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Gregg D. Caruso

Science, Religion and Culture
...natural world, questions about the relationship between science and religion began to emerge. Given that science and religion are two great manifestations of human culture, and that the scientific and religious worldviews dominate our understanding of the cosmos and our place in it, it is no surprise that these issues are of profound importance to many of us. It is vital, therefore, that we ask ourselves: Are science and religion compatible when it comes to un...

Keith Ward


Science, Religion and Culture is something very odd about this. Nowhere in the book does he mention consciousness, value, or thought. In fact he finally gives the game away on p. 228 by saying, ‘we human beings ...are ourselves mere collections of fundamental particles’. That is a philosophical view if ever there was one! It is precisely what is usually called eliminative reductionism, and I regard it as a non-starter, if you want to give a complete explanation of the univer...

Timothy Helton

In a Mirror Dimly: Anthropology and Restoring a Sense of Presence to an Empty World by suggesting the collaboration between anthropology and theology in the restoration of a world capable of supporting life in more than a mere physical sense.


Lei Chen, Ling Zhu, Zhi-Wen Xu, Wan-Zhu Guo


Molecular Genetics of Aichivirus C (Porcine Kobuvirus) in China
...and made a brief summary about molecular and epidemiology characterizations of Chinese Aichivirus C strains. Mutiple Aichivirus C strains and Aichivirus C variants are circulating in China. Recombination events were also observed in Chinese Aichivirus C strains. More further studies are needed to clarify the evolutionary features and pathogenicity of Aichivirus C.



Reviewed by John Shook, University at Buffalo, USA; Email: [email protected]

Science, Religion and Culture
...he same five ques- tions about science and religion, what would you ask? This opportunity came to philosopher Gregg D. Ca- ruso, thanks to a publisher whose “5 Questions” series is permitting readers to examine direct answers on all sorts of topics from today’s premier public intellectu- als. Reading the answers about science and religion in this volume is consistently informative and inspi- rational, and f...

Stephen Kershnar

...shing to think seriously about the topic. It includes a comprehensive and in-depth study of the literature, devastating criticisms of rival theories, and a restructuring of the issues in a way that will shape future discussions of the field. It is also well-written, including interesting-and-enjoyable references to historical figures (for example, Mother Theresa, Adolf Hitler, and Paul Gauguin), artists (for example, Aldous Huxley and Woody Allen), and works o...

Thaddeus Metz

...nd, while being generous about its contribution to the field, also advances some penetrating criticisms of it that merit engagement. Specifically, Kershnar maintains, first, that I did not provide enough evidence that meaning in life is a genuine value-theoretic category as something distinct from and competing with, say, objective well-being, and, second, that, even if there were a value of meaning in life, my fundamentality theory of it would not capture its...

Justin P. McBrayer

... unjustified assumptions about what happens in the afterlife to those who believe in God verses those who do not. A renewed wager can avoid this difficulty by relying solely on well-documented differences between those who believe in God verses those who do not. Social scientists have put together an impressive set of data that shows that theists do better in terms of happiness, health, longevity, interpersonal relationships, and charitable giving. Hence, most...

Mark Zelcer

.... Though for reasons I elaborate on later, I would not recommend this to experts in those fields, but rather to non-professionals.


Justin P. McBrayer

... unjustified assumptions about what happens in the afterlife to those who believe in God verses those who do not. A renewed wager can avoid this difficulty by relying solely on well-documented differences between those who believe in God verses those who do not. Social scientists have put together an impressive set of data that shows that theists do better in terms of happiness, health, longevity, inter- personal relationships, and charitable giving. Hence, mo...

Michael R. Molnar

...d produced many theories about what may have appeared in the skies, marking the birth of Jesus as Christians believe. Details of the ce- lestial event given in the New Testament Bible are vague leaving much room for widely varying ideas. As the Star involves Christian faith, there are valid suspicions that some explanations may have taken liberties to support religious beliefs. That idea is central to one of the more recent publications on this subject. Aaron ...

Simon Mwangi Kihu1*, George Chege Gitao1, Lily Caroline Bebora1, Njenga Munene John1, Gidraph Gachunga Wairire2, Ndichu Maingi1, Raphael Githaiga Wahome1, Davis Njuguna Karanja1, Julius Otieno Oyugi3, Ernest Lutomia3

...nical, pathological and laboratory findings of this outbreak. The disease was clinically manifested by the depression, diarrhea, difficult breathing, muco-purulent ocular-nasal discharges with matted eyelids and encrusted nostrils and finally death. Clinical outcome, gross lesions and histological observations were suggestive of PPRV infection, which were confirmed by the application of a reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR). Collect...

Dana Kay Nelkin

... determinism, skepticism about free will on a combination of conceptual and empirical grounds, and the thesis that life on the assumption that we do not have free will can be meaningful and perhaps even better in certain important respects than life on the assumption that we have it. At the same time, there are some subtle shifts in particular commitments, new ways of framing certain issues, and detailed responses to a good number of the very many challenges ...

Muhammad Ashraf Khan1, Hizbullah Khan1, Abid Farid2

...s were conducted in the laboratory to assess the effects of Helicoverpa armigera nu- cleopolyhedrovirus (HaNPV) applied to eggs of Sitotroga cerealella Olive, on emergence of and para- sitism by female Trichogramma chilonis (Ishii) emerged from HaNPV- treated host eggs. The percent emergence (mean) of tiny parasitoid from host eggs treated during egg, larval and pupal stages with the virus at field dose (x), 2x dose, and 0.5x dose ranged from 83.2- 87.3%, 87.1...

Shahid Ali, Munir Khan

... land under wheat crop, labour, chemical fertilizer and tractor plough would raise the wheat yield by 0.052, 0.566, 0.130 and 0.438 percent, respectively and were found statistically significant. Farmers’ education was found to be major determinant of technical efficiency/inefficiency. The esti- mated coefficient of farmers’ education was negative and statistically significant, implies that techni- cal inefficiency decreases with the increase in fa...

Mohammed Ali Hussain, Zakiya Ahmed Hassan

...Iraq and second at FishKhabor, during spring season 2012. The experimental materials comprise seven F1 hybrids (sangaria, IK8 x zp-707, DK x Hs, zp-707 x un 44052, IK 8 x un44052, un 44052 x DK and polina). The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with three replications. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among maize hybrids for all the traits. The hybrid un44052 x DK took minimum days to tasseling (65.83 day...

Massimo Pigliucci, K.D.


Much has been written about the terrorist attack on the satirical paper Charlie Hebdo, which took place on 7 January 2015. Some of the commentary has been insightful, some full of pious platitudes about defense of free speech by sources with not exactly a stellar record in that department, and some of it has ranged from the woefully uninformed to the downright awful. It is, therefore, with some recalcitrance that I write ...

Frank Griffel

...dquo; sign. The headline above the drawing of the man reads: Tout est pardonné, all is forgiven. Regular readers of the journal know the man with the brown skin, white jelabiyya, and turban well. It is a familiar depiction of the prophet Muhammad as drawn by the caricaturist Luz, a member of Charlie Hebdo’s staff, who survived the attack on its office simply because he happened to be out at the time. For the magazine’s frequent readers the fr...

Ali Sina more people concerned about the rise of terrorism.Tens of thousands have come out to demonstrate.


Yashab Tur


Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 2, Iss. 2
...thm of a pre-modern era, about to encounter modernity! This is the world that Elshakry describes in her groundbreaking work, a world which encounters cylinder-powered platen printing machines, the telegraph, the steam ships and railways—all coming from countries dimly perceived and barely understood. These fruits of modern science are accompanied by a host of ideas about the emergence and propagation of life on earth w...

Thomas J. Coleman III

Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 2, Iss. 2, Pages 39-41
...ering “[t]he truth about religion.



Dallin D. Oaks


... linguists have observed about how languages can diversify, though some challenges may still remain in reconciling assumptions about the available post-Babel time frame versus the lengthy time frame that linguists have assumed to be necessary for the current diversification of languages.



Josef D. Jarhult1, 2

... to sum up what is known about positive and negative effects of the drug. The available data suggests that oseltamivir treatment of uncomplicated influenza in otherwise healthy patients shortens influenza symptoms with approximately 24 hours, and increases nausea and vomiting by 3-5%. Whether oseltamivir treatment has an effect on the frequency of influenza complications or not remains controversial. Oseltamivir is still standard as prophylaxis, treatment of s...

Hayat Badshah1*, Farman Ullah1, Abid Farid2, Ahmad-U-Rahman Saljoqi1, Sajjad Ahmad3

...cotton mealybug) in the Laboratory, it is necessary to know the development capacity of the cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Sternorrhyncha: Pseudococcidae), on different host plants. Such studies would identify the best host plant for its efficient rearing. The present study investigated some basic life table parameters i.e. female life span, adult female weight, longevity and reproductive potential of P. solenopsis on okra (Abelmoschus escule...

Asma Noshad1, Mudassar Iqbal1*, Zafar Iqbal1, Hamida Bibi2, Saifullah3, Salma Bibi4, Hamid Ullah Shah1

...hese extracts possess metabolites with insecticidal attributes that could be used as a potential source for developing new and novel bio-pesticide(s).


Ethan G. Quillen

...sciplinary understanding about what we mean when we discuss Atheism. On the other, this myriad of voices has equally led to an ever-broadening discordancy, an equivocal discourse that makes it all the more difficult to identify any sort of common or universal definition. This latter issue is, as this paper will argue, the result of a theoretical abstraction, a scholarly attempt at theorizing a general interpretation. This is evinced not just by the way the t...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro*, Habib-Ur-Rehman Memon, Muhammad Ali Ansari, Ahmed Naqi Shah higher costs of labour. Hence, it can be inferred from the above results that Dual Gold dose can be reduced up to 50% in combination with sorghum or sunflower water extracts for effective and environment friendly weed management and enhancing cotton yield.


Stephen Kershnar

Email: [email protected]

...on race, punishment, and abortion are the gold standards in their respective fields. His most recent book, The Non-Identity Problem & the Ethics of Future People (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), is again the best work on the topic and required reading for anyone who wants to think seriously about the topic.


Elly Vintiadis

...itically. In order to go about showing why this
is so, Steane embarks on showing what theism is and how it offers an explanation of the world and life of which science is a part.


 Shubhada K Chothe, Bhushan M Jayarao and Suresh V Kuchipudi

...ze our current knowledge about the role of lncRNAs in influenza virus infection and the exciting prospect of exploiting lncRNAs as targets to develop novel anti-viral therapies.


Muhammad Arif Zafar1*, Arfan Yousaf1, Murtaz-ul-Hasan1, Faisal Ayub Kiayani1, Matee ul Islam2 and Muhammad Farooq Iqbal1 

...>This clinical report is about the evaluation of complications and survival after using a modified two-layer, hand-sewn, end-to-end anastomosis technique in a calf treated for traumatic umbilical hernia with peritonitis. A cross-bred calf was presented with peritonitis due to traumatic umbilical hernia. The decision to operate the calf was made after confirmation of umbilical hernia resulted in septic shock. Animal was first stabilized with supportive treatmen...

Tauseef Taj Kiani1*, Mozammil Hussain1 and Hidayat ur Rahman2


...e parental lines used in above F1 hybrids could prove useful in exploitation of heterosis and development of hybrids.


Ghulam Ali Bajwa1, Faizah Abood2, Yusof Bin Ibrahim3

...f Atteva sciodoxa under laboratory conditions of 27±2ºC, 75% RH and 12:12 h photoperiod. Instar 3rd responded with 100% mortality at 5x107 conidia ml-1, while same level of mortality was recorded in 5th instar at 1x108 conidia ml-1. Instar 5 also showed the lowest mortality (33.3%) at 1x106 conidia ml-1. Median effective concentration (EC50) ranged between 9.87x105 and 21.30x105 conidia ml-1 for 3rd to 5th instars. Median effective time (ET50) ran...

Fatemeh Kheiri

...s designed for an active above-knee amputees. ere was no study on kinematic, kinetic and stability of amputees with this knee joint. This study was aimed to evaluate the per- formance of amputees walking with this knee joint. Two above-knee amputees using Nabtesco knee joint were recruited. eir kinematic and kinetics parameters were evaluated by use of the motion analysis system and a Kistler force plate. The stability of ...

Jonas Johansson Wensman1*a, Karl-Johan Leuchowius2,3 a, Jiting Yan1, Anna-Lena Berg4, Liv Bode5, Hanns Ludwig5, Sandor Belak6, Ulf Landegren2, Ola Soderberg2, Mikael Berg6

...stently infected with a laboratory strain of BDV (C6BV ) to establish the assay. Next, in situ PLA was applied to detect BDV P in brain tissues of infected animals. Finally, protein-protein interactions were visualized in both C6BV and brain tissues of experimentally as well as naturally infected animals (rat and horse, respectively). BDV proteins and their interactions with host proteins could be shown in cell cultures (HMGB1, Cdc2) and in brain tissues of ra...

Maurice A. Finocchiaro

...nues today, for example, about whether the condemnation proves the incompatibility between science and religion. Recently the Galileo affair has been studied by several scholars whom I label “Berkeley para-clericals,” chiefly philosopher Paul Feyerabend and historian John Heilbron. Their approach is distinctive: it views controversial topics involving the relationship between science and religion from a perspective that is secular-minded, but appre...

Moorthy S. Muthuswamy

...aving had less influence about 50 years ago, due to the encroaching of modernity backed by science. Science not only contests religious leaders’ worldview, but it also offers a credible alternative. However, beginning in the 1970s, thanks to Saudi Arabia’s backing, religious leaders began growing in power due to the popularization of a self-serving theme that sharia is all-encompassing divine law and an essential guide to life. A new analysis of th...

Haq Aman Ullah1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Ijaz2 and Aqeel Javeed3

...ins are the secondary metabolites produced by molds particularly by Aspergillus flavus and Aspergillus parasiticus. Aflatoxin B1 is the most common metabolite highly toxic for humans and animals. In the present study contamination status of aflatoxin B1 in cotton seed cake, wanda, wheat bran and homemade concentrate mixture of dairy goats was investigated in district Lahore of Pakistan. A total of Twenty 2...

Nazish Huma Khan*, Mohammad Nafees and Adila Bashir

... with an attempt to know about the soil and wheat crop contamination caused by heavy metals (Cd, Cr and Ni). Soil samples were collected from both orchard and non-orchard fields and were extracted with Aqua-regia and Mehlich-3 extracting solutions for total and available metals respectively. Wheat crops from both fields (orchard and non-orchard) were collected and analyzed with aqua-regia for heavy metals contents. Results showed that the average concentration...

Gurrappa Naidu Govindaraj, Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan*, Habibur Rahman

...d, loss due to increased abortion, cost of high feeding and rearing inputs in young and adult sheep/goats etc. The results revealed that at the annual 10% incidence level, the estimated total loss due to PPR in sheep and goats was INR 5041.5 million (77% was mortality loss and 23% was morbidity loss) and INR 11074.6 million (73% mortality loss and 27% morbidity loss), respectively. Further, sensitivity analysis under Ceteris paribus, revealed a loss of ...

Klara Fischer1*, Erika Chenais1,2, Emeli Torsson1, Jonas Johansson Wensman1

...d to incorporate lessons about participation and power from the social sciences may be required. This review shows that social science engagement in PE to date is virtually non-existent, but that increased efforts to draw lessons from the social sciences and to increase the degree of participation in PE could increase its potential as an important tool in disease impact assessment and control. Particular attention is paid here to the potential role of PE in fu...

Muhammad Siddiq1* and Hamid Ullah Shah2


...en olive and palm oils. Laboratory experiment on “Effect of stress conditions on the quality and stability of olive and palm oil blends” was conducted at Nuclear Institute for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) Tarnab Peshawar and The University of Agriculture Peshawar KP-Pakistan during 2015. Olive: palm oils treated in sole or admixture at various ratios were kept at different stress conditions for three months. Data was recorded on peroxide value (PV),...

 Zafar Khan, Asad Sultan, Rajwali Khan, Sarzamin Khan, Imranullah and Kamran Farid

...n through egg were found above the permissible values. Findings of the present study are reflecting a threat for public health.  


 Umed Ali Laghari, Ahmed Naqi Shah, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro, Zia-ul-Hassan, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro and Khalid Hussain Talpur, very little is known about the K requirements of crops in Pakistan, especially grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.). We evaluated K requirements of five elite grass pea genotypes in a field experiment. The experiment was organized in factorial block design with three replications. The study involved five commonly grown grass pea genotypes (Sel-B 111, Sel-449, Sel-190, Sel-1785 and Sel-945) and three K doses (0, 10 and 20 kg K ha-1). The results revealed that K ...

Christopher U Orji1*, Ignatius O Onyeocha2, Steven S Shaida3, Peter M Dede4, Bitrus Yakubu5, Elijah E Ella6 and Pam D Luka5

...ytB). Twelve samples of laboratory-reared population of each species were used for the study. Sequencing data were used to calculate haplotype, haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity for the two species. Based on combined loci of cytochrome oxidase II (COII) and cytochrome b (CytB), twelve haplotypes were generated for G. p. palpalis and five for G. m. submorsitans. Similarly, for the combined loci, haplotype diversity (Hd) was higher for <...

Muhammad Khurshid, Muhammad Nafees, Inam-ur-Rahim and Wajid Rashid

...xtended from 2880 m asl (above sea level)to 3500 m asl over 1887 ha of pastureland in Buhrawai. This rapid growth of cash crops cultivation has reduced the available grazing land by 23% in Buhrawai. The over expansion of cultivation in herding venues affected the livestock grazing pattern in term of rotational grazing and open mobility within the pastures. This led to decrease herding venues 43.7% mobility routs 37.5% and herd size by 60.4% for both groups res...

Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Rysanek

...igour to the plants. In laboratory experiment, L. muscarium was the most effective against nematode eggs (95.6%) and second stage juveniles (J2) (95.8%) infection. In greenhouse experiment, similar trend was found. L. muscarium proved to be more effective against M. hapla whereas S. rugosoannulata and C. rosea showed better results among other tested fungi in experiments. Moreover, plant growth parameters were also improved d...

Felwa A. Thagfan1, Mohamed A. Dkhil1,2* and Saleh Al-Quraishy1

...output in mice faeces by about 56.8 % and also improved the body weight. In addition, the root extract decreased the number of parasitic stages and the number of goblet cells in the jejunal villi in the infected mice. Moreover, the expression of the goblet cell mucin gene, muc2 was upregulated after treatment with the root extract. Based on our results, it could be concluded that, S. persica root extracts acts as anticoccidial agent.


Wan-Long Zhu* and Gao Wenrong 

... body mass and energy metabolism, are important adaptive strategies for small mammals. Ambient cues, as temperature and photoperiod, play important roles in animals’ physiological adjustments. In order to determine the contributions of temperature and photoperiod to seasonal changes in body mass and thermogenesis in Apodemus chevrieri, we examined seasonal-acclimatized and lab-acclimated animals on several physiological, hormonal, and biochem...

Ai Ming Zhou1,2, Guang Wen Liang2, Ling Zeng2, Yong Yue Lu2 and Yi Juan Xu2*

...amined in many studies. Laboratory experiments showed that invasive ant Solenopsis invicta (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) suppress ghost ants Tapinoma melanocephalum (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) through interference competition. However, relatively less testing have been done to evaluate the competition for mutual exploitation between the two ant species in the field. Here, we investigated the interference of the fire ant S. invicta on the interactions between the gho...

Zaheer Ahmad Qureshi and Khuram Nawaz Sadozai

...e results were further elaborated through deciles under both income and expenditure approaches. The lower poorest category estimated through deciles contributes 2.78% to the overall rural region’s income. However, the upper richest category shares 30.06% to the aforementioned income. The deciles measured through expenditure approach revealed that the lower poorest category and upper richest category contributes 3.13 and 25.59, respectively. The study con...

Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Hamid Bashir1*, Bilal Saeed Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid2

...ations under controlled laboratory conditions. The results showed 25%, 30%, 70%, 50% and 65% mortality occurred by tested pesticides at field relevant doses after 144 h respectively. Missing mites data indicated repellency due to pesticides, was highest at the start of experiment, and then these acclimatized on leaf discs. Thiacloprid having lowest LC50 value 295 and proved toxic for the predator while diafenthiuron and pyriproxyfen have higher values. The fin...

Muhammad Imran*, Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Naeem, Muhammad Farooq Nasir, Imran Bodlah, Muhammad Nasir and Umer Ayyaz Aslam Sheikh

...stages under controlled laboratory conditions. Queen oviposition rate was 1.4-fold higher in polycarbonate box compared to wooden and cardboard materials. Early start of egg-laying (first oviposition period) and earlier emergence of first worker were found in polycarbonate box as compared to others. Similarly, colony foundation stage in polycarbonate box took 58.3 days which was about 7-10 days shorter than others box types....

Ambreena Hafiz1, Tanzeela Riaz2 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*

...ct of deltamethrin on metabolic profile of 4th, 6th instar larvae and adult beetles of deltamethrin-resistant populations of T. granairum collected from wheat godowns of Gujranwala, Okara and D.G khan has been studied in current investigation. The toxicological data generated from deltamethrin-resistant populations was compared with deltamethrin-susceptible population that has not been exposed to any insecticide since thirteen years. From analysis of met

Manzoor Hussain*, Miloslav Zouhar and Pavel Ryšánek

... pest in sugar beets in laboratory and greenhouse trials. The fungi chosen were Arthrobotrys oligospora, Dactylella oviparasitica, Clonostachys rosea, Stropharia rugosoannulata, and Lecanicillium muscarium. In the laboratory experiment, S. rugosoannulata proved to be the most efficient biocontrol agent by parasitizing the maximum number of eggs, whereas D. oviparasitica appeared to be the least efficient after 72 hours....

Syeda Farzana Bibi*, Lal Badshah and Siraj-ud-Din

...t only gives information about the flora of motorway but can provide a baseline for future studies and plantation of this area. It is suggested that plantation of invasive species should be discouraged which might become problematic in future for the indigenous flora.


Adedeji A.J, Sati N.M, Pewan S.B, Ogbu K.I, Adole J.A, Lazarus D.D, Ijiwo S.J, Okpanachi A, Nwagbo I.O, Joannis, T.M and Abdu P.A

...icius was harvested for laboratory investigation using AGID for infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV). As part of investigation to screen for co-infection of CIA and IBD in the flock, the BF was also screened for the presence of chicken anemia virus (CAV) using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). IBDV antigen was detected by AGID while CAV by PCR. This confirms the diagnosis of concurrent infection of CIA and IBD in the affected flock. This is the f...

Siyu Yang1, Fukuan Du2 and Pao Xu1,2*

...owth, development and metabolism. In this study, full-length of one type of SS cDNA from C. nasus was synthesized, cloned and sequenced. This SS cDNA encodes a protein with 114 amino acids that contains the SS14 sequence at its C-terminus. This putative peptide is identical to that generated by the SS1 gene in other vertebrates. Tissue distribution of C. nasus SS1 mRNA was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which demonstrated high expressio...

Ecevit Eyduran1, Daniel Zaborski2*, Abdul Waheed3, Senol Celik4, Koksal Karadas5 and Wilhelm Grzesiak2

...x continuous (head girth above eyes, neck length, diagonal body length, belly sprung, shank circumference and rump height) predictors were utilized. The Pearson correlation coefficient between the actual and predicted BW (r) and root-mean-square error (RMSE) were used as goodness-of-fit criteria, among others. A 10-fold-cross validation was applied to train and test CART, CHAID and ANN and to estimate MR coefficients. The most significant BW predictors were se...

Shakeel Ahmed* and Sarwat Jahan

...on in both normal and metabolically stressed conditions. NMS administration induced a significant (P<0.01) increase in resistin levels, while suppressed leptin (P<0.05) secretion in both fed and 48-hrs fasting conditions. In conclusion our study suggested that NMS has a role in regulation of adipokines secretion. Its inhibitory effect on leptin and stimulatory effect on resistin shows an important relationship between NMS and adipokines in the regulation...

Muhammad Sohail1,*, Muhammad Naeem Khan1, Naureen Aziz Qureshi2 and Abdul Shakoor Chaudhry3

...+ Cu) for 15 days under laboratory conditions. Gill cells of mussels were used to determine the DNA damage by comet assay. The tail DNA (%), comet tail length and olive tail moment (OTM) were the parameters selected to detect DNA damage. Low doses (120 µg L-1) of each metal induced significantly higher levels of DNA strands breaks as compared to medium dose (240 µg L-1) and very low levels of DNA damaged was observed at high dose (360 µg L-1)...

Giselle R.R. Ayres* and Brandão P.E

...t known RNA genome, with about 27kb for AvCoV. The first 5’ two thirds of this genome, correspondent to a wide ORF1 (also called replicase gene), code for non-structural proteins (nsps) that are enrolled in viral transcription, replication and pathogenesis. The last 3’ one-third of the genome codes the four structural and accessory proteins. Nsps act in a complex replication process, made possible by the special characteristics of AvCoV genome. Thi...

Marryam Bakhtawar1, Qamar Saeed1* and Naeem Iqbal2

... undecimpunctata, under laboratory conditions was done. These include mustard aphids (Lipaphis erysimi) cotton mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis), grain moth eggs (Sitotroga cerealella) and honey. Results revealed complete development of all larval stages on all diets with maximum survival of lady bird beetle larvae on mustard aphid (76.6%) followed by on grain moth’s eggs (20%), immature mealybugs (6%) and the least survival on honey. These findings can ...

Atta ur Rehman1, Sher Ali2 and Sajid Malik2*

Hussain Ahmad1, Inamullah1, Ijaz Ali2, Tauseef Ahmad3, Muhammad Tufail4, Kabir Ahmad5 and Bibi Nazia Murtaza3,6*

...It is caused by Brucella abortus in animals and Brucella melitensis in human. The current study aimed to find out the prevalence of Brucella and active brucellosis in the human population of district Swat. Total 300 individuals (both female and male of all ages, meeting our inclusion/exclusion criteria) with informed consent were included in the study. Blood samples were collected and brucellosis was detected by Standard Plate Agglutination Test (SPAT) and Ser...

Ahmed Samy, Wesam Mady, Naglaa M. Haggag, Samah H. Mohamed, Ebtissam N. AlShamy, M.K. Hassan

... However little is known about the impact of different strains on the innate immune response. In the present study, using quantitative real-time PCR, cytokines gene expression were examined in response to infection with two strains of Egyptian H9N2 (namely V3 and RSF/1) in chicken peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Hemagglutinin gene sequence analysis of the two strains reveal high similarity with difference close to cleavage site (HARSSR/ GLF) and (PA...

Ibrar Khan1,2,3,*, Sadia Qayyum2, Shehzad Ahmed2, Kashif Syed Haleem2, Mujaddad-ur-Rehman1, Guang-Lei Liu3 and Zhen-Ming Chi3

...t different secondary metabolites and organic acids. 


Jixue Hou1,2, Xueling Chen3, Jing Wang4, Hongwei Zhang2, Yu Xi2, Jie Xia2, Xinyu Peng2,* and Xiangwei Wu2,5* genes, can be showed about some phenomenon quickly, also more easy to form model of atherosclerosis. Thus, a mouse model of vascular injury is vitally important for researching the pathophysiological mechanisms to restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) as well as translational approaches. In this Experiment, we established a unique murine model of femoral artery injury through a home-made wire. The mouse model of vascular in...

Abdul Baset1, Qun Liu1,*, Muhammad Tariq Hanif1, 2, Baochao Liao1, Aamir Mahmood Memon1,3 and Muhammad Mohsin1 of MSY from CEDA were about 26 000 - 31 000 t and from ASPIC were 29 000 - 31 000 t. The estimated MSY values of CEDA and ASPIC were higher than the most recent catch. This shows that the stocks are in a safe condition.


Neelum Andaleeb and Munir Khan

... total cost followed by labor cost. Average milk produced by buffalo and cow was 180 and 135 liters per month, respectively. Average total costs of milk production of buffalo and cow were Rs.12835 and Rs.10070 per month respectively whereas the average net income per liter from the buffalo and cow milk was Rs. 29 and Rs. 5 thus benefit-cost ratios for buffalo and cow is1:1.43 and 1:1.07, respectively, which show buffaloes were more productive and profitable th...

Qamar Ali, Muhammad Ashfaq and Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan

...hemical, irrigation and labour days. Under utilization of resources was found for polythene sheet, fertilizers, chemicals, irrigation and labour days. Over utilization of resources was observed for seed quantity and use of tractor. There exist decreasing return to scale (87.7%) but its value will surely increase after efficient use of inputs. A little adjustment is required in the use of inputs for receiving more output. A c...

Amjad Ali and Abbas Ullah Jan

...on, pesticides used and labour days would rise sugarcane yield by 0.053, 0.103, 0.068, 0.020, 0.024, 0.111, 0.118, 0.005 and 0.121% respectively. All inputs except DAP, farmyard manure and pesticides were found significant at 5% significance level. In inefficiency model grower age, experience and contact with extension workers has significant contribution in decreasing farm inefficiency. However, grower’s family size, his off-farm income and distance bet...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Saeed Akhtar

...enced data. Primary data about crop yield and per acre production, new seed and crop varieties etc. was collected with the help of a questionnaire survey. A total of 50 household were surveyed which make 45 percent of the total (114 households). The analysis of acquired data reveals that in 2008-09 tube well irrigated land account for 81.67 acre which decreased to 37.46 acre in 2013-14, after the dam construction. The number of parcels irrigated by tube well d...

Hina Fatima, Lal Almas and Bushra Yasmin

...ency ranges from 0.61 to above 0.90. The under and over-utilization of inputs such as land, seeds, fertilizers and pesticides reflect the general performance of the inputs in terms of their degree of changes in cotton-melon output to change inputs reflected by the allocative efficiency analysis. It is indispensable that policies aimed at adapting innovative farming techniques must be implemented in an efficient manner. Effectively implementation of agricultura...

Sana Irshad Khan1*, Zafar Iqbal2, Hamid Ullah Shah2 and Shaukat Hussain3

... for active secondary metabolites. Ethyl acetate (EtOAc) extract of PDB medium gave significant results against selected phytopathogens compared to GNB medium and selected for further study. Crude (1 µg.mL-1 ) obtained from PDB medium showed 2.50 ± 0.64 mm and 1.97 ± 0.21 mm inhibition zone against X. campestris and C. michiganensis respectively compared to positive reference (streptomycin) and negative refrence (EtOAc) using disc diffusion...

Zamarud Shah, Safdar Hussain Shah, Asad Jan and Gul Shad Ali

...ure and at 42°C. The above results showed that HsfA1d positively regulates thermotolerance in tobacco plants and can be used as target gene for engineering thermotolerance in crops.  


Ibni Amin Khalil* and Raziuddin

...nd much cooperative in elaborating the genetic parameters of the data on the basis of its high explanatory aptitude and graphical demonstration.


Gökhan Kuş1,*, Hatice Mehtap Kutlu2, Djanan Vejselova2 and Emre Comlekci3 

... years. Ceramide is a metabolite in sphingolipid pathway of the cells that has an ability to promote cell death in tumor cells when produced endogenously in the cells or applied exogenously. Ceramidases, which are main component of ceramide pathway catalyze metabolism of proapoptotic ceramide to anti-apoptotic sphingosine and other fatty acids. In this study we have evaluated the pro-apoptotic effect of ceranib-2, a human ce...
Muhammad Arshad1*, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2*, Faisal Hafeez3, Ravaid Sherazi1 and Naeem Iqbal4
...s) was evaluated in the laboratory in no choice and free choice feeding assays. In the no choice feeding assay, the stages of beetle (adults, 3rd and 4th instar) consumed more aphids than early stages (1st and 2nd instar). In the free choice feeding assay, the consumption of pea aphid (77.647) was statistically high followed by spinach (66.276), coriander (66.14) and cabbage (61.48) aphids. Manly’s preference i...
Wan-Long Zhu1 and Guang Yang2,*
... body mass and energy metabolism by acting on hypothalamic neuropeptide of NPY expression under different photoperiods in E. miletus.
Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1,*, Muhammad Naeem2, Sara Ferrando3, Lorenzo Gallus3, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman4, Abdul Ghaffar5 and Abdul Mateen6
... brought to aquaculture laboratory of the Centre for 15 days acclimatization. After acclimatization, they were randomly distributed into the rectangular tanks (3 × 1.5 ×1.5 ft each). In each tank, 10 fish were stocked with three replications for each treatment. Four isonitrogenous diets containing different oils i.e., fish oil (FO), soybean oil (SO), olive oil (OO) and palm oil (PO) were given to the juveniles for 60 days. Best specific grow...
Naime Zülâl Elekcioğlu*
...rdm;C increments in the laboratory. Developmental periods of immature stages ranged from 34.98 days at 15ºC to 9.15 days at 35ºC. The lower developmental threshold for C. phyllocnistoides estimated was 8.93°C. Mortality rate of immature stages decreased as the temperature increased, ranged from 27% at 15ºC to 8% at 35°C. Longevity of both sexes were different at all temperatures studied (except 30 and 32.5°C), ranged from 22.1...
Sameera Akhtar1*, Muhammad Akram Muneer1, Khushi Muhammad1, Muhammad Yasin Tipu1, Muhammad Anees2, Imran Rashid1, Raza-ur-Rehman3 and Irshad Hussain1
...mprove our understanding about currently circulating strains of NDVs but they also help us to envisage potential efforts to avoid future outbreaks in wild birds, as well as in commercial and backyard poultry.
Muhammad Afzal1,Naveeda Akhtar Qureshi1,*, Khalid Zamir Rasib2 and Irfan Hussain1
... assays conducted under laboratory and field conditions. Visual rating according to (AWPA, 1997) scale, mass loss, wood consumption per termite and mortality rate were determined to evaluate resistance of wood against H. indicola. Populus euramericana and Dalbergia sissoo were observed most palatable and resistant wood species, respectively, in no-choice laboratory and field trials. Five different wooden...
Pinar Oztopcu-Vatan1, Gokhan Kus2, Emine Inan3, Melek Gunindi Korkut3, Selda Kabadere4,* and Ruhi Uyar4
...s of arachidonic acid metabolism, changes the survival rate and induces apoptosis in a hepatoma cell line (H4IIE). We determined in vitro survival rate with MTT assay, the morphological changes with an inverted microscope, apoptosis using flow cytometry and statistical significance with one way analysis of variance followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison test. IC50 values of licofelone were determined as 171 µM for 24 h and 140 &m...
Jun Cui, Xiaoxu Zhou, Zhicheng Wang, Derong Kong, Xuemei Qiu, Hongdi Wang and Xiuli Wang*
... shock. But the research about Wap65 in crucian carp is very limited. In this study, the CDS of Wap65 was firstly cloned and characterized from crucian carp (Carassius carassius). This sequence is 1338bp that encodes a polypeptide of 445 amino acids. The calculated molecular weight of crucian carp Wap65 protein (CcWap65) is 50.8kDa, containing a signal peptide cleavage site between amino acids 18 and 19. The CcWap65 is a hydrophilic protein and n...
Waqar Islam*1, 2, Madiha Zaynab3, Muhammad Qasim2 and Zujian Wu1,2
...ew also briefly explains about introgression of durable resistance to generate virus resistant cultivars for economically important crops through molecular breeding techniques via utilizing advanced molecular markers involving cis and trans genetics. The review adhere recent research findings regarding disease resistance against viral diseases and concludes via shedding light upon the future prospects in this exciting field of research.

 Eman M. Farghaly1, Ahmed Samy1,2*, Heba Roshdy

... However little is known about the prevalence and antibiotic resistance of major bacterial pathogens such as Escherichia Coli, Staphylococcus aureus Salmonella and Pasteurella spp. in Egyptian quail farms. Such information is important for drug choice and success of treatment as well as spotting the light on emerging antimicrobial resistance that represent major concern for public health. A total one hundred swabs and 500 organ samples were collected from appa...
Abdul Malik1,4, Ghulam Abbas1*, Hameeda Kalhoro2, Illahi Bux Kalhoro3, Syed Sajjad A. Shah4 and Halima Kalhoro3 
...ty levels were increased above 25‰. Water quality parameters remained as temperature (28.1±0.2°C), dissolved oxygen (6.10±0.1 ml/l), pH (6.6±0.1 ml/l) and ammonia (0.02±0.004 ml/l) throughout the study period. Taking into consideration the number of fertilized eggs and survival of fry data attained in the present study, a salinity level of 20% is suggested for red tilapia breeding in concrete tanks.
Shahzad Ali1,*, Heinrich Neubauer2, Falk Melzer2, Iahtasham Khan1, Shamim Akhter3,Tariq Jamil2 and Sajid Umar3
...lla sp., Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis. A total of 20 (5.01%) samples were found seropositive by RBPT and 19 (4.76%) by SAT, however real-time PCR showed 13 (3.25%) samples positive for both Brucella (sp.) and Brucella abortus. None of the seropositive samples were found positive for Brucella melitensis by real-time PCR. Exotic cattle tended to be more positive for the infect...
Muhammad Shahid1, Iram Amin1,*, Samia Afzal1, Zareen Fatima1, Sadia Zahid1, Usman Ashraf1 and Muhammad Idrees2
...otypes 1-5 and infecting about 100 million people each year. To address dengue outbreak 2013 in Pakistan we aimed to conduct a comprehensive study at molecular level to determine the main causative serotype of 2013 DENV outbreak in Pakistan. Overall 703 serologically positive suspected patients from different major health centers of Pakistan were registered in present study of which 214 were females and 489 were male. Overall weighted prevalence of PCR positiv...
Tausif Ahmad1, Iahtasham Khan2, Saddaf Razzaq1, Saeed-ul-Hassan Khan1,* and Raheela Akhtar3
...revalence of Brucella abortus in cattle and buffaloes in the districts of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, Pakistan. A total of 120 serum samples were randomly collected from buffaloes and cattle (60 per species) at Civil Veterinary Hospitals, animal markets and peri-urban livestock holdings in Rawalpindi and Islamabad. Serum samples were initially screened by the Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT). RBPT positive samples were subjected to a B.

Waqar Islam

...farmer’s knowledge about plant virus diseases. Therefore, here we reviewed about this issue by highlighting that what farmers know about plant viruses, what is their perception about yield losses by virus diseases and what management strategies they choose to apply against viruses. We further added our suggestions that how plant viruses can be mana...
Matiyar Rahaman Khan1,*, Sabyasachi Pal2, Ghule Tushar Manohar2, Somnath Bhattacharyya3, Amit Singh4, Prahlad Sarkar5 and Samuel Lalliansanga6
... produced almost similar above-ground symptoms and profuse root galling. The pathogenic potential of M. incognita on passion fruit was determined; the minimum 10 second stage juvenile (J2)/200 cc soil can cause reduction of plant growth parameters and highest reproduction (R=87.27). 
Muhammad Tahirand Memoona Shehzadi*
...iology and biochemistry laboratory, Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences (ISES), University of Agriculture Faisalabad. In this experiment Randomize Complete Block Design (RCBD) with factorial arrangements having three replications was used. Significantly maximum 1000 achene weight, achene yield, biological yield, harvest index and protein content were recorded where seed inoculation with PGPR-1 + PGPR-2 and full dose of recommended chemical was applied...

Muhammad Khurshid1,2*, Muhammad Nafees1, Mehmet Somuncu2

...gion. Integrated and collaborative approaches are needed for pasture resources management with efficient and sustainable livestock production in Northern Pakistan.


Wazha Mugabe1,2, Lawrence Akanyang1, Mackenzie Nsinamwa1, Batanani Moatswi1, Naledi Matthews1, Kealeboga Dipheko1, Imtiaz Ahmed Ujjan3 and Assar Ali Shah2*

...ced grazing area in the Gaborone North Region. For each study area, two parallel transects measuring 1000 m radiating from the water points (borehole) were established. Sampling plots of sizes 10m x 10m were systematically placed along each transect at intervals of 50m for the first 500m and the last 500m the spacing interval was increased by 100m. The botanical composition (P<0.05) of fodder trees along grazing gradients was composed of 20 and 12 species f...
Said Rawan1, Farzana bibi1, Nadeem Khan1*, Abdul Mateen Khattak1, Zahir shah3, Asif Iqbal2, Madeeha Alamzeb2, Saeed Ul Haq1, Abid Kamal3, Fawad Ali Shah2, Ahmad Naeem1 and Wajid Ali3
...nducted at post harvest laboratory, Department of Horticulture, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, during the year 2015. The research work was conducted in Complete Randomized Design (CRD) with three replications and two factors i.e. guava varieties (Safeda and Karela) and storage intervals (0, 3, 6, and 9 days). The data was recorded onfirmness (kg/cm2), weight loss (%), moisture contents (%), taste, decay fruits (%) and total soluble solids (...

Usman Shakoor1*, Mudassar Rashid1, Abdul Saboor2, Nabila Khurshid1, Zuhair Husnain2 and Abdul Rehman2

...crop negatively bringing about 6% reduction in maize production till the year 2030. Average minimum temperature brought about 9% increases in maize production till 2021. Increase in overall rainfall will also benefits Maize crop production. Maize production will increase by 2% by the year 2030 from the base year i.e. 1980. Water availability in the crop growth periods and fertilizer application (today or in the future) will ...
Neenish Rana, Nosheen Ehsan, Awais Ihsan and Farrukh Jamil*
...e translation, energy metabolism, amino acid metabolism and transport and binding.

S. K. Mukhopadhyay and M. V. Santha Kumar

Studies on the biosafety of botanical insecticides to native natural enemies of mulberry ecosystem
...="text-align: justify;">Laboratory studies were made to compare the toxicity of botanical insecticides viz. Neem oil, Pongamia oil and Nicotine extract in different conc./combinations along with dimethoate and dichlorvos on four coccinellid bio-control agents (Micraspis crocea, Micraspis discolor, Brumus suturalis and Scymnus bourdilloni ). All botanicals tested showed least mortality and was on par with unsprayed control. Dimethoate (0.1%) was highly toxic ca...

B. Ramanujam, R. D. Prasad, S. Sriram and R. Rangeswaran

Mass production, formulation, quality control and delivery of Trichoderma for plant disease management
...te production is highly labour intensive and fit for cottage industry. These products are used mainly for direct soil application in nurseries/main fields to suppress the soil-borne inoculum. In liquid state fermentation, Trichoderma is grown in inexpensive media like molasses and yeast medium in deep tanks on a commercial scale. Biomass from the liquid fermentation can be made into different formulations like, dusts, granules, pellets, wettable powders. Trich...

A. K. Chaubey and Satyandra Kumar

Bio-management of root knot nematode and root rot disease by antagonistic fungi and rhizobacteria
...ycopersici on tomato in laboratory and pot culture experiment. All the isolates were isolated by serial dilution and cultured in liquid protein supplemented broth medium and culture filtrates (CF) were prepared. In in-vitro test single eggmasses of uniform size were kept in 5ml CF in 5cm diameter Petri plates. Antifungal activity was tested by dual culture of wilt fungus with antagonist fungus and bacteria isolates in PDA media plates. In in-vivo test soil was...

K.N. Ahmed and M.R. Hasan

Sudden outbreak of mealy bug and armoured scale causing severe damage to economic crops in Bangladesh
...ous in nature. Based on laboratory studies on immature and mature fruits of lady's finger; the total period of all four nymphal stages lasted for 32.6 ± 4.17 days at an average room temperature of 28 ± 2ºC and 70-75% RH during September, 2009. Male mealybug has a short life span of 3.0 ± 0.21 days. Females live for nearly 80.7 ± 10.43 days with an oviposition period of approximately 21 days. This mealybug is capable of active m...

Sitansu Pan and Someshwar Bhagat

Biological control of plant diseases
... toxins and secondary metabolites, solublization and sequestration of immobilized plant nutrients, plant growth prowth promoting properties and induced resistance. Multiple interactions between bacteria-fungi-actinomycete, may exist in nature and that is why consortium of microorganisms is needed for tackling several plant pathogens simultaneously instead of only one biocontrol agent-one pathogen,which is the most common and established system of biocontrol of...

Sitansu Pan and Amrita Das

Population proliferation and spread of Trichoderma spp. in soil under two different delivery systems
... was studied both under laboratory and field conditions following two types of delivery systems, through organic based (vermicompost + neem cake (90% + 10% w/w)) and seed based (sterilized wheat seed) inocula. The population proliferation and spread of the antagonists were faster when they were applied through organic based inoculums over that of seed based inoculums from the point of application. Similarly population proliferation and spread of the antagonist...

Nilesh Suresh Gole and Bijan Kumar Das

Biology of Dichromia sagitta (Fabricius) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), a serious pest of Indian ipecac, Tylophora indica
...ducted in the field and laboratory of All India Coordinated Research Project on Medicinal & Aromatic Plants and Betelvine (AICRP on MAPB) at Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Kalyani, Nadia, West Bengal during 2010-2011 on seasonality, extent of damage and biologoy of D. sagitta on T. indica. The larvae were active almost throughout the year, fed voraciously on leaves and flowers causing extensive damage to T. indica during June and December. Eg...

SK Fashi Alam, Atanu Seni and Ajoy K Sahoo

Biology of the mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera) on sprouted potato and brinjal plant
...ed potato tubers in the laboratory. The female nymphs moulted three times for becoming adults while the male took four moultings. The female and male nymphs completed development in 14.45± 0.96 days and 19.53±1 days, respectively on brinjal plant at 20-36.2° C temperature and 15.1±1 days and 18±0.82 days respectively on sprouted potato. The ratio of the male: female were 1:1.75 and 1:1.87. The duration from nymphs to adult femal...

A. Regupathy and R. Ayyasamy

Initiatives of papain industry by private-public-farmer link-ages in classical biocontrol program for papaya mealybug in Tamil Nadu
...ecticides and dearth of labour for application of insecticides made it difficult for the farmers to maintain the crop and forced many farmers to even abandon papaya crop cultivation altogether. Considering the drastic reduction in the wet latex supply, SPFP has taken up series of initiatives which are summarized in this paper. Initially, a survey made in more than 80 farmers holdings supplying wet latex to the industry to get the first hand information on the ...

Biswajit Pramanick, Sruti Karmakar, Koushik Brahmachari, Rupayan Deb 

An integration of weed management practices in potato un-der New Alluvial soil
...ion to cope up with the labour crisis and minimize the cost of cultivation, therefore, maximizing benefit cost ratio.


Dipak Mandal, Paramita Bhowmik, Pronobesh Halder and M. L. Chatterjee

Determination of relative toxicity and base line data of dif-ferent insecticides against cotton mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley)
...="text-align: justify;">Laboratory bioassay was conducted to determine the toxicity of some insecticides and their LC50 values against 3rd instar nymphs of cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis in the Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur during 2012. Both treated food untreated insect and treated food treated insect methods were followed. The lowest LC50 values through treated food untreated insect meth...

Rashid Pervez, Santhosh J. Eapen, S. Devasahayam and M. Dinsha

Characterization of entomopathogenic nematode, Stein-ernema carpocapsae from ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) rhizosphere in India
...played high virulence on above insect species. This study reported occurrence of a isolate of S. carpocapsae from ginger rhizosphere from India. This indigenous isolate could be investigated further for managing insect pests of ginger.


Dhananjoy Mandal 2K. Baral 3M. K. Dasgupta

Developing site-specific appropriate precision agriculture
...e as in India. PA is not about an abstract of characterization. The specific values indicating variations in population at exact grids and helping the individual farmer in decision-making in pest management at varied pesticide doses depending on varied soil pest population intensity and spatial distribution. Often it ends up in reducing the quantum of a pesticide threatened with withdrawal. We understand Appropriate PA (Appropriate Precision Agriculture, APA) ...
Bao-Ming Ge* Dai-Zhen Zhang, Qiu-Ning Liu, Sen-Hao Jiang, Jun Cui, Chun-Lin Zhou and Bo-Ping Tang forests with dike age above 100 years in summer, whereas the lowest occurred in the forests with shortest dike age in spring. Pearson’s correlation coefficient analysis of individuals’ data indicated that there were significant correlations of abundances distribution among seasons (P < 0.050). The distribution of A. vulgare varied among different forests, and then the environmental change according to the dike age increasing should be ...
Hai-Ji Zhang1, Di Zhang2, Dong-Min Hou1 and Wan-Long Zhu1,*
...ody fat mass, resting metabolic rate (RMR), organs morphology, serum leptin levels and food intake were measured in the present study. The results showed that food deprivation decreased body mass and body fat mass. After refeeding, body mass can not be returned to the control value on refeeding 12 h, and it returned to control level on refeeding 7 days, but body fat mass can not be restored to the control level on refeeding 7 days. RMR and mass of liver decrea...
Jia-xiang Wang1,2,* and Peng Li1,2
... chicks, little is known about its distribution in the pancreas ofthe African ostrich. In the present study, the distribution and morphological characteristics of ghrelin-immunopositive cells in the African ostrich pancreas were investigated using immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that the pancreas is divided into twosections: the exocrine and endocrine portion.The exocrine portionis comprised of peripheral gland cells and centroacinar cells; the endo...
Obaidullah1, Zafar Ali Shah1* and Sami Ullah2
...terparts of Lapachol and above mentioned metallic salts.

Fariha Imtiaz1, Muhammad Islam1, Hamid Saeed2,*, Bushra Saleem1, Maryam Asghar1 and Zikria Saleem2
...roteins and secondary metabolites in methanol compared to other extracting solvents. Moreover, only ethanol (5 and 10%) and petroleum ether (5%) demonstrated significant hair growth promoting effects (p < 0.05) compared to standard, i.e., 5% minoxidil and extracts in other solvents. Likewise, ethanol (5% and 10 %) and petroleum ether (5%) extract had significant impact (p < 0.05) on hair length in comparison to minoxidil, however, no significant d...
Mehmet Avci1, Recep Aydin1,* and Jale Metin Kiyici2 supplied with milk at about 8% of their birth weights and weaned at 49th day. Mixed chopped and separate natural supply of roughage and concentrate feed did not created any significant differences in live weights, daily weight gains, feed conversion ratios and behavioral characteristics of the calves.
Wenqiao Hui1, Jishun Tang1, Dejian Zhu1, Qian Ban2* and Sheng Chen1*
...tin act as a critical metabolic cue linking adipose and the onset of puberty. In the present study, we first assessed the morphological changes in adipose tissue at pre-puberty and puberty onset stages of goats, and then determined the role of leptin to activate signaling pathways which modulate the expression of hypothalamic genes involved in reproduction and metabolism. We found that leptin significantly upregulated the LE...
Muzammil Sattar
...="text-align: justify;">Laboratory studies were carried out to determine the influence of varying amounts of different proteins in the diet of adult Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens). Results show that proteins play a vital role in the fecundity, fertility and all the biological parameters of F1 for mass rearing. The tested proteins were: Casein, Protein hydrolysate, Torula yeast and Nu lure. Al these proteins were tested in l
Yun Wang1,*, Lei Guan1, Jiding Chen1, Yaping Kong1, Lang Si2 and Asif Shah3
...oliang sections which is about 107 km. An expressway will be built along these two lines in the near future to improve further accessibility between Qinghai and Tibet. Understanding the overlapping impact of QTH and QTR on ungulates will facilitates locating the route selection parameters for the proposed upcoming expressway. Using the procedures of field investigation along QTH during months of May, August and December in 2014 and 2015, we recorded the occurr...

Naveed Muhammad, Syed Attaullah Shah*, Abbas Ullah Jan, Irfan Ullah, Muhammad Ibrahim and Salman Khan

...chinery, seed quantity, labor, number of irrigation, chemicals spray and fertilizers have positive significant effects on tomato yield. Allocative efficiency analysis reveals that machinery, seed quantity, number of irrigation, fertilizers and chemicals are underutilized, while labor and FYM are over utilized for tomato production in the study area. The study recommends training for growers and field l<...
Madiha Hashmi1, Abid Hussain1, Shafiq ur Rehman1, Farida Ahmed2, Shahbaz Aslam3,Nadeem Afzal4 and Zaigham Abbas1,*
... diseases in Pakistan is about 66.1% and every year, almost 2.4 million people get vaccine for allergy from Allergy Centre, National Institute of Health (NIH), Islamabad. Human Leukocyte Antigens (HLA) genes are located on the short arm of the chromosome number 6 and position 21 and the allele frequency is associated with allergy. The study was conducted to investigate the relationship between the aero-allergens and the frequency of HLA-DRB1*11 a...
Huseyin Sasi1* and Gulcin G. Ozay2 native fish chub were aboundantly with other native fish (Acanthobrama mirabilis) in upper Akcay River. The age distribution for both females and males of S. cephalus populationwas betweenI-VII, and the second age group was found at maximum rate of 30.60%. Their fork lengths and weights ranged between 6.0-22.8 cm and 3.7-134.62 g for females; 6.1-22.1 cm and 2.7-110 g for males, respectively.The growth parameters of the von Bertalanffy equatio...
Farah Ashfaq* and Tasnim Farasat
...f serum resistin with metabolic markers in obese Pakistani subjects. Anthropometric parameters including age, body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-hip ratio (WHR), diastolic and systolic blood pressure, lipid profile and fasting glucose, serum resistin and insulin of three hundred over weight, obese males and females, 17 to 30 years and 100 comparable control subjects were included. Serum resistin and insulin, fasting glucose, triglycerides and ch...
Mazher Abbas1, Irfan Mahmood1*, Arshed Bashir1, Tahir Mehmood2, Khalid Mahmood1 and Zubair Ikram1
...o gather the information about the awareness and adoption of recommended production practices of citrus. The study sample was consisted of 140 respondents. The binary regression model has been used to evaluate the effect of different socio-economic variables on the adoption response of different recommended production practice for citrus. Average age, education and experience of the citrus growers were estimated 43.92 years, 9.74 schooling years and 17.72 year...
Muhammad Hanif1,*, Naureen Rana1, Muhammad Akbar Khan2, Muhammad Javed1 and Muhammad Sajjad Khan1
...e additional information about the recorded species and contribute to recent work of Perissodactyla from the Middle Siwalik Hills of Pakistan.
Rais Ahmed1,*, Khushi Muhammad1, Masood Rabbani1 and Muhammad Sarwar Khan2
.../i> species are cause of abortions and other reproductive disorders in animals and human beings. In this project, prevalence and distribution of soil borne Brucella species in nine districts of Punjab including Lahore, Faisalabad, Sheikhupura, Sargodha, D.G. Khan, Chakwal, Sahiwal, Gujranwala and Attock were determined. By using grid based sampling strategy, soil samples (n= 1280) were collected from villages (n=256, 5 samples/village) of the nine distr...

Ahmed Zein Elabdeen Mahmoud1, Muaz Magzob Abdellatif2* and Mohamed Abdelsalam Abdalla3

...orrhages in lung, liver, abomasum, small and large intestine. PPRV NP was detected in sheep (n=20) and goats (n=18), anti-PPRV NP was also detected among sheep and goats (n=162) by ELISA, 3ABC-FMD enzyme immunoassay were positive (n=6) when ovine sera were tested. The study revealed that PPR-FMD viruses were circulating in the region and warrants proper control measures. 
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,Waqas Wakil2 andMuhammad Hussnain Babar3


...era litura F. under laboratory conditions. Both NPV and flubendiamide were applied using diet incorporation method. Larvae were allowed to feed for 48 h. Mortality was recorded until larvae died or pupated. Second instar larvae showed more susceptibility as compared with 4th instar larvae. Maximum mortality was recorded in 2nd instar larvae (91.02±2.04%) in comparison to fourth instar larvae (69.35±1.66%) in combined app...
Tiansen Li1, Meiling Huang2, Zhen Wang1,Fei Guo3,Hui Zhang1,* and Chuangfu Chen1,*
Kulsoom Akhter1, Tahseen Ghous1,2,Saiqa Andleeb3,*, Faiz-ul-Hassan Nasim4, Samina Ejaz5, Zain-ul-Abdin1, Bilal Ahmed Khan1 and Muhammed Naeem Ahmed1
...50 mgl-1), in above sequence, the strains accumulated 118.2, 121.87 and 90 mg/g Cr (VI), 135, 127.5 and 146.25 mg/g Ni (II) and 120, 129.37, 135 mg/g Cd(II). Langmuir and Freundlich models were applied and found suitable to describe biosorption of selected metals by the isolated strains.
Ibrahim A. Alhidary1,*, Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1, Riyadh S. Aljumaah1, Abdullah H. Alyemni2, Moez A. Ayadi1,3 and Mohamed Y. Al-Saiady2
...n growth performance, metabolic profile and rumen characteristics in Naemi lambs. Fifty growing Naemi lambs at age of three months with an average bodyweight of 27.77 ±1.09 kg were randomly distributed to five different treatments, ten lambs each, as follow: 1. Alfalfa hay and barley grain (ABG); 2. Pelleted alfalfa hay and barley (PAB); 3. TMR1 (25.67% NDF); 4. TMR2 (30.88% NDF); and 5. TMR3 (55.93% NDF). Lambs were housed in an individual pen for 90 d...

Kamran A. Awan1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal3

...r 15 to December 25 with about 10 days intervals. Field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar in winter season 2015-16. Experiment was in a randomized complete block design, in split plots having three replications. Sowing dates were assigned to main plots and wheat varieties (i.e. Shahkar-2013, Atta-Habib-2010, Pakhtunkhwa-2015, Hashim, Dharabi, Chakwal-50, Pakistan-2013 and Ghanemat-2015) to sub plots. Res...

Fawad Ali1*, Hidayat Ullah2, Ikhtiar Khan1

...les have been found well above the permissible limits of World Health Organization (WHO) which may lead to a detrimental effect on soil quality, leading to food contamination. The extractable concentration of metals viz Pb, Cr, Cd and Zn through ammonium bicarbonate diethylenetriaminpenta acetic acid (AB-DTPA) showed significant differences between the two studied localities. Linear regression analysis indicates that concentration of the heavy metal (Pb, Cr, C...
Muhammad Abdullah1,*, Rashid A. khan2, Muhammad Rafay3, Tanveer Hussain3, Tahira Ruby4,Fariha Rehman5, Sangam Khalil3 and Sohail Akhtar6
... preliminary information about habitat requirements and different breeding aspects of Cattle egret (Bubulcus ibis). The fieldwork was performed for two years (2012, 2013) at three different stations in the surrounding area of Faisalabad. Based on results it was concluded that Cattle egrets are colonial breeders and colonies were monospecific with no other ardeidae members nesting in the neighborhood. They prefer sites for nest building, which have regul...

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan*, Shah Saud Ahmad and Asif Nawaz 

... the source of awareness about FSC. About 43% of the respondents were invited by FSC for general body meeting whereas only 26% participated in the process of election. Maximum respondents were provided farm machinery by FSC i.e. cultivator (51%), rotavator (56%), mold bold plough (56%), disk plough (48%), single furrow (47%), drill (61%) and ridge maker (53%). Market was the source of seed for majority of the respondents regarding cauliflower (43%), bitter gou...
Mohammad Umar Farooq1*, Sarfaraz Ahmad2, Ghulam Nabi1, Ijaz Ali1 and Imtiaz Ahmad1
... experiment the data for above and below phytomass for grazed and un- grazed range land was collected and carbon pool was estimated by Wet Combustion and Dry Combustion method.Four transect lines were drawn in each experimental plot. Twenty four samples of each experimental plot were collected with the help of ADC one m 2 quadrate methods, weighed and then oven dried at 60 oC to find out the dry weight for abo
Umair Talib1*, Ijaz Ashraf1, Khalid Mahmood Chaudhary1, Riaz Ahmad2
...ol. In the light of above findings, it is concluded that growers were not satisfied with public sector’s extension field staff (EFS) regarding their help in credit acquisition and dealing with them. Performance of private sector is very poor in provision of information about innovative technologies to farmers. Analysis of satisfaction of farmers with public and private sectors show that farmers are not completely ...

Qudsia Khalid, Safdar Hussain Shah*, Faiza Zaeem and Saad Hussain Shah 

...antlets were obtained in about ten days while normally plantlets were obtained after 28 days.  

Ambreen Butt1, Uzma Malik2, Khadija Waheed3, Amna Khanum3, Samar Firdous4, Sara Ejaz5 and Fawad Randhawa2, Tania Shakoori6*
... levels were 95 mg/dL or above. The levels were compared using Mann Whitney U test. Multiple linear regression was used to investigate the association of cobalamin with fasting blood sugar level after adjusting for gestational age and gravidity. ROC curve analysis was conducted to assess the suitability cobalamin as a predictive biomarker for GDM. Median cobalamin were significantly reduced in cases (108.95±92 pg/mL) as compared to controls (173±...
Asim Gulzar1,*, Ather Maqsood1, Munir Ahmed1, Muhammad Tariq1, Muhammad Ali2 and Rahmatullah Qureshi3
...i>H. armigera under laboratory studies for toxicity, sublethal and antifeedant effect. The result showed that ethanol based extract was the most effective to control the H. armigera followed by the ethyl acetate. The sublethal concentration of ethanol based extract of C. colocynthis increased larval and pupal duration as compared with control. The percent pupation, adult emergence and pupal weight decreased in treated populations as co...

Hassan Hashim Ghalib, Syed Attaullah Shah*, Abbas Ullan Jan and Ghaffar Ali 

...ature in wheat season is above 25oC, wheat growers’ net return per acre could be hugely affected by temperature increase due to climate change. This change in temperature could positively affect wheat growers’ net-return in the Northern zone. Development of new seed varieties with increased heat tolerance and provision of timely and sufficient water for irrigation would be helpful in reducing future potential losses to wheat growers.  


Ghani Akbar1, Steven Raine2, Allen David McHugh3, Greg Hamilton4 and Qurban Hussain5 

...owed that achievement of above 90% Potential Application Efficiency (PAE) is possible by improving operation (inflow rate and time to irrigation cut-off) and field design (field length and width/number of furrows per set). This work raised the prospects of improved irrigation efficiency of raised beds in Indus Basin, which may be possible without incurring any costs associated with altered infrastructure, new or modified machinery, or increased l
Habibun Nabi1, Saher Islam2, Amna Arshad Bajwa2, Imran Rashid1,*, Haroon Akbar1, Wasim Shehzad2, Kamran Ashraf1, Nisar Ahmad1 and Aneela Durrani3 develop our knowledge about the toxoplasmosis epidemiology, further genotype analyses of T. gondii from animals and man need to be performed in Pakistan.
Xue-yang Wang1, Shang-zhi Zhang1, Ming-hui Liu2, Dong Yu1, Yan Ma1, Dong-qiong Fei1, Hai-zhong Yu1 and Jia-ping Xu1,*
...n. Based on the analysis above, we speculated that BmARM-like is involved in response against BmNPV infection.
Amtul Jamil Sami1,*, Madeeha Khalid1, Rehman Shehzad1, Sana Mughal1 and A.R. Shakoori2 
...ed a molecular weight of about 30 kD. Purified placental lactogen was administered to male albino mice for up to eight weeks for growth promoting activity. Increased mammary growth was observed in test female non lactating mice, as compared to controls when placental lactogen was applied. Increase weight gain for visceral tissues like kidney, liver, muscle and lungs was also observed, as compared to control subjects. It was also recorded that the exogenous sup...
Muhammad Khaled Siddiq1, Ayesha Riaz2, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1, Khalid Mahmood1,* and Muhammad Akhtar1
...cus is spanning from about 3.4 to 0.6 Ma in the Siwalik Group. The Pleistocene species, Boselaphus cf. namadicus, was adapted to open and dry habitats of the Siwaliks.
Pei-feng Yin1,2,Xiu-xiu Li1,Qi-wei Zeng3, Cheng-chen Shen1, Le Gao1 andJian-zhang Ton2,*
...inly including energy metabolism, gene expression regulation, oxidation-reduction reaction, cellular component and stress responses, and the stress proteins including Mn-superoxide dismutase and thaumatin-like protein. The results means that mulberry young fruits can regulate the expression levels of multiple proteins to reply popcorn disease and these pathogenesis-related proteins provide valuable information to further study the pathogenesis of pop...
LX Ye1,2, JX Wang1,2,*, P Li1,2 and XT Zhang1,2 
...ut there is little known about its distribution in the testes of the African ostrich. In the present study, the distribution and morphological characteristics of ghrelin-immunopositive (ghrelin-ip) cells in the testes of African ostrich were investigated using immunohistochemistry. The testes of African ostrich consisted of a capsule and parenchyma. The capsule was divided into three annular layers, and the parenchyma consisted of tubular compartments and inte...

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Muhammad Tahir2, Abid Ali3, Manzoor Hussain3, Muhammad Waheed Anwar4, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 and Ijaz Ahmad

...It can be concluded from above results that along with 100% of RDF, moringa can be used as green manure and incorporated into the soil to enhance the maize productivity.


Haidar Ali* and Malik Muhammad Shafi 

... large number of family labors of sample respondents were working on high paid jobs or employed else or self-employed and thus contributed a good amount to their family’s income. The study recommends that unemployment in the agriculture sector is likely to increase with the decrease in the size of holdings. To generate off-farm employment opportunities agro based industries seems to potential area. Simultaneously there is need for initiating skill develo...
Qunhua Han1,2, Meiwen Zhang1,*, Cong Guo2, Xunjun Zhou1, Bo Li1 and Yong Wang1
Muhammad Saqlain1, Humaira Kalsoom1, Muhammad Fiaz1,2, Abid Mahmood1, Rizwan Aziz Qazi4 ,Waseem Safdar5, Pakeeza Arzoo Shaiq1,Bernard M.Y. Cheung3 and Ghazala Kaukab Raja1,*
...besity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome (MetS). In this study the association of Ala54Thr polymorphism with MetS and its risk components was studied in a local Pakistani population. MetS subjects and controls were recruited from out-patient departments of Pakistani hospitals. Ala54Thr genotyping of 200 MetS patients and 200 healthy controls was performed using a PCR-RFLP. Genotype and allele frequencies were calculated and computed for genetic associations pr...
Muhammad Siraj-ud-Din1,2, Riaz Aziz Minhas1, Usman Ali3,*, Mayoor Khan2, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Nuzhat Shafi1 and Basharat Ahmad1
... and only detailed study about the habitat and feeding ecology of these wild sheep in Pakistan. The study provides baseline data about the study topic which will help conservation management of the species in the area. The habitat use of urial was determined on the basis of direct or indirect evidence (e.g. animal sightings, fecal pallets and hairs) in different habitats. Information on food consumption was collected by usin...
Hayat Badshah1, Farman Ullah1, Paul-André Calatayud2, Hidayat Ullah3 and Bashir Ahmad1
...tigated under field and laboratory conditions the influence of the host plant of P. solenopsis on the parasitism success and the female fitness of A. bambawalei, Five plant species, commonly found to be host of P. solenopsis, were tested: hibiscus, potato, okra, eggplant and tomato. Under no choice test conditions, the results showed that the % parasitism did not differ significantly between different host plants in l...
Saleh S. Alhewairini1,* and Mahmoud M. Al-Azzazy1,2
...ed under greenhouse and laboratory conditions. A sharp reduction in the population of T. urticae was obtained after one week of applying Huwa-San TR50 at a rate of 4000 ppm. This resulted in mortalities of 82.10 and 78.60% under greenhouse and laboratory conditions, respectively. The side effects of Huwa-San TR50 on predatory mite, Neosiulus cucumeris, were also tested to gain successful implementation of new i...
Saleh S. Alhewairini evaluated under both laboratory and field conditions. In the laboratory, oxamyl had significant effects on the mortality of RPW. After exposure to direct spray of oxamyl, adult mortality was 62, 82 and 100% whereas larvae mortality was 72, 77 and 100% after 1, 24 and 48 h, respectively. Alive adult and larvae were completely paralyzed after 24 hours. There was significant difference between 2 treatments, 1 and 24 h, in bo...
Xiaoting Zhang1,2, Jiaxiang Wang1,2,*, Peng Li1,2,* and Lixun Ye1,2, little is known about its distribution in the lung of the African ostrich. To provide the morphological basis of ghrelin function in the African ostrich lung, the distribution and morphological characteristics of ghrelin-ip cells were investigated using immunohistochemistry. The results indicate that the lung of African ostrich was composed of interstitial tissue and parenchyma. The interstitial tissue formed a layer of serosa on the surface of the lu...
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2,* and Syed Shahid Ali3
...nge in the activities of above mentioned microsomal enzymes and soluble protein contents in 4th and 6th instar larvae and adult beetles of phosphine-tolerant populations were evaluated with reference to phosphine-susceptible population as a control. The activities of NADPH-CPR, ethylmorphine-N demethylase, aniline 4-hydroxylase and soluble protein contents were significantly increased in all field collected phosphine-tolerant populations ...
Rana Fartab Shoukat1, Shoaib Freed1,*, Kanwar Waqas Ahmad1 and Ateeq-ur-Rehman2
...0) mixtures under laboratory and field conditions (71.5 ± 7.4). The results showed a significant effect of binary treatments of fungi and chemical insecticides on biological parameters of C. pipiens and its progeny (P<0.05). The insect pathogenic fungi showed compatibility with insecticides and the combined application can improve the management program of C. pipiens.
Faiza Ambreen*1 and Muhammad Javed2
...for 70 days at constant laboratory conditions. Peripheral blood erythrocytes were taken on 14, 28, 42, 56 and 70 day of exposure for the DNA damage assessment in-terms of percentage of damaged cells. In general, a dose dependent response was observed in fish erythrocytes with induction of maximum DNA damage at highest concentration (1/3rd of LC50) of pesticide mixture. Statistically significant effects for both concentrations and time of ...

Naila Riaz1 , Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2* , Khizar Samiullah3

...tera: Aphididae) in the laboratory. R. erysimi were treated orally as well as topically with different concentrations of the crude venom. All aphids died within 6 hr with oral treatment at 1.5µl of the venom dose. However, at the same venom dose, 100% mortality was achieved at 8 hr posttreatment when applied topically. Similarly, oral administration of 1µl and 0.5µl venom caused 100% mortality at 8 hr post-treatment compared to 10 hr and 12 h...

Warda Fatima1 , Shahida Hasnain1 , Saqib Mahmood2


...ucate general population about the consequences of disorder so that people take it cautiously and it may treated early and its bad consequences be reduced.

Gamalat Osman1, Mansour Galal1, Abbas Abul-Ezz2, Ahmad Mohammed1, Mohammed Abul-Ela3 and Asmaa Mostafa Hegazy2

...mation process during metabolism. The histopathological observations of the gills and mantle of L. carinatus showed pronounced alterations at 24 hours and proliferated at the day 15 but showed a further decline at the day 30 of exposure. These findings seem to be time related and were classified as reversible and irreversible changes. Accordingly, it can be concluded that L. carinatusis a typical bioindicator for crude oil pollution.


Phong Huy Pham*

... of catching the prey is about four minutes. A green worm, one of mainly insect pests on sesban, is one of the preferred prey of D. esuriens. 

Yakut Gevrekçi* and Çiğdem Takma
...layed visual information about the relations among predictor variables. As a result, decision tree analysis is necessary to provide preliminary information in breeding programs to be performed. 
Tania A. Shakoori1,*, Soumble Zulfiqar2, Khadija Irfan Khawaja3 and Faisal Masud4
...nergy homeostasis and metabolism. Sodium butyrate (NaB) is a product of healthy gut microbiota and a histone deacetylase inhibitor. Recent studies have shown that NaB activates the intracellular pathways involving key metabolic regulator molecules. However, the effect of NaB on Sirt1/AMPK and Akt/mTOR axes is not reported. We compared genetic expression of Sirt1, AMPK, Akt, and mTOR in adipose tissue from mice treated with N...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan and Said Alam 

...ed mixed type of results about the awareness level of the respondents in relation to climate change. The only adaptation strategy opted by farmers in the study area is change in crop calendar. 


Muhammad Tariq1*, Muhammad Khawar Hussain1, Zilakat Khan Malik2 and Noor Jehan1 

...ration, NPK fertilizer, labor, seedling, farm yard manure and pesticides were recorded 6.00 hrs, 248 kgs, 143 man days, 24413 seedling, 1.48 trollies and 1.21 litres respectively. The results also showed that strawberry producers were having 81% of mean technical efficiency with minimum to maximum technical efficiency limits of 0.42% to 0.98% respectively. Moreover out of 382 the technical efficiency of 178 farmers was more than 90%. Furthermore, farmers with ...
Lowell Gustafson
...ribution to our thinking about a crucial set of dialogues among science, history, and religion. His goal is to expand a secular view of Big History to one of Cosmic History that includes a view of God as its author or co-author. I quibble at a number of points: (1) big historians and some scientists see meaning in nature and history despite Peters’ claim to the contrary; (2) even though most big historians are atheists or agnostics they are still interes...
Nancy R. Howell us to deeper thinking about the nature of God? Surely, reflection on these two questions will show that Peters has generated a fruitful method for and approach to Cosmic History.

Ayesha Bibi*, Musharaf Ahmad and Shaukat Hussain 

...amples were analyzed in laboratory for the presence of bacteria. The samples were crushed homogenized in 0.85% TBE buffer and platted on YDC (Yeast extract-Dextrose-CaCO3) for bacterial growth. For identification of the characteristic bacterial colonies Cmm-specific primers CMM-5 and CMM-6 were used for amplification of 614bp product from pat-1 gene of bacterial plasmid. The whole bacterial DNA was used as template, extracted with standard procedures using com...
Meghan Griffith his semicompatibilism about determinism. Fischer defines semicompatibilism about determinism as “the doctrine that moral responsibility is compatible with causal determinism, even if causal determinism rules out freedom to do otherwise” (49). In Our Fate, he suggests that moral responsibility is compatible with foreknowledge, even if foreknowledge rules out this kind of freedom. 

Saima Akhtar Qureshi1 and Asim Anwar2*, Ather Maqsood Ahmed

...t-align: justify;">Doubt about pesticides based agriculture productivity motivated agriculture departments to collaborate with international agencies to introduce sound agriculture practices like Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in Pakistan. In IPM technique natural parasites and predators are used to check pest growth instead of pesticides which reduces ecological and health damage. Pesticides are used at the last resort in...

Muhammad Ijaz Khan* and Amanullah Jan 

...eight, biological yield (above ground parts of the plant), grain and straw N contents were found in five times irrigated plots as compared with lower irrigation regime. Results showed that growth characteristics and quality of maize were significantly affected by soil conditioners (SC). Farmyard manure incorporation produced significantly higher crop growth rate, leaf area plant-1, taller plant, higher biological yield, grain and straw N contents of maize crop...
Katherin Rogers
...ble metaphysical picture about the nature of time”.1 I will defend Anselm’s more systematically worked out version of this solution. (My interpretation of Anselm is not universally accepted, but here I am more concerned with the philosophical plausibility of the proposed solution.2) I will explain why the Anselmian does not find Pike’s version of the “Basic Argument” for the incompatibilism of divine foreknow...

Aqsa Waqar1, Sahir Hameed Khattak2, Sania Begum2*, Tayyaba Rehman1, Rabia1, Armghan Shehzad2, Wajya Ajmal2, Syeda Shahdana Zia2, Iqra Siddiqi2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali2* overcome by knowledge about the disease, identifying resistance lines and subsequently develop resistant varieties with an aim to shorten the disease cycle. One of the quickest ways in this direction is the designing molecular markers for non-race-specific resistance genes. Use of molecular markers is efficient tool for screening diversity of rust genes in wheat germplasm and can facilitate the integration of multiple genes into wheat by pyramiding and tran...

Aneeza Jamshed1* and Syed Amir Gillani2 

...e is a lack of awareness about hepatitis C due to poverty, involvement of quacks and less penetration of mass media. To develop the awareness of hepatitis C among primary grade students. A total of 150 students of primary grade among 300, of Government sector Middle School Lahore were selected through multistage cluster sampling. A quasi-experimental study was conducted in the time period of 6 months from April 2014 to Sep 2014. Data analysis was done with SPS...

Muhammad Yahya Noori1*, Saharish Rizwan2, Zaheer Ali3 and Shaheen Sharafat4 

...iation between knowledge about exposure and patients’ gender. The study shows that efforts of active case finding should be employed to find the hidden cases of Tuberculosis in the society to stop the spread by those patients, who are unaware of their disease. 

Bruce R. Reichenbach
...different starting point about divine knowledge the logical incompatibility they envision and philosophically anguish over evaporates. 
John Martin Fischer
...worth thinking seriously about, but I want to focus on what I take to be her main point. Griffith agrees with me that it is plausible that God’s foreknowledge is incompatible with human freedom to do otherwise. She also agrees with me that this still leaves the question of whether God’s foreknowledge rules out acting freely (and moral responsibility). I defend semicompatibilism about God’s foreknowledge and...

Fazal Ullah1*, Muhammad Sajid1, Syeda Leeda Gul2, Bibi Zainub1 and Maaz Khan

...ied out at Post harvest Laboratory, Department of Horticulture, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan. The research was conducted in completely randomized design (CRD) with two factors i.e. hot water dipping times (0, 5, 10, and 15 Minutes) and storage durations (0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 Days). Hot water dipping times significantly affected the quality parameters of Sherkhana-I sweet orange fruits. The fruits of sweet orange having hot water dipping ti...
Kashif Prince1,*, M. Sarwar Khan1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Asad Ali2, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Nisar Ahmad3,Rais Ahmed2, Aamerzish Mushtaq4, Sajid Umar4 and Yung-Fu Chang5
Wali Khan1,*, Noor-Un-Nisa2 and Muhammad Asif Nawaz3 more parasitized than above 15 years (0.3856, P<0.05). Males were more infected than females with (0.3157, P<0.05). No significant association was found among the occupational groups and parasitic infection (0.3089, P<0.05). However, shepherds were found more infected than farmers and education concerned. Due to comparative based approach in different occupational groups the present study is of particular interest. Such studies should be continue t...
Alim-un-Nisa1*, Sajila Hina1, Sania Mazhar1, Imran Kalim1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Naseem Zahra1, Shahid Masood1, Muhammad Khalid Saeed1, Qurat-ul-Ain Syed1 and Maida Asif2
...and candies prepared in laboratory and dyed with T. erecta extract color showed that the color extracted from T.erecta itself do not promote microbial growth rather it has antibacterial activity. The lethal dose and toxicity determination of the color extracted from marigold showed that it is safe for consumption as no clinical symptoms were observed in rabbits after giving the maximum dose of 1000ml of color.
Bashir Ahmad1, Muhammad Idrees1,*, Kafeel Ahmad1, Dawood Ahmad2, Sajid Ali3 and Shumaila Bashir4 is little information about the molecular characteristics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) strains predominant in the province. Therefore, this study was planned to study the genetic diversity in the M. tuberculosis isolates isolated from clinical samples. In the current study total 794 patients were tested for suspected tuberculosis by fluorescence microscopy and GeneXpert system during the study period (2015-2016) at the Provi...

 Babar Hussain*, Muhammad Ashfaq**, Mazher Abbas***, Khalid Mahmood**** and M. Ather Mahmood***

...ide valuable information about the dynamics of market adjustment, and whether there exist market imperfection, which may justify government intervention. This study used the monthly wholesale price (Rs. / 40 kg) data from January 1991 to December 2006 of gram, in logarithmic form and empirically estimated the degree of integration in gram markets of Pakistan using co-integration analysis. Co-integration results show that all gram markets are highly co-integrat...

Liaqat Ali Shahid, M. Azhar Saeed and Nadeem Amjad*

...lso helps to reduce the labour drudgery and ultimately increased farmers’ prosperity.


 Abid Hussain*, Imdad Hussain Mirza and Muhammad Azeem Khan**

...d to goats. On the whole about 30% metabolizable energy requirements of non-milking goats and 34% of does were fulfilled by supplementation. Goats were supplemented maximum during January-March, June, November and December and grazed for greater periods in summer and autumn than in winter and spring seasons. It can therefore be concluded that in general the months when minimum supplements were given are the better ones in te...
Nazish Shaukat1, Muhammad Javed1,Faiza Ambreen2* and Fariha Latif1
...nt was conducted in the laboratory by exposing four groups of Labeo rohita to different doses of PbCl2 viz. 96-h, 2/3rd, 1/4th and 1/5th of LC50, separately, for 30 days and compared with control group. After 30 days, fish was sacrificed and their gills and liver isolated to determine the effect of PbCl2 on peroxidase activity. Activity of peroxidase enzyme in metal stressed fish w...

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan1*, Rehmat Ullah1, Asif Nawaz1 and Ejaz Ashraf2 

... in order to investigate about the performance of Farm Services Centers in the empowerment of farmers towards the sustainable development. Five districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa such as Mansehra, Dir Lower, Swat, Dera Ismail Khan and Swabi were the sampled districts and 80 farmers registered with Farm Services were randomly selected from each district. Thus, sample size was making a total of 400 respondents. Primary data were collected with the help of pre-teste...

Anish Shrestha 

...and B:C ratio was 1.67. Labor cost, migration cost and expenditure on sugar drug and comb foundation seems to have positive and significant relation with gross return. All of them appeared to be underutilized and needed to be increased by 39%, 74% and 34% respectively for the profit maximization. Main production problem found to be high cost and inadequate availability of modern equipment with the index score of 0.81. And, according to the farmers, main role i...
Umair Riaz*1, Zafar Abbas1, Qamar uz Zaman2, Muhammad Mubashir1, Mahwish Jabeen2, Syed Ali Zulqadar1, Zeenat Javeed1, Saeed-ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Ashraf1 and Muhammad Javid Qamar1
...nteresting thing is that about 12.85% sample lies in the category of marginal fit waters for irrigation purposes after comparison with the standard values used for irrigation water for agricultural crops. The values of EC, SAR, and RSC were ranged from 0.031 to 15.39 dS m-1, 0.02 to 52.66, and 0 to 43.3 me L-1, respectively. Overall, in southwest areas the majority of water samples were found to be fit for irrigation while in northwest ar...

Akhlaq Ahmad, M. Anwar Arain*, Rahila Nazli**, Syed Anser Rizvi***,
Mubarik Ahmed* and Farzana Ibrahim****

Corresponding author: [email protected]

COST EFFECTIVENESS OF UNDER-SHEET AND WHOLE GODOWN FUMIGATION OF BAGGED WHEAT of the materials and labour. It was estimated that a single fumigation treatment in under-sheet stacks was around Rs. 1.05 million less than the whole godown fumigation, even though it involved extra cost of polyethylene (PE) sheet. This cost may be partially recovered by recycling the used PE sheet. This is mainly because whole godown treatments required two to three extra fumigations due to heavy reinfestation of insect pests. Compared to this, sheeted st...

 Ashiq Saleem, Muhammad Ashraf Zahid, Habib Iqbal Javed*, M Ansar**, Asghar Ali, Rashid Saleem* and Noor Saleem***

...timum yield. On average, about 2-2.5-fold increase in seed rate of lentil under rainfed conditions can be safely recommended.


 Munir Ahmad* and Asif Ali Mirani**

...een found capable to dry about 1818 kg groundnut from 23.3% moisture content to 14% within 2.4h. On average the groundnut drying rate was 3.9% per hour, and the average efficiency of the dryer was 69%. However, typical tests indicated that the drying efficiency of the dryer can be achieved above 80% by maintaining the drying air temperature above 49°C. The cost of drying one kg of grou...

 Muhammad Zubair Anwar, M. Azeem Khan, Ikram Saeed, Akhtar Ali*, Shafique Zahid and Abdul Majid**

SMALL FARMERS PERCEPTIONS REGARDING IMPROVED FODDER AND FORAGE VARIETIES: RESULTS OF PARTICIPATORY ON FARM RESEARCH income of a farmer is about 40% of the total household income. Livestock feeding is a critical component of livestock management in the rainfed farming systems. The most binding constraints are: persistent nutritional stress, lack of improved fodder varieties and lack of fodder preservation techniques for lean period. To resolve this issue improved fodder varieties and forage species were introduced. About 52 % women were of the view that in rabi season 50%...

 Asrar Ali*, Ehsan-ul-Haq**, Abdul Rehman***, Javed Khan, Waseem Ahmad Gillani** and Maria Rauf*

...tary-Biological Control Laboratories, National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad. The results revealed that there was a significant effect of different temperature regimes on the development and predatory potential of M. sexmaculatus reared on Rhopalosiphum padi. The egg incubation period of predator beetle was 4.16, 3.66 and 2.24 days at 22±1°C, 28 1°C and 34 1°C, respectively. Mean fecundity was 430.53, 548.67 and 432.43 eggs,...

 Tahir Abbas, Bushra Nawab, Rahila Nazli, Rubina Saleem, Amrat Lal and Khalid Jamil*

...d in the field of PCSIR Laboratories Complex Karachi, Pakistan. Individually all the treatment showed maximum plant growth character in terms of plant height, number of flowers, diameter of flowers, 1000 grains weight and oil contents. The highest significant improvement in plant growth characters were recorded in plots treated with cotton waste compost and cotton waste compost+ Fertinemakil fertilizer. The Fertinemakil alone showed less significant effect but...

 Rizwana Sultan*, Javed Khan, Ehsan ul Haq, Tariq Mehmood**, Roshan Zada Khattak***, and Naheed Akhtar**

... parasitized eggs under laboratory condition of 28 ±1 °C.


 Maria Rauf*, Ehsan-ul-Haq**, Javed Khan**, Abdul Rehman***, Waseem Ahmad Gillani* and Asrar Ali**

...n Insectary-Bio Control Laboratories, National Agricultural Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad. The results revealed that incubation period of C. septempunctata was 5.12, 3.62 and 3.20 days with 75.6%, 82.0% and 71.2% hatchability, respectively. The larval durations were 29.5, 15.9 and 8.1 days with predatory potential of 573.7, 575.0 and 667.8 aphids per larvae. The results indicated that with increasing temperature, developmental duration decreases significan...

 Abid Hussain*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Sonila Hassan**

...antity of hair sales was about 20 kg per farm per annum. Camel hair are also used by the farmers for making ropes, rugs and blankets, but all these byproducts are not marketed. Shares of farmers in the consumer rupee for camel meat, milk, hides and hair were about 61%, 75%, 52% and 26%, respectively. Keeping in view poor status of camel products' markets, development of proper marketing system and structure for camel product...

 Naheed Zahra*, Muhammad Zubair Anwar*, Sonila Hassan** and Irfan Mehmood**

INSTITUTIONAL CREDIT ARRANGEMENT AND THEIR IMPLICATION ON AGRICULTURAL INCOME IN THE SELECTED VILLAGES OF RAWALPINDI DISTRICT to market and family labour also have a positive and statistically significant relationship with the dependent variable except the age of the farmer. Therefore it is recommended that there is a strong need to enhance easy and timely accessibility of institutional credit for all growers so that they could increase their agricultural productivity that will further lead to increase their agricultural income. It is neccessary that government should practice the...

 Muhammad Shahzad*, Akhter Ali**, Abdul Hayee Qureshi**, Naveed Jehan*, Imran Ullah* and Majid Khan*

...o make informed decision about harvest and post harvest practices. This study was conducted in Swat district in 2012 to quantify these losses at different levels using four different questionnaires. Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used for the collection of data from different categories of respondents and tehsils. Post harvest losses were estimated through percentage method. The most important reasons were poor harvesting methods, over ...

 Amir Khatam*, Sher Muhammad**, Badar Naseem Siddiqui***, Muhammad Zakaria Yousuf Hassan****, Ijaz Ashraf**, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan***** and Aijaz Kuharoo******


 Shahida Khalid*and Shahida Nasreen Khokhar*

...The crops studied under laboratory conditions were Brassica spp. and Zea mays while Phalaris minor was the test weed. In first experiment, Brassica and maize, grown in soils having residues of either Triasulfuron+Terbutryn (Logran) or Sulfosulfuron (Leader), were found to significantly mitigate (% increase in root length, shoot length, fresh weight and dry weight) the inhibitory effect of residues , when inoculated with Azospirillum A4. In second experiment tw...

 Muhammad Tayyab Mudassar*, Ehsan-ul-Haq*, Muhammad Naeemullah**, Muhammad Shakeel*, Muhammad Ashfaque*, Asmat un Nisa* and Javed Khan*

...ty insects with minimum labour and cost. The maintenance cost of 100 Chrysoperla carnea adults was Rs. 192.38 per month, which included the labour cost of Rs. 152.38 and diet cost of Rs. 40. Approximately 4000 eggs per month were obtained from the C. carnea adult culture and the cost per egg was Rs. 0.04. This study also revealed that the diet consumption of 100 C. carnea larvae was 3.617g of Sitotroga cerealella eggs and 1....

 Javed Khan*, Ehsan-ul-Haq*, Habib Iqbal Javed*, Tariq Mahmood*,
Awais Rasool*, Naheed Akhtar and Saleem Abid**

... Insecatry- Bio control Laboratories, Insect Pest Management Programme, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan. The results indicate that incubation period was 3.8±0.08 days with 87.0% hatchability. The developmental duration of first, second and third instar larvae were 3.2 ± 0.13, 4.0±0.21 and 4.8±0.25 days, respectively. The total larval developmental duration ...

 Naveed Jehan*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla**, Muhammad Shahzad*, Abid Hussain**, Muhammad Zahoor*, Majid Khan* and Ahmed Bilal*

...s in getting information about commodity prices in different markets. The farmers can get up-to-date information about various markets in different regions and can accordingly arrange transportation and labor services in time. The study was conducted to see the effect of timely information availability with mobile on productivity. The data was collected through well structured questionnair...

 Rehmat Ullah*, Kalim Ullah** and Mohammad Zafarullah Khan*

...d respondents were aware about modern technologies but only 43% of them were educated by extension workers. It was concluded that most of the respondents (70%) were never satisfied with proper working of extension workers. It is, therefore recommended that better extension services, trainings and guidance are the need of the farming community.


 Munir Ahmad*, Asif Ali Mirani**, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood**, Tanveer Ahmad** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed**

...e husk-fired dryers were about Rs. 0.21 and 0.16 -1 kg . The overall performance of the gas-fired dryer was satisfactory, while that of the rice husk-fired dryer can be improved by incorporating an appropriate heat exchanger.


 Hassnain Shah*, Nadeem Akmal*, Waqas Farooq*, Muhammad Azeem Khan* and Shahid Munir**

...conducted to get insight about farmers' intention towards adoption of micro catchments as a useful tool for rainwater harvesting. The assessment of acceptability and compatibility of the intervention through farmers' perceptions, feed-back, practices and intentions regarding up-scaling the technology would develop the up-scaling and sustainability options for wider area. Under Watershed Rehabilitation and Irrigation Improvement Project besides other technologi...

 Nusrat Habib*, Saima Rani*, Sabeen Siddiqui*, Shah Zaman** and Muhammad Zubair Anwar*

...rigation, FYM, seed and labor for harvesting were the significant factors which affect on the proceeds of sugarcane growers. The results revealed that costs of land preparation, DAP and urea were highly significant at 1% level with positive coefficients 0.94, 0.23 and 0.76, respectively. The cost of FYM was significant at 1% level with negative impact on sugarcane productivity (-0.07). The coefficient 2 of multiple determinations R was 0.72, which designated t...

 Nosheen Zahra*, Ghulam Sarwar* and Sher Muhammad**

COMPARISON OF GYPSUM AND POTASSIUM SILICATE FOR RECLAMATION OF SALINE SODIC SOIL was assessed through laboratory analysis. After this, rice seedling (Shaheen Basmati) was transplanted in all the pots i.e., 3 plants per pot. Necessary N, P and K fertilizers were applied at the recommended rate. After crop harvest, soil samples were taken for analysis of pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) of soil. All the amendments when used alone or in combination with each other impr...

 Usman Shakoor*, Abdul Saboor*, Irfan Baig*, Anila Afzal** and Abdul Rahman***

...imum temperature brought about seven percent increase in rice productivity as shown by Variance Decomposition. Mean precipitation and mean temperature would increase rice production but simulations scenarios for 2030 confirmed that much increase in rainfall and mean temperature in long run will negatively affect rice production in future. It is therefore important to follow adequate policy action to safeguard crop productions from disastrous effects. Developme...

 Muhammad Aamir Khan*, Abdul Saboor*, Rauf-i-Azam**, Abdul Qayyum Mohsin* and Fayyaz-ul-Hassan***

...multiple households and labor types. This disaggregation allows to analyze distributional impacts and to implement policy scenarios that target particular households. The economy wise results showed that agricultural trade liberalization increases income inequality and somewhat detrimental to the rural household types, who guage most of their income from agricultural business. Trade policy must be pursued keeping derivation and distributional narration in view...

 Mazher Abbas*, Irfan Mehmood*, Arshed Bashir*, Muhammad Ather Mehmood* and Sonila Hassan* 

...ociety involved in this labour force to feed their families. Cotton pickers in Pakistan face some serious health related problems due to heavy use of pesticides on cotton crop. The present study was designed to investigate the problem faced by women cotton pickers and their role in household decision making. Overall 150 women cotton pickers were interviewed from Bahawalnagar, Sahiwal and Vehari districts of cotton-wheat zone of the Punjab. Summary statistics o...

 Arshed Bashir*, Fatima Ahmad**, Irfan Mehmood*, Muhammad Qasim*, Mazher Abbas* and Sonila Hassan*

...ed specialized farms was about Rs. 62856.2 for buffaloes and Rs. 49619.3 for cows. The cost of production of subsistence rural farms was Rs. 41949 and Rs. 40872 for buffaloes and cows, respectively. Net margins were higher in commercial farms i.e., Rs. 19726.5 and Rs. 10513.1 for cows and buffaloes, respectively. However the net margins received by small size specialized farms for cows and buffaloes were Rs. 13796.9 and Rs. 7743.8, respectively followed by net...

 Anum Fatima*, Saleem Abid* and Sobia Naheed* 

...kistan. Time series data about annual average wholesale prices of onion and potato were collected from 1981-82 to 2011-2012. Major findings of the study revealed that wholesale prices of onion and potato were increased with time. Results revealed that wholesale prices of onion in major markets namely Lahore, Hyderabad, Peshawar and Quetta were increased @ 8.97%, 8.82%, 8.53% and 8.88% per annum, respectively. Similarly, those of potato were increased @ 8.42%, ...

 Riaz Hussain*, Muhammad Riaz**, Mushtaq A. Saleem*** and Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi**

...rionidae) larvae in the laboratory. The objective was to examine changes in production or activities of carboxylesterase (CE), total esterases (TE), alpha-amylase, glucoamylase, alkaline phosphatase (AkP), acidic phosphatase (AcP), total protein, soluble protein and free amino acids (FAA). The sixth instar larvae of T. castaneum were released and exposed for 48h without food on abamectin treated glass petri dishes. The surviving ones were then homogenized in s...

 Muhammad Qasim*, Sonila Hassan*, Arshed Bashir*, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood** and Irfan Mehmood*

... mung area was estimated about 1.0% and 4.9%, respectively, with the production growth rate of 2.3% and 6.4% while yield growth rate of 2.9% and 1.4%, respectively. Keeping in view the higher growth of gram yield the increase in its area may enhance its production more than that of mung. The proportionate higher increase in the area of wheat and gram may enhance the welfare of producers in particular and provide food security to masses in general. 


 Sameera Arshad*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Maqsood Anwar* and Sarwat Naz Mirza*


 Amjad Pervez*, Syed Muzaffar Ahmed*, Akhlaq Ahmad** and Qazi Mehmood Ali**

...vegetables in Pakistan. Laboratory studies were conducted to determine highly effective cereal used as bait base for its management. Six locally available food grains viz., wheat, rice, maize, black gram, sorghum and millet were offered in whole/crack form. Under no choice and choice tests, rice was the most preferred food, followed by wheat, maize and others. The present study suggested that rice in whole or cracked form alone or in combination with wheat can...

 Nouman Badar*, Hina Fatima**, Abdul Jabbar*** and Muhammad Asif*

...ast for 2029-30 to be -1 about 37188 thousand tons and 3454 kg ha , respectively. The rice (production -1 and yield) forecast for 2029-30 will be about 7176 thousand tons and 2630 kg ha , respectively. The maize (production and yield) forecast for 2029-30 will be about -1 5784 thousand tons and 6088 kg ha , respectively. In short, the production growth rate of wheat, rice and maize was hig...

 Khurram Nawaz Saddozai*, Umme Rubab* and Abass Ullah Jan* 

... tractor hours, FYM and labor days have contributed significantly to increase the maize yield. However, the DAP and urea have shown no effect on maize yield. The mean technical efficiency was estimated at 83%, implying that the farmers can still enhance their technical efficiency by 11% within the given inputs and technology. The results have demonstrated that maize crop is lucrative crop in the study area as maize growers have received increasing return to sc...

 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai*, Amer Mumtaz*, Saeeda Raza* and Shahzada Arshad Saleem** 

...gated the shelf life of laboratory developed phalsa juice at room temperature. Phalsa was purchased from local market, juice was prepared and kept in sterilized bottles at room temperature. Physicochemical and microbial and oragnoleptic quality of the juice was examined till two weeks. Microbial activity in phalsa juice increased while organoleptic attributes such as texture (mouth feel), flavour, taste, colour and overall acceptability of phalsa juice were de...

 Imran*, Shaheeda Naveed**, Asad Ali Khan* and Inayat Khattak* 

... 2 5 -1 the basis of the above results, among the tested seed rate 40 kg ha treated with 75 kg P O is recommended for late sowing on high elevation under the agro- 2 5 ecological conditions of Swat valley.


 Anwar Hussain* and Muhammad Rahman**

...n was taken. Information about revenue from MAPs, marketing, prices and quantities was collected through a structured questionnaire. The respondents were given training under Swiss Development Cooperation Project at the time of collection, harvesting, cleaning, drying, packing and marketing of MAPs. The overall findings revealed that the training had positive impact on farmers' revenue. If standardized, the MAPs collected, they can get fair prices for their pr...

 Muhammad Nisar Khan*, Tariq Hassan*, Hassnain Shah*, Saleem Abid*, Irum Raza* and Saqib Shakeel Abbasi*

...ings to create awareness about water saving technologies as solar powered irrigation system, drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, micro catchment, rooftop rainwater harvesting and irrigation scheduling. Therefore, the project activities also include the training of the professionals from the line departments for the demonstrated technologies to foster the process of adoption. For this purpose Climate and Alternate Energy Water Resources Institute, NARC, orga...

 Naheed Zahra*, Nadeem Akmal*, Sobia Naheed*, Nusrat Habib*, Sabeen Siddiqui* and Irum Raza*

...n 2016. Likewise results about yield indicated that it was -1 -1 2438kg ha in 2012 and would be 2678kg ha in 2016. This increasing trend will provide a great opportunity for rice export from the country.


 Doulat Baig*, Fida Mohammad Abbasi*, Habib Ahmed*, Maqsood Qamar** and Muhammad Ayub Khan**

...d to lack of information about use of inputs and cultural practices. Judicious nitrogen use and suitable high yielding hybrid play key role in increasing sunflower productivity. Protein is the basic requirement of the metabolic processes for the vegetative, reproductive growth and yield of the crop. The protein is wholly dependent upon the amount of nitrogen fertilization available in soil for the plant use. A two year study...

  Sohaib Arshad*, Sarwat Naz Mirza*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar** and Maqbool Shahbaz**

DETERMINATION OF FORAGE QUALITY OF INDIGENOUS AND EXOTIC RHODES GRASS ACCESSIONS UNDER RAINFED CONDITIONS provides them with metabolizable energy, carbohydrates, proteins and other important minerals. As global warming is increasing, overall water scarcity is resulting in deterioration of natural resources, and it is need of the hour to find fodder crop resources which are more accustomed to change climatic conditions. Hence, different exotic and indigenous varieties of Rhodes grass were tested for quality and yield parameters. Three varieties were imported fro...

 Muhammad Qasim*, Khuda Bakhsh**, Sultan Ali Tariq*, Mahmood Nasir***, Rashed Saeed**** and Muhammad Ather Mahmood****

...requency, seed rate and labor mandays have positive relationship with groundnut productivity. Therefore, the provision of improved groundnut production technologies package and improved seed to groundnut growers may enhance the productivity and area under this crop.


Sumia Bint Zaman*, Waqas Farooq*, Sidra Majeed*, Hasnain Shah*, and Abdul Majid**

...being implemented in collaboration with ICARDA and other NARS partners. The prime objective of these training programmes was to impart training based skills on water conservation technologies. To help in improving the effectiveness, the socioeconomic backup for assessment of these trainings was included as part of the activity. The information for paper is collected from opinions of the participants before and after the training. Descriptive analysis alongwith...

 Muneeb Zafar*, Tahir Mehmood**, Irfan Ahmad Baig**, Abdul Saboor** Mazher Abbas***, Shumaila Sadiq** and Khalid Mahmood****

ANALYTICAL DIAGNOSTICS OF NON-OPTIMAL USE OF PESTICIDES AND HEALTH HAZARDS FOR VEGETABLE PICKERS in the study area was about Rs. 385 per picker per year. Health cost model was used to measure the health cost of vegetable pickers. The regression results showed that pesticides were being applied non-optimally in the study area i.e., number of pesticide applications for vegetables (7-31) were substantially higher than the recommended dose. Health cost function was significantly different from zero as 2 indicated by F-stat (32.18) and it is also supported ...

 Farid Asif Shaheen*, Sadia Parveen*, Ahmed Zia**, Ghulam Qadir*,
Mureed Husain*** and Rifat Ullah Khan****

...lture was maintained in laboratory. Three ant species namely, Dorylus labiatus, Camponotus rufipes and Monomorium minimum were collected from forest and non-forest habitats and compared for their predation against different life stages of RFB. Results showed D. labiatus of forest habitat as an efficient pupal predator that consumed 91.66% pupae of RFB. It was significantly different from non-forest ant population and control with 73.33% and 11.66% pupal predat...

 Waqar Akhtar*, Muhammad Sharif**, Abdul Hayee Qureshi*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla*** and Muhammad Azeem Khan*

...importable scenario. The above results implied that Central Punjab has greater economic efficiency than Southern Punjab in domestic resources use for production of tomato as import substitute commodity. Results of Nominal Protection Coefficient (NPC) and Effective Protection Coefficient (EPC) indicated that combine effects of policies on output and tradable input market did not pass any protection to tomato farmers in the study area. Net effect of policy or ma...

 Ghulam Sadiq Afridi*, Abdul Saboor**, Zahoor-ul-Haq***, Sultan Ali
Tariq**** and Muhammad Ishaq*****

...o GDP and employment to labour force. It has major share in export but unfortunately unable to meet international standards. This study aims to analyze the pattern of Pakistan cotton export, and to explore sector's export potential and opportunities. This new research endeavor with well-tested analytical tools enabled the trade experts and policy makers to explore the answer of lackness for diversification in export, HS-2- digits aggregated data for cotton sub...

 Inayat-Ur-Rahman*, Shamsher Ali**, Mukhtar Alam*, Mohammad Adnan*, Hidayat ullah*, Muhammad Faisal Anwar Malik*, Abdul Sattar Shah* Mohammad Ibrahim*

... two experiments, i.e., laboratory and field were carried out during 2013. In the laboratory experiment, okra seeds were primed in PEG-8000 (polyethylene glycol) and Mannitol solutions (0, -0.4, -0.8, -1.2, -1.6, -2 and -2.4 Mpa osmotic potential) for 6, 12, 18 and 24 hours while dry seeds were used as control. Same primed seeds were used in the field experiment. Priming proved effective in improving percent germination and ...

 Syed Waqar Shah* and Muhammad Ather Rafi*

...ttacked by , and . Among above reported Pieridae species is reported for the first time however, is also a new record from districts Rawalpindi and Chakwal and from Jhelum, Rawalpindi and Chakwal. However, the non-cultivated host plants in the region were , , and . Among noncultivated hosts was the new host for . C. was found common host for , and from the study area. Among non-cultivated host plants was found for and for and . All the non-cultivated host plan...

  Mohammad Umar Farooq* , Sarfraz Ahmad ** , Mohammad Islam and Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar ***

...tmospheric gas. Data for above and below phytomass for two rangeland grasses was collected and carbon pool was estimated by Wet Combustion and Dry Combustion method. Four transect lines were drawn in each experimental plot. Twenty four samples of each experimental plot were collected with the help of ADC one m quadrat method, weighed and then oven dried at 60 C to find out the dry weight for above phytomass carbon Mg C ha . ...

 Muhammad Bilal*, Zafar Abbas*, Ijaz Ahmad**, Muhammad Aslam*, Muhammad Ijaz****, Adnan Shakeel***, Mushtaq Ahmad*** and Kashif Bashir*****

...n soil at water testing laboratory, D.G. Khan during 2012-13. Six cotton genotypes (FH – 945, FH – 901, NIAB – 111, NIAB – 999, B – 630 and B – 622) were collected from Nuclear Institute for Agriculture and Biology (NIAB) and Ayub Agricultural Research Institute (AARI), Faisalabad. The plant height of NIAB-111 was more affected by soil salinity than that of other varieties. The number of bolls per plant also showed the simil...

 Arshia Naeem*, Maria Anjum*, Mariam Rehman*, Zahid Mahmood** and Muhammad Asif Kamran**

...region where information about crops, their soil conditions and associated diseases were provided on a web application. An online registration facility was provided along with interface to send image of crop related diseases. The desktop application consisted of an image analyzer that received images from web application and processes them to identify crop disease. The proposed platform was evaluated in collaboration with re...

 Raza Ullah*, Mariam Rehman*, Maria Anjum*, Muhammad Asif
Kamran**, Khuda Bakhsh***, Abdul Saboor****

...rm and train the farmers about disasters and disaster associated risks.

Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1,2,, Shan Liang1, Muhammad Saleem Kalhoro2, Shoaib Ahmed Pirzado2, Nasir Rajput2, Muhammad Naeem2, Fahmida Parveen2 andYongjie Liu1*
... shared high similarity (above 98%) to the H3N2 viruses from dogs in China. On the comparison of gene sequence four unique mutations were found in the amino acid of HA (A144T, R158K, D291N, L383F) and NA (T19A, V33L, V82A, S336N). The HA and NA genetic evolution analysis revealed that one isolate was most similar to the newly isolated H3N2 viruses from dogs in China and had the same evolutionary branching. The result provided a foundation for further studies o...
Youbao Zhong1, Xianlai Zhang1, Xiaofen Hu1 and Yong Li1, 2,*
...however, little is known about the morphological characteristics of the hedgehog’s small intestine. This study was conducted to investigate the microstructure of the hedgehog’s small intestine and mast cell distribution by conventional HE and modified toluidine blue staining, respectively. Despite its similarity to the general mammal small intestine microstructure, the present results indicated that the hedgehog duodenum contained fewer Brunner&rsq...

Samina Ashraf1*, Ghulam Haider2 and Maimoona Ashraf

... women with disabilities about their experiences with violence and abuse. The phenomenology approach was used to study the phenomena. A number of 05 women with disabilities who had physical disability or sensory impairment (visual and hearing) were purposively selected as the participants of the study. The age of participants was between 25 to 40 years and they had past experience of any type of abuse of violence, and were cognitively normal to respond intervi...
Naimat Ullah Khan1,2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1Nisar Ahmad3, Ayesha Hassan1, Muhammad Kashif Prince1, Muhammad Luqman Sohail4,*, Mian Saeed Sarwar2, Hazrat Ali2, Tahir Usman2, Asadullah Khan2, Siffat Ullah Khan3 and Shahid Zaman5
...age of ≥31-60 days or above (15.15%). In lambs, the females had higher (P < 0.05) prevalence (31.18%) then males (22.98%). This study addresses the prevalence of infection in lambs, responsible for the spread of etiological agent in environment.
Mahmoud M. Al-Azzazy1,2 and Saleh S. Alhewairini1,*
...50, respectively. Under laboratory conditions, the mortality percentages were 83.24, 85.13, 94.21 and 97.36% for A. lycopersici and 17.14, 27.55, 37.14 and 59.37% for N. cucumeris at 1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 ppm of Huwa-San TR50, respectively. In addition, Huwa-San TR50 caused a concentration dependent reduction in the percentage of egg hatching. The percentages of larvae hatching from eggs of A. lycopersici were 73.42, 56.92, 25.41 and 1...
 Nazia Qamar1, Sher Khan Panhwar1,* and Ralf Riedel2,*
...independent variables as above. Prey importance was also investigated. Prey importance was assessed using a Wilcox Rank Correlation analysis on the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) by species and life-stage. Permanova analysis showed that fish was the most important dietary item for juveniles and adults. Adults secondarily preferred crustaceans. Fish was predominant for S. commersonnianus and crustaceans, especially of the genus Acetes sp., was...
Xiaopeng Tang1,3, Rong Xiang1, Sijia Chen1,3, Shufen Yang1,3, Hu Liu1,3, Rejun Fang1,3,* and Aike Li2,
... AA digestibility and metabolic energy of fermented cottonseed meal (FCSM) and enzymatic hydrolyzed cotton seed meal (EHCSM) in white leghorn roosters. Firstly, CSM were fermented with Aspergillus niger, or hydrolyzed with alcalase and flavourzyme. Secondly, a total of 32 white leghorn roosters with similar body weight (1.95± 0.14 kg) were randomly assigned into 1 of 4 treatments, 1) starvation group, 2) untreated CSM group, 3) FCSM group, a...
Saba Parveen Samo1, Moolchand Malhi1,*, Javed Gadahi2, Yan Lei3, Allah Bux Kaciwal1 and Saeed Ahmed Soomro1
...>Ten cross-bred goats of about 4 months of age and 10.5 kg body weight were randomly selected for the study and divided into two groups (n=5/each). Basal diet given to the animals consist of roughage and concentrate at the ratio of 65:35. Group A was kept without any supplementation whereas group B was supplemented with selenium yeast (SY) at the dose rate of 0.3 mg/ for 8 weeks. The results showed that the weights (% of empty body weight) of rumen (4.1...
Wei Dang1, Ning Xu1, Wen Zhang1, Jing Gao2, Handong Fan1 and Hongliang Lu 1,*
...deg;C, and a temperature above 37°C resulted in fatality for some individuals. Taken together, these results indicated that both microhabitat and active temperature range contributed to the differences in Hsp70 expression in lizards at normal and elevated ambient temperatures.

Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

...esults illustrate that labor days, seed quantity, tractor hours, urea and pesticides have positive significant effect on sugarcane yield. Resource use efficiency analysis shows that marginal value product (MVP) to marginal factor cost (MFC) ratios for labor days, irrigation, urea, FYM and pesticides are more than unity indicate underutilization of these resources which underlines scope of expansion in these resources. Study...

Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

...esults illustrate that labor days, seed quantity, tractor hours, urea and pesticides have positive significant effect on sugarcane yield. Resource use efficiency analysis shows that marginal value product (MVP) to marginal factor cost (MFC) ratios for labor days, irrigation, urea, FYM and pesticides are more than unity indicate underutilization of these resources which underlines scope of expansion in these resources. Study...
Chuanpeng Zhou1, Heizhao Lin2,*, Zhong Huang2, Jun Wang1, Yun Wang1 and Wei Yu2
...nd increasing glucose metabolic burden in this species. 

Sabah Mansoor1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Amna Jawad1, Bushra Munir2, Sehrish Firyal1, Ali Raza Awan1, Naeem Rashid3 and Muhammad Wasim1
...nus Geobacillus. Laboratory scale production of reducing sugars from cloth-starch makes AMYSBS a suitable candidate to be used in Textile industry.
María Magdalena Crosby-Galván1, Bernardino Espinoza-Velasco1 and Mónica Ramirez-Mella2,*
...ard diet for ruminants elaborated with corn stover, corn grain and soybean meal, and three experimental diets with 10, 20 and 30% dry residue of chihua pumpkin instead of corn stover. Dry matter digestibility and gas production was determined at 24 h of incubation in ruminal fluid obtained from two Holstein cows with a ruminal cannula. Randomized block experimental design was used as and a comparison of means was performed by the Tukey test. The results indica...
Ahmad Farooq1, Usman Waheed2,3, Hasan Abbas Zaheer2,3, Abdul Rauf4, Abida Arshad5, and Muhammad Arshad1,* It is estimated that about 100,000 patients are presently suffering from thalassaemia major, the severe form of the disorder. The patients of β-thalassaemia are dependent upon lifelong blood transfusion. Multiple transfusions expose them to many blood borne diseases, most commonly hepatitis B and C. The aim of current study was to determine the prevalence of HBV and HCV infections among thalassaemia major patients. The study was conducted from June &n...
Ambreen Asghar, Tasleem Akhtar, Nadeem Sheikh*
... an alarming ratio of metabolic disturbance and obesity. Despite the genetic regulation of metabolic responses, a close relationship between high energy food-intake and increased body-weight has been reported to support several pathologies in the metabolic and immune system. Present work was designed to evaluate the variations in serum protein level induced by fat rich diet. For this purpo...

Muhammad Suleman Bacha1*, Mohammad Nafees1 and Syed Adnan2

...armer’s perception about climate change vulnerabilities, their adaptation measures and relationship with the changing climatic records in the district Swat (Pakistan). The data collected through household interviews and focus group discussions. Total 177 questionnaires administered to sample households and 9 FGDs (Focus Group Discussions) in selected villages with the aim to understand local perceptions about changing ...
Abdul Majid Ujjal2, Sharmin Akter1* and Suman Paul1 
...bserved at young animal (above 2-4 years) followed by Adults (15.10%) and calf (5.60%). Epidemic curves using the information of weekly occurrence of FMD showed consistent occurrence of this disease round the year with peaks during winter season. Similar analysis was also done for HS and like FMD, highest prevalence (16.14%) found in Jaintapur upazila. HS prevalence also found significantly higher in young buffalos (18.56%). HS prevalence was significantly hig...
Lotta Wahldén1, 3, Ulf Emanuelson1, Torsten Møller2 and Jonas Johansson Wensman1*
...s to gain more knowledge about immune response following vaccination of the African wild dog, in order to improve husbandry in zoos and help wildlife conservation. In total, 146 serum samples from 47 individuals were analyzed. Serum neutralization test was used to determine presence of CDV antibodies, and an indirect IgG ELISA was used to detect CPV antibodies. Neutralizing antibodies was induced after CDV vaccination and persisted up to 3.9 years. Most animal...
Muzafar Shah1,*, Mazhar Ali2, Sardar Azhar Mehmood2, Shabir Ahmad2, Khushi Muhammad3, Israr Alam1, Kausar Saeed1
...ecorded in adult (46 and above) 22.64. Most of the positive cases were found in the month of November, 24 out of 67 (35.82%) and less cases were noted in the month of May which are 12 out of 106 (11.32%). Incidence of the cases were found in U.C Kota with 60 positive (26.08%) out of 230 blood samples and low prevalence in U.C Ghalaigai with 42 positive (13.12%) out of 320 samples. Gender wise prevalence of malaria disease shows male 106 (27.53%) out of 385 whe...
Archana Naithani, Pongthep Suwanwaree* and Bartosz Nadolski
...the baseline information about the composition of the avian community and its distribution in the Suranaree University of Technology, which is an important ecosystem for the conservation of avian biodiversity. Many other areas adjacent to the campus also require attention for the inventory of avian communities. Therefore, a long-term database on exhaustive and intensive study of the North East Thailand is required.
Jehangir Khan1,*, Rasheedullah1, Bakht Tarin Khan2, Ayaz Ahmad3, Muhammad Salman4 and Khalid Khan5
...based awareness campaign about HCV among the public of district Shangla to prevent the impending epidemics of HCV. Additionally, for proper and actual results, the ELISA and RT-PCR techniques are suggested to be recommended instead of ICT for screening the blood against HCV. This work will provide the active HCV prevalence data for further research/studies, which can be helpful to health policy makers to plan strategies for the control of hepatitis C disease p...

Nihal Ahmad Hadi, Shahid Ali* and Umer Wahid


...checks, feed intake and labor have positive and significant effect on broiler output. Technical inefficiency results showed that estimated coefficients of age of broiler farmers, education and experience were negative and statistically significant. This means that with the increase in age of broiler farmers, education and experience, technical inefficiency decreases. It is recommended that broiler farmers needs to increase the number of day old chicks accordin...
Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1,*, Waseem Akram2, Sumi Lee3, Shakir Manzoor1, Syed Rajab Ayub1, Khalil Ur Rehman1, Shinawar Waseem Ali1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha1 and Sumaira Maqsood1
... the present study, one laboratory reference strain and five field strains each of, Rhyzopertha dominica, Sitophilus oryzae and Tribolium castaneum, were collected from Punjab, and assessed for their susceptibility to spinosad via diet incorporation bioassays. Based on median lethal concentration (LC50) values, all the strains of S. oryzae and R. dominica were more susceptible to spinosad than T. castaneum s...

Feroza Haider1,2, Shamim Gul2,3*, Javaid Hussain4, Sadaf Asalam Ghori5, Muhammad Naeem Shahwani6, Muhammad Murad6 and Abdul Manan Kakar

...reased significantly the aboveground plant biomass by 28% - 34.3% under groundwater and 18.3% - 30.4% under wastewater irrigation. Dry weight of root biomass increased by 16.1% - 20.2% under groundwater and by 21% - 31.2% under wastewater irrigation in response to biochar amendment. Wood-derived biochar at higher application rates and manure-derived biochar at all application rates showed significant influence on crop growth performance of B. rapa. Wood-derive...

Zakirullah Jan1, Shamsher Ali1*, Tariq Sultan2, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Zahir Shah1 and Farmanullah Khan1 

... crop was maintained for about 3 months and 12 days and shoots harvested on October 30, 2016. The data were recorded on agronomic parameters and rice shoots and roots tissue analysis for various nutrients uptake/concentration. The data revealed that all strains of cyanobacteria had significantly (p < 0.05) improved the nutrients up-take/concentration and agronomic traits of rice crop as compared to control. Among the strains, the Gloeobacter strain (MMF-4) ...
Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1,*, Hummaira Iqbal1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2, Haseena Ghulam Muhammad1 and Muhammad Irfan1
...ned individually in the laboratory. Both the control and insecticide treated spiders were offered larvae of Drosophila melanogaster in different densities. C. citricola increased prey consumption as the prey density was increased. Insecticide treated C. citricola consumed less prey as compared to control. Effects of chlorpyrifos on the prey consumption of C. citricola were more drastic than bifenthrin. It was also recorded that at l...

Safdar Ali1*, Obaidullah Shafique1, Tariq Mahmood2, Muhammad Amir Hanif1, Ijaz Ahmed3 and Bashir Ahmad Khan research and concerns about the safety of nanomaterials.

Arshad Mahmood Malik1, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2, Sarfraz Ahmed Mian2 and Atta Ullah Khan2
...with and without casual labor respectively. Analysis suggests that this technology can improve the yield of tomato in the country and solve the demand and supply gap of Pakistan besides helping in export promotion and import substitution. Various factors identified in analysis have been further examined and measures have been suggested to improve supply of tomato in Pakistan. 

Hongqun Li1, Xiaoli Liu2,*, Zhenmin Lian3,RenheWang4, Yongbin Wang4, Yongyao Fu1 andDingyi Wang5
... was worked out with the above significantly different variables and their first-order interaction as independent variables. Finally, regression equation with the lower Akaike’s Information Criterion for small sample sizes (AICc) value was regarded as the optimal model. The model indicated that nest-site success of brown-eared pheasants was negatively related to cover of shrubs, and first-order interaction between cover of trees and cover of shrub at a h...
Niamatullah Kakar, Farhat Abbas, Muhammad Shafee and Tauseef Asmat* and 10 (5.37 %) were above 50 year. Illiteracy, unemployment (daily wages) and tobacco smoking were some of the main risk factors common in inmates. The trend of sharing blankets, towels and utensils were 158/186 (84.49%), 152/186 (81.72%) and 165/186 (88.70%), respectively which likely increase the risk of disease spread. Smear microscopy revealed that 27.92% prisoners were involved in acute and chronic inflammatory disease. PCR proved to be more sensitiv...
Farah Rauf Shakoori1,*, Anum Feroz1, Ayesha Gondal1,Sahar Akram2 and Tanzeela Riaz3
...thrin on carbohydrate metabolism and macromolecular concentrations of 4th and 6th instar larvae of a stored product pest, Trogoderma granarium. The LC50 values of λ-cyhalothrin for 4th and 6th instar larvae of Lahore population was 15.93 and 13.76ppm respectively, while 19.07 and 16.21ppm were for the 4th and 6th instar larvae of Gujranwala population, respectively. The ...
Asad Sultan1,*, Shahroom Khan1, Sarzamin Khan1, Naila Chand1, Muhammad Shuaib Khan2 and Hamza Maris3, ether extract and metabolizable energy increased significantly (P<0.05) in OA-1.5 and OA-2. In conclusion, addition of OA in drinking water at the rate of 2 ml/L improved weight gain, feed efficiency, nutrient digestibility, and tibial mineralization of Ca and P in broiler.
Muhammad Adeeb Babar1,*, Sayyad Ghyour Abbas1, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Kiran Aftab2, Muhammad Hanif1, Muhammad Asim1 and Muhammad Akhtar1
...e additional information about the recorded cervid species and contribute to recent work from the Middle Siwalik Hills of Pakistan.
Gulnaz Malik1, Abdul Qadir1 and Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2,*
... S. oryzae under laboratory conditions. The toxicities of spinosad, emamectin benzoate, lufenuron and thiamethoxam increased 2.65, 1.59, 1.64 and 3.00 folds (positive temperature coefficient), respectively, with increasing temperature. The positive temperature coefficients of all the tested insecticides suggest that these insecticides may provide effective control of rice weevils under high temperature conditions.


Muhammad Asim Khan1,*, Shahid Niaz Khan1, Sanaullah Khan2, Abdul Jabbar Khan3, Muhammad Adnan4, Nawab Ali5 and Ijaz Ali6
... from below 1 year up to above 50 years during the months of June 2010 to June 2012, residing in Northern (Peshawar, Mardan, Charsaddah, Sawabi, Nowshehra) and Southern (Bannu, Lakki, Karrak, Kohat, D.I.Khan) districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. All the films were examined by microscopy for the detection of malarial parasites. In the Southern districts, the overall incidence of Plasmodium slides positivity was 52.47% of which 91.07% were identifie...
Tariq Mahmood1,*, Shafqat Rasool1, Faraz Akrim1, Shaista Andleeb1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2 and Fiaz Nadeem3
...ging from 615 m to 655 m above sea level. Only one of the three species Tawny owl  was previously known from the park while the other two species have been recorded for the first time from the MHNP. On the contrary, three other owl species that were previously known from the park (Asian Barred Owlet Glaucidium cuculoides, Oriental Scops-owl Otus sunia and Pallid Scops Owl Otus brucei ) were not recorded in the current study....
Tengfei Lu1, Wenhua Pei1, Shuang Zhang2, Yangnan Wu1, Fenghao Chen2, Xiao Han2 and Weijun Guan1,*
...AMSCs were obtained from aborted sheep fetuses (1-3 month) under sterile conditions. Primary AMSCs were sub-cultured to passage 25 in vitro. The gene of Oct-4, Rex-1, CD29, CD44, CD71, and CD73 were identified by RT-PCR and immunofluorescence technique. The results showed that they were positive in AMSCs. The growth of different passages cells typically appeared in S curve. Furthermore, AMSCs successfully differentiated into osteoblasts, adipocytes, and...
Danyu Zhang1, Ying Liu1, Qinxin Shi1, Zhiwei Peng1, Yan Hua1 and Zhijun Hou1,2,*
... have little information about gastrointestinal parasite and bacterium of the sable, but it was important for its health. Five parasitic species and two hundreds thirty four gut bacteria (genus) of the sable were detected by the saturated NaCl floating and next sequencing methods. The parasites were Capillaria sp., Baylisascaris devosi, Echinochasmus sp., and two Coccidianspecies. The Echinochasmus sp....
Souheila Slimani1,*, Sonia Hamouda1, Chahrazed Souadi1, Sara Silini2, Cherif Abdennour2 and Leila Delimi3
...appearance of certain metabolic, carcinogenic, neurotoxic and fertility disorders. The objective of this work is to study the toxic effect of the dithiocarbamate “thiram 80% purity” on seasonal reproduction of male domestic pigeons Columba livia domestica, subjected to a long photoperiod (19L: 05D). The fungicide was orally administered at 5 and 10 mg/Kg body weight/day for 10 consecutive weeks.Testicular volume and weights were measured wee...
Tayfun Karataş
...r 8 days on the serum metabolites and antioxidant enzymes, thiobarbituric acid reacting substance levels, endogenous reserves in liver and muscle tissues of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Eight-days of fasting caused a significant decrease in glucose, total protein, triglyceride, cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein and low-density lipoprotein levels as well as protein and lipid reserves in liver and muscle tissue of fish (p<0.05). The fasting...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1Arshad Javid2, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain3, Nosheen Aslam4, Qasim Ali5, Majid Hussain6Muhammad Masoom ul Hassan Rehan7, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1,8Anam Khalid1 and Danish Riaz1
... 10% replacing level for above mentioned diet showed that fish was in more healthy condition as compared to control (0% MOLM) and other test diets. Digestibility coefficients for MOLM based diet at 10% replacement level of fish meal, increased 13.98%, 14.29% and 10.52% for crude fat, crude protein and supposed gross energy when compared to control diet, respectively. The next higher growth performance and nutrient digestibility values were observed at 20% repl...
Qaisar Jamal1, Muhammad Idrees1, Saif Ullah2, Muhammad Adnan1, Farrah Zaidi1, Qaiser Zaman1,3 and Syed Basit Rasheed1,*
...cies at 2500-2900 meters above sea level. District Dir lower, primarily sub-tropical, was found more diverse regarding squamate species than the mountainous, temperate Upper Dir.
Guifen Liu1,2, Xiaomu Liu1,2, Khuram Shahzad3, Wei You1,2, Juan J. Loor3,* and Fachun Wan1,2,4,* for alterations in metabolism. The results of IPA analysis revealed that several transcription regulators related to disease, cell growth, proliferation and lipid metabolism, including PPAR, are important during development of the adipose tissue. These data indicate that future research should emphasize the study of key genes related to synthesis, metabolism, and growth of adipose tissu...
Muhammad Shahid Saeed1, Adeela Shahid2, Samia Jawed3, Muhammad Akram4, Irshad Hussain Qureshi5 
...ol study was conduced on about 132 asthmatics, which were aged between 18-60 years at Mayo Hospital Emergency with FEV1 ≤ 30% of the predicted value. Spirometry of all asthmatics (study and placebo groups) in the emergency department was performed by Spirolab III. Detailed history, general physical and systemic examination was conducted and all parameters were recorded. Modified Borg scale was used to determine the grade of dyspnea from 0-10...
Ayesha Iftikhar1,*, Muhammad Asif Aziz1, Muhammad Naeem1, Munir Ahmad1 and Tariq Mukhtar2
...sexmaculatus in the laboratory and use as a bio-control agent against cotton mealy bug in the field at different temperature conditions.

Syed Muhammad Hassan Raza1*, Syed Amer Mahmood1, Veraldo Liesenberg2 and Syed Shehzad Hassan1 may reduce rice yield about 20% due to the use of insecticide at inappropriate times and unsuitable locations following the crop calendar. The purpose of this research was to delineate the vulnerable zones for YSB attacks on rice crop using satellite thermal datasets. The area under investigation was 13700 km2 area out of which 8627 km2 was covered by rice plantations. Thermal datasets covered the area of 8627 km2 comprising 10663 pixels which returned 1066...
Taimoor Akram Khan1*, Anam Farooq2, Amna Farooq3, Muhammad Nasir1, Gohar Khan4 and Ali Akram Khan1
Muhammad Kashif Munir1*, Sana Rehman1, Rizwan Iqbal1, Muhammad Saqib Saeed2, Muhammad Aasim1
...B Research Centre in collaboration with Department of Pulmonology, King Edward Medical University, Mayo Hospital, Lahore.
Methods: Sputum samples from 125 patients were collected from confirmed pulmonary TB patients who were not responding to standard regimen of first line anti-tubercular treatment. Smears were stained by Ziehl-Neelsen method. All specimens were processed for culture and drug sensitivity by drug proportion method using Lowen...
Sahar Naz1, Farhan Rasheed2, Muhammad Saeed3*, Shagufta Iram4 and Ambereen Anwar Imran5
...nducted in Microbiology Laboratory,Allama Iqbal Medical College,Lahore, Pakistan from 1stJuly 2016 to 25th February 2017. A total of 12126 clinical samples were collected from patients presenting to Jinnah Hospital, Lahore. Every sample was processed for bacterial culture. Bacterial identification was performed according to standard guidelines. Every gram-negative isolate was further processed for antimicrobial susceptibility testing by m...
Shumaila Irum1, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal*2 and Fatima Naumeri3
...ts in pre-clinical years about educational environment in a public sector medical college of Pakistan and to compare the DREEM scores with previous published scores.
Material and Methods: The DREEM questionnaire was conducted on undergraduate medical students (n=300) of Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan, during the month of June 2015. 
Results: Two eighty-six (n=286) of the 300 students (95.33%) completed t...
Naveed Rashid*1, Muhammad Aamer2, Uzma Malik3, Nimra Arif4, Muhammad Waqar Akram5 and Ayesha Irshad6
...itude and practice (KAP) about self-care of AVF access site amongst end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients who are on maintenance hemodialysis. 
Methods: This comparative cross sectional study with quantitative approach was carried out in hemodialysis unit of Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences, Lahore for the month of July, 2017. All patients with ESRD, on maintenance hemodialysis through an AVF access for at least last 30 days, wer...
Sana Rafique1, Hina Saqib1, Khushi Muhammad2, Nazia Akbar2, Abdul Rauf3, Muzafar Shah4,*
...n was found in age group above 70 years. Tehsil Mansehra and Tehsil Oghi is more affected than Tehsil Balakot because these two Tehsils are more unhygienic than Balakot. It is concluded from the study that Dengue Fever is more prevalent in males other than females of district Mansehra, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan and its high proportion will result in high death rate. So, the possible measures should be taken out to control DENV spread in future.
Muhammad Sarfraz*, Shahida Hasnain
...nd Cefepime. The study elaborates recent trends in microbial profiles of pAmpC beta-lactamase producing pathogens in Lahore, Pakistan. This knowledge will enable the medical laboratories to report pAmpC β-lactamase detection accurately and support physicians to prescribe the appropriate antibiotics.
Wei Meng1,3, Tianyan Yang2,*, Yunguo Liu1, Mahmut Halik1 and Tianxiang Gao2 a rare and endangered aboriginal fish in Xinjiang. In this study, the complete mitochondrial genomes of G. dybowskii from Tarim River system (16, 677bp) and Ili River system (16, 667bp) were sequenced. Besides, their genetic characteristics were also identified and compared simultaneously. Genetic distance and sequence differentiation suggested that great genetic variation existed within species and the sample from Kaidu River in South Xinjiang might...

Dilshad Ahmad1*, Muhammad Irfan Chani1 and Muhammad Afzal2 

...l credit, cropped area, labor force participating in the agriculture sector, trade openness has been quantified through various econometric approaches in the study. Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) Bound testing approach has been applied to analyze the long run cointegration among variables, obtaining annual time series data from 1973 to 2014. An empirical estimation of ARDL approach has indicated the evidence of long-run cointegration of model. Empirical...

Raphael Olanrewaju Babatunde, Adeyemi Esther Omoniwa and Miriam Ukemenam the need for manual labour and improving the children’s opportunities of schooling. 


Ansaar Ahmed1, Imtiaz Hussain2*, Ibni Amin Khalil3, Subhanulla3, Gulzar Ahmed3, Imtiaz Ahmad3 and Muhammad Imtiaz2  

...e that requires skilled labor, intensive tillage and more water for irrigation. In this study, zero tillage and bed planting effect in comparison with farmer practice on maize-wheat system productivity was evaluated at five sites in district of Nowshera, KP province during 2014-2016. Maize grain yield with bed planting and manual planting on flat surface were non-significantly different. Because of weed infestation, there was 30 percent lower maize grain yield...

Sadiqa Begum1, Murad Khan2* and Noor Pao Khan

...uding seed, irrigation, labor, fertilizer, pesticides and tractor used in production of wheat were having positive relationship with the production. District Peshawar is more efficient in production of wheat which can be raised further by proper utilization of all the inputs. 

Safia Rehman1, Nazish Mazhar Ali1,*, Gerald B. Pier2, Iram Liaqat1 and Bushra Mazhar1
...contemporary information about antibiotic resistances that are present in isolates from different environments. In the present study 72 samples from blood, 43 from sputum, and 19 were obtained from tracheal aspirates patients suffering from chronic and acute lung infections admitted to a local hospital in Lahore. Susceptibility of 134 isolates of P. aeruginosa was tested against selected antibiotics (meropenem, imipenem, piperacillin, amoxicillin, amika...
Farah Rauf Shakoori1,*, Tanzeela Riaz2, Uzma Ramzan1, Anum Feroz1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori2,3,*
...erate on carbohydrate metabolism and macromolecular concentrations of 4th and 6th instar larvae of a stored grain pest, Trogoderma granarium. The LC50 values of esfenvalerate for 4th and 6th instar larvae of Phosphine and deltamethrin-susceptible population was 34.29 and 28.05ppm, respectively, while 39.30 and 32.67ppm were for the 4th and 6th instar larvae of Phosphine and del...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2,*, Rashid Mushtaq1, Samina Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2, Sumaira Maqsood3, Ishita Ahuja4 and Atle M. Bones4
...were investigated under laboratory condition. The highest mortality of S. litura was observed at early instars. Against second instars of S. litura, LC50 values of NPV isolate ranged from 1.92×103 to 3.64×103OB/ml with LT50 values of 69.30 h to 72.80 h, respectively. This study showed highly effectiveness and provides an opportunity to cut down the use of synthetic approaches and develop saf...
Xiaqing Chen, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
... series of antibiotic metabolites that can inhibit plant pathogens. Trichoderma hamatum isolated from infected mulberry fruits was evaluated for its efficiency to suppress plant pathogen S. shiraiana alone or in combination with fungicide carbendazim under laboratory conditions. The results showed that S. shiraiana was not detected on mulberry leaves and branches, whereas it was only detected...
Dan Yü, Chuchu Li, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
...y production of toxic metabolites and mycoparasitism. In vitro bioassays were used to evaluate the efficacy of T. hamatum and difenoconazole alone or its combinations against S. sclerotiorum. The results showed that T. hamatum could infect and destroy the mycelia and sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum by mycoparasitism. The cell-free culture supernatant and ethylacetate extracts from T. hamatum inhibited mycelial growth of <...

Muhammad Ishfaq1*, Nadeem Akbar1, Imran Khan1, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Usman Zulfiqar1, Muhammad Ahmad1, Mumtaz Ahmad2 and Muhammad Umer Chattha1 

...sterile spikelet (9.5%), abortive kernel (9.7%) were highest in broadcasting treatments. Maximum net income (USD. 1097.2 ha-1) was obtained from S3 (22.50 cm row spacing) treatment under dry field conditions and BCR 1.5 was recorded in 22.50 cm spaced rows. In sum, 22.50 cm spaced rows are optimum for successful and economic rice productivity under direct seeded rice. 

Gokhan Sahin1, Ecevit Eyduran2,*, Mete Turkoglu3 and Fatma Sahin2
... be baseline information about global irradiation parameters at location of migratory birds in Iğdir, Turkey for next studies with the scope of global warming.

Iqbal Javed1*, Amar Razzaq2, Mudassar Yasin3, Muhammad Ali Imran4, Haroon Javaid5, Iftikhar Nabi6, Anum Sardar1 and Shahbaz Ahmad

...ross domestic product is about 11 %. Pakistan is at number twelve in exports of the mutton according to the estimation of 2015. Although Pakistan’s meat industry is performing well however, there is more potential in the sector of livestock and hence for the exports of meat to all over the world. The study in hand is designed to explore the current performance and competiveness of meat industry of Pakistan. Keeping the importance of the meat industry of ...
Haroon Rashid1,*, Khushi Muhammad1, Masood Rabbani1, Muhammad Sarwar Khan1, Tasleem Ghori2, Mamoona Chaudhry3, Hamad Bin Rashid2, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir1, Muhammad Hamid Chaudhary4, Muhammad Asad Ali1, Mian Muhammad Khubaib Sattar5, Javed Muhammad1 and Bhushan Jayarao6
...>A multidisciplinary collaborative project was conducted to study the prevalence and distribution of soil-borne B. anthracis in Punjab Province, Pakistan and to ascertain its public health significance. Using a grid-based sampling strategy, soil samples (n=1985) were collected from villages (n = 397, 5 samples/village) and examined for Bacillus anthracis, using real time PCR assays. Soil samples were found positive for plasmid DNA of Bacillus ...
Iqbal Ahmad Alvi, Muhammad Asif, Rabia Tabassum, Zaigham Abbas and Shafiq ur Rehman*
...) are used by different laboratories. In this study, the storage stability of five bacteriophages, JHP, RLP, RSP, SaPL, and IttPL, at distinct temperatures for complete one year is described. Our results indicated that storage of bacteriophages at 4oC was most appropriate, followed by storage at -20oC and -80oC as no drop in viral titer was witnesses in bacteriophage samples stored at 4oC for up to one year. The resu...

Anish Shrestha* and Samata Baral 

...7.88%) are still unaware about climate change and how to deal with it. Among total respondent, only 15% of them stated that their source of awareness about climate change was extension worker, which indicates very minimal interaction between farmers and extension worker. Most significant impacts of the climate change were increased disease pest infestation, loss of appetite and decreased milk production. Vulnerability index ...
Yang Liu1,2,3, Baimei Liu1,2,3, Chenchen Li1,2,3 and Meiwen An1,2,3,*
... investigate collagen metabolism in keratinocytes and fibroblasts co-culture under pressure, and study the role of IL-1α and MMP-3 in terms of regulating fibroblasts-keratinocytes collagen metabolism with pressure.Chitosan-gelatin scaffolds were fabricated by vacuum freeze drying. Keratinocytes and fibroblasts were seeding on scaffolds to form systems as: keratinocytes monoculture (KM), fibroblasts monoculture (FM),...

Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Javeria Choudhary1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Sohail Ahmed2 and Muhammad Sajjad Khalil

Amar Razzaq1, Abdur Rehman4*, Abdul Hassan Qureshi2, Iqbal Javed3, Raheel Saqib5 and Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal6 

...reness among the farmers about the economic benefits offered by HEIs. 


Sajad Ali1*, Syed Asghar Ali Shah2, Jaffar Ali3, Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal4, Arshadullah Jadoon5 and Farmanullah

...ent having an average of about 18 percent of the buyer’s rupee in the entire spell, and as well as the dealers can get a minimum share. The farmer can get 100 percent while the seller can get only 17.5 percent share in the marketing of peas production, comparatively high than the other markets 

Saima Shahzad Mirza1,*, Hafiz Muhammad Qamer2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir3,*, Rana Shoaib Akram4
...aning process in infants above 6 months of age with their mothers’ literacy level, employment, physical and financial health. This study was conducted at Kishwar Fazal Teaching Hospital Lahore in an OPD pediatrics. For this purpose, cross sectional survey data of 34 conservative mothers was analyzed, obtained by means of questionnaire. Initiation of weaning process at proper time is found to be somewhat finance limited factor. Total 17 and 1 out of 34 ca...
Nimra Naseer, Adeela Fatima and Imran Sajid*
...l bioactive secondary metabolites against MDR bacterial pathogens. The identification of strains was done by morphological, physiological and biochemical characterization and by 16SrRNA gene sequencing. For biological screening different methods including cross streak, agar plug and well diffusion method were performed. Seven Streptomyces strains including NWMD-6, NWMD-7, NWMD-10, NWMD-11, NWMD-12, NWMD-15 and NWMD-16 were found to have significant anti...

Fan Shuli1*, Ameer Hussain Jarwar1,3, Xiaoyan Wang2, Long Wang1 and Qifeng Ma certain pros and cons about the issues being faced by the cotton growing community of the country raising concerns for Bacillus thuringiensis cotton cultivation. Particularly in non-traditional cotton cultivation zones which is facing a limited insect-pest-pressure. Moreover, water scarcity is extremely high temperature in the core zones colligate, which is already under observations where the temperature is extremely high. In Pakistan, closely 1.7 million ...

Bata Shalangwa Ishaku1*, Maimadu Abdullahi1, Dakwang Nalong1, Rengkat Jonah1 and Olabode Mayowa be higher (46.2%) and about five times more likely to occur in males than in females (33.3%) (P=0.016; Odds ratio=5.15; 95%CI=1.040-1.844). The seropositivity was also found to increase with age. The prevalence was higher (44.1%) in animals older than 2 years than in those below 2years (31.3%) (P=0.022; OR=4.58). In sheep and goats, the prevalence based on sex was also higher in males (35.3%) and about five times more lik...

Muhammad Israr1*, Saeed Ullah1, Shakeel Ahmad2, Asif Yaseen3, Urooba Pervaiz4 and Nafees Ahmad5 

...rceptions of the farmers about the different dimensions of agriculture LD with the construction of LD index. For achieving this primary data was collected by proportionate random sampling techniques form 90 sampled farmers through face to face interview survey method by filling a questionnaire. Farmer’s perceptions on agriculture LD were measured through the extent of severity scale in terms of LD dimensions and indicators resulted from water, tillage, s...
Song Jiang1,2, Fa-lin Zhou1, Qi-bin Yang1, Jian-hua Huang1, Li-shi Yang1 and Shi-gui Jiang1*
... on oxygen and energy metabolism in the hepatopancreas of the black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) were investigated via the effects of thermal stress on superoxide anion (O2-) production, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione (GSH) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) concentration, as well as nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity and nitric oxide (NO) concentration catalyzed by NOS. Based on biochemical analysis of the

Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1*, Maryam Bisola Adebayo2, Bashiru Shafa Abubakar3, Ibrahim Abubakar Yusuf2 and Joseph Aje Anejo-Okopi1 foetalis, spontaneous abortion, aplastic crisis and acute symmetric polyarthropathy. The present study was carried out to determine the seroprevalence of Human Parvovirus B19 IgG and IgM antibodies and to determine the risk factors associated with acquisition of the virus. A total of 326 blood samples were collected from consenting pregnant women who were attending antenatal clinic in Abuja, Nigeria. Structured questionnaire was used to obtain data on socio...

Monsif Ur Rehman1*, Hidayat-ur-Rahman1, Muhammad Iqbal2, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1 and Zahir Shah3 

... of maximum grain yield (above checks) and desirable SCA effects. Another 33 crosses exhibited positive SCA effects for 100-grains weight and grain yield and could possibly be utilized in maize breeding programs for developing high yielding maize hybrids accompanied with other desirable attributes 


Sher Nawab Khan* and Ghulam Hassan 

... largest contribution of about 80% to the total global cereal production. Eight wheat cultivars including a land race were crossed in 8×8 full diallel fashion during 2014-15 wheat growing season. In the succeeding crop season all the 56 F1 hybrids and their parents were evaluated during 2015-16 to study inheritance pattern of yield and yield related traits at Peshawar-Pakistan. Data were generated on spikelets spike-1, spike length (cm), days to heading ...

Aneel Salman1, Muhammad Iftikhar ul Husnain1, Inayatullah Jan2*, Muhammad Ashfaq2, Mudassar Rashid1 and Usman Shakoor1 

...s directly or indirectly about 68 percent of the population for their sustenance. Farmers’ perception about climate change, current adaptation measures, and decision-making process is important for farmers’ successful adaptation strategies. Using data of 205 conventional farmers from three district of Punjab province, this study provides insights into farmers’ perceptions abo...

Amjad Ali1, Abbas Ullah Jan1, Lal Almas2, Noor Piao Khan1 and Khurran Nawaz Saddozai

...d per acre inputs cost (labor hired, seed, tractor hours, irrigation, Urea, DAP, FYM and pesticides) were considered determinants for cost function. Respondent age, farming experience, education, family size, off-farm income, farm to home distance, tenancy and extension contacts are determinants in allocative inefficiency model. Results of the study revealed that except farmyard manure and pesticides all other explanatory variables are significant influencing ...

Kiran Aftab1,*,Muhammad Asim2, Muhammad Khalil Nawaz2, M. Adeeb Babar2, Muhammad Akbar Khan2 and Zaheer Ahmed3 

...e present description is about newly recovered specimens of small sized giraffids from Dhok Bun Amir Khatoon and Kund. These Middle Miocene localities are found within the Chinji Formation of the Lower Siwalik Subgroup in northern Pakistan. Our reports include isolated teeth, maxilla and mandible fragments of Giraffokeryx punjabiensis and Giraffa priscilla, which exhibit some primitive features for the Lower Siwalik giraffids. This paper also doc...
Tahira Jamil*1, Mohammad Asghar1, Fatma Husain1, Haq Nawaz Bhatti2
...s formed as secondary metabolic intermediate initiated by anion moiety (acetate) through polyketide chain reactions. The current work was put away to investigate the potency of Pleurotus strains for statin formation by cultivating them on lignocellulosic substrates (wheat straw, rice straw, banana stalk) in SSF for 8 days. Among Pleurotus species (P. nebrodensis, P. sepidus, P. spodoecus), P. spodoecus expressed best s...
Muhammad Babar Khawar1, Muddasir Hassan Abbasi2*, Zillay Mariam1, Nadeem Sheikh1,2*
...tar rats. Wistar rats of about 250g were selected and divided into three groups namely Control, Group 1 and Group 2. Group 1 was given 4ml/kg leachate while Group 2 received 4ml/kg of 1:10 diluted leachate intra-peritoneally. After 24 hours of the injection, animals were euthanized and blood was drawn for further studies. Data were analyzed using one way ANOVA. Serological analysis of both Group 1 and Group 2 showed a significant decrease of various components...

Umair Riaz1*, Muhammad Ali Kharal2, Ghulam Murtaza3, Qamar uz Zaman4, Sana Javaid4, Hina Ahmed Malik3, Humera Aziz3 and Zafar Abbas1 

...ynthesis of secondary metabolites at cellular level which included organic compounds that help plants to cope with stress conditions by reducing the intensity of stress through enhancing antioxidants activities, detoxifying toxic ions, regulating the uptake of nutrients and by mediating the transport and distribution of different hormones. Caffeic acid is actively involved in plant physiology and mechanisms of stress tolerance primarily utilized by plants for ...
Saleh S. Alhewairini
...ffect on its eggs under laboratory conditions. The mortality percentages of O. afrasiaticus were 61.79, 73.58 and 82.90%; 62.87, 73.77 and 83.32%; 71.70, 82.23 and 92.37% after one week of exposure to the quarter recommended dose (QRD), half recommended dose (HRD) and recommended dose (RD) of oxamyl only and with the recommended dose (RD) of Injo200 or 1000ppm of Huwa-SanTR50, respectively. The percentages of larvae hatching from eggs of O. afrasiati...
Ghazunfar Rashid1, Muhammad Avais1, Syed Saleem Ahmad1, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq2, Rais Ahmed3,*, Mahboob Ali1, Muhammad Naveed-ul-Haque4, Mehtab Ahmad5Mumtaz Ali Khan1 and Naimat Ullah Khan6
... from animals feeding on above fodders; Spectrophotometry analysis of blood samples from these animals showed abnormally high levels of nitrite. In conclusion, nitrate contents were higher (>5000 ppm) in stem parts of common livestock fodder harvested in early morning and therefore, high level of nitrite found in blood of animals fed with the fodder containing high nitrate contents. This high level of nitrates in fodder crops constitutes a threat to the hea...
Tariq Mahmood1,*, Ijaz Ahmad1, Faraz Akrim1, Abdul Hamid1, Muhammad Waseem1, Abid Hussain1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2, very little is known about its ecology and breeding in its native range in the north of the country. The present study investigated breeding ecology of the bird in its native range of Lower Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province from September 2016 to August 2017. Results show that breeding season of the species starts from February: peak breeding months being March and April, during which frequent breeding calls were heard. The calling frequency...
Tevfik Ceyhan1,*, Osman Samsun2 and Okan Akyol1 study revealed that about 68% of the fish caught were of size smaller than the first maturity length. In addition, exploitation rate was found to be higher than optimum. On the other words, there is a fishing pressure on the garfish stock in the Black Sea due to absence of minimum landing size (MLS) of the garfish. Apart from direct fishing control measures aiming to reduce fishing mortality, the establishment of a MLS of 38cm that coincides with the leng...
Zafar Iqbal*, Farah Ansar, Zil-e-Huma
...fection among students, laboratory staff and the author throughout the whole period due to contact with these fish. One reason for this is the use of safety measures and precautions by the concerned; such as use of disposable gloves, thorough hand washing, using sterilized equipment, keeping work place clean and disinfecting it regularly. The possibility of isolation of fewer pathogenic agents in this study cannot be ruled out. There has not been any report of...

Nadia Khan1*, Abdul Waheed1, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Naveed Ahmed1, Zafar Iqbal2, Seemab Ali1, Madiha Bashir1 and Hina Gul3  

...tion of oil possesses metabolites like carbohydrates, amino acids, alkaloids, flavonoids and glycosides. To test the antibacterial activity of the extracted seed oil, Agar well diffusion assay was employed. Effectiveness of the oil against selected bacterial species was measured in terms of zone of inhibition in millimeters. Amoxicillin was used as a positive control. The results showed that Clavibacter sp. and E. coli exhibit resistant to the oil extract whil...

 Sadia Murawwat1, *Nageen Fatima1, Qandeel Iqbal1, Syeda Ameena Rizvi1 and Mehak Fatima1

ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING BEYOND CLASSROOM: CHALLENGES AND ANTICIPATED RESOLUTIONS of hardware research laboratories at post graduate level, insufficient practical trainings, internships and professional skill development for improvement of hands on experience. These factors influence an Engineering graduate even after the completion of their undergraduate studies. After sorting these highlighted factors, this work has presented a framework for the improvement in EE as, modified curriculum, e-learning environment, conduction of internship...

Muhammad Babar Khawar, Nadeem Sheikh*

Effect of paper industry leachate on various serological indices and serum proteins of wistar rats
...ivision of Wistar ratsof about 245±5g in three groups (n=5) viz, Control group (4ml/ kg normal saline), Group 1 (4ml/ kg leachate) and Group 2 (4ml/ kg 1:10 diluted leachate). All the animals received the treatment through intraperitoneal injection. After 24h of the injection, all the animals were sacrificed and blood was collected, sera were separated and processed for further analysis. Serological analysis revealed that leachate induction leads to sig...

 Mian Azhar Ahmad1†*, Nawab Mohammad Khan2, Asmatullah3

Anatomical variations of hepatobiliary triangle in patients operated laparoscopically for gallbladder diseases from Lahore and Sahiwal
... to variations mentioned above, fat deposition, fibrosis and adhesions were more prevalent in hepatobiliary areas of female patients. Gallbladder disease with stone is much common in female population. It was observed that these variations were found more common in urban as compared to rural population with respective percentages of 66.67% and 60%. Gallbladder disease with stone was found to be much common in the age group between 31-60 years. Laparoscopic su...

 Tahir Abbas*1, Khawaja Raees Ahmad2, Asmatullah3, Khalid Pervaiz Lone4, Muhammad Ali Kanwal2, Sadia Suleman2

Reno-hepatic protective effects of Jambul against chromium induced anomalies in mice
... endocrine system and metabolism but its ridiculous use and bio-accumulation through food chain might be causing oxidative stress. That study was conducted to evaluate the protective effects of Jambul (Syzygium cumini) against Cr induced reno-hepatic anomalies. Male albino mice (Mus musculus) were equally divided (n=10) as C; control, Cr-treatedandCr-JgroupsreceivingCr+6 in the form of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) 50ppm for 10days ad-libitum while Cr-J group...

 Muhammad Mohsin Ahsan1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2*, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1, Arshad Ali3, Zafar Iqbal Kahan4, Kafeel Ahmed4

Intra- and inter-specific foraging in three scorpion species
...stan, was studied under laboratory and field conditions. Results of the study revealed that all three scorpion species were cannibalistic. Mesobuthus tumulus attacked and fed more upon juvenile and sub- adults (medium- sized), scorpions. They also consumed dead scorpions of their own species. Odontobuthus odonturus preferred to attack and consume healthy adults and did not feed on dead scorpions. Androctonus finitimus aggressively attacked and consumed all typ...

Dilara Abbas Bukhari1, Abdul Rehman2*

Isolation of bioactive compounds from exudate of edible fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus
... of fifteen different metabolites were detected in the sample by GC/MS. The detected metabolites could be classified into chemical groups of 2 esters, 4 alcohols, 3 benzoic acids, ketone, aldehyde, phenyl and amide groups containing compounds. Some of these may be classified into aroma containing compounds.


 Bushra Siyal1, Sanjota Nirmal Das1, Rafia Rehana Ghazi2, Aly Khan3

Heterotestophyes gibsoni sp.n. (Trematoda: Heterophyidae) from the bird little tern (Sternula albifrons) in Sindh, Pakistan
bifurcation is above the acetabulum. Ventral sucker muscular, rounded, occupy 2nd. quarter of the body. Testes lie in
posterior most region of the hind body, these are Juxta-opposite, rounded in shape. Genital atrium occupies middle of
the body, elongated to rounded in shape, distinctly separated from acetabulum, spines in the crown are 57-60 in
number. Ovary pre-testicular, sub median, equal in size to anterior testis. Uterus pr...

 Maleeha Manzoor1,2*, Ruijuan Ma2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Fouzia Tabssum1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1

Microalgal-bacterial consortium: a cost-effective approach of wastewater treatment in Pakistan
...of producing valuable metabolites and pollutants/nutrients removal from wastes/wastewaters.
Agricultural wastes/residues generated abundantly in energy deficient countries like Pakistan, having enormous
energy potential, are not utilized efficiently and considered as wastes only. The present review focuses on the current
research on algal-bacterial consortia and the construction of consortia by keeping in view the environmental

Nabila Roohi, Mehjabeen, Samina Ashraf*

Effects of cigarette smoking on serum proteins profile in male active and passive smokers
...vide primary information about fractions and
total serum proteins of cigarette smokers. The decrease in albumin justifies the
reduction in total serum proteins and elevation in globulins. Smoking cessation
plays a significant role in recovery of these proteins.


 Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Zafar2, Munazza Perveen3, Munir Ahmad3, Asia Iqbal4, Asmatullah3

Efficacy of malathion and carbosulfan against crop invadedaphid types Aphis craccivora (Koch) and Aphis gossypii (glover) on bean and brinjal plants
...> respectively. In the laboratory, the vegetable plant leaves being applied by residual
film technique with tested Aphid population. The most toxic insecticide was found
to be malathion with LC50 as 20.11 μg cm-2 for A. craccivora and 25.28 μg cm-2 for
A. gossypii while carbosulfan was found to be least toxic with LC50 as 312.80 μg
cm-2 for A. craccivora and 322.25 μg cm-2 for A. gossypii respectively. No

 Zafar Iqbal

A review of fisheries education in University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
...e and health Management laboratory (FDHM) was
established in 2004 and it is providing research facilities in Fish Parasitology, Fish
Mycology and Fish Bacteriology to researchers. Over 60 students have completed
their research projects in fish disease and health management. The future aspects
of “Fisheries Education” needed in aquaculture industry in Pakistan and Asia
Pacific Region is discussed.


 Sobia Faisal1*,Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad2, Maleeha Manzoor3, Madiha Manzoor4, Faisal Rifaq5

Socio-psychological factors related to tuberculosis diagnostic test seeking behavior in Pakistan
...ledge and misconceptions about
susceptibility and severity of TB disease is contributing towards low health seeking
behavior. Further, false beliefs and distrust in treatment are the perceived barriers,
which decrease motivation for benefits and superimpose the condition.

Muhammad S. Waqas, Ali A.Z. Shoaib, Xinlai Cheng, Qianqian Zhang, Asem S.S. Elabasy and Zu-hua Shi*
... investigated under the laboratory condition. Our results demonstrated that P. solenopsis reproduce sexually. Males mated 1-2 times in one day and 3-6 times in their lifetime, and did not show mating preference for female age or density. Although a few unmated females produced ovisacs, while they neither produced eggs nor gave birth any crawlers in the ovisacs. Unmated females lived for longer durations than the mated ones. Sexual reproduction with shor...

Farkhanda Asad1*, Samina Qamer1, Tayyaba Ali1, Ammara Behzad1 and Tahira Yasmin2 

Ajmal Khan* and Rehan Ullah
...nts reported to various laboratories of Agency Head Quarter Hospital Khar, Bajaur Agency. In this study, a total number of 9720 suspected individuals were examined; among which 1273 (13.1%) were found to be positive for malaria infection with different Plasmodium species in their blood smears. Male population accounts for higher prevalence rate (14.59%) than female (11.24%). The infection was more prevalent in November (21.4%), December (21.1%) and Octo...

Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Iqbal1 and Malik Muhammad Hashim2 

...ave sufficient knowledge about the suitable irrigation time (interval). The aim of study was to explore the best irrigation time for sugar beet crop. Hence, this study examines the physiological response of sugar beet cv. California-kws with different irrigation intervals at the research farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal university Dera Ismail Khan Pakistan during 2013-14 and 2014-15. The study was conducted using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) havi...
Daniel Zaborski,1,* Muhammad Ali,2 Ecevit Eyduran,3 Wilhelm Grzesiak,1 Mohammad Masood Tariq,2 Ferhat Abbas,2 Abdul Waheed4 and Cem Tirink5
...ariables, it was usually above 1.00. The measures of predictor importance to ANN, CART, CHAID and MARS were generally low. In conclusion, the applied method of reproductive parameters prediction was rather ineffective, indicating that more powerful input variables are required to obtain better prediction results.
Abderraouf Chouaib Rebbah1, Mohcen Menaa2,*, Salah Telailia3,Menouar Saheb1 and Mohamed Cherif Maazi2
...xed oak-pine forests was about 50%, in general, and produced by differences in abundance of Common Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, European Serin Serinus serinus, House Sparrow Passer domesticus, European Greenfinch Chloris chloris, Spotted Flycatcher Muscicapa striata, andCommon Blackbird Turdus merula. The differences between pine woodlands and oak woodlands (about 60%) and oak-pine m...
Muhammad Saqib Shahzad1, Amina Arif1,*,Saeeda Kalsoom2, Javed Iqbal3, Shahnam Shafique2, Muhammad Shahid Nadeem4 and Rafique Ahmed5
...s to inform the patients about the possible effectiveness of drug therapy and to manage the disease with more efficient plan.

Masaud Khan1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Tahir Sarwar1 and Muhammad Jamal Khan2 

... in nitrate leaching was about 20 and 35% but when irrigation level were decreased by 10 and 20 % nitrate leaching also decreased by 20 and 48% and when the nitrogen level was decreased to 55% the nitrate leaching also dropped by 70%. Based on the above results, it can be concluded that deficit irrigation with low nitrogen doses can be used to minimize nitrate leaching. HYDRUS-ID can be effectively used for simulating Nitrat...

Zakiullah1, Muhammad Farid Khan1*, Muhammad Mohibullah3, Muhammad Iqbal2, Irfanullah3, Faheemullah3, Madiha Urooj1 and Uzma Arif1 

...le;0.01) variation among above six OPVS for days to germination, plant height, leaf area, number of grains ear-1, grains moisture % at harvest, grain yield and biological yield. Mean square values due to general combining ability were highly significant (P≤0.01) for all the experimental parameters except grain yield and biological yield. Highly significant specific combining ability for direct and reciprocal crosses shows highly significant differences for ...

Liaqat Ali Shahid1*, Nadeem Amjad2 and Muhammad Abdul Hanan Siddhu3 fuel consumption and labour requirement (un-skilled + skilled) were found to be 3.5 litres and 3.53 man-hour, respectively. The machine was also tested with clean Eucalyptus stems without leaves and small branches. The average throughput capacity in this case was found to be 568 kg.h-1 with an average machine efficiency of 97 percent. Total average fuel consumption and labour requirement (unskilled + skilled) were found t...

Sabi-ur-rehman1, Farooq Azam1, Shaheed Ur Rehman2, Tasbeeh Ur Rahman3, Ayeza Mehmood4, Afshan Gohar5 and Abdul Samad5* 

...nted knowledge published about its botanical aspects, phytochemistry, traditional uses as well as therapeutic potential of Conocarpus erectus. This plant was selected due to its great medicinal importance like its leaves and fruits have been using traditionally as antipyretic, anti diabetic, anti malarial and for the treatment of conjunctivitis, syphilis, gonorrhea, orchitis, diarrhea, anemia, prickly heat and swellings etc. The plant has also reported to have...
Muhammad Asad Saleem1,*, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1, Mudssar Ali1, Muhammad Amin2, Muhammad Tayyab1,3 and Sumaira Maqsood4
...y and development under laboratory conditions and survival against sub-lethal doses of B. bassiana and biorational insecticide (Nitenpyram). Sugarcane sets as alternate to date palm stem were successfully used as diet for rearing RPW. Combination of entomopathogenic fungus (Bb) and Nitenpyram (Nit) were found more lethal to survival of RPW. A reduction in pupation and adult emergence was recorded in the combined treatments. Moreover, decrease in weight ...
Aqeel Mehboob, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Muhammad Sarmadand Maryam Bajwa
... no choice method under laboratory controlled conditions. In M. oleifera extract, the maximum antifeedant index was recorded in 125.00 mg/ml (64.93±2.61), while minimum antifeedant index was observed in 7.81 mg/ml i.e. 8.39 ± 1.85 by no choice method. In case of M. paniculata extract, the maximum antifeedant index was 98.90±0.67 in 125.00 mg/ml, while minimum antifeedant index was 30.90±1.85 in 7.81 mg/ml by no ...
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Saleem Haider1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Ashfaq1, Muhammad A. Aqueel2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah2
...Sargodha), under laboratory conditions. Both NPV and Bt were applied using diet incorporation method. Two concentrations of a NPV based formulation (Somestar): 1x107 and 1x108 POB/ml, and three concentrations of a Bt based formulation (Dipel): viz., 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 μg/g, were applied alone and in different combinations against 2nd and 4th instar larvae of S. litura. The highest ...

Syed Amjad Kamal Jan* and Naushad Khan 

...amily size the number in above 15 category was found more than the other categories followed by 8-15 category. The Cob Douglass Production function result indicate the constant value 5.434 and found significant which shows that if other variables remove from the model then production of rice will be 5.434 Kg per acre averagely of the respondents. According to analysis Farm Size, Tractor hours, Fertilizers, Number of irrigations, Farmer’s education were f...
Huseyin Cetin1,*, Oner Kocak2, Emre Oz1, Samed Koc1, Yesim Polat1 and Kalender Arıkan2
...tep and Şanlıurfa) in laboratory conditions. According to results the use of PBO in combination with insecticide active substances causes an increase in the mortality rates after 24 h. Also the toxicities of tested chemicals, based on their KDT50 (Knock-down 50 times) values, increased when mixed with PBO.
Mehwish Akram1,2,* and Naeem Rashid1
...r functions including metabolism. In this study we determined that a regulator of Pigment dispersing factor, PDF-immunoreactive neurons in the Drosophila melanogaster adult brain, is an inwardly rectifying potassium channel, IRK1. Knocking down the potassium channels specifically on PDF expressing neurons using UAS-GAL4 RNAi system resulted in altered axonal projections of lateral neurons (LNv) towards the dorsal neurons (DN). Moreover...
Tafail Akbar Mughal1, Muhammad Zubair Saleem2, Shaukat Ali3,*, Khawaja Khurshid Anwar1, Muhammad Majid Bashir1, Muhammad Babar4 and Muhammad Adeeb Khan1
... Vitamin E pre-treatment abolished CCl4-induced changes in the activities of these enzymes. Blood glucose content was increased while cholesterol content was decreased. Vitamin E pre-treatment abolished only CCl4-induced change in blood glucose content but failed to abolish CCl4-induced change in cholesterol content. Glucose, urea, lipids, cholesterol conte...

Farhan, Shahid Ali* and Syed Attaullah Shah 

...t supply but inelastic. Labor demand in response to output price, land and education was positive and elastic. Labor demand in relation to wage rate and fertilizer price was negative and elastic. Fertilizer demand in relation to wheat price, land and education was positive and elastic. Wage rate has negative and inelastic effect on fertilizer demand. Own price elasticity for fertilizer demand was negative and elastic. Profit...

Ali Awais, Charassri Nualsri and Watcharin Soonsuwon* 

... on the reduction of the above mentioned parameters after the EMS treatment. Furthermore, the EMS response in M1 generation was also observed in the field condition by various quantitative measurements. The traits, especially plant height, panicle length, number of filled grains, number of grains per panicle, 1000 grain weight and yield per plant showed a clear fall off when compared to control while the panicle length in both mutants were higher than that of ...

Muhammad Ali1,2*, Norsida Man2 and Farrah Melissa Muharam2 

Nasira Khatoon1, Aly Khan2,*, S.S. Shahid3, Z.S. Saify4, M. Arshad Azmi1 and Wali Khan5
...nt. Most of the patients above the age of 10 were either working in vegetable market or were rag pickers working near garbage bins. The highest infection was recorded on the knees and the lowest on groin. There is need to diagnose dermatoses at early stage by training general practitioners. Scabicides must be applied at bedtime and wash off the next morning and finally if there is a single patient the entire family must be treated.
Ali Raza Jahejo1,2, Nasir Rajput2, Wen-xia Tian1,*, Muhammad Naeem2, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro2, Asmatullah Kaka2, Sheng Niu1 and Fa-jie Jia1
...crude fibre (CF), and metabolized energy (ME). However, the values of red blood cells and packed cell volume were non-significant whereas white blood cells, haemoglobin, and new castle disease antibody titer were significantly higher in basil supplementary group. The weight gain and feed conversion ratio significantly improved in basil treated group, while ascorbic acid and basil significantly decreased the water intake. Body temperature and mortality percenta...
Ajmal Khan Kassi1,*, Humayun Javed1 and Tariq Mukhtar2
...ants. As the information about the relationship between physico-morphic characteristics of commercially grown okra cultivars and resistance or susceptibility to Helicoverpa armigera is lacking, therefore, in the present study relationship between physico-morphic characteristics and resistance or susceptibility of okra cultivars to H. armigera was evaluated. The heights and stem girths of comparatively resistant varieties were statistically greate...
Muhammad Hidayat Rasool1,*, Muhammad Zaheer1, Muhammad Farooque Hassan2, Muhammad Shafique1 and Muhammad Usman Qamar1
...ics as per Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) guidelines. Carbapenem-resistant isolates were subjected to detection of Metallo-beta-lactamase production by Double Disc Diffusion test (DDDT) and Modified Hodge’s test. In 152 specimens, different species identified in order of their frequency were; Klebsiella pneumoniae (59; 38.8%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (46; 30.3%), Escherichia coli (36; 23.7%), Klebsiella oxytoca<...
Liyan Zhang1,2, Zhidong Zhou1,3, Haiping Li1,2, Yanlong Qiao4, 5 and Yueping Zhang1,3,*
...opulation genetics and elaborate the historical demography of Scomber japonicus collected from four geographical locations in the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters. The results of genetic diversity and genetic structure analysis of S. japonicus showed that these four populations exhibited moderate genetic diversity across the sampled geographical range of the species. However, no phylogenetic structure corresponding to geographic location was...
Yang Liu1, Jing-xin Mao2, Xiao-dong Wei2, Man Yi2, Xiao-long Zhang2, Ke Zheng3, Xian-xin Chen4, Guo-Ze Wang5 and Bing-bo Chen1,*
...t and fermented BFA from above 3 mixed bacteria were added by a proportion of 1.5% to the conventional feed. Then the Sprague-Dawley rats were fed by normal feed and 4 different BFA feed for 4 weeks. It was observed that the counts of neutrophils, white blood cells, and monocytes was significantly decreased in the lactobacillus BFA group than the control group (P<0.05); neutrophil was reduced in bacillus BFA group than the control group significantly (P<...
Saleh S. Alhewairini1,* and Mahmoud M. Al-Azzazy1,2
... TR50, at 10,000 ppm and above. This study recorded an increase in percentage mortality with increasing concentrations of Huwa-San TR50 and this resulted in mortalities of 66.5% for H. dromedarii and 76.5% for H. impeltatum after 24 h of direct exposure (direct spray treatment) whereas in the dipping treatment, the mortality was 60% and 70% for H. dromedarii and H. impeltatum at 14,000 ppm of Huwa-San TR50. Huwa-San TR50 was found t...

Muhammad Zulfiqar1*, Irshad Abbasi2, Himayatullah Khan1, Arjumand Nizami3, Abdul Hakeem4, Jawad Ali3 and Muhammad Jamal Khan

Temel Göktürk1,* and Göksel Tozlu2
...act was monitored under laboratory conditions. The finding of the study revealed that the most effective dosages for larvae of D. pini was Dipel 300 g/100 l and Dipel 500 g/100 l of B. thuringiensis. The efficiency ratio of Pyrethrum doses ranged from 59.5%-78.5% for Spunizet Neu and 85.5%-95.5% for Dipel DF against D. pini larvae. It was observed that the dosage of both pesticides was directly propositional to the death in larvae....

Dilshad Ahmad1* and Muhammad Afzal2

...d a cropped area, seed, labor, fertilizer and irrigation were the significant variable of increasing cotton production of Bt farmers while pesticides, irrigation and extension services more significant in increasing the Non-Bt cotton farmers production. Age of farmers, educational status, credit access and agriculture extension services access have significantly and positively impacted while the shortage of irrigation negatively impacts in both districts Non-B...

Aqsa Khan1, Sabyan Faris Honey2*, Babar Bajwa2, Nelofer Jamil1 and Muhammad Sohail Mazhar2

...ear codling moth in the laboratory for different research purposes, three artificial diets with different compositions were evaluated for codling moth larvae. Two diets containing wheat germ in their composition as major protein source and one diet without wheat germ were used. Addition of wheat germ in the diet composition for larvae resulted in significantly high percent survival (maximum value) (60± 4.56 and 56± 2.56) and significantly increas...
Kathryn Phillips and Katherine L. Schaefer complicated questions about metaphysical commitments; similarly, clinical conceptions aim to be metaphysically neutral. We test these notions of well-being by investigating Jainism and its commitment to a metaphysics of reincarnation and the existence of souls. Assuming that well-being is a broad prudential value that identifies what is good for a person, we argue that Jain well-being is best understood as a value souls possess, rather than bodies, that act...

Shafique Ahmed Memon1,6, Arif Ali1*, Mehar-un-Nisa Narejo2, Ghulam Khaliq3, Imran Ali Rajput4, Muhammad Adeel1, Khalil Ahmed Memon5, Dzolkhifli Omar6, Muhammad Rashid7 and Abdul Rasool

...a cephalonica under the laboratory conditions (25±2 °C). The results indicated that a significantly increased pre-imaginal (19.93±0.24) and mean average days (70.33±0.55) of C. nipponensis on R. Maidis and also a significantly increased pre-imaginal (20.84±0.49), (21.22±0.97) and mean average days (74.18±0.33), (68.72±0.30) of P. ramburi and Apertochrysa sp. on the host of R. maidis. Whereas a significantly ...
Muhammad Arshad1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Yasir Iftikhar2, Samina Khalid3, Zahoor Hussain4, Jaime Molina-Ochoa5,6 and John E. Foster6
...s leafminer larvae. Two laboratory bioassays, leaf dip bioassay (LDB) and topical bioassay (TB) were developed to check the efficacy of tested chemicals and essential oils. As seen from results, abamectin showed significant mortality (63.5%) of CLM larvae when topical bioassay was performed. Similarly, the percent mortality of CLM larvae was 53.8% after application of abamectin, when leaf dip bioassay technique was used. However, among tested botanicals, Az...

Saeed Ullah1, Muhammad Israr1*, Shakeel Ahmad2, Nafees Ahmad3 and Asif Yaseen

...e HH heads was 21-31 and above years as reported by 63.33% of the respondents. Chi-square P-values pointed that age, HH size and farming experience have positive relationship with the LD. Land possession was 6-15 acre for the 53.33% of the farmers and growing both cash and food crops. In the area, the farmers perceived for the high level of LD and the causes for this was soil erosion, soil fertility loss, overgrazing, over population growth, soil salinization,...

Manzoor Hussain1, Muhammad Awais2, Farhatullah3, Saiqa Bibi1, Muhammad Rameez Khan3, Afifa Khalid1 and Sajid Ali3* 

..., though little is known about the status of oat crown rust in Pakistan. This study was designed to assess crown rust status and field based partial resistance of 16 exotic oat lines introduced from Europe along with local check, under natural field conditions at District Mansehra, Pakistan. Data on crown rust severity and host reaction was taken at three scoring dates to assess partial resistance using area under rust progress curve, infection rate, co-effici...

 Jawaria Shaheen1, Samiah Shahid1, Sabahat Shahzadi2, M. Waheed Akhtar1,3 and Saima Sadaf1,*

Bata Shalangwa Ishaku1, Batim Turdam1, Maimadu Abdullahi1, Waziri Ibrahim Anjili2 and Mayowa Olabode2 

...alyzed using a standard laboratory procedure. Coprological examination conducted using flotation and sedimentation techniques showed that 276 (92.0%) were positive for gastrointestinal nematodes. A greater proportion (70.7%) of the nematodes were Strongyles followed by mixed infection of Strongyles and Parasacaris equorum (15.2%) and Strongyloides westeri (14 1%). Chi-square test and odds ratio were used to analyzed data obtained. The prevalence of the gastroi...

 Asad Sultan1, Rabia Ali1, Rifat Ullah Khan2,*, Sarzamin Khan1, Naila Chand1 and Ambrina Tariq3

...ite sorghum. Apparent metabolizable energy was significantly enhanced both in red and white sorghum by 5.9 and 4.5%, respectively. From these findings, it can be deduced that phytase is effective in improving the utilization of nutrients of sorghum by broilers at day-21 and also reduces the losses of nutrients into the litter.

Muhammad Zain Saleem1,*, Raheela Akhtar1, Asim Aslam1, Muhammad Imran Rashid2, Zafar Iqbal Chaudhry1, Muhammad Adeel Manzoor1, Bilal Ahmed Shah3, Rais Ahmed4 and Muhammad Yasin5
...ed confirmation of B. abortus in both sheep and goats. Brucellosis in sheep and goats is caused by B. ovis and B. melitensis, respectively but B. abortus (causative agent of bovine) may cross the species barrier to infect the small ruminants which may complicate the control measures of brucellosis because most of the control programs rely on serological screening of brucellosis rather than molecul...

Amer Mumtaz2*, Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim1, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui2, Muhammad Naeem Safdar2, Masooma Munir2, Aqsa Qayyum2, Sahar Shibli2 and Muhammad Khalid Ibrahim3 

...n: justify;">Sound waves above audible frequency have revolutionized food industries being inexpensive and green technology. The technology has wide range of application in food industry. Ultra-sonication, thermo sonication, man osonication and man othermosonication are used in food industries for various objectives. Sound waves produce acoustic effect and when bubble produced bursts it results in mechanical energy responsible for inactivation of the pathogeni...
Ahmed Ali Samejo* and Riffat Sultana*
... in field as well as in laboratory condition. Comparative morphometry revealed that in relation to previous stages 2nd and 3rd nymphal stages gained much more length and weight as compared to 4th and 5th nymphal stages. Correlations between length and weight of hoppers of each nymphal stage were positive. It could be concluded that 4th and 5thinstars were voracious in consuming vegetation and ha...
Muhammad Shahid Nadeem*, Maryam A. Al-Ghamdi and Jalaluddin Azam Khan
...ed a molecular weight of about 36 KDa. Its specific activity was 1650 U per mg of protein with about 5% glutaminase activity and no activity against D-asparagine. Optimal enzyme activity was found at 75°C and pH 9. The KM value of 5.9mM was found for L-asparagine. In silico studies have shown that the enzyme exists as a homotetramer. Molecular docking studies have revealed that Gly199, Lys300, Arg198, A...
Muhammad Khalil Nawaz, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas, Muhammad Akbar Khan, M. Adeeb Babar*, Muhammad Asim, Rabia Shahid and Muhammad Akhtar
...our anatomical knowledge about the recorded species.

Muhammad Adnan Islam1,2*, Muhammad Iqbal2, Zia-ul-Haq2,3, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Shabbir Ahmed Kalwar1, Liaqat Ali Shahid1, Badar Munir Khan Niazi1 and Muzammil Husain1 

...tillage of soil reduced labour, fuel, irrigation and machinery costs. Zone disk tiller was tested for its field performance with three different types of furrow openers viz; disk furrow opener, reverse hoe furrow opener and hoe furrow opener. Statistical design, RCBD, was employed to evaluate the machine performance in comparison with conventional method of wheat sowing in cotton harvested field. In this study, moisture content (15.72 %), bulk density (1.41 g/...

Abdul Kabir1, Laiba Uroog2*, Naushad Ahmad3, Fawad Ahmad3, Muhammad Saqib3, Noor Badshah4 and Taj Ali Khan3 

...information is available about bacterial profile of the disease. A cross-sectional study was conducted to find the Etio-prevalence of bacterial species causing subclinical mastitis in a cohort of buffaloes at Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. 120 quarter samples were collected from suspected buffaloes in selected areas of Peshawar, Charsadda, Mohmand Agency, and Dara Adam Khel. Initially, California Mastitis Test was performed for screening of positive samples. Afterward, t...

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi* 

...ement. Evidence from my laboratory suggest that biological control is the best option having ecofriendly activities for the management either using botanicals or through some biological agents. Formulations of various botanicals along with biological agents may be commercializing to help farmers to combat the disease. There is a need to use environmentally safe approaches to overcome the loss of grain yield in rice due to this disease. Climate change has a ser...

Anum Khursheed1, Malik Muhammad Shafi2 and Haidar Ali2* 

...livestock. Livelihood of about (80%) of the sampled respondents had improved after training. Study concluded that AJKRSP has enormous effect on local community which contributed positively to livelihood of local community. 


Arshad Farooq* and Muhammad Zafarullah Khan 

...s factors such as land, labor, finance and management practices etc. This article assessed the knowledge gap of improved cane management practices in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa-Pakistan. Sugarcane growers were selected randomly and Data were collected through interview schedule from 285 respondents in D.I. Khan and Mardan districts during sugarcane cropping season, 2018. Knowledge gap index was applied as a measuring tool. The empirical results indicated tha...

Shahid Ali1*, Asim Khan1, Aftab Khan1 and Bakhtawar Riaz

... increase in seed rate, labor, tractor hours, urea, DAP and irrigation increases output by 0.81, 0.02, 0.28, 0.14, 0.25 and 0.02 percent, respectively. Mean technical efficiency score was found 95% ranges from 86% to 99%. This means an average farmer can increase tomato output by 4% with available resources and technology. Results of inefficiency effect model indicated that farmers’ experience has negative and significant relationship with technical inef...

Muhammad Sohail1*, Asad Sultan2, Said Sajjad Ali Shah3, Muhammad Sajid1 and Adnan Khan4

...icients, and apparent metabolizable energy were investigated. Fat percentage and metabolizable energy was higher in maize (4.1% and 17.04 MJ/kg). The protein levels in wheat varieties were 12.15 and 11.89% which were more than that of both of corn (8.21 and 8.05% respectively) and sorghum varieties (10.41% and 9.89% respectively). The bioavailability of crude protein was higher in maize followed by wheat and sorghum. The phy...

Bina Khanzada1*, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed1 and Nazir Ahmed2 

...of the parasitoid under laboratory conditions and compared with the provision of flower nectors such as ornamental sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock in the laboratory. The ornamental plants sunflower, merry gold and hollyhock were also tested in the field for conservation of the C. flavipes. The results showed that during 2013 and 2014, the C. flavipes fed on Hollyhock produced more cacoons. During 2013 and 2014 C. flavipe...
Nursinatrio and Rudy Agung Nugroho*
... Supplementation of HCFM above 6% in the red tilapia diet increased the protein and fat content of red tilapia’s carcass. The highest survival was found on red tilapia fed 9% HCFM supplementation in the diet. The current study also found that supplementation of HCFM in the diet is possible for red tilapia without impairing growth, feed intake, survival rate or carcass composition. Altogether, the results suggest that HCFM is an optional ingredient which ...
Faraz Akrim1,2, Tariq Mahmood1,*, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem3, Siddiqa Qasim1, Shaista Andleeb1 and Hira Fatima1
...evation range 699-1559 m above mean sea level (AMSL). The small Indian mongoose was found distributed at 30 different sites in the study area, having an elevation range 691-1624 m AMSL. The diet of Indian grey mongoose consisted of 16 prey species (15 wild and one domestic), and six plant species. The consumption of wild prey was 60%, while domestic prey contributed 19%, plants 14%, grits 2%, and anthropogenic matter (plastic bags, and threads) 5%. In comparis...

Hassan Naveed1,2, Kamran Sohail2 and Yalin Zhang2* 

...ralimnellus cingulatus Dlabola (1960) n. rec. are reported for the first time from Pakistan. All species are described and illustrated with habitus photographs. 


Muhammad Shahid1*, Mehmood Shah2, Adiqa Kiani3 and Farhat Parveen4 

...implications in raising labour productivity by taking time series data from 1984 to 2017 and Auto Regressive Distributive lag model (ARDL) has been applied to conclude the results. The other econometric test CUSUM and CUSUM sum of square were conducted to check the stability of the model. The results of the study reveal statistically significant positive impact of livestock and on labour productivity while the role of Govt. ...
Bingbing Gao1, Na Song1, Zhonglu Li2, Tianxiang Gao3 and Liqin Liu3,*
...ent population expansion about 29, 000 years ago. The population expansion and coastal currents may be responsible for the homogeneity among the six populations.

Mehboob Arslan* and Xin Yang 

...ate specific cellular metabolic pathways that aid the production of viral particles. Viruses need to breach a complex network of metabolic intrinsic factors and microenvironment established within the host cells. The pressure exerted by invading pathogen disrupts the internal balance and dictate the host-pathogen niches. For absolute survival, proliferation, and propagation inside the host cell, viruses modulate certain met<...
Hong Zhang1, Shu-Fen Han2, Jing Wang1, Shao-Kang Wang1, Gui-Ju Sun1 and  Cheng-Kai Zhai1, *
...fects of CWD on lipid metabolism were investigated by western blot and real-time PCR. CD exhibited fat accumulation increasing, increase in serum triacylglycerol, total cholesterol, glucose and the decrease in high density lipoprotein cholesterol. However, CWD can improve blood lipid and blood sugar levels, and at the same time improve obesity and fat accumulation in rats. CWD significantly augmented the relative level of peroxisome proliferators-activated rec...

Essossinam Ali* 

...olerant seeds (DTS) and labor allocation. Multi-stage sampling technique was used to collect data from 704 farm households in three regions (Central, Kara and Savannah) in subsistence agriculture in Northern Togo. Tobit and linear regression models were used to analyze the effect of farmers’ risk aversion on fertilizer and DTS uses, and labour allocation, respectively. The results indicate that on average 86.22% of far...
Zhengfei Wang*, Dan Tang, Xuejia Shi, Huayun Guo, Xiuping Chen, Daizheng Zhang and Boping Tang*
...d capacity for energy metabolism in an extreme hypoxic environment. These findings highlight the critical role of PCGs in the evolution of extreme environmental tolerance by Bythograeidae crabs.

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Sami Ullah1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Abbas3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Muhammad Zeshan5, Adeel Abbas1, Mehmood Ali Noor1 and Mohsin Nawaz1 

... growth, carbohydrate metabolism, and pollen tube growth which suggests plausible effects on all these activities due to its deficiency. Therefore, a field trial was set up to assess the efficacy of different levels (control, 0.01 M and 0.05 M) of foliar applied B at booting, anthesis, and grain filling growth stages of wheat crop respectively. Results revealed that B application at the rate of 0.05 M solution substantially increased plant height, productive t...

Mehran Ahmad, Syed Attaullah Shah and Shahid Ali* 

... DAP, Nitrate and Urea, labor and FYM had positive significant effects on tomato yield. Estimated allocative efficiencies of DAP, Nitrate and FYM, were greater than 1, indicating that growers were underutilizing these inputs. This might be due to growers’ lack of knowledge or budget constraint. Nitrophous and chemicals were over utilized as their allocative efficiencies were less than 1. The study recommends that government may provide subsidized inputs ...
Junli Sun1,2,3, Lin Bai1 2, Xiaogan Yang1,2, Yangqing Lu1,2, Shengsheng Lu1,2,* and Kehuan Lu1,2,*
...SI had influenced the metabolism of embryonic membrane lipids, membrane proteins and nucleic acids. The PCA analysis also exhibited that these three groups were well distributed in different areas. In conclusion, the microoperation of ICSI caused some changes in the metabolism of embryos. Raman spectroscopy is a valuable technology for assessing embryonic metabolism.

Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor*, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Luqman and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed 

...tional pesticides, this laboratory study was carried out to evaluate few selected novel chemistry insecticidal formulations against 2nd instar nymphs of D. mangiferae using standard twig-dip bioassay method according to Completely Randomized Design. Results showed that both factors i.e. insecticidal treatments (F 9, 245 = 146.90, P < 0.001) and time (F 4, 245 = 445.75, P < 0.01) and their interaction (F 36, 245 = 9.20, P < 0.001) had a significant eff...
Rabia Khalid1, Saleema Bashir Shams1, Bibi Nazia Murtaza1,*, Gaitee Joshua1, Saira Mushtaq1, Hassan Al-Talhi2 and Abdulaziz Al-Amri2
Xiaohui Yu, Shuai He, Liqiang Wang, Mengyang Kang, Yanjiao Zhu, Shuhui Wang and Xiuzhu Sun*
... compared with controls, above-mentioned indices of sperm were significantly improved under concentrations of Vitamin C (400 mg/L) and Vitamin E (600 mg/L) (P < 0.05). Moreover, physiological indices of donkey semen were significantly higher than the control groups (P < 0.05) when Vitamin C (200 mg/L) and Vitamin E (200 mg/L) were present simultaneitily in the medium. Overall, the results suggested both antioxidants (Vitamin C and Vitamin E...

Muhammad Yasin1, Romana Shahzadi1, Muhammad Riaz2, Mahideen Afridi2, Wajya Ajmal3, Obaid Ur Rehman2, Nazia Rehman3, Ghulam Muhammad Ali1,3, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1,2,3* 

...e expression information about shattering genes for developing genome edited plants to prevent yield losses in canola in future. 


Amany Adel, Wesam Mady*, Zienab Mosaad, Fatma Amer, Asmaa Shaaban, Dalia Said, Marwa Ali, Abdel-Satar Arafa, Mohamed Kamal Morsi and Mohamed Khalifa Hassan  

...mitted to the Reference laboratory of veterinary quality control on poultry production (RLQP) from different poultry sectors and bird species which are distributing all over the Egyptian governorates for examination of LPAI (H9N2) virus by real time RT-PCR. The results confirmed positive samples from 1026 for H9N2 with prevalence rate 4.4%. However, the LPAI H9N2 showed a wide range distribution with high geo-prevalence rate in 2015/2016 (96.3%) as positive sa...

Kamran Aziz1*, Aamir Saleem1 and Arshad Mahmood Malik2 

...hemical analysis in the laboratory and litter fall production was estimated by trapper technique. Under Cedrus deodara and Pinus wallichiana canopy, the leaf litter was collected and brought back to laboratory for the further chemical analysis. The Total annual litter fall production of Cedrus deodara was 4.2209t/ha/annum while the Pinus wallichiana was estimated 4.6097t/ha/annum. It showed that there is more litter fall in ...

Arshad Mahmood Malik1*, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2 and Abdul Saboor3 

... Results indicated that labor used in production of hydroponics products and supply chain management of hydroponics products both in the domestic market and in regional markets has significantly affecting total value product of the hydroponics. Return to scale value of 1.77 indicated that the product function is positive and increasing return to scale in TVP in relation to increase in input cost. The value of (DRC<1) indicated that Pakistan has comparative ...

Amjad Ali1*, Wiqar Ahmad1, Muhammad Zeeshan1, Farmanullah Khan2 and Muhammad Motasim Billah1 

...6. Particle sizes in the above order showed 3, 2 and 2% increase in soil pH over the control (7.63) and 15, 10 and 6% increase in soil EC over the control (125 mS cm-1), respectively. Their OM contents (1.73, 1.68 and 1.67%) registered 98, 93 and 91% increase over the OM in the control (0.87%), respectively. Amonium bicarbonate diethylene triamine penta acetic acid (AB-DTPA) extractable soil Fe after < 2, 2-5, 5-10 mm particles size treatments and the contr...

Zafar Abbas1*, Muhammad Mubashir1, Umair Riaz1, Zeenat Javid1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Saeed ur Rehman1, Muhammad Javid Qamar1, Syed Ali Zulqadar1 and Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2 

...0 grams of okra contains about 1.93g, 0.19 g, 7.45 g 3.2 g and 1.48 g of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and sugar, respectively. As well as one gram of okra contain 31.3 mg and 299mg of vitamin K and potassium, respectively. Therefore, to examine the effect of different forms of fertilizers (organic and inorganic) on the yield and physiochemical attributes of okra Abelmoschus esculentus a field trial was conducted. For this purpose, organic form of fertili...

Sadaf Rahim and Mudassar Iqbal* 

...duce potent secondary metabolites with antimicrobial, herbicidal, insecticidal and other such beneficial activities. Production of such compounds can be increased or decreased depending on growth conditions. For these reasons a Trichoderma harzianum was selected for its growth optimization conditions and extraction of insecticidal compounds effective against two major insects pests including Diuraphis noxia and Tribolium castaneum. The pure fungal strain of Tr...

Umar Hayat1*, Tariq Shah1, Muhammad Suleman Bacha2 and Muhammad

...tes 42.3 percent of the labour force and 18.9 percent to GDP of the country. Since its inception, Pakistan’s economy is planning to achieve agricultural-led growth to promote economic stability in the country. The present study is an attempt to examine and analyse the nexus of various sub-sectors of agriculture and their contribution to agricultural growth in the country. Data on key variables such as agricultural growth, institutional credit, agro-based...
Muhammad Shahid1, Iram Amin1, Samia Afzal1,*, Zareen Fatima1 and Muhammad Idrees2
...agnostic centre’s/laboratories of Pakistan for ELISA and PCR tests. Out of 703 dengue positive samples, 93.5% were anti-dengue IgM positive, 71.5% were anti-dengue IgG positive and 81.3% were anti-dengue NS1 positive. Among these seropositive samples, 39.66%, 40.15% and 36.88% were PCR positives, respectively. This immunological and genomic study reveals that there were more seropositive patients than RNA positive ones. Serotype-2 remained the main causa...
Yan-Bin Zhu1, Wang-Dui Basang1, Zhan-Dui Pingcuo1, Yang-Ji Cidan1, Sang Luo1, Dun-Zhu Luosang1, Yang-La Dawa1 and Guang-Xin E2,3,* 
...ed to previous knowledge about different molecular genetic markers. Therefore, unexpectedly, our study indicated that the diversity of some of the populations was decreased, leaving us to improve and refine our conversional strategy. In addition, this resulted in a greater understanding of human yak phylogenetic differentiation as well as providing data support for understanding the evolution and migration of yak population in future studies.
Shujjah Haider1,*, Ayesha Maqbool1, Tariq Pervez1, Saima Parveen1, Arfan Ahmad2, Zahid Iqbal3, Javed Iqbal3, Shahid Mehmood3, Amanullah Khan4 and Sajid Umar5
...udy was designed to know about distribution of MG. The present study was conducted on 25 commercial layer flocks from different regions of district Chakwal, Pakistan. A total of 358 blood samples were collected from different regions of district Chakwal and subjected to serological tests including enzyme linked immusorbant assay (ELISA) and rapid plate agglutination assay (RPA). The overall seroprevalence of MG detected through iELISA and RPA was 29.88 % and 2...
Arif Jan*, Abdul Rab, Haroon, Rooh Ullah, Tauheed Ullah and Ikram Ullah gravimetric to infer about breeding season and reproductive potential. The mean value of absolute fecundity recorded was 14670.39 while mean value of relative fecundity was noted as 34.78. The mean value recorded for conditioned factor was 0.912 g/cm3. Relationship of fecundity with body length, body weight, ovary weight and the interrelationship of body length and body weight was established statistically using Linear Regression. The values of ...
Asima Azam1, Asma-Ul-Husna2, Saima Qadeer3, Qaisar Shahzad4, Rabea Ejaz1, Nemat Ullah5, Tasneem Akhtar4 and Shamim Akhter2,*
...laughter and brought to laboratory. After in vitro maturation (IVM) in Tissue Culture Medium-199 (TCM199) for 24 h and fertilization (IVF) in Tyrode’s Albumin Lactate Pyruvate (TALP) medium for about 20 h, the presumptive zygotes were randomly distributed into 6 culture groups; Group I: Synthetic Oviductal Fluid (SOF) medium alone, Group II: SOF + co-culture, Group III: Conditioned SOF, Group IV: M199 alone, Gro...

Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Gul Bahar Khaskheli2, Allah Jurio Khaskheli3, Arshad Ali Khaskheli4, Abdul Samad Magsi5, Ghulam Shabir Barham2, Arab Khan Lund5 and Maqbool Ahmed Jamali4 

...significant, but each of above set varied significantly to one another. Trifolium alexandrinum and Zea mays though had statistically similar concentration of ether extract were found prominently higher compared to all other vegetations. Alhagi maurorum was significantly rich in nitrogen free extract. Zea mays held significantly top, while Alhagi maurorum possessed significantly bottom percent of crude fiber. Acacia nilotica and Alhagi maurorum though were stat...
Ghaleb Adwan*, Sami Bdir and Kamel Adwan
...tudies are needed using laboratory experimental infections to clarify the complete life cycle for these larval trematode species.
Riyadh S. Aljumaah1, Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1,*, Moez Ayadi1 and Abdullah H. Alyemni2
... total of 96 Najdi ewes, about nine months old, were divided randomly into three dietary treatments two months before parturition (Late gestation). Lambing percentage, lamb birth weight, lamb weaning weight and mortality rate were recorded. Blood samples were collected regularly during the different stages and analyzed for different important nutritional metabolites. In addition, colostrum, at parturition, and milk samples o...
Asad Abdullah, Muhammad Irfan Ullah*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza, Muhammad Arshad and Muhammad Afzal
...o artificial diet under laboratory conditions (32±05 oC; 65±05 RH). Thelarval suitability was found maximum on cabbage followed by sesbania, alfalfa and minimum on maize. The larval length and weight were found higher on cabbage followed by alfalfa and sesbania. Similarly, the pupal development was minimum in respect to days on maize than others. The adults lived 11 days more on cabbage compared to other diets. Female life span was fou...
Kun Wang1,2, Yinglin Cui2, Xu Zhao2 and Changjiang Hu1*
... As very little is known about the mechanism of action of XN, the purpose of this project was to investigate the neuroprotective effect of XN on ICH model rats and to explore the underlying mechanisms of this therapy. In this study, experimental ICH was induced by the administration of stereotaxic collagenase type VII into the caudate nucleus. XN (at a high dose and a low dose of 3.60g·kg-1 and 1.80g·kg-1, respectively) was ...

Muhammad Amin1,2*, Khalid Mahmood2 and Imran Bodlah3 

...where natural tree flora abounds and silviculture is common. Surveys conducted during 2015-2016 in the Poonch Division of Azad Kashmir-Pakistan, yielded 24 aphid species in 14 genera, representing subfamilies, Aphidinae, Lachninae, Calaphidinae, Hormaphidinae and Chaitophorinae, infesting 28 tree species in 22 genera, 17 families and 12 orders. Genera Aphis, Cinara and Myzus had 7, 3 and 2 species, respectively. Hoplochaitophorus quercicola (Monell, 1879) and ...

Zeshan Siraj1*, Amjad Farooq1 and Zahid Mehmood2 

... population was recorded above the economic threshold level (ETL) in all three years. Jassids infestation was non-significantly correlated with temperature, relative humidity and average rainfall in all consecutive years 2011-2013. Data revealed that jassids population had a positive non-significant correlation with minimum temperature and minimum relative humidity in 2011 and 2013. A positive association of jassids with maximum temperature was observed in 201...

Rizwan Ahmad and Muhammad Zulfiqar* 

...rceptions and adaptation about change in climate and impact of change in climate on wheat productivity in Lakki Marwat. A combination of multi-stage sampling and simple random sampling used to select five Union Councils (UCs), one village council from each UC and one village from each village council. Out of 611 households (HHs), 180 head/elders selected through random sampling process were interviewed. The secondary data, spread over 30 years from 1984 to 201...
Joyce Osarogie Odigie*
...hree study stations were above the 100 benchmark. However, the PTI values recorded at the three study stations were less than 10, correlating with WQI indicating pollution, making the water unsuitable for human consumption and aquatic life.

Muhammad Waqas, Shahid Ali*, Syed Attaullah Shah and Ghaffar Ali 

...ise appropriate policies about unirrigated land and use different methods to make it arable for wheat production. Government also needs to make large reservoirs in unirrigated areas in order to store rainfall water for irrigation of unirrigated land for higher wheat production.


 Aftab Khan1, Shahid Ali1, Murtaza1, Sufyan Ullah Khan2 and Syed Attaullah Shah1

... tractor hours, FYM and labour were 1.16, 1.02 and 0.97, respectively, suggesting that these inputs were efficiently utilized. Facilitation of maize growers with subsidized and timely availability of inputs, provision of agriculture credit with reasonable interest rate and easy instalments and field based trainings are policy options for enhancing maize productivity. 


Naveed Afsar* and Muhammad Idrees 

... the farmers perceptions about agricultural extension services in disseminating climate change knowledge in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Data was collected from the 400 farmers of the two purposively sampled districts as these two were the highly vulnerable areas from climate change. The major source of climate change information of the majority of farmers was electronic media and the overall regression analysis of the climate change perceptions reveal that climate cha...
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2,*, Hareem Mansoor1, Sana Khan1 and Mushtaq A. Saleem1
... as well as the concerns about environmental hazards and emergence of resistance against these insecticides, the current project was designed to figure out the lethal concentration (LC50) of emamectin, abamectin and spinosad alone and in various conbinations such as abamectin:emamectin (1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2 and 1:3) and abamectin:spinosad (1:1, 2:1, 3:1, 1:2 and 1:3) against two larval instars (4th and 6th) of MBDIN and Lahore po...
Salma Javed1, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Irfan Ullah2, Sadia Tabassum1,*
...of the lack of awareness about the disease, while Torghar exhibited the lowest prevalence (12.4%). The sociodemographic factors were analyzed one by one to assess their association with the disease. Smoking having OR=1.47, 95%CI=1.07-2.02 and P=0.0173 as well as a high level of stress having OR=1.27, 95%Cl=2.16-4.22 and P<0.0001were found more allied with the disease as these factors increase insulin resistance of the body cells and act as risk factors for ...

Mustasim Famous*, Obaidul Islam, Shameema Khatun, Mohammed Mustafizur Rahman and Tania Ferdoushi 

...ey have very little idea about breed and variety of turkey and prevention of diseases of turkey. But farmers have very little knowledge about turkey management procedure. There is no specific feeding standard for turkey. Farmers used to feed their turkey according to broiler and layer feeding manual. So, research needed to improve the status of turkey. 


Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi1*, Ibtasam Riaz2, Syed Muneeb Haider2, Arfan Ahmed Gilal3, Anjum Shehzad4, Ahmed Zia4 and Abdul Rauf Bhatti4

... regulation. Thus, this laboratory study was conducted to evaluate feeding potential of two coccinellid predators i.e., Menochilous sexmaculata and Coccinella septempunctata on eggs and nymphs of P. minor. Results confirmed that both species of coccinellid showed feeding potential against eggs and nymphs of P. minor. Comparatively, M. sexmaculata showed higher feeding than C. septempunctata on various immature stages of M. minor. Moreover, both the species sho...
Abdul Waheed1,2, Sidrah Saleem1, Naveed Shahzad3, Junaid Akhtar4, Muhammad Saeed5, Iqra Jameel1, Farhan Rasheed6 and Shah Jahan7,*
... method as per Clinical Laboratory Standard Institute (CLSI) guidelines 2015. Presence of “blaSHV” and “blaOXA” genes was tested by PCR technique. Every isolate was ESBL positive and resistant against third generation cephalosporin and Aztreonam. Notably, 15% of ESBL producing strains harbored blaSHV gene while 43% were positive for blaOXA gene. In a nutshell, diver...
Sajida Sabahat1, Asif Nadeem1,*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1, Shahid Nabeel1 and Abu Saeed Hashmi2
... growth, development, metabolism, lactation, and reproduction. Growth hormone interact with GHRs and influence on metabolism and growth. Changes in GHR concentration affect signalling pathways, binding capacity and alters activity of GH. Therefore, the GH and GHR genes are considered important candidate genes. DNA samples of Marecha camel were collected from the Camel Breeding and Research Station at Rakhmani Bhakar, Pakista...
Saleh S. Alhewairini
...RPW was evaluated under laboratory conditions. RPW (larvae and adult) showed high susceptibility to both acetamiprid and sulfoxaflor. In addition, both insecticides had significant effect on the mortality of RPW (larvae and adult) except the pupal stage under laboratory conditions. After direct spray application of the recommended dose, the adult mortality percentages were 66.67, 73.33 and 100% for acetamiprid and 23.33, 60 ...
Rais Ahmed1,2,*, Muhammad Khalid Mansoor1,2, Iftikhar Hussain1, Muhammad Saqib3, Muhammad Hammad Hussain4, Amjad Islam Aqib5, Haleema Sadia6, Javed Muhammad7, Asma Irshad8, Kashif Prince5, Muhammad Zain Saleem9 and Abdul Whab Manzoor10
....36-9.70) than BCS 4 and above. In conclusion, gender, body weight and body condition score of the animals are positively associated with the occurrence of the disease. These data will not only help in screening of animals but will also be instrumental in future for isolation of MAP to make vaccine against paratuberculosis using local isolates.
Yue Ren1, Peng-Fei Liu2, Wan-Long Zhu1,*,Hao Zhang1 and Jin-Hong Cai1
...s. Body mass, resting metabolic rate (RMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), food intake, serum leptin levels and hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY), agouti aelated peptide (AgRP), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) expressions were measured. The results showed that body mass and serum leptin levels were lower significantly in winter than that of in summer in five areas. But thermogenic characteristics and food int...
Muhammad Zameer Khan1, Sair Sarwar1*, Ahmad Khan1, Razaullah Khan1, Munazza Yousra1 and Muhammad Ilyas2
...ent material.
Nazish Mazhar Ali1, Asma Ashraf 2*, Iram Liaqat2, Bushra Mazhar2, Shaukat Ali2 and Saiqa Andleeb3 zone of inhibition of about 16mm in diameter while the bacterial isolate Staphylococcus sp. (BS6) showed minimum sensitivity against Propyl-diamine (SAH-16) and Ethylamine cinnamaldehyde derivative (SAHC-7) compounds with 1mm diameter of zone of inhibition under optimum growth conditions i.e., optimum pH and temperature. Antibacterial activity of leaf extract of Azadirachta indica (Neem Plant) was also checked. Methanol is used as a sta...
Muhammad Raza Khan1, Tariq Mahmood1,*, Hira Fatima1, Faraz Akrim2, Shaista Andleeb1 and Abdul Hamid1
...between 2332 m to 2926 m above mean sea level (amsl); a total of 7 dens, 30 pug marks and 33 scats of the species were recorded. A careful estimate gave a population density of 0.45 individuals/km2 in the study area. Scat analysis for diet composition showed 5 domestic and 8 wild prey species in its diet menu, with major share (53 %) from livestock and relatively less (46%) from wild prey. The grey wolf has emerged as one of the major predator in th...
Muhammad Aslam Farooqi*, Bakhtawar Irsa, Sajjad Ali, Asif Sajjad, Muhammad Waqar Hassan and Sohail Akhtar


...ion was performed under laboratory conditions (28±2°C and 65±5% R.H). Four different concentrations (i.e. 50 ppm, 100, 200 and 400 ppm) of each insecticide were evaluated against A. mellifera as derived from their recommended field doses. Mortality of A. mellifera was recorded at 0.5, 3, 6 and 24 hours after exposure to insecticides. To evaluate the toxic impact, median lethal concentration (LC50) of each teste...
Ping Jiang1 , Zhihui Zhao1, 2, Xiaohui Li2, Mengyan Wang2, Lixin Xia2, Yang Cao3, Runjun Yang2 and Xibi Fang2*
...CA1 gene and milk fat metabolism of Chinese Holstein dairy cows, we exploited transient transfection mediated-RNA interference technology to specifically knockdown expression levels of the endogenous gene ABCA1 in bovine mammary epithelial cells (BMECs) to analyse the effect on intracellular triglyceride (TG) content by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR), Western blot, cell TG Assay and RT2 Profiler PCR array. The results sh...
Himanshu Mishra, Vikas Kumar and Ashish Kumar*
...the baseline information about the population of migratory birds and the rate of habitat utilization at the Bakhira bird sanctuary. 
Shad Mahfuz1,2, Shuyuan Wang1, Mo Chen1, Fei Zao1, Dong Zhen1
Zhongjun Liu4 and Hui Song1,3*
...egg quality and serum metabolic profile during the early phase of production.A total of 105 ISA Brown 18 wk old laying hens were grouped into 5 treatments with 7 replications of 3 hens each. Dietary treatments included a basal diet as control; antibiotic (0.05% flavomycin); 2% FVW; 4% FVW; and 6% FVW for 8 wk. Data were subjected to one-way analysis of variance using SPSS software followed by Duncan’s test probability of p<0.05. During the expe...
Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Umar Mumtaz1, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan3 and Abdul Naveed4
...ctive in farming system (above the age of 60 years) was prepared with the help of Field Staff of the Extension Department of district Sargodha. Finally, 425 potential respondents were identified from which sample of 120 respondents was randomly selected. The data were collected by using interview schedule. Descriptive as well as inferential statistics were employed for interpretation of the desired results. Significant association was observed between age grou...
Zhijun Zhong1, Rui Tu1, Xichun Wang2, Yi Geng1, Qicheng Xiao1, Yinan Tian1, Bin Wei1, Jiaming Dan1, Ya Wang1 and Guangneng Peng1,*
...lla melitensis, Brucella abortus, Brucella suis, and Brucella canis. However, in China, information regarding brucellosis in pet dogs caused by B. canis is limited. In the present study, we conducted a comprehensive molecular, pathological, and immunohistochemical analysis to detect this pathogen in pet dogs. Molecular methods, combining three types of PCR assays, identified two strains isolated from two pet dogs as Brucella canis. His...
Qi Ren, Shufeng Sun, Chen Niu, Yuhong Li, Yingzhi Chong, Biao Li, Guoying Zheng and Fumin Feng*


...ypical one-phase drug metabolizing enzyme, and imbalances of its expression may cause liver tissue damage. At present, few studies on CYP1A1 methylation and anti-tuberculosis drug-induced liver injury are available. Studying the relationship between CpG island methylation in the CYP1A1 promoter region and drug-induced liver injury is, therefore, of great importance. Anti-tuberculosis drugs induced hepatotoxicity in HL-7702 cells was investigated. Dehydrogenase...
Lin Sun1, Xiaofang Bu2, Jian Wang1*, Xiaorui Liu1 and Zhanyi Kong2
...rapy of Azithromycin for about three to four weeks, the children’s condition were gradually from acute stage to recovery stage. CXCL8 and its mRNA levels in peripheral blood of the sick children were all significantly decreased comparing with those in the acute stage (P<0.05). Further analysis showed that CXCL8 and its mRNA had a significant correlation in the acute phase, and it was related to the severity of the disease and the course of the ...
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Imtiaz Sarwar1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Rehan Khalid1, Muhammad Yahya1 and Khurram Shehzad2
...ide valuable information about the prevailing status of soil quality. The present study was aimed to evaluate the population abundance and diversity of edaphic arthropod groups in different land-use types and categories in different localities of District Sargodha (Punjab, Pakistan). Moreover, the quality status of soils under these land-use types or categories was also determined by working out the soil biological quality (QBS) index. Extensive soil sampling ...
Po Bunnika, Khalid Khan and Guo Xiangyu*
...tive use of capital and labor by increasing agricultural output.
Sadreddin Tusun*
...y and maintained in the laboratory. The different parts of the third instar larvae such as antennae, head, mandibles, abdomen and types of sensory receptors are described and illustrated.
Zelle Huma1*, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1 and Farman Ali2
...rvae were reared in the laboratory. When  samples soil were collected from different regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for nematodes collection G. mellonella larvae were left in sampling jar and were collected back after 2-3 days’ post application. Dead larvae were then put on the white trap and EPNs has then collected afterward. It is concluded on the basis of results that EPNs is positively recorded in grassy land, tomato field, forest land and...

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Muhammad Afzal1, Azhar Abbas Khan2, Syed Muhammad Ali Zahid1, Muhammad Saqib1, Asad Abdullah1, Saba Kousar1 and Maryam Riaz1 

... of the world. Knowledge about how water stress modifies the ability of plants to resist against insect feeding is an interesting and important component in an integrated pest management program. In the present study, water stress was applied to field grown cotton with two Bacillus thuringiensis transgenes (CIM-602 and CIM-599) and one non-transgenic genotype (CIM-554) for the performance of H. armigera feeding The difference in leaf injury, relative consumpti...

Muhammad Shahzad Akbar*, Maria Aslam, Muhammad Rehan Khalid, Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Luqman and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed 

...ent contamination. This laboratory study evaluated the toxicity of methanolic extracts of eight flowers i.e. Mexican marigold (Tagetes lucida), African marigold (Tegates erecta), tecoma (Tecoma stans), calendula (Calendula officinalis), basil (Ocimum basilicum), oxeye daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare), lily (Lilium longiflorum) and chrysanthemum (Glebionis segetum) against the worker individuals of subterranean termite Odontotermes obesus (Isoptera: Termitidae). Bi...
Ahmad Ali1,2,* and Aleem Ahmed Khan1
...The size of sock ball is about 7-8cm in diameter having noose traps of 7-8cm in size used to install on the surface.Laggar falcon (F. jugger) and white eyed buzzard (B. teesa) also used as technique to capture superior (migratory) falcons. Animals used as lure in biological traps were pigeon (Columba livia), quail (Coturnix coturnix), sparrow (Passer domesticus), myna (Acridotheres tristis<...
Sajida Sabahat1, Asif Nadeem1,*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Ghulam Yasein2 and Ghulam Abbas1 as somatic growth, metabolism, tissue repair, lactation and reproduction. It controls differentiation and maintenance of different function in various and specific tissues. The liver is the primary source of IGF-1 and considered as candidate genes for growth because they play a significant role in development and growth regulation. IGF-1 control protein metabolism and is extremely conserved region amongst species. IGF-1 h...
Memis Ozdemir
...s been seen many studies about Prl/RsaI polymorphism found in the exon 3 or exon 4 region of bovine prolactin gene in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine whether the DNA sequence of the Prl gene exon 3 or exon 4 in cattle breeds has the RsaI polymorphic digestion site. As a result of the study, it has been seen that the Prl/RsaI specificpolymorphic site is on exon 4 in Bos taurus cattle breeds, but h...

Wajid Shah Yousafzai1, Irfan Ullah1*, Amjad Ali1, Mahmood Iqbal2 and Salman Khan1 

...led that Tractor (hrs), Labor (M-days), FYM (kg), chemical fertilizer (kg), pesticide/weedicide (ml), and irrigation numbers have positive effects on onion production in the research area. Allocative efficiency estimates showed that tractor hours, FYM, chemical fertilizer, and pesticide/weedicide are under-utilized having ratios of 22.15, 8.65, 5.49 and 34.69 respectively. Similarly, seed rate and irrigation numbers are over utilized having values of 0.14 and ...

Saad ud Din Khan1, Syed Rashid Ali1 and Sanam Wagma Khattak2*

...other variable, capital-labour ratio has a positive and significant impact on cotton production in Pakistan. 


Saifullah* and Ihsan Mabood Qazi 

...rains were milled using laboratory scale flour mill. Part of the flour of each variety was passed from mesh to remove the bran and get fine flour. Both whole and fine flour of the selected wheat varieties were subjected to qualitative study. The data disclosed that L* value was more in FWF than WWF. FWF had high Water absorption index (WAI) 9.19-9.25g/g, Swelling Index (SI) 6.6-8.7g/g, Water Solubility Index (WSI) 5.7-9.77% and gluten (20.76-34.45%) content wh...

Shahid Ali1*, Farhan1, Murtaza1, Neelum Andaleeb2 and Amjad Ali1 

...icides and weedicides), labor and tractor hours were statistically significant with the coefficients of -0.027, 0.090, 0.060, 0.223 and 0.056, respectively. The estimated results of SFP model-2 revealed that household’s education level was having negative and significant effect on technical inefficiency. Among the sampled respondents owners were technically more inefficient as compared to the tenants. Farm size was having negative and significant effect ...

Betül Ayça Dönmez, Sarbesh Das Dangol and Allah Bakhsh* 

...rain in cv. Desiree, and about 23 % from LBA4404 strain in S. chacoense M6. This study will further aid in the development of transgenic stable transgenic potatoes, especially in diploid cultivars. 


Khaled Kaboudi* 

... of 1990s, many features about epidemiology and genetic characteristics are still little known. This review summarized the epidemiological situation of H9N2 subtype in poultry in Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia. Human infection was reported in Egypt and serosurveys programs showed high positivity, particularly in poultry workers. Genetic analysis demonstrated that the most of H9N2 viruses circulating in North Africa were among the G1-lineage ...

Ankur Abrol, Madhumeet Singh, Akshay Sharma* and Pravesh Kumar 

...t can provide a snapshot about the possible prognosis of the animal diagnosed with uterine torsion. 

Fizza Anwar1, Muddassar Zafar1*, Zahid Anwar1, Raja Tahir Mehmood2
...roduced antimicrobial metabolites included Aflatrem, Monacolin K, Fusarubin and Tautomycetin. Different fermentation parameters were optimized to produce antimicrobial agents using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) and best results were obtained at 45°C temperature, 5.5 pH, 5 mL inoculum concentration, 1.5 mL banana peel as substrate and 20 days incubation time. The antimicrobial activity of secondary metabol...
Hafiza Sadaf Zahra1, Asia Iqbal2, Sayyeda Hira Hassan1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1*, Muhammad Khan1*, Muhammad Irfan3, Chaman Ara1, Shaukat Ali4
...It is reported that only about 10% BC cases are attributed due to inherited genetic mutations while remaining 90% cancer cases are associated with environmental factors. Artificial light at night (ALAN) is considered one of the major environmental risk factors for breast cancer. It inhibits production of melatonin (MLT) from pineal gland which results in abnormal epigenetic changes that relates with an increased risk of BC. The most important ALAN-mediated epi...
Rimsha Munir1, 2*


...oliferation rates and metabolic stress in 2D and 3D cell culture systems. Two cell line models (HepG2; liver cancer cell line and HCT-116; colorectal cancer cell line) were selected that showed inverse proliferation trends under 2D and 3D cell culture systems: HCT-116 displays decreased, while HepG2 displays increased proliferation rates under 3D system. The presented data indicated that the proliferative capacity of the given cell line was associated with its...
Haq Aman Ullah1,*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Ijaz2, Aqeel Javeed3, Muqadder Shah1 and Ikramul Haq1
...etermine carcinogenic metabolite aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) in milk and to investigate the effects of low doses of dietary aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on physiological biomarkers with special reference to udder health and serum parameters of lactating goats. Thirty two lactating Beetal goats of 3-4 y age, weighing 40.91±0.285, were randomly selected, and equally divided into four groups. Group A was kept as control while animals of groups B, C, and D were individually...
Chaman Ara1*, Asmatullah1, Sehrish Kanwa1, Asma Chaudhary2, Ayesha Siddiqua1
... in view the controversy about its toxicity, current study was conducted to assess the levofloxacin induced hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity and its likely noxious effects on spermatogenesis in mammals. Forty mice, randomly categorized into four groups (N=10) were administered orally with different concentrations of levofloxacin (0.00, 9.37, 18.75 and 37.50µg/g BW of mice) for 30 days consecutively. Mice were sacrificed on 31st day (24 hours aft...
Peng Chen1,2, Zuhao Huang3,Chaoying Zhu1, Yuqing Han1, Zhifeng Xu1
Guanglong Sun1, Zhen Zhang1, Dongqin Zhao4, Gang Ge1 and Luzhang Ruan1*
...f the suborders Grui was about 17.62 (29.76~4.15) Ma, and the emergence time of the suborders of the Ralli was about 32.18 (46.17~19.69) Ma. The origin time of Charadriiformes was about 45.44 (58.21~24.67) Ma. The origin time of the Charadrii was 44.52 Ma (52.66 ~ 23.55 Ma). The divergence time of Charadrii, Lari and Scolopaci was about 33.46 (43.44~22.9...

Turab Ali Kaurajo1*, Huma Rizwana1, Gulbahar Khaskheli2, Muhammad Haroon Baloch1, Muhammad Naeem Rajput1, Asad Ali Khaskheli3 and Mohsin Solangi

... between 50 to 60, 8.33% above 60 while 3.33% below 25 years. Incidence of protozoa were more common at study area. The age of puberty and breeding life were 3-5 and 12-22 years respectively in females. Duration of estrus cycle in camel varied from 16-22 days. Average hair production of 1.63, 1.62, 1.47 and 1.36 kg was noted for Kharai, Dhatti, Larri and Sakrai breeds respectively. Average daily milk production of Dhatti, Sakrai, Kharai and Larri camels were r...

Sana Munir1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi1*, Ahmad Naeem Shahzad2, Ismat Nawaz3, Muhammad Shahzad Anjam4, Sumaira Rasul4 and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar5 

...value >1, contributed about 80.326 % of total variability. Positive contribution towards PC1 was given by seed traits such as lint/seed, seed weight/seed, boll weight, seed index and seed cotton/seed. In biplot analysis, intraspecific hybrids and their parents were present very close to each other while interspecific hybrids, their parent and exotic line were unsimilar and far apart from intraspecific hybrids. Results of linkage cluster analysis (LCA) revea...

Manzoor1*, Ahmad Khan1, Amir Sohail2, Shahzad Ali1, Fawad Ali Shah3, Junaid Iqbal3, Muhammad Owais Khan4 and Sultan Nawaz4 

...ion. On the basis of the above results it is recommended that in water scare area grow maize on ridge planting method and give deficit irrigation at vegetative stage (one irrigation missing at six leaves stages) in order to increased water productivity (Efficiency). 


Aftab Shaukat1,2,*, Tauseef ur Rehman3, Rizwan Shukat4, Shahid Ali Rajput5, 

Shadab Shaukat6, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem2,5,8, Mubashar Hassan2,5, Tabassam Fatima2,5
Fayyaz Ahmad1, Muhammad Usman Saleem7, Fatima Arooj1, Ashar Mehfooz2 and Anas Sarwar Qureshi2 protein 17.5 % and metabolizable energy 2.9 Mcal/kg was offered to does for one month prior and post breeding season (15 September-30 October). Does were weighed at the start of breeding season T2 (BW=29.18±0.21kg) and T1 (BW=28.93±0.53kg), respectively. All the does were sent for grazing of jantar fodder for four hours daily and were sheltered during the rest time in different pens with separate feeding during the whole ...
Barkat Ali1,2, Wasim Sajjad1,2,3, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Rafiq1, Sahib Zada1, Aamer Ali Shah1 and Fariha Hasan1,*
...repository of certain metabolites that might be able to solve the problem of increasing resistance against antibiotics. The present study was designed to isolate endolithic and epilithic bacterial strains from the rapidly weathering rocks collected from Nathiagali, Pakistan to characterize and screen them for antimicrobial activity. The isolates were identified based on 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Antibacterial activity of the isolates was checked against ATCC...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2*,Mujahid Manzoor1, Zubair Aslamand  Samina Jam Nazeer Ahmad1, 2
...el of LC50 values among laboratory reared and field collected population against Cypermethrin. The laboratory reared resistant population, Sindh and South Punjab collected population showed high LC50 values as compared to susceptible, Baluchistan and KPK population. The expression of P450 gene through PCR showed enhanced level of P450 gene in different Instars as well as collected population. The dsRNA specific for CYP450 ge...
Fariha Latif1*, Muhammad Javed2, Hammad Ahmad Khan2 and Khalil-Ur-Rehman3
...e due to its actively metabolic nature. Pb can inhibit the functional properties of CAT by disrupting disulfide bond. Moreover, the interference of Pb in the activity of SOD was also reported during present investigation. Therefore, this study provides an insight in rational use of antioxidant enzymes as biomarkers of oxidative stress in the bio-monitoring of aquatic pollution.
Zekeriya Demir1 and Hatice Kaya2*
...ddition dietincreased by about 0.62% compared to control group. Therefore, bee pollen may be used in laying hen diets because of its psitive effects on FCR, serum cholesterol and lipid contents.



Urooba Pervaiz1*, Madeeha Iqbal1 and Dawood Jan2 position and lack of labour in adoption of these recommendations. Half of the sample respondents reported satisfaction from different extension activities/facilities like location of extension office, availability of extension personal, result and method demonstration, farm/home visit and personal meetings. Whereas, the rest were not satisfied with radio programs, television programs, exhibitions, pamphlets, and farmer day. It was concluded that production ...
Ammara Blouch1, Ata ul Mohsin2, Muhammad Naeem2 and Rashid Mahmood1*
... out in the Bio-control Laboratory, Department of Entomology at Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi to check the efficacy of commercial biopesticides under controlled environmental conditions. Bio pesticides are important alternates for chemical control of economically damaging insect pests like leaf worm, Spodoptera litura Fabricius. In this study, two commercial products including Dipel with Bt sub speciess kurstaki...

Shazia Akhtar1, Abdul Samad1*, Afshan Gohar1, Muhammad Munir Shahid2, Muhammad Ishtiaq1, Arslan Sarwer1, Adnan Khan1 and Karam Ahad1 

...spite of their awareness about pesticides effects their protective measures are very poor. The low level of awareness in the study area and the public health and environmental consequences resulting from the misuse of pesticides is alarming. Proper training is required to handle the pesticides for farmers in peach orchards of Swat, Malakand Division. There should also be monitoring of the health status of farm workers.  

Mubasher Ahmad Malik1, Samina Jam Nazeer Ahmad2, Muhammad Jalal Arif1 and Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,*
...P. xylostella under laboratory conditions. Both AZA and PxGV were applied alone and in integrated manners at LC20 and LC50 dose rates. The combination of 349.3 parts per million of AZA and 4.8×104 occlusion bodies per millimeter of PxGV, resulted in synergistic interaction after 3rd, 5th and 8th days post application while the additive effect was observed only after 1 day post-treatmen...
Honghua Wang1,2, Summia Perveen1,2, Shucheng Shao1,2, Kun Wang1,2 and Fei Yin1,2,* is transported and catabolised and growth- and death-related proteins are highly expressed, including a number of vesicle-mediated transport, cytoskeletal and extracellular secretion-related proteins. These results provide a platform to study tomont cell characteristics and provide a further understanding of cyst wall formation and mechanisms.

Muhammad Asim1*, Asghari Bano2, Sikander Khan Tanveer3 and Muhammad Umair Aslam

...ors. In this study, we elaborated the role of these factors, in rainfed agro-ecology, using data of six genotypes, grown in four sowing windows over six years. The rainfed wheat productivity is predominantly determined by environmental conditions, particularly rainfall induced moisture availability. Hence, the best match between sowing time and the environment prevailed at that time emerged as an important yield determining factor. Overall, grain yield varied ...
Sameh S. Tawfik, Ahmed A. Elkady* and Ehab T. Mohamed
...rradiation significantly abolish γ-rays-induced alleviation in renal catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (PGx) activities and reduced-glutathione (GSH) content and significantly limited the elevation in serum tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and interleukin-6 (IL-6) levels when compared to irradiated rat group. The histopathological-findings of renal tissues in the irradiated-group, showed nephrotoxicity...

Muhammad Rehan3, Asim Aslam3, Javeria Umber4, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan3, Waqar Azeem3, Hassan Aftab5, Ahsan Anjum3, Muhammad Abid6, Abdul Hameed Khan3, Hafiz Hasnain Ayoub5, Altaf Hussain2 and Muhammad Farooq Khalid1* 

...hosphorus and calcium metabolism inside body. Vitamin D is involved in homeostasis of innate and adaptive immune responses by modulating activity of monocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages and activation of T and B lymphocytes. Vitamin D modulates cytokine response and anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) production which boost innate immune response. Hypovitaminosis D is a significant risk factor for infectious and non-infectious diseases however its exact mechanis...

Farheen Shafique1, Shaukat Ali2,*, Saiqa Andleeb1, Abdul Rauf1,3, Syed Ayaz Kazmi1,3, Sadia Idrees4, Faisal Farooq1,3, Faiq Nawaz Khan3,4, Muhammad Saad-ul-Hassan1,3, Raja Awais Mumtaz1,3, Saba Khalid1, Zaheem Ashraf1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2 and Fazal-ur-Rehman5

... brought to the working laboratory for HBV and HCV screening through ICT kit method. All ICT positive samples were further confirmed through ELISA. Individuals 25(8.2%) were found positive for both hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) and Anti hepatitis C antibody (Anti-HCV antibody) after initial screening with no coinfection of both diseases. Out of 25 total infected individuals, 05(1.6%) were found HBsAg positive and 20(6.6%) were found anti-HCV positive. Al...
R. Yasmeen1*, S. Shaheen1, B.N. Khan2, S.S. Bokhari1, U. Rafi1 and A.W. Qurashi1
... important for normal metabolism of body but become very toxic when present in large amounts due to their capabilities of bio-accumulation in organisms. To see exposure of these metals in the environment, different invasive and non-invasive techniques are used. In the present study, enclosure of Axis axis commonly known as spotted dear was selected from Lahore and Bahawalpur zoo. Non-invasive technique was used to monitor heavy metal exposure and both b...

Anand Kushwaha, Amit Kumar, Aparna Madhavan, Durga Goswami, Golmei Poulinlu and Gnanavel Venkatesan* 

...ze and also to minimize labor/time. However, the genus Capripoxvirus encodes putative 147 proteins in their genome, among which some of them are reported as potential immunogenic candidate genes. Selection and use of such candidate immunogenic proteins from an array of genes located at different structures of a mature virion are the real challenge and time consuming task for researchers. Nevertheless, identification of candidate gene(s) using advanced bioinfor...

Kalpana Polisetty1* and Kiran Kumar Paidipati2 provided a clear idea about the trends of wheat production over India. The results exhibit that all the states showed the raising trends. The notable observation is that the trend of Madhya Pradesh got highest Sen’s slope estimator (i.e. 1541.999/year) in the second segmentation period. At present, the production of wheat is highly improved in Madhya Pradesh compared to other states from 2008. However, the production of wheat has been decreased in Utt...

Muhammad Ramiz Murtaza1, Tahir Mehmood2*, Aziz Ahmad2 and Uzma Arshad Mughal3 

Anwar Ali1*, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf2, Saeed Gulzar2 and Muhammad Akmal2

... variable for predicting above ground biomass of an individual tree. The equation was also evaluated and compared with the existing generic allometric equations. Results showed that the allometric equation developed in this study gave more reliable estimates of aboveground biomass. A strong relationship (r2 = 0.99) found for tree biomass as response variable and DBH with height as explanatory variables. The significance of t...
Muhammad Asif Gondal, Qazal Waheed, Sana Tariq, Waseem Haider, Aisha Khan, Qudsia Rasib and Haroon Ahmed*
...cological performance is abosolute. The freshwater malacological information is sparse within Pakistan specifically in the foothills of Margalla hills. Therefore, the present study was designed to evaluate the habitat preference of freshwater snails to environmental factors. However, only 3 species of snail were found from the 13 sites of Islamabad during the period of study. The presence of the snails like Melanoides tuberculata, Indoplanorbis exustus ...
Erum Yawar Iqbal1*, Ashfaque Ahmed Nahiyoon1, Shahnaz Dawar2 and Shahina Fayyaz1
...ential to release its metabolites with insecticidal mode of actions in the surrounding culture media. New species proficiency was evaluated in comparison with other indigenous isolates and resulted in most efficient at 30ºC after 24h and proved to have good effectiveness as biological control agent and can be easily used instead of live bacteria in future formulations.
Saara Ahmad1,*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Saida Haider3, Zehra Batool4, Laraib Liaquat3, Fatima Ahmed5, Asra Khan1, Tahira Perveen3, Mirza Jawad ul Hasnain6, Saima Khaliq7 and Saad Bilal Ahmed8
...functional organ that metabolizes all forms of diets, and food ingredients can have beneficial or detrimental effects on liver cells during such a process. As we have already studied the components of chicken feed previously, the purpose of this study was to observe the effects of chicken meat consumption on liver cells of rats. One hundred and twenty female Albino Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups and separately for standard chow rat, commerc...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2*, Rashid Mushtaq1, Samina Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2*Mubasher Ahmad Malik1, Mujahid Manzoor1, Muhammad Tahir2,  Zubair Aslam4, Sumaira Maqsood5, Ishita Ahuja3 and Atle M. Bones3
... present investigation, laboratory trials were conducted to investigate the synergistic, additive or antagonistic effect of three sub-lethal dose rates (2 x 103, 4.5 x 103, and 6 x 103 PIB/Larva) of native isolated Nucleopolyhydrovirus (NPV) from Spodoptera litura and Spinosad (0.01 ppm) against 3rd and 4th instar larvae collected from three different geographical areas of Punjab (Pakistan). A diffe...
Peng Peng1,3, Xiaopeng Tang2*, Dun Deng3, and Rejun Fang1*
...r (DM) digestibility, metabolic energy (ME) were determined. Secondly, a total of four hundred eighty 15-day-old Shuanggui-tou meat ducks were divided into 4 treatments, 1) Control group (0% GM in the diet), 2) 3% GM group (3% GM in the diet), 3) 6% GM group (6% GM in the diet), and 4) 9% GM group (9% GM in the diet). All groups had 8 replicates and 15 birds were included in each replicate. The experiment lasted for 28 days. The average daily gain (ADG), ...

Iqbal Javed1, Abdur Rehman2*, Farhana Khaliq1, Amar Razzaq3, Mudassar Yasin4, Ghulam Mustafa5, Allah Bakhsh6 and Raheel Saqib7 

...the results of the study about the impact of macroeconomic variable on basmati competitiveness, inflation has negative and significant effect on export competitiveness of Pakistani basmati. Inflation in trading partner has positive and significant effect on basmati export competitiveness of Pakistan. Exchange rate of Pakistan is negatively affecting the basmati export but exchange rate of trading countries is positively affecting the basmati export of Pakistan...

Haidar Ali1*, Malik Muhammad Shafi1, Himayatullah Khan1 and Hamra Haidar

... large number of family labors of small farmers were working on high paid jobs or employed else or self-employed and thus contributed a good amount to their family’s income. Firstly, for removing the barriers to the entry of the small farmers into the rural off-farm sector efforts should be made. It demands better educational level in rural areas. Secondly, there should expansion in agricultural wages in rural area. 

Sana Aslam1, Wayne Thomas Shier2 and Imran Sajid1*
...cterize the bioactive metabolites produced by them. A total of seventy strains of actinomycetes were isolated from lake samples, out of them only forty bioactive strains were selected for further characterization on the basis of their preliminary antimicrobial activities. The isolated actinobacterial strains showed an optimum growth at alkaline pH (9.0-9.5). The taxonomic analysis revealed that these isolates were closely affiliated with the genus Streptomy...
Muhammad Faheem Akbar1,*, Muhammad Abdul Haq2, Imtiaz Ahmad1, Vasileva Viliana3 and Amjad Sultan1
...Considering the concerns about pesticide residues in food and their environmental impacts, this study designed to find out the biological degradation of conventional and bio pesticides sprayed on cauliflower crop. Bio pesticides are environment-friendly products and highly biodegradable with low persistency and residual effects. Imidacloprid, endosulfan and profenofos were selected as convectional, while spinosad and biosal (neem compound) as bio pesticides, a...

Stanley Uchenna Onwudike* and Vivian Chizoba Edoziem 

...ied and analyzed in the laboratory. Results showed significant effect (p = 5%) on soil moisture content, soil pH, organic carbon and exchangeable bases between the bulk soil and the rhizosphere. The highest value of saloid bound P (7.77 mg/kg) was found within the bean root zone while the highest value of phosphorus bound to Al (Al - P) (13.27 mg/kg) was found in okra root zone. Highest value of occluded – phosphorus (46.07 mg/kg), Fe -Al–P (40.62 ...
Abdul Kabir¹, Amjad Hussian Mirani¹, Jam Kashif1, Shumaila Manzoor2, Abdullah Iqbal3*, Ihsan Ullah Khan4 and Muhammad Abubakar2
...pared to 51.43% of goats above 2 years. Results of antigen detections showed that the outbreaks were going in study population and confirmed positive for PPRV by IcELISA and RT-PCR (N-gene). The study revealed a comparison of PPRV occurrence in the different production system of small ruminants and on-going disease outbreaks in the target area.
Kanwal Nisa1, Sadaf Ashraf1, Masood Ahmed Siddiqui1*,Naila Taj1Habib-Ur-Rehman1, Arifa Bano1 and Naeem Rashid2
...y a fermentative type metabolism. An extremely thermostable bifunctional enzyme, which exhibits pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (POR) and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) activities, was purified to an apparent homogeneity from this archaeon. The purified enzyme exhibited optimal activities at 95oC for POR and 90oC for PDC reactions. The optimum pH for POR reaction was 8.5 and for that of PDC it was 9.5, in the absence of oxygen. The speci...
Chandragouda M. Patil, Shashikant S. Udikeri* and Shreeshail. S. Karabhantanal
...gainst 651.17 ppm for a laboratory susceptible strain. Thus 27.30 fold resistance ratio was observed (RR) for sulphur. The least resistance ratio 4.45 fold was observed for fenazaquin 10% EC and the field and laboratory susceptible populations have exhibited LC 50 values of 44.62 ppm and 9.57 ppm, respectively. Based on the resistance co-efficient propargite 57% EC, dicofol 18.5% EC and fenazaquin 10% EC have been...
Fatima Hashim Abbas1,2* and Alaa Tareq Shakir Al-Hassnawi1
...serious problems such as abortion. So the investigation of the oxidants/antioxidants status during early stages of pregnancy is urgently needed to help us solving such health issues. In this current study, One hundred and thirteen aborted women (73 known causes group, 40 unknown group) and control group (23 normal delivery women (control positive), 10 normal unmarried women (control negative) were recruited in this study. Le...
Saeed Murtaza1, Abdul Sattar1*, Nasim Ahmad1, Muhammad Ijaz2Maqsood Akhtar3 and Muhammad Shahzad4
... buffalo breeder anxious about its reproductive and productive performances. Moreover, misconceptions about its harmful effect on public health are increasing day by day during postpartum period when animal has been already in stress. To know effect of oxytocin injection on cervix, uterus and milk composition during postpartum interval in Nili-Ravi buffalo, a study was conducted at Buffalo Research Institute Pattoki, Pakista...
Babar Khan1,2 *, Nazir Javed1, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Nasir Ahmed Rajput1, Muhammad Atiq1, Abdul Jabbar1, Abdul Rehman3, Anam Moosa1 and Muhammad Amjad Ali1*
...27±2°C under laboratoryconditions. The results indicated that the larvae of G. mellonella and S. litura were better host as compared to P. gossypiella and L. orbonalis for multiplication of infective juveniles (IJs) of the S. kraussei. Four different concentrations(50, 100, 200 and 500 IJs) of tested EPN speciewere used against insect’s larvae. Reproduction rate of S. kraussei was highest at concentrat...
Ertuğrul Kul*
...), Exponential (EXP), Parabolic Exponential (PEXP) and Quadratic (QUA) models were used. The adjusted multiple coefficient of determination (R2adj) and the residual standard deviation (RSD) were evaluated as parameters to detect the best fitted lactation curve model. The results revealed that WOD model described the highest R2adj (0.98) and with the lowest RSD (0.065), besides the highest R2
Riffat Sultana1, Nuzhat Soomro1,*, Santosh Kumar2, Ahmed Ali Samejo1 and Samiullah Soomro1
...were examined under laboratory conditions. Significant differences were found in the sizes and shapes of the pods. Beside this, number of eggs in each egg pod, distribution pattern and weight, length and width of eggs in the pods were also noted. Eggs pods of Oxya species were cylindrically elongated, large, slightly bent in the middle and rounded at ends while egg pods of Oxyina bidentata are bean shaped. The weight, width and length of fres...
Godwin Ikechukwu Ngwu1*, Maria Ifeyinwa Ngwu2, Fabian Chukwuemenam Okafor1, Aruh Ottah Anaga3 and Christopher Didigwu Nwani1
... instars larvae of both laboratory-reared and field-collected Aedes aegypti were carried out. The 4th instars larvae of laboratory-reared and the field-collected A. aegypti mosquitoes were exposed to 5000mg/L, 2000 mg/L, 1000 mg/L, 500 mg/L, 100 mg/L, 50 mg/L of the extract. The solvent for the extract, dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) was used as control. The results indicate concentration dependent morta...
Meriem Msaad Guerfali1,*, Heitham Hamden1, Salma Fadhl1, Wafa Djobbi1, Lotfi Sillini1, Wafa Marzouki1 and Mohammed Ammar2
...ive precise informations about treatment management state. Surveys and sampling of the wild strain of Ceratitis capitata were conducted in several regions to learn about the nature and number of treatments. The samples were subjected to ingestion toxicity bioassays of malathion and spinosad at different concentrations. Histopatholog...
Housh Muhammad Solangi1, Javaid Ali Gadahi1*, Mansoor Tariq2, Bachal Bhutto1Zubair Ahmed Laghari1, Jamila Soomro3, Taufeeq Ahhmed Khosa1 and Abdullah G Arijo1
...s is a blood sucking abomasal nematode parasite of small ruminants producing the economic losses. The present study was conducted to explore the immunogenic properties of H. contortus crude proteins (HcCP). Protein profile of HcCP was checked by SDS PAGE and immunogenic proteins were recognized by the antisera produced by using the HcCP as antigen. Infective stage of the H. contortus (L3) was used for the challenge infection. Protein band pat...
Gulnaz Afzal1, Ghulam Mustafa2*, Shakila Mushtaq3 and Amer Jamil4
...-size: small;">Knowledge about the systematic research is problematic, because distinguishing morphological features are difficult to use in identification of organisms. This problem can be inferred based on DNA sequences of mitochondrial Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit 1 (CO1). In this study, we distinguished five species of spiders using their CO1 gene sequences and compared them with 40 earlier published sequences, retrieved from GenBank on the bases of...
Muhammad Waseem, Tariq Mahmood*, Abid Hussain, Abdul Hamid, Faraz Akrim, Shaista Andleeb and Hira Fatima
... 1500 up to 4,000 m above sea level. The species, in many areas of its range, is in conflict with humans, however, data on its population and economic losses are scanty in the country. We investigated its occurrence, population and human conflict in Mansehra District during 2016-2017. A total of 66 indirect signs of Asiatic black bear were recorded with an altitudinal variation of habitat ranging from 1511m to 2570m elevation including 17 dens and 44 scat...
Yunfang Tian, Zeqin Fu, Jiantong Feng, Yahong Guo, Yingying Ye*, Jiji Li and Baoying Guo
...s of genetic information about M. meretrix were vague. None integrated research to reveal the population genetic and structure of M. meretrix in China from north to south. In this study, we investigated the genetic variation of seven location samples distributing the China coastline from north to south by mitochondrial DNA (COI and Cytb genes). The genetic diversity of seven samples was in a high level (h = 0.879-0.949, &p...

Ihsanullah Kakr1, Sarwar Khan2, Khalid Khan3* and Sajjad Ahmed

...omiasis, mortality rate, abortion and perceptions of the respondents were recorded. The camel dies due to Trypanosomiasis in direct visible losses and invisible losses include reduced fertility, meat loss, low quality of hide, loss of draught power and traction force and change in herd. While, indirect losses include additional costs of drugs, veterinarian fee, preventive medicine and quarantine. Moreover, the present study demonstrates that the respondents

Hamza Rehman*, Nida Ahmad Khan, Asad Ali, Warda Batool and Kanwal Razzaq 

...goderma granarium under laboratory conditions. The insecticides were tested at four different concentrations (0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2ppm). Mortality of insects was documented after 24, 48 and 72 hours. Abbot’s formula was used to determine the corrected mortality. At 2ppm concentration thiamethoxam and imidacloprid provided 87.57% and 78.59% mean mortality of khapra larvae on treated filter paper after 72 hours respectively. On treated wheat, thiamethoxam pro...

Muhammad Ramzan, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mahreen Hanif, Muhammad Nadeem, Mirza Abdul Qayyum, Muhammad Javaid 

...y was carried out under laboratory conditions to elicit information about every stage like egg, larva, pupa and adult of Plutella xylostella on natural diet. The study revealed that incubation period of eggs varies from 3.2-4.3 hours. There are four larval instars of Plutella xylostella. The first, second, third and fourth instar larva survived for 3-5,3,1-4 and 2-3 days respectively while pupal and prepupal period lasted fo...

Arjumand Nizami1, Muhammad Zulfiqar2*, Jawad Ali1, Naushad Khan2 and Imran Sheikh

... water was available but about 80% at head, 50% at middle and 20% at tail. Thus remaining irrigation water requirement i.e. about 20% at head, 50% at middle and 80% at tail was met through tube well operation. The result from before and after AWD technology and laser land leveling technology adaption shows that 24.24% tube well operation time was reduced at the head, 19.4% reduced at middle and 24.4% reduced at tail. The red...

Shilong Chen1,2, Shifeng Xiao1,2, Shao Wang1,2, Fengqiang Lin1,2, Xiaoxia Cheng1,2, Xiaoli Zhu1,2, Dandan Jiang1,2, Shaoying Chen1,2* and Fusong Yu3* 

...ogy, clinical symptoms, laboratory diagnosis, genomic organization and pathogenesis. However, the pathogenesis mechanisms of cross-species transmission, retardation and beak atrophy are still needed to be elucidated. 

Celalettin Gözüaçik1,*, Mustafa Güllü2, Ayda Konuksal3, Reşat Değirmenci3 and Ercan Akerzurumlu3
...overed with nets in the laboratory at 25±1◦C and 65±5% r.h. Following pupation, adult moths and parasitoids were obtained and percentage of parasitized larvae was determined. At the end of the study, Bracon (Habrobracon) stabilis (Wesmael) (Braconidae) and Agathis gracilenta Tobias (Braconidae) species from Hymenoptera order were obtained. Bracon stabilis (93.4%) was determined as widespread and in higher leve...

Aftab Khan1, Shahid Ali1*, Asim Khan1, Muhammad Waqas1 and Sufyan Ullah Khan2 

...led that tractor hours, labor and FYM positively and significantly affected yield of maize. Average technical efficiency was predicted to be 0.68 ranging from 0.31 to 0.91; implies that an average maize farm can increase yield by 33 percent with existing technology. Technical inefficiency effect model identified that education and farming experience has negative and significant effect on farmers’ inefficiency. It is recommended that maize farmers need to...

Muhammad Farhan1, Ghulam Murtaza1, Muhammad Ramzan2, Muhammad Waqar Sabir3, Muhammad Arsalan Rafique2, Saif Ullah

...investigated in ambient laboratory conditions at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. Chrysoperla carnea was found very active and consumed all stages of aphid. The predation rate of Chrysoperla carnea was increased with increase in larval instars (1st to 3rd). Third instar of Chrysoperla carnea was very voracious feeder and fed large number of aphid instars nymphs (1st, 2nd and 3rd). The larval predatory potential was 413.9±0.07 aphid per larvae. The...

Pushpa1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Shahla Karim Baloch2, Mehmooda Buriro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Muhammad Tahir Khan3, Qamar Uddin Jogi1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1 and Farheen Deeba Soomro1 

... was investigated under laboratory conditions. The powder of weed plants produced significantly (p<0.05) harmful outcomes on all growth parameters of wheat varieties as compared to the control treatment. The maximum seed germination (82.16a %), shoot length (27.70 cm), root length (14.90 cm), shoot fresh weight (2.19 g), root fresh weight (1.16 g), shoot dry weight (0.54 g), root dry weight (0.27 g), and seed vigor index (3483.5) were recorded in variety Am...

Muhammad1*, Muhammad Suleman Bacha2 and Syed Akhtar Ali Shah1 

...nts (81%) were concerned about the unsafe disposal of solid waste and are willing to pay for organic fertilizer alternative to chemical fertilizer for urban agriculture. We also found that socio-economic variables namely education, monthly expenses, and agriculture farm size positively affect farmers’ WTP for organic fertilizer. Conversely, households’ size and land tenure of the farmer has a negative influence on farmers’ WTP. An Integrated ...
Mohammad Ejaz1, Salma Javed2, Muhammad Hamza1, Sadia Tabassum2, Muhammad Abubakar3, Irfan Ullah4*
...olecules or secondary metabolites secreted by fungal endophytes as novel sources of anticancer drugs. The main purpose of this review is to organize the effective compound of the fungal endophytes for cancer treatments. 

Nadia Mangrio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Nihaluddin Mari3 and Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2 when plant height was about 75 cm. Application of Zn was done in the shape of Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) whereas, Boron in the shape of Borax (Na2B4O7. 10H2O). The statistical analysis of pooled data of two years experiments indicated that growth, yield, quality and plant nutrients contents of sugarcane were affected appreciably (P<0.05) by Zn and B as judged to check plots. Zn at 15 kg ha-1 (soil applied) resulted in enhanced traits particularly cane yield (...
Maria Khalid1, Tanveer Hussain1*, Zahid Farooq2, Kamran Abbas1 and Masroor Ellahi Babar1  
...eful genomic information about genetic diversity in A. chukar and its phylogenetic relationships with related taxa, emphasizing on need of execution of conservation strategies to protect this unique genetic resource of Pakistan.
Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1
...d District Head Quarter Laboratory who were recommended for diagnosis of malaria. About 1050 patients were examined and malaria was detected through microscopy of thick and thin blood smears and rapid diagnostic test of which 118 (11.24%) were found to be infected with malaria parasite. Data was also collected sfrom other labs of District Swat which accumulated to a total of 9255 patients, among which 932 (10.07%) patients were found positive for malaria paras...
Samia Afzal*,Sadia Zahid, Iram Amin, Muhammad Shahid and Muhammad Idrees
...ually the recent reports about the occurrence of Chikungunya outbreak in the southern region of Pakistan has been highly controversial. In order to further confirm the circulation of the virus and put an end to the speculative claims for the corresponding outbreak in Pakistan, a study was conducted at the Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology in Lahore. The study included 500 suspected serum samples. All clinical specimens were tested for IgM and IgG speci...
Hifzulrahman1, Muhammad Abdullah1*, Muhammad Uzair Akhtar2, Jalees Ahmed Bhatti3, Muhammad Saadullah1 and Muhammad Naveed-ul-Haque2
...ion, milk fat, plasma metabolites, and reproductive parameters in early-lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes. Sixteen early-lactating Nili Ravi buffaloes received 2 treatments in a completely randomized design with a period length of 120-d. The treatments were 1) Ctrl = basal diet without supplementation of fat, 2) Ca-FA = basal diet with calcium salts of palm fatty acids supplementation. The Ca-FA treatment increased the 3.5% fat-corrected milk yield by 11.0% compar...
Wen Qin1,2, YanGan Huang1, Lei Wang1, Gonghua Lin1, Jundong Yang1,2, Pengfei Song1,2, Hongmei Gao1,2, Jingjie Zhang1,2 and Tongzuo Zhang1,3,*
...ct host digestion and metabolism in ways that help the host adapt to different forage conditions. Understanding the relationship between seasonal variations in the gut microbiota and host adaptability is a good basis for the protection of the goitered gazelle. Here, we present our findings on the diversity of the gut microbiota in fecal samples from wild goitered gazelle from Qiadam Basin, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, which are the first such data to be reported. A ...
Renlong Lv1*, Ken-Ichi Horiguchi2, Shin-Ichi Tagawa3, Shoichi Ichihara4 and Norio Yoshida
...ent II. According to the above results, there was no obvious difference of blood characteristics between two treatments in experiment I and II, and no difference of Ruminal pH and total volatile fatty acids concentration between two experimental diets, and the palatability of jatropha meal showed to be bad. However, the blood parameter and rumen fermentation did not show any abnormal value after using jatropha meal of 5% and 10% of concentrate in sheep....

Peer Sikandar Shah1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan*1,2, Saddam Hussain1 and Jawad Ali Jan1

...courage carbohydrates metabolism, enzymes establishment and osmotic regulation This experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Institute Tarnab, Peshawar during spring season (March-june) 2016. Randomized Complete Block Design was used with split plot arrangement having three replications. The sponge gourd Luffa acutangula cultivars (Jaipuri and Dharidhar) were allotted to the main plot while organic and inorganic regimes (i.e. Control, NPK (Nitrogen, P...

Amjad Ali1*, Lal Almas2, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Hina Fatima3 and Asim Khan1  

...cane can be increased by about 28% in order to reach the efficient fellow growers of sugarcane crop. Around 48.49% of the selected growers were below the mean technical efficiency level. Results from efficiency analysis show that age and off-farm income are quite influential socio-economic factors that affect technical efficiency of sugarcane growers in the study area. On inputs side farm size, labor, seed rate, tractor hour...
Saeed Fatima1, Khalid Javed Iqbal1, Usman Atique2,3*, Arshad Javid4, Noor Khan2, Sonia Iqbal2, Hamid Majeed5, Hamda Azmat2, Bakhat Yawar Ali Khan6, Irfan7, Muhammad Tausif Shahid1, Gulnaz Afzal1
.... In acquiescence to the above-given outcomes, the metal concentration hierarchical arrangement in sediment and water was identical to the witnessed in fish species (Cd > As > Hg). In conclusion, this study established that selected metals level in HP water and sediments displayed levels higher than the permissible limits. However, As and Hg remained lower than the international guidelines for sediments. Cd showing the higher levels in edible tissues may...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Mudasser Nazir2, Aneela Hameed3, Nasir Ali Tauqir4, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Rana Muhammad Bilal5
...intenance and mammary metabolism along with its proven physiological role in the milk ejection reflex. OT effects are not manifested through effects on cell remodeling. Observed effects of OT administration on reproductive anomalies are anestrous, the development of corpus-luteum cysts, follicular ovarian cysts, delayed age at puberty, repeated estrous cycles, dystocia, abortions, dead fetuses and retention of the fetal memb...

Umar Hayat1, Khalid Khan2, Saima Liaqat3 and Guo Xiangyu4* 

...he rice crop (wetland), labor, capital, availability of input, and rice prices are the key components that leave a positive and noteworthy impact on rice production in the District. Nevertheless, physical capital, experience, and age of the farmers have an adverse effect on rice production. Conclusively, it is proposed that the government should introduce precise programs for the upgradation of water systems, farmers’ training, input, and credit accessib...

Mubashir Mehdi1*, Muhammad Bilal Ahsan1, Burhan Ahmad1, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai2, Gulnaaz Hameed3 and Muhammad Asif4 

...r the income of on-farm laborers. In ceteris paribus conditions, coefficient of education indicates that there is a positive relationship among education of labor and Income. Credit facility at farm level was also incorporated as dummy variable under economic context of decent work to assess its regressing level with income and was reported as significant. The study concludes that social upgrading of workers has implications...
Min Lv1, Hui Gan2, Zhide Ruan1, Huizan Yang1, Rui Wang1, Laiba Shafique3, Huma Naz4 and Huawei Ma1,
...ed oxygen concentrations above 5.2 ± 0.3 mg/l, and pH 6.5–8.1. Water flow in the ponds was poor. The amount of feed increased from 0.81 ± 0.35 to 13.42 ± 1.89 g/fish-day throughout the experiment. Samples were collected between mid-March and October 2016, and we monitored the Cd, Cr, and Hg concentrations in gills, large intestines, small intestines, intestine

Muhammad Usman Saleem, Nadeem Iqbal, Shawaiz Iqbal*, Usama Bin Khalid, Adila Iram, Muhammad Akhter, Tahir Latif and Tahir Hussain Awan 

...umped groundwater, high labor costs, and drudgery in manually transplanted rice (TPR) have motivated researchers to develop alternated technology such as direct seeded rice (DSR). About 30% of total water used in rice cultivation is consumed for puddling of soil (land preparation) and transplanting operations. Physical properties of soils are deteriorating due to continued puddling over the decades, resulting in structural breakdown leads to a compacted layer ...
Bin Huo1 and Xiaoyun Shen1,2,3*
...ed Tibetan gazelles were about half of those in healthy animals. Oral supplementation of disodium hydrogen phosphate in affected Tibetan gazelles successfully treated the illness. This study demonstrated that the ailment of the Tibetan gazelle was mainly caused by the phosphorus deficiency in forage.

Ghulam Akbar1*, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1 and Shahneela Nusrat

...of death along the world about 30% of all deaths occur due to cardiovascular diseases. Among fibrinolytic enzymes streptokinase (SK) is commonly used in the world to cure heart diseases because its low cost and efficacy. It’s a microbial origin enzyme produced especially by Streptococcus bacterial spp. Therefore, it is antigenic in nature due to microbial source which restricts its use. However, it is necessary to truncate antigenic regions present in th...

Faisal Hafeez, Asad Aslam*, Ayesha Iftikhar, Afifa Naeem, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar and Muhammad Jawad Saleem 

...he jassid population was above ETL level. The most effective insecticide found was Nitenpyram, having minimum population per leaf (0.35, 0.23 and 0.31 in 2018 and 0.53, 0.33 and 0.42 in 2019 after 1, 3 and 7 days of spray), followed by Chlorfenpyr both years. However, Acephate was ineffective to control jassid population. Moreover, the order of percentage population change/reduction is as under: Chlorfenpyr Thaimethoxam>Thiacloprid>Acephate. In addition ...
Hui-Ying Chen1,2*, Ping-Chuan Yin1,2, Ya-Nan Lu1,2, Hai-Yun Li1,2*and Yang Shan3
...nvolved in pyrimidine metabolism, glyoxylic acid metabolism and dicarboxylic acid metabolism. Downregulated genes were primarily implicated in secondary metabolite biosynthesis, carbon metabolism and antibiotic effects. The results revealed that the substance exhibited abundant biosynthesis and glycolysis/gluconeogenes...
Shaista Abbas1,Imtiaz Rabbani1, Hafsa Zaneb2, M. Shahbaz Yousaf1, Saima Ashraf2, Abid Hussain Shahzad3, M. Afzal Rashid4 and Habib Rehman1,*
...t is characterized by metabolic stress, reduced feed intake, intense mobilization of energy reserves, increased nutritional requirements and changes in dams’ metabolism. Yeast Supplementation has been found to increase the production performance and nutrient digestibility in ruminants. However, when compared with large ruminants there is scarcity of the data reporting the effects of dietary yeast in transition goats. T...
Fermín López-Uriostegui1, Jesus T. Ponce-Palafox2*, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso1, María R. Castañeda-Chávez1, Itzel Galaviz-Villa1, Sergio Castillo-Vargasmachuca2 and Arturo Ruiz Luna3
...tudied under controlled laboratory conditions. Sub-adult’s prawns (10.29 ± 0.27 g) were reared in these conditions for 72 days. Each experimental group contained 25 prawns in an approximately 100-L water capacity tank. The experimental design was factorial with three repetitions per treatment. Prawns were fed (commercial shrimp feed with 35% protein, 12% lipid) daily at a ratio of 10% body weight, twice a day (10:00 and 18:00 h). The optimal growt...
Sohail Ahmed1,*, Muhammad Waseem Saleem1, Abid Ali1, Muhammad Shahid Nisar2, Rashad Rasool Khan1 and Abdul Rashid3
...rate application of each above and a control where none was applied except water only. Results showed significant difference amongst treatments (p <0.05). Application of spinosad alone and in combination with other control methods proved to be the most effective treatment. Releases of bio-agents viz., C. septempunctata and C. carnea resulted in 4.72 and 4.51 thrips leaf-1, respectively, and also did not differ signific...

Bala Gambo Jahun1,2*, Muhammad Yamin2,3, Desa Bin Ahmad2, Muhammad Razif Mahdi2, Shamsuddin Suleiman4 and Salihu Ahmad Abdulkadir5 

...n. The results show that about 79 % of the mulching depth variance is explained by blade lifting angles, tractor’s forward speed and tractor’s PTO speed. Blade lifting angle of 120° at tractor’s PTO speed of 1000 RPM and tractor’s forward speed of 5 km/h offered the most suitable mulching depth of 14.10 cm. Tractor’s PTO speed was a major predictor of mulching depth in an oil palm plantation. Thus prescribed blade lifting angl...

Anila Latif, Zaheer Abbas, Farhatullah and Ghulam Muhammad Ali* 

...on concludes that the metabolic engineering of berberine in plants is an effective strategy to protect plants from herbivorous insects and this pathway should further be evaluated for possible application in agriculture. 


Ahmad Kiani1*, Shapour Zarifian1, Hosein Kouhestani1 and Hosein Karimzadeh

...vince by the end of 2013 about 135 units of Agricultural industries were active but there is still the gap between urban regions and rural regions and many immigrants from rural regions to urban regions have been recorded. So, this research tries to prioritize the criteria of establishment and development of agricultural industries in the rural areas in Tehran Province. The result shows the items which refer to market and financial issue have greater weight, S...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

...t BM. Performance of the above-mentioned parameters were significantly higher during subsequent year of study. It is concluded that seed bio-priming and NS6+BM should be used for better performance of wheat. 


Arshad Farooq1*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan2, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Ishaq3 and Asif Nawaz

... and special information about sugarcane recommended management practices in the research area. 


Muhammad Salim1*, Ayhan Gökçe1, Muhammad Nadir Naqqash1 and Orkun Ersoy granarius (L.) under laboratory conditions (25±1°C, 60±5% RH). Diatomaceous earth was applied to wheat grain at the rates of 100, 250, 300, 500, 750, 1000, 1500 and 2000 mg/Kg. Adult mortalities were assessed after 7, 14 and 21 days. Mortality rates rose with increases in dosage and length of exposure. Significantly higher mortality (89.75±3.66%) after one week occurred in grains treated with the highest concentration (2000 mg/Kg). ...

Jaffar Hussain1*, Syed Farman Ali Shah1, M. Zeenat Ali1 and Javad Ahmad Shah

...e countries in world and about 80% population depend upon agriculture. Soil is an important medium on which crops grow and obtain nutrients for their growth and improvement. For determination of macro-micronutrients and some physico-chemical properties of soil, samples were collected from different area of Jamshoro (Soman, Murad, Abadnear Kotrai Jamshoro). These nutrients are so important for crops yield and human being. The results explain that soil have low ...

Shah Nawaz Khuhro1*, Irshad Ali Junejo1, Muhammad Haroon Hullio1, Sultan Ahmed Maitlo2, Javeed Shabir Daar3 and Shahjahan Rajput

...sted by any unqualified labor. 


Shah Nawaz Khuhro1*, Irshad Ali Junejo1, Muhammad Haroon Hullio1, Mohammad Farooque Hassan2, Sultan Ahmed Maitlo3 and Mukhtiar Ahmed Shaikh

...r background information about the growers’ status on pesticide application. The results show that the majority of the growers did not get any kind of trainings on sustainable use of pesticides. Results indicated that, 46.96% vegetable growers belong to middle age groups between 29-38 years. Most of them 40.90% possess low literacy up to primary and 27.27% farmers were middle pass. Most growers performed cultural practices, majority of farmers were unabl...

Ayesha Zafar1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Sarfraz2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sher Muhammad3 and Ghulam Murtaza

...x were recorded. All the above parameters were enhanced by increasing fertilizer rate and maximum values were achieved where fertilize was applied at the rate of 210-210-112.5 kg ha-1 (150 % of recommended dose i.e., T5). Grain yield increased more prominently when compared with straw yield where fertilizer was applied @ 210-201-112.5 kg/ha. 

Muhammad Mohibullah1*, Mehran1, Sundas Batool1, Muhammad Amin1, Zakiullah1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Irfanullah1, Abdur Rehman1 and Sardar Ali3
...ectively. Therefore, the above promising accessions have greater genetic variability and sufficient information in further breeding programs to introduce ideotype chickpea genotypes.

Wajiha Anum1*, Liaquat Ali1, Umair Riaz2*, Abid Ali1, Nadia Manzoor3, Laal Hussain Akhter4, Asad Ur Rahman5, Naeem Maan6 and Ijaz Ahmad

..., and continuation of metabolic function in plants. However, it is not readily available to the crop because of its immobile nature. In order to ensure its efficient uptake by crop, an experiment was conducted to appraise the effect of various P placement methods and fertilizer rates on wheat. The fertilizer treatments were F1=150-00-60 NPK kilogram/hectare, F2=150-30-60 NPK kilogram/hectare, F3=150-60-60 NPK kilogram/hectare, F4=150-90-60 NPK kilogram/hectare...
Saira Saleemi1*, Zafar Iqbal1, Abdul Nasir Khalid2
..., Corn meal agar (CMA), Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) and Potato dextrose agar (PDA). The inoculated culture plates were incubated for 5-8 days at 28-32 oC. The fungal growth in the form of colonies of different shapes and colour appeared in agar plates. Four Aspergillus spp.; Aspergillus terreus (8.40%), A. flavus (17.06%), A. fumigatus (24.02%) and A. niger (50.52%) were isolated from fish. Aspergillus niger
Hina Nazli, Abida Butt*
.../i> Thorell, 1887 under laboratory conditions. The field rate of both insecticides caused approximately 50% mortality in the population of O. javanus. Toxicity data showed that these insecticides are slightly harmful ( caused < 80% mortality) towards studied spider. Insecticide residues of different ages were used to evaluate the residual toxicity of both insecticides. Mortality in exposed spiders decreased with the increased age of the residu...
Fehmina Ashraf1*, Muhammad Irfan2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1
...ed the updated knowledge about bacterial laccases.

Zubair Aslam and Ali Ahmad* 

...tly increased all of the above said parameters of maize as compared to control but foliar application of 6% vermi-tea treatment showed maximum morphological and physiological performance of maize. 

Muhammad Usman Asif1*, Sadam Hussain Soomro2, Raza Muhammad1, Sikandar Ali Soomro2
...erpa armigera under laboratory conditions at their low, recommended and high doses by leaf dip method. The results concluded that significantly high toxicity was shown after treatment with Neomed 3 SC which caused 100 % to the insect at its recommended (200 ml) and high dose (400 ml) after 24 hours of application followed by Voliam Flexi 300 SC causing 66.66 % and 75% mortality on its recommended (80 ml) and high dose (160 ml), respectively. After 72 hours...

Muhammad Raheel Faiz1, Ijaz Ashraf1, Haq Nawaz2, Muhammad Zubair3*, Muhammad Sajid Mahmood4, Sajid Hussain5 and Abdul Qadeer2 

...roduction of Pakistan is about 10 million tons which adds almost $170 million in national economy. Unluckily, this production is far below than its required amount due to production, protection and marketing problems which are faced by the vegetable growers. Therefore, the present study was designed to identify and prioritize the production, protection and marketing problems faced by the vegetable growers for suggesting possible solutions. Faisalabad Sadar Teh...
Imad Hassan1, Bilal-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Amir2, Faheem Ali2*, Salman Ilahi2 and Amjad Ali3 
...ple solution can achieve above 90% efficiency. The average particulate collection efficiency of our proposed ESP reached its peak stable value of 99.1% when tested with applied voltage of 25kV at an air velocity of 0.5 m/s. Moreover, it was observed and shown in this paper that when the voltage was increased beyond 25kV, the efficiency of the design lost its stability due to back corona effect. The filtration system proposed in this paper shows the ability of ...

 Salman Khan, Irfan Ullah*, Shahid Ali and Murtaza

...and rent (Rs.15890) and labors having an estimated cost of Rs. 14965 respectively. The analysis showed that on average per acre yield of potato was recorded as 4,953.35 kg with net revenue of Rs. 28,261.89. The results of the Cobb-Douglas type production function revealed that the coefficients of seed, labor, tractor, urea and chemicals were positive and statistically significant having elasticities of 0.211, 0.110, 0.103, 0...

Abdul Raqeeb1,3, Syed Moazzam Nizami2,4*, Aamir Saleem3, Lubna Ansari3, Saeed Gulzar3, Basit Ali3, Masooma Saleem5 the tree allometrics, above and below ground biomass and carbon sequestration databases to support the verification and development of greenhouse gas inventories under land use, land use change forestry (LULUCF). In this regard, empirical data of particular species for a specific forest ecosystem is of utmost importance. In the present study volume and biomass allometric of naturally growing Cedrus deodara tree in dry temperate regions of Himalaya has been ...

S. Ahmed† , L. Yue, Q. Liu and H. Jian

Evaluation of media for mass production and fermentation of Pseudomonas spp. for integrated management of cereal cyst nematode (Heterodera avenae)
... to rest of secondary metabolites produced in different media and control treatments. All tested strains of Pseudomonas spp. showed stability on pH ranges from acidic pH5 to neutral pH7 and towards basic pH8 against the second stage juvenile (J2) mortality assay. 


 M. M. A Youssef and W. M. A. El-Nagdi †

Effect of some temperature changes on the population density of some plant parasitic nematode species
... exposed to temperatures above 40°C (Santmayer,1955). Hence, during the study, the effect of temperature changes during a year representing the all four seasons (autumn, spring, summer and winter) on the numerical fluctuations in the population density of some parasitic nematodes on plants viz., date palm and olive in both soil and roots was investigated. These nematodes were negatively correlated with the prevailing average soil temperature during four se...

Muhammad Farooq1, Shahid Bashir1*, Irshad Ullah1, Muhammad Nadeem1 

...n of proposed antenna is above 5 dBi. This antenna can be used in emerging reconfigurable
wireless communication systems.


Kifayat Ullah*1, Tahir Mahmood2, Naeem Jan3, Zeeshan Ali4 

... fuzzy environment and elaborated with
a numerical example. The results obtained are analyzed and their advantages over existing structures are studied.


Mujahid Khan1*, Mohammad Tufail2, Muhammad Fahad1, Hazi Muhammad Azmathullah3, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam1, Fayaz Ahmad Khan4, Asif Khan5 

...n the physical modeling laboratory of River Engineering and drainage control, USM, Malaysia.
The study shows that the pier scour depth and affected area around pier increase with the increase in pier size.
The study further demonstrates that the square pier models results in greater scour depth and area as compared to
circular pier models. Magnitudes of scour depths and area with reference to variation in shapes and sizes of piers

Daulat Khan1*, Khizar Azam2, Noor Muhammad Khan1, Muhammad Israr1, Naeem Ejaz3 

...s. In
this study Laboratory investigations on 5 composite samples were carried out. Total of 19 parameters were analyzed
including Total Dissolve Solid (TDS), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Bio-Chemical Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical
Oxygen demand (COD), Sulfide, Fluoride, Lead, Nickel, Boron, Copper, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Chlorine Total and
Chromium hexavalent with average value of 502.6, 665.6, 267.4, 453.8, 3.1,5.3 0.6, 0.4, 1.4, ...

Shafiullah1*, Mohammad Nafees2 

...sicochemical quality was above the permissible
limits. A series of coagulation/flocculation treatments were given by applying different doses of ferric chloride in
combination of calcium hydroxide. Effective removals of pollutants were obtained by using ferric chloride and calcium
hydroxide in ratio of 2:0.5 mL for settling time of 13 minutes. As treatment results, not only removed suspended
solids (86%) but a tremendous decrease wa...

 M. Ihsan Ul Haq1, Ahmad Hussain2*, Farzana Yasmeen3, Shafiq R. Qureshi4


Ghani Akbar1, Muhammad Munir Ahmad1, Abdul Ghafoor1, Matiullah Khan1, Zafar Islam1 

...structure, machinery or labour. 


Nazish Huma Khan1, Mohammad Nafees1, Adila Bashir1, Farooq Ahmad1 

... Cr and Pd were observed above Pak-NEQS for
industrial discharges with average range of 1-3, 2.1-3.2 and 1.01-2.3mg/L respectively. The effluents were recycled
in sundry plants for manufacturing paper board/gatta. Analysis of recycled water reduced the levels of analyzed
parameters upto low limits as pH(7.1-7.4), EC(336-345uS/cm), Alkalinity(425-580mg/L), Turbidity(140-154NTU),
TDS(570-600mg/L), TSS(300-332mg/L), COD(210-200.3mg/L),...

Faisal Shabbir*, Naeem Ejaz*, Daulat Khan**, Naveed Ahmad*, Jawad Hussain*, Muhammad Fiaz Tahir* 

contains about 12% cement. The world’s annual production of cement is 1.6 billion tons which accounts for about
7% emission of carbon dioxide gas in atmosphere. Concrete industry is consuming large amount of natural resources
(gravel, sand, fine rock, water etc). In order to address such environmental issues related to cement manufacturing
there is dire need of replacing cement with...

Sahib Khan*, Abdur Rehman*, Nasir Ahmad**, Muhammad Naeem*** 



Muhammad Asad Ali, Mirza Jahanzaib, Muhammad Ahsan Ul Haq 

ANALYZING THE EFFECT OF SQUEEZE CASTING PROCESS PARAMETERS ON MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF OVERCAST AL-ALLOY JOINT USING RSM analyze the effect of above mentioned input parameters on UTS and YS. Empirical models for UTS and YS were developed which help the practitioners to achieve desired UTS and YS by using optimum vales of input parameters. ANOVA results shows that melt temperature has most significant effect on UTS and YS followed by squeeze pressure and pressure duration. Current study will provide efficacious approach to develop advance functional and structural materials.&n...

Mujahid Badshah, Saeed Badshah, Sakhi Jan 

...tional Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) tool HARP_Opt was used to design a horizontal axis tidal current turbine (HATCT). The numerical method was validated with the experimental data and a good agreement was achieved. The designed turbine has a 3 bladed rotor of 4 meters diameter and rated mechanical power of 20 kW. Performance metrics of the rotor for steady and uniform flow was simulated at flow speeds from 0.5-3.5 m/s. The turbine achieved its rated powe...

Sajjad Hussain, Nisar Mohammad, Zahid Ur Rehman, Noor Mohammad, Ishaq Ahmad, Naseer Muhammad Khan, Salim Raza 

..., Khyber Pakhtunkhwa on laboratory scale testing. The research work was carried out into two parts. In first part the cyanidation parameters like grinding time, dosage of pH, cyanidation time, dosage of sodium cyanide (NaCN) and dosage of lime Ca (OH)2 were optimized. The samples were subjected to differential grinding time varying from 20 to 35 minutes, pH of slurry adjusted from 9 to 11 by adding Ca (OH)2 from 0.5 to 1.5 gm/kg , dosage of NaCN varies from ...

Asif Nawaz1*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan1, Rehmat Ullah1, Arshad Farooq2 and Abdul Hassan2

Assessment of Weed Management Competency of Field Assistants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...types of weeds and aware about indirect weeds control methods. Moreover, it was found that Field Assistants required highest training needs in familiarity with biological weed control followed by critical threshold level of weeds and critical period of weed competition. Findings of Rank Based Quotient revealed that lack of promotion, training opportunities and incentives or motivation were the top most constraints that respondents faced in building the require...

Shaista Naz1*, Noor P. Khan1, Himayatullah Khan1 and Azra2 

Does Women’s Participation in Livestock Management Enhance their Empowerment? An Insight from the Tribal Belt of Pakistan the high DMI value of above 0.80. Moderate level of women empowerment was observed in the activities of animals’ purchase (0.57), animals’ sale (0.59), and livestock income utilization (0.63) due to their low level of mobility and technical know-how. Almost all the household activities were directly related to the power of men due to the DMI value of below 0.50. The average DMI was 0.98 for livestock management activities as compared to 0.42 for...

Hina Fatima1*, Sania Shaheen2, Lal Khan Almas3 and Sehrish Haroon4

Profit Efficiency among Transplanting and Direct Seeded Rice Producers (Case Study of Certain Rice Growing Areas of Province Punjab, Pakistan)
...ta is collected from the above mentioned areas through random sampling. Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) serves as a tool of obtaining reliable estimations of profit efficiency of rice production. Findings from SFA reveal profit efficiency of rice farmers for TRP to be 57% and 83% for DRS farmers. The results further Bring to light the loss of 43% profit of TRP and 17% profit loss of DRS due to unsuitable combinations of inputs. Direct seeded rice farmers di...

Muhammad Naveed Anjum1, Abdur Rehman1*, Muhammad Niamatullah Khan1, Raheel Saqib2, Mohammad Fayaz3 and Iqbal Javed4

Impact of Microfinance on Socioeconomic Status of Farmers in District Dera Ismail Khan
...est rate, no information about microfinance institutions, the complicated loans procedures, not believing on microfinance, small loan amount and not availability of loan at proper time. The farmers contacted the local agricultural credit officers, with governmental and non-governmental organizations and with different friends and relatives. The overall study concluded that the socioeconomic status of the farmers had been improved due to microcredit facility fr...

Wisal Shah*, Muhammad Nafees**, Muhammad Iqbal***

... Cement was made in the laboratory according to standard formulation. Commercial brand available
in the market was used as control for product comparison. Physical and chemical properties of both cements and
mechanical properties of their concrete specimens were tested according to American Society for Testing Materials
(ASTM) standards. The test r...

 Farid Ullah Khan*, Atal Khattak*

... of the developed PMC is about 70 mW.

 Muhammad Nafees*, Asim Nawab*, Wisal Shah**

...of the study was to know about the
pollution removal efficiency and suggest changes in the existent treatment plant, if required. For this purpose, samples
were taken from the effluent, before and after it went through the treatment plant. It was found that the treatment
was not sufficient to remove various physical and chemical parameters including Suspended solids (SS), Biological
Oxygen Demand (BOD), Chemical ...

Atta Ur Rehman, Laiq Hassan, Nasir Ahmad, Kashif Ahmad, Shakirullah

...e-dimensional (1-D) Log-Gabor Filter are used respectively. Finally for classification/matching of iris
patterns, Hamming Distance and Support Vector Machine (SVM) are applied. The evaluation results on CASIA V.1
dataset show that Hamming distance algorithm is more suitable for the classification (with average accuracy of
93.85 %) of iris patterns.

 Muhammad Asad Ali 1*, Mirza Jahanzaib1, Muhammad Ahsan Ul Haq1

...he effect of
above mentioned input parameters on ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and yield strength (YS). Empirical models for
UTS and YS were developed which help the practitioners to achieve desired UTS and YS by using optimum vales of
input parameters. ANOVA results shows that melt temperature has most significant effect on UTS and YS followed
by squeeze pressure and pressure duration. Current study will provi...

 Mujahid Badshah*1, Saeed Badshah1, Sakhi Jan1

...tional Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) tool HARP_Opt was used to design a horizontal axis tidal
current turbine (HATCT). The numerical method was validated with the experimental data and a good agreement
was achieved. The designed turbine has a 3 bladed rotor of 4 meters diameter and rated mechanical power of 20
kW. Performance metrics of the rotor for steady and uniform flow was simulated at flow speeds from 0.5-3.5 m/s....

 Sajjad Hussain1*, Nisar Mohammad1, Zahid Ur Rehman1, Noor Mohammad1, Ishaq Ahmad1,

Naseer Muhammad Khan2 and Salim Raza1
out at laboratory scale. The three representative samples ground at time 25, 30 to 35 minutes and roasted at 650 oc
for 1 hour were subjected to agitation cyanidation process at varying dosage of pH from 10 to 11.13 , CaO from 0.5
to 1.5 gm/kg, NaCN varies from 1 gram to 5.93 gram and cyanidation time varies from 0 to 39 hours. The maximum
grade of 71.82 ppm with 99.03% extraction/recovery of gold and 34.34 ...

 Khizar Azam*, Abdul Shakoor*~ Afzal Khan*, Riaz Akbar Shah*~ Shaukat Ali Shah·

...-east-asian: normal;">about 55.6% of all RTA caused due to VMD while

Nisar Mohammad٭, Mohammad Mansoor Khan٭, Noor Mohammad٭

...ncentrate at recovery of about 60 - 70% with a grade of 92.50% from an ore containing about 50 to 70% talc was obtained. The final concentrate was treated with various leaching reagents. Dilute HCl (30%) + stannous chloride (300 ppm) gave better results. It reduced iron content from 4.37% in the concentrate to 2.89% in the final leached product and whiteness also improved up to 80% from abo

Shaukat Ali*, Shah Khusro*, Laiq Hasan**, Asif Ali Khan**

...o give insight knowledge about the phenomena. We believe that this paper will serve as a compact platform for researchers and learners to shine their understandings and address the open issues and challenges which exist or can emerge in this novel paradigm. A number of research dimensions are also highlighted to help researchers in finding research topics.


Naeem Ejaz*, Daulat Khan**, Usman Ali Naeem*, Muhammad Ali Shamim*, Muhammad Fiaz Tahir*, Faisal Shabbir*, Jawad Hussain*
...rch work highlights the laboratory results of fly ash based geo-polymer concrete and effects on its durability under sulfuric acid exposure. Class ‘F’ fly ash was used in the preparation of samples that were properly cured for 28 days at room temperature. After curing, specimens were immersed in three types of sulfate containing solutions to check corrosion.. These sulfate containing solutions include static sulfuric acid, dynam...

 Amjad Ali*, Amir Nawaz Khan*, Atta-ur-Rahman*, Muhammad Saeed*

ANALYSIS OF SITE, SITUATION AND THEIR IMPACT ON RESETTLEMENT OF PROPOSED NEW BALAKOT TOWN, PAKISTAN: AN EX POST EVALUATION OF 2005 KASHMIR EARTHQUAKE is uncertainty about the resettlement. The new Balakot town attract the low income and servant class of the old Balakot town for residential purposes. However, the politicians, businessmen and landlords of the community are fear to suffer. As a result, these groups resist the process of resettlement. This uncertainty about the resettlement is the product of human interaction with the site and situati...

Mumtaz Shah*, Hashim Nisar Hashmi* Naeem Ejaz* Abdul Razzaq Ghumman*

...reatment. A bench scale laboratory model was developed and used for experimentation. Six experimental runs were conducted and each run laps over thirty (30) days. In each experimental runcontinuous monitoring of municipal sewage was done for each macrophyte specie. The aquatic macrophyte species used for the performance comparison were Water Hyacinth, Duckweed and Water Lettuce. Forperformance comparison four parameters including BOD5, COD,...

Fazli Rabbi1*, Muhammad Idrees2, Shahid Ali1, Muhammad Zamin3 and Hazrat Bilal4

Farmers Perceptions and Adoption of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in Peach (Prunus persica L.) Production and Marketing
... (P. persica L.) growers about ICTs. Moreover, the analysis indicated that more than 75 % of farmers are in use of a single or multiple type of ICTs. Among the sampled farmers, 70% of the farmers perceived ICTs as useful for farming activities. The analysis also revealed that 58.5% of the farmers are of the view that ICTs have facilitated their access to markets and information. While others 78.6 % opinioned that ICTs have reduced the influence of the middle m...

Syed Mufeed Hadi Naqvi1*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui1, Waqar-Ul-Hassan Tareen1, Muhammad Ameer Qarib Naqvi2 and Naseeb Hussain3

Usage of Mobile Phone by Vegetable Growers and its Impact on Vegetable Production
...ble growers with the collaboration of telecommunication agencies about the applications of mobile handset that will help the grower to increase their production. There is a need to provide trainings to the vegetable growers about using of mobile phone for obtaining reliable and authentic information about vegetables producing for enhanced production.


Mohammad Aslam Khan*, Samiullah* and Zulfiqar Ali*

...g at a rapid pace adding about 500 ha of land annually in recent years and in the absence of planning control has seen tremendous urban sprawl. The pattern of development of urban sprawl in Peshawar is typical of most Pakistani major cities, where ribbon sprawl is common along major roads, while leapfrog sprawl is prevalent in the city’s fringes. The uncontrolled expansion in the built up area is typically consuming rich agricultural ...

Waheed-ur-Rehman*, Amjad Naseer*, Rashid Rehan*, Mohammad Ashraf* and Muhammad Ibrar*

...s paper presents a study about the behavior of brick masonry cavity walls. Three types of cavity walls were tested, each having two wythes of 4½ inches thickness and 2 inches cavity between the two wythes. The first type did not have any ties, the second types had I-shaped ties while the last one had Z-shaped ties. A total of six specimens were fabricated and tested, two specimens for each of the three wall types. The specimens were ...

Sajid Ullah Butt, Aamer Ahmed Baqai, Syeda Naela Fatima, Hasan Aftab Saeed

...f MHE cost gives an idea about the impact of these equipment on overall cost of manufacturing. The presented model will help in the decision-making process of allocating part to machines & also allocating MHE to each machine considered in the process plan.
Amjad Hussain1, Ata Ur Rehman2, Zia Ur Rehman Tahir3, Aftab Ahmad1, Fahad Noor3, Qasar Wasique Ahmad1
...r work group perceptions about Kaizen implementation are more positive than blue collar employees. Moreover, employees with the lowest positive perception are likely to be more dissatisfied with their jobs. The study also identified the factors which contribute towards the development of negative perceptions. However, the study is limited to one lean tool (Kaizen) and its implementation in textile sector. The results of the study provide opportunity to underst...

Behram Khan1, Amir Nawaz Khan2, Said Qasim3, Atta-ur Rahman4

...ptions were investigated about the occurrence of flash floods, flood damages, nature of affinity towards flood prone areas and adaptation strategies. Cartographic and statistical techniques were applied to process and analyze the data. As a result, the data were analytically discussed and presented in the form of tables, maps and plates. The analysis reveals that people of the area perceived about the recurrence of future fl...

 Saman Shahid1, Shahid Ali1, Muhammad Abdullah Ahmad1, Sarfraz Munir2

...twork is a tiresome and laborious work, where engineers spend months to design canals. Over the years, engineers and agriculturists in the Punjab have been trying to find a solution to the sediment transport problem which occurs in existing irrigation system. To address these problems, the canals can be analyzed to point out the flaws in design and operation mechanism. This study used a Physics based mathematical model, which can aid the engineers to design an...

 Riaz Sayed1, Khizar Azam1, Waqar Shah1, Inayat Babar1, Hamidullah1, and Sahar Noor1

...their Vehicle Simulator Laboratory to study driver drowsiness. Results of this study and description of the algorithm are provided. A comprehensive list of references is provided at the end.

 Muhammad Waseem*, Irshad Ahmad**, Muhammad Asif Khan**

...ich caused death toll of about a hundred thousand people and monitory losses of about five billion US dollars. After this earthquake, most of research activities were directed to define earthquake hazard. However, amongst other problems in those studies, one hard decision is the use of attenuation relationship as no such equation is developed for Pakistan. These studies either do not consider the newly de...

Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta1,2*, Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar3*, Muhammad Shoaib4, Wangyuan Yao3, Muhammad Asif5, Shah Nawaz6, Moazam Ali7 and Ayesha Kanwal8

Exploratory Study on the Psychological Impact of COVD-19 on Students
...dents are more concerned about their family members (p=0.00). Under this influence they have increased the frequency of handwashing and use masks when they have to go outside. More than half of the students (53.09%) were afraid of the COVID-19 and similar pattern was noted about depression (54.86%). About 57.5% students were willing to take part in online classes, and only 23% found to have some sort of online learning exper...

Markus I. Francis1*, Paul I. Ankeli2, Clara N. Kwanashie1, Jibril Adamu1, Lushaikyaa Allam1, Mashood A. Raji3, Godwin O. Egwu4, Flavio Sacchini5 and Massimo Scacchia5

Detection of Mycoplasma bovis from Cattle Presented for Slaughter in Adamawa and Taraba States, Northeastern Nigeria
...essed based on standard laboratory protocols. An overall Mycoplasma bovis isolation rate of 0.83% (4/480) was obtained. Based on the states studied, 1 (0.35%) and 3 (1.53%) M. bovis were isolated from Adamawa and Taraba States, respectively with an insignificant association between M. bovis infection and the states sampled (P>0.05). Based on organs/site sampled, 2 (5.40%) isolates of M. bovis were from lung tissues and 1 (2.70%) were from both pleural fluid...

Hina Imtiaz1*, Salma Khalid2, Kashaf Riaz1, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3 and Zubair Rehman

...dents and their opinions about the recycling and proper waste management were carried out through self-administered questionnaires. In order to observe coagulant effect according to Pakistan National Environmental Quality (Standards (Pak-NEQS), the collected samples were treated in the laboratory for identification and recommending suitable coagulant. Three different treatments were practiced i.e. Alum, Lime and Alum+ Lime. ...

Uzma Arif1, Sadar Uddin Siddiqui2, Muhammad Fareed Khan1, Muhammad Arshad3 and Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi

...16 at Seed Preservation Laboratory, Bio-resources Conservation Institute, NARC, Islamabad. Forced seed ageing was carried out at 25, 30, 35 and 40°C for Day-one (D1) through day-six (D6) of incubation period. Observations were recorded for percent germination, shoot length (cm), root length (cm), fresh seedling biomass (g) and dry seedling biomass (g); revealing significant differences at all temperature regimes, controlled incubation period for ageing as ...
Ming-Yan Shi2, Xu-Liang Yan1, Ping-Ping Han1, Yu-Jie Tang1 and Hui-Xia Li1*
... were involved in fat metabolism, cell differentiation and the development of the immune system in 315 potential target genes, while 39 target genes were associated with adipogenesis and metabolism, immune responses, and stem cell differentiation. Gene Ontology and the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes database showed that these differentially-expressed miRNAs were involved in several pathways and were target genes tha...
Guang-Hui Tan, Yi-Yu Zhang*, Yuan-Yu Qin, Lei Wu and Jie-Zhang Li
... acid and cholesterol metabolism in human and rodent. However, a little was known in the literature on the question of the effect of CYP7A1 gene on poultry lipid homeostasis. This study was performed to investigate the effect of the polymorphisms of CYP7A1 gene on lipid traits in Tianzhu Black Muscovy (Cairina moschata). We detected two novel silent mutations, CDS 216 A>G and CDS 681 T>A in exon 2 and exon 3 of CYP7A1 gene, respectively, and both ...

Zakeer Ahmed Khan Abbasi* and Allah Nawaz 

...supports the assumptions about positive association between climate change awareness and climate change adaptations (R2=44.6, B=.875 and P-value=.000) and negative interaction between climate change awareness and climate change adaptation issues (R2=.318, B=-.707 and P-value=.000). Further, the role of geographic-zones and respondents’ educational level has also been found significant. Therefore, more efforts, if directed, to enhance climate change aware...
Magbolah Salem Helal Alzahrani
...latile oils including bisabolol, bisabolol oxides A and B, and matricin as well as flavonoids. This study aims to elucidate the possible therapeutic applications of different levels of M. chamomilla on the functional status of liver, in rats injected with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), a known hepatotoxin. Thirty-six male albino rats were treated with subcutaneous injection of CCl4 in paraffin oil ...
Anum Feroz1, Abdul Rauf Shakoori2 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*
...r larvae of susceptible laboratory strain (Lab-S) and deltamethrin resistant population (GUW) of stored grain pest, Trogoderma granarium. After exposure to LC20 of bifenthrin, chlorpyrifos and their combinations of 3:1 and 1:3, the activities of total esterases, cholinesterase and carboxylesterase increased significantly in both the 4th and 6th instar larvae of Lab-S and GUW populations when compared with their re...
Mah Jabeen and Amjad Farooq*
...rop seasons as mentioned above, respectively and found to be comparatively resistant.
Zubair Ahmad1, 2,5, Hamed A. Ghramh1, 2, 3,Khalid Ali Khan1, 2, 3*, Kavita Pandey4 and Farhat Khan5
...acillariidae). Materials about other species viz., Ascogaster acrocercophagus Shujauddin and Varshney and C. (A.) chailini (Walker and Huddleston) have also been recorded. The importance of apico-dorsal spine of metasoma for taxonomy is discussed. An updated checklist of chelonine leafminer parasitoids from the Indian subcontinent is also provided.
Abdul Waheed*, Asim Faraz, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq
...s from the village, knew about ill birds and benefitted from the birds. Mostly they kept birds for sale, disliked cock fighting, provided positive gesture about poverty alleviation and showed minimum concern about poultry problems. It is concluded that poultry keeping in rural household provides a potential source of income with minimum health care and problems and adding to the income of ...
Shagufta Parveen1*, Kousar Perveen1, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Amir Gilani2, Muhammad Musadaq3
...m the study. Information about the weaning practices of the infants was obtained from the consenting parent or guardian of each respective infant and recorded in the questionnaire. Weight and height of each infant was measured in kilograms and cm, respectively, and recorded. Data was entered in SPSS version 26 and analyzed for results. A total of 200 infants were included in the study, of which 94 (47%) of infants were less than 6 months old, and 106 (53%) wer...
Safia Arbab1, Rehana Buriro1, Shams Uddin Bhugio1, Atta Hussain Shah2,  Jamila Soomro3,Qudratullah Kalwar4, Saqib Ali Fazilani1 and Waseem Ali Vistro5*
...nformation is documented about antibacterial activity of Aloe Vera in equines. The present study was designed to check the antibacterial activity of the Aloe Vera against most pathogens found in the wounds of donkey. For this purpose, two different concentrations 30 µl and 60 µl crude as well as ethanol extract of Aloe Vera were used. During this experiment, total 50 wound samples were collected from donkey wounds. All 50 samples were found contami...
Duo Jing Qiu1,2,3, Xin Yu1,2,3, Mao Jun Zhong1,2,3 and Long Jin1,2,3*
...itudes (120 m and 1673 m above sea level) in Hunan and Yunnan Province, southwest China. We found that D. melanostictus displayed significant differences in body mass and relative testis mass between low- and high-altitude populations. Body mass and relative testis mass from the high-altitude population were larger than that of the low-altitude population in the species. We also found that testis mass increased with body mass and somatic condition. Furt...

Muhammad Ismail1, Tufail Ahmad2, Shamsher Ali2*, Shahid Ali1, Nur Ul Haq1 and Naveedullah3

Heavy Metals (Pb and Ni) Pollution as Affected by the Brick Kilns Emissions
...m high from ground. The laboratory analysis of wheat leaf samples showed that the concentration of  Pb and Ni in chimney A and B as 2.90 and 1.8, 13.11 and 14.7 mg kg-1 respectively. The concentration of Pb and Ni at this stage is not in toxic range however with the continuous addition may pose a severe threat in future. Similarly, soil sample analysis revealed AB-DTPA extractable Pb and Ni for chimney A and B as (0.11- 0.13, 14.2 and 15.0 mg kg-1) respec...
Zumama Khalid1, Muhammad Abrar Yousaf2, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan1Farah Rauf Shakoori2, Muhammad Munir3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*
...rld to not only research about its transmission, prevalence and causes but also to spread its awareness in the maximum possible ways. Although the complete disease-causing mechanisms of COVID-19 remain to be fully elucidated, active research is being conducted continuously in the field to gather as much information about every aspect of this disease as possible. Also, a clear difference is prevalent in different regions of t...

Israr Yasin1, Ismail Qureshi1*, Shahjahn Qaimkhani1, Gulam Mustafa Solangi3, Ismail Qaimkhani1, Ismail Brohi1 and Abdul Ahad Soomro2

A Perspective on Household Dairy Farming in District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan proportion (39.0%) of abortion was estimated for the households who used Oxytocin before milking of animals. Using chi-square statistic, the relationship between use of Oxytocin and abortion in large animals was found highly significant (p<0.01). On an average basis, 3.0% growth rate in livestock was estimated. The highest growth rate (5.0%) was recorded in buffaloes. Livestock contributed abo<...

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi1*, Ayoola Olugbenga Oladele2 and Ibrahim Maharazu3

Profitability Analysis and Marketing Efficiency of Soyabean (Glycine max) Value Chain among Actors in Abuja, Nigeria
...the ages of 31-60 years, about 83.33% of soyabean marketers had less than 5 years marketing experiences. Cost of transportation constitutes 47.56% of the total variable cost. Estimated costs and returns analysis gave the gross margin and gross income of N15,513,400 and N 16,249,000 per annum respectively. Estimated marketing margin and marketing efficiency were 20.13, and 338.66 respectively. Operating ratio (OR), rate of return on investment (RORI), and gross...

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam, Yousaf Jamal and Hidayat Ullah

Appraisal of Yield and Yield Components of Wheat with Integrated Management of Nitrogen Sources
...nificant improvements in above-mentioned parameters were observed during 2016-17 as compared to 2015-16. It is concluded that integrated use of ½ of the added N from Urea and ½ from PM resulted higher performance of all investigated parameters, the efficiency of which further increased with passage of time and is recommended for improvement of wheat production.

Shahid Ali*, Aijaz Ali Channa, Waqar Ahmad, Rafia Akram and Imbasat Yousaf
... subcutaneous edema and labored breathing.

Muhammad Shakeel1*, Mudussar Nawaz1, Zahid Naseer1, Muhammad Fiaz1, Asghar Khan1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Awais Ur Rehman1, Ahmad Yar Qamar2 and Ali Raza3

Caprine and Ovine Serological Evidence of Brucellosis in Five Districts of Punjab, Pakistan
... had previous history of abortion when tested either by RBPT or SAT. In conclusion, the current data provide baseline information about prevalence of brucellosis in different sheep and goat breeds in five districts of Punjab Pakistan.


Rabab Rafaqat1, Habib Ahmed Rathore1, Tariq Masud2, Imran Hayat1* and Imtiaz Hussain1

Determination of Different Chemical Constituents of Fruit, Leaves and Oil of Olea cuspidata (Wild Olive) Grown at Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir
... wild olive were rich in above mentioned parameters except oil content which was higher (34.43±1.1 %) in fruit. Our study also showed that the leaves of Olea cuspidata are rich source of polyphenolic contents than that of fruit and can be used as additives in different food products in order to get their benefits.


Tahseen Ullah* and Noor ul Amin

In Vitro Antibacterial Activity of Medicinal Plant Extracts
...arch for active plant metabolite would explore effective natural therapy or antibiotic for multidrug resistance pathogenic plants and human bacterias. 


Shahzad Khan*, Munir Khan, Inayatullah Jan, Mahfooz Khan and Fida Muhammad Khan

Determinants of Sugarcane Yield in District Charsadda, Pakistan
...garcane was 289.82 US$. Labour and fertilizers costs were found major components in the total variable cost. The profit margin was obtained as 37.37%. Empirical results of regression model found seed, farm yard manure and fertilizer positive and significant determinants, with coefficients 0.5011, 0.2916 and 0.2796, respectively. While tractor and labour costs were noted insignificant. For the wider interest of sugarcane grow...

Shaiza Rasool1, Iftikhar Ahmad1*, Khurram Ziaf1, Irfan Afzal2, Muhammad A.S. Khan1, Muhammad Aashir Sajjad1 and Muhammad Zain Ali1

Seed Conditioning Effects on Germination Performance, Seedling Vigor and Flower Production of Zinnia elegans
...ans Jacq.). Two initial laboratory experiments evaluated the timing and frequency of seed magnetic stimulation to select the most promising treatments for field production testing and flowering. In the first experiment, a 3% moringa leaf extract (MLE) showed the earliest (2.8 d) and the highest germination rate (90%) with an average root length of 4.2 cm. Hydro-priming resulted in the largest seedling fresh weight (0.8 g), seedling shoot length (5.8 cm), and s...

Moazam Ali1, Wajid Ali2, Ayhan Ceyhan2 and Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta3*

Pigmentation Genome Influence in Animals and Human Interventions in its Course of Action
...le contains a complete elaboration about the worth of pigmentation in animals, natural pigmentation process and new mutation and deviation in animal genome related to their pigmentation for human and animal welfare respectively.


Nadeem Abbas Shah1*, Ejaz Ashraf1, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Zaheer ud Din Mirani3, Usman Rafique1 and Raees Abbas Shah4

Assessing Perceptions of the Households-heads Regarding Food Security Status in Drought-hit Areas of District Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan: A Case Study for Agricultural Extension
... district in the country about food insecurity and malnourishment. The purpose of this study was to assess the perceptions of the respondents for ongoing food security status in the district of Tharparkar, Sindh-Pakistan and to highlight the role of extension service delivery organizations in the area. District Tharparkar is the most vulnerable area in the country for food insecurity. Tharparkar has four tehsils such as Mithi, Diplo, Chachro and Nangerparkar. ...
Muhammad Yaseen1*, Xu Shiwei2, Yu Wen2, Ejaz Ashraf1, Muhammad Luqman1, Muhammad Ameen3 and Sadia Hassan4
Farmers Behavior to Participate in Public Sector Agricultural Extension Services: Comparative Analysis of Pakistan and China
...ence of age, education, labor, farm area and villages on the household head’s participation in agricultural extension services/ activities organized by public sector department. For this purpose, a random sample of 160 households from four districts of Punjab province of Pakistan was selected, and another random sample of 122 households selected from the six villages of Huailai County of Hebei Province in China. Data were collected using the interview me...

Khan Sher1*, Muhammad Subhan1, Muhammad Nisar2, Ali Hazrat2, Zahid Fazal1, Gul Rahim2, Imran Ahmad1, Riaz ul Haq1 and Shamia Bibi1

Genetic Diversity in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgarus L.) Collected from Different Ecological Zones of Malakand Division (A Part of the Sino Japanese Region of Pakistan)
... strongest correlations (above 50%) were computed 67% of all the combinations. The principal component analysis (PCA) identified quantitative variability of 55 common bean landraces. The eigenvalues of more than 60.8% accounted a total of 70% genetic variants. Finally, it was found that a high degree of variance was identified in all germplasm collected from Malakand sections with some additional unique characteristics, such as early cooking, high productivity...

Md. Sahidur Rahman

Origin and Spillover of Coronaviruses: Prospects of One Health Action
...lement multisectoral collaborative action among physicians, veterinarians, wildlife experts, epidemiologists, environmental scientists, and microbiologists to curb the COVID-19. One health encourages joint disease surveillance by establishing laboratory networks and regulating proper biosafety, biosecurity, and risk communication to facilitate strong disease prevention and control strategy by which we could prevent the next ...
Sher Bahadar Khan1, Mumtaz Ali Khan2,*, Hameed Ullah Khan3, Sher Ali Khan4, Shah Fahad5, Faheem Ahmad Khan6, Irshad Ahmad7, Nighat Nawaz8, Sidra Bibi9 and Muhammad Muneeb10

Sajid Amin Sarmad1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Luqman1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Sohail Ahmed3 and Sylvain Nafiba Ouédraogo2

Development and Laboratory Evaluation of a Slow Release Formulation of Fipronil against Subterranean Termites (Odontotermes obesus Rambur)
...uals of O. obesus under laboratory conditions using soil macrocosms. Mortality of termites was determined at different time intervals after their exposure to formulated pellets treated macrocosm soils. Results revealed that fipronil formulated with Z. mays substrate remained more effective for longer period of time against subterranean termites as compared to that formulated with S. officinarum bagasse material. The maximum mortality of termites was observed a...

Ghulam Akbar1*, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Aamna Rafique1, Sania Riasat1, Mohsin Raza1, Mahpara Qamar1, Shahneela Nusrat1 and Shakila Hanif1

Critical Update for the Treatment of Anemia by using Advanced Genome Editing Crispr Cas Technology
... importance to knowledge about types of CRISPR to treat anemia. Cas 9 showed one of best gene editing reactions than others. Recent data gives authentic applications of CRISPR use in anemia which provides potential for usage of gene editing technique for different types of anemia. In evaluation we defined currently developed genome editing device update used for the remedy of anemia, its mechanism of movement and sickle cellular mutation corrections.

Ammara Gull-E-Fareen1, 3, Imran Bodlah1*, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Yasir Niaz2, Muhammad Adnan Bodlah2, Muhammad Asif4 and Nasir M. Khokhar5
...3) and Tetraponera allaborans (Walker, 1859). A lot of surveys were conducted during 2015-17 for the collection of ants associated with aphids on different host plants in different localities of Pothwar region. As a result of surveys, ant-aphid new mutualistic trophic associations were determined like Camponotus compressus with 12, Formica fusca 1, Formica clara 2, Lepisiota frauenfeldi 9, Myrmica aimonissabaudiae 4, Tapin...

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Luqman1*, Zahoor Hussain2, Usman Saleem3, Asif Nawaz1, Tahir Munir Butt4 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood1

Assessment of Knowledge Level and Information Sources of Vegetable Growers regarding Tunnel Farming in District Sargodha their knowledge level about vegetable production under tunnels. Every year there is a lot paid from the national exchequer for the import of vegetables, especially from the neighboring countries. To at least minimize those expenditures tunnel farming to a maximum level can give us a way forward. This transverse study has the Sargodha district as its universe. All the vegetable growers who used to grow off-season vegetables were the population of the study. ...
Hong Hu1, 2, Li Qian1, Yuanlang Wang1, Chaodong Wu1, Xiaodong Zhang1, Yueyun Ding 1*, Li Wang1, Xudong Wu1, Wei Zhang1, Dengtao Li1, Jian Ding1, Min Yang1 and Zongjun Yin1*
...s associated with fat metabolism in Anqingliubai (obese) and Yorkshire (lean) pigs. The transcriptome profiling of backfat between Anqingliubai and Yorkshire pigs was carried out by RNA-sequencing technology. The sum of clean reads were 288.3 and 365.3 million which was obtained from the RNA sequencing data in the Anqingliubai and Yorkshire pigs, respectively. Most reads were located in exonic region, while less reads were located in intergenic and intronic re...
Sadaf Aslam1,2*, Abdul Majid Khan2 and Muhammad Akhtar2
... of Hyotherium is about 14 to 11 million years. This species is closer to its smaller European relative H. soemmeringi. The studied material includes isolated premolars and molars. This paper provides new insights of morphology of an extinct species of the suid, Hyotherium pilgrimi.
Atef  Mohamed El-Sagheer
Status of Phytonematodes in a Main Commercial Banana Production of Upper Egypt
Taqiur Rahman1, Tabassum Yaseen1*, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, Samiullah3, Ghulam Jelani3, Gul Nawaz1,Qudratullah Kalwar2
...aires in 2017 (R1) where about seventy plant species belonging to different families of spermatophytes have been collected, among which forty-eight belonged to angiosperm families and 2 families were gymnosperms. This comprises 39 herb, 14 shrubs, and 16 trees, respectively. The study postulated on the certification of herbal knowledge on realistic bases though former interviews for the documentation of accurate indigenous knowledge. (R1andR2) All the plant sp...

 Majid Shahi Bajestani1, Esmat Mahdikhani Moghadam2*, Reza Aghnoum3 and Hamid Rohani2

Study of Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Description of New Record (Rotylenchus alius) Associated with Barley (Hordium vulgare L.) in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeast Iran
...d disrupt on cellular metabolism.

Babar Zahoor, Basharat Ahmad*,Riaz Aziz Minhas and Muhammad Siddique Awan
... had negative perception about black bear and wanted to eradicate it from the area that poses a severe threat to its conservation in the area.
Zhi Chen1, Toshifumi Minamoto2, Longshan Lin3 and Tianxiang Gao4,*
... used, but its price was about 80 RMB/sample, which was too expensive. Cheaper eDNA extraction kit was a potential aspect for improvement to expand further application of eDNA analysis. In order to examine some cheaper kits’ effectiveness of extracting eDNA of macro-organisms and select an optional low-cost kit, a test among three kits was held. 12S rRNA bands of marine fishes on the agarose gel preliminarily revealed that all three kits could successful...
Zeki Aras1*, Gökçenur Sanioğlu Gölen1, Zafer Sayin2 and Ali Evren Haydardedeoğlu3
...small;">Chlamydophila abortus C. abortus cause placentitis, abortion, weak neonates and infertility in sheep and goats worldwide. The aim of this study was to investigate the presence of C. abortus in abomasum content of aborted sheep and goat fetuses from provinces of ...
Mudussar Nawaz1, Iahtasham Khan2, Muhammad Shakeell*, Arfan Yousaf1, Zahid Naseer1, Munibullah1, Ali Zohaib3, Riaz Hussain4 and Qudrat Ullah5
...ize: small;">Brucella abortus and Brucella melitensis are important zoonotic pathogens. Brucellosis is an occupational hazard for veterinarians and animal handlers. The current work aimed to determine the prevalence of brucellosis in buffaloes and goats of Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan. A total of 341 milk samples from buffaloes (n=180) and goats (n=161) were screened by (Milk Ring Test) MRT and milk i-ELISA for anti-Brucella antib...
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Shahzad Akbar1, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Mustaqeem2, Muhammad Luqman3, Ijaz Asghar4 and Muhammada Asam Riaz1
...ty Statement | This laboratory study demonstrates the bioefficacy of indigenous plant extracts and essential oils as safe and eco-friendly alternates to hazardous synthetic insecticides and suggests the incorporation of these indigenous phytoextracts in the future bio-intensive pest management programs ag
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Afzal1,Muhammad Asam Riaz1,Kanwer Shahzad Ahmed1, Muhammad Luqman2, Mehar Zubair Shehzad1, Muhammad Bilal Tayyab1, Mujahid Tanvir1 and Saadia Wahid1
...font-size: small;">This laboratory study encompasses comparative evaluation of insecticidal potential of indigenous ethnomedicinal flora of Soone Valley and surrounding Salt Range of Pakistan. Acetone extracts (10%) of forty plant species were evaluated against Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri), armyworm (Spodoptera litura), house mosquito (Culex quinquefasciatus) and subterranean termite (Odontotermes obesus) using twig-dip, ...
Muhammad Ramzan, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mudssar Ali and Hasan Riaz
...mina (L.) under the laboratory conditions. The results on different biological and morphological parameters showed that the fecundity of female ranged from 160 to 281 which increased its survival rate. Trilocha varians has five larval instars. The last instar changed its colour to dark reddish and look like branches of host plants. The male and female mean longevity was 6.0 ± 1.171 and 11.4 ± 1.70 days. Pale reddish brown lines were pr...
Mehwish Saleem Khan
Evaluation of Changes in Zinc Levels in Patients Suffering from Cancer
...acco use is the cause of about 22% of cancer deaths. Another 10% are due to obesity, poor diet, lack of physical activity or excessive drinking of alcohol. Other factors include certain infections, exposure to ionizing radiation and environmental pollutants. In this study zinc level in serum of cancer patients was observed. For this purpose, the blood of 50 cancer patients was taken from MAYO HOSPITAL Lahore. The patients are suffering from different type of c...

Agustine Christela Melviana1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Maizirwan Mel3, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4 and Juris Burlakovs5

Gene Expression Related to Steviol Glycoside Synthesis Produced in Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Shoot Culture Induced with High Far-Red LED Light in TIS RITA® Bioreactor System
... interfering with the metabolite production, as the content of steviol glycoside will decrease after plant flowering dramatically. This mechanism happened because steviol glycoside synthesis and flowering process share the same precursor. However, this interfering factor could be inhibited by using a high-red LED induction  to delay the flowering stage, which may contribute to higher biomass and glycoside concentrations through greater system productivity...
Mumtazur Rahman1, Farhan Anwar Khan1,*,Umar Sadique1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Faisal Ahmad1,2, Hayatullah Khan1,3, Muhammad Saeed1, Faiz Ur Rehman1, Ibrar Hussain1, M. Faraz Khan1, M. Izhar ul Haque1 and Hanif-ur-Rehman1,3

...ied and isolated by our laboratory. Alarmingly, antimicrobials in animals are inappropriately using and resultantly leading to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) including mycoplasmas, which are causing serious infections in ruminants. Since the growth curve of our local strain and its susceptibility to commonly using antimicrobials is unknown. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the growth curve and susceptibility of Mccp against commercially available qu...

Zubia Rahim1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Salma Gul2 and Khushnood-ur-Rehman3

Ameliorating Effects of Salt Stress (KCl, NaCl) on Growth and Germination Parameters of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum)
...d 250mM concentration of above mentioned salts. Control petri dishes/ pots were irrigated with distilled water. The experiment was extended to study growth (number of leaves, leaf length, stem breadth, stem length, number of tillers) and yield (spike length, total seeds on single spike, whole plant weight, weight of 50 seeds per spike) parameters in the field, which was performed in completely randomized design (CRD). 39 pots lined with polythene bags were use...

Muhammad Yasir*, Mansoor ul Hasan, Muhammad Sagheer, Amer Rasul, Rameesha Amjad Ali and Habib ur Rehman

Evaluation of Spinosad Applied to Grain Commodities for the Control of Stored Product Insect Pests
....50 and 1 mg Kg-1 under laboratory conditions maintained at 28 ± 2oC, 65 ± 5% RH and continuous darkness. Seven bioassays were conducted by releasing the insects on treated commodities after different post treatment periods (0,1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 months). The mortality of three insect species was recorded at tested concentrations in all the treated commodities after the exposure period of 3 and 7 days. Overall results of all bioassays show that r...

Sajid Khan* and Shahnaz Akhtar

Effect of Farm Labor Transformation on Households Income in Central Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...sess the effect of farm labor transformation on households’ income in central three districts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Data on different aspects of farm labor transformation were collected through a well-designed and pre-tested questionnaire. Nine village councils from three districts were selected through random sampling techniques. The data were collected from 393 sample households and were analyze...

Masoud Hassani1* and Omid Madadgar2,3

Serological Evidence of Bluetongue in Iran: A Meta-Analysis Study
...oled odds ratios between abortion history and bluetongue infection estimated among sheep (OR=1.75, 95 % CI= 0.84 to 3.68) and goat (OR=2.93, 95 % CI= 1.26 to 6.80). A well-defined control strategy for preventing and controlling BTV spread in Iran should be based on further studies on BT epidemiology and BTV serotypes, vector control, animal movement restrictions and vaccination program to reduce.

Yonghua Liu*, Xianhua Li, Xiongfei Yan and Gang Li
...s in North China. Under laboratory conditions (temperature 25 ± 1ºC, 80 ± 5% relative humidity, photoperiod 14L:10D), the effect of the 4 host plants Armeniaca vulgaris (apricot), Malus pumila (apple), Prunus salicina (plum), and Amygdalus persica (peach) on the growth, development, survival, reproduction, and life table parameters of A. fimbriana were studied. Different host plants had significant effects ...
Xuya Zhou1, Ying Liu1, Deqin Xu1, Jie Bao1, Yaru Cao2 and Yong Jin3*
...arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism. The increased 20-HETE led to the hypertension which could increase markers (ET-1 and BNP) of cardiovascular disease in diabetes complicating arthritis rats. The results showed that the combination of the two drugs could increase the cardiovascular side effects, mainly through the arachidonic acid metabolic pathway CYP450.

Syed Muhammad1*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui2, Farhat Ullah Khan1 and Nawab Khan3

Self-perceived Constraints of Extension Field Staff Affecting their Working Efficiency in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan’ community about how to use new applications and techniques of modern technology for the purpose to increase agricultural production. The efficiency of EFS is, therefore, reflected by the farmers’ adoption level of modern recommended technology. The current study was designed and conducted during February 2018 for the purpose to find out self-perceived main constraints, affecting the efficiency of EFS in the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, ...
Anjali Khadka1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Subarna Sharma Acharya3, Amrit Poudel4 and Sushma Adhikari1
Morphological Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill Genotypes in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal
...ariation for both of the above traits were observed. Test weight had a significant positive correlation with grain yield. Number of nodes, basal pod height, internodal length, plant height, number of branches, number of grains, pod length at maturity, leaf area was positively correlated with grain yield while days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, number of trifoliate, number of pods and fresh weight of the pod were negatively correlated with grain yield. Th...

 Shafii Abdullahi Mohamed1, Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2*, Yonis Abukar Mohamed3, Pravin Mishra4 and Osman Sheikh Ali Jama5

Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Population Towards Brucellosis in Benadir Region, Somalia
...receive more information about the disease and majority of participants have good practices when they handling the domesticated animals and their secretions 96.66% (n=116). Populations who are connected with livestock management or eating livestock products are frequently aware of the disease brucellosis. Though, they do not have as considerable knowledge, what is required to help in control it. Veterinarians, health care workers and respective government bodi...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Roshan Hussain1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehmood1, Ijaz Asghar2 and Usman Saleem1

Comparative Analysis of Dietary Intake Patterns of Rural and Urban Communities of Southern Punjab, Pakistan
...ents from the study were above the 30 years of age (mature), illiteracy was high in rural area and most of the respondents were dependent upon business and farming as their livelihood source. Among rural communities, food group of fats and sugars was much popular and urban community of study area was much inclined towards the food group of carbohydrates. Specifically, in breakfast both of the communities prefer proteins with fats and sugar commodities. In lunc...

Sajid Ali1, Abdul Basit1,3*, Abdul Mateen Khattak1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Izhar Ullah2, Noor Alam Khan3, Imran Ahmad1, Kamran Rauf1, Salman Khan1, Irfan Ullah1 and Intizar Ahmad1

Managing the Growth and Flower Production of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) through Benzyle Amino Purine (BAP) Application and Pinching
...erally act as a plant metabolite and growth retardant. It encourages the growth and cell division of dormant buds and bushiness of plant by reducing its height. Similarly, pinching of terminal branches increase the cytokinins and decrease auxin concentrations flourishing the axillary buds. A research study on the growth and production of zinnia flowers through application of BAP (25, 50, 75 and 100 mg L-1) and pinching (2, 4 and 6 leaf stages), was carried out...

Shujaat Ali1,2*, Tariq Ahmad Jan3, Khalil Ur Rahman3, Shah Masaud Khan2, Ijaz Hussain2, Waseem Ahmad2, Qasim Ayub2, Muhammad Abbas1 and Israr Ahmad1

Effect of Room Condition on Sweetening and other Chemical Components of Different Cultivars of Potato in Swat District in Vitamin C remained about of 76 % throughout the 90 % storage. It is concluded that sweetening decreased in all cultivars during 90 days storage period at room condition. (Temperature 9- 18 oC). In Desiree cultivar, starch content is little affected by change storage duration, in case of sweeting i.e reducing sugar and total sugar did not occur in Desiree up to 90 days of storage. Therefore, the Desiree has maintained edible quality up to three months sto...

Numan Habib1*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi1 and Riaz Muhammad2

Thermal Simulation of Grain During Selective Laser Melting Process in 3D Metal Printing
...d laser to melt and fuse above mentioned material powder grain. Three different 2D models of 1µm, 2µm and 3µm grain sizes are modeled and simulated with different scanning speed 60, 100, 140, 180 and 220 mm/sec. Results are demonstrated for thermal distribution on grain along the depth. Center of the lower surface of the grain is chosen as a focus point and values are recorded and compared. The simulation results are in good agreement with th...

Muhammad Amir1*, Syed Waqar Shah1, Salman Ilahi1 and Michael J. Pont2

Integrating TTC-SC5 and TTC-SC6 “Shared-Clock” Protocols
... which addresses all the above stated issues on a single platform.


Muhammad Kashif Khan1*, Muhammad Wasim Jan Khan2, Kaleem Ullah Jan Khan3, Muhammad Ishaq Khan4, Muhammad Faheem Jan Khan5 and Abdul Salam Lodhi6


Impacts of Construction Risk Attributes on Organizational Performance of Registered Construction Companies in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...ill inform all concerned about risk management practices, possible risk factors, and their consequences upon organizational performances.


Mohammad Adil1*, Muhammad A. Khan2, Naveed Ahmed1, Edward Bromhead3, Muhammad A. Arshad1, Muhammad Fahad1, Shahid Ullah1 and Khan Shahzada1

Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Column Staggering in Flat Slabs Systems slab may reduce the labor as well as the material cost of the structure without affecting the structural performance of the slabs as well as columns. Wide parking and halls could be constructed and architects will have more freedom and flexibility in their designs with reduced reliance on structural design. This study is focused on the basic flat slab analyses and design with the help of finite element software along with manual method of analyses and desi...
Chaojie Yang1,2,3, Haishan Wang1,2,3, Le Ye1,2,3 and Zhi Chen1,2,3,*
... and DNA barcoding study about Muraenesocidae in the East China Sea were old, rough and deficient. Morphometric measurements and meristic counts were taken for all collected Muraenesocidae samples in our present study. Teeth characters that are conclusive for the species were consistent with Muraenesox and were sufficient for separation from other Muraenesocidae species. The morphological results further suggested that only two Muraenesocidae species belonging...
Jiawei Zhang1,2, Thomas Quirke1, Shibao Wu2*, Shaoshan Li2 and Fidelma Butler1
...ential. Some suggestions about captive management and future research are also proposed.
Rehman Akhtar1, Khizar Azam2, Abdur Rehman Babar1, Qazi Salman Khalid1, Rashid Nawaz1 and Imran Ahmad1 
...uzzy AHP on the basis of above-mentioned factors. Shergarh city is selected for most suitable location for the installation of solar panels.
Arnab Tanveer, Shabana Naz*, Azhar Rafique and Asma Ashraf
...reatment and brought to laboratory for qualitative and quantitative analysis. Direct smear method and fecal floatation technique was used for isolation and identification of endo-parasites. Modified McMaster technique was used to calculate Eggs per gram. The data was subjected to ANOVA and Tukey-HSD (post hoc test). Six species of endo-parasites were identified from Jallo Wildlife Park. Eimeria (7500) and Ascaris (1100) were the most abundant. Mu...
Ehsan Kashani1, Hamid Reza Rezaei2*, Morteza Naderi3 and Nematolah Khorasani4


...-size: small;">Knowledge about the genetic diversity of the mammalian species and their plasticity in ever-changing environments is emphasized by scientists and conservation biologists. Central deserts and steppes of Iran host a different kind of insectivores like hedgehogs; however, their ecology and genetic properties are rarely documented. For species of hedgehogs that are included in the subfamily Erinaceinae, at least four known species are listed for Ira...
Chen Zeng1,2, Baosuo Liu1,4, Kecheng Zhu1,4, Liang Guo1,2, Huayang Guo1,4, Nan Zhang1,4, Quan Yang1,3, Jing Wen Yang1,4 and Dianchang Zhang1,4*
...d the fitting degree was above 0.99. Considering various factors of the models, the Gompertz model had the best fitting degree for body height, body length, full length and body weight. Under the optimal model, the monthly age of the inflection point of body height, body length, full length and body weight was 3.72, 7.28, 6.60 and 8.88, respectively; the inflection point body size or weight was 10.81 cm, 17.82 cm and 20.14 cm and 826.70 g, respectively. The re...
Mohsin Ali1, Nargis Haider Kakar2, Rida Dawood3,4, Qurat-ul-ain Fatima5, Zunera Tanveer2, Shoaib Ahmad Malik6, Tauseef Muhammad Asmat1, Asadullah1, Muhammad Masood Tariq Kiani1 and Mohammad Zahid Mustafa1*, undertaken in collaboration with Shaikh Khalifa-Bin-Zayed Hospital Quetta, investigates the relation of thyroid abnormalities in 224 DM (both type 1 and type 2) patients. The parameters of age, duration of diabetes and type of treatment were measured. Venous blood was taken to investigate the thyroid profiles. Out of 224 patients examined, 67.85% showed the normal thyroid profile and thyroid abnormalities were seen in 32.15% of subjects. There were 10 p...

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Waqas Wakil2, Shahbaz Talib Sahi3 and Waqas Raza1*

Influence of Resistance Inducers on Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Contents of Susceptible Chickpea Cultivars after Inoculation with Ascochyta rabiei
...rogen, and phosphorus of above parts of the ground of plant in three cultivars of chickpea (‘C-44’, Bittle-98’ and ‘Pb-91’) after treatment with Bion® (acibenzolar-S-methyl), salicylic acid (SA), potassium hydroxide (KOH) or plant extracts of neem (A. indica A. Juss.), datura (D. metel L.) and garlic (A. sativum L.) were investigated 7 and 14 days after inoculation with Ascochyta rabiei. Elevated nitrogen (2.95%), potassium (1...

Muhammad Tariq Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akhtar2, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Saleem2, Ali Aziz2, Irfan Rasool2, Zeshan Ali3 and Muhammad Amin2

An Update on Biology, Extent of Damage and Effective Management Strategies of Chickpea Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera)
...upae and adult stages in about 4-5 weeks. 1st to 3rd instar larvae generally feed on leaves, twigs and flowers. In later stages larger larvae (4th to 6th instar caterpillars) shift to developing pods by making holes/bores and consume entire developing seeds. Pod borers can cause yield losses up to 90 percent depending upon the insect density and susceptibility of cultivars. Sustainable management of chickpea pod borer involves use of resistant cultivars, manip...
Zhen-Yang Wu1, Li Li1, Yu-Hua Fu2, Sheng Wang3, Qing-Ming An1, Xiao-Hui Tang4, Xiao-Yong Du3,5,* and Fei Zhou6,*
...o; and “pigment metabolic process”. KEGG pathways were analyzed for the differentially expressed genes and show that Melanogenesis signaling pathway may affect the process of coat color formation. Quantitative PCR confirmed differential expression of thirteen genes, TYR, TYRP1, TYRP2, MITF, β-catenin, Wnt3a and so on. These results will expand our understanding of the complex molecular mechanisms of coat color in Tibetan sheep and provide a fo...
Sana Mehmood1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Muhammad Summer1, Sher Muhammad Sherawat2, Shaukat Ali1*, Sajida Naseem3
...hey were brought to the laboratory for subsequent morphological identification, DNA extraction and sequencing. We identified 38 morph-species, representing 22 genera and 8 families. Accuracy of morphological identification was confirmed by barcode analysis of tissue samples. A standard barcode sequence of COI (Cytochrome c Oxidase I) was recovered from 90 specimens of spiders. Percentage accuracy of morphological identification was 92.10%. Four morphologically...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1, Waheed S. Khan2, Shafqat Saeed1 and Kashif Razzaq3

Application of Nanotechnology for Insect Pests Management: A Review
...large ‘‘bio-laboratory” comprising of plants, algae, fungi, yeast, etc. which are consists of wide array of biomolecules. There is various size and shapes of nanoparticles to be synthesized by using the naturally occurring biomolecules. These biomolecules acting as a driving force for the designing of greener, safe and environmentally benign protocols for the synthesis of nanoparticles. Insect pests are main density dependent factors that det...

Sabina Noor1*, Fatimah Abang1 and Hamady Dieng2

Biology of an Exotic Butterfly Acraea terpsicore (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae), in a Newly Invaded Region, Sarawak, Borneo
...color with a wingspan of about 50-60 mm. The males were brighter orange in color and had a wingspan of about 40-50 mm. The population index was found to be common throughout the year but declined during months with higher precipitation. Being an exotic species, A. terpsicore is likely to keep track by feeding on its primary and famous P. foetida voraciously, in this newly invaded region. For future perspectives, a frequent i...

Shishir Sharma* and Laxmi Prasad Joshi

Current Insights on Stemphylium Blight of Lentil with its Management Strategies damage and results in about 3/5th to full failure of the lentil yield. The molecular study for the recognition and delineation of species is inevitable as high complexity is seen due to environmental concerns and contrasting morphological characteristics among species. The frequency and intensity of this disease depends on environmental and climatic factors that are mainly favored by high humidity, temperature greater than 220c, and cloudiness. The pathogen...
Eslam Moradi-Asl1*, Behnam Mohammadi Ghalehbin2, Kamran Akbarzadeh3, Jafar Mohammad-Shahi4, Hajar Afshin4
...t to Medical Entomology Laboratory of the School of Public Health, Ardabil University of medical Sciences for identification. This case is a first time was reported from Ardabil province, northwest of Iran and the Diabetics, Blindness and Physical inability to protect the wound were the most important factors in wound myiasis in this report. 
Luka Anthony*, Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi, Elizabeth Samuel Ebukiba and Vandi Gamba applied (P<0.05), labour input (P<0.01), and contract farming (P<0.05). Quantity of fertilizer and expected price of output was negative and significant at (P<0.01), and (P<0.05) probability levels respectively. The coefficient of the multiple determinations (R2) in the production model was 0.51. This signifies that the explanatory variables included in the model accounted for about 51% variation...

Hafiz Muhammad Wasim1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1, Aneela Riaz3, Abid Niaz2, Khurshid Ahmad Mufti4 and Muhammad Arif2

Deleterious Impact of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Toxicity on Chemical Properties of Soil and Ionic Composition of Rice
...t pots and subjected to laboratory for determination of various chemical properties (pH, EC and SAR). To calculate SAR values of soil, concentration of Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ were also determined from all soil samples. It was observed from the results that addition of NaCl proved toxic for different chemical properties of soil as values of pH (7.23 to 8.44), EC (2.96 to 13.54) and SAR (2.45 to 11.57) were impaired negatively and in systematic manner with the incre...
Ashara Sajid1, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Saeed Rauf 2, Zahoor Hussain3, Salman Ahmad1 and Yasir Iftikhar1,* Adequate information about disease incidence is essential for the eradication and controlling measures of disease. In this context, a survey regarding the incidence of citrus green disease (CGD) was recorded in two cultivars Kinnow (Citrus reticulate Blanco) and Mosambi (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck), among significant citrus-growing areas of Sargodha district based on symptoms. Random samples of trees within orc...
Ghulam Sarwar1, Amna Nazir1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Eram Shahzadi2 and Abid Mahmood3
...tile industry. Awareness about genetic diversity is very essential for fruitful genetic improvement approaches. Correlation, principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analyses were performed to estimate genetic diversity in 25 cotton genotypes. Correlation analysis revealed that days to first square, flower and boll opening were positively associated with seed cotton yield. Staple length and CLCuV % were negatively associated with fiber fineness and yield...
Faiza Altaf1, Shamim Gul1,2*, Tasawar Ali Chandio3, Gul Bano Rehman1, Attiq-ur-Rehman Kakar4, Sami Ullah4, Naqeebullah Khan4, Umbreen Shaheen5, Muhammad Naeem Shahwani6, Muhammad Ajmal7 and Misbah Manzoor8
...ash; 9 fold) increase in aboveground biomass of tomato and 25.67% – 94.59% increase in aboveground plant biomass of lettuce. These fertilizers also increased significantly water use efficiency by ~3.5 – 12.5 times (364.8% - 1166.6%) of tomato plants (as only tomato plants were analyzed for WUE). Furthermore, these amendments reduced concentration of heavy metals in plants of both crops. As compared to contaminate...
Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal3, Iftikhar Zeb1,4 and Muhammad Azeem Khan1,5 for irrigation. This laboratory scale study was aimed to investigate the effects of saline water irrigation on development of total water potential within coarse and fine textured soils using a novel method based on water potential dynamics. Chilled mirror dew point hygrometer accurately captured the water potential dynamics when soil samples were irrigated with saline water. The instrument output showed that soil texture has profound effect on soil total w...
Shahid Hussain Abro1*, Mohammed N. Alghamdi2, Muhammad Sohail Hanif3, Hazim Moria2 andHamza Suharwardi1
.... At 800°C growth is about finger-type morphology. The fingers are parallel to pearlite so it is strongly believed that within this area the bainite structure is to be formed. This bainite is assumed to be austenite before cooling.
Ghazanfar Ali and Riffat-un-Nisa Awan*
... employs CT in enquiring about and explaining natural phenomenon. However, fostering CT through instruction is still a neglected area in educational institutions. The current study was intended to find out the relationships among critical thinking based instructional practices (CTIPs), critical thinking skills (CTS), critical thinking dispositions (CTD), and academic achievement (AA) of undergraduate students of physics, chemistry, and biological sciences. The...
Wenyou Huang1, Dan Yü1, Song Huang1,2, Jian Xiao2, Ping Qi2, Anhua Song2* and Zhen Huang1*
...wth selection, second metabolites change and insect bioassays using Plutella xylostella larvae as the host resulted in the isolation of a collection of mutants with increased virulence. One mutant, designated, MlUV-40b showed 3.3-fold increase in virulence as compared to the wild type parent, with an LC50 = 0.3 &ti...
Baochao Liao1,2, Xiujuan Shan2,3* and Yunlong Chen2,3
...ul for predicting the metabolic responses of individuals or populations to environmental change.
Hina Habib Syed1, Muzafar Shah2*, Shahid Sherzada3 and Masroor Elahi Babar1
...d District Head Quarter Laboratory who were recommended for diagnosis of malaria. About 1050 patients were examined and malaria was detected through microscopy of thick and thin blood smears and rapid diagnostic test of which 118 (11.24%) were found infected with malaria parasite. Comparative Data was also collected from other labs of District Swat which accumulated to a total of 9255 patients, among which 932 (10.07%) patients were found positive for malaria ...
Riffat Sultana1*, Nuzhat Soomro2, Santosh Kumar3 and Ahmed Ali Samajo2
...n trials carried out in laboratory we verified the following mating sequence: (1) sexual recognition by antennation; (2) courtship with male turning his abdomen towards the female performing mediolateral antennae vibration and jerking its body antero-posteriorly. We quantified elapsed time of each behavioral sequence i.e. age of maturation, duration of pre-copulatory and mating, interval between each mating, length of copulation, and number of mating in...
Tanveer Hussain, Masroor Ellahi Babar*, Akhtar Ali and Fiaz Hussain
...ts a camel population of about 20 different breeds and a total of one million head. However, till date, scarce genetic data is available on Pakistani camel’s genomics. In efforts to explore the genetics of the camel, we chose to study the Inteferon beta 1 (IFNβ1) gene in in Mareecha camel and non-descript camel breeds in Pakistan. We amplified the IFNβ1 gene through PCR, followed by sequencing. All sequences were aligned and edited through Codo...

Ahmad Ur Rahman Saljoqi, Muhammad Salim* and Iftikhar Ahmad 


.... It is obvious from the above results that the use of Emamectin along with botanical extracts are effective in controlling T. tabaci infestation, and hence may be used in garlic crop for managing this serious pest.
Saba Shabeer1, Riffat Tahira2 and Atif Jamal3*
...erous secondary toxic metabolites, which are commonly known as mycotoxins. Some of the important toxins produced by different species of Fusarium are fumonisins and trichothecenes.Fusarium species are present around the world and have a very wide host range including many economically important species of crops and plants. Most of the plant diseases are caused by F. solani, F. oxysporum and F. graminearum. Fusarium sp...
Sana* and Abbas Ullah Jan
...rceful control of child labour in agriculture and ensuring their access to free education through an increasing number of government schools in rural areas. Traditional agriculture is labourintensive, provision of interest-free formal credit for the adoption of modern technologies could reduce demand for labo
Salman Ali1*, Ayaz Ali2, Riaz Ali Rind2, Majid Ali3, Zulfiqar Ali Mastoi2, Shagufta Naz3, Muhammad Shakir3, Rashid Ahmed Qaim Khani1
...t during the 2019-20 at laboratory of Institute of Food Sciences and Technology, Sindh Agriculture University, Tandojam. The treatments included in the study are: Grilled fish T1=, Fried fish T2=, Microwave T3 = respectively, and treatment were arranged in CRD with the repeats. The results revealed that the cooking in methods were significantly varied (LSD<0.05) for different parameters. The fish cooked in microwave resulted...
Tariq Ali Mastoi1, Zulfiqar Ali Mastoi2*, Zahoor Ahmed Khetran3, Ghulam Hussain Alizai2, Binish Baig4, Mitha Khan2 and Syed Jahangir Shah1
...s suggested that inquire about perceptions of the borrowers in obtaining credit from ZTBL. Although, most of the validity of credit borrowers complained that the interest rates are higher on the loans. As subsistence farmers, the interest rates are too high for farmers’ community and not satisfied. Majority of the farmers have low levels of education, and cannot fulfil the formalities to get a loan. At the end, it is recommended that ZTBL authority may i...
Chen Tongde1, Fakher Abbas1, Jiao Juying1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2*, An Shoshan1, Muhammad Ansar3, Qaiser Hussain2, Mah-Noor Azad2 andAyaz Ahmad2
... investigation units was about 5.14~133.89 t ha-1 year-1. The soil erosion in Pothohar Plateau mainly occurred in construction land. The soil erosion caused by development and construction projects should be supervised and controlled, meanwhile, matching soil erosion prevention measures should be developed through research. Especially Murree region in the north requires rational planning and approval of a large number of construction proj...
Haseeb Khattak1, Imran Ahmad1, Abdul Basit1*, Izhar Ullah1,2, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Humaira Wasila3, Inayat Ullah4, Intizar Ahmad1 and Noman Ahmad1
...t-1. From the above results it was concluded that cultivar Damaz should be grown under vertical gardening for promising growth and yield of cucumber.
Umair Riaz1*, Shazia Iqbal2, Muhammad Irfan Sohail2, Tayyaba Samreen2, Muhammad Ashraf1, Fatima Akmal2, Ayesha Siddiqui3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Muhammad Naveed5, Naveed Iqbal Khan5 and Rao Masood Akhter6
...nd their derivatives and about 40% newly approved drugs during last two decades are formulated from natural origin. Multitude of socio-economic factors influence economic values of medicinal plants both locally and at international level. The world trade in botanicals is US $ 32.702 billion and Asian botanical trade is for US $ 14.505 billion with 6.634 million tones and accounts for 44.35 per cent and 53.13 per cent of world trade in terms of value and volume...
Ryan Septa Kurnia1* and Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto2

...ergens. Current research about mechanism of disease and drug development is conducted in 2D cell culture or in animal models. The 2D cell culture models poorly imitate the condition in vivo and provide limited utility due to mimic tissue physiology in multicellular organisms. Although animal models can be used as pre-clinical tools for new-agent screening prior to clinical testing, there is a growing awareness of the limitations of animal research and i...
Sohail Akbar1*, Muhammad Shafiq2, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal2, Kashif Ishaq2, Muhammad Kamran2, Shazia Shamas3, Arbab Sikander4 and Muhammad Hashim5
...hey have more heat of metabolism. Moreover, they are high producer and high producer animals are more susceptible to heat stress. Heat Stress has harmful impact on production, reproduction, metabolism and immune status of animal. Semen quality of exotic cattle is also affect by heat stress. Similarly, fertility decreases during highly warm months due to heat stress. In managemental perspective, cooling systems (Fans and mist...
Suwati Suwati1, ErniRomansyah1,*, Syarifudin Syarifudin1, Yahya Jani2, Agus Heri Purnomo3
Damat Damat4 and Erkata Yandri5,6
...ntally in the field and laboratory. And the data were analyzed using simple linear regression to formulate a trend of reduction in the weight of seaweed while drying. The results showed that the weight reduction in seaweed by the natural method can be illustrated by the simple regression linear equation Y = -2.385 3x + 943.65 with R² = 0.985 9, which means a reduction in weight of seaweed i.e. 2.385 3 g min–1 during 340 min. While ...
Dara Jaff1,2* and Michael C. Jarvis lodging in years with above average rainfall. Barley cultivars and landraces bred adapted to these conditions have thinner straw than higher-yielding cultivars adapted to more favourable growing conditions and may lodge in a different way. Using straw dimensions and material properties derived from Kurdish landraces of barley, a finite element model of lodging straw under wind and gravity loading was constructed. Bending moments due to gravity and wind were...
Chaogang Yao, Daxin Pang, Chao Lu, Aishi Xu, Peixuan Huang, Hongsheng Ouyang* and Hao Yu*
...(PPAR) and fatty acid metabolism signaling pathways in determining the IMF contentin the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle of pigs. The expression profile of candidate genes involved in the PPAR and fatty acid metabolism signaling pathways were detected in the LD muscle of two pig breeds with different IMF contents (Large White and Min) by a quantitative real-time reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (qRT-PCR) array. ...
Saima Siddiqui1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed 1Abdul Sattar Buriro2, Sohail Ahmad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4 and Muhammad Asam Riaz4*


...on midrib and lamina) of above mentioned cotton varieties were correlated with the incidence of sucking pest. Result revealed that cotton varieties had significantly different physio- morphic characters. There was a negative and significant correlation of TDM (Trichome density on midrib), (r-value = -0.615) and TDV (Trichome density on vein) (r-value = -0.574) with jassid population, while TDL (Trichome density on lamina), TDM and TDV was positively and signif...
Saira Batool1, Safdar Ali Shirazi1 and Syed Amer Mahmood2*
...le soil loss annually of about 92.6 million tons is equivalent to the calculated sediments of 148 tons/ha. Chakwal watershed is acutely facing severe erosion due to its soil characteristics and topography. The outputs generated from this research are a way forward to plan and implement strategies for combating erosion and natural resources protection. It is inevitable to make suitable water harvesting structures and control rainwater to stop soil removal and w...
Tanay Dineshkumar Shah

...rooms as non-vegetarian, about 14% of the people were not cleared whether they have consumed mushrooms in their lifetime. Among those who are regular mushroom eaters, 50% preferred eating button mushrooms and almost 32% of the people preferred Oyster mushrooms. Through the results, it can be concluded that people have a misconception regarding mushrooms as almost 16% considered mushrooms as non-vegetarian. The result will enable many young mushroom entrepreneu...

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Waqas Wakil2, Shahbaz Talib Sahi3, Waqas Raza1* and Mahmood Ahmad Randhawa4

...-align: justify;">The metabolic changes that took place during host-pathogen interaction have been poorly investigated. Although photosynthesis disturbance and carbon metabolism re-programming have been studied yet, there is scary of data on plant amino acids after induction of resistance. Here we investigated the amino acid contents in induced and un-inoculated and invaded region after induction of resistance. The quantitie...

Ali Zaman1, Nabila Roohi1 and Muhammad Irfan2*

...ut still, the literature about the role of bacteria and its immunogens on the demonstration of clinical signs, hematology and serum biochemistry in Nili Ravi buffaloes under subtropics is lacking. This study was designed to fulfill this gap by analyzing the effects of exposure to the bacterial culture of Pasturella multocida (P. multocida) type B:2 and its immunogens, i.e., lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and outer membrane protein (OMP) on Nili Ravi buffaloes. Prepu...

Ch. Muhammad Rafiq1, Qasim Raza1*, Awais Riaz1, Misbah Hanif2, Wajiha Saeed2, Shawaiz Iqbal1, Tahir Hussain Awan1, Syed Sultan Ali1 and Muhammad Sabar1

...echnology has water and labour saving advantages over conventional transplanting culture, however, poor crop establishment due to reduced germination in variable field conditions greatly hampers its large-scale adaption. To address subordinate germination issues, we investigated the effects of five salicylic acid (SA) concentrations (0, 75, 150, 225 and 300 ppm) on polyethylene glycol (PEG) induced drought stress conditions (0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6 and -0.8 MPa). ...
Aneeqa Saleem1, Muhammad Islam1, Hamid Saeed1* and Mehwish Iqtedar2
...primary and secondary metabolites between both peel and pulp extractives. After 21 days of treatment in mice, only chloroform (CHL) extractives of peel and pulp demonstrated significant improvements in serum creatinine (Peel: N; 1±0.44, PC; 1.4±0.62, CHL; 0.43±0.18, p<0.05, Pulp: CHL; 0.8±0.26, p<0.05) and BUN levels (Peel: N; 13.2±0.53, PC; 9.1±0.97, CHL; 9.4±0.84, p<...
Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman2,3*, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2, Md. Moshiur Rahman3,4 and Muhammed Aslam Pathiri2 catfish larvae under laboratory condition. Newly hatched larvae were stocked in plastic aquaria (10L) at a rate of 5 individuals/L and reared for one month under four treatments such as 24h light (24L), 24 h dark (24D), 12h light and 12h dark with PVC (12DL_PVC), and 12h light and 12h dark without PVC (12DL) conditions. A total of 108 larvae were sampled for phenotypic traits analysis. The results revealed that complete darkness (24D) significantly improved...

Ali Ahmad1*, Zubair Aslam1, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Naeem Iqbal3, Muhammad Idrees3, Muhammad Nawaz4, Muhammad Yasir Nawaz5, Muhammad Kashif Munir6, Ahmad Kamal1, Ehsan Ullah1, Muhammad Ahsan Jamil1, Yousuf Akram1, Tanveer Abbas1 and Muhammad Mohsin Aziz1

...l those research studies about effect of vermicomposting on different parameters of plant growth. Such an explanatory review is remarkably few and far among studies about the impact on plants of vermicasts prepared from aquatic weeds and agriculture wastes.

Arsalan Rasheed1, Tahir Usman2,*, Sadaf Niaz1, Irfan Khattak2, Saira Gul2, Nawab Ali1,Naimat Ullah Khan2, Hazrat Ali2, and Mian Saeed Sarwar2
...this review we will talk about the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 2. 

Fuhua Zhang, Yishuang Yu and Shibao Wu*
...tress them, resulting in abortion. This approach also helps to conserve male reproductive resources, thereby improving the reproductive efficiency of captive Sunda pangolins. Effective and efficient captive breeding programs are critical for the conservation of Sunda pangolins and other pangolin species.
Naimat Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Hassan Saleem2, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shafee3, Ayesha Hassan2, Mumtaz Ali Khan2 and Nadeem Rashid3
...infection and also warns about the high prevalence and possible zoonotic transmission of cryptosporidiosis in southern parts of KPK, Pakistan.

Imran Ullah Khan*, Noor Ul Amin, Sayyed Hamad Ahmad Shah, Maqsood Khan, Shehzad Ahmad and Syed Aizaz Ali Shah

...nd flower vase life. The above mentioned parameters are highly influenced by most of humic acid levels. The increment value were shown on humic acid at the rate of 10 kg ha ‑1 for days to flowering (21.2 days), plant height (85.0 cm), number of leaves plant-1 (183.7), leaf area (56.7 cm2), number of branches plant-1 (15.9), number of flower plant-1 (18.4), flower diameter (9.8 cm), fresh flower weight (12.9 g), flower stalk length (16.9 cm) and flower vase l...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1 near the seed that is about 5 cm away and 5 cm deeper than the seed due to which phosphorus use efficiency has increased. Experiments conducted at farmer’s fields showed excellent results of fertilizer band placement drill even 50% DAP was saved with 10 % excess wheat yield. In previous study s results of the fertilizer band placement drill were very encouraging as compare to farmer practice (Rabii Drill). Farmers were reluctant to adopt this fertiliz...

Shapon Kumar Bashak1, Alok Kumar Paul1, Md. Akhtar Hossain1, Usman Atique2,3*, Sonia Iqbal3, Md. Najim Uddin1, Asrafi Mohammad Farhaduzzaman4, Md. Mojibar Rahman5, Md. Shahanul Islam6

...e with the mean outcomes about the final body weight, net weight gain, specific growth rater (SGR), fish survival rate, and net yield. The final body weight varied significantly from 274.53 ± 1.93 in T3 to 349.40 ± 1.58 in T1, while the SGR difference was recorded from 0.45 ± 0.00 in T3 to 0.58 ± 0.01 in T1. However, the cuchia survival varied between 76.07 ± 0.75 in T3 to 85.14 ± 0.51 in T1 with the means difference o...
Imran Tarique1*, Muhammad Ghiasuddin Shah1, Illahi Bux Kalhoro1
Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani2, Mansoor Tariq 2, Jamil Ahmed Gandahi1
Saqib Ali Fazlani3 and Benazir Sahito3
...l reticular layer deeper above the hypodermis. The papillary and reticular dermis was well developed in adult male age group with abundant areolar and dense irregular connective tissue all skin regions. Skin appendages (sebaceous and sweat gland, and hair follicle) was well developed and distributed in papillary and reticular layer in adult age group, while in young age group mainly observed at papillary dermal layer of all body regions. Sweat gland was...
Tariq Mahmood1*, Luqman Ullah Khan1 and Muhammad Naeem2
...size: small;">Comprising about 13% of the world avian diversity, Indian sub-continent has approximately more than 2060 species of birds. In Pakistan, there are more or less 660 bird species belonging to 23 orders and 74 families. The abundance and diversity of avian species in a specific habitat can serve as a useful measure of their ecological status. In response to land use changes, 20-25% of pre-agricultural birds have vanished. In the current study, we doc...

Qaiser Shakeel1*, Rabia Tahir Bajwa1­, Yasir Iftikhar2, Mustansar Mubeen2, Muhammad Luqman3, Waqas Ashraf1 and Ifrah Rashid4

...ts are rich source of metabolites with a wide range of antifungal activity against ginger soft rot. Crude extracts of these plants have potential to become effective biopesticides upon purified fractions with no hazardous effects on environment as well as humans.


Tanweer Fatah Abro1, Asif Ali Kaloi1, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Tarique Ahmed Baloch2, Tanveer Ali Soomro1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1 and Waqar Hussain Shah4

.... Results suggested that above F4 populations indicated their potential for various yield and fiber traits through heritability coupled with genetic gain to be used in future breeding programs for improving seed cotton yield and fiber quality traits in upland cotton.


Muhammad Fiyyaz1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sher Muhammad3, Muhammad Latif4, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1, Sarfraz Hussain5, Aneela Riaz6 and Abid Niaz2

...ollected from all pots. Laboratory analysis for collected plant samples was carried out. Data were statistically analyzed. Results indicated that treatment (T8) produce maximum nitrogen (3.27%), phosphorus (1.0%) and potassium (2.85%) concentration in shoots of maize plants. The same trend of improvement was noted for maximum nitrogen (3.16%), phosphorus (0.92%) and potassium (2.88%) concentration in roots of maize plants.


Muhammad Fiyyaz1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sarfraz Hussain3, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1 and Aneela Riaz4

...arvesting maize plants. Laboratory analysis for collected soil samples was carried out. Data were statistically analyzed. Results indicated that treatment (T8) produce maximum plant height (115.0 cm), biomass (64.34 g) and root length (27.083 cm) of maize. Organic matter content (1.78 %), phosphorus (16.67 ppm) and potassium (213.0 ppm) concentration in soil was also increased in this treatment.

Iqra Muzammil1, Muhammad Ijaz Saleem1, Amjad Islam Aqib2,*, Ambreen Ashar3Syed Ashar Mahfooz1, Sajjad ur Rahman4, Muhammad Shoaib4, Muhammad Aamir Naseer1, Imran Khan Sohrani1, Javeed Ahmad1, Razaullah Saqi1, Fizzah Laeeq Lodhi1 and
Qaisar Tanveer5
...ical examination in the laboratory. Non-probability statistical tools conferred 42% (84/200, CI=35.37-48.93) prevalence of subclinical mastitis, 38.1% S. aureus (32/84, CI=28.45-48.79), 15.6% MRSA (5/32, CI=6.87-31.76), 46.9% haemolytic S. aureus (15/32, CI=30.87-63.56) and 34.4 % biofilm producing S. aureus (11/32, CI=20.41-51.69). Earthen floor type (OR=1.75, p=0.0996), poor drainage system (OR=7.33, p=0.002), pond as sourc...

Muhamamd Rizwan1*, Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Kashif3, Aneela Zameer Durrani4, Asghar Abbas5, Tanveer Ahmad6, Muhammad Nadeem7 , Kinza Khan8

...sent review was to study about the CRISPR Cas system and there role in genome editing, bacterial virulence and antibiotics resistance. CRISPR Cas system is an integral part of prokaryotic (Bacteria and Archaea) immune system that provides protection against viral infection. When bacteria recognize viral DNA inside it, bacteria incorporate small fragment of viral DNA into its genome at specific site termed as CRISPR locus. Insertion of viral DNA at CRISPR locus...
Suman Bhattarai1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Jaya Prakash Dutta3, Meghnath Timalsena4 and Rajendra Bam5
...el revealed that family labor (p=0.68), age(p=0.007), family size (p=0.001), experience (p=0.007), harvesting (p=0.000) and maintenance of flowering plants (p=0.057) have significant effect on honeybee productivity. Labour cost and migration cost had positive coefficient and significant relation at 1% level of significance with gross return whereas expenses on baiting materials had positive coefficient and significant relati...

Qudsia Nazir1, Muhammad Aftab1*, Ghulam Sarwar2, Aneela Riaz3, Sarfraz Hussain1, Ifra Saleem1, Amina Kalsom1, Noor-Us-Sabah2, Mukkram Ali Tahir2, Ateeq-ur-Rehman4 and Muhammad Arif1

Mohammad Tariq Aziz* and Ayesha Khan

... of the respondents were above 35 years of age, majority (80%) were literate having education from primary to above matric, 45.5% had farming experience of 1-10 years while 67% have knowledge about agriculture extension department. All the respondents have knowledge about ICTs in which mobile phone was owned by 42.8% respondents in the research area foll...

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Sana Majeed1, Muhammad Arshad1, Nimra Altaf1, Muhammad Luqman2, Asad Abdullah1 and Muhammad Afzal3

...lation of feeding and metabolism of S. litura. Further, the results promote P. hysterophorus extract in combination with emamectin benzoate for integrated management of S. litura.


Mian Muhammad Arif* and Malik Muhammad Shafi

...ction show that cost of labour, day-old chicks, feed and flushing cost have a significant effect on the revenue of broiler poultry production while all other variables i.e. medicare, and miscellaneous cost turned out to be insignificant. The ANOVA results showed a statistically significant difference between the costs, revenue and profit of various sizes of broiler poultry farms at 5% level of significance. It is recommended that farmers should be provided loa...

Summara Abbasi* and Khalid Nawab

...) and STATA. Information about dairy practices was studied and percentages recorded, about 70% of the farmers were aware of artificial insemination and vaccination while at least 51% was reported about livestock management. Improved feeding was very active as 70% of farmers were well informed followed by breed status recorded by 70% of the farmers. Demographic results showed that 63% of re...

Misbah Ali1, Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan2*, Rana Binyamin3, Nadeem Ahmed4, Muhammad Usman Ghani5 and Awais Ahmed Khan2

...racnose spots on all the above ground parts especially leaves. In the present study, four fungicides (Aliette, Cabrio Top, Nativo, and Melody Duo) were evaluated against C. graminicola under in-vitro and in-vivo conditions. The poisoned food technique was used for in vitro trials with three concentrations (150 ppm, 200 ppm, and 250 ppm). The most effective concentration of fungicides from laboratory experiment was used in fi...

Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Tajnees Pirzada1*, Abdul Majid2 and Farzana Rashid3 

...more insight information about mechanism and effects of HA on other plants.


Shahinshah Khan1*, Aijaz Ali Khooharo1, Zaheeruddin Mirani1 and Velo Suthar2

...elieved that seed of the above-mentioned crops was available with difference sources, however, affordability and quality were the major concerns. Small segment of the farmers were satisfied with quality of seed and the same were recorded as 43.9% wheat, 30% cotton, 56.1% rice, 22.8% onion, and 21.7% tomato growers. Based upon research findings, recommendations were developed for public and private sector for quality supply of seed to the farmers of Balochistan...
Assefa Tessema Tecklie1*, Abebe Getahun Gubale1, Seyoum Mengistou Yilma1, Tadesse Fetahi Hailu1 and Eshete Dejen Diresilign2
...ource of livelihoods for about 2000 people living around the lake. Tehulederie, the largest district bordering the lake has established three months (May- July) as breeding seasons, however, the fishermen didn’t respect the regulation set by the district. As the result, the fishery production was being reduced highly since 2010. Especially, the most important fish species (Nile tilapia) has been overfished due to the illegal fishing activities. Therefore...

Gulnaz Parveen1*, Naila Mukhtar2, Shumaila Irum3 and Nain Bukhari4

.... These losses result in about a 30% reduction in the yield of these vegetables. By reducing the post-harvest losses, it could be possible to overcome the need of food as the world population is in dare need of research relating to crop sustainability.

Arshad Ali1, Muhammad Nasir Khan Khattak2*, Muhammad Ali Nawaz3 and Shoaib Hameed3
...flicts with humans. Data about the presence-absence and depredation in five years (2009-2013) were collected from 86 households in the area. Total losses in Kalam Valley during the five year period were 72 animals. The brown bear predation was estimated as 29% of total predation in the area that killed 15 goats, 2 sheep, and 4 cattle. The snow leopard and wolf predation was 31% and 39%, respectively. To estimate the occurrence, 10 transects were laid out in ea...
Muhammad Ramzan1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah2, Muhammad Umair Sial2, Naeem Iqbal2 and Shafqat Saeed2

Fahrauk Faramayuda1,2*, Totik Sri Mariani3, Elfahmi1,4 and Sukrasno1 identify secondary metabolite in callus using thin layer chromatography (TLC). The profiling of ethanol extracts of callus of two varieties O. aristatus were carried out using solvent system toluene-ethyl acetate- formic acid-water (3:3:1:0.2).  The results of monitoring TLC suggest that callus obtained from Schenk and Hildebrandt (SH) media can proceed to the suspension culture stage because it showed brighter fluorescence spot than other callus and p...

Shahzad Khan1*, Munir Khan1, Arif Alam2, Ikram Shah2, Mahfooz Khan1 and Fida Muhammad Khan1

...onomic analysis and to elaborate the determinants of wheat crop in district Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan in the year 2018. Three villages, namely, Aspandehri, Kamran Kalay and Sarfaraz Kalay, were purposively selected. A sample size of 41 wheat growers from farm households was chosen from these villages for data collection. Thus, selection of the farmers was based on the proportional allocation technique. However, primary data were randomly collecte...
Samina Tahir Kiani1, Abdul Rauf1, Syed Ayaz Kazmi1,*, Nuzhat Shafi1, Madiha Khalid2, Naeem Latif1, Samina Gul2, Saghir Yousaf3 and Muhammad Arshad4
...cribes the prevalence of above-mentioned diseases in underprivileged orphans of District Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Blood samples of a total of 300 children (150 males and 150 females), 4-17 years of age were screened for anti-HCV antibody, HBsAg and anti-MTB antibodies using ICT kits. Sputum microscopy for MTB was done in MTB antibody positive samples. The samples positive in initial screening were confirmed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and...

 Ramadan, F. Abbas1;H.M.Salem1; M.H. Belal2, and A. M. M. Abd-Alla3*

...intained in
laboratory colony, leads to the detection and isolation of this virus from
Egypt. Injection of filtrate induced SGH symptom in 60% injected flies.
The salivary gland symptom was similar to the previously reported
symptoms of the MdSGHV. Examination of the SGH suspension with
Electron microscopy revealed the presence of rod-shape virus particles

Ghulam Murtaza1*, Muhammad Ramzan2, Assad Ullah3, Abid Ali5, Ayesha Zafar3, Rukhsar Beanish3, Ahmad Ali4, Ghulam Mustafa4 and Mudassar Aslam4 

...igned at Insect Rearing Laboratory, MNS. University of Agriculture, Multan to evaluate host and oviposition preference of Bactrocera zonata on different fruits under laboratory conditions. Infested fruits were collected from local fruits and vegetables market and brought to laboratory. Collected fruits and vegetables were placed in cages having sand in bottom for pupation. After the adult ...

Walaa ,S. Shabanaa;Bakr, A. Abdallaa; Eman, M. ELShalamia; I.M. Redab; M. A. Shalabyb

produces high abortion rate among pregnant ewes and cows, causes heavy mortalities in young
lambs and calves. In the present study the Montanide ISA 50 oil adjuvanted combined FMD/RVF
vaccine was tested in sheep and compares it with single vaccines either FMD or RFV alone.The
mean of antibody titers continued with the protective level till the 32 to 36th week post vaccination,
In single vaccination eit...
Ala’audin Hakami,1AusamaA Yousif,2* Mohamed Zaki,3 Mahmoud Ismail,4,5 Ahmed Al-Ali,5 Abdu-Rahman Al-Ankari5 
...singly reported without laboratory
diagnostic evidence of virus circulation. The objectives of this study were
to investigate the presence of PBFDV in the Arabian Peninsula, and to
identify its possible molecular origins. Total DNA was extracted from
feather and blood samples from randomly selected 19 clinically-suspect
and 153 apparently-normal birds collected from 10 locally-bred and
Abeer A. Feisall; B.A. Othman2; Kh.A. El-Dougdoug2 and H.S. Shalaby1
isometric head of about 69.6 nm in diameter and non contractile tail of 243.5 nm in
length and 17.4 nm in width. The Salmonella bacteriophage (St-1) has a narrow
host range since, it was infectious to Salmonella typhimrium ATCC25566 and S.
typhimurium MM11 among the eight bacterial isolates tested belonging to family
enterobacteriacae. The thermal inactivation point of the isolated phage was found to

Yanni, M. I1; Hanaa A. Ahmed2; Lamyaa, A. Ahmed1; Hanan, A. Fahmy3 and Ibrahim, E.M.4 Aggour, M. G.3



Nashwa M. Helmy1 and Ahmed S. A.2

...pectively) submitted to laboratory
examination by Priochek for NSPs (3ABC) 32 out of 70 were positive (12 sera samples
from Sharkia and 20 sera samples from Fayoum), while 22 out of 70 were positive by
real time RT-PCR (10 sera samples from Sharkia and 12 sera samples from Fayoum).
Definitive diagnosis of foot and mouth disease requires the detection of virus antigen or
genome. So, the vesicular epith...

Eman A. H. Kattab1,3, A. H. Ebrahem2 , Om-Hashem M. El-Banna2 and Hanan F. EL-Kammar³

...ied BBMV preparation was about 2.5 mg/100g of infected tissue. Electron micrograph of purified virus preparation revealed isometric shaped particles of with mean diameter of 26 nm typical of Bromoviruses. Polyclonal antibodies raised against BBMV have maximum titer of 1:1024 from the first bleeding. IgG and IgG conjugate were 1.0 μg/ ml and 1:1000, respectively. The produced antiserum was evaluated by DBIA and TBIA using infected plant.


Amel, S.M. Abo-Senna1; M.A. Nasr-Eldin2; B.A. Othman3 and A.A. Megahed4

... flexuous particles with about 750 X 12-15 nm. The virus was identified as ZYMV by RT-PCR technique using high specific primers as 113 bp fragment within the nuclear inclusion protein b (NIb) coding region of the virus genome. The cytopathological effects of ZYMV on the infected cells were completely chloroplasts destruction, and deformation of vascular bundles. The effect of late ZYMV infection decreased fresh weight and yield of squash plants.


Elharony, S.B.1,3, SaharA.Youssef2 and Richard F. Lee3

... even in low technology laboratories. The amount of tissue
required by this method is ∼50–100 mg. The quantity and the quality
of the nucleic acid extracted by this method is high enough to
perform hundreds of PCR-based reactions and also to be used in
other DNA manipulation techniques such as restriction digestion,
Southern blotting and cloning.
M. A. Kararah1, Om-Hashem M. El-Banna1, Salwa N. Zein2 and Abd-Elrehiem, A.F.3 
...flexuous virus particles about 700- 750nm long. Titers of the
antisera after first, second and third bleeding were 1/800, 1/1600 and 1/3200
respectively.The optimum concentrations of IgG and IgG conjugate were 1.0
μg/ml and 1/1000, respectively. The antigen dilution end point was
1:500.The produced antiserum was evaluated by ELISA and DBIA. Electron
microscopy f ultrathin-section of PMV- infected l...
Abd El-Hamid, M.I1, Seham, A.El-Zeedy1, El-Sanousi, A.A2, Reda, I.M2, Nehal, S. Saleh1, Abbas, A.M1
...cted samples were either aborted fetal tissues either Lung and livers as well as Aborted placenta and nasal swaps from mares suffering from repeated Abortions, The current study used the gene synthesis technology introduced by Invitrogen to synthesis the glycoprotein D of the Kentucky Strain as reference strain to use it as appositive control for the envelope glycoprotein D of EHV-1 (EHV-1gD) cloned in pMA-T plasmid for optimizing the detection of the virus fr...

Abd El-Hamid, M.I1; Seham, A. ElZeedy1; El-Sanousi A.A2, Reda, I.M2, Nehal, S. Saleh1., Abbas, A.M1

...or its ability to induce abortion and nervous system disorders neonatal foal pneumonitis, highly contagious among susceptible horses, with viral Transmission to cohort animals occurring by inhalation of aerosols of virus-laden respiratory secretions. Extensive use of vaccines has not eliminated EHV infections, and the worldwide annual financial burden from these equine pathogens is immense. Clinical signs may occur despite the presence of a virus-specific immu...

Hanan M. El-Zahed, Hanaa A. Mostafa, Nermeen M. El Sayed and Lamiaa M. Omar

...sfactory and equal to or above that of AI control group (80-85%). It is advisable to apply vaccination with the live attenuated CAV vaccines in poultry farms to select hygienically well controlled farms or even farms with closed system which maintain their birds in strong and well healthy state. Also it is preferable to vaccinate these birds with the inactivated AI vaccine at the 2nd WPV with either the DW or the S/C CAV vaccine. As the vaccinated birds showed...

Shahida Sabir1, Anwar Ali Shad1, Tariq Masood1*, Zafar Ali Shah1, Nasiruddin2, Yaseen Ahmad1 and Syed Sartaj Alam3 

...y. Maximum % inhibition (about 50%) was recorded at 25 mg/L concentration against all the three fungal species (Penicillium claviforme, Aspergillus flavus and Fusarium sp.). Methanolic extract of P. eryngii showed increasing % mortality against red flour beetle (Tribolium castaneum) in methanolic extract with increasing concentration after 24 and 48 h exposure time. Maximum mortality (100%) was noticed at 300 mg/L after 40 h exposure time. Hence, methanolic ex...

Salama M. El-Saghir1, 2

...mplified one fragment of about 1800 bp in length. Nested PCR
amplified amplicons of 1,200 bp; hence confirming the presence of phytoplasma in these trees.
Negative results were obtained when total DNA obtained from healthy peach leaves was used as a
Conclusion: The present study confirms the incidence of mixed infection with both PNRSV and
phytoplsama(s). Due to limited information on the inf...
Nehafta Bibi1,2, Faiq Jan3, Munawar Saleem Ahmad4 and Haitao Wang1,5,*
...ed light on the question about potential effect of luminance on visual performance by secondary cavity and non-cavity nesting passerines.
Nagwa K. Meselhy1, Mohamed A. Abo El-khair1, Basem M. Ahmed2, Sherif A. El-Soally3,
Abdelhamid M. Fares1, Mohamed A. Nayel1 and Hussein A. Hussein2
... to European
abortogenic isolates (EHV-1 strains: Army 183 and Suffolk/48/2013). Indeed, the analysis reports that
these viruses are circulating in both Arabian and foreign horses in Egypt.
Conclusion: The nested PCR is an appropriate technique for the detection of EHV-1 present in blood
of a latently, or silently infected horses. The application of this nested PCR is considered to be a rapid
Allam A. Megahed, Badawi A. Othman, Samar S. El Masry, Abeer A. Faiesal and Mohamed A. Nasr Eldin
... flexuous rod shape with about 680 x 13 nm
in size. Ultrastructure analysis showed different degrees of chloroplast degradation in PVM-infected
potato leaf tissues.
Conclusion: Occurrence of PVM was detected and confirmed in commercial potato seed tubers in
Egypt using the RT-PCR technique.

Ahmed K. El-Attar1, Samah A. Mokbel1 and Om-Hashem M. EL-Banna2

...sults obtained from the laboratory-based techniques
such as (DAS)-ELISA, and RT-PCR using a pair of primers specific to the AMV-CP gene.
Phylogenetic analysis results indicated that AMV-Egypt that isolated from Basil is most closely
related (96.4%) to the AMV-Spain strain isolated from Hibiscus plants.
Conclusion: Pathological investigation may provide insights into the alterations of the cell after

Hanan Sayed 1, Mohamed S. Madkour 1, Hussein A. Hussein 2, Ahmed A El-Sanousi 2

...r2 IB) vaccine based on laboratory tests and
repetition of challenge test.
Methods: We prepared formalin inactivated combined vaccine for Avian Influenza (H9N2N),
Newcastle (La), and IB (M41 and Var 2) by using montanide 71 adjuvant. The prepared vaccine was
injected intramuscularly in specific pathogen free and commercial layer chicken, the injection was
repeated as a booster vaccination after a mont...

Aliya Munir1, Sajid Abdullah1*, Huma Naz2*, Khalid Abbas1, Tanveer Ahmed3 and Zahid Farooq2

... pesticides and their metabolites in freshwater bodies. Pesticides can trigger stress in organisms by increasing the number of reactive oxygen species. Oxidative stress biomarkers like antioxidants enzymes have been successfully used in ecotoxicology field for evaluating the stress response of organisms exposed to pollutants. Therefore, this work was designed to evaluate the peroxidase (POx) level in kiney, gills and liver of fish Channa striata exposed to LC5...

Nadeem Anwar1, Muhammad Luqman2*, Shaoib Nasir3, Moazzam Sabir1, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad4 and Saleem Ashraf5

... found to be unsatisfied about the role of intermediaries and termed these intermediaries as profit-making group indenting the share of farmers. The Harvesting behavior of the farmers is significantly affected by the area under citrus cultivation. The results also indicated that product marketing and harvesting behavior of citrus growers is positively associated with a unit increase in area under citrus cultivation. The analysis of Socio-economic characteristi...

Bakhtiar Gul*, Saleetha Rabial and Haroon Khan

...le, economical and less laborious for the management of duckweed for large scale infestation.


Muhammad Nasir1, Muhammad Usman Asif2*, Abdul Hayee Abid1, Qurat ul Ain Haneef1 and Muhammad Awais2

...s (pest incidence at and above Economic Threshold level, ETL) for each tehsil were determined weekly, and then the combined infestation was calculated at the district level. The results showed that the weather conditions, during all the three years, had a significant impact on the insect pest abundance. The maximum percentage of whitefly hot spots ranged in line from 8.36-24.14% during three years study period followed by mealybug (6.71-11.79%), jassid (4.56-7...
Ramazan Erdogan1*, Mikail Tel2, Vedat Cinar2 and Ragip Pala2 markers of glucose metabolism.Besides, it has been determined that regular exercise and zinc picolinate supplementation have also important effects on FAS and IRS-1 values, which represent fat metabolism.

Syed Ismat Hussain1, Khalid Mehmood2, Mudassar Khaliq3, Habib Anwar1, Syed Muhammad Zaka4, Ateeq ur Rehman5*, Muhammad Shahid6, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi5*, Ummad ud Din Umar5 and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar7

...servations were recorded about pest infestation. Metrological data was collected of each district’s head quarter on daily basis for the year 2017. For accumulation of degree days model, Huber’s method was adopted and data for calculation of generations by accumulating progressive degree days was observed highly significant i.e., P>0.0001. In the present study, the accumulation of degree days for its forecasting was calculated from 1st January by...

Muhammad Rafique1, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2, Inam Ul Haq1*, Muhammad Ramzan Anser2, Humara Umar2 and Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah2

...Pvt.) Ltd. under the collaboration with Barani Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) Chakwal to find out the appropriate light intensity for successful olive propagation under greenhouse conditions. The data regarding days to root initiation, number of roots, root length, days to shifting, rooted cutting percentage and callus percentage were collected under four different treatments. Cutting under the only green net (5944 lux), white net (11428 lux) only uppe...
Aamer Abbas1, Jabbar Khan1*, Mir Abid Hassan2, Asif Qayyum3 and Hamed Shafiq4 maximum age limit of above 47 years and highest marriage ages during the present study showed comparatively higher concentrations of all the heavy metals. Zinc was found with highest means values while cadmium was recorded with lowest concentrations. On comparing severe oligozoospermia with mild/moderate oligozoospermic patients with respect to semen analysis, it was observed that head, mid-piece and tail defects were comparatively much higher in severe ol...
Muhammad Noman Koondhar1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1,*, Muhammad Ammar Khan2, Riaz Ahmed Leghari3 and Parkash Dewani4 and transported to laboratory within 4-6 hs of collection in cooling conditions. The samples were examined for Salmonella contamination; isolation and identification of Salmonella serovars was done using the standard procedure, while antimicrobial profile was illuminated using the disk diffusion method.
Hassan Shahzad Khan1, Muhammad Tariq1*, Tariq Mukhtar2 and Asim Gulzar1
...ver nanoparticles caused above 80% mortality of both the instars of the mosquito. Bakain and neem extracts showed the minimum LC50 values after 72 h of application followed by garlic against the 3rd instar A. albopictus larvae. In case of green synthesized silver nanoparticles, the minimum LC50 values after 72 h were recorded with neem, bakain and garlic while the values were maximum in the case of clove, bitter gourd an...
Pengfei Liu*, Xuexue Qin and Fei Shang
...ifference in nest height above the ground and different preference for nesting plants between the two species. However, the nest predation rate and breeding success were not different significantly. Our study suggested that the space segregation of nesting site contribute to the extensive stable coexistence of these two species.

Fahrauk Faramayuda1,2*, Totik Sri Mariani3, Elfahmi1,4 and Sukrasno1 the same secondary metabolites as the wild type. This study aims to identify the chemical content of two varieties of O. aristatus resulting from in vitro culture. The five-month-old variety of O. aristatus purple and white purple and wild type was extracted using two solvents with different polarity levels, namely ethanol and ethyl acetate. The concentrated extract was identified for its chemical content using gradient system HPLC 0.1% formic acid: acetoni...

Muhammad Madni Afzal1*, Shahbaz Talib Sahi1, Amer Habib1, Waqas Ashraf2, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan3, Muhammad Raheel2 and Qaiser Shakeel2

...sal rot of onion in the laboratory, greenhouse and field. Completely randomized design (CRD) was used for in-vitro study and randomized complete block design (RCBD) for greenhouse and field experiments. Three desert plants i.e. Gossypium thurberi, Calotropis procera and Suaeda fruticose were used at 50 ppm, 100 ppm and 150 ppm concentrations. Maximum basal rot disease reduction (78.6%) was recorded at 150 ppm concentration of wild cotton (G. thurberi) under in...

Hina Fatima1*, Bushra Yasmin2 and Lal Khan Almas3

...he marketing information about availability of innovative inputs. This is learned from the results that multiple cropping under tunnels appeared as a cutting-edge system among the prevalent agricultural practices in Pakistan that demands modernity and challenges on the part of farmers. 


Masudul Haq Wani and Arshad Bhat*

...ot up from 0.96 MT/ha to about 3.00 MT/ha. thereby, improving the productivity by 3 fold, employability which went up from 260 to 810 man-days/ha. The results further revealed that with an expected expansion of medium density almond orchards over 30 per cent of the target area will provide NPV 1348.5 Billion US $, IRR 70 per cent and BC ratio would amount to 107.74 respectively. The study concludes that attention of people should be diverted towards the cultiv...
Arbab Zubair Ahmad1, Farman Ullah1, Hayat Badshah2, Muhammad Shehzad Khan1* and Bashir Ahmad1
...hogramma chilonis under laboratory conditions at Agriculture Research Institute (ARI), Tarnab, Peshawar-Pakistan during, 2017-2018. The cereals (maize, oat, wheat and barley) were evaluated on the basis of total adult emergence, egg laying ability, developmental time of S. cerealella and enhancing parasitism along with sex ratio of T. chilonis raised on eggs from moths reared on cereals. The response of cereals to S. cerealella in no choice test revealed signi...

Sajida Batool1, Saira Batool1, Sitara Shameem1, Fatima Khalid1, Tahira Batool2, Summera Yasmeen1, Saima Batool3*

... in the liver of albino laboratory mice, 20 adult male mice were equally distributed (n=10) into two groups. Atrazine was given at the dose of 200 mg/kg body weight through gavages for 28 days while the control (Cnt) group remains untreated. On the 29th day, all animals were sacrificed to recover liver for histological preparations. Atrazine (ATZ) caused various hepatic implications in the treated animals. ATZ exposure caused a significant decline in mean body...
Kai Jin1,2,3, Chen Chen 1,2,3, Xinyu Sun1,2,3, Caiye Zhu1,2,3, Mahmoud F. Ahmed1,2,3,4, Qisheng Zuo1,2,3, Jiuzhou Song4 and Bichun Li1,2,3* role in fatty acid metabolism including milk and muscular fatty acid. This study investigated the expression of SCD1 gene in goat and examined its inheritability and expression in transgenic SCD1 mice and goats. Our results suggested the possibility of generating transgenic goats by sperm-mediated gene transfer (SMGT). The expression of SCD1 gene and fatty acid metabolism genes in goat mammary gland tissues ...
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2*, Syed Shahid Ali2 and Mushtaq Ahmad Saleem1
...phine on carbohydrate metabolism and macromolecular concentrations in two larval instars (4th and 6th) of the khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium, at different exposure periods (24-120 h) was determined. Two populations of khapra beetle used in this research possessed different levels of susceptibility to phosphine. Based on LC50 one population was termed as a susceptible population (never exposed to phosphine previously...
Mengke Wang1, Shucheng Huang2, Cai Zhang1*, Haizhou Gong1
Shunan Cuan1, Shuaishuai Wang1, Qi Shao1, Wenhao Xu1, Sudan Meng1
Pengfei Li1, Yuqin Wang1 and Zijun Yang1
...improving liver lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity of laying hens is unclear. The current study examined the ameliorative effects of monoammonium-glycyrrhizinate (MAG) on liver lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity in laying hens. One hundred eighty 320-day-old Hy-Line brown laying hens were allocated to five equal groups and administrated with the concentrations of 0 (control), 25, 50, 100, and 200 mg/L of MAG su...
Yuzhou Luo1, Ping Wang1, Kaijun Yu2*, Song Luo3 and Longjie Sun4
... data acquired with our laboratory-made sleep monitoring system. Furthermore, a commercial system was compared for validating the efficiency of our proposed algorithm. This work is the first study that successfully used breath sounds to classify sleeping conditions. The experiment validates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
Romaan Hayat Khattak, Zhensheng Liu* and Liwei Teng*
... of detailed information about the ex-situ conservation status of these species. The present study gives a piece of benchmark information on wild ungulate species, breeding practices and the challenges that exist in captive breeding in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan.
Ahmad Wahyudi1*, Sujono Sujono2, Listiari Hendraningsih2, Ari Prima2, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile3 and 
Ivar Zekker4
...rformance is yet to be elaborated. Therefore, the effect urea addition on TMR and its silage on performance of Friesian Holstein (FH) male calves were evaluated. The calves (n = 27; 5 mo to 7 mo, mo = month old) were divided into three groups, each group consisted of nine calves, based on age: 5 mo (100 kg to 105 kg), 6 mo (111 kg to 116 kg), and 7 mo (123 kg to 133 kg). All groups were divided into three types of feed, namely: conventional feed containing con...
Nazish Huma Khan1*, Mohammad Nafees2, Tooba Saeed3, Khaliq Ur Rahman4 and Adila Bashir2

Muhammad Yaseen*, Muhammad Adnan, Muhammad Luqman, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed and Muhammad Umer Mehmood

...ent, and what they think about having a career in the sector have the vigor to provide us with facts about rural youth. Keeping in view the importance of rural youth in agriculture, the present study is designed to find the reasons that hinder rural youth involvement to encourage their participation in agriculture. Based on the facts regarding the population of rural youth, a sample of 450 respondents was selected using a mu...

Aiman Amur1*, Nasreen Memon1, Pervaiz Khan2 and Fozia Gull3

... research work indicated about pest alarming occurrence time, correlation of environmental factors and suggesting future pest management strategies for controlling Pest.
Dong-Min Hou1, Ting Jia2, Chun-yan Liu1, Zheng-Kun Wang1 and Wan-Long Zhu1*
... food intake, resting metabolic rate (RMR), morphology, the positive expressions of uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) and Cd137, and the relative expressions of PR domain containing 16 (PRDM16), bone morphogenetic proteins 7 (BMP7), peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα), cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor coactivator 1α (PGC-1α) of WAT were measured. The results showed that body mass, food i...
Li Qiao1,2, Quan Zhang1, Shubao Geng1,2, Fangmei Zhang1,2, Junhua Chen1,2 and Shibao Guo1,2,*
...en were investigated in laboratory. The results showed that the total egg quantity, oviposition rate and adult longevity were all affected. The egg number every female adult of E. grisescens Warren was reduced 37.36%, 26.17%, 41.88% and 35.11% contrast to the control. The average oviposition rate reduced 16.61%, 11.44%, 11.81% and 8.86% respectively with the supply of four wave lengths at night. Meanwhile, the pre-oviposition period and oviposition peri...
Xueli Jiang1,2, Jie Gao3, Muhammad Zahid Sharif1,2, Xuewen Zhang4 and Fanglin Liu1,*
...a dichotomous mode, with above a certain value destructing colonies and below such value affecting little. This study provides new insight into the mechanism underlying the catastrophic events of bee losses or honey harvests, which have been reported worldwide.
Gong Xue-na1, Jia Ting2, Zhang Di2 and Zhu Wanlong1*
... food intake, resting metabolic rate (RMR), activity behavior, serum leptin levels, hypothalamic neuropeptide expressions and body compositions were measured. The results showed that regions and HF diet affected body mass, food intake and RMR significantly, HF diet increased body mass in E. miletus, while regions had significant effect on activity behavior, but HF diet had not affect activity behavior. Regions and HF diet also showed remarkable e...

Malik Muhammad Shafi, Rabia Habib and Haidar Ali*

...led farmers were earning above and 49,999 PKR followed by the farmers (15%) with income from 40,000 to 49,999 PKR. According to this study, small farmers can increase their savings through the provision of off-farm opportunities. To minimizing the expenditures, the small farmers can used  better household budget management technique to increase their savings.


Shahid Ali1*, Murtaza1, Waqas Ahmad1, Muhammad Israr2, Aftab Khan3, Hamdullah1 and Syed Attaullah Shah1

...t 1 percent increase in labor hours and urea increased yield by 0.411% and 0.231%, respectively, at 0.01 level of α (p-value = 0.000). A percent increase in number of irrigation and tractor hours increased yield by 0.110% and 0.044%, respectively, at 0.05 level of α while chemicals increased yield by only 0.029% but was statistically insignificant. Summing up all the estimated coefficients of the regressed model resulted a value of 0.8266, implying...

Theophilus Miebi Gbigbi* and Rodney Akpoviri Isiorhovoja

...ed, drugs and vaccines, labour, shelter and equipment significantly influenced exotic chicken production. The resource use efficiency result infers that DOCs and drugs and vaccine were under-utilized while feeds, labour and housing and equipment were over-utilized by the farmers. The elasticity of production was 1.08. This is increasing returns to scale. This paper concludes that poultry farmers were inefficient in the appli...

Hamida Bibi1*, Dave Rraffaelli2 and Muhammad Sharif1 as determined in the laboratory by Average Score Per Texon (ASPT) as well as water conductivity. For most sites the body mass distributions were skewed towards smaller body sizes with another apparent mode for large size class. Contrary Kernel Density Estimates (KDE) for body mass spectra revealed marked differences in modalities among the sites. The distributions of body masses in cleanest and polluted sites were inversely related with water quality while ...

Murad Ali* and Said Wahab to the Biochemistry Laboratory, University of Malakand for further analysis. The peroxide values (18.073 meq kg-1) were found significantly higher in oil medium, followed by ghee (11.96 meq kg-1) and then tallow (10.507-meq kg-1). Initial value in oil,value of peroxide was recorded as low as (5.05 meq kg-1),which significantly increased to (20.68 meq kg-1) in the 5thhour of frying. In addition, a higher acid value (1.499) recorded in ghee medium followed b...
Farhat Iqbal1, Abdul Waheed2*, Zil-e-Huma3 and Asim Faraz2
... body length, head girth above eyes,shank circumference, belly sprung, and rump height measurements of beetal goats (1 – 7 years in age) of Pakistan. In order to test the performance of candidate methods, various evaluation measures such as the mean absolute error, root mean squared error, mean absolute percentage error, coefficient of determination and the correlation between the actual and predicted body weights were calculated. A 10-fold cross validat...
Amin Arif1, Khizar Samiullah1*, Riffat Yasin2, Bilal Rasool1, Shakila Naz1, Xijun Ni3 and Saleem Akhtar1
...d additional information about family Giraffidae. The fossil site has well exposed Chinji and Nagri Formation and has dated approximately 14.2-9.5 Ma. In this study, different aspects of evolution, taxonomy and biogeographic distribution as well as the relation of Giraffidae with Procerotidae have been discussed comprehensively. Palaeoenvironment, biostratigraphy and geology of the locality have also been discussed. The coexistence of Giraffokeryx punjabien...
Madiha Nawaz and Shoaib Freed

...P. solenopsis under laboratory conditions by immersion method. Three entomopathogenic fungi; Beauveria bassiana (isolates Bb-01, Bb-08), Metarhizium anisopliae (isolates Ma-11.1, Ma-2.1) and Isaria fumosorosea (isolates If-2.3, If-02) showed percent mortalities of (61.0%, 85.0%), (78.0%, 56.0%) and (52.0%, 54.0%) with LC50 values of (4.25×108, 2.54×108 spores/ml), (3.26×108,...

Salma Javed1* and Daniyal Siddiq2

...javanica, in tomato. In laboratory conditions second-stage juveniles (J2) mortality was recorded after 24, 48 and 72 h of incubation in concentrations of 0.25, 0.5 or 1%. Maximum mortality was achieved with ethanol extracts followed by aqueous and methanol extracts. In the greenhouse, leaf extracts at 60 days after inoculation produced reduction in root galling, egg masses, and nematode populations in plants in treated containers compared to untreated plants (...

Mohammed Abdel-Mageed Abdel-Aziz Abdel-Mageed1, Eman Alsayed Hammad2*, Nashaat Abdel-Aziz Mahmoud1 and Anas Farag El-Mesalamy1

...-align: justify;">Under laboratory conditions, aqueous, acetonic and methanolic extracts of Solanum nigrum, Atropa belladonna, Hyoscyamus muticus, Capsicum frutescens, Datura innoxia and Withania somnifera were tested against root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne javanica. All the tested materials affected the survival of the nematode juveniles and egg-masses hatched depending on materials property, concentrations and solvents used in extraction. The aqueous extract...

Mst. Deloara Begum1, Md. Muniruzzaman1, Md. Salauddin2* and Md. Mostafizer Rahman1

... were used as a sample. Laboratory work was done by different bacteriological laboratory methods and purified isolates were identified according to gram’s staining reaction, colony morphology, cultural characteristics, biochemical and antibiotic susceptibility test. All most 100% dried and 20% cooked fish sample were contaminated. In this study seven different species and 168 isolates were identified from dried fish an...
Luis Daniel Jiménez Martínez1, Vicente Morales Garcia2Carlos Alfonso Frias Quintana3, Alejandra del Carmen Castillo Collado1, Gloria Gertrudys Asencio Alcudia4, Carina Shianya Alvarez Villagomez4, Emyr Saul Peña Marín4,5, Bartolo Concha Frias1 and 
Carlos Alfonso Alvarez-Gonzalez4
...tages of development, metabolism, among other conditions. This study analyzed the stability and normalization of six commonly used reference genes such as alpha elongation factor (ef1-α), beta-actin (actb), 18S ribosomal RNA (18s rrna), beta-2-microglobulin (b2m), tubulin alpha (α-tub) and glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (gapdh) in the different tissues of the intestine, muscle, gill, stomach, brai...
Rajesh Kumar Oad1, Nasir Rajput1, Imdad Hussain laghari1, Hidayatullah Soomro1, Muhammad Azhar Memon2, Abdul Sattar Baloch5, Qudratullah Kalwar3,  Mashhood Ahmed1, Zubair Ahmed Soomro2 and Waseem Ali Vistro4*
Manar M. Farouk1*, Amal El-Molla1, Fayez A. Salib1 and Yousef A. Soliman2
...nBank. The obtained data about disease occurrence were statistically analyzed using Chi-square test in order to identify disease-associated factors. The overall prevalence of salmonellosis among diarrheic sheep and goats was 3.86%, and the disease prevalence per each flock ranged from 0% to 7.55%. The factors that were found to be associated with disease occurrence included, absence of isolation of newly- purchased animals and isolation pen for sick animals, o...
Shoaib ur Rehman1, Jabbar Khan2*, Raaza Malja Khan3, Maimoona Azam4 and Zeeshan Mutahir5
... in arranging counseling about disease recurrence in future, large scale mutation screening and PND not only for Kohat region but also the whole community of KP province. Such study could provide valuable information regarding thalassemia prevention like prenatal diagnosis (PND), genetic counseling and carrier screening for controlling the affected births in the population. Consanguinity, lack of awareness and non-availability of health facilities have thus co...

Muhammad Usman Hanif, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Irfan Ullah

...aceous vegetables. This laboratory work was aimed to determine the comparative toxicity of three differential-chemistry insecticides (i.e. emamectin benzoate 1.9 EC, spinosad 240 EC and lufenuron 50 EC) and the aqueous extracts of three local plant species (i.e. Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn., Citrus limon L. and Azadirachta indica A. Juss) against the grubs and adults of E. vigintioctopunctata. Three concentrations of each synthetic insecticide (i.e. 2.5, 2 a...

Atef El-Sagheer1*, Anas El-Mesalamy1, Abdel-Monem Anany2 and Nashaat Mahmoud1

...anica were estimated in laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Results revealed that all the tested culture filtrates caused significant reduction in number of J2 in all treatments, compared to the non-inoculated control, where the hatching inhibition and mortality percentages increased with an increase in exposure time. At 24 hours, increased the mean number of J2 hatched slowly than in first stages of experiment. Similar patterns showed against M. javanica in...

Sonam Khatri1, Shaheen Faizi2, Shahina Fayyaz1 and Erum Iqbal1*

...his and the secondary metabolites isolated from the plant i.e. alcohols, esters, fatty acids terpenes, flavonoids and steroids are assembled in this article which further provide a basis for a noteworthy nematicidal effect.


Yaregal Tilahun1*, Benyam Tadesse1, Getachew Mekonnen2  and Tilahun Bekele3 model indicated that labor force, fertilizer, land size, and improved seed all had an impact on tea productivity. While, technical inefficiency of tea production was determined by to level of education, the interaction of extension contact, distance to district market, harvesting time, training, and participation to off/non-farm income. So, improving the skill and knowledge of farmers through increasing extension service and training, on-time delivery of fa...
Monif AlRashidi1*, Sami Saeed M. Hassan2 and Mohammed Shobrak3
...Fanateer Island, located about 1.5 km east of Jubail Industrial City, Eastern Province, Saudi Arabia. A trail camera was used to record and describe the nest attendance behavior of this species over 24 h. The results showed that the egg was incubated more than 80% in each two-hour period except for the periods (00:00 - 01:59 h; 02:00 - 03:59 h and 20:00 - 21:59 h) when it was incubated 56.67 %, 29.17 % and 45.00 % respectively. The incubating parent spent more...
Nasir Ali Tauqir1, Asim Faraz2*, Muhammad Arif1, Abdul Rehman1Imtiaz Hussain1, Abdul Waheed2, Gabriele Marino3 and Michela Pugliese3


..., crude protein (CP), metabolizable energy (ME), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) did not show any treatment effect. However, the intake of rumen un-degradable protein, lysine, methionine, and threonine reduced linearly (P<0.01) with decreasing concentrations of these nutrients in the experimental diets. A linear increase (P<0.01) in DM, NDF and ADF degradabilites was recorded with gradually decreased dietary RUP and EAA conce...
Nasir Ali Tauqir1, Asim Faraz2*, Annamaria Passantino3, Muhammad Asif Shahzad1, Rana Muhammad Bilal4, Adeel Tahir1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2 and Abdul Waheed2
... broiler starter (metabolizable energy 2850 kcal/ kg; crude protein 20%) diet from day 1-21 and broiler finisher (metabolizable energy 2880 kcal/ kg; Crude protein 18%) diet from day 22-42 comprising 0, 3, 6, 9 and 12% CSL and Enzose mixture (50:50 ratio). It was that broiler fed diet B gained higher body weight (p<0.05) and exhibited lower feed conversion ratio as compared to other treatments. Birds fed diets B (CE3)...

Nawab Khan1, Ram L. Ray2, Muhammad Ihtisham3*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui4*, Muhammad Khayyam5, Raheel Anjum6 and Simplice A. Asongu7

...andholding and awareness about recommendations has been found. A non-significant association existed between apple-growing experience and awareness/ adoption of recommendations. It is recommended that apple growers need direct or indirect training about the latest technologies and innovations, which helps enhance the adoption rate, apple yield and production, andgrower’s income.

Phong Huy Pham1,2

...n site outside the nest, about 2–10 cm from the females. Under unfavorable weather conditions individuals were totally immobile. Severe weather conditions (high temperatures and the large temperature difference between day and night in the winter season) or a deficiency of added nutrition source are possibly causes inducing the death of overwintering individuals. Several discussions on the overwintering habits of the species are included. 

Samreen Khan*, Salma Javed, Tabassum Ara Khanum, Nasira Kazi

... regard, to collect data about entomopathogenic nematodes regarding their presence and distribution in remote areas such as one of the southern district Lakki Marwat of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Extensive surveys carried out in the months of October 2019 to February 2020. Total 73 soil samples retrieved from multiple fruits, vegetables, ornamental flowers, medicinal plants and other commercially important trees from different four sites of district Lakki Ma...

Md. Sanjid Hasan1, A K M Humayun Kober1, Eaftekhar Ahmed Rana2, Md Saiful Bari1,3,4* 

...ions were collected for laboratory analysis. Laboratory analysis including bacterial culture and biochemical tests were done to identify the causal agents of SCM and udder lesions. The overall prevalence of SCM and udder lesions were 56.8% and 32.1%, respectively. Most of the farms under study were small scale (94%) except a few were medium-scale (6%). Very few farms used quarantine and isolation shed (6%) for the disease af...
Muhammad Rizwan1*, Bilal Atta1, Misbah Rizwan2, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Tahir3, Muhammad Sabar1, Muddassar Ali1 and Muhammad Yasir Ali4
...because of apprehensions about health and environmental hazards, exposure risks, residual perseverance and development of resistance. So there is a need to find out an alternate practice for the management of this pest. Pest damage may be reduced through the proper management of nutrients requirements and modifications with mineral nutrients such as Silicon (Si). In this experiment, Si amendments, at the rate of 1.25 and 2.50 g Sikg-1 soil were appl...

Ayesha Muzamil, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir, Shaukat Ali, Iram Liaqat, Aamir Ali, Muhammad Summer

...role in regulation of metabolic reactions. The activity of various leukocytes is suppressed by IL-4 and IL-10 (anti-inflammatory cytokines) that triggers the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This review paper provides an overview of inflammation, its associated factors, causes and treatment and role of cytokines in inflammation. 
Novelty Statement | This review article provides an overvi...

Khlood G. Abdelkhalek*, Aly B. A. Badawy, Mohamed Fathi, Elshymaa A. Abdelnaby 

...nd serum nitric oxide metabolites (NOMs) were measured in 5 Baladi bucks weighting (13–15 kg; with a body condition score of 3.5 ± 0.01) from 4-months- to 10-months-old in relation to testicular hemodynamics. Testicular morphometry, scrotal circumference, Doppler examinations, image analysis, and blood sampling were performed on a weekly basis. Results showed that FSH level was elevated (P<0.05) firstly from 5-months to 6.5-months-old, and then...

Nguyenthuy Linh1, Nguyen Thi Kim Dong2*, Nguyen Van Thu3 

...%, 1.0% and 1.2%) and metabolizable energy (ME) levels (12.55MJ/kg DM and 12.97MJ/kg DM) for 8-week-old period; and dietary lysine levels (0.7%; 0.9%; 1.1%), and ME levels (13.39MJ/kg DM; 13.81 MJ/kg DM) for 10-week-old period. There were three replications and four ducks per experimental unit. The findings indicated that the apparent nutrient digestibility coefficients of DM, OM, and EE were significantly higher for the Lys 1.2 and Lys 1.1 treatments in both ...
Syed Sikandar Habib1*, Saira Naz2, Sadia Nawaz1, Iqra Ameer1, Ameer Khatoon1, Hameed Ur Rehman3, Sahibzada Muhammad Jawad4 and Haider Ali5 boxes and carried to laboratory for total complete blood count. The water parameter was analyzed in laboratory by taking the sample of water and some (Temperature, DO) was measured in situ. Results of hematological analysis revealed that there is no significant (P > 0.05) difference in packed cell volume, mean cell volume and mean cell hemoglobin of different selected species adapted to similar environmental conditions...
Nabila Rasheed1*, Bushra Waseem1, Kanwal Haneef2, Shumaila Usman3, Madeeha Sadiq1, Tabinda Urooj1, Sarah Tarique2 and Dabeeran Zeha4
...t investigation shows metabolic disorders are not only responsible for genetic problems and certain disease risk factors in adult life but also have adverse effects on perinatal environment. This study was designed for the comparative analysis of viability and healing properties of GDM affected WJMSCs (GDM-WJMSCs) with Normal controls (N- WJMSCs). Mesenchymal stromal cells were isolated from Wharton’s jelly of human umbilical cords from normal and gestat...

Sadarman1, Agung Irawan2, Muhammad Ridla3, Anuraga Jayanegara3*, Nahrowi3, Roni Ridwan4, Ahmad Sofyan5, Hendra Herdian5, I Nyoman Guna Darma5, Teguh Wahyono6, Dewi Febrina1, Rakhmad Perkasa Harahap7, Rizki Amalia Nurfitriani8, Danung Nur Adli9 

...ns (HT) are secondary metabolites substances that are widely proposed as safe additives to improve protein utilization in ruminants. This study aimed to investigate the effect of tannins extracted from acacia and chestnut on the degradation kinetics of ensiled and non-ensiled soy sauce residue (SSR) in sacco. Two fistulated beef cattle (425±25 kg) fed a diet consisting of 80% Pennisetum purpureum and 20% concentrate was used to incubate the SSR samples ...

Tilahun Woretaw1, Netsanet Beyero2*, Yonatan Kassu3 

...ctively. As animal feed, about 100, 80.2, 69.3, 58.4, 50.5, 42.6, 30.7, 19.8, and 5.9% of them utilized to supplement their milk cow, dry cow, heifers, calves, oxen, bull, sheep, goat, and equine, respectively. The drinking mixture of P. schimperiana in milk, and water was higher during the dry season and lowered during the wet season. The estimated biomass yields were 4.34±0.13 kg and 5.56±0.119 kg in the dry and wet seasons, respectively. Furth...

Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2

...owed by analysis in the laboratory. It was observed that use of press mud @ Yield 1 % in integration with SOP as chemical K fertilizer performed as best treatment by improving yield (4.11 t/ha) and yield contributing parameters like maximum plant’s height (95.10 cm), length of spike (11.04), number of fertile tillers (5.67), 1000 grains weight (39.26 g) and grain count per spike (51).

Hongbin Li1,2, Lei Fang1, 3 and Lei Cao1,2*
...s feeding intensively on above-ground primary production. To test whether a facultative grazer strictly follows the green wave, we used 16 complete tracks in time and space of spring migrating tundra bean geese (Anser serrirostris)fitted with telemetry devices from two flyways between Yangtze River Floodplain winter areas and Anadyr (Russia)/Central Arctic breeding grounds. We combined these with high spatial resolution MODIS satellite-derived plant pro...

Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1, Dilbar Hussain2, Muhammad Luqman3, Muhammad Qasim1, Gulfam Yousaf1, Hamza Latif1 and Muhammad Zeeshan1

...conventional ones. This laboratory study comparatively evaluated some selected differential chemistry insecticides against some destructive and economically important insect pests i.e. mango mealybug (Drosicha mangiferae Green), mango leafhopper (Idioscopus clypealis Lethierry), Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri Kuwayama) and subterranean termites (Odontotermes obesus Rambur). Standard twig- and filter paper-dip bioassay methods were used against sap-feed...

Daniel Stewart Robertson

... virus particles in a metabolism is shown to be hydrolysis of the capsid by monophosphoric acid. Also shown is that for protection against the common cold an individual has ideally to be vaccinated with attenuated versions of the virus particles produced by his or her own cells. Observations supporting the proposals are presented.


Arshad Farooq1, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Asif Nawaz3*, Iltaf Ullah4 and Hidayatullah5

...ty. Therefore, knowledge about climate smart agricultural production technology is the main component and knowledge gap is at the crux of yield gap. The current study was carried out in two districts Charsadda and Nowshera of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province during 2020 with main objectives to measure farmers’ knowledge level in fourteen climate smart recommended agricultural production technologies. The data were collected randomly from 60 sample respondents...

Asad Ullah1*, Umar Sadique2, Ibadullah Jan2, Imad Khan1, Raheela Taj3, Mumtaz Ali Khan4, Salah-ud-din4, Naimat Ullah Khan1

... knowledge and practices about tuberculosis; to investigate the molecular prevalence of bTB. Overall, 390 no of sputum samples collected as of 800-participants comprised of TB patients (100), livestock(L/S) farm employees(200), abattoir employees(174), butchers(294), veterinarian(10) and veterinary assistants(22). Two out of 100 TB patients (2/100), 3 out of 200 livestock farm workers (3/200) and 3 out of 23 abattoir workers (3/23) were found positive for the ...
Nacira Djabali1*, Souad Dougat2, Wahida Haddadi2 and Lamis Fadhli2
...ors in terms of their metabolism and their toxic effects. This work aims to study the impact of ethylene glycol monomethyl ether (EGME) on the gonadotropic axis and semen biology in the rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus. Thirty adult male rabbits were divided into three groups (n = 10): a control group and 2 groups treated with EGME. The solvent was applied at two increasing doses: 50 ppm and 150 ppm for five successive weeks, orally. The level of the circu...
Stefan Pratama Chandra1, Yoanes Maria Vianney1, Theresia Liliani Christie2, Merlyn Wongso2, Melisa Widjaja2, Deok-Chun Yang3, Se Chan Kang4, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum5,6 and Johan Sukweenadhi1*
...Ubaya), and Hanbang-Bio Laboratory (holding company of Kyung Hee University) established the Kalbe Ubaya Hanbang-Bio Laboratory (KUH Lab), a collaboration initiated to achieve the independence of raw materials. This laboratory is devoted to developing the plant tissue culture protocol for the mass production of P. ginseng root cultures. This paper...
Ali Ikhwan1*, Dian Indratmi1, Faridlotul Hasanah1, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum2,3 and Irum Iqrar4,5
...purple cleome extract metabolites and understand their effectiveness in inhibiting C. capsici. Purple cleome leaf is extracted with 1:1 w/v absolute methanol and concentrated with 1:1 v/v cold absolute methanol, and then the supernatant is purified using a centrifuge. The metabolic analysis was performed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and comparing the data with the National Center for Biotechnolog...

Qurban Ali1, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Asad Aslam1*, Muhammad Shehzad2, Muhammad Jamal2, Humaira Malik1, Imran Nadeem1, Aqsa Abbas1, Muhammad Jawad Saleem1, Tamsila Nazir1 and Kanwal Hanif1

... Maximum larval survival about 0.98 was recorded on K09012 followed by K01216. Whereas, minimum was recorded on K014001 followed by K01308 and K014002.Minimum leaf damage percentage (1.1289%) was observed in K014001 followed by K014002, K14003 and K01308 however maximum damage (7.25%) was observed in K01242.


Sudip Debnath1, Dipta Sundar Sarker1, Pankaj Kundu1, Md. Shahin Parvez1, Shaikh Tareq Arafat1, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef A Alkhamis2,3, Md Moshiur Rahman1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman1* 

... (g, %), SGR (%), and metabolic growth rate (g kg-0.8 d-1) (P < 0.05), while swordtail juveniles fed Tubifex and custard showed similar growth performances (P > 0.05). There was a tendency towards a marginally significant difference in daily growth (g d-1, P = 0.077) with the highest growth in juveniles fed Tubifex and custard. Body protein content was remained unaffected by the dietary treatments (P > 0.05) but a trend in increasing body protein cont...
Yang Yang1,2, Ji Shao1,2, Mingxu Zhou3,4, Qiangde Duan1,2, Xinyi Zhang1,2 and Guoqiang Zhu1,2*

...ce of the AHLs described above. Real-time PCR was used to detect the transcription levels of genes encoding major subunits of pathogenic factors such as fimbriae, flagella, enterotoxin, adhesin and hemolysin under the influence of the AHLs. The results showed that under the influence of quorum sensing AHLs, the biofilm formation ability and adherence ability of ETEC were significantly reduced, and the expression of fliC and other major virulence factors...

Ahmed M. Elbaz*, Engy F. Zaki, Morsy A. S. 

...on performance, blood metabolite, and meat quality in broiler chickens. A total of four hundred and eighty 1-day-old Ross 308 chicks were randomly divided into four experimental groups: Control (CON), 5% of quinoa seeds (QS5), 10% of quinoa seeds (QS10), and 15% of quinoa seeds (QS15) groups. Results indicated that increasing inclusion levels of QS improved body weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and crude protein digestibility of broiler chickens. Including ...

Nedžad Hadžiomerović1*, Ozan Gündemir2, Senad Kovačević1 

...the measurement from the aboral alveolus of the canine tooth to the condylar process. The molar teeth parameters show similar values, especially the carnassial teeth. PC1 and PC2, which account for the highest variation, account for 68.8% of the total variation. The present study provided morphometric and geometric data on red fox and golden jackal mandibles, which can be a significant resource in the taxonomy of carnivores.

Keywords | Craniometric, Ge...

K.M. Injarul Haque, Sharmeen Islam*, Md. Rokibul Islam Khan, Md. Ruhul Amin 

...e crude protein (CP), metabolizable energy (ME), and organic matter digestibility (OMD) were improved (p<0.05) but dry matter (DM), crude fiber (CF), ether extract (EE), and ash were declined (p<0.05) in all the treatments (T1, T2, and T3) compared to control T0. In the consideration of results among all the treatments, T2 and T3 up to 28 days were desirable for the preparation of silage. To sum up, rumen content can be utilized in rice straw and napier ...

Shireen S. Aboelwafa¹, Alsagher O. Ali², Rania Hamada³, Hassan Y.A.H. Mahmoud2* 

... recorded 62.5% from the aborted ewes and 62.8% from the aborted does were seropositive for anti-T. gondii antibody. Moreover, the result of anti-N. caninum antibody in aborted ewes was 8.3%. Significant differences (p value<0.0001) were observed among previously aborted females when evaluated as risk factors for T. gondii infection in both ewes and d...

Keiven Mark B. Ampode1*, Federico C. Mendoza2 

... as 30.86% of the return above feed and chick cost. In conclusion, 5% oregano powder can be incorporated without adverse effects on the production performance and cell-mediated immunity.

Keywords | Broiler chicken, Oregano powder, Lymphoid organs, Cell-mediated immunity, Feed additives 


Tintin Rostini1*, Irwan Zakir1, Danang Biyatmoko2 

...-1,5 years old, weighing about 13,46±1.55kg. were divided into four treatments consisting of TR0 (basal ration of palm waste-based local feed without Curcuma and yeast), TR1 (basal diet with 0.5% yeast), TR2 (basal diet with 2% Curcuma flour) and TR3 (basal diet with 0.5% yeast and 2% Curcuma flour). Meanwhile, the variables measured include consumption, dry matter digestibility, organic matter, crude protein, NDF, ADF, daily body weight gain, feed con...

Keqiang Wei1*, Yue Wei2 and Changxia Song1

...nusoids. The information above implied that B- and R- cells could be predominantly responsible for their function. This study will help us better understand immunity mechanisms of crustacean and promote disease control.


Mirza Gul1*, Muhammad Zahid1, Ikram Ilahi2, Hazrat Ali2*, Fida Hussain3 and Muhammad Anwar Sajad3

...d that during a 12-hour laboratory study, A. cybister consumed 10 exposed larvae. Under field conditions, introduction of predator decreased the larval density from 141.7 to 71 in 15 days. In conclusion, these plants and predator may be useful in controlling mosquito populations in an eco-friendly way.


Muneeb M. Musthafa1,* and Fauziah Abdullah1,2,3

...ical mountains are good laboratories to assess beetle diversity which can be utilized for climate change studies and ecological disturbances. Long term monitoring program between different mountains on beetle diversity and distribution would enhance the understanding of their habitat pattern in relation to seasonal pattern and anthropogenic disturbances.


Irshad Ahmad1,2*

...ides updated information about IPM, which look like a promising paradigm that can be adopted for the control of red palm weevil.


Yuan Zhang1, Qingyue Han1, Peiquan Du1, Yi Lu1, Lianmei Hu1, Sadaqat Ali2, Khalid Mehmood2, Sajid Hameed2, Zhaoxin Tang1, Hui Zhang1* and Ying Li1*


...ber of lymphoblasts. The above symptoms could be combined to make a preliminary diagnosis of lymphoma in dogs. To further determine the type of lymphoma, the H and E, and immunohistochemistry were done. The immunohistochemical test exposed the immunophenotype positive for CD79a. Finally, B-cell (CD79a) polycentric lymphoma was confirmed. This case report introduces the diagnostic methods of IHC and immunohistochemistry, rarely used in the diagnosis of lymphoma...

Yuan Zhang1, Qingyue Han1, Peiquan Du1, Yi Lu1, Lianmei Hu1, Sadaqat Ali2, Khalid Mehmood2, Sajid Hameed2, Zhaoxin Tang1, Hui Zhang1* and Ying Li1*


...ber of lymphoblasts. The above symptoms could be combined to make a preliminary diagnosis of lymphoma in dogs. To further determine the type of lymphoma, the H and E, and immunohistochemistry were done. The immunohistochemical test exposed the immunophenotype positive for CD79a. Finally, B-cell (CD79a) polycentric lymphoma was confirmed. This case report introduces the diagnostic methods of IHC and immunohistochemistry, rarely used in the diagnosis of lymphoma...

Neven Waheeb1*, Sherif Marouf2, Essam Nasr3, Shaymaa Abdelmalek2 

... and gastric carcinoma. Laboratory diagnosis of H. pylori infection is made by invasive and non-invasive methods. Invasive methods require endoscopy which is uncomfortable and unacceptable for most patients. Therefore, non-invasive methods particularly serological tests are easier and comfortable for patients. The objective of this study was to comparatively evaluate noninvasive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in t...

Tran Thi Bich Ngoc1,2, Ninh Thi Huyen1,2, Nguyen Cong Oanh2, Pham Kim Dang2* 

...oused individually in metabolism cages. The four experimental diets consisted of a basal diet (CONT), PROB diet (CONT + 0.2% PROB), ORAC diet (CONT + 0.2% ORAC), and PROR diet (CONT + 0.2% PROB + 0.2% ORAC) for 60 days including 2 periods (25-45 kg and 45-65 kg). In comparison to the CONT group, dietary supplementation of PROB or ORAC or PROR increased ADG and decreased FCR (P < 0.0001), with the higher ADG and lower FCR for PROR group during the entire exp...

Aly M. Ghetas1*, Dalia M. Sedeek1, Hanaa S. Fedawy1, M.A. Bosila1, Hoda M. Mekky1, Kh. M. Elbayoumi1, 3, Mohamed M. Amer2 



Syukriah Syukriah1, Ulinnuha Nur Faizah2, Hendry T.S. Saragih3*, Rizki Fitrawan Yuneldi4, Soenarwan Hery Poerwanto5, Raden Roro Upiek Ngesti Wibawaning Astuti5, Stephan Immenschuh6 

...d fetuses such as fever, abortion, low birth weight, and fetal death. In this study, we examined differences in oxidative stress-mediated effects in pregnant and offspring mice in Plasmodium berghei infection. A Complete randomized design was used in this study, in which 25 mice were divided into five groups. Group 1 as a control group, consisted of non-pregnant and Plasmodium-uninfected mice, group 2 comprised pregnant and uninfected mice, group 3 to 5 were p...

Fulencio Ferretiz-Rodríguez1, Jose Alejandro Roque-Jiménez1, Héctor A. Lee-Rangel1*, Gregorio Alvarez-Fuentes1, Juan Carlos Garcia-Lopez1, Rolando Rojo-Rubio2 

...y cows production and metabolites change. Thirty-two Holstein cows (Body Condition Score 3.01 ± 0.16) fed a basal diet, were randomly assigned to one of four treatments: Control diet, Biocholine (BIO) supplementation (15 grams/cow/day), Optimethionine (OP) supplementation (9 grams/cow/day), and BIO x OP supplementation, with a duration of 60 days. Optimethionine treatments decrease milk production (P ≤ 0.05), but fat corrected production was higher (...
Zane Vincevica-Gaile1, Karina Stankevica1, Maris Klavins1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Damat Damat3*, Praptiningsih Gawawati Adinurani4, Lili Zalizar5, Muhammad Zul Mazwan6, Juris Burlakovs7
Didiek Hadjar Goenadi8,9, Rista Anggriani3 and Aamir Sohail10
... biomass ashes for the elaboration of peat-free soil-improving products. As a case example, may serve a description of the peat-free product made by rotary drum granulation from biomass fly ashes (energy production waste) and local freshwater sediments in a mass ratio mixture of 67:100, optimally applicable for soil improvement at a rate of 50 g L–1. Besides, regional opportunities in Indonesia and Latvia are referred. It was conclud...

Martha Echioda Ogbole*, James Agbo Ameh, Samuel Mailafia, Olatunde Hamza Olabode and Bridget Jessica Adah

...were confirmed based on laboratory confirmation of LV- transcription polymerase chain reaction (LASV-RT- PCR). The number of suspected and confirmed cases as well as total deaths and case fatality rates in the years under review were collated. Out of the total number of 17,777 suspected cases, 2959 cases were confirmed positive for LF by a laboratory test, while 781 deaths were recorded. Annual distribution of LF showed sign...

Murat Kulekçi1, Ecevit Eyduran2, Ayaz Yusuf Altın2 and Mohammad Masood Tariq3*

...sian and others), were elaborated. In MARS algorithm, no over-fitting problem was observed under a set of explanatory variables consisting of number of full beehives and total honey production, whereas Bagging MARS captured the interaction effects of number of full beehives with educational degree and other working areas. The constructed MARS and Bagging MARS models produced a marvelous fit in the prediction of honey yield per beehive. It was concluded that bo...
Muhammad Qasim Mazari1, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1,*, Hasina Baloch1, Muhammad Saleem Kalhoro2, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Rehana Buriro1, Asmatullah Kaka1, Fahmida Parveen1, Mazhar Hussain Mangi3, Ghulam Murtaza Lochi1, Abdul Ahad Soomro4, Ali Gul Soomro1, Abdul Ghaffar Abbasi1 and Sarfraz Hussain Depar1
...gher in females, animals above the six years of age, lactating animals, descriptive breed and animals having poor health status. Furthermore, 1% and 2% prevalence was recorded in farm workers at district Mirpurkhas and Badin. It is concluded that disease was prevalent in both districts however; relatively higher prevalence was observed in district Badin.


Lungile Gumede1,2, Thobela L. Tyasi1, Teedzai Chitura1*, Khanyisile R. Mbatha3 

... growth rate (GR) and metabolic weight gain (MWG). No significant differences (p>0.05) were observed for feed intake (FI) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Results of the present study suggest that M. oleifera leaves can be used as a feed supplement at 20% and 50% inclusion levels without having any adverse effects on blood parameters and growth performance.

Keywords | Dietary supplementation, Growth performance, Haematology, Natural forages, Vaccina...

Noura El-Shahat Attia1*, Abd El-Khalek Ramadan El-Sheikh1, Mohamed Omia Siam2 

...ording the clinical and laboratory findings of Zinc (Zn) deficiency in dogs. The clinical study was conducted on two groups of dogs. The first group consisting of seven dogs which was clinically healthy and used as a control group, and the second group consisting of sixteen dogs “German Shephard” at different ages which was suffering from decrease appetite, stunt growth rate, as well as skin lesion in form of loss of hair, crust, scales and inflamm...

Arif Mehmood*, Muhammad Naeem and Ata-ul-Mohsin

...or. This pattern informs about the active period, favorable temperature and humidity ranges of the mosquitoes, hence the clues for controlling.


Aasma Younas*, Ijaz Iqbal and Atif Akbar

..., no one has time to do laborious work by hand. The results suggested some general rules for the construction of such designs. For p ≤ 5 and different combinations of n and p. All possible shifts will help the planners to enhance their choice.


Zhang Dong-jie1, He Xin-miao1,2, Wang Wen-tao1,2 and Liu Di1,2*

... myokinesis and lipid metabolism were also identified as under selection. Only SNARE (soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptors) interactions in the vesicular transport pathway were identified as under selection (P=0.0029). This study describes the genomic framework of the Min pig and identifies signatures of selection. These results provide a useful genomic background for further studies of the genetic mechanisms associated with i...

Muhammad Niamatullah1, Abdur Rehman1* and Raheel Saqib2

...d kept farming community above poverty line and the significant (P<0.05) relationships noticed between kinds of land and sources of irrigation, which in turn inducing farmers to become regular user of tube well irrigation. The significant (P<0.01) impact of inputs used on the adaptation of efficient networks of tube well irrigation in Dera Ismail Khan District. The results of the study concluded that those farmers who had used tube well irrigation as a s...

Amtul Jamil Sami*, Sehrish Bilal and Syeda Anum Zahra

...ry role in growth and metabolism of vertebrates. Several reports have identified mutations in GH gene that are associated with animal productivity. The bovine GH has been studied quite thoroughly but very little information regarding Buffalo growth hormone is available in literature. Buffalo is an important source of milk in Asia and there is a need to identify variations in the genes of buffalo GH and its possible effects in milk production. The present resea...
Anjum Ara1, Usman Ali1, Muhammad Furqan2*, Zulfiqar Ali2
Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad3, Khawaja Basharat Ahmed4
Riaz Aziz Minhas4, Waqar Ahmed2, Zakir Hussain2 and Mian Aman Ullah2
...s recorded in Class III (above 400 m). Maximum population density (20.7 turtle/km2) was recorded in the month of June while minimum population density (6 turtle/km2) was noted in the month of April. Freshwater turtles faced various threats including killing for commercial use (73%), medicinal use (13%). Habitat degradation (32%) due to pollution, poisonous chemicals and cruel fishing techniques are serious issues for their survival while anthropogenic activiti...

Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Irkham Widiyono3*, Bambang Suwignyo4, Amado A. Angeles5 

...y utilizing secondary metabolite compounds in plants. These studies are interesting to be continued and explored in an effort to reduce methane production through in vitro and in vivo, because it is proven that there are many types of biological or agro-industrial waste in the world different contents, structures and benefits. This review of the last 5 years related to the utilization of tannin active compounds showed the effect on the reduction of methane pro...
Muhammad Faisal Riaz1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1 and Talha Nazir2 insects with about 5,000 described species worldwide. Many of the aphid species are destructive pests of a wide array of horticultural and agricultural plants. This study determined the prevailing diversity of aphids on different economically important plantations in district Sargodha. From November to April 2018-2019 and 2019-2020, about 51,000 apterous adult aphid specimens were collected from various plantatio...

Amir Z. Allam, Hayam A. Mansour, Nermeen M.L. Malak, Heba H.S. Abdel-Naeem* 

...easing consumer concerns about synthetic preservatives. However, applications of EOs in food have been hampered by their pungent odor, which has a negative impact on customer acceptance. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the effect of using low concentration (0.002%) of thyme (T), oregano (O), clove (CL), and their combination (TO, TCL, OCL, and TOCL) on the bacterial quality of chicken meat patties during frozen storage at –18 °C fo...

Syed Haseeb Ahmed Shah, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh, Abdul Samad, Muhammad Kamran Taj, Mohammad Masood Tariq*, Majed Rafeeq, Sumaira Fazal, Niamatullah Kakar, Sabeera Afzal and Asadullah

...ble of destroying the metabolism of microbes and can alter certain properties of bacterial cellular and metabolic activity which results in impaired growth or death of these bacteria. This study was planned to find out the effect of AGPs in broiler chicken. For the purpose one day old (n=432) broiler chicks were used in the experiment. Nine groups comprising of 48 chicks with 3 replicates of sixteen broiler chicks each were ...

Hong Yin*, Dan Yang, Ji-Jie Liu, Jing-Wei Ding and Dan-Dan Cui

...β-CM-7) on lipid metabolism was investigated in aged mice. Mice were treated without or with different doses of β-CM-7 for 30 days. At the end of the experiment, all mice were collected for serum and tissue samples. Histopathological studies showed the tissue protective role of β-CM-7 in aged mice. The treatment of β-CM-7 in aged mice significantly increased the triglyceride (TG) level with decreasing high density lipoprotein (HDL) level in...

Mirza Lena1,2, Dinda Fathia Syahramadani2, Alfi Nurrachma Gustya2, Arif Darmawan2,3, Sumiati2, Wiwin Winarsih4, Minoru Maeda5, Komang Gede Wiryawan2*  

...t villi surface, true metabolizable energy (TME) value (p < 0.05) were recorded in the L. lactis group. In conclusion, the combination of L. lactis D1813 and B. licheniformis D3270 increases feed efficiency in the pre-starter period compared to the B. amyloliquefaciens group. This probiotic combination is unable to achieve the effectiveness of L. lactis in improving villi surface area, TME, and TMEn values. All probiotics have similar effects on the E. coli...

Gülseren Kırbas Dogan1,*, Emin Karakurt2, Mushap Kuru3 and Hilmi Nuhoglu2

... brought to the anatomy laboratory and anatomically examined. The most important result; in the mid-section of the sections taken from the existing structure other than the normal formation at the medulla oblangata and pons level in the brain, it was found that in the outer part of the meninges, an inversion of the substantia alba was formed in an outer layer, as if the substance was invaginated. As a result, various anomalies in 6 calves were evaluated accord...

Ndumiso Malusi1, Andrew Bamidele Falowo2, Yiseyon Sunday Hosu3,4, Emrobowansan Monday Idamokoro3,4* 

... realized. For instance, about twenty-five to thirty percent of cattle farming contributes to the sum aggregate of farm produce to the South Africa economy yearly. Several prevailing factors have however limited the prospect and sustainability of cattle production among rural farmers who happen to be a major player in cattle production in South Africa. Such prevalent factors that have been identified to decline cattle productivity include poor animal breeding,...

Mensah Gertrude Dzifa1, Christian Larbi Ayisi2,* and Elliot Haruna Alhassan1

...nsported to the Spanish Laboratory of University for Development Studies where they were acclimatized for two weeks. The fry were then stocked in 60 litre bowls (50 cm X 40 cm X 40 cm) at a density of 20 fry per bowl. The results show that substituting fish meal with shea meal affects final weight, weight gain, final length and specific growth rate significantly. The highest final mean weight (8.09±0.37g) was recorded in fish fed SNM 25 whilst the least...

Ramy S. Yehia1,3, Essam A. Shaalan2* and Hashem M. Al-Sheikh1 

... house fly larvae under laboratory conditions. Batches of house fly larvae (25 individuals per replicate and 4 replicates per dose of fungi) were subjected to five doses from each fungus (101, 103, 105, 107 and 109 conidia/ml) in plastic cups for one min then transferred to a clean one. Both test and control cups were incubated for 7 days to determine LC50, 90 and EI50, 90. Joint action of these fungi with three botanical oils (celery, ginger and sesame) as we...

Kanakuntla Sandhyarani*, Dhoppalapudi Madhuri, Yadala Ravikumar 

...t is a multifactorial metaboic disease which involves infectious agents, nutritional factors and managemental prcatices. Infectious agents include Nephropathic Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), Avian Nephritis Virus (ANV), Chicken Astrovirus (CAstV) and nutritional factors like high dietary calcium (>2%), high crude protein (> 30%), Hypovitaminosis A, Hypervitaminosis D3, dehydration, high sodium carbonate, Copper sulfate, mycotoxins in feed causes rena...

Xuelong Chen1, Honghai Wang2, Wenchao Li1, Weina Guo1 and Yanping Qi1*

...e diseases and late-term abortions. In this article, we conducted a systematic meta-analysis aimed at exploring BHV-1 prevalence in yaks of the Chinese Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (QTP). To complete this analysis, we identified all relevant articles on this topic in both English and Chinese literature databases published through March 20, 2020. Studies were not included in this analysis if they were reviews, repeats of previous studies, included inconsistent or in...

Muhammad Salman*, Muhammad Hamayoon Khan, Muhammad Zahid, Gul Zamin Khan, Fazli Rahim and Usman Khalique of B. zonata in the laboratory due to its consistent availability. 


Tarık Bugra Saruhan and Alptug Sarı*

... are lack of information about the species, poaching, predator pressure, stray dogs, roads, agricultural drugs, and environmental pollution.


Heba El-Zahar*, Zeinab Abd El-Rahman, Abbas El-Naggar a detailed clinical, laboratory and ultrasonographic examination 21 IBD dogs with symptoms of chronic gastrointestinal diseases were chosen for the study. In addition to 11 healthy dogs served as control group. In comparison to controls, hematological analysis revealed significant variations (p<0.05) in total leukocyte count, hemoglobin, and mean platelet volume and significant variation (p<0.01) in neutrophils and platelet count. The biochemical anal...

Tahir Munir Butt1*, Azra2, Muhammad Luqman3, Naveed Farah4 and Muhammad Yaseen3

...rigation was uncertainty about energy supply. In addition, majority of the respondents were aware about health associated hazards (Hepatitis, Nausea etc.) of wastewater produced vegetables. It was further concluded that there exists a difference between mean of perceived rewards/incentives received from (especially untreated) wastewater irrigation in vegetables and mean its consequences/disadvantages. Therefore, it is recomm...

Palwasha1, Siraj-ud-Din1 and Muhammad Fahim2*

...oper education, know how about the technology and its use in peach production, growing of decades old cultivars i.e., Elberta (No 6) might be responsible for this production decline. Due to poverty, practice of intercropping is common to maximize their profit (intercropping upto 100% in Dir and Shangla Districts). Peach rot and fruitflies, are prevalent in all peach growing areas. Thirteen diverse insecticides and 22 fungicides alone or in combination are used...

Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Shaukat Ali1, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti2, Azizullah1, Shafaat Yar Khan3, Abdul Khaliq4

...tify;">Sericulture is a labour-intensive, welfare-oriented and rural cottage industry being capable to engage amateurish family manpower for income generation via indoor activities. It has potential to provide a livelihood for the poor rural families and can play a crucial role to uplift the economy of our country. Unfortunately, this industry has not been on the list of priorities of our Government. Currently, Pakistan is importing silk from other countries t...

Leila Shirani Bidabadi1,2, Mulood Mohammadi Bavani3, Fatemeh Janjani4, Abedin Sghafipour5* around the world, but about 200 species have medically importance and sometimes can be fatal. The Iranian spider species belongs to 51 families and comprising 763 species. Of these families, Theridiidae and Sicariidae are the most medically important. The genus Latrodectus (Theridiidae) is the most dangerous spiders in Iran and it comprising five species. Among which Latrodectus tredecimguttatus (black widow spider) is the most poisonous spiders in Iran. Di...

Jan Clyden B. Tenorio Health is truly a collaborative affair. The paradigm, by definition, is multidisciplinary, multi-sectoral, and integrative in nature. Thus, effective collaborations and partnerships towards understanding are integral to successful programs. Moreover, how a One Health institution thrives is heavily reliant on how the separate, yet interconnected branches effectively communicate to each other. The aim of this paper is to co...

Mohamed Abd El-Fattah Abo-Farw1, Maged Ahmed Aboul-Omran1, Abdel-Khalek El-Sayed Abdel-Khalek2* 

...n), and selenium (Se) by about 24.05, 13.80, 5.36, 2.50, and 3.44%, respectively, while triiodothyronine (T3) concentration showed non-significant decrease by about 3.77%. Mastitis incidence at early postpartum in lactating Egyptian buffaloes delayed the resumption of estrous and ovarian activity and decreased pregnancy rate, antioxidant status, thyroid and reproductive hormones and trace elements such as Zn and Se.


Ilvir Khabibullin1*, Ruzel Khabibullin1, Irina Mironova1, Lyalya Musina2, Elmira Akhmadullina1, Victoria Morozova1 
... the homeostasis of the laboratory animals. It positively affected their skeletal and heart muscles, lung tissue, liver and kidneys, where immunity and blood cells develop. Although the swimming test at the beginning of the experiment showed that mice and hamsters had approximately the same indicators of physical endurance, by the end of the experiment, the swimming time of the experimental group animals was significantly longer. The animals receiving pantocri...

Fan Da1,3, Zheng-Yong Wen1,2*, Xiao-Dong Wang4 and Yu Luo5

...penditure, fatty acid metabolism and ROS emission in mammals. In contrast to mammals, the roles of this protein are still rarely known in fish. Here, we first identified the ucp2 gene in yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus vachelli) and investigated its transcriptional changes in response to fasting and refeeding. The cDNA of pvucp2 was 1,193 bp long and possessed a 939 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding 312 amino acids. Multiple protein sequences alignment reveale...

Nzube Thaddeus Egboka1*, Olajire Fagbola2, Ugochukwu Nnamdi Nkwopara1, Nnaemeka Henry Okoli1, Akaninyene Isaiah Afangide1 and Tochukwu Victor Nwosu3

...ths and analyzed in the Laboratory. Spore densities of AMF varied significantly (P > 0.05) between the fallow and cultivated (cassava and pineapple) land use types in both locations. Across the soil depths, however, AMF spore density decreased significantly with depth in Ibadan, with mean values of 54±6, 45±3 and 39±5 spores 100 g-1 soil at the 0–15, 15–30 and 30–45 cm, respectively. In Ikwuano, there was no significan...

Abdul Wadood Khan1, Sabahat Subhan1*, Asif Ali Abro2 and Riaz Shahid3 

...ata of GDP, capital and labour was used in the agriculture sector for obtaining the agriculture TFP of Pakistan. In addition, the time-series data from 1980-2018 was taken from various publications and official resources. For the period study the estimated annual average of agriculture TFP growth was 2.14% and it contributes 58% to overall agriculture output. The findings explained that the TFP of the agriculture sector was remained highest at 2.86% for a few ...

Ying Feng1 and Xuqun Pei2,*

...nship between glucose metabolism abnormalities and neuronal autophagy and apoptosis in patients with ischemic stroke and cognitive impairment. Glucose metabolism abnormalities and cognitive function in patients with ischemic stroke were detected by glucose tolerance test and neuropsychological test. Morris water maze test was used to detect learning and memory ability of MCAO model rats. RT-PCR and Western Blot method were u...

Ji Xu, Zhonghua Liu, Zhenhai Cui and Wenhai Zhao*

...9a expression level. The above methods were used to detect the effects of miR-99a overexpression on IL-1β-induced chondrocyte inflammatory factors and apoptosis rate. Anti-miR-NC and anti-miR-99a were transfected into chondrocytes, respectively, and treated with a culture solution containing GSTT and IL-1β for 24 h. Inflammatory factor levels and apoptotic rates were detected. After IL-1β treatment, the levels of inflammatory factors IL-6, TNF-&...

Taiwo Oladoye Akande*, Dayo Johnson Ogunyemi, Priscilla Funmilola Okunlola, Emmanuel Owolabi, Odetayo Olakanmi 

...blend respectively while about 4% increase in fat digestibility was observed in birds with PFAs. The PFAs exhibited varied positive influence (P<0.05) on carcass yield, but no difference (P>0.05) was observed in the organ weights of the chickens. The fat deposition was substantially reduced (P<0.05) in birds with PFAs. The blood triglycerides, cholesterol, and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) were lower (P<0.05) in groups fed with PFAs. All the PFAs s...

Rana A. Ali1, Abd-Elraheim A. Elshater2, Heba A. Mohammed3*, Mahmoud Elshazly4 

...iabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder affecting the B-cells of the pancreas, that results in hyperglycemia. Streptozotocin (STZ) is a medical agent that could be used in experimental animals to induce diabetes. Nowadays, efforts have been directed and focused on complementary medicine. Aim: Our study was designed to assess the hypoglycemic activity of the laser on diabetic experimental animals. Methods: The present work was carried out on 40 albino rats, an...

Tiyyabah Khan1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1*, Muhammad Rizwan Khan1, Muhammad Umer1, Adnan Akhter1 and Waseem Akram2

...he case of T. castaneum, about 51%, 98%, 54% and 62% mortality were observed at the highest concentrations of spinosad, thiamethoxam, imidacloprid and indoxacarb, respectively. Correlation analysis revealed a highly significant and positive correlation between mortality of T. castaneum and fungal infection inhibition of both fungal species on wheat grains. Mortality of C. ferrugineus had only a highly significant and positive correlation with the infection inh...

Honnakerappa S. Ballari1 and Shashikant S. Udikeri2*

...tance with respect to a laboratory susceptible strain. Similarly, there was 24.95 folds of resistance to deltamethrin in same population with LC 50 128.47 ppm. Among organophosphates a high level of resistance was recorded against monochrotophos with LC50 160.94 ppm and 18.23 resistance ratio in Rachur population itself. The same population exhibited 9.24 resistance ratio towards thiodicarb a carbamate insecticide. Kalaburagi population indicated resistance cl...

Pan Ziyi1, Ambreen Iqbal1, Gao Zhen1, Liu Juan1, Fang Xibi2, Jiang Ping1* and Zhao Zhihui1

...lay a role in the fat metabolism of cattle. A mutation in the 3’ untranslated region of the DHCR24 gene was identified that led to the differential expression of DHCR24 in cattle. In this study, we detected mutation at g.32435 from G > A in 3’UTR of DHCR24 gene in a Chinese Simmental steer population. In mutated individuals at g. 32435 G > A of DHCR24 the kidney fat weight of GG was higher than that of GA and AA individuals. Steers of the GG ...

Mohamed Mohamady Ghanem1*, Yassine Mahmoud Abdelraoof1, Abdelghany Hefnawy Abdelghany2, Eman Abdelhamid El-Ebissy3, Ahmed Ragab Askar4,5, Attia Ahmed Eissa6  

...diameter. The content of abomasum and small intestine appeared more echoic. Treatment with Rumitone changed the clinical, hematological, and biochemical alterations toward the reference values. It was concluded that camels are prone to induction of lactic acidosis by sucrose that induced hematobiochemical changes and the Rumitone is a useful therapy in camels affected with acidosis.

Keywords | Camels, Haemato-biochemical, Lactic acidosis, Rumitone, Ult...

Mashakgene Isaac Senoamadi, Thobela Louis, Tyasi Teedzai Chitura* 

...copy; score of three and above while fourteen sheep (52.4%) had a FAMACHA© score of three and above. There was a high occurrence of haemonchosis in goats compared to sheep (p<0.05). Differences in occurrence between age groups, sex and physiological status were found to not be statistically significant in both small ruminants (p>0.05). The methods of internal parasite control used by the smallholder farmers in the...

Hua Liu, Wei Hou, Li Peng, Changjun Peng, Yansen Cai and Jing Li*

...transferability between laboratories and low genotyping error, single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) are considered to be preferable molecular markers for genetic population analysis. SNP markers that are suitable for non-invasive samples are important to wild population investigations in endangered species. Based on the whole genome sequences of Macaca thibetana, we successfully developed 26 SNP loci that were sensitive to non-invasive samples, then based on ...

Roshana Mukhtar1, Shaheen Shahzad1*, Sajid Rashid2, Maryam Rozi2, Madiha Rasheed3, Imran Afzal4 and Pakeeza Arzoo Shaiq5

...herited heterogeneous metabolic disorder caused by an abnormal activity of uroporphyrinogen-III synthase (UROS), aminolevulinic acid and GATA1 (GATA binding factor 1) genes. The fundamental genetic cause of CEP has been linked to a sequence variant of UROS on chromosome 10q252-q263. The enzyme catalyzes the fourth step of heme synthesis pathway. The present study focused on the clinical assessment of CEP affected individuals in a Pakistani consanguineous famil...

Guo-dong Zhao1,2*, He-ying Qian1,2, Yi-ling Zhang1,2, Gang Li1, 2, Jian Tang1, 2 and An-ying Xu1,2*

...mportant intermediate metabolic tissue, which is involved in detoxification in insects. In this study, high-throughput transcriptome sequencing was performed to investigate the gene expression differences between two silkworm strains with different susceptibility after exposure to fenvalerate. The results showed that a total of 2363 differentially expressed genes were detected in the Lan5 DGE library and 1611 were detected in the Mysore DGE library, respective...

Luan Arthur Queiros Lima, Talita Monielly Alves de Oliveira, Thiara Guimarães Maia, Ayko Shimabukuro, Itainara Taili, Raul dos Santos and Cecilia Calabuig*

...has little documentation about it. This report helps to understand the feeding behavior of the species, being the first to record the predation and activity of the crab-eating-fox over a boa under the daylight.


Haipeng Liu1, Xubin Jiao1, Xiangqing Li1 and Xinru Xu2*

...ted to improving bone metabolism, promoting bone formation, and increasing bone mineral density.

Jabbar Khan1, Mehwish Jehan1, Zeeshan Mutahir2, Muhammad Rafi1, Muhammad Ismail1, Aamer Abbas1 and Jabbar Tanveer3

...ternal physiology and metabolic processes in response to heat-stress environmental conditions. Hence, vitamin E, in combination with Se improved the physiological and biochemical profile of blood in Damani goat.

Adnan Ihsan*, Najeeb Ullah, Muhammad Usman, Syed Fahad Shah, Misbahullah, Riaz Hussain and Jawad Sarwar
...but very little is known about genus Enicospilus due to lack of taxonomic work and expertise. Based on recent collected specimens of Enicospilus from District Swat Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, the species Enicospilus adustus and Enicospilus ramidulus are newly recorded for the fauna of Pakistan. Morphological descriptions and digital images of the recorded species are provided.


Wael Felefel1*, Mohamed EL-Beskawy2, M. F. El -Dakroury3, Mohamed Morsi Elkamshishi4, Eman Sayed Mohammed5 

...five stray dogs with age above 6 months were collected from Alexandria governorate with heavy or moderate ticks infestation. The captured dogs were divided into 3 groups, each group includes 15 dogs, and categorized as follows; group (1): (Positive control group), group (2): (Doramectin injected group), and group (3): (topical Fipronil group). It was observed that the overall complete curative rate was 60.00% in group 2 and 33.33% in group 3. Marginal Homogene...

Saima Naz1*, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha2, Sajjad Ali2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3

... will raise the concerns about the bee conservation.

Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Kamran Ashraf2, Muhammad Muddassir Ali3, Kumayl Hassan Akhtar4 and Nazia Rubab5

... a very little knowledge about OH i.e. 18.2% persons knew about the term. Regarding the abuse of ABs, 91.1% believed about the occurrence of ABs in milk, meat and yogourt, and 76.8% opined that there happens misuse of ABs which is against the Animal Welfare. The OH requires an institutional paradigm shift and dire attention of all the aforementioned stakeholders i.e. legislative, administr...

Manish Gautam1*, Pravakar Kattel2 and Krishna Kaphle3

...reasing milk production, abortion, infertility, and other complication. The disease is comparatively new to Nepal but has already covered a wide geographical range but vaccination is yet to be introduced. The disease doesn’t have any specific treatment only treatment after infection is supportive therapy but it is reported that control and prevention are possible by immunization, maintaining biosecurity in the herd, controlling the vector, and isolating ...
Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, Erkata Yandri2, Yogo Adi Nugroho3, Mardiana Sri Susanti4
Satriyo Krido Wahono5, Wahyu Widodo1, Lili Zalizar1, Elfi Anis Saati1, Maftuchah Maftuchah1
Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum6, Muhannad Illayan Massadeh6, Dwi Yono3, Rangga Kala Mahaswa7
Herry Susanto2, Damat Damat1*, Dyah Roeswitawati1, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani8 and 
Susi Mindarti1

Muhammad Tahir Latif1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Ayesha Latif2, Majid Hamid Bajwa1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Ali Zohaib1, Naeem Faisal1 and Muhammad Hamza3

... coping the issues like labor scarcity, less plant population, delay in transplanting with more aged nursery, improper fixation of nursery plants in the soil etc. The study results projected mechanically transplanting area (ha) for riding type MT as well as for walk after type MT respectively as 64.78 and 28 annually. Accordingly, there would be 36.15 (000 ha) mechanically transplanted area (5.41%) of province Punjab, Pakistan annually after completion of the ...

Arshad Farooq1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan3 and Asif Nawaz3*

...owledge level of farmers about improved agricultural management techniques. Out of 203 subscribers (beneficiary farmers), sixty farmers were interviewed through interview schedule. Knowledge index was used for measuring farmers’ knowledge level. The study revealed that application of mobile phones decreased the communication gap (88%) between the farmers and agricultural extension department. The agricultural advisory services provided through mobile pho...
Bambang Yudi Ariadi1*, Rahayu Relawati1, Barbara Szymoniuk2 and Waris Ali Khan3

Jiang Wu*

...ntration was adjusted to about 5×108 CFU/mL. T. officinale were dried in a hot air oven, and chemical substances in the dried powder were separated using Soxhlet extraction method with light petroleum as organic solvent. The antibacterial properties of T. officinale extracts against foodborne pathogens were evaluated by agar diffusion method. Sub-inhibitory concentration (SIC) value, minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) value and minimum bactericidal c...

Saied Belal1, Ashraf Albrakati1*, Khalaf Alsharif2, Saad Al-Shehri2, Mohamed Alblihed3, Malik Almuqati4, Anfal Alsharif5, Alaa Albarakati6 and Anas Al-sharif7

...ity (2000 to 2400 meters above sea level), Western Province of Saudi Arabia, collected during a period of 6 months (from November 2014 through April 2015). The newborns and their mothers were subjected to various measurements of body dimensions and body weight. The data were developed in comparison with the international growth references and national populations residing at sea level. We found that the birth weight and birth length of Taif newborns are signif...

Qiong Xiang1, Jing-Jing Li1, Qian Zhang1,3, Rong-Bo Tian1 and Xian-Hui Li1,2*

...ression is fast, because about 15 min after injection the significant up-regulated expression of the SSTR2 proteins are found in inflammatory DRG neurons compared to that of in control DRG neurons. The process is also time-dependent, because no difference is seen after one-day injection. Meanwhile, we also analysed the SSTR2 expression in other types of painful models (i.e., DR and SNI); Thus, our data suggested that changes of SSTR2 expression at the short ti...

Wei Cui1, Yanwei Du1, Lijuan Jiang1, Yan Wei1, Yuguo Li1, Wenfeng Zhang1* and Ling Zhang2*

...e BHD group reversed the above changes. Most nerve cells in BHD group had relatively intact structure and less morphological changes. Immunohistochemistry showed that compared with the model group, the expression of Bcl-2 (B-cell lymphoma 2) in BHD group increased, while the expression of Bax (BCL2-associated X) and caspase-3 decreased. The expression of p-PI3K (phosphorylated phosphatidyl inositol 3- kinase), p-AKT (phosphorylated protein kinase B) and Bcl-2 ...

Luke Chukwudi Ali*, Nnanna Ephraim Ikeh, Bright Chigozie Amaefule, Amarachi Linda Obinna, Ndubuisi Samuel Machebe 

...icts that DCSM inclusion above 15% affected semen quality negatively even though results on testicular morphometric traits and histology appeared non-significant.

Keywords | Rabbit bucks, Semen traits, Sperm characters, Testicular morphometry, Histomorphology, Discarded cocoa seed meal 


Ahlam G. Khalifa1*, Walaa A. Moselhy1, Hanaa M. Mohammed2 and Khaled Abdou1 

... great way to learn more about how nanopesticides interact with the environmental and biological systems. Few studies on the genotoxicity of subchronic oral exposure to nano pesticides have been published. Male albino rats have been randomly divided into 4 identical groups. Group (I) had received only corn oil and acted as a control group. Group (II) had been given 3.855 mg/kg BW deltamethrin. Group (III) obtained deltamethrin loaded silica Nps at a dose of 8....

Momotaz Khanom*, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman, Muhammad Yousuf Ali, Md. Shahin Parvez, Al-Hasan Antu, Md. Nazmul Ahsan 

...ssilis larvae reared in laboratory conditions. Three-day-old larvae hatched through induced breeding (2.0±0.00016 mg; 0.57±0.09cm) were subjected to four feeding treatments in triplicates (100 larvae/aquarium). The catfish larvae were fed with live Tubifex (LT), dry Tubifex (DT), formulated feed (FF), and commercial feed (CF) two times a day for 60 days. Results showed that larvae fed with formulated feed (FF) grew significantly faster than the o...

Jawad Abdullah Butt1*, Yasmin Nergis1, Ahmad Hussain2 and Mughal Sharif1 

...iving too much attention about electricity production and pollution control. This study is aimed to evaluate the characteristic parameters of Thar local coal samples from Block-II and adjacent Block-VI for toxicity consideration and to estimate the potential of Thar coal assets for environment-friendly consumption in power production. In the current study, forty Thar coal samples from each Block II and adjacent Block VI were analyzed for their physicochemical ...

Nour H. Abdel-Hamid1*, Walid Elmonir2, Eman I. M. Beleta1, Rania I. Ismail1, Momtaz Shahein1, Mahmoud E. R. Hamdy1 

...s biovar 3 (n=24) and B. abortus bv1 (n=5). The ERIC and RAPD primers (ERIC2 and Operon 18/ RAPD4) used in this study created polymorphic band patterns in all Brucella isolates and the reference strains. ERIC-PCR and RAPD-PCR Dendrograms clustered the B. melitensis isolates into two clusters and three clusters composed of 16 and 13 genotypes with genetic similarity percentages of 62% and 54% with a diversity index of 0.82 and 0.88. Both ERIC-PCR and RAPD-PCR d...

Hamidur Rahman1*, Asghar Ali Kamboh1, Nazar Ali Korejo2, Atta Muhammad Memon3, Rashid Ali Korejo3, Manzoor Ahmed Chandio1 

...), as compared to camels above 9 years of age (8.5% and 11.4%) through RBPT and cELISA respectively. Breed-wise analysis exhibited that 8% and 16% in Lassi breed, 23%, 30% in Kachhai, 10%, 5% in Kharani and 8%, 8% in Brahvi were found positive through RBPT and cELISA respectively. Likewise, area-wise investigation showed that 17.1% and 22.8% in Talli, 13% and 20% in Kurak, 10% and 10% in Khajjak, and 6.6% and 6.6% in Dephal areas were found positive through RB...

Lopamudra Samantaray*, Yashaswi Nayak 

...l meat sources. Concerns about the extensive use of Antibiotic Growth Promoters (AGPs), stimulated consumer demand for antibiotic-free animal yield. We investigated the applicability of the phytobiotic Essential Oils (EOs) and their influence on the overall performance, appetite, and food digestion. We aimed to assess the effects of dietary phytobiotic supplements containing black pepper, fennel, and turmeric EOs on the performance of Broiler chickens. The stu...

Jae-Kang Lee, Hyun-Su Hwang, Tae-Kyung Eom, Dong-Ho Lee and Shin-Jae Rhim*

...or wildlife, information about the effect of slope gradient on vegetation is important for managing wildlife and their habitats. We examined the effects of slope gradient on small rodent populations and their microhabitat conditions from May to November 2015 in a tree-thinned Japanese larch (Larix kaempferi) plantation in South Korea. Study animals were captured using Sherman live traps. We surveyed slope gradient and microhabitat conditions at multiple trappi...

Samreen Khan*, Salma Javed and Nasira Kazi

...uticle finely annulated, about 1µm apart. Stylet 10 µm (10±0), delicate with minute basal knobs. Excretory pore located 2 µm anterior to the metacarpus and 44 µm from cephalic end. Vulva anteriad, having slight elevated anterior and posterior lips. Post urine sac (PUS) short (15-20 µm), and covering 16.6-20% of vulva-anus distance. Tail small (24-26.5 µm), conical, about 3 times lon...

Eman Alsayed Hammad1* and Mahmoud Mohamed Hassanin Hasanin2

...ns recorded effect on Pf about 1193.6 and 1465.6, respectively, compared to Fenamiphose (328.4) and fungicide, Occidor 50% SC was completely infection prevented. A similar pattern was discovered in a greenhouse with a positive effect on increased shoot dry weight for coleus plants, where thyme and spearmint essential oil nanoemulsions at (5000ppm) achieved 3.3 and 3.9 g/plants for root-knot nematode infected plants, respectively, compared to 2.7 and 4.4 g/plan...

Muhammad Ismail1,*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1 and Umair Abbas1 and Riaz Hussain2

...itrus host fruits under laboratory conditions, and hence are recommended to be further evaluated under field conditions and to consider their potential incorporation in IPM programs against fruit fly infestations on citrus crop.

Tariq Mahmood1*, Shakeela Ismail1, Faraz Akrim2, Muhammad Farooq1, Nadeem Munawar1 and Muhammad Raza Khan1

...ange of 3921 m to 4282 m above sea level (asl) in the park. Scat analysis showed 7 wild and 6 domestic prey species in its diet, with approximately 47 % contribution from livestock and 53 % from wild prey. Most frequently consumed domestic prey were donkey, yalk, goat and sheep, while among wild prey golden marmot (Marmota caudata), house mouse (Mus musculus), Palm Civet (Paguma larvata), Royel’s Pika (Ochotona roylei) and markhor (Capra falconeri) were ...

I Gusti Lanang Oka Cakra1*, Anak Agung Ngurah Badung Sarmuda Dinata2,  I Gede Mahardika1,  I Gusti  Nyoman Gde Bidura1

...rotein balance, blood metabolic profile, and body composition of Etawah crossbreed goats. A total of 20 goats with an average initial body weight of 18.22 ± 3.09 kg were used in the study with a randomized block design consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The four treatments tested were as follows: A: elephant grass + concentrate A (without HLF); B: treatment A + concentrate B (with 5% HLF); C: treatment A + concentrate C (with 10% HLF); and t...
Zayed Mohammad Ali I.1*, Mona Mohamdy1, M.F. Shehata1, Nasser Ghanem2
... meet their increased metabolic demand. Our data indicated the potential of Abo-Deleek lambs in meat production under different management systems which contribute in solving the problem of animal production shortage in Egypt. Molecular regulation of genes involved in muscle development is similar between the two production systems although semi-intensive system induces upregulation of fatty oxidation due to increasing demand for energy utilized in free moveme...
Mohammad Belal Shaker1, Waleed Rizk El-Ghareeb2,3*, Marwa Magdy Seliem4, Wageh Sobhy Darwish3, Bassam Abdulla Alhawas2, Ahmed E. Tharwat3
.... This international collaborative research was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Aeromonas spp., particularly A. hydrophila in three crustaceans (crab, lobster, and shrimp) retailed in Zagazig, Egypt, and Al-Ahsa, Saudi Arabia. Detection of virulence associated genes in the recovered A. hydrophila isolates was additionally screened using PCR. Furthermore, antimicrobial resistance profiling was examined among the recovered A. hydrophila isolates. The ...
Emtenan M. Hanafi1*, Fouad M. Tawfeek2, Walid S. El Nattat1, Moetazza M. Alshafei3, Seham S. Kassem3, Kawkab A. Ahmed4, Enas N. Danial5, Hagar Elbakry3, Hoda S. El-Sayed2
...ify;">Obesity affects metabolic hormones and consequently the male fertility. spirulina platensis (SP) and Bifidobacterium longum (BL) were known as health potentiators. The aim of this study was to produce microcapsules to act as functional feed additives to enhance general health and to study its effect on the reproductive performance of male albino rat. Total flavonoids, total phenolics, DPPH, HPLC and antimicrobial test against different types of bacteria ...

Abd El-Moniem Ali S. Mahgoub, Ahmed Mohamed Abd El-Hafeez, Mahmoud Yassin Mohamed*, Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy, Mohamed Ibrahim Nassar

...itive effects on some metabolic parameters, reflected improving the economic efficiency of growing Ossimi sheep without affecting their growth rate and semen quality.
Keywords | Ossimi sheep, Sesban hay, Clover hay, Growth, Semen quality

Asaad A. Fares1*, Mohamed M. Ghanem2, Yasein M. Abd El-Raof2, Hossam M. El-Attar2, Ameer A. Megahed2, Heba M. El-Khaiat2

Avijite Sarker, Sharmeen Islam, S.M. Ariful Islam, Md. Rokibul Islam Khan*, Md Mukhlesur Rahman 

...e physical qualities, metabolizable Energy (ME), in vitro organic matter digestibility (OMD) and other nutritional properties, at different intervals (0, 30, 45, and 60 days). The organoleptic and physical characteristics (smell, color, and hardness) of feeds were improved in treatments with market fish wastes up to 60 days but after 45 days, in T3, fungi and some bad smells were obtained. The pH, dry matter (DM), crude fiber (CF) were reduced and the crude pr...

Ghulam Murtaza1,6*, Muhammad Irfan Fareed2, Noshaba Munawar3, Muhammad Nadeem Khan4, Gul-E- Zahra5, Taskeen Ahmad6, Muhammad Daud6 and Taqi Raza6

... larval mortality under laboratory conditions. Result indicated that Spinosad (77.32% mortality) and pyriproxyfen (66.28% mortality) are more toxic to A. aegypti larvae as compared to matrine, chlorfenapyr and imidacloprid after 72-h exposure. While minimum mortality was recorded after 24-h exposure of insecticides in all treatments. So, it can be concluded that spinosad was more toxic to kill A. aegypti larvae.


Abdul Majid1*, Farah Naz1, Nasrullah Laghari1, Sanaullah Abbasi1, Sham Lal2 and Safdar Ujjan3

...ophysical investigations about the changes in secondary structure conformation of lysozymes were performed with CDS using them in water and buffer. Membrane bilayer mimics were prepared from dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) through rehydration method. CDS identified that secondary structure was maintained in saline phosphate buffer (PBS) pH (6.4, 7.4 and 8.0), similar to that of water. Temperature based experiments depicted the resistance due to changes i...

Noor Muhammad Khan1,2, Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,3*, Rashid Rehan2 and Iftikhar Zeb4

...h on-site (in-situ) and laboratory conditions (ex-situ) while A.d was applied only in an ex-situ setup. For T.l, the average uptake of copper (Cu) was 5.40 and 6.46 mg kg-1, similarly for the lead (Pb) average uptake was 4.55 and 4.55mg kg-1, while for nickel (Ni) the average uptake was, 2.80 and 2.76 mg kg-1 in ex-situ and in-situ plantation respectively. Whereas for A.d. the HM uptake was 3.22, 2.27, and 1.49 mg kg-1for Cu, Pb, and Ni, respectively in ex-sit...

Abid Hussain1, Mubbashira Nazir2*, Saira Batool2 and Sidra Majeed1

...chnologies as delineated above should also be given due consideration in promotion of the technologies.


Iqtidar Hussain1, Haroon Shahzad2*, Sami Ullah2*, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1 and Muhammad Rizwan3

...ocused on the parameters about weed densities before and after weed management and other agronomic parameters including grain yield. Relative weed densities of Cyprus rotundus L., Eleusine indica L., Cynon dactylon L., Trianthene portulacastrum L., convolvulus, and other miscellaneous weeds were registered before and after weed management. Results indicated that chemical control significantly best over control (No Treatment) after hand weeding. Agronomic param...

Iftikhar Alam1*, Muhammad Ali2 and Muhammad Farooq3*

...However, little is known about how university students perceive food and lifestyle environment. This study was aimed to connect student participants in a photovoice action study design in university settings to identify themes of healthy eating and lifestyle environment. This study used action-research design with photovoice-elicitation technique engaging students of different age categories, both male and female, from a variety of study disciplines at Bacha K...

Mahreen Hanif*, Shafqat Saeed, Mudssar Ali, Muqadas Younas, Huda Bilal, Syeda Fatima Bukhari

...s interval. A series of laboratory tests were observed over three months to determine the penetration of T. castaneum in different packages. Results showed that the highest population of T. castaneum (larvae and adult) as well as greater weight loss (%) in chickpea was recorded in polypropylene (green) packet in contrast to polyethylene (gauge 2) and china lamination. Significant differences were observed in the overall adult population of T. castaneum (p<0...

Juweria Abid1, Hooria Latif2, Amir Sohail2, Saroosh Fatima Tahir Syed2, Shakeel Ahmad3, Tooba Asif4 and Muhammad Farooq5*

...ent with a percentage of about 78.4%. Their anxiety about body weight and shape was also found to be higher (56.9%). Overall, the ratio of smoking in students was less but it predominated in male students. And majority of students (40.7%) were having a sedentary lifestyle while 40.4% with moderate physical activity. SCOFF questionnaire results showed 90% of positive results while the 10% of the population need further examin...

Nawal Abd-elhafez Hassanain1, Raafat Mohamed Shaapan1*, Ahmed Maher1, Ahmed Badwi Yousif2, Gomaa Desoky Emam2 

...s (AFI) in our clinical laboratories must rule out any cases of malaria that have symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of the disease and improve patient management by lowering treatment costs and removing other risks related with antibiotic misuse.

Keywords | Cross reactivity, Febrile, Malaria, Brucellosis, Typhoid fever  


Asim Faraz1, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Ayman Balla Mustafa4, Amir Ismail5, Muhammad Arslan Akbar6, Abdul Waheed1* and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel7 – 18°C for laboratory analysis. Commercially available ELISA kits were used to measure serum progesterone and estradiol levels. Progesterone and estradiol levels were found significantly high (P<0.05) with the value of 3.46±0.25 ng/ml at day 14th and 4.45±0.34 ng/ml at day 21st in G2 (Pregnant animals), while in non-pregnant group serum P4 concentration was recorded to be 1.05±0.29 ng/ml which is considered as basal level o...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi

...esticide residues and metabolites are often found in fruits, vegetables, soil and underground water as contaminants. This necessitated the search for bio-nematicides, accordingly the nematicidal prospect of chromatographic fractions from Mangifera indica as a substitute to synthetic nematicides in the control of Meloidogyne incognita pests of tomato was evaluated. Crude extracts of M. indica bark was fractionated on silica-gel (120-150 mesh) using glass column...

Nishant Shah1*, Rakesh Kumar Yadav1, Anil Gautam1*, Shambhu Shah1 and Mohan Kumar Gupta2

... adsorption. Keeping the above fact, this study was conducted to reduce ammonia reducing immunosuppression that manages susceptibility of E. coli. When the maximum level of ammonia was produced i.e., on day 34, intra-nasal administration of E. coli of strain χ7122 (serotype 078: K80:H9) at pathogenicity amount (9.4 x 105 cfu E. coli per bird) was done and morbidity and mortality rate was also recorded. The significantly minimum ammonia (ppm) was recorded i...

Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir Rajput1, Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar1, Ghulam Murtaza Kaleri2, Tanzeela-ul-Zahra1,3, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi4 and Zeeshan Rasheed1

...AW were conducted under laboratory conditions on maize leaves and stems. Three cohorts comprised of 131, 112 and 105 eggs of similar age were used for both leaves and stems. The results indicated that maximum mortality of FAW in both maize stems and leaves were recorded in pupa and 1st larval instar, respectively whereas, maximum survival was recorded in 4th and 5th larval instars. Almost, similar male to female sex ratio was recorded in leaves and stems with ...
Aiman Al Mufarji1, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed1*, Rashid Al Zeidi2, Haitham Al Masruri3
...tributing to impaired metabolism and dysregulated immune and reproductive functions in animals. The aims of the current study were to investigate modulation impacts of moringa oleifera on thermo-tolerance parameters and blood indices in subtropical ewes under heat stress. Eighteen ewes with an average weight of 50.3 ± 1.80 kg and aged 2.5 - 3.0 years were randomly allocated into three equal groups (six/group). The 1st and 2nd groups were assigned to Mor...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Adeel Mustafa1, Sheer Abbas2, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehomood1 and Raheel Saqib3

...g to the age category of above 40 years of age and 70 respondents were recorded as illiterate. There were 75% of respondents (148) who claimed that there are multiple major income sources. The respondents who had a low level of poverty and a high level of poverty were the same in the study area. Among respondents, 25% said that they don’t have easy access to the local livestock market for selling animals and their products. Moreover, according to the liv...

Muhammad Islam1,4*, Farrukh Shehzad1, Muhammad Omar2, Abdul Qayyum3 and Rabia Siddiqui4

.... Population will upturn about 88.9% and 30.9% more than from wheat area and wheat yield up to 2050 and it might explode the food critiques in the region. It is concluded that wheat productivity must be raise to ensure the food demands. The results of this study demonstrated that the CGREM found to be superior comparing with benchmark LRM.


Xing Lu1, Mahmoud A.O. Dawood2, Fan Wu1, Hua Wen1, Wei Liu1, Juan Tian1, Ming Jiang1, Li-Juan Yu1, Xiang Li3, Ning Xu3 and Hong-Wei Liang1*

...e (P < 0.05). All the above results indicated that appropriate dietary L-carnitine supplementation could improve growth performance, increase muscle protein content, reduce serum TG concentration, and induce the antioxidant- and lipometabolism-associated genes expression in Chinese soft-shelled turtle.

Dalia M. Aboelhassan1*, Inas S. Ghaly1, Noha E. Ibrahim2, Nermeen M. Shaffie3, Mariam G. Eshak1, Aboelfetoh M. Abdallah4, Ibrahim M. Farag1
... over-expressions of the above mentioned genes, and induces massive damage to the histological architectures of liver and kidney tissues. In contrast, FCE treatment with different doses (3.3 g/Kg., 4.2 g/kg. and 5.0 g/kg) can inhibit the upregulation of such gene expressions and enhance the histopathological changes of liver and kidney organs. These ameliorations increase by increasing the dose of FCE, through its utilization either as a protective or therapeu...

Aiman Al-Mufarji3, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed3*, Rashid Al-Zeidi1, Haitham Al-Masruri2, Al-Hassan Mohammed4

...opment, and blood and metabolic profiles with Moringa oleifera (M. oleifera) supplementation. Fifteen pregnant Naimi ewes (49.0 ± 1.85 kg body weight) were allocated to three groups: control and two M. oleifera treated groups (50.0 and 100.0 g M. oleifera /kg diet). Body weights, milk composition, blood cell counts (red and white blood cells), and metabolic profile (total protein and blood urea nitrogen) were measured...

Alsi Dara Paryuni1, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto2, Tri Untari3 and Sitarina Widyarini4*

...d on clinical signs and laboratory identification of fungi. Skin scrapes samples were cultured onto Sabouraud’s dextrose agar medium. Hair and skin scraping were conducted at the day-1 (pre-treated with ketoconazole). Subsequently, infected cats were treated with topical application of 2% ketoconazole cream, twice a day for 21 days. Results showed that all of cats positive infected with Microsporum canis. Feature of th...

Atta Ullah*, Nasrullah Khan, Ataur Rahman and Rafi Ullah 

...s) was gathered randomly about plants’ medicinal and folk uses in the park. One hundred and sixteen plants species belonging to 99 genera and 50 families were recorded and identified with the help of available literature. Of these, monocots were represented by 17 species under 15 genera and 5 families, while dicots were represented by 99 species belonging to 84 genera and 45 families. The results reflect that 24% of plants were used as fodder, 29% fuel, ...

Najmul Saqib* and Himayathullah Khan

...ld head, number of farm labor and adopted agroforestry practices on farm income. It was found that the effect on annual farm income by a unit increase in area under agroforestry was Rs.44.379, number of fruit trees was Rs.0.344 and wood trees on farm was Rs. 0.240, quantity of crops under these systems was Rs. 39.174 and education was Rs. 8.987 which were positive and statistically significant. It was found that intercropping practice in comparison to boundary...

Ziaul Islam1*, Asad Sultan1, Sar Zamin Khan1 and Sher Bahader Khan2

... microbiota, apparent metabolizable energy and nutrient digestibility of broilers. A total of six hundred, day-old healthy broiler chicks (Cobb 500) were procured from a local hatchery and were randomly allocated to five different dietary treatments. A basal diet formulated with corn-soybean meal (CON; without any additives) served as control diet and fed to birds in control group. Birds in other four groups were given same basal diet mixed either with zinc ba...

Abdullah Channo1*, Asmatullah Kaka1, Qudratullah Kalwar2, Imdadullah Jamali3, Ghulam Jelani2, Muhammad Bakhsh4, Ghulam Nabi Dahri5 and Jai Parkash Goil6

...ned placenta, stress, metabolic disorders and hormonal imbalance. COD is generally at highest from 30 to 60 days of postpartum. The exact pathogenesis of COD is still not confirmed, but the abnormal neuroendocrine reflex of hypothalamic pituitary dysfunction, molecular alteration in growing follicle are important components. COD has been diagnosed by animal behavioral changes, nymphomania, anestrus, repeat breeding, pelvic ligament relaxation, tails head eleva...
Muhammad Zaeem Abbas1, Khurram Ashfaq1, Amjad Islam Aqib2, Mughees Aizaz Alvi1*, Muhammad Haleem Tayyab1, Muzafar Ghafoor1, Muhammad Usman Naseer3, Ali Abbas4 and Ali Hassan1
...ustify;">Ketosis is a metabolic disorder of dairy animals that appear mostly in the early lactation period of animals. Current study was aimed to estimate occurrence of ketosis and associated risk factors in dairy buffaloes. In this regard, milk and urine samples were individually collected from 96 buffaloes and analysed by Ross Modification of Rothera’s test and Abbott Precision Xtra™ meter to assess the ketone bodies levels. We observed a total o...

Abdul Hafeez Mastoi1, Muhammad Rashid Nizamani2, Shafique Ahmed Memon3, Jun Jiang1, Xiang-Shun Hu1* and Tong-Xian Liu1*

...m L., was determined in laboratory testing. Of the 5 pea cultivars and 5 temperature levels included in our study, the highest values of the population parameters of net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate increase, finite rate increase, generation time, and fecundity of A. pisum was observed at 27°C, regardless of pea cultivar. In decreased as temperature increased at and above 30°C for each cultivar. Furthermore, dif...
C.A. Angel-Sahagún1, J.E. Ortega Palomares1, A.A. Hernández-Rangel1, C. Cruz-Vázquez2, R. Montesinos-Matias3, M. Valencia-Posadas1 and A.M. Cruz-Avalos4*, the dog flea, under laboratory conditions. Nine, monosporic cultures were isolated. Each were pathogenic when exposed by immersion at a concentration of 1x108 conidia/ml, causing between 10-100% mycosis at ten days post-inoculation. Four isolates identified as Bb9, Bb6, Ma9 and Ma10, were the most pathogenic as mycosis reached 100%, which places them as potential candidates to be used as biological control agents.


Harpreet Kaur* and S.S. Hundal

...) of imidacloprid under laboratory conditions. The activity of AChE and GST have been reported as potential biomarkers to assess toxicity levels, hence the activity of these enzymes were assessed to study imidacloprid toxicity. Inhibition of AChE activity was observed in both the earthworm species in all the doses of imidacloprid, indicating neurotoxicity. There was an initial increase in the GST activity followed by its decrease with the duration of exposure ...

Jawaid A. Khokhar*, T. J. Ursani, Fareeda Memon, Samina Malik, Asif Soomro and Fareeda Shah

...t the advanced research laboratory of Arachnology and Entomology. The collected samples were kept at an Average temperature and humidity between 28.2 ± 0.47 to 38.78 ± 0.47 0c, 57.6 ± 0.55 to 72.6%, respectively.


Khalid Javed Iqbal1, Irfan Baboo2*, Arshad Javid3, Noor Khan4, Hamid Majeed5, Azra Anwer1, Zahid Farooq2, Muhammad Altaf6 and Moazam Jalees7

...rred immediately to the laboratory for the assessment of their blood profile. There was recorded no mortality after 96h of exposure period. IONPs significantly affected the counts of WBCs, Hb, MCH and MCHC of experimental and control groups. The analysis of blood profile demonstrated that haematological parameters; the number of WBCs and Hb were increased in T1 and decreased in T2 in relation to T0. The counts of RBCs, HCT, MCV and PLT were found to be increas...

Tooba Ather1, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid2*, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub3, Javed Iqbal2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2, Muhammad Akram2, Naveeda Anjum4, Muhammad Rizwan6, Hafeezur Rehman5 and Umar Farooq5

...egrated Pest Management Laboratory, Department of Entomology, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, during 2016. The results revealed that mortality of 3rd instar of P. solenopsis increased with increase in concentration of Pyriproxyfen and Buprofezin at three days of post application interval (PAI). Pyriproxyfen 0.5% and Buprofezin at 2% concentration induced mortality of P. solenopsis up to (82.52%) and (87.60%) respectively at PAI of 3 days after applicati...

Syed Wajahat Husain Jaafry1* and Amber Fatima2

...t show any change in the above/below ground allocation pattern. In this review, we attempt to provide a research background of species recognition in plants and plant communication, the current state of knowledge, and future perspectives. It has been established that species identification and communication between plants exist through many mediums like damage induced warnings, call for predators, root secretion, and volatile signaling. We found that most of t...

Ochieng Onunga George*, Owuor Ndonga Millicent Florence, Mario Kollenberg condemned meat parts, aborted fetuses, animal trimmings, horns, undigested ingesta (paunch contents), bones, and hairs. In contrast, liquid parts consist of blood, dissolved solids, urine, gut contents, and wastewater from slaughter operations and floor cleaning. It has been reported that Abattoir wastes can have negative impacts on the areas surrounding them by causing pollution and public health concerns. Therefore, this research was initiated with the ma...

Lyudmila Yakovlevna Rodionova*, Irina Valeryevna Sobol, Lyudmila Vladimirovna Donchenko, Artem Vasilevich Stepovoy  and Andrey Georgievich Koshchaev

...eases associated with metabolic disorders.

Ayesha Khan*, Mohammad Tariq Aziz, Urooba Pervaiz and Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

... 42% respondents had age above 35 years, literate respondents were 80%, 45.5% had farming experience of 1-10 years, half of the respondents (50.1%) were owners, 40.2% had land size of 5.1-10 acres and the majority (78.6%) is indulged in agriculture as main occupation. All the respondents have knowledge about ICTs but 55.4% had access to internet and the tools used to access internet include mobile (54.8%), DSL (27.5%), telep...

Amina Batool1*, Saba Aleem1, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Waheed Arshad1, Muhammad Aslam2, Shiraz Ali3 and Muhammad Zeeshan3

...abi 2019-20; one at the laboratory by growing three diverse genotypes of wheat at four different levels of seeding densities in pots and the other at field area of Barani Agricultural Research Station, Fateh Jang at four discrete levels of seeding density of 80, 100, 120 and 140 kg ha-1, respectively. The experiment was laid down using a RCBD with three replication and four treatments. Different seed rates and genotypes significantly affected all plant traits ...

Xiaoguang Su1,*, Yanjun Gao2, Yanling Wang1 and Yaohui Ma2

...iR-128-3p and EPHB2. The above method was used to detect cell viability and apoptosis rate after overexpression of miR-128-3p or inhibition of EPHB2. The dual luciferase report experiment verified the targeted binding relationship between miR-128-3p and EPHB2. Western blot was used to detect the expression of Ki-67, PCNA, Bcl-2 and Bax. Our findings showed that after HAE treatment, the cell viability was significantly reduced (P <0.05), the apoptosis rate w...

Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Asif Sadam2, Karim Gabol1, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Sajid Mahmood4, Mustafa Kamal5, Hamid Ullah6, Syed Abidullah7, Muhammad Tufail8, Bashir Ahmad4, Gul Bacha Khan4 and Habib Ul Hassan1

...contemporary information about morphometry and diet of Oriental skylark Alauda gulgula nestling from hatching to 8th day very carefully during the breeding season (April, May, June, and July) 2019, in district Bajaur. A total of 70 nestlings of 22 nests were studied systematically. The eggs were hatched out both from the middle point and blunt end. All the eggs were hatched asynchronously with closed eyes and a naked body. They opened their eyes on average aft...

Lin Li1,2, Pingsheng Ye1, Xi Chen1, Shuping Yan1 and Yuanshu Zhang1*

...retion. Hepatic lipid metabolism is active when ruminant is on lactation period. The aim of this study was to evaluate liver metabolism adaptation to high-concentrate diet-induced milk fat depression (MFD). Six Saanen dairy goats were randomly divided into 2 groups and fed either a high-forage (HF) diet or a high- concentrate (HC) diet. The high-concentrate diet caused lower milk fat content and milk fat yield, namely induce...

Muhammad Furqan and Zulfiqar Ali

...munity is also concerned about the conservation of this species. Development of more protected areas for conservation, awareness education, implementation of wildlife laws, patrolling of officials in the breeding season, and long-term monitoring plan can help in the conservation of kalij pheasant.


Shambel Boki Dabi

...te of three streams for laboratory study. Water quality parameters such as CO2, Chloride, and alkalinity were instantly assessed using the titration method, while water turbidity, temperature, water pH, and dissolved oxygen were measured directly on site. A simple test kit was used to evaluate nitrite and ammonia levels. The result revealed a high level of alkalinity (66.3±39. 1mg. L-1) at downstream and lowest concentration (58±40mg.L-1) was fou...

Qian Chong1, Muhammad Mohsin2*, Zhu Ting1, Chen Qiqi1 and Ana Mehak3

..., putting a big question about the ongoing stock status of commercial fisheries. Therefore, this paper strives to appraise the population dynamics of Trichiurus lepturus in Zhejiang, China which would help fishery managers. For this, authentic data, 1999 – 2018, collected from Fishery Yearbooks of China was statistically evaluated through depletion models (DMs). In principle, three models, viz., Fox (FM), Schaefer (SM), and Pella-Tomlinson (PTM) of surpl...

Abid Ali1*, Safia Naureen Malik3, Muhammad Akmal2, Hafeez Ullah Rafa2 and Abid Subhani3

... Soil and Water Testing Laboratory Gujranwala for electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), chloride (Cl) and sodium (Na) of the groundwater. The results revealed that out of 565 samples, 231 (41%) were fit; 149 (26%) were marginally fit, and; 185 (33%) were unfit regarding their quality. The maximum samples were found unfit for high RSC followed by EC and combined effect of EC and RSC, implying that use of s...

Md. Sabuj Rahman and Md. Mahmudul Alam*

... This clinical report is about the evaluation and survival after using of incisional cecostomy technique in a calf treated for intestinal atresia. A 2-day-old cross-bred bovine calf was brought to Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh having atresia coli with atresia ani et recti. Bypass surgery was performed using incisional cecostomy techniques. After 10 days post-surgical administration of antibiotics and n...

Omnia Mohamed Khattab1*, Hala Kamel Abdelmegeed2, Mohamed Mahmoud Mashaly1, Mervat Hamdy1*, Naglaa Hagag1, Ayman Hamed3, Hanan Aly Fahmy3, Essam Ibrahim4, Momtaz Abdelhady Shahein2, Elsayyad Mohamed Ahmed2

...text-align: justify;">An abortion outbreak was reported in horse studs, Egypt, in 2019. Investigating the role of EHV-4 in this abortion outbreak in mares using various molecular detection techniques were done using the tentative diagnosis by rt-PCR. The presence of 16 liver and spleen samples out of 20 (80%) from aborted fetuses were positive for EHV-4, but all were negative for EHV-1. Vi...
Muhammad Jalees
...moderating effect of collaborative advertising on its association. The survey-based methodology was used for the collection of data from the Telecom industry in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. 250 valid questionnaires was collected from different telecom industries. Data were analyzed using the Cronbach alpha reliability technique with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. Regression has been conducted to test the hypothesis. The r...

Zannatul Ferdous1, Abdul Goffar Sarder2, Mustasim Famous3*, Mahfuza Ferdous4, Shahabuddin Ahmed5 and Md. Amir Hossain6

... experimental groups was about the same. Weekly observations were recorded for live body weight up to 35 days and blood parameters of birds at day 14th, 21th and 35th days. The result showed comparatively better live weight in T4 which is treated with Kalojeera and Ginger having a satisfactory feed conversion ratio (FCR) of 1.68. The better feed conversion ratio (FCR) value was recorded by chicks fed diet supplemented with antibiotics in T1. The hematological ...

Aysam Fayed1, Mohga A Ibrahem2, Soha A. Hassan3, Mohammed Abdalla Hussein4*, Tamer Roshdy1  

...n between obesity and metabolic disorders like Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and several types of cancer has made obesity a challenge for world health. The current study’s objective was to assess the antioxidant capacity of cranberry extract in high-fat diet-induced obesity. For eight weeks, 36 white albino rats weighing 197±10 g were selected at random to five groups: Group I was administered a regular diet; Group II was fed a high-fat...

Umar Farooq Gohar, Attia Majeed, Bushra Muneer* and Hamid Mukhtar

...y important secondary metabolites.


Mutassim Abdelrahman1, Ibrahim Alhidary1, Majdi Bahaddi1,2, Mohsen Alobre1,3, Riyadh Aljumaah1 and Rifat Ullah Khan4, *

...rsquo; absorption and metabolism, which clear from the high correlation between the tested minerals in the different tissues. In conclusion, zeolite supplementation causes a variable effect on the absorption and utilization of Al, Cr, and Mn; however, no effect on K levels in different tissues was seen.


Hazem E. M. Hassanien1*, Awad M. M. Mahmoud2, Elsayed M. Abdel-Raouf1, Nabil M. Eweedah1 and Midhat. N. Nassif3

...tivates a compensated metabolic acidosis, stimulating calcium (Ca) absorption and mobilization before calving and decreasing clinical and subclinical hypocalcemia postpartum. The objective of this trial was to determine the effects of varying pre- and postpartum DCAD, mEq [(Na + K - Cl + S)]/ kg of dry matter on blood total Ca, ionized iCa, blood, and rumen metabolites, and endocrine status in prepartum and postpartum phases...
Muhammad Sajid Hamid Akash1*, Hina Sharif1, Kanwal Rehman2, Sumbal Rasheed1 and Shagufta Kamal3
...mpairing carbohydrate metabolism and therapeutic potential of resveratrol (RSV) to treat ATO-induced metabolic disorder. Twenty Wistar rats were used for this study; one group was normal control (NC), second group was exposed to ATO only while the other two groups received metformin (MF) and RSV separately along with ATO. We measured serum levels of glycemic index biomarkers and carbohydrate metabo

Sharon Zulfiqar1, Mubashar Hussain1*, Kiran Aftab1, Muhammad Faheem Malik1, Rizwan Khursheed2, Somia Liaqat1 and Maimoona Kanwal1 Sericulture Research Laboratory, Lahore. The silkworm eggs were incubated at standard conditions. Larval rearing was maintained at standard rearing conditions of temperature (25 ± 1°C), Relative Humidity (75 ± 5 %), and photoperiod (12 light: 12 dark). The experiment was laid out in the Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with five replications. Bulgarian race showed significantly greater variations were observed in the mean larval weight (...

Alexander Tsybulsky1*, Eduard Kostetsky1, Anton Degtyarenko2, Michail Shchelkanov1,2,3 

...ts. Complementing these laboratory tests with methods for assessing the expression of interferon (IFN) genes can expand the possibilities of diagnosing animal cancers and improve the accuracy of differential diagnosis of benign and malignant neoplasms, in particular of the mammary gland (MG). Methods. Surgical material obtained after unilateral mastectomy with simultaneous hysterovariectomy, as well as peripheral blood samples of cats with MG tumours was used....

Febriza Dwiranti1, Nur Fadhilah2, Ursula Paulawati Maker2, Priyo Sambodo3* 

...cyte differentiation by laboratory analysis. Descriptive morphological data and quantitative data were analyzed using ANOVA testing. The adult cuscus appeared to have more spots (the male spotted pattern was larger than that of the female) than the juvenile cuscus, where the body pattern had not formed spots (spread). Based on such an obvious spot pattern, the sexes of S. papuensis could be distinguished by males having larger spots than females. The S. papuen...

Khurram Sheraz* and Taj Ali Khan

...des valuable information about the evolution of climate during past and may predict its reflection in the future. Analysis of trends in meteorological variables is challenging as they are of non-stationary nature and may include both stochastic and noise components. The aim of this research is to integrate the signal processing technique Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with different versions of Mann-Kendall (MK) trend tests for investigating the dominant cli...

Sajid Hanif1, Abdul Shakoor1,4*, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1, Ifra Saleem2, Sajid Ali3, Muhammad Awais Ashraf4, Majid Nadeem4, Hira Shair4, Anwar ul Haq5, Rana Abdul Hamid Khan6 and Muhammad Amir Amin7

...ers, unfilled grains and abortive, chalky and opaque kernels, along with declines in chlorophyll and relative leaf water contents (14% over control) the most than individual stress imposition. A 29.76% increment in yield was observed as comparison to to (control) by the use of exogenous proline and its quality attribute due to improved chlorophyll and relative leaf water contents (10% increase) alongside reductions in undesired quality parameters like chalkine...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Pham Kim Ngan Nguyen1, Thao Huong Phan1, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Khanh Ly Nguyen1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Cong Thieu Pham3, Cong Dinh Nguyen3, Nguyen Khang Duong4 

... total DNA and amplified about 760 bp mtDNA fragment, with 576 bp in the D-loop region, followed by sequencing to analyze genetic diverse indices and genetic distance to construct a phylogenetic tree. Results showed that the fragment of 760 bp was successfully amplified. Variations of nucleotide sequence in 576 bp fragment length from 31 individual buffaloes were analyzed and revealed the nucleotide composition as Adenine (A) = 32.6%, Thymine (T) = 26.8 %, Gua...

Shahid Ali1*, Murtaza2, Waqas Ahmad1, Nargis Bibi3, Aftab Khan2 and Jahangir Khan

...60, 0.246 and 0.098 for labor hours, tractor hours, chemicals, urea and irrigation numbers respectively. Results of inefficiency’s model exposed that education and farming experience had a significant and adverse influence on technical inefficiency, age had a positive significant effect on farmers’ technical inefficiency whereas tenancy status and primary source of income were found insignificant. The mean technical efficiency of the sampled farmer...

Nuraini Nuraini*, Yuliaty Shafan Nur, Ade Djulardi, Robi Amizar, Yesi Chwenta Sari

...esearch. Phase 1 of the laboratory experiment determined the composition of the concentrate and tofu dregs media on the nutrient content of Tenebrio molitor. This study method was a completely randomized design (CRD) with six treatments and three replications. The treatment variations consist of commercial ration (CR) and tofu dregs (TD) were treatment P1 (100% CR), P2 (80% CR + 20% TD), P3 (60% CR+ 40% TD), P4 (40% CR + 20% TD), P5 (20% CR + 80% TD) and P6 (1...

Hassan Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Muhammad Irfan Majeed2, Mujeeb-Ur-Rehman1 and Muhammad Asam Riaz1

... monitoring stations for about a month post-treatment, while the termites fed on all beads in the control monitoring stations. Overall study findings validate the effectiveness of fipronil and formulated beads for their potential incorporation in the management of subterranean termites in agricultural crops. However, further studies are needed to get more empirical data regarding the formulation’s effectiveness and to determine the insecticide (fipronil)...

Veasna Chem1 †, Hong-Seok Mun1,2 †, Keiven Mark B. Ampode1, Shad Mahfuz1, Il-Byung Chung1, Muhammad Ammar Dilawar1,3, Chul-Ju Yang1,3,* 

... the greatest impact on labor rate and little size. Digital infrared thermal imaging (DITI) technology can easily recognize and detect animals’ temperature changes, which would be useful in farm animal production. This study investigates the possibility of replacing a contact thermometer with a non-contact thermometer and digital infrared thermal imaging camera (DITI) to detect the estrus of gilts. Seven gilts (129.21±2.51kg) were considered for t...

Ayesha Khan*, Zubair Ahmad Khan and Urooba Pervaiz

...ken on certain judgments about the population or researcher chooses who would be appropriate for the study) was employed to select three districts i.e. Peshawar, Mardan and Swabi from Agro-ecological Zone C of KP. The population of the study comprised of all extension agents of the selected district. Data was collected through a well-developed interview schedule from all Agriculture Officers and 41% of the Field Assistants (randomly selected) of the three dist...

Shomaila Sikandar1*, Imran Afzal1 and Sadaf Sarfraz2

...ins are the secondary metabolites produced by different filamentous fungi. The significance of these low molecular weight compounds lies in the fact that they are the contributors of severe health issues in livestock and humans. Every year mycotoxins infect different crops and animal feedstock by accumulating in the food and feed crops in the field and during transportation, which leads to the huge economic losses. Presently abo...

Gudeta Nepir Gurmu, Tade Bitima Mulisa, Alemu Lenco Gemechu, Kegna Gadisa Amena and Gemechu Nedi Terfa*

...s such as harvest index, above-ground biomass, number of seed per pods, and hundred seed weights were recorded. Analysis of variance combined over five locations manifested significant differences among varieties, environment, environment, and varieties interaction for grain yield and other yield-related traits. The combined mean of grain yield of varieties indicated that Bursa (3.03 t/ha), Adi (2.84t/ha) and Weyib (2.83 t/ha) varieties had the highest grain y...

Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed*, Aiman Al Mufarji and Sultan Alawaid

...rimordial follicles take about 6 months to grow and develop to ovulatory graafian follicles in cattle and humans. Growth of preantral follicles is gonadotropin-independent whereas growth of antral follicles is gonadotropin-dependent. Changes occur during these stages in mammalian ovarian follicles to prepare the oocyte for successful maturation, fertilization and further embryonic development. The changes enable the zygotes to overcome maternal zygotic transit...

Dong-Min Hou and Ding-Qi Rao*

... needed to to learn more about the potential effects and direct ongoing future conservation efforts. Finally, some constructive countermeasures are proposed to promote microplastics research in amphibians and reptiles.


Arshad Mahmood Malik1*, Nigah Hussain1 and Nasim Akhter2 sector, agricultural labour migration from on-farm to off-farm work and from rural to urban areas is becoming common practice. Punjab Labor Policy 2018, addresses agriculture labor on the lines of industrial labor to improve its supply. This study is designed to ascertain the factors effecting agricultural labour su...

Fatin Khalil*, Harinath Yapati, Zainab Al Blallam, Ronia Jose 

...ction performance and metabolic changes in response to changing weather. We examine the impact of calendar season (summer and winter) on animal performance resilience by assessing various parameters of ewes, lambs, pregnant, male, and lactating Naeemi breed animals from the Agriculture Research Station; Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kabd. The evaluation of biochemical and hematological parameters over time revealed a probable environmental effect o...

Shou-Dong Zhang1,2,3, Dao-Xin Liu1,2, Dan Mou1, Tong-Zuo Zhang2, Jian-Ping Su2 and Jiu-Xiang Xie1*

...geous secondary plant metabolites.


Muhammad Ismail1, Jabbar Khan1*, Zahid Rauf2, Khalid Khan3 and Muhammad Rafi1

...viduals were lacking the above stated 2 SNPs. There is thus strong correlation between SNPs of ESR1 gene and breast cancer and hence, can be used as a significant marker in the determination of breast cancer.


Amoon Danial1, Shahan Azeem1*, Sohail Raza1 and Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq2

...that both the history of abortion and respiratory disease as well as being a male goat and accompanying cattle were significant risk factors for BoHV-1 infection in goats, however, age (> 2 years), was not a significant risk factor. To our knowledge this is first study in Pakistan investigating the role of goats in the chain of transmission of BoHV-1.


Muhammad Rabiul Hasan1, Zannatul Mawa1, Muhammad Ashekur Rahman1, Selina Yeasmin2, Yahia Mahmud2 and Muhammad Yeamin Hossain1*

...Bazar) with the help of laborer in the presence of Principal investigator and research assistant. This study also revealed the maximum recorded length of A. granosa and first report of M. lamarckii from the worldwide water bodies. We observed maximum length of A. granosa was 7.50 cm (maximum recorded length) and 6.83 cm for M. lamarckii. Allometric coefficient (b) value was 2.61 and 2.83 for A. granosa and M. lamarckii, respectively that indicating the growth ...
Muhammad Younas1*, Khalid Hussain1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Atiq2, Niaz Hussain1, Wasim Abbas3, Muhammad Azeem Khan4, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Irshad1, Nasir Ahmad Khan2 and Muhammad Zubair5

Olufemi Bolarin, Sijuade Adebukola Adebayo and Sola Emmanuel Komolafe*

...s that government in collaboration with development agencies should intensify effort in creating awareness to farmers on the several ways of building resilience to mitigate the menace of negative influence of climate change.

Sidrah Ashfaq1, Muhammad Nadeem1*, Muhammad Yamin1, Talha Afzal1, Muhammad Waqar Akram1, Rabia Anam1 and Ali Mehboob2

...d a lot. To overcome the above-said problems, there is a need to look for a feasible and robust solution for thermal applications in remote areas. Biomass gasification proved to be one of the most efficient and clean waste-to-energy conversion processes in contrast to direct combustion of agricultural waste. Other than controlled burning of biomass, it can be subjected for different purposes like a thermal, synthesis of ethanol, engine running, and for fuel ce...

Robina Karim1*, Farhan Ali1, Ali Muhammad1, Nasrullah2, Azra3 and Tahir Mehmood4

...rea, on the average, are above the poverty line.


Al-Hassan M. Mostafa1*, Gehan Mohammed Sayed2 

...periment for sampling of abomasal specimens for histopathological examination and tissue estimation of Total peroxide, malondialdehyde (MDA), protein carbonyl (PC), Catalase, reduced glutathione (GSH) and superoxide dismutase (SOD). Garlic and coriander treated goats showed significant reduction of FEC as compared with control positive ones. Treated goats exhibit no changes in total peroxides while there were non significant changes of PC, MDA, Catalase and SO...

Rijumoni Daimari, Silistina Narzari, Jatin Sarmah* 

...p>Scientific information about the nutritional quality on meat by-products is very scarce when compared with muscle meats (e.g., physicochemical composition, meat quality, sensory and their utilization etc.). The meat by-products are widely accepted as edible foods by the consumers. Therefore, the current study aims to examine the nutritional composition of edible viscera namely, liver, kidney, spleen, heart, large intestine and small intestine of Doom pig of ...

Shandana* and Ayesha Khan

...spondents were uncertain about the favorable effects of ICTs on production while 14.2% of the respondents agreed about favorable effects of ICTs on production. Krushkal Wallis analysis showed that there was highly significant difference in respondents’ perception about the effect of mobile, telephone, television and radio on production. The study suggested that extension agents are r...

Shakeel Ahmad1, Muhammad Israr2*, Rasheed Ahmed3, Anam Ashraf1, Muhammad Amin4 and Nafees Ahmad5

... research is recommended about these LULC vulnerabilities locally and regionally.


Sajjad Khan, Fahad Karim Awan*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Muhammad Usama Hameed, Allah Bakhsh and Kainat Bibi

...onducted at NARC fodder laboratory to study the response of two oat cultivars namely NARC and PARC Oat against drought and salinity stress. Salt concentration of 80 mmolLˉ¹ showed non-significant effect on germination % and shoot length of both oat cultivars except salt concentration of 120 mmolLˉ¹, but tolerance in NARC, Oat is higher than PARC oat. Salt concentrations positively increased root length, except in PARC oat at 120 mmolLˉ¹. Drou...

Muhammad Ikram Ullah

...osis is a devastating metabolic disorder characterized by intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism, musculoskeletal and immune abnormalities. This study identifies a genetic mutation in a complex consanguineous Pakistani family of Punjabi language group. The family presented with rare complex neurological symptoms including mental retardation, facial dysmorphism, skeletal and muscle abnormalities. Five affected family members were recruited along with unaff...
Alicja Kowalczyk1*, Inga Kowalewska-Łuczak2, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska3*, Jesús Juan Cantalapiedra4, Joaquim Orlando Lima Cerqueira5,6 and José Pedro Pinto de Araújo5,7
...sted sperm analyzer. The above studies indicate that all four nucleotide substitutions analyzed in exon 4 of AQP7 gene affect the individual quality characteristics of the analyzed semen of Holstein-Friesian bulls.


Farheen Shaikh*, Saima Naz and Nadir Ali Birmani

... to the Parasitological laboratory of Department of Zoology, University of Sindh, Jamshoro. The study was carried out from April 2015 –March 2016. Guinea fowls Numida meleagris (Linnaeus, 1758) were sprayed with Permathrin (Coopex powder) and ket on white paper sheets for about 32-35 minutes. The fowls were checked time to time after 2 to 3 weeks. The chewing lice were collected hand picking methods with fine brushes a...

Ali Ahmad1*, Zubair Aslam1, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Ehsan Ullah1, Ali Raza1 and Muhammad Asif3

... mesophilic microbes collaborate to digest solid agricultural waste under controlled circumstances, resulting in a stable form of organic matter. Earthworms produce vermicompost, which contains growth-regulating hormones, macro-micro nutrients, plant-immobilized microflora, growth regulators and promoters and cellular portion degrading enzymes (cellulose, proteases, lipase, amylases, chitinase), which degrade organic substrates even after they have been secret...

Kanwal Hanif1, Dilbar Hussain1, Qurban Ali1, Asad Aslam1*, Tamsila Nazir1, Muhammad Saleem1, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Muhammad Zubair2, Najuf Awais Anjum3 and Muhammad Umar Qasim1

...onditions at toxicology laboratory Entomological Research Institute Ayub Agriculture Research Institute, Faisalabad. The viability of eggs was evaluated by exposing egg cards to insecticides by dipping them in insecticide solution for 10 seconds while adult survival was investigated through dipped surface residue bioassay method. The results revealed that new chemistry insecticides viz., Flubendiamide, Flonicamid and Chlorantraniliprole were comparatively safe...

Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko1*, Joelle Toffa1, Azize Orobiyi1, Gbèblonoudo Anicet Dassou2, Rolande Okpeicha1, Dieudonné Gavoedo1 and Alexandre Dansi2

...s were evaluated in the laboratory. The correlations and contributions of the studied traits were evaluated using correlation path coefficient analysis. The tested soybean varieties showed a variation in physical seed characteristics. A differential susceptibility of soybean varieties to C. maculatus was observed, with the white seeded variety Whéwhé having longest and largest grains was the most susceptible. Based on the Dobie susceptibility ind...

Asma Hassan*, Zuhair Hasnain, Muhmmad Asadullah, Syed Saqlain Hussain and Muhammad Abbas Anees

...increase in N level, but above 85 kg ha-1 dry matter formation was regressively declined. The highest dry matter accumulation and harvest index 66.6g plant-1 17.31% respectively were calculated with N 85 kg ha-1. The highest crop growth rate (13.7 gm-2 day-1) was achieved with N 85 kg ha-1. The highest 1000-grain weight (5.6 g) was measured with 85 kg ha-1. The maximum grain yield (9.43g plant-1) was also recorded in N 85 kg ha-1. Total biomass increased with ...

Dong-Min Hou, Hong-bi Peng, Wan-Long Zhu* and Zheng-Kun Wang*

...ale T. belangeri in two laboratory experiments. Our footage provides the first video documentation of infanticide, cannibalism, and parental care behavior in T. belangeri. Analysis of the video data indicated that the observations were related to nutrition hypothesis, hormone level hypothesis and stress hypothesis. We also suggest that the infanticidal and cannibalistic behaviors of tree shrews might be related to their dietary habits. Although reactions to in...

Abhishek Pandit1, Suman Poudel2, Manish Gautam3* and Shambhu Shah4

..., including facilities, labor, experience, and budget. PGF2α induces luteal regression followed by estrus and ovulation in cows when administered during the luteal period. Progestin suppresses the activity of the ovary and inhibits the dominant follicle maturation due to the suppression of both FSH and LH. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone or an analog is administered with PGF2α to estrous- cyclic and noncyclic cattle disrupts the patterns of follicul...

Wael Mohamed Wafa1*, Mohammed Mahmoud Hegazy1, Mohamed Mohamed El-said Ibrahim1, Hamdy Abdala El-Nagar1, Rehab Fawzy Ismail2 

...tion on puberty, some metabolic parameters, and pregnancy rate of Friesian heifers. Eighteen Friesian female calves (14.55±1.15 months of age and 205.0±16.09 kg LBW) were divided into three groups (6 in each) according to age and body weight. All groups were fed same diet; control group was untreated (CG), while those in the 2nd and 3rd groups were orally treated with 300 ml GL/head/twice/week (GG) or daily 25 g PF/100 LBW (PFG) from 14 to 18 mon...

Hossam Mahrous Ebeid1, Ahmed Abdelkader Aboamer1*, Amgad Ahmed Abu Elella2, Ibrahim Mohamed Khattab3, Osama Hefny Matloup1, Fatma Ibrahim Hadhoud1  

...quo;s effect on blood metabolites and quality and quantity of the produced milk. Treatment groups were provided either a control diet or control diet with 40 g/head/day (DMSC40) or 80 g/head/day (DMSC80) of DMSC. DMSC was high in protein (39.6% CP on DM) and low in fibre. DMSC DM was thought to be highly digestible due to its high ruminally degradable fraction (76.1%). Increasing supplementation amount of DMSC in goats’ diets reduced their blood choleste...

Abdul Latif1, Shahid Sattar1, Fazal Maula2, Imtiaz Khan4*, Asim Iqbal3 and Said Hussain Shah1*

...ty was 6.58 days. Under laboratory conditions, the highest 100% mortality was caused by lamda-cyhalothrin and cypermethrin after 72hrs followed by A. indica seed extract (81.00) and P. hydropiper (78.80) when tested under laboratory conditions. Based on the current results, it is concluded that lamda-cyhalothrin and A. indica caused high mortality under lab and field conditions, which can be included in future IPM programs.<...

Shad Mahfuz1,2†, Hong-Seok Mun1,3†, Muhammad Ammar Dilawar1, Keiven Mark B Ampode1,4, Veasna Chem1, Young-Hwa Kim5, Jong-Pil Moon6, Chul-Ju Yang1,7* 

... the saving efficacy was about 49.6% than the conventional incubator. Internal temperature was higher (P < 0.05) in solar based incubator. The ammonia concentration and hydrogen sulfide concentration were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in solar based incubator than the control incubator. The solar based heating incubator might be eco-friendly and renewable source of energy for the sustainable pig production.


Keywords | Solar based ...

Jiangbo Shao1, Donglai Zhu2, Shengqiang Zou1, Guohong Ge1 and Ju Huang1* folding as well as metabolism and biosynthesis of amino acid. SOX9 correlated with HSPA1B were negative to the progression in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. These results suggest that SOX9 participated in hepatocellular carcinoma progression through targeted regulation of HSPA1B that might provide novel insights in hepatocellular carcinoma therapy.


Zheng-Yong Wen1, 2*, Chuan-Jie Qin1,2, Bin Li1,2, Rui Li1,2 and Xiao-Tao Shi3*

...ood intake and energy metabolism in darkbarbel catfish. These findings may expand our understanding about the evolutionary history and functional roles of Leptin in teleost, as well as lay a solid foundation for commercial production of darkbarbel catfish.


Ekechukwu Esther1, Ohanu Chinenye1, Ossai Nelson1*, Elijah Okwuonu1, Hinmikaiye Funmilayo1, Ngene Innocent1, Andong Felix1, Ikegbunam Clara2, Echude Daniel1, Ekeh Felicia1 and Odo Gregory1

...s department of zoology laboratory of University of Nigeria, Nsukka. The rats were divided randomly into six groups of 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and 50% C. cajan diet respectively, with a total of 9 giant rats in each group. The diets contained protein, fibre, ash, fat and sugar /energy. Feed efficiency increased in the rats fed on 30% and 50% C. cajan. Crude protein digestibility decreased (P< 0.05) with increased levels of C. cajan. The values of plasma tota...

Siriporn Namted, Kanokporn Poungpong, Wiriya Loongyai, Choawit Rakangthong, Chaiyapoom Bunchasak* 

...ome of their cellular metabolites are key beneficial factors in promoting the growth performance, immunological response, gut morphology, gut microbiota, and feed consumption of pigs.

Keywords | Yeast extract, Yeast cell wall, Performance, Immune, Pig  


Jiahua Peng1,2, Shiyao Hua3* and Qian Wu4

... axis of estrogen and metabolic defects in SD rat model of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) induced by DHEA, and to explore the possible mechanism. Forty rats were randomly divided into four group, the model groups each of 10 the control group, the DHEA group (low dose, 15 μg/kg/d) and the DHEA group (high dose, 30 μg/kg/d). DHEA subcutaneous injection was used to construct the PCOS model of the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) model of rats. The general...

Syeda Batool Zehra1, Abdullah G. Arijo2, Aly Khan3, Nasira Khatoon1* and Samina Waheed1

...were collected from the laboratory of Jinnah Hospital, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan. The data of 60 pinworm-infected children were recorded. These children were of various sexes and ages. Pinworm prevalence in children by gender from 2019 to 2020 demonstrates that females have a higher rate of incidence than males because of unsanitary circumstances and hormone production. Traditional pinworm diagnosis via PCR for pinworm detection has been performed. The findings...

Saydat Saad Abd El-Megeed1, Walaa Yehia El-Sayed1*, Tarek Khamis2 

...iabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated blood glucose levels. Because of the vast number of patients affected by the condition and the repercussions it has, many scientists are being forced to research multiple medicines, all of which are quite expensive. The antidiabetic activities of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) were assessed in rats. ZnO NPs were characterized by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Diabetes was induced b...

Ting Jia1*, Dong-Min Hou2 and Wan-Long Zhu2*

...s. Body mass, resting metabolic rate (RMR) and non shivering thermogenesis (NST), leptin levels and hypothalamic neuropeptide gene expression were measured in each group. The results showed that body mass in A. chevrieri was significantly affected by temperature, food and photoperiod, which was decreased by low temperature, food restriction and short photoperiod. RMR and NST were significantly affected by temperature and food quantity. The content of leptin wa...

Muhammad Tariq Navid1,2*, Mian Muhammad Awais2*, Muhammad Irfan Anwar2 and Masood Akhtar2

Murad Ali Rahat1*, Muhammad Israr2, Hakim Khan1, Ishtiaq Hassan1, Mohammad Islam1 and Muzafar Shah3

...g phenotypic information about unknown individuals when traditional DNA profiling is not informative. The system aids in forensic investigation by probabilistic prediction of eye, hair, skin colors as well as other phenotypic features. The Irisplex system contains a very sensitive multiplex genetic typing test that allows users to predict blue, brown and intermediate human eye color from DNA samples. To check the validity of IrisPlex system in the local Pakhtu...

Cheng Zhao1,2, Qin Shi1*, Gen Yang3, Youyuan Tan2, Songwen Tan2, Jiahong Li2 and Marwan M.A. Rashed2 strategic information about the relationship between Sichuan sika deer and the environment in the winter, we conducted our study on habitat use of Sichuan sika deer in the Tiebu Nature Reserve from January to February in 2019 and 2020. The results showed that Sichuan sika deer preferred shrub vegetation and southern slope. Compared to control plots, lower elevation, longer distance to forest edge, higher herb cover and concealing condition appeared in used ...

Aslı Çilingir Yeltekin

...ents. We investigated metabolic responses by observing apoptosis (caspase- 3), DNA damage (8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine (8-OHdG)), malondialdehyde (MDA), and antioxidants (SOD, CAT, GSH-Px) activity in Van fish kidney and muscle tissue after 24., 48., 72., and 96. h of tebuconazole exposure at a concentration of 2.5 mg/L. The obtained results indicated that caspase-3, 8-OHdG, and MDA levels significantly increased compared to the control (p < 0.05). The kidne...

Akbar Hayat1*, Ehsan Ul Haque1, Marayam Nasir2, Rab Nawaz3, Tariq Mahmood4 and Sohaib Afzaal1

...xt-align: justify;">An elaborated study on evaluating quality characteristics of exotic fruits belonging to orange group of citrus was carried out at Citrus Research Institute Sargodha. The candidate varieties/cultivars were Rhode Red Valencia, Cara Cara, Amber Sweet, Sun Star and Salustiana. All of these different five citrus varieties evaluated objectively assessing their suitability both for direct consumption and value addition. The work spread over two ye...

Hasnain Raza1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Imran1, Nabeel Ahmad Ikram2 and Muhammad Bilal Shoukat1

Samina Kausar1, Rana Badar Aziz2, Muhammad Waseem3, Muhammad Ahmad3, Hamza Shafiq4, Muhammad Asim5, Usama Zia6, Sobia Afzal7, Wanpeng Xi8*, Mansoor Hameed1* and Muhammad Usman Shoukat9

...egulation. Carotenoid metabolism and its regulatory network is not only increasing plant “defense” but also enhance the quality of plants. In this overview article, we summarize the results of current research studies on carotenoid metabolism, knowledge about genetic information, and enzymes that are involved in carotenoid metabolism and regu...

Sanwal Masood1, Dildar Ahmed2, Silvia Machado1 and Sohaib Aslam1*

...and Township had the TDS above 300 mgL-1 and this value was comparatively greater than samples of other areas. Only one site named Ravi Town showed the extremely low concentration of DO i.e. 1.6 mgL-1. All the heavy metals values were within the permissible limit as per world health organization (WHO) guidelines except for iron and silver. However, significant differences were present among the water samples of selected locations which indicated strong influen...

Ty Nguyen, Giang Thi Huong Phung, Lan Le Thuy Hoang and Giang Van Tran*

...sis for further research about M. cunnesius in breeding, species conservation and management at the Tam Giang Cau Hai Wetland Reserve. Research results showed that this species distributed in the North has a size ranging from 101.7 to 160.7 mm, with an average of 137 mm, corresponding to a weight of 10.6 - 35.6 g, with an average of 25.2 g, the fish distributed in the South has a size ranging from 112.4 - 172.7 mm with an average of 144 mm, corresponding to a ...

Hemat A. Abdel Magied*, Heba H. Habib, Amany H. Waly, Ahmed Fadl, Sayed M. Shalash 

... protein (CP) and low metabolizable energy (ME) were studied on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Arbor Acres broiler chickens. Two experiments were conducted in current study; experiments 1 (EXP1) evaluated the effects of PE and/or P supplementation to standard corn-soybean broiler diet (STD). while experiment 2 (EXP2) examined the PEP supplemented to different levels of low CP (low 10 or 15 %) and low ME diets (lower 100 or 150 ...

Jianmin Liu1, Jiancheng Zhang2, Peijuan Wang3,* and Moslem Lari Najafi4

...ent efficacy, glucose metabolism, ovulation and fertility in each group. There are statistical differences in sex hormone level, ovarian arterial blood flow, ovarian volume and number, treatment efficacy, glucose metabolism, ovulation and fertility in each group (P<0.05). The total effective rate of new addition congrong tusi pill is 100.00% for ovarian function decline, while that of diethylstilbestrol treatment is only ...

Aqsa Batool1, Masood Rabbani1*, Farhat Nazir Awan2, Sohail Raza1, Sehrish Firyal3 and Shahan Azeem1

...rty), parity (>2) and abortion history are potential risk factors associated with seroconversion of BoHV-1.


Qingyue Han1, Ying Li1, Jichang Deng1, Kunxuan Huang1, Yanyang Yang1, Quanwei Li1, Zhuowei Zhang1, Na Qiao1, Yanju Ji2, Khalid Mehmood3, Sarfaraz Ali Fazlani4, Hui Zhang1 and Zhaoxin Tang1*

... of vitamin D and its metabolites on heart development in swine. The effect of 25(OH)D3 and Ca2+ supplementation in diets on heart development in neonatal piglets during pregnancy were examined in this study. Total 40 sows of 7 gestational age with good health and nutritional condition were divided into four groups (n=10): the control group, low calcium, 25(OH)D3 group and low calcium with 25(OH)D3 group. Each groups consist of 5 piglets, randomly selected and...

Faiq Ahmad1, Shahen Shah1*, Muhammad Amin2, Ikram Ullah3, Sajid Ali4, Maaz Khan1, Muhammad Shakur5 and Sajjad Khan6

...d PM) added in the field above mentioned days before sowing, while urea applied in split form after sowing. These ratios compensated total of 120 kg N ha-1. Nitrogen application at the rate of 120 kg ha-1 compensated as 50% from FYM and 50% from urea without beneficial microbes resulted in delayed emergence (15.4 days) as compared to rest of treatments, while delayed heading (114.8 days), anthesis (124.7 days) and physiological maturity (158.9 days) were recor...

Zarnosh Habib1, Muhammad Ibrahim2*, Nasir Shah2, Israr Ullah3 and Norman Javed Gill4

...24, 48, 72 and 96 h) in laboratory at 25 ± 2ºC, 60 ± 5% relative humidity and a photoperiod of DL 14:10 h. The observations indicated a significant effect of different depths of host pupae and its age on the amount of parasitism by parasitoid. Maximum significant (F = 10.78, P < 0.0001) parasitized pupae were recorded at 72 h of age at surface of the debris, while minimum number of parasitized pupae were recorded in a day old pupae at 3 c...

Ghani Akbar*, Zafar Islam, Muhammad Umar and Shahi Salam

...igation was scheduled at above field capacity (30kPa matric potential). The calibrated Aqua Crop FAO model was used for evaluating the root zone and atmospheric water balance and water productivity based on evapotranspiration (WPET). The field results indicated, comparable yield for the NB treatment but increased (2.4%) the water productivity based on irrigation input (WPi), saved (3%) irrigation water and reduced (3%) deep drainage losses than the FB treatmen...

Khalid Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Zubeda Parveen1, Sohail Abbas2, Ali Raza3 and Abdul Ghaffar1

...rtant to keep traps just above the crop canopy. Traps at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 meter heights were more effective at seedling, tillering and dough stages, respectively. The population in the traps was correlated with the average temperature (⁰С) and humidity (%). Temperature had positive and significant correlation with population captured in the traps while humidity had negative and non-significant correlation with per unit population attraction. There was no si...

Khalid Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Zubeda Parveen1, Sohail Abbas2, Ali Raza3 and Abdul Ghaffar1

...rtant to keep traps just above the crop canopy. Traps at 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5 meter heights were more effective at seedling, tillering and dough stages, respectively. The population in the traps was correlated with the average temperature (⁰С) and humidity (%). Temperature had positive and significant correlation with population captured in the traps while humidity had negative and non-significant correlation with per unit population attraction. There was no si...

Sugiharto Sugiharto*, Ikania Agusetyaningsih, Endang Widiastuti, Hanny Indrat Wahyuni, Turrini Yudiarti, Tri Agus Sartono 

...iating muscle protein catabolism in high-density pens from days 15 to 28.

Keywords | Broiler, Chitosan, Germinated seed, High stocking density, Stress 


Hams M.A. Mohamed1*, Katreen K.G.2, M.W. Abd Al-Azeem1, Faysal A. Wasel2, Ahmed M. Abd-Eldayem3 

...teriosis, meningitis and abortion in humans. With particular emphasis on Listeria monocytogenes’ capacity to form biofilms, antimicrobial resistance profile and virulence determinants, the purpose of this study is to discuss the presence of Listeria species in raw milk. In total, 150 samples of raw milk from vendors and nearby dairy farms in Sohag, Egypt, were collected. The samples underwent a bacteriological investigation. The results showed that 22 ou...

Layth Saleem Salman Al-Shihmani

...f each horizon, and the laboratory examination was conducted for the physical and chemical properties. As for the mineral examination, it was conducted for only two depths (surface depth and subsurface depth). The results showed a variation in the chemical properties represented by the electrical conductivity values, pH of soil, organic matter, carbonate minerals, and the cationic exchange capacity of the soil between the front and rear of the Kut Dam. As for ...

Reda Hassan*, Bahaa Abou-shehema, Sherif Zayed, Micheal Gorgy, Shama Morsy, El-Sayed Abu El-Hassan, Mahmoud El-Gbaly, Hanaa Basuony, Ebtehal Hassan 

...ed forms, alleviated the above-mentioned alterations. The combination of HSCAS with SC was more efficient than having them in a separate form.

Keywords | Aflatoxin, Broiler, Adsorbent compounds, Detoxification 


Nosheen Jehajo*, Nasreen Memon, Mansoor Ali Shah and Naheed Shah

... the economic losses. A laboratory experiment was conducted in August-November, 2019. The experiment was laid out at (30±2 ºC and 65±5% relative humidity), to investigate the insecticidal efficacy of Azadirachta indica (A. Juss) (neem) and Ricinus cummunis (L.) (castor) seeds oil that effect the various biological parameters of C. maculatus fed on Vigna radiata (mung beans) including mortality, oviposition, and adult emergence using three re...

Ahmed Abdul Gafar

...households which include about 165 rice farmers. All the rice farmers are male, with an average age of 34 years with majority 87% reside in rural areas. Most of the farmers are aware of the existence and dangers of COVID-19. Although there was considerable free movement of rural farmers to access their farms, inputs especially fertilizer has been the major constraints to production. More so, most farmers were only able to sell 1-20% of their paddy rice during ...

Muhammad Khalid Bhatti, Khalil Ahmed*, Ghulam Shabir, Muhammad Irfan, Muhammad Ashfaq Anjum, Muhammad Sarfraz, Amar Iqbal Saqib, Abdul Wakeel, Hafeezullah Rafa, Nadeem Iqbal, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz, Ghulam Qadir, Muhammad Rizwan and Muhammad Faisal Nawaz

...ion ratio (SAR) 25. Data about plant height, shoot fresh/dry weight, root fresh/dry weight, panicle length, No. grain/ panicle, No. of tillers/plant, grain yield and 1000 grain weight were recorded at maturity while Na and K contents were determined in leaves. Overall results revealed that SRI-23 and SRI-28 showed better performance than all other genotypes and produced comparatively better plant height, shoot fresh/dry weight, root fresh/dry weight, 1000 grai...

Arif Mehmood1*, Muhammad Naeem2, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Nadra Khan3 and Waqas Raza4

...d in the Biosystematics Laboratory of Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Quantitative habitat webs and diversity indices show that scrapyard, animal sheds, and residential areas were the most abundant habitats respectively, while areas near stream were found to be the least abundant habitats. These microhabitats, which are the most abundant ones act as hotspots in case of mosquito-borne epidemic, which should be targeted to control epid...

Hafiz Husnain Nawaz1*, Ayesha Ahsan2, Amir Afzal1, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1, Muhammad Jan1, Kashif Ali1, Muhammad Arsalan1 and Rizwan Latif3

...c benefits. Antioxidants abound in C. sativa extract, thanks to its high phenolic content. It’s a high-polyunsaturated acid crop that’s strong in antioxidants. Extraction from C. sativa seeds yielded a 33% yield of C. sativa oil, which was then analyzed for TPC and antioxidants in comparison to commercially available C. sativa oil. The Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and the α, α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test were used to measure t...
Emel Hulya Yukseloglu1, Fatma Cavus Yonar1*, Omer Karatas1, Gulten Rayimoglu1, Faruk Asicioglu1, Elif Canpolat1, Onur Ozturk2 and Itir Erkan3
...tosomal STR loci in our laboratory for validation purpose and routine use. In this regard, swab samples from different regions of Turkey (n=350) were collected and studied. The validation of the GlobalFilerTM Amplification Kit was carried out in accordance with the guidelines published by the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods (SWGDAM). Our study was conducted to show the efficacy and performance of the kit for sensitivity, specificity...

Andi Tenri Bau Astuti Mahmud1, Lellah Rahim2, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2*, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati2, Wempie Pakiding2 

...) and mid-body weight metabolism regression results. At the end of the study (on the 70th day), the chicken was then slaughtered to obtain meat samples that would then be analyzed for the carcass quality, including the percentage of carcass and non carcass, sarcomere, and physical characteristics, including the pH value, water holding capacity, meat color, cooking loss and tenderness. The sarcomere, pH value, color, cooking loss, water holding capacity, and te...

Kamel Etman Ibrahim Etman*, Salah Kamal Sayed, Farouk Amin El-Sayed, Abd-Alghany Hasaneen Ghoniem, Mostafa Mohamed El-Nahrawy, Mona Ahmed Alsayed Farag 

...y. The experiment lasted about 180 days. Animals fed rations B and C appeared improvement in daily live body weight (LBW) gain with rate of 8.43 % and 13.19%, respectively. Consequently, animals fed supplemented rations showed significant better feed utilization efficiency as kg DM, TDN or DCP per kg gain. The feed cost per kg weight gain recorded 28.874, 27.899 and 26.815 LE with animals fed ration A, B and C, respectively. So, the improvement of economical e...

M. Mansoor Javed*, M. Aslam Mirza, M. Aziz ur Rehman and M. Saif ur Rahman

...bean (FFSB), apparent metabolizable energy (AME), nitrogen retention and growth in broiler chickens. Full-fat soybean was prepared by subjecting dehulled soybean to different temperatures i.e. 90°C, 100°C and 110°C for various resident tines i.e., 15 min, 30 min and 45 min in a multitier commercial toaster. Each product was analyzed for proximate composition, pepsin digestibility, KOH solubility and urease activity prior to inclusion in the experim...

Jinzhao He1, Pengfei Feng2, Junqi Qin2, Yun Teng1, Xu Luo2*, Zigui Chen1*, Huawei Ma2* and Dayan Zhou1

...and continued to drop to about 11°C, it was discolored in a large area reaching above 90%. According to the differential analysis: Tyrosine Kinase STYK1, HSP70, HSP30 and Transcription factor Sp6 expressions were significantly increased in the low temperature group, while MC1R, Transcription factor (MafB, jun-D, AP-1, E2F5, ETV6, Sp9, Sp7, E2F1, Sp4) expressions were notably decreased. Further, the color variation of red...

Rahman Ullah1*, Muhammad Junaid2, Nabila Gulzar2, Rahat Ullah Khan3, Baseer Ahmad4, Ambrina Tariq5, Aamir Iqbal6, Mushtaq Ahmed7 and Mirwaise Khan8*

...g other microbiological laboratory techniques (Total plate count, Gram staining, Hydrogen sulphide, Citrate, Urease and Indole Tests). A high level of total plate count (TPC) and E. coli was observed from both raw and pasteurized milk. The results also indicated a high incidence of ETEC i.e. 63.63% and 50% in raw and pasteurized milk, respectively. The most occurring enterotoxins are ST-I and ST-II (40%) followed by LT-II and ST-II, 20% each, followed by ST-I ...

Khalid Farooq, Muhammad Tahir and Nazir Ahmad Khan*

... of DM, nutrients and metabolizable energy (ME), digestibility of DM and nutrients, body weight (BW) gain and body condition score (BCS) were recorded. The intake of all nutrients improved (P < 0.05) with the incorporation of blends of maize silage and ryegrass in the diet. Moreover, the intake of DM, organic matter (OM), and ME consistently increased (P < 0.05) with increasing maize silage inclusion levels (30 to 70%) in the forage blends, and the highe...
Dong-Min Hou1, Ting Jia2, Hui-Juan Wang1, Zheng-Kun Wang1 and Wan-Long Zhu1*
...enes related to lipid metabolism and energy metabolism were screened out by bioinformatics analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in the expression of 2879 genes in cold acclimation group compared with that of control group, 1181 were up-regulated and 1698 were down-regulated in cold acclimation group. Pathway analyses showed that the differentially expressed genes were significantly enriched in...

Sumaria Maqsood1*, Muhammad Ali 2, Amna Shoaib3, Shahbaz Ahmad2 and Noor-ul-Ain2

...for six generations for laboratory and field experimentation.


Asim Zubair1*, Zohaib Atta Mehdie2, Iffat Batool3, Ghulam Akbar Malik4 and Ayesha Aziz5

...n country more than 70% labour force of Pakistan depends on the agriculture. Due to climate changes people living or depending on agricultural sector for their livelihoods are facing much serious problem as their production in agricultural sector is much less than before. People of Pakistan facing so many challenges regarding Livelihood because they are depending on the output of their farms which is affecting severely. This study was conducted in district Muz...

Saima Rubab1,3*, Ghazala H Rizwani2, Arjumand Iqbal Durrani3, Iram Liaqat4*, Urooj Zafar5, Mahjabeen6, Farah Batool7, Noor-E- Seher3, Naveera Younas3 and Ayesha Sadiqa8

...onclusive support to the above results. Anti-inflammatory effect was less significant (p < 0.05) in seed extract, while leaf extract displayed highly significant results both at low and high doses. Likewise, both seed and leaf showed significant analgesic effects. However, compared to seed extract which showed highly significant (p < 0.001) increase in concentration dependent manner, leaf extract displayed highly significant results even at low dose with...

Ahmed Fathy1, Rania A. Hassan2, Essam S. Soliman3* 

...miology relay on the collaboration between biostatistics and epidemiology to provide a basis for the veterinary field and clinical care. Since discriminant analysis as a parametric test is more powerful than its non-parametric alternatives, we aimed to evaluate the performance of the single discriminant analysis in classification between Baladi buffaloes and crossbred using clinical epidemiological measures of some productive and reproductive traits such as mi...
Alia Tajdar1,3, Shaghef Ejaz2, Muhammad Shah Zaib1, Anum Ishfaq1, Syed Muhammad Zaka1*, Hafiz Muhammad Safeer1 and Khalid Abbas1
...banana was evaluated in laboratory conditions. The olfactory results of the present study showed that all botanical extracts exhibited the repellent effect against B. zonata, but the methanolic extract of cinnamon showed the highest repellence activity against B. zonata. Moreover, no side effects were observed on the post-harvest quality of banana treated to different methanolic extracts as compared to control. This shows that botanical extracts could be used ...
Chunlan Shan1, Chaoying Liu1, Qin Lu1, Guowen Fu2, Syed Aftab Hussain Shah3, Rana Waseem Akhtar4, Ru Zhao2, Libo Gao2, Chang Liu2, Shushu Miao2, Hongdan Wang2 and Hong Gao2*


...provide some perspective about disease association. This is the first study in which 44 E. coli superior serotype strains were isolated and identified from Yunnan Saba pigs. The genomic DNA of all isolated superior serotypes of E. coli was obtained. Five major high pathogenicity island (HPI) structural genes (irp1, irp2, irp3, irp4 and irp5) were cloned, sequenced and referenced with GenBank database. The sequence identities of irp1, irp2, irp3, irp4 and irp5 ...

Doaa H. Assar1, Rasha A. Al Wakeel2, Mahmoud M. El-Maghraby3, Mohammed M. El-Badawy3, Adel A. El-Badawy3, Wael M. Nagy3, Mustafa S. Atta2, Abdel-Khalek E. Abdel Khalek4* 

...nt enzyme activities, metabolism, immunity, and reproduction.

Keywords | Allicin, Antioxidative enzymes, Healthy status, Immunity, milk, Lambing rat.  


Sheeza Iqbal* and Asima Azam will help people know about preventive measures and earlier treatment of the disorder before it worsen.

Faisal Khurshid1*, Asad Ullah1 and Sana Manan2

...application are accurate about weather updates, market subsidies, fertilizers, etc. (P=0.014), and mobile application/information enabled direct interaction with agriculture experts in getting required knowledge about innovates (P=0.006). It is concluded from the study that access to information communication technology facilitated its adopters in timely awareness of market information and government subsidies to boost their...

Adrial Adrial1*, Rudy Priyanto2, Salundik Salundik2, Ahmad Yani2, Luki Abdullah3 

...ion method supported by laboratory analysis. Reproductive performance data were obtained through direct interviews and recording cards. Soil and forage samples were taken from the main forage source locations. A total of 138 blood samples were taken through the jugular vein from Bali cows and their crossbred cows with different physiological status. Soil and blood serum samples were analyzed in laboratory using Atomic Absorp...

Ibrahim Samir Abd El-Hamid1, Alaa Emara Rabee2, Moustafa Mohamed M. A. Ghandour2, Rasha Salah Mohammed3, Ahmed Mohamed. Sallam4 

... semen quality, blood metabolism, oxidative status and testicular structures. Three groups of fourteen Damascus bucks were formed. The first group (control, n=4) served as the control group. The second group (n=5) supplemented with 10 g/head/day of plant herb mixtures (PHM), along with turmeric (Curcuma longa), ginger (Zingiber officinaleor), and garlic (Allium sativum). The third group (n=5) supplemented with 5 g/head/day of commercial Quebracho tannins extra...

Rao Mansor Ali Khan* and Syed Amer Mahmood, the actual yield was about 74% less than CASA generated yield in various plots. This issue was further investigated and found that the CASA model lacks various aspects. These aspects include soil suitability parameters, including pH, Organic matter, CaCO3, texture, and Electric Conductivity. The largest gap inthe CASA model, which affected the overall productivity of wheat, was the smog/haze factor which was not incorporated. The environmental factors incl...

Quang Minh Dinh1*, Tran Thi Huyen Lam2,3, Y Thi Nha Nguyen4, Thanh Minh Nguyen1 and Tien Thi Kieu Nguyen5

...he fundamental knowledge about the nutrient biology of Butis koilomatodon and be useful for artificial cultivating this fish.


S. F. A. Awad-Allah 1 and M. S. Khalil 2

...fenamiphos 40% EC under laboratory and field conditions. Experiments were carried-out during two successive seasons (2016 and 2017). Results of the laboratory tests showed that the toxicity of VCT and Nemaless® to M. incognita second-stage juveniles (J2) was increased as their concentrations and exposure times were increased. The LC50 of VCT ranged from 30.86 × 103 to 83.77 × 105 mg/l, while the LC50 of Nemal...

Siti Dharmawati1, Muhammad Halim Natsir2, Hartutik Hartutik2, Danung Nur Adli2, Osfar Sjofjan2*  

...0.05) on the apparent metabolizable energy-n corrected (AMEn) and reduce feed conversion ratio (FCR). It can be concluded using fresh water snail can be used as replacement for fish meal on Alabio ducks without any adverse effects.

Keywords | Alabio Duck, Bromelain enzyme, Carcasses, Fish meal, Growth performance 


S. Ahmed†, Q. Liu and H. Jian

... strain B48 secondary metabolite with protease and chitinase
activity was used as seed bacterization in green house experiments. In green house significant reduction in white
female development was observed for avermectin (84.53%) followed by B. cereus strain B48 (78.10%) as compared
to results of the untreated control treatment (P≤0.05).

N. Hajra

...n carbon and nitrogen metabolism of Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley, a mycorrhizal plant of family Cucurbitaceae. Biochemical analysis including carbon and nitrogen profiles was taken into account.The estimation of carbon profile comprising of carbohydrate, glucose, sucrose and total soluble sugars and nitrogen profile comprising of proteins, amino acids protease and proline. Results showed that carbon profile in plant treated with AM fungi have high to ...

R. Hadadfar1, E. Mahdikhani-Moghadam2†, S. Baghaee2 and M. S. Bajestani1

...e transferred on ice to laboratory and nematodes were extracted by centrifugal methods. Psilenchus species were identified on morphological and morphometrical characters based on recent valid keys. Seven species from Psilenchus genus were identified viz., Psilenchus curcumerus, P. aestuarius, P. iranicus, P. hilarus, P. bilineatus, P. pratensis and P. bahiablancae of which P. bilineatus, P. pratensis and P. bahiablancae are new reports of these species for Ira...

Muhammad Shahid Nadeem*, Jalaluddin Azam Khan and Firoz Anwar

...acid and carbohydrate metabolism. The enzyme has been reported from a wide range of organisms including animals, plants, fungi and microbes. The enzyme has a clinical applications in the diagnosis of many diseases. In the present study we have produced a recombinant of ALT from Pyrococcus abyssi in BL21 (DE3) strain of E. coli. The recombinant enzyme was purified by anion exchange chromatography, it displayed a 45kDa band on SDS-PAGE, with 58.1% final recovery...

Cuiping Liu

...reatment, the mineral metabolism indexes such as iPTH, P, Ca×P and the levels of Sclerostin, BMP-7 and Irisin in the observation group were significantly improved. Serum levels of TNF-α, IL-6, and CRP in the observation group were lower than those in the control group after 3 and 6 months of treatment; Compared with the situation before treatment, KDTA scores in the two groups increased after 3 and 6 months of treatment, and the increase in the obs...
A.M. El-Baha1, A. A. El-Sherbiny2†, M. Z. M. Salem1, N. Shaarawy3 and N. H. Mohamed3
...idogyne incognita under laboratory conditions. All concentrations significantly inhibited egg
hatching (31.24–66.35%) and mortality of second stage juvenile. Inhibition of egg hatching (%) and mortality (%) of
J2 were increased linearly with increasing concentration of EOs. Corymbia citriodora EO was more effective than
E. camaldulensis in inhibiting egg hatchability and suppressing J2 viability. Probit analysis result...

R. Singh1† and R. Z. Sayyed2

...calization of various metabolites in
normal and galled roots of sponge gourd, Luffa cylindrica L., infected with root-knot nematode Meloidogyne
incognita. Histochemistry of the roots revealed an increase in protein, nucleic acids (RNA and DNA) and
amylodextrin (hydrolyzed starch) concentration in the infected regions as compared with normal healthy sections.
Protein localization found more pronounced at the sites...
M. M. A. Youssef† and W. M. A. El-Nagdi
...nt or cutting sugar beet above the surface of
soil in each pot 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 days after nematode inoculation. The population density of root-knot
nematode as indicated by the number of galls and egg-masses on roots of sugar beet increased gradually as
influenced by the time of gathering. Root-knot nematode started to lay egg-masses after the 18th day to the 24thday
till the...

Ahmed S.M.H. EL Roby

...rococcus sacchari under laboratory conditions (27 ± 2 °C,
RH 65 ± 10%). The EPNs used in the study are Steinernema sp. (strain: AT4), Steinernema sp. (strain: EMB),
Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (strain: EKB20), Heterorhabditis sp. (strain: EIK) and Steinernema glasri (strain:
New Jersey). The bioassays were carried out on Petri dishes containing parts of pumpkin infested with adult females
of S...

I. Kepenekci1†, S. Toksöz2, T. Atay1 and I. Saruhan2

...idae: Scolytinae) under laboratory conditions. The studies were conducted in June, 2017 at
the Ondokuz Mayıs University (Samsun, Turkey). The suspensions of nematodes were applied at one concentration
(1000 IJs ml-1) (200 IJs insect-1 or approximately 15 IJs cm-2) at 25°C temperatures. The data for mortality was
recorded after 2, 4, 6 and 8 days intervals. Insect mortality of the adult was higher in all nematode treatme...

K. Taimoor1† and F. Shahina2

...ita both
in laboratory and pot experiments at doses of 0.5g/lit water (0.5% w/v), 1.0g/lit water (1% w/v), 1.5g/lit water (1.5%
w/v), 2g/lit water (2% w/v), 2.5g/lit water (2.5% w/v) and 3.0g/lit water (3% w/v). Zatoria multiflora, Achillea
santolina, Ferula oopoda and Nepeta cateria showed more efficacies as compared to other medicinal and aromatic
plants both in laboratory an...

S. Anwar1, K. Wieczorek1 and E. Inselsbacher2

...odeling of amino acid metabolism in response to H. schachtii infection in plants.


F. Shahina† and G. Mehreen

...; abbasi (AY944002). In laboratory experiment, biological life cycle of three isolates of S.  abbasi
PAK.P.S.9 (EF469773), PAK.S.S.15 (JN571086) and PAK.S.S.16 (JN571096) and one other isolate of
Heterorhabditis  indica PAK.S.H.56 (GU130179) were applied against fungus growing termite Microtermes 
mycophagus  (D.). The study were also influenced by mortality; days to death, infection cycle length and
A.A. Tanimola and B. Fawole1
...="text-align: justify;">laboratory. Data were collected on inhibition of egg-hatching, mortality of juveniles and analyzed using ANOVA (P
 0.05). Both concentrations of Aloe species extracts inhibited egg-hatching and second-stage juveniles mortality
was observed significantly when compared with water control. The AE of AKY leaves at 50,000 mg/kg was the
most effective in egg-hatching inhibited (95.4±1.7%), followed ...

M.A.M. El-Saedy, A.A. Mokbel*† and S.E. Hammad** tomato plants under laboratory,
greenhouse and field conditions. Treatments with essential oils of arugula, camphor, castor, garlic, nigella, onion
and sesame resulted in 48.0-92.7% reduction in numbers of root galls/root under laboratory conditions. Similarly,
application of these oils resulted in great reductions of 59.2-92.8% and 47.4-89.6% in numbers of root galls and

I. Kepenekci

... few literature supports about detrimental effects of Turkey origin EPNs on maleficent groups having
economical importance.

I. Umar† and A. Mamman*

...nica in the
laboratory and screen house was investigated. Nematodes egg suspension at 100 eggs/5ml syringe introduced into
each Petri dish containing both crude and diluted extracts of fruit powder (5, 10, 15 and 20 ml) except the control,
which received only distilled water. Petri dishes were treated to the same concentrations of the extract in Petri
dishes containing 1000 second stage juveniles of M. javanica. ...

O. A. Fabiyi

evaluated in the laboratory using a 4x4x3 factorial experiment, while the crude extracts were tested on
Meloidogyne incognita infecting Abelmoschus esculentus in the field. Three hundred juveniles were used for the
assessment. Acetone extract coded DNLO/Me2CO caused a significant increase in plant height, number of leaves,
number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant as compared with Carbofuran (p<0.05). I...

T.S. Rizvi and F. Shahina†

... at 28 ± 2 C in laboratory. Gas chromatograph interfaced to a Mass
spectrometer (GC-MS) results indicated that C. colocynthis contains various bioactive compounds. The mentholic
extracts of seed had the highest mortality (100%) at highest exposure time (72 hrs) while, the pulp and fruit extracts
showed 60 and 80% mortality, respectively. Among various extracts of creeper hexane extract (HH-CC) showed

Belema Robert1, Favour Welenya1, Deborah Achi1, Cynthia Onyeagwara1, Soala Obie Minimah2, Ebele Anulika Obichi2, Chidinma Charity Amuzie1* 

...mology and Parasitology Laboratory, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, Nigeria. 200g of each sample was washed in 200ml of 0.85% normal saline solution and taken through standard sedimentation procedures. The sediment recovered after centrifugation was applied on a grease-free microscope slide; a drop or two of Lugol’s iodine was added to it. This was then covered with a cover slip and viewed under the light microscope at x4 and x10 objective lens. ...

Mohsin Shad1, Muhammad Usman2 and Qurratulann Afza Gardner1*

...quently effects other metabolic pathways. In the present article, we comprehensively compare the biodiversity of cyt b in bc1 and b6f complexes using in silico structural analysis tools, emphasizing that despite vast knowledge available in this field, still there are so much to explore about cyt b.


Rinat Islamov*, Dinara Turegeldieva, Altyn Rysbekova, Kuralay Sarmantayeva, Victor Semenuyk 



Rukhsana Anwar1*, Ammara Abd-Us-Sattar1, Afifa Noor2, Kanwal Ashiq1,3 and Shah Jahan4 

...ffect on hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes and glutathion S-transferase. For this purpose, different cytochrome (CYP450) modulators were selected to determine pharmacokinetic interactions. Cimetidine, rifampicin, dexamethasone, and tamoxifen were selected as CYP450 modulators. In a sub-acute in vivo study, 200 mg/kg BW of both extracts were orally administered once daily for 19 days to different groups of rats. CYP modulators were administered to respective gr...

Hina Safdar1,2*, Nazir Javed2, Sajid Aleem Khan2, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3, Arif Mehmood3 and Muhammad Arshad4

...d with EPNs and their metabolites. In this laboratory study, two bacterial isolates i.e. Xenorhabdus spp. associated with EPN Steinernema glaseri (Steiner) (Steinernematidae) and Photorhabdus spp. associated with EPN Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (Poinar) (Heterorhabditidae), were evaluated against armyworm Spodoptera litura Fabricius (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) which is a destructive lepidopterous pest. These EPNs associated b...

Ahmad Abrar Khan1*, Ghulam Qadar1, Asif Ali Abro2 and Muhammad Awais3

...ghest yield recorded was above 16000 Kg/acre achieved by only less than a quarter (23.1%), while collectively above fifty percent (53.9%), tomato growers were incompetent to achieve per acre yield of 12000 Kg. Majority (81.5%) tomato growers faced aphids attack while more than 50% reported whitefly, Cutworm, mites and Armyworm. Leaf miner, thrips and fruit fly were reported by less than 50% of the total respondents. The resu...

Saima Mumtaz1,3*, M. Imran Kasana1, Riaz Alam1, Noorullah Khan1, Muhammad Noman1, Sanjeela Sabahat1 and Hussain Shah2

...ent of mother stock and labor intensive method. To address these issues an alternative technique has been employed for quick multiplication of litchi. In the present study we have investigated the influence of various levels of Indole Butyric Acid (IBA) on four Litchi cultivars (Gola, Surahi, China and Bedana) for root induction, its development and success rate of survival in hardwood cuttings. Six treatments of IBA (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000ppm) and...

Asmatullah Kaka1*, Wahid Haron2, Nurhusien Yimer3, Abdullah Channo1, Ali Raza Jahejo2, Mahdi Ebrahimi3, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro4 initial motility rate above 70 %, and normal morphology and viability of ≥ 80 % were extended in TBE, to which different concentrations (0, 3, 5, 10 and 15 ng/ml) of DHA were enriched. Semen sample with supplementations were sequentially incubated for 15 minutes at 37 ºC and cooled at 5 ºC for 2 hour than packed in 0.25 ml straws, and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen for 24 hours. Consequently, straws were thawed at 37C0 for 30 seconds and moti...

Laveena Shekhawat, Sheethal S* 

...crobiology sections for laboratory diagnosis. Identification of sickle shaped hooklets on wet mount and ZN staining confirmed the diagnosis. The patient received post-operative oral albendazole which he failed to start immediately leading to recurrence of the parasitic hepatic cyst. Conclusion: Treatment is a combination of surgery and post-op anti-parasitic drugs. Delay in initiating albendazole therapy can lead to recurrence of the cysts in the same sites.

Owolabi Olutunmise Victoria1*, Saka Olusola Stephen2, Olashinde Oluwaseun Ruth1, Alli Smith Yemisi Rufina3

...fining feature of the metabolic disorder known as diabetes mellitus. Researchers are in search for safe drugs that can bring a total recovery from diabetes. Thirty (35) male wistar rats were divided into six (7) groups of five animals each to study the antidiabetic and antioxidative properties of young Cola acuminata leaves aqueous extract. Diabetes was induced using alloxan monohydrate.5 ml of normal saline was given to group I , group 2 received 5 mg/kg/ bod...

Seema Perveen Memon*, Nasreen Memon, Mansoor Ali Shah, Reshma Sahito and Aiman Amur

...elpful for the awareness about malaria and its control.


Abdul Hadi Wasil1,2*, Jasmin Arif Shah1, Nur Bahiah Mohamed Haris1, Sardar M. Hashimi3 and Khal Mohammad Ahmadzai4

Shaker Al-Suwaiegh
...performance and blood metabolites of growing Ardi goats were explored. Twenty one growing Ardi goats, 27.0 ± 0.40 kg body weight and aged 4.0 - 5.0 months, were randomly allocated to three equal groups (seven/group) as Azolla pinnata (10.0 and 20.0 % daily feed) and control groups. The trial lasted 12 weeks. Feed intake, feed efficiency, and body weight gain were determined. In addition, nutrients’ digestibility were determined. Blood samples were...

Muhammad Shakil Ahmad1, Muhammad Afzal1, Liu Yu Feng2, Muhammad Shahroaz Khan1 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*

...rvae of S. litura under laboratory and then under the field conditions. In both trials, insecticidal treatments affected significantly the mean mortality or reduction of S. litura larvae recorded both at two and five days post-treatment. In laboratory bioassay, combinations of flubendiamide and A. indica, flubendiamide and N. tabacum and of spinetoram and A. indica formulations caused significantly high mortality (100%), fol...

Aiman Amur*, Nasreen Memon, Reshma Sahito and Seema Memon

...ontrolled conditions in Laboratory. Collected the reared fruit flies from different cultivars and calculate the infestation. The highest infestation was found on Beganpali and Sindhri variety 85%, followed by Chunsa 80% during June, July and August, respectively, during peak of functional time of ripening of varieties, while same as both years the least infestation was found on Beganpali variety during the June and July, because it is late variety during early...

Nachaat Sakr

...insufficient information about their resistance to head blight infection and aggressiveness of Fusarium species. A 3-year (2019 to 2021) experiment was conducted under arid Mediterranean conditions to measure disease reactions, i.e., FHB incidence (DI, Type I resistance), FHB severity (DS, Type II) and FHB-damaged kernels (FDK, Type III), on barley, bread and durum wheat cultivars of varying susceptibility to four species of FHB. Although there were no marked ...

S.H.M. Faruk Siddiki1*, Md. Golam Morshed2, Md Robiul Karim1, Lutfun Naher1, Md. Sodrul Islam3

...l as other conventional laboratory procedures. The recorded clinical cases were classified into ten major diagnostic groups. Parasitic diseases (30.16%), infectious diseases (21.84%), general systemic states (20.12%), digestive disorders (18.55%), gyneco-obstetrical diseases (4.37%), and surgical cases (3.06%) were recorded as major clinical problems, with other diseases having a prevalence of less than 1% for each. Among the ten categories, the prevalence of ...

A. Yu. Aliev1*, A.A., Aliev1, A.M. Musaev1, M.Z. Magomedov2 

...of mastitis in ewes. In laboratory studies using the Al-test diagnosticum, the main criterion for the presence of subclinical mastitis in animals was the formation of a well-formed purple jelly-like clot (moderate to dense) of in the milk samples, which was partially (+) or entirely (++) of thrown of out the from the hole in plate with stirring. On the plate, with a negative reaction (-), the mixture of milk and the indicator remained homogeneous, pale r...

Aiman Al-Mufarji, Shaker Al-Suwaiegh, Abd El-Nasser Mohammed*

...res growth, blood and metabolic profiles of ewes and resulting lambs in subtropics. Fifteen ewes of body weight 49.1 ± 1.86 kg/head and 2.50 years old were allotted using complete random design to control and two M. oleifera groups (50.0 and 100.0 g/day). Relative humidity and ambient temperature were recorded and the temperature humidity index (THI) was calculated. Body weights of ewes and resulting lambs (kg) were recorded during the prepartum and pos...

Hasina Basharat1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Aziz Ahmed2, Rehana Kausar2 and Shamim Akhter1

...h species, the knowledge about the proper feeding regime especially the appropriate amount feed offered, is very important. To determine the optimum feeding level for African catfish culture, an experiment was conducted in earthen ponds of size 0.02 hectare each, for the period of four months at a stocking rate of 10,000 fingerlings per hectare (500 fish/acre). The experiment design was CRD with four treatments (2%, 4%, 6% and 8% feeding level of wet fish body...

Ayaz Ahmed1*, Muhammad Zulfiqar1 and Saadutullah Khan2

...mittances and fifth was labor work respectively. Study results discovered that 69% of sample households had earned income from the sale of NTFPs above mean income (60458 Pakistani rupees) per season while 31% of sample households had earned income from the sale of NTFPs below mean income (60458 Pakistani rupees) per season. Sample households reported that during emergencies, only income earned from non-timber forest products...

Saba Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat-Ul-Ain Akbar1, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique3, Saqib Arif1, Shahid Yousaf2, Masooma Munir4, Abdul Karim Khan4, Shazia Arif5,  Abdul Ahad6 and Muhammad Arif7

... method in the field of laboratory instrumentation. The attempts have been made to explore the utility of NIR for variety of samples matrices. The present work has been undertaken to assess the efficacy of NIRS method for quantitative characterization of wheat grains in terms of hardness. Since wheat is the staple food and its hardness is one of the basic quality traits being used in local and international trade. In addition to the NIR-spectroscopy, wheat gra...

M.M. Mikailov1*, O. Yu. Chernykh2, E.A. Yanikova1, G.A. Nurlygayanova3, O.D. Sklyarov4 a vaccine from the B. abortus 82 strain from a farm that is unfavorable for brucellosis. Studies have shown that RNGA is one of the most sensitive tests, which allows to identify in a dysfunctional economy a high percentage of animals with brucellosis (39.1% of those studied) in the early stages after infection and surpasses the results of most other serological methods. Data from comparative serological studies of cattle blood serum in RNGA, ELISA, RA, RSK...

W. Khan, N. U. Nisa, A. Khan and S. M. H. M. Naqvi

...t to education under and above 15 years age in Swat, Pakistan. Stool samples were randomly collected during January 2006 to December 2008 and examined from a total of 420 individuals including 238 and 182 under and above 15 years age, respectively from Urban and Rural area of Swat, Pakistan. The techniques used were wet mount (WMT), sedimentation and centrifugation. A number of 171 individuals were found infected with any si...

Jie Chen, Qinghua Qiu, Yanjiao Li, Xianghui Zhao, Lanjiao Xu, Xiaowen Xiong, Qingqi Wen, Mingren Qu and Kehui Ouyang*

...fferentiation and fat metabolism between subcutaneous and visceral pre-adipocytes. C57BL/6J male mouse primary subcutaneous and visceral pre-adipocytes were isolated and in-vitro adipogenic differentiation was performed in high-glucose medium (4500 mg/L glucose, HGM) or low-glucose medium (1000 mg/L glucose, LGM). Lipid contents in adipocytes were determined by oil red-O staining. Autophagy, adipogenic differentiation and fat metabo
Aadil Sultan, Mohsin Ahmad Khan*, Nadeem Ahmed, Muhammad Hassan, Rashid Bhatti, Hafsa Naeem, Muhammad Islam Khan, Saad Tahir,  Samia Afzal* and Ahmad Ali Shahid
...ion vector poses some metabolic burdens on bacterial cells. The current study provides gene multimerization strategy as an alternate way to amplify the gene dosage and explores its effect on the expression of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) by constructing three types of expression vectors i.e., pET28-EGF-C1, pET28-EGF-C2 and pET28-EGF-C3, each containing single, double and triple expression cassettes, respectively. These vectors were transformed in E. co...

Hesham A. Mahran1,2*, Shawky M Aboelhadid3, Saad S. Alqahtani4,5, Mohamed Z. Sayed Ahmed4,5

...ared and tested against laboratory-reared adults and pupae of C. pipiens. The safety results showed that the ordinary form of cinnamon oil was safer for human skin cell fibroblast and human epidermoid Skin carcinoma than the other forms at high concentrations. Meanwhile, CNE was potent antibacterial activity even at the lowest concentrations. Moreover, CNE showed better pupicidal activity than the other forms with LC50 at 322 ug/mL lower than pure cinnamon oil...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Muhammad Idrees1, Afza Rasul2, Iram Amin1 and Samia Afzal1

...d the economy, affecting about 6 to 8% of the overall population. HCV is dependent on the lipid metabolism of the patient to replicate and then disturb the blood cell count and liver enzymes to ultimately damage the liver. To distinguish the potential HCV patients from healthy individuals at an early stage is quite important for its control, which can be achieved by investigation of liver enzymes, complete blood count, and l...

Van-Thanh Vo1, Thi-Hieu Tran1, Thi-Truc-Thao Nguyen1, Van-Tri Truong1, Cu-Thien Pham1, Thanh-Minh Pham2 and Huyen Nguyen Thi Thuong1*

...5% showed higher results about this ability in the presence of bacteria while the concentration of 0.5% exhibited a higher antibacterial effect of essential oils.


Songruo Tao1, Cuiyi Liao1, Jinju Peng1, Yuexia Ding1,* and Yi Ma1,2,*

...ial diseases, most of metabolites enter the soil in the form of metabolites in feces or urine and pollute environment. Soil ecological model was established by experiment to investigate the effects of florfenicol residues in soil on 16S rDNA sequence diversity of phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria. Five different concentrations of florfenicol (0 mg·kg-1, 0.1 mg·kg-1, 1 mg·kg-1, 10 mg·kg-1 and 100 mg...

Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Karim Gabol1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamidullah4 and Abdul Rahim1

... all the associated data about its breeding and nest characterizations, complete research was carried out in the cultivated areas of Bajaur valley during 2020. The breeding season starts from mid-April and lasts until July. Nests were explored orderly in all the probable sites with help of the landowners. Overall, 52 nests were found mainly built on five different types of vegetation at an average height of 2.87±1.3 m abo...

Muhammad Sohail1* , Zubair Ali1, Hamidullah1, Yasir Amin1, Mehwish Malik1, Said Sajjad Ali Shah2 

...579 Acres of land in collaboration with Australian government. Most of the area of the LES comprised of hilly terrain, where 1195 mm rainfall observed throughout the year. The animals of the LES Jaba are sent for grazing on the pasture with naturally grown at evening stall feeding is also practiced. It was observed from the data obtained that in sheep mixed infections were very common (30.4%) followed by Strongylus (21.6%), Eimeria spps. (15.5%) and Haemonchus...

Athhar Manabi Diansyah1, Muhammad Yusuf2*, Abdul Latief Toleng2, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2, Tulus Maulana3, Hasrin4, Abdullah Baharun5 

...immediately sent to the laboratory for processing. Parameters measured were sperm motility, abnormality, viability, acrosome integrity, and membrane integrity. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS/MS) analysis was used to assess the confirmation profile protein of seminal plasma. The conception rate from artificial insemination was used to determine the fertility rate (AI). This investigation revealed that the quality of the sperms from Bali-polled bu...

Shabana Memon1*, Aamir Ali Abro1, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro2, Aqsa Farid3, Maliha Habib4, Maqbool Ahmed5, Liaquat Ali Bhutto6, Saba Ambreen Memon7 and Muhammad Farooq8*

...tically decreased under laboratory conditions due to osmotic stress. The genotype SDW-3 showed the greatest decrease under increased osmotic stress brought on by PEG-6000 (-5.0 MPa). As a result, the genotypes AST-1(V1), SDW-1, and SDW-2 may be employed in future breeding programmes and are drought resistant.


Saleem Hussain1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Tauqir Anwar1, Talha Nazir2*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3, Zohaib Asad2,4, Muhammad Adnan3 and Tajwar Alam5

...graminum Rondani) under laboratory and field conditions. Using foliar spray method, toxicity bioassay was conducted with three different concentrations (i.e. 250, 500 and 1000 ppm) of methanolic plant extracts under controlled laboratory conditions, while three different concentrations (25, 50 and 75 g/L) of each botanical extract was tested in the field trial. Results showed a significant mortality and suppression of S. gra...

Shabana Noureen1, Shirmeen Ijaz2, Saad Ullah3, Iqra Shafique Abbasi4 and Shakeel Ahmad5*

...d (iv) Supportive tweets about social anxiety. The study provided valuable information about the content of social media tweets reflecting the need to increase more awareness in the general public about the ways to manage social anxiety.


Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Luqman1*, Sheer Abbas2, Usman Saleem1, Abdul-Gafar Ahmed3 and Muhammad Salman Aslam1

...are collected by farmers about changing in climate conditions. In this study, local adaption practices and strategies, private and government institutional support and efforts, national adaption policies and strategies are also surveyed at different scale.


Abdirahman Barre*, Karanja D Njuguna, Bebora Lilly Caroline and George Chege Gitao

... swollen lymph nodes and abortion. Out of 160 samples tested, 15 (9.37%) were positive for Brucella antibodies and evenly distributed between counties; 8% (4/50) for Garissa Township; 10% (5/50) in Dadaab and 10% (6/60) in Balambale. Using chi-square (χ2), there was no statistically alteration in sensitivity among the four serological tests (p=0.999). Seventy-eight (48.7%) camels had one or more organs with lesions leading to condemnation at meat inspectio...


...for 30 days at constant laboratory conditions. After 30-day, the fish were sacrificed and their liver and kidney were analyzed for peroxidase enzyme activity. Change in activity of peroxidase enzyme in the fish exposed to sub-lethal concentrations was compared with the control. Dose dependent increase in the activities of peroxidase enzyme was observed in the tissues of fish as compared to the control group. Peroxidase activity in the liver of fish from all th...


...from various diagnostic laboratories of Sargodha city. Levels of non-specific esterases were determined in the normal and breast cancer patients. The levels of non-specific esterases were higher in healthy individuals than the breast cancer patients. So, levels of non-specific esterases could be used as a marker for the diagnosis of breast cancer.
Key Words: Esterases, breast cancer, risk factors, diagnosis


... short time compared to laborious, non-specific and expensive protocols. ELISA, Nested PCR has been used for many years in different countries. Citrus orchards in Sargodha region were surveyed and leaf samples showing typical symptoms of citrus canker were collected. Infected section of leaf was taken for isolation of bacteria. Lesions were cut into parts and streak bacteria by the help of inoculation loop grown in nutrient medium. Pure bacterial culture of Xa...
...nts produce different metabolites and some of them are used for antimicrobial, fungicidal, herbicidal, piscicidal and molluscicidal. The present study was aimed to find out metabolites of piscicidal potential. Total thirty plants were collected on the basis of their availability and abundance around the year from different locations of Punjab, Pakistan. The aqueous and alcoholic extract of fresh and dried parts of each plant...
... incubation having pH of about 4.0. 
... incubation having pH of about 4.0. 
... hr. The environment of laboratory during research was 20oC. The best response for extending the freshness was observed in cv. Bonnie (Orange) that performed excellent when placed in medium level of 6-Benzyleadenin (20-40ppm with 10-15g/l of Sucrose). The results of 6-Benzyleadenin (20-40ppm with 10-15g/l of Sucrose) ...

Zubair Ali, Muhammad Sohail*, Yasir Ameen, Hamidullah, Ishtiaq Ahmed and Mehwish Malik were complaining about reproductive issues of their animals. Therefore, this study was conducted for assessment of reproductive health of cow genital tract using real time B mode Ultrasonography in order to improve the economics of the farmer through decreasing calving interval and improvement of fertility and conception rate. Out of total cows (n=261) observed, 79% of the cows were found positive for various reproductive disorders, whereas 21% of cows...

Amber Khalid1*, Amjad Rashid Kayani1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1, Muhammad Mushtaq1, Mirza Azhar Beg1 and Surrya Khanam2 Pothwar. Information about the diet of the rodents is prerequisite for the better management of pest species. Previous studies conducted on the diet of Indian gerbil were only based on field observations. This study provides information on the diet analysis of Indian gerbil through stomach contents. Samples were collected from different localities of Pothwar during different seasons. Stomachs were separated during autopsy. Slides from stomach contents were...

Hemayet Hossain1, Md. Masud Parvej1*, Khadiza Akter Brishty3, Muhammad Ali4, Junayed Ahmed4, Asibul Hasan4, Rubel Miah4, Md. Piplu Mia4, Saad Muhammad Rafe-Ush-Shan4, Md. Nazmul Alam4 and Md. Zahidul Islam Khan2

...xamination using common laboratory techniques. A total of 28 infectious and non-infectious diseases and disorders in ruminants were detected, whereas the pooled prevalence (PP) of the infectious disease group in cattle was 38.44%, (95% CI: 33-42) and in goats it was 34.43%, (95% CI: 29-39). Among them, FMD was recorded the highest prevalence at 5.78%, (95% CI: 3.8–8.4) and the lowest prevalence at 0.89%, (95% CI: 0.2-2.1) for Tetanus in cattle. The PP of...
Nazish Huma Khan1*, Muhammad Sufyan Khan1, Tooba Saeed2, Mohammad Ilyas3 and Hazrat Husaain4
...icle aims to investigate about each likely impact of the COVID-19 outbreak in Pakistan. According to the results, agriculture loss in GDP from 2019-2020 is 0.22%, Pakistan’s exports decreased by 54.19%, while imports decreased by 34.49%, industries manufacturing reduced up to 40%. The poverty rate increased to 43%, annual growth in waste production is up to 2%, children’s pattern of daily screen use increased from 1.4% to 33.3% and physical activit...

Yuhua Chen1 and Song Lu2*

... by Western blot. The metabolic rate of CD8 + T was analyzed by fluorescent nutrient stain. Results showed that the mRNA of IL-10, IL-6 and 1L-1β in the electric stimulation group decreased compared with that in the control group (P<0.05). On the 15th and 25th day, the tumor volume of the mice in the electric stimulation group decreased compared with that in the control group (P<0.05). Compared with the control group, the percentage of living cells ...

Yang Hu, Jingxin Ding, Beilei Xu, Xiangming Sun, Guoyu Li, Hui Song, Zheng Zong and Wenlan Li* molecules and 64 metabolites. The serum fingerprint of TGs were established, and 36 common peaks were identified. The correlation coefficient and the Grey relational degree between the relative area of the common peaks and the estrogen-like activity of TGs were determined through bivariate analysis and Grey relational analysis, respectively. Total 32 chemical components were identified, including methylated cistantubuloside B, acetylated tubuloside B, and...

Riko Noviadi, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri, Gusma Gama Maradon*, Agung Adi Candra, Nani Irwani, Gadis Apriani, Made Guntur Candra Adinata, I Made Krisnanda (P3) can increase metabolic energy, and hot water scalding (P4) can reduce production costs and has economic value by analysis results price BEP of Rp. 25,645.35, Product BEP of 21.38 kg, IOFC of Rp. 734,032.90, R/C value of 1.44, and B/C value of 0.44.
Keywords | Economic, Maggot, Metabolic, Processing, Productivity

Imran Khan1*, Shahid Amin2, Safiullah3, Shah Zeb Khan3, Abidullah3, Amjad Ali3, Saghir Imdad Hassan3 and Israr Ud Din3

...tion was noted in camels above 4 years of age group followed by (5.00%) in camel under 2 years age group while lowest (3.00%) in 3-4 years age group camels. It was concluded that 5.67% (17/300) samples were found positive for Trypanosoma evansi infection. Infection rate was found higher in females (6.67%) than males (4.67%). Highest (9.00%) infection was noted in camels above 4 years of age group.


Anhar Ibrahim Elhanafy*, Amr Mohamed Mousa, Amaal Mohamed Kamal 

...m (BV) affected blood metabolites, hematology, immunity, oxidative stress and thyroid hormones in doe rabbits at high ambient temperature. Forty mature female New Zealand White rabbits (6 months age) were divided into four groups. Three of them (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mg/doe) represent different concentrations of BV, while the fourth group was control. Twice weekly injections of does were carried out along 12-weeks. Results revealed that BV treated does were signifi...

Khitam J. Yahya*, Mohammed T. S. Al-Zubaidi

... experimental infection, about fifty birds were divided into five groups (G1: control negative group (con-), G2: control positive group (con+), G3: infected and treated with paromomycin, G4: infected and treated with curcumin and G5: uninfected and received curcumin). The oocyst shedding was recorded daily for 30 days. At 3,8,14, and 23 days post-infection (DPI), two quails from each group were killed humanely; ileum tissue samples were collected before and pr...

Siti Azizah1*, Salsa I Latifah1, Irfan H Djunaidi1, Anif M Wati1, Achadiah Rachmawati1, Siti Hamidah2 

...esearch as a prior study about women’s inclusion in forest-dependent communities that highlight women’s productivity and the contribution of women’s income to beef cattle farmers in Karangtekok, Baluran National Park, Situbondo, East Java. The scope of this research is limited to women registered as residents of Karangtekok and involved in the management or raising activities of beef cattle with the adegen scheme. Karangtekok Hamlet...

Muhammad Ahsan Riaz1, Ayesha Riaz2, Muhammad Asif Mahmood3, Muhammad Uzair Mukhtar3*, Zaib Un Nisa1, Beenish Ijaz4 and Muhammad Shahid Rasool5

... and transported to the laboratory of the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering at the Government College University Faisalabad for further analysis. The larval morphological measurements were carried out using a stereomicroscope, which included changes in head length and width, thoracic length and width, abdominal length and width, and total length of the larva. Every month, the fourth instar larvae (n=36) were investigated for body size measure...

Enas K. Abo El-Maged, Azza H. El-Salakwy, Safia A. El-Gamal and Gehn Allam

... trimester spontaneously aborted products of conception were obtained from 100 Egyptian women. Placental tissue specimens from 100 women of full term normal vaginal deliveries were used as a control group. Their age ranged from 17-42 years (mean = 29.31). The age at marriage lies between 16-36 years. All samples were tested for HPV-DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification using one pair of general primers which allowed for the amplification of HPV ...

A. A- E. Abo-Elkhier1, K. S. E. Abdel-Wahab2, M. A. Ali3, M. A-H. El-Sayed4, N.A-K. Saleh5 and A. A. Atef6

...cted pregnant women. 120 aborted women between 17-36 years old and 120 women aged matched who had normal full-term pregnancy in labor were included in the present study. Maternal blood was tested for anti-HEV IgG and IgM antibody and the positive cases were tested for HEV Ag and HEV RNA. The fetal tissue from anti-HEV IgG and IgM positive aborted women and cord serum of infant of anti-HEV ...
M. A. Abou El- Nasr1, Kh. A. Dougdoug1, Hayam S. Abdelkader2, and Rehab A.
...ion of PPV-EA strain had about 65% sequence homology with other strains of PPV and 45% similarity to the CP or PPV-D strain. A PCR fragment coding for the 43 C-terminal amino acids of the Nib and the N-terminal part of the CP (complete variable region plus 19 amino acids of the conserved core) was cloned and expressed into the pQE- 100 plasmid vector. Upon induction, the viral protein coat gene was expressed as 6xHis-tagged PPV/CP fusion protein in E. coli M15...

A.S. Gamal El din1; Sohair I. El-Afifi2; A. S. Sadik 2; Nashwa M. A. Abd El-Mohsen1; and H. M. Abdelmaksoud1

A.Y. Ahmad1, M. A. Amer2, T. A. Mostafa1, F. M. Abo El-Abbas1, and M. El-Hammady1

...ed 835 bp. while reached about 1 kb (974, 926 bp) by the other primers. Partial sequencing or fragment 835 bp was performed. Comparing with standard PVY strains showed highest similarity with PVY NTN -H followed by PVY NTN-Tu660, PVYN-Jg. PVY Wi and PVYN-Fre in rate of 98.8, 90.0, 89.9, 83.9, and 70.1 % respectively using DNASTAR software.


Muhammad Zeeshan Khan1*, Umar Khitab Saddozai1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Mohammad SafdarBaloch1, Atiq Ahmad Alazai2 and Muhammad Amjad Nadim1

...oeing (hand weeding) if labor is not a major problem, however among the available weedicides in the market which were used in the current research the Pallas (pyroxsulam) weedicide proved to be the excellent for obtaining higher weed control efficiency and grain yield.


Shabana Mangi1*, Abdul Manan Shaikh1, Waheed Ali Panhwar1, Javeed Ali Ujjan1, Fakhra Somroo1, Shazia Praveen Solangi2, Sumbul Mureed Mastoi3 and Ranjeet Kumar1

...Systematic Postgraduate Laboratory, Department of Zoology, Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur. Specimens were gathered by traditional hand net and on the light trap from different sites and are killed in a jar having potassium cyanide and mounted via entomological pins. Samples are recognized up to the species level through the support of keys available for the region in different publications. Photographs of the adult and genitalia were taken with cameras f...

Behari Lal Meghwar1*, Attaullah Khan1, Imran Ali Lakhiar1, Asif Ali Mirani2, Muhammad Siddique Daper1 and Muhammad Waseem Kalroo

... level from 80% (w.b) to about 10-12% (w.b) in 63 and 54 hrs, respectively, compared to 81 hrs taken by T3. However, the total aflatoxin content of T1, T2, and T3 were 1.4, 3.0, and 2.7 ppb, respectively. The measured values were below the recommended values of the aflatoxin. Based on the experiment result, it was concluded that the T2 and T2 drying methods are a better alternative for open sun drying and ensure product quality. These methods are not subjected...

Fang Chen

... than 30nM, while it was about 13μM in H69 parental cells (P<0.05), indicating that the anti-apatinib SCLC cells were successfully constructed in vitro. The expression of miR-4728-3p mRNA in the miR-4728-3p inhibitor group decreased, and the expression of PTEN mRNA increased (P<0.05). The miR-4728-3p mimic group showed no significant effect on the activity of mutant 3’UTR luciferase of PTEN (P>0.05). The miR-4728-3p inhibitor group had less c...
A.l. Abd El-Fattah; A.s. Saclik M.M. El-Kholi; I.A. Åbdcl-Hmnid and M.A. Madkour "ith a size of about 35-37 KDa was obtained after SDS-PAGE analysis of the purified virus preparation. The SCMV-E-RNA was isolated from virus-infected sugarcane tissues and then used as a template for reverse used transcription-polymerase to amplify the coat protein chain reaction (CP) gene (RT-PCR) Of SCMV-E to amplify strain. the ThecDNA that directly amplified cp gene was used as a template using the inte...

Maria Endo Mahata1*, Oriyanti Br Situngkir1, Yan Heryandi2, Takayuki Ohnuma3, Yose Rizal1 

...retention, and energy metabolism in broiler chicken. The study used 30 broiler male chickens with an average body weight of 1.5 kg at five weeks of age. This study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) of a 3x3 factorial pattern which was repeated three times. Factor A (type of pellet binder): A1 (brown seaweed), A2 (taro tuber), and A3 (tapioca flour), then factor B (dosage of pellet binder): B1 (1.5; 3.3; and 4.5%). Crude fib...

Muhammad Mohsin Abbas1*, Sajjad Ur Rahman1, Muhammad Abubakar2, Muhammad Imran Arshad1 and Khurram Ashfaq3

...the National Veterinary Laboratory (NVL), Islamabad from 10 January 2021 to 09 January 2022. The overall bovine population was carrying maximum seroprevalence of serotype O (28.52%) followed by serotype Asia 1 (23.63%) and serotype A (13.6%) in district Bahawalpur. Majority of the bovine population (50.26%) was detected seropositive for type O of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDv) followed by serotype Asia 1 with (37.17%) in tehsil Ahmedpur East and type A wi...

Rameez Raja Kaleri1,2*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi3, Raza Ali Mangi4, Muhammad Anees Memon5, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani6, Aimal Khan Kasi7, Mansoor Ahmed Gopang1, Abdul Wahid Solangi1, Sheva Dair1 and Mudasar Khosa1

...d more amount of carcass about 1.56 to 2.01 kg, respectively. It is concluded that due to presence of more number of thoracic and lumber vertebrae number in Balochi breed produced more meat as compared with Harnai breed.


Thobela Louis Tyasi1* and Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra2

... Nguni cows that explain about 68.12% of total variance in animals morphostructure. The first component (PC1) in Nguni cows was explained the animal’s morphostructure about 24.31%. Thus, the PC1 in Nguni cows consisted of face width, body length, rump height and withers height. In addition, the Kaiser-Meiyer-Olkin (KMO) value in animals’ study was 0.74 with significant value of Bartlett’s test (P<0.01). ...

Fei Shang and Pengfei Liu* age groups (Juveniles about 3-month old, yearlings, adults > 2 y) during autumn migration in central China. We found that body measurements changed with age, yearling males have shoretest wing length in three groups and similar to adult female, express female-like wing length and plumage coloration. Juveniles have relative longer wing to support their first migration; yearlings have female-like body traits (wing length and plumage coloration) to avoid at...

Atena Azarniush1, Majid Moghbeli2*, Farshid Kafilzadeh1, Mohammad Kargar1 and Hooshang Jamali1

...n B. subtilis. A band of about 22 kD corresponding to the recombinant protein was observed in positive sample. This research demonstrated the efficacy of using B. subtilis as an expression system for the production of IL-11 and it can be used as a candidate for the proteins without post-translational modification.


Yong Bin Zhao1, Hui Song1, Guo Gong Yi1*, Xi Lian Hao1, Bai Wang2, Zhi Wen Chen2

... different. Based on the above results, the cluster analysis was able to distinguish individuals, with the highest accuracy of 85%; the more factors that were used, the higher the accuracy of the clustering.


Yue Guo1,2*, Hui Zhang1, Chun Sheng Wang1 and Hong Chang Zhou1

...ripts associated with metabolism and parasitism of adult female A. cantonensis were highly expressed.In this study, the transcriptome of adult female Angiostrongylus cantonensis was analyzed and successfully annotated. Metabolism and parasitism related genes were highly expressed at adult female A. cantonensis.


Hassan Raza1, Muhammad Kashif Afzal2, Muhammad Luqman1*, Tahir Munir Butt3, Muhammad Yaseen1 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood1

...ues. Keeping in view the above-mentioned facts, it was imminent to assess the awareness level and adoption of olive growers of the Pothwar region of Punjab so that they can contribute effectively to the uplift of agriculture as well as their livelihoods. Pothwar region comprises Attock, Chakwal, Jhelum, and Rawalpindi districts. Three districts (Chakwal, Jhelum, and Attock) were purposively selected due to the maximum number of olive growers. The olive growers...

Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1*

...Rice Molecular Breeding Laboratory of the Rice Research Program, Crop Sciences Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. Ten elite coarse rice lines were subjected to varying degrees of drought stress as 0, 10, 15 and 20% through the application of Polyethylene glycol (PEG-6000). To carry out experimentation, carried out it following completely randomized design. Germination was found to be negatively associated with stress level as germinat...

Nitya Salsabila, Djalal Rosyidi, Agus Susilo* 

.... The method used was a laboratory experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 repetitions, namely P0: without the addition of liquid smoke (control), P1: liquid smoke without sonication, P2: sonication liquid smoke for 5 minutes, P3: sonication liquid smoke for 10 minutes, P4: sonication liquid smoke for 15 minutes, and P5: sonication liquid smoke for 20 minutes. The results showed that the addition of sonication liq...

Sukandi Sukandi1,4, Djoni Prawira Rahardja2*, Herry Sonjaya2, Hasbi Hasbi2, Sudirman Baco2, Sri Gustina3, Kirana Dara Dinanti Adiputra1

...ofile supports higher metabolic processes.
Keywords | Bali Cattle, Heat Stress, Hematological, Physiological, Polled

Syed Muhammad1*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui2, Farhat Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Adnan3, Sami Ullah3 and Nawab Khan4

...ers (AOs) working in the above areas constituted the sample respondents.Data were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences(SPSS). The results showed that the technical competency of FAs remained in between low and high categories with mean values ranging from 2.45 to 3.80. Similarly, the technical competency of AOs was in between low and very high categories with mean values ranging from 2.88 to 4.07. The FAs were comparatively more competent in ...

Abdul Hassan1*, Arshad Farooq1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Ghulam Sadiq2 and Asif Nawaz3

...difficulties in finding labor and migration of family members. Production strategies factor were weather forecast for adjusting production practices, adopt new technology and production diversity. Leasing inputs, market monitoring and switching to other markets had loadings in market strategy while maintaining good relationship with friends/relatives and maintaining good relationship with market actors in institutional strategy. Human strategy was related to e...

Muhammad Mukhtar1*, Lely Ummi Wakhidah2,Mohammad Zubair Hippy3 

...ults of the AHP and SWOT above, it can be seen that the implementation of all process models for the beef cattle development policy strategy is the WO strategy. The level of the role of the actor element on the focus element found that the actor who has the biggest role in the development of beef cattle in increasing the income of livestock farmers is the livestock business actor himself with an interest weight of 0.399. In conclusion, taking into account asp...

Indira Jurinskaya1*, Tynyshtyk Kenzhebaeva2, Kairat Iskakov3, Bekzat Niyazbekov1 

...cing the cost of manual labor in the technology for obtaining down. The research was carried out at the “Aiganym” farm of the Zhambyl district on one-year-old goats of the Kazakh coarse-haired and Gorno-Altai downy breeds as well as their crossbreeds. Animal groups were formed according to the principle of analogue groups, taking into account age and live weight. Animals downy breed were more than 2.5 times higher than the animals of the local Kaza...

Asim Zubair1*, Ayesha Aziz2, Ghulam Akbar Malik3, Iffat Batool4 and Zohaib Atta Mehdie5

...eater percentage of the labour in the agricultural sector. This paper emphasizes ‘The Roles and Responsibilities of Women to Agriculture. In the agricultural sector, rural women from all over the world contribute significantly to both the growth and stability of rural regions as well as to agricultural production. Rural men and women both contribute significantly to the agriculture business, including cottage industries, animal production, and crop produ...

Md. Saiful Islam Siddiqui1*, Sharmin Akter2 and Mohd. Riajul Islam2 

...oultry farmers knowledge about antibiotic resistant (ABR). A cross-sectional survey was conducted over a period of around one year among 50 broiler farms of about 25000 birds at Sylhet district in Bangladesh. Data revealed that Amoxicillin, Enrofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin, Azithromycin, Cephalexin, Erythromycin, Neomycin and Colistin were found most commonly used antibiotics. Majority poultry farmer’s bear&rs...

Winda Sartika1*, Budi Hartono2, Hari Dwi Utami2, Lilik Eka Radiati2 

...-19 pandemic through collaboration marketing and supply chain management approaches. Research using the survey method, snowball sampling in the rendang industry with raw beef, and purposive and accidental sampling on the supply chain institutions involved in rendang production. The research respondents comprised 61 respondents from the rendang industry, including suppliers of raw materials, distributors, and consumers of rendang with qualitative and quantitati...

Jawad Ali1,*, Samiya Rehman1, Aqsa Aslam1, Fouzia Tanvir2, Rida Liaqat1, Muhammad Ahmad1, Aamir Riaz1, Muhammad Shafique3, Hassan Ali1 and Amjad Ali1

...elements as secondary metabolites imparts antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, antidepressant, immunosuppressive, anti-microbial properties to the W. coagulans Dunal. Plant samples from Mianwalli, Kohat, and Sargodha city were gathered for antioxidant potential determination. Free radical scavenging activity and total antioxidant activity experiments were performed on the samples using the DPPH and Phosphomolybdenum methods. Results shows leaves extr...

Muhammad Usman Shafi1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1*, Tiyyabah Khan2, Waheed Anwar2, Adnan Akhter2 and Muhammad Zubair3

...ides with poor knowledge about pesticide handling, disposal, storage and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) during operation leads to health problems of human, increase resistance against pests with negative effects on the environment. The purpose of this survey was to check the knowledge about pesticide uses, risks and storage among farmers in Lahore division of Punjab, Pakistan. And, to get knowledge from farmers regardin...

Asmaa A. Darwish*, Adel M. El-Kattan, Mona A. Mahmoud, Mohamed T. Ragab, Amani A. Hafez 

...als causing infertility, abortion, and stillbirth. This study aimed to figure out the common genes related to B. melitensis field strains virulence and assess the immunological, hormonal, and iron profile alterations related to B. melitensis infection in sheep and goat with special reference to their value as biomarkers for the disease. Vaginal swabs were collected from 110 ewes and 150 does for bacteriological examination. Blood samples were collected for imm...

Sigit Bintara1*, Riyan Nugroho Aji1, Panjono2, Ali Agus3 liquid nitrogen vapor about 5 cm above the liquid nitrogen surface for 10 minutes. Freezing was run by immersing the forage in liquid nitrogen for 24 hours before the post-thawing examination. Results showed that spermatozoa diluted with egg yolk citrate supplemented with 3% lycopene (P3) had better quality than that found in the other four treatments, namely motility before freezing (70.86%) and post thawing (53.00%); vi...

Navjot Hothi 

...lousness amongst farmers about getting their livestock vaccinated. Trends suggest that this disease could resurface in the summer of 2023 and could also spread across the nation, with the fear of becoming endemic. The virus can survive for months in dark enclosures. The main culprit behind the spread of the disease is indirect transmission via vector movement, which peaks during the summer and monsoon months. Direct transmission of the virus is found to be eff...
Umara Amir ud Din1, Waqas Ahmed Khan1*, Khurrum Shahzad1,2, Basharat Ali3, Misbah Hussain1,4 and Fazli Rabbi Awan4
...modulating the sodium metabolism, vasoconstriction, vascular tone and renal hemodynamics. Angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) is a key member of RAAS pathway and target for anti-hypertensive drugs. ACE (I/D) polymorphism studies for its association with kidney function and risks of DN have been reported in different populations but with varying results. Hence, the objective of current study was to study the association of ACE (I/D) polymorphism with risk of DN...

Mati Ullah1*, Muhammad Rizwan2, Ali Raza3, Xianlin Zhao4, Yanling Sun4, Sarah Gul5, Muhammad Ihtesham Waheed6, Muhammad Nadeem Khan7, Alvina Gul8, Sami Ullah Jan9* and Chao Huang4* by “protein metabolism” while the biological pathway analysis by the Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) database identified the “metabolic and biosynthesis of secondary metabolites pathway” as the dominant one. Similarly, the functional characterization by eggNOG database revealed that the COGs associated with “Carbohydrate transport and met

Amr N. El-Shahat1*, A.M. Abdul Azeem1 and Mohamed H.M. Abd el Megid2

Yajuan Zheng, Qiuping Mo, Hongchao Tang, Qinghui Zheng and Dandan Guan*

...relative activity of the above three types of cells after 24 h of culture was detected by CCK8 assay. The migration ability of the cells was analyzed by the cell scratch test, and the invasive ability of the cells was analyzed by the transwell detection. Construct LGR5-knockdown, LGR5-overexpressing and LGR5-ΔC-overexpressing (lack of C-terminal tail) human colon cancer LoVo cell lines. The mechanism of the reaction between LGR5 and IQGAP1 was examined b...

Amina Rahat1, Zahin Anjum1*, Sehlina Zehra2, Fatima Umal Baneen3 and Rabia Chishti1

... jaundice, paralysis, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistant syndrome, and high level of cholesterol, nerve tension problems; it stops hair fall and boost’s immune system. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that almost all the plant extracts showed potential antibacterial, insecticidal and antifungal activities against different. The research has focused on the potential therapeutic efficacy of AliumSativum, NigelaSativa, and Plantago...

You-Ming Teng, Wen-Zhou Liu and Li Yang*

...myocardial glucolipid metabolism. However, whether or not pioglitazone may alleviate the cardiac hypertrophy and reverse abnormal myocardial glucolipid metabolism is still unknown. We conducted this experiment to explore the influence of pioglitazone on cardiac hypertrophy in rats. Rats with cardiac hypertrophy induced by renovascular hypertension were given a gavage of pioglitazone 5–10 mg/kg for 4 weeks. Our crew det...

Saqib Mehmood1, Bushra Allah Rakha1*, Muhammad Sajjad Ansari2, Ali Akhter1, Nadeem Munawar1 and Tariq Mahmood1

... reference sites each of about 2.5 ha. Four rodent species was investigated in following order of dominance: Bandicota bengalensis > Nesokia indica >Tatera indica > Golunda ellioti. Maximum (P<0.05) rodent density was found in reference sites (2.03 ± 0.04 ha-1) as compared to treated sites (1.18 ± 0.05 ha-1). However, at each study sites, maximum activity (P <0.05) of rodents was recorded inside of the crop field (1.75 ± 0.0...

Asifa Hameed1*, Haider Karar2, Abdul Ghaffar1, Abid Hameed Khan1, Muhammad Mubashir1 and Ghulam Mustafa1

...ngoes is still very low, about 8-10 tons per hectare. Successful pollination is required to achieve a bumper crop. In this regard, an experiment was conducted at Mango Research Institute, Multan to understand the role of insects’ in successful pollination and fruit setting in Southern Punjab-Pakistan. The experiment consisted of three varieties (Sindhri, Retaul No.12, and SB Chaunsa) and two treatments (netted and open trees). The netted trees of each va...
Muhammad Rizwan1, Hamid Akbar1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Abid Hayat3, Anjum Masood4, Muhammad Talha Sajjad1 and Nadeem Raza2
... MDA; catalase, CAT), metabolic status (beta hydroxybutyric acid, BHBA; nonesterified fatty acid NEFA) and hematological changes (hemoglobin, total leucocytes, red blood cells, neutrophils, platelets, lymphocytes) in serum of dairy cows before and after the surgical correction of left displacement abomasum. Twenty-six cows were divided into two groups as control (Group-A) and treatment (Group-B), each of 13 cows. Left displa...

Desi Kurniati Agustina1,3, Suyadi Suyadi2*, Veronica Margaretha Ani Nugiartiningsih2, Kuswati Kuswati2 

...nary Clinical Pathology Laboratory, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Airlangga University, Surabaya, Indonesia. A statistical analysis was conducted using analysis of variance using Proc Mixed with general linear model (GLM) using SAS studio for academics Online Edition. This study showed the Haematological profile and leucocyte differentiation of male and female Madura cattle of different ages were generally similar to their crossbred Limura cattle and within ...

Isatay Tusupovich Jakupov, Gulzhan Tursunovna Yeszhanova, Gulnur Kurbanalievna Mamytbekova* 

...ics in the content of metabolic components in the blood. The compared drug «Biometrosanit» caused the recovery of 73.3% of control animals. Medicinal forms of C. leucocladum were obtained by drying, grinding, extracting extract from roots, stems in the Soxlet extractor. The pharmacological and therapeutic efficacy of the ethanol extract of C. leucocladum has been studied. A toxicity test was carried out on white mice using 10%, 20%, 40% concentrati...

Abdur Rauf1*, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Zia-ul-Islam3, Rizwanullah1, Ikramullah Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib4, Muhammad Khalid5 and Samrin Gul6

...iger) were examined. The above-mentioned various ethanolic crude extracts of H. eichwaldii revealed the highest potential (15.82±0.40), (18.12±0.56), and (17.41±0.51) against S. aureus, a moderate activity (13.31±0.64), (15.43±0.52), (14.35±0.64), (11.34±0.50), (13.47±0.55), (14.21±0.67), (9.53±0.51), (15.32±0.53), and (2.15±0.65) against E. coli, B. subtalus, and M. leutues. A...
Umer Farooq1,2, Nimra Murtaza2, Abubakar Siddique1, Bilal Saleem1, Obaid Ur Rehman1, Nageen Zahra1, Muhammad Uzair1, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1,3* and Muhammad Ramzan Khan1*
...signaling, transport, metabolic and homeostasis. These findings are useful resource for further exploration into the molecular processes associated with these variances.


M.A.M.M. Shehab-El-Deen1,2*, S.A. Al-Dobaib1 and K.A. Al-Sobayil1

...e microenvironment of metabolically stressed lactating dairy cows during the post-partum period where the negative energy balance occurred. Oocytes were in vitro matured under elevated levels of NEFAs for 24 h in serum-free maturation media. Obtained zygotes were cultured in synthetic oviduct fluid with 5% FCS for eight days. Blastocyst stages from each treatment group were assessed and evaluated for their quality by determining the ACR by means of TUNEL stain...

Farheen Shafique1, Shaukat Ali2*, Mahreen ul Hassan3, Saiqa Andleeb1

...e questionnaire enquired about basic demographic data; the second half evaluated the participant’s knowledge about thalassemia. The third and fourth sections dealt with people’s perceptions and attitudes regarding thalassemia. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) Statistics was used to analyse the data. Approximately 75% of the participants (n = 1677) had heard of thalassemia. Around 48% of the peop...

Saqib Ali Rustam1, Shoaib Sultan Afridi2, Muhammad Inamullah Malik1*, Shakeeb Ullah1, Syed Muhammad Kamal Shah1, Faiqah Ramzan1, Arsalan Khan3, Israr ud Din3, Wasimullah3, Hafiz Ahmad Raza4

...eks and also have weight about 30 ±1.5kg. Lambs were grouped as A, B, C and D and each group contained 3 lambs. Groups were fed by four rations as ration containing 4% urea, 2% urea treatment, only sugar beet pulp, and control ration, respectively. After adaptation period of 10 days, the experimental period continued for 35 days. On daily basis, the average intake of feed and increase in weight gain was noted which was statistically not similar [Group A...

Selvaraj Thanga Malathi¹, Venkatraman Anuradha1*, Mohamed Yacoob Syed Ali2, Muhameed Sajjad Sarwar3, Nagarajan Yogananth2

...hormone will leads to metabolic stress that in turn breakdown the basic metabolic processes that eventually ends in disturbing the marine ecosystem. The current research work deals with observed alteration in the thyroid metabolism (causes hypothyroidism) and morphological (histology) changes occurred in fish species (selected organism– Channa punctatus and Oreochromis niloticus) exp...

Yoshio Hamano1*, Yasuji Kurimoto2 

...ested that growth and metabolic responses to LIP and AWP occur almost independently, and the results are different depending on feeding conditions or post-mortem metabolism. 


Dajun Su1, Tao Deng2* and Mingshui Xie2

...eatment could reduce the above effects of LOXL1-AS1 on cells. LncRNALOXL1-AS1 can regulate the proliferation and apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells, and the mechanism may be related to the regulation by targeting miR-761. Intervention of LOXL1-AS1could inhibit proliferation and promote apoptosis of ovarian cancer cells in vivo and in vitro. Further studies showed that the mechanism of LOXL1-AS1 action on ovarian cancer cells is related to the regulation by targ...

Amna Mushtaq, Asia Bibi* and Nahid Kausar

... research data available about the psychological aspects in these patients, we conducted current study to assess psychotic distress and infertility in PCOS patients of southern Punjab, Pakistan. In this study 204 PCOS women and 150 controls were enrolled. Data of recruited patients was collected from different hospitals of South Punjab. A standardized questionnaire was used for obtaining formal consent and ethical approval. Our findings revealed that psycholog...

Muhammad Ashfaq ur Rahman1*, Saleem Khan1, Aurang Zeb2, Zia ud Din1 and Zafar Iqbal3

...elow normal, normal, and above normal were represented by 23.0%, 58%, and 19%, respectively. Albumin levels were found to be within normal range (3.5 g/dL) in 57% of the individuals. At the two-month follow-up, 75% of patients who had a normal BMI and/or albumin level had SC (p, for all trends 0.05). Based on their body fat composition, these ppatients in the normal weight group (n=58) were further divided into two sub-groups. Interestingly, all those patients...

Jie Wang1, Di Fang1, Jianqing Zhao1, Fei Huang2, Bo Liu2, Weikun Tao2, Baoshan Cui2 and Qinghua Gao1,2,3*

...regulation “and metabolic process” during biological processes. Moreover, KEGG analysis showed that the most abundant pathways were oxidative phosphorylation and Wnt signaling pathway”,”MAPK signaling pathway “,” Regulation of actin cytoskeleton “and VEGF signaling pathway”. To conclude, these RNA-Seq results confirmed the differential expression of several genes in embryos of different genders during embryonic d...

Muhammad Ali1*, Rukhsana Perveen2, Khalil Ahmed3, Ghulam Raza1, Muhammad Akbar1, Maisoor Ahmed Nafees3 and Muhammad Ayub4 comparatively in the laboratory and under field conditions. The 4th instar larvae were found to be more voracious than adults.

Xiangjie Zhao1, Zheshi Kuang2, Jiyuan Yang2, Muhammad Bilal1 and Rongling Yang1*
...h 21 and 42 d. Among the above treatments, Treatment 3 reached a significant level (P < 0.05) as compared to the control in F/G, thymic index and meat quality. All treatment groups had a lower drip loss in meat quality compared to control, and Treatment 1 reached a significant level (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the FSP can be employed as a potential economical substitute for the fishmeal to Lingnan yellow broiler chickens.


Kinza Javed1, Muhammad Ali1, Waqas Farooq2, Majeeda Rasheed1*, Farkhanda Yasmin3, Samiya Rehman3, Sadaf ul Hira1 and Jawad Ali3

...ease. Mortality rates is about 3 % in endemic regions of Asia while the morbidity is upto10%. The LSDV is transmitted through the entry of blood from outsource by biting of arthropods including mosquitoes and flies from infected animal to healthy one. To control the dispersal of LSDV, infected animals should be quarantined, restricted its movement and place them in a place of no entry of vectors, arthropods. The recent review investigated new knowledge on seve...
Asadullah Memon1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Saeed Ahmed Soomro2, Muhammad Ammar Khan3, Akeel Ahmed Memon4 and Hubdar Ali Kolachi1
...ella burnetii, Chlamydia abortus, and Brucella melitensis in 178 sheep and goat samples obtained from Hyderabad, Tando Allahyar, and Mirpurkhas districts of Sindh Province of Pakistan. The results revealed that the seroprevalence of Q fever was significantly (p<0.05) higher than chlamydiosis and brucellosis (43.82% vs. 37.7% and 17.98%). The districts-wise incidences of seroprevalence were also significant in this study, as C. burnetii antibodies were signi...
Maria Azam1, Tahir Mahmood Qureshi1, Saddam Hussain2, Amjad Islam Aqib3*, Shanza Rauf Khan4, Kashif Akram1, Misbah Ijaz5, Maheen Murtaza6, Afshan Muneer6 and Sammina Mahmood7
...s tested using clinical laboratory and standard institute guidelines. On the other hand, resistant strains were put to antibacterial testing assay against metallic nanoparticles both by well diffusion and broth microdilution method. To analyze the data, both probability and non-probability statistical tools were applied using SPSS version 22 of statistical software at 5% probability. The current study showed 24.56% of S. aureus positive from commercial dairy w...

Afifatul H.A. Adilah1, Junun Sartohadi2* and Suci Handayani1

...tic measurements in the laboratory. The data collection process began with a study of the landscape of the research area which was divided into three zones, namely residual, erosion, and deposition. In each zone, coconut and Mahogany plants were selected with the ideal morphology for measurement of interception, throughfall, and stemflow during rain events. Soil sampling under the plant canopy was used to measure texture, bulk density, particle density, porosi...
Tehreem Fatima1, Jabbar Khan1,*, Hamid Shafiq2, Dost Muhammad3, Muhammad Rafi1 and Shoaib ur Rehman1
...g the age of 90 years or above, called longevity people, against heat stress conditions. Whole blood samples of 45 longevity individuals and 20 samples of control people were collected in D. I. Khan during September 2018 to October, 2019 after proper approval from Gomal University ethical review board and written consent of each individual was taken prior to collection of blood sample. For serum collection, blood samples were centrifuged at 1000xg for 15 minut...

Umana Niazi, Muhammad Mushtaq*, Mehwish Kanwal and Momina Raheem

... it was grown on area of about 86974 ha with a total production of 100790 tons during 2018-19; almost 89% groundnut area lies in the Punjab province. Average per hectare yield of groundnut, in Pakistan, is near 1200 kg, which is quite low as compared to its potential, which is some 3000 kg. The low productivity of groundnut is attributed to a number of factors, like, rainfall uncertainties, low yielding varieties, diseases, insect and rodent pests etc. (Okello...

Yu Liang Cao1, Yue Guo2,3*, Hui Zhang2 and Chun Sheng Wang2

...g Internet-sold snails. Laboratory animal infection experiments proved that all 4 breeds of snails could transmit A. cantonensis. Internet sales of the 4 snails are of bio-safty temporarily but still present a high risk to spread angiostrongyliasis in China; moreover. Internet sales of P. canaliculata and A. fulica should be brought to the attention of concerned administrations in China.


Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara1*, MB Hariyono1, Budi Hartono1, Hery Toiba2, Hamidah Nayati Utami3, Moh. Shadiqur Rahman2, Tina Sri Purwanti1

...iness aged ten years and above. Nonetheless, the findings can inform future studies on other dynamic MSME products in food and non-food sectors, especially in a post-crisis context, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Understanding dynamic MSME products can help the sector bounce back after a crisis so it can contribute to GDP and the economy.
Keywords | Customer knowledge management, Innovation capability...

Saddam Hussein Mahmoud* and Shaimaa Nabhan Yassein

...amples were cultured on Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) for (3-5) days at 37 ºC. According to the result, 46.34% of the isolates had mycotic mastitis, with 33 isolates (34.74%) belonging to mold and 62 isolates (65.26%) returning to yeasts. Candida albicans had the highest percentage (high significant) of yeast isolation of (67.74%) with 42 isolates which were detected by using conventional methods such as the germ tube test, urease production, Chlamydospor...

Rusul Adnan Dawood, Hasan F.K. Alghetaa*

...Cl2) with or without collaboration of resveratrol (RES) supplement. Forty-five adult Sprague Dawley, 8-10 weeks old female rats weighing 170-220 g were randomly grouped as following; control group (C) kept without any medication. Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) used as vehicle to prepare RES treatment was given to D-group. RES administered to R-group. Challenge group of rats (HD) was administered HgCl2. The last group of rats (HR) was given HgCl2 with RES in the sam...

Rida Ahmad1,2*, Zulfiqar Ali2*, Farkhanda Manzoor1, Usman Ahmad3, Safdar Sidra4, Irfan Zainab2, Muhammad Furqan2, Aliza Batool1,2 and Zaidi Zona2

... substantial information about these changes as birds are predictor of ecological disturbances. The current research explored the avian diversity, richness, abundance and their feeding habit in selected habitats of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) and Gilgit Baltistan (GB). Data were collected from May 2017 to October 2017 using point count technique. Thirty points were selected from each habitat. A total of 175 species and 24,933 individuals belonging to 16 orders and...

Lichun Jiang1,2*, Lan Zhu1, Meiqi Li1, Xinyue Bao1, Zhenkun Zhao2, Haifen Qin2 and Wei Chen3*, very little is known about its nuclear and mitochondrial genomes and their phylogenetic position within the family Cervidae. In this study, we have determined the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the tufted deer, by using a long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The entire mtDNA sequence is 16,196 bp in length, which compared with previous studies is the least, containing 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfe...

Kiran Afshan1*, Sobia Baseer1, Shanza Kiran1, Ghulam Narjis2 and Sabika Firasat1 pregnancy can lead to abortions and other congenital defects. The present study aimed to find the seroprevalence of T. gondii among suspected women who visited local hospitals in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Sera of 425 suspected women were screened by latex agglutination test (LAT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was performed to measure the IgG and IgM antibodies level. Univariate analysis and odds ratios were calculated to determine t...

Irtaza Hussain1, Muti ur Rehman Khan1*, Asim Aslam1, Masood Rabbani2 and Ahsan Anjum1

... to government officials about the prevention and control of the disease.

Nabila Rasheed1, Shumaila Usman2*, Madeeha Sadiq3, Bushra Wasim3, Kanwal Haneef4, Hafsa Shafqat3, Tabinda Urooj3 and Saman Rashid4
...gation shows that the metabolic disorders like gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are not only responsible for several disease factors in adult life but also have adverse effects on perinatal environment as well as on the cellular properties of WJMSCs. This study was designed to determine the effects of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) on proliferation of WJMSCs (GDM-WJMSCs). Mesenchymal stem cells were isolated from Wharton’s jelly tissue of normal(...

Mohammed Naji Odhah1,2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse1*, Bura Thlama Paul3,4, Bashiru Garba5, Zaid Mahmood1, Eric Lim Teik Chung6, Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila7  

Asif Sadam1*, Rahmat Ullah Khan2, Karim Gabol2*, Muhammad Awais3,4, Mohammad Ismail1, Sajid Mahmood1, Muhammad Aslam4 and Hamidullah5

... revealed striking facts about ongoing hunting and illegal trade by hunters and traders. The two tribes namely Ottomankhail of district Swabi and Mamund of district Buner were identified to be involved in illegal trafficking and trading of waterhen from the study area. The locals revealed that traders and hunters entered the area through two main routes of Sarmalang and Narangi. The hunters and traders of the neighboring districts visit the study area througho...

Nasratullah Baloch1, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Hamida Narejo3, Muhammad Farooq Hassan4, Ghulam Abbas5, Shahnaz Rashid5, Muhammad Hanif Chandio6, Faheem Saddar7 and Majida Parveen Narejo8

...d that from the equation above that Sardinella longicep were found in ideal condition in comparison to the other three dominant species, Liza subviridis, Silago sihama, Acanthopagrus berda. Since the area investigated is nearly free of pollution as compared to Karachi and Sindh coast. Therefore, there is need for the development of fish culture in Sonmiani to fill gape, increase food resources and income generation of the local people.


Jamshid Ali1,2, Sabeeqa Usman Malik1*, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf1, Jia Zhongkui2, Zuhair Husnain3 and Saeed Gulzar1 

...ent study were to assess above-ground carbon (AGC), belowground carbon (BGC) and total carbon stock in the sub-tropical pine forest in Upper Kurram District, Kurram (Pakistan). Twenty-five sample plots were marked in the study area to collect tree diameter, height and density-related information. Allometric equations were used to estimate total carbon stock from field data. The results depicted that the mean total biomass in the study area was 54.90 (t ha-1) w...

Mudawamah Mudawamah1*, Sumartono Sumartono1, G. Ciptadi2, E. Susanto3, Y. Hartoyo4, L. Affandhy5,6

...y with quantitative and laboratory analysis, with statistical analysis using ANOVA and LSD with SPSS Statistic 9 software. The research design used descriptive with total sample of 60 heads (morphometry and physiological status) and 24 heads (total protein).  There are three breeds of sheep: Sapudi, Dormas (Dormer x Sapudi), and Suffas (Suffolk x Sapudi). Sapudi, Dormas, and Suffas Ewes with only one child each lambing were abbreviated as SAS, DOS, and SU...

Jaiperkash Moolchandani1*, Geeta Moolchandani2, Syed Mohsin Turab3, Nasima Iqbal4, Ambreen Rehman5 and Shaima Sultana Memon6

Nosheen Jehajo* and Naheed Shah

...g no choice tests, this laboratory study investigated the effect of different temperature (20, 30 and 40°C) and humidity (50, 55 and 60%) regimes on the damage extent and weight loss caused by C. maculatus to some stored pulses i.e. green gram (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczik), mash gram (Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) and brown colored chickpea (Cicer arietinum (L.). The results revealed that the infestation percentage was sign...

Tahir Rasool Qamar1, Sanaullah Iqbal1*, Muhammad Nasir1 and Habib-ur- Rehman2

...">Prebiotics modulate metabolism and ensure a healthy gastrointestinal tract that may prevent colorectal cancer (CRC) development. The present study was designed to explore the effects of chicory roots derived fructans, in raw form, against CRC in rats. After acclimatization period, forty male Wistar rats were randomly and equally divided into four groups. Chicory powder treatments were started to group G4 before administering carcinogenic injections. After on...

Xiang Li1, Zhijun Zhao1, Lei Zhang2, Jinhuan He1, Fengling Li1, Jing Li1 and Chunmei Pan1*

...rmance, digestion and metabolism of nutrients and economic benefits of piglets, this paper analyzes the effect of fermented feed (taking grape pomace residue as example) on the nutrient apparent digestibility of piglets. Through the determination of tannin content in grape pomace residue, the nutritional value of grape pomace residue was evaluated, and the influence of feed with different grape pomace residue content on the nutrient apparent digestibility of p...

Ming Wang1, Nan Yang2, Xiaolin Zhang2 and Wei Liu1*

...d a college education or above (69.92%), killed rodents when their damage was serious (70.48%), and participated at least once in deratization organized by the government (76.35%). There was a significant difference in the awareness of rodent control among the herdsmen having different education levels. The consciousness for deratization among the herdsmen was affected by age, education level, attitude towards killing rodents, and several other factors. Thus, ...

Tasleem Akhtar1*, Muhammad Farooq Nasir2, Imran Bodlah2 and Muhammad Adnan Bodlah3

...ared on A. pisum in the laboratory at 23± 1°C has been studied. The development cycle of A. smithi from larvae to adult was completed in about 11 days. The pre-mating period of males (n=10) varied between 5 and 8 min (mean: 4 min). Copulation time (n = 10 pairs) was between 33 and 55 sec (mean: 45.2 sec). Oviposition time (n = 10 females) was between 1 and 2 sec (mean: 1.5 sec). Female parasitoids lived longer (5....

Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Masood Rabbani1*, Sohail Raza1, Ali Raza Awan2, Aleena Kokab1 and Iqra Nazir3

...ble vaccines of Brucella abortus in Pakistan, RB51, and S19 have many limitations in the light of residual virulence, induction of abortion, diagnostic interference, and human pathogenic potential. In this study, we have developed a Brucella abortus pUC19-K-UP-DN plasmid cassette for the construction of ΔpurD deleted mutant by deleting the purD gene which is responsible for de novo p...

Asifa Majeed*, Amir Rashid, Palvasha Waheed, Asma Faryal, Aden Razaq and Ayesha Maryam

...derangements in lipid metabolism and is one of the risk factors to develop cardiovascular diseases. The genetic predisposition in association with environmental and lifestyle modifications can play a central role in the progression of diabetic dyslipidemia. A cross-sectional study was designed to detect pathogenic genetic variants in APOA1 and ABCG1 genes associated with dyslipidemia in type 2 diabetic patients. A total of ninety subjects of both genders, aged...

Amistu KU1,2*, Monahan FJ2, Wims P2, Yonatan KY1 , Fahey AG2, Takele TA3 

...5 months. Farmers fatten about 1.88±.05 cattle/fattening season and 1.74±.03 times /year. Decisions for finishing cattle is highly determined (p<0.05) by body condition change, weight gain, feed intake and market price. Moreover, cattle market prices are highly influenced (p<.05) by fasting season, market type/distance and body condition. Therefore, by-product-based beef cattle production systems are practiced in Wolaita, southern Ethiopia ...

Nadeem Akmal1, Abid Hussain1*, Muhammad Yousaf2, Waqar Akhtar1 and Hassnain Shah1

...anting of rice (MTR) is labour saving, and more productive than conventional sowing method. Productivity of Basmati-Super and Basmati-386 rice crop palnted through MTR at sample farms were higher than conventionally transplanted crops by 12.23 and 10.56 percent, respectively. In case of Basmati 386, benefit-cost ratios of crops sown through mechanical and conventional methods are 1.40 and 1.28, respectively. Similarly, for Basmati-Super benefit-cost ratios of ...

Saima Naz1, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha2, Rifat Ullah Khan3*, Saba Iqbal1, Nimra Amjad1, Azka Kiran1, Ammara Javed1, Maria Lateef1 and Amna Nawaz1

... collect the information about current fish diversity at famous public place at Panjnad Headworks, Punjab, Bahawalpur, Pakistan. All fish samples were collected from three different sites (Panjnad, Abasia, Abu Dhabi canal) during February 2020 to January 2021 using different fish inclusive. The evident fish groups found were Cyprinids, Catfishes and others including (Channa punctata, Oreochromis niloticus, Oreochromis mossambicus, Bagarius bagarius). The data ...

Abnet Mekonnen1*, Kadir Abderehman1 and Feti Seyaka2

...rugs. These drugs are metabolized by the liver and excreted by the kidneys. Monitoring vital signs continuously during anesthesia will provide early warning of potential problems and emergencies that may be averted by appropriate and quick corrective actions.


Olabode, H.O.K1, Mailafia, S1, Martha Echioda-Ogbole1*, Ameh, J.A1, Amadi, K.I1 and Meseko C.A

... at the Avian Influenza laboratory, of the National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom Plateau State. A structured Questionnaire was also administered to 50 poultry farmers. Results revealed an overall sero-prevalence of 5% with H5 and H9 haemagglutinating inhibiting antibody titre ranging from 1 log2-5 log2. Breed specific sero-prevalence were 4% and 16% for local and exotic (layers) chickens respectively, while broilers showed no detectable antibodies. Quest...

Dhurgham K. Seger1, Rahman H. H. Al Qasimi2, Azhar A. Jaffar3, Salah H. Faraj4, Ahmed I. Ateya5* the biology sciences laboratory of the Marshes Research Center/Thi-Qar University. Sequencing technology was used to detect mutations in SSTR1 gene. The results of the multiple alignment analysis of the sequence of SSTR1 gene indicated the presence of one mutation 264 A>G. The obtained mutation produced three genotypes, namely AA, AG, and GG. The frequency of the genotypes AA, AG and GG were 0.50, 0.17 and 0.33, respectively. While the frequency of the A...

Nazia Haider, Asia Bibi* and Nahid Kausar

...dy was conducted at the laboratories of Zoology department The Women University Multan and the Department of Hematology, Nishter Hospital Multan, from June 2016 to Dec 2019. A total of 500 participants, 300 with spontaneous abortion and 200 healthy pregnant controls in first trimester of pregnancy were included in this study. The data was collected through questionnaire at the time of sampling after obtaining informed consen...

Rimsha Ijaz, Rida Zahra, Naseer Ali Shah*, Haroon Ahmed, Nazish Bostan and Sadia Sattar

...ons. Globally a total of about 170 million people have been afflicted with this malady per year and affects approximately (6%) of Pakistan’s population. HCV is RNA virus and there are seven primary genotypes and 67 subtypes in it. Determination of genotype is important for treatment and medication response. This study aimed to calculate the frequency of HCV infection and pattern of genotype distribution in suspected individuals of Pakistan. Samples were ...

Wei Fang1,2,3, Jiawei Hong1,2,3,4, Zhengyi Fu1,2,3, Jing Hu1,2,3, Gang Yu1,2,3, Zhenhua Ma1,2,3* and Humin Zong5*

...ation classification, metabolic pathways and SSR feature analysis. The results showed that a total of 42.40 Gb data were obtained from transcriptome sequencing, and 38,817 Unigenes were obtained after assembly and de-redundancy; Using BLAST to annotate the assembled unigenes with seven functional databases (NR, NT, GO, COG, KEGG, Swissprot and Interpro), a total of 23,417 unigenes were annotated (accounting for 61.14%); A total of 253 differentially expressed ...
Muhammad Abdul Mannan1,2, Sharmin Chowdhury2, Md Abul Hashem3,4 and Md. Hazzaz Bin Kabir1,5*
...gladesh. A sample of 400 abomasa (150 from sheep and 250 from goats) was collected from five different slaughterhouses in the Chattogram Metropolitan area and analyzed using morphological and microscopic methods. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was then employed to amplify the sec internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and the mitochondrial nicotinamide dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene (nad4) to identify H. contortus, followed by dire...

Zhipeng Song1,2, Jialiang Xin1,3, Xiaoli Wei1,2, Abula Zulipiya1,3, Kadier Kedireya1,2 and Xinmin Mao1,3*

...rug metformin. Among the above factors, the combination effect of SYK and marein was the most ideal. To conclude marein can improve glucose and lipid metabolism disorders in db/db mice after a treatment period, so it has positive significance for the prevention and treatment of diabetes. Marein can act on SYK, VEGF and PI3K/AKT factors and change the expression of fibrosis and inflammatory factors in tissues by affecting the...

Muhammad Faizan1, Muhammad Nasir1, Muhammad Waqar Hassan1*, Ghulam Sarwar2 and Moazzam Jamil3

...ptera: Bruchidae) under laboratory conditions. Biology of beetles was assessed in the form of growth index (GI) which showed maximum GI values in cowpea and mung bean varieties and least in chick pea genotypes and because of this cowpea and mung bean genotypes were classified in susceptible category and chickpea varieties were classified in resistant category. Percent weight loss by C. maculatus was maximum in cow pea and mung bean genotypes and least percent ...

Bilal Ahmed Shah1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Masood Rabbani2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Asad Ali2, Muhammad Awais1, Sohail Ahmad3 and Shahan Azeem2*

...and humoral response in laboratory animals. Safety test showed no general adverse reactions to the vaccines when injected either into mice or rabbits or cow calves. Challenge protection studies revealed a significantly higher survival rate in vaccinated mice and rabbits compared to placebo groups. None of the vaccines when streaked onto culture media showed any growth indicating sterility of the vaccines. Repeated measures ANOVA was applied to compare mean O.D...

Muhammad Fiaz Qamar1*, Tahir Hussain1, Iram Liaqat2, Madiha Kiran1 and Abdur Rahman Ansari1

...ves through the routine laboratory procedures. The prevalence of Eimeria and Capillaria spp. were recorded as 75% and 25% respectively in district Jhang. Whereas, mixed infection (Eimeria spp. + Capillaria spp.) was not detected in the examined birds. Eggs per gram (EPG) counted through McMaster technique for the Eimeria was 700, while that for Capillaria was 850. Proper control measures, good management and public guidance are needed to control these infectio...
Durairaja Ramulu1*, Jawahar Paulraj2, Jayakumar Natarajan1, Sudhan Chandran1 Sudhir Kumar Das3, Suresh Eswaran4, Santhakumar Rajagopal5 and Padmavathy Pandurangan6
...ies requires information about size, growth and mortality parameters and catch per unit effort. The estimated slope b values for three cyprinids were found to be within the expected range and r2 showed high degree of correlation. The estimated growth parameters of Mirgal, Cirrhinus mrigala (Hamiltoon, 1832) (L∞ 89.25 cm, K 0.8y-1), Blackspot barb, Dawkinsia filamentosa (Valenciennes, 1844) (L∞ 22.05 cm, K 0.68y-1) and Roho labeo, Labeo rohita (Hami...
Qiangsheng Wu1, Yumei Yin2, Hui Gao1, Baoding Chen3, Jianjun Yu2, Jian Zhang4, Donglai Zhu5, Fang Liu6, Guohong Ge7 and Ya-Mei Dang8*
...on-reduction and drug metabolic process. Additionally, the top 10 core genes of these differently expressed genes were mainly participated in cell cycle and strongly correlated with worse prognosis of survival, which may be potential diagnostic and therapeutic targets of HCC.


Syed Shakeel Shah1, Ayesha Jameel1, Sabila Afzal1*, Muhammad Zubair2, Iram Fatima Bokhari1 A high prevalence of about 47.58% was described in this study. Coriander was the highest contaminated vegetable (51.42%), followed by mint (48.57%). The carrot was the minimum contaminated vegetable with 40% contamination. Examination of vegetables revealed 12 genera of parasites along with aquatic mites (5.74%). Taenia was the most prevalent parasite (25.28%) followed by Ascaris (21.83%), Toxocara (9.19%) and Hymenolepis (9.19%). Isospora belli and Tricho...

Ihab G. AL-Shemmari1*, Ali Hussein Fadhil1, Mohammed Assad S. Alkabi1, Eman Jawad Jabber2 

... over the world, causing abortion, infertility, and massive economic losses. The aims. This study was to identify brucellosis in ewes and to examine the histopathological changes in the uterine tissue of ewes infected with Brucella melitensis. Methods. The study were conducted in Kerbala and Babylon provinces from November 2020 to July 2021, using Rose Bengal test (RBT), culture, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) on blood and uterine tissue samples collected...


...information is available about sources and health
impacts of indoor PM. The current study was designed to monitor microenvironments
of asthmatic residential houses (n=50) in Lahore, Pakistan.
PM10 and PM (Total) was monitored in the living rooms and immediate
outdoor of residential household of each selected site using DustTrak
aerosol monitor (model 8533, TSI Inc.). Results of this study indicated


...Primary and secondary metabolites of Misopates
orontium (L.) belongs to Plantaginaceae family were screened out and
tested for therapeutic values through in-vitro biological assays.
Quantitative analysis was done on powder of Misopates orontium by
using standard methods for estimating the primary and secondary
metabolites. The maximum value of total carbohydrates (1...
...Out of 1000 individuals, about 5% were
obese, 33.3% overweight, 53.3% normal, and 8.4% were underweight for
the studied population. The average calcium intake for the studied
population was 706.66 ± 4.2 mg/d. The average BMI of 22.84 kg/m² was
observed in the studied population. Percentage of calcium deficient (<400
mg/day) obese and overweight subjects was found to be 13%. A
...hole Lahore district and about
half of the country. Some rare and new tree species in Botanical garden
can be added into the flora of Pakistan.


...bustness. The results of above analytical parameters proved that the
developed method could be used for the routine analysis of
levofloxacin in injection dosage form. The proposed method is free
from expensive solvents, chemicals and time consuming steps and
can be used in quality assurance laboratories of pharmaceutical


...s. They are secondary metabolites and their main producing agents are Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus nomius and Aspergillus parasiticus that are famous for Aflatoxin B1, B2, G1, and G2. The present study was conducted to quantify the aflatoxins in bovine feed provided to cattle found in and around Lahore. Total 50 samples were collected from two different localities of Lahore and categorized in two groups: Group A (Raiwind, 30 samples), Group B (Bedian Road, ...


... to the Parasitological Laboratory, Department of Zoology University of Sindh Jamshoro. During examination of helminths a total of 28 trematodes were collected from intestine and stomach. The trematodes were resemble with species Aphanururoides lethrini in all diagnostic characteristics and identify as such. Present genus reported first time from Rita rita of Pakistan, hence this report is new locality and host record.


Zainab Sattar Ali* , Safa Azhar Razzaq , Layla Hammody Hashem 

...rmone for each of groups above. At the termination of experiment were taken in from them specimen of testes for a purpose pathohistology study and assessed the percentage of DNA fragmentation. The current study observed damage in this sperms DNA and alteration of histopathological section. In addition reduction the levels of testosterone, inhibin b, FSH and LH hormones in group that ingestion BTSeNPs comparing the remnant groups, also been noted this reduction...

Shaker B. Al Suwaiegh 

... parameters and serum metabolites were investigated during the study. The results indicated that the diets with high percentage of giant reed (40.0 & 50.0%) were decreased (P<0.05) the most recorded parameters compared to the control and 30.0% giant reed diets under subtropical condition. In conclusion, replacement of alfalfa hay with 30.0% giant reed could be promising of Ardi goat growth performances, feed efficiency and serum met

Nusrat Habiullah1*, Shah Nawaz Kumbar1, Fahmida Parveen Samo1, Shamusuddin Bughio2, Asghar Ali Kamboh3, Burirah Rehman Talpur1 

...ese quails at the age of about 3 to 4 weeks were divided into six groups viz., A (control group), B (selenium 1.0 mg/L), C (lead acetate 200 mg/L), D (lead acetate 400 mg/L ), E (lead acetate 200 + selenium 1.0 mg/L) and F (lead acetate 400 + selenium 1.0 mg/L). Both selenium and lead acetate were given by adding in the drinking water for 20 days. At the end of experiment, four birds from each group were slaughtered and blood was collected for evaluation of ...

Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud1,2*, Yonis Abukar Mohamed1,3 and Shafii Abdullahi Mohamed1,4

...rucial for effective collaboration and resource optimization. Addressing research gaps, including socio-economic impact assessments, intervention effectiveness evaluations, cultural and contextual considerations, analysis of different production systems, and exploration of the intersection of animal welfare and zoonotic disease prevention, is necessary for evidence-based decision-making. By leveraging research, promoting evidence-based interventions, and stren...

Hui Fang*, Kai Xue and Teng Yang

...ed to be enriched for metabolic pathways, DEGs that were upregulated tended to be enriched for beta-alanine metabolism, alanine, aspartate, and glutamate metabolism. The miRNA-mRNA network consisted of 2 miRNAs (miR-199a-3p and miR-107) and 7 mRNAs. It appears that miRNAs may positively regulate fibroblast migration, calcium signaling, and cell division based on GO and KEGG analysis. What&...

Jyotsana Shakkarpude1*, Aditya Mishra2, Deepika D. Caesar2, R.K. Sharma3, Anand Kumar Jain2, Sanju Mandal2, Rajesh Kumar Vandre4, Danveer S. Yadav5, Bhavna Ahirwar6 and C.P. Solanki6 a methyl donor for metabolic reactions. Betaine acts as molecular chaperone, as it repairs heat shock proteins. The present study was aimed to investigate the effect of dietary betaine on heat and metabolic stress during lactation in Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis). For this purpose, a total of 18 postpartum Murrah buffaloes were randomly divided into control, low betaine and high betaine groups supplemented with betai...

Nur-E-Farjana Ilah1, Md. Joynal Abedin2, Esmout Jahan Alice1, Taiba Akter Laboni1, Mst. Shahinur Khatun1, Most. Shakila Sarmin1, Md. Ashekur Rahman1, Obaidur Rahman1, Md. Akhtarul Islam1, Muhammad Ali Fardoush Siddquy3 and Md. Yeamin Hossain1*

...for better understanding about its growth and health in this particular habitat. A total 100 individuals were collected from fishers catch during November 2021 to October 2022 by using traditional fishing gears such as trawl and gill nets (mesh size: 2-3 cm). Data showed that  TL was found to be  between 15 and 21 cm and the BW remained as 46 and 136 g. All LWRs had r2 values below 0.945 and were significant (P<0.001). The estimated allometric coe...
Nighat Nisar*, Hasina Maham Qadri, Asad Afridi, Muhammad Sami Khan, Muhammad Abdullah Khan

Slamet Widodo1*, Mohammad Ikhsan Shiddieqy1, Teguh Wahyono2, Yeni Widiawati1, Zultinur Muttaqin1

...lop prediction equations about feed digestibility and gas production to these forages. Parameters measured in this study were crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), lignin, fat, minerals, dry matter digestibility with pepsine (DMdPeps), organic matter digestibility with pepsine (OMdPeps), nitrogen digestibility with pepsin (NdPepsin), gas production.   The results showed that CP, NDF, and ADF   had th...

Rini Widyastuti1*, Rangga Setiawan1, Nurcholidah Solihati1, Siti Darodjah1, Kundrat Hidajat1, Mochamad Ali Mauludin2, Alkaustariyah Lubis3, Mas Rizky Anggun Adipurna Syamsunarno4, Sigit Prastowo5, Takdir Saili6, Arief Boediono7

..., and existing knowledge about reproductive management practices in traditional dairy goat farming. The study were carried out among Simpay Tampomas Farmers Group in Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia. The sample population consisted of thirty participants and the reproductive performance of 96 goats was investigated. Sociodemographic characteristics and reproductive knowledge of breeding were collected through questionnaires, interviews, and direct observation of...

Umar Salisu Ahmad1, Adamu Abdul Abubakar1,2*, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga1, Nura Abubakar1, Ekaete Ime Oviawe1, Zaid Shehu3, Abubakar Musa Mayaki3

..., foamy salivation, and labored breathing were observed. The prescapular and submandibular lymph nodes were enlarged, and a hard mass was palpable on the distended abdomen. Rectal examination revealed hard rectal feces in rectum were found. The rectal temperature was subnormal (35.4 oC), respiratory rates were 12 cycle/min and the pulse rate was so weak that it was not detectable. Attempts to induce defecation using a KC-bloat failed, and the calf died on exam...

Putu Henrywaesa Sudipa1*, Hapsari Mahatmi1, Ketut Tono Pasek Gelgel1, I Gusti Ketut Suarjana1, I Nengah Kerta Besung1, Romy Muhammad Dary Mufa2 , I Wayan Sukernayasa3 

...mycotic endometritis and abortion, are one of the causes of reproductive diseases in Bali cattle. Earlier studies on bovine uterine microflora have mainly focused on bacteria; however, the presence of fungi has yet to be discussed in detail. This study aimed to provide data on the prevalence and identification of fungi by using morphological methods. The samples were vaginal swabs obtained from 22 healthy female Bali cattle from various locations in Bali, Indo...

Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, Wael Mohamed Wafa1*, Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Reda Abdel Samee Ahmed Rezk2, Shereen Kamal Genena1, Mohamed Hamada El-Sawy1 

...siological responses, metabolic, enzymatic, and mineral activities, and milk yield of Friesian cows and their crossbreds with Baladi cows under various temperature-humidity indexes during spring and summer seasons in Nile Delta of Egypt. This study included a total of 10 cows (80-90 days in milk), 5 Friesian and 5 crossbred cows (Friesian x Baladi) aging 3.5-7 years and having 2-5 parities. Experimental cows were housed in semi-open sheds during spring and sum...

Shafqat Ullah1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Rafiq Ullah1, Raheela Taj3, Fatima Syed3, Shumaila Gul4, Faiza Khan5, Ibad Ullah Jan6, Muneeb Islam7 and Sumaira8

...done through Pixel-Pro (Labomed America Inc). The statistical analysis was through IBM SPSS (Statistics.V22.X86). The present study concluded that selenium improves the intestinal morphology i.e. villus height, villus width, villus surface area showed better growth(P≤0.05) in the selenium supplemented groups. The FCR initially did not differ (P≥0.05) among the groups but toward the end it was comparatively better (P≤0.05) in selenium supplemented grou...

Anwar Ali1*, Muhammad Ayaz Khan2 and Nowsherwan Zarif1

... is in the soil, 33 % in aboveground biomass, 9% in belowground biomass and 2% in litter. Average carbon density was estimated as 100 t/ha in the landscape. Mean aboveground carbon density was determined at 33.60 t/ha. In Reserved Forest the aboveground carbon stock is 42.29 t/ha whereas in Guzara Forests, this carbon is 27.20 t/ha. Similarly, belowground carbon stock in the landscape was ...

I Nyoman Sumerta Miwada1*, I Nyoman Sutarpa Sutama1, Agus Susilo2

... significantly decreased above that concentration level (p<0.05). Finally, increasing the concentration of Moringa leaf extract in cow’s milk cheese products can provide positive functional value, especially in increasing the antioxidant activity of cheese.
Keywords | Antioxidant effect, Cow’s milk cheese, Fortified, Hedonic properties, Moringa leaf extract, Texture analysis

Raed Hussein Salih Rabee1, Yahya Sabah Abdulameer1, Walla Farhan Obed1, Noor R Abady1, Adnan Mansour Jasim1*, Firas Hussein Albawi1, Mohammed Jasim Jawad2, Ahmed Samir Abukhomra3

...e responsible for the metabolism of antibiotics. Additionally, berberine demonstrated antibacterial effects against E. coli, as well as anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Furthermore, histopathological examination of the intestinal broiler received BBR showed improvements and restore tissue near to normal.
Keywords | Enerofloxacin, Berberine, E. coli, Antibiotic residues, CYP450, Antioxidant, Drug docking

Tevina Edwin, Arfa’i*, Olivio Dickresna

...y distributing knowledge about good husbandry systems, providing capital to increase the scale of breeders’ businesses, providing good facilities and infrastructure for breeding in the Luak Sub-district. Farmers must focus more on their livestock business and increasing livestock productivity.
Keywords | Beef Cattle, Entreprises, Income, Rearing, System

Abir Ishtiaq1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Maria Younas1, Tasveer Ishtiaq1, Zara Naeem3 and Muhammad Naeem4*

...nsumers as the awareness about fish proximate composition is crucial for its maximal consumption.


Saman Rizwan and Sohaib Aslam* was conducted in laboratory-controlled conditions using maize residues and a loamy soil from a sugarcane field to determine carbon mineralization patterns. Two different residue management practices were chosen for this study; mulched (soil covered by residues) versus incorporated (residue incorporated in surface soil layer). Carbon mineralization patterns under two treatments were unique from each other. The results showed that all treatments enhance t...

Afsheen Khattak1, Shahida Naveed1*, Naila Khalid1, Inayat Ullah Khan2 and Tamana Bakht

...ize seeds at the Botany Laboratory Government Girls Degree College KDA Karak. Eight different concentrations of V. encelioides leaves were applied on maize and wheat seeds to check the inhibitory and stimulatory effect, respectively. Whole plant of V. encelioides was collected, dried, powdered, and aqueous extracts were prepared at room temperature. Randomized Complete Design (RCD) with four treatments and one control were used in the experiment. Data was reco...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2

...owed by analysis in the laboratory. All collected data was statistically analyzed for interpretations. It was depicted from results that use of carbon sequestering fertilizer (press mud @ 1 %) along with commercial K fertilizer (SOP) performed superior by resulting in maximum K content in shoot (2.13 %), K content in root (1.12 %) and K content in soil (330 ppm). Similarly, highest fresh weight (42.43 g) and dry biomass (14.37 g) of wheat were also observed wh...

Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Saqib Arif1, Qurrat-ul-Ain Akbar1, Saba Iqbal2, Shahid Yousaf3, Kainat Qureshi1, Abdul Karim Khan5, Abdul Ahad6, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique4 and Neelofar Hamid7

...crobial and secondary metabolites activities has gained tremendous attention from researchers. 


Muhammad Nauman Arif1, Muhammad Mansha1* and Tanveer Hussain2

... useful genetic analysis about Axis porcinus genetic variations and its phylogenetic relationships with related taxa, highlighting the importance to protect Pakistan’s unique genetic resource.


Yanmei Wang1,2, Haoyun Li1, Lijuan Han1 and Wenkui Wang1*

...ypertension (PH) is a metabolic disorder that occurs in broilers. It is characterized by pulmonary hypertension, right heart failure and a large amount of yellowish liquid accumulated in the body cavity, and has become one of the most causes of non-infectious death in broiler industry worldwide. The macrophage migration inhibition factor (MIF) and related protein and gene expressions in its downstream signal pathways need to be studied to explore the mechanism...
Hyun-Su Hwang1, Jae-Kang Lee2, Tae-Kyung Eom2, Seung-Hun Son3, Dong-Ho Lee2, Hyeongyu Ko2 and Shin-Jae Rhim2*
...eders were located 1.5 m above the ground and spaced 1 m apart. We selected 3 types of food resources (kidney beans, brown soybeans, and peanuts) based on their energy per 100 g. We supplied 200 g of each food type at the feeders. Feeders were recorded with a digital camera (HDR AS15, Sony, Tokyo, Japan) for 2 h. This was conducted 3 times per day. The videos were then analyzed to determine the frequency of visits, duration of stay at the feeder, frequency of ...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Muhammad Talha Shoaib1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Umair Safdar2 and Hassan Raza2

...opulation as agro-based labor force. Farming community in developing countries is striving to improve agriculture productivity for food security. To gain higher farm yields, farmers use different fertilizers and pesticides to protect their crops from diseases and insect pest attacks. In this perspective, current study was designed to explore negative consequences of pesticides applications on human health and environment in district Sargodha. A cross sectional...

Muhammad Farooq Bhatti1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Aamir Ali1, Hooria Ashraf Khan1, Rabia Fajar Ali2, Ayesha Muzamil1, Fariha Munir3, Fatima Ijaz1, Rizwan Khurshid3

...tify;">Sericulture is a labor intensive cottage industry that has great potential for poverty alleviation. In Pakistan, the farming community so far has not identified the specific race suitable for the specific climatic zones of Pakistan in terms of yield, performance and adaptability. The current study was conducted to find out the optimum hatching and rearing conditions of three silkworm races (Chinese, Bulgarian and Pakistani) and to compare their biologic...

Kanda Yanuar Muhamad1,3, Trioso Purnawarman2, Chaerul Basri2* 

...have excellent knowledge about zoonoses-assosiated with imported reptiles, while about one-third (34%) have moderate knowledge, and a small fraction (4%) have poor knowledge. However, there are still misconceptions and gaps in understanding, particularly concerning transmission, waste handling, and prevention of zoonoses originating from reptiles. Therefore, efforts should be made to enhance the knowledge of zoonoses from re...

Zakia Panhwar1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir Rajput1, Jamal-U-Ddin Hajano2, Shafique Ahmed Memon3, Naimatullah Koondhar4, Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar1

Jinwen Liu, Hong Li, Jinhua Zhang, Jianping Li and Xiujuan Yan*

...interactions between the aboveground and belowground herbivores communities affect plant development remains unclear? In this study, Holotrichia diomphalia Bates, the belowground herbivore grub that feed on the roots, and Rhopalosiphum maidis, the aboveground herbivore aphid that feed on the leaf were chosen as research objects. Four groups were set based on field investigation, including aphid with grub (A & G), aphid (...
Hina Mumtaz, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Arshad, Arif Mehmood and Muhammad Qasim
...rugiperda larvae in the laboratory as well as under semi-field and field conditions. All insecticides performed well in controlling S. frugiperda larvae under laboratory conditions. Though, chlorantraniliprole @ 50 mL/100L (58.0–100%), abamectin @ 400 mL/100L (56.0–100%), lambda-cyhalothrin @ 250 mL/100L (52.0–100%) and chlorpyrifos @ 1000 mL/100L (52.0–98.0%) showed significantly (P < 0.05) higher...

Nazia Suleman* and Asia Riaz 

...y can be mass reared in laboratories for applied biological control against sucking insect pests. Laboratory rearing of ladybirds often need live host, preferably aphids. Artificial diets prepared from different sources do not prove very successful due to complexity of preparation for coccinellid beetles. Short seasonal availability of aphids hinders the rearing procedures. Therefore, some alternate natural dietary sources a...

Shamsher Ali* and Naheed Baloch

...nt was conducted in the laboratory to check the efficacy of essential oils of two indigenous plant species i.e., colocynth, Citrulus colocynthis, and Akk, Calotropis gigantea by using different 03 and 06ml/L concentrations of each plant seed oil against the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica, and Khapra beetle, Trogoderma granarium infesting wheat grains. Observations were made on mortality, weight loss, and insect damaged grain. The results show the max...

Yu Song1*, Yueping Wei2 and Peng Wang3

...species and strongest metabolic function potentials. Overall, the findings in this study provide valuable information for maintaining soil ecosystem balance and provide theoretical guidance for the practical application of this co-culture system.


Ashfaq Hussain1, Javed Khan2, Ammara Blouch3, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Ashraf Khan4,5* and Zaheer Sikandar6

... Lipaphis erysimi under laboratory conditions. The mean developmental time from egg till adult emergence was 41.60±0.70 days under laboratory conditions of 24±1c° with 55±5 percent relative humidity (R.H.). The incubation period was 4.00±0.25 days. The pre-oviposition, oviposition, and post-oviposition periods were observed at 8.6, 24.1 and 6.0 days, respectively. The total laid eggs/female we...

Merita Ayu Indrianti1,2*, Didi Rukmana3, Eymal Bahsar Demmallino3, Muh. Hatta Jamil3

...uding Law No. 41 of 2009 about sustainable food agricultural land (LP2B), Government Regulation (PP) No. 12 of 2012 about incentives for protecting LP2B. The success of implementing these regulations is certainly different in each region. This can be measured from the extent to which the implementation of this LP2B policy has been running, including in Gorontalo Regency. The purpose of this research is to find out how to imp...

Dan Song1,2, Ming-Juan Ge3, Jie Li1,2, Yi Jiang1, Xiu-Mei Kong1, Jiao-Jiao Xu1, Xu Ji1,2, Rui-Xin Shi1 and Qin Zhao1,2*

...or for normal aerobic metabolism in humans and animals, oxidative stress and energy metabolism during hypoxia may be related to hypoxia-related diseases. Gentiana straminea Maxim (G. straminea), a natural Tibetan herb with exerts several biological effects, was used to study the anti-hypoxia effects of its ethanol extract. Three extract methods were employed to evaluate the best extraction methods. Male Kunming specific path...
Muhammad Furqan1*, Zulfiqar Ali1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Rida Ahmad1, Faraz Akrim3, Imad-ul-Din Zangi4
...ator and the information about its habitat characteristics and suitability is lacking. In the current study, presence of kalij pheasant was recorded from 166 sites of Mirpur Division Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The maximum abundance was recorded at Gaian site (2.33/ha). Estimation of Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) from 166 sites revealed that ten sites fell under the category of highly suitable habitat based on parameters including water, food, vegetati...

Farhana Umer1, Muhammad Sheryar2 and Sangam Khalil3*

...ic records, public views about deadly poles and Ultraviolet vision in Birds. This study also highlights the cause of bird casualties on high and large scale from overhead power lines. It presents different technical solutions for bird safety such as proper adjustments to the routing of the power lines and power pole constructions can effectively reduce the risks posed to birds. Detailed study is recommended on large scale; so that conservation measures can be ...
Qingsen Ran1,2, Manjing Li3, Jiayin Han3, Lifang Wang3, Han Wang3,4, Shaobo Liu5* and Yanping Wang1*
...lysis is an important metabolic phenotype and many natural compounds from medicinal plants exhibit anti-glycation effects. Therefore, it is of potential significant to find biomarkers based on glycolysis-related genes in predicting the prognosis of colon cancer (CC), a common invasive gastrointestinal tumor. In this study, clinical and gene data were collected to identify glycolytic genes that significantly associated with overall survival (OS) rate of CC pati...

Hualong Jiang1, Tao Li2,3*, Jing Xiang3, Hanqing Yang3 and Maolin He3

...creased abundance and metabolic functions of these rare ectomycorrhizal fungi suggested that rare microeukaryotes should play fundamentally ecological roles in local ecosystems, especially when environmental perturbations occurred. This report is the first to address the ecological impacts of sea-crossing bridge construction on local microeukaryotic communities, which can improve our understanding of local microbial responses to marine infrastructure construct...
Iko-Ojo Charity Ikwe Agada, James Agbo Ameh, Olatunde H. Olabode and Martha Echioda-Ogbole*
...uja based on records of laboratory confirmed CPE cases from 2011- 2021 presented to Veterinary world clinic, Abuja. A total of 197 cases of gastroenteritis were recorded in the years under review, out of which 132 (67%) cases were confirmed positive for CPE using the SNAP parvovirus antigen detection kit (IDEXX Laboratories, United State). Other disease conditions include helminthiasis 25 (12.7%), canine babesiosis 3 (1.5%),...

Zhimin Wu1,2, Yaping Yang1, Arshad Zahoor1, Aftab Shaukat1 and Ganzhen Deng1,2*

... few of relevant reports about different measurement methods and indexes, the simple radiographic findings are difficult to be used in accurate clinical evaluation. This test aimed to develop a radiographic method of comparing canine posterior lung field angles include vertebrophrenic angle (cranial), vertebrophrenic angle (caudal), sterno-diaphragmatic angle, costophrenic angle (left), costophrenic angle (right) to identify whether pulmonary disordered. Meanw...
Yi Zhao1,2,3, Lei Luo1,2, Liqi Tan4, Jianhua Huang1,2, Dongliang Liu1,2,5, Shigui Jiang1,2 and Lishi Yang1,2*
...cluding physiological metabolism, immune defense and other metabolic processes, damaged their immune response even cause dead. In this study, the physiological and histological changes of Procambarus clarkii under the high temperature (30°C) and the low temperature (10°C) stress were investigated. With the increase of temperature, the pyruvate kinase activity in the hepatopancreas and gill tissues of crayfish was gra...

Khalid Ali Khan1,2,3* and Hamed A. Ghramh1,2,4

...of honey with a worth of about $ 23.00 million to Arab countries every year. It is believed that the Pakistani beekeeping industry is entering an era full of opportunities.

Muhammad Fiaz Qamar1*, Tahir Hussain1, Iram Liaqat2, Madiha Kiran1, Abdur Rahman Ansari3, Faiza Yasmeen1 and Tahira Batool3
...pigeons through routine laboratory methods in district Jhang. Fresh fecal samples (n = 1800) of pigeons were gathered in plastic bags from district Jhang home fanciers and local retailers. Smearing, sedimentation, and flotation procedures were among the various parasitological methods used to analyze all of the samples that were gathered. Herein, the prevalence of coccidiosis was 70.7% and that of capillariasis was 15.7% whereas, mixed infection was 13....

Wang Teng1,2,3,4, Li Chunhou1,2,3,4, Liu Yong1,2,3,4* and Zhu Ren5*

...However, the information about fish fauna in this region is very poorly which limiting the conservation of fish biodiversity and sustainability of the fishery. In this study, we calculated taxonomic features of fish in the Beibu Gulf based on the sampling and observational field data obtained from the competent authorities. Our results indicate that 1519 species were recorded, which belongs to 42 orders and 198 families. Compared with earlier studies, the spec...

Rahmat Elahi1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Nazara1, Faryal Ali2, Nain Tara3 and Saba Iqbal1

...ed in a Plant pathology laboratory at Women University of Swabi in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, to explore the management of seed-borne fungi in maize using castor oil treatment. The study involved collecting and analyzing seeds of various maize varieties such as yellow, blue, white, waxy, and hybrid, sourced from Buner district in KP. Through blotter test and agar plate methods, a total of eight different species of fungi were isolated from five different ma...

Adnan I Khamis1, Jasim Mohammed Saleh2*, Najwa Ali3 and Anwer T Gaffoori2

...projects worked to bring about behavioral changes among rural women and developed their administrative, knowledge, and skills capabilities, adapting to the work environment and their social capabilities as well as capabilities in the field of creativity and excellence, the study also showed the presence of determinants that hinder the work of agricultural projects in the areas of financing, lending, marketing, and some administrative and technical aspects. In ...

Turrini Yudiarti*, Sugiharto Sugiharto, Endang Widiastuti, Hanny Indrat Wahyuni, Tri Agus Sartono, Maulana Hamonangan Nasution

...roduce many secondary metabolites that has been shown improve the nutritional quality, antibacterial properties and antioxidant activity.The obyective of this study was to see how adding the fermented product of the fungus Monascus purpureus as a feed additive affected to physiological parameters, intestine microbial population, and broiler internal organ weight. The method was one hundred and fifty un-sexed one-day-old chicks (DOC) were reared in an open cage...

Hemeida, A. A., Osman, M., El-Shahat, Mohamed, Hashem, Medhat H., Mahmoud, Amal and Dahi, Hosni

...tered with isolate from Gabon (98.7%). The third isolate may be a new subtype but this will require an in-depth exploration on sequence variability in at least two coding regions.

Hagag, N.M.*•, Arafa, A.*; Shalaby, M. A. ** El-Sanousi, A. A. **and Aly, M. M. 
... national and reference laboratories worldwide. In this study a comparison of the specificity and sensitivity between 2 different formats of conventional RT-PCR (one and two steps) and 3 different formats of RRTPCR (one step using TaqMan probe, two steps using TaqMan probe and two steps using hybridization probe) were performed and compared as a diagnostic tool for H5N1 virus detection. All these formats of PCRs appeared within the same specificity for H5 gene...

Omarl , Dalia M.; El-Ibiaryl , Elham A.; Sadik2, Atef S.; Abdel-Ghaffar2, Mamdouh. H. and Othman2, Badawy A. The HA titers of the above mentioned isolates were 6, 7, 8, 7 & 7 respectively. All the isolated Al viruses were titrated in ECE and examined for determination of their pathogenicity in specific pathogen free (SPF) 4-6 week old chicken. All the Al isolates proved to be HPAI viruses where the Intravenous Pathogenicity Index (IVPI) score for them were 2.1, 2.5, 2.3, 2.2 & 2.3 and their titers in ECE were 10.1, 9, 9.3, 9.3 and 10 Logo10 EID50/ ml for ...

Abd El-Razakl, A.G. and AboElkhair2, M.

...ate control groups in a laboratory. The immune response on farm A showing higher serological titer at the age of 35 day via ELISA test. Both two vaccines provide complete protection against mortality but not protection against bursal atrophy or histopathological changes after challenge. As well as RT-PCR-based viral IBD detection in bursa of Fabricius at day post challenge.


Bakr3 *, Youssef M.; Nour El-Din3, Hanan A.; Abd EL-Wahed2, Waiel F. and Hemeidal , Aläa A.

... and match the previous laboratory studies which make it one of the best candidates to be immunogenic and capable of producing antibodies that cross react with PLRV. The peptide was chemically synthesized and injected into animal (mouse). The obtained antibodies were tested by using TAS-ELISA and Immuno dot-blot assay. The obtained antibodies were positively reacted against PLRV infected potato tissues.


Soliman*, Ahmed M.; Mahmoud**, Sabry Y. M. and Dawood*, Rehab A.

...ers were used to ampli$' about 1.1 Kb fragment from the viral genome using RT-PCR from infected garlic plants, such fragnent were not obtained from healthylooking plants and/or virus-free seedlings of shoot-tips. The amplified products of OYDV was cloned into pGEM@-T Easy vector, and transformed into Escherichia coli (E. coli) strain DH5a. The recombinant plasmids were obtained and sequenced. The nucleotide sequences were compared with corresponding viral nucl...

Muhammad Ramzan1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah2, Shafia Saba2, Madiha Mobeen Khan3, Naeem Arshad Maan3, Asad-ur-Rehman4, Mahreen Khalid5, Syed Waqar Hussain Shah6 and Wardah Muzaffar7

...s was carried out under laboratory conditions at MNS-University of Agriculture, Multan on Ficus benjamina. All stages from eggs to adult were recorded and observed. The complete metamorphosis like egg, larva, pupa and adult was found in T. varians. The female laid eggs in 2 to 6 layers. The diameter of egg was 0.60 to 0.70mm. There are five larval instars of T. varians. The head length of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th instars was 0.30±0.05, 0.35±0....

Khatab, Eman A.H.; Zein, Salwa N. and Ahmed, Amal A.

...ed BBTMV preparation was about 1.57 mg/Kg infected leaves. Production of specific antiserum against BBTMV was obtained by rabbit immunization using three different methods of injections. The titer Ofthe prepared antiserum as determined by indirect ELISA with dilution of tissues 1/5 was 1/1024. Purification of the immunogamaglobulin G and conjugate of IgG with alkaline phosphatase were carried out to be used for ELISA detection. The concentrations of IgG and Ig...

El.-Kadyl, M.A.S; Badr2, A.B.; zein3, Saiwa N. and Khalifa4, M.A.A.

...flexuous virus particles about 730-745nm long. Antiserum obtained after the second bleeding was 1/1024. The optimum concentrations of IgG and IgG conjugate were 1.0g/ml and 1/1000, respectively.The antigen dilution end point was 1/800. Ribavirin had a higher inhibitory effect (80%) when sprayed at lower concentration (the minimum inhibiting concentration is 0.0001%) before one hr of inoculation. Salicylic acid and Parahydroxy benzoic acid has the same effect (...

Alhudaib, Khalid

...then transferred to the laboratory, for total nucleic acids (TNAs) extraction. One hundred mg of leaf veins and or cortical scrapings were used for extraction. Samples were macerated in 1 ml of grinding buffer. TNAs were recovered with a silica-capture procedure and stored at —200C till used. 8-10gl of TNA extracts were mixed with Igl random hexamer primer, (Boehringer Mannheim, GbmH) (0.5 g/gl). RT-PCR assay of leaves extracts of infected fig accession ...

Ahmed, Amal A. and Fath-Allah, Mervat M.

...necrosis deformation and abortive flowers grown at Kalubia and el-Fayoum Governorates, Egypt. The identities of the two viruses were confirmed serologically using DASELISA. Graft inoculation of diseased apricot scion onto healthy one showed the same symptoms as those seen in naturally infected trees in the stock shoots. Similar symptoms were caused by slashing inoculation with surgical knife onto the stem of young healthy apricot seedling with mixed inoculum o...

Karl Maramorosch

...enefits derived from collaboration between experts working in diverse fields of science and from participation in symposia and congresses.

Mazharul A. M. 1, Md. S. Sarwar ,M. Nurullah 2, Keshab K. Adhikary I and M. Rahmatullah 1 
...for the treatment of the above diseases. It was observed that six plants Nyctanthes arbortristis, Swertia chirata, Vitex negundo, Andrographis paniculata, Clerodendrum viscosum and Tinospora cordifolia were used for treatment of viral fevers. Stemona tuberosa was used in case of measles. Moringa oleifera and Azadirachta indica were used to treat chicken pox. Three plants, namely Cyathula prostrata, Amaranthus spinosus. and Calotropis procera were used to treat...


...ted virus particles with about 18-20 x 30 diameters nm. The molecular weight of the viral capsids was estimated to be 28 KDa for TYMV. Serological analysis also proved that the putative TYMV belongs to whitefly- transmitted geminivirus by ELISA analysis using the whitefly transmitted-geminivirus (WTG) antiserum [immunogenic oligopeptides coat protein (Cp-3)]. Based on the previous results, the isolated virus TYMV is confirmed to be a whitefly transmitted gemin...

Hanaa H.A.Gomaa1, A. F. Moustafal, Kh.A.El-Dougdoug2, A.A. Abou-Zeid3 and S. Y.M. Mahmoud4

...he two viruses on the metabolism of potato plants. It was found that detectable decrease or dry matter, total nitrogen, tuber Starch, number of starch granules, and total protein. The nucleic acid content of infected plants increased than healthy ones. The investigated hydrolytic enzymes of amylase and protease were reduced in infected potato plants while the level of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase was increased. PVX and PVY infected potato plants contained...

B. A. Othman; Kh. A. El-Dougdoug; M. H. Abdel Ghaffar and T. F. El-Arabi

... have isometric heads or about 52.5, 58.8 and 64.2 nm in diameter with long contractile tails of about 100x30, 80.2x29.4, and 102x33.5 nm, respectively. While the RM4 phage had an isometric head of about 37.5 nm in diameter with short tail of about 12.5x 5 nm. SDS-PAGE indicated that the phage RM1 contained 6 structural proteins of 62.4, 60. 53.4, 50, 28...

A. A. El-Kholy1, S. Vilcek2 and A. M. Daoud1

...strain versus reference laboratory and vaccinal strains of BVDV. Clustering and phylogenetic analyses suggested that these Egyptian vaccinal and field BVDVs are low-Kinetic variants of reference BVDV-Ia. particularly the NADL, represented as a distinguished branch within the phylogenetic tree. Accordingly, BVDV-la (NADL-like), is the dominant circulating genotype in Belbees, El-Sharquia, to date, and the local vaccine could likely induce an antigenically appro...

S. A. Khalil1; M. El-Sayed2; M. M. El-Fayomy2; H. Y. Hassan3 and A. Zaghawa3

... 2004. Four of them were aborted and excluded from experimental. The disease was diagnosed clinically and confirmed by the detection of BEFV antigen by Immunoperoxidase staining. The aim of the present study was to determine the efficiency of transfer of BEFV antibodies from naturally infected cows to newborn calves through colostrum. According to the level of serum neutralizing antibodies (SNA), the cows were allotted into three groups. In the first group (n=...

Tariq I. Almundarij

... score (BCS) on blood metabolites and hormones and their link with the occurrence of reproductive abnormalities in female dromedary camels. To determine their link with two different ages of the Majaheem (black) and Waddah (white) breeds, measurements of lipogram and antioxidant parameters were assessed. During the breeding season, 16 dromedary she-camels that appeared to be in good health included in this study as controls. Their average body weight ranged fr...

Rana Mohammed Ibrahim1*, Haider Mohammed Ali Al-Rubaie2 venous blood samples (about 5ml) were collected. The total infection rate of Leucocytozoon spp. in the blood smears was 10% (5/50), which divided into males 6% and in females 4%, while by qRT-PCR was 4% (2/50) with an equal ratio between males and females (2%). In conclusion, it is the first diagnosed study in Baghdad city to detect Leucocytozoon spp. in broiler chickens by using qRT– PCR. 

Luthfiralda Sjahfirdi1*, Lisa Nurfalah1, Deanvi Fahira Wisnuputri1, Entang Iskandar2

...l-3-glucuronide (PdG) metabolite hormone levels in feces, was performed as a success parameter of ex-situ conservation in the breeding facility. Behaviors of two adult female N. hilleri (K2 and K5) were observed in their cages from 17:00 to 05:00 WIB from September to November 2015. Feces were collected during the observation period and the levels of E1C and PdG were analyzed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Our results showed that the average per...

Zhengfei Wang1*, Chenchen Shen1,2, Yiping Zhang1, Dan Tang1,3, Yaqi Luo1, Yaotong Zhai1, Yayun Guan1, Yue Wang1 and Xinyu Wang1

...information is available about Procambarus clarkii, an important aquaculture species. Thus, we conducted the antennules transcriptome of Procambarus clarkii and identified 26 olfactory-related genes, including nine ionotropic receptors, two ionotropic glutamate receptors, ten variant ionotropic glutamate receptors, four cytochrome P450s, and one carboxylesterase. Our study suggested that ionotropic receptors were the main odorant receptors in Procambarus clark...
Asma Ilyas1, Tanzeela Riaz 2*, Sammi Rasheed1, Uzma Ramzan1, Afsheen Munawar Butt1 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*
Raed M. Al-Atiyat1,2*, Gamaleldin M. Suliman3, Khaled Abu-Alruz4, Firas Al-Zyoud5, Amer Mamkagh6, Ahmed M. El-Waziry7, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer8 and Rifat Ullah Khan9

Nejra Dučić1, Senad Kovačević1, Faruk Tandir1,2, Rizah Avdić2, Ermin Šaljić3, Anel Vejzović2, Nedžad Hadžiomerović2* 

...d a valuable information about the location of the cranial nerves on the skull and mandible of the domestic shorthair cats, which can be useful during dental procedures.  

Zeynep Karapinar1* and Mehmet Özkan Timurkan2
...phylogenetic information about the FPV in Turkey was obtained in the present study.

Geeta Moolchandani1, Jaiperkash Moolchandani2*, Nasima Iqbal3
Syed Mohsin Turab4, Muhammad Kashif5 and Lubna Farooq6
... Hospital, Karachi. All laboratory tests were done from the central laboratory of the civil hospital. The presence of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy was staged using the Sarnat criteria at the time of admission. Data was collected on predesigned proforma consisting of demographic variables and the risk factors leading to HIE. Data was entered and analyzed in Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 20. The mean...
Nael Abutaha, Fahd A. AL-Mekhlafi*, Khalid Elfaki Ibrahim, 
Mohammed S. Al-Khalifa and Mohamed A. Wadaan
... fruit. The secondary metabolites were identified using phytochemical analysis and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The cytotoxic effect was also evaluated using normal human umbilical endothelial cells (HUV-EC). The larvicidal assay was performed on the third instar stage as recommended by WHO. The phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, sterols, and phenolic compounds. The GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of 5 compounds, of ...
Muhammad Saleem1, Saifullah Khan2* and Mahmood ul Hasan3
...ractor, consultant, and labor-related factors have been found as insignificant. The research recommends that project management should make effective contingency planning, experienced ways of acquiring the materials, acquire human capital from foreign markets, external factors, the release of funds on time and raw materials. The results of the study will be helpful for general practitioners consult the problems and recognize the factors associated with the pro...

Haseeb Zafar1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Zain-Ul- Abideen1, Muhammad Kamran Taj2, Sibtain Ahmad3 , Umbreen Zafar2 

... in Pakistan has brought about a large-scale outbreak of infectious illnesses, which posed difficulties for the sector. The present study was conducted to determine the prevalence of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in various broiler farms located in the Quetta district, and to evaluate the susceptibility of the E. coli isolates to different antimicrobial agents. A total of 150 samples from a variety of sources (cecum, feed, bedding, water, air, and flies; n = 25 e...

Ram Prasad Ghimire

...lysis of fodders in the laboratory for nutrient composition, the feeding experiment determining fodder intake and weight gain monitoring in the goats, and a subsequent in-vivo experiment determining the apparent digestibility of fodder nutrients of those browse species. Both of the experiments were conducted in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with six treatments and five replications on native hill goats of Nepal. The fodders of popular five browse spe...

Sudeb Saha1,2*, Jay Prakash Ray3, Apurbo Kumar Mondal4, Md. Irtija Ahsan5, Marina Debnath6, Dilruba Afrin7, Syed Sayeem Uddin Ahmed5, Jayanta Datta Gupta3, Nivedita Datta8, Hugo O. Toledo-Alvarado9, Haruki Kitazawa1

Nasir Shah1,4, Muhammad Ibrahim1*, Zarnosh Habib2, Kalsoom3 and Zahir Shah4

...fruit fly population in laboratory condition. Thus, these plant extracts could be considered as potent biological insecticides for peach fruit fly owing to field trails.


Nguyen Binh Truong1,3*, Nguyen Ba Trung1,3, Nguyen Thi Bich Hạnh2,3

...6%) treatments. Total metabolism energy inclined to decrease (P>0.05) from NDF43 to NDF55 treatments. It was 42.8, 38.4, 35.5 and 35.6 MJ/cattle/day (NDF43, NDF47, NDF51 and NDF55 treatments, respectively). The DM digestibility (%) of the NDF43 treatment (64.4%) was not various (P>0.05) with NDF47 (63.3%), NDF51 (61.4%) and NDF55 treatments (55.8%). However, DM digestibility value (kg/cattle/day) was not different (P>0.05) among NDF treatments. It was...

Muhammad Yasin1, Azhar Abbas Khan2*, Sana Rubab2 and Sumaira Maqsood3 of the world. The laboratory study was carried out to investigate the insecticidal properties of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin (Ascomycota: Hypocreales) in combination with commercial diatomaceous earth (DE) formulation Inert-PMS alone and in integrate manners against these pests. Beauveria bassiana was applied at 1×106 and 1×107 conidia/ml alone, or in combination with DE at 50 and100 ppm. Adult insects were exposed to the treated w...

Riaz Hussain1, Adnan Ihsan2*, Jawad Sarwar2, Nauman Ahmad2, Noor Ullah2, Arbab Luqman2, Muhammad Junaid2 and Hizer Ali2 

... treated plots. From the above study, it is concluded that all the insecticides reduce the population whitefly and increases net production of the crop. But chemical insecticide Flonicamid 50WG (0.3g/l) is recommended against various sucking insect pests.


Joseph Oyiguh Abraham1, Cornelius Arome Omatola1*, Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo1, Ruth Foluke Aminu1, Emmanuel Edegbo1, Olubunmi Marvelous Emurotu1, Danjuma Muhammed2, Jesse Joseph Chock3, Helen Ojomachenwu Ocean4 and Yahaya Ocholi5

... a dearth of information about the prevalence of the three viruses in the study area. Therefore, the current study determined the prevalence of HBV, HCV, and HIV among students of a tertiary institution and its environs in Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria. Sera obtained from 1000 consented individuals were screened for HBsAg, anti-HCV, and HIV antibodies using commercial immunoassay test kits. Relevant demographic information was obtained from each participant with a...

Muhammad Usman1*, Muhammad Uzair Khalid2, Muhammad Hasnain3*, Muhammad Tauseef4, Ali Raza4, Muhammad Akram4, Muhammad Shahid4, Abrar Ahmad4, Muhammad Shoaib Ismail1, Rabia Afzal2, Atta-Ulla2 and Muhammad Hussnain Babar3

...rminate and increases metabolic actions in plants. Healthy seedling germination will increase the yield of the crop. Moreover, it was concluded that osmo-priming is best for farmers to reduce the negative effects of zero tillage and by time of bed sowing, and then it will produce maximum results. Further, it will helpful for the farmers to enhance their income.


Makruf Arif1*, Claude Mona Airin1, Dwi Sunu Datrianto2, Vincentia Trisna Yoelinda1, Sarmin1, Yuda Heru Fibrianto1, Pudji Astuti1

...e levels. Since the data about Stone Magpie testosterone and corticosterone levels during songbird competition remains unreported, this study aims to investigate testosterone and corticosterone hormone levels in Stone Magpies before and after the songbird contest. Fecal samples were collected from twelve birds, distinguishing between amateur and experienced groups, both before and after the songbird contest, and preserved at -20°C. Corticosterone and testo...

Eman Said El-Hadad*, Hesham Ahmed Madian, Mahmoud A.E. Hassan, Mohamed Fahmy Saad, Abdelghany M. El-Shhat, Entesar Zakaria Eliraqy

...d hematology, protein metabolism, lipid profile, liver, kidney, and intestine functions, antioxidant status, immunity and welfare of Egyptian geese under heat stress condition.
Keywords | Arginine, Dietary additives, Heat-stressed Egyptian geese, Histology, Antioxidant, Immunity

Pramudya Andiana*, Moch. Geerhan Miraja Syahdan, Khothibul Umam Al Awwaly, Abdul Manab

...y of the hydrolysate. A laboratory experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) was used in this research. In this study, chicken head protein was hydrolyzed using different combinations of bromelain (b) and papain (p), namely CHP (without hydrolysis); CHP1 (0.25% b and 0.75% p); CHP2 (0.5% b and 0.5% p); and CHP3 (0.75% b and 0.25% p). The data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance followed by Duncan’s multiple range test. T...

Tran Trung Tuan1,2, Nguyen Binh Truong1,2

...s 27.7±1.63 kg at about 10 months old. The experiment was designed as Latin Square with 4 treatments and 4 replications. The study composed of 4 periods. Each period lasted for 3 weeks with 2 weeks for adaptation, followed by 1 week for data collection of feed intake, faeces, and urine to determine the nutrient digestibility and nitrogen retention. The goats were weighed on 3 consecutive days at the start and end day of each experimental period. Four tr...

Hossam F. Abou-Shaara

...asured under apiary and laboratory conditions. All feeding types were attractive to bee colonies but bees consumed significantly more yeast and sugar candy within 72h than corn and turmeric. All feeding types did not impair the ability of young larvae to develop into pupae. Bee colonies had high sealed brood area and number of bees in yeast group followed by sugar candy and corn flour. Each of corn flour and turmeric affected the survival ability of bee worker...

Phoebe Lyndia Tolentino Llantada1,2*, Midori Umekawa2, Shuichi Karita2

...umen, reticulum, omasum, abomasum; midgut: duodenum, jejunum, ileum, and hindgut: cecum, colon, rectum) of two riverine type buffaloes using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) method to profile the bacterial community and PCR amplification using species-specific primer sets for 16S rDNA fragments to detect major fibrolytic and non-fibrolytic bacteria. Results from the PCR-DGGE analysis showed differences in bacterial diversity, density, and ban...

Alif Rahman Rohim Puarada*, Safika, Agustin Indrawati

...alth, contributing to metabolic processes, and shaping ecological interactions. The escalating global significance of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) genes within diverse microbiota components has garnered increasing attention due to its profound consequences. Recent investigations have revealed the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among wild bird species in remote habitats, suggesting the potential for these avian populations to serve as reservoirs an...

Shahid Iqbal1, Arshad Khan, Ali Hazrat1*, Gul Rahim, Mohammad Ihsan1, Umar Zad Gul1, Maryam Bibi1, Khadija Bibi1 and Muhammad Mukhtiar2

...nt with an Eigenvalue of above 0.99 accounted for 61.4% of the total variation, where the 1st PC shows a total variation of 19%, the 2nd PC showed 34.87%, 3rd PC had 49.38% while the 4th PC showing a total variation of 61.4%. Based on cluster analysis all the genotypes were divided into 2 main lineages and further subdivided into 6 clusters where the genotypes A1 and A9 were found the most diverse and were found at the extreme of the Dendrogram. For total seed...

Tayfun Karatas1*, Betul Apaydın Yıldırım2 and Serkan Yıldırım3

...uced toxicity in all the above parameters. As a result, we have shown that 100 mg of tea leaf extract is more effective in preventing harmful effects on blood biochemistry (AST and ALT), oxidative stress, immunity, apoptosis, histopathology and DNA damage caused by CMN.


Sudip Kumar Sharma1, Al-Nur Md. Iftekhar Rahman1,2, Mahfuzul Islam1,3*  

...ce of clinical diseases (about 29%), followed by German shepherd breeds (24%), local breeds (20%), Labrador breeds (13%), Pug breeds (9%), and Doberman breeds (5%) (p<0.001). Male dogs had a higher percentage of clinical cases (about 69% vs. 31%) than female dogs (p<0.001). Dogs aged seven months to three years had a higher percentage of reported clinical cases (62%) than dogs of other ages (p<0.001). Breed, sex, an...

Waseem Abbas1, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1*, Hasina Baloch1,  Muhammad Abubakar3, Muhammad Saleem Kalhoro1, Neluma Wali2, Mazhar Hussain Mangi1, Azhar Ali Laghari4, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Rani Wagan1 and Mehkar Hussain5

...Confirmation of Brucella abortus in serum was carried out using Rose Bengal plate test (RBPT) and indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (I-ELISA). Seroprevalence at district Gilgit was recorded 6.66% in cows and 6.66% in yak while it was 3.33% in zo. Seroprevalence at Nagar district was recorded as 43.33% in cows and13.33% in yak while it was 10% in zo. The overall prevalence at district Gilgit was recorded 5.55% and it was 22.22% at Nagar district. The o...

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

...armers used more family labour (89.7%) to raise broilers. The grouping of respondents showed that 59% of them (group 1) were beginners of about 47 years of age with an average of 5 years of poultry farming experience, who made more profit from their production than the rest of the older and more experienced farmers (groups 2 and 3). This study therefore showed that the productivity of broiler farms in the coastal region of T...

Kalsoom Abdulrazaq1*, Bisma Arif1, Rimsha Mehboob2, Asma Mehboob3 

... various sectors and collaboration with intersectoral strategies, especially between national and international veterinary and public health services. This collaborative approach is crucial for addressing the complex dynamics of zoonotic diseases and mitigating their impact on both human and animal populations.



... wastewater were present above the permissible limit set by WWF. Cd concentration increased considerably under wastewater irrigation in soil and wheat grains. Zn showed highest bioconcentration. Wastewater irrigated soil exhibited the maximum Pollution Load Index (PLI) values as compared to control treatment. It is recommended that wastewater must be treated properly before agricultural use to reduce accumulation of heavy metals in the cereal crops and impleme...

Adriana Beatriz Sánchez-Urdaneta1,2*, Gisela del Carmen Rivero-Maldonado2, Cecilia Beatriz Peña-Valdivia3 and Dianelis del Carmen Sánchez-Urdaneta4



...nner tissues. All of the above has applicability for the selection and cultivation of promising genotypes.


... more, in mice, bringing about characteristic histopathological and micrometric changes in these tissues.



... DNA/RNA microarrays, metabolomics and protein profiling methods. These profiling methods are very useful but still studies on sensitivity, specificity and substantiation are needed. Furthermore, bioinformatics studies may be quite useful for the successful application of these profiling methods to analyze the safety of genetically modified (GM) foods. These bioinformatic methods employ the comparison of different linked databases which may cover all the infor...


...tatus and less awareness about hygienic measures are at great risk of UTI.

... (1250 μg). Specific laboratory protocols of antibacterial and antifungal assays were adopted. Absorbance of the broth bacterial culture was measured after 72 hours by using photo spectrometer at the wavelength of 600 nm (A600). For antifungal assays, the volume and concentrations of extracts used were 2 μl (250μg), 4μl (500μg), 8 μl (1000 μg) and 10 μl (1250 μg). The methanolic extract of Nigella sativa (1μl, 125μg) and water ...

Olaolu Fadeyi1,2, Oluwatoyin Fabiyi3*, Tesleem Bello4 and Gabriel Olatunji5

...the increasing awareness about the detrimental effects of chemicals on human health and the environment, its continuous use is discouraged worldwide. The search for other eco-friendly alternatives has led to the use of different plant extracts with known pesticidal properties. This current research was conducted to determine the nematicidal status of Anacardium occidental fractions. Analysis of ethanol extract of A. occidentale using gas chromatography spectro...

Aziz Ahmed1*, Anila Naz Soomro2, Muhammad Ramzan Ali1, Muhammad Aleem Khan1 and Hasina Basharat1

...uated the effect of two laboratory-prepared media and one commercially available media i.e., ACTi fish while control is freshwater on sperm quality parameters i.e., percent motility, motility interval, sustainability, and fertilization rates in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus). The experimental design was CRD with four treatments and three replicates. Lab prepared (Activation media A and B), one commercially available (Activation media C) and freshwater se...

María Julia Traversa1*, Mónica Saracco2, María Alejandra Colombatti Olivieri3, Fernando Paolicchi4, Edgardo Rodriguez5, Silvia Estein5, María Cristina Jorge5, William C. Davis6;) production, and metabolic activity assessed peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) stimulation. The study enrolled 19 Argentinian Holstein cows older than two years classified into four groups, one of PPDb reactors that transited the EPP period (PPDbEPPp) (n=5), another of PPDb reactors that did not transit the EPP period (PPDbNoEPPp) (n=5), the third of no PPDb reactors that transited the EPP period (NoPPDbEPPp) (n=5), and the last of no PPDb reactor...

Ho Xuan Nghiep1,2, Nguyen Binh Truong1,2*

....22 kg). However, the metabolism energy of CMW25 was higher than (P>0.05) CMW0, CMW50 and CMW75 (57.9, 54.7, 52.7 and 52.2 MJ/animal/day, respectively). Both DM and OM digestibility were not significantly different in this study but CP and NDF were otherwise. The CMW0 treatment was lower than (P<0.05) the CMW75 treatment for CP digestibility (71.5 & 75.6%) and NDF digestibility (54.5 & 64.3%). The weight gain of cattle was 576, 584, 537 and 459 g...

Bilal Saeed Khan1*, Muhammad Aneeb Shahzad1, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf2, Zahid Mahmood Sarwar3, Muhammad Farooq4 and Awias Rasool5

Safdar Hassan1, Shaukat Ali Bhatti1, Fawwad Ahmad1, Asad Ullah Hyder1, Muhammad Arslan2, Ashar Mehfooz3, Ijaz Saleem3, Muhammad Umar Yaqoob4,5, Mushrraf Nazir1, Muhammad Sharif1* dosing of dietary Zn (above National Research Council recommended: 40 mg/kg) on broilers’ growth performance, carcass characteristics, and immune response under raised temperature. A basal corn-soy diet (Zn-40, crude protein (CP): 20%; metabolizable energy (ME) : 3000 Kcal/Kg) was formulated to contain 40 mg/kg Zn. The basal diet was supplemented with three super doses viz; 25, 50, or 75% of NRC recommended (1994) ...

Naveed Ahmed* and Amjad Usman

...y;">Very little is known about the Megachilid bee diversity from Pakistan. In this context, a study primarily focused on Genus Megachile Latreille 1802 from grassland and meadows of coniferous forests of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province was conducted. Eight species were recorded, two species (Megachile albifrons, Smith 1853, Megachile pseudodisjuncta, Kumari 2018) are new record to Pakistan, whereas all the eight species are new record to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provinc...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar*, Riffat Maqsood, Muhammad Zain, Muhammad Suleman, Tayyab Ur Rehman, Sana Asif, Abdul Wadood and Jawad Hussain

...lly, although every year about 15 million people receive Rabies Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP). Wildlife including raccoons, skunks, bats, and foxes are major rabies reservoirs. The disease is primarily spread by the bite of a rabid animal and the saliva of an infected host. The incubation period (average 2-3 months) varies greatly, with periods ranging from 2 weeks to 6 years. Neuropathological lesions are typically modest, despite significant neurologic sym...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Muhammad Inam Ullah Qaisrani1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Zuhair Hasnian2, Umar Khitab Saddozai1, Muhammad Naeem4, Hadia Gul5 and Moneeza Abbass3

... grain and forage yields about by 40-90%. The spread of parthenium has been attributed to its alllelopathic potential. Allelochemicals released from parthenium have been reported to decrease germination and growth of agronomic crops, vegetables, trees and many other weed species. Growth promoting effects of parthenium extracts at low concentrations have also been reported in certain crops. A laboratory experiment was carried...

Yousef Abdal Jalil Fadladdin1, Ateeq Ullah2*, Raheela Nawaz3, Yagoob Garedaghi4, Abbas M.A. Al-Azab5 and Mashael Abdullah Aldamigh6

...sported to Parasitology Laboratory, University of Malakand for parasite examination. Each of the samples was processed in direct smear methods and examined under microscope first under low power objectives and then higher power Lense. Evidence of infection was noted by the presence of helminth eggs. Out of 200 samples 65% (n=130) were found to be infected with 2 species of soil transmitted helminths including 27% (n=54) A. lumbricoides and 35.5% (n=71) A. duod...

Muhammad Adnan1*, Muhammad Nauman Khan2,3, Barkat Ullah2, Faisal Zaman2, Alevcan Kaplan4, Hubert O. Dossou-Yovo5, Sajid Ali Khan Bangash6, Sana Wahab7, Mehreen Ghazal8 and Muhammad Hassan Sarfraz9

... known to be consumed by about two-thirds of the world’s population. The study was carried out to investigate the elemental and proximate composition of wheat against boron induced stress. Greenhouse experiments were conducted in October 2019 under natural light conditions to assess the chemical status of plants under various treatments such as the stress of inorganic boric acid. In the experiment, the pots were filled with sandy loam soil (1 kg). The po...

Iqra Munir*, Farrah Iftikhar, Hira Fatima, Sunbal Khalil Chaudhari and Roha Ramash

...ive indigenous knowledge about therapeutic uses of medicinal plants in Mandi Bahauddin, District Gujrat, Punjab, Pakistan. Ethnomedicinal information was collected using surveys and personal interviews with local inhabitants, involving 30 males and 20 females across a wide range of age groups ranging from 25 to 80 years. The participants also included traditional practitioners of herbal medicines, known as ‘tabibs’ and ‘hakims. Household and ...

Philip O. Akporhuarho1, Ufuoma Godstime Sorhue1*, Adimabua Mike Moemeka2, Onyinye Stella Onwumere-Idolor3, Jonathan Ujomu1, Emmanuel Abadah1, Jennfer Aaron1

Dio Fico Felsidan Diatmono1, Seraphina Kumala1, Pradita Iustitia Sitaresmi2, Stefani Winda Paramita1, Megawati Andi1, Yustina Yuni Suranindyah3, Diah Tri Widayati1*

...o determine the blood metabolite levels of Saanen-Etawah Crossbred does during the follicular and luteal phases. Fourteen non-pregnant-lactating Saanen-Etawah Crossbred does were used in this study (age 2-4 years, BCS 3, and multiparous). The same management was given throughout this research and the feed intake was observed daily. The blood was taken during the follicular and luteal phase which was validated from data of vaginal smear. The obtained serum from...

Saadatin Nurul Jannah1, Edhy Sudjarwo1, Osfar Sjofjan2*

...y was conducted using a laboratory experiment using garlic peel powder as a material, an active substance content test using a quantitative flavonoid test, and antioxidant activity. Additionally, onion peels are used as a feed additive for broiler chickens to evaluate production performance and blood profile. The material used was 189 one-day-old commercial broiler chickens (unsexing). This study consisted of 9 treatments and 3 tests. The treatment used was T0...

Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Masood Rabbani1*, Sohail Raza1, Ali Raza Awan2, Aleena Kokab1, and Rida Haroon Durrani1

...lign: justify;">Brucella abortus (B. abortus) RB51 is a globally recognized and widely practiced vaccinal strain for the control of bovine brucellosis but has several reported drawbacks including pathogenic potential for humans and excreted in body fluids of vaccinated animals. In the present study, we constructed a more attenuated B. abortus ΔpurD mutant by deleting the purD gene fr...

Noura K. Al-Suwailem1, Nancy N. Kamel2, Ahmed O. Abbas1,3*, Farid S. Nassar1,3 , Dalia A.A. Elsayed4, Gouda F. Gouda1,5, Hosam M. Safaa6

...h affects the general metabolism of heat-stressed birds and impairs carcass yield and meat quality. We investigated the impact of Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MLM) supplementation in heat-stressed (HS) broilers on their blood metabolites, antioxidant bio-indicators, carcass yield, and meat quality. We used three hundred one-day-old Cobb chickens and were randomly divided into three groups, each with five replicates of 20 bird...
Julio Adolfo Corzo-Bacallao1*, Carlos Alfredo Salas-Macías1, Osvaldo Fonseca-Rodríguez2,3, Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos1, Erika Isabel Alcívar-Muñoz1 and Henry Fabricio Baque-Loor1 
...approximately 300 meters above sea level. Coffee (Coffea arabica, sp.) production is carried out in a context of peasant family agriculture, with an agroforestry system with coffee trees of the Sarchimor variety planted at 1.5 x 1.5 m, interspersed with tree species typical of the dry forest. The system involves manual weed control, without fertilization, irrigation, phytosanitary control, or shade regulation. In this scenario, and during an experimenta...

Thuong Thi Nguyen1*, Nhu Quynh Ho1, Thuan Khanh Nguyen2, Tuan Phong Vu Anh Vo3, Hai Thanh Duong4 examination, in which abomasal displacement was 100% alert effective, ketosis at 73.53% alerts, and mastitis at 63.83% alerts. However, the rates of mastitis, ketosis, and abomasal displacement were 24%, 13.6%, and 10%, respectively. On the alert day, rumination time and milk yield of diseased cows were lower than those of non-diseased cows (P<0.05). Rumination time and milk yield decreased markedly on the alert day co...

Muhmmad Asif1, Khunsa Khakwani1, Muhammad Hasnain1*, Farrukh Ilahi1, Muhammad Hussnain Babar1, Shahid Munir Chuhan1, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1, Iqra Parveen1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Saeed Ahmad2 and Hammad Hussnain2

...The demands of farmers, laborers who harvest crops, and other investors including those in the cotton industry may be met by the introduction of this variety. The present study signifies for recommended as the most suitable commercial cotton cultivars for agro-climatic conditions of Faisalabad.


Muhammad Ali Raza1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Bilques Bano3, Muhammad Muddassir Ali4, Nazia Rubab5, Syed Tasadak Mehdi6, Muhammad Wasim Iqbal7, Kumay Hassan Akhtar8, Aqeel Raza9, Ujala Fatima Shan10, Muhammad Aftab11

...90 samples of each weigh about 50 grams have been collected from Lahore and brought to University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore in a Laboratory and applied HPLC technique on samples and found residues of Penicillin and oxytetracycline in different percentages (11% and 9%, respectively) and percentage of both combine Penicillin and oxytetracycline is 3%. In a yoghurt sample, the highest penicillin was found as 13....

Bilal Atta1*, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi2, Muhammad Asif Farooq3, Muhammad Ijaz1, Tahir Hussain Awan1, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub4, Muhammad Usman Saleem1, Amara Nasiba1 important information about the time-related patterns of insect pests affecting rice. They provide a useful resource for safeguarding rice crops by enabling well-timed and effective pest control strategies based on the specific timing of each pest species. This underscores the significance of early identification using light traps in order to detect pests early on. Implementing timely pest control measures based on these observations can help protect rice c...

Naveed Akhtar, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Azizullah, Aamir Ali of both districts was about 95%. A significant change in the population dynamics of Coccinellidae was observed at different phenological stages (BBCH Principal Stage) of maize crops during different study months. The highest species density was recorded during April and May in both districts. A positive correlation of the Coccinellidae was observed with temperature and negative for rainfall and humidity. This work is the first to characterize coccinellids b...

Saira Jabeen1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Kamran Ashraf2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

...ts when administered to laboratory animals. Furthermore, upon comparing the effectiveness of the vaccines, it became evident that the Montanide-adjuvanted vaccine elicited significantly higher antibody titers (P<0.05) in comparison to the plain vaccine or the aluminum hydroxide-adjuvanted vaccine. Challenge protection assay revealed that Montanide and aluminum adjuvanted vaccines had 100% survival rate among rabbits compared to 16.7% of placebo group. It wa...

Jinzhao Li1, Yawen Zhang2, Binghan Jia1, Yuqiong Zhao1, Huijuan Luo1, Xiaojie Ren1, Yuan Li3, Xiaoyan Bai1, Jing Ye3 and Junping Li1*

...nchanged, others indexes above significantly increased in the distal colonic muscle layer of OIC rats. However, after the administration of p38 blocker SB203580, OIC rats had salami-like feces, with an increase in colonic propulsion velocities; although the expressions levels of Tau and p38 didn’t change significantly in distal colonic muscle layers, the expressions levels of P-Ser396-Tau, P-Ser404-Tau, and p-p38 significantly reduced. To conclude there ...

Yan Wang1,2*, Lin Liu3, Na Li4, Yijun Zong1, Wei Liu1, Wenhua Xu1, Qi Wang1, Peijuan Zhang1 and Huiling Feng2,5*

...actic acid and energy metabolism of A549 cells were determined by UV spectrophotometry. According to data analysis from GEPIA2, TCGA, and Kaplan Meier plotter, lung adenocarcinoma exhibits high levels of LY6K expression and is associated with a poor prognosis. The expression of LY6K was most significant in A549 cells. In A549 cells, LY6K knockdown significantly inhibited cell proliferation and plate clonal formation (all p < 0.05), and inhibited tumor forma...

Yanfei Cai1, Jiahong Feng1 and Wanlong Zhu1,2,3*

... The discovery of the metabolic healthy obesity phenomenon brings a new direction for research of obesity problem, but the lack of an animal of metabolic healthy obesity limits its study. Tupaia belangeri is a new type of experimental animal emerging in recent years and is extremely widely used in various disease models because of its evolutionary status and high affinity with primates. Here, in order to judge whether this n...

Khurram Nawaz Saddozai1, Muhammad Nasrullah2, Jahangir Khan3*, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Raheel Saqib4, Naheed Zahra5 and Mansoor Rasheed6 findings reveal that labour, chemical, irrigation, seed, poultry manure, and tractor have positive and statistically significant effects on tobacco production. Results of the study also corroborate an insignificant relationship of fertilizer with tobacco production. Findings of the study also showed that the allocation of inputs utilized during production e.g. labour, irrigation, seed, poultry manure and tractor are under...

Arif Mehmood1*, Muhammad Naeem2, Abu Bakkar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Ikram ul Haq1 and Waqas Raza1

...d in the Biosystematics Laboratory of Pir Mehr Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Results show that Park, Forest area, and scrapyard were the most abundant habitats respectively, while the least abundant habitat was crop area. Parks were found to be the richest habitat, while graveyards were the least rich habitat. 

Muhammad Usman1, Ghulam Murtaza2, Allah Ditta3, Tamana Bakht3 Muhammad Asif4,
Muhammad Nadir1and Sehar Nawaz5
...reness among the farmers about the identified weeds so that weed infestation
could be controlled with the recommended practices.

Rahamdad Khan1, Abdul Basit, Syed Majid Rasheed* and Syed Salim Shah
Graduate Laboratory of the Bacha Khan University Charsadda Pakistan during summer,
2018. The experiment was carried out in CRD design with factorial arrangements repeated
thrice. Five maize varieties viz., ‘Azam’, ‘Babar’,s Pahari’, ‘Iqbal’, and ‘Jalal’ comprised
factor A while, Factor B consisted of water extracts from root, stem and leaf of invasive

Nimra Javaid1, Mukhtar Hussain Shah1, Iqra Haider Khan2, *Arshad Javaid2 and Syed Muhammad Waleed1

...ested weed were used in laboratory bioassays. ANOVA revealed the significant effect of plant part bioassay and extract concentration on germination as well as various root and shoot growth parameters. Leaf extract was found as the most herbicidal where a 10% extract completely inhibited the germination and growth of parthenium. Root and inflorescence extracts were also highly inhibitory in suppressing the germination up to 89% and 95%, shoot length up to 80% a...

Farrukh Hussain1, Sajid Aziz1, Gul Hassan2, Khalid Aziz1 and Sapna Raisham1

... get further information about the weed flora, their distribution, population size and possible losses due to these weeds. It is an established cash crop in the entire valley that can be respected for improving the socio-economic uplift of the area.


Felix O. Takim*1, Gideon Z. Nayan2, Oluwafemi O. Osatuyi1and Israel O. Olayiwola1

...t potato. Therefore, the above intercropping pattern established in the month of June will minimize weed infestation and improve productivity of maize and sweet potato in the southern Guinea savanna of Nigeria.

Fawad Khan1, Zahir Muhammad1, Khushdil Khan2 , Shabir Ahmad2, Muhammad Jamil Khan3, Tamana Bakht4 And Asif Kamal2
...udy provides information about the
allergenic and invasive weeds plants and their threats to biodiversity. The pollen of such
weed plants causes asthma and atopy disease in humans, and also cause many other
diseases in other living organism.
Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Sadia Afzal2, Ahsan Aziz1,
Rizwan Maqbool3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz4, Amjed Ali1, Muhammad
Adnan1, Durrishahwar5
Laboratory experiment was performed to determine the suppressive or simulative influence
of aqueous extracts of leaves, stem and fruit of Carthamus tinctorius L. at different
concentrations(0, 0.25, 0.50, 1, 2, 4, and 8%)on Echinochloa cruss-galli L. Results revealed
that 8%concentration of aqueous extracts of all tested parts of C. tinctorius was most
phytotoxic against germination as wel...

Iqra Haider Khan1 and *Arshad Javaid1 fraction was used in laboratory bioassays. n-Butanol fraction showed the highest antifungal activity followed by chloroform and n-hexane fractions causing 68–82%, 52–82% and 42–82% decrease in biomass of A. flavipes. Ethyl acetate showed a moderate antifungal potential whereas aqueous fraction showed the least antifungal activity causing 47–76% and 38–73% reduction in fungal biomass, respectively. This study concludes that n-bu...


...household size of 10 and above family members. Echinocloa crus-galli (L.) was the most invasive weed specie among the Kharif weeds as reported by 26% respondents, while among Rabi weeds, Convolvulus arvensis (L.) was the most reported weed as mentioned by 21% respondents. The study established that maize and wheat are the main crops impacted by Kharif and Rabi weeds respectively, where mechanical weeding was the most applied control method adopted by 51.8% res...

Amir Ehsan1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Amjed Ali1

... is little understanding about economic thresholds of weeds in direct-seeded rice. To get estimates of economic thresholds of two weeds in direct seeded rice, two-year field trials were conducted at research area of College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Punjab-Pakistan. Treatments included 0, 22, 44, 66 and 88 plants m-2 densities of each of Echinochloa colona and Digera arvensis laid out in randomized complete block design. Augmented densities of E....
Barkatullah1, Sumayya Noreen1.Khushnood Ur Rehman1, Zahid Ali Butt2, Tabassum
Yaseen3, Kamran Akbar3, and Salma Noreen3
... then mulching. From the above experiment, it is strongly suggested that the tested
portions of Z. mauritania have significant negative allelopathic effects on the tested plant
species. Additional study is mandatory to understand its allelopathic performance in field
conditions contrary to its related types and to recognize the noxious value.
Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mansoor
...y reduces in yield. The laboratory studies were undertaken to confirm
allelopathic potential of its plant leachates and soil-decomposition plant residues towards
emergence and seedling growth of rice. In first experiment, aqueous extracts from various
plant parts of red sprangletop (stem, root, leaves, flower and entire plant) at their 5% (w/v)
concentration were applied to germinating rice seeds. In second exper...

Nittaya Thongtip1, Sukanya Poolthajit1, Sirikhan Thartrak1, Qiongxian Yan2, Suntorn Wittayakun1* 

...blood profiles, blood metabolites, and hormone concentration of growing male goats. Eight crossbred Boer (BW = 22.6 + 0.62 kg) growing male goats at approximately 12 months of age were assigned in a replicated 4x4 Latin square design. Treatments were as follows: 1) control with no supplementation (CON), 2) rumen-protected D-Aspartate (RDA), at 132.74 mg/kg body weight (BW), 3) zinc bio-complex (ZBC) at 73.74 mg/kg BW, and 4) supplementation of RDA at 132.74 m...

Haoneng Guo1,2, Shuangshuang Xiao3, Wenfang Lou1,2, Rifat Ullah Khan4, Juanjuan Wu1,2, Bo Huang2, Sifa Dai2,3* and Guanhong Li1*

...lutamine (Gln) on the metabolic functions of cold stress chicks (1-14 days old) from the perspective of serum biochemical indicators. A total of 192 healthy 1-day-old broilers with no significant difference in weight, were randomly divided into four groups, each group with four replicates and 12 broilers per replicate. Group Ⅰ was a control group, the broilers were fed the basal diet, and the broilers in Group II, III, IV were fed a basal diet supplemented w...

Eman Ali Hussein1*, Majdy Faisal Majeed2

...Among the most common metabolic endocrine disorders is diabetes mellitus. Nephropathy may be one of the causes of continuous uncontrolled non-insulin-dependent diabetic mellitus (NIDDM). It has been shown that streptozotocin (SZ)-induced oxidative stress damages pancreatic beta cells and results in hyperglycemia in rats, which leads to diabetic nephropathy. The goal of this investigation was to see if Trigonella foenum-graecum (TFG) flavonoid extract could pro...

Karin Alvåsen1*, Karin Maria Olofsson2, Raymond Kent Fenton3, Ulrika Rockström4, Lena-Mari Tamminen1, Nils Fall1

... of increasing knowledge about deaths. The method is based on a standardized, systematic approach to opening and photo documenting dead cattle on farm. Images are sent to a bovine practitioner, experienced in interpreting gross lesions, for analysis. In this pilot study, education and training sessions on the RDN method were administered to veterinarians. After the training sessions, the participants performed 15 RDNs. Subsequently, interviews were conducted w...

Claude Mona Airin1*, Miyayu Soneta Sofyan2, Galy Hardyta3, Khrisdiana Putri4, Pudji Astuti1

Fitrimawati*, James Hellyward

...ock commodities are the labors availability in West Sumatera, then the second important priority is the availability of raw materials, financial resources, technologies, both the feed and seed technology are as the availability of marketing technologies, facilities and infrastructures, markets, raw material suppliers, business developments strategy, government rules and technological tools development. The number of laborers...

Salim Saifullah, Muhammad Ilyas, Bashir Ullah and Sanam Zarif Satti*

...ence plant growth and metabolism. Rosehips are used in the production of a variety of sweets and beverages, including syrup, marmalade, jellies, and jams. Therefore, high vitamin C content as well as TDW and TSS characteristics for rosehips are desired and preferable.


Ashar Farooq1*, Farrukh Waheed1 and Asad Abbas Khan2

...grass was made at 2.5 cm above the collar point. Data were statistically analyzed using t-test. Results revealed that forage production in un-grazed site was significantly higher (P<0.01) than the grazed site. The results further revealed that air dried forage production and cover percent of Cenchrus ciliaris and Cynodon dactylon were significantly higher in the un-grazed area. This is attributed to protection from grazing while the cover percent and air dr...
Muhammad Shakil Ahmad1, Muhammad Afzal1, Liu Yu Feng2
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Hina Safdar3, Arif Mehmood1, Shahid Iqbal4 and Muhammad Adnan1
Majeeduddin Solangi,Ahmed Khan Jalbani,Ghulam Murtaza Sahito,Qamaruddin Jogi,Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro,Niaz Ahmed Wahocho

Sri Purwanti1*, Wempie Pakiding1, Marhamah Nadir1, Nurhayu2, Kusumandari Indah Prahesti1, Sitti Nurani Sirajuddin1, Jasmal Ahmari Syamsu1,4, Andi Mushawwir3 

...issue temperature and metabolism, both of which affect the cardiovascular function and energy metabolism in chickens. This research aims to determine the value of lipid regulation and cardiovascular biomarkers of native chickens given a combination of maggot, indigofera and turmeric. A total of 120, 4-week-old male indigenous native chickens with an average initial weight of 42-45 g were divided into 3 treatment groups and f...

Muhammad Umair Khan*, Zahid Rauf, Abdur Rehman, Tanvir Hussain and Mansoor Ali Khan, in Pulp and Paper laboratory of Forest Product Research Division, Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. Morphological characteristics of fibers at three different levels of freeness were determined to predict the pulping properties of ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala). The results show that all the considered fiber characteristics were found to influence the pulp sheet of Ipil ipil (Leucaena leucocephala). Overall, this paper highlights the importance of ...
Muhammad Faisal1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain1*, Majid Hussain2
Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan3, Zeeshan Yousaf1 and Muhammad Amjad1
... for fifteen days under laboratory conditions for acclimatization. There were 15 fingerlings put into each of the six earthen ponds, for a total of 90 fingerlings. Analyses showed that fish fed with 10% MOLM-based diet had the highest growth performance when compared with other experimental and control groups. Best results for carcass composition, hematological analysis, and body mineralization were noted in fingerlings given a diet containing a 10% substituti...

Migie Handayani1*, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto2, Jamhari Jamhari2

...nual production costs of about IDR 7,140,000, annual revenue of IDR 16,501,000, and annual income of IDR 9,361,000. Factors influencing goat farming income include the sale of livestock, feed costs, number of livestock, feeding management, marketing management, and adoption of feed technology. The implication of this study is an arrangement of management livestock training by the local Government and encouragement of farmers to engage in such management traini...

Safdar Abbas1, Jawaria Ali Khan1*, Syed Saleem Ahmed1 and Aftab Ahmed Anjum2

...d to collect information about the risk factors associated with the occurrence of BCoV infection. BCoV infection was found in 3.5% (7/200) of calves using diagnostic screening kits and 3.0% (6/200) of calves using RT-PCR. Breed, age, sex, vomiting, previous history of diarrhoea, body conditions, food type, colostrum feeding, deworming history, living environment, seasonal variation, and cohabitation with other animals were all assumed risk factors for BCoV inf...

Lipigwe Lauya1*, Peace Nkiruka Okeke2, Nanma Tongnan Cosmas1 and Chukwudi Chizorom Ibeh1

...but also raised concerns about its sustainability. The aim of this article is to caution against interpreting this trend as a triumph against HIV/AIDS in the region. This caution is deserved due to serious challenges in West Africa that require liberal attention. These include; inadequate diagnostic methods and algorithms for monitoring HIV-2, the possibility of dangerous genetic mutations and resurgence of super-strains, cross-reactivity of HIV types that int...

Basheer Ahmad, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

... outcomes but also bring about positive ecological impacts and gain social acceptance. Traditional land management practices like agri forestry offer a promising solution in Pakistan. To plant trees on private lands, agroforestry enables pure rights of timber resources and, when well-managed, can significantly enhance agriculture and mitigate wood shortages. Despite concentrated efforts to familiarize and encourage innovative agri-forestry practices in Pakista...

Zaigham Abbas1*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Muhammad Anjum Aqeel1, Talha Nazir2

...s were determined under laboratory storage conditions. Maximum grain weight loss was recorded in Thal-2006 (9.07%) after 120 days of infestation followed by CM-2008 (8.37%), while relatively lower weight loss (6.95%) was recorded in case of Punjab-2009. After 90 days of infestation, mean weight loss values for Thal-2006, CM-2008, Punjab-2008 and Punjab-2009 were recorded as 8.21, 5.95, 5.36 and 5.13%, respectively. Relatively lower values of grain weight loss ...
Fazli Amin1*, Naveed Ahmed2, Muhammad Salman3, Zia Ur Rahman4 and Mir Manzar Ud Din5
...ling jar and brought to laboratory for identification. Results showed that total 8 insect species were recorded visiting M. oleifera from three major orders such as hymenoptera, diptera and lepidoptera in this study. Among all, hymenopteran were the most abundant and species rich order as compared to the others. Five species viz. Apis mellifera, Apis dorsata, Apis florea, Apis cerana and Xylocopa fenestrata belongs to Hymenoptera, one species from order Dipter...
Tanvir Hussain1, Said Akhtar2, Khalid Hussain3* and Zahid Rauf4
...rated adopting standard laboratory procedures. Results showed that Walnut (Juglans regia) fibers were comparatively longer in llength followed by Pohu (Parotia jacouemontiana), Mulberry (Morus alba), Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), Himalyan yew (Taxus wallichiana), Indian willow (Salix tetrosperma), Brown Oak (Quercus semicorpifolia), Tree of Heavan (Allianthus altisimia) and Himalayan poplar (Populus ciliate) while fibers of Salix tetrosperma were found...
Salman Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Basheer Ahmad1, Nowsherwan Zarif1* and Saif Ullah Khan1
... government, and 8% are labourers. Poplar is the species most frequently used in agroforestry, accounting for 52% of all plantings, followed by Eucalyptus at 16%. 10% of the seedlings for planting came from the Forest Department, and 90% came from private nurseries. 30% of respondents plant for shelterbelt purposes, 10% for land stabilisation, and 60% of respondents plant primarily for economic gain.

Keywords: Agroforestry, Respondents, Households F...
Saddam Rasham1*, Sohaib Ahmed1, Arz Muhammad Umrani1, Sidra Jamil2, Tariq Khan1, Shehr Yar Nasim3, Safi Ullah1, Haseeb Ahmad1 and Asfand Yar Nasim1 in Ganga Choti feel about the influence tourism has had on their lives and to analyse those sentiments. During the interviews, people of Sudhan Gali and Bani Minhasan, which are two villages located in Azad Kashmir close to Ganga Choti Bagh, were asked questions in an order that was randomised. This allowed for the questions to be answered in any way that was most convenient for them. For the aim of our research, we conducted interviews with the people wh...
Syed Farooq Shah1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Zahid Rauf1, Anwar Ali1, Ghayyas Ahmed1, Basheer Ahmed1, Salman Ahmad1 and Saifullah1
... should be knowledgeable about the potential benefits of agroforestry systems. They should work to make the system's development economically and environmentally beneficial for farmers worldwide. The agroforestry system has the potential to give a faster rate of tree farm increment in accordance with forest policies for the sustainable livelihood of the farmers, thereby increasing the global tree cover areas relative to total geographic regions.
Ghayyas Ahmad1, Arifullah Awan2 and Muhammad Imran3 of lopping, awareness about the legal status of the practice and its impact on the tree health, tools used in lopping, species preferred and the role of gender were investigated. It was found that the practice was quite prevailing in the area. Main purpose of lopping was to meet the domestic need for fuel wood. Local people were largely unaware of its legal status or lopping's adverse affect on the tree's health. Axe was the main tool used for lopping. The ...
Muhammad Umar Atique1, Sanam Zarif Satti1, Muhammad Ilyas1* the Forest Chemistry Laboratory of PFI in polypropylene woven bags for chemical analysis. Quality parameters including moisture content, ash, protein, fat/oil, fiber, and carbohydrate content were determined. The results of the study revealed that Bauhinia variegata has a maximum percentage (12.56%) of protein content, followed by Acacia nilotica (10.28%) and Ceratonia siliqua (6.54%). The maximum carbohydrate percentage was found in Acacia nilotica (39.41%...
Muhammad Rayyan1, Basheer Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Saif Ullah1 Khan and Salman Ahmad1
...ur results revealed that about 72.5% of respondents have the primary reason for planting is economic return, while 15% plants for shelterbelt purposes. Whereas, results further revealed that 12.5% farmers planted trees for land stabilization. In addition to that 57.5% of households gets benefits from agroforestry in the form of cash and fuel wood 10% in the form of fuel wood. From the survey it is also revealed that 45% of farmers are directly benefited from f...
Khush Bakht Arooj1, Muhammad Salman2 and Naveed Ahmed3
...s also conducted to know about the bee flora for pollen and nectar sources plants in district Bannu. The purposive random sampling method was used. During this study it was found that majority of the respondents belong to age class 21-35 (52%) followed by age class 36-50 (32%) and the least number of respondents belong to age class 51-65 (16%). It was concluded that average production in the study area is 5-7 kg/10 hives and most of the respondents 95% were le...
Maaha Malik1, Muzakir Shah2, Muhammad Naqash2, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2, Safdar Ali Shah2, Bushra Khan1, Sayyed Masoom Shah2, Zahid Mahmood2, Syed Talha Kamil2, Kamal Anwar2 and Faisal Khalid2 24% participants know about concept of Climate Change. The term climate change is understood differently by different people and therefore they perceive different reasons for this change. 71% were known to the fact that human activities are the driving force behind climate change. 58% showed wanted that both government and organizations to finance the projects for mitigation and adaptation actions. 37% stressed on the need of awareness campaign whereas 44% ...
Pervez Manan1, Farhat Jabeen1 and Ahmad Zamir2
... (1)
Where AGB is above-ground dry biomass in Kilogram (Kg) and D is DBH in cm. to obtain per hectare value the plot level AGB was multiplied by 10. While, below-ground biomass (BGB) default values of root-shoot ratio were used (IPCC, 2006). To obtain mean total dry biomass per ha, mean value for AGB and BGB per hectare were added. While mean total dry biomass in Kg per ha was multiplied by 26000 to obtained total dry biomass for the whole study area. ...
Kaleem Mehmood1, Sultan Muhammad2 and Altaf Hussain3
...rtunities of daily wage labor at the time of planting and other cultural activities. Community Plantations increase forest cover which in turn provides opportunity for wildlife conservation in the area due to habitat....
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Hassan Sher2, Junaid Khan2, Shahid Hussain2, Ashfaq Ali2 and Atif Majeed3
...sits were arranged. Data about conservation status was obtained through quadrate method. The study reported 40 herbaceous medicinal plants belonging to 33 different angiosperm families used by local people to cure different ailments. Lamiaceae was represented by maximum number of 6 species followed by Apiaceae and Solancaceae represented by 4 species each. Alliaceae was represented by 3 species while Amaranthaceae, Asterceae, Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Pllygon...
Muhammad Yousaf Khan and Pervez Manan
...elt to dig out the facts about Eucalyptus plantations in Malakand District after a protest of few participants organized and brought by NGOs based at Peshawar and Islamabad with Play Cards in their hands against Eucalyptus trees planted in Billion Trees Project of the KP Government. The protest organized in front of Malakand Press Club Batkhela on 31st August, 2018 got wide spread publicity in print and electronic Media. In response local members of Nazism, C...
Ahmed Zamir, Muhammad Waqas Khan and Saeed Anwar Wazir
...medicinal plants. It has about 6000 species of wild plants, among them almost 4000-6000 are considered to carry or of medicinal importance. During the ethno botanical elaboration of Leepa valley 106 plant species of 55 families were recorded. Among them 93 are considered to carry great medicinal values. Residents of the area use these plants for different medicinal purposes by mixing them with other plants. Some of plants li...
Nasim Abbas, M. Yousaf Khan, Tanvir Hussain and Muhammad Zahid
...utilization by standard laboratory methods. Permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections of the wood were prepared to determine anatomical properties of the wood through microscopic observations. The wood samples were prepared and tested as per international standard to determine physical and mechanical properties of wood. The thick walled and long fibers were observed which showed its better strength. The wood may be less durable or non-durable, ...
Alam Zeb, Fawad Habib, Sajid and Tilawat Khan found dominant in the above mentioned target villages in the parameters of productivity, formal education, planting experience, knowledge of silviculture of poplar and commercialistic nature of respondents. The Net Incomes (NIs) calculated per Avenue Kilometer of poplar plantation were (Rs.301838), (246622) and (Rs.164890) for Owners, Owner cum Tenants and Tenants respectively. Similarly their calculated Net Present Values (NPVs) at interest rate of 12% wer...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...s investigated and asked about the total quantity of morels (Species wise) collected from the study area. The local people use traditional techniques of collection, drying, storing and packing which have diverted the attention of consumers but still it possess a high annual marketable growth i.e. 81,20,000 rupees. The measures recommended for scientific management of morels collection, drying and marketing include, education of the local community for conserva...
Anwar Ali1, Saz Muhammad2, Zakir Hussain3, Khadim Abbas4 and Kiramat Husain5
...du District would put in about 70,819 m3 in the next 10 year. This is equal to annual increment of 1.26 m3/ha. The results of the inventory show that the forests are poorly stocked lacking mature trees. Thus it is imperative to take steps for conservation of the mother trees and regeneration of the forests....
Inam Ullah, Zahid Ahmad, Syed Hasnain Abbas and Kaleem Shah
...vately controlled), to elaborate the best sustainable management system for Mazri resource. In Kohat, Forest Department manages the Mazri Palm, while in Paniala D. l. Khan; the communities do it with their own ways. Review of secondary information, meetings, and discussions; transect walks and market surveys were used to get the required results. The results revealed that Mazri Palm is growing on about 24000 hectares area o...
Mazhar Iqbal, Ashar Farooq, Zulfiqar Ali Sheikh and Waseem Abbas
...carried out at the soil laboratory of PFI, reveals that the organic matter in the soil is in the range of 6.16 to 12.56%. The soil is acidic with pH value of 5.02 to 6.2. The bulk density of soil is in the range of 0.87 to 1.26 gm/cm3

The F-value (5.30) of ANNOVA indicates significant difference among the mean infiltration values (P< 0.05) of Zone-I, Zone-II and Zone-III. Hence it can be inferred...

Ghulam Mustafa Nasir and Hakim Shah
...c density was studied in about 100 samples of Deodar wood to observe variations in both of the parameters and determine the influence of growth rate on density of wood. Results showed that in Deodar wood, the annual ring width ranged from 0.213-5.45mm and the basic density varied from 0.350-0.593gm/cm3. Majority of the studied wood samples were found to have 1- 2mm average annual ring width and 0.401-0.450gm/cm3 basic density of the wood....
Rukhsana Kausar1, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2 and Mian Muhammad Shafiq3
...ties and public at large about conservation of natural resources by maintaining its forests and making ecotourism spots. In this study the recreational value of Ecotourism, was assessed by using the Individual Travel Cost Method. For this purpose the consumer surplus (in forest resorts) was calculated, that proved to be Rs.577 PKR (6.6 $) per visitor per visit and recreational value of an individual per visit is Rs.16496 PKR (183.29). Average 1.5 to 1.6 millio...
A. S. M. Helal Siddiqui1, Abul Khair2, M. Masudur Rahman3 and S.M. Mosfeka Hasnin4
...Baniakhali, Chunkuri, Kalabogi, Kashiabad, Bojboja and Supati. The result shows that heart rot affected percentages are 64%, 62% and 60%, 54% and 48%, 17% respectively. Very low amount of trees are affected at Supati located in the fresh water zone of the Sundarbans. The results also show that in the six locations diameter at breast height (dbh.) Class IV (>40cm) is highly affected 34%, then followed by dbh Class III (31-40cm) 31%,Class II (21-30cm) 25% and th...
Sarfraz Hasan Dogar and Ashar Farooq
...he forage production was about 5 times more in seeded area as compared to un-seeded area. As a result of re-seeding, the carrying capacity has also been increased. This study clearly depicts that range re-seeding is an effective technique to enhance the forage production and carrying capacity of less producing range areas of Dera Ghazi Khan Rangelands....
Tanvir Hussain and G. M. Nasir
...studied in wood anatomy laboratory at Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar to observe variations. Results revealed that Teak wood grown in Indonesia, Burma, India and Pakistan are almost comparable in anatomical properties with minor variations. In Burmese and Indian Teak the fibers were comparatively longer, narrow or thick walled and the wood may be relatively better in strength. The vessels were higher in frequency or larger in size in Indonesian and Burmese...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir and Khalid Hussain Solangi
...hick-walled and occupied about one third volume of the wood. The vessels were medium in frequency, smaller in diameter and engaged minimum volume of the wood. The wood rays were medium in frequency, a bit larger in size and occupied almost one third wood volume as fibers. The axial parenchyma was abundant and also occupied approximately one third volume of the wood. Over all, the parenchymatous cells occupied highest volume of the wood for the reason it may be...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Muhammad Yousaf Khan Syed Zakir Hussain Shah and Khalid Jan
...melts during the summer, about half million cusecs water is produced in Indus river. The water resulted from the snow melting on its way flowing towards south, joins the runoff water of the same quantity received through monsoon rains in the low lying areas during these months and thus the quantity of water is doubled in the Indus Basin. The result is thus floods of more than a million cusecs as experienced in 2010. This unfortunate phenomenon is a matter of r...
Tariq Mahmood
...over area calculated was about 4, 41,408 acres. Forest (30.12%) was found to be the major land use followed by rangelands (23.80%), shrubs & bushes (22.32%) and agricultural land (19.94%).The change detection result shows that there is a considerable increase in Shrub & Bushes (21.33%), followed by Forests (9.76%). It also indicates a considerable decrease in land cover class agriculture land (28.34%), followed by the Rangeland land cover class (4.83%).

Ch. Muhammad Muslim and Sohail Sikander was conducted to elaborate the performance of morpho-anatomical characters of Linum usitatissimum to diverse habitat conditions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Five years cultivation data of Linum usitatisimum is analyzed with the objective to find best habitat for the growth and maximum yield of Linum usitatisimum and also to give farmer an easy way to get maximum benefit of his land resources during the rabbi season. The study revealed that...
Mian Muhammad Shafiq and Muhammad Saqib
...he Kaghan valley to know about the status and conservation of pheasants. A questionnaire was designed and the villages were selected which were located near the reserve forest. Samples of 60 persons were detailed interviewed.

The study revealed that the climate and topography of target area provides good habitat to pheasants, but impediments such as illegal hinting, poaching and human interference are the main causes for the decline in population. Ho...

Fariha Iqbal, Nowsherwan Zarif and Tariq Mahmood
...ed to creating awareness about the resource among the masses, forest protection and capacity building. So far, local communities are not fully and actively involved in the sustainable management of the designated forest resources.

Tariq Mahmood and Zulfiqar Ali
...o anthropogenic pressure about 60-70% of these watersheds are in depleted condition (Ashraf, 1991). It means that the community's needs are to be met through optimal utilization of these valuable resources using technological advancements, avoiding every kind of deterioration and degradation under improper use. The ever increasing human and livestock population has been exerting strong pressures on these natural resources in a watershed to fulfill the requ...
Rahim Muhammad Akmal Syed1, Hasnain Shahida2, Mamoona Wali Muhammad3 and Jabeen Farkhanda4
...base extending over only about 4.8 % (4.59 % excluding farmland plantations) of its area, which is insufficient to provide the material needs for the growing population, expanding industry and to retard and arrest the ongoing environmental and ecological degradation process. Based on physiographic, climate and ecology, Pakistan is divided into nine major ecological or vegetative zones, which are further sub-divided into 18 habitat types, an arrangement for the...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir prepared by standard laboratory techniques and observed under the microscope for structure, frequency and dimensional measurements of different wood elements/structures in the wood species. Results showed that in Acacia ampliceps wood, the fibers are medium in length and reasonably thick-walled. The vessels are small in diameter and lower in frequency. The wood rays are higher in frequency and a bit larger in size. The wood may be better in strength ...
Babar Khan1, Muhammad Zafar Khan2 and Garee Khan2
...consumption in Bunji was about 5234 Kg year-1 from different sources including fuelwood, LPG (cylinders) and Kerosene oil. However, fuel wood from agro forestry was the main source of domestic fuel (98%) with an annual consumption of 5116 Kg household-1 year-1. The rest of 2% was met from other sources i.e., Kerosene oil and LPG. Each household was self sufficient in fulfilling its fuel wood requirements from the trees grown on...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...est ecosystems sequester about 638 Giga ton carbons worldwide where Pakistan's share is about 0.05%. These silent friends of mankind, however, are diminishing at a rate of 13 million ha per annum worldwide, and contribution of illegal logging in it is about 27%. Apart from deforestation, the global timber trade illegalities and corrupt practices cause more than USD 10 billion losses in...
Akhlaq Ahmad Khan
...been extremely concerned about the excessive mortality in Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo, Roxb.), the principal tree species of the Irrigated Forest Plantations of Punjab, caused by a mysterious malady that is generally known as Sisham Die-back. This tree is the main species in the irrigated agriculture fields of Punjab as well. The problem is serious enough to have caused deliberations in three Seminars arranged by the Punjab Forestry Research Institute o...
Muhammad Afzal, Aqeela Mobeen Akhtar and M. Mahboob-ur-Rahman place the temperature above 46oC, newspaper sources claim that it reaches 51oC and regularly carry reports about people who have succumbed to the heat. Heat records were broken in Multan in June 1993, when the mercury was reported to have risen to 54oC. In August the oppressive heat is punctuated by the rainy season, referred to as barsat, which brings relief in its wake. The hardest part ...
Mamoona Wali Muhammad and Iftekhar Ahmed
... fuel purpose. Responses about priority of importance of mangroves showed that shelter and progress of fish was at first priority then shelter and progress of wild birds, shelter and progress of vertebrates, fuel wood, protection barriers for villages, control on tides and erosion of coastal banks, environment apiculture and eco-tourism respectively.

100% of the respondents were in favor of social forestry schemes in the area and 92% of them were wi...

G. M. Nasir and Iqbal Mahmood prepared by standard laboratory procedure and observed under the microscope. For physical and mechanical properties (both in green and air dry conditions) the wood samples were prepared and tested according to ISO and ASTM standards. Results showed that Robinia wood is better in strength due to thick walled and long fibers. It is stronger than Shisham wood in different mechanical properties. The wood may be less durable but can be easily preserved with chem...
Iqbal Mahmood, Gul Rukh and Tanvir Hussain
... determined by standard laboratory methods. .The results of the properties have been compared with the same species found in Burma. On the basis of result of properties the locally grown Teak wood is not only superior in strength but also suitable for various purposes where high stress is required. The local Teak wood has favourable relationship between tangential and radial shrinkage and aptness for framework and similar articles where the dimensional stab...
J. Kayode
...rves. 10 forest reserves abound in the state; most of them were highly exploited with a myriad of other problems that make them unproductive. Thus the study revealed that the demand for timber far exceeded the supply. Preference for timber species is now skewed towards species availability rather than choice as desired species and sizes could no longer be met. Most of the timber species are now endangered hence conservation strategies that could ensure their c...
Shad K. Khalil, John G. Mexal, Abdur Rehman, A. Z. Khan and Iftikhar Hussain Khalil
...hen refrigerated for the above duration. Seeds were sown in the greenhouse in Ray-Leach tubes at Fabian Garcia Center, New Mexico State University, USA. Seed soaked in distilled water for more than 4 days failed to germinate. Seed refrigerated after 1 day soaking had increased total emergence, reduced days to 50% emergence (T50). However, none of the treatments produced significantly heavier seedlings. Early emerged seedlings resulted in heavier shoots and roo...
G. M. Nasir and Noreen Fatima prepared by standard laboratory techniques and observed under the microscope for various structural features. Data were collected for the frequency and dimensional measurements of different wood elements/ structures in each species. Results showed that on the basis of fiber morphological characteristics, the wood of Phulai, Ipip Ipil, Black Siris and White Siris may be stronger or better in strength whereas, Pipal, Lasura and Jand may be medium and Gul-i-Ni...
Maryam Aziz, Noreen Fatima, Ghulam Mustafa Nasir, Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman
...y, yield of the pulp was about 50.3 percent. As far as strength properties were concerned, at 66 SRo (Schopper Regiler), Breaking Length of the paper was recorded 6181 km. These results clearly indicate that pulp industry can use Melia azedarach wood for Kraft pulping in the country....
Asad Ullah, Abdur Rashid and Sher Aman
...ledge of the inhabitants about the Tree species of the area. Twenty tree species belonging to eleven families and nineteen genera viz. Abies pindrow, Acer caesium, Aesculus indica, Betula utilis, Cedrus deodara, Corylus colurna, Crataegus songarica, Ficus carica, Juglans regia, Malus pumila, Morus alba, Picea smithiana, Pinus wallichiana, Populus alba, Punica granatum, Prunus armeniaca, Prunus domestica, Pyrus communis, Quercus baloot, Salix turanica we...
Hasanuzzaman, Md., H. Mahmood, H.L. Sharif and Md. N. Islam
.../i> were studied in the laboratory. About 20% of initial weight of leaf litter was lost, while conductivity and TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) of leached water increased to 239 µS/cm and 114 mg/l, respectively and pH decreased to 5.81 after 96 hours. Weight loss (%) of leaf litter, conductivity and TDS of leached water showed significant (NAOVA, p<0.05) curvilinear relationship with leaching time. During the leaching process, 71%, 75% and 36% of initial conce...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir, Noreen Fatima and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman prepared by standard laboratory techniques and observed under the microscope for the structure and dimensional measurements of various wood elements/ structures. Results showed that in Amaltas, Ber, Bakain, White Bakain and Paper mulberry woods, the vessels were sufficient large in diameter and in Chinar and Paper mulberry woods, the frequency of vessels was found to be higher. Therefore, the woods may be easily seasoned and preserved. Amaltas, Chinar, Pape...
Abdul Hameed Khan1, Bashir Ahmed Wani2, Hakim Shah3 and Basar Ali4
... arable part of the area about 349 hectares (20.6 %) consist of class II (good) dry-farmed land. About 469 hectares (27.6 %) of the land consist of class III land, having moderate general potential in which about 29 hectares (1.7 %) are under irrigated farming and the remaining about 440 hectares (25.9 %) are used mainly for dry farming. About 436 hectares (25.7 %) of the land is consistin...
G. R. Keerio
...esh the senior foresters about the technique and as guideline for juniors who have recently joined the forestry profession and have not practically seen/witnessed the regeneration process. Other agencies involved in afforestation will also be benefited.

Sardar M. Rafique and Muhammad Akbar 1997 and 1997 to 2001 about 47000 ha (22.93% reduction over 1992) and 3000 ha (1.90% over 1997) of mangrove forests were vanished, respectively. Most of the deforestation occurred in Jati Taluka (district Thatta). Urbanization, development of aquaculture, indiscriminate use of pesticides, industrial effluents, oil spill over, biotic pressure, diversion of river Indus water to agriculture land and persistent drought are the principal reasons of deforestation...
Sardar Muhammad Rafique
...nd hectares and sustains about 51million sedentary livestock head in addition to a large number of nomadic herds. Principal land use of the region is grazing followed by agriculture and natural forests. The ranges in the region are classified as Alpine pastures, Trans-Himalayan grazing lands and Himalayan forest and open grazing lands. This region provides 4909.3 DM, 288.8 CP and 2402.2 TDN thousand tonnes in the form of crop residues, fodders, grazing and con...
Muhammad Aftab Majeed
... situ technologies in a laboratory column experiment. In situ amendments of nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen releasing compound were performed on site Soil samples were collected from a site and leached daily to equate a 20 years cycle. The biosensor Escherichia coli HB101 were used to assess the toxicity of soil leachate while standard chemical analysis was performed The result of this study suggests that the presence of tar in the soil resulted in an increase...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...prepared under standard laboratory procedures and studied for the frequency and dimensional measurements of different wood elements. Results showed that the fiber length and wall thickness generally increased from pith to bark. The fiber diameter increased progressively upto a distance of 5cm from pith after that it decreased somewhat or remained more or less constant. The vessel diameter was found to increase up to 4cm distance from the pith, reaching to its ...
Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...orm should not be reared above 26±1°C and 75±5% RH.

Key words: Silkworm Bombyx mori. Strains, Food consumption and utilization, ingestibility, ECI, ECD, AD, rearing season Larval body weight.

Nasreen Fatimah Rao, Muhammad Tahir Laeeq and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman and spacing explained about 84.5 percent of total variation in the girth of the trees....
Muhammad Umar Farooq
...ural resource, occupying about 62 percent of total area of Pakistan These rangelands produce and support more than 91.091 million livestock heads Most importantly, there is a need to improve the production potential of the grasslands of the country by converting them into the sown pastures Several strategies for improving rangelands and realizing sustainable forage yields, have been discussed in the article....
Sardar Muhammad Rafique and Saliheen Khan
Mohammad Iqbal Swati
...Punjab, and AJK covering about 24.5 million hectares of upper Indus River and its tributaries. The watersheds of Indus water basin are the life-line for people of Pakistan. The rivers and streams sprung from these watersheds irrigate farmlands in the plains and provide drinking water to the millions of people.

The majority of upland watersheds suffer from varying degrees of soil erosion and land degradation mainly due to high rate of deforestation, inad...

Klaus Euler and Zulfiqar Ali Qazi
...f the local economy With about 32,000 livestock heads, there is a tremendous pressure on the rangelands Reduction in the numbers, better breeds, stall feeding, better marketing facilities, awareness raising, etc. are some of the possible remedies to reverse the trend of degradation. In order to reduce pressure on forests as a source of income, improved livestock health could be one way to do so. Based on a recent survey, the local people loose a staggering amo...
Syed Shahinshah Gilani, S. M. Chaghtai and Umbrin Khan
.... Muell. was studied in laboratory experiments. The aqueous extracts from different dried plant parts, soaked for 48 hours, inhibited radicle growth, plumule growth and seed germination of Pennisetum glaucum cv Bari-Hairy. However, no serious inhibition of seed germination was occurred. The toxicity varied from part to part and was related to concentration and soaking duration Root exudates were highly toxic to the radicle growth followed by leaves, ste...
Mohammad Anis and Farooq Ahmed Dar
... for germination in the laboratory Highly significant differences were observed among the families, treatments and their interactions. The results suggest that in hormonal control of dormancy, gibbere Uric acid plays a primary role in regulation of germination.

Keywords: Cedrus deodara, germination, gibberellic acid.

Muhammad Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...stributional information about locality, host or habitat, collection date are missing. Only 66 representative well preserved specimens at the rate of at least one specimen/host/locality have been selected to study the details of their distributional and morphometric characteristics.

The results indicated that majority of the Agaricaceae (95 5%) belong to the mountain tract of Punjab (Murree), NWFP (Abbottabad, Galiat), AJK (Tarar Khel) and the remaini...

Kanwar Muhammad Suleman, Muhammad Tahir Laeeq, Nasreen Fatima Rao and Altaf Hussain
...he results revealed that about 30.2 million cubic metre of eucalyptus pulpwood can be produced annually from plantations raised on saline and waterlogged lands in Pakistan per year. This supply of pulpwood is sufficient for the sustained production of 1.225, million tonnes/annum of kraft pulp. After meeting the domestic demand, about 0.625 million tonnes/annum, pulp in surplus would be available for export to earn foreign ex...
Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash
... role in the nitrogen metabolism and consequently in the synthesis of protein in the plant tissues because nitrogen compounds and sugar accumulate while meristematic tissues dies in absence of boron (Berger, 1949). There may also be an accumulation of soluble nitrogen and carbohydrates in plants and a reduction of amount of protein formed. Its deficiency results in higher NO3-N, whereas its sufficiency decreases NO3-N in plants (Oram, 196...
Mahmood Nasir and Mohammad Noor
...ver percent, density and above ground biomass data were collected to detect vegetation differences between protected and unprotected area. Twenty 1 m2 quadrats were studied randomly in both the areas.

The cover percent (10%) and above ground biomass (216 kg/ha) of Chrysopogon aucheri were higher three times in protected area than that of unprotected area, but its density remained unchanged which shows that the ...

Aman Ullah Bhatti, Shamsher Ali and Farmanullah Khan properties....
J. O. Adegbehin
...e classes, with a TVP of about 442 m3 /ha for class I; 374 m 3/ha for class II; 290 m3 /ha for class III; 209 m7ha for class IV and 153 m3 /ha for class V. Among other things discussed was the application of the resulting growth figures in the management of the species....
Bashir Ahmad Wani, Shakeel Haider Zaidi, Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Hakim Shah
...ortant facts and figures about floristic composition, status of medicinal and economic plants. At present exploitation of this renewable natural resource is not carried out on scientific lines and thus this resource is not fully utilized. Suggestions have been made for better utilization and the strategy to be adopted to improve marketing channels and their impact on socio-economic conditions of the local communities....
Abdul Ghaffoor, Kashif Waseem and Hafiz Sabir Ali
... 100 cm, 125 cm & 150 cm above the ground level) as Factor-A and various pruning dates (22 Dec:, 07 Jan:, 23 Jan: & 08 Feb:) as Factor-B on the production of phalsa / falsa. Pruning levels significantly affected the days taken to sprouting, flowering, fruit setting, number of branches/plant, length of branches, number of fruit clusters/plant and weight of clusters. Among different pruning intensities, 100 cm pruning gave the maximum number of clusters/plant (1...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...prepared under standard laboratory procedures and data was collected by wood image weighing method for the percentage of wood volume occupied by fibers, vessels, longitudinal parenchyma and wood rays in each species. Results showed that in Acacia nilotica, Dalbergia sissoo, Fraxinus excelsior. Albizzia lebbek, A. procera, Mangifera indica, Alnus nitida, Juglans regia, Populus euphratica. Quercus incana, Platanus orientalis, Acer caesium and Cedrela t...
Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Muhammad Nawaz Rajpar
...i>, respectively in the laboratory. Likewise, C. procera, C. fistula, L. camara, T. neriifolia, M. communis, S. sebiferum & the control gave 57.41, 49.54, 34.26, 23.61, 18.92, 15.28 & 0.0 and 55.55, 48.14, 33.33, 18.52, 11.11, 11.11 & 0.0 percent control of D. lusca and P. obliquifasciella, respectively. Moreover, C. procera (2.84%), C. fistula (3.24%), M. communis (41.28%), S. sebiferum (27.29%), T. neriifol...
Hanif Gul and Mirza Hakim Khan
...m prone to the attack of above beetles The grubs of these beetles constructed concealed and irregular gallaries in the twigs and branches, causing damage to conducting tissue by complete strangulation. Since the insect damage was mainly due to stress caused by drought and was also below the economic limit, therefore no conventional control measure were feasible, rather than to wait for improvement in the moisture conditions in coming monsoons and winters. Mois...
G.A. Bajwa and H. Gul
...or and pesticide in the laboratory against Plusia orichalcea, a serious defoliator of nursery plants being environmentally safe for this purpose seed of A. indica, bark of C. fistula and leaves & tender shoots of C. procera were used The reduction in larval body weight in treated larvae was 74 19% to 78.92% over control in case of C. procera and the mixture after 12 and 6 days of treatment, respectively Mean larval period was...
J.O. Adegbehin and J.E. Onyibe
...asses, but with a TVP of about 489 mJ /ha for class I; 387 m3 /ha for class II; 296 mJ /ha for class III; 216 m3 /ha for class IV and 153 m3 /ha for class V. Among other things discussed was the application of the resulting growth figures in the management of the species....
Muhammad Naqash, Anwar Ali, Ahmad Hussain, Mamoona Wali Muhammad, Ahmad Zamir, Ikram Ul Haq
...nts (74%) have height of above 9 inches and 26% have height less than 9 inches. Species composition showed 83.80% Eucalyptus camaldulensis, 14.21% Pinus roxburghii and 1.57% Robinia pseduacacia. It was found that growth rate of Eucalyptus and Chirpine is comparatively higher in Phase-II plantations as compared to Phase I. The study recommends to reduce the proportion of Eucalyptus in plantations to encourage regeneration and growth of nati...
Siraj-ud-Din and Abdul Waheed Baloch
...t Mianghundi Quetta. The above techniques were also compared at Karak valley on Atriplex canisence, A. lentiformus, Ailanthus sp. and Eucalyptus camaldulensis. Data on survival of all species and height of Atriplex canisence was recorded and analyzed.
The survival of species at Mianghundi under different water conservation techniques viz. trenches, earthen bunds, micro-catchments and eyebrow plant pits was 48%, 43%, 33% and 30% respectively while i...
Anwar Ali, Muhammad Ayaz Khan and Ayaz Khan Marwat
...% is in the soil, 10% in aboveground biomass, 6% in belowground biomass and 3% in litter. Mean carbon density was estimated as 41.55 t/ha in the landscape. Mean aboveground carbon density was determined at 4.60 t/ha. Mean belowground carbon stock was estimated at 2.57 t/ha. Litter carbon was estimated as 1.42 t/ha. Dead wood was found to be a non-significant pool of carbon in the riverine forest ecosystems. Average organic...
Khalid Hussain and G. M. Nasir
... prepared by standard laboratory procedures and observed under the microscope. Data were collected for the frequency and dimensional measurements of different wood elements/structures. Results revealed that in Elm wood, the fibers were longer, medium in diameter, wide lumened and fairly thick-walled due to that the wood may be relatively better in strength. The vessels were lower in frequency but quite larger in diameter and the wood can be seasoned without ...
Anwar Ali, Muhmmad Ayaz, Saz Muhammad
... 18% sample trees. Thus, about 83% of the trees are young and sub-mature and about 17% of the sample trees are mature. This shows that sufficient mature trees are available in Kaghan Valley. In coniferous species, about 65% of the trees fall in young and 22% fall in sub-mature stages whereas only 13% are mature. Highest percentage of mature trees are present in spruce (17%) followed by fir...
Ahmed Zamir, Muhammad Waqas Khan, Muhammad Waqas Khan, Waseem Ullah and Rizwan Ullah
... The results showed that about 70% of the farmers predicted the advantage of the tree planting as being the source of fuel wood and tobacco kilns. They further perceived the role of tree planting as; 50%, 40%, 30% role in shade, income and other environmental benefits respectively. It was observed that educated farmers favored tree farming as compared to the less educated one. Further farmers listed many problems when questioned abo
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir and Iqbal Mahmood
... studied under standard laboratory procedures. In all the studied species, vessels were found larger in size, the fibres were thin walled and wide lumened and frequency and size of wood rays was somewhat higher. The wood of all the three species could behave better in seasoning and preservation, chemical treatment may be necessary to enhance the durability of wood and can be used for pulp and paper due to favourable fiber morphological characteristics....
Mohammad Ayaz and Bashir Ahmad Wani
...3 (43.9%), costing about Rs.6,660 million (Ashfaque et al., 2000). The major contributors in the national wood supply were farmlands, making up the balance of 1.663 million m3 (48.8%)....
Maria Mussarat, Amanullah Bhatti and Mehmood Elahi
...centrated rains. All the above causes and features have been mapped using 1:50,000 scale....
Babar Sohail and Kanwar Muhammad Suleman amount generated from about 55 acres during the last 8 years. More than 74 percent farmers reported negative effects of shade of Eucalyptus trees on wheat production while only 6% farmers who belonged to waterlogged areas reported positive effects of Eucalyptus on wheat production. Although Eucalyptus have allelopathic effects on agriculture crops but economic losses due to raising of Eucalyptus were proved baseless. According to this study, most of the far...
Muhammad Afzal and Malik Muhammad Khan
...h agriculture production about 40% per unit area....
Jehan Zeb, M. Aslam, Shahid Ahmad, Aamir Kabir and Taj Ali Khan
...e of 18" x 24" was about 59% that of the control (without bags). E. camaldulensis gained 82-88% and A. nilotica 75-89% of its height during May-August. The peak daily potential evapo-transpiration (ETo) of 9.41 mm/day was observed during June....
G. A. Bajwa, H. Gul and G. N. Panhwer
.../i>) was studied in the laboratory during 1996-97. Studies on the biology showed that the fecundity of a single female moth was on an average 37.71 ± 0.91 eggs with maximum of 45 and minimum 30 eggs. The oviposition, incubation, larval and pupal periods lasted for 1-3, 3-5, 8-18, 6-18 days, respectively while the adults remained alive for 4-17 days. There were seven generations in a year with an average life cycle of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th , 6th and 7t...
Zafar Iqbal
.../i> is quite expensive, laborious and lengthy. Keeping this in view, the present study was conducted on 12 years old plantation using R.C.B. design with five replications. The results are quite encouraging and suggest that Eucalyptus camaldulensis can be raised successfully through coppice. Growth of coppice shoots was about 2-3 times more than the crop of seed origin. Volume production was not affected by the number ...
Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Hafeez
...der food-production. The above situation leaves no way to increase the area under wood production. So, to cater for wood demand in the country, there exists no alternative except the immediate adoption of agroforestry (Rashid & Hafeez, 1991)....
Hanif Gul and Abida Hamid
...s were conducted in the laboratories at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. The fungus, B. bassiana was tried in the doses of 0.4 x 104 spores / ml 0.6 x 104 spores/ml and 0.8 x 104 spores / ml against all stages of Hadde beetles. The fungus B. bassiana proved to be effective against all the stages except eggs. For grubs among the three doses 60% mortality occurred after 120 hours in the dose of 0.8 x 104 spores / ml while 53% and 33% mortal...
G. A. Bajwa and G. Zimmermann
...ntria dispar in the laboratory. 1st instar larvae of the pest were fed on neem sprayed leaves of Prunus domestica. 100 percent mortality was observed in all neem test treatments within 21 days. In the highest dose (8%) maximum mortality was recorded after 72 hours which may be due to contact action of neem oil formulation. On the other hand, the lower doses caused slow mortality in the beginning and progressed steadily, owing to growth regulating be...
Shad K. Khalil and John G. Mexal
... grown in greenhouse for about 9 months under well-watered and nitrogen fertilized conditions, and then transferred to a growth chamber where measurements were made three days latter. All seedlings were watered to field capacity the evening before measurements were made. Net photosynthetic rate and PWUE over one day period were measured, followed by harvesting and determination of dry matter of foliage. Both mycorrhizal fungi caused substantial increase in net...
...ted best. Steps to bring about further genetic improvement in these species are discussed....
Raja Muhammad Ashfaq and Mohammad Khan
...s are cultivated. Out of about 88 million ha total land area of the country, 26.6 million ha comprise the uplands, where watersheds of various sizes are located (Ashfaq, 1991). Since there is only 1.27 million ha of productive forests in the country (Amjad and Shah 1996), it is presumed that the remaining 25 million ha of watershed lands are cultivated, grazing and barren area, which are sources of siltation in Mangla and Tarbela reservoirs on river Jhelum a...
J. S. A. Osho
...n of the LP showed that about 5.8 x 107 m3 of wood was maximized. The optimal solution preserved 2,945 ha (20, 730, 202 m3) of wood was maximized. The optimal cut in Period-I (1995-2000), 3,766 ha (22,158,071 m3) in Period-II (1995-2005) and 2,515 ha (14,959,539 m3) in Period-III (2006-2010). Two other feasible solutions were also worked out. The volume per hectare of the plantation for Gmelina arborea ...
Md. Serajuddoula, A. S. Khan, M. R. Islam and M. A. H. Shahjalal
...>). These plantations of above mentioned species established in the coastal areas are likely to offer sustained yield and render a permanent forest cover in the coastal belt....
Zafar Iqbal
...ds is quite expensive, laborious and lengthy. Keeping this in view, the present study was conducted on 12 years old plantation using R.C.B. design with five replications. The results are quite encouraging and suggest that Eucalyptus camaldulensis can be raised successfully through coppice. Growth of coppice shoots was about 2-3 times faster than that crop of seed origin. Volume production was not affected by t...
Fauzia Balqis Malik and Bashir Hussain Shah
...ced by Eucalyptii in the above order....
Wang Shiji and Li. Huqun the last forty years about 2000 ha euphrate poplar plantations have been established in Xinjiang and Gansu provinces of China. This paper describes the nursery and afforestation techniques for P. euphratica....
Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry, Sahibzada Muhammad Hafeez and Muhammad Jahangir Ghauri
...gation water and use of labour for irrigation without affecting the growth of plants was also worked out....
Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry and Jehangir Ghauri
...rd, chipboard etc. and above all it gives high and early return.

Due to these characters Eucalyptus Camaldulensis has been liked very much by farmers. Planting of Eucalyptus is being done by the farmers on field boundaries, in rows along water channels, on farm approach roads, as woodlots and in compact blocks in fields with agricultural crops at variable spacings.

In this paper results of effect of various spacings on the growth of...

G. A. Bajwa, R. Kehr and G. Zimmermann
... 3) were tested in the laboratory for virulence on Pityogenes chalcographus. 20 adults of P. chalcographus contaminated with conidia by releasing on agar plates for two minutes were reared on bark of Picea abies (4 x 4 cm). B. bassiana, M. anisopliae (Ma 3, Ma 6, Ma 43) and P. fumosoroseus caused 100 percent mortality within 10 days, while in control and P. cicadae that was 20 and 30 percent, respectively. Coni...
K. M. Siddiqui
...and area and supporting about 10% of the total population of 130 million of the country, have always been neglected and marginalised as far as development activities in them are concerned. There are a number of reasons for this state of affairs. In the first instance, they are not easily accessible because of difficult terrain. The means of communication, such as roads, are difficult and expensive to build and are therefore few in number and short...
Hanif Gul, Nighat Mansoor Chaughtai and Rukhsana Kausar
...portentosus in the laboratory at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar under the controlled temperature of 25-35°C and 55-65% relative humidity, for evolving their best possible biological control. B. bassiana fungus was tested in the doses of 0.8 x 104 spores/ml, 0.6 x 104 spores/ml in the study. The data showed that B. bassiana has given a non- significant result against the pests even after 72 hours but results were significan...
K. M. Siddiqui
...l diversity. Originally, about 10,000 years ago, two third of earth's surface was covered with forests. Presently, only half of this forest area is left. World-wide, the biggest threat to forest resources has been clearance of forests for agriculture. This has also resulted in aridity in many countries. Although, some salinity generally occurs in arid and semi-arid regions of the country because of low precipitation, high temperatures and high rate of evapora...
K. M. Siddiqui
...inal range is from just above the sea level upto 4000 meters. The natural distribution of bamboos all over the world follows the distribution of rainfall. However, temperature also affects it to some extent. The total number of bamboo species worldwide is 1250, out of which Asia has 900 species. Almost all countries of Asia have either natural forests or man-made plantations of bamboo. In Asia the widespread distribution of some bamboo species para...
Bashir Ahmad
...nomic benefit, knowledge about cost of production and returns from forest products is needed to make appropriate production decisions. Unfortunately, such information is totally missing about various forest trees in the Azad Jammu and Kashmir, where forests occupies about 27.1 percent of total area of 1.33 million hectares (Forestry Sector Master Plan)....
Ghulam Akbar, Shahid Rafique and Muhammad Asghar
...raised and evaluated for above ground dry matter biomass in Mastung and Tomagh areas in upland Balochistan. Tall wheatgrass and pubescent wheatgrass exhibited high dry matter biomass in southern upland region (Mastung) both in fall, 1989 and spring 1990. In north-eastern region (Tomagh), weeping lovegrass outperformed in dry matter biomass production, however, some other species such as tall wheatgrass, pubescent wheatgrass, thickspike wheatgrass, orch...
M. Ayaz
...cutting and demands only about 13% and 27% of the time/tree than with peg-tooth and raker-tooth crosscut saws, respectively. Power chainsaw also gives 4 and 7.2 times higher productivity of timber/hour at a cost which is about half and one fourth of the cost of work with raker-tooth and peg-tooth crosscut saws, respectively....
K. M. Siddiqui and B. H. Shah
...dry affoestaiton because about 60-70% area in arid and semi-arid parts in Pakistan is subjected to desertification to varying degree for climatic reasons and due to misuse of land for agricultural and pastoral purposes over a long period of time. A number of government agencies have been engaged in the afforestation of vast dry areas in the country. Most of the efforts in this regards have so far been patchy, sporadic and scattered, and ware therefore,...
...ests, conducted in the laboratory at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar revealed that seeds of 30 out of 70 tree species were infested with 24 insect species. Among them 86% Coleopterous and 5.6% Lepidopterous adults represented 23 species of seed pests while 8.4% adults belonged to a Hymenopterous parasite. 13 of the 24 insect species, identified by the I.I.E. London, belonged to Coleoptera (9 species), Lepidoptera (3 species) and Hymenoptera (1 ...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...s a height and girth of about 12-15m and 1.8-2.7m respectively (Parker, 1921; Troup, 1921). It has moderate, thick grey bark (1.2-2.5 cm) and reddish hard and durable heartwood (air dried specific gravity 0.72- 0.83); leaves are compound. 22.5-37.5 cm long; flowers in axillary panicles, lilac, honey-scented particularly during night....
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...>A. cinerea in the laboratory showed that a predator larvae consumed 2 host grubs of 1-2 months age in 4 days. ON an average single predatory larvae killed 61 and consumed 24 host grubs in 14 months of its predatory larval life. Due to predation by mites on A. cinerea a mortality of 8-18% was recorded. Predation of formicids on larvae of I. quadrinotata was studied at Islamabad and 8 to 35% larval galleries were observed to contain fo...
Rash Khan and Faridullah Khan
...sheet It is also brought about early germination, whereas the low temperatures delayed the germination by70 days....
Hakim Shah and Malik Illahi Bakhsh
...lands of the Punjab have about 200 million trees of which 95% are in irrigated areas. The number of tree per ha is 16.9 for all areas; 18.7 in irrigated and 6.2 in un-irrigated areas. Shisham (42%), Phulai (20%), Kiker (11%) Bakain (7%) and Mango (6%) are the main species in irrigated areas. Ber (31%) Phuli (20%), Kiker (19%) and Shisham (7%) are the predominant species in un-irrigated areas. Tree stock mostly consists of young trees. About 75% of all ...
Bashir Hussain Shah, Altaf Hussain and Raja M. Omer
... also determined in the laboratory. The results showed that the infiltration capacity was highest in normal soil (0.17cm/hr). The infiltration capacity of saline-sodic soil under different vegetation e.g. tree plantations, grass cover and bare soil differed significantly although other physical characteristics were not significantly different....
K. M. Siddiqui and Fazli Subhan Khan
...n economy contributing about 26% to GDP and employing about 54% of the labour force. Farmlands account for about 36.1 % of the total land area. 76% of rural and 55% of urban population mainly depends on wood for their energy needs, fodder, food and wood based industries. This has necessitated growing of trees not only on marginal lands but f...
Bahauddin Sirhindi
....467 million ha), only about 30% of the total forest area falls under productive category while the rest of the area is of protective nature. Riverine and irrigated forest plantations, the productive category constitute about 2.3 percent of total land area of the province....
K. M. Siddiqui
... that the forests cover about one third of total land area on earth, provide numerous benefits to man and contribute to ecological and environmental stability and sustainable development, the efforts for forestry development and extension have been meagre, widely dispersed and erratic over past many decades. The current worldwide international forest conservation assistance amounts to only US $ 1.35 billion. The allocation of financial resources...
Wali-ur-Rahman and M. I. Chaudhry
... enemies of the pest....
Hakim Shah, Malik Illahi Bakhsh and Mohammad Amjad
...e farmlands of NWFP have about 80 million trees of which two-third are in irrigated areas. The average number of trees per ha is 46 for all areas, 72 in irrigated areas and 27 in un-irrigated areas. Poplar (24%), bakain (18%), Shisham (15%), ailanthus (13%) and mulberry (10%) are the pre-dominant species in irrigated areas. Ber (23%) and ailanthus (14%) are the most common trees in un-irrigated areas. The tree stock is mostly concentrated in lower diam...
K. M. Siddiqui
...nges, it tends to bring about many direct and indirect changes in the environment, including in forest ecosystems, the extent of which depends upon rapidity, direction and magnitude of climate change. Minor changes in climate often occur and are of diurnal, seasonal of decadal and/or of regional nature, such as hot summer droughts of the 1980s in parts of Asia and Africa. Their affect was similar in nature. Climate has also changed in the distant past....
Mohammad Amjad
...made similar assertions about fuelwood situation in Pakistan (l,2,3,5). These assessments are mostly based on physical models of supply and demand. These models estimate future demand on the basis of projected population size and per capita needs, and compare it with the production potential of the existing resources. While relevance of these models can hardly be held in doubt, it is imperative that the economic indicators of scarcity may also be ex...
Abdur Rauf Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid and Naseer Ahmad
...ndy loam soil with pH of about 5.0. Further, Mann (1935) found that tea could be grown on sites with mean monthly minimum temperature of -5°C to 20°C and maximum of 20°C to 30°C in both for tropical and semitropical regions....
Abid Ali Khan Station, which is about 15 Kilometer from Hyderabad on National High Way. The experiment was executed successfully and it was repeated more in 1976. It showed that sericulture could be practiced beneficially in the province of Sindh and resulted in launching of a pilot project for sericulture for a period of seven years. The project programme was started in April 1977 with the main objective of introducing and transferring sericulture technology to...
Mir Baz Khan
Mian Muhammad Muslim
M. Kleine
... such an inventory are elaborated and the complete procedure of selecting an appropriate design, implementing it in the field, data processing and interpretation of the results are described....
M. Ayaz
...the basis of technical labour productivity under an equal and maximum work stress. Result of the study reveal that the technical labour productivity of conventional and improved tools at maximum work stress is 0.47 and 0.61m3 of timber and firewood per man hour respectively. Improved tools were found to have (30%) higher productivity than conventional tools in tree felling and conversion and therefore were...
M. Ayaz
...ries an average load o f about 15 logs, with a volume of 6.75 m3 (239.6 cft) under bark. The cost of timber transportation is calculated as Rs. 19.91/m3/km (Re.0.56/cft/km). It was observed that road gradient has considerable effect on transportation cost, which is minimum as Rs. 5.88/m3/km (Re.0.17/cft/km) for an average road gradient of 8%. It is concluded that standard forest roads are essential for speedy and economi...
K. M. Siddiqui M. Ayaz and A. Jah
.... Woody fuel constitute about 0.62% of the total growing stock and 31% of the annual increment. Therefore, these forests have a limited use other then fuel wood collection heavy collection of fuel wood by the people is a socio-economic condition of the people and gradual substitution of wood fuel with commercial fuel to save the valuable forest wealth from misuse and destruction....
M. Ayaz, J. A. Khan, M. Kleine and H. Duerrstein
...nology for a period of about one year in Germany, PFI-Officers were also sent for long-term studies for Ph.D. and M.Sc. degrees in Germany, United Kingdom and United States. Research was conducted by the officers during their stay abroad as part of their degree programmes and major findings of research are briefly described...
K. M. Siddiqui
...erious disrepute and was abolished. Since mid-seventies all the provinces of Pakistan are carrying out their timber harvesting and marketing either departmentally (Punjab and Sindh) or through public corporations (NWFP and Azad Kashmir). In the beginning, all these organizations were using tools and methods of forest contractors because there were no arrangements within the country to train the staff in improved methods of tree felling, conversio...
... Phander areas situated about 200 km north-west of Gilgit at an elevation ranging between 2286 and 2438 m. The important forest trees include willows and poplars. Three species of willows, i.e. Salix purpurea, S. seriocarpa, S. tetrasperma and a single species of poplar, Populus nigra (Lombardy poplar) were found commonly grown in the area. Nevertheless, a few hybrid poplars (P. X. euramericana) were also noticed around Phander Res...
K. M. Siddiqui and M. Khan
...uced into United States about 150 years ago and now appears throughout the southern and central hardwood regions as naturalized wild plantation tree (Beckjord et al., 1984; Hardie et al., 1989). It also grows in Japan, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Presently, the interest in the Paulownia species is increasing due to its ability in rooting and its tolerance of rocky, disturbed and relatively infertile soils. It is grown as an orna...
S. I. Zafar, Ulfat Naheed, N. Abdullah and M. Yasin
...ic biodegradation under laboratory conditions has been well investigated, reports on this aspect under natural conditions are limited (Zadrazil et al., 1982). Such studies are necessary not only for an understanding of the degradation process but have the applied potential to optimize production of feed and feed stack from lignocellulosics. In the present paper has been presented biochemical composition of Dalbergia sissoo degraded by variou...
Mahmood Iqbal Shiekh, Saliheen Khan and Hakim Shah
... respectively....
Hanif Gul, M.I. Chaudhry M. Farooq and Rahmatullah Jan
... soxhelt apparatus. The laboratory trails of the wood extractives revealed that termites longevity was minimum in the Platanus orientalis, L. among the broad leaved tree species and Cedrus deodara Roxb Ex. Lanb and P. roxburghii Saragent from conifers while in Abies webbiana Lindl there was no significant difference in extractives and check (no treatments)....
Qaisar Ali, Perveen Abdullah and Muhammad Ibrar
...studied under different laboratory and field conditions. Maximum germination was observed in garden loam, followed by clayey soil at 20°C after 144 hours. Rate of germination decreased with increase in sodium chloride concentrations beyond 0.5%. Best growth and development of the plant was achieved under full light and on garden loam, followed by clayey soil....
Ihsan Illahi and Farrukh Hussain
...e its germination under laboratory condition. Non-treated exhibited 26% germination at 20 and 25°C and 54% at 30°C at pH5-7. Seeds treated either alone with warm water, mechanical scarification, or coupled with soaking in water, KNO3, and IAA gave over 90% germination at 20 - 30°C. A 60-80%germination was achieved with acid scarification, IAA, KNO3, sodium hypochlorite and acid scarification coupled with IAA at various temperatures tried. L...
J.O. Adegbehin, S. Nokoe, J. A. Okojie and G. O. Otegbeye
...tal volume production of about 726m3/ha. Among the other things discussed are the factors influencing the growth rate of the species and the application of the resulting growth figures to its management....
Mirza Mohammad Ashraf
... range lands constitutes about 65 to 70 percent of total land area. These areas are in depleted condition and far below their productive potential. Because of continued misuse through deforestation, unchecked grazing and irresponsible extension of cultivation, the watershed lands have been severely damaged with the result that agricultural production has considerably decreased....
M. Ayaz
...ntation in the basis of labour productively and workload. The results of time and heart rate studies showed that the improved tools demanded 12.4 minutes less of work time per cubic meter of timber and firewood converted. The technical labor productivity for work with improved tools also higher by about 24% and this increase was highly significant. Improved tools reduced the physica...
M.I. Sheikh, R. W. Hussain and Saliheen Khan
...ha house, in addition to above mentioned uses, wood is also used for roofing. According to 1980 housing census report, the rate of increase in construction of houses during 1973-80 was 2 percent per annum. This was 1.5% in rural areas and 3.2% in urban areas. The total number of houses in Peshawar division in 1986 is estimated as 377,000. Out of these only 162 households were interviewed to conduct this study. Average family size varies between 7 and 10 perso...
M.Ismail Chaudhry and Ashiq Ahmad
...pletes its life cycle in about 30 days and has 9 generations in a year. During severe infestation premature leaf shedding is caused, resulting in a poor and stunted growth of this valuable crop. In insecticidal trials, out of 5 test chemicals Lebayucid 50%proved most effective against larvae at 0.05%level and against pupae at 0.1%level. Ekalux gave 92%kill in 0.05%dose and 100% kill in 0.1%dose....
M.I. Sheikh, Saliheen Khan and Raja Walayat Hussain
...ry has been estimated at about 15-20%. The production cost and the whole sale price of one gross of match boxes is Rs.16.85 and Rs.18.27 respectively. The current annual consumption of wood is around 14,662 m3. The demand for round wood for the year 1990,1995, and 2000 comes to 18,069; 20,795 and 24,202 m3 respectively....
Raja Walayat Hussain and M. I. Sheikh
...ere transplanted at the above spacing in RCB design with four replications. First thinning was done in the crop in autumn of 1980 but it was rather on conservative side. The crop gave a congested appearance on visit in September 1984. Therefore second thinning was done giving a release to the left over plants to put up better growth....
K.M. Siddiqui, M.I. Sheikh and S. Rehman
...tegy would further bring about genetic improvement in Populus ciliata....
Muhammad Shafiq and M. I. Nizami
... Pothwar area (1.82m.h.) about 1.21m.h. are classified as gullied lands. The unfavorable site factors i.e. shortage of moisture and plant nutrients, in these gullied lands are challenging for a desirable land management practices. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the potential capabilities of the gullied land for establishment of tree plantations and also to test the adoptability/ suitability of some tree species. Four tree species (Leuca...
M. Afzal Cheema and Mohammad Aliul Hassanin Fatime
... After supplementing the above data from Azad Kashmir the present volume tables have been prepared....
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Hanif Gul
... Both the chemicals in laboratory as well as field trials, in doses of o.02 and 0.04% concentrations gave cent percent mortality of the larvae. The residual effect of the insecticides continued up to about one month and provided cover for two successive and overlapping generations the non-target insects, which do not feed in foliage were absolutely safe from the adverse effect of the chemicals....
Mian Mohammad Muslim Sericulture Research Laboratory, Lahore. The pure strains of Japanese, Chinese and European races separating as a result of their segregation, were picked up on the basis of their respective racial characteristics. The pure lines of Japanese, Chinese and European races, so obtained, were given the following names....
M.A. Hassnain Fatime and Raja Walayat Hussain 1 (30.48 Cm) interval above ground level up to 7 feet (2.13 meters). Each set of diameters showed a strong linear correlation with diameter at breast height. Straight line regression equations were developed for each set of diameter separately using sets of diameter at different heights as independent variables and diameter breast height as dependent variable. DBH was estimated from these equations against diameter range from 6 to 60 inches for Brit...
Abdur Rashid Tariq and Haji Moosa A. Tayab
... further over an area of about 2000 hectares under various agencies. The Forestry Department, besides raising pastures on project scale, also initiated a study to test the adaptability of Pioneer Rhodes grass to irrigation water having higher levels of salinity. The study was laid on to various soil types available in the region. Observations on the response of Pioneer Rhodes grass to various soil and water quality classes were recorded for two year. During th...
Zakaullah, Mohammad Irfanul Haque and Khial Badshah
...rowing between 500-1050m above sea level. L.pulverulintus was parasitizing the plants in the higher range and L. longiflorus in the lower range. They were found attacking 32 timber and fruit plant species some of which had been reported earlier L. longiflorus was more prevalent particularly on old trees of Acacia modesta, while L. pulverulenrus had comparatively low incidence. Only four host species were found commonly attacked by b...
Salahuddin Ahmad
... and dream no stalically about a land overflowing with milk and honey but practically do nothing to realise our ambition. Generally it does not pay to raise plants specially for the bees but we can combine and encourage, by thoughtful selection of nectar-producing plants for the chief object which could be wood or landscaping and thus a honey crop would be harvested as a bye-product. ...
Wulf Killmann
...mber and timber products about 50% is imported. In some fields of timber utilization chipboard can be of help to ease the pressure on local timber resources and foreign exchange of imports especially in furniture and interior wood works. Logically already as early as in the sixties the first chipboard mills started operation. Raw materials were mainly coniferous timbers acquired from the Forest Departments or broad leaved trees (Mango etc.) acquired from the...
Ashiq Ahmad
...hmir and Murree invading about 1215 ha area. The insect has annual life cycle with moths emerging in May....
Salahuddin Ahmad
... observe and contemplate about the wonders of creation, their grandeur and splendour, their variety and diversity, and then to draw inferences as to who other than Allah could have caused their existence and subsequent maintenance. Among the creation of Heavens and Earth, while the former is decorated with Jannat, the garden of bliss, the latter is also provided with every type of vegetation and animals of all kinds (Sura Luqman, Ayat-10). Indeed when A...
K.M. Siddiqui
...ples of this species on laboratory scale are presented in this article. Trial cooks were made to determine the most suitable kraft (sulphate) pulping conditions for producing bleachable pulp with Kappa number of about 25 from 15 chir pine trees of three age groups. In laboratory tests trees of 36 - 45 years age gave maximum pulp yield. However, hand sheets prepared from the pulp of 2...
M . I. R. Khan
...excluding the islands is about 77,700 square kilometers....
M.I. R. Khan
...jects which were started about the same time on the initiative and under the directives of H.H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the Ruler of Abu Dhabi. Since then, with the expansion of plantation, agricultural and landscaping projects, the raising of various types of nursuries has made considerable progress both in the public and the private sectors. More recently, indoor decorative plants are being acquired and kept by increasing number of people in the...
R. W. Hussain and S. Hasan Abbas were available at the above age i.e. planting was done with a spacing of 10″ x 6″ and no thinning was done and only 26 trees were lost on account of mortality or other factors. Under proper management the actual number of trees constituting main crop at the above age is almost half of the above figures. Therefore mean annual increment is less and ranges between 250cft to 400cf...
K.M. Siddiqui
... region of Pakistan at laboratory and pilot scale. Tests were conducted to examine the effect of tree age and the presence of resin in Chir pine wood on its pulping characteristics. Physical, anatomical and chemical properties of wood samples from 15 trees of three age groups were determined in the standard manner. Considerable variation was observed within individual trees as well as between trees of different age groups in moisture content, bark per...
M.I.R. Khan
... and planted in the last about a little over a decade. Most of the afforestation work has been carried out and is being maintained with artificial drip irrigation utilizing the locally available brackish underground waters. ...
S. Hasan Abbas
...still going on to decide about the management practices for this tree, an attempt was made to study the growth of clone PxE cv-I-214 through stem analysis.

Five trees, selected at random, out of 30 in a demonstration plot in Pakistan Forest Institute, were analysed according to procedure given in the Silvicultural Research Code Vol 3 by A.L. Griffith and Jagdamba Prasad (1949)....

Sultan Maqsood Khan and Raja Muhammad Zarif
...y of this rangeland from about 23 to only 0.5 hectares/Animal Unit/year. This shows that at present level of livestock management the production of livestock and livestock products can be increased about 40 times by simply seeding these areas with Cenhrus ciliaris. ...
Raja Mohammad Ashfaque and Anjum Amin
...ion et al., 1965) about 40 km northwest of Muzafarabad along the left bank of river Neelum. The altitude is 1200 meters with an average rainfall of about 600 mm. Soil is mainly formed of shale and sandstone with a moderate amount of organic matter suitable for plant growth. Pinus roxburghii forms the major overhead storey with shrubs Myrsine africana, Berberis lycium, Indigofera spp. as understorey. Th...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Raza-ul-Haq
...centimeter. As indicated above, these two were regarded as major treatments....
Zakaullah and Khial Badshah
... the road distance being about 39 kilometers. The mistletoe infection was also observed across the river. The incidence of the parasite was 56%. It was found to increase, generally, with tree size. The infection rating for the stand was 2.7....
Ashiq Ahmad
...aled its distribution in about 60 places in Northern Areas. The animal was observed feeding on flowers of Peucedanum skadicum, leaves of Betula utilis and Salix himalayensis and tuberous roots of Lindelofia anchusoides. Some behavioral studies were also conducted. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, B.H. Shah and A. Aleem
...sup> per catchment plot, about 78.14% of total rainfall received by the catchment plot. The next better treatments are mudplaster (soil + cowdung). Polythene sheet cover and sodium carbonate spray which produced 10.43 m3, 10.36m3 and 9.99 m3 runoff respectively. While cement plaster, asphalt cover lime concretion cover mechanical stabilization and natural grass cover proved ineffective in increasing the runoff, as these collec...
Mohammad Ayaz and K. M. Siddiqui
...cient, thus causing low labour productivity, and delays in exploitation and subsequent regeneration operations in the forests. Introduction of power chain saws for felling and conversion of trees is essential to speed up timber harvesting operations so that enough time is available for regeneration work as well as to increase the labour productivity. It has been observed in many countries that power chain saws are more ...
M. Saleem Khattak, Hafiz Inayatullah and Sharafat Khan
...d Industrial Research, Laboratories, Peshawar, during 1974, to find out the best root promoting hormones for root initiation and economic propagation of olive, Olea europea L. cultivar Leceino cuttings. Three growth regulators namely, Indole 3-acetic acid, Indole 3-butyric acid and 1-Naphthalene acetic acid each with 3000, 6000 and 9000 PPM in 50%alcohol were used as Quick Dip method on the semi hardwood cuttings of the aforesaid species....
Raja Walayat Hussain and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...s were available at the above age, that is, planting was dine with a spacing of 10'x 6', no thinning was done up to the age of 6 years and only 26 trees were lost on account of mortality and other factors up to this age. This plantation was however not maintained properly, no soil cultivation was done and irrigation was erratic. Since hybrid poplar had been tried in different plantations with varying spacing since 1970, sample plots were laid ou...
M. I. R. Khan
...excluding the islands is about 77,700 square kilometers....
M. Iqbal Ahmad, Hanif Gul and Wali-ur-Rehman
...causing defoliation over about 3175 acres. The insect has an annual life cycle with moths emerging in May. These have brownish grey wings with thick black and white strips, exhibiting close mimicry with tree trunks. They hide under plant debris during day and become active at dusk and dawn. Moths spend the night sitting on tree trunks and on fresh needles....
G. M. Khattak, Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Khaliq
...ulture is practiced over about 47.5 million acres, of which about 33.5 million are irrigated, mostly by canals. Production forests cover barely 1.5% of the total land area. So the country is short of timber and fire-wood: Wood and wood products - mostly pulp and paper - worth 550 million rupees are imported every year on the average. And the scarcity of firewood forces the rural people to use anything combustible as fuel - a...
G. M. Khattak Dr. and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...f Balucnistan occur over about 250,000 acres between Lat. 30° 9' and 30° 27' N, and Long. 67° 11' and 68° 3' E, on hilly and rugged terrain ranging in elevation from about 5000 to 12,000 feet. Because of inadequate rainfall and steep slopes, only physical weathering of rocks - mainly conglomerate, limestones, sandstones, shales Mias occurred. And the properties of soils are generally determined by the...
M. Ihsanur Rahman Khan
...evelopment field in last about five years....
Relph R. Stewart
...l field of interest when about 1933 Dr. Helmut de Terra, then at Yale, came to Rawalpindi to collect stone age artifacts from the Soan River terraces near Morgah and to collect fossil bones from the Salt Range. He invited me to go to an area near Gulmarg, Kashmir on the north slope of the Pir Panjal Range where he had learned that there were fossil leaves in the clay of an ancient lake or lakes near a place called Laredura at c. 1875 m. and Dangarpur c. 2031 m...
Zakaullah and Shahida Perveen
...e crop covers an area of about 1938 ha (Weather and Crop Report, 1977). This is expected to increase in the future....
Ashiq Ahmad and G. M. Khattak
...g for 24 hours gave only about 8% germination in 20 days. ...
Mohammad Ayaz
...eeds, with an average of about 3 seeds per berry. Average width of the seeds is 3.3 mm and average length 4.9. Each seed is roughly conical with a broad base and tapering towards the micropyler end, slightly curved and slightly three angled. In case of 5 seeds per berry the central seed is straight and four angled. Colour of the seeds is brown to blackish brown with broader end slightly discoloured....
Raja Walayat Hussain
... in thinnings. Data from about 1070 trees were made available by Genetics branch of Pakistan Forest Institute who felled some plots of this species last year. The latter group of data consisted of small sized trees. In order to get an adequate representative sample for each diameter class, random selection of 20 to 40 trees was made from each diameter class having more than 100 trees. Finally 343 trees were used in this study....
Abdul Aleem
..., human population about 530,000 cattle population about 1,121000 (about 401,000 animal units). Most of the scanty and erratic rainfall is received in spring. Based on 40 years record, the average annual rainfall of Gilgit and Skardu is 130 and 160 mm respectively (App.1). Most of the area is mountainous and is used for grazing. Agriculture is confined to
G. M. Baloch and M. A. Ghani
...ranthus spp. infest about 274 hosts which include citrus, limes, tea. rubber, fruit, forage, park and many other broad-leaved trees (Mushtaque and Baloch, 1979). The dwarf mistletoes, Arceuthobium spp., attack coniferous forest trees (e.g., pines, fir, spruce, junipers, larch) while Viscuni spp. infest deciduous trees in parks, boulevard plantings, natural forests and orchards (e.g., olives, apples, almonds, cherries) (Gill and Hawksworth, 1961...
G. M. Khattak and Ashiq Ahmad
..., 63 to 100%. An area of about 2.3 ha was fenced in pure silver-fir forest of Malkandi in 1974 after removing single trees from fully stocked patches to create one tree wide gaps in the canopy. Forestry students re-visited this area in May 1979 and the following is a resume of their observations on the occurrence of natural regeneration of fir and its relationship with slope, ground vegetation and light intensity....
Safia Khanum, Farrukh Hussain and Himayat Hussain Naqvi species used....
Mohammad Hanif
...teristics, were selected about 55 kilometers SE of Islamabed. Missa experimental had 8098 trees of various species, 29 check dams and 7 spillways, Missa control, 3218 trees and 3 spillways. During the period of study (January 1973 to December 1978) 4828 mm rainfall was received in 348 rainy days. Of this, 3536 mm (73%) occurred in 143 rainstorms and was effective to produce runoff. The capacity of the experimental watershed to reduce runoff and sediment decr...
Shahida Parveen and Zakaullah
...lection of information about the diseases of the crop was initiated and available literature on the subject was reviewed.

Joshi and Agnihotri (1958) described the symptoms, morphology and cultural characteristics of the fungus causing wilt-disease of cumin.

Mathur and Prasad (1962) recorded powdery mildew (Erysiphe polygoni DC), blight (Alternaria burnsii) and wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f. cumini) diseases on...

Wali-ur-Rehman and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...sp.) occurred in 1977 in about 900 hectares of Chir pine forest in Swat. About 190 hectares of the forest was defoliated very heavily. The pest preferred southern, eastern and western aspects as an average population per tree on these aspects, respectively, was 1484, 1168 and 1031 with corresponding defoliations. Population per tree on northern aspects was 506 with medium defoliation while in most shady places and deep nullahs defoliation was either light or n...
Bashir Hussain Shah, Hanif Gul and M. I. Chaudhry
.../i>Steph.) first in the laboratory then in the field. Both have shown their efficacy against the pest by giving complete mortality of larvae in 0.1% concentrations. The out-breaks of the defoliator can effectively be controlled without affecting the other biological control agents or the environment....
Mussarrat N. Ali, Anwar Ahmad Khan and Shakeel Haider Zaidi
...i> Steph.) First in the laboratory then in the field. Both have shown their efficacy against the pest by giving complete mortality of larvae in 0.1% concentration. The out-breaks of the defoliator can effectively be controlled without affecting the other biological control agents or the environment. ...
Ali Asghar Khan, to create awareness about the effects of unwarranted changes in environment and need for studying the factors involve don pilot basis. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...ntroduced in Pakistan about 15 years back. Although the species is actually a native of the USA and grows from mid west all the way to the south, the seed was imported from Japan, where it has been extensively planted to cover the bare hill slopes. The plant being leguminous improves and binds the soil and is a nutritious fodder. The plants in the first instance were raised in Silvicultural Research Nursery, Lahore and planted in different climatic...
Mirza Hakim Khan Dr.
... mean annual rainfall of about 500 mm mean maximum temperature of about 37°C for June and mean minimum temperature of 0°C got January, with definite but not severe frost period. Three plant communities' viz. Rhazya stricta, Salvadora oleoides, Acaia modesta, Olea cuspidata, Dodonaea viscosa and Cymbopogon jwarancusa, Cenchrus ciliaris, Dodonaea viscose occur. ...
Nasim Akhtar, Himayat Husssain Naqvi and Farrukh Hussain
... 1800 meters. Field and laboratory showed that beside toxic root exudates, water extracts continued substances which proved to be inhibitory not only to its own growth but also to other species used in the bioassays. The toxicity in both the cases increased with increasing concentration and soaking time. Cinhrus had more allopathic potentiality than Chrysopogon. The toxicity in both the cases was species slated. The possible effect of allelopathy of these gras...
Mairza Hakim Khan
...own, runs as a gorge for about 18 km and then broadens into three sub-valleys each surrounded by high peaks. The area is mountainous with steep slopes. It is bounded on the north and west by Butkoh tehsil, on the east by Singur Gol, on the south by Chitral town and Molen Gol. A number of small watersheds, Meran Tangogh, Kasavir, Bakhtanshal, Bironshal, Gokshal, Chat and Duni drain into Chitral Gol, which later on joins the river Chitral n...
M. Bashir Chaudhry (Dr.), M. Alim Mian and M. Rafiq
... on good soils occupying about three fourth of irrigated area in our country. The available evidence suggests that these ills have neither taken a heavy toll of good agricultural land nor are they a growing threat. Reconnaissance soil surveys covering the Indus plains have revealed that, country to the general belief; salinity and water logging are not a 'twin menace'. Most of the salt-affected soils were formed un ancient times, much before the recent rise in...
...e trees, rising markedly above 23 cm dbh. Pyrofomes demidoffii, the heart rot fungus, accounted for over 96% of the total decay volume. Dead branch stubs and root -connections were important means of entry for decay fungi....
Musarrat Nasreen Ali and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...small rigid spiny shrub, about 1-3.5 metres in height with rough and light greyish bark, yellowish orange branched tap roots and violet berries. The plants are distributed throughout the hilly areas of Pakistan, from Baluchistan to Dir, Chitral, Gilgit, Hazara, Murree and Azad Kashmir at an elevation of 900-3,000 metres (4)....
Moinuddin Ahmad, Asrar Hussain and Tariq Hussain
...tudied under field and laboratory conditions inflorescence development period, an thesis time, number of sterile and normal florets per inflorescence were determined, and pollen grain fertility, pollen grain germination and viability and seed germination tests were carried out. Mean size, shape and weight of seed and % seed were also determined. Eleven species of various grasses including the above three were also st...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...plains right upto 2200 m above sea level. Tn some recent studies, it has turned out to be a very hardy species and has survived the extremely cold and dry conditions of Ziarat (Baluchistan)....
Mohammad Amjad
...omic conditions of the labour engaged on Cultural operations and on the maintenance of the Pakistan Forest Institute grounds in August, 1976. 114 workers were employed on 20-8-76; 63 regular, 51 casual. As the number was not large a simple random sample comprising 25 workers was drawn, 13 regular and 12 casual. The workers were interviewed by the investigators. The objective of the investigation and the questions were explained to them ...
M. A. Quraishi, A. Khalique, Shahida Perveen and Perveen Akhtar
...According to Zaka (1977) about 36 percent of the trees in Sasnamana forest are infected. The only known control method for the control of the pruning of infected brunches. But this causes damage to the host. To develop new methods of control efforts are being made all over the world to collect basic physiological information about the host-parasite relationship. The present investigation is in the same direction and aims to ...
Abdul Khalique
...hile nothing is reported about its heterotrophic mice of growth - especially during seed germination. The present investigation was taken up or determining the rate of growth in the embryo after the germination is initiated and to establish the precise limits of heterotrophic growth in the radical, hypocotyle and cotyledons....
...rthern ridge, at a point about 6.8 kilometers from the Mana village. The parasite was extending east-ward. The incidence of infection was 24% for all the study trees within 1.6 km of the ridge. The highest incidence of infection was in trees growing on the ridge. The incidence decreased as the distance from the ridge increased....
S. Maqsood Khan
...age production increased about three fold. The increase was due both to increase in grass and forbs. No appreciable difference was found in the frequency of grasses or forbs of desirable, intermediate or undesirable species due to closure....
M.Iqbal Ahmad, I. A. Hafiz and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...f 22 eggs at 150C under laboratory conditions. Yellowish white grubs, 5.4 mm long hatch after 10 to22 days and start eating out galleries just beneath the bark. Older grubs make 2 to 7 cm broad and 19.3 cm long galleries deep into the stem. Full grown grubs 5.6 cm long transform to 3.6 cm long whitish yellow pupae after preparing pupal chambers. It completes one life cycle in two years. It spends one month in emergence, 22 days in egg laying and incubation, 17...
M. A. Quraishi, A. Khalique, Shahida Perveen and Perveen Akhtar
...s of Pakistan and covers about 56,000 hectares in Baluchistan. The rainfall in this area is extremely low, erratic and climate conditions tend to be extreme during most parts of the year with high insolation, wind velocity and evaporation; and low soil moisture. Under such conditions the natural regeneration of this species is scanty and efforts are being made to plant it.
The aim of the present investigation was to gain information
Zakaullah and Khial Badshah
...responding to the age of about 180years....
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Bashir Hussain Shah
...mosis Steph. in the laboratory. In the first trial there was 100% mortality of larvae within three days of release on poplar shoots treated with 1% and 1.5% concentrations of Dipel and within two days in case of 2% concentration of Dipel. In check there was only 36% natural mortality of larvae. In the second trial there was 100% mortality of larvae within 6 days of release on poplar leaves treated with 0.1%concentration of Dipel and within four days of re...
Faqir Mohammad Khan
...rld. Altitudes vary from about 500 meters to well over 7000 meters above mean sea level. Communication is poor and the area remains covered either with snow or with clouds for most pat of the year. Thus, there is a lot of difficulty in flowing aerial photography because of the short and not-too-certain spells of appropriate weather conditions as well as the non-availability of necessary equipment and material. Despite these ...
Ghaus Mohammad Khattak
...devoid of trees with the above-mentioned species according to site conditions.
The sub-tropical broad -leaved forest have all along been worked on the selection coppice system in which the felling series is divided into coupes of about the same area, equal in number to the years in the felling cycle-usually 30. Each year an annual coupe is one over for felling of trees of exploitable size: usually 6 inches and 8 inches ...
M. Ismail Chaudhry, Bashir Hussain Shah and Hanif Gul
... Rott. were conductedin laboratory at Peshawar. The first generation starting with moths caught at light in early April completed in May. The subsequent 3 generations completed in June, Augeust and September and the last hibernated during winter. The average duration of pre-oviposition, incubation, larvae and pupae were 2.3, 3.95, 3.6, 22.16, and 10.54 days, respectively. In usceptibility test of A. ypsilon and A. segetum to G. V. from Denmark c...
M. A. Tahir
...s land under irrigation; about 20% was second class land under irrigation and about 10% was class three land under irrigation. From the survey it was concluded that about 90% of the area under plantation could be used for fast growing soft wood industrial species....
Miss Munawar Sultana and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...ollected easily from the above mentioned areas. The seeds are a good source of an essential oil, which constitutes about 22 per cent of the total weight. Pharmacognostic studies were carried out on Adhatoda vasica plants in order to identify, evaluate the distinguishing macroscopical and microscopical characters of the crude drug. Results achieved during this study are presented in this paper. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Aleem
... Skardu after covering about 8C0 km. stretch before entering into the boundaries of Pakistan. As it meanders down, small streams and nullahs contribute their share to the total stream flow. About 10 km. down strefm of Gilgit town, it is joined by Gilgit river, which itself is formed by the union of Gilgit and Hunza rivers....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...being carried out in collaboration with Watershed Management Project of WAPDA in Missa Research Plot of Rawalpindi district since February,1973. On the basis of 1-1/2 years' observations on establishment, vigour, longevity and forage yield of these introductions, seven ecotypes of Bothriochloa pertusa, Cenchrus ciliaris, Chrysopogon aucheri, Dicanthium annulatum and Panicum antidotale have been considered successful. The study is still in progre...
A. R. Beg
...ur and Bagra in Buner at about 800 m. The first two spots lie on raised stream banks with some damp soil and the third on a field border. A few more clumps are also reported to occur in the lower Buner. These are the only known remnants of natural bamboo in the country. This new record thus extends the western geographical limit of this bamboo from Margalla Hills to lower Buner....
Bahadur Ali Khan in Northern Area is about 300 miles. The aggregate length of main streams which run into river Indus in Northern Area is about 3000 miles. Here the winter is quite long, growing season is quite short. The temperature ranges from 10 degree to 112 degree F. The total annual precipitation is most of the valleys is 5-6 inches in a year. In some parts where coniferous forests exist, the rain fall may be up...
Javed Ahmad
...tion was attempted over about 8,442 hectares in the Kotri Barrage area of Sind from 1958 to 1973%. In only about 50% of the area could a crop exceeding 50% stocking be got established. Future performance can be improved if the trench system is replaced by flood system of irrigation, and due care is given to ploughing and leveling of the land either by tractors or through forest lessees settled in the land with suitab...
M. Farooq and Jalal-ud-Din
...tion. Of the total area about 400 hectares are normal silty soil without any problem. Moderately saline-alkali cover and area of 106 hectares whereas slightly saline-alkali occupy 41 hectares. An area of 7 hectares is occupied by moderately deep slightly saline-alkali soils are underlain by fine sand at about, 6 meters depth. A brief description of different kinds of soil and suggestions for their improvement are dis...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...planning, execution, and above all, cooperation between the growers and the consumers to the benefit of both the sides. In view of the chronic shortage of raw material to feed the pulp and paper industry in Pakistan, planting of fast growing species in irrigated forest plantations, extensive practice of agro-forestry and involvement of private enterprise in such projects of national importance has been recommended....
Shan Ahmad Naveed
...l. It is estimated that about 1100,00 fries of this species reared in the hatcheries of Shinu, Madyan, Jaghoor and Bombret and have been released in the cold water streams of this area since the commencement of this work....
Jalil Ahmad Khan and Pervaiz Akhtar the basic information about their technological properties. The lack of such information about the home grown species has always been a serious setback in their proper utilization. An investigation on the technical properties of Eucalyptus tereticornis was therefore undertaken in order to provide reliable data often required for determining its utility. The present study is just a beginning of the work on the mec...
M. Hafeez and M. I. Sheikh
...ntroduced in Pakistan about a decade back, emphasis was placed on only one clone viz. P. euramericana CV-I-214 due to its intrinsic qualities of almost cent per cent rooting and fast rate of growth. Subsequently, some deltoides clones were also imported which showed comparatively better rate of growth but low rooting capability, prohibiting their large scale planting. Experiments were under� taken both with cuttings as well as entire plants exposi...
I. A. Qazi and Raja Walayat Hussain
...maximum growing stock of about 13, 500 cubic feet per acre in contrast to their actual average stocking of about 3,200 cubic feet of species....
M. A Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
Anwar Masrur, PFS (I)
...riginates at a height of about 14,000 feet. The catchment known as Kaghan valley, has an area of 1011 square miles, of which, 988 square miles lie in Mansehra and Abbottabad tehsils of Hazara district and the remaining in Azad Kashmir. The total length of the valley is 80 aerial miles and width varies from 10 to 30 aerial miles. The catchment is predominantly mountainous with steep and precipitous slopes. In order to provide numerical data of pract...
Dr. K. M. Salim and Gul Shahid
...m length of the range is about 25 miles, from West to East. The greatest extent of the northern aspect is about 10 miles. The southern aspect is the shortest and is terminated by the 'Khawara' Valley. The highest peaks in the range are Doulas Ghaiban (5054 ft.) and Jalala Sir (5033 ft.)The lowest point is at Azakhel (996 ft.) near the main road leading to Nowshera. The Cherat hills are barren, mountaineous and rocky...
Saeeda Akhtar
...d in this study. Both laboratory and field experiments have shown a marked trend from high germinative capacity and germinative energy index for large seeds to low capacity and energy for small seeds. It has further been indicated that temperature has a pronounced effect on germinative capacity, germinative energy index and germination period....

Ari Firmansyah1, Lovita Adriani1*, Andi Mushawwir1, Novi Mayasari1, Denny Rusmana1, Safri Ishmayana2

...otics can alter lipid metabolism and biosynthesis in the body, which affects the reduction of triglyceride, cholesterol, and fat levels in chicken egg yolk. This study evaluated the effect of supplementation of liquid and powdered probiotic yogurt at various levels of administration in reducing triglyceride, cholesterol, and yolk fat levels. The research was conducted at the Test Farm, Universitas Padjadjaran, from September to November 2023. Analyses were car...

Syed Shahid Imran Bukhari

...udy provides information about the indoor air quality (IAQ) of local asthmatics. Lahore, being a metropolitan city, is among the most polluted cities Pakistan. IAQ has been a matter of public concern in the country. Asthma is a common respiratory disorder. CO2 is components of the air we breathe; type of house and room is directly linked with its concentration. CO2 concentration is a surrogate indicator for the assessment of IAQ and ventilation efficacy. Avera...

Dunia Tahseen Nema Al-Aridhi 

...lowed adults aged 18 and above with CKD stages (1-4) over a period of 12 months. It has been conducted in Al-Kindi Teaching Hospital- Baghdad / Iraq, during the period (2022-2023). Data, on demographics, clinical information and lab results including serum acid levels and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) were gathered at the beginning. The participants were monitored for changes in these factors over time. The study consisted of 342 individuals. A ...
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Azhar
Hassan1, Jamshaid Qamar2, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Adnan2, Rafia Khalid3, Muhammad
...ned at the Weed Science laboratory, Department of Agronomy, University of
Agriculture Faisalabad-Pakistan, during winter 2018 to evaluate the hermetic effects of
Althaea officinalis L. (Khatami) on Radish (Raphanus sativus). The experiments were laid
out under completely randomized design (CRD) having three replications. The aqueous
extracts of A. officinalis L. were used on radish at...
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2,
Muhammad Mughees Ud Din4, Jamshaid Qamar2, Muhammad Waqas1, Muhammad Mohsin
Amin2, Burhan Khalid1
...gronomy in Weed Science Laboratory, University of
Agriculture Faisalabad during Winter 2018 to evaluate the allelopathic effects of A. officinalis
on weed Wild Pea (Pisum sativum subsp. elatius). The experiments were laid out under
completely randomized design (CRD) having three replications. The aqueous extracts of C.
verum. were used on radish and wild pea seeds at different concentrations (2.5%, 5%,
Mamoona Arooj1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Mansoor
Javaid1, Erum Rashid2, Muhammad Saleem Jilani3, Jamshahid Qamar1, Faryal Ali4, Sadaf
Javeria5, Muhammad Faisal4
...ation. Doses of atrazine above 20 g a.i. ha-1 negatively affect the growth of
Tribulus terrestris.

Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan2*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin2, Jamshahid Qamar2, Azhar Hassan1, Muhammd Alam Elahi1, Jamshed Haider1, Muhammad Irfan4 and Memuna Ghafoor Shahid5

...gronomy in Weed Science Laboratory, University of Agriculture Faisalabad during Winter season of 2018 to evaluate the hermetic effects of Cinnamomum verum (Dalchini) on vegetable crop radish (Raphanus sativus L.) and determination and quantification phenolic compound present in aqueous extract of bark of C. verum. The experiments were laid out under completely randomized design with three replications. The aqueous extracts of C. verum was used on radish seeds ...

Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Iqbal1, Malik Muhammad Hashim2, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch3, Muhammad Sohail Khan1, Asif Latif1, Muhammad Amjad Nadim3, Muhammad Mamoon-ur-Rashid4

...of trained and skillful labor is another issue. Keeping in view these facts, an experiment was performed to evaluate the efficacy of dual gold on the weed biomass (g m-2) and on the growth and yield components of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) cv. California-KWS during 2013-14 and 2014-15. The study was performed using RCBD having five treatments and three replications. The treatments included different application times (pre-emergence application and applicati...

Duong Thanh Hai1*, Phan Thi Hang1, Nguyen Thi Thuong2, Zábranský Luboš3

...up (p<0.05). Based on aboved results mention that fermentation of maize and rice bran by Saccharomyces cerevisiae increased the aroma and taste of chicken meat.
Keywords | Aroma, Chicken, Savoury, Meat quality, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Umami taste

Khayreia Kadhim Habib*, Masarat S. Al-Mayahi 

...camel’s special metabolic needs. A total of 12 mature camels’ digestive systems were used in this investigation. General histological staining including used periodic acid-Schiff (PAS), PAS and alcian blue, and Crossman stains were used. Through microscopic examination, we discovered that the length of the mucosal folds (villi) decreases from the jejunum to the ileum. The camel jejunum and ileum anatomy revealed mucin distribution throughout the ga...

Siti Fatonah*, Herman and Dewi Yuni Safitri

...ain various secondary metabolites. Therefore, these two types of plants can be used as an alternative bioherbicide for weed control. This study aims to determine the effect of aqueous extracts from fresh leaves of C. citratus, M. bracteata and a mixture of both on the germination and growth of Paspalum conjugatum and Borreria alata weeds.Treatments consisted of extracts of M. bracteata, C. citratus and a mixture of both extracts at various concentrations (0% o...

Ali D. Nashmi1*, Jawad K. Hasan1, Manal A. Ibrahim2 

...uid (BALF) was sent for laboratory evaluations and the left lung was incised for histopathological evaluation. Data analysis indicated that a substantial decrease in total white blood cell counts (WBC) was observed (p-value <0.05) and cells including (neutrophils, mononuclear) in BALF of rats treated with dipyridamole (group C) and prednisolone (group D) compared to positive control (group B), but reduction in eosinophils cells in dipyridamole treated grou...

Hafiz Ishtiaq Ahmad1, Jinlong Zhang1, Fuxun Luo1, Owais Iqbal2 and Yuying Wang1*

...e light and transplanted about 0.1 cm long into a solid culture medium. The plants were subjected to various LED spectra for a duration of 14 hours each day and continuous subsequent 100 days. The experiment was completely randomized design with nine treatments and each treatment have ten replications. The SPSS statistics software was used to analyses experimental data. In addition, the result of the current study revealed that the plant height, leaf length, l...

Imania Ghaffar1, Ali Hussain2*, Arshad Javid1 and Shahid Mehmood1

...t Aspergillus flavus at laboratory scale under pre-optimized conditions. A. flavus showed a remarkable potential of remediating simulated wastewater, i.e., 100% Hg2+ reduction was achieved at 25 mg/L of the added metal in 15 days of incubation. On higher concentrations like 75 and 100 mg/L, A. flavus showed almost negligible reduction of Hg2+ but this strain was able to tolerate Hg2+ up to 200 mg/L. Polystyrene microbeads at a concentration of 100 mg/L reduced...
Hong Su1,2, Lu Chen1,3, Wenrui Guo1, Daqing Wang1,3, Aolei Dou1,2, Jie Su1, Yanyan Yang4, Ying Tian4, Tingyi He4, Caiyun Wang1, Chenguang Du1, Haijun Li1, Xihe Li5, Guifang Cao1*, Yongli Song5* and Fuxiang Bao3*
...However, little is known about the specific development of the early Mongolian sheep embryo. We aim to analyze the differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between 16-day embryos of two breeds of Mongolian sheep, namely, Hulunbuir short-tailed sheep and Ujumqin sheep, by mRNA sequencing. A total of 2152 DEGs were identified. Significantly DEGs include WNT5A, WNT2, AXIN2, BMP5, TGFB2, and SMAD9, which are involved in multiple signaling pathways, and genes involved...

Riam Yousfe Muttair 

...nd and the current going about the way of which immunotherapy is useful in modern oncology. The knowledge about cancer and immunotherapy also creates the doors leading us to the mechanism of the development of cancer cells as well as the immune system that can kill the cancer cells. Checkpoint inhibitors, the main pillars of the immunotherapy, are explored in a detailed manner taking into account some of the most important c...

Rawa Abdulkareem Abd

...ylogenetic diversity, metabolic functionality and ecological features are discussed in details. Techniques of isolating microbes that are not cultivable is discussed especially the culture-independent approaches like metagenomics, single-cell genomic, and metatranscriptomics which have changed the way we study microbes that are never before grown and isolated outside. Biogeochemical cycling basing on either nitrogen or carbon are put under attention here so th...

Saddam Hussain1, Muhammad Asrar2*, Usama Saleem2, Dilbar Hussain3, Muhammad Sohail Qadir3, Muhammad Saleem3, Rashid Ali2, Zeeshan Javed2 and Mubshar Saleem4

...n attack both buried and above-ground parts of plants. They bite and chew on tubers, young and old leaves, stems, lower branches of the plants, and peanut seeds. Termite infestation is a considerable problem in the livelihood of the farmers of Pakistan. Termite swarming is a major problem and revenue constraint in the area, destroying crops in the field and store. Forests and orchards are rarely termites free, particularly when conditions are favourable for te...

Mati Ullah1*, Muhammad Rizwan2, Ali Raza3, Xianlin Zhao4, Yanling Sun4, Sarah Gul5, Muhammad Ihtesham Waheed6, Muhammad Nadeem Khan7, Alvina Gul8, Sami Ullah Jan9* and Chao Huang4* by “protein metabolism”. The eggNOG functional analysis revealed that the COGs associated with “Carbohydrate transport and metabolism were dominant followed by those associated with “Replication, recombination, and repair” while the biological pathway analysis by the Kyoto encyclopedia of genes and genomes (KEGG) database identified the metabolic and biosy...

Yaowu Zhan, Dandan Su*, Jinxiu Bai, Fang Li and Yulian Dong

...rea under the line, both above 0.8. The serum amyloid A and C-reactive protein in the blood routine test of children with ARTI showed a changing trend. It was concluded that the changes of serum amyloid A and C-reactive protein can be used for early prediction of children with ARTI. It is of great value to improve the clinical treatment of ARTI.

Fangmei Zhang1,2, Xiaocen Zhao1,2, Li Qiao1,2, Shibao Guo1,2, Li Zhang1,2
Jian Yin1,2, Zhou Zhou1,2, Chuleui Jung3 and Shubao Geng1,2*
...o differences were found about the morphology, abundance, and distribution of most sensillum. However, the distributions and abundances of ST III, sensilla coeloconica and sensilla styloconica dimensions showed significant sexual dimorphism between male and female adults. In addition, the possible functions of sensilla were analyzed and discussed according to their morphology, distribution, and the previously reported sensilla function. These results could hel...
Cristian Mendoza1*, Adriana Celi-Soto2, Ernesto Cañarte3 and George Cedeño-García2
...uo;13” E and 100 m above sea level. 10-year plants from the OxG Coari x La Mé hybrid were used in the study. Parts of oil palm were used as mulching (physical barriers) under the crown of the plant as follows: 200 kg of fruitless bunches, 160 kg of palm fiber, 20 kg of around weeds, 40 kg of pruned palm leaves, also, there was a treatment with insecticide, applying 150 ml of thiamethoxam+lambda-cyhalothrin (in 200 L in water), and one control trea...
Suherman Suherman1*, Muhammad Fahri Rizky1, Zaki Bahrul Fikri1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1,  Zane Vincevica-Gaile2, Anwar Saeed Khan3, Erkata Yandri4,5 and Iswahyudi Iswahyudi6 
...eveloped to overcome the above problems. In this research, onions were dried using a photovoltaic ventilated solar dryer, and temperature analysis and bioactive compounds were performed to evaluate the performance of the system in terms of energy efficiency compared to drying in the sun in 8 h. Onions were scattered on trays in the drying room during the experiment. Temperature, relative humidity, sun intensity, and shallot mass were measured every 15 min. The...

Ying Li, Peng Zhan, Qiang Wang and Dongfeng Chen*

.... The clinical data and laboratory indexes of patients were collected, and the risk factors of cartilage wear in lateral compartment of patients with VKO were analyzed by single factor and multi factor logistic regression. Labor intensity, imaging grade, integrity of lateral meniscus and anterior cruciate ligament, and course of disease may be the risk factors for cartilage wear of lateral compartment in patients with VKO (P...
Wasseem Emam1, Mohamed E. Bakr2*, Marwa F. Abdel-Kader3, Mohamed M. Abdel-Rahim4, Ashraf I.G. Elhetawy4 and Radi A. Mohamed1’ type structure above a section of the pond. Over the length of the production cycle at three typical Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) farms, the study collected data on water quality and fish growth and at the end of the cycle, blood samples were taken and total production was recorded. At each farm, fish were divided into two identical ponds, one with a greenhouse covering 3% of the pond surface area and one without. Results showed that greenhou...

Camilo Romero Núñez1, Galia Sheinberg Waisburd2, Alberto Martin Cordero3, Rafael Heredia Cárdenas1, Laura Miranda Contreras1, Ariadna Flores Ortega4, Linda Guiliana Bautista Gómez5 

...r cause parasite-induced abortion. Because of the risk, they represent measures to control their spread, such as restricting global trade and sporting events. Therefore, the efficacy of fluralaner was evaluated against ticks in horses. Horses were treated with fluralaner 25 mg/kg. Most of the ticks were found on the ears (55.63%), the head (23.23%), and the rest of the body (21.12%). Fluralaner appears to provide effective control of ticks for at least 90 days...

Atikah Nur Baity1, Noni Ashri Maghfiroh1, Syalsa Bella Fitriana1, Kurniawan Dwi Prihantoko2, Dyah Maharani2, Diah Tri Widayati2* was conducted at the Laboratory of Animal Physiology and Reproduction, Faculty of Animal Science, Universitas Gadjah Mada. Seventy-five semen straws produced from one bull were divided into 3 groups; each group consisted of 25 semen straws as long as 3, 6, and 8 months of storage in liquid nitrogen. The quality of thawed semen included motility, viability, abnormality, plasma membrane integrity, and DNA fragmentation were observed. The result showed that th...

Tanvir Hussain*, Zahid Rauf, Mansoor Ali Khan and Khalid Hussain 

...t areas. Using standard laboratory techniques, the collected cores were processed and measured for tree ring width. Cofecha and R packages, two computer - based programs , were used to statistically evaluate the data. The findings indicated that there was a notable rise in yearly precipitation between 1921 and 2021, which had a substantial impact on the species ’ growth . Furthermore , precipitation was discovered to be a limiting factor for this species...

Rhuan Chaves1, Diego Leal2, Ygor de Paula³, Andreia Vilas Boas4, Ana Toledo4, Sígfrid López-Ferrer5, Vinicius Cantarelli3, Cesar Garbossa2* 

...amins in feed and its metabolism generates a compound that can taint animal-origin products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of feeding diets containing natural choline (Kolin plus™ FC) as a replacement of choline chloride on performance and blood variables of weaned piglets. A total of 360 piglets with an average initial body weight of 6.33 ± 0.20 kg were utilized in a 41-day experiment. The experimental design followed a random...

Aura Oktiefa Adyantono, Sugiharto Sugiharto, Daud Samsudewa*

... qualities. The research about the reproductive quality between two species showed different result. The aim of this research is to compared the reproductive quality of Bos indicus crossbred and their crossbreds with Bos taurus. A meta-analysis involving 43 studies on reproductive hormone levels, 25 studies on estrus activity and 65 studies on reproductive performance. Article search, article selection, data extraction, statistical analysis (heterogeneity, sum...

Hala Harifi*, Mouloud Lamtai*, Siham Ait Salhi, Fatima-Zahra Azzaoui, Omar Akhouayri, Abdelhalem Mesfioui, Leila Bikjdaouene

... contribute to energy metabolism and perform many other functions, but prolonged exposure can lead to toxicity in the organism. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of chronic exposure to Mn, specifically its impact on the general condition of male Wistar rats, by recording all clinical symptoms associated with this intoxication. Different doses ranging from the lowest to the highest (6 mg/kg, 25 mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, and 40 mg/kg i.p.) were administered intrap...

Hind A.Norii1, Adel M.Hassen ALZobidy2* 

...netic, endocrine, and metabolic disorder which is characterized by chronic anovulation, polycystic ovaries, biochemical and clinical manifestations of hyperandrogenism. This study aims to evaluate the effects of the alcoholic extract Vitex agnus-castus on body weight gain and possible alteration of reproductive hormones in letrozole-induced PCOS induced by letrozole in adult female rats. The negative control received 1 ml of 0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) ...

Talal Jabal Hussen1, Sattar J.J. Al-Shaeli1*, Baidaa H.R. Al-Mahna2, Hasanain A.J. Gharban3

... to provide more details about the impact of estrogen on various body organs.
Keywords | Estradiol, Hepatotoxicity, Renal toxicity, Spleen, Antioxidant, Iraq

Muhammad Usman1, Hussain Abbas1, Riffat Maqsood1, Muhammad Awais Nadeem1, Abdul Hanan Shazal1, Ali Usman1, Amna Hameed2, Haram Shahid3, Zulqarnain Haider3, Muhammad Zain1, Muhammad Suleman1 and Muhammad Wasif Gulzar1*

...d the environment to collaborate. More and more people are realising that effective EID management and mitigation require a One Health strategy that emphasises inter-disciplinary collaboration. However, this kind of One Health strategy must address certain ethical, legal, and socially and politically problems. EID events are made up of complex and conditioned sets of relationships that pertain to socioeconomic and social and...

Muhammad Muneeb1, Ali Hussain2*, Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad3, Arshad Javid1 and Jibran Hussain3

...ricultural waste reduced about 90 % of the total added sulphate. A trend of decrease in pH with time was observed in all the incubated cultures. Our findings will be helpful for devising sustainable waste management strategies.


Li Wang, Feifei Feng, Kefei Peng, Yan Zhang and Ling Zhou*

...amination and necessary laboratory tests to exclude other systemic diseases.


Kashif Haleem, Basheer Ahmad, Muhammad Rayyan, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

...d address misconceptions about agroforestry, educate farmers on the benefits of various tree species, including environmental benefits, fruits, and fodder, and provide tree saplings. Additionally, new plantations should be established to combat climate change.

Marchel Putra Garfansa1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Iswahyudi Iswahyudi1, Shazma Anwar3
Damat Damat2,Tony Liwang4, Mardiana Sri Susanti5, Diah Hermayanti2*, Meddy Setiawan2
Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi2, Dewi Mariyam6, Yolla Muvika Ananda2, Satriyo Krido Wahono7
Adil Basir8, Musrif Musrif9 and Anwar Saeed Khan10
...esearch conducted on MPs about mice still needs to be improved. This study aimed to determine the impact of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) MPs on mice’s weight, feces, and appetite. Four feed experiments, P0 (pellet BR1), P1 (potato from Pujon Farm), P2 (potato mixed 300 µg PET), and P3 (potato mixed 600 µg PET), were investigated in this research. PET MPs at a dose of 600 µg had the worst impact on mice compared to the others. There ...

Umair Khatri1, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1*, Shahzor Gul Khaskheli1 and Omer Mukhtar Tarar2

...-beneficial bioactive metabolites. In recent years, consumers interested regarding fatty acid composition of different food are increasing. This work assessed the nutritional value of two different verities of mushrooms including Button mushroom (BM) and Oyster mushroom (OM), and determined the composition and contents of fatty acids. Mushrooms dried in cabinet dehydrator at 55°C for 16 hrs, the obtained mushroom powder packed in an airtight jar. All mushr...

Bushra Irfan1, Muhammad Shahbaz1*, Asif Mukhtiar1, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Muhammad Atif Bashir3, Sabina Asghar4, Abdul Ghaffar5 and Samreen Nazeer6*

...efficiency, secondary metabolites production, antioxidant machinery, and nutrient uptake in both varieties which increased growth and development as a result. So, thiourea seed priming is an effective strategy to counteract the negative effects of salt stress by improving tolerance mechanisms.


Qaisar Mehmood1*, Ali Raza2, Asif Ali Abro3, Nargis Shaheen4 and Muhammad Riaz5

...ort prices, and planning about the cultivation sector.


Dwi Putri Nurmala1, Tri Eko Susilorini1, Osfar Sjofjan2*, Danung Nur Adli2

...more precise conclusions about the effect of selenium as a feed additive on the blood parameters and antioxidant activity in dairy goats using a meta-analysis method. A comprehensive literature search was conducted, selecting studies published from 2005 to 2023 that examined selenium supplementation in dairy goats. Using R software 4.3.3 (2024-02-29 ucrt), data from 16 studies were analyzed using meta-regression analyses. Selenium supplementation in dairy goat...

Kh. Amber1, S.G. Kotb1, W.A. Morsy2* and W. Khalifa1

...efficiency, and blood metabolite profile when compared to crumble and mash feed form. Supplementation of protease enzyme in diets enhanced growth performance of broiler chickens.


Fadia W. Al-Azawi1* , Huda M. Hamid2, Husam Jasim Mohammed1 and Jan Muhammad3

...correlation coefficients above 0.95 validated IDW for spatial interpolation to predict ROI rainfall data.


Noor Rahmawati*, Dea Indriani Astuti and Pingkan Aditiwati

...ce the same secondary metabolites as their host plants. Numerous research on the bioactive elements of secondary metabolites from endophytic microorganisms, particularly endophytic fungi, have been undertaken on plants that are able to produce secondary metabolites with unique properties. When tested using the DPPH radical-scavenging assay, the secondary metabo

Fatima Kanwal

... the insights of farmers about the causes and effects of weed growth. The study also revealed the farmers’ opinion that climatic conditions had not much impact on the growth of these weeds.


Muhammad Ihsan Ullah2, Muhammad Hasnain1*, Muhmmad Luqman2, Hammad Hussnain2, Muhammad Tauseef2, Abrar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shahid2, Qaisar Abbas3, Mussurrat Hussain3, Ali Raza2, Muhammad Musadique Ahmad Khan4, Muhammad Kashif Nadeem5, Sajid Nadeem6

Norsida Man1*, Shin Yee Siaw2, Munifah Siti Amira Yusuf2 and Siti Azizah3

...development, awareness, labour, technology, livestock farm facilities, and incompatibility of some cattle breeds. The study analysed cattle breeders’ expectations of veterinary extension services under the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) Target Area Concentration (TAC) livestock integration program. A cross-sectional study used a self-administered questionnaire, and 200 program breeders responded. Data collected was analysed using the SPSS softwa...

Abdulaziz S. Alatawi*

...cant lack of information about this species. All three detected wild carnivores are officially protected species in Saudi Arabia. It can be concluded that agricultural areas represent potential survival sites offering suitable conditions in a harsh desert ecosystem, especially under conditions of prey depletion and native habitat degradation. Further research is required to better understand how agricultural areas can be used to promote conservation actions fo...

Yibo Yan, Zhaohui Ding, Nanxin Liang, Kai Zhang, Lei Yue, Wengang Li* and Xianyi Song*

...performance and serum metabolizes in weaned piglets. A total of 40 28-day-old weaned piglets (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire; half female and half castrated male) with 10 ± 0.30 kg of IBW were randomly assigned to 4 group (1 female and 1 castrated male/pen and 5 replicates/group). Piglets were consumed a basal diet, or the basal diet supplemented with 0.5%, 1.0%, and 2.0% SBP for 30 d, respectively. The results showed that the ADG, ADFI, and F...

Paulus Klau Tahuk*, Gerson Frans Bira, Wolfhardus Vinansius Feka 

...bohydrates (CHO), and metabolizable energy (ME). OM intake in treatments T2 and T3 was higher than in T1; CP intake in treatment T3 was higher than in T1, but similar to T2. CF intake in T3 was lower (P<0.05) compared to T1 and T2. Moreover, CHO intake was higher (P<0.05) in T2 and T3 compared to T1, while ME intake was higher (P<0.05) in T2 and T3 compared to T1. The digestibility of DM, OM, CP, CHO, and energy (GE and ME) was notably high and relati...

Noor Nemia Hafed 

...cause children are picky about their food, so if it is not diagnosed in a timely manner, it has long-term repercussions. It causes unidentified neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal, or other problems. The results of the tests discussed in this research show that there is a significant difference between sick and healthy children. Conclusion: The findings demonstrated that children with vitamin B12 deficiencies, particularly young children, which is a si...

Mohammed Nasir Uddin1, Maimona Monir Jhilam1, Most Zannatun Nahar Mukta1, Zujaja Wahaj2, Mohammad Maruf Hasan1* and Samiha Khan3

...n their livelihood while about 36% had high changes. None of the farmers reported low changes in their livelihoods due to the practice of crop interventions. Among the selected characteristics of the farmers, level of education, annual family income, organizational participation, and media contact were identified as the influential factors affecting the livelihood change of the wetland farmers and these factors accounted for 65.8% of the observed variation in ...

Catur Suci Purwati1, Chusnul Hanim2*, Lies Mira Yusiati2, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto3

...mpound is a secondary metabolite derived from cinnamon plants. This research aimed to investigate effect of cinnamon powder on protein balance, and blood profile of etawah crossbreed goats. A total of 15 goats with an average initial body weight of 15 - 23 kg and age 8 - 12 months, were used in the study with completely randomised design (CRD) consisting of three treatments and six replications. The three treatments tested were as follows: A: without adding ci...

Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi1*, I. Gusti Ngurah Bagus Trilaksana1, I. Wayan Sukernayasa1, Nyoman Oka Widiarta2, I. Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan1, I Made Merdana3

...s a role in conveying metabolic information to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis of the ovary. Therefore, this study aims to show that leptin can increase the estrus intensity and the appearance time of postpartum estrus in primiparous cattle. This is a true experiment using a Randomized Pre Post Group Control Design. Furthermore, the leptin administration and observations of the estrus appearance in Bali cattle were conducted at SIPADU and the Breeding Center i...

Hazrat Younas1,*, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai1, Amjad Ali1 and Rizwan Ahmad2 seedling, ploughing, labor, FYM, and pesticide demonstrated statistically significant, while urea, DAP, and irrigation were statistically insignificant. Moreover, the study identified experience as a significant contributor to inefficiency factors affecting farmers’ technical efficiency. The research also shed light on the cost disparities between vertical and linear staking methods, with former incurring a production cost of Rs. 6,99,125/- compared t...

Yusra Karim1, Munawar Saleem Ahmad1, Javed Khan2, Imtiaz Khan3*, Said Hussain Shah2, Syeda Anika Shamsher4, Imran Qazi5, Habib-Ur-Rehman Kakar6 and Wajih Ullah7 

... media under controlled laboratory conditions. The goal was to maximize colony growth for the preparation of spore/crystal mixtures at various concentrations. The larvae of S. litura and H. armigera   were reared in a laboratory under control. Following tests, the LC50 (96-hours) of the CRY1F protein-crystal mixture against lepidoptera pests was determined to be 158.37 µg/ml for S. litura and 170.73 µg/...
Nurhayati1*, Chandra Utami Wirawati2, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri1
...6%, and a fairly high metabolizable energy content of 3,029.33 kcal. The fermented products from this research are expected to be used as non-conventional alternative feedstuff to be tested as feedstuff for various types of poultry.
Keywords | Mineral addition level, Fermentation duration, Palm kernel cake, Cassava byproduct, Aspergillus niger, Nutrient value
Nurhayati1*, Chandra Utami Wirawati2, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri1
...6%, and a fairly high metabolizable energy content of 3,029.33 kcal. The fermented products from this research are expected to be used as non-conventional alternative feedstuff to be tested as feedstuff for various types of poultry.
Keywords | Mineral addition level, Fermentation duration, Palm kernel cake, Cassava byproduct, Aspergillus niger, Nutrient value

Abdul Mannan1*, Naveed Iqbal1, Randhawa1, Abdul Hanan1 and Abdul Qadeer1

...d with trichogramma card about 60000 parasitoids eggs /acre at interval after 20 days repeat from May to August. While borers complete their life cycle 30-35 days. This study shows that treated with biological control plot significantly decrease borers infestation as contrast to the less tricho gramma card used. It is very cheap and fully control as well as co-friendly, no effect on the crop stress as compared to the pesticides application. To increase the qua...

Quratulain Amjad1,2 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2*

... justify;">Slit and roundabout homologs have emerged as important players in signaling cascades of tumor metastasis. In previous reports it is stated that the interactions between Slit2 and Robo1 are facilitated by heparan sulphate that is abundantly expressed on cell surface and extracellular matrix. Slit2 reduces tumor proliferation in lung cancer and glioblastoma cells whereas TGF-β is a well-described tumor inducer. The present study was aimed at deci...

Mukondwa Olivia1, Rugare Joyful Tatenda1, Mabasa Stanford1 and Mandumbu Ronald2*

... material to soil under laboratory and glasshouse conditions. A randomized complete block design with three replicates was used and the experiment was repeated twice over time. Results showed that there was a significant (P < 0.01) effect of sorghum and pearl millet cultivars on germination / emergence and dry weight of goose grass and blackjack. It was established that sorghum and pearl millet cultivars has no significant (P > 0.05) effect on germinatio...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat, Muhammad Zeshan Maajid, Mubashar Nadeem and Amjed Ali

...tantial reduction at and above 4 and 12 C. arvensis plants m-2, respectively. Losses of grain yield of wheat ranged between 10 to 28% under the influence of C. arvensis density between 8 to 20 plants per m2. Economic threshold of C. arvensis as estimated by prediction model was 5.6 plants per m2 indicating that field bindweed weed in wheat should be controlled at this density.


Fasih Ullah Haider1,2, Sardar Alam Cheema1and Muhammad Farooq1,3

...due to lack of knowledge about these crops. According to Daily Times, in Pakistan soil erosion is 20% and organic matter is less than 1%. So, cultivation of cover crops helps to minimize the adverse effect of erosion and enhances the organic matter content in soil. Cover crops may decline the yields but cover crops are one of the steps that leads to a sustainable or conservation agriculture.


Rafaqat Hussain Shah1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch1*, Muhammad Zubair2, Khalid Naveed3, Muhammad Amjad Nadim1 and Aminullah Khan4

...ial was conducted under laboratory conditions at the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. Different concentrations (10, 20, 30 and 40%) were compared with control (tap water treatment). The use of aqueous extract in multiple concentrations showed significant effects over tap water treatment in almost all the parameters, however, germination and seedling vigour of wheat were gradually suppressed as the co...

Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

...ring stage, chopped into about 1 cm pieces, dried and then incorporated into soil 30 days before planting. The treatments included NPK at recommended dose alone and NPK + 1, 2, 3 and 4% dried parthenium (w/w of soil). For comparison, treatments like dried berseem 2% (w/w) and untreated (0 NPK and 0 Parthenium or berseem); were also employed. The experiments were replicated four times as factorial in completely randomized design (CRD). Eight seeds each of sorgh...

Uzma Zafar1*, Zaima Ali1, Ambreen Tauseef2 and Saba Khaliq3

...29 -11377 C>G with metabolic syndrome and to compare serum adiponectin levels in its polymorphic genotypes. It was an observational study conducted at University of Health Sciences, Lahore. Study approval was granted by institutional Review/Ethical Board. Informed consent was taken from all the participants. The venous blood sample was taken after an overnight fast of 8-10 h. Blood was secured for DNA analysis and biochemical tests. Adiponectin rs266729(-11...
Adyasha Sahu1*, V. K. Venkataramani1, Natarajan Jayakumar1
Durairaja Ramulu1, Preetysh Nanda Patnaik1 and Sudhan Chandran2
...The relationship for the above two parameters were also established with regression coefficient of corelation and the 99% confident interval using ANOVA (MS Excel version 2016). The relationship of the studied two parameters namely carapace CLW and CWW were found to be significant between all the selected species at 1% level (P > 0.01). The Relative Condition factor (Kn) showed wide variations among these four species between CLWR and CWWR. This study prese...

Afnan Ahmed Allhyani1, Mohamed Baeshen1, Nagwa Thabet Elsharawy2,3

... shelf life of chevon to about 17 days. The study results indicated that the natural products had a potent effect against the tested pathogens. So, it can be a natural alternative to conventional formulations for those interested in naturally based products.
Keywords: Ethanolic extraction, Water extraction, Foodborne pathogens, Antimicrobial agents, Meat preservation, Goat meat
Marlon Reinaldo Castro-García1*,Vanessa Gabriela Espinoza-Posligua1, Francisco Horley Cañarte-García1, Doris Fernanda Rizzo-Alcivar2, Christian Simón Rivadeneira-Barcia1 and Alex Alberto Dueñas Rivadeneira3
...ncentration of gum for elaboration of films was 40% (v/v). Films have a good tensile strength showing values between 10.81 and 16.90 MPa. The elasticity showed values between 0.11 and 0.21 MPa. The water vapor permeability ranged between 0.87 - 4.32 x 10-10 g m-1 s-1 Pa-1, a solubility between 45.95 and 55.11% was obtained. The thickness of the film varied between 0.18 mm to 0.28 mm. The opacity of the film showed va...

Ahmed J. Jaafer1*, Alaa K. Jassim1, Nidhal A. Hashim2 

...nce of cellular lipid metabolism on glucose levels and insulin resistance. 


Muhammad Farooq* and Sanam Zarif

...g increasingly concerned about invasive species, both plant and animal. These species, which are non-native to the area, seriously threaten native biodiversity and disturb local ecosystems. Invasive species spread more quickly as a result of increased worldwide travel and trade, necessitating management and control. This review study examines the numerous facets of invasive species in Pakistan, illuminating their effects, methods of management, and related dif...

Suravi Akter, Md. Bipul Mondal and Md. Mahmudul Alam*

...t, treatment costs, and labour costs including extra care and feed supplied to the FMD affected cattle for recovery of body weight were included. The prevalence of FMD were 41.67% and 69.56% in young and adult cattle respectively. Indigenous and cross-bred cattle showed 53.57% and 65.38% prevalence of FMD respectively. FMD prevalence was higher in females 67.19% than males 22.22%. Among the FMD-affected cattle, ten cattle having the active disease state, aged ...

Raad M. Sayed-Lafi*

...ishments. Therefore, collaboration between institutions and on an international scale both tended to make the research more impactful. Future priorities should include international collaboration, stimulation and improvement.


Muhammad Ramzan Ali1*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed1, Mubeen Fakhar1 and Shamim Akhter2

...tember. A female fish of about 1 kg gave good results in the terms of fertilization rate (%) hatching rate (%) and a handsome number of hatchlings was obtained by the artificial breeding. 


Mohammad Wasiullah Khan* and Abdur Rab Farm and postharvest laboratory Department of Horticulture, The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Plum fruits are perishable and cannot be stored for long periods. Plum fruit exhibits climacteric behavior and its quality characteristics depending on the harvest stage. The effect of all experimental treatments result was significant for all studied growth attributes when compared with control. Zn at the rate of 1.1 kg ha-1applied 15 days after fruit set in...

Natalia Shchur1,2*, Tetiana Mazur1, Orest Katsaraba3, Ihor Halka2, Ludmila Shalimova2, Larisa Moskalenko4, Tetiana Ponomariova-Herasymiuk4, Maksym Lusta4, Vitalii Nedosekov1 way to restore the metabolic processes of Campylobacter from a cryogenic state involves reducing the cultivation time to 24 hours during enrichment and isolation. The validation of Campylobacter isolation protocols has simplified the research process, reduced costs by 50%, and decreased laboratory workload, which will enhance the efficiency of routine Campylobacter diagnosis and identification in l

Roy Sukbir Singh1, Jekson Martiar Siahaan2,3*, Endy Juli Anto4, Syafruddin Ilyas5, Putri Eyanoer6, Hendrika Andriani7,8

...ned for its secondary metabolites, is suggested as a potential treatment because of its hypolipidemic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities. This study employed both in-silico and in-vivo approaches to explore these effects. The in-silico analysis involved molecular docking simulations to evaluate the interactions of Aloe vera compounds with inflammatory mediators such as TNF-α and COX-2. Furthermore, this study also employed a l
Alaa H. Sadoon1, Zainab Abdulimam Majeed2, Majdy Faisal Majeed1* practical suggestions about the best use of each of the fixation’s types and fixative time, generally all results were needed to emphasize the choice of suitable fixatives and fixation periods depending on the histological analysis relevant to various samples.
Keywords | Buffered formalin (10%), Bouin’s fluid, Zenker,s solution, Carony,s solution, Clarke’ssolution, fixation times, Image J

Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi1, Majeed Ajafar2, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory2 * 

...ation on the glycogen metabolism and immunity of laying hens during the force molting. A total of 120 Lohman brown chickens aged 80 weeks were exposed to force molting for 6 weeks using the fasting program. All laying hens were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments, each containing three replicates (8 chickens/ replicate). Hens in the first group were fed the basal diet without supplementation and served as the control (G1), while those in the 2nd (G2),...

Nguyen Tuyet Giang1,2*, Le Thi Thuy Hang1,2, Phan Phuong Loan1,2 and Le Thi Thuy Loan1,2

... the moisture content of about 5-7%. The final products were subsequently analyzed for water activity, hydration indices, chemical composition, and color attributes to evaluate the influence of drying temperature on the quality of carrot peel powder. The results showed that the increment in drying temperature increased the hydration properties, the values of L*, and ΔE*, but reduced the contents of protein, and total carotenoids, as well as the values of...

Dalia M.A. Elmasry1*, Dalia M. El-Husseini1, Asmaa A. Eissa1, Zakaria R. Elkanawati2, Momtaz A. Shahein3, Amany Adel4

...ekeepers to be concerned about economic losses. One hundred samples has been collected from bee colony farms had bees loss 20% or more during 2021-2022 from some Egyptian governorates. The samples have been prepared and suspected viruses detection for Sacbrood virus (SBV), Israeli acute paralysis virus (IAPV), Acute bee paralysis virus (ABPV), Lake Sinai Viruses (LSV) ,Black queen cell virus (BQCV), Kashmir bee virus (KBV), Deformed wing virus (DWV) and Chroni...

Idrissi Ouedrhiri Housna1, Bikri Samir1,2*, Benloughmari Douae1, Aboussaleh Youssef1

... oxidative stress and metabolic disorders, this combination could improve disease management and the quality of life for patients.
Keywords | Diabetes, Melatonin, Oxidative stress, Metformin, Anxiety and depression

Muhammad Ariana Setiawan1, Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria2*, Andi Mushawwir2 be seen from their metabolite products such as total gas production, gas kinetics, and methane gas production. This study aims to determine the effect of the balance of rumen degradable protein (RDP) with non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) in cattle rations on total gas production, gas kinetics and methane gas production in vitro. The study used an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD). There were six treatments of RDP balance with NFC, na...

Bilal Ahmed1, Faheem Ahmed Khan2, Nuruliarizki Shinta Pandupuspitasari1*, Muhammad Rizwan Yousaf1 and Asep Setiaji1 

...bal warming. As concerns about climate change intensify, the livestock sector, especially dairy and beef cattle, is under scrutiny for its substantial role in greenhouse gas emissions. The need for higher productivity has resulted in use of natural fermentation agents like Saccharomyces cerevisiae that can be methanogenic. The use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been under question for it’s possible methanogenic effects. This meta-analysis showed Sacchar...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Yasmeen Buriro1, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1 and Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito

...g;C) temperatures under laboratory conditions during, 2023 to determine the morphological attributions of Rhynchophorus ferrugineus. The female eggs color patterns were milky white oval, and cylindrical. The length and width of eggs (2.56±0.40) (1.18±0.28) were noted at (30±2°C) followed by (2.33±0.42), (1.102±0.22) mm, at (20±2°C). The newly hatched larvae were white-brown and gradually turned into dirty-brown...

Aasma Rasheed1, Dilbar Hussain2, Usama Saleem1, Saddam Hussain3, Zeeshan Javed1, Mashal Shahzadi1, Muhammad Sohail Qadir2, Muhammad Saleem2, Abdul Ghaffar2, Mawra Rafique4, Ayesha Ikram5, Saad Rasheed1 and  Muhammad Asrar1*

...ata was conducted under laboratory conditions. The toxic potential of six synthetic insecticides Emamectin benzoate (200ml/acre), Indoxacarb (175ml/acre), Lufenuron (200ml/acre), Spinetoram (80ml/acre), Chlorantraniliprole (50ml/acre), and Flubendiamide (50ml/acre) were tested on C. septempuctata. The leaf dip bioassay method was performed by collecting sunflower leaves and a 2cm leaf disc with larvae was dipped in insecticides. Data regarding mortality was re...

Zhulmaydin C. Fachrussyah1*, Indra G. Ahmad2, Iin S. Lantu3, Arafik Lamadi2, Wila R. Nento3

...sity’s Integrated Laboratory of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Technology. A total of 40 catfish samples measuring 20-25 cm from cultivation sites using a biofloc system were selected using saturated sampling based on the sustainability of the catfish business (5 years), which included 20 businesses. Ectoparasite observations were conducted using a ZEISS Axioscope 5 Smart Laboratory Microscope. The descriptive method w...

Shah Fahad* and Akhtar Ali 

...ion. The family size was above 5 members. Nineteen percent respondents were involved in agriculture activities and 81% number of respondents were involved their business. Only 19% of the respondents were having own land in which 17% of the respondents holding land was 5 Kanals and only 2% of the respondent’s land holding was more than 5 Kanals. Owner cultivator was 13%, Owner-Cum-tenant was 4% and tenant cultivation was 2%. The agricultural land was sold...

Muhammad Saleem1*, Dilbar Hussain1, Tamseela Mumtaz2, Saeed Ahmad3, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah3, Muhammad Luqman3, Muhammad Shafqat4, Fiaz Hussain5, Muhammad Sajjad6, Kaynat Shahzadi2, Muhammad Jawad Saleem1 and Muhammad Hasnain1

...p bioassay method under laboratory conditions at Entomological Research Institute, Faisalabad. On the basis of LC50 values chlorantraniliprole and emamectin benzoate was proved most effective insecticide to control this polyphagous pest as compared to pyriproxyfen and lufenuron which showed high resistance against H. armigera. Estimated LC50 values of emamectin benzoate on these larvae after 3, 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours were 1457.354, 1268.327, 390.215, 300.947 a...

Iqra Almas, Samia Afzal*, Muhammad Idrees, Muhammad Shahid, Iram Amin and Kausar Malik provides knowledge about genetic variations that contributes to the improved diagnosis of the infection, treatment therapy, follow-up, and future treatment strategies.


Ferry Lismanto Syaiful*, Jaswandi Jaswandi, Mangku Mundana, Zaituni Udin 

... production outside the laboratory, making it a more accessible, efficient, and cost-effective option. 


Zulfiqar Ali1, Asad Ullah2*, Shumaila Gul3, Maryam Begum4, Raheela Taj5, Tahira Tayyeb1, Maiz ur Rahman1, Muhammad Owais Khan1, Rafiq Ullah1, Imad Khan2, Ali Gohar2, Shakirullah Khan6, Khudija Ghani7 and Muneeb Islam8

...ety by educating farmers about ticks and providing nearby veterinary services. A large-scale study is needed to explore the hard tick’s diversity across the country and awareness is needed to minimize the risk of infection, especially among farmers and farms owners.


Khalid Hussain, Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan and Hafiz Ullah Khan

...rvey including questions about all these parameters. In all 35 union councils (UCs) of the study area, 5 respondents from each union council were selected randomly and priority was given to long-time farmers. The data collected were tabulated and the maximum (Xmax) and minimum (Xmin) values for each sub-component of each major AWPI component were determined and, subsequently, the WPI was computed by combining all the sub-components of the five major components...

Mokammel Hossain Tito, Most Hoor E Jannat, Marzia Afrose, S.M. Jubayer Ahmed, Shah Md Maruf, Md. Arafat Hossain, Safiullah Samani, Ruksana Jahan Mira, Barshon Saha, Asraful Islam Jihad and Tonmoy Kumar Das

Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, Mahmoud Yassin Mohamed1*, Mahmoud Sayed Sayah2,1, Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Ezzat Arafa Ahmed El-Beltagi1, Shimaa M. Ali1

...eached maturity earlier (about 50d and 63d) and recorded heavier body weights (about 35 kg and 55 kg) of both males and females, respectively. Also, sexual activity, semen characteristics and testosterone levels for bulls developed earlier than the 1st group. Heifers in the same group were superior in reproductive performance such as reaching puberty, and fertility compared to other groups. The 3rd group showed the highest c...
Hussein Ali Naji1, Saad Hashim Al-Husseiny2, Zainab Abdul Hussein Saud3 and Wesssam Monther Mohammed Saleh1*
...still birth 46 (58.97%), abortion 28 (35.89%) and malformation 4 (5.12%). The results of competitive ELISA technique indicated the 66 (84.6%) of 78 samples were positive for antibodies Schmallenberg virus, the incidence was 87.09% in Basrah while 82.97% in Al_Qadisiyah. The seropositive ELISA results according the clinical signs were 66 (84.61%), 39 (50%), 24 (30.67%), and 3 (3.84%) for decreased milk production, still birth, abo

Heba El-Sayed Mostafa1,2*, Lama Sulaiman Alahmadi1, Shiyma Abullah Alrahule1, Nada Fareed Alzughaibi1, Hala Rafat Zulali1, Yasmin Islam Magdi3, Saada Saad Alharbi1

.... The last section asked about general opinions about animal research. Data were analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 21.0 (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Categorical variables were identified as frequencies and percentages using the Chi-squared test. Results: The results showed that most participants (89.6%) knew about the ethics of research, and the highest ...

Mustofa Hilmi1,4, Zuprizal2, Nanung Danar Dono2, Bambang Ariyadi3*

...oncentration (MIC) in a laboratory setting. The substances utilized included silver nanoparticles, nutrient agar medium, Man’s Rogosa Sharpe Agar, Man’s Rogosa Sharpe Broth, bacterial cultures of Lactobacillus acidophilus ATCC 4356, and Lactobacillus sp. FNCC 0020, Salmonella typhimurium ATCC 700720, Escherichia coli FNCC 0091, tetracycline, and 70% alcohol. Antibiotic sensitivity testing employed the Kirby-Bauer and optical density 600 techniques ...

Ashraf Samir Hakim1*, Doaa Diab Khalaf1, Engy Farahat1, Mohammed Darwish Mohammed1, Wahid Hussein El-Dabae1, Khaled Abd El-Hamid Abd El‑Razik2, Amany Nabil Dapgh3, Ehab Ali Fouad4, Hussein Ahmed Abuelhag1

... obtained from Egyptian laboratories in Great Cairo governorates. The samples were cultured onto the suitable media; the presumptive E. coli colonies were identified phenotypically, biochemically via Vitek2® and serotyping. The virulence of E. coli isolates were characterized phenotypically via hemolysis, Congo red binding, Vero cell cytotoxicity. The antibiotics resistance pattern was assessed by disk diffusion test. Also, the E. coli isolates were molecu...

Muhammad Al-Maruf1, Mahfuzul Islam2, Md. Rashedul Islam3, Syidul Islam1, Md. Sirazul Islam4, Md. Roknuzzaman Khan1, Md. Khairul Islam1, Md. Akib Zabed1, K. B. M. Saiful Islam1*

...However, little is known about the Campylobacter spp. colonization in broilers of Bangladesh. This study aimed to investigate the prevalence of Campylobacter spp. colonization and its associated risk factors in the broiler farms of Munshigonj, Narayanganj, and Narsingdi Districts in Bangladesh. Cloacal swab samples were collected from 100 broiler farms. We speculated that individual samples had a higher possibility of isolating Campylobacter; however, five ran...

Rahmat Ullah Khan* and Karim Gabol

...ds chirping if awareness about birds’ ecological value is made public and operationalized and implementation of wildlife legislation is made successful.


Wen Xiong1, Zhimin Jin1, Zinuo Yuan1, Qin Liu2* and Peter A. Bowler3 is little information about its freshwater fish biodiversity. Based on our field investigations and an extensive review of the literatures, we identified 137 fish species (including two non-native species), representing 9 orders, 26 families and 88 genera, that are distributed in the Yujiang River and its drainage basin. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) criteria, six of these species (Anguilla japonica, Cyprinus carpio,...

Suroor Hafedth Mohammed, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini* 

...ded valuable information about the association of litter size with adipose tissue hormones. This finding makes it a potential candidate for further research and application in sheep breeding and reproduction to improve prolificacy in the field. 


Iram Alam Sthanadar1*, Muhammad Zahid1, Sami Siraj2 and Omar Malik2

...l anti-diabetic drugs metabolized by cytochrome P450 belonging to family 2 subfamily C member 9 (CYP2C9). CYP2C9 has shown better glycemic control and reduced the treatment failure rates compared to metformin and its combination therapy. To study the association of CY2PC9 gene variant rs1057910 in T2DM patients of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) origin, the cohort study was conducted for a period of 12 months including 150 patients receiving metformin, glimepiride and...

Saher Mahmood Jwad1, Tamadhur Hani Hussein2, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini2* 

...conducted on sixty male laboratory rats. The animals were equally divided into four experimental groups. The control group was orally treated with 0.9% normal saline solution. The second group was orally administered 1g/kg of paracetamol. The third study group was orally given 200 mg/kg of broccoli aqueous extract along with 1 g/kg of paracetamol. Lastly, the fourth experimental group was orally administered 200 g/kg of broccoli aqueous extract only. Furthermo...

Shahid Ali Khan1*, Farooq Ahmad1, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Yan Tongyu3, Fatima Urooj1, Kamran Ahmad1, Saeed Ullah4, Sharmeen Zulfiqar5, Tahira Batool6, Aqsa Sarwar1, Yaqoob Sultan7 and Samreen Nazeer8*

... study provided evidence about morphological and anatomical modifications of Euphorbia hitra in response to various environmental fluctuations. Anatomical adaptations such as increased root epidermal and endodermal thicknesses, greater stem area, and large cortical region thickness and cell area play a significant role in different habitats. In conclusion, Euphorbia hitra showed very specific modifications in morphological and anatomical attributes that reveal...

Muhammad Nauman Hanif1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Abid Hussain3 and Amar Matloob4

...d to collect information about pesticides used for insect pest and disease management. Farmers were applying lufenuron, bifenthrin, emamectin benzoate, metalaxyl, and mancozeb. The cauliflower plant and soil samples were collected with the frequency of 1, 3, 5, 7, and 15 days after the application of pesticides. The collected plant and soil samples dried and extracted to determine pesticide residues using the modified QuECHERS method. Pesticides residues asses...

1Md. Faruq Hasan, 2Nazmunnahar Kolpona, 3*Atia Shahin, 3Md. Rayhan Sojib and 3Susmita Sarmin at proactive and collaborative communication, emphasising tailored solutions, building a strong extension network, maintaining transparency, arranging digital platforms, targeted awareness campaigns, and practical training.


Rico Anggriawan1*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari2, Sri Hidanah3, Muhammad Anam Al Arif4, Diyah Ayu Candra5

...broiler farmer awareness about the impact of norfloxacin and tylosin residues in broiler products. The research methodology included data collection from several commercial farms, laboratory analysis to detect antibiotic residues in chicken products, and comparison of data with established standards. Enrofloxacin and tylosin residues in broiler chickens were found in a number of literatures, both in residue cases and residue...

Efi Rokana1*, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Khoirul Wafa1, Kalvin Putra Wahyudatama1, Ferdian Ginanjar1, Rini Mastuti3, Amiril Mukmin1, Miarsono Sigit4 

...nd serum chemistry in a laboratory. The results did not show significant differences in productivity parameters (feed consumption, average daily gain, feed conversion, and income over feed cost) between control and beer waste fed groups. Health parameters, including hematology (hemoglobin, erythrocytes, leukocytes) and blood chemical parameters (total protein, blood urea nitrogen, creatinine), remained within normal ranges in all beer waste fed groups. The stu...
Hajjar Hartini Wan Jusoh1,2, Hafizan Juahir1,2*, Azimah Ismail1, Nurfarahana Mohd Nasir3,5, Setyo Budi Kurniawan1,4 and Ahmad Jusoh5
... to ecosystem. Concerned about the impact of malathion pesticide, this study investigated the effectiveness of granular activated carbon (GAC) in removing malathion from agricultural runoff. The study focused on how particle size and dosage of GAC impact the removal efficiency. Therefore, this study revealed that particle size and dosage of granular activated carbon significantly affect the removal efficiency of malathion from agricultural runoff. As the initi...
MohamadRahijan AbdulWahab*andAhmadAimanSalahudin
...atisfaction of customers about the use of stingless bee honey between groups according to gender, age, ethnicity, educational attainment, and monthly income. Customers’ attitudes on the consumption of stingless bee honey did not differ significantly based on their gender, ethnicity, age, education level, or work status; however, their satisfaction levels did differ significantly based on their monthly income and frequency of consumption. Groups base...
Nur Anis Hashim1, Nor Hasima Mahmod1*, Abubakar Abdullahi Lema2, Lee-Hoon Ho3 and Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1
...portant antioxidative metabolites such as anthocyanins, tannins, saponins, glycosides, flavonoids and terpenoids. The findings demonstrated that fresh calyx retained the highest antioxidant capacity, thus providing insights into post-harvest processing of the calyx.

Oluwakamisi F. Akinmoladun1,2*, Olusegun O. Ikusika1, Conference T. Mpendulo1

...osis, thus making the metabolic pathways in the animal organism inefficient. This research aimed to evaluate the optimum sodium requirements for growing Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix Japonica). Two hundred growing quails were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments and five replicates, with eight birds each. The treatment consisted of a basal diet (control) containing 0.101% of Na in the diet. In the remaining treatment groups, s...

Ehab Hussein1, Edris A.M.1 and Ghada A.K. Kirrella2*

... and transferred to the laboratory then the untreated samples were prepared for detection of 12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (benzo[a]pyrene; dibenzo [ae] pyrene; dibenzo [al] pyrene; dibenzo [ah] pyrene; dibenzo [ai] pyrene; indeno [1, 2, 3-cd] pyrene; benzo [ghi] perylene; cyclopenta (c, d) pyrene; benzo[a] anthracene; Dibenzo [a, h] anthracene; benzo[b] fluoranthene; chrysene). The treated samples were demonstrated as 3 untreated (control group);...

Shimaa R. Hamam, Reham A. El-shafei, Nani N. Abdelaziz, Magdy S. Amer

...hanges were also brought about in the testicular, epididymal, and seminal vesicle histological architectures. Important components of male fertility, such as testosterone, LH, and FSH levels, sperm profile, and testicular GST and NO activities were significantly increased when ginseng and ibuprofen were combined. Ginseng supplementation improved the histological structures of the testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicles. The effects of sandalwood oil were favo...

Adel Sobhy1, Ahmed El-khamary1, Ahmed M. Rashwan2,3, Ashraf Shamaa4, Mostafa Kassem5, Mohamed M. A. Abumandour6*, Ahmed El-Mansi7, 8 and Ahmed G. Nomir2

...xus root 4±0.5 cm above the greater tuberosity) and p2 (division site of all plexus nerves) of six cadavers. Finally, the live experimental study involved brachial plexus injections at both sides of p1 and p2 (standing position). Our results from the cadaveric US showed that the brachial plexus root was sufficiently stained at site p1 as opposed to site p2. In the live experimental study, the brachial plexus appeared as a hyperechoic cluster at the p1 s...

Samah Abou Asa1, Omnia Tag2 and Walid Elmonir2*

...ents (14%) had knowledge about Heterophyiasis in the study area. Residents also reported many risk practices as consuming fresh without prior freezing (92.7%), salting fish for less than 10 days (50%), and cooking fish for less than 10 min (2.3%). Health education for residents and infection control in fish are mandate preventive measures in the study area.


Naglaa A. El-Taib1*, Asmaa T. Talayea2, Hanan R. Ghanayem3

...s cellular integrity, metabolic activity, and virulence. Therefore, this study examined the effect of chlorine and hydrogen peroxide as common chemical sanitizers on inducing E. coli O157 into a VBNC state. The results showed that after 30 minutes of treatment with 200, 100, or 50 ppm chlorine, the numbers of culturable E. coli significance P<0.05 dropped (100%) from 6.93±0.04 log10 CFU/mL to less than 1 CFU/mL (0.0%). However, after 48 hours of resu...

Muhammad Salim1,2*, Muhammad Zakria2, Ahmad Ur Rahman Saljoqi2, Shahid Sattar2, Ayhan Gökçe1, Amjad Usman3 and Hayat Badshah4

....23 kg/ha). Based on the above results, P. hysterophorus leaves extract can be recommended in wheat for the management of targeted pest including S. avenae. 


Md Kamrul Hasan1,2, Hong-Seok Mun1,3, Keiven Mark Bigtasin Ampode1,4, Eddiemar Baguio Lagua1,5, Hae-Rang Park1,5, Young-Hwa Kim6, Md Sharifuzzaman1,7, Chul-Ju Yang1,5*

...m management, future collaborative research should concentrate on creating new machine learning and/or deep learning models.
Keywords | Digital twin, Animal behavior monitoring, Environmental control, Farm operation, Livestock supply chain, Precision agriculture

Nguyen Ba Trung1,2*, Pham Thi Kim Phuong1,2

... and limited information about fertility. Consequently, cattle are at risk of becoming extinct, and the genetic diversity and polymorphism of genes linked to economically important traits have not yet been examined. This study centered on examining the genetic traits of Vang cattle by utilizing molecular markers. We investigated the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA and the SRY gene on the Y chromosome, as well as performed genotyping of the DGAT1, NCA...

Mohamed T. A. Soliman1, Hadeer M. Shosha2, Hala M. Ebaid2, Heba Nageh Gad El-Hak2, Heba M.A. Abdelrazek3*

...sumers and agricultural laborers may encounter fungicide residues in food and water through oral ingestion, inhalation, and skin exposure. However, there have been only a limited number of research investigating the impact of prenatal exposure to COC on the animal’s immune system. Therefore, three groups of pregnant rats, each consisting of 10 rats, were assigned. The 1st group was the control group, while the other two groups were administered doses 36....

Rehmat Ullah, Riaz Ahmed*, Muhammad Tahir, Abdul Majid Nasir and Mushtaq Muhammad—which allocates about 90 percent of agricultural farm credit to small and medium farmland owners—aligns perfectly with the findings of this study. This policy should be maintained with a robust monitoring mechanism to ensure the effective allocation and utilization of funds.


Elfira Kariane Suawa1*,  Juliet R. Roberts2, Greg Parkinson3,  Angelina Novita Tethool1

...oth at and significantly above the breeder standard, were allocated into one of 3 groups in accordance with their body weights. Each group had 20 replicates of one bird each. Eggs were processed for measurements of eggshell and egg internal quality variables, scoring of ultrastructural mammillary layer features, completeness of cuticle cover. Body weight at point of lay and mature body weight at 40-45 weeks did not significantly affected egg production, but si...

Tamadhur H. Hussein1, Zainab M.A. Alrubayei2, Tahreer M. Al-Thuwaini1*

Walid Elmonir1*, Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Tayel2, Suzan Abdelbaky Kotb1 and Wael Fawzy El-Tras2

...and health professionals about these neglected vehicles of toxoplasmosis is urgently required.


Ray Adil Quddus1, Nisar Ahmad1*, Jalees Ahmad Bhatti1, Anjum Khaleeq2 and Asfand Yar Khan3

...n in rumination time was about 3.8 h/d from day -1 to 0 day. The lying bouts (P<0.001) and time (P<0.0001) was first decreased from day -3 to estrus onset then increased. The reduction in lying time was approximately 5.0 h which shows that buffaloes were restless. The standing bouts and time were at the highest level (26.10±1.2 bouts/day, P<0.01 and 11.1±0.7 h/d, P<0.001) at day 0 (estrus onset), which indicated that due to restlessne...
Satya Narayana Rao Ramasamy1,2, Assis Kamu3 and Connie Fay Komilus1*
...stacean crab is produced about 40 % and it being discharged about 60 % to 80 % as biomass into the environment. As this waste contains protein that could enhance growth rate, it could be a good choice to be used as alternate source of feed for fighting fish. The objectives of this study are to determine proximate composition in formulated fish feed using crustacean waste and to examine effect of crab waste in fish feed on gr...

Moh Sofi’ul Anam1, Ali Agus1, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto1, Gunawan2, Andriyani Astuti1*

... and changes in blood metabolites, which can impact their health and production. Essential trace minerals (TM), such as selenium and zinc. They support enzyme function, immune response, and antioxidant defences. Moreover, this current research assessed the impact of supplementing organic selenium and zinc on dairy cows’ blood biochemical, haematology, and total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) during early lactation. Sixteen crossbred Friesian Holstein cows ...
José J. Cedeño-Díaz1, Caridad A. Torres-García1, Marina García1, Freddy Zambrano-Gavilanes1, Naga Raju Maddela2* and Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos3*

Azza Mohamed Morsi Fahd1*, Al-Sadik K Saleem2, Mohamed Y Ibrahim2, Azhar F. Abdel Fattah2, Gehad R. Donia1

...stood, but less is known about how transportation affects the behaviour, performance, and crop-filled test of turkey pullets. Therefore, This study aimed to investigate the effect of transportation on the behaviour and growth performance of Turkey. Turkey pullets were classified into 2 groups according to two types of transport, the First Group was150 pullets (Grade marker) one day -old chick (Flight from France) for 4.30 hours with short distance transport an...

Wen Xiong1, Yifan Huang1, Yue Liu1, Shuyin Li2* and Baoqiang Wang3*

... study, we reviewed data about freshwater fish biodiversity and fisheries in the Honghu Lake. In total of 96 species belonging to 7 orders, 26 families and 65 genera were listed in the Honghu Lake in past seventy years. And the fisheries resource decreased quickly due to hydrological disconnected, overfishing, and non-native species. In order to protect freshwater fish biodiversity and fisheries in Honghu Lake, some measures including establishment of protect ...

Zuhaib Nishtar1, Wang Fangzong1,  Nan Yang1 and Jamil Afzal2*

... for integration and collaboration through a thorough examination of the existing condition of animal conservation and renewable energy in Pakistan. The future we envision fosters peaceful coexistence between animals and clean energy infrastructure by meticulously planning renewable energy projects and minimising potential habitat interruptions. The study predicts that renewable energy sources including solar, wind, and hydropower will experience rapid growth,...

Masoumeh Younesabadi1*, Parviz Sharifi Ziveh2 and Sepideh Hatami3

...ich recovered back after about 2 weeks. Based on the results of this experiment, application of 45-60 g ha-1 of thifensulfuron-methyl can be recommended for the control of broad-leaved weeds in soybean crop.


Shireen Ali Hasan1*, Ahlam A. Al-Rikaby2, Maitham Ali Al-Rikaby3  

...ugs that are consumed by about 70% of the population. The present work carried out to assess whether the daily administration of ASP induced alteration in body weight and biochemical indices in male rabbits. Eighteen rabbits were used and distributed randomly into three groups, group one considered as control which was administered 1ml of distilled water orally, group two was administered 40mg/kg of aspartame orally, group three was administered 80 mg/kg of as...

Asim Karim*, Anwar Ali, Bilal Ahmed Qazi, Nowsherwan Zarif and Wadood Shah

...esent level of knowledge about the origin and use of paulownia trees, especially in European countries where paulownia has just recently been introduced. Numerous studies on paulownia hybrids have demonstrated how the local environment and climatic circumstances significantly affect the growth value of individual clones. This difference is not only related to the development of the growth-related features, but also to the properties of the wood and the possibi...

Muhammad Usman Saleem*, Tahir Hussain Awan, Bilal Atta, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir and Muhammad Ijaz

...r potential for reduced labor and water use, but optimal fertilizer management remains a critical factor to achieve higher yield and rice quality. This study investigated the impact of fertilizer combinations on agronomic and yield traits of Basmati rice (cv. Basmati 515) cultivated with a direct-seeded rice method. Field trials were carried out during 2019 and 2020 in rice growing seasons. The five fertilizer treatments were applied as recommended from the co...

Hammad Ali, Basheer Ahmad, Asim Karim*, Saifullah and Salman Ahmad 

...hers aimed to learn more about the different animals that call it home. The researchers employed a methodology to guarantee that their findings would accurately represent the entire forest. 72 plots, each 20 by 20 meters, were chosen randomly from the forest. They meticulously recorded the quantity and kinds of different tree species they came across in each of these plots. This study’s findings were quite informative. It was discovered that Pinus roxbur...

Humaira1, Afsana Huseynova Anvar2, Shaukat Ali3, Marcelo Franco4, Muhammad Irfan1*

...on systems. Extensive metabolic engineering practices incorporating living systems for commercial manufacturing of cost-effective value-added products and biochemical from sustainable feed-stock show limited success as desired higher production rates run counter to life-sustaining metabolic activities. To address these challenges, cell-free approaches developed as promising platform to proceed towards sustainable bio-manufac...
Tayyaba Gul Tareen1*, Wajahat Ullah Khan Tareen2, Muhammad Aamir3, Jehanzeb Khan1 and Naveed Jan4
...rging system have been elaborated in this research. Following with the problem description and objectives of this study are articulated. A thorough categorization of conference papers, journal articles, and transaction publications is conducted, centering on comparisons within the realm of electric vehicle EV and APFs power grid applications. This paper emphasizes scrutinizing EV battery chargers for operating a novel battery design and topologies with reduced...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi* and Abigail Abosede Olojede 

...matode population at the above volume of application against (50 mMole) 25mL. Thus, we suggest that green synthesis of AgNPs could serve as an eco-friendly method of combating nematode pests of cabbage.

Muhammad Safdar1*, Muhammad Younus2, Faiz-ul Hassan1 and Yasmeen Junejo3
...amples, tissue samples, laboratory prepared food samples and commercial foodstuffs including chicken karahi, beef biryani, chicken samosa, chicken pakora, haleem, nihari etc. were collected from Bahawalpur, Multan, and Rahim Yar Khan. DNA was extracted from all the targeted samples. We developed the first multiplex PCR assay to identify pork, donkey, and cow species origins in food products within a single tube. The assay utilizes specific primers [pork (Sus s...

Faheem Ali* and Amjad Farooq

...d and identified in the laboratory. The results showed mean (±SD) temperature, rainfall, and relative humidity during 2014-2016 ranged 12.88-35.43oC, -0.33-87.43mm, and 36.17-72.17%, respectively. Likewise, maximum Aedes larvae were found during the month of November, with 348.67 Aedes larvae from indoor while 71.67 from outdoor. The emergence of Aedes larvae was found after rainy season while decline trend was observed at non-rainy, extreme temperature...

Abbas A. Khudhair1*, Mohammed A. Qathee2, Muhsin S.G. Almozie’l3, Kassim F. Abdulkarem4 

...erol and triglyceride metabolism. Here we aim to evaluate pumpkin and rousovastatin for their effect on lipid profile and glucose level in laboratory rats. For this purpose, thirty female rats were used after induction of hyperlipidemia through cholesterol administration, divided in to five groups and treated with different concentrations of pumpkin and rousovastatin. Pumpkin group (treated with 200mg/kg), rousovastatin grou...

Jiaojiao Wang, Peng Pan, Tingting Wu and Jianhua Hou*

...the 0.25–1 m layer above the ground. In addition, the density of insects in the lawn layer in areas without moving vehicles was significantly higher than that in the lawn layer after vehicles had passed through. The density of airborne insects at different heights above the lawn after vehicles had passed through was higher than that in areas without moving vehicles, with the 0.25–1 m stratum layer having the high...
Qurat-ul-Ain1*, A. Ahmad2, Farhat Nazir Awan3, M. Rabbani1 and M. Hassan Mushtaq4
...ces, housing management, abortion and parity were found the potential risk factors significantly associated (p<0.05) with BVDV prevalence while breeding system exhibited non-significant association with BVDV (p>0.05). In vaccine trial, self-prepared vaccine proved to be equally effective as commercial vaccine although higher (p>0.05) antibody titer (s/p values) were noted in group B as compared to group A. Throughout the experiment, antibody titer of ...

Hind Abdulzahra Abdulkadhim Alshaibani1*, Abdul Jaleel Aziz Karim Alqaraghli2, Mohammed Azeez Yasir Alzaidi3 

... the age group 1-2.5 was about 13.79%, and the infection rate in the age group 2-2.5 was about 15. 51%. In the age group between 2.5-3.5, the percentage was 22.72%, while for the oldest age group it was >3.5, with a rate of 30.30%, which is the highest. Taken together, finding of this study provide clear distribution of fasciolosis across animals, ages and sex. These findings facilitate better control measures, assess eff...

Huda Hameed Kadhim Alabbody 

...ommends more explanation about companion animals including to encourage health practices, arrange breeding, appropriate nutrition and housing. Veterinarians can provide the best advice and awareness to animal owners. 


Abdullah Khazal Mohsen1, Sura Emad Jassim2, Tania T. Alaridhi3, Amran M. Al-Erjan4, Qais R. Lahhob5*, Mustafa Mudhafar6,7 

...ents. With regard to the above, this study may provide shed light on the possible application of phage treatment in agricultural context and how the presented method may help to combat bacterial resistance. 


Muhammad Saleem Chang1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Bakhat-un-Nisa Mangan1, Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2 and Siraj Ahmed Channa

... of sesame. The current Laboratory study was carried out access the allelopathic efficacy of sorghum (extract and powder) on preliminary growth stages of weeds associated with sesame. The experiment was laid out under a three replicated completely randomized design (CRD) with nine treatments including various concentrations of sorghum extract, powder, and their integration. The most common weeds species of sesame were selected and tested. The analysis of varia...

Trang Nguyen Phan*, Loc Bao Nguyen, Thi Anh Ngoc Tong

...ibiotic resistance index above the threshold limit (0.2) indicated potential risks associated with using these strains. Furthermore, molecular identification at the species level by 16 S rRNA sequencing revealed that selected LAB isolates belonged to the species Pediococcus pentosaceus, Limosilactobacillus fermentum, Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, Weissella confusa, and Weissella paramesenteroides. The differences in LAB species found in meat versus vegetables...

Zainab A. Shehab1*, Assad H. Eissa2, Hind A.A. Alahmed1 

...acil is a type of antimetabolite. A protein that helps control whether a cell lives or dies by blocking cell death called apoptosis. The gene for BCL2 is found on chromosome 18, and transfer of the BCL2 gene to a different chromosome is seen in many B-cell leukemias and lymphomas. This study aims to show the effect of 5-fluorouracil on hematological assessments (RBCs, WBCs and HB), and on bcl-2 immunoreactivity which has an important place in the apoptotic mec...

Muhammad Abdul Basit1, Lionel Kinkpe1,3*, Abdur Rahman1, Boko Michel Orounladji2, Hafiz Qadeer Ahmed3, Muhammad Subbayyal Akram4, Elodie Dimon5, Gadah Albasher6, Syed Muhammad Suhail1  

...alth, and cholesterol metabolism. The findings not only address local challenges but also offer insights that could be valuable for improving goat production systems globally. 


Mohammed Jawad Kadhim*, Qasim Jawad Amer

...als from 2 years old and above as compared with those less than 2 years (56.5%). In conclusion, the molecular approaches employed in the present investigation shown a remarkable degree of sensitivity and specificity.
Keywords | Entamoeba histolytica, Cattle, PCR, Babylon, Human and Diarrhea

Ozdan Akram Ghareeb1*, Goljameen Midhat Abdulla1, Sanaz Sheikhzadeh2

...flammatory cytokines in laboratory rats. Eighteen adult male rats were employed in present study, and they were set into three groups (n = 6/group). First group acted as control (CON) without any treatment, while other two groups were exposed to sodium arsenite orally at a single dose (13 mg/kg) Animals were sacrificed at 1 day and 7 days after exposure of As, and referred as AS-1 and AS-7 groups, respectively. Following that, each rat’s serum was taken ...

Salma Ali Munshed*, Fadwa Abdul Razaq Jameel

...nd biofilm formation in Laboratory. Fifty clinical isolates of respiratory infections in dogs were collected from several locations in Baghdad from Al Rusafa district (Zayouna, Al-Mashtel Street, Adamiyah; and Al-Karkh district (Baghdad Veterinary Hospital) during November 2023 to January 2024. The macroscopically and microscopically examination of this fungus was used to diagnosis of fungal elements. After that, detection of virulence factors for Aspergillus ...

Rico Anggriawan1,2*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari1, Sri Hidanah1, Muhammad Anam Al Arif1, Diyah Ayu Candra2  

...horities due to concerns about antibiotic resistance. This review article aims to assess the application of probiotics in the poultry industry. The use of probiotics in poultry has been shown to enhance production efficiency. Incorporating probiotics in chickens can improve feed nutrient assimilation, ration intake, meat protein content, and weight gain while reducing the feed conversion ratio. Probiotics commonly include bacteria and fungi. Notable microorgan...

Svetoslav Farafonov1, Olha Yaremko2, Mykola Verkholiuk2, Lesja Muzyka2, Bohdan Gutyj2, Oleh Marenkov3, Vadym Lykhach4, Tetiana Nemova4, Olena Khmelova5, Roman Mylostyvyi5*

Sura Saad Hamada Alkhuzaie

...o identify changes in metabolic activities and to measure the load of pathogens of E. coli as an example, in Anopheles mosquitoes after feeding with nanocurcumin-treated blood meal (NBM). The study included the use of 216 female mosquitoes divided randomly into six replicates for each group. The groups were a 6hr-ealier provision of NBM before E. coli exposure, the 6E group, in which NBM was provided to mosquitoes 6hrs before bacterial exposure. There was a gr...

Mohammed A. Al-Saadi1*, Yahia I. Khudhair1, Muthanna Hadi Hussain1, Monyer Abdulamier Abd Alfatlawi2, Mourad Ben Said3

...udy provides information about the molecular characteristics of SPV after the genetic analysis of the important genes of this virus. This gives us ideas to develop better diagnostic tools and control measures and help to decrease the effect of this infection on sheep populations. These findings continue to emphasize the importance of doing a continuous genetic monitoring of SPV on field, that will help us to keep the animal health status, in addition to contro...

Herna Febrianty Sianipar1,2,3, Wahyu Widoretno1, Luchman Hakim1, Rezi Rahmi Amolia4, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah1,2,5*

... composition of these metabolites correlates with the health of the Tapanuli orangutan.  This research aims to identify primary and secondary metabolites, such as proximates and amino acids, as well as bioactive compounds with antioxidant activity. Castanopsis argantea, Artocarpus heterophyllus, and Aglaia tomentosa fruits were tested for proximate, amino acid, phytochemical, and total flavonoid content. Liquid Chromato...

Tuti Widjastuti*, Wiwin Tanwiriah, Eka Wulandari, Sekarupa Rengganis Nusantara

... Hematology, Chicken, Metabolism

Qutaiba J. Gheni1, Alfred S. Karomy1, Alice Louis Yousaf2, Wessam Monther Mohammed Saleh3*

...insights into protein metabolism, lipid profile, and blood sugar regulation, respectively. Liver tissues samples from were subjected to histological examination. The results revealed a substantial decrease in body weight (160 gm) in stunted birds compared to the normal control group (479 and 1488 gm) at both 14 and 28 days of ag, respectively. Furthermore, we observed a significant decrease in cellular and biochemical blood parameters in stunted birds where RB...

Amir Afzal1, Sairah Syed1*, Shiza Atif2, Nisa ur Rehman2, Muhammad Arsalan1, Taimoor Hussain1, Javed Iqbal1, Sharmin Ashraf1 and Zubair Aslam3

...t diseases, have brought about a range of adverse consequences i.e., environmental implications, the emergence of fungicide-resistant microbes and food poisoning posing a significant challenge in the realm of plant disease control. The persistent need for eco-friendly disease management strategies has arisen as a direct consequence of the detrimental effects associated with the usage of synthetic fungicides, on both food safety and environmental sustainability...
Imad Ahmad Noor1, Abdullah1, Ihteram Ullah2*, Kashif ur Rahman4, Imtiaz Ahmed1 and Habib Ur Rahman3
...lated to development, metabolism, and reproduction in the target tissue. The chemical generated by plants are known as phytohormones. During current study we isolated five fungi of which three strains were isolated from the rhizosphere soil of A. esculentus L. while the remaining strains were isolated from the bulk soil in the plant vicinity. The result revealed that the rhizosphere and bulk soil fungi have the potential to promote okra growth. It was found th...

Muneer Ahmed Solangi* and Mahvish Jabeen Channa

...d absent (anosmia). Data about manifestation, comorbidities and smell function is carefully assessed before statistical analysis. The study involved 120 individuals, of which 52 (43.3%) were female and 68 (56.6%) were male. The average age of the participants was 37 ± 15 [min 16, max 72, IQR 46.5-26=21.5]. RT-PCR revealed the presence of SARS-CoV-2 in n = 6 (5%), with a mean Ct-value of 30.3 ±2.6. Post-NPS smell loss respondents were n=13(11%) am...

Aaqil Muhammad1*, Asad Sultan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Umer Sadique2 and apparent ileal metabolizable energy were calculated significantly higher in the T3 diet groups as compared to the remaining groups. Overall, the digestibility of essential amino and non-essential amino acid were recorded (P<0.05) higher in the T1, T2, and T3 diet group as compared to the control group. In conclusion, the replacement of maize with sorghum in combination with exogenous enzyme protease and phytase can effectively improve the growth perf...

Muhammad Shehzad1, Fida Ullah1, Shahid Niaz Khan1, Abdul Majid1*, Muhammad Rais2, Muazzam Ali Khan3, Tariq Ahmad4 and Sanaullah Khan5 

...ats. Lack of information about the geographical distributions of species hinders research and management agendas. Species checklist and herpetofauna inventories of various areas of Pakistan are available, but many geographical areas of the country have still not been explored. We, therefore, conducted the present study to fill this gap. We carried out this study in 21 randomly selected sites featuring mountain regions, tropical dry deciduous forests, sandy pat...

Junrong Yang1, Ning Zhang1*, Muhammad Akram Khan2, Qingpeng Wang1*, Zhengping Wang1*, Quiqin Liu3, Lanjie Li3, Jun Han1, Abdul Asim Farooq4, Aayesha Riaz5 and Ruiyan Zhang1

...ce in the late stage. Metabolic reprogramming is one of the characteristics of colon tumors and contributes to autophagy and cell cycle progression of tumors. A ketogenic diet (KD) is a high-fat, adequate-protein, and low-carbohydrate diet with documented anti-tumor effects. However, the mechanism of KD inhibiting colon cancer remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the molecular mechanism underlying the effects of KD on cell cycle and autophagy in col...

Khoula Begum* and Imran Khan

...iovascular health and metabolic disorders, ultimately contributing to the development of dietary strategies for the prevention and management of cardio-metabolic diseases.


Nounagnon Darius Tossavi1,2*, Mariette Sindété3, Nike Fumilayo Aladetohun4, Marie-Line Escande5, Adam Gbankoto3


Shahbaz Ahmad1*, Mubashar Iqbal1, Arshad Javaid2, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3, Muhammad Ashfaq4, Tajamal Hussain5 and Sumra Ashraf1

...ett) maggots. Under the laboratory conditions, EPF strains namely Metarhizium anisopliae (F 52), Metarhizium pinghaense (MBC 709), Isaria cateniammulata (MBC 289), Isaria javanica (MBC 524), Isaria farinose (MBC 389), Isaria fumosorosea (MBC 053), Lecanicillium attenuatum (MBC 807), Beauveria brongniartii (MBC 397) and Beauveria bassiana (MBC 076) were assessed. Five conidial/spore concentrations (1×105, 1×106, 1×107, 1×108, and 1×...

R. Umamaheswari*, P. Prabu, M.S. Rao, B.M. Kavya and G. N. Grace

...s and other secondary metabolites produced by bio-control agents demonstrate their antagonistic action against a multitude of phytopathogenic microbes and nematodes. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens IIHR BA2 (Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bacillus amyloliquefaciens 2) is one such potential bacterial bioagent that demonstrated effective nematicidal activity against root knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, a major biotic constraint in successful crop p...

Zhang Qiang1,2

...tation basis in blood metabolites of yaks at extreme high altitudes due to long-term natural selection of plateau ecological environment. Twenty serum samples from yaks were collected, including 10 from those living on the Qinghai–Tibet Plateau at altitudes above 5000 m for a long time and 10 from those living in ecological regions at altitudes of ~4000m. Results revealed 592 metabol...

Wasan Abdulmunem Taha1*, Umer Abdullah Ahmed Alelyan1, Raid D. Hashim2, Zainab Nizar Jawad3, Mohammed Khaleel Jameel4, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa1

...ults in heterogeneous metabolic and hormonal derangements. The current study aimed to evaluate the effect of PCOS on blood glucose levels and liver enzyme. A total of 100 grown up, reproductive adult female Albino rabbits was divided into two groups (n = 50). In the control group PCOS wasn’t motivated, while in the residual other group (n = 50) PCOS was motivated with a alone i.m. testosterone injection every day. Biomarkers assessed include: Glutamic-Ox...

Aamir Sohail1, Irshad Ali Khan2*, Ahmed Shamkhi Jabbar3, Mehran Gul2, Sidra Ahmad4, Nayab Ahmad4, Farzana6, Abdur Rehman5, Arooba Bashir4, Syed Muhammad Owais Shah2 and Ayesha Alam7

... 14 g, 28 g, and 42 g). Laboratory results showed that all powder concentrations significantly inhibited pathogen growth compared to the control, with the 15% powder extract achieving the highest inhibition zone (16.25 mm), followed by the 10% extract (12.47 mm). The implementation of this approach resulted in significant enhancements in the length of tomato plant roots (98.54%), shoot length (23.11%), and fresh biomass (18.97%) as compared to the control grou...
Irsa Shafique1, Saiqa Andleeb1*, Farrukh Naeem2, Shaukat Ali3, Tauseef Tabassum4 and Tariq Sultan4
...sting due to the high metabolic rate of earthworms. During the process of composting, pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, C: N ratio and moisture decreased till the end of the experiment and the final vermi-compost had pH (7.8), temperature (25 ˚C), electrical conductivity (2.82 mS/cm), C: N ratio (11:1), and moisture (25%). The maximum NPK content and various trace metals were also recorded in vermi-compost compared to cow dung which indicated its effi...
Abdul Majeed Saim1, Arshad Javid1, Misbah Sarwar­2
Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman3 and Ali Hussain4*
...alpindi situated at 508m above sea level, 6% at 20⁰C in December 2021. Results concluded that raise in temperature also increases the parasitic prevalence but it is decreased with the increase in elevation above sea level. It was concluded that three Haemoparasite species, six nematodes species, one cestode species, three protozoan species and two trematodes species of parasites were observed and identified from fecal and ...
Jinlong Cheng1, Jianglan Pei1, Qiaoyun Xu1, Jian Gao1, Zanna Xi1
Jialiang Ouyang1, Mengzhi Wang1,2*, Junliang Yin2* and Wenju Zhang3*
... gene associated with metabolism, transport and synthesis of lipids. Here, 3-month-old Boer goats were used to explore the relationship between PER2 and volatile fatty acid-related genes in isolated goat ruminal epithelial tissue explants. Internal and external culture medium was collected at 0, 3, 6, and 24 h to measure pH and VFA concentration to evaluate conditions in vitro, research showed pH at 3 h was significant higher than that at other different time,...

Yifan Wang1,2, Liangyu Hu2, Numan Ullah2 and Mengzhi Wang2,3*

...e to its key roles in metabolism and physiology. Arg not only regulates lactation performance (milk yield and milk composition) by serving as a building block to synthesize milk protein, but also acts as a signaling molecule coordinating casein protein gene transcription and translation. A number of studies have characterized various possible pathways by which mammary total milk protein synthesis can be affected. Changes in the abundance of milk protein genes,...

Mubashar Hussain*, Syeda Nafeesa Kazam, Aqsa Noreen, Suleman Hussain Shah, Uswa Zeb and Aniza Iftikhar

Zarina Chang1, Nadir Ali Birmani1, Adil Hassan Chang2, Laraib Jamali2, Noreena Chang3 and Fouzia Chang4*

...count. The clinical and laboratory features were classified for statistical analysis. Out of 220 patients 76.36% had Plasmodium vivax, 20.90% had Plasmodium falciparum and only 2.72% had mixed infection. Not a single case of Plasmodium malariae and Plasmodium ovale were noticed. Males accounted for 124 cases (56.36%) of malaria specie, whereas females accounted for 96 cases (43.63%). Age wise estimation was highest 110 cases (50%) revealed from the age group o...

Madeeha1, Shahida Naveed1*, Ayosha Hanif1, Jalwa Afroz1, Abdul Haq1, Gul Rose2, Inayat Ullah3 and Zunaira Inayat4

...primary and secondary metabolites were carried out for all of the extracts and were analyzed for the presence of active constituents such as flavonoids, terpeniods, tannins, carbohydrates, proteins, steroids and saponins. Various extracts of Olea ferruginea leaf nut galls were screened for antimicrobial activity at 100mg/ml concentration level against four bacterial species including two gram positive bacteria (Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus mutans), ...

Asad Ullah1*, Faizan Hafeez2, Raheela Taj3, Shumaila Gul4, Imad Khan1, Brekhna Faheem5, Mansoor Ahmad5, Rafiq Ullah5, Ashfaq Ahmad5, Muhammad Hanif5, Aziz Ullah Khan5, Muhammad Owais Khan5, Abdul Basit5, Muhammad Idrees Khan6, Shakirullah Khan7 and Muneeb Islam8 be used in a routine laboratory for the detection of M. bovis and its antigenic fragments in tissue samples. The findings of this study indicated that tuberculosis in large ruminants (cattle and buffaloes) is a neglected zoonotic infection at the animal-human interface in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan which needs to be solved.


Zarifshan Malik1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed2 and Sabina Noor1

...ed and diluted using the above-mentioned activation media by using dilution ratio of 1:29. Sperm quality assessment of diluted milt was carried out for different traits such as sperm motility, sperm motility duration and sperm viability. Fertilization rate was determined by using same diluted milt aliquots. The results indicated that sperm quality indices and fertilization rate of milt treated with activation media show better results in comparison to control....

Ariani Trisna Murti1, Budi Hartono1*, Hari Dwi Utami1, Tri Wahyu Nugroho2, Tina Sri Purwanti1, Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara1

...hile educating consumers about the benefits of free-range eggs may enhance their willingness to pay and positively influence their attitudes toward the product.
Keywords | Free-range eggs, Consumer perception, Purchase intention, Structural equation modeling, Purchasing decision, Willingness to pay

Mube Kuietche Hervé1*, Saknteh W.B1, Azoutane Julien2, Kana Sagne Derrick1, Vemo Bertin3, Djoumessi Gina4, Tatsinkou Alain Serge1, Francois Djitie5, Defang F. Henry1

...g definitive conclusions about its efficacy as a growth promoter in this context.
Keywords | Ginger powder, Rabbits, Growth performance, Metabolic profile

Mahnoor Baloch* and Sanam Zarif Satti

...rees were collected for laboratory analyses. The presence of Fusarium circinatum was confirmed through morphological identification. Pathogenicity tests conducted on two years old seedlings of Pinus wallichiana and Pinus roxburghii showed that Pinus wallichiana is more susceptible to the fungus by exhibiting larger lesions compared to Pinus roxburghii. The study underscores the growing threat of the pathogen to Pinus species in the region, raising concerns

Achmad Firman1*, Lilis Nurlina1, Diky Ramdani2, Yayan Rismayanti2

...d utilization of family labor. The eight factors are spread across three quadrants: symptom, critical element, and buffer. Factors influencing young farmers not to continue family sheep farming are not a hobby, preferring to work outside the farm, limited fodder forage, farmers lose but traders gain, lack of sheep farming skills, limited land and capital, no parental support, farming is not a prestigious profession and uncertain income. The nine are spread int...

Andi Mushawwir1*, Lovita Adriani1, Ronnie Permana1, Eli Sahara2

...ions, located 150 meters above sea level, were in northern Majalengka and Cirebon, where the recorded environmental temperature was 30.5°C, and the humidity was 89%. In contrast, the sites at medium altitudes, ranging from 750 to 850 meters above sea level, were in Sumedang and South Subang, where the average temperature was 24°C, and the humidity was 65%. The study, which lasted for six months, aimed to assess the e...

Rakhmad Hidayat1,2*, Dwidjono Hadi Darwanto3, Lestari Rahayu Waluyati3 and Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo3

...arm size, pepper trees, labour, urea fertilizer, fungicide and pepper age positively influence pepper production. This study suggests the participation of government and stakeholders to improve and develop superior varieties and increase farmers’ informal education through extension activities and technical training in pepper farming.


Ahmed Shamkhi Jabbar

... and transported to the laboratory. A physical control method was used as it has been identified as serious pest of wheat yield. It was exposed to varying durations (5,10, and 15 minutes) of ultraviolet irradiation (UVC) with a 254nm wave length under carefully monitored circumstances to ascertain the impact of radiation on egg hatching. The results indicated that different UVC-irradiation exposure times could affect egg hatchability, culminating in a gradual ...

Yunita Sari1, Arif Hendra Utama1, Arif Irawan2, Pramudya Andiana1, Riska Faradila3, Abdul Manab1, Lilik Eka Radiati1*

...k. This research used a laboratory experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments (addition of 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% dextrin) and four replications. In this study, Sumbawa Mare’s Milk was dried using the vacuum foam oven drying (VFOD) method at a temperature of 70 oC for 7 hours, the resulting flakes are ground into powder. The research results showed that the addition of dextrin at different levels significantly (P&l...

Dina Al-Shinawy1*, Reda E.M. Moghaieb2, Sara B. Awaly2, Gihan El-Moghazy1 and Dalia S. Ahmed2

...le banding patterns with about 52 % polymorphism. Various genetic diversity parameters, including polymorphic information content (PIC), effective multiplex ratio (EMR), marker index (MI), and resolving power (RP) were evaluated to determine effectiveness of the primers in distinguishing the genetic variations among the A. flavus strains. As particularly valuable markers, the results indicated that ISSR-13, SRAP-1, and SRAP-6 exhibited higher PIC, RP, and MI v...

Luis Alberto Carlo-Lozada1, Marvin Pablo Quispe-Huanca1, Uri Harold Perez-Guerra1, Yan Pierr Manrique-Quispe1, Ali William Canaza-Cayo2,5, Carlos Wilkerson Jara-Vargas4, Francisco Halley Rodríguez-Huanca1*

...e analyzed at the Fiber Laboratory of the District Municipality of Corani, using OFDA 2000 equipment. Huacaya alpacas exhibited smaller fiber diameters by sex (Male: 19.99 µm and females: 20.66 µm) compared to Suri alpacas (Male: 23.13µm and females: 23.13 µm). In terms of comfort and curvature index variables, both breeds displayed similar trends, but Huacaya had better values than Suri. 
Keywords | ...

García Domínguez María Fernanda1, Páez Lerma Jesús Bernardo1, Reyes Jáquez Damián1, Carrete Carreón Francisco Oscar2, Guerra Rosas María Inés1, Araiza Rosales Elia Esther2* conditions for the elaboration of the extruded product were X1=150 °C, X2=14% humidity and X3=10% HUI, with an EI of 1.107, BD of 1060.79 kg/m3, H of 145.2 N, WAI of 3.51 g/g, WSI of 7.58%, TP of 0.246%, CT of 0.173% and IVDMD of 93.82%. According to the results, HUI is an ingredient that can be included in the formulation of extruded products for animal consumption, as it could improve rumen fermentation. 
Keywords ...

Sherif M. Zaki

Volume 1, Issue 1, November and December 2017, Pages 1-2
...Egypt and concluded that about 1,649,686 (2%) of Egyptians suffer from serious fungal diseases annually. Recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (rVVC) (≥4 episodes/year) was estimated to occur in 1,307,766 million (6%) out of 21.8 million women aged 15 – 20 years in Egypt.


Dadile M. Abdulrahman 1 Abdullahi M. Daskum 1 Kura M. Abdulrahim 1 Abubakar M. Dadile 2 Hajja Amma 3

Volume 1, Issue 1, November and December 2017, Pages 3-13
...ost at high temperatures above 37oC. The broth dilution test was performed to investigate the Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the AGE against the bacterial isolates at 37oC. Investigating the activity of AGE loaded on Gel dressing revealed that it can have potency when applied on patients with Staphylococcal skin infections. Findings from this study encourage and support the use of AGE in treating bacteria...
Volume 2, Issue 2, March and April 2018, Pages 34-36 Its production is about 130 million tons, of which 88 million are specified for the fresh markets whereas, 42 million are processed (Anonymous, 2016). Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici causes a highly destructive vascular wilt disease of tomato leading to significant crop losses in the field and in protected tomatoes, thus remains as one of the main limiting factors for production of this crop (McGovern, 2015). Control of infectious plant diseas...


Ahmed M.F.A

Volume 2, Issue 2 March and April 2018 Pages 37-47 date palm survival of about 82.35 and 86.67% at both seasons, respectively. In addition, all  bioagents  enhanced  the  growth parameters of date palm, i.e. plant  height (cm),  number  of  leaves/ plant and number of leaflet...

Binod G.C. 1 Nim Raj Sapkota 2 Binod Rayamajhee 2 Jayram Lamichhane 1 Pramod Poudel 1 Sunil Lekhak 3 Shovana Thapa 4 Santosh Khanal 1

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 65-74
...ocessed at Microbiology Laboratory, International Friendship Children’s Hospital, Kathmandu, Nepal. Among the E. coli and K. pneumoniae isolates, 14.1%, 17.1% were resistant to meropenem, whereas 11.28%, 17.1% were resistant to imipenem, respectively. From the pool of 94 E. coli and 35 K. pneumoniae isolates, 34 E. coli and 18 K. pneumoniae were screened as possible carbapenemase producers. For screening of carbapenemase enzyme production among these iso...

Abdelhak Rhouma 1 Ibtissem Ben Salem 1 Mahmoud M’Hamdi 2 Naima Boughalleb-M’Hamdi 1

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 85-100
...cm3, and 1.84-1.88 cm3), above grounds fresh weight (16.07-16.57 g, and 12.84-14.93 g) and dry wt. (2.49-2.6 g, and 2.66-2.70 g), underground fresh wt. (0.725-0.654 g, and 0.717-0.690 g) and dry wt. (0.147-0.214 g, and 0.156-0.152 g). Based on current results, it appears that Trichoderma spp. could be employed in soil treatments to promote watermelon plant growth and development.


Amirreza Amirmijani Mahdieh Sadeghian Behanz Karimi

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 105-113
...tification recorded that about seven fungal species including; Alternaria alternata, A. tenuissima, Arthrinium arundinis, Cladosporium cladosporioides, Clastospora gossypii var. polymorpha, Fusarium oxysporum and F. verticillioides were obtained. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of isolating and identifying the fungi associated with dried fruits in Iran.


Sayed S. Sohrab

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 114-121
...reliminary investigation about the natural occurrence of begomovirus causing leaf curl disease on D. pinnata in India.



T. Suthin Raj 1 S. Vignesh 1 P. Nishanthi 1 K. Hane graff 1 H. Ann Suji 2

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 122-137 active secondary metabolites; and is the ultimate way of combating these diseases. In this context, six different seaweed algae such as; Sargassum wightiiPa...


Bashir I. 1 Adam A.S. 2 Yahaya H.S. 3 Makeri D. 4 Ntulume I. 2 Aliero A.A. 5 Afolabi R.O. 6

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 175-184
...ehole water samples were above the WHO standard for bacterial loads, and coliform content. Therefore, current results suggest that some of the borehole waters in Wamakko local government area, Nigeria; were not safe for drinking.


Yasir Iftikhar1*, Talha Shafique2, Shahzaib Asghar1, Sonum Bashir3, Malik Abdul Rehman4, Maham Ikram1, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan1, Farwa Seemab1, Komal Ambreen1 and Ashara Sajid1

 Yahaya, S.M.1*; Mardiyya, A.Y.1; Sakina, S.B.1; Hayatu, L.W.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 204-214 fungal enzymes and metabolites in the different stages will be discussed. The aim of the current study was to address perspectives for novel control strategies that may reduce and/or delay the damage incited by B. cinerea infection.


 Gonçalves, A.P.P.1; da Rosa, G.2*; Merlini, L.S.1; Geronimo, E.1; Borges, J.L.1; Neto, A.P.3; de Lima, J.S.1; Almada, A.F.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 223-231
...ive Veterinary Medicine laboratory, at University of Parananese (UNIPAR). From the 100 samples, 18 (18%) recorded growth of microorganisms, and 16 samples of these were selected for the antimicrobial assay, according to the standard count for coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. Results of antibiogram showed that; 56.25% of the samples were resistant to Vancomycin, 50% to Penicillin, 31.25% to Tetracycline and Ampicillin, 18.75% to Erythromycin and Enrofloxacin,...


Ibtissem Ben Salem1; Yosra Abdelkhalek1; Houssem Nabli3; Neji Tarchoun2; Naima Boughalleb-M’Hamdi1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 232-242
...ibition of radial growth above 50%. For lettuce; the highest inhibition was recorded by Trichoderma harzianum in confrontation with S. sclerotiorum, and P. digitatum in confrontation with Alternaria alternata. For carrot, three fungal pathogens were identified as: A. alternata, A. solani and Pythium sp., which were faced with three antagonists (P. chrysogenum, A. niger and T. harzianum), and showed radial inhibition about 50...

Mahmoud Saber Kelany1*; Ehab Aly Beltagy2; Maha Abd El-Fattah Khalil3; Mohamed Ahmed El-Shenawy2; Wagih Abd El-Fattah El-Shouny3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 258-270
...a bioactive secondary metabolite. Of the 552 bacterial isolates recovered, only 40 of these isolates exhibited antagonistic activities against different bacterial pathogens. A promising bacterium isolated from Suez bay marine water was identified as Bacillus sp. MH20 using 16S rRNA sequencing, and deposited in GenBank with accession number KM374670. This isolate showed sequence similarity of 88% to B. sonorensis strain NBRC 101234. Well-cut diffusion assay was...


Muhammad Junaid1*; Ayesha Bibi2; Musharaf Ahmad3; Muhammad Ali4; Yousaf Noor5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 314-325
...nd pathogenicity assays, about 29 isolates were guessed to be R. solanacearum. To further confirm the identity of these isolates, a species-specific primers-mediated Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was carried out. Two specific primers i.e. forward primer: 5'GTCGCCGTCAACTCACTTTCC3', and reverse primer: 5'GTCGCCGTAGCAATGCGGAATCG3', were used for amplification of the 281bp band. Twenty five isolates out of the 29 were genetically confirmed to be R. solanacearum ...


Mahmoud Hamdy Abd El-Aziz1*; Hosny Aly Younes2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 326-340
...ld of purified virus was about 6.88 mg/ 100g fresh weight of leaves of Nicotiana glauca. Antiserum titer was determined by Indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Positive ELISA values were obtained up to dilutions of 1: 25600. The virus was detected by indirect ELISA in infected sap at 8, 16 and 24 days after inoculation; and by Tissue blot immunoassay (TBIA) on nitrocellulose membrane after the same period. The unused face of the processed nitroc...

 Waithaka, P.N.1*; Mwaura, F.B.1; Wagacha, J.M.1; Gathuru, E.M.2; Githaiga, B.M.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 351-365 for antibiotic metabolites is increasing due to drug resistance been witnessed today. This study was conceived to isolate, identify and compare the antimicrobial metabolites yield of four actinomycetes isolated from Menengai crater soil, Kenya. The actinomycetes were isolated using starch casein, Luria Bertani (M1) and starch nitrate agar. The antimicrobial metabolites were extracte...

Dambolachepa, H.B.1*; Muthomi, J.W.1; Mutitu, E.W.1; Njoroge, S.M.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 396-414
...nificantly low levels of about 0.5μg/ Kg of A. flavus infection and aflatoxin contamination were observed at 90 days after sowing (DAS). Higher aflatoxin contamination of up to 5μg/ Kg was observed at 80 DAS, and 10 days late after physiological maturity (100 DAS). This study also identified Mandela cock, a- frame drying rack as effective drying method that can reduce aflatoxin contamination in groundnuts by 75 %. Moreover, Mandela cock drying method was...


Adeniyi O. Adeleye1*; Mohammed B. Yerima2; Michael E. Nkereuwem3; Victor O. Onokebhagbe3; Peter G. Shiaka2; Florence K. Amoo2; Ibrahim K. Adam4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(5): 471-484


Zakaria Ahmed1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 485-492
... which is a secondary metabolite derived from tea plant (Melaleuca alternifolia). Both black and green tea has several polyphenolic compounds with possible antibacterial effects. It is employed largely due to its antimicrobial properties, and is incorporated as the active ingredient in many topical formulations used to treat cutaneous infections, in addition to being marketed as a remedy for various ailments. The essential oil of M. alternifolia exhibits broad...


Abd-Elhalim, B.T.1*; Gamal, R.F.1; Abou-Taleb, Kh.A.1; Haroun, A.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 558-578
...esized CuNPs of diameter about 87.1 nm, showed UV absorbance of 0.54 at 580 nm, with a concentration of 12.21 mg\ l. This isolate was characterized by phenotypic and genotypic features. Based on 16S rRNA gene analysis and compared with the sequences presented in NCBI GenBank, the phylogeny positions assessment confirmed that it belonged to Genus Pseudomonas, and was closely related to Pseudomonas silesiensis strain A3 (98% similarity). For the bacterial synthe...
Nahla Anber1; Maysaa El Sayed Zaki2; Mona El Wassefy2* 
Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 613-623
...HCC) in Egypt represents about 11% of the gastrointestinal tract malignancies. The development of HCC usually is preceded by chronic infections with Hepatitis C virus (HCV). Interleukin-27 (IL27) is implicated in the antiviral immunity. Little is known about the use of IL27 as a biomarker for the development of HCC associated with HCV. Moreover, the role of IL-27 rs153109 gene polymorphism in the development of HCC associate...


Ahmed El Taweel1*; Ahmed Kandeil1; Ahmed Barakat2; Omar El Faroq2; Ghazi Kayali3; Mohamed Ahmed Ali1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 666-674
Hodan Ibrahim Nageye1, Mohamed Hassan Mohamud1, Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2,3*, Mohamed Ahmed Jimale1, Mohamoud Abdirahman Awil1, Abdirahman Aden Hussein1 and Mohamed Isse Dhaqane1 
...attitudes, and practices about toxoplasmosis. A total of 384 participants from various districts within the Benadir region were interviewed using a structured questionnaire. The demographic profile of the participants revealed that 35.70% of respondents were from Kaxda district, and a lower portion (12.24%) from Deyniile district. The majority of respondents were females (68.8%), and individuals aged 50 years and above const...

Souvik Roy1*; Dibyanshu Shaw1; Tiyas Sarkar1; Lopamudra Choudhury2

secondary metabolites of certain species of pathogenic fungi, are responsible for a variety of
adverse health effects that range from acute food poisoning to long-term effects, such as
cancer; pregnancy disruption, and immunodeficiency. Although fermented foods have been
consumed since time immemorial, in the 21st century, they are gaining immense popularity
owing to their numerous health benefits. Ho...

Abeer Muazi Alenazi1; Yasir Anwar1*; Salah E.M. Abo-Aba1; Noor M Bataweel1,2

metabolites, including anti-tumour agents; antibiotics, antifungals, antivirals, anti-hypertension
drugs, and immunosuppressives. In order to compete with other microorganisms, including
those of the same genera, Streptomyces species produce several secondary metabolites.
However, despite the discovery of antibiotics, the infectious diseases remain the secondleading

Ram Bahadur Khadka1*; Khimdhoj Karki1; Gautam Prasad Chaudhary2; Jitendra Pandey3

...inable international collaboration and extensive scientific investigations are
crucial for safeguarding the public health and preventing further spread of this viral disease.

Andrei V. Kozlov1,2; Artem V. Lyamin1; Aleksei A. Neilenko1; Anna V. Yanchenko1; Alena A. Ereshchenko1,2*

...e transport of active metabolites of this bacterium into the
outer membrane vesicles. These outer membrane vesicles contain the main Porphyromonas
gingivalis virulence factors; gingipains, and iron-binding proteins. Indirect penetration of the
Porphyromonas gingivalis pathogenicity factors into the brain tissue through the outer
membrane vesicles and/ or as part of the bacterial cell structures leads to neuro-inf...

Dmitriy V. Alekseev*; Artem V. Lyamin; Karim A. Kayumov

...ns, and whether they collaborate with the
traditional CF pathogens or compete with them. In this article, we are analyzing CF respiratory
infections from the ecological perspective and proposing in our opinion a more comprehensive
picture of their pathogenesis.

Gamal, Abdelaziz1*; Heba, A. Mostafa2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 736-745

Ramesh Bhandari*; Fenyong Sun; Qiuhui Pan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 746-765
... CoV) in 2012. Globally, about 4,434,653 confirmed cases of COVID-19 infections are reported including 302,169 deaths. Wild animals’ bat, snakes, and pangolins are potential sources of this virus, based on the sequence homology of these animals and the nucleic acid of SARS-CoV-2 virus isolated from infected persons. Human infection occurs due to the inhalation of respiratory droplets, which mainly infects the lower respiratory tract causing a mild flu li...

Sheeza Sakhawat, Aniza Iftikhar, Uswa Zeb, Aqsa Noreen, Suleman Hussain Shah and Mubashar Hussain*

...terial taxa and their metabolic pathways related to dung decomposition, nitrogen fixation, and antimicrobial synthesis show distinct specificity. These findings reinforce the symbiotic relationship between dung beetles and their gut bacteria, contributing to a deeper understanding of microbial diversity and its ecological significance. The study also offers valuable insights with implications for bioconversion, soil management, and the preservation of benefici...

Michael E. Nkereuwem1,2*; O. Fagbola2; Iniobong E. Okon3; Ini D. Edem4; Adeniyi O. Adeleye5; Victor O.

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 808-824


David C. Nwobodo1,5*; Chibueze P. Ihekwereme2; Chinedu J. Ikem3,5; Festus B.C. Okoye4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 845-855
...explore the secondary metabolites of endophytic fungi of Garcinia kola for their antibacterial activities against P. aeruginosa. The endophytic fungi associated with healthy leaves of G. kola were isolated using the standard methods. These fungi were subjected to solid-state fermentation on rice media at 28oC for 21 d. The fungal secondary metabolites were extracted using ethyl acetate, and then concentrated under vacuum. Th...


Fabrice Mutijima; Mostafa Basiony; Morihisa Fujita*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 856-867
... substrate for energy metabolism and for membrane synthesis. In general, TAG and phosphatidylinositol (PI) synthesis share the same precursor; phosphatidic acid (PA), which controls their level. By the actions of lipases, phosphatases and/or kinases; one can act as a precursor for another, thus explaining the reason of their inverse correlation. TAG lipolysis is catalyzed by TAG lipases producing fatty acids and diacylglycerol (DAG). The DAG produced from lipo...

Sagorika Rai; Pallabi Banerjee; Anshuman Chandra; Imteyaz Qamar*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 901-906
...uary, (2020), there have about 83,704 committed cases of the SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) disease at the global level, including 2,859 deaths. This showed overall cases including 3.41% of the fatality rate. At this point more than 58 nations or regions were affected with SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) disease. As an important role of the worldwide response to manage and contain this pandemic, significant accentuation was put to create research knowledge in order to manage pro...


Dhurva Prasad Gauchan1*; Ashok Kumar Bhattarai2; Shishir Pandey1; Sunil Bhandari1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 921-938
...nd inducing defensive metabolism against the environmental stresses. The major aim of this study was to isolate indigenous Trichoderma that can be used as a potential biocontrol agent (BCA). Currently, we isolated 14 native fungal isolates from vermicompost, agricultural soils and infected substrates, and identified them as Trichoderma spp. based on their morphological characteristics. Isolates designated V1D, V1F, V3D, V3F, W1, W2, KAL, NAR, BIOC, AG, RD and ...


Gehendra Adhikari

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 955-967
... and to give short notes about its possible prevention and treatment.



Shimaa, A. Abdel Salam1; Raghda, Hager2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 968-978


Hosam, El-Sayyad1, 2; Khaled, F. Elyasergy3; Tahany, M. Abdel Rahaman3; Moustafa, A.S. Aly1, 4; Menna Allah, Ashraf 1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 979-991


Emad, M. Abdallah

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1057-1062
...n enhanced understanding about the role of this microorganism in the skin. Furthermore, it is necessary to understand the relationship between the protective mechanisms of this bacterium in the human skin, and to realize the influences that direct this bacterium to turn from a useful commensal to a serious contagion.



Hala, R. Ahmed1; Reham, A. Ibrahem1*; Rehab, M. Abd El-Baky1,2; Helal, F. Hetta3; Amr, M. Elsayed4; Nancy, G. F. M. Waly1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1118-1131 loads of <105, and about 12 cases (34.3 %) had a viral load of < 104. HCV infection has been associated with 4 risk factors representing high HCV transmission routes including; dental intervention (80.0 %), history of hospital admission (65.7 %), previous surgeries (57.1 %) and family history of HCV (48.6 %). However, history of Schistosomiasis and blood-transfusion showed low association with HCV infection; recording (31.4 %) and (22.9 %), respective...

Zeinab, S. Hashem1*; Rehab, M. Abd El-Baky1,2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1091-1105

G.I. Ogu1*; J.C. Okolo2; J.C. Igborgbor3; F.I. Akinnibosun4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1214-1226

Nouran H. Assar1*; Aya allah T. Mohamed2,3; Rehab M. Abd El-Baky2,3; Reham Ali Ibrahem2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1256-1268
...\or via extracellular metabolites produced by the bacterial strains. In the present study, biosynthesis of AgNPs was carried out in vitro using supernatants of B. subtilis. Biosynthesized AgNPs were characterized through several physical methods. The recorded Z-average (d. nm) was 135.0 nm; with 99.2 % of the NPs displaying a hydrodynamic distance across of 188.0 nm (SD= 117.7). The polydispersity index was 0.246 and the Zeta- potential value was - 17.2 mV, wh...


Abdulnabi A. A. Matrood1; Abdelhak Rhouma2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1283-1293
...d disease intensity. In laboratory assays, Topas® 100 and Tilt 250 exhibited high inhibitory activities against A. solani as an airborne pathogen; recording mycelial inhibition rate above 94 % at a concentration of 1000 mg\ l. Furthermore, these two fungicides when applied preventively in greenhouse assays reduced significantly the disease severity index (DSI) by 18.83 % and 26.16 %, respectively. Current results reveale...

Prasanta Majumder1*; Shyamalendu Laskar2; Aesha Zafna3; Manisha Koul4; Anudarsh P. Kalakumari5; Pallavi A. Thomas6

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1294-1300
...isen by almost 25 %, and about 400,000 daily cases were reported worldwide. The United States (US) was leading the global corona virus crisis with 8.9 million recorded infections and nearly 228,000 deaths worldwide. Asia had surpassed 10 million infections of the new corona virus on the 31 of October, 2020, and India reported an average of 48,000 cases daily with a total of 8 million cases. The aim of this review was to explore the epidemiological prevalence o...


Sareer ud Din1; Umar Shahbaz2; Shahab ud din3; Sadaf Siraj4; Anbareen Gul5; Abdur Raziq6; Asad Ullah7; Muhammad Waseem Khan8; Hayat Ullah2,6*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1301-1312

Shrikant Verma1; Mohammad Abbas1,2*; Sushma Verma1; Aliya Abbas Rizvi1; Almas Khan1; Syed Tasleem Raza3; Farzana Mahdi1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1313-1324
...quot;omics" like metabolomics; proteomics and transcriptomics; could soon cause the fantasy of personalized medication to turn into a reality. The most recent advancements in precision medication permit the adjustment of helpful approaches in various pathologies based on the particular molecular interpretation of the patient. Precision medication (PM) represents a new way of thinking about infection detection; preventio...

Sara M. Farag1; Rasha A. Nasr1; Nesma G. El Sheikh2; Mona A. Khattab1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1325-1337
...ition to other relevant laboratory tests performed during the study period from July to October, 2020. Results showed that the PSP levels were significantly higher in COVID-19 patients compared to the controls (p< 0.001), and were also noticeably elevated in severe group than in moderate group on the 1st day 1 (p= 0.008) and the 5th day (p= 0.003) of hospital admission. Significant correlation between PSP level and hospital stay (r = 0.332, p= 0.032) was de...


Sabrine Mannai1*; Naima Boughalleb-M‟Hamdi1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1431-1446

Asmaa Alrobai1*; Jehan Alrahimi1,2; Sahar El Hadad1,2,3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1463-1479
...strialized countries are about 4-6 cases per 100,000 people. Meningococcal disease is caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitides, which have A; C, Y, and W-135 serogroups. Immunization helps to protect the humans from infection, such as the meningococcal vaccine that protects from infection by A; C, Y, and W-135 serogroups. Meningococcal conjugate vaccines improve the immunogenicity potential, to prevent meningococcal disease. Several previous studies have...


Soumya Nigam1; Urvashi Vijay2*; Bhumandeep Kour3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(3): 1601-1613
...e clinical microbiology laboratories worldwide. The choice of a correct anatomical site for good samples collections with the proper precautions is essential for prompt and accurate diagnosis of COVID-19. This review aimed to cover the challenges faced during the choice of appropriate sample collection sites, transport and tests for detection of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The diagnosis tests of COVID-19 can be divided into direct, indirect and complementary tests. ...

 Jorge G. Robalino1; Patricio A. Salazar2; Nelson E. Muñóz3; Diego M. Tene4; Adriana B. Pedreáñez5*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1635-1658
...f the disease. Knowledge about the roles of the gut microbiome and its interactions in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection could help to find biomarkers involved in COVID- 19-related dysbiosis, as well as to determine the possible therapeutic targets for treatment of these patients.



Beatrice O. Ojiego1*; Obianuju P. Ilo1; Fatima Dantanko1; Shauibu A. Abdullahi2; Ibrahim M. K. Gadzama2; Paul Bolorunduro2; Elijah Ella3; Gideon I Ogu4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1713-1724
...esults demonstrated that about 6 of the bacterial isolates belong to the two genera of Proteus sp. and Providencia spp., and were considered the best bio-degraders. Molecular characterization of these potent isolates has identified them as Proteus mirabilis strain PPB3 (49.00 %), Proteus mirabilis strain UPMSD3 (32.07 %), Proteus mirabilis strain HH133 (20.41 %), Proteus mirabilis strain SSBIKEN (15.40 %), Providencia vermicola strain M4 (14.96 %), and Provide...


Fatma Ahmed Abdel Aziz1; Gamal Fadl Mahmoud Gad1; Ahmed Mohamed Kamal El Shafei2; Reham Ali Ibrahem1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1725-1741
...udy. Results showed that about 133 eye swab samples expressed growth of about 147 pathogenic bacterial spp. The predominant isolated bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus (44.89 %), followed by Coagulase negative Staphylococci (29.9 %). On the contrary, Esherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus sp., Streptococcus pneumonia, Klebsiella sp., and Haemophilus influenzae, were the least detected bacterial spp. Most of the ba...


Amal Nasser Alahmari1*; Shahira A. Hassoubah1; Bothaina Ali Alaidaroos1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1742-1767
...nds such as secondary metabolites. This mini-review aimed to discuss tens of secondary metabolites of various chemical classes that were generated by a variety of bacterial phyla associated with marine sponges, including Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria. Numerous secondary metabolites with antibacterial or antifungal efficacy have been recovered ...


Amal Nasser Alahmari1*; Shahira A. Hassoubah1; Bothaina Ali Alaidaroos1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1742-1767
...nds such as secondary metabolites. This mini-review aimed to discuss tens of secondary metabolites of various chemical classes that were generated by a variety of bacterial phyla associated with marine sponges, including Actinobacteria, Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Cyanobacteria. Numerous secondary metabolites with antibacterial or antifungal efficacy have been recovered ...


Heba Ahmed Mohamed1*; Gamal Fadl Mahmoud Gad1; Mona Fattouh Mohamed2; Hend Harby Ahmed3; Ameer Effat Elfarash4; Nahed Fathallah Fahmy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1801-1820

Syeda Sadaf Wajahat

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2265-2284


Simiat O. Jimoh1*; Faizah R. Adebowale2; Kifayat O. Asafa-Adedimeji2, Ramat B. Badmos-Oladapo2; Taiwo A. Sorunke1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2452-2468
...h aimed to assess the metabolic activities of Azotobacter vinelandii DT1 strain by assaying its alginate synthesizing enzymes and modifying genes, synthesize alginate from the agricultural residues, and eradicate the pathogenicity and risk associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa alginate. Preliminary screening for alginate production revealed the presence of different alginate products. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) confirmed the existence of va...


Hend M. Radwan; Nagwan G. El Menofy*; Sahar M.R. Radwan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2510-2525
...preferred to be used in laboratories instead of phenotypic approaches as they are faster and more accurate for detection of AMR's underlying genetic mechanisms. The most common molecular approaches for assessing AMR in water include quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and whole genome sequencing (WGS). Metagenomic WGS sequencing provides more extensive genomic data and taxonomic classification than quantitative PCR, as it makes sequencing for the enti...

 Maria R. Boushra1*; Noha A. Hassuna2; Gamal F.M. Gad1; Reham A. Ibrahem1; Nancy G.F.M. Waly1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2526-2541
...ere is a growing concern about Pseudomonas aeruginosa resistance to aminoglycosides. Enzymatic modification of these drugs is the predominant resistance mechanism. Additionally, P. aeruginosa possesses many efflux systems that enable it to resist a variety of antimicrobial agents. This study aimed to determine the resistance patterns to several antibiotics as well as the possible mechanisms of aminoglycosides resistance, including aminoglycosides modifying enz...


Fateh Merouane1*; Amani Kifadji2; Racha Mansouri3; Meroua Safa Mechouche1,4; Chemes El-Houda Messaad5,6; Anfal Bellebcir1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2555-2579
...f bioactive secondary metabolites, including antimicrobial compounds. In this study, we aimed to optimize the production of anti-MRSA compounds by Streptomyces sp. AR05; a strain isolated from hydrocarbon-contaminated soil, using an integrated approach combining response surface methodology (RSM), artificial neural networks (ANN), and genetic algorithms (GA). The strain was identified through 16S rRNA gene sequencing and exhibited significant genetic similarit...


Artem V. Lyamin1; Lyudmila V. Orlova2; Vladimir I. Platonov3; Natalia M. Troz4; Aleksey S. Sustretov1; Elena A. Zakharova1; Karim A. Kaiumov1; Dmitriy V. Alekseev1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2683-2693
...but the proportion of metabolic and inflammatory diseases has increased. This may be related to the degradation of soils. At the same time, mobilization of nutrient elements primarily depends on the activity of soil microbiota, which is subjected to negative anthropogenic impact. Although plant nutritional value has a direct impact on human health; however, modern agricultural practices that aimed at deep cultivation are causing disturbances in the soil microb...


Artem V. Lyamin1; Lyudmila V. Orlova2; Vladimir I. Platonov3; Natalia M. Troz4; Aleksey S. Sustretov1; Elena A. Zakharova1; Karim A. Kaiumov1; Dmitriy V. Alekseev1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2683-2693
...but the proportion of metabolic and inflammatory diseases has increased. This may be related to the degradation of soils. At the same time, mobilization of nutrient elements primarily depends on the activity of soil microbiota, which is subjected to negative anthropogenic impact. Although plant nutritional value has a direct impact on human health; however, modern agricultural practices that aimed at deep cultivation are causing disturbances in the soil microb...


Tran Thi Hong1; Ngo Van Anh1; Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh2; Nguyen Van Phuong3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2694-2711
...ny microorganisms under laboratory conditions. Therefore, this study aimed to decipher the structural and functional diversity of microbial communities, including un-culturable species in lagoon sediments collected from Tam Giang, Nai, and Thi Nai lagoons, which were located in the central coast of Vietnam using metagenomics approach. The results showed that all three large lagoons exhibited a high diversity of fungal species among the eukaryotic species and a...


Belal Natey1; Ahmed M.M.A. Kasem1; Younes M. Rashad2*; Nageh Fathy Abo-Dahab1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2712-2733
...onvolatile antifungal metabolites, recording inhibition of 74.32 % and 71.68 %, respectively. In the greenhouse experiment, T. afroharzianum B3R12 culture filtrate led to complete reduction in disease severity in the pretreated onion plants. In addition, pretreating onion plants with T. afroharzianum B3R12 enhanced several plant growth parameters and photosynthesis pigments, and increased total protein, carbohydrates, phenols, and flavonoid contents. Our resul...

Aml Ghanem1,2; Ahmed A. Al-Karmalawy3,4; Noha E. Morsy5; Mahmoud Elsabahy6; Ahmed M. Rayan2,7*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2750-2771
... the fungal secondary metabolites, while DCM extract showed strong antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa compared to gentamycin. These findings imply that DCM extract has the potential as an alternative or complementary antibacterial agent; particularly in situations where antibiotic resistance is a concern. DCM extract exhibited moderate cytotoxicity with an IC50 of 70 μg/ ml compared to the more potent Doxorubicin with...

Asmae Benabderrahmane1*; Majid Atmani1; Kaoutar Hamriri1; Zoubida Laghrari2; Saadia Belmalha3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2790-2808
...m formation, nutrient metabolism, and microbial balance preservation. Dental biofilms influence oral health by maintaining balance or contributing to conditions such as dental caries and periodontal diseases. Advancements in studying the oral microbiota have evolved from culture-dependent to culture-independent methods. Next-generation sequencing technologies such as Illumina platforms, have revolutionized the human understanding by revealing comprehensive mic...

Linda Herlina*, Anita Fitriani, Marina Sulistyati, Khansa Nurul Salsabilah, Achmad Firman

...s, equipment costs, and labor costs negatively influenced profits. The 7 independent variables 95.3% (R2) explained the dependent variable and simultaneously had a significant effect on farmer profits. SWOT analysis revealed strengths such as abundant natural feed resources and favorable environmental conditions, alongside weaknesses like semi-intensive rearing systems and limited capital access. Opportunities include growing market demand, while threats invol...

Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri*, Enny Yuliani

... placed four centimeters above liquid nitrogen (LN2) in a Styrofoam container and then frozen by immersion in LN2. Total motility, progressive motility, plasma membrane integrity, and viability were measured at 0 and every 30 minutes up to 120 minutes post-thawing. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s test. At 120 minutes post-thawing, total motility at T1 decreased from 51.02 ± 2.57 to 24.31 ± 4.25, which was significantly (...

R.F. Utamy1*, A. Ako1, H. Hasbi1, Z. Ramadan2, R. Mufliha2, A. Mutfaidah2, A. F. Nurbina2, I. D. A. Mahayani3, A. A. R. Hakim2,4 quality, and blood metabolic profile. The study involved 20 Holstein Friesian dairy cows, which were divided into five groups: 0% tapioca meal, 100% cement (T0); 25% tapioca meal, 75% cement (T1); 50% tapioca meal, 50% cement (T2); 75% tapioca meal, 25% cement (T3); and 100% tapioca meal, 0% cement (T4). The results indicated that substituting tapioca meal as a natural adhesive significantly affected (p<0.01) the calcium and iron mineral content of milk....

Danh Mo1*, Nguyen Van Thu2

...gestibility (OMD) and metabolizable energy (ME) were determined by the in vivo, formal in vitro (F_iv) and in vitro procedure of simplified medium (S_iv) by eliminating trypticase, minerals and reducing solutions and replacing them with rumen fluid from slaughterhouses of cattle with unknown dietary histories. The results showed that the dietary OMD, total digestible nutrients, and ME values significantly (P<0.05) increased according to the rise of the SF s...

Ahyuni Indahwati, Edy Kurnianto, Enny Tantini Setiatin, Daud Samsudewa*

...regency. The publication about qualitative traits of Ongole grade cows is important for breed conservation and reproduction performance observation. Measuring the conformity of qualitative traits of Ongole grade cows in Rembang regency to the Indonesian National Standards across different grades is the purposes of this research. The research was held May to July 2022 in Rembang regency. Two hundred and thirty-nine cows of Ongole grade cow used in this research...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Fazli Rabbi2, Hamayoon Khan3, Muhammad Zahid1, Raheel Saqib4, Shafi Ullah5 and Muhammad Shakur6

...rmers’ perceptions about climate change based on climatic parameters; temperature, rainfall and snowfall during the last six decades in the temperate zone of Pakistan, whereby the primary data was compared with the metrological data. Based on the metrological data, it was found that the annual average temperature was increased from 13.2 oC (1980) to 15.47 oC (2017) while annual average rainfall was reduced from 131.88 mm/year (1980) to 109.2 mm/year (201...

Ahmed Abdullahi Salad1, Saeed Ahmed1*, Ehsan Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Shahbaz Zafar1, Imran Mohsin2, Mubarik Ahmad2, Zakariye Abdifatah Ahmed3 and Muhammad Uzair4 performance, blood metabolites and nutrient digestibility in Beetal goat bucks. A total of thirty-two Beetal goat bucks of 10±1 months of age with an average body weight of 42±7 kg was selected and randomly distributed among 4 dietary treatments and structured as 2 × 2 factorial arrangements. The dietary treatments; (T1) low NDF (30%) without supplementation of bypass fat, (T2) low NDF (30%) with bypass fat supplementation ...

Wellem H. Muskita1*, Agus Kurnia1, Muhaimin Hamzah1, Khairunnisa Khairunnisa1, La Ode Muh. Munadi2, Achmad Selamet Aku2 and La Ode Sahaba2

...Hatchery and Production Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Halu Oleo University. The method used was a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with four treatments and three groups. Four types of feed are made based on a combination of three mollusca flours, namely mangrove snail flour (MSF), kepah clam flour (KCF), and golden snail flour (GSF). Treatment A (20% tembang fish meal (TFM)+20% flying fish meal (FFM), Treatment B (10%MSF+15%KCF+15%GSF), Tr...

Hassan A. Faisal1, Ahmad Y.L. Hzaa2* and Yahya N. Kalaf1

...stics of the fruits. The above results demonstrated the significant role of nanosilica and rice water extract in improving fruit characteristics and quality by alleviating the side effects of climate change in Basrah Governorate.


Denny Rusmana1*, Diding Latipudin1, Deni Saefulhajar1, Ronnie Permana1, Najmah Ali2, Eli Sahara3

...tensive, Performance, Metabolism

Wisam Naser Kadhim* and Qassim Gawad Ameer

... groups than 4 years and above was 59/61 (96.72%). Finally, the study have results of non-significant differences, the infection registered at all months of study and have high rate of infection in December.


Khuram Nawaz Sadozai1, Amjad Ali1, Munawar Raza Kazmi2, Rizwan Ahmad3 and Hazrat Younas1*

... % growers have achieved above the 90 % level. 28.51 % respondents’ allocative efficiency varies from 71–80 %, followed by 22.4 % in the range of 81-90 %. Results illustrates, there is still scope to increase production and reduce cost by 22 % at existing level of inputs use and technology available. Tomato yield and inputs cost and land rent were explanatory variables, while total cost was dependent variable. Coefficient for yield is negative whic...

Theresia Nur Indah Koni1*, Agustinus Paga1, Asrul1, Antonius Jehemat2, Gregorius Gehi Batafor2, Oswilda Henyati1, Tri Anggarini Yuniwati Foenay1

...igh crude fiber content (about 24.43%) and phytic acid content (about 6.63%) limit its use in animal feed. A reduction in crude fiber and phytic acid content in rice bran has been reported in our previous research when combined with 10% palmyra sap and fermented for six days. This research was conducted to determine the effect of feeding fermented rice bran on the growth performance of Java Super chickens. The study employed...

Andi Nirmala1, Abdul Latief Toleng2, Muhammad Yusuf2*, Herdis Herdis3, Athhar Manabi Diansyah2,3, Muhammad Fajar Amrullah2, Rahmat Rahmat2,5, Rajamuddinn Rajamuddin1, Andi Muhammad Alfian1, Hasrin Hasrin4

... placing the straw 10 cm above liquid nitrogen for 5-10 minutes, followed by storage in liquid nitrogen at -196°C. For thawing, the straw was immersed in a 37°C water bath for 12 seconds. Semen quality was then evaluated through macroscopic (volume, color, odor, consistency, pH) and microscopic (concentration, motility, viability, membrane integrity, and acrosome integrity) assessments. The data obtained were analyzed using Repeated Measures ANOVA. The...

Khairani1*, Komang Gede Wiryawan2, Sumiati2, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli3

... and evaluate the fat metabolism of laying quail. This study involved 180 quails, 42 days old, which were kept for eight weeks. A 2 × 3 factorial completely randomized design (CRD) with three replicates was used. Different amounts of choline chloride were added (A1: no choline chloride and A2: 1500 ppm choline chloride supplementation). Methionine was added to the feed in three different ways (B1: low methionine (0.19%), B2: standard methionine (0.79%), ...

Csongor Demeter1, Zoltán Német2, Zsolt Gerencsér1, Róbert Juráskó1, András Mayer1, Boróka Bárdos1*, Anett Demeter-Jeremiás3, Erika Lencsés-Varga4, Zsolt Matics4

... with average OPG values above 10,000 in several cases. High number of oocysts were observed until the end of fattening period. The exponential smoothing model estimated the onset of Eimeria infection at 38-40 days of age (p=0.023). The proportion of P. ambiguus eggs positive samples reached 50% already in the lactation period. From day 29 to slaughter age, a relatively low rate of infected samples was detected. For P. ambiguus, the model estimated 7 days of a...

Fahrul Ilham1, Sahmin Noholo2, Haris Singgili3, Fahrudin Zain Olilingo4*

...ivestock health testing laboratories and transportation for cattle. The difference between beef production and consumption in Gorontalo is 1,054.4 tons. This difference can be used as a local consumption reserve and some can be sent to the IKN (New Capital City). The most effective and sustainable strategy for optimizing the beef supply chain in Gorontalo was a turnaround strategy, which included financing and investment programs for the market chain, infrastr...

Jingtao Gui1, Na Wang2 and Yanqiu Li3*

...on the anxiety level of laboratory mice. Forty male albino mice were divided into four groups three experimental groups and one control group each of 10 mice. The mice of the experimental groups were injected with three doses of 100, 200 and 300 mg/kg, and normal saline solution was injected intraperitoneally to the mice of the control group. To assess the level of anxiety, an elevated plus maze (EPM) device was used for 5 min. The standard indicators of anxie...

Ke Li1,2, Hai Liu1, Jiangang Zhou1, Hongbing Chen1 and Zhengxiang Wang1,2* information about its freshwater fishes is very limited. We summarize and update the freshwater species list of fish in Liangzi Lake. Based upon our field investigations and literature review, there are 95 freshwater fish species belonging to 12 orders, 28 families and 61 genera in Liangzi Lake. In recent years, the fisheries resources have declined because of waterway disconnections, overfishing, habitats destruction and non-native species. To re...

Marie Claire Komtangi, Paul Junior Detsi, Betrand Kiafon Nsah and Julius Awah-Ndukum*

... provides elements for elaborating appropriate strategic tick control methods and highlights the importance of enhancing the awareness of farmers about the impacts of ticks on livestock production and productivity.

Zaheer Abbas, Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Yousuf Rafiq, Hafiz Shahzad* and Aqeel Ur Rehman
...varies in a quadratic parabolic form. The Brinkman model is applied to the porous medium to effectively regulate the flow. The impacts of viscous dissipation are also incorporated into the energy equation. The exact solution for velocity and temperature fields is obtained using the direct integration method, and then the obtained results are plotted to see the influence of different physical parameters. Furthermore, the skin friction coefficient and local Nuss...

Yashu Lv*, Yueyue Gao, Jinyi Wang, Yunchun Liu and Guiqing Jiao

...y patients with preterm labor admitted from June 2021 to October 2022 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Hebei North University, including the premature rupture of membranes group and the intact fetal membranes group. The same number of pregnant women with the same gestational age as in the experimental group were randomly selected as the study subjects in the outpatient clinic. Maternal sera from both groups β-hCG, MMP-8 levels were expressed and compar...
Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Muhammad Idrees1, Faisal Bashir2 and Sher Ali Khan2
...tory, anti-oxidant, anti-abortifacient, anti-cancer, anti-oxytocic, anti-cancer, anti- ulcer, anti -fungal, anti-coagulant and anti-bacterial. It has been reported to use as a prominent remedy for reducing risk of cardiovascular diseases, osteoporosis, constipation, obesity, rheumatism, diarrhea and diabetes. In contemporary times, the demand for such medicinal plants has skyrocketed globally. However, the risk to these crucial natural resources is escalating ...

Muhammad Farooq*, Shahab Momand, Salim Saifullah and Sanam Zarif Satti

... who possessed knowledge about medicinal plants. Information was gathered in the local language (Pashto) and covered various aspects, including plant names, parts used, traditional applications, and availability. A total of 44 plant species were collected to find their ethnobotanical status which belongs to 29 families from study area, being used traditionally for various daily requirements. Among them the Asteraceae and Apocynaceae were dominant families havi...

Andi Mushawwir1*, Ronnie Permana1, Johar Arifin2, Najma Ali3, Eli Sahara4

...rgy synthesis through metabolic feedback mechanisms. This study investigated the effects of a low-calorie diet supplemented with various amino acids (valine, serine, tryptophan, and arginine) on local chickens’ ileum morphology and growth. Three hundred and fifty day-old Sentul chickens were randomly assigned to 35 experimental groups, each containing ten chickens. The study involved five different dietary treatments: P1: 2417 kcal/kg; P2: 2590 kcal/kg; ...
Kashif-ur-Rehman1,2, Ahmad Bakhsh1, Muhammad Akram Tariq3
Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan4 and Sumaira Mehboob1*
...rug, which is further metabolized into an active form by the CYP enzymes. There are many allelic variants of the CYP gene which are involved in clopidogrel resistance but CYP2C19*3 has been proven one of the most significant loss-of-function alleles and the role of CYP1A1 has also been determined in reduced response to clopidogrel. We selected 100 cardiac patients with PCI or ACS who were on clopidogrel treatment and analyzed them for CYP2C19*3 and CYP1A1 alle...

Dan Liao1, Mingchao Li2, Zijun Xiong3, Qiuming Ji4, Ying Xia5, Bing Liu6 and Xiu Gui1*

...tions, slower lithium metabolism, and a higher risk of ARs versus the CG. It was concluded that further investigation is warranted to explore the underlying mechanisms of these effects.


Mimi Jin*, Xiaoye Hu, Lijing Yu, Shuangli Zheng, Huishuang Huang and Fang Chen

...f the combination of the above infection indexes was 0.904. The main wound infection after hypospadias is gram-negative bacteria infection. Snodgrass, penile curvature, scrotal dysplasia, prolonged operation time and more than 24 h after operation can increase the risk of wound infection in children with hypospadias. The combination of the above infection indexes has important value in predicting wound infection, and more at...

Yanfang Wu, Lei Chen* and Xiaoning Jia

...the presence of preterm labour, intrauterine foetal growth retardation, and placenta previa. Pearson correlation, logistic regression, and ROC curve analyses were used to determine the correlation and diagnostic efficacy of each index with pregnancy outcome. Serum sEng, PLGF, and Gal-1 levels were positively correlated with preterm labour, intrauterine fetal growth retardation, and placental abruption. Binary logistic regres...

Kanwer Shahzad Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Umar Farooq2, Kaneez Fatima2, Huda Aitzaz2, Murtajiz Abbas2 and Muhammad Asam Riaz2

...cidal products has shown about 16 plant species used as active ingredients of green pesticides for controlling various insect pests in agriculture, household, personal, urban and veterinary sectors. Products based on lemon-scented gum tree Corymbia citriodora (66%), garlic Allium sativum (6%), pyrethrum Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium (6%) and camphor tree Cinnamomum camphora (5%) are the most common among total 161 products being manufactured and marketed by 7...
Khaled Abdel-Fattah El-Dougdoug1, Aya Hussin El-Turkey2*, Wael Sayed El-Araby2, Ahmed Ramadan Sofy3, Adel Abd El-Based Mousa1 and Ahmed Abbas3
...with two pairs of leaves above the cotyledons were inoculated with an unidentified virus obtained from a field plant displaying chlorotic yellow spots and foliar deformation. Essential oils from both healthy and infected plants were extracted through hydro distillation and subsequently analyzed using GC-MS. Notable alterations in the essential oil composition due to viral infection were recorded. The principal constituents identified were methyleugenol and p-c...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Muhammad Yaseen1, Talha Mohsin Tanvir1, Tahir Munir Butt2, Muhammad Usman1 and Abdus Salam3

...ved in rural areas, with about 44.8% in urban settings, and the majority were married and in joint or extended families of up to eight members. Around 66% of farmers sold fruits online, with farm sizes averaging 23 acres. Almost 81% earned less than Rs 60,000 per month from various sources, and about half owned and rented land. Respondents perceived the platform as valid and effective, with high mean scores of 3.55 and 3.54 ...

Monira Sultana1, Md. Shohel Al Faruk2*

...peeing, inability to pee about 4 days. Also have weakness, loss of appetite and abnormal body posture. There was no deworming, only rabies vaccination was given. Physical exam revealed that body temperature was 101.2 with mild dehydration. Because of a suspicion of hemorrhagic cystitis, a blood sample was taken and sent to the lab for evaluation of hematological profiles like WBC, platelets etc., as well as biochemical profiles like phosphorus, albumin, BUN, t...

Heni Natalia Aritonang1, Lovita Adriani2, Andi Mushawwir2*

...y weight gain, plasma metabolites, and liver inflammation in Sentul chickens. The microcapsules, which contain the natural active compounds of moringa leaf essential oil (Moringa oleifera), were prepared using a complex coacervation method with alginate coatings, a glutaraldehyde crosslinker, and a polysorbate emulsifier. The study utilized a completely randomized design. A total of 280 Sentul chickens were randomly assigned to four treatment groups with seven...

Shouyan Cao1, Aili Yan2, Wenhua Zhang3, Fangfang Li1 and Xiaoning Liu4* recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA) based on the extracellular regulatory protein kinase 1/2(ERK1/2) signaling pathway. In this study, 25 non-pregnant female patients were grouped into the experimental group (group B), who were admitted to the Binzhou Medical University Hospital from August 15, 2022 to June 10, 2023. Besides, 25 non-pregnant healthy female employees were selected as the control group (group A). The DNA was extracted from venous blood, whic...

Duo Yuan, Bin Shi and Yanhua Tu*

...However, little is known about the molecular pharmacological activity of Shengdi-cogongrass on blood heat psoriasis (BHP). This study aims to explore the clinical and protective efficacy of SCD on interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) levels in serum of patients with BHP. One hundred patients with blood fever psoriasis who were treated in our hospital from May 2020 to May 2023 randomly were selected as study subjects and included...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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