa El-khoty

...nuary 2007 from the same locality. The strains isolated from infected chicken during 2006 were closely related to A/ty/Turkey/l/05 strain which had been isolated from turkeys in Turkey 2005 and to MVietnam/1194/04 strain isolated from human cases of Al H5Nl and induced higher case fatality in human in Viet Nam.   phylogenetic analysis of haemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). genes of 2006 strains revealed that these isolates are located in Euro...

Laila,A. Sedeek; Fatma,S. Mohamed and Manal Abo El-Yazyed

... included four groups of local breed goats, where the first received modified live PPR virus vaccine; the second received inactivated bivalent FMD virus vaccine; and the third group received simultaneous vaccination with PPR and FMD vaccines. A separate group was left non-vaccinated and served as control. All animals remained clinically normal throughout the whole experiment period. A satisfactory humoral immune response to both virus vaccines in vaccinated an...

* Amal Abou El-Ela, A.

...lly purified from single local lesions formed on cucumber cotyledon. Identification of this virus was based on host range, properties in crude sap, transmissibility, and serological tests. PNRSV was able to infect only 12 plant species and varieties from 19 by grafting or mechanical inoculation, it has a limited range of experimental hosts. The dilution end-point of infectivity was 10-3, the thermal inactivation point was 540C, and longevity in vitro was of 10...

S.Y.M. Mahmoud1 and M. Hashem2

...itema inducing chlorotic local lesions spreads into the veins. The virus was also transmitted by a soilborne parasitic fungus, Polymyxa betae Keskin as a vector and by seed coating with viruliferous cystosori. the thick-walled resting spores of P. betae. as well as by root vortexing in virus inoculum containing carborundum. The virus is not adsorbed to the exterior of the fungal vector but is internalized. Our results indicated that BNYVV is a widespread in su...

A. A. Kheder1; I. A. M. Ibrahim2; H. M. Mazyadl

...e virus causes chlorotic local lesions on Chenopodium quinoa Wild. Ch. amaranticolor Cost&Reyn and N. tabacum L. cv. White Burley. It also causes local infection followed by systemic chlorotic leaf spot on Petunia hybrida. Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Castle Rock and Vitis labrusca L. Typical chlorotic spots was expressed on the woody indicator GF305 leaves 30 days after double chip budding. Stability experiments of PRMV ...

A.A.Farrag;  I.A.M. Ibrahim and, H.M. Mazyad

...nced. Comparison between local isolate sequence and other published sequences of the Same virus shows 79.4% - 84% homology.


E.F. Mohamed1 and I.M. Sabra2

...pressed as the number or local lesions induced by ToMV on Nicotiana sylvestris. This reduction increased gradually by increasing GA and IAA concentrations. ToMV inhibition percentages induced by GA and IAA varied according to the time of treatment (1, 2, 3, and 4 hours). High percentages of inhibition were recorded for in Vitro treatment. ToMV inhibition of pre-inoculation treatment was higher than that of post-inoculation treatment. IAA was more effective tha...

A. A. El-Kholy1, S. Vilcek2 and A. M. Daoud1

...tian isolates versus the local vaccine strain. sequence alignments showed variable identity (74% - 93%) of the Egyptian vaccinal strain versus reference laboratory and vaccinal strains of BVDV. Clustering and phylogenetic analyses suggested that these Egyptian vaccinal and field BVDVs are low-Kinetic variants of reference BVDV-Ia. particularly the NADL, represented as a distinguished branch within the phylogenetic tree. Accordingly, BVDV-la (NADL-like), is the...

H. A. Hussein1, N.A. Mohamed2, F.M. Mohamed2 and M.A. Shalaby1

...e growth behavior of the local isolates, the viruses subjected to further passages on MDBK cells infected with non-cytopathic (NCP) strain of BVDV which was homologues (pair) to their genotype (type I). After four passages on cell culture. The local isolates demonstrated enhancement in their CPE and virus replication as determined by virus titration assay. Propagation of these viruses in BVDV-free cells for five passages sho...

Makmun1, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid2, Muhammad Saleh S. Ali2*, Muhammad Yamin Saud2, Rahmadanih3 collectors/middlemen, local traders, inter-regional/island traders, and cooperatives. The growing demand for chicken eggs and the rapid capital turnover that is the primary incentive for business actors to pursue the chicken farming industry are the fundamental causes of the vast number of farmers’ business players in Blitar Regency. The large-scale accessibility of production elements is another consideration. The actors operate their livestock compa...

Rawaa Saladdin Jumaa

...pigeon poxvirus virus in locally infected pigeons with crust lesions in the eye and nostril cere. The DNA extracted from the collected samples was amplified using conventional PCR by amplification of the P4b gene. The positive samples had been inoculated on chorioallantoic membrane (CAM). Thickening of CAM were seen in the first passage, whereas pock lesion at the second (2nd) and third (3rd) passages. The chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells propagated by th...

Nejra Dučić1, Senad Kovačević1, Faruk Tandir1,2, Rizah Avdić2, Ermin Šaljić3, Anel Vejzović2, Nedžad Hadžiomerović2* 

...recise administration of local anesthetics. The research included skulls and mandibles of 12 domestic shorthair cats. The morphometric analysis was performed on 20 parameters. Our study revealed smaller values (6.25 ± 0.31 mm) for the distance from the infraorbital canal to the root of premolar compared to Persian and Australian domestic cats. The present study provided a valuable information about the location of the cranial nerves on the skull and man...

Lingang Dai1,2,3, Xiang Chen1,2,3, Jiajin Huang1,2,3, Jiali Xu1,2,3, Meimei Xiao1,2,3, Jiajing Chen1,2,3 and Yong Ruan1,2,3*

...ite goat is an excellent local goat breed in China, however, it has the disadvantages of smaller individuals, slower growth rate and low feed conversion rate, so, we introduced Boer goat as the male parent and crossed with Guizhou white goat to obtain F3 generation of Boer × White goat hybrid to improve its production performance. To study the effect of PGAM2 gene polymorphisms on the performance of F3 generation hybrid goats, the relationship between PG...

Ahokpossi AGAC1,2*, Salifou CFA2, Youssao Abdou Karim I2, Ameyapoh Y3 farmers with those of local chickens and exotic chickens commonly found in Benin. Thus, data on carcass characteristics, and sensory meat quality were collected on 120 chickens divided into four groups: (1 and 2), each composed of 20 males and 20 females Goliath chickens, group 3 was composed of local chickens (10 males and 10 females) and group 4 was composed of 20 Cobb 500 broilers. These birds were reared in intensive...

Sena’a M. Hussein1,2, Raffal A. Omar3* 

...and prolonged release of local anesthetics. The purpose of this study was to assessment the effect of single and repeated lumbosacral injection of liposome carrying lidocaine in comparison with lidocaine hydrochloride. A total of 24 male local breed dogs were divided randomly into the lidocaine group that received 4.5 mg/Kg of 2% lidocaine and liposome group which received the same dose of lidocaine carried by liposome. Pinp...

Kadhim Kh. K. Al-Khayat1*, Athmar K. A. Al-Azawi2

...ysticercus pisiformis of local breed rabbits (2 to 24 months old)  based on morphologically and molecular detection by using NAD1 and COX1 genes and conventional PCR during the period from 1/ March / until 31/ May/ 2022 in Baghdad city, Iraq. Rabbits were humanely euthanized and abdomen opened longitudinally to looking for any cyst may be founded grossly in the peritoneal cavity or on the visceral organs, all cysts were examined for their structures scole...
Yongtao Xu1, Dandan Wang1, Xiaolong Hu1, Minling Li1, Ming Tang1, Wuhua Liu2, Jianwen Zhan2 and Weiwei Zhang1*, it is endangered and locally extinct in many areas of China, and the South China sika deer (Cervus nippon kopschi) is one of three subspecies left in China. Diet analysis is one of the core contents in studying animal habitat requirements, and a study of their diet could provide valuable reference for species conservation and management. The metabarcoding trnL regions of the chloroplast genome from 30 fecal samples of Taohongling sika deer were amplified w...

Riaz Alam1*, Muhammad Sajid2, Imtiaz Hussain3, Gulzar Ullah1, Hussain Shah3, Muhammad Arshad Farooq3 and Rashid Muhammad4

...raction in olives in the local environmental conditions of Sangbhatti, Mardan-Pakistan.


Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Naveed2,3*, Muhammad Shafiq2, Irfan Rasool2 and Muhammad Afzal Zahid2

...ning self-sufficiency in local chickpea production as well as plummeting import bill.


Eman Said El-Hadad*, Hesham Ahmed Madian, Mahmoud A.E. Hassan, Mohamed Fahmy Saad, Abdelghany M. El-Shhat, Entesar Zakaria Eliraqy

...sexually mature ganders (local Egyptian male geese strain) with 10 months of age and 3.20±0.25 kg body weight was divided into three groups (10 birds/group). Ganders were kept under normal hot climate in summer of Egypt and fed ad libitum on a commercial mash diet (15.2% CP and ME of 2690 Kcal/kg). The control group (G1) was fed on a basal diet, while G2 and G3 were fed the basal diet with 0.2 and 0.4 g AR/kg, respectively. At the end of an experimental...

Elly Roza*, Salam N. Aritonang, Yulia Yellita, Hilda Susanty, Rizqan

... providing feed based on local forages to increase milk production. This research is an experimental study with the Latin Square Design (LSD), using four female Murrah buffaloes as research samples with the following feeding: P1 = basal feed (10% of body weight); P2= 30% sweet potato leaves + 30% cassava leaves + 40% of P1 + urea saka block (USB); P3 = 40% sweet potato leaves + 40% cassava leaves + 20% P1 +USB; P4 = 50% sweet potato leaves + 50% cassava leaves...

Phoebe Lyndia Tolentino Llantada1,2*, Midori Umekawa2, Shuichi Karita2

... better understand their localization, and role in improving livestock production; to come up with a novel mechanism for rumen manipulation and strategies for phenotypic trait improvements.
Keywords | Bacteria, Buffalo, GIT, PCR-DGGE, Species-specific primer

Qamer J. Jadoaa, Raffal A. Omar*

...dult male rabbits of the local breed were employed to create a 3.5mm hole defect in the proximal third of the medial aspect of the tibia by an electric drill with dropping isotonic normal saline to prevent thermal necrosis. The experimental animals were divided randomly into three equal groups, each group include fifteen rabbits (n=15). control without any additive. group 1(lidocaine hcl). Which applied daily single dose of 2% lidocaine Hcl 2 mg/Kg. B. W. for ...

Yude M Yusuf1,2, Rudy Priyanto1*, Jakaria1

...e and their crossbred to local cattle (Brahman, Friesian Holstein, and Ongole Grade). In this study, the growth performance data of 151 heads of Belgian Blue (BB, n=9), BB x Brahman (BB-B, n=94), BB x Friesian Holstein (BB-FH, n=24), and BB x Ongole Grade (BB-OG, n=24) were collected for analysis. The effects of different genotypes were tested using one-way variance analysis, followed by Duncan’s multiple range test. The parameters analyzed were body wei...

Abdul Haseeb1, Yasir Iftikhar1, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan1*, Safdar Ali2, Rana Binyamin3, Salman Ghuffar4 and Muhammad Usman Ghani5,6 595 nematodes, in all localities. Maximum nematode population density in healthy and declining orchards was recorded in Kot Momin that was 2600 and 946 nematodes per 50 ml of soil, respectively. The lowest mean population was recorded in Silanwali with 1200 in healthy and 300 in declining orchards. The assessment of spatial distribution of nematode population would pave foe effective disease management strategies.


Muhammad Qazzafi Khan1, Iqtidar Hussain1, Ejaz Ahmad Khan1, Sara Zafar2*, Zuhair Hasnain3* and Moneeza Abbas4

...mail Khan as compared to local varieties when sown not later than 20th Nov.


Sudip Kumar Sharma1, Al-Nur Md. Iftekhar Rahman1,2, Mahfuzul Islam1,3*  

...n shepherd breeds (24%), local breeds (20%), Labrador breeds (13%), Pug breeds (9%), and Doberman breeds (5%) (p<0.001). Male dogs had a higher percentage of clinical cases (about 69% vs. 31%) than female dogs (p<0.001). Dogs aged seven months to three years had a higher percentage of reported clinical cases (62%) than dogs of other ages (p<0.001). Breed, sex, and age all had a substantial impact on the disease categories (p<0.05). In pet dogs, cef...


... study was to assess the local people’s perception of changing climate and to link it with meteorological data in the mid hills of Tehsil Balakot, KPK Pakistan. Using mix method approach of interviews and questionnaire, data was collected from 200 randomly selected households. Temperature data of 30 years 1985 to 2014 showed that there is an overall decrease in mean minimum annual temperature by a factor of 0.0024 for each year whereas there is an overal...

ARIFA ZEREEN & ALMAS JAHAN caused destruction of local vegetation growing there and exposed land for colonization of invasive and exotic plant species. Besides this many exotic species have been planted as ornamental plants at the green belts. With the passage of time the exotic plant species also called Invasive Alien Species (IAS) is going to be a serious threat to local ecosystems. This research work was planned to determine the harmful and sign...

NUSRAT MAJEED* & ABIDA BUTT from twelve different localities of Pakistan. Specimens (2556) were collected which belong to twenty-eight species and twenty-one genera. This study added twenty-three first records of species from ten genera. The female of Phintella indica is in this study for the first time.

... silkworm reared on local mulberry supplemented with vitamins(Band C) in addition to amino acids (Alanine and Glycine) was evaluated at24 - 28 ○C and 70± 5 % RH during early larval instars (1stand 2nd)and 24-28○C and 85 ± 5 % RH during last three (3rd -5th) larval instars. Early in stars were fed on chopped mulberry leaves whereas later instars were reared on mulberry leaves dipped with 10% solutions of vitamins (B and C) ...


...ites. In this connection local plants/ their parts are being used to explore their anthelmintic potential. The aim of the present study was to determine the anthelmintic activity of Tribulus terrestris L. and Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. Whole plant of Tribulus terrestris L. and leaves of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. were used. The plant materials were dried, ground firmly, macerated in ethanol and then the crude ethanolic extract (CEE) was prepared. Adult motility as...


... similar age groups from local population were recruited. Additionally, follow up studies of nearly thirty five overt hypothyroid patients was also carried out after taking thyroxine for three months. Serum levels of fT4, fT3 and TSH were analyzed through Radioimmunoassay (RIA), whereas, levels of AST, ALT and creatinine were assessed using chemistry analyzer. Levels of ALT and AST were found significantly increased (P ≤ 0.05) in overt hypothyroid patients ...

UROOJ SAEED1, SAJID RASHID AHMAD2, HAMMAD GILANI3*, RAB NAWAZ4, NAEEM SHAHZAD5, IRFAN ASHRAF6 & WAQAS AHMED QAZI3 livelihood support to local communities; and hence the communities with NGOs and Government departments provided local support in plantation and protection of mangroves saplings. On the brighter side, in recent years Pakistan has taken enormous steps towards tree plantation under national (Green Pakistan Programme) and provincial (Billion Tree Tsunami in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) initiatives. Through this study, we have propose...


...urmet spark and powerful locally available in Lahore, Pakistan, and to compare the results with the labeled caffeine concentration and FDA recommended concentration, which is maximum 400 mg/day. The maximum amount of caffeine determined in Gourmet spark was 9.89 mg /100 ml, whereas powerful brand had minimum caffeine amount (9.34 mg/100 ml).pH were measured by pH meter at 20 oC and were found 3.47, 3.37, 3.20 and 3.57 for sting, booster six B, gourmet spark an...

Firda Arlina1*, Mangku Mundana1, Linda Suhartati1, Agmelia Jasfaria2

...k Balenggek chicken is a local Indonesian originating from Payung Sakaki Subdistrict (Tigo Lurah), Solok Regency, West Sumatera Province. They are grouped into three categories: (1) Yungkilok Gadang chicken, (2) Ratiah chicken and (3) Batu chicken. This study aims to identify the phenotypes variety of the Randah Batu Kokok Balenggek chicken reared by its farmers in Solok Regency, West Sumatra. There 60 Randah Batu Kokok Balenggek chickens were sexually mature....

Srisukmawati Zainudin1,3, Hartutik2, Edhy Sudjarwo2, Osfar Sjofjan2*

...utrient digestibility of local chicken was assessed, with a focus on its short chain fatty acid and omega content. The initial phase involved conducting a skipjack tuna offal meal experiment using a complete randomized design with 3 treatments and 9 replications to examine the short chain fatty acid and omega content. Following this, a second experiment was conducted using 24 male Kampong Unggul Balitnak (KUB) local chickens...

Nabaa Fadhil Abbas*, Raffal A. Omar

...a gel formulation. After local administration of these substances by infiltration (s/c) and compared with the control group. the severity of the burn injury and subsequent healing were assessed from first-degree burns. The study results revealed that tramadol and remifentanil with epinephrine significantly slowed down the wound-healing process in rabbit burn models compared to the other groups studied. This study investigated the effects of different medicatio...

Shakil Ahmed1, Mahin Das2, Md. Rayhan Sojib3*, Shishir Kanti Talukder4, Sadia Sultana5, Prantika Datta1, Shofiqul Islam1 and Gazi Md. Mohsin2

...luate the performance of local and exotic varieties of Yardlong bean under saline conditions. The experiment involved seven traits, including germination percentage, days to first flowering, fruit weight, fruits per plant, fruit length, seeds per plant, and yield. The study compared local hybrids (Saba, Lalbeni, Tokii, and 1070) and exotic hybrid (White Beauty, imported from Thailand) using a Randomized Complete Block Design...

Iqra Munir*, Farrah Iftikhar, Hira Fatima, Sunbal Khalil Chaudhari and Roha Ramash

...numerous diseases within local communities across various countries. They also constitute the raw ingredient for the pharmaceutical industry. This study was conducted during year 2020-2021 to gather the native indigenous knowledge about therapeutic uses of medicinal plants in Mandi Bahauddin, District Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Ethnomedicinal information was collected using surveys and personal interviews with local inhabitan...

Umair Ahmad1*, Asad Sultan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Tahir2 using a high level of locally available animal protein concentrates could be ameliorated by supplementing birds with a ginger phyto-protease enzyme.


Elie Brigitte Mawussi1*, Arnaud Koffi Assah2, Essozimna Abalo Kulo1 population. However, local dairy production, exclusively cow’s dairy, cannot cover the needs of the country which do the powdered milk importation. To diversify dairy production, an experimental breeding of Saanen dairy goat imported from Belgium was undertaken in southern Togo early year 2020. This study evaluates reproduction and milk production performance of Saanen dairy goat raised in southern Togo. The animals are raised in permanent stable and...

Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Masood Rabbani1*, Sohail Raza1, Ali Raza Awan2, Aleena Kokab1, and Rida Haroon Durrani1

...vine brucellosis both in local and international settings.


Muhammad Asif Iftikhar1, Talat Naseer Pasha2, Saima Inayat1, Khalid Javed3 and Rahman Ullah4*

... Aldrich Germany through local suppliers. Milk was standardized to 15% total solids with 3.5% fat. Skim Milk Powder (SMP) was used for the standardization of the yogurt. Milk was pasteurized at 82oC for 5 minutes and cool down to 43oC and at this temperature starter culture was added. Yogurt batch incubated at 43oC for 3 to 3.5 h. During this period pH was monitored regularly and as the pH drops to 4.6, the batch was shifted to blast chilling at 1-2oC and then...

Minh Thi Le Bui1, Thanh Minh Le2, Thuan Khanh Nguyen1*

...rowth performance of the local chickens. One-day-old chicks (n=400) were allocated to a completely randomized design with four replicates of five treatments. Chickens in treatment T1 were not supplemented with any powder in the basal diet. Chickens in treatment T2 were supplemented with chlortetracycline with 10 mg/kg feed. Chickens in treatment T3, T4, and T5 were supplemented with A. fistulosum L. powder with 5 g/kg, 10 g/kg, and 15 g/kg feed, respectively. ...

Asmit Subba1*, Jash Hang Limbu2 and Laxman Khanal1*

...lum submersum). The type locality of the H. nani in Bangladesh and the newly reported locality in Nepal share similar tropical monsoon climates and river connectivity that might have facilitated their dispersal. Further studies are warranted to understand the detailed taxonomy and distribution pattern of H. nani in Nepal. 
Novelty S...

Saira Jabeen1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Kamran Ashraf2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

...ccines prepared by using local E. coli isolate, bearing the aggR gene, derived from mastitis cases in dairy cows. Prior to embarking on vaccine preparation, the immunogenicity of this E. coli (aggR) strain was determined across various concentrations in a cohort of 20 locally bred rabbits. For preparation of vaccines, the antigen concentration was adjusted to 10^10 cells/mL, a level determined to trigger highest IHA antibody...

Jinzhao Li1, Yawen Zhang2, Binghan Jia1, Yuqiong Zhao1, Huijuan Luo1, Xiaojie Ren1, Yuan Li3, Xiaoyan Bai1, Jing Ye3 and Junping Li1*

..., and all of them were colocalized with MORs; though the expressions levels of tau and p38 remained unchanged, others indexes above significantly increased in the distal colonic muscle layer of OIC rats. However, after the administration of p38 blocker SB203580, OIC rats had salami-like feces, with an increase in colonic propulsion velocities; although the expressions levels of Tau and p38 didn’t change significantly in distal colonic muscle layers, the ...

Gulwaiz Akhter1* and Tabreiz Ahmad Khan

...d in all the 20 examined localities. The highest (59.28%) and lowest (14.44%)
weed incidence in brinjal fields was found in Chilla and Gazipur, respectively. The maximum
(78.57 %) and minimum (28.33%) frequency of occurrence of O. aegyptiaca was found in
Kurrahi and Palhari. The infestation of O. cernua in brinjal crop was observed in 14
localities, where the greatest disease i...

Kamran Ishaq1, Amir Sultan2*,Nazar Khan3 and Rahim Shah4

...been observed in various localities in Zhob district of northern part of Baluchistan Province of Pakistan. These observations represent first record of this species from Baluchistan or Pakistan. Its description and illustrations are provided for easy identification.


Ali Hazrat1

...15 genera from different localities of the selected area, in which the highest number of seven plant species belonged to genus Prunus, five to genus Rosa, three to genus Potentilla, two to each genus Cotoneaster, Rubus and Pyrus and one to each genus Crataegus, Eriobotrya, Fragaria, Malus, Sibbaldia, Sorbus, Sorbaria and Spiraea. It was concluded that members of the selected family need devotion not only for its cultivation, but emphasis must be made on conser...

Adil Hussain1*, Muhammad Qasim Hayat22 and Syed Ali Imran Bokhari1

...sia, we report the first local occurrence of Artemisia verlotorum Lamotte from Gilgit-Baltistan region of Pakistan by investigating its geographical distribution and phylogenetic analysis. To date, we have observed this species in stony landscapes of Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan. Phylogenetic analysis of A. verlotiorum with maximum likelihood approach using its ETS (External transcribed spacer)and ITS (Internal transcribed spacer) of nrDNA sequences sho...

Farrukh Hussain1, Sajid Aziz1, Gul Hassan2, Khalid Aziz1 and Sapna Raisham1

...s were analyzed in three localities: Kalona, Zangai and Kawarli during August 2019. Ten fields were analyzed using 10, 1m2quadrats in duplicate for the identification and determining phytosociological features. The study revealed 56 weed species distributed among 42 genera and 23 families in the area. Dryopteris fragrans was the only pterodophyte. There were 2 families, 6 genera and 9 species of monocots. Dicots had 35 genera, 46 species and 20 families. Based...

Hussain Shah1, Hamida Bibi2, Ali Hazrat1and Khan Sher3

... (27.39%) was trees. The local
community is currently using these plants species along with mushrooms for different
diseases and also used as a timber wood, as fodder and as a fuel.
Naeema Khatoon Khaskheli1 , Muzafar Hussain Sirohi11, 2,*, Ameer Ahmed
Mirbahar1, Abdul Razak Mahar1, Mumtaz Ali Saand1, Mirza Hussain3
... crop at three different localities
using the quadrat method (60 quadrats/site). The species were identified and herbarium
samples were preserved in Herbarium, Shah Abdul Latif University, Khairpur, Sindh
Pakistan, for future reference. The species community composition, habit, and life span
were determined. The study confirmed 35 weed species belonging to 14 plant families. The
weed community was dom...
Memoona Adil1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Jibran Hussain2, Sehrish Firyal1, Saadat Ali3, Muhammad Azam4, Muhammad Wasim1 and Ali Raza Awan1*
...l (Coturnix japonica PK) locally evolved in Pakistan were used at the age of 30 days to reveal the relationship between body weight and linear body measurements. Body measurements included body weight (BW), body length (BL), wing spread (WS), shank length (SL), shank circumference (SC), drumstick length (DL), drumstick circumference (DC), breast width (BD) and keel length (KL). The overall association between BW and other body measurements was found highly sig...

Fitrimawati*, James Hellyward

..., laying hens, broilers, local chickens and ducks. The data obtained were analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This research produces the leading commodities competitively and becomes the priority to be developed in West Sumatera, such as the beef cattle, goats and also buffalos, broilers, local chickens and ducks. Based on competitiveness concept, the first important priority which must be noticed i...

Sri Purwanti1*, Wempie Pakiding1, Marhamah Nadir1, Nurhayu2, Kusumandari Indah Prahesti1, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin1, Jasmal Ahmari Syamsu1,4, Andi Mushawwir3 

...le in the development of local chicken in Indonesia. Feed quality (feed additive and feed supplement) is directly related to an animal’s ability to maintain tissue temperature and metabolism, both of which affect the cardiovascular function and energy metabolism in chickens. This research aims to determine the value of lipid regulation and cardiovascular biomarkers of native chickens given a combination of maggot, indigofera and turmeric. A total of 120,...

Muhammad Umair Khan*, Zahid Rauf, Abdur Rehman, Tanvir Hussain and Mansoor Ali Khan

... of Pakistan to find out locally available potential sources of raw material for pulp and paper production. This would be helpful to reduce imports and provide economic incentive to industrial and forestry sector of Pakistan. This study investigates the relationships between fiber characteristics (such as fiber diameter, fiber length, fiber lumen length and fiber wall thickness) and pulping properties of Ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala) grown in Khyber Pakhtu...

Viranga Kumudini Jayasundara¹*, Ali Khatibi², Jacqueline Tham²

...nts (dog owners who have local or native dogs). The measure was five point rating likert scale. RDO and SDP management were higher-order constructs, and dog-keeping practice, behaviour, veterinary services, abandonment, and owned stray dogs were first-order constructs of the model. Structural equation modeling with maximum likelihood estimation via AMOS 21 software was employed. The study showed that RDO and VS were significant and positive predictors of SDP p...

Migie Handayani1*, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Jamhari Jamhari2

...ivestock training by the local Government and encouragement of farmers to engage in such management training, with practical topics on feed technology and management and marketing management. 
Keywords | Feed management, Feed technology, Livestock management, Small ruminants, Smallholder livestock farm, Veterinary and animal husbandry

Quart ul Ain1, Arfan Ahmad1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1 and Mamoona Chaudhry2 with imported (Ivac), local (Lvac) and self-prepared (Spvac) vaccines, respectively. Group D (virus challenged) and E (non- vaccinated/non-challenged) were kept as control groups. Virus shedding in cloacal swabs, taken on 15 consecutive days PCI from all the groups (25th day, 100 EID50, intranasal) were tested through Real-Time RT-PCR. Humoral immune response were also measured by haemagglutination inhibition (HI) test using blood samples collected at an in...
Mubashar Hussain1,2*, Hifza Liaqat1, Muhammad Faheem Malik1
Kiran Aftab1, Moazama Batool3, Razia Iqbal1 and Somia Liaqat1
...s recorded from selected locales of DVNP from October 2019 to September 2020. We observed the same species richness in all three study sites, but a great difference was observed in species abundance. A total of 5565 individuals of 58 species belonging to 23 families and four orders were collected from DVNP. Barmala was reported as the highest abundant site (2815 individuals), followed by the Vatala (1832 individuals) and Deva (918 individuals). SIMPER analysis...

Arshama Sheraz1, Shabir Ahmed1*, Sardar Azhar Mehmood1, Wali Khan2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Fiza Sadiq Awan1

...phibian fauna of several localities in District Abbottabad. From June 2019 to August 2020, a field survey was undertaken in District Abbottabad. Total dissolve solvent (TDS), Dissolve solvent (DO), Electrical Conductivity (EC), PH, Humidity, and Temperature (C) of several water bodies were also measured. A total of 100 specimens from the District were collected and stored in a 10% formalin solution. This study discovered that five species of anurans, i.e. Dutt...
Tanvir Hussain1, Said Akhtar2, Khalid Hussain3* and Zahid Rauf4
...ples were collected from local depots and wood fibers from each species were separated adopting standard laboratory procedures. Results showed that Walnut (Juglans regia) fibers were comparatively longer in llength followed by Pohu (Parotia jacouemontiana), Mulberry (Morus alba), Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), Himalyan yew (Taxus wallichiana), Indian willow (Salix tetrosperma), Brown Oak (Quercus semicorpifolia), Tree of Heavan (Allianthus altisimia) an...
Saddam Rasham1*, Sohaib Ahmed1, Arz Muhammad Umrani1, Sidra Jamil2, Tariq Khan1, Shehr Yar Nasim3, Safi Ullah1, Haseeb Ahmad1 and Asfand Yar Nasim1
Tanvir Hussain1, G. M. Nasir2, and Ayaz Marwat3
...cientific name, possible local names, catalogue number, nature of wood (soft/hard), region, Identification features and its distribution. The developed software program proved to be robust and efficient for wood identification process....
Ashar Farooq1 and Shakeel Ahmad2
...m, Kullaly, and Dabargai localities respectively. In all these areas, the techniques adopted include Check Dams, Diversion Channels, Vegetated Soft Gabions, Plantations, and Protection Walls etc. The data were collected using two stage sampling technique. In the first stage, circular sample plots having an area of 0.1 ha, with the sampling intensity of 5% were laid out. The vegetation parameters were studied in square quadrats with area of 1 meter square. Duri...
Ghayyas Ahmad1, Arifullah Awan2 and Muhammad Imran3
...h a social survey of the local population. Factors involved in the practice of lopping such as the purpose of lopping, awareness about the legal status of the practice and its impact on the tree health, tools used in lopping, species preferred and the role of gender were investigated. It was found that the practice was quite prevailing in the area. Main purpose of lopping was to meet the domestic need for fuel wood. Local pe...
Basheer Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Salman Ahmad1, Nowsherwan Zarif1* and Saif Ullah Khan1
... (BTAP) would affect the local population in order to satisfy the needs of local people in District Buner for fuel wood, timber and employment. According to the study, firewood is the primary fuel source, and the local populations obtained 54% of their firewood from plantations, 24% from farms, and 22% from local purchases. The study revealed that 64% of...
Muhammad Farooq1*, Lal Badshah2 and Sanam Zarif1
...le with participation of local communities and NGOs to make the plant resources sustainable. There is a dire need to provide an alternate source of energy to overcome the burden on rangeland resources.
Key words: Spectrum, Rangeland, Life form, Leaf size, Ashkhel, Shekhmalkhel
Pervez Manan1, Farhat Jabeen1 and Ahmad Zamir2
...lue edible seeds (nuts), locally called as �Chilghoza�, rich in carbohydrates and proteins. It is native to the north-western Himalaya and is distributed in eastern Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and north-western India, growing at altitudes ranging between 1800 and 3300 m. It is often associated with the Blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) and Deodar (Cedrus deodara). In Pakistan these forests are mainly located in the dry temperate zone of the Hinduk...
Kaleem Mehmood1, Sultan Muhammad2 and Altaf Hussain3
...he income opportunity of local communities by selling of wood like Eucalyptus specie which is cut after regular intervals. Some individuals are also benefiting from the sale of fuel wood and grasses along with opportunities of daily wage labor at the time of planting and other cultural activities. Community Plantations increase forest cover which in turn provides opportunity for wildlife conservation in the area due to habitat....
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Hassan Sher2, Junaid Khan2, Shahid Hussain2, Ashfaq Ali2 and Atif Majeed3
...iosperm families used by local people to cure different ailments. Lamiaceae was represented by maximum number of 6 species followed by Apiaceae and Solancaceae represented by 4 species each. Alliaceae was represented by 3 species while Amaranthaceae, Asterceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Pllygonaceae were represented by 2 species each. All other families were represented by 1 species each. Documented plants have defined uses for different purposes in the tradi...
Khalid Hussain, G. M. Nasir and Tanvir Hussain
...anatomical properties of locally grown species Paulownia catalpifolia, Paulownia elongata, Paulownia fortune and Paulownia tomentosa was carried out in order to observe the extent of variations. Discs were cut off from the butt log of each species at breast height and data were collected for the growth rate and heartwood percentage. To observe variations in anatomical properties, the sample blocks were removed from the disc of each species and pe...
Muhammad Yousaf Khan and Pervez Manan
...ronic Media. In response local members of Nazism, Councilors and Farmers assembled in front of the same Press Club within a week after the NGO function and recorded their wrath on the role of NGOs and demanded for more plantation of eucalyptus trees on their private and communal lands on the score being the best tree of high economic importance for their lively hood. Surprisingly this protest could not get the required publicity in media. It is pertinent to m...
Zahid Rauf, Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi, Ghayyas Ahmad and Wahiba Iqbal

The major local tree species used in the various industries were Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo), Kikar (Acacia nilotica), Mulberry (Morus alba), Eucalyptus spp., Poplar spp. Frash (Tamarix aphylla), Bakain (Melia azedarach), Walnut (Juglans regia), Simal (Bombax ceiba), indigenous and imported Willow (Salix tetrasperma and S. alba) and Mango (Mangifera indica). It is recommended ...

Mohsen Dehghani
... the region have led the local communities on the coastal areas to supply the livestock's fodder from mangrove leaves. Hence, the household incomes rely considerably on these habitats product, while economic evaluation of the harvested fodder reaches $124686 annually. Recognizing the importance of mangrove forests and their role, protection of this resource must be considered seriously.

Key words: Economic Value, Use Value, Coastal Ecosystems, Mangro...

Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...ue and use for food. The locals of the valley use their endogenous knowledge for collection, drying, packing and marketing. Questionnaire of standard questions was designed and data regarding five years back record, recent information on collection in the beginning of summer season and at the end of summer season was investigated and asked about the total quantity of morels (Species wise) collected from the study area. The local...
Inam Ullah, Zahid Ahmad, Syed Hasnain Abbas and Kaleem Shah
...ement systems for Mazri (local name) Palm resource, a comparative study was conducted in the two-major Dwarf Palm growing areas i.e. Kohat Forest Division (Govt. controlled) and Paniala, Dera Ismail Khan (D. I. Khan) (Privately controlled), to elaborate the best sustainable management system for Mazri resource. In Kohat, Forest Department manages the Mazri Palm, while in Paniala D. l. Khan; the communities do it with their own ways. Review of secondary informa...
Ahmad Khan and Muhammad Ayaz Khan
...towards the edges, where local communities living around the park is probably cutting the forests. However, this degradation at edges, creating open areas which are preferred habitat of chinkara, has probably played a key role in escape of the chinkara from the park and establishing its population outside of the park, in the nearby open area.

Key words: Manglot, Nizampur, Chinkara, Pakistan, Wildlife, Khyber Paktunkhwa, land use change.

Farah Samuel and Syed Kamran Hussain
...viding incentives to the local community and hunters. Alternative livelihood opportunities including vocational training centers, establishment of fish ponds and community based watch and ward mechanisms can be a better option for conservation. We conclude that awareness campaigns and environmental education are principally required to promote useful knowledge in the conservation of River Kabul ecosystem. Key words: River Kabul; Hunting; Poaching; Fish spec...
Anwar Ali1, Muhammad Iftikhar2, Sajjad Ahmad3, Ayaz Khan4 and Sultan Muhammad5
...s on the availability of local volume tables to infer volume of trees from forest inventory data. The current study was undertaken to prepare local volume tables for Cedrus deodara of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB). Data was collected from 52 sample trees which were measured for the study in natural dry temperate forests of Gilgit-Baltistan. Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) and total height of the sample tree were measured befo...
Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Anwar Panezai and Ashif Sajjad
... (more than 80%) and the local inhabitants of the area are unaware of the facts that deforestation is causing many problems like soil erosion, flooding and also the degradation of forest resources. The data indicated that poverty is a wide spread phenomenon. According to the findings, the people are having very low income. Sherani District is mainly rural area i.e. Poverty is prevalent on larger scale. Although many people have migrated and are working in urba...
Islam Ullah Shah, Anwar Ali, Ayaz Khan and Sultan Muhammad
...sts in consultation with local communities. ...
A. S. M. Helal Siddiqui1, Abul Khair2, M. Masudur Rahman3 and S.M. Mosfeka Hasnin4
...ternal damaged condition locally known as "dhor". The fruit body, gall and cankers are developed on the different portion of the standing living trees. Thus it is characterized by the gradual death of the crown starting first with small twigs and then gradually larger branches die. To know the status of heart rot and its causal organism the research works were conducted from 2007 to 2009 at different locations in the Sundarbans. The locations are Bania...
Saif-ur-Rehman Saif Abbasi & Saeed Akbar
...mpacts of forests on the local communities of Margalla Hills in terms of services and goods, thereby reducing their expenditures. Results showed that respondents mostly depended on forest vegetation in shape of medicinal plants, wood for making their farm implements i.e. wooden plough, spade, blade etc. and domestic goods of daily usage i.e. charpoy, stool, baskets, furniture etc. The use of cheep and easily available forest vegetation, based on indigenous kno...
Naveed Ahmed
... soil protection in both localities. It can be concluded that Tenekil Plus 100 E.C. gave maximum protection at 2.0% dose in both methods of application and in both localities....
Anwar Ali, Ayaz Khan and Hakim Shah
...uality planting stock at local level and manage farm plantations....
Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi and Sanam Zarif Satti
...s collected from various localities of Murree Hills was determined at different harvest time, site of collection and storage time. Concentration of Vitamin C was found in the range of 2000-2500 mg/100g. Rosehips possessed fruit weight (4.3 to 6.2gm), seed weight (2.3 to 3.3gm), pulp weight (2.0 to 2.8gm), pulp seed ratio (0.66 to 0.86), average length (10.14 to 15.33mm) and average diameter (8.5 to 10.25mm). Vitamin C concentration increased from October to N...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Muslim
...Jandi-Chontra to Baghsar locality of Tehsil Samani rich in herbal drugs and the main forest crop of this area was Chir (Pinus roxburghii) with other associated species. The information gathered will provide guideline in preparing future forest management plan....
Fariha Iqbal, Nowsherwan Zarif and Tariq Mahmood
...o-economic conditions of local people. The analysis revealed that majority of the local people are supporting the JFM approach as well as THB as imposed by the Government but a fewer number of people are against the THB as they think that they are being deprived of their ancestral rights. Forest department is supporting the system as per the policy requirement but is not in favor of the THB because it is hindering in the sci...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Muslim
... (Fatehpur) and Tatapani localities. The dominant species at upper elevation were Pinus roxburghii, Olea ferruginea, Pistacia integerrima, Mallotus philippensis, Pyrus pashia, Ficus auriculata, Berberis vulgaris, Cannabis sativa, Justicia vasica, Dodonaea viscosa. Besides this, at Kerala gali Robinia pseudoacacia, Ulmus wallichiana, Rosa moschata, Berbaris lycium, Zizyphus nummularia, Zizyphus oxyphylla, Dodonaea viscosa were recorded and going w...
Tariq Mahmood and Zulfiqar Ali
...g the involvement of the local community at all levels of planning and implementation. Review of the most of the sociological studies conducted so far in Pakistan under this approach revealed that this approach not only made these projects successful but also helped in prolonging their vitality for the welfare of the population. In this context, it is relevant to note that the use to which the land is put, should be determined by the owners, farmers, instituti...
M. Nafees and Zahid Ullah consultation with the local people. On termination of the ban, a household located adjacent to the Tara-Gat Mountain, demarcated the newly forested area as his personal property. This created a conflict with the rest of the communal owners. Consequently the other communal owners started cutting the trees in the demarcated area. This initiated heavy deforestation that continued till the mountain was barren again. It was concluded that to avoid future loss, m...
Mamoona Wali Muhammad and Iftekhar Ahmed
...grove forests, impact on local communities and identify the factors responsible for degradation of mangrove forests. Among the eight villages in the total of two sub-divisions, fifty households were selected randomly; 6-7 from each village. The results indicated that average household size was seven persons per household having 68% of them one earning member and 70% were directly employed in fishery sector. 80% respondents had their own livestock and agricultu...
Tahir Laeeq1, Tariq Mahmood2 Mohammad Amin3 and Khurshid Alam4
...along with protection of local as well as exotic species should be carried out and soil conservation technique should be adopted if lands are to be cultivated. ...
Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan, Tariq Mehmood, Shahzad Fazal, Punjab Forestry Research Institute, Faisalabad and Nowsherwan Zarif
...jab. For this purpose at local level, 64 persons i.e. eight large farmers, eight medium farmers, sixteen small farmers and thirty two landless persons were interviewed. At Govt. level, all range personnel were also interviewed. The number of livestock kept was highly correlated with the size of landholdings of people. Major source of income was from livestock rearing. For grazing purpose, the dependence of people on vegetation of Govt./state owned Rakhs varied...
G. M. Nasir and Iqbal Mahmood
...ies, basic properties of locally grown Robinia (Robinia pseudo-acacia) wood were studied to assess its various technological properties and find out better utilization. For anatomical properties, permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections of the wood were prepared by standard laboratory procedure and observed under the microscope. For physical and mechanical properties (both in green and air dry conditions) the wood samples were prepared ...
Iqbal Mahmood, Gul Rukh and Tanvir Hussain
...result of properties the locally grown Teak wood is not only superior in strength but also suitable for various purposes where high stress is required. The local Teak wood has favourable relationship between tangential and radial shrinkage and aptness for framework and similar articles where the dimensional stability is of high importance. It is also recommended for a number of uses due to its better strength figures....
G. M. Nasir
...rmine the suitability of local ash wood to be used as substitute of European Ash wood for manufacturing of sports goods, basic anatomical properties of both the wood samples were studied and compared. Results show that local ash wood is comparable to European ash wood with minute variations in frequency and dimensional measurements of different wood elements/ structures. In local ash wood ...
Ghayyas Ahmad, Mian Muhammad Shafiq, Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Mahr Muhammad Asif management issues and local rights in the forest.

Iqbal Mahmood study reveal that the local white bakain is superior in strength than exotic species. It has also better strength when compared with other commercial hardwoods and is recommended for a number of uses. ...
A.W. Jasra and Imtiaz Ahmad
... economic empowerment of local communities and to enhance ecological conservation. Policy wins through aggressive advocacy and community participation as well as networking of various stakeholders emerged mandatory for developing seabuckthorn as livelihood source in resource poor mountain communities. The informal spiritual institutions were found to have very high potential for social mobilization to involve communities in research and development.

Key ...

Asad Ullah, Abdur Rashid and Sher Aman a far flung area, the locals totally depend upon the Plant Natural Resources (PNR) for their livelihood. Biotic pressure and unsustainable utilization have caused tremendous loss to the biodiversity of the area. There is a need for the proper management and conservation, for which awareness campaign and alternative income resources should be encouraged for eliminating the poverty, improving the livelihood and ensure the sustainable utilization of the Plant ...
Muhammad Afzal1, S. M. Hafeez2 and Aqeela M. Akhter3
Klaus Euler and Zulfiqar Ali Qazi
...e is the mainstay of the local economy With about 32,000 livestock heads, there is a tremendous pressure on the rangelands Reduction in the numbers, better breeds, stall feeding, better marketing facilities, awareness raising, etc. are some of the possible remedies to reverse the trend of degradation. In order to reduce pressure on forests as a source of income, improved livestock health could be one way to do so. Based on a recent survey, the
Altaf Hussain and Raja Muhammad Zarif
...d may pose threat to the local flora and fauna in the future. This paper presents the present status, impact and possible control measures of invasive alien forest tree species....
Hassan Sher, Midrarullah, A. U. Khan, Z. U. Khan, Farrukh Hussain and Siraj Ahmad
... system of medicine. The local uses, local method of recipe preparation and their local name and diseases treated were recorded for each species from knowledgeable and experienced persons of the area. Further study is recommended to find out the availability of economical important medicinal and aromatic plants of the area and suggest their conservation with the involvement of
Muhammad Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...tional information about locality, host or habitat, collection date are missing. Only 66 representative well preserved specimens at the rate of at least one specimen/host/locality have been selected to study the details of their distributional and morphometric characteristics.

The results indicated that majority of the Agaricaceae (95 5%) belong to the mountain tract of Punjab (Murree), NWFP (Abbottabad, Galiat), AJ...

Shams-ur-Rehman, Altaf Hussain and Riaz A. Khattak
...this direction Involving local communities in reforestation and selection of suitable species in combating salinity seem to be one of the economically viable approaches to reduce poverty as several million ha. area has been severely hit by this menace in many countries of South Asia. The paper describes the screening/selection of species following use of some soil amendments to successfully establish trees on these marginal and extremely low nutrient lands. It...
Mohammad Ayaz
... climate may be modified locally, but generally high heat and dryness prevail throughout the plains, The forest area in Pakistan is 4.224 million ha (Ashfaque et al., 2000) forming only 4.8% of the total land area of 87.98 million ha. This forest area is recognized into nine major forest types/biomes, depending upon distribution and species composition. However, this much forest is far less in consideration to national economic and ecological needs. For...
Mohammad Ayaz
...atic phenomena occurring locally, regionally or globally. But, it is astonishing that how a single tree species (Eucalyptus) and that too raised in small blocks, linear rows and planted over a very limited area could be responsible for such a large scale catastrophe.

The present water shortage and lowering of water table, in many parts of Pakistan could be due to many other reasons. Change in life style and fast urbanization with extended home comforts ...

Bashir Ahmad Wani, Shakeel Haider Zaidi, Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Hakim Shah
...onomic conditions of the local communities....
Muhammad Ibrar Shinwari, Maryum Ibrar Shinwari and Mir Ajab Khan
...dopted for interviews of local inhabitants, herbalists, pansaries, park authorities and societies on random bases. Only 26 species have been found as marketable medicinal plants collected by the inhabitants, drug dealers and herbalists for their socioeconomic value. Among the species sold in the local market, 3 species i.e., Asparagus adscendens Roxb., Berberis lyceum Royle. and Viola canescens Wall, ex ...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...M. alba....
Syed Zainul Arifeen Participation of the local people in watershed management activities is also suggested in the paper.

Hanif Gul and Mirza Hakim Khan
...onducted in the affected localities. The results of this survey revealed that the twigs and bark of dead and dying trees were infested by the bark borer beetles i.e. Ips longifolia and Scolytus major belonging to the family Scolytidae, order Coleoptera. The main reason for the spread of these insect pests is due to stress caused by extremely dry conditions during winters of year 2000 and preceding springs.

The beetle population ...

Ghayyas Ahmad area of Pakistan is a local biodiversity hotspot. Shrub forests of the area are faced with an increasing problem of forest fragmentation and degradation, which is eroding the original biodiversity. The main objective of this study was to identify priority remnant forest patches for biodiversity conservation planning. Extensive use was made of remote sensing and GIS techniques to achieve the objective. Forest vegetation was selected as a subset of total biod...
Ayaz Khan Marwat, Anwar Ali and Saz Muhammad
...evenue for the state and local right holders. Single tree selection system is the most appropriate sivicultural system for managing the Himalayan moist temperate forests. If properly practiced, single tree selection system can protect the steep slopes from erosion and produce timber and other forest products on sustainable basis. Single tree selection system can be safely applied in the forests where REDD+ projects are implemented as it allows for limited extr...
Muhammad Muslim and Hafiz Muhammad Sufyan Babar
...most important thing for local people is that the abundance of the most valuable medicinal plant species Valeriana wallichii and Bergenia ciliata is significantly higher on many areas. The study has suggested that protection from grazing, logging, firewood collection and plantation/reforestation may be a source of improvement of ground vegetation....
Naveed Ahmed
...conducted in 35 selected localities of Poplar plantations of Pakistan. From each locality 9 Poplar plantations were surveyed with random sampling, a total of 315 plantations were surveyed. Most of the survey was conducted from Populus deltoides plantations. Insect pests representing 5 orders, 35 families and 76 species were recorded during the study. Lepidoptera represented by 12 families (35%) comprised of 28 insect ...
Ghulam Ali Bajwa and M. N. Ashiq
...Husang (Chinese) and one local variety PFI - I were screened for relative resistance against leaf roller (Margaronia pyloalis) at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. Mean percentage of larval infestation of leaves was recorded following analysis of variance and LSD test....
Mohammad Ayaz
...ent opportunities to the local population....
Muhammad Ibrar Shinwari and Mir Ajab Khan
...e for the decline in the local practice of uses of these plants before the information is lost. About 100 informants were interviewed in this regard. In total 27 species of trees and 24 species of shrubs were recorded as used medicinally by inhabitants of the park. Among these 10 species of trees and 5 species of shrubs are being sold in the local market. Berberis lyceum Royle is found vulnerable to harvesting. Ac...
Altaf Hussain
...and height growth under local climatic conditions at Pir Sohawa, Islamabad. ...
Kanwar Muhammad Suleman and Muhammad Ayaz
...s no firm footing in the local timber trade due to various reasons. This situation needs to be redressed to break the deadlock in eucalyptus marketing as well as for the promotion of afforestation programs by creating better profitability from planting Eucalyptus. Beside many other marketing and utilization measures the export potential of Eucalyptus wood chips from Pakistan could be an alternative to improve eucalyptus marketing and hence its profita...
Hanif Gul
...arried out in different localities showed the species wise distribution along with their strength. Wood resistance, trials showed the Dalbergia sissoo, Cedrus deodara and Acacia nilotica as the most resistant wood while Salmalia malabarica and Populus x-euramericana were found as the most susceptible woods. Extractive of the resistant wood were chemically obtained and D. sissoo, C. deodara, extractive have shown resis...
Umeed Khalid, Abdul Ghafoor and Naeem Ashraf Raja
..., which are owned by the local communities, are threatened by logging, which provides an important source of local cash income. The Himalayan Jungle Project aims to conserve these forests and their wildlife by developing with the local communities alternative, sustainable sources of income.

The Himalayan Musk Deer Moschus chrysogaster is listed as a threatened species in IUCN Re...

Sardar Mohammad Rafique
...a common practice of the local and nomad livestock herders. These blanks have been created as a result of compaction and trampling by livestock. This study was carried out in two blanks in moist temperate forest range at Kund, Mansehra during June, 1989 and was maintained for 5 years. It study aimed at investigating the effects of grazing management and application of fertilizer on forage production, cover percent, soil protective cover, soil infiltration rate...
Adnan Zahoor
...scape combine to produce local climate variations. Chief among these are the influence of topography, proximity to the ocean, and urbanization. ...
K. M. Siddiqui to be important. The local people living in the vicinity of forests however, hardly mattered in forest management and they were excluded from areas demarcated as state forests. This produced conflict between local people and forestry departments over the use of forest resources which continues till to-date and has been the main cause of forest depletion in the developing countries over the years....
Muhammad Tahir Laeeq
...eds lots from different localities were subjected to AA at 41°C for 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 96,and 120 hours. The AA time affected the three seed germination and PV significantly and all the three seed lots were found significantly different from each other. Moisture content of seeds continuously increased with increasing AA time Lot A had the highest vigor followed by lot B, while lot C was the lowest in vigor....
...tion exists between the localities. Field observations also revealed that Abies pindrow does not a persistent seed bank and seed remains viable for less then a year in natural stands. 97% of seeds are lost due to rodents, birds and microbial attacks. The results indicated that low seed viability with seed losses must have been a major factor in the poor regeneration in fir forest, even if other soil and micro-climatic conditions were favorable....
Pazir Gul and Muhammad Farooq
...hexane from the seeds of locally grown Ricinus cimmunis L. was analyzed for its physico-chemist constants and the fatty acid composition. It was found to be nondrying comparing oil favorably well with oil from plants grown in colder climate but less unsaturated than Russian oil. It was also observed that the oil was of fair standard and could be used in place of oil from other Ricinus spp....
K. M. Siddiqui to be important. The local people living in the vicinity of forests however, hardly mattered in forest management and they were excluded from areas demarcated as state forests. This produced conflict between local people and forestry departments over the use of forest resources which continues till todate and has been the main cause of forest depletion in the developing countries over the years....
K. M. Siddiqui
...cially favorable in all localities irrespective of tree species planted on them. On the other hand ,large block plantations on state land, with the exception of poplar plantation in Changa Manga, have low cost benefit ratio especially if rental value of the land ( opportunity cost ) is included in the financial analysis. It is suggested that plantations should be intensified with large financial and technical inputs to make them financially sound unde...
Inayat Ullah Chaudhry
Abdur Rauf Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid and Naseer Ahmad
...were made to produce tea locally, for this purpose, tea seed was imported from Indonesia, Srilanka and China and were sown at various locations in Murree, Azad Kashmir and Hazara. The agro-ecological conditions of the Daively in Hazara were found to be suitable for tea cultivation because of low pH (6.0 - 5.5) and sandy loam characteristics of the soils. The area receives rainfall ranging from 1000 mm to 1200 mm per annum with mean minimum and maximu...
Mian Muhammad Muslim
...was introduced in Taxila locality of Punjab immediately after independence in 1947. Subsequently, it was introduced in and around the irrigated forest plantation where mulberry was available in abundance to support the silkworm rearing programme. Since then it made a slow but steady progress in Punjab. Presently, sericulture is one of the major cottage industries in rural areas of the province. The activity is mainly concentrated around irrigated forest...
K. M. Siddiqui
...ations, non-existence of local training facilities and constraints in processing and marketing of silk cocoons and raw silk. The prices of cocoons also fluctuate considerably from year to year, thus adversely affecting economic returns to the farmers....
G. Stoehr, K. Brunner, J. A. Khan and I. Mahmood
...ool handles made from 8 local and two imported species of hickory and ash, in terms of their breaking strength and stiffness. Of the 8 local timber species, white bakain was found to give best overall performance for tool handles. The effect of various factors such as orientation of growth rings in relation to the direction of loading in strength tests on handles and the mechanical properties of wood on the ultimate s...
K. M. Siddiqui M. Ayaz and A. Jah
...l wood collection by the local people. It is estimated that a total of 1,597.3 tonnes of fuel and fuel wood is collected from the reserved forest of massar and adjoining Guzaras in Siran Forest Division every year at a rate of 1.099 tonnes /ha/annum. Out this 72.2% is woody and 27.8% is non-woody fuel. Woody fuel constitute about 0.62% of the total growing stock and 31% of the annual increment. Therefore, these forests have a limited use other then fue...
K. M. Suleman and N. Kausar
...l composition with age, locality and sampling position of Eucalyptus camaldulensis wood grown at Khipro and Chichawatni were studied. No variation in chemical composition could be found with respect to position of sample in the tree. However, variation among the individual trees is larger than that within a tree. Minor variation in chemical composition of Eucalyptus wood were also noted due to age of trees and local
...eneral practice with the locals is that they use willow cuttings (3.04 to 3.65 m long), obtained from the pollarded trees, for planting. The cut ends provide infection courts for many bacteria and decay fungi....
S.A. Khan and A. R. Beg
...nts collected from three localities in Chitral District were identified as Buxus microphylla Sieb. and Zucc. The plant was referred to Mr. I. C. Hedge of Edinburgh for confirmation who named it B. wallichiana Baill.var. microphylla Hook.f. The taxon represents a new record for Pakistan and is reported....
Muhammad Hafeez and Muhammad Afzal
...pulation pressure of the local people on the Scrub Forests in District Jhelum, a survey was conducted interviewing 144 households. Considering two elements, extraction of firewood and grazing of livestock, as major factors affecting viability of forests, they were studied with a few basic socio-economic variables and their ultimate effect on adjoining forests accounted. It has been concluded that majority of the people around the Scrub Forests depend ...
Bashir Mohammad Khan and M. Ismail Chaudhry were evaluated, under local condition, for their efficacy against the tracheal mite disease of honey bees in aparies in N.W.F.P. The fumigants significantly reduced the number of sick bees and showed gradual increase in assumption of normal routine foraging than in the control where the colony population quickly dwindled resulting in complete collapse. Folbex strip fumigation proved comparatively economical and more effective. Perizin was better tha...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... undulate which are local to our deserts but never tried before gave very indicative results. These species should be propagated on a large scale for bringing back the desert vegetation for fuel, fodder and food....
Mohammad Afzal Cheema and Raja Walayat Hussain
Mohammad Bashir Khan, Pazir Gul, Muhammad Farooq and F. W. Khan
...collected from different localities of N.W.F.P. and Baluchistan were analysed for essential oils and phenol contents. It was observed that the change in plant locality had a remarkable effect on the yield of oil and phenol contents and had no effect on the physico-chemical characteristics of the oil. The leaves collected from various localities of Baluchistan contained more oil (1.4...
S. M. Yasin, T. A. Qureshi and S. M. Raza
M. I. Shiekh
...sopis glandulosa and locally known as Walayati kikar is indigenous to west tropical and sub-tropical north and south America especially in Mexico and Texas, Brazil, Argentina and Chile. It has been introduced in Australia and South Africa. In the provinces of Punjab and Sind, it was introduced in 1878. On account of its low requirement of water it has done well in parts of Baluchistan and Punjab. The species is now naturalized in almost all parts of ...
Zakaullah, Jehan Ara and Abdul Jabbar
... information on habitat, locality and date of collection etc. Five types of diseases, i.e., powdery mildews, rusts, needle blight, leaf spot and root rot were found incited by the fungi on previously unreported hosts....
Gerald Foley
...ow they fit within their local context, and the history of attempts to introduce new and improved manufacturing methods.

The analysis goes beyond the fixation with technical efficiency which has characterised most past programmes and makes clear way so many failures have occurred. It shows that when charcoal making is clearly seen in its broader social and economic context, the way is opened to a more creative approach than simply promoting technical imp...

K.M. Siddiqui and Iqbal Mahmood
... those of commonly grown local species of hard-wood. The results of current study indicate good utilization potential of these Eucalyptus species for many purposes....
Wali-ur-Rahman and M. I an ail Chaudhry
...ies pindrow) in six localities of Hazara (NWFP). It destroys the seed out rightly or damages to the extent that the viability is undermined....
Wali-ur-Rahman and M. I on ail Chaudhry
...i>Pinus wallichiana) locally known as kail is a beautiful fast growing pine, naturally found between 1200 m and 3000 m elevation in the hills of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. The tree which was well known for its resistance against insect pests has fallen pray to lepidopterous pests in the very recent years. In 1980 a new giant defoliator, Biston regalis Moore (Geometridae: Lepidoptera) attacked kail forests, denuding large patches of hill tops in beau...
K. M. Siddiqui and Iqbal Mahmood
...e strength properties of locally available walnut wood are somewhat better than those reported in India for the same species and in Canada and West Germany for Juglans nigra and J. regia respectively. The testing was done in air-dry condition in accordance with standard procedures....
Mian M. Muslim
...U) were conducted under local conditions during the months of February - April, 1984. The cocooning ratio 94.67% and 94.89% and cocoon shell ratio 23% and 22.21% in respect of the first rearing during February 18 to March 19 and second rearing during March 3 to March 30 respectively were considered quite satisfactory. The same being 75% and 19.64% in respect of third rearing during, March 20 to April 17 were considered on low side....
M. Afzal Cheema and Mohammad Aliul Hassanin Fatime
...collected from different localities of N.W.F.P. which were insufficient for the preparation of volume tables of the species. After supplementing the above data from Azad Kashmir the present volume tables have been prepared....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...lassification, crossing local cattle with yak, preventive medication, increasing off takes and extension practices....
M. A. Ogigirigi and A. B. I. Igboanugo
...inth types at the other localities. The relationships between root penetration tree growths, and the tree abilities to harness soil water during the dry season at different localities are discussed....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... met through planting of local and exotic fast growing tree species such as poplars and willows in climatically suitable areas. Exotic poplars were, therefore, introduced in late fifties. Over a period of time techniques of scientific production of nursery stock and field planting have been developed and streamlined. Spacing studies and clonal trails have given quite indicative results. Plantations have been raised in pure blocks, with agricultural cro...
Mohammad Iqbal and Mohammad Shadid
...yuhaku, North Korean and local variety were studied for spring rearing at Peshawar and overall performance of Taihei x Choan was found superior....
A.I. Mohyuddin, M. R. Attique, M. I. Arif and R. A. Mazhar
...n 1,600 and 2,800 m. The localities surveyed included Dhirkot, Rashian, Sudhengali, Gangatop, the Neelum and Leepa valleys in Azad Kashmif, Thandiani and the Kaghan valley in North Western Frontier Province (NWFP) and Malam Jabba in Swat....
Wulf Killmann
... to ease the pressure on local timber resources and foreign exchange of imports especially in furniture and interior wood works. Logically already as early as in the sixties the first chipboard mills started operation. Raw materials were mainly coniferous timbers acquired from the Forest Departments or broad leaved trees (Mango etc.) acquired from the private owners. The first mills were located for away from the raw material sources (in Jhelum and in Karach...
Yasin J. Nasir
...nformation including the locality, the vernacular name and flowering period, where ever possible, are given for each taxon....
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Shakeel Haider Zaidi from Iran to meet the local requirements of food processing and allied pharmaceutical industries and the demand is on the increase....
M.I. Sheikh and Sultan Maqsood Khan
...scribed. The demands of local people on the forests, status of demarcation and settlement of rights, damage being cone to the forests, are given. The objectives of management of these forests and the proposed means to achieve these objectives are suggested. The present situation and future recommendation for watershed management, soil conservation, medicinal plants, sericulture, wildlife and outdoor are also described. ...
M. I. Shiekh high tree to tree and locality to locality variation in the percentage of filled seed. Scarification with H2SO4 for various periods (5 min. - 60 min.) and stratification at 5°C for 90-120 days, keeping in boiling water and soaking in water for 24 hours did not improve germination....
Fazli Wahid Khan and Pazir Gul
...hree years in different localities. October collection gave 5.5-6% diosgenin as compared with other periods by summing up the results of three years (1977-80) of the two localities in the temperate forest of Kaghan and Galis Forest Division. Next higher yield was observed in the month of August. ...
M.I.R. Khan
...irrigation utilizing the locally available brackish underground waters. ...
M. I. R. Khan
...ed soils along sheltered localities of the coastline and some islands. It is daily flushed by sea water several times. It can stand considerable amount of submersion under sea water and is characterised by the presence of numerous pneumatophores or the respiratory roots protruding all around the mangrove trees to considerable distances. Associated with the mangrove tree growth on relatively higher ground out-side the reach of the high tides and wave action are...
Raja Walayat Hussain and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...ifferent spacing in each locality, therefore, the data were considered separately for determination of growth parameters for each locality and for each spacing. Under proper management 6 years old crop with 10'x10' spacing gives MAI of 400cft or more, with 15'x15'and 18'x18' MAI is 200cft to 320cft per acre. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...nd floated seeds of each locality and cut open....
Mohammad Ayaz
...ity of timbers collected locally due to the differences of locality conditions in the two countries. Density determination of authentic wood samples of Pakistani origin was under taken in the Forest Products Research Division, Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. This note represents the results of the work carried out....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...0 thousand tones if the local variety is replaced with improved variety and fertilized. Planting of summer legumes in 10 per cant of the cultivated land and alfalfa under apple trees can increase the forage production by 772 and 40 thousand tones respectively. Replacement of undesirable forage species on field boundaries and range fertilization can further increase for age production by 27 and 128 thousand tones respectively. In this way the annual for...
Zakaullah and Shahida Perveen
...he 3 varieties. Peshawar local was moderately susceptible to phyllody whereas Calinda and Punjab 37 were not attached. ...
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Wali-ur-Rehman
...i> were studied in three localities. Semanotus semenovi Okun, Anthaxia sp., Phloeosinus jubatus and Phloeosinus sp. were recorded feeding in bark and sapwood of dead and dying trees to various extent. Infestation of these was mostly restricted to Susnamana where the trees were weakened and killed by the attack of dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium oxycedri M. Bieb.), a plant parasite. Trichodes sp. Healthy trees in Sasnamana, Ziarat ...
K.M. Siddiqui and M. Khan
...f chir pine in the same locality under our Agricultural Research Council project (1). This note compares the performance of one year old seedlings raised from two types of seed....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... raised at two different localities Peshawar and Abbottabad....
Musarrat Nasreen Ali and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...erberis lycium Royle locally known as rasaunt belongs to the family Berberidaceae. It is an erect, small rigid spiny shrub, about 1-3.5 metres in height with rough and light greyish bark, yellowish orange branched tap roots and violet berries. The plants are distributed throughout the hilly areas of Pakistan, from Baluchistan to Dir, Chitral, Gilgit, Hazara, Murree and Azad Kashmir at an elevation of 900-3,000 metres (4)....
Mian Mohammad Muslim
...hatchability (98%) under local conditions. ...
Mian Mohammad Muslim
... 104 was conducted under local conditions during the months of August-September. 1975. The cocooning percentage (86) and cocoon shell ratio (20%) were found to be satisfactory...
Mohammad Shahid and Abdul Qayyum
...s in a year at different localities in the Province. Shifting of the bee colonies at appropriate times to different places as determined in this work is recommended for maximum honey production....
M. B. Shrivastava and B. Ulrich
Miss Munawar Sultana and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...r>Adhatoda vasica locally known as Berg-e-Bansa is extensively used in Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicines from time immemorial. Recent survey carried out by the Medicinal Plant Branch, Pakistan Forest Institute Peshawar has revealed that large quantities of this drug can be collected easily from the above mentioned areas. The seeds are a good source of an essential oil, which constitutes about 22 per cent of the total weight. Pharmacognostic ...
K.M. Siddiqui and M. Saleem Khattak
...pattern and consequently local and geographic variation in the species. Studies carried out in the past have shown that pollen and seed travel relatively short distances and gene flow is limited enough to promote genetic differentiation (Wright, 1953, 1962; Strand, 1967; Sluder, 1969). On the other hand, though it implies that breeding unit is small in most tree species, even in those species with arealy continuous range, still isolation...
Jalal-ud-Din and M. Farooq
...ils occur in the valleys locally known as 'dhars'. About 50 per cent of the area is occupied by sand dunes having irregular relief. Salinity and sodicity, dense soil mass and sandy natures are the main soil problems that adversely affect the suitability of the area for shisham and other tree species under irrigation. Under the existing conditions of arid climate and shortage of irrigation water the problematic soils could better be used for original flora or d...
Jalil Ahmad Khan and Pervaiz Akhtar
...e material from only one locality, it is planned to extend this work to material growing in other areas as well....
Mohammad Amin Siddiqi
...or any other regional or local floras of this sub-continent. These two plants belong to a very small genus Emex australis with only two species, of the family Polygonaceae. One of the species is Entex australis and the other is Emex spinosus. The first one is native of Cape of Good Hope, South Africa and the second one comes from N. Africa and the Mediterranean coastal regions. It is a strange coincidence that both the species have been fo...
T. J. Roberts
...unnels which are known locally as Kharezes. This was supplemented with a few open wells. Even from the times of the earliest British administrative control in the region, which provides the first written records, the climate was one of extremes. Shortage of water was an ever present...
Raja Walayat Hussain and Muhammad Afzal Cheema
...opulus nigra (Linn.) locally known as sufeda seems to have been introduced in this country from Afghanistan by Moghul emperors. It is commonly found in Peshawar and Mardan districts of N.W.F.P. where farmers grow it along the borders of their fields and along water courses. The tree is also found in Malakand division, Gilgit agency and Hazara district and one of its best avenues is seen on the road from Abbottabad to Mansehra. Very beautiful specime...
Ghulam Rasul
...h is known as bom locally, is the most important game animal of Gilgit Agency and Northern Area. It belongs to genus Capra, family Bovidae and sub-order Artiodactyla. The word Markhor is derived from the two Persian words Mar means snake and Khor means eater the snake eater. The legend is that Markhor eats snake which is killed by the powerful strokes of its hoofs. ...
Mohammad Hafeez
...small houses. Phulai Gum locally known as Chir, is also extracted from the trees in small quantities. It is used in medicines as restorative (2).
Acacia modesta, Forests were surveyed for various diseases. The most destructive disease was found to be Spongy Heart Rot caused by Phellinus badiussyn, Fomes badius....

Muhammad Ikram Ullah Malik1*, Aamir Saleem1, Lubna Ansari1 and Arshad Mahmood Malik2

...t the basic needs of the local communities. The wheat was sown by broadcasting of seed. 2 kanals were used to grow the fodder crop such as Berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum). 1 kanal was used for livestock and poultry, to generate income through dairy and poultry products. The results showed that multifunctional agroforestry system yielded more than the agricultural crops through graphs and charts. This strategy supported sustainable land management and provides...

Ahsan Abbas Abro1, Imrana Khushk1, Abdul Nabi Jatt2, Chaudhary Haider Ali3, Abdul Sattar Qureshi1*, Farah Naz Talpur4, Safia Bano1

...ite produced lipase from locally isolated strain to produce biodiesel from waste cooking oil.

Syed Shahid Imran Bukhari

...oor air quality (IAQ) of local asthmatics. Lahore, being a metropolitan city, is among the most polluted cities Pakistan. IAQ has been a matter of public concern in the country. Asthma is a common respiratory disorder. CO2 is components of the air we breathe; type of house and room is directly linked with its concentration. CO2 concentration is a surrogate indicator for the assessment of IAQ and ventilation efficacy. Average indoor CO2 can be helpful to identi...

Shabana Islam1, Shahida Shujaat1*, Erum Akbar Hussain1, Mateen Abbas2

...fections that impact the local population. Ten propolis samples from South Punjab were analyzed. Phenolic acids (Sinapic acid, Caffeic acid, and gallic acid) and flavonols (kaempeferol, Quercetin, and myricetin) were quantified by means of UV detection in reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The propolis samples exhibited substantial variation (P < 0.05) in the total flavonol and phenolic acid contents, which span a range of 52 to...
Muhammad Yahya1, Muhammad Ajmal Khan2, Fazle Subhan3, Ali Hazrat1*, Javed Khan5, Aftab
Amin4, Hayat Ullah1 and Tabinda Nowsheen1
...udy was carried out at a local farm, where the
efficacies of Flurofenafire pesticide were examined. The pesticide Flurofenafire was applied
once a week to examine its efficacy. The stability of the pesticide was highly dependent on the
weather. The occurrence of rain within 24 hours of spraying resulted in Aphid, Jassid, White
fly, Thrips and Fruit borer infestations. Aphid infestations were observed on the tomat...
Abdul Basit1, Ayesha Zahid1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Inayat Ullah2, Sana Ullah3*, Muhammad
Kashif Nawaz4, Muhammad Areeb Khalid1, Izhar Ullah5, Fawad Ali1, Shaukat Ali1
... the study against which local farmers used various manual, mechanical and chemical
control methods. It is concluded that okra plant sown on ridges and almost 3 picking
intervals significantly affected the growth and seed yield hence recommended for the agro
climatic condition of Peshawar. Furthermore, Excessive use of chemical herbicides should be
avoided to prevent environmental and human health hazards.

Nada Hamzah Shareef Al Shabbani1, Marwa Jamal Hussain Al Kinani2*, Tmara Qais Al-Mohammadi1 

...commonly treated through local application of corticosteroids or injection of corticosteroids to nodules but the response to treatment is less than clent and relapses are very frequent. The objective of this study was to illuminate which of these features prevail and which ones fade in scarred sites which undergo postscabietic nodule development. The time span between August 2021 to May 2022 was allowed to collect samples from patients with (1-60) years old an...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Jamshaid Iqbal2, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Tariq Javeed1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Irshad1, Muhammad Aslam1, Gul Rehman2 and Shahar Yar Ahsan1

...Bhakkar district for the local farmers for better crop yield.


Rwaida Adnan Ali1, Rahman Hussain Hamza¹, Hayder Mohammed Hassan Habeeb1, Ali J. Al-Nuaimi2  

...were used: Cyprus (n=4), local black (n=4), and crossbreed (Cyprus X local black) (n=4). Semen and blood samples were collected from all groups every 2 weeks for 3 months. Semen volume, sperm concentration, mass activity , individual motility, live and dead sperm, abnormal sperm, testis weight, testicle circumference, testis length, red blood cell (RBC), white blood cell (WBC), hemoglobin concentration (Hb), urea, cholestero...

Muhammad Ramzan Ali1*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed1, Mubeen Fakhar1 and Aleem Khan1

...formulated from low cost locally available feed ingredients. This feeding trial was performed on African catfish in twelve fiber glass circular tanks (2000 L water capacity) for period of 12 weeks at the stocking rate of 20 fish/ tank. The experimental design was CRD with 4 treatments having 3 replicates. Four experimental diets containing different levels of crude protein (CP: 40%, 35%, 30% and 25%) levels were prepared. The final weight of fish and weight ga...

Sariffudin Fatmona*, Abdurahman Hoda, Sri Utami 

...a new family of superior local chickens typical of Ternate City. This research was carried out by crossing chickens resulting from crossing (F1) Elba laying hens with male Bangkok RB chickens with chickens resulting from crossing (F1) Bangkok and female BK Kampung reciprocally. Chickens resulting from this cross are placed in colonies based on age and gender. The parameters measured are the phenotypic characters of the cross. Then the data was analyzed using t...

Zahid Ali1,2, Muhsan Ali Kalhoro1*, Nazeer Ahmed1,3, Muhammad Shafi1, Faisal Saeed1 and Abdul Majeed1

... as Talang queenfish and locally famous as Saram, belongs to the Carangidae family, widely distributed in the Indo-pacific oceans. S. commersonnianus is mainly pelagic fish and commercially important fishery resource from Pakistani waters. Study on population dynamics and stock appraisal is an important for the sustainable use of fishery resource. During current study the length-weight relationship, growth, mortality, and exploitation rate was estimated from B...

Hasina Basharat1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Aziz Ahmed2, Muhammad Zubair Anjum1 and Shamim Akhter1

...35% CP manufactured from locally available ingredients. Sampling on fortnightly basis was done from each pond using drag net (mesh size 3 cm) to record data on growth. At the end of the experiment total number of fish was counted from each pond and various production characteristics were determined for different stocking densities. Water quality analysis was performed for each treatment to record variations for each treatment. The ANOVA (analysis of variance) ...

Tanveer Hussain1, Abdul Wajid1, Jabbar Khan2, Asif Nadeem1, Misbah Hussain1, Qurat ul-Ain1 and Masroor Babar1*

...n 1 of IL-2 gene of four local Pakistani breeds (Dera Din Panah, Beetal, Nachi and Kamori) was amplified by using reported ovine IL-2 primers. Amplified products of 4 breeds of goat were bidirectionally sequenced to decipher polymorphisms. Only a single substitution (T→A) was found in non-coding region of IL-2 gene. Comparison of IL-2 gene sequence of all four breeds with other goat breeds showed high similarity in sequence. Phylogenetic analysis of our <...

Diyar Mohammad Hussein*, Iman Mousa Khaleel

...ds in suckling and adult local male cats. In suckling and adult cats, the thyroid gland was consisted of two entirely separated lobes without isthmus and appeared as smooth elongated oval shape with rounded cranial, narrow caudal ends and smooth lateral and medial surfaces. All measurements of left lobe in suckling and adult cats were higher than those of the right one. Statistically, the weight, length, width and thickness of right and left thyroid lobes in a...

Tamara Natik Dawood* 

...iochemical parameters in local lambs. A total of 30 lambs are classified into three groups. G1 (ten lambs) received Silymarin (420 mg/kg) orally, G2 (ten lambs) received Silymarin (210 mg/kg) orally, while G3 (ten lambs) received distal water (control group). Several parameters are used in the current study to evaluate silymarin, such as Hb, PCV, Triglyceride, cholesterol, total body weight and feed conversion efficiency. The mentioned parameters are examined ...

Hafizuddin1, Sri Wahyuni2, Tongku Nizwan Siregar1*, Amalia Sutriana3, Ririn Triyuliani4, Siti Hanyyah Herviani4, Muhammad Farhan Syuhada4, Nur Salimah4, Muharni Mardiah Eriswandi4, Ratu Permata Ayu4, Putroe Hayatun Nufus4

...nd hormonal responses of local rabbits after superovulation induction with BPE. The sample comprised of 1 local male rabbit and 9 local female rabbits with a history of giving birth and weighing between 1.8-2.2 kg. The animals were adapted for 30 days in separate cages and provided with feed and water ad libitum before treatment. The rabbits were divided into 3 treatment groups (n=3), the ...

Noorullah Khan1, Shahid Ali1, Azher Zeb2, M. Noman1, M. Imran Kasana1, Rashid Iqbal Khan1*, Saima Mumtaz1, Shumaila Rasheed1, M. Muneer3 and M. Qamar-Uz-Zaman1

...on cultivars of peach on local root-stock for their growth and development. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replication and 10 plants per replication. Data were recorded on plant survival rate (PSR %), bud sprouting rate (BSR %), shoot length (SL cm), shoot diameter (SD cm) and number of leaves per plant (NLP). The outcomes exhibited that peach scion cvs., “Coronet” and Early Maria Delizia exhibited...

Mahfuza Ferdous1, Sabuj Kanti Nath1 and Mustasim Famous2*

...43% of farms relied upon local and natural grasses, whereas 21% produced their own fodder, and 36% supplemented fodder by purchasing. 71% of farms were found feeding raw fodder to the cattle without any kind of processing, and only 29% of farms used chopped fodder before feeding. In feeding concentrate feed, almost 50% of farms mixed the feed ingredients manually, the rest (21%) farms used commercial feed, 29% of farms were found using both commercial and hand...

Kashif Haleem, Basheer Ahmad, Muhammad Rayyan, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

...n forest authorities and local farmers is necessary. Forest authorities should address misconceptions about agroforestry, educate farmers on the benefits of various tree species, including environmental benefits, fruits, and fodder, and provide tree saplings. Additionally, new plantations should be established to combat climate change.


Efi Rokana1, Iin Rohmatul Fatimah1, Brilian Desca Dianingtyas1, Niswatin Hasanah2, Wulandari3, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,3* 

...nce. Twenty-seven female local sheep (fat tailed) were utilized as research subjects. The study involved sheep rations comprising various ingredients, with three distinct research factors: elephant grass, corn plants, and rice straw. Employing a completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and nine replications, the research examined dry matter intake, body weight gain, feed efficiency, and income over feed cost (IOFC). Results indicated that feedi...

Le Thanh Phuong1, Pham Tan Nha2*

...ocks at the 21 weeks old local Noi chickens were used in this experiment. They were randomly distributed into two treatment groups of 5 replicates (30 hens and 6 cocks) in a completely randomized design. Treatment 1 (G0 generation – beginning generation) included 150 hens and 30 cocks and treatment 2 (G1 generation – the offspring of G0 generation) with 150 hens and 30 cocks. Mating cocks and hens of G0 generation and collecting eggs to incubate fo...

Murad Muhammad1,2,3*, Shahid Ullah1, Nimrah Ameen4, Abdul Wahab3,5, Abdul Basit6, Muqadas Batool7, Muhammad Nazim2,3 and Haroon Khan

...fically interviewing 120 local respondents (85 males, including herbalists and pansiris, and 35 women) regarding the naturally occurring medicinal weeds in the area. During the field survey, traditional knowledge and the ethnobotanical relevance of seasonal weeds were collected. A total of 65 species from 24 families were recorded across the four different seasons (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) in 2021–2023, including 54 angiosperms, 10 tracheophyt...

Muhammad Zahir Shah1,2 and Syed Basit Rasheed1,*

...ted from seven different localities of the district by flit method, CDC light traps and mouth aspirator. A total of 28 species belonging to two genera i.e., Phlebotomus represented by 12 species and Sergentomyia represented by 16 species were collected during the present study. Phlebotomus mongolensis is reported for the first time from Pakistan. Phlebotomus sergenti (48.77%) was the most abundant species followed by Phlebotomus paptasi (17.89%), Sergentomyia ...

Elly Roza, Yulia Yellita, Hilda Susanty, Rizqan 

...forage feed by utilizing local forages (cassava leaves, sweet potato leaves, and Moringa leaves), which are high in nutritional content, to increase the production and quality of Murrah buffalo milk and increase farmers’ income. This study used an experimental method with a Latin Square Design (LSD), using four female Murrah buffaloes as research samples with the following feed treatments: P1 = basal forage + concentrate, P2 = P1 + cassava leaves (2 kg),...

Gunel Arzuman Ramazanova1, Gulnara Fakhreddin Abbasova2*, Khalsa Ibrahim Nasibova3 and Sait Engindeniz4

...n the maize field tests, local varieties of maize, Gurur, Umid and Fakhri were used as plant material. In order to infect healthy plants, samples infected with blister smut disease collected from the maize cultivated areas of the Garadagli village and brought to the Plant Diseases Diagnostics of Azerbaijan State Agrarian University, transferred to artificial nutrient medium and multiplied. In the study, the intensity of spread of the disease, disease severity ...

Abdulaziz S. Alatawi*

...ces of food at different localities, including human-modified land such as agricultural areas. Agricultural areas in Tabuk Province, north-western kingdom of Saudi Arabia have been expanded substantially over the last three decades. This research studied the potential role of large agricultural areas as supplementary habitats for wild carnivores in a desert ecosystem. Camera traps recorded three mammalian carnivores: golden jackal (Canis aureus), grey wolf (Ca...

Byamungu Mayange Tomple1*, Ik-Hwan Jo2, Rajaraman Bharanidharan1, Seun-Gun Won2 and Muhammad Mahboob Ali Hamid3*

...otential to enhance both local and international kenaf markets, while concurrently addressing environmental concerns associated with conventional farming practices.


Amaq Fadholly1,2*, Endang Tri Margawati1, Alek Ibrahim1 and Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra1

... then can be applied for local Indonesian beef cattle. 


Yusra Karim1, Munawar Saleem Ahmad1, Javed Khan2, Imtiaz Khan3*, Said Hussain Shah2, Syeda Anika Shamsher4, Imran Qazi5, Habib-Ur-Rehman Kakar6 and Wajih Ullah7 

...dings showed that the Bt local isolates and CRY1F protein endotoxins were effective against both larvae. The bio larvicidal action of Bt local isolates and CRY1F endotoxins against various lepidopteron pests indicate promising results for pest control.


Syeda Rubab Zaidi* and Safdar Ali Mirza

... has been concluded that locally isolated strain A. niger was one of the potential and promising fungal isolate, screened for laccase enzyme activity, from soil sample collected from agricultural area near Harbans Pura, Lahore. 
Novelty Statement | A novel strain of filamentous fungus Aspergillus niger i.e., SAN5 was isolated from soil sample collected from agricultural area Harbans Pura of ...

Qais Abdulrahman M. Al-Jaghifi, Zina Saab Khudhir* 

... quality of beef sold in local markets. 


Waheed Iqbal* and Muhammad Faheem Malik

...ptember 2019 in selected locales of the Potohar Plateau, Punjab, Pakistan. An annotated checklist of the butterfly fauna was prepared using a total of 1117 specimens of butterflies from 32 species across 22 genera, 11 subfamilies, and four families from this study. With 14 (43.75%) species, the Nymphalidae family was dominated that was followed by the Pieridae family, which had 13 (40.62%) species, the Lycaenidae family, which had three (9.37%) species, and th...
Muhammad Nauman Khan1*, Fazal Hadi1, Maryam Bibi1, Naushad Khan1 and
Syed Mukaram Shah2
...d other economic uses by local inhabitants. The dominant families were Fabaceae and Poaceae represented by 5 species each, followed by Asteraceae with 4 species. Biological spectra expressed that therophytes were the major life form class with 31 species (91.176%) and geophytes had 3 species (8.8235%). Leaf size classification showed nanophyll with 11 species (32.35%) were the major size class followed by microphyll 10 species (29.41%), mesophylls with 6 speci...

Zahid Fazal1, Jaweria Gul2, Muhammad Subhan, Khan Sher and Qasir Ali

... Pakistan. All the three localities of Kalash Valley (Bumburet, Birir and Rumbor) were surveyed. For each crop three locations from each valley were selected and five 1x1 m2 quadrants were used at each location. For the first time phytosociological data regarding absolute density, relative density, frequency, relative frequency, importance value %, average importance value, Constancy classes and Importance value constancy index of various weeds of the area wer...

Shahida Naveed1, Salma2, Inayatullah Khattak3 and Khan Bahadar Marwat4

...were found to be used by local folks for the treatment of different ailments. Among the monocots, family Poaceae was the dominant family having nine genera and nine species (14.75 %) followed by dicotyledonous family Asteraceae with seven (7) genera and seven (7) species (11.47%). Amaranthaceae and Brassicaceae were represented by five (5) species each (8.19 %). Chenopodiaceae was represented by one genus having three (3) species (4.91 %) and Euphorbiaceae was...
Safaa Sabbar Atiyah1*, Ali Abdullah Zuairi Al-Sadoon2, Shifaa Kadhum Jieish2
...pididymal spermatozoa of local goats during the cooling process for different periods. The AEAV was prepared and stored in the refrigerator until the time of use. Epididymal spermatozoa were diluted by a Tris extender and divided into three treatments: T1 with a Tris extender only (control group), T2: 0.02 AEAV, and T3: 0.03 AEAV. Epididymal sperm were cooled at 5 ºC for 0, 24, 48, 72, 96, and 120 hours. The results show a significant effect (P≤0.01) o...

Seruni Agistiana1, I. Wayan Teguh Wibawan2, Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari2, Harimurti Nuradji3, Surachmi Setiyaningsih2*

...her 10 were imported and local pork products purchased at e-commerce stores to represent samples that were already circulating in the community. Subsequently, the isolates were sequenced and compared with other ASFV isolates to establish the virus genotype. Sanger sequencing was conducted using the B646L gene, which was the most frequently used genetic marker. The phylogenetic tree construction results showed that genotype II was present in the samples, which ...

Muhammad Farooq* and Sanam Zarif

...biodiversity and disturb local ecosystems. Invasive species spread more quickly as a result of increased worldwide travel and trade, necessitating management and control. This review study examines the numerous facets of invasive species in Pakistan, illuminating their effects, methods of management, and related difficulties. The necessity to supply the demand for fuel wood, lumber, and animal feed has historically led to the introduction of exotic species int...

Muhammad Ramzan Ali1*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed1, Mubeen Fakhar1 and Shamim Akhter2

...h induce breeding in the local environment. In addition, the breeding season of African catfish start in May and ends up in September. A female fish of about 1 kg gave good results in the terms of fertilization rate (%) hatching rate (%) and a handsome number of hatchlings was obtained by the artificial breeding. 


Mushtaq Ahmad1, Hikmat Ullah Jan2, Kanwal Raina3, Nazara Shafiq3, Syed Mukarram Shah1, Muhammad Ibrahim4, Shaha Buddin1 and Gulnaz Parveen3*

...onducted by interviewing local people and farmers to document traditional knowledge on weed species in maize and wheat crops. A semi-structured questionnaire along with group discussion and interviews were used to gather ethnobotanical data. A total of 93 weed species were collected from wheat and maize crops which belonged to 31 families and 77 genera. Among these 31 families 29 families were of Dicots and only 2 families were of monocots. The 71 (76%) specie...

Israa M. Essa*, Ghazi Y. Azzal, Alaa Tariq Abdulwahid

...vers) and evaluation the local epidemiology of fasciolosis. Also, wider surveys including different areas and animals with using the advanced diagnostic assay in combination with morphology should be conducted.
Keywords | Fasciolosis, Ovine liver fluke, Conventional PCR, Phylogeny, Fasciola hepatica, Iraq

Truong Thanh Trung1, Nguyen Thi Kim Dong2, Tran Long Hai1

...its (New Zealand White x local), with an average weight of 2.59 ± 0.14 kg, were completely randomized design consisted of five treatments and six replications, with one buck rabbit as an experimental unit. The five experimental treatments were diets containing 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, and 22% crude protein corresponding CP14, CP16, CP18, CP20 and CP22 treatment, respectively. Feedstuffs used in the experiment included fermented soya waste, soybean extraction...

Md Imran Hossen1, Shakhe Reju Ana Boishakhe1 and Mohammad Enamul Hoque Kayesh2*

... in non-vaccinated young local male domestic cats. Anorectic condition, frequent vomiting, diarrhea, and different level of dehydration were recorded as the prominent clinical signs in FPV infection. Fluid therapy (5% dextrose saline and 0.9% saline), antiemetic (ondansetron), proton pump inhibitor (pantoprazole/esomeprazole), antibiotics (ceftriaxone or metronidazole and ceftriaxone) and multivitamins were suggested as the supportive treatment of the disease....
Niaz Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Aslam1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Khalid Hussain2, Muahammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Irshad1, Zubeda Parveen1, Fiaz Hussain3 and Azhar Mahmood Aulakh4
... 2006-07 by crossing two local genotypes, 97086 (female parent) and 950130 (male parent), to create genetic variability for bold seed size. Recombinants having higher yield along with bold grains were selected from the F2 population raised from the F1 seed. Subsequent single plant selections (SPS) were accomplished and further advancement from F3 to F5 generations were carried out through the plant pedigree selection method, mainly focusing on recombinants pos...
Damat Damat1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Shazma Anwar3, Mohammed Ali Wedyan4
Zane Vincevica-Gaile5, Yogo Adhi Nugroho2, Tony Liwang2, Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi1*, 
Ahmad Fauzi1, Hanif Alamudin Manshur1, Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Vritta Amroini Wahyudi1
Yolla Muvika Ananda1 and Hemalia Agustin Rachmawati1
...cteristics of Indonesian locally-grown CP and confirm its feasibility for coffee cherry flour (CCF) production. Dried CP samples from Ijen, Karangploso and Mengani farms were assessed for mineral, heavy metal, crude protein, crude fiber, crude lipid, dietary fiber, and sugar contents and compared to La Boitê commercial product from Brazil. Principal component analysis (PCA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were run for the purpose, followed by Tuke...

Khaeruddin1,2, Gatot Ciptadi1, Muhammad Yusuf3, Hermawansyah2, Sahiruddin3 and Sri Wahjuningsih1*

...y, progressive motility, local motility, total motility, immotil, linearity and straightness. In general, Ringer’s acetate-yolk glucose diluent is better in maintaining the quality of Gaga’s chicken spermatozoa during storage.


Muhammad Jan1*, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah2, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal1, Inam-ul-Haq1, Attiq Ur Rehman1, Javeria Sherani3, Muhammad Imran3 and Rizwan Latif4

...imized according to over local conditions. In this context, a study was designed at CEFORT BARI, Chakwal in order to find which season is suitable for maximum rooting. Five olive varieties from Germ Plasm Unit (GPU), of Barani Agricultural Research Institute (BARI), Chakwal were selected. Thousand cutting of each were planted during mid-August- mid October (S1) and mid-January- mid March (S2). All standard nursery protocol were followed to get maximum rooting ...

Dwi Walid Retnawati1,2, Mohamad Agus Setiadi3*, Iman Supriatna3, Ligaya Ita Tumbelaka3

... economic losses for the local community in dairy farm. Therefore, this research aimed to measure selenium (Se) and Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels as a candidate for RP parameters in dairy farm. The measurement started with preliminary research of plasma MDA levels in 20 cows comprising 5 RP and 15 non-placental retention (NRP). This was followed by the determination of Se and MDA levels in 46 cows consisting of 21 RP and 25 NRP. The samples were obtained from c...

Fitrini1*, Masyhuri2, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti3

...s who specifically raise local beef cattle in 3 districts which are the agribusiness centers in agropolitan area, so that a total of 101 farmers, and in-depth interviews with 10 experts. Data analysis was conducted using analysis of existing conditions of resources and other supporting factors, Location Question (LQ) and shift share analysis (SSA) to determine beef cattle potential, and SWOT analysis was used to formulate agropolitan area development strategie...

Aisha Khalid1,2, Roheela Yasmeen1*, Farah Ahmad1, Mudassar Aslam2, Muhammad Tayyab2  

... diets supplemented with locally produced recombinant thermostable cellulase at concentrations of 500, 750, and 1000 IU/kg, respectively. The results, analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test, showed significant improvements (P < 0.05) in weight gain, feed intake, and feed efficiency ratio for enzyme-treated groups, particularly from the 3rd to 7th week of the trial. Group D, with 1000 IU of the local c...

Aytan Ilham Zeynalova1*, Fariz Shahin Alakbarov1, Dunya Ali Isayeva1 and Sait Engindeniz2

Sami ul Haq, Basheer Ahmad* and Bilal Ahmed Qazi should be provided to local communities.This study contributes to understanding species composition and soil factors influencing forest ecosystems in the region, informing conservation strategies and sustainable forest management practices. Community-led initiatives are necessary to protect the Shahpur Valley’s unique biodiversity and promote sustainable forest management. Key findings emphasize the importance of soil properties in shaping forest comp...
Mohd Aiman Hamdan1, Muhammad Fitri Yusof2, Hajar Fauzan Ahmad3,Mufafikri Musa4, Najmuddin Mohd Ramli5,6 and Mohd Najib Razali5,6*
...s work via utilizing the local raw materials has the highest protein, fibre, and ash contents but is lower in fat, moisture and carbohydrate content in comparison to commercial cat food products. All of the cat food products in Malaysia that were analysed in this work met the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) standard. However, not all cat food products are considered a perfect cat food formulation. This information provides insights into ...

Dedes Amertaningtyas1*, Alia Salsabilla Putri3, Nur Rohman Rizqi Pudya Permana3, Silvia Rosa Al Rahma3, Premy Puspitawati Rahayu1, Rlm. Satrio Ari Wibowo2, Ragil Yuliatmo2, Eko Nuraini2, Rischa Amalia Saleha1

...ur. The material used is local rabbit fur. The research method was Experimental, counting used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 5 repetitions. Treatment consists of using 250 g of aluminum sulfate (T1); 300 g (T2); 350 g (T3) and 400 g (T4). Parameters include physical quality (elongation, thickness, tensile strength, ductility, tear strength and water absorption) and chemical quality (water content, fat content, protein content and wat...

Devi Ermawati1, Panjono2, Sigit Bintara1, Ali Agus3, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto2, Bertha Yudistyra4, Rifai Mustofa4, Tety Hartatik1*

...tperformance compared to local cattle in reproduction and daily weight increase. Although it may result in reproductive problems, crossbreeding with Bos taurus breeds, such as Belgian Blue cattle, increases growth potential. In Brahman Cross and first-generation F1  Crossbred cattle, estrus signs and estrogen levels are recommended to be examined during artificial insemination (AI) and 30 days after AI. Twenty blood samples consisting of ten samples of F1...
Phuong-Thao Ho1, 2, Thi Tuong Vy Nguyen3, Ngoc Hai Tran3 and Tran Van Giang4*
...central coast of Vietnam locally and the Indo–West Pacific region generally.


Farhan Anjum1*, Sheraz Ahmad Khan1, Raees Muhammad2, Yousaf Jamal1, Durrishahwar1, Jawad Ali Shah1 and Hidayat Ullah1*

...elated features of three local landraces and one exotic maize variety of yellow genotypes. A Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications was used to evaluate the genotypes. With the exception of days to maturity, there were highly significant differences among the maize genotypes for almost all traits. Genotype ‘Saleem Khan-2’ had the maximum days to tasseling, whereas the ‘Bamkhel-2’ genotype had the shortest. The genotype...

Adel Sobhy1, Ahmed El-khamary1, Ahmed M. Rashwan2,3, Ashraf Shamaa4, Mostafa Kassem5, Mohamed M. A. Abumandour6*, Ahmed El-Mansi7, 8 and Ahmed G. Nomir2

...using 15 ml of Lidocaine local anesthetic solution for blockage. However, the distance at site p2 was 6.8±0.2 cm, and 25 ml of local anesthetic was sufficient for complete nerve blockage. We concluded that by using the color-doppler US-guided for the brachial plexus injection, site p1 was more efficient and avoided vascular penetration than site p2.


Mustafa Abd El Raouf*, Mostafa Abdelazim, Abdel Basit M. Abd El-Aal, Shebl E. Salem

Mohammad Lalmoddin Mollah*, Arobi Jahan Disha and Dipa Rani Pal

...Prevalence of cat flu in local breeds was 83.33% whereas persian breed 6.66% and mixed breed 4.44%. The variable sex of cat, males (63.33%) were more susceptible than female (36.66%) and study area prevalence in winter season (62.77%) is higher than summer (31.66%) or rainy season (5.55%) cat flu. The prevalence of in the study area, sick cats (88.89%) were more susceptible than apparently healthy cats (11.11%). The most typically used antibiotic were ceftriax...

Md Kamrul Hasan1,2, Hong-Seok Mun1,3, Keiven Mark Bigtasin Ampode1,4, Eddiemar Baguio Lagua1,5, Hae-Rang Park1,5, Young-Hwa Kim6, Md Sharifuzzaman1,7, Chul-Ju Yang1,5*

...of government subsidies, localized technology production, and the provision of training facilities can be instrumental in enabling farmers to overcome the obstacles. The application of DT is limited in monitoring animal behavior and farm environment. However, DT technology has the potential for broader use, such as predicting growth, feed consumption, and improving the supply chain. Although these new areas are yet to be explored in real farm conditions. Along...

Hamayun Arshad1, Muhammad Waris2,3 and Qurratulann Afza Gardner1*

..., we aimed to search for local strain of L. sphaericus and test its S-layer protein for toxicity against Culex quinquefasciatus and Anopheles stephensi larvae. For this purpose, we isolated various bacterial strains from our local environment using standard microbiological techniques. Among those isolates, we found novel strain of L. sphaericus Q001, identified by ribotyping and MALDI-biotyping. The 16S ribosomal RNA gene of...
Maimoona Imran2, Farah Rauf Shakoori2*, Soumble Zulfiqar1
Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*
... present study reports a locally isolated K. pneumoniae strain exhibiting high resistance (MIC=90mM) against Ag+ and its accumulation potential. Transcription of Cus (Cu sensing) determinants is found to be upregulated in the presence of Ag+. The transcriptional regulator CusR bound effectively with bidirectional cus promoter. STRING database analysis revealed that CusR possesses strong interactions and linkages with other Cus determinants and via ZraS with le...

Nguyen Ba Trung1,2*, Pham Thi Kim Phuong1,2

...ext-align: justify;">The local Vang cattle currently live primarily in the An Giang Seven Mountains, Vietnam. In some of the villages of the ethnic minority, cattle have phenotypes of Vietnam native Vang cattle, with very poor milk yield, carcass weight, and limited information about fertility. Consequently, cattle are at risk of becoming extinct, and the genetic diversity and polymorphism of genes linked to economically important traits have not yet been exam...

Van Dai Nguyen1, ¥, Van Ba Nguyen2, ¥, Thi Thanh Nhan Giang2, Cong Dinh Nguyen2, Thi Lan Nguyen1, Dinh Ngoan Vu1, Duc Chuyen Nguyen1, Van Can Ta1, Khac Khanh Nguyen2, Thi Lien Cao2, Doan Lan Pham2, Khanh Van Nguyen2, Ngoc Tan Nguyen3*

...e polymorphic in the two local swamp buffalo populations. The average number of alleles of each microsatellite marker in the two native buffalo populations varied from 6.11 (in LB-LD and LB-LC sub-populations) to 7.67 (in the TC population), with mean values of expected heterozygosity (He), observed heterozygosity (Ho), and polymorphic informative content (PIC) 0.743, 0.271, and 0.738, respectively. The two local swamp buffa...

Ali Mobder Niyf*, Jafar Ghazi Abbas Al-Jebori 

...t the large intestine in local awassi sheep fetuses in the first trimester of gestation was located relatively in the middle part of the abdominal cavity and covered completely by huge liver and where it started to move gradually to the caudal aspect at second trimester, behind the diaphragms, stomach and liver, which appear are translucent wall and whitish in color. On the other hands, at the third trimester of gestation, the wall of large intestine appears e...

Asim Karim*, Anwar Ali, Bilal Ahmed Qazi, Nowsherwan Zarif and Wadood Shah

...ave demonstrated how the local environment and climatic circumstances significantly affect the growth value of individual clones. This difference is not only related to the development of the growth-related features, but also to the properties of the wood and the possibility of its utilization. Paulownia hybrids and cultivars have a similar appearance, but they react to their environment differently depending on the situation. The best growth (with good result...

Lahbib Cheikhi, Hafidha Boucherit* and Abdelkrim Benaradj

...socio-economic level for local populations in order to satisfy the family’s needs for milk, meat and eggs; and to provide manure for maintaining the fertility of the farms’ soil.


Jaafar Haider Abd Alrudah1, Nada Fadhil Abbas2*, Farah Ali Hadi1, Haider Tuma Kaab3 

...he antigen prepared from local isolate induced an immune response that protects or reduces the severity of infection with Candida albicans in birds. This study was based on the previous research to produce an antigen from whole-cell fraction (WCF) antigen in mice. The estimation of humoral immune responses and IgG showed that the levels of the antibodies were higher in the immunized group than in the control group. Collectively, the study revealed a ...

Mahisba Waris1, Muhammad Azim Khan2*, Muhammad Fawad1*, Nabeela Jafer1, Rashid Hussain3 and Haseeb Ahmad3

...inga were purchased from local market. The leaves were chopped by using a grinder and 50grams of dried leaves powder was added with 500 milliliters of distilled water in a beaker. Subsequently, the mixture was passed through muslin cloth and various concentration was prepared (25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%). Statistical analysis of data reveal that various concentration of moringa aqueous extract significantly affected germination indices of okra seeds with highest ...

Saiqa Jehan1*, Tahir Sarwar1, Naveedullah1, Shahzad Khan Khattak2 and M. Jamal Khan3 

... This study examines the local community’s perception of climate change and its impact on water resources of selected areas in district Chitral with high climatic vulnerabilities. General observations and a survey based on questionnaires were used to collect field data. The questionnaire survey used both closed-ended and open-ended questions as a tool. This study was conducted in the three villages of Upper, middle and lower Chitral (Buni, Garam Chashma ...

Nour Elhouda Fehri1,2, Mohamed Aroua1, Safa Bejaoui2, Manel Ben Larbi3, Sami Dridi4 and Bayrem Jemmali2*

...c characteristics of the local population of chickens in North Africa. A total of 250 chickens were sampled in three regions of the country of Tunisia. A complete description by direct observation, individual weighing, and body parts measurements were determined. The results of the study showed a significant diversity of plumage colors in the studied populations. Birds of the dominant yellow color represent the average proportion of 20 %. Birds with black, gra...
Qurat-ul-Ain1*, A. Ahmad2, Farhat Nazir Awan3, M. Rabbani1 and M. Hassan Mushtaq4
... was also prepared using local isolate (MK084980) and tested for induction of humoral immune response in comparison with commercial vaccine in experimental cattle calves. Calves of group A (n=5) and B (n=5) were vaccinated with self-prepared and commercial vaccines respectively followed by boosting 30 days post primary vaccination, while group C was kept as non-vaccinated control group. Blood samples were taken from each group after every 2 months up to one ye...

Maria Endo Mahata*, Yose Rizal, Sepri Reski, Zurmiati, Elsanila Suryadi Buwono, Kamiliya Rahma Sari

...ed by fermentation using local microorganisms as inoculum. This study aimed to determine the effect of brown seaweed Padina australis, with reduced salt and crude fiber content, on the growth performance and physiological organs of broiler chickens. This study used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with brown seaweed Padina australis levels of 0, 5, 10, and 15% in broiler chicken diets, with each treatment repeated five times. The parameters measured were d...

Srisukmawati Zainudin1*, Hartutik2, Edhy Sudjarwo2, Osfar Sjofjan2

...e and carcass quality of local chickens. The research method was a field experiment with a completely randomized design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 5 replications, resulting in 25 treatment units. A total of 25 pen units, each measuring 1 m × 0.5 m × 0.5 m, were used. Each pen was equipped with a feed and water bunk, and 250-day-old chicks (DOCs) of local chickens were used to assess body weight variability and w...

Muhammad Abdul Basit1, Lionel Kinkpe1,3*, Abdur Rahman1, Boko Michel Orounladji2, Hafiz Qadeer Ahmed3, Muhammad Subbayyal Akram4, Elodie Dimon5, Gadah Albasher6, Syed Muhammad Suhail1  

...indings not only address local challenges but also offer insights that could be valuable for improving goat production systems globally. 


Ahlam J.H. Al-Khamas, Sabreen M. Al-Janabi*, Osama Murtadha, Jafar Ghazi Abbas Al-Jebori, Amina Imad Jawad, Dunia M. Al-Rubaie*, Salim Salih Ali Al-Khakani, Baneen, Aqeel Khazal

...ds, individuals from the local breed available at the Babel market. we found that the right testis was heavier than the left, and the average length of the right testis also exceeded that of the left. Morphologically, the testes were positioned in the abdomen on both sides of the midline, with Their cranial poles located caudal to the lungs and their caudal poles associated with the abdominal sac. The dorsal surfaces were oriented ventrally towards the right a...

Dheyab D. Radhi1*, Rasheed H.A. Al-Aidi2, Ali Ahmed Khalaf 3

...ity of aged Awassi rams (local Iraqi sheep) by injecting L-carnitine directly into the venous blood. For this purpose, twelve rams with ages ranged between 5 and 6 years were used. The animals were distributed into three groups, each group consisted of four rams. The first group was given an intravenous injection of 5 ml of distilled water as a control group. The second group was given an intravenous injection of L-carnitine at a rate of 25 mg/kg of body weigh...

Batool S. Hamza1*, T.S. Al-Amery2

...igns of degeneration and localized denudation.Mild to moderate infiltration of inflammatory cells, mostly polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cells. Subacute endometritis, which was characterized by a modest to moderate loss of the luminal epithelium, congestion, and swelling of the stroma. Focal hemorrhagic foci, as well as glandular dilation. The lesions exhibited a transformation of uterine endometrial epithelial cells from their normal columnar look to a low...

Mohammed A. Hamad1*, Murtadha Abdule Mahdi Al-Mudhafar2, Alaa Fayeq Habeeb3, Firas R. Jameel1, Ismael Raheem Al-Muhana2, Najemaddin A. Hamad5

Amal S.Omar, Mahmoud A. Ahmed, Nada A.S. El-Shahawy, Wael A.H. Ali, Sabbah F. Youssef, Hoda M.A. Shabaan, El-Sayed M. Abdel-Kafy* 

...d in the conservation of local geese in Egypt and improve their production system. The study was conducted in the governorates of El-Fayoum, Luxor, and Kafr El-Sheikh, representing the three main regions in Egypt. The research involved a cross-sectional survey of 78 randomly selected villages. Semi-structured questionnaires and field observations during interviews were used to collect necessary data from farmers. The findings revealed that geese were exclusive...

Moses Teye1*, Joshua Amoni1, Awal Fuseini2

...laughter facility in the locality. Six communities were randomly selected from each of the study areas, making a total of 12 communities. The systematic sampling procedure was used to select 30 households from each of the 12 communities, and the person(s) in charge of making meat purchasing decisions were interviewed. Questionnaires were designed and were pre-tested in Mankessim to validate the content, after which they were used to obtain data from a total of...

Rakhtasha Munir1, Shazia Rafique2*, Iram Amin1,2, Sameen Ahmed2, Ayesha Vajeeha2, Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Shahid2, Muhammad Umer Khan4 and Muhammad Idrees2

...tural gene obtained from local isolates was targeted for detection. For this purpose, a bacterial expression system was used to amplify, clone, and express the structural protein C. The expression of structural protein C was examined by SDS PAGE and verified by western blot and dot blot. The acquired antigen was purified which carries the potential for the development of a vaccine against dengue as well as for an in-house diagnostic assay. In this study, an in...

Bashir Ahmed and Salma Javed* 

... conducted across twenty local markets revealed that neem oil was the only biopesticide available, highlighting a significant gap in the accessibility of eco-friendly pest management options amidst prevalent chemical pesticide use. Soil samples collected from various plant types on the University of Karachi campus successfully isolated Steinernema pakistanense nematodes, indicating their potential as effective biological control agents. The inhibitory effects ...

Constant Boris Bankole1, Ignace Ogoudanan Dotche1*, Serge Gbênagnon Ahounou1, Mahamadou Dahouda2, Issaka Youssao Abdou Karim1, Marcel Senou2

...typic characteristics of local, improved, and Pietrain pigs, as well as the products of their crossbreeding. A sample of 178 pigs, aged 8 months, were included in the study. The pigs were divided into the following categories: 48 improved pigs, 24 local pigs, 16 Pietrain pigs, 40 pigs F1 crosses between the Pietrain and the improved, and 50 pigs crossed F1 between the Pietrain and the local

Iftakher Alam1,2, Biswajit Das1,3*, Kazi Md. Younus Tanim1, Rafiat Zannat1,3, Amiya Das Hridoy1,4, H.M. Fahad Hossain1,4, Tarikul Islam1 and Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuiyan1 differences among ten local and modern genotypes in Noakhali, a coastal region of Bangladesh, using a randomized complete block design (RCBD). ANOVA results indicated a significant variation (P ≤ 0.001) among the genotypes. The local variety (Rajashail) was relatively early maturing among all. Whereas, for the other morphological traits (number of tillers, number of effective tillers, panicle length, grains per hill an...

Tahira Batool1*, Salman Farooq1, Nabila Roohi1 and Abdul Ghayas2

...he growth performance of local Aseel chicken progeny. In total, 240 day-old chicks constituting 60 of each Lakha, Peshawari, Mianwali and Mushki varieties, selected and placed in three-tier battery cages following Randomized Complete Block Design. These chicks were equally divided into three groups according to lysine regimens named L1 (1.3% lysine in starter, grower and finisher diets), L2 (1.4% in starter and grower and 1.2% lysine in finisher diet) and L3 (...

Abdul Razak1, Imran Altaf1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Ali Raza Awan2 and Farhat Nazir Awan3

... for the purification of local isolate of FMDV from NSPs. For this purpose Bio-rad Econo-Column 15/50 was packed with SephacrylTM S-300 resin and fitted with BioRad BioLogic LP Chromatographic system. Mixture of blue dextran and bovine serum albumin used as biomarkers for FMDV and NSPs respectively was employed to optimize resin bed height in column based on resolution between curves, while that FMDV was used to optimize flow rate of mobile phase and sample vo...

Sahir Odhano1*, Michael S Rosenberg2, Noor Us Saher3, Guan Yang Zhang4 and Mustafa Kamal5

...ily Ocypodidae) from two localities of the Karachi, Sindh coast (Sandspit and Sonari) and one locality of Miani Hor, Balochistan (Sonmiani). The species belonging to the genus Ocypode are commonly known as ghost crabs. Previously, there was no such research conducted on biochemical and molecular studies. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was used for the biochemical study to identify and quantify proteins and other enzymes ...

Aaqil Muhammad1*, Asad Sultan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Umer Sadique2

... were purchased from the local hatchery and assigned to four treatment groups replicated four times with 10 birds per replicate in a completely randomized design. There were four dietary treatments designated as control contained 100% maize-based diets without sorghum and enzyme, HDV-100+protease (T1) had 100% sorghum without any maize and supplemented with protease enzyme; HDV-100+phytase (T2) had 100% sorghum without maize and supplemented with phytase enzym...

Yonis Gulzar1*, Faheem Ahmad Reegu2, Arjumand Bano Soomro1,3, Mohammad Shuaib Mir1, Abdul Zahir4* and Choo Wou Onn5

...hings technologies among local farmers. The results of the study show that farmers’ knowledge and awareness of IoT technology and their willingness to adopt Internet of Things technologies have a significant positive correlation, which supports the first hypothesis. A second hypothesis that has been affirmed by this study is that the adoption of Smart Irrigation Techniques and the adoption of the Internet of Things are closely linked. IoT is becoming inc...

Asmaul Khusna1, Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul Muzayyanah2, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti2, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra2

...important sector for the local economy dominated by small businesses with complex supply chains. The goat milk industry in East Java faces many supply chain risks that have the potential to disrupt the operation and efficiency of the supply chain. The objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive risk analysis on the goat milk supply chain in East Java and formulate mitigations. This study is a qualitative and quantitative research. The research was co...
Muhammad Sarwar1*, Areej Javaria2, Muhammad Zain-ul-Abideen3, Muhammad Farhan Sarwar4 and Muhammad Haroon Sarwar5
...ty of other foods in the locality. The products tested demonstrated satisfactory efficacy in controlling of rodents in protected wheat plants compared to unprotected fields. During dough stage, the maximum percent of cut stems of wheat were 6.95% in the control field which was significantly (P< 0.05) greater from fields receiving rodenticide treatments (1.06% for aldicarb, 0.82% for zinc phosphide, 0.67% for phostoxin and 0.40% for racumin). Whereas, perusa...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Aamir Ghafoor1*, Masood Rabbani1, Hassan Mushtaq1 and Mumtaz Ali Khan2

...elopment of vaccine from locally isolated strains.


Asher Azeem1, Misbah Javed2, Muhammad Riaz ul Haq1, Maria Shahzeen1, Muhammad Asif1, Gul Muhammad1, Khalid Hussain3, Ahmad Ali3, Muhammad Latif4, Noreen Samad2 and Furhan Iqbal1*

... It has been reported in local news papers that this pesticide is entering in our fresh water bodies affecting aquatic life. The objective of this investigation was to report the LC50 value of diafenthiuron for grass carp, Ctenopharyngodon idella and to report the effect of various doses such as 0.0038 (T1), 0.05 (T2), 0.5 (T3), 1 (T4), 5 (T5) and 6.67 mg/L (T6) on complete blood count, serum biochemical profile and antioxidant parameters in kidney and liver o...

Mubashar Hussain*, Syeda Nafeesa Kazam, Aqsa Noreen, Suleman Hussain Shah, Uswa Zeb and Aniza Iftikhar

...asshoppers from selected locales of district Gujrat. Sampling was conducted on sunny bright days between 11 am to 4 pm by using a sweep net. Data was collected fortnightly from 2015 to 2016. We collected 1266 specimens representing 19 species which belonged to two suborders, three families, nine subfamilies, 12 tribes, and 15 genera. Acrididae (933 specimens; 15 species) was the most abundant family followed by Tettigonidae (1197 specimens; three species) and ...

Adnan Ibrahim Khamis1, Jasim Mohammed Saleh2*, Najwa S. Ali3 and Anhar Mohamed Ali Hasan4

...on and coordination with local and international efforts in exchanging climate information and significant weakness in the application of laws and legislation that would hold parties that contribute to accountability and deterioration of the agricultural environment. The study recommends activating the role of agricultural extension due to the phenomenon of climate change in the agricultural sector.


Zarifshan Malik1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed2 and Sabina Noor1

...cclimatization under the local culture condition. After attaining sexual maturity, six males and five females were selected for the study. Milt was collected and diluted using the above-mentioned activation media by using dilution ratio of 1:29. Sperm quality assessment of diluted milt was carried out for different traits such as sperm motility, sperm motility duration and sperm viability. Fertilization rate was determined by using same diluted milt aliquots. ...

Mube Kuietche Hervé1*, Saknteh W.B1, Azoutane Julien2, Kana Sagne Derrick1, Vemo Bertin3, Djoumessi Gina4, Tatsinkou Alain Serge1, Francois Djitie5, Defang F. Henry1 of 40 rabbits of a local breed, aged 38 days andweighting on average 550±60g, were randomly assigned to five treatment groups, each containing eight animals. The treatments included a control diet without additives (T0-), a diet with 0.1% antibiotic (T0+), and diets with 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% ginger powder (T1, T2, and T3, respectively). Data on growth characteristics, carcass traits, and blood biochemical parameters were collected over a 6-week ex...

Bridget Maria Jessica Adah1, Samuel Mailafia1, H.O.K Olabode1, James Agbo Ameh1, Martha Echioda Ogbole1, Ebenezer Odey Odey1, Ifeanyi Cajetan Cashmir1, Hakeem Onigbanjo1, Monday Onakpa2, Enid Godwin3, Chinwe Elizabeth Okoli3, Nicodemus Nnabuike Mkpuma4, Oluwa Adikpe Agbonu5, Rabi Rebecca Mairabo6 in chicken blood from local markets within F.C.T, Nigeria. Three hundred and sixty (360) chicken blood samples were collected from six Area Councils (AC) in FCT. Isolation and preliminary identification were done using Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) and Microscopy. Antifungal Susceptibility Testing (AFST) was done with liofilchem® antifungal disc using Disc Diffusion method by Kirby bauer and Ten (10) antifungal agents were tested. Fifty-four (54) isolates ...

Iqbal Hossain1, Kazi Shams Al-Arefin1, Rayhan Ahmmed Pranto2, Deepanjana Sarker3, Kazi Abdus Sobur4*

...ard surgical method of a local breed female rabbit, 8 months old and weighing 2 kg. The surgery was performed under general anesthesia using a standard open surgical approach. After the successful operation, the rabbit was kept in a clean squeeze cage for seven days. In addition, povidone iodine ointment was used until the wound was completely healed. Post-operative complications were observed during the patient’s follow-up. This surgical procedure for r...

Sitti Rosmalah1*, Hartati1, Harianti1, Selvi Diliyanti Rizki1, Rustam2, La Ode Muh. Munadi3, Rina Astarika4, La Ode Jabuddin5, Abdul Rizal6, Muh. Obi Kasmin7 and Muhtar Amin

...yland rice is one of the local products of Buton Utara Regency and is famous nationally and internationally. However, various phenomena cause the underdevelopment of dryland rice farming in Buton Utara Regency, including the dynamics and multiple problems surrounding the dryland rice agribusiness system in this region. Based on these phenomena, this study aims to build an implementable dryland rice agribusiness model through a systems approach based on strateg...

Achmad Firman1*, Lilis Nurlina1, Diky Ramdani2, Yayan Rismayanti2

...elements. Therefore, the local government continues to maintain the continuity of livestock contests and agility fights of Garut sheep. These events are proven to encourage farmers to keep raising sheep, including the next generation.
Keywords | Succession, Sheep farms, Young farmer, Family farms, Participatory system analysis

Andi Mushawwir1*, Lovita Adriani1, Ronnie Permana1, Eli Sahara2

...fy;">The Sentul hen is a local Indonesian chicken that has been distributed across various regions in West Java. The location’s topography significantly impacts the chickens’ performance, as it is closely related to the environment’s macro and microclimatic conditions. Low-lying areas tend to increase the risk of heat stress in chickens. In this study, 300 Sentul chickens were observed at different altitudes. The research sites at low elevati...

Rakhmad Hidayat1,2*, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto3, Lestari Rahayu Waluyati3 and Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo3

...productivity. The use of local pepper varieties and foot rot disease have caused a decrease in the production and efficiency of pepper farming. Farmers have adopted improved varieties called “Bengkayang pepper.” However, no studies have specifically examined the effect of adopting the Bengkayang pepper on the production and efficiency of pepper farming. This research aims to determine the technical, economic, and allocative efficiency of pepper far...


Bashir I. 1 Adam A.S. 2 Yahaya H.S. 3 Makeri D. 4 Ntulume I. 2 Aliero A.A. 5 Afolabi R.O. 6

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 175-184 community in Wamakko local government area of Sokoto state, were analyzed bacteriologically to ascertain their portability. A total of three water samples were collected from available boreholes within the major sites of Arkilla area namely; Arkilla layout, Arkilla federal low cost and Arkilla state low cost. They were analyzed for the total bacterial, coliform and faecal coliform counts using the standard plate count and most probable number (MPN) assays....

Eze, E.M.1*; Ezebialu, C.U.2; Unegbu, V.N.3; Nneji, I.R.4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 379-386
...Otolo Nnewi, Nnewi north local government area, Anambra state, Nigeria. Eighty soil samples were collected from four habitats (playgrounds, abattoir, public parks, and poultry farms) of Otolo Nnewi; and were screened for the presence of keratinophilic fungi and dermatophytes, using hair baiting techniques for isolation of these fungi. Of which, 69 soil samples (86%) were positive for fungal growth. Fungal growth appearing on the baits after 2-4 weeks of incuba...


Mahmoud H. Abd El-Aziz1*; S.I. Behiry2; H.A. Younes2; Karrar A. Hamza2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(4): 440-452
...ic variability among our local Egyptian isolates. The aims of the current work were to; isolate and detect PVY from naturally infected potato plants in northern Egypt, characterize the PVY isolates using different assays, detect PVY in different organs of infected potato plants, study the CP gene of the PVY isolates using Reverse transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR), and register these isolates in GenBank.



Abd-Elhalim, B.T.1*; Gamal, R.F.1; Abou-Taleb, Kh.A.1; Haroun, A.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 558-578
...NPs) exploiting Egyptian local bacterial isolates. Sixteen copper-resistant isolates out of 160 bacterial isolates; were captured from various plant rhizospheres including; chamomile, hibiscus, neem, iris, and pea, beside samples collected from the Sharm El-Sheikh seawater. Among the 16 copper-resistant isolates, one promising isolate I108 was chosen which synthesized CuNPs of diameter about 87.1 nm, showed UV absorbance of 0.54 at 580 nm, with a concentration...

Dmitriy V. Alekseev*; Artem V. Lyamin; Karim A. Kayumov

...e under the influence of local disruptions in the respiratory functions; inflammatory
processes, and complicated relations of the individual microorganisms between each other and
between the human bodies as their ecological substrates. As a result, microorganisms that are
usually safe for the healthy people become extremely dangerous for CF patients; having
adapted to a new ecological niche and having got definit...


Fabrice Mutijima; Mostafa Basiony; Morihisa Fujita*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 856-867
...r TAG lipases are mainly localized in LD, whereas minor amounts of them are localized in ER. Once DAG is produced inside the LD, it is transferred to the ER by inheritance cortical ER protein, Ice2, for further reactions. The TAG and PI levels are also controlled by transcriptional regulation in response to inositol and zinc. The aim of this study was to clarify how LDs regulate lipid homeostasis in the yeast cell, and parti...


Dhurva Prasad Gauchan1*; Ashok Kumar Bhattarai2; Shishir Pandey1; Sunil Bhandari1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 921-938
... MUSH was tested on four locally available solid substrates (i.e. corn stalk, rice husk, jackfruit molasses and sugarcane bagasse) through solid state fermentation (SSF). Production of conidia (cfu/ g) was higher in corn stalk (72.6 ×108), followed by rice husk (68.4×108), jackfruit molasses (18.6×108) and sugarcane bagasse (12.4×108). High counts of conidia production on these substrates render MUSH isolate efficient to be used as a BC...

Rasha M. Elnagar

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1194-1213
...robial susceptibility at local level and rational use of the antibacterial agents; is essential to decrease the emergence and spread of resistant bacterial pathogens.



Abdulnabi A. A. Matrood1; Abdelhak Rhouma2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1283-1293
...ight; attacks hybrid and local varieties either in open field or in the greenhouse, causing a serious damage that led to decrease in crop yield. The strategies employed to manage this disease by Iraqi farmers were the synthetic fungicides application. In this study, several assays were conducted such as poisoned food technique (in vitro assay) and greenhouse experiment (in vivo assay); to evaluate the inhibitory efficacy of 3 three synthetic fungicides includi...

Asmae Benabderrahmane1*; Majid Atmani1; Kaoutar Hamriri1; Zoubida Laghrari2; Saadia Belmalha3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2790-2808
... defense, pH regulation, local immune support, biofilm formation, nutrient metabolism, and microbial balance preservation. Dental biofilms influence oral health by maintaining balance or contributing to conditions such as dental caries and periodontal diseases. Advancements in studying the oral microbiota have evolved from culture-dependent to culture-independent methods. Next-generation sequencing technologies such as Illumina platforms, have revolutionized t...

Linda Herlina*, Anita Fitriani, Marina Sulistyati, Khansa Nurul Salsabilah, Achmad Firman

... Stakeholders, including local governments, financial institutions, and agricultural extension services, should collaborate to provide subsidized credit, farmer training, and market access, while policymakers focus on infrastructure and product distribution support for intensive farming. This research underscores the strategic importance of targeted interventions to improve profitability and productivity, offering a replicable framework for sustainable rural a...

Tesfaye Edjem1,2, Yisehak Kechero2*, Asrat Guja2 chain includes local, cross-border, and international trade. Despite these practices, challenges such as recurrent droughts, limited access to commercial feed, poor infrastructure, and insufficient extension services hindered progress. The findings underscore the need for policies that enhance feed security, infrastructure, and market access while integrating indigenous knowledge with modern techniques. Future research should focus on developing sust...

Usman Pato1*, Emma Riftyan1, Yusmarini1, Evy Rossi1, Azzahra Adeela Putri1, Shelvia Karvina1, Tri Zulia Ningrum1, Nisa Ikhwana1, Tjipto Leksono2, Aqilah Sakura Usman3, Agrina4

...PSW that works well as a local probiotic encapsulant. Lb. fermentum InaCC B1295 can inhibit the growth of S. aureus which is closely related to the formation of immune responses. This probiotic has the potential to be used to maintain the health of the digestive tract and immune system in humans.
Keywords | Probiotics, Limosilactobacillus fermentum, Staphylococcus aureus, Immune system, Cellulose microfiber, Oil palm

Ahmed Hamzah Mosa*, Hamed A. H. Aljabory, Ali Hamid. M. H. Rabeea, Lina Shaheed Waheed

Cut Intan Novita1*, Zahra Shafa Hudzaifa2, Tongku Nizwan Siregar3, Sri Wahyuni4, Teuku Armansyah5

...bbit uterine tissue. Six local female rabbits, weighing between 1.8–2.2 kg and having previously given birth, were used in this study. The rabbits were divided into two treatment groups (n=3): KL1, the control group, which was injected with physiological NaCl (2.6 ml total), and KL2, the treatment group, which was injected with BPE (2.6 ml total). Both groups received injections of physiological NaCl or BPE five times at 12-hour intervals. The injection ...

Mathew O. Ayoola1*, Akingbolabo D. Ogunlakin2, Abel O. Oguntunji1

...ants (MPs), acupuncture (local surgical techniques or anaesthesia), and traditional management practices to prevent and treat a spectrum of livestock diseases. In Nigeria, dairy production is predominant with cattle, sheep, and goat husbandry; largely managed by semi-sedentary and nomadic pastoralists. These pastoralists have little or no access to prompt modern veterinary medical interventions and thereby depend mostly on ethno-veterinary medicine. Recently, ...

Danh Mo1*, Nguyen Van Thu2

...estibility of crossbred (local × Red Sindhi) cattle fed basal diets of rice straw (RS) in Southwestern Vietnam. The experiment was designed to change each of the 4 cattle fed 6 diets over 6 periods, the dietary treatments were RS with the supplementation of SF from 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28 to 35% of total dry matter (DM) intake. Urea was also used to adjust the crude protein content in diets to approximately 11% of DM. The dietary organic matter digestibilit...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Fazli Rabbi2, Hamayoon Khan3, Muhammad Zahid1, Raheel Saqib4, Shafi Ullah5 and Muhammad Shakur6

...which should be based on local data and strengthening of farmers capacity and facilitating them for mitigating the impact of future climate change on local farmers’ agriculture productivity and food security.


Syed Muhammad Saqib Raza1, Sheheryar1, Rabia Khalid1, Muhammad Mansoor2, Sonia Sumreen3 and Muhammad Muzammil Bin Khalil1

...or farmers of the target locality, therefore it was recommended for general use in maize crop.


Israa Kareem Abdulhussein Al-Kanani and Harith Mahmood Azeez Al-Tamimi*

...easing demand for fresh, locally grown fruits. This experiment was carried out at the Horticulture Station located in the Al-Hindiya district of Kerbala, Iraq, during the 2023 growing season. A completely randomized design with three replications was employed. This study intended to assess the response of two orange varieties, Blood and Navel, when subjected to foliar application of the growth regulator Brassinolide at three levels (0, 0.3, and 0.6 mg/L) and t...

Nura Abubakar1, Abubakar Sadiq Yakubu1, Salisu Buhari1, Adamu Abdul Abubakar2,1*, Mohammad Sani Ismaila3,4, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga1, Hassan Yahaya Nawawi5, Ashiru Dahiru6, Shehu Zaid7, Umar Salisu Ahmad1, Umar Abubakar Uwais8, Kabiru Zaki9

...que and group B received local infiltration with lidocaine-tramadol (3.5 mg/kg and 1.5 mg/kg respectively) using an “inverted L” technique. Following anesthesia, a rumenotomy was performed on each animal. Physiological parameters were measured at 0 hours (before drug administration) and then six times after drug administration at one-hour intervals while the rumenotomy was ongoing. There was a significant difference in the onset and duration of act...

Fahrul Ilham1, Sahmin Noholo2, Haris Singgili3, Fahrudin Zain Olilingo4*

...ers, meat retailers, and local policymakers. Respondent selection based on levels of interest, knowledge, understanding, and experience related to beef cattle cultivation and market chains.. Data collection methods included questionnaires, observation, and in-depth interviews with stakeholders on the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in the development of Gorontalo’s beef cattle sector. Data analysis was performed using SWOT (Strengths, W...
Intan Noor Aina Kamaruzaman1*, Siew Zee Ong2, Iman Natasha Sofea Jafri2, Dayangku Umi Aqilah Pengiran-Isa2, Mohamad Sabri Abdul-Rahman3, Mohd Farhan Hanif Reduan2, Thilini Nisansala1, Soon Heng Goh1, Siti Nur Haslina Mamat2, C.W. Salma C.W. Zalati3, Sazaly AbuBakar4 and Shih Keng Loong4*
...ii and L. interrogans in local cattle and this is an indisputable public health risk to the public considering that the samples were obtained from the local wet markets.

Zaheer Abbas, Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Yousuf Rafiq, Hafiz Shahzad* and Aqeel Ur Rehman
...friction coefficient and local Nusselt numbers are precisely calculated numerically for a variety of parameters, with the results presented comprehensively in tabular form. It is observed that the maximum permeability of the porous medium affects both the mass flow rate and the velocity, which increase with rising Jeffrey and decrease with rising Hartmann, number, respectively.

Zainab Khalil Ibrahim, Measem Hassan Ali*, Nameer A. Khudhair

.... Dietary stevia, milled locally. Results: The first two weeks showed no notable changes. However, 10, 20, and 30g/kg/diet STV groups exhibited greater body weights, weight gain, and reduced feed consumption than the control group in the third and fourth weeks. Whereas had identical feed conversion ratios (FCR) and lowered FCRs in the subsequent weeks. The 20 and 30g/kg diet STV groups showed zero mortality and considerably greater production indexes. STV-trea...

Bashar Falih Zaqeer1, Muntaha Y. Yousief1*, Eftekhar Hassan Muhssen1, Hadar A. Al-Bataat2

...he fatty acid profile in local and imported veal meat. A total of 150 calves were used, comprising 75 local calves and 75 imported from Colombia, sourced from various local breeders in Basrah Governorate. Fatty acids in veal meat were analyzed using HPLC and GC-MS, while genetic tests were conducted using PCR and sequencing methods. Three genotypes were identified for the DGAT1 gene (BB, A...

Safa Akhtar1,3, Shahzadi Noreen2, Anna E. Lokshin3 and Muhammad Waheed Akhtar1*

...tudy, which is novel for local population, we employed liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) analysis to characterize proteome profiles of the tissue and the serum samples obtained from RCC patients. Five paired (RCC and adjacent normal) and 2 pooled sets of samples were utilized. Out of the 3,167 identified proteins from MS spectra 78 of interest (p value ≤ 0.05; 0.9 % protein decoy FDR; 0.07 % peptide decoy FDR; fold change ≥ 1) wer...

Zohair Mehdi1, Ifrah Khalid1, Iqbal Bano2, Muhammad Usman Ghani1*, Muhammad Farooq Sabar1, Muhammad Umer Khan3, Hafiz Muzzammel Rehman4, Mureed Hussain5, Sadia Anjum1, Ayesha Mumtaz1, Iram Amin6 and Mariam Shahid6

...l asthma risk SNP in the local Punjabi population of Lahore. GWAS catalog indicated eleven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) which are significantly associated (p-value ≥ 4x10-6) with asthma disease. Out of 11 SNPs, rs1837253 (T/C) was considered the most potential asthma risk variant (p-value ≥ 4x10-6) as it was reported in 44 GWAS. A total of 97 asthma patients and 53 healthy controls were recruited for the case-control study. The target region co...

Muhammad Farooq*, Shahab Momand, Salim Saifullah and Sanam Zarif Satti

... medicinal plants by the local communities. Data was collected through questionnaire and interviews with local members of community who possessed knowledge about medicinal plants. Information was gathered in the local language (Pashto) and covered various aspects, including plant names, parts used, traditional applications, and availability. A total of 44 plant species were collected to fi...

I. N. T. Ariana1*, G. A. M. Kristina Dewi2, N. L. P. Sriyani1, I. N. S. Miwada3, T. I. A. S. Ardani4

...and meat quality of Bali local pigs. A completely randomized design (CRD: 4×5) was used, with four treatments: T0 (ration with 24% CC and 0% BBBC), T1 (ration with 16% CC and 8% BBBC), T2 (ration with 8% CC and 16% BBBC), and T3 (ration with 0% CC and 24% BBBC). Each treatment was replicated five times, involving 20 Bali local pigs with an average body weight of 14.39 ± 0.79 kg. The research parameters included ...

Andi Mushawwir1*, Ronnie Permana1, Johar Arifin2, Najma Ali3, Eli Sahara4

...izing the performance of local chickens, promoting optimal growth while minimizing abdominal fat deposits. Amino acids can influence growth and are linked to energy synthesis through metabolic feedback mechanisms. This study investigated the effects of a low-calorie diet supplemented with various amino acids (valine, serine, tryptophan, and arginine) on local chickens’ ileum morphology and growth. Three hundred and fif...

Shahid Amin1*, Muhammad Fawad Fareed2,6, Inayat Ullah3, Aziz Ur Rehman4, Umer Farooq5, Danial Bakhsh Saigra6, Ashfaq6, Alwina Begum7 and Hazrat Ali8

...ted from two (02) unlike localities of the district Tank. The data was proofed on a questionnaire beside during animal classification, local and common names, and price for each animal in Pakistani-Rupees (PKR). A total of 13 different species of birds were being sold in Dabbara Mela and Tank Mela among which 08 were marketed legally, while 05 of them were being sold totally in a prohibited way without consent from the wildl...
Diego Armando Tuárez García1, Hernán Humberto Chevez Véliz2, Luis Humberto Vásquez Cortez3,5, Kerly Estefanía Alvarado Vásquez4, Jaime Fabián Vera Chang1, Cynthia Yadira Erazo Solorzano1 and Frank Guillermo Intriago Flor6 alternative for both local consumption and export. Despite its potential, limited scientific data on Maqueño bananas produced in Ecuador has prompted this study, which aims to characterize their physical and chemical properties. This research was conducted in El Empalme and La Maná, two Ecuadorian towns, to evaluate how geographical location and post-harvest time influence fruit quality. A Completely Random Design (DCA) with a factorial arran...
Khaled Abdel-Fattah El-Dougdoug1, Aya Hussin El-Turkey2*, Wael Sayed El-Araby2, Ahmed Ramadan Sofy3, Adel Abd El-Based Mousa1 and Ahmed Abbas3
...aves, exhibited necrotic local lesions, smaller leaf size than usual, and yellow mottling accompanied by crinkling. The primary objective of this study was to examine the impact of CMV infection on the essential oil profile of common basil. Plants with two pairs of leaves above the cotyledons were inoculated with an unidentified virus obtained from a field plant displaying chlorotic yellow spots and foliar deformation. Essential oils from both healthy and infe...


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