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Gregg D. Caruso

Science, Religion and Culture
... as the ancient Greeks, when Thales of Miletus and other pre-Socratic philosophers began to offer scientific explanations of the natural world, questions about the relationship between science and religion began to emerge. Given that science and religion are two great manifestations of human culture, and that the scientific and religious worldviews dominate our understanding of the cosmos and our place in it, it is no surprise that these issues are of profound...

Keith Ward


Science, Religion and Culture
...ooks, London, 2010), Stephen Hawking agrees that we should attempt to answer the questions ‘Why is there something rather than nothing? Why do we exist?’ and ‘Why this particular set of laws and not some other?’ (p. 19). In his book he proposes to answer those questions, from a purely scientific point of view (‘Philosophy is dead’, he announces on p. 13, even though the whole book is an exercise in scientifically informed ph...

Ruse, Michael, The Gaia Hypothesis: Science on a Pagan Planet, The University of Chicago Press, 2013, 251 pp, $26.00, ISBN 978-0-226-73170-4


Science, Religion and Culture

Timothy Helton

In a Mirror Dimly: Anthropology and Restoring a Sense of Presence to an Empty World
...ity of such criticisms. Then, I offer two examples of alternatives to objectifying ethnography before tracing developments in anthropological method in the last decades that have greatly improved the lens used for the anthropological gaze. Finally, I conclude by suggesting the collaboration between anthropology and theology in the restoration of a world capable of supporting life in more than a mere physical sense.


El-Sayed M. Abdelwhab, Jutta Veits and Thomas C. Mettenleiter

Avian Influenza H5N1 in Egypt: What we Know and What we have to Know?
...ultry since 2008. Since then, these viruses continue to evolve. In 2006-2008, outbreaks were reported mostly during the winter season, but in 2009-2012 they occurred year round. H5N1 AIV succeeded in infecting not only domesticated birds but also many other avian species and mammals. Infections of humans were accompanied by mutations in the hemagglutinin (HA) protein which improved the binding affinity to human receptors but simultaneously retained its specifi...

Joseph Andrew Bracken

Metaphysics for a World in Evolution
... manifestation (Kantian phenomena) via tentative hypotheses subject to empirical verification. In the humanities, there is deep suspicion of so-called “meta-narratives” that offer a comprehensive vision of reality on the grounds that their authors are consciously or unconsciously trying to control the thinking and behavior of others. Yet, as Colin Gunton points out, human beings, thus faced with an enormous diver...

Stephen Kershnar

...pic. It includes a comprehensive and in-depth study of the literature, devastating criticisms of rival theories, and a restructuring of the issues in a way that will shape future discussions of the field. It is also well-written, including interesting-and-enjoyable references to historical figures (for example, Mother Theresa, Adolf Hitler, and Paul Gauguin), artists (for example, Aldous Huxley and Woody Allen), and works of art (for example, Groundhog Day and...

Stephen Kershnar

...ere is meaning in life, then Metz’s theory does not capture it because it is an overly intellectual account.


Justin P. McBrayer

...ces our personal goals. When it comes to belief in God, the most famous formulation of a prudential reason for belief is Pascal’s Wager. And although Pascal’s Wager fails, its failure is instructive. Pascal’s Wager fails because it relies on unjustified assumptions about what happens in the afterlife to those who believe in God verses those who do not. A renewed wager can avoid this difficulty by relying solely on well-documented differences ...

Justin P. McBrayer

...ces our personal goals. When it comes to belief in God, the most famous formulation of a prudential reason for belief is Pascal’s Wager. And although Pascal’s Wager fails, its failure is instructive. Pascal’s Wager fails because it relies on unjustified assumptions about what happens in the afterlife to those who believe in God verses those who do not. A renewed wager can avoid this difficulty by relying solely on well-documented differences ...

Bruce L. Gordon

... their faith altogether when its falsity is discovered. With a view toward encouraging a culture of biblical and scientific literacy and overcoming the anti-intellectual legacy of fundamentalism that sustains this particular “scandal of the evangelical mind”, we offer a synoptic critique of young-earth creationism while developing and defending an evangelically acceptable alternative for understanding the relationship between God’s works and ...

Matheus Nunes Weber1, Simone Silveira1, André Felipe Streck1, Luís Gustavo Corbellini2, Cláudio Wageck Canal1*

... has a higher frequency when compared with other continents. It is important to reinforce that currently Brazil has no official control program for BVDV. The significance of cattle production losses or the potential implementations of commercial barrier by other countries can possibly reason the placement of governmental veterinary measures in the near future.


Gregg D. Caruso

...he most lively and comprehensive defense of free will skepticism in the literature. It contains a reworked and expanded version of the view he first developed in Living without Free Will (2001). Important objections to the early book are answered, some slight modifications are introduced, and the overall account is significantly embellished—for example, Pereboom proposes a new account of rational deliberation consistent with the belief that one’s a...

John Martin Fischer a masterful and comprehensive articulation of Derk Pereboom’s very important and original theory of free will and moral responsibility. Throughout his career, and especially here in this book, Pereboom has developed and defended one of the real “contenders” as a comprehensive theory of freedom and responsibility. This is a huge, and admirable, intellectual achievement.


Salma Shaheen, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani

... temperature (20oC) and then applied to appropri- ate pots. The treatments of farm yard manure (FYM) @ 10 t ha-1, press mud @ 20 t ha-1, compost @ 0.7 t ha-1 and poultry manure @ 5 t ha-1 were applied with half of the recommended dose of NPK @ (75:60:30 kg ha-1) with or without EM. In 2009-10, the application of EM with Press mud @ 20 t ha-1 significantly enhanced spinach growth by exhibiting higher average spinach plant height (35 cm), number of leaves (16.4)...

Muhammad Ashraf Khan1, Hizbullah Khan1, Abid Farid2

... eggs treated at x dose when parasitoid was during egg, larval, and pupal stages were 21.6, 26.5, and 25.1%, respectively; the 2x dose resulted in parasitism (mean) of 23.1, 27.6, and 26.1 when parasitoids were treated in egg, larval, and pupal stages, respectively, while, 0.5x dose led to 21.0, 25.9, 27.7, mean parasitism, respectively. The percent reduction in both emergence (mean) and parasitism (mean) relative to the con...

Shahid Ali, Munir Khan

... efficient counterpart, then the average farmer could increase wheat yield by 30 per cent. Similarly the most technically inefficient farmer could enhance wheat yield by 61 per cent. Results further showed that one percent increase in value of land under wheat crop, labour, chemical fertilizer and tractor plough would raise the wheat yield by 0.052, 0.566, 0.130 and 0.438 percent, respectively and were found statistically significant. Farmers’ education ...

John Teehan always complex, even when facile “explanations” are readily available, i.e. the violent nature of Islam, their hatred of Western freedom, etc. A consistent element in many such explanations is a pronouncement on the nature of religion, in general, with some, predictably, placing the blame for such hate-filled acts squarely on religion.


Frank Griffel

...derstand so quickly and when a journalist of asked him to explain, Luz said that the drawing is a callback to an earlier 2011 cover showing the Prophet Muhammad with the words: “100 lashes if you don’t die of laughter.” On the day that cover appeared, the offices of Charlie Hebdo were attacked by a firebomb. Luz explained Charlie Hebdo’s motivation for the most recent cover as, “to show that at any given moment, we have ...

Yashab Tur


Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 2, Iss. 2
...a panoramic lens, which then zooms in to focus on specific individuals. Thus we meet Free Masons, missionaries, colonial agents, officials of the fledging Ottoman Empire, Arab propagators of a new science, and religious scholars (‘Ulama) who are not ready to deal with a science that attempts to extract God from the explanatory hypothesis.



Muhammad Zahid1*, Muhammad Salman2, Shah Alam Khan2, Alamzeb1, Inamullah Khan1


...flat-headed borer, Sphenoptera dadkhani (Oben.) is the major insect-pest of stone fruit orchards. Survey of three districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa revealed the highest mean infestation in plum orchards of district Peshawar (89.60%), followed by Nowshera (75.79%) and Swat (45.42%). In peach orchards, highest mean infestation was recorded in Peshawar (88.33%), followed by Nowshera (72.77%) and Swat (53.72%). The mean infestation of 70.86% was recorded in...

Suresh V Kuchipudi* and Kin-Chow Chang


...ity to undergo dramatic phenotypic changes in response to physical demands, age and disease. The contributions of skeletal muscle to immune response and virus pathogenesis are increasingly recognized. Recent evidence strongly indicated that skeletal muscle cells fully support productive replication of influenza A virus (IAV) and could play an important role in disease outcome. We are of the opinion that skeletal muscle could be a key innate immune tissue/orga...

Hu Zenglei1 and Xiufan Liu1, 2*


...ges in lymphoid tissues when compared with virulent viruses of other genotypes. Therefore, severe pathology in immune organs, caused by genotype VIId of NDV, is associated with high levels of virus replication and an intense innate immune response.


Malik Ikram Ullah1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Inayatullah Awan1, Muhammad Munir2, Ghazanfarullah1

...ost ratio was estimated when 240 kg N ha-1 was applied which was found best compromise between forage yield and quality for maize cultivar Kissan under the agro-climatic conditions of Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. The study also indicates that crude protein and mineral content in fodder maize can be improved through N application and complete reliance on protein and mineral supplements for farm livestock can be reduced.



Muhammad Mudassar Maqbool1, Anser Ali1, 2 *, Tanveer ul Haq1, Muhammad Nasir Majeed1, Dong Jin Lee2 manually sown in polythene lined pots. Five water stress treatments were created by withholding the irrigation for specified time at critical growth stages viz. tillering, booting, anthesis and milking (grain filling), whereas a well-watered treatment was also included during whole plant growth and development period. The results showed that water stress significantly reduced plant height, number of total tillers per plant, number of fertile tillers per pla...

Ahmed Sultan Jatoi1*, Shahid Mehmood2, Jibran Hussain2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2, Yassar Abbas3, Muhammad Akram2


...rom available stock and then placed into 108 experimental units (replicates comprising 20 chicks each). Growth parameters i.e. weekly body weight (g), weight gain (g), times of weight gain, feed intake (g) and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) were calculated during the study period. Data were analysed by ANOVA technique and means were compared by using DMR test. The results of the present study showed that the weekly mean body weight (g) of Japanese quail birds obt...

Aqeel Ahmad, Zammurad Iqbal Ahmed, Irfan Aziz*


... returns than mung bean when grown after lentil. The studies showed that partial budget analysis was a reliable technique for farmers to optimize fertilizer recommendations and harvest maximum returns from their investment in agricultural business.



Hayat Badshah1*, Farman Ullah1, Abid Farid2, Ahmad-U-Rahman Saljoqi1, Sajjad Ahmad3

...of the cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Sternorrhyncha: Pseudococcidae), on different host plants. Such studies would identify the best host plant for its efficient rearing. The present study investigated some basic life table parameters i.e. female life span, adult female weight, longevity and reproductive potential of P. solenopsis on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Linn.), brinjal (Solanum melongena Linn.), potato (Solanum tuberosum Linn.), Chi...

David Kyle Johnson

...ct) criterion regarding when belief in the miraculous is justified; I will then show why it is impossible to fulfill this criterion. I will conclude by considering objections.


Thomas J. Coleman III1*, Ralph W. Hood Jr.1 and John R. Shook2

...cantly. Moreover, these phenomena have been researched, studied and documented by multiple disciplines ranging from cognitive science to religious studies, and from anthropology to sociology. The study of atheism and secularity is of high interest to not only scholars, but also the public in general. In this special issue of Science, Religion & Culture, Guest Edited by John R. Shook, Ralph W. Hood Jr., and Thomas J. Coleman III, we present 8 articles, 2 re...

Jonathan Jong

...n religion (and related phenomena, including nonreligion, atheism, and secularity) is invariably prefaced by sheepish attempts to define these terms, followed by apologies for the inevitable inadequacy of the proposed definitions. This paper argues that scholars of religion and nonreligion should accept the fact that “religion” and “nonreligion” are, like all social scientific concepts (and some biological ones), fuzzy categories. There...

Ethan G. Quillen

...ding about what we mean when we discuss Atheism. On the other, this myriad of voices has equally led to an ever-broadening discordancy, an equivocal discourse that makes it all the more difficult to identify any sort of common or universal definition. This latter issue is, as this paper will argue, the result of a theoretical abstraction, a scholarly attempt at theorizing a general interpretation. This is evinced not just by the way the term has been contrar...

Gareth Longden

...presented the most comprehensive study of the members of the organisation then published. The current research builds on Campbell’s work and offers a detailed profile of the membership of the British Humanist Association at the start of the 21st century. The results of a survey conducted in 2014 of 1,097 humanists are presented and compared with Campbell’s original 1967 data and against data derived from the 2011...

 David F. Bradley*, Julie J. Exline, Alex Uzdavines

...s suggest nonbelievers, when prompted to imagine a hypothetical god, do not uniformly imagine cruel gods, but a diverse array of deities based partly on prior experiences with gods and current interactions with nonbelief.


Liz Goodnick

...ent evil, but not able? then is he impotent. Is he able, but not willing? then is he malevolent. Is he both able and willing? whence then is evil?” (Hume 1993, 100).


Marcus Mann

...y critic Christopher Hitchens concluded the movement’s must-read canon with God is Not Great. While these four polemics are indicative of each author’s expertise, they are united in their claim that organized religion is an affront to reason and that we ignore its potential to inspire destruction in this technological age at our peril.


Ali Muhammad*, Muhammad Ayub

...on of olive fruit. Phenolic compounds, flavonoids and anthocyanins which are the major components of olive fruits degrades significantly during four weeks of treatment process. Results showed that during brine treatment, fermentation take place which significantly convert the oleourepean into simple sugar and decreased during treatment process. Lye solution penetrates inside the msesocarp and than endocarp during four weeks of treatmen...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro*, Habib-Ur-Rehman Memon, Muhammad Ali Ansari, Ahmed Naqi Shah income was recorded when sorghum water extract was applied in integration with Dual Gold. The combined application of sunflower with Dual Gold ranked second in monetary benefits. Interculturing twice was found less economical due to higher costs of labour. Hence, it can be inferred from the above results that Dual Gold dose can be reduced up to 50% in combination with sorghum or sunflower water extrac...

Gultaj Hussain1, Abdur Rahman1*, Tariq Hussain2, Siraj Uddin1, Tariq Ali3

E-mail | [email protected]

...d S. typhymurium growth when exposed to these treatments. Results revealed that levels of citric and lactic acid concentrations effect were maximum for 5.0%, followed by 3.0% and least for 1.0% on E. coli and Salmonella load on beef surfaces. In addition, citric acid was more effective than lactic acid at all concentrations (1.0, 3.0 and 5.0%) in reducing E. coli and Salmonella growth. The citric acid at 5.0% was found significantly effective treatment in redu...

Rick Repetti

...uences of prior events, then they are unfree; Derk Pereboom’s two arguments for hard incompatibilism: the manipulation argument, which asserts that manipulated choices are unfree, determinism is functionally equivalent to manipulation, and thus determined choices are unfree; and the randomness argument, which asserts that we cannot claim authorship
over random neural events; and Galen Strawson’s impossibility argument, which a...

Muhammad Zubair, Sajid Mahmood Sajid

...nt of semen.


Tomas Jinnerot1*, Karin Malm1, Erik Eriksson1 and Jonas Johansson Wensman2

E-mail | [email protected]

...reactivity in silico or when tested with a panel of bacterial isolates. The limit of detection was determined to 4x103 bacteria per mL of nasal swab sample and less than 10 copies of target DNA per PCR reaction. Out of 23 isolates of B. bronchiseptica tested, one isolate from a hedgehog was not amplified. Sequencing of the 16S rDNA showed that the isolate was similar to strains of both B. bronchiseptica and...

Mudasir Irfan Dar*, Fareed Ahmad Khan and Farha Rehman

E-mail | [email protected]

...ovoked oxidative stress when applied at high dosages. Therefore, pesticide application at high concentrations can be considered as a kind of stress, similarly to other stresses such as salt, drought and low or high temperatures.


Muhammad Imran1*, Muhammad Mobashar2, Muhammad Irfan3, Shazia Hanif4, Sumaira Hanif5 and Muhammad Abubakar6

....05) in treatment MLM4. When compared among treatments, the value of crude protein (CP) digestibility coefficient was high (P<0.05) in treatment MLM4 as compared to MLM1. Similar trend was also observed in case NDF among treatments. Daily milk yield and 4 % FCM has increased (P<0.05) in buffaloes fed treatment MLM3 and MLM4 as compared to other treatments. While there was no significant (P>0.05) difference of percentage of fat, protein, lactose, ash, ...

Tauseef Taj Kiani1*, Mozammil Hussain1 and Hidayat ur Rahman2


...s. Exploitation of this phenom- enon of superior performance of F1 progeny over their parents not only trans gured maize breeding schemes but also constituted the foundation of maize seed industry. Evaluation of per se performance of parental lines and estimation of heterosis and inbreeding depression are prerequisites to start hybrid development program. In this context, we explored heterosis and inbreeding depression in indigenous maize germplasm comprising ...

Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Mohammad Tariq Jan2, Mohammad Jamal Khan3 and Abdul Bari4

...Millable canes excelled when top portion from standing source was planted at triple setts. Stripped cane length and yield excelled when top cane portions were planted as triple setts. Over all it was concluded that planting fresh cane top portions with double and triple setts placement methods were found better than trenched planting for cane yield and yield attributing traits.


Kang-Seuk Choi

...aive configuration of authentic IBD virus particles. The VLPs show intrinsic immunogenicity and a high safety profile.  Thus, VLPs are considered one of the most promising approaches to vaccine development and are an alternative to inactivated IBD vaccines. In addition, VLP technology has many applications. This paper reviews the potential of VLPs as an alternative to IBD vaccines, along with their specific applications in the field.


Monireh Ahmadi Bani1*, Mostafa Kamali2, Iman Borji3, Soheyla Aslani3, Francis Fatoye4

...force plate for one and then five minutes, respectively. Their stability parameters were evaluated based on the old and new methods. Paired sample t-test was used for comparison between two methods and different conditions (eyes open and eyes closed). Traditional method for stability analysis showed no difference between two conditions in one minute standing (p ≥ 0.05). However, the new method confirmed that stability parameters significantly decreased in f...

John G. Bruno1*, Chien-Chung Chao2,3, Zhiwen Zhang3, Wei-Mei Ching2,3, Taylor Phillips1, Allison Edge1, Jeffery C. Sivils1

...candidate aptamers were then paired in a matrix of all possible capture and reporter aptamer combinations and tested in a fluorescent peroxidase-linked Amplex® UltraRed (AUR; a resazurin-like substrate) version of a rapid (< 1 h) aptamer magnetic bead sandwich assay. The optimal sandwich aptamer combination utilized the same aptamer sequence (designated Rt-18R) for both capture and reporter functions while producing a signal to noise ratio of > 4.0 f...

Anna-Maria Andersson*, Ann-Kristin Nyman, Per Wallgren disease virus (ADV). When evaluated in the short term, i.e. between consecutive days and weeks, the estimated antibody levels were comparable and did not exceed the predefined equivalence interval based on the methodological variance for the VP2 ELISA. This confirms that the VP2 ELISA can be used for quantitatively estimating the ADV antibody levels even when the screening extends over a couple of weeks. For the long term...

Ahmed Zein Mahmoud1, Muaz Abdellatif 2, 3*, Luai Shazali1

... camels at Hail, Bagaa, Shenan and Ghazalah, Saudi Arabia. Serum samples (n=400), collected during 2012–2013 from sick and clinically healthy herds, were subjected to antibodies detection using c-ELISA. Out of examined animals, 83 (62.9%) goats and 70 (33.2%) sheep were detected positive against PPRV antibodies, whereas camels appeared to be seronegative. Based upon the seasonal variations in the antibodies detection, environment appeared to be a signifi...

Amitha Reena Gomes1, Belamaranahally Muniveerappa Veeregowda2, Sonnahallipura Munivenkatappa Byregowda1, Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan3*

...f PPR. This review comprehend the current scenario of recombinant technology based vaccines and diagnostics, virus like particles (VLPs), reverse genetics approach etc., in the development of diagnostics and vaccines against PPR.


Neil Levy

...ulture is more powerful when there is sufficient diversity among the deliberators. This fact will give AIs a reason to value our continued flourishing, so that we are able to contribute to valuable epistemic diversity. 


Neil Levy

...ulture is more powerful when there is sufficient diversity among the deliberators. This fact will give AIs a reason to value our continued flourishing, so that we are able to contribute to valuable epistemic diversity. 


Muhammad Siddiq1* and Hamid Ullah Shah2


...etter than other blends when mixed together that will achieve better strength as well as financial system phase.


 Zar Muhammad and Mohammad Tariq Jan

...weeks before sowing and then were incorporated to plots at sowing both the years. All treatments including control were either supplemented with half of the recommended dose (75 kg N ha-1) of Urea-N or no Urea-N. Compost, its composition, mineral N and their interactions significantly affected maize yield and yield components over two years average data. Compost application produced more maize ears m-2 (13%), grains ear-1 (28%), 1000 grains weight (14%), biolo...

 Umed Ali Laghari, Ahmed Naqi Shah, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro, Zia-ul-Hassan, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro and Khalid Hussain Talpur

...ed yield (2589 kg ha-1) when compared with 0.0 and 10 kg K2O ha-1. Interestingly, Sel-449 was the most responsive genotype to K nutrition which resulted in higher branches per plant (5.3), pods per plant (29.7), seeds per pod (4.5), seed index (87.3 g) and seed yield (2504 kg ha-1) as compared to its counterparts. The genotype Sel-1785 was much closer to Sel-449 for its growth and yield traits. We conclude from the results of this study that a dose of 20 kg K2...

 Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro, Qamaruddin Jogi, Mahmooda Buriro, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro, Ghulam Mustafa Laghari and Ali Nawaz Khaskheli


 Ian von Hegner

...universally applicable, then the concept of hypothetical gods’ right to rule results in dictatorship. Whereas the concepts of dictator and tyrant originally had a more positive meaning, those meanings have changed. However, the concept of the gods in the philosophical debate has avoided a similar redefinition in light of democracy, despite the fact, that it involves the same negation of modern fundamental rights. The basic democratic idea posits that all...

Muhammad Ibrahim, Jawaria Ali Khan, Muhammad Sarwar Khan, Wasim Shehzad, Muhammad Avais, Ali Husnain, Naimatullah Khan, Muhammad Kamran Ameen and Abdullah Iqbal

...0 % recovery percentage when treated with lemon for five days and 33 percent cows recovered from subclinical mastitis when treated with Black Pepper for five days. Udder health status and milk quality can be enhanced with use of Garlic and Vitamin E + Se combination in cows.


Amtul Jamil Sami1*, Madeeha Khalid1, Sara Iqbal1, Maira Afzal1 and A.R. Shakoori2

...starch and flocculation phenomenon. Chitosan starch based polymer composites can be used as an efficient and cost effective method to treat waste water polluted with carcinogenic dyes by coagulation-flocculation. Moreover this method is beneficial over other methods that employ toxic polymers or mineral coagulants.


Hina Fatima, Muhammad Azeem Khan, Mahreen Zaid-Ullah, Abdul-Jabbar, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai

Allah Wadhayo Gandahi, Khalilluah Panhwar, Rabail Gandahi, Muhammad Saleem Sarki and Mahmooda Buriro

...a-1. Red leaves reduced when soil was fertilized with N, P and K @ 120-70-40 kg ha-1; and plots without application of K (120-70-0 kg ha-1) and PK (120-0-0 kg N ha-1) increased number of red leaves. In case of micronutrients, Zn @ 4 kg and B @ 1.5 kg ha-1 were highly effective to control reddening of leaves, respectively. Interactive effect of NP @ 120-70 kg ha-1 × Zn @ 4 kg ha-1 resulted in maximum reduction of red leaves. Regardless the application of ...

Usman Ijaz1, Muhammad Sajid Tahir2, Khalid Abdul Majeed3*, Shahid Iqbal4, Iffat Huma5, S. Firyal6, Ijaz Ahmed7, Shahid Chohan8 and Aamir Riaz Khan9 

...cted to sequencing, and then observed for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). SNPs were observed on three loci of the COI gene as compared to reference sequence of Panthera pardus pardus. The specimens found in Pakistan were found to be closely related to Panthera pardus orientalis (Amur Leopard in South eastern Russia) and Panthera pardus japonensis (North Chinese Leopard), with all of these three speculated to be evolved from Pant...

Sungil Kim1, Muhammad Riaz2, Amjad Farooq3 and Sungkwon Park4*

... body fat accumulation, when compared with control group. Taken together, these data indicate that DDGS can be utilized as a feed additive and has beneficial effects on unsaturated fatty acid formation in pork without deleterious effect on growth performance.


Paul I. Ankeli, Mashood A. Raji, Haruna M. Kazeem, Moses O. Odugbo, Nendir J. Umaru, Idowu O. Fagbamila, Livinus T. Ikpa, Obinna O. Nwankiti, Issa A. Muraina, Pam D. Luka and Nicholas D. Nwankpa

...ear canal be considered when Mmm isolation is intended so as to improve the chance of recovery. 


Ghani Akbar, Muhammad Munir Ahmad, Muhammad Asif, Iqbal Hassan, Qurban Hussain3 and Greg Hamilton

...MB and NB respectively, when compared with FB. The irrigation water saving was 36%, 40% on WB, 34%, 31% on MB and 7%, 8% on NB, for wheat and maize crops respectively, when compared with FB. The crop yields were higher by 14%, 25% on WB, 12%, 10% on MB and 3%, 13% on NB, respectively, compared with FB. Consequently, the water productivity was also increased by 43%, 71% on WB, 30%, 30% on MB and 4%, 18% on NB for wheat and ma...

Zuhao Huang1, Feiyun Tu2 and Dianhua Ke1*

...viridis vs M. leschenaulti based on Cyt b gene. Morphology, geographical distribution and genetic data suggest the elevation of M. v. americanus to a full species Rufous-crowned Bee-eater M. americanus, supporting the latest taxonomic arrangement by IUCN.


Laila M. Fadda1, Nouf M. Al-Rasheed1, Iman H. Hasan1, Hanaa M. Ali2,3*, Nawal M. Al-Rasheed1,4, Musaed Al-Fayez5, Aly M. Ahmed5, Nada Almutlaq1, Nehal Qasem1 and Reem Khalaf1

...ign: justify;">Acetaminophen (APAP) overdose depleted glutathione (GSH) which lead to liver dysfunction and hence hepatotoxicity. N-acetylcysteine (NAC) is the best antidote for APAP but may induce a variety of side effects. This study was designed to compare the potential impact of NAC with that of Thymoquinone (THQ), and/or Curcumin (CUR) either alone or in combination on liver injury induced by inflammation, oxidative str...

Mehreen Zaidullah and Hina Fatima

...ttern of the people, and hence result in the food demand shifts. The current study estimates for the presence of structural shifts in the demand for food in Pakistan for the selected food groups from the Household Integrated Economic Survey for the years1985-86, 1993-94, 2001-02 and 2007-08. Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) is employed to estimate the budget shares and test for these shifts. The results confirm for the significance of the quadrati...

Shagufta Jabeen1, Muhammad Saqlain Raja1, Sadia Saeed1, Muhammad Mobeen Zafar1, Rizwana Abdul Ghani1, Abid Mahmood1, Muhammad Fiaz2, Pakeeza Arzoo Shiaq1, Shahid Mahmood Baig3, S.M. Saqlan Naqvi1 and Ghazala Kaukab Raja1

...erviewed through a comprehensive questionnaire consisting of open and closed-ended questions. Data regarding key factors such as age and ethnicity, communal domain, education level, employment status and demographic factors (drug route, drug dose) have bearing upon heroin addiction was collected. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Early age of addiction onset, low literacy rate, peer pressure, occupation type, and stress are am...

Abida Saleem, Sajida Parveen and Muhammad Jamal Khan

...oils they were fit only when adsorption values for initial IZnA were disregarded. The adsorption, as indicated by b and K values was higher for BC followed by FYM but MCB and 1/n value that reflects the buffering capacity was higher for FYM than BC or PM. The lower adsorption of Zn at lower IZnA below 20 mg Zn L-1 and higher for higher IZnA for amended soil over non-treated soil suggesting its contrasting effect at different IZnA levels.


Metin Duru1*, Asuman Arslan Duru1, Köksal Karadaş2, Ecevit Eyduran3, Harun Cinli4 and Mohammad Masood Tariq5

... of Hy-line white laying hens as a commercial type through two-way ANOVA, to estimate the Pearson correlation between pairs of egg external and internal characteristics and to predict each of egg internal characteristics from egg external characteristics, treatment and week through CHAID analysis. A total number of eighty, 56 weeks old Hy-Line White laying hens (commercial type) of nearly similar initial body weight (1360.6&...

Ai Ming Zhou1,2, Guang Wen Liang2, Ling Zeng2, Yong Yue Lu2 and Yi Juan Xu2*

...d the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) in the field. The results showed that fire ant invasion significantly suppressed honeydew exploitation by ghost ant. Fire ant suppression markedly increased the ghost ant foraging activity both on plants and the ground. Ant diversity in fire ant-infested plots was significantly reduced compared with in fire ant-free plots. Compared with in the no-ant plots, the colony growth rate of mea...

Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar*

...wo new species, Oxyopes chenabensis new species, and Oxyopes bidentata new species are being reported from Punjab.


Robina Karim and Dawood Jan

...akistan exports got smoothened after WTO’s implementation in the world arena, perhaps due to less restrictions on trade after WTO’s arrival, relative to pre-WTO period. Compared to exports, Pakistan imports’ coefficient of variation does not show significant declines; rather it appears largely static, suggesting Pakistan imports trade could not be benefited much by reductions in trade restrictions associated with the implementation of WTO in ...

Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Hamid Bashir1*, Bilal Saeed Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid2

...tart of experiment, and then these acclimatized on leaf discs. Thiacloprid having lowest LC50 value 295 and proved toxic for the predator while diafenthiuron and pyriproxyfen have higher values. The findings of the study revealed that among five tested pesticides chlorfenapyr and thiacloprid proved moderately harmful for N.barkeri, hence cannot be recommended in IPM module.


Asma-ul-Husna1, Muhammad Sajjad Ansari2, Bushra Allah Rakha3, Rabea Ejaz1, Nemat Ullah1 and Shamim Akhter1* 4°C. Straws were then kept over liquid nitrogen vapours for 10 min and plunged in liquid nitrogen for storage. Thawing was performed after 24 h of storage, at 37°C for 30 seconds and post-thaw sperm quality parameters were assessed. Sperm progressive motility, plasma membrane integrity, acrosomal integrity, viability and chromatin integrity was higher (P<0.05) in extender containing melatonin 0.1 mM and 0.5 mM compared to control. In conclusion, ...

Ambreena Hafiz1, Tanzeela Riaz2 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*

...t beetles, respectively when compared with susceptible population. Lipid contents of 4th and 6th instar larvae and adult beetles also depleted in Gujranwala (54, 65 and 65%), Okara (16, 21 and 25%) and D.G khan (36, 35 and 50%) populations, respectively as compared to susceptible population. To deal with stressful condition of exposure to deltamethrin, the insect utilizes its energy reserves to meet the energy requirement of enhanced metabolic activity.


Misbah Riaz1, Qaiser Mansoor2, Maleeha Akram1, Muhammad Ismail2, Parveen Akhtar3, Shakeel Mirza4, Mazhar Qayyum1, Afzaal Ahmed Naseem1, Faheem Tahir5 and Syed Shakeel Raza Rizvi1*

...substituted serine with phenylalanine at 34th position of extracellular domain of GNRHR. The Ser34Phe mutation was manifested in phenotypic traits such as low concentrations of FSH, LH and T and delayed puberty. In conclusion, mutations in GNRHR may cause delay in male puberty in Pakistani population.


 Ali Murad Rahoo1,2, Tariq Mukhtar3,*, Simon R. Gowen1, Rehana Kanwal Rahoo4 and Shaukat Ibrahim Abro5

... the dose of 200 IJ and then increased with 400 IJ dose. The minimum number of juveniles emerged at the dose of 200 IJ. The relationship between inoculation dose and emergence of IJ by using both methods was non-significant. Similarly, with an increase in inoculum dose and time, invasion of host was significantly increased. There was little invasion at the 800 IJ dose even after 4 days whereas with the commercial dose (8,000), nematodes did migrate to the larv...

John Gachohi, Simon Karanja, Salome Wanyoike, Nduhiu Gitahi, Salome Bukachi, Kenneth Ngure The study is strengthened by the pseudo-longitudinal design whose findings are expected to inform public health decision-making. Going forward, it will be possible to parameterize complex realistic Leptospira transmission models for understanding urban Leptospirosis dynamics.


Pan-pan Guo1, Wei Liu2, Yan Li2, Rui-yu Ma2, Wang Zaigui1*, Kai Zhan2*, Jun-ying Li2 and Sheng-nan Liu2 

...ion performance-related phenotypes in local chicken breeds need to be further verified.


Siyu Yang1, Fukuan Du2 and Pao Xu1,2*

...nt developmental stages then increased gradually from the stage of midgastrula onward. This study provides some basic evidence that SS1 may play a role in growth, development and metabolism in C. nasus, and provides a basis for further study of SS neuropeptide family in C. nasus.


Taghreed A. Hafiz1, Murad A. Mubaraki1*, Mohamed A. Dkhil2,3 and Saleh Al-Quraishy2

...ethod and the total polyphenolic and flavonoids contents were determined using a spectrophotometric method. The antiradical scavenging property and the maximum nontoxic concentration of the extract was determined using DPPH assay and MTT method, respectively. Serial concentrations of the extract not exceed the maximum nontoxic concentration were used against Vero cells for anti-HSV-1 and ant-HSV-2 effects by plaque assay. The results of the phytochemical ...

Sania Subhan Qureshi, Mian Saeed Sarwar and Zahir Shah

...ugh entrepreneurship. A hen with the complaint of swelling on abdominal region, came to Veterinary Teaching Hospital, The University of Agriculture Peshawar. Physical examination was performed and it was diagnosed a case of muscle tumor (myoma). A skin incision was given to expose and to remove tumor mass from the surrounding tissues. Peritoneum, muscle and subcutaneous tissues were sutured with absorbable suture (vicryl; polyglactin 910) and skin with a non-...

Jose M. Rojas, Noemi Sevilla and Veronica Martin

...e system. A better comprehension of this behaviour could lead the global strategy for the control and eradicaton of PPR, initiated by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) on 2015.


Sabri Unal1, ASır Er2, Erol Akkuzu1* and Lubomir Salek3

... order to determine the phenology of the predator Coccinella septempunctata Linnaeus (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and to evaluate its efficacy on Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Kastamonu, Turkey. Rearing of C. septempunctata was carried out at 21.3±4.00ºC and 78.8±9.44% relative humidity. The first, second, third and fourth larval instars of C. septempunctata consumed 20.3, 54.3, 108.2, and 232.7 M. rosea, respectively...

Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman1, Farzana Abbas1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Khalid Javed Iqbal3, Ghulam Abbas4* and Syedah Andleeb5

...stocked in duplicate earthen ponds (90×70×4ft) and fed on 40%, 35% and 30% protein diet @5% of their live body weight. In 40% protein diet treatment, male fish was injected 1st dose with ovaprim + HCG (0.3+0.3ml) and female fish was given 2nd dose after 24 hrs of intervals with ovaprim (0.2ml), while 1st dose ovaprim (0.7ml)+HCG (1.0ml) and 2nd dose ovaprim (0.7ml) was given to the females. The treatment which was given 35% protein diet received 1s...

Dallin D. Oaks and Cynthia L. Hallen

... especially significant when they are incorporated into sacred texts. This would seem to be the case not only for Judaism, Islam, and mainline Christianity, but also for Mormonism, a distinctive branch of Christianity. Officially known as The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS), Mormonism shares some root metaphors with other Christians but differs in important ways in its development and use of these metaphors. In this paper we discuss the journ...

Imed Ben Salem*, Aymen Ben Ibrahim, M’barek Chetoui and Said Nouira

...he tpsDig software, and then analyzing them through the program MorphoJ. Our results show that L. griselda has the largest skull, whereas L. zebra has the smallest. L. griselda and L. rosalia have greater breadth of the braincase, length of the nasals and length of the tympanic bulla, than the other species. This is probably related to a phenotypic evolution due to selective pressure, as is also the case in the genus Gerbill...

Marryam Bakhtawar1, Qamar Saeed1* and Naeem Iqbal2

...ysimi) cotton mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis), grain moth eggs (Sitotroga cerealella) and honey. Results revealed complete development of all larval stages on all diets with maximum survival of lady bird beetle larvae on mustard aphid (76.6%) followed by on grain moth’s eggs (20%), immature mealybugs (6%) and the least survival on honey. These findings can lead to the discovery of new artificial diets for the C. undecimpunctata for the mass release in ...

Abdul Mannan Babar1* and Abdul Hannan Nagi2

...r Beta 1 injection, and then skin punch excision on rabbit ear. In the present follow-up study consisting of eight refind techniques, best Keloid was produced by the technique where Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1 injection was followed by ventral skin, ventral perichondrium, cartilage, and dorsal perichondrium punch excision, leaving behind only dorsal skin.


John G. Bruno

...he ELASA screening were then attached to streptavidin-coated magnetic beads (SAv-MBs) and used to capture their cognate and related E. coli serovars. Capture was assessed by fluorescence microplate assessment following acridine orange staining. While there was significant cross-reactivity between the various captured serotypes, each of the anti-LPS aptamer candidates showed a preference for its cognate E. coli serotype. Results suggest that these aptamers may ...

Zafar Waheed, Khalid Usman, Iftikhar Ali

... exhibits auto-toxicity when grown in association with wheat crop.


Dilawar Hussain* and Abdul Mateen

...PER (36.36±1.83) when compared to other dietary treatment groups. The addition of 4TX clay in the diets at both 2 and 4 ppm AFB1 concentrations have almost the same effect on the growth parameters tested except in the case of PER. T3 (0.5% 4TX+2 ppm AFB1) showed better PER (31.42±1.74) when compared to T4 (0.5% 4TX+ 4 ppm AFB1) group (27.76±0.67). Interaction between different growth parameters of tilapi...

G.E. Odo1*, E.J. Agwu1, N.I. Ossai2, C.O. Ezea3, J. Madu1 and V. Eneje2

...uch as a decrease in Hb when compared to the control; reduction of MCV, MCH and MCHC to all exposed concentration of aluminium phosphide, significant increase in neutrophil, basophil, eosinophil and monocytes throughout the duration of exposure and decrease in the lymphocytes . The results on gill and liver tissues sampled showed concentration and time dependent significant increase (p < 0.005) in the values of malondialdehyde, catalase, superoxide dismutas...

Jixue Hou1,2, Xueling Chen3, Jing Wang4, Hongwei Zhang2, Yu Xi2, Jie Xia2, Xinyu Peng2,* and Xiangwei Wu2,5* be showed about some phenomenon quickly, also more easy to form model of atherosclerosis. Thus, a mouse model of vascular injury is vitally important for researching the pathophysiological mechanisms to restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) as well as translational approaches. In this Experiment, we established a unique murine model of femoral artery injury through a home-made wire. The mouse model of vascular injury may be ...

Xiangxing Zhu1, Junyu Nie1, Shouneng Quan1,2, Huiyan Xu1, Xiaogan Yang1, Yangqing Lu1, Kehuan Lu1 and Shengsheng Lu1*

...pectrum of neurological phenotypes seen in human diseases. On the contrary, pigs, especially mini-pigs, show exciting potential for modeling human CNS diseases due to similarities in body size, anatomy, life span, CNS structure and neurobiology. Previously, via the somatic cell nuclear transfer technique, we successfully generated transgenic Guangxi Bama mini-pigs carrying a fluorescent protein (DsRed) reporter gene regulated by the 2.2-kb human glial fibrilla...

Aiza Tahir, Muhammad Asif, Zaigham Abbas and Shafiq ur Rehman*

...ix hours post infection when applied at and MOI of 100.


Oluwasogo David Olorunfemi, Oluwasegun Adetokunbo Adekunle, Felix Olayinka Oladipo, Temitope Oluwaseun Oladele and Oladimeji Idowu Oladele

...Forty fish farmers were then randomly selected from the fish farmers’ association chapter present in each selected Local Government Area. Interview-schedule was used to elicit information from the respondents. The findings revealed that the fish farmers were economically active with a mean age of 42.5 years, majority (73.1%) were males, married (74.4%) and had one level of formal education or the other (82.5%). Chi-square analysis revealed a significant ...

Iram Liaqat1*, Najma Arshad2, Muhammad Arshad3, Safdar Ali Mirza4, Nazish Mazhar Ali1 and Ammara Shoukat1

... resistance is emerging, hence leading to serious health issues. Among 24 strains isolated from Shaukat Banaspati Ghee industry (Grw) and Shezan foods (pvt) Ltd, Lahore, Pakistan food industry, 10 highly antibiotic resistant strains were subjected to morphological, physiological and biochemical characterization. 16SrRNA sequencing was performed to identify three highly resistant strains at species level. Antimicrobial activity of aqueous and methanolic plant e...

Bin Wang, Bo Zhang, Nan Yang, Liang Dou and Jianghong Ran*

...tridge (Tetraophasis szechenyii) is endemic to western China and is known to cooperatively breed in a population habituated to supplemental feeding by humans. The social structure and demography of this species, however, have not been examined in natural populations. To determine if cooperative breeding occurs in populations unassociated with humans, we surveyed two natural populations in the Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in western China. We compared th...

Ahmed Zein Mahmoud, Muaz Abdellatif and Ahmed Abdalla

...l study in Hail, Bagaa, Shenan and Ghazalah. Saudi Arabia. The seroprevalece was determined by NP-epitopes based competitive ELISA. The overall prevalence was 59.9%, goats had a significantly higher sero-prevalence of 75.3% compared to 59.4% obtained from sheep, whereas camels were seronegative. The prevalence of PPR was increasing from 27.9% in 2011 to 77.3% in 2016. Seropositivity was higher in wet seasons (60.9 to 61.4%) to 56.7% in dry hot season. Species,...

Qamar Ali, Muhammad Ashfaq and Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan

...tive for education, polythene sheet, fertilizers, chemical, irrigation and labour days. Under utilization of resources was found for polythene sheet, fertilizers, chemicals, irrigation and labour days. Over utilization of resources was observed for seed quantity and use of tractor. There exist decreasing return to scale (87.7%) but its value will surely increase after efficient use of inputs. A little adjustment is required ...

Fida Mohammad, O.S. Abdalla, Sheraz Ahmed, Fakharuddin and S. Rajaram

...bed within each year and hence, are suitable for areas of prolonged drought. Some lines of synthetic derived wheat especially those carrying blood from T. tauschii germplasm were equivalent in performance to superior cultivars used in the study, thus can be utilized in breeding for drought stress by wheat breeders.


Amjad Ali and Abbas Ullah Jan

...nd consistent yield and then obtaining high technical efficiency in study area can be used effectively to demonstrate the benefits of good farming practices for reduction of gap between the most technical efficient and the inefficient farmers. Empirical results illustrate that there exist opportunity to increase yield at present level of inputs use and technology.


Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed and Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi

...rphological evaluation, phenotypic diversity analysis and their flowering behavior sugarcane under local conditions. Two year data revealed that genotype HSF-242 showed maximum mean values for, internodes length, brix percentage and reducing sugar while S-08-FSD-19 showed maximum values for number of tillers and stem girth, whereas S-05-FSD-307 revealed maximum values for plant height and number of nodes. Analysis of variance revealed highly significant differ...

Muhammad Aslam Shahid, Muhammad Iqbal and Muhammad Niamatullah

...7, 68.20) were recorded when pollinated with M2. Highest TSS % (35.81, 36.28) reducing sugars % (5.15, 5.11), non reducing sugars % (13.82, 13.44) and total sugars % (18.97, 18.55) were recorded in M6 during both years of investigation. These results suggest that for maximum fruit set, yield and quality, the Dhakki date should be pollinated with pollens of M2 and M6.


Ibni Amin Khalil* and Raziuddin

... source was significant, hence data was further subjected to combining ability analysis. For the inheritance of the studied trait (seed yield plant-1), additive as well as non-additive genetic mechanisms were found important due to significant effects for both components i.e. General Combining Ability (GCA) and Specific Combining Ability (SCA) effects. Maximum GCA was shown by L-7 and T-1; whereas high SCA was noted for L-6 and L-7 with good ability to combine...

Gökhan Kuş1,*, Hatice Mehtap Kutlu2, Djanan Vejselova2 and Emre Comlekci3 

...ll death in tumor cells when produced endogenously in the cells or applied exogenously. Ceramidases, which are main component of ceramide pathway catalyze metabolism of proapoptotic ceramide to anti-apoptotic sphingosine and other fatty acids. In this study we have evaluated the pro-apoptotic effect of ceranib-2, a human ceramidase inhibitor and of a short-chain C2 ceramide on human lung adenocarcinoma cells, A549 by determining cytotoxicity of these agents by...
Eman Mahmoud El-Diasty1,Madeha Abd El-Halim Ibrahimand Ghada Kamal El Khalafawy2,* and nail scrapings). Phenotype-based methods for identifying yeast especially Candida species are often difficult, time-consuming and not enough to identify most yeast species. . Molecular biological techniques provide a useful alternative approach. Concerning with genotypic identification, polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) was applied for identification of Candida species, Cryptococcus albidus, Saccharomyces, Tri...
Wan-Long Zhu1 and Guang Yang2,*
...nt photoperiods in Eothenomys miletus, body mass, food intake, serum leptin levels and hypothalamic neuropeptide neuropeptide Y (NPY), Agouti related peptide (AgRP), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) expressions were measured. The results showed that short photoperiod reduced body mass and body fat mass, and increased food intake. But serum leptin levels showed no significant differences between short photo...
Rashid Mahmood1*, Saima Asad2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Waqar Ahmad1, Ziyad Abdul Qadir1, Ammara Balouch1 and Muhammad Khalid Rafique1
...tion of 1200-1400 hours when foraging ratio was 58.24 ± 3.03 and pollen collection was 134.4±5.49 and during 0800 – 1000 hours when foraging ratio was 48.36 ± 2.84 and pollen collection was 121.8±6.73, whereas, the lowest values were found during 1400-1600 hours when foraging ratio was 44.36 ± 3.36 and pollen collection was 117±3.77. It can b...
Arif Jan,* Abdul Rab, Rooh Ullah, Haroon and Ikram Ullah
...once in March-April and then in October-November.
Sameera Akhtar1*, Muhammad Akram Muneer1, Khushi Muhammad1, Muhammad Yasin Tipu1, Muhammad Anees2, Imran Rashid1, Raza-ur-Rehman3 and Irshad Hussain1
... and functional domains when compared to the representative strains of each genotype including the vaccine strains (genotype II and III). Interestingly, some of these mutations were found exclusive to the study isolate. Not only do these prime findings improve our understanding about currently circulating strains of NDVs but they also help us to envisage potential efforts to avoid future outbreaks in wild birds, as well as in commercial and backyard poultry.
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2* and Syed Shahid Ali3 populations when compared with phosphine-susceptible population. Among developmental stages, the 4th instar larvae possessed higher esterase activities than 6th instar larvae and adult beetles in all populations of T. granarium. The increased level of esterases in phosphine tolerant populations as compared to susceptible population has pointed some correlation between esterase activities and phosphine tolerance.
Amjad Islam Aqib1, Muhammad Ijaz1,*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Riaz Hussain3, Saba Sana2, Shahid Hussain Farooqi1, Kashif Hussain1 and Syed Saleem Ahmad1
...illin, azlocine, chloramphenicol, mupirocin, vancomycin, cefixinme, cefuroxime, and cefotaxime. In contrast to this sulphaphenazole, gentamicin, amikacin, and ciprofloxacin were highly sensitive. Piperacillin, Tazabactam and cinxacin were moderately effective against Staph. aureus. The concluded remarks of research staged Staph. aureus to the most obvious pathogen and widely resistant to antimicrobials camel ma...
Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1,*, Sara Ferrando2, Lorenzo Gallus2 and Abdul Ghaffar3
...g) in brackish water earthen ponds.
Zafar Iqbal1* and Muhammad Khurshid2 
...vity and reproducibility hence, can be adopted for routine detection of ToLCNDV from plant extracts.

 Eman M. Farghaly1, Ahmed Samy1,2*, Heba Roshdy

... methoxazole and Chloramphenicol) and showed dissimilar pattern of resistance to critical important antibiotic group. Salmonella isolates showed antibiotic resistance to Nalidixic acid (100%) and Nitrofurantoin (42.9%). Strict biosecurity measures are required to reduce the incidence of mixed bacterial infection and subsequently reduce the spread of antibiotic resistance genes between bacterial spp.


 Abdul Wajid Khalil and Zafar Iqbal

...49±0.08 g/100g), Phenylalanine (1.77±0.08 g/100g) were recorded higher in roots as compared to the aerial parts of B. procumbens. It is concluded that aerial parts may serve as a supplement for human diet as well as fodder for livestock. Detailed studies on amino acid of roots are recommended to determine and isolate compounds responsible for the specific therapeutic properties.


 Sheraz Ahmed and Fida Mohammad

...ssociated with yield at phenotypic level only. Yield exhibited significantly negative phenotypic correlation with days to flowering. Similarly, yield was positively correlated with leaves per plant, green leaves weight per plot, cured leaves weight per plot and grade index at both phenotypic and genotypic level. Based on findings of the present study, selection among RILs would be more eff...
Abdul Malik1,4, Ghulam Abbas1*, Hameeda Kalhoro2, Illahi Bux Kalhoro3, Syed Sajjad A. Shah4 and Halima Kalhoro3 
...decreased significantly when salinity levels were increased above 25‰. Water quality parameters remained as temperature (28.1±0.2°C), dissolved oxygen (6.10±0.1 ml/l), pH (6.6±0.1 ml/l) and ammonia (0.02±0.004 ml/l) throughout the study period. Taking into consideration the number of fertilized eggs and survival of fry data attained in the present study, a salinity level of 20% is suggested for red tilapia breeding in con...
Cansu Akbulut1,*, Tuğba Kotil2, Burcu Öztürk1 and Nazan Deniz Yön1
...2 for 5 days, and then their ovaries were evaluated using light and transmission electron microscopy. Numerous degenerated follicles with cytoplasmic vacuolization, mitotic catastrophe in mitochondria , chromatin condensation, mitochondrial vesiculation and dispersion at ooplasm were observed. In mitochondria, mitotic catastrophe , vesiculation, swelling and loss of organization of cristae were detected.Here we showed that TiO2 exposure trigge...
Sehrish Rasool1, Zain ul Abdin1,*, Saqi Kosar Abbas2, Sumra Ashraf1, Maryam Anwer1, Atif Manzoor1, Muhammad Tahir1 and Hoor Shaina1
...S.litura 0.50 mm when 4 eggs were placed on each host larvae, whereas mean head width of developing wasp adults were reduced when 20 eggs had been placed. It may be speculated that due to less availability of nutrient resources, head size of the developing wasp was reduced. It may be concluded that intensity of competition among larvae of B. hebetor affects adult size and development that is directly proportion...
Muhammad Shahid1, Iram Amin1,*, Samia Afzal1, Zareen Fatima1, Sadia Zahid1, Usman Ashraf1 and Muhammad Idrees2
...aimed to conduct a comprehensive study at molecular level to determine the main causative serotype of 2013 DENV outbreak in Pakistan. Overall 703 serologically positive suspected patients from different major health centers of Pakistan were registered in present study of which 214 were females and 489 were male. Overall weighted prevalence of PCR positivity was 38% (268). Of the total 268 PCR positive subjects, 0.74%, 56.71%, 15.67% were positive for serotype ...

Erum Bughio1, Ahmed Sultan Jatoi*1, Muzamil Memon2, Reema Bughio3, Pervez Ahmed Khoso4, Zafar Ali Khoso1 and Ali Asghar Baloch5

...nd in the control group when challenged with IBDV, IBD vaccines in the presence of specific maternally antibodies of IBD could no induce antibodies titer 1500 with live vaccines were protective against the IBDV. Based on the findings of present study, it can be concluded that all vaccinated group displayed similar antibody response irrespective of the types of vaccines administration to the chicks.

Salman Khalid1,*, Abdul Rehman2, Mohammad Yasin Amir1, Abdul Rehman1, Imran Sarfaraz1 and Muhammad Asif1

Muhammad Waqas1*, Anwar Ali Shad1, Omaira Bashir2 and Mohsin Iqbal3

...imat’s test and diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) by using 50 to 200 mg/kg carotenoids in sunflower oil and spaghetti. The sunflower oil containing 50 to 200 mg/kg carotenoids showed higher antioxidant activity in comparison to 200 mg/kg Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT). Optimum cooking time, its weight and swelling index were remained same at different level of oil carotenoids tomato peel powder when compared with contro...

M. Abdus Salam1, M. Moynul Haque2, Md. Obaidul Islam3, M. Nasir Uddin4 and Md. Nazmul Haque3*

...nt, branch development, phenology, yield components, yield and fiber quality attributes of cotton. Yield and quality of cotton were significantly higher when crop was grown from seeds stored in polythene bag as compared to cloth bag. Interaction of genotypes and seed sources indicated that highest sympodial branches plant-1 (19.11), days to 50% flowering and boll splitting (72.00 and 156.3...

John G. Bruno

...heir cognate antibodies when captured by their Fc tails on the surface of Protein A-conjugated magnetic beads. While no clear similarities in the partial or complete primary DNA sequences or secondary stem-loop structures of these aptamers were observed, 3-dimensional computer models of these top ten anti-idiotypic aptamer candidates showed some topological similarities which suggest common binding motifs. Unfortunately, without knowledge of the hypervariable ...

Wesam Hasan Mohamed Mady 1*, Bing Liu2, Dong Huang2, A. Arafa1, M.K. Hassan1, M.M. Aly1, Pucheng Chen2, Yongping Jiang2* and Hualan Chen2

...dose. The chickens were then challenged using homogenous AI H9N2 strain. During the course of infections, oropharyngeal and cloacal swabs were collected from all chickens at 3, 5 and 7 days post-challenge (p.c.) for virus titration in eggs. Data indicated that all chickens vaccinated with pCA-Egy-H9 were fully protected without clinical signs and virus shedding. Our results revealed that the pCA-Egy-H9 plasmid DNA vaccine could induce complete protection in ch...

Muhammad Asif Zahoor1, Zeeshan Nawaz1, Abu Baker Siddique1, Sajjad ur Rahman2 and Shahid Ali1*

Sadiq Ali* and Ijaz Ahmad Khan

...ext-align: justify;">Parthenium weed (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) is an annual, herbaceous invasive weed but it is perennial in Pakistan. Parthenium weed is a weed of a national significance in Pakistan. Although, parthenium weed is infesting many parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, but more affected regions are Peshawar valley and Hazara division whe...
Xiang Nong1,2,3,*, Yao-jun Yang1,2, Guang-you Yang3, Feng-zheng Chen2, Mei Tang1,2 and Gang Wang2
...we found an interesting phenomenon, that is, the dead state of mites treated with stigmasterol was similar to that of mites of the positive control group treated with fenvalerate. Furthermore, the dead state of mites treated with stigmasterol was different from that of mites of the negative control group. This result confirmed the insecticidal activity of stigmasterol. We conducted a thorough research on the insecticidal molecular mechanism of stigmasterol to ...
Matiyar Rahaman Khan1,*, Sabyasachi Pal2, Ghule Tushar Manohar2, Somnath Bhattacharyya3, Amit Singh4, Prahlad Sarkar5 and Samuel Lalliansanga6
...e stages, beta-esterase phenotype and amplification of rDNA and partial sequence homology of ITS-1and ITS-2. Host differential tests confirmed the race 2 of M. incognita infecting passion fruit. Pathogenic relationship with the passion fruit was proved through inoculation studies and inoculated plants also produced almost similar above-ground symptoms and profuse root galling. The pathogenic potential of M. incognita on passion fruit was determin...
Yi-qiang Ouyang1, Zhen-xin Liang1, Shi-wen Huang2, Ying Zhang3, Shao-shi Luo1, Jin-ning Liang1, Jia-fu Li1, Yu He4 and Song-chao Guo1,*
...uce acute senility, and then injecting them with β amyloid fragment 1-42 and ibotenic acid into the bilateral hippocampus led to significant learning and memory deficits in the Morris water maze test. Pathology analysis of treated animals showed obvious gliosis and neurofibrillary tangles in the cerebral hippocampal area. These results suggest that the tree shrew can recapitulate the major features of AD pathogenesis. To provide the basis for further stud...

Muhammad Noor, Hidayat ur Rahman and Muhammad Iqbal of genetic nature and hence, could be effectively utilized in maize breeding programs for developing popcorn varieties having early maturity and accompanied with other desirable attributes.

Muhammad Tahirand Memoona Shehzadi*
...ificantly maximum 1000 achene weight, achene yield, biological yield, harvest index and protein content were recorded where seed inoculation with PGPR-1 + PGPR-2 and full dose of recommended chemical was applied during both the growing seasons. Overall the performance of sunflower was better in spring as compared to autumn season. However, it was also noted that the combination of PGPR-1 + PGPR-2 and half recommended doses o...
Ahmed Mujtaba1, Tariq Masud1, Asif Ahmad1, Waqar Ahmed3, Saqib Jabbar3* and Robert E. Levin2
...f chlorogenic acid were then applied against different bacterial strains for antibacterial activity. The minimum inhibitory concentration of isolated compound was also measured. Two antibiotics were used as references compounds for antibacterial activities. The aqueous ethanolic extract having 968.125 µg/ml of chlorogenic acid inhibited significantly the growth of tested bacterial strains. Among the bacterial strain tested Salmonella entritidis an...
Mustafa Cengiz1*, Jama Hussein Ali2, H. Mehtap Kutlu2, Djanan Vejselova2 and Adnan Ayhanci3
..., showed better results when compared to Group 5, given EA after D-GaIN, in terms of histopathological and biochemical values. In conclusion, EA might play an important role in repairing D-GaIN-induced liver damage both as a protective and a therapeutic agent.

 Sitansu Pan and Amrita Das

Evaluation of shelf life of some value added organic formulations of Trichoderma harzianum
...eased up to 60 days and then gradually declined. Among the four organic media, vermicompost retained 21.3 x 10 c.f.u./g at 120 days where as leaf mold,FYMand rice bran retained 20.1 x 10 c.f.u./g, 17.3 x 10 c.f.u./g and 15.1 x 10 c.f.u. /g of substrate respectively at 120 days of incubation. When oilcake was amended with organic material, vermicompost + mustard cake produced high population of the antagonist upto 60 days.

M.K. Pandit,P. K. Pal and B. K. Das

Effect of date of sowing on flowering and incidence and damage of melon fruit fly in snap melon Cucumis melo var.momordica genotypes
... was affected the least when sown in January or March by fruit fly. Considering earliness, total number of fruits per plant and moderately lower fruit fly incidence,BCSM-4 andBCSM- 8 may possibly perform better than the other genotypes in the lower Gangetic plain if sown during end of January.



1Parvin Noor and 2Md. Nashir Uddin

Morphological changes of different castes of the subterranean termites (Odontotermes proformosanus) in fungus combs of termitophiles
...have the extra-ordinary phenomena of making fungus combs inside the termitophiles. Considering the consistency of fungus-bed in the termitophiles, an attempt has been made to observe the morphological changes of nymphs while they stayed within the fungus comb. Biological attributes indicated that Odontotermes proformosanus are polymorphic in nature and have exopterygote post-metamorphic development. During the period of study, eggs and nymphs were collected in...

1Bikash Ranjan Ray and 2Mrinal Kanti Dasgupta

Management of root holoparasite Aeginetia pedunculata of (Orobanchaceae), causing wilt of sugarcane by trap and catch crops
....; NaOCl, TTC (2,3,5-triphenyl tetrazolium chloride) and GR24-a strigol analogue) and growth of the parasite on excised root pieces of prevalent crop cultivars including sugarcane, were evaluated in A. pedunculata infested sugarcane field for their (crops) efficacy to deplete or recharge the parasite seeds in soil. Rice (Oryza sativa L.), maize (Zea mays L.), pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides Staph. & Hubbard.), italian millet (Setaria italica (L.) Breauv...

A. K. Chaubey and Satyandra Kumar

Bio-management of root knot nematode and root rot disease by antagonistic fungi and rhizobacteria
... and bacterial CF in earthen pots filled with amended soil. Seven days after transplanting, the seedlings were inoculated with second stage juveniles of M. incognita @ 2J2/g soil. The exposure of M. incognita eggs and juveniles to the culture filtrates showed high inhibition in egg hatching and caused high mortality of juveniles than the control (P< 0.05). The microorganisms which caused high nematicidal activity also showed antifungal activity in dual plat...

K.N. Ahmed and M.R. Hasan

Sudden outbreak of mealy bug and armoured scale causing severe damage to economic crops in Bangladesh
... The females develop parthenogenetically. It is a sucking pest and mainly feeds on citrus. Its secondary hosts include fig, apple, almond, guava etc. Due to severe infestation, premature falling of leaves occurs. The ber or plum scale, Aonidia ziziphi Rah. was recorded from Rajshahi, Bangladesh as a serious pest of ber or plum plant damaging the leaves and immature fruits during December-January, 2007. The female reproduces parthen

S. K. Dutta, S. Roy Chowdhuri, D. Pandit and A. K. Bajpai

Rot diseases of muga host, Som (Persea bombycina) in Assam, India
...fected with rot disease when it grows older. Phellinus contigus (under Polyporaceae), a white rot fungus, causes heart rot disease and Biscogniauxia mediterranea (= Hypoxylon mediterranea) (under Xylariaceae) causes canker rot disease of Som plant. A survey was conducted to study the infection of rotting pathogens on Som plants at Regional Muga Research Station (RMRS), Boko, Assam, India with during 2004-06. The disease incidence (DI %) caused by B. mediterran...

Sitansu Pan and Amrita Das

Population proliferation and spread of Trichoderma spp. in soil under two different delivery systems
...antagonists were faster when they were applied through organic based inoculums over that of seed based inoculums from the point of application. Similarly population proliferation and spread of the antagonist was more rapid in sterilized soil followed by solarised soil and natural soil respectively. Among the two species of Trichoderma, T. harzianum have spread faster than T. viride.


SK Fashi Alam, Atanu Seni and Ajoy K Sahoo

Biology of the mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Pseudococcidae: Hemiptera) on sprouted potato and brinjal plant
...ology of the mealy bug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley was studied on brinjal plant and sprouted potato tubers in the laboratory. The female nymphs moulted three times for becoming adults while the male took four moultings. The female and male nymphs completed development in 14.45± 0.96 days and 19.53±1 days, respectively on brinjal plant at 20-36.2° C temperature and 15.1±1 days and 18±0.82 days respectively on sprouted potato....

A. Regupathy and R. Ayyasamy

Initiatives of papain industry by private-public-farmer link-ages in classical biocontrol program for papaya mealybug in Tamil Nadu
...not give relief. Later, when the exotic parasitoid was imported by NBAII, Bangalore, the papain industry wholeheartedly supported the training programmes by deploying its field staff in release and multiplication of the parasitoid. For enabling initial multiplication of the released parasitoids, farmers of heavily infested papaya fields were compensated for the yield loss to serve as field-mass-multiplication-strategy. Further, the farmers of neighbouring fiel...

P.S. Ajith, K.K. Lakshmesha, S. Mahadev Murthy and N. Lakshmidevi

Botanicals for control of anthracnose of bell peppers incidence is recoded when compared to untreated control. In pot experiments, there is an increase in height and weight of the plants by 22% and 44% respectively in seeds treated with C. aromaticus when compared to chemical fungicide Bavistin and also 13% reduction in disease incidence is observed when compared to untreated control. From the results it is evident that C. aromaticus were ...

Md Riton Choudhury, Koushik Brahmachari, Sudeshna Kar and Rupayan Deb

Integration of weed management practices in rice-potato-groundnut cropping sequence
...bited the maximum yield when treated with two hand weedings, but it may be profitably replaced by the application of herbicides. From the point of eco-safety measures and economy, combination of hand weeding and mulching can be judiciously recommended in potato and groundnut.


Biswajit Pramanick, Sruti Karmakar, Koushik Brahmachari, Rupayan Deb 

An integration of weed management practices in potato un-der New Alluvial soil
...o was Cyperus rotundas, Chenopodium album, Anagallis arvensis and Fumaria purviflora. The results revealed that the maximum tuber yield and return per rupee invested vis-à-vis the maximum N, P, K uptake by potato and the minimum uptake of N, P and K by weeds emerged in the potato field were recorded under the treatment T3 (hand weeding at 20 DAP along with mulching) which was closely followed by the treatment T9 (Pendimethalin @1kg a.i. ha-1 along with ...

A. Sajeena and T. Marimuthu

Efficacy, stability and persistence of Ganosol, a Ganoderma based fungicide against plant pathogens
...n. Two isoforms of poly phenol oxidase, PPO 1 and PPO 3 were observed to be induced only in Ganosol 10EC sprayed plants and were absent in control. The formulation was tested to have good emulsion stability. The antifungal activity of the formulation persisted up to seven days after spraying the formulation on rice plants. The formulation retained its 100% antifungal efficacy up to three months of storage. Surprisingly, spraying cowpea plants with the formulat...

Dipak Mandal, Paramita Bhowmik, Pronobesh Halder and M. L. Chatterjee

Determination of relative toxicity and base line data of dif-ferent insecticides against cotton mealybug (Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley)
...phs of cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis in the Department of Agricultural Entomology, Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya (BCKV), Mohanpur during 2012. Both treated food untreated insect and treated food treated insect methods were followed. The lowest LC50 values through treated food untreated insect method were recorded in chlorpyriphos 20 EC (226 ppm) and dichlorvos 75 EC (282 ppm) in treated food treated insect method, which was 8.89 and 7.13 times...

Goutam Samui and S. Jha

Biology, seasonal incidence and management of Apsylla cistellata Bucton. on mango in West Bengal
...from midrib of leaf and then entered into the gall which they formed on the emerging vegetative buds resulting in total failure of such buds to put forth inflorescence properly. Repeated spraying without proper knowledge on the life cycle did not give good result in managing the pest. Hence, application of insecticides had to be synchronized with the emergence of nymphs. To manage the shoot gall psylla, mechanical control (P...

Someshwar Bhagat and Sitansu Pan

Comparative ecological behaviour of some pre- and post-tsunami isolates of Trichoderma harzianum and T. viride from Andaman & Nicobar Islands
...hizosphere colonization when the competition of other organisms withdrawn compared to natural and sun dried soil. Both competitive parasitic behaviour and rhizosphere colonization was low in post-Tsunami isolates of Trichoderma. The chlamydospore inoculum was found best in percentage colonization of sclerotia of boh R. solani and S. rolfsii, followed by mycelial and conidial inoculum. The isolate ThrAN-5 (T. harzianum) was most efficient in parasitizing the sc...

Dhananjoy Mandal 2K. Baral 3M. K. Dasgupta

Developing site-specific appropriate precision agriculture
...n a row, were the best. When information on the detailed soil survey, RS (Remote Sensing) generated geo informatics (Global Positioning System, GPS; Geographical Information System, GIS) including geo-referenced thematic maps, image analysis, geostatistics for spatial analysis, land, soil and physiography, farmers’ socio-economic status, meteorological data, crop suitability, crop and pest management, processing strategy and transport, market arrival, de...

T. P. Ghosh, D. Mandal, S. Laha and M. K. Dasgupta 

Dynamics and severity model in managing fungal diseases
...ppears in one case, and when some intensity has been achieved in all other cases. Where validated this approach may be a useful tool in plant protection, especially supervisory management and appropriate IPM.



Sujoy Mondal and S. S. Ghatak

Bioefficacy of some indigenous plant extracts against epilachna beetle (Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata Fabr.) infesting cucumber
Bao-Ming Ge* Dai-Zhen Zhang, Qiu-Ning Liu, Sen-Hao Jiang, Jun Cui, Chun-Lin Zhou and Bo-Ping Tang
...a reclaimed coast in Yancheng, China. The aggregated distribution of A. vulgare population was found by Taylor’s power law and Iowa’s patchiness regression methods in each season (P< 0.001). The abundances were markedly affected by habitat type (F5,120 = 49.409, P < 0.001) and season (F3,120 = 13.577, P < 0.001), however, there was no significant interaction of habitat type and season (F15,120 = 0.52...
Freeha John, Noor Abid Saeed*, Sajid Nadeem and Muhammad Hamed 
... week of February when crops were at booting stage (crop 1), at flag leaf stage (crop 2) and at 2nd node stage (crop 3). Decline of aphid population was observed in mid March. The highest aphid population was recorded in mid-Dec sown crop followed by end-Nov and mid-Nov sown crops. Two applications of insecticide were used to control aphids during the season. Aphid infestations were higher in untreated plots of mid-Dec sown crop followed by en...
Burhan Azam1, Muhammad Naeem Tahir2,*, Faisal Shahzad2, Abdul Ghaffar3, Ghulam Abbas4, Madiha Gohar5 and Saima1
...on of 15 g/day (T3) and then dropped. The yield of milk protein, fat, solids not fat and lactose were not affected (P>0.05). Milk fat, solids not fat and lactose concentrations differed (P<0.001) among the treatments but did not show (P>0.05) any linear or quadratic trends with increasing level of enzyme in the diet. Milk protein concentration linearly (P<0.001) increased with increasing level of enzyme in the diets. It is concluded that fibrolytic...
1Sitesh Chatterjee, 1Chirasree Gangopadhyay and 2Santosh Kumar Roy
...rantraniliprole granule when applied in seedbed followed by spraying of chlorantraniliprole in the main-field or chlorantraniliprole granule application. Chlorantraniliprole granule application along with spraying of same chemical provided the best result against white heads due to stem borer followed by chlorantraniliprole granule application in seedbed or the same granular application in the main-field along with spraying of chlorantraniliprole/flubendiamide...

Mahmoud Said1*, Abd El Satar Arafa1, Mohammed A. Rohaim2* and Hussein A. Hussein2

...oute. Birds (n=20) were then either challenged with 106 EID50 using Egyptian avian influenza H5N1 and Newcastle disease genotype VII. Comparative blood profiling in vaccinated and challenged, non-vaccinated and non-challenged and non-vaccinated and challenged indicated that MDA for H5N1 gradually decreased from 5.1 to 0.4 log2 and disappeared with in a month. While MDA for NDV remained 2.1 log2 until 28th day of age, the Geometric mean titers (GMT) for H5 were...
Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1,*, Riyadh S. Aljumaah1, Moez Ayadi1 and Shabana Naz2
...ntly (P<0.05) higher when compared with the control. In conclusion, trace mineral boluses supplementation to pregnant ewes at late gestation improved minerals status of the ewes and their newborns at parturition and consequently enhanced body weight.
Wenqiao Hui1, Jishun Tang1, Dejian Zhu1, Qian Ban2* and Sheng Chen1* stages of goats, and then determined the role of leptin to activate signaling pathways which modulate the expression of hypothalamic genes involved in reproduction and metabolism. We found that leptin significantly upregulated the LEPR in the adipose tissue of goat at the puberty onset stage. Moreover, we observed that LEPR, JAK2, STAT3 (P<0.05), KISS1 (P<0.05) were also upregulated in the hypothalamic tissue, except NPY, which was downregulated. Take...
Muzammil Sattar
...ysoperla carnea (Stephens). Results show that proteins play a vital role in the fecundity, fertility and all the biological parameters of F1 for mass rearing. The tested proteins were: Casein, Protein hydrolysate, Torula yeast and Nu lure. Al these proteins were tested in laboratory at four concentrations, i.e., 1, 3, 5 and 7 mg/ml in diet. Significantly higher fecundity 785.12±25.7, fertility 89.23±0.36 % of eggs and longer...
Muhammad Ashfaq,1 Shamim Akhtar,2 Saleem Akhtar2,* and Mariyam Masood2 Cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) is an invasive and major pest on cotton. Aenasius bambawalei (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) is an effective parasitoid of mealybug and has been the backbone of the biological control program of cotton mealybug in Pakistan, but its multiplication for inundative releases has been impacted by a hyperparasitoid, Promuscidea unfasciativentris Girault (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae: E...
Mehwish Faheem1,*, Saba Khaliq2 and Khalid Parvez Lone2
...hemicals e.g. bisphenol-A can alter fish reproduction. Vitellogenin (vtg) is the egg yolk precursor and used as a biomarker for estrogenic endocrine disruption. To elucidate the endocrine-disrupting effect of bisphenol-A, juvenile Catla catla was exposed to graded concentrations of bisphenol-A (10,100,1000μg/l) for 14 days. BPA exposure strongly elevates vtg ...
Azhar Abbas Khan1,*, Arif Muhammad Khan2 and Muhammad Afzal3
...nctata was observed when host plants were added with aphids. But was no significant difference in most of the combinations except wheat with aphids (3.8889±0.4554). The fresh leaves of rose, citrus, brassica and wheat (1.2±0.2006, 1.3556±0.1416, 1.5778±0.1829, 2.1444±0.2027, respectively) attracted significantly more numbers of C. septempunctata as compared to control and aphids alone (0.7667±0.1204 and 0.83...

Khurram Shahzad and Mohammad Akmal*

...d traits at 140 kg ha-1 when NAR was applied as treatment NAT2 and NAT3 as compared to any other application timings. Treatment 140 kg N ha-1 showed the highest grain and biomass yield of wheat in a cereal based cropping system i.e. maize-wheat in rotation. The results concluded that wheat crop fertilized with 140 kg ha-1 preferably in three splits for sustainable farming system for Peshawar climate and surroundings.

Madiha Hashmi1, Abid Hussain1, Shafiq ur Rehman1, Farida Ahmed2, Shahbaz Aslam3,Nadeem Afzal4 and Zaigham Abbas1,*
...Centre, NIH, Islamabad. Then samples were analysed at the Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University of the Punjab, Lahore during the study period expanded from August 2014 to February 2015 for the presence of HLA-DRB1*11 and HLA-DRB1*12 allele using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). While total level of Immunoglobulin E (IgE) was measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) in all serum samples. This study indicated th...
Muhammad Imran Shabbir
...and their genotypic and phenotypic outcomes in offspring. In this way, simple illustrations incorporate a considerable amount of information that provides the opportunity to determine genotype and phenotype probabilities for monogenic Mendelian traits without the need to draw Punnett square for every parental genotype combination. These illustrations provide information for both forward (phen<...

Niamatullah Khan1*, Najeeb Ullah2, Inam Ullah2 and Asif Imran Shah1

...ring and boll formation when temperature was much cold that adversely affected cotton yield. The results further illustrated that, genotype DNH-105 ranked first for plant population, sympodia per plant, bolls per plant, weight per boll and seed cotton yield when sown on April 01. CIM-616 was the 2nd suitable variety under April 01 sowing. Earlier and later planting produced lower cotton yields due to unfavorable environment ...
Shuangye Wang1, Yunlin Zhao1, Zhenggang Xu1,2,*, Li Li3, Liang Wu1, Choucang Duan1 and Jiao Peng1


...urred after 14:00 hours when the frequency was the highest. Moving behaviour was split into a non-behaviour period, fluctuation period, low-ebb period, and peak period. Vigilant behaviour was influenced by external factors, and peaks appeared suddenly after the disturbance occurred. Resting behaviour occupied most of the daytime hours during the adaptive phase, and the proportion was higher than other behavioural types except two times, resting behaviour decre...
Adnan Yousaf1,Jia Wu1, Qaiser Shakeel2, Yasir Iftikhar3, Muhammad Irfan Ullah4, Uzma Tahira5,Mustansar Mubeen1 and Wubei Dong1,*
... knot pathogen enhanced when it was integrated with bio-products. It was hypothesized that direct antagonism and defense by bio-product enhance the resistance in chili cultivars. So, T. harzianum is an efficient biological control for integrated management of chili plants under controlled condition cultivation. To explore the nature of resistance response of C-33 to M. incognita and S. rolfsii further research is needed. 
Yijin He1, Song Ma2, Bo Liu1,*, Ting Xue1, Qunlan Zhou1, Wu Jin1 and  Kui Chen2,*
...eceptors. The receptors when compared with T. rubripes, there was 99.2% identity in two kinds ORF sequences, with only 7 bases different, and there were 5 amino acids different between speculated fusion proteins. Under bioinformatics analysis, the T2R1 gene without introns was consistent with the structural domains characteristics of this family genes. The translation protein of T2R1 gene displayed with corresponding signal loci and functi...

Muhammad Ibrahim and Ahmad Khan*

...ement in crop stand and phenological occurrence is not well understood. Therefore field studies were conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar-Pakistan to quantify the effects of mulching techniques and nitrogen management on maize (Zea mays L) phenology and crop stand in 2013 and 2014. Treatments included mulching techniques (i.e. no-mulch, residue, transparent and blue colour plastic) and ...
Kanwer Shahzad Ahmed1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1,*, Muhammad Ather Rafi2, Fatima Sellami3 and Muhammad Afzal1

Ahmed Zein Elabdeen Mahmoud1, Muaz Magzob Abdellatif2* and Mohamed Abdelsalam Abdalla3

...say were positive (n=6) when ovine sera were tested. The study revealed that PPR-FMD viruses were circulating in the region and warrants proper control measures. 

Wali Khan1, Naushad Khan2 and Shaista Naz2*

...n be overcome by a comprehensive program focusing on the provision of low cost inputs, pesticides/insecticides, modern techniques and trainings, and value chain market facilities at the local and regional level. 

Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,Waqas Wakil2 andMuhammad Hussnain Babar3;1.11 %) was observed when larvae were treated with NPV (1x107 POB/ml) against 2nd and 4th instar larvae. This study would be helpful to use NPV and flubendiamide in IPM under field conditions to control S. litura on cauliflower.

Raza Ullah1*, Qaisar Shah Safi2, Ghaffar Ali3 and Irfan Ullah

...-harvest contractor who then harvest the orchard, pack the produce and transport it to the market where the produce is handed to wholesalers. Wholesalers then channel the produce to retailer from where the ultimately consumers buy the product. It was also observed that considerable marketing margins were taken by the marketing intermediaries in the citrus value chain. It is recommended that the post-harvest management/market...

Kamran A. Awan1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal3

... in season for Peshawar when sowing was postponed from December 5. Early planting delayed days to anthesis and maturity, which otherwise extended grain development phase of the crop. Among varieties, Ghanemat-2015 showed better grain yield for a relatively longer duration i.e. December 5-15 over the others varieties. Atta-Habib also performed relatively better for sowing made on November 25 and Chakwal-50 on November 15. Overall GY reduced w
Muhammad Tariq Saeed1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1, Mumtaz Akhtar Cheema2, Muhammad Shahid1, Abdul-Shakoor1, Abdul-Sattar3

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan*, Shah Saud Ahmad and Asif Nawaz 

...bles on larger areas and hence achieved significant yield of these selected vegetables in the study area. It is suggested that steps should be taken so that the participation of farmers in general body meetings and elections of FSC should be enhanced so that the trust of farmers be developed and they would be able to reach the solution of their problems. Timely availability of vegetable seeds along with subsidy should be ensured so that farmers can avail this ...
Mohammad Umar Farooq1*, Sarfaraz Ahmad2, Ghulam Nabi1, Ijaz Ali1 and Imtiaz Ahmad1
...te methods, weighed and then oven dried at 60 oC to find out the dry weight for above pytomass carbon Mg C ha-1 (Brown and Lugo, 1982). Similarly, the same 1 m2 quadrate area was dug up to the depth of root zone for each grass and the root portion was separated, weighed, oven dried at 60 Co for estimating below ground pytomass carbon Mg C ha-1. Carbon pool in above ground phtyomass was 0.08 MgCha-1

Syed Tanveer Shah* and Muhammad Sajid 

...elative humidity of 50%, hence recommended for the grower of Peshawar valley.  

Furqan Sabir1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Bushra Muneer2, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Ali Raza Awan1, Naeem Rashid3, Muhammad Wasim1 and Sehrish Firyal1
...of recombinant phytase, when the recombinant cells were induced with 1.4 mM IPTG with the post induction time of 6 hours. PHYTN showed maximal activity at 80°C in 50 mM sodium acetate buffer pH 6. Presence of Fe3+ or Cu2+ showed an enhancing effect on the PHYTN activity. Thermostability studies demonstrated that PHYTN retains 88% residual activity when the protein wa...
Ambreen Butt1, Uzma Malik2, Khadija Waheed3, Amna Khanum3, Samar Firdous4, Sara Ejaz5 and Fawad Randhawa2, Tania Shakoori6*
...=41). GDM was diagnosed when fasting blood sugar levels were 95 mg/dL or above. The levels were compared using Mann Whitney U test. Multiple linear regression was used to investigate the association of cobalamin with fasting blood sugar level after adjusting for gestational age and gravidity. ROC curve analysis was conducted to assess the suitability cobalamin as a predictive biomarker for GDM. Median cobalamin were significantly reduced in cases (108.95&plusm...
Fang Wang, Yong-Fang Jia, Po Wang, Qi-Yan Du and Zhong-Jie Chang* differentiation, and then to reveal the molecular mechanism.


Mohsan Ullah Goraya1,2, Liaqat Ali1,2 and Iqra Younis3  

...ainst viral infections. When specific cellular receptors recognize a virus they trigger the translation of inflammatory cytokine and chemokines leading to establishment of an antiviral state of the host. In this review, we discuss the recent understanding in host responses to avian viral infection and their impact in health and disease. 

Masooma Munir1,2*, Aqsa Qayyum1, Saeeda Raza1, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui1, Amer Mumtaz1, Naeem Safdar1, Sahar Shible1, Sohaib Afzal3, Saiqa Bashir4
...ral analysis, total polyphenol content and mineral analysis of basil seeds was conducted. Result revealed that basil seeds are not only good source of fiber and protein but they provide appreciable amount of minerals and phenolic compounds. Swollen basil seeds were used to prepare beverage at three supplementation levels i.e. 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4%. Sensory evaluation of basil seed drink revealed that 0.3% basil seeds supplemente...
Jie Wu1, Jiagui Zhu2, Ke Wang2, Dejing Cai2, Yingying Liu1, Yanzhen Bu1,* and Hongxing Niu1,*

Lucas Pedroso Colvero1, Paulo Eduardo Brandão2*, Cesar Alejandro Rodriguez Rosales2, Hanny Swam3 and Laura Yaneth Buitrago Villarreal1 


...mulsions are overlooked when compared to antigenic properties. This study was designed to assess the effect of two different commercial inactivated water-in-oil multivalent vaccines; vaccine A contains IBV (Massachusetts M41 and D274 strains), NDV (Clone 30), aMPV (BUT 8544) and IBDV (classic strain) whereas vaccine B contains IBV (Massachusetts M41 and a Brazil type strain), NDV (LaSota strain), aMPV (TRT strain) and IBDV (GP82 strain). Viscosity values for v...

Zahid Mehmood*, Alam Zeb and Muhammad Ayub 

...tratable acidity, total phenolic compounds, antioxidant activity, ascorbic acid) and organoleptic characteristics (flavor, color, texture and overall acceptability). The results revealed decrease (P<0.05) in pH, ascorbic acid, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity while increase in acidity, total soluble solids during six months storage. Decrease in score of organoleptic attributes was recorded during the storage. ...

Zaheer Abbas*, Shaukat Ali, Jalal-Ud-Din and Ghulam M. Ali* 

...n (58.33%) was observed when embryogenic calli were placed on N6 medium supplemented with 60 gL-1 sucrose and 1 mgL-1 NAA for one week initially in dark and then three weeks on MS medium augmented with 2 gL-1 myo-inositol and 20 gL-1 sucrose under 16/8 hours light/dark photoperiod. The study confirmed that embryogenic type II calli obtained from half of coleoptilar node of maize seedling is fully capable to regenerate into w...
Asmatullah Kaka2, Wahid Haron1,*, Rosnina Yusoff 1, Nurhusien Yimer1,  A.M Khumran1, Akeel Ahmed Memon2, Kazhal Sarsaifi1 andMahdi Ebrahimi3
...s at 5oC and then packaged in 0.25ml straws and stored into liquid nitrogen for 24 hours. Successively, thawing and evaluation was performed for sperm motility, viability, membrane integrity, morphology, malondialdehyde (MDA), fatty acid composition and super oxide dismutase (SOD). Sperm characteristics such as sperm motility, viability, morphology, membrane integrity, and acrosome integrity were decreased in treated groups. DHA concentration was in...
Zia-ur-Rehaman1, Naila Chand1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Rifat Ullah Khan2,*
... in first two weeks and then chicks were divided into two groups: TN and HAT zones. Chicks in TN group were housed at constant room temperature, while chicks in HAT zone were kept at high ambient temperature. Chicks in each group were further divided into four sub groups. Each sub group was further subdivided into four replicates having ten chicks per replicate. Blood was collected on weekly basis from day 21 to 42. Mean serum antibody titer against Newca...

 Zabih Ullah*, H. Rahman and Niaz Muhammad

... 76.5, respectively) and hence proved to be the earliest maturing hybrid. It also had desirable plant and ear height of 148.80 cm and 70.00 cm, respectively. The present study revealed considerable amount of variation among the tested hybrids that may be exploited in future breeding programs for developing early maturing maize hybrids accompanied with other desirable attributes.  


Trinh Thi Viet Ha1, Pham Duy Liem2 and Li Shuang1* 

...products can also strengthen the cooperation. Moreover, complementarity is increasing, through the calculation, Sino-Vietnam trade complementarity index showed an upward trend, which indicates Sino-Vietnam have a potential trade cooperation 

Shengyan Su, Zaijie Dong*, Wenbin Zhu, Lanmei Wang and Jianjun Fu YN response (19.4%). When the YN effect had a fixed accumulated value, the value reflected its compensatory like growth degree, i.e., no catch-up like growth in one group means no YN effect in one group can be detected. Heilongjiang carp ♂ × Jian carp ♀ (Yj) combination had the highest catch-up like growth degree and the Heilongjiang carp ♂ × Heilongjiang carp ♀ (Yy) combination had no compensatory like growth. Reference ...
Liana Mihaela Fericean1* and Mihaela Corneanu2
...he aphids gave birth parthenogenetically to three generations of fundatrigenous. In July, the winged form migrated to the secondary host, where successive generations have been born through parthenogenetic reproduction. Gynopara in October return to the primary host and give birth to wingless oviparae that mate with males and lay winter eggs. The biometrical measurements of Aphis nasturtii help to complete knowledge o...

Amjad Ali1*, Sher Aslam Khan2, Abid Farid2, Ayub khan2, Shah Masaud Khan2 and Naushad Ali2 

... yield at genotypic and phenotypic levels. 


Arshad Iqbal1*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1 and Muhammad Sharif Kakar

...eld had strong positive phenotypic and genetic correlation with heading, maturity, flag leaf area and biological yield. Spring wheat genotype SM12 had best performance for grains spike-1 and grain weight spike-1 should be further tested at different location of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for possible release as a new cultivar.  


Sikandar Hayat, Khalid Usman* and Muhammad Tahir Amin yield (5352 kg ha-1) when grown at 30 cm row spacing and fertilized with N placement method. The overall results indicated that N placement method along with 30 cm row spacing is quite feasible in zero tillage wheat having no clogging problem to wheat seeder besides higher yield (5352 kg ha-1) and economic return as evident from the BCR data (3.80). 

Jiandong Wu, Miao Ye and Zaigui Wang*
... ethanol ratio of 1:30. Then, the AB-8 resin was selected for the purification of flavonoids due to the higher static adsorption and adsorption capacity than other resins. The optimum conditions for purifying flavonoids as follows: for adsorption, sample concentration was 2.542 mg·mL-1, pH was 3.7, processing volume was 4 BV; flow rate was 2 BV·h-1; temperature was 25°C. For desorption, elution solvent ethanol-water (95%...
Müge Aliye Hekimoğlu*, Cüneyt Süzer,Şahin Saka andKürşat Firat
...ifferent anaesthetics 2-phenoxyethanol and clove oil on the sedation of some aquarium fish species. The induction and recovery times were determined at five stages of melanistic and not melanistic clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) and different sexes of Swordfish (Xiphophorus helleri). Clownfish were tested with 0.4, 0.6 and 0.8 ml/l phenoxyethanol and 0.5, 1 and 1.5 ml/l clove oil. Swordfish were tested with 1,...
Mahreen Yahya, Noor Abid Saeed*, Sajid Nadeem, Muhammad Hamed and Sajid Shokat 
... (1:9.2) in NW-1-8183-8 when treated against aphids. Wheat varieties, Galaxy-13 and Faisalabad-08 were found tolerant against aphid damage. Wheat variety Lasani-08 should be avoided because it was found susceptible to aphid infestations, and give low net yield. It is inferred that infestation of aphids significantly reduced the grain yield when not protected by insecticide. Insecticide protected crops give maximum net return...
Tahira*, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan and Mubashar Ahmad Khan
...yielding. Genotypic and phenotypic correlations studies revealed that number of pods per plant had highly significant positive correlation with seed yield. The results of path coefficient analysis indicated that in both years, the direct effects of pod length and number of pods per plant on grain yield were positive and of high magnitude. Finally, it was concluded that the trait pods per plant can be exploited for the improvement of seed yield in rapeseed.
Liushuai Hua1,3, Shiping Gong1,*, Xiangjing Zhong2, Jun Tao2, Yu Chen2 and Jieming Deng2 
...nce (P< 0.01) when the ambient temperature is not cold enough for normal hibernation. These findings can provide technical guidance for safe overwintering of big-headed turtles in captivity, and will help facilitate conservation of this endangered freshwater turtle species.
Zhenyu Chang1, Hui Zhang1, Khalid Mehmood1,2, Mujeeb Ur Rehman1, Xiaodan Yuan1, Zhaoyang Li1, Fazul Nabi1, Xiaoxing Wu1, Xinxin Tian1, Xueting Liu1, Jingen Xu3 and Donghai Zhou1,*
...elial cells of piglets. Then the effects of intestinal trefoil factor (TFF3) in intestinal disease was explored. Porcine intestinal epithelial cells were treated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and recombinant human (rh) TFF3. Cell proliferation and TFF3 mRNA expression were examined by 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assays and real-time quantitative PCR, respectively. The results showed t...
Boran Karataş, Muhammed Arabaci and Şükrü Önalan*
...e study lasted 80 days. When the growth parameters in polycultures of rainbow trout and brown trout are considered, it was determined that the growth rates were not statistically different between rainbow trout monoculture and rainbow trout G75K25 and G50K50 groups, however rainbow trout in G66K34 experienced statistically significantly less growth when compared to others (p<0.05). Growth parameters of brown trout ...
Ehab Bo Trabi1,2, Xianjun Yuan1, Junfeng Li1, Zhihao Dong1, Assar Ali Shah2 and Tao Shao1,2,*
... incubated at 25°C. Then, 90 days later, the fermentation quality of tested silages was analyzed. No significant difference was found between the control and treated groups in term of dry matter (DM), neutral determgent fibre (NDF), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and water soluble carbohydrate (WSC). Acetic acid was significantly (P<0.05) low in G2 and G3, while propionic acid and yeast was significantly (P<0.05) low in LAB2. Gas production (GP 72) was s...
Amtul Jamil Sami1,*, Madeeha Khalid1, Rehman Shehzad1, Sana Mughal1 and A.R. Shakoori2 compared to controls when placental lactogen was applied. Increase weight gain for visceral tissues like kidney, liver, muscle and lungs was also observed, as compared to control subjects. It was also recorded that the exogenous supply of bubaline PL reduces fat cells in the hypodermal layer of skin.
Karim El-Sabrout* and Mohamed H. Khalil
...12 h of light (natural) then 12 h of complete darkness (G1); and 12 h of light (natural) then 12 h of LED lighting (G2). From the obtained results, there were no significant effects of complement LED lighting” after effect on hatchability percent and dead embryos. There were differences observed in chick performance between the two groups, chick weight at hatch was significantly heavier in group of eggs exposed to comp...

Muhammad Anas1, Abdul Jabbar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar2*, Raza Ullah1, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar3, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Sohail Latif5 

...d significantly higher achene yield than rest of the planting patterns under study. As regard sunflower-mungbean intercropping system all intercrops gave more economic returns than sole cropping of sunflower and mungbean and planting 6 sunflower plants + 30 mungbean plants m-2 proved to be superior with respect to grain yield and net economic return per unit area. Sunflower appeared to be dominant crop as was indicated by its higher values of competitive ratio...
Jing Xin Mao1,2, Guo Wei Wang2, Yuan She Huang3, Rui Wang2, Guo Ze Wang4, Bing Zeng1 and Fu Yuan Zuo1,*
... disease than Landrace. When Rongchang pig and Landrace were 0 day old, the expression level of BPI of Rongchang pig was higher than Landrace in heart, liver, spleen, kidney, small intestine, lower than Landrace in lung. When Rongchang pig and Landrace were 28 day old, the expression level of BPI of Rongchang pig was higher than Landrace in spleen (p<0.05), kidney (p<0.05), small intestine (p<0....

Ehtisham Shakeel Khokhar1*, Amir Shakeel1, Muhammad Amir Maqbool1, Muhammad Waheed Anwar1, Zoraiz Tanveer1 and Muhammad Fahad Irfan2 

...ance suggested vigorous phenotypic selection in breeding population for the improvement of crop traits. The correlation coefficient depicted that seed cotton yield is positively associated with other yield contributing traits suggesting that more than one trait can be used as indirect selection criteria in segregating populations.  

Semra Benzer1,* and Recep Benzer2
... results were compared. Then, the estimated values found via both examined methods. Coefficient correlation (r2), sum square error (SSE), mean absolute percentage error performance criteria (MAPE) were used for comparison of artificial neural network and linear regression models goodness of fit. The results of the current study show that ANNs can be a superior estimation tool compared to LWR equation. Thus, as an outcome of the present study, ANNs c...
Jie Wu1, Jiagui Zhu2, Ke Wang2, Dejing Cai2, Yingying Liu1, Yanzhen Bu1,* and Hongxing Niu1,*
Sana Imran1*, Sarwat Jahan2 and Mohammad Sair3 of psoriasisvulgaris when compared to topically applied Betamethasone valerate ointment.

Riaz Alam* and Muhammad Sajid 

... of lengthy re-sprouts, when air-layered during mid August while Ottobratica and Picual, layered during mid and late July respectively, responded well to all these attributed. 

Shumaila Ashfaq1, Liaqat Ali2*, Muhammad Ashraf Zia2, Rizwan Ahmad Khan2 and Mehtash Butt3
...ective caesareansection when given along with conventional treatment as compared to conventional treatment alone.
Anan Kenthaoand Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame*
... raw measured data were then subjected to allometric equation to remove size-dependent variation prior further statistical analyses. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated highly significant differences in morphometric characters between populations (p <0.01). The first three principal axes of principal component analysis (PCA) explained 49.29% of total variance. The PCA also revealed that morphological variations related to the charact...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Khalid Usman2*, Muhammad Munir3 and Muhammad Sohail Khan parameters decreased when pollination was carried out after spathe opening. Late pollination after 12 days of spathe opening reduced fruit set and yield but improved the overall fruit physico-chemical quality characteristics with maximum fruit length (4.15, 4.22 cm), fruit weight (14.23, 14.44 g), pulp weight (13.45, 13.33 g), reducing sugars (21.25, 21.18% ) and total sugars (29.36, 28.85 %). This study proved that pollination at spath opening day was mor...

Rafiullah*, Muhammad Jamal Khan and Dost Muhammad 

...ted in sand culture and then three weeks old seedlings (7.5 cm) were transferred to water tubs containing Hoagland solution without P. The treatments included 0, 18, 36, 72, 144 and 216 mM as KH2PO4 solution foliarly applied three times with one week intervals starting after two weeks of seedlings transplantation. Each treatment unit consisted of 10 seedlings arranged in CR design with three replications. Plant height, shoot and root dry biomass of 6 weeks old...
Serap Gelibolu1,*, Yasemen Yanar2, M. Ayce Genc3 and Ercument Genc4
...rotein efficiency rates when were directly compared with mock-treated fish control. However, there was no statistically supported level of significance was observed for growth rates and feed conversion rates among groups. Improved live weight and protein efficiency rates reflected positively on the survival rate in MOS-fed fish. Interestingly, the whole body and fillet fatty acid composition shown no-correlation between treated and control groups (p>0.05). ...
Bian Xunguang1,2, Li Jiancheng1, Xu Chu1 and Yang Li2,3,4,*
...ns in the oviduct of the hen, which provides an important basis for the regulation of the physiological activities of poultry oviduct and the molecular mechanism of sperm storage.
Muhammad Nabeel,1,* Humayun Javed1 and Tariq Mukhtar2 districts of Punjab; hence strict control measures should be adopted to minimize its damage. Some cultivars were found resistant to the borer infestation and are recommended for cultivation.

SHARIF UDDIN, MD. HASIBUL HASAN, MOHAMMED MAHBUB IQBAL, MOHAMMAD AMZAD HOSSAIN Climbing Perch in earthen pond. The female fish elucidates rounded, swollen abdomen and reddish pelvic fin while the male fish also possess a reddish pelvis fins but generally smaller, narrower. The surfaces of male’s pectoral were little rough during the breeding season. The Gonado-somatic index (GSI) value of female Anabus testudineus was ranged from 12.71±0.73 (July) to 1.13±0.10 (October) while hepato-somatic index (HSI) value of fem...
Tariq Mahmood*1, Syed Wasif Ahmed Shah1, Muhammad Rais1, Hira Fatima1, Faraz Akrim1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2
...div>Nesting is a common phenomenon in reproductive behavior of birds that plays an important role during their different life stages. Nest composition and location are important factors in studying utility of plant material by avifauna. The current study investigated nesting use of tree species by avifauna at Pabbi Range Forest Kharian (32.811°N and 73.865°E), District Gujrat, from September 2013 to June 2015. Data were collected from five selected sam...
Faiza Ambreen*1 and Muhammad Javed2
...>in a static system and then four sub-lethal concentrations viz. 1/3rd of LC50, 1/4th of LC50, 1/5th of LC50 and 1/6th of LC50 were calculated and fish were exposed to these concentrations, separately in glass aquaria for 70 days at constant laboratory conditions. Peripheral blood erythrocytes were taken on 14, 28, 42, 56 and 70 day of exposure for the DNA damage ass...

Naila Riaz1 , Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2* , Khizar Samiullah3

...d at 8 hr posttreatment when applied topically. Similarly, oral administration of 1µl and 0.5µl venom caused 100% mortality at 8 hr post-treatment compared to 10 hr and 12 hr post-treatment of topical application, respectively. It is concluded that oral treatment of venom was more efficient compared to its topical treatment with same doses of treatment.



Irfan1* , Arshad Javid2 , Muhammad Altaf3 , Muhammad Shahbaz3 , and Khalid Javed Iqbal4 

...a and ALP were higher in hens’ serum. However, non-significant variations were recorded for total protein and AST among both the genders. It can be concluded from the present study that age, gender and rearing systems strongly influence blood biochemical profile in M. gallopavo.


Sidra Iqbal1, Muhammad Irfan2*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Fouzia Tabbsum1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1
... pretreated through Box-Bhenken design of response surface methodology using three variables with three levels such as NaOH concentration (0.6, 0.8, 1.0%), substrate concentration (5, 10, 15%) and residence time (4, 6, 8h) with and without steam (autoclaving at 121oC for 15min and 15psi). After pretreatment, cellulase production was conducted in 250ml Erlenmeyer flask at 50 ºC, pH 5 with shaking speed of 120 rpm using 2% pretreated eucalyptus leaves as ca...

Manzoor Hussaina,b

...ious problem especially when victims of rape cases provide vaginal swabs after several days of the incidence. The study was designed to find the time interval at which autosomal STR system fails to generate the DNA profile the semen donor in the post-coital vaginal swabs. Sixty two post coital vaginal swabs (x3) were collected from six volunteers at different TSI (time since intercourse). Out of these, 42 post coital vaginal swabs (up to TSI 5 days) were used ...

Fatima Arshad1, Muhammad Irfan2*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir3, Fouzia Tabbsum3, Javed Iqbal Qazi3

...lulose enzyme using Box-Bhenken design of Response Surface Methodology. The pretreatment of substrate was conducted through Box- Bhenken design of Response Surface Methodology. Three factors with three levels such as H2SO4 conc. (0.6, 0.8, 1%), substrate conc. (5, 10, 15%) and residence time (4, 6, 8h) were employed for pretreatment with and without autoclaving at 121oC for 15 min. The enzyme production was carried out in an...

 Maryum Fakhar, Iqra Jabbar, Anjum Nasim Sabri*

...="text-align: justify;">When exposed to heavy metals or toxic compounds, bacteria have multiple survival strategies involving several mechanisms of resistance and tolerance. Biofilm formation is one such resistance mechanism for bacterial survival. This paper provides the basis for use of bacteria isolated from saline environment and to check their biofilm forming ability under nickel stress. Our previous results showed that these bacteria are capable of produ...

 Asma Akhtar, Abdul Rehman

...279% (1f) and 150% (2b) when ompared to the respective control indicating the ability to tolerate tellurite tress. Differential pattern of bacterial proteins in tellurite stress was obtained by SDS-PAGE. Both bacterial strains can be utilized to convert toxic tellurite into its elemental form from the contaminated sites.


 Bushra Mazhar1, Nusrat Jahan1, Nazish Mazhar Ali1, Saiqa andleeb2, Shaukat Ali2*

... production of vanillin when inoculated in waste residues of rice bran based media. E. hormaechei produced 5.2 g/l of vanillin in culture media containing ferulic acid as a substrate. Optimum pH for E. hormaechei was 7 and the temperature was 30°C. Using optimum growth conditions and suitable fermentation medium, E. hormaechei can be used at an industrial level as producer of vanillin. Bioconversion of waste residues of rice bran oil to vanillin by bacteri...
Rabia Qurashi, Qurat ul Ane Gillani* and Furhan Iqbal*
...-N [1-(S)-(3,4- dichlorophenyl) ethyl] amino-2-(S)- hydroxypropyl-P-benzyl-phosphinic acid), intraperitoneally injected for 12 days, on hematological and serum biochemical profile of 6 week old male albino mice. Blood samples from male albino mice (CGP55845 treated N = 14 and saline treated N = 16) were collected directly by cardiac puncture and used for estimation of hematological and some serum biochemical parameters. The hematological parameters did not sho...

Malak Atiq Ullah Khan* and Fida Mohammad 

... E on the expression of phenotype for all traits. Average over nine environments, genotype G-79 exhibited maximum values for tillers m-2 (181 tillers); grains spike-1 (71 grains); grain yield (4862 kg ha-1) and thus appeared as leading genotype for yield and production traits. Similarly, G-79 had higher grain yield in all test environments except E-03 i.e. E-01 (4537 kg ha-1); E-02 (4840 kg ha-1); E-04 (5035 kg ha-1); E-05 (4976 kg ha-1); E-06 (4797 kg ha-1); ...
Zia ur Rehman1, Naila Chand1, Rifat Ullah Khan2,*, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Subhan Qureshi3
...the first two weeks and then chicks were divided into two groups: TN and HAT. Chicks in TN group were housed at constant room temperature (25ºC ± 2ºC and RH 65 ±5%) while chicks in HAT group were kept at high ambient temperature. In the TN zone, significantly (P< 0.05) higher feed intake and weight gain were recorded on day 21, 28, 35 and 42. Feed intake in TN zone was 3.02, 9.79, 9.74 and 12.14 % higher than feed intake recorded on ...
Tania Ahmed Shakoori1,*, Muhammad Saqib Saeed2, Asif Hanif2, Saima Mukhtar3 and Ayesha Ghauri4 
...uent exacerbator’ phenotype and determine the risk factors for increased frequency of acute exacerbations in local chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients in a cross sectional analytical study design. For this purpose 137 patients were included in the study after obtaining necessary permissions from the ethical board of the hospital. COPD was diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms and a post bronchodilator values of FEV1/FVC<0.70 on...

Waqas Liaqat1, Mohammad Akmal1* and Jawad Ali 

...rieties only. Both crop phenology (i.e. days to tasseling, silking & maturity) as well as morphology (i.e. plant height, ear height, including ear length) was affected (p<0.05)by sowing dates. Likewise, yield traits (i.e. rows per ear, grains per ear, thousand grain weight) were also adversely affected by sowing dates, which decreases both biomass and grain yield. Varieties did differ in phenology (i.e. emergence, sil...
Jo Ik-Hwan1, Choi Kwang-Won1 and Muhammad Fiaz2,*
...ittle different pattern when rye was mixed sown with pea that DM and TDN yield was not different (P>0.05) when compared with rye monoculture, whereas CP yield was higher in mixed forage than control but carrying capacity was higher (P<0.05) at all manure levels except 150 kg N/ha. It was concluded from findings of present study that mixed growing strategy of rye with local hairy vetch didn’t need any manure appli...

Syed Asif Imran Shah1*, Shah Jehan Khan2, Kalim Ullah1 and Obaid Ullah Sayal

... close symmetry between phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variances while lower values of environmental coefficient variance were observed for all the studied attributes which reflected that these traits were genetically controlled and under less influence of environment. Higher broad sense heritability and expected genetic advance reflected that all attributes were governed by additive genes and early phenotypic selec...
Meghan Griffith
...out the book, typically when Fischer is defending incompatibilist arguments regarding foreknowledge and freedom to do otherwise (i.e., alternatives). But in an intriguing discussion in the introductory chapter, Fischer draws a comparison between determinism and foreknowledge with respect to moral responsibility, arguing that, like determinism, foreknowledge is compatible with our having it. Thus, he offers a parallel to one of his landmark views, namely...
Katherin Rogers
...s you will choose. How, then, can you choose freely? John Martin Fischer, in his chapter, “Engaging with Pike: God, Freedom,and Time” (with Patrick Todd and Neal A. Tognazzini – I shall refer to the three as “Fischer”) in Our Fate: Essays on God and Free Will, briefly mentions a solution which is somewhat similar to the one I take to be the most successful way of dealing with the dilemma of human freedom and divine foreknow...

Arooj Fatima1* and Ashfaq Ahmed

...0.001) and DASH (0.000) when repeated measure analysis of variance (ANOVA) was applied comparing four sub groups. Eccentric exercises give better results in reducing pain intensity and gaining functional outcome with routine physiotherapy maneuvers in subjects having rotator cuff tendinopathy. Eccentric loading training for the cure of shoulder pain due to rotator cuff tendinopathy has confirmed to be more helpful in aiding pain, and fixing functional impairme...
Michael Almeida
...reedom to do otherwise, then God’s foreknowledge undermines our freedom. Divine foreknowledge that we will perform some action makes alternative actions unavailable to us. 

Bashir Ahmad1*, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Hayad Zada2, Shahid Sattar1, Toheed Iqbal3, Saddam Hussain1 and Muhammad Saeed4 

... and 2013 respectively. Then population declined from September to November 3.5 and 3.1 larvae and pupae was recorded per plant in both years as the lowest number. In the year 2012, mean maximum and minimum temp showed non- significant negative and positive association (r=-0.32 and 0.07) with population of P. xylostella respectively. Similarly R.H (r=0.89) exhibited positive highly significant whereas RF (r=-0.96) showed negative highly significant relationshi...
Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman1,Farzana Abbas2,Ghulam Abbas3,*, Arshad Javid4, Ali Hussain4, Syedah Andleeb5,Khalid Javed Iqbal6 and Muhammad Akmal1


...rarily stocked in 12 earthen ponds (90 ft × 70 ft × 4 ft) @ 20 fish per pond. Fish were fed at 5% of their wet body weight two times per day. The net weight gained of broodstock was 103.65 g, 401.25 g, 484.85 g and 565.24 g in control, T1, T2, and T3, respectively. Fish in T3 yielded the highest weight, which was significantly higher than T1,T2 and control. Specific growth rates were...
Mahboob Ali1, Muhammad Avais1, Riaz Hussain2, Kashif Prince1,*, Muhammad Ijaz1, Mamoona Chaudhry 3, Sehrish Firyal4, Amjad Islam Aqib1, Naimat Ullah Khan5 , Mian Saeed Sarwar5, Hazrat Ali5, Shahid Hussain Farooqi1, Ikramul Haq1 and Muhammad Sajid Hasni3
...n were > 90%, Chloramphenicol >69%, and Gentamycin 61-67.3%, Streptomicin 61-73.07% and Oxytetracycline 69-71.15%, Enoxacin 45.07 and 53.84% and Amikacin 43.6 and 51.92 effective against MDR. Older age of animals, higher California mastitis score, weak body condition, higher milk yield, early lactation, teat injury, higher parity number, tick infestation, self-treatment and higher use of penicillin in general ailments had positive association with MDR pr...
Alim-un-Nisa1*, Sajila Hina1, Sania Mazhar1, Imran Kalim1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Naseem Zahra1, Shahid Masood1, Muhammad Khalid Saeed1, Qurat-ul-Ain Syed1 and Maida Asif2
...ellow color shade which when applied on candies increased the attractiveness. The spectrophotometric analysis at 474nm of extracted color both in crude form and in candies was found to be stable at 4oC and showed decay in mean lutein concentration at higher temperatures i.e. 25oC and 45oC. The microbiological study of the extracted color and candies prepared in laboratory and dyed with T. erecta extract color showed that...

Noreen Rasul1*, Madeeha Rashid2, Aqeela Abbas1 and Rubina Sohail

...t is essential to strengthen KMC services in healthcare facilities as it significantly reduces neonatal mortality. 

Bashir Ahmad1, Muhammad Idrees1,*, Kafeel Ahmad1, Dawood Ahmad2, Sajid Ali3 and Shumaila Bashir4
...iated the strains and authenticated the high molecular diversity. PCR-restriction enzyme analysis (PRA) profiles of all isolates and reference strains were found to be the same. PRA is a valid alternative to phenotypic identification in a routine diagnostic laboratory. High diversity values were found in the studied area implying high population diversity of M. tuberculosis that’s being prevalent in Khyber Pakht...
Ali Murad Rahoo,1,2,* Tariq Mukhtar,1,3 Shoukat Ibrahim Abro,4 Barkat Ali Bughio5 and Rehana Kanwal Rahoo6
...einernematid species and hence can be used for the management of insect pests.

Abida Sajid* and Aqsam Sajid 

...stic anemia was labeled when Macrocytic Hypochromic cells seen. Obstetric outcome in terms of Preterm delivery defined as delivery at <37 weeks of gestation (36 +6 weeks) and birth weight <2500g mand a need for operative delivery. Patients fulfilling the selection criteria as per operational definition were included in the study after taking informed consent using non probability consecutive sampling technique. Data was collected on a pre-designed questi...

S. M. I. Hossain*, S. U. K. Eusufzai and M. A. Rahman**

...ays after transplanting when soil bed settlings are used as planting material.


Golam Moula* and Sayedur Rahman**

... 2003) along with other phenological features. The total length (mean ± SD) of vetiver culms was 206.32 ± 42.43 cm. The root and shoot lengths (mean ± SD) of 8 weeks old seedlings were 3.93 ± 0.25 cm and 4.79 ± 1.29 cm, respectively. The fitted regression line equation for the root and shoot length was found as Y = 0.074 + 1.20 X, where X and Y are root and shoot length, respectively. The calculated value of ‘t’ (...

Zaheer Ahmad, M. Yaqub Mujahid, M. Anwar Khan, Shaheena Yasmin, M. Asif and Maqsood Qamar*

...rial conducted at NARC, then in Micro Yield Trials conducted at nine locations by BARI, Chakwal and finally it was evaluated in National Uniform Yield Trials conducted in rainfed ecology of Pakistan for two consecutive years. The NR-268 performed better than all other lines including local check and gave 21.5% higher grain yield than check in Punjab and 8.3% higher yield on overall country basis during 2005-06; whereas, during 2006-07 it gave 26% higher grain ...

Sidra Majeed, Shahid Ahmad*, Asif Ali Bhatti** and Ghazanfar Abbas***

...were almost three years when the yield was higher than the mean yield and three years when yield was lower than the mean yield by around 1.0 t ha- 1. Economic analysis revealed that the average net return was Rs. 6744 ha-1 with minimum loss of Rs. 7674 ha-1 during 2000-01 to a gain of Rs. 20822 ha-1 during 2004-05. The analysis of cost of production indicated that the increase was largely in the cost of tillage and harvestin...

 Z. A. Soomro, M.B. Kumbhar, A.S. Larik*, M. Imran** and S.A. Brohi***

...(b.s), genetic advance, phenotypic and genotypic variance for different quantitative traits is important in determining the effectiveness of selection. In this study the potential effectiveness of selection in parents and their F2 and F3 progenies of Gossypium hirsutum for plant height, sympodia/ plant, bolls/plant, boll weight, seed index and seed cotton yield/plant was determined. It was found that all the populations alongwith parents differed significantly...

 Abdullah Adil Ansari* and Kumar Sukhraj**

...rotein content in VW+VC when compared with those grown with chemical fertilizers by 23.86% and 19.86%, respectively. The combination treatment [VW+VC] also have a significant influence on the biochemical characteristics of the soil with marked improvement in soil micronutrients. The combination treatment [VW+VC] was found better suggesting qualitative improvement in the physical and chemical properties of the soil, which is substantiated by ANOVA and composite...

 Abid Hussain*, Imdad Hussain Mirza and Muhammad Azeem Khan**

...t in general the months when minimum supplements were given are the better ones in terms of feed availability because majority of feed intake comes from grazing. Moreover, supplementation of goats can be improved by educating local communities about the proper supplementation and by planting palatable shrubs and fodder trees.


 Ghulam Shabbir*, Muhammad Aftab, Abid Mahmood** Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah* and Nasir Mahmood Cheema***

... Based on the desirable phenotypic traits and superior seed yield, SPS-5 was approved as a rapeseed variety “Chakwal Sarson” by the Punjab Seed Council in 2002 for general cultivation in the Punjab barani tract.


 M. Yasin Mirza, Mubashir A. Khan, M. Akmal, Akbar S. Mohmand, Malik S. Nawaz, Nazakat Nawaz and Najeeb Ullah*

...5. Pooled genotypic and phenotypic variances were maximum for seed yield and minimum for 1000-seed weight. Genotypic coefficient of variation and phenotypic coefficient of variation were observed maximum for seed yield and minimum for plant height. Broad sense heritability estimates were high for all the traits during three years ranging from 63% for plant height and 97% for seed yield. High heritability pooled estimates of ...

 Ashiq Saleem, Habib Iqbal Javed, Rashid Saleem,* Muhammad Ansar** and M. Amir Zia*

...ntly affected by potash when compared with control treatment, but there was no significant effect between single, two and three splits. The grain yields of these two crops increased significantly at K2O level of 120 kgha-1 with three splits. Level of 120 kgha-1 with three splits is recommended for potash application in maize and sorghum.


 Shazia Erum*, Muhammad Naeemullah, Shahid Masood** and Muhammad Irfan Khan*

... and compared for their phenotypic (qualitative and quantitative) and biochemical trait. Comparatively high variation was seen for seed germination, canopy and spikes/plant, florets/spike and leaf area. A UPGMA cluster, grouped the 9 Ocimum genotypes into two major clusters on the basis of total seed protein and phenotypic characters, except Siam Queen and Lime basil stand alone, respectively. Euclidian distance for morpholo...

Mian Sajjad Ahmad1, Somia Iqtadar1, Sami Ullah Mumtaz1*, Zafar Niaz1, Iqra Waheed2 and Sajid Abaidullah

...asting sample was taken then 75g oral glucose was given. Sample after two hours was sent to KEMU clinical lab. A positive result of the patient was labeled as IGT. The patients mean age was 46.3±13.4 years. Out of 160 patients, 78 (48.8%) were males and 82 (51.2%) females.116 (72.5%) patients were obese grade 1 and 44 (27.5%) patients were obese grade 2. The mean BMI (Normal BMI=18.5-22.9kg/m2) of the patients came out to be 29.1±13.6 kg/m2.There...

Sana Qanber Abbasi1*, Ejaz Ahmed2 and Rabia Sattar1 

...eparated. The serum was then centrifuged andpro BNP levels were estimated by ELISA using Human pro BNP kit. Patients’ history and recorded blood pressure was documented on a questionnaire. The results were analyzed using SPSS 21. One way ANOVA and Independent sample T test were applied to compare the proBNP levels. A P-value of < 0.05 was taken as significant. Serum pro BNP levels were raised in migraine patients and also in hypertensive patients with...
Irfan1,*, Arshad Javid7, Muhammad Ashraf2, Athar Mahmud3, Muhammad Altaf4, Syed Makhdoom Hussain5, Muhammad Shahbaz4 and Khalid Javed Iqbal6
...artificially inseminated hens were assessed. To study the effect of natural mating on hatchability 15 (3♂, 12♀) M. gallopavo were randomly selected, were kept separately and were allowed to mate through stud mating. For artificial insemination, male (n = 3) and female (n = 12) birds were kept separately. Semen of the male birds was collected on weekly basis to record morphological characteristics and to inseminate the female birds. Mean abno...
Jaime Molina-Ochoa1, 2, 6,*, Edelmira Galindo-Velasco2, Ana María Rosales-Gutiérrez2, Martín González-Ramírez3, Roberto Lezama-Gutiérrez3, Wilberth Chan-Cupul3, Steven R. Skoda4, Muhammad Irfan Ullah5, Luis Jorge García-Márquez2 and  John E. Foster6
...s-bred beef cattle, and then the heterorhabditid nematodes assayed against these ticks using the Petri dish assay. Concentrations of 0, 500, 1000, 2000, 4000 and 8000 IJs were applied in 1 mL of sterile distilled water dispensed on the surface of a couple of moistened filter papers. For each treatment concentration, 10 adult engorged ticks were placed in the Petri dishes, and each treatment was replicated four times; the experiment was replicated two times. Ti...
Muhammad Kashif Maan1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Muhammad Ijaz2, Hamid Akbar1, Sajid Umar 3 and Muhammad Luqman Sohail4,*
...rdiovascular parameters when compared to inhalation, so, it is a less safe choice during lengthy surgical procedures like ovariohysterectomy.
Qin Liu1,2, Feiwei Liu1, Xiuyue Zhang1, Nan Yang1 and Jianghong Ran1,*
...dge (Tetraophasis szechenyii) is an endemic species which is protected in first-grade state in China. Here, 22 polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite markers were isolated from T. szechenyii using a next-generation sequencing technology. The allele number of these loci ranged from two to six in genotyped 35 individuals. Polymorphism information content ranged from 0.2735 to 0.7717 with an average of 0.5149....

 Nazakat Nawaz, Malik Shah Nawaz*, Nasir M. Cheema** and Mubashir A. Khan*

Corresponding author:[email protected]

...d response was recorded when 5 kg ha-1 -1 Zn and 1.5 kg ha Fe were applied. Beyond this level, no further increase in yield was recorded in any mustard traits. A positive correlation was recorded between seed yield -1 -1 and 1000-seed weight with the application of 5 kg Zn ha and 1.5 kg Fe ha in combination at the time of sowing. It can therefore be concluded that 100 % -1 seed yield of mustard variety BARD-1 increased at 5 Zn: 1.5 Fe kg ha as a -1 -1 result o...

  Farhat Ullah Khan, Nowshad Khan and Zaibunnisa Abdullah*

Corresponding author: [email protected] (This is part of Ph.D. work of senior author)

...r production of kinnow. Then ten growers from each union council were chosen randomly. Total 200 respondents were interviewed through interview schedule. Simple percentage and chi-square techniques were used for analysis. According to analysis 91.5% respondents reported that yield losses of kinnow fruits have negative impact on socio-economic conditions of the majority respondents of the project area. Chi-square test also shows negative link of the kinnow frui...

 Parvez Khaliq*, Azim Malik**, Nasir Mahmood Cheema* and Muhammad Umair***

ECONOMICS OF WHEAT BASED CROPPING SYSTEMS IN RAINFED AREAS OF PAKISTAN loss of wheat yield when planted after maize fodder. Application of recommended dose of fertilizer -1 along with FYM @ 5 tha will enhance the yield of wheat and maize fodder. The improved cropping system of wheat-maize fodder-wheat will help the farmers to sustain productivity of these crops, stable economic benefits and improvement in soil nutrients and organic matter over time.


 Muhammad Tariq*, Raja Muhammad Omer**, Muhammad Ashraf Mian*, Obaid Ur Rehman***, Amjad Tahir Virk and Kazim Abbass**


 Saima Rani and Irum Raza*

...h rates remain the same then prices of these pulses in Pakistan would be Rs.37.64, Rs.120.26, Rs.89.55 and Rs.55.03 per kg, respectively in 2015- 16. An increasing trend in the estimated prices will turn down the demand of these pulses and consequently poor class of the economy who do not have enough resources to buy expensive livestock-based protein-rich food will be badly affected.


 Munir Ahmad* and Asif Ali Mirani**

...r-November in Pakistan, when the weather is cold, and it is not possible to dry it down to a safe moisture level by sun drying. Therefore, the chance for developing aflatoxins in it is high. To solve this problem of the groundnut growers, a low cost mobile flat-bed dryer designed and developed at Agricultural and Biological Engineering Institute (ABEI), National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad was evaluated for drying groundnut. The dryer had been foun...

 A.A. Mengal* , M. U. Mallah, Z. A. Mirani* and B. N. Siddiqui**

...7%. A detailed and comprehensive questionnaire was used for measuring the effectiveness of extension activities performed by public and private sector extension field staff. The results revealed that a number of farmers received visits from private extension field staff on a fortnightly, monthly and quarterly basis, but not from public extension staff during these periods. When public field staff did visit, the favored metho...

 Amir Khatam*, Sher Muhammad and Ijaz Ashraf** 


 Muhammad Sohail*, Imtiaz Hussain*, Riaz-ud-din*, Syed Haider Abbas*, Maqsood Qamar* and Muhammad Noman*

....20 t ha ) was achieved when N was applied @120 kg ha in three equal split doses at planting, tiller formation and stem elongation stages. N application in 2 and 3 split doses resulted in 25 - 50% grain yield advantage at all N rates as compared to single basal N dose. Split N application was -2 associated with significant increase (P<0.05) in spikes m , 1000 grain weight and dry matter production. Split N application was also linked with better flag leaf c...

 Waqar Akhtar*, Nadeem Akmal*, Hassnain Shah*, Muhammad Azam Niazi** and Ayesha Tahir*

... There is need to strengthen comparative and competitive advantage in horticulture sector by policy support and facilitating role by all stakeholders.


 Sara Khalid*, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*, Ishfaq Ahmad Hafiz*, Khalid Saifullah Khan* and Usman Shaukat Qureshi*


 Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Amjad* and Malik Shah Nawaz*

STABILITY ANALYSIS FOR ECONOMIC TRAITS IN SESAME ( L.) than unit regression; hence were suitable for favourable environments for yield. Whereas, V-III and SangharI were with b-values less than unity indicating their below average response. For branches per plant, Sanghar-1 and S-17 had regression coefficients less than one with negative sign making them suitable only for poor environment. Four genotypes namely, Sanghar-I, S-17, PR-19-9-S, and Rattodero-1 had greater than unity and non-significant regression coe...

 Sadia Tehrim*, M. Yasin Mirza** and G. Mustafa Sajid*

...nd 4492(1) Kowar Naray. When levels of benzylaminopurine (BAP) were increased in the basal MS media for culturing the grape plantlets, there was a corresponding increase in the number of shoots and root mass. Additionally, the shoot proliferation response to increasing level of BAP was found genotype dependent. Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) also showed a positive effect on in vitro growth responses (shoot proliferation and root induction) w

 Shahida Khalid*and Shahida Nasreen Khokhar*

...ry effect of residues , when inoculated with Azospirillum A4. In second experiment two Azospirillum (B2 and B3) and two Azorhizobium (3.6ksk and srsn2k4) isolates reduced seed germination of Phalaris minor by 95%. The results imply that biofertilizer microbes can mitigate the carryover effect of the two sulfonylureas; they can also inhibit Phalaris minor. Therefore, the use of bio-inoculants, weed seed germination and residual effect of weedicide can be manipu...

 Muhammad Tayyab Mudassar*, Ehsan-ul-Haq*, Muhammad Naeemullah**, Muhammad Shakeel*, Muhammad Ashfaque*, Asmat un Nisa* and Javed Khan*

...ella eggs and 1.793g of Phenacoccus solenopsis crawlers. Adult emergence rate was significantly higher when provided with S. cerealella eggs, which was more economical than that of P. solenopsis crawlers. For efficient and quality production of C. carnea in laboratory using available and inexpensive equipment to produce the healthy surplus of this predator for experiment and small holding field releases, S. cereallela is rec...

 Javed Khan*, Ehsan-ul-Haq*, Habib Iqbal Javed*, Tariq Mahmood*,
Awais Rasool*, Naheed Akhtar and Saleem Abid**

... Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) on Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) aphid were carried out in Insecatry- Bio control Laboratories, Insect Pest Management Programme, Department of Plant and Environmental Protection, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad, Pakistan. The results indicate that incubation period was 3.8±0.08 days with 87.0% hatchability. The developmental duration of first, second and third instar larvae were 3.2 ± 0.13, 4.0&plu...

 Said Salman*, Shah Jehan Khan*, Javed Khan**, Rehmat Ullah Khan*** and Imran Khan****

...rait. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation estimates were higher for all the traits except chlorophyll concentration index and days to physiological maturity. Highest heritability estimates and expected genetic advance were found for all the traits except chlorophyll concentration index, spike length and number of -1 spikelet spike which exhibited moderate heritability. Based on Euclidian dissimilarity distance, 65 wheat accessions were classi...

Tanzila Kazmi*, Abid Ghafoor Chaudhry*, Aftab Ahmed** and Shaheer Ellahi Khan**

...itutes need to be strengthened so that the transitional lag may be bridged and farmers may also get required production.


 Mustaring,* I. Subagyo,** Soebarinoto** and Marsetyo*

...ored at week 4, 6 and 8 then harvested at week 8. Results revealed that the Brachiaria mutica (8 weeks old) had highest plant height (207 cm), but lowest tillage number (64), crude protein (CP) content (8.64%), in vitro organic matter (OM) digestibility (47.36%) On the other hand, B. mulato had highest tillage number (117) and DM yield (0.79 kg -2 DMm ). Legume herb species affected significantly (P<0.05) plant height, yield, in vitro digestibility. At 8 we...

 Md. Nazirul Islam*, M. Z. Rahman**, R. Ali***, A. K. Azad**** and M. K. Sultan**

...ndex also revealed high phenotypic diversity in vine and pod characters. High diversities were estimated in quantitative characters of inflorescence and pod characters. Considering a core collection strategy, the accessions were stratified into two groups based on vine colors: green and purple. Maximum genotypes of the collection were of green vine. Each of two subgroups were divided into three groups according to colors of pod i.e., green, white and red. Each...

 Saima Rani*, Hassnain Shah*, Umar Farooq** and Bushra Rehman**


 Muhammad Sharif*, Muhammad Azam Niazi*, Abdul Jabbar** and Sajida Taj*** 

FINANCIAL PROFITABILITY OF WHITE SUGAR PRODUCTION IN PAKISTAN can improve yield and hence higher financial profitability.


 Nosheen Zahra*, Ghulam Sarwar* and Sher Muhammad**

...oil. All the amendments when used alone or in combination with each other improved the chemical parameters of soil. All levels of gypsum (100%, 75% and 50% G.R) proved effective in lowering pH, EC, SAR and ESP of saline sodic soil. Similar trend was observed with the use of all levels of potassium -1 silicate (225, 150 and 75mg kg soil) of soil. Combinations of gypsum and potassium silicate also remained better in this regard. The most effective treatment was ...

 Muhammad Arshad Ullah*, Nazir Hussain**, Helge Schmeisky*** and Muhammad Rasheed**** 

...8, 13.70 and 17.87 t ha when combined with inoculation. Intercropping of grass and legumes 67% with inoculation was assessed as the best treatment. The increases were computed as 304%, 230%, 132%, and 60% over grass alone in the first, second, third and fourth crops while respective increases were 101%, 151%, 165% and 74% over monoculture legumes.


 Anum Fatima*, Saleem Abid* and Sobia Naheed* 


 Riaz Hussain*, Muhammad Riaz**, Mushtaq A. Saleem*** and Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi**

...The surviving ones were then homogenized in saline and centrifuged prior to biochemical analyses. Results showed differences in the activities of enzymes and quantities of total protein, soluble protein and FAA between strains and among concentrations. Abamectin, at LC and LC , changed the activities 10 20 /levels of TE, CE, AcP, total protein and FAA in the larvae of both the strains. The activities of alpha-amylase, glucoamylase and AkP remained non-signific...

 Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Abid Hussain*


 Saqib Shakeel Abbasi*, Ayesha Tahir**, Irum Raza* Saleem Abid* and Muhammad Nisar Khan*

... have been acquired and then the forecasting was made for the best fitted model with minimum error. Five year average prices for the individual crop(s) were also calculated to observe the past trend. The study demonstrates that for wheat and rice (Basmati and IRRI); S-Curve model is recommended for forecasting price. The study presents an insight to national policy makers regarding the essential crops and provides them with a reference range of price in future...

 Khurram Nawaz Saddozai*, Umme Rubab* and Abass Ullah Jan* 

...le i.e., 1.90 (Ep>1), hence economies of scale exists. The variance parameter lambda (λ) and gamma (Γ) both were significant indicating the good fitness of model and inefficiency impact, respectively. The estimated value for Γ was 0.77 underscores that 77% variation in the production frontier was explained by technical inefficiency effect. The inefficiency indices showed that farmers with more schooling years and more number of contacts w...

 Zafar Abbas*, Ijaz Ahmad**, Adnan Shakeel**, Muhammad Abdullah***, Muhammad Islam**, Sadiq Muhammad*, Ghulam Murtaza* and Mushtaq Ahmad**

EFFECT OF PHOSPHORUS FERTILIZER AND WATER STRESS ON PROTEIN AND PHENOLIC CONTENTS IN COTTON (GOSSYPIUM HIRSUTUM L.) of total protein and phenolic compounds, respectively. Proteins were greatly affected by fertilizer treatment and water stress, but phenolic compounds remained unchanged upon fertilizer treatment. However, they were greatly affected by irrigation and water -1 stress. Crop treated with 100 kg ha P O under water stress maintained high 2 5 protein content as compared to unfertilized and no water stress treatments. However, p...

 Ali Raza Shah**, Muhammad Saffar Mirjat**, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Inayatullah Rajper** and Asif Ali Mirani****

...had higher working depth hence, more soil volume was disturbed under this treatment. 


 Doulat Baig*, Fida Mohammad Abbasi*, Habib Ahmed*, Maqsood Qamar** and Muhammad Ayub Khan**

...tivated which give low achene and fodder yields. The issue related with these hybrids ascribed to lack of information about use of inputs and cultural practices. Judicious nitrogen use and suitable high yielding hybrid play key role in increasing sunflower productivity. Protein is the basic requirement of the metabolic processes for the vegetative, reproductive growth and yield of the crop. The protein is wholly dependent upon the amount of nitrogen fertilizat...

  Sohaib Arshad*, Sarwat Naz Mirza*, Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar** and Maqbool Shahbaz**


 Khalid Mahmood Aujla* and Abid Hussain*

...n Pakistan are not comprehensive and do not cover all the aspects necessary for the markets to function efficiently. It is, therefore, recommended that the proper marketing system and physical infrastructure for live camels should be developed to benefit the poor camel farmers.


 Muhammad Farrukh Saleem*, Munir Ahmad*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza** and Abdul Shakoor*

...ximum seed cotton yield when supplied with 150 kg N ha ; 120 cm tall -1 plants gave maximum seed cotton with 200 kg N ha while 150 cm tall cotton plants -1 needed 250 kg N ha for highest seed cotton production. In conclusion, cotton growth can be manipulated successfully for better performance by topping provided N dose is monitored.


 Muhammad Tahir* and Nawal Zafar* 

... percentage was highest when oat was blended together with barley at 75% + 25% seed ratios.


 Muhammad Mansoor*, Noman Latif*, Zafar Islam**, Sher Muhammad**, Amanullah* and Muhammad Umair***

....754 g cm to 1.123 g cm when pure sand and FYM was -1 applied @ 60:60 kg plot .


 Muneeb Zafar*, Tahir Mehmood**, Irfan Ahmad Baig**, Abdul Saboor** Mazher Abbas***, Shumaila Sadiq** and Khalid Mahmood****


 Abdul Haq*, Anjum Shehzad**, Muhammad Ilyas**, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi**, Abdul Rauf Bhatti** and Mian Inayatullah*

...s most diverse locality then Nikrian B with relative values of 2.213 and 1.136.


 Mubbashira Nazir*, Saira Batool*, Sultan Ali Tariq**, Abid Hussain** and Ya Sakina**

...rom 1970s to 1990s) and then declined in 2000s. During the study period, fruit production varied due to area, though productivity altered considerably. The results of decomposition analysis indicated a relatively stronger stimulus of area expansion in production of citrus. While yield affect remained dominant in production of mango, guava and minor fruits across decades as well as during the study period. Chances of expansion in area of fruit crops are limited...

 Hina Fatima** and Bushra Yasmin**


 Ummad-ud-Din Umar*, Muhammad Aslam Khan**, *Ateeq-urRehman*, Abdul Hannan***, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi*, Azhar Ali Khan****, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar****

...disease development and when validated on an independent dataset, the model explained 67.5% of the variability in disease incidence. This prediction model can be used for the management of PLRV in this region.


  Mohammad Umar Farooq* , Sarfraz Ahmad ** , Mohammad Islam and Imtiaz Ahmad Qamar ***

...rat method, weighed and then oven dried at 60 C to find out the dry weight for above phytomass carbon Mg C ha . Similarly, the one m quadrats were dig out up to the root level for each grass and separated the root portion and weighed, oven dried at 60 C for below ground phytomass carbon Mg C ha estimation. Carbon pool in above ground phytomass was 1.16 Mg C ha while below ground phytomass, 0.29 Mg C ha was recorded. The carbon sequestration in below ground and...

 Raza Ullah*, Mariam Rehman*, Maria Anjum*, Muhammad Asif
Kamran**, Khuda Bakhsh***, Abdul Saboor****

...on network can be strengthened through its institutional linkage with metrology department and information communication technologies to further inform and train the farmers about disasters and disaster associated risks.


 Nusrat Habib*

...ear 1990 to 1999. Since then a continuous decreasing trend in adoption of sunflower has been observed. The present research work was planned to estimate the relative cost effectiveness of sunflower with competing crops like sugarcane and tobacco to find out the major factors which caused the decreasing trend of sunflower in the area. Primary data of 100 respondents was collected and analyzed in SPSS (Special Package for Social Scientists) software. Estimated r...

 Asif ullah Khan*, Faizan Ullah*, Sultan Mehmood*, Muhammad Irshad* and Farhat Ullah Khan**

... J. curcas J. curcas Parthenium hysterophorus J. curcas P. hysterophorus L. ( ) is gaining interest as biodiesel plant in Pakistan. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the interaction of not only with crop plants but also with weed species before its introduction into agroforestry systems. During present investigation, allelopathic potential of leaf aqueous extract was investigated on seed germination and seedling development of L. Extracts were applied ...

Samina Ashraf1*, Ghulam Haider2 and Maimoona Ashraf

...ualitative interpretive phenomenological research methodology has been used to explore, interpret, and evaluate the personal narratives of women with disabilities about their experiences with violence and abuse. The phenomenology approach was used to study the phenomena. A number of 05 women with disabilities who had physical disability or sensory impairment (visual and hearing) were purpo...

Mohammad Nazeer* and Safdar Hussain Shah 

...followed by Kaghani and then Surguli. The body size of Damani was the smallest compared to the other breeds; however, statistically it was similar to Surguli. Kaghani is the highest ranking along with similarities to Gaddi breed and also recommended for management to achieve the utmost benefits within goat breeds. 

Naimat Ullah Khan1,2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1Nisar Ahmad3, Ayesha Hassan1, Muhammad Kashif Prince1, Muhammad Luqman Sohail4,*, Mian Saeed Sarwar2, Hazrat Ali2, Tahir Usman2, Asadullah Khan2, Siffat Ullah Khan3 and Shahid Zaman5
...05) prevalence (31.18%) then males (22.98%). This study addresses the prevalence of infection in lambs, responsible for the spread of etiological agent in environment.
Mahmoud M. Al-Azzazy1,2 and Saleh S. Alhewairini1,*
...romising safety profile when compared to other acaricides, as it spared predatory mites at concentrations which had a high lethality to tomato russet mites. Hence, Huwa-San TR50 can be utilized in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program as an acaricide agent.
Filiz Kutluyer* 
...gered trout Salmo coruhensis, Anatolian trout Salmo rizeensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Different activation media (NaCl, 0.3%; NaHCO3, 1%) were supplemented with L-tryptophan [Control (0), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mM] for assessing sperm motility and its duration, fertility and hatching rate of eggs. The results from the present study indicated that addition of L-tryptophan increased the motility rate and duration in ...
Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1,2,*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza2, Muhammad Afzal2,Hafiz Salah-ud-Din2, Imtiaz Sarwar2, Muhammad Yahya2 and Khurram Shehzad3
...bundant and more active, hence, were more captured in pitfall traps in summer season. Termites (isopteran) and earthworms were more captured in monoliths. By and large, macroinvertebrate fauna was lower in the soils studied as compared to other tropical and subtropical regions reported elsewhere. Therefore, keeping in view the key role of soil invertebrates in soil sustainability, it is recommended to mitigate the deleterious effects of land-management practic...
Basit Zeshan1,2,*, Mushtaq A. Saleem2,Javed Iqbal Wattoo2, Mohd Mokhtar Arshad1 and Maizan Mohamed1
...t truncated protein was then purified from the culture media. The immunogenicity of the protein was studied in an animal experiment on mice, in which mice were injected subcutaneously. These findings suggest that the truncated Sf200 expressed in the pET-32a (+) prokaryotic vector can be used as antigen to detect antibodies against IBV.
Aqsa Gulzar1, Tariq Mahmud1,*, Rubina Munir2 and Asma Anjum3
...>-[4-(hydrazinecarbonyl)phenyl]acetamide with 3-nitro and 4-nitrobenzaldehyde. Characterization of the synthesized compounds was done by using various spectroscopic techniques namely FTIR, proton and carbon-13 NMR, Mass spectrometry and elemental analysis. The results were in great consistency with the structures of the synthesized compounds and confirmed the formation of the targeted compounds. It was found that the compound 4a was potentially anti-inflammato...
Hao Zhang,1,2,3,* Hai Tao Nie,3 Tie Wei Ma,3 Zi Yu Wang3 and Feng Wang3
... lambs were slaughtered when the ad libitum treatment lamb reached approximately 50 kg BW. Non-carcass components (head + feet, hide, internal organs + blood) and empty bodies of the lambs were weighed, ground, mixed, and subsampled for chemical analyses. The Ca, P, Na, and Mg were mainly distributed in bone, except for K, which was mainly distributed in the muscle tissues. The net macromineral requirements for maintenance were 20.20 mg Ca, 13.50 mg P, 3.80 mg...
Wei Dang1, Ning Xu1, Wen Zhang1, Jing Gao2, Handong Fan1 and Hongliang Lu 1,*
...38°C heat shock. We then collected other three lizard species, Plestiodon chinensis, Sphenomorphus indicus, and Scincella modesta, from geographical locations near each other, but with different microhabitats. We observed considerable variation in Hsp70 expression; the constitutive Hsp70 expression varied between organs and between species under heat shock. <...
Nasir Abbas1, Muhammad Suleman1, Nazir Ahmad Khan2,*, Ijaz Ali3, Mubashir Rauf1,5 and Sadeeq ur Rahman4,*
...gest to initiate a comprehensive effective surveillance programme.

Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

...op based loans and comprehensive policy of setting right price for output to increase net return and per unit yield. 


Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

...op based loans and comprehensive policy of setting right price for output to increase net return and per unit yield. 

Abid Hussain1,*, Mansur-ud-Din Ahmad2, Muhammad Hussan Mushtaq2, Mamoona Chaudhry2, Muhammad Sarwar Khan2, Michael Reichel3, Tanveer Hussain4, Amjad Khan2, MuhammadNisar2 and Imtiaz Ahmad Khan5
...that mastitis increases when herd size increase. It order to control the mastitis, it is mandatory to screen the mastitis cases at quarter and herd size level.
Chuanpeng Zhou1, Heizhao Lin2,*, Zhong Huang2, Jun Wang1, Yun Wang1 and Wei Yu2
...s of glucose groups and then returned to the level at 0 h (P<0.05). These results suggested that glucose oral administration resulted in prolonged hyperglycemia and high level of hepatic glycogen in T. ovatus which could lead to nutritional stress, and increasing glucose metabolic burden in this species. 

Yan Li1, Kai Zhan1,*, Junying Li1, Wei Liu1, Ruiyu Ma1, Shengnan Liu1, Tao Han2, Shaoquan Li2, Shaolin Wang2 and Yang Hu2
...hering Huainan partridge hens and 40 roosters were randomly divided into two equal groups. For NM, 4 mating cages were maintained each with 5 roosters and 45 laying hens. The other birds were reared in 3-layer complete ladder cages for AI, for which 180 hens were maintained in 60 cages with 3 hens/cage and 20 roosters in 20 cages. Laying performances, mo...
Sabah Mansoor1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Amna Jawad1, Bushra Munir2, Sehrish Firyal1, Ali Raza Awan1, Naeem Rashid3 and Muhammad Wasim1
...>-1, respectively when starch was utilized as substrate. To best of our knowledge this is the highest activity among the reported recombinant amylases from genus Geobacillus. Laboratory scale production of reducing sugars from cloth-starch makes AMYSBS a suitable candidate to be used in Textile industry.
Kaori Sasaoka1, Takahiro Kataoka1, Norie Kanzaki1, Yusuke Kobashi1, Akihiro Sakoda2, Yuu Ishimori2 and Kiyonori Yamaoka1,*
...alase and glutathione). When BALB/c mice were treated with a lower dose of CDDP (15 mg/kg) after 1000 Bq/m3 radon inhalation, the creatinine level was reduced and the superoxide dismutase content was increased, suggesting that this combination might have a protective effect against the CDDP-induced renal damage. The supportive effect of radon inhalation shows its good potential as a candidate treatment to alleviate CDDP-induced renal damage in veter...
Humaira Jabeen and Nazia Jamil*
...duced 40.6% bio-plastic when supplemented with coconut oil. This percentage is even higher than the glucose, which was 16.6 % after 24 h of incubation. The other competent strains i.e. Exiguobacterium indicum, Bacillus acidiceler were not able to utilize the coconut oil but produced 5 and 22% bio-plastic when supplemented with 2% glucose after 24 h of incubation, respectively. The percentage of the bio-plastic ...
Fouzia Tabssum1* and Syed Shahid Ali2
...he thirteen strains was then determined qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Zones of hydrolysis produced by the bacterial strains were ranged from 0.9-2.6 mm2 in diameter. Enzyme production units were 59.0, 57.0, 58.0and 58.0 µg/ml/min by the bacterial isolates designated as BCTL-SL-197, BCTL-FL-24, BCTL-VL-23 and BCTL-FL-27, respectively. Bacterial growth was checked at different pH and temperature conditions. Best growth was observed at...
Fouzia Tabssum1* and Syed Shahid Ali2
...he thirteen strains was then determined qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Zones of hydrolysis produced by the bacterial strains were ranged from 0.9-2.6 mm2 in diameter. Enzyme production units were 59.0, 57.0, 58.0and 58.0 µg/ml/min by the bacterial isolates designated as BCTL-SL-197, BCTL-FL-24, BCTL-VL-23 and BCTL-FL-27, respectively. Bacterial growth was checked at different pH and temperature conditions. Best growth was observed at...
Muhammad Tariq Zahid1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2, Soumble Zulfiqar3, Khalid A. Al-Ghanim4 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori3,4*
...liate Tetrahymena farahensis. The ciliate showed optimum growth at 27±1°C and pH 7.0 to 7.5. The maximum resistance dose of copper for T. farahensis was found to be 8, 9 and 80 µg/ml in wheat grain medium, Bold-basal salt medium and modified Neff’s medium, respectively. T. farahensis exhibited significant copper storage ability removing 54.9 % co...
Muhammad Zahid Latif1*, Rahila Nizami2, Intzar Hussain3
... It is an international phenomenon in which the individuals provide their time and services free of cost to an organization for the benefit of others (2). It is vital for the sustainability and smooth functioning of the nonprofit and community organizations that the participation on volunteer basis should be regular and ongoing (3). This is worth mentioning that in United States during the ...
Mei Li1, Di Zhang2 and Wan-Long Zhu1,*
...e were measured in Eothenomys miletus fed diets containing 0, 3.3% and 6.6% tannic acid, respectively. The results showed that E. miletus fed the diets with 6.6% tannic acid increased RMR compared with control on day 14, and reduced the gross energy intake (GEI) and digestible energy intake (DEI). On day 28, E. miletus fed diets containing tannic acid showed no significant changes in RMR, GEI and DEI. The apparent digestibility and NST wer...

Nadia Mubarik1, Aqib Iqbal1*, Iqbal Munir1 and Muhammad Arif2 

...respectively, was noted when 10 mM CaCl2 was applied as foliar spray. Furthermore, 10 mM CaCl2 application enhanced the Lhcb2 transcripts by 18 and 62% under irrigated and water stress conditions, respectively. These results demonstrate the importance of CaCl2 foliar application on the improvement in the water relations and biochemical adaptation, resulting in improvement in the performance of plants under water deficit conditions. These results also demonstra...
Muhammad Arshad,1* Sajjad Ahmad1, Muhammad Sufyan1, Zain-ul Abdin1 and Sumaira Maqsood2 on wheat monoculture when 130 specimens were recorded per tiller. Among strip cropping garlic showed maximum population (113 per tiller) followed by brassica (105), berseem (98) and alfalfa (83 per tiller). Second week of March was the most favorable period when 11.48 per tiller of aphid population counted in wheat monoculture, while no specimens were noticed after the first week of April. The coccinellid and syrphid fly ...
Ligia Neves Scuarcialupi, Laila Andreia Rodrigues Beserra, Julia Rosas Hochheim, Rodrigo Martins Soares, Fabio Gregori*
... in 2 broilers, 1 laying hen and 2 breeders. Only one RVG sample (1.03%) was detected in laying hen, in coinfection with RVF. This data contributes to a better understanding of rotavirus distribution in Brazil.

Muhammad Suhaib1, Ijaz Ahmad2*, Masooma Munir3, Muhammad Bilal Iqbal4 , Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 and Safdar Ali6 

...rtain positive response then which level is more suitable for wheat crop growth along with the genotypic assessment of salt tolerance in wheat cultivars (Faisalabad-2008 and Punjab-2011). Punjab-2011 performed better under normal and saline conditions than Faisalabad-2008. Shoot length reduction was 13.15 and 27.50% for Faisalabad-2008 and Punjab-2011 respectively under 75 mM salt stress but response at higher level 150 mM was different with 34.21 and 25.0% re...

Azhar Mehmood1,2,*, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem2, Muhammad Tahir2, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar3, Tasawer Abbas4, Ali Zohaib2, Hafiz Tassawar Abbas

...ameter, head diameter, achene and biological yield were significantly affected by varying levels of nitrogen and boron fertilizers. Results revealed that boron/nitrogen synergetic effect additively increased yield and yield components in sunflower plant. The oil and protein contents of sunflower were significantly affected by varying levels of both nitrogen and boron and maximum oil contents were observed when boron was appl...

Muhammad Iftikharul Husnain1, Aneel Salman1, Inayatullah Jan2*, Tahir Mahmood3 

...increases substantially when endogeneity is controlled and becomes significantly higher (6 percent to 13 percent) than the previously reported findings in the literature. The findings suggest that endogeneity is a crucial issue and must be controlled before carrying out an empirical analysis on the temperature-agriculture nexus to obtain reliable estimates of the regression coefficients. Policymakers should pay more attention to combat negative impacts of risi...
Mousa O. Germoush1,*, Mohsen G. Al-Mutary2, Ahmad R. Al-himaidi3, Muath G. Al-Ghadi3, Daisaku Iwamoto3,4, Yousef Al-anazi3, Aiman Ammari3, Javed Ahmad3,5, Abdulaziz Al-Khedhairy3,5
...ifferent treatments and then cumulus-oocyte complexes were used for in vitro fertilization. Relative quantitative expression of mRNA transcripts related to apoptosis (Bax and Bcl-2), embryo development (LAMA1, IL-6 and FGF4) and stress (HSPB1) were examined. The results showed that 10% and 20% SFF supplementation exerted no effect on maturation and cleavage percentage whereas 40% SFF supplementation significantly decreased maturation and cleavage. SFF s...
Liumeng Zheng1, Yanmei Wang1, Jiagui Zhu2, Ke Wang2, Dejing Cai2, Yuanzhao Qin3, Yuming Guo3, Hongxing Niu1,* and Yanzhen Bu1,*
Shuai Shang1,2, Honghai Zhang2,*, Xiaoyang Wu2, Qinguo Wei2, Jun Chen1, Huanxin Zhang1, Huaming Zhong2 and Xuexi Tang1,* omnivorous species. Then, we constructed a phylogenetic tree using Tas2r genes sequences from these fifteen species. Phylogenetic analyses showed that most Tas2r genes of raccoon dogs were closed to other canid-species, indicating that the Tas2r genes were very conservative. Besides, we also detected positive selection in 11 intact genes in raccoon dogs. The results of the positive selection analyses indicated that Tas2r10 and <...

Zakirullah Jan1, Shamsher Ali1*, Tariq Sultan2, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Zahir Shah1 and Farmanullah Khan1 

...the young seedlings and then the growth and yield of various crops and ultimately disturbing the socioeconomics of the farming community. Among the microbes, cyanobacteria are known as photoautotrophic, blue green algae which is not a truly eukaryotic algae and grown in different and such complex habitats freely and symbiotic association with large numbers of plants and microbial mats. In this regard, a pot experiment was carried out with the aim to assess the...

Muhammad Suhaib1*, Ijaz Ahmad2, Masooma Munir3, Badar-Uz-Zaman1, Bushra Atta4 and Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 both salinity levels then Parwaz-94. Salicylic acid induced improvement is significant regardless of stress environment or normal growth conditions. While regarding salicylic acid induced amelioration it was notable that both levels of salicylic acid had significant effects on the physiology and biochemical parameters of crop plants however lower level of salicylic acid 0.25 mM was found more efficient then the higher lev...
Aqeela Ashraf1,2,*, Muhammad Imran1 and Yung-Fu Chang2
...was resistant to chloramphenicol. These E. coli isolates carried one or more antimicrobial resistance genes. Genes present with highest frequency were tetA (42%), tetB (28%) and ampC (26%). Fewer E. coli isolates carried tetD (10%), tetE (8%) and tetG (8%) genes. None of the isolates was positive for bla2 resistance genes. PCR results of virulence genes confirmed that 66% of strains were carrying t...

Saima Rani*, Hassnian Shah, Nusrat Habib and Muhammad Azeem Khan 

.... Results indicate that when making choices of food, consumers in Islamabad prioritise their health. Furthermore, the households who earn more income perceive a negative impact on health from chemical usage, the more likely they would be willing to pay a high price for a fresh organic vegetable. 


Nashwa Mohamed Eid1, Al-Hussien Mohamed Dahshan1, El-Shayma El-Nahass2, Basma Shalaby3 and Ahmed Ali1* (0.125%). Birds were then challenged with CP (1×108 CFU) together with another 2 groups without EOs at 15 days of age. Starting from 3 days’ post infection (DPI), the second 2 set of birds without EOs addition were fed ration containing 0.25% and 0.125% thyme and clove oils as treatment in comparison to an antibiotic control group using for 5 days. The results showed that the use of EOs improved growth performance of broiler chickens especially ...

Usman Shakoor1, Ali Nasir2, Mudassar Rashid1, Muhammad Iftikhar-ul-Husnain1, Nabila Khurshid1 and Zuhair Husnain

...must be made functional then that tax rates should be revised in accordance with the income potential of agriculture lands; large land holdings be taxed, shares of the collected tax at district level should be spent on provision of local services which, in return, would help farmers increase income leading to higher income tax revenue. 

Ye Gong, Nehafta Bibi and Haitao Wang*
...d be taken into account when providing nest boxes to protect the local population.
Muhammad Nazar Aftab1, Ahmed Ali1, Muhammad Asad1, Sadia Fatima2 and Furhan Iqbal2,* in treated male mice when compared with their untreated control group indicating the hazardous effects of AlCl3 on blood chemistry of adult male albino mice.

Muhammad Ismaeel1,2*, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1, Aziz Ur Rahman1 and Mian Ahmad Raza

...vely. Maximum values of phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variations (PCV and GCV) were displayed by the genotypes for grain yield. The rice genotypes manifested high heritability in broad sense for the traits in study except grains panicle-1. F1 hybrid DR-92/DR-83 exhibited maximum better parent heterosis for spikelets panicle-1 (32.3%) and grains panicle-1 (45.1%) while F1 hybrid combinations Bas-2008/Kashmir-Bas and Bas-6129/Dokri-Bas for 1000-grain w...
Tariq Mahmood1,*, Shafqat Rasool1, Faraz Akrim1, Shaista Andleeb1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2 and Fiaz Nadeem3
...iz., Spotted Owlet (Athene brama), Little owlet (Athene noctua) and the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) were recorded from the park at five different sampling sites, at elevations ranging from 615 m to 655 m above sea level. Only one of the three species Tawny owl  was previously known from the park while the other two species have been recorded for the first time from the MHNP. On the contrary, thre...
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel2, Waqas Wakil3 and Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1,*
... days after application when B. thuringiensis and flubendiamide were applied in combination (@0.5 kg/ha+75ml/ha, respectively). Maximum infestation (11.60±0.97%) was observed in SpltNPV @ 1.0×109 POB/ml + B. thuringiensis @1.00 kg/ha. Similarly, five days after application minimum plant infestation was observed in B. thuringiensis and flubendiamide @0.5 kg/ha+75ml/ha (5.20±0.49%) and maximum in SpltNPV @ 1.0&...
Muhammad Zameer Kayani1,*and Tariq Mukhtar2
...mer Green) cultivars and hence are recommended for cultivation in fields infested with M. incognita.
Yakup Erdal Ertürk
...t (FFW) for each gender when model assessment criteria (viz. R2, SDRATIO, GCV and Pearson correlation coefficient between real and estimated scores in the final fattening weight) in the current study were considered. SDRATIO estimates of the MARS models for male and female domestic beef cattle were close to 0.05. The estimated FFW scores were correlated almost at the highest level with the observed FFW scores for each ge...
Changqing Zhao*, Zhuochi Chen and Yubin Li
...luded DL-Glutamic Acid, Phenylethyl Alcohol, 1-Octen-3-ol, Nonanal, Pentanal, 3-Methyl-Butanal, and 2-Pentyl-Furan. The study results demonstrated that the strains combined with Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Angel Yeast reduced the meat pH, degraded the protein in the meat by the proteases (including acid and neutral proteases) produced during fermentation, and increased the amount of free amino acids and flavored compounds. In these ways, the meat textu...
Jia Chen*, Yuanxi Deng and Hui Xu
...he protein of 12kDa was then analyzed by ion exchange and gel filtration chromatography, and the MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS search on the Internet. The results indicate that the protein was diamine- N-acetyltransferase.
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1Arshad Javid2, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain3, Nosheen Aslam4, Qasim Ali5, Majid Hussain6Muhammad Masoom ul Hassan Rehan7, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1,8Anam Khalid1 and Danish Riaz1
...d supposed gross energy when compared to control diet, respectively. The next higher growth performance and nutrient digestibility values were observed at 20% replacement level based diet. It was concluded that the 10% replacement level of fish meal with MOLM is optimum which release adequate amount of chelated nutrients for maximum growth performance of L. rohita fingerlings.
Selçuk Kaplan
...stock animals. However, phenotypic values do not generally indicate the real genotypic values of animals. However, using MAS approaches in selection of animals can increase the accuracy of selection. From this point of view, validation of candidate gene markers for marker assisted selection is very important to increase genetic gains in breeding. Leptin is a 16 kDa protein which is highly expressed in adipose tissue. Leptin is one of the most significant candi...
Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Ikramul Haq1,*, Imdad Ullah Khan3, Naimat Ullah4, Naimat Ullah Khan4, Kashif Hussain1 and Azmat Ullah Khan2
...nitially in rabbits and then in goats and sheep. Experimental trials were conducted on 54 healthy animals of each species and were divided into three equal groups (n=18). The antibody titers were evaluated with indirect haemagglutination test. The results indicated significantly higher (P< 0.05) immune titer in animal group vaccinated with toxoid vaccine prepared from pathogenic isolates and provide best protection against challenge infection.

Ghulam Abbas1, Muhammad Jawad Asghar1, Muhammad Rizwan2*, Muhammad Akram1, Jaffar Hussain1 and Fiaz Ahmad1 

...igh genotypic (GCV) and phenotypic (PCV) coefficients of variability for biological yield (GCV% = 31.70, PCV% = 33.58), harvest index (GCV% = 27.80, PCV% = 30.16) and seed yield (GCV% = 25.28, PCV% = 27.54). While heritability estimates were high for all the traits except days to maturity and clusters per plant. Biological yield, harvest index and seed yield depicted high estimates of heritability (0.89, 0.85 and 0.84, respectively) coupled with greater geneti...

Muhammad Rehan Aslam1, Muhammad Maqsood1, Zahoor Ahmad2*, Sajjad Akhtar3, Muhammad Rizwan4 and Muhammad Usama Hameed

...s (4.76%) were obtained when two foliar sprays of 0.5% MgSO4 (T2) were applied. Similarly, highest cob weight without sheath (258 g), number of grains per cob (475.1), 1000-grains weight (272.5 g), biological yield (13.4 t ha-1), grain yield (5.15 t ha-1), harvest index (38.20%), grain protein contents (9.01%) and grain oil contents (4.76%) were recorded where irrigation was applied at 50 mm soil moisture deficit (I2). Two foliar sprays of 0.5% 0f MgSO4 (1st a...

Rizwana Qamar1, Maria Ghias1, Fida Hussain1, Sajida Habib1, Muhammad Khuram Razzaq2*, Muhammad Aslam1 and Imran Habib3 

...lines were grown in polythene bags following factorial structured completely randomized design by three replications against three levels of water stress. Data was recorded on root length (cm), shoot length (cm), plant fresh weight (g), plant dry weight (g), chlorophyll fluorescence, leaf temperature (°C) and relative water contents (%). Results indicated the presence of significant genetic variability among hybrids and inbred lines. Hybrids had more toler...
Ayesha Iftikhar1,*, Muhammad Asif Aziz1, Muhammad Naeem1, Munir Ahmad1 and Tariq Mukhtar2
...of cotton mealy bug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Understanding the effect of temperature variations on its demography and predation rate is necessary to predict the population dynamics of this beetle against cotton mealy bug. Age-stage, two sex life tables of zigzag beetle were constructed at three different temperature regimes: 24 ± 0.5 °C and 27 ± 0.5 °C with 60-70% R.H. and ambient condition (32 &...
Sukirno Sukirno1,2, Muhammad Tufail1,3,*, Khawaja Ghulam Rasool1Said El Salamouny1, 4, Koko Dwi Sutanto1 and Abdulrahman Saad Aldawood1 deteriorated rapidly when exposed to the sunlight. Many UV protectants were used to improve the efficacy of these viruses under field conditions. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effectiveness of plant extracts to improve the persistence of Spodoptera littoralis multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (SpliMNPV) against beet army worm, Spodoptera exigua(Hübner) under harsh sunny field conditions in Saudi Arabia. A preli...
Yan Li1, Kai Zhan1,*, Junying Li1, Wei Liu1, Ruiyu Ma1, Shengnan Liu1, Haijun Cui1 and Xin Zhang2 batch of non-declawed hens. Compared with intact control, laying rate was significantly increased in groups 3 and 4, while percentage of defective eggs was visibly decreased in group 3. Hatching experiment showed a considerable depression in egg fertility and hatchability of setting eggs in group 4. Egg quality analysis demonstrated the significant increases in shell thickness among declawed treatments and yolk color in group 2. Overall feather score of lay...

Imadud Din1*, Fazal Munsif1, Irfan Ahmad Shah3, Hamayoon Khan1, Fahad Ullah Khan1, Ibrarullah2, Shahab Uddin4 and Tauqir Islam1 

...ent of variation (GCV), phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV), range and genetic advance were estimated for yield and yield associated traits. Results revealed significant variation for all traits among the tested wheat genotypes. The results showed the existence of adequate genetic variability among the tested wheat genotypes. High PCV and GCV were found in grains spike-1, while highest broad sense heritability with inferior genetic advance was recorded f...

Muhammad Shoaib Saleem*, Muhammad Faheem Akbar, Amjad Sultan and Saqib Ali 

...Buprofezin were applied when population of insect pests reached at economic threshold level (ETL). Pre-treatment data were taken before 24 hours and post-treatment data were recorded after 24, 72, 168 and 336 hours of each spray. In this manner the data of three sprays were collected. Amongst neonicotinoids Clothianidin was found to be very effective with 84% reduction in jassid population even after 7 days of application, followed by Nitenpyram 71% and Moment...

Syed Muhammad Hassan Raza1*, Syed Amer Mahmood1, Veraldo Liesenberg2 and Syed Shehzad Hassan1  

...use for a shift in crop phenology as well as failure of crop calendar. Yellow stem borer (YSB) is an insect pest of rice crop that may reduce rice yield about 20% due to the use of insecticide at inappropriate times and unsuitable locations following the crop calendar. The purpose of this research was to delineate the vulnerable zones for YSB attacks on rice crop using satellite thermal datasets. The area under investigation was 13700 km2 area out of which 862...
Maaz Ahmad1*, Mussab Ahmad2 and Tehreem Munir3
...d at the start of trial then after 2, 4 and 6 weeks. 
Results: In this trial, 200 patients fully participated in this study (age 36.31±9.711 years, range 18-55, 60% female). Compared with placebo, Carica papaya extract (CP group) showed a clinically significant improvement. The GIS significantly decreased in CP group during the first 2 weeks, compared to the placebo (p < 0.05). During the second and third 2-week period, sympto...
Farhat Ijaz1, Rana Khurram Aftab2*, Samia Jawed3
....96+4.69), respectively when compared to non-obese Type 2 diabetic patients (3.40+5.05) and (3.49+2.36) respectively. Mean HOMA-IR in males was 6.52+7.03 and in females was 12.85+10.54 (p-value 0.006). 
Conclusion: Increased inflammation in obese diabetics explains the role of tumor necrosis factor alpha in insulin resistance induced by obesity. Weight reduction in obese individuals will help in reducing TNF-α levels and to improv...
Munir Ahmad1, Aisha Hameed2*, Saba Khaliq3, Hamid Saeed Malik4 and Shahida Mohsin5
...unt, FAB type and immunophenotype. RNA extraction was performed and RT-PCR procedure was conducted to detect TEL-AML1 fusion oncogene.
Results: Out of 66 samples, frequency of TEL-AML1 fusion oncogene was detected in 5 subjects (7.6%). Almost all TEL-AML1 positive patients carried FAB ALL-L1, B-Lineage immunophenotype, mean hemoglobin level of 6g/dl and age from 3 to 5 years. All these features are related...
Zartasha Anjum1*, Rakhshindah Bajwa2 and Munazza Hassan3
... has also been observed when these were used as combination therapy along with tamoxifen in estrogen receptor (ER) and HMG-COAR positive breast carcinomas. However, in our local population, expression of HMG-COAR is not investigated. The objective of our study was to examine the expression of HMG-CoAR in primary breast carcinomas and determine its association with ER/PR expression.
Material & Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study was...
Naveed Rashid*1, Muhammad Aamer2, Uzma Malik3, Nimra Arif4, Muhammad Waqar Akram5 and Ayesha Irshad6
... care. Knowledge scores when compared between different age groups, greater proportion of patients between age of 45-65 (p<0.017) possessed good knowledge as compared to age groups of 25-45, 65-85 years. 
Conclusion: Despite good understanding and adequate attitude, few practices were not being followed in parallel to the knowledge acquisition. Therefore, regular reminder and periodic evaluation of practical aspects of AVF care is re...
Maryam Javed*, Farwa Saghir, Naveera Aziz, Maham Saeed, Asif Nadeem and Wasim Shehzad specific primer set. Then Sanger’s method of DNA sequencing was used. Multiple sequence alignment demonstrated that sheep and goat were having the wild base Guanine against which the cattle and buffalo depicted the mutant form Adenine. Results of this study illustrated the genetic tendency of large domestic bovines towards aggression and attack, so they should be handled with great caution.
Hanif Ur Rahman1, Umer Saddique1, Zahoor-ul-Hassan1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Muhammad Kamal Shah1, Said Sajjad Ali Shah1, Farhan Anwar Khan1Fazli Rabbani2, Muhammad Asif Hussain2, Attaur-Rahman2, Irshad Ahmad3,4 and Sadeeq ur Rahman2,*
...n and therefore, a comprehensive country wide surveillance should further investigate the overall prevalence of members of MM cluster in suspected cases of CCPP in small ruminants.
Laiba Shafique1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2, Mehroze Fatima3, Huma Naz4, Qaisra Saddique1
... containing lactic acid when compared with other dietary treatments. In conclusion, citric acid showed best response as compared to other dietary supplemented organic groups.
Matiyar Rahaman Khan1,*, Sabayasachi Pal2, Amit Singh2, Ashok Dhananjaybhai Patel3, Bhagubhai Ambaram Patel3Tushar Manohar Ghule2 and Victor Phani1
... nematode species was authentically identified as Meloidogyne indica Whitehead, 1968 which was first time described on citrus from Delhi, India. The species is further characterized based on detailed morphological, morphometric descriptions and beta-esterase phenotyping. The present study elucidated information on M. indica for its easy detection, diagnosis, dimension of damages on citrus, and Bt-cotton under I...
Zhu-Mei Ren1,*, Xu Su2, Carol D von Dohlen3 and Jun Wen4,1,*
...phid species Nurudea zhengii Ren, sp. nov. collected from the Mountain Qixing in Shangrao County, Jiangxi Province, China is described and illustrated from alate viviparous female. The new species differs from the other Nurudea species in the length and proportion of antennal segments, the structure of antennal secondary sensilla, and the flower-like shape of the galls that are formed on its primary host. Its primary host plant is Rhus hypoleu...
Muhammad Sarfraz*, Shahida Hasnain
...ant (<18 mm) to FOX. Phenotypic confirmation of pAmpC beta-lactamases was done using inhibitory based method and confirmed 46% K. pneumoniae and 8% E. coli pAmpC positive. A variable resistance pattern was seen in both pAmpC beta-lactamases producing K. pneumoniae and E. coli for Amikacin, Gentamicin, Levofloxacin, Ciprofloxacin, Imipenem, Meropenem, Pipracillin-Tazobactam, Cefoperazone-Sulbactam and Cefepime. The study elaborate...
Qudsia Yousafi1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Aslam3 and Allah Ditta Abid4
...ntrol except on June 15 when infestation in control and in plots having light traps was not significantly different. Seasonal means for fruit infestation reduced fruit infestation by 16.1, 9.6 and 19.5 percent in T1, T2 and T3, respectively as compared to control.
Ai Guo1,2,3, Jiaguang Xiao4, Binbin Shan4, Tianxiang Gao5 and Yongdong Zhou3,*
...elationships (d=0.028), then clustered with C. mystus which exhibited obvious genetic differentiation between C. mystus N and C. mystus S (d=0.083). C. reynaldi was at the basal part of the trees, and showed obvious genetic differentiations with other Coilia species (d>0.19). Our results suggested that the north and south lineages of C. mystus could be genetically distinct as different species.

Fazal Munsif1, Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Arif2, Kawsar Ali3 and Ijaz Ahmad

... (13.49 %) was achieved when sugarcane setts were sown on 20th September. The performance of plots sown on 30th March was found not promising as compared to all other sowing except POL and sugar recovery which were comparatively better compared to rest of sowing dates. 


Mohammed Zaki Fathy* 

...ion drug intravenously. Then in the first group (G1), was injected by the propofol (2mg/Kg intravenously) while in the second group (G2), was injected with ketamine HCl (2.2mg/Kg intravenously). The onset, duration, and recovery times were recorded for each group. Heart rate, respiratory rates, and rectal temperature were recorded. Blood samples were collected at 0, 20, 40, 80 minutes and 12 hours after administration for detection the hematological changes. R...

Shahen Shah1*, Manzoor Hussain1, Arshad Jalal1, Mohammad Sayyar Khan2, Tariq Shah1, Muhammad Ilyas1 and Muhammad Uzair3 

Irfan Ali Sabir1, Saeed Ahmad1*, Muhammad Nafees2, Ahmad Sattar Khan1, Maryam3 and Ishtiaq Ahmad

... the country and a comprehensive research studies were executed to investigate the yield potential, fruit physico-chemical characters and sensorial aspects. Diverse seventeen commercial and noncommercial indigenous and exotic mango varieties were selected to collect and analyze fruit morphological data under randomized complete block design (RCBD). There was significantly high fruit weight and pulp contents in ‘Kensington Pride’. Total soluble soli...
Azmat Hayat Khan Khattak1, Abdul Wasay2, Tariq Ali1,*, Muhammad Iqbal1, Khisrao Kalim1, Mohammad Farooque Hassan3, Muhammad Mobashar2, Nazir Ahmad2, Abid Iqbal2 and Muhammad Nauman ul Islam1
...en fodder (GF) was fed. Then, from 64-77 days they were fed milk at 5% LBW + CSR + GF. From 78-90 days milk at 2.5% LBW + CSR + GF. Calves in groups B and C were also fed with same feeding regimen with the corresponding age adjustments. The results showed that mean feed intake in weaning age groups-A, B and C was 5.71, 4.34 and 6.02 kg, respectively. Mean weight gain was 5.56, 5.02 and 6.70 (kg/15 days), respectively. Whereas, mean feed efficiency was 0.07, 0....
Habib-ur-Rehman1*, Saima Mirza1*, Mansoor-ul-Hasan2, Qurban Ali3, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir4, Muhammad Yasir5

Muhammad Zahid1, Naeem Iqbal1, Sohaib Muhammad2*, Summiya Faisal3, Wajid Mahboob3, Makhdoom Hussain4 and Zaheer ud din Khan2 

...growth and yield occurs when it encounters extreme water shortage. In order to reduce the adversities of drought, glucose was exogenously applied at various phenological stages on wheat variety “AARI-11” and desiccation tolerance potentials were assessed through growth, yield and physiological attributes. Glucose was supplied in various concentrations (0, 5, 10, 25 and 50 mM) as seed priming and foliar spray trea...
Kiran Aqil1, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan2, Asim Aslam2, Aqeel Javeed5, Rizwan Qayyum1, Farooq Yousaf,1 Farkhanda Yasmeen1, Muhammad Luqman Sohail3 and Sajid Umar4,*
...hiahiazo (-z-y1)-3,5-di-phenytetrazoliumromide colorimetric (MTT) assay. Plaque reduction assay was used to test the mode of action. Out of six dilutions, three dilutions (50, 25, 12.5 µg/ml) showed significant antiviral activity and cell survival was more than 50%. Two dilutions of N. sativa (200 µg/ml and 100 µg/ml) extracts showed cytotoxicity to Vero cell lines. In the plaque reduction assay, alcoholic extracts of N. sativa ...
Xiaqing Chen, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
...ent manner was observed when ethyl acetate extract and carbendazim were applied individually. The EC50 of T. hamatum ethylacetate extract or carbendazim in mycelial growth inhibition of S. shiraiana was 6.6 μg/ml or 39.5 μg/ml under laboratory condition, respectiviely. The level of synergism between ethylacetate extract and carbendazim was affected by the concentration of each component in the mixtures. The synergistic effec...
Dan Yü, Chuchu Li, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
...erotiorum decreased when treated with ethylacetate extracts. The level of additive inhibition on S. sclerotiorum using both fungal ethylacetate extracts and difenoconazole was directly related to the concentration of each component used in mixtures. Additive effects were observed in all treatments according to the mycelial growth inhibition, Me and Chi-square values. The use of T. hamatum offers a promising and effective co-formulation produc...
Binbin Shan, Yan Liu, Changping Yang, Shengnan Liu and Dianrong Sun*
...its in Nr database. And then, 10,467 unigenes were annotated into three ontologies: biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions. Moreover, 18,621 unigenes were mapped 25 different clusters of eukaryotic proteins. In addition, a total of 17,671 unigenes were classified into 311 KEGG pathways. Finally, we predicted the coding sequences of 13,072 unigenes and obtained 9,222 SSRs in the present study. The whole transcriptome is an important ...
Ali Karabayir1,*, Nazan Arifoğlu2 and Mustafa Öğütcü3
...emented drinking water. When considering the live weight gain (LWG) monitored through the 10-week trial, it was found out that the live weight gain of the Australorp and Village strains were negatively affected by disinfectant addition, while the live weight gain of the Plymouth strain was not affected by addition of disinfectant. In the present study, it was shown that addition of disinfectant clearly improved the microbiological quality of drinking water, wh...

Ali Sher1*, Khalid Naveed1, Gulzar Ahmad2, Ayub Khan1, Muhammad Saeed1 and Shah Masaud1 

Naeem Ahmad1,* and Zulqurnain2* hatchery) in two earthen ponds, fed with commercially available feed. Similar feeding regime and physical conditions were maintained for both treatments. It was found that there was no significant difference in final total length (TL) and standard length (SL) of the fish in both treatments (P>0.05). However, average monthly weight gain, final total wet weight (WW) and weight gain with increase in TL were higher in GIFT-Th as compared to GIFT-Tw (P<0....
Shoukat Ara1, Sheikh Adil2,*and Manzoor Ahmad Khan3
...iet (T2, T3, T4 and T5) when compared with the control group (T1). The differences in the total number of eggs laid, % hen-day-egg production, various external and internal egg parameters under different treatments were statistically non-significant (p>0.05). In conclusion, Azolla is beneficial at lower levels in improving the performance of grower chicken but had no effect on the number of eggs laid. Further, A...

Asinamai Athliamai Bitrus1*, Olabode Mayowa Peter2, Muhammad Adamu Abbas3 and Mohammed Dauda Goni

...ce the early 1940-ties, when penicillin resistant S. aureus was first reported. Ever since, this pathogen has gain global notoriety as the most common cause of nosocomial, community and livestock associated infection. The mechanism of resistance development in bacteria involved the integration of a complex systems that included the efflux pump, alteration of drug target site, enzymatic inactivation and, mutation in drug target site and gene acquisition of resi...

Muhammad Faheem Jan1*, Asad Ali Khan1, Waqas Liaqat1, Haseeb Ahmad1, Muhammad Dawood Ahmadzai1 and Wazir Rehan

...e data showed that crop phenology, growth, and yield of maize were significantly affected by both hybrids and potassium ratios. Maize hybrids and potassium ratios did differ in crop phenology (days to emergence, tasseling, silking, and maturity) and crop growth (single leaf area, leaf area index, and plant height) which resulted in different grain yield. Among hybrids DK-Garanon gave highest value for all the studied paramet...

Iqbal Javed1*, Amar Razzaq2, Mudassar Yasin3, Muhammad Ali Imran4, Haroon Javaid5, Iftikhar Nabi6, Anum Sardar1 and Shahbaz Ahmad

... sector of livestock and hence for the exports of meat to all over the world. The study in hand is designed to explore the current performance and competiveness of meat industry of Pakistan. Keeping the importance of the meat industry of Pakistan, the study in hand is conducted to explore the mutton exports from Pakistan and to figure out the potential markets for Pakistani mutton. For the purpose of a research conducted on mutton exports from Pakistan the sec...

Muhammad Javed Iqbal and Muhammad Naeem* 

... (p<0.01) were noted when log total length and log wet weight were plotted against each other and with log values of all external morphometric variants except condition factor (K). “b” (regression coefficient) value for LWRs of Labeo rohita in various groups was calculated as 3.37, 3.11, 3.20 in T1, T2 and T3 respectively and showed positive allometric growth pattern while negative allometric pattern was observed in T4 and T0. The coefficient of...

Safina Naz1, Khushbo Hussain1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar2* and Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3

...plication of NAA, total phenolic contents were 163.33 (mg g-1), while total protein content were 25.33(mg g-1), SOD 214.30 (IU min-1 mg protein-1), 895.52 POD (mmol min-1 mg protein-1) and catalase value was 2159.90. Similarly, SA application promoted total phenolic content up to 157.84 (mg g-1), while total protein content were 26.66(mg g-1), SOD 199.33(IU min-1 mg protein-1), 811.13 POD (mmol min-1 mg protein-1) and catala...

Qaisar Jamal1,Salman Ahmad1, Nazma Habib Khan1, Sobia Wahid1, Muhammad Ikram2, Sadia Rehman2, Syed Basit Rasheed1 and Akram Shah1,* 

...hyl) methylidene]amino} phenyl)imino] methyl}phenol) Copper(II) and NM-4 (Tetrakis (2-{(E)-[(2- {[(Z)-(2-hydroxynapthyl) methylidene] amino}phenyl)imino]methyl} phenol) zinc(II)), against human THP-1 leukemia cell line in-relation to miltefosine (standard chemotherapy). Mean % inhibition for NM-3 against THP-1 was higher than NM-4, although both were les...
Faxiang Wang, Yan Chen, Sai Chen, Xianghong Li, Jian Yu, Jianhui Wang and Yongle Liu*
... conformational changes when stored at 4 °C, and significant changes of the proteins content, as shown by the SDS-PAGE fingerprint, was observed after 6 days of storage. Protein’s surface hydrophobicity and total SH content increased during the first 4 days and then decreased gradually up to 10 days. The Ca2+-ATPase activity of protein decreased gradually during the storage period. The high MW proteins e...

Abdur Rehman1* and Shad Khan Khalil2 on canola growth and phenology during 2015-16 and 2016-17. The experiment comprised of four moisture levels (optimum water, 10%, 20% and 30% reduced irrigation water), three chemicals (salicylic acid 0.5mM, potassium nitrate KNO3 1% and methanol 20% v/v basis) applied at three different stages (bud formation, 20% flowering and 20% pod formation). The experiment was laid out in RCB design with split plot arrangement having three replications. Moisture levels...
Yang Liu1,2,3, Baimei Liu1,2,3, Chenchen Li1,2,3 and Meiwen An1,2,3,*
... by aberrant fibroblast phenotypes and excessive deposition of extracellular matrix. Pressure therapy is a common treatment to cure HS, which can regulate collagen synthesis and deposition. To investigate collagen metabolism in keratinocytes and fibroblasts co-culture under pressure, and study the role of IL-1α and MMP-3 in terms of regulating fibroblasts-keratinocytes collagen metabolism with pressure.Chitosan-gelatin scaffolds were fabricated by vacu...
Li Lv1, Liuan Li1,*, Ruibo Zhang1, Zhichao Deng1, Tianming Jin1 and Gaimei Du2
...on of North China laying hens. Healthy 60-week-old hens (n = 160) were randomly divided into four experimental groups and fed a basal diet supplemented with selenium enriched yeast at differing levels: 0.0 mg/kg (control group), 0.3 mg/kg (low-dose group), 0.6 mg/kg (medium-dose group) and 1.2 mg/kg (high-dose group). Each experimental group had four cohorts and each cohort had 10 hen

Raza Ullah Khan*, Ahmad Khan, Mohammad Zameer Khan, Fayyaz Hussain and Sonia Saba 

...contents also increased when P was equally applied as soil and foliar. 

Şehriban Çek Yalnız 1,* and Erdal Yilmaz2
...orhexis and the budding phenomena were clearly detected. Karyorhexis and budding phenomena were also the sing of apoptosis. Atresia was also clearly detected in pre and postovulatory follicles. The detection of karyorhexis, characteristic of apoptotic cells may provide a better understanding in atresia mechanism. It seems that apoptosis has a major role in the elimination of POF and atretic oocytes in the ovaries of C. ga...
Peng Xu1, Bin Liu1,2, Yongqiang Zhao3, Shicheng Lv3 and Changhu Lu1,*
...d crane wintering in Yancheng Nature Reserve (YNR) from 1981 to 2016, we tested the correlation between population size and the climate variables. The results showed that mean air temperature in wintering period showed a linear upward trend. Annual maximum wintering crane population was 623±33. Fitting the population size and the climate variables in the same year with GAMs indicated significant correlations between population size and mean maximum air ...
Soumble Zulfiqar1, Khuram Shehzad1, Sana Tahir1, Khalid A. Al-Ghanim2 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2,3,*
...ys of CueO protein with phenolic substrates revealed its laccase activity. The kinetic studies showed Km value of 0.2µM, kKcat 0.68 S-1 and Kcat/km 1.2S-1 µM-1 for 2,6-Dimethoxyphenol (DMP) and Km value of 0.25mM, Kcat 300 S-1 and Kcat/Km=1200S-1mM-1 for Syringaldazine (SGZ). Regulation of cueO in response to various concentrations of copper...

Bushra Qadir1, Muhammad Asim2 and Mohammad Akmal1* 

... of shoot to root (RSR) when compared with variety Vernal and/or UCD. Ratio of root length to root volume (RRLV) was high at TU 1428 and low at TU 677. Variety UCD and Dura, as well as Vernal and Cuf-101 showed similar RRLV. The study suggested that Cuf-101 was relatively better variety for stand establishment in Peshawar’s climate. Nonetheless, seed treated with extracts was not as effective as expected focusing growth and development in early spring fo...
Moorthy S. Muthuswamy play in causing this phenomenon is not well understood. To address this issue, I outline a novel theoretical framework for conceptualizing Salafi radicalism in terms of an underlying theme and its enablers. This proposal further divides radicalization processes into primary and secondary ones; the former are identified with the onset of radicalization in a community, and the latter develop in communities with longstanding exposure to the p
Mehwish Aftab, Tariq Mahmud*, Muhammad Asim Raza Basra, Aqsa Gulzar, Sumaira Basharat and H.M. Junaid
...dant activity against diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The results showed that metal complexes are good antioxidant agents as compared to Trolox (standard) and ligand was less active as compared to Trolox. The Schiff base ligand and its metal (III) complexes showed antibacterial activity against E. coli, S. aureus by disc diffusion method and antifungal activity against Macrophomina phaseolina, Fusarium oxysporum. The metal (III) complexes are high...

Mohsin Iqbal1, Farid Asif Shaheen1*, Farah Naz2, Muhammad Usman Raja2, Muhammad Fiaz3 and Muhammad Nadeem1 adults were recorded when chickpea grains were treated with the highest concentration of B. bassiana as compared to that of M. anisopliae. These non-chemical control strategies will have significant contribution towards development of commercial formulations of bio-pesticides to be used against this grain beetle and other stored product insect pests. 

İnan Kaya1,*, Muhitdin Yılmaz2, Müge Mavioğlu Kaya3,Abdulsamed Kükürt4 and Mahmut Karapehlivan5
...arbaryl and 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D). Fifty Capoeta capoeta fish caught in Kars Creek were equally divided into five groups and acclimatized in separate tanks for 10 days. The fish were kept in tanks as follows: Group I (control) was kept in normal water. Group II, III, IV and V were kept in separate tanks containing 0.3 mg/L carbaryl, 0.6 mg/L carbaryl, 10 mg/L 2,4-D and 20 mg/L 2,4-D, respectively. The blood and liver samples were taken ...
Muhammad Babar Khawar1, Muddasir Hassan Abbasi2*, Zillay Mariam1, Nadeem Sheikh1,2*
...d albumin (P<0.0001) when compared against control. Similarly, hematological analysis revealed a significant decrease in WBCs (P<0.0001), RBCs (P=0.0001), Hemoglobin (P<0.0001), Platelets (P<0.0001) and MCHC (P<0.0001) while MCV (P<0.0001) showed a remarkable positive change when compared with control. Hematocrit (P<0.0001) was found to be enhanced significantly in Group 1 but decreased in Group 2 while ...
Muhammad Zahid1, Aneela ZameerDurrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1, KhushiMuhammad1,Muhammad Usman1,*, Muhammad Husnain1 and Nadeem Kamal2


...howed 52.2% prevalence. When immunity status was taken into account it was found that vaccinated animals showed very low prevalence, i.e. 4.39% as compared to non-vaccinated animals having 66.53%. Another risk factor age suggested that younger animals were more affected (60.17%) as compared to older ones (29.41%). It was also observed that animals in closed housing system were more affected as compared to open housed animals. Wh...
Ashraf M. Mounir, A.N. El shahat* and A.M. Abdul Azeem
...f this study. The total phenolic content and total flavonoids of frankincense has been significantly increased under the effect of gamma-rays in this work. Injection of isoprenaline hydrochloride (100 mg/ kg B.Wt./day) to rats resulted in cardiac oxidative stress, inflammation, hyper-lipidemia and increase cardiac marker enzymes. Treatment of rats with GFAE (45 mg/kg/day) prior to injection of ISO provide significant cardio-protective effects evidenced ...

Asma Sohail1*, Aina Rafique2, Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi1 and Maryum Arif3 

...powder, whereas maximum phenolic and flavonoid contents were significantly higher in Muzafati freeze dried date powders. Results suggest that freeze dried date fruit powder had the highest potential to be used as functional foods as they are potential source of antioxidants. Date powder also showed probable antimicrobial activity against Escherichia coli. Overall, results showed that freeze drying is the most effective method for gaining maximum antioxidant ac...

Muhammad Arshad*, Sabeeta Jan, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam, Shiguftah Khalid and Muahmmad Ayub Khan 

... for both genotypic and phenotypic level. Correlation between plant height and oil content was found to be highly significant and positive. Seed yield had positive association but non-significant with DFI, PH 100SW, HD and OC percentage while negative association with DFC and DM. DFI, DFC, HD, 100 SW and OC percentage contribute positively toward seed yield. Present study depicts that for improvement in yield, HD and oil content should be given top priority. B...
Adem Aksoy1, Yakup Erdal Ertürk2, Ecevit Eyduran3 and Mohammad Masood Tariq4,*
...e revenue of 106.08 TL. When the weaning weights increased from 17.0 to 21.5 kg, the pasture revenue reduced from 79.56 to 7.34 TL. As a result, MARS algorithm may be a good approach to predict pasture revenue and to capture ideal cut-off values of significant factors affecting the revenue for increasing profitability of lamb meat production in the sheep.
Ejaz Mahmood Ahmad Qureshi1,*, Amtul Bari Tabinda2, Seemal Vehra3 and Atif Yaqub4
...ue viruses is a crucial phenomenon responsible for persistence of the viruses during inter-epidemic period (s) of the disease. In the present study, distribution and seasonality of horizontally transmitted dengue viruses in Aedes mosquitoes was investigated in the metropolitan city Lahore, Pakistan during 2011, 2012 and 2013. Adult Aedes aegypti, were captured from nine towns and one Cantonment Board of the city using back-pack mechanical aspirat...
Ghazunfar Rashid1, Muhammad Avais1, Syed Saleem Ahmad1, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq2, Rais Ahmed3,*, Mahboob Ali1, Muhammad Naveed-ul-Haque4, Mehtab Ahmad5Mumtaz Ali Khan1 and Naimat Ullah Khan6
...itatively through the Diphenylamine Filed Test (DFT) and quantitatively by spectrophotometry. The nitrate levels were highest in Jowar, followed by Jai, Shaljam, Makai, Bajra and Sarson. The concentrations were lower in the afternoon in the leaves and in mature crops as compared to stem parts, immature plants, and in samples collected from plants during morning hours. The nitrate concentration was lower in samples collected from Ravi area, as compared to sampl...
Zafar Iqbal*, Farah Ansar, Zil-e-Huma
...ail); molly Poeciliasphenops; platy Xiphophorus maculates; sword tail Xiphophorus helleri; guppy Poecilia reticulata; tiger oscar Astronotus ocellatus; koi carp Cyprinus carpio; giant gourami Osphronemus goramy; blue line shark Pangasianodon hypophthalmus and silver shark Balanitiocheilos melanopterus. The health status of these fishes ranged from being healthy, moribund and infected. The parasites...

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Ammarah Hasnain2, Ateeq ur Rehman1 and Rashida Perveen1 

... bacterium in question. When used individually, M. piperita demonstrated best in vitro, field and glass house experiments followed by the A. indica which also proved its efficacy against the pathogen. The combination of M. piperita, A. indica and C. limon was superior in reducing the BLB of rice. Besides this, all treatments showed significant effect on the agronomic traits of rice plants. The reduction of disease in all the trials along with healthy crop stan...

Muhammad Kashif Asghar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Shahid Riaz Malik2, Waqas Ahmad3, Sumaira Zareen4, Safdar Ali5 and Abid Ali6 

...lture, Faisalabad. The achenes of two different sunflower hybrids i.e. Hysun-33 and FH-331 were subjected to different priming treatments including hydropriming, osmopriming (with 1, 0.1 and 0.01 mM B) using boric acid as a source of B. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design with factorial arrangement in triplicate run. Results from the experiment revealed that all the seed treatments significantly improved ach...

Zubina Hameed1, Muhammad Azim Malik1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Farina Shaheen1, Ijaz Ahmad2 and Khisrao Kalim3 

..., Convolvulus arvensis, Chenopodium album, and Asphodelus tenuifolius. The results of field experiment clearly showed that weed control efficiency was highest (98.18 %) in Buctril-super followed by Brominal-M (98.11%) and hand weeded weed-free plots (100%) as compared with other herbicides. Similarly Brominal-M and Buctril-super showed higher mortality percentage of weeds after weeds free (hand weeded) plots having (63.61 %), (62.64 %) and (100%) mortality per...
Tünay Kontaş Aşkar1,*, Şinasi Aşkar1, Olga Büyükleblebici2 and Murat Güzel3
...dogs with leishmaniasis when compared with the healthy controls. According to the result of this study, oxidative stress and inflammatory changes occur in CVL. And this is the first report for myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity in CVL. Therefore investigation of this enzyme activity in dogs with leishmaniasis may be used for the diagnosis and inflammatory changes in dogs with VL.

 Hamda Azmat1, Waqas Ali2, Arshad Javid2, Ali Hussain2, Syed Makhdoom Hussain3, Zara Saeed1,Syed Shafiq Hussain Bukhari4

Chromium contamination in water, sediment and its bioaccumulation in Indian major carps in River Chenab, Pakistan
...m of head Trimmu, river Chenab. Throughout the study period, mmaximum Cr concentrations from upstream and downstream were recorded as 23.54± 3.43 mg/L and 21.12 ± 3.47 mg/L, respectively. Average metal concentration detected from sediment samples was 71.08±8.32 mg/L. Maximum Cr concentration 81.72±2.54 was recorded during February while minimum 61.24±1.23 mg/L during May. Among all the three fish species, maximum metal concen...

Mohammad Salim1, Arshad Javid2*, Ali Hussain2, Faiz-ur-Rahman3, FarmanUllah4, Hamidullah5

Distribution records of fruit bats Cynopterus sphinx and Rousettus leschenaultii from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
... fruit bat Rousettus leschenaultia (n = 22) were captured from Malakand division in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). The morphological and cranial features of the captured specimens were compared with
available literature. Baculum morphometry is one of the key features in identification of bat species and was applied
for species confirmation of R. leschenaultii. R. leschenaul...

Muddasir Hassan Abbasi1, 2, Noor Fatima1, Syed Shahid Imran Bukhari1, Asma Rashid khan3, Nadeem Sheikh2*

Variations in proteins and transaminases following experimental induction of Bisphenol A in mice
...o find the effect of Bisphenol A (BPA) which is widely used in the manufacturing of
epoxy resins and variety of plastics to which humans are exposed routinely. BPA (12.5%) was injected in mice for
consecutive 15 days while control animals were not exposed to any treatment (n=3). Serum samples were processed
for the estimation of total protein and albumin and aminotransaminases activity. The sodium dodecyl sulphate
polyacrylamide gel...

 Abbas Ali1, Muhammad Altaf2*, Muhammad Samar Hussain Khan3

Winter survey of birds at Keti Bunder, district Thatha, Pakistan with passage of time when the data were compared with the
previous research due to anthropogenic impacts especially pollution impact.


 Jhan Zeb, Muhammad Javed

Forecasting percentage contribution of plankton biomass towards increase in fish yield under composite culture conditions
...t fish weight daily) earthen ponds (0.012 ha) for 365 days. There were five different fish species in
each of the triplicate group viz. Labeo rohita, Catla catla, Cirrhina mrigala, Ctenopharyngodon idella and
Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in the ratio of 27:10:10:07:13, respectively. Each triplicate group of fish T1 to T6 were fed
supplementary diets at varying protein level viz., 22, 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32% digestible protein (DP), respectiv...

Dilara Abbas Bukhari1, Abdul Rehman2*

Isolation of bioactive compounds from exudate of edible fungus, Pleurotus ostreatus
...cids, ketone, aldehyde, phenyl and amide groups containing compounds. Some of these may be classified into aroma containing compounds.


 Hafiz Muhammad Awais Sarwar, Muhammad Tahir Waseem, Abdul Majid Khan*, Rana Manzoor Ahmad

Propotamochoerus hysudricus remains from late Miocene deposits of Hasnot, Pakistan
.../> findings will strengthen the previous records of the species Propotamochoerus hysudricus from the Late Miocene
Siwaliks of Pakistan. This species can act as a marker suid species of the Late Miocene Siwalik deposits.


 Haniya Mazhar1, Naaz Abbas2, Zahid Hussain3, Amir Sohail4, Syed Shahid Ali4*

Extracellular lipase production from Bacillus subtilis using agro-industrial waste and fruit peels
...oil) of enzyme activity when used as substrate for lipase production. It is concluded that among the agro-industrial wastes, fruit peels and waste oil samples used in this study, the maximum lipase production was observed with soya bean meal, banana peel and Shan oil waste, respectively.


 Muhammad Babar Khawar1, Muddasir Hassan Abbasi1, 2, Sana Fatima3, Khawaja Abdul Mujeeb2, Nadeem Sheikh1

Alterations in proteins and transaminases activity induced by thioacetamide in albino rats
...oth experimental groups when compared to control. Taking in account these results it can be
concluded that TAA induces changes in the liver marker enzymes along with the change in the sera and tissue total
protein contents specifically albumin.


 Zafar Iqbal1, Muhammad Farooq Nasir1, Imran Bodlah1*, Rahmatullah Qureshi2, Ayesha Aihetasham3

Notes on three morphs of Bulaea lichatschovii (Hummel) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) from Northern Pakistan
...he coccinellid are, Krascheninnikovia
ceratoides, Artemisia vulgaris and A. maritima, are documented. Notes on
diagnostics of the species are given with illustrations and new distributional


 Halil Erhan Eroğlu

The comparison of the Felidae species with karyotype symmetry/asymmetry index (S/AI)
...e species. After a comprehensive literature search,
karyotype formulae, S/AI values and karyotype types of 23 species were
determined. According to the S/AI values, a phylogenetic tree was drawn showing
relationships among the species.


 Anber Naqvi1*#, Abdul Qadir1, Adeel Mahmood2, Mehvish Mumtaz3, Iqra Aslam1, Gan Zhang4

Assessment of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in maternal blood serum from selected districts of Punjab, Pakistan

 Siddra Tayyab Akhtar, Anjum Nasim Sabri

Twitching, swimming, swarming in biofilm forming strains in response to chemical and physical factors red agar medium and then by performing
ring test. By 16S rRNA sequencing, bacterial strains were identified as
Exiguobacterium aurantiacum, Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus
endophyticus, Pseudomonas fragi and Bacillus subtilis. The optimum temperature
and pH for swimming, swarming and twitching motilities was 37°C and pH 7. All the
bacterial strains showed reduction in diameter of zones of all motiliti...
Haniya Mazhar1, Naaz Abbas2, Tehseen Zamir3, Zahid Hussain1, Syed Shahid Ali4* filling areas and kitchen wastages were screened on tributyrin agar and rhodamine agar plates. The strain PCSIR NL-37 was identified as Bacillus cereus following morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization. Best medium for lipase production was olive oil and mustard oil cake and the best carbon sources were fructose and maltose whereas yeast extract was found to be the best nitrogen source, showing 55U/mL enzyme activity. The best inocu...
Muhammad S. Waqas, Ali A.Z. Shoaib, Xinlai Cheng, Qianqian Zhang, Asem S.S. Elabasy and Zu-hua Shi*
...The cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), is an invasive, polyphagous pest species. Reproductive biology of this mealybug species is poorly known, which hinders the development of an effective management program. In this study, the reproductive mode, male’s mating capacity, influence of female’s age and density on male’s mating capacity, as well as the influence of copulation on female’s lon...
A.M. Abdul Azeem, A.N. El Shahat* and Ashraf M. Mounir
...;) irradiation on total phenolic content andantioxidant activity of pomegranate peel powder as well as to evaluate the effect of gamma-irradiated pomegranate peels extract (GPE) against biochemical alterations of lead induced testicular and hepato-toxicity in rats. From the results, it was obtained that gamma irradiation induced significant increase in the total phenolic content and antioxidant activity of pomegranate peels ...
Muhammad Muddassir Ali1,2 and İbrahim Hakkı Ciğerci1,*
...r medicinal purposes and hence can be preserved for their proper propagation. Thermposis turcica is endemic to Turkey. It’s general anti-oxidant and anti-cancerous activities are explored, but no study has been observed on liver cancerous cell line in term of its genotoxicty. So, genotoxic evaluation was carried out for the alcoholic and hexane extracts of T. turcica. Methanol extracts showed the highest DNA damage (20±1) at 200 &mic...

Saman Fatima* and Shazia Iram 

...he disease severity was then identified. Both classical and molecular method was used for identification of pathogens. Under classical approach the infected sections from the skin of kinnow was utilized to grow fungal colonies on generalized media, i.e. potato dextrose agar, from which six fungal colonies were also isolated and studied further. Under molecular approach direct DNA was isolated from the infected skin of sampled fruits by using CTAB method. The p...

Misbahullah, Shad Khan Khalil, Asim Muhammad*, Afza Tabassum and Shah Fahad  

...times on weed dynamics, phenology and leaf tracts of variety Atta Habib was sown at the Research Farm of Agronomy, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan throughout 2015-16. Used of sorghum extract with three concentrations (1:3, 1:4, 1:5), weedicide (affinity) with three different levels (1/3, 1/ 2, 2/3 of the recommended dose) and 3 times of application (emergence,tillering,50% at emergence + fifty percent at tillering). Herbicide sole, weeded by h...
Muhammad Ijaz1, Shahid Hussain Farooqi1, Rahmatullah2, Amjad Islam Aqib1, Sadaqat Ali3,*, Awais Ghaffar1, Ahmad Ali1 and Sehrish Saleem1

Muhammad Shahzad Khattak1*, Amjad Khan1, Mahmood Alam Khan1, Waqas Ahmad2, Shafiq ur Rehman3, Mohammad Sharif4 and Sajjad Ahmad1 

... for the Indus, Jhelum, Chenab and Kabul River at Tarbela, Mangla, Marala and Warsak hydrological stations for the period 1962-2011. A drought spell starting from 1999 and ending in 2002 was observed for all stations and is considered to be the worst drought in the history of Pakistan. Analysis of historical streamflow data indicated an increased occurrence of droughts in the last 12 years, which may be attributed to climate change. Extreme drought events were...
Muhammad Amir Iqbal1, Nabila Roohi1*, Ahmad Qureshy2


...ert hyperthyroid state, when compared with controls. However, significant (P<0.05) improvement was noticed in it in post treatment group. Pronounced elevation (P<0.001) of ALT was observed in overt state when compared with controls. Subclinical subjects also manifested significant (P<0.05) up regulation, whereas, pronounced reduction (P<0.01) was observed in ALT in post therapeutic con...

Muhammad Salman Wazir and Mohammad Akmal 

...raits of wheat plant and hence the yield including grain wet gluten content were reported for the treatment NS3 as sole wheat crop, followed by the intercropped with fababean. Among the intercropping, IC-I with fababean showed better future scope of wheat crop production under the changing climate to produce higher production per unit area with sustainable soil use under cereal cropping system. Among the tested species sunflower and flax were not suitable choi...
Fatih Korkmaz1, Veysel Parlak2, Özgür Kaynar3, Arzu Ucar2, Gonca Alak1,* and Muhammed Atamanalp2
... longa), quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), and chitosan coatings on the rainbow trout fillets were evaluated based on the protein profile, bacterial content (total aerobic mesophilic, psychotropic and lactic acid bacteria, Pseudomonas and Enterobacteriaceae), lipid peroxidation (TBARS), total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and pH values on quality during 12 days. The decrease in bacterial growth activity, p...
Xiao-Ying Ren1, Di Zhang2 and Wan-Long Zhu1,*

Mujib ur Rahman1, Munir Khan2*, Himayatullah Khan2, Malik Muhammad Shafi2 and Haidar Ali2  

...6% and 23% respectively when sold in other cities. The study concluded that due to low profit, handloom business in district Charsadda is on downfall. The study recommends that financial support, marketing management, access to technology, training and international exhibitions can play a pivotal role in making the business more profitable by expanding marketing of their products to other cities and countries. 


Amara Amjad Hashmi1,2,*, Maqbool Hussain Sial3, Waqar Akram4 and Maaida Hussain Hashmi5,6

...0 years. Interestingly, when we analyze the share of staple food in total calories, results suggest that major portion of a household’s diet is consisting of staple food (wheat), (53%) and increased to (57%) from 2005 to 2014. We use the Heckman Approach to find out determinants of food insecurity. Results suggest that female headship plays a significant positive role in caloric intake, among the other variable head education, households’ member wi...

Nighat Seema1*, Muhammad Hamayun1, Husan Ara1 and Raham Sheer Khan

...vailable in the soil and hence lowered the contents. During drought stress, ammonium ion concentration was increased in all endophytic treated soil except that of A. niger. Similarly, inoculation of endophytic fungi did also increased the value of soil nitrate ions in the range of 26.86±1.34~39.39±1.97 mg kg-1 with or without drought stress. Inoculation of endophytic fungi increased the amount of extractable P and K in growth media compared to so...

Syed Said Badshah Bukhari1*, Ghulam Ali Bajwa2 and S. Shafiqur Rehman

...mate change is a global phenomenon manifested in rising temperature, erratic changes in precipitation and other climate variables. To assess such impacts, climate-growth response function of the Blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) was studied in Galies Forest Division -Abbottabad, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, for the time period 1962-2011. Time function response and impacts of changing climate were estimated on the basis of annual ring-width and intra-ring wood for...

Sahar Shibli1,2*, Farzana Siddique1, Saeeda Raza2, Zaheer Ahsan3 and Irum Raza4 

...d, eicosenoic acid and behenic acid. The peanut cultivars Bard-479 and Local-334 were more suitable for oil extraction and peanut butter development because of their high oleic acid to linoleic acid ratio (2.3-2.4). Bard-92 was less preferable cultivar for product development owing to its high linoleic acid (42.56%) and low O/L ratio (0.93) that attributed to its oxidative instability. Sensory evaluation of peanut butter samples showed overall good acceptabili...
Mahboob Ali1, Muhammad Avais1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Memoona Chaudhary2, Riaz Hussain3, Amjad Islam Aqib1, Naimat Ullah Khan4, Muhammad Luqman Sohail5,*, Madiha Khan6, Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Mehtab Ahmad7, Muhammad Sajid Hasni2Imran Qaiser8, Ghazanfar Rashid1, Ikramul Haq1 and Ikramullah Khan8
...s which is instrumental when devising strategies for effective disease control according to the climatic conditions of the area.
Muhammad Furqan1, Usman Ali1,*, Anjum Ara1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Muhammad Siddique Awan3, Riaz Aziz Minhas3, Khawaja Basharat Ahmad3, Qamar Zaman Qamar4 and Naeem Iftikhar Dar5
...(IV= 105.69), Parthenium hysterophorus (IV= 113.82), Saccharum spontaneum (IV= 199.88) Ziziphus mauritiana (IV= 51.35), Lantana indica (IV= 78.39) and Morus alba (IV= 31.38).

Masaud Khan1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Tahir Sarwar1 and Muhammad Jamal Khan2 

...reasing nitrogen doses. When irrigation levels were increased by 10 and 20% nitrate leaching increased by 38 and 48%. Similarly when Nitrogen levels were increased by 10 and 20% increase in nitrate leaching was about 20 and 35% but when irrigation level were decreased by 10 and 20 % nitrate leaching also decreased by 20 and 48% and when the nitrogen leve...

Muhammad Ilyas*, Sardar Ali Khan, Shahid Iqbal Awan and Shafiq-Ur-Rehman 

... yield and plant height, hence additive gene action was depicted. While, narrow sense heritability and genetic advance was lower for remaining parameters under both the environmental conditions which clearly specified that non-additive gene action was present. Results indicated that the said breeding material might be better suited for heterosis breeding under drought prone semi-arid areas. 

Muhammad Asad Saleem1,*, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1, Mudssar Ali1, Muhammad Amin2, Muhammad Tayyab1,3 and Sumaira Maqsood4
... gain in size was found when larvae were treated with integrated effect of Bb and Nit. Depending on the lethal of treatment, development duration of RPW was disturbed. Integration of Bb and Nit delays the development and diet uptake in RPW which can be used for agent of control for this cryptic insect.
Aqeel Mehboob, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Muhammad Sarmadand Maryam Bajwa
...S. litura was found when the above mentioned botanicals were tested.

Shamsher Ali1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Zahir Shah2, Naveedullah3 and Abdul Jalal1 

...o crop productivity and, hence, affecting socio economic condition of the farming community. Growing of salt tolerant crop genotypes of species on salt affected lands is an effective tool for getting desirable productivity. A two-factor experiment using complete randomized design with three replications in pots having silt loam soil was carried out on April 03, 2016 to examine three maize genotypes (Iqbal, Jalal, and Azam) under different salinity levels i.e. ...
Muhammad Huzaifa Mehmood1, Muhammad Ahmad Iqbal2, Muhammad Daood1, Muhammad Rizwan Tariq3*, Khubaib Ali3 low in caloric value then other traditional meats. To enhance the quality of rabbit meat oat is used as feed for rabbits, because oat is good source of dietary ingredients. In this study 2-4% oat seeds were used to investigate their dietary response. The range of oat that is used in this research will improved the blood lipid and fatty acid profiles and reduced the percentage of fat of rabbit meat. Rabbits were reared for the period of two month in thr...

Mehran Ali1*, Inamullah1, Muhammad Bilal2, Salman Ali1, Farooq Nawaz1 and Muhammad Owais Iqbal1 

...l N (STN) were observed when N incorporated with MB plough. In case of N sources poultry manure, sheep manure and mushroom spent gave at par yield with urea. However, STN and other soil physical properties were significantly higher in organic fertilizer applied plots compared to urea treatments. Conclusively, urea incorporated with cultivator gives higher yield but organic sources incorporated with MB plough could be better alternate for urea to improve maize ...

Muhammad Amin1, Aftab Ahmad Khan2, Abida Perveen1, Zareen Rauf1, Sher Shah Hassan2*, Muhammad Arif Goheer2 and Muhammad Ijaz2 

...wn as a “crawling phenomenon” or “crawling Disaster” as it is a plodding physical process and its effects spatially varies. Misperception on drought and its features is common in defining policies and caused delays in its prevention (Gore, 2002). Pakistan is one the counties which is affected badly by drought. In near Past, Pakistan faced one of the worst drought span drought in 50 years from 1998 to 2003 which harshly affected socially...
Rahat Afza, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed and Muhammad Asam Riaz* to coccinellids and hence, recommended for use in canola field. It is concluded that C. septempunctata is a stronger predator showing high value of IGP and the presence of prey affects the predation of C. septempunctata on C. transversalis. Sublethal concentrations of all test insecticides exert a negative impact on IGP and aphid consumption by both these coccinellids species. Imidacloprid is relatively safe for aphid control.
Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal2, Muhammad Saleem Haider1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Ashfaq1, Muhammad A. Aqueel2 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah2
...r 7 days of application when both insect pathogens were used in combination (SpltNPV 1×108 POB/ml + Bt 0.1 μg/g) i.e. 85.25, 79.31 and 92.11% mortality (in case of 2nd instar larvae) and 70.42, 63.64 and 80.88% (in case 4th instar larvae) of Faisalabad, Chiniot and Sargodha’s population of S. litura, respectively. This study could be helpful to use NPV and Bt in intensive pest manageme...
Zhen-li Li1,2, Hui-fang Zhou2,*, Bo-ru Zhou2, Bei Liu2, Xiao-fei Jiang2 and Jian-ya Xu2


...y, resulting in LPD. Bu Shen Zhu Yun formula (BSZYF) was developed by Professor Guicheng Xia, a “great master in TCM.” It effectively cures LPD, while its effect on the pituitary is unclear. In this study, we aimed to explore the effect of BSZYF on gonadotropins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR) signaling transduction in mifepristone-induced LPD rats. To explore the effect of BSZYF on the pituit...
Bei Liu1, Yanli Hong1, Huifang Zhou1,*, Zhenzhen Cao1, Shuang Zhang1, Jing Jin1, Miao Jiang1, Cunsi Shen2 and Jianjian Ji2
...observe the effect of Bushen Zhuyun Decoction (BSZYD) on rat pituitary cells (RFC), and to investigate the mechanism of BSZYD in treating infertility due to luteal phase defect (LPD), a GnRH-receptor (GnRHR) antagonized model of pituitary cells was established by using the blocking agent of Cetrorelix. The cells were treated with BSZYD-containing cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Thus, a total of five groups of cells, including blank (+) group, Cetrorelix (+) group, ...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Nosheen Fatima1, Raheel Babar3 and Ikramul Haq4  

Syed Amjad Kamal Jan* and Naushad Khan 

...s remove from the model then production of rice will be 5.434 Kg per acre averagely of the respondents. According to analysis Farm Size, Tractor hours, Fertilizers, Number of irrigations, Farmer’s education were found significant at 5% level while , Seed Variety, Pesticides, Farming experience, Number of labors were found non-significant at 5% level. The R-Square value was 0.92 which means that 92% variation is explained by the independent variables on t...
Huseyin Cetin1,*, Oner Kocak2, Emre Oz1, Samed Koc1, Yesim Polat1 and Kalender Arıkan2
...imes) values, increased when mixed with PBO.

Ali Awais, Charassri Nualsri and Watcharin Soonsuwon* 

... EMS and to observe the phenotypic variability of the two upland rice genotypes Dawk Pa-yawm (white rice) and Dawk Kha 50 (red rice), in Thailand. Seeds of the potential genotypes has been treated with varying EMS concentrations. With the increase in concentration, there was a continuous decrease in germination, shoot and root lengths respectively. Data have been subjected to regression analysis and effective doses of EMS were recorded for both genotypes. The ...

Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Syed Burhan-ud-Din2, Muhammad Fahad Khan1, Ateeq ur Rehman1, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar3, Azhar Ali Khan3 and Naila Ilyas1

...treatments was observed when SA and BTH were applied at the concentration of 5mM and 150mg/L respectively. Three weeks’ analysis of treated mungbean leaves with SA and BTH exhibited peak accumulation of phenols and defense related enzymatic antioxidants. Highest enzymatic activity was observed in treated plants followed by inoculation with MYMV. Increase in resistance by the application of SA and BTH, antioxidant enzym...

Naseer Ahmed Abbasi1, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1*, Bilawal Abbasi2, Shakeel Ahmed Soomro1, Najeeb Ahmed Khan Nangraj1, Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahto1 and Sajjad Ahmed Morio1 

...s face the main problem when and where to cultivate. The present study was aims to analyze the efficiency of the parametric and fuzzy set methods in the land assessment for wheat production of Tando Allahyar district of Sindh Province. The present study able to provide grade performance suitability of lands for agricultural purposes; it could be more helpful for farmers of the research area. Fuzzy AHP methods could be beneficial for future studies for land sui...
Juan Augusto Hernández-Rivera1, Jaime Molina-Ochoa2,*, Luis Jorge García-Márquez1, Omar Francisco Prado-Rebolledo1, Rafael Julio Macedo-Barragán1, Arturo César García-Casillas1 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3
...lso discussed that even when there have been many crossbreeding in dairy cattle, but when the producer choose a system crossbreeding in dairy cows always mostly contemplate only body weight, body condition score, dry matter intake, and feed efficiency. Is suggested to contemplate other traits like genetic potential, lactation (305 d), lactation number, fertility rate, and economic impact to observe clarity the potential of e...
Muhammad Usman Ahmadand Ikram-ul-Haq* 4 days of incubation when oxyrase used as reducing agent, and maximum OD600nm 0.65±0.0016 in presence of Cys-HCl. Akkermansia muciniphila culture reached maximum OD600nm value of 2.1±0.07 in the presence of oxyrase after 18 h of incubation. While with Cys-HCl, Akkermansia muciniphila culture reached maximum cell density OD600nm of 2.0±0.05 after 27 h of incubation. Oxygen reducing potential...
Ayesha Chaudhary1, Fouzia Mumtaz1, Muhammad Yaseen2* and Muhammad Younis Afzal3 
...milies are at high risk, hence there is a need to make farmers aware of the reasons and causes of climate change so that they may contribute to their side in actively advocating the cause. The present study was survey-based research and carried out in the Faisalabad district of Punjab, Pakistan. The data was collected using a multistage sampling method with the help of well-structured interview schedule. At first, on the basis of simple random sampling Faisala...
Osman Ergene1,*, Isfendiyar Darbaz1, Serkan Sayiner2 and Selim Aslan1
...easurements on 40th day when EM was detected and on the 28th and 32nd days of pregnancy. In the PAG-Milk and PSPB-serum tests, there was a difference (P <0.05) in terms of blood values between the 32nd day and the 40th day when EM was detected. Statistically significant differences in PAG-Serum test (P <0.001) and PSPB test (P <0.01) was obtained between animals that were pregnant on the 40

Sabi-Ur-Rehman1, Anwar Khalid2, Qazi Najam Us Saqib3, Farooq Ahmad1, Shaheed-Ur-Rehman4, Neelam Zaman3, Ayeza Mehmood5 and Abdul Samad6* glycosides, tannins, phenols and flavonoids etc. It is concluded that S. saligna crude extracts as well as crude saponins exhibit broad antimicrobial spectrum against various disease-causing microbes. 

Hande Küçükönder1, Pınar Çelebi Demirarslan1,*, Aykut Burgut2 and Mustafa Boğa3
...umidity (%) and feed per hen (g)] that provide effectiveness ii) Determination of targeted improvement values for the ineffective months to become effective. With this hybrid approach, which is based on the integration of the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Grey Relational Analysis (GRA), the effective months are determined by DEA method and a performance rank is performed between the effective months by GRA method. It has been investigated whether the res...
Liyan Zhang1,2, Zhidong Zhou1,3, Haiping Li1,2, Yanlong Qiao4, 5 and Yueping Zhang1,3,*
...izing the need to strengthen the management of corresponding fisheries and to develop and reasonably utilize S. japonicus resources to achieve sustainable development.
Yang Liu1, Jing-xin Mao2, Xiao-dong Wei2, Man Yi2, Xiao-long Zhang2, Ke Zheng3, Xian-xin Chen4, Guo-Ze Wang5 and Bing-bo Chen1,*
... the conventional feed. Then the Sprague-Dawley rats were fed by normal feed and 4 different BFA feed for 4 weeks. It was observed that the counts of neutrophils, white blood cells, and monocytes was significantly decreased in the lactobacillus BFA group than the control group (P<0.05); neutrophil was reduced in bacillus BFA group than the control group significantly (P<0.05). Compared to the control group, total protein, albumin, and albumin/globulin ra...

Muhammad Zulfiqar1*, Irshad Abbasi2, Himayatullah Khan1, Arjumand Nizami3, Abdul Hakeem4, Jawad Ali3 and Muhammad Jamal Khan

...g the month of June and then decreases with decrease in air temperature. In general, the snow/glacier melt was the major contributor (79%) during the summer months and spring water contribution was 21%. However, in winter months only spring water is available for drinking and domestic use and hardly any water is available to meet irrigation needs. Based on crop water requirement; severe water shortage estimated during the months of March and April to the exten...
James Maffie
...d well and lived wisely when they crafted their lives as well-skilled weavers.
Naveed Ahmad1,*, P.J.A. Siddiqui1, Amjad Ali1, Khan Mir Khan2, Rafaqat Masroor3, Noor ul Akbar4, Muhammad Amin5 and Mohammad Attaullah6
...arabicus grows best when fed on a diet containing up to 42% protein in floating net cages. 

John Ogunsola1*, Richard E. Antia2, Benjamin O. Emikpe2 and Olajumoke A. Morenikeji

...umongous and rewarding. When appropriate management and health practices are put in place, wild animals in captivity can be successfully bred; thus, offering captive breeding as a veritable tool for conservation. 

Alexus McLeod
...the interrelatedness of phenomena, and as an aspect of personal survival. 
Christine Jeske
...pprobation. Well-being, then, is actually produced or reduced in sites where people publically negotiate the morality of their life choices. In this article, I examine one such setting of negotiation: church testimonies of Zulu South Africans. Based on ethnographic fieldwork, I describe how testimonies—brief spontaneous personal accounts of changes in life circumstances such as employment and health—allow people to navigate the seemingly contradict...
Kathryn Phillips and Katherine L. Schaefer
...using on the subjective phenomena of desires and preferences, thereby ostensibly avoiding complicated questions about metaphysical commitments; similarly, clinical conceptions aim to be metaphysically neutral. We test these notions of well-being by investigating Jainism and its commitment to a metaphysics of reincarnation and the existence of souls. Assuming that well-being is a broad prudential value that identifies what is good for a person, we argue that Ja...
Ai Yuan
...uwei 無 為), even when dealing with situations beyond human control (ming 츱). This understanding of living a good life is dramatically different from the purposeful pursuit of well-being through action. Instead, to live a good life, the Zhuangzi requires one to uphold a form of courage (yong 澹) which requires one to willingly accept what is beyond human control without regret, anger, and useless struggle. Through this courage, on...
Seth Robertson
... skill and as a burden. Then, I discuss the relation of nunchi to well-being and flourishing, both in specifically Korean cultural contexts and in social contexts more generally. Finally, I argue that because of nunchi’s close relation to well-being and flourishing, that there is a strong case to be made for treating it as a virtue.


 Tung-Yi Kho

...pecial Economic Zone of Shenzhen, I examine here two competing visions and practices of the “good life” in contemporary China. I have labeled these the Modernist and the Relationist practices of the good life respectively. Although Chinese conceptions of the good life at the level of the state and of the general populace are today explicitly dominated by the project of modernization in all its grasping materialit...

 Jennifer Mei Sze Ang

...patibility between an authentic life filled with dread and despair and a life filled with generally more positive emotions. It starts with outlining Sartrean existentialism – the ontological freedom we are born into experienced as feelings of anxiety and angst, and experiences of hostility as we encounter others through their gaze and objectification. From this framework, it examines and reflects on both the empirical models of well-being focused on desi...
Jason Shepard1 and Tyra Turner2
...oss cultures, including when analyzing a general trend across 64 countries (Study 1) and when examining specific cultural contrasts (Study 2 and Study 3). Taken together these three studies provide evidence that the relation between future-oriented thought and well-being is robust across cultures. This research also provides an example of how big data can be leveraged for cross-cultural research. 


Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Sidra Mushtaq1, Muhammad Tariq Malik2, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Ateeq ur Rehman1, Shoaib Fareed3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar

...has been recorded and authenticated by various scientists reporting that these acts as the carrier of the fungal spores and produce tunnels in the bark of the trees. Since, many extensive filed surveys of forests, avenues, road sides and canal banks has been made to calculate the total losses and mortality of the sheesham trees in Indian sub-continent. Up-till now billions of shisham trees have been destroyed because of decline or dieback disease but unluckily...

Khadim Hussain Wagan1*, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Jamal-U-Ddin Hajano1 and Abdul Ghani Lanjar2 

...aseolina from Badin and then reduced gradually in Thatta, Tando M. Khan, Hyderabad, Shaheed Benazirabad, Mirpurkhas, Sanghar, Dadu, Sukkur and Khairpur. All the isolates could cause infection. Maximum plant mortality (46.67%) was recorded in plants inoculated with MPS16 isolate followed by MPS17 (43.33%) and MPS12 (43.0%). Similarly, length of necrotic lesions was also significantly higher in MPS16 (6.67 cm) followed by MPS17 (6.33 cm), MPS12 (6.30 cm), MPS15 ...

Arjumand Nizami1, Jawad Ali1 and Muhammad Zulfiqar2* 

... with coping strategies then ascertaining their relationship with community-based livelihoods assets. According to results, there are three frequent disaster risks in the study area which comprise avalanches, landslides and floods. These disasters inflict a heavy damage to the livelihood assets including crops, water, houses and other physical infrastructure. In order to overcome these losses, communities apply short-term coping strategies by spending limited ...
Muhammad Arshad1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Yasir Iftikhar2, Samina Khalid3, Zahoor Hussain4, Jaime Molina-Ochoa5,6 and John E. Foster6
...y (63.5%) of CLM larvae when topical bioassay was performed. Similarly, the percent mortality of CLM larvae was 53.8% after application of abamectin, when leaf dip bioassay technique was used. However, among tested botanicals, Azadirachta indica oil showed better results with percent CLM mortality of 35.6%, through topical bioassay and 31.8% through leaf dip bioassay. In the case of A. indica, the LC

 Abdul Khaliq1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Akhlaq Ahmad2 and Yasir Iftikhar3

 Jawaria Shaheen1, Samiah Shahid1, Sabahat Shahzadi2, M. Waheed Akhtar1,3 and Saima Sadaf1,*

...l of centrifugation and then isolation of total RNA including miRNA was done. About 100ng of isolated miRNA was converted to cDNA after addition of poly (A) tailing and then expression profiling was done by using real time-qPCR technique in which miR-specific DNA primers were used to increase sensitivity of reaction. Expression of miRNA panel was normalized with mir-16 and expression fold change was calculated by 2-&Del...
Saleha Gul1,2, Muhammad Khisroon2, Ajmal Khan2, Attaullah1, Saira Gul3 and Gul Nabi Khan1,4,*
...antly higher TCS values then the control (p˂0.05). Reduction in TCS values of active smokers using green tea on daily basis were statistically significant (p˂0.05). Taking together, our results indicate that tobacco smoking highly induces DNA damage in blood cells. Additionally, green tea significantly reduces the toxic effects of smoke which is a hope to rescue tissue exposed to smoke toxins.


 Şaban Çelebi

... thigh tissues of laying hens were determined in present study. A total of 96 White Lohman laying hens, aged 24 weeks, were randomly divided into 4 groups (n=24), each of which was composed of 6 subgroups. The control group received the basal diet (T-1), treatment groups were fed on the the basal diet plus the three experimental diets included one of the followings: 125 mg/kg vitamin E + basal diet (T-2); 0.5 mg/kg Selenium ...
Jie Yang
...which have been proved. Then, the effect of human PGLYRP1 on several human diseases (inflammatory bowel disease, ST-elevation myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, skin melanoma and renal carcinoma) have been reviewed. Taken together, these results indicate that human PGLYRP1 encodes an innate immunity protein that breaks down the structure of microbial cell wall, plays a role both in antibacterial defenses and several inflammatory dise...

Amer Mumtaz2*, Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim1, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui2, Muhammad Naeem Safdar2, Masooma Munir2, Aqsa Qayyum2, Sahar Shibli2 and Muhammad Khalid Ibrahim3 

...uce acoustic effect and when bubble produced bursts it results in mechanical energy responsible for inactivation of the pathogenic organisms present in food by poration and DNA fragmentation. Ultrasounds have diversified application in meat industry, extraction of bio actives, dairy industry, Enzyme technology, fruit and vegetable juice industry, water, waste water treatment, starch modification and removal of food allergens from food. 

Ahmed Ali Samejo* and Riffat Sultana*
... two hours of hatching, when they were placed in crowded condition. However, they remained green, when they were in solitary condition. Solitarious hoppers were passed through five nymphal stages during development into adult in field as well as in laboratory condition. Comparative morphometry revealed that in relation to previous stages 2nd and 3rd nymphal stages gained much more length and weight as c...
Bibi Nazia Murtaza1,2, Azhar Qayum3, Shamaila Inayat Nadeem1, Naif Awdh Al-Maliki4, Abdulaziz Alamri4 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori2,5,*
...ted by upstream signals when the GTP is exchanged with GDP. Playing an important role in regulation of differentiation and cell growth, RasGTPases behave as genetic switches. This transient process of GAP-mediated GTP hydrolysis becomes altered when the Kras gene is mutated. The most common Kras mutations are found in codon 12 and 13 and 61. Some other noncanonical mutations have been reported in codon 11, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19...
Sumreen Hayat1,6, Muhammad Hussnain Siddique2, Bilal Aslam1, Habibullah Nadeem2, Asma Ashraf3, Muhammad Saqalein1, Mohsin Khurshid4, Naveed Shahzad5 and Saima Muzammil1,* ceftazidime (95.6%). Phenotypically,52.17% of K. pneumoniae isolates were found to be ESBL producers as observed by double disc synergy test while the tested ESBL genes were detected in 56.52% of isolates. The studyrevealed multidrug resistance phenotypes among K. pneumoniae isolates with higher prevalence of ESBL producing Klebsiella pneumoniae among the children with urinary tract infections. Based ...

Ragia S. Mohamed1, Rania F. El Naggar2, Mamdouh. M. Hamoud1, Mohamed M. Hamoud3, Abdulrhman M. Gamal1, Samah E. Laban1, Shimaa A.E. Nasr1, Manal M. Zaki1, ElShaimaa Ismael1, Osama K. Zahran1* 

...ept at room temperature then daily examination of poultry manure for the survival of NDV on the basis of virus isolation and haemagglutination assay (HA). Our results revealed that pH of the manure from time of its mixing with the NDV infected allantoic fluid till day 4 was 7, then pH values changed progressively and recorded 8.5 on day 12. After that, pH increased towards the alkaline side and recorded pH = 9 till day 33 of...
Tianlong Cai1, Falk Huettmann2, Kisup Lee3 and Yumin Guo1,* should be considered when developing new nature reserves or expanding the existing nature reserves. In addition, we suggest that seven regions located at the Korean Peninsula are also suitable for dispersing hooded cranes from Izumi, Japan. Artificial feeding, including setting up feeding stations with grain, artificial cranes (decoys) and artificial flowing water impoundments can be used to attract wintering hooded cranes at these seven sites. Theoreticall...

Saud Khan and Inamullah* 

... that higher number of achenes (grains) capitulum-1 (974) and thousand achenes weights (51.4 g) were produced with MB plough which were statistically at par with cultivator, while higher achene yield (2080 kg ha-1) and oil yield (873 kg ha-1) were observed under MB plough tilled experimental units which were statistically at par with rotavator. In case of P levels, higher plant height (157...
Aisha Khalid1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Tahir Yaqub2, Ali Raza Awan1, Muhammad Wasim1, Shagufta Saeed1, Sehrish Firyal1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori3
...ded at 25°C, pH 7.0 when the cells were induced with 0.5 mM IPTG with 22h post induction incubation. Supplementation of LB medium with 1% glucose and yeast extract enhanced the production of recombinant thermostable cellulase. Enzyme showed strong potential for its use in paper and poultry feed industry. Under the optimal conditions we could able to produce 48 U/mL of recombinant cellulase.

Javed Asghar Tariq1*, Bashir Ahmed2, Manzoor Ali Abro2, Muhammad Ismail1, Muhammad Usman Asif1 and Raza Muhammad1 

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi* 

...reas. This article comprehensively reviews the etiology, symptomatology, pathogen biology, disease development, disease cycle, epidemics and epidemiology, geographical distribution and strategies for the disease management viz., exploitation of host plant resistance, cultural, physical, chemical and biological control. Studies on pathogen variation have revealed that breeding with single major gene for resistance may be unsuccessful due to breakdown in resista...
Zahra Nazir1, Saba Ijaz1, Roquyya Gul2 and Mahjabeen Saleem1,*
... and 130%, respectively when used at a concentration of 1mM, however, the enzyme was almost completely inhibited by Pb+2 and Hg+2. Purified polygalacturonase showed pectinolytic effect in juice clarification by attaining maximum clarity (95% transmittance) after incubation at 50°C for 60 min. Total amount of phenolic and free radical scavenging activity of juice was improved after clarification. To ...
Rıfat Ertekin1*, Mete Ozkurt1, Gokhan Kus2 and Selda Kabadere1
...w cytometry and RT-PCR. When LNCaP cells were exposed to 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 μM doses of TA for 24 h, the rates of living cells were determined as 91%, 83%, 82%, 76%, 61% and 49%, respectively. When the same doses were applied for 48 h, the living cell rates were 90%, 83%, 82%, 78%, 52%, and 47%, respectively. Following applications of 25, 50 and 100 μM TA to LNCaP cells for 24 h, the apoptotic values (0.60% for t...

Hamid Ali, Muhammad Arshad, Ibad Ullah Jan, Muhammad Zamin*, Junaid Khan, Ikram Ullah and Mushtaq Ali 

... ppm micro nutrients and hence recommended for increasing growth and flowers in tuberose. 


Muhammad Sohail1*, Asad Sultan2, Said Sajjad Ali Shah3, Muhammad Sajid1 and Adnan Khan4

...lable from every aspect when compared with wheat and sorghum and wheat cultivars/varieties. It has been assumed that bioavailability of phytate-phosphorus is comparatively higher than other poultry species particularly broilers.


Bina Khanzada1*, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed1 and Nazir Ahmed2 

...vipes adults was higher when parasitoid was fed on marigold, Holly hock and sunflower; while in 2014, the coccoon development and exist holes were higher when parasitoid was fed on marigold flower than sunflower and Holly hock; while C. Infuscatellus pupae and moths were higher in sunflower and Holly hock diets. However, control diet resulted in higher values during both the years compared to treatments. 

Muhammad Ahmad, Zohaib Noor*, Karim Johar Khan, Waqar Younas and Ajmal Hussain
...was conducted in the earthen ponds as two experimental groups were set each stocked with three different fish species at the rate of 800/Acre in the semi intensive polyculture system by supplementing inorganic and organic fertilizers in the ponds. Fish were stocked at the ratio of 35:40:25 in both the ponds designated as group 1 and group 2. Group 1 pond was stocked with Catla catla (C. catla) a surface feeder, Labeo Rohita (L. rohita) a c...
Sun Hong1, Zhang Yifeng1, Wang Baishi2, Li Yangwei1, Xu Wenbo1, Mao Runkun1 and Wang Zhenglong1,*
...of mandarin voles in Xinzheng, Henan Province, China during the spring and summer of 2015. Our results show that 1) the depth and complexity of the burrow were higher during summer than during spring; 2) maximal CO2 levels (2.55%) and minimal O2 levels (16.04%) were recorded in the underground burrows during summer; and 3) the temperature and humidity in the underground burrows were relatively stable du...

Abdur Rehman1*, Iqbal Javed2, Zhang Nannan3, Muhammad Niamatullah1, Raheel Saqib4 and Allah Bakhsh

...tands first in the comprehensive level of ranking for the development of agricultural informatisation and remained first in the ranked of index popularisation and application of agricultural informatisation. The Tangshan city ranked first for the infrastructure of agricultural information, the capital city Shijiazhuang in Hebei province as ranked first in the agricultural informatisation and human resources index. The Hengsh...

Iftikhar Ud Din* and Qamruz Zaman 

...improvement is achieved when we shift modeling approach from classical linear regression (CLRM) to multilevel modeling. The study also discussed an important problem in Multilevel Modeling (MLM) i.e. to find sufficient sample size for accurate estimation purposes. In MLM, apart from the general factors of sample size estimation, the test size, the effect size, SE (standard error) of the effect size and power of the test, additional factors like, magnitude of t...

Zahin Anjum1*, Farhat Shehzad1, Amina Rahat1, Hamid Ullah Shah2 and Saleem Khan3, naphthalene, flourenthene and Dibenz(a,h) anthracene concentrations were also found high in fish and mutton. The observed values were greater than permissible limits determined by Codex Alimentaurius and World Health Organization. High concentration of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons was observed in coal grilled meats. Anthracene content was found high in mutton meat and mean value was 12.50 µg/kg-1; flouernthene was ass...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Mehmood Shah2, Adiqa Kiani3 and Farhat Parveen4 

...nsignificant. This comprehensive research will support the govt. in formulating policies on livestock to labour productivity of the economy.  


Mehboob Arslan* and Xin Yang 

...e viral pathogens. This phenomenon is a hotspot for investigations in order to improve the diagnosis and drug development of future antiviral therapeutics. In fact, metabolism is considered as a crucial player in the cascade of viral interactions, its modulation is essential to decide the final outcome of viral infection. Here, we concisely present how viruses alter the metabolic pathways for their own survival.  

Iram Gull*, Muhammad Shahbaz Aslam, Imran Tipu, Roohi Mushtaq and Muhammad Amin Athar those derived from authenticated native sequences. Certain forbidden sequences do appear at junction of spliced genes whenever efficiency of gene fusion is improved by inserting GC rich sequences. In this study, reliable scar-less gene fusion with the insertion of sequence of choice at junction sites has been described by optimization of various parameters of overlap extension PCR. The fusion of IFNα2b gene to the g...
Shamsudin Bojang1, Idris Abd Ghani2, Jugah Kadir1, Adamu Saidu Paiko1, Yasir Iftikhar3 and Muhammad Kamran3,4,*
...other part of the world then the probability for the specie to adapt to other hosts other than the family of poaceae under Malaysian climate should not be discounted. Therefore, screening and restriction of movement of planting materials be observed critically.
Lichao Feng1,2, Shaoqing Zhang4, Dianyuan Chen2, Sina Adl3 and Donghui Wu1,4*
...osited by mated couples when the pollen, or nectar mixture was offered compared to the other foods. Each of the five food sources provided a high hatching rate, but particularly the pollen, nectar and potato. Maize seedlings were a better food for larvae than were grass roots, and larvae also consumed more maize in the field. Wild flowers were the most important factor which determined the abundance of A. fuscicollis. Maize, grasses and the wild flowers...
Jun Yan Bai*, Shuai Yang, You Zhi Pang, Xiao Hong Wu and Guang Lu Li;0.05). Based on comprehensive evaluation, the egg quality of Korea quail is better than those of other two species, egg production and laying rate of China yellow quail are significantly higher than those of Korea quail and Beijing white quail (P<0.05). The average egg weight of Korea quail is significantly higher than those of China yellow quail and Beijing white quail (P<0.05). The egg laying capacity of China yellow quail is better compared to othe...
Mohsan Iqbal1, Farid Asif Shaheen1, Rashid Mahmood2,*, Muhammad Khalid Rafique2, Imran Bodlah1, Farah Naz3 and Muhammad Usman Raja3
.../i> were also evaluated when B. bassiana was used with DEBBM. The minimum number of eggs (0.66 grain-1), number of holes (1 grain-1), number of F1 new emerged (5.6 jar-1), days to 100 percent mortality F1 (3), weight loss (4%), damage (5%) whereas the maximum inhibition rate of 85% and percent mortality of C. chinensis were observed in synergistic concentration of EPB as compared toEPF.
Hong Ma*, Bo Fu, Liang Wang, Zhong-qiu Li and Di Liu* handmade cloning. We then assessed the embryonic developmental rate at cleavage and blastocyst stages. Our results showed that the HSPC117 transgenic embryos had markedly higher cleavage and blastocyst rates when compared to the embryos with pcDNA 3.1 vector, (69.7 ± 3.5% vs. 64.6 ± 1.8%, and 24.8 ± 2.2% vs. 15.9 ± 4.3%, respectively). However, blastocyst cell number was no...
Muhammad Afzal1, Nighat Sultana1, Ali Hassan1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2,*, Mahroze Fatima3, Syed Makhdoom Hussain4, Muhammad Bilal5 and Majid Hussain2
...eo rohita juveniles when fed CA supplemented diet. Similar observations were also recorded for the group fed on PHY supplemented diet. Citric acid addition in the diet also resulted in improved (p<0.05) digestibilities of Ca, Mg, P, Na, K, Cu, Zn, Fe and Mn. Similarly, PHY pretreatment had also resulted in enhanced mineral digestibility as compare to control group. However, both the supplements did not interact positively (p>0.05) for t...
Junli Sun1,2,3, Lin Bai1 2, Xiaogan Yang1,2, Yangqing Lu1,2, Shengsheng Lu1,2,* and Kehuan Lu1,2,*
...ure media of porcine parthenogenetic embryos experienced different types of microopetation using Raman spectroscopy. The results showed that Group II with the puncture of egg zona and plasma membrane had the highest cleavage rate and blastocyst rate of porcine parthenogenetic embryos, which was significantly higher than Group I with intact oocytes (P<0.05) and Group III with the puncture of zona and plasma membrane and as...
Xiaohui Yu, Shuai He, Liqiang Wang, Mengyang Kang, Yanjiao Zhu, Shuhui Wang and Xiuzhu Sun* (P < 0.05) when Vitamin C (200 mg/L) and Vitamin E (200 mg/L) were present simultaneitily in the medium. Overall, the results suggested both antioxidants (Vitamin C and Vitamin E) could increase frozen semen quality and the ability of antioxidant. Nevertheless, the effect on compatibility of the two antioxidants was better than single addition.
Fazal Wahab1, Naila Chand1, Rifat Ullah Khan1, Nazir Ahmad1, Urooba Parvez2, Zia ur Rehman3 and Shabana Naz4,*
...decreased feed intake (g/hen/day) at all recorded stages. Overall higher feed intake was noted for the control treatment while lower feed intake was noticed for treatment FS-1. Significantly higher (P<0.05) egg production was recorded for treatment FS-0.5 followed by treatment FS-0.75 while lower egg production was recorded for the control and FS-1 treatments. Egg quality traits including egg shell weight, egg weight, egg shell thickness, Haugh unit, albumi...
Hafiz Abdul Ghafoor*, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Asam Riaz and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed
...thetic insecticides and, hence, are recommend to be integrated in pest management programs against D. mangiferae and other sucking insect pests.

Amany Adel, Wesam Mady*, Zienab Mosaad, Fatma Amer, Asmaa Shaaban, Dalia Said, Marwa Ali, Abdel-Satar Arafa, Mohamed Kamal Morsi and Mohamed Khalifa Hassan  

...revalence rate (76.5%), then 167 live bird markets (LBM) (16.5%) and 76 households (7%), respectively. Also, the highest number of positive samples were detected in chicken with highest prevalence (90%) for H9N2 infection among all the examined species, followed by Turkey (4%), duck (2.6%) and quail (2.4%), respectively. Genetically, the genetic sequence for the Hemagglutinin (HA) of 38 viruses circulating Egyptian viruses during 2015 and 2016 were belonging t...

Abdul A. Mirani1,2*, Chee H. Teo2, Adel A. Abul-Soad3, Ghulam S. Markhand1, Tahira Jatt1, Ameer A. Mirbahar1,4, Najamuddin Solangi

... for type and nature of phenotypic abnormalities. Six phenotypic abnormalities were detected: 1) dwarfism, 2) excessive vegetative growth, 3) production of deformed offshoots and twisted inflorescence, 4) abnormal frond growth, 5) low levels of fruit setting and 6) inflorescence absent. Among the six different variant phenotypes, complete reversion of phen
Jing Hu1,2, Yan Liu2,3, Gang Yu1,2, Changping Yang2,3, Binbin Shan2,3, Shengnan Liu2,4 and Dianrong Sun2,3,*
...4-3.4mmm, NL1.8-2.4mm), then skeletal ossification and Segmental bone formation occurred on 11DPH (SL3.6-4.0mm, NL2.6-2.8mm) and finished on 21DPH (SL9.6-11.6mm, NL7.4-8.6mm); Neural arch developed earlier than haemal arch, while haemal spine earlier than neural spine, consistent with the ossification; The development and ossification of neural arch and neural spine occurred in the backward order, while haemal arch and haemal spine from central tail to bothsid...

Zafar Abbas1*, Muhammad Mubashir1, Umair Riaz1, Zeenat Javid1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Saeed ur Rehman1, Muhammad Javid Qamar1, Syed Ali Zulqadar1 and Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2 

... of fertilizers like kitchen waste, poultry manure and compost were used while the inorganic sources were NPK fertilizer. This experiment was laid out in the field area of soil and water testing laboratory for research, Bahawalpur in growing seasons from July to October of 2017. Treatments were arranged in Two factorial Completely Randomized Design CRBD fashion with three replications and six treatments. Treatments are arranged as control T1 (Without fertilize...

Shaikh Abdul Lateef, Zhou Lin, Wu Jian, Junjie Qian, Jonathan Hartanto Tan and Zheng Shusen*

...icle, we present a comprehensive review characterizing the viral architecture, life cycle, infectivity mechanisms, immune escape strategies, disease epidemiology and preventive measures associated with HBV. The current antiviral therapeutics are not providing adequate protection against HBV. It is mandatory to characterize and devise novel antiviral therapies to control the spread of hepatitis  


Ammara Saeed* and Noor-ul-Amin 

...ed. Results showed that when plants were supplied with phosphorus at 60 kg ha-1 and potassium at 40 kg ha-1, it significantly improved studied variables, such as early days to sprouting (11.5 days), days to flowering (35.0 days), maximum number of branches plant-1 (11.4), number of leaves branch-1 (19.0), flower stalk length (44.7 cm), flower diameter (7.7 cm), number of flower plant-1 (12.2), flower persistence (11.6 days) and survival percentage (96.8 %). Re...
Wen-Feng Li1, Rong-Yue Zhang1, Chun-Hua Pu2, Jiong Yin1, Zhi-Ming Luo1, Xiao-Yan Wang1, Xiao-Yan Cang1, Hong-Li Shan1 and Ying-Kun Huang1,*
..., through enhanced comprehensive pest control, sustainable development of the sugar industry will be promoted.


Muhammad Shahid1, Iram Amin1, Samia Afzal1,*, Zareen Fatima1 and Muhammad Idrees2 We conducted a comprehensive study and compared the immunological and genomic status of dengue outbreak in Pakistan through ELISA and PCR. In this study 720 samples were collected from different diagnostic centre’s/laboratories of Pakistan for ELISA and PCR tests. Out of 703 dengue positive samples, 93.5% were anti-dengue IgM positive, 71.5% were anti-dengue IgG positive and 81.3% were anti-dengue NS1 positive. Among these seropositive samples, 39.66...
Aqsa Javaid and Nageen Hussain*
...he peripheral blood and then amplified by using specific designed primers. Gradient PCR was performed and the product length was 197 bps which was further analyzed on 1% agarose gel. Sequencing was done through genetic analyzer (3500 ABI). No mutation was observed in FOXP3 gene exon 1of Pakistani HIV patients.
Hui Wang1, Lin Wang1, Xuanlu Li1, Shanshan Li1, Yongqiang Zhao2, Shicheng Lv2, Xinrong Xu1, Guang Yang1 and Bingyao Chen1,*
...nservation. National Yancheng Rare Birds Nature Reserve is the largest coastal nature reserve in China. The environmental capacity of its core zone of 225.96 km2 area is approaching saturation, and more and more birds have begun to utilize the buffer zone. We conducted a line transect survey in December 2010 to estimate bird density and evaluate the importance of the buffer zone. As a result, 34 protected species among the 4975 individuals were sigh...
Asima Azam1, Asma-Ul-Husna2, Saima Qadeer3, Qaisar Shahzad4, Rabea Ejaz1, Nemat Ullah5, Tasneem Akhtar4 and Shamim Akhter2,*
... found better than M199 when co-cultured and conditioned with buffalo oviductal epithelial cells for culturing buffalo embryos. Conditioned SOF is recommended to be used as IVC media in future studies as it eliminates contamination problem, remove batch to batch variation, long-lived and is readily available.
Zil-e-Huma1, 2, Abdul Malik Tareen3, Kaleem Ullah3, Tauseef M Asmat4,Abdul Samad4Asim Iqbal2, Mohammad Zahid Mustafa3*,Irshad Ahmad5 and Sadeeq ur Rahman6
...ant effect was observed when data was stratified on gender base. Further studies are required to investigate the other pathological agents and control parameters should be strengthened to minimize the risks. 
Khalid P. Loneand Irfana Liaqat*
...;0.25) was seen in June when the photoperiod and temperatures were highest, while the lowest GSI was seen in October (0.09±0.01). The start of the monsoon rains was a cue for final maturation and spawning and by the middle of July; the testes were already declining and reached the minimum point in October. Both photoperiod and temperature have a strong influence on completion and regression of the spermatogenesis. This detailed study is the first from t...
Unal Kilic1*, Abdiwali Mohamoud Abdi1 and Deniz Ekinci2
...% urea, 10% molasses). Hohenheim gas test was used in in vitro gas production measurements while infrared methane analyzer was used to determine methane production. The experiments were conducted as per the randomized factorial design in randomized complete blocks. In terms of crude protein content, the highest CP was obtained from the urea+molasses treatment for wheat, sorghum and soybean straws, while control groups were found to have the lowest CP co...
Asad Abdullah, Muhammad Irfan Ullah*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza, Muhammad Arshad and Muhammad Afzal
...). Fecundity was higher when fed on leaves of cabbage, alfalfa and sesbania as compared to maize and artificial diet. Number of eggs oviposited were highest on cabbage (2455.5 eggs) followed by alfalfa (1750.0 eggs) and lowest on maize (1055.6 eggs). More egg batches were found on alfalfa and sesbania. All of the biological parameters of S. litura included in the study were affected by the host plants.
Hafiz Suboor ul Hassan and Saira Malik* occur in adulthood when expression of the lactase gene diminishes. Two SNP’s LCT-13910C/T and LCT-22018G/A are considered to be associated with the development of lactose intolerance in humans. The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of LCT-13910C/T and LCT-22018G/A with the development of lactose intolerance in Pakistani population. A total of 160 samples were collected and tetra primer ARMS-PCR was used for genotyping. 79.48% lactose intoler...
Xiaopeng Tang1,2, Rejun Fang3,4,*, Guochang Pan1,2 and Kangning Xiong1,2,*
...oss intestinal mucosa of hens using the Ussing chamber system. First, four Loman laying hens with similar weight (1.25±0.13 kg) were sacrificed to detect the lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity of isolated small intestine at time on 0 min, 30 min, 60 min, 90 min and 120 min, to provide a appropriate operation time for Ussing chamber test. Then, a total of 20 Loman laying
Qihang Liu1,2, Yueli Jiang1, Jin Miao1, Zhongjun Gong1, Tong Li1, Yun Duan1 and Yuqing Wu1*
...hort time and the strengthening effect in long time to green light. On the other hands, opposing effects were recorded using violet light. It was also noticed that by increasing orange light illumination, the changes of locusts visual response effect visual stress sensitivity from orange light to other spectral light. Moreover, the visual state induced by orange light regulated locusts visual behavior to enhance phototactic effect. These results can be exploit...

Chukwuemeka Calistus Okolo1*, Ikenna Onyema Ezeh2, Chinelo Nnenna Uju3 and Nwakaego Ernestina Nweze1 

...uninfected control (F). When parasitaemia peaked, groups A and B received 7mgKg-1 and 3.5mgKg-1 of diminazene aceturate (DA) respectively alongside ongoing probiotics supplementation. Group C received only probiotics. Group D received 3.5mgKg-1DA only. Group E (infected control) received no treatment. Parasitaemia, haematobiochemical, and oxidative stress markers were determined. At day 13 PS, there were no significant (p< 0.05) variations in mean parasitae...

Muhammad Amin1,2*, Khalid Mahmood2 and Imran Bodlah3 

...879) and Pterocomma beulahense (Cockerell, 1904) are new records for Pakistan. Astegopteryx bambusae (Buckton, 1893) is also represented as new record for the country. Data also have 3 second-finding, 6 third-finding, 11 new host plants and 71 new locality records in Pakistan. Aphis gossypii and Aphis craccivora were found infesting 8 tree species in 8 genera and 6 in 6 genera respectively. Rosaceae with 5 species in 4 genera carrying 9 aphid species in 5 gen...
Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Shahid Yousaf1, Salman Khurshid1*, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Nasreen Fatima2 and Ali Murad Rahoo3
...and health implications when not been addressed properly. This study has been attempted to assess the quality of citrus in terms of postharvest physiological disorders and organoleptic properties in relation to the occurrence of pathogenic diseases. Fruit samples (injured and healthy) were taken from the three different local markets of Karachi. Some of the fungal species viz. Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus flavus, Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizopus stolonifer
Adel E.M. Mahmoud1, AdamCieślak2, Paulina Szulc2, Anna Łukomska3 and Małgorzata Szumacher-Strabel2,*
...all experimental groups when compared with control group, whereas non-fibrous carbohydrates content decreased in all groups as the effect of corn grains replacement by dried sugar beet pulp. Complete substitution of yellow corn by sugar dried beet pulp in D4 significantly increased number of bacteria. D3 and D4 diets resulted in higher (P<0.001) concentration of Holotrichs. The ratio of acetate to propionate increased linearly with inclusion of dried...

Rizwan Ahmad and Muhammad Zulfiqar* 

...hance capacity to strengthen local resilience, participation of farming community in formulation of policies, making meteorological information available to farmers, Design research plans to evolve wheat varieties addressing changing climatic challenges, construct water harvesting structures for high efficiency irrigation and further research to estimate range of temperature and precipitation within which crops under study perform better. 


Abir Ishtiaq and Muhammad Naeem* 

... stocked in outdoors earthen ponds at 2000 fish/acre were fed at 4% of body weight, 2 times a day, for 180 days. The investigation was spread over three different sites, each providing four earthen ponds. The results revealed that the survival rate, mean individual harvesting weight, feed conversion ratio (FCR) and production of C. catla were significantly (p< 0.05) affected by different dietary protein levels. However, a...
Maliha Ayub1, Muhammad Javed1, Fariha Latif 1*, Faiza Ambreen2, Komal Sabir1
...ey, gills and brain and then compared with control group. The results showed that the antioxidant activity increased significantly in all organs of metal stressed fish as compared to the control fish. Among all test concentrations, the activity of antioxidant enzyme (peroxidase) was significantly higher in the fish liver under 96-hr LC50 manganese exposed fish as evident from its mean value as 0.685±0.005UmL-1, followed by 2/3...

Matiullah Khan*, Shameemul Sibtain Shah, Atiqullah Khan, Muhammad Sarwar and Shoaib Ahmed 

... of X and mesh size 160 when treated with 60 liters (50% diluted) H2SO4 (volume/volume), followed by proper curing, yields SSP of almost X/2 % extractable P2O5”. The P was applied @ 57.5 kg P2O5 ha-1 both from prepared SSP and DAP to wheat crop on equal P2O5 basis. Also, Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria (PSB) were tested in this experiment for yield and P uptake of the crop. The results showed that smaller the mesh size of HRP 200 mesh gave maximum availa...

Masood Ahmad* and Abdur Rab 

...ght of daughter corm and hence could be recommended for better corm production in Peshawar conditions. 


Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad2 

...on low in the root zone when irrigation water is saline. In this experiment three types of water (canal, EC = 2 and 3 dS m-1) were used as such and with leaching fraction of 10 and 20 %. This experiment was conducted in the field and RCBD design was used to make its layout. All the treatments were replicated four times. Sorghum was used as test crop. Pre and post-harvest soil analysis was carried out for different physical and chemical characteristics. Sorghum...
Zia-ud-Din1, Muhammad Nauman Aftab2, Tanveer Hussain3,*, Irfana Iqbal4 and Asma Zafar5
Min Li1,2, Jingjing Wang3, Suxian Hu3, Philip Stott4, Baoqing Lin5, Lianshan Li5, Hui Liu1, Heng Bao1, Duoying Cui6 and Guangshun Jiang1,* 
...hips were only apparent when scale was considered. We detected the dependence of the avian assemblage on alkaline marshes and open water, which in turn might depend on incoming flows of water. We also found negative relationship between human settlements and bird diversity which extended to a distance of 3 km. Consequently, we provide evidence of significant scale dependence on landscape structure of wetland bird diversity. Therefore, scalar effects of differe...
Jinfeng Liu1,2, Yanhong Cao3, Tong Feng1, Laiba Shafique1, Chan Luo1, Peng Zhu1,4,* and Qingyou Liu1,*
...s, early high level and then down regulated. It was significantly expressed higher level in COCs of middle diameter sized follicles than that of small and large sized follicles. BMP15 gene expression enhanced until morula stage but it fell sharply at blastula stage. Immunohistochemistry exhibited BMP15 protein was located in germ cells of testis, in primordial granulosa cells, primary, secondary, and antral follicles of ovary, and none in theca c...
Shanshan Cai1, Tianxiang Gao2, Binlun Yan3, Aiyi Zhu1 and Xiumei Zhang1,2,*
...microsatellite markers. When using mtDNA loci, 242 individuals (44.24%) were excluded for no shared haplotype with broodstock. Further 81 (14.81%) crabs were identified as hatchery-reared individuals based on microsatellite loci from the remaining 305 crabs. Our results also showed high genetic diversity and a certain degree of heterozygote deficiency of natural swimming crab populations. The advancing technology and its unique advantages will make molecular m...
Rais Ahmed1,2,*, Muhammad Khalid Mansoor1,2, Iftikhar Hussain1, Muhammad Saqib3, Muhammad Hammad Hussain4, Amjad Islam Aqib5, Haleema Sadia6, Javed Muhammad7, Asma Irshad8, Kashif Prince5, Muhammad Zain Saleem9 and Abdul Whab Manzoor10
...buffaloes at random and then tested by a commercially available ELISA kit for the detection of antibodies against Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP). Data were analyzed using chi square for ELISA and odds ratio for finding association of species, gender, body weight, age and body condition score (BCS) with prevalence of antibodies against MAP. Seropositivity against MAP was significantly (P<0.05) detected. Male and female animal...
Mohammed Al Bratty1,*, Hassan A. Alhazmi1,2, Desam Nagarjuna Reddy3, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab3, Sadique A. Javed1 and Zia ur Rehman1,4
...e antimicrobial action, when used in combination. 
Yue Ren1, Peng-Fei Liu2, Wan-Long Zhu1,*,Hao Zhang1 and Jin-Hong Cai1
...mass regulation in Eothenomys miletus from different areas of Hengduan mountain region in different seasons. Body mass, resting metabolic rate (RMR), nonshivering thermogenesis (NST), food intake, serum leptin levels and hypothalamic neuropeptide Y (NPY), agouti aelated peptide (AgRP), pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC), cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART) expressions were measured. The results showed that bo...
Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1*, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2, Afia Muhammad Akram1, Arshad Javid3, Majid Hussain5, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah4 and Asma Chaudhary1
...ts (i.e. CP, EE and GE) when C. catla fingerlings were fed at 900 FTU kg-1 level in MOLM based diet. It was further noted that phytase supplementation decreased the discharge of nutrients through faeces resulting in reduced eco-pollution. On the basis of results it was concluded that phytase supplementation at 900 FTU kg-1 level was helpful to develop a cost-effective as well as eco-friendly fish feed by using MOLM based diet.
Ambreen Leghari1,2, Asghar Ali Kamboh2,*, Shakeel Ahmed Lakho1, Faiz Muhammad Khand1, Kanwar Kumar Malhi2,3, Iqra Bano Chandio4, Seema Baloch5 and Jan Mohammad Shah4
...ared to other techniques hence could be regarded as the most sensitive technique for BTB.
Qudsia Yousafi1*, Muhammad Aslam2 andShahzad Saleem1
...k and lowest on Nirala. When sampling dates were compared, the highest and lowest aphid numbers/ leaf was noted on February 1 and March 1, respectively, during 2013-14. However, the maximum and minimum number was recorded on February 1 and January 1, respectively during 2014-15. The number of ladybeetles per plant was highest on December 1 and lowest on October 15, during both growing seasons. A significant positive correlation was found between aphid and lady...
Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Imtiaz Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad1, Fazal Maula2 and Sardar Hussain1
...> (5th May). Then, the population of aphids started declining and lowest population was observed in week 8th (2nd June). Data regarding the natural enemies revealed that, the population of natural enemies was low at the beginning, increased till week 4th (5th May) where highest population was recorded. Afterwards declined trend was observed in the population of natural enemies. The lowest population of nat...
Mubasshir Sohail1,2,*, Raza Muhammad1 and Qadeer Ahmed Soomro1
...rysoperla carnea Stephens (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) has a key role in integrated pest management (IPM) strategies for many crop pests. The influence of different prey types has been studied to strengthen the C. carnea. Current in-vitro study was made to figure out the effects of different prey on mortality and certain biological characteristics of C. carnea. The highest mortality rate (66.43±2...
Shad Mahfuz1,2, Shuyuan Wang1, Mo Chen1, Fei Zao1, Dong Zhen1
Zhongjun Liu4 and Hui Song1,3*
...FVW) inclusion in laying hens diet on production performance, egg quality and serum metabolic profile during the early phase of production.A total of 105 ISA Brown 18 wk old laying hens were grouped into 5 treatments with 7 replications of 3 hens each. Dietary treatments included a basal diet as control; antibiotic (0.05% flavomycin); 2% FVW; 4% FVW; and 6% FVW for 8 wk. Data were subjecte...

Muhammad Abu Bakar1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Rashid Mahmood2, Ziyad Abdul Qadir2, Muhammad Arshad1 and Mubasshir Sohail3 

...pectively after 72 hrs. When selected essential oils with different concentrations were applied against Varroa, no mortality of bees was observed. Neem oil gave (90%) significant control at 400 ppm concentration. There was no significant mortality observed in winter green oil. So, the neem oil, eucalyptus oil and lemon oil can be used against Varroa mites to improve the production of honey. 


Sameera Arshad1*, Arshad Mahmood Malik2 and Iftikhar Hussain3 

... period (July-October), then in (March-June) and least during the winter period (November-February).Relationship between meteorological and bird strike data suggested that there was a significant positive correlation between bird strikes and maximum temperature (r=0.452, p=0.000), minimum temperature (r=0.422, p=0.000), and rainfall (r = 0.242, p = 0.017).Information drawn by this study could be incorporated into bird control practices at the airfield. Managem...
Zhijun Zhong1, Rui Tu1, Xichun Wang2, Yi Geng1, Qicheng Xiao1, Yinan Tian1, Bin Wei1, Jiaming Dan1, Ya Wang1 and Guangneng Peng1,*
...dy, we conducted a comprehensive molecular, pathological, and immunohistochemical analysis to detect this pathogen in pet dogs. Molecular methods, combining three types of PCR assays, identified two strains isolated from two pet dogs as Brucella canis. Histopathological changes revealed extensive inflammation and necrosis in the liver, lung, spleen, kidney, testicle, and lymph nodes, among which changes in the spleen were the most serious. Immunohistoch...
Qi Ren, Shufeng Sun, Chen Niu, Yuhong Li, Yingzhi Chong, Biao Li, Guoying Zheng and Fumin Feng*


...ansferases (DNMTs). And then the CYP1A1 mRNA and protein expression decreased with cell damage, thus suggesting that elevated methylation of the promoter region of the CYP1A1 gene may affect its expression and could be associated with cell damage. After treatment of the cells with AZA, increases in methylation rate and DNMTs expression were reduced, CYP1A1 mRNA and protein levels increased, and cell damage was ameliorated; these results indicate that inhibitio...
Muhammad Izhar Shafi* and Muhammad Sharif
... zero of incubation and then a rapid mineralization and weekly turnover were increased up to 84 days of incubation period. Maximum mean available P of 14.32 mg kg-1 was recorded in soils which were amended with DAP and 10 kg HA ha-1, whereas the lowest available P concentration of 8.09 and 7.82 mg kg-1 was recorded in soils where SSP and NP were applied, respectively, without any amendment of HA. Weekly turnover and mineralizat...
Shagufta Naz1, Ayesha Javed1, Ayesha Saleem1, Khadija Murtaza1, Rukhama Haq1, Akbar Hayat2 and Neelma Munir1,*
...sture, fat, ash, fiber, phenolic content, sprouting inhibition, physiological weight loss, pyruvate analysis and sugar contents. Gamma radiation affected these parameters at higher doses but at 0.5 kGy no significant change was observed. 0.5 kGy prouting was inhibited and microflora was reduced at this dose without affecting its nutritional and sensory qualities. So, it was proved to be the best optimized dose was 0.5kGy.

Muhammad Zubair1, Sagheer Ahmad2*, Awais Rasool1, Muhammad Asad Farooq1 and Ibni Amin Khalil3

Abdul Majeed1*, Muhammad Anwar-ul-Haq2, Abid Niaz3, Abid Mahmood4, Naeem Ahmad1 and Hafiz Muhammad Walyat Ali Khan1
...5003, respectively were then grown in soil medium. Lower plant sodium contents in soil medium were also observed in V07096 variety under salt stress treatments than V05003. Salt tolerant variety also showed higher potassium contents and photosynthetic rate in salt stress soil medium. Thus plant Na+, K+ contents, and photosynthetic rate in soil and hydroponic medium can be used as standards to screen salt -tolerant varieties.
Riaz Shah1* and Margaret Appleby2
... other pesticides used. When mites were released onto treated leaf discs (spray residues), only garlic/chilli extract gave relatively acceptable levels of mortality 72.0+5.8% while bifenazate caused 95.2+3.7% mortality. TSSM females laid significantly more eggs on the garlic/chilli treated leaf discs in both contact and residual bioassays. When sprayed directly (contact bioassay), all of tested low-risk pesticides mortality ...
Azra1* and Shaukat Hussain2
...d amongst the genotypes when the data were pooled over two years. Based on disease severity scale 14 genotypes were categorized as moderately resistant, 14 moderately susceptible and the remaining eight genotypes were grouped as highly susceptible. Significant differences were recorded for grain yield among all tested genotypes during kharif season 2015 and 2016 as well as data pooled over two years. Moderately resistant genotypes CS-2Y10, EVY-1 and EHY-2 scor...
Zelle Huma1*, Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1 and Farman Ali2
...ared in the laboratory. When  samples soil were collected from different regions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa for nematodes collection G. mellonella larvae were left in sampling jar and were collected back after 2-3 days’ post application. Dead larvae were then put on the white trap and EPNs has then collected afterward. It is concluded on the basis of results that EPNs is posit...
Muhammad Nisar* and Muhammad Idress
...ardening also called kitchen or homestead gardening. Home gardening study is necessary not only due to its social, food security and economic contribution, but its consideration’s negligence in development agendas. Home gardening data provide complete agricultural input in a nation’s domestic treasure. Therefore, the current study was carried out with the objective to assess small farmers’ involvement in home gardening at district Tank, Khybe...
Rakhshanda Kousar1, Tahira Sadaf1*, Muhammad Sohail Amjad Makhdum2, Muhammad Amjed Iqbal1 and Raza Ullah1
...gher value of the index, hence comparatively higher comparative advantage than other two fruits. Pakistan should focus on improvement of quality of its top three important fruits in order to increase international competitiveness and retain the comparative advantage in production of mango, citrus and dates.
QihangLiu1,2, YueliJiang2, Tong Li2, Jin Miao2, Zhongjun Gong2, Yun Duan2, and YuqingWu2*
...ollowed by UV light and then orange light. Thus, the effect of the visual response on physiology (indicated by the change in thoracic temperature) was determined by the level of light intensity and wavelength. Increasing the stimulation time with increasing light intensity but with the same light wavelength exceeded the visual tolerance range of the insects and strengthened the visual stimulation effect. Our results also ind...

Matiullah Khan1*, Motsim Billah2, Shoaib Ahmad1, Raza Ullah Khan1 and Muhammad Sarwar1 

.... rice and wheat yields when applied at 6 Mg ha-1. 

Mo Chen1, Shad Mahfuz1, 2, Yan Cui1, Liying Jia1, Zhongjun Liu3 and Hui Song1, 4*
... yolk in ISA Brown layer hens fed with mushroom (Flammulina velutipes) stembase (FVS). A total 150 hens of 30 wk old were grouped into 5 equal treatments with 5 replications of 6 hens each. Dietary treatments included basal diet as a control group; control diet including antibiotic (0.05% flavomycin) as an antibiotic group; 2% FVS fed group; 4% FVS fed group and 6%FVS fed group. The experi...

Muhammad Abdul Rahman1*, Abdul Saboor1, Gulnaz Hameed1, Ghulam Bilal2 and Farooq Tanwir3 

...mployed to identify and then rank most significant CEHFs that are related to emerging security hazards to dairy system. These CEHFs are then stitched with existing body of literature to consolidate our findings. Results comprised key CEHFs affecting occurrence of security hazards to dairy production in the scenario of changing climate. Experts ranked lack of genetic research and fodder security on top among various critical ...

Muhammad Saleem1*, Ehsan Elahi1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1, Hajra Ibrahim2 and Muhammad Ali3 

...role in increasing the achen yield and oil content. A field study was conducted to observe the effects of sulphur on sunflower growth, oil content and yield. The sulphur rates were 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 kg ha-1. The recomended rates of nitrogen, phosphorus and potasium were given to all plots of different treatments. The economical important plant growth parameters ; height of plant (cm), stem girth, diameter of flower disk (cm), quantity of ac

Arifa Khan1*, Shazia Erum2, Naveeda Riaz1, Abdul Ghafoor2 and Farhat Ali Khan3 

...ences in all yields and phenotypic quality traits. High sprouting (100%) and plant height was observed in CIP8 (31.60 cm). CIP12 produced more number of tubers/plant (23.4 tubers) with low tuber weight while better average tuber weight was observed in CIP22 followed by CIP13 genotypes (95%) while CIP7 showed minimum sprouting (70%).CIP28 genotypeproduced maximum plant height (70.00 cm) while minimum CIP28 and CIP34 genotypes (494.5 and 488.3 g respectively). G...

Muhammad Naeem Khan* and Asad Jan 

... presence of alkaloids, phenols, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and sterols, however in n-hexane fraction (HxF) only flavonoids and saponins were detected. In quantitative analysis, among all the solvents, ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) had highest amount of phenol (27.4 mg/g), flavonoids (15.5 mg/g) and alkaloids (3.14 mg/g), while MCE displayed maximum amount of saponins (34.3 mg/g). In the proximate analysis, nitrogen freed ...

Umar Hayat1*, Shahid Ali1, Abdul Mateen2 and Hazrat Bilal

... taken from different authentic sources, such as: Pakistan Economic Survey (PES), International Financial Statistics (IFS) and World Development Indicators (WDI). Ordinary least square (OLS) method is used to estimate the model. Empirical results of the study reveal that agricultural growth and other important variables of the study such as cash crops, livestock, fisheries and forestry are significantly affecting poverty head count rate in Pakistan. Thus, long...
Muhammad Furqan Shahid1*, Tahir Yaqub1, Muhammad Yasin Tipu2, Asim Aslam2, Saima Yaqub1, Aziz-ul-Rahman3, Muzaffar Ali1
...mong reference isolates when challenged in broilers, Partridge origin anti-H9N2 antibodies showed varied hemagglutination inhibition results (4log2 to 15log2) when cross reacted with different antigens, suggesting H9N2 viruses are circulating with different antigenic characteristics. Sero-biochemical analysis of blood collected at 7th DPI revealed an increase in aspartate amino transaminase (...
Ali Mujtaba Shah1,2,3, Ali Raza Shah3, Muhammad Farooque Hassan2, Muhammad Yousif2, Zhisheng Wang1*
...onatal mortality, strengthen immunity and increase animal lifespan. Delaying intake of colostrum in dairy calves causes decreased transport of both immunoglobulins as well as fat-soluble vitamins. In this review, an attempt has been made to study the composition of colostrum, i.e. fat, protein, immunoglobulin, lactose, oligosaccharide, vitamins, minerals, growth factors and nucleotides and its benefits to health of animals.
Sobia Nazir1, Muhammad Irfan1*, Muhammad Nadeem2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir3*, Muhammad Khan3, Shaukat Ali4, Quratulain Syed2
... of cellulase using Box-Bhenken design of response surface methodology. Maximum activity of CMCase (0.700 IU/gds/min) and FPase (0.260 IU/gds/min) was observed on 4th day with inoculum size of 1% and medium volume of 1ml (for 5g substrate). The proposed model was highly significant as depicted by ANOVA. The results recommended that seed pods of Bombyx ceiba play important role in cellulase production, which is useful for the food industry, te...
Rimsha Munir1, 2*; proliferation rates when cultivated as 3D tumor spheroids. The presented work aimed to study the interplay between cell proliferation rates and metabolic stress in 2D and 3D cell culture systems. Two cell line models (HepG2; liver cancer cell line and HCT-116; colorectal cancer cell line) were selected that showed inverse proliferation trends under 2D and 3D cell culture systems: HCT-116 displays decreased, while HepG2 displays increased proliferation rate...
Mehwish Faheem1*, Maleeha Rafeeq1, Aisha Majeed1 and Saba Khaliq2
...led that exposure to bisphenol A caused decrease expression of cyp1a1 in a concentration dependent manner. Exposure to graded concentrations of bisphenol-A resulted in significant increase in mRNA expression of heat shock proteins (hsp70 and hsp90). In the light of present results, expression of cyp1a1 or heat shock proteins may be used as biomarkers to assess the presence of BPA in the environmen...
Muhammad Shoaib1,3*, Arif Ismiyev2,Khudaverdi Ganbarov3, Aygun Israyilova3 and Sajid Umar4
...ethyl- 7,11-dioxo-1,5-diphenylspiro[5.5]undec-2-en-2-carboxylate (I), ethyl-4,6-diphenyl-2- dicyanomethylene cyclohex-3-ene 1-carboxylate (II) and ethyl-4-phenyl-6-(4-chlorophenyl)-2- dicyanomethylenecyclohex-3-ene 1-carboxylate (III).Initially, these compounds were screened for in vitro antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria, Gram-...
Chaman Ara1*, Asmatullah1, Zainab Riaz1, Memoona1, Asma Chaudhary2, Shagufta Andleeb2
...idney respectively. But when turmeric powder was coadministered with BP, these damages were reversed to a great extent. So, this study has proved the protective role of turmeric against toxicity induced by BP in female albino mice.
Novelty Statement | Curcumin, an active component of turmeric along with its proven anti-fungal and antimicrobial activities also detoxify Paraben (suspected car-cinogen and endocrine disruptor)...

Turab Ali Kaurajo1*, Huma Rizwana1, Gulbahar Khaskheli2, Muhammad Haroon Baloch1, Muhammad Naeem Rajput1, Asad Ali Khaskheli3 and Mohsin Solangi

... interviewed using comprehensive Questionnaire. Survey indicated that the Sakrai breed is prominent in number followed by Dhatti, Larri/Sindhi. Camel herders were almost uneducated except small proportions that were primary passed. Among the land holders, each sedentary and household camel herders possessed 1 to 5 acres land where they grew Rabbi and Kharif crops. The production systems were 45% of sedentary, 26.6% transhumant, 18.3% nomadic and 10% house hold...

Imran1*, Amanullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Zahir Shah2 and Abdul Bari3 

...rtulaca oleracea L., Parthenium hysterophorus L., IPomoea nil L., Erigeron canadensis L., Echinochloa crus-galli L., Asparagus officinalis L., Cynodon dactylon L., Digera muricata L., Cyprus rotundus L. and Solanum nigrum L. The most abundant and flourished weeds were Cyprus rotundus L, and Cynodon dactylon. Results revealed that peach organic sources (biochar) and Trichoderma drastically reduced weeds frequency, weeds biomass at flowering, pods formation and ...

Manzoor1*, Ahmad Khan1, Amir Sohail2, Shahzad Ali1, Fawad Ali Shah3, Junaid Iqbal3, Muhammad Owais Khan4 and Sultan Nawaz4 

... areas of the Pakistan. When available water is not enough to meet crop water requirements during the entire growing cycle, it becomes critical to know the proper irrigation timing that would maximize yields and profits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of water stress imposed at low and high sensitive growth stages (six leaves, twelve leaves, flowering and grain filling stages) and role of different planting methods (Ridge, Flat and Bro...

Syeda Naila, Muhammad Ibrar, Fazal Hadi* and Muhammad Nauman Khan 

...sence of carbohydrates, phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponin, fats and oils 


Ghulam Hussain1, Muhammad Asrar1, Dilbar Hussain2, Khurum Zia3, Abdul Rashid4*, Hina Anwar5, Muhammad Azeem1, Saddam Hussain1 and Sabeen Asghar1 

Qamar Zeb1*, Silvia I. Rondon2, Hayat Badshah,1 and Arsalan Khan1
...hryoperla carnea Stephens (Neuroptera: Chrysomelidae), and several species of Hover flies (Diptera: Syrphidae) were the most common predators. In general, aphids were reported in all wheat cultivars. Cultivar Saleem-2000 presented the highest number of aphids per tiller (9.1), while Gomal-2008 presented the lowest (1.9). Based on aphid presence per tiller, no cultivar was found to be Susceptible or Highly Susceptible, but 1 cultivar was found to be Moderat...
Tanweer Kumar1, Sahib Zada2,3,Muhammad Irfan4,*, Huma Batool5 and Wasim Sajjad2,6
...he age group 16-25, and then followed by the age group that lies between 26-55.
Zekeriya Demir1 and Hatice Kaya2*
...ood parameters of laying hens. A total of 96 Lohmann layers, 28 weeks of age, were randomly allocated to four dietary treatments and fed a control diet (Pol-0), basal diet plus 0.5% (Pol-1), 1.0% (Pol-2) and 1.5% (Pol-3) bee pollen. The present study lasted for twelve weeks. During the experimental period, the hens were fed ad-libitum and water was available all the times. The hen h...

Roshan Ali1, Afsar Ali2, Shamsher Ali2, Muhammad Arshad Khan3*, Haroon Shahzad3, Noman Latif3, Muhammad Waheed4, Ashraf Khan5 and Murad Ali6 

... cm) was recorded in T4 when silicon was applied at the rate of 150kg ha-1, followed by plant height (85cm) of T3, treated with 100kg silicon ha-1. The data on 1000 grain weight and straw yield of rice crop revealed that there were non-significant (P>0.05) pair wise differences among the means of the treatments. The significant maximum biological yield (9299 kg ha-1), grain yield (3901 kg ha-1) and Harvest index (42 %) was obtained in T3 w

Awais Ahmed Khan1*, Zafar Iqbal1 and Muhammad Atiq2 

...mutase (SOD), and total phenolic contents. Salicylic acid showed highest POD activity (8.4 U/min g protein), SOD (6.96 U/ min g protein) and TPC (3.21 mg GAE/ 100g of sample) as compared to control where POD (1.13 U/min g protein), SOD (1.46 U/ min g protein), and TPC (1.14 mg GAE/ 100g of sample). Amount of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), the signaling molecule was also significantly increased (30.33 mmol/ mg FW) and catalase (CAT) was higher (91 U/min g protein) i...

Shazia Akhtar1, Abdul Samad1*, Afshan Gohar1, Muhammad Munir Shahid2, Muhammad Ishtiaq1, Arslan Sarwer1, Adnan Khan1 and Karam Ahad1 

...espondents were unaware when to apply pesticides and they apply them on all growth stages of peach tree. Moreover, exposure to pesticides occur from skin absorption and through inhalation. This emphasizes on the launching of extension programs on pesticide alternatives. It is concluded that field workers in Swat Malakand, extensively uses pesticides and in spite of their awareness about pesticides effects their protective measures are very poor. The low level...

Noorullah Khan1*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Fayaz Ahmad1, Sabaz Ali Khan2, Imtiaz Ahmed1, Muhammad Abbas Khan1, Shamsul Islam1, Abdul Waheed1, Basharat Hussain Shah1 and Hussain Shah

...ppm) for ten second and then planted in polythene bags under green net shade. Application of all concentrations of IBA (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, and 5000 ppm) significantly increased all the growth attributing traits over the control. However, the highest number of first-order adventitious roots (NFARP) plant-1 (9.5), seedling survival rate (SSR) (51.7), and plant height (85.5 cm) were recorded in plants treated with 3000 ppm...
Hu Liu1,2, Qifang Yu1,2, Xiaopeng Tang1,2, Chengkun Fang1,2, Sijia Chen1,2 and Rejun Fang1,2,*
...idant capacity in laying hens. Seven-hundred and twenty 21-week-old healthy Roman laying hens with a similar laying rate were randomly divided into 5 groups with 6 replicates of 24 hens. The experiment was designed by 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two sources of Se and two levels of Se. The hens in control group were fed a basal diet without add...

Asim Munawar1,2*, Farooq Ahmad1, Aqsa Arshad1, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi3 and Chengjuan Liang4 

...observed more resistant then lab strains. Calculated LC50 values was very less in field strains as compared to lab strains. Maximum mortality of lab and field collected strains of R. dominica and T. castaneum was observed against phosphine than against deltamethrin. Our results suggest that field strains experienced with different out door conditions was less susceptible as compared to lab strains which proved to be more susceptible and findings of this study...
Muhammad Muneeb1, Muhammad Ayub1, Sher Bahadar Khan2,*, Amjad Sohail1, Farkhanda Jabeen1, Mumtaz Ali Khan3, Amjad Khan4, Kashif Prince3, Asghar Khan5 and Irshad Ahmad6
Sajida Rasool1, Saba Irshad1*, Neelam Saba1, Mehak Fiaz1Muhammad Sajid Hussain2, MuhammadWajid Hussain3 and Peter Nürnberg2


...e required for genotype phenotype correlation.

Muhammad Sohail1*, Imtiaz Hussain2, Maqsood Qamar2, Sikander Khan Tanveer2, Syed Haider Abbas2, Zeshan Ali1 and Muhammad Imtiaz3 

...t proved to be a useful phenotyping tool in selection of drought and heat tolerant wheat germplasm under field conditions. 


Muhammad Sohail Memon1*, Khadim Ullah1, Altaf Ali Siyal1,2, Naimatullah Leghari1, Ahmed Ali Tagar1, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto1, Syed Tahir Ata-ul-karim3, Muhammad Tahir4 and Noreena Memon1 

...uired quantity of water, hence remained unsaturated. Moreover, the highest crop yield and water productivity were recorded 8,748 kg/ha and 3.74 kg/cm3 respectively under T2 treatment as compared to other treatment. Furthermore, the experimental and simulation results of present study concluded that the sides of raised-bed/furrow, where the ridge gourd was sown, received enough water to support the plant growth in all treatments and RBFI with raised bed size of...

Muhammad Asim1*, Asghari Bano2, Sikander Khan Tanveer3 and Muhammad Umair Aslam

Ibrahim Tapki1*, Huseyin Bahadir Ozalpaydin2, Nuran Tapki3, Mehmet Aslan4 and Muhammet Hanifi Selvi1
...imizes dairy farm costs when used at the level of 100 mg/l.
Sameh S. Tawfik, Ahmed A. Elkady* and Ehab T. Mohamed
...; once daily for 6week, then one-hour later after last-treatment, rats were exposed to whole body γ-rays (8Gy). The results revealed that TSE before-irradiation significantly abolish γ-rays-induced alleviation in renal catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (PGx) activities and reduced-glutathione (GSH) content and significantly limited the elevation in serum tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α), interleukin-1β (IL-1β) and inter...
Imdad Ullah Khan1, Shehla Gull Bokhari2, Mumtaz Ali Khan3, Ikramul Haq3*and Naimat Ullah Khan4
...m and anal orifice were then reconstructed using the cruciate flap incision technique at the anal site.Finally, the urachal duct was identified at the apex of the urinary bladder, and excised after ligating itclose to the bladder wall. The calf recovered uneventfully after a post-operative antibiotic and antipyretic cover for 7 days.
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2
... start of the trial and then weighed fortnightly. The overall weight gain per day in four months of feeding trial differed significantly between two groups. It is concluded that camel is a good candidate for feedlot.
R. Yasmeen1*, S. Shaheen1, B.N. Khan2, S.S. Bokhari1, U. Rafi1 and A.W. Qurashi1
...y but become very toxic when present in large amounts due to their capabilities of bio-accumulation in organisms. To see exposure of these metals in the environment, different invasive and non-invasive techniques are used. In the present study, enclosure of Axis axis commonly known as spotted dear was selected from Lahore and Bahawalpur zoo. Non-invasive technique was used to monitor heavy metal exposure and both biological (faecal, feed) and non-biolog...

Ajmalud Din1*, Munir Ahmad2, Fahad Masoud Watto2, Sheraz Ahmed1, Imtiaz Ali1 and Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah

...ssed in transparent polythene bags (6 × 27 inches), and filled them with sterile, homogenized mixture of loam, sand and compost soil. Two factorial Completely Randomized Design was followed with three replications and two treatments. The experiment was conducted during 2015-16 in the experimental site of the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi, Pakistan. Data were recorded on drought-related physiologica...

Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal2, Taj Ali Khan2, Zia Ul Haq2, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak2 and Abdul Malik2 

...on the hydraulic bench. When evaluated for compliance with manufacturer claim for being marked as PC and Non-PC, all the emitters passed the test except for S1. The statistical uniformity of S9 ranked highest (96.62%) compared to other emitter types, while S2 ranked lowest (87.99%). When appraised for discharge variation under variable head, S3 discharge variation was not significant (2%) whereas S8 had the highest discharge...
Chuntao Li1, Hua Liu2, Jianqing Zhang1*, Jiaqiang Zhang1, Luming Dai1, Zhihuan Zhao1,Lizhou Fang1, Ling Liu1, Jingkui Shu1 and Jiagang Feng1 microarray analysis. Then, we selected lncRNAs and their associated mRNAs which were both differential expression in COPD vs healthy smokers, for quantitative reverse transcription PCR (qRT-PCR). A total of 3,359 lncRNAs revealed by microarray analysishave been differentially expressed between the two groups, 1,995 lncRNAs identified to be up-regulated in COPD, whereas 1,364 lncRNAs have been down-regulated. Meanwhile,a total of 3,283 mRNAs have been differ...
Bhandari Jyoti1,2, Yasen Shali3, Zhang Zehua4, Yao Xiaoho5, Deng Jiang3, Zhang Yaling5, Wang Cuiling5, Li Yang5, Lei Xueping5, Wang Wenfeng5, Mohammad Farooque Hassan6 and Li Can1,*
...gratoria tibetensis Chen is one of the most destructive pests in Tibetan region. To effectively control their spreading, a clear understanding on the species traits is necessary. In this study, the population dynamics, life history and spatial distribution pattern of L. m. tibetensis Chen were explored on meadow and farmland of the Tibetan plateau during 2012. The first objective of this study was to investigate t...
Muhammad Afzal1, Mahroze Fatima2, Aasma Qamar1, Muhammad Farhan1 and Syed Zakir Hussain Shah3,*
...tus of L. rohita when fed on sunflower meal-based diet.
Ramazan İlgün1*, Nilgün Kuru2, Ferhan Bölükbaş3 and Fatih Mehmet Gür4
...s (6-7 weeks), six layer hens (9-13 weeks) and six studs guinea fowl were used to study and determine the histological features of the tongue of the guinea fowl. Histological structures were examined using a light microscope the tissues and papillae of the tongue were examined with a the scanning electron microscope, and photos of the general histologic structures were taken. The tongue was triangular shaped, and consisted of apex, corpus, and radix sections. ...
Gasem Mohammad Abu-Taweel
... decreased dramatically when compared with control. Motor activity and grip strength data were decreased significantly in exposed offsping. Interestingly, blood parameters like packed cell volume, red blood cell count, hemoglobin content, platelets and white blood cells were significantly reduced, while the glucose level and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) activity were elevated in treated animals. Liver was damaged and the liver sections showed vacuolization...

Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Ghulam Shah Nizamani1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan1, Abdullah Khatri1 and Nighat Seema Soomro2 

Hong-mei Gao, Wen-long Su, Gui-bin Tao, Han-yang Li, Wen-zheng Cao and Zhi-dong Qiu*
...CD34+ cells. Then, we tested the geniposide indirectly affecting BM accessory cells. We conclude that geniposide maybe will control the erythropoiesis in vivo and reverse the BM microenvironmental signals, and this could provide an idea to attenuate anemia in chemotherapy.

Muhammad Ilyas1, Sardar Ali Khan1, Shahid Iqbal Awan1, Shafiq-ur-Rehman1, Waqar Ahmed1, Muhammad Riaz Khan2, Raja Mohib Muazzam Naz2, Muhammad Mohib Ullah Khan3 and Sumaira Hafeez1* 

...based on measurement of phenotypic performances of certain quantitative traits on as many as possible plant individuals in basic experimental generations. Initially, 108 inbred lines of maize were planted in two separate trails under water deficit and normal irrigation conditions in the experimental field of Department of Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics. Selection of parents for further study was done with regards to grain yield and its component traits....
Abdüssamet Aydın1 and Ş. Canan Bölükbaşı2*
...le) into diets of laying hens on performance, egg quality traits, thiobarbituric acid reactive substans (TBARS) of yolk, the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismütase (SOD) and glutation peroxidas (GSHPx) in serum. Sixty Lohman LSL white layers, 40 weeks of age, kept in individual cages were assigned randomly to five treatment groups, each group included 12 hens. The hen...
Mingsan Miao*, Hui Zhao, Jiaojiao Jia, Xiaoyan Fang and Yanyan Miao
...te the effects of total phenolic acid on the neuronal enolase and brain biochemical factors in the cerebral ischemia-reperfusion mice model and to assess the protection mechanism of cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. The repeated cerebral ischemia-reperfusion mice model was used where bilateral common carotid artery was targeted to block blood flow, reperfusion and then re-blocking the arteries. Brain tissues were examine...
Ju Zhang1,2, Dong-Sheng Jia3, Shi-Hao Zhao1,2, Xiao-Liang Xie3, Hong Chen4 and Hai-Feng Li4,*


... effects of Lycium ruthenicum Murr. granules (HGQ) and potential underlying mechanism of actions, Caenorhabditis elegans was exploited as model organisms. The anti-aging capacity of HGQwas determined by lifespan and lipofuscin fluorescence assays in wild-type C. elegans N2. Calorie restriction pathway was detected by pharyngeal pumping rate assay and lifespan examination in sir-2.1 mutant nematodes. The antioxidant activity of HGQ w...
Derya Kocamaz* and Elif Oruc
... and 15 days. Fish were then left to depurate in pesticide-free water for 7 days. Results showed that acetyhcholin-esterase, catalase and estradiol/testosterone levels decreased, while the amount of etoxyresorufin-O-deetylase (EROD), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione S-transferase (GST), glutathione (GSH) and protein carbonil (PCO) increased in comparison to the control. After the recovery period, EROD, GST, malondialdehyde, estradiol/testosterone levels...
Sevil Demirci*, Aydın Demirci and Emrah Şimşek
...ream has rapid property; hence the fish population may be continued increasing in the Iskenderun Bay and other of Eastern Mediterranean regions.
Kadir Seyhan1,*, Nimet Selda Başçinar2, Nadir Başçinar3 and Umar Khan3
...n GER and body mass was then determined by a power function of fry mass that can be summarized by the equation (g h-1), where St is current stomach mass (g), M is fry mass (g), and t is time (h). The course of GE in S. fontinalis fry is similar to that previously reported for adult S. fontinalis
Muhammad Younis Laghari1,2, Zixia Zhao1, Yiwen Gong3, Punhal Lashari1,2, Shangqi Li1, Jian Xu1 , Ateeque Rahman Khooharo4, Jiongtang Li1,* and Yan Zhang1*
...arker was developed and then 120 samples were used as templates for PCR validation. The specific marker will facilitate the assessment of genetic diversity and selective breeding programs for Hainan common carp.

Amna Qazi1, Ghulam Shah Nizamani2*, Muhammad Tahir Khan2, Shafquat Yasmeen2, Shahla Karim Baloch1, Muharram Ali1, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan2, Sagheer Ahmad3, Muhammad Rashid Nizamani4 and Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui

...">Micropropagation is a phenomenal technique to serve rapid multiplication of vegetatively propagated plants through in vitro culture. This study was conducted to establish the optimal concentrations of plant growth regulators and sucrose for micropropagation of sugarcane. Sugarcane is cultivated through cane sets and therefore, multiplication of any new genotype through traditional practices requires interminable period of time. Eight sugarcane genotypes...
Ahsan Numan1,4, Khadija Irfan Khawaja2, Abdul Basit Qureshi3Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf4, Imtiaz Rabbani4, Hafsa Zaneb5 and Habib Rehman4*
... was found to be 31.48% when 2,290 diabetes mellitus Type-2 subjects were screened. The patients with DSP were older (p < 0.05), had longer duration of DMT2 (p<0.01), elevated systolic blood pressure (p<0.05), blood sugar (p < 0.05), HbA1c (p<0.001), cholesterol (p<0.01), LDL (p<0.001), triglycerides (p<0.05) and more obese (p<0.01) when compared with the diabetic patients without clinic...
Veli Sel1, Isa Yilmaz2,* and Mete Yanar3
... found to be the lowest when the milker is the person from the household. The udder cleaning before milking was a significant factor (P <0.001), SCC was 66.330±2.570 cells/ml for the producers that applied hygiene and was 125.860±9.500 cells/ml for the ones that did not. Season was determined to be significant factor (P <0.001) and SCC values were 52.290 ± 5.653 cells/ml, 69.990 ± 3.557 cells/ml and 104.810 ± 6.258 cell...
Saeed Murtaza1, Abdul Sattar1*, Nasim Ahmad1, Muhammad Ijaz2Maqsood Akhtar3 and Muhammad Shahzad4
...uring postpartum period when animal has been already in stress. To know effect of oxytocin injection on cervix, uterus and milk composition during postpartum interval in Nili-Ravi buffalo, a study was conducted at Buffalo Research Institute Pattoki, Pakistan from September to October. For this purpose, 25 animals were randomly divided into three groups: group-1 (Control; n=8), group-2 (Low dose 10IU; n=8) and group-3 (High dose 30IU; n=9) while one animal excl...
Ahmet Ozer Sehirli1,2, Serkan Sayiner3*, Ayliz Velioglu-Ogunc4, Nedime Serakinci5, Emel Eksioglu-Demiralp6, Berrak Yegen7, Feriha Ercan8 andGoksel Sener2
...oxidative tissue damage when used in combination with the ACE inhibitor, Captopril or NAC, yielded better results and could be a novel approach for the treatment of CRF when used in combination with anti-oxidants.

Asmaa A. Darwish 

...ed from the four groups then haematologically, biochemically and statistically analyzed. A significant (P< 0.05) microcytic hypochromic anemia was observed in the PG and AG while, EG suffered from a macrocytic hyperchromic anemia. On contrast, a neutrophilic leukocytosis and lymphocytopenia was described in the three diseased groups. Biochemically, a significant (P< 0.05) increase in total protein, globulin, liver enzymatic activities, kidney function te...

Kenneth Nnamdi Anueyiagu*, James Jingmang Kopmut, Chrysantus Achi Lagi and Kelly Nkem Okoh 

...k to man and vice versa, hence of public health significance. 

Riffat Sultana1, Nuzhat Soomro1,*, Santosh Kumar2, Ahmed Ali Samejo1 and Samiullah Soomro1
...ust, mostly in mid-July then hatching stopped. Present study might be useful to forecast the exact hatching dates in near future. 
Syed Basit Rasheed*, Ahmad Yar, Farrah Zaidi and Qaisar Jamal
... from indoor (rooms, kitchen and washrooms) and outdoor (streets, crop fields, barren ground and grave yards) sites by using buccal aspirator, pitfall traps and hand pick method. A total of 19 species representing 11 genera and three subfamilies namely Formicinae, Myrmicinae and Dolichoderinae were identified during the present study. Myrmicinae was the most diverse subfamily with five genera (Crematogaster, Meranoplus, Messor, Monomorium and Pheidol...
Asad Ali Khaskheli1*, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Gul Bahar Khaskheli3, Allah Jurio Khaskheli2 and Arshad Ali Khaskheli1
...ts) were included. Comprehensive survey indicated year round availability of 19 different vegetations at study areas whereby dry matter contents in Calligonum polygonoides (93.63%) recorded significantly high, and in Trifolium alexandrinum it was low, while moisture content appeared vice versa to dry matter. Organic matter contents in Senegalia senegal (94.05%) followed by Calligonum polygonoides (93.80%) and Acacia jacquemontii<...
Meriem Msaad Guerfali1,*, Heitham Hamden1, Salma Fadhl1, Wafa Djobbi1, Lotfi Sillini1, Wafa Marzouki1 and Mohammed Ammar2
...espectively. Resistance phenomenon is suspected, a rotation of insecticides with different modes of action is desirable in insect resistance management programs.

Lei Gao1, Gong-xue Jia2, Zheng-yuan Huang1, Ming-xing Yue3, Chao Zhang1, Shi-en Zhu1 and Xiang-wei Fu1,*
...o maturation (IVM), then the harvested metaphase II (MII) oocytes were parthenogenetically activated to evaluate pronuclear (PN) formation of parthenogenetic embryo and embryo development. The cytoplasmic maturation was examined by measuring the intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) and glutathione (GSH). DNA DSBs were examined by immunostaining of pi-H2AX, the marker of DNA DSBs...

Muhammad Asif Farooq1*, Muhammad Jalal Arif1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi1, Bilal Atta2 and Ahmad Nawaz

...2 was found best module when compared in terms of pest population reduction (90.79%), average yield and cost-benefit ratio (1:63.28). Conclusively, the pesticide residues can be minimized by applying different control measures with proper integration. 

Ali Asghar1*, Tariq Mukhtar1, Muhammad Usman Raja1 and Asim Gulzar2 significantly higher when both the pathogens were applied simultaneously as compared to their sole applications. Similarly, at higher inoculum densities, the reductions were the maximum in all these parameters. Significant variations were observed in number of galls and egg masses per root system in response to both the pathogens applied individually and in combinations. Maximum numbers of galls and egg masses were observed where nematode was applied alone....
Larysa Kladnytska1, Anatoliy Mazurkevych1, Natalia Bezdieniezhnykh2Oleg Melnyc1, Sergiy Velychko3, Mykola Malyuk1, Vasyl Danilov1Yuriy Kharkevych1 and Magdalena Gryzinska4*
... of the study was immunophenotypic analysis of mesenchymal stem cells from dog adipose tissue during in vitro cultivation. Materials and Methods: Mesenchymal stem cells were obtained from dog adipose tissue by explant method. The cells were cultured in CO2 incubator by standard procedure. Expression of cytoplasmic and membrane proteins on dog stem cells from fat tissue at the IVth and Xth passages was examined by immunohistoche...

Amjad Usman1*, Arshad Khan1, Ruidar Ali Shah2 and Toheed Iqbal3 

...d on May 1st on Bambino then population declined in the proceeding weeks, no S. dorsalis were recorded after June 22nd. In general, Roma supported lowest no. (4.16±0.23) of S. dorsalis plant-1 and Riogrande supported the highest (4.89±0.25) S. dorsalis plant -1 and were found comparatively resistant and susceptible respectively. There were more glandular trichomes than non-glandular trichomes on leaves. Among the glandular trichomes, Type IV was ...
Xuhui Zhang1, Zhiyuan Sun2, Jinfeng Cai1, Guibin Wang1, Zunling Zhu1, Linguo Zhao3 and Fuliang Cao1,*
... holding capacity (WHC) when they were provided with the FR3 diet. Moreover, serum glutathione (GSH) and α-tocopherol (α-TOH) contents in the FR groups were increased, while, levels of total cholesterol (TC), malondialdehyde (MDA) in serum and hepatic reactive oxygen species (ROS) in FR groups were significantly decreased compared with the control or NF group at 42 d of age. Furthermore, serum total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) activity of bir...
Dongping Liu1, Guogang Zhang1, Chao Wang2, Baoping Qing2 and Jun Lu1,*
...order area of Yangxian, Chenggu and Xixiang County of Shaanxi Province, Central China, on the south slope of the Qinling Mountains. During 2004-2005, 23 crested ibises were experimentally reintroduced to an isolated basin in Qinling Mountains, where they and their offspring exhibited breeding variation never observed in wild population in the following 9 breeding seasons. Crested ibis has been considered a monogamous species, and breeding pair is solitary and ...

Rehman Ullah Khan* and Muhammad Ayub 

...d ascorbic acid), total phenolic compounds, total antioxidant capacity and sensory evaluation of guava aloe vera blended pulp. The treatments were as GABP0 (control), GABP1 (0.1% P.S), GABP2 (0.1% K.M.S), GABP3 (0.1% S.B), GABP4 (0.05% each P.S and K.M.S), GABP5 (0.05% each P.S and S.B), GABP6 (0.05% each K.M.S and S.B), GABP7 (0.033% each P.S+ KMS and SB). The guava aloe vera blended pulp samples of all treatments were packed in pet bottles and stored at ambi...

Pushpa1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Shahla Karim Baloch2, Mehmooda Buriro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Muhammad Tahir Khan3, Qamar Uddin Jogi1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1 and Farheen Deeba Soomro1 

... subjected to powder of Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis and Avena fatua under three different treatments i.e. 25, 50 and 75g. The effect of these weed powders on seed germination (%), shoot length (cm), root length (cm), shoot fresh weight (g), root fresh weight (g), shoot dry weight (g), root dry weight (g), and seed vigor index of test species was investigated under laboratory conditions. The powder of weed plants produced significantly (p<0.05) h...

Saeed Ahmed Shah Chishti1, Saba Aleem1*, Iram Sharif2, Kashif Nadeem1, Nusrat Parveen1 and Muhammad Najeebullah1 

...rowth regulator 4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid. Seven different 4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid levels along with two indeterminate tomato varieties saandal and sahel were tested in two minimum night temperature conditions 12.5-23°C and 2-7.5°C. Tomato yield per plant, yield per cluster, number of fruits per cluster, fruit weight and fruit diameter were significantly improved by the application of 4-chlorop

Fazli Ahad1, Raziuddin1, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Muhammad Nauman1, Touheed Iqbal3, Nabeel Khan1, Fazli Hameed4 and Quaid Hussain2 

...vance in F3 populations, hence indicated that selection could be effective in the early generation for the improvement of these traits. Correlation analysis indicated that flowering (rp=0.45), primary branches plant-1 (rp=0.49), main raceme length (rp=0.41), seeds pod-1 (rp=0.41) and 1000-seed weight (rp=0.38) had positive and significant association with seed yield plant-1. Genotypes, DH4, DH5, DH8, CA5 × DH6, CA5 × DH7, CA5 × DH3, and CA2 &...

Rehman Ali Keerio1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui2, Muhammad Tahir Khan2, Ghulam Shah Nizamani2*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Maryum Siddiqui4, Hajra Khan3 and Farheen Deeba Soomro

Adewumi Olubusuyi Moses1,2*, Faleye Temitope Oluwasegun Cephas,1,3, Ope-Ewe Oludayo Oluwaseyi1, Ibitoye Ibipeju Henrietta1, Arowosaye Abiola Opeyemi1, Adelowo Oluwatosin Deji1 and Adeniji Johnson Adekunle1,2,4 

Nadia Mangrio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Nihaluddin Mari3 and Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2

...hree months of planting when plant height was about 75 cm. Application of Zn was done in the shape of Zinc Sulphate (ZnSO4) whereas, Boron in the shape of Borax (Na2B4O7. 10H2O). The statistical analysis of pooled data of two years experiments indicated that growth, yield, quality and plant nutrients contents of sugarcane were affected appreciably (P<0.05) by Zn and B as judged to check plots. Zn at 15 kg ha-1 (soil applied) resulted in enhanced traits part...
Waqas Ahmad Shams1*, Gauhar Rehman1, Khurshaid Khan1, Ibrar Ahmad1, Saima Bibi1, Saif Ul Islam2, Dawood Safi1, Saba Gul Ayaz1
...ab life. To have a comprehensive study of the crab fauna of Buner District, nine different localities were selected for conduction of survey. The results showed that there were two crab species yawi and Smalley. These species belong to Allacanthos. They have gonopod with a distal portion of mesio laterally flattened. They have a cephalic sub distal portion which is concave. There is a narrow marginal process with an almost straight distal end and a sharp tip l...

Saira Bano, Muhammad Naeem* and Samrah Masud (T1, T2 and T3) and then 5 fish were selected from each treatment at the end of 12 weeks of feeding trial from January to April, 2018, during which fish were fed at the rate of 4% of their body weight. The blood variants were studied like Lymphocytes (LYM), Monocytes (MON), Granulocytes (GRA), Red Blood Cells (R.B.C), Hemoglobin (Hgb), Hematocrit (HCT), Mean Corpuscular volume (MCV), Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH), Red Blood Cell Distribution Width w
Salahud Din1,*, Saima Masood1, Hafsa Zaneb1, Habib ur Rehman2, Saima Ashraf1, Imad Khan3, Muqader Shah4 and Syed Abdul Hadi1
...of occipital, ethmoid, sphenoid, interparietal, parietal, temporal and frontal bone. The foramina identified in the facial region of the skull of Chinkara were, infraorbital, supraorbital foramen, lacrimal, sphenopalatine, maxillary and caudal palatine foramina. The foramina of the cranium of the Chinkara skull were the internal acoustic meatus, external acoustic meatus, hypoglossal canal, transverse canal, sp

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Riyasat Sultan 

...There used to be a time when almost every household use to move to pasture before the onsets of summers, but today in Utla out of total 745 households, only 40 households practice seasonal migrations. Though seasonal migration in village Utla is as old as the village by itself, it is on decline. The field survey suggested that Decrease in the number of Livestock, increasing Employment opportunities, availability of dairy products in the market etc. are the mos...

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Muhammad Zubair Khan1, Ayesha Bibi2, Muhammad Shehzad Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad

...recorded with A. indica when applied at 15ml L-1 along with highest dose of boron at 3.95 g seedbed-1. The severity was observed 0.0% in supplement of boron of high dose with addition to neem extract and bactericide. Maximum yield (106.7 tons ha-1) was recorded with A. indica at the rate of 15ml L-1 and boron at the rate of 3.95 g seedbed-1. It was concluded from this study that boron is beneficial at high dose (3.95 g seedbed-1) along with neem extract for co...

Cornelius Arome Omatola*, Samson Daniel Iyeh, Shedrach James Abuh, Charles Kehinde Mofolorunsho, Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo and Phoebe Queen Akoh 

...programs including comprehensive screening of pregnant women with increased access to health care and treatment of confirmed cases at an affordable cost should be promoted to reduce STIs thereby reducing associated morbidities and mortalities.  


Gulnaz Hameed1, Abdul Saboor1, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai2*, Ghaffar Ali2, Dawood Jan2 and Mansoor Rasheed

...nce of poverty which is then used to model the probability expressions with the help of Logit to investigate the correlates of poverty in the research area. Poverty was found at below for registered members and investigations showed that education, area under cultivation, possession of assets, status of employment, ownership of livestock and jobs of females increased the likelihood of decrease in poverty. Therefore, successful components of this program should...

Muhammad Usman Saleem, Nadeem Iqbal, Shawaiz Iqbal*, Usama Bin Khalid, Adila Iram, Muhammad Akhter, Tahir Latif and Tahir Hussain Awan 

...ill tillering phase and then 5-7 days interval till crop maturity. The overall results indicated that paddy yield was 20% higher under DSR as compared to TPR. Moreover, during 2017 in Punjab Province, Pakistan, more than 2500 farmers cultivated rice using DSR on an area of about 10000 ha and found it more cost effective than manually TPR. Therefore, farmers can opt this technology to harvest maximum benefits. 

Şükrü Önalan1*, Muhammed Arabacı1and Haşmet Çağırgan2
...n Turkey were evaluated phenotypically in the study. In all isolates, cream colored, bright, round and S-type colonies with smooth margins were seen in TSA medium. They were alive during native examination without movement. It was observed that morphologically all isolates were Gram (+), α-hemolytic (BA), oxidase and catalase negative and were reproduced under 21, 37 and 45 °C temperatures with 0–6.5 % NaCl salinity. As a result of the examinat...

Faisal Hafeez, Asad Aslam*, Ayesha Iftikhar, Afifa Naeem, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar and Muhammad Jawad Saleem 

... applied on cotton crop when the jassid population was above ETL level. The most effective insecticide found was Nitenpyram, having minimum population per leaf (0.35, 0.23 and 0.31 in 2018 and 0.53, 0.33 and 0.42 in 2019 after 1, 3 and 7 days of spray), followed by Chlorfenpyr both years. However, Acephate was ineffective to control jassid population. Moreover, the order of percentage population change/reduction is as under: Chlorfenpyr Thaimethoxam>Thiaclo...
Aamir Mushtaq1,2, Rukhsana Anwar1 and Mobasher Ahmad1,2,* 
... the existence of total phenols (170.14 ± 1.16 mg of GAE/g of extract), flavonoids (87.67 ± 0.67 mg of RE/g of extract), tannins (194.04 ± 1.79 mg of TAE/g of extract) and anti-oxidants (IC50 value = 59.60 µg/ml found by DPPH method) in plant extract. Higher inflexion ratio (0.25 ± 0.05), most of time spent in dark area (158.34 ± 4.88 sec), increased no of hole pokings (34.16 ± 2.01), significant (P...
Alicja Kowalczyk1, Marian Kuczaj2, Anna Szul3 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska4*
...8ºC for 20 sec and then were examined. Semen analysis included viability, DNA defragmentation and motility of spermatozoa were being estimated. The addition of 2μg / mL of the GnRH analogue significantly (P <0.05) improved the percentage of live spermatozoa compared to the control group. Samples with supplemented of 2 i 4 µg/mL of buserelin has a significant positive influence on percentage of motile sperm, progressive motility and DNA ...
Ke Zhang1, Shuai Liu2, Qiu Chen1, Yu Wang1, Li Liu1, Bingjie Li1, Kai Ma1, Xiaoya Wei1, Aijun Li3 and Junyan Li2*
... tick antiserum for WB. Then, 2-DE followed by WB and MALDI-TOF was carried out to screen and identify tick antigens. We identified 19 protein spots representing 12 ORFs: 4 from ticks and 8 from cattle. Among the the 4 ORFs, Tropomyosin, Elongation factor 1-alpha (EF-1α) and Protein Disulfide Isomerase-2 (PDI-2) have been reported as antigens and even vaccine candidate proteins in ticks or other pathogens but not in H. longicornis. Few reports hav...
Ambrin1*, Ghulam Dastagir1, Jehan Bakht2 and Muhammad Adil1
...ilages, fats, steroids, phenols and phytosterol.
Imran Khan1, Muhammad Nawaz1,*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Mansur-ud-Din Ahmad2, Adnan Mehmood1, Masood Rabbani1, Amina Mustafa1 and Muhammad Asad Ali1 modulating and strengthening the gut microbiota. Present study was designed to determine the effect of three previously characterized probiotic lactobacilli i.e. L. fermentum IKP 23, L. fermentum IKP 111 and L. salivarius IKP 333 on histomorphology of small intestine and D-xylose absorption capacity in broiler challenged with S. enteritidis. Negative control group was not supplemented with probiotics. Positive control grou...
Sajjad Ali1,*, M. Irfan Ullah2, Asif Sajjad1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, M. Aslam Farooqi1, M. Shahid Rizwan3, Qaiser Shakeel4, Sohail Akhter1,Muhammad Raheel4 and Muhammad Arshad2
...l weights were observed when fed on gram, Cicer arietinum (L.). The maximum (97.23%) larval survivorship was recorded on gramwhile, the lowest (56.25%) on okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.). The consumption index (CI) was also observed to be the highest (1.49 %) in gram and the lowest (0.95 %) in tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum (L.) The sizes of fore and hind wings, head, femur and tibia were the maximum in the individuals fed...
Lei Wang1, Lu Yang2, Lei Luo1, Yaqi Gao1*, Jian Gao1 and Ping Liu1
... reverse transcription. Then, Illumina sequencing was performed and unigenes were identified after assembly and clustering. The resulting unigenes were then compared to homologous sequences using NCBI-NR, Swiss-Prot, KOG, Pfam, eggNOG, KEGG, COG, and GO for functional annotation and classification. Some differences in the regularity of distribution and the time of eclosion of the pupa were detected between the southern and t...
Yuhong Li1, Dongxue Wu1, Xue Wang1, Mi Zhang1, Hanyu Zhu1, Zhe Shi1 and Fumin Feng1,2*
...ors increased first and then slightly decreased in the R, Z and HRZ groups. Among them, the significant changes in the indicators of the HRZ group were earlier than those of other drug groups and the changes were most obvious. The mRNA and protein of IκB in each drug group showed a gradual decline. The NF-κB pathway is activated in different mouse models of first-line anti-tuberculosis drug-induced liver injury and the activation level is different...
Sana Khan1, Raheela Taj1, Noor Rehman2, Asad Ullah3, Imad Khan3 and Sadeeq ur Rahman3,*
...reundii followed by phenotypic detection of β-lactamases and antimicrobial susceptibility profile. Our results indicated that a total of 130(4.40%;130/2950) samples were positive for C. freundii comprised of urine 58.46%, pus 33.85% and wounds 7.69%, respectively. More samples from females (n=70) than males (n=60) with majority (43.08%) from age group 21-40 years were found positive for C. freundii. Of the 130 isolates, 28 ...
Shaista Abbas1,Imtiaz Rabbani1, Hafsa Zaneb2, M. Shahbaz Yousaf1, Saima Ashraf2, Abid Hussain Shahzad3, M. Afzal Rashid4 and Habib Rehman1,*
... in ruminants. However, when compared with large ruminants there is scarcity of the data reporting the effects of dietary yeast in transition goats. Therefore, a trial was planned to elucidate the effects of various inclusion levels of live dried yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on dry matter intake (DMI), body condition score (BCS), body weight (BW) and serum health biomarkers in Beetal goats during the transition period. Twenty-four Beetal goats were ...

Ghulam Mohi Uddin Paracha* and Yasser Durrani 

...tratable acidity, total phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid content and antioxidant activity) and sensory evaluation of blends was carried out. The treatments in this study included BPo [peach persimmon blend (6:4)], BP1 [peach persimmon blend (6:4) + potassium sorbate (0.1%)], BP2 [peach persimmon blend (6:4) + potassium metabisulphite (0.1%)], BP3 [peach persimmon blend (6:4) + sodium benzoate (0.1%)], BP4 [peach persimmon blend (6:4) + potassium sorbate (0.05...

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Waqas Raza1*, Waqas Wakil2,3, Imtiaz Hussain4 and Misbah Iqbal Qamar

...gher peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activity than water treated plants. Enzymes produced as result of treatment with elicitors are responsible for protection against late blight and sucking insect pests. The inducers can be used for disease and insect pest’s management. 


Abdur Rehman1*, Sajjad Ahmad1, Ahmed Zia2, Asad Ali3, Kiran Shahjeer4, Abdul Latif1 and Taimur Khan

...nkhwa, Pakistan. A comprehensive field survey was conducted to collect dragonfly adults using aerial nets. 19 sites of District Swabi were surveyed during summer seasons of 2015 and 2016. The study revealed 23 species from 15 genera under 3 families. The abundant family was recorded as Libellulidae that was comprised of 19 species belonging to 11 genera, family Gomphidae included 3 species belonging to 3 genera and family Aeshnidae included one species belonge...

Muhammad Younis1, Shahen Shah1*, Inamullah1, Rozina Gul2, Arshad Jalal1, Farhan Khalil1, Iqbal Hussain1 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad

...d maturity were delayed when no P and S applied. Pods plant-1and biological yield were recorded highest at sulphur level 45 kg ha-1. The HI attained its peak at 75 kg P ha-1 with no sulphur application. It was concluded that solicitation of phosphorus and sulphur @ 50 kg ha-1 and 45 kg ha-1, respectively resulted in significantly higher yield contributing parameters of sesame; therefore, recommended for the locality. 


Muhammad Salim1*, Ayhan Gökçe1, Muhammad Nadir Naqqash1 and Orkun Ersoy

...ife table to get a comprehensive understanding and to determine the effect DE has on granary weevils and other grain pests when it is combined with plant extracts. 


Gulnaz Parveen1*, Salma Gul2, Muhammad Ather Rafi3, Ashfaq Ali Khattak4 and Hikmatullah Jan

... and shoot powder (ShP) when applied alone and with combination. While combinations of 3% LP + 3% ShP, 3% LP + 5% ShP, 5% LP + 1% ShP, 5% LP + 3% ShP, 5% LP + 5% ShP completely controlled the infection of Macrophomina phaseolina. Similarly combination of 5% LP + 5% ShP completely control the infection of Fusarium solani While 5% LP + 3% ShP treatment completely controlled the infection of F. oxysporum. 


Ahmad Khan1*, Raza Ullah Khan1, Sadia Khan2, Muhammad Zameer Khan1 and Fayyaz Hussain1 of 45cm was obtained when HS applied at the rate of 30 mg l-1as followed by 44.67cm where HS was applied @ 45mg l-1. The highest number of pods/plant-1 (22) were obtained in HS applied at the rate of 30 mg l-1 followed by 22.00 at the rate of 45 mg l-1. The maximum biomass wt. 14.24 g was received in 15 mg l-1followed by 30 mg l-1 having weight of 14 g. The highest straw weight of 8.78 g was obtained in 30 mg l-1 treatment. The highest seed weight of 5.64g ...

Ayesha Zafar1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Sarfraz2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sher Muhammad3 and Ghulam Murtaza

...reased more prominently when compared with straw yield where fertilizer was applied @ 210-201-112.5 kg/ha. 

Muhammad Mohibullah1*, Mehran1, Sundas Batool1, Muhammad Amin1, Zakiullah1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Irfanullah1, Abdur Rehman1 and Sardar Ali3
... parameters. Values for phenotypic found greater than gcv which depicted primary presence of environment in the performance of chickpea genotypes for the said parameters. Overall, the gcv and pcv were low to moderate for majority of the parameters. Highest amount of gcv and pcv were recorded for seed yield per plant (30.48 and 32.00%) and secondary branches per plant (20.47 and 24.29%), respectively. High broad sense heritability and genetic gain values were a...

Noor Islam1*, Rashid Mahmood1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sarfaraz Ahmad2 and Saleem Abid

... diets become essential when nectar and pollen are not available to honey bees. In this study, some pollen substitute diets i. e., diet 1 (soybean flour + brewer’s yeast + powdered sugar + sugar syrup), diet 2 (soybean flour + brewer’s yeast + powdered sugar + Fenugreek and Turmeric powders + honey + orange juice + A, D and E vitamins + sugar syrup), diet 3 (maize flour + brewer’s yeast + powdered sugar + sugar syrup), diet 4 (maize flour + b...

Wajiha Anum1*, Liaquat Ali1, Umair Riaz2*, Abid Ali1, Nadia Manzoor3, Laal Hussain Akhter4, Asad Ur Rahman5, Naeem Maan6 and Ijaz Ahmad

...recommended that wheat, when sown under band placement @ 120 kg/ha, gave maximum grain yield. 

Saira Saleemi1*, Zafar Iqbal1, Abdul Nasir Khalid2
...ish rearing facilities, then the chances of incidence of aspergillosis in silver carp may be minimized. 
Fehmina Ashraf1*, Muhammad Irfan2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1
...o";">Laccases (p-diphenol: oxygen oxidoreductase, EC are multi-copper polyphenolic oxidases that oxidize many phenolic and non-phenolic aromatic compounds such as amino or methoxy monophenols, syringaldazine, ABTS and amino or methoxy monophenols. They have been depict...

Md. Al-Amin Tan1, Mst. Antora Akter1, Md. Sabuj Rahman1, Marzia Rahman2 and Md. Mahmudul Alam1* 

...Chlorhexidine gluconate when mean CFU was counted at different stages of surgical field preparation. Soap water scrubbing and ethanol spray followed by aqueous Chlorhexidine gluconate painting eliminated 100% bacterial load and kept the site aseptic for 60 min. On the other hand, alcoholic Chlorhexidine gluconate completely removed bacterial burden from the skin and maintained 90 min long aseptic condition of the operation site. Based on our findings, alcoholi...

Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddique1, Faisal Sohail Fateh2*, Zia-Ur-Rehman1 and Humayun Saleem and magnesium), pantothenic acid and riboflavin. Major potato producing districts in Punjab are Okara, Sahiwal, Kasur, Sialkot, Sheikhupura, Narowal, Lahore, Pakpattan, Jhang, TobeTek Singh and Gujranwala. Potato is attacked by a number of diseases including early blight of potato, black scurf disease of potato, stem canker and powdery scab of potato. Among various fungal diseases in potato crop, the black scurf disease of potato caused by Rhizoctonia solan...

Naseem Zahra1* and Shajia Jabeen

...e may become white rice when the bran layer is exposed of in the milling process. In present era where diseases are common and people are in search of nutritious diet containing minerals and essential compounds, brown rice is found to be healthiest and minerals rich food commodity. Due to its appearance, color and texture it is rarely used. Brown has a meek nutty flavor and may become rancid more rapidly, but it is extreme more nutritious as compared to proces...

Yasir Iftikhar1, Mustansar Mubeen1,2*, Waqas Raza1, Qaiser Shakeel3, Waseem Abbas1, Shehzad Iqbal1 and Ashara Sajid

Imad Hassan1, Bilal-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Amir2, Faheem Ali2*, Salman Ilahi2 and Amjad Ali3 
...k stable value of 99.1% when tested with applied voltage of 25kV at an air velocity of 0.5 m/s. Moreover, it was observed and shown in this paper that when the voltage was increased beyond 25kV, the efficiency of the design lost its stability due to back corona effect. The filtration system proposed in this paper shows the ability of an efficient tool for controlling the flow of particulate pollutant matter from biomass comb...

Abdul Raqeeb1,3, Syed Moazzam Nizami2,4*, Aamir Saleem3, Lubna Ansari3, Saeed Gulzar3, Basit Ali3, Masooma Saleem5

...e study provides a comprehensive tool for estimating volume and biomass, thereby resulting in an accurate assessment of carbon sequestration and stocking in cedar dominated forest ecosystem in the region. 


Kajol, A. H. Bhat, Aasha and A. K. Chaubey

Biochemical and molecular characterization of Photorhabdus akhurstii associated with Heterorhabditis indica from Meerut, India
...bdus akhurstii based on phenotypic, biochemical and 16S rDNA data. Most of the biochemical tests were negative and only three tests were found positive viz., Urease, Nitrogen reduction and Oxidase. Further, we evaluated its pathogenicity against Galleria mellonella and Helicoverpa armigera. The LD50 value of strain DH3 against G. mellonella larvae at 48 hours was 8 IJs/larva for 50% larval mortality whereas in Helicoverpa armigera it needed 13 IJs/larva, to ki...

A. S. M. El-Nuby1† , S. A. Montasser2 and I. A. El-Khadrawy

Control of root-knot nematodes using wild plants colonized Sinai, Egypt
...y A. monosperma (83.0%) then Z. album1 (79.0%), while the lowest suppressor was C. monacantha (60.4%) at stock concentration. The addition of extracts as soil drench was better than spraying them. The stock solution showed the highest reduction in nematode reproduction but the differences between 100% and 75% concentrations were non-significant. Our finding offers a non-poisonous tool that can insert in combating nematode programs especially for small-holder g...

K. Osei1† , A. I. Adama1 , E. C. Tagoe2 and J. Sackey-Asante1


Biochar effect on nematodes and insects population density, soil improvement and yield of okra
...izers are expensive and when applied continuously, degrade agricultural lands (Savci, 2012; Bhattacharyya et al., 2015). Biotic factors such as plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) and foliar insects have been implicated as major constraints to okra production (Asare-Bediako et al., 2014b). The attack of root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) has been reported as the most serious, widespread and alarming which causes tremendous yield losses (Hussain et al., 2011; K...

 M. M. A Youssef and W. M. A. El-Nagdi †

Effect of some temperature changes on the population density of some plant parasitic nematode species
...nematodes may be killed when exposed to temperatures above 40°C (Santmayer,1955). Hence, during the study, the effect of temperature changes during a year representing the all four seasons (autumn, spring, summer and winter) on the numerical fluctuations in the population density of some parasitic nematodes on plants viz., date palm and olive in both soil and roots was investigated. These nematodes were negatively correl...

 Gulzar Mehmood1*, M. Zahid Khan1, Haseeb Ur Rahman1, and Sohail Abbas2

...key establishment delay, hence conserves energy and enhances security.


Ahmad Hussain1*, Syed Murtuza Mehdi2, Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Adeel3, Mohammed Hassan Jabal4, Farid Nasir Ani4 

...d hydrocarbon emission, when used in
such applications as lubricant in internal combustion engines and in industrial processes. In this paper, the impact
of mixing mineral oil at certain proportions with vegetable oil is discussed its use as commercial lubrication oil is
also outlined, The tribological attributes are investigated through the well known four ball tribotester method. In the
experiments, castor oil is blended at volume...

Muhammad Farooq1, Shahid Bashir1*, Irshad Ullah1, Muhammad Nadeem1 

... of microstrip antenna. When the switch is ON the electrical size of antenna becomes small and it resonates
at higher UMTS 2100 MHz band with circular polarization. Similarly, when the switch is OFF then size of antenna
is large and it operates at lower UMTS 1900 MHz band with elliptical polarization. The sense of polarization can be
easily changed from right handed to...

Muhammad Qasim Khan1, Syed Athar Masood1 

...on limitations of model when applied to public sector organizations alongside
reasons for low productivity. Results indicate that public sector organizations need to focus on cost minimization and
resource optimization to enhance productivity and output as compared to private sector organizations which focus
on cost minimization and profit maximization.


Feroz Shah1, Mohammad A. Irfan1, Kareem Akhtar1, Abdul Shakoor1, Naeem Khan2

...sser porosity
and hence higher ductility. While the samples taken from the portions away from mould wall or cooling core has
higher porosity and lower ductility. The overall volumetric porosity for thin sections is lower than thicker sections.


Kifayat Ullah*1, Tahir Mahmood2, Naeem Jan3, Zeeshan Ali4 

... (MADM) process is comprehensively discussed in T-spherical fuzzy environment and elaborated with
a numerical example. The results obtained are analyzed and their advantages over existing structures are studied.


Riaz Muhammad1*, Naseer Ahmeda, Abdul Basit2, Rizwan Alim Mufti2 

...tudied alloy with 14.5% when compared to the results obtained from strain dependent ductile damage model. 


Samreen Fatima1*, Mudassir Uddin1 

...k market data. However, when comparing A-GARCH
with ANN, it was found that ANN gave minimum out sample forecasting error as compared to A-GARCH models.
Therefore, ANN out played other studied models.


Sahib Khan1, Muhammad Naeem2, Tawab Khan3, Nasir Ahmad4* 

...stogram is investigated when subjected to true edge based 4 least significant bits (4LSB) steganography. The
true edge based 4LSB steganography technique has been found very efficient, creating no significant effect on edges
and undetectable histogram differences. Which prove this technique immune to histogram difference steganalysis. The
quality of the edges is preserved and a PNSR of greater than 74dB has been observed for different cove...

Nasir Ahmad1*, Jehad Ali2, Khalil Khan3, Muhammad Naeem4, Usman Ali5 

...n better results
when compared with 2D images only, however applicability of these methods is inadequate in practical implementations
due to high cost of 3D sensors, therefore we are using the low cost sensor Kinect acquired images. We do
face recognition from RGB images, depth images and then we combine both RGB and depth maps i.e. concatenate
different Modalities to improve the accuracy of recog...

Nabeel Maqsood1,2*, Afzal Khan1, Muhammad Khalid Alamgir2, Shaukat Ali Shah1, Muhammad Fahad3 

test and then compared. The thickness of the coating was also examined well. The result shows the remarkable
improvement in the corrosion resistance of PTFE coating by decreasing the corrosion current density in HCL media.


Ebtisam Mirza1, Nadeem Ehsan1 

...ation models but a comprehensive complexity measurement model
encompassing factors of important project constraints i.e. scope, time and cost is still missing. In this research, a
model has been developed to compute PECI (Project Execution Complexity Index) for various categories of projects
considering varying levels of complexity, i.e. PECI(R) for R&D/Technology projects, PECI(I) for Infrastructure development
projects and PEC...

Bibi Safia Haq1,2, Hidayat Ullah Khan3, Abdul Shakoor4, Shahnaz Attaullah5, Kausar Shaheen1, Khan Alam3 

...fold in Ethoxylated Bis Phenol A
Dimethacrylate for tissue repair in the field of biomedical. Also Incident Laser Power Effects were analyzed and
found that the Fluorescence Intensity increases with increasing Incident Laser Power, Io, and the emitted fluorescence
obeys the square-law dependences. Also when the Photo-Sensitizer was excited at different wavelengths (800nm,
400nm), it was found that...

Bibi Safia Haq1,2, Hidayat Ullah Khan3, Abdul Shakoor4, Shahnaz Attaullah5, Ishrat Rahim1 

...tion efficiency and the phenomenology of the etched keratin patterns have been investigated
and the surface modification was analysed. For effective studies of skin treatments, large areas of model skin need
to be generated. Therefore an ArF excimer Laser wavelength (193nm) with the ability to pattern square mm areas
per pulse was used even though the maximum repetition rates are typically an order of magnitude slower. Keratin

Misbah Ullah1, Rehman Akhtar1, Sikandar Bilal Khattak1, Khawar Naeem1 

...been ignored relatively when processes are imperfect
and inspection as a process is considered. Furthermore, the role of work-in-process inventory with respect to cycle
time has always been significant. Hence, this paper integrates work-in-process inventory and imperfect production
setup in order to optimize cycle time based on average cost minimization. A mathematical model is developed that

Khuram Rashid1, Saroosh Danish2, Muhammad Akram Tahir3 

...s found to be augmented when 10 % fine crumb rubber content was used. However
with further increase in the rubber content, the compressive strength was abridged. On the contrary, there was continuous reduction in the compressive strength with the increase in the amount of coarse rubber content as compared to control specimen. It was verified that rubberized concrete have potential to use in concrete up to some extent. 


Tehmina Amjad1, Ishfaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Akram Shaikh2, Nabila Naz1 

...we use variation factor then our results will
be more consistent. More the Co-efficient of quartile deviation lower the consistency and thus lower indexing. 


Shabana Rafique1, Shahnaz Parveen Khattak1, Tanveer Hussain2, Faiza Tauqeer1, Bashir Ahmad3 

...eper shades is doubtful, hence needed further exploration.
The effect of various parameters i.e. finish type and concentration were taken in to consideration along different modes
of application on the abrasion resistance and flexural rigidity of fabrics. As regards the type of finish, the effect of
U-V absorber and Pekoflam OP flame retardant (organic phosphorous compound) on fabric stiffness was found to be
advantageous, providing...

Salman Saeed*, Akhtar Naeem Khan**, Rashid Rehan*, Sikandar Hayat Sajid**, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam*, Khan Shahzada** 

COST AND PERFORMANCE OPTIMIZATION OF PRECAST POST TENSIONED PRE-STRESSED GIRDER BRIDGE SUPERSTRUCTURES This spreadsheet is then used to perform a parametric study by iterating through all design
parameters. It is shown that, contrary to conventional wisdom, the cost and performance of bridge superstructure
are not necessarily competing factors. Relationships for slab thickness and girder spacing are presented that result
in optimal performance and cost of the bridge superstructure. 


Hamza Tariq1, Imran Hayat1, Saima Rafiq1*, Aqsa Qayyum2 and Sohrab Qayyum1 

...oxidant activity, total phenolics, and sensory evaluation (color, flavor, taste, overall acceptability) during storage (90 days) at ambient temperature for consumer acceptability. An increase in titratable acidity, vitamin C, total phenolics and antioxidant activity was observed with increasing the concentration of autumn olive in the beverage blends while a decreasing trend was observed for pH, reducing sugars, non-reducing...

Muhammad Shahid1, Adiqa Kiani2* and Mahmood Shah3

Livestock Tackles the Major Sector Fluctuations in Agrarian Sector and Raises Economic Performance: A Study of Pakistan
... this nature. This comprehensive research will assist the govt. in making policies on livestock to revive the economic performance of the country.


Waqas Anwar, Iftikhar Hussain 

...pondents through a comprehensive questionnaire containing twenty-six questions. Comparing circumstances and outcome of construction projects with remaining part of the country, the study finds that the cost of work in FATA / PATA and restive regions of Baluchistan is substantially high due to multiple factors and therefore recommendations a construction model for creating ideal circumstances for expediting pace of development and assuring timely completion of ...

Waqas Anwar, Iftikhar Hussain 

...pondents through a comprehensive questionnaire containing twenty-six questions. Comparing circumstances and outcome of construction projects with remaining part of the country, the study finds that the cost of work in FATA / PATA and restive regions of Baluchistan is substantially high due to multiple factors and therefore recommendations a construction model for creating ideal circumstances for expediting pace of development and assuring timely completion of ...

Numan Habib, Naseer Ahmed, Riaz Muhammad, Himayat Ullah, Muftooh Ur Rehman, Kareem Akhtar 

...s in poor machinability, hence, make the automatic machining of these alloys nearly difficult. The main limitation of titanium and its alloys is that it produces long chips during machining which tangled around tool, hence; reduce tool life and sometime leads to fracture during conventional turning (CT). In recent days new two alloys are developed named Ti-6Al-7Zr-3Nb-4Mo-0.9Nd and Ti-5Al-7Zr-7Nb-0.7Nd with better performanc...

Muhammad Shahid1, Adiqa Kiani2* and Mahmood Shah3

Livestock Tackles the Major Sector Fluctuations in Agrarian Sector and Raises Economic Performance: A Study of Pakistan
... this nature. This comprehensive research will assist the govt. in making policies on livestock to revive the economic performance of the country.


Anjum and Ahmad Khan*

Phenology, Crop Stand and Biomass of Wheat in Response to Farmyard Manure and Soil Amendments
...gen (N) availability and hence the crop biomass. With this view, the four soil amendments [i.e. No-amendments, Min-N (30 kg N ha-1), humic acid (2.5 kg ha-1) and effective microbes (200 L Mg-1 of FYM)] were added to five levels of FYM (i.e. 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 Mg ha-1) and their impact were quantified in terms of wheat phenology, crop stand and biomass during two years studies (2016-17 and 2017-18). Min-N was provided from u...

Inamullah Khan1*, Amjad Usman2  and Rahamdad Khan2

The Mortality Rate of Pupae and Adult of Fruit Fly Bactrocera cucurbitae Coquillett (Diptera: Tephritidae) Affected by Different Submerging Time and Soil Types under the Laboratory Treatment

 Muhammad Nafees*, Asim Nawab*, Wisal Shah**

... collected samples were then treated in the laboratory in order to
identify and suggest suitable coagulant. For this purpose three different treatments .i.e. Lime, Alum and Alum+Lime
were applied. The optimum doses identified were 25, 35 and 26:13 ml respectively. The settling time was 25, 35 and
20 minutes respectively for lime, alum and alum+lime. The results revealed that the combine treatment (Alum +
Lime) ef...

 Akhtar Nawaz*, Sahar Noor*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Afzal Khan*, Shahid Rashid**, Rehman Akhtar*

...s for developing a comprehensive
and integrated methodology for designing interface for hybrid manufacturing supply chain networks for quick
response to the delivery lead time.

 Nasimullah*, Muhammad Irfan Khattak**, Muhammad Shafi**, Gulzar Ahmad**

...rbance torque. Friction phenomenon is simulated
using Lugre dynamic model. Adaptive fuzzy system is used to approximate nonlinear friction and external disturbance.
Assuming that system state matrixes are known, model based robust controller is formulated using sliding mode
control method. Adaptive fuzzy system formulated using Lyapunov function. The proposed controller is derived for
DC motor position control sy...

 Faisal Shabbir*, Muhammad Fiaz Tahir*, Naeem Ejaz*, Daulat Khan**, Naveed Ahmad*, Jawad Hussain*

...ial cement replacement, when used in specific proportions.

Waqas Anwar1*, Iftikhar Hussain1

...pondents through a comprehensive
questionnaire containing twenty-six questions. Comparing circumstances and outcome of construction projects with
remaining part of the country, the study finds that the cost of work in FATA / PATA and restive regions of Baluchistan
is substantially high due to multiple factors and therefore recommendations a construction model for creating ideal
circumstances for expediting pace o...

 Numan Habib1, Naseer Ahmed1, Riaz Muhammad1*, Himayat Ullah2, Muftooh Ur Rehman1, Kareem Akhtar3

...s in poor machinability, hence, make the automatic machining of these alloys nearly difficult. The
main limitation of titanium and its alloys is that it produces long chips during machining which tangled around
tool, hence; reduce tool life and sometime leads to fracture during conventional turning (CT). In recent days new
two alloys are developed named Ti-6Al-7Zr-3Nb-4Mo-0.9Nd and Ti-5Al-...

 Muhammad Irfan*, Saeed Gul*, Mohammad Younas*, Babar Nawaz*, M. Ishfaq*, M. Amir Durrani*, Abid khan*

...asian: normal;">gmlL when pH of molasses solution was 4.5, concentration of molasses solution was 20 gm/kg and fermentation time was

 Farid Ullah Khan·

PERFORMANCE ENHANCEMENT OF VIBRATION-BASED ELECTROMAGNETIC ENERGY HARVESTER DUE TO REDUCED AIR DAMPING normal;">kPa and when excited at an acceleration of 13.5 g and resonant frequency of

Shahida Nasreen Zakir*, Samina Siddiqui**, Nasreen Ghaffar*

MAJOR ELEMENTS CONCENTRATIONS IN CALCAREOUS SOILS parent materials and then to classify such soils in calcareous, moderate and non-calcareous soils. Soils were analyzed for total content of Al, Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Si and Ti with Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometery and UV-VIS Spectormetry. Total Ca content in loess soils is 12% thus categorized in calcareous soils whereas alluvium and piedmont alluvium soils with Ca content ranged from 0.9 to 5.2% hence are classified ...

Farid Ullah Khan*

... delivered are maximum, when the shaker is operated at the resonant frequency. Operating on the resonant frequency of 60 Hz, a maximum power of 0.6 W is delivered to the shaker at -48 dB gain level.

Gul Rukh*, Iftikhar Khan* M. Naeem Arbab*, Uzma Nawaz*


Shaukat Ali*, Shah Khusro*, Laiq Hasan**, Asif Ali Khan**

A SURVEY OF MOBILE PHONES CONTEXT-AWARENESS USING SENSING COMPUTING RESEARCH presents a comprehensive survey of research efforts contributed by researchers, organizations, and academia emphasizing on using mobile phones sensing capabilities for developing effective context-aware applications. The readily available knowledge is organized and classified effectively to give insight knowledge about the phenomena. We believe that this paper will serve as a compact platform for researchers and...

M. Nafees*, Bushra Khan*, Robina Naz*

...temperature values were then compared with international standards set by Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Our results indicate that temperature level was high at two places of the mill i.e. furnace and re-rolling mill sections with the average value of 67 °C and 39°C respectively, which exceeds OSHA limit of 25-30 °C for comfortable working temperature. The average noise level at furnace section was satisfactory but that at th...

Tahir Usman*, Khan Muhammad*

...p;These parameters were then subsequently used to formulate a model for the prediction of blasting cost per ton in the cement quarry operations. The prediction model based on 5 statistically significant variables explains 88.1% of the variance while estimating the blasting cost per ton.

Inayat Ullah*, Shah Khusro**, Saeed Mahfooz**, Azhar Rauf**

...f the routing protocols when the size of the network grows. The behavioural study of RIP and IGRP for email, in different sizes of networks, will also help in evaluating the behaviour of simple and composite metrics. Simulations and experiments results indicate that IGRP produces better results for email services as the size of the network becomes more scalable and the number of hops between source and destination increases, even if simple ...

Muhammad Tahir Manzoor*, Javed Iqbal*, Mohammad Inayatullah Babar*, Zeeshan Sabir* Khizar Azam*

... of battery power since when the cluster size is increased depending on application it is designed for, battery life of sensor nodes gets reduced with this extra consumption of energy due to the expanded size of the cluster. In this paper we examined different performance matrices of the WSN by increasing the size of cluster up to four hops and then compared the results with the network having a cluster w...

Mumtaz Shah*, Hashim Nisar Hashmi* Naeem Ejaz* Abdul Razzaq Ghumman*

...nd with water hyacinth. When the same sewage was treated with Duckweed the values came out to be 34% for BOD5, 27% for COD, 16% for phosphorus and 18% for nitrogen. Similar trend was observed in the experiments with Water Lettuce as 33% for BOD5, 29% for COD, 11% for phosphorus and 15% for nitrogen. Sewage treatment in macrophyte based system included both the anaerobic and aerobic microbial processes. The treatment is further followed by c...

Asif Nawaz*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, Rehmat Ullah, Khalid Nawab and Urooba Pervaiz

Investigation of Professional Competency Level and Training Needs of Field Assistants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Shamsher Ali3*, Adnan Nasim1, Muhammad Ismail1, Nur Ul Haq1 and Muhammad Usman4

Effect of Planting Sources, Cane Portions and Setts Placement Methods on Sugarcane Yield Attributing Traits
...rved for all the traits when bottom portion from trenched planting source was planted at single setts. Study suggests that planting fresh cane top portions with double and triple setts placement methods are better than trenched planting for cane yield and yield attributing traits.


Syed Mufeed Hadi Naqvi1*, Badar Naseem Siddiqui1, Waqar-Ul-Hassan Tareen1, Muhammad Ameer Qarib Naqvi2 and Naseeb Hussain3

Usage of Mobile Phone by Vegetable Growers and its Impact on Vegetable Production
...simple random sampling, then four union councils from each tehsil and three villages from each union council, also selected at random. Due to the limitations of study such as time and financial support five farmers from every village were selected to make a total one hundred and twenty respondents for the study. Most (44.2%) of the respondents of present study were present in middle age group and one out of three (31.7%) of the respondents were young and belon...
Sumaira, Ali Mujtaba Shah*, Ghulam Asghar Solangi, Ifra Anwar, Qudratullah Kalwar 

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Saima Sadaf1, Adnan Ahmad1, Usman Rafique1 and Muhammad Arshad Javed1

An Assessment of Farmers’ Awareness Level Regarding Integrated Farming System in District Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Saima Sadaf1, Adnan Ahmad1, Usman Rafique1 and Muhammad Arshad Javed1

An Assessment of Farmers’ Awareness Level Regarding Integrated Farming System in District Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan

Waheed-ur-Rehman*, Amjad Naseer*, Rashid Rehan*, Mohammad Ashraf* and Muhammad Ibrar*

...The specimens were then subjected to constant vertical and horizontal cyclic loads in a displacement controlled environment. Lateral strength, stiffness and ductility of the walls were determined and compared. Test results show that use of ties increases stiffness of cavity walls, the increase being higher in the case of I-shaped ties compared to Z-shaped ties. The ductility also increased with I-type wall ties. However, wall ties have no effect on t...
Naeem Ejaz*, Daulat Khan**, Usman Ali Naeem*, Muhammad Ali Shamim*, Usman Ghani* and Muhammad Fiaz Tahir*
... daily basis, which are then analyzed to find their composition and are recorded accordingly for each zone. The analyses of collected samples indicated that almost 60-70% of generated communal waste from all three zones is organic in nature and that the composting option for such communal waste could be a more sustainable and economical solution when compared to sanitary land filling. The research finding...

Sikandar Khan*, Afzal Khan*, Muhammad Tahir Khan*, Muhammad Ali Kamran* and Abdul Shakoor*

...ades. Pro/E models were then developed on the basis of these parameters. Pro/E models were imported into ADAMS to calculate the output torques. Our analysis shows that most of the starting torque comes from the hub section of the blade. Various changes were incorporated into ADAMS models near the hub region of the wind turbine blade which showed an increase in the staring torque due to an increasein the blade angles and chord lengths. The w...

Sajid Ullah Butt, Aamer Ahmed Baqai, Syeda Naela Fatima, Hasan Aftab Saeed

...fective reconfiguration whenever a design change in products/product families is needed. In RMS, the process plan is designed such that changes in demand or features etc. can easily be reflected without major loss in manufacturing time or cost. The costs usually included are machine usage, tool usage, machine change, tool change costs etc. All the parameters related to these costs become a part of the process plans. The focus of this research is to includ...
Muhammad Shaheen
... converted clusters are then stored into centralized database. Back Propagation Neural Network (BPNN) is used to train the system on performance indicators defined for compliance by both contracting parties.



 Shahid Hussain Abro

...or 1hr holding time and then microstructure was taken and grain size distribution was calculated using matrox inspector and the results were plotted by using origin data software. The mean grain size of steel A at 850°C indicates the 13.10μm and that of the steel B is 33.10μm. Similarly the mean grain size at 1175°C for steel A is 9.02μm and 18.50μm for steel B. The mean grain size in steel A decreases from 13.10μm to 9.02...

 Saman Shahid1, Shahid Ali1, Muhammad Abdullah Ahmad1, Sarfraz Munir2

...anded to 45.72 m, which then reduced to 43.28 m. Thus, to make possible efficient flow of water in BRBD Link canal and to decrease the sediment volume, the canal’s cross-sections were redefined. After this, the canal was remodeled on SETRIC by providing gradual changes in geometry rather than abrupt changes, which showed positive results, and sediment deposition was reduced by 35.25 %. If further modifications are made in the geometry of BRBD canal, the ...

 Majid Ashraf, Mohammad Haseeb Zafar, Tariqullah Jan

...he performance analysis when compared with the three routing protocols to manage unidirectional links shows that our proposed ARR scheme is superior to the AODV and AODV-Blacklist.


 Muhammad Qasim Khan1*, Syed Athar Masood1 and Shahzad Naeem Qureshi2

...mulated. Proposed model when implemented holistically in rebuild organizations can produce positive results whereas implementation of proposed practices in piecemeal/isolation may not accrue true and optimal outcomes. The findings of this research will facilitate top and middle management to enhance productivity and output of public sector automobile rebuild organizations of developing countries in general and Pakistan in particular.


Ahmad Khan1*, Yasir Mehmood2

...;packets for some time. When the buffer capacity is achieved the accumulated packet is sent to receiver. Furthermore, a timer mechanism is used for avoiding huge delays of the aggregated packets. Simulation results (graphs) show that significant enhancement in spectrum utilization can be achieved.

 Zawar Hussain Khan1*, T. Aaron Gulliver2, Khizar Azam3, Khurram Shehzad Khattak4

... traffic conditions and then initiate actions while psychological behavior includes the attitude and awareness of a driver. Thus, the traffic constant encompasses the perception, awareness, attitude, and reaction of a driver. The proposed model is evaluated for changes in traffic flow caused by an inactive bottleneck. The results are compared with those for the Payne-Whitham (PW) model. This shows that the temporal and spatial evolution of ...

 Sikandar Bilal Khattak1*, and Iftikhar Hussain1

...spectively. The data is then analyzed through Taguchi Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) to rank the factors. The results indicate that factors such as type of soil, which has some economic benefits or factors such as clean water, which are client requirements, are mostly considered, whereas factors such as recyclable products, renewable energy, and carbon emissions are least considered.


 Riaz Sayed1, Khizar Azam1, Waqar Shah1, Inayat Babar1, Hamidullah1, and Sahar Noor1

...p;paper provides a comprehensive review of the previous literature regarding driver fatigue and drowsiness research, the present state of research and the future trends. Various factors that may contribute to driver fatigue and drowsiness, Fatigue related countermeasures from various sources along with their merits are discussed. The Center for Intelligent Systems Research (CISR) of the George Washington University conducted an experiment a...

 Asad Naeem Shah1,2, GE Yun-shan1, HE Chao1,3

...nd (B20) and diesel, and hence compares the quality of the fuels. Both ‘L’ and ‘β’ play a key role in the fuel evaporation and mixing of fuel with air in the combustion chamber. It was found that the injection pressure, spray tip penetration and cone angle of the fuels increased with the increase in injection duration. Furthermore, the injection pressure of B20 was higher than that of diesel because of its higher inc...

Farah Mahmood1, Mohammad Inayatullah Babar1, Syed Waqar Shah1, Hamid Ullah1, Riaz Akbar Syed1

...ue approach for handoff when mobile node moves into a foreign network. We have utilized GPS (Global Positioning System) for gathering location information and multiple care of addresses handoff assistance.

 Muhammad Naeem Khan Khattak1, Hamidullah1, Shehryar2

...seful analysis and comprehensive recommendations for solution of major problems of the automotive vendor industry. The problems of automotive vendor industry are identified as a result of interviews with vendors of the industry. The problems of car vendors are divided into five major categories: processes/ operations, supply chain, resources, testing & quality control, and poor technology climate. It includes both the vendors who are wo...

 Adnan Ali Khan,* and Shahrukh Khalid**

...the ergodic capacity and hence the spectral efficiency for Rayleigh fading SIMO channel in the presence of unequal power Rayleigh fading co-channel interferes. Expressions for evaluating system’s capacity using maximum ratio combining (MRC) are presented. The analytical results are verified by developing Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, the effect of variation in cellular parameters including cell size and re-use distance on the syst...

Rafi Javed Qureshi* and Iftikhar Hussain**

...nd developed economies. When data on SMEs attributes and entrepreneur’s characteristic is categorical, single methodology to analyze factors influencing exporting are far from sufficient. A multi-method and exhaustive approach is necessary to explore the adequacy of factors in question. The three methods relevant to categorical data analysis (CDA) in this paper highlights the enabling role of the exploratory factors in understanding t...

Parakriti Gupta1, Kapil Goyal2 and Mini Pritam Singh3*

Hepatitis E Virus and Zoonosis
...the post monsoon season when the drinking water gets contaminated with sewage. However, the mode of acquisition of infection is different in developed nations with good sanitary conditions where the infection is a zoonosis. Though the virus has only one serotype, 8 genotypes have been documented. Out of these, HEV 1 and 2 have been reported from developing countries and are transmitted mainly through faeco-oral route while HEV 3 and 4 are reported from develop...

Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta1,2*, Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar3*, Muhammad Shoaib4, Wangyuan Yao3, Muhammad Asif5, Shah Nawaz6, Moazam Ali7 and Ayesha Kanwal8

Exploratory Study on the Psychological Impact of COVD-19 on Students
...ndwashing and use masks when they have to go outside. More than half of the students (53.09%) were afraid of the COVID-19 and similar pattern was noted about depression (54.86%). About 57.5% students were willing to take part in online classes, and only 23% found to have some sort of online learning experience. Students were willing to join the volunteer force (82.3%) if they were asked in case of emergency. During COVID-19 outbreak, students should be provide...
Dibyendu Biswas1*, Shib Shankar Saha2, Shankar Biswas3 and Md. Abu Sayeed4
Outbreak of Lumpy Skin Disease of Cattle in South-West Part of Bangladesh and its Clinical Management, dexamethasone, chlorpheniramine maleate, combination of oxytetracycline and meloxicam showed apparently good results. Interestingly, most of the household in this study area never used mosquito curtains at their cattle house at the night. From this data, it was concluded that LSD affects both sex of animals and young female are most susceptible. Poor intra-herd hygienic conditions and managemental practices could act as a cofactor for disease occurrence. F...
Ming-Yan Shi2, Xu-Liang Yan1, Ping-Ping Han1, Yu-Jie Tang1 and Hui-Xia Li1*
...SMSCs target genes were then carried out using microarray and bioinformatics. The data revealed significant changes (>2-fold) in 29 out of 783 differentially expressed miRNAs, 12 of which were up-regulated and 17 were down-regulated. Bioinformatics analysis showed that 24 of these 29 miRNAs were involved in fat metabolism, cell differentiation and the development of the immune system in 315 potential target genes, while 39 target genes were associated with ...

Zakeer Ahmed Khan Abbasi* and Allah Nawaz consequences of this phenomenon but the responses are not necessarily identical in scale and forms . In developed countries, climate change awareness is much advanced therefore, their climate change adaptations are also far better than those employed by farmers in the developing countries like Pakistan. The climate change awareness obviously determines the nature, quality and strength of climate change adaptations. The current study measures the impact of c...

Matiullah Khan1*, Humera Arif2, Muhammad Rasheed2, Motsim Billah3 and Shoaib Ahmad

...ubilizing P also changes hence, separate formulation will be workable for all the three locations. These results also indicate that Guldania RP has a good and economical potential for SSP preparation. 


Haiyan Yang1, Hongxia Liu1, Wenlong Wu1*, Weilin Li2 and Lianfei Lyu

... GSH first ascended and then followed by a decline. After re-watering, they all decreased, but AsA and GSH levels were remain higher than the controls. The results indicated that the tolerance of blackberry cultivar ‘Hull Thornless’ to drought stress was enhanced by activating the antioxidant system, and altering the levels of photosynthetic pigments. 

Magbolah Salem Helal Alzahrani
...s given CCl4 then fed on a combination of all levels of M. chamomilla showed a decrease of AST, ALT and ALP enzyme levels in the serum, suggesting a reduction in liver damage. This study showed that proceeding liver damage using CCl4 and administering 5% M. chamomilla, liver function improved significantly as shown with a reduction in serum AST, ALT and ALP, and use of M. chamomilla should be considered in combination...
Cheng Zhao1,2, Jianghong Ran2*, Bin Wang2,3, Qin Shi4 and Marwan M.A. Rashed1
...opped using the habitat when road density was more than 0.4 km/km2. Thus, road density should be considered in the protection program. Furthermore, in areas inhabited by giant pandas, we recommend to optimizing and enhancing increased regulations to minimize the expansion and impact of roads.

Syeda Farzana Bibi* and Siraj-ud-Din

Fluorescence Analysis, Extractive Values and Cytotoxic Screening of Crataeva adansonii DC Leaf and Bark through Brine Shrimp Larvae Assay
...s down parameters for authentication and standardization of drugs. The cytotoxic study helps in the evaluation of a drug for its toxicity, which is determined by the prevention of growth and replication. Such drugs can be used to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. During the present study ethanolic extracts of leaf and bark parts of C. adansonii were evaluated through cytotoxic activity. Brine shrimp larvae assay was conducted for ...

Mazhar Abbas1*, Kishwar Jam1, Rashid Iqbal Khan1, Muhammad Zafar-ul-Hye2, Tariq Rafique3 and Zahid Mahmood

...justify;">Different polyphenolics and biostimulants are used across the globe for enhancing productive and qualitative tarits of horticultural plants. A field trial was carried out in 2018-19 aiming at the evaluation of impacts of new commercial products “Quantis” and “Acevit-C” on growth, yield and antioxidative behaviour of bottle gourd cv. Aakash F1. Three level of Quantis (6 ml, 8 ml, 10 ml) and Acevit-C (100 ppm, 150 ppm and 200 pp...
Anum Feroz1, Abdul Rauf Shakoori2 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*
...b-S and GUW populations when compared with their respective controls. Acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity was significantly decreased (28.94 and 42.42%) in the 4th instar larvae of Lab-S population after treatments with bifenthrin and bifenthrin: chlorpyrifos combination 3:1, respectively. After exposure to chlorpyrifos and bifenthrin: chlorpyrifos combination 1:3 the AchE activity was increased 45.24 and 64.28%, respectively. This increase was muc...
Ayesha Noreen1, Amina Elahi1, Dilara Abbas Bukhari2 and Abdul Rehman1*


...lly treated wastewater, when used for plant growth, revealed an improved growth of Vigna radiata as compared to the original (untreated) wastewater. This multiple metal resistant bacterium’s ability to convert toxic arsenite into relatively less toxic form may find potential application in environmental biotechnology.
Muhammad Khan1, Tehmina Ameer Khan1, Aziz Ud Din2, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Irfan Ullah3,*, Kalim Ullah4, Sadia Tabassum1,*
... from buccal swab using Phenol: Chloroform: protocol. The target genes were amplified via polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The amplified gene products were sequenced and compared with the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS) Accession-No. N_012920.1. Four mutations in 16S-rRNA gene have been identified viz mt-2552T>A, mt-1811A>G, mt-1888A>G and mt-2467A>T and two are novel, mt- 2552T>A and mt-2467A>T while others have bee...
Kui Li1, Lijun Li1, Jialun Fu2, Yi He2, Zhaohui Song2, Shuiping Zhou2Luobu Gesang1* and Rui Liu2*
...ministering compound Danshen dripping pills (CDDPs) on acute mountain sickness (AMS). To this end, a total number of 58 healthy low-altitude inhabitants residing in Beijing were randomized to two treatment sequences, receiving either 270mg CDDPs or placebo during an 11-day trip in Tibet, China, at an altitude of more than 3000 m. The Lake Louise Scoring System (LLSS) was also utilized to access AMS incidence and severity, twice a day, during the research perio...
Abdul Waheed*, Asim Faraz, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq
... average 11.4±4.5 hens, 2.1±1.1 cocks, 6.9±4.5 chicks, and 4.5±3.4 laying hens. Majority of them kept hen in khuda (a small need-based structure like small room for keeping birds). Most of them offer grains to the desi birds and majority was aware of poultry diseases, mainly keeping desi birds. Without having any special training, vaccinating the birds for Rani ...

Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Khan Sher2, Jehandar Shah2, Tour Jan1 and Abid Ullah1

Taxonomic and Medicinal Study of Papilionaceae of District Upper Dir, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan scarcely distributed, hence struggle should be made to protect them. The key objective of the present study was to file the taxonomic knowledge and the local and medicinal uses of the root juice of Desmodium elegans DC, combined with the bark juice of Bauhinia malabarica for the treatment of cholera, branches of the Indigofera heterantha Wal. ex Brands vari; gerardiana used in basket making, twig bridges making, soil cover for preventing erosion. Similarly,...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1,2*, Aqib Riaz4, Sultan Ahmad Rizvi2, Bushra Zulfiqar2, Waqas Naseem2, Humara Umar3, Ahmad Hussain1 and Mazher Iqbal

Shikun Ge1, 2, Yanli Yang3, Brindha Chelliappan4, 5, Antonysamy Michael5, Fagang Zhong1 and Xiaoying Zhang1, 2, 3, 4*
... was significantly lost when it exceeded 70 °C; IgY was relatively stable in the range of pH 4-10, and the activity was significantly lost beyond this range; IgY had certain resistance to pepsin and trypsin. Among all four purification methods, the IgY antibody titer in liquid egg yolk and egg yolk powder was significantly higher than the other two methods. Moreover, egg yolk powder can prevent bacterial contamination and inactivation due to the formation ...
Zengwen Huang1,2, WuReliHazi Hazihan2*, Baheti Bodai2, Kadyken Rizabek3, Nuralieva Ulzhan3, Omarova Karlygash4, Juan Zhang1 and Yaling Gu1*
...fied and sequenced, and then transfected into YM sheep granulosa cells. The sequence of YM sheep INHα gene was obtained and uploaded on the NCBI database (accession number KP-113678.1). The INHα gene from YM sheep is 1109 bp long and translates to approximately 40 KDa protein. Q-PCR analysis showed that the plasmid pGenesil 10-3p-siRNA could interfere with the expression of INHα in granulosa cells to an efficiency of 83%, which was also confi...
Huma Abbas1*, Nazir Javed1,Muhammad Kamran2, Sajid Aleem Khan1Hira Abbas3, Ehetisham-ul-Haq2, Abdul Jabbar1, Mehwish Naz1 and Ihsan Ullah4
...ll the tested chemicals when applied in infested microplots. The results of the present investigation suggest suitable management option for the growers having nematode problem in their field.
Zumama Khalid1, Muhammad Abrar Yousaf2, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan1Farah Rauf Shakoori2, Muhammad Munir3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*
...efore, the current comprehensive review has been written in view of all these aspects so as to present a complete picture of where the world stands, how can the disease be coped, what myths have been developed along with this new pandemic, and what measures should be taken both at individual and states’ levels to help fight against COVID-19.
Zubair Ahmad1, 2, 4, Hamed A. Ghramh1, 2, 3,Khalid Ali Khan1, 2, 3*, Farhat Khan4 and Shujauddin5
...1% and 26.3% parasitism when attended by C. compressus and C. subnuda Mayr., respectively. Further in the presence of these two dominant species the other ants viz., Paratrechina longicornis (Latr) and Tapinoma melanocephalum (F.) are unable to make contact with the aphids and even chased away on their mere appearance in the vicinity of aphid colony. The vague stimuli via the host in C. subnuda Mayr. causes a p
Yan Wen1, Liu Lian2, Zhuang Xun3, Murong Jiaying4, Cui Shuyi1, He Wanwen1, Mai Guanghuai5, Huang Wenzhu1, Chen Gang1,* and Wang Zhijun1,*
...nd Exercise (BODE) comprehensive index of the patients before and after the treatment were assessed. After treatment, the intra-group 6-minute walk test (6MWT), forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), FEV1/forced vital capacity (FVC), the Medical Research Council (MRC) Dyspnea Scale, the Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HAM-D), the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A), and the Body-Mass Index, Airflow Obstruction, Dyspnea, and Exercise (BODE)...
Ishrat Perveen1, Yasar Saleem2 and Javed Iqbal Qazi3* 
... and 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b] pyridine (PhlP) using HPLC-UV detector. Quantitative analysis of the control samples (only thawed at room temperature) revealed presence of HCAs in K, S, D and B brands with respective values of 0.97, 1.09, 5.63 and 13.66 µg/g. The high thermal cookings of the RTE samples enhanced the levels of HCAs. Microwave cooking was found to produce highest total HCAs contents (0.71-35 µg/g) followed by deep-fryin...

Muhammad Ahsan Naseer1, Mehdi Maqbool1, Saima Rafiq2*, Noosheen Zahid1, Abdul Hamid1 and Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah1

Comparative Analysis of Physical and Biochemical Attributes of Edible Fig (Ficus carica L.) Collected from Three Districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Located at Different Elevations
...sture, vitamin C, total phenolic and antioxidant activity). Results showed that wild figs obtained from diverse localities have different attributes in terms of physical as well biochemical properties. Maximum fruits weight (6.24 g), fruits diameter (24.09 mm), and neck length (9.51 mm) was observed in fruits harvested from Arja location of Bagh District, while the minimum fruit weight (2.48 g), fruit diameter (16.69 mm), and neck length (2.81 mm) was observed...

Amir Afzal, Muhammad Ijaz and Sayed Rashad Ali Shah*

Determination of Suitable Growth Stage for Application of Fungicide against Stripe Rust in Wheat
...t various growth stages when treated in susceptible genotype (Ihsan, 2016) and contrary in case of resistant genotype (16C038). As a result, 16C038 showed resistant response whereas Ihsan2016 highly susceptible response. It was revealed that application of fungicide is rational in situation when cultivated crop is prone to disease and is uneconomical otherwise. However, fungicidal spray at heading stage did not boost yield s...

Adnan Arshad1*, Huma Qamar2, Ristina Siti-Sundari3, Zhang Yue1, Muhammad Zubair2, Muhammad Ali Raza4, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rehman5 and Lizhen Zhang1*

Phenotypic Plasticity of Spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Cultivars in Response to Exogenous Application of Salicylic Acid under Rainfed Climate Conditions
...l plasticity to maximum phenology parameters of C3, C4, and C5. Safflower treated with salicylic acid could adapt to wide range even though in the extreme weather and drought conditions in rainfed agriculture. Spineless safflower cultivars could be a future way forward as a potential parallel crop to ensure a sustainable source of production in rainfed regions worldwide.


Ummad ud Din Umar1, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Ishfaq Ahmed1, Ateeq ur Rehman1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar2, Sibghat Ullah3, Shah Pasand4, Zehri Khan3 and Abdur Rehman5

Prevalence and Serological Detection of Spiroplasma citri, a Cause of Citrus Stubborn Disease in Southern Punjab, Pakistan
...ds by conducting a comprehensive survey in various districts of Southern Punjab. The results of the survey and serology of CSD showed that this destructive disease which causes symptoms mostly similar to citrus greening is present in all areas of South Punjab. Layyah, and Multan showed maximum incidence of CSD with “11.66” and “5.66%” respectively while least incidence was observed in District Bhakkar (03%) and District Khanewal with (0...

Kanwar Muhammad Raheel Mehboob1, Rashid Iqbal2*, Muhammad Israr3,4, Jaweria Shamshad5, Umair Riaz6, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman7,8, Fawad Ali9, Arif Nawaz10, Maliha Sarfraz11, Abdul Waheed12, Muhammad Tahir Khan13 and Muhammad Aslam2


Assessment of the Consequences of Heat Changes on Cotton Cultivars Growth, Phenology and Yield at Different Sowing Regimes
...g crops. All periods of phenology of crops are temperature sensitive. Hence, information on appropriate temperature for best yield is significant so as to get maximum production. In current examination, a field test was directed to evaluate the phenology, relative development, ideal sowing time, comparative growth just as yield execution of three cultivars of Bacillus thuringiensis Cotton ...
Safina Naz1, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi2*, Bushra Siddique3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4 and Abdur Rehman5 
Exogenous Application of Selected Antioxidants and Phyto Development Directors Influenced the Development, Output and Biochemical Attributes of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)
...N.A.A.GA3, 2, 4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and antioxidants i.e. Ascorbic acid and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid on development, fruit bearing, output along with biochemical attributes of Lycopersicum esculentum fruits during 2014 and 2015. Foliar spray of GA3(100 ppm) and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (200 parts/million and 100 parts/million) give rise to significantly taller plants and greater leaf area while, shorter plants and lower leaf area was recorded in control. Grea...

Safina Naz1*, Muhammad Akbar Anjum1, Bushra Siddique2, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3*, Sajid Ali1, Hassan Sardar1, Sakeena Tul Ain Haider1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4, Hajra Azeem3, Sibghat Ullah5, Shah Pasand6 and Zehri Khan5

Effect of Sewage Water Irrigation Frequency on Growth, Yield and Heavy Metals Accumulation of Tomato and Okra
...igher contents of metal when these crops were cultivated with a repetitive application of the sewage water. The final result revealed that the metal concentration high in tomato and okra plant parts with decreasing irrigation intervals of sewage water.

Chao Zhao1,2, Sigang Fana2 and Lihua Qiua2,3,*
...s stage is the key time when water quality and bacteria increase rapidly, and precautions should be taken to improve water quality and inhibit vibrio growth.

Muhammad Shakeel1*, Mudussar Nawaz1, Zahid Naseer1, Muhammad Fiaz1, Asghar Khan1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Awais Ur Rehman1, Ahmad Yar Qamar2 and Ali Raza3

Caprine and Ovine Serological Evidence of Brucellosis in Five Districts of Punjab, Pakistan
...greater zoonotic aspect, hence, it is considered an occupational hazard for small ruminant handlers as well as Veterinarians. The present study reports the seroprevalence of brucellosis in different sheep and goat breeds in five districts of Punjab, Pakistan. A total of 1239 serum samples were collected from male (n=73) and female (n=1166) different sheep (n = 865; Pak-Karakal, Thalli, Lohi, Kajli and non-descript type) and goat (n = 374; Teddy, Beetal and non...

Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud1, Yonis Abukar Mohamed2, Osman Sheikh Ali Jama3, Pravin Mishra4* and Mohamed Idiris Mohamed5 

Prevalence and Major Pathogens Associated with Clinical and Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in Benadir Region of Somalia
...d management of mastitis hence minimizing economic loss and prevents significant public health risks.


Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola

Comparative Productive Performance among three Plumage Varieties of Noiler Hens
...mage varieties of Noiler hens. For this purpose, a total of 90 pullets with three plumage colours (brown, black and barred) were divided into 3 replicates with 10 birds per replicate in each of the variety. Data were collected on the pubertal parameters (age at first egg and crouching behaviour) from 16-22 weeks of age; egg production performance indices (egg weight, hen day egg production-HDEP, feed efficiency-FE/dozen eggs...

Arshad Ali Essani1, Bhai Khan Solangi1, Muhammad Ilyas Abro2, Sultan Ahmed3, Karim Bakhsh Sial3, Muhammad Saleem4, Ali Asghar Gola5, Ghulam Ali6, Moula Dad6, Mujeeb ur Rehman6, Habibullah Kakar6 and Mitha Khan6*

Comparative Efficacy of Botanical Pesticides against Sucking Insect Pests of Mustard Crop
... kg/plot) were recorded when the neem seed extract was sprayed on mustard crop; followed by average crop yield of 20 and 18/plot when the mustard crop were sprayed with neem oil and tobacco extract, respectively. However, the lower crop yield (18 kg/plot) was noticed when the mustard crop were sprayed with akk plant extract. The control plots resulted in lowest crop yields of 10 kg/plot. I...

Malik Gul Hassan Awan, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz, Muhammad Ansar, Adeel Anwar, Umber Abbasi and Hashmat Mahmood

Influence of Foliar Application of Mineral Nutrients on Biological Nitrogen Fixation of Rainfed Soybean
...y loam soil (Typic Ustorthents). The spray applied 0.7 g ha-1 Mn, 0.7 g ha-1 B, 0.7 g ha-1 Cu, and 1 g ha-1 Zn besides 59 g ha-1 P, and 27 g ha-1 Ca. Foliar application enhanced the nitrogen fixation in all the soybean varieties. Increase was 98% in NARC-2, 84% in Rawal-1 and 70% in Ajmeri-1. The highest N2 fixation of 68 kg ha-1 was observed in NARC-2 with foliar application of nutrients. Nodule numbers increased from 0.12 plant-1 without nutrients spray to 0...
Tabassum Yaseen1*, Shehzad Ahmad1, Khushnood Ur Rehman2, Fayaz Asad1, Abdul Waheed1, Rani Gul3, Hussain Gulab4 and Naveed Akhtar2
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Spore Density and Root Colonization in Weeds of Carrot field at Charsadda, Pakistan
...tion was recorded in Parthenium hysterophorus (39.67±11.02) whereas the lowest was found in Fumaria indica and Taraxacum officinale (6.33±5.51), (8.00±4.00) respectively. It is not necessary that the plants having high spore density will have high root colonization the host growth stage of plant influences the diversity and population of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF). Our study revealed that the AMF spore density and root infection is...

Rabab Rafaqat1, Habib Ahmed Rathore1, Tariq Masud2, Imran Hayat1* and Imtiaz Hussain1

Determination of Different Chemical Constituents of Fruit, Leaves and Oil of Olea cuspidata (Wild Olive) Grown at Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir
...etone and water). Total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC) of fruit and leaves extracts in these solvents were determined. Oil was extracted from wild olive fruit by the process of solvent extraction and was studied for physicochemical properties like refractive index, specific gravity, pH, free fatty acid, peroxide value, iodine value, saponification number and unsaponifiable matter. Results indicated that fruit and leaves of wild olive ...

Mohammad Javad Golmohammadi1, Hamid Reza Mohammaddoust Chamanabad1*, Bijan Yaghoubi2 and Mostafa Oveisi3

GIS Applications in Surveying and Mapping of Rice Weeds in Guilan Province, Iran
...its of weed management. When in an area the distribution and consumption of inputs is based on accurate information from the weed composition of the farms in that area, the efficiency of these inputs is improved and weed damage is reduced.


Shahid Nadeem1*, Taj Naseeb Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Adnan Younis2 and Iram Fatima3

Influence of Plant Growth Regulators by Foliar Application on Vegetative and Floral physiognomies of Gladiolus or community, a comprehensive study was conducted on gladiolus to enhance its vegetative and floral characteristics with the foliar application of growth hormones i.e. gibberellic acid (GA3) and salicylic acid (SA). The results revealed that the application of GA3 and SA had significant influence on vegetative as well as floral traits of gladiolus. The maximum numbers of days (7.90) for the sprouting of gladiolus corms were counted with 1mM of SA similarly ...

Nadeem Abbas Shah1*, Ejaz Ashraf1, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Zaheer ud Din Mirani3, Usman Rafique1 and Raees Abbas Shah4

Assessing Perceptions of the Households-heads Regarding Food Security Status in Drought-hit Areas of District Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan: A Case Study for Agricultural Extension
...squo; food products, kitchen gardening, reuse of preserved food and other products, migration to food secure areas and reduced number of meals eaten in a day. It is recommended that government should focus on education, employment opportunities, development of natural resources for producing food secure crops and start awareness movements among the inhabitants of Tharparkar to revitalize the status of food security in the study area.

Sajad Ali1*, Naeem Ur Rehman Khatak1, Iftikhar Ahmad2, Jangraiz Khan3 and Azra4
Impact of Socioeconomic Factors and farm Size on Wheat Productivity: A Case Study of District Peshawar, Pakistan
Asmat Ullah1,2, Shahid Iqbal1,2 and Furhan Iqbal2*
...h genders (P > 0.05) when compared between 300 mg/ml solvent/Kg body weight of Bauhinia variegata’s leaf extract treated and untreated albino mice of both genders. We concluded that applied dose of Bauhinia variegata’s leaf extract has the potential to improve neuromuscular co-ordination in female albino and should be explored further as potential treatment for neuromuscular problems.

Mushtaq Ahmad Khan*, Abdul Basir and Beena Saeed

Biochar Improves Phenological and Physiological Attributes of Wheat in Soil Amended with Organic and Inorganic Nitrogen Sources
... tillers and spikes m-2 when compared to control. Whereas, application of 150 kg N ha-1 as urea, FYM and PM, delayed booting, anthesis, physiological maturity in wheat and increased plant height and spikes m-2 of wheat. Similarly, 120 and 150 kg N ha-1 applied from PM, FYM and urea resulted in higher LA, LAI, tillers and spikes m-2 over control plots. Hence, application of 120 kg N ha-1 either from organic or inorganic sourc...

Dalal H. Sary and Rama T. Rashad*

A Comparative Study on the Impact of Compost, Humate, and Silicate on the Nutritional Characteristics of Calcareous Soil Cultivated by Soybean
...ollowed by K-H (69.07%) then K-Si (67.39%) compared to the control. Also, compost at rate 100 % showed the most significant increase of protein and total N (~77.07%) followed by K-Si (~60.67%) then K-H (~ 17.69%). However, compost and K-Si have almost decreased the concentration (mg kg-1) of Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, and Si in soybean seeds significantly by increasing the application rate from 50 to 100 %. Potassium silicate was the m...
Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi1*, Olubumi Atolani2 and Gabriel Ademola Olatunji3
Toxicity Effect of Eucalyptus globulus on Pratylenchus spp. of Zea mays
...sence of terpenoids and phenolics as major constituents of E. globulus. The essential oil showed the presence of 1,8-cineole (23.3%), citronella (18.1%), geranial (17.6%), isopulegol (10.4%), myrcene (13.0%), cuminaldehyde (9.1%) and 2-pinene (8.5%) as major constituent. Results obtained in this research revealed that essential oil from Eucalyptus (a bio-nematicide) holds promise as an affordable and environmentally-friendly alternative for nematode control an...

Saeed Ahmad1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Habib ur Rahman1,3*, Tanveer-ul-Haq2, Mahmood Alam Khan4 and Arshad Mahmood5

Evaluation of Different Production Systems in Combination with Foliar Sulphur Application for Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under Arid Climatic Conditions of Pakistan
...r (18.0 cm), number of achenes per head (1510), 1000-achene weight (55.7 g) resulted in higher achene yield (2225 kg ha-1) including oil contents (38.7%) with foliar sulphur spray of 150 ppm. The nursery transplanted production system, however, produced the highest number of achenes per head (1466), head diameter (17.4 cm), 1000-ac<...

Ghulam Akbar1*, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Aamna Rafique1, Sania Riasat1, Mohsin Raza1, Mahpara Qamar1, Shahneela Nusrat1 and Shakila Hanif1

Critical Update for the Treatment of Anemia by using Advanced Genome Editing Crispr Cas Technology Recent data gives authentic applications of CRISPR use in anemia which provides potential for usage of gene editing technique for different types of anemia. In evaluation we defined currently developed genome editing device update used for the remedy of anemia, its mechanism of movement and sickle cellular mutation corrections.


Muhammad Tariq-Khan1*, Syed Zanib Ali Gardazi1, Abu Daud Ahmad Khan1, Muhammad Ilyas2 and Ishaq Ahmad3,4

Virulence and Distribution Trends of Root-Knot Nematode (RKN) Fauna on Summer Vegetables in District Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan)
...sive host range. A comprehensive survey study was carried out to document host and non-host plants in cultivated fields of Bagh district, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Total of 111 vegetable fields from 82 locations of study areas was surveyed during summer 2013, 2014, 2016 and 2017. Okra, Eggplant, tomato, cucumber, chilies, beans and cucurbits were found most frequently cultivated vegetables in the area. RKN was found on 80 fields, with 68 out of 82 surveyed locat...
Ammara Gull-E-Fareen1, 3, Imran Bodlah1*, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Yasir Niaz2, Muhammad Adnan Bodlah2, Muhammad Asif4 and Nasir M. Khokhar5
...y common and widespread phenomenon. It has been studied in various parts of the world. In this relationship, aphids provide food to the ants, while in return ants provide them protection from natural enemies. Ants also protect aphids from different diseases. Aphids (serious crop pests) can be divided into myrmecophilous and non- myrmecophilous. The main objective of this study was to determine trophic associations of ants associated with aphids on various host...
Wajahat Azeem1,*, Tariq Mukhtar1 and Tooba Hamid2
...ons of A. indica when integrated with T. harzianum increased plant height and fresh shoot weight significantly over control. The increase in these parameters was directly proportional to the concentrations of A. indica leaves and T. harzianum. A. indica amendments proved at par with those of T. harzianum. The maximum increases in these parameters were obtained where A. indica leaves were mixed at the rate of 50 ...
Muhammad Umer Khan1,2*, Muhammad Farooq Sabar1, Atif Amin Baig3, Arif-un-Nisa Naqvi4 and Muhammad Usman Ghani1
...n lineages (25.32%) and then East and Southeast Asian lineages (15.19%). Shin population presented a high genetic diversity of 0.9996 and a low random match probability of 0.0129. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report of mtDNA profiles of the Shin population, providing a complementing dataset for curative generation of future mtDNA databases in Pakistan.

Sehrish Ashraaf1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1* and Sajida Naseem2

...letter-spacing: 0.1px;">when combined with DNA barcoding.

Muhammad Nazar1, Chaudhary Muhammad Ayyub2, Mujahid Ali3*, Malik Abdul Rehman4, Shoib ur Rehman5 and Saqib Ayyub2

Amelioration of Thermo-Tolerance Ability in Spinacia oleracea L. Cultivars by Foliar Application of Chitosan
.../night temperature) and then after four weeks after emergence 40/32°C (day/night temperature) was given by gradually enhancing 2°C per day. After one week of heat stress (40/32°C), four treatments (25, 50, 75, 100 ppm) of chitosan were applied as a foliar spray on spinach cultivars in comparison to control (non-treated with chitosan). The research findings evidenced that foliar application of chitosan significantly affected attributes under heat st...

Malik Abdul Rehman1*, Hafiz Muhammad Ehsan2, Tehseen Ashraf2, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani3, Sajjad Khan3 and Mujahid Ali2

Effect of Growing Media on Plant Growth of Rough Lemon (Citrus jambhiri Lush.) and Poncirus (Citrus trifoliata) growing in black polythene bags filled with the required media using a Completely Randomized Design with three replications. Data of stem length stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area, and survival percentage was recorded. Chemical analysis of leaf was done by taking samples from treatments were analyzed for determination of N, P, K. Results indicated that stem length, stem diameter, number of leaves, leaf area and survival percentage were significant i...
Shakeel Ahmed* and Sarwat Jahan
... a cannula affixed in saphenous vein. Blood samples were collected individually 60 minutes before and 120 minutes after NMS administration at 15 minutes intervals. Plasma T and GH concentrations were determined by using specific Enzyme Immunoassay (EIA) kits. 48 h fasting significantly (P<0.001) decreased plasma T levels but it did not cause any significant (P>0.05) change in plasma GH levels compared to normal fed monkeys. NMS injection induced a signif...
Hamida Sarwar1, Kousar Perveen1,Rida Mazhar2, Muhammad Afzal1, Syed Amir Gilani3
...ress, and insomnia; and then conferred as numbers and percentages. A significant proportion of doctors, nurses, and paramedics reported symptoms of anxiety (38.3%), depression (58.9%), insomnia (45.2%), and distress (61.64%). Overall data collected showed that the ratio of symptoms was comparatively high among nurses than doctors. 
Kui Zhang1,2, Ping Geng1, Sher Khan Panhwar3, Khadim Hussain Memon4 and Zuozhi Chen1,2,*
...leback flying squid Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis in the Arabian Sea.
Muhammad Aamir Naseer1, Amjad Islam Aqib2*, Ambreen Ashar3Muhammad Ijaz Saleem1, Muhammad Shoaib4Muhammad Fakhar-e-Alam Kulyar1, Khurram Ashfaq1, Zeeshan Ahmad Bhutta1 and Shagufta Nighat5 pattern was observed when tested against Oxytetracycline, Gentamicin, Cefotaxime, Fusidic acid, and Ampicillin. The study concluded hiked biofilm character in S. aureus with prevailing significant risk factors and heightened change in antimicrobial resistance by all isolates which demands immediate action plans to be taken.
Feng Xu1,2,3*, Weikang Yang1,2,3*, Ming Ma1,2,3 and David A. Blank4
...g their group size. And when the cranes in strong human disturbance area closer to the road, they devoted significantly more time to their vigilance. The significant relationship between crane vigilance and group size might be explained by the high population density and big intraspecific competitions for resources.
Tafail Akbar Mughal1, Shaukat Ali1*, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1, Shumaila Mumtaz1, Samaira Mumtaz1, Ali Hassan1 and Syed Akif Raza Kazmi2
... mice in which diabetic phenotype was induced by alloxan. A single injection of Alloxan (150 mg/kg) was applied intravenously to induce diabetic phenotype. Alloxan induction raised the overall level of triglycerides, low density- lipids (LDLs), and cholesterol and reduced the level of high density lipids (HDLs). Oral administration of 200 mg/kg aqueous extract of B. lycium Royleroot bark for 28 days rescued all these ...

Agustine Christela Melviana1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Maizirwan Mel3, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4 and Juris Burlakovs5

Gene Expression Related to Steviol Glycoside Synthesis Produced in Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Shoot Culture Induced with High Far-Red LED Light in TIS RITA® Bioreactor System
...antidiabetic properties, hence a large number of plant source is required to supply the industry. To overcome the hindrances in the propagation of Stevia plants using in vivo methods, an alternative technique of propagation using in vitro methods is needed. The micropropagation method with the RITA® (Recipient for Automated Temporary Immersion System) is used in the production of a large amount of stevia biomass in approximately a short period. The forming...
Jianjun Fu1, Shili Liu2, 3, Wenbin Zhu1, Yongyi Jia2, 3, Lanmei Wang1, Yufen Yang4, Zhimin Gu2, 3*and Zaijie Dong1*
... (>95%) was achieved when the number of candidate parents was less than 200. Meanwhile, real parentage analysis revealed that almost each offspring (135/136, 99.26%) was unambiguously assigned to a parent pair with high accuracy (100%), respectively. In addition, we detected significantly unequal progeny contributions of parents and parent pairs in total or in each artificial breeding pilots (P<0.01). In brief, we developed microsatellite multiple...
Mumtazur Rahman1, Farhan Anwar Khan1,*,Umar Sadique1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Faisal Ahmad1,2, Hayatullah Khan1,3, Muhammad Saeed1, Faiz Ur Rehman1, Ibrar Hussain1, M. Faraz Khan1, M. Izhar ul Haque1 and Hanif-ur-Rehman1,3

...e in the market and was then used in various concentrations ranges from higher to lower i.e. moxifloxacin 80-0.156 µg/ml, levofloxacin 250-0.488 µg/ml, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin 50-0.097 µg/ml. The resultant effective antimicrobial by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum mycoplasmacidal concentration (MMC) value was ciprofloxacin having lowest MIC and MMC value (0.390 µg/ml and 0.781 µg/ml), respectively....

Zubia Rahim1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Salma Gul2 and Khushnood-ur-Rehman3

Ameliorating Effects of Salt Stress (KCl, NaCl) on Growth and Germination Parameters of Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum)
... 39 pots lined with polythene bags were used to avoid percolation of water. Data was analyzed by variance (ANOVA). Salinity effects on the test species were analyzed by (LSD) Least Significant Differences method. 100mM concentrations of the said two salt and a mixture of two salts concentrations was less stress causing on all parameters studied. The degree of toxicity of the salts decreases as NaCl<KCl<NaCl+KCl.
Arifa Khan1*, Arsalan Bashir1, Shazia Erum2, Jabar Zaman Khan Khatak1 and Aish Muhammad3
Effects of 6-Benzylaminopurine and Indole-3-acetic Acid on Growth and Root Development of Banana Explants in Micropropagation
...gave more shoots (7.33) when the concentration of BAP and IAA was 2.5 and 1 mg L-1, respectively. Alike, Wiallium-8818 hybrid produced the longest shoot (12.20 cm) with more leaves (6.23) at 1 mg L-1 of each BAP and IAA. But Pisang variety produced maximum fresh weight (15.45 g) with a greater number of roots at 5 + 1 mg L-1 of BAP + IAA, respectively.


Masoud Hassani1* and Omid Madadgar2,3

Serological Evidence of Bluetongue in Iran: A Meta-Analysis Study
... is the absence of comprehensive information on the BT status in Iran. We aimed to present the seroprevalence on BT in farm animals of Iran based-on a meta-analysis study. The meta-analysis study was conducted in national and international databases to find articles which evaluated bluetongue seroprevalence by antibody-captured ELISA test in livestock in Iran by searching terms including bluetongue, sheep, ovine, goat, caprine, cow, cattle, bovine, buffalo, ca...
Yaqiu Liu1, Zhijian Wang 2, Xinhui Li 1*, Jianrong Zhao2 and Weitao Chen 1
... gut clearly decreased. When recovering under normoxia conditions, the physical level of oxidative stress quickly returned to normal levels.
Syed Zakir Hussain Shah1*, Muhammad Afzal2, Mahroze Fatima3Syed Makhdoom Hussain4 and Tanveer Ahmed5
...tibility by fingerlings when fed PHY sprayed diet. Similarly, CA addition in the diet resulted in increased (p<0.05) digestibility of these nutrients. Also, the minerals digestibility was significantly (p<0.05) affected by top spraying of phytase on the diet pellets. Fish having CA acidified diet also showed improved (p<0.05) minerals digestibility performance. Interaction plots showed synergistic effect of both the supplem...
Jin-Juan Wan, Mei-Fang Shen*, Hui Xue, Hong-Yan Liu, Mei-Qin Zhang, Xi-He Zhu and Chong-Hua Wang


... increase initially and then decrease as feeding frequency increased. The WGR in F3 were significantly higher than those fed 1, 4 and 5 times/day (P<0.05). The highest serum lysozyme (LZM), lowest catalase (CAT) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were observed in crayfish fed 3 times/day. However, there were no significant differences in cortisol, glucose (Glu), and superoxide dismutase (SOD) among all groups (P>0.05). The cumulative mortality in F3...
Inam Ur Rahman1, Syed Faizan Iftikhar2, Sanam Wagma Khattak3*, Wajahat Ali1, Azra4 and Sajad Ali1
South Asian Experience of Trade Liberalization: Implications for Food Security
... is a multi-dimensional phenomenon having four pillars like availability of food, access to food, utilization of food and stability of food, where each pillar consist of several indicators. This study have two main objectives; computation of food security various dimensions indices and a composite food security index and exploring the link between trade liberalization and food security various dimensions, in the case of selected South Asian economies. The desc...
Yongmei Gao1, Peihong Gao2, Yanjun Wang3, Jinhua Han4 and Yang Shu1*
...izhifuling capsule, and then subjected to high quality nursing. In contrast, the control group was treated with only mifepristone therapy and applied with routine nursing measures. The therapeutic and nursing effects of the two groups were compared. After the implementation of different treatment and nursing mode, the overall treatment effective rate of the research group patients was 97.50%, which was significantly higher than 75.00% of control group, p<0....
Anjali Khadka1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Subarna Sharma Acharya3, Amrit Poudel4 and Sushma Adhikari1
Morphological Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill Genotypes in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal found high yielding. Phenotypic coefficient of variation was found to be higher than the genotypic coefficient of variation for all traits. Most of the traits observed were moderate to highly heritable accompanied by the desirable level of genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variations and genetic gain, indicating that the heritability was most likely due to additive gene effects and selection may be effective. High h...

Ahmed Weli Hussein Osman1,2, Rakibul Islam1, Md. Bazlar Rashid1, Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2,3* and Pravin Mishra4

Nanoparticle Tactics for the Oral Delivery of Insulin in Alloxan-Induced Hyperglycemia in Rat (Rattus norvegicus domestica) Model

 Shafii Abdullahi Mohamed1, Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2*, Yonis Abukar Mohamed3, Pravin Mishra4 and Osman Sheikh Ali Jama5

Assessment of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices of Population Towards Brucellosis in Benadir Region, Somalia
...e the animal is healthy when they buy 95% (n=114), all participants would like to receive more information about the disease and majority of participants have good practices when they handling the domesticated animals and their secretions 96.66% (n=116). Populations who are connected with livestock management or eating livestock products are frequently aware of the disease brucellosis. Though, they do not have as considerabl...

Sajid Ali1, Abdul Basit1,3*, Abdul Mateen Khattak1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Izhar Ullah2, Noor Alam Khan3, Imran Ahmad1, Kamran Rauf1, Salman Khan1, Irfan Ullah1 and Intizar Ahmad1

Managing the Growth and Flower Production of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) through Benzyle Amino Purine (BAP) Application and Pinching

Muhammad Shaheen

Mining Patterns from Complex Energy Dataset: A Case Study of Pakistan’s Energy Sector
...ious. The sectors which when stand sustainable guarantees long-life prosperity of a nation include energy sector. The role of energy in social, economic and environmental factors defines its prominence in sustainability. To ensure sustainable energy development the consumption and production patterns may comply with each other and may also comply with the conditions of sustainability. This paper reviewed the current state of energy in Pakistan and proposed an ...
Saima Yaqub1, Tahir Yaqub1*, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir2, Asif Nadeem3Aziz-Ul-Rahman1, Muhammad Furqan Shahid1, Zarfishan Tahir4 and Nadia Mukhtar4
...-1 Ag/Ab Combo test and then antigen positive samples were amplified for HIV-1 pol gene (1084 bp) and analyzed. Initial screening showed a total of 49 HIV samples positive (24.37%; 95% CI: 18.96-30.76). A substantial association of HIV incidence was observed in individuals with HCV infection (36.84%; 95% CI: 28.55-45.99; p<0.0001) followed by individuals involved in practices of shared injection equipment (21.17%; 95% CI: 25.07-40.21; p<0.0...
Chaojie Yang1,2,3, Haishan Wang1,2,3, Le Ye1,2,3 and Zhi Chen1,2,3,*
...or on the pectoral fin; when fresh the body is pale yellow with it being darker above and pale below; the very small black spots are little. In addition, the mitochondrial fragment of 12S rRNA was also sequenced for the purpose of classification. Mean genetic distances within Muraenesox bagio (Hamilton, 1822) and Muraenesox cinereus (Forsskål, 1775) group were 1.77% and 0.41%, respectively. Group mean distance between Congresox talabonoi...
Jiawei Zhang1,2, Thomas Quirke1, Shibao Wu2*, Shaoshan Li2 and Fidelma Butler1
...f Humboldt penguin (Spheniscus humboldti) in captivity. The study is based on activity time-budgets from a flock of over 20 birds at Fota Wildlife Park, Cork, Ireland, gathered during daytime observations over a six month period. The results show that penguins spent most of the daytime in stationary, terrestrial locomotion, preening and swimming modes of behavior, and swimming activity increased on rainy days. Peak activity took place from 16:00 to 17:0...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Naimatullah Leghari2, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio3, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro4, Nadia Mangrio1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5

Evaluation of Irrigation Frequencies and Seed Priming with Plant Nutrients on Growth and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Genotypes

Bilal Pervaiz Khan1, Neelam Ara1, Shujaat Ali1,2*, Kamran Khurshid Baigh1 and Abdul Wahab1

Effect of Seed Priming on Radish with Different Nutrients at Various Soaking Durations
...nes ha-1) were obtained when seeds were soaked in DAP solution. In case of storage duration, The maximum germination percentage (82.5 %), survival percentage (84.4 %), plant height (43.7cm), ), total yield of leaves plant-1 (14.2 g), area of leaf (293 cm2), root diameter (4.50 cm), root length (20 cm), root weight (524.7g) and total yield ha-1 (23.9tonesha-1) were observed when seeds were primed for 18 hours priming duration...

Zarqa Khalid1*, Muhammad Asad ur Rehman Naseer1, Raza Ullah1 and Shahzad Khan2

Measuring the Global Trade Competitiveness of Pakistan’s Cotton Crop
...ential markets to strengthen its comparative and competitive advantage as well as raise cotton export earnings.


Zaka ur Rehman1*, Kashif Akbar1, Altaf ur Rehman1, Hassan Waqas1, Alif Khan1 and Asad Ali2

Development and Storage Stability of Diet Mango Juice
...nsparent glass bottles. Then diet mango juice samples were stored at room temperature for physicochemical analysis (Total soluble solids, ascorbic acid, pH, percent acidity, and sugar-acid ratio) and organoleptic evaluation (appearance, taste, flavor, overall acceptability) for three months. These were prepared with sweeteners, numbered as (T0) pure mango juice (control sample), (T1) mango juice+2.5g sucralose, (T2) mango juice+2.5g cyclamate, (T3) mango juice...

Delower Hossain1,5, Shuvo Singha2,5, Chelsea Marie Van Thof3, Sanna Gough3 and AHM Musleh Uddin4,5*

Effect of Somatic Cells on Milk Quality and Human Health
...ons. It is used as an authentic tool for dairy farm operations in order to improve the milk quality. Broadly dimension of SCs of milk well represents the comfort and welfare of dairy cows and helps deciding efficient mastitis control strategies. Again, the safety margin evaluated though SCs ensures safe and healthy milk at consumer level devoid of bacterial presence in milk. This review highlights a brief overview of the importance and demand of estimating som...

Hafiz Muhammad Wasim1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Sher Muhammad3, Usman Saleem4, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1, Aneela Riaz5 and Aamer Sattar2

Impact of NaCl Toxicity on Yield and Yield Components of Rice (Oryza sativa) Grown in Aridisol
...grown till maturity and then data gathering concerning yield related parameters was carried out and statistical analysis was performed. It was observed from the results that addition of NaCl proved toxic for growth and yield of rice plants as well as associated parameters such as plant height, number of productive tillers, total biomass, straw and grain yields were negatively influenced by the increasing levels of sodium chloride when<...
Somia Shehzadi1, Sana Javaid Awan2, Maryam Javed1*, Asif Nadeem1 and Tahir Yaqub3
...nce between any groups, when viability was compared by using Trypan blue staining. Collagen1 was also equally expressed in all groups and there was no significant difference observed. Thus, present study concluded that AES or ABS could also be used as affordable alternatives to FBS. ABS could be preferred as it can easily be obtained from slaughter house and has almost equal potential to culture ATFs compared to FBS.
Maria Syafiqah Ghazali1, Azlan Che’ Amat2 and Nor Azlina Abdul Aziz1* themselves. However, when herds of these wild animals are kept in captivity, or in zoological gardens, parasitic infections might be worse and pose a serious threat to endangered species. The present study was conducted to observe the occurrence of gastrointestinal parasites in large felines in a Malaysian zoo. Ten faecal samples were collected from pumas (Puma concolor, n = 5), African lions (Panthera leo, n = 3), a spotted leopard (Panthe...
Qianbao Wang, Zhengyang Huang, Shoufeng Li, Huayun Huang, Chunmiao Li and Zhenhua Zhao*
...r three groups of F line hens with 20 hens in each group. A significantly positive interaction between dietary quantity and semen volume was observed (p<0.05) which showed that males fed with 135.5 g/d diet produced much more semen. Except for semen volume, there was no difference in semen concentration, sperm motility and useable spermatozoa/ejaculate before 32 wk of age (p>0.05). Feed quantity was correlated positive...
Sana Mehmood1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Muhammad Summer1, Sher Muhammad Sherawat2, Shaukat Ali1*, Sajida Naseem3
...lined to evaluate the authenticity of morphological identifications of spiders from rice ecosystems of district Lahore, Sialkot and Mandi Bahauddin, Punjab, Pakistan by using DNA barcoding. A total of 2736 spiders were collected from July to October during 2018-19. They were brought to the laboratory for subsequent morphological identification, DNA extraction and sequencing. We identified 38 morph-species, representing 22 genera and 8 families. Accuracy of mor...

Inam Ullah1,2, WU Qing-Ming1*, Ruqia Bibi2 and Najam Un Nisa2

Comparison of Nesting Site Preferences and Breeding Ecology of Red-Vented Bulbul, Baya Weaver, and Grey Bush Chat in Sheikh Badin National Park Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan
...y;">Nesting is a common phenomenon related to the birds’ reproductive behavior. Nests play a pivotal role in various growth stages of birds, including breeding, defense, environmental factors, shelter, and conservation.  The relation between a bird and plant species is considered to be the central aspect of wildlife and biodiversity , which makes the nesting behavior a vital factor when investigating the life of b...

Rahat Afza, Muhammad Asam Riaz*, Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed

Adverse Effect of Sublethal Concentrations of Insecticides on the Biological Parameters and Functional Response of Predatory Beetle Coccinella septempunctata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of Brassica Aphid
... larval coccinellids and hence are recommended for aphid control.


Sabina Noor1*, Fatimah Abang1 and Hamady Dieng2

Biology of an Exotic Butterfly Acraea terpsicore (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae), in a Newly Invaded Region, Sarawak, Borneo
...ative to habitat types, phenotype, and gender in Sarawak, Borneo. The nymphalid butterfly tawny coster is widely distributed throughout the Indian and Sri Lankan region and has expanded its distribution range southward through Southeast Asia and Australia. Currently establishing its population in Kalimantan, it was firstly detected in Sarawak in 2013. Comparative observations on the life-cycle were conducted in relation to the urbanization levels. Passiflora f...

Shishir Sharma* and Laxmi Prasad Joshi

Current Insights on Stemphylium Blight of Lentil with its Management Strategies SB outbreaks. A comprehensive review article discusses the morphological as well as molecular dimension of pathogens, their effects, pathogenicity, integrated disease management approaches, and future views.

Eslam Moradi-Asl1*, Behnam Mohammadi Ghalehbin2, Kamran Akbarzadeh3, Jafar Mohammad-Shahi4, Hajar Afshin4
...n. Wound myiasis occurs when fly larvae infect open wounds. We describe an old male with wound myiasis by agent of Lucilia cuprina, who had a history of diabetes and also blind that reefed to hospital in 13 September and was admitted to date 18 September 2019.Larvea extracted manually from thumb finger of left foot and sent to Medical Entomology Laboratory of the School of Public Health, Ardabil University of medical Sciences for identification. This ca...

Zafar Abbas1*, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2, Muhammad Nasir3, Muhammad Ashraf4, Salma Kausar5, Nadeem Iqbal6, Muhammad Zahid Khan Nazar7, Iftikhar Ahmad3, Ghulam Murtaza1 and Ijaz Ahmad8

Evaluation of Best Dose of Micronutrients (Zinc, Iron and Boron) to Combat Malnutrition in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.)

Hafiz Muhammad Wasim1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Aftab2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Ayesha Zafar1, Imran Shehzad1, Aneela Riaz3, Abid Niaz2, Khurshid Ahmad Mufti4 and Muhammad Arif2

Deleterious Impact of Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Toxicity on Chemical Properties of Soil and Ionic Composition of Rice
...l and in all treatments when compared with control. Same trend was observed for various cations like Ca2+, Mg2+ and Na+ when analyzed in soil samples. In plant samples of rice, concentration of Na was enhanced in all treatments when compared with control while trend of K was in contrast to Na which decreased with the increasing level of Na. Injurious impact of NaCl was more pronounced as t...

Hafiz Hammad Ahmad1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1*, Noor-us-Sabah1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Aneela Riaz4

Growth and Yield Response of Sunflower to Organic Amendments in Aridisol
... (21.36 cm), number of achene haed-1 (864) and achene yield plant-1 (32.16 g) of sunflower was observed with application of NK + Rock phosphate at 7 g pot-1 + Wheat straw at 28 g pot-1 (T6) in cultivar Hysun-33. While, lowest value of fresh biomass (72.73 g), dry biomass (15.72 g), head size (16.63 cm), achene head-1 (711), achene yield plant-1 (18.36 g)...

Muhammad Farooq1*, Elham Azadfar2, Zohre Bahrami3, Mahniya Sharifi3, A. Shakoor4, Shabir Ahmed5, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, Muhammad Noman Khan6, Memona Siddique7, Naila Ilyas8*, Muhammad Bakhtiar9, Mohamed El-Fatieh Ismael1 and Wang Yunyang1

Optimization of Drying Process of Rambutan by Combined Method of Osmosis Ultrasound and Complementary Drying of Hot Air
... in Sekanjabin solution then dried in an oven at a temperature of 70°C. The characteristics of solid gain, water and weight loss, shrinkage and rehydration were evaluated. The obtained results showed that by increasing the concentration of weight and water loss, solid gain increased. Accordingly, in a higher concentrated osmotic solution, the osmotic pressure, which is a key factor in mass transfer in the osmotic dehydration process, increases by increasin...
Muhammad Farooq1*, M. Javed Iqbal2, Rizwan Shukat2, Qayyum Shehzad3, Shabir Ahmed4, Elham Azadfar5, Abdul Saboor6, Ibrar Ahmad7, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, Kaleem Kakar8, Shoaib Khan9 and Wang Yunyang1
Development of Onion Powder by using Egg Albumin as a Foaming Agent by Foam-Mat Drying Process
Muhammad Umar1, Muhammad Arshad2, Mubashar Hussain1*, Moazama Batool3 and Muhammad Faheem Malik1
...h years (2010 and 2011) when a large number of migratory birds visit the Mangla Wetland. The birds were counted by the Point Count Method from a fixed point and for a fixed time period in such a way that the Sun was always behind the observer. A total of 37,082 birds belonging to eight orders, 11 families, 28 genera and 37 species visited the wetland in 2010, whereas in 2011, 21,302 birds belonging to six orders, nine families, 20 genera, and 28 species. Twent...
Xiaopeng Tang1,*, Lei Chen1, Kangning Xiong1, Dun Deng2 and Peng Peng2,*
...ase in ADG was observed when 32% DDGS was added in the feed. Taken together, our results demonstrate that the increase of DDGS in feed did not negatively affect the growth performance and subsequently can decrease the cost per unit weight gain. Therefore, the DDGS presents an alternative protein resource to meet ever-increasing demands of feed ingredients in poultry production sectors.  
Abdul Rauf Bhatti1*, Ahmed Zia1, Falak Naz2, Amjad Usman3, Rukhshanda Saleem4, Ghulam Sarwar5 and Amad Ud Din6
...xplored. For this, comprehensive surveys were undertaken in Pothohar plateau of Punjab province. Results revealed three new to country records viz. Ptochus assamensis, P. ovulum and P. limbatus. The species were recorded from walnut (Juglans regia) trees and Khabbal Grass (Cyanodon dactylon), which highlight their importance. Keeping in view topographic gradients, ecological complex in Pothohar plateau and pest status of curculionid...
Imran Haider1, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza1*, Rashid Iqbal1, Salman Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Usman Aslam1, Muhammad Israr3, Umair Riaz4, Maliha Sarfraz5, Nasir Abbas6, Salman Haidar Abbasi7, Zafar Abbas8 and Muhammad Aamer9
... sugars, proline, total phenols, amino acids, and carbohydrates were recorded in treatment in which yeast was applied @6g L-1 + drought at flowering and grain filling. It was concluded that both amino acid and yeast can recompense the unfavorable special effects due to dearth but yeast was proved to be more effective than an amino acid.
Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal3, Iftikhar Zeb1,4 and Muhammad Azeem Khan1,5
...ater potential dynamics when soil samples were irrigated with saline water. The instrument output showed that soil texture has profound effect on soil total water potential rising the water potential up to −4.56 for coarse soil and −9.11 MPa for fine textured soil. The instrument recorded a slow salt buildup in the coarse textured sandy soil which finally achieved a steady state after exhausting its maximum adsorption capacity. Whereas in the fine ...
Shahid Hussain Abro1*, Mohammed N. Alghamdi2, Muhammad Sohail Hanif3, Hazim Moria2 andHamza Suharwardi1;">Continuous heating phenomena performed at lead bath-quenching in which austenitic development morphology investigated. The CHQ steel analyzed in the context of Advanced Optical Microscope of Olympus GX51, SEM and Thin-film X-ray Diffracto-meter, with high-intensity mode have been deployed in order to examine the kinetics behavior of austenitic development at CHQ steel. On several quenching experiments the austenite formed at different temperatures and tim...
Abdul Nabi Jatt1,2* radically decreased, when the growth medium was supplemented with quorum-quenching (QQ) AiiA protein. The present study, for the first time provides evidence that the QS system via AHL molecules involved in regulating the production of two different forms of an extracellular cellulase enzyme, i.e., exoglucanase and endoglucanase in marine snow associated bacterium ...
Ghazanfar Ali and Riffat-un-Nisa Awan*
... and explaining natural phenomenon. However, fostering CT through instruction is still a neglected area in educational institutions. The current study was intended to find out the relationships among critical thinking based instructional practices (CTIPs), critical thinking skills (CTS), critical thinking dispositions (CTD), and academic achievement (AA) of undergraduate students of physics, chemistry, and biological sciences. The study determined the moderati...
Javeria Afzal, Muhammad Abid, Faisal Hussain* and Alia Abbas
...ranthus viridis, Chenopodium album, Solanum nigrum, Carica papaya and Euphorbia hirta have been evaluated against root-knot nematodes. Plants were collected from different areas of Karachi. Aqueous extracts (2, 6 and 10%) of these five plant species were made for the experiment. All selected plant species inhibited egg hatching and caused larval mortality. Maximum reduction (24.3%) in egg hatching was recorded in C. album...
Huan Yang1, Tingting Li1, Huimin Zhao1,2, Xiaoyuan Zhang1, Huiyan Xu1, Yangqing Lu1, Xingwei Liang1, Shengsheng Lu1, Xiaogan Yang1*and Kehuan Lu1*
...olated single cells and then enriched with a differential plating method. Isolated SSCs were cultured on STO feeder cells with SSCs culture medium (SSCM), which is serum-free. SSCs began to proliferate on the second day and quickly formed grape-like clusters that were consistent with the morphological features of SSCs. These cells were identified as positive by immunofluorescence staining. This study successfully isolated, enriched and identified buffalo SSCs ...
Ming-Yue Zhang*, Bo Yuan, Xiao-Hui Zhang, James Ayalaand Rong Hou*
...enile giant pandas from Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base, and performed a one-month behavioral study during the non-mating season, focusing on observing the performances of stereotypes and behavioral diversity. The results showed that both adult and juvenile giant pandas preferred to feed in places where substrate was placed; additionally, juvenile giant pandas living in an outdoor playground that was covered with substrate were more active than thos...
Amjad Ali, Kafeel Ahmad*and Shaista Rahat was higher than 0.2. Phenotypic ESBL production was observed in 21.39% (n=40) isolates. Prevalence of blaOXA-10, blaCTX-M, blaTEM and blaSHV was 36.89% (n=69), 20.85% (n=39), 5.34% (n=10) and 3.2% (n=6) respectively. PER-1 gene was not detected. Resistance to antibiotics is increasing in P. aeruginosa which is a matter of concern and needs proper management. Non-selective and over use of antibiotics should be avoided and proper control measures shoul...
Qin Liu1,2, Bin Wang1,3, Yu Xu1,4, Xiuyue Zhang1, Tao Zeng1* and Jianghong Ran1*


...dge (Tetraophasis szechenyii), a sexually mono chromatic Galliformes species, is an endangered bird endemic to western China. Previous studies suggested that it had the behavior of facultative cooperative breeding, which was rarely reported in Galliformes. In this study, we isolated 17 tetra-nucleotide microsatellite loci to test parentage and kinship for a wild population with 29 individuals from 10 different families (A-J). The 17 loci with the mean p...
Muhammad Hamayoon Khan*, Niaz Hussain Khuhro, Muhammad Awais, Muhammad Usman Asif and Raza Muhammad
Arsalan Khan1, Aminullah Khan2, Dil Fayaz Khan2, Sajid Khan1, Anjum1, Waqar Ali3, Habib Akbar1 and Ahmad Khan1*
...nt impact on wheat crop phenology and crop stand. To optimize nitrogen sources i.e. urea, farmyard manure (FYM) and poultry manure (PM) for improving wheat phenology and crop stand, an experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Station Perdal Khel, Bannu (South part of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan) during 2016-17. The soil of the experimental area was Loamy sand with Haplic yermosols soil series based on FAO classifica...
Muhammad Zubair1, Habib Ahmad2*, Brian E. Hemphill3, Muhammad Tariq4 and Muzafar Shah5
...diversity of non metric phenotypic traits of the mature teeth, in three ethnic groups’ viz. Daudzai, Khalil and Mohmand of Peshawar districts, of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KP) of Pakistan. Dental casts obtained from both mandible and maxilla of 375 volunteers in which 75 male and 50 females of all the tribes. The dental casts for each individual were analyzed for a set of 35 tooth-trait accordance with the Arizona State University Dental Morpholog...
Muhammad Rashid, Mahmood Ahmad Sajid, Nosheen Noor Elahi, Sibgha Noreen and Kausar Hussain Shah*
...ine, glycinebetaine and phenolic contents were improved in all three wheat varieties under drought stress. The variety Pu19 was exhibited a higher level of proline, glycine betaine and phenolic contents were. Similarly, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were improved in all three wheat varieties but this increase was relatively lower in variety F23. The superoxide dismutase (SOD), perox...
Muneer Abbas1*, Dilbar Hussain2, Muhammad Saleem2, Abdul Ghaffar2Sohail Abbas3, Niaz Hussain1 and Abdul Ghaffar1
... Results indicated that when all the components were applied in a combined way they gave significant reduction of fruit losses. As a result of continuous sanitation practices the fruit fall reduced to 10.24, 7.04, and 8.39 % in guava, citrus and mango orchards, respectively during following year in block E. Population peaks were May-July, July-September and July-August in guava, citrus and mango orchards with maximum population 69.06-70.36, 51.0-58.32 and 37.5...
Ijaz Haider1*, Muhammad Akhtar1, Ali Noman2 and Muhammad Qasim3
...the light trap in March when average temperature was 18°C. YB and WB had first peak population in mid-April at temperatures 30-33°C while second peak was observed in mid-September. Pink stem borer first peak population was observed in mid-March while second in mid-November. Rice leaffolder (RLF) started to appear in 3rd week of August. Peak population of whitebacked planthopper (WBPH) was observed in mid-October. Rainfall was found to be sig...

Muhammad Jahanzaib1*, Nazakat Nawaz1, Muhammad Arshad1, Haris Khurshid1, Muzamil Hussain2 and Shahid Ali Khan1



...176 Kg/ha, respectively, hence recommended for further evaluation through future breeding program.
Muhammad Bilal Anwar1, Mirza Azhar Beg1, Amjad Rashid Kayani1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1*, Syed Israr Shah1, Sajida Noureen2
Muhammad Mushtaq1 and Tariq Mahmood3
...i>), spotted owlet (Athene brama) and eurasian eagle owl (Bubo bubo) are different sized avian predators coexisting in the Wildlife Park Lohi Bher, Rawalpindi district of the Punjab province of Pakistan. These crepuscular and nocturnal owls are the least studied group of birds in northern regions. In this study, we compared seasonal differences in the diet of three owl species in an uncultivated area with rapid urbanization all around to better u...
Eman A. Al-Shahari1,2, Abdelhalim A. Alkhazendar3, Eman R. ElBealy4 and Abeer A. Alm-Eldeen3*
...tress. Quercetin, a polyphenolic, that has antioxidant activity. Therefore, this study was performed to examine the possible role of quercetin in modulating aging-induced testicular damage. Samples from 30-months old rats’ testis were examined before and after 200 mg of quercetin/Kg administration. Before quercetin administration, they showed an increase in the lipid peroxidation and 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxyguanosine while showed a decrease in the supero...
Baochao Liao1,2, Xiujuan Shan2,3* and Yunlong Chen2,3
...ear−1. When DEB theory is combined with an ABM, the combined model describes the dynamics of a population of individuals, where each individual follows an energy budget model. Predicted demographic rates (growth, survival, reproduction) fall within observed ranges, fit average recorded values, and captured known seasonal trends. The DEB-ABM correlated intrinsic and density-independent population growth rates, and may be useful for predicting t...
Muhammad Qayash Khan1,2, Muhammad Zubair Anjum2, Muhammad Adnan3, Abbas Khan1, Hafsa Zahid1, Javed Nawab4, Sher Zaman Safi5Muhammad Ishaq Ali Shah6, Atif Kamil7 and Abid Ali1*
...gical identification and hence negated the existence of T. macrolepus. The genus Mystus was also found to be comprised of a single species: M. armatus. The COI sequence of M. armatus reported for the first time during this study will be a useful addition to the database. The present study strongly recommends the effectiveness of COI barcoding for species delineation over the traditional taxonomic methods.
Iram Liaqat1*, Tahir Hussain1,2, Aisha Waheed Qurashi3, Gulbeena Saleem2Asia Bibi4, Muhammad Fiaz Qamar5,ShaukatAli1 and Ikram-ul-Haq6 
Muhammad Akram Muneer1, Khalid Munir1, Ghulam Abbas1’*, Isra Munir1Mumtaz Ahmad Khan1, Asif Iqbal1, Munsoor ud Din Ahmad1, Muhammad Arshad Javid2, Zareen Fatima1 and Maria Arshad1 to a batcoronavirusandhence it wassuspectedto have been originatedfrombats. Till 15th January 2021, the COVID-19 infection has been reported from 219 countries. It has caused over 20 million deaths in humans around the globe.Countries reporting very high death/infection rates include USA (393,948/23,617,815), Brazil (206,009/5,257,459), Mexico (136,917/1,571,901), India (153,000/10,596,442), UK (84,767/3,211,576)...
Nosheen Basharat1, Usman Waheed2,3*, Muhammad Arshad1, Noor e Saba4, Iram Masood1, Akhlaaq Wazeer1, Ahmad Farooq1, Sadaf Moneeba1Abdul Rauf5 and Hasan Abbas Zaheer2,3


... transmitted infections, hence, preventive measures should be taken for better health of general population as blood donors represent healthy pool of society. TTV prevalence knowledge in Pakistan will help to develop strategy to control virus transmission in healthy population.

Ahmad Ur Rahman Saljoqi, Muhammad Salim* and Iftikhar Ahmad 


...aci infestation, and hence may be used in garlic crop for managing this serious pest.
Saba Shabeer1, Riffat Tahira2 and Atif Jamal3*
... infection in crops and then may invade grains and cause infection in storage. Different methods including chemical, cultural, and biological control strategies are employed to control this fungus. In this review, mycotoxin production, characterization, identification, and different economically important diseases associated with Fusarium species as well as their control are discussed in detail.
Sheza Shehzadi1, Mohammad Umar Farooq2*, Rukhsana Kausar1, Ijaz Ali1*, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3 and Maqbool Shahbaz4
...for large ruminants and then 21 small ruminants on the same biomass and also maximum forage production recorded 3882 kg/ha and it sequester carbon to up to 3560 kg C/ha in the given interval. Increase in fiber and ash content also justify the increase in biomass yield of the plant after interval of 60 days. The study indicates that Mott grass or Napier grass based on its high biomass yield is an effective approach in maintaining the fodder quality for animals ...

Muhammad Ihtisham1, Noor Amjad2, Muhammad Nauman3, Asghar Ali3, Khawar Riaz3, Muhammad Sajid3, Muhammad Owais Shahid*3 


... treated with H2SO4 and then sown at different dates. Both H2SO4 scarification and sowing time had a significant effect on germination and seedling growth. The seeds scarified with sulfuric acid for 135 min gave the maximum plant height (25.42 cm), leaves plant-1 (34.45), leaf area (8.00 cm2), stem thickness (0.47 cm), fresh leaves weight (3.31 g), fresh stem weight (1.95 g), root length (22.10 cm) and winter survival (94.44%). However, the same treatment also...
Yuanyuan Zhang1*, Liping Song1, Hui Guo2, Jun Wu1, Xiaoli Wang1 and Fangbin Yao1
...rcumin kg-1. When fish were induced by CCl4 after 72 h, fish fed the diet supplemented with 120 mg (P5) curcumin kg-1 had significantly (P<0.05) lower plasma GOT, GPT activities and MDA content and higher plasma TP content and activities of liver SOD, GSH, GSH-Px and plasma T-AOC than those of P1 group. Curcumin (120 mg kg-1 curcumin per feed) inhibited the damage of liver tissue structure caused by carbon ...
Jiawei Hong1,2, Mingqiang Chen 1,2, Zhenghua Deng1,2, Youning Li1,2 and Yu Wang1,2*
...results, provide a comprehensive acquaintance with intestinal microecosystem of the noble scallop and contributes to a reasonable use of enrofloxacin treatment on noble scallop.
Javaria Sherani1,2*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Tanveer Ahmad2, Sohail Kamaran3, Abdul Manan2, Tehseen Ali Jilani2 and Mateen Sajid2
...ulfill food requirements hence, it is imperative to search for alternate food sources. Ber could be very handy alternate food crop if its yield and quality is enhanced. Grafting is a widely used technique to improve yield, disease resistance and fruit quality. This work aims to assess the effect of grafting on production, fruit ripening, physical and chemical properties, and nutritional quality of the fruit. Rootstock has a great influence on plant growth and ...
Md. Sabbir Ahamed1, Md. Rayhan Chowdhury1, Md. Atik Mas-ud1, Sujat Ahmed2, Md. Shahadat Hossain1 and Mohammad Nurul Matin1
...ic covariance (GCV) and phenotypic covariance (PCV) were found in FGPa (2312.334 and 2377.728) followed by UFGPa (18.472 and 74.639) and PH (437.76 and 438.34) suggesting that selection of this corresponding trait would be more effective. Identified low value of GCV than the PCV, suggesting environment may play influencial role on their phenotypic expression. Correlation coefficient values of yield attributing traits reveals...
Chen Tongde1, Fakher Abbas1, Jiao Juying1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2*, An Shoshan1, Muhammad Ansar3, Qaiser Hussain2, Mah-Noor Azad2 andAyaz Ahmad2
... region should be strengthened to protect farmland and ensure food security. It is recommended that collection of basic data on soil erosion, and study of the mechanism and process of soil erosion at different scales should be strengthened in order to protect the land resources in Pakistan.
Sohail Akbar1*, Muhammad Shafiq2, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal2, Kashif Ishaq2, Muhammad Kamran2, Shazia Shamas3, Arbab Sikander4 and Muhammad Hashim5 dissipation of body when too much heat is produced. Summer season is the most detrimental for production in animals especially reared in tropical and sub tropical area. Exotic dairy cows are more prone to environmental stress as they have more heat of metabolism. Moreover, they are high producer and high producer animals are more susceptible to heat stress. Heat Stress has harmful impact on production, reproduction, metabolism and immune status of animal. ...

 Caner Öztürk1*, Mücahid Onay1 and Neşe Hayat Aksoy2 5 °C for 2 h and then stored in liquid nitrogen. For further evaluation, the samples were thawed at 38 °C for 30 s. A phase-contrast microscope (400x) was used to determine the sperm motility. PNA-FITC staining was used to examine the acrosome integrity under a fluorescence microscope. Total oxidant status (TOS) and total antioxidant status (TAS) were measured using ELISA. The methionine group showed an increase in the post-thaw motility (53.08 ...
BamideleAkinsanya1, Isaac O Ayanda2,*, Benson Onwusa1 and Joseph K Saliu1
...ngeners-Acenaphthylene, Phenanthrene, benz(a)anthracene, benzo(a)pyrene and 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene were not detected in the parasite. Total BTEX and PAH concentrations in the parasite was 47.45±7.68 and 135.12±2.547, respectively. There are ecotoxic concerns in the surroundings of the lagoon and human activities that aid it should be checked.
Ibrar Muhammad Khan1, Dezhi Xu1, Zubing Cao1, Hongyu Liu1, Adnan Khan2,  Sajid Ur Rahman3, Jam Zaheer Ahmed4, Muhammad Akmal Raheem5 and Yunhai Zhang1*
Ahsan Numan1,4, Abdul Basit Qureshi2, Fehmeda Farrukh Khan3,Faisal Masud3,Ijaz Ahmad4, Kamran Ashraf5, Nisar Ahmad5, Muhammad Shahbaz Yousaf 4, Imtiaz Rabbani4, Hafsa Zaneb6 and Habib Rehman4*
...nsory and motor nerves. When short and long duration groups were compared with each other for electrophysiological indices for their respective nerves, functional impairment of sensorimotor nerves was more obvious in DSP patients for longer duration compared to the DSP patients for shorter duration. To conclude, long standing DMT2 deteriorates the nerve conduction attributes in the sensorimotor nerves of patients showing clinical DSP.

Joseph Anejo-Okopi1*, Jennifer Ifeoma Okpara1, James Mogoret Dabol1, Joshua Adetunji1, David Adeniyi2, David O. Amanyi3, Otobo I. Ujah4, Veronica David1, Patience Omaiye5 and Onyemocho Audu6 providers to strengthen the prevention measures for HDV, including the use of HBV prevention vaccine. Also, it is important to screen chronic HBV patients for HDV for early detection to avert subsequent development of end stage liver disease. Furthermore, larger studies are needed to gain better understanding of the HDV infection among chronic hepatitis B patients in endemic regions and other high-risk populations.


Saad A. Moussa1, Ahmed F. Afify1*, Suzan Salah2 and Ayman Hamed3

... antigen-capture ELISA, then molecular confirmation by RT-PCR targeted to nucleocapsid protein gene (N-gene) was carried out followed by phylogenetic analysis. Positive samples were isolated on Vero cell culture and identified by TEM and immune-peroxidase technique. Betacoronavirus 1 was detected by ELISA in 6 out of 20 fecal samples (30%), PCR detected 4 out of 6 ELISA positive samples at specific M.W. band of 236 bp by electrophoresis, and one sample was seq...
Bram Brahmantiyo1,*, Henny Nuraini2,3, Astari Wibiayu Putri3, Maizirwan Mel4,5 and Cecep Hidayat6 

...udy was to characterize phenotype of Hycole and Hyla rabbits to evaluate their adaptability in tropical environments. Research were held at Indonesian Research Institute for Animal Production, Ciawi, Bogor, Indonesia using 79 adult rabbits (20 does and 20 bucks of Hycole, 14 does and 12 bucks of Hyla, and five does and eight bucks of New Zealand white). The age of the rabbits evaluated in this experiment was rabbits with age 20 wk old. The mean birth weight fo...

Uwem E. George1, Oluwadamilola A. Arowolo2, Oluseyi A. Olayinka3, Ijeoma M. Ifeorah4, Temitope O.C. Faleye3,5, Bolaji Oluremi6, Arthur O. Oragwa7, Ewean C. Omoruyi8, Emmanuel E. Udoh9, Oluwadamilola G. Osasona1,10, Emmanuel Donbraye11, Olufunke P. Adeniji12, Olubusuyi M. Adewumi3,13* and Johnson A. Adeniji3,13,14 samples were pooled, then resuspended in phosphate-buffered saline. Subsequently, nucleic acid was extracted from the suspension and Illumina sequencing performed. ARGs in the raw reads were determined and assembled using the KmerResistance tool v2.2. From the 2,763,954 reads generated, 14 ARGs with statistically significant reads were identified. Precisely, 90.5% (12/14) of the ARGs detected target drugs that inhibit translation, of which 66.6% (8/12) were...

Anwar Ali1,5*, Horia Shaukat2, Munir Ahmed3,5, Ahmed Bostani4 and Syed Ashiq Hussain3

...mination of rigor mortis hence decreasing the processing time and fatigue. After electrical stimulation, the muscles become paralyzed and the rigor mortis is dispatched to reduce the time spent in the muscle and his fatigue. It is also found to enhance meat tenderness and to boost meat sensory attributes. But it may also have adverse effects on some meat quality characteristics like holding capacity of water and other one is color. To get the desirable effects...

Faheem Aslam1,*, Aneel Salman2, Inayatullah Jan3 and Sarah Siddiq Aneel4

...licy, 2017 is more comprehensive as compared to India’s National Water Policy, 2012. India’s water policy distinctively prioritizes industrial growth at the cost of its agriculture sector; and while it mentions inter-regional and inter-state disputes in sharing of water as detrimental, the issue is not tackled at length in the document. Pakistan’s policy, on the other hand, is more multi-sectoral in terms of focus on irrigation, agriculture, ...
Dara Jaff1,2* and Michael C. Jarvis
...wth is needed for yield when drought terminates growth early, but this character can lead to lodging in years with above average rainfall. Barley cultivars and landraces bred adapted to these conditions have thinner straw than higher-yielding cultivars adapted to more favourable growing conditions and may lodge in a different way. Using straw dimensions and material properties derived from Kurdish landraces of barley, a finite element model of lodging straw un...
Saima Siddiqui1, Ghulam Hussain Abro1, Tajwar Sultana Syed 1Abdul Sattar Buriro2, Sohail Ahmad3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4 and Muhammad Asam Riaz4*


...stance against whitefly, hence recommended for farmer field cultivation and as base material in cotton breeding to produce cotton varieties resistant against sucking pest.
Basharat Ahmed1, Muhammad Hamza Azhar2, Farah R. Shakoori1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,3,*
...xone followed by chloramphenicol and gentamicin. All Campylobacter isolates were sensitive to cefixime and ciprofloxacin. Multiple drug resistance was observed in this study ranging from three to eight drugs. 36 % were resistant to three or more antibiotics at 25µg/ml, 34 % were resistant to three or more antibiotics at 50µg/ml, 18 % were resistant to three or more antibiotics at 100µg/ml and 8 % were resistant to three or more antibio...
Rukhsar Ali* and Ali Muhammad

...le solids, pH, acidity, phenolic compounds, total sugars, antioxidant activity, Vitamin C content) and sensory evaluation as color, taste, and overall acceptability stored at ambient conditions (25±2⁰C) for six months with twenty days interval. Based on sensory analysis, the best suitable blend was selected within different ratios of mango pulp and loquat pulp. The blended pulp with ratio (60:40) got the highest mean score of judges for overall accept...
Muhammad Farooq1*, Allah Rakha2,Jawad Ul Hassan2, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, A. Shakoor3, Muhammad Bakhtiar4, Muhammad Noman Khan5,Shoaib Khan5, Ibrar Ahmad6, Shabir Ahmed7 andWang Yunyang1*

... fiber were significant when 0%, 10%, 20%, 30% and 40% mushroom powder based muffin were prepared. The effect of mushroom powder supplementations on loaf weight of muffin was significant and resulted in gradual decrease. However, the effect on loaf volume of muffins was non-significant. The effects of mushroom powder on texture and color value of muffin were highly significant. The results of sensory evaluation showed that muffin prepared with 10% mushroom pow...

Oluseyi A. Olayinka1, Temitope O.C. Faleye2, Oladipo O. Omotosho3, Oladapo A. Odukaye3, Bolaji Oluremi4, Ibipeju H. Ibitoye1, Oludayo O. Ope-Ewe1, Uwem E. George5, Oluwadamilola A. Arowolo6, Ijeoma M. Ifeorah7, Ewean C. Omoruyi8, Emmanuel Donbraye9, Olufunke P. Adeniji10, Olubusuyi M. Adewumi1,11* and Johnson A. Adeniji1,11,12

...ine. The suspension was then subjected to nucleic acid extraction, cDNA synthesis and Illumina sequencing. Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARGs) in the raw reads were determined and assembled using the Kmer Resistance tool v2.2. From the 2,974,257 reads generated, 21 ARGs with statistically significant reads were identified. Almost all targeted broad-spectrum antibiotics with over 50% targeting Tetracyclines. Five (ant(6)-Ia_3, tet(40)_1, tet(Q)_1, tet(W)_5 and t...
Saira Batool1, Safdar Ali Shirazi1 and Syed Amer Mahmood2*
...n also reduce soil loss when implemented in critical areas highlighted in this research.
Arshad Bhat1*, Masudul H. Wani1, Shabir A. Wani2, Abid Qadir3, Iqra Qureshi4 and Abid Sultan2

... due to dumping of polyethene and other non-degradable bottle in the canals, streams orchards and other open spaces. The results reveal that number of sprays are positively affecting the defensive expenses and is having a negative relationship between educational attainment and defensive expenses but a positive relationship between willing to pay for purchase of biodegradable packages of pesticides and educational attainment. Likewise, gender of the respondent...
Tanay Dineshkumar Shah

...terol. Days are not far when mushrooms will be a regular alternative to vegetables for many vegetarians. India is having a favorable environmental condition to grow mushrooms. Hence various varieties of mushrooms are grown in different regions of India. However, the per capita consumption of mushroom in India is very less as compared to other countries though mushroom has many health benefits as compared to other regular die...
Uzma Ayaz1,* and Muhammad Fareed Khan2

...ess of stem (mm), 1000-achene’s weight (g), fresh achene’s weight (g), dry achene’s weight (g) and achene’s yield (kg/ha). This experimental study depicts dependence and linkage of some agronomic factors with other inter-linked traits i.e flowering days, maturing days, width of stem, head diameter, chlorophyll content, leaves per ...

Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Waqas Wakil2, Shahbaz Talib Sahi3, Waqas Raza1* and Mahmood Ahmad Randhawa4

..., leucine, tyrosine and phenylalanine contents in three (Pb-91, C-44 and Bittle-98) chickpea cultivars increased after induction and stress of A. rabiei and comparatively higher than induced unstressed plants. The increase was more evident in case of Bion treatment as compared to all other treatments with SA and KOH. Similar trend was shown by plant extracts where in neem extract induced higher amino acid contents. The cultivar C-44 responds efficiently as com...

Salma Javed and Samreen Khan*

...ustify;">The production phenomenon of fungal feeding nematode Aphelenchus avenae have been thoroughly examined in vitro system by ensuring Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA). Two fungal species Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus niger were examined for their aptitude to assist the population rate of the said species. Nematodes were collected from soil around the rhizospheres of sponge gourd (Luffa cylindrical L.) field in the vicinity of National Nematological Researc...

Syed Mazuan, Syed Mohamed, Insyirah Ishak, Dzolkhifli Omar and Norhayu Asib*

...bagworms which was 83%. Then, flubendiamide, chlorantraniliprole and Btk resulted in mortality rate of 82%, 75%, and 70% respectively. All aforementioned, insecticides applied were able to suppress the population up to 30 DAT.


Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1*, Muhammad Aslam Panhwar1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio1, Muhammad Saleem Sarki1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, and Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2

... now well recognized and hence its application in crop husbandry is essentially required. In a field experiment, the impact of foliar Zn fertilization was quantified on growth, yield, and Zn concentration in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Silder) at Nasarpur, Sindh, Pakistan during 2015-16. The foliar rates comprised of 33, 66, and 99 mg Zn L-1 (equivalent to 100, 200 and 300 mg ZnSO4 L-1) and distilled water (control treatment) and sprayed to strawberry ...

Muhammad Arslan Ibrahim1*, Aneeqa Aleem2, Farkhanda Manzoor2, Shahbaz Ahmad1, Hafiz Muhammad Zahid Anwar1, Talia Aroob2 and Mansoor Ahmad3 

...nstars of S. frugiperda when natural mortality tends to decrease after each successive instar. The single-sex method was adopted in the construction of the life table. The ratio of mortality in the late instars (3rd to 5th) was greater than the early instars because of entomopathogenic treatment. The survivorship curve explicated that the 4th to 6th instar larvae, being more voracious, could be destructive for the maize crop if not managed properly. A large nu...

Manzoor Hussain Memon1, Khalid Khan2, Anjum Parvez3, Sarfaraz Ahmed Shaikh4, Khan Mir Khan2, Guo Xiangyu5*, Mohammad Nasrullah6 and Saima Liaqat7

Muhammad Naveed1, Asif Nadeem1,2*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Fahad Bhutta3 and Ruqayya Bint Khalid1
...ator of growth hormone. When cells encounter growth hormones and cytokines, STAT5A is activated to regulate gene transcription. STA5A has an important role in fertilization, embryonic survival and milk production traits in farm animals. The genomic characterization of STAT5A gene has not been assessed before in Nili Ravi Buffalo. In present research work, the sequence of the bovine STAT5A gene was analyzed to identify single nucleotide polymorphi...
Alamaary Mohaammed Saad1,3, Abd Wahid Haron1*, Mohamed Ali2
Mark Wen Han Hiew1 and Lawan Adamu1
... 10 mares each and were then inseminated using the frozen semen with the following extenders: HF-20 extender (0) as control, 0.5 cysteine, and 0.5 ascorbic acid. The level of oxidative stress steadily increases with increase concentrations of cysteine and ascorbic acid. Although the samples treated with cysteine and those with low concentrations of ascorbic acid showed lower level of oxidative stress, the control group revealed a much better protection of oxid...
Jing Yu1*, Jiangmei Mao1,2 and Dongliang Wang1,3
... data to inverse PP and then to assess fishery resources in typical offshore fishery waters. The paper adopted the inversion analysis of the primary productivity (PP) in the Daya Bay, China applying the vertical generalized production model (VGPM) with ocean color and sea surface temperature (SST) provided by MODIS-Aqua. On the basis of modified VGPM model, fishery resources in the Daya Bay were evaluated according to the Tait model, Cushing model, and trophic...
Xinjian Wang1,2, Eryan Yang1,2 and Lizhi Zhou1,2*
...ors declined first, and then increased, which is contrary to the rest behavior. When the water level was lower in mid January, the time budget for vigilance behavior reached the lowest, amounting to 5.19±0.88%. There were significant or highly significant differences except for foraging time budget with the variation of water level. The foraging intensity was affected by water-level fluctuations, and declined with the...
Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman2,3*, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2, Md. Moshiur Rahman3,4 and Muhammed Aslam Pathiri2
... or indirect effects on phenotypic traits expression in different fish species. The present study was, therefore, intended to explore whether these light and shelter could influence some phenotypic traits of African catfish larvae under laboratory condition. Newly hatched larvae were stocked in plastic aquaria (10L) at a rate of 5 individuals/L and reared for one month under four treatments such as 24h light (24L), 24 h dark...
Hesham Saeed1*, Manal Abdel-Fattah1, Ahmad Eldoksh1, Farid S. Ataya2 and Manal Shalaby3
.... The folded protein is then purified using on Ni-NTA Agarose affinity chromatography and the purity was judged by SDS-PAGE. Moreover, the effect of the recombinant IFNα of the viability of cancer cell line was assessed by MTT assay. Morphological study showed that C. dromedarius IFNα protein inhibited cell survival of MDA-MB-231 triple negative breast cancer cells.
Chaman Ara1*, Asmatullah1, Saima Hanif1, Shagufta Andleeb2, Beenish Zahid3 and Madeeha Arshad4
...roved to a great extent when onion extract was co-administered with Al. So it is concluded that Al caused morphological and biochemical disturbances in mice, whereas onion extract showed protective effects as well as regenerative potential against Al provoked toxicity in male mice.
Rida Haroon Durrani1*, Fareeha Akhtar1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1, Munazzah Maqbool1, Aleena Kokab1, Kiran Imtiaz2 and Muhammad Ilyas Riaz3
...e microbiota population, hence, altering the quality profile of meat. Therefore, we can conclude that storage temperature is a crucial factor in determining the quality of fish meat.

Bushra Baig and Saeeda Yousaf*

...Tannins, Terpenoids and Phenolic compounds were found both in Black pepper and Neem.Quantitative analysis indicated 21 active componentsin Black pepper which were dominated byCaryophyllene (32.3%), Delta-3-carene (18.7%) and Cinene(15.5%). Neem showed 17 active components, among them Beta-Pinene (14.8%), Delta-Elemene (14.4%) and Palmitic acid (13.2%) were dominant. The mix-biopesticide of Black pepper and Neem in comparison to their individual impact showed t...

Imran Ullah Khan*, Noor Ul Amin, Sayyed Hamad Ahmad Shah, Maqsood Khan, Shehzad Ahmad and Syed Aizaz Ali Shah

...pplication to Zinnia and hence it is suggested for best production.


Muhammad Yousif Jakhrai1, Ahmed Nawaz Tunio2, Ali Mujtaba Shah1*, Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1, Muhammad Mohsen Rahimoon1

...y Statement | This comprehensive review will be very helpful to reduce anesthetic risk by using high epidural analgesia in small ruminants for hindquarter surgical procedures like hysterotomy, celiotomy, rumenotomy, repair of prolapse (vigina, rectum and uterus) hernia and other abdominal affections.

Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Hamid Bashir2, Shah Najaf Mukhtar1, Muhammad Arshad1, Nimra Altaf1

... our knowledge, no comprehensive study has been conducted before on mite diversity in Sargodha. The study would help run proper management practices to control the losses caused by mites.

Imrana Khushk1, Abdul Nabi Jatt2, Abdul Sattar Qureshi1*, Choudhary Haider Ali3, Muhammad Aqeel Bhutto1, Imran Ibrahim Khaskheli1, Sartar Iqbal Panhwer1

... and 75%, respectively, when using freshly pretreated wheat straw or wheat straw hydrolysate or rice straw as carbon source. On-site produced cellulase from Bacillus subtilis OCS SH-2 was applied in the saccharification of pretreated wheat straw and rice straw. There was no significant difference when commercial cellulase youtell#7 and onsite produced cellulase were used in saccharification of high solid wheat straw simultan...

Aioub Sofizadeh1, Ehsan Allah Kalteh2, Shahin Saeedi3, Mulood Mohammadi Bavani4*

...May to September, 2019. Then, the specimens were put into a 75% alcohol-containing plastic bottle. Finally, the specimens were identified using a valid identification key. Distribution maps were prepared using ArcGIS (Ver 10.4.). A total of 111 scorpion samples were captured. All the samples belonged to the Buthidae family, including Mesobuthus eupeus (97.3%), Orthochirus farzanpayi (0.9%), and Mesobuthus caucasicus (1.8%). M. eupeus had the highest distributi...

Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Abdul Waheed, M. Abbas Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Shamsul Islam, Basharat Hussain Shah, Sohail Aslam and Qamar uz Zaman

...) to 6.00 (BP6-1 ). The phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was higher than genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV), but the difference between PCV and GCV was minimal for most of the traits revealing little influence of the environment in the expression of these traits. High PCV and GCV were observed for DRW (26.98 and 29.11%), NBP (25.36 and 28.63), PH (23.20 and 24.21), DSW (20.38 and 22.59) and NLRP (20.34 and 23.55 %) suggesting the presence of wid...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

... over other two drills, when half bag of DAP was applied. The half bag DAP applied with fertilizer band placement drill gave 24.30% and 21.38% increased grain yield over zero-drill and farmers practice (Rabi Drill), respectively. Generally, the fertilizer band placement drill superseded both the drills in comparison at all sites.


Safia Bibi1, Saima Naz1*, Saba Saeed1, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha2

...ent fishes were noticed when exposed to heavy metals, thus indicating severity of heavy metal toxicity. The current study was focused on the toxicological effect of Cr, Hg, Ni and Cd in different type of fishes and it would be useful for the scientific community to restore different metals contaminating water. 
Novelty Statement | Histopathological alterations in target fish organs functioned as ...

Shapon Kumar Bashak1, Alok Kumar Paul1, Md. Akhtar Hossain1, Usman Atique2,3*, Sonia Iqbal3, Md. Najim Uddin1, Asrafi Mohammad Farhaduzzaman4, Md. Mojibar Rahman5, Md. Shahanul Islam6 reared in rainfed earthen fishponds and supplemented with poultry viscera in three different stocking densities of T1 (9880 cuchia/ha), T2 (14820 cuchia/ha) and T3 (19760 cuchia/ha). The results divulged that the physicochemical water quality factors varied significantly in different ponds. Similar was the case with the mean outcomes about the final body weight, net weight gain, specific growth rater (SGR), fish survival rate, and net yield. The final body ...
Yawang Sun, Yongjiang Wu, Jingbo Chen, Zili Wang, Juncai Chen, You Yang and Guozhong Dong*
...s from 0 to 12.5 ng/mL, then significantly declined at 100 ng/mL LPS level. Oxidative stress and oxidative damage to protein and DNA were induced by LPS treatments, although the antioxidative defense was not impaired under LPS treatments. Upregulation of the Fanconi Anemia pathway mediated genes for activating cellular DNA repair pathway alleviated DNA damage at high LPS levels.

Arjun Bastola1*, Sachet Subedi2 and Malatee Bastola3

...te had higher ear height hence susceptible to stalk lodging than rest of the genotypes. Stalk lodging seen less in CP-808. Rajkumar had longer cob length and larger cob diameter while maximum number of rows per cob were noted in CP-858 genotype. Higher number of grains per rows was recorded in Rampur hybrid-10 genotype. Rampur hybrid-10 genotype had more shelling percentage but sterility percentage was lower. Highest grain yield was obtained from CP-858 follow...

Mahwish Munawar1, Xu Shiwei1, Yu Wen1 and Muhammad Luqman2*

...than required food. But when we analyze rural households’ consumption behaviour, up to 50 per cent of the population is on the borderline of food security. Little shock can lead them to food insecurity. Results show that an increase or decrease in income or fluctuation in an economy severely affects food consumption, even at the grass-root level. For upgrading the livelihood patterns and food security situation, a stable economy is an essential factor. P...

Muhammad Adnan Fahad1, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Sheraz Ahmed2* and Imtiaz Ali2

...conveyance losses in earthen watercourses. To assess the effect of watercourses improvement on water availability and productivity, ten watercourses were selected randomly. Out of which, five improved and other five were found unimproved. Water losses in both watercourses were measured to find water saving from improved watercourses. Conveyance losses were measured in improved and unimproved watercourses by current meter and cutthroat flume, respectively. Farm...

Saba Aleem1*, Iram Sharif2, Mehvish Tahir3, Muhammad Najeebullah3, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Amina Batool1 and Waheed Arshad1 

...le genotypes showed lengthened curd induction stage. Further, decrease in chlorophyll and osmoprotectants contents was also seen in heat susceptible genotypes. TSX-C40 was identified as most susceptible genotype to heat stress due to low accumulation of glycine betaine and proline, and greater relative cell injury percentage, along with lengthened curd induction stage. Curd induction in TSX-C40 was seen w
Iqra Muzammil1, Muhammad Ijaz Saleem1, Amjad Islam Aqib2,*, Ambreen Ashar3Syed Ashar Mahfooz1, Sajjad ur Rahman4, Muhammad Shoaib4, Muhammad Aamir Naseer1, Imran Khan Sohrani1, Javeed Ahmad1, Razaullah Saqi1, Fizzah Laeeq Lodhi1 and
Qaisar Tanveer5
...32, CI=20.41-51.69). Earthen floor type (OR=1.75, p=0.0996), poor drainage system (OR=7.33, p=0.002), pond as source of drinking water (OR=2.05, p=0.179), stall feeding (OR=7.27, p<0.001), 4-6 years of age of goat (OR=4.2, p=0.0874), and teat injury (OR=13.74, p<0.001) were potential risk factors for subclinical mastitis. The in-vitro findings of current study revealed 100% sensitivity of S. aureus ...

Muhamamd Rizwan1*, Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Kashif3, Aneela Zameer Durrani4, Asghar Abbas5, Tanveer Ahmad6, Muhammad Nadeem7 , Kinza Khan8

...gainst viral infection. When bacteria recognize viral DNA inside it, bacteria incorporate small fragment of viral DNA into its genome at specific site termed as CRISPR locus. Insertion of viral DNA at CRISPR locus allows to remember, diagnose and clear the viral infection by the mechanism of sequence specific Adaptive Immunity. CRISPR Cas system is sustainable to combate with the mutation developed in viral genome that help viruses to escape from bacterial CRI...

Allah Bakhsh1, Attiq Akhtar1*, Fiaz Hussain1 and Shabbir Ahmed2

...l soluble solids, total phenolic content, total sugars, and reducing sugars increased significantly when compared to regulation. In comparison to the other treatments, the growth of lateral shoots was significantly higher in the control.At bloom and four weeks after bloom, FZLR increased the fruit’s quality attributes.The proper penetration of light and air in the plants, as a result of leaf removal, decreases the occu...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Abdul Moeez1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Aneela Riaz3 and especially strengthening of plant defence system is well documented particularly upon exposure to salt stress. Present research was performed using wheat variety Punjab-2011 with Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) under field conditions using three treatments and each replicated three times. Treatments were wheat florae were developed in plots having normal soil (EC= 2.32 dS/m) and salty soil (4.93 dS/m). Si as phosphate industry waste was applied ...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Abdul Moeez1, Humaira Ramzan1, Mudassar Hafeez1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Sher Muhammad4 and Muhammad Latif4

...nder saline environment when maximum concentration of Si was applied i.e. 100 µg Si/g and least values were obtained when no Si was applied. Thus, application of Si as higher concentration (100 µg Si/g soil) proved superior to mitigate harmful effects of salts on rice plants.


Qudsia Nazir1, Muhammad Aftab1*, Ghulam Sarwar2, Aneela Riaz3, Sarfraz Hussain1, Ifra Saleem1, Amina Kalsom1, Noor-Us-Sabah2, Mukkram Ali Tahir2, Ateeq-ur-Rehman4 and Muhammad Arif1

...ubilizing bacterium and then this material was mixed with ZnO. This bio-active Zn was coated on urea at 1.5% rates to formulate. Moreover, Zn blended urea was prepared by mixing powder ZnO with urea. The comparative efficacies of different types of Zn impregnated urea were compared with ZnSO4 to grains yield, physiology and biochemistry of rice under field conditions. The results showed that 1.5% bio-activated Zn (ZnO) coated urea performed better in promoting...

Muhammad Rafique1, Inam Ul Haq1*, Humara Umar2, Muhammad Jan2 and Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2

...olive cuttings to strengthen the local olive nursery setup. A practical problem is that the commercial production of potentially important olive cultivars is limited by poor rooting. Therefore, this research was designed to evaluate the stimulatory effect of indole butyric acid (IBA) treatment durations for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 seconds by dip method on rooting ability of Gemlik cuttings. The data recorded showed that T6 (30 seconds) produced best results f...

Muhammad Ahsan1*, Aneela Ramzan1, Muhammad Nafees1, Adnan Younis2, Muhammad Amin1, Gulzar Akhtar3, Khansa Saleem1 and Azka Sabeeh1

... of flower was observed when sugar is combined with other solution especially IAA. It means sugar reduces its effectiveness when combined with growth regulators. From this experiment, it can be concluded that sugar (T2) provide ideal medium for enhancing the post-harvest attributes of Rosa hybrida cv. Freedom.


Alim-un-Nisa1*, Sajila Hina1, Imran Kalim1, Mohammad Khalid Saeed1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Naseem Zahra1, Sania Mazhar1, Shahid Masood1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Qurat-ul-Ain Syed1 and Rabia Shad2

... in the powder form and then candies were prepared using this red beet root dye as food color. The stability studies of both, the prepared red beet dye and candies were performed at different storage conditions 4oC, 25oC, 45oC for eight weeks. Betanin content (%) was measured to evaluate the stability of color which showed the maximum retention of betanin content in red beet dye and candies stored at 4°C while lowest %age of betanin content was observed at...

Muhammad Shakil Ahmad1*, Muhammad Afzal1, Sylvain Nafiba Ouedraogo2 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1

... RCR and ECI values, and hence are recommended to indigenous potato growers for commercial cultivation in areas where S. litura threatens potato crop.


Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal1*, Saghir Ahmad1, Athar Mahmood2, Muhammad Akram1, Hammad Husnain1, Muhammad Shahid1, Saeed Ahmad1, Ali Raza1, Ansar Hussain3, Allah Ditta Abid4, Qaisar Abbas5, Mussarrat Hussain5, Muhammad Akram6 and Muhammad Umair Hassan2

...fiber strength was more when cotton was planted early between 1st March to 16th April compared to late planted cotton (1st May to 16th June). Highest seed cotton yield was obtained when cotton was sown on 1st April during first year (3946 kg ha-1) and 16th March during second year (3307 kg ha-1). Minimum seed cotton yield (852, 299 kg ha-1) during both years was obtained when cotton was so...

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Sana Majeed1, Muhammad Arshad1, Nimra Altaf1, Muhammad Luqman2, Asad Abdullah1 and Muhammad Afzal3

...and with botanicals; Parthenium hysterophorus L. and Moringa oleifera L. on the digestibility indices and survival of Spodoptera litura (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). The P. hysterophorus extract at 50 mg concentration was comparable to the alone application of emamectin benzoate in terms of reduced digestibility and survival of S. litura. Overall, 42.7% relative consumption rate (RCR), 74.3% efficiency of conversion of ingested food (ECI), 72.3% effici...
Sadaf Aslam1*, Abdul Majid Khan1 and Muhammad Akhtar2
...migrated to Potwar land when grasslands became established. It has typical suine characters with hypsodont dentition and complex infolding of enamel surfaces. The described material consists of isolated molars. This discovery will provide a new insight to understand the diversity and geographic distribution of Siwalik Suids.
Bin Liu1,2, Libo Wang2, Dandan Xue2, Peng Xu1, Yuting An2 and Changhu Lu1*
...igration corridor in Yancheng, Jiangsu, China, in 2017. A total of 121 individuals were captured in mist nets, 62 in spring and 59 in autumn. We found that adult males were caught significantly earlier than females in both seasons (Mann-Whitney U test, spring, P = 0.012; autumn, P=0.019), but the migration timing of immature birds was much the same as adults of the same sex in both seasons (Mann-Whitney U test, spring, P=0.57...
Amreen Zahra1, Mushtaq A. Saleem1*, Hasnain Javed2, Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan3, Muhammad Naveed1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4
... Here we present a comprehensive study, where both the in vitro and in-silico analyses were performed on HIV-1 from isolates of the Punjab area of Pakistan. The main objective in the current study was to study the hypervirulence of SNPs in the Gag-Pol proteins by molecular modeling approaches. Mutational analysis in our study revealed S61A, S61M, S61Y, S61G, S61Q and M90L as the most hypervirulent mutations. This induces a selection pressure and ...

Kiran Shahjeer1*, Gauhar Rehman1, Khurshaid Khan1 and Toheed Iqbal2

...e findings can be strengthened by modern techniques of molecular identification.


Sajid Ali, Shahen Shah* and Muhammad Arif

...pplication of Zn and Fe when applied 100 % at tillering stage. Similarly, more spike-2 (250.9), maximum grain spike-1 (46.3), spike length (12.7 cm), and thousand grains weight (42.6 g) were noted with the split foliar application of both Zn and Fe. It can be concluded from the experiment that application of both foliar Zn and Fe enhanced the phenological development and yield component of wheat crop. Similarly, foliar appli...

Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Tajnees Pirzada1*, Abdul Majid2 and Farzana Rashid3 

... bonds, carboxyl group, phenolic hydroxyl group as well as aliphatic hydrocarbon including methyl group, methylene group. SEM exhibited granular structure of HA that were present in aggregates with various shapes and diameter ranging from 5 to 10μm. HA with the concentration of 5ppm showed improved seed germination compared to other concentrations used in this study. This study suggests that HA with the concentration of 5ppm should be used in agricultural s...

Barış Bayraklı

... calculated. In August, when E. verrucosa breeds densely, the crude protein (%13.52) rate was found to be the lowest compared to other months. In September, the crude fat rate (1.07%) was found to be the lowest, and in August, moisture was the highest. Among the essential amino acids (EAA) determined during the study, lysine reached the highest value each month followed by leucine and isoleucine, respectively. On the other hand, among the non-essential ...

Md. Mukthar Mia1 and Mahamudul Hasan2 encompassed comprehensive knowledge concerning contemporary disease occurrence with causes and transmission imperative for management practice. Besides, the study converged on afresh advanced treatment procedures, vaccine progressions, and public awareness efforts, which can be a baseline for the policymaker, veterinarians and pet owner to limit further outbreaks.



Amar Iqbal Saqib, Khalil Ahmed*, Muhammad Khalid Bhatti, Ghulam Qadir, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz, Muhammad Ashfaq Anjum, Abdul Rasul Naseem, Aftab Ahmad Sheikh and Belqees Akhter

..., it was concluded that when fresh-water resources are finite and use of saline-sodic water is inevitable, cyclic use of canal and saline-sodic water is a wise and profitable management strategy with marginal effect on crop productivity and proves least detrimental for soil health. Comparison of two different textured soils also revealed that brackish water deteriorated the soil properties of clay loam soil more in comparison to sandy loam soil that highlighte...

Ayaz Ahmed* and Muhammad Zulfiqar

...anced for further strengthening of JFM approach in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.


Muhammad Sarfraz1*, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi2, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi4, Abdul Rasool Naseem1, Sarfraz Hussain1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1 and Muhammad Rizwan1

...thing was applied. Comprehensive studies in different ecological zones with salt affected soils with variety of saline water may be grown to confer these approaches. 


Gulnaz Parveen1*, Naila Mukhtar2, Shumaila Irum3 and Nain Bukhari4

Muhammad Mohsin1, Yin Hengbin2*, Qian Chong3 and Bohyun Kim4
...a victim of open access phenomenon. Under the influence of this ongoing regime, it becomes necessary to estimate overexploitation risk and understand ongoing economic implications of particularly important fishery resources. Thus, this study is the first-time attempt to evaluate very important fishery resource, i.e., Penaeus shrimps of Pakistan by considering these aspects. A long catch and effort (CE) data series, 1971-2009, were used in this study. CE...
Sana Ilyas1, Muhammad Hidayat Rasool1,*, Muhammad Javed Arshed2, Muhammad Usman Qamar1 and Bilal Aslam1
...ptibility profiling and phenotypic confirmation of ESBL producers were performed as per CLSI 2018 guidelines. The minimum inhibitory concentration of ESBL producing isolates was determined by the broth dilution method. Phenotypically confirmed ESBL producing strains were further subjected to molecular characterization for the presence of ESBL and carbapenemase-producing genes using PCR. Of 392 samples, 219 ESBL positive E...
Rahma Mohamed, Sara Nader, Dalia Hamza and Maha A. Sabry*
...ayoum Governorate (25). Phenotypic identification of Cryptococcus indicated that 13.2 % and 7.1% among healthy and diseased donkeys were positive for this pathogen, respectively.The study of the potential risk factors associated with Cryptococcus colonization in the donkeys did not show any statistically significant differences. Molecular serotyping of 6 identified Cryptococcus spp. evidenced C. gattii in the nasal passages of 4 hea...

Huma Qamar1, Mariam Hassan1, Muhammad Zubair1*, Adnan Arshad2, Muhammad Qusain Saeed3, Muhammad Umar3, Sundas Shahzad1, Tariq Mahmood1 and Muhammad Aftab1 genotypic as well as phenotypic levels. Correlation between numbers of branches and days required for flowering was positive, while negative association of branches’ number was observed with days required for maturity and the obtained yield of a plant. Positive association was expressed between days required for flowering and days required for maturity. Negative association was observed in days required for flowering and the obtained yield from a plan...

Ahmed A. Kheder

... hosts; Mentha spicata, Chenopodium quinoa, Nicotiana tabacum cv. White Burley and Vicia faba after 15, 18, 20 and 22dpi respectively. Reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) was used to amplify ~497bp for coat protein gene in RNA 2, the amplified product was confirmed with direct sequences. Phylogenetic analysis results indicated that SLRSV-Eg isolate under study (acc. no. MT648777.1), showed 65.9 – 99.5% nucleotide similarity with avai...

Iftikhar Jan* and Sahib Alam

...llus section Flavi were then characterized for their aflatoxigenicity and nonaflatoxigenicity by cultural (i.e., production of blue fluorescence, room temperature phosphorescence, ammonium hydroxide vapor induced color change and sclerotia production) and immunological methods i.e., enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All the four cultural methods successfully differentiated aflatoxigenic and nonaflatoxigenic isolates, however ammonium hydroxide vapor i...

Syed Muhammad Sulaiman, Nazir Ahmad and Nazir Ahmad Khan*

...t feekes stages 7 to 8, when the second last leaf was visible. The collected samples were immediately weighed, and 10 plants were subsampled from each sample for morphological evaluation. Ten plants were weighed and separated into stem and leaves portion, subsequently weighed and analysed for dry matter (DM) content. The remaining samples were air dried, ground and analysed for chemical composition and in vitro digestibility (IVDMD) and in vitro gas production...

Fahrauk Faramayuda1,2*, Totik Sri Mariani3, Elfahmi1,4 and Sukrasno1

...t callus obtained from Schenk and Hildebrandt (SH) media can proceed to the suspension culture stage because it showed brighter fluorescence spot than other callus and plant extracts, especially for rosmarinic acid. This research provides new information about secondary metabolites in callus derived from two varieties of O. aristatus on various growth media.

Ying Yang 1,2,3, Tietao Zhang 1,2,3, Min Rong 1,2,3, JiaPing Xu 1,2,3 and Xiumei Xing 1,2,3*
...o increase at first and then decreased as the energy level was increased. The growth rate and voluntary feed intake regression coefficients for energy and the growth responses from weaning to the age of 26 weeks were studied in male and female mink receiving diets varying in energy level content. The apparent digestibility was digested better by male than by female. The energy levels affected the performances of female mink to a lesser degree than those of mal...

Ain-ul-Abad Syed1*, Zaheer Ahmed Khan1, Shakeel Hussain Chattha1, Irfan Ahmed Shaikh2, Mian Noor Hussain Asghar Ali1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio3, Shahzad Hussain Dahri2 and Ghous Bakhsh Buriro4

...s. At the time, such as when challenged with Covid-19 and the locust attack.

RehamM. El-Bakrey1, Shimaa M.G. Mansour2, Mohammed A. El Sisi1 AndAmal A.M. Eid1
...rFP-AI-H5" vaccine then Re-5) being significantly lower prior to challenge, it provided good protection (73.3%) against the lethal A/chicken/Egypt/SHAH-1403/2011 (H5N1) AIV challenge, with no evidence of virus shedding. Keeping in mind that each bird was potentially challenged with 105 EID50, which may not be available to all birds under field condition. The foremost vaccine regimen can provide a safe, effective and considerable tool for the control of HP...

1Mona A. El-Manzalawy, 2Abeer A. Boseila , 3Hanan M. El Zahed

...l) or without Alum gel, then ensure the safety and sterility of these vaccines and compare between them with the local RVF vaccine with Alum gel alone in sheep. This peppermint formulation including Alum gel adjuvant was the best of choice as it induced higher immunological enhancement. In addition, synergistic action was discovered in RVF inactivated PMO vaccine including Alum gel as the immune response detected by serum neutralization test (SNT). This vaccin...

Nashwa M. Helmy1 and Ahmed S. A.2 an important feature when definitive diagnostic results are required in a short
timescale during emergencies. Current study on serum samples and epithelial tissues
demonstrate the circulation of the FMDV type A and O in Sharkia and Fayoum

El-Bagoury, G.F., El-Nahas, E.M., El-Habbaa, A.S.

...escence techniques, and then molecularly identified using reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Both cattle and buffalo isolates behaved the same pattern for serological and molecular identification in correlation with BEFV Webster reference strain and showed an amplicon size 473 bp for G2 gene. In conclusion, BEFV field strains from cattle and buffaloes seem like but further molecular characterization was required to study their homology.<...
Amro A. Farrag1; Ahmed K. El-Attar1; Om-Hashem M. El-Banna2; Ibrahim A. I.2; H.
M. Mazyad1
Leguminoceae, Chenopodiaceae, and Malvaceae using viruliferous whitefly (Bemisia
tabaci). Results revealed that SLCV could be transmitted to 16 out of 22 species and
positively back inoculated to beans from these hosts. Nucleotide sequencing of the
complete genome of the virus was as follow, DNA-A (2667 bp) and DNA-B (2621 bp).
The obtained sequences were submitted into the GenBank with accession number...

Allam A. Megahed1; Hoda M.A. Waziri2; Khaled A. El-Dougdoug3; Badawi A. Othman3; Sirag M. Lashin1; Mohamed D. Hassanin1 and Mahmoud A. Ibrahim4

...n the positive reaction when the foreign antisera applied, therefore it should be use produced antisera from Egyptian isolates specific for detection of sugar beet viral infections as a good replacement of foreign ones.


Hanaa H. A. Gomaa1; Entsar A. A. Nassar2; K. A. El-Dougdoug3

... milk thistle varieties then evaluated against HAV, HSV1 and COXB4 viruses. The cytotoxicity of different milk thistle methanolic extracts in Vero cells did not show any morphological difference compared with control. Antiviral affects of milk the most potent methanolic solutions of milk thistle that have antiviral activity with different degrees, line 32 with (HAV), line 9 with (COXB4) and, line 28 with (HSV1).


Ahmed K. El-Attar; Samah A. Mokbel; Ali H. Hamed

... Beni-
Suef then mechanically transmitted onto healthy onion plants in an insect proof
greenhouse. The virus identification was done by indirect ELISA using specific
antiserum and confirmed by Reverse Transcriptase-Polymerase Chain Reaction (RTPCR)
using virus-specific primers. The molecular characterization for the Egyptian
isolate has been performed through cloning and sequencing for the OYDV CP gen...

K.A. El-Dougdoug1, A.R. Sofy2, A.A. Mousa2 and E.E. Refaey2

...isolated on
Chenopodium amaranticolor L. where gave chlorotic local lesions. Eleven potato cultivars
(Solanum tuberosum) mechanically inoculated with PVY isolate under greenhouse condition
were divided to three categories, resistant (Diamond, Execusa, Hermes and Valor), tolerant
(Sisi, Lady Balfor, Nikola, Ditta and Lady Rosetta), susceptible (Anabel and Spunta) based on
different external symptoms, t...

Eman A. H. Kattab1,3, A. H. Ebrahem2 , Om-Hashem M. El-Banna2 and Hanan F. EL-Kammar³

... 2 species belonging to Chenopodiace. It was transmitted mechanically and by Sitona lineate. It was detected serologically by indirect ELISA using BBMV specific antiserum. Light microscopy of epidermal strips of faba bean infected-leaves revealed amorphous cytoplasmic inclusions (X-bodies). The UV absorption spectrum of the purified virus had a maximum at 260 nm and a minimum at 245 nm. The ratios of Amax/Amin and A260/280 were 1.39 and 1.57, respectively. Yie...
Eman A. Ahmed1, Osama Y. Shalaby2, Emad F. Dwidar2, Samah A. Mokbel1, Ahmed K. El-Attar1 
positively when assayed by nested polymerase chain reactions (PCR) using universal
phytoplasma-specific primer pairs P1/P7 and R16F2n/R16R2. Similar assays were used
to detect phytoplasma interactions with experimentally host plant. Dienes’ stain was also
used for detection of natural infection of phytoplasma. The phloem of infected tissues
showed scattered area stained bright blue. Different t...
M. A. Kararah1, Om-Hashem M. El-Banna1, Salwa N. Zein2 and Abd-Elrehiem, A.F.3 
reduction when had applied 2h before inoculation. Also, salicylic acid was
effective as it reduced infection to 77.4% at 0.01% concentration when
applied 3h before inoculation. Whereas camphor oil exhibited lesser
reduction being (74.6) when used at 0.001% concentration before 2 h from

Arshad Abdulkhalq Yaseen1,2* and Mária Takácsné Hájos1

... compounds as total polyphenols and vitamin C. However, the treatment of 6% MLE significantly reduced nitrate content in the plant leaves of both experiments by 4% in 2019 and 20% in 2020. In both experiments, the significantly influenced factors on the bioactive compounds (total polyphenols and vitamin C) were mainly due to the plant varieties and the interaction of 6% MLE and plant varieties. In our experiments, physical p...

Sadiq Haladu1*, Taiwo Oladoye Akande2 and Mudassir Nasir3

...(254.65 mg/dl) observed when compared to the control diet (314.56 mg/dl). The result of serum analysis also showed significant difference in all the tested parameters. It was concluded that supplementation of layer diets with 2% fluted pumpkin and moringa improved the health status of the birds and also reduced the egg yolk cholesterol.


Maryam Yousaf1, Salman Ahmad1*, Romana Anjum2 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3

...lones and deposition of phenolic compounds that supported the FOL to further multiply until the seedlings started wilting and became dead. Moreover, a gradual decrease in shoot height and root length was also observed in the diseased plant as compared to healthy plants.


Magdy, Mariam1 ; Abou ElHassan D.G. 2 ; and Salem, S.A.H 3 (A) appeared in 2006 then
during April and May 2012, six outbreaks of FMD serotype (SAT 2) were reported in Egyptian
governorates. This study based on evaluation of vaccinated animals by detection of antibodies
against serotypes of FMDV (A),(O) and (SAT-2) by (SNT) as well as by analysis of negative
Non Structural Protein sera by solid phase competitive ELISA for differentiation between natural

Sherif .M. Ibrahim*, Abd El-Razek. B. Abd El-Razek*. Hanan. M. El-Zahed Amal. A. Fatouh* and Ayatollah. I. Ibrahim*

...solates were 2 and 2.75 when neutrized by FPV hyperimmune sera (HIS) while it was 2.5 and 2 when neutrized by PPV (HIS). DNA was extracted from the produced pock lesions and polymerase chain reaction amplifying 578bp fragment of P4b gene and 1800 pb of fpv140 for FPV and PPV isolates and vaccine strains. Phylogenetic analysis for the amplified P4p product revealed close similarity of the FPV isolate (FPLH) and fowl pox vacci...

Sahar Abd El Rahman1; Mohamed Eladl2 and Mohamed M. El-Diasty3

... of the viral antigens, then molecular characterization of its genome. Infection by the bovine ephemeral fever virus (BEFV) was noticed in Dakahlyia governorates during the summer season of 2015. Twelve samples of buffy coats were collected from dairy farms suspected from clinical investigations to be infected by bovine ephemeral fever virus. The virus was isolated intracerebrally in suckling mice then successfully identifie...
Abd El-Hamid, M.I1, Seham, A.El-Zeedy1, El-Sanousi, A.A2, Reda, I.M2, Nehal, S. Saleh1, Abbas, A.M1
... the 2 sets of primers, then the specific band at the expected size of the whole length of EHV-1 (EHV-1gD) gene of the local isolate was sent for sequence analysis, multiple alignment revealed single nucleotide substitution at the base pair number 121 from the start codon which give lead to single Amino Acid Substitution from CAG (Glutamine(Gln/Q)) which is considered as a polar Amino Acid to AAG (Lysine(Lys/K)) which is a basic Amino Acid, t

Amir M. Walaa1 ; Ausama Yousif1; Walid H. Kilany2; Magdy El-Sayed1; Ahmed A. El-Sanousi1

...e hitchner + IB Primer. Then all groups at 7 days old were boosted with inactivated combined NDV+IBV vaccines with different adjuvants except for group 1 & 2. Group 1 was kept as unvaccinated control. At 28 days all groups were challenged with a dose of 105.5 EID50/bird of Variant 2 genotype (1494) IBV through oculo-nasal rout. Blood samples were collected randomly from 10 birds from each group at day 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 . Organs of 3 birds/each group...

Sahar A. Youssef1; Manal A. El-Shazly1,2; Azza G.Farag1,3; Eman A. Khattab1,2

... local lesion formed on Chenopodium quinoa. The isolated virus was identified on the basis of symptomatology, transmissibility, serological tests and molecular technique. The virus was identified serologically by direct ELISA, dot and tissue blotting immune-binding assay using authentic and induced antiserum for PNRSV.RT-PCR with specific PNRSV primer was used to confirm the obtained results. No amplified product was obtaine...

Hanan M. El-Zahed, Hanaa A. Mostafa, Nermeen M. El Sayed and Lamiaa M. Omar drinking water (DW). Then the inactivated avian influenza (AI) H5N1 vaccine was inoculated intra-muscularly either at the 1st, 2nd or 3rd WPV with CAV vaccine forming three subgroups per each group. It is clearly observed that a relatively high levels of CAV ELISA antibody titers in all the vaccinated chicken subgroups at 4th WPV with either DW or S/C CAV vaccine indicating that the two CAV vaccines were immunogenic; Also, by measuring H5N1 HI titers within...

Manar F. Seioudy1, Magda M. Sayed1, Ahmed A. El-Sanousi2 and M. A. Shalaby2

...r batches were positive when tested using specific primers and they were free from BVDV or mycoplasma contamination. Results in this study showed that molecular techniques could be used for rapid evaluation of PPR vaccine including RT-PCR for identity testing and for detection of BVDV as adventitious contaminant and PCR assay for detection of bacterial contaminants as mycoplasma.


Manal A. El-Shazly1. M. I .Kobeasy2and Sarah H . Altalhi3

... local lesion formed on Chenopodium amaranticolor Caste & Reyn. The isolated virus was identified on the basis of symptomatology, transmissibility, host range and serological tests by indirect –enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (Indirect- ELISA) and dot blotting immunobinding assay (DBIA) using an induced antiserum for TSWV. All the five tested tomato cultivars were found to be susceptible when mechanical inoculate...

Radwa M. Shafie 1 and Soha S. M. Mostafa2

...ia faba L. Giza 716 and Chenopodium amaranticolor Cost and Reyn. The non-inoculated algal synthetic media were used as control. Findings revealed that the mixture of the three algal filtrates gave the highest percentages of inhibition. Lower inhibition effect was produced by culture filtrate of N. muscorum and S. platensis, respectively in particular in plants treated with algal filtrates by mixed with virus inoculum immediately before inoculation. Spraying pl...

Shahida Sabir1, Anwar Ali Shad1, Tariq Masood1*, Zafar Ali Shah1, Nasiruddin2, Yaseen Ahmad1 and Syed Sartaj Alam3 

Salama M. El-Saghir1, 2 with
authentic antiserum for PVS and, molecularly using specific primers for PVS.
Methods: In-direct ELISA (I-ELISA) and dot blotting immunobinding assay (DBIA) were used for
detection of the virus in commercial potato plants. IC RT-PCR amplified 187 bp of the virus coat
protein using antiserum for PVS and the specific primer 5’TGGCGAACACCGAGCAAATG3’ (sense)

Salama M. El-Saghir1, 2

using an authentic antiserum for PNRSV. The incidence of phytoplasma as a second pathogen in the
trees was PCR tested using the universal primers for phytoplasma detection, P1/P7, in the first step.
The PCR products were re‐amplified with nested‐PCR to verify phytoplasma incidence using the
nested primers R16F2/R2.
Results: DAS-ELISA confirmed the presence of PNRSV in the tested peach trees. For ...

Ayman S. El-Habbaa 1, Gabr F. El-Bagoury1, Samar F. El-Adaway2, and Susan S. El-Mahdy2

...Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) then subjected for nucleotide and amino acid sequence detection. Results: NDV Giza 2014 isolate and NDV Qualubiya 2014 were characterized as velogenic and lentogenic strains, respectively using Mean Death Time (MDT), Intracerebral Pathogenicity Index (ICPI) and studying amino acid motif of the F protein cleavage site. Phylogeny put NDV Giza 2014 in a separate branch independent from other Egyptian isolates, however it is more related to...

Lamiaa M. Omar, Mohamed A. Abdrabo, Dali M. Omar, Nermeen A. Marden

and 2.4 when measured by ECE from the vaccinated chicken with inactivated H5N1, H5N2 and
inactivated recombinant vaccines respectively. While, the ranges from 102, 102 and 10 when measured
by rRT-PCR respectively. Also, the live recombinant vaccine could not reduce the viral shedding
when measured by both egg inoculation and rRT-PCR.

Dina N. Abd-Elshafy

...t was shown
when water was freezed and tested after one and two weeks indicating stability and
irreversibility of the inhibitory effect of extract on HAV in water.
Conclusion: Methanolic extract of green tea has potential effect on HAV. Based on the
obtained results we strongly recommend supplementing water with small concentration of
green tea extract that does not cause observed change in its color ...

Maha A. El-Abhar1, Moustafa A. Elkady1, Khaled M. Ghanem2, Hussieny A. Bosila3 lesion passages onto Chenopodium
ammaranticolor which reproduced prominent local lesions. The virus isolate was then propagated in
potato Ditta cv. plants, The virus was identified on the bases of host range, symptomatology,
transmission and serological diagnosis, in addition to the ultrastructural changes produced in potato
leaf cells infected with AMV .

Dina A. Abdulrahman1, Ayman H. EL-Deeb2, Momtaz A. Shaheen1 & Hussein A. Hussein2

...e-resulted samples were then tested using conventional PCR and pan
FMD primers. The same samples were tested again using serotype-specific primers to amplify the VP1
coding region and the products were sequenced for phylogenetic analysis.
Results: FMDV RNA was detected in eight out of the 12 samples tested using real time RT-PCR.
Conventional PCR revealed that Six of the eight samples were positive using pan FMD ...

Abdou Nagy1, Fatma Abdallah1, Kareem Sweed2, Ahmed Salama3, Mohamed Omar4

...ic losses, particularly when accompanied with secondary pathogens.
Aim: This study aimed to perform seroprevalence of aMPV for non-vaccinated chicken and duck
flocks from six provinces of Egypt (Ash Sharqiyah, Ismailia, Qalyubia, Menufia, Sohaq and North-
Sinai) and determine its economic effect.
Methods: Serum samples were collected from non-aMPV vaccinated apparently healthy 40 chicken
(23 broilers ...
Maha M. Khedr1, Reem A. Suliman1, Marwa F. Mohamed1, Mounir D. El Safty1, Hussein A.
...and 60%in cloacal swabs when tested by virus isolation in eggs at 3, 5 and 7 days post
challenge; respectively. Swabs of 10 days post challenge of group 3 were positive by rRT-PCR and
negative by virus isolation. On the other hand, group 6 (vaccinated with imported vaccine) demonstrated
shedding % at 3 and 5 days post challenge by both rt-RT-PCR and virus isolation were positive in 60%
and 20% for tracheal and 80...
Hussein A. Hussein, Maha Khedr, Reem A. Suliman, Marwa F. Mohamed, Mounir D. El
cloacal swabs when tested by virus isolation in eggs at 3 and 5 days post challenge; respectively. Whereas
swabs of 7 and 10 days post challenge of group 3 were negative by rRT-PCR and virus isolation. On the
other hand, group 6 (vaccinated with imported 500HAU vaccine) demonstrated shedding % at 3 and 5 days
post challenge by rRT-PCR and for virus isolation were positive in 60% for tracheal swabs 3 day post
Asma Kaouachi1, Mohcen Menaa1*, Abderraouf Chouaib Rebbah2 and Mohamed Cherif Maazi1
...In order to better comprehend the ecology and vital needs of the wood pigeon and to help with our results in the process of conservation management of wood pigeon, a study of the diet of this pigeon was undertaken from October 2015 to April 2017 within the Souk Ahras region, in North-eastern Algeria. This work was carried out by using a combination of digestive-contents analysis (86 contents) and field observations (during the breeding season). We identified 1...
Abdullah Sheikh1,*, Faisal Almathen1,2 and Hairul Islam Mohamed Ibrahim3,4
...amelus dromedarius) phenotypes from Saudi Arabia. The four camel groups included were white, diluted (light brown, creamy and fawn), black and dark brown representing eumelanin and pheomelanin coat colors. Generally, the TYR gene expresses less in non-pigmented than the pigmented species. The results of our study showed that the mRNA from skin biopsies has low expression in white dromedary camels while higher expression in dark brown p
Sahar Mubashar*, Tariq Mukhtar and Nasir Ahmad Khan
...t becomes more critical when global travelling is a norm.
Zain-Ul-Aabdin Abro1*,Naheed Baloch1, Raza Muhammad Memon2 and Niaz Hussain Khuhro2
Zahid Mahmood Sarwar1*, Ayub Iqbal Malik1, Maryam Suhail2, Shafqat Saeed3, Muhammad Umair Sial3, Waqar Jaleel4, Muhammad Nadir Naqqashand Qamar Saeed1
...nt-size: small;">A comprehensive and a comparative taxonomic study of new species of the genus Spodoptera i.e. Spodoptera hirsutus is very similar to the Spodoptera litura but easily distinguish on the basis of different characters of genitalia. Specimens of this genus were identified on the base of their genitalia characters. This new species Spodoptera hirsutus was collected from Muzzafarghar with the help of light traps. The abdo...

Akram I. Aboelkhair1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2, Momtaz A. Shahin1 and Hussein A. Hussein2

...gns of LSD,
Then Molecular detection of LSDV with PCR using G-protein-coupled chemokine receptor (G-PCR)
gene primer revealed positive result for LSDV, So classical Isolation of LSDV was started by
inoculation of nodules on Chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) 9-11 day old SPF eggs, then adaptation
on Madin-Derby bovine kidney cell line ( MDBK ); confirmation of LSD isolated virus wa...

Hanaa A. Elsamadony1, Laila A. Tantawy1, Sabry E. Omar2 and Heba A. Abd Alah1

...ther reference strains. Then to observe microscopic lesions and to detect CAV
antigens by immunohistochemically in thymus and bone marrow tissues of SPF chicks infected with
Methods: In this study, 30 layer farms of age 40 to 100-days-old from different governorates
(Alexandria, Gharbia, Giza and Qalubia) were examined for CAV with real-time PCR and
histopathological examination. The positive sam...

Rana A. Rabiea1, Mohamed Fawzy2, Mohamed H. Khodeir3 and MokhtarM. EL-Tarabili2

...ceiving the second dose then began to decrease in both groups by
third-week post the second dose to reach the zero level at week twenty-four. ELISA test confirm the
results of SNT and HI.
Conclusion: There is no antagonizing effect between the two vaccines on the immune response of
turkey chickens against each other as all vaccinated birds exhibited good levels of specific TRT and AI
antibodies. There...
Riham H. Bassam, Hussein A. Hussein, Mohamed M. Amer, Basem M. Ahmed and Ahmed A. El-Sanousi
...cluding, broilers, layer hens of breeders, backyard chickens and ducks for serosurveillance and
molecular characterization. Also; sequence analysis of the same IBV-positive samples.
Results: flocks had shown high discrepancy of CV% values with regard to ELISA results against IB
virus. Out of 60 flocks tested; 12 were positive to the presence of IBV by rt-RT-PCR despite the fact
that the detected flocks had a hist...

Riham H. Bassam, Hussein A. Hussein, Mohamed M. Amer and Ahmed A. El-Sanousi

... egg production in layer hens and breeders in Lebanon.
Methods: A total of 22 poultry flocks have been tested by real-time reverse transcription polymerase
chain reaction (rt-RT-PCR) for the presence of H9N2 in different types of chickens including broilers,
breeders, laying hens, backyard chickens and ducks. Tracheal swabs were collected from flocks raised
in different governo...
Hanan Sayed1, Mohamed S. Madkour1, Hussein A. Hussein2, Mounir Mohamed Elsaft 3,
Marwa F. El saied3, Ahmed A El-Sanousi2
vaccination, then monthly until the end of duration. Challenge trials were carried out after a month
from the first vaccination, and after two and six months from the booster vaccination.
Results: Usage of formalin inactivated combined H9N2, LaSota and IB (M41 and Var 2) vaccine with
montanide 71 adjuvant decreases the shedding pattern of H9N2 and NDV in SPF and commercial layer
chicken for six months ...

Hanan Sayed 1, Mohamed S. Madkour 1, Hussein A. Hussein 2, Ahmed A El-Sanousi 2

...the booster vaccination then
periodically till the end of duration. Challenge trial for both IB strain was repeated after a month from
the first vaccination and after two and six months from the booster vaccination.
Results: The use of formalin inactivated combined H9N2, LaSota and IB (M41 and Var 2) vaccine by
using montanide 71 adjuvant via intramuscular vaccination enhanced the immune response as

Ahmed M. Soliman

...lorotic local lesion on Chenopodium amaranticolor and propagated in healthy Nicotiana benthamiana. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) with specific primers designed for the coat protein gene of CMV were used to detect the virus. RT-PCR products (657 bp) of coat protein gene of CMV were cloned and then sequenced.
Results: CMV was isolated from fou...

Youssef A. Elgharbawy1, Mervat M. Ali1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2, Mohamed A. Shalaby2 in Egypt since 1988 when the disease spread widely all over the country. since that attenuated sheep pox virus (SPV) used for vaccination cattle flocks against LSD due to immunological relationship between LSD and SPV. There have been numerous attempts to produce live attenuated LSD vaccine but it has stopped due to the seriousness of the disease's return to its virulence and the post vaccinal reaction of the vaccine so we prepare inactivated LSD virus(LSD...

Abdelaziz A. Yassin, Ayman H. El Deeb, Abeer E. Mansour, Hussein A. Hussein day post vaccination then start to decline. Whereas the peak titers for antibodies were reported at the 28th day post vaccination. Indeed, the study reports the role of ail adjuvant in stimulating the cellular response for inactivated vaccine.

Huda S. Darwish 1, Om-hashem M. El-Banna2, Mohamed S. Abbas3, Hoda M. Waziri 1, Maisa A. Awad1
...and 0.6%) respectively, then planted
into a tissue culture media, induced plants were checked for resistance to ToRSV by ELISA. ISSR
reaction was used to confirm the DNA variations.
Results: ToRSV was transmitted mechanically into11 plant species and cvs., belonging to 6 families
while 3 plant species and cvs. from 2 families gave negative results with DAS-ELISA and were
symptomless. Treated plant wit...
Hadeer M. Mossa, Ausama A. Yousif, Emad A. Aboelsoud, Mahmoud El Gamal, Ahmed El-
...nt in the sample it was then classified to subspecies and strain level in a
quantitative manner in approximately 48min and 23 second.
Conclusion: This method allows screening all the virus harvest content in non-selective, non- targeted
manner. The reasons to choose this technology in qualification of the TC propagated LSDV as a onestep
quality control for in process LSDV indicating all what in the sample as well...
Ahmed A. ElWakil1, Ausama A. Yousif2 , Adel A. Fayed3, Ibrahim M. elsabagh2, Mahmoud
El Gamal2, Omnia H. Refaei3
...ks. Transstadial occurs when virus remains with vector from
one life stage to the next and transovarian is transmission of virus from parent vector to its egg.
Objective: Investigation of LSDV replication capacity in ticks uses targeted detection of the viral
DNA polymerase mRNA and metagenomics analysis using MinIon technology.
Methods: A total of 34 adult female ticks were collected from three LSD clinically di...
Soad, E. Elsayed 1, Mohammed A. Shalaby2, Ausama A. Yousef2, Abu bakr A. Agor1,
Sherouk E. Aly1
developed formula when compared to the conventional one. Challenge test revealed high protection
levels that reached 90% of the Guinea pig vaccinated by nano emulsion.
Conclusion: Our findings suggest that we aimed to enhance immunity through nano emulsion of
Montanide ISA 206 is well achieved.

Samah A. Mokbel, Eman A. Ahmed, Hanan F. El-Kammar, Ahmed A. Kheder

... lesions on
Chenopodium amaranticolor as a local lesion host. Eleven plant species belonging to four families
were used to confirm the presence of CMV in the inoculum. Detection of the coat protein gene of
CMV in infected leaves has been done by reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR),
and the appearance of 678 bp bands confirmed the expected size of such gene. Light and transmission

Gulnaz Ismaylova

...d in the northwest, and then in the Khachmaz region, located in the northeast of Azerbaijan. Representatives of this family have not yet been registered in Azerbaijan. Besides of mulberry, the pest was registered in 11 more plant species. The article provides information on the distribution, phenology and plants affected by the pest. Both nymphs and adults of O.japonica cause serious damage to plants. W...

Muhammad Nasir1, Muhammad Usman Asif2*, Abdul Hayee Abid1, Qurat ul Ain Haneef1 and Muhammad Awais2

... determined weekly, and then the combined infestation was calculated at the district level. The results showed that the weather conditions, during all the three years, had a significant impact on the insect pest abundance. The maximum percentage of whitefly hot spots ranged in line from 8.36-24.14% during three years study period followed by mealybug (6.71-11.79%), jassid (4.56-7.22%), thrips (1.36-6.22%), pink bollworm (0.99-5.42%) and armyworm (2.77-4.23%). ...

Pukhtoon Yar1*, Salman Khan2, Du Ying1 and Muhammad Israr3 of the study, a comprehensive literature survey has been conducted. Scores of problems have been identified that has greatly affected the agriculture sector such as water deficiency, climate changes, long duration load shedding, traditional farming practices, poor extension services, high prices of fertilizers, land insecurity, etc. The outcomes of this study showed that the successful completion of CPEC related projects in the energy sector and infrastruct...
Khawaja Adeel Tariq1*, Hadhi Hassan Khan2, Shuja Zaib Afghan3 and Arslan Raza4
...The data calculated are then changed into Passenger Car Unit (PCU) by applying equivalency factor as recommended by Urban Unit Punjab (Punjab geometric design manual). For computation of Level of Service (LOS), Delay and Volume/Capacity ratio model is used. It is noticed that Level of Services is very poor at these intersections. The modification including provision of additional lanes, signals and increasing lane width is recommended for the intersections. Th...
Jehan Dastagir, Muhammad Amir*, Bilal Ur Rehman, Shahid Hameed and Majad Ashraf a better performance when it comes to attainment of optimized TCP congestion control. This investigation is naturally followed by simulating different TCP versions such as TCP Tahoe, TCP Sack, TCP NewReno, TCP Reno and TCP Westwood for checking and comparing their effective resource utilization such as network Throughputs, comparative bandwidths, retransmission rates and window sizes. Simulations in this regard were carried through using NS-2 (Network Simul...

Reema Zia* and Noor Paio Khan

...sion of rice production when world prices of rice rise as a result of the reduction of support in other countries.


Iftikhar ud Din* and Yousaf Hayat

...The results reveal that when linear relation between traits is low to moderate the effect of some of the main effect and interaction for one of the traits found in ANOVA are contrary to that found in corresponding MANOVA. Further it was observed that for highly correlated traits, the status of some of the effects found in separate ANOVAs for both the traits are totally altered by the MANOVA model.

Liangkun Pan1, Qun-Lan Zhou1*, Bo Liu1, Jiaxing Yan2 and Ajun Sun1
...cial diet for 16 weeks. Then high-throughput sequencing was applied to compare the microbiota between foregut and hindgut. The results showed that the microbial profiles between the foregut and hindgut were different based on the alpha-diversity and the cluster results. Dominant microbioorganisms of blunt snout bream at genus level were Cetobacterium spp., Lactococcus spp., CK-1C4-19, Rhodobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Mea...

Dilan Ozmen Ozgun1, Gonca Alak2, Arzu Ucar2, Sinan Bilginer3, Halise Inci Gul3, Mahmut Kocaman2, Cem Yamalı3, Veysel Parlak2, Muhammed Atamanalp2, Ahmad Maslat4 and Telat Yanık2*

...nthesis of 4-(3-(4-Bromophenyl)-5-(2,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-yl) benzenesulfonamide, B4, for 7h at first experiment. Effects of B4 on antioxidant enzymes of gill and liver, and changes in hematological parameters were determined in rainbow trout. For this purpose, rainbow trout alevins were exposed to 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1 and 2.5 mg/L of B4 and 1 ml of DMSO for 96 hours. Blood samples were collec...
Donglai Li1,Mei Han1,Huw Lloyd2, Linyu Jin1, Lei Zhang1, Jiangxia Yin1 and Dongmei Wan1*
...for unrelated offspring when nests have extra-pair young (EPY). Theoretical models predict that cuckolded males should lower their parental investment as the likelihood of paternity decreases. However, empirical data are not always in support of this prediction.Here, we explore parental behaviours within the context of extra-pair patenity (EPP) in a population of the varied tit Parus varius in China. The results showed that 39.5% of nests were cuckolded...
Song Jiang1,2,3, Ming-ge Zhuang1,2,3, Fa-lin Zhou1,2, Qi-bin Yang1, Jian-hua Huang1, Li-shi Yang1 and Shi-gui Jiang1*
... increasing firstly and then decreasing, which reflected reproductive performance of the parent shrimps and was suggested to be an indicator of reproductive performance for selective breeding. As a result, P. tschiliensis is a suitable substitute of N. succinea based on its effect on the reproductive traits and VTG mRNA expression level in parent shrimps of P. monodon.

Haroon Ur Rashid1*, Nazia Tahir2, Muhammad Zamin3, Naveed Shehzad4, Aman Ullah2, Bibi Zainub5 and Farooq Azam6

...nthus annuus L.) and Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.)] residues as surface mulches and their water extracts integrated @ 15L each +atrazine @ 0.125 kg a.i ha-1(1/4th of the recommended dose) was assigned to sub plots (Factor B). Data were recorded and analyzed for dry biomass (g) of total weeds 60 DAS, leaf area (cm2), leaf area Index (%) and Stover yield (Kg.ha-1). Integration of tillage regimes and various allelopa...

Fahrauk Faramayuda1,2*, Totik Sri Mariani3, Elfahmi1,4 and Sukrasno1

...ic acid and sinensetin. When compared to the wild type, the chromatogram had a larger area than the wild type. This study provides new information regarding the secondary metabolite content of two O. aristatus from in vitro culture.

Syed Azmat Ali Shah1*, Asfandyar Ahmed2, Khan Shahzada3, Syed Muhammad Ali4, Akhtar Naeem Khan5 and Akhter Gul6
... A parametric study was then performed to assess the influence of different material properties on the lateral load capacity of the RC frame infilled with masonry. It was demonstrated that for the same gravity load level the enhancement of brick unit properties enhances the total capacity of the RC frame with infill. Similarly, by increasing the gravity load on the structure with the same brick unit properties, the lateral load capacity increases considerably....

Gulzar Ullah* and Gohar Ayub

...atment or Control) were then transplanted to the field. Results revealed that different heat pretreatment durations and varieties significantly affected the growth and yield of tomato. Regarding heat pretreatment durations, number of flower clusters plant-1 (16.06), fruit set percentage (68.33%), number of flowers cluster-1 (8.34), chlorophyll content (50.31 SPAD), leaf relative water content (75.34%), Putrescine concentration (193.95 nmol/g), spermidine conce...
Arshad Khan1, Mohammad Ihsan1, Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Muhammad Laiq1, Maryam Bibi1, Nasir Ali2, Ulfat Naz1, Muhammad Zakria1, Nausheen Nazir3, Adam Khan4 and Muhammad Asif Nawaz5 characterized for 11 phenotypic traits (4 qualitative and 7 quantitative). A significant diversity was found for leaf length with the range of 4 to 15 cm, leaf width 1 to 7.0 cm, petiole length range from 0.5 to 4.5cm.The internodes length ranged from 0.5cm to 6. The seed length ranged from 4 to 11mm. The 100 seed weight ranged from 7.7 to 48g. Correlation analysis revealed that leaf width was strongly significant with leaf length (0.454**), 100 seed weight...

Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Nimra Altaf1, Muhammad Afzal2

...rved lower (1.13/plant) when imidacloprid was applied. The least affected chemical was spirotetramat, as the population of both pests was recorded higher on citrus plants after application of this insecticide compared to others. Our findings indicate that imidacloprid can be considered the best insecticide for managing CLM and ACP population in an integrated approach. 
Novelty Statement | The pre...
Kai Jin1,2,3, Chen Chen 1,2,3, Xinyu Sun1,2,3, Caiye Zhu1,2,3, Mahmoud F. Ahmed1,2,3,4, Qisheng Zuo1,2,3, Jiuzhou Song4 and Bichun Li1,2,3*
...nic mice were mated and then the target genes and protein expression level in F2 transgenic mice, as well as fat content in F1 and F2 transgenic mice muscle were examined. Successful transgenic goats generation was identified by testicular injection. The results showed a developmental time specific SCD1 expression in the goat mammary gland tissue and muscular tissue. The rate of positive expression of exogenic gene and e...
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2*, Syed Shahid Ali2 and Mushtaq Ahmad Saleem1
...t 100 percent mortality when exposure period was prolonged to 120 h. The trehalose, glycogen, lipids and nucleic acid contents of both larval instars of these populations were significantly reduced, while trehalase and amylase activities were significantly increased in larvae of both populations throughout the phosphine exposure period with reference to their respective unexposed group values. In case of soluble proteins, an elevation was observed which was fo...
Zunaira Noreen* and Khawar Sultan
...luding avian, in a time when biodiversity loss is the hottest global issue.
Hui-Ming Li1, Bi-Ze Yang1, Xue-Jun Jin1,2, Lin-Miao Li1, Hai-Ying Jiang1
Xiu-Juan Zhang1 and Jin-Ping Chen1*
...values were over 99.99% when 9 SSRs were used. This study demonstrated that the microsatellite-based approach could be effectively utilized for parentage analysis in pangolins and that it has a significant application in selective breeding in endangered and valuable mammalian species.

Kawa A. Ali1*, Sazar S. Noraldeen2 and Arshad A. Yaseen2, 3

..., DE, USA) instruments, then the same leaves were cut and chlorophyll estimation were done by destructive methods using two organic solvents ( 80% acetone and 100% ethanol). Results demonstrate significant differences between SPAD and atLEAF data for tomato and pepper plants where higher levels with atLEAF instrument comparing to SPAD chlorophyll meter. Higher chlorophyll levels were recorded in open field plants comparing to lath and plastic houses plants. Ch...

Muhammad Waheed* and Dost Muhammad

... prepared composts were then applied to pots containing 6 kg of soil @ 160 mg P2O5 kg-1 and data were recorded on phosphorus fractionations at 1st, 5th and 10th week of germination and its correlation with wheat seedlings growth and leaf [P]. Results showed that the labile P fraction initially increased and then decreased and as compared to control and untreated FYM composts, all treated pots maintained higher labile P at al...

Khaliq Dad1, Muhammad Nawaz2*, Muhamamd Ibrahim3, Fengliang Zhao4, Rumsha Hassan2, Humaira Nawaz5, Muhammad Usman Saleem6, Kinat Javed2, Ayesha Komal2 and Hajra Naz2

...nd dermal contact which then produces heart disease, kidney failure, lung cancer, orthopedic disease, nervous system failure, low immunity level, mental retardation and growth retardation. Different environmental friendly and low cost biological remedies are used nowadays to control Cd toxicity such as phytoremediation phytostabilisation, rhizofilteration, phytoextraction. This review paper has summarized the impact of Cd on soil, plants and humans and strateg...
Mengke Wang1, Shucheng Huang2, Cai Zhang1*, Haizhou Gong1
Shunan Cuan1, Shuaishuai Wang1, Qi Shao1, Wenhao Xu1, Sudan Meng1
Pengfei Li1, Yuqin Wang1 and Zijun Yang1
...ury to commercial laying hens. However, the effects of monoammonium-glycyrrhizinate in improving liver lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity of laying hens is unclear. The current study examined the ameliorative effects of monoammonium-glycyrrhizinate (MAG) on liver lipid metabolism and antioxidant capacity in laying hens. One hundred eighty 320-day-old Hy-Line brown laying
Li Ma1 *, Xu Han1, Bo Yang2 and Chunhua Zhou3
...thylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide) assay was applied in hydrogen peroxide-treated human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). The hydrogen peroxide-induced apoptosis was gauged using flow cytometry whereas western blotting was applied to detect the expression of key cellular markers in oxidation pathways. The data indicate that a total of 50 µmol/l concentration of kaempferol can profoundly protect the oxidative damage in HUVECs. How...
Huijuan Sheng1, Xiang Xu1, Haiqiang Yin1*and Muhammad Irfan1,2
..., Khorata danxia Sheng and Xu, sp. nov. (♂♀), is described from Danxiashan National Nature Reserve in Guangdong, China. The new species is diagnosed, described and illustrated with photographs.
Tian Tian, Lili Luo*, Haiyan Wang and Lei Wang
...e treatment, p<0.05. When the levels of β-human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone were increased, the success rate of methotrexate combined with mifepristone tablets showed a decreasing trend, p<0.05. When the maximum diameter value of pelvic effusion was increased, the success rate of conservative treatment with methotrexate combined with mifepristone tablets showed a decreasing trend, p<0.05. The risk f...
Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Sehrish Firyal1, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1
...production was recorded when the LB medium was supplemented with 4% wheat bran and 2% yeast extract. The locally produced recombinant β-lactamase exhibited strong potential regarding the hydrolysis of β-lactam ring containing antibiotics and showed comparable results to β-lactamase from Hi-media kit available in the market. The β-lactamase from current study was found suitable for its use as positive control in antibiotic susceptibility tes...

Ayesha Gul1, Mohammad Sayyar Khan1*, Mazhar Ullah1 and Iqbal Munir3

...wn on MS media and were then transferred to different PEG concentrations (0%, 2.5%, 5% and 7.5%). Data was taken after 30 and 60 days of treatment. Relative growth of call showed significant decrease after 30 and 60 days. Control had maximum relative growth (3.33), while calli on 7.5% PEG showed the least growth rate i.e 1.33. Similarly, non-stressed control calli had higher water content i.e. (20%) while 7.5% stressed calli showed lowest water content i.e. (5...
Ahmad Wahyudi1*, Sujono Sujono2, Listiari Hendraningsih2, Ari Prima2, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile3 and 
Ivar Zekker4
...rn, TMR followed by CON then TMR silage (64.09; 62.98; 54.21 for DMD) and 73.92; 75.99; 63.78 for OMD. The age has non-significant effect into digestibility. Highest ADG (kg head-1 day-1) were was obtained from TMR feed (0.70), followed by CON (0.65) and TMR silages (0.45). The older calves the higher ADG reached (0.65; 0.60 and 0.55). It could be concluded that addition urea 1.5 % in TMR could increase calves’ performances, but on ...

Reena Ambreen1, Sadaf Sarfraz1*, Fouzia Qamar2 and Shomaila Skinadar1 

...ition to solubilization phenomena, in the present study foam formation more specifically ion flotation has been discussed to understand the dye-surfactant interactions resulting in the removal of dyes/colored substances.


Najam-un-Nisa1, Ruqia Bibi1, Balqees Riaz1, Bushra Khalil1, Iqra Maheen1, Saima1, Uzma Islam Khan1 and Inam Ullah1,2*

...or environmental changes hence the migratory birds fauna was observed during September to March of the year 2017-1019. Point transect method was used to explore the avifauna diversity at study site. In current study, total of 13,933 birds belonging to 39 species, 21 families were observed. Among these 39 species, 33 bird’s species were terrestrial and the rest of 21 bird’s species were aquatic. In water birds species, Great Egret is the most abunda...

Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Iram Liaqat*, Junaid Nadeem, Hammad Aamir and Shaukat Ali

... time of ancient Greece when it was frequently used as wound dressings. In recent years, several studies have investigated the alleged antibacterial potential of spider silk but the results have largely been inconclusive. The studies either failed to consider the inhibitory effects of the processing chemicals or did not investigate whether the inhibitory potential is an intrinsic property of silk or is due to the aggregate gland secretion coating its surface, ...

Huda Bilal1, Hasnain Raza2*, Kaynat Ahmed2, Iqra Tariq2, Qurat-ul-Ain2, Sana Sarfaraz1, Sanaullah1, Maryam Maqsood3 and Ali Raza3

...o replenish and recover when eroded. A severe threat to the anthropological system was the loss of biodiversity that took place over the planet. Climate change has the opposite effect on habitat fragmentation and contributes to the loss of biological diversity at the habitat, genetic, and species levels in a synergistic way. Land and aquatic biodiversity greatly influenced, some species are exhibiting different responses to these changing climatic factors like...

Muhammad Nauman1, Iftikhar Ali3, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Fazli Ahad1 and Touheed Iqbal4

...maximum genetic advance, hence indicated that selection could be effective in the early generation for the improvements of these studied traits. Generally, cross combinations C-88 × C-89, C-93 × C-95, C-97 × C-88 performed better for oleic acid, glucosinolate content, and erucic acid, so that these segregants could be used for biodiesel and other industrial purposes.


Junaid Ahmad1, Shahzeb Javed2*, Mehmood Khan1, Shadman1, Muhammad Farooq3*, Muhammad Saleem4, Rahila Afzal5, Muhammad Aasim6, Naqeeb Ullah7, Muhammad Noman Khan8, Dawood8 and Naila Ilyas9

...had acceptable practice when it came to food safety and hygiene. In the near future, continuous education is required to raise awareness among young adults; they will be the ones directly handling food and will play a key role in helping to maintain a sanitary and clean environment.


Amir Muhammad Khan1, Laila Fayyaz2*, Raziuddin2, Sajid Ali1, Israr-ud-Din1, Sheraz Ahmad2, Haidar Ali1 and Ijaz Ahmad2

...types for seed yield and hence were the best genetic resources to increase seed yield in rapeseed. Traits including primary branches on main raceme, pods mainraceme-1, pod length and erucic acid were important while making indirect selection to improve seed weight and oil content in rapeseed. 

Jun-Dong Tian1,2, Wei-Jie Guo1,2, Han Yan1, Jie Zhang1, Shu-Liao Tian3 and Ji-Qi Lu1,2,*
...sus macaque population. Then 16S rRNA sequencing technology was adopted to assess the microbial communities. The results showed i) the dominant phyla were Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Proteobacteria and Spirochaetace accounting for over 86 % of the richness of whole microbiota, ii) Ruminococcaceae, Prevotellaceae, Lactobacillaceae and Spirochaetaceae were together taken over 60% at family level, iii) Prevotella was the dominant genus, iv) the community ri...
Nagarathinam Arunkumar*, Jainullabudeen Gulsar Banu, Nagarajan Gopalakrishnan and Arkalgud Hiriyannaiah Prakash


...Solenopsis Mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley and the Striped Mealybug, Ferrisia virgata Cockerell infesting cotton. The results clearly indicated that the bacterial isolates A. lwoffii PSAD2 and A. beijerinckii PSAD7 expressed maximum mortality percentage against the mealybugs. The results of this study will be helpful in developing lipase-based microbial insecticides for the management of waxy cuticle-protected insect pests....
Liyun Chang1, Yingbin Chen1, Qian Kang1, JianhuaQin1,* and Zhiyong Liu2,*
... C. parvum, were then detected using Ct value comparison method (RT-QPCR2-ΔΔCt). The primers were designed according to the sequence of mouse cytokines in GenBank. The expression levels of the cytokines were normalized to GAPDH gene expression. Fluorescence threshold (Ct value) obtained from RT-QPCR2-ΔΔCt method with GAPDH standard curve (linearity R2=1), followed by sequencing analysis showed tha...
Xueli Jiang1,2, Jie Gao3, Muhammad Zahid Sharif1,2, Xuewen Zhang4 and Fanglin Liu1,*
...nt-size: small;">Nectar phenolics have a widespread effect on honey bees and their colonies. Because of their complex, non-linear interactions, it is difficult to assess honey bee health risks from exposure to real-world floral nectar with complex phenolic mixture. In the study, we investigate the bee losses of Apis mellifera in the flowering period of the Mexican sunflower Tithonia diversifolia in southwestern...
Yonghua Liu*, Xianhua Li, Xiongfei Yan, Gang Li, Caiyun Luo and Ying He
...a was shortened and then prolonged. At 30 and 35°C, with increased exposure time, the development time was shorter than that at 25°C, whereas it was significantly longer at 40°C. The increase in temperatures and treatment times resulted in gradual decrease in mating rate. With increased temperature, the average fecundity, fecundity rate, and average adult longevity (of both the males and females), gradually decreased. Furthermore, with increase...
Zheng Yan1,2,*, Shuang Liu2, Ai-Qing Liu2 and Hai-Yan Wang2
... per day, respectively. Then, skin elasticity was measured using a cutimeter dual MPA 580. The concentraions of three type of collagens, hyaluronic acid and hydroxyproline in skin tissue were also determined. The results indicated that the oral administration of elastin peptide greatly improved the skin elasticity, accompanying with significantly upregulated expression of hyaluronic acid and hydroxyproline. In addition, the contents of collagen in animal skin ...
Gong Xue-na1, Jia Ting2, Zhang Di2 and Zhu Wanlong1*
...tion strategies in Eothenomys miletus of different areas from Hengduan mountain regions in response to high-fat diet, E. miletus in Jianchuan (JC) and Xianggelila (XGLL) were fed a high-fat (HF) diet for 4 weeks and returned to a low-fat (LF) diet for another 4 weeks, body mass, food intake, resting metabolic rate (RMR), activity behavior, serum leptin levels, hypothalamic neuropeptide expressions and body comp...

Mukhtar Iderawumi Abdulraheem1*, Muhammad Ihtisham2*, Abiodun Yusuff Moshood3, Nawab Khan4, Muhammad Owais Shahid5, Shafiq Hussain6, Kumail Abbas6 and Fawad Zaman7

...asses mulching, and polythene mulching. The findings revealed that all of the okra plants tested were susceptible to virus infections regardless of treatment. Those who had a treatment combination of three weedings and polythene mulching, on the other hand, had the lowest incidence and severity of viral infection, while those who received no weeding and no mulching had the highest. At the 7th week after planting, the treatme...

Syed Rashid Ali1*, Saad Uddin Khan1 and Ahmed Raza ul Mustafa2

...atistics. Policymakers, when designing policies to promote rice production, should consider the exchange rate volatility.


Inam Ur Rahman1, Sanam Wagma Khattak2*, Muhammad Israr3 and Saima Hashim4 a multi-dimensional phenomenon comprises of Food Availability, Food Accessibility, Food Utilization and Food Stability is calculated through linear scaling technique. The study has developed two thresholds each one for overall developing countries and regional countries (South Asia). The food security situation of Pakistan is compared to both thresholds. The results show that Pakistan is comparatively a food insecure country. It lags behind in terms of foo...

Nazeer Ahmed Lashari1*, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh2, Aijaz Hussain Soomro2 and ShamsuddinTunio3

...lues of 92.00 in BS-385 when packed in cotton bag for 9 months however, it was 48.00 after 3 months when packed in nylon bag. The statistical analysis showed that there was substantial variance between the varieties. Culinary superiority parameter such as WAR was ranged between 2.3 (DR-82 and IR-6). Volume expansion ratio was 0.8 in DR-82 and 5.70 in IR-6 in cotton bag. Present study concludes that the moisture (%) was highl...

Murad Ali* and Said Wahab (11.96 meq kg-1) and then tallow (10.507-meq kg-1). Initial value in oil,value of peroxide was recorded as low as (5.05 meq kg-1),which significantly increased to (20.68 meq kg-1) in the 5thhour of frying. In addition, a higher acid value (1.499) recorded in ghee medium followed by oil (1.389) and then tallow (1.250), highest acid value (2.01) in the 5th hour of frying in ghee.Total polar materials (13.166) were higher in...

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Sallam Shahzad2, Farhat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Luqman1, Usman Saleem3 and Shoaib Nasir4

...cils were selected, and then two villages from each union council and 10 farmers from each village were selected randomly. Thus, a total sample comprised of 120 rice growers. A well-structured interview schedule was used for data collection. Descriptive statistics i.e. frequency, mean and standard deviation were applied through Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Results showed that the use of farmers’ training as an extension method for prom...

Yonis Abukar Mohamed1, Md. Nazrul Islam1, Md. Haydar Ali1, Mahfuza Akther1 and Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2*

...s 10.6%. While 17.3% roughened and thick capsule with whitish or reddish discoloration throughout the capsule. Gross lesions of fascioliasis found in the liver were increase in the size of the organ were 14.6%. The infected bile ducts were also filled with blackish brown exudates giving the pipe stem appearance of the liver was noticed 13.3%. In histopathological study of acute Fascioliasis, there was lot of hepatocytic alterations like swelling of individual ...
Muhammad Zahid1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Khushi Muhammad2,Muhammad Usman1,*, Muhammad Husnain1 and Nadeem Kamal3 Se/kg BW) and NSAID (phenylbutazone @ 8mg/kg BW) after every 8 h and immune booster (Selevit® @ 20ml) daily by IV route. The members in groups B were treated similarly except that they were not given immune booster. Both groups were treated for three consecutive days. The effectiveness of a particular treatment regime was evaluated on the basis of disappearance of clinical biomarkers, while values of BEF positive animals’ hematological ...
Amin Arif1, Khizar Samiullah1*, Riffat Yasin2, Bilal Rasool1, Shakila Naz1, Xijun Ni3 and Saleem Akhtar1
...ave been discussed comprehensively. Palaeoenvironment, biostratigraphy and geology of the locality have also been discussed. The coexistence of Giraffokeryx punjabiens with its mammalian paleo-community reveals the persistence of mosaics of diverse habitats ranging from tropical evergreen forest to subtropical ones, closed seasonal woodlands to wooded savannas during the deposition of the Dhok Bun Ameer Khatoon, Chinji Formation.
Madiha Nawaz and Shoaib Freed

...l;">Cotton mealybug, Phenacoccus solenopsis Tinsley is a destructive pest of cotton, ornamental plants and many other crops due to its polyphagous nature. A study was conducted to check the efficacy of different local isolates of entomopathogenic fungi on 2nd nymphal instar of P. solenopsis under laboratory conditions by immersion method. Three entomopathogenic fungi; Beauveria bassiana (isolates Bb-01, Bb-08), Metarhizium an...
Zhiyuan Sun1, 3, Xuhui Zhang2,*, Xian Li3, Yanping Huang3, Shiyan Sui3, Weifeng Liu3, Guochao Ni3, Xiaozhou Xu1, Jianbo Yang1, Xue Lian1 and Hui Jia1
...tions at 6-h intervals. Then, LPS pigs and ACTH+LPS pigs were injected intramuscularly with LPS (15 μg/kg body weight). LPS upregulated levels of pulmonary IL-1β, IL-10, TLR2 gene mRNAs (P <0.01, P =0.006, P =0.04, respectively), and T-NOS, iNOS and cNOS proteins (P =0.002, P =0.028 and P =0.003, respectively) and increased serum tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) concentration (P <0.01), bu...

Asma Hanif* and Shahnaz Dawar

...inimum hatching of eggs when used at 75 and 50% concentrations but in case of 200 and 30 (C) potency, only 100% concentration showed maximum effect after 72 and 96 hours followed by 75% concentration which had slight effect, whereas 50% concentration found to fail in killing the second stage of juveniles. Other homeopathic drugs used in the experiment showed no significant nematicidal effect against M. incognita. Kent-20 and Santonine-43 at three different con...

Mahmoud M.A.Youssef and Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi

...amma irradiation doses. When tomato plants infected by root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita were exposed to combined elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration (+100 ppm) and higher temperature (+2oC), tomato shoot dry weight and nematode control were increased compared to prevailing conditions.


Christopher Oche Eche1*, Juliana Iye Oluwatayo1, Demben Moses Esang2, Paul Madina2 and Alexander Uloko1 than yields obtained when either eucalyptus biochar or sawdust was applied singly. The study showed evidence of nematode population control and yield improvement when mixed formulations of sawdust-eucalyptus biochar was applied at 2.5 and 5.0 t/ha and hence recommended for inclusion in the integrated pest management program for beniseed production in Makurdi.


Riaz Alam1*, Muhammad Sajid2 and Durri Shahwar3

...o all these attributes, when treated with 1000 and 3000 ppm IBA solution respectively. 


Muhammad Junaid Yousaf 1, Farhad Ali2*and Fawad Ali2 which it is exposed. When three days old seedlings of maize were subjected to aerial salt stress of concentrations; 0.2%, 0.6% 1.2%, and 2% after a week in soil, the seedlings revealed the antagonistic effects which increased with elevated concentrations of salt stress. The experiment was kept for 5 weeks and the chlorophyll content, relative water contents (RWC), leaf water loss (WL), and Electrolytic leakage (EL) were measured, the seedlings showed adapta...
Jia Liu1, Zhen Wang1, Zifan Ning1, Ali Mujtaba Shah2,3,Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Huadong Yin1, Zhichao Zhang1, Lu Zhang1, Yaofu Tian1, Diyan Li1,Gang Shu2,4, Lin Ye1 and Xiaoling Zhao1,*
... in the skeletal muscle phenotype of FG and SG chickens. We collected pectoralis major (PM) and gastrocnemius muscles (GM) on d 1, 7, 28, 49, and 70 post-hatch, and measured the weights of the muscles, diameter and, a density of myofibers, and the expression abundances of MyoD, MyoG, IGF-1, and Pax7. The body weight of FG was heavier than SG from d 7 to 70. Their muscle weights and myofiber diameters of FG were also greater than SG ...
Qazi Muhammad Noman1, Farhan Mahmood Shah1, Khalid Mahmood2 and Muhammad Razaq1*
... June to July, a period when the mangoes ripe and mean temperature is high. In citrus orchards, minimum population was observed from January to February, a period when the citrus fruit is available in the orchard but the temperature is too low for larval development. Several factors such as temperature, availability of preferred host and alternate host could contribute towards the population buildup of fruit flies in this re...
Song Jiang, Dong-liang Liu, Fa-lin Zhou, Xian-bin Mo, Qi-bin Yang, Jian-hua Huang, Li-shi Yang and Shi-gui Jiang*
... (P<0.05) and then decreased at 32nd h, ,while under high salinity stimulation, the expression level of PmNa+-K+-ATPase mRNA reached the highest at 8th h and 32nd h. The expression level of PmToll receptor mRNA reached the highest at 4th h after low salinity stimulation (P<0.05), and then down-regulated after 16th h, while under high salinity stress, the expressi...
Congfen Zhang1,Yingxiao Liu2, Linfeng He2, Fengjun Shi2, Weitang Yao2 and Xuegang Luo2,* increased at 4 h and then decreased compared with control. And, the contents of GSH were decreased gradually. However, the activities of catalase were inhibited and the trend of SOD activity changes was down-regulation in a time-dependent manner with higher concentration treatments. The changing trends in the mRNA levels of these enzymes were not always consistent with those of enzymatic activities. The fat body of A. pernyi, as an important antioxid...

Mst. Deloara Begum1, Md. Muniruzzaman1, Md. Salauddin2* and Md. Mostafizer Rahman1

Zhi-Peng Li, Laiba Shafique, Saif ur Rehman, Kui-Qing Cui, Xiao-Can Lei, Xing-Rong Lu, De-Shun Shi* and Qing-You Liu*
...d in the first 12 h but then increased during the process of oocyte maturation. QRT-PCR analysis revealed that Gas6 mRNA was continuously expressed during the process of oocyte maturation, disappeared after parthenogenetic activation, re-appeared and elevated in the blastocysts stage. The following western blot analysis revealed a similar expression pattern with QRT-PCR and immunofluorescence. In conclusion, the expre...
Vishal Ambidi 1,3, Sanjeev Bantewad2, Suraj Prasad Mishra1, Anupama Hingane1 and Jagdish Jaba1*
...complex. Whereas, total phenols, tannins, total flavonoids present in seeds showed significant negative correlation with correlation coffecient (r) being (-0.729**, - 0.650**, -0.783**), respectively with percent pod damage by pod borer complex. Thus genotypes with maximum pod wall thickness, high non glandular trichome density and high phenol, tannins, flavonoids content in pigeonpea genotypes showed tolerance to pod borer ...

Muhammad Usman Asif*, Raza Muhammad, Waseem Akbar, Mubasshir Sohail, Muhammad Awais and Javed Asgher Tariq

...during the time of year when moths are most abundant.


Shoaib ur Rehman1, Jabbar Khan2*, Raaza Malja Khan3, Maimoona Azam4 and Zeeshan Mutahir5;A). The present study hence showed differences with previous results from other regions of the Pashtun ethnic group, which demarcates the heterogeneity in mutations found in the Pashtun ethnicity. These observations may help in arranging counseling about disease recurrence in future, large scale mutation screening and PND not only for Kohat region but also the whole community of KP province. Such study could provide valuable information regarding thalassemi...

Amina, Muhammad Zahid Rashid and Amina Rashid

...ty, total sugars, total phenolic compounds as well as antioxidants.


Mubeen Zahra1,2, Muhammad Nawaz3, Muhammad Umer Chattha4, Imran Khan4, Muhammad Bilal Chattha5*, Muhammad Ashraf Bhatti6, Abdul Rehman4, Faryal Ahmed4, Faran Muhammad4, Mina Kharal7 and Muhammad Umair Hassan4

...arameters were recorded when first irrigation was applied 60 days after sowing. Among cultivars Galaxy-2013 performed well maximum LAI, CGR, plant height (83.42 cm), tillers (358 m2), spikelet/spike (18.61), grains/spike (44.97), 1000 seed weight (43.4 g) and grain yield (4.42 t ha-1), whereas Td-1 performed poorly with minimum LAI, CGR, plant height (71.10 cm), tillers (331 m2), spikelet/spike (17.64), grains/spike (35.48), 1000 grain weight (35.50 g) and gra...

Muhammad Shahbaz1,2, Sajid Abdullah1*, Huma Naz3*, Khalid Abbas1, Tanveer Ahmed4, Sana Mehmood1, Muhammad Adeel Hussan5

...duced in all treatments when compared control. CAT activity was observed higher in the gills, muscle and liver tissues of T1 diet fed C. idella as 14.68±0.90, 12.76±0.87 and 20.34±0.99 UmL-1, respectively. Comparison among diets for CAT activity showed the trend as T4<T3<T2<T1. The maximum CAT level was noted in liver than that of gills and muscles. 
Novelty Statemen...

Bibek Aryal, Naresh Pandey and Laxman Khanal*

...od ecological indicator; hence, this study examined the effects of urbanization on bird species richness and diversity in Butwal Sub-Metropolitan City, one of the rapidly expanding cities in the central lowland Nepal. Bird surveys were conducted during the winter and post-monsoon seasons of 2020 along eight transects each of 2 km length by positioning the point count stations at every 200 m interval. The associations of bird richness and abundance with NDVI as...

Atef El-Sagheer1*, Anas El-Mesalamy1, Abdel-Monem Anany2 and Nashaat Mahmoud1 at (1012) (42.95 %), then in third treatment with C. albidus (103) by (40.50 %). On the other hand, all tested treatments decreased the negative effects of nematodes and enhanced growth characters of squash plants. The highest enhancement in the growth characters were recorded in treatment with P. guilliermondii filtrate at (1012).

Monif AlRashidi1*, Sami Saeed M. Hassan2 and Mohammed Shobrak3
... h and 20:00 - 21:59 h) when it was incubated 56.67 %, 29.17 % and 45.00 % respectively. The incubating parent spent more time sitting on the egg rather than standing on the nest in each two-hour period except for the periods (02:00 - 03:59 h and 20:00 - 21:59 h) when the parent never sat on the egg during the period (02:00 - 03:59 h) and sat for only 16.67 % during the period (20:00 - 21:59 h). Moreover, the incubating adul...
Abdul Sattar*, Hasan Orooj and Muhammad Iqbal Afridi
...n in the very beginning when the dengue epidemic had erupted first time in the year 2011. DHS, MCI/CDA adopted WHO strategy for vector control, however, a new strategic tier was additionally introduced i.e. high risk mapping and response. The team of DHS (Health) envisaged that the load of disease followed by precise micro plan/ mapping that details out distribution of disease, vector (pre-adult and adult stage), as well as sectors vulnerable for dengue be ear...
Abdul Sattar*, Hasan Orooj and Muhammad Iqbal Afridi
...n in the very beginning when the dengue epidemic had erupted first time in the year 2011. DHS, MCI/CDA adopted WHO strategy for vector control, however, a new strategic tier was additionally introduced i.e. high risk mapping and response. The team of DHS (Health) envisaged that the load of disease followed by precise micro plan/ mapping that details out distribution of disease, vector (pre-adult and adult stage), as well as sectors vulnerable for dengue be ear...

Mazhar Ullah and Mohammad Sayyar Khan*

...fferent auxins [Dichlorophenoxy Acetic acid (2,4-D), Nephthalene Acetic Acid (NAA)], cytokinin [Benzyl Amino Purine (BAP)] either alone or in combination with each other and carbon sources [sucrose, glucose and fructose] with varying concentrations (2, 4 and 6%) were evaluated for their effect on the tissue culture of sugarcane variety-CP 77/400. For callus induction 2,4-D as an auxin was found to be most effective as compared to NAA. BAP and NAA in combinatio...
Khanitta Ruangwittayanusorn1, Doungnapa Promket1*, Kamonnate Pimrueng1, Jennarong Kammongkun2
...her EN270, EN360 and EM when compared to the ID and II genotypes. The DRD2 and VIP genes were moderate polymorphism and their alleles could be the potential genetic markers for chickens’ selection to improve egg number.

Adel M. Abdelrahman1, Sahar R. Mohamed1, Soliman M. Soliman2, Sherif Marouf3* 

...s (ESBL) producing one; phenotypic and genotypic. The isolates of P. aeruginosa were confirmed biochemically by a Vitek 2 compact system (bioMe´rieux). Suspected P. aeruginosa colonies carry ESBL were 56.6% by the double disc synergy test (DDST). Detection of virulence genes using pslA, toxA and exoU genes revealed that 29.4%, 23.5% and 17.6% respectively. Molecular detection of ESBLs encoding genes in P. aeruginosa recorded that blaTEM genes blaSHV and ...
Muhammad Rizwan1*, Bilal Atta1, Misbah Rizwan2, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Tahir3, Muhammad Sabar1, Muddassar Ali1 and Muhammad Yasir Ali4
...strategy because of apprehensions about health and environmental hazards, exposure risks, residual perseverance and development of resistance. So there is a need to find out an alternate practice for the management of this pest. Pest damage may be reduced through the proper management of nutrients requirements and modifications with mineral nutrients such as Silicon (Si). In this experiment, Si amendments, at the rate of 1.25 and 2.50 g Sikg-1 soil ...

Khlood G. Abdelkhalek*, Aly B. A. Badawy, Mohamed Fathi, Elshymaa A. Abdelnaby 

... to 6.5-months-old, and then a second elevation was reported at 9.5-months-old, both E2 and NOMs levels were increased significantly (P<0.05) from 8-months to 10-months-old. Testosterone level showed a significant (P<0.05) increase from 8.5-months to 10-months-old, while LH level was elevated from 6.5-months to 7.5-months-old. Both Doppler indices; resistive index (RI) and pulsatility index (PI) were negatively correlated with PSV (r=-0.52 and -0.68; P&l...

Mohammed Naji Ahmed Odhah1,2*, Dhary Alewy Almashhadany6, Abdullah Garallah Otaifah7, Bashiru Garba5, Najeeb Mohammed Salah2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse4*, Mohd Azam Khan G.K3 

Nguyenthuy Linh1, Nguyen Thi Kim Dong2*, Nguyen Van Thu3 

...of isoleucine, leucine, phenylalanine in the ME 12.97 treatment were significantly (P<0.05) higher than those of the other treatments. At 10-week-old period, the Lys 1.1 and ME 13.81 treatments had some better essential amino acid digestibility values, particularly, arginine, isoleucine, lysine; and methionine isoleucine, lysine, methionine, and threonine (P<0.05). Additionally, nitrogen retention in the Lys 1.2 and Lys 1.1 treatments (for 8 and 10-week-...
Amr N. El-Shahat1, Refaat G. Hamza1,*, Ashraf M. Mounir1 and Madeha N. Al-Seeni2
...xidative damage in rats when compared to control group. In GFJ (10ml/Kg B Wt. /day) treated irradiated group, there were noticeable decreases recorded in lipid contents, concentration of serum urea, creatinine and uric acid, glucose level, activity of some liver enzymes and liver and kidney TBARS levels with remarkable increases in level of HDL-C, insulin and showing elevation in GSH level and SOD and CAT activities ...
Syed Sikandar Habib1*, Saira Naz2, Sadia Nawaz1, Iqra Ameer1, Ameer Khatoon1, Hameed Ur Rehman3, Sahibzada Muhammad Jawad4 and Haider Ali5
...eters of farm and river Chenab (wild) selected fish species including (Labeo rohita, Cirrhinus mrigala, Cyprinus carpio, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix, Ctenopharyngodon idella). Fish species selected for the current study is generally widely cultured in Pakistan and worldwide. Fish sampling was done by using different nets (river and farm) and blood sampling was immediately drawn from caudal peduncle by syringe and added in EDTA containing vial and shake ...
Muhammad Taqi1, Shazia Erum2, Shamaila Rasheed2, Sadar Uddin Siddiqui2 and Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi2*
... length (7.07) occurred when the fresh shoot tip of C. tuberculata were planted on to MS salts containing 2 mg/L of BAP, 0.5 mg/L of NAA and 0.25 mg/L of Kin. The new shoots were then inoculated on 1/2 strength MS salts fortified with NAA and IBA root induction. The highest rooting percentage (61.67%), as well as root length (3.4 cm) was obtained with 0.5mg/L of both IBA and NAA. The current study could be beneficial for pro...

Stephen Chijioke Emencheta1, Chinelo Charity Eze1, Anthony Amaechi Attama2, Damian Ejike Agbo1 and Ebele Benedette Onuigbo1*

...aztreonam (ATM), chloramphenicol (CPL), gentamicin (GTN), tetracycline (TTE), sulphamethoxazole/trimethoprim (SXT), amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (AMC), meropenem (MEM), ciprofloxacin (CIP), ceftriaxone (CRO)). Plaque assay was done to determine lytic action of the bacteriophage on the lawns of the Pseudomonas sp. The host range of the isolated bacteriophages was also assessed. Cultural characteristics and biochemical tests confirmed the Pseudomonas aeruginosa i...

Vahid Mollasadeghi1,2* and Samaneh Elyasi1,2

...ropagated and grown and then transferred to sterile plastic pots with suitable soil. The randomized complete block design (RCBD) was performed in three replications. Pars Humic treatment (Ammonium Humate) was treated with control concentrations (zero), 1, 2 and 3 per thousand. PVY-activated tobacco leaf extract was used to infect the potato plant. This paper measured chlorophyll a, b, leaf area, number of leaves, stem length and tuber weight. The results showe...

M. Hanafy1, Rehab Elhelw2, Soliman M. Soliman3, Sherif Marouf2* 

... this study is to apply phenotypic and genotypic characterization of members of Pasteurella species isolated from camel from different governorates in Egypt. Camels with respiratory manifestation as nasal discharge, fever, off food, with ocular discharge and air gasping, paralysis of lips and salivation were subjected to clinical examination and a total of 141 samples were collected as follow; 111 nasopharyngeal swabs, 15 tracheal swabs and 15 lung specimens c...
Samaria Nisar1, Tariq Manzoor Khan1, Muhammad Ahsan Iqbal1, Rahmat Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3*, Saghir Ahmad3, Amna Bibi3, Hafeez ur Rehman4, Umar Farooq4 and Muhammad Zubair Ishaq5
...gth, and fiber fineness when the correlation coefficient was calculated. The bolls/ plant revealed a positive correlation with the boll weight and the production of seed cotton. Boll weight revealed a positive correlation with fiber length and ginning gout turn. Fiber length this positively associated with fiber strength. Correlation analysis showed that100 seeds (g) weight was positively linked to fiber fineness, yield per plant (g) and GOT. It is investigate...
Ali Ikhwan1*, Dian Indratmi1, Faridlotul Hasanah1, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum2,3 and Irum Iqrar4,5
... absolute methanol, and then the supernatant is purified using a centrifuge. The metabolic analysis was performed using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) and comparing the data with the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database to obtain specific metabolites. The inhibition test was done with one control (P0: chemical fungicide) and two-level of treatment, i.e., the concentration of purple Cleome extract (P1: 80 % and P2: 40 %), ...

Faryal Malik, Mudassar Nawaz Khan* and Israr-ud-Din

... flooded for 6 days and then recovered for 8 days after removal of flooding stress. The shoot pigmentations were suppressed as they turned pale under flooding stress but recovered to green when observed at the end of recovery period. The morphological parameters of shoot & root lengths and weights were suppressed in flooded seedlings, but recovered during the recovery. CAT activity in Atta Habib was raised from 1.63 unde...

Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning1,2, L.M. Yusiati1, C. Hanim1, B.P. Widyobroto1*

...nbsp;Succinivibrio when added cineole showed a higher relative abundance than the controls. Methane production is positively correlated with the relative abundance of Prevotella, dry matter degradability, and propionate. As such, the addition of galangal EO can decrease CH4 and NH3 productions by inhibiting the nutrients digestibility in the rumen and possibly increasing Succinivibrio (a significant actor for methanogenesis) and Prevotella (a major actor ...

Amal H. Mostafa, Mohammed Y. Matoock, Heba M. A. Khalil* 

...nd subsequent recovery. Then they were housed in kennels and retested after being subjected to a management procedures for one week. Most of the dogs showed no aggression in the friendly greeting test and room behavior test, moderate response for a look test and tag test, while displayed high aggressive response during leash manner, sensitivity, squeeze, food behavior, toy behavior, and dog to dog behavior tests as well. Dogs aggressive responses were reduced ...
Romaan Hayat Khattak1, Zhensheng Liu1*, Liwei Teng1* and Ejaz ur Rehman2
...n local scales to strengthen the conservation practices. Twenty-one species representing 18 genera, 12 families and six orders of mammals were recorded in Nowshera district, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (KP), Pakistan from an inventory conducted from November 2018 to July 2019. Selected locations were scanned by walking and grey literature was used. Five of the recorded species were found in captive breeding facilities while rest of the species were recorded ex...

Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro1*, Nadeem Sadiq1, Javed Ahmed Abro1, Amanullah1, Fateh Muhammad2, Maqbool Ahmed3, Syed Ishtiaq Ahmed Shah3 and Qasid Hussain4

...ough mineral fertilizer when applied in soil during the two periods (three months), besides treatment 5 (NPK 50:25:25) was the superior in this concern.


Ali Zohaib*, Muzzammil Hussain, Iftikhar Ahmad and Adnan Bashir of fine basmati rice; hence, could be adopted for better productivity and economic benefits of mechanically transplanted fine basmati rice.

Fang Zhao, Gen Wang, Xiaobin Li, Guodong Zhao, Hui Chen, Chen Ma and Kailun Yang*

...T 5-HTP supplementation when compared with that at 0 h before feeding. The plasma concentration of Trp remained unchanged with RPT 5-HTP supplementation. However, the plasma concentration of 5-HT increased significantly in the sheep of CT + 222 group at 3, 4.5, 6, 8, and 12 h post feeding in the morning when compared with that at 0 h before feeding. The effect of RPT 5-HTP supplementation on the plasma MLT concentration was ...

Mustafa Ozan Atasoy vaccine formulations; hence, the optimal competence of these vaccines against viral diseases has been reported. Based on the current knowledge, this article outlines the benefits and drawbacks of HVT-vectored vaccines in combating health-threatening poultry infections and briefly pinpoints the future perspectives for improving the success of poultry vaccines. 


Shireen S. Aboelwafa¹, Alsagher O. Ali², Rania Hamada³, Hassan Y.A.H. Mahmoud2* 

...viously aborted females when evaluated as risk factors for T. gondii infection in both ewes and does. Overall, our study was considered as an initial survey on toxoplasmosis and neosporosis in Luxor governorate also the results of this study showed a broad distribution for both protozoa in evaluated sheep and goat flocks.

Keywords | Protozoan, Parasites, Sheep, Goats, Egypt, ELISA 


Kusuma Adhianto*, Satria Ibnu Lenanto, Akhmad Dakhlan, Muhamad Dima Iqbal Hamdani 

...he value of genetic and phenotypic correlation between weaning weight and one yearling weight of female Saburai goats in Sumberejo District, Tanggamus Regency. A total of 100 female of Saburai goats aged one year were used in this study. This research data uses primary and secondary data taken from direct observations in the field and livestock recording data from Sumberejo District. The method used is a survey method, the research sample was determined by pur...

Arkan B. Mohammed*, Ammar S. Abdulwahid, Samah M. Raouf 

...r supplementation on the hen egg production (HD%), total egg production, egg quality, antioxidant and biochemical parameters of laying hens. One hundred and eighty Hy-line Brown hens, 40 weeks old were randomly divided into 9 groups of 20 hens and subjected to one of the following treatments: T1 (control diet), T2 (5g/kg of thyme), and T3 (10g/kg of thym...
Imran Bodlah1*, Muhammad Tariq Rasheed1, Muhammad Farooq Nasir1, Tariq Mahmood2 and Muhammad Asif3
... Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens, 1836) (Chrysopidae: Neuroptera) were found to be the bio-control agents of P. simlae.


A.M. Abdul Azeem, Ashraf M. Mounir and Amr N. El-Shahat*

...rradiation on the total phenolic compounds and total flavonoid contents of dried pumpkin seeds as well to determine the hypoglycemic influence of γ-irradiated pumpkin seeds dried powder (GPSDP) on diabetic rats. In this work, the level of total phenolic and total flavonoid contents of raw dried pumpkin seeds was significantly increase under the effect of γ-irradiation (10 kGy). The results showed that glucose and...

Jiao Ma*

...ith different molecular phenotypes and differentiation potentials have been discovered and studied. Increased proliferation and differentiation of these cells in areas of cardiac ischemia is a significant factor in the repair and enhancement of heart injury. This role of endogenic cardiac stem cells can be regulated by factors. Numerous causes, such as paracrine and autocrine factors, extracellular matrixes and genetic factors. In general, it is well known tha...

Amira Mahmoud Refaie1*, Marwa Hosni Abd El-Maged2, Hassan Abd El-Kriam Hassan Abd El-Halim2, Hanan Abd El-Rahman Hassan Alghonimy2, Sayed Ahmed Mohamed Shaban1 

...quality traits of laying hens. A total number of 240 Fayoumi chicken hens were classified into two equal experiments, 120 hens each (4 groups × 3 replicates × 10 birds). In each experiment, birds were divided into 4 treatment groups as follow: Normal control, positive control (0.0125% Butylated hydroxytoluene; BHT), 0.1% and 0.3% DPP, respectively. The DPP was used in two forms...

Sameh Abdel-Moez Ahmed Amer1*, Mohamed Abdel-Aziz Kutkat1, Mohamed Mahmoud Abdel-Baki1, Asmaa Mahmoud Maatouq1, Omnia Mohamed Kutkat2, Hagar Magdy Ahmed1, Khaled Mohamed El-Bayoumi1 

...the presence of NDV and then sequenced. Our results demonstrated that, RT-PCR was successfully detecting 62 NDV samples. While, Sequencing and phylogenesis of six selected isolates revealed that, all isolates were virulent NDV with amino acid motive 112RRQKRF117 at F protein cleavage site. Furthermore, all isolates were clustered together with NDV genotype VII.1.1 (former GVIId) in a high similarity with previously reported strains from Egypt since 2012 till n...

Ziyue Qin1, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, 3, Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Diyan Li1, Gang Shu4, Yaofu Tian1 and Xiaoling Zhao1*

...eached peaks at 20 min, then recovered to the normal at 60 min. Birds treated with glucose had greater blood glucose concentration and area under the curve (AUC) in SG than those of FG (P > 0.05). Administration of insulin at 40 and 60 µg/kg BW dramatically decreased blood glucose level in FG but didn’t affect SG. And at 40 µg/kg BW insulin administration, FG had lower blood glucose than SG (P < 0.05). These results suggested that the g...

Yuan Zhang1, Qingyue Han1, Peiquan Du1, Yi Lu1, Lianmei Hu1, Sadaqat Ali2, Khalid Mehmood2, Sajid Hameed2, Zhaoxin Tang1, Hui Zhang1* and Ying Li1*


... test exposed the immunophenotype positive for CD79a. Finally, B-cell (CD79a) polycentric lymphoma was confirmed. This case report introduces the diagnostic methods of IHC and immunohistochemistry, rarely used in the diagnosis of lymphoma in clinical practice in China, which can provide a reference for veterinarians in clinical diagnosis.


Yuan Zhang1, Qingyue Han1, Peiquan Du1, Yi Lu1, Lianmei Hu1, Sadaqat Ali2, Khalid Mehmood2, Sajid Hameed2, Zhaoxin Tang1, Hui Zhang1* and Ying Li1*


... test exposed the immunophenotype positive for CD79a. Finally, B-cell (CD79a) polycentric lymphoma was confirmed. This case report introduces the diagnostic methods of IHC and immunohistochemistry, rarely used in the diagnosis of lymphoma in clinical practice in China, which can provide a reference for veterinarians in clinical diagnosis.


Mohamed S. Hussein1*, Hanan A. Fahmy2, Ashraf A. Abd El Tawab3 

... was to investigate the phenotypic and genotypic characteristics of quinolones and fluoroquinolones resistance in Escherichia coli recovered from apparently healthy broiler chickens in Egypt. A total of 150 cloacal swabs collected from broiler chickens from farms and bird markets were subjected to bacteriological and biochemical examination. The results revealed that 92% (138/150) of samples were found positive for E. coli. The antimicrobial susceptibility tes...

Esraa Yosry Abdel Halim1, Hamdy El-Essawy1, Abeer Abdel Nasser Awad1, Mona S. El-Kutry2, Lamiaa Ibrahim Ahmed1* the Egyptian markets then were investigated organoleptically and microbiologically. The sensory evaluation revealed that the majority of the examined labneh and cheddar cheese got excellent and good scores, while 90 % of milk powder samples got good scores, based on the overall acceptability scale. The mean titratable acidity percentages of milk powder, labneh and cheddar cheese samples were 0.169 ± 0.018, 0.935 ± 0.046 and 0.197 ± 0.01...

Hera Gul Mohmmand1, Rozina Gul1, Hamayoon Khan2, Sheraz Ahmed1*, Laila Fayyaz1, Ajmalud Din1 and Imtiaz Ali1

... significantly negative phenotypic correlation with plant height. Similarly at genotypic level, it was significantly correlated with seed number pod-1 while negatively with 100-seed weight. Among the tested genotypes, NDC-4-20-1 and NKC-5-S-15 were identified as better performing with phosphorus application while genotype NKC-5-S-12 followed by NDC-4-20-1 performed well in both environments. Therefore, the screened lines could be used in various chickpea breed...

Fulencio Ferretiz-Rodríguez1, Jose Alejandro Roque-Jiménez1, Héctor A. Lee-Rangel1*, Gregorio Alvarez-Fuentes1, Juan Carlos Garcia-Lopez1, Rolando Rojo-Rubio2 higher (P ≤ 0.05) when cows were supplemented with BIO. The chemical composition of the milk did not show differences between treatments. Plasma urea and cholesterol were not different between treatments, glucose shown a decrease (P ≤ 0.05) whit supplementation. Aspartate transferase activity decrease (P ≤ 0.05) with BIO supplementation. Results indicate that the herbal BIO and OP present some productive and metabolic changes.

Keywords | Da...

Lin Huang1, Ling Mai2, Keyan Zhong1 and Xinjun Chen3*

...SeFABP was constructed, then transformed into E. coli BL21 (DE3) and induced by IPTG. The purified SeFABP was obtained by Ni-IDA resins affinity chromatography, and were finally confirmed by SDS-PAGE and Western blot. The results showed that SeFABP, a stable intracellular protein without signal peptide and transmembrane region, was composed of 130 amino acids (AA). It contained 10 phosphorylation sites and 7 post-translational modification sites. Both methods ...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Hina Gohar1, Muhammad Asrar1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Azhar Rasul1, Majid Hussain3, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1, Nisar Ahmad4 and Aqsa Sharif1
...check the effect of polyphenols supplemented canola meal-based diet on proximate composition, mineral absorption and hematology of Cyprinus carpio fingerlings. The diets were formulated in such a way that sufficient supply of all required nutrients were ensured for normal fish growth. Collection of feces from each tank was done twice a day. Impact of each treatment on the absorption of minerals, proximate analysis and hematology were determined using standard ...

Juliet N. Ozioko1, Obinna V. Ayogu2, Benjamin O. Ezema1, Dilibe C. Uramah3 and Kingsley O. Omeje*,1

...ds and 0.360 mg/GAEq of phenolics. Phytol, oleic acids, hexadecanoic acids and octadecanoic acids were detected in the leaf extract by Gas Chomatography-Mass Spectroscopy. White blood cells, hemoglobin and platelets were some of the hematological indices increased after the oral administration of the extract. Red cell distribution width (RDW), a platelet index implicated in cardiovascular ailments was lowered after consumption of the leaf extract of C. albidum...

Nisar Ahmad1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2,*, Azhar Rasul2, M. Mudassar Shahzad3, Arshad Javid4, Hamda Azmat5, M. Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan2, Sadia Tabassum2 and Bilal Ahmad2 noted in fingerlings when fed 1.5 mg/kg levels of Se-nano particles based diets. It was concluded from the results of current study that supplementation of Se NPs (1.5 mg/kg) in sunflower meal based diet improves the mineral absorption and body composition of C. mrigala fingerlings.

Muhammad Qasim Mazari1, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1,*, Hasina Baloch1, Muhammad Saleem Kalhoro2, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Rehana Buriro1, Asmatullah Kaka1, Fahmida Parveen1, Mazhar Hussain Mangi3, Ghulam Murtaza Lochi1, Abdul Ahad Soomro4, Ali Gul Soomro1, Abdul Ghaffar Abbasi1 and Sarfraz Hussain Depar1
... Tuberculin Test (SITT) then positive and negative reactors of SITT were further investigated through Rapid BTB Ab test, culture examination and ELISA test. Risk factors such as sex, age, health status, lactating, non-lactating and breed were also investigated. In district Mirpurkhas prevalence was 4%, 15%, 2%, 1%, while in district Badin it was 5%, 18%, 3%, 2% through SITT, Rapid BTB Ab test, culture examination and ELISA test, respectively. Prevalence of bov...

Shuangye Wang1,2, Yunlin Zhao1,2, Zhenggang Xu2,3,*, Junzhi Chen3, Guiyan Yang3, Song Wang2 and Kangkang Jiang2


...and use and active area when water source was included. While managing the two types of land use these should be connected by vegetation and should not be too far apart. In general, the home range distribution and size changed with the changing periods i.e. dry period and wet period. Available space, food resources, and shelter were influenced by water level variation in Dongting Lake, and water level may be the main factor affecting the distribution and home ...

Nour El-Hoda Khayrat Hammad1*, Yousef Y. El-Seady3, Azza E. Hassan1, Sara T. Elazab2, Magdy S. Amer2 

...nking water for a week, then given LIN oil (60 ml/kg basal diet) for two weeks. FCZ administrated cocks showed elevation in abnormal sperm % and significant decrease in serum testosterone hormonal levels and spermatozoa (viability and motility) which accompanied by some histopathological damage in testes and epididymis. On a molecular basis, mRNA expression of CYP17A1 and LHR genes were significantly reduced in testicular tissues of FCZ group while aromatase g...

Raheela Naz1*, Muhammad Aftab1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Ana Aslam1, Qudsia Nazir1, Asifa Naz3, Abid Niaz4, Farah Rasheed1, Amina Kalsom1, Nisa Mukhtar1, Sadia Sultana1, Ifra Saleem1, Arfan ul Haq1, Muhammad Arif1, Aamer Sattar1, Sarfraz Hussain5 and Muhammad Adnan Rafique6

...nts to become available when the plant needs them and to make maximum benefits, fertilizers should be applied at the right time. In this experiment, impact of fertilizer applying methods for nitrogen and potash at different times was investigated on wheat crop. Wheat was sown as a test crop with six different fertilizer application methods at varying times under RCBD arrangement with three replications. The experimental soil was high in pH, low in fertility st...

Alexander Tsybulsky1*, Tatyana Tabakaeva1, Anna Klimovich2, Michail Shchelkanov1, Eduard Kostetsky1, Maksim Aliev1, Anton Degtyarenko3 

...te of the IFN system at phenotypic and genetic levels along with the analysis of the p53 and gadd45g gene expression can be recommended for the examination of cats with FeLV-induced leukaemia to predict disease dynamics.

Keywords | FeLV infection, leukaemia, haematological analysis, type I-II-III interferon, gene expression, gadd45g, p53. 


Arif Mehmood*, Muhammad Naeem and Ata-ul-Mohsin

...anges of the mosquitoes, hence the clues for controlling.


Saba Iqbal, Asmat Ullah*, Muhammad Luqman, Hafiz Muhammad Akram, Muhammad Kashif Munir and Nawal Zafar

Saima Parveen1, Altaf Mahmood2*, Ayesha Azad3, Sajid Umar4, Nosheen Shoukat6, Mirza Muhammad Arsalan Azam5, Qurat-Ul-Ain5 and Nausheen Akhtar Malik1

... for planning of a comprehensive control strategy. With retrospective design, this study was conducted from January 2013 through December 2017 in order to assess the disease burden on broilers reared in different open type poultry houses. Out of total 658 commercial farms with capacity of 4221800 broilers, across Chakwal, a representative sample of 70 farms with capacity of 448000 broilers was randomly selected for collection and analysis of disease data. Five...

Noor Muhammad* and Shah Alam Khan

...ega and KS-75” and hence, was identified as tolerant to mustard aphid. This cultivar also exhibited strong vigor against mustard aphid and minimal symptoms of damages were observed. The yield losses based on DWT and TI in susceptible cultivar “Abaseen”was 40.79%, whereas it was 23.56% in Zahoor which confirmed the reduced percent yield losses in the later genotype. This study identified “Zahoor” as the most tolerant cultivar to mu...

Maid Zaman1*, Imtiaz Ali Khan1, Amjad Usman1 and Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi2

...toteremes is more strengthened (57%) in number of species followed by genus Heterotermes (29%) and genus Angulitermes (14%). In district Buner, wood and Pinus were mostly attacked by the various species. Similarly, in district Haripur, wood was most attacked followed by grasses and acacia while in district Swabi most attacks were noted on maize, Pinus and wood. In habitat study, almost similar number of percent attack for forest in Haripur (46.15%) and Buner (...

Riaz Shah1*, Shaikha Hilal Al Ismaili2, Sheikha S. Al-Siaby1, Amal Mohammed Al Nasiri2, Thuraiya Hafidh Al Maskari2, Jamal AlSabahi3 and Huda Al-Ruqaishi3

...nene, β-pinene, camphene, cineole, β-linalool, camphor, α-terpineol, β-elemen, α-bergamotene, β-eudesmene, δ-guaiene, γ-muurolene, δ-cadinene and δ-cadinol were found in all samples. These 14 stable compounds could be considered as chemical markers for basil. The different regions seem to have different yield/composition.


Shoaib Hameed1, Shakeel Ahmad1, Jaffar Ud Din2 and Muhammad Ali Nawaz3*

...e has not been surveyed; hence information on their distribution is largely based on anecdotal information and expert judgments. The present study investigated the species’ current distribution in the Hindu Kush Range in Pakistan, gathering information on human-brown bear conflict along with other large carnivore species in the study area. Multiple survey techniques questionnaire surveys, sign surveys and camera trapping were used during the period 2008&...

Muhammad Mohsin1, Zhang Luyao2*, Zhu Ting3, Yin Hengbin3 and Qian Chong3

...nduct further more comprehensive and detailed studies on A. personatus fishery resource as this study is just a first step.


Hams M.A. Mohamed1, Mona A. El-Zamkan2* 

...d isolates was detected phenotypically and genotypically, in addition to the ability of these isolates to produce biofilm and protease enzyme. All the isolates displayed resistance to penicillin and oxacillin, while, two isolates were resistant to vancomycin and erythromycin, and three isolates were resistant to linezolid. None of the isolates were resistant to tetracycline, chloramphenicol or clindamycin. B-lactams drug res...

Mirza Lena1,2, Dinda Fathia Syahramadani2, Alfi Nurrachma Gustya2, Arif Darmawan2,3, Sumiati2, Wiwin Winarsih4, Minoru Maeda5, Komang Gede Wiryawan2*  

.... lactis D1813 and B. licheniformis D3270 on broiler performance, energy utilization, intestinal morphology, and microbial population. A total of 600 one-d-old Lohmann broiler chicks of 300 males and 300 females were used and reared for 35 days. Chicks were distributed into 6 groups (100 birds, 5 replicates of 20 birds) in a completely randomized design. The treatment diets were basal diet with 0.1% different supplementations: T1= CaCO3 (w/w) (control), T2 = L...

Hafiz Adnan Ahmad1,2*, Muhammad Aslam2, Salman Gul2, Tariq Mehmood2 and Munawar Ali Munawar2

...orosulfonation of 3,4-diphenyl-1,2,5-oxadiazole (3) followed by condensation with amines and all derivatives were obtained in moderate to good yield. All synthesized hybrids were characterized with spectroscopic techniques and further evaluated for anti-inflammatory potential. The synthesized hybrids were screened in vivo by employing carrageenan-induced paw edema method at 10 mg/kg dose. Among all derivatives, two compounds 4g and 4b displayed better anti-inf...

Mensah Gertrude Dzifa1, Christian Larbi Ayisi2,* and Elliot Haruna Alhassan1

...two weeks. The fry were then stocked in 60 litre bowls (50 cm X 40 cm X 40 cm) at a density of 20 fry per bowl. The results show that substituting fish meal with shea meal affects final weight, weight gain, final length and specific growth rate significantly. The highest final mean weight (8.09±0.37g) was recorded in fish fed SNM 25 whilst the least (5.71±0.54g) was recorded in fish fed SNM 50. SGR (%) was significantly different amongst the thre...

Sana Khalid1,2*, Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman2,3, Usman Hameed2,4, Shabnum Shaheen1, Muhammad Naveed Shahid5, Khajista Jabeen1, Farah Khan1, Muhammad Saleem Haider1

...genome of viruses for authentication of results. So, it has been confirmed that whiteflies were not responsible for transmission of CpCDV and MCV from diseased to healthy plants.


Ramy S. Yehia1,3, Essam A. Shaalan2* and Hashem M. Al-Sheikh1 

...lastic cups for one min then transferred to a clean one. Both test and control cups were incubated for 7 days to determine LC50, 90 and EI50, 90. Joint action of these fungi with three botanical oils (celery, ginger and sesame) as well as influence of sublethal dose from both fungi on the larval development were also evaluated. B. bassiana was more potent than M. anisopliae in both larvicidal activity and inhibition of flies’ emergence. Blends from fungi...

Kanakuntla Sandhyarani*, Dhoppalapudi Madhuri, Yadala Ravikumar the water intake and hence increasing chances of development of gout. In addition, products used on a routine basis and result into toxicity includes antibiotics, anticoccidials, manufactured chemicals, and pesticides can also induce gout in poultry. Clinical signs include decreased feed and water intake, lethargy, ruffled feathers, weight loss and abnormal droppings. Clinically, the body fluid reveals increase in TEC, TLC, Hb and PCV and decreased alanine...
Ghada Mohamed Safwat1*, Mohamed Ahmed Kandiel1, Omayma A.R. Abozaid2, Mahmoud Mohamed Arafa3, Sahar Omar Mohamed4
...oA carboxylase in laying hens. The experiment was applied on 42 Commercial Mandarah strain laying hens which divided equally into control and olive cake (7%) group.Addition of olive cake (7%) led to a significant increase in serum and egg yolk HDL-C and a significant decrease in TAG, cholesterol, LDL-C and VLDL concentrations. SOD, GSH and TAC concentrations were significantly increased in serum and egg yolk in olive cake gr...

Imtiaz Ali Shah1*, Maleeha Anwar1, Rafiullah2, Inamullah Wazir1, Muhammad Hasnain Riaz1, Abdur Raziq1, Muhammad Ijaz Ali1, Faizul Hassan1, Khalid Khan3, Yasin Ahmad4, Irshad Ahmad5, Muhammad Ibrahim Rashid5, Muhammad Tariq Zeb1* 

...e susceptible to chloramphenicol, gentamicin, kanamycin and streptomycin. These positive samples were further investigated and confirmed through PCR by targeting serovars specific genes i.e rfbJ, fliC, fljB for S. Typhimurium and ST11, SPV, SefA for S. Enteritidis. The prevalence of Salmonella was found to be 22 (11%), out of which 17 (77.27%) isolates were S. Enteritidis and 5 (22.73%) isolates were found to be S. Typhimurium as confirmed through PCR. The pre...

Muhammad Amin1*, Masarrat Yousuf1 and Naveed Ahmad2 for 24 and 48 h and then total protein was estimated in the brain, gills and muscle tissues. Significant (p< 0.005- 0.00) decreased in total protein was noted in response to all the pesticides as compared to control group and a slight increase was also noted during 48 h as compared to 24 h. The level of total protein was decreased for pesticides in order of chlorpyrifos>malathion> lambda-cyhalothrin during the exposure period.


Ali Ghazi Atiyah1*, Nadia Hameed Rija Al-Falahi2 and Ghazi Atiya Zarraq3

...e 1200 ºC for 2 h, then the scaffold was designed by using cylindrical template under specific compression pressure. Synthesis of β-CPP powder was characterized by X-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and simulation body fluid. The results reveal that β-CPP powder was pure, well crystallinity and the designed scaffold had multiparous surface with pillars particles morphology, with Ca/P ratio (...

Semra Okur Gumusova1, Gul Fatma Yarim2, Cuneyt Tamer1,*, Ayris Salt2 and Gokhan Inat3 inoculated in RTG-2. Then, media of IPNV infected cell and media of negative control were collected (n=3) for each incubation time (0, 8, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h) and superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activities and malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations were measured by the spectrophotometric methods. Data obtained revealed higher MDA levels in IPNV infected cells than negative control medium (p<0.001). However, SOD and GPx levels in IP...

Mudassir Safdar, Aurang Zeb, Sidra Khalid, Shahid Bashir, Riffat Mehboob* and Muhammad Imran

...s provided to hostel kitchen for the study subjects. Blood hemoglobin concentrations and anthropometric measurements of all participating hostel girls (n=219) were determined initially (Day-0) and at the end of 4 months feeding period. Mean age of the subjects was 21.88 years, with an average initial BMI of 24.71 kg/m2. Findings of the efficacy trial showed that the average hemoglobin level in anemic girls increased from 8.99 to 9.94g/dl. The prevalence of sev...

Jocelín Selene Sánchez Cisneros1, Braulio Alejandro Fuantos Gámez1, Martin Herrik Ramón Kane1, Laura Miranda Contreras2, Camilo Romero Núñez2* 



Nuzhat Naseem, Sajid Abdullah and Sana Aziz*

...ole-body of the fish and hence, improved the meat quality of Labeo rohita fingerlings.


El-Kholy KH1, Tag El-Din H1, Tawfeek FA2, Sara HM Hassab1* 

...ctive function in laying hens under hyperthermia stress. Two hundred and twenty 25-wks-old-laying hens were randomly split into 4 groups, each is composed of 50 hens and 5 cock; the groups were included control group (received a basal diet without addition), SLAE2.5 group (received basal diet + 2.5 ml SLAE /kg diet), SLAE 5 (basal diet + 5 ml SLAE /kg diet) and SLAE 7.5 (basal diet + 7.5 m...

Fatma Desouki Mohammed Abdallah

...eeding (protein source) then, statistical analysis of animal characteristics is of great importance. The objective of this paper was to explain and apply an important statistical method called principle component analysis to extract new carcass trait components of Japanese quail from old variables. The idea of this method is that it forms a new variable (linear combinations of them) by reduction the dimension of the data for a large number of old variables. A ...

Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Shahid Yousaf2*, Salman Khurshid1, Saqib Jabbar2, Neelofar Hamid3 and Uzma Sitara1

...t activity using 2, 2-diphenyl, 1-picryl hydrazyl (DPPH) and antimicrobial activity in Roma VF tomato variety was assessed within three different mature levels viz., green, pink and red. Outcomes from recent study pointed out that maturity levels involved to change the quality of tomato. Moisture and ash increased with the maturity ranged from 89.38±0.54 to 93.34±0.48 and 0.35±0.02 to 0.41±0.02% respectively. pH increases 4.23&plusm...

Asmaa Sh. Fayed1*, Safaa M. Abo El-Soud2 O26 by 3 log10 CFU/g when compared by uncoated meat chunks. We conclude that incorporating GA into zein wax film can effectively improve the stability and shelf life of veal meat chunks during chilled storage.

Keywords | Gallic acid, Zein, E. coli O26, Glutathione, TAC, NO, TBA- TVB-N, Veal meat, Shelf life. 


Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Shaukat Ali1, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti2, Azizullah1, Shafaat Yar Khan3, Abdul Khaliq4

...amyloliquefaciens, B. licheniformis, Lactobacillus casei, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Spirulina), vitamins (C and E), royal jelly, ascorbic acid, cowpea seed powder, AgNPs, secondary metabolites (phenols flavonoids, phenolic amino acids and proline) and white hen’s egg at different larval instars. Economic parameters (pupal weight, shell ratio (%)...

Arman Sayuti1, Hamdan Hamdan2, Miftahul Jannah3, Safriadi Safriadi3, Teuku Nasri3, Tongku Nizwan Siregar2*

...ected on day 0 (the day when rabbits mated) for estrogen measurement and on day 7 and day 14 for progesterone measurement. Furthermore, pregnancy examination using ultrasound was carried out on the 19th day after rabbits were mated. The average concentration of estrogen on day 0, progesterone concentration on day 7 and 14 of K1 vs K2 gropus were 116.17±10.84 vs 118.46±39.69 pg/mL, 3.72±1.04 vs 10.00±5.30 ng/mL, and 1.01±0.65 ...

Mohamed Abd El-Fattah Abo-Farw1, Maged Ahmed Aboul-Omran1, Abdel-Khalek El-Sayed Abdel-Khalek2* 

... 21 days after calving, then animals (n=90) were grouped to normal (n= 75), and clinical mastitis (n=15) groups. Results show that interval from calving to first estrus (31.60±0.86 vs. 33.10±0.98 d) or first service (55.20±0.97 vs. 61.00±1.96) was not affected (P≥0.05). Mastitis decreased (P<0.05) estrus/mating (93.3 vs. 80.0%) and pregnancy rates (86.66 vs. 53.33%), prolonged (P<0.001) days open (63.45±3.25 vs. 104....
Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Mushtaq Ali2, Tahira Tabassum3 and Adnan Bashir1
...mati, PK-1121 aromatic, Chenab Basmati, Kissan Basmati, Punjab Basmati, Noor Basmati and NIAB Basmati 2016) in Gujranwala rice-wheat cropping zone. Among all varieties, NIAB Basmati 2016 produced the greatest plant height. However, Kissan Basmati and NIAB Basmati 2016 matured earlier while Super Basmati matured at last. The highest productive tillers and grains number per panicle were produced by Super Basmati and Chenab Bas...
Mubashir Ali Rather1, Ambreen Hamadani2*, Syed Shanaz2, Nusrat Nabi2, Showkat Ahanger1, H. Hamadani2, Ruksana Shah2
...of this breed more comprehensively.
Keywords | Kashmir Merino, Sheep, Growth, Performance, Reproduction

Shewangizaw Wolde1,2*, Tadele Mirkena1,3, Aberra Melesse1, Tadelle Dessie4, Solomon Abegaz5 

...nd carcass traits of old hens, and genotype and age effects on carcass traits of male chickens. A total of 150 Normal Feathered local chickens (LL), 150 Sasso-RIR (SRSR) and 150 their F1 crossbred (LSR) chickens were hatched and reared on station until 18-weeks of age. Then, 32 males of each genotype were evaluated for growth performance for a period of 8-weeks. Besides, 40 hens of each ge...

Hilaire S.S. Worogo*, Thierry O.T.L. Offoumon, Cham D.A. Alabi, Urbain Tchokponhoué, Yaya Idrissou, Alassan S. Assani, Fade Soule, Christophe Iwaka, Ibrahim Alkoiret Traoré 

... zoometric indices were then determined. Statistical analyses were carried out using software R. The results obtained showed that sex has a significant effect on the Baron & Crevat index (p<0.01), Compact Index (Cmp.Ind) (p<0.01), dactylo-thoracic index (DTI) (p<0.01), and Rump Length Index (p<0.01) with a dominance of male over females except for DTI. The indices obtained showed that Borgou cattle breed is dolichocephalic with a cephalic index...

Doaa Khairy1, Mohamed Ali Osman2 and Fatma Abdel Mohsen Mostafa1*

...Aand B, salicylic acid, phenols and phenylalinine enzyme (PAL) in tomato leaves were significantly (P<0.05) induced by plant extracts mixture. Phytochemical analysis of aqueous neem leaf extract demonstrated the occurrence of a number of flavonoids (21) and phenolic compounds (23) including Hespiridin, Naringin, Rosmarinic acid, Pyrogallol, Salicylic acid and Gallic acid which are impli...

Sutopo Sutopo, Dela Ayu Lestari, Edy Kurnianto, Asep Setiaji* EWG showed positive phenotypic correlations to most of BW measured.

Keywords | Average daily gain, Kedu chickens, Mixed model, Phenotypic correlations 


Amira M. Refaie1*, Manal S. Mohamed1, Enayat H. Abo El-Azayem1, Sherein H. Mohamed2 

...subtilis and Bacillus licheniformis (T2; Pro.), then the 3rd, 4th and 5th were fed the basal diet supplemented with 0.05%, 0.10% and 0.15% AA, respectively and abbreviated as 0.05% AA (T3), 0.10% AA (T4) and 0.15% AA, respectively. The trail was ended after pregnant period and nursering kits till weaning. The results indicate that doe rabbits fed diets supplied with 0.15% AA recorded significantly higher bunnies’ size ...

Samah Samir, Amal Awad*, Gamal Younis 

... and confirmed based on phenotypic and molecular characterization. The frequency of edw1, cds1, qseC and pvsA genes were 75%, 70%, 42.5% and 2.5% respectively. E. tarda isolates displayed high resistance to ampicillin, amoxicillin, clindamycin, cefuroxime, penicillin, and amikacin, while, it is more sensitive to ciprofloxacin. Multi antimicrobial resistance (MAR) was observed in 100% of the tested isolates. In addition, 33 isolates (82.5%) were positive for bi...

Seok-Jun Son1,3, Sung-Kyung Lee1, Jung-Woo Oh1, In-Kyu Kim2, Dal-Ho Kim2, Bo-Ra Hyun1 and Jung-Hoon Kang1,* the other rested and then moved to the Philippines for winter. The home ranges of the two birds were reported using kernel density estimation (KDE). During the post-fledgling stage, the results showed KDE 95% (90.46 km2) / KDE 50% (26.29 km2,) and KDE 95% (45 km2) / KDE 50% (5.56 km2). While during the pre-migration stage, it showed KDE 95% (34.40 km2) / KDE 50% (8.84 km2) and KDE 95% (43.98 km2) / KDE 50% (5.92 km2). In the Philippines wintering site (post...

A. Samy1*, H.M.A. Hassan1, Fatma T.F. Abd-El Ghany2, Shama H. Morsy2 

...tage were not affected. When curcumin or garlic extract were added at 200 or 400 ppm, Improved the antioxidants status by enhanced total antioxidant capacity also, significantly (P<0.05) enhanced hepatic antioxidants enzyme (superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase) compared with the control. Slightly (P>0.05) decreased in malondialdehyde of all treatments compared to the control. Also, there is no any negative effect on the thyroid hor...

Ishrat Younus1,2 and Afshan Siddiq1*

...uced rectal temperature when compared with control. The extract displayed noteworthy analgesic and antipyretic capabilities especially at the dose of 200 mg/kg that are almost comparable with standard drug (aspirin). Although the finding of present investigation highlighted the medicinal importance of the plant but there is dire need to carry out the fractional extraction of crude extract with different solvents based on polarity to identify the active constit...

Honnakerappa S. Ballari1 and Shashikant S. Udikeri2*

...aichur populations comprehend high level of resistance to Pyrethroids with LC 50 121.63 ppm to cypermenthrin which indicated 23.21fold of resistance with respect to a laboratory susceptible strain. Similarly, there was 24.95 folds of resistance to deltamethrin in same population with LC 50 128.47 ppm. Among organophosphates a high level of resistance was recorded against monochrotophos with LC50 160.94 ppm and 18.23 resistance ratio in Rachur population itself...

Huapu Chen1, Zhiyuan Li1, Yaorong Wang1, Wei Yang2,*, Hongjuan Shi1, Shuisheng Li1,3, Chunhua Zhu1 and Guangli Li1,*

...population of S. argus. Then the correlation between these traits and their effects on body weight (BW) was analyzed. The results showed significant growth differences between males and females. The correlation coefficient between BW and the other 13 traits reached a very significant level, and the strongest correlation was observed in the body height (BH) (male) and body length (BL) (female). In females, BL, body thickness (BT), head length (HL), and BH had a...

Taghreed Mohamed Nabil1, Randa Mohamed Hassan1, HebatAllah Hamdy Mahmoud2, Mohamed Gomaa Tawfiek2, Usama Kamal Moawad1* 

...arts of the adult turkey hens’ (Meleagris gallopavo) oviduct during the egg production period. For this purpose, twenty four adult turkey hens were used. Gross examination and measurements of the oviduct compartments were obtained, and four specimens for each portion were used for scanning electron microscopic examination. Histologically, pieces of different oviduct portions were subjected to routine histological proce...

Xiaopeng Tang1*, Kangning Xiong1, Peng Peng2 and Dun Deng2*

...ase in eviscerated rate when dietary replacement of 40% SBM with cDDGS (P = 0.053). There were no effects of dietary replacement of SBM with cDDGS on breast muscle rate and abdominal fat rate (P > 0.5). In conclusion, under the conditions of the present study, dietary replacement of SBM with cDDGS had significant effects on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of broilers. Based on the results from this experiment, it could conclude that dieta...

Hosny Kesba1, Ashraf Suloma2, Samy Sayed3*, Abdullah Abdel-Rahman1 and Shaimaa Diab1

...significantly increased when compared with WW. The STB and ITB irrigation sources improved the plant content regarding the total protein, total amino acids, and total carbohydrates in both tested soil types. These results suggest that aquaculture effluents from tilapia production could be utilized to manage M. incognita in different soil types.


A.J. Shoyombo1, O.O. Alabi, B.M. Falana1*, R.A. Animashahun1, S.O. Olawoye1, F.A. Okenniyi1, M.A. Popoola2, C.I. Ukim2, A.M. Ake, A.E. Jubril3 

...tion that often suffice when the hindgut refuses to connect with the perineum for the proper discharge of muconium. In this study, a three-day-old calf was observed to be suffering from Atresia ani at the Landmark University Teaching and Research farm. This condition was obvious due to the inability of the calf to pass out faeces since parturition. The calf was operated on using standard clinical and surgical practices and also putting into consideration the A...

Zunping Ke1, Chao Li2, Qiang Liu3, Gang Bai4, Junfeng Wang5, Ming Zhou5 and Xiao Dong5,*

...on surgery. The patient then underwent TOF correction surgery. Considering the significance of the fistula, it better be found out and ligated prior to cardioplegic arrest in the surgery. Although extensive searching, the anomaly communication cannot be found. To avoid systemic hypoperfusion on bypass through loss of volume to the pulmonary circulation and shunting of cardioplegic solution to the pulmonary circulation through the fistula, a little increase of ...

Lin Lu

... dependent (P<0.05). When TPC-1 cells were treated with polysaccharide of H. diffusa for 48 h, the apoptosis rate increased, the expression of Bcl-2, PI3K and p-AKT decreased, the expression of Cyt-C, Bax and cleaved caspase 3 increased significantly (P<0.05). LY294002 could significantly inhibit the activity of TPC-1 cells, promote apoptosis, down regulate the expression of Bcl-2, PI3K and p-AKT, up regulate the expression of Cyt-C, Bax and cleaved casp...

Hua Liu, Wei Hou, Li Peng, Changjun Peng, Yansen Cai and Jing Li*

...o non-invasive samples, then based on which, genetic diversity and population structure of three populations of M. thibetana were estimated. Our results showed the novel SNP loci were polymorphic and bi-allelic. The observed and expected heterozygosity across 38 individuals varied from 0.184-0.605 and 0.405-0.506, respectively. The minor allele frequency were ranged from 0.277 to 0.487 with an average of 0.417 per locus. We detected the lowest genetic diversit...

Laiba Ajmal1, Sidra Ajmal2, Maleeha Ajmal3, Gul Nawaz3, Rabail Hassan Toor4, Hooria Younas1, Tassaduq Hussain Sheikh5 and Raazia Tasadduq1*

...L). Antigen hiding is a phenomenon that contributes towards immune evasion by the fetal cells as the placental barrier lacks HLA expression. However, the HLA molecules that are expressed by the extravillous trophoblast modulate maternal immune activity towards a protective function, leading to acceptance of the fetus. Further studies encompassing the functioning of HLA system at maternal fetal interface would prove to be beneficial for the affected couples.
Aqsa Fayyaz1, Muhammad Kashif Zahoor1*, Asma Ashraf2, Muhammad Asif Zahoor3, Azhar Rasul2, Humara Naz Majeed4, Muhammad Zulhussnain1, Kanwal Ranian1, Bushra Riaz1, Nazia Khalil1 and Attaullah1
...gate the NDV, which was then titrated using haemagglutination inhibition assay for quantification of NDV. Polyclonal antibodies were produced in experimental rabbits followed by titration. These antibodies were then used to detect the presence of NDV. Sixteen samples were found positive (20%), 62 negative (77.5 %) and two unreactive (2.5 %) for NDV. All of the poultry farms around Faisalabad showed positive NDV (ranging from...

Jabbar Khan1, Mehwish Jehan1, Zeeshan Mutahir2, Muhammad Rafi1, Muhammad Ismail1, Aamer Abbas1 and Jabbar Tanveer3

Junyan Bai*, Jingyun Li, Yu Chen, Zhihao Dong, Youbing Yang and Ying Lei

Ahmed M. Darwish1*, Hassan R. Darwish1, Dalia M. Mabrouk1, Mohamed A. Abdelhafez1, Ahmed M. Abdel-Salam2, Ibrahim E. Mohamed3, Ibrahim M. Farag1 

...orphism (SSCP-PCR), and then validated by sequence analysis. The results of SSCP-PCR showed a monomorphic pattern for the β-LG gene and a polymorphic pattern for the LEP gene. The sequence analysis showed that the β-LG gene has one genotype without any single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) while the LEP gene has two genotypes (CC and CT) with one SNP at position 194 C>T. The statistical analysis of milk and genotypes data showed that the β-LG ...

Abida Shehzadi*, Muhammad Shafique and Ahmad Ali Shahid

...on studies and in strengthening the Y-STR database.


Kafeel Ahmad*, Muhammad Siqaf, Gul-E-Rana Abid, Ramla Somayya and Umama Qasim

...h samples were screened phenotypically for extended spectrum beta lactamases and metallo beta-lactamases production by disc diffusion method using the antibiotics cefotaxime (30 µg), ceftazidime (30 µg), cefepime (30 µg), amoxicillin-clavulanic acid (30 µg), imipenem (10 µg) and meropenem (10 µg). Three extended spectrum beta lactamases genes (blaCTX-M, blaSHV and blaOXA-10) and one metallo beta-lactamase gene (blaNDM-1) wer...

Nahla Hamada Magd Khalil1*, Ihab Mahmoud Helal2, El-Desoky Hassan Ibrahim Dorrah1, Soad Ahmed Soliman Ismail3 

...OCP residues (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT), dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDD), chlorodiphenyldichloroethylene (DDE), Alderin, Dieldrin, Heptachlor, Heptachlor epoxide, Alpha hexachlorocyclohexanes (αHCH), Gamma hexachlorocyclohexanes (γHCH), Endosulfan and Gamma chlordane (γ-chlordane) in the examined fish species at different concentrations. Mullet fish sampl...

Dwi Budiono1,5, Ratih Rinendyaputri2, Ariyani Noviantari2, Mokhamad Fahrudin3, Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari4, Vista Budiariati1,6, Diah Nugrahani Pristihadi1,3, Noer Muhamad Dliyaul Haq1, Arief Boediono3* 

...y colony 


Stephen Chijioke Emencheta1, Anthony Amaechi Attama2, Ezinwanne Nneoma Ezeibe1, Adaora Angela Agubata1 and Ebele Benedette Onuigbo1*

... were confirmed through phenotypic and biochemical tests. Antimicrobial susceptibility test to nine antibiotics was determined. Multi-antibiotic resistance index (MARI) was assessed. Spot assay was done to determine lytic action of the bacteriophage on the lawns of the Escherichia coli. The phenotypic and biochemical tests confirmed Escherichia coli isolates. There was metallic green sheen on EMB agar. The isolates were citr...

Nabila Khan1, Imran Ahmad2 and Muhammad Bilal Sadiq1*

...traction (UAE) of total phenolic content (TPC) from almond hull was optimized by response surface methodology (RSM). TPC and 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity were used as response variables. Almond hull extract was chemically characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) and gas chromatography mass spectrometer (GCMS). The extraction conditions were optimized by using indepe...

Tehseen Ali Jilani1*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani2, Javeria Sherani3, Kashif Waseem2, Muhammad Sohail Khan2, Hasnain Saleem3, Abdul Manan2, Rashid Jawad2 and Sami Ullah4

...conducted to assess the phenotypic diversity in diverse pea genotypes for yield determining traits under the growing condition of D. I. Khan, KPK. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated thrice during two normal growing seasons (2013-14 and 2014-15). At physiological maturity, data were collected for yield contributory traits. In Season 1, the genotype Minarellet proved to be early maturing by taking lesser number of days ...

Asim Faraz1*, Bernard Faye2, Cem Tirink3, Ayman Balla Mustafa4, Amal AlKharusi5, Morteza Bitaraf Sani6, Nasir Ali Tauqir7, Muhammad Arslan Akbar8, Muhammad Usman Saleem9, Rana Muhammad Bilal7, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel10

...est climatic conditions when kept for milk, meat, wool, and hides production. Camel production can be enhanced by reducing the age at puberty and calving interval. The current study was showing the effects of forced mating as a tool in the reduction of age at puberty and calving interval in She-camels. For this purpose, thirteen female camels (3 female young stock –FYS, 10 parturient) belonged to Camel Breeding and Research Station (CBRS) Rakh Mahni Bhak...

Uzochukwu Ephraim Emeto, Chukwuemeka Calistus Okolo* and Nwakaego Ernestina Nweze

...e lacking in the region; hence, the occurrence, risk-factors and nature of cestodiasis and nematodiasis of horses at Obollo-Afor southeastern Nigeria were investigated. Horses billed for slaughter were randomly selected (N = 304) for sampling. About 5grams of faeces and 2ml of blood were collected from each horse into labeled containers for faecal floatation test and haematocrit determination. Gender and body condition scores (BCS) of horses were noted, while ...

Rasha Ali Taha Hamza1, Atef Saad Osheba1, Hassan Mohamed Sobhy2, Sahar Hussein Abdalla Hekal2* 

...vities as well as total phenolic and flavonoids contents in both water and ethanolic extracts of galangal and sumac extracts. Also, the effect of previous extracts on quality attributes of beef burger was evaluated. The ethanolic extracts of both galangal and sumac were shown to have significantly higher total phenolic and flavonoid contents than the aqueous extract, in particular 90% Ethanol Extract, where the 90% Ethanol E...
Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, Erkata Yandri2, Yogo Adi Nugroho3, Mardiana Sri Susanti4
Satriyo Krido Wahono5, Wahyu Widodo1, Lili Zalizar1, Elfi Anis Saati1, Maftuchah Maftuchah1
Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum6, Muhannad Illayan Massadeh6, Dwi Yono3, Rangga Kala Mahaswa7
Herry Susanto2, Damat Damat1*, Dyah Roeswitawati1, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani8 and 
Susi Mindarti1
...80 °C for 15 h, and then grounded using a coffee grinder. Analyses on Mengani’s CCF and La Boite’s comprised Fe content (Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer) as well as five enhancer agents – vitamin C (Iodimetric titration), beta carotene (UV-Vis spectrophotometer), amino acid (amino acid analyzer), and reducing sugars (colorimetric method). Utilizing descriptive statistics, the research is presented in box-plot, wit...

Muhammad Tahir Latif1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Ayesha Latif2, Majid Hamid Bajwa1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Ali Zohaib1, Naeem Faisal1 and Muhammad Hamza3

Didiek Hadjar Goenadi1,2*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi3,4, Erkata Yandri3,4, Kiman Siregar5,6, Aris Winaya7, Damat Damat7, Wahyu Widodo7, Ahmad Wahyudi7, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4,8
Maizirwan Mel9, Ivar Zekker10, Muhammad Zul Mazwan7, Devi Dwi Siskawardani7
Endang Dwi Purbajanti11 and Ida Ekawati12
...ation bring certain apprehension towards its industrial sector in implementing the concept of sustainable development. To overcome this, the sustainable certification has been developed through the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) in order to accomplish the global standards for sustainable palm oil. RSPO and ISPO function to minimize the negative effect of oil palm production on the environment and social comm...
Bambang Yudi Ariadi1*, Rahayu Relawati1, Barbara Szymoniuk2 and Waris Ali Khan3
...l contribution of strengthening the quality attributes of organic vegetable products by improving the packaging of organic vegetables with informative labels to increase consumer trust in organic vegetables.

Mirtneh Akalu1,2*, Takele Abayneh2, Esayas Gelaye2, Behailu Tefera2, Teferi Degefa2, Vemulapati Bhadra Murthy1 

Weidong Huang1,2,3, Xinyue Liang1,2,3, Xiufeng Xie4, Xingmin Wang2, 3 and Xiaosheng Chen1,2,3*

...xt-align: justify;">The phenotype variations of elytral color patterns are common in ladybird beetles. However, phylogenetic relationships and genetic diversity of discrete color patterns in coccinellids is still poorly known. Here, we present a comprehensive genetic diversity analyses and phylogenetic relationships within seventeen different phenotypes of elytral color patterns in Menochi...

Jiang Wu*

...s decreased at 1/2 MIC. When the chemical constituent concentration in T. officinale increased to MIC, the bacteria growth was completely inhibited. Untreated E. coli and Staph. aureus displayed typical bacilli-like and spherical morphology with uniform cell size, and the cell surface looked intact and shiny. On the contrary, when the cells were treated with increased concentration of chemical constituents of T. officinale, ...

Maria Qibtia1, Sehrish Faryal1, Muhammad Wasim1, Farzana Chowdhary1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Ahmed Mansovuri2, Zeeshan Ahmed2, Muhammad Hamid3 and Ali Raza Awan1,*

... genetically determined phenotypic trait, generally related to pastoralism and milk consumption. However, Lactose non-persistence (LNP) results from the progressive decline of Lactase-phlorizin hydrolase (LPH) activity in enterocytes. The Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNPs) associated with occurrence of LP/LNP are different for European, Asian, African-American, Northern African and Arab populations. In this study, we studied, the association of these SNPs w...

Anis Suraya Mohamad Abir1, Sakinah Yusof1, Abd Rahaman Yasmin1,2, Abdul Rahman Omar1,3, Kok Lian Ho4, Wen Siang Tan1,5, Abdul Razak Mariatulqabtiah1,6* 

...morphological and immunophenotypical observations. The results showed that the rFWPV-H5-infected chBM-DCs formed better dendrites and stellate cells, compared to the WT FWPV. The recombinant virus also expressed higher levels of the surface markers CD86 and MHC class II double-positive chBM-DCs 12 and 24 h post-infection. In conclusion, chBM-DCs were susceptible to WT FWPV and rFWPV-H5 infections, where the recombinant virus induced ph...

Shuhuan Li1*, Yongheng Bo2, Youzhi Li3 and Xiuzhen Yang2

...opine residues in meat. When people eat animal meat from these sources, it will pose a potential threat to human health. Thus, in production practice, atropine residues in meat are usually determined quantitatively. In this study, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), a simple but potent method was used to quantify atropine residues in beef. The results indicated that the method could measure atropine residues accurately, with the average recoveries b...

Qiong Xiang1, Jing-Jing Li1, Qian Zhang1,3, Rong-Bo Tian1 and Xian-Hui Li1,2*

...rve injury firstly; and then we analysed the expression of SSTR2 protein in DRGs after injecting Carrageenan, the inflammation-induced reagent into the mouse left-hind paw(Ipsilateral-side). Compared with the SSTR2 in normal right -hind paw(contralateral-side) DRGs. The variation of SSTR2 protein expression is fast, because about 15 min after injection the significant up-regulated expression of the SSTR2 proteins are found in inflammatory DRG neurons compared ...

Zilu Zhang1, Ning Wang2, Ce Hou1, Laiba Shafique1, Saif ur Rehman1, Zhuyue Wu2, Zhiqiang Wang1, Mingsong Wei3* and Kuiqing Cui1*

...of PIS region on horned phenotype of Guanzhong dairy goats, four specific primers (PIS1-1, PIS1-2, PIS2 and PIS3) covering PIS fragment were designed, and four DNA fragment were amplifed and sequenced. A 12.814kb sequence was assembled containing the whole goat PIS region both in horned goats and in polled goats, which mean there were no 11.7 kb deletion in the Guanzhong dairy goats.The polymorphisms sites in PIS region of horned and polled Guanzhong dairy goa...

Mujahid Tanvir1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Mazhar Iqbal Zafar2, Muhammad Tariq3 and Muhammad Bilal Tayyab1

Nausheen Irshad1, Maria Akhter1, Tariq Mahmood2*, Faraz Akrim3, Muhammad Rafique Khan1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem4

...nts) and birds (domestic hen and pigeon), while among plant food it consumed seeds and twigs of wild mulberry, Japanese fruit, wild fig and cucumber. The study concludes that Altai weasel in Bunjosa Game Reserve occurs at an elevation range between 1773 m to 1875 m, and consumes most frequently insects, followed by small mammals, birds and reptiles, along with seeds and twigs of some wild plant species.


Rabia Goher, Inamullah and Mohammad Akmal*

...s potential performance when subjected to a different Agro-Environment (AE). This study, therefore, aimed to assess the foremost developmental stages of the selected genotypes of wheat in three AE i.e. AEP (Peshawar), AEK (Kashmir) and AEC (Chitral). An experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block, having 3 replications. Four cultivars (i.e. Pirsabak-2005, Pakhtunkhwa-2015, Pakistan-2013 and DN-84) along with three advanced lines (i.e. P-2, P-12 and...

Muhammad Ismail1,*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1 and Umair Abbas1 and Riaz Hussain2

...boratory conditions, and hence are recommended to be further evaluated under field conditions and to consider their potential incorporation in IPM programs against fruit fly infestations on citrus crop.

Ghassan Zahid1, 2*, Sara Iftikhar3, Muhammad Umer Farooq4 and Shakeel Ahmed Soomro5

...g a vital role in strengthening the economy of the country. Apart from traditional cereals cultivation, climatic conditions of Pakistan are feasible and appropriate for the cultivation of temperate, tropical and subtropical fruits. Thus, diverse environmental conditions allow the farmers to cultivate a variety of fruits which ultimately uplifting the burden from traditionally cultivated crops. In recent years, the cultivation and yield of different fruit trees...

Feng Xu, Weijing Fan and Guobin Liu*

...UVECs injury model, and then treated with rutin in different doses. The cell activity and apoptosis rate of HUVECs were analyzed by CCK-8 method and flow cytometry, respectively. The levels of intracellular catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) were measured using commercial kit, and expression levels ofNEXN-AS1 and miR-410-3p were detected using real-time quantitative PCR analysis. The dual luciferase experiment was applied to v...

Tao Ren1, Guiqiu Cao2, Xiao Han3, Feng Tan1, Qiaoli Chen4, Shicheng Yang5 and Haiyan Zhang6*

... without naringenin and then subjected to I/R, respectively. At end of the experimental study, the rats were anesthetized and blood samples were collected to scrutinize the various parameters such as creatine kinase myocardial band (CK-MB), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), creatine, troponin-T (TRT), cholesterol, C - reactive protein (CRP), and concentration of mitochondrial enzymes viz., Ca2+, Na+ and K+ ions were estimated in bloo...
Mudassar Jehan1, Masroor Ahmed Bajwa2, Mohammad Masood Tariq2, Asim Faraz3*, Abdul Samaad2, Jameel Ahmad1 and Yousaf Hassan Barozai2

Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1*, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shumaila Hanif4, Sehrish Firyal1, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1

... was produced optimally when the BL21 CodonPlus (DE3) cells were induced with 0.6 mM IPTG with a post induction time of 5h at 37 °C. The characterization studies demonstrated the maximal enzyme activity at 37 °C in 50 mM sodium phosphate buffer pH 7. The presence of EDTA in the activity assay mixture reduced the β-lactamase activity to 91% while Zn2+, Co2+, Mn2+ enhanced the enzymatic activity to 144, 121 and 108% when
Nguyen Binh Truong1,2,3*, Nguyen Van Thu3
... days adaptation period when crossbred cattle were introduced to the pens and experimental diets (from the result of experiment 1), followed by a 90-day experimental period. Results of the first experiment demonstrated that enhancing NDF percentage in the diets of the cattle from 47 to 59%, the dry matter and organic matter digestibility were gradually reduced (P<0.05), however, there was no significant differences between the NDF47 và NDF55 treatmen...
Zayed Mohammad Ali I.1*, Mona Mohamdy1, M.F. Shehata1, Nasser Ghanem2
... two similar groups and then randomly allocated to two different management systems, intensive (G1=22.31± 3.95kg) and semi-intensive (G2=22.34±1.98kg). At the end of the experiment, fourteen lambs were slaughtered to evaluate carcass traits. There was no significant (P< 0.05) difference on average pre slaughter weight (37.63± 2.97 and 36.88±3.83kg) for G1 and G2, respectively. However, significant differences were obtained betwee...

Hany M.R. Elsherif1, Ahmed Orabi2, Hussein M.A. Hassan3, Ahmed Samy3*

.../Kg (SP), respectively. When compared to the control, the addition of organic acid salts (OAS’s) significantly (P<0.05) enhanced weight gain and feed efficiency. Dietary supplementation with OAS’s enhanced significantly (P<0.01) the weight of carcass and dressing percentages of birds. The liver, heart, gizzard, and spleen were unchanged (% of body weight). Birds fed diets enriched with SF or SP had considerably (P<0.05) longer and wider gu...

Chandni Wajid1, Abdul Hameed Baloch1, Ahmed Nawaz Khosa1*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri2, Nasrullah Bangulzai1, Sarfraz Ali Fazlani1, Haleema Sadia3, Saeeda Kalsoom4, Muhammad Bilawal Arain2, Wassem Ali Vistro2 

...eed of Balochistan. The phenotypic variation related to wool production traits including the fleece weight and wool color with diverse pigmentation and genetic variations observed in the coding region of the PROP1 gene. This study indicates that the PROP1 gene may be used as a selective marker for the future selection of the sheep breeds for different wool productive traits.

Keywords | Genotypic variation, Phenotypic...

Emtenan M. Hanafi1*, Fouad M. Tawfeek2, Walid S. El Nattat1, Moetazza M. Alshafei3, Seham S. Kassem3, Kawkab A. Ahmed4, Enas N. Danial5, Hagar Elbakry3, Hoda S. El-Sayed2
...Total flavonoids, total phenolics, DPPH, HPLC and antimicrobial test against different types of bacteria were done for SP extract. BL has been microencapsulated in association with SP. Twentiy eight. adult male rats were divided into 4 equal groups. G1 received high fat diet (HFD), G2 received HFD and microencapsulated BL, G3 was supplemented by HFD plus encapsulated SP and BL. While G4 received basic diet as a control. After 2 months, animals were sacrificed....
Gamalat Y. Osman1, Elham M. Hassan1*, Tarek A. Salem2, Azza H. Mohamed1
...e significantly reduced when compared to the infected control group. FEW also reduced the lymphocytic infiltration around the granulomatous tissue. It can be concluded that FWE exhibited anti-schistosomal and anti-inflammatory effects on infected mice.
Keywords | Schistosoma mansoni, Trigonella foenum, Fenugreek water extract, Praziquantel, Rutin, P-cumaric

Mimi Syazwani Jaapar1, Eric Lim Teik Chung1,2*, Nazri Nayan1, Mamat Hamidi Kamalludin1,2, Mookiah Saminathan3, Kalai Vaani Muniandy2, Muhammad Hazziq Mohd Hamdan1, Shokri Jusoh1, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse2,4 

...l (T1). Rumen fluid was then collected from six young male Dorper cross sheep for the analyses of gas production, pH, in vitro organic matter digestibility, ammonia nitrogen, and volatile fatty acids (VFA). All analyses were conducted according to established methods and data collected were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test to determine the level of significance among treatments. The net gas production and...

Iram Liaqat1*, Umaima Bibi2, Muhammad Arshad3 and Najma Arshad2*

...was determined by total phenolic content determination, Pyrogallol method, 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), hydroxyl radical scavenging assay, and free-radical-scavenging assay. Results revealed that O. vulgare and T. vulgaris possess high free radical scavenging capability and significant antioxidant activity. On the other hand, H. officinalis plant extracts exhibited low free radical scavenging ability and antioxidant...

Abdul Majid1*, Farah Naz1, Nasrullah Laghari1, Sanaullah Abbasi1, Sham Lal2 and Safdar Ujjan3

...iochemical applications, hence there is always a need to understand the effects of solvents on secondary structural conformation. Biophysical investigations about the changes in secondary structure conformation of lysozymes were performed with CDS using them in water and buffer. Membrane bilayer mimics were prepared from dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine (DMPC) through rehydration method. CDS identified that secondary structure was maintained in saline phosphate ...

Adil Ali Gadahi1, Wajid Ali Jatoi1, Saima Mir Arain2, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Sadaf Memon1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Zeeshan Majeed Kumbhar1 and Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1

...ded higher mean perform then T2 (two irrigation) and T1 (zero irrigation) which showed that different irrigation regimes caused significantly impact on all the traits. Among the genotypes, V3-10-34 showed minimum reduction in spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, seed index, grain yield per plant and harvest index. The genotype, V2-10-15 manifested minimum decrease for days to 75% maturity and spikelets per spike at zero irrigation and two irrig...

Nur Prabewi , Supriyanto, Budi Purwo Widiarso* pale pink and softer when compared to the 0 hour and 3 hours of herbal marination. Based on results obtained it could be concluded that 3 hours herbal marination of broiler meat has optimal effects to improve meat quality (including tenderness and protein contents), and antioxidant level.

Keywords | Marination, Herb, Broiler, Meat quality 


Noor Muhammad Khan1,2, Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,3*, Rashid Rehan2 and Iftikhar Zeb4

...l showed better results when compared with the A.d for HM recovery from wastewater. Both the species has aided advantage for translocation of HM off the treatment site as the biomass has usage in the local market.


Iqtidar Hussain1, Haroon Shahzad2*, Sami Ullah2*, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1 and Muhammad Rizwan3

...Cynon dactylon L., Trianthene portulacastrum L., convolvulus, and other miscellaneous weeds were registered before and after weed management. Results indicated that chemical control significantly best over control (No Treatment) after hand weeding. Agronomic parameters i.e., germination percentage (%), 50% tasselling, 50% silking, ear height (cm), stem diameter (cm), leaf area (m2), Biological yield (t ha-1), and grain yield (t ha-1), significantly affected by...

Mehwish Saleem Khan* and Sumama Farooq

...iotic resistance occurs when bacteria develop number of mechanisms to protect themselves against the action of antibiotics. Antibiotics are chemical substances which bacteria and fungi produce either to inhibit or kill the other microbes. Antibiotics are classified on the basis of their structure and mode of action. Bacteria resist antibiotics by inactivating the drugs, altering the target site, chemically modifying the antibiotics and by ribosomal splitting. ...

Abdul Qadoos1, Muhammad Bakhtiar2*, Wajiha Seerat3, Asma Bibi4, Sohail Rahman1, Muhammad Noman Khan5, Ghulam Yaseen6, Mamoona Munir7 and Sadiqullah Khan8

...contributing parameters when P and Zn were applied @ 105 and 16 kg ha-1, respectively.


Zunaira Fatima Syeda1*, Ahafaque Ahmad Shah2, Farrah Deeba3 and Farheen Malik1

...ound in few competences when observed group wise. The relationship between generic competence and students’ grades was found in few competences. The impact of generic competence and students’ grades was also found in few competences. It was recommended that Students’ grades made better through focusing on generic competence in curriculum.


Marwa Ragab Saeed Abdallah, Hussein Mohamed Hussein Mohamed, Mohamed Mohamed Talaat Emara, Mai Atef Mohamed

...s produced, sliced, and then allocated to four groups; the first group was aerobically packed and used as control, the second group was vacuum packed, while the third and fourth groups were coated with WPI/BW then packed in either polyethylene or vacuum bags. All groups were stored at 5 °C until the signs of unacceptability were noticed. The results showed that WPI/BW coated pastirma stored under vacuum packaging showed ...

Naseem Sharif1,2*, Imran Muhammad Siqqique2, Muhammad Kashif Raza3, Urwa Irshad1, Muhammad Ikhlaq Khan4, Ammara Noreen4 , Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi1, Mohsin Abbas5, Muhammad Maaz Aziz5, Sitwat Riaz5, Komal Aslam5 and Naseem Akhtar6

...uch variation can strengthen jujube germplasm conservation, be able to provide strong basis for initiating conventional breeding programmes and can be helpful in biotechnology for gene transfer process. Management of natural plantation of Ziziphus nummularia in Thal zone is highly favoured to save rich genetic resources of this unique jujube specie.


Syeda Rubab Zaidi* and Safdar Ali Mirza

...e purified fraction was then subjected to enzymatic characterization to find its thermal stability, effect of pH and selected chemical compounds. Other significant experimental findings were; optimum incubation period was 7 days, inoculum size was 3 discs of 0.5 cm, CuSO4 as inducer improved production, laccase activity of crude extract i.e. 10.89U/ml increased to 15.07U/ml with purification of the enzyme, the purified samples of enzyme was significantly great...

Mohamed. E. Taha1, Mohamed S. Ahmed2, Ahmed I. Ahmed2, Amany Adel3, Salama Rehab4,5*, Nabila Osman2** 

...ion may be more serious when complicated with other respiratory pathogens. In the current study AIV H9 was identified among broiler chickens in Luxor governorate in 2016. Five hundred (n= 500) samples were collected from fifty farms (5 tracheal and 5 cloacal pools from each farm) have been examined by real time RT-PCR for the prevalence of AIV H9. The results revealed that ten farms (20%) were positive for AIV (H9N2). Three isolates with high CT values have be...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi

...nes, esters, aldehydes, phenols and ketones were identified as the major constituents of the fractions with partial characterization. The reduction in nematode population in the screenhouse and field signifies that fractions from M. indica could be employed in place of the environmentally undependable synthetic nematicides, while encouraging a sustainable and safe environment in tomato cultivation.


Nishant Shah1*, Rakesh Kumar Yadav1, Anil Gautam1*, Shambhu Shah1 and Mohan Kumar Gupta2

...ceptibility of E. coli. When the maximum level of ammonia was produced i.e., on day 34, intra-nasal administration of E. coli of strain χ7122 (serotype 078: K80:H9) at pathogenicity amount (9.4 x 105 cfu E. coli per bird) was done and morbidity and mortality rate was also recorded. The significantly minimum ammonia (ppm) was recorded in CRH (30.53±0.77); however, the maximum ammonia (ppm) was recorded in RH (49.78±0.42) with that compared to ...

Nimra Altaf1, Muhammad Arshad1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1*, Hamza Latif1, Muhammad Zeeshan1, Gulfam Yousuf1 and Muhammad Afzal2

...ion occurred at 100 ppm when compared to the control group. While using 50ppm concentration of neem extract, 20.90% and 27.35% consumption rate was reduced at 5th and 7th day respectively. Our findings suggest chlorantraniliprole as an effective insecticide to control FAW larvae in maize crop; however, neem extract at 100 ppm concentration also performed well against this pest. As botanicals have less harmful to humans and the environment than synthetic insect...

Nkana Kontchiachou J. Gwladys1, Kouamo Justin2, Vemo Bertin Narcisse3*, Mweugang Ngouopo Nathalie4, Wang-Baa Temoa Christophe1, Awantu Christian Funwi1, Semi Yam Alphonsius1, Kenne Noubissie Christèle5, Tendonkeng Fernand5

Farzana Begum* and Gohar Ayub

...ying were packed in polythene bags and stored for 0, 3 and 6 months at room temperature. The seed quality attributes were evaluated at the specified storage duration. It is evident from the results that sowing dates, harvesting stages, storage duration and their interaction significantly affected seed yield and quality parameters of okra. The average of two years results showed that maximum pod length (15.23 cm), number of seeds pod-1(58.09), seed weight pod-1...
Widiastuti Ardiansyah1,3*, Osfar Sjofjan2, Eko Widodo2, Suyadi Suyadi2, Danung Nur Adli2
... difference testing was then applied. The effect of T4 on egg production performance, feed conversion and egg weight were highly significant (p≤ 0.01) and from the results it was concluded that the best treatment was T4, namely basal dieting with the addition of 0.8% turmeric and 0.6% probiotics.
Keywords | Curcuma longa, Egg quality, Growth performance, Mojosari Duck, Probiotic
Amreen Zahra1*, Mushtaq A. Saleem2, Hasnain Javed3, Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan4 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4

Xing Lu1, Mahmoud A.O. Dawood2, Fan Wu1, Hua Wen1, Wei Liu1, Juan Tian1, Ming Jiang1, Li-Juan Yu1, Xiang Li3, Ning Xu3 and Hong-Wei Liang1*

...significantly increased when turtles were fed diets with 200 or 400 mg kg-1 L-carnitine (P < 0.05). The serum biochemical indices analysis revealed that dietary L-carnitine at 400 mg kg-1 had markedly reduced triglyceride (TG) concentration (P < 0.05). The elevated expression of hepatic igf1 gene at the transcriptional level was positively correlated with dietary L-carnitine levels on the growth performance of Chinese soft-shelled turtle. Furthermore, di...
Dalia M. Aboelhassan1*, Inas S. Ghaly1, Noha E. Ibrahim2, Nermeen M. Shaffie3, Mariam G. Eshak1, Aboelfetoh M. Abdallah4, Ibrahim M. Farag1
...>In the last decade, bisphenol A (BPA) has received heightened attention because of its ubiquitous presence in our living environment. However, it was revealed that this component has potent genotoxicity, causing various disorders to human and animal health. Hence, the present work is designed to investigate the capacity of Fagonia cretica extract (FCE) to inhibit bisphenol A-induced genot...
Genevieve R. Tabon1,2, Noraine P. Medina2, Mary Rose D. Uy-De Guia3, Claro N. Mingala2,3*
... gene was amplified and then subjected to RFLP using PvuII restriction enzyme. Results showed that all of the samples were found to be of AA genotype which is not the favorable genotype according to previous studies. The litter sizes of the PNP were also determined. Results showed that the genotype of ESR1 gene present in PNP is homozygote AA. The average litter size of the 30 PNP is 7.07 which is relatively higher than the average litter sizes of Nepal native...

Sajid Ali1*, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin2, Asad Ali Khan2, Dawood Ahmad4, Ikram Ullah5, Faiq Ahmad2, Sajjad6 and Sikandar Azam1

... significantly affected when 120 kg P ha-1 was applied. Similarly, ear length (18.4 cm), ear weight (129.6 g), grains ear-1 (407) and thousand grains weight (258.33 g) were significantly affected in plots treated at the rate of 5 kg ha-1 with Zn. In case of growth stages, Zn applied half at vegetative and half at reproductive stages significantly enhanced the ear length (18.2 cm), ear weight (127.4 g), grain ear-1(391) and thousand grains weight (255.5 g). It ...

Imtiaz Ahmed*, Imran Khan and Zia Ud Din

...utritional composition, phenolic contents and antioxidant activity. In this study, chamomile and wild thyme powders were first mixed at equal proportions and wheat flour was then replaced with the mixture at 1 , 2 and 3 % incorporation levels, to prepare composite test bread.Total polyphenols, total flavonoids content and antioxidant potential of the wheat flour, chamomile powder, wild thy...

A. El-Shemy1*, Hoda M. Mekky2, M. A. Bosila2, A. M. Allam1, Kh. M. Elbayoumi2, M. M. Amer3 

...ected to sequencing and then submitted to NCBI GenBank, and the obtained accession numbers are MT157210, MT157211,and MT157212, respectively. Nucleotide sequences alignment analysis of the 3D gene exhibited 92.5%–98.6% homology between our sequenced isolates. The three examined isolates had 77.4%–80.2% nucleotide similarities with the most frequently used DHAV-1 vaccine in Egypt. However, the phylogenetic relationship using the partial 3D protein r...

Sameena Gul1, Sayyeda Hira Hassan1, Amara Maryam1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Khan*1, Muhammad Irfan2, Farah Rauf Shakoori1 and Javed Iqbal Qazi1 one of the major polyphenols present in the dry leaves of green tea plant (Camellia sinensis). It has been observed to potentiate the apoptosis and also inhibit cancer cell growth by affecting various signaling molecules and cell cycle regulatory proteins. Clinical studies demonstrated that EGCG treatment of different type of cancers has synergistic effect in combination treatment with other common clinical drugs (cisplatin, taxol, doxorubicin and vinblasti...
Tariq Mehmood1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Ayesha Safder Chaudhry1, Kamran Ashraf2, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1,3, Muhammad Faisal Ayoob3*, Mudassir Hussain4, Farrukh Saleem3 and Muhammad Fayaz3
...meters in group A and B when compared with group C. However, all the observed values were within the normal range. It was concluded that resection of jejunum up to 20% in cats makes natural body weight gain while ≥40% jejunal resection increases morbidity and mortality risk.

C.A. Angel-Sahagún1, J.E. Ortega Palomares1, A.A. Hernández-Rangel1, C. Cruz-Vázquez2, R. Montesinos-Matias3, M. Valencia-Posadas1 and A.M. Cruz-Avalos4*
...d. Each were pathogenic when exposed by immersion at a concentration of 1x108 conidia/ml, causing between 10-100% mycosis at ten days post-inoculation. Four isolates identified as Bb9, Bb6, Ma9 and Ma10, were the most pathogenic as mycosis reached 100%, which places them as potential candidates to be used as biological control agents.


Harpreet Kaur* and S.S. Hundal

... assess toxicity levels, hence the activity of these enzymes were assessed to study imidacloprid toxicity. Inhibition of AChE activity was observed in both the earthworm species in all the doses of imidacloprid, indicating neurotoxicity. There was an initial increase in the GST activity followed by its decrease with the duration of exposure to imidacloprid. Imidacloprid is highly toxic to earthworm inducing physiological which may cause catabolism of enzymes. ...

Reyad R. Shawish, Reda E. Hamed*, Zakaria H. Elbayoumi 

...hrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene) made it of the highest health risk to the consumers, followed by kofta, shawarma and burger, respectively. Besides that, positive samples were compared with the European Commission Regulations (EC) of the maximum permissible PAHs limits in the meat products (≤12 µgkg); so, 20 (25.0%) of the examined samples were compatible for human consumption safely. Conclusively, the present surveillance indic...

Tooba Ather1, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid2*, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub3, Javed Iqbal2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2, Muhammad Akram2, Naveeda Anjum4, Muhammad Rizwan6, Hafeezur Rehman5 and Umar Farooq5

...ormation is very useful when formulating management strategy of CMB in future.


Khalid Khan1*, Ahmed Farhan Saeed2, Sanam Wagma Khattak3 and Saima Liaqat4

...tices and technologies, then these factors may no longer be crucial to the farmer’s decision of adaptability of improved poultry practice and technologies. This study also revealed that the availability of credit, information, proper training, and accessibility to market to non-adopted farmers turn as a great incentive to adopt improved practices and technology to augment their production and income.


Muhammad Ajmal Khan1, Muhammad Yahya2*, Ali Hazrat2, Javed Khan3, Saeed Jan4, Tabinda Nowsheen2 and Inam Ullah5

...ablished protocol 2,2-diphenyl-picrylhydrazyl hydrate (DPPH) at various concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200, and 250 µL). The phytochemical analysis of methanolic leaves extract of T. camphoratum showed 2.80% alkaloids, 4.90% flavonoids and 1.80% terpenoids content. The antibacterial activity of the methanolic extract showed high effectiveness against Gram-positive bacteria (MRSA) with 23 mm zone of inhibition (ZOI), whereas against Gram- negative bacteria...

Syed Wajahat Husain Jaafry1* and Amber Fatima2

... below-ground resources when an encounter with neighboring unrelated conspecifics as compared to related conspecifics (kin recognition). Some species increase competition when interacting with related and unrelated conspecifics (niche partitioning); some species do not show any change in the above/below ground allocation pattern. In this review, we attempt to provide a research background of species recognition in plants and...
Ramadan Sary, Asmaa M. Ibrahium*
..., parietal, occipital, sphenoid and temporal bone while the bones of face formed of nasal, quadrate bone, zygomatic, palatine, vomer, premaxillary, maxillary and ethmoid. The cranium and viscerocranium demarcated from each other by orbital cavities. The mandible composed of five ill distinguished bones; dental, splenial, angular, supra angular, and the articular.
Keywords | Egyptian owl, Skull, Morphology, Radiology, Computerized...

Zahin Anjum1*, Farhat Shehzad1, Shaista Ali1, Sumbla Yousaf2, Amina Rahat1 and Hamid Ullah Shah3, naphthalene, flourenthene and DBAHA concentrations were assessed high in mutton samples grilled on coals. Furthermore, this research observed the factors that might be helpful in minimizing the level of meat contaminants if practiced with traditional grilling procedures.


Amina Batool1*, Saba Aleem1, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Waheed Arshad1, Muhammad Aslam2, Shiraz Ali3 and Muhammad Zeeshan3

Lin Li1,2, Pingsheng Ye1, Xi Chen1, Shuping Yan1 and Yuanshu Zhang1* metabolism is active when ruminant is on lactation period. The aim of this study was to evaluate liver metabolism adaptation to high-concentrate diet-induced milk fat depression (MFD). Six Saanen dairy goats were randomly divided into 2 groups and fed either a high-forage (HF) diet or a high- concentrate (HC) diet. The high-concentrate diet caused lower milk fat content and milk fat yield, namely induced MFD. While, the net hepatic TG production (portal vei...

Liyun Chang1, Aiju Liu2, Jianshuang Zhang3, Yingbin Chen1 and Zhiyong Liu4*

...he purified protein was then used as a coating antigen to establish an indirect ELISA method for detecting the T. gondii antibody in pet cats, whose reaction conditions were optimized. The SAG2 gene was successfully cloned into a pET-21a (+) prokaryotic expression vector, and the recombinant plasmid pET-21a-SAG2 was obtained. The size of the recombinant protein was approximately 19 kDa, and it was expressed mainly in the form of an inclusion body. The optimal ...

Qian Chong1, Muhammad Mohsin2*, Zhu Ting1, Chen Qiqi1 and Ana Mehak3

...y managers. For this, authentic data, 1999 – 2018, collected from Fishery Yearbooks of China was statistically evaluated through depletion models (DMs). In principle, three models, viz., Fox (FM), Schaefer (SM), and Pella-Tomlinson (PTM) of surplus production models (SPMs), a specialized form of DMs, were used and compared for getting the better-fitted model to draw results. SPMs were applied with the help of computer-based fishery analysis software, i.e...

Tasya Nur Karina1, Osfar Sjofjan2, Tri Eko Susilorini2, Muhammad Halim Natsir2*

...lity of ISA BROWN laying hens. The materials in this research were used date palm flour with different levels as follows, T0 = basal diet + 0% control, T1 = basal diet + 2.5% date palm flour, T2 = basal diet + 5% date palm flour, T3 = basal diet + 7.5% date palm flour, T4 = basal feed + 10% date palm flour. The variables observed were production performance and egg physical quality. This research used 125 laying hens aged 26...

Murat Durmuş* and Nazan Koluman

...riod were slaughter and then carcass parameters were evaluated. According to the obtained results, there was no statistically significant difference between lambs and kids in terms of initial and final live weights and feed conversion ratios (P>0.05). However, the difference between the two species with regard to feed consumption and live weight gains during the 8-week fattening period were found to be significant (P<0.05). Considering slaughtering data,...

Xinran Wang1,2 and Lizhi Zhou1,2*

...their vigilance mode at Shengjin Lake, a Ramsar Site in China. Disturbance intensity was divided into three levels, and the influence of disturbance intensity on collective vigilance was compared by one-way analysis of variance (low disturbance: F = 1.854, P < 0.001; moderate disturbance: F = 1.854, P < 0.001; high disturbance: F = 1.637). The relationship between disturbance intensity and vigilance mode was determined by analyzing the influence of distu...

Hakan Kececi1*, Yasin Ozturk2, M. Bahaeddin Dortbudak3, Seda Yakut4, Gurdal Dagoglu5 and Merve Ozturk1

...o any toxic effect even when they consumed a stomach full of cocklebur fruit at once.

Muhammad Jalees
...e businesses have strengthened supply chain management (SCM) and providing a competitive advantage over their rivals. Companies tend to look into smart technologies to convince their customers/consumers for selling their items. Electronic marketing is an integral part of SCM to attract consumers around the globe, which may extend to the next level when the incorporation strategy between the supply chain partners starts to ex...

Mehroze Amin1, Afifa Yaqub1, Qindeel Fatima1, Rabail Hassan Toor1,3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2*

Xiangli Dong1,2, Shilin Mikhail Borisovich2, Jiji Li1,*, Jianyu He1, Zeqin Fu1, Yingying Ye1, Julia N. Lukina3, Olga V. Apalikova4 and Jianshe Zhang1

...antibody production. We then PCR amplified L.c-MRC1 and L.c-MRC2 and cloned them into prokaryotic protein expression vectors (MRC1 (1044bp)-pET32A and MRC2 (993bp)-pET32A). We performed SDS-PAGE analysis of the expressed L.c-MRC1 and L.c-MRC2 proteins and demonstrated high protein expression levels and purity. This study generates some essential molecular biology tools for the study of L. crocea MRC1 and MRC2 protein structure and function. These tools will en...

Hanan Saad El-Samahy, Amani Abd El-Naby Hafez, Mohamed Talat Ragab, Disouky Mohamed Mourad*  

...ey sinusitis is a major phenomenon that make the turkey farmers take far away from the turkey production as a result of difficult treatment, medication cost, difficult isolation of causative bacterial agents, weight loss, reduced fertility, and hatchability, so this study aimed to determine the bacterial causative agents using multiplex PCR as an accurate rapid diagnostic technique. Exudates of swollen infra-orbital sinus were aspirated and aseptically collec...

Muhammad Rizwan, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed and Muhammad Arshad

... L. (Solanaceae), batho Chenopodium album L. (Amaranthaceae) and Indian lemongrass Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf (Poaceae) were tested against 3rd instar nymphs of mealybug. Results showed that mean mortality was higher (76.67%) after the application of A. indica extract, followed by E. camaldulensis (66.67%) at 72 h post-exposure. The least effective botanicals were C. citratus and C. album showing 26.67 and 20.0% mean mortality of mealybug, respectively. T...

Mutassim Abdelrahman1, Ibrahim Alhidary1, Majdi Bahaddi1,2, Mohsen Alobre1,3, Riyadh Aljumaah1 and Rifat Ullah Khan4, *

...alues for lambs from T2 when compared with T1 and control (339.47 vs. 379.82 and 524.90 µg/g wet weight, respectively). Although the same trend was reported for Mn in the liver, no difference between T1 and T2 groups was observed. Moreover, numerical gradual increase coordinated with increased zeolite level (T2) was detected in concentration of Potassium in the liver, kidney, and rumen fluid, but not in meat. Significant differences (P < 0.05) were re...

Shahbaz Ahmed1, Mubeen Ahmad1, Muhammad Razaq1* and Farhan Mahmood Shah1,2*

...t yield (kg/ha) (6-31%) when compared with unstressed wheat. The irrigation stress changed coccinellid abundance and predator-prey ratio. Altered plant physiology and a weaken plant defense under irrigation stress attracted feeding by more aphids which resultantly reduced chlorophyll amount. The abundant prey attracted more predation in the stressed wheat. The aphids and predator’s preference change under irrigation stress are clear in our findings. We a...
Muhammad Sajid Hamid Akash1*, Hina Sharif1, Kanwal Rehman2, Sumbal Rasheed1 and Shagufta Kamal3
...metabolizing biomarkers when compared with unexposed rats. Arsenic concentration was found to be significantly high in liver tissues of ATO exposed rats. Contrarily, RSV was found to be effective in regulating normal glycemic level, insulin tolerance, and metabolic biomarkers. Hence, it was found that ATO exposure is correlated with onset of impaired metabolism and RSV can be used as therapeutic intervention for arsenic-indu...

Malik Fiaz Hussain1, Atif Akbar2, Muhammad Asif1, Laraib Nisar3, Muhammad Naeem Ashiq3 and Furhan Iqbal1*

...ody weight was observed when this parameter was compared between NiO NPs and saline injected albino mice of both sexes. In conclusion, we are reporting that NiO NPs can affect the muscular activity, object recognition capacity and exploratory behaviour of albino mice. The effects were more pronounced at higher dose and in female mice.


Zhang Yan1,2 and Muhammad Mohsin3*

...should be further strengthened for sustainable harvesting of this fishery resource and additional research on this topic.


Febriza Dwiranti1, Nur Fadhilah2, Ursula Paulawati Maker2, Priyo Sambodo3* assumed to be common phenomena in vertebrates, especially mammals.

Keywords | Blood value, cuscus, endemic, morphology, Papua 


Muhammad Jamil1*, Muhammad Hussnain Babar2, Aamir Hussain3, Rana Abdul Hameed Khan3, Hammad Hussnain4 and Saghir Ahmad4

...osting cotton production hence, their release for general cultivation may be sought from the authorized forum.


Ezz Ibrahim Khalifa, Ahmed Loly Ibrahim Desoky, Adel AbdElaziz Elbadawy, Gamal Ibrahim El-Emam, Tarek Messlam Mahmoud Mahdy* 

... level of BBE is marked when added up to 1.5% in the E3 extender which improves all characteristics compared to E0 and other BBE extenders. Also, E3 indicated post-thawing sperm parameters as motility, live, normal, and integrity acrosome up to 47.50, 65.10, 65.66, and 69.67%, but it was 37.22, 49.78, 55.89, and 59.22% relative to E0 extender, respectively. Furthermore, ATP, BC, and LPO levels post-thawing were 0.35µM, 255.40 CFU/ml, and 2.61 µM wi...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi2, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1, Ehtesham Ul Haq1, Faheem Abbas1 and Muhammad Saqib Raza Shah1

...parameters was recorded when applied @ 25 g L-1(w/v). The data revealed that aqueous extract produced an inhibitory effect on all the crops’ growth parameters studied. It is recommended that unplanned planting of poplar (P. deltoides L.) around the cereal crop fields should be avoided in order to obtain optimum crop population and finally the grain yield.


Muhammad Umer Chattha1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Imran Khan1, Athar Mahmood1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3*, Ambreen Fatima4, Muhammad Iqbal5, Muhammad Tahir Akbar6, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Faran Muhammad7, Muhammad Talha Aslam1 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

...index (EI) was recorded when high level of salt stress (12 dsm-1) was imposed, while minimum, T50, and MET and maximum GGP and EI was observed under control conditions. Cultivar Bhaker-2011 took less, T50, and MET and had maximum GP and EI while cultivar NAIB-2016 took maximum, T50, and MET time and had minimum GP and EI. Likewise, maximum plant height (PH: 68.20 cm), root length (RL: 7.70 cm), shoot length (SL: 16.67 cm), root fresh weight (RFW: 0.45 g) and s...

Sohail Ahmed Talpur1, Imran Khatri1*, Maqsood Anwar Rustamani1 and Zubair Ahmed2

...on genus Chaetocnema Stephens, 183, specimens were collected from various regions of Sindh, Pakistan, in total three species of the genus are described; their habitus images and male genitalia is provided; Chaetocnema belli Jacoby, 1904, Chaetocnema concinnicollis Baly, 1874 and Chaetocnema pusaensis (Maulik, 1926). Distributioanl map for each species is also provided.


Husmaini1*, Sabrina1, Firda Arlina1, Linda Suhartati1, Yozella Martilova2 

... in the digestive tract when consumed in sufficient quantities. Purple sweet potato has high effectiveness against LAB growth, namely 10,771 (log10 cfu/g) with 85.34% resistance be used as a medium for LAB growth. This study aims to determine the effect of probiotics Lactococcus plantarum and Pediococcus pentasaceus using a purple sweet potato carrier on laying hen’s performance and egg quality. This study used 210 la...

Sajid Ali1*, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin3, Asad Ali Khan2, Sajjad Khan4, Dawood Ahmad5, Faiq Ahmad2, Maaz Khan2, Sikandar Azam1, Siddique Ahmad2 and Bismillah Khan2

... significantly affected when120 kg P ha-1 was applied. Days to tasseling (53), days to silking (55), leaf areaplant-1 (4400 cm2), leaf area index (3.1), plant height (258.6 cm) and days to harvest maturity (89) were significantly affected in plots treated at the rate of 5 kg ha-1 with Zn. In case of application stages (AS), when Zn was applied 1/2 at vegetative and 1/2 at reproductive growth stages significantly enhanced the...
Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1*, Mohammed I. Buhaya2
...ion of commercial laying hens. A total of 180 Hy-Line brown laying hens 36-week-old were randomly divided into four groups (9 replicates x 5 birds each). The four groups were fed a basal diet formulated to contain; 0, 2, 4 or 6% LO for six weeks. Results showed a significant improvement in egg production performance with dietary LO inclusion ranged from 3 to 4%. Data revealed a significant reduction in egg yolk cholesterol c...

Razaq Adekunle Animashahun1*, Gbenga Emmanuel Onibi2, Samuel Olanrewaju Aro2, Oghenerobor Benjamin Akpor3, Funmilayo Abimbola Okeniyi1, Olayinka Olubunmi Alabi1, Michael Babatunde Falana1, Ayoola John Shoyombo1, Samuel Oyewale Olawoye1 

...r ratio 1.0:1.0 w/v and then incubated for 192 hours at room temperature. Samples were taken at 48 h interval for the proximate, minerals and anti-nutrients composition determination of the fermented cassava stumps. The experimental design employed was completely Randomized Design. The results showed that the fermentation media and the fermentation period significantly (P < 0.05) affected the nutritional and anti-nutritional components of the cassava stumps...

Waqas Raza1*, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Muhammad Asif2, Ikram-ul-Haq3, Muhammad Zakria4 and Laith Khalil Tawfeeq Al-Ani5,6

...on different media. The phenotypic characteristic of the isolates were observed as fluffy cottony growth with striated pattern. The average length of sporangia among the isolates collected during 2017 from potato growing areas of Punjab ranged from 14.94 to 47.89 µm, and mean breadth of sporangia varied from 10.44 0 to 23.67 µm. During 2018, among all districts, isolate Jhg-22 showed the highest length (46.64 μm) and breadth (22.17 μm) follow...

Dong-Min Hou and Ding-Qi Rao*

...eptiles remain unknown. Then, we reviewed the effects of microplastics on amphibians and reptiles, and most previous studies have focused on turtles and tadpoles; by comparison, few studies have been conducted on snakes, lizards and crocodiles. Although the extinction of some species has increased awareness of the need for conservation, there are still many gaps in research on the effects of microplastics on amphibians and reptiles. More research on the effect...

Madumetja Cyril Mathapo and Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...used for data analysis. Phenotypic correlation outcomes indicated that SC had a positive statistically significant (P<0.05) correlation with BW (r = 0.425) and non-significant correlation with BL (r = 0.108), HG (r = 0.082), RH (r = 0.038), WH (r = 0.097) and SH (r = 0.280), while TL had non-significant correlation with BW (r = 0.009), BL (r = -0.351), HG (r = -0.147), RH (r = -0.108), WH (r = -0.086) and SH (r = 0.052). Regression analysis model showed tha...

Tariq Ali1,2*, Kamran1, Abdur Raziq1, Inam Ullah Wazir1, Anwar Ali1, Muhammad Ijaz Ali1, Muhammad Shuaib Khan2, Shakeeb Ullah2 and Sher Hayat Khan3

...cherichia coli (23.7%), then Streptococci spp. (8%) Salmonella spp. (5.9%), Klebsiella spp. (5.7%), Candida spp. (4.1%), and Proteus spp. (1.5%). The isolated bacteria were mostly resistant to ampicillin (96.5%), sulphamethoxazole (96.5%), streptomycin (95.1%), oxytetracycline (85%), and amoxicillin (78.1%). However, the isolates were highly susceptible to enrofloxacin (86.2%), gentamicin (83.5%), and florfenicol (82.6%). This study might be helpful to the cli...

Fatin Khalil*, Harinath Yapati, Zainab Al Blallam, Ronia Jose seasonal resilience phenotypes in this study, which indicate production performance and metabolic changes in response to changing weather. We examine the impact of calendar season (summer and winter) on animal performance resilience by assessing various parameters of ewes, lambs, pregnant, male, and lactating Naeemi breed animals from the Agriculture Research Station; Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, Kabd. The evaluation of biochemical and hematol...

Shou-Dong Zhang1,2,3, Dao-Xin Liu1,2, Dan Mou1, Tong-Zuo Zhang2, Jian-Ping Su2 and Jiu-Xiang Xie1*

...ste, and tasteless) and then compared Ei values to determine whether plant taste can affect zokor diet selection. A total of 124 burrow systems were analyzed and 103 plants were used in the analyses. Kruskal-Wallis tests revealed statistically significant deviations (from the mean) in Ei values among the four taste groups (χ2 = 199.033, df =3, p = 0.000). Pairwise Mann-Whitney U tests showed that, at the p = 0.05 or higher significance level, the Ei values...

Muhammad Ismail1, Jabbar Khan1*, Zahid Rauf2, Khalid Khan3 and Muhammad Rafi1 and breast cancer and hence, can be used as a significant marker in the determination of breast cancer.


Jun Wang*, Xiaoming Jiang and Zhiwei Sun

...; Silurus lanzhouensis (Chen, 1977); Silurus asotus (Linnaeus, 1758); Channa argus (Cantor, 1842). The b values of the LWRs ranged from 2.598 for Ctenopharyngodon idella to 3.271 for Parabramis pekinensis. This study represents the first report on LRWs of commercial fish species in the whole mainstream of the Yellow River.The LRWs of five species have not been previously record. These data can serve as important baseline for conservation and management in the ...

Zulqarnain Haider1*, Muhammad Akhter2, Syed Sultan Ali1, Tahir Latif1, Rana Ahsan Raza Khan1, Awais Riaz1, Tahira Bibi1, Muhammad Ijaz3, Qasim Raza1, Mohsin Ali Raza4, Samina Sarfaraz1, Muhammad Iqbal1 and Muhammad Rafiq1 higher proportion of phenotypic variation attributed by genetic values. Correlation matrix portrayed significantly positive relationship of grain yield with maturity days; significantly positive relationship of plant height with days to maturity and highly negative with panicle length and thousand grains weight. Dendrograms divided the genotypes into six distinct Clusters. Based on GGE biplots, PK10324-1-1 followed by PK9444-8-1-2 and PK10029-13-2-1 were id...

Al-Hassan M. Mostafa1*, Gehan Mohammed Sayed2 

... the high flavonoid and phenol content of A. sativum ingredients have the ability to repair the degenerative hazards induced in a goat infested by Haemonchus contortus which aid in healing process. However, the time that Coriandrum sativum needs for repairing affected tissue is relatively more than that of Allium sativum.

Keywords | Goat, Haemonchus contortus, Garlic, Coriander and abomasum. 


Hagar Magdy Ahmed1, Mohamed Mahrous Amer2*, Khaled Mohamed Elbayoumi1 , Sameh Abdel- Moez Ahmed Amer1, Asmaa Mahmoud Matoaq1 , Mohamed Abdel Aziz Kutkat1, Gomaa Abd El-Rhim Abdel-Alim2  

...V genotype VII vaccines when compared with other groups. Regarding broiler performance parameters it was noticed that, there is no significant difference in body weight (BW) as well as feed conversion rate (FCR) among all chickens in different vaccinated groups. From these findings, we concluded that vaccination programs include ND vaccines genotypically- matched to challenge virus in combination with live attenuated NDV vaccines provided a significant protect...

Hurriya Alzahra1, Susmiati Susmiati2*, Sri Melia3 

...oxidant activity, total phenol, and organoleptic characteristics including the taste, aroma, and texture of fermented milk with orange juice added (Citrus nobilis L.). The study was based on a Factorial Completely Randomized Design (CRD), with starter concentrations of 4 (A1), 5 (A2), and 6% (A3), as well as orange juice concentrations of 10 (B1), 15 (B2), and 20% (B3). The results showed that fermented milk with orange juice revealed antioxidant activity rang...

Rijumoni Daimari, Silistina Narzari, Jatin Sarmah* 

...products is very scarce when compared with muscle meats (e.g., physicochemical composition, meat quality, sensory and their utilization etc.). The meat by-products are widely accepted as edible foods by the consumers. Therefore, the current study aims to examine the nutritional composition of edible viscera namely, liver, kidney, spleen, heart, large intestine and small intestine of Doom pig of Assam, India. The samples were collected from semi-extensively rea...

Hafiz Kashif Ali1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Mujahid Ali2*, Zahoor Hussain3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem4, Malik Abdul Rehman5, Barkat Ali6, Muhammad Iftikhar7

...the highest stem length when plants were sprayed once at 1 ppm Isabion. Among cultivars, ‘Iron Rose’, produced highest leaf area (42.8 cm2) with 3 ppm Isabion application, when sprayed only one time. Among the number of sprays, plants sprayed three times with Isabion produced the thickest stem diameter followed by 2 and 1 sprays. ‘Cheerful White’ had maximum leaf total chlorophyll contents, followed b...

Mai A Fadel1*, Ahmed M Elmahdy1, Jihan Mostafa Badr2, Mohammed AM Saleh3, Mona A.A. AbdelRahman3 

...cillin and enrofloxacin when being used alone, in a half-dose combination, and in a full-dose combination against Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis mixed infection in broiler chickens. One-hundred and five chickens were equally divided into 7 groups. Group one was used as a non-treated non-infected group (negative control). Group two was used as an infected with Escherichia coli and Salmonella enteritidis (mixed infection), non-treated group (positiv...

Shakeel Ahmad1, Muhammad Israr2*, Rasheed Ahmed3, Anam Ashraf1, Muhammad Amin4 and Nafees Ahmad5

...tainous ecosystem, comprehensive research is recommended about these LULC vulnerabilities locally and regionally.


Naheed Zahra1*, Saira Batool1, Mubbashira Nazir1, Ghulam Akbar Malik2 and Iffat Batool3

...the household level, kitchen gardening program should be introduced which will improve their livelihood more effectively.


Sajjad Khan, Fahad Karim Awan*, Zulfiqar Ali Gurmani, Muhammad Usama Hameed, Allah Bakhsh and Kainat Bibi

...h in PARC, Oat cultivar when 20% solution was applied. Where both treatments were applied in combinations to measure the drought and salinity tolerance at initial seeding stages of both oat cultivars, no significant effect was observed on germination %, shoot and root length of both oat cultivars, however PARC, oat performs better at 10 % and 20 % drought stress with salinity level of 80 mmolLˉ¹. However, both cultivars showed significantly stunted perfo...

Sonia Sumreen1, Muhammad Sharif2, Tariq Sultan1 and Ijaz Ali1*

... fertilizer efficiently when HA is mixed with it in order to increase P availability, nutrient uptake and wheat productivity.

Juweria Abid1, Shakeel Ahmad2, Humaira Wasila3, Tooba Asif4, Muhammad Farooq5* and Attaullah Jan6

... mineral content, total phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of fresh (cow, buffalo, goat, sheep and camel) and processed milk types (S1, S2, S3, S4 and S5) commonly consumed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan. Samples were collected from three different districts of KP and after composite sampling dried in oven and stored at room temperature for further biochemical analysis. Samples were then analyzed for minerals ...

Dhiya Altememy1, Mohammad Darvishi2*, Samira Shokri3, Saber Abbaszadeh4 

...cin, were prepared, and then TiO2N.Ps. were prepared from them using isopropoxide. The antibiotic methicillin and calcium alginate pad was also loaded as control of nanoparticles embedded in the calcium alginate pad and then the restorative effect on the wound was studied. On days 0, 3, 7, 14, and 21, hematoxylin-eosin slides (H&E) of the tissue, angiogenesis rate, and division of fibroblast cells and Masson’s tric...

Shakeel Ahmad1*, Humaira Wasila2, Juweria Abid3, Nazir Muhammad4 and Hazrat Usman5 

... proximate composition, phenolic compounds and antioxidant activity of milk products commonly consumed in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Fifteen different milk product samples were collected from 3 different markets in the study area to get a composite sample. AOAC 15th edition methods were used to analyze moisture, ash, carbohydrates, fats and protein contents of milk products. Atomic absorption spectroscopy and flame photometry were used for mineral analysis....

Othman E. Othman1*, Lingjiang Min2, Amira M. Nowier3 related to fertility phenomena in goats.

Keywords | DNA methylation, Ovulation rate, Litter size, WGBS, Goat. 


Kokab Nazim1*, Asghari Bano1 and Ghulam Jellani2

...age seemed to be more authentic parameter for screening of genotypes because it shows direct effect of stress on cellular membranes. It is recommended that this method can be employed to shortlist genotypes on cost effective basis.


Asma Hassan*, Zuhair Hasnain, Muhmmad Asadullah, Syed Saqlain Hussain and Muhammad Abbas Anees

...lign: justify;">Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Wild) is a pseudo cereal, drought-resistant, and medicinally value able with a superior nutritional profile as compared to common cereals. It’s obligatory to obtain the maximum yield of quinoa under rain-fed conditions with a well-adjusted quantity of nutrients. To evaluate nitrogen (N) levels viz 55 kg ha-1, 65 kg ha-1, 75 kg ha-1, 85 kg ha-1, and 95 kg ha-1 and seed priming techniques water soaking, K2HPO4, K2...

Muhammad Usman1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Nasir Mehmood2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1 and Mamoona Chaudhry3

...ples were collected and then tick species were identified. DNA extraction was followed by detection of 16S rRNA signature gene using B. burgdorferi s.l. specific primers through conventional PCR. We found that 4.3% dogs and 8.9% tick pools were positive for B. burgdorferi s.l. Rhipicephalus sanguineus (86.5%) was the most abundant tick species. 57.1% I. gibbosus and 8.4% R. sanguineus pools tested positive for B. burgdorferi s.l. Phylogenetically, our sequence...

Abhishek Pandit1, Suman Poudel2, Manish Gautam3* and Shambhu Shah4

...s and ovulation in cows when administered during the luteal period. Progestin suppresses the activity of the ovary and inhibits the dominant follicle maturation due to the suppression of both FSH and LH. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone or an analog is administered with PGF2α to estrous- cyclic and noncyclic cattle disrupts the patterns of follicular growth, inducing ovulation on a large follicle. To select and successfully implement the estrus synchroniza...

Muhammad Jamil1*, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah2, Taj Muhammad2, Syed Waqar Hussain Shah3, Khezir Hayat4, Muhammad Zahid Aslam5 and Abdul Sattar6

...ighest (2523.3 kg ha-1) when sown in 1stMarch, while VH-402 gave the lowest seed cotton yield (209 kg ha-1) on the planting date of 16th June. The finest lint-bearing micronaire value (3.9656) was obtained by normal season sowing in 1stMay. Late sowing on 16th June resulted in coarse lint with (4.8189) micronaire value. Tough staple was found (33.511 g tex-1) at 1st March sowing, while frail staple (28.856 g tex-1) resulted in 16th May planting. In prevailing ...

Abdul Latif1, Shahid Sattar1, Fazal Maula2, Imtiaz Khan4*, Asim Iqbal3 and Said Hussain Shah1*

...d P. hydropiper (78.80) when tested under laboratory conditions. Based on the current results, it is concluded that lamda-cyhalothrin and A. indica caused high mortality under lab and field conditions, which can be included in future IPM programs.


Khalid Khan1*, Mahmood-ul-Hassan2, Ihsan Ullah1, Haris Khurshid1, F.Y Saleem Marwat1, Salman Saleem1, M. Jehanzeb1 and Zubair Ahmad1

...elected on the basis of phenotypic data interpret by statistical analysis. Thus in the present investigation morphological traits were able to indicate the existence of a vast genetic diversity among the sorghum hybrids used providing scope for further genetic improvement in the breeding program.


Xiajun Zhang1, Jie Yang2, Wenjun Zhou1, Zhenshi Chen2, Weidong Wu3, Shaoru Zhang2 and Lihui Wang2*

... of endometrial cancer. Then, ASPN was specifically expressed in endometrium and cell specific expression in basophils, among the most similar genes, we found TGF-β3. Moreover, lncRNA CASC7 acts on miR-26, and miR-26 was predicted to regulate ASPN. Next, Except for SMAD2 and XIAP, the expression of ASPN, TGF-β1, TGF-β2, TGF-β3, SMAD3 and SMAD4 genes in normal tissues was higher than that in tumor tissues. ASPN was positively correlated with...

Muhammad Umar1*, Mubashar Hussain1 and David C. Lee2

...try (H´ = 4.261), then urban cropland (H´ = 3.746), and lowest in pure croplands (H´ = 2.247). Bird community composition changed significantly across seasons and agricultural systems. Resident species tended to contribute most to intra-seasonal and system community similarities. The avian communities reported from these semi-arid croplands indicate agriculture landscapes provide habitat for both summer visitors and winter visitors. Overall, ...

Jiangbo Shao1, Donglai Zhu2, Shengqiang Zou1, Guohong Ge1 and Ju Huang1*

...vestigated through comprehensive bioinformatics analysis. We found that SOX9 mainly participated in heat stress response, protein folding as well as metabolism and biosynthesis of amino acid. SOX9 correlated with HSPA1B were negative to the progression in hepatocellular carcinoma patients. These results suggest that SOX9 participated in hepatocellular carcinoma progression through targeted regulation of HSPA1B that might provide novel insights in hepatocellula...

Xin Xing Dong1*, Gai Cui Bai2, Ming Li Li1, Guo Xiang Lan1, Da Wei Yan1, Xiao Yi Wang1, Qiang Chen1 and Shao Xiong Lu1*

...0 days (BW70), the days when the pigs reached the target weights of 30 kg(D30) and 100 kg(D100), average daily gain between 30 kg and 100 kg (ADG), and backfat thickness of 100kg body weight (BFT) (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01), while did not contribute birth weight and days to 50 kg body weight(D50) (P > 0.05). At g.8523 T>C site, compared to TC genotype, the individuals with TT genotype in Duroc had greater D100 and BFT (P < 0.05 or P < 0.01), whic...
Azra Kalhoro1, Abdul Aziz Mirani2, Fozia Khan Siyal1, Tahira Jatt2*, Abdul Razak Mahar1, Sadia Iram3 and Muhammad Abbas Bhutto4

Qamar Javed Iqbal1*, Zainab Masood2, Asad Abbas3 and Sidra Munir4

.../mol with the help of Arrhenius Equation (ln k = ln ko – Ea/RT). The purpose of this study is to produce highly epoxidized pumpkin oil which can be further utilized as raw material in polymer industry and to discuss its kinetic and thermodynamic properties. The characterization of epoxidized pumpkin seed oil was accomplished by FTIR analysis which shows peak of epoxy group at 845cm-1.


Nurul Isnaini1*, Ervin Kusuma Dewi Reksadinata1, Faizal Andri1, Tri Harsi2, Ida Zahidah Irfan2 

...6 to 7 years of age and then gradually reduced from 7 to 10 years of age. It could be concluded that the optimum semen productivity of Aceh cattle is when they are 7 years old.

Keywords | Artificial insemination, Frozen semen production, Indonesian local cattle, Reproductive performance, Total sperm output 


Tinda Afriani*, Endang Purwati, Yurnalis, Jaswandi, Mangku Mundana, Adisti Rastosari, Anna Farhana  

...action (PCR) technique. Then the amplified products were sequenced. The results showed that the population of Pesisir cattle used in this study was polymorphic. There were 5 polymorphisms in the exon 9 and intron 9 regions, which were located at the 18 A>G, 213 T>C, +49 A>T, +232 A>C, and +252 G>A. There were 3 transition type mutations (at positions 8, 213 and +252) and 2 transversion type mutations (at positions +49 and +232). Based on the res...

Lobna M.A. Salem, Nashwa O. Khalifa, Marwa O. Abd El-Halim* 

... inaccurate, especially when hybrid forms are present. The definitive identification of Fasciola species, including their hybrids, has been made possible by advanced molecular techniques. Our study aimed to estimate the prevalence of Fascioliasis and identify the phenotypic features of Fasciola that infecting sheep, cattle, buffaloes, goats, and camels in Qualyobia, Egypt. The genetic identity of Fasciola species was examine...
Farzana Bashir2, Aysha Saleem1, Khalid Iqbal Khichi2, Rubina Nelofer3* and Rauf Ahmad Khan2
...e and ascorbic acid and then embedded on rice husk for the removal of bacterial contaminants from drinking water. The Cu-NP embedded rice husk then characterized by SEM, EMAX and ICP-OES techniques. The antibacterial activity was determined by column studies using response surface methodology (RSM) based on three levels, three factorial Box Behnken Design (BBD). The significance of independent variables (flow rate, bacterial...

Hamenya Mpemba1, Fan Yang1, Kirsty J. MacLeod2,3, Dusu Wen1, Yan Liu1,4 and Guangshun Jiang1,* visual predator cue. When combined, mesopredators and top predators also showed a small reduction in visitation rates to tiger cue sites compared to bear cue sites, suggesting a possible novel predator effect. The generalisation and contextual importance of predator cues for prey and mesopredators have been little studied. Understanding how species respond to novel cues may help to determine extinction probabilities and overall plasticity in the face of cha...

Syeda Batool Zehra1, Abdullah G. Arijo2, Aly Khan3, Nasira Khatoon1* and Samina Waheed1

...d statistical analysis. When traditional morphological techniques used with, molecular biology technologies it has proven to be effective in distinguishing closely related species. Statistical analysis is used to determine the intensity of infection in relation to age and gender. This study will focus on children who are suspected of being afflicted with pinworms. The presence of adult worms or ova in the feces is required to make proper diagnosis. The swabbin...

Sahar M. Saber1*, Ahmed M. A. Albehwar2, Amani M. Abas3, Omaima A.A. Alshamandy2, Noha A. El said4 and Marwa Y. Hamad4

...gainst RVFV, especially when inoculated one hour post virus infection or simultaneously with the virus. So, we could conclude that the prepared interferon has an antiviral activity against RVFV and further studies are needed to provide more understanding of the virus-host interaction and cellular antiviral response and to evaluate the probable side effects of interferon on treated animals.


Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1*, Dalia Y.Z. Amin1, Mona A. Ismail1 and Khalid A. El-Dougdoug2

...hanically inoculated on Chenopodium amaranticolor L. and reinoculated on Ch. amaranticolar L. and Nicotiana glutinosa for virus propagation. Fresh wood cuttings (4-6 nodes) were collected from naturally infected fig plants. Healthy fig plants were grafting-inoculated with chip budding of infected fig plants and kept in a greenhouse. Symptoms were confirmed by DAS-ELISA. Strips of infected and healthy N. glutinosa leaves were viewed under light microscope. Extr...

Ayesha Saeed1*, Farzana Kishwar2, Ahsan Nazir3, Sharjeel Abid4, Muhammad Abiodullah5, and Danial Ali6

...h as triterpenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Keeping in view and get benefit from their fruitful properties the aim of the study was to develop antibacterial dry sheet nanofiber mask loaded with leaf extracts of MA and HRS as antibacterial agents in SA/PVA nanofibers through electrospinning method, which was just wet before its application. Leaf extracts were used at three concentration levels (0.5, 1, and 1.5 %). Scanning Electron Microscope (S...

Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Muhammad Atiq*, Nasir Ahmed Rajput, Muhammad Usman, Ahmad Nawaz, Ghalib Ayaz Kachelo, Azeem Akram and Hadeed Ahmad

... conditions is a common phenomenon which is responsible for potential economic losses. It has been studied that the hot and humid climatic conditions are conducive for the outbreak of disease. Therefore, integrated management of mango anthracnose is essential. It has been estimated that approximately 25 to 30% loses in mango production are due to anthracnose and stem end rot. Previous investigations revealed that the disease incidence may reach up to 100% on f...

Saydat Saad Abd El-Megeed1, Walaa Yehia El-Sayed1*, Tarek Khamis2 

...g protein (Hhip-1), smoothened (SMO), glioma-associated oncogene homolog 1 (GLI1), and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 (ERK1). On the other hand, there was a significant upregulation in the mRNA expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) –γ, insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1), PPAR-α, glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) in pancreatic homogenate, and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alph...

Samaa M Galal1, Sally Ibrahim2, Karima Mahmoud2, Ola Adel1, Aya A. Shokry3, El-Belely MS1, Ismail Sayed Taha1* 

Murad Ali Rahat1*, Muhammad Israr2, Hakim Khan1, Ishtiaq Hassan1, Mohammad Islam1 and Muzafar Shah3

...ich relies on providing phenotypic information about unknown individuals when traditional DNA profiling is not informative. The system aids in forensic investigation by probabilistic prediction of eye, hair, skin colors as well as other phenotypic features. The Irisplex system contains a very sensitive multiplex genetic typing test that allows users to predict blue, brown and intermediate ...

Madad Ali1, Muhammad Ahsan1, Muhammad Zubair Akram*2 and Samreen Nazeer3

...ositive and significant phenotypic correlation with plant height (r = 0.469) followed by total biomass (r = 0.431). Number of grain rows per cob (r = 2.662) exhibited the highest positive direct effect on grain yield per plant followed by total biomass (r = 1.993) and 100 grains weight (r = 1.194). Among the hybrids understudy, DH-8XDH-6 showed the best performance in Plant height (196.67 cm), Leaves per plant (14), total biomass per plant (440.91 g), cob leng...

Sehrish Ashraaf1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Chand Raza1, Ayesha Muzamil1, Farman Ahmad Chaudhary2, Muhammad Summer1 and Aamir Ali1

... the respective groups, then blood was collected for hematological analysis to observe the mean count of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelets, white blood cells (neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils) in control and experimental groups. Based on the preliminary results a mixture of best concentration of sericin and curcumin was successfully achieved and was used in further studies. In the group that was given carrageenan alone, the number of erythro...

Sehrish Ashraaf1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Chand Raza1, Ayesha Muzamil1, Farman Ahmad Chaudhary2, Muhammad Summer1 and Aamir Ali1

... the respective groups, then blood was collected for hematological analysis to observe the mean count of erythrocytes, hemoglobin, platelets, white blood cells (neutrophils, monocytes, eosinophils and basophils) in control and experimental groups. Based on the preliminary results a mixture of best concentration of sericin and curcumin was successfully achieved and was used in further studies. In the group that was given carrageenan alone, the number of erythro...
Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
... attack rate decreases. When the third instar of C. carnea fed on L. erysimi its handling time was 0.029h and its attack rate was 1.55h-1, while when fed on D. noxia its handling time was 0.14h and its attack rate was 0.72h-1. This study revealed that third larval instar of C. carnea has great predatory potential for L. erysimi and D. noxia.

Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
... attack rate decreases. When the third instar of C. carnea fed on L. erysimi its handling time was 0.029h and its attack rate was 1.55h-1, while when fed on D. noxia its handling time was 0.14h and its attack rate was 0.72h-1. This study revealed that third larval instar of C. carnea has great predatory potential for L. erysimi and D. noxia.

Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
... attack rate decreases. When the third instar of C. carnea fed on L. erysimi its handling time was 0.029h and its attack rate was 1.55h-1, while when fed on D. noxia its handling time was 0.14h and its attack rate was 0.72h-1. This study revealed that third larval instar of C. carnea has great predatory potential for L. erysimi and D. noxia.


Humera Manzoor1,2,5 Norbert Brüggemann2,3, Hafiz Muhammad Jafar Hussain1, Tobias Bäumer2, Frauke Hinrichs2, Muhammad Wajid4, Alexander Münchau2, Katja Lohmann2* and Sadaf Naz1*

...of the variant with the phenotype. All patients had congenital limb contractures. These included camptodactyly of hands and feet, ptosis, adducted thumb and clubfoot morphology. A novel homozygous missense variant in ECEL1 c.2051A>G, p.(Tyr684Cys) was identified in all three patients. The variant was absent from the DNA of 500 ethnically matched control samples as well as from all public databases. In conclusion, this study reports a family with clinical fe...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Naila Chand1 and Muhammad Tahir2

...ll in the diet of laying hens on the production performance and nutrient digestibility during peak egg production period with different phases (phase-1=week 29 to 32, phase-2=week 33 to 36, and phase-3=week 37 to 40). One hundred and sixty golden misri (Brown) laying hens of age 28 weeks were brought for the experimental purpose and reared up to 40 weeks of age. All birds were divided into 4 groups with 4 replicate per group...
Nuzhat Kamal1, Muhammed Sajjad Ansari2*, Bushra Allah Rakha1, Shamim Akhter1, Saima Qadeer1 and Ali Akhter1
...ogen vapors for 10 min. Then straws were plunged into liquid nitrogen (-196°C) for storage. After 24 h of storage, straws were thawed at 37°C for 30 seconds and assessed for sperm motility (%), plasma membrane integrity (%), viability (%), normal apical ridge (%) and chromatin integrity (%). Sperm motility was recorded higher in extender containing 15mM alanine compared to control. Sperm viability was recorded higher in extender containing alanine 10, ...

V. Sunitha*, V. Vasudeva Rao, V. Ravinder Reddy, P. Venkateshwarlu, A.V.L.N. Ramalingeswar Rao and B. Naresh

K. H. El-Kholy1*, Enayat Hassan Abo El-Azayem2, Safaa Ataya Barakat2, Mona Gamel Mohamed3, Sara H. M. Hassab1 

...y (P≤0.05) decreased when the dietary AV level increased. Haematological, plasma biochemical and antioxidant enzymes (SOD, GPx and CAT) were significantly elevated (P≤0.05) by the highest dietary AV inclusion (G4). The addition of AV significantly enhanced immune- responses; lymphocyte percentage, IgG and IgM increased when growing rabbits were fed G4 compared to the control group. In conclusion, dietary addition of 1 ...

Faiq Ahmad1, Shahen Shah1*, Muhammad Amin2, Ikram Ullah3, Sajid Ali4, Maaz Khan1, Muhammad Shakur5 and Sajjad Khan6

...obes (BM) for improving phenology and crop stand of wheat, research was conducted at the Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, during 2019-20. The experiment comprised of nitrogen application from integrated sources (50% FYM + 50% urea + BM, 50% FYM + 50% PM + BM, 50% PM + 50% urea + BM, 50% FYM + 50% urea – BM, 50% FYM + 50% PM – BM and 50% PM + 50% urea – BM) and N sources application timing (1, 15 and 30 days befo...

Muhammad A. Ahmad1, Shabbir Hussain2*, Humera A. Awan3, Muhammad Riaz4 and Muhammad Saeed1

...late, sodium ortho-nitrophenolate and sodium para-nitrophenolate) on the yield of wheat crop. Numerous compositions of PGRs were formulated and sprayed on the foliar parts of the crop during various growth stages of the crop. Control measurements were also performed involving water spray only under the identical conditions. The PGRs spray has resulted in a significant rise of leaf development, stem growth and height of the w...

Hams M.A. Mohamed1*, Katreen K.G.2, M.W. Abd Al-Azeem1, Faysal A. Wasel2, Ahmed M. Abd-Eldayem3 

... a public health danger when present in raw milk. Therefore, it is essential to keep an eye on bacterial resistance in the setting of food production.

Keywords | Listeria spp., L. monocytogenes, Virulence genes, Biofilm, antimicrobial resistance 


Mehwish Saleem1* and Amina Atiq2

... of these extracts were then mixed with silver nitrate to create a 0.01M solution of silver nitrate nanoparticles. UV-VIS was done for the characterization of the nanoparticles. Various bacterial strains were successfully combatted by garlic nanoparticles’ strong antibacterial properties (E. coli, Klebsiella pneumonia, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus). Additionally, Staphylococcus aureus showed the greatest sensitivity to garlic nanoparticles...

Fahrauk Faramayuda*, Soraya Riyanti and Sitty Mahanadhiandinie

...ging activity of 1,1- Diphenyl-2- Picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and the determination of the total polyphenol content of white tea leaves have been conducted using UV-Visible spectrophotometry. Results of the study revealed that the antioxidant activities of the ethanol extract, n-hexane fraction, the water fraction and the ethyl acetate fraction of white tea leaves had IC50 values of 2.03, 4.77, 2.17 and 1.55 μg/mL, respectively...

Ibrahim El-Ratel1*, Mostafa El-Moghazy2, Amira El-Gaml2, Ibrahim Abu El-Naser2 

...a treatment period, and then semen was collected twice/week for 12 weeks. Results revealed that all PEE levels decreased libido and abnormality of spermatozoa, while increased semen size and percentages of motility, acrosome status, integrity of membrane, total sperm output, sperm concentration, sperm mitochondrial potential, and initial semen fructose. All PEE levels increased serum follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, testosterone, immunoglobul...

Lopamudra Samantaray*, Yashaswi Nayak 

...hytobiotic EOs on laying hen performance, physical characteristics, and egg cholesterol content. A total of 280 birds aged 70 days were enrolled in the study, which included seven experimental diets supplemented with EOs of black pepper, turmeric, and fennel at rates of 0%, 1%, and mixed diet at 0.5%. Hen-day egg production, feed efficiency, egg volume, and shell weight were significantly improved (p<0.05) with the mixed ...

Pham Tan Nha*, Le Thu Thuy  

...age. The results showed when adding yeast feed at 4% (DM) to the diet of Noi chickens, there is an increase the weight and decrease in FCR of Noi chickens. Especially the PM treatments had the best results. At crude protein level, the CP20 treatments was better than the CP16 treatments. Microorganisms of chicken manure, especially the PM treatments was the highest Lactobacilli and the PM treatments was the best results (E. coli and Clostridium the lowest). It...

Naheed Zahra*, Muhammad Qasim, Muhammad Azam Niazi, Muhammad Ishaq and Mubbashira Nazir

...e to yield fluctuations when compared to the competing cereal and other cash crops. Gram production in the Punjab is negatively affected by frequent unfavorable weather and disease incidences. Its production was found to be inversely related to the prices of wheat the major competing crop. This shows that as prices of competing crops increase the comparative profitability of gram decreases and hence its production decreases ...

Ahmed Abdul Gafar

...imilar or different and then propose pro-active measures/strategies to mitigating shocks against any future outbreak. Data were collected from over 300 households which include about 165 rice farmers. All the rice farmers are male, with an average age of 34 years with majority 87% reside in rural areas. Most of the farmers are aware of the existence and dangers of COVID-19. Although there was considerable free movement of rural farmers to access their farms, i...

Mushtaq Hussain Soomro1, Jan Muhammad Mari1, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal2* and Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar2

...till July 13, 2018, and then gradually declined as no weevils were captured after August 3, 2018. Moreover, the number of females captured in pheromone traps was two times more than the males. Therefore, the addition of either sugarcane or date palm stems with Ferrolure+ traps in infested date palm orchards can enhance the RPW capture for better monitoring and management. 
Novelty Statement | The...

Hafiz Husnain Nawaz1*, Ayesha Ahsan2, Amir Afzal1, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1, Muhammad Jan1, Kashif Ali1, Muhammad Arsalan1 and Rizwan Latif3

...act, thanks to its high phenolic content. It’s a high-polyunsaturated acid crop that’s strong in antioxidants. Extraction from C. sativa seeds yielded a 33% yield of C. sativa oil, which was then analyzed for TPC and antioxidants in comparison to commercially available C. sativa oil. The Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and the α, α-diphenyl-β-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) test...

Ahmed M. El-Waziry1,2*, Saeid M. Basmaeil1, Ibrahim A. Alhidary1, Gamaleldin M. Suliman1,3, Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1, Maged A. Al-Garadi1 

...sed as an energy source; hence, ionophores increase muscle growth by enhancing the daily weight gain due to the improved feed conversion rate. Studies indicate the effect of ionophores on the characteristics and quality of the carcass have been limited. Ionophoers may be enhanced the concentration of unsaturated fatty acids and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). The benefits of these acids with respect to human health include lower cholesterol and blood pres...
Ahmad Zaman, Azhar Rafique*, Farhat Jabeen and Tayyaba Sultana
...gricultural land, river Chenab sides, canals and cemeteries) and built up area (settlements, residential neighborhoods, and institutional grounds). We recorded 87 species of bird of 70 genera belonging to 39 families representing 16 orders. According to Bull and McCackle method, 3 species were very abundant i.e. house crow, common myna, house sparrow, 6 species i.e. green bee-eater, pied bushchat, cattle egret, black drongo, red wattled lapwing, red ven...

Uzma Hameed1*, Aneela Liaqat1, Muhammad Asjad Khan2, Ikram-Ul-Haq1 and Maham Aslam1

....031 U/ml) was observed when diluent with initial pH of 7 was used. Among different carbon sources (maltose, glucose, starch, galactose, arabinose and sucrose) best results were obtained with soluble starch. Alpha-amylase production is sensitive to the supply of nitrogen sources. In this context, both inorganic and organic nitrogen sources, were evaluated. Optimal enzyme production was obtained with diluent supplemented with NaNO3 (0.25%) and peptone (0.25%) a...

Farah Naz1*, Asad Umair2 and Ghazala Noureen3

...conomic, and biological phenomena. By taking an approach that considers not only the biological but also the sociological aspects of a pandemic, better preventative strategies could have been devised. In this review paper we look at the COVID-19 pandemic from inequalities perspective to explain why health issues and related preventive measures are hard to separate from socioeconomic gradients.


Andi Tenri Bau Astuti Mahmud1, Lellah Rahim2, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2*, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati2, Wempie Pakiding2 

...idual Feed Intake (RFI) phenotype. This study used 64Kalosi chickens kept intensively in individual cages. Chicks were reared from 24 to 70 days old. Data on feed consumption and body weight gain were collected every week. The residual feed intake value was calculated based on the average daily feed intake (ADFI), average daily gain (ADG) and mid-body weight metabolism regression results. At the end of the study (on the 70th day), the chicken was t

Farrukh Shehzad1, Muhammad Islam1,2*, Muhammad Omar3, Syed Ijaz Hussain Shah4, Rizwan Ahmed5 and Naeem Sohail6

...4. The results got best when it used D4 for random forest regression with the K Fold-6.


Jinzhao He1, Pengfei Feng2, Junqi Qin2, Yun Teng1, Xu Luo2*, Zigui Chen1*, Huawei Ma2* and Dayan Zhou1

...uam red tilapia changed when the water temperature dropped to 16-14°C, and continued to drop to about 11°C, it was discolored in a large area reaching above 90%. According to the differential analysis: Tyrosine Kinase STYK1, HSP70, HSP30 and Transcription factor Sp6 expressions were significantly increased in the low temperature group, while MC1R, Transcription factor (MafB, jun-D, AP-1, E2F5, ETV6, Sp9, Sp7, E2F1, Sp4) expressions were notably decreas...

Hashem Saeed Murad1*, Salah Jassem Amin2, Rawa’a Muhammad Al-Chalabi3, Mahmood Khalaf Wasmi4 and Sundus Salim5

...auses of climate change phenomenon. It was followed by the Domain of how to face the negative effects resulting from climate change, and finally the Domain of negative effects resulting from the phenomenon of climate change. The results also showed a significant correlation between the degree of knowledge of the respondents and each of the independent variables, (extension service duration use of information sources in the D...
Dong-Min Hou1, Ting Jia2, Hui-Juan Wang1, Zheng-Kun Wang1 and Wan-Long Zhu1* be markedly elevated when animals were exposed to the cold. In the present study, transcriptome sequencing of BAT in Tupaia belangeri between control and cold acclimation group were carried out by Illumina novaseq 6000 platform. Then the pathways and key genes related to lipid metabolism and energy metabolism were screened out by bioinformatics analysis. The results showed that there were significant differences in the ex...

Maha Mostafa1, Sohail Soliman1, Reham I. Mohamed2 and Wael M. El-Sayed1*

...reduced from 80 to zero when both the males and females were administered with testosterone. The synthetic testosterone had antifertility effects on both sexes of albino mice and therefore, it could be used in the pest control of mice.


Talat Farid Ahmed1*, Muhammad Azeem Afzal1, Hashim Nisar Hashmi2, Hafiz Muhammad Yousuf2, Shamim-ul-Sibtain Shah1 and Muhammad Atiqullah Khan1 

...ulder clayey formations when GWL is sufficiently deep.


Saima Rubab1,3*, Ghazala H Rizwani2, Arjumand Iqbal Durrani3, Iram Liaqat4*, Urooj Zafar5, Mahjabeen6, Farah Batool7, Noor-E- Seher3, Naveera Younas3 and Ayesha Sadiqa8 the presence of polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids, alkaloids, glycosides and carbohydrates in all plant parts with varied strength. Phytochemical analysis showed comparatively high percentage yield of ethanolic extract of all plant parts, hence was employed for evaluating the antimicrobial potential against 11 Gram positive bacteria, 9 Gram negative bacteria, 2 yeasts, 2 dermatophytes and 7 saprophytes. The petroleum et...

Edhy Sudjarwo, Muharlien Muharlien, Osfar Sjofjan, Danung Nur Adli, Dyah Lestari Yulianti* 

...system on Hy-Line laying hens growth performance, microclimate, ammonia (NH3) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration, and dust particle.. A total 5,051 heads laying hens used were Hy-line laying hens aged 28 weeks reared for 28 weeks on the experimental diet. A completely randomized design (CRD) with three treatments and twelve replications. The parameters observed was growth performanc...

Amal G. Abdelrahman1, Nabil A. Yassien1, Hussein M.H. Mohamed1, Khaled S. Tolba2, Heba H.S. Abdel-Naeem1* 

...g value to broiler-spent hen meat by enhancing its texture properties using natural tenderizers will not only provide a good affordable source of protein but will also provide economic benefits to the poultry meat industry. Therefore, this study aims to appropriate utilization of this meat to produce less expensive and highly nutritious value-added chicken meat patties. In this context, five groups of spent hen meat patties ...

Muhammad Azam1*, Shaista Naz1*, Malik Muhammad Shafi2, Muhammad Jamil Afridi3 and Ahmad Waheed4

Huma Abbas1*, Nazir Javed1, Muhammad Kamran2, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Abdul Jabbar1, Akhtar Hameed1, Hira Abbas3, Azhar Iqbal2 and Ehetisham-ul-Haq2 than being curative. Then the impact of bio and synthetic chemicals were tested in combination with NPK on nematode reproduction. Following treatments i.e. Virtako + NPK, Cartap + NPK, Cure + NPK, Azadirachtin + NPK, control (N) and control (H) with ten replications were applied in pots containing tomato seedlings. Inoculation of 2000 freshly hatched J2s of M. incognita was done. Results revealed that combined effect was more pronounced in reducing nematode...

Jin-Ming Zhao1,2, Yun Fang2 and Yue-Hua Sun2*

...discussed some cautions when applying the weight loss method. We recommended investigators to use the weight loss method rather than the candling or egg floating methods to determine avian nest ages in future field studies.


Nam Thanh Nguyen1,2,3, Linh Manh Ha4, Anh Thi Nguyen5, Nam Hoang Chu5, Hau Duc Tran5, Hung Phuc Nguyen5 and Thuy Thi Ta6*

...igher in the wet season when water temperature and food availability are higher. Female fish seemed to be more sensitive to environmental changes. The high value of the condition factors was shown for fish 9.9‒12.8 cm in total length (slightly larger than the optimum size of 11.48). Based on these findings, for a sustainable exploitation plan, we suggest fishing B. sinensis from December to March, with a catch size of 9.9‒12.8 cm in total length.


I Wayan Lanus Sumadiasa*, Enny Yuliani, Lukman Lukman 

...g yolk and 10% GF (T4), then chill-storage. The variables quality evaluated include spermatozoa progressive motility, visibility, and abnormality. Spermatozoa quality was observed every 24 hours until the spermatozoa motility reached at least 40%. The results showed that progressive motility and viability on the fourth day storage in extender Citrate-egg yolk (CEY) with 10% egg yolk and 10% GF were 50.4 ± 1.6% and 57.1 ± 1.6%, significantly highe...

Hongfeng Guo

... was maintained at 40%, then decreased to 10% and maintained for 3 min. After that, it was continuously increased to 40%, and was decreased to hypoxia after 8 min. The operation was repeated 3 times every 3h. The drug administration group was treated with continuous CPAP during modeling. The expressions of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and prostaglandin (PGE) in lower respiratory tract were detected by the kit; the expressions ofprotein kin...

Mian Shamas Murtaza1,*, Aysha Sameen2, Saima Rafique3, Muhammad Shahbaz1,*, Nabeela Gulzar4, Mian Anjum Murtaza5, Umar Farooq1 and Iram Hafiz6

... low fat cheese samples when added up to the level of 0.5% and 1.0%, respectively.


Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi1, Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob2, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1*, Entesar H. Taha2, Mona M.S. Zayed3 and Nora R.A. Saleh1

...e, M. incognita, either when bacterium was added before, after or at the same time with Ne inoculation. On the basis of the average overall percentages nematode reduction, bacterial isolates added before and after nematode inoculation were equal in decreasing M. incognita numbers, as they achieved higher average overall reduction (69.8%), when Pf isolates were added with the same time with Ne. Also, number of galls recorded ...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi1*, Mariam Temitope Baker2 and Gabriel Ademola Olatunji2

...h source of acid esters, hence Alstonia boonei (Apocynaceae) leaves were extracted cold in ethyl acetate. This yielded crude extract that was subjected to column chromatography (silica gel 100-120 mesh grade), which afforded fractions that were analysed with GCMS and FTIR for constituent identification. The result shows octanoic acid; hexanoic acid methyl ester; ethyl octanoate; 9, 12-octadecadienoic acid methyl ester; dodecanoic acid; octadecanoic acid methyl...

M. M. A. Youssef† and W. M. A. El-Nagdi

...ncognita in roots i.e., when number of plants in the same pot increased (1-4 plants/pot), a higher number of nematode juveniles in plant roots occurred. Thus, plant density, such as 4 plants if produced it promoted the number of the hatched juveniles, galls and egg-masses in roots as compared to the plant densities of 1, 2 and 3/pot. However, number of juveniles in soil decreased with increasing plant density.

W. M. A. El-Nagdi1†, M. M. A.Youssef1, H. Abd-El-Khair1, M. M. M. Abd Elgawadand M. G. Dawood2
...ponsible for increasing phenolic and soluble proteins, respectively. The effects of combined treatments of Pf+Bs and Pf +Bp were recorded for highest contents of photosynthetic pigments than the other treatments either as single or combined treatments.


Siti Dharmawati1, Muhammad Halim Natsir2, Hartutik Hartutik2, Danung Nur Adli2, Osfar Sjofjan2*  

...icant differences (LSD) then applied. The result showed using freshwater snail for fish meal give significant difference (p < 0.05) on the apparent metabolizable energy-n corrected (AMEn) and reduce feed conversion ratio (FCR). It can be concluded using fresh water snail can be used as replacement for fish meal on Alabio ducks without any adverse effects.

Keywords | Alabio Duck, Bromelain enzyme, Carcasses, Fish meal, Growth performance 


F. Shahina†, K. Nasira, K. Firoza and Y. I. Erum

...ication provides a comprehensive indexed resource of plant parasitic, soil, marine and entomopathogenic nematode species described and reported during last sixty nine years (1952-2019) from Pakistan. The information compiled in this paper came gradually from many and diverse sources. It is the product of the efforts of several authors who contributed to gather knowledge on the biological diversity through systematics and faunistic studies. Information publishe...

Aqsa Javaid, Masoom Yasinzai* and Khunsa Saeed Kiyani

...racellular enzymes were then partially purified in 2 steps (ammonium sulfate precipitation and gel filtration chromatography using Sephadex G-50). The molecular weight of extracellular phytase from B. subtilis KT004404 estimated by SDS-PAGE was 30 kDa. The Km and Vmax of B. subtilis KT004404 phytase were 0.175 mM and 250 U/mL (phytase activity) respectively. The optimum temperature for partially purified extracellular phytase was 40°C, and the optimum pH r...

S. Aatika, K. Nasira and F. Shahina†

...licotylenchus certus Eroshenko & Nguen Vu Tkhan, 1981, Helicotylenchus gulabi Jain, Siddiqui & Aruna
Parihar, 2000, Helicotylenchus jasminii Jain Saddiqui & Aruna Parihar, 2000, Pratylenchus goodeyi Sher & Allen,
1953 and Telotylenchus indicus Siddiqi, 1960 and two new host records of maize viz., Tylenchorhynchus tritici
Golden, Maqbool & Hando, 1987 and Malenchus labiatus Maqbool & Shahina, 1985 are ...

M. S. Bajestani1, K. Dolatabadi2†, E. Mahdikhani-Moghadam1

...). It was observed that when the
nematode inoculum increased, reproduction factor also increased while extract treatments effect decreased. In
between treatments, rosemary extract has the greatest impact on the reduction of nematode populations @ 40%
concentration as compared to control.

A. S. A. Saad1, M. A. Radwan2†, H. A. Mesbah1, H. S. Ibrahim3 and M. S. Khalil3

... of root-knot nematodes when compared
with the untreated check. However, fenamiphos and oxamyl were proved to be the highest chemical compostions
that decreased galls by 91.73 and 89.53% and egg-masses by 90.80 and 88.65%, respectively. Whereas, avermactin
has relatively least effective causing 66.69% and 66.31% reduction in gall formation and egg-masses, respectively.
Meanwhile, cadu...

S. Feroza1, A. G. Arijo1† and I. R. Zahid2

...h group. The birds were then artificially infected with Ascaridia galli @ 2000 eggs/bird. Ethanolic extracts of papaya and neem were applied to Group B and C, respectively while Group A was left untreated that served as control. The fecal egg count (FEC) was conducted on weekly basis. The pre-treatment values of FEC in all three groups found negative from day 0 to 14 after artificially inducing infection. On day 21, the FEC pretreatment val...

M. A. Radwan†, M. M. Abu-Elamayem, S. A. A. Farrag and N. S. Ahmed

... in reducing J2 in soil when applied as soil drench. All treatments enhanced shoot and root length of tomato
as well as shoot weight compared with the untreated check. Only SA and DNSA significantly increased the root
weights. DNSA enhanced the growth indices of tomato plant when used as foliar spray more than soil drenching and
opposite trend was observed for OA. These chemical activators...

Nadia A Eltablawy1, Ibrahim El Tantawy El Sayed2, Hamed Mohamed Abdel Barry2, Marwa A. Ibrahim3*, Maha Nageib Ahmed Serag ElDein2 

...oxicity. Methods: Total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), DPPH. radical scavenging, FRAP and FRAC were determined in the TME extract. Forty-eight adult male Wistar rats were divided equally into six groups: control non-treated, Doxorubicin (DOX) challenge (rats were injected with 2.5 mg/kg of DOX in six injections over 2 weeks), TME was solely administered for four weeks, two weeks pre and two weeks co-administration of TME (100 mg/kg) wit...
K. Nasira, S. Shamim and F. Shahina†
...nd and irrigation water chennal
were examined for the prevalence of nematodes with an aim to disseminate the knowledge of fresh water nematodes
as indicators in environmental monitoring. Detailed sample analysis revealed the presence of forty nematode species
including three new species viz., Bathyeurystomina minima Nasira, Shahina & Shamim, 2014, Belbolla
longispiculata Nasira, S...

I. K. A. Ibrahim1, M. A. EL-Saedy2, S. F. A. Awd-Allah3 and Z. A. Handoo4,

...y or a week beforehand. When H. daverti or H. zeae were inoculated one week after
inoculation with M. incognita on rice cultivars Giza 178 or Sakha 101, respectively, the final population of these
cyst nematodes increased. Treatments with M. incognita alone or one week before inoculations with the tested
cyst nematodes induced a significant

M. M. A. Youssef1†, Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi1, and Mona G. Dawood2

...s, total carbohydrates, phenols
and soluble proteins in seeds increased at the different treatments compared to those of the untreated check and the
effect, in general, was higher by using the highest rate compared to the lowest one. On the other hand, the contents
of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids in leaf increased at untreated check compared to those at different

S. Fatemy†1 and H. Ghasemi2

...stant to pathotype Ro1. When cysts were exposed to root diffusates, 74% of J2 hatched in Marfona diffusate as compared to 50% in Agria, 43% in Satina and 39% in Banba diffusates.


S. Ahmed†, Q. Liu and H. Jian

...B. cereus XZ-33-3, B. weihenstephansis MH-58-60-01, B. thuringiensis MH 032-003 and a nematicide (Avermectin) were used as seed coating. All four Bacillus isolates significantly reduced nematode infection of wheat roots when juveniles were used as inoculum after 10 days post inoculation. Noteworthy reduction in white female cyst development was observed on roots treated with Avermectin seed coating followed by isolates B. ce...

A. S. A. Saad1, M. B. Al-Kadi1, A. A. A. Deeabes2 and A. M. El-Kholy2

...least increase of total phenols (0.42 mg/g) and highest suppression in total proteins (10.41 mg/g), total sugars (7.86 mg/g) and reduced sugars (3.09 mg/g) as compared with untreated check. Moreover, citric acid was the most effective treatment which exhibited the highest values of total phenols (0.69 mg/g), total protein (18.08 mg/g), total sugar (17.89 mg/g) and reduced sugar (10.05 mg/g), whereas cattle manure gave the le...

M. Israr†1, F. Shahina1 and M. Habib2

...s, total protein, total phenols and amino acids. Chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoids also decreased in nematode infected plants as compared to control. This study gave the fair report towards nutritional quality because no significant work has been done so far on this aspect in Pakistan.


S. Riffat†, S. Kumar and A. Soomro

...he insects was affected when grasshoppers were contaminated with Mermis spp. Mostly, the females laid fewer eggs than normal. The numbers of eggs produced were 17.5±3.0, 11.2±5.3 and 8.6±4.3 for Poekilocerus pictus, Oxya velox and O. hylahyla, respectively, for infested insects, whereas, it was 43.3±5.2, 37.8±6.30 and 39.34±5.2 in uninfected grasshoppers. Beside this, it was also noticed that insect infected with Mermi...

A.A. Tanimola† and B. Fawole1

...avonoids, cardenolides, phenols, alkaloids and anthraquinones. However, total phenol (14.3
mg/g), tannins (14.5 mg/g) and saponins (59.8 mg/g) were highest in AKY than in other aloes. Flavonoid content
(3.7 mg/g) was highest in AAR while alkaloid content was highest in AST. The infrared analyses revealed that the
Aloe species had similar functional groups; amines, hydroxyl, unsaturated aro...
A.A. Tanimola and B. Fawole1
... observed significantly when compared with water control. The AE of AKY leaves at 50,000 mg/kg was the
most effective in egg-hatching inhibited (95.4±1.7%), followed by AVR (94 ± 0.8%) and AST (88 ± 1.4%). Water
extracts of leaves of AKY, AVR and AST inhibited egg-hatching by 85.5±1.2%, 77.8 ± 0.7% and 81±1.3%,
respectively. The AE of AKY, AVR, AST and WE of AKY leaves at 50,000 mg/k...

A.M. Korayem, M.M.M. Mohamed† and S.M. EL-Ashry1
obtained when nematode density was more than 100 J2/200 g soil. While, damage threshold level (DT); nematode
density at which yield begin to decrease; was estimated by 3 J2/200 g soil. For the second season, no significant
relation (P = 0.05) between nematode population density and bean yield was found (r = 0.33). DT was estimated as
22 J2/200 g soil. Total protein and nitrogen element decreased in seeds of in...
C. Azhagumurugan and M.K. Rajan
...cid, lipid, proline and phenol content after 65 days of treatment. Carbohydrate and
protein were found decreased with increasing inoculum levels of egg-masses and increased with increasing
concentrations of leaf extract treatment and lipid, amino acid, proline and phenol content found increased with
increasing inoculum levels of egg-masses and decreased with increasing concentrations of le...

A.E. Ismail† and A.M. Kheir*

...ulation dropped sharply when the field became fallow. Likewise, the population densities of the
previous stages declined gradually even though in the presence of the non host crop (Meskawii Egyptian clover).

M.A.M. El-Saedy, A.A. Mokbel*† and S.E. Hammad**

...stify;">egg-masses/root when oils applied before and after transplanting of tomato seedlings, respectively. The highest
reduction (%) of galls, egg-masses and reproduction of M. incognita infecting tomato plants were reached with
NemacureÒ (95.2-98.8%) and garlic oil was best control among the seven tested essential plant oils with 78.0-
98.6% reduction. Moreover, a great reduction of nematode galls, egg-masses and ju...

A.W. Amin† and A.W. Mona*

... leaf area,
when they were grown in soil infested by RKN compared to infested plant (check). In addition, RKN infestation
alone decreased the plant nematodes, in natural infested soil experiments in both seasons, data was non-significant.
Plant and fruit characteristics; cucumber yields (number of days to first flower, fruit characteristics (fruits weight,
length and diameter), total early fruits (first four gath...

O. A. Fabiyi

...noids, reducing sugars, phenols, alkaloids, glycosides and carbohydrates. Nematicidal activity of D. oliveri
leaves is being reported for the first time. The crude extracts and chromatographic fractions are potent at very low
concentrations compared with standard carbofuran. Therefore, the leaves of D. oliveri could be employed as a
viable source of natural nematicide instead of synthetic toxic nematicides.

M.A. Haq†, K. Mahmood*, M. Shahid*, S.A. Khan and A. Tahir**

...ellow sweet clover) and Chenopodium murale (krund) were recorded as
new hosts of root-knot nematode (RKN) in the area around the Plant Pathology Research Institute,
Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan. Yellow sweet clover and krund roots
found moderately infested with root-knot nematode galls and whitish pear-shaped mature females
were isolated from these root-galls. On these hosts, the mos...

Farhana Binte Zalal, Prodip Kumar Sarkar*, Mahbuba Sultana, M H Kawsar, Swapon Kumar Fouzder 

...utch of eggs, the broody hen sits on the eggs and incubates them to get chicks. The study was carried out to know the natural incubation and broody hen management practices in the selected areas of Barishal district, Bangladesh. We randomly selected 150 farmers (50 broody hens/Upazila) practicing natural incubation from three Upazilas in the Barishal district. The results show that mainly ...

A.A. Anter, A.W. Amin†, A.H. Ashoub* and A.S. El-Nuby*

...grown in 25 cm-diam. earthen pots. Three days-before nematode inoculation time treatment
maximized the efficacy of tested chemicals in reducing nematode galls, egg-masses and eggs numbers
followed by synchronized addition with inoculation. While, post-inoculation treatment was less effective.
Reiterative doses post-inoculation were improved the efficacy of single dose revealed that three doses
remained more effec...

A.W. Amin†, A.A. Anter, A.H. Ashoub* and A.S. El-Nuby*

...both peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase were elevated in bacteriazied plants as compared
nematode infected plant as well as total phenol content. Results revealed that crude culture suspension of bacteria
was more effective for reducing nematode population followed by cell-free culture filtrates, bacterial live cells and
bacterial dead cells, sequentially. It was concluded that bacteria has...

W.M.A. El-Nagdi†, M.M.A. Youssef and M.G. Dawood*

...arbohydrates, proteins, phenolic and carotenoid contents
increased at all tested concentrations as compared to untreated plants, but no any relation among them.

Belema Robert1, Favour Welenya1, Deborah Achi1, Cynthia Onyeagwara1, Soala Obie Minimah2, Ebele Anulika Obichi2, Chidinma Charity Amuzie1* 

...s added to it. This was then covered with a cover slip and viewed under the light microscope at x4 and x10 objective lens. Results: Only S. stercoralis was isolated from the samples examined. Water leaves (50%) and pumpkin leaves (11%) were infected. Bitter leaves and scent leaves were uninfected. The parasite was encountered in all locations except Creek Road market and the farm at Rumuolumeni.
Statistical analysis: Prevalence of infection was compute...

Lulu Ding, Ke Wang, Ruxue Huang, Wenjing Yu, Bingzhao Yan, Mengli Jiang and Jicang Wang*

...reated for 4 weeks, and then the blood physiological and biochemical indicators were assessed. The levels of glutathione (GSH), malondialdehyde (MDA), catalase (CAT), and total superoxide dismutase (T-SOD) were measured. Histopathological sections of the kidney were made to observe the structural damage. Results showed that the red blood cell count (RBC), hemoglobinconcentration (HGB), and hematocrit(HCT) of serum were significantly reduced after Cd exposure f...

Mengxue Sun1, Yanjiao Li1,2, Zhen Gao1, Qinghua Qiu1,2*, Xianghui Zhao1,2, Lanjiao Xu1,2, Huan Liang1,2, Ke Pan, Mingren Qu and Kehui Ouyang1,2*

...dosis model. Cells were then cultured with niacin (0, 20, 40, 80, 160, or 320 mM) for 12 h before, concurrent, and after 12 h treatment with low pH. Results showed that, 1) Pre-treatment protection of niacin: pre-treatment with 20 or 40 mM niacin increased the cell viability under pH 5.8, while 80-320 mM niacin decreased the cell viability compared with the control group (P < 0.01). Under pH 5.5, results were similar to those under pH 5.8, except for pre-tr...

Mohsin Shad1, Muhammad Usman2 and Qurratulann Afza Gardner1*

...resent article, we comprehensively compare the biodiversity of cyt b in bc1 and b6f complexes using in silico structural analysis tools, emphasizing that despite vast knowledge available in this field, still there are so much to explore about cyt b.


Nuzhat Munawar1, Abrar Hussain1, Imran Sajid2, Zahra Noreen1, Muhammad Aslam3*, Zeeshan Rehman1 and Aamir Ali3,4 compared to control. When tested on S. aureus, chloroform showed a 10 mm inhibition zone while it was inactive against all other experienced bacteria. Ethyl acetate extract gave an inhibition zone of 10 mm against S. aureus, B. subtilis, and P. aeruginosa while it was inactive against the rest of the bacteria. Using disc diffusion assay, ethyl acetate extract gave 12 mm, 8mm, and 7 mm zone of inhibition against B. subtilis, S. aureus, K. pneumoniae respecti...

Salman Hussain1, Basit Zeshan2*, Rabiya Arshad1, Saba Kabir1 and Naveed Ahmed3

...ected and processed for phenotypic and genotypic identification of MRSA. All MRSA isolates were subjected to antibiotics sensitivity, cefoxitin disk diffusion test, and vancomycin minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) E-test. The MRSA isolates were detected for the presence of mecA, mecC, and nuc genes. Congo red agar (CRA) method was used to assess the ability of isolates to form biofilms. The results of the study showed that the prevalence of MRSA was 48%. ...

Mutasim Billah1, Sardar Azhar Mehmood1, Abdul Rauf Bhatti2*, Ahmed Zia2, Shabir Ahmed1, Waqas Ahmad2, Kiran Shahjeer3, and Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi4

...ied out first time comprehensively in district Bannu for exploration weevil fauna. Collection surveys were conducted in variable habitats such as natural vegetation, cropped, fields, and urban areas and specimens were collected during active season of 2018 and 2019yielding a total of 95 specimens five species (Myllocerus delicatulus, M. undatus, Lixus augustus, Ammocleonus aschabadensis, Rhynchophorous ferrugineus) under four genera (Myllocerus, Lixus, Ammocle...

Ayesha Bakhtiar1, Sardar Azhar Mehmood2, Abdul Rauf Bhatti3*, Shabir Ahmad2, Naqash Khalid2, Javed Iqbal5, Azra Nadeem4 and Waqas Ahmad1

..., and E. Each group was then split up into pens with a maximum of five birds in each pen. On days 14 and 21, the birds in groups B, C, D, and E received active immunisation against ND using Lasota-1, Lasota-2, Mukteswar-1, and Mukteswar-2, respectively, leaving A as the control group left uninfected. On days 21 and 35 of the study, the serum HI antibody response to these four immunisations was assessed. As evidence of its strong efficacy, Group C, which had re...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

... (GCV) was found lesser then phenotypic coefficient of variability (PCV). Principal component analysis showed that first three PCs reflected eigen values more than one where cumulative value was 61.78% of the total variability. The first one accounted as highest proportional value of total variability in all PCs and in remaining PCs lesser amount of variation. High values of heritability referred to broad sense genetic advan...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Wali Muhammad1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahamad1, Annum Sattar2, Hera Gull3, Sonia Sumreen4, Malik Waqar Yousaf5, Nazakat Nawaz6 and Nazim Hussain7

... (GCV) was found lesser then phenotypic coefficient of variability (PCV). Principal component analysis showed that first three PCs reflected eigen values more than one where cumulative value was 61.78% of the total variability. The first one accounted as highest proportional value of total variability in all PCs and in remaining PCs lesser amount of variation. High values of heritability referred to broad sense genetic advan...
Ulvi Fitri Handayani1, Wizna2, Irfan Suliansyah3, Yose Rizal2, Maria Endo Mahata2*
...g at 98o   C, then adding 0.5% coconut oil. This processing aims to increase the release of lycopene from the matrix tomato, change its structure from trans to cis lycopene, and increase the absorption of lycopene in the digestive tract of laying hens. Lycopene is a compound in tomatoes and is known to inhibit cholesterol synthesis. Cholesterol in the body is transported in the blood by lipoproteins. Therefore, tha...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel4, Abdelwahab M. Abdelwahab1,5
...mic efficiency of laying hens. The study employed 270 commercial layers, 40-wk-old, that belonged to the W-36 Hy-Line chickens. The layers were randomly designated into five equal treatment groups (9 replicates × 6 hens per replicate for each treatment) according to the dietary inclusion levels of BSFL meal. The first group of birds were fed a basal diet of soybean-corn meals and served as a control (0% BSFL meal), whi...

Owolabi Olutunmise Victoria1*, Saka Olusola Stephen2, Olashinde Oluwaseun Ruth1, Alli Smith Yemisi Rufina3

...ldehyde (MDA) activity. When compared control and glibenclamide-treated rats, the antioxidant activity of the extract increases with advancing the dose of treatment. According to the findings, Cola acuminata young leaves have comparable anti-diabetic efficacy to that of a glibenclamide administration. This suggests a promising prospect in developing novel drugs for treating diabetes mellitus. 
Keywords | Anti-diabetic, Cola ...

Bashir Ahmad1*, Ali Muhammad Yousafzai2, Waqar Ali1, Ikram Ilahi1, Farman Ullah3, Saeed Ahmad1, Ayaz Ali Khan1, Umair Ahmad2 and Hafsa Maria2

...(50 mg/kg body weight). When contrasted to toxic control rabbits, the highest dose of garlic aqueous extract i.e. 300 mg/kg b.w excellently decreased the high serum rates of alkaline phosphatase (ALP), alanine transaminase (ALT), and aspartate transaminase (AST). The outcomes of the extract-treated rabbits were comparable to those of the group of rabbits given silymarine. RBC, platelets, haemoglobin, MCH concentration, and HCT levels did not significantly alte...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Mohammad A. Al-Mahaish4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel5
...parameters deteriorated when adding higher levels of the MWM (8-10%) to the diets, compared to the control. Economically, there was a linear and quadratic (p < 0.05) decrease in the protein cost of the diet and a linear increase in birds’ total revenue and profit margin in response to increasing MWM levels in the broiler diet. However, MWM linearly (p < 0.05) decreased the cost-benefit-ratio (CBR) and the return-on-investment outcomes (RoI) due to ...

Muhammad Shakil Ahmad1, Muhammad Afzal1, Liu Yu Feng2, Muhammad Shahroaz Khan1 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*

...ra under laboratory and then under the field conditions. In both trials, insecticidal treatments affected significantly the mean mortality or reduction of S. litura larvae recorded both at two and five days post-treatment. In laboratory bioassay, combinations of flubendiamide and A. indica, flubendiamide and N. tabacum and of spinetoram and A. indica formulations caused significantly high mortality (100%), followed by B. thuringensis and S. litura-NPV (94.92%)...

Idrees Ahmad1, Muhammad Jamil2*, Hafiz Muhammad Zia Ullah1, Saira Saleem1, Syed Ahtisham Masood3, Umair Faheem4, Imran Akhtar5, Muhammad Abdullah6, Abdul Majid Khan5 and Naeem Iqbal7

...produced (1976 kg ha-1) when sown on 30th September. Its cultivation on a commercial scale will enhance the share of local edible oil production and will strengthen the national economy.


Zarema Alimsultanova Magomedova1, Kheda Khalitovna Dadaeva1, Roza Said-Akhmedovna Zakhkieva1, Islam Khasanovich Shakhbiev1*, Boris Kazievich Laipanov2 

...rth Caucasus region (Chechen Republic) revealed a different degree of their infection with eggs of nematodes of the genus Nematodirus Ransom, 1907. In the lowland zone of the Chechen Republic, 37.50% of soil samples, 23.00% of water samples were contaminated with invasive elements, respectively, in the foothill zone, 41.00% and 26.50% of samples, in the mountainous zone - 29.00% and 15 .00% of soil and water samples. In all ...
Lovita Adriani1*, Chitra Kumalasari1, Endang Sujana2, Ronny Lesmana3
...ion of late-phase laying hens.  The study was conducted to assess the impact of probiotic powder on the different physiological activities system  of late-phase laying hens measured with hematological values and serum biochemistry. The research was carried out from March until April, 2022 at the Layer Farm Sukarapi Village, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. A total of 40 laying hen...
Seyedmohammad Karimi1, Mohammad Darvishi2*, Mohammad Barati3, Ramin Hamidi Frahani4, Mohammad Hassan Kazemi5
... serially evaluated and then demographic and lab datas were extracted. Mann-Whitney test, Chi-square test and independent t-test were used for analysis of data. P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. No significant difference was seen between case and control groups regarding age, gender, BMI and severity of the disease at the time of hospital admission (P > 0.05), which shows a random classification of two groups. The mean AST, ALT, ALP and ...

Muhammad Humayun Kabir* and Md. Saiful Islam

...anizations should strengthen their services that were not more effective than the private sectors and the private extension providers should rethink how they can increase the effectiveness of their extension services.


Aqleem Abbas1, Mustansar Mubeen2, Yasir Iftikhar2, Qaiser Shakeel3*, Hafiz M. Imran Arshad4, Maria del Carmen Zuñiga Romano5 and Sarfaraz Hussain6

Muhammad Umair1,2, Muhammad Naeem1, Asad Jamil3 and Muhammad Younas2,4* husk biochar @ 0.3% when compared with saline-sodic control. However, soil Ca2++Mg2+ was found maximum (39.82%) for rice husk biochar @ 0.15% as compared to saline-sodic control. Similarly, all treatments improved the maize growth as compared to saline-sodic control. rice husk biochar @ 0.3% showed maximum increase in plant height (51.82%). Similarly, maximum increase in shoot dry weight (160.24%), root dry biomass (169.52%), root length (15.87%), and chlo...

Hasina Basharat1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Aziz Ahmed2, Rehana Kausar2 and Shamim Akhter1

...ent was conducted in earthen ponds of size 0.02 hectare each, for the period of four months at a stocking rate of 10,000 fingerlings per hectare (500 fish/acre). The experiment design was CRD with four treatments (2%, 4%, 6% and 8% feeding level of wet fish body weight daily) having 3 replications. The feeding the fish at higher levels showed higher final weight and weight gain, percent weight gain and specific growth rate. The values of Feed Efficiency (FE) a...

Ghulam Sarwar Shah1,2, Maqsood Anwar Rustamani1, Rab Dino Khuhro1, Rehana Naz Syed1 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi1 par with the control when exposed to different concentrations of mandipropamid and fluoxastrobin. Both fungicides completely failed to cause any negative effects on in vitro growth of all isolates. On the other hand, all isolates appeared extremely sensitive to 10 fungicides including azoxystrobin, copper oxychloride, difenoconazole, propiconazole, azoxystrobin+difenoconazole, trifloxystrobin+tebuconazole, hexaconazole, mancozeb+mefenoxam, myclobutanil, and...

Sajid Mehmood Shahzad

... arises from a regional phenomenon or an individual issue.
Safika1*, Ni Luh Putu Ika Mayasari1, Juliadi Ramadhan2
...ic can measure both the phenotype and genotype of Klebsiella pneumoniae resistance development.
Keywords | Antibiotic resistance, Cats, Feline respiratory, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Multi drug resistant

A. N. Mahar, N. D. Jan†, A. Q. Mahar and S. R. Gowen found more effective when exposure time increased up to 8 days. S. carpocapsae showed better mortality, more prod uction of infective juveniles (IJs) and maximum i...

B. Archana and R. Saxena

...z., Amaranthus spinosus,Chenopodium album, Catharanthus roseus, Solanum nigrum and Ocimum sanctum were investigated for their nematicidal activity against second stage juvenile of Meloidogyne incognita by in vitro technique. Aqueous extract of all plant roots exhibited nematicidal activity. LC50 values calculated as 1024 ppm for C. roseus, 1867 ppm for S. nigrum, 1968 ppm for A. spinosus, 3428 ppm for C. album and 962 ppm for O. sanctum. LC50 values showed tha...

O. A. Fabiyi, G. A. Olatunji and O. Atolani nature which include phenols, carboxylic acids, aliphatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, anhydrides, amides, mono and di substituted aromatics and long chain carbon fatty acid esters.


Rehman Shabbir1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Noor us-Sabah1, Mukkaram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Luqman*2, Muhammad Fahad Ullah3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Imran Shahzad1

... tomatoes were recorded when 100% wastewater was applied as a source of irrigation. However, it is the cyclic use of wastewater with canal water that can safely be used for getting good quality tomatoes and to mitigate hazardous impact of heavy metals contained in wastewater. 


Esam A Razin1, Hassan Sobhy2, Tarek R. AboElnaga1, Asmaa A. Darwish1*, Rasha S. Mohammed1

...cted with T. evansi and then equally divided into Trypanosoma Group (TG): which remained without treatment. Diminazene aceturate group (DAG): injected with Diminazene aceturate (3.5mg/kg) at 0, 14th, and 28th days. Basil group (BG): treated with essential oil of basil (850μL/kg) at 0, 14th, and 28th days. Blood samples were collected daily for monitoring the parasitemia and the clinicopathological parameters were measured at 0 and 49 days. Tissue sections w...

Ghada A. Ibrahim1*, Mohamed Sayed Helal1, Nahed Abd Elhafeeze Kamoura2, Mohamed Samir3,4, Amira Mohamed Mazid5, Mohamed F.M. Farag6 exhibited a wide MDR phenotype. The virulence genes (fimA, aerobactin, rmpA and magA) were exhibited in 90%, 85%, 90% and 80% of the tested isolates, respectively. Moreover, ESBL-resistant markers (blaCTX-M, blaTEM and blaSHV) were found in 100%, 85% and 80% of the same isolates, respectively. A significant positive correlation (R = 0.7) was reported between aerobactine and magA virulence genes and blaTEM and blaSHV ESBL resistant genes, respectively. In ad...

Asmaa A. Darwish*, Mona A. Mahmoud, Adel M. El-Kattan 

...omly from ewes and does then tested serologically by the Rose Bengal Plate test (RBPT) and competitive ELISA test (cELISA). The animals of each specie were divided into 2 groups: the control group CG (results of both tests were negative) and the diseased group DG (results of one or both tests were positive). The clinicopathological parameters were estimated and statistically analyzed. The brucellosis seroprevalence was (17.50%, 22.50%) for sheep, and (30%, 31....

Muhammad Shahid1*, Muhammad Idrees1, Afza Rasul2, Iram Amin1 and Samia Afzal1

...atient to replicate and then disturb the blood cell count and liver enzymes to ultimately damage the liver. To distinguish the potential HCV patients from healthy individuals at an early stage is quite important for its control, which can be achieved by investigation of liver enzymes, complete blood count, and lipid profile of patients. In this study, 144 CHC and 20 controls were included. The serum of CHC patients was analyzed for HCV viral load and genotype....

Lihang Wang, Qiling Chen, Tingsheng Lu, Shudan Yao, Xingwei Pu and Chunshan Luo*

...of P38AMPK/Smad2 signal, hence repressing cell apoptosis after SCI, reducing secondary SCI, and benefiting the recovery of nerve function.


Shabana Memon1*, Aamir Ali Abro1, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro2, Aqsa Farid3, Maliha Habib4, Maqbool Ahmed5, Liaquat Ali Bhutto6, Saba Ambreen Memon7 and Muhammad Farooq8*

...stronger osmotic impact when using -0.5 MPa PEG. At the seedling stage, the genotype SDW-3 had higher decreases in a number of growth indices, such as shoot length (-11.3), root length (-72.6), and shoot fresh weight (-4.4), with an increase in PEG (-0.5 MPa) level. According to the results of the current study, all six wheat genotypes’ seed incubation shoot, root length, and shoot fresh weight drastically decreased under laboratory conditions due to osm...

Imdad Hussain Soomro1, Gulfam Ali Mughal1, Naeem Rajput1, Rameez Raja Kaleri2,6*, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani3, Raza Ali Mangi4, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi5, Sheva Dhari6, Abdul Wahid Solangi6 and Zoya Parveen Soomro

...antly higher in B group when compared with A group. Statistical analysis showed non-significant (P≥0.05) difference between the groups from 1st, to 5th week. However, significant (P<0.05) effect was recorded from six week to eight week of age, respectively. Data indicated that minim girth was recorded in group A than group B during first week. Similar trend was observed till eight weeks of age. Statistical analysis showed non-significant (P≥0.05) diff...

Alsi Dara Paryuni1, Soedarmanto Indarjulianto1, Tri Untari2, Sitarina Widyarini3*

...fection of the skin and then cultured on Dermatophyte Test Medium (DTM) for macroscopic and microscopic examination. The results of this study demonstrated that dermatophytosis in cats is characterized by the presence of multifocal alopecia, scale, pruritus, and erythema on the skin with a specific formation. The dominant clinical lesion was alopecia followed by crust and erythema, stated at 75.8%, 42.8%, and 1.86% respectively. Physical examination showed tha...

Syed Hilal Sardar1, Yousaf Jamal1*, Iltaf Ullah2, Abdul Basir1, Hidayat Ullah1 and Mukhtar Alam1 and Ikramullah3 ha-1) for PSHW201916 when compared with other hybrids under traile. Similarly, maximum plant height was also noted for PSHW201916. Thus it is concluded that for higher grain yield PSHW-201916 is better options under the agro-ecological condition of Peshawar valley.


Saleem Hussain1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Tauqir Anwar1, Talha Nazir2*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3, Zohaib Asad2,4, Muhammad Adnan3 and Tajwar Alam5

... plant species (i.e. parthenium Parthenium hysterophorus L., eucalyptus Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., milkweed Calotropis gigantean (L.) Dryand., bakain Melia azedarach L., neem Azadirachta indica A. Juss., tobacco Nicotiana tabacum L. and thorn apple Datura stramonium L.) against wheat aphid (Schizaphis graminum Rondani) under laboratory and field conditions. Using foliar spray method, toxicity bioassay was conducted wit...


...nd other free radicals. When the rate of ROS exceeds the capacity of antioxidant enzymes, non-detoxified radicals begin to attack the bio-molecules. Therefore, present research work was planned to study the effect of zinc on the peroxidase activity in the liver and kidney of Catla catla. To check the concentration based effect, C. catla were exposed, separately, to 96-hr LC50 of zinc and its sub-lethal concentrations viz. 2/3rd, 1/4th and 1/5th of LC50 for 30 ...
...c glycoside, flavonoid, phenol, phlobatannine, free amino acids, saponins, tannins, terpenoids, quinine, oxalic acid and steroids). Twenty one plants showed the presence of phytochemicals. The use of piscicidal property of these plants may improve the production of aquaculture by getting rid of unwanted fish species.
Key Words: Alcoholic extract, Aqueous extract, Phytochemicals, Metabolites, Plants

Subramaniyam Suresh, Saravanakumar Marimuthu*, Prashanth D’Souza 

...of choline chloride, and hence, PTF could be recommended for the administration in the ration of dairy cows for the enhancement of milk quality and overall health status of dairy cows.


Chun Ik Lim, Hyeon Kwon Kim, Kang Nyeong Heo, Are Sun You, Hyo Jun Choo* 

... health of layer breeder hens.

...ction of dextransucrase when M6 medium was accompanied with 2% yeast extract and 5% sucrose followed by 24 hours of incubation at 160 rpm in a shaking incubator. The bacterial isolate IIB-C9 was identified as Leuconostoc species based on biochemical characters. 
...ction of dextransucrase when M6 medium was accompanied with 2% yeast extract and 5% sucrose followed by 24 hours of incubation at 160 rpm in a shaking incubator. The bacterial isolate IIB-C9 was identified as Leuconostoc species based on biochemical characters. 
...r complex between 1, 10 Phenanthroline and Vit. C in the presence of ferric chloride (FeCl3). This colored product has maximum absorption at lambda max (λmax= 430 nm). Ascorbic acid was estimated from leafy vegetables placed at three different conditions such as firstly, from fresh vegetables as available in ma...
...hat performed excellent when placed in medium level of 6-Benzyleadenin (20-40ppm with 10-15g/l of Sucrose). The results of 6-Benzyleadenin (20-40ppm with 10-15g/l of Sucrose) are recommended to common retailers for extended storage life of gerbera cut-flower prior to sale. The present substrate is easy to use and non-toxic for extending the vase life/freshness of gerbera cut flower. 
... aquafeeds particularly when low fishmeal levels are used. Fish feed with addition of organic acids lowers the pH of fish gut that ultimately improves the hydrolysis of phytate, improves minerals absorption, upsurges the pace of gastric activities and augment digestion. The present study was designed to judge the effectiveness of Tau supplemented LMS (linseed meal) based diet in enhancing mineral absorption and nutrient digestibility in selected fish fingerlin...


...oduced negative results when small amounts of biosurfactants were present. So it was concluded that a single primary screening test alone cannot identify an organism’s ability to produce biosurfactants and these tests should be used in combinations to get a reliable picture.
Key Words: Biosurfactants, screening assays, Oil Spreading Technique, Tilted Glass Slide Test, Emulsification index E24, Emulsification assays.
Jameel Ahmed1,2*, Mohammad Masood Tariq1, Nadeem Rashid1, Asim Faraz3*, 
Majed Rafeeq1, Irfan Shehzad Sheikh1, Mudassar Jahan1,2, Abdul Fatih1,2
Masroor Ahmad Bajwa1, Ifrah Jameel1, Muhammad Ali1 and Saira Iftikhar4
... outbreeding was common phenomenon that reduced the inbreeding in the flocks as inbreeding tends to promote homozygosity. The range in observed heterozygosity was very wide for different molecular markers. These measurements underlined the absence of inbreeding in the flocks that commonly causes inbreeding depression. The presence of genetic diversity was apparent and these markers would be employed for identification of Bibrik sheep through DNA fingerprinting...

Gulzhan Kalenovna Mussayeva1*, Alikhan Meldebekovich Meldebekov2, Nurgul Alikhanovna Meldebekova2, Gulshat Imanzhankyzy Shaykamal1, Batyrkhan Azimkhanovich Buralkhiyev2, Nurkuisa Mirzabekovich Rametov3 and Kanat Zhumanov4

...conditions of the farm. When selecting, special attention should be paid to the strength of the hoofed horn and the duration of commercial use. For the given purposes it is recommended to use such bulls of the Wis Burke Ideal line whose average milk productivity exceeds that of their coevals and the breed standard and simultaneously allows to keep productive longevity and reproductive ability. The results obtained in the course of research indicate the influen...

Dalia Mansour Hamed1, Mohsen Zaky El Dimerdash1, Ahmed Abdelatif Ali2, Samer Adel Abd El-Gaffar3, Mona Salim Abdallah1* (1.5×108 CFU) then were divided into 3 equal groups according to their treatment strategy: (1) control group, (2) treated with antibiotics and (3) treated with antibiotic/probiotic combination. Bacteriological examination of the 167 specimens detected S. aureus (46.7%), Escherichia coli (16.7%) and Enterobacter (3.5%). Furthermore, mortality rates were 15.3%, 6.4%, and 25%, in groups A, B and C, respectively. The semi-closed group (B) had significant...

Yuhua Chen1 and Song Lu2*

...n of T cells, and strengthen the immune clearance of tumor cells.


Usman Ali1,2*, Basharat Ahmad1, Riaz Aziz Minhas1, Muhammad Kabir3, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Liaqat Ali Khan1 and Muhammad Bashir Khan1

...g of niche requirements, hence prioritizing management and conservation issues for threatened species. This study aimed to identify the current range and suitable habitat of black bear in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJ&K) using the maximum entropy model. Field surveys were conducted between 2015 and 2020 to collect data using direct and indirect evidence. Maximum entropy (Maxent) models revealed an average AUC of 0.84 (+0.03) designating a high accuracy. Main ...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Ziaul Islam2, Assar Ali Shah3 and Saad Ullah1

...den misri (Brown) laying hens of age 28 weeks were sourced and reared for 40 weeks. There were 4 groups with 4 replicates per group containing 10 birds each. Corn-soybean meal diet (Basal Diet) was offered to the control group (A), while groups B, C, and D were fed the basal diet with 3, 6, and 9 % soybean hulls (SH) respectively. Results showed higher(P<0.05)crude fiber, ash, cellulose, and hemicellulose content for diets containing soybean hull (SH) at 3,...

Zulaikha Zainool Abidin1, Fahim Hafiy Idris2, Suriya Kumari Ramiah1, Elmutaz Atta Awad1, Zunita Zakaria3,4, Zulkifli Idrus1,2* 

... present findings strengthen the notion that minimising the stress associated with pre-slaughter practices is important to maintain the safety of broiler chicken meat.


Omnia M. Khattab1, Morcos I. Yanni2, Hala K. Abdelmegeed2, Mahmoud Eliwa1, Naglaa M. Hagag1, Sara M. Elnomrosy1

...nce across all isolates when compared to the published FPV genome, which could imply that FPV appears to be in genomic stasis as compared to other Parvoviruses. Genomic stasis appears among the three Egyptian samples in this study under the GenBank accession number OP594200, OP574201, and OP574202, in addition to the high similarity of the isolates the vaccine strains of EU498680 and EU498681.No amino acid substitution was detected.

Anhar Ibrahim Elhanafy*, Amr Mohamed Mousa, Amaal Mohamed Kamal 

...f C3 and C4. Conversely when compared to control, significant reduction in IL-1β, IL-6 and TNF-α was recorded. In addition, BV treatment led to a significant improvement in T3 and T4 concentrations as detected by the radioimmunoassay technique. Results suggested that BV can be an effectual and safely naturalistic immune stimulator, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substitute to pharmaceuticals to be applied in rabbit farms. Furthermore, rabbit well...

Oussama Zghari*, Mouloud Lamtai, Sofia Azirar, Mohamed Yassine El-Brouzi, Hajar Benmhammed, Aboubaker El-Hessni, Ali Ouichou, Abdelhalem Mesfioui

...tests. The animals were then decapitated and the hippocampus was removed. Biochemical parameters of OS and the histology of Cornu Ammonis 3 (CA3) area of the hippocampus were evaluated. The results clearly showed that Al induced anxiety and depressive-like behaviour and cognitive impairment. In the hippocampus, Al also increased the levels of lipid peroxidation (LPO) and nitric oxide (NO) and reduced the activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) as well mediates ...

Imran Muhammad Siddique1, Naseem Sharif1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Mudassar Naseer1, Ammara Noreen3, Naseem Akhtar4 and Safeer ud Din5 besides total phenolic compounds 94.78 μgms in LSKS-2. However, somewhat tenacious fruit with more peel thickness was observed in LSKS-4 which was 3.31 mm. Highest firmness remained 2.48kg in LSKS-1 of less seeded kinnow. Conclusively less seeded strain LSKS-2 proved best of all the five strains of less seeded kinnow. The study is worthwhile for exploiting natural mutant kinnow strains bearing less seeded fruit of high quality characters through v...

Riaz Hussain1*, Ata-ul-Mohsin1, M. Farooq Nasir1, Zahid Akram2, Muhammad Sajid Qureshi1 and Abdul Mannan Hamzah1

...e higher on Golden acre whenever both second and third instars larvae were released on cabbage varieties. Parasitism efficacy was lower on third instars larvae as compared to the second. Higher parasitism (53.53%) was assessed on Asha while lower parasitism (44.95%) was observed on Golden acre when second instars larvae were exposed. Parasitism was higher (61.17%) on Asha while lower (50.1%) on golden acre w

Rashid Khan1, Muhammad Sajid2, Saud Khan3*, Jehanzeb4 and Aslam Noor5

... 5+2oC. The fruits were then analyzed for different quality parameters at 0 and 25 days storage. The harvesting stages (HS), perforated plastics (PP), storage duration (SD) as well as HS×SD and PP×SD significantly influenced various quality attributes of apricot fruits. The fruits harvested at the greenish stage had the lowest physiological weight loss and decay index that shows an increase in fruits harvested at orange yellow stage respectively af...

Abubakar Sadiq Muhammad1,2, Latiffah Hassan1, Saleha Abdul Aziz1, Zunita Zakaria1, Hassan Ismail Musa1, 2*, Maswati Mat Amin3 

....708 to 0.980; p=0.027) when compared to ST51. This showed a unit increase in soil water contents was associated with a 1.2 times increase in the odds of recovering ST51 compared with the odds of recovering ST84. Also, a statistically significant protective association was recorded between water pH and ST84 (OR=0.401, 95% CI 0.195-0.828; p = 0.013) when compared to ST51. This showed that for a unit increase in water pH, ther...

A.S. Gamal El din1; Sohair I. El-Afifi2; A. S. Sadik 2; Nashwa M. A. Abd El-Mohsen1; and H. M. Abdelmaksoud1

...olation of plasmid DNA. then used restriction enzymes Bam HI and Bgl II to identify clones containing inserts. To confirm the fragment inserted of CP gene sequence. PCR was performed using specific primers for PVYN CP gene. (3) The gene expression was performed using 100 µM IPTG & 2 µM biotin and incubation for 4h / 37 oC to produce biotinylated protein for E. coli with Mr 22.5 KDa and fusion protein with Mr ≈ 48 KDa consists or biotin ta...

A.Y. Ahmad1, M. A. Amer2, T. A. Mostafa1, F. M. Abo El-Abbas1, and M. El-Hammady1

...otypes were appeared on Chenopodium amaranticolar. Ch quinoa. Datura metal and Nicotiana tabacum cvs. Samsun and White Barley as a result of mechanical inoculation. All isolates reacted positively with monoclonal antibody specific to Potato virus Y group N. Reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). hemi-nested and nested-RT-PCR were used to study their molecular characters. Three pairs of primers were selected to react with 5'-non-translation r...

M.A.S. El-Kady1, Om-Hashem M. El-Banna 2, E.A Salama2, Salwa N. Zein1

...reactions were obtained when purified IgG and IgG conjugate with alkaline phosphatase was 1:1000. The prepared antiserum was used detection of BSMV by serological methods i.e., Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), Dot-blot and tissues-blot immunobinding assays (DBIA and TBIA). The presence of the virus was confirmed in mature seed parts and non-seed parts of the different five barley cultivars tested.


A. S. Gamal El din1; Sohair I. El-Afifi2; A. S. Sadik2; Nashwa M. A. Abd El Mohsen1; and H. M. Abdelmaksoud1

...-persistent manner only when the aphids fed firstly on PVY N source for 10 min. This indicated a kind of synergistic effect between the two viruses which controlled by role of PVYN CP and HC-Pro. The ratio of transmission increased by exceeding the acquisition feeding period. The virus isolate showed positive reaction only with polyclonal antibodies specific to Potato aucuba mosaic virus (PAMV). Electron microscopy showed spindle-shaped like inclusions as aggr...

 Salwa N. Zeinl and Hanaa S. Zawam2

...4-1.7mg/100 g tissue of Chenopodium quinoa Willd. Purified virus preparation was used for rabbit immunization. The polyclonal antibodies raised against the local isolate of ACLSV had a specific titer of l: 8000. The concentration of IgG and IgG conjugate with alkaline phosphatase was l: 1000. The prepared antiserum was used for detection Of ACLSV using ELISA dot immunobinding assay (DIBA). The presence of the virus was checked in blossom parts. (Petioles, stig...

Muhammad Ismail1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,2, Zarina Qasim3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*

...ed. Results showed that when all of the components were used together (T4), fruit damage was significantly reduced remained 0.32 to 0.49% in both years. In addition, T5 (control) plots where no IPM treatments were applied showed highest number of infected fruits (3.06 to 4.59%) in both years. Moreover cost-benefit ratio was lowest for the combined treatment (T4) during both years i.e., 2.7:1 for 2015 and 3.08:1 for 2016 as compared to other treatments. Overall...

Jaswandi, Ananda*, Rusfidra, Kusnadidi Subekti, Harif Gusdinal, Raziah Sri Wahyuni, Fahmi Ariansyah Caniago 

...eminating spermatozoa in hens. Eggs were collected two days after insemination and observed for embryo development using the candling method. Observation of fresh semen of the KBC showed that macroscopically the semen of the KBC was white, thick, and had a volume of 415 ± 218.08 µl. While the results of the microscopic evaluation showed that the semen quality of the KBC was a positive mean mass movement of 2 (++), spermatozoa motility was 79.71 &p...

Muhammad Akram¹,²*, Rashid Mahmood³, Fahim Arshad4 and Umer Farooq Gohar5

...sustained for 12 months when sub-cultured every 15 days. Invigoration of albino shoots with fresh MS basal medium resulted in multiple green buds, which successfully transformed into 54.60 and 652.78 healthy shoots in 30 and 120 days, respectively. These shoots were rooted, acclimatized, and transferred in field conditions. The present study thus establishes a simple in vitro liquid culture system for the mass propagation of P. minima, providing a strategy for...

Fang Chen

...ell assay was performed when the cells were in the logarithmic growth phase. In the cultured H69/apatinib, the IC50 of apatinib was greater than 30nM, while it was about 13μM in H69 parental cells (P<0.05), indicating that the anti-apatinib SCLC cells were successfully constructed in vitro. The expression of miR-4728-3p mRNA in the miR-4728-3p inhibitor group decreased, and the expression of PTEN mRNA increased (P<0.05). The miR-4728-3p mimic group sh...

Chun Shi, Juanjuan Guo, Meng Li, Qi Yang and Jingang Li*

...a is a complex and comprehensive disease with a poor prognosis and high fatality rate. However, whether it can promote or slow down intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury remains unclear. Spermophilus dauricus is a hibernation animal with a short awake time that interrupts the long hibernation period. When these events occurred, the long-term ischemic intestine in hibernation rapidly congested and entered the hibernation and...
Saiwa N. Zein
...udied was restricted in Chenopodiceae. Cucurbitaceae. Ebenaceae. Leguminosae and Solanaceae. The identity of the virus to TRV was confirmed by mode of transmission. particle morphology and serological typing. Examination or the purified virus preparation 1» electron microscopy revealed rod-purify the Egyptian isolate of TRV. The yield of the virus was 2.6-5.7 mg/ 100 g tissue of Nicotiona rustica plants. The polyclonal antibodies raised against the Egypt...
A.l. Abd El-Fattah; A.s. Saclik M.M. El-Kholi; I.A. Åbdcl-Hmnid and M.A. Madkour
...d sugarcane tissues and then used as a template for reverse used transcription-polymerase to amplify the coat protein chain reaction (CP) gene (RT-PCR) Of SCMV-E to amplify strain. the ThecDNA that directly amplified cp gene was used as a template using the internal primer combination in PCR for confirmation its specificity to the SCMV-cp gene as a PCR product with a size Of about 400 bp was amplified. The cp gene PCR...

Muhammad Arshad Iqbal*, Aamir Ghafoor, Irfan Ahmad, Muhammad Ijaz 

...ion in chicks and laying hens with prolonged faecal shedding. C. perfringens cause necrotic enteritis (NE) which instigated extreme economic losses and usually occur in broiler chicken. Use of AGP in Poultry feed has several negative implications involving public health concerns and trade restrictions. Bacillus amyloliquefaciens has been investigated as potential probiotic. The study involves the evaluation of competitive exclusion ability of B. amyloliquefaci...
Zhao Fulin1,2, Liang Chen2, Tao Lin1, Jiang Yanting3, Ouyang Yina3, Hong Qionghua3* and Chu Mingxing1*
...N, n=91) were explored. Then the association was analyzed between FGFR1 and EBP41L5 and kidding performance (litter size, litter weight at birth, litter weight at weaning) in different goats. Population genetics statistics showed that FGFR1 gene g. 12120297A> G and EPB41L5 gene g. 64237881A> C were low polymorphisms in the three populations (PIC< 0.25); EPB41L5 gene g. 64266710G> C and g. 64266715G> C were moderately polymorphic in Yunshang Blac...

Wuritunashun*, Burenbatu, Narenqiqige, Jiuguniang, Eerdunduleng, Shuanglian Wang, Cuiqin Gong, Hashengaowa, Huizhi Jin, Baiwurihan and Chunhaizi

...highs and buttocks. The Zhenbao pill, containing several medicinally important compounds, has been found to be effective against a variety of neurological and immunological illnesses. We used a label-free quantification (LFQ) proteomics approach to investigate the effect of the Zhenbao pill on the differential serum protein expression of HSP patients. Out of 14 significantly differentially expressed proteins, four proteins i...

Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1*, Atta Hussain Shah1, Muneer Ahmed Jamali1 and Asghar Ali Kamboh2

...s produced from animals when milk production or work becomes unsustainable. In recent years, meat has gained more importance due to its export potential and domestic consumption. Due to the fast growing life style of urbanization, most of consumers purchase the meat in fresh form because they hardly find time to purchase daily fresh meat. Therefore, they purchase the meat in bulk quantity to meet their daily necessities and stored in freezer or refrigerator an...
Mansoor Ayoob1, Atta Hussain Shah1, Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani2, Muhammad Faisal Ayoob2,3*, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1,5 and Abdul Sattar Baloch4

Maria Endo Mahata1*, Oriyanti Br Situngkir1, Yan Heryandi2, Takayuki Ohnuma3, Yose Rizal1 

...and A3 (tapioca flour), then factor B (dosage of pellet binder): B1 (1.5; 3.3; and 4.5%). Crude fiber digestibility, nitrogen retention, and energy metabolism were measured. The results showed no interaction (p>0.05) between the type of pellet binder and dosage of pellet binder on the digestibility of crude fiber, nitrogen retention, and energy metabolism of Miana plant pellets on broiler chicken. The type of pellet binder had a non-significant (p>0.05) ...

Adel B. Salama and Reham M. Sabry*

... it increased 6-7 folds; hence possibly improve the compensation ability of plants to set new buds. Petal harvesting had positive significant effects on plant fresh and dry weights, seed yield but adversely affected flower fresh and dry weights as well as seed oil percent (%). Seed oil percent ranged from 11.76 to 11.94 in petal harvesting treatment compared to control that ranged between 14.01 to 14.38. Petal harvesting resulted in a significant reduction in ...

Seharish Munawar and Nuzhat Afsar*

...Imposex is a well-known phenomena that has been documented over more than fifty years (50) in several marine gastropod species world around. The Phenomenon of imposex is directly connected with toxicity of tributyl (TBT) contamination and the source of this contamination is shipping traffic due to the use of TBT-based paints on ship hulls and the leaching of content into the water column. So, during the present study specime...

Muhammad Asim Bhutta1,2*, Amna Bibi2, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Sadia Kanwal2, Zarmeena Amjad1, Hafeez ur Rehman3, Umar Farooq3, Muhammad Nouman Khalid4 and Syeda Fiza Nayab5

...chemical energy that is then stored during photosynthesis. Photoinhibition is a significant and extremely complex phenomenon, which is basically light-induced damage to the photosynthetic machinery that principally affects the Photosystem II complex and leads to less photosynthetic productivity. A light-independent photosynthetic activity restricts the consumption of electrons produced in the early photoreactions, which appe...

Muhammad Saad Waqas, Li Xia, Tian-Ci Yi*, Liang-Yu Sun, Rong Xiao and Dao-Chao Jin*

...hanonsis could relocate when nest was completely damaged. Relocation pattern was different among immature-stages and adults. Nymphs and larvae relocated nest when there was abundance of exuviae whereas adults did not relocate. Adults could extend their original nest when it was filled with exuviae. Alive individuals lived with dead individuals and they did not remove the dead ones from nes...

Yue-Xia Ding1, Qun Wu2, Zhao Namula1 and Yi Ma1,*

...obtained the resistance phenotype and the related resistance genes from the donor bacteria. The LD50 of conjugants and induced resistance strains compared with parental strain, the virulence was lower than sensitive strains. The present study demonstrated that the virulence of resistant Streptococcus strains obtained by different drug resistance transfer methods was lower than that of their parents.


Atena Azarniush1, Majid Moghbeli2*, Farshid Kafilzadeh1, Mohammad Kargar1 and Hooshang Jamali1

...nsferred to DH5α, then the gene was subcloned onto pHT43 shuttle vector and transformed into the Bacillus subtilis WB600. The vector containing the cloned gene was induced within the WB600 by IPTG. The SDS-PAGE also indicated the successful expression of IL-11 in B. subtilis. A band of about 22 kD corresponding to the recombinant protein was observed in positive sample. This research demonstrated the efficacy of using B. subtilis as an expression system ...
Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra1, Herman W Raadsma2, Indriawati1, Slamet Diah Volkandari1 and Endang Tri Margawati1*

Jihan Abd Wahab, Nur Bahiah Mohamed Haris* and Jasmin Arif Shah MCO was high in 2019, hence, the aim of this study is to determine the skills and work performance of extension agents in their Program Development Skills (planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating - PIME). Specifically, this research intended to determine the level of PIME skills and their work performance, to evaluate the relationship of PIME skills with the work performance of extension agent and to determine the most PIME skills that contributes...

Muhammad Kefayatullah* and Said Wahab

... chilling injury, total phenols, sugar acid ratio and organoleptic evaluation. An increase was observed in TSS (11.05 to 13.00°Brix), pH (3.71 to 4.25), reducing sugar (1.43 to 2.76), decay index (0.0 to 35.13), weight loss (0.0 to 5.85), sugar acid ratio (14.88 to 20.96), chilling injury (0.0 to 19.41) and a decrease in percent acidity (0.76 to 0.57), ascorbic acid (9.67 to 6.13 mg/100gm), non-reducing sugar (5.66 to 4.81), moisture content (85.92 to 76.4...

Natalia Shchur1,2*, Olha Chechet1, Tetiana Mazur2, Oleksandr Martyniuk2, Olga Gorbatiuk1, Halyna Buchkovska1, Iryna Musiets1, Diana Ordynska1, Olena Finkova3, Larisa Moskalenko3, Tetiana Ponomaryova-Gerasimyuk3, Maksym Lusta3, Vitalii Nedosekov2 

...amples. The most common phenotypes of antimicrobial resistance of the selected isolates were: Cip / Tet / Ery - 14 isolates from poultry, which accounted for 42.42%.  Tet / Ery - 4 isolates from poultry (12.12%), Cip / Tet - 1 isolate from poultry (3.03%), Cip / Ery - 1 isolate from pigs (3.03%). The presence multidrug resistant (MDR) Campylobacter isolates obtained from broilers indicates dangerous uncontrolled use of antibiotics in poultry farming....

Khitam J. Yahya*, Mohammed T. S. Al-Zubaidi 

...eptember, and they were then tested for the presence of Cryptosporidium spp. using molecular methods (PCR), followed by DNA sequencing. The overall infection rate was 37% (37/100) of the samples were Cryptosporidium-positive by using PCR. Three of five quails whose 18S gene was amplified by nested PCR and sequenced were found to belong to C. meleagridis in the sequence of this gene deposit on the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NC...

Sahar Ezeldien1,2, Foromo Dramou2, Fatma M. Yousseff3*, Alexander A. Nikishov2, Sergy B Seleznev2

...of expermint. The total phenols, flavonoids, , and antioxidant potential of chamomile extract were all assayed. The results showed that the chamomile aqueous extract is rich in phenolic(108.92 μg/ml) and flavonoid (66.41 μmol/ml ) compounds. Additionally, chamomile extract is a potent antioxidant(1.77 ng/ml). Laying quails supplemented with chamomile aqueous extract showed increased body weight and egg mass, as well as...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Kim Ngan Vo1, Chi Hieu Do1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Nguyen Khang Duong3, Quang Minh Luu4

...with 536 bp by PCR, and then the PCR products were cleaved with the PstI enzyme. The fragment length with 536 bp was successfully amplified in all individual samples, while genetic polymorphism at the PRL/PstI site was identified as C and T alleles, with allele frequencies 0.811 (C) and 0.189 (T). Three genotypes were observed with frequencies 0.647, 0.329 and 0.024 for CC, CT and TT, respectively. The PIC (polymorphic information content) and He (expected het...

Munasik*, Titin Widiyastuti, Caribu Hadi Prayitno

...urce for livestock, but when the price of corn rises and its supply declines, it becomes essential to find alternative ingredients to use in animal feed. This study explores the use of cassava (tapioca by-products) and tofu dregs as substitutes for corn through fermentation technology using Neurospora sp. This produces alternative feed ingredients with nutrient levels that are in balance with corn. To improve the quality of the cassava-tofu dreg mixture, this ...

Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Mudssar Ali1*, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed1

Imran Ahmad

...n of a better mouthfeel when added to tropical fruit and vegetable purees. The study evaluated sensory (organoleptic) attributes corresponding to the textural qualities measured by a texture analyzer. A commercial MIS (size ≤ 40 microns) was added to the puree of five arbitrarily selected fruits (strawberry, banana, and apple) and vegetables (beetroot and carrot) at three different levels (3%, 5%, 7% w/w). A Texture Analyzer determined hardness, adhesivenes...

Nawfal Hammadi Jasim1, Yasmeen Jassim Mohammed2 , Jala Amir Salman Alahmed1, Majdy Faisal Majeed3* 

...ivity disorder is Methylphenidate hydrochloride (MPH) or Retalin (the commercial name) . Objective: The effects of MPH on adult male rats have been evaluated in this study. Materials and methods: receiving an oral dose (2 daily MPH doses), represented by Group 1 (5 mg/kg/day in a 5% glucose solution), Group 2 received daily dosages of methylphenidate in escalating amounts (5, 8, 12, and 16 mg/kg/day in a 5% of sucrose solut...

Muhammad Mukhtar1*, Lely Ummi Wakhidah2,Mohammad Zubair Hippy3 licensing, and strengthening legal regulations on livestock. 


Pawinee Kingkan1, Thanathip Supcharoenkul1, Chaowit Rakangthong1, Chaiyapoom Bunchasak1, Komwit Surachat2,3, Wiriya Loongyai1* 

Md. Rashedul Islam1, Abul Farah Md. Hasanuzzaman1*, Md. Latiful Islam2, Ghausiatur Reza Banu1 

...on line of the hatchery; hence, special biosecurity measures are needed in this particular component to substantially reduce horizontal transmission of such pathogens in the larvae; particularly axenic live food culture is to be practiced. The knowledge gained from this study will be useful to the hatchery operators taking appropriate measures to strengthen the biosecurity line for controlling bacterial contamination of the ...

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

...d the much-demanded meat hence, contributing to the income and nutrition of the population. However, for small to medium-scale producers the profitability has been hampered by high incidences of diseases and costs associated with their control. This study aimed to assess the biosecurity practices adopted by broiler farmers in the Pwani region, Tanzania. A structured questionnaire was administered to 78 broiler farmers complemented with on-site observations. D...

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Imtiaz Khan1*, Ijaz Ahmad1, Javed Khan2, Shahid Sattar1, Bashir Ahmad Khan and  Muhammad Salim

...d linearly increase and then become static after attain the asymptote level at certain densities were 25, 35 and 70 aphids per first, second and third instar larvae. The life table’s immature stage survival and female fecundity rate revealed that the stage of eggs had the greatest death rate, at 12%, followed by pre pupal stage. The lowest mortality was observed in 2nd instar stage. Sx was determined to be maximal during the second instar stage and minim...

Bahlouli Fayçal1*, Chourghal Nacira2, Salamani Amel3, Benaini Mohammed4, Maamri Khelifa2, Kachaou Cherifa5, Djaballah Melak5, Atek Younes6 and Aissat Fares6

...ieties with significant phenotypic diversity. In our work we studied 6 varieties: Azéradj, Frontoio, Neb Djmel, Limli, Sigoise and Chemlal, at the level of the area of El-Annasser, wilaya of Bordj-Bou-Arréridj, this study is based on phenological, physiological and agronomic characterizations established by COI (1997).The results obtained indicate that the large number of stomata in the leaves of the Azeradj va...

Ahmad Shahzaib1*, Tabish Raza2 and Aisha Areej2

...nfections, particularly when it comes to CS. Current clinical use of immunosuppressive therapies, including cytokine blockade, JAK, and IL-6 inhibition in severely ill COVID-19 patients, is associated with increased secondary infections. Therefore, the current review aims to collect literature on the incidence of COVID-19 co-infections and immune-inflammatory responses to such infections. A better understanding of immune-inflammatory markers of COVID-19-associ...

Winda Sartika1*, Budi Hartono2, Hari Dwi Utami2, Lilik Eka Radiati2 

...aterial suppliers strengthens the supply chain network to distribute rendang products to the end consumers. The supply of rendang raw materials starts from breeders, collectors, wholesalers, and retailers to the rendang processing industry. The rendang industry’s beef price is IDR 115,000.00-IDR 120,000.00 per kilogram, about 7.5% lower than the price for household consumers, IDR 130,000.00 per kilogram. The most efficient marketing channel comprises far...

Jawad Ali1,*, Samiya Rehman1, Aqsa Aslam1, Fouzia Tanvir2, Rida Liaqat1, Muhammad Ahmad1, Aamir Riaz1, Muhammad Shafique3, Hassan Ali1 and Amjad Ali1

...iomedical compounds polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamins, and trace elements as secondary metabolites imparts antidiabetic, hepatoprotective, hypolipidemic, antidepressant, immunosuppressive, anti-microbial properties to the W. coagulans Dunal. Plant samples from Mianwalli, Kohat, and Sargodha city were gathered for antioxidant potential determination. Free radical scavenging activity and total antioxidant activity experiments were performed on the samples using...

Peng Xu1, Yankuo Li2*, Shusong Zhang1 and Bin Liu3

...), Apodemus agrarius, Eothenomys melanogaster, Niviventer fulvescens and N. confucicianus were identified as dominant species with relative abundances over 10%, in which N. fulvescens and N. confucicianus were trapped in eight and seven habitat types, respectively, indicating a larger altitude span of their distribution ranges. Bamboo planting areas were found to possess more rodent species than other habitats. Crocidura Dracula, Micromys minutus, Lepus sinens...

Fakhra Nazir1*, Sahar Fazal1 and Fakhar-i-Abbas2

...ct clades initially and then into subclades based on similarity and variations in their sequences. Species of the same genera were grouped into one clade as genus Corvus. DNA barcoding was proved to be an effective tool for species molecular identification and their phylogenetic analysis during this study which may help in identification and biogeographic studies of birds in future.

Nasir Ali Tauqir1*, Asim Faraz2, Abdul Waheed2, Ayman Balla Mustafa3, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh4, Michela Pugliese5 and Shahid Nazir6 comparatively better when buffaloes were raised on supplemented ratios but due to shorter study period and use of well-fed and healthy animals (not deficient in methionine) the results of the lactation performance were not very obvious as were expected.

Umara Amir ud Din1, Waqas Ahmed Khan1*, Khurrum Shahzad1,2, Basharat Ali3, Misbah Hussain1,4 and Fazli Rabbi Awan4

Hamdi Mayulu1*, Endang Sawitri2

...t for tannins and total phenolics, and the aluminum chloride (AlCl3) method was used to assess flavonoid content. In addition, antioxidant capacity was determined with Radical Scavenging Activity 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) and expressed with IC50 value. The data obtained were analyzed using the single factor Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) with the IBM Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). The results showed...

Mohamed Adam1*, Hassan Sobhy2, Mohamed Abouzid3, Dalia Elhafny4 and El-Desouki Ibrahim5 leaves were detected when applied on the soil. From the result of this research, it is recommended that both bionematicides could be used for nematode control in different agricultural systems especially, sustainable and organic farming, while the three chemical nematicides could be used in conventional agriculture without any negative impacts on plant and soil.


Lu Xie1,2,3,4,5, Ye Gu1,2,3,4, Qiang Liu1,2,3,4, Hongzhang Shen1,2,3,4, Yifeng Zhou1,2,3,4, Jiangfeng Yang1,2,3,4, Xiaofeng Zhang1,2,3,4* and Jinyu Huang1,5*

... In this study, we comprehensively analyzed the functions and mechanisms of the SET7/9-E2F1 axis using data mining. Data from the UALCAN database showed abnormal expression of both SET7/9 and E2F1 in multiple cancer types. Survival curves and correlation analysis by GEPIA supported the significant roles of SET7/9 and E2F1 in the progression of HCC. Functional enrichment analysis suggested that the SET7/9-E2F1 axis is involved in the regulation of cell cycle, D...

Imtiaz Kashani and Sher Khan Panhwar*

...iring adverse impact on phenotypic characteristics. 


Yajuan Zheng, Qiuping Mo, Hongchao Tang, Qinghui Zheng and Dandan Guan*

...fy;">Breast cancer is a phenomenon in which mammary epithelial cells proliferate out of control under the action of various carcinogenic factors. This study aimed to explore the role and regulatory mechanism of LGR5 in the occurrence and development of breast cancer. Fresh breast cancer case samples and normal breast cell samples were collected. Western blot was used to analyze the expression of LGR5 and (phosphorylated IQGAP1)/(IQGAP1). Construct metastatic h...

Amina Rahat1, Zahin Anjum1*, Sehlina Zehra2, Fatima Umal Baneen3 and Rabia Chishti1

... coumarins, flavonoids, phenolics, alkaloids, terpenoids, tannins, essential oils, lectin, polypeptides, and polyacetylenes are present in medicinal plants. These bioactive chemicals serve as a foundation for the creation of antibiotics that are utilized to cure infectious illnesses. Allium sativum is being used traditionally since ages for many purposes. It is extensively used in numerous dishes throughout the world and due to its aromatic nature, as a fragra...

Skenndri Safae1*, Charrat Nadia2, Jmiai Mehdi3, Nassik Saadia1 

...ormances. Each farm was then sampled twice on day 11 and day 35 of the same production cycle. In order to evaluate the gut health of the broilers, we used a panel of tools and techniques, ranging from numerical tools used to gather data from the farms to bacteriological material geared toward pathogens detection. The microscopic lesions found on most of the farms of the P group on day 35 indicated the ongoing of a regenerative process, contrarily to the farms ...

Fadzlin Afiqah A. Samad2, Amirul Faiz Mohd Azmi1, Muhamad Affan Ab Azid1, Hafizin Mu’izz Zalazilah1, Syakirah Zulkifli1, Izreen Edriana Mohd Jasmi1, Muhammad Baqir Irfani Rahimin Affandi1, Mohd Zamri Saad1, Md Zuki Abu Bakar1, Agung Irawan3,7, Adib Norma Respati4, Anuraga Jayanegara5,7, Sadarman Sadarman6,7, Hasliza Abu Hassim1,2,7*. the decreased trend when the level increased (P<0.05). To conclude, DMI and FC ratio are two predictor variables with the greatest effect on milk yield of inter-species lactating dairy buffaloes, noticeably an importance role of concentrate supplementation for buffaloes to increase milk production. Milk fat and milk protein contents were influenced by NDF content of the diets, dependently varied among species. 


Eliseo Pelagio Fernández Ruelas1, Ali William Canaza-Cayo2,3*, Francisco Halley Rodriguez Huanca1, Uri Harold Perez Guerra1, Roxana Churata-Huacani3, Tales Jesus Fernandes3, Ysabel Mendoza Aguilar1 

... of Hy Line Brown laying hens. Laying hens were offered 0%, 2.5% or 4.5% MOL supplemented feeds, using a completely randomized design with three treatments and 12 replications with five hens each. Laying hens were randomly divided into three groups: Control: no addition of Moringa oleifera leaves, MOL2.5: diets with 2.5% MOL; and MOL4.5: diets with 4.5% ...

Antonius Agung Wiono1, Maria Elizabeth Nana Wijayanti1, Dhika Yonika Primacitra1, Trioso Purnawarman2, Andriyanto3, Aulia Andi Mustika3, Amaq Fadholly3* 

...nduces oxidative stress then releasing the number of free radicals, which can damage cells and disturb the hormonal system directly affect livestock productivity. This research expected the effect of PhytoceeTM on mitigating the risk induced by heat stress and its productivity of broiler chicken.Materials and Methods:Broiler chicken were divided to six groups (normal control, negative control, heat stress treated vitamin C 200 g/ton and 400 g/ton, heat stress...
Muhammad Rizwan1, Hamid Akbar1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Abid Hayat3, Anjum Masood4, Muhammad Talha Sajjad1 and Nadeem Raza2
...nd ultrasonography, and then was surgically treated through Dirksen technique. Blood samples of both groups were collected on days 0, 7, 14, 21, and 28. Levels of various oxidative, metabolic and hematological parameters were measured by authenticated standard methods. We observed that serum levels of MDA and BHBA were higher at day 0 to day 14 (P<0.01), while the level of nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) was higher at day...

Trinil Susilawati1*, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti1, Amir Firdaus2, Dinda Ayu Damayanti2, Rizki Prafitri1, Nanang Febrianto1, Kuswati1, Achadiah Rachmawati1, Sri Wahjuningsih1, Nurul Isnaini1 

... the same treatment and then continued to observe NRR 2 on the next cycle. After two months, the pregnancy and AI failure were observed using ultrasound. A Chi Square was performed using SAS OnDemand for Academics (ODA, Cary, NC, USA). Moreover, probability values were calculated using the least significant different testing. The results showed that NRR-1 was 83.75% and 85%, while NRR-2 was 62.5% and 68.75% on T1 and T2, respectively. Furthermore, the failure ...

Muhammad Salman Ikram1, Tahir Mehmood1,2*, Sehrish Firyal3, Huma Sattar4, Shagufta Saeed3, Fareeha Nadeem3 and Muhammad Imran Mahmood Khan5

...lineages determination. When familial searching is coupled with genealogy inquiry, the review article will help us comprehend the combined use of Y-chromosome information and family information and understand the cases on the basis of specific forensic instances.


Abdulaziz A. Alaqil*

...idophilus (LA) on laying hens exposed to endotoxic shock induced by intravenously injection of lipopolysaccharides (LPS). A total of one hundred twenty, 40-week-old, laying hens from the Hy-line breed were allocated at random into four groups of 30 hens each. For eight consecutive weeks (40–48 weeks of age), two groups of the layers were given a basal diet as control, while the remai...

Isatay Tusupovich Jakupov, Gulzhan Tursunovna Yeszhanova, Gulnur Kurbanalievna Mamytbekova* 

...ecorded within 30 days. When studying the irritating and allergic effects of C. leucocladum on rabbits, it was found that no irritating effect and allergic reaction was observed within 24 hours in animals with 10%, 20%, 40% content of C. leucocladum. Studies of the antimicrobial properties of C. leucocladum extract with 10%, 20%, 40% concentrations, suppositories containing 20% and 40% of C. leucocladum showed antimicrobial activity against E. coli, St. aureus...

Altaf Ur Rahman1, Muhammad Ajmal Khan2*, Ali Hazrat3, Awais Farid4, Muhammad Yahya3* and Inam Ullah5;g/ml) through 2, 2-Diphenyl -1- picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) assay (150 µg/ml). Results showed that the methanolic extract of C. jacquemontii is a rich source of many phytochemically active compounds such as alkaloids content (3.60%), flavonoids (3.40%) and terpenoids 2.30%. The methanolic extract of C. jacquemontii depicted promising antibacterial potential towards various tested bacterial strain in order of P. aeruginosa > E. coli > S. typhi > MR...

Abdur Rauf1*, Muhammad Jawad1, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Muhammad Yasin4, Samrin Gul5, Wisal Khan3, Ikramullah Khan1, Farkhanda Bibi1, Wajid Khan6, Tanweer Kumar6, Muhammad Arif6 and Khilwat Afridi7

Abdur Rauf1*, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Zia-ul-Islam3, Rizwanullah1, Ikramullah Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib4, Muhammad Khalid5 and Samrin Gul6

...ponins, flavonoids, and phenols in the ethanolic crude extract.


Abdur Rauf1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Wisal Khan3, Ikramullah Khan1, Khilwat Afridi4, Muhammad Shuaib5, Muhammad Khalid6 and Samrin Gul7

...d higher values for the phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) compare to the genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV). We also observed high heritability (h2) value for days to heading (93.0) and flag leaf area (66.0), which shows that high heritability estimates genetic advance for such characters. In summary, we recommend Pirsabak-21 and Abaseen-21 as well as Kenya Tea and Akuri#1 for the maximum grain production respectively. 


Luh Gde Sri Surya Heryani1*, Ni Luh Eka Setiasih1, Ni Nyoman Werdi Susari1, I Made Merdana1, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Tri Laksana2, I Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan2 not touch the ground when standing. This study aims to determine the morphometric characteristics and head index of Bali pigs using a Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach to easily identify the phenotypic characteristics. The samples include 50 Bali pigs that are intensively reared in Musi Village, Gerogak District, Buleleng Regency, Bali Province, Indonesia. The measurement data were analyzed using PCA to reduce a...

Komal Javed1, Sohaib Muhammad1*, Zarghaam Khan1, Sehar Fatima1, Hassan Nawaz1, Mahrukh1, Tahira Khalid1 and Shariat Ullah2

...onaceae with 3 species, Chenopodiacea and Cyperaceae with 2 species each, Aizoaceae, Commenlinaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae, Marsiliaceae, Papaveraceae, Primulariaceae, and Scorpulariaceae with 1 species each. Brassica campestris, Lathyrus aphaca, Melilotus indicus, Medicago polymorpha, Dicanthium annulatum, Setaria glauca and Solanum nigrum were the only 7 species found in all three crops of wheat, rice and sugarcane having IVI va...

Salman Ahmad1*, Muhammad Asim1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Muhammad Atiq3, Yasir Ali4, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad5, Malik Abdul Rehman6 and Naeem Akhtar7

...s psyllid (ACP), a comprehensive survey of kinnow (Citrus reticulate cv. kinnow), musambi (Citrus sinensis cv. musambi) and feutrell’s early (Citrus reticulate cv. feutrell’s early) orchards was conducted in tehsil Sargodha during 2017 and 2018. Correlation and regression analysis were used to determine the relationship of ACP with CG, and the relationship of environmental factors with ACP. Surveys were conducted to record the incidence of CG and e...

Abiyu Tadele 1,2*, Gebreyohannes Berhane2, Wondmeneh Esatu3

... were collected from 168 hens of the three genotypes kept under intensive management for 20 weeks. The Tetra H genotype had significantly greater (p < 0.05) body weight, feed consumption, hen-housed egg production, egg mass, and a lower (better) feed conversion ratio than the other genotypes. Similarly, the naked-neck chicken genotype outperformed the normal-feathered chicken in terms of age at first egg, body weight, egg...

Chitra Kumalasari1,2, Lovita Adriani2*, Indrawati Yudha Asmara3, Nazri Nayan4 The average laying hens produce 240 – 260 eggs/bird/year. However, at the age of 80 weeks laying hens must be culled because their productivity has decreased below 50%. Many efforts have been made to extend the egg production cycle so that production increases before laying hens are culled. Probiotics supplementation is one method of increasing productivity in old age laying

Atef M. El-Sagheer1*, Aline F. Barros2, El-Sayed M. Abd El-Aal3, Mohamed M. Gad4, Doaa S. Mahmoud4 and Amr M. El-Marzoky3

...cytoplasmic globules as phenolic and lignified structures were shown to be associated with the feeding sites of two species. In combination with two species, the effects of M. incognita were noted more than those of R. similis. Where showed R. similis was protruding out or was inside the feeding site of M. incognita. In addition, R. similis was deepened within the root more than usual, with a lower number of phenolic and lig...

Ahmed El-Sayed Ismail 

.... For the first factor, when two local corn cultivars, namely, Giza 2 (susceptible) and Kahera 1 (resistant), were subjected to the infection by H. zeae to determine the biotic effect of the host susceptibility on development and reproduction of the nematode, the final population and rate of build-up of the nematode were more remarkable on Giza 2 cultivar than on Kahera 1. Due to the high suitability of Giza 2 for nematode reproduction, there was more pronounc...

Vui Van Nguyen1, Samorn Ponchunchoovong2, Sajeera Kupittayanant3, Pakanit Kupittayanant2* 

...min E and green tea polyphenols, the percentage of the high mitochondrial membrane potential, the intact plasma membrane and acrosome membrane indicators in the Ocimum gratissimum essential oils treatment were higher than those in the rest treatments and had a substantial difference when compared to the control treatment (P<0.05). In concluding, semen extender supplemented with Ocimum gratissimum essential oils is appropr...

Muhammad Adeel Farooq1, Shaukat Ali1*, Ali Hassan1, Rida Sulayman1, Muhammad Ahsan Kaleem2, Hafsa Shahzad1, Muhammad Summer1, Arooj Latif1, Tahreem Tanveer1

...BSAA-40) and Bacillus licheniformis (BLAA-5 to BLAA-40) were prepared by exposure to UV radiation for 5 to 40 min to synthesize α-amylase via submerged fermentation. Then the crude α-amylase synthesized by these mutant strains was optimized and partially characterized. In contrast to wild and all other mutant strain BSAA-25 and BLAA-25 strains showed the optimum production of α-amylase 331.4±6.9 U/mL...

Farha Deba1, Rubina Nelofer2 and Muhammad Irfan1*

...secondary screening was then evaluated via submerged fermentation utilizing raw feathers as a substrate for keratinase production. On skimmed milk agar plates with streaked pure culture growth patterns, these seven strains gave a positive appearance of sizable dramatic zones around the growth patterns. These seven strains such as Bacillus velezensis FD1, Bacillus cereus FD2, Bacillus subtilis FD3, Bacillus altitudinis FD4, Bacillus lic...

Selvaraj Thanga Malathi¹, Venkatraman Anuradha1*, Mohamed Yacoob Syed Ali2, Muhameed Sajjad Sarwar3, Nagarajan Yogananth2

...eased in treated groups when compared to the normal. Thus, it is evident that determination of thyroid hormone secretion and histological studies (FESEM – field emission scanning electron microscopy) were useful in determining the effect of trace metal pollution and its effect in freshwater fish species. 
Novelty Statement | The study is based on the hypothesis that the deposition and expos...

Yoshio Hamano1*, Yasuji Kurimoto2 

...duced body weight gains when the chickens were concomitantly fed AWP. LIP and AWP increased the feed conversion rates and decreased feed intakes, respectively. However, breast muscle and abdominal fat weights remained constant. No significant interaction between LIP and AWP was detected in the free amino or fatty acid profiles in the ante- and post-mortem breast muscles. AWP reduced total and glucogenic free amino acid concentrations in antemortem breast muscl...

Muhammad Shoaib Azeem1, Hafiz Qadeer Ahmed2,3*, Adil Shahzad2,4, Umar Farooq2,5, Ghayyoor Ahmad6, Muhammad Yaqoob3, Jamal Nasir1

...han milk teeth animals. When comparing different age groups, the retail cuts in two teeth male goats showed higher percentages for forelimb (19.78% vs 17.09%), neck (9.96% vs 8.48%), ribs (7.31% vs 6.02%), breast (7.06% vs 5.57%), shoulder (15.46% vs 12.97%), chops (12.73% vs 10.61%), hind limb (37.34% vs 30.48%), flank (5.18% vs 3.71%), and sirloin (10.70% vs 8.26%) compared to milk teeth male goats. Comparison of two teeth female goats to milk teeth female g...

Zia Gul1, Muhammad Sajid1, Muhammad Noman Khan1*, Faheem ul Haq1, Zohra Nawaz1, Muhammad Bakhtiar2, Sajid Siddique1, Komal Aslam3 and Muhammad Irshad1

...age (80.8) was recorded when plants were irrigated at 15 days interval. While regarding organic manures, the maximum number of leaves (11.0) plant-1, plant height (41.6cm), leaf length (39.5 cm), leaf area (247.8cm2) leaf breadth (4.7 cm), leaf thickness (3.5 cm) leaf weight (207.3 g), number of suckers (4.1) plant-1, amount of gel (174.7 g) leaf-1 and survival percentage (71.5) was recorded in plants fertilized with poultry manure .The interaction of organic ...

Lianci He1, Dingxi Bai2, Chenxi Wu2, Yizhu Zhong2, Shi Chen2, Xinru Bao2, Jing Gao2*, Chaoming Hou2*

... to study the effect of Shenxian congee (SXC) in rats with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) on NF-κB signalling pathway and the expression of related factors. To reveal the relevant signal transduction mechanism in the treatment of CFS. Seventy two male SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups with 12 rats in each group. Namely: control group (CON), low dose Shenxian Congee group (SXC-L), medium dose S

Maryam Beheshti1, Mohammad Reza Taheriyan2*, Sikander Shahzad3, Memoona Siddique4, He Tianwei5, Muhammad Farooq5*, Huzaifa Kashif6 and Naila Ilyas7*

...components of each were then identified and measured using a gas chromatography-mass spectrometer. Rats were separated into 5 groups of 8 and given treatments of hemp, palm, and soybean totaling 1.5% of their body weight in order to study the effects of various treatments on their blood parameters. Blood tests were used to investigate these parameters. Based on the results, all three oils-hemp, soybean, and palm-had the same refractive index (1.46) and showed ...

Alisher Safarov1*, Nasreen Nasreen4, Firuza Akramova5, Shukhrat Djabbarov1, Adolat Mirzaeva5, Javokhir Esonboev5, Djalaliddin Azimov5, Mourad Ben Said2,3 

...als and Methods: A comprehensive surveillance was conducted to calculate the prevalence of ectoparasites in carnivorous mammals. Data on ectoparasite prevalence, including area, host, breed, species diversity, age, and seasonal infestation rate, were recorded and analyzed. This research represents the first investigation of ectoparasites in carnivorous mammals in Uzbekistan and encompassed 12 regions (Andijan, Namangan, Fergana, Samarkand, Jizzakh, Syrdarya, B...

Kinza Javed1, Muhammad Ali1, Waqas Farooq2, Majeeda Rasheed1*, Farkhanda Yasmin3, Samiya Rehman3, Sadaf ul Hira1 and Jawad Ali3

...he end of summer season when there is more humidity in air and autumn. Its control is done by vaccination and quarantine of infected animal to prevent its contact with the healthy animals.


Amirul Faiz Mohd Azmi1,4, Hafandi Ahmad1, Norhariani Mohd Nor1, Goh Yong Meng1, Mohd Zamri Saad2, Md Zuki Abu Bakar1, Norafizah Abdul Rahman5,6, Agung Irawan7,9, Anuraga Jayanegara8,9, Hasliza Abu Hassim1,3,9*


...n fermentation patterns when treated with the same dietary treatments, but Swamp buffalo were significantly (P < 0.05) higher in Ruminococcus albus and total fatty acid. This study showed that supplementing concentrates solely or a mixture with bypass fat into a grass-based diet could decrease methane production, as well as methanogens without giving a detrimental effect on rumen fermentation but also increase the degree of fatty acids saturation partially ...

Vui Van Nguyen1, Samorn Ponchunchoovong2, Sajeera Kupittayanant3, Pakanit Kupittayanant2* 

... outcomes were observed when using a maximum essential oil concentration of 100 µg/ml. 


Yao Xixi1, Zhou Rui2* and Ma Yinshan3

... to study the effect of phenological phases on forage nutrient composition, rumen fermentation parameters and content of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in milk of grazing yak. In this study, 10 female Gannan yaks with an average body weight of 234.9±10.5 kg were selected for research purpose (natural grazing) in Gannan Pastoral Area of Gansu Province. The forage, rumen fluid and milk samples were collected during green-up time, flowering time and wither...

Ni Putu Sarini1*, I Gde Suranjaya1, I Gusti Agung Arta Putra1, I Wayan Suarna1, Lindawati Doloksaribu1, I Ketut Puja2, I Ketut Gde Natakesuma3, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Rai Mulyawan4 

...t and the MC1R gene was then amplified by using a forward primer 5’ AGT TGA GCA GGA CCC TGA GA 3’, and a reverse primer 5’ CCA GTC ACC ACA GAG CGT TA 3’. The PCR products were further sequenced and analyzed to see variations of the MC1R gene of all cattle. The results indicated that the sequence of MC1R gene in the 10 Bali cattle has a nucleotide variation of 0.31% generated from Bos taurus and 0.21% generated from Bos indicus. While t...

Rameez Raja Kaleri1,2*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Nazeer Hussain Kalhoro5, Raza Ali Mangi3, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi4, Deepsh Kumar Bhuptani6, Sher Muhammad Khosa1, Abdul Wahid Solangi1, Ayaz Ali Lashari7 and Sheva Dari1

...Pakistan to observe the phenotypic characterization of indigenous backyard poultry birds in Tando Allahyar. For this purpose, total 470 birds with 240 male and 230 females were brought under the study. Their phenotypic characteristics were collected thorough observing by the researchers from different UCs of district Tando Allahyar. The data regarding quantitative traits were observed using the measuring tap mentioned in the...
Tehreem Fatima1, Jabbar Khan1,*, Hamid Shafiq2, Dost Muhammad3, Muhammad Rafi1 and Shoaib ur Rehman1
...bove 98 years. The study hence, showed that longevity individuals had higher quantities of serum Hsp70 compared to control group, and again, males contained higher concentration than longevity females, showing that thermal stress was the agent leading to over-expression of Hsp70 especially in longevity individuals but in longevity individuals. Whether this increased expression had any impact on longevity is still not clear that needs to be deciphered.

Elihasridas, Mardiati Zain*, Roni Pazla, Simel Sowmen, Qurrata Aini 

...ntly (P<0.05) higher when supplemented with cassava leaves and mineral zinc (T3) compared to others. However, it was observed to be significantly (P<0.05) lower than T4. Cassava leaf, mineral phosphor, and zinc (T4) were found to be the most effective in enhancing the digestibility of ammoniated aromatic lemongrass waste in the rumen.  

Tabark F Ahmed, Nibras Z. Yahya* methylene blue agar, then VITEK® 2 System was performed Data showed the sample was positive as a result of E. coli O157. The second experiment examined the pharmacodynamics of ascorbic acid in various states, including alone and in combination with ciprofloxacin and erythromycin. Results showed that the MIC of ascorbic acid (AA), ciprofloxacin (CIP), and erythromycin (ERY) against E. coli O157 was 16 mg/ml, 2 g/ml, and 256 g/ml, respectively, and the va...

Muhammad Nasir Bhaya1,2* and Hikmet Keles2

...agic acid (EA) is a polyphenol, known for its antioxidant properties. In this study, the protective effect of EA on CP-induced renal damage was evaluated. For this purpose, 24 rats were divided into four groups, control, CP, CP+EA50, and CP+EA75. Histopathological examination of kidneys revealed hyperemia, epithelial degeneration, swelling, cystic dilatation and luminal proteinaceous material in tubuli, congested and hypercellular glomeruli and also inflammato...

Bing Yan1, Meng Meng Zhang2, Xi Chen2, Yongming Li2*, Muhammad Khan3* and Tonghui Ma1*

...suppress stem-cell-like phenotype (SCLP) of glioblastoma cells. ALT inhibited the growth, reduced mammosphere formation and down-regulated the expression of CSCs markers such as CD133, OCT4, SOX2, and NANOG in U87 and U251 glioblastoma cells in a dose-dependent manner. Further mechanistic study showed that ALT inhibits glioma SCLP and tumor growth through repression of EGFR/MOB1/LATS1/YAP signaling pathway. These findings were further validated using in vivo x...
Iram Liaqat1*, Noor Muhammad1, Muhammad Mubin2, Najma Arshad3, Tehreema Iftikhar4, Sumera Sajjad5 and Farzana Rashid5
... pneumoniae, Bacillus licheniformis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Bacillus subtilis). Secondary screening using ethyl acetate extracts also showed significant ZI in the range of 06 – 14.0 mm (P ≤ 0.05) against these pathogens thus confirming their bioactive potential. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of screened Actinomycetes was in the range of 1.3 - 3.5 mgmL-1 and 1.9 – 4.0 mgmL-1 of bacteri...
Chen Gu1,2, Ze-Dong Xu1, Lin Chen1, Ming-Hui Gu1, Sheng-Mei Yang1, Ai-Qing Wang1, Bao-Fa Yin1* and Wan-Hong Wei1,2,3* RO and DW offspring. When exposed to rabbit odor, male RO offspring showed more alerting behaviors than females, while male CO offspring showed more exploring behaviors than females. CO offspring exposed to rabbit odor exhibited higher levels of serum ACTH, serum CORT, and c-fos mRNA than those in RO and DW offspring. Our findings indicate that maternal stress induced by predator odor is sufficient to induce an altered HPA response, and these changes may be...

Gang Liu*, Na Xu, Zhizhong Gong and Jiahui Feng

...pus wintering at either Shengjin Lake or Caizi Lake, China, using high-throughput sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer gene region. We retained 1,302,562 valid tags corresponding to 2,102 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from 20 fecal samples (ten per lake). The OTUs from the Shengjin Lake geese represented 7 phyla, 27 classes, 81 orders, 151 families, and 395 genera; those from the Caizi Lake geese comprised 7 ph...

Irtaza Hussain1, Muti ur Rehman Khan1*, Asim Aslam1, Masood Rabbani2 and Ahsan Anjum1

... Punjab, Pakistan. Comprehension of risk variables will not only be helpful to develop awareness amongst farmers but will also provide guidelines to government officials about the prevention and control of the disease.

Nabila Rasheed1, Shumaila Usman2*, Madeeha Sadiq3, Bushra Wasim3, Kanwal Haneef4, Hafsa Shafqat3, Tabinda Urooj3 and Saman Rashid4
...ion of cell cycle genes, hence the cells proliferate slow as compared to the normal cells. The GDM affected cells had a high population doubling time in the early passages but when the cells were grown in vitro in controlled environment the cells proliferate efficiently, suggesting that the GDM affected WJMSCs can also be utilized for the regenerative purpose after improving the proliferation rate of the cells.


Mohammed Naji Odhah1,2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse1*, Bura Thlama Paul3,4, Bashiru Garba5, Zaid Mahmood1, Eric Lim Teik Chung6, Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila7  

...27 ng/ml) in MAs group, then declined slowly from week 10 till week 12. In conclusion, there was an elevated level in the IgM and IgG antibodies post-infection with C. pseudotuberculosis and MAs. However, while the IgG antibody levels started declining at week 9 for C. pseudotuberculosis, the MAs group was sustained until week ten before reducing. Therefore, MAs can be used as an immunogen to control caseous lymphadenitis infection caused by C. pseudotuberculo...

Sajid Ali1, Ghulam Abbas1, Shahnaz Rashid1, Asma Fatima1*, Abdul Malik1, Dilawer Ali1, Muneer Hussain Bijoro1, Ushra Batool Hashmi1, Rumaisa Abdul Rahim1, Shahid Hussain2, Kashif Ali3, Jabbar Memon4 and Javeria Khourshid1

...onitored in seawater earthen ponds designated into four nylon meshed hapa (3.7×9.5×9.5 feet) for 60 days. Juveniles (35.75±3.2g) were collected with the help of cast net from Sakro creek and transferred into the earthen fish ponds located at Garho, Thatta, Sindh. Juveniles were acclimatized for more than two weeks (15 days) to the experiment conditions. After acclimatization period, juveniles (n=15) were d...

Asif Sadam1*, Rahmat Ullah Khan2, Karim Gabol2*, Muhammad Awais3,4, Mohammad Ismail1, Sajid Mahmood1, Muhammad Aslam4 and Hamidullah5

...nd illegal trade of waterhen Amaurornis phoenicurus in a remote villages of district Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Data were collected by adopting a mix scientific approach including Participants’ observations, interviews and structured questionnaire. Our results showed that the local villagers of the remote area of district Mardan were the active observers of trapping, over hunting and trading of waterhen in t...

Erni Damayanti1,2, Herry Sonjaya2*, Sudirman Baco2, Hasbi Hasbi2, Ekayanti Mulyawati Kaiin3

... oocytes are fertilized then cultured for 48 hours. Embryo grouping based on cell count was conducted after 48 hours of culture and was recultured for 48 hours. Follicular fluid, oocyte maturation media and embryo culture media were collected using a disposable syringe and centrifuged, then supernatant in the collection, stored and frozen with -20 oC and growth factor concentrations were measured using the ELISA method. The ...

Ali A. M. Al-Kuhla1*, Yaman S. Fadhil1, Saffanah K. Mahmood2 the small intestine, then the villi length, width, surface area of villi, and the crypt depth were measured. Results demonstrated a significant (P<0.05) increase in the body weight of the birds in response to the dietary malic and acetic acids, while there were no significant differences in the rate of weight gain, the amount of feed consumed, and the feed conversion ratio. Histologically, it was observed that there was a significant (P<0.01) increase...

Elfadil, G.E.1,3, G.F. Gouda1*, M.A. Rashed2, A.R. Shemeis1

... were constructed using phenotypic and genetic parameters estimated using multi-trait animal model on 458 growing rabbits, progeny of 25 bucks and 92 dams. The aggregate genotype involved post-weaning daily gain (DG), higher percentages of dressing (DP) and boneless meat (BMP). Sources of information were various combinations from weaning weight (WW), slaughter weight (SW), DG, body length (BL) and round girth (RG). The maximum accuracy of selection (RTI = 0.7...

Tahir Rasool Qamar1, Sanaullah Iqbal1*, Muhammad Nasir1 and Habib-ur- Rehman2

...significant (p≤0.05) when compared to group G2. Percentage of total aberrant crypt foci (ACF) inhibition was also higher (30.14%) in group G4 as compared to group G3 (18.55%). Elevated levels of short chain fatty acids were observed in chicory root powder groups particularly in G4 which having significant higher levels of acetate and butyrate compared to group G2. Group G4 also hindered body weight loss due to carcinogenesis effect. It can be concluded that...

A.M. Abdul Azeem1, A.N. El shahat1* and Mohamed H.M. Abd el Megid2 injury induced by bisphenol A (BPA) in male rats. In this work, Citrus paradise peels extract used for reduction of sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) to reduce Se ions to Se0 confirmed by changing the colour of the solution from light yellow to red. The synthesized SeNPs were characterized by Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis spectra), Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The rats (28 rats) used...

A.M. Abdul Azeem1, A.N. El shahat1* and Mohamed H.M. Abd el Megid2 injury induced by bisphenol A (BPA) in male rats. In this work, Citrus paradise peels extract used for reduction of sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) to reduce Se ions to Se0 confirmed by changing the colour of the solution from light yellow to red. The synthesized SeNPs were characterized by Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis spectra), Fourier transform infra-red (FTIR) spectroscopy analysis and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). The rats (28 rats) used...

Xiaowei Huang, Yajie Wang, Jia Zhou, Junxiu Liu, Zhe Lin and Ruili Li*

...="text-align: justify;">Shenhong Buxue granule (SBG) is a traditional Chinese medicine compound recipe for treating blood deficiency syndrome. To investigate its effects on the hematopoietic function, aplastic anemia (AA) rat model was established by injection of cyclophosphamide (CTX) intraperitoneally. 60 SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, control, model, positive drug (compound E-jiao slurry), SBG high-, medium- and low-dose (SBG-H, SBG-M, SBG-L) ...

Xu Yun-Ming1*, Sun Zhi-Yuan1, Yang Jian-Bo1, Bian Rong-Rong2, Ren Hong-Lin3, Zhong Si-Yuan1, Cai Yu-Hong1, Peng Jing1 and Bao Hua-Xia1 be detected by LAMP, when at least 45 min must be needed to enrich bacteria. Visual dye hydroxynaphthol (HNB) successfully used in LAMP assay was established for detection of B. cereus in meat.


Ming Wang1, Nan Yang2, Xiaolin Zhang2 and Wei Liu1*

...69.92%), killed rodents when their damage was serious (70.48%), and participated at least once in deratization organized by the government (76.35%). There was a significant difference in the awareness of rodent control among the herdsmen having different education levels. The consciousness for deratization among the herdsmen was affected by age, education level, attitude towards killing rodents, and several other factors. Thus, it could be concluded that impro...

Tasleem Akhtar1*, Muhammad Farooq Nasir2, Imran Bodlah2 and Muhammad Adnan Bodlah3

...le parasitoids (4 days) when offered honey and water as a food diet. Lifespan of adult male and females was shorter i.e. 2.25 and 2.75 days respectively when fed upon dissected aphid. When adult parasitoids were released on pea plant provided with pea aphid, mean period of life for male and female was 4.75 and 6 days respectively. Sex ratios of field collected mummies were female biased (6...

Kandiah Pakeerathan*, Konesalingam Jeyavithuyan, Aruchchunan Nirosha and Gunasingham Mikunthan

...eaves), sawdust, and kitchen waste were used as mushroom substrate and then mushroom grown waste was converted into bio-fortified vermicompost using exotic earthworm Eisenia foetida+ Trichoderma viride + Pseudomonas fluorescens. Onion growth parameters, yield, and DSI were recorded from the experiment conducted in a complete randomized design and subjected to ANOVA using SAS 9.1. Turkey’s HSD multiple comparison test a...

Mehran Ali* and Inamullah

...icant effect on initial phenological stages of wheat like days to emergence and tillering and anthesis but considerable variations were recorded for physiological maturity as well as physiology and yield of wheat crop. Different P levels also revealed the similar trend, 90 kg P ha-1 noted better phenology, physiology and yield of wheat, however keeping monetary and sustainability in consideration reduced P level (60 kg ha-1)...

Yasir Ali1, Muhammad Shahbaz2, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif1-2, Salman Ahmad3*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed4, Saqib Saeed2, Mohsin Iqbal1, Mozam Ejaz1 and Saima Naseer5

... Sulphur @ 2500 g/ha; Diphenoconazole @ 375 ml/ha; Tubiconazole+trifloxystrobin @ 303 g/ha, Polyram DF @ 625 g/ha and Propiconazole @ 625 g/ha for the management of leaf rust of wheat in Research Area of Plant Pathology, Hafiz Abad Research Station, B.Z.U. Bahadar Sub-Campus, Layyah, during crop seasons 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Statistically significant (P<0.05) disease control was observed ...
Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2*, Basanti Mondal3, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Ganesan Nagarajan4,5,6, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman3, Md. Mostafizur Rahman7, Adnan Alhajji1 and Md. Moshiur Rahman3,8*
...f salinity on different phenotypic traits in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in order to find out any traits that can be expressed through compensatory growth. Equal sized juvenile Nile tilapias were randomly assigned into two treatments including control treatment (CT: constantly 0 ppt) and salinity treatment (ST: 25 ppt in 1st and 3rd month and 0 ppt in 2nd month). Each treatment contained 45 fish having three replications and the entire study was carri...

Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Masood Rabbani1*, Sohail Raza1, Ali Raza Awan2, Aleena Kokab1 and Iqra Nazir3

...d downstream fragments. Then the cassette was electroporated into electro competent Brucella abortus RB51. The ΔpurD mutant was confirmed using PCR analysis. Afterward, the growth kinetics of the mutant was compared with parent RB51. The mutant bacterial growth significantly reduces (P< 0.05) as compared to the parent non-mutant confirming its auxotroph inability towards purine pathway biosynthesis which serves as a crucial factor for disease inductio...

Jialing Zhang1, Yan Ma2, Lili Lian3 and Min Wei1*

...udy group received comprehensive nursing intervention to compare the treatment outcomes of the two groups. Comparison of the two-year postoperative recurrence and pregnancy of the two groups showed no significant difference between the two groups, p>0.05. Moreover, the incidence of adverse reactions in the two groups showed a relatively higher irregular uterine bleeding rate in the reference group than in the study group, p < 0.05. W

Jemi Diporianto1,4, Denny Widaya Lukman2*, Yusuf Ridwan3 

...Java Island through Bakauheni Port, Lampung Province. The study was conducted from October to December 2022 in Bengkulu Province, Lampung Province, and Jakarta Province, Indonesia. The risk assessment was based on the qualitative approach outlined in the Terrestrial Animal Health Code (TAHC) for risk analysis. The entry assessment was based on the Biosecurity Import Risk Analysis Guidelines 2016 Australia, while the uncertainty level was determined based on th...

Mohammed A. El-Sayed1*, Mahmoud H Hatab2, Heba AEM Assi3, Nashaat S Ibrahim2, Hisham M Saleh2, Waheed AA Sayed2, Birgit A Rumpold4 

... of Fabricius of quails when compared to diet A. The LBW, relative carcass weight, and measured organs of the diet A group were significantly impacted by the interaction of dietary treatment and HS, whereas these traits had no or minimal effects on the diet B and diet C groups. The HSP70 gene transcription level was highest in birds exposed to cyclic HS and fed control diet A, and lowest in birds in the diet C groups. Conclusively, 100% replacement of the soyb...

Amistu KU1,2*, Monahan FJ2, Wims P2, Yonatan KY1 , Fahey AG2, Takele TA3 

... The mean age of cattle when fattening began is 5.32±.08 years and fattening duration will take around 3.48±.05 months. Farmers fatten about 1.88±.05 cattle/fattening season and 1.74±.03 times /year. Decisions for finishing cattle is highly determined (p<0.05) by body condition change, weight gain, feed intake and market price. Moreover, cattle market prices are highly influenced (p<.05) by fasting season, market type/distance...

Imran Nadeem1, Qurban Ali1, Muhammad Kamil Malik1*, Asad Aslam1, Imran Tariq2, Muhammad Bilal Bin Iqbal1, Muhammad Faheem Akhtar1, Sikander Ali3, Muhammad Jawad Saleem1, Muhammad Zubair3 and Aqsa Abbas1

...tion reduction (75.13%) when compared to the control plot.In the case of the entomopathogenic fungi and novel insecticide Radiant 120 SC, the results revealed that the maximum population reduction (79.16%) was observed with Radiant as compared to Beauveria bassiana (57.02%). The results regarding beneficial insects showed that the maximum survival rate was found in Radiant 120 SC (57.11%) while the minimum was observed in the case of entomopathogenic fungi (52...

Nida Sadaqat1, Sheheyar Ahmed Khan1, Amna Bibi1, Sadaf Zahra1, Muhammad faisal Salamt1, Noreen Latief2 and Fatima Ali1*

Bdour Muhammed Al-Shweily1*, Jawad Bulbul Al-Zaidawi2, Muhammed Jubair Hanawi1 

...est rates were achieved when using a higher concentration of fungi, specifically 20×10^6 spore/mL, in combination with 100 infective juveniles/mL of nematodes (resulting in an 83.33% mortality rate for larvae and 80% mortality rate for pupae). Remarkably, the mortality rate of the treated larvae surpassed that of the treated pupae at identical concentrations of fungi and nematodes, implying that larvae exhibit greater sensitivity and responsiveness to bi...

Muneer Abbas1*, Sohail Abbas2, Imran Faraz3, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Irshad1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Zubeda Parveen1, Muhammad Nadeem1, Sana Ullah4* and Malik Akhtar Iqbal5

...he importance of a comprehensive understanding of pest dynamics, crop behavior, and environmental factors in achieving effective pest management in an evolving climate.


Mahmoud Abdelhady Metwally1*, Mona Abdelftah Ali1, Farouk Abdelmohdy1, Mohamed Kassab1, Tarek Kamal Abouzed2 and Khalil Fathy Abou-Easa1

...ulture characteristics, then prepared BMMSCs-CM. HepG2 cells were treated with various concentrations of BMMSCs-CM for up to 72 h. The methylthiazolyldiphenyl-tetrazolium (MTT) assay showed decreased proliferation, while flowcytometry showed increased apoptosis and cell cycle arrest in the G0/G1 phase with inhibition of entry into the S phase. RT-PCR showed p53 upregulation and Bcl-2 downregulation in mRNA expression. Moreov...

Rahamdad Khan1, Saad Muhammad2, Muhammad Haroon3, Saad Jan1 and Syed Majid Rasheed1*

...rowth performance of Parthenium hysterophorus and Cannabis sativa. The results showed that under reduced light duration (2 hours), plant growth performance (i.e., biomass, plant height, leaf area, and number of branches) was all reduced. In addition, with increasing light duration (9 hours), both species grew faster and recorded their maximum biomass plant height, leaf area, and number of branches. Both weed species grown under reduced light duration could not...

Momina Raheem1, Muhammad Fiaz2*, Muhammad Mushtaq1, Umana Niazi1, Evelyn Saba3 and Mansoor Abdullah3

... followed by 50 g/d and then 0 g/d. Milk constituents; solid not fat, density, lactose, minerals and protein were increased (P<0.05) with increasing rate of dietary supplementation of CRS except fat percentage. In case of blood parameters, effect of dietary supplementation of CRS was found variable. It is concluded that 25 g/d CRS is an optimum dietary supplementation level a month before and two months after lambing for adequate weight gain and milk qualit...

Waqas Alam1, Sar Zamin Khan1 and Rifat Ullah Khan2*

...r housing system, age of hen at first lay and mortality were lower (P ≤ 0.05) in cage housed birds. Egg production percentage and feed efficiency were significantly (P<0.05) higher in cage birds compared to the floor. Fertility and hatchability percentage were lower (P<0.05) in pre-peak stage and then increased during peak and post-peak stages. There was no significant effect of the housing system on the immunocytoc...

Haiyan Nan, Ran Feng, Guiling Zhang and Jingqin Liu*

...ously observed the comprehensive diabetes complications screening or blood glucose of 517 hospitalized patients with T2DM. 67 subjects were excluded due to incomplete physical examination and clinical parameters, lack of carotid lower extremity ultrasonography, and 450 subjects participated in the study. There were 268 male patients with an average age of 54.35±6.37 and 182 female patients with an average age of 56.67±7.19. 450 healthy people wer...

Saima Naz1, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha2, Rifat Ullah Khan3*, Saba Iqbal1, Nimra Amjad1, Azka Kiran1, Ammara Javed1, Maria Lateef1 and Amna Nawaz1

...there is a need of comprehensive strategies to conserve the nearly extinct group of fish species.


Zeyad Kamal Imari 

...responses (p<0.0001) when the dietary calcium reduced from 1.4% to 0.4%. Lower calcium in the diet non-linearly increases (p<0.05) dressing percentage and relative weight of the breast and leg. The results also showed that predicted dietary calcium requirements for dressing percentage and relative weight of breast and leg were 0.86, 0.83, and 0.81% respectively. While predicted dietary calcium requirements for ash, calcium, and phosphorus content in the ...

Syed Nouman Shah1, Anees Ur Rahman1, Abdul Kabir1,2*, Midrar Ullah3, Shahab Ahmad Nawaz1, Muhammad Said1, Abdul Hafeez Bukero1, Maaz Ahmad1 and Muhammad Sadiq1

...We conclude that a comprehensive understanding of mycotoxins in silage and the implementation of effective management strategies are essential for sustainable livestock production. Future research should focus on developing alternative and sustainable feed sources, precision livestock farming techniques, genetic selection for resilience and sustainability, circular economy approaches, and climate change adaptation strategies.


Abnet Mekonnen1*, Kadir Abderehman1 and Feti Seyaka2

..., so toxicity can occur when sufficient amounts of the drug are absorbed into the circulation. General anesthesia (GA) is not commonly used in small ruminants as its administration results in several side effects such as; ruminal tympany, regurgitation of reticuloruminal contents, aspiration of refluxed material or saliva, hypoventilation, hypotension and fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Ketamine (injectable) is a commonly used general anaesthetic agent in ve...

Olabode, H.O.K1, Mailafia, S1, Martha Echioda-Ogbole1*, Ameh, J.A1, Amadi, K.I1 and Meseko C.A

Saime Betül Baygeldi1, Barıs Can Güzel1*, Ramazan Ilgün2 and Zait Ender Özkan1

...ures were photographed. Then, silicone plastination processes were applied at room temperature. The SEM images of the fresh material and the plastinated material were compared by taking the SEM images again. As a result, it was determined that the features of the tongue were preserved macroscopically after the plastination process. The silicone plastination procedure of the German mast goose tissues took a total of 31 days. On the SEM plastination images, scat...

Razia Sultana1, Shinawar Waseem Ali1*, Ghulam Murtaza2 and Shahid Mahmood2

...d from yogurt using the phenol-chloroform (organic) method. Extracted DNA was used to perform NGS/Illumina high-throughput sequencing of hypervariable regions (V3 and V4) of the 16S rRNA gene. In the composite yogurt sample, 100% bacteria were detected with a total count of 40423. The number of phyla was 3, of which proteobacteria showed the highest abundance (89.9%). Four classes of bacterial microbiota were detected in which the proportion of class Gamma pro...

Wafaa AL. Bnyean1,2 ,Zainab A.H. AL-Mousawi1* 

...ium I.P. (50 mg/kg) and then 14 days with GA (100 mg /kg) orally. Protective group(G4): Rats were treated for seven days with hydrocortisone Sodium I.P. (50 mg /kg) with GA for 14 days(100mg/kg) orally. glycyrrhizic acid Group (G 5): rats for 21 days, were given 100 mg/kg of GA orally. At the end of the experiment, Serum cortisol, ACTH, CRH hormone, 11 β -Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase enzyme (11β-HSD), and malondialdehyde were measured. The results re...

Wei Fang1,2,3, Jiawei Hong1,2,3,4, Zhengyi Fu1,2,3, Jing Hu1,2,3, Gang Yu1,2,3, Zhenhua Ma1,2,3* and Humin Zong5*

...nformatics methods were then adopted to perform functional annotation classification, metabolic pathways and SSR feature analysis. The results showed that a total of 42.40 Gb data were obtained from transcriptome sequencing, and 38,817 Unigenes were obtained after assembly and de-redundancy; Using BLAST to annotate the assembled unigenes with seven functional databases (NR, NT, GO, COG, KEGG, Swissprot and Interpro), a total of 23,417 unigenes were annotated (...
Muhammad Abdul Mannan1,2, Sharmin Chowdhury2, Md Abul Hashem3,4 and Md. Hazzaz Bin Kabir1,5*
...hain Reaction (PCR) was then employed to amplify the sec internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and the mitochondrial nicotinamide dehydrogenase subunit 4 gene (nad4) to identify H. contortus, followed by direct sequencing. Out of the 400 samples tested, 186 (46.5%) were positive for H. contortus. The parasite was found in 51.3% of sheep and 43.6% of goats. Through the sequencing analysis, 45 nad4 genotypes and 10 ITS-2 genotypes were...

Nabi Ullah, Abdul Samad Mumtaz*, Lubna Anjum Minhas, Muhammad Kaleem, Rooma Waqar, Amber Jabeen and Ayesha Hanif

...hyber Pakhtunkhwa. Comprehensive investigation of four research stations revealed the phytoplankton diversity from Chlorophyceae to Cyanophyceae. All species were collected from the fresh water bodies during March spring to August rainy season in 2021. Collected Species were scrutinized taxonomically by using light microscope. In all studied sites genus Scenedesmus was dominant with fifteen species in both seasons, while all other micro-algal species were domi...

Bilal Ahmed Shah1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Masood Rabbani2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Asad Ali2, Muhammad Awais1, Sohail Ahmad3 and Shahan Azeem2*

...actions to the vaccines when injected either into mice or rabbits or cow calves. Challenge protection studies revealed a significantly higher survival rate in vaccinated mice and rabbits compared to placebo groups. None of the vaccines when streaked onto culture media showed any growth indicating sterility of the vaccines. Repeated measures ANOVA was applied to compare mean O.D values of treatment groups for evaluation of hu...

Tehreem Iqbal1, Roheela Yasmeen1* and Faheem Hafeez2

...ext-align: justify;">Bisphenol-A (BPA) exhibits toxic, endocrine, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in living organisms. However, some dietary elements, such as cinnamon is gaining attention as it has antioxidant effects both in vivo and in vitro. The present research study was designed to see the effect of cinnamon against BPA induced Sprague Dawley rats. In the study Sprague Dawley rats of an average 300 gram body weigt were used. The rats were divided into...

Fariha Qahar and Muhammad Sayyar Khan*

...e overexpression lines. When subjected to 24 µM metolachlor, the wild-type leaf discs were fully necrotic, whereas the single overexpression lines exhibited 20-60%, and the double overexpression lines showed only 15-20% necrosis. The data suggested that overexpression of NtSAT4 is a promising strategy for improved stress tolerance against these xenobiotics in B. napus.


Naeem Akhtar1*, Sana Noureen1, Muhammad Asif2, Ahsan Aziz2, Usman Saleem1, Talat Mahmood3, Nadeem Raza4 and Waqas Raza5

...susceptibility based on phenotypic scoring. Brix percentage is an important parameter as it is a yield contributing trait. Sugarcane accessions SC12 (23.03%) followed by SC11 (22.91%) attained maximum brix percentage while the least brix value 16% was observed in genotype SC31.SC4 displayed resistant to sugarcane mosaic virus but its yield was very poor as compared to others due to its genetic makeup. SC3 exhibited high disease incidence, having less brix perc...

Ahmed Jaafar Mousa*, Nothaila Rasheed Hamid 

...etected variations were then used to build a phylogenetic tree, which was used to evaluate the precise phylogenetic distances in addition to other relative parastic sequences. According to the present findings, there is almost 99% homology between the sequences of T. gallinae and the samples that were under investigation. In this investigation, the genetic variants C64T, G236A, C243T, and A363C were found.  


Mustafa M. Khalaf*, Rana A. Salih 

...g the results concluded when used quercetin as protective.  

Mohamed I. El-Katcha1, Mosaad A. Soltan1, Seham M. El-Kassas2*, Mahmoud M. Arafa3, El-Sayed R. Kawarei 3, Karima M. El-Naggar1*
...5 weeks old of Isa Brown hens were randomly allotted into 5 groups. First group received CuO at 8 mg/kg diet, while the second and third group supplemented with the organic form of Cu (copper polysaccharide complex) at 8 and 4 mg/kg diet, respectively. Fourth and fifth group received the Cu as nanoparticles (CuO-NPs) at the same levels of the organic form, respectively. Birds fed the experimental diets for 10 weeks at 110 g/hen<...

Wen Xiong1*, Shengao Chen2, Dong Xie3, Qiang Wang4, Yanxia Li5, Lei Pan6, Xiaolei Ren7*, Wei Tang8*, Kang Chen9 and Ross N. Cuthbert10

...pirical surveys to comprehensively discern the fish community of the Qiantang River. There are 184 (167 native and 17 non-native) freshwater fish species or subspecies, belonging to 15 orders, 38 families and 105 genera in the Qiantang River, including species listed as among the ‘100 world’s worst invasive species. Therein, 24 species are endemic to China and 14 species are classed as endangered by the IUCN. We identify and discuss habitat loss, p...

Muhammad Altaf1*, Arshad Javid2, Abdul Majid Khan3, Sadia Nazer4, Irfan5, Khalid Javed Iqbal6, Muhammad Sultan Haider7 and Sana Ashraf7

... diversity around river Chenab in Sialkot, Gujrat and Gujranwala districts, Punjab, Pakistan. The mammalian diversity was recorded from May, 2013 through April, 2014 along forested landscapes, cultivated plantations, semi-urban and urban areas. The data on diversity and distribution of various mammalian species of the study area were collected through linear count method viz., direct observation (personal count and record voices) and indirect observation (pres...
Jaffar Hussain*, Zeenat M. Ali and Syed Farman Ali Shah
...saponification reaction when free fatty acid concentration was high. The acidic catalyst preparation was expensive and complicate exhibited slow rate of reaction. The biodiesel used in blend form and diesel engines required the modification. The biodiesel sustainable and release no greenhouse gas. 

Ihab G. AL-Shemmari1*, Ali Hussein Fadhil1, Mohammed Assad S. Alkabi1, Eman Jawad Jabber2 

...68%) accurate. However, when compared to the results of the RBT test, the sensitivity was (94.59%), the specificity was (94.12%), and the accuracy was (94.24%). Furthermore, the histological changes of the uterus of the infected ewe exhibited extensive histopathological alterations, including necrosis, mononuclear cell infiltrations (MNC), calcification, fibrosis, and severely constricted blood vessels. Conclusion. The current study concluded that detecting br...
...o contain highest total phenolic contents (64 to 73
mg GAE/g), whereas leaves n-hexane fraction exhibited maximum DPPH
potential (70 %). All the extracts showed promising antimicrobial activity
in terms of zone of inhibition against selected bacterial strains, both Gram
positive and Gram negative i.e. from 1.33 mm to 25.66 mm and against
fungal strains i.e. from 1.33 mm to 24.33 mm. These findings sug...


...ids (24.67%), total polyphenolics (28.40%) and total flavonoids
(5.67%) were found in given plant samples. were found in the samples.
Haemolytic and DNA protection studies of Misopates orontium were also
performed. Solar protection factor was calculated of all fractions by
adopting the standard procedure. By using concentration 200μg/ml and
400μg/ml methanolic fraction showed 4.57 and 4.86, hexa...


...iment was setup with earthen pots in complete randomized block design having ten replicate plants for each salt (NaCl) treatment. Initially the plants were raised by irrigating with tap water and then after their establishment, with NaCl (50, 100 and 200 mM) containing water. Various growth and biochemical characteristics were found to be adversely affected by saline treatments i.e., root length, shoot length, fresh weight, ...


...n broader spectrum this phenomena is known as vasoconstriction. The constricted blood vessels offer greater resistance to the normal blood flow which may severely affect the connected human organs. Circumstances at point of constricting may worsen hemodynamically. One of most commonly occurring disease is Raynaud’s syndrome, where the blood vessels in hands constrict either reducing or completely blocking normal blood flow. In the current study, ANSYS si...


...m Rita rita of Pakistan, hence this report is new locality and host record.


Orooba Mohammed Saeed Ibrahim1*, Rawaa Saladdin Jumaa2, Nibras Zeyad Yahya1 

...ntimicrobial resistance phenomenon has recently emerged as the major public health problems, and efforts to create new medication to counter bacterial infections. Consequently, there is a gap in the market for novel adjuvants. The primary initial source of many medicines used to treat diseases today was plants. This study aims to ascertain the antibacterial activities of fruit Citrus aurantium and Citrus limonum juice on isolated Staphylococcus aureus, Sterpto...

Saloua Ziani1*, Khalid Sohaib2 , Youssef Lhor3, Ikhlass El Berbri4, And Ouafaa Fassi Fihri4  

...becomes more pronounced when the interval exceeds 60 days. The sex did not appear to affect the rabies antibody titer. Many factors influence the antibody titer of rabies. Thus, a double primary vaccination is strongly recommended in a rabies-endemic country like Morocco.


Hazrat Usman1, Shakeel Ahmad2*, Salah Uddin3, Humaira Wasila3 and Yasser Durrani4

...ral content. These comprehensive data sets contribute to a deeper understanding of the physicochemical properties of the well water in the selected Tehsils, aiding in the evaluation of water quality and potential health risks. The recorded values were compared to guidelines established by prominent regulatory bodies such as the World Health Organization (WHO, 2011), the United States Environmental Protection Agency (US-EPA, 2018), and the Pakistan Environmenta...

Muhammad Ashfaq ur Rahman1*, Saleem Khan1, Aurang Zeb1, Zia ud Din1 and Zafar Iqbal3 

...uffer from malnutrition, hence this issue has to be taken into account while designing a treatment plan. Patients with pulmonary tuberculosis (pTB) seeking treatment at the TB Centre in Baghdada, Pakistan, were surveyed to determine their body weight before and after receiving dietary counseling. A total of 150 patients were enlisted for this prospective analytic case-control (case-cohort) double-blind, randomized feeding experiment, with each group receiving ...

Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud1,2*, Yonis Abukar Mohamed1,3 and Shafii Abdullahi Mohamed1,4

...izing the need for comprehensive approaches. Stakeholder engagement, partnerships, and capacity-building initiatives are crucial for effective collaboration and resource optimization. Addressing research gaps, including socio-economic impact assessments, intervention effectiveness evaluations, cultural and contextual considerations, analysis of different production systems, and exploration of the intersection of animal welfare and zoonotic disease prevention, ...

Muhammad Umar Farooq1, Kashif Ishaq1*, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal1, Tanveer Ahmad1, Jamil Akbar1, Asim Fraz2, Sara Naeem1 and Aansa Latif1

... to compensatory growth phenomena. The ADFI data also support the ADG trend as it was higher in the groups showing higher gains. This trend was also followed by body measurements. The FCR was significantly (P=0.014) lower (6.83) in the T1 group during the re-alimentation period followed by T2 and T3. Total feed cost was also significantly (P<0.05) lower in T1 (Rs. 1938). Serum glucose was also higher (P=0.04) in group T1 (63.11 mg/dl) and least in T3 (55.97...

Romedi Çelik

...ducted to determine the phenotypic characteristics of the angut pigeon breed, which is native to Şanlıurfa, where pigeon breeding has been done traditionally for a long time and is also one of the domestication centers. In this study, we adopted 146 angut pigeons comprising 72 males and 74 females. Additionally, four different colour variations were determined: yellow angut (41.1%, n = 60), red angut (35.6%, n = 52), white angut (13.7%, n = 20) and black ang...

Baoxuan Nong1,2, Biqiu Wu3, Anlong Xu2, Wenai He2 and Yongfu Qiu2*

...xplained a 16.6% of the phenotypic variation. Wbph9 was mapped on chromosome 3 of OB677, where it was flanked by markers RM3513 and RM3525. It had a LOD score of 3.4, explaining a 17.2% of the phenotypic variation. Four varieties PTB33, N22, RBPH327, and OB677 showed resistance to WBPH, of which OB677 was a novel resistance germplasm; and a novel resistance gene Wbph9 was mapped on chromosome 3. In conclusion, four WBPH resi...

Getulio A. Barcenas Jr.1* and Luisa Marie I. Barcenas2 

...ency and improves yield when applied at cotyledon stage. Paclobutrazol (PBZ) showed the shortest vine length (1.49 m) at the two-leaf stage and improved pistillate flower production. BAP application enhanced yield and fruit development. NAA attained the least number of pistillate flowers and the lowest yield. The results suggest that the interactions of plant growth regulators applied on the cotyledon and two-leaf stages were significantly different. In conclu...

Aamir Ali, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Azizullah, Shaukat Ali, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti, Muhammad Summer and Ali Haidar Gormani

...s including flavonoids, phenols and alkaloids. Mulberry leaves extracts have also shown significant pharmacological activities including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, anticancer, anti-diabetic and antidepressant activities. Further studies should explore the mulberry leaves potentials as these plants have got the attention of both the pharmacological and commercial industries.

Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1*, Tehreem Shabbir1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2, Fatima Yasin1, Humayoun Huma Maqbool1, Aasia Karim3

...neficial for these fish when was used at the level of 20-30% as replacement of fish meal.

Mohammed M. Jassim, Mohammed R. Abduljaleel*, Zainab B. Abdulkareem, Noor H. Sanad, Ibrahim M.H. Alrashid

...n subjected to the SMF. When comparing to the controls, the SMF group’s cellular morphology ratings were significantly higher (P 0.050). These findings showed that using the osteotomy gap model with SMF enhanced the histological and radiographic features of rabbit bone healing. Rabbits that were under the risk of the delayed fracture healing could take advantage of treatments with the SMF.
Keywords | Rabbits, Bone fracture,...

Nguyen Thi Thu Hien1, Dong Huu Rin2, Nguyen Xuan Hoa1, Le Viet Tuan Khanh2, Phung Thang Long1*, Dinh Thi Bich Lan1

...tor for sequencing, and then was inserted into pET28a vector to express the protein. The cloning result revealed that the gene encoding the M. hyopneumoniae P36 protein was 432 bp in length, and 99.07% similarity to the nucleotide sequence of P36 gene from strain M. hyopneumoniae 7448 recorded in GenBank (accession No. AE017244.1), corresponding to 144 amino acids. Expression of this protein in E. coli BL21 produced a fusion protein with molecular weight of ap...

Umar Salisu Ahmad1, Adamu Abdul Abubakar1,2*, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga1, Nura Abubakar1, Ekaete Ime Oviawe1, Zaid Shehu3, Abubakar Musa Mayaki3

... in calve 6-month below when presented with gastrointestinal abnormalities in developing countries. With accurate radiographic diagnostic investigation, the lives of the affected calves can be save. 
Keywords | Rumen impaction, Calves, Sokoto Gudali and Non-biodegrdable materials

Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, Wael Mohamed Wafa1*, Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Reda Abdel Samee Ahmed Rezk2, Shereen Kamal Genena1, Mohamed Hamada El-Sawy1 

...ated than Friesian cows when they were housed loose in semi-open sheds during summer season in Nile Delta. 


Iftikhar Ahmad1, Tahir Saeed1, Umair Faheem2*, Qaisar Abbas2, Muhammad Saleem Akhtar Khan3, Mussurrat Hussain2, Tanveer Ahmad4, Gulzar Akhtar4, Asifa Hameed5, Muhammad Hasnain6 and Muhammad Jamil7

...C, Spintoram 120SC, Chlophenapyre, Imidacloprid+fipronil and abamectin were applied. Thrips population was observed on jasmine flower before application of insecticides and thrips mortality data was noted after 24, 72 and 168 hours of insecticides spray. The maximum mortality of thrips was recorded in Imidacloprid+fipronil (68.45%) and Spinosad (65.45%) after 24 hours of insecticides spray. The lowest mortality of thrips was counted in abamectin and imidaclopr...

Muhammad Raza Salik1, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal1,2*, Ayesha Komal3, Muhammad Nawaz Khan1, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah4, Faheem Altaf5, Akbar Hayat1 and Hira Tariq1

...acid ratio did not vary when plant to plant and row to row spacing was reduced from 22`×22`. However, only one benefit of reduced plant spacing observed was the occurrence of less number of seeds per fruit in T1 as compared to others. Based upon these findings, it is recommended to growers to grow Kinnow plants at spacing of 22` × 22` and 18` × 18` as these treatments resulted in fruitful results in many parameters studied.


Moazzam Baig*, Sohaib Ahmed and Arz Muhammad Umrani

...n trigger other natural phenomena and specifically the destruction of natural resources. According to findings of this research, poverty is a widespread issue. The statistics show that the population has very low income along with the other associated variables. In this context, we developed a well structure questionnaire and collect primary data from it and through descriptive analysis while collecting data from core area. Despite the fact that many individua...

Khalid Hussain1*, Tanvir Hussain2 and Muhammad Inamullah Khan3

...e was on the rise; this phenomenon triggered fast radial growth. Moreover, increase in the diameter of the vessels was observed in the species more probably as a result of rise in mean annual temperature and decline in the precipitation in the area. 


Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Wafaa M.A. El-Nagdi1*, Hassan Abd- El-Khair2, Usama S. Elkelany1, Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad1 and Mona G. Dawood3

...nd 78.7%, respectively, when Tv or Tvr were used as single treatments indicating more efficacy on M. incognita populations in the absence of PP. All treatments significantly (P ≤ 0.05) increased weights of plant branches and tubers; especially by individual than combined treatments. Biochemical compounds were influenced by different treatments of the tested materials. The diversity and community of aerobic bacteria, spore-forming bacteria and fungi and freq...

Ferry Lismanto Syaiful1*, Jaswandi Jaswandi2, Mangku Mundana2, Ilham Ilham2, Novirman Jamarun1, Efrizal Efrizal3

...d was green bean seeds. Then use urine and water samples. The urine samples used in this study were 120 samples. The dosage uses the ratio of mixing urine and water 1:12 mL, 1:14 mL, and 1:16 mL. The variables of this research are accuracy, sensitivity, and the phases of local buffalo pregnancy. This research shows that the level of local buffalo on the days-21; 42; 63 after AI is 7.50%; 55%; and 70%. The accuracy of local buffalo pregnancy is 78.57%. Moreover...

Nurul Isnaini*, Dedes Amertaningtyas, Hanief Eko Sulistyo, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Faizal Andri

... and commercially laying hens feed (starter); T2: mixed up-fermented dried poultry waste 50% and 50% commercially laying hens feed (starter); T3: mixed up-fermented dried poultry waste 25% and 75% commercially laying hens feed (starter); T4: 100% and commercially laying hens feed (starter). A statistical analysis was conducted using analysis of variance ...

Abd-Alfattah Abd-Alhamid Alderey1, Nabila Elsaid Mahmod El-Kassas1, Eman Said El-Hadad1*, Manal Hamdy Gomaa1, Eman Ashour Hussein2 performance of laying hens. Total of 147 Mandarah laying hens (28-week old) were assigned to seven groups. The first group was fed a control diet, while six treatment groups were fed diets containing 15 or 20% SOP with Econase (0.1g/kg), DY (0.3g/kg), or both. The tested diets were isonitrogenous and isoenergetics (16% CP and 2750 kcal ME/kg). During a feeding period from 28 to 40 weeks of age, growth performance and egg ...

Ahmed Al-Hasnawi*, Wafaa Kadhim Jasim rise in MDA levels when liver function enzymes were measured, but aloe vera administration caused them to revert to normal levels. aside from the liver’s histological alterations brought on by the administration of azathioprine, there were also impacts and enhancements brought on by the use of the aloe vera extract. Based on the results, the current study came to the conclusion that the liver damage brought on by immunosuppressive drugs such azathio...

Aeni Nurlatifah1, Anita Hafid1, Pradita Iustia Sitaresmi1, Santoso Santoso1, Rahma Isatirna Anwar1, Mohammad Firdaus Hudaya1, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum1, Nurul Azizah1, Dimar Sari Wahyuni1, Herdis Herdis1, Florentina Bety Indah Lupitasari1, Desiana Ade Mahari1, Muhammad Rizal2

Hermawan Setyo Widodo1,2*, Tridjoko Wisnu Murti1, Ali Agus1, Ambar Pertiwiningrum1

... 121 SA, and 15 SP does then sequencing. SDS-PAGE fractionated then quantified the milk proteins from 34 PE, 57 SA, and 15 SP does. The study found the A allele was predominate followed by F and N on PE and SA. However, the SP goat only has A and F alleles in equal frequency, and the E allele was only found on SA. The AF genotype predominated on all breeds in almost half of its population, thus, the most diverse was SA. The ...

Naeem Tariq Narejo1*, Muhammad Hanif Chandio2, Faheem Saddar3, Majida Parveen Narejo4, Bushra Ainy Dars5, Hafeez ur Rehman Narejo6, Athar Mustafa Laghari2, Shafiq ur Rehman Shaikh3, Shahnaz Rashid7 and Ghulam Abbas7

...f Oreochromis niloticus when grown in glass aquaria. 


Hafiz Nawaz1*, Kashaf Nawaz2, Attiq ur Rehman1, Muhammad Bashir3, Mussera Hira2 and Mariyam Nawaz4

Fateh A. Badi*, Anwar A. G. Al-Kubati, Naif Al-Gabri 

...increase in bursa index when compared with C group (p= .0003 and .0004 respectively) and the GO combined additives (p=.004 and .0004 respectively). The spleen index was significant decrease in GO groups when compared with C group (p=.002, .014 and 0.016 respectively). Brusa to spleen ratio (B/S) significantly increases (p<.05) in G and O groups compare with a C group while the GO group decrease the ratio in comparing...

Haneen Imad Al-Sultani1*, Ahmed Obaid Hussain1, Hazar Shakir Saleh2 

... C and vitamin D3. Then, the rats were dissected, and kidney tissues were taken for histological study. Male rats treated with rosuvastatin showed an elevated cystatin C level and increased vitamin D3. At the same time, the results of the microscopic examination showed significant histopathological changes in the kidneys of the groups treated with rosuvastatin compared to the control group, which included mild, moderate, and severe injuries: necrosis, con...

Sajida Batool1, Mubeen Akhtar1, Shafaat Yar Khan1,2*

...evated in PCOS patients when compared with BMI of control females. Number of successful pregnancies were noticed to be significantly (P<0.001) increased in control females. Percentage of infertile, hirsute and acne patients was higher in PCOS group, while serum interleukin-3 level was significantly (P<0.05) lower in PCOS patients than healthy participants. WBC count (P<0.01) and neutrophils % age (P<0.05) was significantly higher in PCOS group whil...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Abdullah1, Muhammad Ibrahim1, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan1, Saima Hashim1, Shomayela Afzal2 and Khalid Nawab3 

...yl), mulches (Black polythene, white polythene and available weed biomass) and allelopathic weed extracts (Asphodelus tenuifolius Cav., Convolvulus arvensis L. and Lathyrus sp.) compared with control treatment. The study parameters include; weed density (m-2) before and after application, fresh and dry weight (m-2) of A. tenuifolius Cav., plant height (cm), number of nodes and branches plant-1, leaf area index (LAI), number ...

Waqas Ahmad*, Muhammad Naeem

...Ravi, Indus, Jehlum and Chenab rivers of Pakistan and barcoded with mitochondrial COI gene. BLAST analysis confirmed 100% identity of Notopterus notopterus with reference sequences belonging to NCBI GenBank database. Genetic diversity was analysed by using PCR amplification of 75 specimens of N. notopterus with five RAPD markers. RAPD markers data indicated high genetic diversity 0.5832 in Satluj while lowest genetic diversity 0.2173 in C...
Waheed Ahmad1, Muhammad Tayyab1*, Bushra Muneer2*, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Mansurud Din Ahmad3, Shagufta Saeed1, Muhammad Nauman Aftab2, Sehrish Firyal1, Muhammad Wasim1, Muhammad Azam4, Muhammad Talha5 and Ali Raza Awan1
...eight gain was recorded when the feed was supplemented with 7500 IU/Kg of locally characterized protease. The evaluation of data of various groups obtained after 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks of trial demonstrated significant change (P≤ 0.05) in weight gain, feed up take and feed conversion ratio (FCR) as compared to negative control. Locally produced protease showed promising results as compared to positive control which is being used currently in the poultry ind...

Fatemeh Beheshti1, Maliheh Safavi2, Mohammad Reza Akbari Eidgahi1,3, Parviz Kokhaei4, Mehdi Vazirian5 and  Ali Akbar Shabani1,3*

...nt scavenging of 2, 2-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazil (DPPH) was seen across all three extract types (ethanol, water, and chloroform) with the IC50 values of 42.30 ± 2.35, 54.11 ± 3.62, and 85.71 ± 4.83 μg/mL, respectively which were higher compared to the positive control (ascorbic acid = 8.07 ± 0.30 μg/mL) and (butylated hydroxyanisole or BHA = 13.9 ± 0.54 μg/mL). The ferrous reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) of the ext...

Zain Ali1, Amjed Ali1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Asif1, Adnan Ashraf1, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Iram Inayat2, Aneela Nijabat3 and Rameez Hussain3,4

...or use in those seasons when fresh forage is not available, to preserve forage when there is a surplus of it during the growing season, and to preserve forage that cannot be grazed. The experiment was carried out at research area, Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha to evaluate the combined effect of sunflower and maize crop for the quality production of silage for enhancing the growth and ...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2

...heat were also observed when SOP was used in combination with press mud as CSF. Press mud found to be most effective CSF compared to compost and fly ash. 


Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Saqib Arif1, Qurrat-ul-Ain Akbar1, Saba Iqbal2, Shahid Yousaf3, Kainat Qureshi1, Abdul Karim Khan5, Abdul Ahad6, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique4 and Neelofar Hamid7

...maximum activity. Total phenolic content (TPC) 80%methanol exhibited high value in O. basilicum and S. asoca and aqueous 0% has a high TPC content in M. koenigii. The study of medicinal plants is an important area of research in modern medical science for better results and benefits to society and human safety. Use of medicinal plants for antimicrobial and secondary metabolites activities has gained tremendous attention from researchers. 


Muhammad Nauman Arif1, Muhammad Mansha1* and Tanveer Hussain2

...pping genes, which were then sequenced. Bioedit software was used to align, and edit the sequences, and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were evaluated. The MEGA X-based maximum likelihood method was employed to study the genetic relatedness between sequenced samples and reference sequence as well as other deer. Among query sequences, the greatest genetic distance was observed between #B2_N1 and #H2_N7 i.e., 0.1184 and smallest genetic distance is seen b...

Shudong Liu1,2, Shuai Wang1,2, Haoran Cui1 and Genyuan Chen1,2*

...sue using the saturated phenol-chloroform method. The DNA was genotyped using the Illumina Ovine SNP50 Bead Chip. After quality control, we detected 4,8335 SNPs, which included four SNPs that are significantly associated with the ACMS of sheep. We identified four quantitative trait loci (QTL) regions for ACMS. These QTLs on Ovis aries (OAR) 2 and OAR26. We observe genome-wide significant association with ACMS at four genomic loci: OAR2_130068033.1, OAR2_216769...
Hyun-Su Hwang1, Jae-Kang Lee2, Tae-Kyung Eom2, Seung-Hun Son3, Dong-Ho Lee2, Hyeongyu Ko2 and Shin-Jae Rhim2* day. The videos were then analyzed to determine the frequency of visits, duration of stay at the feeder, frequency of pecking on food items, and number of consumed food items. Moreover, social behaviors were analyzed. In this study, we used peanuts as high-fat food type. Peanuts were consumed at the highest frequency by marsh tits (Poecile palustris), great tits (Parus major), and Eurasian nuthatches (Sitta europaea). In addition, the type of food, temperat...

Aniqa Nasir1, Rashid Masih1, Shazma Massey1*, Laiba Arshad2, Sabi Ur Rehman2, Irva Waqar1 and Anwar Khalid3

...mpared with one another then with drug wound dressing is more stable as its activation energy is high.


Sara H. Zughayyar*, Amer H. Gyad 

...tannins, carbohydrates, phenols, resins, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, coumarins, terpenes, and glycosides, while steroids and proteins were absent. The extract displayed antidiarrheal activity comparable to loperamide, showing a significant reduction in intestinal content volume and weight (P≤0.05). In conclusion, the ethanolic extract of Prosopis farcta L. fruits demonstrated promising antidiarrheal activity, potentially due to the phytochemical consti...

Arslan Muhammad Ali Khan1, Rao Zahid Abbas1*, Zia ud Din Sindhu1, Muhammad Shahid Mahmood2

...beta;-pinene (4.6%), terphenyl acetate (3.6%), 1, 8-cineole (2.7%), and traces (1.7%). Five different concentrations of A. subulatum essential oil (0.31, 0.62, 1.25, 2.50, and 5% v/v) along with positive (0.1% Cypermethrin) and negative control (absolute alcohol) were prepared to check the acaricidal and repellent effects. A. subulatum essential oil significantly (p<0.05) enhanced the rates of mortality in a dose-dependent manner of adult and larvae of Hyal...

Syed Nouman shah1, Anees Ur Rahman1, Midrar Ullah2, Shahab Ahmad Nawaz1, Muhammad Said1, Abdul Kabir1,3*, Abdul Hafeez Bukero1, Maaz Ahmad1 and Muhammad Sadiq1

...We conclude that a comprehensive understanding of mycotoxins in silage and the implementation of effective management strategies are essential for sustainable livestock production. Future research should focus on developing alternative and sustainable feed sources, precision livestock farming techniques, genetic selection for resilience and sustainability, circular economy approaches, and climate change adaptation strategies.


Sidra Hafeez1, Tayyaba Sanaullah2, Hafsa Naeem3, Mah Noor Hassan4, Muttalib5, Farhana Kausar6, Muhammad Salman Hameed7*, Muhammad Anayat Ullah8, Abdul Samad9, Memoona Bashir10 and Sadaf Shabbir11

...n the respective media. Then morphologically identification was observed through fungal growth pattern, growth color, spores shape, spores color, hyphal septation. For the confirmation of Koch’s postulates, the pathogenicity test was performed. CTAB method and Internal Transcribed Spacer region were applied to isolate and amplify the fungal genomic DNA respectively, by using universal primers ITS1/ITS4. The analysis of polygenetic of an amplified product...

Jinwen Liu, Hong Li, Jinhua Zhang, Jianping Li and Xiujuan Yan*

...below-ground herbivores when the development of corn declined. These findings will contribute to a better understanding on the interaction mechanism between above-ground and below-ground herbivore on the host plants, and have guiding significance for agricultural pest control.


Ismail Demircioglu1, Yasin Demiraslan2, Barıs Can Güzel3*, Ali Koçyigit4 and Aysegül Demircioglu5

...fference, respectively. When the procrustes coordinates were examined, it was found that the samples were both dorsally and laterally mostly similar to the samples in their own group. Consequently, it is thought that the shape analysis of the crania of Hamdani and Awassi sheep breeds was made in detail by geometric morphometry method; thus, yielding the results that may be basic data for many disciplines, especially zooarchaeology, taxonomy, and forensic scien...

Nazia Suleman* and Asia Riaz 

...ed least number of eggs when given either frozen aphids or frozen eggs and seven spotted did not lay eggs on any other treatment. As an outcome, beetles survived for substantial period on alternate dietary sources (up to six months) and such alternatives can be used until provision of natural host i.e., aphids is made available.


Khansa Jamil1, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1, Asad Jan2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

Shamsher Ali* and Naheed Baloch

...rved higher 28.3% 27.6% when wheat grains were treated with C. colocynthis on both pests. However, miminum weight loss and insect damaged grain 1.06%, 7.06%, and 2.0%, 12.1% were obtained when wheat grains were applied 3ml/L concentrations of extracted C. gigantea oil. Thus, it is concluded that colocynth extracted oil as most effective essential oil to protect wheat grains.


Nusirat Aderinsola Sadiku1, Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi2* and Tesleem Taye  Bello components with high phenolic, carbonyl and organic acid contents which have several pest control properties. Bamboo Pyroligneous Liquor (BPL) has proved effective in controlling several insect pests of many crops but its nematicidal potential is yet to be fully determined. We, therefore, investigated the nematicidal activities of Bamboo Pyroligneous Liquor in managing root-knot nematodes of Lactuca sativa in greenhouse trials. Bambusa vulgaris biomass was ...

Rudhy Gustiano1*, Iskandariah Iskandariah2, M.H. Fariduddin Ath-Thar1, Gleni H. Huwoyon4 and Deni Radona3

...ication, information on phenotype, genotype and early development stage are needed. This paper will describe the result of studies on phenotype, genotype and early development of snakeskin gourami from nine populations in Indonesia; Jambi, South Sumatra, and Lampung( Sumatra), West Java, Central Java and East Java (Java) and West Kalimantan, Central Kalimantan and South Kalimantan (Kalimantan) were carried out. The results s...
Zhi Qiang Gao*, Dan Dan Zhang, Qin Gmei Qin, Xiu Xiu Li, Li Li, Yan Zhong Xue and Shifeng Guo
...ithelial tumors (DNTs). Then, the DNA of GNTs tissues was extracted, and the PSEN1 E280A mutation was detected by sequencing. Finally, the correlation of PSEN1 E280A mutation with clinical characteristics was analyzed. PSEN1 E280A mutation was detected in 16 GNTs patients (44% in GGs (11/25) and 33.3% in DNTs (5/15)). PSEN1 E280A mutation was obviously elevated in females (10/16, 62.5%) versus in males (6/24, 25%) (P = 0.025). Meanwhile, more extensive seizure...

Adnan Ibrahim Khamis1, Jasim Mohammed Saleh2*, Najwa S. Ali3 and Anwer Thamer Ghaffoori2

Nguyen Huu Van1*, Nguyen Thi Mui1, Dinh Van Dung1, Van Ngoc Phong1, Tran Ngoc Long1, Le Tran Hoan1, Le Duc Thao1, Vo Thi Minh Tam1, Ngo Mau Dung1, Bui Van Loi1, Nguyen Xuan Ba1, Ton Nu Minh Thi2, Nishino Naoki2

Merita Ayu Indrianti1,2*, Didi Rukmana3, Eymal Bahsar Demmallino3, Muh. Hatta Jamil3

... in the world. To strengthen food security in the future, Indonesia needs to implement food protection policies in every region. This underlies the issuance of several related regulations, including Law No. 41 of 2009 about sustainable food agricultural land (LP2B), Government Regulation (PP) No. 12 of 2012 about incentives for protecting LP2B. The success of implementing these regulations is certainly different in each region. This can be measured from the ex...

Abida Mushtaque1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1, Aamir Ghafoor1*, Wasim Shehzad2 and Nadeem Ahmad3

...ficant protection (80%) when challenged with LD50 of P. multocida B:2. From the obtained results it is evident that rOmpH can be used as subunit vaccine against P. multocida B:2 and the purified rOmpH can also be further used to develop diagnostic test i.e., ELISA to screen and assess the immune response of cattle and buffaloes against P. multocida B:2 in developing countries like Pakistan.


Wei Wan1, Xiao-Li Wang1, Shu-Juan Wang2, Qin Si2 and Li-Qing Duan1*

...antagonism was observed when combining β-pinene and estragole, with an expected mortality of 29.0% and actual mortality of 3.8%. Furthermore, AChE inhibition was observed with estragole, cuminaldehyde, and 1,8-cineole displayed high potency. L-carvone showed the highest GST inhibition activity, followed by cuminaldehyde. Pearson correlation analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between GST inhibition rate and number of antagonistic binary m...

Farhana Umer1, Muhammad Sheryar2 and Sangam Khalil3*

...neration to substations then to consumers and its own environment is tremendous. Among various hazards, the overhead wires associated with power lines are the most fatal hazard to birds. The power lines and poles have caused fatal risks for birds and have affected their habitats significantly. Dangerous types of power poles in the middle voltage lines which have small distances between the lines and short insulators cause short-circuits between conductor wires...
Qingsen Ran1,2, Manjing Li3, Jiayin Han3, Lifang Wang3, Han Wang3,4, Shaobo Liu5* and Yanping Wang1*
... an important metabolic phenotype and many natural compounds from medicinal plants exhibit anti-glycation effects. Therefore, it is of potential significant to find biomarkers based on glycolysis-related genes in predicting the prognosis of colon cancer (CC), a common invasive gastrointestinal tumor. In this study, clinical and gene data were collected to identify glycolytic genes that significantly associated with overall survival (OS) rate of CC patients thr...

Hualong Jiang1, Tao Li2,3*, Jing Xiang3, Hanqing Yang3 and Maolin He3

... ecosystems, especially when environmental perturbations occurred. This report is the first to address the ecological impacts of sea-crossing bridge construction on local microeukaryotic communities, which can improve our understanding of local microbial responses to marine infrastructure construction.

Mahmoud M. Bayoumi
.... This review will comprehensively cover the recent advances in mRNA vaccine production, the delivery methods, and the essential compositions added to the mRNA vaccines to enhance efficacy and stability. This information ultimately would pave the way to better thinking to combat viral infectious diseases.
Amany M. Reyad1*, Aya Maher Rabie1, Reda Mohamed Taha1 and Khalid El-Dougdoug2
...nd mixed in a cocktail, then applied for the treatment of the collected meat samples. At room temperature (24°C), the number falls over time until reaching 72 hours for all bacterial species. The results obtained showed a significant reduction in the bacterial count of E. coli,
Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1*, Dalia Y.A. Amin1, Mona A. Ismail1, Basma Hamdy2, Khaled A. El-Dougdoug3
...oteins, salicylic acid, phenol, proline, oxidative enzyme activities (polyphenol oxidase and superoxide dismutase) and virological assessments were assayed. Reduction in the disease severity of treated foliar ChNPs and BM fig plants was recorded. Systemic acquired resistance was detected related to Chlorophyll a and b and carotenoid, Phenol, Proline, sa...

Amal Hammad*, Shaaban Gadallah, Tarik Misk, Ahmed Mourad 

...r in XH followed by XLL then XL and lastly XLV. Vomiting was observed only in XL. Milder alterations in cardiorespiratory parameters and rectal temperature were recorded in XL, XLL and XLV than XH. Significant changes in hematobiochemical parameters were only detected in erythrogram values and glucose concentrations in XLV and XH, respectively. On conclusion, despite of lower sedation in acupuncture groups than XH, laser acupuncture seemed to be effective in p...

Milena Vlahovic*, Dragana Matic, Marija Mrdakovic, Larisa Ilijin, Anja Grcic, Aleksandra Filipovic, Jelica Lazarevic and Vesna Peric-Mataruga

...of plasticity, distinct phenotypes were not produced. Significant correlations were shown between PMM and trypsin (Tryp) and leucine aminopeptidases (LAP) at acute and chronic treatment with higher cadmium concentrations, while significant correlations between proteases and PMM were detected at lower metal concentrations (Acute10 and Chronic10 and 30 μg Cd/g dry food). In contrast to chronic treatment, egg masses respond more uniformly by reducing PMM durin...

Abdul Aziz1,2, Hamad Bin Rashid1*, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood1, Ayesha Hassan1, Hamid Akbar1, Sadaf Imran1, Naveed Hussain1, Muhammad Umar1, Muhammad Asif1, Sajjad Javaid1 and Mamoona Chaudhry3

...% collagenase-I. It was then centrifuged and the SVF pellet was collected. The pellet was characterized through total viable cell count, cell per gram and percentage of viability by using Neubauer’s chamber. The average cell yield per microliter was 2.992±1.527 x 104 cells/µl. SVF per gram of adipose tissues was 2.992±1.527 x 106 cells/g, percentage of viability was 97.98± 0.31%, while non-viable cell count was 2.02± 0.3...
Haigang Wu1,2, Bingjie Ma1, Jinni Liu1, Fei Zhang3, Kaiwei Deng1 and Hualing Gong1,2*
...nutrition of aged laying hens. We utilized a mixture of 8 components that included the Fabaceae family members Radix astragali and Sophora flavescens as well as dandelion, pine needle powder, marigold, rosemary, Shenqu (a leavened mixture) and Gardenia jasminoides. Our study groups included 2000 healthy 350 days old laying hens that were randomly divided into 4 groups and standard feed was...

Asma Sadia Authoy2, Aneek Chanda2, Aparna Datta3, Md Shohel Al Faruk4, Towhida Kamal1* 

...nducted, utilizing comprehensive questionnaires based on various risk factors such as age, sex, breed, vaccination history, deworming, etc. A total of 174 case sheets of dogs and cats with skin lesions were analyzed. The findings indicate a higher prevalence of ectoparasite infestation among dogs and cats in semi-urban areas, recording rates of 56.92% and 76.92%, respectively, in contrast to semi-urban areas. Female cats (76.92%) and dogs (71.43%) displayed in...

Rahmat Elahi1, Gulnaz Parveen1*, Nazara1, Faryal Ali2, Nain Tara3 and Saba Iqbal1

...ds. In this experiment, when comparing the germination percentages of the treated (with castor oil) and untreated seeds across all varieties, the LSD (least significant difference) analysis showed interesting results. By targeting and treating the maize seeds with castor oil, it could potentially help mitigate the adverse effects of these fungi and contribute to a healthier and more productive crop. This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of castor o...

Abdul Aleem Memon1*, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2, Javaid Ahmed Shah3

... the control. Moreover, when compared to the control, SoP application resulted in greater growth parameters, followed by MoP. Further K treatment also increased in K content in shoots and leaf chlorophyll concentration. The shoot K content was increased by 31.14% with SoP and 13.92% with MoP, and chlorophyll concentration by 24.52% with SoP, and 12.06% with MoP compared with the control. The findings concluded that under calcareous soil conditions, K fertiliza...
Omaima Khamiss
... the effect of Spli NPV when it was introduced 24hr prior to NPV or simultaneously: In addition to' protein profiles by SDS-PAGE, TEM electron microscopy ultrathin sections and hybridization dot blots, gel transfer to follow the probable mechanism especially with the high percentage of genome homology that was over 66% with one of five tested restriction enzymes. These observations suggest an important possible role for recombination in the early evolution and...
El-Dougdoug. K.A.1, Mervat, M. Fath Alah2, Reham A. Hassen3,Rehab A . Dawoud2 searching use of the phenomenon of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) to control plant viruses and increased growth in vitro. Through this study, it was and proved to induced SAR in potato plants using bacterial and fungal contaminants in tissue culture against Potato virus Y. These biotic inducers were Pseudomonas sp., Bacillus sp., Xanthomonas sp. as well as Trichoderma, Aspergillus and Fusarium as contaminants microbial of potato micropropagative in vitr...
Mohga A. El-Tahlawey l, L.R. Rizkallal , S.A. El-Arnaouty 2 and Amal A.Khalil 3
...ut treatment to 8% only when used the concentration 2 g / kg seeds. The results in 2008/09 growing season showed that seed dressing with Gaucho was effective in reducing FBNYV from 52.6% in plant without treatment to 5.6% only when used the concentration 2 g / kg seeds. In 2007-2008 growing season from the obvious results found that the better result when we used insecticide Peremore ...

Hemeida, A. A., Osman, M., El-Shahat, Mohamed, Hashem, Medhat H., Mahmoud, Amal and Dahi, Hosni

...ed from 20 to 55 years. Then, confirmed by Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) for HCV. The confirmed patients were received 12 vials of BEG FN- 2a for 12 weeks (1801U/ml weekly) plus ribavirin (1000 mg for 75 Kg or 1200 mg for > 75Kg- Roche) and follow up by RT-PCR. The results showed that 67 patients (72.8%) responded to the treatment (group A), while 25 patients (27.2%) non responders (group B). The two groups were Screened for Serum...
Hassanein, Suzan A.; Abd El-Wahab, Wafaa; Eweis, Moustafa and Mahmoud, Mervat M.
...ected in Behaira (48%), then Mounofya (45.3%) while Kafer El-sheikh was the lowest (23.7%). The positive results of detection of antibodies against non structured proteins of FMDV indicate that these samples come from natural infected animals.


Rizk, Sonia A.; El-garf, Eman M. and Talaat, Abeer A.

...align: justify;">A comprehensive sero-immunological studies were conduced to reveal the adjuvant's effect of Ginseng Stem-leaf Saponins (GSLS) on the immune response of gel adjuvanted Bivalent Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) vaccinated calves. This study conducted in two calve groups; goup (A) vaccinated subcutaneously with bivalent Alhydragel adjuvanted (30) % FMD vaccine, while group (B) vaccinated subcutanously with bivalent FMD vaccine adjuvanted with both Al...

Madbouly*, H.M.; Saif**, M.A. and Hussein* , A.S.

...train at 7th day of age then boosted with LaSota strain at 21st day of age in drinking water, while groups vaccinated with MDV vaccine (0.2ml/chick) at one day of age by SIC injection. Serum samples at 10, 14, 17, 21, 28, 35, and 42 of age for HI test against NDV. Heparinized blood samples at 10, 14, 17, 21, days of age for phagocytic activity of macrophages. All groups were challenged with vvNDV for detecting the protection percent. From this study it could b...

Elbeshehy, E. K.F. and Sallaml, A.A.A.

... pumpkin, pepper, bean, Chenopodium amaranticolor and cowpea showing foliar symptoms of mosaic, deformations and necrotic and chlorotic ring spots, that resemble those induced by CMV. SDS-PAGE test showed various distinguishable sole novel protein bands in four cucumber cultivars infected with CMV but not in healthy one. RT-PCR, with the primer CMV 1 and CMV2 for CMV-CP. gene, yielded 422 base pair DNA fragments. The following sequences were used in the compar...

El-Dougdoug2, Kh.A; Ghalyl, M.F. and Tahal , M.A.

..., One half of leaves of Chenopodium amaranticolor were treated with culture filtrate (CF) followed by CMV inoculation on both halves. In the 2nd experiment, The first pair of Cucumis sativus leaves were teated CF with CMV mechanically inoculated onto one leaf, the other non-treated leaf was CMV inoculated after 7 days of treatment. In 1 st experiment, CF treatment was able to considerably reduced the number of local lesion and in 2nd experiment, plants treated...

Soliman*, Ahmed M.; Mahmoud**, Sabry Y. M. and Dawood*, Rehab A.

...-ELISA), transmitted to Chenopodium amaranticolor and then confirmed by immunosorbent electron microscopy (ISEM) for the presence of OYDV. PCR primers were used to ampli$' about 1.1 Kb fragment from the viral genome using RT-PCR from infected garlic plants, such fragnent were not obtained from healthylooking plants and/or virus-free seedlings of shoot-tips. The amplified products of OYDV was cloned into pGEM@-T Easy vector, ...

El-Dougdoug, Kh.A.; Rezk , A.A.; Dawoud, Rehab A. and Sofy, A.R.

...rom infected leaves and then amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using Pospiviroid-CCR specific primers. Purified gel RT-PCR product (⁓199) was cloned into the PCR Il TOPOvector then it was sequenced. Partial sequence 199 bp of CSVdEG is almost identical to that of the prototype 199 bp Canada and USA isolates of CSVd with 96% homology. The sequence of CSVd-EG can be arranged into viroid specific rod like structure...

Iftikhar Alam1*, Sumbal Ali1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Aneela Tahmeed1, Hafsa Nawaz1, Shumail Bakht1 and Muhammad Farooq3*

...butes. Following a comprehensive literature search, an initial twenty-one-item scale was developed and was subjected for content validation to a panel of experts (n=30). The pre-validation version of the scale contained 21 items. However, the final version of the scale was reduced to 15 items as six items were removed and/or merged together. Content validity index showed that the “item content validity-index” (I-CVI) and the “scale content-va...

Sharawil , S.S.A. and Abd El-Rahim2, I.H.A.•

...on protein (F) epitope, then cDNA were send to Institute of Animal Health Pirbright, England to analyze for their  nucleotide sequences of this F protein gene and phylogenic analysis properties, by matching with other reference world recorded isolates. The gene sequenced a 322 nucleotide cDNA fragment of the fusion protein gene was obtained. The isolates showed unique phylogenic analysis had not previously been identified internationally and defined as Eg...

Ebied, Eman M.; Salem, Zeinab T. and Al-Imam, Hemmat S.

...within one to two weeks then persisted with considerable level up to 6 months of their age.


El.-Kadyl, M.A.S; Badr2, A.B.; zein3, Saiwa N. and Khalifa4, M.A.A.

...inhibitory effect (80%) when sprayed at lower concentration (the minimum inhibiting concentration is 0.0001%) before one hr of inoculation. Salicylic acid and Parahydroxy benzoic acid has the same effect (80% reduction) at concentration of 0.01% and 0.1, respectively in the treatments inoculated one hr. after sprays. Six different chemical compounds applied as foliar sprays with two concentrations for each were used to study their effect on the percentage of v...

Ahmed, AmalA.; Zein, Salwa N. and Khatab, Eman A. H.

...local lesions formed on Chenopodium amaranticolor. CeMV was identified by its host range, symptom expression, modes of transmission and particle morphology.  CeMV able to infect only 20 plant species and varieties from 22 tested by mechanical inoculation. The virus was transmitted in a non-persistent manner using Myzus persicae Sulz. Infected plants were reacted positively only with the specific antiserum for the CeMV using double antibodies sandwich&mdas...

Alhudaib, Khalid plastic bags at 40C; then transferred to the laboratory, for total nucleic acids (TNAs) extraction. One hundred mg of leaf veins and or cortical scrapings were used for extraction. Samples were macerated in 1 ml of grinding buffer. TNAs were recovered with a silica-capture procedure and stored at —200C till used. 8-10gl of TNA extracts were mixed with Igl random hexamer primer, (Boehringer Mannheim, GbmH) (0.5 g/gl). RT-PCR assay of leaves extracts of...

Ahmed, Amal A. and Fath-Allah, Mervat M.

...cumber cotyledon and/or Chenopodium quinoa. Identification of this virus was based on host range, transmissibility, and serological tests. CMV was able to infect only 20 plant species and varieties out of 24 tested plants by either grafting or mechanical inoculation, and PPV was able to infect only 19 plant species and varieties. CMV and PPV can be transmitted by Aphis gossypii and Myzus persicae from cucumber to cucumber and woody plants. The best time for le...

Ahmed Abd El Samie Hassan Ali

...for 25 day, slaughtered then tissue harvests from spleen, lung, lymph nodes and intestine were pooled, homogenized; the supernatant was clarified and concentrated for second inoculation. A another 16 BVDV seronegative New Zeeland rabbits, classified into 4 groups, each of 4 designated for second closed inoculation with clarified supernatant of rabbit tissue harvests of first inoculation in comparison to reference BVDV type-I-NADL, BVDV type-2-890 and control n...


...e isolated viruses were then titerated and identified using different biological, serological and molecular assay.


El-Sabagh, I.M.; Hussein, H.A.; Amer, H.M.; El-Sanousi, A.A.; Reda,I.M. and M.A. Shalaby

...immune antiserum to BRV when tested by immunoflurescence assay. Using solid phase ELISA, the VP7 expressed protein was detected intracellulary and extracellulary at 48 and 96 hours post-inoculation using polyclonal antibodies against BRV, respectively. The VP7 expressed protein was not detected in Coomassie blue stained SDSPAGE but produced a detectable band in Western blot assay. The reactivity of the VP7 expressed protein with BRV-specific hyperimmune antise...

Attyat, M. Kotb; Abeer, E. Mansour; Naglaa, I. Aly; Zeinab, T.Salama and Azab, A. Mohamed

... for type O and type A, then decline to (1.2 log10 — 1.35 log10) by the le WPV. Determination of BEF serum neutralizing antibodies in calves vaccinated with BEF only showed an increase in the titer from (0.15 log10) from 1 st week till reached its peak after 8 weeks (1.8 log10), while in calves vaccinated simultaneously with BEF and FMD the serum neutralizing antibody titer reached to 1.85 log10 by the 8th week. Evaluation of the cell mediated immunity f...

*Hanan M.M. Elzahed, Abd EL-Moneim A.A, *Afaf A. Khedr, *Elham A. Elabiare, Waleed S. Abd El-Latif, Reda M.I.

...ation to broiler breeder hens in eight houses at Il weeks of age.  Antibodies to (CAV) in adult hens and maternally derived antibodies to (CAV) in progeny chicks were assayed by ELISA. Vaccinated dams showed a high level of antibody -to (CAV) followed by moderate level for up to 50 weeks of age. In addition progeny chicks showed a detectable level Of maternally-derived antibody. New castle Disease Virus (NDV) antibodies...
Eman, M. M. Soliman*; Taha, M. M.*;El-Sanousi A,;Shalaby M. S. Wasscl , Youscf Adel*
... to be sterile and safe when inoculated subcutaneously (S/C) and intraperitoneally(I/P) into mice (3-5 days old) and lambs without showing adverse post vaccinal reactions. Duration of immunity to RVF virus in vaccinated sheep has been determined by using both serum neutralization test (SNT) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on sera collected weekly up to 7 weeks post vaccination, where the antibody titer elevated from I st WPV till reach the protec...

S.A. Sidaros, S.A. El-Kewey , Hala A. Amin;Eman A.H. Khatab ,  A.A. Emeran l , Samaa Abd El-Khalilk and M.A.S. El-Kady

...used to establish the authenticity and specificity to the RT-PCR amplified Products of PMMoV. The coat protein gene of an Egyptian isolate of PMMoV was cloned and sequenced, The sequence contained a full-length ORF coding for the viral CP. It comprises 473 nt and a polypeptide chain of 157 amino acids with a M(r) of 17.27. The comparison of the CP  ORF nucleotide sequence of Egyptian isolate (PMMoV-E2) with those of another isolates revealed 'that it was ...

Sabry Y. M. Mahmoud; Maher H. Hosseny and Mamdouh H. Abdel-Ghaffar for three months and then planted in a greenhouse to obtain materials for virus elimination studies. Virus status in vitro plantlets was determined by double antibody enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) and biologically test before and after treatments The two cycles of thermotherapy at approximately 370C, during 40 and 30 days, resulted in 33.3 and 14.2% PVY elimination, respectively. Thus, these results indicated that thermotherapy is moderately...

Amina A. II. and M.K. Amin

...rly the same frequency. When phage was treated by different temperature, the phage was stable informing plaques with 5, 150C whereas the pfu/ml 6.8, 6.9 x 109, but the ability of phage to form plaques was declined with low and high temperature (1.8 at OOC and 0.18 at 450C x 109 pfu/ml). The ability to transduce antibiotic resistance genes was also influenced. When phage was treated with 5 different Ph values (2, 3, 7, 10, 12...

Manal A. El-Shazly1, A. s. 2 Abdel Wahab and Salwa N. Zein3

...d IYSV, respectively. Authentic and induced antisera for both TSWV and IYSV  were used for virus detection using different serological diagnostic methods such as indirect ELISA and dot-blot immunoassay (DBIA) on nitrocellulose membranes.


Mohga M. El-Tahlawey, A. Mandour and AE Aboulata

...rts with a low rate and then increasing during season period and then declined at the end. It consists of four infection sub-cycles, i.e., two small ones in the middle and two big more ones at the beginning and at the end of the period. Fluctuations of infection rate for both infection types were matched with the population fluctuations of aphid vectors. Infection curve studies and infection rate matching with aphid populati...

S.Y.M. Mahmoud1 and M. Hashem2

...anically transmitted to Chenopodium amaranticolor, C. quinoa, Beta Vulgaris cvs. Pleno. Tripl and Gloria. D. macrocarpa and B. maritema inducing chlorotic local lesions spreads into the veins. The virus was also transmitted by a soilborne parasitic fungus, Polymyxa betae Keskin as a vector and by seed coating with viruliferous cystosori. the thick-walled resting spores of P. betae. as well as by root vortexing in virus inoculum containing carborundum. The viru...

A. A. Kheder1; I. A. M. Ibrahim2; H. M. Mazyadl

...orotic local lesions on Chenopodium quinoa Wild. Ch. amaranticolor Cost&Reyn and N. tabacum L. cv. White Burley. It also causes local infection followed by systemic chlorotic leaf spot on Petunia hybrida. Lycopersicon esculentum cv. Castle Rock and Vitis labrusca L. Typical chlorotic spots was expressed on the woody indicator GF305 leaves 30 days after double chip budding. Stability experiments of PRMV showed that the thermal inactivation point was 60- 650...

A.A.Farrag;  I.A.M. Ibrahim and, H.M. Mazyad

...tomless peach trees and then identified with a specific antiserum (Sanofi comp) using Double Antibody Sandwich ELISA (DAS-ELISA) and Dot Immunobinding Assay (DIBA). Survey was carried out during 2001 to 2003 in different locations on commercial peach orchards. Percentages of infection were 6.3, 6.7, 12.3 and 10.9 in Menofia (Khatatba) . EL-Behira (EL-Nobaria North Sinai (Rafah) and Dakahlia (Metghamr), respectively. ACLSV was transmitted mechanically from peac...

E.F. Mohamedl and A.A. Owayss2

...nd 70% after two hours. when used at a concentration of l, 3, 5, 10 and 20% respectively. In vivo experiment, using of propolis immediately pre-inoculation was more effective in reducing the occurrence of symptoms in infected plants than post-inoculation. The same result was obtained after 1 and 2 hours. So. pre-inoculation treatment was more effective in reducing the occurrence of mosaic symptoms on Faba bean plants infected with BBMV than post-inoculation. T...

M. Osman1, Kh. El-Dougdoug2, E. T. Abd El-Salam3, R.M. Taha4 and R.M. El-Hamidl

...inned by inoculation of Chenopodium amaranticolor. CMV-isolate was propagated on squash plants var. Eskandarani. After 15 days. systemic symptoms appeared in the newly formed leaves in the form of vein banding, severe mosaic, yellowing, malformation, and leaves wilting. Histopathological studies of CMV-infected squash leaves showed changes such as compact mesophyll, disintegrated and less lignified metaxylem, slight upward blistering of leaf blade, closed stom...

Hanaa H.A.Gomaa1, A. F. Moustafal, Kh.A.El-Dougdoug2, A.A. Abou-Zeid3 and S. Y.M. Mahmoud4

... while the level of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase was increased. PVX and PVY infected potato plants contained less auxins and gibberellins, and the pattern of growth promotors and growth inhibitors was altered. Cytokinin was also inhibited as a result of virus infection. Examination of epidermal strips of infected potato plants revealed the presence of cytoplasmic inclusions. Many cytopathic effects showed in potato leaves such as presence cytoplasmic vesi...

B. A. Othman; Kh. A. El-Dougdoug; M. H. Abdel Ghaffar and T. F. El-Arabi

... and RM4, respectively. When the purified preparations of RM1, RM2, and RM3 phages examined in transmission electron microscope they showed particles have isometric heads or about 52.5, 58.8 and 64.2 nm in diameter with long contractile tails of about 100x30, 80.2x29.4, and 102x33.5 nm, respectively. While the RM4 phage had an isometric head of about 37.5 nm in diameter with short tail of about 12.5x 5 nm. SDS-PAGE indicated that the phage RM1 contained 6 stru...

M.E. Shawky and A.M. Daoud.

...and sequencing Studies. When enzyme mixtures in the reaction were optimized. The best results were obtained with Tth and PFU polymerases at concentrations of 2.50-0.40, 2.50-0.50 and 2.50-0.60 units, respectively


H. A. Hussein1, N.A. Mohamed2, F.M. Mohamed2 and M.A. Shalaby1

...isolates were different when these viruses were inoculated on BVDV-free and-infected cell lines. To study the discrepancies on the growth behavior of the local isolates, the viruses subjected to further passages on MDBK cells infected with non-cytopathic (NCP) strain of BVDV which was homologues (pair) to their genotype (type I). After four passages on cell culture. The local isolates demonstrated enhancement in their CPE and virus replication as determined by...

Ahmed Abd El-Samie H. Ali

... 10-days post infection when compared to control calves. There was close correlation between both in vitro and in vivo of virus immunodown regulatory effects associated with blocking the transport of MHC complexes and prevention or antigen presentation to the immune cells associated with eventual dysregulation and/or impairment of immunological functions accompanied with immunosuppression.


N. A. Sherif, Lamiaa M. Omar, S. M. Shafei and Elham A. El-Ebiary.

...thogen free (SPF) laying hens, from which their eggs were collected, the immunoglobulin-Y (IgY) was precipitated from the egg yolk of immunized hens by 33% saturated ammonium sulphate solution. The anti-rabbit immunoglobulin-Y (IgY) was purified by using affinity chromatography. The obtained globulins were divided into 2 parts. The 1st one was conjugated with peroxidase and the 2nd part was conjugated with fluorescein isothi...

Maria Kikelomo Adegun1*, Femi Godwin Ekundayo1, David Daisi Ajayi2 

... treatments. Therefore, when the grasses in tropical regions dry up during the prolonged dry season, sheep can survive on urea-treated cassava peels and Gliricidia sepium fodder. 


Huda M. Hamid1, Fadia W. Al-Azawi2* and Zaid F. Makki3

...esearch provided a comprehensive overview of the current state of hydrology characteristics in Iraqi dams and to identify areas for further research and improvement.A GIS map has been used to analyze the flow direction and to identify areas of potential concern or risk, such as areas that are prone to flood or erosion. The results of this study can help inform strategies and water resource management policies to ensure the sustainable use of water resources in...

Tariq I. Almundarij

...tween 12 and 36 months. When comparing repeat breeder female camels to their respective controls, their estrogen levels were significantly different at P<0.01 at age ≥ 8. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels in repeat breeder female Majaheem and Waddah camels with a BCS over 4.5 were compared to levels in healthy female camels and revealed that the MDA levels in the two breeds were considerably higher (P<0.05). When compare...

Makmun1, Imam Mujahidin Fahmid2, Muhammad Saleh S. Ali2*, Muhammad Yamin Saud2, Rahmadanih3 justify;">The laying hen farming business in the poultry industry, besides experiencing very rapid development, also experienced ups and downs. The Coronavirus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which has been endemic in Indonesia for the last two years, has also affected the livestock business. This research analyzed the actors and the relations between actors in the laying hen farming business. The research was condu...

Luthfiralda Sjahfirdi1*, Lisa Nurfalah1, Deanvi Fahira Wisnuputri1, Entang Iskandar2

...f unseen behavior (15%) when lorises were in sleeping cages maybe a time when copulation occurred. The highest E1C concentration was 1181.18 pg/g for K2 and 919.93 pg/g for K5. The lowest E1C was 5.75 pg/g for K2 and 29.95 pg/g for K5. The highest PdG was 19995.81 pg/g for K2 and 18168.68 pg/g for K5. The lowest PdG was 20.85 pg/g for K2 and 504.97 pg/g for K5.
Keywords | Captivity, Estrone con...

Nurhashunatil Mar’ah1, Safika Safika2*, Agustin Indrawati2

...e field were tested for phenotype resistance profile with four antibiotics of β-lactams using the Kirby-Bauer method. The Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) was used to detect the resistance genes and virulence factors of K. pneumoniae. Samples isolated from water sources showed a resistance profile to cefotaxime (100%), ceftazidime, ampicillin, and amoxicillin (50%). Samples isolated from udder rinses water were resistant to amoxicillin, cefotaxime, ampicil...

Divanildo Outor-Monteiro1,2,3*, José António Silva2,3,4, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3

... to their counterparts. When comparing slaughter ages, the 84-day-old rabbits exhibited higher dressing out percentages, lower relative organ weights (liver, kidney, lung and heart), decreased hind part proportions and lower cooking loss values. Furthermore, the hind legs of these rabbits had a greater proportion of muscle and less bone, along with increased luminosity and reduced redness. In conclusion, production systems exert influence on specific carcass a...

Faisal Alzahani1* and Mohammed Abu El-Magd2*

... justify;">Caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) is a key anticancer component of honeybees propolis (bee glue), however, its anticancer effect is limited due to its rapid degradation into caffeic acid. To get rid of this disadvantage and increase the anticancer effect of CAPE, CAPE-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (CNPs) were used. The anti-tumor effects of CAPE and chitosan CNPs on cancer cells have been separately studied but the precise epigenetic molecular mec...

Syed Majid Rasheed1*, Tauseef Ali1, Saad Jan1, Faiz ur Rehman2, Muhammad Ali Shah3, Zahid Hussain1 and Abdul Waheed4

... should not be based on phenotypic performance. A heterosis study revealed that most of the crosses outperform the checks, and hence could be used in future okra breeding programs. The estimated inbreeding depression revealed that the majority of the traits showed negative inbreeding depression due to selfing, thus least affected by selfing. Thus from our study G8, G14 and G23 could be identified as the best-performing cross...

M. Tariq Mushtaq1, Faisal Manzoor1, M. Ishtiaq1*, Mirza Abdul Qayyum1, Muqarrab Ali2, M. Akram3, M. Rafiq Shahid3 and Saleem Riaz1

... selective insecticides when needed could be the best strategy to overcome insecticides resistance problems.


Estabraq Hayder Khayoon, Ammar Ahmed Abdulwahid*  

... test, dramatically lengthens the time needed to turn an animal’s head 180 degrees during a negative geotaxis test and decreased locomotors activity in the Y maze test. Curcumin’s anti-apoptotic, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties have not been thoroughly examined in neurotoxicity given on by Acrylamide, nevertheless. We investigated whether Curcumin may protect against oxidative stress, apoptosis, and inflammation in neurons brought on ...
Saliha Bashir*, Muhammad Shafique, Muhammad Shahzad, Muhammad Sohail Anjum and Ahmad Ali Shahid
...="text-align: justify;">Phenotypic variations of eye color, skin color, and iris surface features have been well-explored in certain populations. However, there has been comparatively little research on variations in these features in Pakistani population. The aim of this study is to discover phenotypic diversity and correlations of pigmented traits and iris surface features in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province of...
Raed M. Al-Atiyat1,2*, Gamaleldin M. Suliman3, Khaled Abu-Alruz4, Firas Al-Zyoud5, Amer Mamkagh6, Ahmed M. El-Waziry7, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer8 and Rifat Ullah Khan9
...nt effect on breed. The phenotypic associations between the traits were also studied and strong associations between economically important traits were reported. The analyses of principal components were efficient in showing the total variation of 13 traits accumulated in linear combinations of four traits of most discriminant power body depth, ear length, body height at the rump, and head length. About 77% of the total variation between the breeds. Overall, t...

Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain2, Ishtiaq Hassan3, Muhammad Tahir Latif2, Tahira Tabassum1 and Naeem Faisal2

...ecreasing missing hills; hence could be employed to enhance yield and economic benefits of MTR.


Muhammad Wasif Gulzar* and Jawad Hussain

... AI) in human medicine. When introducing such potent technology that might affect the welfare of both humans and animals, we must acknowledge the significance of exercising prudence and accountability. As veterinary experts, it is therefore our responsibility to hold ourselves responsible for guaranteeing the security, precision, and dependability of any AI technologies we create or use. Effective outcomes in an area where data misunderstanding, even hostile m...
Asad Ullah1, Hayat Ullah2, Muhammad Lateef3, Imrana Niaz Sultan4, Afrasiab Khan Tareen4 and Muhammad Waseem Khan4,5*
... (99.7 %, CI 0.98-0.99) when results of GeneXpert were compare with MGIT results. The results of this study confirm the performance of GeneXpert. With high sensitivity and rapid detection, GeneXpert is ready to be considered as preferred diagnostic tool for TB.


Fadime Eroglu1*, Altan Akineden2, Cemal Cicek3, Selcuk Turkel2 

... C. parvum 27.3% (9/33) then G. duodenalis 21.2% (7/33) and E. histolytica 12.1% (4/33) among COVID-19 patients. While all of these intestinal protozoans were detected in COVID-19 patients with severe clinical symptoms, Blastocystis spp. and G. duodenalis were detected in COVID-19 patients with moderate clinical symptoms. However, only Blastocystis spp. was detected in COVID-19 patients with mild clinical symptoms. In addition, the genetic distance value of C....

Ahmed M. Manthoor, Ali H. Saliem* 

...ntracellular substances when treated with the MIC of the extract. From the foregoing results, we can be concluded that alcoholic extract of P. oleracea has an effect on E. coli in vitro by certain mechanism of action when compared with ciprofloxacin. 


Tabinda Nowsheen1, Sayed Wadood Ali Shah2, Ali Hazrat1*, Muhammad Yahya1, Gul Rahim1, Muhammad Mukhtiar4 and Muhammad Ajmal Khan3

...ids, saponins, tannins, phenolics steroids and carbohydrates but deficient of proteins. In minimum inhibitory concentration assay, the crude methanolic extracts showed significant inhibition against all tested bacterial strains at25, 50 and 100 µg/ml. The methanolic crude extract of A. maritime various parts showed MIC of 37.5µg/ml for S. aureus which is gram-positive bacteria followed by 75µg/ml for P. aeruginosa, (gram negative), and B. sub...

Faisal Alsaaq

... offshore areas. A comprehensive survey was conducted at 30 different stations, encompassing coastal and offshore locations. A total of 117 fish species belonging to 31 families were identified during the survey, with an overall abundance of 20,810 individuals observed. The fish assemblages in the area exhibited a balanced representation by all functional groups across different trophic levels, indicating a healthy state. Of particular interest were the famili...
Rehan Ahmed Siddiqui1,2*, Shabana Usman Simjee2,3, Nurul Kabir4, Muhammad Ateeq3,5, Kevin Joseph Jerome Borges6, Muhammad Raza Shah3 and Rahman M. Hafizur2
...a and creatinine levels when compared with the glycerol induced AKI group. The compounds kept the actin intact, decreased COX-2 protein expression, down-regulated the expressions of NFkB p50 and iNOS, and up-regulated Kim-1 and HO-1. The tested compounds (CA and CA-AuNPs) prevented the kidney from injury in the rhabdomyolysis-induced AKI animal models. However, almost complete protection is observed in CA-AuNPs treated animals at a relatively lower dose.

Nael Abutaha, Fahd A. AL-Mekhlafi*, Khalid Elfaki Ibrahim, 
Mohammed S. Al-Khalifa and Mohamed A. Wadaan
...alkaloids, sterols, and phenolic compounds. The GC-MS analysis revealed the presence of 5 compounds, of which α-Copaene constituted 61.95% of the extract. The hexane extract showed good larvicidal activity, with an LC50 = 33.9 μg mL−1 and LC90 = 64.1 µg/mL at 24 h post exposure. The midgut sections of treated larvae showed morphological alterations such as microvilli damage, loss of nuclei, and peritrophic membrane degenerati...

Julieta M Lopez-Martinez and Imran Ahmad*

..., phytosterols, and polyphenols. Amaranth seeds have gained popularity in recent years due to their perceived health benefits and dubbed as superfood. The food industry is formulating new products adding amaranth to cereal-based food and gluten-free products such as bread, muffins, cookies, pasta, breakfast, beer, and beef. This comprehensive review is focused on the important aspects of amaranth such as the taxonomic and or...

Sena’a M. Hussein1,2, Raffal A. Omar3* 

...mbosacral injection and then every five minutes until the sensory blockade disappeared. Motor activities were constantly monitored and evaluated every 30 seconds. Clinical evaluation of analgesia and motor blocks after injection revealed a complete analgesia and there was no response to deep muscle pricks lasting for (120) / minutes starting after 15 minute from lumbosacral injection while in repeated dose last for (180) / minutes after 15 minutes from inject...

Riskayanti Riskayanti1, Hikmah Hikmah2*, Muhammad Irfan Said2, Nahariah Nahariah2 

... vegetable (143 ppm) so then the pH and cooking loss were not different. Increasing the level of vegetable addition increased the dietary fiber content and antioxidant activity but decreased the IC50 value and pH of the nuggets. There was an interaction between cooking treatment and the level of vegetable addition (P<0.05) on dietary fiber content and antioxidant activity of nuggets. It was concluded that the use of fresh vegetables at a 30% level outcom...
Syed Roohullah Jan1, Kareem Akhtar2*, Uroosa1, Muhammad Zeeshan Zahir3, Abdul Shakoor4
...y technique. The powder when mixed with Mercury is called amalgam and is commonly used in dental applications for cavity filling. However, Mercury is health hazardous. In the present study coating of Ag-Sn-Cu is achieved through cold spray without adding mercury. The particle size and morphology of Ag-Sn-Cu powder are studied, before and after coatings. Hardness tests are carried out to determine surface hardness before and after the coatings. This study revea...

Wisnu Jaka Dewa1,2, Ekowati Handharyani3*, Sri Purwaningsih4, Silmi Mariya5 

... mRNA concentration was then measured with a UV-Vis microvolume spectrophotometer at 260/28 nm. Relative expression of bax and bcl-2 to house keeping gene GAPDH was measured on a real time PCR machine. Relative gene expression was calculated using the ΔΔCt method. The result showed that bax gene expression increases 4.36, 4.77 and 4.63 times in 125, 62.5 and 31.25 ppm concentration, respectively. The expression of bcl-2 gene was decreased after tre...

Haseeb Zafar1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Zain-Ul- Abideen1, Muhammad Kamran Taj2, Sibtain Ahmad3 , Umbreen Zafar2 

...while, imipenem, chloramphenicol, tobramycin and ciprofloxacin showed 100% susceptibility to E. coli isolates. These results showed that the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant E. coli is very high in Quetta district thus, strict biosecurity and control of non-judicial use of antibiotics in poultry production is warranted. 


Alveena Izhar1*, Basit Ullah2, Rabia Asghar1, Aqeel Ahmad1 and Hassam Bin Mujahid1

...he rest of the plots and hence recommended for climate change and growers of district Peshawar.


Salema Lafta Hassan1*, Taghred Jabbar Humadai1, Sabrin Ibraheem Mohsin

....05) in the first group when compared to G2, G3, and G4. Histopathological examination of the testes revealed testicular degeneration, together with the absence of spermatids, no epididymal sperm in the epididymal tubules. In conclusion, Folcord has a severe toxic effect on mice, as evidenced by histological and immunological changes in the male reproductive mice, according to the results of the current study.
Keywords | Spermato...

Theresia Nur Indah Koni*, Yeria Banoet, Welhelmina Wahon, Cytske Sabuna, Melkianus Dedimus Same Randu, Yanse Yane Rumlaklak, Tri Anggarini Yuniwati Foenay

...a flour as an additive. Then banana peels without and with fermentation were analyzed for their nutrient content. This fermented banana peel was then applicated to the crossbred native chicken diet with different levels. There were four treatments and five replications. Treatments were FBP0: diet without fermented banana peels, FBP1: diet with 10% fermented banana peels, FBP2: diet with 20% fermented banana peels, and FBP3: ...

Qing Cao1, Wei Jiao2, Huihui Lu1, Jing Zhang2, Meiling Ren3, Yan Xu1* and Shuyang Hu1*

...ated hemoglobin (HbA1c) when comparing to their counterparts in the control group, with a lower level of fasting insulin (FINS) in serum (all P < 0.05); levels of plasma fibrinogen (Fb) and D-dimers (D-D) in serum of patients in the hyperglycemia group were much higher than those in the hypoglycemia group, while serum plasma prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) were much shorter than those in the hypoglycemia group (all P &...

Qing Cao1, Wei Jiao2, Huihui Lu1, Jing Zhang2, Meiling Ren3, Yan Xu1* and Shuyang Hu1*

...ated hemoglobin (HbA1c) when comparing to their counterparts in the control group, with a lower level of fasting insulin (FINS) in serum (all P < 0.05); levels of plasma fibrinogen (Fb) and D-dimers (D-D) in serum of patients in the hyperglycemia group were much higher than those in the hypoglycemia group, while serum plasma prothrombin time (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) were much shorter than those in the hypoglycemia group (all P &...

Limbang Kustiawan Nuswantara, Eko Pangestu, Marry Christiyanto, Santoso Dwi Pratomo, Elyza Zahrotul Muhtaromah

...digofera leaf flour and then made in pellets. The experimental design used was a randomized block design (RBD) based on grouping body weights consisting of 4 groups and 4 treatments. The treatment applied was a balance of feed in the form of forage elephant grass with different levels concentrat of 25, 50 and 75%, and control treatment in the form of rations that are usually given by farmers. The parameters observed were Dry Matter digestibility (DMD), Organic...

Khaeruddin1, Gatot Ciptadi2, Muhammad Yusuf3, Iswati4, Setya Budhi Udrayana4, Sri Wahjuningsih2*

...ntly higher (P<0.01) when 2-3 mM BHT was added, while acrosome integrity was elevated after the addition of 1 and 3 mM BHT. Furthermore, the addition of BHT did not significantly change semen pH. DNA damage was lower (P<0.05) when 3 mM BHT was added and mitochondrial activity was enhanced under the same condition. The concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) was lower (P=0.05) with the addition of 3 mM BHT at 24 hours of...

Joseph Oyiguh Abraham1, Cornelius Arome Omatola1*, Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo1, Ruth Foluke Aminu1, Emmanuel Edegbo1, Olubunmi Marvelous Emurotu1, Danjuma Muhammed2, Jesse Joseph Chock3, Helen Ojomachenwu Ocean4 and Yahaya Ocholi5

...ce of HBV, HCV, and HIV when compared with most reported studies elsewhere. However, the occurrence of more viral infections in association with a lack of knowledge of infection suggests the need to strengthen awareness programs on infection and control strategies in the area.


Pankaj Gargotra1, Judith Betsy C1*, Cheryl Antony2 and Stephen Sampath Kumar J3

... thermalis was obtained when fed with diet incorporated with 200 mg/kg vitamin E. All the treatments recorded higher mean estimated growth and maturation parameters when compared to control and were significantly different (p<0.05). The results obtained were statistically analysed using One way ANOVA following Duncan multiple range test in SPSS- 22.0 to compare the significant differences in growth parameters among all tr...

Rehana Shahida1, Shagufta Naz1*, Tasnim Farasat1, Saima Sharif1, Shah Jahan2 and Farkhanda Manzoor1

... in diabetes individual when compared with the control subjects. IL-6 and thrombomodulin was progressively higher in diabetic group. IL-6 correlated positively with thrombomodulin in the control group but an inverse association was seen in the IGT group and revealed that imbalance of the vascular damage initiated and that lead to damage of vascular endothelium in diabetes.


Riaz Alam1*, Muhammad Sajid2, Imtiaz Hussain3, Gulzar Ullah1, Hussain Shah3, Muhammad Arshad Farooq3 and Rashid Muhammad4

...4.58 mg L-1) as well as Phenol (616.67 mg kg-1) contents. The extracted oil from Frontoio fruits exhibited a lower percentage of Free Fatty Acids (FFA) (0.43%) and a higher carotene content (2.70 mg L-1). These quality values fell within the established standards for extra virgin olive oil category by International Olive Council (IOC, 2003) except for the FFA levels in Ottobratica fruit ripe stage oil that met the criteria for virgin olive oil category. The se...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Naveed2,3*, Muhammad Shafiq2, Irfan Rasool2 and Muhammad Afzal Zahid2

Muhammad Usman1*, Muhammad Uzair Khalid2, Muhammad Hasnain3*, Muhammad Tauseef4, Ali Raza4, Muhammad Akram4, Muhammad Shahid4, Abrar Ahmad4, Muhammad Shoaib Ismail1, Rabia Afzal2, Atta-Ulla2 and Muhammad Hussnain Babar3

...time of bed sowing, and then it will produce maximum results. Further, it will helpful for the farmers to enhance their income.


Muhammad Akram1, Anirban Mandal2*, Mehwish Iqbal3, Arindam Mukherjee4, Ritika Bandyopadhyay5, Surendar Rangasamy6, Rida Zainab1, Muhammad Talha Khalil1, Pragnesh Parmar7 and Umme Laila1

...ta carotene and lots of phenolics play active parts in decreasing inflammation, postponing aging, and averting certain kinds of carcinomas. There are some phenolic compounds such as tannins, flavonoids, vitamins and lignins derived from plants acts as antioxidants. In this review article, we discussed upon history of use of plants as medicine, role of plants in viral infections, and anti-viral effects of various plants.


Thobela Louis Tyasi*, Lebo Ngorima, Victoria Rankotsane Hlokoe

...YW and AR may be chosen when breeding for enhancement of egg weight in the Lohmann brown chicken. The study outcomes may assist farmers in the egg quality traits to consider during breeding to improve the egg weight of the Lohmann Brown chicken breed. 
Keywords | Best-fitted model, Correlation, Egg length, Egg width, Shell weight

Noor A. Namaa*, Hayder A.N. Al-Zamely

...tis samples, which were then homogenized and measured for protein content with a focus on the SDHA proteins. The results showed that, when compared to the value of the control group, the total protein concentration increased significantly in the Ginseng extracts and Ginseng NPs groups. However, there was no discernible difference in the values of the Ginseng extract or Ginseng NP groups. When<...

Abdeljabbar Nassiri1, Mouloud Lamtai1*, Inssaf Berkiks1,2, Hajar Benmhammed1, Sidi Mohamed Coulibaly1,3, Miloud Chakit1, Laila Ibouzine-dine1, Abdelhalem Mesfioui1, Aboubaker El-Hessni1

...ts of both genders were then tested in the open field and the elevated plus-maze tests for anxiety, and in the forced swimming test for depression at different time points. Additionally, we removed the PFC for biochemical analysis, specifically measuring nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation. The results indicate that, in both genders, MD generates an anxiogenic and depressive effect compared to the control group, which are linked to an increased OS in the PFC o...

Peixia Yu1*, Lijun Bo2 and Xueyin Song1

...he SOD activity went up when was compared with the I/R group. Whereas, cTnI concentrations of Fen1 and Fen2 groups sharply decreased (all P<0.05); the myocardial injury of the Fen group was less the I/R group. Whereas, the MI region and apoptosis indexes of Fen1 and Fen2 groups dropped significantly (all P<0.05); moreover, Bcl-2 protein and mRNA expression rose significantly in the Fen group by being compared to the I/R group, while Bax protein and mRNA ...

Phoebe Lyndia Tolentino Llantada1,2*, Midori Umekawa2, Shuichi Karita2

...tion and strategies for phenotypic trait improvements.
Keywords | Bacteria, Buffalo, GIT, PCR-DGGE, Species-specific primer

Suhad Mohmmed Alrobyrai1 , Falah Muosa Al-Rekabi2*

...ign: justify;">Acetaminophen (APAP) is a widely used analgesic and antipyretic drug, but it can cause liver damage when taken in high doses or for prolonged periods. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Tempol are two antioxidants that have been shown to protect against various forms of oxidative stress and inflammation. This study explored the hepatoprotective effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Tempol against subacutely repeated...

Hilwah Nora1,2, Rajuddin2*, Hafizuddin3, Rachmad Suhanda4, M. Fathurrahman5

...ere used in this study, then divided into two treatment groups, namely C1 (given standard feed and distilled water orally (without curcumin)); and C2 (given standard feed and oral curcumin 150 mg /kg body weight). The length of treatment followed the duration (cycle) of spermatogenesis in rats, namely 52 days. Data were analysed using the T-test independent. The results indicate a rise in variables related to spermatozoa abnormality and a reduction in spermato...

Alif Rahman Rohim Puarada*, Safika, Agustin Indrawati

... DNA sequence data were then analyzed using MEGAN6 software using the SEED subsystem. The investigation reveals a notable abundance of AMR genes, with bacitracin resistance standing out prominently, particularly associated with the prevalence of Bacillus pumilus. Metal and environmental resistance mechanisms underscore the complex adaptations within the birds’ gastrointestinal. The study highlights concern regarding the elevated presence of antibiotic re...

Sepri Reski*, Maria Endo Mahata, Montesqrit, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli

...rnix-coturnix japonica) when fed a diet containing fermented Turbinaria murayana. The study employed a completely randomized design 2x3 factorial with four replications. Factor A represents the storage temperature, comprising room temperature and refrigerator temperature, while factor B represents the storage time, namely 1, 2, and 3 weeks. The observed variables included the physical characteristics of the eggs (egg weight, shell thickness, shell weight, yolk...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1 and Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito2 no such type of comprehensive assessment study on Lemons and its cost benefit has been taken in this area. Considering the aforementioned facts, this piece of work has been taken with the objective to evaluate the per hectare economic assessment of the lemons. So, it is dire needed to conduct the research study on lemons to benefit the livelihood and pave the way for new researchers. Therefore, Integrated Pest Management strategies should be strongly recomm...

Wahid Hussein El-Dabae*, Eman Shafeek Ibrahim, Eslam Gaber Sadek, Mai Mohamed Kandil

...ic cavity of embryonated hens eggs for 20 passages. The attenuated virus was used to vaccinate 20 SPF chicks and its protective efficacy was checked. Intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) of the attenuated strain was 0.2, the mean death time (MDT) was 120 hours and infectvity titer was 7 log10 EID50/ml compared to 1.97 ICPI, 36 hours MDT, and 9.5 log10 EID50/ml of the original strain. The attenuated AOAV-1 was protective in vaccinated chicks by means of HI ...

Diding Latipudin*, Chitra Kumalasari, Lovita Adriani

...als in late-phase laying hens, which can be demonstrated by normal levels of creatinine, uric acid, and urea, thereby increasing productivity. The treatment consists T0: basal rations, T1: basal rations + 100% CM dried probiotic, T2: basal rations + 75% CM + 25% fermented MBM dried probiotic, T3: basal rations + 75% CM + 25% SM dried probiotic, and T4: basal ration + 50% CM + 25% MBM + 25% SM. Each treatment was given as much as 2% dried probiotic of the total...

Sara Brikat, Mouloud Lamtai*, Miloud Chakit, Laila Ibouzine-Dine, Ilhame Fitah, Oumaima Abouyaala, Abdelhalem Mesfioui, Aboubaker El Hessni

...alues in female animals when compared to control rats (p < 0.05). In contrast, the administration of HFD + Curc + Los lowered NO levels significantly in rats in comparison with the standard diet-treated rats (p < 0.01). In summary, our results suggest that treatments with Curc and/or Los could serve as possible therapeutic agents for memory impairment and OS provoked by HFD.
Keywords | Curcuma longa, Losartan, Memory, High ...

Ahmed K. Fahd*, Ali H. Saliem the acetic acid test when compared to the control. The formalin test revealed that both apigenin and diclofenac-treated groups reported significantly lower flinches and licks than the control. For the tail-flick test, the results have significantly increased in withdrawal time in apigenin and diclofenac-treated groups than with the control; with the ability of apigenin to relieve the pain when compared with diclofenac.

Shirina Akter Toma1, Shah Ahmed Belal2, Md Abdul Baset3, Md Nazim Uddin3* of commercially spent hens and broilers. The commercial spent hens (n=30) and broilers (n=30) were slaughtered at market age (306 days spent hen and 28 days broiler). The thigh, drumstick, breast, and wing muscles from both sides of the carcasses were separated. The right thigh, drumstick, breast, and wing meat was vacuumed pack and kept at 4°C until it was examined for cooking loss...

Muhammad Qazzafi Khan1, Iqtidar Hussain1, Ejaz Ahmad Khan1, Sara Zafar2*, Zuhair Hasnain3* and Moneeza Abbas4

...ared to local varieties when sown not later than 20th Nov.


Yaseen1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Maryam Begum3, Sumbal Bibi3, Umber3, Namra3, Abbas Khan4, Shumaila Gul5 and Raheela Taj6

...ffect, these pesticides when released into the environment lead to induced toxicity in a large number of non-target organisms. Some of these are non-biodegradable and are persistently present in environment leading to environmental pollution. These chemicals eventually reach aquatic bodies and cause various histopathological, hematological, bio-chemical and enzymatic alterations in the bodies of aquatic organisms, especially fish, leading to huge economic loss...

Kenyum Lollen1, Judith Betsy C1*, Cheryl Antony2 and Stephen Sampath Kumar J3

...rameters were analysed. Then the milt was cryopreserved with the best dilution ratio using 3 freezing protocols with two step cooling profile in programmable freezer. The spermatological properties of milt obtained from non-induced fishes were superior which was further used for short term preservation. When experimented with dilution ratio, the highest motility duration of 74.3±2.16 s was obtained at 1:10 dilution ra...

Perinçek Seçkinozan Seker

...ered Turkey from Europe when evolutionary divergence times based on BI analysis are considered.


Lijuan Liu1, Jinghang Chen2*, Min Wang3 and Wei Li4

...s due to a lack of comprehensive theoretical and practical experience guidance. Personalized customization of candidate pharmaceuticals to fulfill the needs of inhalation treatment using prodrug technology is now an alternate method of inhalation drug development. This article examines the use of prodrug technology in inhalation administration throughout the last 20 years. These studies discovered that: esterification modification or prodrug technology combine...

Shamsa Jabeen and Javed Iqbal Qazi*

..., respectively on day 7 when compared with intact control. On 14th days post-transplantation corresponding values for control and probiotics were 23.0% and 1.7 %, respectively increase when compared with the value of intact control. Current study revealed that probiotic administration in orthotropic-transplanted EDL muscle reduce CK and LDH activities in mice, which is positive indication for increase in muscle regeneration....

Sepri Reski*, Maria Endo Mahata, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli in the diet of laying hens on the external egg quality. We used a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications. The treatments consisted of five levels of fermented T. murayana seaweed meal, i.e. 0, 5, 10, 15, and 20%. We evaluated some measures such as egg weight, length, width, shape index, eggshell strength, thickness, and eggshell weight. The results indicated that the different levels of fermented T. murayana seaweed meal in ...

Kunlayaphat Wuthijaree1, Pattaraporn Tatsapong1, Sukanya Yung-Rahang2, Prayad Thirawong2, Koonphol Pongmanee2*

...backyard conditions and then slaughtered at ages 12, 14, 16 and 18 weeks. Standard parasitological procedures were used to determine the worm burden in the gastrointestinal tracts. The R software application was used to compute and assess all descriptive and analytical statistics. Based on post-mortem examination of the gastrointestinal tracts, the helminths identified, three nematode species (Ascaridia galli, Heterakis gallinarum, Capillaria spp.), and cestod...

Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory1*, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2, Majeed Ajafar1, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali1

...ll melatonin additions. When comparing total mortality to the G1 group, there was a significant improvement for the G3, G4, and G5 groups, with rates of 1.449, 1.467, and 1.425 respectively, in feed conversion ratio (FCR) compared to the G1 group, which had a rate of 1.563.
Keywords | Broiler, Environmental, Heat stress, Melatonin, Productive performance.

Nadya Indriyani1, Sri Murtini2*, Sri Darwati3, Cece Sumantri3 immunity to estimate phenotypic correlation of the statistical method of Pearson correlation analysis. The results of IgY examination in men aged 27 weeks were 9.49 ± 1.37 mg/mL and IgY in women 9.36 ± 2.89 mg/mL. AbNDV ages 0 and 2 weeks at 1.34±0.95 and 1,370.95 LOG 2 GMT. At the age of 12 weeks, the body weight of IPB-D3 chickens of G4 males is higher than that of G3 males, which is 1021.44±60.05 grams with a CV of 17.01%. Tot...

Urip Rosani1*, Iman Hernaman1, Rahmat Hidayat1, Darmawan Hidayat2

...ransmission (amplitude) when measuring samples, as well as the manufacture of a series of compact ultrasonic test systems so that they can be applied in industry or practically in the field.
Keywords | Ultrasonic Wave, Attenuation, Velocity, Rice Bran, Rice Husk

Kashif Abdaal, Aneeza Batool, Muhammad Tariq Navid*, Saeed Ahmed, Asma Saleem Qazi, Waseem Safdar, Haidar Ali, Mobeen Ur Rashid, Somia Rafaqat 


...tyl-6-chloro-2-methyl-4-phenylquinoline has been attained through convenient and efficient one-pot condensation of 3-chlorobenzophenone and acetylacetone. Its structure was elucidated by spectral data, X-ray diffraction studies and also investigated using density functional theory (DFT). Optimized geometry was obtained by performing DFT calculations at B3LYP level of theory and 6311+G (d,p) basis set. Frontier molecular orbi...



...was separated which was then digested using acids. The atomic absorption spectrophotometer was then used to analyze the heavy metals in the digested samples. The results were analyzed statistically. Two-way ANOVA was used to find out variance and correlation in all samples. The nickel concentration found in the samples of soil, forage and blood was highest in the samples collected from site II (Chak 50 SB). The bio concentra...


...ey at any concentration when used individually or in combination with antibiotic although bacteria showed resistance to Ciprofloxacin and Ceftriaxone. Brassica honey 90% was the most effective at all concentrations with a maximum of inhibition zone 11.13 mm against P. aeruginosa followed by 90% Trifolium honey with the maximum inhibition zone 10.75 mm against P. aeruginosa. The Dalbergia honey (50%) was least effective against P. aeruginosa, however it inhibit...


... be the most effective. When these compounds were investigated against C. albicans, the compounds, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 10, showed little zone of inhibition; the compounds, 6, 8, 9, 11 and 12 ,exhibited moderate activity. Compound, 13, was found to be the most effective against C. albicans. Overall, hydrazone derivatives are very effective against microorganisms and should be evaluated against other microbes to determine their anti-microbial potential.



...maize was planted in earthen pots for 15 days. After fifteen days of growth, seedlings were irrigated with saline water (120 mM NaCl) and SA was applied for 60 days simultaneously. To observe the germination, seed were also primed with same concentrations in petri dishes. After 60 days on final treatment harvesting was carried out, leaf samples were taken for analyzing biochemical attributes (protein contents, antioxidants enzyme activates). A decrease in seed...


... Cannabis sativa L., Parthenium hysterophorus L., Xanthium strumarium L., Alternanthera pungens Kunth, Trianthema portulacastrum L., Pistia stratiotes (Sw.) DC., Phragmites australis Adans., Eichhornia crassipes (C.Martius) Solms Loub. and Portulaca oleracea L. were identified in the selected area. Information regarding the family, habit and nativity of the species was also compiled. These species not only reduce the land value and crop yield but are also haza...

Wesam Jasim Hansh 

...ty in the current study when compared with other international samples in the GenBank. 7 sequences of 28S rRNA gene of F. gigentica from cows were placed in the database of the GenBank with accession numbers (LC731384, LC731385, LC731386, LC731387, LC731388, LC731389, LC731390), and 10 other sequences of F.gigentica from buffaloes (LC730609, LC730653, LC730654, LC730655, LC730656, LC730657, LC730658, LC730659, LC730660, LC730661) were also recorded in this stu...


...istan had not been comprehensively explored. This study was an attempt to provide inventory of salticids, which would be the baseline documentation for future studies in Pakistan. This survey was conducted from June 2013 to May 2017, to collect jumping spiders from twelve different localities of Pakistan. Specimens (2556) were collected which belong to twenty-eight species and twenty-one genera. This study added twenty-three first records of species from ten g...
...(2.60, 3.26 and 4.12 g) when larvae were fed on mulberry leaves dipped in 10 % Vitamin C Solution + 2 % Glycine + Alanine (T9).Significant differences were also observed in all growth parameters. Fecundity (439.67 #), Fertility (86.0%) and Hatchability (84.67%) were highest in T9which were significantly different from control (T0), 422.67, 79.33 and 76.33, respectively. Cocoon Weight (1.36 g), Shell Weight (0.33 g) and Cocoon shell percenta...


...) intraperitoneally and then livers were extracted after 3, 6 and 12 hours. All the samples were processed for gel run and thermo cycler program, which revealed alterations in the expression of hepatic mRNA (IL-6) in all loads equally confirmed by the results of housekeeping gene β-actin. Gel analysis showed changes in the folds of IL-6 in hepatic mRNA compared to control. These finding led to the conclusion that Alloxan can induce an APR, which is eviden...


...f phytochemical agents. Then its antioxidant and anti-diabetic activities were found. The results indicated the presence of carbohydrates, tannins, phenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, amino acids and proteins in crude extract with phenolic and flavonoid contents observed as 9.9 mg/g equivalent of gallic acid and 100 mg/g equivalent of rutin, respectively. Free radical sca...


...acerated in ethanol and then the crude ethanolic extract (CEE) was prepared. Adult motility assay (AMA) was carried out on adult Haemonchus contortus to analyze the anthelmintic efficacy of CEE of the whole plant and the leaves of Tribulus terrestris L and Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. The motility of insects was assessed at concentration of 2, 4, 6 & 8 mg/ml after 2, 4, 6 & 8 hours of post treatment and dead worms were noted. The 8mg/ml concentration of CE...


...Cd) concentrations in lichen along different roads having varied traffic density and to find impact of the metals on its growth in Miandam valley Swat, Pakistan. Dermatocarpon miniatum species samples were collected from control site, primary, secondary and tertiary roads and were investigated for Pb and Cd concentrations and reduction in chlorophyll contents. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis. Significant (P<0.05) vari...


... paid to understand the phenomena of compassionate care in developing countries. Therefore, current study aims to conduct an in-depth qualitative phenomenological investigation from a healthcare sector of a developing country i.e., Pakistan. For this purpose, current study conducts semi-structured interviews of registered nurses of a public sector hospital. This study selects nurses as unit of analysis because patients deal ...


...osynthesis was observed when the parameters like medium volume, buffer pH (7.0) and incubation temperature (37°C) were optimized. Antimicrobial potential of laterosporulin was also exploited using various techniques. Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and critical dilution assays (CDAs) were performed for exhibiting bacteriocin inhibitory potential against various indicator strains including Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aerugino...


...o local communities; and hence the communities with NGOs and Government departments provided local support in plantation and protection of mangroves saplings. On the brighter side, in recent years Pakistan has taken enormous steps towards tree plantation under national (Green Pakistan Programme) and provincial (Billion Tree Tsunami in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) initiatives. Through this study, we have proposed a cost-effective and convenient tree plantation-monitorin...


...e skimmed milk agar and then evaluated for keratinase production by using raw feathers as substrate in submerged fermentation. Two isolates, showing maximum enzyme production, were identified as Bacillus species on their morphological and biochemical basis. Crude enzyme revealed that Bacillus sp. IIB-B5 produced maximum keratinase (28.13 U/mL) at pH 7.0, at 40oC after 72 h incubation. While Bacillus sp. IIB-B9 showed maximum enzyme production (26.59 U/mL) at p...


...monstrated that in okra when compared with control, the sugar content and germination parameters were affected adversely by Cr application. The treatments of compost at 5 percent and farmyard manure at 2.5 percent positively affected the yield in both Cr treated and untreated plants. In comparative analysis compost appeared as more beneficial for okra than farmyard manure. Overall, the application of compost at 5 percent was found to be effective in improving ...


...mined in terms of total phenolics, total flavonoids and ascorbic acid contents. In addition, radicals (DPPH• & ABTS•+) scavenging potentials were also determined. Results revealed that drying methods have no significant influence on recovery of antioxidants from sample matrix. However, methanolic extracts exhibited highest antioxidant potential that confirmed superiority of methanol as extraction media over the other solvents used. In addition, m...


...ial to most human being when taken in at low-to-moderate amount, whereas at high amount it may have negative impact on health. Recently the caffeine is being added by companies in energy drinks and other beverages. The aim of this work was to determine the caffeine concentration, pH and acidity in a few energy drinks brands namely sting, booster six B, gourmet spark and powerful locally available in Lahore, Pakistan, and to compare the results with the labeled...


...s has been a continuous phenomenon in nosocomial and miscellaneous infections. The load of these bugs has inflated over worldwide. Microbes evolve such phenomena involving mutational processes, hyper performance of pumping out systems, synthesis of secretory saccharides, bioaccumulation and directed flagella based shifting resulting out of hypo-doses of drug stimulation. Further, the prevalence of Enterobacteriaceae member s...


...action followed by comprehensive investigation of antioxidant activity and α-amylase inhibition potential of hydroethanolic leaf extracts of Vitexnegundo. Freeze drying assisted ultrasonicated extraction revealed highest level of total phenolic contents (258.29±2.52 mgGAE/g DE) and total flavonoid content (155.91±1.75 mgRE/g DE) in 60% hydro-ethanolic V. negundo leaf extract. Furthermore, total antioxidan...


...lesterol level of laying hens were investigated. A total of 55 Lohman Brown laying hens aged 48 weeks were used. The birds were fed with basal diet supplemented with 1 g/kg (GBL1), 5 g/kg (GBL5), 10 g/kg (GBL10), 20 g/kg (GBL20) of goji berry leaves and negative control. These mentioned doses were added to per kg basal diet (166 g crude protein and 2821 kcal ME kg-1). Feed was offered limited (110 g/...


...roxidase, catalase, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia lyase) thus provides the basis for resistant in chickpea.


Olaolu Fadeyi1,2, Oluwatoyin Fabiyi3*, Tesleem Bello4 and Gabriel Olatunji5 constituents such as phenol, triterpenoids, flavonoids and other bio-active compounds. The array of fatty acid esters revealed in the GCMS result of the fractions especially fraction 52-71/Z2 is responsible for the exhibited toxicity to M. incognita with observed reduction in nematode population in roots and soil of the Okro plants. This resulted in increased fruit weight and the number of fruits per plant.


Sri Wahjuningsih1*, Ani Atul Arif1, Khaerudin2, Herlina Pratiwi3, Ardyah Ramadhina Irsanti Putri1

...7% DMSO cryoprotectant. Then the semen was equilibrated at different times and then frozen. The frozen semen was then stored in a liquid nitrogen container at a temperature of -196°C.After 24 hours, the semen was thawing at a different temperature. The evaluation of semen quality included motility, viability, plasma membrane integrity, and acrosome integrity. All data obtained were ana...

Bela Putra1*, Budi Prasetya2

...idic soil, particularly when evaluated based on mineral content and rumen fluid parameters.
Keywords | Acidic soil, Digestibility, Gamma radiation, Macro mineral, Pennisetum purpureum cv. Mott, Rumen fluids

Jacob Situmeang1, Lovita Adriani1*, Deny Saefulhadjar1, Safri Ishmayana2

... tract enzymes in laying hens. In this study, it is hoped that probiotics can increase protein levels and reduce lipid and cholesterol levels in chicken egg yolks. This study aims to determine the activity of the protease and lipase enzymes from yogurt and the effect and level of use of probiotic powder, which can increase protein and reduce lipid and cholesterol levels in chicken egg yolks. The study was conducted using a completely randomized design (CRD) wi...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Thi Tuong Vi Trang1, Thi Thuy Tien Nguyen2, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Duc Thoa Nguyen2

...f color dual-purpose VLV hens. Egg production parameters were recorded as age at first egg (AFE; days), body weight at first egg (BWFE; gram/bird), mean egg weight (MEW; gram), and accumulated number of eggs (ANE) up to 38 weeks of age. DNA collected from the wing vein at 38 weeks of age was extracted from whole blood samples of 393 VLV chickens. The 24 bp indel/PRL target gene was amplified by PCR and the product was separated by electrophoresis on 2% agarose...

Anisa Mushtaq1, Murtaz ul Hasan1*, Asim Shamim2, Muhammad Ali Abdullah Shah1, Muhmamad Arif Zafar3, Abdul Asim Farooq4, Aayesha Riaz1, Muhammad Kamran1 and Saif ur Rehman

...-2 gene. Ticks DNA were then examined by PCR employing a genetic marker that target (18S rRNA gene), for the presence of Babesia and Theileria species in identified ticks. The most common pathogen species observed in ticks was Theileria annulata. This study exposed different hard tick species are prevalent in the study area and these ticks are playing major role in transmission of protozoa (Theileria annulata). On the basis of finding of present study an area-...

Youfang Li1, Xu Li2, Shaik Althaf Hussain3, Jayasimha Rayalu Daddam4 and Zhigang Chen5*

...ituent of green tea polyphenols and quercetin, individually as well as in combination, was evaluated in animal model. In vivo evaluation was carried out on male Sprague-Dawley rats, which were divided into seven groups i.e., Group 1 animals (controls) were fed regular chow and drank water ad libitum; group 2 animals were fed chow containing 3% sodium oxalate with the administration of gentamicin (40 mg/kg) and drank water ad libitum; group 3-7 animals were fed...

Firda Arlina1*, Mangku Mundana1, Linda Suhartati1, Agmelia Jasfaria2

...dy aims to identify the phenotypes variety of the Randah Batu Kokok Balenggek chicken reared by its farmers in Solok Regency, West Sumatra. There 60 Randah Batu Kokok Balenggek chickens were sexually mature. This study used a survey method, and sampling was carried out using purposive sampling. The parameters observed were qualitative and quantitative phenotypes. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistical ana...

Muhammad Yusuf1*, Abd Latief Toleng1, Sahiruddin1, Masturi1, Hasrin1, Musdalifa Mansur2, Hendrikus Fatem3, Johan Koibur4 The heifers were then divided into two groups based on different treatments of estrous synchronization. All heifers were examined for ovarian activities prior to synchronize the estrus then subjected to either Heasynch or Select Synch protocols. The results of this study showed that inactive ovaries of dairy heifers were relatively higher in comparison to both follicular and luteal phases (58% vs. 26% and 16%). After ...

Wasan Ali Hasan1*, Manal Abdulkhaliq Ibrahim2 

...itive control (B_group) when compared to the negative control group. Both D and E_groups, when treated with famotidine, showed a significant reduction (P<0.05) in the eosinophils, neutrophils, mononuclear cells, and total white blood cell count. Additionally, the histopathological examination revealed that both of these groups showed reduced accumulation of inflammatory cells within the lungs and dilation of the bronchiol...

Srisukmawati Zainudin1,3, Hartutik2, Edhy Sudjarwo2, Osfar Sjofjan2*

... nutrient digestibility when skipjack tuna offal meal was used as a fish meal replacement. In conclusion, fermented skipjack tuna offal meal was recommended as a source protein for local chickens.
Keywords | Fatty acid, Local chicken, Nutrient digestibility, Skipjack tuna, Omega

Erika P. Grijalba-Bernal*, Fernando Rodríguez-Villamizar, Martha L. Chaparro-Rodríguez, Juan C. Ovalle, Martha I. Gómez 

...occus flavefaciens Rf). When it was stored over 6 months at 4ºC, a significant reduction (P ≤ 0.05) of viable cell counts, from 1.95 x 109 CFU/mL at time zero to 3.02 × 108 CFU/mL at 6 months, was noted; despite this, viable cell counts were never less than 1 × 108 CFU/mL; the minimum suggested for probiotic effectiveness. During in vivo trials, weanling dairy calves were given either a no-bacteria control, a freshly prepared, or stored pro...

Teedzai Chitura*

...ew aims to provide comprehensive information regarding the use of probiotics as a management tool for improving poultry performance while ensuring the production of safe meat and other poultry products. It was hypothesized that probiotic supplementation can successfully replace the use of antibiotics as growth promoters in poultry diets without causing adverse effects on growth performance and products quality. A literature search was conducted to cover the sc...

Taghreed Jabbar Humadai*, Bushra Ibrahim Al-Kaisei

...ore (1) in liver tissue when compared to untreated control group . According to the findings of the current study, tetrodotoxin has adverse toxic effects on liver tissue of male albino rats.
Keywords | Tetrodotoxin, Pathological changes, Oxidative stress, IL1, TNF alpha, Rats

Shama Sadaf1*, Ayesha Saeed1, Komal Hassan1, Zeeshan Ahmad2 and Maha Naeem Butt1

...s from turmeric powder. Then apply a dye on silk fabric after binding it with vinegar. The dye’s colour concentration and color fastness after 15 washes. This research is based on quantitative research. This is experimental research. In this study, access the color concentration on different stages and fastness after 15 washes. In a beaker 1 tablespoon were added and boiled in 100 ml distilled water at 100oC for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes the solution ...

Faheem Akbar1, Naveed Ahmed4*, Maria Mussarat1, Imtiaz Ahmed4, Dost Muhammad1, Toseef Ahmad2, Muhammad Afaq Akbar1, Shehryar Rafique3, Seemab Ali4, Sohail Aslam4, Basharat Hussain Shah4, Fayaz Ahmad4 and Muhammad Abbas Khan4

...ration in onion leaves. When the data were averaged over trichoderma levels, these parameters showed linear increases with sulfur levels up to 50 kg ha-1 and then remained unchanged or showed declining trend with further increase in sulphur levels. The mean onion fresh bulb yield increased from 14.11 t ha-1 o 18.91 t ha-1 with 50kg.ha-1 sulphur. Similarly, application of 3kg.ha-1 trichoderma seemed to be optimum level as fur...

Waseem Abbas, Imtiaz Ahmed* and Imran Khan 

... these two herbs” when compared with the CB. When the carbohydrate content of both breads was compared, the functional bread had significantly lower values (p, for all trends < 0.05), respectively, as the ratio of incorporation increased. Total starch (TS) and DS reduced non-significantly at 1 and 2 % and significantly at 3% incorporation as compared with CB. Resistant starch (RS) content of CWB increased significan...

Mehwish Zafar1, Muhammad Shahzad1*, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Quratulain3, Mehak Shehzad4 and Samreen Nazeer5*

Safdar Hassan1, Shaukat Ali Bhatti1, Fawwad Ahmad1, Asad Ullah Hyder1, Muhammad Arslan2, Ashar Mehfooz3, Ijaz Saleem3, Muhammad Umar Yaqoob4,5, Mushrraf Nazir1, Muhammad Sharif1* 

...mended (1994) level and then these diets (Zn-50; Zn-60; Zn-70) contained 50, 60, and 70 mg/kg Zn, respectively. Two hundreds day-old broiler chicks were used for this study. Each diet was fed to a group of 50 broilers (Hubbard, BW 40±3 g, mixed male and female) divided into 5 replicates from day 1 to 35 for their life, raised under the temperature of 34 ± 1.3 °C. Results revealed that FCR was reduced (P=0.006) in Zn-50 than in Zn-70, but it ...

Tianhoun Denté Fidèle1,2*, Meda Nãg-Tiéro Roland2, Zabré Geneviève3, Koama Benjamin2, Kaboré Adama1, Tamboura H. Hamidou1, Bélem Adrien Marie Gaston4 

...ried out to assay total phenolics and evaluate the in vitro anthelmintic efficacy of aqueous and hydroacetone extracts of Combretum micranthum leaves on the parasite Haemonchus contortus. Following phytochemical assay, five increasing concentrations (0.6; 1.2; 2.4; 4.8 and 9.6 mg/ml) of the two extracts were prepared and tested for egg hatching and larval development in the presence of positive (Albendazole) and negative (PBS) controls. Aqueous and hydroaceton...
Samia S. Alkhalil1, Faisal Al-Sarraj2, Abeer S. Aloufi3, Zuhair M. Mohammedsaleh4, Mamdoh S. Moawadh4, Fayez M. Saleh5, Majid Al-Zahrani6, Waheeb Aggad7, Youssef S. Alghamdi8, Mutaib M. Mashraqi9, Saleh Alshamrani9 and 
Mona H. Soliman10,11*
... efficacy of Bacillus licheniformis as a novel feed additive for control of aflatoxicosis. A total of 40 rats were equally divided into the four groups. The first group (BD) was kept as control, treated with basal diet. In second group (AF), the rats were treated with aflatoxins (28 µg/kg BW). In the third group (AFBL) the rats were treated with aflatoxins (28 µg/g BW) and Bacillus licheniformis (1 × 108 cf...

Mubashar Hussain*, Takhmina Nazir and Muhammad Faheem Malik

...nds alongside the river Chenab at Wazirabad. We collected coccinellid beetles from seven sampling sites (Behram, Wazirabad City, Khanki, Burj Cheema, Tahli da Kot, Rasool Nagar and Kot Har Auddin) by handpicking and sweeping aerial net fortnightly during 2016-2017. A total of 4589 individuals were recorded that belonged to 13 species representing six genera, three tribes and three subfamilies. The results showed that maximum number of species belong to genus E...
Muhammad Atif Raza1, Muhammad Tariq Javed2, Muhammad Fiaz1*, Muhammad Shakeel3, Muhammad Shahbaz Ul Haq2, Amna Kanwal2, Syeda Maryam Hussain1 and Muhammad Zubair Siddiqi4

Mercy Cuenca-Condoy1*, Lourdes Reinoso-García2, Juan González-Rojas2, Dionel García-Bracho3  

...a salsiccia, Bacillus weihenstephanensis, Corynebacterium xerosis, Macrococcus canis, Chryseobacterium bovis, Rothia endophytica, among others. However, Staphylococcus chromogenes, Lactobacillus mali and Staphylococcus aureus were the most frequent bacteria in cases of subclinical bovine mastitis, reaching 23.4, 10.9 and 9.5% presence, respectively; Likewise, it was found that S. chromogenes and L. mali are more frequent in mechanical milking systems; S. aureu...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar*, Riffat Maqsood, Muhammad Zain, Muhammad Suleman, Tayyab Ur Rehman, Sana Asif, Abdul Wadood and Jawad Hussain

...his study provides comprehensive information on immunization, treatment techniques, pathophysiology, epidemiology, transmission, and relevant preventive and control measures.


Iqtidar Hussain1*, Muhammad Inam Ullah Qaisrani1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Zuhair Hasnian2, Umar Khitab Saddozai1, Muhammad Naeem4, Hadia Gul5 and Moneeza Abbass3

...ext-align: justify;">Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) is one of the most aggressive herbaceous weeds of the Asteraceae family. It is widely distributed, almost across the world and has become the most important invasive weed throughout the globe. The infestation of parthenium has been reported to reduce grain and forage yields about by 40-90%. The spread of part

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Woo Kyun Kim2, Aamir Khan3 and Abubakar Sufyan4

...S) in the diet of laying hens on digesta viscosity, fecal consistency, hematology, serum biochemistry, and intestinal morphometrics during peak egg production periods. A total of 160, 28-weeks old golden misri (brown) laying hens were distributed in the following groups. A basal diet of the corn-soybean meal was formulated as a control group and a soybean meal in the basal diet was replaced with 3%SH, 6%SH, and 9% SH respect...

Abeer Alahmari1,2*

...nol (3 g kg-1) and were then orally treated with (500 mg kg-1) AME daily for 30 days. Kidney function, oxidant and antioxidant status, and histopathology alterations in renal tissue were measured. Animals that received ethanol displayed nephrotoxicity, as confirmed by markedly increased serum creatinine, urea, and uric acid levels along with histological changes, including shrunken glomeruli, necrosis, inflammatory cell infiltration, congestion, and edema. T...

Yousef Abdal Jalil Fadladdin1, Ateeq Ullah2*, Raheela Nawaz3, Yagoob Garedaghi4, Abbas M.A. Al-Azab5 and Mashael Abdullah Aldamigh6

...ow power objectives and then higher power Lense. Evidence of infection was noted by the presence of helminth eggs. Out of 200 samples 65% (n=130) were found to be infected with 2 species of soil transmitted helminths including 27% (n=54) A. lumbricoides and 35.5% (n=71) A. duodenale. Regarding ages, 11-12 years were highly infected. Females were observed to be infected more than male students. Children of unemployed mother and father were more infected than em...

Muhammad Usman1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Nasir Mehmood2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1 and Mamoona Chaudhry3

...ed the dogs immediately when checked on the 7th day followed by amoxicillin on the 21st day; whereas dogs treated with azithromycin and clindamycin did not show promising results. Besides, results of CRP showed that doxycycline had significantly (p < 0.05) greater efficacy than Azithromycin till the end of the trial and clindamycin till the 21st day. However, the comparative efficacy of doxycycline and amoxicillin showed a significantly (p < 0.05) greate...

Sedef Selviler Sizer1, Semih Kurt1*, Burcu Onuk1, Gokmen Zafer Pekmezci2 and Murat Kabak1

...t a preference priority when consuming soft tissues such as eyes, brain and muscle. This current manuscript has revealed the advantages of the hydrogen peroxide application in whitening and degreasing bone materials and killing remaining beetles at the end of the process on skull materials cleaned by Dermestes beetles.


Tanveer Jilani1*, Irfan Khan2, Asmat Salim2, Fareena Bilwani1, Bushra Moiz3 and Mohammad Perwaiz Iqbal1,4

...ed by this protocol can then be used to study normal and abnormal erythropoiesis.


Syed Makhdoom Hussain*, Hafiza Hina Shafqat, Muhammad Faisal, Mahnoor Saleem, Zeeshan Yousaf and Muhammad Amjad

... fingerlings were noted when fed with test diet-VI-based on plant mixture oil. When compared to a control diet (0%) and other oil based experimental diets, such results were significantly different. While minimum growth i.e. WG % (148.13), maximum FCR (1.43) and minimum SGR (1.29) was noted when fingerlings were fed with test diet-IV. In the current study, the best digestibility results of...

Zhenkun Zhao1,2, Ziniu Alimo2, Xinyue Zhao2, Haifen Qin1, Buddhi Dayananda3, Lichun Jiang1,2* and Wei Chen4*

Fika Yuliza Purba1,4*, Andi Magfira Satya Apada1, Andi Ariyandy2, Irwan Ismail1,4, Subaedy Yusuf3,4

...ected from Bali cattle, then grouped into 4, based on the estimated age of lesion inflicted on the animals: Group A (no lesions), Group B (early stage), Group C (advanced stage), and Group D (recovery stage). The results showed that the white blood cell and granulocyte count in Group B was significantly higher than in Group A, while the lymphocyte and mid-cell count in Group B were higher compared to the other groups. The concentration of hemoglobin and hemato...

Ali Hassan1, Javaria Ashraf1*, Salman Wahid1, Kamran Alyas1, Samaria Nisar1, Sadia Kanwal2, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Amna Bibi2 and Rameen Nawaz3

...he important biological phenomenon that has been used to select the top performing parents and hybrids in different crop plants. In cotton, heterosis of morphological and yield related traits using line × tester design is very important to identify best performing parents in future cotton breeding program. Therefore, in this study five lines (MNH-1020, MNH-1035, FH-152, CIM-632 and BS-20) were crossed with three testers (CEMB-100, RH-662 and NIAB-5) usin...

Shahbaz Hussain1, Asif Ameen2*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar3, Atif Naeem1, Ahmad Jawad1, Madad Ali1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem3, Ghulam Abbas2, Muhammad Arif2, Muhammad Ahmad Zafar4, Zahid Hassan5

...higher economic returns when rice is sown under DSR technology. 


Kanwal Razzaq1*, Mudssar Aslam1, Sana Arif2, Ansa Idrees3 and Fatima Mubashir3

...silver carp fingerlings when fed with diet containing various organic acids. Five experimental diets such as D1 contains no supplemented organic acids, while D2 contain (malic acid 2%), D3 (citric acid 2%), D4 (formic acid 2%) and D5 (lactic acid 2%) were formulated. The feeding trial time was eight weeks. Throughout experiment, water quality parameters comprising of temperature, pH and DO was checked. Results showed that organic acid supplementation increase ...

Qurrat ul Ain Shafique1, Sana Batool2, Hanfa Ashfaq2, Asima Tayyab2, Roquyya Gul3 and Mahjabeen Saleem1*

... identical to that of authentic IL-2 and enhanced the anti-tumor activity of HepG-2 as compared to MCF-7 cells. These conclusions suggest the potential use of the refolded cytokine as immunotherapeutic agent for treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma.


Ndubuisi Chinedu Adikuru1*, Paul Inyang2, Abraham Agwu Ngwuta1, Chinyere Prisca Anyanwu1 and Rosemond Adaohuru Alagba1

... to 33.1 % higher yield when compared to 2010. Based on superior grain yield and kernel number in addition to lower ASI, five varieties (TZECOMP3C2DT, DTSYN-11-YF2, DTSYN-7-WF2, OBA SUPER 2, and DTSR-WCQ) were selected from this set of drought tolerant maize varieties. These were recommended for planting as part of strategy for adapting to climate variability and change in the rainforest agroecology.

Abdel Satar Arafa the field especially when comes associated with bacterial or viral infections or with many other factors such as poor biosecurity, mal-nutrition and managemental problems. LPAIVs H9N2 in chickens tend to show more respiratory tropism with some strains also show gastrointestinal tropism. The ideal mechanism of transmission among birds varies by host species and virus strain. The respiratory and contact transmission are likely the primary routes of transmissi...

Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Masood Rabbani1*, Sohail Raza1, Ali Raza Awan2, Aleena Kokab1, and Rida Haroon Durrani1

...e spleen after 20th DPI when inoculated at the dose of 108 CFU per mice. In contrast to this, the parent RB51 strain induces splenomegaly and showed higher persistence with significantly higher splenic CFUs in the mice group at 10th and 20th DPI as compared to B. abortus ΔpurD mutant. The histopathological comparison of spleens from both groups also revealed much infiltration of giant macrophages in the B. abortus ΔpurD mice group as compared to th...
Asad Ali1*, Khalid Javed1, Imran Zahoor1, Khalid Mahmood Anjum2, Numan Sharif1, Imtiaz Ahmad3 and Aftab Hussain Aftab3
...productive traits using phenotypic records from an experimental Kajli flock in Punjab, Pakistan. Phenotypic data comprised 2501 records of litter size at birth (LSB), cumulative litter weight at birth (LWB), and mean litter weight at birth/ lamb born (LMWB), 1657 records of litter size at weaning (LSW), cumulative litter weight at weaning (LWW), and mean litter weight at weaning/ lamb weaned (LMWW), and 1674 records of lambi...

Muhammad Asif Iftikhar1, Talat Naseer Pasha2, Saima Inayat1, Khalid Javed3 and Rahman Ullah4*

...t chilling at 1-2oC and then stored at 4oC. Sensory evaluation of all yogurt samples was carried out on a 9-point hedonic scale. All the tests were carried out on day 0, 7, 14 and 21. The collected data was investigated through ANOVA technique under complete randomized design (CRD) using SAS 9.1 software. The results showed that yoghurt made from Nili Ravi buffalo milk (To) showed a significant (p≥ 0.5) overall acceptability as compared to other treatments....
Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1*
...nd productive variables when compared to the control treatment (conventional spacing used by farmers).
Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1* 
... nutritional resources. When the growth regulator was applied at a single time, that is at 50 DAS, the best average yield of raw cotton was obtained (4,642 kg ha-1). Meanwhile, the most efficient dose was that of 300 mL of MC, with which the highest yield (4,613 kg ha-1) of raw cotton was obtained. 
Julio Adolfo Corzo-Bacallao1*, Carlos Alfredo Salas-Macías1, Osvaldo Fonseca-Rodríguez2,3, Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos1, Erika Isabel Alcívar-Muñoz1 and Henry Fabricio Baque-Loor1 
.../08/2022 - 26/10/2022), phenological variables of coffee trees maintained in a study area of 50 x 50 m at a high (S1: 51-70%) and low (S3: 1-30%) shade level was compared with those obtained at an intermediate shade level considered as standard (S2: 31-50%). The phenological variables related to vegetative development (Total Branches) of coffee plants showed higher values in S2 compared to S1 and S3. These results are relate...

Aspen Abutalip*, Batyrbek Aitzhanov, Assiya Mussayeva, Vladislava Suchshikh, Natalya Yegorova

...glutination test (LAT). When preparing the diagnostic, antibodies to surface proteins associated with the flagellar antigen Clostridium chauvoei were used, which sensitised latex microparticles with a size of 0.8-1.1 microns from Thermo Fisher Scientific Corporation. In the process of testing the prepared diagnostic system with vaccine strains of the causative agent of emphysematous carbuncle used for active immunisation of animals in Kazakhstan and field expe...

Shah Zeb Khan1, Ali Hazrat1*, Farman Ali Khan2, Muhammad Yahya1, Gul Rahim1, Muhammad Mukhtiar3, Muhammad Ajmal Khan4 and Hayat Ullah1

...iched in terpenoids and phenols and the butanol fraction (BR) contained terpenoids and flavonoids. Similarly in stem fractions; HS contained alkaloids and phenols while terpenoids and Phenols were present CS. EtS showed the presence of flavonoids, while butanol fraction (BS) contained terpenoids and flavonoids. In Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) examination showed, that there were several ...

Naveed Akhtar, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Azizullah, Aamir Ali

...ies richness, lack comprehensive understanding and remain poorly documented. We studied biodiversity, species richness, and seasonal dynamics of coccinellids in two major maize-growing districts of the Punjab province, i.e., Kasur and Lahore, in 2018-2019. The coccinellids were collected from February to June during both cropping seasons. Visual counting, handpicking, sweep nets, sticky traps, and pitfall traps were employed for collection of specimens fortnig...

Muhammad Adnan Khalid1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain1*, Shafaqat Ali2,3*, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain4, Muhammad Asrar1, Nisar Ahamd5, Majid Hussain6 and Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan7

...iochar) and diet II (parthenium biochar), diet III (farmyard manure biochar), diet IV (poultry waste biochar), diet V (vegetable waste biochar) and diet VI (corncob waste biochar). Triplicate groups of 15 fingerlings were kept in V-shaped tanks. In present study, a trial of 90 days was conducted to assess the effects of different types of biochar on body composition, mineral status and antioxidant activity of Cirrhinus mrigala. At the conclusion of feeding tri...

Saira Jabeen1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Kamran Ashraf2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

...ting no adverse effects when administered to laboratory animals. Furthermore, upon comparing the effectiveness of the vaccines, it became evident that the Montanide-adjuvanted vaccine elicited significantly higher antibody titers (P<0.05) in comparison to the plain vaccine or the aluminum hydroxide-adjuvanted vaccine. Challenge protection assay revealed that Montanide and aluminum adjuvanted vaccines had 100% survival rate among rabbits compared to 16.7% of...

M.J.Al-Saadi*, Jassim E.Q.Al-Musawi 

...heat stress, especially when used at a 5% mint leaves percentage. 


Yanfei Cai1, Jiahong Feng1 and Wanlong Zhu1,2,3*

...tabolic healthy obesity phenomenon brings a new direction for research of obesity problem, but the lack of an animal of metabolic healthy obesity limits its study. Tupaia belangeri is a new type of experimental animal emerging in recent years and is extremely widely used in various disease models because of its evolutionary status and high affinity with primates. Here, in order to judge whether this new experimental animal can serve as special materials in obe...
Danish Riaz1,2, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2*, Majid Hussain3, Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan4 and Eman Naeem2
...l changed significantly when fish were given a probiotic dosage of 2.5 g/kg. Incorporating probiotics at a dose of 2.5 g/kg resulted in the best growth performance, highest nutritional digestibility, and best hematological indicators in the fingerlings. Finally, the optimal dosage of probiotics for supplementation was shown to be 2.5 g/kg.


Md. Khayrul Basher1, Sumon Sarkar2,3, Md. Samiul Haque1, Sourav Sarker4, Md. Rashedul Islam1*

...f the treatment period. Then the hematological, biochemical parameters, organ-to-body weight ratio, and morphology of the Liver and Lung were assessed. Na-arsenite exposure caused significant (p<0.05, respectively) increases in WBC count, RBC count, platelet count, hemoglobin, ESR, TCE, and RDW SD. The result also showed that serum RBS, ALT (SGPT), Alkaline phosphatase, Total cholesterol, Triglyceride, and Uric acid levels were significantly (p<0.01) hig...

Apurbo Kumar Mondal1, Md. Rabiul Auwul2, Md. Momotaj Hossen3, Md. Sodrul Islam1*, Narayan Paudyal4, Md. Shahidul Islam1 and Kazi Khalid Ibne Khalil1

...wide that offers a comprehensive picture of the prevalence of PPR in small ruminants with possible risk factors. Thus, this study will be useful in raising awareness and advocating engaging in initiatives PPR control and prevention.


Arshad Javaid1* and Iqra Haider Khan

...ent of an alien weed parthenium
(Parthenium hysterophorus L.). Initially, the effect of aqueous leaf, stem, root and flower
extracts (0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0, 3.5, 4.0%) of the weed was checked on germination
and growth of the target weed. Leaf and stem extracts showed the best herbicidal activity
and a 2.5% extract of the each plant part completely inhibited germinatio...

Rahamdad Khan1, Abdul Basit, Syed Majid Rasheed* and Syed Salim Shah

weeds; Parthenium hysterophorus and Xanthium strumarium. Distilled water was used as
control for comparison. Data were recorded for germination (%), seedlings length (cm),
shoot weight (g) and root weight (g). It was evident from the results that maximum
germination (100 %), Seedling length (7.6 cm), shoot weight (164.88 g) and root weight
(163.8 g) was recorded for control (water) treatments. Howev...
Mona Adel El-Wakeel1*, Salah El-Din Abd El-Ghany Ahmed, Sanaa Abd El Rahman Mohamed
and Nadia Khalil Messiha the
soil then sprayed with acetic acid 5% immediately. Moreover, sole spraying of acetic acid
5% treatment was sprayed on the soil surface. All treatments were applied before
transplanting directly. Results revealed that the maximum inhibition of both weeds in both
seasons (2018 and 2019) was recorded by PLP at 60g + Acetic acid 5% as compared to
unweeded control. Concerning C. annuum growth parame...
Iqra Munir1, Abdul Ghaffar2, Asad Aslam2, Muhammad Khuram Shahzad1 and
Muhammad Jafir3
portulacastrum + Chenopodium murale, while minimum mean richness of soil arthropods
(S=3±0.23) was reported from the Control group. Maximum mean abundance of soil
arthropods (14.7±4.11) was reported from T. portulacastrum + Echinochloa colona while
minimum mean abundance of soil arthropods (11.5±2.26) was reported from control group.
The data showed that the plots which had weeds provi...

Nimra Javaid1, Mukhtar Hussain Shah1, Iqra Haider Khan2, *Arshad Javaid2 and Syed Muhammad Waleed1

... exotic noxious weed parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.). Different concentrations (0, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10%) of aqueous extracts of various parts of the tested weed were used in laboratory bioassays. ANOVA revealed the significant effect of plant part bioassay and extract concentration on germination as well as various root and shoot growth parameters. Leaf extract was found as the most herbicidal where a 10% extract comp...

Mona Adel El-Wakeel1 and Ibrahim Mohamed El-Metwally1

... common bean. Estimated phenolic
compounds, flavonoids and essential oils in orange peels may be responsible for this
inhibitory effect.

Pradeep Shah1*, Shrawan Kumar Sah2, Komal Bahadur Basnet2 and Mina Nath Paudel3

...densities were recorded when Sesbania was knockdown at 42 DAS as compared with 21 and 28 DAS at all dates of observations and in both years 2015 and 2016. The weed densities at knockdown days of 35 and 42 DAS were statistically at par with each other at 45 and 105 DAS in 2016. Similarly, weed densities were significantly lower when seed rates of DDSR was increased to 75 to 100 kg ha-1 as compared to 25 to 50 kg ha-1 in both ...

Arshad Javaid, Amna Ali, Iqra Haider Khan and Amna Shoaib

...l amendment with a weed Chenopodium album L.,
on growth, yield and physiology of chickpea var. Bakhar-2011, against S. rolfsii. For this
purpose, soil was sterilized by fumigation with formaline and then inoculum of S. rolfsii was
mixed. After one week of pathogen inoculation, soil was amended with dry biomass of C.
album aerial parts at 1, 2 and 3% (w/w), irrigated and left fo...
Tabassum yaseen1*, Muzamil shah1, Khushnood Ur Rehman2 Ali Mujtaba Shah3, Gul
Nawaz1,Rani Gul4
...ensity was found in the Chenopodium album (93.00±74.02) and Scandix iberica
(89.00±92.08) at the vegetative stage. The Glomus species is dominant in the rhizospheric
soil of weeds plants followed by Aculospora, and Sclerocystis. The lowest Glomus spore
density is present in Fumaria parviflora (10.67±15.89). The spore density of AMF had a
strong positive correlation with soil pH and a negative...
Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan 1, Sadia Afzal2, Muhammad Azim
Khan3, Tasawer Abbas4, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1,
Naila Farooq5 Amir Aziz5
... at 0.25% concentration when
fruit extract was applied. Leaf aqueous extract at the concentration of 8% caused the lowest
root length (1.53 cm), shoot length (4.51 cm) and fresh weight (54.72 g) of O. punctata.
Results suggested leaf and flower extract of C. tinctorius at 8%concentration can be used
potential bio-herbicide for the control of red rice.
Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Sadia Afzal2, Ahsan Aziz1,
Rizwan Maqbool3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz4, Amjed Ali1, Muhammad
Adnan1, Durrishahwar5
...s (15.35 g) was minimum when treated with 8%
aqueous extract of C. tinctorius fruit extract. The lower concentration (0.25% to 2%) of all
the studied extracts showed a hermetic response and stimulated the root, shoot and
seedling fresh weight of E. cruss-galli. The aqueous extracts inhibitory effect was in order of
leaf > fruit > stem. This study leads to conclusion that 8% or higher concentration of C.

Shabana Mangi1, Waheed Ali Panhwar1, Abdul Manan Shaikh1, G. Sarwar Solangi2, Khalid Hussain Rind3, Nazir Ahmed Abro4, Zaibun-nisa Memon1, Gul Hafeeza Lund1 and Paras Somroo1

...nted as its body is lengthened, brown to blackish in body coloration, with densely coarse punctures on whole body, frons depressed, prontal angles tapered, lengthened, scutellum shield shaped trigonal spots, 1st to 3rd antennomers quadrates, clypeus bigonal, legs lengthened, tarsi denticated, 5 claws on tarsi, meta tarsi slightly smooth. Male genitalia (aedeagus) is wider than longer, base...

Syeda Fakehha Naqvi1, Iqra Haider Khan1 and Arshad Javaid1

...>Nettle leaf goosefoot (Chenopodium murale L.) is a common winter weed of Chenopodiaceae. Studies have shown that extracts of this weed possess antioxidant, antimicrobial, larvicidal and nematicidal activities. In the present study, n-hexane soluble fraction of methanolic stem extract of this weed was subjected to GC-MS analysis to identify various biologically active constituents. There were 28 compounds in this fraction. M...

Haroon Khan1*, M. Mubassir Khan1, Bakhitar Gul1, M. Fawad1 and Imtiaz Khan1 Weeds have greater phenotypic plasticity and hence are more pliable to changing climate. They establish easily into new areas and, become invasive over the native vegetation. To study the adaptability of invasive weeds and their status among the native plant community, a field survey was carried out from July - September 2017 at New Developmental Farm (NDF), Malakandher, The University of Agriculture, Peshawar (UAP). Da...
Barkatullah1, Sumayya Noreen1.Khushnood Ur Rehman1, Zahid Ali Butt2, Tabassum
Yaseen3, Kamran Akbar3, and Salma Noreen3
and then mulching. From the above experiment, it is strongly suggested that the tested
portions of Z. mauritania have significant negative allelopathic effects on the tested plant
species. Additional study is mandatory to understand its allelopathic performance in field
conditions contrary to its related types and to recognize the noxious value.
Imtiaz Khan,1 Muhammad Kabir, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Haroon Khan, Saima
Hashim and Muhammad Azim Khan
Chenopodium album and Rumex crispus. The obtained results indicated that sowing
methods were statistically significant for plant height, grains spike-1,1000grain weight and
biological yield that showed a clear effectiveness of the recorded data parameters. In
addition to this, herbicides applications were also statistically significant for all the
parameters except grains spike-1, while th...
Kamran Ahmed Pathan1 , Waheed Ali Panhwar1,*, Abdul Manan Shaikh1, Safdar Ali
Ujan1, Javed Ahmed Ujan1, Khadim Hussain Memon1, Irfan Ahmed Pathan1 and
Shabana Mangi1
...cus (Sharp, 1905), Dorysthenes hugelii (Redtenbacher, 1848) were
reported first time from Pakistan. Additionally, the association of various plants with the
species is provided for the first time. This study will be a baseline for the future research
associated with longhorn beetles.

*Arshad Javaid1, Syeda Fakehha Naqvi1 and Iqra Haider Khan1 in nature.

Shabnam Javed1 and Amna Shoaib2

...hyl-thiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide]. Results revealed nhexane
and ethyl acetate fraction being the most potent against all test cancer cell lines
with higher IC50 values. Both fractions also exhibited the maximum reduction in the cell
viability in dose dependent manner. Preliminary results suggest the promising anticancer
potential of n-hexane and ethyl acetate S. tomentosa against lung A-549, hepa...
Muhammad Saleem Chang*[1], Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro2, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi4, Jay Kumar Sootaher*3, Piar Ali Shar3, Kashif Ali Buriro2, Nadia Mangrio5, Zafarullah Channa3

Gulshan Riaz1, Zaheer-ud-din Khan1, Muhammad Umer Farooq Awan1, Andleeb Anwar Sardar1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Sarah Maryam Malik and Sohaib Muhammad1

...uphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Papaveraceae, Zygophyllaceae and so on. Asphodelus tenuifolius, Medicago monantha and Carthamus oxyacantha are frequently occurring weeds relative to others. Two-Way Indicator Species Analysis (TWINSPAN) was performed on the percentage cover basis which divided the weed species into groups, sub groups, associations and sub associations.


Khushdil Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Zafar1, Khafsa Malik2, Shazia Sultana1, Shabir Ahmad1, Fawad Khan3, Asif kamal1, Kalim Ullah3

...phorbia helioscopia, Parthenium hysterophorus, Rhazya stricta, Datura innoxia, Eruca sativa, Convolvulus arvensis, Anagallis arvensis, Galium aparine, and Anethum graveolens. Slides for light microscopic studies were prepared using materials of acetic acid, glycerin jelly and anthers of flowers. Pollen grain recorded ranged from monocolpate to hexacolporate and from psilate to echinate which were important systematic significance. Pollen size, shape, ratio of ...

Iqtidar Hussain1, Ejaz Ahmed Khan1, Jawad Nazir and Ehtesham-ul-Haq1

... justify;">A biological phenomenon by which one plant releases some chemicals in the environment that affect the rate of germination, seedling emergence, physiology and overall growth of neighbouring plants is called allelopathy. The significance of study was checked allelopathic phytochemical potential of white cedar vern. Bakain (Melia azedarachL.) leaves on wheat.Leaveslitter was used to examine the allelopathic effects of M.azedarach at five concentrations...

Muhammad Nasir Mazhar1, Muhammad Arif*, Naeem Akhtar1 and Muhammad Shafiq1 and Muhammad Yousaf1

...contributing attributes, hence produced maximum grain yield.


Abdullah1, Syed Mukarram Shah2, Adnan Ali Shah1, Murad Muhammad1, Muhammad Abdussalam1, Khushnood Ur Rehman3 and Haroon Khan4*

...ess the phytodiversity, phenology, leaf size, leaf shape and life form of weed flora of village Sufaid Sung, Peshawar from March 2018 to June 2020. Overall, 95 plant species associated with 31 families have been recorded. Among them Poaceae (22 species), Asteraceae (10 species) followed by Amaranthaceae and Papilionaceae (6 species each), Brassicaceae and Polygonaceae (5 species each), Euphorbiaceae and Solanaceae (4 species each), Che...

Makruf Arif1, Asmarani Kusumawati2*, Kurniawan Dwi Prihantoko3, Agustina Dwi Wijayanti4, Sri Gustari2 six KUB roosters and then diluted with the LREY extender using five different treatments: LREY without antioxidant as control (LREY0), LREY supplemented with genistein at 5 µM (LREY5), genistein at 10 µM (LREY10), glutathione at 0.2 mM (LREY2), and glutathione at 0.4 mM (LREY4). The semen was evaluated after dilution, equilibration, and thawing. The evaluation criteria included sperm motility, recovery rate, viability, membrane integrity, and DN...

Nittaya Thongtip1, Sukanya Poolthajit1, Sirikhan Thartrak1, Qiongxian Yan2, Suntorn Wittayakun1* 

...enefit to animal health when growing male goats were fed high-concentrate diets. Further longer-term trials should be conducted to determine additional effects on productive performance and changes in semen quality. 


Liyun Chang1*, Yumei Cai1, Chenghui Li1 and Jianhua Qin2*

...respectively, and strengthened immunity one week later. At 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th day post-injection, respectively, after extracting the total DNA from fresh tissues of immunized chickens, the 3-1E gene was amplified by PCR, the serum IgG antibody was detected by routine ELISA, peripheral blood lymphocyte proliferation response was evaluated by cell proliferation assay. The results showed that a target band of 583 bp was obtained by PCR in DNA vaccine PLG...

Wafaa M. A. El-Nagdi1*, Ahmed E.A. Mahgoob2, Mahmoud M.A. Youssef1, Mona M.S. Zayed3, Entesar H. Taha2 and Nora R.A. Saleh1

...lonization was achieved when added at 7 days before nematode inoculation. Also, when AMF alone was applied at 7 days before nematode inoculation, it caused the highest percentage of colonization (60%). It could be concluded that the consortium treatment with AMF and P. fluorescens significantly decreased M. incognita on eggplant more than single treatments. 


Aya A. Saber1, Mohamed Fawzy2*, MokhtarM. EL-Tarabili2, Eman K. El Sayed2

...and 102.4 in a group 3, then it declined to 3.6 in both groups at the 6th-month post-second dose. Indirect ELISA test results validated and confirmed the SNT results. Simultaneous Vaccination of cattle with BEF and RVF vaccines had no negative effect on the calves’ immune response as all vaccinated calves augmented acceptable levels of BEF and RVF specific antibodies. Therefore, calves can be vaccinated simultaneously against BEF and RVF safely with prot...

Claude Mona Airin1*, Miyayu Soneta Sofyan2, Galy Hardyta3, Khrisdiana Putri4, Pudji Astuti1

...rses is often forgotten when visitors overflow during peak season at minizoo rides. We aimed to determine how many tourists and horse riders affect their cortisol levels and the tri and tetraiodothyronine (T3/T4) ratio. We employed three riding horses at the Jogja Exotarium (JE), Yogyakarta. Fecal samples were collected in the morning, afternoon, and evening for seven days, during low and high numbers of visitors. The collected fecal samples were freeze-dried ...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito2, Bhugro Mal3 and Naseem Qureshi4

...nst this potential pest, hence recommended. Given district is regarded as the date palm biodiversity centre, here more than three hundred date palm varieties are being grown. It is strongly needed to develop new strategies with combination of commercial botanical pesticides. As an alternative and minimize the toxic chemical pesticides, because botanical insecticides are sustainable control mechanisms that show the potential to earn profitable yield.


Fitrimawati*, James Hellyward

...and also buffalo, laying hens, broilers, local chickens and ducks. The data obtained were analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This research produces the leading commodities competitively and becomes the priority to be developed in West Sumatera, such as the beef cattle, goats and also buffalos, broilers, local chickens and ducks. Based on competitiveness concept, the first important priority which must be noticed in the development of...

Tebogo Letsukulo Percy Thepa, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...y was to conduct a comprehensive literature evaluation of the association between ovine growth traits and the SNPs of the MSTN gene. Four databases (PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar) were systematically evaluated using the keywords sheep, MSTN, polymorphism, genetic variation, growth traits, gene polymorphism, skeletal muscle growth, GDF-8, without any year of publication restrictions and 8 studies were found to be eligible. The results...

Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Hammad Ud Din1 and Fazli Amin1

...gnificant variations in phenological parameters, specifically days to flowering and days to maturity, among the tested Sesame varieties at a significance level of (P < 0.01). Similarly, significant effect was also observed for seed yield and other yield attributing traits. Numerically, the top-performing Sesame varieties in terms of seed yield were Till-18 (11 qt/ha), TS-3 (10.3 qt/ha), and DM-14 (10 qt/ha), and they are recommended for the specific communi...

Ashar Farooq1*, Farrukh Waheed1 and Asad Abbas Khan2

...erence to these species when found in association with Cenchrus ciliaris and Cynodon dactylon. Therefore, it is recommended that there is a need for ecological management of the degraded rangelands through restoration efforts, manipulation of grazing system and regularization of grazing according to carrying capacity of the area to make the conditions better.


Mansoor Ali Khan*, Khalid Imran, Zahid Rauf, Tanvir Hussain, Muhammad Umair Khan and Sajid Ali

...), Vit-C (1.36%), total phenol contents (180.00mg/100g), calcium (11.00mg/100g), magnesium (16.50mg/100g), manganese (0.12mg/100g) and potassium (373.20mg/100g) were maximum in the famous Kohat variety of guava. Alkaloids (0.60%), pectin (0.10%) lipids (2%), and zinc (0.34mg/100g) were maximum in Lahore (Punjab) variety, while ash, acidity carbohydrates and copper were found in greater amount in Karak and Mardan varieties of guava respectively. Additionally, t...

Yanhong Zhao, Bo Guo, Lin Fu, Biao Liu and Jing Xue*

...ell leukemia (LCL), and then provide scientific data for clinical typing of lymph node cell leukemia. The BMFC typing and PI data of 86 patients with LCL admitted to our hospital from January 2018 to January 2022 were retrospectively analyzed to compare the BMFC typing and PI expression, and investigate the differences in PI results among patients with different BMFC typing. There were significant differences in bone marrow flow cytometry immunogen level betwe...

Youlin Fu1, Zhongming Yang1 and Chongrong Qiu2*

...addition of 100nM IBTX. When the PC of coronary smooth muscle cells of hypertensive rats was + 120mV, + 110mV, + 100mV and + 90mV, the current density after 3mm4-AP inhibition was strikingly higher than that of rats in Wistar group. The tail current of BK channel was recorded by 4-AP inhibition, and the current density of hypertensive rats was dramatically higher than that of rats in Wistar group. There was no significant difference in BK channel BK α pr...
Subhan ud Din,Rahamdad Khan,IJAZ AHMAD KHAN,MUHAMMAD WAQAS,Ijaz Ahmad,OBAID UR REHMAN,Muhammad Haroon,Muhammad Ramzan
FAZAL MUNSIF,Wiqar Ahmad,Farmanullah Khan,Sadiq Hussain,Ijaz Ahmad,Mujahid Shah,Wasiullah Malik
Akhlaq Ahmad,ALI SHAN,Murad Ali,Murad Ali,Inamullah,MUHAMMAD BILAL,SAJJAD ZAHEER
Asif Tanveer,Muhammad Ehsan Safdar,Ali Zohaib,Abdul Khaliq,Muhammad Tahir
Ijaz Ahmad,FAZAL MUNSIF,Rizwan Ullah Shah,Wiqar Ahmad,Wasiullah Malik,Mushtaq Ahmad Jadoon,IMRAN KHAN,Sadiq Hussain
Mohammad Arif , Kawsar Ali , Fazal Munsif , Wiqar Ahmad , Akhlaq Ahmad ,Khalid Naveed
Tanzeela Ibrahim, Rana Abrar Hussain, Zahar Noreen and Irum Mukhtar
Mushtaq Ahmad Khan, Abdul Basir, Muhammad Adnan, Abdul Sattar Shah, Muhammad Noor, Abid Khan, Jawad Ali Shah1,Zohaib Ali and Abdur Rahman
Asma Saeed , Muhammad Salim Marwat, Arshad Mahmood Chohan, Abdul Haleem Shah, Rubina Naz , Jaweria Gul , Muhammad Zeeshan Bhatti and Ahmad Saeed

Sheng Zhang, Rui Qiu, Zhiping Lv, Liying Yang and Wei He*

...tal group (NSCLCP), and then all these participants receive standardized bronchoalveolar lavage. Participants’ general data are collected and analyzed. EphA2 expression and PRMT1 expression in blood samples are determined by ELISA, and EphA2 protein and PRMT1 protein in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) samples are determined by western blotting, and then EphA2 mRNA and PRMT1 mRNA in BALF samples are determined by RT...

Aftab Khan*, Yasir Khan and Saleem Iqbal 

...8 percent respectively. When compared to the Weiner filter and TV deblurring in the case of naturally blurred images, the Richardson-Lucy deblurred images are 52 and 41 percent higher in terms of quality. The process can further benefit from the use of super-resolution techniques. This study’s fusion-based approach not only advances the field of blind image deblurring, but it also has great potential to improve image quality and accuracy across a range o...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Sarzamin khan1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Abubakar Sufyan2 and Muhammad Ayaz3

...parameters in the laying hens during the early (29 to 32 weeks) peak production period. Two hundred golden brown (RIR×Fayoumi) layer birds of age 28 weeks were used for the experimental purpose and were assigned into five groups CON, T1, T2, T3, and T4. Each group contained 4 replicates with 10 birds per replicate. The CON group had a corn-soybean basal diet while the T1 group had 3%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, T2 3%SH+30mg/kg enzyme, T3 9%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, and T...
Muhammad Faisal1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain1*, Majid Hussain2
Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan3, Zeeshan Yousaf1 and Muhammad Amjad1
...rlings cultured in 6 earthen ponds. In order to formulate experimental diets, MOLM was used as test ingredient. MOLM was used to replace fish meal (FM) in the diet at varying levels of 0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, respectively. There were five experimental diets and one control diet used during the trial. Fingerlings were placed in a cemented pond for fifteen days under laboratory conditions for acclimatization. There were 15 fingerlings put into each of t...

Muddasir Khan1, Siraj-Ud-Din1, Muhammad Farooq2* and Sanam Zarif2

...pecies (3.539%). It was then followed by Mimosaceae having 2 genera (2.173%) and 3 species (2.654 %). Thus the largest dicot family in Malakand Pass Hills was Lamiaceae having 9 genera and 11 species which was followed by the largest family Asteraceae, comprising 8 genera and 10 species which was followed by Papilionaceae having 6 genera and 7 species. It was again followed by Euphorbiaceae and Solanaceae comprising 4 genera and 7 species each. The families Be...

Majeed Ajafar1, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory1*, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2

...mpared to treatment T2. When injected at 18 days of age of the embryos, there was a significant (P < 0.01) improvement for G6 groups in the hatching rate and embryonic mortality rate. Additionally, all LPL injection groups showed significant improvements in the weight of hatched chicks, activity, and leg length compared with the control groups. In the chicks’ length, chick activity increased significantly (P < 0.01) in the G4, G5, and G6 groups. Wi...

Katleho Lephuting, Lebelo Joyceline Selala, Kwena Mokoena, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...mple linear regression. Phenotypic correlation results indicated that SC (r = 0.90) and TL (r = 0.86) had a highly positive statistically significant correlation with BW (p < 0.01). Testicular measurement traits are positively correlated with each other (p < 0.05). These findings suggest that when the measured testicular measurement traits increase the BW of the Savanna breeding bucks also improves. Regression analysis...

Kingsley O. Omeje1, Juliet N. Ozioko2, Amaechi L. Ogara2, Benjamin O. Ezema2* and Dilibe C. Urama3

Quart ul Ain1, Arfan Ahmad1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1 and Mamoona Chaudhry2

... significant (P>0.5) when compared local with imported vaccine and control groups. Post challenge infection, virus shedding started on 3rd day in group D while in all vaccinated groups it was (A: 730, B: 470 and D: 430 copies) on 4th day PCI and was maximum on 6 days PCI (A: 1940, B:1645 and D: 1550 copies) followed by decline. The shedding of virus stopped on 12th day PCI in groups (B and C) while it stopped on 15th day PCI in group A, however in group D, ...

Safdar Abbas1, Jawaria Ali Khan1*, Syed Saleem Ahmed1 and Aftab Ahmed Anjum2

...een samples, which were then subjected to RT-PCR for molecular characterization. For the haemato-biochemical analysis, blood was taken from calves infected with BCoV. A questionnaire was used to collect information about the risk factors associated with the occurrence of BCoV infection. BCoV infection was found in 3.5% (7/200) of calves using diagnostic screening kits and 3.0% (6/200) of calves using RT-PCR. Breed, age, sex, vomiting, previous history of diarr...

Abdul Rahman Sesay1,2, Muhammad Saif-ur-Rehman1*, Faisal Ramzan1 and Faisal Saeed Awan3

...atisfactory performance when fed low-quality roughages. Domestication and breeding of mammals have exerted a consistent selection pressure on a wide range of characteristics in many domesticated species, resulting in discernible genetic modifications at the individual genome level. The study aimed to discover and analyze potential indicators of recent selection in Sahiwal cattle, specifically identifying the genes and quantitative trait loci associated with th...
Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Abubakar Sufyan2 and Hammad Ullah3
...parameters in the laying hens during the early (29 to 32 weeks) peak production period. Two hundred golden brown (RIR × Fayoumi) layer birds, 28 weeks old, were used for the experimental purpose and were assigned into five groups CON, T1, T2, T3, and T4. Each group contained 4 replicates with 10 birds per replicate. The CON group had a corn-soybean basal diet while the T1 group had 3%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, T2 3%SH+30mg/kg enzyme, T3 9%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, and ...

Asad Sultan1, Ziaul Islam2*, Faiza Shahzadi3, Sarzamin Khan1, Rafiullah Khan1 and Ihsan Ali4

...litter nitrogen content when compared to the non-supplemented group. The chicks that received liquid Y. schidigera had reduced total bacterial counts (p<0.05), Escherichia coli, and a non-significant increase in the number of lactic acid-producing bacteria. They also showed increased activity of antioxidant enzymes and decreased levels of lipid peroxidation biomarkers, without a harmful effect on liver and kidney function. In conclusion, the use of natural ...

Abdur Rahman Khan1*, Mansoor Ali Khan1, Abdur Rehman1 and Muhammad Umair Khan1

...e urea formaldehyde and phenol formaldehyde. The uses of nanotechnology in present day are flourishing in many fields, because of its unique properties. Nanomaterials are those materials, which have a size in between 1-100 nm. Nano level sized materials show distinct physical and mechanical properties and incomparable chemical and biological properties. Nano based composite wood products are manufactured now a days by incorporating different nanomaterials in t...

Basheer Ahmad, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

...f timber resources and, when well-managed, can significantly enhance agriculture and mitigate wood shortages. Despite concentrated efforts to familiarize and encourage innovative agri-forestry practices in Pakistan, the achievement of such initiatives is influenced by various factors. This paper examines the current limitations to agri forestry promotion in the country, which include attitudes of extension staff, weak coordination between research and extensio...

Arshama Sheraz1, Shabir Ahmed1*, Sardar Azhar Mehmood1, Wali Khan2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Fiza Sadiq Awan1

...the amphibians fauna and hence its conservation in various terrestrial environments and water bodies of the Abbottabad district.
Salman Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Basheer Ahmad1, Nowsherwan Zarif1* and Saif Ullah Khan1
...restry in order to comprehend the effects of agroforestry practices on farmers in Tehsil Thana, District Malakand, KP. A structured questionnaire was used to gather the necessary data from 40 respondents using a two-stage random sampling procedure. According to our findings, 72% of respondents are farmers, 20% work for the government, and 8% are labourers. Poplar is the species most frequently used in agroforestry, accounting for 52% of all plantings, followed...
Syed Farooq Shah1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Zahid Rauf1, Anwar Ali1, Ghayyas Ahmed1, Basheer Ahmed1, Salman Ahmad1 and Saifullah1
... enhance outputs, strengthen the economy, improve the environment, and retain societal acceptance. Thus, there is an urgent need to develop agroforestry across the province. This will increase agricultural revenue, reduce land degradation, raise agro-biodiversity, and increase carbon stocks in farming systems. The Peshawar area of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in Pakistan underwent a survey of farm households to study the factors that affect the potential of agroforestry...
Afra Siab1, Saif Ullah Khan1, Anwar Ali1, Nowsherwan Zarif1, Basheer Ahmad1, Salman Ahmad1
...ict Bannu. For the comprehensive study of agroforestry both primary and secondary data were obtained. Major portion of secondary data was obtained from Census Report (2017) of district Bannu. Primary data were collected by a well-designed questionnaire, which was developed by keeping in view of the purpose of study. For this purpose, both close-ended and open-ended questions were prepared and key farmers were interviewed. The study was conducted for the purpos...
Basheer Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Salman Ahmad1, Nowsherwan Zarif1* and Saif Ullah Khan1
... patterns have changed. When it came to the availability of timber, the data showed that 24% of respondents bought their wood from plantations and 32% bought it from marketplaces, farms, and other places. According to the results, more than 70% of respondents think that the BTAP provides several employment opportunities. The remaining 30% claimed there had not been any job creation. The indigenous populace, however, is drawn to plantations and nursery-raising....
Sanam Zarif Satti1, Tanvir Ahmad Quereshi2, Mehwish Zarif3 and Iftikhar Ahmad4
...species promising total phenolics total flavonoids and antioxidant activity was observed. Highest value of total phenolic content was observed for B.aristata (80.25 mg GAE g-1) while lowest values was recorded for C. oblique (10.25 mg GAE g-1), highest value of flavonoid content was recorded as (38.5 mg QE g-1) and comparatively highest value of antioxidant activity was recorded...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Hassan Sher2, Junaid Khan2, Shahid Hussain2, Ashfaq Ali2 and Atif Majeed3
...using a simple and comprehensive questionnaire which was specially designed to meet the requirements of the present study. Interviews were arranged with knowledgeable persons and for validation purpose field visits were arranged. Data about conservation status was obtained through quadrate method. The study reported 40 herbaceous medicinal plants belonging to 33 different angiosperm families used by local people to cure different ailments. Lamiaceae was repres...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...led. These samples were then used for further investigation. The soil layer, cover, depth, water holding capacity texture, pH, total organic matter, calcium carbonate (CaCO3), percent nitrogen (%N), phosphorus (%P) and potassium (%K) were determined in the soil of selected area through recommended analytical procedures. We found that the soil of Utror valley Kalam Swat is feasible for the growth of Morels besides recommendations for ex-situe ...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
...iques are not available then the hanging threads should be placed in a clean and well aerated spot for proper de-moisturization and re-examination of the dried morels is must before packing....
Mazhar Iqbal, Ashar Farooq, Zulfiqar Ali Sheikh and Waseem Abbas
Mubashir Jamil Khan1, Asad Abbas Khan2, Amir Saleem1, Lateef M. A.1, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Mushtaq2, Abdul Ghaffoor2 Amna Btool1 and Arsalan Ali Khan1 to winter season and then reverse from winter to spring in the major range grass species of Kherimurat....
Muhammad Imran, Muhammad Anwar Panezai and Ashif Sajjad
...overty is a wide spread phenomenon. According to the findings, the people are having very low income. Sherani District is mainly rural area i.e. Poverty is prevalent on larger scale. Although many people have migrated and are working in urban areas like moving toward Dubai and Arab Emirate for their livelihood. In the light of different observations it is crystal clear that Government with very low resources has not done any progress in the development of the ...
A. S. M. Helal Siddiqui1, Abul Khair2, M. Masudur Rahman3 and S.M. Mosfeka Hasnin4 with small twigs and then gradually larger branches die. To know the status of heart rot and its causal organism the research works were conducted from 2007 to 2009 at different locations in the Sundarbans. The locations are Baniakhali, Chunkuri, Kalabogi, Kashiabad, Bojboja and Supati. The result shows that heart rot affected percentages are 64%, 62% and 60%, 54% and 48%, 17% respectively. Very low amount of trees are affected at Supati located in the fres...
Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry1, Ashar Farooq2 and Ghulam Muhammad3
... was slightly less than when grown along the north-south oriented tree rows. Adverse effect on yield was noticed up to 1.38 times the average height of tree row on northern aspect; 0.72 times the average height of tree rows on southern aspect; 1.28 times the average height of tree row on eastern aspect and 1.22 times the average height of tree row on western aspect, respectively. Tree rows with close spacing and large crowns produced more adverse effect. Adver...
Mazhar Iqbal1, Ahmad Hussain2 and Zulfiqar Ali Sheikh3 availability of comprehensive and upto date inventory and growth information; weak law enforcement; limited JFMC 's skills; and out-dated harvesting system were some of the identified governance issues that needs redressal both at policy and implementation level.

Keywords: Forest Governance, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Joint Forest Management

Madiha Batool, Tariq Khan, Mazhar Iqbal and Anwar Ali
...fuelwood consumption and hence pressure on the forests. Similarly, the technology has contributed significantly in improving the socio-economic condition of the households using this technology.

Key Words: Solar Water Heaters, Forest Conservations, Social and economic impacts, Fuel Wood

Muhammad Bilal Zia and Muhammad Tahir Laeeq
.... The genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were higher i.e. 23.43% and 24.36% for DBH. During the study of both years this trait also showed genetic consistency for these coefficients, broad sense heritability (0.93, 0.96) and genetic advance (2.62, 2.92). Based on these findings it is suggested that P. catalpifolia and P. tomentosa may be more appropriate in species improvement programme and for further field cultivation.
Muhammad Tahir Laeeq and Muhammad Asif Aziz of four sizes of polythene bags (17.8 x 10.6 cm, 17.8 x 8.9 cm, 16.5 x 10.6 cm and 20.3 x 10.2 cm).

The result of fertilizer experiment revealed that control seedlings and those treated at intervals of 4,6 and 8 days with urea gave significantly better survival as compared to those seedlings treated at an intervals 2 days. However, height growth of control seedlings was found significantly better than those of seedlings treated at intervals of 2, ...

Ghulam Mustafa Nasir and Khalid Hussain Solangi
... preservative treatment when used as solid wood. However, preservation and seasoning behavior of the wood may be slow. Pilu wood may be medium in density and strength and can also be used for manufacturing of particleboard and pulp and paper in addition to its conventional uses....
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Muhammad Yousaf Khan Syed Zakir Hussain Shah and Khalid Jan
...tchment of river Indus. When the snow accumulated during the winter in the extreme north of the country melts during the summer, about half million cusecs water is produced in Indus river. The water resulted from the snow melting on its way flowing towards south, joins the runoff water of the same quantity received through monsoon rains in the low lying areas during these months and thus the quantity of water is doubled in the Indus Basin. The result is thus f...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim, Sohail Sikander and Shabbir Mughal and were sown in polythene tubes filled with a mixture of soil, sand and farm yard manure in equal proportion for germination test. It was found that seed lot treated with 300 ppm solution of Gibberellic acid give highest germination percentage....
Anwar Ali, Ayaz Khan and Hakim Shah be achieved by strengthening research and extension services in the agroforestry sector, providing incentives to farmers to grow trees on their farmlands and developing their capacities to produce quality planting stock at local level and manage farm plantations....
Ch. Muhammad Muslim and Sohail Sikander
...son of 4 to 6 months and hence require a prolong growth periods of 6 to 10 years depending upon plant species concerned. Disturbance in the regeneration pattern is also affected by heavy grazing and intensive felling of trees in particular area. Due to increase in population and simultaneously of animals the grazing pressure has increased tremendously and thus unpalatable or even poisonous plants though not eaten but are trampled so heavily that regeneration a...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Miskeen Ali
...plant (NB). The highest phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was 48.19% in TSL, and the lowest PCV was 4.01% in moisture content. The PCV was slightly greater than GCV in all the traits. The heritability (h2), in broader sense, was ranged between 0.50% and 1.0%. Seven agronomic traits have h2 >0.80%. The highest genetic advance (GA) was in TSL (75.95%) and the lowest in inter-nodal distance (0.78%). Cluster analysis sho...
Tanvir Hussain
...inst natural weathering when compared with uncoated area. The maximum natural and induced weathering resistance was observed in Cedrela toona and Ficus palmata....
GPS Dhillon, Avtar Singh and DS Sidhu
....320 m3. The phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were relatively higher for volume (11.15-31.78%) and the minimum for tree height (4.71-13.65%). The broad sense heritability ranged from 29.68 to 73.11 per cent with relatively higher values for diameter (36.07-73.11%) and height (44.73-54.81 %). The genetic advance was lowest for height (6.49-14.10% of mean) and relatively higher for wood volume (12.51-38.96%). The study indicated that...
Ashar Farooq, Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry and Ghulam Muhammad relatively less than when grown along the north-south oriented tree rows. Minimum percent reduction in cotton yield (7.47%) on western aspect was observed where Eucalyptus was planted on main water channel and excessive amount of irrigation water was always available to the trees to meet their most of moisture and nutrient requirement. Plant density was significantly affected on northern, eastern and western aspects up to 7 m distance from the base of tree ...
Muhammad Afzal, Aqeela Mobeen Akhtar and M. Mahboob-ur-Rahman
...tinues until mid-April, when the summer heat sets in. The spring monsoon has either skipped over the area or has caused it to rain so hard that floods have resulted. June and July are oppressively hot. Although official estimates rarely place the temperature above 46oC, newspaper sources claim that it reaches 51oC and regularly carry reports about people who have succumbed to the heat. Heat records were broken in Multan in June 1993, w
Mamoona Wali Muhammad and Iftekhar Ahmed
...h was at first priority then shelter and progress of wild birds, shelter and progress of vertebrates, fuel wood, protection barriers for villages, control on tides and erosion of coastal banks, environment apiculture and eco-tourism respectively.

100% of the respondents were in favor of social forestry schemes in the area and 92% of them were willing to plant coconut or date palm at their village, otak or house. Only 4% of the respondents reported t...

Ch. Muhammad Muslim, Muhammad Shabbir Mughal and Imtiaz Hussain
...ound in shape and small when it flowers. Flowers are 1-2 inches in length and 1.5 inches broad. The flowers are hermaphrodite. Fruit is 0.5-1 inches in length and bear seeds. Seeds are 2-3 mm in diameter and are ovate in shape. These are light brown in colour and are bitter to taste. A trial of Colchicum luteum was laid out in March, 2003 at Medicinal Plants Farm, Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. Various portions of corms i.e., Daughter, Full and Mo...
Tanvir Hussain
...grown young plants were then transferred to hydroponic conditions for maturity. For this purpose MS (Full-strength, 1/2, 1/4), B.N.M and Hooglands solution were used. It was researched out that 1/4 MS (pH 5.8) and B.N.M. (pH 5.8) gave excellent results. The study concluded that water hyacinth can be cultured and established in-situ by using usual techniques and methodologies of tissue culture....
G. M. Nasir
...h wood is more suitable when the product strength is an important factor....
J. Kayode
...ecies are now endangered hence conservation strategies that could ensure their continuous supply was proposed.

Keywords: Timber, Supply pattern, Conservation, Ekiti State, Nigeria

Shad K. Khalil, John G. Mexal, Abdur Rehman, A. Z. Khan and Iftikhar Hussain Khalil
... reducing MC to 85% and then refrigerated for the above duration. Seeds were sown in the greenhouse in Ray-Leach tubes at Fabian Garcia Center, New Mexico State University, USA. Seed soaked in distilled water for more than 4 days failed to germinate. Seed refrigerated after 1 day soaking had increased total emergence, reduced days to 50% emergence (T50). However, none of the treatments produced significantly heavier seedlings. Early emerged seedlings resulted ...
Majid Azizi and Mohammad Modarres
... A control hierarchy is then created and prioritized using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to evaluate the control criteria of the system. There are a total of 19 control criteria in the system and each controls a decision network evaluated using the ANP. The final synthesis of the system shows external procurement is the best choice.

Keywords: AHP, ANP, BOCR, paper industry.

Iqbal Mahmood also better strength when compared with other commercial hardwoods and is recommended for a number of uses. ...
Majid Azizi
... of the indicators were then established by Analytical Hierarchy Process. The amounts of the indicators with regard to alternatives were obtained from factories in public and private sectors. These weights were employed in TOPSIS to rank the alternatives. Finally the potential provinces were identified according to the priorities obtained by this technique. The results showed that Kurdistan Province has the best priorities for establishment of Wood industry pl...
Ghazala Yasmeen
... strains and sown in earthen pots during the mid November, under natural conditions. Data on growth and yield parameters were recorded and analysed. Results showed that rhizobium inoculation significantly increased the number of nodules, weight of nodules, plant height, weight of shoots and weight of pods per plant. The study reveals that rhizobial strain Thal 8 being more efficient as compared to TAL 620, can be used to increase root nodulation and yield in c...
Muhammad Afzal and Aqeela Mobeen Akhter
...d growth response in earthen pots and 85% survival of plants in soil was recorded....
Muhammad Afzal1, S. M. Hafeez2 and Aqeela M. Akhter3 Volume Table figure when calculated with the Cylindrical formula. Hence, the average lopping loss estimated in case of shisham was 29% while the figure reached to 42% in case of kikar.

Keywords: Volume estimation, Dalbergia sissoo, Acacia nilotica.

Muhammad Aftab Majeed
...erent contaminants that when released into the environment cause significant soil and ground water pollution In situ enhanced bioremediation techniques are effective in remediation of MGPs particularly for contaminants such as the dense non-aqueous phase liquids (DNAPL), like coal tar The aim of this study was to assess the potential of in situ technologies in a laboratory column experiment. In situ amendments of nitrogen, phosphorus and oxygen releasing compo...
Muhammad Afzal and Aqeela Mobeen Akhter
... do not need repetition when these two activities are combined. The combination of one-year-old poplar plantation with second stage poplar nursery gave net return of Rs.13098/ha. While, poplar plantation raised without nursery proved to be uneconomical with net loss of Rs.10881/ha As far as the growth is concerned, poplar plantation raised with nursery gave more than 6 times higher volume than the pure plantation. Moreover, the land spared after intermixing po...
Mian Muhammad Shafiq
...umber of migratory water hen are less. Similarly the number of birds in this wetland is more than Tarbela and Thanadar wala because of less disturbance and protection by both the NWFP and Punjab Wildlife departments, while in Tarbela reservoir the disturbance caused by the tourists and fishing activities waterfowls get disturbed. Similarly in Thanadar Wala the live catching of cranes make disturbance for waterfowls as well....
Mohammad Ayaz
...periodicity of climatic phenomena occurring locally, regionally or globally. But, it is astonishing that how a single tree species (Eucalyptus) and that too raised in small blocks, linear rows and planted over a very limited area could be responsible for such a large scale catastrophe.

The present water shortage and lowering of water table, in many parts of Pakistan could be due to many other reasons. Change in life style and fast urbanization with exte...

Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Mushtaque, Aqeela Mubeen Akhtar, Nighat Chughtai and Shaheena Ramzan
...lets were shifted to earthen pots for rooting without applying any root-promoting hormone. These plantlets showed a good growth response in earthen pots and attained one-meter height within a period of two months...
Ghayyas Ahmad
...rom satellite image and then visited on the ground to collect locational, environmental, and biological data. Field data collection was done through Line transect sampling design. Image classification was performed by using the Supervised and Knowledge-based classification methods. Patch size of the remaining semi-natural forests was selected as the most important criterion for the identification of priority areas. However, patch shape index was also measured....
Siraj-ud-Din and Abdul Waheed Baloch
...iques viz. trenches, earthen bunds, micro-catchments and eyebrow plant pits was 48%, 43%, 33% and 30% respectively while in simple pits it was 26% respectively. But at Karak valley it was 55%, 48%, 43% and 38% and in simple plant pits survival was 33%.
The average height growth of Atriplex canisence under trenches, earthen bunds, micro-catchments and eyebrow plant pits was 1.412m, 1.350m, 1.346m. and 1.344m. respec...
Ahmed Zamir, Muhammad Waqas Khan, Muhammad Waqas Khan, Waseem Ullah and Rizwan Ullah listed many problems when questioned about the constraints in planting trees on farmlands. Lack of availability of growing stock, lack of land for planting trees and problems regarding marketing was raised by 30%, 10% and 25% of the farmers. Results clearly depict that farm forestry in district Swabi is increasing day by day as the farmers get aware of its fruitful consequences....
Kh. Rizwan Shehzad, Z. H. Malik and Rizwana Aleem Qureshi
... to relative scales and then added together to get the importance value for each species in each stand. Communities were named after the 3 leading dominants. The following five communities were recognized: (I) Melia-Lantana-Stellaria, (II) Morus-Dodonaea Melilotus, (III) Dodonaea-Grewia-Melia, (IV) Stellaria-Zizyphus-Dodonaea, (V) Oxalis-Pinus-Olea Communities. Index of diversity and its components decreased from low altitude...
Jehan Zeb, M. Aslam, Shahid Ahmad, Aamir Kabir and Taj Ali Khan various sizes of polythene bags. The increase in plant height for E. camaldulensis was 16% in bag size of 20" x 30" as compared to control (without bags). For A. nilotica, the increase in plant height in bags size of 18" x 24" was about 59% that of the control (without bags). E. camaldulensis gained 82-88% and A. nilotica 75-89% of its height during May-August. The peak daily potential evapo-transpiration (ETo) of 9.4...
Mamoona Wali Muhammad and Sumaira Saeed found less in number when it came to planting activities. The study also revealed that fuelwood was a major source of energy for domestic cooking. The demand for the biofuel expected to increase with increasing human population and decreasing private forest resources....
A. N. Khalid, S. Khurshid and Firdaus-e-Bareen
...yza has been identified, hence it falls under the category of unknown mycorrhizae. ...
Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi
... C flakes were improved when they were mixed with 50 percent class A flakes....
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Shams-u-din Jalbani
... applied to soil in earthen pots (380 cm2) supplemented with 10 gm Urea fertilizer/pot as basal dose in all treatments and control. Results indicated that seed germination was insignificant affected and better plant growth and height was observed in all treatments. The grain yield was higher and significant in doses of manure than control. It is concluded that Paulownia leaves manure shows positive effect on wheat and improves the gr...
Shad K. Khalil and John G. Mexal
...tilized conditions, and then transferred to a growth chamber where measurements were made three days latter. All seedlings were watered to field capacity the evening before measurements were made. Net photosynthetic rate and PWUE over one day period were measured, followed by harvesting and determination of dry matter of foliage. Both mycorrhizal fungi caused substantial increase in net photosynthesis and PWUE over non mycorrhizal (NM) control, but none of the...
Kanwar Muhammad Suleman and Muhammad Ayaz
...eucalyptus marketing and hence its profitability and production. In the present study benefit cost analysis has been carried out to determine the economic feasibility of manufacturing Eucalyptus chips at the stump for export purposes. The results of this analysis showed that at present the marketing margin in export of Eucalyptus chips from Pakistan is negative because of high production cost than the price offered in the international market. Higher p...
Shaukat Ali
...Seedlings raised in polythene bag competed with depot seedlings till late summer but the former excelled in most of the growth parameters in subsequent period....
A. U. Khan, S. Siddique and F. Naz
...ical, reproductive and phenological pattern. The amount of lead absorbed by the trees along the road is greater than those growing in the garden but the effect is more pronounced on some than others. The tree Ficus species are better adapted to survive dehydration stress compared to other species which are more susceptible and are therefore more prone to pollution injuries. The chemical and physical forms of the pollutants, effects of exposure dosage on the ...
Muhammad Hafeez and Wahid Rasheed trees was Rs. 1071/- hence net profit was Rs. 712/- per hectare....
Hanif Gul, Nighat Mansoor Chaughtai and Rukhsana Kausar
...s first established and then caused the mortality of Poecilocerus pictus within 2-3 days while in case of Brachutypes portentosus within 7 days. The fungal hyphae developed in the treated insect pests first in their soft body parts like thorax and abdomen covering the whole body within a period of two weeks. The study showed the susceptibility of these insects to the fungus B. bassiana which could be used as biological control agen...
Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Hanif Gul
...ere selected at random, then data were converted on per plant basis. Plant height was the only parameter which significantly increased in response to Temik, while others were non-significant. Temik 10g at the dose of 3.2 g/plot increased 32.13 percent plant height over control....
Mohammad Arif Chaudhry
...bservations made on the phenology of three-year-old plants of 5 Paulownia species namely P. australis, P. elongata, P. fortunei, P.tomentosa and P. forgesii indicated that flower bud production occurred in the month of August in the first four species . P. forgesii did not produced any flower buds. The blooming took place in first week of March before foliation. P. elongata flowered earliest of the species in the first follow...
Sahibazada M. Hafeez
...ised in the nursery and then out planted in the field trial during September, 1990. Three years survival and growth data have been analysed and better performing salt tolerant species have been identified. ...
Mohammad Saleem and C. A. Call
...ents were implemented when plants were 32 weeks old; and consisted of: equally clipping (3-cm stubble height) plants in monoculture and mixture zero, one, two or three times at 4-week intervals (32, 36. and 40 weeks after emergence), and clipping (3-cm stubble height) one species in mixture zero, one, two or three times at 4-week intervals (32, 36 and 40 weeks after emergence) without clipping the associated species. The final harvest of all plants in every ...
K. M. Siddiqui
... especially in Germany when widespread wood scarcity and flood destruction caused by deforestation were occurred in that part of the world. The forests were considered essentially to perform two broad but ill-defined functions e g. productive and protective. In the case of developing countries, scientific forest management was started in the nineteenth century to supply timber and other produce on sustained yield basis which actually meant limber su...
Inayat Ahmad Hafiz
... and PFI-2 were higher then in Japanese hybrid and Karyansuban varieties and hence gave better cocoon shell ratio. The cocoon quality did not show much difference and the percentage of good quality cocoons was 89.5....
K. M. Siddiqui
...rted sometime in 1878 when research on utilization of forest products was carried out in the Forest School at Dehra Dun. In the later part of 19th century and during the early part of 20th century, consolidation of forest estates was carried out in the subcontinent for scientific management of the forests to meet growing demand of forest goods and services. The Imperial Research Institute was established in Dehra Dun in 1906 with this objectives i...
...ilver fir raised in polythene tubes in common nursery soil and forest soil were kept (in poly bags) and planted bare-rooted at age 3, 12 and 24 months, under four cover conditions in the experimental site at Kund. The survival and growth of the seedlings were monitored over time. Both 3-month-old and 12-month-old plants in polythene tubes gave best survival rate under shade in all three cover condition. Under similar...
... was seven times higher then in 1988. No seed was produced in 1989, indicating that a 2 or more years seeding cycle is likely to be occurring in natural stands. Data for Kund (136 seeds /m2) and Sharan (320 seeds/m2) for the 1987 indicated that large variation in seed production exists between the localities. Field observations also revealed that Abies pindrow does not a persistent seed bank and seed remains viable for less...
M. Ayaz
...system is only possible when the forestry works are done departmentally, through the direct engagement and payment of forest workers. For this work an appropriate wage system is an important pre-requisite. At present there is no incentive oriented wage system (piece-rates) in forestry, which is developed on time and productivity principles. To develop a piece-rate on the basis of time demand and productivity considering tree variables and work place fa...
Hakim Shah and Malik Illahi Bakhsh
...s have diameter smaller then 24cm. The total estimated volume of growing stock is 46.6 million m3 of which 44.1 million m3 (95%) is in irrigated areas. The per ha volume of growing stock is 3.9 m3 for un-irrigated areas. The farmers felled about 14.8 million trees (7.4% of the total tree stock) and removed 9.4 million m3 of wood (20% of the total growing stock) from their farmlands during 1990-91 for meeting ...
Shakeel Haider Zaidi and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...iving the highest yield when planted at 60*30 cm spacing. It can be easily cultivated under irrigated conditions at Peshawar and has good potential for supplementing the farmer's income even on marginal lands....
Wasif Hussain Bokhari
...ughout the hot weather when the tree is bare of leaves. When rattled by hot winds, the pods sound like frying fish; hence, the tree is known in West Indies as the Fry wood....
K. M. Siddiqui
... especially in Germany when widespread wood scarcity and flood destruction caused by deforestation occurred in that part of the world. The forests were considered essentially to perform two broad but ill-defined functions e.g. productive and protective. In the case of developing countries, scientific forest management was started in the nineteenth century to supply timber and other produce on sustained yield basis which actually meant timber sup...
S. M. Rafique
...tion was applied as and when required from an open sewerage drain. All necessary cultural operation were carried out according to the plan of operations. Ten years old tree crop in may, 1992 consisted of only 536 trees because there were numerous gaps in it. Amongst these, 11 trees were defective (top broken per dry and partially rotten from ground upwards). The diameters of trees at breast height (dbh) ranged from 6 cm (2.4 inch) to 50 cm (20 inch) with stand...
Wali-ur-Rahman and M. I. Chaudhry
...n SP killed 100% and Orthene 80% larvae in the same dose within 24 hours. In lower doses of 0.01 and 0.02% antimoultants caused 60 to 75% and insecticides 70 to 80% larval mortality in the same periods. The pest was controlled by spraying Malathion 57% E.C. in 0.17% concentration on the resting caterpillars at the natural enemies of the pest....
K. M. Siddiqui
...hese affects the other. When climate changes, it tends to bring about many direct and indirect changes in the environment, including in forest ecosystems, the extent of which depends upon rapidity, direction and magnitude of climate change. Minor changes in climate often occur and are of diurnal, seasonal of decadal and/or of regional nature, such as hot summer droughts of the 1980s in parts of Asia and Africa. Their affect was similar in nature. Climat...
M. Tahir Laeeq and Raja Walayat Hussain
... and retained for more then two years for uses like charcoal, poles, posts and agricultural implements....
Mohammad Noor
...) for the grazed areas then for the un-grazed areas. Evidence indicated that livestock grazing in the sheep Creek riparian zone reduced inltration, which, in turn, increased runo and soil loss but of minimal biological importance....
S. H. Iqbal, Shahbaz and Ghazala Nasim
.... Some endophytes other then VA, with septate, hyaline or coloured mycelium were found penetrating into the root. A mixture of endogonaceous spores formed the rhizosphere mycoflora....
P. H. Haydock Wilson and A. R. Beg
...orrelate this with soil phenol concentration. Results were inconclusive and lend no support to the hypothesis positing allelopathic suppression of mycorrhiza by phenols secreted by Imperata. No recommendations for management are made, as the problem of Imperata colonization does not appear pressing, relative both to the wider problem of forest clearance in the area, and to the cost of any possible solut...
Malik Muhammad Khan and David R. Betters
...oduction possibilities then analyzes these possibilities under typical farm constraints and requirements. In the case study, the result show that applying agroforestry practices can increase overall farm production and income. Applying the economic analyses approach discussed here coupled with sound policy and extension activities should help promote the acceptance of agroforestry....
Mir Baz Khan
...o 35 days during spring when they do not have much work on their farms. It also provides jobs to the farming families particularly to women, old persons and children who cannot work else-where on the farms.

Large areas of NWFP potential wealth of mulberry trees, the only food of silkworms. Climatic conditions for silkworms rearing are also suitable in many parts of the province. Silkworm rearing is therefore, carried out throughout the province wher...

Mian Muhammad Muslim
...ring programme. Since then it made a slow but steady progress in Punjab. Presently, sericulture is one of the major cottage industries in rural areas of the province. The activity is mainly concentrated around irrigated forest plantations of Changa Manga, Daphar, Chichawatni, Kamalia, Khanewal, Bhagat, Kundian and Jauharabad. Besides it is scattered on a small scale in various other parts of the province viz: Shakargarh, Sialkot, Gujranwala, Kasur, S...
...ons with inferior silk when silk worms were fed on infected leaves....
M. Iqbal Ahmad and I. A. Hafiz
...rry leaf yield by more then 100%. The PFI-1 early sprouting variety was selected and distributed among all forest departments of provinces and AJ&K for further propagation and raising of plantations. Pollarding at 30 to 70 height cm from ground level was suitable in mulberry plantations on agriculture flat land and 70 cm to 170 cm height in irrigated forest plantations. The best planting time for mulberry was 15th December to 31st January in Punjab an...
Mehar Nigar Ashiq, Muhammad Iqbal Ahmad and Raj Muhammad
... June, July and August when the room temperature was as high as 30°C and the relative humidity as low as 55%. The line thus evolved can yield several crops of cocoons in a year and is also resistant to silkworm diseases, high temperature and low humidity....
K. M. Siddiqui M. Ayaz and A. Jah
...ave a limited use other then fuel wood collection heavy collection of fuel wood by the people is a socio-economic condition of the people and gradual substitution of wood fuel with commercial fuel to save the valuable forest wealth from misuse and destruction....
K. M. Siddiqui
...benefits to the farmers, hence they should be provided assistance to harness the increased benefits. This concept is now gaining ground with growing realization that farming and forestry are inter linked, which were often considered to be separate activities in the developing countries....
S. I. Zafar, Ulfat Naheed, N. Abdullah and M. Yasin
... of such basidiomycetes when grown on a variety of substrates under different cultural conditions (Golovlev et al., 1983; Levonen-Munoz et al., 1983; Zadrazil and Brunnert, 1980). Biodegradation of lignin in the nature, furthermore, is of particular importance because of its high recalcitrance (Reddy, 1984) and protection of cellulose from attack by various cellulolytic microbes (Fan et al., 1982) thereby preventing bioavailability ...
Gerhard Stoehr
...Hourly cost of machine when divided by the hourly productivity of the machine gives the machine cost/unit of production. Based on this scheme, cost of road construction with an angledozer in Siran Forest Division was calculated as Rs.10.30/m3 (US$ 0.56/m3) of loose earth and Rs.12.83/m3 (US$0.69/m3) of un-excavated earth. These figures of cost of angledozer provide useful information for cost estimation of ro...
M. B. Bhatti, M. I. Sultani, M. Aslam and Ehtesham Ali Syed
... 64.83 tons per hectare when grown at a close spacing of 0.3 m x 0.76 m producing 48.66% more fodder than at the wider spacing of 0.3 x 1.5 m. While the per plant height differed significantly, plants being taller under closer spacing, the variations in per-plant fresh weight were found insignificant....
Mohammad Bashir Khan, Pazir Gul, Muhammad Farooq and F. W. Khan
...for essential oils and phenol contents. It was observed that the change in plant locality had a remarkable effect on the yield of oil and phenol contents and had no effect on the physico-chemical characteristics of the oil. The leaves collected from various localities of Baluchistan contained more oil (1.45% to 2.64%) as compared to those of N.W.F.P. (0.35% to 0.75%). Plant material found kin Baluchistan can be comme...
Abeli, W. S., Issara, D. G., Malilah, P.K. and Mrosso, D. K.
...tionships were observed when skidding rimes as a function of distance were plotted for both skidding means. The estimated skidding productions for the County tractor and D7Cat.Were 31.8 m3/day and 26,1 m3 day, respectively. Loading of logs into the trucks was done both manually and by use of machines. Were done manually , loading time varied from 5.7min/m3 to 10.9min/m3 depending on the loading site and the size of t...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...rialize only after 1947 when refugees from across the border created tremendous pressure on the meager land resources of newly created Pakistan. To give to the poor new comers out programme of construction of canals, roads, houses and other amenities of life was worked out and successfully completed. Heavy machinery like bulldozers was put to the maximum use to level the land for agriculture and afforesation. Hither to unemployed young and the old got ...
F. O. C. Nwonwu
...xes A and C were higher then the Viterra treated soil mix B. Result on the water retaining ability of Viterra showed that the plan in Viterra treated mix continued normal growth for over 8 days while the plant in the untreated mix died 6 days after watering was stopped. The results show that Viterra 2 does not aid the growth of plants but has a high capacity to hold water for gradual release to plants. It is there for recommended not as an aid to plant growth ...
A. B. I. Igboanugo
...ies. After four weeks, when most of the un-rooted lignotubers had started drying up, the lignotubers were assessed for differences in root number and length. The lower the concentration if IBA, and the fewer the number of hours soaked the higher the number of adventitious roots formed. However, in higher concentrations of IBA, rooting was achieved in longer hours of soaking only. Root length increased with the concentration of IBA, but no roots were fo...
Gerald Foley
...ld. It is the most comprehensive publication available on the techniques of charcoal making, the physics find chemistry behind them, how they fit within their local context, and the history of attempts to introduce new and improved manufacturing methods.

The analysis goes beyond the fixation with technical efficiency which has characterised most past programmes and makes clear way so many failures have occurred. It shows that whe...

M. I. Sheikh
...amaldulensis in polythene tubes were planted in 3 rows comprising one belt, 2 m row to row and one m plant to plant distance, staggering plants in adjoining rows. In all 4 such belts spaced at 181 to 196 m and 630 in length were planted. The farmer has been planting wheat, cotton, maize and some other crops in-between the shelterbelts. The farm is canal irrigated. However, in case of canal closure the area can be irrigated through lift pumps....
Saliheen Khan and M. I. Sheikh
...up>3 respectively....
Bashir Mohammad Khan, Mohammad Shahid and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...icles covered, with polythene bags bore few fruits resulting in the lowest yield of 21 grams per panicle with least minimum fruit setting of 3.75%. The highest yield of 708 grams was obtained from panicles left open to honey bee's pollination under natural condition with fruit setting of 82.93 percent; whereas the panicles left open under natural conditions without honey bee visitation yielded 252 grams per panicle with fruit setting of 46.15 percent....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...ions given include comprehensive survey, formation of grazing cooperatives, preparation of range management plans, chopping of maize stalks, harvesting of grass at boot stage, seeding and planting of desirable adaptable species, soil and water conservation, range suitability classification, crossing local cattle with yak, preventive medication, increasing off takes and extension practices....
M. A. Ogigirigi and A. B. I. Igboanugo
...inths which can go soft when wet but hard when dry as opposed to the continuously hard plinth types at the other localities. The relationships between root penetration tree growths, and the tree abilities to harness soil water during the dry season at different localities are discussed....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... been planted for more then a 100 years on almost the same sites as suited to poplars. Using methods have been initiated. Sports goods industry is the main user of willow wood. Biomass research on Salicacea is comparatively new to Pakistan. It has been found that different poplar clones grown under the same set of condition yield different quantities of biomass. ...
M. A. Latif, S. A. Khan and M. K. Bhuiyan
...dulensis and better then that of Pinus caribaea and Swietenia macrophylla which were planted simultaneously. The species, therefore, shows great promise for afforfestation in Bangladesh and further trial plantations may be raised to study its growth and performance in this country and elsewhere and for raising seed-stands and ultimately Seed-Orchards as a source of seed supply for further plantation programmes....
Wulf Killmann
...r the product envisaged....
A.I. Mohyuddin, M. R. Attique, M. I. Arif and R. A. Mazhar
...ded Dhirkot, Rashian, Sudhengali, Gangatop, the Neelum and Leepa valleys in Azad Kashmif, Thandiani and the Kaghan valley in North Western Frontier Province (NWFP) and Malam Jabba in Swat....
Abdur Rashid Tariq and Haji Moosa A. Tayab
...ation practically ended when the irrigation water contained 60000 ppm of dissolved salts. The yield of dry matter gradually decreased with the increase in salt contents of water. It was also inferred that where germination of Pioneer Rhodes grass failed, a successful crop could be established by tuft planting on flood irrigation with water containing up to 15000 ppm of dissolved salts....
M.I. Sheikh
...) is significantly more when the tree is worked simultaneously on two faces (East plus West). It has also been found that western faces of the trees yield more gum as compared to eastern faces....
Salahuddin Ahmad
...iety and diversity, and then to draw inferences as to who other than Allah could have caused their existence and subsequent maintenance. Among the creation of Heavens and Earth, while the former is decorated with Jannat, the garden of bliss, the latter is also provided with every type of vegetation and animals of all kinds (Sura Luqman, Ayat-10). Indeed when Aadm was asked to quit the garden of heaven where he and E...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Fazle Subhan
...g of Chir plants in polythene tubes was started in early seventies and it has now been adopted as the standard practice for artificial regeneration in all Chir pine areas of the country....
M.I. Sheikh and Abdul Aleem
...f 16 year old plants and hence resistance to the disease but none of the three treatments had any effect on the younger plants. ...
Pervez Khawaja, I. A. Hafiz and M. I. Chaudhry
...ved against this insect hence it can be used on field scale to control the peat. ...
M.I. R. Khan
...ler of Abu Dhabi. Since then, with the expansion of plantation, agricultural and landscaping projects, the raising of various types of nursuries has made considerable progress both in the public and the private sectors. More recently, indoor decorative plants are being acquired and kept by increasing number of people in their offices, shops, business premises, and residential buildings. ...
M.I. Sheikh, B. H. Shah and A. Aleem
... cm and 15 cm long polythene tubes. Three tree species viz: Acacia aneura, A. tortilis and Tecoma undulata were planted at two depths i.e., 30 and 18 cm in July 1980. After one and half year it was found that in deep planting 64% plants of all species survived and in shallow planting 54%. In both depths maximum survival was of A. tortilis being 75% followed by 58% of T.undulata and 44% of A.aneura. In deep planting th...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, Ali Akbar Khan and Mohammad Khan of chir pine in polythene tubes and its planting out was started quite a few years back, the methods adopted in actual practice left much to be desired. Under the Hazara Preinvestment Project, World Bank authorities desired that in view of the extensive planting programme involved in the project it would be better if these practices were standardized for the benefit of the field foresters. The job was assigned to the Pakistan Forest Institute....
Rehana Perveen, Mehmood Akram and Ihsan Ilahi
...hibited vigorous growth when transferred to MS medium supplemented with 1 mg/1 both of Naphthalene acetic (NAA) and Benzyl amino purine (BAP). The effect of varying concentrations of NAA &BAP alone and in combination with each other was studied on further growth and differentiation of the callus. At NAA 1 mg/1, BAP 0.5 mg/1 NAA 0.5 mg/1 roots developed at 0.5mg/1 of BAP & NAA 0.5+1.0 mg/1 of BAP shoot buds also developed. Callus pieces cultured on MS m...
Wali-ur-Rehman and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...n in September/October when the atmospheric maximum normal temperature and average relative humidity fanged between 300 C to 350 C and 70 to 75 % respectively. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Khalique
...rops has indicated that when the trees were 5 to 6 meter in height and wheat was sown the yield was not depressed. However, in the case of cotton, when the height of the tree belts was up to 7 meter the yield was comparatively poor within a distance of 15-30 meter on either side of the belt....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, B.H. Shah and A. Aleem
...r (soil + cowdung). Polythene sheet cover and sodium carbonate spray which produced 10.43 m3, 10.36m3 and 9.99 m3 runoff respectively. While cement plaster, asphalt cover lime concretion cover mechanical stabilization and natural grass cover proved ineffective in increasing the runoff, as these collected only 7.75 m3, 7.83 m3 , 7.1m3 8.79 m3 and 7.89 m3 water respectively ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...brick. The material was then washed under tap to drain off the refuse and pulp. The clean seed was soaked in water for 20 hours arid then subjected to floatation test on water to find out if the filled seed could be separated from the empty. 500 seeds each were taken from the settled and floated seeds of each locality and cut open....
Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...ed source) grown in polythene tubes (7.5 x 18 cm) filled with 50:50 sand-soil mixture, were arranged for this study. Initial height of plants was recorded. The fertilizers were added in a water solution, 50 ml to each tube, on 1-5-1979:...
Mohammad Ayaz
...sity determination of authentic wood samples of Pakistani origin was under taken in the Forest Products Research Division, Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. This note represents the results of the work carried out....
M. Ihsanur Rahman Khan
... their chief occupation then was rearing of livestock. It also provided fuelwood, charcoal and some timber....
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...itrogen and phosphorus, when applied separately had no effect on the production of total forage, grass, any palatability class or any important forage species. No fertilizer treatment appreciably affected the forage production of intermediate species, Themeda anathera and Heteropogon contortus....
Relph R. Stewart
...nical field of interest when about 1933 Dr. Helmut de Terra, then at Yale, came to Rawalpindi to collect stone age artifacts from the Soan River terraces near Morgah and to collect fossil bones from the Salt Range. He invited me to go to an area near Gulmarg, Kashmir on the north slope of the Pir Panjal Range where he had learned that there were fossil leaves in the clay of an ancient lake or lakes near a place called Laredu...
Ashiq Ahmad and G. M. Khattak
...tes and 30 minutes and then thoroughly washed and soaked in water for 24 hours before sowing, started germination the next day and gave, with in 5 days 84 and 90% germination, respectively. Soaking in acid for one hour, followed by 24 hours soaking in water gave 76% germination after 5 days. About 90% germination was obtained in 20 days with acid soaking for 15 and 30 minutes not followed by water soaking. Hot water soaking for 24 hours resulted in 26...
Adil Al-Kinany higher concentration then this in order to enhance the survival percentage of rooted cutting stiff further. ...
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry
... grubs within one month when applied at the rate of 30gms per plant pit while Disyston killed 55-66% grubs as against 11 to 44% natural mortality of grubs. Spray treatment of systemic and penetrative insecticides with Dimecron, Carbicron, Orthene and Decis against freshly boring grubs of poplar borer,Melanophila picta Pall proved ineffective. ...
Bashir Hussain Shah, Hanif Gul and M. I. Chaudhry
...first in the laboratory then in the field. Both have shown their efficacy against the pest by giving complete mortality of larvae in 0.1% concentrations. The out-breaks of the defoliator can effectively be controlled without affecting the other biological control agents or the environment....
G. M. Khattak
...s of wood cutters were then registered and they were prohibited from cutting trees below prescribed sizes. In 1871 teak was introduced from Burma at Sitapahar and Pahartali. The work at the latter site had soon to be abandoned due to damage by cattle.

Sir William Schlich, Conservator of Forests Bengal, visited these forests in 1875 and found that the hill tribesmen were free to cut and burn where they liked. A permit was required for...

Mussarrat N. Ali, Anwar Ahmad Khan and Shakeel Haider Zaidi
...First in the laboratory then in the field. Both have shown their efficacy against the pest by giving complete mortality of larvae in 0.1% concentration. The out-breaks of the defoliator can effectively be controlled without affecting the other biological control agents or the environment. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...of numerous one seeded achenes densely covered at the base with long fine hair. Nursery has been raised at two different localities Peshawar and Abbottabad....
K. M. Siddiqui
...ionally or not at all. Then fore, a tree breeder is concerned with seed production. Considerable research is underway in almost all countries on the stimulation of flowering and fruiting of trees (Wright, 1976). This note describes seed production in chir pine (Pinus roxburghii) growing in Pakistan and Azad Kashmir during 1978 and gives future trends....
Mairza Hakim Khan
...rge for about 18 km and then broadens into three sub-valleys each surrounded by high peaks. The area is mountainous with steep slopes. It is bounded on the north and west by Butkoh tehsil, on the east by Singur Gol, on the south by Chitral town and Molen Gol. A number of small watersheds, Meran Tangogh, Kasavir, Bakhtanshal, Bironshal, Gokshal, Chat and Duni drain into Chitral Gol, which later on joins the river Chitral near the Chitral t...
M. I. Shiekh and Abdul Aleem
...seedlings raised in polythene tubes have successfully been planted at the lower elevational limits of the chir-pine forests where regeneration had failed to establish. Planting in February and June gave equally good survival....
G. M. Khattak and Abdul Aleem
...tiana raised in polythene tubes were planted on 18-2-1975 in deep alluvial clay loam soil at Peshawar and each plant irrigated with four gallons of water at planting. The rainfall during 1975 and 1976 was 439 and 554mm respectively (annual average 377mm). On 5-1-1977 the survival of E. camaldulensis was 97% against 52 for Z. mauritiana and 53 for C. siliqua. The mean height of E. camaldulensis was 5m and mean diameter 5cm....
Ghaus Mohammad Khattak
...rk under the conditions then prevailing. Currently all these forests are being worked under the selection system as applied to Pakistan (Champion, Seth and Khattak, 1965). Yield has been prescribed in a variety of ways: (1) by number of trees = total number o f exploitable trees divided by assumed time of passage from the class next below the exploitable, to the exploitable size. (2) by volume = volume of exploitable trees divided by assumed time of passage fr...
Ghaus Mohammad Khattak
... Cotta's formula. Since then, the Punjab shelterwood system has been adopted and the most common pattern of management comprises a rotation of 120 years, a regeneration period of 30 years, allotment of compartments to four periodic blocks, and exclusion of increment from yield calculation. The recommended order of fellings in the P.B.I. may not be indicated in the working plan. The Divisional Forest Officer is expected to prepare a three years programme of fel...
Islam Mahmood Khan Dr. discovered which was then made diploid by treating it with colchicines. The pollen mother cells in the auto diploid petunia showed a remarkable shape with continuous cytoplasm and without partition walls. The chromosomes were scattered in lots of different sizes. These pollen grains resembled the synocytes described by Levan 1914. ...
F. H. Shah, M. H. Sedi and B. A. Nadeem month interval. It then decreased with an increase in age of the crop. Maceration of the grasses with water after pulping increased the extractability of protein up to 183%. The yield of the extractable protein/per hectare/per year was up to 502 kg. ...
Mohammad Yasin and Qaim Hussain Shah and 2.5mm thickness, when they were conditioned in hot water for 12 to 18 hours before peeling. Knife angle of 920 was found be optimum for cutting good quality veneer from logs of 1.0 to 1.5 feet diameter. Drying of the veneer was observed to be somewhat patchy and therefore, difficult to control. However, 1.0 mm, 2.0 mm and 2.5 mm thick veneers were dried at 900C for 60 minutes without development of defects. The results of this study would be use...
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Ashiq Ahmad
... 50% kill of porcupines hence required 2 to 3 repeated treatments for complete control. Potassium cyanide applied to apples in cuts at the rate of one gram also proved very effective. Poison baits prepared with Zinc phosphide, sevin and Recumin were not eaten at all. ...
Mohammad Shamsul Hasan Khan
...nd borers has been comprehensively reviewed. Ekalux, Azodrin, Lebaycid and Bidrin against leaf eating insects and Dieldrin, Aldrin and Heptaclhor against white ants and wood borers have been recommended....
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Iqbal Ahmad
...than 90% leaf stitching when severe.
The moths from hibernating pupae emerge during March and copulate 10-20 hours after emergence. The duration of mating varies from 25 minutes to 8 hours. The moths start laying eggs 12 hours after mating. A single female on an average lays 163.5 eggs with a range of 71 to 264 eggs per female. The oviposition period varied from 3-5 days. Incubation period varied from 3 to 9 days. Larvae just after hatching start sti...
Jalil Ahmad Khan and Pervaiz Akhtar
...tes back to 1867. Since then a large number of species have been tried in nurseries as well as in plantations. The number of species which have been planted in different areas is somewhat limited the most common being Eucalyptus tereticornis and Eucalyptus carnaldulensis. According to Parker (7), Eucalyptus tereticornisisthe most common species found in the Punjab and with the possible exception of Eucalyptus rudis it has the...
M. A. Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
... the nineteenth century when Robert Harting established through an important member of Polyporaceae i.e. Fomes sp., relation between hyphae, wood� decay and sporophphore (3,4). Since then Polyporaceae have been considered as the cause of enormous losses in timber....
M. Hafeez and M. I. Sheikh
When poplars were introduced in Pakistan about a decade back, emphasis was placed on only one clone viz. P. euramericana CV-I-214 due to its intrinsic qualities of almost cent per cent rooting and fast rate of growth. Subsequently, some deltoides clones were also imported which showed comparatively better rate of growth but low rooting capability, prohibiting their large scale planting. Experiments were under� taken both w...
M. A Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
...ean the teeth and strengthen the gums. It is also used as an astringent, anthelmintic and lactifuge. Outer bark is used as a dye in Kashmir. An oil is extracted from the fruit which is used internally as a teanicide especially for tapeworms and is a mild laxative. Externally it is used in in case of dimness of vision. (4)...
Dr. K. M. Salim and Gul Shahid
...est. Storms are common when the temperature rises above 80°F in June and July. Drought is common in summer months. ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...planting out the latter when one year old. The results at the nursery stage as well those of field planting are quite encouraging. ...
Raja Walayat Hussain and Muhammad Afzal Cheema
...yramidalis variety. When the trees attain a diameter between 5 inches to 10 inches at breast height these are felled by the farmers to meet their small constructional demands. The wood is in great demand for making of packing cases and crates etc. Since the trees have almost clear and straight boles these yield good bailies which fetch handsome revenue to the growers. The trees also have no adverse effect on their cash crop as the shade of the crowns is no...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...ise the size of the polythene bag and the number of perforations in it, an experiment was started in 1970 in the Research Garden, Peshawar. Different diameters, lengths, thickness of polythene were used. Miscellaneous species of Pines, Eucalyptus and Acacias were tested. On the basis of the data collected it has been found out that tube size 6 X 2.5-in c he s and 6.0 x 2.0 inches and with 45 and 36 Perforations of 1/8* dia. ...

Helal F. Al-Harthi1*, Essam H. Eldrehmy1,2, Afaf Eladl3, Marwa I Abd El-Hamid2*

...detected against chloramphenicol, and ceftriaxone (28.6% each). Of note, 21 S. aureus isolates (75%) were MDR and they were recognized phenotypically as strong biofilm producers. The genes icaA, sea, pvl, and eta were detected in 100, 76.2, 42.9, and 33.3% MDR biofilm-producing MRSA isolates, respectively. Interestingly, 8 MDR MRSA (38.1%) were multi-virulent (harbored 3 or more virulence genes). In essence, our results disp...

Sundus Oun Ali Al-Zaini1, Mohanad A. Al-Bayati3*, Khazaal Abbas Khazaal2, Salma Talib Salih1

...07cfu/fish) for 22 days then had been vaccinated single dose. Preliminary findings reveal that fish groups treated with KHV liposomes pharmaceutic vaccine exhibit Relation present survival of 45% protection against KHV infection in bad quality water. Similarly, in fish groups raised in high-quality water, Relation present survival 62.5 % protection was test screening in fish groups. In contrast, fish groups treated with Aeromonas bacterium liposomes had Relati...

Sura Ayed Radam*, Inam Badr Falih

... 1223.96 ±10.44) then decline in 2nd and 1st groups as (32.65 ±1.07, 858.42±9.26 and 1223.96±10.44) ( 21.07 ±0.36, 769.38 ±3.64 and 986.73 ±13.48) respectively. Histopathological findings revealed marked lymphoid hyperplasia with obvious perivascular Mono Nuclear Cells MNCs aggregation composed of lymphocyte and macrophage mainly in hepatic tissue of 3rd group with evidence of reactive lymphoid hyperplasia in sp...

Fatima Aziz Mahdi Al-Badry

...all rats were dissected then kidney and liver were eradicated for histopathological examinations. The results indicated to puma administration led to significant increase (P≤0.05) in urea and creatinine concentrations with significant decrease (P≤0.05) in ALT, AST and ALP these changes in functions of kidney and liver enzymes were elevated by increasing consumption of Puma (super fat). Histological sections of studied organs were manifested lesions in ti...

Pavana Jyothi Vanjavaka1, Mouradam Veerasami2, Mohana Subramanian Bhaskaran2*, Vijay A.K.B. Gundi1*

... essential tool in comprehending the evolution of viruses. For studying the molecular level changes, 28 field isolates were collected from various regions in India and subjected to PCR for amplification, with sequencing of a partial region of the VP2 gene. Among these isolates, 27 samples were positive for CPV, of which one was CPV 2b while the remaining were CPV 2a, and one isolate was CPV negative. The obtained sequences were submitted to NCBI to get gene ac...

Kremlin Mark B. Ampode

...icate that OLM, rich in phenolic and flavonoid compounds, has the potential to be a safe and effective alternative to antibiotic growth promoters in broiler chickens, warranting further investigation into the mechanisms underlying its beneficial effects.
Keywords | Origanum vulgare, Antimicrobial alternatives, Phenolic compounds, Flavonoid compounds, Gut health, Mor...

Ari Firmansyah1, Lovita Adriani1*, Andi Mushawwir1, Novi Mayasari1, Denny Rusmana1, Safri Ishmayana2

...eek-old Isa Brown laying hens were randomized to seven experimental treatments and five replicates using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Treatments included T0: basal diet without probiotic yogurt (control); T1: diet and 2% liquid probiotic yogurt; T2: diet and 3% liquid probiotic yogurt; T3: diet and 4% liquid probiotic yogurt; T4: diet and 2% powdered probiotic yogurt; T5: diet and 3% powdered probiotic yogurt; T6: diet and 4% powdered probiotic yogurt...

Danh Mo

...gnificantly (P<0.05) when harvesting at times from 3, 5, 7 to 9 weeks following planting and regeneration. With a yield of 22.4 tons/ha/year, the harvest period of 9 weeks had the best yield. Wedelia tends to lose nutritive value (P<0.05) when harvesting time increases (crude protein, CP 10.4-18.8% DM and acid detergent fiber, ADF 20.1-33.5% DM). Significantly (P<0.05) lower in CP and higher in ADF, the regenerated ...

Hafsa Tauqir1, Imran Ahmad2 and Muhammad Bilal Sadiq1*

... to determine the total phenolic content (TPC), antioxidant content and betalain content of beetroot pomace extract (BPE) under optimized extraction conditions. Beetroot pomace was further used to develop a flavored yogurt. The highest responses for DPPH inhibition (66.6%), betaxanthins (174 mg/L), betacyanins (265 mg/L) and TPC (2.78 mg GAE/g) were observed by extraction optimization. The antibacterial activity of the pomace extract was tested against Escheri...

Shabana Islam1, Shahida Shujaat1*, Erum Akbar Hussain1, Mateen Abbas2

...h Punjab were analyzed. Phenolic acids (Sinapic acid, Caffeic acid, and gallic acid) and flavonols (kaempeferol, Quercetin, and myricetin) were quantified by means of UV detection in reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC). The propolis samples exhibited substantial variation (P < 0.05) in the total flavonol and phenolic acid contents, which span a range of 52 to 183 mg/kg dried matter respectively....

Abdul Aleem Memon1*, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2, Javaid Ahmed Shah3 and Saima Kalsoom Babar2

...ned to be highest in T3 when NoP>SoP>MoP were sprayed with 0.67% spray each at LDS, IES and FS stage. It can be concluded that under the calcareous conditions of Sindh, foliar application of 2% K (2 or 3 equal splits at LDS, IES and FS) through NoP, SoP, and MoP sources increase the growth, seed and oil content of sunflower.


Ammar Abdulhasan Aldhalemi1, Murtadha Abdulhasan Aldhalemi2, Ali Joodi3, Qais R. Lahhob4* 

...oal is, however, to lengthen its shelf life and increase organoleptic values. In this experiment, ginger oil extract was being extracted and used at different ratios in soft cheese samples. This was shown by consumption test as well as Panel test where cheese samples which were added with ginger oil extract indicated much better visual properties, texture and taste compared to control/base cheese. Chemical tests were performed which confirmed a change in water...

Ammar Abdulhasan Aldhalemi1, Murtadha Abdulhasan Aldhalemi2, Ali Joodi3, Qais R. Lahhob4* 

...oal is, however, to lengthen its shelf life and increase organoleptic values. In this experiment, ginger oil extract was being extracted and used at different ratios in soft cheese samples. This was shown by consumption test as well as Panel test where cheese samples which were added with ginger oil extract indicated much better visual properties, texture and taste compared to control/base cheese. Chemical tests were performed which confirmed a change in water...
Luqman1*, Zahid Hussain2, Tamana Bakht3, Miftah-Ud-Din1, Haroon Khan2, Muhammad
Rameez Khan1, Ata Ullah1 and Faraz Ali Shah1, Imtiaz Khan2 and Abdul Majid Khan Dawar2
...tion (ARI),
Shen Lasht Chitral in 2016-17. A total of 300 samples were collected from the five different
locations namely Drosh, Shen Lasht, Garam Chashma, Ayun and Bony Lasht of district
Chitral. The soil samples were placed in trays (27 cm × 21 cm × 4 cm = 2268 cm3), and the
trays were arranged in three repetitions having 100 samples in each repetition. Each
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Azhar
Hassan1, Jamshaid Qamar2, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Adnan2, Rafia Khalid3, Muhammad
...cinalis among different phenolic compound
minimum Syringic acid (0.60%) and maximum Quercetion (12.3%) compound was found.
Therefore, it was concluded from this study that aqueous extract of officinalis can be used
as a growth promoter at lower concentration while as well as at higher concentration for
environmentally friendly control of weeds.
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2,
Muhammad Mughees Ud Din4, Jamshaid Qamar2, Muhammad Waqas1, Muhammad Mohsin
Amin2, Burhan Khalid1
...cinalis among different phenolic compound minimum
Syringic acid (0.60%) and maximum Quercetion (12.3%) compound was found. Therefore,
it was concluded from this study that aqueous extract of officinalis can be used as growth
promoter at lower concentration as well as at higher concentration for environmentally
friendly control of weeds.
Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Iqra Haider Khan2, *Arshad Javaid2, Muhammad Nadeem3 and
Ayesha Munir4
...), and 2-methoxy-4-vinylphenol
(5.66%). Moderately abundant compounds included nonacos-1-ene (2.83%), methyl
stearate (1.57%), pentacosane (1.44%), phytol (1.33%), heptacos-1-ene (1.20%),
heneicosane (1.19%), and 1-hexacosene (1.09%). The remaining less abundant
compounds were present with peak areas less than 1%. Literature survey showed
that the major compounds id...

*Arshad Javaid1, Iqra Haider Khan1 and Malik F. H. Ferdosi2

...), campesterol (4.19%), phenol, 2,2'-
methylenebis[6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methyl-(2.52%), 11-octadecenoic acid,
methyl ester (2.10%), squalene (1.89%), β-amyrin (1.88%), eicosanoic acid, methyl
ester (0.85%), tetracosanoic acid, methyl ester (0.88%), dronabinol (1.02%) and 2-
methoxy-4-vinylphenol (0.96%). Most of the identified compounds possess one or
more b...
Abdul Basit1, Ayesha Zahid1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Inayat Ullah2, Sana Ullah3*, Muhammad
Kashif Nawaz4, Muhammad Areeb Khalid1, Izhar Ullah5, Fawad Ali1, Shaukat Ali1
...he growth and seed yield hence recommended for the agro
climatic condition of Peshawar. Furthermore, Excessive use of chemical herbicides should be
avoided to prevent environmental and human health hazards.

Hina Gul1, Amjad Usman1*, Karishma1 and Seema Zubair2

... significantly affected when recorded 7 days after spray
application. However, Flonicamid 50%WG proved to be the most effective till 7th and had
lowest pest population followed datura and neem extract. neem extract in all the three
spray application . Garlic and eucalyptus also produced significant results compared to
control. Neem, tobacco, datura and flonicamid were found comparatively more hazardous to

Muhammad Idrees1, Wisal Muhammad Khan1*, Haroon Khan2, Arshad Iqbal1, Nosheen Umar3, Shah Khalid1 and Nisar Ahmad4

...%), Caryophyllaceae and Chenopodiaceae each with 5 (2.10%) while rest of 23 families contributed by 1 species each (0.42%). The largest genera were Euphorbia (6 species), followed by Sonchus and Medicago (4 species) each. Therophytes were the dominant with 102 species (42.85%), followed by nanophanerophytes with 27 (11.34%), hemicryptophytes with 25 (10.50%), chamaephytes with 20 (8.40%), microphanerophytes with 18(7.56%), megaphanerophytes with 16 (6.72%), ge...

Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan2*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin2, Jamshahid Qamar2, Azhar Hassan1, Muhammd Alam Elahi1, Jamshed Haider1, Muhammad Irfan4 and Memuna Ghafoor Shahid5

...tion and quantification phenolic compound present in aqueous extract of bark of C. verum. The experiments were laid out under completely randomized design with three replications. The aqueous extracts of C. verum was used on radish seeds at different concentrations (2.5%, 5%, 10%, 20%, 40% and 80%). Data regarding seed germination and seedling growth (shoot length, root length, shoot fresh weight, root dry weigh) of radish were recorded following standard proc...

Imran Khan1*, Muhammad Iqbal1, Malik Muhammad Hashim2, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch3, Muhammad Sohail Khan1, Asif Latif1, Muhammad Amjad Nadim3, Muhammad Mamoon-ur-Rashid4

...rly stages of growth and hence improving yield and quality of sugar beet under Dera Ismail Khan conditions.


Tariq Ahmed Keerio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro3

Malik F. H. Ferdosi1, Iqra Haider Khan2, Arshad Javaid2*, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed1, Ifrayeem Butt2 and Ayesha Munir3

...s cyclohexane, 1,3,5-triphenyl- (12.87%). The remaining compounds namely n-hexadecanoic acid (4.97%), pentadecanoic acid, 14-methyl-, methyl ester (3.77%), 9,12-octadecadienoic acid, methyl ester, (Z,Z)- (2.94%) and 9,12,15-octadecatrienoic acid, methyl ester, (Z,Z,Z)- (2.92%) were categorized as less abundant compounds. Literature survey indicated that these compounds possess antimicrobial, larvicidal, anti-inflammatory, anticancer and/or antidiabetic propert...

Arshad Javaid1*, Malik F. H. Ferdosi2, Iqra Haider Khan1, Amna Shoaib1, Hafiz Muhammad Saeed2, Muhammad Abrar Ul Hassan1

..., cyclohexane, 1,3,5-triphenyl- (7.01%), olean-12-en-3-ol, acetate, (3β)- (5.68%), and n-hexadecanoic acid (3.18%). Some of the identified compounds have various important biological properties including anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anticancer, antimalarial, antioxidant, antidiabetic, antitumor, etc.


Saiful Islam1*, Muhammad Zubair Khan1 and Haroon Khan2

...g its flow. In this apprehension a research study was conducted to investigate the effects of hydrophytes on canal capacity and at the outlets on the performance of the secondary canal known as Yar Hussain Minor (YHM) of Maira branch canal; part of the upper Swat canal irrigation system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan. Maira branch canal and its secondary canals were designed for crop based irrigation operation (CBIO), which could supply irriga...

Duong Thanh Hai1*, Phan Thi Hang1, Nguyen Thi Thuong2, Zábranský Luboš3

...entration of glutamate, phenylalanine, tyrosine, aspartate, threonine and serine were much higher in the fermented group compared to the control group (p<0.05). Based on aboved results mention that fermentation of maize and rice bran by Saccharomyces cerevisiae increased the aroma and taste of chicken meat.
Keywords | Aroma, Chicken, Savoury, Meat quality, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Umami taste

Siti Fatonah*, Herman and Dewi Yuni Safitri

... time of seed planting, then spraying was done every 3 days for 30 days. All aqueous extract treatments showed toxicity effects on weeds as indicated by the inhibition of germination and growth of P. conjugatum weed and B. alata weed. Mucuna bracteata extract was more effective than C. citratus extract. The mixed extract (C. citratus + M. bracteata) was more effective than the single extract. The highest percentage of germination and growth inhibition was foun...
Naveed Hussain1*, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood2, Muhammad Yasin Tipu3, Mamoona Chaudhry4, Hamad Bin Rashid1, Haroon Akbar5 and Abdul Aziz6

Ghodrat Akhavan Akbari1, Saman Hayadokht1, Saeed Sadeghiyeh Ahari2 and Ahmad Gasi1* control without lengthening recovery time and worsening cardiovascular system is important and necessary. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficiency of Meperidine and Oxycodone in preventing shivering in patients who underwent inguinal hernia repair with spinal anesthesia. The present study consisted of patients with herniorrhaphy in the Fatemi and Imam Hospital of Ardabil who were studied through a double-blind clinical trial. ...

Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3, Abdul Waheed3*, Ecevit Eyduran4 and Muhammad Tariq5

...its in Thalli sheep for phenotypic characterization and their association with the live bodyweight of the animals for the selection of superior individuals by using the principal component analysis (PCA) technique and regression equation. Twenty-one (21) multivariate traits were taken of young Thalli sheep aged 0-12 months in Thall area of Punjab, Pakistan. Morphometric traits measured were withers height (WH), head width (HW), head length (HL), body length (B...

Ke Sun, Guangwei Fan, Yujie Zhang, Ji Luo, Xiaobing Wu and Tao Pan*

...1 meter off the ground. Then, a canopy density calculating method is established based on an adaptive bimodal threshold segmentation algorithm. The accuracy of the proposed method is evaluated and compared with two methods based on Otsu’s algorithm and iterative algorithm, respectively. The results show that the accuracy of the method based on the adaptive bimodal threshold segmentation algorithm is the highest (absolute error: 0.018±0.016) among ...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Jamshaid Iqbal2, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Tariq Javeed1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Irshad1, Muhammad Aslam1, Gul Rehman2 and Shahar Yar Ahsan1

...differences in efficacy when compared with each other. A combination of treatments viz., imidacloprid seed treatment+ installation of blue sticky traps and chlorfenapyr 360 SC @ 100ml/acre spray was observed to be the most successful against thrips and resulted in maximum yield 1970.1 kg/ha of mungbean. While imidacloprid seed treatment with blue sticky trap installation, alone, did not show distinctive impact on the thrips population as well as on the yield i...

Asad Alam1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Yaseen1, Rafiq Ullah1, Tahira Tayyeb1, Muhammad Hanif1, Maiz ur Rahman1, Muhammad Owais Khan1, Fatima Syed3, Raheela Taj3, Shumaila Gul4, Muhammad Sadeeq5 and Muneeb Islam6

...ed in limited resources when compared to other aquaculture species. This research work identified the requirements needed for installation of biofloc setup in winter session; different physico-chemical parameters and optimized the floc density for growth of Nile Tilapia (O. niloticus) in the study area. A total of three tanks were taken and the floc concentration was 121.071g in tank first, 131.16g in second and 135.19g in tank third. Total fingerlings (750) s...

Sariffudin Fatmona*, Abdurahman Hoda, Sri Utami 

...rossing (F1) Elba laying hens with male Bangkok RB chickens with chickens resulting from crossing (F1) Bangkok and female BK Kampung reciprocally. Chickens resulting from this cross are placed in colonies based on age and gender. The parameters measured are the phenotypic characters of the cross. Then the data was analyzed using the variance test. The results showed that body weight, Shank...

Hafiz Ishtiaq Ahmad1, Jinlong Zhang1, Fuxun Luo1, Owais Iqbal2 and Yuying Wang1*

...phology. To gain a comprehensive understanding, an experiment was designed to investigate the impact of various light-emitting diode (LED) spectrums including red, blue, yellow, green, and their composite lights on the plant growth parameters, physiological characteristics, and antioxidant activity of Dendrobium officinale tissue culture seedlings. The fluorescent white light served as control. The tissue culture seedlings were grown in simple light and transp...

Muti Ul Hannan1, Wazir Ahmed1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Muhammad Baqir Hussain1 and Khuram Mubeen1

...nt of cotton production whenever cotton is under heat stress.


Hafiz Muhammad Usama Shaheen1, Nasir Ahmed Rajput1*, Muhammad Atiq1, Ghalib Ayaz Kachelo1, Hadeed Ahmad1, Muhammad Wahab1, Muhammad Faran Tahir1 and Abuzar Hasnain2

...ce percentage (18.07%), when applied as preventive treatment. These extracts could be significant in biological management strategies for the control of BLS of rice, as indicated by the reduction in disease incidence in all experiments as compared to control treatment. The current findings may provide a way for the synthesis and exploitation of new biocontrol agents in the future.

Nazish Huma Khan1*, Mohammad Nafees2, Tooba Saeed3, Sarzamin Khan1, Hazrat Hussain4, Adila Bashir2 and Nida Naz1
...ant to formulate a comprehensive, professional, and environmentally friendly management strategy for stone crushers. This study shows that regulatory measures are urgently needed to save the environment from pollution abatement. Among the underdeveloped countries, Pakistan is considered as one of the most highly populated countries. To respond to strong demographic pressure, the construction industry has become one of the main sectors in the country. Keeping t...

Zhenyu Chang1,3, Qingqing Xiao1,2, Yourong Ye1,2, Mujahid Iqbal4, Mengqi Duan1,2, Yangzom Chamba1,2* and Peng Shang1,2*

...ability to grow maximum when the inoculation was 1%, the temperature 37 ℃ and pH = 7. This strain depicted a strong tolerance for artificial gastric and intestinal juice. Roy’s Lactobacillus F1 can inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus and Salmonella. Lactobacillus reuteri F1 also showed a strong hydrophobicity and self-agglutination ability. It is sensitive to butamicane, chloramphenicol, erythromycin, cefazol...
Sajid Hussain Shah1, Akeel Ahmed Memon1*, Asmatullah Kaka1
Ahmed Nawaz Tunio2, Abdullah Channo1, Qudratullah Kalwar4
Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar3, Kashif Ali Malak1 and Baban Ali Rahoo1
...15.02 ± 0.21 h), then A (13.58 ± 2.22 h) and C (10 ± 0.00 h). In all groups blood samples were collected from the milk vein on day 0 (the first treatment), day 7, day 11 (one day after artificial insemination), day 18 and day 30 from all groups for determining progesterone level. Statistical analysis showed non-significant differences in progesterone level among groups at day 0. Furthermore, on Day 7, Group C differed significantly in prog...

Rauf Khan1, Shazia Mansuri1,2*, Muhammad Abid1, Muneeba Khan2, Anjum Perveen2, Afshan Rehman3 and Rubina Noureen1

Baby Nhor K. Ambel1*, Nneka Djen A. Matandog1, Neil Pep Dave N. Sumaya2, Florence Roy P. Salvaña1, Bryan Lloyd P. Bretaña1 and Ma. Teodora N. Cabasan1*

... approach stress levels when farms are cultivated under 10-15 years of monoculture. Soil food web analysis revealed disturbances in the soil ecosystem, particularly in banana monocropping farms used for 5-15 years. Continuous monocropping for 5-15 years could disrupt the soil conditions, as evidenced by changes in the nematode community structure. These findings highlight that nematode communities can serve as sensitive indicators of soil quality and have the ...

Saddam Hussain1, Muhammad Asrar2*, Usama Saleem2, Dilbar Hussain3, Muhammad Sohail Qadir3, Muhammad Saleem3, Rashid Ali2, Zeeshan Javed2 and Mubshar Saleem4

...ites free, particularly when conditions are favourable for termites, such as drought. Furthermore, pasture lands used for grazing are susceptible to termites, leading to an acute shortage of animal feed. In this review, we tried to reveal all about the damages of termites in agriculture of Pakistan. 


Lei Chu1, Jie Yang2, Zhenshi Chen2, Xiajun Zhang1, Weidong Wu3*, Shaoru Zhang2 and Lihui Wang2*

...were analyzed by DAVID. Then, the PPI network is constructed with strings. The HUB gene and module of DEGS were obtained by Cytoscape. Finally, GEPIA also analyzed the differential expression and survival of key genes. 234 DEG were extracted from GSE9750. The uterus is the fourth organ highlighted in the concentrated analysis. The functional changes of DEGS are mainly related to cell cycle progression, cell cycle, helicase activity, DNA helicase activity, exos...

Shaofei Zhang1, Na Xu2 and Gang Liu2*

...erythropus wintering at Shengjin and Caizi Lakes in China using metagenomic analysis of 20 fecal samples (ten samples per lake). The operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the gut archaea of geese wintering in the two lakes represented 16 phyla, 16 classes, 24 orders, 27 families, and 45 genera, with Euryarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, and Bathyarchaeota being the dominant gut archaeal phyla. The results of alpha diversity analysis showed a significant difference in...

Mati Ullah1*, Muhammad Rizwan2, Ali Raza3, Xianlin Zhao4, Yanling Sun4, Sarah Gul5, Muhammad Ihtesham Waheed6, Muhammad Nadeem Khan7, Alvina Gul8, Sami Ullah Jan9* and Chao Huang4*

...ent study, we have comprehensively analyzed the genome of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus NDO2 isolated from traditional yogurt samples using the next-generation sequencing approach. The GC contents of the selected genome were 45.3%. Among the total 2284 genes identified, 970 genes similar in three genomes make the core genome portion. The subsystems, category distribution analysis revealed “carbohydrates” was the largest subsystem, fol...

Hasina Basharat1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Aziz Ahmed2, Muhammad Zubair Anjum1 and Shamim Akhter1

...tocking densities in earthen ponds of African catfish is necessary for efficient management, increase in fish production and to maximize the return on investment. So, this study was carried out to investigate the influence of various stocking densities on the production and economic character of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in Pakistan. After the successful transportation and acclimatization of African catfish, further experiment was performed for opti...
Suherman Suherman1*, Muhammad Fahri Rizky1, Zaki Bahrul Fikri1, Hadiyanto Hadiyanto1,  Zane Vincevica-Gaile2, Anwar Saeed Khan3, Erkata Yandri4,5 and Iswahyudi Iswahyudi6 
... components such as polyphenol compounds due to excessive heat.
R. Javed1,2, T. Usman1, S. Niaz2, N. Ali2,3, H. Baneh4, K. Ullah5, I. Khattak1, M. Kamal1,2
S. Bahadar6, N.U. Khan1, S. Khan1,7, Y. Wang3*, Y. Yu3* and Mostafa K. Nassar8
...(Vpe), and estimates of phenotypic variation (Vp) were recorded highest for SCC. The analysis of the effect of genetic factors (i.e. heritability, repeatability, and heterosis) revealed that estimation of heritability was highest (0.59) for age at first calving (AFC) while lowest (0.00) for calving interval (CI), and estimation of repeatability was highest (0.99) for AFC while lowest (0.00) for CI. The results of heterosis analysis showed that crossbred (Achai...
Wasseem Emam1, Mohamed E. Bakr2*, Marwa F. Abdel-Kader3, Mohamed M. Abdel-Rahim4, Ashraf I.G. Elhetawy4 and Radi A. Mohamed1
...cover from mild illness when they are able to locate to warmer water. This study aimed to replicate this ‘behavioural fever’ effect in an aquaculture setting by artificially heating a section of a fish pond (thereby introducing a thermal gradient) and effectively modifying pond design. This was achieved through the construction of a ‘greenhouse’ type structure above a section of the pond. Over the length of the production cycle at three...

Gökhan Ulukan1*, Zeynep Pekcan2, Zülfükar Kadir Sarıtas3, Ilker Etikan4, Serkan Sayıner5, Feride Zabitler6 and Fatma Eser Özgencil1

Jagdish Jaba1*, Sumit Vashisth2, Sivakumar Golla1 and Suraj Prashad Mishra1

...ded on first sowing and then gradually decline for the rest of the plantings. Maximum H. armigera egg population exhibited 21.10 on ICPL 87 in first sowing and at least 1.23 on ICPL 88039 in sixth sowing. Web forming insect pests Maruca virata (3.95) and leaf webber (4.66) weremaximum recorded on ICPL 88039 in second and first planting respectively. The leaf feeding beetle was recorded highest 6.29(ICPL 87) in the third planting. Amid two cultivars maximum ins...

Toyin B. Ajibade1*, Mukhtar A. Yusuf1, Sijuwade A. Adebayo2, Uswat T. Adeyemi1 and Olubunmi A. Omotesho1

...enewable, however, only when put to sustainable use. Plastic pollution has been fingered as a cause of dwindling ocean health across states in Nigeria whereas the vagaries of climate change are also detrimental to sustainability of the aquatic ecosystem. Declining fish stock over the years is of stern concern, having strong implications not only on the livelihoods of millions of agents along the value chain but as well on future nutritional security of the pop...

Chukwujekwu A. Obianefo1,2*, Ngozi J. Obiekwe1, Nma O. Okoroji3, Zahoor A. Shah4, Uzochukwu V. Uchemba5 and Ebele G. Osegbue5

...ral research, and strengthen customer systems. Farmers are exposed to multiple types of extended information. However, this study examined the ease of use of e-extension techniques or tools by advisors when contacting farmers. The ability of extension staff to disseminate agricultural information using electronic tools should always be evaluated. A structured questionnaire was used to randomly select 150 agricultural develop...

Anom Yusuf Tri Bambang Susilo1, Muhammad Fathin Hanif1, Bambang Ariyadi2, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra3, Ali Agus1*

...uction systems in laying hens has gained significant attention in animal production research, particularly after the ban on conventional cages. Meanwhile, a bibliometric analysis entails the use of statistical methods to discover patterns and trends in scientific publications. This approach includes studying the quantity of publications, identifying the countries with the highest productivity, and defining the main fields of research. Through this analysis, we...

Amal Ahmed Abdel-Halim1, Esteftah Mohamed El-Komy2, Ahmed Mosaad Abdelsalam2, Gomaa Said Ramadan2*

...carcass characteristics when compared to the other quail hybrids. In conclusion, the present study highlighted the significant differences in body weight growth and carcass characteristics among different hybrid lines of Japanese quails. The findings contribute to our understanding of the genetic traits and growth potential of these quail hybrids, with Hy5 Imported Quail demonstrating superior performance in carcass characteristics.

Wadood Shah* and Sanam Zarif Satti

...antioxidant enzymes and phenolic compounds play a vital role in a plant’s capacity to endure drought stress conditions. 


Gautam Kumar Deb1*, Md Faizul Hossain Miraz1, SM Jahangir Hossain1, Shahrina Akter1, Md. Ahsanul Kabir1, Md Ruhul Amin2, Md Panir Choudhury1, Nure Hasni Desha1

...ims to characterize the phenotypic traits of native horses and investigate the management practices and socioeconomic status of horse owners. A total of 233 horse-rearing households were interviewed by structured questionnaire from selective locations covering all divisions of Bangladesh. Phenotypic traits (Body weight, body length, chest girth, neck length, head length, ear length, wither height, back height, length from ea...

Hala Harifi*, Mouloud Lamtai*, Siham Ait Salhi, Fatima-Zahra Azzaoui, Omar Akhouayri, Abdelhalem Mesfioui, Leila Bikjdaouene

...owed no adverse effects when compared to the 25 mg/kg and 30 mg/kg doses. Additionally, the 40 mg/kg dose proved to be lethal. Weight changes were observed in rats injected with the highest doses of Mn, along with alterations in organ weights. This study led us to conclude that chronic exposure to Mn induces dose-dependent toxic effects, as evidenced by the observed clinical signs of toxicity.
Keywords | Manganese, Chronic exposi...

Tariq Zaman1*, Fawad Khan2, Sajjad Ahmad2*, Alia Mehsud2, Atta Ur Rahman3, Muskaan Zaman2 and Sumaira Noor2

...adaceae, Asphodelaceae, Chenopodiaceae, Convolvulaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fumariaceae, Lamiaceae, Malvaceae, Oxalidaceae, Plantaginaceae and Salvadoraceae) have 1 specie (2.38%) each. Based on plant parts used, leaves were the topmost part used of 21 species (50%), followed by whole plant 18 species (42.85%), seeds of 9 species (21.42%), stem of 8 species (19.08%), root of 5 species (11.90%), latex, shoots of 2 species (4.76%) and flowers of 1 specie. The most si...

Salman K.A.A1, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory3*

...all exposure durations. When comparing the injectable treatments to T1, the same phenomenon occurred at 12 and 48 hours. At 6 hours, the glucose concentration at T3 and T4 was considerably (P<0.05) lower than at T1, and at 12 hours, all injection parameters were lower than at T1. At 24 o’clock, the glutathione concentration in T3 increased significantly (P≤0.05) compared to the other treatments, while at 48 o&rsq...

Indah Nurfauziah1, Lovita Adriani1*, Rahmad Fani Ramadhan1, Andi Mushawwir1, Safri Ishmayana2

...tal production of laying hens. This research used a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with three treatments and twelve replications. Treatment consisted of T0: basal feed (BS), T1: BS + 4% WSPE B1 yogurt (Bifidobacterium spp. and L. acidophilus), and T2: BS + 4% WSPE B2 yogurt (L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus, L. acidophilus, and Bifidobacterium spp.). All data from the results of sample analysis have been analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA), to determ...

Muhammad Usman1, Hussain Abbas1, Riffat Maqsood1, Muhammad Awais Nadeem1, Abdul Hanan Shazal1, Ali Usman1, Amna Hameed2, Haram Shahid3, Zulqarnain Haider3, Muhammad Zain1, Muhammad Suleman1 and Muhammad Wasif Gulzar1*

...difficult, particularly when there seems to be a crisis. The global health is at risk due to the current coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, which is producing unprecedented financial, social, and political disturbances. Using a comprehensive One Health (OH) approach to implement interventions at the interface of humans, animals, and the environment is one option to stop such a pandemic. To assess the development o...

Chinenye Maria-Goretti Ohanu, Chika Bright Ikele*, Okoye, ChukwuEbuka Kingsley, Charity Chidera Eze

...B and C (500mg/L chloramphenicol) served as the normal, negative control, and positive control, while groups D and E were treated with 500mg/L and 1,500mg/L ELEOG, respectively. ELEOG controlled the parasitaemia after the seventh-day post-inoculation but persisted after treatment relative to the standard drug, chloramphenicol’s significant (P=0.05) performance. However, between 72 h and 96 h post-treatment, both the in...

Muhammad Shuaib1*, Abdul Hafeez1, Naila Chand1 and Muhammad Tahir2

... economics in the laying hens during the early (29 to 32 weeks) peak production period. Two hundred golden brown (RIR×Fayoumi) layer birds of age 28 weeks were used for the experimental purpose and were distributed in five groups control (CON), and treatment groups (T1, T2, T3, and T4), each had 4 replicates with 10 birds per replicate. The CON group had a corn-soybean basal diet while the T1 group contained 3%SH+20mg/kg enzyme, T2 3%SH+30mg/kg enzyme, T...

Atyab Amjad1*, Riaz-Ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Shafique Khalid2, Samia Ikram1, Riaz Bukhari1, Muhammad Shafique3 and Muhammad Luqman4

...f area (153.9 cm²) when grown in polyethylene tunnels. The maximum number of leaves per plant (38) was observed for Crystal Blanco cultivated in a greenhouse environment. Notably, the number of flower buds per plant did not exhibit significant variation across growing conditions, although Crystal Blanco again displayed a trend of superior performance. The largest bud diameter (20.2 mm) was recorded for Crystal Blanco grown under green netting. Crystal Bla...

Efi Rokana1, Iin Rohmatul Fatimah1, Brilian Desca Dianingtyas1, Niswatin Hasanah2, Wulandari3, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,3* 



Umair Khatri1, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1*, Shahzor Gul Khaskheli1 and Omer Mukhtar Tarar2

... acid 3.43g/100) BMP, (behenic acid 1.15g/100) BMP, (arachidic acid 0.37g/100) BMP and (lignoseric acid 0.34g/100) BMP. Unsaturated fatty acid (USFA) followed by (trans linoleic acid 66.49g/100 BMP, (cis oleic acid 34.26g/100) OMB, (gamma 6.24g/100) BMP, (eicosenoic acid 2.64g/100) BMP, (linolenic acid 1.60g/100 BMP, (erucic acid 1.07g/100) BPM, (nervonic acid 0.89g/100) BMP, (eicosadienoic acid 1.99g/100) BMP, (trans oleic acid 0.26g/100) BMP and (palmitoleic...

Dwi Putri Nurmala1, Tri Eko Susilorini1, Osfar Sjofjan2*, Danung Nur Adli2

...analysis method. A comprehensive literature search was conducted, selecting studies published from 2005 to 2023 that examined selenium supplementation in dairy goats. Using R software 4.3.3 (2024-02-29 ucrt), data from 16 studies were analyzed using meta-regression analyses. Selenium supplementation in dairy goats significantly enhanced GSH-Px activity (P<0.01), but had no significant effect on blood parameters (RBC, WBC, hemoglobin, hematocrit, cholesterol...

Le Thanh Phuong1, Pham Tan Nha2*

...rations). A total of 300 hens and 60 cocks at the 21 weeks old local Noi chickens were used in this experiment. They were randomly distributed into two treatment groups of 5 replicates (30 hens and 6 cocks) in a completely randomized design. Treatment 1 (G0 generation – beginning generation) included 150 hens and 30 cocks and treatment 2 (G1 generation – the offspring of G0 gen...

Muhammad Ardas Daruslam1, Muhammad Irfan Said2*, Nancy Lahay3

...d to the poultry (laying hens) feces as ammonia gas reducer. A total of three vegetable waste source formulas were applied, namely: V1 = Kale (Ka)(100%); V2 = Spinach (Sp)(100%); V3 = Ka(50%) + Sp(50%) to study the Ec-En character. In addition, four Ec-En dilution process formulas were used to evaluate the performance of Ec-En as a ammonia gas reducer during the fermentation process, namely:  P0 = without Ec-En (control); P1 = 100% of Ec-En + 0% water (v/...

Kh. Amber1, S.G. Kotb1, W.A. Morsy2* and W. Khalifa1

...lood metabolite profile when compared to crumble and mash feed form. Supplementation of protease enzyme in diets enhanced growth performance of broiler chickens.

Shawky M Aboelhadid1*, Abdel-Azeem S Abdel-Baki2, Khaled M Hassan3
Samar M Ibrahium4, Saleh Al-Quraishy5, Ahmed O Hassan6 and Asmaa A Kamel1
...hieved the best results when compared with GO alone or GN form. All treatments exhibited inhibition in the activity of acetylcholinesterase enzyme in the house fly larvae 24h post application. In addition, all the treatments induced significant increase in the malondialdehyde activity. In conclusion, nanoemulsion tech and mixing GO+SO increased their insecticidal potency against house fly, C. pipiens and T. castenum. This is a useful method in the integrated p...

Muhammad Salman1, Rao Zahid Abbas1*, Muhammad Kasib Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid Mahmood2

Abdullah Channo1,2*, Asmatullah Kaka1, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Mool Chand Malhi3, Muhammad Bakhsh4, Qudratullah Kalwar5, Shakeel Ahmed Tunio6 and Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar7 were synchronized at Bhens colony; Ghumanrabad with one injection prostaglandin (pgf2α) protocol and 13 animals showed estrus and were inseminated. Meanwhile, 8 were found pregnant through rectal palpation with a pregnancy rate of 61.53%.


A 90-day feeding trial was designated to evaluate how canola meal (CM)-based diet supplemented with phytase (PHY) and citric acid (CA) affects whole-body composition and hematological parameters in Cirrhinus mrigala and Cyprinus carpio fingerlings. Sixteen experimental diets (T1─T16) with varied CA (0 and 2.5%) and PHY (0 and 750 FTU/kg) levels were prepared. The fingerlings were fed at the rate of 5.0% of live fish body mass. Fifteen fish were randomly stocked into triplicate tanks for each of sixteen test diets. Significant (p<0.05) increase in crude protein (CP) and crude fat (CF) was noticed in fish fed T12 (2.5% CA and 750 FTU/kg PHY) diets. Comparison of treatments showed maximum values of RBCs (3.57×106 mm-3 and 3.18×106 mm-3), PLT (83.32 and 80.35), Hb (8.92g/100ml and 8.62g/100ml) and PCV (29.07% and 30.07%) in C. mrigala and C. carpio fingerlings, respectively, when fed with T12 diets. Conclusively, a 50% CM-based diet with 2.5% CA and 750 FTU/kg PHY supplementation, performed better in terms of whole-body composition and hematological parameters in C. mrigala and C. carpio fingerlings.

...gerlings, respectively, when fed with T12 diets. Conclusively, a 50% CM-based diet with 2.5% CA and 750 FTU/kg PHY supplementation, performed better in terms of whole-body composition and hematological parameters in C. mrigala and C. carpio fingerlings.


Hui-juan Yan1, Wei Wang2,*, Jian-qiu Yu1, Jun Yi2, Li-li Niu1, Hong-wei Chen1, Yu Qu1, Yang Pu 1, Ang Chen1, Yan Zhong1, Wei-gang Chen1 and Xing-ming Yu1

...t-align: justify;">Comprehensive investigation of gut microbiota composition is important for understanding digestive physiology in mammals. The hog deer (Axis porcinus) is a small mammal at high risk of extinction in the wild. In the present study, we sequenced the V4 region of 16S rRNA gene and compared the gut microbiota composition among three ages of captive hog deer, including one infant (Z1, six months old), three young (Z2, ten months old) and 12 adult...

Shumaila Usman1,2, Irfan Khan2, Kanwal Haneef3 and Asmat Salim2*

...effect of 2, 4 - Dinitrophenol (DNP) on the transdifferentiation of NIH3T3 cells into insulin producing β-cells (IPCs). DNP is a lipophilic weak acid that uncouple oxidative phosphorylation by decreasing ATP production. Cells treated with DNP were analyzed for the morphological changes and islet specific markers (MafA, Ngn3, Nkx 6.1, Pdx-1, insulin, glucagon, somatostatin and Sca-1) at gene and protein levels. In the presence of DNP, NIH3T3 cells appeared...

Noor Rahmawati*, Dea Indriani Astuti and Pingkan Aditiwati

...with unique properties. When tested using the DPPH radical-scavenging assay, the secondary metabolite Toona sinensis Roem, which was extracted using 80% acetone, shown antioxidant activity. To create antioxidant chemicals, the endophytic fungus T. sinensis must be isolated and researched. Thin-layer chromatography (TLC) and spectrophotometric methods were used right away to assess the potential of endophytic fungus to create antioxidant chemicals. Additional i...

Deden Sudrajat*, Dewi Wahyuni, Burhanudin Malik, Dede Kardaya 


Betel leaves contain phenolic compounds that are useful as antimicrobials, so they are widely used as additional feed in livestock rations. The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of betel leaf meal and extract on the sensory quality of quail eggs. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design with three treatments, which were then analyzed by the Kruskal-Wallis test. The variables observed were hedonic t...

Fatima Kanwal

...ygonaceae, Poaceae, and Chenopodiaceae were the most common families observed. A total of 14 different weed species belonging to 10 distinct families were identified. Goose grass (Elusine indica), Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album), and Black nightshade (Solanum nigram) accounted for 87% of the weeds and had densities of 1.82%, 1.82%, and 1.71%, respectively. Species of Amaranthus viridis were found to be 37% prevalent, with ...

Junaid Khan* and Muhammad Sajid

...season but these plants then produce very little fruit yield during winter season due to low carbohydrates. To increase guava fruit production during winter season, this experiment ‘effect of nitrogen doses (0, 75, 150 and 225 kg ha-1) and timing (September, October and November) on fruit quality of guava in winter’ was conducted at farmer field of village, Gher Khan, District, Haripur during 2017-2018 with the objectives to optimize the appropriat...

Muhammad Ihsan Ullah2, Muhammad Hasnain1*, Muhmmad Luqman2, Hammad Hussnain2, Muhammad Tauseef2, Abrar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shahid2, Qaisar Abbas3, Mussurrat Hussain3, Ali Raza2, Muhammad Musadique Ahmad Khan4, Muhammad Kashif Nadeem5, Sajid Nadeem6

...tudy. Six insecticides, when used alone or in a combination viz. chlothianidin 200ml/acre, spirotetramate 250ml/acre, matrine 500ml/acre, flunicamid 80gm/acre, imidacloprid + acephate 500gm/acre and dinotefuran 100gm/acre were tested against sucking insect pests such as whiteflies, jassids and thrips on cotton under field conditions at AARI Faisalabad. The population of cotton sucking insect pests was counted prior to pesticide administration as well as on 1st...

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Asmat Ullah2, Arbab Jahangeer1, Naveed Akhtar3, Tahira Tabassum3, Ali Zohaib3, Naveed Ramzan3 evaporation from soil hence limits upward movement of salts. Moreover, it also reserves soil moisture, increases utilizing efficiencies of nutrient and water hence improves crop yield. Critical research gaps exist in understanding the long-term effectiveness of various mulching materials on cotton yield and soil health in saline soils. Comparative analyses between organic and inorganic mulches and mechanistic understandin...
Supardi Rusdiana1, Tatan Kostaman1*, Priyono Priyono2, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum1, Lisa Praharani1, Yeni Widiawati1, Agustin Herliatika1, Nurul Pratiwi1, Nurul Azizah1, Paul Ade Iji3
...e effects include strengthening supply chain resilience, market regulation, market diversification, multi-stakeholder partnerships strengthening, and digital transformation. Our review offers valuable insights into the challenges faced by the broiler industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, this review proposes feasible solutions for a more resilient and sustainable future for the broiler industry in Indonesia.

Zahraa M. Mahdi carbon nanotubes, graphene oxide, and metal-organic frameworks are investigated for their viability in desalination as alternatives to traditional surface membranes. These polymeric batteries are suitable for some applications because they demonstrate the combination of increased water permeability with reduced salt rejection properties. The paper also focuses on the use of characterisation methods such as SEM, XRD as well as FT-IR for analyzing and underst...
...odes were performed and then confirmed by PCR. Then, the antibiotic resistance profile was revealed. Seven (17.7%) of goat isolates from Oromia, 5 (12.5%) from Southern Nations, nationalities and peoples regional states and 4 (10%) sheep isolates from Oromia were evaluated as positive for C. pseudotuberculosis in molecular diagnosis. C. pseudotuberculosis was moderately susceptible to gentamicin (68.75%) and highly susceptib...

Yibo Yan, Zhaohui Ding, Nanxin Liang, Kai Zhang, Lei Yue, Wengang Li* and Xianyi Song*

...e greater (p < 0.05) when SBP supplemented than 0% SBP group. The concentration of IgA was greater (p < 0.05) in 2.0% SBP group than in 0% SBP and 0.5% SBP group. The concentration of T-AOC, activities of CAT and GSH-Px were greater (p < 0.05) when SBP supplemented than 0% SBP group. The activity of SOD and concentration of MDA were lesser (p < 0.05) in 2.0% and 1.0% SBP group than in 0% SBP group. It concluded t...
Nguyen Van Vui1*, Duong Hoang Oanh2, Nguyen Thi Kim Quyen1, Nguyen Thuy Linh1, Kim Nang1, Nhan Hoai Phong1
...r provided to the laying hens. This research aimed to assess the impact of supplementing laying hens’ drinking water with Spirulina algae on their productive performance, egg quality, yolk lipid peroxidation, and blood biochemical parameters. The experiment followed a completely randomized design, featuring five treatments with varying concentrations of Spirulina, monitored over a 10-week period. Reproductive performan...

Mohammed Nasir Uddin1, Maimona Monir Jhilam1, Most Zannatun Nahar Mukta1, Zujaja Wahaj2, Mohammad Maruf Hasan1* and Samiha Khan3 faced by the farmers when implementing crop interventions. The study was conducted in two villages under Mohanganj upazila (sub-district) of Netrokona district where 100 farmers were interviewed from April to May 2022 using a structured interview schedule. The primary focus variable i.e., the extent of changes in the livelihood of wetland farmers was assessed using a 3-point Likert scale. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to identify factors that...

Amaq Fadholly1,2*, Endang Tri Margawati1, Alek Ibrahim1 and Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra1

...mples were isolated and then purified following the extraction continued with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The Association of MYF5 genotypes with body weight and body size measurements was analyzed using General Linear Model by SAS 9.4 program. The result showed that MC4R gene with HpyCH41V restriction enzyme was polymorphic with three genotypes of CC, CG and GG with frequencies of 0.18 (9), 0.32 (16)...

Jamal Abdul Nasir1, Naila Chand1, Abdul Hafeez1 and Rifat Ullah Khan2*

... outcomes were achieved when oyster mushroom stem waste was incorporated at a 3% level in the feed.


Rijanto Hutasoit1,3, Edison Purba2*, Simon Petrus Ginting3, Nevy Diana Hanafi2

...e analyzed by ANOVA and then evaluated using an orthogonal polynomial contrast test. In this study, the soil characteristics were analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between the M2 I. zollingeriana generations in terms of quantity and quality. Numerically, 300 Gy treatment produced the most dry matter production (11.08 t ha-1 y-1). When compared with those that a...

Desak Nyoman Dewi Indira Laksmi1*, I. Gusti Ngurah Bagus Trilaksana1, I. Wayan Sukernayasa1, Nyoman Oka Widiarta2, I. Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan1, I Made Merdana3

...dipose tissue increases when there is a negative energy balance after childbirth. Leptin is a hormone secreted by adipose tissue that plays a role in conveying metabolic information to the hypothalamic-pituitary axis of the ovary. Therefore, this study aims to show that leptin can increase the estrus intensity and the appearance time of postpartum estrus in primiparous cattle. This is a true experiment using a Randomized Pre Post Group Control Design. Furtherm...
Hai Thanh Nguyen1*, Cuong Kien Nguyen2, Duy Ba Ngo2, Anh Thi Ngoc Dang1*
...iew aims to take a comprehensive approach to summarizing the impact of dietary supplementation on pork quality. It specifically focuses on the effects of ingredients with high unsaturated fatty acid (UFAs) and natural antioxidants, as well as the various potential factors and mechanisms that influence the meat value change in pork. The fatty acids’ profile, particularly UFAs, is a crucial determinant of meat’s sensory quality. However, they are pro...

Waqas Ahmad Shams1*, Gauhar Rehman2, Muhammad Ismail3, Rahmul Kabir4 and Abdul Qahar1

... exhibited potent 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity compared to other extracts. Similarly, the aqueous extract displayed high anti-OH* activity in the H2O2 assay. In contrast, the ethanolic extract showed superior antioxidant potential in the ferric cyanide (Fe3+) reducing assay compared to ethyl acetate and aqueous extracts. Furthermore, all extracts exhibited antioxidant properties in the nitric oxide (NO) scavenging assay, wi...

Syeda Rubab Zaidi* and Safdar Ali Mirza

... on day 9 of incubation when operated under following cultural conditions, 2 pH, 35ºC, 3.0 % wheat straw as carbon source among other synthetic (glucose and maltose), and agricultural sources (sugarcane bagasse, rice bran), 1.5% urea as nitrogen source among other sources that include peptone, yeast extract, ammonium sulpate and ammonium chloride. Abench top fermenter was used in order to carry out scaled up studies). All the optimized cultural conditions...

Qais Abdulrahman M. Al-Jaghifi, Zina Saab Khudhir* 

...ased significantly more when treated with 2% chitosan at refrigeration temperature compared to ambient temperature. The antibacterial activity was also evaluated by measuring the zone of inhibition (mm). Results indicated that 2% chitosan was significantly effective (P≤0.05), showing the highest zone of inhibition (38 mm) against MRSA. In conclusion, the application of chitosan as a natural food-grade antibacterial agent against MRSA effectively reduced bac...

Ali Nawaz*, Qazi Bilal Ahmed, Anwar Ali, Nowsherwan Zarif, Faizan Ahmad and Asim Karim 

...s the necessity of comprehending and monitoring climate trends in urban settings, particularly in light of climate change and urban development challenges. The observed trends in Peshawar’s micro-urban climate offer crucial insights for policymakers and urban planners to prioritize sustainable urban development measures. This research serves as a valuable indicator for informed decision-making processes aimed at mitigating the adverse effects of climate ...

Mohammed Abdulameer Rashid Al-Sarray1, Hasanain Jihad Neamah2*, Sarah Gatea Fayyadh AL-Omairi1

...however, 2, 2 – Diphenyl - 1- picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) was used to estimate the TAC of seminal plasma depending on the absorbance. The P1, P2, O1, and O2 groups recorded a highly significant (P≤0.01) decrease in seminal MDA level. The P1, P2, O1, and O2 groups recorded a highly significant (P≤0.01) decrease in seminal MDA level. On the other hand, the results suggested a higher TAC increase for all groups than the control at different times of cooling...

Muhammad Sajid1*, Muhammad Hamid2, Usama Ayyub2 and Muhammad Azam2 

...y organs. A deeper comprehension of the pathophysiology and immunology of the CCHFV virus will enhance patient care and hasten the creation of CCHF medication countermeasures. Physicians We anticipate that physicians should familiarize themselves with the instruments available for managing and diagnosing human CCHFV infections in human.


Sana Nawaz1, Shahzor Gul Khaskheli1*, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1, Inayatullah Rajper2, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh3, Ashfaque Ahmed Khaskheli1 and Shaista Soomro1

...e, carotenoids, and polyphenols. Making use of FV waste to extract these bioactive compounds represents a crucial step towards sustainable development. This review covers various types of FV waste, extraction technologies, and potential applications of the obtained bioactive compounds, offering insights into strategies for waste reduction and resource optimization in the FV industry.

Muhammad Ambar Islahuddin1, Yuli Retnani2*, Despal2
...ility and digestibility when supplemented in rations.
Keywords | Binder, Biohydrogenation, Dairy cattle, In vitro, Precision, Wafer supplements
Saadeya Ali Lefelef Al-Gnami1, Fatima Ibrahim Mohammad2, Huda Jassim Mohammed Al-Helali3
... these blood parameters when compared to T3. Exa-mination of liver tissue in control , T1 and T2 exposed normal tissue appearance. T3 exposed the normal radial arrangements of hepatocyte with a trifling infiltration of inflammatory cells and multiplying in kuffer cells. T4 and T5 revealed normal appear of hepatocyte with a clear central nucleus site. This research can be concluded that nano-piprine and Vit. C have a great role in reducing the side effect of de...

Muhammad Shahid Hassan1, Nargis Naz2, Hassan Raza Javeed1*, Sabahat Zafar1, Laraib Kanwal1, Seerat Mariyum1, Areej Fatima1, Areeba Bashir1 and Muhammad Imran Atta3

...%), Avena futua (3.5%), Chenopodium album (1.51%), Sisymbrium irio (1.05%), Medicago denticulata (0.70%), Sonchus asper (0.54%), Rumex dentatus (0.44%), Cronopus didymus (0.33%) and Fumaria indica (0.31%). Therefore, it is concluded that this study aims to helpful the distribution patterns and importance of different weed species in district Layyah and providing valuable insights for targeted weed management in wheat cultivation.

Hend E.M. Elsheikh1*, Mamdouh F. El-Mekkawi1, A.A. Abou-Zaid1 and 
Amal M. Abd El Raof2
...acteristic Pock lesions when inoculated on CAM of embryo chicken eggs while 39 of 40 (97.5%) of the samples tested positive for LSDV depending on partial amplification of the EEV glycoprotein gene (958-bp) in conventional PCR.


Quratulain Amjad1,2 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2*

...stoma cells (SF767) and then the anti-proliferative role of Slit2 was analyzed in presence and absence of heparan sulfate. The data revealed that, heparan sulfate plays important role in enhancing tumor inhibition by Slit2 in cancer cells as there was further reduction in cell proliferation when Slit2 was administered along with heparin.


Wiqar Ahmad1*, Sadiq Hussain2, Muhammad Sharif2 and Farmanullah Khan2

...ccessful composting. Parthenium weed, being high nutrient accumulator from agricultural soils, was composted under different sources of nitrogen viz chiken manure, blood meal, soybean meal, cotton seed meal, urea, and a control to evaluate their relative effectiveness for composting starter and decomposition into a a quality mature compost. Composts treatments were evaluated after each month for physico-chemical properties and the results indicated the highest...

Abdessatar Omezine1

...ture experiment, if the phenomena act together. An experimental design is used to study interactions between chilies or peppers, Capsicum annuum L. var. ‘Baklouti’ and Setaria verticillata (L.) P. BEAUVOIS. A replacement series design was used to compare C. annuum/ S.verticillata interactions under monocultures vs. polycultures. The experiment is conducted in the greenhouse of the Higher Institute of Agricultural Sciences, of Chott-Mariem, 4041, Un...

Zahid Fazal1, Jaweria Gul2, Muhammad Subhan, Khan Sher and Qasir Ali

... Solanum nigrum (79.7), Chenopodium album L. (75.8) and Setaria viridis (64.6). Digitaria sanguinalis (98.6), Solanum nigrum (70.7), Trifolium repens (56.4) and Amarathus viridis (49.2). On the basis of IVCI the communities established in Kalash Valley in the studied crops are Digitaria-Amaranthus-Rumex in maize, Digitaria-Solanum-Rumex in potato and Digitaria-Solanum-Setaria in mungbean. Regarding life form classification, 18 species (78.3%) were therophytes,...

Shahida Naveed1, Salma2, Inayatullah Khattak3 and Khan Bahadar Marwat4

... species each (8.19 %). Chenopodiaceae was represented by one genus having three (3) species (4.91 %) and Euphorbiaceae was represented by three (3) genera with four (4) species (6.55%). Cucurbitaceae, Caryophyllaceae, Malvaceae, Solanaceae and Zygophyllaceae were represented by two genera and two species each (3.27 %), while Papilionaceae has two genera with three species (4.91%). The remaining families were Araceae, Asphodelaceae, Boraginaceae, Cannabaceae, ...

Umm-e-Kulsoom1, Saima Hashim2, Fazli Wahid3, Haseena Gulzar4 and Tamana Bakht5

... Amaranthus viridis and Chenopodum album were found as major weeds infesting potato fields. At maturity, the seeds of these weeds were collected and the major trees that were found on the sides of nearly all potato fields were identified as Juglans sp, Cedrus sp, and Pinus sp. The bark, stem and leaves of these species (donor plants) were collected and stored. After drying, the plant materials were grinded. The powder of each species and each part were soaked ...

Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

...invasive alien weed; Parthenium hysterophorus L., as a source of nutrients for growth of maize and sorghum, experiments were conducted in pots at the Department of Weed Science under ambient conditions and subsequently repeated at the Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan under controlled environment. Fresh plants of Parthenium and berseem were collected before flow...
Abdul Majeed Saim1, Arshad Javid1, Misbah Sarwar2­, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman3 and Ali Hussain4*
...birds and identified by phenotypic, biochemical, and molecular characterization of ABR genes by PCR. E. coli colonies appeared circular and dark purple on EMB agar media plates while S. enterica colonies were small, circular, and red on SS agar media plates. E. coli and S. enterica isolates were found resistant to amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, and sulfamethoxazole, while sensitive against doxycycline, gentamycin, and tetracycline. E. coli isolates showed positiv...

Taqwa Safdar, Khalid Abbas*, Muhammad Sarfraz Ahmed, Hina Amjad, Sumra Naz and Jamal Kazam

...oteinase-K and standard phenol/chloroform DNA isolation method. Genomic DNA was PCR amplified by Labeo rohita cross-species amplification of H. molitrix. The results showed a low-to-moderate level of genetic diversity. The number of alleles on each locus ranging from 2.0 to 6.0, with an average of 3.48 was observed at various loci. The average observed and expected heterozygosities ranged from 0.664 to 0.76 and 0.631 to 0.664, respectively. For all tested loci...
Never Assan1,2, Michael Musasira3, Maphios Mpofu3, Nicholas Mwayera4, Kwena Mokoena5, Thobela Louis Tyasi5
...I3 was slightly reduced when non-significant components were removed. The findings suggest that HG is the best predictor of BWT during the I3 to FM tooth eruption phases, supporting genetic improvement and selection of replacement females based on LBM. The study concludes that dentition-based age determination influences the correlation between BWT and LBMs in female indigenous goats, with the strongest correlation observed between I2 and I4 eruption periods. ...

Essa D Alhtheal1*, Sufian S Salman2, Salah M AL-Kubaisi3

...eased from 7.3 to 3.24, then to 2.48, respectively the results of the blood test after a month of treatment confirmed that there was a clear response to the treatment for the three groups compared to the positive and negative control groups.
Keywords | Chitosan nanoparticles, Hematological parameters, Bone marrow analysis, Benzene-induced aplastic anemia, Cyclosporine

Muhammad Farooq* and Sanam Zarif

... Prosopis juliflora, Parthenium hysterophorus, and Lantana camara. In Pakistan, invasive plants have significant negative effects on ecosystems and local flora displacement. For instance, the allelopathic effects of Eucalyptus camaldulensis have adversely affected the growth of grass and bushes in the Malakand highlands. In order to stop invasive species from spreading, many management techniques are used. These consist of chemical control with herbicides such...

Muhammad Ramzan Ali1*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed1, Mubeen Fakhar1 and Shamim Akhter2

...inus were stocked in earthen ponds. The shooter fish were separated and kept in separate ponds of 0.04-hectare area. The mature 100 males and 100 female brooders fish were selected on basis of morphometric characters. Monthly gonadosomatic index of male and female Clarias gariepinus was lower in male as compare to female fish. Milt volume of male African catfish was directly related to its body weight. It was seen that by increasing weight of male African catf...

Mohammad Wasiullah Khan* and Abdur Rab

...udied growth attributes when compared with control. Zn at the rate of 1.1 kg ha-1applied 15 days after fruit set increased leaf protein content (6.53 %), the total number of fruits plant-1 (916). Among application stages, Zn sprayed 15 days after fruit set increased leaf protein content (6.70 %), total number of fruits plant-1 (932). Various attributes studied for storage duration of plum fruit were significantly affected by zinc concentration less weight loss...

Mushtaq Ahmad1, Hikmat Ullah Jan2, Kanwal Raina3, Nazara Shafiq3, Syed Mukarram Shah1, Muhammad Ibrahim4, Shaha Buddin1 and Gulnaz Parveen3*

...orbiaceae 6 species and Chenopodiaceae with 5 species. The remaining families have less than 5 species each. Among the monocots Poaceae family has 20 weed species whereas, Cyperaceae family has 2 weed species The present study conducted revealed that 46 (49.46%) species were used as fodder followed by, 30 (32.27%) weed species were used as medicinal and 17 (18.27%) species were utilized as vegetables. The collection and documentation of weed flora from the are...

Israa M. Essa*, Ghazi Y. Azzal, Alaa Tariq Abdulwahid

... significantly (79.31%) when compared to adults (20.69%). Based on morphology, all adult flukes were diagnosed as Fasciola. Accordingly, positive rate, risk and Odd ratio of fasciolosis were reported significantly in sheep of larger than 3 years than those of larger than 2-3 years, 1-2 years and sheep of less than 1 year. Concerning sex, no variation was detected between female (9.02%) and male (5.26%) sheep; however, females were appeared at higher risk of in...

Truong Thanh Trung1, Nguyen Thi Kim Dong2, Tran Long Hai1

...increased for the CP18. When the ratio of CP increasing in the diet gave higher results in terms of sperm concentration, live sperm rate, total motile sperm, and gross motility (P < 0.05) compared to 14% treatment. Those results gave higher values for the 18% treatment at 314.1 x 106/mL, 60.4%, 139.4 x 106, and 59.5%, respectively. There was no impact (P > 0.05) of dietary crude protein on the weight of male rabbits and reproductive performance in doe ra...

Khalil1*, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli2, Montesqrit2, Andri3

... 3, 6, and 9% (w/w) and then stored at room temperature for 45 days. Samples were taken on days 0, 15, 30, and 45 and analyzed for proximate nutrients, physical properties, and bacterial colonies. Their nutritional values were evaluated by mixing the calcite-preserved fishmeal with a basal diet of 5% and feeding it to 200 laying quails for eight weeks. The feeding trial had four treatments as a basal diet combined with fishmeal containing 0, 3, 6, and 9% CMSM....

Roy Sukbir Singh1, Jekson Martiar Siahaan2,3*, Endy Juli Anto4, Syafruddin Ilyas5, Putri Eyanoer6, Hendrika Andriani7,8

Doni Supadil1, Sri Melia2*, Indri Juliyarsi2 microorganisms that, when consumed in sufficient amounts, benefit the body’s health. One such probiotic is Pediococcus acidilactici BK01. This study evaluates the impact of different types and amounts of sweet potato flour on the prebiotic and antioxidant properties of fermented milk. The objective is to determine the effects of different types and percentages of sweet potato flour on prebiotic and antioxidant properties. An experimental design was em...

Ririn Siti Rahmatillah1*, Diky Ramdani1, Iman Hernaman2, Anuraga Jayanegara3, Yulianri Rizki Yanza2

...ants do not show a comprehensive outcome. Therefore, this meta-analysis aimed to systematically examine the effects of different tea leaf product supplementations on ruminants. The PRISMA protocol was used to ensure the rigorous selection of suitable articles, and the OpenMEE approach was used to calculate effect sizes (Hedges’ g) across various output parameters. The results shows that tea leaf product supplementations had mostly no influence on the ave...

Ali Abd Kadhum  

...m eye inflammation, and then the swabs were cultured on MacConkey agar and Blood agar. The pigeons’ eyes swabs taken from were cultured by a streak method and incubator with a 37C. For 24 hours. 10 samples with no growth appear, and 79 isolates diagnosed the bacterium depending on the appearance qualities of the developing colonies, pigmentation In Gram stain, as well as biochemical examinations. Different bacterial species was confirmed using the Ent...

Hasan Ali Al-Sailawi1, Araa Ali Hadi1, Hussein A. Raheem2, Mustafa Mudhafar3,4, Sahi J Dhahi5, Qais R. Lahhob6*

...d Serratiopeptidase and then compare their effect on the skin grafting of rabbits. Nine rabbits were divided into three groups. Each group had three animals: Group 1 (G1) was used as a control (skin grafting without any drug), and the skin was taken from the shoulder to the femoral area. In group 2 (G2), the skin graft was taken from the same area in the G1 using Serratiopeptidase, while in group 3 (G3), the skin graft was taken from the same area in G1 using ...

Saima Maher1*, Salma javed2*, Gul mina1, Rizwana Salam1, Farah Mukhttar1, Noureen Khan3 and Fakhra Batool3 

...flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds. These compounds were found to contribute to the observed anti-nematicidal activity of the plant extracts. The study concluded that the plant extracts possess significant potential as nematicidal agents based on their phytochemical composition and demonstrated activity against nematodes. The effectiveness of medicinal plant extracts against M. incognita, the research also emphasizes the need for further investigations...

Baraa Najim Al-Okaily 

...immune system. However, when the level of oxidative challenge exceeds the normal physiological range, it can cause disruption and oxidative damage to large molecules. Recent advancements in scientific techniques have provided detailed understandings of spat-out redox patterns and the control of these reactions in particular settings have become at reach. Many studies have examined the impact of oxidative stress from diverse perspectives and disciplines, such a...

Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi1, Majeed Ajafar2, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory2 * 

...m and immunity of laying hens during the force molting. A total of 120 Lohman brown chickens aged 80 weeks were exposed to force molting for 6 weeks using the fasting program. All laying hens were randomly assigned to five dietary treatments, each containing three replicates (8 chickens/ replicate). Hens in the first group were fed the basal diet without supplementation and served as the c...

Mehak Muhammad Ashfaq1*, Aqsa Naeem Chawla1, Muhammad Umaid Ali1 and Adnan Ahmed Bhutto2

...mprise the group of polyphenols, which also include epicatechin, catechin, and procyanidin. Based on a ground-breaking study, eating foods high in flavonoids is linked to a lower risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD), and other neurological conditions, including Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and others. Nevertheless, due to research constraints and confounding variables such as study design, population size, and usage of various chocolate produc...

Nguyen Tuyet Giang1,2*, Le Thi Thuy Hang1,2, Phan Phuong Loan1,2 and Le Thi Thuy Loan1,2

...he drying process ended when the materials achieved the moisture content of about 5-7%. The final products were subsequently analyzed for water activity, hydration indices, chemical composition, and color attributes to evaluate the influence of drying temperature on the quality of carrot peel powder. The results showed that the increment in drying temperature increased the hydration properties, the values of L*, and ΔE*, but reduced the contents of prote...

Dalia M.A. Elmasry1*, Dalia M. El-Husseini1, Asmaa A. Eissa1, Zakaria R. Elkanawati2, Momtaz A. Shahein3, Amany Adel4

...hain reaction (RT-PCR). Then the positive samples have been genetically characterized by partial sequencing of respective genes of each virus. The results illustrated the domination of the DWV-B and LSV-4 viruses’ distribution in Egypt during all seasons with high incidence up to 88% and 82%, respectively. However, the other viruses have been detected with different incidence rate of BQCV, IAPV, SBV were 15%, 23%, 22%, respectively. KBV and CBPV were low...

Dwi Walid Retnawati1,2, Mohamad Agus Setiadi 3*, Iman Supriatna 3, Ligaya Ita Tumbelaka3

...sp; Vs 7.78  g/dl) then at ± 1 week prepartum  was a decrease in RP (7.72 g/dl)  while In the NRP  was  increase (9.00g/dl) significantly. In the other side, BUN concentrations at ±3 weeks prepartum in RP and NRP were not significantly different (12.79 vs 13.20 mg/dl), however at ±1 week prepartum, there was increase significant higher in RP compared to NRP ( 16.60 vs 14.41mg/dl). Glucose levels both prepartum and ...

Aasma Rasheed1, Dilbar Hussain2, Usama Saleem1, Saddam Hussain3, Zeeshan Javed1, Mashal Shahzadi1, Muhammad Sohail Qadir2, Muhammad Saleem2, Abdul Ghaffar2, Mawra Rafique4, Ayesha Ikram5, Saad Rasheed1 and  Muhammad Asrar1*

...cking insect pests comprehensively.


Rafika Febriani Putri1, Chairdin Dwi Nugraha2, Ari Ardiantoro3, Irida Novianti1, Irisa Trianti4, Wike Andre Septian1, Ahmad Furqon5, Kuswati Kuswati1, Nashi Widodo6, Suyadi Suyadi1*

...t;0.05). In conclusion, when evaluated in terms of animal welfare, the results of the current study may indicate that Kacang goats had a high ability to manage restricted feeding.
Keywords | Kacang goat, Stress, Nutritional stress, Restricted feeding, Diet, Body weight

Sumaya Loay Mohamed Shams Al-Dean1*, Sura Shakir Hammoud2, Mohammedali J. Ghafil3

...nti-oxidants vitamin C. When compared to the control values, the fresh, 5C, and post-thaw sperm motility improved significantly for each concentration of vitamin E. The p-value for 2mM(0.030), 4mM(0.04), and 7mM(0.03). Based on the current findings, it is concluded that vitamin C and E are very effective antioxidants in egg-yolk citrate extender. They can also protect ram sperm during cryopreservation by reducing oxidative stress caused by thawing. Nonetheless...

Mohsin Rafique1*, Muhammad Atif Majeed2, Aamir Shakeel3, Tahir Iqbal4 and Ziad Raza5

...(RS) techniques to comprehensively analyze the evolving Land Use and Land Cover (LULC) patterns in the Lahore district. The research categorizes LULC into five key groups: Agriculture, Forest, Settlements, Barren Land, and Water Bodies, offering a detailed insight into these dynamic changes. Change detection analysis also underscores the dynamic nature of Lahore’s land use patterns. The findings demonstrate a noteworthy expansion of forested areas in thr...

Ngele Blessing Alfred, Agba Mary-Ibenreh Ogaboh*, Bassey Rosemary Anietie and Egeh Ajah Egwu

...gher peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase activities (1714.14 µmol product/L/min and 40.43 µmol product/L/min, respectively), while catalase activity decreased with higher detergent concentrations (1860.15 µmol product/L/min at 0g/l and 861.54 µmol product/L/min at 5g/l). Total chlorophyll content was higher (2313.01 mgg-1fw) in seedlings irrigated with the 5 g/l detergent concentration. The study concluded that high detergent concentratio...

Meray Nabil Ramsis

...It is essential to comprehend the donkey’s ocular artery supply in order to diagnose and treat eye disorders. In order to assist corrective surgeries, this study identified particular variations in the ocular arteries of donkeys in comparison to other species. Ten healthy adult donkey’s cadavers were used. Six of them were injected with heparin into the common carotid artery and they are subsequently washed with a warm saline solution of 0.9%. 60% ...

Kouakou Yadom Yao François-Regis*, Kra Kouamé Daniel and Atta Diallo Hortense of maturity or plant phenology. Under these conditions, the efficacy of each leaf type is unknown. This study aimed to identify the maturity level of castor leaves that exhibit the highest nematicidal activity against okra root-knot nematodes. Aqueous extracts of five types of castor leaves were prepared. These were immature (ILV) and mature (MLV) leaves from vegetative plants and immature (ILF) and mature (MLF) leaves from flowering plants. The fifth type ...

Iqra Almas, Samia Afzal*, Muhammad Idrees, Muhammad Shahid, Iram Amin and Kausar Malik

...uencing of S gene, Geno2pheno (HBV) 2.0 tool and GHOST platform were used to analyze the genotype, mutations (natural and escape) and quasispecies analysis of the HBV. All samples in family were infected with genotype HBV/D1 and had high viral load (10e8 IU). An vaccine escape mutation “C137W” was identified in mother and a son. Mother sample were shown more number of haplotypes and total diversity as compared to sons. The quasispecies analysis sho...

Muhmmad Bilal Islam1* and Sar Zamin Khan2

...rlic, onion, and chilli when used in the concentration of 50:37.5:12.5 could be used as gut health and immune booster at 1.5 ml per liter.


Zulfiqar Ali1, Asad Ullah2*, Shumaila Gul3, Maryam Begum4, Raheela Taj5, Tahira Tayyeb1, Maiz ur Rahman1, Muhammad Owais Khan1, Rafiq Ullah1, Imad Khan2, Ali Gohar2, Shakirullah Khan6, Khudija Ghani7 and Muneeb Islam8 work provides a comprehensive overview of the morphological characteristics used in the identification of ticks, focusing on the main genera and species of medical and veterinary significance. The purpose of the current study was to determine the prevalence of tick infestation, epidemiological characteristics, associated risk factors, and investigation of a variety of hard tick infestation in small ruminant populations in District Mardan, Buner, and Dir Low...

Khalid Hussain, Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan and Hafiz Ullah Khan anticipates strengthening the concepts of agricultural water poverty to effectively alleviate the problem and achieve balanced regional development. The results and findings may prove useful to policymakers and implementing agencies. 


Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, Mahmoud Yassin Mohamed1*, Mahmoud Sayed Sayah2,1, Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Ezzat Arafa Ahmed El-Beltagi1, Shimaa M. Ali1 (105 d) considering then the average daily gain (ADG) from birth to weaning in each animal; 2nd group that had moderate values, and 3rd group that had the highest values. The results indicated that the 3rd group exhibited the 33.47% and 19.60% highest ADG, with decreased levels of GH by 14.05% and 17.96%, and elevated LP by 22.41% and 32.72% in males and females at 540 d, respectively, compared to then the 1st group, whi...

Rand K. Abbas1, Zahraa S. Hadi1*, Zainab A. Hussein2, Sajad K. Matooq3

...tic diseases in domestic hens that acquired from the poultry market between March 2023 and October 2023. In order to analyze blood parameters (Hb, PCV, RBC, and WBC), sixty mature chickens were employed. Blood samples (1 ml) were taken from each chicken’s jugular vein and placed into an ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid test tube. The tube was then gently shaken. The results were obtained using the Cell-Dyn Ruby equipm...

Fahmida Manin1*, Yusrizal1, Mairizal1, Lovita Adriani2, Andi Mushawwir2 of variance (ANOVA), then if differences were found, it was continued with the DMRT test. The results showed that probiotics and phytobiotics significantly (P < 0.05) affected ration consumption, body weight gain, ration conversion, mortality, small intestinal dysbiosis, total cholesterol, triglycerides and blood LDL of broilers, but had no effect on blood HDL levels. It markedly (P < 0.05) decreased saturated fat and insignificantly (P > 0.05) inc...

Ashraf Samir Hakim1*, Doaa Diab Khalaf1, Engy Farahat1, Mohammed Darwish Mohammed1, Wahid Hussein El-Dabae1, Khaled Abd El-Hamid Abd El‑Razik2, Amany Nabil Dapgh3, Ehab Ali Fouad4, Hussein Ahmed Abuelhag1

...verity of infection via phenotypic and molecular methods. Besides that, the study determined their multidrug resistance patterns, particularly the existence of the gene responsible for carbapenem resistance. A cross-sectional study performed on one hundred and ninety two urine samples owned to urinary infected humans, dogs and cats were obtained from Egyptian laboratories in Great Cairo governorates. The samples were cultured onto the suitable media; the presu...

Yawar Abbas1, Muhammad Sajid2*, Musharraf Hussain3, Shahida Batool1, Saeed Ur Rehman1 and Jamil Ahmad1

...n during 1970 and since then remained endemic in Africa. First time in 2022, numerous cases were reported in various parts of Africa, as well as in the Northern and Western Hemispheres. Given the wider spread, changing dynamics and host spectrum, we aim to provide critical view of zoonotic nature of mpox virus in human, taxonomical position and signs of illness. Additionally, current research covers various diagnostic techniques for viral detection.


Preetysh Nanda Patnaik1, V.K. Venkataramani1, N. Jayakumar1, R. Durairaja1, Adyasha Sahu 1 and C. Sudhan2*

Faiza Ghazanfar1, Masood Rabbani1*, Aamir Ghafoor2 and Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq3
...amoxiclav (56%), chloramphenicol (51%), tetracycline (50%), tygecycline (45%), norfloxacin (27%), gentamicin (25%), levofloxacin (24%), ofloxacin (20%), imipenum (4%), meropenum (2%) and ceftazidime (1%). Carbapenums (imipenum and meropenum) and cephalosporin (ceftazidime) was found to be highly effective against these MDR thermophilic C. jejuni isolates. Its efficacy for the treatment of campylobacteriosis should be further evaluated in clinical trials.

Rehana Yasmin1,2, Rashda Abbasi2*, Tariq Saeed2, Madiha Sadiq2, Nuzhat Yasmeen3, Muhammad Iqbal4, A. Khuzaim Alzahrani5, Nadeem Kizilbash5, Ugur Bilge6, Nafees Ahmad2 and Sajid Malik1*
...elated risk factors and phenotypic characteristics of leukemia subtypes were investigated in Pakistani population. A total of 1500 subjects, including 616 patients and 884 controls were recruited through a retrospective cross-sectional sampling design. Descriptive summaries were generated, and risk factors were analyzed through logistic regression. We identified Pathan ethnicity (OR=2.85; 95%CI=2.29-3.54), no formal education (OR=3.36; 95%CI=2.62-4.32), poor d...

Rahmat Ullah Khan* and Karim Gabol

...cember) 2021. For the authentication and data recording, the study area was categorized into three reflective habitats (i) mountainous, (ii) agricultural, and (iii) residential. The survey was established twice a day at dawn (from 06:00 am to 11:00 am) and dusk (from 02:30 pm to 07:00 pm), respectively. Both direct observations and indirect proofs were recorded from all habitats through line transect and point count methods. A total of eighty-three bird specie...

Shiguftah Khalid1, Muhammad Jahanzaib2*, Haris Khurshid2, Rabia Khalid3, Sundas Waqar3, Faiza Siddique3, Fazal Yazdan Saleem Marwat3 and Zahid Akram1

Basirat Opemipo Amoo-Adeboye1*, Kazeem Olanrewaju Amoo2, Saheed Adeyinka Odediji3, James Akinwunmi Ogunniran1, Adenike Titilayo Olayinka1 and Oluyinka Oladele Opaleye1

Aya Salah Eldin Mohamed1*, Gamal E. Shams1, Gihan G. Moustafa2, Reda M. Abd El-Aziz3

...testosterone (TS) level when compared to the control group. Treatments by citalopram plus ginseng, vitamin D, or both caused significant declines in the circulating serum TS (p<0.01), LH (p<0.001), and FSH (p<0.001) levels matching to G2. Citalopram had detrimental effects on male rat fertility, as evidenced by a significant reduction (p<0.0001) in sperm counts and motility and a large rise (p<0.0001) in the percentage of defective sperms. By co...

Abdur Rehman*, Muhammad Umair Khan, Zahid Rauf, Saeed Akhtar, Abdur Rahman Khan and Mansoor Khan

...acy rate and population, hence substantial request for pulp and paper raw material. To fulfill the eco-friendly sources demand and The longevity of their forthcoming industries necessitates an alternative supply from rapidly maturing tree species (Agro-forestry). The sources for the pulp and paper manufacturing sectors would be broaden by investigating the pulping capacities of underutilized humid-zone Broadleaf woods. The present work will be relying on the e...

Aisha Khalid1,2, Roheela Yasmeen1*, Farah Ahmad1, Mudassar Aslam2, Muhammad Tayyab2  

...mance of broiler chicks when added to corn-based feed. The thermostable cellulase was produced using BL21 CodonPlus cells with the pET28a-Cellu vector under optimized conditions. A total of 150 one-day-old, unsexed broiler chicks were divided into five treatment groups, each further subdivided into three replicates of 10 chicks with an initial average weight of 39 grams. Group A served as the negative control with a non-enzyme supplemented diet, while Group E ...

Yasemin Öztürk

...the morning and sunset, when the birds were active. According to Shannon-Wiener diversity values, the diversity was determined to be highest in summer and lowest in spring. Comparisons made among sites according to bird species abundance determined that plots L24c3, L25d4, and L25d3 had the highest Shannon-Wiener diversity indices (H = 3.081; H = 2.77; H = 2.77, respectively). These sites include natural and artificial wetlands with reeds and mountain ecosyste...

Saima Younas and Aleena Sumrin*

...dentified by using Geno2Pheno tool. Hepatitis c virus genotype 3a was most prevalent genotype in the study group. Successfully sequenced patients were divided into two group based on their treatment history, as treatment naive and experienced groups. Both groups were analyzed for detection of amino acid mutations at positions 28, 30, 31, 58 and 93. A30T was detected in 7.6%, Y93H in 15.6% P58T as 7.6% while S98G was found in 23% treated patients. However, thes...

Saher Mahmood Jwad1, Tamadhur Hani Hussein2, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini2* 

...y paracetamol (acetaminophen), a study was conducted on sixty male laboratory rats. The animals were equally divided into four experimental groups. The control group was orally treated with 0.9% normal saline solution. The second group was orally administered 1g/kg of paracetamol. The third study group was orally given 200 mg/kg of broccoli aqueous extract along with 1 g/kg of paracetamol. Lastly, the fourth experimental group was orally administered 200 g/kg ...

Abid Jan* and Asad Ullah

...ood storage, regular kitchen inventory, and checking and creative cooking practices involving leftovers were some of the study recommendations.


Ridha Tunnisa1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2*, Sri Purwanti2, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati2, Wempie Pakiding2

...sting of 52 cocks and 68 hens, were included in this study. Chickens were kept in individual cages to observe growth traits, including initial body weight, final body weight, daily body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio. Growth traits were analyzed using the general linear model method (GLM). To identify polymorphism using the PCR-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). Genotype frequency, allele frequency, and ...

Yusuf Subagyo*, Merryafinola Ifani, Hermawan Setyo Widodo

...which needed to be comprehensively explored. Dried C. calothyrsus leaves were extracted with 70% ethanol, hexane, and chloroform. Twenty PE does on the third week of lactation with an average body weight of 35.22 kg and 1.5 to 2.0 years old were used. The experimental design of this research was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Animals were divided into four treatments, each using five lactating goats as replications. The animals were fed 3.5% of their bo...

Hina Abrar1*, Hina Yasin1, Hira Naeem2, Rabia Bushra1, Shaukat Mahmood2 and Kaneez Fatima3

...="text-align: justify;">Phenytoin has proved to be the most effective anti-seizure drug to treat the partial and tonic clonic seizure. However; hepatotoxicity associated with the Phenytoin (PHY) is of great concern in clinical settings. Contrarywise, Propranolol (PRL) is reported to possess the significant hepatoprotective effects owing to the reduced blood flow. Therefore, the present study was aimed to evaluate the hepatot...
Wan Norhafizah Wan Azman and John Yew Huat Tang* 
...r, significantly change when the period is extended from 15 to 30 min. To summarize, when physical force is applied, acetic acid is more effective than citric acid; nevertheless, without agitation, the data demonstrate that citric acid is more effective than acetic acid.
MohamadRahijan AbdulWahab*andAhmadAimanSalahudin
...source of antioxidants, phenolic acids, and flavonoidsthat are capable of promoting health and wound healing. However, few studies have beenconducted on factors determining stingless bee honey consumption. This study aims to ascertain customer satisfaction, attitude, and purchase intent with reference to Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, and stingless bee honey consumption. The study’s other goals include figuring out how attitude and customer satisfaction are ...

Ishtiaq Ahmad Khan1, Sarzamin Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib1*, Sohaib ul Hassan2, Abubakar Sufyan3, Waqas Alam1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Aamir Khan4, Qudrat Ullah2, Muhammad Ayaz4 and Tayyab Khurshid5

...Artificially inseminated hens produced 16% more (P<0.01) chicks than naturally mated flocks for 25 weeks long post-peak phase (41-65 weeks) during 1st egg lay cycle without any significant decline in egg lay. Floored flocks produced 2% more eggs during pre-peak but 2% fewer eggs during peak and post-peak phases compared to cage-housed hens (P>0.05). The Hatchery percentile was the same before the peak and t
Hend E.M. Elsheikh1*, Mamdouh F. El-Mekkawi1, A.A. Abou-Zaid1 and Amal M. Abd El-Raof2
...o perform DIVA approach when use MEVAC LSD vaccine. In contrast it’s not capable to do the same on Al-Abbasya LSDV vaccine due to unlikely presence of 27 nucleotides that specific for field strain in this type of vaccine.

Hend E.M. Elsheikh1*, Mamdouh F. El-Mekkawi1, A.A. Abou-Zaid1 and Amal M. Abd El-Raof2
...o perform DIVA approach when use MEVAC LSD vaccine. In contrast it’s not capable to do the same on Al-Abbasya LSDV vaccine due to unlikely presence of 27 nucleotides that specific for field strain in this type of vaccine.

Abdussalam Muhyideen Zainab Funmilayo and Lee-Hoon Ho*
... 4hrs and 40°C, and then clarified with pectinase and cellulase and their combination, at concentration of 1.0 U/ mL for 50°C and 15 min. After that, the mixtures were all kept at 90°C for five minutes in order to pasteurize the juice. Beetroot juice without treatment: fresh juice and juice with enzyme extraction but not pasteurised nor clarified served as control 1 and control 2, respectively. The juices were evaluated for pH, total titratable aci...
Nur Anis Hashim1, Nor Hasima Mahmod1*, Abubakar Abdullahi Lema2, Lee-Hoon Ho3 and Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1
...venging activity, total phenolic content (TPC) and total flavonoid content (TFC). Next, the samples were subjected to qualitative phytochemical screenings. DPPH scavenging activity was the highest in an FC sample extracted by methanol with 81.697 mg/mL. The highest TPC was measured in an OD sample extracted by ethanol (172.04 ±0.43) and the most TFC was found in FC ethanol extract (22.9±0.03). Among the fresh calyx and three drying methods invest...

Nguyen Ba Trung1,2*, Pham Thi Kim Phuong1,2

...rels have a pure Ongole phenotype. However, due to the practice of castration of male calves and Sindization, purebred Ongole are in danger of extinction, whereas genetic features have not been investigated. This study aimed to examine the genetic features of Ongole cattle by utilizing molecular markers. We examined the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA and the SRY gene on the Y chromosome, as well as conducted genotyping of the NCAPG, DGAT1, and RNF21...

King Hei Ip

... wild-like environments when studying the bat immune system, improving data collection methods and conducting further studies on bat immunity and viral co-infection would further the understanding on infection dynamics and control as well as the relationship between bats and viruses, allowing a better prevention of future pandemics through a more understanding towards the mechanisms and triggers to viral disease emergence. 


Muhammad Ehsan Maqbool1*, Muhammad Nadeem Mushtaq1, Tamathues2, Khadija Tul Kubra1, Arish Zulfiqar1, Muhammad Shoaib Sarwar1, Zeeshan Yousaf3, Mudassar Yaseen1, Farwa Nosheen3

...ylabris pustulata (7%), Phenacoccus solenopsis (4.17%), Thrips tabaci (3.52%), Dysdercus cingulatus (3.44%), Earias vittella (1.91%), Helicoverpa armigera (1.53%), Liriomyza trifolii (1.37%), Spodoptera litura (0.91%), Ricania speculum (0.84%), Menida histrio (0.76%), Nezara viridula (0.61%), Monolepta signata (0.57%), Atractomorpha crenulata (0.49%), Leptocentrus taurus (0.42%). Applying the shannon and simpson diversity index revealed notable variations thro...

Khawla Abdul- Aziz Salman1, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory3*, Rasha Fajer Al-Jebory4

...the addition treatments when compared to T1. The study demonstrated that the different concentrations of neem leaf powder yielded favorable outcomes, as seen by improvements in both the lipid profile and antioxidant levels. 
Novelty Statement | This study is the first one using Neem (Azadirachta indica) Leaf Powder in the Iraq/ Babylon to improve broiler growth under heat stress condition.

Ehab Hussein1, Edris A.M.1 and Ghada A.K. Kirrella2*

...erred to the laboratory then the untreated samples were prepared for detection of 12 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (benzo[a]pyrene; dibenzo [ae] pyrene; dibenzo [al] pyrene; dibenzo [ah] pyrene; dibenzo [ai] pyrene; indeno [1, 2, 3-cd] pyrene; benzo [ghi] perylene; cyclopenta (c, d) pyrene; benzo[a] anthracene; Dibenzo [a, h] anthracene; benzo[b] fluoranthene; chrysene). The treated samples were demonstrated as 3 u...

Shimaa R. Hamam, Reham A. El-shafei, Nani N. Abdelaziz, Magdy S. Amer

...significantly increased when ginseng and ibuprofen were combined. Ginseng supplementation improved the histological structures of the testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicles. The effects of sandalwood oil were favorable. To decrease the negative effects of ibuprofen on the sperm profile, testosterone level, and spermatogenesis of treated males, it is advisable to use ginseng in conjunction with ibuprofen.
Keywords: Ibuprofen, Gi...
Sultan Çobanoğlu1, Waheed Anwar2*, Muhammad Asim Javed2 and Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan3
... at both concentrations when compared with rest of the fungi. The adult female T. urticae exposed to the infection of respective entomopathogenic fungi upon death after the seven days of incubation and the fungal mycelial growth appeared around the mite’s body. The fungal infection was also verified after re-isolation of dead T. urticae covered with mycelial growth. 


Ana Mehak1, Muhammad Mohsin1* and Muhammad Ahsan Raza2,3

...easures should be strengthened along with further research.

Nor Adila Zulkifli1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1*, Zalilawati Mat Rashid1, Zarinah Zakaria1, Norshazila Shahidan2, Lee-Hoon Ho1 and Faridah Yahya3

Dalia Hamid Mansour1, Mohamed Elshabrawy Ghanem2, Marwa Hassan3, Yousry Ibrahim4, Ibrahim M. Hegab5*

... group were slaughtered then blood samples were collected for serum analysis. After slaughter, organs were collected and weighted. Intestinal swabs were collected for bacteriological investigations immediately. Final body and carcass weights were significantly (P=0.007 and P= 0.009, respectively) improved in groups (AandC) received Biocid® (13.5% and 8.7 %, respectively) as well as an elevated levels of albumin (P=0.03) in group A (8.8%) compared to groups...

Mona F. Shousha1*, Aml M. Ragab2 and Salwa M. Helmy1

...fferent farms in Egypt. Then, we investigated the presence of extended-spectrum beta-lactamases and plasmid-mediated quinolone resistance genes in Salmonella isolates. First, 800 internal organs (heart, liver, intestine, and yolk sac) were collected from 200 infected broilers to genetically analyze their recovered Salmonella antimicrobial resistant genes. Ten isolates of Salmonella were recovered: two (20%) for each S. enterica serovar Grampian, S. enterica se...

Abdul Zahir1*, Asad Ullah1, Yonis Gulzar2*, Mohammad Shuaib Mir2, Abdus Salaam3 and Arjumand Bano Soomro2

...ter distribution, strengthen the complaint mechanism by making it more transparent and time-bound. It may also involve the farmers in the water distribution system to reduce the chance of inequality in irrigation water distribution.


Ali Meawad Ahmed1, Asmaa I.A. Morsy1, Rehab E.M. Gaafar2, Nada Ibrahim H. Ahmed1

...e quality index method, then bacteriologically evaluated for total bacterial, enterobacteriacae counts, and for the incidence of E. coli and Salmonella. In addition, the fish eye’s fluid salinity was measured by a portable refractometer. In the experimental part, 80 fresh tilapia fish were stored in ice for 8 days and periodically evaluated at 24-houres intervals. Results of the current study revealed that the mean value of the sensory score of tilapia w...

Mustafa Abd El Raouf*, Mostafa Abdelazim, Abdel Basit M. Abd El-Aal, Shebl E. Salem

...ine, Zagazig University then diagnosed as obstructive urolithiasis with bladder rupture based on clinical, ultrasonographic, haematological and biochemical examinations. Ten apparently healthy calves with the same age were used as a control group. The affected animals were surgically treated with tube cystostomy technique and divided into two groups; Group I (n=10): orally administered ammonium chloride 200mg/kg and Group II (n=10): Local introducing of Walpol...

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Arbab Jahangeer1, Muhammad Arshad1, Naveed Akhtar2, Ansar Hussain3, Mussarrat Hussain4, Muhammad Shahid5 and Qaisar Abbas4

Muhammad Salim1,2*, Muhammad Zakria2, Ahmad Ur Rahman Saljoqi2, Shahid Sattar2, Ayhan Gökçe1, Amjad Usman3 and Hayat Badshah4

...the effectiveness of Parthenium hysterophorus L. extracts against wheat aphid, Sitobion avenae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and lady bird beetle under field conditions was conducted at Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) Tarnab, Peshawar, Pakistan from December 2019 to June 2020. The experiment was consisted of five aqueous extracts of different parts of P. hysterophorus (whole plant, stem, leaves and flower extracts) and control (only water) which were applied ra...
Khaled A. El-Dougdoug1, Wael S. El-Araby2* and Rehab A. Dawoud3
...tions. This taxonomy is then applied to the plant virome. We continue our investigation by tracing the evolutionary origins of various plant virus lineages all the way back to the first genetic mobile components. We investigate the role of horizontal viral transfer from invertebrates to plants during terrestrialization, which was enabled by strong ecological linkages. The intimate evolution of invertebrates and plants permitted these relationships. We hope tha...

Md Kamrul Hasan1,2, Hong-Seok Mun1,3, Keiven Mark Bigtasin Ampode1,4, Eddiemar Baguio Lagua1,5, Hae-Rang Park1,5, Young-Hwa Kim6, Md Sharifuzzaman1,7, Chul-Ju Yang1,5*

...dy is to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature to determine the status of DT application in livestock farm management with its benefits, challenges, and prospects. Scientific databases, PRISMA guidelines, and systematic bibliometric methodologies were used for searching and sorting the most fit articles. This study found that DT technology is new to the livestock industry and mainly used for environmental control, feed management, farm planning, gre...

Adi Tiya Warman1, Panjono1*, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi1, Sigit Bintara1, Bayu Andri Atmoko2, Endang Baliarti3

Manar Mousa Alhussein*, Eman Faisal Albghdady

... and length were taken, then divided into three divisions (caput, corpus, and cauda) for histopathological study. HandE staining was used to detect general structures and histopathological changes. Special stains are used to detect collagen fibers, and mucopolysaccharide. The treated group (G2) shows a significant reduction in total length of epididymis and segments, as well as a non-significant drop in total weight. Histologically, the epididymis tubules show...

Efe Peterson Irikefe-Ekeke1, Oghenebrorhie Obakanurhe1*, Adimabua Mike Moemeka1, UfuomaGodstime Sorhue2, Ifeoma Jane Onwumelu1, Ifo Alex Amata2

...romium (Cr), especially when added to animal diets, can halt the lipid peroxidation caused by climate change because of its strong antioxidant qualities. A four-week study to determine the response of weaned rabbits at 5 weeks old on varying levels of organic and inorganic chromium supplementations was conducted. One hundred and twenty-six composite breeds of weaned rabbits of both sexes were randomly divided into seven groups. This was replicated thrice with ...

Muhammad Yusuf1*, Abdul Latief Toleng1, Hasrin Hasrin2, Abdullah Baharun3, Athhar Manabi Diansyah1,4, Santoso Santoso4, Rahmat Rahmat1

...t Score (RTS) is a comprehensive to evaluate the reproductive organs of heifers, while cervical mucus is an environment that influences the sperm for successful fertilization. This study aims to evaluate the reproductive tract score (RTS) and the quality of cervical mucus in relation to the fertility rate of Bali heifers. Assessment of the reproductive tract was carried out using a scoring method in the form of score 1 = size < SE and Score 2 = size > SE...

Dheyaa Ali Aljuhaishi*, Firas Hussain Kadim Albawi 

...ed conversion in G1, G3 then G2 and G5 respectively, as compared to G4 (control positive). Meanwhile, bacteriophage fed birds had higher Lactobacillus and lowered coliform bacteria counts in G1, G3 than G2 and G5 respectively, compared to G4 (control positive). The bacteriophage additives groups showed significant (P<0.05) increased in Ab titer against IBV. In conclusion, bacteriophage 3.2×108PFU/g additives to broiler chicks feed enhanced growth perf...

Hamayun Arshad1, Muhammad Waris2,3 and Qurratulann Afza Gardner1*

...ciatus and Anopheles stephensi larvae. For this purpose, we isolated various bacterial strains from our local environment using standard microbiological techniques. Among those isolates, we found novel strain of L. sphaericus Q001, identified by ribotyping and MALDI-biotyping. The 16S ribosomal RNA gene of this strain is 96% similar to that of highly entomotoxic WHO reference strain 2362. The gene sequence was submitted to Genbank (OQ701385). We isolated the S...

Mukhtiar Ali1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain1*, Muhammad Asrar1, Majid Hussain2, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan3, Zeeshan Yousaf1 and Aumme Adeeba Bano1

... supplementation of polyphenols with soybean meal-based diet influences the growth, antioxidant status and carcass composition of Labeo rohita fingerlings. Seven experimental diets were formulated with graded levels, 0, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 300 mg/kg of polyphenols supplementation. Each test diet was allocated randomly to triplicate tanks with 15 fingerlings in every tank. These were fed @ 5% of live wet body weight. R...

Nguyen Ba Trung1,2*, Pham Thi Kim Phuong1,2

...c minority, cattle have phenotypes of Vietnam native Vang cattle, with very poor milk yield, carcass weight, and limited information about fertility. Consequently, cattle are at risk of becoming extinct, and the genetic diversity and polymorphism of genes linked to economically important traits have not yet been examined. This study centered on examining the genetic traits of Vang cattle by utilizing molecular markers. We investigated the nucleotide sequences ...

Mohamed T. A. Soliman1, Hadeer M. Shosha2, Hala M. Ebaid2, Heba Nageh Gad El-Hak2, Heba M.A. Abdelrazek3*

... results suggested that when pregnant rats are exposed to moderate levels of COC, their offspring experience changes in their immune system and oxidative damage, which may be shown through alterations in the structure and function of the spleen. The immunologic alteration may be due exposure to pregnant rats to high concentration of copper in the COC treatment that transported to their male neonates and induced oxidative damage.

Wan Nurfarzana Wan Mohamad Zani1, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik1*, Asmah Awal2, Nurul Izzati Osman3, Lyena Watty Zuraine Ahmad1 and Mohd Khairi Nordin4

...lets were 100% survived when acclimatized in a greenhouse using a mixture of soil, sand and compost.


Ahmed Shamkhi Jabbar1* and Saadoon Murad2

...ign: justify;">Mealybug Phenacoccus solenopsis is one of a group of highly aggressive and invasive insect pests. Leaving large numbers of P. solenopsis on host plants can cause significant economic losses and damage. The effectiveness of commercially available chemical insecticides and biopesticides against cotton mealybugs was evaluated under lab and field conditions by using the secreted toxins of symbiotic bacteria Xenorahbdus nematophlia, Blaiser® as a...

Elfira Kariane Suawa1*,  Juliet R. Roberts2, Greg Parkinson3,  Angelina Novita Tethool1

...tion of flocks of laying hens on egg production, shell and internal egg quality. Sixty pullets were designed to be both at and significantly above the breeder standard, were allocated into one of 3 groups in accordance with their body weights. Each group had 20 replicates of one bird each. Eggs were processed for measurements of eggshell and egg internal quality variables, scoring of ultrastructural mammillary layer features, completeness of cuticle cover. Bod...

Tamadhur H. Hussein1, Zainab M.A. Alrubayei2, Tahreer M. Al-Thuwaini1*

...between litter size and phenotypic traits in Awassi ewes. In conclusion, Awassi ewes with twin births had lower thyroid hormone levels. These results provide valuable insights into the relationship between litter size, thyroid hormone, and lamb growth. In this context, further investigation into thyroid hormones may enhance understanding of sheep breeding and reproduction.
Keywords | Birth type, Lamb weight, Pregnancy, Reproducti...

Noorulhuda A. Mahdi, Nadia H.R. AL-Falahi*

...diately after operation then every two weeks till 12 weeks post operation to observe the bone formation and bridging of segmental bone defects. The results indicated a new bone formation and mineralization on radiographs in both treated groups at 4th week post operation, a partially bridging of the segmental defect in a straight direction in the FSB group was seen at 12th week post operation , while a complete bridging in a straight direction in the FSB-BMC gr...

Ray Adil Quddus1, Nisar Ahmad1*, Jalees Ahmad Bhatti1, Anjum Khaleeq2 and Asfand Yar Khan3 detection was higher when estruses were detected by an automated monitoring system than visual observation (30 vs 17, respectively; P<0.05). However, false estruses prediction was lowered by an automated monitoring system than visual observation (11 vs 19, respectively; P<0.05). Therefore, efficiency (60%) and accuracy (73.1%) of estruses detection by NEDAP were higher than visual observation. The feeding bouts were decreased from day -3 to 0 day (9.5...

Karar Ali Abdulkhuder* and Abdul Kareem Salman Alyassari 

...e infection samples and then were subjected to antibiotic susceptibility testing using standard methods. Additionally, a subset of isolates demonstrating high resistance was selected for molecular analysis to detect the presence of antibiotic resistance genes, including mecA, ermA, and ermB. The antibiotic susceptibility testing revealed varying degrees of effectiveness among the antibiotics tested. Notably, mecA, ermA, and ermB genes were detected in all samp...

Jumiati Asis1, Nur Aainaa Hasbullah1, Mohamadu Boyie Jalloh1, Noor Khairani Mohamad Basri1, Palanivell Perumal2, Peter Mojiun2 and Mohd. Rashid Mohd. Rakib1* 

...up to 57.70% and 43.86% when plants were treated with T4RH and T8R, respectively. Additionally, the Trichoderma treatment recorded significantly higher chlorophyll content, plant height, bole diameter, and number of fronds as compared to the positive control. The findings from this study suggested that T. virens T4RH and T. asperellum T8R have the potential to be used as promising BCAs against G. boninense.

 Saranyah Sathiaganeshan1,2, Nur Aina Natasha Yusoff1, Siti Juzailah Zuraimi1, Rukayat Omolara Folarin1,3, Satya Narayana Rao Ramasamy1,4, Asmad Kari1, Enike Dwi Kusumawati⁵, I Wayan Karyasa⁶ and Connie Fay Komilus1*

...zer which is goat dung. Then, proximate analysis was done on OWF and commercial feed. Five dietary treatments consisting different percentages (%) such as Control (0% OWF+ 100% Commercial Feed), Treatment 1 (5% OWF+ 95% Commercial Feed), Treatment 2 (10% OWF+ 90% Commercial Feed), Treatment 3 (15% OWF+ 85% Commercial Feed), Treatment 4 (20% OWF+ 80% Commercial Feed) were given for feeding experiment in triplicates. Body Weight Gain (BWG), Average Daily Weight ...

Moh Sofi’ul Anam1, Ali Agus1, Budi Prasetyo Widyobroto1, Gunawan2, Andriyani Astuti1* serum. The serum was then used to assess blood biochemistry parameters and T-AOC with an automatic biochemical analyzer and a commercial kit. The findings showed no significant changes in the levels of AST, ALT, total protein, glucose, BUN, triglycerides, cholesterol, HDL, LDL, or creatinine (P>0.05) due to supplementation. However, the SUP group showed a significant increase in WBC (41.50%), lymphocyte count (74.70%), and MCHC (2.20%) (P<0.05), with ...

Nguyen Phi Bang1,2*, Nguyen Thi Hanh Chi1,2, Ngo Thuy Bao Tran1,2, Nguyen Thi Bich Hanh1,2, Nguyen Ba Trung1,2, Le Thi Thuy Hang1,2

...prevents rabies in pets when given to healthy canines by manufacturer’s recommendations (stored at 2-8°C, 1 ml subcutaneous injection each dosage). Storage conditions and vaccine administration are carefully monitored to maintain consistent vaccine quality. However, factors related to dogs’ health in this area have significantly affected the vaccination’s effectiveness. This study was conducted to determine the factors affecting the effic...
Jessenia Castro-Olaya1, Dorys T. Chirinos1* and Takumasa Kondo2
...igh dominance of Hypothenemus sp. (87.9%). LAF exhibited the highest scolytinae community, with six indicator taxa (IndVAl: ranging 25.4 to 48.7%). Rainfall and temperature were negatively associated with abundance. Although Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius) is the species reported in Ecuador, 13 additional taxa were detected. This research reports for the first time 13 scolytine taxa associated with cacao in Ecuador.

Anas A. Humadi1*, Samer I. Sabeeh2, Ahmed Talib Yassen Aldossary3, Bushra I. Al-Kaisei2 

...gical examination. Comprehensive analysis of the biochemical analysis indicated a decrease in catalase enzyme and lymphocyte count in C. auris treated groups. Pathological changes were characterized by fibrosis, necrosis, hemorrhage, infiltration of inflammatory cells and liver cirrhosis in C. auris treated group compared to Syzygium aromaticum treated and C. auris infection mice. Taken together, it is clearly attributed that alcoholic extract of Syzygium arom...

Baraa Qasim Mohammed1, Asmaa Hamoody Abdullah1, Ahmed Raheem Rayshan2* 

...udomonas aeruginosa was then confirmed by PCR assay. Importantly, all isolates tested positive for the ability to produce the virulence factor hemolysin, a phospholipase enzyme. The 16S rRNA gene was first identified as a virulence gene by polymerase chain reaction study, followed by the identification of the exotoxin T, outer membrane protein I, and phenzaine+ M genes. Three (27.27%) of the isolates were P. aeruginosa carry...

Mahmoud Ezzat1, Fatma Youssef2, Ahmed Eid1, Marwa E. Abo Hashem1*

...ce in chicken and human then serotyping, antibiogram, virulence and antibiotic resistance genes identification by PCR and sequence analysis. In total, 300 samples were gathered (100 chicken liver, 150 chicken feces, 50 human stool). Bacteriological examination, serotyping, antibiogram, virulence (invA, stn) and antibiotic resistance genes (ermB, aadB) PCR screening for detection of virulence and antimicrobial resistance of strains and stn gene sequencing in S....

Shaza N. Alkhatib1, Rasha M. Ghoneim2, Hend M. Tag2,3, Hekmat M. Tantawy2, Heba M.A. Abdelrazek4*

...ubjected to ovariectomy then divided into six groups. Experiment I: 3 groups (7 each); group A, served as control, received based casein diet, group B, fed low dietary soy (6.6%) for one month, and group C, fed high dietary soy (26.41%) for one month. Experiment II: Group D, control group (WC), rats were given based casein diet for two months, group E withdrawal low (WL) and group F withdrawal high (WH), received low (6.6%) and high soy (26.41%) for one month ...

Diaa El-Boraey1, Mousa A. Ayoub1, Wael K. Elfeil2*, Said Ibrahim Fathalla3, Ibrahim Said Abu-alya3, Mohamed Abaza4, Ahmed R. Gado5, Mobarez A.A.6, Nehal K. Alm Eldin6 inactivated vaccines then administrating as one shot. Therefore, this study conducted to examine the impact of some antibiotics: amikacin and gentamicin on their effectiveness of an inactivated oil in water adjuvant avian influenza vaccine (H9) in broiler chickens. Four groups of chickens were established as follow: a negative control, a positive control (vaccine only), a group receiving the vaccine with amikacin, and a group receiving the vaccine with gent...

Ye-Ling Lao, Jin-Long Huang, Cheng-He Sun, Xiao-Ying Huang, Ting Wu and Qun Zhang*

...used for annotation. We then successfully annotated the mitogenome of M. altispinosus, which has a total length of 16,767 bp. The gene composition and base preferences of M. altispinosus are similar to those of other New World cichlids. Based on the concatenated sequences of 13 protein-coding genes and two rRNAs from the mitogenomes of 37 New World cichlids and one African cichlid, we reconstructed phylogenetic trees using maximum likelihood and Bayesian metho...

Kai Wang, Weifeng Xu, Pengyuan Dai and Chunmei Li*

...icity induced by 4-nitrophenol (PNP) in rats. Twenty-four rats were allocated to a 2×2 factorial arrangements with six rats each. The primary variations were dietary arginine (Arg) supplemental levels (0 g/kg Arg or 13 g/kg Arg) and PNP injection (0 or 100 mg/kg b.w.). Dietary Arg and subcutaneous injection PNP were performed simultaneously. Rats were sacrificed on d 8. Treatment of rats with 13 μg/ kg Arg resulted in a significant increase in mean da...
Roshita Ibrahim1*, Mohd Firza Ahmad Fauzi1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...of ascorbic acid, total phenolic content, and antioxidant activity in both the solid mushroom pieces and the liquid components of the drinks. Sensory acceptability assessment involves attributes such as aroma, color, texture, taste, and overall acceptability. Results revealed that black jelly drinks sweetened with stevia had the lowest TSS and calorie content (1.2°Brix and 4.04 kcal/100 g, respectively). Conversely, beverages sweetened with honey showed th...

Shireen Ali Hasan1*, Ahlam A. Al-Rikaby2, Maitham Ali Al-Rikaby3  

...aspartame (L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanine-I-methyl ester, ASP) is one of the most widely used nonnutritive synthetic sweetener added to a wide variety of food products and drugs that are consumed by about 70% of the population. The present work carried out to assess whether the daily administration of ASP induced alteration in body weight and biochemical indices in male rabbits. Eighteen rabbits were used and distributed randomly into three groups, group one consi...

Sherine Abbas1, Hadeer M. Shosha2, Hala M. Ebaid2, Heba Nageh Gad El-Hak2, Heba M. A. Abdelrazek3*

...y tissues were observed when the pregnant rats exposed to CO especially the high dose that were significantly altered than the low dose CO. These findings suggested that a higher dose treatment of CO to the mother can lead to adverse effects on the liver and kidneys. Nevertheless, the small dose treatment of CO to the mother resulted in less harm to them than the high dose.
Keywords: Copper oxychloride, Histopathology, Hepatotoxi...

Bassant Mahmoud Emam1, Jehan Abd Elrazek Hassanen1, Abeer Gaffer Ali Hassan3, Azza Mahmoud Abdullah1, Hadeer Said Aboelnaga2, Amina Ali Dessouki2*

...ose (Fr) for two weeks, then intraperitoneally injected with a single STZ dosage (40 mg/kg). The study was carried out using 50 male albino rats allocated into 5 groups (n = 10/group): Control, diabetic non-treated, and diabetic groups treated by DAPA (1 mg/Kg b.wt), FSE (250 mg/kg, b.wt) and FSP (100mg/kg, b.wt). All doses were daily administered by stomach tube for 8 weeks. Serum biochemical analyses of insulin, glucose, lipid profile, and liver function tes...

El-Sayed I. Hassanein1, Abdallah E. Metwally1, Hossam Eldin M. Abd Elbaky1*, Walaa Fathy Saad Eldin2

...) increased (P<0.05) when linseed oil was added to their feeds. Supplementing linseed oil resulted in a significant (P<0.05) improvement in dressing % and carcass attributes. The breast muscle of broilers fed linseed oil had considerably (P<0.05) greater values of poly unsaturated fatty acids and n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids than that of the control groups. Additionally, there was a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the amounts of triglycerides, ...

Mohamed E. Enany1, Ahmed M. Hamouda2, Reem M. Khashaba3* Erythromycin, Chloramphenicol and Doxycycline with 73.68%, 63.16% and 34.21% respectively. In contrast, the isolates demonstrated significant sensitivity to Colistin, with a sensitivity rate of 94.73% while were 60.52% and 52.63% for Gentamicin and Trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole . the antimicrobial activity of five methanolic plant extracts (garlic, cloves, rosemary, Ficus sycomorus and Ziziphus spina-christi,) were examined toward intermediate resistant str...

Ashraf B. Said*, Ibrahim A. Ibrahim, Hoda I. Bahr, Marwa A. El-Beltagy fat diet for 7 weeks then injected with STZ single dose (25mg/kg b.w/i.p) for T2DM induction. The diabetic one was allocated to 6 groups (10 each) based on their treatment: untreated group, metformin (Metformin HCl, 500mg/kg b.w/day), GLP-1 (Trulicity,1.5mg/kg b.w/week), BM stem cells (IV injected with 1x106 units/once), GLP-1 plus metformin and the last group BM stem cells plus metformin for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, rats were sacrified, blood samples are co...

Muhammad Usman Saleem*, Tahir Hussain Awan, Bilal Atta, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir and Muhammad Ijaz

...ted agronomic traits and hence the yield.


Eman Abdelrazik1, Sahar H. Abdel-Baset2*, Abdelghafar M. Abu-Elsaoud3,4 and Shimaa M.A. Mohamed5

..., peroxidase, catalase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase, chitinase, β-1,3 glucanase, and total phenolic activities. The integration of several techniques, including fulvic acid, compost, and cattle manure, might have a substantial effect on enhancing peanut development, biochemistry, and the ability to resist and control M. arenaria.

Tayyaba Gul Tareen1*, Wajahat Ullah Khan Tareen2, Muhammad Aamir3, Jehanzeb Khan1 and Naveed Jan4
...s paper examines a comprehensive and systematic review of the published work proceeding on the progressive decrease of switches forsmart batterychargers with the APFs configuration. The key characteristics of the cutting-edge technology in RES, dual active bridge converter with functions of active power filter (APF), and electric vehicle (EV) battery charging system have been elaborated in this research. Following with the problem description and objectives of...
Syed Zeeshan Ahmed Naqvi1, Aftab Khan1*, Abdul Majid2, Tahir Javed1 and Muhammad Huzaifa1 
...nsiderations. This comprehensive review aims to provide researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with valuable insights into the dynamic landscape of machine learning applications across a wide array of industries, fostering a deeper understanding of its potential and impact on modern business and society.

Jaafar Haider Abd Alrudah1, Nada Fadhil Abbas2*, Farah Ali Hadi1, Haider Tuma Kaab3 sonicater device and then injected subcutaneously in healthy pigeons. A group of pigeons at one month old (n=10 birds/group) was immunized with the prepared antigen. Another group, as a control group, was injected with normal saline via the subcutaneous route. The second booster was done seven days later, blood samples have been collected after another seven days after the last immunization. The results showed that the antigen prepared from local isolate in...

Rehan Ullah1, Fazli Rahim1, Muhammad Sajid1, Shakir Ullah2*, Shahab Ali2, Lubna Shakir3, Mohammad Sohail4 and Ghani Subhan5

...dy aimed to gather comprehensive information on ethnobotanically significant plants, focusing on medicinal species, in Khazana Munda, District Dir Lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The study was conducted in 30 isolated villages of the research area through questionnaires to collect information from 500 native people of different ages (35 to 75 years old) who were interviewed and included men and women, who were involved in the compilation and utilization of plants. ...

Saima Bibi* and Nazir Ahmad

...impact of bio-extracts (Phenolic compounds) and commercial tannic acid on the nutrient composition and in sacco digestibility of berseem fodder in three non-lactating ruminally cannulated Holstein cows at the University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan. The cows were fed a diet of 90% fodder and 10% concentrate on a dry matter basis. Five Plant-derived phenolic compounds and commercial tannic acid at concentration of 1.5%, ...

Ammara Khan1, Khalid Mehmood1,2*, Ali Raza1, Ishtiaq Hassan3 and Ayesha Sultana4,5

...vironmental challenges. When rice crop precedes wheat sowing in same fields, the farmers are elicited to burn the rice residues for urgent land preparation which poses multiple threats to soil characteristics. This study investigates the effects of different rice-residues management practices on wheat productivity and soil health. Field trials were conducted for a period of two consecutive years (2021-22 and 2022-23) to compare the effects of eco-friendly rice...

Beenish Khanzada1*, Shagufta Jabeen2, Asif Ali1, Amna Fatimah1, Ishfa Zahid1, Esha Israr1, Arifa Iqbal1 and Ashas Waheed1

...ons between extract polyphenols with starch and chitosan. Water solubility analysis revealed the starch PD films with highest swelling degree, chitosan CA films with least water solubility and chitosan PD with least moisture content. In soil biodegradability analysis, starch PD films depicted highest weight loss (45%) in soil followed by chitosan CA films, proving the biodegradable character. DPPH assay displayed the highest free radical scavenging (32%) capac...
SaimaMajeed1*,TayyabaAsif2, Aisha Qureshi3,AyeshaUmer3 and Naveed Ahmad3
...y and antibiotic chloramphenicol residue in export-oriented frozen and fresh seafood toverify and control contamination for public health safety and international trade. A total of 32 frozenand fresh seafood samples were randomly collected for microbiological analysis including crabs,shrimps,andtin-packedtunafishes,collect...
Arbab Waseem Abbas1*, Waseem Ullah Khan1, Huda Nauman1, Khalid Saeed2 and Syed Mujtaba Abbas Zaidi3
...reprocessed images were then segmented into their constituent characters by the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm measure pixels strength to segment words into characters. The algorithm achieved a segmentation accuracy of 84.6%, verified through manual analysis, although some new and unwanted characters (garbage) were also generated. This work contributes a significant step toward improving OCR for the Pashto language, offering a reliable method for c...
Muhammad Safdar1*, Muhammad Younus2, Faiz-ul Hassan1 and Yasmeen Junejo3
...>Food composition and authenticity assessment is an important concern to protect the consumers from illegal or unwanted substitution; for economic, religious and health concerning reasons. Cow, pork and donkey meats are being used as a substitute ingredient for red meat. Muslim and Jewish populations avoid consumption of pork and donkey meats, even in min quantities, due to their religious faiths. In this background, there is a need of a rapid, economic and hi...

Muhammad Waqas1*, Razia Bashir1, Khadija Munir1 and Muhammad Arshad2

...unjab, Pakistan. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on a diverse cohort of beta-thalassemic patients to explore the prevalence and factors influencing renal profiles. The study encompassed demographic factors, family history, and caste systems, shedding light on their associations with beta-thalassemia. Furthermore, gender and age-specific assessments were performed, focusing on serum creatinine and urea levels to provide a nuanced understanding of renal f...

Hina Jabeen*, Usman Irshad, Kainat Azhar, Alisha Fatima, Asma Zaheer Abbasi, Tayyaba Sadia and Jaweria Aqeel

...r hypo toxic conditions when exposed to heavy metals, but they can accumulate in humans’ brain, liver, kidney, lungs, and muscles after consumption, posing a significant health risk. The fish meat quality is the biggest concern in the food chain of the present time. Both water and fish species are contaminated with heavy metals due to anthropogenic activities i.e., domestic, sewage, industrial and agricultural runoff. Heavy metals concentration in the se...

Abbas A. Khudhair1*, Mohammed A. Qathee2, Muhsin S.G. Almozie’l3, Kassim F. Abdulkarem4 (p<0.05) in HDL-C when compared to positive control. However, rousovastatin caused a significant increase (p<0.05) in AST, ALT and creatinine level when compared to control group. Histopathological examination reveals varying degrees of fatty degeneration, vascular congestion along with infiltration of inflammatory cells in comparison to pumpkin and negative control. Renal tissue showed atrophy of some glomeruli alo...

Nour Elhouda Fehri1,2, Mohamed Aroua1, Safa Bejaoui2, Manel Ben Larbi3, Sami Dridi4 and Bayrem Jemmali2*

... respectively). A great phenotypic diversity was noticed and the ascending hierarchical classification showed the existence of two different groups with differential body weight, body length, back length, comb length and width, ear lobe length and width, wing length, wattle length, neck length, thigh and breast length, shank length and diameter, and central toe length. This phenotypic and descriptive richness can be consider...

Jiaojiao Wang, Peng Pan, Tingting Wu and Jianhua Hou* evidence for the phenomenon that airport environments attract foraging birds. Therefore, to prevent bird strikes at airports, the effect that moving vehicles on lawns has on birds should be considered in addition to efforts to reduce insect densities.


Faheen Riaz1, Sarfraz Mehmmod1, Aatka Jamil1, Khansa Jamil1, Imran Riaz Malik2, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1* and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...variants linked to many phenotypes has been made possible in recent years by advancements in high-throughput genome scanning techniques, most notably whole-genome sequencing, SNP genotyping arrays, and comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) arrays. The next-generation sequencing method is an effective way of locating functional genes and genetic variations linked to crucial economic features in livestock when compared to th...

Ali Sabeeh Ali1, Noor Abdulaala Kadhim2, Entissar Mansour Abdul Rasool3, Amran M. Al-Erjan4, Qais R. Lahhob5*, Mustafa Mudhafar6,7 done at baseline and then at 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks after the injection to analyse the changes in the retinal thickness and function. All the results highlighted long-standing and Statistically significant increases in retinal thickness in the treatment group compared to the control group at weeks 4, 8 and 12 after injection. The same is true with the treated group which exhibited marked increases in the a-wave and the b-wave in the electroretinogram...

Abdullah Khazal Mohsen1, Sura Emad Jassim2, Tania T. Alaridhi3, Amran M. Al-Erjan4, Qais R. Lahhob5*, Mustafa Mudhafar6,7 

... were added to milk and then the calves fed on the mixture on a daily basis. All the calves in the study were treated with an oral decoquinate that would help prevent coccidiosis in the calves, and vaccination was also conducted against respiratory as well as gastrointestinal infections. Some of the microbiological techniques employed in counting the E. coli O157:H7 bacteria involve centrifugation and culturing and latex agglutination among others. Finally, re...

Muhammad Saleem Chang1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Bakhat-un-Nisa Mangan1, Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2 and Siraj Ahmed Channa

Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri*, Rodiah Rodiah (v/v). Each tube was then divided into six aliquots according to the assessment frequencies. The spermatozoa concentration was 75 × 10^6 per 0.25 mL. Progressive motility, viability, and morphology were assessed at 0 hours and every two hours up to 10 hours after dilution and storage at 27°C. The statistical significance of the results was assessed using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). significantly different results were further tested wi...

Sulake Fadhil Al-Zubaidi1*, Khawla A. Hussain2, Abdulamir A. Alzahid3

... groups II, III, and IV when compared to control group I. According to the conception rate, ewes synchronized in group I showed 80% in group II 75%, in group III 25%, in group IV 100%, and finally, in group V 75% conception rate. It was concluded that using CIDR for 10 days with 500 IU of eCG is the best method for estrus synchronization with a high conception rate.
Keywords | Estrus, synchronizing, sheep, CIDR, sponge, eCG

Heba Saleh Shaheed1, Zainab J. Malik2*, Ghusoon A.A. Alneamah1, Salih T.H.2

...ere applied to the lobe then by using the surgical scissors to cutting the tied lobe away from the suture after applied the three knots were tied, with a 3-0 polyglactin suture the wall of abdominal then re-approximated, and by used a 2-0 polyamide suture the skin was closed. After liver resection, the animals were divide into two equivalent groups; Graviola was given orally to the first group, and eucalyptus extract was giv...

Nameer A. Khudhair1*, Dalal K. Rahi1, Zahraa F. Jelod2, Fatima T. Ahmed2

...s showed better results when compared with the other group of treatment. These belong to the improvement in total bacterial count values that established by estimation of fecal bacteria to appear the obvious improvement in their numbers after 5 days of treatment and probiotics additives.
Keywords | Probiotic, Dog digestion, Canine parvovirus

Salma Ali Munshed*, Fadwa Abdul Razaq Jameel

...uggest that the biofilm phenotype is a more significant concept in mycological research.
Keywords | Aspergillus flavus, Dogs, Proteinase, Biofilm, Hemolytic activity

Mayada Sahib Hassan1*, Hayder Talib Mahdi1, Sajaa R. Al-Saedi1, Ali Farid Shakir1, Ali J. Al-Nuaimi1, Marwa Sabah Majed1, Ridha Adel Fahad1, Karar Ali Kadhim1, Mustafa Ali Noor1, Ameer Hameed Kadhim1, Hussein Ali Mohammed Hadi1, Zainab Amori Oribi2, Mazin Talib Abbas3, Mahdi S. Hassan4 compounds are formed when mixed with two or more elements, and these compounds are used as a pigment in paints, dyes, ceramic glazes, and caulk. To limit the hazardous effects of lead on humans and animals, the quantity of lead used in these items has recently been lowered. The kidney and liver are very sensitive organs to chronic Pb toxicity. Lead produces free radicals and causes oxidative stress, both of which are linked to renal damage. Tribulus terrest...

Lubna M. Abdul Kareem*, Ali B. Al-Deewan

...em with gram stain, and then identifying them by PCR with specific primers and sequencing. We also used the disk diffusion method to investigate the antibiotic resistance of the isolates. The results showed that the isolated strains were sensitive to gentamycin (5/11, 45.45), imipenem (11/11, 100%), and Cefotaxime (8/11, 72.72%). All isolates shared ampicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin G, oxacillin, amikacin, and neomycin as the most common resistance. Addition...

Hazem Sawalha*, Mujahed Abu-Alrub, Bashar Abu-Alrub, Abdalsalam Kmail** 

... aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the disease’s manifestation and control. The disease presented with severe symptoms, notably in mucocutaneous areas, and was most prevalent in younger animals during colder months. Histopathological findings indicated pronounced tissue damage, including epithelial hyperplasia and necrosis. Infection rates were highest in newborn sheep (31.03% in January) and mortality peaked in newborn goats (25.4% in Mar...

Rico Anggriawan1,2*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari1, Sri Hidanah1, Muhammad Anam Al Arif1, Diyah Ayu Candra2  

...ce is crucial for strengthening poultry immunity, enhancing efficient nutrient absorption, and improving overall production efficacy. 


Maryam Ali Mohammed, Ahlam A. Al-Rikaby*

...ed single adose of 1,10 phenanthroline 30 mg/kg dissolved in 0.5 ml dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) I.P. After 12 h-fasting, zinc deficiency was determined by measuring the serum zinc level after 24 hrs from 1,10 phenanthroline injected. After treatment ,animals were distributed into four groups, 1st group healthy rats acted as negative control treated with physiological saline solution(1ml), 2nd group carried zinc deficiency as ...

Hasan Muwafaq Ali*, Raed Hussain Salih Rabee

...immunity in Iraqi Layers hens (LOHMAN Brown). Four treatment groups of 192 chicks were immunized at 1 to 210 days. AI titration by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was performed in blood serum to determine immunity. First-day of measurements, ELISA titer was similar across research groups. Significant changes were seen 30 days post-intervention, with MEVAC leading (883.17 ± 173.94). At 50 days post-intervention, MEVAC group had the highest level (2767....

Mohammed A. Hamad1*, Murtadha Abdule Mahdi Al-Mudhafar2, Alaa Fayeq Habeeb3, Firas R. Jameel1, Ismael Raheem Al-Muhana2, Najemaddin A. Hamad5

...he periodic examination when symptoms first appeared.
Keywords | RSV, Genotype A&B, Calf, Respiratory tract, Real time PCR

Saif Dhulfiqar Abdulhasan Al-Khafaji, Siraj Moner Al-Kafagy* the cranial part and then absent gradually toward the root of the tongue in both birds. The root in both birds was lined with non-keratinized epithelium. The lingual gland give positive reaction for alcian blue stain in both birds that mean the gland was have acidic mucopolysaccharid, for periodic acid shiff the lingual gland in the tongue of bulbul give week positive reaction while that gland in cockatiel give negative reaction for this stain .Presence of ...

Sura Saad Hamada Alkhuzaie

... CFUs of the NNBM group when compared with those from the SW group. These levels decreased significantly (p<0.05) in all groups, especially in the 0T group. In the case of the metabolic activity, significant (p<0.05) increases were seen in the abundance of pantothenic acid, proline, and trehalose in the groups treated with NBM. The current study provides important findings that nanocurcumin shows protective and treatme...

Qayssar Obaid Muhammed, Raed Hussain Salih Rabee*

...ogical response of layer hens to a novel strategy of immunization employing an inactivated oil-emulsion of Newcastle disease virus vaccine administered through fine spray. The study also examined the long-lasting nature of passive antibodies in layer hens and evaluated their effectiveness in providing protection against different strains of viruses. There were 200 Lohmann Brown chicks, all 1 day old, which were randomly divi...

Herna Febrianty Sianipar1,2,3, Wahyu Widoretno1, Luchman Hakim1, Rezi Rahmi Amolia4, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah1,2,5*

...ids, saponins, tannins, phenolics, and quinolines. Aglaia tomentosa contains the highest total flavonoid content (23.27 ± 3.46 mg QE/g). The bioactive compounds found in Castanopsis argantea consist of caffeine and flazin. Artocarpus heterophyllus comprises Synephrine and Schinifoline while Aglaia tomentosa consists of Artoindonesianin B and 2,5-Di-tert-butylhydroquinone. The highest antioxidant was found in Artocarpus heterophyllus (4.85 ± 1.13&...

Moses Teye1*, Joshua Amoni1, Awal Fuseini2

... for consumption mainly when the animals were sick, were not responding to treatment or die from natural causes, despite the apparent risks of transmitting zoonotic diseases and consuming antibiotic residues in the meat of such animals. Consumers ought to be educated on the negative health implications of eating meat of sick animals, animals which do not respond to treatment and those that die of natural causes as these could transmit zoonotic diseases and als...

Muhammad Mudasir Mushtaq1, Safdar Hassan1, Muhammad Sharif1*, Arfan Asghar2, Fawwad Ahmad1, Muhammad Khalid Bashir3, Muhammad Ashraf1, Mukarram Bashir1, Tahreem Fatima4, Muzammal Mushtaq5 

... white commercial laying hens, aged 37 weeks, were distributed into four treatment groups with 5 replicates and 8 hens per replicate. The experimental duration was 8 weeks. The basal diet was supplemented with 0, 0.125, 0.250, and 0.375% humic acid. Blood samples were collected from the wing vein at the beginning and end of the trial. Blood parameters (CBC, LDL, HDL, AST, ALT, and cholesterol), antioxidant activity (TAC, SOD...

Ming-Hao Yu, Ming-Hui Gu, Xin Dai, Dao-Chen Wang and Sheng-Mei Yang*

...">Tannic acid, as a polyphenol, is widely present in dicotyledonous plants and angiosperms. The study found that tannins could affect the ovarian development of Brandt’s voles. However, the specific effects of tannic acid on reproduction and its underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Therefore, this study explored the effects of tannic acid on the reproduction of Brandt’s voles. We treated female Brandt’s voles from four weeks pos...

Mohamed H.M. Abd El-Megid1, A.N. El shahat2, A.M. Abdul Azeem2* and Amal A. Mansour2

...​fungal growth, total phenolics, antioxidant activity, oil contents and fatty acid composition of sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum). The second objective is to investigate the in vitro inhibitory effect of aqueous extract of gamma-irradiated sesame seeds (Irr. SSAE) on α-amylase and α- glucosidase and in vivo hypoglycaemic effect in alloxan-diabetic rats. The results observed that gamma-irradiation of sesame seeds at different doses induced signific...

Ying Zhang1, Mingjian Huang1, Jianfeng Chen2, Shuyuan Wang3 and Jian Xu4*

.... It was concluded that when lactose intolerance occurs in infants, it is necessary to pay attention to the lack of beneficial bacteria in the intestine. Targeted supplementation of probiotics can correct the status of intestinal flora, improve the activity of lactase, and alleviate the symptoms of lactose intolerance.


Soumble Zulfiqar* and Abdul Rauf Shakoori

...were deduced and a comprehensive analysis was conducted, including multiple sequence alignments and phylogenetic tree construction. The findings reveal that CusS and CusR are conserved across a broad range of Proteobacteria, suggesting a widespread role in metal resistance. The proteins were further characterized through structural modeling to predict their three-dimensional conformations. The analysis identified key domains involved in the regulatory mechanis...

Quddusi B. Kazmi* and M.A. Kazmi; another species- Ancohenia robusta (Brady, 1890) of a myodocopid family Sarsiellidae and Rutiderma sp. of family Rutidermatidae Brady and Norman were also collected; an instar of an indeterminate myodocopid ostracod is added here Additional descriptions of cyprinid Cypridina dentata (Müller,1906), and a diplostracan Penilia avirostris Dana, 1849 of the order Ctenopoda in the family Sididae Baird are given here Sample of Penilia avirostris is worth emp...

Oumaima Abouyaala, Soukaina Bougrine, Mohamed Yassine El Brouzi*, Radia Elgui, Sara Brikat, Khadija Elmotia, Abdelhalem Mesfioui, Aboubaker El-Hessni, Moulay Laarbi Ouahidi

...igh levels of total polyphenols, catechins, and gallic tannins. Oral LD50 value was higher than 5 g/kg bw in female hamster. In Subacute toxicity, no significant pathological changes were detected in biochemical parameters related to glycemia, lipid profile, renal and hepatic function; hematological parameters including erythrocyte parameters and, differential leukocyte count in both sex of hamsters treated with MELV at different doses. A lymphocyte infiltrate...

Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari1*, Nanik Hidayatik2, Eka Pramyrtha Hestianah3, Himatul Ilma Silfia4, Muhammad Aviv Firdaus4, A. Sherasiya5, Andreas Berny Yulianto6, Mirni Lamid1, M. Anam Al-Arif1, Ertika Fitri Lisnanti7, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi8, Tabita Dameria Marbun9

... The data obtained were then analyzed statistically using one-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). If the results were significantly different (p < 0.05), Duncan's multiple range test was conducted. The results indicated that the addition of probiotics and acidifiers could increase body weight, enhance feed efficiency, and reduce cholesterol, LDL and improve HDL levels, all with significant effects (p < 0.05).
Keywords | Probi...

Constant Boris Bankole1, Ignace Ogoudanan Dotche1*, Serge Gbênagnon Ahounou1, Mahamadou Dahouda2, Issaka Youssao Abdou Karim1, Marcel Senou2

...e the morphological and phenotypic characteristics of local, improved, and Pietrain pigs, as well as the products of their crossbreeding. A sample of 178 pigs, aged 8 months, were included in the study. The pigs were divided into the following categories: 48 improved pigs, 24 local pigs, 16 Pietrain pigs, 40 pigs F1 crosses between the Pietrain and the improved, and 50 pigs crossed F1 between the Pietrain and the local pig. The data on morphometric measurement...

Iriani Sumpe1,2, Bambang Suhartanto1, Siti Andarwati1, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti1*

...ue of Asymp.Sig>0,05 then the data was normally distributed. The results showed that the carcass weight of bulls was higher than cows. The carcass percentage of bulls 66.38% was higher than cows, which 66.20%. The meat percentage of bulls (51.35%) was higher than cows (50.97%). The Independent Samples T-Test showed significant differences in carcass products such as meat, shank, and tail, while non-carcass results showed differences in the liver, intestines...

Amir Afzal1, Sairah Syed1*, Shiza Atif2, Nisa ur Rehman2, Muhammad Arsalan1, Taimoor Hussain1, Javed Iqbal1, Sharmin Ashraf1 and Zubair Aslam3

...ncouraging data however When compared to traditional techniques, the initial investments needed to implement sustainable approaches may be more. Practitioners and communities may need to adapt and undergo a transition period when switching from traditional techniques to sustainable alternatives. 

Imad Ahmad Noor1, Abdullah1, Ihteram Ullah2*, Kashif ur Rahman4, Imtiaz Ahmed1 and Habib Ur Rahman3
...lings was also enhanced when associated with fungi. The fungal strains didn’t influence each other growth when grown side by side on the agar plate. It concluded that both the fungi can be used as bio-inoculants in combination for plant growth and development. Based on the current study the above mentioned fungal strains are suitable and can be utilized to enhance the growth of okra plant.


Afshan Kaleem*, Iqra Noor, Roheena Abdullah and Mehwish Iqtedar

..., glycosides, saponins, phenols etc. Antibacterial analysis of aqueous extracts of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna unguiculata were done by using the disc diffusion method, which showed that both extracts have potential antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, though Phaseolus vulgaris has higher antibacterial activity than Vigna unguiculata. FTIR and in silico analysis showed that the aqueous extracts of both Vigna unguiculata a...

Roheena Abdullah*, Kinza Nisar, Afshan Kaleem and Mehwish Iqtedar

...The selected strain was then subjected to sequencing and phylogenetic analysis to further characterize its properties. The result indicates the selected strain was found to be A. niger.and this strain was given code A.niger KBT-3. The Five fermentation media were also screened. The Medium2 gave higher titer of alpha amylase activity 1qand found to be the best medium. Different parameters including time and temperature of incubation, pH, Inoculum size, volume, ...
Aatif Masood Ahmad Khan1, Masood Rabbani1*, Arfan Ahmad1, Muhammad Wasim2 and Sohail Raza1
...n in layers in Pakistan when administered at two doses.


Zhenghua Deng1,2,3, Wang Zhao1,2,3, Mingqiang Chen1,2,3, Gang Yu 1,2,3 and Yu Wang1,2,3* fed for one hour and then observed under the microscope to detect ingestion. Larvae were then sieved and placed in flasks containing filtered seawater to measure the area of microalgae in the stomach, and to analyze the digestion of the microalgae ingested every two hours. Of the three species, N. oculata and I. galbana were ingested at any stage, while C. muelleri were not ingested at all, and the ingestion rate of N. oc...

Donghao Zhang1, Lingqian Yin1, Zhongzhen Lin1, Chaowu Yang2, Chunlin Yu1,2, Zengrong Zhang2, Mohan Qiu2* and Yiping Liu1*

...ulates the late feather phenotype in chickens. However, further research on the molecular mechanism of autosomal influence on feather development is of great significance for chicken production and early sex identification. Here, genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technology was used to develop genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) markers for early-feathering (EF) and late-feathering (LF) phenotypes in Da

Khoula Begum* and Imran Khan

...ation into bread on polyphenolic content, antioxidant activity and inhibitory potential against the formation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Buckwheat flour was substituted at 30%, 40%, and 50% incorporation levels with wheat flour to prepare buckwheat-containing bread (BWB) while control bread (CB) was made from 100% wheat flour. Antioxidant activity, total phenolic and flavonoid content of bread were determined...

Yonis Gulzar1*, Faheem Ahmad Reegu2, Arjumand Bano Soomro1,3, Mohammad Shuaib Mir1, Abdul Zahir4* and Choo Wou Onn5

...mbrace IoT technologies when they perceive substantial economic gains that can be obtained through their implementation. In Jizan’s agricultural sector, these results highlight the economic rationale behind the adoption of IoT, emphasizing the importance of knowledge, sustainable practices, and incentives as primary drivers of IoT adoption. IoT adoption in the region has been described as a dynamic process, and this study contributes valuable insights in...

Pacifica Chepchumba Bwogo1*, Samuel Mong’are1, Rael Masai1, Dr. Damaris Matoke-Muhia2

...nsible for driving this phenomenon remain unclear. Methods: The present study, investigated the genetically characterized populations and abundance of malaria vectors captured indoors in three chosen endemic sub-counties of Kisii County, Kenya. Results: The research findings revealed a greater abundance of members from the Anopheles funestus group (12.47 ± 6.06) in contrast to those belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex (4.20 ± 2.08). The id...

Nounagnon Darius Tossavi1,2*, Mariette Sindété3, Nike Fumilayo Aladetohun4, Marie-Line Escande5, Adam Gbankoto3


Malik F.H. Ferdosi1, Arshad Javaid2*, Muhammad Samiullah1, Zeeshan Mutahir3 and Tajamal Hussain4, 3-hydroxy- (6.19%), phenol, 4-ethyl- (4.83%), aziridine, 1-(2-methyl-1-propenyl)- (4.50%), 2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2,3-dimethyl- (3.52%), benzene, 1-ethenyl-4-methoxy- (3.29%), indole (3.64%), benzaldehyde, 2-methyl- (2.57%). A literature survey revealed that some compounds viz. linolenic acid, methyl ester; hexadecanoic acid, 15-methyl-, methyl ester; benzaldehyde, 2-methyl-; guaiacol; and 2-cyclopenten-1-one, 2-hydroxy-3-...

Asmaul Khusna1, Mujtahidah Anggriani Ummul Muzayyanah2, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti2, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra2

...dy is to conduct a comprehensive risk analysis on the goat milk supply chain in East Java and formulate mitigations. This study is a qualitative and quantitative research. The research was conducted in three major goat milk producing regions in East Java: Lumajang, Malang, and Banyuwangi. Data were collected through interviews with 173 dairy goat farms, 27 intermediaries, and 7 dairy company representatives. Potential failures were found using the SCOR matrix....

Sigit Bintara1*, Diah Tri Widayati1 and Pradita Iustitia Sitaresmi2

...d control/P0 which will then be evaluated for the quality of the semen produced, both in low temperatures (5° C) and frozen in straws that will be thawed later. The data obtained in this study were statistically analyzed using a completely randomized design (CRD). The results showed that the addition of C. xanthorrhiza improved the motility and viability of spermatozoa both in freeze-thawed semen (p < 0.05). P3 (3% supplementation) resulted in the highe...

Zhang Qiang1,2

...c acid, serotonin, glycochenodeoxycholic acid, and all trans-retinal) were enriched in 55 KEGG signaling pathways and mainly attributed to organismal systems and metabolism. This work further clarified that long-term natural selection at extremely high altitude prompts animals to have visible physiological adaptations in serum. In addition, the serum of yak living at high altitudes is rich in a series of metabolites (e.g., lysophosphatidylethanolamine, γ...

Ata Ullah1,2, Tariq Masood1*, Zafar Ali Shah1, Azmat Ali Awan3, Sahib Alam1, Nasiruddin4, Muhammad Arif5 and Muhammad Arabi Awan6

...ening progressed. Total phenolic content showed a negative correlation with the maturity index. Significant changes in fatty acid composition were observed during ripening. Free fatty acid content and peroxide value increased significantly during storage, while iodine value, chlorophyll content, carotenoid, and total phenolic substances showed significant reduction. Nonetheless, throughout the entire ripening and storage per...

Esam M. Al-Shaebi, Saleh Al-Quraishy, Saleh N. Maodaa, Hossam M.A. Aljawdah and Rewaida Abdel-Gaber* 

...R) and determination of phenolics, flavonoids, and antioxidant activity. The earthworm, Eisenia fetida, is used as a model worm to evaluate the anthelminthic activity of ASJ. The sporulation (%) of Eimeria papillata was assessed by ASJ compared to other detergents. FT-IR showed thirteen active compounds. Our results showed that paralysis and death of earthworms at ASJ (100 %) were 0.14 ± 0.007 and 0.18 ± 0.033 min, respectively, which highly sign...
A.M. Abdul Azeem1, A.N. El shahat1, Mohamed H.M. Abd El Megid2 and Amal A. Mansour1* (5 kGy) on the total phenolic contents, antioxidant activity and curcumin content of turmeric powder. Also, this study was aimed to investigate the influences of aqueous extract gamma-irradiated turmeric on doxorubicin (DOX)‑induced cardio-nephrotoxicity in male rats. The result indicates that the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity and curcumin content of turmeric powder were significantly increased by γ...

Asher Azeem1, Misbah Javed2, Muhammad Riaz ul Haq1, Maria Shahzeen1, Muhammad Asif1, Gul Muhammad1, Khalid Hussain3, Ahmad Ali3, Muhammad Latif4, Noreen Samad2 and Furhan Iqbal1*

...tly in liver and kidney when compared between diafenthiuron treated and untreated C. idella. In conclusion, we are reporting that diafenthiuron can adversely affect the hematological, serum and antioxidant parameters of non-target organism like C. idella and its entry in water bodies must be prevented in order to conserve our fresh water ecosystems and food web.


Iqra Javed, Beenish Maqsood* and Muhammad Khurshid*

... and pH 8 respectively, when cultured for 36 h using 1.5% inoculum size. For optimal L-asparaginase production, R. marisflavi required 40ºC while B. cereus preferred 37ºC temperature. Best liquid media was Czapek 2 for R. marisflavi that produced 583 U/mg enzyme and TSB for B. cereus that gave 250 U/mg L-asparaginase; while Corn cob as solid substrate facilitated L-asparaginase production maximally by both strains. The supplementation of metal ions a...
Nan Jiang1,2, Chaochao Luo3, Mingying Shao4, Ziping Zheng4, Shakeeb Ullah5, Qudrat Ullah6, Guangming Sun2, Dun-Zhu Luosang2, Rubina Mushtaq7, Yulin Ma8, Muhammad Kamal Shah5, Saima Naz9, Muhammad Zahoor Khan5,8* and Wang-Dui Basang1,2*
...ance of conducting comprehensive genetic characterization of yak populations across different regions in China to identify unique genetic variations and breed-specific traits. Furthermore, the integration of MAS techniques can facilitate the selection of superior individuals for breeding programs. By identifying and utilizing genetic markers associated with desired traits, breeding strategies can be optimized, resulting in accelerated genetic improvement. Vari...

Elodie Dimon1*, Youssouf Toukourou1, Rodrigue V. Cao Diogo2, Lionel Kinkpe3, Brice Comlan Gerard Assogba1, Alassan Assani Seidou1, Valerie M.C. Bougouma-Yameogo4, Ibrahim Alkoiret Traore1

...d. By conducting a comprehensive review of secondary data and case studies, and employing content analysis procedures such as literature identification, data evaluation, and information synthesis, the study highlights that women are instrumental in various aspects of sheep and goat rearing, including feeding, health management, and the processing and marketing of milk and meat. The cultivation of small ruminants offers women financial autonomy, positively impa...

Adnan Ibrahim Khamis1, Jasim Mohammed Saleh2*, Najwa S. Ali3 and Anhar Mohamed Ali Hasan4 extension due to the phenomenon of climate change in the agricultural sector.


Urfiana Sara1,3, Muhammad Irfan Said2*, Wempie Pakiding2, Sri Purwanti2

...he huge number of laying hens impacts the output of livestock waste, especially manure. Ammonia (NH3) and other volatile compounds are the main culprits behind manure odor. High ammonia emissions will harm laying hens’ health and decrease their egg-producing efficiency. This study aims to determine the factors that influence NH3 emissions in the agricultural sector of laying hens, sp...

Ramy E. El-Ansary1, Ahmed R. Sofy2, Mohamed A. M. El-Tabakh3, Ahmed F. Afify4, Mostafa El-Gaffary5, Mohamed I. Oraby6*, Mohammed A. Elkhiat6

...s paper presents a comprehensive analysis of biochemistry patterns in cattle during infection with Foot-and-mouth Disease Virus (FMDV) serotype A during FMD outbreaks in 2018 and 2023 in Giza governorate, Egypt. The study investigated the effect of FMDV infection on several blood parameters, including hemogram (HB%, PCV%, RBCs, WBC and platelets count), serum biochemical parameters (glucose, cholesterol, ALT, AST, urea, BUN, creatinine, triglyceride, CK-MB, to...

Atsmarina Widyadhari1, Chaerul Basri2*, Etih Sudarnika2

...days. Each scenario was then paired with five alternative control programs, namely (1) cull of infected and exposed animals (CIE); (2) cull of infected animals and pre-emptive culling of susceptible animals within 1 km of the outbreak site (CIE 1 km); (3) cull of infected animals and pre-emptive culling of susceptible animals within 3 km of the outbreak site (CIE 3 km); (4) cull of infected animals and vaccination of susceptible animals within 3 km of the outb...

Bridget Maria Jessica Adah1, Samuel Mailafia1, H.O.K Olabode1, James Agbo Ameh1, Martha Echioda Ogbole1, Ebenezer Odey Odey1, Ifeanyi Cajetan Cashmir1, Hakeem Onigbanjo1, Monday Onakpa2, Enid Godwin3, Chinwe Elizabeth Okoli3, Nicodemus Nnabuike Mkpuma4, Oluwa Adikpe Agbonu5, Rabi Rebecca Mairabo6 report in Nigeria and hence there is need for isolation and invivo AFST studies with regards to other animal species in Nigeria, as this will guide clinicians in antifungal agents’ selection towards achieving effective therapy as a control strategy for eradicating the disease.
Keywords | Aspergillus niger, MARI, Zoonotic, Antifungal agents, Potato dextrose agar, Aspergillosis

Burhan Khalid1*, Muhammad Umer Javed2, Talha Riaz3, Muhammad Atiq Ashraf4, Hafiza Zara Saeed5, Musrat Shaheen6, Shumaila Nawaz4, Amir Khan Korai7, Rabiya Riaz8 and Muhammad Asim4 is essential to comprehending host range evolution. Plant viruses, which are mostly biotrophic diseases, cause large losses in agriculture since they depend on host cells for reproduction and spread. The review emphasizes the significance of taking into account both internal viral characteristics and external ecological impacts by examining genetic features and their adaptive implications. Predicting viral outbreaks and creating efficient disease management...

Wessam Monther Mohammed Saleh1*, Afrah Ali Dakhil2, Saad Shaheen Hamadi Al-Taher3, Mazin Mahdi Naji4, Layth Mohammed Salih AbdulRasool4, Khazaal Abbas Khazaal Alqaisi4

...n in Thi-Qar, Iraq, and then screened using ELISA test (the “ID Screen® CCHF Double-Antigen Multi-species – CCHFDA” ELISA-Kit). The results showed that the incidence of CCHF in the examined sheep and goats was 49.3% (P≤0.01). In sheep, the overall seroprevalence rate was 52.9%, while in goats it was 35.5%. The current investigation showed a substantial difference in seroprevalence rate between animals that had a high level of tick infe...

Fatima Aziz Mahdi Al-Badry*

...tract was taken orally. When experimental period was ended, prostate was weighted, fertility parameters were studied by assessment of concentration and sperm malformations, fertility index, sex hormones and histological sections of sperm were prepared. The results revealed show that metronidazole intake causes a decline in prostate and body weight, reduction of sperm, fertility index and sex hormones (LH,FSH and Testosterone) with increasing of sperm abnormali...

Aizaz Akbar1*, Ijaz Ahmad2, Aftab Jehan3, Imtiaz Ali4 and Muhammad Haris5

...ed substantial positive phenotypic and genotypic association with productive tillers plant-1 and a significant positive phenotypic relationship with days to heading. Wheat genotypes CIM-10 and CIM-36 performed well for grain yield and recommended for future breeding programs.  


Sitti Rosmalah1*, Hartati1, Harianti1, Selvi Diliyanti Rizki1, Rustam2, La Ode Muh. Munadi3, Rina Astarika4, La Ode Jabuddin5, Abdul Rizal6, Muh. Obi Kasmin7 and Muhtar Amin

...nally. However, various phenomena cause the underdevelopment of dryland rice farming in Buton Utara Regency, including the dynamics and multiple problems surrounding the dryland rice agribusiness system in this region. Based on these phenomena, this study aims to build an implementable dryland rice agribusiness model through a systems approach based on strategic variables in each subsystem. Data collection procedures through...

Andi Mushawwir1*, Lovita Adriani1, Ronnie Permana1, Eli Sahara2 justify;">The Sentul hen is a local Indonesian chicken that has been distributed across various regions in West Java. The location’s topography significantly impacts the chickens’ performance, as it is closely related to the environment’s macro and microclimatic conditions. Low-lying areas tend to increase the risk of heat stress in chickens. In this study, 300 Sentul chickens were observed at different altitudes. The research sites at lo...

Eluzia A. Barus1*, Novi Mayasari2, Indrawati Y. Asmara3

...blood cells (WBCs) were then described with descriptive analysis. Results showed that birds with mild FPD and HB had higher leukocytes compared to unaffected birds, alongside lower RBC counts with larger cell sizes. These findings suggest that even mild lesions are associated with stress or infection, which supports the importance of preventing them for chicken’s health and welfare. However, as a case study, hematology profiles were also influenced by fa...

Irma1*, Siti Darodjah Rasad2, Nena Hilmia2, Cece Sumantri3

...n genetic diversity and phenotypic variations using c.589T>G, c.659T>G, c.974C>G, c.1105T>A, and c.1358G>A from Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) based on direct sequencing. This study aimed to analyze the association between GDF9 diversity and the superovulation response in Peranakan Ongole (PO), Belgian Blue (BB), and its crossbreeds (BB x PO). The experiment was conducted using 21 donors from Livestock Embryo Centre (LEC), which were selected f...

Hend A. Hamedo, Ahmed E.M. Shokr, Omnia T. Abd-Elsalam and Naglaa Elshafey*

...PHAs were extracted and then subjected to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), where the spectrum showed a strong band at 1649.72 cm−1 for the carbon (C=O) stretching of the ester group, which is a common feature in PHAs structures, and Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analyses. The GC-MS identified twelve different biodegradable PHA compounds, including hexadecenoic acid and octadecanoic acid. The molecular docking study di...

Chonglin Yang1, Cuiping Yang2*, Jingwen Jiang3, Haifang Lai4 and Wenqiang Xia5

...nths after vaccination. When the interval after the last vaccination was more than one year, the natural course of disease was prolonged, which was not significantly different from that of unvaccinated subjects.


Xinmin Liu1, Fengming Ni2 and Lan Gao1*

...atients should be strengthened, hemoglobin should be monitored regularly, HAA should be detected in time and anemia should be corrected by active measures. Future multicenter studies should be conducted to observe the incidence of HAA in patients receiving enteral nutrition or parenteral nutrition versus those not receiving these treatments. At the same time, stroke patients receiving rehabilitation treatment can be included in the study, and rehabilitation tr...

García Domínguez María Fernanda1, Páez Lerma Jesús Bernardo1, Reyes Jáquez Damián1, Carrete Carreón Francisco Oscar2, Guerra Rosas María Inés1, Araiza Rosales Elia Esther2*

...s (H), as well as total phenols (TP), condensed tannins (CT) and in vitro dry matter digestibility (IVDMD). With the superimposition of response surfaces, a numerical optimization of the extrusion process was conducted based on the selected model. The optimal processing conditions for the elaboration of the extruded product were X1=150 °C, X2=14% humidity and X3=10% HUI, with an EI of 1.107, BD of 1060.79 kg/m3, H of 145.2 N, WAI of 3.51 g/g, WSI of 7.58%,...

Hebat–Alla Adel Alhamdani1, Mohammed Ali Shahooth2, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali3, Baraa Hameed Mousa2, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini3* cerevisiae) in laying hen diets contaminated with aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) on some physiological traits and immunological responses. Seventy-two laying hens, 45 weeks old (Lohman Brown), were randomly assigned to six treatments with four replicates per treatment (three hen/replicate). The experiment was carried out in cages. Birds in T1 fed basal diet without addition, birds in T2 fed basal ...

Dadile M. Abdulrahman 1 Abdullahi M. Daskum 1 Kura M. Abdulrahim 1 Abubakar M. Dadile 2 Hajja Amma 3

Volume 1, Issue 1, November and December 2017, Pages 3-13
...hat it can have potency when applied on patients with Staphylococcal skin infections. Findings from this study encourage and support the use of AGE in treating bacterial skin infections especially in developing countries like Africa, as it is available, economic and have no side effects.



Mahesh Raj Pant 1 Dipti Shrestha 1 Shovana Thapa 2

Volume 2, Issue 3 May and June 2018 Pages 53-60


Abdelhak Rhouma 1 Ibtissem Ben Salem 1 Mahmoud M’Hamdi 2 Naima Boughalleb-M’Hamdi 1

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 85-100 two Trichoderma spp. when applied preventively and curatively in in vivo trials, reduced significantly disease incidence (8.33% and 16.67-20.83%), root disease index (0.79-0.8 and 1.25-1.17), and reduced also ascospores index (1.5-1.54 asc/g of peat) and (2.54-2.42 asc/g of peat), respectively, in comparison with control treatments. Moreover, T. viride and T. harzianum enhanced the growth development of watermelon plants treated preventively and curatively ...


T. Suthin Raj 1 S. Vignesh 1 P. Nishanthi 1 K. Hane graff 1 H. Ann Suji 2

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 122-137
...nd 2 on peroxidase; polyphenol oxidase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase and β-1,3-glucanase. During season 1; in grape plants treated with Sargassum wightii, the four enzymes raised the glucose concentration to 60.79µg, 3.87µ...

Muhammad Junaid Musharaf Ahmad Saifullah A.

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 138-146
...justify;">Multiple comprehensive surveys were conducted during 2012, in order to know the current status of bacterial wilt (BW) of tomato caused by Ralstonia solanacearum (

Solange Gahongayire 1 Ibrahim Ntulume 1 Kagimbura Ervine 2 Bizimana Évariste 2 Adamu A. Aliero 3

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 156-166
...samples of patients in Ruhengeri Referral hospital, Rwanda. Fruits and leaves of C. annum samples were collected from Sina Gerard enterprise in Rulindo District in July, 2012. Plant samples were shade dried for 10 days, and then sta...

Ayesha Bibi 1 Muhammad Junaid 2 Musharaf Ahmad 3

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 167-174
...s subsp. michiganensis, when grown on Nutrient agar (NA) medium. 34 isolates out of the 47 exhibited Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis like cultural characteristics when grown on Yeast extract-Dextrose-CaCO3 (YDC) medium. However, 27 isolates only out of these 34 were confirmed to be Gram positive. Pathogenicity of the 27 Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis isolates were confirmed using cotyledon, you...

Ashar Farooq1*, Mohammad Salim2, Zahid Rauf1, Muhammad Tahir Khan3 and Asad Abbas Khan4

... increased considerably when the grasses progressed from the pre-boot to the seed-ripe stage. In contrast, CP and EE significantly declined when the Panicum species reached towards maturity. These results suggest that the optimal harvesting time for maximizing nutritive value occurs between the pre-boot and full-flowering stages. Based on higher nutritive values (higher CP and EE, and lower CF, NDF, and ADF), P. coloratum an...

Kazi Abdus Sobur1*, Shabuj Kumar Pal2, Md. Abdur Rahim3 and Palash Bose1 goat rearing in the Jhenaidah district of Bangladesh. A survey was conducted among 90 goat owners, with data collected on their management practices, treatments, and breeding methods. The majority of respondents (77.8%) identified agriculture as their primary occupation. Most farmers provided green grass, tree leaves, and a minimum amount of concentrate feed such as maize, gram, and wheat bran. Goats were allowed to graze on fallow land and around househol...

Praveen Reddy P., K. Sandhya  and Aparna Srikantam*

... prebiotic agents which when present in the human gut region will not only improve the gut health but also influence the central nervous system via gut-brain axis, and counteract the symptoms of various neurological disorders. Till date, numerous probiotic bacteria and prebiotic compounds were identified and the majority of them are able to influence the nervous system. In various clinical trials on animal models and humans, it was proved that psychobiotics ar...


Fatiha Malki1*; Abdelkader Touati1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 281-285
...ohexyloctamide 1 and N- Phenyldodecanamide (dodecanilide) 2 were synthesized. They were tested in vitro for a wide array of antimicrobial activities against; two Gram positive bacteria (Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus), four Gr...

 Gonçalves, A.P.P.1; da Rosa, G.2*; Merlini, L.S.1; Geronimo, E.1; Borges, J.L.1; Neto, A.P.3; de Lima, J.S.1; Almada, A.F.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 223-231
...d cattle carcasses, and then were forwarded to the Preventive Veterinary Medicine laboratory, at University of Parananese (UNIPAR). From the 100 samples, 18 (18%) recorded growth of microorganisms, and 16 samples of these were selected for the antimicrobial assay, according to the standard count for coagulase-positive Staphylococcus. Results of antibiogram showed that; 56.25% of the samples were resistant to Vancomycin, 50% to Penicillin, 31.25% to Tetracyclin...

Ayesha Bibi1*; Muhammad Junaid2; Musharaf Ahmad3; Syed Fayaz Ali Shah4; Iftikhar Hussain Khalil5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 243-251 primary inoculum, and hence reducing the disease incidence. During a period of 270 days, the mean number of cells of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm)\ gram of exposed stem tissue was reduced from 8.9×109 to 6.0×105 at ARI, Tarnab, and from 7.93×109 to 5.26×105 at Haripur. On the other hand, the mean number of cells\ gram of tissue at ARI, Tarnab buried at different soil depths of 6, 12, and 18 cm, decreased from 9...

Laxmi, D.1*; Gayathri, C.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 252-257
...s as GD30 and DM27; and then were subjected to morphological and molecular characterization, finally identified as Oceanobacillus oncorhynchi and Pseudomonas stutzeri, respectively. Among both isolates, DM27 specifically showed maximum growth and degradation activity of hydrocarbons (i.e. diesel and naphthalene). This hydrocarbon degrading ability was assayed by using 2, 6-dichlorophenol-indophen

 Seham Abdel-Shafi1*; Ghaly Mohamed Farouk1; Mohamed Taha1; Khalid El-Dougdoug2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 297-313
...; to prepare antibodies then apply them for PVY screening in potato plants in the field, as well as comparison with antibodies against coat protein. The amino acid sequence of PVY isolate was expected by DNAStar protean system; in which four parameters for epitope prediction including antigenicity, surface probability, hydrophobicity and secondary structure were used. These models were applied to PVY as a case study to predict immunogenic peptides for antibodi...


Muhammad Junaid1*; Ayesha Bibi2; Musharaf Ahmad3; Muhammad Ali4; Yousaf Noor5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 314-325
...Pakistan, multiple comprehensive surveys were conducted during 2012. The main objectives of the current study were to identify the Ralstonia solanacearum (R. solanacearum) isolate through its colony characteristics, molecular tools; and to investigate the ability of this pathogen to cause Bacterial wilt (BW) disease, when being inoculated into tomato plant using different inoculation methods. For this purpose, a total of 74 ...

Maha E. Omran1; Azza A. Shafei2; Sally E. Abdel-Rahman2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 366-378
...s explored using 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging assay (DPPH), whereas the in vitro antimicrobial activity was evaluated using the disc agar plate method. Chemical constituents of the leaves extracts were isolated through column chromatography, and then identified using 1H, 13C-NMR and IR spectroscopic tools. In the DPPH assay; the half maximal inhibitory concentration (IC50) value of the total extract was ...


Adeniyi O. Adeleye1*; Mohammed B. Yerima2; Michael E. Nkereuwem3; Victor O. Onokebhagbe3; Peter G. Shiaka2; Florence K. Amoo2; Ibrahim K. Adam4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(5): 471-484
...The sterilized soil was then amended with compost, powdered cocoa pod husk (CPH), and powdered cow dung (CD). Subsequently, bio-augmentation with bacterial co-cultures (150 ml) was done. Heavy metal concentrations; Arsenic (As), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr), Nickel (Ni) and Lead (Pb) were estimated at the commencement, at the fifth and tenth week of the study. The factorial experiment was laid out in a completely randomized design (CRD). Results indicate that b...


Zakaria Ahmed1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 485-492
...een tea has several polyphenolic compounds with possible antibacterial effects. It is employed largely due to its antimicrobial properties, and is incorporated as the active ingredient in many topical formulations used to treat cutaneous infections, in addition to being marketed as a remedy for various ailments. The essential oil of M. alternifolia exhibits broad-spectrum antimicrobial potential. The TTO may help to treat severe yeast infections. Results also ...

 Dalia Gamil Aseel1*; Mahmoud Hamdy Abd El-Aziz2; E. E. Hafez1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 493-501
... gene was amplified and then sequenced. Results of reactions of diagnostic hosts were observed on Gomphrena globosa, which developed systemic mottling, leaves twisting and necrotic spots during spring, whereas ...


Mohamed G. Farahat

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 511-525
... analysis and extensive phenotypic characterization, it was identified as Aquimarina agarilytica. Maximum enzyme production was achieved after 24 h incubation at 20°C, and tryptone was recorded to be the best nitrogen source for agarase production. Extracellular agarase was partially purified by ammonium sulfate precipitation. The substrate specificity assay using p-nitrophenyl-α/β-D-galactopyranoside revealed...

Hafsa Zaib1; Rabia Kanwar1; Nishat Zafar1*; Sultan Ali1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 526-534
...hese pure cultures were then tested for resistance to different antibiotics using the Kirby–Bauer method. The prevalence of Gram positive bacteria (60.83%) was more than that of Gram negative bacteria (24.13%). The results of antibiotics susceptibility tests were analyzed statistically.



Bassma H. Elwakil1; Safaa M. Ali2*; Soad F. Hafez3; Adnan A. Bekhit4; Moustafa Y. El-Naggar5; Zakia A. Olama5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 535-545
...t techniques including; phenotypic and genetic ones were used to evaluate the presence of β-lactamases among the isolated strains of K. pneumoniae. This bacterial species is the most commonly isolated pathogen (95 isolates) from all the examined samples (51.35%). Current results revealed that 30 and 14 strains of K. pneumoniae are positive to Extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) production, and AmpC β-lactamase producers, respectively. On the ot...


Abd-Elhalim, B.T.1*; Gamal, R.F.1; Abou-Taleb, Kh.A.1; Haroun, A.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 558-578
...te was characterized by phenotypic and genotypic features. Based on 16S rRNA gene analysis and compared with the sequences presented in NCBI GenBank, the phylogeny positions assessment confirmed that it belonged to Genus Pseudomonas, and was closely related to Pseudomonas silesiensis strain A3 (98% similarity). For the bacterial synthesis of CuNPs, optimization of the P. silesinsis strain A3 cell-free supernatant was carried out using seven agro-industrial res...


Ungo-kore, H.Y1*; Ibrahim, Y.K.E.2; Tytler, B.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 579-589
...umn chromatography, and then Infra-Red (IR) analysis was carried out using a spectrophotometer. The antifungal activities of the oil and Terbinafine standard compound were evaluated by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC), using the Agar diffusion method. The petroleum ether oil recovered from the soxhlet method of extraction showed higher percentage of yield, whereas the oil obtained from cold macer...


Safaa M. Ali1*; Nadia A. Soliman2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 590-597 a kit (QIAGEN), and then digested by different restriction enzymes BamHI. The digested fragments ranging from ~300-5000 bp were ligated, cloned into pUC19 vector, and then transformed into Escherichia coli DH5α. The resulting clones were screened as cellulase producers using a qualitative method. The positive clones which showed hydrolysis on the plate were screened once more in Luria-Bertani (LB) medium. The plasm...


E.O. Garuba1*; O.M. Ajunwa2; O.S. Oguntomi1; A.A. Onilude1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 624-640
... produced by Bacillus licheniformis S1S2, Bacillus pulmilus S1E23, Bacillus sp. S1E27, and Aeribacillus sp. S1E29. With physiological conditioning of the lipolytic activities, comparative production of thermostable lipase by the selected isolates was carried using submerged fermentation and electro-fermentation methods. An optimum lipase yield of 95.1± 0.003 U/ ml, 128± 0.001 U/ ml, 110.7± 0.003 U/ ml and 122.7± 0.002 U/ ml was prod...


Bahauddeen Dandashire Salisu1*; Ibrahim Raubilu Almajir2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 653-665
...sed from retailers, and then cultured for fungal isolation on potato dextrose agar (PDA) supplemented with Cycloheximide. Fungal colonies were identified using standard mycological techniques. The samples were further extracted using a methanol-water solvent (v/v) 1:2, and the extracts were analyzed for the presence of aflatoxins using Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). A total of 30 fungal isolates comprising Aspergillus spp. (30 %), Mucor spp. (...


Ram Bahadur Khadka1,2*; Ravin Bhandari2; Rabin Gyawali3; Balram Neupane1; Dhakaraj Pant4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 675-687
...In this review, we comprehensively summarized the COVID-19 epidemiology, pathogenesis and diagnosis, using suitable literatures obtained from reliable sources.



Muhanna M. Alshaibani1*; Noraziah M. Zin1*; Juriyati Jalil2; Anis Rageh Al-Maleki3,4; Nik M. Sidik5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 704-713
...thus causing difficulty when utilizing the standard methods. For this reason, the aim of the current study was to improve and modify the method of extraction of RNA from MRSA, with good integrity, purity, low cost, and with saved time of extraction. A fast and an inexpensive method involving the use of acid phenol: chloroform (5: 1 [v/v]) at low pH (4.5), with lysostaphin and Triton X-100 for effective isolation of RNA from ...


Mahalakshmi, G.1; Vengadeshkumar, L.1*; Rajamohan, K.1; Sanjaygandhi, S.1; Sharmila, A.M.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 714-724
...g; peroxidase (PO), polyphenol oxidase (PPO), phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL), catalse, chitinase and β- 1,3 glucanses. Induction of these defense enzymes was studied in vivo in treated tomato plants grown in the greenhouse. Moreover, the healthy control tomato plants also showed slight increase in activities of all these defense enzymes up to four days, and thereafter showed gradual decline. The aim of the present in...

Bilal Javid*, Hafiz Muhammad Bilal Akhtar, Tahira Kamal and Muhammad Naeem Riaz

...imal welfare. This comprehensive review explores the etiology, mechanism of disease development, risk factors, diagnostic methods, and especially the role of nutrition in causing Fatty Liver Disease in layers. FLD is characterized by the excessive accumulation of lipids in hepatocytes. It is a multifactorial disorder influenced by various factors including genetics, nutrition, environment, and management practices. The economic impact of FLD on egg production ...

Ali A. Alsudani1, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory2* and Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi3 low level of glucose when comparing with T1 which was at higher concentration significantly (P<0.01). in conclusion, zinc-methionine injection has enhance the immunity status of birds and improve the gut microbiota into positive way.  
Novelty Statement | This study is the first to use zinc-methionine to enhance the intestinal microbiota of broilers in Iraq-Babylon.

Bushra Mushtaq, Aamir Ali, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Ayesha Muzamil, Hooria Ashraf Khan, Hamid Manzoor, Naveed Akhtar,  Kiran Zainab

...e obtained cocoons were then used to estimate the effects of yeast treatments on economic and biological parameters. The results showed that the average weight of silkworm larvae on the 7th day was significantly higher (P<0.05) in larvae fed with 0.5% L. rhamnosus + S. cerevisiae compared to the control group. This group also exhibited the highest cocoon weight, length, width, shell ratio, and fibroin content. Moreover, the enzymatic activity was significan...

Qingqing Liu1,2, Zhilong Tian1, Chunhuan Ren2, Zijun Zhang2 and Mingxing Chu1*

...eep and Tibetan sheep), then the association between the loci and litter size in STH sheep was analyzed. Our results revealed that each locus in most sheep breeds contained three genotypes. For genotyping, we found that genotype and allele frequencies of three loci (g.75521224T> A, g.41871219T> C, g.56122588G > A) of the three genes were significantly different (p < 0.05) between the monotocous and polytocous groups, and we found that the polymorph...
Xueyu Wang1,2, Dejun Zhang1,2, Wancai Xia1,2, Jie Hu1,2, Xiaoxia Yuan1,2, Ali Krzton3 and Dayong Li1,2*
...ons. Another remarkable phenomenon was that R. bieti individuals groomed the anogenital area more frequently before the mating season than on the two other periods, and compared with the birthing season, the rate of grooming on the anogenital region was also higher in the mating season. In conclusion, females made use of grooming as a currency to exchange for valuable resources, and during the mating season grooming was traded for copulation. Meanwhile, groomi...

Enas M. Hefzy1*; Reda M. Taha2; Safaa Abd El Salam2; Abdelrhman Abdelmoktader1; Mahmoud A.F. Khalil3

...hvKp its hypervirulence phenotype. Although the vast majority of
hvKp isolates are antibiotic-susceptible, the incidence of virulent as well as resistant isolates,
such as carbapenem-resistant hvKp isolates, is continuously growing. Multidrug resistance
(MDR) and increased virulence of these strains may be the cause of the subsequent clinical
crisis. This study aimed to review and analyse the epidemiology, the fa...

Souvik Roy1*; Dibyanshu Shaw1; Tiyas Sarkar1; Lopamudra Choudhury2

Sherien E. Sobhy1*; Dalia G. Aseel1*; Essam-Eldeen M. Abo-Kassem2; Nasser A. Sewelam2; Khalil M. Saad-
Allah2; Marwa A. Samy1; Elsayed E. Hafez1 enhanced activity of Phenylalanine
ammonia lyase (PAL) that reached 173 % in the stressed wheat grains and seedlings,
decreased mineral contents in N-3, P+3, K+, and Ca+2 in the shoot of wheat seedlings by 25, 42,
23 and 44 %; respectively, substantial increase (79 %) in the total soluble carbohydrates (TSC)
and a highly significant reduction (28 %) in the total soluble proteins (TSP), compared with

Malathi H1*; Pooja Sharma2

...view is useful for comprehending the primary functions of microorganisms
in this process.

Amira H. El-Ashry*

...div>cell disease, and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. However, immunogenicity; off-target effect,
and efficient delivery systems withstand against its spread in the clinical applications until
introducing an improvement. The aim of this review was to summarize how the various
CRISPR systems work; their important medical applications, and their limitations.

Souvik Roy1*; Saheli Majumder1; Aniket Deb1; Lopamudra Choudhury2

...; parabens,
phenol, organomercurials, ethanol, chlorobutanol, benzalkonium chloride, chlorocresol,
sodium benzoate, isothiazolinones, sodium sulfite, and sodium metabisulfite, in addition to the
potential toxicity caused by them to the consumers.

Ali, A.A.M.1*; Hassanin, M.M.H.2; Abdel-Rahman, T.F.M.2; Mergawy, M.M.3

... the peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase antioxidant enzyme activities,
compared with the control; however, Actamyl 70 % (wp) and Bio Cure F had the superiority;
recording 1.27 and 1.23 (units/ ml enzyme) for peroxidase, and 0.57 and 0.51 (units/ ml
enzyme) for polyphenol oxidase, respectively. The results of the present study indicated the
strong antifungal potential of the thym...
Taha Chouati1,2; Ounayssa Ayadi1,3; Mohammed Ajdig1,4; Lahcen Ouchari1,4; Bahia Rached1,3; Jamila El Alami1;
Elmostafa EL Fahime1,2* was not as stable as when grown under both extreme
conditions. Regarding identity of the bacterial strains, they were all representatives of Bacillus
licheniformis; although B950 and B961 strains belonged to Sequence Types 3 and 5,

Dmitriy V. Alekseev*; Artem V. Lyamin; Karim A. Kayumov

...our opinion a more comprehensive
picture of their pathogenesis.

Naam Fadhil Abbas Al-Helli*; Jehan Abdul Sattar Salman

...ccharomyces cerevisiae, then its
antibiofilm activity was evaluated against the multi-drug resistant E. coli (MDR-E. coli)
isolates obtained from various clinical sources (i.e., urine, stool, wound, and catheter). Using a
standardized protocol with slight modifications, the crude mannan extraction yielded 37.6 %,
and subsequent purification achieved an efficiency of 99.6 %. Characterization assays of the

Muhammad Waqas1*, Shahid Mehmood1, Muhammad Shabir Shaheen1 and Saeed Ahmed2

...ction and total eggs per hen-housed, while poor performance was observed in EXT treatment. The CON and LES treatments produced comparable results. Although diluted diets were comparatively economical than CON commercial diet, however more feed scale was offered to birds in diluted treatments which neutralized the benefits of low cost diluted diets. To sum up, 10% dilution is viable in commercial rearing while less than 10% dilution produce non-significant resu...


Rabaa Yaseen

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 790-807
...itative analyses of the phenolic compounds present in the tested extracts were carried out. Results showed that among the tested phenolic compounds, kaempferol and phenanthrene were more abundant in the decomposed garlic and olive extracts, respectively. The fermented garlic and olive extracts were evaluated for their in vivo potency to suppress the damping off disease of faba bean caused ...

Michael E. Nkereuwem1,2*; O. Fagbola2; Iniobong E. Okon3; Ini D. Edem4; Adeniyi O. Adeleye5; Victor O.

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 808-824
...d soil in the pots, and then inoculated with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus; consisting of 20 g of Glomus clarum. After that, Costus lucanusianus was planted in the pot soil by stem cuttings. Results of this greenhouse assay involving; the residual total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) content of the soil, plant height, number of leaves, fresh and dry weights, percent of mycorrhizal root colonization, and fungal total colony count, were collected at 4, 8 and 1...


Abeer F. Ahmad*; Heba A. Shehta

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 825-844
...tive components such as phenols and flavonoids. Moreover, the sprout macerated extracts showed higher total antioxidant activity (TAA), total phenolic contents (TPC) and total flavonoids (TFC), compared to those of the sprout ultrasonic extracts. On the contrary, the ultrasonic extraction of leaves was more efficient than maceration. Results of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical ...


David C. Nwobodo1,5*; Chibueze P. Ihekwereme2; Chinedu J. Ikem3,5; Festus B.C. Okoye4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 845-855
...sing ethyl acetate, and then concentrated under vacuum. The fungal crude extracts were screened for their antibacterial activities against clinical and laboratory strains of P. aeruginosa, using the agar diffusion method. The bioactive components of the fungal extracts were identified using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD) analysis. Three endophytic fungi mainly; Aspergillus sp., Fusarium sp. and Colletotrichum sp. were is...

Salwa M. Masoud1; Hend A. Refat2; Nada S. Sayed2; Mohamed K. Abd-El Aal2; Ahmed A. Dosocky2; Zeinab S. Mohammed3; Mohamed A. H. Abdel Wahab3; Dina M. Mekawy3; Ali I. Ali4; Basma A. Atya4; Katren T. Welliam4; Rehab M. Abd El-Baky1, 5; Zeinab S. Hashem1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 1005-1014
...or their host range and then examined by Transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The TEM examination revealed T4 like bacteriophages. The bacteriophages demonstrated lytic activities against the tested multidrug resistant clinical uropathogenic O157:H7 and non-O157 E. coli isolates, E. coli O157:H7 ATCC 43894, E. coli NRRL B-3008 and, Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 27853 strain, but showed no activity against Klebsiella pneumoniae ATCC10031 and Staphylococcus aur...

Bijay Kumar Shrestha*; Jenish Shakya; Manita Tumbahangphe; Bidhya Dhungana; Romika Shrestha; Jyoti Limbu

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(6): 1015-1028 negative results, and hence stands to be an efficient diagnostic tool for confirming Corona Virus Disease-19 (COVID-19) infection. Therefore, RT-PCR along with CT-scan reports help to correctly confirm COVID-19, which in turn are effective in diagnosis, treatment and management of COVID-19 patients. This review aimed to understand the epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, therapeutics and preventive measures of COVID-19.



Bala, N. Umar1*; Jibril, Adamu1; Muhammad, T. Ahmad2; Kabiru, H. Ahmad3; Ochuko, Orakpoghenor4; Bashir, S. Aliyu5; Nuhu, Mohammed6; Aliyu Sada1,7

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1162-1175

Rasha M. Elnagar

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1194-1213
...olation of bacteria and then identification of these bacterial isolates according to colony morphology; microscopic examination and biochemical reactions. About 173 specimens were positive for bacterial pathogens; out of them 83 were GNB isolates. The most commonly isolated bacteria were; Klebsiella spp. 31 (37.3%), followed by Escherichia. coli 22 (26.5%), Pseudomonas. aeruginosa 17 (20.5%), Proteus spp. 10 (12.0%) and Enterobacter spp. 3 (3.6%). The antibact...

G.I. Ogu1*; J.C. Okolo2; J.C. Igborgbor3; F.I. Akinnibosun4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1214-1226
...ti and Ondo States, and then were analysed for detecting the presence of Salmonella spp.; using rinse centrifugation-plating technique, serological examination and 16S rRNA gene sequencing. The confirmed Salmonella isolates were tested for multidrug-resistance and biofilm formation using Kirby Bauer disc diffusion test and tissue culture plates, respectively. Out of 229 presumptively examined Salmonella isolates, 52 isolates were confirmed as Salmonella spp., ...

Bikash Chandra Behera1; Bijay Kumar Sethi1; Sonali Mohapatra2; Hrudayanath Thatoi3; Rashmi Ranjan Mishra1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1241-1255 serial dilution, and then were streaked on the skim milk agar medium for qualitative screening of protease production. Out of 13 fungal spp.; only 7 spp. were able to produce proteolytic zones through the proteolytic assay. The Relative enzymatic index (REI) value (Zone diameter/Colony diameter) of all the fungal isolates that produced proteolytic zones on skim milk agar medium was evaluated. Only 2 fungal isolates which showed maximum REI value were select...


P. I. Orjiakor*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1269-1282
...bodies and soil systems, hence the need for bioremediation. This study aimed to investigate the in vitro biodegradation of acrylic based paint; using an indigenous bacterial isolate namely; Alcaligenes faecalis and optimization of its activity in shake cultures. The bacterial isolate; A. faecalis (2 % v/v) was able to grow and effectively degrade 68 % of acrylic paints (1 %) amended mineral salt medium after 14 d of incubation. The rate of biodegradation was s...


Abdulnabi A. A. Matrood1; Abdelhak Rhouma2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1283-1293
...e, these two fungicides when applied preventively in greenhouse assays reduced significantly the disease severity index (DSI) by 18.83 % and 26.16 %, respectively. Current results revealed that Topas® 100 and Tilt 250 caused the highest antifungal potential manifested through reduction rate of fresh weight (9.62 and 8.58 g, respectively), and dry weight (4.61 and 4.60 g, respectively). Moreover, both fungicides recorded the highest peroxidase activities of...

Prasanta Majumder1*; Shyamalendu Laskar2; Aesha Zafna3; Manisha Koul4; Anudarsh P. Kalakumari5; Pallavi A. Thomas6

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1294-1300
...anuary, 2020, and since then the numbers of confirmed cases have been increasing; thus the government had announced total lockdown of all activities. Most people infected with the COVID-19 virus experience mild to moderate respiratory illness, and recover without the need for special treatments. The elderly people and those with medical problems such as; cardiovascular disease, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease and cancer; are more likely to develop severe...

Ghadah A. Alsubhi1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1405-1414
... in 1915, and they were then employed to treat the bacterial infections. However, the discovery of penicillin in 1928 quickly overshadowed bacteriophage therapy, and paved the way for its large-scale production in the 1940s to enter the era of antibiotics. In recent years, resistant bacteria have contributed to increasing the studies on bacteriophages. A remarkable difference between phages and antibiotics is the remarkable phage's specificity to infect certai...

Asmaa Alrobai1*; Jehan Alrahimi1,2; Sahar El Hadad1,2,3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1463-1479
...inal cord; which occurs when the fluid surrounding the meninges becomes infected. Meningitis is a life-threatening disease, particularly in older people and immunocompromised cases. The estimated annual numbers of meningitis cases in the industrialized countries are about 4-6 cases per 100,000 people. Meningococcal disease is caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitides, which have A; C, Y, and W-135 serogroups. Immunization helps to protect the humans from ...


Samuel Adedayo Fasiku1*; Sherifah Monilola Wakil2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1480-1493
...ined pretreatment), and then their sugar profiles were determined using High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The RS recovered from the degraded MS samples were fermented using 2 molecularly-identified S. cerevisiae strains. The highest RS contents (16.79 mg/ g) were recorded when MS was pre-degraded by PO for 21 d compared to Lentinus squarrosulus (16.55 mg/ g), and with the consortium of the two fungal cultures (1...


Noura El-Kattan1*; Kamilia A.M. Allam2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1447-1462
...ected swab samples, and then identified using conventional biochemical methods and API 20 kits. Staphylococcus aureus was found to be the most prevalent isolate (26.1 %), following by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25.2 %), Klebsiella pneumonia (23.5 %), Acinetobacter baumannii (12.2 %), Proteus vulgaris (7.8 %), and the less common isolate of Escherichia coli (5.2 %). Among 14 antibiotics tested in vitro for their susceptibility using the standard disk diffusion ass...


Folake T. Afolabi1*; Ibukun E. Ola1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(1): 1494-1514
...anol yield was observed when the substrates were fermented under shaking condition. Optimization of the physical conditions improved the fermentation process faster, and significantly enhanced the production of bioethanol. An appropriate temperature of 30oC and pH 5 produced high yield of ethanol (5 %) by Pichia kudriavzevii SGD21, whereas pH 6 for Pichia kudriavzevii SGD30 recorded a higher ethanol yield of 6 %. Under the optimal physical conditions, the ferm...

Abdulaziz Yahya Al-Ghamdi

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(2): 1515-1529
...r-dried, macerated, and then extracted with ethanol, chloroform and hot water. The phytochemical constituents and antimicrobial potential against Gram-positive bacteria including; Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus cereus, Gram- negative bacteria such as; Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and the yeast fungus Candida albicans were determined. Results indicated that the extracts contained saponins; coumarins, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids and steroids. Ga...

Simiat O. Jimoh1*; Khadijat O. Adefaye1; Lateefah A. Arowolo2; Ramot B. Badmos-Oladapo1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(2): 1530-1542
... to derivatization, and then the chitooligosaccharides yield, enzymes activities and their molecular weights were determined using Gas chromatography (GC). Moreover, the size exclusion chromatography revealed the presence of several enzymes, including chitin deacetylase; chitooligosaccharide deacetylase, chitinase and chitosanase; in addition to chitooligosaccharides derivatives such as; chitohexose, chitopentose, chitotetrose, chitotriose, chitobiose and chit...

Olubusola A. Odeniyi*; Ladi Turaki

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(3): 1557-1582
... and water samples, and then screened for their phosphate solubilizing potentials on Pikovskaya (PVK), and the National Botanical Research Institute's Phosphate (NBRIP) growth media. The isolates of Penicillium sp. (PSF-8) and Bacillus sp. (PSB-29) produced the highest alkaline phosphatase at pH 8, 42οC on the 2nd and 3rd d of incubation; and they solubilized concentrations of 937.78 and 848.89 μg/ ml of phosphates, respectively. The optimum tempera...


Vinita C. Patole1*; Jayashri G. Mahore1; Tanaji D. Nandgude1; Anil Gutte1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1659-1669


Ahmed, M.F.A.1*; Shaheen, S.I.2; EL-Fiki, I.A.I3; Ahmed, M.S.M.4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1682-1699
...l soluble solids, total phenol content, protein, nitrogen, ascorbic acid, and total sugars, thus increasing the crop yield. The current work aimed to reduce the use of toxic chemical fungicides during the agriculture process, to produce safe food of high quality and quantity, and to find the most suitable bio-agent that has the ability to protect and control the cantaloupe plants against the soil-borne fungal diseases under the impact of climate change.



Beatrice O. Ojiego1*; Obianuju P. Ilo1; Fatima Dantanko1; Shauibu A. Abdullahi2; Ibrahim M. K. Gadzama2; Paul Bolorunduro2; Elijah Ella3; Gideon I Ogu4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1713-1724
...s (0.05- 0.0529 g), and then incubated at 30 oC for 60 d to monitor their biodegradation using the weight loss method. The strips of bottles (0.58-49.00 %) were more susceptible to biodegradation than the plastic bags (0.78-15.40 %) after 60 d of incubation. The results demonstrated that about 6 of the bacterial isolates belong to the two genera of Proteus sp. and Providencia spp., and were considered the best bio-degraders. Molecular characterization of these...


Fatma Ahmed Abdel Aziz1; Gamal Fadl Mahmoud Gad1; Ahmed Mohamed Kamal El Shafei2; Reham Ali Ibrahem1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(5): 1725-1741
...foxitin, results of the phenotypic test predicted that 40.9 % of the Staphylococcal spp. were MRSA, and 23.6 % were MR-CoNS. The Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique was used to explore the presence of several bacterial pathogenicity genes, including MecA, PVL, icaA, icaD, and Hla in the MRSA and in MR- CoNS. Results of the PCR revealed that all MRSA and MR-CoNS had MecA, icaA, and icaD genes, whereas 28.9 % of the MRSA had PVL and Hla. However, no isolat...


Heba Ahmed Mohamed1*; Gamal Fadl Mahmoud Gad1; Mona Fattouh Mohamed2; Hend Harby Ahmed3; Ameer Effat Elfarash4; Nahed Fathallah Fahmy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1801-1820
...ates were recovered and then identified using conventional methods and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Antibiotic sensitivity testing was carried out using the Disk diffusion method, followed by PCR testing of the common carbapenemase-encoding genes, including OXA-51, OXA-58, KPC, GES, IMP, NDM, VIM, SIM, and GIM. Genotyping was performed using the Enterobacterial Repetitive Intergenic Consensus-Polymerase chain reaction (ERIC-PCR). About 85 % of A. baumannii...

Syeda Sadaf Wajahat

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2265-2284
...ment consists of a comprehensive range of animals, plants, and microorganisms, which have several benefits in the biotechnological developments. This review aimed to investigate the potentials of using the marine microbial enzymes in therapeutics. The marine microbial species were uncultivable but recently, scientists cultivated certain seawater microbes effectively by a metagenomic technique. Several studies on the marine microbiome are undergoing and it can ...


Sara A. Alshaikh*; Tarek El-Banna; Fatma Sonbol; Mahmoud H. Farghali

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2285-2302
...valuated using suitable phenotypic techniques. Our findings revealed a significant enhancement in the antimicrobial resistance after biofilm formation. The MBEC values were higher than the MIC values by 2-128 folds for amikacin, 2-256 folds for cefotaxime, 2-64 folds for cefepime, 8-128 folds for meropenem, and 4-128 folds for ciprofloxacin. The swimming and swarming motilities demonstrated a significant positive correlation (rs = 0.506, P< 0.001). Protease...


Gehad M. Mohamed1*; Ahmed B. Barakat1; Marwa M. Gado1; Fatma M. Abdallah2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2320-2338
... the Sanger method, and then analyzed phylogenetically to determine their genetic subtypes and RASs. Finally, SVR was gained in all but two patients who were experiencing VR that carried natural NS5A-RASs at positions L31M and Y93H. They were considered as significant for DCV resistance as well as natural NS5B-RASs (T282S), which represented the main polymorphism for SOF resistance. In this study, a number of mutational combinations in the analyzed NS5A and NS...

Gopinath R.; Arundadhi M.; Dhanasezhian A.; Thangam G. Sucila*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2339-2353
...gly apparent. This comprehensive review delves into the nuanced world of the gut- brain axis, providing insights into the intricate relationship between the gut and the brain. Additionally, this review delves into potential therapeutic implications, exploring the use of probiotics, prebiotics, and dietary interventions to modulate gut microbiota for enhancement of the neurological well-being.



Shrouk E.E. Farg1; Shafik D. Ibrahim2; Samir Mahgoub3*; Atef S. Sadik1; Mamdouh H. Abdel-Ghaffar1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2370-2392
... three molecular tools. When sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- PAGE) analysis was used to determine the genetic variability of four cucurbits infected with ZYMV compared to the healthy ones, a total of 15 storable protein bands were recorded. The experimental results showed that DNA polymorphisms included 38 polymorphic DNA fragments that were generated using the five inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR-PCR) used primers. The maxim...


Sherin P. Mekhail1; Marwa S. Fouad2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2393-2413
...r the infection stress, phenylalanine ammonia lyase (PAL) mRNA transcript accumulation had increased significantly in a way that exceeded two-fold of the non-infected control. Finally, it was concluded that T. harzianum was able to reduce leaf-stripe infection damage and promoted the barley-induced resistance in the susceptible cultivars; with the improvement of vegetative growth parameters, which may be a real prospect for leaf-stripe disease management in th...


Mohammed Ajdig1,2; Bahia Rached2,3; Ahlam Mbarki1,2; Taha Chouati2,4; Chouhra Talbi1; Elmostafa El Fahime2,4; Marouane Melloul1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2414-2434

 Bacillus paralicheniformis is a new identified species, which was distinguished from Bacillus licheniformis in 2015 through extensive phylogenomic and phylogenetic analyses. In this context, this study aimed to achieve a clear identification of the active plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) B. paralicheniformis isolates among the closely related B. lic


Apoorva Jain1; Ajay Kumar Oli1*; Sughosh Kulkarni2; Raghavendra D. Kulkarni2; Kelmani Chandrakanth3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2435-2451
...res. Consequently, comprehensive efforts are needed aiming at unraveling the intricacies of antibacterial resistance in ESKAPE pathogens that are imperative to safeguarding the public health. The aim of the present review was to highlight the patho-mechanisms of ESKAPE bacteria towards the different antibiotics and genes involved in multi-drug resistance.



Osama M. Ghanem1; Nehal Kamal2; Alaa F. Said3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2469-2490
...ected and identified by phenotypic properties, and were subjected to screening procedures to assess their growth capabilities and evaluate their potential as PGPB. The screening process involved investigating various PGPB features, such as phosphate solubilization, formation of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), ammonia, and hydrogen cyanide (HCN) production. Among the eight isolates, two isolates only (MW3 and AB3) gave positive results for all the tested plant grow...


Hend M. Radwan; Nagwan G. El Menofy*; Sahar M.R. Radwan

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2510-2525
...ter (HWW). Standardized phenotypic approaches are used to detect AMR in bacteria. Molecular approaches are now preferred to be used in laboratories instead of phenotypic approaches as they are faster and more accurate for detection of AMR's underlying genetic mechanisms. The most common molecular approaches for assessing AMR in water include quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and whole genome sequencing (WGS). Meta...

 Maria R. Boushra1*; Noha A. Hassuna2; Gamal F.M. Gad1; Reham A. Ibrahem1; Nancy G.F.M. Waly1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2526-2541
...entified by traditional phenotypic tests and assessed for their in vitro susceptibility to various antibiotics. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of some aminoglycosides were determined without and after the addition of carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Aminoglycoside resistance amplified gene sequences were detected using polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Antibiotic sensitivity testing was applied o...


Souad Oirdi Zahir1,2; Mounia El Khadir2,3; Dafr-Allah Benajah1,4; Sidi Adil Ibrahimi1,4; Laila Chbani5; Mohamed El Abkari1,4; Bahia Bennani1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2542-2554 technique (PCR-HRM). Then, this method was applied on 233 gastric H. pylori positive samples. The obtained results showed that the developed PCR-HRM technique allowed specific identification of clarithromycin resistant and heteroresistant H. pylori samples, even if the ratio of resistant/ sensitive samples was low. In this series, the detected rate of H. pylori clarithromycin resistance was 7.6 %, which concord with the resistance rate determined using mole...

Mai N. Amer1; Maissara M.K. Elmaghraby2; Aya A.M. Abdellatif2; Sondos R. Salem3; Mariam M. Salama3; Omar A. Abdel Maksoud3; Radwa M. Nasr3; Mohamed N.H. Amer4; Mohamed M.H. Marghany5; Hassan M. Awad1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2580-2603
... microbial supplements, when consumed with meals; they help the host by harmonizing his/ her intestinal microflora. Supplements containing these good bacteria can be used up, or they can be added to dairy-free or non-dairy foods and drinks. Probiotics are mainly categorized into two main genera; mainly Lactobacillus spp. and Bifidobacterium spp. Probiotics are vital for maintaining a healthy microbiota; especially in cancer patients. They enhance the productio...


Zine El abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1*; Laila Reklaoui1; Monsif El Madany2; Houda Benaicha3; Said Barrijal1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2632-2652


Amany A. Hassabo1; Basant A. Ali1; Shaimaa A. Tawfik2; Hossam E. Emam3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2666-2682
... lower ability to 2,2-diphenyl-1-picryl-hydrazyl-hydrate (DPPH) scavenging compared to ascorbic acid (SC50 = 95.9 μM).



Belal Natey1; Ahmed M.M.A. Kasem1; Younes M. Rashad2*; Nageh Fathy Abo-Dahab1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2712-2733
...protein, carbohydrates, phenols, and flavonoid contents. Our results suggested that T. afroharzianum B3R12 represents a promising bioagent for biocontrol of onion white rot and promoting the plant growth; however, field evaluation in the future studies is necessary before the final recommendation.


Omnia Karem Riad*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2734-2749
... means looks promising. When compared to conventional antibiotics, these tactics have different mechanisms of action that may slow the emergence of antibiotic resistance.


Asmae Benabderrahmane1*; Majid Atmani1; Kaoutar Hamriri1; Zoubida Laghrari2; Saadia Belmalha3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2790-2808
...nding by revealing comprehensive microbial composition and functional insights. These methods collectively deepen our understanding of oral microbial communities, which are pivotal for maintaining both oral and systemic health. This review aims to explore dental caries, periodontal diseases, and other oral infections, detailing their symptoms, progression, and treatments. Dental caries manifests several symptoms from toothache to abscesses, managed through ora...

Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri*, Enny Yuliani

...Styrofoam container and then frozen by immersion in LN2. Total motility, progressive motility, plasma membrane integrity, and viability were measured at 0 and every 30 minutes up to 120 minutes post-thawing. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Duncan’s test. At 120 minutes post-thawing, total motility at T1 decreased from 51.02 ± 2.57 to 24.31 ± 4.25, which was significantly (P < 0.05) lower than T2 and T3, which showed motility v...

Dimas Wiryawan1, Abdul Manab2*, Agus Susilo2

...riety analysis (ANOVA); then, the data that showed significantly different results will be further tested with a Duncan test, while FTIR is analyzed qualitatively. The results of this study showed that the addition of yellow pumpkin extract had a highly significant effect (P < 0.01) increased opacity, WVTR, Permeance, color a*, b* color change, and yellowness index, but highly significant (P < 0.01) decreased swelling rate, L* color and whiteness index. ...

Aulia Kanwal1, Rehana Kausar2, Muhammad Asif Gondal1* and Chi Chen3

...gainst these pathogens. Phenolic content and antioxidant activity of rice husk (RH), sugarcane bagasse (SB), and corn cob (CC) evaluated by Folin-Ciocalteau assay and DPPH assay revealed high total phenolic content and antioxidant activity in RH compared to CC and SB. LCMS analysis of RH, SB, and CC exhibited the presence of hydroxybenzoic acid and hydroxycinnamic acid in agricultural waste samples. Effects of RH, SB, and CC...

Ola Mahdi Abed*, Nihad Abdul–Lateef Ali to the diet of laying hens on their productive performance. A total of 105 white Lohmann laying hens, 65 weeks old, were used in the experiment, and the production period was divided into four experimental periods which are (66-69) weeks, (70-73) weeks, (74-77) weeks, and (78-81) weeks of the laying hens age. The feed was provided according to the standard requirements that mentioned in...

Usman Pato1*, Emma Riftyan1, Yusmarini1, Evy Rossi1, Azzahra Adeela Putri1, Shelvia Karvina1, Tri Zulia Ningrum1, Nisa Ikhwana1, Tjipto Leksono2, Aqilah Sakura Usman3, Agrina4

... confer health benefits when administered in enough quantities, have garnered significant interest for their capacity to modulate the immune system. This study aimed to investigate the effects of challenging Limosilactobacillus fermentum InaCC B1295 (LFB1295) with Staphylococcus aureus on weight gain, the amount of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and S. aureus in feces, and the immune system in rat blood serum. This research was conducted experimentally in vivo usi...

Dedy Nanda Kurniawan1, Nahrowi Nahrowi2, Yulianri Rizki Yanza3,4, Vincent Niderkorn5, Anuraga Jayanegara2,4*

...duced. All legumes were then classified according to their legume type, climatic region of plant origin, and edible parts. All classified legumes were statistically analyzed using R Studio software through a multivariate analysis model, such as principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis. Evidences showed that the PCA analysis was unable to differentiate legumes by their type, climatic region of plant origin, and edible parts. However, following nu...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Fazli Rabbi2, Hamayoon Khan3, Muhammad Zahid1, Raheel Saqib4, Shafi Ullah5 and Muhammad Shakur6

...on local data and strengthening of farmers capacity and facilitating them for mitigating the impact of future climate change on local farmers’ agriculture productivity and food security.


Hamza Iftikhar1, Ranra Jalal2, Mansoor Ali Shah1, Syed Anas Shah Bacha1, Amjid Ali1 and Syed Majid Rasheed1*

...he traditional mud hive when the three glucose-D standards were used to compare them to each other. Thus, it can be concluded that A. cerana in traditional mud hive shows better foraging performance as compare to A. mellifera and A. cerana in Langstroth hive.


Hassan A. Faisal1, Ahmad Y.L. Hzaa2* and Yahya N. Kalaf1

...challenges has been the phenomenon of redness and immaturity of the fruits. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of spraying nano-silicone (0, 250, and 500) mg. L-1, and rice water extract (0, 50 and 100%) help alleviate and reduce this phenomenon. The results showed that using aqueous rice extract at a concentration of 100% was the most effective treatment, improving most physical and chemical charact...

Merry Muspita Dyah Utami*, Aryanti Candra Dewi, Rosa Tri Hertamawati, Dillenia Jasmine, Nala Wafia, Jini Saputri, Kornelius Hangga Septiyanto

...n, fat, fiber, ash, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, antioxidant activity, and oil volatile composition. The findings showed that the water content (1.73%), fat (0.39%), and protein (3.51%) of peel ethanol extract were substantially lower than those of arils and whole fruit, in contrast, the ash (36.67%), fiber (37.67%), carbohydrate (72.51%), polyphenols (12.34 mg/g), flavonoid (5.57 mg/g), tannins (243 mg/g), and antioxid...

Ikram-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Huzaifa1*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Abdul Hannan Afzal1, Iqra Bibi1, Tashfeen Fatima1, Tayyaba Batool1 and Mudassar Nawaz1

...s. Means, genotypic and phenotypic variation, heritability, genetic advance and correlation analysis were done for these characters. The phenotypic for germination percentage is 208.52 and genotypic variance is 254.44. For all the characters the phenotypic variance (PV) is greater than genotypic variance (GV) and phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV)...

Israa Kareem Abdulhussein Al-Kanani and Harith Mahmood Azeez Al-Tamimi*

...eties, Blood and Navel, when subjected to foliar application of the growth regulator Brassinolide at three levels (0, 0.3, and 0.6 mg/L) and the addition of HumZinc to the soil at three different levels (0, 0.5, and 1 g/L) with the purpose of improving the nutritional and mineral seedlings’ contents. The results showed that the Blood variety had all nutritional contents higher than the Navel variety.The treatment with Brassinolide at 0.6 mg/L or the appl...

Kamal Hachour1,2,3*, Noura Talmat-Chaouchi1,2 and Riadh Moulaï1

...latyrhynchos, Common moorhen Gallinula chloropus and Great crested grebe Podiceps cristatus. The other species use the dam for feeding and/or resting. 


Zheng Han1, Junbo Liu2, Jingyao Luan2, Changlong Gao2, Yufeng Tai2, He Liu2, Saipeng Zhang2, Guanqiang Zhai2, Xi Yang1,3, Haitao Wang1,4*

...mong bird species in Baicheng City, northeastern China. Then we evaluated the relative importance of habitat variables on pylon selection by nesting birds. Among the 860 surveyed electric pylons in Baicheng, 56 nests of six bird species (Eurasian Magpie, Common Kestrel, Daurian Jackdaw, Amur Falcon, Little Owl, and Oriental White Stork) were detected. The percentage of pylons used as birds...
Muhammad Azhar1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1*, Muhammad Ijaz1, Ayesha Safdar2 and Kamran Ashraf3
... proposed the PCR, an authentic technique of diagnosing theileriosis along with simple microscopy. 


Hanadi J. Al-Zubaidi1*, Shatha Mousa Mlaghee Al-Safi2, Asseel Abdulateef Abdulzahra1, Saadia Saleh Mehdyal-Zeiny2, Nadia K. J. Al-Dawah2, Zainab Abbas Al-Asadi3

...ssue was collected, and then fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin solution for histological studies. The results showed that crudeWEE better than crude MEE in reducing potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) mediated liver toxicity. Also, that treatment with crude WEE reduced bad lipid serum levels significantly. The histopathological results showed the negative group showed atypical texture without any significant obvious lesions. While positive group in the potassi...

Nguyen Vu Thuy Hong Loan1, Ho Trung Thong1, Pham Tan Nha2*

...ds in the diet of laying hens to evaluate the performance, egg quality, and intestinal health of laying hens. The experiment was designed in a completely randomized design, including 250 hens aged 30–40 weeks, divided into five treatment groups with five replications for each group (10 hens per replication). The treatments were as follows: Control ...

Alfinira Sekar Rosiyanti1, Muhammad Abrar Zulkarnain2, Lovita Adriani3*, Andi Mushawwir3

...e productivity of laying hens infected with S. typhimurium. The research utilized an experimental method employing a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with six treatments and five replications. The treatment groups were as follows: T1 was the control group, which did not receive probiotic yogurt and was not infected with S. typhimurium; T2 received 4% yogurt probiotics and was not infected; T3 received 6% yogurt probiotics and was not infected; T4, which had ...

Nura Abubakar1, Abubakar Sadiq Yakubu1, Salisu Buhari1, Adamu Abdul Abubakar2,1*, Mohammad Sani Ismaila3,4, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga1, Hassan Yahaya Nawawi5, Ashiru Dahiru6, Shehu Zaid7, Umar Salisu Ahmad1, Umar Abubakar Uwais8, Kabiru Zaki9

...rug administration) and then six times after drug administration at one-hour intervals while the rumenotomy was ongoing. There was a significant difference in the onset and duration of action between the lidocaine alone and lidocaine-tramadol-treated groups (P<0.05). There was a significant difference in pulse rate 1 hour after lidocaine administration; however, the lidocaine-tramadol group showed no significant change in the pulse rate throughout the exper...

Umar Salisu Ahmad1,2*, Adamu Zoaka Hassan2, Echiobi Gaba Emmanuel2, Munir Ari Sani2, Fatai O. Anafi3, Adamu Abdul Abubakar4,1

...r parameters for a comprehensive biocompatibility evaluation. 


Theresia Nur Indah Koni1*, Agustinus Paga1, Asrul1, Antonius Jehemat2, Gregorius Gehi Batafor2, Oswilda Henyati1, Tri Anggarini Yuniwati Foenay1

...n our previous research when combined with 10% palmyra sap and fermented for six days. This research was conducted to determine the effect of feeding fermented rice bran on the growth performance of Java Super chickens. The study employed a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replications. The treatments were as follows: T0, which was feed without fermented rice bran; T1, which was feed with 10% fermented rice bran; T2, which was feed wit...

Andi Nirmala1, Abdul Latief Toleng2, Muhammad Yusuf2*, Herdis Herdis3, Athhar Manabi Diansyah2,3, Muhammad Fajar Amrullah2, Rahmat Rahmat2,5, Rajamuddinn Rajamuddin1, Andi Muhammad Alfian1, Hasrin Hasrin4

...onds. Semen quality was then evaluated through macroscopic (volume, color, odor, consistency, pH) and microscopic (concentration, motility, viability, membrane integrity, and acrosome integrity) assessments. The data obtained were analyzed using Repeated Measures ANOVA. The results showed that motility in T0 and T1 was significantly (p < 0.05) lower than in T2 and T3. Viability in T0 did not differ significantly (p > 0.05) from T1, T2, or T3. Membrane in...

Qassim Ammar Ahmood AL-Janabi1*, Ahmed Hadi Abdul Saheb2, Aqeel Khaleel Ibraheem3

...nil is a broad-spectrum phenyl-pyrazole insecticide commonly used in agriculture. However, its residues in the environment pose a toxic threat to animals, bees, aquatic life, and humans, and it has been classified as a carcinogen. The present study aimed to investigate the adverse effects of sub-acute exposure to doses of 50 mg of fipronil (FPN) and 50 mg and 25 mg of nano-fipronil (N-FPN) on hematological parameters in male rabbits over a period of 45 days. T...

Wassan Mhammed Husain1*, Israa J. Mohammad2, Dahlia N Al-Saidi1

...Ozempic® injection. When compared with zero time in the T1 group. At the end of the experiment, we can suggest the ability of 100 mg/kg B.W. of berberine supplement and 0.25 mg/kg B.W. of Ozempic® injection to control unintentional weight gain and improve glycemic status and lipid profile in STZ-induced diabetes within short treatment times (four weeks) and we recommend the further experiments with longer time (three month) for more current result.

Shuo Liu1, Mian Hou2, Dingqi Rao3* and Song Li1,4*

...ching or beyond nostril when hindlimb is adpressed forward, and nuptial pad absent in adult males. In addition, the new species differs from R. laoshan by 3.3 % in 16S rRNA sequences.

Muhammad Nur Syafaat1,2, Che Zulkifli Che-Ismail3, Adnan Amin-Safwan2, Mohamad N. Azra2, Mohammad Syahnon2, Ambok Bolong Abol-Munafi2 and Mhd Ikhwanuddin2*
...tion. In addition, comprehensive measurements of their sizes, appearances and description of forked pleopod and both gonopod and gonopores were also recorded. Experiments were carried out using an optical microscope to facilitate the observation of the crablets’ abdomen along with a digital camera which connected to a laptop to capture the sample images. In this present study, the difference of abdominal flap shape began to appear more clearly at C5 stag...

Anwar A. Maki* and Asaad M.R. Al-Taee

...mediating crude oil, and hence can be exploited to remediate contaminated environments.


Aklilu Getahun*, Yisehak Kechero and Nebiyu Yemane

... productivity and strengthened the economic stability of fish farmers. However, freshly harvested fish undergo rapid biochemical changes, including rigor mortis, oxidative spoilage, autolysis, and microbial degradation. These processes lead to the breakdown of various compounds, causing undesirable changes in odor, flavor, and texture, thereby reducing seafood quality and shelf life. To mitigate spoilage and extend shelf life, novel food processing technologie...
Zaheer Abbas, Muhammad Saleem, Muhammad Yousuf Rafiq, Hafiz Shahzad* and Aqeel Ur Rehman
...integration method, and then the obtained results are plotted to see the influence of different physical parameters. Furthermore, the skin friction coefficient and local Nusselt numbers are precisely calculated numerically for a variety of parameters, with the results presented comprehensively in tabular form. It is observed that the maximum permeability of the porous medium affects both the mass flow rate and the velocity, ...

Setyawan Wahyu Pradana1, Zuprizal1, Bambang Ariyadi2*

...ays for female used and then continued with starter feed; T2 = grower feed with 5 days for male and 6 days for female used and then continued with starter feed. The data were analyzed for normality, followed by a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial analysis. The results showed that production parameters did not differ significantly with the highest IP being 169,68±13,9 in T1 male, leukocyte levels decreased t...

Maytham Askar Alwan Al-shabbani1, Hawraa Nasser rufaish1, Hassan Hachim Naser2, Murtadha Abbas3*, Hazem Almhanna4

... positive isolates were then used for DNA sequencing to construct the phylogenetic tree of Theileria and Babesia species using partial 18S rRNA gene sequences. NCBI-Blast analysis revealed that the Theileria and Babesia species in the sheep isolates (No. 1 and No. 3) were closely related to Theileria ovis (AY508461.1) based on sequence similarity. Additionally, the sheep isolate of Theileria spp. (No. 2) was identified as Theileria lestoquardi (KP342263.1). Th...

Ma Hong*, Fu Bo, Wang Liang, Wang Fang, Guo Zhenhua and Liu Di*

...vironmental conditions. Then After exosome up taken by ST cells, cell surface fluorescence were observed and mean fluorescence intensity were measured. Furthermore, the cytoskeleton disruption and cell apoptosis after treatment by Cyt D and FTY720 treatment were detected, respectively. Our results showed that the time and temperature for co-incubation had a direct effect on the ability of ST cells to take up exosomes. Under our experimental conditions, co-incu...

Mashael Alhumaidi Alotaibi*

... survival of MCF7 cells when treated with lemongrass leaves extract, indicating its selective cytotoxicity towards cancer cells. The calculated IC50 for lemongrass leaves extract was approximately 200 μg/mL. Furthermore, the study explored the impact of lemongrass leaves extract on mitochondrial morphology in MCF7 cells. It was observed that mitochondrial fragmentation increased with higher concentrations of the extract, accompanied by changes in nuclear mo...
Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Muhammad Idrees1, Faisal Bashir2 and Sher Ali Khan2
Kashif-ur-Rehman1,2, Ahmad Bakhsh1, Muhammad Akram Tariq3
Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan4 and Sumaira Mehboob1*
...;">Drug resistance is a phenomenon that has received serious attention nowadays in medical practice. Such is the case with clopidogrel treatment response, which is variable inter-individually and inter-ethnically due to genetic polymorphisms in Cytochrome P450 (CYP) gene. Clopidogrel is an anti-platelet agent administered to cardiac patients in the form of a prodrug, which is further metabolized into an active form by the CYP enzymes. There are many allelic va...

Hongqi Li1 and Meidong Xu1,2*

...sion promoted these two phenotypes. In addition, ACSS2 knockdown cells formed significantly smaller tumors in mouse xenograft models, indicating ACSS2 as an attractive anti-cancer treatment target. In conclusion, this research identified the functional importance of TCF3/ACSS2 axis in regulating ESCC cancer progression and supported it as an attractive treatment option for ESCC treatment.


Xiaobo Wang1, Haiyang Tang2, Haizhen Dai2, Qingyi Xiang2, Jing Fang2 and Xiaoxia Bai2,3,4,5*

...ternal pregnancy, strengthening prenatal fetal monitoring and terminating pregnancy timely, which may help to reduce the incidence of stillbirth.

Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2*, Basharat Ali3, Bilal Ahmad2, Muhammad Qurban1, Adan Naeem2, Eman Naeem2 and Tariq Rasheed1
...estibility was enhanced when fish meal was replaced with MOLM up to 10% (Ca, 65%; Na, 63%; K, 71%; Fe, 67%; Cu, 69%; Zn, 67%; Mn, 61%; P, 70% and Mg, 66%) compared to fingerlings fed on other replacement levels and control (Ca, 55%; Na, 52%; K, 55%; Fe, 70%; Cu, 63%; Zn, 60%; Mn, 59%; P, 64% and Mg, 64%). Mineral digestibility in L. rohita fingerlings was greatly improved by feeding a diet consisting of 10% MOLM level followed by 20% level. Therefore, the resu...

Muddassir Ali1*, Fraz Ahmad Khan1, Hafiz Mutther Javed1, Syed Ali Zafar1, Atif Naeem2, Ahmad Jawad2, Bilal Ashraf2 and Tahira Bibi1 (Punjab Basmati V1, Chenab Basmati V2, Kisan Basmati V3 and Basmati 515 V4). The milling and cooking qualities include head rice % (HR), broken % (BR), average grain length mm (AGL), cooked grain length mm (CGL), elongation ratio (ER), and bursting % (BT), respectively. Three irrigation regimes of alternate and wetting drying (AWD) such as AWD at 15 cm (AWD15); AWD at 20 cm (AWD20); and AWD at 25 cm (AWD25), and Conventional Flood Irrigation (CFI) were use...

Chaoqi Yin1*, Ruyi Tao1, Kaixi Tan2 and Jianfei Zhang3

...performed to detect the phenotypic change after knockdown of ADAR1 expression. Western blotting was used to detect the related factors of Akt/mTOR signalling pathway. The expression level of ADAR1 is significantly up-regulated in the IH tissues as compared to the adjacent tissues. A sharp decrease of proliferation and cell tubule formation abilities was observed after knockdown of ADAR1 using ADAR1-targeted siRNAs. The expression levels of p-Akt, Akt, and mTOR...

Sayra Tariq, Zeeshan Mutahir and Moazzam Ali*

... it decreased to 58.19% when the cells were exposed same concentration of epirubicin loaded on Iron oxide nanoparticles. The pattern of increased efficacy of drug loaded nanoparticles was observed in wound healing assay carried out with both MDA-MB-231/wt and epirubicin resistant cells. Percentage healing after 24 h with 10µM epirubicin alone was 38.1% for MDA-MB-231/epi-R cells. This further decreased to 32.35% when c...
Diego Armando Tuárez García1, Hernán Humberto Chevez Véliz2, Luis Humberto Vásquez Cortez3,5, Kerly Estefanía Alvarado Vásquez4, Jaime Fabián Vera Chang1, Cynthia Yadira Erazo Solorzano1 and Frank Guillermo Intriago Flor6
...protein, fiber, and polyphenols. Notably, samples from La Maná exhibited slower firmness loss, attributed to higher fiber content, total solids, and protein levels. These findings provide a comprehensive understanding of Maqueño bananas, underscoring their suitability for nutritional and functional food applications and their potential role in sustainable agricultural practices.

Kanwer Shahzad Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Umar Farooq2, Kaneez Fatima2, Huda Aitzaz2, Murtajiz Abbas2 and Muhammad Asam Riaz2

... Here we present a comprehensive list of these botanical pesticides developed and registered against different insect pests in Canada, China, and Greece. Analysis of these botanical pesticidal products has shown about 16 plant species used as active ingredients of green pesticides for controlling various insect pests in agriculture, household, personal, urban and veterinary sectors. Products based on lemon-scented gum tree Corymbia citriodora (66%), garlic All...
Khaled Abdel-Fattah El-Dougdoug1, Aya Hussin El-Turkey2*, Wael Sayed El-Araby2, Ahmed Ramadan Sofy3, Adel Abd El-Based Mousa1 and Ahmed Abbas3, sesquiterpenes, and phenylpropanoids. Viral infections can influence the levels of these compounds. The cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), which causes viral diseases in numerous significant crops globally, has been identified in the basil plant (Ocimum basilicum). Samples from infected basil plants, particularly the green shoot leaves, exhibited necrotic local lesions, smaller leaf size than usual, and yellow mottling accompanied by crinkling. The primar...

Basir Ahmad1, Lubna Ansari1*, Shazia2, Saqib Mehmood3 and Nasim Iqbal Butt3

...ere isolated. They were then identified using molecular and specific biochemical properties. Their functional quantitative activities and PGP properties were evaluated using the phosphate solubilization test and the production of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Based on their individual high functional activities, root and shoot lengths, and improvements in seedling vigor, the study results revealed the numerous PGP features of a three chosen bacterial isolates. P...

Monira Sultana1, Md. Shohel Al Faruk2*

...a, straining to urinate when peeing, inability to pee about 4 days. Also have weakness, loss of appetite and abnormal body posture. There was no deworming, only rabies vaccination was given. Physical exam revealed that body temperature was 101.2 with mild dehydration. Because of a suspicion of hemorrhagic cystitis, a blood sample was taken and sent to the lab for evaluation of hematological profiles like WBC, platelets etc., as well as biochemical profiles lik...

Noura Sh. A. Hagaggi1*, Marwa E.A. Khalaf2 and Eman A. El Rady2

...s muticus (L.) (Egyptian henbane) plant, and investigate their bioactivities. According to the sequences of their 16S rRNA genes, the isolated bacteria from root, stem, leaf, and flower were respectively identified as Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus mojavensis, Bacillus australimaris, and Psychrobacter pulmonis. The ethyl acetate extracts of all bacterial isolates were rich in phenolics, flavonoids, and hydrocarbons such as penta...

Onifade Sururoh Joy1,2, E.F. Aluko2,4, Olowe Rita Ayanbolade1,3 and Olugbenga Adekunle Olowe1,2*

Maryam Nasir1*, Nida Mahreen1, Muhammad Maaz Aziz1, Malik Mohsin Abbas1, Akbar Hayat Saggu2, Afzal Ansari1, M. Amna Jamil Kanwal1 and Hira Faiz1

...itamin C, sugars, Total phenolic contents and antioxidants. Results showed that the vegetative growth, yield and quality of Red lady is better than Calena and it is well adapted for cultivation under climatic conditions of Punjab.


Ahmad Fahrudin Husen1, Suyadi1, Yudi Parwoto2, Muhammad Sairi2, Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih1*

Heni Natalia Aritonang1, Lovita Adriani2, Andi Mushawwir2*

...ments were administered when the chickens were two weeks old. The groups were as follows: T0 (basal feed as the control), T1 (basal feed + 150 mg/kg MOM), T2 (basal feed + 250 mg/kg MOM), and T3 (basal feed + 350 mg/kg MOM). The results indicated significant differences (P < 0.05) in body weight gain, as well as levels of glucose, triglycerides, cholesterol, total protein, albumin, globulin, SGOT, SGPT, and gamma GT among the treatment groups. In conclusion...

R. W. Kusuma1, W. Hermana1, Sumiati1*, W. W. Wardani2, N. D. S. Putri2, I. Akbar2

...atus of ISA Brown laying hens. A total of 2000 ISA Brown laying hens were used, divided into four treatment groups with five replicates each. The treatments were: T1 = control diet without supplementation, T2 = control diet supplemented with 0.05% PCB, T3 = 0.10% PCB, and T4 = 0.15% PCB. Data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) in SPSS Statistics, and significant results were further examined with Duncan’s...

Zhihong Huang1, Xuemei Zhang1, Ling Li1, Min Hu1, Mo Chen1 and Qunchao Mei2*

...ency of this epigenetic phenomenon and the expression of CDX1 and CDX2 genes and their relationship with pathological and clinical characteristics of Chinese patients with gastric cancer were investigated. In this study, in order to investigate the promoter methylation of CDX1 and CDX2 genes, one hundred thirty-three tissue samples were analyzed using the Methylation Specific PCR method and in order to investigate gene expression, sixty-one tumor tissue sample...

Hu-Hu Chen1,2*, Jiao-han Zhou3 and Siat Yee Fong2,4

...vacrol is a monoterpene phenol with diverse biological activities, has emerged as a potential anticancer agent. However, its antitumor effects and underlying mechanism against Dox-resistant breast cancer remain largely unexplored. This study investigated the effect of carvacrol on cell viability, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis in Dox-resistant triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) MDA-MB-231/Dox cells. Western blotting analyses were performed to access p...

Hong Sun and Jie Shao*

...ombined with modified Dachengqi decoction on the improvement of intestinal function in patients with severe acute pancreatitis (SAP), and to explore its effect on the levels of inflammatory factors. Sixty patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) in the Department of Gastroenterology of Lin’an District First People’s Hospital from February 2021 to February 2023 were grouped: controls and experimental group, 30 cases in each group. The controls received...

Duo Yuan, Bin Shi and Yanhua Tu*

...="text-align: justify;">Shengdi-cogongrass decoction (SCD) is a traditional Chinese medicine formula, mainly composed of raw Rehmannia glutinosa (RG) and lalang grass rhizome (LGR). However, little is known about the molecular pharmacological activity of Shengdi-cogongrass on blood heat psoriasis (BHP). This study aims to explore the clinical and protective efficacy of SCD on interleukin-6 (IL-6) and tumor necrosis factor-&a...

Wei Tian, Junquan Han*, Wenheng Han, Jia Wei and Hong Wang

... explore the effects of Shenling Baizhu powder on the proliferation and invasion of tumor cells by regulating macrophage polarization in the co-culture system. Raw264.7 macrophages were added with IL-424h to lead M2-like macrophages, and the activation phenotype was identified. The Lewis lung cancer (LLC) mouse lung cancer cell line was used for experimental studies. The cultured cells were separated into six groups. RT-PCR ...
Adham Ezz El-Regal Mahmoud1, Atef Shoukry Sadik2 and Ahmed Mahdy3*
...s study presents a comprehensive analysis of the physicochemical, pharmacokinetic, and molecular docking properties of black seed (Nigella sativa) bioactive compounds-Nigellicine, Carvacrol, Nigellidine, and Thymoquinone-compared to the antiviral drug Ribavirin, using SwissADMET predictions and molecular docking simulations. The physicochemical profiles revealed that all black seed compounds are drug-like, with molecular weights under 500 g/mol, low mol...

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal


Vol. 9, Iss. 1


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