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Gregg D. Caruso

Science, Religion and Culture
...What, if any, are the limits of scientific explanation? And what are the most important open questions, problems, or challenges confronting the relationship between science, religion, and culture, and what are the prospects for progress?



Victor J. Stenger

Science, Religion and Culture
...h organized religion and its negative influence on society. The new approach takes a harder line in criticizing religion than was previously the case amongst secularists. The new atheists question whether faith, which is belief despite the absence of evidence or even in the presence of contrary evidence, has any moral or intellectual authority. New Atheism recognizes religion for what it is—a set of unfounded superstitions that have been the greatest hin...

John Shook


Science, Religion and Culture
... unbelief and explaining its reasonableness. Scientific atheology specifically appeals to current sciences and scientific methodologies to help explain why no gods are real. Folk religions and anthropomorphic gods can’t survive, but science vs. religion is hardly the whole story. Only science joined by philosophical reflection suffices to skeptically analyze the natural theology arguments for supernatural gods, too aloof and abstract for direct confronta...

Tom Gilson & Carson Weitnauer (eds), True Reason: Confronting the Irrationality of the New Atheism (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel Publications, 2013), 315pp, US$17.99 (paperback), ISBN 978-0-8254-4338-1

Reviewed by Gregory W. Dawes, Associate Professor of Philosophy

Science, Religion and Culture

Timothy Helton

In a Mirror Dimly: Anthropology and Restoring a Sense of Presence to an Empty World
...quo;s tendency to reduce its world to objects of analysis and manipulation. I support my thesis with the criticisms of anthropological conceptions and methods made by contemporary thinkers. Next, taking the work of E. B. Tylor as an example, I demonstrate the validity of such criticisms. Then, I offer two examples of alternatives to objectifying ethnography before tracing developments in anthropological method in the last decades that have greatly improved the...

El-Sayed M. Abdelwhab, Jutta Veits and Thomas C. Mettenleiter

Avian Influenza H5N1 in Egypt: What we Know and What we have to Know?
... simultaneously retained its specificity for avian-receptors. Vaccines were applied nationwide to control the disease in poultry. Meanwhile, the viruses accumulated several point mutations in the HA immunogenic epitopes resulting in antigenic drift and the establishment of infections in vaccinated poultry. The Egyptian H5N1 viruses remain susceptible to oseltamivir, but genetic markers indicating resistance to amantadine have increased dramatically. In this mi...

Stephen Kershnar

... put forth objections to its central ideas. In particular, I argue that Metz fails to show that there is meaning in life and that, even if there is, his theory likely fails to capture it.


Thaddeus Metz

...ile being generous about its contribution to the field, also advances some penetrating criticisms of it that merit engagement. Specifically, Kershnar maintains, first, that I did not provide enough evidence that meaning in life is a genuine value-theoretic category as something distinct from and competing with, say, objective well-being, and, second, that, even if there were a value of meaning in life, my fundamentality theory of it would not capture

Stephen Kershnar

...fically, what is good in itself (intrinsic good), good for someone (prudential good), or good for someone independent of pleasure and desire-fulfillment (objective-list good). Second, if there is meaning in life, then Metz’s theory does not capture it because it is an overly intellectual account.


Ye Liu2, Yulong Cong2, Yiming Shao1*

... applications of Tat and its working mechanisms, this review exhibits the superior potential of Tat as immunoregulator on optimizing immune responses mediated by vaccines. These examples of selected studies will provide researchers some implications and inspirations for using HIV Tat to optimize immune responses of vaccines.


Justin P. McBrayer’s Wager fails, its failure is instructive. Pascal’s Wager fails because it relies on unjustified assumptions about what happens in the afterlife to those who believe in God verses those who do not. A renewed wager can avoid this difficulty by relying solely on well-documented differences between those who believe in God verses those who do not. Social scientists have put together an impressive set of data that shows that theists do better in te...

Justin P. McBrayer’s Wager fails, its failure is instructive. Pascal’s Wager fails because it relies on unjustified assumptions about what happens in the afterlife to those who believe in God verses those who do not. A renewed wager can avoid this difficulty by relying solely on well-documented differences between those who believe in God verses those who do not. Social scientists have put together an impressive set of data that shows that theists do better in te...

Bruce L. Gordon faith altogether when its falsity is discovered. With a view toward encouraging a culture of biblical and scientific literacy and overcoming the anti-intellectual legacy of fundamentalism that sustains this particular “scandal of the evangelical mind”, we offer a synoptic critique of young-earth creationism while developing and defending an evangelically acceptable alternative for understanding the relationship between God’s works and God&...

Matheus Nunes Weber1, Simone Silveira1, André Felipe Streck1, Luís Gustavo Corbellini2, Cláudio Wageck Canal1*

...isease in Brazil showing its nation-wide distribution. In Brazil, BVDV-1, BVDV-2 and ‘HoBi’-like viruses are frequently reported whereas BVDV-2 has a higher frequency when compared with other continents. It is important to reinforce that currently Brazil has no official control program for BVDV. The significance of cattle production losses or the potential implementations of commercial barrier by other countries can possibly reason the placement of...

Simon Mwangi Kihu1*, George Chege Gitao1, Lily Caroline Bebora1, Njenga Munene John1, Gidraph Gachunga Wairire2, Ndichu Maingi1, Raphael Githaiga Wahome1, Davis Njuguna Karanja1, Julius Otieno Oyugi3, Ernest Lutomia3



James Ayukepi Ayukekbong1,2

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...rapeutics. The virus and its vector are widely distributed throughout the tropics and subtropics regions of the world. Dengue and malaria are endemic in Nigeria. Two independent studies among febrile patients revealed dengue IgG seroprevalence of 73% and malaria prevalence of 80% in some areas of the country. The diagnosis of the disease is further complicated by the fact that, dengue fever mimics malaria fever and the prevalence of dengue-malaria co-infection...

Dana Kay Nelkin Finally, the book itself is a wonderful manifestation of a commitment to certain intellectual values--including seeing philosophy as an inclusive conversation, and to testing and revising one’s views in the search for truth.


Khalid Usman, Aziz-Ur-Rehman

...ication of N in three splits particularly in T3 is more productive and economical strategy for wheat production following cotton. It is concluded that wheat seeded in zero tillage following cotton did not decrease stand or yield compared to conventional tillage and wheat grain yield and N agronomic efficiency increased with application of 150 kg N ha-1 in three equal splits viz. at sowing, first irrigation, and second irriga...

Zaheer Ahmed Deho1, Shamsuddin Tunio2, Qammaruddin Chachar2, Fateh Chand Oad2

...alues for most of the traits like sympodial branches plant-1 (14.28), seed cotton yield plant-1 (51.04g), seed cotton yield (2223kgha-1), ginning out turn (36.8%), seed index (7.4 g), and seed germination (58.5 %) as compared to other varieties. The normal (1st May sown crop) sowing showed significantly highest values for boll weight (3.18g), seed cotton yield plant-1 (65.2g), seed cotton yield (2711 kg ha-1), seed index (7.7g), staple length (27.60mm), and se...

Shahid Ali, Munir Khan efficiency levels and its determinants. Maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) technique was applied to estimate stochastic frontier Cobb-Douglas production function to ascertain the level of technical efficiency. The econometric computer software STATA was applied for the estimation. The estimated value of technical efficiency ranges from 34 to 88 per cent for the farms in the sample, with an average of 62 per cent. This means that if the average farmer in th...

Mohammed Ali Hussain, Zakiya Ahmed Hassan

...e hybrids for all the traits. The hybrid un44052 x DK took minimum days to tasseling (65.83 days) and silking (68.50 days). Hybrid zp-707 x un 44052 was short statured (155.59 cm) with desirable ear height of 62.93 cm. However, maximum leaf area produced by hybrid DK x Hs in both locations with averages 768.56, 670.26 and 719.42 cm2, respectively, while hybrid sangaria recorded maximum value for 300 grains weight 68.16 g and the hybrid IK 8 x zp-707 showed hig...

Frank Griffel Western country asked itself why do they attack us? Why do they hate us? France experiences a moment of bewilderment and soul-searching similar to the one the US went through after the attacks of September 2001 and to what took place in Britain after July 5, 2005. The gut-reaction of nations struck by such horrific acts of terrorism is to say: We have done nothing wrong. In fact, the collective wearing of signs with “Je suis Charlie” (“I a...

Gerald Misinzo1,*, Tebogo Kgotlele1, Epaphras A. Muse1, Jan Van Doorsselaere2, Mikael Berg3, and Muhammad Munir4



Yashab Tur


Science, Religion and Culture, Vol. 2, Iss. 2
...ely understood. These fruits of modern science are accompanied by a host of ideas about the emergence and propagation of life on earth which, to the lay believer, seemed outright un-Godly. Marwa Elshakry, now an Associate Professor of History at Columbia University, explores the encounter of the Arab world with these and many other Western technologies and ideas in her wide-ranging Reading Darwin in Arabic through a panoramic lens, which then zooms in to focus...

Masood ur Rahman1*, Zahid Mahmood2, Taj Ali2, Muhammad Aziz Irfan Mufti3, Jehangir Khan Seyal4, Munir Ahmad5

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Sarhad Journal of Agriculture, Vol. 31, Iss. 1 the worm gear used in its transmission often failed due to surface wear of gear teeth. Worm gears made from three different copper alloys were tested against soil resistance in sandy loam soil bin. The gears were formed of commercial gun metal (Cu 87.76%, Sn 7.74, Zn 1.52%), gun metal (Cu 88%, Sn 7.38%, Zn 1.78%), and gear bronze (Cu 85.92%, Sn 4.96%, Zn 2.93%, Ni 1.23%). The gear compositions were determined using atomic absorption. The gears under test ex...

Nayle Maria Oliveira da Silva1*, Ricardo do Carmo Zanella2


...tients in hemodialysis units have an increased risk for contracting HCV, and high prevalence rates have been found in hemodialysis units around the world. HCV induces chronic liver disease, which is characterized by a persistent hepatic parenchyma inflammatory process that may progress to cirrhosis and hepatocarcinoma. Viral clearance occurs in a minority of patients with viral hepatitis C, whereas chronic infection is estab...

Suresh V Kuchipudi* and Kin-Chow Chang


...l tissues in the body in its ability to undergo dramatic phenotypic changes in response to physical demands, age and disease. The contributions of skeletal muscle to immune response and virus pathogenesis are increasingly recognized. Recent evidence strongly indicated that skeletal muscle cells fully support productive replication of influenza A virus (IAV) and could play an important role in disease outcome. We are of the opinion that skeletal muscle could b...

Malik Ikram Ullah1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1*, Muhammad Sadiq1, Inayatullah Awan1, Muhammad Munir2, Ghazanfarullah1

...ial. Growth and yield traits and quality such as plant height, stem diameter, leaf area plant-1, leaf area index, chlorophyll content, green fodder yield, dry matter yield, crude protein, crude fiber and ash percentage were significantly increased with increase nitrogen levels (200, 240, and 280 kg N ha-1). However, highest benefit-cost ratio was estimated when 240 kg N ha-1 was applied which was found best compromise between forage yield and quality for maize...

Ahmed Sultan Jatoi1*, Shahid Mehmood2, Jibran Hussain2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2, Yassar Abbas3, Muhammad Akram2


... into 108 experimental units (replicates comprising 20 chicks each). Growth parameters i.e. weekly body weight (g), weight gain (g), times of weight gain, feed intake (g) and Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) were calculated during the study period. Data were analysed by ANOVA technique and means were compared by using DMR test. The results of the present study showed that the weekly mean body weight (g) of Japanese quail birds obtained from the four strains designa...

Muhammad Rizwan Tariq1*, Muhammad Issa Khan1, Aysha Sameen1, Mahr un Nisa2


...justify; ">Meat from rabbits is mostly recommended by dietitians because of its low calories compared to other traditional meat. The current study was carried out to investigate the dietary responses of flaxseed on the meat of rabbits. Rabbits were divided into three groups: T0 rabbits were considered control group whi...

Aqeel Ahmad, Zammurad Iqbal Ahmed, Irfan Aziz*


...s revealed that net benefits and marginal rate of return from NPK were the highest mainly due to high lentil yield and poultry manure was next to it. The residual analysis confirmed the findings. Similarly sorghum gave higher returns than mung bean when grown after lentil. The studies showed that partial budget analysis was a reliable technique for farmers to optimize fertilizer recommendations and harvest maximum returns from their investment in agricultural ...

Hayat Badshah1*, Farman Ullah1, Abid Farid2, Ahmad-U-Rahman Saljoqi1, Sajjad Ahmad3

... the best host plant for its efficient rearing. The present study investigated some basic life table parameters i.e. female life span, adult female weight, longevity and reproductive potential of P. solenopsis on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Linn.), brinjal (Solanum melongena Linn.), potato (Solanum tuberosum Linn.), China rose (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn) and tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). The experiment was conducted under Laboratory conditions (25...

Hina Fatima1*, Muhammad Azeem Khan2

...on has remained short of its domestic demands. To estimate the wheat varietal effect on wheat production and technical efficiency, a Cobb-Douglas Translog frontier analysis has been done. A primary research is conducted in the area of Rahim Yar Khan. Adoption of Modern wheat varieties is important for more profit as well as for enhancing the wheat productivity. However, modern wheat varieties have not been adopted widely in Pakistan. Farmers make use of tradit...

Faheem Khan*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

...op in Pakistan, however, its yield per hectare remains low. The present research aims at evaluating the role of education in enhancing sugarcane yield. Two districts namely Mardan and Charsadda of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province were selected for this purpose. A multi-stage sampling method was used to draw sample of 336 sugarcane growers for the present study and an interview schedule was used to solicit responses that addressed the research objectives. The findi...

Shahid Iqbal Awan1*, Syed Dilnawaz Ahmad2, Muhammad Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Aurangzeb Rao1

... morpho-physiological traits. Simple correlation coefficients indicated that grain weight had a significant positive relationship with residual transpiration, osmotic adjustment, cell membrane stability, flag leaf weight, specific flag leaf weight, while negatively correlated with specific flag leaf area. These results indicated the importance of physiological traits and their positive influence on grain weight. Multivariate...

John Stinespring, Ryan T. Cragun*

.... The authors illustrate its use by estimating these parameter values using biannual data from the 1973 to 2012 General Social Surveys (GSS). The parameter estimates from the first half of the GSS data series, 1973-1991, provide a good fit to the 1993-2012 data. Calibrating the model to the latter half of the data, 1993-2012, produces a forecast range of between 26% and 47% of the US population being nonreligious by the year 2042.


Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi

...fs, and psychological traits. The findings regarding religiosity have been striking. Academics, especially eminent ones, turn out to be quite irreligious. This is especially striking for academics in the United States, where a culture which is manifestly the most devout among First World nations has produced a sub-culture, which is a mirror image of itself. How can we explain the secularity of academics? Research indicates t...

 David F. Bradley*, Julie J. Exline, Alex Uzdavines

...(Big Five personality traits, adult attachment style, and socially desirable responding) were not strong predictors of the characteristics nonbelievers assign to hypothetical gods. Seeing a hypothetical god as more loving, less cruel, and less distant was associated with more past positive emotional experiences with gods, less past anger at gods, less participation in explicitly nonreligious activities, and greater desire for gods to exist. Basing a hypothetic...

Rabbi Paul Shrell-Fox

...heir religious faith and its impact on their religious practice and behavior. In as much as Judaism places a great emphasis on communal deeds rather than cultural creed, the rabbis still feel comfortable functioning in communities, school settings and informal educational roles. We therefore may expect little existential angst; this was found to be only partially true. Some have found other expressions of their talents, while others anxiously await the opportu...

Marcus Mann

...pticism characterized by its vitriolic and unapologetic stance toward religion and the moral relativism that the new atheists claim protects it. Following Harris’s example, evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins published his book, The God Delusion, cognitive philosopher Daniel Dennett came out with Breaking the Spell and journalist and literary critic Christopher Hitchens concluded the movement’s must-read canon with God is Not Great. While these ...

Ali Muhammad*, Muhammad Ayub

...medicinal values. Due to its bitter taste the fruit is unable to eat directly because the fruit contain high level of bitter glucoside such as oleourepean. Aim of this research work was to reduce the bitterness level of olive fruit by different treatment such as water, salt and lye solution which were coded as RW1, RW2 and RW3 respectively. During treatment process the bitter glucoside level such as oleourepean leached out from the fru

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro*, Habib-Ur-Rehman Memon, Muhammad Ali Ansari, Ahmed Naqi Shah

...) net monetary benefits as compared to obtained in sorghum + Dual Gold and sunflower + Dual Gold. Overall results suggested that maximum net income was recorded when sorghum water extract was applied in integration with Dual Gold. The combined application of sunflower with Dual Gold ranked second in monetary benefits. Interculturing twice was found less economical due to higher costs of labour. Hence...

Reviewed by Dr William Patterson

...underlying science (with its emphasis on rationality, evidence, experimentation, and observation) and religion (with its emphasis on faith) are intrinsically opposed and that all attempts to reconcile them must result in failure. Coyne has much of use to say on the topic and many of his points are powerfully made. His case is weakened, however, by his incoherent treatment of epistemology. This problem is serious in that it l...

Mohammed A. Rohaim1*, Rania F. El-Naggar2, Abdulrahman M. Gamal3, Elshaimaa Ismael3, Mohamed M. Hamoud4, Sherif T. Moubarak3, Ashraf M. Metwally1, Manal M. Zaki3, Shimaa A.E. Nasr3, Samah Elsaid3, Mohamed M. Ali3, Hussein A. Hussein1 and Osama K. Zahran3


.../or limit the chance for its transmission and outbreaks. Many disinfectants have been evaluated for their inactivation ability, but there is still a need for their evaluation under different conditions and in different ways. In the present study, representative disinfectants from chlorine and non-chlorine oxidizing agents have been evaluated for their virucidal ability against two distinct Egyptian subclades of H5N1 highly pathogenic avian ...

Muhammad Arif Zafar1, Murtaz-ul-Hasan1*, Aayesha Riaz1, Asim Shamim2, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal1 and Arfan Yousaf

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...odulators and to compare its efficacy with autogenous vaccine alone and partial excision of the lesions. To this end, nine animals were selected clinical and sporadic papillomas different body parts. These animals were divided into three groups; Group A animals were operated for partial excision of the lesions, Group B were inoculated with autogenous vaccine alone and Group C were treated with inoculation of autogenous vaccine supplemented with immune-mod...

Muhammad Zubair, Sajid Mahmood Sajid

...vulation. Clomifene inhibits estrogen receptors in the hypothalamus, inhibiting negative feedback of estrogen on gonadotropin release and leading to up-regulation of ovulation. It has useful effects on the reproduction of female in terms of reduction in puberty and ovulation induction. The beneficial effects are manifested in male in terms of improvement of semen.


Ummara Waheed Khan, Raza Ahmed, Irum Shahzadi and Mohmmad Maroof Shah

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...e tissue culture by itself has increased the crop improvement potential to develop new cultivars with desirable traits through somaclonal and gametoclonal selection. While successful tissue culture is critical for genetic transformation, it has been facing greater impediments in wheat and related crop species. Its success depends largely upon the average effect of several important factors including expla...

Tauseef Taj Kiani1*, Mozammil Hussain1 and Hidayat ur Rahman2


...ricultural world and has its most signi cant expression in maize than other cereal crops. Exploitation of this phenom- enon of superior performance of F1 progeny over their parents not only trans gured maize breeding schemes but also constituted the foundation of maize seed industry. Evaluation of per se performance of parental lines and estimation of heterosis and inbreeding depression are prerequisites to start hybrid development program. In this context, we...

Mushtaq Ahmad1*, Habib Akbar1, Mohammad Tariq Jan1, Muhammad Jamal Khan Khattak2 and Abdul Bari3

...on the growth, yield and its related parameters of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) at Sugar Crops Research Institute Mardan during 2011-12 and 2012-13. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with split plot arrangement in four replications. Sugar beet was sown at the rate of 6 kg ha-1 at four seeding depths from 1 to 4 cm. Nitrogen was applied at band and broadcast methods at the rate of 140 kg ha-1 mixed with biochar at the rate of 25...

Corey McCal

...ous ferment of modernity itself, beginning with the Protestant Reformation and extending through the first half of the nineteenth century. The book begins with Martin Luther and his critics, proceeds through discussions of Spinoza and the English Dissenters, Voltaire and the French Enlightenment, and, finally, to Darwin’s Victorian religiosity and the German Left Hegelians (Feuerbach and Marx in particular).


Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Mohammad Tariq Jan2, Mohammad Jamal Khan3 and Abdul Bari4

...t methods for all the traits except emergence %. Planting sources exhibited significant differences for emergence percentage. The interaction of cane portions and setts placement methods were significant except for emergence percentage. Millable canes showed significant interaction for planting sources and setts placement methods. Maximum cane yield was recorded for top portion and triple setts. Millable canes excelled when top portion from standing source was...

Jonas Johansson Wensman1*a, Karl-Johan Leuchowius2,3 a, Jiting Yan1, Anna-Lena Berg4, Liv Bode5, Hanns Ludwig5, Sandor Belak6, Ulf Landegren2, Ola Soderberg2, Mikael Berg6

...ractions between BDV and its host, and thereby con rmed previous data to demonstrate ndings in cell cultures to be applicable also in experimentally and naturally infected animals.


Ilham Ulla, G. Arjumand, Nawab Ali and Mohammad Akmal* season crop. However, its planting in summer is at risk of the moon-soon outbreak duration in the season. Present study was aimed to quantify delay-sowing response with increasing N-rate on crop productivity at Agronomy Research Farm, University of Agriculture Peshawar Pakistan. Sunflower (cv. Hysun-33) was planted on different dates i.e. Jul. 1, 11 and 21 treated with different N-rates starting from 40 kg ha-1 with a 40 kg increment to the maxim...

Haq Aman Ullah1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Muhammad Ijaz2 and Aqeel Javeed3

... having aflatoxin B1 and its concentration is higher than the permissible level.  


Murtaza Ali*, Yasser Durrani and Muhammad Ayub

...echnique for mulberry fruits


Mukhtarullah1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal1*

...inter rains which delays its planting in the season. This study aims to compare yield performance of newly released varieties of wheat by delay in sowing in the season under rainfed condition. Field experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Farm, Ahmad Wala Karak, Pakistan in a randomized complete block design (RCBD); split plot arrangements in three replications during winter season 2014-15. Sowing dates were assigned to main plot and varieties to sub ...

Tahir Khan, Raziuddin, Fakharuddin* and Muazam Jamal Razi

... better for different traits. Whereas among F4 populations, cross combinations CA5 × DH8, CA2 × DH7, CA2 × DH8, CA5 × DH7, CA4 × DH7 and CA4 × DH8 performed better. Plant height and main raceme length displayed moderate to high broad sense heritability and maximum genetic advance for most of the F4 populations. Current results suggested the effectiveness of selection in early generations for the improve...

Qaizar Ahmed1, Fida Mohammad2, Hidayat-ur-Rahman2, Sheraz Ahmed2* and Fakharuddin2

...nomic and biochemical traits in Flue Cured Virginia tobacco. Seven tobacco varieties/lines, ‘NC606’, ‘K399’, ‘Spt G 126’, ‘Spt G 28’, ‘KHG21’, ‘KHG22’ and ‘KHG24’ with contrasting traits were crossed in all possible combinations to generate 7 x 7 diallel crosses. In 2008 and 2009, all F1 hybrids along with their parent cultivars we...

Ashley C. Banyard1* and Satya Parida2

...ct | Peste des petits ruminants virus causes an economically important disease of small ruminants that causes extensive livestock losses across areas where it is endemic. Further the recent description of the disease in naïve populations of animals have demonstrated an expansion of the distribution of the disease. Having been in the shadow of rinderpest virus for decades little is understood regarding factors that influence the outcome of infec...

Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan*, Gurrappa Naidu Govindaraj and Habibur Rahman

...ct | Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute, highly contagious, notifiable and economically important transboundary viral disease of sheep and goats. PPR is enzootic in India as more number of outbreaks have occurred in the past and now occurring regularly, round the year and most frequently during the lean period throughout the country. In some Indian states viz. Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Chhattisgar h the PPR outbreaks in sheep and goat...

Moustafa Kardjadj1, Pam Dachung Luka2

...ct | Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) causes an economically important plague of sheep and goats that serves as a major constraint in the development of the small ruminant’s production within an infected area. The virus is endemic across much of the developing world and has spread into the developed European borders. The small ruminants industry within an infected state or region is often disproportionately affected with

Gurrappa Naidu Govindaraj, Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan*, Habibur Rahman

...ct | Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is a highly contagious viral disease in small ruminants causing huge loss to farmers. In this study, an attempt has been made to estimate the economic losses based on the annual incidence, morbidity, mortality levels etc. derived from literature, discussion with experts, and based upon scientific facts. Different mathematical models were used to assess the losses due to mortality in young and adult sheep/goats, ...

Ahmed Zein Mahmoud1, Muaz Abdellatif 2, 3*, Luai Shazali1

...evalence of peste des petits ruminants (PPR) virus antibodies in sheep, goats and camels at Hail, Bagaa, Shenan and Ghazalah, Saudi Arabia. Serum samples (n=400), collected during 2012–2013 from sick and clinically healthy herds, were subjected to antibodies detection using c-ELISA. Out of examined animals, 83 (62.9%) goats and 70 (33.2%) sheep were detected positive against PPRV antibodies, whereas camels appeared to be seronegative. Based upon the seas...

Amitha Reena Gomes1, Belamaranahally Muniveerappa Veeregowda2, Sonnahallipura Munivenkatappa Byregowda1, Vinayagamurthy Balamurugan3*

...ct | Peste des petits ruminants (PPR), a viral disease of goats and sheep caused by a morbillivirus of the family paramyxoviridae is a major threat to small ruminant farming. Global announcement of PPR eradication by 2030 has opened lot of research gaps for the development of vaccines and diagnostics for differentiating infected and vaccinated animals. With the advent of recombinant DNA technology, recombinant protein based vaccines an...

Klara Fischer1*, Erika Chenais1,2, Emeli Torsson1, Jonas Johansson Wensman1

...| Peste des Petits ruminants (PPR) is a potentially lethal, highly contagious viral disease of sheep and goats. Domestic sheep and goats are important species for the livelihoods of poor people in many developing countries. Within societies where PPR is now spreading, poverty is widespread and the disease is expected to have significant negative impacts on livelihoods. In resource-constrained marginalised societies, it is often difficult t...

Mohammad Mushfiqur Rahman1, Rokshana Parvin1, Ataur Rahman Bhuiyan1, Mohammad Giasuddin2, Shah Md. Ziqrul Haq Chowdhury3, Mohammad Rafiqul Islam1, Emdadul Haque Chowdhury1*


...ct | Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute and highly contagious viral disease of small ruminants. The disease is endemic in Bangladesh and causes considerable economic losses due to its high morbidity and mortality. The study was undertaken to detect and characterize the PPR virus (PPRV) circulating in Bangladesh. Twelve local isolates of Bangladeshi PPRV were successfully detected from post mortem samples...

Muhammad Abubakar1*, Shumaila Manzoor2, Jonas Johansson Wensman3, Emeli Torsson3, Qurban Ali1 and Muhammad Munir4

...break of Peste des Petits ruminants (PPR), possibly caused by the introduction of new animals in the herd, was investigated in an unvaccinated mixed herd of sheep and goats. Goats in the herd showed characteristic signs of PPR including nasal and ocular discharges, high temperature, diarrhea and ulcerative lesions in the oral cavity. A total of eighteen goats from a herd of sixty, were affected and two goats succumbed within two weeks. Interestin...

Muhammad Jurial Baloch1*, Ghulam Murtaza Channa2, Wajid Ali Jatoi2, Abdul Wahid Baloch1, Imdad Hussain Rind1, Muhammad Ahmed Arain1 and Ayaz Ali Keerio1

...tic analysis of yield traits from half diallel crosses was carried-out. Mean squares due to GCA and SCA were significant for days to 75% maturity, tillers plant-1, spike length, spike density, grains spike-1, grain yield plant-1, seed index and harvest index. Significance of GCA and SCA variances suggested that both additive and non-additive genes were controlling these characters. The magnitude of SCA variances were higher tha...

Murad Ali Khan and Mohammad Akmal 

...nd yield contributing traits of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) hybrid Hysun-33 at the Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan during spring 2011 and repeated in spring 2012. The planting geometries were (a) 70 x 20 cm with rows spaced at 70 cm and plants spaced within the rows at 20 cm and (b) 90 x 15.5 cm with rows spaced at 90 cm and plants spaced within rows at 15.5 cm. It is important to mention here that 70 cm is the rec...

 Zar Muhammad and Mohammad Tariq Jan

...N or no Urea-N. Compost, its composition, mineral N and their interactions significantly affected maize yield and yield components over two years average data. Compost application produced more maize ears m-2 (13%), grains ear-1 (28%), 1000 grains weight (14%), biological yield (56%), grain yield (65%) and harvest index (5%) over control. Among varying composition composts, higher grains ear-1(274), 1000 grains weight (270.7g), biological yield (16151 kg ha-1)...

 Muhammad Ishaq and Raziuddin

...nd plant architecture traits. Analyzed data revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for days to flowering, maturity, plant height, primary branches plant-1 and main raceme length. Analysis of combining ability revealed highly significant GCA (general combining ability), SCA (specific combining ability) and RCA (reciprocal combining ability) effects for the studied traits. Based on GCA, best general combin...

 Shahab e Saqib, Mokbul Morshed Ahmad, Sanaullah Panezai, Hidayatullah, Khalid Khan Khattak

 Farmanullah Khan, Samad Khan, Wiqar Ahmad and Imran Khan

.... 43108 ha-1, indicating its superiority for profitable wheat yield under rain-fed conditions. It can be concluded from these results that the application of plant nutrients from a variety of natural and manufactured fertilizer sources improve crop yield as well as augment the fertility of soils suffering from water erosion hazards.


 Zafar Khan, Asad Sultan, Rajwali Khan, Sarzamin Khan, Imranullah and Kamran Farid

... than the permissible limits. The poultry meat produced in Peshawar contribute a slight amount of essential minerals (Fe, Mn and Zn) to the total daily intake while considerable amount of toxic heavy metals (Pb, Cd and Cr) were contributed in the total daily intake of these heavy metals reflecting poor quality of poultry meat. It is concluded from the present study that in all the three districts the daily intake values of Cd, Cr and Zn through egg were found ...

 Gul Naz and Mohammad Akmal

...ion for agro-climate and its optimum N-fertilizer demand with application are need of the day to overcome on N-leaching from the soil and to ensure future food security. Present study was, therefore, conducted in two seasons (2011-12 and 2012-13) at the Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan. Treatments were laid-out in a randomized complete block design; split plot arrangements using four replications. The experiments were co...

 Umed Ali Laghari, Ahmed Naqi Shah, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro, Zia-ul-Hassan, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro and Khalid Hussain Talpur

...gnificant for all the traits of grass pea under study. As expected, the increasing rate of K significantly (p<0.05) increased various growth traits and yield of grass pea genotypes. The crop supplied with 20 kg K2O ha-1 produced maximum branches per plant (5.2), pods per plant (32.3), seeds per pod (4.7), seed index (82.7 g) and seed yield (2589 kg ha-1) when compared with 0.0 and 10 kg K2O ha-1. Interestingly, Sel-449 wa...

 Arif Khan, Abdur Rahman, Shoail Akhtar, Siraj Uddin, Zahid Ullah and Nazir Ahmad

...ement in beef quality traits and could be a potential source of quality beef for export in future.


 Mukhtiar Ahmed, Jana Pickova, Taufiq Ahmad, Muhammad Liaquat, Abid Farid, Muhammad Jahangir

...ome food products and limits the shelf-life of others. Oxidative changes can cause rancidity such as off flavours, loss of colour, altered nutrient value, and may produce toxic compounds, which can be detrimental to the health of consumers. Antioxidants and chelating agents are the most helpful inhibitors of lipid oxidation.


 Abdul Qahar and Bashir Ahmad

... yield and economic benefits.


 Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro, Qamaruddin Jogi, Mahmooda Buriro, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro, Ghulam Mustafa Laghari and Ali Nawaz Khaskheli


...llelopathic effects over its powder. Inhibitory effect of water extract or powder increased at higher rate (30 ml or 30 g kg-1 soil). Hence, results conferred that eucalyptus leaves possess allelopathic potential which could be utilized for suppression of weeds under field conditions.


 Ian von Hegner

...basic democratic idea posits that all of its members have a full and equal status. If this status is generalized to be universally applicable, then it follows that humankind likewise are not second and first class among hypothetical gods. The existence or nonexistence of the gods is here defined as the secondary question, whereas the principal acceptance of hypothetical gods’ right to rule in a democratic context with ...

Amtul Jamil Sami1*, Madeeha Khalid1, Sara Iqbal1, Maira Afzal1 and A.R. Shakoori2

...gulant-flocculent due to its ability to coagulate various ionic substances such as metal ions as well as dyes. In the current study novel polymer composites were prepared using natural polymers chitosan and starch in molds. Structure of composites was analyzed using scanning electron microscopy. The physical parameters such as weight and swelling degree of composite were studied. Chitosan starch based composites were used in treatment of waste water to remove ...

Mian Shamas Murtaza1, Aysha Sameen1, Nuzhat Huma1 and Fatma Hussain2

...heese for most of the traits. Hence, it was concluded that hydrocolloids particularly guar gum can effectively be used up to 0.45% to improve the functionality and acceptability of low fat Cheddar cheese.


Muhammad Khurshid, Muhammad Nafees, Inam-ur-Rahim and Wajid Rashid

...e past three decades and its impacts on traditional mobile pastoral system. For this purpose, participatory discussions, Global Positioning System (GPS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) were used to identify and record land use changes during past three decades. Detail interviews were also conducted with nomadic and semi-nomadic pastoralists to identify and evaluate the impacts of agriculture land use changes on their pastoral activities. The result sho...

Hassan Tarik Atmaca

...tract | Peste des Petits ruminants (PPR) is a highly contagious and economically devastating viral disease of small ruminants and camels, and thus is negatively affecting the livelihoods of poor people in many developing countries. Efforts are being made to advance our understandings on different aspects of molecular biology of the virus and to consolidate national and international strengths to eradicate the disease from the planet. This Editorial highlig...

 Shaoling Lin and Jiamiao Hu

...s pathobiology, however, its role in viral assembly and replication is poorly defined. In this study we demonstrated that HCMV pUL23 interacts with an essential component of capsid, the minor capsid protein (mCP, pUL85). Interaction was determined and confirmed with yeast two-hybrid, GST pull-down and co-immunoprecipitation analyses. This interaction may serve as a link in the processes of HCMV capsidation and tegumentation. This study provides further evidenc...

Felwa A. Thagfan1, Mohamed A. Dkhil1,2* and Saleh Al-Quraishy1

... has been tested for its anticoccidial activity against Eimeria paillata induced infection in mice jejunum. Three different doses, 300, 600 and 900 mg/kg were used after infection of mice with sporulated oocysts. A dose of 300 mg/kg reduced the number of oocyst output in mice faeces by about 56.8 % and also improved the body weight. In addition, the root extract decreased the number of parasitic stages and the number of goblet cells in the jejunal v...

Sungil Kim1, Muhammad Riaz2, Amjad Farooq3 and Sungkwon Park4*

...ormance, pork quality traits, and fatty acid composition in loin were analyzed. No significant difference in growth performance and quality traits of pork loin between control and DDGS was observed. Fatty acid composition in pork belly, however, was significantly affected by DDGS treatment. Levels of palmitoleic acid (C16:1) and oleic acid (C18:1) which are positively associated with meat flavor, were greater (p<0.05) in ...

Mazhir Nadeem Ishaq, Li Cui Xia, Rukhsana Rasheed, Zeeshan Ahmad, Muhammad Abdullah

...easure the economic benefits of milk marketing cooperatives working in two districts (Vehari and Muzzafargrah), geographically located in the southern region of Punjab province of Pakistan. The study analyzed the significance of milk marketing cooperatives by revealing and evaluating possible returns to smallholders in dairy sector. The hypothesis that milk marketing cooperatives are beneficial for milk producers was tested by surveying the cooperatives’...

Safdar A. Wahocho, Tanveer F. Miano, Noor U.N. Memon and Niaz A. Wahocho

...he growth and quality traits of Zinnia. The Zinnia grown under 8 hours daylight (8 am – 4 pm) with 38.29 cm plant height, 6.61 side branches plant-1, 41.25 leaves plant-1, 39.75 days taken to initiate flower bud, 7.49 cm flower diameter, 5.76 g weight of single flower, 3.27 days taken to open 1st flower, 8.41 flowers plant-1, 23.67 days blooming period and 28 percent leaf chlorophyll content. Similarly, photoperiodic treatment comprised of 6 hours daylig...

Mehreen Zaidullah and Hina Fatima

...outh Asian Countries and its rural population may equalize that of the urban till 2030. There are other changes as well like population growth and the wealth effects that have been observed in Pakistan. These changes can affect the consumption pattern of the people, and hence result in the food demand shifts. The current study estimates for the presence of structural shifts in the demand for food in Pakistan for the selected food groups from the Household Inte...

Abida Saleem, Sajida Parveen and Muhammad Jamal Khan

...-treated soil suggesting its contrasting effect at different IZnA levels.


Aqila Shaheen and Mehwish Matien

... role in soil fertility; its sequestration is essential for sustainable agriculture. Soil organic carbon of three land uses viz. forest land, grassland, and cultivated land were quantified. These land uses belonged to two soil groups having different soil type and climate. Selected soil groups were Inceptisols (site 1) and Mollisols (site 2). Soil samples were analyzed for bulk density (BD), soil organic carbon (SOC), total nitrogen (TN), available phosphorus ...

Sadiq Hussain, Muhammad Sharif, Sarmad Khan, Fazli Wahid, Hina Nihar, Wiqar Ahmad, Imran Khan, Nadeem Haider and Tabassum Yaseen

...rce of P on the basis of its P concentration. The recommended dose of N @ 120 kg ha-1 was applied in the form of vermicompost and urea, while K was applied in the form of sulphate of potash. Spores of mycorrhiza were isolated from fresh growing crop of berseem at the University research farm and used as inoculums in this experiment. Results showed the maximum grain yield of 15.09 and 14.7 g pot-1, highest total dry matter yield of 36.3 g and 36 g pot-1, maximu...

Irfan Ullah and Abbas Ullah Jan

...including milk, meat, fruits, vegetables, sugar, beverages, wheat and wheat flour, rice, other cereals, pulses, oil and fats, tea and coffee, backed products and other food. Economic factors such as food commodities price and household’s income and their socio-economic and demographic characteristics are included in the model. Results indicate that with an increase in the age, household consume more of meat, fruit, wheat and wheat flour, pulses, tea and ...

Robina Karim and Dawood Jan

...mplementation of WTO and its impact on Pakistan external trade (Imports + Exports). To achieve the stated purpose, study adopted methodology which required testing of hypothesis which states “Pakistan’s foreign trade is expected to be largely better off once WTO’s regime is fully implemented in Pakistan and rest of the world”. The statistical results show that, the coefficient of variation of Pakistan exports trade estimates at 0.1657 d...

Muhammad Zahid1, Muhammad Hamid Bashir1*, Bilal Saeed Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid2

...barkeri in order to find its compatibility with some pesticides. Leaf disc arenas were used and leaf dip bioassay was conducted. Pesticides were tested for their compatibility with N. barkeri at different concentrations under controlled laboratory conditions. The results showed 25%, 30%, 70%, 50% and 65% mortality occurred by tested pesticides at field relevant doses after 144 h respectively. Missing mites data indicated repellency due to pesticides, was highe...

Asma-ul-Husna1, Muhammad Sajjad Ansari2, Bushra Allah Rakha3, Rabea Ejaz1, Nemat Ullah1 and Shamim Akhter1*

...elatonin in extender for its cryoprotective effect on post-thaw quality of buffalo bull semen. For this purpose, two consecutive ejaculates were collected from three Nili-Ravi buffalo bulls using artificial vagina at weekly intervals for a period of three weeks (three replicates). Qualifying semen ejaculates were diluted (50×106 motile spermatozoa ml-1) in tris citric acid extender with melatonin at 0 (control), 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 1.5 mM. Diluted semen was...

Ambreena Hafiz1, Tanzeela Riaz2 and Farah Rauf Shakoori1*

...rin, the insect utilizes its energy reserves to meet the energy requirement of enhanced metabolic activity.


Muhammad Basit1, Shafqat Saeed2, Mushtaq Ahmad Saleem3, Rana Zulfiqar4


...g the month of March and its maximum population (28.3 individuals / leaf) was observed during 2-week of March 2009. Likewise, Nysius inconspicuous was observed during seeds development and its maximum population (126 individuals / head) was recorded during 4-week of April 2009. Spodoptera spp, Thysanoplusia orichalcea and Heliothus were also found but in small numbers. Among natural enemies, ladybeetles and spiders were...

Misbah Riaz1, Qaiser Mansoor2, Maleeha Akram1, Muhammad Ismail2, Parveen Akhtar3, Shakeel Mirza4, Mazhar Qayyum1, Afzaal Ahmed Naseem1, Faheem Tahir5 and Syed Shakeel Raza Rizvi1*

...ifested in phenotypic traits such as low concentrations of FSH, LH and T and delayed puberty. In conclusion, mutations in GNRHR may cause delay in male puberty in Pakistani population.


Pan-pan Guo1, Wei Liu2, Yan Li2, Rui-yu Ma2, Wang Zaigui1*, Kai Zhan2*, Jun-ying Li2 and Sheng-nan Liu2 

...d to further investigate its association with production performances in two Anhui local chicken breeds. A total of 800 chickens (400 Huangshan black chickens and 400 Huainan partridge chickens) of similar age and weight were evaluated in the present study. We extracted DNA from blood samples and analyzed polymorphisms of HTT gene as wells as possible association with egg production performances including age at first egg (AFE), laying rate (LR), egg productio...

Siyu Yang1, Fukuan Du2 and Pao Xu1,2*

...ins the SS14 sequence at its C-terminus. This putative peptide is identical to that generated by the SS1 gene in other vertebrates. Tissue distribution of C. nasus SS1 mRNA was analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which demonstrated high expression level in the brain. During embryogenesis, SS1 mRNA was detected during early-stage embryonic development, decreased during subsequent developmental stages then increased gradually from the stage of...

Shakeel Ahmed* and Sarwat Jahan

...nzyme Immunoassay (EIA) kits. 48 h fasting significantly increased plasma adiponectin (P<0.001), while decreased leptin (P<0.001) and resistin (P<0.01) concentrations compared to normal fed monkeys. No significant (P>0.05) change in adiponectin levels was observed after NMS injection in both normal and metabolically stressed conditions. NMS administration induced a significant (P<0.01) increase in resistin levels, while suppressed leptin (P<0...

Tayiba Latif Gulraiz1, Arshad Javid1*, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2, Muhammad Shahbaz3, Irfan3 and Sharoon Daud4

... pathogenic microbes and its pH (6.7 to 7.4), high concentration of phosphorus (4.50% and 4.33%) and nitrogen (3.26% and 2.37%) favor seed germination, enhance root growth and soil fertility.


Wenmin Cheng1,2*, Weirong Pan1,2, Yubo Qing1, Yingchao Liu1, Xingqin Zha1,2, Yan Huang2, Jige Xin1,2, Hongjiang Wei1 and Yangzhi Zeng2

...etween exogenous Npm and its structural analog, polyglutamic acid (PGA). We chose the pMD18-T vector for Npm expression and transformed E. coli BL21 (DE3) cells to construct a prokaryotic expression system. The results showed that the recombinant Npm protein of 32 kDa could be obtained. Recombinant Npm or PGA was injected into porcine oocytes at different concentrations. The results showed that the blastocyst rates in injection 560 ng/μL Npm and 1000 ng/&mu...

Jose M. Rojas, Noemi Sevilla and Veronica Martin

...ign: left;">Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) is the causal agent of a highly contagious disease that affects domestic and wild small ruminants, Peste des petits ruminants (PPR). Due to the important economical losses caused by this virus in Africa and Asia, the development of more effective, targeted and successful treatments for the disease are necessary. Like other Morbilliviruses, PPRV induces a suppression of the ...

Abdur Rahim1, Ghulam Abbas1, Muhammad Naeem2, Sara Ferrando3, Lorenzo Gallus3, Noor Khan4, Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman4, Abdul Ghaffar5 and Abdul Mateen6

...8 fish meal processing units were surveyed in Sindh and Balochistan to investigate production status, chemical composition, and fish species being used for producing fish meal. The overall production of single processing unit ranged from 40 to 500 metric tonns per month. Kampa Industry (Unit 1) was found to be the first largest contributor producing 100 metric tons in 24 h. The second largest producers of fish meal in this region were Abdul Baqi, Ghulam Hussai...

Sabri Unal1, ASır Er2, Erol Akkuzu1* and Lubomir Salek3

...ellidae) and to evaluate its efficacy on Macrosiphum rosae (Linnaeus) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Kastamonu, Turkey. Rearing of C. septempunctata was carried out at 21.3±4.00ºC and 78.8±9.44% relative humidity. The first, second, third and fourth larval instars of C. septempunctata consumed 20.3, 54.3, 108.2, and 232.7 M. rosea, respectively. The predation efficacy of the C. septempunctata was increased with the progress of the larval instars ...

Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman1, Farzana Abbas1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Khalid Javed Iqbal3, Ghulam Abbas4* and Syedah Andleeb5

Tasnim Farasat*, Saima Sharif, Farkhanda Manzoor, Muneeza Zafar and Shagufta Naz

...inopathy and to evaluate its relationship with potential risk factors of diabetes on their first visit to a local hospital. Among the newly diagnosed diabetic subjects 33% (n=66) were with retinopathy. Out of which 30% (n=18) were male and 70% (n=48) were female. High density lipoprotein (HDL), both systolic and diastolic blood pressure, cholesterol level and serum insulin were significantly higher (p< 0.05) in proliferative group of diabetic retinopathy, w...

Dallin D. Oaks and Cynthia L. Hallen

...ers in important ways in its development and use of these metaphors. In this paper we discuss the journey, battle, and container metaphors in relation to LDS doctrine and scripture and some crucial implications that grow from these metaphors. The discussion considers the relationship of these metaphors to such matters as an open canon of scripture, the relationship of grace and works, the doctrine of the eternal progression of human beings, and the vital natur...

Faiqah Ramzan*1 and Muhammad Haris Ramzan2

Abdul Sattar Baloch1*, Abdul Rasheed1,2, Rahmatullah Rind1, Jam Kashif Sahito1, Rehana Buriro1, Muhammad Faisal Ayoob1 and Parkash Dewani1

...n on human health due to its zoonotic nature. Our study involves the testing of 100 sera samples and 50 milk samples from camels of three districts of Sindh province of Pakistan. Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), serum agglutination test (SAT) and competitive-ELISA (c-ELISA) were used as screening tests, and overall seroprevalence of brucellosis was found to be as 21%, 21% and 13% by RBPT, SAT and c-ELISA tests, respectively. Seroprevalence was higher in females ...

Hira Akhter1, Bilal Aslam2*, Naveed Shahzad3, Tanzeela Farooq4, Muhammad Umer5 and Muhammad Hidayat Rasool2

...N2 influenza viruses and its molecular detections in asymptomatic commercial layers from Faisalabad district of Punjab, Pakistan. Overall 120 blood samples, 24 tissue samples from each organ (trachea, lung and intestine) were collected from the 12 commercial layer flocks selected randomly at the age of 35-50 weeks without any direct clinical manifestation of avian influenza. Serum collected from 120 birds was tested for antibodies against H9N2 by using Haemagg...

Rashid Ahmed Khan* and Muhammed Naveed

...e) is a major pest of fruits causing severe losses to the fruit production and quality in Pakistan. Its management has largely relied upon the indiscriminate and injudicious use of conventional insecticides resulting in problem of insecticide resistance, environmental pollution, fruit contamination and health hazards. The major goal of the present study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a bio-insecticide, emamectin benzoate with other conventionally used in...

Rongrong Li1, Kun Li2, Xiaoqiang Wang2, Houqiang Luo2, Gang Qiu2, Hui zhang2, Yanfang Lan2 and Jiakui Li2,3*

...ked immunosorbent assay kits and an indirect hemagglutination test. The results showed that seroprevalence in Tibetan pigs were 25.6% by ELISA. On gender basis, the prevalence was found 25.1% in males and 27.8% in females. By the method of IHA, the seroprevalence in Tibetan pigs were 21.6%, and the prevalence was found 23.1% and 21.4% in males and females, respectively. The results indicates that the Tibetan gigs were exposed to T. gondii in Tibet area, which ...

John G. Bruno

... showed a preference for its cognate E. coli serotype. Results suggest that these aptamers may be useful for enriching specific E. coli pathogens during aptamer-magnetic separation in food samples, leading to a greater ability to detect these serotypes if coupled with genetic identification techniques such as PCR or gene probe hybridization.


Zafar Waheed, Khalid Usman, Iftikhar Ali

...p for resources and exhibits auto-toxicity when grown in association with wheat crop.


Ahmed Samy, Wesam Mady, Naglaa M. Haggag, Samah H. Mohamed, Ebtissam N. AlShamy, M.K. Hassan

.... That is in addition to its ability to induce mortalities and reduce the productivity, it accused to be negatively affecting the avian immune response facilitating the secondary infection. Many reports take into account the genotypic and pathogenic characterization of H9N2 in avian species. However little is known about the impact of different strains on the innate immune response. In the present study, using quantitative real-time PCR, cytokines gene express...

Dilawar Hussain* and Abdul Mateen

...ite clay and to evaluate its effect on the growth performance of Nile tilapia over a period of 10 weeks. Inclusion of AFB1 at both 2 and 4 ppm levels significantly (p<0.05) decreased specific growth rate (SGR), net weight gain (NWG), average daily gain (ADG), survival, feed intake, feed efficiency ratio (FER) and protein efficiency ratio (PRE), irrespective the addition of the 4TX in the diets. Among different dietary groups of the fish, % survival was not ...

Nighat Sultana1,2,*, Shazia Iftikhar1, Nafeesa Qudsia Hanif2 and Iffat Tahira2

...below the permissible limits as per regulation of European commission (EU), i.e. 20ng/g and 10ng/g, respectively.


Wang Tian1, Huayong Zhang1,*, Jian Zhang2, Lei Zhao1, Mingsheng Miao3 and Hai Huang1

...ooplankton abundance and its mean value ranged from 2710.2 ind./L in winter to 4259.5 ind./L in spring. Annual average biomasses of protozoa, rotifera, cladocera and copepods were 0.13 mg/L, 0.11 mg/L, 0.63 mg/L and 0.34 mg/L, respectively. The lowest values of zooplankton species richness, abundance and biomass appeared at the site which provides the maximum concentrations of nutrients. Zooplankton communities were more correlated to phytoplankton community b...

Jixue Hou1,2, Xueling Chen3, Jing Wang4, Hongwei Zhang2, Yu Xi2, Jie Xia2, Xinyu Peng2,* and Xiangwei Wu2,5*

... animals, like pigs, rabbits, and big rats. The mice with reproduction fast cycle, lower costing, and close to human genes, can be showed about some phenomenon quickly, also more easy to form model of atherosclerosis. Thus, a mouse model of vascular injury is vitally important for researching the pathophysiological mechanisms to restenosis after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) as well as translational approaches. In this Experiment, we es...

Shazia Irfan1*, Asima Rani1, Muhammad Arshad2 and Razia Bashir1

...etals and minerals among its various genotypes in RA patients. A total of 400 individuals including age and gender matched healthy individuals (control group) and RA patients were genotyped. Detection of rs2070424 polymorphism was carried out using allele specific PCR based amplification strategy. The serum samples were analyzed for determination of metals and minerals through Atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AA 6600 Shimadzu). The statistical analysis ind...

Muhammad Saeed* and Iftikhar Hussain Khalil

... and yield components traits were determined. The main objective of the research was identification and proper selection of best performing wheat parental genotypes and best F1 crosses, based on GCA and SCA estimates. Significant differences were observed among the wheat genotypes for all the studied traits. The estimates of σ2gca and σ2sca and its ratio (σ2gca/σ2sc...

Aziz-ul-Rahman, Farooq Yousaf, Naveed Anwar and Muhammad Abubakar

...ign: left;">Peste des petits ruminants virus (PPRV) causes an economically important disease of small ruminants that causes extensive livestock losses across areas where it is endemic. A serological survey on the prevalence of antibodies to PPRV was carried out in sheep and goats of Jatoi and surrounding areas in Muzaffargarh districts South Punjab of Pakistan. A total of 965 serum samples were collected from sheep and goat’s farms from January to Decemb...

Ahmed Zein Mahmoud, Muaz Abdellatif and Ahmed Abdalla

...ign: left;">Peste des petits ruminant’s virus (PPRV) causes a highly contagious disease in both domestic, wild ruminants and camels. Sera from non-vaccinated sheep (n=683), goats (n=624) and camels (n=155) of all ages and sexes were collected in a cross-sectional study in Hail, Bagaa, Shenan and Ghazalah. Saudi Arabia. The seroprevalece was determined by NP-epitopes based competitive ELISA. The overall prevalence was 59.9%, goats had a significantly high...

Salma Shaheen, Mumtaz Khan, Muhammad Jamil Khan, Saleem Jilani, Zarina Bibi, Muhammad Munir and Mehwish Kiran


...r, information regarding its co-application with organic wastes and chemical fertilizers on enhancing spinach yield is scarce. A pot experiment was conducted at Gomal University D.I. Khan, Pakistan, during 2009-10 to study the changes in soil fertility and spinach growth after the application of EM with organic wastes and chemical fertilizers. The six treatments were; control (T0), 10 tons (t) ha-1 farm yard manure (FYM) (T1), 20 t ha-1 pressmud (T2), 0.7 t ha...

Neelum Andaleeb and Munir Khan utilize each input at its allocatively efficient level in order to get maximum profit.


Qamar Ali, Muhammad Ashfaq and Muhammad Tariq Iqbal Khan

...urn to scale (87.7%) but its value will surely increase after efficient use of inputs. A little adjustment is required in the use of inputs for receiving more output. A comprehensive agricultural policy is required based on support price of vegetables; subsidize the input resources, improvement in vegetable markets and provision of extension services.


Fida Mohammad, O.S. Abdalla, Sheraz Ahmed, Fakharuddin and S. Rajaram

...s for all the studied traits excluding biomass. Genotype by environment interactions (GEI) were significant for all the characters except for thousand kernel weight. The influences of yield components on grain yield were explained by the cluster analysis of environments. Clustering of five test environments based on Shifted Multiplicative Model (SHMM) exposed the major role of grains spike-1 and harvest index in production of grain yield. Though the rate and d...

Nusrat Habib, Safeena Inam and Abdul Hayee Qureshi

... but due to some reasons its production and acreage decreased both in Pakistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. During 1997 area of sunflower was 6763 hectares with decreasing trend it reached at 503 hectares during 2011-12 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. This study was conducted to quantify the factors contributing to the non-adoption of sunflower. Data was collected from 100 respondents of different categories comprised of 43 adopters and 57 non-adopters of sunflower. The pro...

Amjad Ali and Abbas Ullah Jan

... to demonstrate the benefits of good farming practices for reduction of gap between the most technical efficient and the inefficient farmers. Empirical results illustrate that there exist opportunity to increase yield at present level of inputs use and technology.


Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed and Dilnawaz Ahmed Gardezi

...op in Pakistan. However, its improvement through hybridization is limited because of its flowering and viable fuzz production. New avenues suitable for flowering were explored using 20 genotypes for initiation of breeding program in the country. A site near Bagh district (Arja) Azad Kashmir was found suitable and used for morphological evaluation, phenotypic diversity analysis and their flowering behavior sugarcane under loc...

Sheraz Ahmad Khan and Ghulam Hassan

...eld and yield related traits in wheat. For all the studied traits, mean squares showed the presence of significant variation (p≤0.01) among the genotypes. Heritability estimates were observed high (h2˃0.60) for all the traits. The highest heritability (0.93) was noticed in plant height followed by flag leaf area (0.89). The values of genetic advance were recorded low to moderate fo...

Naushad Khan1*, Shahnaz Akhtar1, Munir Khan1, Shaista Naz2, Javeria Tanveer1 and Muhammad Kaleem3 justify;">Maize, for its easy and excess availability in the rural areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province is considered a main staple food in low income households. Due to small scale farming in the province the maize growers are always in need of loan for the purchase of inputs. The present study examined the effect of ZTBL credit program on maize productivity in district Mardan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. For this, a sample of 226 farmers was selected...

Zaffar Malik, Moazzam Jamil, Ghulam Hassan Abassi, Muhammmad Nafees, Muhammad Rafey and Muhammad Kamran soil consistency limits like plastic limit (PL), liquid limit (LL) and plasticity index (PI), tensile strength (TS), shear strength (cohesion (C) and angle of friction (φ)) were studied. Results showed that amendments had improved soil physico-mechanical properties. No specific trends were observed for consistency limit, however, PI decreased for all the amendments applied and LL showed correlation with φ and TS. Significant reduction (p≤ 0.05)...

Ibni Amin Khalil* and Raziuddin

...the data on the basis of its high explanatory aptitude and graphical demonstration.


Muhammad Afzal1 and Murad Khan2* The highest net benefits were reported from the large scale poultry farms in spite of high mortality in large farms. Proper vaccination and medication was proposed to decrease losses due to high mortality particularly in large firms.

Eman Mahmoud El-Diasty1,Madeha Abd El-Halim Ibrahimand Ghada Kamal El Khalafawy2,*
Waheed Anwar*, Muhammad S. Haider, Ahmad A. Shahid, Hamid Mushtaq, Usman Hameed, Muhammad Zia Ur Rehman and Muhammad Javed Iqbal
Irshad Ahmad
...) is a valuable tree for its fruit, furniture wood and ecological purposes. It is widely grown on farmlands in Northern Areas of Pakistan, where it is a cash crop ranked third in value of exports after onion and tomato. It is attacked by a number of insect pests including walnut borer (Zeuzera coffeae Nietner) that adversely affects the yield and quality of the fruit and wood. This study describes the life cycle of the pest, the nature and extent of dam...
Mahanama De Zoysa1, Si-yun Ryu1, Hyeon-cheol Kim2 and Bae Keun Park1* also is a habitat for its typical hosts, such as goldfish and common koi carp (Cyprinus carpio). A. japonicus has not previously been described from goldfish from the ornamental facilities in Korean. This is the first report of A. japonicus morphology with light and scanning electron microscopy. 
Sameera Akhtar1*, Muhammad Akram Muneer1, Khushi Muhammad1, Muhammad Yasin Tipu1, Muhammad Anees2, Imran Rashid1, Raza-ur-Rehman3 and Irshad Hussain1
...n within F gene revealed its clustering to sub-genotype VIIe. The inferred residue analysis of the virus revealed a number of substitution mutations in the structural and functional domains when compared to the representative strains of each genotype including the vaccine strains (genotype II and III). Interestingly, some of these mutations were found exclusive to the study isolate. Not only do these prime findings improve our understanding about currently cir...

Pam D Luka, Frank N Mwiine, Bitrus Yakubu, Joseph Erume, Ricardo Pérez-Sánchez, Hermann Unger and David Shamaki

...rnithodoros, involved in its transmission. Tick involvement has been reported in Europe, East and Southern Africa to be part of ASFV transmission cycles. Ticks in an ASFV infected area have been reported to influence the emergence of genetic variation and long-term persistence of the virus in an area. Since the first report of ASF in Nigeria, periodic outbreaks have continued to occur among domestic pigs with a few incidences in wild pigs. However, to investig...
Jehangir Khan1,2*, Inamullah Khan3, Ijaz Ali2, Aqib Iqbal2 and Muhammad Salman4
...Aedes mosquitoes and its (DENV) transmission through other factors mainly tyres trade. DENV was detected in Aedes aegypti (57%) and Aedes albopictus (43%) adults (n=1050) and larvae (n=550). The samples were collected from four (Shuba Bazaar, Tarnab Farm, Wazir Bagh and Hayat Abad) dengue suspected locations of district Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. A semi-nested multiplex PCR was used to amplify the cDNA of the four dengue se...
Md. Yeamin Hossain1,*, Md. Alomgir Hossen1, Md. Nasir Uddin Pramanik1, Fairuz Nawer1, Md. Mosaddequr Rahman2, Suraiya Sharmin1, Dalia Khatun1, A. H. Bahkali3, Abdallah M. Elgorban3 and Khairun Yahya4
...ption on life-history traits of B. dario, including ─ sex ratio, length-frequency distributions (LFDs), length-weight relationships (LWRs), length-length relationships (LLRs), condition factors (allometric, KA; Fulton’s, KF; relative, KR), relative weight (WR), form factor (a3.0), size at first sexual maturity (Lm) and natural mortalit...
Pinar Oztopcu-Vatan1, Gokhan Kus2, Emine Inan3, Melek Gunindi Korkut3, Selda Kabadere4,* and Ruhi Uyar4
Yaoguo Li1,2 and Maoxian He1
...tion level and growth traits inpearl oyster, Pinctada fucata (P. fucata). The incidence of type II locus (hemi-methylation locus) was significantly correlated with the shell height and the shell length, with Pearson correlation coefficients of 0.204 and 0.233, separately. The incidence of type IV locus (super methylated locus) on the other hand was significantly correlated with the shell length, with Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.217. The ...
Abida Butt,* Imtiaz Alam and Rabia Naz trifasciata, with its body measurements was investigated. Also, role of stablimenta in efficiency of capturing prey was discussed by comparing web parameters and number of intercepted insects in decorated and non-decorated webs. For the study, 236 randomly selected webs of A. trifasciata were observed in the rice fields around the cities of Sheikhupura and Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan. In the adult spiders, mesh height, capture area and capture threa...
Rashid Mahmood1,*, Waqar Ahmad1, Muhamamd Khalid Rafique1, Ghulam Sarwar1 and Anjum Shahzad2 250 flowers. Apple fruits yield per tree ranged between 214.56 to 218.64 in 2013 and 2014 respectively. Average fruit weight varied between 124.84 to 127.34 g, average number of seeds varied between 7.95 to 7.73 seeds per fruit and yield per tree was recorded between 28.92 to 31.65 kg per tree. Number of Apple fruits per tree ranged between 145.72 to 164.58 in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Average fruit weight varied betwe...
Yang Wang1, Zhide Cheng2, Mengjie Tang3, Haixia Zhou1, Xiaolu Yuan4,Muhammad Aqeel Ashraf5, Shuting Mao1 and Jing Wang1,*
... at least 32.42% ATP for its activities by LDH-C4 catalyzed anaerobic glycolysis, which reduces the dependence on oxygen and enhances the adaptation to the hypoxic environments.
Mousa Keshavarz1*, Ehsan Kamrani1, Narges Amrollahi Biuki1 and Hossein Zamani2
...y August (mid-summer) as its concave curve and it means that the most stores of gonads is in spring. The operational sex ratio (OSR) of E. mathaei was female-biased and was not significantly different during the study. The monthly adult sex ratio (ASR) was significantly different. It means that the sex ratio has no effects on OSR. Moreover, the gonadosomatic indices GSI 1, GSI 2, and GSI 3 were 8.2±0.6, 4.1±0.3 and 9.4±0.9, respecti...
Rashid Ahmed Khan* and Muhammed Naveed the major pests of fruits worldwide. Among the many species of fruit flies, Bacterocera zonata is a serious pest of fruits causing severe losses to the fruit production and quality, in Pakistan. In the present experiment the population of B. zonata was monitored using methyl eugenol traps during the year, 2015. Occurrence and population dynamics of the fruit fly were compared with meteorological factors, suc...
Mingqin Shao1*, Bin Chen1, Peng Cui2, Binbin Zeng1 and Jianhong Jiang1
... related to the daily habits of this species, such as dispersed foraging, collective maintenance and rest. Group size peaked in February (5.07 ± 4.166 individuals) and was smallest (2.91 ± 1.354 individuals) in December with significantly different group sizes in all months (F = 35.351, df = 3, P < 0.01). A total of 57.98% of all groups had a majority of females. A large difference in sex ratios was observed among different month...

 Abdul Wajid Khalil and Zafar Iqbal

... found in permissible limits in both the aerial parts and roots of B. procumbens. The aspartic acid (31.25±0.08g/100g), Glutamic acid (25.27±0.06 g/100g), Alanine (12.74±0.12g/100g) was found in higher concentration in aerial parts than roots while some essential amino acid, Tryptophan (6.23±0.06g/100g), Arginine (3.49±0.08 g/100g), Phenylalanine (1.77±0.08 g/100g) were recorded higher in roots as compared to the aeria...

 Sheraz Ahmed and Fida Mohammad

...generally low for all traits except nicotine and reducing sugar. Days to flowering was the most environment responsive trait and its heritability fluctuated between 0.22 and 0.91. Plant height was significantly associated with yield at phenotypic level only. Yield exhibited significantly negative phenotypic correlation with days to flowering. Similarly, yield was positively correlated with leaves per plant, green leaves weig...

Mohammad Raoofi and Mohammad Taghi Alebrahim

...nd some morphological traits of alfalfa, forage crop, as factorial and based on a randomized complete block design with three replications in two cuttings during 2013-14 crop years. The experimental treatments were weed interference and non-interference in two levels (hand weeding and non-hand weeding) and plant density in four levels (20, 40, 60 and 80 stems per square meter). The results obtained in two cuttings in the third year of established alfalfa showe...

 Saqib Ali1, Suliman Ali1, Lina1, Wen Zhou1, Muhammad Irfan Waris1, Ashfaq Ali2 and Man Qun Wang1,*

...t in addition to prevent its establishment. Plantation with different tree species, the cultivation of fast-growing timber forest, the plantation of trap trees, sanitation, removal of the damaged trees and exact placement of insecticide saturated sticks into larval sites can reduce the spread of ALB in the regions of China. The ecological, in addition to biological uniqueness and development of sawyer beetles (Monochamus alternates) are also discussed.<...
Tausif Ahmad1, Iahtasham Khan2, Saddaf Razzaq1, Saeed-ul-Hassan Khan1,* and Raheela Akhtar3 rPCR in order to test its efficacy in detecting Brucella in blood of infected animals. Initially a Brucella genus-specific bcsp31 genomic region based rPCR was used. This was followed by two species-specificrPCRs that detected IS711 genomic region of B. abortus and B. melitensis. Five (8.3%) serum samples from cattle and 1 from buffalo (1.6%) were found to be positive for B. abortus by RBPT. Four (6.6%) out of the 5...

Habib Ullah Khan1*, Saleem Ullah1, Hamid Ullah Shah1, Muhammad Arif2

Muhammad Waqas1*, Anwar Ali Shad1, Omaira Bashir2 and Mohsin Iqbal3

...). Optimum cooking time, its weight and swelling index were remained same at different level of oil carotenoids tomato peel powder when compared with control. On the other hand spaghetti cooking becomes decrease by increase of carotenoids level in spaghetti when compared with control. Organoleptic evaluation of spaghetti prepared from lycopene revealed maximum score of smell, taste, odors, color texture and overall acceptability when compared with other tested...

M. Abdus Salam1, M. Moynul Haque2, Md. Obaidul Islam3, M. Nasir Uddin4 and Md. Nazmul Haque3*

Tianzhu Chao, Huiqiang Cai, Yuxun Zhou, Kai Li* and Junhua Xiao
...f M. musculus and its history of migration to eastern China.
Matiyar Rahaman Khan1,*, Sabyasachi Pal2, Ghule Tushar Manohar2, Somnath Bhattacharyya3, Amit Singh4, Prahlad Sarkar5 and Samuel Lalliansanga6
Yi-qiang Ouyang1, Zhen-xin Liang1, Shi-wen Huang2, Ying Zhang3, Shao-shi Luo1, Jin-ning Liang1, Jia-fu Li1, Yu He4 and Song-chao Guo1,*
...learning and memory deficits in the Morris water maze test. Pathology analysis of treated animals showed obvious gliosis and neurofibrillary tangles in the cerebral hippocampal area. These results suggest that the tree shrew can recapitulate the major features of AD pathogenesis. To provide the basis for further studies with this new animal model, we used high-throughput sequencing to analyze changes in the hippocampal transcriptome induced by injection of the...
Muhammad Tahirand Memoona Shehzadi*
...for yield and quality traits during 2014 at University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan. The treatments comprised on the combination of chemical fertilizers (No chemical fertilizer, half recommended dose of fertilizer and full recommended dose of chemical fertilizer) and Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) (No PGPR, PGPR-1, PGPR-2 and PGPR-1 + PGPR-2). The PGPR used in this study were pre-isolated and characterized, taken from soil microbiology and...
Muhammad Qadir Ahmad¹*, Farheen Ashraf Raza¹, Abdul Qayyum¹, Waqas Malik¹, Rao Wali Muhammad2, Muhammad Asif Saleem1, Amir Hamza2, Ahmad Baksh Mahar3
...ation of leaf related traits i.e. leaf area (LA), leaf angle position (LP), number of lobes per leaf (NL), leaf chlorophyll contents (SV), relative water content (RWC), leaf hairiness (HL), leaf color (LC) and yield related traits i.e. boll weight (BW), number of seeds per boll (NS), number of locules per boll (NLB), seed index (SI) and seed volume (SEV). Twenty cotton genotypes were grown using randomized complete block des...

Muhammad Khurshid1,2*, Muhammad Nafees1, Mehmet Somuncu2

...encroachment process and its implications for pastoral resources. Land use-classes such as forest, agriculture, pastures and snow cover were recorded by means of Global Positioning System (GPS) and further processed to develop maps by using Geographic Information System (GIS). The impacts of agriculture encrachment were determined by means of group discussions, household’s interviews and personel observations. The results showed that crops cultivation oc...

Wazha Mugabe1,2, Lawrence Akanyang1, Mackenzie Nsinamwa1, Batanani Moatswi1, Naledi Matthews1, Kealeboga Dipheko1, Imtiaz Ahmed Ujjan3 and Assar Ali Shah2*

... of tree species (1928 units ha−1) as compared to the unfenced area (968.3 units/ha−1). Individual tree species exhibited random patterns of distribution along grazing gradients in both grazing gradients. The composition for fodder trees was composed mainly of low value species of which most were encroaching species which have spread and established throughout the gradients.

Ahmed Mujtaba1, Tariq Masud1, Asif Ahmad1, Waqar Ahmed3, Saqib Jabbar3* and Robert E. Levin2 armeniaca L.) and its by-products. The aim of the study were to test the activity of chlorogenic acid isolated from apricot cv. Habi, against different food borne pathogens and quantification of the chlorogenic acid (CA) using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). The chlorogenic acid was isolated using resin. The recovered amount of compound was calculated. Aliquots of the extracts at known concentration of chlorogenic acid were then applied a...
Said Rawan1, Farzana bibi1, Nadeem Khan1*, Abdul Mateen Khattak1, Zahir shah3, Asif Iqbal2, Madeeha Alamzeb2, Saeed Ul Haq1, Abid Kamal3, Fawad Ali Shah2, Ahmad Naeem1 and Wajid Ali3
...nts (%), taste, decay fruits (%) and total soluble solids (TSS). The experimental result showed that both the varieties were significantly influenced the fruit decay (%), TSS (%), taste and moisture content (%), while firmness (kg/cm2) and weight loss (%) was found non-significant. Also storage interval significantly affected all the parameters. Interactive affect of varieties and storage intervals significantly affected all the parameters exc...

Usman Shakoor1*, Mudassar Rashid1, Abdul Saboor2, Nabila Khurshid1, Zuhair Husnain2 and Abdul Rehman2

... rainfall will also benefits Maize crop production. Maize production will increase by 2% by the year 2030 from the base year i.e. 1980. Water availability in the crop growth periods and fertilizer application (today or in the future) will certainly increase production. This scenario demands devising adaptation strategies for farmers to be made available, this should be the key policy intervention of the government to cater with the climate change on agricultur...

Nirbhay Kushwaha, Achuit K Singh, Brotati Chattopadhyay and Supriya Chakraborty

Recent advances in geminivirus detection and future perspectives
...n, pulses, papaya, cucurbits, okra etc.) causing enormous losses in the tropics, which provide ideal conditions for the perpetuation of viruses and the insect-vector. Despite concerted efforts to contain begomoviruses and their vectors, menacing disease epidemics caused by newly emerging or reemerging begomoviruses are becoming frequent and appearing even in new regions, previously free from such diseases. Techniques for geminivirus detection include biologica...

M.K. Pandit,P. K. Pal and B. K. Das

Effect of date of sowing on flowering and incidence and damage of melon fruit fly in snap melon Cucumis melo var.momordica genotypes
...on and more number of fruits as well as lower fruit fly incidence. Three sowing dates viz. S =25 November, 2004, S =25 January 2005 and S =25 March, 2005 were selected to evaluate performance of eight genotypes, named as BCSM-1 to BCSM-8. The experimental design was factorial RBD with 3 replications. Observations on days to first male and female flowers, node number of first male and female flowers, total number of fruits an...

1N. Johnson Singh, 2Amitava Konar and 3Palash Mondal

Incidence of aphids in different traps on potato in Gangetic plains of West Bengal
...of December and attained its peak by the end of February. The abiotic factors viz., temperature (maximum & minimum), relative humidity% (maximum & minimum) and bright sunshine hour had significant effect on aphid population. The same abiotic factors were quite different between the first and second year. This was due to the fact that the climatic conditions in second year varied distinctly from the first year.


1S. A. Khan and 2S. Jha

Effect of dates of sowing, moisture regimes, varieties and weather factors on incidences of aphid, Lipaphis erysimi (Kalt.) in rape and mustard
...d weather parameters for its forewarning. Results revealed that initial incidence times of aphid varied from 19 November to 3 December, depending upon dates of sowing done during 1 October to 5 November, which fall under recommended dates of sowing. In crops sown during 22 October to 5 November, critical periods of aphid infestation (having greater than 30 aphids plant-1) prevailed between 19 December and 21 January. Number of aphids plant-1 was consistently g...

1Bikash Ranjan Ray and 2Mrinal Kanti Dasgupta

Management of root holoparasite Aeginetia pedunculata of (Orobanchaceae), causing wilt of sugarcane by trap and catch crops
...fied as a catch crop for its ability to support further growth and development of A. pedunculata up to flowering.


K.N. Ahmed and M.R. Hasan

Sudden outbreak of mealy bug and armoured scale causing severe damage to economic crops in Bangladesh
...n immature and mature fruits of lady's finger; the total period of all four nymphal stages lasted for 32.6 ± 4.17 days at an average room temperature of 28 ± 2ºC and 70-75% RH during September, 2009. Male mealybug has a short life span of 3.0 ± 0.21 days. Females live for nearly 80.7 ± 10.43 days with an oviposition period of approximately 21 days. This mealybug is capable of active movement throughout ...

Bijan Kumar Das

Incidence of Aleurocanthus spp. (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera) on betelvine (Piper betle L.) and their interaction with host plants
...are uncertain because of its susceptibility to several pests and diseases, aggravated by the nature of the plantation. A good number of hemipteran insect pests occur in betelvine ecosystem which dwindle betelvine yield potentiality. Among these, the polyphagous betelvine blackfly, Aleurocanthus rugosa Singh (Aleyrodidae: Hemiptera) is a major pest causing severe damage to the foliage in the conservatories (borojas) of West Bengal. The seasonal incidence of A. ...

S. Subharani, S. S. Thorat, N. Abem, L. Amit Kumar and T. K. Singh 

A database on parasitoid of insect pests of crops in Manipur, India
... parasitoid behavior and its biology etc. Image of the parasitoid species are also provided for helping in easy identification of the species. Keywords: Database, insect-pest, parasitoids, Manipur


K.N. Ahmed , M.A. Al-Helal, N-E-P. Khanom, S. Bulbul

Control strategies of papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink infesting vegetable crops in Bangladesh
...isperse to the unripe fruits rendering them unmarketable and inedible. The damage appeared to be in the range between 70 and 95 per cent. Generally young plants die due to heavy infestation and colony formation of the mealybug. P. marginatus is a polyphagous pest attacking several agricultural, horticultural crops, ornamental plants and weeds of economic value. The papaya mealybug feeds on the sap of the plants by inserting its<...

M. S. A. Mamun and M. Ahmed

Integrated pest management in tea: prospects and future strategies in Bangladesh
...diate economic gains but its abuses were not foreseen or ignored. As a consequence there arose the development of resistance to pesticides, pest resurgence and undesirable pesticide residue in the made tea as the major problems. Current trends in eco-friendly insect pest management practices emphasize the host plant resistance, preparation and application methods of new botanicals and microbial pesticide formulations, evaluation of field bio-efficacy and conse...

Nilesh Suresh Gole and Bijan Kumar Das

Biology of Dichromia sagitta (Fabricius) (Noctuidae: Lepidoptera), a serious pest of Indian ipecac, Tylophora indica
...aviour of D. sagitta and its interaction with toxic host plant have been discussed critically.


Sunita J. Magar and D.D. Nirmal

Effect of plant spacings and cultivars on spread of Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus (YVMV) disease
...nfection rate throughout its growth period was observed in closer plant spacing i.e. 30 x 30 cm in kharif. Among cultivar, Parbhani Kranti show slow progress of the disease. Among plant spacings the closer plant spacing 30 x 30 cm show slow progress of the disease followed by 50 x 30 cm and 60 x 30 cm both in kharif and summer seasons.


Amitava Konar, S. Paul and Kiran A. More

Efficacy of different insecticidal treatment schedules against aphid and whitefly on brinjal
...ed maximum marketable fruits of brinjal as well as highest monetary return than the other treatments.


A. Regupathy and R. Ayyasamy

Initiatives of papain industry by private-public-farmer link-ages in classical biocontrol program for papaya mealybug in Tamil Nadu
... programmes by deploying its field staff in release and multiplication of the parasitoid. For enabling initial multiplication of the released parasitoids, farmers of heavily infested papaya fields were compensated for the yield loss to serve as field-mass-multiplication-strategy. Further, the farmers of neighbouring fields were encouraged and facilitated through thirteen field staff to take the bug infested leaves and fruits...

M. A. Al-Helal, K. N. Ahmed, N-E-P. Khanom, and S. Bulbul 

Observations on papaya mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams & Willink (Hemiptera : Pseudococcidae) damag-ing some crops in Bangladesh
...mature, mature papaya fruits and foliages from BCSIR Vegetable Garden during March, 2011. It is a small polyphagous insect pest sucking saps from the attacking fruits and leaves. P. marginatus passes through egg and three nymphal stages to become adult. Generally, three and four nymphal instars occur in case of female and male mealybug, respectively. The adults are most active in warm, dry and humid weather. The male adult m...

M.S. Islam, M.Ali, and I. Ahmad

Efficacy of sedomil 72WP and recozeb 80WP to control die-back (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides) of tea in Bangladesh
...eback disease of tea and its causal organism.



A. Sajeena and T. Marimuthu

Efficacy, stability and persistence of Ganosol, a Ganoderma based fungicide against plant pathogens
...The formulation retained its 100% antifungal efficacy up to three months of storage. Surprisingly, spraying cowpea plants with the formulation as simultaneous spray reduced the number of lesions produced by Groundnut Bud Necrosis virus in cowpea by 88.39% when compared to the inoculated control, suggesting the antiviral potential of the formulation. 


D. C. Khatua, B. Mondal and G. Saha

Bioassay of some agricultural chemicals, human drugs and disinfectants on Phytophthora melonis Katsura causing fruit and vine rot of pointed gourd
... sporangia formation and its germination. None of the eight antibiotics used in this study prevented mycelial growth. No sporangia formation was recorded in five antibiotics viz. streptomycin sulphate + tetracycline hydrchloride, streptomycin sulphate, oxytetracycline hydrochloride, ofloxacin and norfloxacin at 100 ppm. The insecticide, Profenophos prevented sporangia formation and consequently its germination. Copper sulpha...

S. Patra, V.W. Dhote, SK F. Alam, B.C. Das, M.L. Chatterjee and A. Samanta

Population dynamics of major insect pests and their natural enemies on cabbage under new alluvial zone of West Bengal
...y. Cabbage aphid reached its peak on 9th February (14.17 aphids/inch2 leaf) and 16th February (11.03 aphids/inch2 leaf) of 2011-12 and 2012-13, respectively. Highest parasitized larvae of diamond back moth by Cotesia plutellae were found on 15th and 8th March with 10.42 and 10.50% larval parasitisation during both the seasons, respectively, whereas maximum coccinellid was observed on 23rd February of 2011-12 and 2012-13 crop seasons with 11.67 and 9.67 coccine...

Shams Ur Rehman, Muhammad Arif and Abdul Mateen 


Soil-borne viruses in major potato growing areas of Pakistan
...e association of PMTV to its vector Spongosporsa subteranea in Hazara division was found 27.0% while their association in Malakand division was found 24.4%. The TRV associated to its vectors Trichodorus in Hazara division was found 8.94% while in Malakand division was 20.70%. It was concluded that molecular studies will be required to deter-mine variability among the prevalent isolates of PMTV and TRV.



Rashid Pervez, Santhosh J. Eapen, S. Devasahayam and M. Dinsha

Characterization of entomopathogenic nematode, Stein-ernema carpocapsae from ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) rhizosphere in India

M. S. Joshi , D.M. Sawant and A.P. Gaikwad

Isolate variations in Colletotrichum gloeosporioides infecting pomegranate
...onditions. Inoculated fruits were assessed on the basis of virulence of the isolates and reaction of a particular variety was expressed in Disease Reaction Index (DRI). There was considerable variation in virulence and suscep-tibility within isolates and varieties. Isolate Cg 86 was found to be virulent (DRI 7.2), Cg 81 as less virulent (DRI 2.87), and other isolates were moderately virulent irrespective of varieties. Fruit varieties Aarakta and Bhagwa were fo...

Dhananjoy Mandal 2K. Baral 3M. K. Dasgupta

Developing site-specific appropriate precision agriculture
...of land, soil, including its nutrient content and availability of requisite water, meteorology, agrometeorology and forecasting inputs and outputs by marketing, production, protection and processing, and other essential information provided through a decision support system (DSS), in an agriinformatics networking such that is not ordinarily available to Indian farmers in general. Due to Precision Farming (PF), production increased by 40 to 60 percent farmers&r...

Partha Pratim Ghosh and 2N. C. Mandal 

Some disease management practices for bacterial wilt of potato
...r seed piece treatment units supervised management may offer better protection from the dreaded disease. Dynamic nature of disease management offers the scope for future modification.



Shrinivas Mudigoudra and Shekharappa

Evaluation of plant products aganist sorghum shoot fly, Atherigona soccata Rondani
... G @ 30 kg. ha-1 to know its efficacy on shoot fly in sorghum ecosystem. The results clearly indicated that NSKE (5%) recorded less eggs of shoot fly (0.40egg/plant), per cent dead heart (14.97%) and maximum grain yield of 13.22 q.ha-1 among different plant products. The next best plant product was found to be V. negundo @ 5% in recording less incidence of shoot fly and obtaining higher grain yield. However, both the treatments were found next best only to car...
Song Li1,* and Zuojian Feng2
...biventer mainly inhabits northern Pakistan eastward to southwestern China, stretching across the whole southern Himalayan mountains. However, relatively little work has been performed on mapping its geographic variations in China. In this study, we used 45 P. albiventer specimens from Xizang and Yunnan in China to conduct multivariate analyses and calculate coefficients of differences on cranial measurements, toge...
Sohail Ahmed, Muhammad Arshad and Babar Hassan*
...ed effects of resins and its implication in wood preservation.
Jia-xiang Wang1,2,* and Peng Li1,2
...s, little is known about its distribution in the pancreas ofthe African ostrich. In the present study, the distribution and morphological characteristics of ghrelin-immunopositive cells in the African ostrich pancreas were investigated using immunohistochemistry. Our results indicate that the pancreas is divided into twosections: the exocrine and endocrine portion.The exocrine portionis comprised of peripheral gland cells and centroacinar cells; the endocrinep...
Obaidullah1, Zafar Ali Shah1* and Sami Ullah2
...m seem and to synthesize its copper and silver nanoparticles followed by their antibacterial assessment. Lapachol was isolated from stem heartwood of heterophragma adenophyllum seem through column chromatographic technique. Characterization of Lapachol was carried through melting point assessment and running its comparative TLC against standard, added with structure elucidation by FT-IR spectrum. Silver nanoparticles of Lapa...
Naimat Ullah Khan1,2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1Nisar Ahmad3, Ayesha Hassan1, Sultan Ayaz2, Sajid Umar4, Muhammad Luqman Sohail5,*, Muhammad Shafee6, Ikramullah Khan7, Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Azmat Ullah Khan8Naimat Ullah Malik1 and Abdul Razzaq9
...t diarrhea, highlighting its zoonotic potential from livestock animals to human beings in the study area. This is first study addressing the one of the main cause of neonatal mortality in Southern KPK and its zoonotic potential.
Rafi Ullah1, Sarzamin Khan1,*, Abdul Hafeez1, Asad Sultan1, Nazir Ahmad Khan2, Naila Chand1 and Naseer Ahmad1 
...ematology and carcass traits in broilers at finisher phase. Five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets were uttered with the step-wise i.e. 0% (D1), 25% (D2), 50% (D3), 75% (D4) and 100% (D5) replacement of soybean meal with silkworm meal in commercial broiler rations. A total of 150 day-old broiler chicks (Ross 308) were randomly distributed into fifteen replicate groups (n=10), and consequently reared on five experimental diets according to a completely...
Wenqiao Hui1, Jishun Tang1, Dejian Zhu1, Qian Ban2* and Sheng Chen1*
...n the adipose tissue via its receptor leptin receptor through the JAK2/STA3 signal pathways, promote the upregulation of KISS1, which activates TRPC5, and, inhibit the release of NPY, thereby promoting the release of GnRH, thus hastening the onset of puberty in goat. During this process, leptin, LEPR and its signal pathways may act as a link between the adipose and puberty onset in goat. However, further more studies need to...
Muhammad Ashfaq,1 Shamim Akhtar,2 Saleem Akhtar2,* and Mariyam Masood2
...ealybug in Pakistan, but its multiplication for inundative releases has been impacted by a hyperparasitoid, Promuscidea unfasciativentris Girault (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae: Eriaporinae). Traditionally the detection of hyperparasitoid is done by host-rearing, but that is time-consuming when working with field populations at larger scale. The current study used morphology and DNA sequences from mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) and nuclear (internal tr...
Sidra Manzoor1,Asif Nadeem1,*, Masroor Ellahi Babar2, Wasim Shehzad1, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Muhammad Imran1, Tanveer Hussain2, Abdul Wajid1 and Maryam Javed1
...was performed to analyze its relation with milk composition but it was found non-significant in all analyzed traits. So, it was inferred that it might be due to environmental or epigenetic effect, sampling number or a breed difference. To know the functional consequences of the identified polymorphism, RNA secondary structure analysis was performed and SNP was found changing the termination loop shape in mRNA. However, to in...

Khurram Shahzad and Mohammad Akmal*

... in the soil and improve its use efficiency for crops. This study, therefore, aimed to identify split applicarion of N rates and timings for wheat performance in recent weather condiction. Experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar in 2015-16 in a randomized complete block (RCBD) design with four replications. Seedbed was prepared as recommended for wheat, planting was made with basic seeds (cv. Pakhtunkhwa) usin...
Muhammad Mansoor1, Amanullah1, Zafar Islam2*,Sher Muhammad3, Muhammad Umair4, Mehmood Ayaz5, Asghar Ali Khan6, Muhammad Asif2 and Ya Sakina3
...ogy and yield trials for its performance. Result showed that 40 kg ha-1 seed rate with 30 cm row spacing, fertilizer dose @ 20:50 kg ha-1 N:P2O5 and inoculation with rhizobium strain Vm M1 were optimal for its maximum yield. Inqalab Mung outclassed among all candidate lines included in National Uniform Yield Trial (NUYT)- 2007 with an average yield of 1092 kg ha-1 at 12 ...

Furukh Faiz1,2, Muhammad Issa Khan2, Masood Sadiq2 and Haq Nawaz3

...e broiler was increased, its feed intake and the body weight decreased but the citrus waste has non-significant effect on the feed conversion ratio of the broiler birds. The results also showed that citrus waste in the feed have positive effect on the antioxidant status of the broiler birds. The activity of the superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in the broiler blood was increased as the citrus waste level in the feed of the broilers was ...
Oaj Khurshid1*, Naureen Aurangzeb1, Ayaz Khan1, Alia Naz1, Abdullah khan1, Sobia Nisa2 and Sehrish Sajawal3
...within the acceptable limits set by international standard. The pH fluctuated between 7.5-8.1, moisture 35% and organic matter 43%, and has adequate quantity of plant nutrients C34%, N (0.06%), K (0.32%), P (0.004), Na (4.6%). The quality of compost could further be enhanced with the addition of yard waste or cow and poultry manure etc. For land reclamation or plant productions the use of compost may be supportive not only increase moisture holding capacity bu...
Ayesha Ilyas1, Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan2,* and Abdul Qadir1,*
... developed in treated fruits as compared to their untreated guavas. The acetonic extracts of T. peruviana showed overall less settlings on both treated and untreated guavas resulting in less number of pupae developed. The results suggested that the extracts of plants tested in the present study could be considered in the management plans for the peach fruit fly.
Muhammad Imran Shabbir
...r monogenic Mendelian traits without the need to draw Punnett square for every parental genotype combination. These illustrations provide information for both forward (phenotype to genotype) as well as reverse genetics (genotype to phenotype) approaches.

Aftab Wajid1, Ashfaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Awais2, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rahman3*, M. Aown Sammar Raza2, Usman Bashir2, Muhammad Naveed Arshad1, Sana Ullah4, Muhammad Irfan5 and Umair Gull1

...ibuted to the related traits of cotton growth, seed cotton yield and yield attributes. Increasing N increments reveals a positive association with biomass accumulation (growth), yield and yield associated components. Among N increments, 200 kg ha-1 achieved more number of bolls per plant (31.00), average weight per boll (3.48 g) and ultimately lead to higher seed cotton yield (2.42 t ha-1) as compared to other N rates (50, 100, 150 kg ha-1). Significant differ...

Niamatullah Khan1*, Najeeb Ullah2, Inam Ullah2 and Asif Imran Shah1

...e country which confines its production. Two years field research was conducted at Cotton Research Station, Dera Ismail Khan to assess the impacts of six sowing dates on yield and yield attributing traits of seven cotton varieties during 2015 and 2016. The experiment was laid out in split plot design having three repeats. Sowing dates; March 15, April 01, April 15, May 01, May 15 and June 01 were kept in main plots while sub...

Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

...eir personalities and habits. A significant difference was reported in required and possessed competencies of preparing training schedules regarding crops followed by timely appointment and issuance of duties to junior staff for effective and efficient work. Results of the study reported that there is utmost need of training in competencies regarding identification of input supply dealers’ malpractices and evaluation of pesticide companies activities. Ti...

Wesam Hasan Mohamed Mady1*, Bing Liu2, Dong Huang2, Abdel Satar Arafa1, Mohamed Khalifa Hassan1, Mona Mehrez Aly1, Pucheng Chen2, Yongping Jiang2* and Hualan Chen2

...iral diseases because of its ability to induce both humoral and cellular immune responses against antigens encoded by recombinant DNA. The goal of this study was to construct Egy-H5 plasmid DNA-based vaccine against a currently circulating avian influenza virus H5N1 strain in Egypt targeting the HA gene. The HA gene of AIV Egyptian strain H5N1 was codon optimized for chicken biased codon and sub-cloned into pCAGGS mammalian expression vector under the control ...
Muhammad Hanif1,*, Naureen Rana1, Muhammad Akbar Khan2, Muhammad Javed1 and Muhammad Sajjad Khan1
... the Middle Siwalik deposits of district Attock, Potwar Plateau, Punjab, Pakistan has been described. The fossiliferous sites, Dhok Mila of Nagri Formation (early Late Miocene) and Kaulial Kas of Dhok Pathan Formation (Late Miocene – Early Pliocene) are located in district Attock, Punjab, Pakistan. The recovered material comprises isolated premolars and molars. The identified species of hipparionines include Hipparion sp. small, Cormohipparion<...
Ghulam Abbas1,Asif Nadeem1,*, Masroor Ellahi Babar2, Tanveer Hussain2, Muhammad Sajid Tahir3, Wasim Shehzad1, Rajput Zahid Iqbal3, Muhammad Tayyab1 and Maryam Javed1
...s planned to investigate its molecular phylogeny and diversity analysisusing mitochondrial cytochrome b, cytochrome c and d-loop region. Samples werecollected from different localities. After DNA extraction and quantification, amplification of gene was done by polymerase chain reaction. PCR products were sequenced bi-directionally, aligned and single nucleotide polymorphisms were identified. Bioinformatics tools were applied for constructi...
Rahat Naseer1*, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Zulfiqar-ul-Hassan2, H. Rehman1, Saima Naveed1, F. Masood1 and M. Tayyab1
...ngredient and to explore its potential as wheat bran replacer in total mixed rations for the ruminants. For this purpose rice husk was subjected to different processing techniques using acid, alkali, water treatment and fermentation to prepare processed moiety on pilot scale. All these processed materials were included in experimental ration at a fixed level (20 %). All iso-caloric and iso-nitrogenous rations were offered to experimental animals (n=36, 22 male...
Ali Karabacak1, Senol Celik2, Adile Tatliyer3, Ismail Keskin1, Yakup Erdal Erturk4, Ecevit Eyduran5, Yasir Javed6 and Mohammad Masood Tariq7,*
...imation of BW and CCW traits might be utility for further researches linked with characterization of sheep breeds, and sheep breeding in very large flocks.

Attaullah Khan1, Muhammad Shafi1*, Jehan Bakht2 and Shazma Anwar1

...rsely affected growth traits of wheat varieties however, seed priming with CaCl2 has alleviated the adverse effects of salinity in wheat varieties. 


Ahmed Zein Elabdeen Mahmoud1, Muaz Magzob Abdellatif2* and Mohamed Abdelsalam Abdalla3

Sumaira Maqsood1,*, Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,Waqas Wakil2 andMuhammad Hussnain Babar3


...for type of interaction, its combination with NPV at lower dose showed synergistic interaction (CTF≥20). While rest of the combination showed additive effect (CTF≤20). Integration of NPV and flubendiamide proved more fatal at higher concentrations than the individual application at lower concentration for pupation and adult emergence of S. litura. Apart from untreated larvae (control) maximum pupation (66.01±1.32 and 73.95±1.28 %) an...
Tiansen Li1, Meiling Huang2, Zhen Wang1,Fei Guo3,Hui Zhang1,* and Chuangfu Chen1,*
... mutant would affect its survival and pathogenicity.
Muhammad Arslan Khan1,*, Sajid Aleem Khan1, Imran-ul-haq1 and Rashad Waseem Khan2
Kulsoom Akhter1, Tahseen Ghous1,2,Saiqa Andleeb3,*, Faiz-ul-Hassan Nasim4, Samina Ejaz5, Zain-ul-Abdin1, Bilal Ahmed Khan1 and Muhammed Naeem Ahmed1
...lant was selected due to its natural abundance in the climate of Kashmir and also in the area of study. On the basis of morphological, biochemical, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, the isolates were identified as B. cereus BDBC01, B. cereus AVP12 and B. cereus NC7401. At maximum studied concentration of metal ions (250 mgl-1), in above sequence, the strains accumulated 118.2, 121.87 and 90 mg/g Cr (VI), 135, 127.5 and 146.25 mg/g Ni (I...

Kamran A. Awan1, Jawad Ali2 and Mohammad Akmal3

...eld and yield related traits. Sowing made on November 25 showed higher yield than the expected early sown on November 15 or late sown thereafter on December 5 in season in the region. Overall delay in sowing date i.e. from December 5 onwards resulted in sever losses in biomass and grain yield (GY). On averages of varieties, a decrease in biological- and grain yield was estimated 261 and 89 kg ha-1, reapectively, per day in wheat in season for Peshawar when sow...

Fawad Ali1*, Hidayat Ullah2, Ikhtiar Khan1

...above the permissible limits of World Health Organization (WHO) which may lead to a detrimental effect on soil quality, leading to food contamination. The extractable concentration of metals viz Pb, Cr, Cd and Zn through ammonium bicarbonate diethylenetriaminpenta acetic acid (AB-DTPA) showed significant differences between the two studied localities. Linear regression analysis indicates that concentration of the heavy metal (Pb, Cr, Cd, Ni, Zn) in vegetables ...
Muhammad Tariq Saeed1*, Muhammad Ashfaq Wahid1, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1, Mumtaz Akhtar Cheema2, Muhammad Shahid1, Abdul-Shakoor1, Abdul-Sattar3
...s noticeably affected by its lower germination rate. To address the problem of poor germination and low seed viability, a field study was conducted at Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, during spring 2011. The experiment was composed of two soybean varieties (Faisal Soybean and 95-1) and five priming techniques (control, on-farm priming, hydro priming, hydration inoculation and osmo priming with 0.5% urea solution. Results revealed ...

Jawad Anwar* and Zafar Iqbal 

... negative E. coli, while its acetonitrile fraction yielded (6.50±2.25 µg/mL) of MIC against S. aureus. Hence, it is revealed from the results that T. harzianumis a potential source of antibiotic drugs as it showed a wide range of bioactivity against both phyto and human pathogenic bacteria.  


Muhammad Zafarullah Khan*, Shah Saud Ahmad and Asif Nawaz 

...agricultural services to its member farmers. About 57% respondents were registered with FSC since last 4-6 years period. Also 57% of the respondents mentioned that the extension agent was the source of awareness about FSC. About 43% of the respondents were invited by FSC for general body meeting whereas only 26% participated in the process of election. Maximum respondents were provided farm machinery by FSC i.e. cultivator (51%), rotavator (56%), mold bold plo...

Sadia*, Abdur Rab, Sayyed Hamad Ahmad Shah, Irfan Ullah, Farida Bibi and Islam Zeb

... in the month of July fruits treated with 10 ppm of GA3. While maximum fruit drop (11.69%), titratable acidity (0.59%), with minimum number of new shoots (16.3), number of new flowers (65.3), fruit weight (53.3g), and fruit volume (48.1cm3) were recorded in plants which were not deblossomed and sprayed with distilled water. It is concluded from the current study that Deblossoming time and GA3 application might be significantly reduced the fruit drop and enhanc...
Saleem Khan1, Amir Hamza2, Farhadullah Khan3, M. Subhan4, Aziz Khan1, Irfan Ali Shah1, Shakirullah Khan Shakir3*
...ved on some agronomic traits like Plant height, Number of branches plant-1, number of bolls plant-1, Fiber Fineness and yield of seed. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed significant differences for radiation treatments, genotypes and interaction for treatments × genotypes regarding plant height, number of branches plant-1, number of bolls plant-1 and yield of cotton seeds plant-1. Higher level...
Shantanu Jha1, A. Rama Devi1, Ngalaton Kasar1 and Abhishek Mukherjee2
Shabana1,*, Farah Ehsan1 and Shahida Hasnain1,2
...ariant appeared to exert its effect by changing serum fasting plasma glucose, total cholesterol and LDLC levels.

Syed Tanveer Shah* and Muhammad Sajid 

...hat freshly harvested fruits resulted in better fruit firmness (5.69 kg cm-2), TSS (8.67 °Brix), ascorbic acid content (6.43 mg 100 g-1), more TSS-acid ratio (0.74), were noted in fruits stored for 10 days. The interaction of Ca-source and Ca-concentration for most of the studied attributes were found significant. It is concluded from the present results that pre-harvest foliar application of CaCl2 (1.0%) at berry sized ...

Mian Ahmad Raza*, Ghulam Hassan and Naqib Ullah Khan 

...ns for some important traits using diallel mating design in wheat at Peshawar Pakistan. Eight wheat genotypes viz. Janbaz (JNB), Fakhr-i-Sarhad (FS), Pirsabak 2005 (PS), AUP-5008 (AUP), Saleem 2000 (S2K), Tatara (TTR), Barsat (BST) and Siren (SRN) were crossed in all possible combinations during 2011-12 cropping season. The resultant F1 hybrids were planted following a randomized complete block design using three replications in the subsequent wheat growing se...
Muhammad Usman Qamar1, 2, Sidrah Saleem1, Usman Arshad1, Muhammad Farhan Rasheed3, Hasan Ejaz4, Naveed Shahzad5 and Shah Jahan6,*
...scientific evidences for its antimicrobial effects particularly against NDM-1 producing bacteria are lacking. In addition to antibiotic profiling, the present study aimed at determining the in vitro anti- bacterial activity of Manuka honey against NDM-1 producing clinical isolates of Pakistan. A total of five carbapenem resistant bacterial species; E. coli, K. pneumoniae, E. cloacae, A. baumannii and P. aeruginosa, were isolated and identi...

Carolina Torres Alejo1,2, Laila Andreia Rodrigues Beserra1,2, Paulo Eduardo Brandão1,2, Luis Ramiro Luna Espinoza1,2 and Fabio Gregori1,2* 

...cks to better understand its epidemiology and understanding the impact of one virus on the pathobiology of second virus 


Muhammad Sohail1, Muhammad Nauman-ul-Islam1, Hayazuddin2*, Imtiaz Ali Shah1, Abdur Raziq1, Subhan Ullah3 and Arsalan Ali Shah1

...corded twice daily while its composition were checked through milk analyzer twice a week. Mean daily production of milk among three groups was significantly (p<0.05) different, however highest milk production (4.8±0.74 liter/day) was recorded for group B, followed by Control (3.6±0.51) and group C (2.4±0.71). Cows in group B produced higher (p<0.05) milk fat percent (5.83±0.107) while control and group C produced 4.98±0...
Aqsa Qayyum1*, Masooma Munir1, Saeeda Raza1, Mussarat Gillani1, Saima Kanwal1, Nouman Rashid1, Amer Mumtaz1, Naeem Safdar1, Zarmina Gillani2 levels and to check its suitability in biscuits through its rheological and qualitative study. Results indicated rheological parameters including water absorption, dough development time, dough stability, gluten content and falling no. values differed significantly (p < 0.01) among all the treatments of composite flour. Wet and dry gluten content decreased from 22.16 ± 1.58 ...
Masooma Munir1,2*, Aqsa Qayyum1, Saeeda Raza1, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui1, Amer Mumtaz1, Naeem Safdar1, Sahar Shible1, Sohaib Afzal3, Saiqa Bashir4
Asim Gulzar1,*, Ather Maqsood1, Munir Ahmed1, Muhammad Tariq1, Muhammad Ali2 and Rahmatullah Qureshi3
...ide host range known for its economic losses worldwide. Its ability to develop resistance to insecticides faster to identify alternates like biocontrol agents, plant extracts etc. In the present study the extract of Citrullus colocynthis in different solvents were evaluated on second instar larvae of H. armigera under laboratory studies for toxicity, sublethal and antifeedant effect. The result showed that ethanol based extract was the mos...
Aqsa Mehboob1, Noor Khan1,*, Usman Atiq1, Khalid Javed Iqbal2, Rafia Tayyab1, Syeda Suhaira Batool1, Hafiza Saleha Batool1, Sana Amjad1 and Mehwish Tanveer1 
...eek at the rate of 4% of its body weight twice a day. Results showed significant (P≤0.05) higher growth performance among the three treatment groups. Highest weight gain (5.07±0.72g), increase in total length (24.25±4.31 mm) was observed in T2. Better feed conversion ratio (FCR) 1.8 and specific growth rate 1.4 were observed in T1. Proximate analysis revealed significant differences (P≤0.05) among treatments and contro...

 Zabih Ullah*, H. Rahman and Niaz Muhammad

... maturity and related traits in the geographical location of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The experiment was conducted at The University of Agriculture, Peshawar during the cropping season of 2016. Randomized complete block design was used, having two replications and 35 genotypes, comprised of 33 hybrids and two local checks. Data were recorded on days to 50% tasseling, days to 50% anthesis, days to 50% silking, anthesis silking interval, plant height and ear eight. A...
Rehmat Ullah1*, Kalim Ullah2, Inam Ullah3, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan1 and Asif Nawaz1 
...ion, frequency of FAs visits, accessibility of FAs office and establishment of demonstration have highly significant association with provision of new knowledge at (P≤0.01) level of probability. Analysis of variance confirms that most of the farmers with more than 20 hectare land visit the offices of FAs more frequently. Rank Based Quotient technique depicted that the top priority problem identified in the study area was the scarcity of extension staff. It ...

Sanjukta Chakrabarti1, Colin J. Barrow2, Rupinder K. Kanwar3, Venkata Ramana1*, Rakesh N. Veedu4,5 and Jagat R. Kanwar3* (VEGF) protein and its family of ligands and receptors (VEGFRs). Survival, proliferation, migration and invasion of endothelial cells which give rise to the vascular network, is mediated through VEGF/VEGFR activation of the signal transduction pathways. Thus blocking VEGF is an efficient strategy for blocking tumor angiogenesis. Several anti-VEGF drugs have been developed over the last two decades and some are still at different development stages of pre...
Mahmood-Ul-Hassan*, Naeem Fiaz, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassir and Muhammad Yasin
... popular in Pakistan for its better economic benefits however harvesting schedule of plant crop is essential since low temperature severely effects the sprouting of subsequent ratoon in cane growing areas. A field study was conducted on loamy soil during 2011-2013 at Sugarcane Research Institute (SRI), Faisalabad to explore the ratooning ability of five sugarcane varieties/clones under varying harvesting dates of plant crop ...
Naheed Bano* and Muhammad Afzal
...est fish among carps but its production is less than other species due to its slow growth and high mortality due to unavailability of suitable diet especially at juveniles stage. This study focus on the healthy production with low cost by using sunflower meal to some extent replace fish meal. In this 3× 3 factorial and completely randomized design study 324 fish were used. The acidification levels were (0, 1.5 and 3%) ...

Abbas Ullah Jan1, Muhammad Fayaz1*, Yousaf Hayat2, Dawood Jan3 and Ghaffar Ali3 

...ds to increase in all fruits, apple, banana and citrus with increase in household income for urban households. For rural households with increase in household income, quantity elasticity of all the fruits tends increase with the exception of grapes where it decreases and remains constant in dates. The estimated quality elasticities reveal that both the urban and rural households purchase higher quality fru
Shengyan Su, Zaijie Dong*, Wenbin Zhu, Lanmei Wang and Jianjun Fu 
...el cross-breeding due to its similarity with high growth speed in the later period for common carp Cyprinus carpio L cross-breeding. A compensatory index matrix for 3×3 full diallel cross combinations used for selection was built to investigate compensatory like growth of each combination. Yes/No(Y/N) effect was determined for specific combination dyads, which there were significant differences in body weight at tagging, but no difference in body ...
Saba Manzoor1,*, Ali Raza Awan1, Abdul Wajid1, Sehrish Firyal1, Muhammad Tayyab1, Muhammad Mansha2, Asim Khalid Mahmood3, Abu Saeed Hashmi1 and Muhammad Wasim1,*
...pes of animal origin has its pivotal role in diagnosis, prognosis and comparative studies. c-Myc gene was selected to study the mutation and expression profiling of different canine and feline tumors due to its predetermined role in tumor pathogenesis. A total of 52 tumor and normal samples were examined, among these, 40 canine and 12 feline samples were analyzed using Sanger sequencing method and RT-qPCR for the muta...
Talat Bilal Yasoob and Nasir Ali Tauqir* 
...were distributed in 18 units having 10 chicks each according to completely randomized design. Feed consumption, weight gain and feed conversion ratio (FCR) were significantly (P<0.05) improved in broilers fed all the experimental diets as compared to control during starter and finisher phases. A quadratic response was also observed on the performance of broilers during starter phase. However, a linear effect was seen for feed consumption during finis...

Amjad Ali1*, Sher Aslam Khan2, Abid Farid2, Ayub khan2, Shah Masaud Khan2 and Naushad Ali2 

...indicating that these traits could be selected in the improvement of crop yield. Genetic gain was higher for cane length (36.53 cm), plant height (31.84 cm) and number of tillers (12.98 tillers per 9 m2). Number of tillers (rg=0.96, rp =0.83), plant height (rg =0.95, rp = 0.81), cane length (rg =0.90, rp = 0.76), number of nodes (rg =0.79, rp = 0.67), internodes length (rg =0.80, rp =0.74) and number of millablecane (rg =0.96, rp = 0.87) exhibited highly signi...

Arshad Iqbal1*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1 and Muhammad Sharif Kakar

...ity for various plant traits during crop season 2014-15 at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar. The randomized complete block design with three replications was used in the experiment. Data were recorded on yield and some other important plant traits like days to heading (days), days to maturity (days), flag leaf area (cm2), spike length (cm), grains spike-1 (no.), grains weight spike-1 (g), biological yield (kg ha-1) an...

Sikandar Hayat, Khalid Usman* and Muhammad Tahir Amin 

...nd yield contributing traits. Row spacing and N application methods interaction showed that zero tillage wheat had the optimum wheat yield (5352 kg ha-1) when grown at 30 cm row spacing and fertilized with N placement method. The overall results indicated that N placement method along with 30 cm row spacing is quite feasible in zero tillage wheat having no clogging problem to wheat seeder besides higher yield (5352 kg ha-1) and economic return as evident from ...
Jiandong Wu, Miao Ye and Zaigui Wang*
...ties was analyzed in rabbits by feeding experiment. Firstly, the high extraction yield (5.32 mg·g-1) of total flavonoids were obtained under the optimal extraction conditions, which are 80°C for 3 h with corn silk over 60% ethanol ratio of 1:30. Then, the AB-8 resin was selected for the purification of flavonoids due to the higher static adsorption and adsorption capacity than other resins. The optimum conditions for purifying flavonoids ...
Boran Karataş, Muhammed Arabaci and Şükrü Önalan*
...0-50% stocking rates and its effects on food utilization and to determine the results with respect to aquaculture. Stocking was conducted in 5 different ratios in the study and each different stocking ratio was considered as a group and 24 fish were used in each group. Study groups were named based on stocking ratio percentages as G, K, G75K25, G66K34 and G50K50 and the study lasted 80 days. When the growth parameters in polycultures of rainbow trout and brown...
Jianping Li1, Qian Jiang2, Wei Chen2, Yumei Li3, Huaizhi Jiang4, Jinlong Huo5 and Qiaoling Zhang2*
... the KIT gene and its protein ingoats of different fur colors. The effect of KIT mutations on KIT protein expression was examined in white cashmere and black cashmere goats. A single A→G missense mutation in exon 13 differentiated cashmere goats with different colors. Only a histidine (H)→arginine (R) amino acid (AA) change was detected at KIT exon 13 in both the white cashmere goat and the black cashmere goat. Moreover, c...
Amtul Jamil Sami1,*, Madeeha Khalid1, Rehman Shehzad1, Sana Mughal1 and A.R. Shakoori2 
...sue during pregnancy and its release during pregnancy accounts for increased mammogenesis. Bubaline placenta was obtained and processed for extraction of extracellular proteins at pH 9.5 using Tris-Glycine buffer. Placental lactogen was purified by gel filtration chromatography using Sephadex-G100 and ion exchange chromatography on DEAE- Sepharose, employing a linear salt gradient. SDS-PAGE was used to monitor the purification steps, and protein band was locat...
Saba Khalid*, Muhammad Saddique Awan, Riaz Aziz Minhas, Nasra Ashraf, Khawaja Basharat Ahmed, Nuzhat Shafi and Sajid Abassi of Rawalakot city and its surrounding was studied from March 2006 to February 2007. The study area is situated in the center of district Poonch. For the convenience of data collection the study area was divided into six study sites; systematic surveys were conducted at each site. Direct sighting and indirect evidences were collected from all these sites. Seventy eight bird species were recorded that belonged to 34 families and 11 orders. Passeriformes was t...

Muhammad Anas1, Abdul Jabbar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar2*, Raza Ullah1, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar3, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Sohail Latif5 

...crop as was indicated by its higher values of competitive ratio and positive sign of aggressivity. However, on the basis of land equivalent ratio, maximum yield advantage was recorded in in 4 sunflower plants m-2 + 30 mungbean plants m-2 intercropping system. These results suggested that farmers may adopt 6 sunflower plants m-2 + 30 mungbean plants m-2 in intercropping system for increased productivity and economic return. 

Sher Khan Panhwar1,2,3, Zhou Yong Dong1,4,*, Gao Tianxiang1,3, Wang Ping5, Han Zhiqiang1, Wang Zhongming1,4 and Wang Yang1,4
Jing Xin Mao1,2, Guo Wei Wang2, Yuan She Huang3, Rui Wang2, Guo Ze Wang4, Bing Zeng1 and Fu Yuan Zuo1,* endotoxin by means of its antibiotic and endotoxin neutralizing and disposing functions. BPI has several biological functions in mammals such as human, bovine, pig and rabbit, it also has major influence in the natural defense of the animal body. In this paper, by comparative study on BPI gene expression in various tissues between Rongchang pig and Landrace, we confirmed the expression of pig BPI gene in various tissues to determine the difference expressio...
Pei-feng Yin1,2,Xiu-xiu Li1,Qi-wei Zeng3, Cheng-chen Shen1, Le Gao1 andJian-zhang Ton2,*
...s that mulberry young fruits can regulate the expression levels of multiple proteins to reply popcorn disease and these pathogenesis-related proteins provide valuable information to further study the pathogenesis of popcorn disease and disease-resistant molecular breeding in mulberry.
LX Ye1,2, JX Wang1,2,*, P Li1,2 and XT Zhang1,2 is little known about its distribution in the testes of the African ostrich. In the present study, the distribution and morphological characteristics of ghrelin-immunopositive (ghrelin-ip) cells in the testes of African ostrich were investigated using immunohistochemistry. The testes of African ostrich consisted of a capsule and parenchyma. The capsule was divided into three annular layers, and the parenchyma consisted of tubular compartments and interstiti...

Shaista Naz* and Noor Paio Khan 

...tock is important due to its multidimensional contributions at the household level. To highlight the contributions of livestock at household level the present study is conducted in Mohmand Agency of Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) of Pakistan. The study used a dataset of 323 households collected through face to face interviews from women respondents. The collected data were analysed using descriptive statistics, percentages and rank orders. The resu...

Muhammad Asad1, Safdar Ali1, Muhammad Ramzan Ansar2, Ijaz Ahmad3*, Muhammad Suhaib4 and Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar5 

...e noted after 25 days of its spray. Wheat growth parameters like plant height, number of tillers per m2, spike length and number of spikelets per spike remained statistically at par among various treatments. Significantly higher number of fertile tillers (172), Plant height (93.83 cm), spike length (7.4 cm) were noted with Wheat Star @ 370.5 g ha−1. Although treatments did not differ significantly with respect to wheat grain and biological yields, yet th...

Ehtisham Shakeel Khokhar1*, Amir Shakeel1, Muhammad Amir Maqbool1, Muhammad Waheed Anwar1, Zoraiz Tanveer1 and Muhammad Fahad Irfan2 

... significance for all traits except fiber fineness. The mean performance of F1 populations were better than parents. Maximum GCV was recorded for number of monopodial branches followed by number of sympodial branches and seed cotton yield. High broad sense heritability estimates were reported for seed cotton yield and all yield contributing traits except fiber quality with high response to selection. High heritability with g...
Semra Benzer1,* and Recep Benzer2
...t Lake well accommodates itself to the ecologic features of the environment and so its growth features are similar to the values of other water systems.

Imtiaz Ahmed, Muhammad Abbas Khan, Noorullah Khan, Naveed Ahmed, Abdul Waheed, Fazal Yazdan Saleem, Sajjad Khan and Sohail Aslam 

...ence of rust disease and its severity, yield and yield components. Plants with 10 cm spacing had more disease incidence and severity (79 and 55.66% respectively). Plants with 20 cm spacing had more Bulb weight (99.33 g), Bulb diameter (67.33 mm), clove weight (11.65g) and no of cloves per bulb (12.5); whereas taller plants (54 cm) and maximum bulb yield of 12.85 t ha-1 was recorded in those plots planted with 10 cm spacings. While the highest unite price of Rs...

Bibi Haleema1*, Abdur Rab1 and Syed Asghar Hussain2 

...plant-1 (177), number fruits plant-1 (67.78) were recorded with foliar spray of B at 0.25%, while maximum leaf area was found at 0.5% B. Comparing the means for Zn concentrations, maximum plant height (86.53 cm), number of primary (2.53) and secondary (6.42) branches, leaves plant-1 (167), leaf area (63.33 cm2), and fruit per plant (63.78) were higher with 0.5% foliar Zn application. The interaction between Ca, B and Zn also showed significant results for most...
Quang Minh Dinh
..., but little is known on its population parameters. This study was carried out at downstream of Hau River in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam to provide fundamental information on the population biology of T. vagina based on length-frequency distribution analysis of 1,527 individuals. The male to female T. vagina ratio was not significantly different within and between seasons, and the parameters of the von Bertalanffy curve of this fish were given as <...
Shumaila Ashfaq1, Liaqat Ali2*, Muhammad Ashraf Zia2, Rizwan Ahmad Khan2 and Mehtash Butt3
...caesarean section due to its safety than general anaesthesia. Post dural puncture headache (PDPH) is commonly occurring problem associated with spinal anaesthesia and causes a considerable morbidity. PDPH depends on several factor and various methods have been used to reduce and treat the pain of PDPH. We evaluated effects of hydrocortisone on the treatment of PDPH in obstetrical patient.To compare mean decrease in Visual Analogue Scalepain score in patients w...
Anan Kenthaoand Pornpimol Jearranaiprepame*
...ify fishery management units of C. apogon from six populations of three different river drainages: Pong, Chi, and Mun Rivers. Thirty-two truss measures and standard length were obtained using digital calliper from 291 fish individuals, and raw measured data were then subjected to allometric equation to remove size-dependent variation prior further statistical analyses. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) indicated highly significant differences i...
Aqsa Imtiaz and Abdul Rehman*
...terial cells, suggesting its role in degrading feather. B. subtilis BML5 can be used to overcome the poultry wastes based environmental pollution and keratinase could be used to improve feather meal digestibility in animal feed as an additive.
Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,2, Abdul Majid Khan1,*, Ghazala Roohi3 and Muhammad Akhtar1
...ds of these Siwalik deposits is early Miocene-early middle Miocene (29%), middle Miocene (20%), late Miocene-early Pliocene (15%), early Pliocene-late Pliocene (26%) and late Pliocene-early Pleistocene (10%). Prevalence of enamel hypoplasia indicates the existence of stress episodes and percentage displays the comparative intensity of these stresses in the Neogene and Quaternary period of the Siwalik region. These stress episodes are due to the climatic, veget...
Pan Hong, Ruonan Li, Yumeng Li, Hainan Lan* and Xin Zheng*
...function of pGH based on its subcellular localization.
Muhammad Saqlain1, Humaira Kalsoom1, Muhammad Fiaz1,2, Abid Mahmood1, Rizwan Aziz Qazi4 ,Waseem Safdar5, Pakeeza Arzoo Shaiq1,Bernard M.Y. Cheung3 and Ghazala Kaukab Raja1,*
...lymorphism with MetS and its risk components was studied in a local Pakistani population. MetS subjects and controls were recruited from out-patient departments of Pakistani hospitals. Ala54Thr genotyping of 200 MetS patients and 200 healthy controls was performed using a PCR-RFLP. Genotype and allele frequencies were calculated and computed for genetic associations presented as odds ratios (ORs) with a threshold of p≤0.05 to determine statistical significa...

Rafiullah*, Muhammad Jamal Khan and Dost Muhammad 

... and root [P] as well as its total uptake by wheat seedlings also showed several times increase over control. Further increase beyond 144 mM KH2PO4 though did not show any adverse effect and was no better than lower P levels. It is concluded from the present study that [P] applied as foliar spray up to 144 mM KH2PO4 could be an effective way to enhance the plant growth in P deficient condition and application without any detrimental effect on wheat crop. ...
Muhammad Siraj-ud-Din1,2, Riaz Aziz Minhas1, Usman Ali3,*, Mayoor Khan2, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Nuzhat Shafi1 and Basharat Ahmad1
...with 41.87% evidences of its presence followed by alpine meadows/alpine scrub zone (21.14%), sub-alpine scrub zone (13.41%), and dry temperate coniferous forests (8.54%). On the other hand, agricultural lands (3.24%) and dry alpine zone/permanent snowfield (3.66%) were the least preferred habitats of urial in Gilgit Baltistan. Thirty-six (36) plant species were recorded to be consumed by the Ladakh urial in Gilgit Baltistan. Ladakh urial used Artemisia mari...
Hayat Badshah1, Farman Ullah1, Paul-André Calatayud2, Hidayat Ullah3 and Bashir Ahmad1
...y polyphagous pest of fruits, vegetables, crops and ornamentals in Pakistan. Biological control approach by using Aenasius bambawalei Hayat(Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) has been developed recently to control this pest. However, the efficiency of this parasitoid is variable according to the locality and the plants on which P. solenopsis is feeding. In this context, this experiment investigated under field and laboratory conditions the influence...
Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1,*, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Kiran Aftab2, Ayesha Riaz3, Abdul Ghaffar4 and Muhammad Akhtar1
...Pliocene age of the deposits. The findings expand our knowledge on the dental anatomic features of the described species that existed in the Middle Siwalik Subgroup during the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene.
Saleh S. Alhewairini1,* and Mahmoud M. Al-Azzazy1,2
...s could also sustain its population on treated and/or dead T. urticae, under laboratory and greenhouse conditions. Statistically, the difference between laboratory and greenhouse conditions was insignificant (P > 0.5, using F-test Graphpad prism 7). Up to 3000 ppm of Huwa-San TR50 reduced the population of N. cucumeris by 11.83 and 17.66% under greenhouse and laboratory conditions, respectively. However, 4000 ppm of Huwa-San TR50 reduced t...
Xiaoting Zhang1,2, Jiaxiang Wang1,2,*, Peng Li1,2,* and Lixun Ye1,2
...), little is known about its distribution in the lung of the African ostrich. To provide the morphological basis of ghrelin function in the African ostrich lung, the distribution and morphological characteristics of ghrelin-ip cells were investigated using immunohistochemistry. The results indicate that the lung of African ostrich was composed of interstitial tissue and parenchyma. The interstitial tissue formed a layer of serosa on the surface of the lung. Th...
Bian Xunguang1,2, Li Jiancheng1, Xu Chu1 and Yang Li2,3,4,*
...ant role in animals, and its role is mainly via androgen receptor (AR) to achieve. In this paper, the expression of AR mRNA in various parts of the oviduct was analyzed by qPCR. Oviductal structure was observed by H&E staining. The distribution of AR in the cells was detected by immunohistochemistry. The results showed that the expression of AR mRNA was found in the infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina of the oviduct. The expression of the AR m...
Rana Fartab Shoukat1, Shoaib Freed1,*, Kanwar Waqas Ahmad1 and Ateeq-ur-Rehman2
...of C. pipiens and its progeny (P<0.05). The insect pathogenic fungi showed compatibility with insecticides and the combined application can improve the management program of C. pipiens.
Muhammad Nabeel,1,* Humayun Javed1 and Tariq Mukhtar2
...he information regarding its distribution is lacking therefore, its incidence and prevalence was determined in seven major maize growing districts of Punjab during 2016. The maximum overall incidence of maize borer (12%) was recorded in Khanewal district followed by Multan (6%) while it was the minimum (1%) in district Okara. On the other hand, maximum prevalence of maize borer was observed in district Vehari (100%) followed...

Safdar Ali1*, Ghulam Abbas Shah1, Muhammad Naveed Tahir1, Shahid Mehmood2, Asim Gulzar3 , Ijaz Ahmad4 and Bashir Ahmad Khan5 

... GH)while soil porosity, its productivity and wheat economical yield in rainfedagriculture can be enhance by once mould board plowing following 4 cultivations with planker (1 MBP + 4 CS). However, further long term investigations are recommended tostudy the dynamics of conserved soil moisture under conservation tillage system.


Naila Riaz1 , Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2* , Khizar Samiullah3 efficient compared to its topical treatment with same doses of treatment.



Warda Fatima1 , Shahida Hasnain1 , Saqib Mahmood2 test is available for its diagnosis. It is considered one of the most costlydisease in terms of diagnosis and treatment. Its heritability content is considered to be up to 80% but still it isunknown whether it’s a pure genetic disease. It is considered a polygenic multifactorial condition where both genes and environment have roles in disease development. In the present study we selected a family withmultiple schizophrenic patients and have identified...

Naeem Iftikhar1, Qamar Zaman Qamar2, Usman Ali3, Muhammad Siddique Awan4, Syeda Shaista Bibi4, Riaz Aziz Minhas4*

...long with declaration of its potential habitats as protected area to ensure the further survival of this important species.


 Maleeha Manzoor1*, Madiha Manzoor2, Qurat-ul-ain Ahmed3, Sobia Ahmed4, Shazia Manzoor5

...atus and poor dietary habits showed high risks of anemia among the pregnant women.


 Asma Akhtar, Abdul Rehman

...ert toxic tellurite into its elemental form from the contaminated sites.


Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1, Khanum Zahra2, Arooj Zaheer2, Khizar Samiullah3

... is important because of its maximum mechanical strength, biocompatibility and biodegradability, pore filling ability and very low immunogenicity. In this review structure and types of silk producing gland, spinning process, chemistry of spider silk fiber, mechanical properties and applications of silk in health, military industry and many other fields is discussed. Its antifungal and antimicrobial potentials are also explored. Researchers are trying to introd...

Malak Atiq Ullah Khan* and Fida Mohammad 

...ficant for almost all traits. Significant GEI suggested that the performance of genotypes was not consistent across environments, revealing strong influence of environments. Generally, GEI explained major portion of total variation and thus had larger effect than G and E on the expression of phenotype for all traits. Average over nine environments, genotype G-79 exhibited maximum values for tillers m-2 (181 tillers); grains ...

Farah Rauf Shakoori, Momina Shokat, Faiza Saleem and Tanzeela Riaz

... commercially because of its high stability at elevated temperatures and in alkaline conditions. The present study was aimed to isolate and screen xylanase producing bacteria and to optimize cultural conditions for maximum production of enzyme from locally isolated bacteria and to optimize the assay conditions under which enzyme possessed maximum activity. Two bacterial isolates XPB-GS02 and XPB-CW01 with maximum activity ratio showed 18.3 and 12.2 U/ml xylana...

Phong Huy Pham*

...a total of two stings in its abdomen segments are used by D. esuriens. The first sting aims at the sixth segment and the second at the seventh segment. The total time of catching the prey is about four minutes. A green worm, one of mainly insect pests on sesban, is one of the preferred prey of D. esuriens. 

Yakut Gevrekçi* and Çiğdem Takma
...(EP) and some related traits by decision tree analysis with Classification and Regression Tree (CART) and Chi-squared Automatic Interaction Detection (CHAID) algorithms. A total of 1912 EP records of layers which hatched at four different periods were collected from a commercial flock in west of Turkey. The analysis performed with cathegorical (cage and line) and continuous (hatch, age at sexual maturity and body weight of sexual maturity) predictors and a con...
Saara Ahmad1,*, Iftikhar Ahmed2, Saida Haider3, Zehra Batool3, Fatima Ahmed4, Saiqa Tabassum3,6, Syeda Madiha3, Tahira Perveen3 and Saad Bilal Ahmed5
...aked current days due to its incredible taste and low cost. However, to meet the increasing demand the chickens are reared commercially through feeds and battery cages allowing maximum weight gain and growth in considerably less time. The constituents that are fed to chickens concentrate in the flesh and bring deleterious health outcomes on the consumers. The ill effects account for hyper-lipidemias and imbalance in the steroidal sex hormones may result in the...
Tania Ahmed Shakoori1,*, Muhammad Saqib Saeed2, Asif Hanif2, Saima Mukhtar3 and Ayesha Ghauri4 number of hospital visits for exacerbations per year, smoking history, family history of smoking related chronic lung disease in first degree relatives and presence of comorbidities were recorded from patient history and medical records. Body mass index was calculated and complete pulmonary function tests were recorded using electronic spirometer. Three multiple linear regression models were created with mid maximal expiratory flow, FEV1, and FVC as surroga...

Muhammad Zahid1*, Muhammad Ather Javed Khan2, Muhammad Idrees3 and Ahmad Kamran Khan4 

...tries are depending upon its yield. Our per acre cotton yield is still far behind than the developed countries. Integrated pest management project was launched in Punjab and run by agriculture extension department. Farmer Field Schools were formed at each village level. Present study was designed to evaluate the role of integrated pest management for cotton production technologies by the registered growers of Hasilpur, Punjab. In order to collect this informat...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan and Said Alam, flowering time of fruits trees, biodiversity and livestock’s. Respondents were selected randomly but priority was given to elders and those possess land and practice agriculture. The study reveals that majority of the respondents are well aware of climate change and its effects on cropping calendar, crop variety, crop yield, crop diseases as well as an earlier blossoming of fruit trees. The respondents in all the f...

Muhammad Tariq1*, Muhammad Khawar Hussain1, Zilakat Khan Malik2 and Noor Jehan1 

... technical efficiency limits of 0.42% to 0.98% respectively. Moreover out of 382 the technical efficiency of 178 farmers was more than 90%. Furthermore, farmers with more years of schooling, greater age, smaller farm size, greater experience and obtained credit were having 82%, 83%, 83%, 87% and 84% technical efficiency respectively. The study results suggested that’ education, training and credit availability can play a significant role in increasing th...
Lowell Gustafson
...ncludes a view of God as its author or co-author. I quibble at a number of points: (1) big historians and some scientists see meaning in nature and history despite Peters’ claim to the contrary; (2) even though most big historians are atheists or agnostics they are still interested in religion because they want to know why people believe what they do; and (3) it is a mark of hubris or pride that a religious person (or even a scientist) would claim total ...

Waqas Liaqat1, Mohammad Akmal1* and Jawad Ali 

...n Pakistan. Nonetheless, its yield is low with almost half of the national average in the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province. The study aims to find outoptimum sowing time for a suitable variety (OPV or hybrid) in Peshawar. Field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar during summer 2016. Experiment was a randomized complete block with split plots in three replications. Factor one was sowing dates (June 18, 30, July ...

Muhammad Zamin* and Abdul Mateen Khattak 

... Sporobolus spicatus and its suitability as turf grass needed to be assessed for conservation and to combat salinity problem. For this purpose, various ecotypes of Sporobolus spicatus were investigated by conducting mowing tests in the year 2013 under UAE climatic conditions. Fifty ecotypes of Sporobolus spicatus were cut at various heights, i.e. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 cm. Significant differences were found among various ecotypes and mowing heights for different gro...

Syed Asif Imran Shah1*, Shah Jehan Khan2, Kalim Ullah1 and Obaid Ullah Sayal

...eld and fibre quality traits using principle component analysis. The experiment was carried out at Cotton Research Station, Deara Ismail Khan, Pakistan during 2014-15. The triplicated randomized complete block design was followed and attributes of interest were plant height, monopodia plant-1, sympodia plant-1, bolls plant-1, plant population, seed index, boll weight, lint index, staple length, lint %, fibre fineness,staple strength, uniformity ratio and seed ...
Muhammad Abubakar,1,2,* Aamer Bin Zahur,1,3 Khalid Naeem1,3, Muhammad Azeem Khan1,3 and Subhan Qureshi
David P. Hunt
... a substantial overview, itself worth the price of admission, written specially for the book.

Aqsa Waqar1, Sahir Hameed Khattak2, Sania Begum2*, Tayyaba Rehman1, Rabia1, Armghan Shehzad2, Wajya Ajmal2, Syeda Shahdana Zia2, Iqra Siddiqi2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali2* 

Aneeza Jamshed1* and Syed Amir Gillani2 

...ledge about hepatitis C, its source of transmission (contaminated syringes) and its secondary prevention. Only 3% knew that it can be prevented. About 61% thought that it is a disease of adults. Only 21.1% students thought it can be cured. In post awareness assessment after 3 sessions of interactive learning, 92% students understood the prevention of hepatitis C disease, its transmission (...

Uzma Zahid career aspiration and its three subscales (leadership, achievement, educational) and their relationship with life-satisfaction in final year medical school students of both genders. This cross-sectional study was carried out in final year students of a medical college in Rawalpindi, Pakistan using 24 items revised English Version of Career Aspiration Scale (CAS) and 5 items Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). This study was conducted on total 88 final year...

Fazal Ullah1*, Muhammad Sajid1, Syeda Leeda Gul2, Bibi Zainub1 and Maaz Khan

...rkhana-I sweet orange fruits. The fruits of sweet orange having hot water dipping time of 15 minutes showed the maximum fruit juice content (51.07%), volume (141.94 ml), firmness (2.41, acidity (1.50%) and ascorbic acid (34.50%). The storage durations also had significant effects on the quality attributes of sweet orange. However the maximum fruit volume (160.25 ml), juice content (57.00%), firmness (2.89 kg cm-2), ...
Muhammad Hafeez-ur-Rehman1,Farzana Abbas2,Ghulam Abbas3,*, Arshad Javid4, Ali Hussain4, Syedah Andleeb5,Khalid Javed Iqbal6 and Muhammad Akmal1


...rmation of broodfish and its eggs. There were three treatments (T1, T2 and T3) and a control with three replicates in each group. Control group was exclusively fed on natural food composed of tilapia fry while fish in T1 was fed on 30%, T2 on 35% and T3 on 40% protein diet, respectively. A total of 240 Channa marulius (945 g) were arbitrarily stocked in 12 earthen ponds (90 ft × 70 ...
Kashif Prince1,*, M. Sarwar Khan1, Muhammad Ijaz1, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Asad Ali2, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Nisar Ahmad3,Rais Ahmed2, Aamerzish Mushtaq4, Sajid Umar4 and Yung-Fu Chang5
...status in association of its risk factors in cattle and buffaloes of district Kasur, Punjab. Selenium status was evaluated by Atomic Absorptions Spectrophotometery (AAS) with respect to sex of animals, geographical area, age of animals, herd size, stage of animals, production level and concentrate feeding. Selenium deficiency was also evaluated as a risk factor of mastitis and repeat breeding. About 48.43% cattle and 72.39% buffaloes were found positive in sel...
Justyna Batkowska1,*, Lukasz Wlazlo2, Kamil Drabik1, Bozena Nowakowicz-Debek2, Karrar I.A. Al-Shammari3 and Magdalena Gryzinska1
... 17.5 days of incubation its results were evaluated. Chicks were reared for 14 days and their livability and body weight gains were registered. The effectiveness of grapefruit juice as a disinfectant for hatching eggs was noticed in terms of reducing the development of microflora on the eggshell. Its use did not directly affect the hatching results and chick quality, however, they were similar to control groups, what may confirm possible use of GT juice as an ...
Alim-un-Nisa1*, Sajila Hina1, Sania Mazhar1, Imran Kalim1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Naseem Zahra1, Shahid Masood1, Muhammad Khalid Saeed1, Qurat-ul-Ain Syed1 and Maida Asif2
...ric acid and determining its usefulness by applying on food products. Natural edible color was extracted from T. erecta gave lemon yellow color shade which when applied on candies increased the attractiveness. The spectrophotometric analysis at 474nm of extracted color both in crude form and in candies was found to be stable at 4oC and showed decay in mean lutein concentration at higher temperatures i.e. 25oC and 45oC. T...
Muhammad Naeem1, Bushra Sadia1,2,*, Faisal Saeed Awan1and Muhammad Anjum Zia3
...n important approach for its hyper production. In this connection, wild bacterial strain Streptococcus equisimilis was mutagenized using ethidium bromide and UV radiation. The colonies (15 each) showing > 1% survival rate at 150 min of UV exposure and 12 % survival at 0.5 mg/ml of ethidium bromide for 120 min were selected. Casein hydrolytic assay identified EB3, EB4, EB6, EB7, EB9, EB11, EB13, UV2, UV4, UV6, UV7, UV9, UV11, UV12 and UV 15 mutants pr...

Zahid Akram, Saif Ullah Ajmal, Ghulam Shabbir, Muhammad Munir and Nasir Mahmood Cheema

...fferent yield related traits estimated were spike length, number of spikelets spike-1, number of grains spike-1, 1000 grain weight and grain yield plant-1. The analysis of variance depicted that 56 F1 and their parents were significantly different for all the parameters. Uniformity of Wr-Vr over arrays as well as significant deviation of regression coefficient (b) from unity confirmed the suitability of additive-dominance model to account for the data analysis...

Ata-ul-Mohsin*, Ehsan-ul-Haq** and Muhammad Naeemullah* dirhodum (Walker) and its parasitoid Aphidius rhopalosiphi (De Steph.). High calcium and high phosphorus concentrations applied to a partially resistant wheat cultivar “Rapier” did not have a significant effect on the growth and development of the aphid or its parasitoid. However, the mean fecundity of the parasitoid was higher on plants with high phosphorus than those treated with high calcium concentrations....

Raania Ahsan* and Zafar Altaf**

...d of monopoly pricing of its seed in Pakistan. The area under illegal Bt cotton is 80 % with nearly 36 unapproved varieties. Most of these varieties are Cotton leaf curl virus susceptible, poor in fiber quality and high input demanding unapproved varieties. Almost all these varieties employed Monsanto Cry1Acgene (MON 531) as it was not patented in Pakistan. A positive development was approval of Monsanto plan to introduce advanced genetically modified (GM) cro...

Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai and Samina Khalil* within permissible limits except one bread sample from I-9 and one cake sample from G-7 in which coliform count was higher than the permissible limit.


Golam Moula* and Sayedur Rahman**

... is necessary to explore its viable potentiality at the field level.


Khalid Mahmood Aujla, Sajida Taj*, Khalid Mahmood** and Nadeem Akmal*

...Research Council through its satellite institutes in the provinces. Total 238 wheat growers were purposively selected from different cropping zones of the Punjab province as sample of the national survey. The survey results reveal that decline in wheat area, the incidence of frost/cold spells, shortage of irrigation water over normal supplies, imbalanced use of fertilizers particularly of DAP fertilizer below the recommended doses, higher prices of inputs such...

 Z. A. Soomro, M.B. Kumbhar, A.S. Larik*, M. Imran** and S.A. Brohi***

...ifferent quantitative traits is important in determining the effectiveness of selection. In this study the potential effectiveness of selection in parents and their F2 and F3 progenies of Gossypium hirsutum for plant height, sympodia/ plant, bolls/plant, boll weight, seed index and seed cotton yield/plant was determined. It was found that all the populations alongwith parents differed significantly (P < 0.01) and exhibited genetic variability among the geno...

 Muhammad Asim, Muhammad Asif, Muhammad Munir* and Muhammad Aslam**

...ars: cv. Williams-82 and its hypernodulating mutant, NODI-3. There was a significant difference in the percent uptake of 3H-ABA between the two varieties both in inoculated and uninoculated plants. A marked difference in the percent distribution of 3H-ABA between different parts of the plants was observed at different developmental phases of root nodules. Leaves of NODI-3 retained more radioactivity as compared to Williams-82 in inoculated as well as uninocula...

Hassnain Shah, Hina Riaz, Nadeem Akmal , Muhammad Sharif* and Abdul Majid**

...r three feed producing units were provided under Community Action for Livestock Development Project in Pakistan. From the technical and scientific points of view, the balance feed technology works reliably in improving livestock productivity. Breakeven Point, Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and Net Present Value (NPV) were calculated for investment appraisal of the feed mills. Assessment of the intervention based on the farmers’ perception regarding the ac...

 R. Hussain* and A. N. Naqvi**

...tive and reproductive traits. Somatometric measurements indicated the average height 70.41±0.837 cm vs. 57.91±0.342 cm, heart girth 83.58±0.628 cm vs. 70.42±0.702 cm and body length 78.18±0.355 cm vs. 70.10±2.160 cm in males vs. females of Gojali goat. The data on growth traits indicated the average birth weight, weaning weight and adult weight as 1.53±0.070, 7.04±0.17 ...

 Rahmat Ullah Khan, Abdur Rashid*, Mohammad Sohail Khan** and Erdogan Ozturk***

...tilizer and to determine its effect on the yield of rainfed wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L. cv. Naseer) at the research farm of Arid Zone Research Institute, Dera Ismail Khan during two successive winter seasons, 2007-08 and 2008-09. The treatments consisted of HA alone (3 kg ha-1 or 1.5 kg ha-1) and in combination with full (60:40 kg ha-1) and half (30:20 kg ha-1) the recommended rates of NP fertilizers. Results showed that in the first growing season (2007-...

 Abdullah Adil Ansari* and Kumar Sukhraj**

...ntrol by 64.27 %. The fruits have a greater percentage of fats and protein content in VW+VC when compared with those grown with chemical fertilizers by 23.86% and 19.86%, respectively. The combination treatment [VW+VC] also have a significant influence on the biochemical characteristics of the soil with marked improvement in soil micronutrients. The combination treatment [VW+VC] was found better suggesting qualitative improvement in the physical and chemical p...

 Nadeem Akmal, Hassnain Shah*, Muhammad Azam Niazi** and Waqar Akhtar* convinced of the benefits of crosses with Beetal buck and reported that the offsprings Beetal were of higher body weight (40% higher), good looking and well built. Regarding the suitability of Beetal with fodder and forage in the area, majority of the farmers (73%) considered it more suitable. There was a price difference of Rs. 1277 for male kids and Rs. 697 for female kids of the same age than the kids from local buck crosses. The farmers believed that th...

 Oguz Bilgin, Kayihan Z. Korkut, Alpay Balkan, and Ismet Baser*

...weight/spike. Maximum limits of heterosis over mid and better parent for spike length, spikelets/spike, grains/spike, spike density, grains/spikelets and spike harvest index were 8.77-8.14 (Svevo//GedxYav), 8.37-7.37 (Svevo//GedxYav), 74.71-57.06 (Kyzyltan91xZenit), 19.41-10.55 (Kyzyltan91//GedxYav), 72.41-57.23 (Kyzyltan91xIDSN209) and 23.29-18.74% (Kyzyltan91xIDSN 209), respectively. Kyzyltan91, Svevo and IDSN209 should be utilized to improve spike character...

Barkat Ali*, Muhammad Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah, Ghulam Shabbir** and Nasir Mahmood Cheema***

...ce of different plant traits in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Six genotypes viz., BJA-592, ACALA-SJ-4, 4-F, CP-15/2, CIM-497 and PB-899 were included in diallel crosses. Results revealed that over-dominance type of gene action was controlling the inheritance of monopodial and sympodial branches plant height number of bolls and boll weight. The line CP-15/2 possessed maximum dominant genes for monopodial branches, plant height and boll weight, BJA-592 ...

 Ghulam Shabbir*, Muhammad Aftab, Abid Mahmood** Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah* and Nasir Mahmood Cheema***

...e line was evaluated for its yield potential in various yield trials conducted at BARI, Chakwal from 1994 to 1998. Based on the desirable phenotypic traits and superior seed yield, SPS-5 was approved as a rapeseed variety “Chakwal Sarson” by the Punjab Seed Council in 2002 for general cultivation in the Punjab barani tract.


 M. Yasin Mirza, Mubashir A. Khan, M. Akmal, Akbar S. Mohmand, Malik S. Nawaz, Nazakat Nawaz and Najeeb Ullah*

...were high for all the traits during three years ranging from 63% for plant height and 97% for seed yield. High heritability pooled estimates of 89% for 1000-seed weight and seed yield ha-1 coupled with corresponding high estimates of genetic advance in percent of mean (17.23 and 18.33) for these traits indicated the predominance of additive gene effects. Mass selection based on these additively controlled tra

 Ashiq Saleem, Habib Iqbal Javed, Rashid Saleem,* Muhammad Ansar** and M. Amir Zia*

...h levels and increase in its number of split applications. The highest maize grain yield of 8014 kgha-1 was observed in plots where 120 kgha-1 of Potash was used in three splits. While minimum grain yield was recorded in control. In sorghum, maximum grain yield (4356 kgha-1 ) and stalk yield (13422 kgha-1 ) was recorded with the application of 120 kgha-1 of Potash with three splits. All th...

 Sarfraz Ahmad, Shaista Koukab, Nayyar Razzaq, Muhammad Islam, Aneel Rose*, and Muhammad Aslam**

...ngelands areas. However, its population is declining due to over-exploitation and un-controlled grazing. Traditionally these species are used for the treatment of fever and pain. Annual or German chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.), and perennial chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) are the most important species all over the world due to multipurpose uses. Field experiments were conducted at Arid Zone Research Centre, Quetta to evaluate the growth and production pot...

 Shazia Erum*, Muhammad Naeemullah, Shahid Masood** and Muhammad Irfan Khan*

...nce for morphological traits ranged from 3.60 to 7.26. Conversely on the basis of total seed proteins genetic distances ranged from 0.11 to 1.00. Due to greater genetic diversity in Ocimum germplasm and its suitability for commercial cultivation even in the area under small holdings, the investigation suggest its genetic as well as biochemical investigation for the production of commercial...

 Rahila Nazli, Tehmina Sohail, Bushra Nawab and Zahra Yaqeen*

... was used to investigate its antimicrobial activity against gram +ve and gram-ve bacteria. The study was also extended to some species of fungi. Results showed that the activity was more pronounced against gram +ve organisms and fungi. Maximum inhibition activity was calculated against all the groups of organisms, which was between 0.5 and 1mg ml-1 against bacteria and 2.5 mg ml-1 against fungi. It is therefore concluded that G. sepium provide a lead towards t...

 Zaheeruddin Mirani*and Aslam Memon**

...e in the market. Farm visits and result and method demonstration methods of technology transfer were perceived as effective methods of technology transfer. Farmers were able to increase the yields of their farm produce. However, the picture says that there is yield gap between the potential yield obtained by research scientists and yield obtained by the farmers. Farmers were of the opinion that both public and private extension should increase their timely vis...
Saba Rafique1,2,*, Khalid Naeem1, Naila Siddique1, Muhammad Athar Abbas1, Aamer Ali Shah2, Akbar Ali1, Abdul Rahim1 and Farooq Rashid1
...nd XcmI. On the basis of its distinct RFLP pattern from other known IBV vaccine strains, the isolate was named as KU145467_NARC/786_Pakistan_2013 (also named as Pak-786) was subjected to Spike gene sequencing covering the amino-terminus region of 01 to 974 base pairs. The S protein sequence was submitted to the GenBank with accession number KU145467. Phylogenetic grouping and maximum nucleotide sequence identity values were used to identify the isolate that lo...
Mustafa Sahin1,*, Esra Yavuz1 and Fatih Uckardes2
... interior egg quality traits using the Least Squares (LS), Ridge Regression (RR) and Principal Components Regression (PCR) methods. For this reason, eggs were collected from 20 to 24 weeks of age, non-selected and random-mated Japanese quails. In this study, we investigated the characteristics of egg external quality such as egg width (X1), egg length (X2), Haugh unit (X3), and shape index (X4). The impact of these v...
Umair Riaz*1, Zafar Abbas1, Qamar uz Zaman2, Muhammad Mubashir1, Mahwish Jabeen2, Syed Ali Zulqadar1, Zeenat Javeed1, Saeed-ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Ashraf1 and Muhammad Javid Qamar1 been made to evaluate its suitability for irrigation use. Water samples from different areas of the tehsil were collected and analysed for various physic-chemical properties like pH, electrical conductivity (EC), sodium adsorption ratio (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC), calcium (Ca++), magnesium (Mg++), sulfates (SO4-), carbonates (CO3-), bicarbonates (HCO3-), sodi...
Muhammad Kashif Maan1, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Muhammad Ijaz2, Hamid Akbar1, Sajid Umar 3 and Muhammad Luqman Sohail4,*
...ed in healthy female rabbits (n=16) undergoing ovariohysterectomy. One group of 8 rabbits was anesthetized with combination of xylazine (3mg/kg) and ketamine (10mg/kg, I/V), while the second group (n=8) was pre-anesthetized with xylazine, followed by treatment with isoflurane (4%) with oxygen flow rate of 1L/min. Rabbits administered with xylazine-ketamine anesthesia showed significant inc...

 Nazakat Nawaz, Malik Shah Nawaz*, Nasir M. Cheema** and Mubashir A. Khan*


...corded in any mustard traits. A positive correlation was recorded between seed yield -1 -1 and 1000-seed weight with the application of 5 kg Zn ha and 1.5 kg Fe ha in combination at the time of sowing. It can therefore be concluded that 100 % -1 seed yield of mustard variety BARD-1 increased at 5 Zn: 1.5 Fe kg ha as a -1 -1 result of increased pods plant , number of seeds pod and 1000-seed weight.


 Hidayatullah, T. Mahmood, M. Farooq, M. A. Khokhar and S.I. Hussain*

* Corresponding author:

...ced maximum number of fruits -1 -1 (22.24 plant ) and fruit weight (6.31 kg plant ). However, foliar spray with different combinations of ethrel did not improve yield and yield contributing attributes.


  Farhat Ullah Khan, Nowshad Khan and Zaibunnisa Abdullah*

Corresponding author: (This is part of Ph.D. work of senior author)

...ield losses of kinnow fruits have negative impact on socio-economic conditions of the majority respondents of the project area. Chi-square test also shows negative link of the kinnow fruits and socio-economic uplift of the farming community in the project area. Serious attention on scientific basis to yield losses through awareness and training of extension workers, can give economic benefits<...

 Javid Iqbal, Asghar Ali Mian, Tanveer Ahmad*, Shamsul Hassan** and Sohail Hassan Khan* 

...rformance of economic traits of four internationally reputed broiler strains, imported in Pakistan, under the local environmental and management conditions. A total of 360 day old chicks of four broiler strains (90 from each strain) were procured from the local hatcheries and designated as four treatments i.e., A (Hubbard), B (Arbor Acres), C (Ross 308) and D (Hybro PN). The chicks were raised under recommended rearing requirements for 7 weeks and the economic...

 Hassnain Shah, Muhammad Azeem Khan, Umar Farooq, Nadeem Akmal*, Shahid Munir and Bashir Hussain**

...e cost incurred and benefits realized by the farmers recorded through assessment survey revealed that the technology had a short payback period along with internal rate of return varying in the range of 25-37% under rainfed conditions and positive net present value. The farmers' perceptions revealed that the technology can solve the erosion problem along with 10-35% increase in crop yield and save repair and maintenance cost incurred on eroded lands. The techn...

 Muhammad Arifullah, Muhammad Munir*, Abid Mahmood**, Saifullah Khan Ajmal and Ghulam Shabbir*

...ility for most of the traits except plant height and siliqua length. UCD-8/4, KJ-119 and BRS-2 were good general combiners for yield related traits. A cross BRS-2 × UCD-8/4 showed best desired SCA for number of primary branches and siliquae per plant. S-9 × Canola Raya for siliqua length, Canola Raya × UCD-8/4 for number of seeds per siliqua, KJ- 119 × BRS-2, BARD-1 × NIFA Raya for 1000-seed wei...

 Mazher Abbas*, Tahir Mehmood**, Arshed Bashir*, Muneeb Zafar*** and Aneela Afzal****

ECONOMICS OF LALLEMANTIA ROYLEANA (TUKHAM-EBALANGOO) PRODUCTION IN THE LOW INTENSITY CROPPING ZONE OF THE PUNJAB, PAKISTAN vastly different from its Greek roots The study was conducted to assess the economics of medicinal crops in the low intensity cropping zone of Punjab. Therefore 80 respondents were taken from Karror Laal Eson and Layyah tehsil of Layyah in Punjab. Percent area allocated to Lallemantia royleana crop was comparatively higher at small farms as compared to medium and large farms. The study showed higher yield of L. royleana at large farms as compared to medium ...

 Khalid Mahmood Qureshi, Fakhar ul Hassan, Qamar ul Hassan, Usman Shaukat Qureshi, Saman Chughtai and Adnan Saleem*

... different vegetative traits i.e., plant height, number of leaves, leaf area, fresh and dry weights of leaves, crown size , root length and reproductive parameters i.e., number of trusses, number of flowers, number of fruits, fruit size, fruit weight and qualitative measures viz., total soluble solids, total sugars, ascorbic acid were found significantly higher under tunnel condition as compared to other cultivation systems....

 Parvez Khaliq*, Azim Malik**, Nasir Mahmood Cheema* and Muhammad Umair***

ECONOMICS OF WHEAT BASED CROPPING SYSTEMS IN RAINFED AREAS OF PAKISTAN, stable economic benefits and improvement in soil nutrients and organic matter over time.


 Muhammad Tariq*, Raja Muhammad Omer**, Muhammad Ashraf Mian*, Obaid Ur Rehman***, Amjad Tahir Virk and Kazim Abbass**

... the quality of seed and its availability in rainfed areas, which ultimately will increase the income of the farming community of the area.


 Gulzar S. Sanghera and Wassem Hussain*

...eractions for all the traits studied. The specific combining ability (SCA) effects along with per se performance revealed that some of the crosses have shown desirable SCA effects, having superior per se performance for most of the traits thus indicating the selection of these crosses. Based on standard check varieties (SR-1 and Jhelum) assessment of heterosis for effective restored cross combinations showed a significant he...

 Sonila Hassan, Abid Hussain*, Muhammad Azeem Khan** and Irfan Mahmood*

... differences of fresh fruits and vegetables. A checklist and an open-ended questionnaire were developed and used to interview a total of 200 retailers (rural and urban), 100 producers, 30 commission agents and 10 transporters in July 2010. Price data were collected from rural and urban retailers in Hyderabad, Faisalabad, Peshawar, Muzaffarabad and Quetta. It was observed that the retail prices of fresh fruits and vegetables ...

 Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai, Saeeda Raza* and Shahzad Arshad Saleem**

...ed from local market and its juice was kept for two weeks at room temperature to check its shelf life. Total plate count (TPC), pH, flavor, color, yeast and moulds were checked weekly. Quality changes of strawberry juice during storage can be caused both by microbiological and physiological processes. At day 0; pH 3.2, color bright 2 -1 red, excellent flavor, TPC 2.7 x 10 cfu g were recorded, while no yeast or mould were fou...

 Muhammad Yaqoob*, Rukhsana Anjum, Mumtaz Hussain and Muhammad Jahangir Shah**

GENETIC DIVERSITY ANALYSIS AND CHARACTER ASSOCIATION IN SOME CHINESE HYBRID RICE UNDER DRY CONDITIONS on various plant traits including, days to panicle initiation, panicle length, spikelet fertility, days to maturity, plant height, number of grains per panicle, number of productive tillers, 1000 grain weight and paddy yield were recorded. The results of analysis indicated a high range of genetic variation among various hybrids for plant height, number of grains per panicle, number of productive tillers per plant, 1000 grain weight and paddy yield. The va...

 Arshad Ali, Muhammad Arshadullah, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder, Imdad Ali Mahmood and Badar-uz-Zaman*

... K contents in grain and its yield were calculated. However negative + correlation (-0.85) between Na content in grain and paddy yield was 2+ + noticed. Data indicates presence of significantly higher Ca and K contents in grain receiving wheat straw incorporation along with N starter -1 dose (30 kg ha ). Economical analysis showed that maximum value cost -1 ratio (4.1:1) was determined with incorporation of 5 t ha wheat straw plus -1 60 kg N ha .


 M. Asif Masood, Irum Raza* and Muhammad Yaseen**

...1m×1m (288 basic units). Soil productivity contour map described graphically the productivity level of the experimental site. The index of soil heterogeneity (b = 0.491) indicated a degree of low similarity among the experimental plots. Variance per unit area and coefficient of variation decreased rapidly with an increase in the plot size. Based on the coefficient of variation the optimum plot size for paddy yield trial was estimated to be 6m×12m w...

 A.A. Mengal* , M. U. Mallah, Z. A. Mirani* and B. N. Siddiqui**

...r of farmers received visits from private extension field staff on a fortnightly, monthly and quarterly basis, but not from public extension staff during these periods. When public field staff did visit, the favored method of extension was by exhibition and seminar, which ranked 1st and nd 2 , respectively, based on the mean score for each extension teaching method used. A majority of the farmers received farm visits and fie...

 Amir Khatam*, Sher Muhammad, and Ijaz Ashraf**

... is aware of the farm visits (66.43%), demonstrations being conducted (62.50%) and home visits made by the extension staff (60.71%) as extension methods for dissemination of agricultural technologies among the farming community, whereas only 31.78% and 22.85% of the farmer respondents are aware of the office call and telephone calls, respectively, for diffusion of information regarding latest agricultural technologies. Howev...

 Muhammad Farooq*, Hidayat Ullah*, Nausherwan Nobel Nawab* and Khalid Mahmood Qureshi**

...ore maximum number of fruits plant (30.26) and followed by NTT- -1 04-08 and NTT-03-08 bearing 28.68 and 24.16 fruits plant , respectively. The highest mean fruit weight of 170.63 g was recorded in NTT-05-08 while minimum fruit weight (80.90 g) was observed in Sahel (check). Maximum fruit length of 7.89 cm was recorded in Sahel which is oblong in shape while minimum (5.70 cm) in NTT-14-08. Similarly a significant difference ...

 Sara Khalid*, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*, Ishfaq Ahmad Hafiz*, Khalid Saifullah Khan* and Usman Shaukat Qureshi*

...(58), total number of fruits (42), fruit size (3.04 cm), fruit weight per berry (8.82 g) while T (soil + silt + 4 -1 200 g kg vermicompost) improved fresh leaf weight (0.92 g), number of 2 leaves (6.67), leaf area (43.07 cm ) and days required for first bloom (96.67). Leaf manure based treatment (T3 ) enhanced root length (20.11 cm), T4 improved quality parameters like total solid soluble (TSS) (8.88) and ascorbic acid contents (64 mg) while T improved total s...

 Rabeea Tariq*, Khalid Mahmood Qureshi*, Imran Hassan*, Muhammad Rasheed* and Usman Shaukat Qureshi*

...xceedingly in demand for its taste, profitability, high yield and good quality. To make the plant growth successful in the container, the requirement of special media is very important step because plant growth is largely depended on the physiochemical properties of the growing media used. Winter strawberry production in a greenhouse using high plant densities and various media may be a viable alternative to openfield production system. Planting density can be...

 Hafiz Sultan Mahmood*, Munir Ahmad**, Tanveer Ahmad*, Muhammad Azhar Saeed* and Muhammad Iqbal***

...nstrated to provide benefits to farmers as well as reduced environmental stresses in the developed world. Present paper provides an overview of precision agriculture and examines the potentials, prospects, implications, issues and relevance of precision agricultural applications in Pakistani agricultural system. There is a scope of many precision technologies to be implemented in the country. In this perspective, farmers and government authorities should look ...

 Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Amjad* and Malik Shah Nawaz*

...gnificant for all the traits showing heritable variation among the genotypes. The linear component of GE interaction was also significant for all traits except branches per plant. Pooled deviation was significant only for yield indicating the differential genotypic response across the locations. The significant variance due to environment (linear) indicated that the performance of genotypes was under genetic control. The b-v...

 Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Muhammad Yasin Mirza*, Muhammad Amjad*, Nazakat Nawaz*, Malik Shah Nawaz* and Doulat Baig*

... accessions for these traits. Dendrogram based on Euclidean distance coefficient using 10 quantitative traits, grouped all the linseed accessions into 13 clusters. Cluster II was the biggest and had 33 accessions followed by Cluster I having 11 accessions. For the development of high yielding varieties, best performing accessions of Clusters I and II could be used in hybridization programme by crossing with accessions of Clu...

 Muhammad Shahzad*, Akhter Ali**, Abdul Hayee Qureshi**, Naveed Jehan*, Imran Ullah* and Majid Khan*

... different levels during its production and consumption. Evaluating post harvest losses in the marketing channel of the plum was necessary for the stake holders to make informed decision about harvest and post harvest practices. This study was conducted in Swat district in 2012 to quantify these losses at different levels using four different questionnaires. Proportionate stratified random sampling technique was used for the collection of data from different c...

 Elizabeth Stephen Waghchoure-Camphor* and Mohammad Irshad**

...ius. Subsequent field visits were made to locate these bees. This study is first of its type in Pakistan to document the population density of this bee. It reveals the distribution and strength of population of in mainly hilly areas of Pakistan. The objective of this study is not only useful to upscale honey production by this hill bee but also for pollination purpose. People interviewed were of the opinion that there is sti...

 Khalid Naseem*, Naseem Bibi**, Saeeda Raza*, Amer Mumtaz*, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui*, Amina Bibi*** and Muhammad Ahsan Khan****

...repare supplemented biscuits which could be used as nutritive snacks for malnourished children. Biscuits were prepared by supplementing chickpea and oat in patent flour (fine flour) with different ratio (5%, 10%, 15% and 20 %). Biscuits with no supplementation were kept as control treatment. Chemical and sensory evaluation of supplemented biscuits was ca...

Ayesha Tahir* and Sonila Hassan**

...ery much remunerative to its producers as it can give maximum net return by reducing their cost of production as its cultivation is dependent on the agricultural raw material which is cheaply available.


 Said Salman*, Shah Jehan Khan*, Javed Khan**, Rehmat Ullah Khan*** and Imran Khan****

...for yield and related traits during winter 2010-2011. Highly significant (P≤0.01) differences were found for all the traits studied indicating the scope of improvement through simple selection for high mean values of these traits. Maximum genotypic differences were observed for all the studied parameters except chlorophyll concentration index and number of spikelet per spike indicating ...

 Shafique Qadir Memon*, Nadeem Amjad**, Muhammad Safar Mirjat***, Abdul Quadir Mughal***, Khalil Ahmad Ibupoto***, Shabbir Ahmad Kalwar****, Asif Ali Mirani**** and Muhammad Azhar Saeed****

EFFECT OF TILLAGE AND USE OF ORGANIC AND INORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON GROWTH AND YIELD COMPONENTS OF MAIZE autumn season due to its crop residue effect and supplemental fertilizer. Therefore, considering the environmental conditions, the deep tillage with recommended dose of organic and inorganic fertilizer performed best and provided more vegetative growth, grain yield and dry matter in maize. Residual effects and supplemental fertilizer application in maize production were greater than fresh maize production.


 Naveed Jehan*, Khalid Mahmood Aujla**, Muhammad Shahzad*, Abid Hussain**, Muhammad Zahoor*, Majid Khan* and Ahmed Bilal*

...ter gourd production and its marketing, respectively.


 Muhammad Sohail*, Imtiaz Hussain*, Riaz-ud-Din*, Sikandar Khan Tanveer*, Maqsood Qamar* and Syed Haider Abbas*

...valuate the agronomic traits of three advance lines (NR-397, NR-379 and NR-400) in comparison to released variety (NARC-09) under rainfed conditions during crop season 2010-2011. Crop was sown on normal (November 15) and late (December 15) planting times to create variable growing conditions especially during reproductive growth period. The adverse effect of the late planting was significant (P<0.05) on grain yield of the crop. Late planting produced 29% lo...

 Md. Nazirul Islam*, M. Z. Rahman**, R. Ali***, A. K. Azad**** and M. K. Sultan**

...Each group again divided itself into two according to beak position as central and marginal of pod. High diversity was also found regarding pod curvature and beak position on it. Strategically, a core subset consisting of 36 accessions out of 484 accessions was determined. Diversity Indices of different characters of the core accessions were of equal or higher magnitudes to the respective characters of base collection indicating the better representation of co...

 Rehmat Ullah*, Kalim Ullah** and Mohammad Zafarullah Khan*

...ural extension services, its role was investigated in the major date producing areas (Dakki, Mian Wada, Mathra Abad, Jhok Ghamywali, Habib Abad, Bilot Sharif, Himat, Jhok Moazam, Matwala Shah, Chura and Jhok Malkanri) of the district Dera Ismail Khan by personal interview method from a sample of 51 respondents selected from these villages. Agriculture was the major profession of the farmers (80.3%). It was found that 62.7% of the respondents were never visited...

 Maqsood Qamar*, S. Dilanawaz Ahmad Gardazi**, Riaz-ud-Din*, Muhammad Sohail* and Syed Haider Abbas*

...tance in bread wheat and its impact on sustainable wheat production was studied at the National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad under natural conditions in the field. Eleven Pakistani commercial wheat cultivars/advance lines including check (Inqalab 91) were assessed for the level of partial resistance against stripe rust using Area Under the Disease Progress Curve (AUDPC), disease severity (DS) and epidemic growth rate in comparison with wheat cultiva...

 Sajid Ali*, Quratulain Altaf** and Umar Farooq* 

...irginia (FCV) tobacco to its own price and area under maize crop in three major FCV producing districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa i.e., Swabi, Mardan, and Charsadda. Data used in the study cover time series data for 1971-2011. The newly developed Auto Regressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model for cointegration was used to estimate the short-run and long-run elasticities. The study found a long-run price elasticity of 0.33, thereby revealing that FCV acreage response...

 Frasat Saeed*, Jehanzeb Farooq*, Abid Mahmood**, Tassawar Hussain***, Muhammad Riaz* and Saghir Ahmad****

GENETIC DIVERSITY IN UPLAND COTTON FOR COTTON LEAF CURL VIRUS DISEASE, EARLINESS AND FIBER QUALITY yield contributing traits, 101 cotton genotypes imported from USA were evaluated. Different statistical procedures like cluster, principle components (PC) and correlation analysis were employed to identify the suitable genotypes that can be further exploited in breeding programme. Significant associations were found between yield contributing trait, boll weight and fiber related trait, staple length. Earliness related traits<...

 Aniqa Iram*, Javed Khan**, Nadeem Aslam**, Ehsan-ul-Haq**, Habib Iqbal Javed**, Muhammad Irfan*, Awais Rasool*, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi** and Sumera Aslam* 

...thods are being used for its control. The present experiment was conducted to determine the effect of some plant extracts of mint (Mentha spp.) and geranium (Pelargonium graveolens) and soybean oil (Glycine max), mustard oil (Brassica spp.) and taramera oil (Eruca sativa) against whitefly, Bemisia tabaci on sesame crop. The data were recorded 24h before and 24h, 48h, 72h and 168h after application of each spray material. The results showed that whitefly popula...

 Mian Sabahatullah*, Manzoor Ahmad Mashwani**, Qurratul Ain Tahira* and Mian Inayatullah*

...trated and compared with its closely related species Charmon extensor. The new species is different from C. extensor because of different sculpture of metasomal tergum 1 and shape of pterostigma. Pterostigma is 3X longer than broad in this new species, while it is 5X longer than broad in C. extensor. The addition of the new species raises the number of Charmon species to eight in the world. Species of Charmontinae are larval and pupal endoparasitoids of lepido...

 Hassnain Shah*, Nadeem Akmal*, Waqas Farooq*, Muhammad Azeem Khan* and Shahid Munir**

...luding labor charges for its preparation and maintenance was recovered from irrigation cost saved from single rainfall at the demonstration site. One of the important implications drawn in this regard was the need of a shift from site development to skill development. The same was derived as an important recommendation during assessment and evaluation of different demonstration and dissemination activities being conducted under Watershed Project. This shift co...

 Farrukh Saleem*, Babar Hilal Ahmad*, Saleem Zahid* and Bilal Kabeer*

... into six experimental units / replicates (10 females and 2 male / replicate). Separate breeding pen were allotted to each replicate. The birds were fed ad-libitum. The data on body weight, feed consumption, daily egg production, egg weight, egg shell thickness and mortality were recorded. Naked Neck Crossbred (NNC) layers exhibited relatively less body weight (1461g) at 40 weeks of age, better egg -1 -1 production (66.36 %) and feed efficiency (761.32 g feed ...

 Muhammad Shahzad*, Ayesha Tahir**, Naveed Jehan*** and Muhammad Luqman*

...Soft texture of stone fruits makes them prone to postharvest losses. Effect of different packaging materials on the texture of fruits also varies for their post-harvest losses. The present study was conducted to evaluate the effect of wooden and cardboard box technologies on post-harvest losses of plum through its marketing channel. Primary data was collected through pre tested questionnai...

Muhammad Hidayat Rasool*, Abuzar Muhammad Afzal*, Abu Baker Siddique*, Waseem Akram**, Muhammad Saqalein*, Madiha Basit* and Muhammad Farooq Tahir***

...ture on GZ-08™ for its use as post-treatment of ND as well as on other antiviral compounds of natural origin to develop a novel antiviral drug against NDV in poultry.


 Muhammad Asif Jamil*, Nowshad Khan*, FarhatUllah Khan* and Muhammad Zakria*

...illet after getting benefits from the extension services provided by the agriculture department. It is recommended that visits of extension field staff should be made regularly. The progressive farmers may be involved in extension activities because they are less in number and are easily approachable. Demonstrations, personal contacts and radio services were found most effective methods; therefore, it is recommended that the...

 Muhammad Arshad Ullah*, Nazir Hussain**, Helge Schmeisky*** and Muhammad Rasheed**** 

...oculation to investigate its fodder quality. The study clearly indicated that quality of fodder increased significantly both with the legumes and inoculation. The intercropping of Panicum grass with 67% inoculation proved the best combination. The 6-7% higher crude protein (CP) of mixed fodder was recorded from 67% intercropping in comparison to grass alone while inoculation increased it by further 1-2%. Results also suggested that total digestible nutrients (...

 Israr Ali*, Naushad Ali*, Riffat Tahira**, Sardar Ali*, Izhar Hussain* and Sher Aslam Khan*

...studied morphological traits. Among the tested genotypes, genotype Kalabat proved to be superior as compared to other studied genotypes due to maximum level of studied traits like -1 pod length (7.03 cm), seed pod (32.33), 1000-seed weight (5.38 g), seed yield -1 plant (110.8 g) and oil content (52.9%). The highest level of performance -1 recorded by Kalabat in terms of branches plant , pod length (cm), number of seed -1 -1 ...

 Ibrar Ali*, Abdul Mateen Khattak*, Muhammad Ali* and Kalim Ullah**

...ence (5.4), number of fruits inflorescence (4.3), -1 3 -1 number of fruit plant (25.4), fruit size (63.9 cm ), fruit weight plant (9.1 kg) and -1 total yield (22.9 t ha ). However, it was closely followed by cultivar Rio Grande for -1 -1 number of leaves plant (79.6), number of flower inflorescence (5.1), number of -1 -1 fruits inflorescence (4.0) and number of fruits plant (24.9). Cultiva...

 Muhammad Qasim*, Sonila Hassan*, Arshed Bashir*, Hafiz Zahid Mahmood** and Irfan Mehmood*

...e enhanced by increasing its area than that of rice and sugarcane. The annual growth rate for gram and mung area was estimated about 1.0% and 4.9%, respectively, with the production growth rate of 2.3% and 6.4% while yield growth rate of 2.9% and 1.4%, respectively. Keeping in view the higher growth of gram yield the increase in its area may enhance its production more than that of mung. T...

 Amjad Pervez*, Syed Muzaffar Ahmed*, Akhlaq Ahmad** and Qazi Mehmood Ali**

EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT FOOD GRAINS AS BAITS FOR MANAGEMENT OF HYSTRIX INDICA used as bait base for its management. Six locally available food grains viz., wheat, rice, maize, black gram, sorghum and millet were offered in whole/crack form. Under no choice and choice tests, rice was the most preferred food, followed by wheat, maize and others. The present study suggested that rice in whole or cracked form alone or in combination with wheat can be applied as very palatable (32% and 27%, respectively) and cost effective grain as bait b...

 Quratulain*, Muhammad Aslam**, Muhammad Khalid Rafique*, Mian Atiq Ahmad* and Rashid Mahmood***

... develop in November and its population decline with decline in temperature in December. While its population started rising again at the end of February. Significantly more aphid populations were observed on Perfecta than other varieties; however, significantly few aphids were observed on Christan Diar. These studies revealed that farmers growing roses on a commercial scale should grow Christan Diar to avoid aphid attack. M...

 Saima Kanwal*, Saeeda Raza*, Khalid Naseem*, Muhammad Amjad*, Naseem Bibi* and Musarrat Gillani*

...eed flour fortified biscuits were prepared with four different substituted levels of pumpkin seed flour in wheat flour (T =5%, 2 T =10%, T =15% and T =20%), were compared with control (T ). Chemical 3 4 5 1 attributes of biscuits showed that T has maximum level of pumpkin flour (20%) 5 with maximum protein (12.30%), fat (28.29%), ash (4.13%), iron (2.28%) and zinc (3.11%). Sensory results also revealed increasing trend in al...

 Muhammad Nisar Khan*, Tariq Hassan*, Hassnain Shah*, Saleem Abid*, Irum Raza* and Saqib Shakeel Abbasi*

...adoption probability and its advantages at farmer's field. Overall, most of the training participants were satisfied with the knowledge sharing presentations about the specific technologies discussed during the training.


 Naheed Zahra*, Nadeem Akmal*, Sobia Naheed*, Nusrat Habib*, Sabeen Siddiqui* and Irum Raza*

...uation of rice regarding its area and yield in Punjab, the estimation is based on time series data from 1980 to 2011. On the basis of minimum errors of accuracy measure quadratic model was selected. The estimated results revealed that there is an increasing trend in the area and yield of rice in Punjab. The area of rice was 276800 ha in 2012 and would be 2934280 ha in 2016. Likewise results about yield indicated that it was -1 -1 2438kg ha in 2012 and would be...

 Syeda Nasreen*, Muhammad Ayub Khan*, Muhammad Arshad*, Maryam Kamal**, Doulat Baig *, M. Tariq*, Talat Gilani* and Musarrat Gilani*

...ied for yield related traits. Among

females, CMS-H55-2-2-1 expressed the highest significant GCA effects for 1000- seed weight whereas female, CMS-303 represented the highest and significant GCA estimates for head diameter, yield and harvest index. Among male parents, RHA-295 expressed the highest significant magnitude for head diameter while SF-187R possessed the highest significant GCA effects for 1000-seed weight, harvest index and moisture...

 Imdad Ali Mahmood*, Arshad Ali**, Armghan Shahzad**, Muhammad Asif Masud Ghumman***, Muhammad Arshad Ullah**, Tariq Sultan** and Badar-u-Zaman**

...sufficient economic benefits as compared to without crop residues incorporation. Maximum net benefit of Rs. 92754 for direct seeded rice -1 and Rs. 69558 for wheat grown with 80 kg P O ha application under crop 2 5 residues incorporation was determined. Among P application treatments under no crop residues incorporation, the maximum net benefit (Rs. 75874 and Rs. -1 -1 =65725) and the highest residual values (Rs. 49809 ha and Rs 39160 ha ) for -1 direct seeded...

 Azhar Usman Ali*, Ghulam Sarwar*, Muhammad Aftab* and Sher Muhammad**

...soil composition through its soil and foliar application. For -1 this purpose, non-saline non-sodic soil (pH = 8.10, EC = 0.85 dS m , SAR = 4.60, saturation percentage = 29 % and sandy clay loam) was collected, brought to -1 green house and filled in the pots @ 6.5 kg pot . All these pots were irrigated to achieve uniform soil column. This experiment comprised 5 treatments viz., -1 -1 control, soil application of copper @ 2 mg kg (level 1), @ 4 mg kg (level 2)...

Salar Khan Yousafzai*, Shah Masaud Khan*, Khalil ur Rehman**, Junaid Khan*, Sher Aslam Khan*, Ijaz Hussain* and Ishrat Naz***

...tions. Almost all the traits showed significant differences for organic fertilizers and varieties, while their interactions had a varied response. The analyzed data showed that poultry manure -1 -1 gave maximum yield (24.65 tha ), followed by FYM (24.38 tha ) and mushroom -1 compost (24.11 tha ) while minimum was recorded in plots where no organic fertilizer was used. The results revealed that cultivar, Rio Grand showed maximum number of plant survival percent...

 Muhammad Qasim*, Khuda Bakhsh**, Sultan Ali Tariq*, Mahmood Nasir***, Rashed Saeed**** and Muhammad Ather Mahmood****

... of groundnut along with its profitability analysis. The sample farms were classified into small, medium and large farms. Farm-level crop data were gathered during two cropping seasons i.e., rabi 2008-09 and kharif 2009. One hundred and forty groundnut producers were selected for collecting data using the well-structured questionnaire from two important districts recognised for area and production of groundnut. Results showed that large farmers allocated signi...

Sumia Bint Zaman*, Waqas Farooq*, Sidra Majeed*, Hasnain Shah*, and Abdul Majid**

... realizing the real benefits from these trained ASPs further follow up by the concerned technical institutes is recommended.


 Muhammad Farrukh Saleem*, Munir Ahmad*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza** and Abdul Shakoor*

...itrogen levels to modify its architecture can play a role in improving its success as annual. A field experiment to study the effect of topping under different nitrogen levels on earliness and yield of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) was conducted at Agronomic Research Area, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, during kharif -1 2013. The crop was sown on ridges on May 24, 2013 using seed rate of 20 kg ha . The experiment wa...

 Muhammad Tahir* and Nawal Zafar* 

...der yield and quality traits. -1 The maximum number of tillers, number of leaves plant , leaf area, crop growth -1 -1 rate, fresh weight plant , dry weight plant , green forage yield and dry matter yield were obtained in plots where barley was sown alone at 100% seed ratio. The highest crude fiber and total ash percentage was observed in plots where oat was sown alone at 100% seed ratio and crude protein percentage was highest when oat was blended together wit...

Samina Qamer*, Iram Nasir**, Um-Habiba Zafar**, Salma Sultana** and Tayyaba Sultana**

...ithin the permissible limits. The average moisture contents were 18.30%, 18.35%, 17.66%,16.27% and 18.7% from Jhang, Bahawalpur, KalarKahar, Multanand, and Jhelum, respectively. Similarly, the pH 4.26, 4.50, 3.91, 3.72 and 3.33; electrical conductivity, 204.67mScm-1 ,137.8 mScm-1 , 202.62mScm-1 ,277.33mScm-1 and 196.96mScm -1;free acidity 25.80 meqkg -1, 26.16 meqkg-1 , 24.97 meqkg -1, 30.25 meqkg , 25.4 meqkg -1; lactone 8.17 meqkg -1, 6.52 meqkg-1 , 6.68 meq...

 Farid Asif Shaheen*, Sadia Parveen*, Ahmed Zia**, Ghulam Qadir*,
Mureed Husain*** and Rifat Ullah Khan****

...ding wheat flour. Due to its severe infestation, the flour gets mouldy, turns yellowish, gets pungent odour and becomes unhealthy for human consumption. The infested samples of wheat flour by T. castaneum were collected from different localities and its culture was maintained in laboratory. Three ant species namely, Dorylus labiatus, Camponotus rufipes and Monomorium minimum were collected from forest and non-forest habitats...

 Ghulam Sadiq Afridi*, Abdul Saboor**, Zahoor-ul-Haq***, Sultan Ali
Tariq**** and Muhammad Ishaq*****

...tion in export, HS-2- digits aggregated data for cotton sub-sectors have been used with latest data from 2004 to 2013 for the panel of 39 countries. Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA) index and gravity model approach was employed considering country and time specific fixed effect. The RCA index revealed that cotton sub-sectors have competitive advantage in export and there is gradual gain in the competitiveness with time. The opportunity exists in the market...

 Nisar Ahmed Soomro*, Abdul Fatah Soomro**, Hamz Ali Samo* and
Muhammad Siddique Depar***

...s on growth and yield traits over 5 irrigations with 84.77% germination, 79.16 cm plant height, 10.07 tillers plant , 254.91 tillers m , 51.91 grains spike , 57.60 g 1000-seed weight and 5230.75 kg grain yield ha ; while the plots given 3 irrigations showed lowest values for all the parameters. In varieties, Imdad-2005 maximizes its performance with 90.81% germination, 88.33 cm plant height, 10.29 tillers plant , 273.10 till...

 Inayat-Ur-Rahman*, Shamsher Ali**, Mukhtar Alam*, Mohammad Adnan*, Hidayat ullah*, Muhammad Faisal Anwar Malik*, Abdul Sattar Shah* Mohammad Ibrahim*

...d seeds. Priming agents, its osmotic potential and duration significantly affected germination percentage, which increased as osmotic potential lowered from 0 to -1.2 Mpa while further lowering osmotic potential to -1.6 Mpa and below adversely affected germination. Similarly, germination percentage significantly enhanced as priming duration increased from 6h to 12h but further increase in duration from 12h to 18h caused insignificant increase in germination pe...

 Ishaq Ahmad*, Abdul Rehman**, Ehsan –Ul- Haq*** and Arif Mahmood****

...with threat the pest and its environmental friendly control. Present study was carried out in greenhouse of Plant Genetic Resources Institute (PGRI), NARC. Twenty six Pakistani genotypes of rice germplasm including 15 coarse and 10 fine genotypes were screened in pot experiment during 2011 including TNI, used as susceptible check. The damage results revealed that one genotype PK-8893-4-1-3-1 was moderately resistant, seven genotypes were moderately susceptible...

 Mubbashira Nazir*, Saira Batool*, Sultan Ali Tariq**, Abid Hussain** and Ya Sakina**

.... The growth trend of fruits' production in the province showed positive behavior for major fruits (citrus, mango and guava) in almost all the decades, except for mango in 1970s and guava in 2000s. The decline in production of mango in 1970s was due to negative growth in both area and yield. While, a slowdown growth in the area and decrease in yield were reasons of decline in production of guava in 2000s. Growth in productio...

 Hina Fatima** and Bushra Yasmin**

...n Pakistan is way behind its optimum potential level. Hence there is sufficient room for improvement. To this end, government should be well-designed to evaluate the misdirected growth policies in farm sector of Pakistan.


Basharat Hussain Shah*, F. S. Hamid*, Shams ul Islam*, Fayaz Ahmad*, Sohail Aslam*, and Noorullah Khan*

...for all the agronomic traits studied. Root rot attack was observed during the growth period. Pea variety 'Meteor' was found susceptible against this disease followed by 'Sarsabz 9800-1' as moderately susceptible and 9375 as resistant. The other varieties/lines Pea-09, Climax, Local and PF-400 were found tolerant against this disease. Green pod yield per hectare data revealed that pea variety 'Climax' produced the highest yield (11.6 t ha-1) followed by advance...

 Raza Ullah*, Mariam Rehman*, Maria Anjum*, Muhammad Asif
Kamran**, Khuda Bakhsh***, Abdul Saboor****

... be strengthened through its institutional linkage with metrology department and information communication technologies to further inform and train the farmers about disasters and disaster associated risks.


 Ghazala Nawaz*, Muhammad Nawaz Malik**, Muhammad Hassan
Mushtaq***, Fraz Munir Ahmad****, Ali Abdullah Shah*****, Farooq
Iqbal******, Shinawar Waseem Ali*******, Zahida Fatima******** and
Amjad Khan*********

...high mean prevalence and its zoonotic importance it can be devastating if not controlled because of bad management practices, lack of awareness and close contact of farmers with their livestock in Pakistan. Where the socio-economic conditions of rural population does not allow test and slaughter policy, therefore, mass vaccination is recommended to control brucellosis through local government support.


 Sadaf Javaria*, Muhammad Qasim Khan*, Kashif Waseem*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani*, Habib ur Rahman*, Muhammad Sohail Khan* and Muhammad Sohail**

...r other treatments. Benefits of bio fertilizer application were more in the presence of Farmyard Manure on quality of tomato in comparison with NPK. No work has been previously published to study the effect of effective microorganisms on taste active components of vegetable or fruit crops, and their correlation with physicochemical attributes and shelf life. Data are provided for the researchers for further investigation.


 Shafique Qadir Memon* , Nadeem Amjad** and Riaz Ahmed Dayo***

... costs thus maximum benefits were achieved. It is interesting to note that the NPK treatment appeared to be the best for all farmyard manure and control plots.



ROLE OF HONEY BEES FORAGING ACTIVITIES IN INCREASED FRUIT SETTING AND PRODUCTION OF APPLES APIS MELLIFERA MALUS DOMESTICA on number of apple fruits per panicle and enhancement of apple weight. Apple Ameri trees were applied with natural pollination (T ) , pollination by honey bees only (T ), natural pollination augmented with honey bees (T ) and no pollination (T ,control). There was a significant increase in the apple fruit setting and weight gain in pollinated plants compared to non-pollinated plants. Maximum number of fruits per panicle w...

 Asif ullah Khan*, Faizan Ullah*, Sultan Mehmood*, Muhammad Irshad* and Farhat Ullah Khan**

...with weed species before its introduction into agroforestry systems. During present investigation, allelopathic potential of leaf aqueous extract was investigated on seed germination and seedling development of L. Extracts were applied at 25%, 20%, 15%, 10% and 5% as seed soaking for 8 hours prior to sowing. Phenolics compounds were found in aqueous extracts and were higher in 25% extract (52.72 mg gallic acid eq. / gm of extract). Higher concentration of the ...

 Ehsanullah*, Muhammad Amjad Shahzad*, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum*, Ali Zohaib*, Muhammad Ishfaq* and Ejaz Ahmad Warraich*

...anting (1 m × 1 m pits), bed planting (75 cm apart beds), ridge planting (75 cm apart ridges) and line sowing with varied inter row spacing (25, 50 and 75 cm). Sowing methods significantly affected growth and yield of cotton. Pit planting imposed maximum increase in plant height (152 cm), number of monopodial branches (4.7) and sympodial branches (22.6) per plant, number of unopened (9.4) and opened bolls (41.1) per plant, and average boll weight (3.0 g)...

 Tassadduq Rasool*, Ali Zohaib*, Ehsanullah*, Riaz Ahmad*, Tasawer Abbas*, Tahira Tabassum*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem*, Mahmood-ul-Hassan*

...sesbania. Potential benefits of forage pearl millet can be acquired by intercropping with sesbania and following the planting geometry of sesbania intercropped in 45 cm apart two-row strips of pearl millet.


Sher Muhammad , Ijaz Ashraf*, Amir Khatam**, and Naima

...ey could avail full benefits of MFSCs through active participation.


 Nasarullah*, Raiz uddin*, Fakhar Uddin* and Muhammad Jamal*

... across environments and its interaction with genotypes. Mean values across the environments range between 147.17 to 174.00, 190.83 to 202.83, 23.32 to 54.13,78.40 to 115.17, 9.72 to 13.08, 16.33 to 23.80 for days to heading, maturity, flag leaf area, plant height, spike length and spikelets spike , respectively. The estimates of broad sense heritability were high for all studied traits. Similarly, genetic advance was also h...
Muhammad Sharif1*, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2, Muhammad Ansar3, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Syed Abdul Sadiq5
...cticefor economical benefits and sufficient wheat yields in rainfed Pothwar, Pakistan.
Waqar Islam*
...ogy through highlighting its various types by giving important examples. We further have explained the plant disease triangle and disease forecasting systems via inclusion of various models being utilized worldwide.  
Wazha Mugabe1,3,Gaolebale Segolame Mpapho1, John Kamau1, Wameotsile Mahabile2, Shalaulani James Nsoso1, Kealeboga Dipheko1 and Assar Ali Shah3,*
...informed on mastitis nor its management. From the 38 farmers informed on the diseases only, 76% were able to diagnose the disease. Most diagnosis was based on clinical observations (68) with the low utility of California Mastitis Test (CMT) (3%). Milk production was at subsistence scale and a secondary product from meat type breeds. With a commercial mindset, improved goat management and cooperative pooling and marketing of milk the current farming setup of us...
Niamat Ullah Khan1*, Farkhanda Khan2, Muhammad Kashan3, Qadir Ullah4 and Abdur Rauf5
...eld and fiber quality traits. Drilling of 24 kg N ha−1 as DAP into soil at cotton seeding followed by three top-dressing of 42 kg N ha−1 each just prior to first, second and third irrigations significantly enhanced seed cotton yield, quality, N uptake and N efficiencies compared to conventional practices. In conclusion, drilling of 24 kg N ha−1 as DAP into the soil at cotton sowing followed by three top-dressi...
Youbao Zhong1, Xianlai Zhang1, Xiaofen Hu1 and Yong Li1, 2,*
...g, respectively. Despite its similarity to the general mammal small intestine microstructure, the present results indicated that the hedgehog duodenum contained fewer Brunner’s glands, and that the Paneth cells were lacking in the crypt. The connective tissue was denser in the jejunal submucosa, but the muscularis was thicker. The intestinal glands were greatly developed in the ileum, lymphoid nodules were observed in the mucosa, and diffuse lymphoid tis...

Mohammad Nazeer* and Safdar Hussain Shah 

...analyze morphological traits of four indigenous goat breeds of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan. The breeds selected for this study were namely Damani, Surguli, Kaghani and Gaddi. Data was collected from two districts to the south (Dera Ismail Khan and Kohat) and two districts to the north (Kaghan and Naran) of KP province. Total number of 120 goat specimen (30 per breed) was selected for this study from random locations. A pretested questionnaire ...

Jesse M. Smith

...tes relationships within its organization and to the public, and is important to its success in contemporary American society. This case study will be useful to future research in drawing connections between the discursive response of American conservative Christianity broadly, and modern secular forces. I also argue sociologists of religion should investigate more directly religious leaders’ rhetoric to better underst...
Aitezaz Ahsan1*, Muhammad Usman1, Ihsan Ullah2, Aamer Bin Zahur3 and Adnan Rasheed Malik4
Mahmoud M. Al-Azzazy1,2 and Saleh S. Alhewairini1,*
...rsici. This includes its side effects on the associated predatory mite, Neosiulus cucumeris. Huwa-San TR50 is a formulation of hydrogen peroxide, stabilized by the addition of a small quantity of silver and is extensively used as a disinfectant. It was found to be very effective in killing A. lycopersici with no significant effect on N. cucumeris. Under greenhouse conditions, the mortality percentages were 81.17, 84.11, 92.74 and 95.10...
Zheng Quan Jiang1,2, Feng Shan Li3, Jiang Hong Ran1,*, Chen Hao Zhao1, Man Zhang1 and Hua Li4 Important Wetland and its surrounding area, covering 83 nests. Four types of nests were found in the area, i.e., natural island nest, grass mound nest, dirt mound nest and floating grass nest. The nest length, nest width, nest height and nest volume among the four types of nests all were significantly different in the order: floating grass nests >dirt mound nests >grass mound nests >natural island nests, indicating that nest size was related...
Filiz Kutluyer* 
... on quality of sperm and its fertilizing capacity in endangered trout Salmo coruhensis, Anatolian trout Salmo rizeensis and rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss. Different activation media (NaCl, 0.3%; NaHCO3, 1%) were supplemented with L-tryptophan [Control (0), 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mM] for assessing sperm motility and its duration, fertility and hatching rate of eggs. The results from the pres...
Asmatullah1, Chaman Ara1,*, Shagufta Andleeb2, Maha Tahir1, Beenish Zahid1 and Madeeha Arshad1
...t extract was tested for its ameliorative effects on congenital defects induced by cadmium in developing mice. For this purpose, different aqueous concentrations of cadmium chloride i.e. 0.00, 6.25, 12.50, 25.00 µg/g B.W of mice were given orally to pregnant mice on days 6-12 of gestation daily. Another series of mice were treated with different concentrations of cadmium chloride and also with an antidote (guava fruit extract) on days 6-18 of gest...
Ali Haider Saleem1,*, Khalid Javed2, Masroor Ellahi Babar3, Tanveer Hussain3, Asad Ali2, Afzal Ali2, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Zahid Farooq1 and Muhammad Dawood2
...ated with many growth traits like weaning weight, six month body weight and nine-month body weight etc. in cattle, buffalo, goat and sheep worldwide. LEP gene polymorphism and associations have not been extensively reported in Lohi sheep of Pakistan, so this study aimed to find any variations in gene sequence and possible association with growth rate to explore meat potential of this breed. A total of 18 Lohi animals were selected from the flock. After the DNA...
Muhammad Umair Sattar1, Aysha Sameen1,*, Nuzhat Huma1 and Muhammad Shahid2
...ese without compromising its quality.

Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

...mate sugarcane yield and its determinants in study area. The results revealed that per acre net return after subtracting total cost from gross revenue was Rs. 33,173.65/-. Results illustrate that labor days, seed quantity, tractor hours, urea and pesticides have positive significant effect on sugarcane yield. Resource use efficiency analysis shows that marginal value product (MVP) to marginal factor cost (MFC) ratios for labor days, irrigation, urea, FYM and ...

Amjad Ali1, Rajan Shrestha2, Ghaffar Ali1, Irfan Ullah1 and Salman Khan1 

...mate sugarcane yield and its determinants in study area. The results revealed that per acre net return after subtracting total cost from gross revenue was Rs. 33,173.65/-. Results illustrate that labor days, seed quantity, tractor hours, urea and pesticides have positive significant effect on sugarcane yield. Resource use efficiency analysis shows that marginal value product (MVP) to marginal factor cost (MFC) ratios for labor days, irrigation, urea, FYM and ...

Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Abdul Malik2*, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak2, Naveedullah1, Naeem Ijaz3 and Ishaq Ahmad4 

...e world. In recent past, its contamination due to lack of balance between its exploitation and recharge has posed a serious menace on its utilization for various purposes. Current study was conducted in District Karak during June to November, 2009 with the objectives to assess the changes in groundwater table depths due to withdrawal and the water quality parameters and to find the effect ...
Chuanpeng Zhou1, Heizhao Lin2,*, Zhong Huang2, Jun Wang1, Yun Wang1 and Wei Yu2
...holesterol level reached its peak 3h after oral administration with high dose of glucose, respectively (P<0.05). Plasma insulin content was significantly lower at 1, 3, 6 and 12 h after oral administration of both doses of glucose (P<0.05). Compared to the low dose of glucose group, the high dose of glucose group has lower plasma glucagon content 12 h after oral administration, higher muscle and hepatic glycogen contents 6 h after oral administrat...
Yan Li1, Kai Zhan1,*, Junying Li1, Wei Liu1, Ruiyu Ma1, Shengnan Liu1, Tao Han2, Shaoquan Li2, Shaolin Wang2 and Yang Hu2
... albumen height, Haugh units and yolk colour. No significant differences were found in other laying performances and egg quality characteristics. Except for the back region of AI females which had better feather cover, the average feather score for most body parts of AI and NM hens was not significantly different. An overall feather score of NM females was significantly lower than that of AI ones. The average feather score for each individual part of the body ...
Kaori Sasaoka1, Takahiro Kataoka1, Norie Kanzaki1, Yusuke Kobashi1, Akihiro Sakoda2, Yuu Ishimori2 and Kiyonori Yamaoka1,*
...f radon inhalation shows its good potential as a candidate treatment to alleviate CDDP-induced renal damage in veterinary medicine.
Fouzia Tabssum1* and Syed Shahid Ali2
...from the soil, water, fruits and vegetables wastes. Initial screening of pectinase producing bacteria was carried out on pectin containing agar plates of pH 7 incubated at 37ºC. Among isolated thirty-seven strains, a total of thirteen strains showed satisfactory pectinase productivity. Pectinase production of the thirteen strains was then determined qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Zones of hydrolysis produced by the bacterial strains were ranged ...
Fouzia Tabssum1* and Syed Shahid Ali2
...from the soil, water, fruits and vegetables wastes. Initial screening of pectinase producing bacteria was carried out on pectin containing agar plates of pH 7 incubated at 37ºC. Among isolated thirty-seven strains, a total of thirteen strains showed satisfactory pectinase productivity. Pectinase production of the thirteen strains was then determined qualitatively as well as quantitatively. Zones of hydrolysis produced by the bacterial strains were ranged ...
Senol Celik1,*, Ecevit Eyduran2, Adile Tatliyer3, Koksal Karadas4, Mehmet Kazim Kara2 and Abdul Waheed5 appropriate model for its highest R2 (0.999) and smallest RMSE (0.124). Growth related parameters (A, B, k, and d) of the Janoscheck non-linear model were estimated as 43.000, 0.905, 0.124 and 0.950, respectively. To conclude, it could be suggested that the Janoscheck non-linear model might help breeders who aim to make precise decisions on optimum slaughtering time and to ensure suitable managerial conditions in DDP goat.
Ehtisham Shakeel Khokhar*1, Amir Shakeel1, Muhammad Amir Maqbool1, Muhammad Khubaib Abuzar2, Sumaira Zareen2, Syeda Sana Aamir4 and Muhammad Asadullah4
...d, yield contributing traits and fiber quality parameters. Six lines, viz., VH-259, IUB-222, CRS-456, AA-703, KZ-191, PB-39 and four testers PB-39, CIM-608, BH-163 and PB-900 were crossed in line × tester crossing fashion to develop 20 F1 hybrids. Analysis of variance displayed significant differences among parents and hybrids indicating the presence of genetic variability except fiber fineness. δ2GCA/δ2SCA ra...

Muhammad Suleman Bacha1*, Mohammad Nafees1 and Syed Adnan2

... about changing climate, its vulnerabilities and farmers adaptive measures toward climate change in district Swat of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Additionally, vulnerability matrix was used to identify livelihood resources that are vulnerable to climate change induced hazards. Results showed that primarily deforestation and pollution contributed more to the perceived causes of climate change which resulted frequent and sever floods or droughts and reduction ...
Naimat Ullah1,3,*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Avais1, Nisar Ahmad2, Sana Ullah3, Muhammad Shuaib Khan3, Khalid Mehmood5, Mumtaz Ali Khan1 and Ikramul Haq1
...spect the prevalence and its correlation with various risk factors and host biomarkers concerned with the occurrence of theileriosis in sheep. Total 600 blood samples were taken each 200 from districts Bannu, Tank and Dera Ismail Khan of southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan and screened through blood microscopy. The current study revealed an overall prevalence of ovine theileriosis as 27.5%, 13% and 19.5% in districts of Dera Ismail Khan, Tank and Bannu, respe...
Farhan Ahmad1,*, Muhammad Waris Sanjrani1, Shah Nawaz Khuhro1, Asif Sajjad2, Abid Ali3, Rashad Rasool Khan3, Farooq Ahmed3 and Junhe Liu4,*
...whitefly populations and its parasitism with connection to temperature and relative humidity was conducted in fourteen cotton growing districts of Sindh province (southern Pakistan) for 2012 and 2013 seasons. There was a significant difference in whitefly population and percent parasitism among the fourteen districts. The highest average whitefly populationof two consecutive years was recorded in Khaipur, Sukhur, Sangar and Nausharo Feroze i.e. 7.5, 6.1, 5.6 a...
Syeda Madiha, Zehra Batool, Saiqa Tabassum, Laraib Liaquat, Sadia Sadir, Tahira Perveen and Saida Haider*


...enone-induced motor deficits, biochemical and neurochemical alterations. Rotenone was injected subcutaneously at the dose of 1.5 mg/kg for 8 days. Supplementation of curcumin (100 mg/kg/day, p.o.) was started before 15 days of rotenone injection. The effects of curcumin pre-treatment were evaluated by different motor behavioral parameters (pole test, Kondziela’s inverted screen test, inclined plane test, open field test, beam walking test and footprint t...

Hamza Khan1, Safdar Ali1, Ijaz Ahmad*2, Ihsanullah Khan3, Shujaat Hussain1, Bashir Ahmad Khan4 and Muhammad Suhaib5  

...nd imports around 75% of its edible oil from other countries which is a huge burden on our national economy. The situation thus requires for enhancing the indigenous oilseed production through different possible approaches. Development and promotion of local sunflower hybrids can be one of the options. Local sunflower hybrids with higher yield and wider adoptability can make Pakistan self sufficient in edible oil. Therefore a study was carried out at National ...
Archana Naithani, Pongthep Suwanwaree* and Bartosz Nadolski
... the avian community and its distribution in the Suranaree University of Technology, which is an important ecosystem for the conservation of avian biodiversity. Many other areas adjacent to the campus also require attention for the inventory of avian communities. Therefore, a long-term database on exhaustive and intensive study of the North East Thailand is required.
Hamayun Khan1,*, Abdul Wahab1, Navaid Kazi2, Younas Muhammad1,Summaya Kazi3, Salman Kazi4, Azmatullah Khan1, Ikramullah Khan5 and Shakoor Ahmad1
...cuted on 15 pregnant rabbits at three different time point of successful pregnancy i.e. day 18, day 25 and day 28 with commercially accessible kits for biochemical markers that includes glucose, total protein, albumin, creatinine, triglycerides, blood urea nitrogen (BUN), alanine transaminase (ALT) and aspartate transaminase (AST). The current study demonstrated the ascertained value in amniotic fluid for glucose, tot...

Habibullah* and Sahib Alam  

...on was carried out in splits to the crops. The study was conducted in district Buner, Pakistan using randomized complete block design with split-plot arrangement. Biochar was applied at the rates of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ton/ha as the main plot factor. The immediate effect of biochar was assessed on maize crop integrated with four levels of N viz. 0, 100,150 and 200 kg/ha applied as sub-plot factor. The residual impact of the previously applied biochar levels co...
Felicia NkechiEkeh*, Ifeanyi Oscar Ndimkaoha Aguzie, Joy Ihuoma Nzei, Chinenye Maria-Goretti Ohanu, Godwin Ikechukwu Ngwu and ChukwudiebubeUgolo
...i>and C. annum fruits were prepared using Soxhlet extractor. In a split-plot design comprising the two extracts in different concentrations, a total of 63 sundried adult C. gariepinus of mean weight 111.47 ± 2.34g were randomized into three treatment groups A – C for each extract and a control D. The treatment groups were in triplicates with each containing three catfish. The groups contained fish infested with 20 larvae, 20 adults a...
Kashifa Naghma Waheed1,2,*, Zaid Mehmood2 and Sikender Hayat1
...r industry in respect of its multi-elemental availability was taken into consideration to check its feasibility as an aqua-fertilizer. Eighteen elements including essential macro-elements, essential trace elements and non-essential toxic elements were quantitatively analyzed in sugar press mud by ICP-OES following protocols of AOAC from five randomly selected sugar mills situated in South Punjab, Pakistan. It was observed th...

Nadia Faqir1, Aish Muhammad2*, Ghulam Muhammad Ali2, Armghan Shehzad2, Hafeez Ur Rahman3, Farhatullah4 and Muhammad Zeeshan Hyder

...venteen morphological traits, five parameter of proximate composition of date fruit and sequence analysis of two genes (maturase k and geranyl geranyl biphosphate reductase) from chloroplast region. Analysis of variance has revealed significant variation among the studied date palm samples pertaining to the studied physical traits and chemical composition of fruit. Sequences of the maturase k gene has complete identity to th...

Murad Khan1* and Muhammad Afzal2 

...le. The highest net benefits were reported from the large scale poultry farms followed by medium and small firms. The results of the multiple regression model for profit shows that profit of a poultry farm is positively affected by education, experience, age of the respondent and farm size while negatively affected by mortality of chicks. All the variables were significant except age of the respondents. Proper vaccination and medication is required to decrease...
Leila A. Kaimbayeva1,*, Elena S. Malysheva2, Rashit Kazikhanov3 and Saule R. Kazikhanova4
...he autolytic process and its influence both on the morphological composition of the lean tissue and on the shelf life of the meat. 

Mahwish Rehman1*, Sajjad Ahmad1, Maqsood Shah1 and Inamullah Khan

...n the legs and palps and its arrangement and number were observed. Results of the present study showed that the studied specimens were Varroa destructor, however, no Varrova jacobsoni were recorded during chaetotaxy and morphological studied. The study also confirms that V. jacobsoni population is not present in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region of Pakistan. 

Shuai Shang1,2, Honghai Zhang2,*, Xiaoyang Wu2, Qinguo Wei2, Jun Chen1, Huanxin Zhang1, Huaming Zhong2 and Xuexi Tang1,*
...lection, indicating that its true omnivorous diet was an important role in the Tas2r evolution. Our study provided valuable data of Tas2r genes in raccoon dogs, and provided novel insights into conservation concern of natural populations.
Muhammad Akbar Khan rarity of this taxon, its morphological characters are incompletely known. Hippopotamid material recently excavated in the middle Pleistocene locality of Bhimber (Azad Kashmir, Pakistan) includes an almost complete mandible that provides a better knowledge of the taxon morphology. Hexaprotodon sivalensis is reported for the first time from the Bhimber Pleistocene locality of Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.

Zakirullah Jan1, Shamsher Ali1*, Tariq Sultan2, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Zahir Shah1 and Farmanullah Khan1 

...tration and agronomic traits of rice crop as compared to control. Among the strains, the Gloeobacter strain (MMF-4) surpassed by augmenting all agronomic parameters of rice crop like plant height (85 cm), plant fresh weight (45 g), dry weight (24.5 g) and root dry weight (2.80 g) followed by MMF-5 treatment. As regard shoot tissue analysis, the nutrients concentration was significantly changed in plant. The highest concentration of N (3.62 %), P (0.77 %), K+ (...
Arshad Mahmood Malik1, Khalid Mahmood Mughal2, Sarfraz Ahmed Mian2 and Atta Ullah Khan2
...t option in Pakistan and its future prospects. Study is based on primary data collected by the researcher. Sample firm was Farmers Market Pvt. Ltd which is unique entity involved in commercial production of hydroponic products in Pakistan. Data on various production and economic variables was collected from FMP during 2009 to 2013. Variable of the study were area, area allocation decisions of farmer, customer structure, markets, costs involved in production pr...
Muhammad Shahbaz Aslam1, Iram Gull1, Zaigham Abbas2,* and Muhammad Amin Athar1
...nding of IFNα-2 to its receptor on cell surface leads to activation of interferon stimulated genes which mediate its anti-proliferative and anti-angiogenic properties. Similarly, Thymosin alpha 1 (Tα-1) helps to fight against different infections such as cancer and hepatitis with its immune modulating properties as well as through its direct ...
Aqeela Ashraf1,2,*, Muhammad Imran1 and Yung-Fu Chang2 dairy industry due to its high genetic variability, enormous number of environmental sources and increased resistance to antibiotics. The present study was aimed to determine the antimicrobial resistance of E. coli isolates from bovine mastitis and identification of antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes associated with them. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed by disk diffusion method. Resistance and virulence genes were detecte...
Muhammad Adeeb Babar1,*, Sayyad Ghyour Abbas1, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Kiran Aftab2, Muhammad Hanif1, Muhammad Asim1 and Muhammad Akhtar1
...from Middle Siwalik deposits of Potwar Plateau, Pakistan has been described. The remains are recovered from the outcrops, situating in three districts of Punjab, namely Kaulial Kas in Attock district, Dhok Pathan in Chakwal district, and Hasnot and Padhri in Jhelum district, Punjab, Pakistan. The outcrops date to Dhok Pathan formation (Late Miocene – Early Pliocene). The identified cervid species include Rucervus cf. simplicidens, Cervus cf...

Ghufran ul Haq1*, Muhammad Arif2, Asad Ali2 and Mian Inayatullah3 

...V) and the population of its vector, whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci), and determine the transmission properties of the prevalent isolate of the virus in the major tomato growing areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP). For this purpose, surveys were conducted in the hilly areas of Mohmand Agency and Malakand Agency and plains of Shabqadar, Charsadda and Peshawar during 2011, 2012 and 2013, to determine the incidence of TYLCV and the population of
Mohammed Al Bratty1, Hassan A. Alhazmi1, Somaya Jadoh Ogdi1, Jana Ahmad Otaif1, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab2, Mohammad Firoz Alam3 andSadique Akhtar Javed1,*
...asured to be higher than its maximum permissible limit (0.1 mg/kg) in poultry meat set by WHO and European Union. The estimated daily intakes (EDIs) of the tested metals through the consumption of the Baladi chicken were found to be lower than their respective reference oral doses (RfD) set by USEPA. The non-carcinogenic health risks to the target population due to exposure of the tested metals were assessed by estimating the Hazard Quotient (HQ) and Hazard In...
Yijiang Liu1, Kun Li2, Hui Zhang2, Khalid Mehmood2,3, Muhammad Shahzad3, Houqiang Luo1,*, Muhammad Asif Yaseen4 and Xiong Jiang2,5,*
...a was carried out, using its tibia. The mt genome (16,579 bp) is composed of 13 protein coding genes, 22 tRNA genes and 2 rRNA genes. The ratio of the bases of the mt genome of R. pruinosus from Wenzhou are A (32.31%), T (31.04%), C (24.77%), G (11.88%), A+T (63.35%), respectively. The multivariable sites in rRNA were 1.98% and 5.53% in 12S rRNA and 16S rRNA, respectively. The multivariable sites in protein coding gene were ranged from 0 to 4.83%...

Fayaz Ahmad1*, Noorullah Khan1, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Qamar uz Zaman1, Shamsul Islam1, Muhammad Abbas Khan1 and Sair Sarwar

...ith control for studying its role in the recovery and growth of deeply pruned tea. The earliest shoot sprouting (April, 2013) was recorded in tea bushes pruned on November, 2012 and receiving potash fertilizer @ 150 kg ha1 as compared to a19 days delay recorded in first shoot sprouting in tea bushes pruned on March, 2013 and receiving no potash fertilizer. Time of pruning significantly affected the shoot growth and it ranged from 54.75 cm (March, 2013) to 75.9...

Muhammad Ismaeel1,2*, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1, Aziz Ur Rahman1 and Mian Ahmad Raza

...≤0.01) for all the traits. Among the rice parents, Bas-6129 and Bas-370 showed the highest values for grains panicle-1 (214.0) while IR-8 displayed maximum values for spikelets panicle-1 (238.0), 1000-grain weight (30.9 g) and grain yield (0.97 kg m-2). F1 hybrids Dokri-Bas/Bas-6129, DR-92/DR-83, Bas-2008/Kashmir-Bas, IR-8/NIAB-IR-9 and Bas-6129/Dokri-Bas produced maximum spikelet’s panicle-1 (270.0), grains panicle-1 (233.0), 1000-grain weight (31.5 ...
Farrukh Jamil*, Samra Raheel and Haroon Rasheed bacterial tHbs due to its large size, polar heme pocket residues and large cavity for exogenous ligand in the heme pocket. The crystal structures of HGbIV showed that its heme pocket can accommodate and interact with bulky PO4-3 ion. Here, we have docked different smaller molecules/ion like O2, NO, CO, CO2, NO3-1, CH3COO-1 and CN-...
Nausheen Irshad1,*, Imran Yousaf1, Tariq Mahmood2 and Muhammad Saeed Awan1
...threats in many parts of its habitat. There is general lack of formal studies on the species. A survey was conducted from June to December 2014 to document existence of the leopard in Abbaspur area, Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Direct field observations (opportunistic survey) and indirect observations based on signs of the species were recorded. This was supplemented with information collected through questionnaire survey. Results confirmed the occurrence of leopar...
Jun Chen1, Shuai Shang2, Xiaoyang Wu1, Jiakuo Yan1, Huaming Zhong1, Huanxin Zhang2, Weilai Sha1, Wanchao Zhu1 and Honghai Zhang1,*
...perational taxonomical units (OTUs). Additionally, the three samples have 754 OTUs in common, which comprised 19.59%, 16.55%, and 19.81% of the reads in C1, C2 and C3. We identified 18 prokaryotic phyla in these animals, but most of the gut flora belonged to three phyla: Firmicutes (42.81-55.29%), Bacteroidetes (21.26-27.82%), Proteobacteria (3.05%-7.14%), represented by Ruminococcaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Prevotellaceae, Porphyromonadaceae, Succinivibrionacea a...

Shamsher Ali1*, Sarmad Khan1, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Naveed ullah4, Muhammad Rashid3 and Wiqar Ahmad1 early growth stage as its emergence percentage and plant height was significantly different from other four varieties. 


Muhammad Zulfiqar1*, Muhammad Jamal Khan1, Irshad Khan Abbasi2, Muhammad Tariq2, Jawad Ali3, Melad Karim4 and Rizwan Ahmad1 

...stan as it is irrigating its 80% of agricultural land. Shigari Kalan watershed is one of the water sheds located in Skardu, Northern Pakistan, which also contributes to River Indus flowing to Pakistan. The aim of instant research is to evaluate the correlation amid temperature and the rate of glacier/snow melt which could have future implications for water availability in the River Indus flowing into Pakistan for which data pertaining to snow/glacier melt from...
Danyu Zhang1, Ying Liu1, Qinxin Shi1, Zhiwei Peng1, Yan Hua1 and Zhijun Hou1,2,*
...but it was important for its health. Five parasitic species and two hundreds thirty four gut bacteria (genus) of the sable were detected by the saturated NaCl floating and next sequencing methods. The parasites were Capillaria sp., Baylisascaris devosi, Echinochasmus sp., and two Coccidianspecies. The Echinochasmus sp. andtwo Coccidian species were first time found either in sable or in other marte...
Muhammad Anwar-ul-Haq1, Amer Jamal Hashmat1, Ejazul Islam1, Muhammad Afzal1, Abid Mahmood2, Muhammad Ibrahim2,*, Muhammad Nawaz3,*, Shahid Nadeem4 and Qaiser Mahmood Khan1
Musrrat Fatima, Muhammad Saad Khan, Hamid Rashid, Asim Mehmood, Sumaira Kanwal, Muhammad Asif Rasheed and Farrukh Jamil*
...research interests after its recent outbreak in Brazil and America in 2015, where it affected millions of people. Studies have shown its role in developing microcephaly and GBS Syndrome. There is a need to develop drugs against ZIKV. Here we uses pharmacoinformatics techniques to identify potential inhibitors against ZIKV protease NS2B-NS3, which has a well-known role in the viral replication. By using three dimensional stru...
Zihong Chen1, Ling Xu2, Xiaona Yang2, Yaguan Zhang3* and Yuming Yang4
...>M. baoshanense from its relatives on that its conidial size was obviously smaller than M. majus and M. indigoticum, a little shorter than M. guizhouense and thicker than M. lepidiotae. Still the new species was characterized by that its colony colour became slightly shallow with culture time on PDA plates at 25°C, being grayish green at 12 d and turning...
Syed Makhdoom Hussain1,*, Muhammad Zubair ul Hassan Arsalan1Arshad Javid2, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain3, Nosheen Aslam4, Qasim Ali5, Majid Hussain6Muhammad Masoom ul Hassan Rehan7, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1,8Anam Khalid1 and Danish Riaz1
Selçuk Kaplan
...he genes and economic traits of livestock animals. However, phenotypic values do not generally indicate the real genotypic values of animals. However, using MAS approaches in selection of animals can increase the accuracy of selection. From this point of view, validation of candidate gene markers for marker assisted selection is very important to increase genetic gains in breeding. Leptin is a 16 kDa protein which is highly expressed in adipose tissue. Leptin ...
Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Ikramul Haq1,*, Imdad Ullah Khan3, Naimat Ullah4, Naimat Ullah Khan4, Kashif Hussain1 and Azmat Ullah Khan2
.../i> strains and evaluate its immune responses in rabbits, goats and sheep. C. perfringens were isolated from enterotoxaemia suspected sheep and goats from the endemic areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan during 2016. The isolates were initially identified through colony characters, Gram staining and biochemical tests. The identified isolates were quantified on blood agar and confirmed through PCR. Toxins wer...
Sadaf Noveen1*, Shaista Habib Ullah2, Babar Alam3
...long with performance of its primary functions. Its defects can decrease intelligibility of speech while affecting production of phonemes. Description of this relationship is important for etiologic diagnosis and treatment planning among children without any disability or ignored craniofacial deformities. Studies highlighting this relationship are rare to none in Pakistan. Therefore, this study aims to detect the type and extent of relationship between these t...

Ghulam Abbas1, Muhammad Jawad Asghar1, Muhammad Rizwan2*, Muhammad Akram1, Jaffar Hussain1 and Fiaz Ahmad1 

...ty and correlation of traits. For this purpose, fifty eight exotic and indigenous diverse mungbean genotypes were evaluated for seed yield and other related traits. The genetic analysis of mungbean germplasm revealed high genotypic (GCV) and phenotypic (PCV) coefficients of variability for biological yield (GCV% = 31.70, PCV% = 33.58), harvest index (GCV% = 27.80, PCV% = 30.16) and seed yield (GCV% = 25.28, PCV% = 27.54). Wh...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmed1, Muhammad Zeshan1,2, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1 and Kazim Ali

...ll yield contributing traits showed positive response with increase in fertilizer rate. Maximum yield was found at T6 (NPK @ 40:30:15) and T6 and T7 (NPK @ 40:30:30) showed parity for seed yield. Significant difference was not observed in increase in yield due to the addition of potassium but branches per plant showed substantial difference. Highly significant positive correlation was observed for yield and yield contributing traits

Rizwana Qamar1, Maria Ghias1, Fida Hussain1, Sajida Habib1, Muhammad Khuram Razzaq2*, Muhammad Aslam1 and Imran Habib3 

Ayesha Iftikhar1,*, Muhammad Asif Aziz1, Muhammad Naeem1, Munir Ahmad1 and Tariq Mukhtar2
...emperature variations on its demography and predation rate is necessary to predict the population dynamics of this beetle against cotton mealy bug. Age-stage, two sex life tables of zigzag beetle were constructed at three different temperature regimes: 24 ± 0.5 °C and 27 ± 0.5 °C with 60-70% R.H. and ambient condition (32 ± 4 °C; 16-50% R.H.) with 14:10 h (L:D) photoperiod using cotton mealy bug as a host. According to the resu...

Muhammad Fiaz1*, Muhammad Afzal1 and Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1,2 

...bel-recommended (FD) and its half (HD) dose rates of spirotetramat and I. fumosorosea formulations. Both treatments were applied either alone or in binary combinations. There was a significant reduction in psyllid population for all treatment combinations as compared to control (F8, 107 = 70.36; P-value = 0.001 for 2016 and F8, 107 = 63.58; P-value < 0.001 for 2017). Combined application of spirotetramat along with I. fumosorosea formulation has shown a sig...

Saeed Ullah1, Amanullah Jan1, Murad Ali2*, Wiqar Ahmad3, Hafeez Ur Rehman2, Muhammad Ishaq2 and Bilal Ahmad2  

...ld and related growth traits of the chickpea crop. Interaction among nutrients and application methods showed that application of nutrients with band placement method gave excellent results even at lower doses emphasizing proper application method as more important than mare increasing nutrient levels for obtaining higher returns 


Wasim Javaid1, Farid Asif Shaheen1*, Farah Naz2 and Muhammad Usman Raja2 

...directly proportional to its concentration as well as exposure time. For effective management of C. chinensis, 1×108 spores/ml of M. anisopliae and B. bassiana is recommended for safer storage of chickpea, pulses and grains. 


Imadud Din1*, Fazal Munsif1, Irfan Ahmad Shah3, Hamayoon Khan1, Fahad Ullah Khan1, Ibrarullah2, Shahab Uddin4 and Tauqir Islam1 

...ustify;">Variation of traits is the basic tool involved in the natural assessment and causes to produce sustainable crop under various environmental conditions. The aim of the present study was to assess twenty-four different wheat genotypes for morphological traits and yield components. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block (RCB) design having three replications. Components of variation, broad sense herit...
Naveed Akhtar1, Humaira Zareen2* and Rubina Sarmad3
...Abstract | Eating habits have strong relationship with nutritional status of any person. Modification of these habits in the adolescent period can prevent malnutrition resulting in prevention of many non-communicable diseases. Additionally, with best eating habits female doctors can be a role model for their patients.
Objectives: This study was designed to access the...
Rana Khurram Aftab1*, Farhat Ijaz2, Samia Jawed3
... and waist hip ratio and its relationship with hypertension among medical students.
Methodology: It was a descriptive cross sectional study where a total of 213 students of 1st year MBBS and BDS were involved. Their waist circumference, hip circumference, height and weight were recorded. Moreover, on these subjects bosy mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist hip ratio (WHR) were calculated and blood pressure was recorde...
Sahar Naz1, Farhan Rasheed2, Muhammad Saeed3*, Shagufta Iram4 and Ambereen Anwar Imran5
...2.5%were from Surgical Units, 12.5% were from Medical Unit, 17.5% were from Orthopedic Unit, and 3.7% were from Pulmonology ward. Almost 100% resistant was observed in MβL positive isolates for Imipenem,Piperacillin+Tazobactum, Ceftriaxone, Co-amoxyclav, Cefoperazone+Sulbactam, Ciprofloxacin, and Amikacin, Doxycycline, and Gentamicin showed 91.2%, 94.0%, and 97.5% resistant rate respectively. No resistance was observed against Colistin.
Munir Ahmad1, Aisha Hameed2*, Saba Khaliq3, Hamid Saeed Malik4 and Shahida Mohsin5
...sion oncogene in ALL and its association with already established prognostic factors such as age, WBC count and FAB subtype.
Materials and Methods: Sixty-six patients with newly diagnosed ALL were studied and patients on chemotherapy and T-ALL were excluded. The data was analyzed by SPSS20 for prognostically important parameters such as age, sex, hemoglobin level, WBC profile, platelet count, FAB type and immunophenotype. RNA extraction was ...
Zartasha Anjum1*, Rakhshindah Bajwa2 and Munazza Hassan3
...carcinomas and determine its association with ER/PR expression.
Material & Methods: Cross-sectional analytical study was conducted to examine the immunohistochemical expression of HMG-CoAR in 75 cases of breast carcinoma. Study was carried out in postgraduate medical institute, Lahore. The frequency and percentage were calculated for histological grade of the tumor and expression of HMG-CoAR, ER and PR. Fischer exact test was applied to ...
Faisal Masood*1, Ranjit Kumar Sah2 and Ahmad Humayun Sarfaraz3
...trial study to establish its efficacy in such cases.
Shumaila Irum1, Muhammad Zafar Iqbal*2 and Fatima Naumeri3
...eavily depends upon benefits to learners and this further facilitates the learning processing. The most commonly used tool, to measure it, is Dundee Ready Educational Environment Measure (DREEM).
Objective: This study was designed to evaluate the perceptions of medical students in pre-clinical years about educational environment in a public sector medical college of Pakistan and to compare the DREEM scores with previous published scores.
Muhammad Younus1*, Sabah Usman2 and Samia Jawed3
...lobal health problem and its prevalence is increasing continuously. It is the fifth leading cause of death worldwide and is associated with decreased lung functions.
Objective: This study was designed to compare the pulmonary functions in obese and non-obese subjects. Additionally, we aimed to correlate the body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) with pulmonary function tests (PFT’s).
Maryam Javed*, Farwa Saghir, Naveera Aziz, Maham Saeed, Asif Nadeem and Wasim Shehzad
...located in COMT gene for its relation to physical aggression in the four domestic bovine species of Pakistan, which are normally less aggressive. Selected animal species were cattle (Bos indicus), buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), sheep (Ovis aries) and goat (Capra hircus). Selected marker V158M is present in exon-8 of COMT gene. Each specie was subjected to blood sampling (n=20 each). DNA was extracted, purified, quantified and amplified ...
Irshad Ali1, Mohammad Masood Tariq2,*, Abdul Waheed2, Ferhet Abbas Yousafzai1, Farhat Abbas Bokhari1, Majed Rafeeq1, Muhammad Ali1, Muhammad Adnan Attique1, Shahid Amin3 and Tahir Hameed1
...l, biometric parameters, its production system, and survival in the existing habitat. The data on morphology and performance of 1020 Bhag Nari (BN) cattle were collected from Bhag Nari cattle Farm, Usta Mohammad Baluchistan during 2015-16 and its surrounding areas. Some distinct characteristics have been found exclusively in Bhag Nari breed. These characters are rare in other local breeds of the area such as tick resist...
Sana Rafique1, Hina Saqib1, Khushi Muhammad2, Nazia Akbar2, Abdul Rauf3, Muzafar Shah4,*
...Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan and its high proportion will result in high death rate. So, the possible measures should be taken out to control DENV spread in future.

Jahangir khan* and Abbas Ullah Jan 

...pesticides-free fresh fruits, produced locally, such as Apple. For data collection, a sample of 200 households was randomly selected from urban and rural region of Peshawar district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province. Sampled households were interviewed face to face. An open-ended CVM question was designed to elicit households’ willingness to pay (WTP) and a linear regression analysis conducted to identify important determinants of households’ WTP. Res...
Rafa Almeer1,*, A. Alqarni1,2, S. Alqattan3, S. Abdi4,*, S. Alarifi1, Z.Hassan5 and A. Semlali6
... extensively studied for its anticancer properties. However, its mechanism of action remains unclear. The present study evaluated the effect of two varieties of natural honey (Sidr and Wild) on a human breast adenocarcinoma (MDA-MB-231) cell line. The MDA-MB-231 cell lines were treated with Sidr honey (H1) and Wild honey (H2) for 6, 24, or 48 h followed by cell morphology evaluation. Cell viability was examined by MTT assay ...

Ahmed Zein Elabdeen Mahmoud1, Muaz Magzob Abdellatif2* and Mohamed Abdelsalam Abdalla

...: justify;">Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an endemic disease in Hail, Saudi Arabia where outbreaks are regularly reported. This study was carried out to analyze nucleoprotein (N) gene of PPRV from fatal infections in small ruminants. For this purpose, RNA was extracted from suspected animal samples (n=18) and were screened by real time-PCR. Additionally, to assess the phylogenomics, the N gene was amplified and sequenced from sheep and goats (n=12). Nucl...
Matiyar Rahaman Khan1,*, Sabayasachi Pal2, Amit Singh2, Ashok Dhananjaybhai Patel3, Bhagubhai Ambaram Patel3Tushar Manohar Ghule2 and Victor Phani1
... of M. indica and its diagnostic symptoms on some hosts (citrus and Bt-cotton) was recorded and the nematode species was authentically identified as Meloidogyne indica Whitehead, 1968 which was first time described on citrus from Delhi, India. The species is further characterized based on detailed morphological, morphometric descriptions and beta-esterase phenotyping. The present study elucidated information on M. indica for
Kamran Khan1, Sarzamin Khan2, Nazir Ahmad Khan2,* and Naseer Ahmad2
... and meat quality of rabbits. Sixty indigenous rabbits were divided randomly into five treatment groups. The control group was fed on standard concentrate basal diet, whereas in the treated groups, the basal diet was supplemented with low (3.5%; LCF) or high (7%; HCF) level of crushed flaxseed and low (1.5%; LFO) or high (3%; HFO) level of flaxseed oil until slaughtering (day 90). Carcass fat deposition was greater (P < 0...
Jingen Xu1, Yang Liu2, Erhui Jin1, Youfang Gu1, Qin Zhang3 and Shenghe Li1,*
...vergent hematological traits in swine may confer physiological differences, so we studied transcriptome profiles in spleens of Yorkshire pigs with different peripheral blood T lymphocyte subsets. The results showed that 2050 differentially expressed transcripts were identified, with 1554 up-regulated and 496 up-regulated in high and low T lymphocyte groups, respectively. Among differentially expressed genes, IL1B, IL17F, IL6R, CXCL2, CCL20 and CCL25<...
Zhu-Mei Ren1,*, Xu Su2, Carol D von Dohlen3 and Jun Wen4,1,*
...galls that are formed on its primary host. Its primary host plant is Rhus hypoleuca, whereas other Nurudea species are on R. chinensis.
Ayesha Aihetasham, Saira Shariq and Javed Iqbal Qazi*
... this fungal species and its application for controlling the termite under select situation need further investigation.

Fiaz Ahmad1, Mumtaz Hussain2, Ghulam Abbas1, Muhammad Jawad Asghar1 and Muhammad Rizwan3* 

...ysiological and yield traits were studied. Both varieties showed gradual reduction in morphological traits at increasing concentration of lead and water stress. Moreover, morphological traits were more severely affected by combined lead and water stress treatment (80 mg Pb2+ 50% FC) as compared to single lead (40 mg Pb2+ 100% FC and 80 mg Pb2+ 100% FC) and single water stress treatment (0 ...

Raphael Olanrewaju Babatunde, Adeyemi Esther Omoniwa and Miriam Ukemenam 

...tized on the future benefits of sending their children to school. More so, credits should be made more accessible to farming households. This might help in the establishment of mechanized farm system thus reducing the need for manual labour and improving the children’s opportunities of schooling. 


Shahen Shah1*, Manzoor Hussain1, Arshad Jalal1, Mohammad Sayyar Khan2, Tariq Shah1, Muhammad Ilyas1 and Muhammad Uzair3 

...d by N and S. Sulfur and its application time prominently influenced the productive tillers m-2 and biomass yield. Nitrogen at 150 kg ha-1 resulted in more number of productive tillers m-2, less un-productive tillers m-2 and higher thousand grain weight, biological yield and higher value cost ratio. Sulfur at 45 kg produced higher productive tillers m-2, thousand grain weight, grains spike-1 and biomass yield. Sulfur applied 50% at sowing and 50% at tillering ...
Muhammad Mobashar1, Muhammad Tahir1, Shahbaz Javaid2,*, Muhammad I. Anjum2, Insha Gul3, Nazir Ahmad1 andAbdul Sami1

Muhammad Zahid1, Naeem Iqbal1, Sohaib Muhammad2*, Summiya Faisal3, Wajid Mahboob3, Makhdoom Hussain4 and Zaheer ud din Khan2 

...eld and physiological traits

Kiran Aqil1, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan2, Asim Aslam2, Aqeel Javeed5, Rizwan Qayyum1, Farooq Yousaf,1 Farkhanda Yasmeen1, Muhammad Luqman Sohail3 and Sajid Umar4,*
Xiaqing Chen, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
...that attacks mulberry fruits and causes disease named as “popcorn disease”. Many Trichoderma spp. produce a series of antibiotic metabolites that can inhibit plant pathogens. Trichoderma hamatum isolated from infected mulberry fruits was evaluated for its efficiency to suppress plant pathogen S. shiraiana alone or in combination with fungicide carbenda...
Dan Yü, Chuchu Li, Yü Huang and Zhen Huang*
... difenoconazole alone or its combinations against S. sclerotiorum. The results showed that T. hamatum could infect and destroy the mycelia and sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum by mycoparasitism. The cell-free culture supernatant and ethylacetate extracts from T. hamatum inhibited mycelial growth of S. sclerotiorum, with EC50 value of 0.54 µl/cm2 and 2.99 µg/ml, respectively. The sclerotia product...

Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Muhammad Zeshan1,2, Mumtaz Hussain1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmed1 and Sabir Hussain Shah3 

...y of the source of N and its placement timings on growth and yield of raya. The experiment was laid out in the factorial arrangement within randomized complete block design (RCBD). Two sources of nitrogen i.e. urea and calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and three nitrogen placement timings i.e. ½ at rauni + ½ at flowering (T1), ½ at sowing + ½ at flowering (T2) and ½ at 1st irrigation + ½ at flowering (T3) were included in...
Binbin Shan, Yan Liu, Changping Yang, Shengnan Liu and Dianrong Sun*
...nigenes had significant hits in Nr database. And then, 10,467 unigenes were annotated into three ontologies: biological processes, cellular components, and molecular functions. Moreover, 18,621 unigenes were mapped 25 different clusters of eukaryotic proteins. In addition, a total of 17,671 unigenes were classified into 311 KEGG pathways. Finally, we predicted the coding sequences of 13,072 unigenes and obtained 9,222 SSRs in the present study. The whole trans...
Shoukat Ara1, Sheikh Adil2,*and Manzoor Ahmad Khan3
...d thereby maximizing profits. The Azolla inclusion in the diet of layer chicken had no effect on SGPT and SGOT levels indicating that Azolla supplementation had no toxic effect in layer chicken even up to 20% levels.

Ashraf Khan1*, Suliman Shah2, Maid Zaman3 and Komal Habib2

... varieties of citrus and its infestation found throughout the world. It is becoming serious threat to the brightening future of citrus growing areas of Pakistan. Thirteen different insecticides were usedfor effective control against citrus psylla under field conditions. Population density of pest was recorded as number of adults per branch. Efficacy of the insecticides was evaluated as percent mortality (%) of citrus psylla. Overall highest percent mortality w...

Muhammad Faheem Jan1*, Asad Ali Khan1, Waqas Liaqat1, Haseeb Ahmad1, Muhammad Dawood Ahmadzai1 and Wazir Rehan

...alues for the studied traits were recorded in plots which were treated with K 40% from organic (poultry manure) and 60% from inorganic (sulphate of potash) sources. It can be concluded that application of K at the rate of 80 kg ha-1 from both organic and inorganic sources at the ratio of 40% organic + 60% inorganic respectively to hybrid DK-Garanon resulted in higher net return from maize in terms of yield.  


Madiha Naz1, Qudrat Ullah Khan1*, M. Jamil Khan1, Obaid Ullah Sayal2, Asim Afridi3 and Aziz Ullah Sayal3 

...are perishable fruit and its growth, yield and quality depends on the management practices. Tomato attributes were studied under controlled condition using manures and pressmud incombination with foliar spray of macro-nutrients and naphthalien acetic acid (NAA) and compared with inorganic soil applied fertilizers. The results of the study showed significantly higher number of branches, chlorophyll content in the treatment recieving inorganic fertilizers, the m...
Muhammad Khan1,*, Amara Maryam2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1 and Yongming Li3,*
... flavonol glycoside inhibits BaP-induced A549 lung cancer metastasis by modulating the expressions of p-STAT3, COX-2, MMP-2, MMP-9, E-cadherin and N-cadherin. Moreover, we found that chronic BaP exposure promoted migration without enhancing the proliferation of cells and BHS-I was equally toxic to both BaP-treated and untreated A549 cells. Taken together, the data of present study indicate that BHS-I not only inhibits metast...

Saif Ullah and Mohammad Akmal*

...t options to work due to its better oil quality and fit well in the cropping system of environment. Combined effect of N, P and S on sunflower is essential to review. Field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm, the University of Agriculture Peshawar during summer 2016. Nitrogen (40, 80 and 120 kg ha-1), P (30, 60 and 90 kg ha-1) and S (10, 20 and 30 kg ha-1) were compared in a randomized complete block design in three replications. Plot (4m x 4.2...

Safina Naz1, Muhammad Akbar Anjum1, Saeed Akhtar2, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3* and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar

... higher than the safe limits recommended by WHO (1996). All the vegetables grown with tubewell water had significantly lower heavy metal contents, well below the critical limits. The concentration of Pb in tomato and cauliflower, Cd in tomato and spinach, and Fe in spinach irrigated with canal water were also detected beyond the safe limits. The study concludes that the continuous use of s...

Safina Naz1, Khushbo Hussain1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar2* and Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3

...ustify;">Luffa possesses its specific value and importance among the summer vegetables. Research comprising of in-vitro and field trials was conducted to define the efficacy of growth promoting substances which showed that foliar application of Naphthalene Acetic Acid, Salicylic acid (SA), combination of Naphthalene Acetic Acid & salicylic acid and orange oil extract on physical and chemical parameters gave significant response. NAA promotes vine length up...
Shabana*, Saleem Ullah Shahid and Shahida Hasnain
...y. The anthropometric traits were significantly different between dyslipidemic obese subjects and nondyslipidemic non obese subjects. In conclusion, obesity is accompanied by a dyslipidemic profile and increased weight and/or BMI. The progression of clinical forms of obesity can be assessed by the strong predicting indices, including weight, BMI, low HDL and high TC.
S. Jalbani1, P. Khan2 and N.T.Narejo2,*and Y.M. Jalbnai3
...ith stocking density and its effect on growth parameters of R. rita reared in cemented cisterns during June to August 2016. Three stocking densities with 10, 20 and 30 fish/1.25m2 cemented cisterns were maintained and growth of fish was observed. Significantly highest growth in terms of weight gain was recorded with density of 20 fish /cistern (26.4 g) as compared with cistern containing 10 fish (11.7 g) or 30 fish/cistern (8.8 g). The surviv...
Shafaq Fatima*, Sumrin Sahar and Khalid Lone
...arp in South Asia due to its higher growth, flesh quality and increased market demand. Present study investigated the seasonal variations in gonadosomatic index (GSI) and profiles of sex steroids such as testosterone (T), 11-ketotestosterone (11-KT), estradiol-17β (E2), cortisol (C), progesterone (P) and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone (17α-HP) during annual reproductive cycle under semi-arid climate conditions. GSI increased during March c...
Haroon Rashid1,*, Khushi Muhammad1, Masood Rabbani1, Muhammad Sarwar Khan1, Tasleem Ghori2, Mamoona Chaudhry3, Hamad Bin Rashid2, Muhammad Zubair Shabbir1, Muhammad Hamid Chaudhary4, Muhammad Asad Ali1, Mian Muhammad Khubaib Sattar5, Javed Muhammad1 and Bhushan Jayarao6
...akistan and to ascertain its public health significance. Using a grid-based sampling strategy, soil samples (n=1985) were collected from villages (n = 397, 5 samples/village) and examined for Bacillus anthracis, using real time PCR assays. Soil samples were found positive for plasmid DNA of Bacillus anthracis (CapB) in 3 villages (n= 3/1985, 0.15%), whereas plasmid DNA of Bacillus anthracis (PA) was detected in soil samples of 4 villages, ...

Anish Shrestha* and Samata Baral 

... change on livestock and its productivities. Result showed that farmers perceived the climate change as change in rainfall pattern, rainfall duration, onset of the monsoon, and changes from summer and winter etc. Some farmers realized the change in climate and its impact on their usual farming practices. But, majority of farmers (57.88%) are still unaware about climate change and how to deal with it. Among total respondent, ...

Tariq Aziz1, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1, Quaid Hussain1,3*, Tariq Shah2,3, Nazir Ahmad1 and Amir Sohail1 

...ain yield and related traits in 12 F3 populations of wheat got from mating of six advanced lines and two widely cultivated cultivars (Pirsabak-08 and Janbaz) at University of Agriculture, Peshawar during 2013-14. All wheat genotypes (8 parents and 12 F3 populations) showed significant differences for all traits. Cultivar Janbaz had maximum spike length (13.9 cm) and maximum number of grains spike-1 (89.2). Parental line B-IV...
Wajid Ali1,*, Asma Karim1, Muhammad Irfan2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir3*, Ghulam Mustafa4, Zeeshan Shafique1, Ijaz Anwar1
...ught great economic benefits but also cause serious ecological harms like non-target toxicity of organism. Synthetic pyrethroid (deltamethrine) is widely used due to its less toxicity and easy degradation in soil.In this study,fresh water fish Hypophthalmicthyes molitrix were exposed to sub lethal concentrations of deltamethrine. Fish were divided into 4 groups and each group contains six fish. Experimental groups ...

Muhammad Abu Sufyan Ali, Syed Attaullah Shah*, Ghaffar Ali and Muhammad Fayaz 

... of a farmland determine its price. Residential and commercial encroachment on fertile irrigated farmlands at urban fringe is alarming. More than half of the sampled transacted farmland parcels were used for residential and commercial units’ construction. Farmland potential for commercial or residential use creates a value expectation and it capitalizes into farmland price. The value, however, does not influence farmla...

Shamsher Ali1, Zakir Ullah Jan1*, Zahir Shah2, Muhammad Jamal Khan2, Farmanullah Khan2, Inayat ur Rahman3 and Shah Fahad3 

...eased yield and yield traits of Hybrid CS-200 and Azam variety than rest of the fertilizers treatments. The significantly maximum plant height of Azam cv. (260 cm) and hybrid (247cm) were recorded in treatment T5 (N- P2O5@ 130-90 kg per hectare + 20 ton per hectare FYM) followed by T6 (50-45) kg N, P2O5 ha-1 + FYM @ 20000 kg ha-1. The Azam plants were taller than hybrid. The treatment (T5) significantly yielded more grain (6806 kg ha-1) and (5106 Kg ha-1) from...
Haozhen Liu1, Xiangfu Li2, Yinong Wang1,*, Xun Liu3,4, Li Wang1, Dong Liu1, Chen Chen1, Jinjing Li1, Haifeng Jiao5 and Zhongjie You1,5
Şehriban Çek Yalnız 1,* and Erdal Yilmaz2
...cellular death. However, its function in fish is largely unknown. In order to discuss the possible role of apoptosis in fish ovarian follicular atresia and postovulatory regression, the pre and postovulatory follicles (POF) of the freshwater teleost, Clarias gariepinus were observed by light microscopy. The germinal vesicle and the cytoplasmic organelles of the oocyte were disintegrated. The theca of atretic mature oocytes was hypertrophied and persiste...

Amar Razzaq1, Abdur Rehman4*, Abdul Hassan Qureshi2, Iqbal Javed3, Raheel Saqib5 and Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal6 

... about the economic benefits offered by HEIs. 

Soumble Zulfiqar1, Khuram Shehzad1, Sana Tahir1, Khalid A. Al-Ghanim2 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2,3,*
...olic substrates revealed its laccase activity. The kinetic studies showed Km value of 0.2µM, kKcat 0.68 S-1 and Kcat/km 1.2S-1 µM-1 for 2,6-Dimethoxyphenol (DMP) and Km value of 0.25mM, Kcat 300 S-1 and Kcat/Km=1200S-1mM-1 for Syringaldazine (SGZ). Regulation of cueO in response to various concentrations of copper was studied at transcriptional level. Quantitative analysis thr...

Fan Shuli1*, Ameer Hussain Jarwar1,3, Xiaoyan Wang2, Long Wang1 and Qifeng Ma

...ion is mainly focused on its fiber but cotton seed oil is significantly used as a comestible vegetable oil and makes major contribute in the national oil industry. According to an estimate per capita usage of edible oil in the country is 15 kg, this is even higher than the consumption in countries with same economic status of economical evolution. Overall requirements for this purpose in 2028–30 is estimated at approximately 5.30 million/tons from which ...
Merica Slišković1, Meta Povž2, Marina Piria3,*, Goran Jakšić4, Ana Gracanin5 andGorana Jelić Mrčelić1
... middle Danube River and its tributaries is insufficient. This study aims to provide new data on the morphology and ecology of sichel from the Mur River, and its distribution in Croatia and Slovenia. In 2009, the schooling of sichel were observed at a high-water level in the Mur River of Slovenia. In total, 14 specimens were sampled by fishermen using sport fishing techniques. The age, condition, length-weight relationship (...
Qudrat Ullah1,*, Huma Jamil1, Zafar Iqbal Qureshi1, Muhammad Saqib2 and Heinrich Neubauer3
...lence of Coxiellosis and its relationship with some important risk factors in small ruminants kept at nine government livestock farms of Punjab, Pakistan. A total of 1000 blood samples (500 each from goats and sheep) were collected from animals kept at the respective livestock farms. An indirect-Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (iELISA) was used to detect anti-C. burnetii antibodies in the serum. Serological analysis revealed overall flock-level sero-p...

Zulqarnain and Zafar Iqbal* 

....85 ± 3.26 %) and its extract showed 9.20 ± 0.14 mm zone of inhibition at 1000 mg·L-1 against the Fusarium wilt. Based on its higher in vitro antifungal activity, in vivo screen house experiments were conducted. Plants given the treatment as Penicillium + Fusarium showed slight yellowing of the leaves after 60th days of cultivation. Present results may help in exploiting the Penicillium sp. extract for i...

Bushra Qadir1, Muhammad Asim2 and Mohammad Akmal1* 

...d the year. Nonetheless, its initial growth for stand establishment is a major issue. Treatments of the experiments were four alfalfa varieties (i.e. UCD, Dura, Vernal and Cuf 101) whose seed were treated with overnight in bio-extracts solution made of perennial tree leaves. The study compares early growth performance of alfalfa varieties for forage biomass production. The seed was soaked overnight (14 h) in extracts made from dry powdered leaves of Bakayn (Az...
Moorthy S. Muthuswamy
... an underlying theme and its enablers. This proposal further divides radicalization processes into primary and secondary ones; the former are identified with the onset of radicalization in a community, and the latter develop in communities with longstanding exposure to the phenomenon. A new analysis of a 2013 Pew Research Center report suggests that sharia’s popularity in a community can make religious leaders and their radical ideas highly influential, ...
Hans Van Eyghen
...ies debunk belief in spirits. I reconstruct the argument as an argument for the conclusion that belief in spirits is unreliably formed. In order to assess the argument I look closer at three well-known explanations of how people form belief in spirits. They are: the Hyperactive Agency Detection Device, an explanation that points to the effect of infrasound, and an explanations that points ...

Muhammad Israr1*, Saeed Ullah1, Shakeel Ahmad2, Asif Yaseen3, Urooba Pervaiz4 and Nafees Ahmad5 

...n all the dimensions and its sub-indicators having different value severity on the measuring scale, which may be overcome by taking different sector-specific adaptive and preventive measures at the farm, institutional and policy level 


Abid Hussain1*, Muhammad Azeem Khan2, Muhammad Anjum Ali Buttar3, Umar Farooq4, Muhmmad Islam5 and Zahid Ullah Khan1 Pakistan to pass benefits to the farmers by reducing input prices through reduction in GST, providing cash subsidy and supplying inexpensive feed gas for fertilizer industry. Currently, cash subsidy on urea is costing Rs. 12 billion to national exchequer and total tax relief (all products inclusive) costing around Rs. 40 billion to the national exchequer, respectively. Thus, total financial implication of subsidy and tax relief is Rs. 52 billion. In the exi...

Muhammad Luqman1, Raheel Saqib2*, Mujahid Karim1, Khalid Nawab2, Abdur Rehman3 and Muhammad Yaseen1 In order to find out its socio-economic impacts on the livelihoods of rural household in the Southern Punjab, the present study was carried out in 2016 at University College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha. Data were collected from randomly selected 160 rural heads of households using interview schedule. Majority (76.2%) of the respondents were young (26 to 40 years). A significant majority (76.3%) were illiterate and only 23.8% were literate (Havin...

Arshad Iqbal1*, Syed Mehar Ali Shah1, Hidayat ur Rahman1, Faiza Aman2 and Aziz-ur-Rahman

...various morphological traits. Thirty-eight lines derived from F5 rice cross combinations along with their 8 parents were planted in a randomized complete block design (RCB) having three replications at The University of Agriculture, Peshawar during 2016 rice crop growing season. Data were taken on some of the morphological traits like number of days to heading (days), number of days to maturity (days), flag leaf area (cm2), ...
Yuan Li1, Liyan Zhang2, Karhoe Loh3, Ji Feng1, Xinqing Zheng1, Puqing Song1 and Longshan Lin1,*
... cinereus because of its small size. Despite its importance, studies on the population genetics of P. minor are not yet available. In the present study, the mitochondrial Cytb gene was employed to investigate the population genetics of P. minor collected along the coasts of China and Malaysia. The genetic diversity of all P. minor populations was moderate, and two major haplotype lineages were detect...

Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1*, Maryam Bisola Adebayo2, Bashiru Shafa Abubakar3, Ibrahim Abubakar Yusuf2 and Joseph Aje Anejo-Okopi1  

... Parvovirus B19 IgG/IgM kits. A total of 171 (52.5%) of women had IgG antibody to Parvovirus B19 while 31 (9.5%) were positive for IgM antibody. Demographics including age group, educational status, occupation, type of marriage, number of children, history of blood transfusion and trimester of pregnancy were statistically associated with prevalence of IgG antibody (p ≤ 0.05). There was a significant association (χ2 = 12.571; p = 0.028) between age group...

Saeed Ahmad Shah Chishti1, Mudassar Iqbal1*, Nusrat Parveen1, Kashif Nadeem1, Muhammad Iqbal1, Umbreen Shahzad2, Rana Husnain Shabbir1 and Muhammad Najeebullah1 

...trait of this variety is its greater pod width (2.04 cm) than Pea-2009 (1.87 cm), Meteor (1.59 cm) and Climax (1.61 cm) and more No. of pods per plant. Sarsabz is 27 days earlier in pod bearing than Climax and five days than Pea-2009. It is suitable for early planting (mid of October) as well as for normal planting (Mid of November). Its seed is light green, round and bold and its average 100-fresh seed weight is 67.62 g whi...

Monsif Ur Rehman1*, Hidayat-ur-Rahman1, Muhammad Iqbal2, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil1 and Zahir Shah3 

...d for yield and other traits (days to anthesis, kernels ear-1, 100-grains weight) in RCB design with two replications. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among hybrids, lines and testers. Differences due to site × hybrid interaction for grain yield were also significant. Non-additive gene action was predominant for the inheritance of the studied traits. Tester, T-4 was the best general combiner with de...

Sher Nawab Khan* and Ghulam Hassan 

...eld and yield related traits at Peshawar-Pakistan. Data were generated on spikelets spike-1, spike length (cm), days to heading and grain yield plant-1. Significant differences were present for all the studied parameters. In diallel analysis highly significant dominant (b) and additive (a) genetic effects were detected for all the parameters except spikelets spike-1. Scaling test for the adequacy of the model was complete to partially adequate for the studied ...

Waqas Ali* and Mudasser Habib 

... However, the reports on its selection and evolutionary pathways are rare. In present study, 336 strains of serotype O (n = 178), A (n = 82) and Asia 1 (n = 76) were downloaded from NCBI database that mainly belonging to Pakistan, along with three vaccinal strains. Phylogenetic analysis (maximum likelihood) showed that lineages Pan Asia II, An Iran-05, and Group VII within serotype O, A and Asia 1 are causing majority of the outbreaks in the Pakistan during re...
Mehwish Aftab, Tariq Mahmud*, Muhammad Asim Raza Basra, Aqsa Gulzar, Sumaira Basharat and H.M. Junaid
...prepared Schiff base and its La (III) and Ce (III) complexes. The proposed geometries of the complexes were established on the basis of metal ligand ratio through ICP. Schiff base showed antioxidant activity against diphenylpicrylhydrazyl (DPPH). The results showed that metal complexes are good antioxidant agents as compared to Trolox (standard) and ligand was less active as compared to Trolox. The Schiff base ligand and its...
Muhammad Babar Khawar1, Muddasir Hassan Abbasi2*, Zillay Mariam1, Nadeem Sheikh1,2*
...waste treatment prior to its disposal.
Tahira Batool1*, Nabila Roohi1, Athar Mahmud
...slaughter and carcass traits in Lakha, Mianwali, Mushki and Peshawari varieties of indigenous Aseel chicken. A total of 240 day-old chicks, 60 from each of the variety were taken randomly and sub-divided equally into three groups (A, B and C). They were offered three lysine regimens i.e., L1 constituting 1.3% lysine from 0-6th week (1-phased) to group A and L2 containing 1.4-1.2 % lysine where 1.4% lysine was offered from 0-3rd week and 1...

Asma Sohail1*, Aina Rafique2, Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi1 and Maryum Arif3 

...align: justify;">Date fruits contain an elevated amount of antioxidants and have potential antimicrobial activity. Effect of drying methods (sun-, oven- and freeze drying) on antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of date fruit powders from three varieties Zahidi, Aseel and Muzafati were investigated. The DPPH activity was significantly higher in Muzafati sundried date powder, whereas maximum phenolic and flavonoid contents were significantly higher in Muzaf...

Asma Sohail1*, Kashif Sarfraz Abbasi1, Maryum Arif2 and Fatima Najam1 

...ion and UV rays. This limits the commercial application of these oils. To overcome such problems encapsulation could be a gentle approach. Prior to encapsulation, oil extraction was done by using five different solvents including ethyl acetate, n-hexane, methanol, diethyl ether and chloroform in which ethyl acetate yielded 53% oil. Pumpkin seed oil was encapsulated using gel entrapment i.e. extrusion method and indirect diffusion method using Ca-alginate. Pump...

Shoaib Nawaz1, Muhammad Razaq1, Zahid Mahmood Sarwar1*, Muhammad Sajjad1*, Syeda Aneeza Ubaid1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar2 and Usman Haider

...eason. Okra fruit due to its nutrients like protein vitamin calcium potassium, value play an important role in Ghanaians diet. Sucking pest jassid become major problem on okra in tropical and subtropical regions and cause heavy losses. Neonicotinoid insecticide, like nitenpyram was used on calendar basis and ETL basis. Data was recorded on weekly basis. In first week jassid population in control and ETL treatments was equal with non-significant difference betw...
Saleh S. Alhewairini
... with a little effect on its eggs under laboratory conditions. The mortality percentages of O. afrasiaticus were 61.79, 73.58 and 82.90%; 62.87, 73.77 and 83.32%; 71.70, 82.23 and 92.37% after one week of exposure to the quarter recommended dose (QRD), half recommended dose (HRD) and recommended dose (RD) of oxamyl only and with the recommended dose (RD) of Injo200 or 1000ppm of Huwa-SanTR50, respectively. The percentages of larvae hatching from eggs of...

Muhammad Arshad*, Sabeeta Jan, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam, Shiguftah Khalid and Muahmmad Ayub Khan 

...r different agronomic traits to assess genetic specifications, genetic divergence, and correlation coefficient, direct and indirect effects of eight characters towards seed yield under field condition. Experiment was conducted according to RCBD design at NARC (National Agricultural Research Centre), Islamabad during year 2015. Data were recorded on Days to flower initiation, Days to flower completion and Days to maturity, 100 seed weight, oil content percentag...

Jafar Aqeel Naqi1, Abdul Mateen1, Dilawar Hussain2,*, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2, Sajjad Hussain1 and Abuzar Tabasum1 

...into five experimental units (10 fishes per unit) with three replicates. Fish was hand feeded containing five different levels of garlic (T1, control) 2.5 (T2), 5.0 (T3), 7.5 (T4), and 10g/500g (T5) in powdered form. Fish were fed at 6% of body weight twice, daily. Feed utilization was estimated in terms of feed conversion ratio (FCR). The growth was measured in terms of total weight gain (TWG) and length ...
Tariq Mahmood1,*, Ijaz Ahmad1, Faraz Akrim1, Abdul Hamid1, Muhammad Waseem1, Abid Hussain1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem2
...ry little is known about its ecology and breeding in its native range in the north of the country. The present study investigated breeding ecology of the bird in its native range of Lower Dir district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province from September 2016 to August 2017. Results show that breeding season of the species starts from February: peak breeding months being March and April, duri...
Muhammad Mohsin1, Dai Guilin1,*, Chen Zhuo1, Yin Hengbin1 and Muhammad Noman2
Muhammad Khan been rediscovered for its potential anticancer activity. This review will mainly focus on the anticancer activity, cellular targets and anticancer mechanism of PSD-A which may help the further design and conduct of research and repositioning it for oncological clinic.
Zafar Iqbal*, Farah Ansar, Zil-e-Huma
...arassius auratus and its six varieties (shubunkin, comet, black moor, oranda, double tail and fantail); molly Poeciliasphenops; platy Xiphophorus maculates; sword tail Xiphophorus helleri; guppy Poecilia reticulata; tiger oscar Astronotus ocellatus; koi carp Cyprinus carpio; giant gourami Osphronemus goramy; blue line shark Pangasianodon hypophthalmus and silver shark Balanitiocheilos melanopt...

Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar*1, Shahid Riaz Malik1, Waqas Ahmad2, Muhammad Sajid Mahmood3, Muhammad Jawad1, Muhammad Asadullah1, Ijaz Ahmad4 and Muhammad Imran1

...r most of the studied traits including yield. In case of planting times delayed sowing enhanced the maturity but July 05 reported best results especially for yield attributes like no. of clusters per plant, pods plant-1, biological yield, grain yield and harvest index, however it was statistically similar with planting time July 15 for all these traits. The interaction also exhibited significant results and G2S3 recorded hig...

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Ammarah Hasnain2, Ateeq ur Rehman1 and Rashida Perveen1 

...indica which also proved its efficacy against the pathogen. The combination of M. piperita, A. indica and C. limon was superior in reducing the BLB of rice. Besides this, all treatments showed significant effect on the agronomic traits of rice plants. The reduction of disease in all the trials along with healthy crop stand in glass house and field indicated that these decoctions might play an important role in biological man...

Muhammad Kashif Asghar1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar1,2*, Shahid Riaz Malik2, Waqas Ahmad3, Sumaira Zareen4, Safdar Ali5 and Abid Ali6 

...icant for most of the traits


Zubina Hameed1, Muhammad Azim Malik1, Safdar Ali1*, Muhammad Ansar1, Farina Shaheen1, Ijaz Ahmad2 and Khisrao Kalim3 

...g affects crop stand and its tillering which ultimately reduces the wheat yield of the pothwar region. So, chemical control of weeds was hypothesized to be the best solution for winter weeds of rainfed wheat’s weeds and for this purpose, a field study was carried out from October, 2010 to April, 2011 at University Research Farm Pir Mehr Ali Shah-Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan to evaluate the relative efficacy of different post-emergenc...

 *Muhammad Waseem1, Dost Mohammad Baloch1, Ghulam Khaliq1,
M. Rashid1, Qurban Ali2 and Mustajab A. Khan3

...gen sources on bamboo traits a field experiment was conducted during 2014-15. Experiment were carried out using randomized complete block design (RCBD) with square system of transplanting which was consist of 3 repetitions contained a net field size of 4.5m to 4.5m. Experimental sites were 20 km away from the Arabian Sea with an altitude of 2m. The bamboo (Bambusa bambos L.) plants were grown with four fertilizer sources i.e. S = Control (0) kg N ha-1, S = ure...

 *Irum Javed1, Muhammad Asgher2, Sadia Noreen1, Humara Naz Majeed1 and Tanzila Sahar1

SOLID STATE FERMENTATION OF ASPERGILLUS NIGER FOR CITRIC ACID PRODUCTION USING AGRICULTURE RESIDUE AS SUBSTRATE been increased due to its application in various advanced medical fields, which can only be fulfilled by biotechnological fermentation using agro-industrial wastes. It is a bidirectional beneficial process for cost effective manufacturing of citric acid and management of agro-industrial waste products. This project was carried out in order to evaluate the enhanced production of citric acid by Aspergillus niger using agro-industrial wastes. In the first step...

Nadia Sharif1, *Neelma Munir1 and Shagufta Naz1

...biocompatibility promote its applications in engineering and bio medical science.


 Mian Azhar Ahmad1†*, Nawab Mohammad Khan2, Asmatullah3

Anatomical variations of hepatobiliary triangle in patients operated laparoscopically for gallbladder diseases from Lahore and Sahiwal
...patobiliary triangle and its variations in the patients using a laparoscope. It was a descriptive prospective cross-sectional study. Random sampling technique was employed to record the relevant information data. During the course of this study evaluation of 2500 patients, including 2350 women and 150 men, who underwent exploration of hepatobiliary triangle during laparoscopic cholecystectomy for different gallbladder diseases was performed. Total of 63.6% of ...

 Tahir Abbas*1, Khawaja Raees Ahmad2, Asmatullah3, Khalid Pervaiz Lone4, Muhammad Ali Kanwal2, Sadia Suleman2

Reno-hepatic protective effects of Jambul against chromium induced anomalies in mice
...ystem and metabolism but its ridiculous use and bio-accumulation through food chain might be causing oxidative stress. That study was conducted to evaluate the protective effects of Jambul (Syzygium cumini) against Cr induced reno-hepatic anomalies. Male albino mice (Mus musculus) were equally divided (n=10) as C; control, Cr-treatedandCr-JgroupsreceivingCr+6 in the form of potassium dichromate (K2Cr2O7) 50ppm for 10days ad-libitum while Cr-J group additionall...

 Muhammad Mohsin Ahsan1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir2*, Muhammad Khalid Mukhtar1, Arshad Ali3, Zafar Iqbal Kahan4, Kafeel Ahmed4

Intra- and inter-specific foraging in three scorpion species
...pes of prey scorpions of its own species, except the dead ones. In inter-specific feeding experiment, M. tumulus consumed healthy adults, injured adults, pregnant females and dead adults of O. odonturus. However, M. tumulus did not consume any live A. finitimus but consumed its dead. Androctonus finitimus consumed all types of O. odonturus and M. tumulus but did not feed on the dead ones. Results of feeding behaviour of A. ...

Tasleem Akhtar, Nadeem Sheikh*

Induction of acute phase in response to tacrolimus induced hepatotoxicity
...imental animals owing to its toxic potential.


 Hamda Azmat1, Waqas Ali2, Arshad Javid2, Ali Hussain2, Syed Makhdoom Hussain3, Zara Saeed1,Syed Shafiq Hussain Bukhari4

Chromium contamination in water, sediment and its bioaccumulation in Indian major carps in River Chenab, Pakistan

Riffat Mehboob1*, Sami Ullah Mumtaz2, Zoya Manzoor3, Sajid Abaidullah2, Fridoon Jawad Ahmad1

Deranged biochemical and hematological profile of septicemia patients in Mayo hospital, Lahore
...ure of septicemia due to its obvious effects on hepatorenal organs. This study was undertaken to establish the possible role of serum biomarkers of liver, kidney and blood in the diagnosis of septicemia. 101 confirmed patients of septicemia from a tertiary care hospital in Lahore were included. Liver and renal function tests were performed for all patients. Patients were divided into 3 age groups on the basis of age: 30-50, 51-70 and 71-90 years. In Liver func...

Farah Deeba, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir, Muhammad Irfan, Javed Iqbal Qazi*

Chitinase production in organisms: a review day by day because of its natural resistance against degradation. The review focused on different sources of naturally chitinase production in organisms was discussed.


Muddasir Hassan Abbasi1, 2, Noor Fatima1, Syed Shahid Imran Bukhari1, Asma Rashid khan3, Nadeem Sheikh2*

Variations in proteins and transaminases following experimental induction of Bisphenol A in mice
...further investigation of its toxicity is necessary in order to consider it safe.


 Zafar Iqbal*, Hafiza Madhia Imtiaz

Parasites of double tail goldfish, Carassius auratus L. imported to Pakistan
...kin and fins was 40% and its mean intensity was found 4.2. Metacercariae of an un-identified
digenean were also found encysted on gill filaments (infection 32%, mean intensity 3.87). Ichthyophthirius
multifiliis infection on fins was found 20% and mean intensity was found 2.4. Trichodina sp. infection on
fins was 12% (with mean intensity 13). Low infection by Piscinoodinium pillulare on fins (8%) and of
Tetrahymena sp. on fins and g...

 Hafiz Muhammad Awais Sarwar, Muhammad Tahir Waseem, Abdul Majid Khan*, Rana Manzoor Ahmad

Propotamochoerus hysudricus remains from late Miocene deposits of Hasnot, Pakistan
...ate Miocene Siwalik deposits.


 Haniya Mazhar1, Naaz Abbas2, Zahid Hussain3, Amir Sohail4, Syed Shahid Ali4*

Extracellular lipase production from Bacillus subtilis using agro-industrial waste and fruit peels peels of different fruits, including banana, orange, water melon and melon as carbon source, was 27.17, 21.37, 10.57 and 8.43 U/ml, respectively. The corn cob produced 12.27 U/ml while waste oils of various industries produced 16.17 U/ml (Shan oil), 13.67 U/ml (automobile), 13.37 U/ml (unbranded waste cooking oil) and 6.03 U/ml (Sitara oil) of enzyme activity when used as substrate for lipase production. It is concluded that among the agro-industrial wastes...

 Anam Javed, Javed Iqbal Qazi*

Skin health implications of Chemical detergents and importance of biodetergents
...Along with numerous benefits, side effects of formulated synthetic chemicals are needed to investigate further to develop alternatives with ideally no or at least less side effects. This review highlights a wide range of dermal disorders which are produced due to synthetic detergents. It has studied that ultimate solution of the grave issues, is common utilization of biosurfactants from domestic to industrial level. Biodetergents do not cause health complicati...

 Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Zafar Iqbal Khan2, Saira Batool2, Kafeel Ahmad2, Salma Begum2

Residual effect of lambda-cyhalothrin on abundance of insect pollinators in marigold field patch
...t pollinators; therefore its use should be minimized to protect the population
of insect pollinators.


 Mohsin Arshad1, Muhammad Irfan*2, Asad-Ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Nadeem3, Zile Huma3, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir4, Quratulain Syed3

Optimization of medium and substrate for CMCase production by Bacillus subtilis-BS06 in submerged fermentation and its applications in saccharification
... These results suggested its potential utilization in particular biofuel


Nabila Roohi, Mehjabeen, Samina Ashraf*

Effects of cigarette smoking on serum proteins profile in male active and passive smokers
available kits by using automated clinical chemistry analyzer. Serum total proteins
have shown a significant decrease in smokers in comparison with controls. A
significant depression in serum albumin was observed in smokers due to increased
excretion of albumin in bound state with the chemicals, whereas, total globulins,
gamma globulins and non-gamma globulin serum proteins have shown significant
increase in smo...

Muhammad Asghar Hassan1, Imran Bodlah1* , Ayesha Aihetasham2 

First record of the oriental species, Saltella setigera Brunetti, 1909 (Diptera: Sepsidae) from Pakistan
...f S. setigera along with its photographs,
distributional notes and remarks are provided.


 Raazia Kiran1, Alya Riaz1, Muhammad Irfan1*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir2

An overview of pre-treatment methods used for bioconversion of lignocellulosic biomasses into valuable products
...te to fossil fuel due to its trivial influence on the
environment. Second generation (2G) or cellulosic bio-ethanol is produced from the
biomass in three main steps that are pre-treatment, hydrolysis, and fermentation.
The pre-treatment method involves the use of different physical processes i.e., size
reduction, steaming or boiling, ultrasonication, and bursting, chemical methods i.e.,
solvents, acids, salts, bases, the phys...

 Sobia Faisal1*,Qurat-ul-Ain Ahmad2, Maleeha Manzoor3, Madiha Manzoor4, Faisal Rifaq5

Socio-psychological factors related to tuberculosis diagnostic test seeking behavior in Pakistan
...erity and perceived benefits and barriers
explain the relation between the socio-psychological factors and low treatment
seeking behavior of TB patients. Inadequate knowledge and misconceptions about
susceptibility and severity of TB disease is contributing towards low health seeking
behavior. Further, false beliefs and distrust in treatment are the perceived barriers,
which decrease motivation for benef...

 Abdul Majid Khan*

Review report on mammalian dental defect (enamel hypoplasia) in different groups of mammals
... the
thickness of its enamel. Enamel hypoplasia is an environmental and physiological
stress indicator for the insults an animal has faced during its growth and
development. It also points out the health status of a mammal during different
phases of its life span. The article outlines the dental enamel hypoplasia studies in
low and high crowned mammals. I...

Masab Umair Khan, Syed Mehar Ali Shah, Hidayat-ur-Rahman, Arshad Iqbal* and Ezaz Aslam 

... genotypes for yield and its associated traits is an essential step towards the development of a crop variety. Crop breeders mostly practice selection for the desired traits to identify superior genotypes. This research was conducted to assess the performance of 20 maize hybrids along with two checks at The University of Agriculture Peshawar during spring 2017 crop growing season. The expe...
Hina Abrar1,2, S.N.H. Naqvi1,*, Muhammad Rashid Ahmed3, Asma Basharat Ali3 and Hina Yasin1,2
...dy was undertaken in rabbits to investigate the effect of propranolol to reduce hepatoxicity of carbamazepine (CBZ). Animals were divided into three groups; control, CBZ administered group (200 mg/Kg for 10 days) and CBZ plus propranolol (30 mg/Kg for 10 days) treated group. Liver function test and histological evaluation by H and E staining and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was carried at the end of dosing by using standard procedures. Serum level of ALT...

Faheem Ali1*, Muhammad Naeem Arbab1, Abdul Basit2, Muhammad Kashif Khan1, Gulzar Ahmad1 and Muhammad Amir

...y and other processing units are generally inductive in nature. The power required by agricultural industry is broadly categorized into shaft power and process heat power, and could be used for planting, cultivating, pumping, harvesting, drying, cooking, baking, woodworking, forging and smelting etc. This results in lagging Volt-Ampere-Reactive (VARs), which must be balanced by the same number of leading VARs in order to ensure unity power factor, thus avoidin...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Khalid Usman2*, Muhammad Arif1, Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi3, Muhammad Munir4 and Imran Khan

...nd 85.4 %), number of fruits (25.4 and 23.9), fruit length (52.8 and 51.5 cm), fruit width (16.7 and 17.1 cm), fruit weight (1283.8 and 1330.2 g), yield (48.1 and 50.1 tons ha-1), TSS (7.1 and 6.9 %) and Vitamin C (16.1 and 16.1 mg/100g) were recorded in cv. Anmol. On the basis of overall performance and highest yield, genotype Anmol is recommended for large-scale cultivation under the agro-climatic conditions of Dera Ismail Khan 

Muhammad Muddassir Ali1,2 and İbrahim Hakkı Ciğerci1,*
...ous cell line in term of its genotoxicty. So, genotoxic evaluation was carried out for the alcoholic and hexane extracts of T. turcica. Methanol extracts showed the highest DNA damage (20±1) at 200 µg/ml concentration and 11.67±2.52 at 50 µg/ml. Ethanol extracts showed the 2nd highest DNA damage (19±2)at 200 µg/ml concentration and 11 ±1at 50 µg/ml. While least was observed in the hexane ext...

Saman Fatima* and Shazia Iram 

... playing pivotal role in its export economy. Due to various pathogens the quality of fruit gets diminished. One of such problem includes the occurrence of various skin disorders which leads to the rejection of fruit in international market. This study was designed in order to identify the pathogens that ruin the peal of Citrus reticulata Blanco (kinnow) in order to improve its quality. About twenty six sampled fru

Ali Zohaib1*, Saima Yousaf1,2, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Tahira Tabassum1, Tasawer Abbas3, Wardah Muzaffar1 and Wasiq Ikram2 

...on growth, allometric traits and dry matter yield of different soybean genotypes viz. EBR4V4, Freedom and Swat-84. Seed inoculation significantly improved the total chlorophyll content, leaf area index, leaf area duration, crop growth rate and dry matter yield. Seed inoculation with P. fluorescens produced more pronounced results for all the studied traits as compared to R. japonicum. The tested genotypes of soybean did not ...
Shagufta Nighat1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1,*, Syed Israr Shah1, Amber Khalid1, Tariq Mahmood2, Ayesha Aihetasham3 and Muhammad Asif4
...due to their foraging habits and high trophic level. There is a growing interest on the conservation of bats throughout the world as they play an important role in controlling insect population. We measured cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) lead (Pb) and zinc (Zn) concentrations in bat tissues through atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Our findings showed that metals were more concentrated in the liver and kidneys, Zn and Pb showed high mean values as compared to ot...
Ajmal Khan* and Rehan Ullah
...revalence of malaria and its specific aetiologic agents in suspected patients reported to various laboratories of Agency Head Quarter Hospital Khar, Bajaur Agency. In this study, a total number of 9720 suspected individuals were examined; among which 1273 (13.1%) were found to be positive for malaria infection with different Plasmodium species in their blood smears. Male population accounts for higher prevalence rate (14.59%) than female (11.24%). The i...
Faiz Muhammad1,2, Canfeng Dou1, Zhen-ming Lü1,*, Li Gong1, Xun Du1 and Muhammad Shafi3
... specific information on its genetic structure and population variability in Chinese waters.
Jun Yan Bai1,*, Yong Gang Zhao2 and Yu Qin Wang1
...etic marker of growth traits of goats. In this study, GHRL genes of black goat and Yaoshan goat were collected for PCR amplification. Polymorphism of goat species was tested by sequencing technology. Results demonstrated that there are two mutation sites (SNP loci) of the primer GHRL-2 in black goat and Yaoshan goat, which are G447C site and T498C site. At G447C site, gene frequencies of G and C in black goat and Yaoshan goat were detected 0.621/0.379 and 0.79...

Fouzia Tabssum1, Qamar uz Zaman2*, Yinglong Chen3,4, Umair Riaz5*, Waqas Ashraf6, Ambreen Aslam2, Nusrat Ehsan2, Rab Nawaz2, Humera Aziz7 and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah8 and yield related traits of rice cultivars. Proline application improved the efficiency of salt tolerance of rice cultivars, Shaheen basmati showed better response in terms of yield than Super basmati. In crux, foliar applications of 50 mM proline at seedling and vegetative stages are more effective for achieving the best kernel yield under saline conditions.  

Muhammad Amir Iqbal1, Nabila Roohi1*, Ahmad Qureshy2


...perthyroidism as well as its subclinical form. A total of 179 subjects comprising both genders and fulfiling the exclusion and inclusion criteria were recruited for this prospective investigation. Sixty healthy controls, thirty four subclinical, fifty overt hyperthyroid and thirty five follow-up subjects having 3 months of anti-thyroid therapy were recruited. Commercially available diagnostic kits were used to determine the ...

Mubashir Ahmad Khan*, Nazakat Nawaz, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Tahira, Doulat Baig, Ihsan Ullah Khan and Shamim ul Sibtain Shah 

... using 9 quantitative traits, grouped 98 sesame genotypes in to 6 lineages and 29 clusters. Cluster 25 had the maximum number of genotypes i.e. 18 followed by Cluster 23 (14 genotypes), 19 (12 genotypes) and 9 (9 genotypes). There was a wide range of genetic diversity in this set of sesame germplasm which could be utilized for crop improvement. It is further recommended that for making improvement in sesame crop, identified superior sesame lines viz. SG-115, S...

Muhammad Salman Wazir and Mohammad Akmal 

...IC-I and IC-II. The N splits were applied of the total recommended 120 kg ha-1 N in splits, i.e. N splits application (NS) viz. NS1 (50% sowing and 50% tillering), NS2 (25% sowing: 50% tillering and 25% anthesis) and NS3 (25% sowing, 25% tillering and 50% anthesis). Experimental design was a randomized complete block, replicated three times. Results showed a delay in maturity with taller p...
Daniel Zaborski,1,* Muhammad Ali,2 Ecevit Eyduran,3 Wilhelm Grzesiak,1 Mohammad Masood Tariq,2 Ferhat Abbas,2 Abdul Waheed4 and Cem Tirink5
...l predictors of these traits. A total of 382 reproduction records including three predictors (month of lambing - MOL, age at first lambing - AFL and lambing weight - LW) and seven dependent (output) variables (services per conception - SPC, service period - SP, lambing interval - LI, twinning rate - TR, gestation length - GL, breeding efficiency - BE and fertility rate - FR) were used. A 10-fold cross-validation was applied to train and evaluate the models. Th...

Mujib ur Rahman1, Munir Khan2*, Himayatullah Khan2, Malik Muhammad Shafi2 and Haidar Ali2  

... market, 3/4 producing units sold their products, while 1/4 of the producers were involved in marketing of these products to other cities of the country. Profit per month of Chadar and Suit cloth in the local market was found Rs. 7,800/- and Rs 6,552/-, respectively. While selling these products in other cities per month profit was Rs. 13,650/- and Rs. 12,636/-, respectively. The overall profit in the business is low. Profit is higher for those producers who s...

Muhammad Tahir Amin, Khalid Usman*, Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik and Nishter Ali

..., and quality-related traits such as fiber length, fiber strength, micronaire, and fiber uniformity. Frequent irrigation interval (7th day) produced taller plants (139 cm) and more sympodial branches (18.3) compared to less frequent irrigations (10-19th day). However, 19th day irrigation interval significantly improved seed cotton yield and fiber quality traits (fiber length, fiber strength, micronaire, and fiber uniformity)...

Nadejda Lukanova1*, Radka Vlaeva2 and Boriana Ivanova

...ine some reproductive traits of trotter mares – gestation length depending on foal gender and gestation length depending on the month of covering, and duration of covering estimated in days. We calculated duration of covering, length of gestation, gestation length in accordance with the foal gender (in days) and gestation length in accordance with the month of covering. 


Muhamad Jawad*, Shahid Riaz Malik, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar, Muhammad Asadullah, Israr Hussain and Rabia Khalid 

...portant tool to increase its profitability. For this purpose, an experiment was conducted to evaluate the genetic diversity among 36 lentil genotypes for mechanized harvesting. Analysis of variance for qualitative and quantitative traits showed significant variability among the genotypes. Correlation analysis indicates negative correlation of yield with lowest pod height and highly significant correlation between lowest pod ...

Sahar Shibli1,2*, Farzana Siddique1, Saeeda Raza2, Zaheer Ahsan3 and Irum Raza4 

...uct development owing to its high linoleic acid (42.56%) and low O/L ratio (0.93) that attributed to its oxidative instability. Sensory evaluation of peanut butter samples showed overall good acceptability of product among the people. Storage study of peanut butter samples demonstrated shelf stability of product up to three months at room temperature. 


Mudassar Javed, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*, Muhammad Luqman and Muhammad Afzal 

...ds of marketable okra fruits were recorded for IPM module respectively than farmer’s routine module and control module. Based on the overall study findings, we recommend IPM module to the indigenous okra growers to combat infestations of E. vittella and H. armigera and other lepidopterous borers. 


Babar Tasim1, Tariq Masood1*, Zafar Ali Shah1, Muhammad Arif2, Ata Ullah1, Ghazal Miraj3 and Muhammad Samiullah4 

... and soil fertility. For its suitable application, it is important to know its chemical and physical properties which depend on the type of the initial material used. Agricultural residues of different types (e.g., Sesbania stems (Sesbania punicea, SS), Chickpea plant (Cicer arietinum, CP), Maize cobs (Zea Mays, MC), Wheat straw (Triticum aestivum, WS), Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) bagasse (BG) and Animal dung (AD) were...

Ali Bakhsh1*, Mashal Rehman1, Said Salman1 and Rehmat Ullah

...eld and fiber quality traits under water stress and non-stress conditions. All the genotypes depicted significant differences for days to first square formation, days to first flower formation, plant height, monopodial branches per plant, sympodial branches per plant, number of bolls per plant, boll weight, fiber length, fiber strength, uniformity index, fiber fineness, ginning out turn and seed cotton yield per plant in both watering treatments. Water stress ...

Zakiullah1, Muhammad Farid Khan1*, Muhammad Mohibullah3, Muhammad Iqbal2, Irfanullah3, Faheemullah3, Madiha Urooj1 and Uzma Arif1 

Raza Ullah1* and Jamal Shah

...rt of the potential benefits from agricultural production. These costs (explicit or implicit) are referred to as the cost of risk management. Previous studies on risk management in agriculture however have ignored such costs. The present study is therefore designed to investigate how adoption of risk coping tools affect farm productivity in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. 330 wheat growers were selected using multistage sampling technique and Analysis...

Sabi-ur-rehman1, Farooq Azam1, Shaheed Ur Rehman2, Tasbeeh Ur Rahman3, Ayeza Mehmood4, Afshan Gohar5 and Abdul Samad5* 

...nowledge published about its botanical aspects, phytochemistry, traditional uses as well as therapeutic potential of Conocarpus erectus. This plant was selected due to its great medicinal importance like its leaves and fruits have been using traditionally as antipyretic, anti diabetic, anti malarial and for the treatment of conjunctivitis, syphilis, gono...
Muhammad Tufail1, Naila Chand1, Rafiullah1, Shakoor Ahmad2, Rifat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Mobashar3 and Shabana Naz4,*

Khwaja Tariq Ziad1, Umar Hayat1, Muhammad2 and Muhammad Suleman Bacha3* 

... resources on account of its fertile irrigated land, four seasons and glorious history of old traditions of farming. The current study is designed to analyse the response of participants an informal and formal supply chains for small-scale dairy farmers in Pakistan. The study aimed at explaining the costs of the chosen supply channels and their transaction costs, the role of the mid-agent opportunistic behaviour in the relative milk supply chain. Using case st...
Muhammad Huzaifa Mehmood1, Muhammad Ahmad Iqbal2, Muhammad Daood1, Muhammad Rizwan Tariq3*, Khubaib Ali3

Muhammad Amin1, Aftab Ahmad Khan2, Abida Perveen1, Zareen Rauf1, Sher Shah Hassan2*, Muhammad Arif Goheer2 and Muhammad Ijaz2 physical process and its effects spatially varies. Misperception on drought and its features is common in defining policies and caused delays in its prevention (Gore, 2002). Pakistan is one the counties which is affected badly by drought. In near Past, Pakistan faced one of the worst drought span drought in 50 years from 1998 to 2003 which harshly affected socially and economically. Th...
Rahat Afza, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed and Muhammad Asam Riaz*
...everal key biological traits of the exposed coccinellids through physiological and behavioral effects. It is crucial to understand the effects of insecticides on the coccinellids. The current research was aimed at determining the intra-guild predation (IGP) of different life stages combinations of Coccinella septempunctata and Coccinella transversalis in the presence and absence of prey and the impact of sublethal concentrations of insecticides o...
Zhen-li Li1,2, Hui-fang Zhou2,*, Bo-ru Zhou2, Bei Liu2, Xiao-fei Jiang2 and Jian-ya Xu2


...ctively cures LPD, while its effect on the pituitary is unclear. In this study, we aimed to explore the effect of BSZYF on gonadotropins and gonadotropin-releasing hormone receptor (GnRHR) signaling transduction in mifepristone-induced LPD rats. To explore the effect of BSZYF on the pituitary in mifepristone-induced LPD rats, SD female rats were administered mifepristone suspension via oral gavage, followed by pharmaceutical intervention. Then, the serum folli...
Jian Wang1,*, Zhi Liu2, Sheng Xu2, Mei-Fen Hu2, Xiao-Rui Liu1 and Wen-Jie Cai1
...on of CXCL8 in serum and its mRNA in neutrophils of the patients with chronic renal failure (CRF). It was used to dynamically observe of Hemodialysis on the concentration of the CXCL8 in serum and the levels of CXCL8 mRNA in neutrophils were respectively measured by ELISA and PCR. The house keeping gene encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) as the internal reference, the ratio of lgcDNA/lgGAPDH was regarded as the extreme level of CXCL8 mRN...

Ejaz Ashraf1*, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Nosheen Fatima1, Raheel Babar3 and Ikramul Haq4  

...versity conservation has its role in agricultural development. By conserving biodiversity, agricultural production can be increased. The results from Exploratory Factor analysis showed that by retaining three factors, the explained variation goes up to 54%. 

Rahila Huma1,2, Tariq Mahmud1,*, Rubina Munir2, Sana Javaid Awan3,Kiran Iftikhar4 and Mufakkira-Tul-Islam5
...l of novel Enaminone and its Cadmium complex was estimated by measuring its cytotoxicity for human breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). Both compounds PFA and PFA-Cd were prepared and subsequently characterized by FTIR, ICP-AES, UV-Vis, TGA, 1H NMR, 13C NMR and FAB-MS. The results were in great consistency with the structures of the both compounds. Furthermore, the ligand and its

Aisha Siddiqua1*, Munir Ahmad1 and Nusrat Habib2 

...ignificant positive benefits from the adaptation of the combination of strategies. Farmer’s adaptive capacity, farm size, access to credit and sources of information on climate change are significant drivers of adaptation to climate change. 


Muhammad Naveed Afzal1, Muhammad Tariq1*, Muhammad Ahmad1, Khuram Mubeen2, Muhammad Ayaz Khan3, Muhamamd Umer Afzal4 and Shakeel Ahmad

...ectively with 150-N than its counterpart’s low PD (4.44 plants m-2). The high density planting requires relatively less nitrogen in comparison with low density to produce statistical similar values for total dry matter. However, the high density planting did not improve fiber traits. The PD X N interaction was non-significant for lint mass and fiber quality. The agronomic and economic nutrient use efficiency and partia...

Syed Amjad Kamal Jan* and Naushad Khan 

...the situation. Seeing to its importance the present study was started in 2016 and completed in2018. The major objectives of the study were to determine the factors which affect the production per acre of rice and analyze the problems and constraints faced to rice grower in the study area. The universe of the study was Lower Dir District which consist of seven tehsil while on the basis of more production only two tehsils Balambat and Lalqila were purposively se...

Najeeb Ullah1, Niamat Ullah Khan2*, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Muhammad Safdar Baloch1, Ejaz Ahmad Khan1, Farkhanda Khan3 and Zaki Ullah

...d significantly effected its production and fibre. Field research was conducted in 2016 and 2017 at Cotton Research Station, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan to assess the impacts of six sowing dates on yield and fibre characteristics of two cotton varieties. The experiments were laid out in RCBD with split-plot replicated thrice. Sowing dates i.e. March 15, April 01, April 15, May 01, May 15, and June 01 were kept in main and cotton varieties (CIM-602, CIM-616) in ...
Tafail Akbar Mughal1, Muhammad Zubair Saleem2, Shaukat Ali3,*, Khawaja Khurshid Anwar1, Muhammad Majid Bashir1, Muhammad Babar4 and Muhammad Adeeb Khan1
... which clearly indicates its preventive effects against liver damage caused by both oxidative and non-oxidative mechanisms.

Farhan, Shahid Ali* and Syed Attaullah Shah 

... fertilizer to encourage its application that will raise output and profit of wheat growers. Trainings of wheat growers for optimal application of inputs for wheat crop be arranged at regular intervals by concerned departments for efficient utilization of resources and increased output. 


Ali Awais, Charassri Nualsri and Watcharin Soonsuwon* 

...ive measurements. The traits, especially plant height, panicle length, number of filled grains, number of grains per panicle, 1000 grain weight and yield per plant showed a clear fall off when compared to control while the panicle length in both mutants were higher than that of control. Several mutants also revealed some notable phenotypic variations in the roots, seeds, panicles and leaf morphology. Phenotypic observations determined that the Dawk Kha 50 has ...

Hina Ali*, Iram Shaheen and Feroza Hamid Wattoo to WHO recommended limits. The values of Calcium 89mg/l, Magnesium 52mg/l, Chloride 342mg/l, and ions like Sulphate 412mg/l of Dhokekala khan, Morgah, Scheme-III, and Bahria town, respectively were not found according to WHO and PSQCA recommended limits. The Microbial analysis of Mehr water showed that water was free of mould, yeast, E.coli, total coliform and bacterial contamination. The water samples of Dhoke kashmirian...
Zhiwen Zou, Jianfei Xi, Fen Chen, Rui Xu, Tianrong Xin and Bin Xia*
...ts could not only reveal its phylogenetic relationship and provide molecular evidence for the evolution, but also provide a better way to identify phytoseiid species in citrus.
Juan Augusto Hernández-Rivera1, Jaime Molina-Ochoa2,*, Luis Jorge García-Márquez1, Omar Francisco Prado-Rebolledo1, Rafael Julio Macedo-Barragán1, Arturo César García-Casillas1 and Muhammad Irfan Ullah3
...autoregulation; the benefits of the heterosis in crossbreeding cattle by hybridization; the body condition score in crossbred dairy cattle; the yields in crossbreds; here is also discussed that even when there have been many crossbreeding in dairy cattle, but when the producer choose a system crossbreeding in dairy cows always mostly contemplate only body weight, body condition score, dry matter intake, and feed efficiency. Is suggested to contemplate other tr...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2,*, Muhammad Jafir1, Muhammad Wajid Javed1, Sumaira Maqsood3 and Samina J.N. Ahmad1,2,*
... is difficult because of its close resemblance to other bugs of genus Oxycarenus. Molecular identification and characterization of dusky cotton bug (DCB), Oxycarenus hyalinipennis (Oxycarenidae: Hemiptera) was done through Polymerase chain reaction and sequencing. In PCR, mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I (COI) gene based primers were used for identification of this pest collected from various cotton fields in Punjab. Phylogenetic analysis was also com...

Muhammad Aslam Rajput1,3, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan2, Rehana Naz Syed3 and Abdul Mubeen Lodhi3* 

...e incidence and other traits as well as between numbers of whips and tillers. 

Liqin Liu, Maoting Wang, Zhenming Lü, Li Gong*, ChangWen Wu, Baoying Guo and Lihua Jiang
...pharaonis, known for its economic value, is distributed in the tropical coastal waters of the Indo-pacific region. In this study, we developed twenty-one microsatellite loci for S. pharaonis through next-generation sequencing technology. A total of 100 alleles were detected, and the number of alleles per loci ranged from 2 to 9. The observed and expected heterozygosities per loci ranged from 0.000 to 0.531 and from 0.031 to 0.751, respectively. Poly...

Ahmed Samy1*, Hala Mohamed Nabil Tolba2, Gamelat Kotb Farag3 and Ahmed Abd El Halim1 

... can infect chickens and its virulence enhanced upon passaging in chickens causing clinical signs and deaths. In the present study brain samples were collected from twelve pigeon flocks exhibiting signs of nervousness and diarrhea in a live bird market (LVM) in Egypt. All collected samples were positive for NDV and negative for avian influenza virus and infectious bronchitis virus. Seven positive samples were subjected for genotypic characterization based upon...
Muhammad Usman Ahmadand Ikram-ul-Haq*
... Hungate Technique where its antioxidant potential was compared with common reducing agent Cysteine-HCl (Cys-HCl). Four anaerobic bacterial strains (Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans OS1, Akkermansia muciniphila, Bilophila wadsworthia, and Roseburia intestinalis) were selected as experimental models for this purpose. Significant improvement in cell density of Anaerobaculum hydrogeniformans culture with maximum OD600nm
Abdul Wahaab1, Muhammad Ijaz1,*, Syed Saleem Ahmad1, Umair Iqbal2, Abdul Tawaab1 and Iahtasham Khan3
Shahid Yousaf1*, Salman Khurshid1, Saqib Arif1, Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat ul Ain Akbar1, Najmus Sahar1 and Ghulam Rasul2
...ions are needed to check its reliability on determining important quality parameters. The study therefore has been designed to evaluate the efficiency of NIR in comparison with standard techniques. Thirty samples of wheat (including 11 varieties and 19 composite samples) were analyzed. Samples were widely varied in test weight (72.4-79.9 kg/hL) and wet gluten contents (15.4-31.5%) but showed narrow ranged moisture contents (10.8-13.3%). The NIR values were sig...
Aisha Khalid1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Abdual Rauf Shakoori2, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Tahir Yaqub3, Ali Raza Awan1, Muhammad Wasim1, Sehrish Firyal1, Zaheer Hussain4 and Munir Ahmad5
...a suitable candidate for its use in paper Industry. We are reporting a new member of M42 Family of aminopeptidases. The stability of this recombinant cellulase at wide range of temperature, pH, its high level activity and its paper deinking potential makes it a suitable candidate for its use in paper industry.
Liyan Zhang1,2, Zhidong Zhou1,3, Haiping Li1,2, Yanlong Qiao4, 5 and Yueping Zhang1,3,* the Taiwan Strait and its adjacent waters. The results of genetic diversity and genetic structure analysis of S. japonicus showed that these four populations exhibited moderate genetic diversity across the sampled geographical range of the species. However, no phylogenetic structure corresponding to geographic location was observed from the neighbor-joining (NJ) tree and haplotype network analyses, and gene flow and exact P test results reveal...
Iqra Bano1,*, Moolchand Malhi2, Pershotam Khatri3, Saeed Ahmed Soomro2, Hira Sajjad4, Ambreen Leghari5, Muhammad Awais2, Safia Kandhro6 and Shakeel Ahmed Lakho5 and Munaza Soomro7
... of testis by increasing its weight, thickness, and circumference. Besides this, the SY also improved the height of germinal epithelium of Seminiferous tubule and improved antioxidant status by enhancing the activities of GPx and T-SOD in both serum and testicular tissues.
Owen Flanagan, Mona Letourneau and Wenqing Zhao, like its predecessors since 2012, ranks countries – now 156 – in terms of overall happiness, happiness of immigrants, and so on. The teams that produce the World Happiness Reports claim that six variables explain most -- as much as 70% -- of the variation in the rankings of happiness among nation states:

Luo Lei1, Xingxing Deng1, Dengyue Yuan2, Zonglin Zheng1, Chengke Zhu1, Hui Luo1, Baohai Li3, Hua Ye1,* and Chaowei Zhou1,3,*
...vestigated the effect of its expression at different nutritional levels. Herein, we found that gibel carp npy has an Open Reading Frame (ORF) containing 291 bp. Moreover, the expression of npy was detected in all tested tissues, with the hypothalamus showing the highest expression in gibel carp. The npy mRNA expression in the hypothalamus significantly decreased 1 and 3 h after feeding (P < 0.01). Furthermore,

Irfan Ullah*, Abbas Ullah Jan, Muhammad Fayaz, Amjad Ali and Atta Ullah Shah 

...including milk, meat, fruits, sugar, vegetables, beverages, wheat and wheat flour, rice, other cereals, pulses, oil and fats, tea and coffee, backed products and other food were considered for the study. The data given in the survey regarding commodity prices, quantity consumed, households’ food expenditures and demographic characteristics were considered for analysis. The uncompensated own price elasticity for milk, fruits
Jesse Butler
... humanity has understood itself, the tendency to emphasize differences can obscure important and revealing commonalities between worldviews as well. The goal of this article is to identify one such commonality among indigenous worldviews and their capacity to address our collective ecological well-being together on planet Earth. Specifically, I will argue that contemporary philosophers Viola Cordova and Tu Weiming exhibit ecological self-understanding as an ep...
Kathryn Phillips and Katherine L. Schaefer
...nvestigating Jainism and its commitment to a metaphysics of reincarnation and the existence of souls. Assuming that well-being is a broad prudential value that identifies what is good for a person, we argue that Jain well-being is best understood as a value souls possess, rather than bodies, that actions that contribute to well-being depend on where that soul is on the path to eventual bodily liberation, and that ultimately well-being is epitomized by the anni...
Ai Yuan
...;s life without avoiding its challenges. By demonstrating how and why one’s courage to accept uncontrollable situations provides a means to live a good life, the Zhuangzi presents us a different understanding of well-being. 


 Tung-Yi Kho

... of modernization in all its grasping materiality and technological glory, my paper reveals that the capacity of a modernist lifestyle to engender well-being, much less the good life, is far from assured. Meanwhile, my research in Shenzhen disclosed an alternative, Relationist, conception of well-being that was seldom expressed or associated with the good life despite also being ever present. This was a mode of well-being that was constantly being re-created i...

 Sasha S. Euler

...escribed as East-West splits along categories such as highly expressed affect vs. quiet affect, self-assertion vs. conformity to social norms, independence vs. interdependence and the like. However, it is the overall goal of this article to show that whatever the normative content of a culture’s or subculture’s view of happiness may be, it involves the same basic psychological needs beyond how people may choose to report or express resulting emotio...

Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi1*, Sidra Mushtaq1, Muhammad Tariq Malik2, Ummad-ud-Din Umar1, Ateeq ur Rehman1, Shoaib Fareed3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar

...ity, economic output and its potential against insect pest or disease. 


 Adile Tatliyer1,*, Sinan Bas1 and Serdar Yagci2


...fferent morphological traits measured from Savak Akkaraman lambs at three different periods (average 11 days after birth, weaning and at the beginning of grazing) using factor scores in multiple linear regressions to remove multicollinearity problem. Morphological data obtained from 159 lambs were subjected to Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) and Bartlett’s Sphericity tests to ascertain the suitability of factor score analysis. A result showed that implem...

Khadim Hussain Wagan1*, Muhammad Ibrahim Khaskheli2, Jamal-U-Ddin Hajano1 and Abdul Ghani Lanjar2 

...purpose colony forming units (cfu) per gram of soil and seed were determined and capability of previously characterized M. phaseolina isolates to cause the disease was tested on HO-1 variety. Additionally, most virulent isolate was characterized through sequence and phylogenetic analysis. There was significant variation (Df= 54, F=7.4, P=0.0000) among cfu per gram of M. phaseolina in soil samples collected during field survey at different districts of Sindh du...

Salman Anwar1, 2*, Farhan Anwar Khan3 and Atta-ur-Rahman4 

...;s economy. About 70% of its population is directly or indirectly associated with this sector. Gilgit-Baltistan is a vast mountainous and remote area in the extreme north of Pakistan.. The inhabitants of this area are mostly engaged in the agricultural sector. Before the construction of KKH, their mode of agriculture system was subsistence and crude techniques were applied due to non-availability of modern machines and techniques. This was because of the remot...

 Zhi Yijin and Shao Mingqin*

...isk of extinction due to its small population size. The total sex ratio of the merganser during the study period was 0.397 (n = 790) and the average sex ratio was 0.43 ± 0.26 (n = 148) for each group, similar to the results obtained in previous years in Jiangxi province (0.378–0.4588). These data indicate that the wintering sex ratio of the merganser has been relatively steady over this period. The current results also revealed temporal and spatia...

Farhana Gul1*, Dawood Jan1 and Muhammad Ashfaq2 

... to climate change. Benefits of adaptation strategies and associated impact on net farm returns, per capita income and poverty rates of wheat producers using extensive farm survey data from 150 farmers from different climatic zones of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan were measured in this study. TOA-MD model was used to measure the impact of climate change adaptation strategies. Adjustment in sowing time, improved fertilizer application method and increasing sowin...

Saeed Ullah1, Muhammad Israr1*, Shakeel Ahmad2, Nafees Ahmad3 and Asif Yaseen

...erceptions of farmer and its socio-economic influences towards LD in four purposively selected union councils i.e. Toru, Ghari Kapoora, Lund Khwar, Katlang-1 of district Mardan. A total of 90 farmers were selected through proportionate simple random sampling from 857 register farmers. Primary data were collected through structured questionnaire from the heads of the farming households (HH) and analysed by descriptive statistics and Chi-square test. It was foun...

 Shaher Bano1, Nadia Naseem2 and Sarah Ghafoor1,*

...sion in SLG with that of its expression in SMG during post-natal rat salivary gland development has not been documented in the literature so far. Following ethical approval, a total of twelve rats were divided into two groups. Group A1 consisted of six animals taken at the age of four weeks and sacrificed at age of five weeks. Group A2 contained six animals taken at age of eight weeks and sacrificed at age of nine weeks. The post-natal submandibular and sublin...
Iram Maqsood1,2,3 and Ke Rong *1,2
...r strict regulation over its commercial use and illegal hunting. All of these strategies give a revival hope to this world most endangered species and give a chance to be part of this ecosystem biodiversity in perspective future. China contributed greatly to conserve ecological and cultural roles of Chinese alligators and its sustainable utilization.

Guo-hai Wang1, Zai-xi Yang1, Pan Chen1, Wei-ning Tan2 and Chang-hu Lu1,*
...were recorded feeding on its seeds, and fourteen bird species were confirmed as seeds dispersers. The chestnut bulbul (Hemixos castanonotus), striated yuhina (Yuhina castaniceps), scarlet minivet (Pericrocotus flammeus) were the main seed dispersers. The average seed dispersal distance was 10.69±4.97 m and 82% of the first post-foraging perching sites were located around 15 m from the mother trees. Our results suggest that the endan...

Ihsan Ullah Khan*, Muhammad Arshad, Muhammad Ayub Khan, Muhammad Ashraf, Ashiq Saleem, Sundas Awan, Samra Azam and Shamim Ul Sibtain Shah 

...nt Agro-morphological traits in sunflower hybrids. Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) was used with three replications. The experimental material consisted of nine hybrids, six inbred lines and a commercial check (Hysun-33). The recorded data on days to flowering initiation (DFI), days to flowering completion (DFC), days to maturity (DM), plant height (PHT, cm), stem thickness (ST, mm), head diameter (HD, cm), 100-grain weight (100-GW, gm), oil content pe...

Ragia S. Mohamed1, Rania F. El Naggar2, Mamdouh. M. Hamoud1, Mohamed M. Hamoud3, Abdulrhman M. Gamal1, Samah E. Laban1, Shimaa A.E. Nasr1, Manal M. Zaki1, ElShaimaa Ismael1, Osama K. Zahran1* 

... the manure from time of its mixing with the NDV infected allantoic fluid till day 4 was 7, then pH values changed progressively and recorded 8.5 on day 12. After that, pH increased towards the alkaline side and recorded pH = 9 till day 33 of the experiment. Regarding moisture %, after mixing the manure with allantoic fluid the moisture % of the mixture was 67%, and this wet manure remained moist (67%) till day 4; due to the humid environmental conditions appl...
Zhaochao Deng1, Jingchen Chen1, Na Song2, Yongzhen Li3 and Zhiqiang Han1,*
...ea population. To reveal its population structure within the large-scale geography distribution, we added 169 sequences of the mitochondrial control region already genotyped from northern Australia. The South China Sea and northern Australia groups were successfully distinguished by the NJ tree with significant genealogical branches of haplotypes. These results indicated that there might have only one fishery management units
Zhaochao Deng1, Na Song2, Yongzhen Li3, Tianxiang Gao1 and Zhiqiang Han1,*
...ent fishery management units of L. olivaceus in the South China Sea. Each of archipelagos should be treated as one independent management unit.
Tianlong Cai1, Falk Huettmann2, Kisup Lee3 and Yumin Guo1,*
...erable species. However, its stopover habitat receives little attention and is not well known or protected even. Here, we present the spatial distribution of the stopover habitats for hooded cranes in the East Asia. A machine learning modeling algorithm of maximum entropy (MaxEnt) weas applied and evaluated with Stochastic Gradient Boosting and Random Forests based on 115 every year used occurrence points (1990-2013) and 14 environmental layers as predictors. ...

Saud Khan and Inamullah* 

... separate experimental units. The results revealed that higher number of achenes (grains) capitulum-1 (974) and thousand achenes weights (51.4 g) were produced with MB plough which were statistically at par with cultivator, while higher achene yield (2080 kg ha-1) and oil yield (873 kg ha-1) were observed under MB plough tilled experimental units which were statistically at par with rotavator. In case of P levels, higher pla...

Qaizar Ahmed1, Fida Mohammad2, Sheraz Ahmed2*, Sultan Akbar Jadoon2, Imtiaz Ali2 and Ajmalud Din2 

...tecture of production traits is important to devise effective breeding and selection strategies. This investigation was carried out to elucidate relationship between Hayman and Griffing analyses in flue cured Virginia (FCV) tobacco. Plant material comprised of seven tobacco cultivars which were hybridized in full diallel mating system at the Tobacco Research Sub-station, Mansehra, Pakistan during 2007. Thereon, seven parents and their forty-two F1 hybrids were...
Huma Naz1,*, Sajid Abdullah2, Khalid Abbas2, Wardah Hassan3, Moazama Batool4, Shakeela Perveen5, Sadia Maalik4 and Sajida Mushtaq4 the 95% confidence limits. The fish expose to the mixture (1:1) for 96-h. The results obtained from this study showed that superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and glutathione S-transferase activities in the liver, gills, kidney, brain, heart and muscle were significantly (P<0.05) increased compared to control. The superoxide dismutase activity in organs of fish followed the order: liver>brain>kidney>gills>heart>muscle. The mean peroxidase act...
Fan Yi1,2, Xiaobin Yang1, Shigen Ye1, Hua Li1 and Ruijun Li1,*
... human and livestock for its antiviral and antibacterial activities. In this study we are investigating the effect of HCT in aquaculture animals. In this study, 300 olive flounders (Paralichthys olivaceus) were stochastically divided into four experimental groups: basal diet feeding group, 0.5% HCT continuous feeding group, 1% HCT feeding group, and 1% HCT interval feeding group. Three replicates were set for each treatment, and 25 fish were stocked on ...
Aisha Khalid1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Tahir Yaqub2, Ali Raza Awan1, Muhammad Wasim1, Shagufta Saeed1, Sehrish Firyal1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori3
...ulase was focused due to its diverse range of application in industry. In the present study, conditions were optimized for the maximal production of recombinant thermostable cellulase from Thermotoga naphthophila using BL21-CodonPlus (DE3) cells as expression host and pET28a as expression vector. Effect of various concentration of Isopropyl β-D-1-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG), post induction time, effect of temperature and pH were examined for the m...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1,2*, Muhammad Iqbal2, Zia-ul-Haq2,3, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Shabbir Ahmed Kalwar1, Liaqat Ali Shahid1, Badar Munir Khan Niazi1 and Muzammil Husain1 tiller was tested for its field performance with three different types of furrow openers viz; disk furrow opener, reverse hoe furrow opener and hoe furrow opener. Statistical design, RCBD, was employed to evaluate the machine performance in comparison with conventional method of wheat sowing in cotton harvested field. In this study, moisture content (15.72 %), bulk density (1.41 g/cm3) and penetration resistance (875.21 kPa) were found 1.73, 1.23 and 1.48 t...

Gulnaz Saleem1, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1*, Nouman Rashid2 and Mehar un Nisa Narejo3 

...nsory properties of biscuits produced from wheat; lentil flour was investigated in this study. This study showed significant (P<0.05) variation in physico-chemical characteristics of four lentil varieties. The NIA-Masoor variety showed higher values for ash, fat and fiber (3.02%, 3.02% and 10.99%) respectively. Whereas; PM-09 possessed higher moisture (13.89%); though Masoor-93 was higher in protein content (25.16%) than all other varieties. The supplementa...
Zahra Nazir1, Saba Ijaz1, Roquyya Gul2 and Mahjabeen Saleem1,*
...olygalacturonase showing its specificity in the hydrolysis of polysaccharide galacturonate chain. The presence of Na+1 and K+1 enhanced polygalacturonase activity up to 110% and 130%, respectively when used at a concentration of 1mM, however, the enzyme was almost completely inhibited by Pb+2 and Hg+2. Purified polygalacturonase showed pectinolytic effect in juice clarification by attaining maximum clarity (95% trans...

Aziz Ur Rahman* and Syed Mehar Ali Shah 

...eld and yield related traits in rice. The genetic material comprised 87 rice F5:7 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) along with three check cultivars namely Pakhal, Kashmir Basmati and Fakhr-e-Malakand. The genetic material was planted in alpha lattice design using three replications across different locations namely Peshawar, Swat, Manshera and Charsadda of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan during 2017. Pooled analysis of variance indicated significant...

Hafiz Umar Farid1, Muhammad Zubair2, Zahid Mahmood Khan1, Aamir Shakoor1*, Behzad Mustafa1, Aftab Ahmad Khan3, Muhamad Naveed Anjum4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Mubeen

...espite their proven benefits. It was highly desirable to analyze and evaluate certain parameters which keep systems functional as well as ensure adoptability of these systems at farmer’s fields. A total of 30 sites were selected randomly in Punjab province of Pakistan where HEIS were installed. Twelve parameters were selected based on the survey conducted that influenced the HEIS functionality as well as adoptability. The selected parameters were also ra...
Bushra Siddique1,*, Muhammad Tariq1, Muhammad Naeem1 and Muhammad Ali2
...phid management. It exploits several different cues released by plants to increase the efficiency of foraging. Aphid endoparasitoid, Diaeretiella rapae (McIntosh) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) have an ability to locate itshosts by responding to odours from aphid hostplants or by visual searching.The treatments with different combinations of plant extracts and semiochemicals were used for natural enemypreference experiment...

Muhammad Rehan1, Asim Aslam1, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan1, Muhammad Abid2, Shakeel Hussain3, Javeria Umber4, Ahsan Anjum1 and Altaf Hussain2* 

...w strains is limiting in its diagnosis and control. Pakistan is a developing country and poultry industry is the backbone of its economy. Recent outbreaks have caused huge losses to the poultry industry. This review details the possible role and potential of some common captive and non-captive wild bird species in the spread of NDV and also its economic impact on the commercial poultry ind...
Ailing Huang, Lingyu Meng, Wei Zhang, Junyan Liu, Guangyao Li, Huihua Tan, Wen Lu and Xialin Zheng*
... the kinds of enzyme and its sensitivity to pesticide after treatment with different pesticides. Compared with control, effect of beta-cypermethrin on Carboxylesterase (CarE) was the most obvious than other four pesticides; activity of glutathione-s transferase (GST) was inhibited by abamectin, while the trend was in the opposite direction for other four pesticides; activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) was promoted by beta-cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos, and ...
Faraz Akrim1,2, Tariq Mahmood1,*, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem3, Siddiqa Qasim1, Shaista Andleeb1 and Hira Fatima1
...istribution is vital for its conservation and management. We investigated dietary breadth of two carnivore species; Indian grey mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii) and small Indian mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) occurring in the north-eastern Himalayan region (Azad Jammu and Kashmir) of Pakistan with a view to compute the niche overlap between the two species. The Indian grey mongoose was recorded at 15 different sampling sites within the elevation ra...
Sun Hong1, Zhang Yifeng1, Wang Baishi2, Li Yangwei1, Xu Wenbo1, Mao Runkun1 and Wang Zhenglong1,*
...anean rodent that spends its entire life underground in burrow systems, having to endure a hypoxic environment. In this study, we used the embedded artificial tunnel method in a natural burrow system to measure oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and the temperature and humidity in the underground burrows of mandarin voles in Xinzheng, Henan Province, China during the spring and summer of 2015. Our results show that 1) the...

Aliya Ayaz, Gohar Ayub, Maqsood Khan* and Syed Aizaz Ali Shah 

...percentage, number of fruits plant-1, fruit length, fruit weight, plant height, yield plot-1, total yield and survival percentage. In case of dipping durations, seeds dipped for 18 hours significantly reduced days to emergence and days to first flower, while increased germination percentage, number of fruits plant-1, fruit length, fruit weight, plant height, yield plot-1 and total yield. Interaction was found non-significant...

Ayat Ullah* and Ayesha Khan 

...nt may increase their visits to the farming community and may reach maximum farmers and encourage them to visit the extension office for seeking information. 


Zahin Anjum1*, Farhat Shehzad1, Amina Rahat1, Hamid Ullah Shah2 and Saleem Khan3 

...ater than permissible limits determined by Codex Alimentaurius and World Health Organization. High concentration of Polyaromatic Hydrocarbons was observed in coal grilled meats. Anthracene content was found high in mutton meat and mean value was 12.50 µg/kg-1; flouernthene was assessed high in fish meat with mean value of 5.35 µg/kg-1; naphthalene content of chicken meat was found high with mean value of 1.85 µg/kg-1. The chrysene and DBAHA c...

Abid Ali1*, Hidayat ur Rahman1, Farhatullah1 and Zahir Shah

Bingbing Gao1, Na Song1, Zhonglu Li2, Tianxiang Gao3 and Liqin Liu3,* value, and little of its population genetic structure has been known. We use mitochondrial DNA markers to investigate the genetic structure of the species along southern coast of China. The complete sequences of Cytochrome b (Cytb) gene of 163 individuals collected from 6 locations were obtained and used for genetic analysis. No insertion or deletion were found among 26 mutation loci and 27 haplotypes were detected. All six populations were c...

Mehboob Arslan* and Xin Yang 

...e of viral interactions, its modulation is essential to decide the final outcome of viral infection. Here, we concisely present how viruses alter the metabolic pathways for their own survival.  

Sher Bahadar Khan1,2,*, Zou Geng1, Cheng Yu-ting1, Asad Sultan3, Mumtaz Ali4,5, Irshad Ahmad6 and Rui Zhou1
...ance, they share many traits with the human pathogenic isolates based on virulence gene contents that may pose a potential threat to public health.

Sagir Hussain, Erum Iqbal* and Shahina Fayyaz
...d surveys of cereals, fruits and vegetables were conducted from district Hunza, Nager, Gilgit and Ghizer of Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan during 2014-2016 to determine the temperature dependent property of Quinisulcius capitatus. About 280 root and soil samples were taken from 47 locations and 28 agricultural crops.Compilated data from the world has shown that Q. capitatus has the potential to survive and propagate proficiently at low temperature (-...
Abid Hussain Shahzad1, Abdul Sattar1,*, Nasim Ahmad1, Ijaz Ahmad2, Deniz Nak3 and Yavuz Nak3
...sych protocol (OVP0) and its modified forms (OVP5 and OVP7) as postpartum reproductive management tools in cyclic dairy cows. In total, 167 Holstein cows were randomly divided into three treatment groups. The OVP0 group was comprised of 58 cows. Other two groups, OVP5 (n=55) and OVP7 (n=54), were similar to OVP0 except the intravaginal insertion of controlled internal drug release (CIDR) inserts for 5 or 7 days, respectively. Pregnancy was diagnosed using ultr...
Ghulam Murtaza1*, Razia Sultana2, Muhammad Arshad Malik3, Sibtain Afzal4, Mubashar Hussain5, Shahid Bashir6
...ine use is very high and its consumption is expected to increase further in future. This article focuses on the increase of nicotine consumption in Pakistan and how people can get rid of smoking habit using the latest method such as transcranial direct current stimulation.
Abdur Rauf Nizami*
...ic analysis to ascertain its faunal assemblages in the Chichali Gorge Section. These investigations revealed that the limestones of this formation are a good repository of faunal fossils. The fossil contents found in the Samana Suk Formation display a wide range of faunal species. The documented species are comprised of: foraminifers, gastropods, pelecypods, bryozoans, echinoids, sponges, brachiopods, and corals.
Songhao Zhang1, Yiwen Gong1, Jian Xu1, Mou Hu2, Peng Xu3 and Yanliang Jiang1,2,4,*
...favored morphological traits such as red skin color and purse-shaped body form. However, the underlying genetic basis is less studied. In the present study, we utilized the powerful approach of comparative transcriptome analysis via high throughput sequencing, and examined transcriptome profiles of purse red carp by comparing with Yellow River carp, of which the skin color and body shape are quite similar to wild carp. A total of 434 million reads was generate...

Shakeel Ahmad Anjum1, Sami Ullah1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza2, Mohsin Raza1, Muhammad Abbas3, Ijaz Ahmad4, Malik Muhammad Yousaf2, Muhammad Zeshan5, Adeel Abbas1, Mehmood Ali Noor1 and Mohsin Nawaz1 

... these activities due to its deficiency. Therefore, a field trial was set up to assess the efficacy of different levels (control, 0.01 M and 0.05 M) of foliar applied B at booting, anthesis, and grain filling growth stages of wheat crop respectively. Results revealed that B application at the rate of 0.05 M solution substantially increased plant height, productive tillers, 1000 grain-weight and final grain yield. It was observed that 0.05 M B applications at d...
Muhammad Afzal1, Nighat Sultana1, Ali Hassan1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2,*, Mahroze Fatima3, Syed Makhdoom Hussain4, Muhammad Bilal5 and Majid Hussain2
...ned within acceptable limits for fish during entire experiment. The findings of the experiment showed improved weight gain%, specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion ratio (FCR), muscle composition and digestibilities of dry matter, crude protein and crude fat in Labeo rohita juveniles when fed CA supplemented diet. Similar observations were also recorded for the group fed on PHY supplemented diet. Citric acid addition in the diet also resulted in i...

Imdad Ali Mahmood1, Muhammad Imran2, Muhammad Sarwar1, Matiullah Khan1, Muhammad Aqeel Sarwar2, Shoaib Ahmed1 and Shahid Riaz Malik

...ion in plant tissues and its uptake (kg ha-1) was determined from the treatments where Zn was applied under PGPR inoculation. 

Fazal Wahab1, Naila Chand1, Rifat Ullah Khan1, Nazir Ahmad1, Urooba Parvez2, Zia ur Rehman3 and Shabana Naz4,*
...eatments. Egg quality traits including egg shell weight, egg weight, egg shell thickness, Haugh unit, albumin height and yolk weight were not affected by supplementation of fenugreek seeds. It was concluded from the study that supplementation of fenugreek at the rate of 0.5% increased egg production without affecting egg quality traits.
Wafaa M. Hikal1,2,* and Hussein A.H. Said-Al Ahl3
...s especially in dental units and dialysis machines. It poses a threat to public health as it is responsible for human infection. In inappropriate conditions, it forms cyst with high levels of resistance to disinfection methods. The aim of this study was to isolate the pathogen from the dental units and hospital water network and treatment of Acanthamoeba with Trachyspermum ammi essential oil that have the abili...
Huma Naz1*, Sajid Abdullah2, Khalid Abbas2, Muhammad Rizwan Tariq3, Laiba Shafique4, Ghazala Nazeer5
...o fish. The tolerance limits of C. catla against END+CPF was computed as 1.35±0.01µgL-1(LC50) and 2.25±0.02µgL-1(LC100). Genotoxic results showed that END+CPF mixture caused significant damage to nuclei (22.58±5.37%) and GDI (0.73±0.15%) in RBCs of fish as compare to control. Aduration-specific damage to DNA was observed in RBCs of C. catla.

Amjad Ali1*, Wiqar Ahmad1, Muhammad Zeeshan1, Farmanullah Khan2 and Muhammad Motasim Billah1 

...his amendment to enhance its role in soil fertility management is a new area of research. In this study, it was applied to soil in three particle sizes (< 2, 2-5 and 5-10 mm) in combination with two commercial biofertilizers; Bizote-N and Rhizogold to lentils during Winter 2015 in an RCB design and the residual effect was evaluated on soil micro-nutrient status and chemical properties after maize harvest in Summer 2016. Particle sizes in the above order...
Xuefeng Cao1, Guangneng Peng1, Xiaobin Gu1, Changliang He1, Guizhou Yue2, Jun Shi3,* and Zhijun Zhong1,*
...the minimum detection limits of real-time (RT)-PCR were 7.44×101 copies·μL-1 (CPV) and 4.20×101 copies·μL-1 (CDV). DARPM detection of CPV with DNA showed a minimum detectable of 1.53×101copies μL-1, while the minimum detectable amount from the virus culture supernatant was 6.70×101 copies μL-1. The minimum detectable copy numbers for CDV cDNA and...
Jie Zhang1,2,*, Baradi Waryani3,4 and Qihai Zhou2,*
...sp;the Yangtze River and its delta. In order to maintain stable high production of salangids, fertilized eggs from native or introduced populations of icefish were frequently introduced to various types of water throughout China mainland except for Tibet Plantae. The genetic diversity and molecular invasive mechanism are urgently needed for both native and invasive populations. Present investigation details 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci and 12 to 26 allel...

Zafar Abbas1*, Muhammad Mubashir1, Umair Riaz1, Zeenat Javid1, Muhammad Ashraf1, Saeed ur Rehman1, Muhammad Javid Qamar1, Syed Ali Zulqadar1 and Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2 

...d more importance due to its nutritional value. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) 100 grams of okra contains about 1.93g, 0.19 g, 7.45 g 3.2 g and 1.48 g of protein, fat, carbohydrates, fiber and sugar, respectively. As well as one gram of okra contain 31.3 mg and 299mg of vitamin K and potassium, respectively. Therefore, to examine the effect of different forms of fertilizers (organic and inorganic) on the yield and physiochemical attribu...

Sadaf Rahim and Mudassar Iqbal* 

...rzianum was selected for its growth optimization conditions and extraction of insecticidal compounds effective against two major insects pests including Diuraphis noxia and Tribolium castaneum. The pure fungal strain of Trichoderma was grown using two different nutrient media including Glucose Peptone Yeast Broth (GPYB) and Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) and the effect of organic extract was investigated against selected insects’ pest. From this study it wa...

Usman Zubair1*, Anjum Shehzad2, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi3 and Khalid Mahmood1 

...ous economic pests of fruits and vegetables around the world. The objective of this paper is to present taxonomy and new records of fruit flies. This manuscript deals with distribution records presented for species of fruit flies from Poonch Division of Azad Jammu and Kashmir. Taxonomic issues with specimen are discussed. The specimens were collected from seven localities including Rawalakot, Banbake, Jandali, Pakhar, Kakuta, Mandhol and Bagh (Harighel) using ...

Umar Hayat1*, Tariq Shah1, Muhammad Suleman Bacha2 and Muhammad

...DP of the country. Since its inception, Pakistan’s economy is planning to achieve agricultural-led growth to promote economic stability in the country. The present study is an attempt to examine and analyse the nexus of various sub-sectors of agriculture and their contribution to agricultural growth in the country. Data on key variables such as agricultural growth, institutional credit, agro-based industries, Livestock and mechanised inputs are taken fro...
Yan-Bin Zhu1, Wang-Dui Basang1, Zhan-Dui Pingcuo1, Yang-Ji Cidan1, Sang Luo1, Dun-Zhu Luosang1, Yang-La Dawa1 and Guang-Xin E2,3,* 
...ons’ geographic habits but could also be influenced by artificial selection and feeding style. Lastly, two credible genetic backgrounds were identified from the yak populations in this study using STRUCTURE software, which corresponded to previous knowledge about different molecular genetic markers. Therefore, unexpectedly, our study indicated that the diversity of some of the populations was decreased, leaving us to improve and refine our conversional s...
Arif Jan*, Abdul Rab, Haroon, Rooh Ullah, Tauheed Ullah and Ikram Ullah will be handy towards its culture.
Hui Wang1, Lin Wang1, Xuanlu Li1, Shanshan Li1, Yongqiang Zhao2, Shicheng Lv2, Xinrong Xu1, Guang Yang1 and Bingyao Chen1,*
...nvironmental capacity of its core zone of 225.96 km2 area is approaching saturation, and more and more birds have begun to utilize the buffer zone. We conducted a line transect survey in December 2010 to estimate bird density and evaluate the importance of the buffer zone. As a result, 34 protected species among the 4975 individuals were sighted, including 127 red-crowned cranes (Grus japonensis) and 868 common cranes (Grus grus). The ...
Khalid P. Loneand Irfana Liaqat*
...garding other somatic traits, the testes were fixed in buffered formalin and processed for routine histology and light microscopy. The annual maturity stages can easily be divided into five gross stages namely, immature and developing, maturing and developed, ripe and running, post spawning and spent-regressed. The testis in Labeo rohita were unrestricted and lobular. The maximum GSI (2.89±0.25) was seen in June when the photoperiod and temperatu...

Rashid Iqbal1,2, Mathias Neumann Andersen1*, Muhammad Aown Sammar Raza2, Muhammad Adil Rashid1 and Salman Ahmad2 

...water shortage; however, its suitability and efficacy should further be tested under field conditions. 


Zeshan Siraj1*, Amjad Farooq1 and Zahid Mehmood2 

...ical Week(SMW)and attain its peak in 36th SMW. Maximum and minimum mean population of jassids (4.19±0.16 and 0.03±0.13 per leaf) was observed in September and November 2011, respectively. Maximum and minimum population of jassids (2.43±0.11/leaf) and (0.00±014/ leaf) was recorded in 2012 September and November whereas maximum and minimum infestation of jassids 3.59 ±0.06 and 0.03±0.12 (per leaf) was observed in Septemb...

Durr-e-Nayab*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil, Fida Mohammad and Shad Khan Khalil 

...y significant for all traits under both normal as well as late plantings. There was general reduction in mean performance of genotypes for important yield component traits due to late planting but the magnitude of reduction varied over genotypes and traits. Mean of 29 genotypes (9 parents and 20 F1 hybrids) were 18.0 vs. 7.4 for spikes plant-1, 23.4 vs. 20.5 for spikelets spike-1, 70.2 vs....
Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Shahid Yousaf1, Salman Khurshid1*, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Nasreen Fatima2 and Ali Murad Rahoo3
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1*, Taiba Sharif3, Samina J.N. Ahmad2, Sumaira Maqsood4 and Fariha Zafar3 
...fruit flies infesting fruits in Punjab, Pakistan. 
Joyce Osarogie Odigie*
...d domestic use, bringing its ecological integrity to question. These anthropogenic effects result in the deteriorating quality of the water, which hampers the distribution of benthic macroinvertebrates and may be hazardous to the health of the inhabitant that consumes it on a daily basis. The goal of this study was to assess the effectiveness of WQI and PTI indexes as biomonitoring tools in river management. We studied Obueniyomo River to evaluate human influe...
Tanzeela Riaz1, Farah Rauf Shakoori2,*, Hareem Mansoor1, Sana Khan1 and Mushtaq A. Saleem1

Muhammad Ilyas* and Fida Mohammad 

...rformance for various traits. Wheat RIL25 produced maximum grain yield in E2 (3123 kg ha-1), E3 (3665 kg ha-1) and E7 (3256 kg ha-1), thus emerged as promising line with wider adaptation. Conversely, RIL24 had higher grain yield in E1 (2800 kg ha-1); RIL1 in E4 (2884 kg ha-1); RIL58 in E5 (2370 kg ha-1); RIL7 in E6 (3200 kg ha-1) and RIL53 in E8 (2339 kg ha-1) suggesting their specific adaptability to respective environments. Grain yield was significantly corr...

Wajid Khan* and Raziuddin 

...rtage of edible oils and its imports cost nearly 3 billion US dollars each year to feed 220 million people. This situation demands serious efforts to develop new lines/ hybrids with better yields. Rapeseed is the second largest contributor in domestic edible oil industry. Keeping in view the lower yield of rapeseed in Pakistan especially in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa this study was conducted to investigate genetic variability and heterosis in eight rapeseed genotypes ...
Maliha Ayub1, Muhammad Javed1, Fariha Latif 1*, Faiza Ambreen2, Komal Sabir1
...sed fish as evident from its mean value as 0.685±0.005UmL-1, followed by 2/3rd (0.585±0.006 UmL-1), 1/4th (0.480±0.005 UmL-1), 1/5th (0.367±0.007 UmL-1) and control (0.278±0.005 UmL-1) group. Fish liver showed significantly higher (0.479±0.005 UmL-1) activity of peroxidase than that of other organs like kidney (0.396&plus...

Matiullah Khan*, Shameemul Sibtain Shah, Atiqullah Khan, Muhammad Sarwar and Shoaib Ahmed 

...y the author and testing its efficacy in comparison to DAP on rainfed wheat. Almost 50 bags of SSP were prepared using formula “100 kg of indigenous HRP with total P2O5 content of X and mesh size 160 when treated with 60 liters (50% diluted) H2SO4 (volume/volume), followed by proper curing, yields SSP of almost X/2 % extractable P2O5”. The P was applied @ 57.5 kg P2O5 ha-1 both from prepared SSP and DAP to wheat crop on equal P2O5 basis. Also, Phos...

Masood Ahmad* and Abdur Rab 

...owering plant famous for its excellent flowers worldwide. In order to meet the high demand for its quality plants especially cut flowers. Gladiolus is commercially propagated by corms. The quality and health of corm is one of the important factors that affect the production and quality of gladiolus florets and spikes as well as corm production. Keeping in view, the significant role of calcium in plants and

Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi1*, Ibtasam Riaz2, Syed Muneeb Haider2, Arfan Ahmed Gilal3, Anjum Shehzad4, Ahmed Zia4 and Abdul Rauf Bhatti4

...strated key influence on its population regulation. Thus, this laboratory study was conducted to evaluate feeding potential of two coccinellid predators i.e., Menochilous sexmaculata and Coccinella septempunctata on eggs and nymphs of P. minor. Results confirmed that both species of coccinellid showed feeding potential against eggs and nymphs of P. minor. Comparatively, M. sexmaculata showed higher feeding than C. septempunctata on various immature stages of M...
Fiza Asif1,*, Muhammad Siddique Awan1, Nasra Ashraf1, Nuzhat Shafi1, Abdul Rauf1, Khizra Bano1, Muhammad Razzaq2 and Naeem Iftikhar Dar2
...s. Understanding food habits of wild mammals is of great importance to ecology and wildlife management. Present study was designed to determine the diet composition of Kashmir grey langur in Machiara National Park, Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan during summer 2015 and winter 2015-16 from fecal material using microhistological technique. Sixty fecal samples were collected from the study area during summer 2015 and winter 2015-16, i.e. thirty samples du...

Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1, Ayesha Zafar1 and Sher Muhammad2 

... design was used to make its layout. All the treatments were replicated four times. Sorghum was used as test crop. Pre and post-harvest soil analysis was carried out for different physical and chemical characteristics. Sorghum biomass, plant height, plant diameter and no of plants/m2 were noted and it was observed from results that leaching fraction technique proved useful to mitigate the ill effects of brackish water. All the collected data were subjected to ...
Huma Sattar1, Sehrish Firyal1,*, Ali Raza Awan1, Habib-Ur -Rehman2, Muhammad Sajid Hasni3 and Amjad Islam Aqib4*
...e on immune function and its role in mastitis susceptibility in Pakistani Sahiwal cows. In this study, a total of 150 Sahiwal cows were selected suffering from clinical (n=50), subclinical (n=50) mastitis along with non-mastitic (n=50) cows from different dairy farms of Punjab. TNF-α gene was amplified with specific primer and sequenced to get the full-length sequence of this gene. A total of nine changes including transition (n=6) and transversio...
Mumtaz Ali Khan1,*, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Shakoor Ahmad2, Irshad Ahmad3, Ikramul Haq4, Kashif Prince1, Asad Ullah5, Muhammad Shoaib2, Shahid Zaman6, Amjad Islam Aqib7, Ghazunfar Rashid1, Mahboob Ali1, Imdad Ullah Khan4,Imad Khan5, Naimat Ullah4 and Muhammad Shahid8
...l of equal number of rabbits and goats. Each species was divided randomly into three equal (n=6) groups. Group A was supplemented vitamin E and group B was without vitamin E supplementation in both species. Animals of both groups were vaccinated with enterotoxaemia vaccine. Group C was kept as negative control in both rabbits and goats. The immune titer against C. perfringens type D was evaluated on 0, 7, 14, 28t...
Lin Qi, Lu Li, Danyang Chen, Mingxiao Liu, Yan Wu and Wei Hu* measured to determine its antibacterial ability. The molecular mass and purity of this polypeptide was 18.970kDa and 90%. Amino acid sequence analyses indicated that the N-terminal amino-acid sequence of this monomeric peptide was AAQSLLACGAARLYKIIQQWPHYRR. The results showed that under the effect of various bacteriostatic agents, Enterobacter aeruginosa, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococ...
Jinfeng Liu1,2, Yanhong Cao3, Tong Feng1, Laiba Shafique1, Chan Luo1, Peng Zhu1,4,* and Qingyou Liu1,* cloned, analyzed, and its’ expression pattern was further determined. It consists of 1185 nucleotides that encodes 394 peptides bond. The BMP15 gene was observed to be expressed in cumulus tissue, granular tissue, hypophysis, genital ridge and tissues of ovary and testis. Moreover, QRT-PCR results showed that BMP15 was expressed in the whole process of embryogenesis and folliculogenesis, early high level and then down regulated. It was s...
Sajida Sabahat1, Asif Nadeem1,*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1, Shahid Nabeel1 and Abu Saeed Hashmi2
...ctive of quantitative traits that play key roles in development and regulating growth. The present study was conducted to characterize genetic variability in the growth hormone (GH) and growth hormone receptor (GHR) of Camelus dromedarius. GH is secreted and synthesized from somatotroph cells of the anterior pituitary lobe and plays significant role in growth, development, metabolism, lactation, and reproduction. Growth hormone interact with GHRs and in...
Shanshan Cai1, Tianxiang Gao2, Binlun Yan3, Aiyi Zhu1 and Xiumei Zhang1,2,*
...advancing technology and its unique advantages will make molecular markers as novel and highly-efficient approaches for assessment of stock enhancement.
Muhammad Waseem1, Ahmed Raza1, Hamera Aisha1, Muhammad Naeem Awan1, Tariq Ahmad2, Rabia Nazir2 and Tariq Mahmood2,*
...nvestigated the scale of its poaching and illegal trade in the country. Results revealed that poachers use spotlight and tracking techniques (42% respondents). Summer is the best season for poaching the pangolins (44% respondents). Forest is best preferred habitat of pangolin (54% respondents) and pangolins selling and buying points are located outside the villages (63% respondents). Nomads, semi-settled people at different locations in the Potohar Plateau are...
Mahdi Khojastekey1, Majid Kalantar1, Jam Zaheer Ahmed2, Samiullah Khan3, Muhammad Altaf Hussain4, Rajwali Khan5 and Sayed Haidar Abbas Raza6*
...mbing method overall profits of the herd, based on the prices in the market in years 2013 and 2019, increased 18.36 and 45.52 dollars/ewe, respectively. The results of this study showed that zandi ewes have a good function in accelerated lambing system due to their specific physiological characteristics. According to the current conditions of Iranian economy, using this method to increase livestock profit is quite cost effective.
Mohammed Al Bratty1,*, Hassan A. Alhazmi1,2, Desam Nagarjuna Reddy3, Abdul Jabbar Al-Rajab3, Sadique A. Javed1 and Zia ur Rehman1,4
...ns of microorganisms for its antibacterial and antifungal activities. The major classes of compounds indentified in the extract were fatty acid esters and aliphatic hydrocarbons. Methyl-(7Z)-7-hexadecenoate, methyl-(9E)-octadecenoate and methyl tetracosanoate were found to be the principal fatty acid esters, while E-pentatriacont-17-ene and 2,4-dimethylpentane were identified as predominant aliphatic hydrocarbon compounds. The propolis extract has exhibited re...
Abdul Hanan1, Talha Nazir1, Abdul Basit1, Shahbaz Ahmad2 and Dewen Qiu1,*
.../sup> conidia per ml and its filtrate, combination (V-3×V-3) revealed the highest M. persicae mortality 91%, while combinations, V-2×V-2 and V-5×V-5 resulted in lowest M. persicae mortality 79% and 65%, respectively. The results revealed that in all types of bioassays, V-3 isolate was the most virulent and its filtrate application was found to be the most effective against M. persicae.&...
Ihsanullah*, Muhammad Subhan Qureshi, Sohail Akhtar and Syed Muhammad Suhail stress on economic traits with special emphasis on postpartum resumption of ovarian activities. Reproductive and productive records of crossbred dairy cows were analyzed at a large-scale state dairy farm from 1997 to 2013. Genetic groups consisted of HF 50.0%, HF 62.5%, HF 75.0% and HF 87.5%, having the respective levels of Holstein Friesian blood were studied in different seasons of the year. No significant differences were found between the groups with di...
Muhammad Raza Khan1, Tariq Mahmood1,*, Hira Fatima1, Faraz Akrim2, Shaista Andleeb1 and Abdul Hamid1
...pulation is declining in its range, however, data on its ecological aspects are scanty in the country. In the current study, we investigated distribution and diet of grey wolf and the level of its human conflict in Mahoodand valley of Swat District. Results revealed the occurrence of grey wolf at an elevational range between 2332 m to 2926 m above mean sea level (amsl); a total of 7 dens, ...
Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Imtiaz Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad1, Fazal Maula2 and Sardar Hussain1
...ersicae (Sulzer) and its associated natural enemies at Agricultural Research Institute (ARI) Mingora Swat, during the growing season 2017. The tomato cultivars include Swat local, Rio-Grande early, U-Grande, Rio-Grande late, Tomato BSS-30, 87-5 China and Roma VF. These varieties were sown in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications. Results of this research showed that aphid population remained constant on different cultivars throughout the...
Muhammad Mansoor1, Khalid Usman2*, Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil3, Abdul Mateen Khattak4, Muhammad Ehsan Elahi1, Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik2 and Amir Hamza2
...g and curing stage of fruits. Covering fruit bunches with bags were also not productive and profitable; therefore, the growers switched to solar tunnel drying but couldn’t get the required results. The protocols of using solar tunnels needed fine-tuning of temperature and relative air humidity, which affect fruit quality. During dates’ drying process high temperature and low humidity is required. This research was conducted at Arid Zone Research Ce...
Mubasshir Sohail1,2,*, Raza Muhammad1 and Qadeer Ahmed Soomro1
...larvae are influenced by its prey type which they fed on. These results of the study could be used to improve the rearing and conservation strategies to increase C. carnea population and their predatory activities.
Muhammad Khaled Siddiq1, Fatima Yousuf Dar1,M. Akbar Khan1, Muhammad Adeeb Babar1,*, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1, Asra Ghaus1, Musdassir Iqbal1 and Muhammad Akhtar2
...akistan), well known for its large mammalian remains, dating to middle Pleistocene, yielded fossils of antelopes. The remains are referred to Kobus porrecticornis, Reduncini gen. et sp. indet. Antilope sp., Sivatragus cf. bohlini, Damalops sp., Caprinae gen. indet. (aff. Capricornis) roylei. These new findings allowed to calibrate the exact stratigraphic position of the species. Sivatragus bohlini,
Qi Ren, Shufeng Sun, Chen Niu, Yuhong Li, Yingzhi Chong, Biao Li, Guoying Zheng and Fumin Feng*


...nzyme, and imbalances of its expression may cause liver tissue damage. At present, few studies on CYP1A1 methylation and anti-tuberculosis drug-induced liver injury are available. Studying the relationship between CpG island methylation in the CYP1A1 promoter region and drug-induced liver injury is, therefore, of great importance. Anti-tuberculosis drugs induced hepatotoxicity in HL-7702 cells was investigated. Dehydrogenase activity was detected by a lactate ...
Lin Sun1, Xiaofang Bu2, Jian Wang1*, Xiaorui Liu1 and Zhanyi Kong2
...t mechanism of CXCL8 and its mRNA in the children with Mycoplasmal pneumonia needs to be further clarified. The concentration of the CXCL8 in serum and the level of CXCL8 mRNA in PBMCs of forty-eight children were dynamically measured by ELISA and PCR. The ratio of lgcDNA/lgGAPDH was regarded as the extreme level of CXCL8 mRNA. The serum level of CXCL8 and expression of CXCL8 mRNA in PBMCs in MPP children were (298.917±51.860) pg/mL and (1.848±0....
Taimoor Khalid*, Asad Ullah and Mussawar Shah
...e cut trees by legal permits (P=0.000), due to illegal forest use the environmental services are greatly reduced (P=0.000), people are illegally occupying forest land (P=0.000), implementation of forest law is not same for all (P=0.000), timber permits are issued illegally to rich and powerful (P=0.000), due to illegality in forest management the forest management is not sustainable (P=0.000) and forest are cut without permi...
Shagufta Naz1, Ayesha Javed1, Ayesha Saleem1, Khadija Murtaza1, Rukhama Haq1, Akbar Hayat2 and Neelma Munir1,* various dishes due to its constiuents.composition. Gamma radiation is one of the sterilization technique involves total demolition of all microorganisms and their spores in foods. In recent study garlic samples were treated with three different doses of gamma radiation such as 0.5, 1 and 2 kGy. Effects of gamma radiation were analyzed for different aspects like microflora, moisture, fat, ash, fiber, phenolic content, sprouting inhibition, physiological weig...
Po Bunnika, Khalid Khan and Guo Xiangyu*
...could increase their profits by upsurging sales performance instead of improving technical performance. These results also confirm that cooperatives managers should give greater importance to the effective use of capital and labor by increasing agricultural output.
Rafiq-ur-Rehman1*, Zahoor Ahmad1, Wiqar Ahmad2, Muhammad Mansoor3 and Shah Masaud1
...g maximum seed yield and its contributing parameters in mungbean crop irrespective of variable seasonal effect in Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan.
Muhammad Nisar* and Muhammad Idress
...many socio-economic benefits for small farmers. Home gardening also called kitchen or homestead gardening. Home gardening study is necessary not only due to its social, food security and economic contribution, but its consideration’s negligence in development agendas. Home gardening data provide complete agricultural input in a nation’s domestic treasure. Therefore, the current...
Tahsin Razzaq*, Muhammad Fareed Khan and Shahid Iqbal Awan
...cale and pathological traits, it was reported that three parental genotypes Karamat-Bar-25, SZP-13200, NCEV-1530-11 had lowest values for all pathological traits and severity rating of 5R, 5R and 10R and marked as highly resistant (R) genotypes, whereas three parental genotypes Soan-3, Ghuari-122, Kissan-60 were evaluated as highly susceptible (S) within germplasm and had highest values for pathological tra
Rakhshanda Kousar1, Tahira Sadaf1*, Muhammad Sohail Amjad Makhdum2, Muhammad Amjed Iqbal1 and Raza Ullah1
...oduction of top three fruits, namely mango, citrus and dates by using Revealed Comparative Advantage, Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage, Relative Export Advantage Index and Log of Relative Export Advantage Index. For this purpose, time series data has been collected for the period 2001-2018 from Food and Agricultural Organization Statistics, International Trade Centre map, and World Banks’ World Integrated Trade Solutions, Trade Development Author...
NaseemZahra1,2,*, Nadia Jamil1, Sajid Rashid Ahmad1, Imran Kalim2, MuhammadKhalid Saeed2, Ijaz Ahmed2, Qurat-ul-ain Syed2 and Soniya Munir1
...nd beyond permissible limits of 50 ppt as set by European Union. The most pathetic condition of non-branded milk samples was found in Shalimar Town of Lahore which showed highest levels of aflatoxin M1 i.e. 2735.08 ppt.

Ahmed Zia1*, Iqtidar Hussain2, Sardar Azhar Mehmood2, Shabir Ahmad2, Muzaffar Shah3 and Abdul Rauf Bhatti1 

...ical position. It shares its border with Afghanistan and possesses unlimited water resources. Due to prolonged uncertain ground conditions, this area remains unexplored for insect fauna. Present study was carried out in to record richness, abundance and species complex of Odonata. It revealed four families, fifteen genera and twenty-six species. Among recorded fauna, family Libellulidae appeared to be a dominant group representing 19 species, followed by famil...
Sajida Sabahat1, Asif Nadeem1,*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Yasir Zahoor1, Abu Saeed Hashmi1, Ghulam Yasein2 and Ghulam Abbas1 
...improvement of growth traits in camel. These results suggest that Marecha camel has genetic variability in the IGF-1 and may be helpful for preservation strategies and future selection programs.  


Memis Ozdemir
...ovement of production traits in dairy cattle, because prolactin has an important regulatory role in the development of the mammary glands, the secretion of milk and the expression of milk protein genes. It has been seen many studies about Prl/RsaI polymorphism found in the exon 3 or exon 4 region of bovine prolactin gene in the literature. The aim of this study was to determine whether the DNA sequence of the Prl gene exon 3 or exon 4 in cattle b...

Riaz Hussain Pasha1*, Muhammad Zubair Anjum2, Imran Ullah2, Muhammad Akram Khan3, Adnan Ali4, Saif-Ur-Rehman5, Sana Batool2 and Arslan Emmanuel

...from the river Indus and its tributaries in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Northern Punjab, Pakistan. A total of 48 fishes of both sexes (n= 12 per season; 9 female and 3 male) were collected in different seasons of 2016-17. Preparatory phase of reproductive cycle was observed in spring with having thick tunica albuginea and rapid spermatogenesis in testes while appearance of cortical alveoli or yolk vesicle in cortex of cytoplasm in ovaries. Gonads attain maximum siz...

Mazhar Habib1, Aamir Saleem1, Arshad Mahmood Malik2*, Sarfraz Ahmed3 and Sameera Arshad4 

... plant maturity species, its herbage yield increased (P<0.05). However, phonologically, proportion of its plants with vegetative stage declined. This decline of plants with vegetative stage can cause distraction to livestock depending on the species for grazing purposes. It is suggested that two month clipping stage should be applied on Blue panic grass to get sustained grass vigor and optimum herbage yield. 


Ahmed Zia* 

...nformation available for its male and immature stages. It is second species for the genus to be recorded from Pakistan. Distributional details along with important taxonomic characters and habitat information is discussed in detail to facilitate readers of this document. A key to the known species of Coeliccia from Pakistan is also provided. A need to conduct further surveys in whole hill belt is highly felt with a view to get more information especially for <...

Wajid Shah Yousafzai1, Irfan Ullah1*, Amjad Ali1, Mahmood Iqbal2 and Salman Khan1 

... four seasons, therefore its soil is rich to produce all kinds crops, fruits and vegetables. Agriculture sector contributes to the economic benefit of the farming community in Pakistan, therefore analyzing its potential remain major focus in various studies. Current study has been designed with main aim to estimate the allocative efficiency of onion production in District swat. Using multi...

Muhammad Azam Niazi1* and Umar Farooq2 

...ositive association with its own price. The response to fertilizer price was negative as per expectations. Tubewell availability had a positive effect on Basmati production. The Basmati rice had a speed of adjustment of 42 per cent showing that any deviation from the equilibrium would be corrected by 42 per cent in the current period. It is suggested that as Basmati rice supply reacts positively to an increase in its own pri...

Arifa Khan1*, Shazia Erum2, Naveeda Riaz1, Abdul Ghafoor2 and Farhat Ali Khan3 

...ld and baking quality traits at National Agriculture Research Center Islamabad, Pakistan during autumn 2016-2017. The experiment was carried out in randomized complete block design with three replications. Data were recorded on sprouting, plant height, number of tubers per plant, average tuber weight per plant, tuber shape, skin, flesh color, number of eyes per tuber, sensory evaluation and proximate analysis. Results showed significant differences in all yiel...

Jahangir Khan*, Syed Attaullah Shah, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai, Muhammad Fayaz, Shahid Ali, Abbas Ullah Jan and Ghaffar Ali 

...erviewed at different fruits retail shops to collect data on apple varieties, prices and quality attributes, such as color, size, shape, freshness and external defect. The data were analyzed using hedonic pricing model. Results show that Consumers have strong preferences for apple freshness, size, color and juiciness and their willingness to pay for these attributes are significantly greater than zero. On the basis of these findings the study recommends that a...

Jahangir Khan1*, Abbasullah Jan1, Kar Ho Lim2, Syed Attaullah Shah1*, Aditya R Khanal2 and Ghaffar Ali1 

...ocally produced fresh fruits in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A Contingent Valuation Survey Method (CVM), constructed with a double-bounded WTP elicitation format, was used to interview a randomly selected sample of 600 households. Survey data revealed that households were willing to pay on average rupees 26 more per kilogram of pesticides free fruits. Results from regression analysis showed that age of the household head an...

Tanveer Ahmad1*, Muhammad Mujtaba Rafiq1, Waqas Ahmed Dogar2, Abid Mahmood Alvi3, Qumer Iqbal4, Muhammad Azam5 and Arshad Ali Khan6 

...ion of the biological traits of phalsa with phosphorus was further estimated by correlation analysis. Results indicated that phosphorus application @ 150g plant-1 has improved various traits i.e. number of fruit bush-1 (4866.7), yield bush-1 (2.19 kg), single fruit weight (0.656 g), number of fruiting nodes (12.18) and number of sprouted shoots cane-1 (13.89). However, vegetative characters particularly leaf area showed neg...

Umar Hayat1*, Shahid Ali1, Abdul Mateen2 and Hazrat Bilal in nature is striving its best to fight against poverty, unemployment and unequal income distribution. Although, Agricultural growth is considered an important instrument for alleviation in poverty, but still its proper measurement is scarce in studies. To examine and analyze the nexus between agricultural growth and poverty in Pakistan, the present study has been organized. Data on key variables including agricultural gr...

Olufisayo Bamidele* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola 

..., still born, weight of kits at birth and gestation period (days) and were analyzed using Analysis of variance of the General Linear Model procedure and t-test where appropriate. The plasma LH for the AI groups peaked at 60mins while it peaked at 120mins for the control. Kindling rates were 10%, 10%, 60% and 50% respectively for the groups. There was no significant difference (p>0.05, t-test) between the litter size and total live k...
Tanzeela Riaz, Fiza Sana-Ullah Khan, Farah Rauf Shakoori
...rium from decayed fruits. Microorganisms were isolated from fruits, soil and water samples obtained from different localities of Lahore city, Pakistan. Locally isolated microorganisms were screened for their mannanase producing characteristics on mineral salt agar medium pH 7. Six isolates were found to be mannanase producers by qualitative analysis. Three isolates (MBL-SP02, MBL-CW01 and MBL-GN02) produced maximum zone ...
Ali Mujtaba Shah1,2,3, Ali Raza Shah3, Muhammad Farooque Hassan2, Muhammad Yousif2, Zhisheng Wang1*
...tors and nucleotides and its benefits to health of animals.
Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Palwasha Jabeen, Chand Raza, Shaukat Ali
...owned biomaterial due to its biocompatible nature. Silk proteins have been found to possess antibacterial properties and application in culturing tissues including skin, bone, cartilage and nerves. Sericin has been hailed to have antitumor activity and has also been widely used in different cosmetics. The major hindrance in using spider silk for different purposes is due to its small obtainable amount. Efforts are being made...
Hafiza Sadaf Zahra1, Asia Iqbal2, Sayyeda Hira Hassan1, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1*, Muhammad Khan1*, Muhammad Irfan3, Chaman Ara1, Shaukat Ali4
...r breast cancer. It inhibits production of melatonin (MLT) from pineal gland which results in abnormal epigenetic changes that relates with an increased risk of BC. The most important ALAN-mediated epigenetic changes include methylation of DNA and acetylation of histone, which are significant for growth, development and progression of BC. DNA hypermethylation of promoter CpG islands inhibits transcriptional activity by methy...
Rimsha Munir1, 2*


...line was associated with its ability to deal with metabolic stress under 2D or 3D system. HCT-116 cells coped better with metabolic stress in 2D system while HepG2 in 3D system.
Chaman Ara1*, Asmatullah1, Sehrish Kanwa1, Asma Chaudhary2, Ayesha Siddiqua1
...ew the controversy about its toxicity, current study was conducted to assess the levofloxacin induced hepatotoxicity, nephrotoxicity and its likely noxious effects on spermatogenesis in mammals. Forty mice, randomly categorized into four groups (N=10) were administered orally with different concentrations of levofloxacin (0.00, 9.37, 18.75 and 37.50µg/g BW of mice) for 30 days consecutively. Mice were sacrificed on 31<...
Chaman Ara1*, Asmatullah1, Zainab Riaz1, Memoona1, Asma Chaudhary2, Shagufta Andleeb2
...t of turmeric along with its proven anti-fungal and antimicrobial activities also detoxify Paraben (suspected car-cinogen and endocrine disruptor) instigated damages.
Peng Chen1,2, Zuhao Huang3,Chaoying Zhu1, Yuqing Han1, Zhifeng Xu1
Guanglong Sun1, Zhen Zhang1, Dongqin Zhao4, Gang Ge1 and Luzhang Ruan1*
... ATT, ATC and ATA, while its stop codons included TAA, TAG, AGG, AGA and the incomplete cipher T. In PCGs, the highest frequency of codon was CTA (Leu). The highest frequency of amino acids was Leu, whereas the lowest was Cys. In phylogenetic analyses, Gruiformes included Grui and Ralli, and Charadriformes included Charadrii, Lari and Scolopaci. The genus Porzana was closest to Porphyrio. Gallirallus striatus and Lewinia muelleri co...

Imran1*, Amanullah1, Muhammad Arif1, Zahir Shah2 and Abdul Bari3 stages of soybean and its yield contributing parameters. The consecutive field experiments for years 2016 and 2017 using randomized complete block design (RCBD) were conducted on soybean (cv. Malakand-96) crop. Experimental treatments included three organic sources, three phosphate rates and two beneficial microbes. Weeds found during the whole growing period of soybean crop were Euphorbia heterophylla L, Phyllanthus fraternus L., Portulaca oleracea L., Par...

Sana Munir1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi1*, Ahmad Naeem Shahzad2, Ismat Nawaz3, Muhammad Shahzad Anjam4, Sumaira Rasul4 and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar5 

...ontributing and fiber traits using various multivariate analysis such as principle component analysis and linkage cluster analysis. Principle component analysis (PCA) exhibited that first four PC out of nineteen PC, with eigen value >1, contributed about 80.326 % of total variability. Positive contribution towards PC1 was given by seed traits such as lint/seed, seed weight/seed, boll weight, seed index and seed cotton/see...

Manzoor1*, Ahmad Khan1, Amir Sohail2, Shahzad Ali1, Fawad Ali Shah3, Junaid Iqbal3, Muhammad Owais Khan4 and Sultan Nawaz4 

... maximize yields and profits. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of water stress imposed at low and high sensitive growth stages (six leaves, twelve leaves, flowering and grain filling stages) and role of different planting methods (Ridge, Flat and Broadcast) in soil moisture conservation for maize crop. The research was carried out using RCBD with split plot arrangement having 4 replications at Agronomy Research Farm, The University of Ag...
Javeria Zafar1, Asif Nadeem1*, Maryam Javed1, Fehmeeda Fatima1, Wasim Shehzad1, Ghulam Abbas1, Rajput Zahid Iqbal2 and Muhammad Muddassir Ali1
...ndh ibex and to determin its phylogenetic relationship with other capra species. Blood samples were collected from Kirthar National Park, Sindh, Pakistan. PCR product was sequenced bi-directionally using dideoxy chain termination method after mitochondrial ATPase8/6 genes amplification. Polymorphism, Genetic diversity and Phylogenetic analysis were carried out by the MUSCLE, DnaSP and MEGA6 tools. Total of 20 variations at different positions were found...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,2*,Mujahid Manzoor1, Zubair Aslamand  Samina Jam Nazeer Ahmad1, 2

Syeda Naila, Muhammad Ibrar, Fazal Hadi* and Muhammad Nauman Khan 

... Oxalidaceae) to analyze its morphological and pharmacognostic features. The results revealed that it leaves are compound, perennial and summer deciduous with upper epidermis followed by mesophyll region with vascular bundle and the lower epidermis. The leaf features showed that palisade ratio was (7.35), vein islets number (9), and vein termination number (9.1), stomata number (47) and stomatal index were (42.72). Transverse section of the root showed outer e...
Fariha Latif1*, Muhammad Javed2, Hammad Ahmad Khan2 and Khalil-Ur-Rehman3
...mes that could be due to its actively metabolic nature. Pb can inhibit the functional properties of CAT by disrupting disulfide bond. Moreover, the interference of Pb in the activity of SOD was also reported during present investigation. Therefore, this study provides an insight in rational use of antioxidant enzymes as biomarkers of oxidative stress in the bio-monitoring of aquatic pollution.

Sanaullah1, Fazli Rabbi2*, Shahid Ali2, Zeeshan Khan3 and Muhammad Zamin4 

...te to generate funds for its development. Moreover, development programs shall be initiated to attract tourists vis-à-vis realize the objectives of the sustainable management and conservation of biodiversity. 

Zekeriya Demir1 and Hatice Kaya2* hen diets because of its psitive effects on FCR, serum cholesterol and lipid contents.


Hüseyin Erdem* and Ibrahim Cihangir Okuyucu
...ome colostrum quality traits in Holstein cows. The material of the study consisted of 51 Holstein Friesian cows. The specific gravity of colostrum, fat, non-fat dry matter (NDM) and protein percentages were measured for colostrum produced at 2, 24, 48 and 72 h after birth. The specific gravity of colostrum (colostrum quality) was determined using a colostrometer. The effects of DPL, ADMY, parity and calving season on the specific gravity of colostrum (colostru...

Rahat Naz*, Mussawar Shah, Asad Ullah, Intikhab Alam and Younas Khan 

...imate change forests, fruits and vegetables have become scarce(P=0.000); water logging and salinity has affected the production of crops(P=0.000); and loss of agricultural productivity affecting the local economy with effects on human lives. The study concluded that, climate change has drastically affected the agricultural practices, resulting into low crop production, soil erosions and water logging salinity. Taking climate change adaptation measure’s t...

Waseem Abbas1, Shakeel-ur-Rehman2, Abdul Rashid2, Muhammad Kamran3, Muhammad Atiq2 and Muhammad Ehetisham ul Haq3* 

Chiping Kong1,2, Yongheng Wu1,2, Shangling Lou1, Benping Chen3, Simon D. Dowell4 and Yiqiang Fu1*
...erable babbler that inhabits dense vegetation. We recorded territorial songs of male Emei Shan Liocichla from Laojunshan National Nature Reserve during the breeding season of 2016, in southern Sichuan, China. We used three methods to compare the acoustic difference among and within individuals. The results demonstrated that male Emei Shan Liocichlas had individually distinct songs and can be used to identify individuals. We also found that 4 to 5 songs were re...

Noorullah Khan1*, Farrukh Siyar Hamid1, Fayaz Ahmad1, Sabaz Ali Khan2, Imtiaz Ahmed1, Muhammad Abbas Khan1, Shamsul Islam1, Abdul Waheed1, Basharat Hussain Shah1 and Hussain Shah

...he growth attributing traits over the control. However, the highest number of first-order adventitious roots (NFARP) plant-1 (9.5), seedling survival rate (SSR) (51.7), and plant height (85.5 cm) were recorded in plants treated with 3000 ppm IBA. Contrarily the longest roots of 50.7 cm were observed with IBA concentration of 5000 ppm. Correlation analysis revealed that SSR % and growth of kiwi seedlings are strongly associated with NFARP as we found strong cor...

Jawad Ali*, Ibad Ullah Jan and Hidayat Ullah 

... primarily by disrupting its biochemical and physiological functions. The current study was conducted to appraise the Selenium (Se) role in improving the drought tolerance in okra. Drought stress (three days (control), six days (mild stress) and nine days (severe stress)) and four doses of Se (0, 1, 2, and 3 mg L−1) were imposed after 30 days of sowing. Our outcomes showed that drought stress decreases the number of leaves, plant height, number of branch...
Kadry A. El-Bakry1, Lamiaa E.M. Deef1*, Lotfy Z. Habbak1 and Samia S. El-Naeli2

Muhammad Sohail Memon1*, Khadim Ullah1, Altaf Ali Siyal1,2, Naimatullah Leghari1, Ahmed Ali Tagar1, Khalil Ahmed Ibupoto1, Syed Tahir Ata-ul-karim3, Muhammad Tahir4 and Noreena Memon1 

... has increased in due to its capability of saving massive amounts of irrigation water. Knowing the importance of raised bed-furrow irrigation (RBFI) in water conservation and salt distribution in profile with three testing treatments viz. T1 with raised bed size = 0.6 m, T2 with raised bed size = 0.8 m and T3 with raised bed size = 1.0 m. The soil samples were collected from depth desired depth to analysis the Physical chemical properties before and after the ...

Muhammad Asim1*, Asghari Bano2, Sikander Khan Tanveer3 and Muhammad Umair Aslam

...e for millions. However, its productivity is determined by various genotypic, environmental and crop management factors. In this study, we elaborated the role of these factors, in rainfed agro-ecology, using data of six genotypes, grown in four sowing windows over six years. The rainfed wheat productivity is predominantly determined by environmental conditions, particularly rainfall induced moisture availability. Hence, the best match between sowing time and t...
Nurlybay Kazhgaliyev1*, Talgat Kulmagambetov2, Dulat Ibrayev1, Saule Bostanova1 and Zhanat Titanov1
...impact the adaptation traits among different animal species.We describe here the rationale and economics of adaptation of Aberdeen Angus and Hereford beef-producing animals brought from Canada and the Netherlands to Northern Kazakhstan. In order to investigate common zootechnic methods, daughters of imported Aberdeen Angus and Hereford cows were grouped at the age of 18-19 months with a live weight of no less than 350 kg. Groups were constituted using the anal...

Muhammad Rehan3, Asim Aslam3, Javeria Umber4, Muti-ur-Rehman Khan3, Waqar Azeem3, Hassan Aftab5, Ahsan Anjum3, Muhammad Abid6, Abdul Hameed Khan3, Hafiz Hasnain Ayoub5, Altaf Hussain2 and Muhammad Farooq Khalid1* 

...e of 1,25(OH)2D3 besides its classical role of maintaining phosphorus and calcium metabolism inside body. Vitamin D is involved in homeostasis of innate and adaptive immune responses by modulating activity of monocytes, dendritic cells, macrophages and activation of T and B lymphocytes. Vitamin D modulates cytokine response and anti-microbial peptides (AMPs) production which boost innate immune response. Hypovitaminosis D is a significant risk factor for infec...
Anam Tariq, Alina Gul, Majida Atta Muhammad, Samia Falak and Naeem Rashid*
...nsis was cloned with its native signal sequence and expressed in Escherichia coli. Heterologous gene expression resulted in production of recombinant protein in the cytoplasm which secreted gradually to the extracellular culture medium. Determination of the N-terminal amino acid sequence of the recombinant protein, in the extracellular medium, revealed that the 19 amino acid signal peptide was cleaved between Ala19 and Gly20. I...
Abdul Samad1, Raheela Asmat2, Muhammad Naeem1, Hamida Ali3, Mohammad Zahid Mustafa1, Ferhat Abbas1, Jannat Raza1,3 and Muhammad Tauseef Asmat1*


...ia monocytogenes and its subsequent transmission to food chain, plant material and animals. In present study, 800 food samples consisting of beef and chicken meat, milk, salads and fresh vegetables were collected from retail markets of Quetta, Pakistan. Multiplex PCR was employed to identify the prevalent species and genes associated with virulence. Only 10 (1.25%) samples were found contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. Milk samples were the mo...

Shahzad Khan1*, Inayatullah Jan1 and Syed Fahad Shah2 

...extension department and its trainings, illiterate and untrained tenants are involved in agricultural practices. The physical inputs and investment efforts lead to long term duration for the tenants which usually make interest of the landlord to offer the land on fixed tenancy contracts. Thus, tenants are unable to provide proper investments efforts to their plots. In order to fulfill the gap in sustainable agricultural practices, proper training and policy im...
Tong Feng, Zilu Zhang, Minghao Qu, Chan Luo, Laiba Shafique, Qingyou Liu and Kuiqing Cui*
...ubian goat wool color traits and the color genetic mechanism of Nubian goats.

Ajmalud Din1*, Munir Ahmad2, Fahad Masoud Watto2, Sheraz Ahmed1, Imtiaz Ali1 and Muhammad Kausar Nawaz Shah

...related physiological traits viz. proline content, osmotic adjustment, excised leaf water retention (ELWR), relative water content (RWC), cell membrane stability (CMS), chlorophyll content and canopy temperature. Mean squares for all traits revealed significant differences among genotypes under moisture stress and normal environmental conditions. High variations were recorded for cell membrane stability, relative water conte...

Kalpana Polisetty1* and Kiran Kumar Paidipati2 production because of its high benefits. The main objectives of this study are to examine the change point and trend analysis for wheat production on the basis of time and spatial scale of major wheat producing states of India. This study has considered various prominent non-parametric methods i.e. Pettitt’s, Standard normal homogeneity (SNH) and Buishand’s range tests. The core purpose of these three techniqu...

Muhammad Ramiz Murtaza1, Tahir Mehmood2*, Aziz Ahmad2 and Uzma Arshad Mughal3 

Saleem Ashraf1, Raheel Saqib2*, Zakaria Yousuf Hassan3, Muhammad Luqman4 and Abdur Rehman5  

...nt factors limiting benefits as perceived by the respondents. Correlation analysis unveiled that most of constraints impeding growers’ benefits were inter-correlated. This implies that resolving one barrier could limit another. This study urges a need to regulate middleman in marketing system through legislation and government should develop systematic marketing channels and support to develop fru...

Rakhshanda Kousar1, Muhammad Sohail Amjad Makhdum2, Raza Ullah1, Aqeela Saghir3, Sohaib Usman3* and Tahira Sadaf of Pakistan. However, its growth is decreasing in the recent past due to land fragmentation. It is a constraint for agricultural productivity. The study aims at analyzing the impact of land fragmentation on productivity and profitability of crops. The primary data were collected from 120 farmers of rural area of Faisalabad. This study calculated the extent of land fragmentation by using Simpson index. Production function was employed to estimate the impact ...
Tanveer Ahmad1, Tariq Mehmood1, Muhammad Shahid1, Adnan Ahmad1,2, Muhammad Asim Raza Basra1, Muhammad Zia-ur-Rehman3* and Munawar Ali Munawar1
...inobenzenesulfonamide by its reaction with aryl sulfonyl chlorides. Anti-diabetic activities of these pharmacophores were studied by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) percentage analysis on Sprague Dawley (SD) rats at the dose of 20mg/kg using glibenclamide (GC). Among these synthesized pharmacophores, six compounds exhibited percentage reduction (20.47±2.54 to 44.97±2.16 %) and (20.79±1.55 to 37±2.94 %) in blood glucose level at 2...
Erum Yawar Iqbal1*, Ashfaque Ahmed Nahiyoon1, Shahnaz Dawar2 and Shahina Fayyaz1
...the potential to release its metabolites with insecticidal mode of actions in the surrounding culture media. New species proficiency was evaluated in comparison with other indigenous isolates and resulted in most efficient at 30ºC after 24h and proved to have good effectiveness as biological control agent and can be easily used instead of live bacteria in future formulations.
Bhandari Jyoti1,2, Yasen Shali3, Zhang Zehua4, Yao Xiaoho5, Deng Jiang3, Zhang Yaling5, Wang Cuiling5, Li Yang5, Lei Xueping5, Wang Wenfeng5, Mohammad Farooque Hassan6 and Li Can1,*
...anding on the species traits is necessary. In this study, the population dynamics, life history and spatial distribution pattern of L. m. tibetensis Chen were explored on meadow and farmland of the Tibetan plateau during 2012. The first objective of this study was to investigate the population dynamic and life history of this pest on their outbreak sites. The second objective was to analyze the spatial distribution pattern of L. m. tibetensis Che...
Peng Peng1,3, Xiaopeng Tang2*, Dun Deng3, and Rejun Fang1*

Iqbal Javed1, Abdur Rehman2*, Farhana Khaliq1, Amar Razzaq3, Mudassar Yasin4, Ghulam Mustafa5, Allah Bakhsh6 and Raheel Saqib7 

Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Ghulam Shah Nizamani1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Imtiaz Ahmed Khan1, Abdullah Khatri1 and Nighat Seema Soomro2 

...nt yield contributing traits like number of branches plant-1, seeds pod-1 and 1000 seed weight were also seen to be highest in the mutant AEL-40/30 (3.95, 1.91 and 29.11 (g), respectively). Moreover, the same genotype showed an extraordinarily high yield of 1765.1 kg ha-1. The other two mutant lines viz. AEL-13/30 and AEL-12/30 produced seed yield of 1628.4 and 1561.9 kg ha-1, respectively. Yield of the check varieties as well as the parent was substantially l...

Muhammad Ilyas1, Sardar Ali Khan1, Shahid Iqbal Awan1, Shafiq-ur-Rehman1, Waqar Ahmed1, Muhammad Riaz Khan2, Raja Mohib Muazzam Naz2, Muhammad Mohib Ullah Khan3 and Sumaira Hafeez1* 

... certain quantitative traits on as many as possible plant individuals in basic experimental generations. Initially, 108 inbred lines of maize were planted in two separate trails under water deficit and normal irrigation conditions in the experimental field of Department of Plant Breeding and Molecular Genetics. Selection of parents for further study was done with regards to grain yield and its component tra

Tanweer Ahmed1*, Kashif Saeed Khan1, Zilakat Khan Malik1, Fazal Wahid1 and Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal2 

Abdüssamet Aydın1 and Ş. Canan Bölükbaşı2*
...formance, egg quality traits, thiobarbituric acid reactive substans (TBARS) of yolk, the contents of malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismütase (SOD) and glutation peroxidas (GSHPx) in serum. Sixty Lohman LSL white layers, 40 weeks of age, kept in individual cages were assigned randomly to five treatment groups, each group included 12 hens. The hens received one of five diets with 0, 32.5, 65 or 130 mg/kg pennyroyal extract and 50 mg/kg BHA, respectively...
Mingsan Miao*, Hui Zhao, Jiaojiao Jia, Xiaoyan Fang and Yanyan Miao
...bral ischemia, proposing its therapeutic potential in treating such anomalies in future. 
Ju Zhang1,2, Dong-Sheng Jia3, Shi-Hao Zhao1,2, Xiao-Liang Xie3, Hong Chen4 and Hai-Feng Li4,*


...fect may be related with its significant antioxidant activity.
Chen Shi, Jianlong Zhang and Guanghui Teng*
...h characteristics and traits. It is significant for monitoring and understanding the pig growth at different stages effectively. In this study, the experiment adopted a management and data acquisition system based on LabVIEW, which automatically acquired and recorded the body measurements and body weights of 30 pigs during 90-day grower-finisher stage. Three body ratios between two each body measurements showed that the body length and width were the major par...

Muhammad Ilyas1*, Sardar Ali Khan1, Shahid Iqbal Awan1, Shafiq-ur-Rehman1, Muhammad Riaz Khan2 and Sumaira Hafeez1 

...gards to grain yield and its related traits. Inbred lines explained a broad range of genetic variability and displayed different levels of drought tolerance. Four inbred lines were selected i.e. VDR-51, DR3-126, DR-37 and 5CDR-53. Crosses were done among the selected inbred lines. Six generations as P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2 were prepared for both the crosses to calculate heterosis and inbreeding depression for Randomized ...

Sanaullah1*, Urooba Pervaiz1, Shahid Ali2, Mohammad Fayaz2 and Aftab Khan

...icated that extension visits, involvement in agriculture, adoption of recommended farming practices, irrigation and HYVs had significant effect, while disease, fertilizer and pesticide had non-significant effect on maize yield. Nevertheless, adoption of recommended technologies were low due to some constraints in the study area out of which low income of the families and lack of required technical knowledge were of major concerns. The results of t-test indicat...
Muhammad Faheem Akbar1,*, Muhammad Abdul Haq2, Imtiaz Ahmad1, Vasileva Viliana3 and Amjad Sultan1
...nsure maximum residue limits (MRLs) to be respected. Considering the concerns about pesticide residues in food and their environmental impacts, this study designed to find out the biological degradation of conventional and bio pesticides sprayed on cauliflower crop. Bio pesticides are environment-friendly products and highly biodegradable with low persistency and residual effects. Imidacloprid, endosulfan and profenofos were selected as convectional, while spi...

Stanley Uchenna Onwudike* and Vivian Chizoba Edoziem 

...igeria and understanding its distributions in rhizosphere soils will help in its management. This investigation examined some variations in soil properties and inorganic phosphorus forms within the rhizosphere of three annual crops, viz groundnut (Arachis hypogea), bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) and okra (Abelmoschus esculentus) on a loamy sand, typic haplustult soil. The work was sited at the research farm of the University duri...
Kanwal Nisa1, Sadaf Ashraf1, Masood Ahmed Siddiqui1*,Naila Taj1Habib-Ur-Rehman1, Arifa Bano1 and Naeem Rashid2
...ional enzyme, which exhibits pyruvate ferredoxin oxidoreductase (POR) and pyruvate decarboxylase (PDC) activities, was purified to an apparent homogeneity from this archaeon. The purified enzyme exhibited optimal activities at 95oC for POR and 90oC for PDC reactions. The optimum pH for POR reaction was 8.5 and for that of PDC it was 9.5, in the absence of oxygen. The specific activities for POR and PDC reactions were 22 U/mg and 3.8 U/mg,...
Savas Atasever*, Huseyin Erdem and Ibrahim Cihangir Okuyucu
...alculated between two traits. Routinely recording productive traits and rechecking feeding management for elevating RFS in the farms may be suggested in the investigated farms.

Muhammad Rasheed*, Tayyaba Naseer, Asma Hassan, Fayaz ul Hassan, Rifat Hayat, Ghulam Jilani, Samman Gul Vaseer and Muhammad Bilal Ali 

...ponse regarding these traits. The maximum fresh weight plant-1 (7.2560 g) and dry weight plant-1 (0.6047 g) was recorded at treatment BS3 and among the different cultivars, NIA 2005 depicted better response than other two cultivars. Crop growth rate showed maximum value (3.3977 gm-2day-1) at treatment BS3 and among the cultivars, NIA 2005 gave highest crop growth rate than others. Net assimilation rate increased due to increase in dry matter of plant and crop ...
Asim Faraz1,*, Abdul Waheed1, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel2 and Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1
...y was conducted to check its milk production and composition in Thal desert. With an average milk yield of 7.38 liter under traditional management, Barela camel appears as a camel breed with a good dairy potential. Moreover, according to its gross composition (fat, protein, lactose, SNF and total solids percentages being 4.26, 3.62, 4.84, 9.02 and 13.28, respectively), Barela milk appears particularly rich compared to litera...
Veli Sel1, Isa Yilmaz2,* and Mete Yanar3
...n accordance with the limits indicated in the related regulations of the Turkish Food Codex and of the European Union Commission. It was determined that SCC in raw milk obtained from Anatolian Water Buffalos grown in Igdir province was suitable for both Turkey and EU norms.
Saeed Murtaza1, Abdul Sattar1*, Nasim Ahmad1, Muhammad Ijaz2Maqsood Akhtar3 and Muhammad Shahzad4
...lo breeder anxious about its reproductive and productive performances. Moreover, misconceptions about its harmful effect on public health are increasing day by day during postpartum period when animal has been already in stress. To know effect of oxytocin injection on cervix, uterus and milk composition during postpartum interval in Nili-Ravi buffalo, a study was conducted at Buffalo Research Institute Pattoki, Pakistan from...
Anila Naz Soomro1*, Hiroshi Suzuki2, Sadaf Tabassum Qureshi3 and Wazir Ali Baloch1
...C. sakishimensis and its co-existing species C. typus. Entire continuum of stream was divided into five stations (St.1, St. 2, St. 3, St. 4 and St. 5). Monthly sampling was carried out using a scoop net (1 × 1 mm) via the sweep method, sweeping efforts were counted. The results revealed that C. sakishiemnsis was restricted atSt. 1 only, a few juveniles of C. sakishiemnsis were recorded at St. 3, St. 4. The length frequency histog...
Daniel Cocan1, Vioara Mireşan1, Florentina Popescu1, Radu Constantinescu1, Aurelia Coroian1, Călin Laţiu1, Romulus Valeriu Flaviu Turcu3, Alexandru Ştefan Fărcăşanu3 and Cristian Martonos2,*
...vasive species spreading its habitat worldwide. The specimens were collected from Stejeriş Lake, Cluj County. MRI investigations were conducted within the National Center for Magnetic Resonance (NCMR), Babeş-Bolyai University, Faculty of Physics. For anatomical investigations, RARE (Rapid Acquisition with Refocused Echoes) and Turbo RARE High Resolution protocols were used, based on the echo-type RF pulse sequence. In transversal sections, organs, blood vess...
Boxin Dou, Ying Liu*, Yumeng Liu, Lili Fan, Yongqiang Ma, and Yanguo Shi
...n (RB) and comparison of its activity with selected commercial antihypertensive pharmaceutical. A new peptide with ACE inhibition properties was obtained by using alkaline protease to enzymatic hydrolysis of RB crude protein purified by ultrafiltration, size exclusion chromatography and RP-HPLC. Using consecutive chromatographic techniques successively, the acidic hydrolysates of RB proteins were fractionated and the new ACE inhibitory triplet was isolated and...
Muhammad Waseem, Tariq Mahmood*, Abid Hussain, Abdul Hamid, Faraz Akrim, Shaista Andleeb and Hira Fatima
.../i> laniger) inhabits deciduous, broad-leaved forests, thorn brush forests, and coniferous forests, occurring from 1500 up to 4,000 m above sea level. The species, in many areas of its range, is in conflict with humans, however, data on its population and economic losses are scanty in the country. We investigated its occurrence, population an...

Muhammad Asif Farooq1*, Muhammad Jalal Arif1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi1, Bilal Atta2 and Ahmad Nawaz

Savas Atasever*, Ali Vaiz Garipoglu and Huseyin Erdem
...n milk production and traits in Jersey crossbred cows. A total of 78 smallholder dairy farms in the Middle Black Sea region province of Turkey was investigated by raw milk composition (fat (F), protein (P), lactose (L)), density (D), freezing point (FP), somatic cell count (SCC) and daily milk yield (DMY) according to the different feeding applications (grazing (G), silage usage (S), compound feed usage (C), number of milking cow (NMC), calf suckling period (C...
Peimin Yang*, Zongyun Hu, Yixin Liu, Guanghai Jin and Lei Wang
...cture of this species in its native range, we analysed variation in the mitochondrial cytochrome b (Cyt b) for 94 specimens collected from five locations. Sequence analysis showed that there were 50 polymorphic sites and 20 haplotypes among five populations, and the samples exhibited high haplotype diversity (h=0.8467) and low nucleotide diversity (Pi=0.0063). Genetic distances ranged from 0.0002 to 0.0149 within and 0.0007 to 0...

Arjumand Nizami1, Muhammad Zulfiqar2*, Jawad Ali1, Naushad Khan2 and Imran Sheikh

...ell results in dual benefits of savings in the quantity of irrigation water extraction particularly keeping in view the climate change scenario and saving in cost of energy that is used for tube well operation ultimately adding to profitability of the farmers. These results are in line with a number of earlier studies. The respondent farmers also claimed improvement in paddy yield but along with AWD technique and laser land leveling there might be other agrono...
Aftab Shaukat1,*, Sana Hanif2, Irfan Shaukat3, Muhammad Ahsan Naeem4,5, Shadab Shaukat6, Rizwan Shukat8, Shahid Ali Rajput9, Imran Shaukat10, Mubashar Hassan4, Khalid Mehmood7, Saqib Umar11 and Muhammad Ali Jamil1
... strategies are still at its initial stages. Several computer based prediction databases remain the only foundation for rapid identification of putative microRNA target. By utilizing experimentally validated targets, the search of further targets via bioinformatics tools help to predict gene target site. Keeping this in view, a study has been planned to investigate PDCD1 gene regulatory miRNA targets, their sequences and their seed location in human using onli...
Dongping Liu1, Guogang Zhang1, Chao Wang2, Baoping Qing2 and Jun Lu1,*
...ast Asia, but since 1981 its unique population has been confined to a narrow band in transborder area of Yangxian, Chenggu and Xixiang County of Shaanxi Province, Central China, on the south slope of the Qinling Mountains. During 2004-2005, 23 crested ibises were experimentally reintroduced to an isolated basin in Qinling Mountains, where they and their offspring exhibited breeding variation never observed in wild population in the following 9 breeding seasons...

Pushpa1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Shahla Karim Baloch2, Mehmooda Buriro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Muhammad Tahir Khan3, Qamar Uddin Jogi1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1 and Farheen Deeba Soomro1 

...mination and seedling traits of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Wheat varieties Amber and TJ83 were subjected to powder of Chenopodium album, Convolvulus arvensis and Avena fatua under three different treatments i.e. 25, 50 and 75g. The effect of these weed powders on seed germination (%), shoot length (cm), root length (cm), shoot fresh weight (g), root fresh weight (g), shoot dry weight (g), root dry weight (g), and seed vigor index of test species was investi...

Saeed Ahmed Shah Chishti1, Saba Aleem1*, Iram Sharif2, Kashif Nadeem1, Nusrat Parveen1 and Muhammad Najeebullah1 

...w-temperature as it inhibits the fuit growth and causes poor fruit setting. The present experiment was conducted to improve the fruit growth and fruit set in tomato during low-temperature stress conditions by the use of growth regulator 4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid. Seven different 4-chlorophenoxy acetic acid levels along with two indeterminate tomato varieties saandal and sahel were tested in two minimum night temperature conditions 12.5-23°C and 2-7.5°...

Humayun Saleem1, Faisal Sohail Fateh2*, Zia-Ur-Rehman1 and Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddique

... merely selling cheap fruits and they are not concerned with the diseased fruits


Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir1, Muhammad Faheem2, Asad Rajput1, Junaid Ahmed Soomro1, Saifullah Kunbhar1, Abdul Samad Mirwani1, Tanzeela-ul-Zahra1, Ghulam Sarwar Mastoi3 and Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahito

..., no confirmed report of its presence has been made from Pakistan as it has already been reported from its neighbors India and China. So, this study was conducted in 15 corn growing areas of Sindh, Pakistan to determine the presence and damage status of FAW on fodder and grain corn along with sorghum and millet. The presence of FAW was confirmed from all corn growing districts of Sindh except Jacobabad, Larkana and Shikarpur...

Fazli Ahad1, Raziuddin1, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Muhammad Nauman1, Touheed Iqbal3, Nabeel Khan1, Fazli Hameed4 and Quaid Hussain2 

...s for all the studied traits except primary branches plant-1 and pods main raceme-1, which revealed non-significant differences. Among parents DH4, DH5 performed better for seed yield plant-1 (15.2 g), seeds pod-1 (23.7), respectively, while DH8 showed better performance for pods main raceme-1 (76.6), pod length (7.7 cm) and 1000-seed weight (7.3 g). Cross combinations CA5 × DH6, CA5 × DH7, CA2 × DH7 and CA5 × DH3 showed potential perfo...

Rehman Ali Keerio1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui2, Muhammad Tahir Khan2, Ghulam Shah Nizamani2*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Maryum Siddiqui4, Hajra Khan3 and Farheen Deeba Soomro

...>Pakistan fulfils 80% of its edible oil requirements through import from other countries. Import of edible oil is a huge burden on country’s economy and therefore, indigenous oil production must be augmented. Sunflower seed contains 40% of good quality oil. Hence, it can play a significant role for fulfilling the Pakistan’s oil needs. This study was conducted to identify the optimum foliar zinc (Zn) supplement for sunflower variety HO-1. The experi...

Adewumi Olubusuyi Moses1,2*, Faleye Temitope Oluwasegun Cephas,1,3, Ope-Ewe Oludayo Oluwaseyi1, Ibitoye Ibipeju Henrietta1, Arowosaye Abiola Opeyemi1, Adelowo Oluwatosin Deji1 and Adeniji Johnson Adekunle1,2,4 

Nadia Mangrio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Nihaluddin Mari3 and Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2

... resulted in enhanced traits particularly cane yield (111.9 t ha-1), brix (23.1%), and plant nutrients content such as N (2.4 %), K (0.7 %), Zn (68.5 ug g-1) and B (31.7 ug g-1). Similarly, foliar application of B at 0.1 % produced highest attributes specifically cane yield (107.4 t ha-1), brix (21.9%), and plant nutrients content i.e. N (2.3 %), K (0.7 %), Zn (68.5 ug g-1) and B (31.7 ug g-1). Amongst interactive effects, the interaction of Zn at 15 k.g ha-1 ...
Waqas Ahmad Shams1*, Gauhar Rehman1, Khurshaid Khan1, Ibrar Ahmad1, Saima Bibi1, Saif Ul Islam2, Dawood Safi1, Saba Gul Ayaz1
...g immense importance and its use as a food is not hidden from anyone. Its use by the traditional healers and animal therapists as a healthy calcium supplement and in healing of other injuries is also proven. In the present study, the diversity and abundance of crabs from Buner district of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan were looked over, over a period of three years extending from June 2013 till June 2016, collected at different sampling points. Extensive surveys ...

Ahmad Naeem Shahzad1, Muhammad Kamran Qureshi2, Samee Ullah1, Muhammad Latif3, Shakeel Ahmad1 and Syed Asad Hussain Bukhari1* 

...fferent morphological traits of plants including number of leaves, leaf fresh weight, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, plant height, leaf dry weight and root dry weight were severely hampered by salt stress. The absence of necrosis in cotton leaves under salt treatments indicated that growth was primarily restricted by the osmotic component of salt stress. Activities of antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase, peroxidase and catalase) in plant leaves w...

Tahira Moeen Khan*, Irum Riaz, Shahida Hameed and Bushra Khan 

...;">Arsenic poisoning and its removal from drinking water has become a serious issue now a days. For arsenic removal batch studies were conducted using low cost adsorbent (raw date seeds husk and lemon juice microwave activated date seeds husk) by taking 25ppm/50ml initial concentration of NaAsO2. Best removal (90%) was achieved for Lemon juice microwave activated date seed husk LMDS (time= 30mins, agitation speed= 150 rpm, pH= 5, adsorbent dose= 0.1 g). Wh...
Maria Khalid1, Tanveer Hussain1*, Zahid Farooq2, Kamran Abbas1 and Masroor Ellahi Babar1  
... urged us to investigate its genetic diversity and phylogeny using mitochondrial DNA, Cyt-b and Cox1 genes. A total of 749bp of Cox1 and 472 bp of Cyt-b complete coding regions of both genes were amplified by PCR followed by sequencing. The sequences were aligned and edited using Bio-Edit software and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified. The boot strapped Neighbor joining tree constructed from MEGA7 explained the ...
Mehmet Mamay1* and Ayşin Bilgili2
...olling a total of 100 fruits from four different sides of randomly selected 25 trees from each orchard. In addition, 100 fruits infested with BSD were checked for damage, egg, larvae and pupae of CM during harvest. According to the results from the study, CM infestation rate was low in orchards where BSD infestation rate was high in pomegranate fruits. In terms of infestation rate in pomeg...
Samia Afzal*,Sadia Zahid, Iram Amin, Muhammad Shahid and Muhammad Idrees
...ungunya virus because of its travel associated febrile nature. An inexplicable paralyzing disease has trapped thousands of people in Karachi region of Pakistan and the symptomatology among suspected cases was compatible with Chikungunya fever. Thus Chikungunya outbreak was reported in Pakistan but actually the recent reports about the occurrence of Chikungunya outbreak in the southern region of Pakistan has been highly controversial. In order to further confir...
Qingzhan Ma1, Bo Wu1, Jianping Jiang2 and Zhaobin Song1,3*
...ovide essential data for its artificial breeding. Eight microsatellite markers were used to analyze genetic characteristics of eight channel catfish populations (POPA, POPB, POPC, POPD, POPE, POPF, POPG, and POPH). The average polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.525 (POPD) to 0.733 (POPA) indicating high polymorphism (PIC > 0.5). The average observed heterozygosity (Ho) and expected heterozygosity (He) in the eight populations ...
Saeed Fatima1, Khalid Javed Iqbal1, Usman Atique2,3*, Arshad Javid4, Noor Khan2, Sonia Iqbal2, Hamid Majeed5, Hamda Azmat2, Bakhat Yawar Ali Khan6, Irfan7, Muhammad Tausif Shahid1, Gulnaz Afzal1
...HP as a study target was its emergent prominence as an irrigation hub and holidaymakers spot largely for angling and feasting. The investigated five fish species are Ctenopharyngodon idella, Oreochromis niloticus, Eutropiichthys vacha, Rita rita and Sperata sarwari. The results divulged the pattern of metals concentration in fish in the order of Cd > As > Hg. However, R. rita, O. niloticus and C. idella...
Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Muhammad Mudasser Nazir2, Aneela Hameed3, Nasir Ali Tauqir4, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Rana Muhammad Bilal5
...ed by an exogenous OT by its vital role in neuro hormonal milk-ejection process. OT increases milk yield by gland output, which is not due to residual milk removal. OT also improves the persistency of lactation. Receptor blockade of oxytocin causes milk ejection inhibition. OT injecti...

Muhammad Shakeel1,2*, Salik Nawaz2, Yasar Saleem3, Shazia Shafique2, Ateeq Tahir2 and Muhammad Riaz2

... created needs to expend its cultivation spectrum in Pakistan. Present studies conducted during 2016-17 and were designed to understand socio-economic and agronomic constraints associated with adoption of broccoli in Pakistan. Growers and other stakeholders were contacted by personal visits, telephone calls and distribution of the structured questionnaire. Information was collected from Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkha...

Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan, Said Alam and Riyasat Sultan 

...e causes responsible for its decline and to bring in light the effects of modernization on transhumance in Village Utla, district Swabi. The study is based on questionnaire survey. In Utla only 40 households practice transhumance, and the present study covers all the households who practice transhumance. Land use data were collected from revenue office Topi. Patterns of transhumance in Utla reflected the distinctive environmental and socio-economic conditions....

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Muhammad Zubair Khan1, Ayesha Bibi2, Muhammad Shehzad Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad

...scosa). Morphological traits such as plant height, maximum number of fruits plant-1 and yield were observed and severity of disease was investigated for supplement efficacy. The biochemical results obtained were all positive, which confirmed stem rot pathogen as Erwinia carotovora sub spp. chrysanthemi (gram-negative bacteria). Highest plant height (75.3 cm) and maximum number of fruits pl...

Mubashir Mehdi1*, Muhammad Bilal Ahsan1, Burhan Ahmad1, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai2, Gulnaaz Hameed3 and Muhammad Asif4 

...f decent work agenda and its effect on social upgrading of workers both at Global GAP certified and traditional non certified orchards in Southern Punjab and Sindh. Since the certified orchards are driven by the global value chain system under the food safety and quality standards, they have more potential and prospective to improve the livelihood of the on-farm workers. Education included as schooling years was found major regressor for the income of on-farm ...

Cornelius Arome Omatola*, Samson Daniel Iyeh, Shedrach James Abuh, Charles Kehinde Mofolorunsho, Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo and Phoebe Queen Akoh 

...nt women on antenatal visits to five health facilities were screened for HIV, HBV, HCV and HSV-2 using commercially available immunochromatographic based kits and for syphilis using non-treponemal and treponemal antibody test. Socio-demographic and obstetric parameters were obtained using structured questionnaires. Sixty-four (25.6%) out of 250 women had at least one STI. The overall prevalence of syphilis, HIV, HBV, HCV and...

Muhammad Usman Saleem, Nadeem Iqbal, Shawaiz Iqbal*, Usama Bin Khalid, Adila Iram, Muhammad Akhter, Tahir Latif and Tahir Hussain Awan 

... to harvest maximum benefits


Bilal Atta1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi2, Muhammad Sabar1, Bakhtawar3, Faizan Ali3 and Mehran Sarwar

...ation of T. castaneum by its toxic and repellent characteristics which ultimately improve the grain quality of stored wheat. 


Ghulam Akbar1*, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1 and Shahneela Nusrat

...e heart diseases because its low cost and efficacy. It’s a microbial origin enzyme produced especially by Streptococcus bacterial spp. Therefore, it is antigenic in nature due to microbial source which restricts its use. However, it is necessary to truncate antigenic regions present in the SK gene for the removal of streptokinase antigenicity. The basic goal of this research work is to highlight antigenic regions found...
Alicja Kowalczyk1, Marian Kuczaj2, Anna Szul3 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska4*
...te) for bovine semen and its low cost of use in routine semen production will allow manufacturers of insemination doses to improve the quality of their product.

Iqbal Javed1, Abdur Rehman2*, Iftikhar Nabi3, Amar Razzaq4, Raheel Saqib5, Allah Bakhsh6, Muhammad Mohibullah7 and Muhammad Luqman

...ti export of Pakistan to its trading partner. The inflation in Pakistan has negative and significant effect on basmati exports from Pakistan to its trading partner. If Pakistan wants to improve its export value of basmati rice, there must be an effective strategy to control the inflation in Pakistan or at least need to make policy for minimizing the impact of inflation for the rice produce...
Sajjad Ali1,*, M. Irfan Ullah2, Asif Sajjad1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, M. Aslam Farooqi1, M. Shahid Rizwan3, Qaiser Shakeel4, Sohail Akhter1,Muhammad Raheel4 and Muhammad Arshad2
...t of many crops and exhibits high fecundity and migrating efficiency. The present study aimed to evaluate its physicomorphic responses towards different host plants. The highest larval and pupal weights were observed when fed on gram, Cicer arietinum (L.). The maximum (97.23%) larval survivorship was recorded on gramwhile, the lowest (56.25%) on okra, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.). The consumption index (C...
Hui-Ying Chen1,2*, Ping-Chuan Yin1,2, Ya-Nan Lu1,2, Hai-Yun Li1,2*and Yang Shan3
...hrombotic drug that exhibits chemopreventive anti-tumor properties. Aspirin is considered to be partially mediated by the induction of apoptosis in cells. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms of aspirin in the prevention of cancer are yet to be fully elucidated. In the current study, the GSE115660 microarray dataset was downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus database to identify key genes in aspirin-damaged yeast cells following redox injury. Diff...

Reda Mohamed1, 2* 

...the ileocolic vein or as its direct continuation. The middle colic vein arises from either the cranial mesenteric vein, the caudal mesenteric vein or the right colic vein. The left colic and cranial rectal veins are considered branches from the caudal mesenteric vein or as its direct continuations. The sigmoid veins arise from either the left colic vein or the caudal mesenteric vein. 

Fermín López-Uriostegui1, Jesus T. Ponce-Palafox2*, Fabiola Lango-Reynoso1, María R. Castañeda-Chávez1, Itzel Galaviz-Villa1, Sergio Castillo-Vargasmachuca2 and Arturo Ruiz Luna3
.... americanum attains its best growth in freshwater and low salinities(< 11‰) in subtropical zones. 
Mahvish Rajput1, Abdullah G. Arijo1, Muhammad Bachal Bhutto1Rehana Shahnawaz Buriro2, Javaid Ali Gadahi1, Muhammad Naeem3 and Zubair Ahmed Laghari1*
Murtala Muhammad, Ting Zhang, Siyu Gong, Jing Bai, Jiansong Ju, Baohua Zhao* and Dong Liu*
...ensis and identified its identity by conventional physiological, biochemical, and molecular techniques. Virulence and pathogenesis of the disease were determined by intraperitoneal injection of the etiological agent to the healthy A. sinensis. Physiological and 16s rRNA molecular analysis identified Streptococcus iniae as the causative agent of the disease outbreak. The bacteria has a unique biochemical profile compared with most of the ...
Arifa Savanur1,*, Tallat Naz1,2, Tayyaba Hamid1,3, Syed Abid Ali4, Mian Jahangir1,3 and Muhammad Abdul Azeem4
...probably associated with its lesser compliance due to a lesser quantity of SEC that makes the intestine stiffer, as its muscle cells are less embedded in a collagen matrix. A significant difference between both types of muscle strips was observed in the rate of force re-development and change in their length. Thus, the present study provokes the need for quantitative histological and histo-chemical studies on the non-contrac...
Muhammad Anwarullah1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Ghulam Mustafa3, Muhammad Husnain1 and Muhammad Usman1
...ohne’s disease has its economic importance worldwide because of heavy treatment cost and poor outcomes. This study is conducted on experimentally challenged rabbits to observe the efficacy of amikacin and cinnamon. A total of 40 SPF (specific pathogen free) rabbits were selected at the age of two months. Rabbits were given experimental challenge wi...

Hasnain Alam1*, Jabar Zaman Khan Khattak1 and Taoufik Saleh Ksiksi

...different germination traits including germination percentage, germinating index, mean daily germination, mean germination time, promptness index, germination stress tolerance index, coefficient of velocity of germination and germination rate. Osmotic stress significantly decreased most of the germination traits, while mean germination time increased with decreasing OL in all four species. A. leucoclada showed significant in...

Ahmad Kiani1*, Shapour Zarifian1, Hosein Kouhestani1 and Hosein Karimzadeh

... end of 2013 about 135 units of Agricultural industries were active but there is still the gap between urban regions and rural regions and many immigrants from rural regions to urban regions have been recorded. So, this research tries to prioritize the criteria of establishment and development of agricultural industries in the rural areas in Tehran Province. The result shows the items which refer to market and financial issue have greater weight, So, it is nec...
Sara Zafar* and Asmatullah
...omegranate juice against its toxicity. Dose was administered to pregnant mice by gavage. The high dose contains Atenolol 2.5 µg/g body weight (B.wt.) of treated mice and low dose contains 1.65 µg/g B.wt. The dose was administered from the 6th -12th day of the gestation period for seven days. Many congenital abnormalities including hemorrhages, hygromas, resorbed fetuses, deformed, hyperextended and hyperactive flexed limbs, distorted axis, and intr...
Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Abdul Majid Khan1*, Saliha Khalid1, Rana Manzoor Ahmad1,2, Ayesha Iqbal1, Muhammad Ameen1
...orphology and dietary habits of the Late Miocene (7-5 Ma) boselaphines which are represented today by their living kin Boselaphus tragocamelus and Tetracerus quadricornis
Afzal Nimra1, Zulfiqar Ali1*, Safdar Sidra 2, Rida Ahmad1
...ibuted from Pakistan and its understanding is important in order to improve law enforcement against causative factors. 

Abid Khan*, Mukhtar Alam and Yousaf Jamal 

...rowth and biochemical traits of wheat” for two years at Agricultural Research Station Buner, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. The experiments were laid out using three factors factorial Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Bio-aab was used as a source of (BM) culture. Microbes present in this culture were species of photosynthetic bacteria (Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Rhodobacter spaeroides), lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus p...

Muhammad Younis1, Shahen Shah1*, Inamullah1, Rozina Gul2, Arshad Jalal1, Farhan Khalil1, Iqbal Hussain1 and Muhammad Adnan Fahad

...d. One of the reasons of its low productivity in Pakistan is the low, inadequate and improper fertilizers management. Among the various factors influencing crop production, phosphorus (P) and sulphur (S) boost its yield and quality. A field trial was conducted in summer 2012 using phosphorus @ of 0, 25, 50 and 75 kg ha‑1 and sulphur @ of 0, 15, 30 and 45 kg ha‑1, respectively on the yield contributing parameters of sesam...

Muhammad Salim1*, Ayhan Gökçe1, Muhammad Nadir Naqqash1 and Orkun Ersoy S. granarius based on its ability to cause desiccation to the insects’ protective cuticular wax layer. In order to develop environmentally sound control programs for in sito management of granary weevils, it will be necessary to expand the present study based on life table to get a comprehensive understanding and to determine the effect DE has on granary weevils and other grain pests when it is combined with plant extracts. 


Filza Fatima Rizvi1, Muhammad Umair1, Muhammad Kahlid Jamil2*, Masooma Hassan2, Komal Qayyum1 and Syed Mohsin Raza Kazmi

...ds renewable sources and its application in different sectors for example Agriculture. Oil, gas and coal. The same is true for Pakistan that has agriculture based economy. The present study was undertaken to review energy consumption in the agriculture sector of Pothohar region of Pakistan. This region has no proper irrigation system due to its topography. Additionally, potential of renewable energy in Pothohar region that i...

Aurang Zeb, Abdur Rab and Shujaat Ali* 

...age freshly harvested fruits. It is concluded that Sweet orange fruits from different locations can be best stored at room temperature (20±1 0C with relative humidity of 45-50 %). 


Muhammad Iqbal1, Sami Ul-Allah2*, Muhammad Naeem1, Muhammad Ijaz2 and Muhammad Qadir Ahmad3 

...ed oil contents) seed traits. The study determined the effects of water stress on genetic variability of root and shoot traits and association of the seed traits with seedling vigor. 15 cotton cultivars were studied at two levels of irrigation during 2014-15. Results showed highly significant (p≤0.05) genotypic differences for seed and root‒shoot traits...

Ayesha Zafar1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Sarfraz2, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Sher Muhammad3 and Ghulam Murtaza

Ghani Akbar 

...urism development, while its strategic location indicates a tendency of increasing importance of this region in the near future. Agriculture, one of the main sources of income of 52% of population of Malakand division, is less profitable due to traditional farming methods. Therefore, this paper is aimed to investigate the key agricultural issues and to identify strategies for utilizing the full potential of agriculture for improving livelihood in this region. ...

Wajiha Anum1*, Liaquat Ali1, Umair Riaz2*, Abid Ali1, Nadia Manzoor3, Laal Hussain Akhter4, Asad Ur Rahman5, Naeem Maan6 and Ijaz Ahmad

...e to the crop because of its immobile nature. In order to ensure its efficient uptake by crop, an experiment was conducted to appraise the effect of various P placement methods and fertilizer rates on wheat. The fertilizer treatments were F1=150-00-60 NPK kilogram/hectare, F2=150-30-60 NPK kilogram/hectare, F3=150-60-60 NPK kilogram/hectare, F4=150-90-60 NPK kilogram/hectare, F5=150-120-60 NPK kilogram/hectare. While the pla...

Ghani Akbar*, Muhammad Asif, Zafar Islam and Shahid Hameed 

...ted, thus potential benefits of furrow beds are yet to be achieved on Pakistani farms. Consequently, water productivity of major crops is below global average in general and neighbouring countries of Pakistan in particular. This study has illustrated some key guidelines for the appropriate installation and management of furrow bed irrigation method on farms, which may increase decision support and may lead to increased water productivity. 


Muhammad Rasheed1*, Zafar Ullah1, Muhammad Ansar1, Asma Hassan1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2, Muhammad Hussain Shah4 and Muhammad Arshadullah

...orage economic cost benefits in case of both oats and vetch were achieved in case of minimum tillage. 

Neelam Pery*, Nayab Batool Rizvi, Muhammad Imtiaz Shafiq
...he linear arrangement of its rings and characteristic position of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, it can accommodate the conformational changes of the binding cavity while maintaining interactions with the ATP binding residues. The designed inhibitors show some selectivity for JAK 1 and 3 over JAK2 offering a better safety profile against the harmful effects of JAK2 inhibition.
Majeeda Rasheed1*, Tanveer Akhtar1, Nadia Mukhtar2, Muhammad Furqan Shahid2, Muhammad Imran3, Saima Yaqub2
...ze: small;">Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) caused by PPR virus (PPRV), is a contagious disease of domestic and wild small ruminants. The disease is endemic in developing countries of African and Asian worlds including Pakistan, where several clinical cases in small ruminants (sheep and goat) have been frequently reported. Despite PPRV is endemic in Pakistan, information on disease serosurveillance of prevailing strains in Gilgit-Balitistan (GB) territor...
Fehmina Ashraf1*, Muhammad Irfan2, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1
...xidation of phenolic and its allied parts. Laccases are mostly used in different industries like food, paper and pulp, pharmaceutical and textile etc. Both laccases and mediators have been used in different process like delignification of pulp. Laccases from bacterial species are used in dye decolouration and biobleaching processes. This review article describes the whole overview of laccases.

Olotu Titilayo Mabel*, Adeosun Idowu Jesulayomi, Kaka Mary Oluwatosin and Oladipo Elijah Kolawole 

...enes with each other and its antiviral drug susceptibility which will provide more information on its sensitivity and resistivity to each antiviral drug. Seventeen partial genome sequences of HIV-1 Pol gene from some West African countries were retrieved from NCBI database. Evolutionary relationship was determined by Multiple sequence alignment using Clusta W and the sequences were further analyzed using MEGA 6 for phylogene...

Zia-Ur-Rehman1, Faisal Sohail Fateh2*, Humayun Saleem1 and Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddique1 

...arily by decaying the fruits on the tree and after harvest. A preliminary study was designed to see the prevalence, incidence and severity of peach rot disease in the markets of Federal Territories of Islamabad to estimate the intensity of the disease by calculating the disease index. The prevalence of disease was 100% in all markets of Khanna Pul, Burma Chowk, Taramri, NIH Market, Chatha Bakhtawar, I-8, I-10/2, I-10 (Markaz), Sabzi Mandi, I-9. Maximum Mean Di...

Nasrullah1*, Ahmad Nawaz Khoso1, Jamila Soomro2, Ilahi Bakhash Marghazani1, Masood-ul-Haq Kakar1, Abdul Hameed Baloch1, Sarfaraz Ahmed Brohi1 and Muhammad Asif Arain1* 

Joseph Anejo-Okopi1*, Ocheme Julius Okojokwu1 and Onyemocho Audu2 

...g the DAAs available and its affordability to general population to curb the catastrophic cost of managing the epidemic. However, the diagnosis of HCV infection is faced with several challenges, therefore there is a demand for development of easy to use and inexpensive molecular methods for accurate diagnosis. The sub-Saharan Africa HCV genotypes distribution are diverse, but genotype I is the most common. This review highlights the need for more robust survei...

Muhammad Abu Bakar Siddique1, Faisal Sohail Fateh2*, Zia-Ur-Rehman1 and Humayun Saleem

...ity of potato and lowers its market value. A preliminarily a study was designed to see the prevalence, incidence and severity of black scurf disease in the markets of Federal Territories of Islamabad to estimate the intensity of the disease by calculating the disease index. Maximum disease index was observed in Abpara and F-10 markets i.e. 21.11% with varying disease incidence and severity percentage. However, the presence of black scurf disease in the market ...

Naseem Zahra1* and Shajia Jabeen

...h food commodity. Due to its appearance, color and texture it is rarely used. Brown has a meek nutty flavor and may become rancid more rapidly, but it is extreme more nutritious as compared to processed rice. Brown rice is the whole grain rice and is high in fiber contents. Brown rice is also rich in phosphorous, magnesium, thiamin, selenium, manganese, niacin and vitamin B6. This review entails important and healthiest aspects of brown rice to include it in r...

Jawad Ali Jan1, Ghulam Nabi1, Maqsood Khan1,2*, Shehzad Ahmad1, Peer Sikandar Shah1, Saddam Hussain1 and Sehrish

...fferent farms to improve its production and nutritional value. This experiment was conducted at Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Tarnab, Peshawar during summer 2016. Two factors i.e. Chilli varieties (Magma and High fly) and humic acid levels (0, 25, 50, 75 and 100 g L-1) were applied in the field during experiment. The results of the experiment showed that High fly variety took minimum days to produce flowering (33 days), maximum numbers of leaves plant-1...
Muhammad Usman Asif1*, Sadam Hussain Soomro2, Raza Muhammad1, Sikandar Ali Soomro2
...d 100 % to the insect at its recommended (200 ml) and high dose (400 ml) after 24 hours of application followed by Voliam Flexi 300 SC causing 66.66 % and 75% mortality on its recommended (80 ml) and high dose (160 ml), respectively. After 72 hours, 83.33% mortality was observed in Voliam Flexi on its recommended dose whereas percent mortality was reached to 100% on <...

Muhammad Raheel Faiz1, Ijaz Ashraf1, Haq Nawaz2, Muhammad Zubair3*, Muhammad Sajid Mahmood4, Sajid Hussain5 and Abdul Qadeer2 

...uction is far below than its required amount due to production, protection and marketing problems which are faced by the vegetable growers. Therefore, the present study was designed to identify and prioritize the production, protection and marketing problems faced by the vegetable growers for suggesting possible solutions. Faisalabad Sadar Tehsil was selected as a study area where the vegetables are intensively grown by the farmers. There were total 58 rural u...

Khalid Khan1, Marguerite Wotto2, Saima Liaqat3, Gulawar Khan1, Balach Rasheed1, Sara Rafiq4 and Guo Xiangyu5* 

...arms in the district and its determinants. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect data from one hundred tomato growers. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used for selection of the farmers. The Cobb-Douglas production function was used to estimate the technical efficiency and performance of the farmers. The study results disclosed that all explanatory variables have a positive impact on the farmers’ technical efficiency apart from pes...

M. Hammouchi1*, G. Sebbar1, N. Touil2, C. Loutfi1, Y.S. Malik3, M. El-Harrak1 and O. Fassi-Fehri4 

...: justify;">Peste des Petits Ruminants virus (PPRV) has caused a serious outbreak of disease in small ruminants recently in 2008 in Morocco. The field data obtained during the outbreak indicated that there were marked differences in breed susceptibilities to PPRV infection. In the field exotic breeds of Alpine goats were observed to be highly susceptible to the disease, with mortality rates approaching 100%, contrary to local breeds which were less susceptible...
Imad Hassan1, Bilal-ur-Rehman2, Muhammad Amir2, Faheem Ali2*, Salman Ilahi2 and Amjad Ali3 
...ant attention because of its harmful effects on human health and environment. Consequently, it becomes important to have a simple and cost effective solution to avoid the problems of air pollution due to the combustion of biomass. Using an Electrostatic Precipitator (ESP) is an effective method for the removal of particulate matter from industrial processes and boilers. This research proposes the development of a cost effective, simple and compact ESP, through...

Amjad Ali1, Awais Salman1, Gul Daraz Khan1, Aftab Ahmad Khan2, Sher Shah Hassan2*, Muhammad Arif Goheer2, Mahmood Alam Khan3 and Sajjad Ahmed

...growth like leaf length, its width and plant height. 


 Abdus Salam* and Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

... and motivating them for its adoption can be achieved through better use of communication among relevant stakeholders. The existing extension and communication strategies used in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province have many limitations. The present study was thus conducted to compare and analyze the farmers’ perceptions regarding use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in agriculture extension at three selected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. B...

Abdul Raqeeb1,3, Syed Moazzam Nizami2,4*, Aamir Saleem3, Lubna Ansari3, Saeed Gulzar3, Basit Ali3, Masooma Saleem5

...ach as representative of its naturally growing area. Destructive sampling including excavation of roots was carried for overall 60 trees. The results revealed generic equations for above ground biomass and volume. However, statistical analysis pointed out several significant differences in biomass allocation among C. deodara tree due to stand characteristics, highlighting the role and importance of microenvironment in regional and national forest inventories. ...

Javed Iqbal1, Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Adnan Bashir1, Muhammad Hamza2, Wardah Muzaffer3, Muhammad Tahir Latif1 and Naeem Faisal1 

...ificantly for studied traits. Correlation analysis revealed that grain yield was positively correlated with number of productive tillers per m2 during all years and grain weight during first year; while, negatively correlated with number of grains per spike during second year indicating that increase in grain yield was associated mainly with increase in number of productive tillers per unit area in response to seed rate. In conclusion, increase in seed rate im...

Ehsan-Ul-Haque1, Akbar Hayat1*, Muhammad Asim1, Sajjad Hussain2, Muhammad Shakeel Hanif3, Muhammad Zubair1, Muhammad Abdullah Jamil1 and Faheem Khadija1 

...ively in both type of fruits with extension of storage period. Willow leaf proved as a close second with respect to various aspects of quality and nutritional value during the fresh fruit analysis undertook prior to storage. Kinnow and Willow leaf didn’t differ significantly in juice percentage (46.33 and 43.16), total soluble solids (TSS) (11.20and 10.23), percent acid (0.69 and 0.73), total sugars percent (10.75 and 9.83), crude protein, crude fat and ...

I. Erum, K. Nasira, H. Sagir, S. Raza and Firoza, K.

Description of Discolaimus miniodontii n.sp. and Laevides hunderansis n. sp. with notes on Discolaimoides spatilabium (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) from District Ghizer, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan
...sclerotized odontostyle, its aperture occupying 50-55% of its length; oesophagus with conspicuous muscular sheath in the expended part of oesophagus; basal part of oesophagus expended gradually 51-54% of the total neck length. Laevides hunderansis n. sp., collected from district Ghizer village, Hunder of Gilgit-Baltistan is characterized by the smallest body (0.7-0.8mm), small moral tooth (7-8 µm), short spicule, guber...

Kajol, A. H. Bhat, Aasha and A. K. Chaubey

Biochemical and molecular characterization of Photorhabdus akhurstii associated with Heterorhabditis indica from Meerut, India
...e. Further, we evaluated its pathogenicity against Galleria mellonella and Helicoverpa armigera. The LD50 value of strain DH3 against G. mellonella larvae at 48 hours was 8 IJs/larva for 50% larval mortality whereas in Helicoverpa armigera it needed 13 IJs/larva, to kill 50% of the larvae.


K. Osei1† , A. I. Adama1 , E. C. Tagoe2 and J. Sackey-Asante1


Biochar effect on nematodes and insects population density, soil improvement and yield of okra
...luable crop in Ghana for its culinary significance and income generation potential. Agricultural production worldwide is constrained by abiotic and biotic factors. Chemical fertilizers are usually used to solve soil infertility problems. However, chemical fertilizers are expensive and when applied continuously, degrade agricultural lands (Savci, 2012; Bhattacharyya et al., 2015). Biotic factors such as plant parasitic nematodes (PPN) and foliar insects have be...

Sahib Khan1, Muneeza Wahid2, Muhammad Abeer Irfan1, Muhammad Naeem3, Asma Gul4, Muhammad Haseeb Zafar2

...n the least significant bits of selected pixel of the corre- sponding row of digital image. The proposed technique is powerful enough to detect different image manipulations. The results show that it can successfully detect one least significant bit alteration made in any pixel of digital image.


 Gulzar Mehmood1*, M. Zahid Khan1, Haseeb Ur Rahman1, and Sohail Abbas2

... different health-care units. The proposed scheme is dynamic in nature, i.e.
if a node in the network is compromised or a new node joins the network, the process of session key establishment
is re-initiated. The proposed scheme has been evaluated through extensive simulation, and the results are compared
with an existing scheme. The simulation results show that our scheme is efficient and cost effective in terms of
communication and...

Sahibzada Abdur Rehman Abid1*, Muhammad Naeem2, Asma Gul3, Nasir Ahmad1 

...locations in text change its size and shapes, as a result 60 Pashto characters with
110 samples for each Pashto character has been used to train the network.


Ahmad Hussain1*, Syed Murtuza Mehdi2, Amjad Ali3, Muhammad Adeel3, Mohammed Hassan Jabal4, Farid Nasir Ani4 

...getable oil is discussed its use as commercial lubrication oil is
also outlined, The tribological attributes are investigated through the well known four ball tribotester method. In the
experiments, castor oil is blended at volumetric ratio ranging from 20 to 80 % with commercial mineral oil, where
the setup is consictent with ASTM D4172. Results indicate that a mix of castor oil with commercial lubrication oil
rather than mineral o...

Muhammad Nafees Khan1, Iftikhar Hussain2, Muhammad Tahir3, Misbah Ullah2, Shehzad Ali Jamshed4 

...ilizing the potential of its human resource. While
managing human resources, it is important to provide such facilities to the employees which result in yielding best
employees’ performance. Several organizations, however, struggle to manage performance of their employees. The
key research question which this study set out to answer was to see the effects of tangible and intangible aspects on
employees’ performance. Afte...

Feroz Shah1, Mohammad A. Irfan1, Kareem Akhtar1, Abdul Shakoor1, Naeem Khan2

...of section thickness and its associated porosity on ductility and ultimate strength.
The three-dimensional porosity of an AA 384.1 engine block was analyzed through computed tomography (CT) scan.
Samples from thick and thin sections within the engine block were analyzed to investigate the effect of different
cooling rates. Volumetric porosity for thin sections was within the range of 0.0875% to 0.15% while that for the thick

Mujahid Khan1*, Mohammad Tufail2, Muhammad Fahad1, Hazi Muhammad Azmathullah3, Muhammad Sagheer Aslam1, Fayaz Ahmad Khan4, Asif Khan5 

...r scouring
around its piers. For proper design of bridge piers, appropriate investigation of scouring patterns is extremely
important for various sizes and shapes of such piers. Without having research based knowledge of such patterns,
it becomes extremely difficult to predict/minimize the scouring effects ultimately leading to severe pier damages. In
this research study, experimental investigation is carried out to find the scourin...

Zeeshan Al Hameed1, Junaid Saleem2*, Syed Sajid Hussain1, Ahsan Abdul Ghani2, Hira Lal2 

...lso, around one third of its usage is in the form
of metallurgical flux, a key slag fluidizer in steel industry as it increases the fluidity of slag in the ladle furnace.
However, it needs to undergo beneficiation process to get it concentrated before being added into the furnace. In this
study, we report, for the first time in Pakistan, that the indigenous Fluorspar can directly be used as a metallurgical
flux without any beneficia...

Daulat Khan1*, Khizar Azam2, Noor Muhammad Khan1, Muhammad Israr1, Naeem Ejaz3 

...D and Mn exceeded the limits of NEQS for all samples.
The same wastewater can be used for irrigation purpose if it fulfills FAO irrigation water criteria. For this
purpose, important properties like SAR, Sodium ratio, Salt Index, Residual Sodium Carbonate, Permeability Index,
Magnesium Adsorption Ratio, Sulfate ion and Boron were analyzed having result of 9.36 √(meq/L), 5.64, 75 ppm,
4.66 meq/L, 110.46, 0.42, 6.07 meq/L, 1.386...

Shafiullah1*, Mohammad Nafees2 

...he permissible
limits. A series of coagulation/flocculation treatments were given by applying different doses of ferric chloride in
combination of calcium hydroxide. Effective removals of pollutants were obtained by using ferric chloride and calcium
hydroxide in ratio of 2:0.5 mL for settling time of 13 minutes. As treatment results, not only removed suspended
solids (86%) but a tremendous decrease was observed in color, chemical ox...

Sahib Khan1, Muhammad Naeem2, Tawab Khan3, Nasir Ahmad4* 

...sed 4 least significant bits (4LSB) steganography. The
true edge based 4LSB steganography technique has been found very efficient, creating no significant effect on edges
and undetectable histogram differences. Which prove this technique immune to histogram difference steganalysis. The
quality of the edges is preserved and a PNSR of greater than 74dB has been observed for different cover images
for the true edge based 4LSB steganogr...

Naseem Ahmad1, Sahar Noor1, Rehman Akhtar1*, Misbah Ullah1, Khizar Azam2 

...d achieve financial benefits


Muhammad Aamir1*, Riaz Muhammad1, Naseer Ahmed1, Muhammad Sadiq2, Muhammad Waqas3, Izhar1 

...dely acknowledged due to its good mechanical properties and no
harmful effect on environment. The current work is focused on the examination of thermal aging and strain rates
on mechanical properties of Sn96.5-Ag3.0-Cu0.5 (SAC305) LFS alloy. The selected thermal aging temperatures are 60
°C, 100 °C and 140 °C. Strain rates are measured at 10/s, 20/s, 30/s and 40/s. The microstructure examination
before and after thermal ...

Waqas, A. Imtiaz1, Yousaf Khan1, Syed Waqar Shah2 

...f PON, and
reduce its feasibility for deployment at the access domain. Therefore, it is imperative to design an economical system
that should be able to provide fault detection and restoration at both feeder and the distribution level. This paper
focuses on design and analysis of a novel tree-based hybrid protection architecture for OCDMA system in order to
make it economical and reliable for deployment at the access domain. It is o...

Rafiullah Khan1, Waseem ur Rahman1, Misbah Ullah2, Kamran Afaq3, Muhammad Amjad1, Sakhi jan1 

... the organs of a body so its
mechanical behavior is of prime importance. The mechanical properties of bone varies with age. In this paper, the
effect of age on various mechanical properties of hip joint bone was investigated experimentally. For this purpose
hip joint bone specimens of male bovine of different age groups were tested for fracture toughness, young modulus
and tensile strength in the longitudinal and transverse directio...

Bibi Safia Haq1,2, Shahnaz Attaullah3, Abdul Shakoor4, Hidayat Ullah Khan5, Khan Alam5, Kausar Shaheen1 

...ross the beam radius and its detailed shape has been measured and it
has been demonstrated that Ti: sapphire laser system has the ability to fabricate three dimensional structures for biomedical
applications. Tissue scaffolds have been prepared with different pore sizes suitable for application in different
living tissues. Polymerisation based on a direct write system to build up solid polymeric material for the fabrication
of three...

Tehmina Amjad1, Ishfaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Akram Shaikh2, Nabila Naz1 

... by
Vf -index and its rank changes accordingly. Baseline methods do not considers variation factor and it is possible
that authors with inconsistent citations receive high index value but if we use variation factor then our results will
be more consistent. More the Co-efficient of quartile deviation lower the consistency and thus lower indexing. 


Nazish Huma Khan1, Mohammad Nafees1, Adila Bashir1, Farooq Ahmad1 

.... Results showed high limits of pH(8-8.2), EC(738-764uS/cm), Alkalinity(463-581mg/l),
Turbidity(166-180NTU), TSS(967-1063.5mg/L), TDS(1673.3-1805.1mg/L), BOD5 (180.6-261.3mg/L) and COD (397-
418.2mg/L) in effluents of paper mills. Among heavy metals Cd, Cr and Pd were observed above Pak-NEQS for
industrial discharges with average range of 1-3, 2.1-3.2 and 1.01-2.3mg/L respectively. The effluents were recycled
in sundry plants for ma...

Shabana Rafique1, Shahnaz Parveen Khattak1, Tanveer Hussain2, Faiza Tauqeer1, Bashir Ahmad3 

...brics; further to assess its effect on flexural rigidity and abrasion
resistance. The simultaneous finishing and pigment dyeing is more economical than conventional method, since, more
energy can be conserved by using same machinery for dyeing, finishing, drying and curing. Furthermore, elimination
of post wash treatment in this method caused little or no contamination. Despite its manifold advantages, t...

Muneeb Abrar1, Shabbir Majeed Chaudhry2 

...rge pump
(CP)circuitsfor high frequency Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) applications. ThePFD design uses only six transistors for
the detection process, which reduces the chip area and power consumption of the PLL block. It also minimizes the
dead zone and eliminates the reset path to reduce the delay. The output is passed through a buffer to suppress the
distortion and to reduce the overall output noise. Phase noise has been reduced to -15...

Farid Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Iqbal1 

...ion and wind producing units of
the testing rig are assembled on the same base, such that, these can operate separately as well as simultaneously.
In the testing rig the vibration shaker is characterized for sinusoidal input signals from the function generator. With
the vibration shaker base acceleration levels from 0.01 g to 2.0 g are produce during a frequency sweep from 1 to
200 Hz. Beyond, 200 Hz, the excitation levels obtained ...

Muhammad Masood Tahir1, Ayyaz Hussain2, Saeed Badshah3, Qaisar Javaid2 

.... This
study exploits central tendency (CT) of TDFs to develop a Rule-based Diagnostic Scheme (RDS), which identifies
localized faults in ball bearing. The RDS offers an accurate and efficient diagnostic procedure, and purges the
requirement of expensive training of conventional classifier. A test rig is used to acquire vibration data from bearings
having localized faults, and various TDFs are extracted. It is worth mentioning that ...

Asif Ali Khan*, Laiq Hassan*, Salim Ullah* 

OPEN MP-BASED PARALLEL AND SCALABLE GENETIC SEQUENCE ALIGNMENT /> times faster than its sequential counterpart. 


Hamza Tariq1, Imran Hayat1, Saima Rafiq1*, Aqsa Qayyum2 and Sohrab Qayyum1 

...olive 100%) and to study its physico-chemical profile (pH, acidity, total soluble solids (TSS), reducing sugars, non-reducing sugars, total sugars, vitamin C), antioxidant activity, total phenolics, and sensory evaluation (color, flavor, taste, overall acceptability) during storage (90 days) at ambient temperature for consumer acceptability. An increase in titratable acidity, vitamin C, total phenolics and antioxidant activity was observed with increasing the ...

Mujahid Badshah, Saeed Badshah, Sakhi Jan 

.../s. The turbine achieved its rated power at a tip speed ratio (TSR) 5.7 with a peak CP value of 0.47 and peak thrust of 16.7 kN-m. Additionally, a series of simulations were performed at TSR from 1-10 to obtain performance curve for the turbine at a design current velocity of 1.5 m/s. Effect of solidity on performance was quantified by varying the number of turbine blades. The value of CP increased by 1.5% with increasing the number of blades from 2 to 3. The...

 Mahmood Alam Khan, Afzal Munir, Muahmmad Shahzad Khattak, Daulat Khan, Muhammad Ajmal

...iven by nature. However, its increasing demand and current pattern of usage are threats to human welfare, livelihood, development, and for the life itself, in the coming years. The main objective of this study was to quantify the ground water recharge due to rainfall on yearly basis of Peshawar district Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Groundwater recharge was estimated by subtracting runoff from the rainfall. The So...

Numan Habib, Naseer Ahmed, Riaz Muhammad, Himayat Ullah, Muftooh Ur Rehman, Kareem Akhtar 

...>The use of Titanium and its alloys in modern era can never be discarded. Continuous developments in many industries like aviation and power generation increased its use in many applications, not only because of its chemical properties but also because of its excellent properties including, high strength to density ratio, withstand with high stresses, b...
Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel1, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel2, Ejaz Ashraf3*, Asad Ali4 and Arooba Rubab5
Effect of Insecticides on the Longevity of Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae)
...op pollinators, however, its population is decreased over the years due to various factors including spraying chemical insecticides for pest management. The present experiment was therefore, designed to look for the effect of some new insecticides (cyhalothrin, nitenpyram, emamectin benzoate) applied at flowering stage of sunflower (variety Hysun-33). After three days of pesticides application, Apis mellifera was exposed to insecticides, placing three honey be...
Kemi F. Omotesho*, Adedamola V. Adetayo, Adeniyi F. Akinrinde and Deborah A. Olabode
Challenges to the Adoption of Agricultural Innovations: The Case of Yam Minisett Technology in Kwara State, Nigeria
...reas of training need in its use; identified the reasons for non-adoption by non-adopters as well as the constraints faced by adopter farmers in its use. The determinants of farmers’ adoption were also investigated. A four-stage sampling procedure was used to select 205 respondents on whom an interview schedule was administered. Descriptive statistics, Probit Regression Analysis and Pearson’s Product Moment Corre...

Shaista Naz1*, Noor P. Khan1, Himayatullah Khan1 and Azra2 

Does Women’s Participation in Livestock Management Enhance their Empowerment? An Insight from the Tribal Belt of Pakistan
... as milk/by-products and its marketing, milk handling and processing, animal health problems, animals keeping place, and number and breed of animals were more significant for assessing women empowerment as depicted by the high DMI value of above 0.80. Moderate level of women empowerment was observed in the activities of animals’ purchase (0.57), animals’ sale (0.59), and livestock income utilization (0.63) due to their low level of mobility and tec...

Parsa Riaz and Muhammad Naeem*

Digestive Enzymes Activity with Gut Morphometric Parameter of Carnivorous Fish Wallago attu (Siluridae, Siluriformes)
... high protein content in its flesh, Carnivorous in nature. Descriptive data of the studied traits included total body weight, total body length, gut weight, gut length, condition factor, standard length in Wallago attu. Fish body weight showed positive Pearson’s correlation with total length, gut weight, standard length and amylase enzyme. Fulton’s factor showed positive correlation with fish ZI, lipase and prote...

Sajjad Haydar*, Zunaira Asif*, A. A. Bhatti**, Obaidullah Nadeem***, Ghulam Hussain*, Nadeem Abbas*

...ter. NEQS
limits for BOD and COD could be met by adding Phosphorous and increasing the MLSS in aeration tank.

Wisal Shah*, Muhammad Nafees**, Muhammad Iqbal***

...from marble processing units
and compares it with the calcium carbonate used in the cement industry by analyzing it for physical and chemical
characteristics. Cement was made in the laboratory according to standard formulation. Commercial brand available
in the market was used as control for product comparison. Physical and chemical properties of b...

 Muhammad Nafees*, Asim Nawab*, Wisal Shah**

...t plant is not enough in its present form and needs to be
upgraded by adding a coagulation step.

 Akhtar Nawaz*, Sahar Noor*, Iftikhar Hussain*, Afzal Khan*, Shahid Rashid**, Rehman Akhtar*

...d through an example for its usefulness.
The results shows effectiveness of the proposed model and leads to recommendations for developing a comprehensive
and integrated methodology for designing interface for hybrid manufacturing supply chain networks for quick
response to the delivery lead time.

 Nasimullah*, Muhammad Irfan Khattak**, Muhammad Shafi**, Gulzar Ahmad**

... are presented to verify its effectiveness.

 Mujahid Badshah*1, Saeed Badshah1, Sakhi Jan1

...div>The turbine achieved its rated power at a tip speed ratio (TSR) 5.7 with a peak CP value of 0.47 and peak thrust
of 16.7 kN-m. Additionally, a series of simulations were performed at TSR from 1-10 to obtain performance curve
for the turbine at a design current velocity of 1.5 m/s. Effect of solidity on performance was quantified by varying
the number of turbine blades. The value of CP increased by 1.5% with increasing th...

 Mahmood Alam Khan1*, Afzal Munir1, Muhammad Shahzad Khattak1, Daulat Khan1, Muhammad Ajmal1

...iven by nature. However, its increasing demand and

current pattern of usage are threats to human welfare, livelihood, development, and for the life itself, in the coming
years. The main objective of this study was to quantify the ground water recharge due to rainfall on yearly basis of
Peshawar district Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan. Groundwater recharge was estimated by subtractin...

 Muhammad Amir*1, Syed Waqar Shah1, Michael J. Pont2

...ective nature of CAN and its widespread use, we started working on making
such SC architectures more flexible and fault-manageable on embedded level as demonstrated by our previous work
“Improving flexibility and fault-management in CAN-based “Shared-Clock” architectures”, published in ELSEVIER
Journal of Microprocessors and Microsystems (Volume 37, 2013, issue 1, pages 9-23). In this paper, we intend...

 Numan Habib1, Naseer Ahmed1, Riaz Muhammad1*, Himayat Ullah2, Muftooh Ur Rehman1, Kareem Akhtar3

...;The use of Titanium and its alloys in modern era can never be discarded. Continuous developments in many

industries like aviation and power generation increased its use in many applications, not only because of its chemical
properties but also because of its excellent properties including, high strength to density ratio, withstand ...

 Muhammad Irfan*, Saeed Gul*, Mohammad Younas*, Babar Nawaz*, M. Ishfaq*, M. Amir Durrani*, Abid khan*

...t-asian: normal;">and its pH during ethanol recovery from sugarcane molasses has been investigated. The interaction effects, optimum conditions, and percent contribution ofeach factor were determined statistically. The maximum ethanol recovery was f...

Nisar Mohammad*, Mohammad Mansoor Khan* Noor Mohammad*

... talc carbonate rock and its magnetic content was also determined. The investigations reveal that talc content in the talc carbonate rock ranges from 60 to 70% with carbonates like magnesite and calcite as associated impurities. Optimum grinding time a...

Tabassum Yasmin*, Muhammad Sadiq*

...y problems are hindering its use in high-temperature microelectronics. To improve the properties, a number of researchers used the Rare-Earth (RE) materials to refine the microstructure of lead-free solders due to their suiface-active properties. The f...

 Farid Ullah Khan·

... normal;">EMEH-2 exhibits nonlinear behaviour at 3 g acceleration level. When connected to 1000 load and excited at

Farid Ullah Khan*, Sheraz Ali Khan*

A SMART STARTUP AND SHUTDOWN SYSTEM FOR DOMESTIC ELECTRIC POWER GENERATORS starts and shuts down itself without any user intervention results in increased user convenience. This paper looks at the design and evaluates the results ofa prototype smart system, developed to control the startup and shutdown operations ofa typical household electrical generator. An ATMEL 89C51 microcontroller, relays, voltage regulators, current amplifier, automatic switching relay and step down transformers are used in the prototype circuit to control ...

Nisar Mohammad٭, Mohammad Mansoor Khan٭, Noor Mohammad٭

...ose and if in access, limits its applications. In present research work, beneficiation studies of carbonatic talcose rock of Mingora emerald mine located in District Swat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan were conducted to recover high quality talc out of the talc carbonate rock and to develop a technique for up gradation of indigenous noncommercial talc resources from other locations. These rocks host emerald crystals and ...

 Syed Asif Ali Shah*, Iftikhar Hussain*

PERFORMANCE OF THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR OF PAKISTAN AND ITS COMPETITIVENESS CAUSE AND REMEDY sector and highlights its importance in economic development of the country and analyses the reasons behind the sectors apparent lack of competitiveness. It also discusses the standing of the Pakistani manufacturing sector and its capability of producing high-tech products and its share in the global export. Data provided by GEM Pakistan has been analyzed, that leads to suggest optimizi...

Farid Ullah Khan*

...minum (SiO2-Al) BTA exhibits superior characteristics over a limited operational range, it is found that a silicon-stainless steel (Si-SS) bimorph provides larger deflections at higher operational conditions. The practical constraints on traditional bimorph materials in extreme operating conditions arise from intrinsic material properties such as yield strength and melting temperature. Under such extreme conditions Si-SS bimorphs perform well, opening up ...

Shaukat Ali*, Shah Khusro*, Laiq Hasan**, Asif Ali Khan**

... in a new bottle, having its roots extended from context-aware mobile computing. Mobile phones sensing capabilities can be exploited for developing context-aware applications to answer a number of real-world problems belonging to different sectors including automatic road condition detection and traffic monitoring, social networking, environmental pollution monitoring, and healthcare monitoring etc. This paper presents a comprehensive surve...

Gulzar Ahmad*, Sahibzada Faheem*, Amjad Ullah*, Waqar Shah*, S.M. Majid Ashraf*

...a lot of interest due to its ability to exploit the spatial diversity or antenna diversity. The implementation of the cooperative relaying systems involves less hardware and low complexity but gives comparable performance and diversity gains to the actual multiple antenna systems. The aim of this paper is to compare various techniques used in cooperative relaying protocols. The performance is evaluated in terms of average symbol error under...
Naeem Ejaz*, Daulat Khan**, Usman Ali Naeem*, Muhammad Ali Shamim*, Muhammad Fiaz Tahir*, Faisal Shabbir*, Jawad Hussain*
...on with treatment units and sewer materials. Geo-polymer binders especially fly ash (FA) is an acid resistant and can be used as a substitute binder for sewer construction. This research work highlights the laboratory results of fly ash based geo-polymer concrete and effects on its durability under sulfuric acid exposure. Class ‘F’ fly ash was used in the preparation of samples that were prope...

Inayat Ullah*, Shah Khusro**, Saeed Mahfooz**, Azhar Rauf**

... architectures, RIP with its simple metric will produce better email services or IGRP will win the race with the help of its composite metric. This study also investigates the effect of scalability on both of the routing protocols when the size of the network grows. The behavioural study of RIP and IGRP for email, in different sizes of networks, will also help in evaluating the behaviour of simple and composit...

Muhammad Irfan*, Saeed Gul*, Mohammad Younas*

...f fossil fuel prices and its scarce resources have caused the energy crises for the past few years. Current research has been focused primarily using renewable source of energy. The solar energy has been proved to be an economical alternative renewable energy used to extract the fresh water from sea water. The principle objective of the study is to purify the sea water by using solar energy. A pilot scale solar still has been designed, fabr...

Zeeshan Sabir*, M. Inayatullah Babar*, Saeed Ur Rehman**, Amjad Ullah Khattak * Syed Riaz Ul Hassnain*

...h of these protocols has its own pros and cons in different scenarios. In this paper we have simulated an environment of MANETs consisting of a few Mobile nodes that tend to form a network amongst eachother during their random mobile behaviour. The environment has been simulated using three different routing protocols via the Network Simulator(NS)-2.35 scripting and the performance of these protocols have been compared based upon their TCP ...

Hazrat Hussain*, Muhammad Ibrahim**, Navid Ahmed***, Zia ul Haq**, Bashir Alam***

...hydraulic structures and its impact over the life span of hydraulic structures i.e dams deemed to be constructed across the river with the objective to minimize the sedimentation problems.

Asif Nawaz*, Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, Rehmat Ullah, Khalid Nawab and Urooba Pervaiz

Investigation of Professional Competency Level and Training Needs of Field Assistants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
... conducting farm/home visits followed by conducting meetings and organizing extension campaigns. Highest training needs in professional competency were reported in use of Information and Communication Technologies, use of audio-visual aids and ability of motivating farmers. Regression analysis showed that rural domicile, job experience, and higher educational level of Field Assistants have positive and significant effect on the development of their competency....

Shahid Ali1, Habib Akbar2, Shamsher Ali3*, Adnan Nasim1, Muhammad Ismail1, Nur Ul Haq1 and Muhammad Usman4

Effect of Planting Sources, Cane Portions and Setts Placement Methods on Sugarcane Yield Attributing Traits
...ane yield attributing traits were examined at Sugar Crops Research Institute (SCRI), Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan. The experiment was conducted in RCB Design with split plot arrangements, in 3 replications for two years (2012-14). Different planting material i.e., trenched (sugarcane buried in soil to avoid frost damage) and fresh cane (directly obtained after harvesting of standing crop) stalk segments i.e. upper, middle, lower and 33 % (having upper +...

Sajad Ali1*, Jangraiz Khan2, Arshadullah Jadoon3, Muhammad Riaz4 and Abid Khan1

Evaluation of Farmers Socioeconomic Characteristics Influencing Tomato Output in District Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
...ctive to farmers, due to its short duration for ripping which increases productivity. Thus, it is becoming an indispensable source of farmer’s income in Pakistan. The production of tomato has been decreased considerably during the last five years. The present study has been conducted to explore the farmer’s socio-economic characteristics, affecting the tomato production in district Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A multi-stage-sampling tech...
Sumaira, Ali Mujtaba Shah*, Ghulam Asghar Solangi, Ifra Anwar, Qudratullah Kalwar 
...impact of camel milk and its composition. 
Zarish Yaqoob1, Saleema Bashir Shams2, Gaitee Joshua2 and Bibi Nazia Murtaza2,3*
...ndia and joins Indus and its tributary rivers in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The present study describes the concentration of heavy metals in the water and different tissues of native fish collected from three different areas. The highest concentration of Cr (1.451 µg L-1) and Co (0.325 µg L-1) was measured in the river water at Balloki. However, Cd (0.981µg L-1)and Zn (1.239 µg L-1)were contributin...

Muhammad Riaz1*, Naureen Akhtar1, Salik Nawaz Khan1, Muhammad Shakeel1,2 and Ateeq Tahir1

Neocosmospora rubicola: An Unrecorded Pathogen from Pakistan Causing Potato Stem Rot

Shahrukh Khalid* and Athar Mahboob**

...vial problem and renders itself as an open issue and potential problem for research. A large number of mechanisms have been proposed for configuring MANET nodes. This paper presents a survey of latest and primitive auto-configuration mechanisms for mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETs).

Abroon Jamal Qazi*, Afzal Khan*, Muhammad Tahir Khan*, Muhammad Ali Kamran* and Khizar Azam*

...w the inherent benefits of better performance, light weight and cost effective design. The semi-active system is driven by a fuzzy logic controller that is based on the feedback of relative displacement of the suspension with respect to the road disturbance and relative velocity across the damper. Fuzzy logic control can cope with the nonlinearities of system using heuristic rules. Three gains are incorporated in the system corresponding to the&...
Muhammad Shaheen
...ce of labels constrained its application on different text data sets. Labelled K Means clustering generate labels for the clusters obtained from K Means Clustering which makes this technique more decisive for text data sets. A novel application of Labeled K Means Clustering for automation of technical part of GIS contracts is given in this paper. Geographic Information System (GIS) contract which is signed between GIS service provider and a client requires an ...
Amjad Hussain1, Ata Ur Rehman2, Zia Ur Rehman Tahir3, Aftab Ahmad1, Fahad Noor3, Qasar Wasique Ahmad1
...>Lean implementation and its sustainability are strongly linked with the organizational culture and working environment
especially how employees interact with each other’s and what’s their attitude towards their jobs. Literature reveals that employee’s behaviour towards lean implementation is controversial; some perceives this positive and others take this negative. This study aims at investigating var...

Behram Khan1, Amir Nawaz Khan2, Said Qasim3, Atta-ur Rahman4

ANALYSIS OF HUMAN PERCEPTIONS AND ADAPTATIONS TO FLASH FLOODS IN KHYBER AGENCY, FATA along Chora River and its tributaries were interviewed by using a structured questionnaire which covered approximately 20% of the total households. Respondents’ perceptions were investigated about the occurrence of flash floods, flood damages, nature of affinity towards flood prone areas and adaptation strategies. Cartographic and statistical techniques were applied to process and analyze the data. As a result, the data were analytically discussed and...

 Gulzar Ahmad1, M. Inayatullah Babar2

...rticle the inherent demerits of the patch antenna like low bandwidth and low efficiency have been addressed. A wideband and efficient microstrip patch antenna of 9×18mm2 size has been proposed for satellite and other fields of communications in future. The size of the antenna is very small and will definitely require a small space in the electronic equipment. An efficient substrate material was employed in the antenna that is known as ...

 Uzma Nawaz1*, Muhammad Iftikhar Khan1, Muhammad Naeem Arbab1

...ttery backup due to its less initial cost compared to portable generator sets. Following the increased use of battery based UPS as backup power source, several technical and economic issues due to their use have not been addressed. The main component of UPS system is the battery, which is costly and has to be replaced after its useful service life. Failure to do so, the cost of utility bills increases sin...

 Saman Shahid1, Shahid Ali1, Muhammad Abdullah Ahmad1, Sarfraz Munir2

RE-DESIGNING AND OPERATIONAL ANALYSES OF THE SEDIMENT TRANSPORT CONTROL IN IRRIGATION CANAL NETWORK BRBD canal, including its cross-sectional properties, hydraulics and sediment parameters were acquired from the Irrigation Department, Lahore. The paper also described the problem which exists in design and operation of the canal by comparing it with original field data. The BRBD canal achieved a regime condition in 1.5 years. The results of sediment deposition produced by Brownlie predictor were more accurate than Engelund Hansen. The sediment deposition v...

 Muhammad Shahzad1, Arif Iqbal Umar1, Syed Hamad Shirazi1, Muhammad Tariq Pervez2*, Zakir Khan1, Waqas Yousaf1

HCDP: HEPATITIS C DATA BANK OF PAKISTAN the public health and its frequency is increasing rapidly all over the world. Approximately 5 online databases are available related to Hepatitis C virus. All these databases mainly concerned their national level/specific demographic region strains for analysis. No HCV database available to find the HCV prevalence and distribution in Pakistan. We proposed a Hepatitis C virus database for Pakistani community, Hepatitis C Data Bank of Pakistan ...

 Nashitah Alwaz1, Safdar Raza1*, Sadaqat Ali1

...d generation (DG) units according to the load demands. The droop control methods are normally used for appropriate power sharing. However, these control techniques suffer badly due to the feeder impedances and uncontrollable power coupling issues. Many techniques have been proposed to share power accurately, most of them rely on communication
link. In this work a localized/communication free signal genera...

 Sikandar Bilal Khattak1*, and Iftikhar Hussain1

...gion based, whereas its contribution to climate change has a global spread. For years, environment-friendly construction, green buildings, lean construction, and sustainable construction has been portrayed as a possible alternative. However, the success factors for environment conscience construction differs in different regions. Identification of these factor is the first step towards achieving it. However, no all-inclusive study exists fo...

 Riaz Sayed1, Khizar Azam1, Waqar Shah1, Inayat Babar1, Hamidullah1, and Sahar Noor1

...rces along with their merits are discussed. The Center for Intelligent Systems Research (CISR) of the George Washington University conducted an experiment at their Vehicle Simulator Laboratory to study driver drowsiness. Results of this study and description of the algorithm are provided. A comprehensive list of references is provided at the end.

 Asad Naeem Shah1,2, GE Yun-shan1, HE Chao1,3

...hat of diesel because of its higher incompressibility, which increased the droplet momentum and tip penetration. The ambient pressure displayed a stronger impact on ‘L’ and ‘β’ of the fuels, compared with injection duration. The ‘L’ was increased, while ‘β’ decreased with the decrease in Pamb due to the decrease in resistance to penetration velocity. The shapes of spray images of two...

Abdul Shakoor1, R.A. Sayed2, Khizar Azam2

...cts for substantial benefits and projecting the industry to fulfill the competitive needs in globally oriented business environment requires wide-ranging information based decision support system. The knowledge sharing framework requires an extensive research to improve inter-operatiability of cross-functional systems and subsequently provide the basis for diverse utilization of knowledge base technologies in manufacturing. The effective kn...

Adnan Tariq,1 Iftikhar Hussain,2 Abdul Ghafoor,3 Sahar Noor2

AN EVOLUTIONARY ALGORITHM FOR JOB-SHOP SCHEDULING to substantiate its usefulness. Therefore, in this paper a hybrid approach, primarily based on Genetic Algorithm (GA), is presented to handle the problem of scheduling job-shop that consists of m number of machines and n number of jobs. This approach is actually a combination of a Local Search Heuristic (LSH) with standard GA and optimizes the value of makespan. Computational experience, that includes some case studies and a number of&n...

 Iftikhar Ahmad1, Sahar Noor1

CHARACTERIZATION OF CERAMICS WALL TILES USING LOCAL TALC AS A FLUXING AGENT economical because of its cheaper cost than other fluxes like feldspar and lime stone.

 Arshad Ali1, Hashim Nisar Hashmi2

... reactor R-I to evaluate its efficiency. It was observed that corresponding to an OLR of 2.14kg-COD/m3-day the overall COD removal efficiency of the reactors R-I and R-II was 83% and 64%, respectively. And the AOX removal efficiency was noticed as 71% and 49% for reactor R-I and R-II, respectively. During the study it was observed that the treatability efficiency of reactor R-I was comparatively  better but the amount of

 Adnan Ali Khan,* and Shahrukh Khalid**

... system. The capacity limits defined by MRC analysis are found within the estimated values of capacity using simulation. It is observed that increasing cell size and re-use distance decrease the effect of co-channel interference, however, the overall area spectral efficiency (ASE) of the system reduces due to the increase in cellular coverage area. Thus, a trade-off between capacity improvement and reduction in cell-size is suggested.

 Usman Ali Naeem*, Hashim Nisar*, Habib-ur-Rehman** and Naeem Ejaz*

...3180 kilometers and its drainage area exceeds 1165000 km2. Having in view the worth of Indus River and its socio economic implication on Pakistan it was planned to carry out research work on upstream of Terbela from Kachura. The intended approaches of this work were to generate empirical equations based on hydrologic model on a particular reach of the river i.e. from Kachura to Tarbela reservoir and by ut...

 Muhammad Shaheen*, Muhammad Shahbaz*, Zahoor ur Rehman* and Sajid Mehmood*

...ion rate will conform to its consumption rate. To ensure sustainable energy development, sustainability indicators had been agreed by world experts in a summit held in South Africa in 2001. These indicators will have different values for different countries depending upon the economy, energy reserves, living standards and social conditions. Depending upon these values, a methodology is proposed in this paper to find optimal hydrocarbon expl...

 S.W. Shah*, M.I. Babar*, L. Khan**, M.N. Arbab*, H. Ullah*** and R.A. Syed***

RELIABLE MULTICAST IMPLEMENTATION IN JAVA’s weaknesses is its lack of reliability due to its use of UDP for data transmission. Reliable transmission means that there should be no packet loss, no disordering and no duplication of packets at the receiver side. The focus of this paper is to implement Reliable Multicast using Java, which is mainly used for one-to-many connections. This work focuses on reliable multicast in a local area netwo...

Mohammad Enamul Hoque Kayesh1,2*, Mohammad Tufazzal Hussan3, Md. Abul Hashem2,4, Mohammad Eliyas5 and A.K.M. Mostafa Anower1

Lumpy Skin Disease Virus Infection: An Emerging Threat to Cattle Health in Bangladesh
...f LSDV transmission, and its effective control and preventive measures to reduce or eradicate the LSDV infection from a recently infected country like Bangladesh. In addition, we will highlight on impacts of LSD outbreaks in cattle industry of Bangladesh, and necessity of farmers’ awareness building and telemedicine service during the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) outbreaks in controlling LSD.

Dibyendu Biswas1*, Shib Shankar Saha2, Shankar Biswas3 and Md. Abu Sayeed4
Outbreak of Lumpy Skin Disease of Cattle in South-West Part of Bangladesh and its Clinical Management
...sent scenario of LSD and its clinical management at different house-holds at south-west region of Bangladesh. A structured questionnaire was developed and data were collected from the two upazila (Monirampur and Abhaynagar) at Jessore district. A total of 52 small house-holds and 183 cattle were observed the study period from 15 June to 15 August 2019. LSD was diagnosed on the basis of present clinical signs guided by the OIE manual. All data were analyzed by ...

Javed Iqbal1, Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Adnan Bashir1, Wardah Muzaffer2, Naeem Faisal1, Muhammad Tahir Latif1 and Sami Ullah1

...5). Yield and related traits of all varieties were decreased by delayed sowing. Early sown crop (November 01) had maximum emergence which decreased gradually with delayed sowing. Tillers m-2, grain weight, grains per spike and yield of all varieties was greater on November 15 sowing and decreased by sowing afterwards (November 30 - December 15). Although Lasani-08 and Punjab-11 both were high yielders but grain yield of AARI-11 was least affected by sowing tim...

Hina Imtiaz1*, Salma Khalid2, Kashaf Riaz1, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3 and Zubair Rehman on water quality and its subsequent effect on people living in the vicinity of Nullah Lai stream. Water samples were collected from different points of the stream and tested for basic parameters like color, odor and turbidity while EC, pH and TDS were checked on-site by portable water quality meter. The assessment of heavy metal concentrations i.e. Lead (Pb), Copper (Cu), Nickel (Ni), Chromium (Cr), Zinc (Zn), Mercury (Mg) and Cadmium (Cd) were carried by ...
Sinan Uzundumlu1, Yesim Buyukates1,*, Murat Yigit2, Musa Bulut2,  Rıdvan Kaan Gurses1 and Barbaros Celikkol3
...pared with acceptable limits pronounced in international organizations such as EPA and FAO, and national organizations such as WPCR and RTMAF as well as the previous studies conducted in the region. According to the results, a decrease in dissolved oxygen and pH was observed at the farm while increases in inorganic nutrients except for ammonia were recorded. TSS values showed significant positive correlation with TP, indicating that TSS was supported by fecal ...

Zahid Hassan Tarar1, Muhammad Salik Ali Khan2*, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi3, Raza Salim4, Irfan Ahmad Saleem1, Saima Nazar5, Munir David2, Tahir Majeed6, Muhammad Sufyan Mughal7, Muhammad Saleem8, Umer Iqbal9, Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal10 and Muhammad Khalid Shaheen

...sidering the critical limits set by National Agricultural Research Center (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan, 92% soil samples were found deficient in B followed by 44% soil samples low in Fe. Whereas, Zn, Cu and Mn were deficient in 5, 1 and 12 % of soil samples, respectively. Soil EC and pH of analysed samples ranged from 0.10 to 3.74 dSm-1 and 6.70 to 8.40, respectively. Soil was free from salinity and sodicity menace. However, soil was deficient regarding SOM wit...
Guang-Hui Tan, Yi-Yu Zhang*, Yuan-Yu Qin, Lei Wu and Jie-Zhang Li
... CYP7A1 gene on lipid traits in Tianzhu Black Muscovy (Cairina moschata). We detected two novel silent mutations, CDS 216 A>G and CDS 681 T>A in exon 2 and exon 3 of CYP7A1 gene, respectively, and both SNPs changed DNA single strand conformation. The A and T allele of CDS 216 A>G and CDS 681 T>A was dominant allele, and its frequency was 0.554 and 0.800, respectively. Each SNP resulted in three genotypes. ...
Magbolah Salem Helal Alzahrani properties come from its flowers, which contain volatile oils including bisabolol, bisabolol oxides A and B, and matricin as well as flavonoids. This study aims to elucidate the possible therapeutic applications of different levels of M. chamomilla on the functional status of liver, in rats injected with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4), a known hepatotoxin. Thirty-six male albino rats were treated with subcutaneous injection of CCl4
Mumtaz Ali Khan1, Sher Bahadar Khan2, Shakoor Ahmad2, Irshad Ahmad3, Kashif Prince1*, Ghazunfar Rashid1, Mahboob Ali1, Imdad Ullah Khan4Asad Ullah5, Naimat Ullah4, Muhammad Shoaib2 and Said Sajjad Ali Shah2
...rubin were beyond the limits while others were within normal ranges in sheep infected with Clostridium perfringens type A. The total bilirubin, Liver enzymes, creatinine level, glucose and urea levels in blood were abnormal while others were within normal ranges in sheep infected with CP type B and type D. by observing these changes it will be possible to diagnose disease at initial stages.
Cheng Zhao1,2, Jianghong Ran2*, Bin Wang2,3, Qin Shi4 and Marwan M.A. Rashed1
... experienced declines in its habitat and population due to human disturbance. To protect this species, we investigated the relationship between giant panda habitat use intensity and human disturbance density in the Daxiangling Mountains. The results indicated that, among multiple kinds of disturbances, roads affected the giant panda habitat use significantly. In addition, roads caused the giant panda habitat use intensity to decline sharply. The giant panda ne...

Olga Mikhailovna Blinnikova1*, Vadim Anatolyevich Babushkin1, Lyudmila Gennadievna Eliseeva2 and Galina Severyanovna Usova3

Modeling a Formulation and Assessment of the Consumer Properties of the Special Purpose Starch Drink
...he human body to produce its own protein. Drinking kissel is a perspective product type for enrichment the CCR (Central Chernosem Region’s) fruit and berry’s by collagen and natural physiologically active agents. At the same time the new types of drinking kissel useful to health, in assortment are which confirms the feasibility of updating the range due to enriched drinking kissels. Drinking of one glass of kissel covers the body daily need for asc...

Syeda Farzana Bibi* and Siraj-ud-Din

Fluorescence Analysis, Extractive Values and Cytotoxic Screening of Crataeva adansonii DC Leaf and Bark through Brine Shrimp Larvae Assay
...evaluation of a drug for its toxicity, which is determined by the prevention of growth and replication. Such drugs can be used to treat cancer, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. During the present study ethanolic extracts of leaf and bark parts of C. adansonii were evaluated through cytotoxic activity. Brine shrimp larvae assay was conducted for this purpose. Extractive values of leaf and bark parts were estimated using n-hexane, chlorofor...

Kamran Ghasemi1*, Mostafa Emadi2, Asghar Bagheri3 and Mehdi Mohammadi1

Casing Material and Thickness Effects on the Yield and Nutrient Concentration of Agaricus bisporus
...n case that using SC for its double advantages of reducing initial costs and waste disposal is preferable, some amount of yield decrease can be ignored.

Mazhar Abbas1*, Kishwar Jam1, Rashid Iqbal Khan1, Muhammad Zafar-ul-Hye2, Tariq Rafique3 and Zahid Mahmood

...ctive and qualitative tarits of horticultural plants. A field trial was carried out in 2018-19 aiming at the evaluation of impacts of new commercial products “Quantis” and “Acevit-C” on growth, yield and antioxidative behaviour of bottle gourd cv. Aakash F1. Three level of Quantis (6 ml, 8 ml, 10 ml) and Acevit-C (100 ppm, 150 ppm and 200 ppm) were applied as foliar treatment following RCBD design. Results showed that impact of foliar a...
Mahak Fatima1, Memoona Syed1, Rabia Zeeshan2, Farah Rauf Shakoori3, Naveed Shahzad4, Moazzam Ali1 and Zeeshan Mutahir1*
...1 gene silencing and its outcome on the growth of gemcitabine resistant breast cancer cells named MCF7-R. For this purpose, we transfected MCF7-R cells with MTH1 specific validated siRNA. Successful transfection of siRNA and consequent cytotoxicity in MCF7-R cells was confirmed by qRT-PCR, western blotting and cell viability assay. As a result of siRNA transfection, MTH1 protein was knockdown to approximately 77% in the transfected sample and result...
Ayesha Noreen1, Amina Elahi1, Dilara Abbas Bukhari2 and Abdul Rehman1* was intracellular and its optimum activity recorded was determined as 730 and 750µM/min (calculated by both Safranine O spectrophotometric and molybdene blue methods) at pH 7 and 37°C in the presence of Zn2+ as cofactor. The protein profile of B. cereus 3.1S, showed two bands of approximately 14 and 70 kDa, which had their possible role in arsenite oxidation. This was confirmed by transforming E. coli DH5α with plasm...
Muhammad Khan1, Tehmina Ameer Khan1, Aziz Ud Din2, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Irfan Ullah3,*, Kalim Ullah4, Sadia Tabassum1,*
... apparent cause. It exhibits the prevalence of 1/500 globally. Eighteen samples from four families of maternally inherited HCM were collected, based on their clinical records. Three mitochondrial encoded genes 16S-rRNA (MT-RNR2), tRNAIle (MT-TI) and tRNALeu (MT-TL1) were targeted for analysis of mutation. Genomic DNA was extracted from buccal swab using Phenol: Chloroform: protocol. The target genes were amplified via polymerase ch...

Erum Bughio1, Ahmed Sultan Jatoi1*, Jibran Hussain2, Muhammad Hayat Jaspal3, Shahid Mehmood2, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq4, Reema Bughio5 and Athar Mahmud2

Comparative Study of Carcass Traits in Four Strains of Japanese Quail (Coturnix japonica) at 3 to 6 Weeks of Age
... with 108 experimental units of each 20 chicks were applied. Birds had free access to clean and fresh drinking water through automatic nipple drinkers all the times. There was a provision of ad-libitum broiler-quail ration feeding as per NRC standard. Data on live weight, dressing percentage, keel length, keel angle, length of shank, giblets and length of intestine were calculated. ANOVA technique was used for data analysis and DMR Test for comparison of means...
Jam Nazeer Ahmad1,*, Samina J.N. Ahmad1,2,*, Mubashir Ahmad Malik1, Abid Ali1, Muhammad Ali3, Ejaz Ahmad1, Muhammad Tahir2 and Muhammad Ashraf2
...i> S. g. grgaria and its association with most prevailed subspecies of Sahara desert in Northern Africa. Desert locust, S. g. gregaria is very destructive polyphagus pest therefore, immediately; control measures should be adopted to stop its further spread and infestation in Pakistan.

Shouguo Yang1, Fen Cheng1, Xiangyu Wu1, YiXuan Xing1, ZhiFeng Gu2 and Xianming Tang1,*

... between morphometric traits and total weight reached the significant level. With the increasing of animal age, the growth of total shell length, width and weight significantly increased, while the growth rate decreased with the increasing of animal age. Results from the present study provide the first biological reference to H. ternatanus and are useful for assessing the growth and resource assessment of H. ternatanus.
Fei Wang1, Xianlai Zhang1, Youbao Zhong2, Xiaoen Tang3, Xiaofen Hu1
ShanShan Yang1, Shengwei Zhong1, Zuohong Zhou1, Jin Liu1, Xu Yuan1 
and Yong Li1*
...yzed by HE staining, and its vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) was detected by immunohistochemistry staining and RT-qPCR. In present results, the intestinal mucosa epithelium is a single layer of columnar epithelium, other structures are relatively complete, and the intestinal villi and glands are distinct in each part of intestine. The localization of VIP is extensive in the intestinal wall, but most typical in the lamina propria and muscular layer; VIP in ...

Muhammad Jan1*, Tanveer ul Haq2, Hina Sattar3, Madiha Butt4, Abdul Khaliq5, Muhammad Arif6 and Abdul Rauf

...nd fertilizer demand and its ability to grow on marginal land is an excellent choice for the farming community. The field trial was conducted with the aspect to screen out the drought-tolerant variety of chick pea keeping in view the physiological and biochemical attributes under drought conditions. Drought stress adversely reduced the vegetative growth in term of primary branches, secondary branches and pod yield. Based on biochemical, morphological and physi...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1,2*, Aqib Riaz4, Sultan Ahmad Rizvi2, Bushra Zulfiqar2, Waqas Naseem2, Humara Umar3, Ahmad Hussain1 and Mazher Iqbal

...eeds infestation reduces its yield and causes harvesting losses upto 20%. Current research aimed to investigate the efficacy of various weedicides to eradicate weedy grasses (S. brevifolius, D. aegyptium, C. dactylon, S. halepense, and P. hysterophorous) in multi-cut sorghum sudan grass hybrid (S.S. Hybrid). Four herbicides namely Clodinafop-propargayl (Clodinafop) @ 0. 25 and 0.375 kg ha-1, Paraquat and Glyphosate @ 1.5 and 2 L ha-1 and ...

Amar Iqbal Saqib1, Khalil Ahmed1*, Abdul Rasul Naseem1, Ghulam Qadir1, Muhammad Qaisar Nawaz1, Muhammad Khalid2, Imtiaz Ahmad Warraich3 and Muhammad Arif

...) were under the safe limits in both treatments. Gypsum @ 75 % GR+ humic acid @ 30 kg ha-1 reduced the pHs (6.70%), ECe (27.60%) and SAR (54.96%), hydraulic conductivity (9.75%), and bulk density (3.94%) over their initial values. Therefore, it was concluded that integrated use of gypsum @ 75% GR + humic acid @ 30 Kg ha-1 is equally effective as gypsum @ 100 % GR in improving the yield of wheat and rice crops and restoring the deteriorated properties of salt-a...
Safia Arbab1, Rehana Buriro1, Shams Uddin Bhugio1, Atta Hussain Shah2,  Jamila Soomro3,Qudratullah Kalwar4, Saqib Ali Fazilani1 and Waseem Ali Vistro5*
...centrations used, due to its high polarity.
Duo Jing Qiu1,2,3, Xin Yu1,2,3, Mao Jun Zhong1,2,3 and Long Jin1,2,3*
...ution of life-history traits, which leads to variation in temperature, food availability and duration of breeding season in amphibians. Here, we examined differences in somatic condition and testis mass of male Duttaphrynus melanostictus distributed in two altitudes (120 m and 1673 m above sea level) in Hunan and Yunnan Province, southwest China. We found that D. melanostictus displayed significant differences in body mass and relative testis mas...
Huma Abbas1*, Nazir Javed1,Muhammad Kamran2, Sajid Aleem Khan1Hira Abbas3, Ehetisham-ul-Haq2, Abdul Jabbar1, Mehwish Naz1 and Ihsan Ullah4
...ficult to control due to its wide host range. In present investigation effect of bio (Cure, Azadirachtin) and synthetic (Cartap, Virtako) chemicals was evaluated on the induction of systemic activity by using modified split root technique. Efficacy of different application methods; soil drench and root dip was also tested. Results revealed that all the chemicals have more or less systemic effect against M. incognita. Cartap was found to be more effectiv...
Yan Zhou1,2, Hai Xia Han1,2, Qiu Xia Lei1,2, Jin Bo Gao1,2, Wei Liu1,2, Fu Wei Li1,2, Jie Liu1,2 and Ding Guo Cao1,2*
...pes with reproduction traits were assessed, their effects on gene expression were evaluated also. As a result, three haplotypes H1 (G-G-A), H2 (G-G-G) and H3 (A-A-G) were obtained, H1 was the main haplotype with a frequency of 91.75%. The correlation analysis showed that diplotypes (H1H1, H2H2 and H3H3) were significantly associated with egg production at age of 40W (E40) (P=0.0342) and egg production at age of 43W (E43) (P=0.0184). The egg produ...
Zumama Khalid1, Muhammad Abrar Yousaf2, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan1Farah Rauf Shakoori2, Muhammad Munir3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*
... not only research about its transmission, prevalence and causes but also to spread its awareness in the maximum possible ways. Although the complete disease-causing mechanisms of COVID-19 remain to be fully elucidated, active research is being conducted continuously in the field to gather as much information about every aspect of this disease as possible. Also, a clear difference is prevalent in different regions of the wor...
Zubair Ahmad1, 2, 4, Hamed A. Ghramh1, 2, 3,Khalid Ali Khan1, 2, 3*, Farhat Khan4 and Shujauddin5
...s that produces net benefits for the participants. In this paper, the interaction between aphid M. sacchari and their attending ants on sugarcane (Saccharum officinerum) was studied. The presence of ants, especially, Crematogaster subnuda Mayr. and Camponotus compressus adversely affects the parasitoid effectiveness of Lysiphlebia mirzai and Aphelinus desantesi. The aphids got 31% and 26.3% parasitism when attended by ...

Israr Yasin1, Ismail Qureshi1*, Shahjahn Qaimkhani1, Gulam Mustafa Solangi3, Ismail Qaimkhani1, Ismail Brohi1 and Abdul Ahad Soomro2

A Perspective on Household Dairy Farming in District Naushahro Feroze, Sindh, Pakistan
...alukas (administrative units) using multistage clustering method. Estimates of the study revealed that 54% of the households possessed buffaloes. Average number of buffaloes was estimated at 4.28 while 376 (63%) of the household reported cattle with average number of 4.38 heads per household. Small numbers of buffalo and cattle bulls were recorded. Average number of 5.55 goats per households was reported by 35% of all the households. On an overall basis, 2,365...

Muhammad Ahsan Naseer1, Mehdi Maqbool1, Saima Rafiq2*, Noosheen Zahid1, Abdul Hamid1 and Syed Zulfiqar Ali Shah1

Comparative Analysis of Physical and Biochemical Attributes of Edible Fig (Ficus carica L.) Collected from Three Districts of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Located at Different Elevations
...inal quality of fresh fruits. In AJK, fig is grown successfully in hilly areas such as Rawalakot, where the topography of this area is not even as compared to plane areas of this region. Therefore, current study was designed to assess the outcome of elevations on physical and biochemical attributes of wild fig collected from different localities of three selected Districts [Bagh (Arja, Bagh city, Dholi), Poonch (Hajira, Dwarandi, Akhorbun) and Kotli (Sehnsa, K...

Adnan Arshad1*, Huma Qamar2, Ristina Siti-Sundari3, Zhang Yue1, Muhammad Zubair2, Muhammad Ali Raza4, Muhammad Habib-ur-Rehman5 and Lizhen Zhang1*

Phenotypic Plasticity of Spineless Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Cultivars in Response to Exogenous Application of Salicylic Acid under Rainfed Climate Conditions
... oilseed industry due to its hardiness in nature. A two-factor factorial experiment using completely randomized block design (RCBD) followed by five spineless safflower cultivars and five concentrations of salicylic acid (SA) in three replications was conducted. The safflower promising genotypes viz; C1 (L16358), C2 (L16378), C3 (L26748), C4 (L26754), and C5 (L16385) were tested against SA1: 0 mM, SA2: 0.25 mM, SA3: 0.50 mM, SA4: 0.75 mM, and SA5: 1.00 mM sali...

Iram Bilqees1, Yasir Iftikhar1, Mustansar Mubeen1,2*, Qaiser Shakeel3, Ashara Sajid1, Zahoor Hussain4, Aqleem Abbas2, Muhammad Aamir Sohail2, Judith Jeruto Kiptoo5 and Shehzad Iqbal2

Use of Nutrients and Plant Extract to Manage Okra Yellow Vein Mosaic Disease (OYVMD) in Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan
... severity, incidence and its management through different nutrients and plant extract. Plant extract and multi-nutrients were used to manage the disease to avoid the hazardous effect of chemicals on human health and being the eco-friendly. Four varieties of okra viz., Indian Rachna, Sabz Pari, Desi Bhindi, and Rama Krishna were grown under RCBD. Five treatments viz., 2% garlic extract, 2% multi-nutrients, silicon (1 and 1.5%) s and water as control were applie...

Olugbenga Omotayo Alabi1*, Ayoola Olugbenga Oladele2 and Ibrahim Maharazu3

Profitability Analysis and Marketing Efficiency of Soyabean (Glycine max) Value Chain among Actors in Abuja, Nigeria taxes, expenses, profits, and depreciation. Factors statistically and significantly influencing market efficiency of soyabeans were: gender (P<0.05), marital status (P < 0.01), household size (P < 0.01), level of education (P<0.01), and contact with extension agent (P <0.05). Problems or constraints facing marketers of soyabeans were: sales price instability, high cost of transportation, storage problems, lack of credit facilities, and bad r...

Hafsa Naheed* and Hidayat-Ur-Rahman

Genotype by Environment Interactions of Vegetative Growth Traits of Bread Wheat Genotypes
... of vegetative growth traits of the 40 exotic bread wheat lines was assessed across seven different environments during 2015-16 and 2016-17 growing seasons. The trials were conducted using RCB design at four locations for two years; Research Farm, of the University of Agriculture, Peshawar; Agriculture Research Station, Buner; Agriculture Research Station, Baffa, Mansehra; and Barani Agriculture Research Station, Jarma, Kohat (one year only). Data were recorde...

Muhammad Jawad1*, Shahid Riaz Malik1, Rana Muhammad Atif2, Haris Ahmed2 and Muhammad Shahzad Afzal3

Species Identification of Gram Wilt Complex through ITS Region by PCR-RFLP Analysis
Safina Naz1, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi2*, Bushra Siddique3, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4 and Abdur Rehman5 
Exogenous Application of Selected Antioxidants and Phyto Development Directors Influenced the Development, Output and Biochemical Attributes of Tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.)
...copersicum esculentum fruits during 2014 and 2015. Foliar spray of GA3(100 ppm) and 2-hydroxybenzoic acid (200 parts/million and 100 parts/million) give rise to significantly taller plants and greater leaf area while, shorter plants and lower leaf area was recorded in control. Greater leaf number per plant was obtained with application of GA3(100 ppm). This was followed by salicylic acid (200 ppm). Leaf number was significantly lesser in the plants grown in co...

Safina Naz1*, Muhammad Akbar Anjum1, Bushra Siddique2, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi3*, Sajid Ali1, Hassan Sardar1, Sakeena Tul Ain Haider1, Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar4, Hajra Azeem3, Sibghat Ullah5, Shah Pasand6 and Zehri Khan5

Effect of Sewage Water Irrigation Frequency on Growth, Yield and Heavy Metals Accumulation of Tomato and Okra
... okra pods and tomato fruits than moderately and less repetitive irrigation. The leaves and root of okra and tomato displayed the higher contents of metal when these crops were cultivated with a repetitive application of the sewage water. The final result revealed that the metal concentration high in tomato and okra plant parts with decreasing irrigation intervals of sewage water.

Muhammad R. Khan1, Bushra A. Rakha1,* and Muhammad S. Ansari2
...oming extinct in most of its range. The most abundant species of river swat was Schizothorax plagiostomus while the least abundant species was Schizothoraicthys macropthalmus. However, all of the species of genera Schizothorax and Schizothoraicthys facing drastic decline in their distribution range and within River Swat due to introduction of exotic salmons and overfishing.
Arif Alam1*, Faridullah2, Ikram Shah1, Shahzad Khan3, Noor Elahi1 and Ehsan Inamullah1
Estimation of Farm Level Technical Efficiency in Maize Production at the High Mountain North Region of Pakistan
...Frontier 4.1, because of its appropriateness in efficiency related assessments. Result shows that the factors of low yields of different peasants were due to inefficiency. The overall average technical efficiency of maize farmers was estimated 73.6%. It was inferred that the productivity can be enhanced by reducing the inefficiency from the ecological factors, peasants’ personal characteristics and farming conditions.


Inam Ullah1, Mahfooz Khan2*, Munir Khan2, Himayatullah Khan2 and Azra3

Factors Affecting Different Wheat Varieties Yield in District Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan: A Comparative Analysis the wheat growers and its effect on the output of three wheat crops varieties per hectare. Primary data were collected from 150 selected respondents randomly in district Peshawar. For this purpose, the effect of various inputs was separately analyzed using multiple regression model. The empirical results show that for Pirsabaaq-5 wheat variety, the effect of (weedicides) was insignificant. While for Pirsabaaq-8 wheat variety irrigation was found insignifica...

Paul Oludare Adetunji* and Safiriyu Idowu Ola

Comparative Productive Performance among three Plumage Varieties of Noiler Hens
...roduction performance traits in the tested plumage varieties of Noiler hens.

Tabassum Yaseen1*, Shehzad Ahmad1, Khushnood Ur Rehman2, Fayaz Asad1, Abdul Waheed1, Rani Gul3, Hussain Gulab4 and Naveed Akhtar2
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungal Spore Density and Root Colonization in Weeds of Carrot field at Charsadda, Pakistan
...e roots and provide benefits to the host plants. The present study was conducted to evaluate the occurrence and distributions of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the rhizospheric soil of major weeds of District Charsadda. In the present study roots and rhizospheric soil of 15 weeds species belonging to 12 families were collected from Carrot field of District Charsadda and was investigated for the sporulation and root infections types. From the recorded results ...

Rao Wali Muhammad1, Hafiz Muhammad Wasif Ali2*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Qadir Ahmad2, Abdul Qayyum2, Waqas Malik2 and Etrat Noor2

Estimation of Different Genetic Parameters in Various Safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) Genotypes under Field Condition
...ding various economic traits i.e. days to flowering, plant height, days to maturity, no. of primary branches per plant, no. of secondary branches per plant, pods per plant, 1000-seed weight and yield per plant of 200 safflower accessions. Analysis of variance and principal component analysis were carried out to estimate the extent of variability for studied parameters and to partition the germplasm into various cluster groups on basis of their mean performance...

Rabab Rafaqat1, Habib Ahmed Rathore1, Tariq Masud2, Imran Hayat1* and Imtiaz Hussain1

Determination of Different Chemical Constituents of Fruit, Leaves and Oil of Olea cuspidata (Wild Olive) Grown at Rawalakot, Azad Jammu and Kashmir
... order to get their benefits.


Abdul Jalal, Abdur Rab* and Naveed Ahmad

Aloe Vera Gel Coating Retains Persimmon Fruit (Diospyros kaki) Quality during Storage at Room Temperature
... Coating of persimmon fruits with 30% Aloe vera gel retarded the storage related changes and retained high fruit firmness, acidity and ascorbic acid as well as lower total soluble solids and decay incidence than control fruits. In control fruits (0 days storage + Distilled water treatment), the fruit firmness (3.33 kg cm-2), acidity (0.29%), and ascorbic acid content (46.25 mg/100g) decrea...

Mohammad Javad Golmohammadi1, Hamid Reza Mohammaddoust Chamanabad1*, Bijan Yaghoubi2 and Mostafa Oveisi3

GIS Applications in Surveying and Mapping of Rice Weeds in Guilan Province, Iran
...o achieving all the benefits of weed management. When in an area the distribution and consumption of inputs is based on accurate information from the weed composition of the farms in that area, the efficiency of these inputs is improved and weed damage is reduced.


Iram Sharif1*, Amna Nazir1, Eram Shahzadi2, Shahid Munir Chohan3 and Ghulam Sarwar4

Influence of Sowing Dates on Cotton Growth (Gossypium hirsutum), Yield and Fiber Quality
...nditions which restricts its growth and production. The study was carried out at Cotton Research Station, Faisalabad, during the year 2018-19. The objective of the research was to evaluate the sowing date effects on growth, yield parameters and fiber quality of cotton and genotypic assessment in two sowing dates. The set of six genotypes was sown in two different dates viz., 10th April and 10th May in split plot design with three replications by allotting sowi...

Ghulam Sarwar1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Muhammad Farooq1,2, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1, Farrukh Ilahi1 and Muhammad Asif1

Fiber Quality Studies with Respect to Different Cotton Insect Pests using Multivariate Analysis
...fferent fiber quality traits. The ANOVA results depicted considerable variation in almost all traits. Fiber length was greatly influenced by the population of thrips, jassid, whitefly, pink bollworm and dusky cotton bug. Fiber fineness was influenced by the population of jassid, pink bollworm and dusky cotton bug while fiber strength was slightly affected by the population of thrips. The advance lines of cotton viz. FH-404, ...

Shahid Nadeem1*, Taj Naseeb Khan1, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Adnan Younis2 and Iram Fatima3

Influence of Plant Growth Regulators by Foliar Application on Vegetative and Floral physiognomies of Gladiolus
...ornamental plants due to its captivating spikes, with plane ruffle and deeply crinkled sepals, and it mainly used as cut flower and greatly demanded in floral markets. In order to achieve the maximum outcomes for the purchaser or community, a comprehensive study was conducted on gladiolus to enhance its vegetative and floral characteristics with the foliar application of growth hormones i.e. gibberellic acid (GA3) and salicy...

Attiq ur Rehman1,2*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil3 and Ihtisham Ali4

Genetic Diversity and Traits Association in Tetraploid and Hexaploid Wheat Genotypes in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province of Pakistan
...ronomically important traits renders the basis for development of a successful crop improvement program. An experiment containing 16 wheat genotypes (8 durum and 8 spring wheat) was conducted in crop season of year 2015-2016, at The University of Agriculture, Peshawar. The experimental design used was a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The parameters under study were days to heading, days to maturity, flag leaf area, plant heigh...
Ateeq Ahmad1, Umar Hayat2, Shahid Ali2*, Hazrat Bilal3, Naveed Ali2, Khan Mir Khan4 and Khalid Khan4
Descriptive Analysis of Water Resources in Pakistan: A Perspective of Climate Change
... a global issue, however its implications will be more severe in developing countries. Nevertheless, the climate change impacts will have greater risk for developing countries like Pakistan. Pakistan with a high and fast growing population lacks enough economic resources to satisfy the basic needs of masses. Furthermore, the future of Himalayan glaciers at risk due to emerging climate change in the region. Pakistan is located in rid region where the issue of w...

Nadeem Abbas Shah1*, Ejaz Ashraf1, Hafiz Khurram Shurjeel2, Zaheer ud Din Mirani3, Usman Rafique1 and Raees Abbas Shah4

Assessing Perceptions of the Households-heads Regarding Food Security Status in Drought-hit Areas of District Tharparkar, Sindh, Pakistan: A Case Study for Agricultural Extension has made so far, its population combating with the threat of food insecurity. Tharparkar, (the largest desert area not only in Pakistan but also in the South Asian region) is considered at the front line district in the country about food insecurity and malnourishment. The purpose of this study was to assess the perceptions of the respondents for ongoing food security status in the district of Tharparkar, Sindh-Pakistan and to highlight the role of ext...

Khan Sher1*, Muhammad Subhan1, Muhammad Nisar2, Ali Hazrat2, Zahid Fazal1, Gul Rahim2, Imran Ahmad1, Riaz ul Haq1 and Shamia Bibi1

Genetic Diversity in Common Beans (Phaseolus vulgarus L.) Collected from Different Ecological Zones of Malakand Division (A Part of the Sino Japanese Region of Pakistan)
...stan. The qualitative traits showed significant level of diversity like seed shape was determined by two alleles, seed color was defined by 13 numbers of alleles and four alleles were responsible for flower color. Similarly, the quantitative traits showed 73% diversity in the parameters studied. However, it was different in individual characters. In overall, 59% of the yield contributing traits

Zulnorain Sajid1*, Muhammad Ramzan2 and Noreen Akhtar1

Foraging Behavior and Pollination Ecology of Bumble Bee and Honey Bee in Pakistan; A Review
...nation of vegetables, fruits and crops commercially. Honey bee can dispense 80% in insect pollination and considered as a best pollinator towards crop pollination, Bumblebee are more efficient and competent pollinator due to their buzzing behavior, efficiency to forage at low temperature, vibration to burst the pollen sac, high speed to flower visitation at low temperature and solitary colony structure. In northern areas of Pakistan bumblebees are natural poll...

Md. Sahidur Rahman

Origin and Spillover of Coronaviruses: Prospects of One Health Action
...illover from bats due to its genomic similarity with Bat-CoV-RaTG13, where pangolins may have acted as an intermediate host. Wild trade, ecotourism, destruction of wild habitat, and other anthropogenic activities disrupt the human-wildlife barrier which leads to the spillover process. In these circumstances, a One Health approach is crucial to implement multisectoral collaborative action among physicians, veterinarians, wildlife experts, epidemiologists, envir...

Zafar Ahmad Handoo1*, Mihail Radu Kantor1 and Ekramullah Khan2

Description of Seven New Species and One New Record of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes (Nematoda: Tylenchida) Associated with Economically Important Crops of Kashmir Valley, Jammu and Kashmir (Part-1 of the series)
...of each new species with its closely related species are given.

Mikail Arslan1, Orhan Yilmaz2, Bahattin Cak2* and Ahmet Fatih Demirel2
...estigate reproductive traits of Kivircik ewes under three lambing systems in two years and their lambs’ survival and growth performances. A total of 200 Kivircik ewes and 15 Kivircik rams were used. Ewes were subjected to a system of lambing every 8 months. Ewes were mated in August (summer), April (spring) and December (winter), respectively. Ewes were synchronized using FIS (intravaginal flourogestone sponges) for 14 days. Additionally, 600 IU eCG (equ...

Dalal H. Sary and Rama T. Rashad*

A Comparative Study on the Impact of Compost, Humate, and Silicate on the Nutritional Characteristics of Calcareous Soil Cultivated by Soybean
...rce in this study due to its content of readily soluble Si in soil solution. Silicon uptake can partially control the availability and uptake of some nutrients from soil. Soil may be enriched by versatile advantages upon application of K-H and K-Si but the compost is still the most effective.

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi1*, Olubumi Atolani2 and Gabriel Ademola Olatunji3
Toxicity Effect of Eucalyptus globulus on Pratylenchus spp. of Zea mays

Muhammad Nauman, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mehreen Hanif, Hafsah Ghaffar, Muhammad Shahid and Syed Haroon Masood Bokhari

Management of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) and Rhyzopertha dominica (Fabricius) by using Microwave Oven

Asif Ali Abro1* and Iqbal Ahmed Panhwar2

Impact of Various Factors on Crop Diversification Towards High Value Crops in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis by using THI
...and support price for fruits, vegetables, pulses and oilseeds are required for the promotion of high value crops.


Saeed Ahmad1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Habib ur Rahman1,3*, Tanveer-ul-Haq2, Mahmood Alam Khan4 and Arshad Mahmood5

Evaluation of Different Production Systems in Combination with Foliar Sulphur Application for Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) under Arid Climatic Conditions of Pakistan
...r showed higher net benefits and benefit to cost ratio and 16 days early maturity than direct seeded sunflower, which ultimately provide optimum time for cotton crop sowing in cotton-sunflower cropping system. It is concluded that sunflower has to be shifted through nursery transplanted production system in field to achieve the highest achene yield with achene oil content which also ensures timely sowing of cotton crop for effective use of field under cotton-s...

Ghulam Akbar1*, Ali Ahmad2, Neha Arooj1, Muhammad Anjum Zia1, Aamna Rafique1, Sania Riasat1, Mohsin Raza1, Mahpara Qamar1, Shahneela Nusrat1 and Shakila Hanif1

Critical Update for the Treatment of Anemia by using Advanced Genome Editing Crispr Cas Technology
...or the remedy of anemia, its mechanism of movement and sickle cellular mutation corrections.


Muhammad Tariq-Khan1*, Syed Zanib Ali Gardazi1, Abu Daud Ahmad Khan1, Muhammad Ilyas2 and Ishaq Ahmad3,4

Virulence and Distribution Trends of Root-Knot Nematode (RKN) Fauna on Summer Vegetables in District Bagh, Azad Jammu and Kashmir (Pakistan)
...chilies, beans and cucurbits were found most frequently cultivated vegetables in the area. RKN was found on 80 fields, with 68 out of 82 surveyed locations with 72% field incidence. Okra was found with highest field infestation with 47.3% followed by cucurbits on 20% and tomato on 17.4% while zero infestation on chilies. Species were identified based on perineal pattern morphology. M. javanica was identified as predominant s...
MA Liman1, QI Yongxiao1, Wang Wenji2* and Zhong Qianyi3*
...ects on some tumors, but its antiangiogenic effects in zebrafish has not been evaluated. Here we investigated the antiangiogenic of G-Rh2 using the zebrafish angiogenesis model. Morphological observations of the G-Rh2-treated wild-type embryos were performed to evaluate the toxicity of the compound. Tg(fli1-EGFP) transgenic zebrafish with fluorescent blood vessels were studied to evaluate vascular development defects. G-Rh2 treatment up to 84.85 ...

Sehrish Ashraaf1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1* and Sajida Naseem2

...of spiders, still its efficiency increased when combined with DNA barcoding.

Muhammad Nazar1, Chaudhary Muhammad Ayyub2, Mujahid Ali3*, Malik Abdul Rehman4, Shoib ur Rehman5 and Saqib Ayyub2

Amelioration of Thermo-Tolerance Ability in Spinacia oleracea L. Cultivars by Foliar Application of Chitosan
...imum value (17.48 SPAD units) was found in Lahori Palak at 25 ppm of chitosan, followed (17.05 SPAD units) at 100 ppm in Lahori Palak for chlorophyll contents. The minimum EL (57.75%) was observed in Lahori Palak at 100 ppm, similarly chlorophyll content were also maximum (17.48 SPAD units) in Lahori Palak at 100 ppm, building Lahori Palak more responsive toward chitosan against heat stres...
Amir Aziz1*, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1, Ghulam Sarwar1 and Sher Muhammad2
Effect of Rice and Wheat Straw and K-Silicate Application on Maize Growth
...r plant growth. The benefits of silicate fertilization are often correlated with the amount of silicon uptake by plants. In order to evaluate the growth and yield behavior of maize crop in response to different source of Si (straw and potassium silicate), a pot experiment was conducted at College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan in 2017. Different treatments including T1= control, T2= wheat straw (deficient @ 200 mg kg-1 of soil), T3 = wheat st...
Zulekha Zameer, Samreen Mohsin, Ammarah Hasnain, Asma Maqbool* and Kauser Abdulla Malik
Influence of Explant Sources on in vitro Callogenesis and Regeneration in Maize (Zea mays L.)
...lants is hampered due to its unavailability throughout the year and low regeneration response. The present study is aimed to investigate the effect of various explants sources for callogenesis and regeneration in maize (Pioner 3025). The main explants under consideration were: three parts of germinated seedlings, mature embryo and split seeds. Each of these explants was evaluated for its ability to form callus and to regener...

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Luqman1*, Zahoor Hussain2, Usman Saleem3, Asif Nawaz1, Tahir Munir Butt4 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood1

Assessment of Knowledge Level and Information Sources of Vegetable Growers regarding Tunnel Farming in District Sargodha
...the Sargodha district as its universe. All the vegetable growers who used to grow off-season vegetables were the population of the study. The snowball sampling technique led us to have 8 off-season vegetable growers in Sargodha tehsil, 13 in Bhulwal, 27 in Bhera, 17 in Kot Momin, 9 in Shah pur, 11 in Sillanwali, and 5 in Sahiwal. This way a sample of 90 respondents was interviewed using a structured interview schedule. The content validity of the instrument wa...
Shakeel Ahmed* and Sarwat Jahan
...ents and higher primates its stimulatory role in HPG axis is reported. Growth hormone (GH) is released from anterior pituitary and directly or indirectly play very important role in regulation of HPG axis. In the present study the pathway of stimulatory role of NMS was investigated in the regulation of HPG axis. For this purpose, after NMS administration plasma testosterone (T) and growth hormone (GH) levels were determined in four normally fed and 48 hours fa...
Sadaf Aslam1,2*, Abdul Majid Khan2 and Muhammad Akhtar2
...his species is closer to its smaller European relative H. soemmeringi. The studied material includes isolated premolars and molars. This paper provides new insights of morphology of an extinct species of the suid, Hyotherium pilgrimi.

Syeda Farzana Bibi* and Siraj ud Din

Unraveling the Bioherbicidal Potential, Elemental Analysis and Nutritional Evaluation of Crataeva adansonii Dc Leaf and Bark
...m bark for assessment of its bioherbicidal potential. Elemental and nutritional analysis of the plant parts was also done to accentuate this plant’s use in the nutritional and agricultural industry. Elemental analysis of C. adansonii stem bark and leaf was assessed through atomic absorption spectrophotometry to detect ten essential macro and microelements, including Na, Ca, Co, Cd, Cu, Mn, Zn, Pb, Ni, and Fe. In the bark part, the highest percentage of r...

Shahid Ahmed1,2*, Huiqing Su1, Xuqian Sun1, Peng Feng1, Yongpan Chen1, Liang Yu1, Qian Liu1 and Heng Jian1

Performance of Cereal Varieties against Cereal Cyst Nematode (Heterodera avenae)
... to crop maturity and limits the cereal production in different agro-ecologies of the world. In China, this pathogen is widespread in more than 20 provinces and infects the major cereal varieties and germplasm being adopted for cereal crop production annually. We tested number of cereal accessions to see the host pathogen interaction; among 15 wheat lines from Zhonnguyuan Sun (CAAS) CIMMYT Beijing and 10 lines of oats from Jilin Province were screened against ...
Taqiur Rahman1, Tabassum Yaseen1*, Ali Mujtaba Shah2, Samiullah3, Ghulam Jelani3, Gul Nawaz1,Qudratullah Kalwar2
...aining animal health and its importance to ethnobotany and Pharmacogonosy.The objective of the present study is to identify the leading medicinal plants used by local communities for the treatment of animals and document the threatened herbal knowledge from the elder formers (R1, R2 and R4) this study labels the ethno veterinary practices in different villages of District Shangla, where the documentation process is carried out through semi-structured questionn...
Samreen Khan, Tabassum Ara Khanum, Nasira Kazi, Salma Javed* and Shahina Fayyaz
Description of Aphelenchoides acacia n. sp. and Aphelenchoides naurangiensis n. sp. (Nematoda: Aphelenchoididae) with Observation on Aphelenchoides saprophilus Franklin, 1957 from District Lakki Marwat, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan clear basal knobs at its base; tail subcylindrical, conoid with a rounded terminus. In addition, morphometrics and morphological details are given for Aphelenchoides saprophilus which is the first record for Pakistani nematode fauna.


 Majid Shahi Bajestani1, Esmat Mahdikhani Moghadam2*, Reza Aghnoum3 and Hamid Rohani2

Study of Plant Parasitic Nematodes and Description of New Record (Rotylenchus alius) Associated with Barley (Hordium vulgare L.) in Khorasan Razavi Province, Northeast Iran
...ular level. Molecular traits on Meloidogyne arenaria species done by partial 18s ribosomal DNA primer and sequence results verified the morphometric studies and showed 99 percent resemblance to AB905316 sequence from Japan. In addition, scanning electron microscope (SEM) assay on infected roots by Meloidogyne arenaria showed that this species has been able to create gall in barley root and disrupt on cellular metabolism.

Babar Zahoor, Basharat Ahmad*,Riaz Aziz Minhas and Muhammad Siddique Awan
...poses a severe threat to its conservation in the area.

Kecheng Zhu1,2,3, Peiying He1, Baosuo Liu1,2,3, Huayang Guo1,2,3, Nan Zhang1,2,3, Liang Guo1,2,3, Shigui Jiang1,2,3 and Dianchang Zhang1,2,3,* 

Zhi Chen1, Toshifumi Minamoto2, Longshan Lin3 and Tianxiang Gao4,*
...t was commonly used, but its price was about 80 RMB/sample, which was too expensive. Cheaper eDNA extraction kit was a potential aspect for improvement to expand further application of eDNA analysis. In order to examine some cheaper kits’ effectiveness of extracting eDNA of macro-organisms and select an optional low-cost kit, a test among three kits was held. 12S rRNA bands of marine...

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Ayman Balla Mustafa2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Riaz Hussain Mirza1, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Rana Muhammad Bilal4 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel5

...h in the world regarding its population. Mainly the camel production is in remote areas as pastoral system in desert ecosystem of Pakistan. Due to the urbanization, this husbandry system is changed and the cameleers are moving towards urban/peri-urban areas of arid and semi-arid environment. This study was planned to check its production potential in extensive management system (EMS) and semi-intensive management system (SIM...

Faiqah Ramzan1,2,*, Irfan Zia Qureshi2 and Muhammad Haris Ramzan3

...covery of kisspeptin and its receptor has enhanced our understanding of the neurobiological mechanisms that govern the pituitary-gonadal-axis. However, in sexually immature male mammals, the maturation of gonads is not clear yet. The current study tested the hypothesis that continuous kisspeptin administration suppresses gonadotropin and testosterone release and spermatogenesis. Intraperitoneal kisspeptin administration was carried out in 05 weeks old prepuber...
Feng Xu1,2,3*, Weikang Yang1,2,3*, Ming Ma1,2,3 and David A. Blank4
...d a predator, season, traits of species and numbers of others factors were thought to have significant impacts on vigilance. Here, in this study we considered only three of them: group size, disturbance, and predation vulnerability and their impact on the vigilance of the Demoiselle crane (Antropoides virgo). Our results showed that group size, human disturbance, and predation vulnerability significantly affect Demoiselle crane’s vigilance. With i...
Muhammad Ramzan, Unsar Naeem-Ullah*, Mudssar Ali and Hasan Riaz
...0 to 281 which increased its survival rate. Trilocha varians has five larval instars. The last instar changed its colour to dark reddish and look like branches of host plants. The male and female mean longevity was 6.0 ± 1.171 and 11.4 ± 1.70 days. Pale reddish brown lines were present on the dorsal side of female forewings. Female forewings were broader than male wings with dark reddish brown thorax, he...

Agustine Christela Melviana1, Rizkita Rachmi Esyanti1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Maizirwan Mel3, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4 and Juris Burlakovs5

Gene Expression Related to Steviol Glycoside Synthesis Produced in Stevia rebaudiana (Bert.) Shoot Culture Induced with High Far-Red LED Light in TIS RITA® Bioreactor System
... steviol glycosides, and its derivatives, and also the metabolites produced in S. rebaudiana plant. The result showed that the increment of biomass and gene expressions (ent-KO, ent-KS, ent-KAH13, UGT85C2, UGT74G1, and UGT76G1) in high far-red LED RITA® was higher compared with control RITA®. To conclude, the system with a far-red LED induction in TIS RITA® was proven to give a positive effect towards stevia shoots growth and greater metabolites pr...
Mumtazur Rahman1, Farhan Anwar Khan1,*,Umar Sadique1, Ijaz Ahmad1, Shakoor Ahmad1, Faisal Ahmad1,2, Hayatullah Khan1,3, Muhammad Saeed1, Faiz Ur Rehman1, Ibrar Hussain1, M. Faraz Khan1, M. Izhar ul Haque1 and Hanif-ur-Rehman1,3

... of our local strain and its susceptibility to commonly using antimicrobials is unknown. Therefore, this study was aimed to evaluate the growth curve and susceptibility of Mccp against commercially available quinolones in Pakistan by broth microdilution method. Quinolones including moxifloxacin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, and enrofloxacin were selected for in vitro susceptibility of Mccp Pakistan strain. The concentration for each drug was measured distantly...

Muhammad Abdullah1, Syed Attaullah Shah1, Khurram Nawaz Saddozai1, Jahangir Khan1*, Mohammad Fayaz1, Irfan Ullah1* and Sabeeh Ullah2

Analysis of Agricultural Land Price Determinants and Policy Implications for Controlling Residential and Commercial Encroachments: Facts from District Swabi (Pakistan)
...dential and commercial units in the suburbs. This high demand is pulling land prices and causing utilization of fertile agricultural land for residential and commercial units’ construction. Around 50% of the sampled agricultural lands were used for residential and commercial purposes. Results from HPM reveal that agricultural characteristics, such as land fertility and irrigation water availability, were the significan...
Abdul Majid Khan1,*, Muhammad Tahir Waseem1, Rana Manzoor Ahmad2, Ayesha Iqbal1, Hafiza Imrana Naz1, Amtur Rafeh1 and Muhammad Ameen1 the late Miocene deposits of Dhok Pathan Formation, Chakwal, Pakistan. The sample comprises maxillary and mandibular fragments along with isolated upper and lower teeth. The morphometric analysis of the dental specimens led us to recognize the sample as belonging to Eotragus noyei, which has been considered as the smallest and the oldest bovid in the Siwaliks. Eotragus noyei is characterized by brachydont teeth, finely rugose enamel, more incl...
Muhammad Mohsin1, Yin Hengbin2,* and Zhang Luyao3
...ion or not by estimating its stock status. For this purpose, long data series, 2006-2016, comprised of catch and effort figures was statistically analyzed to know maximum sustainable yield (MSY) of this resource and its ongoing regime. In total, three surplus production models (SPMs) were used in this study, viz., Fox (FM), Schaefer (SM) and Pella-Tomlinson (PTM) with the help of two famous fishery statistical routine...
Inga Kowalewska-Łuczak1 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska2,*
...milk and reproductive traits in the Polish Holstein-Friesian cattle (black and white variety). Analysis of genotypes of individual species was carried out using the PCR-RFLP. The frequency of the most occurring alleles for the individual polymorphisms studied was the following g.18174 A>G NCF4 gene A
Adeen Kiran1, Umar Farooq Gohar1*, Ayesha Farooq1, Malik Muhammad Asif2 and Hamid Mukhtar1
Redressal of Antibiotic Resistance using Plant Extracts present in plants and its ability to kill these pathogens and microbial inability to develop resistance against these pathogens. Therefore, the trend has been shifting from using synthetic or semi-synthetic antibiotics to the use of medicinal plants which are the part and parcel of traditional medicines. Thus, this review article explains the different mechanisms adopted by microbial life to develop resistance against antibiotics. This article also explains...
Yifan Ni1, Jian Liu1, Fen Wu1, Jianfeng Cai1, Jinzhi Zhang1*, Jianqing Hua2 and Jiping Fu2
...ion with reproductive traits in Landrace, Large Yorkshire and Jinhua sows. A total of 316 sows of three different breeds were used to examine the genotypes, and DNA sequencing method was employed to detect the potential SNPs in this study. There were two SNP loci found in these genes totally. One mutation (G→A) was detected in exon 1 of MDR1 gene, which caused a synonymous mutation of amino acid (Leu→Leu), the other one (T→A) in exon 7 of...

Muhammad Jahanzaib1*, Nazakat Nawaz1, Muhammad Arshad1, Shehzadi Saima4, Muhammad Suhaib2, Muzammil Husain3, Haris Khurshid1 and Shahid Ali Khan1

Effect of Temporal Application of Gypsum on Mineral Uptake and Economically Important Morphometric Traits in Groundnut (Arachis hypogea L) under Rain-fed Conditions
...f gypsum application and its effect on groundnut yield, morphometric parameters, and minerals (Ca, K, P) concentration in root and shoot have been examined. A newly released Pothowar groundnut variety (Variety name) was grown in 3 replications with 5 m row length using a randomized complete block design. Five different treatments were applied in two split doses i.e. T1 (0 %:100 %), T2 (25 %:75 %), T3 (50 %:50 %), T4 (75 %:25 %), and T5 (100 %:0 %) at the time ...
Anjali Khadka1*, Subodh Raj Pandey2, Subarna Sharma Acharya3, Amrit Poudel4 and Sushma Adhikari1
Morphological Evaluation and Multivariate Analysis of Soybean Glycine max (L.) Merrill Genotypes in Western Mid-Hills of Nepal
...n and contribution of traits on yield, the varietal trial was performed at Regional Agricultural Research Station (RARS), Lumle, Kaski, Nepal. Sixteen soybean genotypes were placed out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. According to mean performance, the genotypes F778817, G-1873 and KAVRE performed better and were found high yielding. Phenotypic coefficient of variation was found to be higher than the genotypic coefficient of varia...
Abdul Hameed1*, Ihtsham ul Haq Padda2 and Abdul Salam3
Estimating Food Consumption Patterns in Pakistan by Using Ideal Demand System
...riculture, livestock and its related industries.


Muhammad Ali Shah, Faiz Ur Rehman, Abbas Mehmood, Fareed Ullah, Sayed Irfan Shah and Syed Majid Rasheed*

Combining Ability, Heritability and Gene Action Assessment in Rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) for Yield and Yield Attributes
... and yield associated traits, utilizing randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two replications, at Bacha Khan Agricultural Research Farm (BARF), Charsadda, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan during the growing season of 2017-18. The data were collected for pods related traits and total yield. The results of the study showed significant differences among parents and F1’s for all the studied tra...

Ghulam Rabbani1, Uzma Javed1*, Javed Iqbal2, Ruqeah Mustafa3, Ghulam Shabbir2 and Fida Hassan Shah4

Barani Mash a Newly Developed Disease Resistant and High Yielding Mash Cultivar for Rainfed Areas of Punjab, Pakistan
...t. Based on desirable traits and higher yield, this line was approved with name of “Barani Mash” by the Punjab Seed Council for its cultivation on commercial level in rainfed areas of Punjab. “Barani Mash” will prove to be a good alternative of existing cultivars and cultivation of this cultivar would help to increase the productivity and income of mash growers in Barani tract.


Muhammad Luqman1*, Roshan Hussain1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Muhammad Umer Mehmood1, Ijaz Asghar2 and Usman Saleem1

Comparative Analysis of Dietary Intake Patterns of Rural and Urban Communities of Southern Punjab, Pakistan
...fers wheat bread with fruits and vegetables. Fruits, dry fruits and legumes are a best source of attaining maximum micro and macro nutrients. In comparison to this rural community of the study area perceived that vegetables and fruits are rich in macro and micro nutrients. Keeping in view the dietary pattern of rural as well as urban localities, best sui...

Amjed Ali1, Rafi Qamar1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Salman Saleem2, Sami Ullah3, Muhammad Arshad Javed4 and Syed Wasim Hasan5

Development and Growth: Influence of Sowing Dates on Performance of Cotton Cultivars’s economy since its existence. The cotton crop is considered the backbone of agriculture and research are mandatory to augment its production. Indigenous cultivars have an impressive production potential while climatic sowing dates fluctuation during crop planting is the leading hindrance in its production. Therefore, this one-year field experiment was performed to assess the resu...

Sajid Ali1, Abdul Basit1,3*, Abdul Mateen Khattak1, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Izhar Ullah2, Noor Alam Khan3, Imran Ahmad1, Kamran Rauf1, Salman Khan1, Irfan Ullah1 and Intizar Ahmad1

Managing the Growth and Flower Production of Zinnia (Zinnia elegans) through Benzyle Amino Purine (BAP) Application and Pinching
...ess of plant by reducing its height. Similarly, pinching of terminal branches increase the cytokinins and decrease auxin concentrations flourishing the axillary buds. A research study on the growth and production of zinnia flowers through application of BAP (25, 50, 75 and 100 mg L-1) and pinching (2, 4 and 6 leaf stages), was carried out at The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan. Research analysis showed that zinnia plants treated with 100mg.L-1 and...

Shujaat Ali1,2*, Tariq Ahmad Jan3, Khalil Ur Rahman3, Shah Masaud Khan2, Ijaz Hussain2, Waseem Ahmad2, Qasim Ayub2, Muhammad Abbas1 and Israr Ahmad1

Effect of Room Condition on Sweetening and other Chemical Components of Different Cultivars of Potato in Swat District increase and reached its peak level after 30 and 45 days of storage. The Cultivar Means showed that the highest dry matter (21.605 %) was recorded in Diamont while the lowest was recorded in Desiree cultivar. Vitamin C decreased significantly in Diamont and Desiree cultivars in first 45 days of storage while minimum vitamin C was recorded in Kruda cultivar after 60 days of storage. The total decrease in Vitamin C remained about of 76 % throughout the 90 % ...

Ali Zohaib1*, Habib Ullah2, Shakeel Ahmad Anjum2, Tahira Tabassum2, Muzzammil Hussain1, Mohsin Nawaz3, Ghulam Abbas4 and Sohail Irshad5

Effect of NPK Fertilization Strategies on Growth, Yield, Nutrient Use Efficiency and Economic Benefits of Relay Intercropped Wheat in Cotton
...(NUEA) and economic benefits of relay-intercropped wheat in cotton. Fertilization timing significantly affected growth, yield and NUEA of wheat. Application of T4 (all PK at sowing, ½ N at sowing and ½ at tillering) caused maximum improvement in plant height, fertile tillers, grains per spike, biological yield, grain yield and NUEA. Economic analysis also manifested that the greatest net returns and benefit cost ratio (BCR) were obtained by same ...

Muhammad Shaheen

Mining Patterns from Complex Energy Dataset: A Case Study of Pakistan’s Energy Sector
...onmental factors defines its prominence in sustainability. To ensure sustainable energy development the consumption and production patterns may comply with each other and may also comply with the conditions of sustainability. This paper reviewed the current state of energy in Pakistan and proposed an automated intelligent geographic decision support system that ensures optimal energy development plan for the country in order to cope with the current energy cri...
Jun Yan Bai1*, Ren Tao Di Wu2, Qiang Zhang2, Di Bao2, Le Ma Dao2 and Xing Hua Tian3
...ed with the body size traits of Sonid bactrian camels, so as to provide reference for marker-assisted selection of Sonid bactrian camels. The results showed that 64 alleles were detected in 17 microsatellite markers. The average number of alleles was 3.7647, the average heterozygosity was 0.6205, and the average polymorphism information content was 0.5602. It showed that the population of Sonid bactrian camel had high genetic diversity. Among 17 microsatellite...
Haseeb Nisar1, Usman Pasha1, Kiran Hanif1, Rizwan Abid1Rehan Ahmad Khan Sherwani2, Haja N. Kadarmideen3 and Saima Sadaf1*
...6 gene (IL-6) and its promoter regions have extensively been studied because of their potential role in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Due to the confounding results, reported in several studies, we performed the systematic literature search on IL-6 -572 G/C polymorphism (rs1800796 SNP) and assessed its association with RA in the overall world population, and in the subgroup analysis of Asian and Cauca...
Zhilong Tian1, 2, Yuqin Wang2, Jishun Tang1,3 and Mingxing Chu1*
...ion of high fecundity traits in sheep. A total of 384 small tail han sheep (STH) were sampled to detect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), and Sequenom Mass ARRAY®SNP assay was applied to genotype SNP loci of the SYNE2 gene. In this study, four SNPs were identified and that SNPs were identified that involved in amino acid changes. Population genetic analysis indicated that SYNE2 gene g.73310578G>A, g.73312791A>G showed mod...
Sukhpreet Kaur Sidhu*, Gurkirat Singh Sekhon, Randeep Kaur Aulakh and Tejdeep Kaur Kler
...t on avian diversity and its services of composition in relation to vegetation distribution to understand their biodiversity. Four natural ponds and one man-made pond were surveyed at three locations viz. Ludhiana (location I), Ropar (location II) and Ferozpur (location III) falling in three agro climatic zones. A total of 51 bird species belonging to 31 families and 15 orders were recorded from studied locations. A diverse range of vegetation distribution was...
Chaojie Yang1,2,3, Haishan Wang1,2,3, Le Ye1,2,3 and Zhi Chen1,2,3,*
...fine their geographic limits.
Mardan Aghabey Turghan1, Roller MaMing1*, Li Weidong2, Di Jie1 and Xu Guohua1
...ntain Nature Reserve and its adjacent areas, including parts of Kunlun Mountain, Qimantagh and Kumkul Basin, is provided as part of the basic data for a second nation-wide field survey of wildlife resources of China (2010-2020). The information provided is based on field observations made from 2010 to 2017. A total of 172 bird species belonging to 95 genera of 42 families of 19 orders were identified as occurring in the reserve, accounting for 37.9% of the tot...

Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Naimatullah Leghari2, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio3, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro4, Nadia Mangrio1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5

Evaluation of Irrigation Frequencies and Seed Priming with Plant Nutrients on Growth and Yield of Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) Genotypes
...rice. The experimental units were consisted of three factors: irrigation frequencies (two, three, four and five); seed priming (no priming, Priming of seed with canal water, 1.0% Urea and 0.2% Zinc sulphate); and two genotypes of sunflower (HO-1) and (Hysun-33). The analysis of data indicated that irrigation frequencies, seed priming and their interaction affected significantly (P≤ 0.05) on growth and yields of traits of ...

Yuan Xing, Congming Tan, Yan Luo and Wenjun Liu* 

...inflammation in mice and its possible mechanism of action. The mice received varying doses of quercetin from 22-30 days (1, 10 and 50 mg / kg, p.o.) and montelukast (10 mg / kg, p.o.). Intranasal OVA has been instilled on the 21 days. Biochemical parameters, spleen weight, physiological parameters, interleukin (IL-1β and IL-6) parameters and immunoglobin-E (IgE) were calculated at the end of the experimental study. To investigate the potential mechanism o...

Zarqa Khalid1*, Muhammad Asad ur Rehman Naseer1, Raza Ullah1 and Shahzad Khan2

Measuring the Global Trade Competitiveness of Pakistan’s Cotton Crop a net importer due to its continuous domestic consumption and stagnant yield. This study aims to assess the trade competitiveness of cotton crop for the world’s 10 leading cotton exporters using revealed comparative advantage indices and relative competitive advantage indices such as Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), Revealed Symmetric Comparative Advantage (RSCA), Relative Import Advantage (RMA), Relative Export Advantage (RXA) and Relative Trade...

Sanaullah1*, Abdul Basit2 and Inayat Ullah3

Challenges and Prospects of Farm Mechanization in Pakistan: A Case Study of Rural Farmers in District Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
...ce (0.004), extension visits (0.009), access to credit (0.002) and access to agricultural machines (0.006) on farm mechanization adoption. The study emphasized that government may make agricultural mechanization and farming resources available and reachable to the farmers in order to persuade farmers in using them to maximize production, arrange awareness trainings and subsidize costly agricultural inputs.


Chibuzo Uzoma Izuogu1*, Robert Ugochukwu Onyeneke1, Loveday Chukwudi Njoku1, Gillian Chidozie Azuamairo1 and Mary Chikerenma Atasie2


Repositioning Nigeria’s Agricultural Extension System Towards Building Climate Change Resilience
... in Nigeria by worsening its operational environment. Changes in rainfall pattern have made it cumbersome for effective implementation of extension advice in real time. Training needs of extension workers for climate change resilience among others include the need to bridge digital divide, implementation of strategies for a better interface with development partners and optimization of the use indigenous mitigation strategies for climate change. The review rec...
Muhammad Shafiq1,2,*,Rajwali Khan1, Ilyas Ali3, Sadeeq Ur Rahman4, Saif Ullah3Shah Jan Mohammad2, Mohammad Jan2 and Jinhu Huang2

Delower Hossain1,5, Shuvo Singha2,5, Chelsea Marie Van Thof3, Sanna Gough3 and AHM Musleh Uddin4,5*

Effect of Somatic Cells on Milk Quality and Human Health
...tic cell count (SCC) and its effects on milk quality and human health.


Ambreen Akhtar Saddozai1, Amer Mumtaz2, Naseem Rauf1, Saeeda Raza2, Nouman Rashid Siddiqui2, Muhammad Naeem Safdar2, Sahar Shibli2, Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim3*, Muhammad Akhtar4 and Muhammad Saad Rehan5

Preparation and Quality Evaluation of Soymilk Carrot Blend
... temperatures to improve its pro vitamin A profile. Soymilk being potential source of protein was used as a carrier of pro- vitamin A. Carrot powder was blended in soya milk at three different concentrations levels 2%, 4% and 6% and packed in sterilized bottles. The product was kept at two different temperatures (ambient and refrigerated temperature) for 14 days to assess its shelf life. During the storage period the samples...

Muhammad Tariq Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akhtar2, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Muhammad Saleem2, Ali Aziz2, Irfan Rasool2, Zeshan Ali3 and Muhammad Amin2

An Update on Biology, Extent of Damage and Effective Management Strategies of Chickpea Pod Borer (Helicoverpa armigera)
Zhen-Yang Wu1, Li Li1, Yu-Hua Fu2, Sheng Wang3, Qing-Ming An1, Xiao-Hui Tang4, Xiao-Yong Du3,5,* and Fei Zhou6,*
...n of Tibetan carpets and its coat color as one of important economic traits which can affect wool price directly. In this study, to investigate the functional roles of genes in Tibetan sheep skin with different coat colors, we sequenced genes from six skin samples using Solexa sequencing. The RNA-Seq analysis generated 63,283,784 and 63,644,062 clean reads in black and white skin, respectively. A total of 60 differentially e...
Minghao Gong1*, Shiliang Pang2, Zhongyan Gao2, Wanyu Wen1, Ling Zhang3, Gang Liu1, Huixin Li1, Fawen Qian4 and Wenfeng Wang2
...limate change because of its large body size, short migration distance, and specialized diet. We examined climate change-induced RCC habitat shifts and suggested some purposeful, resolute and crucial improvements needed to protect appropriate areas that ensure the RCC’s long-term survival. Based on monitored data of nesting locations and climate variables gathered from 2014 to 2017 around Zhalong Reserve on the Songnen Plain in northeast China, we used f...
Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Hui Rong Gong, Xiao Ning Lu and Zi Heng Li
...rphism on the carcass traits of laying quail. The polymorphism of ESR1 gene exon 4 in three laying quail populations was detected by PCR product sequencing, and the correlation between ESR1 gene and carcass traits of laying quail was analyzed. The results show that, Exon 4 of ESR1 gene among Beijing white quail, the pectora weight and pectoral muscle rate of CC genotype was significantly higher than that of CT and TT genotyp...
Shikang Deng1,2, Yan Jin2, Jing Xu2, Xiufang Zhu2, Pinghai Hu2, Jiao Li2, Li Zhang2 and Jianzhong Tang2,*
...anisms may be related to its ability to inhibit the expression of TGF-β1, cyclinD1, and CDK4 in bile duct scar fibroblasts.
Somia Shehzadi1, Sana Javaid Awan2, Maryam Javed1*, Asif Nadeem1 and Tahir Yaqub3
... scarce in availability, its alternatives are needed. This study proposed autologous equine serum (AES) and adult bovine serum (ABS) to be evaluated as alternative to FBS. ATFs were cultured in DMEM-HG and supplemented with 10% FBS, 10% AES and 10% ABS. At passage 4, each group showed same morphology and appearance, there was also no significant difference between any groups, when viability was compared by using Trypan blue staining. Collagen1 was also equally...
Muhammad Shoaib1, Imran Rashid1*, Haroon Akbar1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh2, Shahid Hussain Farooqi3, Muhammad Asif3, Mumtaz Ali Khan4, Shakeel Mahmood5 and Farhan Anwar Khan6
...obally. In accordance to its economic impact the current study was conducted in three districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan i.e. Mardan, Kohat and Swat. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of ixodid ticks and associated animals’ related risk factors. A total of 434 tick infested cattle from three districts were examined conveniently. The genus Rhipicephalus was the most prevalent (68.4%) followed by Hyalomma <...
Jun Yan Bai*, Kun Peng Shi, Xiao Ning Lu, Xiao Hong Wu, Xue Yan Fu, Heng Cao, Hong Deng Fan, Meng Ke Chen and Yong Kang Ma
Rabia Riaz1, Khushi Muhammad1*, Masood Rabbani1, Muhammad Amjad Iqbal2, Aamir Riaz Khan2, Sadia Sarfaraz1, Mudassar Naseer3 and Khalid Majeed1
...91.59, 169.76 and 0.15 units respectively on 35 days post-vaccination. It is concluded that NDV has insignificant immunomodulatory effect on antibody response of birds to the MG vaccine.
Aamer Sharif1,*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi1 and Riaz Muhammad2
...nt sources of energy for its low cost, user- friendly, reliable and clean generation of electricity. Gravitational water vortex power plant is certainly one of such low head hydro turbines in which the potential energy of free surface flowing water is converted into kinetic energy through vortex turbine that tangentially passing the water into the basin, which forms a powerful water vortex. This study is the experimental analysis of novel runner which has the ...
Gulzar Ahmad*, Muhammad Bilal Khan, Junaid Bahadar Khan and Faheem Ali
...materials to investigate its performance for its employment in future higher frequencies wireless applications in general and 5G cellular applications in particular. In the past, researchers employed different dielectric substrates to analyze microstrip patch antenna in low frequency range. In the presented research work three different dielectric materials were investigated in the higher frequency range starting from 12GHz ...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah1, Waheed S. Khan2, Shafqat Saeed1 and Kashif Razzaq3

Application of Nanotechnology for Insect Pests Management: A Review
...rops i.e. vegetables, fruits, ornamental and field crops. In past decade, these insect pests had been controlled by the application of synthetic insecticides but due to the injurious application of these insecticides causes the development of resistance, environmental pollution, pest resurgence and unwanted effects on humans, animals and beneficial fauna. The pesticides residues remain in the different parts of the crops and cause the lethal effects on human h...

Sabina Noor1*, Fatimah Abang1 and Hamady Dieng2

Biology of an Exotic Butterfly Acraea terpsicore (Linnaeus, 1758) (Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae), in a Newly Invaded Region, Sarawak, Borneo
... region and has expanded its distribution range southward through Southeast Asia and Australia. Currently establishing its population in Kalimantan, it was firstly detected in Sarawak in 2013. Comparative observations on the life-cycle were conducted in relation to the urbanization levels. Passiflora foetida was recorded as the primary host plant of this species. Fecundity in a single cohort varied from 30 to 85 eggs, wherea...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1*, Sultan Ahmad Rizvi1, Aaqib Riaz2, Waqas Naseem1, Ghulam Muhammad1, Mazher Iqbal3, Humara Umer3 and Inam ul Haq3

Apposite Sowing Techniques to Optimize Productivity and Profitability of Berseem
...epeated cuttings. Gap in its yield is required to be addressed, which is aim of the current study. This study was carried out to select an appropriate sowing technique for optimization of fodder and seed yield as well as to maximize the net return. The experiment was conducted using five sowing techniques viz., broadcast, different row sowing with spacing of 15 cm, 30 cm, 45 cm and 60 cm. Sowing was done during first week of October during each year using seed...

Tofique Ahmed Bhutto1, Mahmooda Buriro1, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2, Safdar Ali Wahocho2, Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro3*, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1, Reema Vistro1, Fehmeeda Abbasi1, Sanam Kumbhar1, Fateh Muhammad Shawani4 and Nadar Hussain Khokhar5

Evaluation of Wheat Cultivars for Growth and Yield Traits under Agro-Ecological Condition of Tandojam
... and yield associated traits. The highly varied performance of crop cultivars of the same species for growth and yield-related attributes is well documented. The present investigation investigated the performance of wheat cultivars under Tando Jam conditions. For this study, two-year field experiments were performed during October 2015-2017 (both seasons) applying randomized complete design with three replications. Performance of various wheat varieties for th...

Bina Khanzada1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Bhai Khan Solangi1 and Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani2

Effect of Morphological Characters of Indigenous Sugarcane Varieties on Population of Chilo infuscatellus (Snellen) and its parasitoid, Cotesia flavipes (Cameron)
...regions of the world for its management. Considering the significant role of morphological characters of sugarcane varieties on infestation of C. infuscatellus, thus, on parasitism of C. flavipes, this study was conducted in 2013 and 2014. Ten sugarcane varieties i.e., NIA-98, NIA-2004, Thatta-10, Gulab-95, BL-4, L-116, SPS-26, AEC86-223, AEC82-1026 and Larkana-201 were used in the study, each sown on half acre area at Experimental field of Nuclear Institute o...

Zafar Abbas1*, Shahzada Munawar Mehdi2, Muhammad Nasir3, Muhammad Ashraf4, Salma Kausar5, Nadeem Iqbal6, Muhammad Zahid Khan Nazar7, Iftikhar Ahmad3, Ghulam Murtaza1 and Ijaz Ahmad8

Evaluation of Best Dose of Micronutrients (Zinc, Iron and Boron) to Combat Malnutrition in Brinjal (Solanum melongena L.) yield, number of fuits plant-1 and survival percentage except number of leaves plant-1 which were maximum in T4 i.e. (100-60-50)+ ZnSO4 0.5%. Concludingly, growth parameters of all the theree cultivars of egg plant showed maximum performance i.e plant height (88.57, 139.77 and 135.11 cm), fruit weight (213, 284 and 261 g), yield (10.11, 11.98 and 12.39 t ha-1), survival percentage (95.71, 99.63 and 90.23%) and number of fruits

Saba Aleem1*, Mehvish Tahir2, Iram Sharif3, Muqadas Aleem4, Muhammad Najeebullah2, Ali Nawaz1, Amina Batool1, Muhammad Imran Khan1 and Waheed Arshad1

Principal Component and Cluster Analyses as Tools in the Assessment of Genetic Diversity for Late Season Cauliflower Genotypes
...ribution of different traits to the total variation. In the present study, nineteen genotypes were evaluated for presence of genetic diversity through principal component and cluster analyses. The experiment was designed in randomized complete block design with two replications at the experimental area of Vegetable Research Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan in 2019. In the principal component analysis, first three principal components had eigenvalue >1 and co...

Inam Ul Haq1*, Humara Umar2, Naeem Akhtar3, Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2 and Muhammad Ijaz1

Techniques for Micropropagation of Olive (Olea europaea L.): A Systematic Review
...ivated for centuries and its value added products are consumed worldwide. The traditional propagation techniques of olive are uneconomical with wastage of time while micropropagation of olive may expedite the development of important characteristics like biotic and abiotic resistance with high yield and premium quality olive oil. However, the commercial micropropagation of olive trees is currently not enough because of production cost and globally; it is mostl...

Muhammad Umair Hassan1, Muhammad Aamer1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Abdul Rehman3, Talha Aslam3, Ubaid Afzal4, Bilal Ahmad Shahzad3, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub5, Faryal Ahmed1, Ma Qiaoying1, Su Qitao1 and Huang Guoqin1*

Agronomic Bio-Fortification of Wheat to Combat Zinc Deficiency in Developing Countries
...tegies and possible benefits of both these strategies also discussed in this review.


Muhammad Farooq1*, Elham Azadfar2, Zohre Bahrami3, Mahniya Sharifi3, A. Shakoor4, Shabir Ahmed5, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, Muhammad Noman Khan6, Memona Siddique7, Naila Ilyas8*, Muhammad Bakhtiar9, Mohamed El-Fatieh Ismael1 and Wang Yunyang1

Optimization of Drying Process of Rambutan by Combined Method of Osmosis Ultrasound and Complementary Drying of Hot Air
...ase the shelf life of fruits and vegetables. Using osmosis-ultrasound before drying with hot air causes the preservation of nutrients in products and reduces heat energy to remove the produc water. In this study, after osmosis pretreatment, samples were put under an osmosis dehydration process. First, using Osmosis-ultrasound with 40.5% concentration in Sekanjabin solution then dried in an oven at a temperature of 70°C. The characteristics of solid gain, w...
Muhammad Umar1, Muhammad Arshad2, Mubashar Hussain1*, Moazama Batool3 and Muhammad Faheem Malik1
...ithin the permissible limits. However, the levels of Cr2+, Pb2+ and Cd2+ were higher than safe limits. The concentration of these metals showed variation in different months of the year. An extensive monitoring of the lake and catchment area is suggested in order to address the threats posed by heavy metals.
Ashara Sajid1, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Saeed Rauf 2, Zahoor Hussain3, Salman Ahmad1 and Yasir Iftikhar1,*
...ttle, lopsided unripe fruits, and aborted seeds were observed. The highest incidence of 26% was recorded in Kot Momin, while the lowest incidence of 4.6% was found in Sahiwal. Among the cultivars, the highest disease incidence in mosambi (C. sinensis)and Kinnow (C. reticulate)was recorded 26% in Kot Momin and 23% in Bhalwal, respectively. Leaves samples were collected from the diseased trees to isolate DNA and to confirm greening pathogen wi...
Umair Faheem1*, Qaisar Abbas1, Saghir Ahmad2, Ghayour Ahmad2, Abdul Karim2and Mussurat Hussain1
...wing insect pests during its growth, which results in the significant reduction of the cotton yield. Among these insect pests, Amrasca biguttula biguttula ‘Jassid’ are the most destructive ones. Beside these insect pests, environmental factors also affect the cotton production as well as population fluctuations of insect pests. The current study was designed to measure the impact of different meteorological limitations i.e. temperature (
Ghulam Sarwar1, Amna Nazir1*, Muhammad Rizwan1, Eram Shahzadi2 and Abid Mahmood3
... loading of earliness traits, fiber fineness and negative factor loading of sympodia per plant and seed cotton yield. In PC-II, there was maximum positive factor loading of bolls per plant and GOT % while negative factor loading for CLCuV % and fiber length. A biplot between PC-I and PC-II showed that major contribution towards variability of fiber fineness and earliness traits among the studied genotypes. In cluster analysi...
Faiza Altaf1, Shamim Gul1,2*, Tasawar Ali Chandio3, Gul Bano Rehman1, Attiq-ur-Rehman Kakar4, Sami Ullah4, Naqeebullah Khan4, Umbreen Shaheen5, Muhammad Naeem Shahwani6, Muhammad Ajmal7 and Misbah Manzoor8
...ion capacity of biochar, its amendment in heavy metal-contaminated soils is known for reducing soil toxicity to crops. This pot-based study investigated influences of wood-derived biochar and farmyard manure-derived (cow dung-derived) biochar as mixtures with air-dried poultry manure on the growth and concentration of heavy metals in edible tissues of tomato and lettuce. These biochars were separately mixed with poultry manure as 1:1 ratio on air-dry weight ba...
Muhammad Muhsin1, Muhammad Nawaz2, Imran Khan1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3,Sadia Khan4, Muhammad Talha Aslam1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Muhammad Zubair Amin6, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub7, Usman Anwar8, Muhammad Umair Hassan1 and Muhammad Umer Chattha1*
...ease in yield related traits.
Abdul Hafeez1*, Akhtar Nawaz Khan2 and Zahid Ullah3
...ty graphics processing units (GPU) and accomplish the decision-making in real-time has gained traction in a gamut of recent biomedical applications. This review article investigates the use of state-of-the-art GPUs to benefit the biomedical community through real-time decision-making from huge amount of biomedical data mainly due to its massively parallel architecture. The recent advances in GPUs such as Fermi- and Kepler-ba...
Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,2*, Muhammad Ajmal3, Iftikhar Zeb1,4 and Muhammad Azeem Khan1,5
...y state after exhausting its maximum adsorption capacity. Whereas in the fine textured silt loam soil, a decreasing trend for the total water potential was recorded. The conversion of osmotic potential and electrical conductivity has been already been researched and the readings are interchangeable if conversion is desired. This method can be used as an alternative to the existing traditional methods for measuring the soil salinity. It is also expected that th...

 Shuanping Zhao, Lei Xu, Hai Jin and Yutang Jia*

...eir effects on growth traits in Chinese Dabieshan (DBS) cattle. By DNA sequencing and (forced) PCR-RFLP methods, three polymorphisms (g.1500G>A, g.1694T>A and g.2213C>G) were identified and genotyped in our population (n=298). Genetic diversity analysis showed that g.1500G>A and g.1694T>A belonged to an intermediate level of genetic diversity (0.25<PIC<0.5), and SNP g.2213C>G belonged to a low polymorphism level (PIC<0.25). LD (Linka...
Faheem Ahmed Khan1*, Sarzamin Khan2, Qurat-ul-Ain3, Saqib Ishaq1Muhammad Salman1, Abdul Rehman1, Ikram Ullah4, Kalsoom5 and Johar Jamil5
Abdul Waheed Solangi, Lei Zhang, Yunxia Cheng and Xingfu Jiang*
...suite of life-history traits on progeny growth i.e. developmental time, larval and pupal mass. We found that forced flight females had early oviposition with higher fecundities and shorter lifespan, whereas control females had delay oviposition with lower fecundities and longer lifespan. In addition, to these maternal effects, flight stimulated changes in maternal egg provisioning had direct significances on progeny life history traits...
Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Hera Gul2, Malik Muhammad Yousaf1, Sami Ullah3, Ghulam Sabir Hussain4, Mumtaz Hussain1, Jahangir Shah1, Bashir Ahmad1, Rao Wali Muhammad1, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Zeshan6 spaced 100 x 100 cm, pits, 90 cm spaced single rows and 90 cm spaced double row strips. The quadruplicated experiment already laid out according to RCBD for the plant crop, used for this study. The sugarcane was sown on September 8 2015, and in late February, 2017 it was harvested. Consequent ratoon was the test crop. The latter was harvested on 16th of February, 2018. Observa...
Muhammad Hamayoon Khan*, Niaz Hussain Khuhro, Muhammad Awais, Muhammad Usman Asif and Raza Muhammad damages to various fruits. The present study was executed to record the population dynamics of these fruit fly species in guava and mango orchards with respect to meteorological factors using methyl eugenol-baited traps. The results revealed that population of both the species highly fluctuated round the year. B. zonata appeared to be the most abundant species both in mango and guava orchards as compared to B. dorsalis. The highest mean number...
Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Muhammad Mohsin Raza1*, Mumtaz Hussain1, Jahangir Shah1, Rao Wali Muhammad1, Sami Ullah2,3, Hera Gul4, Ijaz Ahmad5 and Muhammad Zeshan6
...ed wide attention due to its economic value, potential by-products and ability to withstand vagaries of the desert environment. By realizing the economic importance of this high-value desert plant, a pioneer study on seed germination response to various agro-climatic factors was conducted at the Arid Zone Research Institute Bahawalpur. Healthy jojoba seeds were sown at the fortnightly intervals by dividing the whole year into 16 treatments to identify the opti...
Muhammad Zubair1, Habib Ahmad2*, Brian E. Hemphill3, Muhammad Tariq4 and Muzafar Shah5
...non metric phenotypic traits of the mature teeth, in three ethnic groups’ viz. Daudzai, Khalil and Mohmand of Peshawar districts, of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province (KP) of Pakistan. Dental casts obtained from both mandible and maxilla of 375 volunteers in which 75 male and 50 females of all the tribes. The dental casts for each individual were analyzed for a set of 35 tooth-trait accordance with the Arizona State University Dental Morphology System. The...
Wali Muhammad1*, Humayun Javed1, Munir Ahmad1 and Tariq Mukhtar2
...wing times might provide its long-term control and safety to the environment. In the present study, effect of four sowing dates was evaluated on the infestation of L. orbonalis on brinjal at two locations in the Pothwar region of Pakistan. The study revealed that sowing dates influenced infestation by brinjal shoot and fruit borer. Shoot infestation significantly varied on brinjal at both locations sown at different dates. The maximum average shoot infe...
Syahruddin Said1*, Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra1 and Dani Nur Arifin2
...e (SNP g.1553C>T) and its association with service per conception (S/C) of Pasundan cows of West Java, Indonesia. Total of 147 Pasundan cows were used in this study. The PCR-RFLP analysed three genotypes of CC (0.11), CT (0.57) and TT (0.32) were detected in the Pasundan bLHR/HhaI gene with T allele as the dominant allele (0.61). Observed (Ho) and expected (He) heterozygosity had similar values of 0.48. The polymorphic informati...
Muhammad Rashid, Mahmood Ahmad Sajid, Nosheen Noor Elahi, Sibgha Noreen and Kausar Hussain Shah*
...sitively associated with its potential of drought stress tolerance. This study provided a helpful understanding of the significant role of the antioxidant defense system of wheat crop especially the variety F23 in drought stress tolerance. 
Muneer Abbas1*, Dilbar Hussain2, Muhammad Saleem2, Abdul Ghaffar2Sohail Abbas3, Niaz Hussain1 and Abdul Ghaffar1
...he trade of Pakistani fruits in foreign markets. Use of IPM is best way to control fruit fly by avoiding harmful insecticidal spray application in order to save natural enemies and environment. Experiment was conducted in three guava, citrus and mango producing districts of Punjab i.e. Faisalabad, Sargodha, Toba Tek Singh with five treatments. Each experimental unit comprised of 1 ha area. Five treatments viz. A=sanitation, B=MAT, C= protein base...
Guofang Wu1,2, Xingxing Xue1, Wenjuan Shen1, Lei Wang1,2*, Yuhong Ma1 and Jiping Zhou1
...wn that teat number exhibits moderate levels of heritability that could be accelerated by the use of a genetic marker, such as microsatellites. Based on our preliminary sequencing data, the present study describes the use of time-of-flight mass spectrometry (TOF-MS) to identify the locations of four new microsatellites in Qinghai Bamei pig (n=256), an indigenous breed of Chinese pig. TOF-MS demonstrated that the L1-(GT)n locus had three alleles: 152...

Muhammad Jahanzaib1*, Nazakat Nawaz1, Muhammad Arshad1, Haris Khurshid1, Muzamil Hussain2 and Shahid Ali Khan1



...erior varieties and lift its production. Germplasm characterization plays a vital role in improved cultivars’ development. The current study was conducted to estimate genetic variability, traits association, and path coefficient analysis in eleven groundnut advanced breeding lines together with check vis BARD-479, using randomized complete block design with three replications at National Agricultural Research Ce...
Muhammad Qayash Khan1,2, Muhammad Zubair Anjum2, Muhammad Adnan3, Abbas Khan1, Hafsa Zahid1, Javed Nawab4, Sher Zaman Safi5Muhammad Ishaq Ali Shah6, Atif Kamil7 and Abid Ali1*
...phologically identified, its mitochondrial DNA was extracted and subjected to molecular characterization by amplifying and sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (CO1) gene. The sequencing data revealed rich genetic diversity among fish specimens belonging to the genus Schizothorax. For the genus Tor, as was commonly believed of having two species (Tor putitora and Tor macrolepus), the sequencing data was not in ...
Rao Muhammad Ramiz1, Arfan Ahmad2*, Aamir Ghafoor2, Muhammad Avais3, Qurat-ul-Ain1 and Muhammad Zahid Iqbal3 on BLV to find out its true picture.
Nosheen Basharat1, Usman Waheed2,3*, Muhammad Arshad1, Noor e Saba4, Iram Masood1, Akhlaaq Wazeer1, Ahmad Farooq1, Sadaf Moneeba1Abdul Rauf5 and Hasan Abbas Zaheer2,3


...hy blood donors and find its relationship with hepatitis B and hepatitis C seropositivity. The study was conducted at the Department of Pathology and Transfusion Medicine, Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Medical University, Islamabad, from November 2016 to June 2017. Total 282 samples were selected after routine blood screening of Hepatitis B and C, of which 75 were HCV positive (asymptomatic), 75 were HBV positive (asymptomatic) and 132 were from healthy (without HCV an...
Riffat Sultana1*, Nuzhat Soomro2, Santosh Kumar3 and Ahmed Ali Samajo2 vibration and jerking its body antero-posteriorly. We quantified elapsed time of each behavioral sequence i.e. age of maturation, duration of pre-copulatory and mating, interval between each mating, length of copulation, and number of mating in entire life of insect and also discussed its implications in the observed mating behavior. We examined that reproductive activity of Oxyinae was at ...
Tanveer Hussain, Masroor Ellahi Babar*, Akhtar Ali and Fiaz Hussain
... instigate us to explore its genetic architecture. Pakistan boasts a camel population of about 20 different breeds and a total of one million head. However, till date, scarce genetic data is available on Pakistani camel’s genomics. In efforts to explore the genetics of the camel, we chose to study the Inteferon beta 1 (IFNβ1) gene in in Mareecha camel and non-descript camel breeds in Pakistan. We amplified the IFNβ1 gene through PCR, followed b...
Junyan Bai*, Zhihao Dong, Youbing Yang, Ziheng Li, Xiaoning Lu and Huirong Gong
...lysis of meat quality traits at different segmented parts of small-tailed Han sheep was conducted. The results showed that drip losses of back and tendon were obviously lower than those at other parts (P<0.05). Cooking loss of tendon was significantly lower than that at other parts (P<0.05). The shearing force of hind leg was obviously lower than that at other parts (P<0.05). The flesh color of waist was significantly lower than t...

Faiza Aman1,*, Neelam Ara1 and Syed Mehar Ali Shah2



...the nine quantitative traits to assess the variability and association patterns for the characters under study. The genotypes were grown in plots using Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) at Horticulture Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar during 2016-2017 pea growing season. All the studied parameters showed significant (p≤0.01) differences, indicating the presence of sufficient variability among the genotypes. Minimum days to first p...
Sheza Shehzadi1, Mohammad Umar Farooq2*, Rukhsana Kausar1, Ijaz Ali1*, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3 and Maqbool Shahbaz4
...uction of mott grass and its capability to sequester Carbon from the environment in the barani areas of Pothwar region in Pakistan. The research study was conducted under rained condition in the field area of Rangeland Research Institute National Agricultural Research Centre Islamabad. In this regard an experimental plot of one acre area was established in the field area of RRI, NARC, Islamabad. Grass tuft of sized 15 cm was collected from the grass nursery of...
Raheel Saqib1*, Muhammad Luqman2, Saleem Ashraf3, Tahir Munir Butt4, Abdur Rehman5, Imtiaz Hussain6 and Muhammad Umer Mehmood2
...different potential benefits of family farming “minimize household food insecurity” was perceived as the highest with the utmost mean (4.71/5.00). Rural female in the research area faced a number of constraints inefficient adoption of family farming practices. Out of these constraints “non-availability of female rural development practitioners/workers” was on the top with maximum mean value (4.66/5.00). The study recommended that there ...
Sadaqat Khan1,Saleem Ullah1* and Muhammad Sajid2
...67 g/100g and that of fruits with lesser values were also affected significantly (P<0.05). From the present study it was concluded that Se applied in the form of sodium selenite in irrigation and foliar spray considerably affected the physical parameter of tomato hybrid Salar F1, followed by proximate composition while minerals content was less affected. It is recommended that selenium may be added in moderate amount to plants for their physical well-being ...

Muhammad Ihtisham1, Noor Amjad2, Muhammad Nauman3, Asghar Ali3, Khawar Riaz3, Muhammad Sajid3, Muhammad Owais Shahid*3 


...ful ornamental plant and its seeds have the same issue. In this experiment, seeds of Sophora secondiflora were treated with H2SO4 and then sown at different dates. Both H2SO4 scarification and sowing time had a significant effect on germination and seedling growth. The seeds scarified with sulfuric acid for 135 min gave the maximum plant height (25.42 cm), leaves plant-1 (34.45), leaf area (8.00 cm2), stem thickness (0.47 cm), fresh leaves weight (3.31 g), fre...
Waseem Khalid1, Ali Ikram1*, Muhammad Rehan2, Farukh Adeem Afzal1, Saadia Ambreen1, Marryam Ahmad3, Afifa Aziz1 and Anam Sadiq1
Asima Batool1, Ghulam Abbas2*, Zuhair Hasnain3, Nasira Perveen4 and Muhammad Naeem Akhtar5
Ahmad Abrar Khan* and Muhammad Idrees
...nds suitable to stone fruits, vegetables, grain crops, and other cash crops and relaxation in criteria for the government’s establishment orchard and non-government agriculture departments/agencies.
Tariq Ali Mastoi1, Zulfiqar Ali Mastoi2*, Zahoor Ahmed Khetran3, Ghulam Hussain Alizai2, Binish Baig4, Mitha Khan2 and Syed Jahangir Shah1
...respondents obtained credits upto Rs. 40,001-50,000 and others 33.92% secured loan up to Rs.50,001-80,000. It was reported that 51.25 % respondents considered that procedures of the credit are more complicated and difficult to be followed. However, 63.75 % revealed that Passbook is one of the obstacles in getting loan. On the basis of findings, it is suggested that inquire about perceptions of the borrowers in obtaining credit from ZTBL. Although, most of the ...
Javaria Sherani1,2*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani1, Tanveer Ahmad2, Sohail Kamaran3, Abdul Manan2, Tehseen Ali Jilani2 and Mateen Sajid2
...y alternate food crop if its yield and quality is enhanced. Grafting is a widely used technique to improve yield, disease resistance and fruit quality. This work aims to assess the effect of grafting on production, fruit ripening, physical and chemical properties, and nutritional quality of the fruit. Rootstock has a great influence on plant growth and development, including fruit ripening. However, the presence of a cross-interaction between grafting and root...
Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Nadia Mangrio1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1, Zia-ul-Hassan Shah2, Ghulam Sughra Mangrio3, Nihaluddin Mari4, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi1 and Shazia Parveen Tunio5
...lly yield and quality traits.
Md. Sabbir Ahamed1, Md. Rayhan Chowdhury1, Md. Atik Mas-ud1, Sujat Ahmed2, Md. Shahadat Hossain1 and Mohammad Nurul Matin1
...nd yield contributing traits of 13 local rice cultivars grown in Bangladesh were estimated. Results indicated that most traits including, plant height (PH), panicle length (PaL), leaf length (LL), leaf breath (LB), 100-grain weight (100-GW) as well as filled and unfilled grain per panicle (FGPa, UFGPa), and primary branch (PB) obtained significant variation in case of treatment. The genotypic variance (
Yongyun Zhang1, 2, Xinyang Fan1, Fangting Zhou1, Weizhen Li3, Yina Ouyang1,4 and Yongwang Miao1*
... value and production traits of milk. So far, αS1-CN coding gene (CSN1S1) has been widely studied in dairy cattle, but the polymorphisms of the CSN1S1 gene have not been fully understood in buffalo. In this study, the polymorphisms in coding sequence (CDS) of the CSN1S1 gene for river and swamp buffalo were detected using PCR product direct sequencing. The CDS for both types of buffalo was the same in length, which ...
Chen Tongde1, Fakher Abbas1, Jiao Juying1, Shahzada Sohail Ijaz2*, An Shoshan1, Muhammad Ansar3, Qaiser Hussain2, Mah-Noor Azad2 andAyaz Ahmad2
...kwal, 15 investigation units (12 small watersheds and 3 rectangular areas) were selected to investigate the types and characteristics of soil erosion, land use types and soil and water conservation measures, from April 16 to 20, 2019. Map interpreted in the early stage was manually recorded and Ovi interactive map APP was used for location photography to record the land use situation of each map spot in the survey unit. The land use situation was revised based...
Haseeb Khattak1, Imran Ahmad1, Abdul Basit1*, Izhar Ullah1,2, Syed Tanveer Shah1, Humaira Wasila3, Inayat Ullah4, Intizar Ahmad1 and Noman Ahmad1
... number of leaves and fruits plant-1, leaf area, fruit length, fruit diameter and total yield were observed under vertical gardening pattern. Data recorded for genotypes observed an increase in total yield and fruits plant-1 of Damaz while and increased number of leaves plant-1, leaf area, fruit diameter and length were observed by SCM-01. The interactive response of genotypes and gardening p...
Ryan Septa Kurnia1* and Radiana Dhewayani Antarianto2

...s of animal research and its inability to make reliable predictions for human clinical trials. Recently, 3D cell culture produced by researchers to improve better mimic tissue physiology of better in vitro cell culture model. It is may enable microbiologists to create infection models that combine respiratory tissue culture engineering with the virus-relevant complexity of in vivo models. Mechanism of infection disease have shown that the normal ...
Sohail Akbar1*, Muhammad Shafiq2, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Muhammad Farooq Iqbal2, Kashif Ishaq2, Muhammad Kamran2, Shazia Shamas3, Arbab Sikander4 and Muhammad Hashim5

 Amjad Ali1*, Pirzada Jamal Ahmad Siddiqui1, Naveed Ahmad2,Shabir Ali Amir3, Rafaqat Masroor3,Seema Shafique1 and Zaib-un-Nisa Burhan1

... Island were found in limits as preferred by fish and coral communities for their proper growth. Fish accumulation appeared to be link with coral cover, diversity and growth forms. Low diversity at Astola Island was mainly due to habitat destruction caused by increasing anthropogenic activities (coral mining, careless SCUBA and skin diving, entangling of corals by fishing nets and mechanical damage by deployment of lobster pots). Conservation efforts should fo...
Bram Brahmantiyo1,*, Henny Nuraini2,3, Astari Wibiayu Putri3, Maizirwan Mel4,5 and Cecep Hidayat6 

...t;;">Hycole and Hyla rabbits were imported in 2012 and 2013. Hycole and Hyla rabbits were known as best broiler rabbit and had potentiality as genetic resources to develop Indonesian broiler rabbit. The aim of this study was to characterize phenotype of Hycole and Hyla rabbits to evaluate their adaptability in tropical environments. Research were held at Indonesian Research Institute for A...

Anwar Ali1,5*, Horia Shaukat2, Munir Ahmed3,5, Ahmed Bostani4 and Syed Ashiq Hussain3

...nown to get maximum benefits from this technology.


Faheem Aslam1,*, Aneel Salman2, Inayatullah Jan3 and Sarah Siddiq Aneel4

...s and implements. Due to its value and importance in all aspects of life, water is a highly political issue. The purpose of this study is to explore the water policies of Pakistan (2017) and India (2012) through quantitative analysis of textual data. The text mining of these water policies enables to analyze the massive amounts of information quickly, making connections and surface important links between entities. The results show that Pakistan’s Nation...
Canan Vejselova Sezer*
..., the risk of cancer and its mortality rates have increased both in economically less and highly developed countries. Two of the leading causes of the death of cancer are lung and breast cancers among males and females, respectively. A variety of drugs are in use for cancer treatment but their recruiting properties are limited because of the developing resistance and/or finiteness of bioavailability. Current research is aimed at synthesis of a new effective ag...
Aysha Riaz* and Said Wahab
...0.1px;">Wheat flour biscuits are of widely consumed bakery products and mostly considered as nutritionally poor due to lacking in certain essential micronutrients. Moringa leaves are very rich in nutrients namely proteins, fibers and minerals. Keeping in view the nutritional importance of moringa leaves powder, the present study was carried out to investigate the effect of moringa leaves enrichment on the overall quality of whole wheat flour biscu
Muhammad Farooq1*, Allah Rakha2,Jawad Ul Hassan2, Iftikhar Ahmed Solangi1, A. Shakoor3, Muhammad Bakhtiar4, Muhammad Noman Khan5,Shoaib Khan5, Ibrar Ahmad6, Shabir Ahmed7 andWang Yunyang1*

...purposes. In addition to its dietetic value mushroom have many medicinal importance because mushroom is used against several viral, bacterial and cancer diseases. Mushroom powder also used to reduce blood pressure and increase resistance of person against many diseases. Keeping in perspective the position of dietary and medicinal values of mushroom in this research mushroom powder was added into muffins to improve nutritious and dietetic status of muffin. To a...
Iftikhar Alam1, Atta Ulllah Jan1, Muhammad Ali2 and Muhammad Farooq3*

...were: undernutrition and its determinants, factors and nutritional determinants of low birth weight (LBW), and factors and nutritional determinants of stunting and wasting. These priorities should direct future research activities in the field and be reflected in research policies of the country. We recommend larger research studies also including more diverse experts’ opinion.
Saira Batool1, Safdar Ali Shirazi1 and Syed Amer Mahmood2* severe erosion due to its soil characteristics and topography. The outputs generated from this research are a way forward to plan and implement strategies for combating erosion and natural resources protection. It is inevitable to make suitable water harvesting structures and control rainwater to stop soil removal and water provision for the lean season in this rain-fed region. The results obtained can help realize that conservation practices and soil manag...
Arshad Bhat1*, Masudul H. Wani1, Shabir A. Wani2, Abid Qadir3, Iqra Qureshi4 and Abid Sultan2

Tanay Dineshkumar Shah

...oom has many health benefits as compared to other regular diets a normal Indian consumes. Gujarat is one of the states of India where the consumption of mushrooms is less. The paper concentrates on finding out the probable reasons for the people of Gujarat who are not consuming mushrooms regularly in their diets. The survey was conducted targeting the majority of youngsters i.e., Generation Z as the eating habits of p...
Uzma Ayaz1,* and Muhammad Fareed Khan2

... recorded for various traits i.e. germination percentage, flower initiation days, full flowering days, full development days, total leaves per plant, chlorophyll content (mg/cm-2), height of plant (cm), disk length (cm), thickness of stem (mm), 1000-achene’s weight (g), fresh achene’s weight (g), dry achene’s weight (g) and achene’s yield (kg/ha). This experimental study depicts dependence and linkage of some agronomic...

Md. Ariful Islam, Md. Badol Ashraf and Md. Mahmudul Alam*

...ctions in Mymensingh and its surrounding localities.


Ali Zaman1, Nabila Roohi1 and Muhammad Irfan2*

...the role of bacteria and its immunogens on the demonstration of clinical signs, hematology and serum biochemistry in Nili Ravi buffaloes under subtropics is lacking. This study was designed to fulfill this gap by analyzing the effects of exposure to the bacterial culture of Pasturella multocida (P. multocida) type B:2 and its immunogens, i.e., lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and outer membrane protein (OMP) on Nili Ravi buffaloes. ...

Aurang Zeb1, Abdur Rab1, Shujaat Ali1,2*, Ijaz Hussain2, Shah Masaud Khan2, Israr Ahmad1, Bilal Pervaiz Khan1, Shakila Umer3 and Muhammad Abbas1

... in freshly harvested fruits after 48 days of storage. The minimum rind thickness (0.66 mm) and the highest rind weight loss percentage (41.42%) was recorded after 48 days of storage. It is concluded that Sweet orange fruits from different locations can be best stored at room temperature (20±1 0C with a relative humidity of 45-50 %).


Muhammad Musa1*, Muhammad Riaz Gondal2, Aaqib Riaz3, Sikander Hayat2 and Iftikhar Haider1

...d early summer. However, its seed yield per unit area in Pakistan is relatively low as compared to other countries. The present study was aimed to evaluate the influence of climate on fodder production, seed vigour, seed yield and total income ha-1 of three berseem varieties and to enhance the production through management of harvesting at Fodder Research Institute, Sargodha, Pakistan during three rabi seasons from 2015 to 2018. The experiment was arranged in ...

Syed Mazuan, Syed Mohamed, Insyirah Ishak, Dzolkhifli Omar and Norhayu Asib*

...g Besout 04, Perak, with its main focus on mistblower application towards bagworms. Stihl SR420 mistblower was characterised by having 1.2L / min flow rate, produced volume median diameter of 80μm, and achieved spraying productivity of 2.58 hectares’ land size (approximately 350 oil palms) per man day. The study was to evaluate the efficacy of chlorantraniliprole (Altacor® 34.9WG), Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki (DiPel® ES), cypermethrin (Hex...

Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1*, Muhammad Aslam Panhwar1, Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio1, Muhammad Saleem Sarki1, Allah Wadhayo Gandahi1, and Niaz Ahmed Wahocho2

...ell recognized and hence its application in crop husbandry is essentially required. In a field experiment, the impact of foliar Zn fertilization was quantified on growth, yield, and Zn concentration in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Silder) at Nasarpur, Sindh, Pakistan during 2015-16. The foliar rates comprised of 33, 66, and 99 mg Zn L-1 (equivalent to 100, 200 and 300 mg ZnSO4 L-1) and distilled water (control treatment) and sprayed to strawberry plants...

Manzoor Hussain Memon1, Khalid Khan2, Anjum Parvez3, Sarfaraz Ahmed Shaikh4, Khan Mir Khan2, Guo Xiangyu5*, Mohammad Nasrullah6 and Saima Liaqat7

...hange in human eating habits the global demand of meat has been increasing. At present, in Pakistan, poultry consumption is the key source of the general masses to get the mandatory protein and nutrients. The foremost impact of the poultry industry is to boost up nutrients value and provide an inexpensive and economical source of meat for the masses. Globally, the poultry industry has shown exponential growth and profitability in the sector is considerably hig...

Ch. Muhammad Rafiq1, Qasim Raza1*, Awais Riaz1, Misbah Hanif2, Wajiha Saeed2, Shawaiz Iqbal1, Tahir Hussain Awan1, Syed Sultan Ali1 and Muhammad Sabar1 scarcity is threating its sustainable production. Dry seeded rice (DSR) technology has water and labour saving advantages over conventional transplanting culture, however, poor crop establishment due to reduced germination in variable field conditions greatly hampers its large-scale adaption. To address subordinate germination issues, we investigated the effects of five salicylic acid (SA) concentrations (0, 75, 150, 225 ...
Li Shengqing1,2,3, Zhang Xiyun2,3, Liu Shengcai2,3, Hu Guoyuan2, Fan Yuxia2,Liu Huaixin2, Wang Tingting2 and Zhang Yanming1*
...uences of the toxin exhibits 99% homology with those of a known type D botulinum neurotoxin gene, and the composition of the functional domain of the toxin is consistent with that of type D botulinum neurotoxin. For plateau pikas and plateau zokors, the LD50 values of intragastrically administered type D botulinum toxin is 6810 and 5840 MLD/kg weight, respectively, and those of orally administered type D botulinum are 1.231and 1.319 g/kg weight, res...
Muhammad Naveed1, Asif Nadeem1,2*, Maryam Javed1, Muhammad Fahad Bhutta3 and Ruqayya Bint Khalid1
...l and milk production traits in farm animals. The genomic characterization of STAT5A gene has not been assessed before in Nili Ravi Buffalo. In present research work, the sequence of the bovine STAT5A gene was analyzed to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms and its effect on evolutionary divergence. Nine polymorphisms, six in intronic and three in exonic regions, were identified in STAT5A gene. One ...
Ahmed Saud Alsaqufi1, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman2,3*, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2, Md. Moshiur Rahman3,4 and Muhammed Aslam Pathiri2
...effects on phenotypic traits expression in different fish species. The present study was, therefore, intended to explore whether these light and shelter could influence some phenotypic traits of African catfish larvae under laboratory condition. Newly hatched larvae were stocked in plastic aquaria (10L) at a rate of 5 individuals/L and reared for one month under four treatments such as 24h light (24L), 24 h dark (24D), 12h l...
Arsalan Rasheed1, Tahir Usman2,*, Sadaf Niaz1, Irfan Khattak2, Saira Gul2, Nawab Ali1,Naimat Ullah Khan2, Hazrat Ali2, and Mian Saeed Sarwar2
... lot of attention due to its ability to cause fatal zoonotic infections. These are the zoonotic viruses of both medical and veterinary importance. The virus spread through respiratory droplets and causes diseases, ranging from colds to more serious illnesses: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, Severe Respiratory Syndrome, and Severe Respiratory Syndrome 2. The prevalence rate is high during winter and spring. Genomes of coronaviruses have large enveloped +RNA. ...

Frederic Ndihokubwayo and Atakan Koç

...ring the milk quality traits, the effect of farm on FC (P < 0.01); the effects of farm, parity, calving season and lactation stage on NFDMC (P < 0.01) and the effects of farm, parity and TEHS on Log10SCC (P < 0.01) were found statistically significant. The Log10SCC positively correlated with the TEHS (r = 0.24; P < 0.01), but its correlation with BDS is very low (r = 0.07; P > 0.05). As a result, the BDS havin...

Hira Soofi, Abdul Rasool Abbasi and Arifa Bhutto

...hape of cephalic end and its structures, ventricular shape, spicule shape and size, numbers and arrangement of caudal papillae, posterior end with 3 rectal gland and large spine at tip, genital structure of female. The name of new species Contracaecum malhi refers to the name of host wallago attu from which the specimens of new species were collected.


Zafar Ahmad Handoo1*, Mihail Radu Kantor1 and Ekramullah Khan2

...w genus and species with its closely related genera and species are given.

Naimat Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Hassan Saleem2, Aneela Zameer Durrani2, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Shafee3, Ayesha Hassan2, Mumtaz Ali Khan2 and Nadeem Rashid3
...s been aimed to find out its prevalence and chemotherapy of cryptosporidiosis in goats in three selected districts of southern Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK), Pakistan. A total of 1440 fecal samples were collected from goats, 120 samples per month from each of 3 districts for twelve months. Identification of oocysts was done through conventional acid fast ZN staining. Prevalence in District Bannu was 48/480 (10%) followed by District Lakki Marwat12.08 % and in Kohat...
Saba Afzal1, Sohail Raza1,*, Masood Rabbani1, Sehrish Firyal2, Imran Altaf1 and Zahra Naeem1
...tin against Peste des Petits Ruminants Virus (PPRV) in vitro. Firstly, cell cytotoxicity of ivermectin in the Vero cells was determined using MTT assay. The antiviral activity of ivermectin was determined using viral inhibition assays and median tissue culture infectious dose (TCID50). The results showed that 2.5 µM concentration of the ivermectin is non-toxic to the Vero cells. At this concentration, PPRV titre was significantly reduce...

Muhammad Yousif Jakhrai1, Ahmed Nawaz Tunio2, Ali Mujtaba Shah1*, Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1, Muhammad Mohsen Rahimoon1

...dural analgesia and also its clinical application was studied. The most commonly anesthetic agents injected to produce high epidural analgesia in ovine and caprine species were 2% lidocaine and xylazine were included in this study. This study showed that administration of xylazine in high epidural anesthesia produce a significant analgesic and sedative effect for laparotomy (peritoneal) surgical interventions in ovine and caprine species as compared to lidocai...

Fayaz Ahmad, Noorullah Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid, Abdul Waheed, M. Abbas Khan, Imtiaz Ahmad, Shamsul Islam, Basharat Hussain Shah, Sohail Aslam and Qamar uz Zaman growth attributing traits of fifteen early flushing tea (Camellia sinensis L) clones. The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replication and 100 plants per replication.  Data were recorded on plant height (PH), number of branches per plant (NBP), number of leaves per plant (NLP), stem diameter (SD), main root length (MRL), root diameter (RD), number of lateral roots per plant (NLRP), dry shoot weight (DRW) and...

Muhammad Adnan Islam1*, Zia-Ul-Haq2, Rana Shahzad Noor2, Matiullah Khan4, Muhammad Mohsin Ali1, Zulfiqar Ali3, Asif Ali Mirani3, Hafiz Sultan Mahmood1, Muzammil Husain1 and Badar Munir Khan Niazi1

...t had been developed and its performance was evaluated at farmer’s fields. This drill places DAP fertilizer near the seed that is about 5 cm away and 5 cm deeper than the seed due to which phosphorus use efficiency has increased. Experiments conducted at farmer’s fields showed excellent results of fertilizer band placement drill even 50% DAP was saved with 10 % excess wheat yield. In previous study s results of the fertilizer band placement drill w...
Md. Alal Hossen1, Mohammad Amzad Hossain1*, A.K.M. Munzurul Hasan1,2, Bipresh Das1, Sohel Mian1, Mohammed Mahbub Iqbal1
...ding of this catfish and its embryonic development could contribute to database and conservation approach. The S-GnRHa dose optimization and embryonic-larval development study were conducted in a freshwater condition in order specify optimal dose of synthetic hormones in induced breeding. The synthetic GnRHa was used as induction agent where male injected half of the doses of female and a control without S-GnRHa was assigned. The stages of embryonic developmen...

Shapon Kumar Bashak1, Alok Kumar Paul1, Md. Akhtar Hossain1, Usman Atique2,3*, Sonia Iqbal3, Md. Najim Uddin1, Asrafi Mohammad Farhaduzzaman4, Md. Mojibar Rahman5, Md. Shahanul Islam6

... yield and economic benefits.
Tariq Mahmood1*, Luqman Ullah Khan1 and Muhammad Naeem2
...g Point Count Method. Visits to the study area were made in the morning (6:30 am to 9:30 am) and in the evening (3:30 pm to 6:30 pm). Results showed a total of 51 bird species belonging to 10 orders and 27 families inhabiting the study area, including both summer and winter visitors. The order Passeriformes was found the most abundant with 16 families and 31 species. Besides species belonging to the orders Falconiformes, Galliformes, and Columbiformes were als...

Hafiz Basheer Ahmad1*, Sajida Habib2, Waqas Shafqat Chattha3, Rizwana Qamar2, Shazia Saeed2, Abdul Khaliq1 and Salsabeel Rauf2

...he mean values of all traits except for days to 50% flowering of maintainer lines were higher than restorer lines. The principal component analysis for B-lines showed that first eigen value equals 2.77 and represented 39.57 % of the total variability while second eigenvalue equals 1.24 and showed 17.76% of the total variability. The first two factors showed 57.34% of the initial variability. The principal component analysis for R-lines showed that the first ei...
Muhammad Afnan Rabbi, Iqtidar Hussain*, Ejaz Ahmed, Muhammad Saad and Aitezaz Ali Asad Shahani
...roduction is to increase its economic yields in an endurable manner by improving fertility of the soil. Many struggles have been done to enhance the wheat productivity since last decade. Use of synthetic plant growth regulators with nitrogen supply seems to be fruitful in this regard. So, an experiment was designed to assess the effect of various doses of N and P2O5 with combination of exogenous application of naphthalene acetic acid levels in late sown wheat ...

Tanweer Fatah Abro1, Asif Ali Kaloi1, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Tarique Ahmed Baloch2, Tanveer Ali Soomro1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1 and Waqar Hussain Shah4

...fiber quality related traits in upland cotton. Significant differences were observed among genotypes, parents, F4 populations and parents x F4 populations for all the studied attributes which articulated greater genetic variation in the breeding material. Heritability estimates were moderate to high for all the traits. The F4 population CRIS-134 x FH-113 displayed the highest heritability estimates for plant height (95.24%)....

Saba Aleem1*, Iram Sharif2, Mehvish Tahir3, Muhammad Najeebullah3, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Amina Batool1 and Waheed Arshad1 

...fferent physiological traits. Heat susceptible genotypes showed lengthened curd induction stage. Further, decrease in chlorophyll and osmoprotectants contents was also seen in heat susceptible genotypes. TSX-C40 was identified as most susceptible genotype to heat stress due to low accumulation of glycine betaine and proline, and greater relative cell injury percentage, along with lengthened curd induction stage. Curd induction in TSX-C40 was seen when the maxi...

Taqi Raza1*, Kashif Nazir Qureshi2, Shakeel Imran2, Neal Samuel Eash3 and Imma Bortone4

... were within the safe limits; however, Fe and Pb were higher than the safe limits in all industrial effluents. The highest/unsafe concentration of metal Fe was recorded 4.093, 2.979 and 2.959 mg/L in the effluents of chemical, textile and ghee mill respectively. While the highest/unsafe concentration of metal Pb was recorded 0.643, 0.578 and 0.286 mg/L in the effluents of textile, chemical and ghee mill respectively. The per...
Yahong Guo1,3, Zeqin Fu1,3, Jiantong Feng1,3, Chengrui Yan1,3, Yingying Ye1,3*, Kaida Xu2 and Baoying Guo1,3
...ish genetic protection units for M. unguiculatus, limit the selection of breeding parents, and maintain a high-quality germplasm bank for M. unguiculatus.

Muhamamd Rizwan1*, Muhammad Arshad2, Muhammad Kashif3, Aneela Zameer Durrani4, Asghar Abbas5, Tanveer Ahmad6, Muhammad Nadeem7 , Kinza Khan8

...agment of viral DNA into its genome at specific site termed as CRISPR locus. Insertion of viral DNA at CRISPR locus allows to remember, diagnose and clear the viral infection by the mechanism of sequence specific Adaptive Immunity. CRISPR Cas system is sustainable to combate with the mutation developed in viral genome that help viruses to escape from bacterial CRISPR Cas based immune system. CRISPR Cas system is a molecular mechanism of prokaryotic microorgani...

Muhammad Suhail Ibrahim1*, Asif Ahmad1, Anwaar Ahmed1, Amer Mumtaz2, Muhammad Javaid Asad3, Saqib Jabbar2, Ahmad Mujtaba1 and Muhammad Nadeem4

... spending 0.5 to 0.8% of its GDP. Total health expenditure during 2016-17 remains at 145.97 billion showing an increase of 9 percent over the last year. Pakistan has dire need of revamping the food safety policy and infrastructure. Food being an important intake is a major source of human exposure. Finally, risk of unsafe communication is required for management and prevention of consumer-based food borne illness, most prevailing illness. We ignore food safety...

Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-Us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Abdul Moeez1, Humaira Ramzan1, Mudassar Hafeez1, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Aneela Riaz3, Sher Muhammad4 and Muhammad Latif4

...(Si) is ranked second by its presence in soil. Si has not yet been classified as a essential nutrient for plants; although it has shown to be beneficial for plant development. Crop production is seriously affected by salinity worldwide. This research was performed in the research zone of Department of Soil and Environmental Sciences during the summer, 2018 in College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan. In the present study growth respon...

Qudsia Nazir1, Muhammad Aftab1*, Ghulam Sarwar2, Aneela Riaz3, Sarfraz Hussain1, Ifra Saleem1, Amina Kalsom1, Noor-Us-Sabah2, Mukkram Ali Tahir2, Ateeq-ur-Rehman4 and Muhammad Arif1

Muhammad Rafique1, Inam Ul Haq1*, Humara Umar2, Muhammad Jan2 and Muhammad Azhar Iqbal2

... considered suitable for its commercial cultivation, where minimum temperature occurs between 10oC and 12oC during end March before olive flowering. In recent past, mass scale olive plantation over an area of 10,000 acres was done in these parts of the country. So, in order to ensure the sustainability of olive orchard development in Pakistan, a research trial was conducted to improve the rooting ability of olive cuttings to strengthen the local olive nursery ...

Muhammad Ahsan1*, Aneela Ramzan1, Muhammad Nafees1, Adnan Younis2, Muhammad Amin1, Gulzar Akhtar3, Khansa Saleem1 and Azka Sabeeh1

.... It means sugar reduces its effectiveness when combined with growth regulators. From this experiment, it can be concluded that sugar (T2) provide ideal medium for enhancing the post-harvest attributes of Rosa hybrida cv. Freedom.


Habiba ur Rehman, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar and Waqas Raza

...esults in all studied traits as compared to all other treatments at the concentration of 6mM. The results showed that Nativo exhibited the maximum germination % (71.47), seedling length (23.67, 35.00 and 47.33 cm), number of leaves/plant (6.33, 7.67 and 11.33), minimum disease incidence (12.33, 11.12 and 10.13 %), minimum disease severity (26.80, 24.67 and 11.37 %) and maximum plant survival (89.62, 94.35 and 98.37%) at 15, 30 and 45 days after treatment, resp...

Muhammad Iqbal1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal1*, Saghir Ahmad1, Athar Mahmood2, Muhammad Akram1, Hammad Husnain1, Muhammad Shahid1, Saeed Ahmad1, Ali Raza1, Ansar Hussain3, Allah Ditta Abid4, Qaisar Abbas5, Mussarrat Hussain5, Muhammad Akram6 and Muhammad Umair Hassan2 continuously limiting its production across the globe. Sowing time is an important agronomic consideration which should be optimized to ensure better cotton yield and quality. Therefore, this study was performed to determine the potential of cotton genotypes under varied planting times at cotton research institute, Multan during 2018 and 2019. The experiment was comprised of four cotton genotypes IUB-13, MNH-1016, MNH-1020 and MNH-1026 and eight different s...
Sadaf Aslam1*, Abdul Majid Khan1 and Muhammad Akhtar2
...their grazing feeding habits. This species migrated to Potwar land when grasslands became established. It has typical suine characters with hypsodont dentition and complex infolding of enamel surfaces. The described material consists of isolated molars. This discovery will provide a new insight to understand the diversity and geographic distribution of Siwalik Suids.
Zhi Wang1*, Wenhua Liu2 and FadaoTai3
...erent diet and living habits compared with other squirrel species. Still, its circadian activity patterns and time budgets in different behaviors remain unclear. Using artificial population of the animal bred in a simulated natural environment, activity patterns and time budgets were investigated. The results showed that the species was clearly nocturnal but varied greatly in the number of daily activity bouts showing bimoda...

Muhammad Yamin1*, Usama Ali Zafar1, Ghulam Usman2, Muhammad Nauman1, Muhammad Rizwan3, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Azhar Ali1 and Usman Haider1

...monitoring and control units were carried out for controlling the environmental factors in tunnel farming. Three tunnels were set for monitoring the environmental factors using temperature, humidity and soil moisture sensors. Two of three tunnels were fit with control units of exhaust fans and air heaters and a water pump for controlling the temperature and soil moisture. During the testing and validation of the system, temp...

Kiran Shahjeer1*, Gauhar Rehman1, Khurshaid Khan1 and Toheed Iqbal2

...L. simplex, L. opaca and its sub-species L. o. pulchella. Among them two species viz., L. simplex, L. opaca and a subspecies of L. opaca i.e. L. o. pulchella are reported as first distributional records from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Keys to the subfamilies of Family Formicidae and worker caste species of genus Lepisiota collected from Khyber Pakhtunkhwa along with its spatial distributional map for all species and a sub-species i...

Rabia Iqbal and Muhammad Naeem *

...aintained within safe limits for fish growth. Ten fish specimens from each treatment were randomly collected at the end of trial for growth parameters analysis. Different growth parameters, such as mean weight gain, mean length gain, specific growth rate, protein efficiency ratio, feed conversion ratio and production were determined. Results revealed maximum gains in T3 (25%) feed group as compared to T1 (15%) and T2 (20%) feed groups. The lowest food conversi...

Sajid Ali, Shahen Shah* and Muhammad Arif

...-1 was applied in two splits from urea. Similarly, 90 kg ha-1 phosphorus was applied from DAP at the time of sowing. Analysis of variance showed that sole foliar Zn application at 3 kg ha-1 significantly improved the flag leaf area (36.9 cm2) and leaf area tiller-1 (97.2 cm2). While more spike m-2 (248), maximum grains spike-1 (47.2), spike length (13.1 cm), and thousand grains weight (42.9 g) were observed with foliar application of 2 kg ha-1 Zn. Significantl...

Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar1, Fahad Nazir Khoso1*, Imran Khatri1, Niaz Hussain Khuhro2 and Arfan Ahmed Gilal1

...tables, especially cucurbits. To manage this notorious pest, the experiments were designed to evaluate the most effective method of pest control. The field experiments in bottle gourd, sponge gourd, Indian squash and bitter gourd were designed in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) having 16 treatments with 5 replications each. Basically, there were five treatments; T1= Untreated control, T2 = Spinosad (Tracer), T3= Cue-lure, T4= Protein hydrolysate, T5 = ...

Summara Abbasi* and Khalid Nawab

...demonstrations, field visits, and experience sharing at different levels. The government should provide credit facilities to the farmers in consideration of their socio-economic conditions.


Weenghar Ali Chandio1, Tajnees Pirzada1*, Abdul Majid2 and Farzana Rashid3 

... soil and to investigate its effect on wheat (Triticum indicum) seed growth. HA was conventionally extracted from soil sample of agriculture lands of Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan by International Humic Substance Society method and confirmed by UV-Visible spectroscopy and characterized by spectral features obtained by using different techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Finally, the ...

Barış Bayraklı

...ealthy diet according to its high protein and low-fat content, high AAS, CS, MSAAS, EPA-DHA, and ω-3/ω-6 levels determined in this study. Furthermore, these values comply with the suggestions of World Health Organization (WHO). 

Arshad Khan1, Mohammad Ihsan1, Mohammad Nisar1, Ali Hazrat1*, Murad Ali3, Rashid Ul-Haq3, Khalid Khan2, Karishma Gul1 and Shah Faisal1 

...such as morphological traits, biochemical (SDS PAGE) and molecular markers. The present work was conducted on the basis of morphological and biochemical characterization in order to estimate the genetic diversity among the barley landraces; to explore significant variation which can be used in breeding programs. For this purpose, 40 barley landraces were collected from Dir Lower and Swat, districts of KP, Pakistan. A total of 18 traits...
Shafaq Fatima1,*, Farkhanda Manzoor1, Humaira Amman1, Zakia Kanwal1, Asma Latif1, Zeeshan Ali2, Hamid Iqbal Gondal2, Sumera Sajjad1 and Raja Shahnawaz Janjua3
...ient of fish feed due to its high cost, the addition of economical plant oils rich in n-3 PUFA in fish diet can remarkably improve its quality. The present study evaluated the effect of the addition of linseed in fish feed on growth and fatty acids profile in grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella); an important commercial carp in Asia. The present study investigated the effects of three different diets (A, 5% linseed fl...
Asif Sadam*, Rahmat Ullah Khan and Sajid Mahmood
...aimed to identify the traits that enable bird species to become urban exploiters i.e. to colonize and become abundant in highly urbanized areas. Bird species were identified in point counts without distance estimation, in three habitats: urban area, residential area, and agricultural area. Twelve sampling sites were selected in well-defined habitats in Mardan district. Bird species traits were taken from field observations a...
Ghulam Raza1*, Maqsood Anawar2, Muhammad Akbar1, Muhammad Ali1, Alamdar Hussain1, Azhar Hussain3 and Tanveer Hussain4
... as in Pakistan, however its presence in the Karakorum mountain plays a significant role in the economy of the region as dozens of trophy hunting of this specie takes place in the region every year and generates handsome money to the local inhabitants of the mountainous community. The characteristic habitat analysis and preference was important as the ibex move downwards during winter to cope the fodder shortage after heavy snowfall. This may expose the ibex t...
Nilgun Dogan1,* and Hakan Adanacioglu2
...bsolute and relative profits were calculated as US$3.62 and US$2.14, respectively. The efficiency of the beekeeping farms was measured using Data Envelopment Analysis. The results of output- and input-oriented constant return-to-scale (CRS) analysis indicated an average efficiency value of 59.34%. The output- and input-oriented variable return-to-scale (VRS) analysis showed average efficiencies of 75.42% and 78.95%, respectively. The efficiency of the beekeepi...
Muhammad Ramzan1*, Unsar Naeem-Ullah2, Muhammad Umair Sial2, Naeem Iqbal2 and Shafqat Saeed2
...udies are documented for its chemical and biological management. For chemical control, deltamethrin was proved more toxic while among biological control agents Goryphus sp., Enicospilus sp., Telenomus sp, Listrognathus spinifrons, Trichogramma pretiosum, T. euproctidis and T. dendrolimi have been documented as potential egg and pupal parasitoids of T. varians in many countries of the world. The present paper is an attempt to bring and summarize the basic infor...

Huma Qamar1, Mariam Hassan1, Muhammad Zubair1*, Adnan Arshad2, Muhammad Qusain Saeed3, Muhammad Umar3, Sundas Shahzad1, Tariq Mahmood1 and Muhammad Aftab1

... Mean square for five traits was constructed which was highly significant except plant height. Correlation in plant’s height and branches, days required for flowering and days required for maturity was positive at genotypic as well as phenotypic levels. Correlation between numbers of branches and days required for flowering was positive, while negative association of branches’ number was observed with days required for maturity and the obtained yie...

Fahrauk Faramayuda1,2*, Totik Sri Mariani3, Elfahmi1,4 and Sukrasno1

... is necessary to produce its active compounds abundantly and to propagate purple and white-purple varieties of O. aristatus. A strategy that can be adopted  to achieve plant tissue culture (callus induction). This research aim is to identify secondary metabolite in callus using thin layer chromatography (TLC). The profiling of ethanol extracts of callus of two varieties O. aristatus were carried out using solvent system toluene-ethyl acetate- formic acid-...
Samina Tahir Kiani1, Abdul Rauf1, Syed Ayaz Kazmi1,*, Nuzhat Shafi1, Madiha Khalid2, Naeem Latif1, Samina Gul2, Saghir Yousaf3 and Muhammad Arshad4
...TB antibodies using ICT kits. Sputum microscopy for MTB was done in MTB antibody positive samples. The samples positive in initial screening were confirmed by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Nine samples were found positive in both ICT and ELISA test for HCV while PCR showed six positive cases for HCV. HBV were found positive in three samples after ICT and ELISA, but was found negative after PCR. MTB was found pos...

Muhammad Akhtar1, Muhammad Tariq Mahmood2*, Kaiser Latif Cheema1, Mushtaq Ahmad2, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khalid1, Amir Amin1, Javed Anwar Shah1, Zeeshan Qadeer1 and Zeshan Ali3

...erformance of various traits revealed significant differences among all the included chickpea advance lines. Drought indices i.e. drought tolerance efficiency (DTE), drought susceptibility (DSI) and yield reduction percentage were calculated to identify the drought tolerant chickpea lines. Correlation analysis showed that the strains possessing higher number of pods plant-1, more root length and maximum grain weight were comparatively least susceptible to mois...

Ghulam Murtaza1*, Muhammad Ramzan2, Assad Ullah3, Abid Ali5, Ayesha Zafar3, Rukhsar Beanish3, Ahmad Ali4, Ghulam Mustafa4 and Mudassar Aslam4 

...uge losses in various fruits and vegetables production throughout the globe. The current experiment was designed at Insect Rearing Laboratory, MNS. University of Agriculture, Multan to evaluate host and oviposition preference of Bactrocera zonata on different fruits under laboratory conditions. Infested fruits were collected from local fruits and vegetab...

NawalM. Abdulla1, M. Haroun1*,Mohamed A. Shalaby2and Ahmed A. Elsanousi2

strain and its relation to genotype group VII, respectively. NDVQF13 failed qualification
for sequence and phylogentic analysis using the same primers.
Ala’audin Hakami,1AusamaA Yousif,2* Mohamed Zaki,3 Mahmoud Ismail,4,5 Ahmed Al-Ali,5 Abdu-Rahman Al-Ankari5 
... to
identify its possible molecular origins. Total DNA was extracted from
feather and blood samples from randomly selected 19 clinically-suspect
and 153 apparently-normal birds collected from 10 locally-bred and
imported Psittaciformes. Specimens were collected between 2008 and
2010. A replicase-associated protein (Rep) gene-specific PCR was used to
amplify a 603 bp region of the viral gen...
Abeer A. Feisall; B.A. Othman2; Kh.A. El-Dougdoug2 and H.S. Shalaby1
... ºC. The virus lost its ability to lyse salmonella cells at pH 4, 5, 6, 10, 11 and 12
while it was infectious only at pH 7, 8 and 9.The virus lost its infectivity after
exposure to UV for 50 min. at distance of 53 and 70 cm from the UV source. The
bacteriophage (St-1) was inactivated in presence of NaCl at concentration higher
than 15%; sodium benzoate at concentration of ...

D. N. Abd-elshafy1, 2 and M. M. Bahgat2, 3

...tease inhibitor MixG and its five components: ABESF, aprotinin, E-64, leupeptin and EDTA. Also quantification of the activities of both intracellular and secreted HepG2 proteases was carried out using specific chromogenic substrate at different ranges of pH values. Results showed that EDTA has intracellular metalloprotease inhibitory effect that enhances rate of HAV replication and thus reduces time needed for the virus to cause cytopathic effect. Such finding...

Mai A. Kilany1; Hanaa H.A. Gomaa1; Yousry E. Abo El-magd2 and Nermin Raafat2.

...related HCC to elucidate its possible role in patho-genesis of HCC. The study included sixty individuals; they were classified into three groups; 20 patients with hepatitis C virus infection, 20 patients with hepatitis C virus-related HCC and 20 unrelated healthy volunteers who served as controls. Qualitative determination of Hepatitis C Virus antibody and quantitative determination of RNA-HCV by RT-PCR were done. MnSOD activity was evaluated using a superoxid...

Walaa Abd El-Fatah S. Metwally1, Ismail M. Reda2, Ahmed A. El-Sanousi2, Mohamed Abd El-Khalek Ali2

...A70VG varied in the HA units per dose and also differed in the ratios between two reassortant strains (Chicken and duck strains) of AI. The results of testing humoral immunity revealed that the prepared vaccines with Montanide ISA70VG containing 350 HA unit/dose were high in antibody titer than vaccines containing 256 and 100 HA unit/dose. The prepared vaccines with Montanide ISA 70VG containing 256 HA unit/dose gave high antibody titer than vaccines containin...

Ebtisam, A. Abouel yazeed1; Yanni, M.I.1 and Hanan A. Fahmy2

...eonatal calves suggested its etiological roles and it is the main causative virus involved in neonatal calf diarrhea.


Nelson D. Zambrano1, Wilber Arteaga1, José Velasquez2 and Dorys T. Chirinos1*

...ence of insect pests and its associated natural enemies. Results revealed that populations of B. tabaci were higher in plots treated with lambda cyhalothrin + thiamethoxam associated with low levels of parasitism. Further, A. gossypii were high and their parasitism low, in both treated and untreated plots. Individuals of T. palmi, B. thurberiella, H. virescens and A. vestitus were low in the treatments; while individuals of Dysdercus spp. were lower in the plo...

Hanaa H. A. Gomaa1; Entsar A. A. Nassar2; K. A. El-Dougdoug3

...rom 9.2 to 34.78 mg/g fruits or 450.25 to 1250.25 mg/plant. The silymarin production has the same pattern of fruits yield. The methanolic solutions were extracted from milk thistle varieties then evaluated against HAV, HSV1 and COXB4 viruses. The cytotoxicity of different milk thistle methanolic extracts in Vero cells did not show any morphological difference compared with control. Antiviral affects of milk the most potent m...

Ahmed K. El-Attar; Samah A. Mokbel; Ali H. Hamed of kinetin as well as its efficacy on the OYDV
elimination and regeneration of infected onion bulbs were determined.

Mohamed I. Azzam1, Safaa M. Ezzat1, K. A. El-Dougdoug2, Badawi A. Othman2

...e main drains located on its sides which
selected for confirmation the eco-diversity of aquatic viral isolates. The evaluation was
carried out using real time-quantitative reverse transcriptase - polymerase chain reaction
(rt-qRT-PCR). Eight coliphage isolates were detected in both Rosetta Branch and
drainage water samples. Transmission Electron microscopy revealed that, the isolated
coliphages have a...

Aly M. Abdel-Salam

and in its vector Saccharicoccus sacchari and in another unidentified
Pseudococcidae- mealybug. Amplicons for the RT/RNaseH motifs of the two virus
isolates were cloned, sequenced, and submitted to the GenBanak. Pair-wise nucleotide
identity indicated 86% identity between the Giza and Assiut isolates. NCBI-blastn
analysis for the two isolates with four SCBV accessions retrieved from the GenBank<...

Aly M. Abdel-Salam1 and Samah A. Mokbel2 stone
fruits. Dot blotting immuno-binding assay (DBIA) showed positive reaction between
NRSV-infected apple sap and an Egyptian antiserum for NRSV. Purified preparation
from infected leaves, using the electro-elution technique yielded nucleoprotein which
had Amax and Amin at 260 and 240 nm respectively. Electron microscopy examination
showed spherical virions with ca. 26 nm in diameter.
M. A. Kararah1, Om-Hashem M. El-Banna1, Salwa N. Zein2 and Abd-Elrehiem, A.F.3 
...s partially purified for its antiserum production. The absorption
spectrum of the purified virus had a min at 245 nm and a max at 260 nm. The
ratios of A260/280, A280/260 and Amax/min were 1.16, 0.85, and 1.04,
respectively. Yield of PMV was 1.7 mg/100g of infected leaves. Electron
micrographs of the partially purified virus preparation revealed the presence
of filamentous flexuous virus particles abo...

Magdy, Mariam1 ; Abou ElHassan D.G. 2 ; and Salem, S.A.H 3

...div>positive sera of SNT its results indicated that 48 sera were positive(29 for cattle and 19 for
buffalo) , sertotyping for positive sera were applied with statistical results showed no significance
difference between serotypes in governorate , species and percent of inhibition . Solid Phase
Competitive ELISA was applied for the negative 152 sera samples to measure the titer of
antibody against strains A,O, SAT...

Sherif .M. Ibrahim*, Abd El-Razek. B. Abd El-Razek*. Hanan. M. El-Zahed Amal. A. Fatouh* and Ayatollah. I. Ibrahim*

... study, after confirming its immune response as a candidate vaccine.


Sahar Abd El Rahman1; Mohamed Eladl2 and Mohamed M. El-Diasty3

...ular characterization of its genome. Infection by the bovine ephemeral fever virus (BEFV) was noticed in Dakahlyia governorates during the summer season of 2015. Twelve samples of buffy coats were collected from dairy farms suspected from clinical investigations to be infected by bovine ephemeral fever virus. The virus was isolated intracerebrally in suckling mice then successfully identified by indirect immunofluorescence technique in the brain sections of po...
Abd El-Hamid, M.I1, Seham, A.El-Zeedy1, El-Sanousi, A.A2, Reda, I.M2, Nehal, S. Saleh1, Abbas, A.M1
...f EHV-1 (EHV-1gD) due to its essential role in virus infectivity and its function in entry of virus into cells and is considered as one of the most potent inducers of virus-neutralizing antibody among the spectrum of EHV-1 proteins .A wave of Abortions has been recorded in El Zahraa stud for Arabian Horses ,collected samples were either aborted fetal tissues either Lung and livers as well as Aborted placenta and nasal swaps ...

Abd El-Hamid, M.I1; Seham, A. ElZeedy1; El-Sanousi A.A2, Reda, I.M2, Nehal, S. Saleh1., Abbas, A.M1

...f horses, well known for its ability to induce abortion and nervous system disorders neonatal foal pneumonitis, highly contagious among susceptible horses, with viral Transmission to cohort animals occurring by inhalation of aerosols of virus-laden respiratory secretions. Extensive use of vaccines has not eliminated EHV infections, and the worldwide annual financial burden from these equine pathogens is immense. Clinical signs may occur despite the presence of...

Amir M. Walaa1 ; Ausama Yousif1; Walid H. Kilany2; Magdy El-Sayed1; Ahmed A. El-Sanousi1

...vaccines and investigate its ability to protect experimental broiler chickens against challenge with wild ND and IB viruses. Two hundred and eighty commercial one-day-old broiler saso chicks were divided into 8 groups (35 birds each). Groups 2, 3, 4&5 were vaccinated at one-day-old with live hitchner + IB Primer. Then all groups at 7 days old were boosted with inactivated combined NDV+IBV vaccines with different adjuvants except for group 1 & 2. Group ...

Badr, A. B. 1, Abou-zeid, A. A2. and Al-Naggar, A. M1.

...htly increased, however, its number was sharp reduced compared with healthy tubers. Biochemical changes of potato tubers i.e. number of starch granules and total carbohydrate contents were non-significantly reduced as comparing to the healthy ones. As well as morphological characters i.e. size and tuber weight per plant were significantly reduced, however, its number was significantly increased as comparing to the healthy pl...

Manar F. Seioudy1, Magda M. Sayed1, Ahmed A. El-Sanousi2 and M. A. Shalaby2


Eman A. Ahmed1, Osama Y. shalaby2, Emad F. Dwidar2, Samah A. Mokbel1 and Ahmed K. El-Attar1
...tration of phytoplasma units; necrosis starts in companion cells; severe damage in chloroplasts with abnormal membrane and thylakoid system was absent. The xylem vesicles were characterized by deforming the secondary walls. Three methods were done towards the production of phytoplasma-free tomato plantlets through tissue culture using antibiotic compound (tetracycline hydrochloride in three concentrations 25mgL-1, 50mgL-1 and 75mgL-1), irradiation by three dos...

Manal A. El-Shazly1. M. I .Kobeasy2and Sarah H . Altalhi3

... symptoms of infected fruits produced from inoculated healthy tomato seedling showing discoloration, faint concentric rings, necrotic and chlorotic spot on mature tomato fruits. The virus was biologically purified from a single local lesion formed on Chenopodium amaranticolor Caste & Reyn. The isolated virus was identified on the basis of symptomatology, transmissibility, host range and serological tests by indirect &nda...

Asfand Raheel1, Syed Zulfiqar Ali2, Muhammad Waris2, Muhammad Basharat2, Basheer Ahmed2, Muhammad Arshad Ullah3, Syed Ishtiaq Hyder4 and Taqi Raza4*

...ity of vegetables and fruits. Significant outcomes are to be ensured in pre-harvest and postharvest handling and controlling the postharvest decay losses with these advanced techniques. Keeping an eye on good agricultural practices (GAP) standards, new advanced approaches should be reflected as gear of a combined decay control strategy. Postharvest decay is totally dependent upon harvest and handling practices. Environmental conditions mainly affect the fruit ...

Aly M. Abdel-Salam

...smitted viruses to cucurbits include viruses in the Begomovirus, Crinivirus, and Ipomovirus genera. Induced symptoms are mostly of the yellow-type disease symptoms. Previous observation indicated that co-infection of cucurbits with these viruses was very common and may lead to severe problems in virus diagnosis. Objectives: The purpose of this study is to characterize biologically, serologically, and molecularly one Crinivir...

Salama M. El-Saghir1, 2

...ractions, can occur upon its mixed infection with PVX or PVM.
Therefore, PVS indexing in potato should be put into action along with other potato viruses in Egypt.

Salama M. El-Saghir1, 2

...antity and quality of fruits. Upon
continuous observation of peach trees previously known to be infected with PNRSV, additional
suspected symptoms of phytoplasma infection were detected. These involved leaf yellowing and
withering, reduction in fruit size, malformation of fruits (where two or three fruits were attached
together), and tree dea...

Manar F. Seioudy1, Magda M. Sayed1, Ahmed A. El-Sanousi2 and Mohammed A. Shalaby2

...aluation of Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) vaccine is a matter of concern to ensure
releasing of safe, effective and potent product.
Objective: To use of some molecular techniques as conventional reverse transcriptase polymerase
chain reaction (RT-PCR) and real time RT-PCR in identity test of PPR vaccine.
Methods: Four batches of PPR vaccines that produced in Egypt by Veterinary Serum and Vaccines

Naglaa F.S. Awad1, Gamelat K.F. Kotb2

...v>naturally-infected rabbits in Sharkia governorate, Egypt in 2015/2016.
Methods: A total of 24 clinical samples were investigated by real-time reverse transcription PCR
(RRT-PCR). Hemagglutination analysis of RRT-PCR positive samples were performed, also these
positive RRT-PCR samples were purified and directly partial sequenced for C-terminal VP60 gene.
Results: Only two samples were positive for partial C-term...

Dina N. Abd-Elshafy

...o Tebas (1995), evaluate its effect, to test effect of
applying green tea extract against contaminated drinking water with HAV and study stability
of inhibitory effect of extract on HAV in water.
Results: Green tea extract has a strong anti-HAV effect with direct effect on the viral
particles. Supplementing tap water with the extract with continuous shaking every 15 minutes
for 1 hour caused more redu...

Dina A. Abdulrahman1, Ayman H. EL-Deeb2, Momtaz A. Shaheen1 & Hussein A. Hussein2

... cattle population since its introduction in Egypt. Although vaccination is
practiced to control the disease, it is still endemic. Moreover, emergence of new strains is possible
through the international borders of the endemic countries. Consequently, there is a dire need for
routine molecular characterization of the circulating FMDV strains to ensure the rapid detection of any
new or mutant strains and update th...

Abdou Nagy1, Fatma Abdallah1, Kareem Sweed2, Ahmed Salama3, Mohamed Omar4

...div>Sinai) and determine its economic effect.
Methods: Serum samples were collected from non-aMPV vaccinated apparently healthy 40 chicken
(23 broilers and 17 layers) and 8 duck (6 Pekin and 2 Muscovy) flocks and then, tested with
commercial indirect aMPV ELISA.
Results: Five out of 23 broiler, 6 out of 17 layer, 1 out of 6 Pekin duck and 1 out of 2 Muscovy duck
flocks showed positive results. On the ...
Dalia M. Omar1, Nermeen A. Marden1, Lamiaa M. Gaafar1, Elham A. El-ebiary1, Khalid El-Dougdoug2, Badawi Othman2, Abd Elsattar Arafa3, Hussein A. Hussein4
...try in 2016 to determine its suitability to be
used in vaccine quality control in Egypt.
Methods: The newly isolated virus was identified and subtyped antigenically by serological test as
Haemagglutination inhibition (HI) using standard AI antisera for H5 antigen and genetically by RTPCR
using specific primer for H5 gene and it was confirmed to be H5N1 and grouped according to the
year of isolation as...
Arslan Mahmood Ahmad1, Muhammad Ameen Jamal1, Abdul Sattar1,  Aamir Ghafoor2, Aqeel Javeed3 and Amjad Riaz1* available to evaluate its negative impact. The objective of this study was to optimize the concentration of SrCl2 for artificial activation of mouse oocytes and to evaluate its toxic effect on early embryonic development.Our results indicated that higher percentage of activation of mouse oocyte was achieved with 10mM and 15mM for period of 3 h and 6 h compared to the control group (P<0.05). To examine the to...
Asma Kaouachi1, Mohcen Menaa1*, Abderraouf Chouaib Rebbah2 and Mohamed Cherif Maazi1
...ary tract showed that fruits dominated the bird diet but the proportion of food items varied among seasons reflecting their seasonal availability in the study area. The pattern of seasonal variation of the diet was similar to most studies on wood pigeon diet. During the autumn and the winter; significant amounts of fruits of mastic tree Pistacia lentiscus and cork oak Quercus suber were consumed. Spring was cha...
Sahar Mubashar*, Tariq Mukhtar and Nasir Ahmad Khan
...ment has to get testing kits and primers from other countries. Only few quarantine centers are available and there is shortage of drugs, beds, trained doctors and paramedical staff. Unfortunately, no vaccine is available yet so the only management strategy is the prevention of infection by wearing masks and following social distancing. Cleanliness, hygiene and quarantine measures are the key to stop any epidemic to pandemic and is known to human being througho...
Roheela Yasmeen1*, Nida Mobeen1 and Samia Chaudhry2
...symptoms of COVID-19 and its enhanced effect on patients with already existing cardiovascular diseases.
Junyan Bai1*, Zhihao Dong1, Rentaodi Wu2, Lema Dao2, Di Bao2, Qiang Zhang2, Xinghua Tian3 and Hui Cao1
... weight and body size traits of Alashan Bactrian camel. The results showed that the S growth model of body height, body length, chest circumference and tube circumference had the best fitting effect, and the fitting degree was 0.937, 0.982, 0.972 and 0.914, respectively. The S growth models of body height, body length, chest circumference and tube circumference were Y=e(5.219-0.520/X), Y=e(5.140-0.601/X), Y=e(5.473-0.615/X), Y=...
Othman N. O. Mansour 1, Naglaa Hagag 2, Momtaz A. Shahein 1, Sayed S. Hassan 1 Ahmed
A. EL-Sanousi 3 and Mohamed A. Shalaby3
...negative for MERS-CoV or its
specific antibodies. Phylogenetic analysis of coronavirus ORF1a partial sequences in some positive
nasal swab samples of imported breeds (with accession number on gen bank; MH184776, MH184776
and MH184777) confirmed presence of different branch of MERS-CoV from which isolated in Middle
Conclusion: MERS-CoV is amphixnoses in which both human and camels are source of i...

Ayman S. El-Habbaa1 and Mervat E. Radwan2

...vity and responsible for its persistence in the endemic areas. Such epidemiological data could
guide the application of efficient control strategies of BEF virus in Egypt.

Mohsen M. Elsharkawy1, Salem H. Homayed1, Mohamed M. Elsawy2 and Amr A. Khedr1

GF19-1 or its CF elicited induced resistance against CMV infection, leading to a restriction of
pathogen propagation and disease development.
Samira M. Bolis1, Magda Mahmoud2, Salah E. Gumma3, Naser E. Bilal1 and
Isam ElKhidir4 it is symptomless and its lesions can regress by time. On the other hand there
is no cell culture for Human papilloma viruses (HPVs).
Objective: Detection of HPV genotypes assocciated with FEH in childern aged three to fourteen years
Methods: Fourty seven biopsies and oral smears were collected from Children (3 -14) years old, who
attended the pediatric dental clinics of Faculty of Dentistry, ...

Aml S. El-Saadany1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2 and Hussien A. Hussien2

... annually reported since its first
introduction in 1989. Variant IBDV strains were also reported in few studies. To date, IBDV
associated with breaks has been characterized in flocks which were vaccinated with classical IBDV
vaccines and demonstrated IBD characteristic lesions.
Objective: In present study the aim was to molecular characterize IBDV field strains detected in flocks
located in 4 governor...

Shimaa A. Khalaf1 , Mohsen M. Elsharkawy2, Samir A. Sidaros2, Shawky A. El Kewey2, Ayman F. Omar2, Ali Hamed1

... the production of cucurbits all over the world. The sterile fungus GU23-3 is a rhizosphere fungus conferring positive effects on plant growth and health..
Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of GU23-3 on cucumber growth and resistance against PRSV..
Methods: Disease severity and virus titer were evaluated in cucumber plants treated with barley grain (BGI) or culture filtrate (CF) of GU23-3 under greenhouse condi...

Youssef A. Elgharbawy1, Mervat M. Ali1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2, Mohamed A. Shalaby2

... the disease's return to its virulence and the post vaccinal reaction of the vaccine so we prepare inactivated LSD virus(LSDV) vaccine to immunize the cattle with safe vaccine .Ismailia isolate of LSD was propagated and titrated on Madin Darby Bovine Kidney Cells (MDBK) till reach the highest titer (10 5.5 TCID50/ml). The inactivation process was performed using Bromoethylamine hydro bromide (BEI) that did not affect the immunogenic characterization of the LSD...
Hadeer M. Mossa, Ausama A. Yousif, Emad A. Aboelsoud, Mahmoud El Gamal, Ahmed El-
Ahmed A. ElWakil1, Ausama A. Yousif2 , Adel A. Fayed3, Ibrahim M. elsabagh2, Mahmoud
El Gamal2, Omnia H. Refaei3 from parent vector to its egg.
Objective: Investigation of LSDV replication capacity in ticks uses targeted detection of the viral
DNA polymerase mRNA and metagenomics analysis using MinIon technology.
Methods: A total of 34 adult female ticks were collected from three LSD clinically disease cattle that
were previously vaccinated using the Egyptian sheep pox (SPPV) vaccine, apparently healthy cattle in

Mohamed M. Mashaly1, Ayman H. El-Deeb2, Momtaz A. Shahein1, Hussein A. Hussein2

...r could be found between its growth
on MDBK and Vero cells that it reaches its highest peak at 48hr for MDBK and 72hr for Vero cells.
The maximum destruction in cell monolayers was observed within 72hr to 96hr post-infection. With an
optimal condition for both cultures, the LSDV titers were 5.2 in MDBK after 48hr and 5.67 in Vero
after 72hr. This rise in virus titer was followe...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Samra Ammara1, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1, Shahbaz Hussain2, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid1, Abdul Rehman1 and Amjed Ali1

...cacy of lactofen keeping its full and minimized application rates on Rhynchosia capitata (Roth.) DC in green gram alone and in tank mixed addition of adjuvant (alkyl ether sulfate) at Research Area, University of Sargodha during spring 2015. The studies consisted of seven herbicide treatments, viz. lactofen complete dose (180 g a.i. ha-1) alone, lactofen complete dose + adjuvant, lactofen 80% dose alone, lactofen 80% dose + adjuvant, lactofen 60% dose alone, l...

Md. Abdullah Al Mamun1,2*, Shamima Nasren1,3, Sanjay Singh Rathore1 and Kavalagiriyanahalli Srinivasiah Ramesh1

...ernal organs, liver lost its original reddish-brown and turned to yellowish-brown, intestinal duct remained empty and swelled. Severe infestation in catla caused eye opacity and tail rot indicated the devastating effects of A. japonicus. Infestation by this parasite resulted in histopathological changes in the skin and muscle, gill, liver, kidney, heart and different parts of gut tissues. According to the results obtained in the present study, it can be sugges...

Bakhtiar Gul*, Saleetha Rabial and Haroon Khan

...ed to the experimental units (pots). Data were recordrd on fresh biomass, budding (%), duckweed mortality (%), plant growth, root length, frond diameter, growth of microscopic algae and macrophytes associated with duckweed, and water surface coverage (%). Results revealed that herbicides had a significant effect on duckweed fresh biomass, budding % and water surface coverage. Minimum fresh biomass (2.98 g pot-1), budding (24 %) and water surface coverage (14.6...

Ibadullah Jan1*, Iqbal Munir2, Inamullah Khan3, Syed Muhammad Suhail4 and Aqib Iqbal2

...animal models to address its pharmacokinetic behaviour and to improve its therapeutic efficacy and potency by enhancing its binding affinity against multiple target proteins. It must also be screened for long-term toxicological and side effects to further investigate its safety profile.


Md. Sahidur Rahman1*, Tishita Ape1, Md. Islam1 and Sharmin Chowdhury2

...ntibiotic use as well as its residual and resistance effect. We collected data from 101 dairy farmers in Chattogram, Bangladesh. The results revealed that ceftriaxone, gentamicin, streptopenicillin, amoxicillin, and sulfur drugs were the most frequently used antibiotics in the study area. Among the participants, 99% did not follow the withdrawal period of the drugs and claimed their prescribers did not advise them on it. Among participants, 81% were found unaw...
Jehan Dastagir, Muhammad Amir*, Bilal Ur Rehman, Shahid Hameed and Majad Ashraf
...ks into various queue limits e.g. Drop Tail and RED. Evidently, a comparison of these two queue limits vividly demonstrates that RED demonstrates a better performance when it comes to attainment of optimized TCP congestion control. This investigation is naturally followed by simulating different TCP versions such as TCP Tahoe, TCP Sack, TCP NewReno, TCP Reno and TCP Westwood for checking and comparing their effective resourc...

Reema Zia* and Noor Paio Khan

...ot need to change any of its policies and would benefit from trade liberalization due to the expansion of rice production when world prices of rice rise as a result of the reduction of support in other countries.


Iftikhar ud Din* and Yousaf Hayat

...tly. In reality these traits are not independent and appropriate techniques for analyzing multiple traits simultaneously, is the multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). This study deals with the illustration of MANOVA using simulated data, related to agricultural trials. The appropriate design, methods of analysis, interpretation and conclusion are carried out on simulated data. For illustration three factors are conside...

Ghani Akbar*, Muhammad Asif and Zafar Islam

...d. These production benefits can be instrumental in improving livelihood and nutrition of remotely located rain-fed farmers in the country in general and Potohar region in particular. However, these findings may be valid for the site-specific conditions, thus needs to be evaluated for recommendations under the wide environmental conditions of rain-fed areas of the country.

Song Jiang1,2,3, Xianbin Mo1,2, Falin Zhou2,3, Jianhua Huang2,3, Qibin Yang2,3, Lishi Yang2,3 and Shigui Jiang2,3*
...y weight and survival traits, as well as the interaction effect of genotype and environment. The results showed that the average body weight and survival rate of P. monodon in Diet A group were higher than those of Diet B group, and the heritability of P. monodon in Diet A and Diet B group was 0.53±0.12 and 0.39±0.09, respectively, which belonged to high heritability, and the heritability of survival after transformation was 0.38 an...
Bingjie Zhou1, Hitesh Bhagavanbhai Mangukiya1, Siva Bharath Merugu1, Fakhar-un-Nisa Yunus1, Yuchen Fan1, Zhenghua Wu1,* and Dawei Li1,2,*
...sRed was demonstrated by its internalization in fibroblasts. Therefore, the purified recombinant fluorescent protein would be a very useful tool for further investigation of AGR2’s extracellular function and molecular mechanism.
Liangkun Pan1, Qun-Lan Zhou1*, Bo Liu1, Jiaxing Yan2 and Ajun Sun1
...t section may decided by its function and physiological characteristics.

Syed Ismat Hussain1, Khalid Mehmood2, Mudassar Khaliq3, Habib Anwar1, Syed Muhammad Zaka4, Ateeq ur Rehman5*, Muhammad Shahid6, Syed Atif Hasan Naqvi5*, Ummad ud Din Umar5 and Muhammad Asif Zulfiqar7

...ation of degree days for its forecasting was calculated from 1st January by using the metrological data and base line temperature and found 7 generations of pink boll worm to be found in all districts. Data for moths trapped in sex pheromone traps was noted as highly significant i.e., P>0.0001. Peaks of moth catches in 14 districts were observed in the month of September to October while for pest survey P= 2 X 10-16 were highly significant meaning that all ...

Rupinder Kaur1,2*, Pretty Bhalla3, Jubin Kumar Saini4 and Sayeeduzzafar Qazi5

...ion officials, exploring its effect on job satisfaction, job performance and well-being of employees, and testing and implementing coping measures is suggested for future studies. 


Jie Gao1, Guannan Wang1, Chuang Zhou1, Megan Price2, Jinnan Ma1, Xiaohong Sun1, Benping Chen3, Xiuyue Zhang2 and Bisong Yue1*

...togenome and investigate its phylogenetic relationships within the babblers and superfamily Sylvioidea. F. cinereiceps’ mitogenome is typically circular, 16,969 bp in size with a rich A+T content (52.7%), 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 22 tRNAs genes, 2 rRNA genes, a control region (CR) and a non-coding region (NC). We found strong support for F. cinereiceps being placed within Sylviidae (superfamily Sylvioidea)and for babblers being separ...
Donglai Li1,Mei Han1,Huw Lloyd2, Linyu Jin1, Lei Zhang1, Jiangxia Yin1 and Dongmei Wan1*
... male and female varied tits reduced their feeding rates or relative feeding effort to EPP broods, or that they decreased provisioning for EPY in mixed broods. There was also no direct effect of EPP on the reproductive success of breeding adults and the body condition nestlings near fledging. The lack of reliable cues of EP copulations (EPC)s by social mates available for the males, and/or the absence of strictly environmental pressure on males that would favo...
Houqiang Luo1*, Yanfang Lan2, Ping Gan3, Wenjun Zhou4, Meng Wang1
Bing Hu5, Zhuning Zhang5, Yu Bai1* and Kun Li6*
...l rapid in-clinic ELISA kits. Ticks were collected from dogs and molecular detection methods were used to identify the tick species and CME by amplification of the cytochrome oxidase subunit I and disulfide oxidoreductase gene, respectively. The results indicated that 1.29% of the serum samples were positive for E. canis, and 5.50% of dogs were infested with ticks. The Wenzhou samples of R. sanguineus exhibited a high homology (99.7%–99.8%)...
Song Jiang1,2,3, Ming-ge Zhuang1,2,3, Fa-lin Zhou1,2, Qi-bin Yang1, Jian-hua Huang1, Li-shi Yang1 and Shi-gui Jiang1*
...N. succinea based on its effect on the reproductive traits and VTG mRNA expression level in parent shrimps of P. monodon.

Sana Javeid* and Khalid Nawab

...25% through home/farm visits. Likewise, 49.5% from non-poor category were empowered in the course of community empowerment and 66.8% attended trainings arranged by extension agents. In addition, out of all poor categories least number of growers (4.9%) were found extremely poor and 10.5% in the transitory non-poor category. The association of extension services, visits paid by the extension agents, extension contact methods,...
Nianhong Huang, Yan Wu, Yuanyuan Li* and Jinhong Zhao* a study on snakes and its parasites. The present study investigated three kinds of snakes, Elaphe carinata, Naja atra and Ptyas mucosus from Wuhu, Anhui province, China. The results show that Hepatozoon sp.were only detected and characterized found in the snakes Elaphe carinata and Naja atra. Mature gamonts were generally long and elliptic, both ends obtuse and one end slightly pointed under the blood ...
Atta Muhammad Memon1, Ubedullah Kaka2*, Muhammad Umer3, Asghar Ali Kamboh4, Atique Ahmed Behan5, Habibullah Janyaro6, Yong Meng Goh7, Amir Bukhsh Kalhoro6Jalila Abu8, Khaleeq ur Rehman Bhutto9 and Arsalan Maqbool10

Fahrauk Faramayuda1,2*, Totik Sri Mariani3, Elfahmi1,4 and Sukrasno1

...tract was identified for its chemical content using gradient system HPLC 0.1% formic acid: acetonitrile. The qualitative analysis results showed that the two extracts of O. aristatus resulted from in vitro culture containing rosmarinic acid and sinensetin. When compared to the wild type, the chromatogram had a larger area than the wild type. This study provides new information regarding the secondary metabolite content of two O. aristatus from in vitro culture...

Muhammad Madni Afzal1*, Shahbaz Talib Sahi1, Amer Habib1, Waqas Ashraf2, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan3, Muhammad Raheel2 and Qaiser Shakeel2

... crops, greatly reducing its yield and quality. Fusarium oxysporum is a very common soil-borne fungus that causes basal rot onion and it has the ability to survive in the soil for many years without having a host. Many fungicides are available in the market to control the basal rot of onion which contain hazardous material that continuously destroys the environment and human health. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the fungicidal efficacy of ...

Ghulam Muhiyuddin Kaloi1* and Mehrunisa Memon

... material well known for its high biological oxygen demand, chemical oxygen demand and soluble salts. Its injudicious use may be hazardous for soil health. Study was conducted to evaluate significance of wastewater in context of sugarcane juice quality and soil health. Wastewater was tested on experimental field of Matiari Sugar Mills in a randomized complete block design with factorial combination of five concentrations of wastewater (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20%) an...
Pir Meher Ali Shah1*, Shahryar Shafique Qureshi1, Rizwan Aslam Butt2, Haider Ali3 and Shahid Khan4
... deployed remote radio units (RRUs) with baseband units (BBUs) in 5G network architecture. Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA) and wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) techniques are employed to ensure high capacity. Furthermore, free space optical (FSO) links are employed at the distribution level (DL) to facilitate dense deployment of RRUs near the subscriber’s premises. The proposed model is anal...
Asim Mushtaq1*, Asra Nafees1, Raza Muhammad Khan1, Amina Israr1 and Zaeem Uddin Ali
...late suspension far from its equilibrium state and possesses very non-linear and irreversible characteristics. The pavements made by bituminous and the requirement of continuous maintenance and even constructing it again guide us towards the cement concrete pavements. Cement concrete is advantageous over bituminous. It helps in investigating Polymer Fiber Reinforced Concrete (PFRC). PFRC enhances the reinforced concrete design, and it is proved as more durable...

Hina Fatima1*, Bushra Yasmin2 and Lal Khan Almas3

...rding inputs quality and its time-effective utilization in addition to the marketing information about availability of innovative inputs. This is learned from the results that multiple cropping under tunnels appeared as a cutting-edge system among the prevalent agricultural practices in Pakistan that demands modernity and challenges on the part of farmers. 


M. Azam, Iqtidar Hussaian*, Ghazanfar ullah, A.A. Khakwani, M.S. Baloch, K. Waseem, M. Amjed Nadeem and M.K. Javaid is a need to evaluate its impact on agriculture. It is need of the hour to determine suitable transplanting time for rice in this changing climate scenario to have better yield. The experiment was conducted to study the response of transplanting dates and seedlings densities on fine rice variety “Super Basmati” at Agronomic Research Farm, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan during 2017. The experiment was laid out in a Ran...

Muzamil Farooque Jamali1, Fayaz Ali Jamali1, Tanveer Fatima Miano1, Zulfiqar Ali Abbasi2, Sohail Ahmed Otho3, Khalid Hussain Talpur4, Niaz Ahmed Wahocho1 and Muhammad Iqbal Jakhro5*

...and flowering related traits. The plants treated with canal water showed better seed germination (82.56 %), seed germination index (2.04), plant height (21.31 cm), branches/plant (45.61), leaves/plant (201.67), flowers/plant (8.56), diameter of flower (7.95 cm), fresh root biomass (0.821 g) and dry root biomass (2.28 mg). The plants treated with 2 dSm-1 showed seed germination (65.35 %), seed germination index (1.53), plant height (16.61cm), branches/plant (40...
Arshad Khan1, Mohammad Ihsan1, Ali Hazrat1*, Mohammad Nisar1, Muhammad Laiq1, Maryam Bibi1, Nasir Ali2, Ulfat Naz1, Muhammad Zakria1, Nausheen Nazir3, Adam Khan4 and Muhammad Asif Nawaz5
...zed for 11 phenotypic traits (4 qualitative and 7 quantitative). A significant diversity was found for leaf length with the range of 4 to 15 cm, leaf width 1 to 7.0 cm, petiole length range from 0.5 to 4.5cm.The internodes length ranged from 0.5cm to 6. The seed length ranged from 4 to 11mm. The 100 seed weight ranged from 7.7 to 48g. Correlation analysis revealed that leaf width was strongly significant with leaf length (0.454**), 100 seed weight with leaf le...

Izaz Hussain, Ahmad Khan* and Habib Akbar 

...nd slow decomposition limits its widespread application by farmers as a source of nutrients. With the objectives of improving soil mineral N availability and its impact on maize growth, two years field experiments were conducted at the University of Agriculture Peshawar in 2017 and 2018. The experiment included three factors i.e. beneficial microbe (BM: 25 and 50 L ha-1) as effective micro...

Masudul Haq Wani and Arshad Bhat*

...are being made to extend its adoption in the union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. To formulate a policy for its adoption, ex-ante evaluation was carried out by employing economic surplus model on the experimental data collected from the technical expert group of scientists involved in its cultivation, assessment, evaluation and dissemination. By adopting high advance impact assessment tec...
Arbab Zubair Ahmad1, Farman Ullah1, Hayat Badshah2, Muhammad Shehzad Khan1* and Bashir Ahmad1 cerealella as well as its effect on the quality of Trichogramma chilonis under laboratory conditions at Agriculture Research Institute (ARI), Tarnab, Peshawar-Pakistan during, 2017-2018. The cereals (maize, oat, wheat and barley) were evaluated on the basis of total adult emergence, egg laying ability, developmental time of S. cerealella and enhancing parasitism along with sex ratio of T. chilonis raised on eggs from moths reared on cereals. The response of...

Hafsa Naheed* and Hidayat-Ur-Rahman

...gnificant for all the traits studied, indicating that the performance of most of the genotypes was not the same across the environments. Various stability parameters; Eberhart and Russell, Perkin and Jinks and Finlay and Wilkinsons models were used to determine stability. Considering the Eberhart and Russell’s approach G.27, G.34, G.11, G.17, Siran and G.35 for tillers m-2 and G.22, G.23, G.31 for kernel weight had the bi (regression coefficient) values ...
Kai Jin1,2,3, Chen Chen 1,2,3, Xinyu Sun1,2,3, Caiye Zhu1,2,3, Mahmoud F. Ahmed1,2,3,4, Qisheng Zuo1,2,3, Jiuzhou Song4 and Bichun Li1,2,3*
...ene in goat and examined its inheritability and expression in transgenic SCD1 mice and goats. Our results suggested the possibility of generating transgenic goats by sperm-mediated gene transfer (SMGT). The expression of SCD1 gene and fatty acid metabolism genes in goat mammary gland tissues and muscular tissues was aligned with GEO database, and tested by qRT-PCR. F1 transgenic mice were mated and then the target genes and protein expression...
Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska1, Iwona Szatkowska1, Daniel Zaborski2*, Wilhelm Grzesiak2, Sara Tabor-Osińska1, Małgorzata Wasielewska1Witold S. Proskura1, Wojciech Kruszyński3 and Edward Pawlina3
...l of milk performance traits in different cattle breeds. The study involved 227 Jersey, 147 Polish Holstein-Friesian black-and-white (HO) and 181 Polish Holstein-Friesian red-and-white (RW) cows. PCR-RFLP was used for genotyping. A bioinformatic analysis of the P1 regulatory sequence was also carried out. Three genotypes (TT, CT and CC) were identified. The CT genotype was the most frequent (0.40, 0.50 and 0.52 in Jerseys, HO and RW...
Hui-Ming Li1, Bi-Ze Yang1, Xue-Jun Jin1,2, Lin-Miao Li1, Hai-Ying Jiang1
Xiu-Juan Zhang1 and Jin-Ping Chen1*
... better understanding of its genetic diversity and structure. In this study, 24 novel SSRs were isolated from full-length transcriptome and they were used for assessing of parent-offspring relationship for M. javanica. All SSR markers were highly polymorphic with a mean of 6 alleles per locus, ranged from 2 to 10 alleles. The average polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.62. The observed (HO) and expected average heterozygosity ...
Aftab Raza Khan1, Azhar Abbas Khan2*, Javed Iqbal3, Arif Muhammad Khan4, Zeshan Hassan2, Hafiz Muhammad Aatif2 and Umbreen Shahzad2
... Nature (IUCN). However, its population has been significantly reduced in the desert ecosystem of Bhakkar (Punjab) Pakistan. The study was conducted to study the population ecology and breeding biology in relation to feeding habits of grey francolin in 16 different stands in Bhakkar, Punjab, Pakistan. The line transect data suggested grey francolin presence in 15 out of 16 stands (93.75%). An average density of grey francoli...
HuaBin Zhang1,2, YaSen Li1, Tao Pan1, Peng Yan1, En Li1, Hui Xue1 and XiaoBing Wu1,*
...ited study of leptin and its receptor has investigated in Chinese alligator, Alligator sinensis. Therefore, we reported the presence and location of leptin and its receptor in different tissues of Chinese alligator by immunohistochemistry analysis. This study aims to access the possible effect of leptin in Chinese alligator. The results showed that immunoreactivity of leptin was observed in the adipocyte of white adip...
Hui Wang1,2, Yuchen Zhao1 and Xinpu Wang1,*
...vertebrate diversity and its associated environmental factors were less reported in northern China. The relationship between the activity-density of carabid beetles and environmental factors was conducted under three different grassland management regimes (typical enclosure, enclosed mowing, and farmer grazing practice) in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, northwestern China, from May to September 2017. Eighteen species from nine genera were collected in all ...

Muhammad Waheed* and Dost Muhammad

...ons in soil and boost up its availability to plant in calcareous soils. For this purpose, a pot experiment was conducted in the green house of the University of Agriculture Peshawar to assess changes in P fractionations and wheat seedlings growth in two diverse calcareous soils. The pretreated composts were prepared by mixing 0, 2 and 4 % P with FYM on dry weight basis either from RP (rock phosphate) or TSP (triple super phosphate fertilizer). The prepared com...

Asim Faraz1*, Abdul Waheed1, Nasir Ali Tauqir2 and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel3 

...udied by using standard kits through biochemistry analyzer. The glucose, cholesterol and triglyceride values (P<0.05) were found to be 136.68±5.46, 57.12±4.44, 35.18±3.26 and 142.62±4.38, 59.32±4.26, 36.97±3.63 mg/dl respectively in August and February, being elevated in rut-camels. The total protein, urea and creatinine concentrations varied non-significantly among animals. While the calcium and phosphorus concentr...

Khaliq Dad1, Muhammad Nawaz2*, Muhamamd Ibrahim3, Fengliang Zhao4, Rumsha Hassan2, Humaira Nawaz5, Muhammad Usman Saleem6, Kinat Javed2, Ayesha Komal2 and Hajra Naz2

...ility in water increases its mobility in the soil ecosystem. The use of sludge and chemical sprays on crops increase the Cd contamination besides some other heavy metals. Through nutrient cycling, it is taken up from the soil to plants and finally becomes the part of human body which warrants serious health concerns. Cadmium causes mild to severe effects on plants, animals and environmental health. Humans are exposed to cadmium through food, water intake, inha...
Arsalan Khan1*, Navid Anjum2, Muhammad Shuaib Khan3, Shakeeb Ullah3
Ali Zaman3, Kamran Safdar3, Khalid Muhammad3, Ambrina Tariq4
Muhammad Inam Malik3, Muhammad Kamal Shah3, Atiq ur Rehman3 
and Hamza Maris3
...xtract of hard ticks and its application as a vaccine against hard ticks of the cattle. For this purpose, ticks were collected from cattle and crude extract of ticks was prepared using standard procedures i.e. mixed with formalin, antibiotic and vegetable oil to prepare the vaccine. This vaccine was administered thrice (at weekly interval) in 15 cattle @ 1ml/50 Kg of the body weight of each animal accordingly. Fifteen cohort cattle of different age grou...
Jun Yan Bai*, Yu Chen, Qi Hang Hu, Zhi Hao Dong, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Shu Juan Zhao and You Zhi Pang
...orphism on the growth traits of quails. PCR products were used to directly sequence the polymorphism of exon 4 of ESR gene in three quail populations (Chinese yellow quail, Korean quail, Beijing white quail) and analyze the association between ESR gene and growth traits of quails. The results show that three genotypes, CC, CT and TT, were detected in exon 4 of ESR1 gene in three quail populations. The hi...
Ayman Balla Mustafa1, Abdalla Elgenaidi1, Aldukali Alkeskas1, Asim Faraz2,*, Ahmed Eisa Elhag3, Mohanad Bashari4 and Bernard Faye5
...nutrients in addition to its medicinal properties. A study was conducted to determine the impact of parity order on nutrition values of camel milk overall four months postpartum under modern system. Eight she-camels were selected immediately after calving and assigned to two equal groups, early lactation (GY) and mid lactation (GD). Both groups were managed together at the same environmental conditions under intensive system. Collection of milk samples started...
Jun Yan Bai*, Zhi Hao Dong, Shu Juan Zhao, Ying Lei, You Bing Yang, Heng Cao and Kun Peng Shi
...d analyze the carcass traits of french giant meat quail and savimalt meat quail in order to provide reference for breeding and improvement of meat quail. The results show that french giant meat quail shows far higher body weight, carcass weight, carcass net weight, breast muscle weight (total), leg muscle weight (single) and leg muscles rate compared to savimalt meat quail (P<0.05). Moreover, heart weight, liver weight, slaughter rate, whole net carc...
Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1,*, Sehrish Firyal1, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1
...y was found suitable for its use as positive control in antibiotic susceptibility testing and this enzyme will be utilized for the development of antibiotic susceptibility testing kit at domestic level in near future.

Nasir Mahmood Cheema1*, Ghulam Shabbir2 and Nazakat Nawaz3 communis L.) reflects its oil quality. Consequently, the purpose of this study was to see the Pothwar environmental condition effects on quality of castor bean oil. For the purpose, castor bean oil (Ricinus communis L.) two years experimental data from the stand point of oil content and oil quality were collected and analyzed having four sowing dates 15th July, 30th July, 15th August and 30th August using four varieties (DS-30, PR-7/1, PR101, Local) crop pl...
Yuli Andriani1*, Rintan Octaviana Julia1, Lintang Permata Sari Yuliadi1, Iskandar Iskandar1 and 
Yaya Rukayadi2
...e of natural pigment and its effect on the tail color quality of Swordtail fish (Xiphophorus helleri, Heckel. 1848). Completely Randomized Designed (CRD) was applied consisting of four treatments with three replications. The treatments were added 0 % (A), 1 %, (B), 6 % (C) and 12 % (D) of BPLM. The parameters observed included biochemical compound and carotenoid content of dried BPLM, changes in tail color quality, survival rate and water quality. Krusk...

Muhammad Zubair Ishaq1, Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2*, Saghir Ahmad2, Amna Bibi2, Hafeez UR Rehman3, Umar Farooq3, Javaria Ashraf4 and Samaria Nisar4

Ahmad Wahyudi1*, Sujono Sujono2, Listiari Hendraningsih2, Ari Prima2, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile3 and 
Ivar Zekker4
...eed efficiency. However, its addition in Total Mix Ration (TMR) and also TMR silage on calves’ growth performance is yet to be elaborated. Therefore, the effect urea addition on TMR and its silage on performance of Friesian Holstein (FH) male calves were evaluated. The calves (n = 27; 5 mo to 7 mo, mo = month old) were divided into three groups, each group consisted of nine calves, based on age: 5 mo (100 kg to 105 kg)...

Rahmat Gul1*, Imran Khan1, Iftikhar Alam2, Zia Uddin1 and Zafar Iqbal3 justify;">Dietary habits, both in terms of amount of food and variety of food, during the month of Ramadan are different from those during non-Ramadan period of the year. Therefore, general Food Frequency Questionnaire  are not capable to report on dietary intake in Ramadan. T o define the design of a Food Frequency Questionnaire  to be used for the assessment of food intake during the fasting month of Ramadan. A cross-sectional study was conduct...

Reena Ambreen1, Sadaf Sarfraz1*, Fouzia Qamar2 and Shomaila Skinadar1 

...surfactant structure and its concentration on the solubilizing power of surfactant molecules resulting in the exclusion of organic coloring agents/dyes which may serve as contaminants or pollutants. In addition to solubilization phenomena, in the present study foam formation more specifically ion flotation has been discussed to understand the dye-surfactant interactions resulting in the removal of dyes/colored substances.


Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Iram Liaqat*, Junaid Nadeem, Hammad Aamir and Shaukat Ali

... gland secretion coating its surface, hence a borrowed property. Our study used direction application and disk diffusion method to investigate the antibacterial potential of Neoscona mukherji and N. theisi egg and web silk. For disk diffusion method, silk was first degummed to form degummed silk solution’ (DgS), then the degummed silk was dissolved to form the dissolved silk solution (DSS). The DgS and DSS solutions were tested against selected common pa...

Hasnain Raza1*, Maryam Maqsood2, Muhammad Muzamil Nazir1, Iqra Tariq1, Kaynat Ahmed1, Qurat-ul-Ain1, Ali Raza2, Huda Bilal3, Muhammad Bilal Shoukat1, Attiq ur Rehman1, Awais Rasheed1 and Muhammad Zeshan Gulzar1

...r health risks, CWs, and its phytoremediation attributes as a plant-based cleanup solution for wastewater remediation.


Huda Bilal1, Hasnain Raza2*, Kaynat Ahmed2, Iqra Tariq2, Qurat-ul-Ain2, Sana Sarfaraz1, Sanaullah1, Maryam Maqsood3 and Ali Raza3

... human existence. Due to its significance in ecosystem functioning, biodiversity is very important but difficult to replenish and recover when eroded. A severe threat to the anthropological system was the loss of biodiversity that took place over the planet. Climate change has the opposite effect on habitat fragmentation and contributes to the loss of biological diversity at the habitat, genetic, and species levels in a synergistic way. Land and aquatic biodiv...

Muhammad Nauman1, Iftikhar Ali3, Nazir Ahmad1,2*, Fazli Ahad1 and Touheed Iqbal4

... observed for all the traits studied. Among parental lines, C-88 performed better for protein content (20.48%) and erucic acid content (50.31%), C-89 for oleic acid (36.15%), and linolenic acid content (10.18%). Among F2 populations, C-95 × C-93, C-88 × C-95, C-97 × C-95, C-88 × C-89, C-93 × C-95 C-97 × C-88 performed better for oil content (51.48%), protein content (21.62%), oleic acid (37.60%), glucosinolates content (88.2...

Aiman Amur1*, Nasreen Memon1, Pervaiz Khan2 and Fozia Gull3

... attacking on several fruits. The Bactrocera dorsalis is one of the complex fruit flies of this diver’s genius, hunting on very delicious fruits such as mango. The purpose of this study is to observe the relationship among the environmental and host effects on the outbreak of this crucial pest. The research work was conducted in two gardens (50 hectors) of mango fields of Mirpur Khas, known as mango land of Sindh durin...

Amir Muhammad Khan1, Laila Fayyaz2*, Raziuddin2, Sajid Ali1, Israr-ud-Din1, Sheraz Ahmad2, Haidar Ali1 and Ijaz Ahmad2

...r seven morphological traits including days to flowering, primary branches mainstem-1, plant height, main raceme length, pods mainraceme-1, pod length, 1000-seed weight and three seed quality traits; oil content, glucosinolate and erucic acid. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) found significant variation among Brassica napus L. lines for all the studied morphological and seed quality traits...
Mona Mohammed EL-Derbawy1, Eman Naser Hafez2*, 
Mona Abdel Daym Abd Rabbo1, Nagwa Ibrahim Toaleb3,
 Saedia Abdel Hady Sayed El-Ahl1 and Bahaa Eldkeen Wade EL-Aswad4 
...ral and motor changes in its surface molecules converting it from poor immunogenic to highly immunogenic surface.This study aims to comparatively analyze normal and gamma radiation-attenuated Schistosoma mansoni cercarial antigens (SCA) by ELISA for serodiagnosis. Total IgG ELISA was assessed to evaluate the potency of two parts of Schistosoma mansoni ceracrial antigens (2000 each) one normal and other exposed to attenuating dose of 400 Gy gamma ...
Muhammad Mansha1*, Sidra Yaqub1, Asma Abdul Latif2, Muhammad Wasim3 and Peter C. Thomson4
... of Her2/neu showed that its levels were higher in younger patients (≤ 42 years) than in older patients (0.884 vs 0.614 units, P= 0.049). The ROC curve indicated that the optimal test (maximum Se + Sp) occurred at HER-2 Neu values of = 0.615, where Se= 0.73 and Sp= 0.49. The AUC value for this test was 0.57, with 1 being a perfect test, and 0.5 being equivalent to random allocation. In brief, premature termi...
Anwar Khan1, Fareeha Nosheen2,4, Bushra Tabassum2*, Olawale Samuel Adeyinka2, Khurram Shehzad3, Naila Shahid2, Arif Muhammad Khan4 and Idrees Ahmad Nasir2
... and to effectively stop its systemic spread.
Rizwana Sultan1, Asim Aslam1, Muhammad Yasin Tipu1, Habib ur Rehman2, Saba Usman1, Ahsan Anjum1,*, Muhammad Saeed Imran1, Muhammad Usman3 and Muhammad Zahid Iqbal3
Li Qiao1,2, Quan Zhang1, Shubao Geng1,2, Fangmei Zhang1,2, Junhua Chen1,2 and Shibao Guo1,2,*
Yonghua Liu*, Xianhua Li, Xiongfei Yan, Gang Li, Caiyun Luo and Ying He
...erm high temperatures on its feeding, mating, longevity, and fecundity, T. vishnou gigantina were cultivated at 30, 35, and 40°C for 1, 2, and 4 h. The results showed that the different intensities and durations of the high temperatures had significant impacts on the moth’s survival and reproduction. With increased temperatures and durations of exposure, the development time of T. vishnou gigantina was shortened and then prolonged. At 3...
Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3* and Abdul Waheed3
...llected and biometric traits recorded were withers height (WH), body length (BL), head length (HL), head width (HW), ear length (EL), ear width (EW), neck length (NL), neck width (NW), heart girth (HG), rump length (RL), rump width (RW), tail length (TL), barrel depth (BD), sacral pelvic width (SPW), birth weight (BiW), Live body weight (BW), teat length (TEL), teat diameter (TED), testes length (TsL), testes width (TsW) and scrotal circumference (ScD). Male a...

Kemi Funmilayo Omotesho1*, Philip Akintunde Fatodu1 and Toyin Benedict Ajibade2

...eness regarding the benefits of record keeping and regular training particularly in the management of record keeping for multiple farm plots. Literacy programmes should also be organised to address deficiencies of poorly schooled youths. 


Inam Ur Rahman1, Sanam Wagma Khattak2*, Muhammad Israr3 and Saima Hashim4

...nclusive improvements in its all individual dimensions. In case of Pakistan, however, the food availability and food utilization are important to be addressed initially and then to focus on the other two dimensions.


Nazeer Ahmed Lashari1*, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh2, Aijaz Hussain Soomro2 and ShamsuddinTunio3

...-chemical and cooking traits of the rice change during the storage . The study aimed to determine the physical attributes and baking quality of two coarse (IR-6 and DR-82) and two aromatic (Basmati-385 and Lateefy) rice varieties grown in Pakistan along with their packaging effects and storage circumstances. Study was carried out at Sindh Agriculture University Tando Jam at IFST, Pakistan. White rice was produced by dehulling the paddy through stake Sheller, t...

Muhammad Yaseen1*, Muhammad Sallam Shahzad2, Farhat Ullah Khan2, Muhammad Luqman1, Usman Saleem3 and Shoaib Nasir4

...n is globally famous and its demand is increasing at the national and international level because of the long kernel, strong aroma, and grain elongation at the time of cooking. This crop also serves as a source of livelihood for the majority of the farming community residing in the rice zone. Public sector advisory services are considered as a pillar for agricultural crop productivity; therefore, the present study was designed to explore the role of public sec...
Dia Mamadou1,2*, Meissa Beyah1, Sow Amadou Harouna1, Ba Samba Alassane1, Bouzouma Moustapha1, Braham Cheikh Baye1 and Beibou Ely1
...ont-size: small;">Due to its biological characteristics (i.e. late sexual maturity, long reproductive cycle and high mortality of the larval phases due to predation and/or climatic hazards), the lobster is considered a highly vulnerable species. Furthermore, its high market value is such has led to a rush to exploit it to such an extent that some coastal cephalopods fishing vessels are being transformed into lobster vessels ...
Muhammad Mohsin Javed1*, Muhammad Azhar Nisar2 and 

Muhammad Usman Ahmad2 

...lts showed that NaCl, at its optimum level, plays an important role in increasing the bioelectricity and sustaining the internal resistivity. Six different pH parameters were subjected to check the effectiveness of the treatment on the power production. The maximum power production achieved at pH 4.5 i.e. 70.5 W/m2 of power density at external load of 200 Ω. Which reveals that if the pH difference between the two chambers is increased the powe...
Amin Arif1, Khizar Samiullah1*, Riffat Yasin2, Bilal Rasool1, Shakila Naz1, Xijun Ni3 and Saleem Akhtar1
...eryx punjabiens with its mammalian paleo-community reveals the persistence of mosaics of diverse habitats ranging from tropical evergreen forest to subtropical ones, closed seasonal woodlands to wooded savannas during the deposition of the Dhok Bun Ameer Khatoon, Chinji Formation.
Madiha Nawaz and Shoaib Freed

... many other crops due to its polyphagous nature. A study was conducted to check the efficacy of different local isolates of entomopathogenic fungi on 2nd nymphal instar of P. solenopsis under laboratory conditions by immersion method. Three entomopathogenic fungi; Beauveria bassiana (isolates Bb-01, Bb-08), Metarhizium anisopliae (isolates Ma-11.1, Ma-2.1) and Isaria fumosorosea (isolates If-2.3, If-02) showed percent mor...

Muhammad Junaid Yousaf 1, Farhad Ali2*and Fawad Ali2

... field conditions due to its relative adaptability to saline conditions, which may result in economic production compared to open-pollinated maize varieties or other maize varieties released for normal field conditions.


Mohammad Aquil Siddiqui1*, Muhammad Mahran Aslam1, Mahboob Ali Sial1, Nighat Seema Soomro1, Muhammad Tahir Khan1, Shafquat Yasmeen1, Shumaila Sial2 and Imtiaz Ahmad Khan1

... showed 9.7% increase in its oil content and novel fatty acid profile which was comparatively higher than the commercial check variety. It was also tolerant against insect pest and diseases including Alternaria blight, powdery mildew, downy mildew and white rust. The agronomic study suggested that this mutant stain (R00-125/14) best fits in the existing cropping system and agronomic package of technology. Surhan-2012 is a fi...
Jia Liu1, Zhen Wang1, Zifan Ning1, Ali Mujtaba Shah2,3,Qing Zhu1, Yan Wang1, Huadong Yin1, Zhichao Zhang1, Lu Zhang1, Yaofu Tian1, Diyan Li1,Gang Shu2,4, Lin Ye1 and Xiaoling Zhao1,*
... myofiber development as its expression abundances were associated with the muscle development profiles in the SG and FG chickens, respectively.
Congfen Zhang1,Yingxiao Liu2, Linfeng He2, Fengjun Shi2, Weitang Yao2 and Xuegang Luo2,*
...y industrial system, but its toxic effects on most organisms are largely remained unknown especially in insects. Antheraea pernyi pupae were injected with uranyl acetate, which concentrations were 6.25mM, 12.5mM, 25mM. Changes in malondialdehyde (MDA) and reduced glutathione (GSH) and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), and catalase (CAT) as well as their corresponding mRNA levels in the fat bodies of the pupae were evaluated. As a result, we...
Seung-Yun Baek1 and Seong-Min Lee2*
...mposing vehicle speed limits and installing signboards.
Luis Daniel Jiménez Martínez1, Vicente Morales Garcia2Carlos Alfonso Frias Quintana3, Alejandra del Carmen Castillo Collado1, Gloria Gertrudys Asencio Alcudia4, Carina Shianya Alvarez Villagomez4, Emyr Saul Peña Marín4,5, Bartolo Concha Frias1 and 
Carlos Alfonso Alvarez-Gonzalez4
... used techniques, due to its precision, sensitivity and high performance, particularly in gene expression to compare between cells, tissues and organs; as well as different populations, stages of development, metabolism, among other conditions. This study analyzed the stability and normalization of six commonly used reference genes such as alpha elongation factor (ef1-α), beta-actin (actb), 18S ribosomal RNA (18s rrna), beta-2-microg...
Muhammad Awais1,2, Waqas Ahmad3, Akhtar Rasool Asif4, Sayyed Aun Muhammad1, Iahtasham Khan1*, Muhammad Amjad Ali5, Muhammad Qaiser Riaz1 and Muhammad Saqib2 
...ounds. A total of 40 rabbits were divided into four groups (A, B, C, and D) to perform two experiments. Two wounds of full-thickness with the dimensions of 1×1 cm (1 cm2), were created on right and left lateral sides of the trunk, comprising 4 wounds on each rabbit. Wounds of group A, B, C and D were treated with pyrogen free normal saline, 0.05% PI gel, certified Acacia honey and H-PImxr (an equal volume mixture of Acacia honey + Pyodi...
Roheela Yasmeen1*, Laiba Asif1 and Samia Djeffal2
...t is good for livestock, its impact on the vulture population has been very deleterious. The present review discusses the chemical structure, uses, and the mechanism of the action of diclofenac and its negative impacts on vulture populations along with less harmful alternatives such as meloxicam, and controlling measures to stop decline of vulture species that can be adopted to regain normal population numbers of these vultu...
Sohail Anjum1, Awais Ahmad1, Farzana Bibi1 and Hazrat Ali2* important factors for its population increase is the increased number of dumping sites in the area.

Amina, Muhammad Zahid Rashid and Amina Rashid

...;C temperature. These fruits were compared with control (non-treated) fruit after 15 days. It was observed that the fruits coated with 40% chitosan showed minimum weight losses of 18.66% at cold storage (11°C) respectively as compared to control where weight losses were 34.50% at cold storage respectively. Treated fruits were firmer (41.67 N) after 15 days storage period as compared to...
Zhi Hao Dong1, Jun Yan Bai1*, Xiao Ping Jia2, Ying Lei1, Hui Cao1, You Bing Yang1 and Guang Lu Li1
...lymorphism and growth traits in two populations of quail. The results showed that three genotypes, CC, CT and TT, were detected in exon 1, exon 4 and exon 8 of ESR gene. The frequencies of CC genotype in expressed exon 1 of ESR gene were the highest in french giant quail and savimit quail (0.531 and 0.778, respectively). The frequencies of TT genotype in expressed exon 4 of ESR gene were the highest in french giant quail and savimit quail ...

Iffat Nawaz1*, Tahseen Zeb1, Bibi Saima Zeb2 and Javaria Sherani3

...s are the sole source of its production. 108 land races of beans including 96 landraces of Himalayan region, the ten Mesoamerican and the two Andean genotypes were evaluated at three locations during 2015 and 2016 at the Summer Agricultural Research Station Kaghan, Batakundi Potato Seed Farm Batakundi and Agricultural Research Station Baffa, Mansehra. This two year study is pioneer in Pakistan with an objective to document the characteristics of common bean la...

Ayesha Khan1*, Asmatullah2, Urooba Perviaz1, Khalid Nawab1 and Mahmood Iqbal1

...ties to achieve the benefits of increased production, decrease in fertilizer usage and number of irrigations and to minimize environmental and health hazards.

Misbah Sarwar1*, Abdul Hamid2 and Iftikhar Hussain2
...nters had no hunting permits for hunting and most people hunted for recreation, pet, captive breeding and sale. The present study concludes that demoiselle cranes are being illegally hunted at a large scale in the study area resulting in decline in their population. There is a dire need of law enforcement to conserve the bird species in the study area.
Muhammad Arsalan1, Muhammad Aman Ullah1 and Abdul Waheed2,*
...from 14 morphological traits. Pearson correlations between live body weight and 13 other morphological traits obtained to analyze the nature and strength of the relationship. Simple regression models were fitted to predict live body weight from 13 other morphological traits as independent variables. Descriptive statistics of body indices and morphological traits

Rasool Bux Kalhoro1, Ghulam Mustafa Laghari2*, Ghulam Hyder Jamro2 and Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2

Phong Huy Pham1,2

... on the overwintering habits of the paper wasp Polistes olivaceus (De Geer, 1773) are presented. The overwintering aggregation of the wasp took place at its former nests and involved both males and females. Whereas the females often gathered very closely on the top surface of the nests, males often roosted alone at the nest petiole or a certain site outside the nest, about 2–10 cm from the females. Under unfavorable we...

Syeda Shazia Bokhari, Aisha Waheed Qurashi*, Roheela Yasmeen*, Fouzia Yasmeen, Nabeela Nayab, Uzma Rafi

... | The study is novel in its design as it is planned to see the aggregation potential of microbial communities which are associated with earthworms (Lumbricus terrestris) for the adherence and exopolysaccharides productions. Both characteristics are important for promoting the growth of plants and soil fertility traits.

Samreen Khan*, Salma Javed, Tabassum Ara Khanum, Nasira Kazi

...trieved from multiple fruits, vegetables, ornamental flowers, medicinal plants and other commercially important trees from different four sites of district Lakki Marwat and subsequently assessed the presence of EPNs using last instar larva of greater wax moth Galleria mellonella L. as baited host. After completion of requisite process, resultantly the corresponding recovery rate of EPNs was found 10.9% which includes only genus Steinernema comprising two isola...
Teuku Fadlon Haser1*, Muh. Saleh Nurdin2, Eddy Supriyono3, Deni Radona4, Fauziah Azmi1 , Kukuh Nirmala3, Widanarni3, Tri Heru Prihadi4, Tatag Budiardi3 and Riris Yuli Valentine5
...on as the source of recruits.
Syed Shahid Imran Bukhari1*, Nusrat Jahan2, Muhammad Khalil Ahmed Khan3, Mariam Zaheer1, Sabir Javed1
...barbadensis is known for its antidiabetic and antihyperlipidemic activity, this study was aimed to check efficacy and toxic limits of different doses of gel extract in diabetic induced albino mice. Male albino mice, weighing (25±5g) were divided into three groups; Group 1: normal (non diabetic nontreated), Group 2: diabetic non treated (DNT), Group 3: diabetic treated (DT) mice. Group 3 was treated with three doses of...

Ayesha Muzamil, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir, Shaukat Ali, Iram Liaqat, Aamir Ali, Muhammad Summer

...IL-1. IL-6 cytokine play its role in regulation of metabolic reactions. The activity of various leukocytes is suppressed by IL-4 and IL-10 (anti-inflammatory cytokines) that triggers the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. This review paper provides an overview of inflammation, its associated factors, causes and treatment and role of cytokines in inflammation. 

Eman H. Mahrous1, Mohamed. W. Abd Al -Azeem2, Faisal A. Wasel1, Waleed Younis2* 

...ations (snuffles) in rabbits with significant economic losses and poor prognosis in Egypt. So, this study aims to detect and identify P. multocida isolated from rabbits by molecular techniques. To establish this goal, lungs, liver, and heart (50 for each organ) were collected from 50 diseased rabbits (suffering from respiratory signs) from backyard rabbits<...
Amr N. El-Shahat1, Refaat G. Hamza1,*, Ashraf M. Mounir1 and Madeha N. Al-Seeni2
...eroxidation. Graviola fruits have been reported to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. The present study was designed to determine the possible protective effects of graviola fruit juice (GFJ) against radiation induced oxidative stress and biochemical alterations in the liver and kidney of male albino rats.In the present study, gamma- irradiation (2 Gy every 3 days up to 8 Gy total doses) induced biochemical and oxidative damage in rats when ...
Jarosław Pytlewski1, Ireneusz R. Antkowiak1 and Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska2* cattle breed and its relation to selected rearing traits. Relationships were determined between the genetic variants of the three polymorphic sites of the PIT-1 gene and the following rearing parameters: body weight at birth, body weight at weaning on day 270, daily weight gain from birth to weaning, age at first calving and body weight after first calving. The frequency of alleles of the analysed lo...
Abdullah Abdo Albegali1, Tayyaba Aftab1, Atiq-ur-Rehman1*, Amir Rashid1 and Mayada Mohammad1,2
...nalyzed using different kits of Roche Cobas C111 chemistry analyzer. Histopathological investigation of liver and heart was also done. The plant significantly (P < 0.05) and non-significantly (P > 0.05) decreased the levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides, high density lipoprotein, low density lipoprotein, very low density lipoprotein, asparate aminotransferase and alkaline aminotransferase. The plant maintains the level of HDL to a normal range. It ...
Muhammad Anwarullah1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Muhammad Ijaz1Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Usman1*,Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1Muhammad Husnain1,Ahsan Anjum3, Qurratulain Ashraf4 and Ghulam Mustafa3

...nd help in understanding its associated risk factors and its effects on the health of cattle and buffalos.

Sadarman1, Agung Irawan2, Muhammad Ridla3, Anuraga Jayanegara3*, Nahrowi3, Roni Ridwan4, Ahmad Sofyan5, Hendra Herdian5, I Nyoman Guna Darma5, Teguh Wahyono6, Dewi Febrina1, Rakhmad Perkasa Harahap7, Rizki Amalia Nurfitriani8, Danung Nur Adli9 of six experimental units as the combined result of 2 types of the ensilage process and 3 levels of tannin addition treatments. The experiment was arranged following a 2×3 factorial design with four replications. Degradability parameters were measured at 0, 4, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h of incubation time. Results showed that adding either CT or HT on soy sauce residue did not affect the degradation kinetics as represented by the values of the soluble fract...

Muhammad Waryam Warraich1, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1*, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Aftab2, Fakhar Mujeeb3, Muhammad Zeeshan Maznoor1, Aneela Riaz4 and Sarfraz Hussain2

...rition of potassium benefits is also on the minimum side. To overcome potassium bio-available losses from Pakistani farming system is very essential to sustain crop growth. Keeping in view of these issues, a pot study was performed at the departmental research area. The aim of the research was to depict the efficacy of the use of carbon sequestering fertilizer (compost, press mud and fly ash) along with conventional potassium fertilizers (MOP & SOP) on whe...
Muhammad Taqi1, Shazia Erum2, Shamaila Rasheed2, Sadar Uddin Siddiqui2 and Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi2*
... in the disappearance of its wild populations in different mountainous regions in Pakistan. A proficient way for large-scale and fast propagation of C. tuberculata through in-vitro organogenesis was carried out at in-vitro lab, Bio-resources Conservation Institute, NARC, Islamabad, Pakistan. Nodal-tips as explants were grown on MS salts enriched with diverse plant growth regulators including BAP, NAA, Kin and 2,4-D, alone as well as in combinations. The highes...

Sanjeela Sabahat1*, Juliya Abbasi2, Mushtaq Ahmad1, Saima Mumtaz1, Taj Naseeb Khan1, Sudheer Tariq1 and Muhammad Imran1

...own fruit crop known for its color, aroma and texture. The fruit is enriched with vitamin C, manganese and antioxidants. In Pakistan, except for a few low-temperature regions, it is mainly grown as an annual fruit crop where runners are transplanted every year. Owing to its short growing period and high profitability, it is mostly produced by small scale farmers. However, the changing climate from the past few years has affe...

Vahid Mollasadeghi1,2* and Samaneh Elyasi1,2

...ance of the evaluated traits showed that the effect of PVY virus treatment was significant on chlorophyll a, b, leaf area and stem length at 1% and 5%, respectively. In addition, the effect of Pars Humic seven on chlorophyll a, b, leaf area and stem length was significant at 1% level. The results of the interaction effect of PVY virus treatment in Pars Humic were significant only for chlorophyll a, b and leaf area at 1% level. Pars Humic treatment with concent...

Noha M. El-Shabrawy1, Atef M. Kamel2, Aza S. Goda1, Gehad R. Donia1, Ahmed M. Salah-Eldein2* toxins and represents its accumulative effect. The aim of the present study is to determine the preferable tissue and bird that can be used as a bio-indicator for heavy metals pollution in El-Salam Canal which is considered as an important source of water for land irrigation and drinking of livestock in north Sinai, Egypt. A total of 58 wild birds belonging to 4 different species; Egyptian barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), house sparrow (Passer domestics), gr...

Arshad Farooq1, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Ishaq2, Asif Nawaz3*, Iltaf Ullah4 and Hidayatullah5

...ble to climate change as its variation can directly affect the crop productivity. Therefore, knowledge about climate smart agricultural production technology is the main component and knowledge gap is at the crux of yield gap. The current study was carried out in two districts Charsadda and Nowshera of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province during 2020 with main objectives to measure farmers’ knowledge level in fourteen climate smart recommended agricultural produc...
Nacira Djabali1*, Souad Dougat2, Wahida Haddadi2 and Lamis Fadhli2
.../i>Thirty adult male rabbits were divided into three groups (n = 10): a control group and 2 groups treated with EGME. The solvent was applied at two increasing doses: 50 ppm and 150 ppm for five successive weeks, orally. The level of the circulating gonadotropin hormones luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), the level of testosterone, the biological characteristics of the sperm, the weight and the histopathology of the testes were st...
Samaria Nisar1, Tariq Manzoor Khan1, Muhammad Ahsan Iqbal1, Rahmat Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3*, Saghir Ahmad3, Amna Bibi3, Hafeez ur Rehman4, Umar Farooq4 and Muhammad Zubair Ishaq5

Zahoor Hussain1,2, Yasir Iftikhar3, Mustansar Mubeen3, Muhammad Zia Saleem3, Muhammad Umer Naseer3, Muhammad Luqman4, Raheel Anwar5, Faheem Khadija6 and Aqleem Abbas7

...d trees. The infected fruits were undeveloped and partially or entirely failed in attaining natural orange fruit colour. Moreover, the iodo-starch tests revealed that the color of HLB-positive leaves was dark grey to black across the sliced surface. Afterward, the Zinc sulfate and Manganese sulfate at the concentrations of 0.25 g/L, 0.5 g/L, and 0.75 g/L were applied on selected diseased plants in combination. Afterward, different vegetative, physiological, an...
Stefan Pratama Chandra1, Yoanes Maria Vianney1, Theresia Liliani Christie2, Merlyn Wongso2, Melisa Widjaja2, Deok-Chun Yang3, Se Chan Kang4, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum5,6 and Johan Sukweenadhi1*
...PT. Kalbe Farma (through its subsidiary, PT. Bintang Toedjoe), University of Surabaya (Ubaya), and Hanbang-Bio Laboratory (holding company of Kyung Hee University) established the Kalbe Ubaya Hanbang-Bio Laboratory (KUH Lab), a collaboration initiated to achieve the independence of raw materials. This laboratory is devoted to developing the plant tissue culture protocol for the mass production of P. ginseng root cultures. This paper is the first report ...
Ardi Prasetio1*, Christina Maria Sri Lestari2, Sutaryo Sutaryo2, Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum3,4Muhammad Zahoor5, Asma Nisar6 and Muhannad Illayan Massadeh7
...iovascular diseases. Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus Linnaeus, 1758), known as low cholesterol meat, can be alternatively chosen for daily consumption. Soybean meal (SBM), as the primary protein source in rabbit ration, has some disadvantages. Protein value in Black Soldier Fly Larvae -BSFL (Hermetia illucens Linnaeus, 1758) is equal to SBM and better in the amino acid profile. However, the chitin contained in BSLF may cause subclinical inflammati...

Dewi Ratih Ayu Daning1,2, L.M. Yusiati1, C. Hanim1, B.P. Widyobroto1*

...ce of rumen microbes and its fermentation parameters in vitro. It applies five treatments with six replications and uses completely randomized design to analyze the data. Only if do such differences exist, the Duncan Multiple Range Tests (DMRT) were conducted. The treatments consist of the following galangal EO doses: 0, 30, 60, 120 µL, and 5 µL pure cineole at 300 mg dry matter feed. The experiment proves that gas production, methane (CH4), dry ma...
Yang Yang1,2, Ji Shao1,2, Mingxu Zhou3,4, Qiangde Duan1,2, Xinyi Zhang1,2 and Guoqiang Zhu1,2*

...i> is closely related to its virulence factors, which are strictly regulated in vivo, and the quorum sensing system is involved in this process. To study the effect of quorum sensing signal molecule acyl homoserine lactone (AHL) on the biological characteristics of Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC), gene lasI of Pseudomonas aeruginosa which is responsible for the synthesis of long side-chain AHL (3OC12-HSL), and gene yenI of ...

Imran Ali Chandio1, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1*, Qamaruddin Jogi1, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2 and Siraj Ahmed Channa3

...n two and three equal splits given at sowing time, 1st, 2nd and 3rd irrigations, respectively) were applied to two sunflower genotypes (HO-1 and Hysun-39). Data analysis revealed nitrogen fertigation, genotypes and their interaction substantially (P≤0.05) affected growth and yield traits of sunflower. Greater seed yield (kg ha-1) and the oil content (%) were documented in N10 = 125 kg N ha­­­­­-1: thre...

Ali Zohaib*, Muzzammil Hussain, Iftikhar Ahmad and Adnan Bashir

... yield and economic benefits. Seeding rate significantly affected the growth, yield and related traits of fine basmati rice. Increase in seeding rate from 80 to 110 g per tray successively increased number of plants per tray and per hill after transplanting while decreased the root length and root/shoot ratio of rice. Plant height was not affected significantly by seeding rate. Highest increase in number of productive tiller...

Muhammad Rizwan1*, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Amjad Farooq1, Muhammad Farooq1,2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Riaz4, Muhammad Rafique Shahid3, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1 and Muhammad Kashif Shahzad Sarwar1

...ton yield and related traits. Remaining six components contributed very less viz. 30.8% in total variability. Valuable positive factor loadings on PC I was attributed by seed cotton yield, chlorophyll contents, boll weight, No. of sympodia, seed index and Ginning out turn (GOT)%. In PC II, maximum positive contribution was presented by plant height whereras maximum negative factor loadings were showed by GOT % and seed index. PCA also confirmed the results of ...

Rehman Shahzad1, Saba Irshad1* and Faisal Amin2 virus replication and its release from host cells. In this study we isolated nineteen H9N2 viruses from infected birds of various farms from Punjab, Pakistan. Neuraminidase gene of these viruses was amplified using RT-PCR and sequenced to perform mutational analysis. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that B2 sub-lineage is endemic in the country as all isolated H9N2 strains belongs to this clade of G-1 lineage. Two isolated H9N2 strains A/Chick/Pak/303/2018 an...

Asif Sadam1*, Rahmat Ullah Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1 and Juma Gul2

...ian fauna and to compare its composition and diversity in different habitats. Bird species were identified employing point counts method in urban area; agricultural area with small forest chunk and water body. Twenty four point counts were plotted in three well-defined locations such that each location was divided into eight concentric rings of 10 m radius from 0-50 m with an onward interval of 50 m. Thirty five avian species belonging to 23 families and 10 or...

Ghulam Abbas, Sultan Mahmood*, Ahsan ul Haq and Haq Nawaz

...d into 20 experimental units/replicates (8 layers/ replicate), which were further allotted to five treatment groups (4 replicate/ treatment). Five diets (A, B, C, D and E) were prepared with or without addition of sodium bicarbonate. Diet A, was without sodium bicarbonate and served as control whereas, diets B, C, D, and E contained 0.5, 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0% sodium bicarbonate, respectively. All the diets were iso-nitrogenous (CP 17%) and iso-caloric (ME 2700 Kca...

Yan Jiang1,2, Xia Tao3,4 and Hongxia Chen5,6* nephropathy (IMN) and its influence on serum levels of nephrin and B-cell activation factor belonging to the TNF family (BAFF). For this purpose, a prospective randomized controlled study method was designed for this study. 92 patients with IMN in our hospital from December 2015 to December 2017 were divided into study group (n=46) and control group (n=46) based on a computer-generated random number table. On the basis of conventional treatment, the control...

Mustafa Ozan Atasoy

... versatile tool owing to its non-pathogenic characteristic, relatively higher transgenic capacity, and enabling the DIVA strategy. Numerous bivalent and multivalent HVT constructs have been generated by various methods and some of these constructs have been made commercially available so far. The efficacy of HVT-vectored vaccines has been assessed either individually or in combination with other vaccine formulations; hence, the optimal competence of these vacc...
Lin Ye, Jie-Lan Jiang*, Jia Xu, Rui-Ting Liu, Yin-Qiu Tian, Qing-Qing Zang, Jia-Yi Cao and Ming-Guang Mao*
...lps the cell to maintain its pH value and osmotic pressure. To reveal the role of CLCN5 under low-salinity stress, a cDNA sequence of CLCN5 (TrCLCN5) was cloned from Takifugu rubripes using the reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) technique. The results showed that TrCLCN5 cDNA contained a complete open reading frame of 2505 bp continuously encoding 834 amino acid residues. Sequence alignments revealed that the TrCLCN5 cDNA is highly homologous (96.2% and 96.1%)...

A.M. Abdul Azeem, Ashraf M. Mounir and Amr N. El-Shahat*

... of PSDP without loss in its quality characteristics. Also, the results suggested the effectiveness of GPSDP as a natural antioxidant that can reduce diabetic disorders.


Keqiang Wei1*, Yue Wei2 and Changxia Song1 expression of p38 and its phosphorylated form (p-p38) was mainly present in B- and R- cells, and their MOD values were 0.0055±0.0038 and 0.0046±0.0027, respectively. As its downstream transcription factors, both RelA (p65) and Nrf2 were widely distributed in the cytoplasm of B- and R- cells, but RelA (p65) showed a relatively higher MOD level compared to Nrf2 (0.0097±0.002 versus 0.0039±0.004)....

Xiaoli Cai1,2, Saeed Ahmed3, Zhixin Lei1,*, Jianping Wu1,* and Taolei Sun1,2,*

...ic charge. Additionally, its antibacterial drug encapsulation can make it easier to enter the cell and improve the concentration in the target tissue. In the current review, the purpose is to find a more effective nanometer system to fight against intracellular bacterial infection. Current observation describes the drug resistance mechanism of bacteria, the bactericidal mechanism of antibiotics, the way of nanoparticles overpasses the cell membrane and approac...

Irshad Ahmad1,2*

... difficult to control as its entire lifecycle is hidden inside the host trunk. To overcome this pest, integrated pest management program (IPM) strategy can be adopted that includes visual inspection, behavior management through pheromones, sanitation of the crop and field, removal of the infested frond and offshoot, eradicating the concealed breeding sites of the pest. IPM also include cultural techniques comprising in-groove humidity and palm density, judicio...

Amira Mahmoud Refaie1*, Marwa Hosni Abd El-Maged2, Hassan Abd El-Kriam Hassan Abd El-Halim2, Hanan Abd El-Rahman Hassan Alghonimy2, Sayed Ahmed Mohamed Shaban1 

...eters and egg quality traits of laying hens. A total number of 240 Fayoumi chicken hens were classified into two equal experiments, 120 hens each (4 groups × 3 replicates × 10 birds). In each experiment, birds were divided into 4 treatment groups as follow: Normal control, positive control (0.0125% Butylated hydroxytoluene; BHT), 0.1% and 0.3% DPP, respectively. The DPP was used in two forms i.e., powder (DPP) for Exp.1 and aqueous extract (DPPE) f...

Muhammad Waqas1, Naveed Ahmed2*, Hamid Saeed Malik1, Unaiza Qamar3, Hasnain Javed4 and Ahsan Hussain1

...of β-thalassemia traits. A total 293 β-thalassemia carrier patients were included in study. Fr 8-9 (+G) was found the most common mutation of β-thalassemia carrier patients in the population which was 112 (38.2%), followed by IVS1-5 (G-C) which was 82 (28%), Fr41-42 which was 24 (8.2%), Cd 5 which was 20 (6.8%) and others which were 55 (18.8%) patients. The IVS 1-5 (G-C) was the most common mutation in Punjabis while Fr 8-9 (+G) was the most com...
Johar Hussian1, Faiz Muhammad2, Shafqat Fatimah Rehmani3, Aqeel Ahmad4, Nazir Ahmad Lone4, Moomal Bughio5, Syed Khurram Freed1 and Shakeel Ahmed Khan4*
...ficult to control due to its multiple serotypes. The disease could be prevented by rapid diagnosis either molecular or serological test. However, the later test is inexpensive such as heamagglutination inhibition test (HI), but IBV fail to give Heamagglutination (HA) reaction without pretreatment. Therefore, we designed this study for preparation of IBV antigen by treating with different enzymes for HA reaction. IBV local isolates were characterized by SDS-PAG...

Shaokun Lu1,2, Ronghua Li1,2*, Chunlin Wang1,2, Changkao Mu1,2 and Weiwei Song1

...esults give significant hits for nine confirmed SNP-associated sequences, some of these genes are associated with important immunological functions. These EST-derived SNP markers will be useful tools for fisheries management and conservation programme of P.trituberculatus.

Serdar Eratak1, Metin Çabuk2,* and Ahmet Alcicek3

...nal organ and carcass traits of growing quails. Day-old quails (240; Coturnix coturnix japonica) were randomly divided into 4 treatments, each with 4 replicates: control, 10%, 15% and 20% lentil byproducts—fed to the quails between 1 to 35 days of age. The mash experimental diets were isocaloric and isonitrogenous. No significant effects of the lentil byproduct inclusion level were observed on the mean total feed consumption, feed conversion ratio and bo...

Abdul Haleem1*, Ghulam Hassan1, Arshad Iqbal2, Fahim Ullah Khan3, Muhammad Sajid3, Farhad Ahmad4, Rafi Ullah Khan5 and Mohammad Ilyas2

...ense heritability and traits varied from, 36 lines of wheat were field tested in RCBD with three replications. The experimental materials include twenty eight F2 population and eight parents. Data showed considerable genetic variation amongst the studied lines, parents, F2 progeniessand parent versus F2 progenies for all the studied traits. Among parents, best lines were Atta-Habib for plant height (95.10cm) and tillers plan...

Altaf Mahmood1*, Muhammad Athar Khan2, Saima Parveen3, Tanveer Hussain4 and Ayesha Azad5

... raised eight female rabbits after oral administration of gossypol. Cotton seed cake with 0.25% free gossypol concentration was daily given to each rabbit at the rate of 4 grams per kg live weight for entire experiment period of 60 days. Analysis of fortnightly collected blood specimens revealed significantly (p <0.05) decreased hematocrit, total red blood cell count, mean corpuscular volume, haemoglobin concentration and inorganic phosphorous level of seru...

Aly M. Ghetas1*, Dalia M. Sedeek1, Hanaa S. Fedawy1, M.A. Bosila1, Hoda M. Mekky1, Kh. M. Elbayoumi1, 3, Mohamed M. Amer2 fungal population and its role during health and disease particularly in chickens. Thus, this preliminary study was performed to identify intestinal fungal population in immunosuppressed chickens. Cloacal swabs were collected from freshly dead chickens suffering from infectious bursal disease (IBD) for isolation of fungal species on specific medium. A total of 19 purified fungal isolates have been identified morphologically. Aspergillus isolates were the mo...

Hera Gul Mohmmand1, Rozina Gul1, Hamayoon Khan2, Sheraz Ahmed1*, Laila Fayyaz1, Ajmalud Din1 and Imtiaz Ali1

...c importance; therefore, its application is considered to maximize the yield of various crops, including chickpea. The current experiment was performed to assess the impact of phosphorus application on yield of 15 chickpea genotypes during the growing season of 2017-18 at the University of Agriculture, Peshawar. A randomized complete block design was used with three replications under two treatments. One treatment was a control without phosphorous application,...

Shang Zhenda1,2*, Kong Qinghui1,4*, Li Jiakui1,4, Liu Suozhu1,2, Tan Zhankun1,2, Shang Peng1,3 and Wang Honghui1,2

...ignificance to improving its productivity and immunity. In this study, we analysed the bacterial diversity in fresh faeces of wild yak and domestic yak. Results showed that the structure of the bacterial flora in wild yak and domestic yak was significantly different. Firmicutes, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes and TM7 were the dominant phyla, and Micrococcaceae, Ruminococcaceae, Planococcaceae, Peptostreptococcaceae, Clostridiaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Christensene...

Oce Astuti1, La Sara2*, Muzuni3 and Safilu4

...tch composition (CC) and its sex ratio (SR) taken from Tiworo strait were studied. Monthly samples from different habitat characteristics of intertidal zone (station A), river mouth (station B), sea grass (station C), and water depth of > 30 m (station D) using collapsible crab pots and gillnets were recorded, identified its species, sexed, counted its number, and analyzed

Lin Huang1, Ling Mai2, Keyan Zhong1 and Xinjun Chen3*

...tein (SeFABP) and obtain its recombinant protein, the basic physio-biochemistry characteristics, signal peptides, antigen epitopes, transmembrane domains, secondary and tertiary structures, multi sequence alignment and molecular evolutionary tree of SeFABP were predicted and analyzed. On this basis, SeFABP was whole-genome synthesized and cloned into prokaryotic expression vector. The recombinant plasmid pET-30a(+)-SeFABP was constructed, then transformed into...
Furqan Awan1,2, Sadia Nawaz3, Muhammad Muddassir Ali3,*, Asia Iqbal4, Raheela Akhtar5, Sehrish Firyal3, Haleema Sadia6, Arshad Javid4, Muhammad Rashid7, Muhammad Sulman Ali Taseer8 and Zhenling Zeng1
...ntations, excluding revisits, of which 47.92% were intact males and 52.08% were intact females with the mean age of 3.98 years. Moreover, further 96 controls were selected from the same clinical practices with same parameters. Among the dogs meant for different purposes, guarding purpose dogs were found more affected (n=59). While among the dog breeds, Labrador were over-represented (n=26) followed by mongrel dogs (bully, n=23). In winter season, higher number...
Damat Damat1*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Juris Burlakovs3, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile4
Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Rista Anggriani1 and Anas Tain5
...antage of analog rice is its bland taste, which can be improved by adding spices and seaweed, expected to increase the functional value. This study aims to determine the effect of the addition of various seaweed pulp concentrations and spice formulations on the characteristics of analog rice. Various formulas of concentrated seaweed pulp (5 g, 10 g, and 15 g) and spice formulations (onion, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and lemongrass) were applied, and a Randomize...

Raheela Naz1*, Muhammad Aftab1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Ana Aslam1, Qudsia Nazir1, Asifa Naz3, Abid Niaz4, Farah Rasheed1, Amina Kalsom1, Nisa Mukhtar1, Sadia Sultana1, Ifra Saleem1, Arfan ul Haq1, Muhammad Arif1, Aamer Sattar1, Sarfraz Hussain5 and Muhammad Adnan Rafique6

...and to make maximum benefits, fertilizers should be applied at the right time. In this experiment, impact of fertilizer applying methods for nitrogen and potash at different times was investigated on wheat crop. Wheat was sown as a test crop with six different fertilizer application methods at varying times under RCBD arrangement with three replications. The experimental soil was high in pH, low in fertility status and free from salinity and sodicity hazards. ...

Ghassan Zahid1, Sania Begum2, Sikandar Almani3, Sahir Hameed Khattak2, Rajesh Kumar Soothar4 and Shakeel Ahmed Soomro4*

...only one genotype showed its presence, however the rest of the genotypes lacked this gene complex. The obtained results intimated that the 8 double haploids 33, 34, 44, 45, 46, 48, 53, 54, and genotype weebil-1 contained all the slow rusting genes complex i.e. Yr18/Lr34, Yr29/Lr46 and Sr2/Lr27. Therefore, detection of slow rusting gene complex in these varieties with the assistance of molecular markers can be utilized for slow-rust resistance. Furthermore, the...

Noura El-Shahat Attia1*, Abd El-Khalek Ramadan El-Sheikh1, Mohamed Omia Siam2 

Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi1, Sumayya Amin1, Muhammad Salim1*, Taufiq Nawaz2 and Farida Anjum3

.... Lowest mean percent fruits infestation (2.84%), highest yield per treatment (9.56 kg) per plot, highest ascorbic acid content (11.06 mg/100g), fresh weight of treated tomato fruits (101.45 g) and lowest content of mean pesticides residue (0.054%) was recorded in plots treated with Imidacloprid. It was followed by Lamda cyhalothrin where 5.97%, 8.02 kg, 8.18 mg/100g, 89.18 g, and 0.071% of mean percent fru

Saima Parveen1, Altaf Mahmood2*, Ayesha Azad3, Sajid Umar4, Nosheen Shoukat6, Mirza Muhammad Arsalan Azam5, Qurat-Ul-Ain5 and Nausheen Akhtar Malik1

...ents of livestock due to its significant contribution in white meat production. Infectious disease outbreaks adversely influence the production potential and consequently cause economic losses. Epidemiological data regarding magnitude of these disease outbreaks is of fundamental importance for planning of a comprehensive control strategy. With retrospective design, this study was conducted from January 2013 through December 2017 in order to assess the disease ...

Javed Khan1, Abdul Majid1, Mohammad Nisar2*, Ali Hazrat2, Nausheen Nazir3, Muhammad Zahoor3, Mohammad Ihsan2, Azhar Hussain Shah1, Muhamad Ajmal Khan4 and Muhammad Yahya1

...ferent plant species and its knowledge help the breeders and farmers to select the best variety. Alnus nitida is one of the native and most important plants in District Dir Lower, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan, mostly used for medicinal purposes. In the present study, total 50 genotypes of Alnus nitida were collected from Dir lower and evaluated for morphological traits (leaf, petiole, nut, and catkin size). A significant lev...

Noor Muhammad* and Shah Alam Khan

...s found on itas compared its other counterparts “Abaseen, Omega and KS-75” and hence, was identified as tolerant to mustard aphid. This cultivar also exhibited strong vigor against mustard aphid and minimal symptoms of damages were observed. The yield losses based on DWT and TI in susceptible cultivar “Abaseen”was 40.79%, whereas it was 23.56% in Zahoor which confirmed the reduced percent yield losses in the later genotype. This study i...

Aasma Younas*, Ijaz Iqbal and Atif Akbar

...plied to agriculture, as its give an example of wheat to explain the concept. Crossover Designs have been constructed for different values of treatments, blocks and periods using all possible cyclic shifts. In this article, a computer program has been introduced. This is an era of technology, no one has time to do laborious work by hand. The results suggested some general rules for the construction of such designs. For p ≤ 5 and different combinations of n ...

Zhang Dong-jie1, He Xin-miao1,2, Wang Wen-tao1,2 and Liu Di1,2* important economic traits in the Min pig.


Maid Zaman1*, Imtiaz Ali Khan1, Amjad Usman1 and Ahmad-Ur-Rahman Saljoqi2

...d across the country but its diversity, genera strength, percent host and habitat attacked for district Swabi, Buner and Haripur is unreported. After collection (either on spot or through NIFA-Termaps) and identification, all districts had equal species number (05) but different type of species from the genera Heterotermes (02), Odontotermes (04) and Angulitermes (01). Genus Odontoteremes is more strengthened (57%) in number of species followed by genus Hetero...

Neelam Saba and Saba Irshad*

...nd acquired cataract and its association with other ocular anomalies in population of Punjab, Pakistan. Frequency of laterality and its association with consanguinity in congenital cataract cases was also studied. This study was conducted on 192 cases of congenital and acquired cataract presented at LRBT Hospital and Mughal Eye Hospital, Lahore (March 2016-September 2019). Children under 15 years of age (mean age=2.2 ±...

Amtul Jamil Sami*, Sehrish Bilal and Syeda Anum Zahra

... genes of buffalo GH and its possible effects in milk production. The present research was carried out to explore DNA polymorphism in buffalo growth hormone gene. In this study we amplified a 5’ flanking region covering exon 1 from local specie of Bubalus bubalis. As the 5’ region of the GH is very important in controlling the expression of the gene and minor changes in this sequence can affect its expression in ...

Saydat Saad1, Doaa Abdel-Fattah1, Tarek Khamis2, Aya El-Sobky1* 

...ive without compromising its qualities. Propolis has numerous benefits, including anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and antifungal properties. Low bioavailability, solubility, absorption, and untargeted control, the advantages of free form propolis are limited due to previous reasons. Nano-propolis is made using a variety of nanoencapsulation processes. Because of their smaller size, nano-propolis is more utilized ...

Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Irkham Widiyono3*, Bambang Suwignyo4, Amado A. Angeles5 

...nts, structures and benefits. This review of the last 5 years related to the utilization of tannin active compounds showed the effect on the reduction of methane production. Condensed tannin (CT) and hydrolyzed tannin (HT) types both play an important role in reducing methane, but CT is widely studied because of its presence which is more commonly found. The concept of tannin utilization still presents ...

Riaz Shah1*, Shaikha Hilal Al Ismaili2, Sheikha S. Al-Siaby1, Amal Mohammed Al Nasiri2, Thuraiya Hafidh Al Maskari2, Jamal AlSabahi3 and Huda Al-Ruqaishi3

...hods of basil may change its essential oil quantity and composition. The aim of this study was to determine the chemical composition of essential oils extracted from commercially available fresh and dried organic or conventionally grown basil available in Oman. The essential oils from Omani and Indian fresh conventionally grown basil, fresh organic Belgian basil, dried organic Egyptian basil and dried conventionally grown UAE basil were extracted using advance...

Muhammad Tariq Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akhtar2, Kaiser Latif Cheema2, Abdul Ghaffar3, Imtiaz Ali4, Muhammad Jahanzaib Khalid2 and Zeshan Ali5

... of studied different traits. Principle component analysis distinguished the traits into eight components. Results revealed that PC1 and 2 extracted >1 Eigen values explaining that these components have major contribution in genetic variability. Cluster analysis distributed the genotypes into four distinguished clusters. Agglomerative dendrogram of genotypes was constructed by Ward’s method. On the basis of Euclidea...

Shoaib Hameed1, Shakeel Ahmad1, Jaffar Ud Din2 and Muhammad Ali Nawaz3*

...has lost a large part of its historical range in the Hindu Kush Range. The species is confined to the eastern valleys where it is maintaining connectivity with brown bear in Gilgit-Baltistan towards the east and with Afghan populations towards the west.


Muhammad Mohsin1, Zhang Luyao2*, Zhu Ting3, Yin Hengbin3 and Qian Chong3

...s (Girard, 1856) to know its stock status and ongoing economic implications. For this purpose, Surplus Production Models (SPMs) were applied to the data through two world famous fishery routines, viz., Catch and Effort Data Analysis (CEDA) and A Stock Production Model Incorporating Covariates (ASPIC). In CEDA, we applied two SPMs, viz., Fox, Schaefer and Pella Tomlinson Models abbreviated as FM, SM and PTM, in that order. On the other hand, in ASPIC, we sued t...

Bikash Puri1, Anil K. Tiwary2, Bharata Regmi3,4, Dinesh K. Singh1, Doj R. Khanal5 and Manoj K. Shah3*

...e disease and understand its associated risk factors from the international border areas of Nepal. A total of 220 blood samples were collected randomly from apparently healthy ruminants (cattle, buffalo, sheep and goat) and screened for Bluetongue virus (BTV) antibodies in sera using a cELISA kit. Out of 220 sera samples, 92 were positive for BTV, accounting for 41.8% prevalence in ruminants. Seroprevalence rate was the highest in Buffaloes (58.3%) followed by...

Shumaila Nazir1, Iqbal Javed1, Muhammad Luqman2* and Azra3 close to Pakistan and its neighbors. Policymakers should address the problems of Kinnow export and formulate policies. 


Hams M.A. Mohamed1, Mona A. El-Zamkan2* 

...d in many infections and its isolation from raw milk represents a potential risk for human health. According to our best efforts of research, it is the first time to isolate S. thoraltensis from raw milk in Egypt.

Keywords | Raw milk, Streptococcus thoraltensis, Antimicrobial resistance, Biofilm production, Proteolytic activity 


G. Basana Gowda*, N.B. Patil, M. Sahu, S.R. Prabhukarthikeyan, S. Raghu, G.P. Pandi, T. Adak, C.K. Swain, S. Pokhare, S.D. Mohapatra and P.C. Rath 

...esistant population inhabits phosphine degrading bacteria. The study demonstrated the differential gut bacteria in phosphine-resistant and susceptible populations in Tribolium castaneum. Phosphine bioassay of different populations of T. castaneum revealed that Jagatsinghpur (Odisha, India) population had the highest LC50 value (1.104 mg/l). Further, gut bacteria were isolated and characterized through biochemical and molecular techniques. Among nine isolates o...

Mirza Lena1,2, Dinda Fathia Syahramadani2, Alfi Nurrachma Gustya2, Arif Darmawan2,3, Sumiati2, Wiwin Winarsih4, Minoru Maeda5, Komang Gede Wiryawan2*  

... prohibition is based on its negative impacts such as antibiotic residue and antimicrobial resistance. Alternative feed additives should be developed to replace the use of AGP in poultry production. Hence, the study aimed to evaluate the effects of combined dietary probiotics L. lactis D1813 and B. licheniformis D3270 on broiler performance, energy utilization, intestinal morphology, and microbial population. A total of 600 one-d-old Lohmann broiler chicks of ...

Ayman M. Khalifah1*, Walaa A. Kashyout1, Sara A. Abdalla2, Hassan S. Zeweil3, Soliman M. Zahran3, Tarek A. Ebeid4, Waleed M. Dosoky3 

... that the performance traits, including feed conversion ratio (FCR), daily egg number, and egg mass, were affected positively by Cr-Met supplementation (P ≤ 0.05) compared to birds fed BD. All eggshell and interior egg quality traits were not affected by Cr-Met supplementation. Cr-Met administration positively affected yolk total lipid and yolk total cholesterol compared to birds fed BD as their values were decreased. Als...

Doaa Sh. Mohamed1, Nema S. Shaban2 , Mai M. Labib3, Olfat Shehata4 tissue in mice due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Keywords | Doxorubicin, Medicinal plant, Transmembrane receptors, Heart toxicity, Oxidative stress, Cytokines 


Maskur Maskur1*, Muhammad Muhsinin1, Lestari, Tapaul Rozi1, Asnawi2 

...based on morphometric traits and four microsatellites marker. Experimental ducks consisted of 75 Sasak ducks, 75 Khaki Campbell ducks and 70 Mojosari ducks. Morphometric traits were recorded and statistically analyzed, whereas genetic parameters of microsatellite loci were calculated using PopGene32. In this study, the mean PIC of the 4 microsatellite loci in all populations was 0.472, whereas AY287 was the most polymorphic ...

Kanakuntla Sandhyarani*, Dhoppalapudi Madhuri, Yadala Ravikumar 

...ul substances. Uric acid itself is not toxic but precipitated crystals can cause severe mechanical damage to tissues like kidneys, heart, lungs, intestine (visceral gout) and also in the joints (articular gout). Gout is a multifactorial metaboic disease which involves infectious agents, nutritional factors and managemental prcatices. Infectious agents include Nephropathic Infectious Bronchitis Virus (IBV), Avian Nephritis Virus (ANV), Chicken Astrovirus (CAstV...

Nargis Sardar1*, Maria Binte Sarfraz2, Sufian Rasheed3 , AKM Rezwan Sardar4 , Fahamida Zaman5, Arsalan Rasheed6,7* 

...k and easy technique for its determination. This review focuses on the Vitamin D investigations of electrochemical biosensors that have been conducted in recent years. According to the research, the practical use of electrochemical biosensors is attributed to the existence of UV radiation and transactivation of pharmaceutical items, food, or even human blood plasma in the detection of Vitamin D from diverse samples, including Vitamin D production in nature. Am...

 Hanan Fathy Hammouda1, Mohammad Mahmoud Farag2*, Mervet M.F. El Deftar3, Mohamed Abdel-Gabbar4, Basant M. Mohamed4

...n was also effective but its effect was less than CL/CH/C5 sample. Finally, cerium-doped nanobioactive glass/collagen/chitosan composites scaffolds were exhibited good biocompatibility on normal cells and increased cytotoxicity on cancer osteosaroma cells.

Naima Din1, Misbah Ashraf1, Muhammad Rizwan2*, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal4, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas2, Farrukh Ilahi2, Amir Hameed5, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub6, Qurban Ali1 and Muhammad Farooq2,3

...pulation per leaf due to its smaller leaf area (91.04 cm2) compared to other varieties. Similarly, A. devastans population was maximum in NS-810 due to its higher moisture contents (66.07%), while it was minimum in OK Advanta-803 due to lesser moisture contents (52.17 %) in this variety. However, all other physio-morphic characters viz., plant height, number of branches, hair density on midrib, and chlorophyll contents showe...
Mohamed Ali Zayed
...water on the previous traits. Both groups showed significant (P<0.05) differences in average daily gain, pre-slaughter weight, empty body weight, hot carcass weight, total fat, edible parts, and non-edible parts. Where the average daily gain increased by 50.68 % for lambs that drank fresh water group compared with those kept on saline water group. On the other hand, there no significant differences between two groups were observed on dressing percentages ba...

El-Kholy KH1, Tag El-Din H1, Tawfeek FA2, Sara HM Hassab1* 

...egarding reproductive traits, the treatment increased the hatchability to total and fertilized eggs, maximizing in groups treated with 5 and 7.5 ml SLAE/kg diet. There was a non-significant association between SLAE addition and all reproductive traits, however, SLAE at the dose of 7.5 and 5 ml /kg diet decreased numbers of unfertilized eggs compared to the control treatment, as well increased fertilized eggs, the counts of ...

Fatma Desouki Mohammed Abdallah

...n determining carcass traits features and decreasing the messy in such type of biological data. This technique and its related techniques play an important role in many statistical methods like principal component regression.
Keywords | Carcass traits, Eigen-values, Japanese quail, Principal component analysis, Scree plot

Mohamed Attia Ahmed Awad1*, Obaida Abdel Kareem Almasri2, Mohamed Abd El-Aziz Mohamed Ibrahim1, Rabie Ragab Sadek1, Samy Abou-Bakr1

...ficant on all studied traits. It could be concluded that Wood’s incomplete gamma function was adequate to characterize the shape of the lactation curve for Shami cows and the shape of the lactation curve of Syrian Shami cows in the current study followed the ideal shape of other cattle breeds.
Keywords | Incomplete gamma function, Lactation curve parameters, Milk yield, Persistency, Shami cows

Muhammad Salman*, Muhammad Hamayoon Khan, Muhammad Zahid, Gul Zamin Khan, Fazli Rahim and Usman Khalique

...est of many important fruits in Pakistan causing massive economic losses. Experiments were executed to reveal the ovipositional preference of B. zonata for four selected fruits belonging to different plant families, viz., banana (Musa acuminate), persimmon (Diospyros kaki), apple (Malus domestica) and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum). The study was performed under free choice conditions by exposing all the tested fru

Bilal Jan1, Farida Anjum1*, Aasma Bibi1, Syed Roohul Hussain1, Abdul Ahad1, Azeem ud Deen1, Zia Ullah2 and Farrakh Mehboob3

...similar to many other fruits and vegetables, are treated with different pesticides at various stages of their growth and development, under conventional agricultural practices especially in developing countries. Pesticide residues in fruits and vegetables have achieved considerable attention due to the unempirical utilization of pesticides. Fruits and their products can serve as potential ...

Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat Ul Ain Akbar1, Saqib Arif1, Shahid Yousaf2*, Salman Khurshid1, Saqib Jabbar2, Neelofar Hamid3 and Uzma Sitara1

...ndicating decaying of fruits. Antimicrobial activity revealed that mature green has higher activity comparison to half and full ripe stages. Green stages showed ZOI of antimicrobial (10.7-11.6mm) and for antifungal (11.2-11.8mm) in methanol and acetone extracts. It was concluded from the results that ripening stage has effects on the nutritional values which point out that the ideal maturity stage to maintain optimal postharvest storage ability and nutritional...

Zulu Blantina Fangele, Tyasi Thobela Louis, Gunya Busisiwe* 

...nomic potential owing to its numerous applications to chickens. This article critically reviews a detailed understanding of the description, advantages and limitations of using citric acid on indigenous chicken. Several studies have been conducted on the nutritional requirements of local chickens, but the results were inconclusive and contradictory. This review concludes that indigenous chickens play a significant role in improving livelihoods, and strategies ...

Tahir Munir Butt1*, Azra2, Muhammad Luqman3, Naveed Farah4 and Muhammad Yaseen3

...n in vegetables and mean its consequences/disadvantages. Therefore, it is recommended that timely and effective campaigns must be launched in the extensive vegetable growing areas for reduced use of wastewater irrigation.

Palwasha1, Siraj-ud-Din1 and Muhammad Fahim2*

...about the technology and its use in peach production, growing of decades old cultivars i.e., Elberta (No 6) might be responsible for this production decline. Due to poverty, practice of intercropping is common to maximize their profit (intercropping upto 100% in Dir and Shangla Districts). Peach rot and fruitflies, are prevalent in all peach growing areas. Thirteen diverse insecticides and 22 fungicides alone or in combination are used to manage this twin mena...
Dharti Shahnawaz Thebo1*, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Muhammad Hanif Chandio3, Faheem Saddar4, Shahnaz Rashid5, Asma Fatima5 and Ghulam Abbas5
...otential (fecundity) and its association with other factors like total length of fish, weight of fish, length and weight of gonads were enumerated and the fecundity found to be dependent with gonads weight as compared to other factors.


Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Shaukat Ali1, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti2, Azizullah1, Shafaat Yar Khan3, Abdul Khaliq4

...tents) and biological traits (fresh weight of each larva, silk gland, pupa and moth) of silkworm, Bombyx mori L. (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) have been enhanced with natural food supplements. The current review highlights details about the overview of sericulture, constrains of sericulture industry being faced by local farmers in Pakistan and impact of natural food supplements on silkworms growth and cocoon yield. 

Muhammad Rizwan, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*, Muhammad Arshad

... Sargodha and worked out its correlation with the abiotic weather factors. The findings of this study could be useful for local citrus growers in devising timely and suitable control strategies against D. mangiferae infestations on citrus plantations.

Arman Sayuti1, Hamdan Hamdan2, Miftahul Jannah3, Safriadi Safriadi3, Teuku Nasri3, Tongku Nizwan Siregar2*

...terone) in the local rabbits. In this study, we used 10 non pregnant rabbits that have given birth and were healthy clinically. All rabbits were randomly divided into two treatment groups, namely control group (K1) and treatment group (K2) where each group consist of five rabbits. The rabbits of K1 group were injected ...

Jan Clyden B. Tenorio

...three pillars highlights its importance as a holistic tool for inclusive development. With a prevailing pandemic that is caused by a zoonotic viral agent, One Health truly is the keyword of the times. Similarly, the numerous Neglected Tropical Diseases prevalent throughout the world also calls upon a One Health approach for their control, elimination and prevention. Public health veterinarians seek to keep communities safe and healthy by promoting human and en...
Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Iftikhar Ahmad1, Mushtaq Ali2, Tahira Tabassum3 and Adnan Bashir1
... yield and economic benefits of different Basmati rice varieties is imperative for enhancing the output of rice-wheat cropping system. Hence, two-year study was accomplished to find out the differences in growth, crop maturation duration, yield and economic benefits of Basmati rice varieties (Super Basmati, PK-1121 aromatic, Chenab Basmati, Kissan Basmati, Punjab Basmati, Noor Basmati and NIAB Basmati 2016) in Gujranwala ric...

Sana Shakoor, Tahir Rehman Samiullah, Naila Shahid, Abdul Qayyum Rao*, Aneela Yasmeen, Sana Tahir, Ayesha Latif, Saira Azam, Ahmad Ali Shahid and Tayyab Husnain

...ulose membrane confirmed its specificity. The intraperitoneal immunization of mice with HA protein along with enhancer (ferund adjuvants) was done and produced antibodies in serum was detected by immunodot blotting assay. The appearance of the dot on spotted position confirmed the specificity of anti-HA antibodies. The titer of antibody produced in immunogenic mice was determined through ELISA. The highest geometric mean titer of HA-specific serum IgG, which w...

Fan Da1,3, Zheng-Yong Wen1,2*, Xiao-Dong Wang4 and Yu Luo5

...chelli) and investigated its transcriptional changes in response to fasting and refeeding. The cDNA of pvucp2 was 1,193 bp long and possessed a 939 bp open reading frame (ORF) encoding 312 amino acids. Multiple protein sequences alignment revealed that UCP2 protein sequences were highly conserved among vertebrates. Phylogenetic analysis suggested the evolutionary process of fish ucp2 was consistent with species evolution, and the pvucp2 shared a close relation...

Evrim Sönmez

...ored products, completes its larval development in legumes. It is among economically important species in our country since it reduces the germination value and nutritional value of seeds. As a result of understanding the effects of entomopathogenic fungi on pests in recent years, researchers have also focused on fungi in fighting pests. These fungi, which are sold as bioinsecticides in the market, are generally preferred by producers who want to engage in org...
Mubashir Ali Rather1, Ambreen Hamadani2*, Syed Shanaz2, Nusrat Nabi2, Showkat Ahanger1, H. Hamadani2, Ruksana Shah2
...ever, concerning wool traits, the production potential of these breeds was poor. Accordingly, crossbreeding was taken up the breeding policy to improve the genetic worth of these breeds. As a result, a fast-growing and fine wool-producing sheep strain Kashmir Merino was developed. The present article summarizes the performance of this important synthetic sheep strain in the temperate region of Jammu and Kashmir. The overall least square means (inch) of 9.90&pl...
Khaled El-Kholy1*, Yaser Rizk2, Mohamed El-Helbawy1, Eman El-Said1
...rameters for growing rabbits. Forty New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits aged 6 weeks and weighing 950±30 g g were equally and randomly distributed into five groups which containing eight rabbits in each. Rabbits were injected once-weekly for all experimental period up to 14th weeks of age. The first treatment groups were the control without injection ...

Shewangizaw Wolde1,2*, Tadele Mirkena1,3, Aberra Melesse1, Tadelle Dessie4, Solomon Abegaz5 

... chickens and carcass traits of old hens, and genotype and age effects on carcass traits of male chickens. A total of 150 Normal Feathered local chickens (LL), 150 Sasso-RIR (SRSR) and 150 their F1 crossbred (LSR) chickens were hatched and reared on station until 18-weeks of age. Then, 32 males of each genotype were evaluated for growth performance for a period of 8-weeks. Besides, 40 hens of each genotype were reared for a ...

Ly Thi Thu Lan1, Nguyen Thi Anh Thu1, Lam Thai Hung2, Nguyen Thi Hong Nhan3, Le Thanh Phuong4, Nguyen Trong Ngu3* 

...ted to growth-related traits and carcass characteristics of Noi chickens. A total of 183 birds were examined in the study. Body weight was recorded individually at days 1, 35, 63, and 91, and carcass parameters were determined at 91 days for all chickens. For determining single nucleotide polymorphisms, the PCR-RFLP method was used with the help of AcyI restriction enzyme. A polymorphic site was found in the population, with the frequencies of 11, 12, and 22 g...

Muhammad F Tajol Ariffin1, Chai M Hian1, Muhammad Z Sukiman1, Mohd F Ghazali1, Siti M Zainal Ariffin2* 

... phase protein (APP) and its association with somatic cell count (SCC) during experimentally induced subclinical mastitis in goats. Thirty lactating goats were divided into two groups (n=15 per group) challenged either by intramammary infusion of 1 x 103 cfu/mL Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) or phosphate-buffered saline (control). The haptoglobin (Hp), serum amyloid A (SAA) and α1-acid glycoprotein (AGP) levels in serum and milk were measured at pre-a...

Hilaire S.S. Worogo*, Thierry O.T.L. Offoumon, Cham D.A. Alabi, Urbain Tchokponhoué, Yaya Idrissou, Alassan S. Assani, Fade Soule, Christophe Iwaka, Ibrahim Alkoiret Traoré 


Keywords | traits, indices, shape, Borgou cattle, Okpara 


Magdy M. Fahmy1, Nisreen E. Mahmoud 1*, Mohamed R. Mousa2, Manal M. Zaki3, Elshaimaa Ismael3, Mai Abuowarda1 

...vent in Manzala Lake and its corresponding fish farms. Fish samples together with water samples were collected from 3 affected farms and 6 locations along Manzala Lake. Field observations and physicochemical analysis of water revealed deterioration of water quality indicating marked pollution. Parasitological examination of fish samples showed high total prevalence of 68.18% with 10 different ectoparasite species (4 Crustaceans, 4Monogeneans and2 Protozoans) o...

Hafeez-ur-Rehman1*, Umar Farooq1, Muhammad Asim Bhutta2, Saghir Ahmad2, Muhammad Akram2, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid2, Hammad Hussnain2, Muhammad Shahid2, Muhammad Mehmood Iqbal2, Ali Raza2 and Muhammad Iqbal2 and fiber quality traits in both irrigation regimes. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) showed existence of considerable genotypic variations for studied traits. Genotypes with high GMP and low DSI were selected as potential drought-tolerant genotypes. Under drought stress condition, cotton yield had a strong positive association with NBP, PH and significantly positive with BW; whereas negative with GOT, FS. These results depi...

Nazakat Nawaz1, Nasir Mahmood Cheema2*, Malik Muhammad Yousaf3, Muhammad Jahanzaib1, Mubashir Ahmad Khan1 and Muhammad Munir4

...field condition to check its potential and tolerance against fungal disease and insects. The subject line is rated as moderately resistant to fungal attack. At the same time, it is 10 to 15 days earlier than check varieties i.e. BARD-479 and Golden. PG-1090 has been approved by concerned authorities as a new variety with the name NARC-2019 for cultivation in rain-fed as well as irrigated areas of Pakistan.


Adriana Cervantes-Noriega1, Norma A. López2, Alfredo Estrada-Angulo2, Beatriz I. Castro-Pérez2, Elizama Ponce-Barraza2, Gilberto López-Valencia1, Alberto Barreras1, Alejandro Plascencia3* 

...y energetics, carcass traits, and diarrhea frequency in finishing lambs. Lambs were fed with a cracked corn-based high-energy diet during 89-d. Treatment consisted in filtering and sanitization of raw dam water qualified as “clean and safe” comparing it as follows: 1) dam water (RAW), and 2) dam filtered-sanitized water (FILT). Water filtered-sanitized decreased three-fold total solids and remove coliforms, E, coli, and salmonella. Filtered-sanitiz...

Ji Xu, Zhonghua Liu, Zhenhai Cui and Wenhai Zhao*

...nduced by IL-1β and its possible mechanism. Chondrocytes were isolated from rat knee joints and cultured. Chondrocytes were treated with IL-1β, and chondrocytes were treated with different concentrations of GSTT. ELISA was used to detect the levels of IL-6, TNF-α and IFN-γ. Flow cytometry was used to detect the apoptotic rate. The expressions of Bax, cleaved-caspase3 and Bcl-2 were detected by Western blot. qRT-PCR was used to detect the ...

Sheng Dong1*, Ning Li2, Jiawei Zhang2 and Ting Wang2

...uced mouse podocytes and its regulation of LncRNA KCNQ1OT1. In vitro cultured immortal mouse podocytes were divided into Con group, HG group, HG+DS-L group, HG+DS-M group, HG+DS-H group. si-NC and si-KCNQ1OT1 were transfected respectively into podocytes, followed by 30 mmol/L glucose intervention for 24 h. pcDNA, pcDNA-KCNQ1OT1 were transfected into podocytes, followed by 200 μg/mLDS and 30 mmol/L glucose intervention for 24 h. CCK-8 method and colony-formi...

Taiwo Oladoye Akande*, Dayo Johnson Ogunyemi, Priscilla Funmilola Okunlola, Emmanuel Owolabi, Odetayo Olakanmi 

...lization, and carcass traits of broilers. The overall benefits accrued in birds fed with the blend of the PFAs. While garlic showed a higher anti-lipogenic tendency, moringa had a greater influence on the feed intake and growth of the experimental birds.

Keywords | Blood lipids, Broiler, Carcass yield, Ilea digestibility, Phytogenic additive 


Rana A. Ali1, Abd-Elraheim A. Elshater2, Heba A. Mohammed3*, Mahmoud Elshazly4 

...iveness of the laser and its few side effects in treating diabetic rats.

Keywords | Diabetes mellitus, Laser, Biochemical parameters, Histopathology.  


Sutopo Sutopo, Dela Ayu Lestari, Edy Kurnianto, Asep Setiaji* 

...ficant on most of the traits. Male Kedu chickens showed more superior than the female ones. EWG showed positive phenotypic correlations to most of BW measured.

Keywords | Average daily gain, Kedu chickens, Mixed model, Phenotypic correlations 


Amira M. Refaie1*, Manal S. Mohamed1, Enayat H. Abo El-Azayem1, Sherein H. Mohamed2 

...nt period and nursering kits till weaning. The results indicate that doe rabbits fed diets supplied with 0.15% AA recorded significantly higher bunnies’ size and total weight at weaning compared to control. Both groups fed either 0.10% or 0.15% AA recorded significantly higher total milk yield (7.71%) during the whole lactation period (5 weeks) comparing to un-supplemented group. All tested groups recorded a gradual de...

Ejaz Ali and Nageen Hussain*

...ons in the GJB2 gene and its protein structure. Both control and patient samples were collected from Gilgit-Baltistan for DNA isolation and PCR was done by using a specific primer while sequencing was done by Sanger sequencing. Mutations were detected by Mutation Surveyor and BLAST. Protein structures of both control and mutated samples were constructed by PHYRE2 and visualized by the software PyMOL. The detected mutations were 380G>A (R127H), 457G>A (V1...

Jumshaid Iqbal1, Muhammad Sharif1*, Muhammad Nadeem Suleman2, Muhammad Saeed3, Fawwad Ahamd1, Asghar Ali kamboh4, Tugay Ayaşan5 and Muhammad Arslan3

... to determine carcass traits. Samples of intestine (duodenum, jejunum, ileum) were collected to perform histomorphology. Results indicated that FC, WG and FCR were linearly improved (P<0.05) in B, C and D groups as compared with control (A group). Carcass characteristics and relative organs weight showed non-significant results (P>0.05). However, data obtained on live body weight and abdominal fat pad were significantly different (P<0.05) among all di...

A. Samy1*, H.M.A. Hassan1, Fatma T.F. Abd-El Ghany2, Shama H. Morsy2 

... the diet of growing rabbits affected productive performance, carcass characteristics and antioxidant status. Sixty growing rabbits (APRI) were divided into five groups of 12 rabbits each at the age of six weeks. Five diets containing the same proportions of all nutrients were made. The first control diet (without any additives); curcumin (CE) or garlic extract (GE) at concentrations of 20...

Honnakerappa S. Ballari1 and Shashikant S. Udikeri2*

...tio in Rachur population itself. The same population exhibited 9.24 resistance ratio towards thiodicarb a carbamate insecticide. Kalaburagi population indicated resistance close to Raichur population against all insecticides both being high selection pressures areas. On the contrary resistance to each insecticide tested was low in Vijayapur population, a low rainfall area. The cross resistance was significant amongst similar groups and negative in a selective ...

Asmaa S. Mohammed*, Ahmed F. Abou-Elnaga, Ahmed I. Ateya, Mohammed M. Fouda, Ragab A. Darwish, Usama A. Abou-Ismail 

...ha;) genes in female rabbits. A total of 84 Nulliparous Blanc de Bouscat does were randomly allocated into one of four experimental groups (non-UVB, 12-h UVB, 8-h UVB and 4-h UVB) according to the duration of exposure to UVB radiation (n = 21 for each group). Behavioural patterns of rabbits were monitored for six consecutive weeks whereas, reproductive performance, expression profile of FSHR and ER-α genes and lev...

Huapu Chen1, Zhiyuan Li1, Yaorong Wang1, Wei Yang2,*, Hongjuan Shi1, Shuisheng Li1,3, Chunhua Zhu1 and Guangli Li1,*

... with superior growth traits can significantly increase farmer’s benefits due to its sexual dimorphism in growth. Herein, the sex ratio and differences in morphometric traits were observed between females and males in a full-sib population of S. argus. Then the correlation between these traits and their effects o...

Muhammad Tahir Jan1,2, Mushtaq Ahmad Saleem3,*, Muhammad Binyameen1,* and Sarfraz Ali Shad1

...nfestation (damage in fruits and larval population) was almost similar during both the years of experimentation. However, the fruiting parts were higher during second year as compared to the first year. The response of the genotypes CIM-496 and CIM-506 was variable to E. vittella infestation in fruiting parts and damage in mature bolls. Treatments showed significant impact on fruiting parts, number of damage fruits and larva...

Uzma Jabeen1, Asmat Salim2*, Irfan Khan2, Nadia Naeem3 and Rubina Mushtaq4

...t probable mechanism for its cardiotoxic effect. The main focus of this study is to analyze the mechanism of renal toxicity caused by this chemotherapeutic drug. As reactive oxygen species are significant regulators of transcription factors and gene expression, this study was aimed at analyzing the expression levels of genes that are induced in response to oxidative stress following DOX administration to rats. DOX was administered to rats intraperitoneally at ...

Amira M. Nowier1, Hassan R. Darwish2, Sherif I. Ramadan3, Nadia A. Abo El-Maaty2 and Othman E. Othman2*

...weight and milk yield traits in Egyptian goats. One hundred and sixty blood samples were collected for DNA extraction; 74 from Zaraibi, 41 from Damascus, and 45 from Barki breeds. Two genotypes, TT and TC, in the α-lactalbumin gene were identified using single strand conformation polymorphism. DNA sequencing resulted in one non-synonymous MT163744: g.128T>C SNP (TCG Ser> CCG Pro) at the sixth nucleotide of α-lactalbumin gene exon III. Barki b...

Muhammad Idrees1, Bashir Ahmad2, Muhammad Waqas1, Syed Muhammad Mukarram Shah3 and Saad Ahmad Khan4

...86 structurally diverse hits for katG, 542 for PncA, 112 for rpoB and 365 for gyrA were mapped and filtered via Lipinski’s rule of five. Finally, on the basis of docking score and binding interactions, ten small molecules were selected for each protein as novel inhibitors. These selected novel inhibitors have significant interaction with the active site of the protein and a strong possibility to act as an additional starting opinion in the development of...

Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Nisar Ahmad2, Muhammad Usman1,*, Abdul Jabbar1, Saba Usman3, Ahsan Anjum3, Muhammad Husnain1, Nadeem Raza1 and Anwar-ul-Haq4

Saeed Akram Khan1, Shahid Sherzada1*, Muhammad Ashraf1, Durr-e-Shehwar1, Sonia Iqbal1, Usman Atique1,3, Farzana Abbas1, Sohail Ahmad2 and Muhammad Sultan Haider4
...nistration of ovaprim or its analogues. However, the conditions of the induced environment vary from place to place as well as the dose of ovaprim. The present investigation is focused on possible impact of different temperatures on the induced spawning behavior of C. mrigala. The factors investigated include the ovulation time, embryonic and larval development, and yolk sac absorption induced at 4 different water temperatures viz. 26, 29, 32 and 34 ºC. C...

Roheela Yasmeen1* and Samia Chaudhry2

...ough infected persons in its prodromal stage which suggest its transmission is not likely through air. COVID-19 can affect people of all age groups and mostly results in the death of people with weak immune systems. Its most common reported symptoms are fever, fatigue, dry cough, lymphopenia, raised levels of lactate de-hydrogenase and, bilateral patchy shadows or ground glass opacity in the lungs (opacities may be mild dama...

Laiba Ajmal1, Sidra Ajmal2, Maleeha Ajmal3, Gul Nawaz3, Rabail Hassan Toor4, Hooria Younas1, Tassaduq Hussain Sheikh5 and Raazia Tasadduq1*

Riffat Sultana1*, Samiullah Soomro1 and Chuan Ma2

... exists. In past many of its sibling species were misidentified on morphological examination. However, DNA-based species assignments has now made it possible to overcome this barrier. In this study we present CO1 gene data set on the 6 species of Chrotogonus i.e. Chrotogonus (Chrotogonus) homalodemus homalodemus (Blanchard, 1836) with two forms: long winged form and short winged form, C. (Chrotogonus) homalodemus (Blanchard, 1836), C. (Chrotogonus) trachypteru...

Haipeng Liu1, Xubin Jiao1, Xiangqing Li1 and Xinru Xu2*

...eating osteoporosis, and its mechanism of action may be related to improving bone metabolism, promoting bone formation, and increasing bone mineral density.
Aqsa Fayyaz1, Muhammad Kashif Zahoor1*, Asma Ashraf2, Muhammad Asif Zahoor3, Azhar Rasul2, Humara Naz Majeed4, Muhammad Zulhussnain1, Kanwal Ranian1, Bushra Riaz1, Nazia Khalil1 and Attaullah1
...uced in experimental rabbits followed by titration. These antibodies were then used to detect the presence of NDV. Sixteen samples were found positive (20%), 62 negative (77.5 %) and two unreactive (2.5 %) for NDV. All of the poultry farms around Faisalabad showed positive NDV (ranging from 1 to 4 samples). We conclud that house flies can play a role in the mechanical transmission of ND virus. Moreover, it is also suggested that positive poultry farms are like...

Santosh Kumar1*, Riffat Sultana2* and Martin Husemann3

...and flora, but until now its orthopteran fauna is relatively unstudied. The survey was conducted during November 2018 to August 2019. We found 25 species of grasshoppers, crickets and tree crickets. Caelifera were more diverse than Ensifera with 16 and 9 species, respectively. This work is provided an extended list of Orthopterans registered from Cholistan desert for the first time. 


Junyan Bai*, Jingyun Li, Yu Chen, Zhihao Dong, Youbing Yang and Ying Lei

...hic sites with growth traits. The results showed that AA, AB and BB genotypes were detected in exon II of GH gene in the six sheep populations. The highest frequencies of AB genotype detected in Mongolia sheep, Small-tailed han sheep, Tong sheep, Lanzhou large-tailed sheep and Henan large-tailed Han sheep were 0.375, 0.531, 0.545, 0.350 and 0.596, respectively, and the highest frequency of BB genotype in Yuxi fatty-tailed sheep was 0.378. Exon II of GH gene wa...
Thobela Louis Tyasi1*, Lebo Trudy Rashijane1, Kwena Mokoena1, Kagisho Madikadike Molabe1, Madumetja Cyril Mathapo1, Victoria Rankotsan Hlokoe1, Lebelo Joyceline Selala1, Masixole Maswana1 and Lubabalo Bila2
...t (EW) on egg quality traits such as egg length (EL), egg diameter (ED), yolk weight (YW), albumen weight (AW), shell weight (SW), shell index (SI), yolk ratio (YR), albumen ratio (AR) and shell ratio (SR). Potchefstroom Koekoek layer genotype eggs (n = 200) were used. Pearson correlation and analysis of variance (ANOVA) were used for analysis. Correlation results indicated that egg weight had a statistical significant correlation (P < 0.05) with egg qualit...

Ahmed M. Darwish1*, Hassan R. Darwish1, Dalia M. Mabrouk1, Mohamed A. Abdelhafez1, Ahmed M. Abdel-Salam2, Ibrahim E. Mohamed3, Ibrahim M. Farag1, Leptin gene, Milk traits, Goat 


Nahla Hamada Magd Khalil1*, Ihab Mahmoud Helal2, El-Desoky Hassan Ibrahim Dorrah1, Soad Ahmed Soliman Ismail3 

...e maximum permissible limits (MPL). The effect of heat treatment (microwaving, roasting and boiling) for DDD residues showed reduction percentages of 81.13%, 60.38%, and 79.25%, respectively. While DDE residues showed reduction percentages of 100%, 57.14%, and 71.43%, respectively. On the other hand, DDT residue was completely reduced in all cooking methods (100%). Heptachlor reduction by roasting was 86.36%, and completely reduced by microwaving and boiling. ...

Aml M. Ragab1*, Maha R. Basyoni1, Enas A.I. Khoris2, Nadia A. Abd Elghany3 

Sajad Ali1*, Naeem Ur Rehman Khatak1, Shahab E. Saqib2 and Saleem ur Rehman1
...agricultural inputs, credits, and extension services. Furthermore, the study suggests, policies that should provide tenants with improved access to land and secure tenure be implemented.


Thobela Louis Tyasi1*, Lubabalo Bila2, Nkgaugelo Kgasago3, Siza Mthi4 


Ibrahim Samir Abd El-Hamid1*, Wafaa Adel Abd Fouda1, Hesham Attia Shedeed1, Safaa Ali Mostafa1, Ahmed Mohamed Elbaz2, Salah Abo Bakr2, Baliegh Hamdy Mosa1, Ali Saber Morsy1, Amal Mohamed Hasan1, Khamis Refaay Emam3 

...ivity of Hi-Plus doe rabbits under North Sinai conditions. Forty-five Hi-Plus doe rabbits aged 5 months and body weight with an average of 3060.2±21.0 g were used from June to September 2020. Does were randomly divided into three equal groups, n= 15 for each group. The 1st treatment (Tr1), served as control. The 2nd treatment (Tr2), received 5 g of microalgae N. oculata / kg basal diet. The 3rd treatment (Tr3), receiv...

Mubashar Ahmad, Roheela Yasmeen*, Aisha Waheed Qurashi, Muhammad Hassan Ali Shah 

...cation and economic benefits. The physical needs of animals are even met in captivity however the conditions of confinement and exposure to humans can result in physiological stress. The stress response consists of the suite of hormonal and physiological reactions which are helpful in an animal’s survival. Cortisol levels are frequently used to determine the stress in animals. The elevation in cortisol levels are associated with increased stress levels. ...

Tehseen Ali Jilani1*, Muhammad Saleem Jilani2, Javeria Sherani3, Kashif Waseem2, Muhammad Sohail Khan2, Hasnain Saleem3, Abdul Manan2, Rashid Jawad2 and Sami Ullah4

...for yield determining traits under the growing condition of D. I. Khan, KPK. Experiment was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) replicated thrice during two normal growing seasons (2013-14 and 2014-15). At physiological maturity, data were collected for yield contributory traits. In Season 1, the genotype Minarellet proved to be early maturing by taking lesser number of days to flower initiation (55.48 days) ...

Masudul Haq Wani and Arshad Bhat*

...ia and Spain, afterwards its cultivation spread to Iran, Sweden and India. In India, around 5,707 ha. of land are under its cultivation with annual production of around 16,000 kgs. The state of Jammu and Kashmir ranks at top of the list of saffron growing states in India, with district Pulwama at slot one. Out of the total 5,707 ha. of land under saffron cultivation in India, 3,785 ha. are exclusively in Jammu and Kashmir. T...

Ibrarul-Haq* and Malik Muhammad Shafi

...onomy of people who inhabits within or near forests. This study aims to examine how the NTFP’s collection affects the rural households’ income in district Swat, Pakistan. In addition, the factors of household’s participation in the study area were also identified. The relationship among the household’s income from of the NTFP’s collection and age of the household head, level of education, distance between the forest and home, hous...

Manish Gautam1*, Pravakar Kattel2 and Krishna Kaphle3

Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, Erkata Yandri2, Yogo Adi Nugroho3, Mardiana Sri Susanti4
Satriyo Krido Wahono5, Wahyu Widodo1, Lili Zalizar1, Elfi Anis Saati1, Maftuchah Maftuchah1
Manar Fayiz Mousa Atoum6, Muhannad Illayan Massadeh6, Dwi Yono3, Rangga Kala Mahaswa7
Herry Susanto2, Damat Damat1*, Dyah Roeswitawati1, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani8 and 
Susi Mindarti1
...< 0.01), and its reducing sugars content [4 311.10 mg kg–1 ranged (3 911.10 to 4 422.20) mg kg–1], which was higher (P < 0.01) than LaBoite’s. Mengani’s amino acid is presumably degraded due to the drying process at the temperature of 80 °C for 15 h.

Muhammad Asif1*, Ahmad Ali Shahid1,2 and Nasir Ahmad3

...ngal diseases may affect its yield. Early blight is one of its most destructive diseases. Biocontrol agents are the best-known source to minimize the attack of pathogen. Tomato leaves infected with early blight symptoms were collected from Lahore. Pathogen was isolated on PDA and its morphological characters were studied. All the characters used for identification of pathogen confirmed the...
Didiek Hadjar Goenadi1,2*, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi3,4, Erkata Yandri3,4, Kiman Siregar5,6, Aris Winaya7, Damat Damat7, Wahyu Widodo7, Ahmad Wahyudi7, Praptiningsih Gamawati Adinurani4,8
Maizirwan Mel9, Ivar Zekker10, Muhammad Zul Mazwan7, Devi Dwi Siskawardani7
Endang Dwi Purbajanti11 and Ida Ekawati12
...ain apprehension towards its industrial sector in implementing the concept of sustainable development. To overcome this, the sustainable certification has been developed through the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and Indonesia Sustainable Palm Oil (ISPO) in order to accomplish the global standards for sustainable palm oil. RSPO and ISPO function to minimize the negative effect of oil palm production on the environment and social community. Indonesia...
Yunilas Yunilas1*, Nurzainah Ginting1, Tri Hesti Wahyuni1, Muhammad Zahoor2, Nelzi Fati3 and 
Ahmad Wahyudi4
...uminant animal feed, but its utilization as animal feed is not optimal. The application of silage feed technology using local microorganism additives is expected to improve the physical quality of silage feed. This study aimed to determine the effect of adding local microorganisms (MOL) and fermentation time on the physical quality of corn straw silage. This study used a completely randomized design, factorial 3 × 3 with three replications. Factor I was ...

Md. Taimur Islam1*, Mirza Mienur Meher2, Anas Bin Harun3 and Md. Golam Haider1


...bserved every year since its first report in 2007 in Bangladesh. This virus has mutated several times and thereby changed its genetic clades. The prevalence of ND is highest in October and in 0-3 months aged chickens. AMPV generally infects the upper respiratory tract of poultry, which has been isolated for the first time in Bangladesh in 2016. Alternatively, adult chickens are more susceptible to IB and ILT. The prevalence ...

Mirtneh Akalu1,2*, Takele Abayneh2, Esayas Gelaye2, Behailu Tefera2, Teferi Degefa2, Vemulapati Bhadra Murthy1 

...booster-dose group reach its peak geometric mean (GM) log10 HI antibody titer (3.46 ± 0.06) at the 42nd day. Whereas calves in the single-dose immunized group reach the peak GM 1og10 HI titer (2.79 ± 0.13) at day 28th post immunization (p < 0.05). Challenged calves showed the lowest mean clinical respiratory sign score in booster-dose immunized calves (1.2 ± 0.35) than in the single-dose group (4.2 ± 0.51) but the highest score w...
Mubasshir Sohail*, Qadeer Ahmed Soomro, Raza Muhammad, Muhammad Usman Asif and Imran Rauf
...r energy development and its study would be of a great importance in the field of bioenergy and integrated pest management. The study was aimed to evaluate cellulolytic activity which was detected in the gut of mango mealybug, (Drosicha stebbingi). Initially, cellulolytic activity was detected from crude proteins using substrate-agar plate assay and laterally confirmed by endoglucanase assay. Enzyme activity measured using the glucose standard curve was 725 U/...

Aiman Al Mufarji, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed* 

... pesticides residues and its effect on modulation of blood and plasma parameters of ewes in subtropics. Twenty seven Naimi ewes, 51.3 ± 2.70 kg body weight and aged 2.5 - 3.0 years, were randomly allocated to three equal groups (nine/group) as control and M. oleifera groups (25 & 50.0 g daily). Blood samples were collected and were subjected to analysis through hematology and plasma biochemistry analyzers. The hematological parameters include red an...

Anis Suraya Mohamad Abir1, Sakinah Yusof1, Abd Rahaman Yasmin1,2, Abdul Rahman Omar1,3, Kok Lian Ho4, Wen Siang Tan1,5, Abdul Razak Mariatulqabtiah1,6* 

... (chBM-DCs) and FWPV and its recombinant viruses are limited compared to other avian viral infectious diseases. Therefore, this study characterised the response of chBM-DCs to infection with the wild-type (WT) FP9 strain of FWPV compared to a recombinant FWPV carrying the H5 gene of avian influenza virus (rFWPV-H5) using morphological and immunophenotypical observations. The results showed that the rFWPV-H5-infected chBM-DCs formed better dendrites and stellat...

Qiong Xiang1, Jing-Jing Li1, Qian Zhang1,3, Rong-Bo Tian1 and Xian-Hui Li1,2*

...ce for Somatostatin inhibits neuronpathic pain based on our previous work.


Luke Chukwudi Ali*, Nnanna Ephraim Ikeh, Bright Chigozie Amaefule, Amarachi Linda Obinna, Ndubuisi Samuel Machebe 

... treatment groups of rabbits in all the semen traits except in semen volume. Semen pH showed significant (P<0.01) variations with semen of bucks in T4 having the highest value (8.67). Sperm motility, sperm concentration, live and normal sperms in decreased with an increase in dietary DCSM whereas non-motile, dead and abnormal sperms increased with an increase in dietary DCSM. Testicular morphometric measurements and histo...

Jawad Abdullah Butt1*, Yasmin Nergis1, Ahmad Hussain2 and Mughal Sharif1 

...ution volume of coal and its harmful impacts on the environment. Innovative tools with advanced efficacy and fewer environmental impacts are essential to handle these low-rank coals and to transform them into energy e.g., Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor (CFBC) and other Clean Coal Technologies (CCT).
Hafiz Liaqat Ali1, Muhammad Tahir Hassan1*, Muftooh Ur Rehman Siddiqi2, Mehwish Arshad1 and Muhammad Mudassar Sharif3 lean NG combustion limits. Herein, the experimental research was accomplished to analyze the effect of hydrogen blending on the combustion, emission, and performance aspects of NG EQD210N-20 engines. The engine was run at six different working conditions which are characterized by engine load, engine speed, and hydrogen fractions. The main performance parameters included heat release, mass fraction burned (MFB), power (frictional, effective, indicated), eff...
Ateeq-Ur-Rauf1*,Wisal Khan1, Muhammad Salman Rafi2 and Nauman Khan3
...and strategies to assure its availability. Pakistan is an agricultural country and its economy, food security and prosperity lies in the best water management of water resources. These facts prompt us to study the changing temperature and precipitation relationship in Upper Indus Basin, UIB (hub of Pakistan water supply). Five substations of UIB (Drosh, Gilgit, Astore, Gupiz and Skardu) were selected for study, mean monthly ...

Zilu Zhang1, Ning Wang2, Ce Hou1, Laiba Shafique1, Saif ur Rehman1, Zhuyue Wu2, Zhiqiang Wang1, Mingsong Wei3* and Kuiqing Cui1*

Mujahid Tanvir1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1*, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Mazhar Iqbal Zafar2, Muhammad Tariq3 and Muhammad Bilal Tayyab1

...s of the world and transmits many zoonotic diseases in humans and in wild and domestic animals. It is primarily controlled by the extensive use of conventional synthetic insecticides against most of which it has developed resistance. This study was aimed at determining the toxicity of selected microbial and synthetic insecticide formulations and botanical extracts against C. quinquefasciatus larvae. Among the n-hexane extracts of 40 indigenous plant species co...

Nausheen Irshad1, Maria Akhter1, Tariq Mahmood2*, Faraz Akrim3, Muhammad Rafique Khan1 and Muhammad Sajid Nadeem4

...alyzed for investigating its diet composition and identification of its prey species. Analysis of scats revealed its diet comprising of both vertebrates and invertebrates along with some proportion of vegetation. The weasel most frequently consumed arthropods (26%), followed by mammals (21%), birds (9 %) and least reptiles (2 %), along with consuming vegetation (23 %). The prey species in ...

Rabia Goher, Inamullah and Mohammad Akmal*

... not necessarily reflect its potential performance when subjected to a different Agro-Environment (AE). This study, therefore, aimed to assess the foremost developmental stages of the selected genotypes of wheat in three AE i.e. AEP (Peshawar), AEK (Kashmir) and AEC (Chitral). An experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block, having 3 replications. Four cultivars (i.e. Pirsabak-2005, Pakhtunkhwa-2015, Pakistan-2013 and DN-84) along with three advance...

Erum Iqbal*, Firoza Kazi and Saboohi Raza

...duction is presented and its associated parasitic nematodes have been discussed with reference to chronological research data related to Pakistan.


Phassakon Nuntapanich1*, Hathaichanok Nuntapanich2 and Woraman Maicharoen3

...e study site obtain benefits from ecosystem services such as increasing income and maintaining food security (rice and fish) by using local wisdom. Therefore, to ensure sustainable development of rice-fish farming system in the TKR, these things should be implemented: (1) Enhancing the number of fish and biodiversity in paddy fields by reducing using chemical fertilizer and eliminate using chemical pesticides in cropping areas; (2) According to the first, to d...

Muhammad Ismail1,*, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1 and Umair Abbas1 and Riaz Hussain2

...stm.) Swingle) on the fruits of five citrus cultivars (i.e. bitter orange (Citrus aurantium L.), grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macfad), lime (Citrus aurantifolia Christm), mandarin (Citrus reticulata Blanco) and sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck) against B. dorsalis using choice and no-choice fruit-dip bioassays. Results revealed a significant reduction of pupal weight and adult emergence of B. dorsalis by 4% extracts of A. indica, A. sativum and C. aura...

Ghassan Zahid1, 2*, Sara Iftikhar3, Muhammad Umer Farooq4 and Shakeel Ahmed Soomro5

...agricultural country and its population continues to grow rapidly at an alarming pace. The agricultural sector is playing a vital role in strengthening the economy of the country. Apart from traditional cereals cultivation, climatic conditions of Pakistan are feasible and appropriate for the cultivation of temperate, tropical and subtropical fruits. Thus, diverse environmental conditions allow the farmers to cultivate a vari...

Md. Enayet Kabir1, Md. Jahangir Alam1*, Md. Mosharaf Hossain2, Zannatul Ferdaushi3 

...e straw as such or after its probiotic fermentation along with concentrate mixture in the form of TMR produced a better response in fattening cattle than the conventional system of feeding concentrate and straw separately.

Keywords: Total mixed ration, Blood profile, Fattening cattle, Performance, Faecal bacteria, Probiotic 


Tariq Mahmood1*, Shakeela Ismail1, Faraz Akrim2, Muhammad Farooq1, Nadeem Munawar1 and Muhammad Raza Khan1

...d how much proportion of its diet comprises of livestock, leading to human-wolf conflict. Field surveys were made on monthly basis from July 2018 to December 2019 for data collection. The distribution of the species was determined by surveying the potential habitats and recording its direct and indirect field signs (such as scats, pug marks, prey remains, hairs), while diet composition was investigated by using noninvasive t...

Feng Xu, Weijing Fan and Guobin Liu*

...nd oxidative injury, and its mechanism may be related to the up-regulation ofNEXN-AS1/miR-410-3p pathway.
Mudassar Jehan1, Masroor Ahmed Bajwa2, Mohammad Masood Tariq2, Asim Faraz3*, Abdul Samaad2, Jameel Ahmad1 and Yousaf Hassan Barozai2
...e in Pakistan. As far as its size is concerned, it is medium sized, having fat tail and inhabits in the Northern regions in Balochistan. Molecular studies are the base of breed characterization. Hence, nearly 25 unrelated (including both male and female) animals of Balochi breed were sampled for DNA extraction. Some specific markers (15 out of available 30 SSR markers) were employed in the present study to highlight genetic ...

Amjed Ali1, Muhammad Tayyab1*, Abu Saeed Hashmi2, Asif Nadeem3, Shumaila Hanif4, Sehrish Firyal1, Shagufta Saeed1, Ali Raza Awan1 and Muhammad Wasim1

...a suitable candidate for its utilization as positive control in diagnostics and in antibiotic susceptibility testing experiments.


I Gusti Lanang Oka Cakra1*, Anak Agung Ngurah Badung Sarmuda Dinata2,  I Gede Mahardika1,  I Gusti  Nyoman Gde Bidura1

...season, but the study of its effect was limited. This study aims to determine the effect of additional Hibiscus leaf flour (HLF) in the concentrate on protein balance, blood metabolic profile, and body composition of Etawah crossbreed goats. A total of 20 goats with an average initial body weight of 18.22 ± 3.09 kg were used in the study with a randomized block design consisting of 4 treatments and 5 replications. The four treatments tested were as foll...
Tri Eko Susilorini1*, Ahmad Furqon2, Wike Andre Septian1, Desinta Wulandari3, Suyadi Suyadi3
...n broadly studied due to its important influence on the milk properties. Senduro goat is local breeds in Indonesia that provide milk. This study was aimed to analyse CSN3 gene polymorphism and its association with milk production and composition on Senduro goat. A total of 42 lactating Senduro goat were used in study from parity 1 to 4. Blood and milk samples were collected in Senduro district, Lumajang. The tra

Soliman Mohammed Soliman1*, Mohsen Mahmoud Shoukry2, Ahmed Mohammed El-Okazy1, Ahmed Mahmoud El-Morsy1, Mahmoud Mohammed Soliman1

...of 200 or 250 PP reduced its degradability in the rumen more than untreated SBM. Also, recorded decreased gas and methane production had no effect on milk production.
Keywords | Soybean meal, Rumen degradability, Methane production, Milk yield
Zayed Mohammad Ali I.1*, Mona Mohamdy1, M.F. Shehata1, Nasser Ghanem2
...d to evaluate carcass traits. There was no significant (P< 0.05) difference on average pre slaughter weight (37.63± 2.97 and 36.88±3.83kg) for G1 and G2, respectively. However, significant differences were obtained between G1 and G2 in dressing percentage based on slaughter weight (49.11 vs. 46.21 %), liver percentage (1.74 vs. 1.39%) and percentages of edible parts (2.60 vs. 2.14%). Our results indicated that animals rose under semi-intensive...

Barirah Rehman Talpur1, Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani1*, Imdad Hussain Leghari2, Mansoor Tariq1, Aisha Rehman3, Shahnawaz Kumbhar1 

...liver and kidneys in rabbits and broilers. Sixteen rabbits and sixteen broilers of four weeks age were divided into four subgroups each were given 0mg (control),50 mg, 100 mg and 200 mg Sodium Fluoride /liter in water daily for 18 days. The clinical signs and mortality were noted. Blood was collected at days 0, 5, 10, 15 and 18 of experiment, for evaluation of liver and kidney functions. Dose and time dependent significant (...

Hye-myoung, Jang 1,3, Ju-Hyeun, Kim3, Garam Park1, Yoon Dong Choi4, Sun-Eui Kim1,5, Gwang Joo Jeon1,2* 

...rassna) extract (AE) and its effects on prevention of dementia related diseases through ICR mice experiment. The mice were fed with 5 mg of AE per day for 16 weeks to see the effect of AE on inhibition of two major biomarkers of beta-amyloid (Aβ) and tau-protein (τ-protein) formed in the brain tissues. Under the hypothesis of obesity inducing potential dementia, mice were fed with high-fat energy diet to gain excessive weight. The experimental groups ...
Mohammad Belal Shaker1, Waleed Rizk El-Ghareeb2,3*, Marwa Magdy Seliem4, Wageh Sobhy Darwish3, Bassam Abdulla Alhawas2, Ahmed E. Tharwat3
...isms, that normally inhabits aquatic environments such as fresh, and marine water bodies. Aeromonas spp. might cause food-borne gastroenteritis that might be complicated to cause septicemia, meningitis, endocarditis, and osteomyelitis with high mortalities in immune-compromised persons. This international collaborative research was conducted to investigate the prevalence of Aeromonas spp., particularly A. hydrophila in three crustaceans (crab, lobster, and shr...

Mohamed El-Henfnawy*, Essam A. El-Gendy, Ahamed M. El-Kaiaty, Mostafa Helal 

...elected chicken line and its genetic control line. The results revealed significant G × S interactions for body weights at 4 and 10 weeks of age. The line effects on body weight traits were significant and consistent except for 2-wk body weight. Also, significant sex effects were shown for body weights at all ages. The effect of sex on biweekly body weight gains and growth rates was significant for the tra

Chandni Wajid1, Abdul Hameed Baloch1, Ahmed Nawaz Khosa1*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri2, Nasrullah Bangulzai1, Sarfraz Ali Fazlani1, Haleema Sadia3, Saeeda Kalsoom4, Muhammad Bilawal Arain2, Wassem Ali Vistro2 

...n. The wool was sheared, its color and fleece weight were observed. The result reveled that wool color and fleece weight were black and white with 1.91 kg, full white, white with black muzzles and limb extremities with 1.83 kg, white gray mix with 1.85 kg, white with black muzzles and limbs extremities with 1.77 kg, for Balochi, Bibrik, Harnai and Rakhshani sheep breeds respectively. For PROP1 gene analysis, the blood sample were collected from the selected sh...
Emtenan M. Hanafi1*, Fouad M. Tawfeek2, Walid S. El Nattat1, Moetazza M. Alshafei3, Seham S. Kassem3, Kawkab A. Ahmed4, Enas N. Danial5, Hagar Elbakry3, Hoda S. El-Sayed2
...eral health and to study its effect on the reproductive performance of male albino rat. Total flavonoids, total phenolics, DPPH, HPLC and antimicrobial test against different types of bacteria were done for SP extract. BL has been microencapsulated in association with SP. Twentiy eight. adult male rats were divided into 4 equal groups. G1 received high fat diet (HFD), G2 received HFD and microencapsulated BL, G3 was supplemented by HFD plus encapsulated SP and...
Ahmed Mohamed Elmahdy1*, Naglaa Mohammed Alkalamawy2
...aves extract in male rabbits against the negative effects of ivermectin. Twenty male rabbits were used and divided into four groups each group contain 5 rabbits as a following: Group one: rabbits which served as negative control were orally administered distilled water for 60 consecutive days. Group two: The rabbits in...
Luu Huynh Anh1, Huynh Tan Loc2, Nguyen Hong Xuan3, Le Minh Thanh1, Trinh Thi Hong Mo4, Ly Thi Thu Lan5, Nguyen Trong Ngu1*
...ommercially important traits in chickens improved after phage treatment, proving that these phages are capable of controlling O6 E. coli infected in Noi chickens.
Keywords | Bacteriophage, Carcass characteristic, Chicken, E. coli, Growth performance

Abdul Majid1*, Farah Naz1, Nasrullah Laghari1, Sanaullah Abbasi1, Sham Lal2 and Safdar Ujjan3

... delivery vehicles along its already published potential application.


Adil Ali Gadahi1, Wajid Ali Jatoi1, Saima Mir Arain2, Jay Kumar Sootaher1*, Piar Ali Shar1, Sadaf Memon1, Muhammad Saleem Chang3, Zeeshan Majeed Kumbhar1 and Kirshan Kumar Menghwar1

... by creating drought and its related issues. In this way, plenty of hexaploid wheat is influenced in our Pakistan. For combating this situation, research was carried out on sixteen bread wheat genotypes to see the effect of water stress at the experimental field, NIA, Tandojam in an RCBD with factorial arrangement of three treatments i.e. T1 (zero irrigation), T2 (two irrigations), T3 (four irrigations) during Rabi season, 2016-2017. The ANOVA results exposed ...

Noor Muhammad Khan1,2, Tariq Mahmood Khalil1,3*, Rashid Rehan2 and Iftikhar Zeb4

...entration exceeds the limits of thresholds values. For phytoremediation the T.l was tested in both on-site (in-situ) and laboratory conditions (ex-situ) while A.d was applied only in an ex-situ setup. For T.l, the average uptake of copper (Cu) was 5.40 and 6.46 mg kg-1, similarly for the lead (Pb) average uptake was 4.55 and 4.55mg kg-1, while for nickel (Ni) the average uptake was, 2.80 and 2.76 mg kg-1 in ex-situ and in-situ plantation respectively. Whereas ...

Abid Hussain1, Mubbashira Nazir2*, Saira Batool2 and Sidra Majeed1

...undnut crop than without its use. Benefit-cost ratios (BCRs) for groundnut crop with and without gypsum application are 4.47 and 3.23, respectively. Similarly, productivity of wheat crop with application of 0.66 ton gypsum per acre is higher (32.25 mounds) than normal practice by 84.3 percent. Benefit-cost ratios with and without gypsum application for wheat crop are 1.38 and 1.16, respectively. Micro-catchment technology is mostly adopted by women (60%) for f...

Iqtidar Hussain1, Haroon Shahzad2*, Sami Ullah2*, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1 and Muhammad Rizwan3

...ulacastrum L.) increases its interference in maize crop both before and after weed management.


Muhammad Bakhtiar1*, Fayaz Ali Niaz2, Asim Muhammad2, Mamoona Munir3, Wajiha Seerat4, Sadiqullah Khan5, Ghulam Yaseen6, Muhammad Noman Khan7 and Asma Bibi8

...lso raise the quality of its oil. It is very crucial to find a suitable dose of N and S for the oil crops, so keeping in view this experiment was designed in RCB design with 4 replications (each has one control plot) in research area of agriculture university Peshawar. Two factor were studied in this experiment i.e. 5 N doses (40, 80, 120, 160, 200 kg ha-1) and 3 S doses (20, 40, 60 kg ha-1). Urea was used as source of Nitrogen and ammonium sulphate was used a...

Akbar Hayat1*, Marayam Nasir2, Ehsan-Ul-Haque1, Muhammad Asim1, Sohaib Afzaal1, Shagufta Naz3, Muhammad Nawaz1, Abid Mahmood4, Faheem Khadija1, Fiaz Hussain1 and Tariq Mehmood5

...throughout world, due to its high minerals and vitamin contents. The nutritional quality of citrus fruits primarily depends upon the selection of rootstock. Kinnow ‘Mandarin’ is a major citrus cultivar being cultivated in Pakistan. The current study aimed to investigate the nutritional status and growth and yield of Kinnow mandarin grafted on four overseas and two indigenous rootstocks in Pakistan. Experiments we...

Naseem Sharif1,2*, Imran Muhammad Siqqique2, Muhammad Kashif Raza3, Urwa Irshad1, Muhammad Ikhlaq Khan4, Ammara Noreen4 , Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi1, Mohsin Abbas5, Muhammad Maaz Aziz5, Sitwat Riaz5, Komal Aslam5 and Naseem Akhtar6

...gical and biochemical traits like leaf length (1.8-5.4cm), thorn length (0.6-2.9 cm), fruit weight (1.88-4.72g), fruit length (8.83-19.34mm), fruit width (11.03 -22.74mm), stone weight (0.32-1.09g), TSS (5.9-13.2%) and vitamin C contents (131.2 to 165.56mg/100g). Most positive correlation was noted between leaf length and leaf width (r=0.897) whereas, the correlation between stem girth and stone width (r= -0.409) was most negative. In addition, principal compo...

Iftikhar Alam1*, Muhammad Ali2 and Muhammad Farooq3*

...oking; convenience of fruits/vegetables; clean water unavailability; poor/low food quality; high food prices; low food diversity and restricted food environment. Themes related to physical activity were limited physical activity (PA) resources; lack of programmed PA and limited knowledge/awareness support. Participants were very contented with photo-elicitation stimulated discussions. Using these photos, students were able to differentiate between healthy and ...

Mahreen Hanif*, Shafqat Saeed, Mudssar Ali, Muqadas Younas, Huda Bilal, Syeda Fatima Bukhari

...ll packaging to evaluate its damage in packaging and data recorded after 15 days interval. A series of laboratory tests were observed over three months to determine the penetration of T. castaneum in different packages. Results showed that the highest population of T. castaneum (larvae and adult) as well as greater weight loss (%) in chickpea was recorded in polypropylene (green) packet in contrast to polyethylene (gauge 2) and china lamination. Significant di...

Juweria Abid1, Hooria Latif2, Amir Sohail2, Saroosh Fatima Tahir Syed2, Shakeel Ahmad3, Tooba Asif4 and Muhammad Farooq5* pressure on eating habits (54.9%) and less physical activity etc. need further to be investigated for better understanding.


Syeda Rubab Zaidi* and Safdar Ali Mirza

...characterization to find its thermal stability, effect of pH and selected chemical compounds. Other significant experimental findings were; optimum incubation period was 7 days, inoculum size was 3 discs of 0.5 cm, CuSO4 as inducer improved production, laccase activity of crude extract i.e. 10.89U/ml increased to 15.07U/ml with purification of the enzyme, the purified samples of enzyme was significantly greater protein concentration than crude sample so, the o...

Asim Faraz1, Muhammad Yaqoob2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq1, Ayman Balla Mustafa4, Amir Ismail5, Muhammad Arslan Akbar6, Abdul Waheed1* and Muhammad Shahid Nabeel7

...rcially available ELISA kits were used to measure serum progesterone and estradiol levels. Progesterone and estradiol levels were found significantly high (P<0.05) with the value of 3.46±0.25 ng/ml at day 14th and 4.45±0.34 ng/ml at day 21st in G2 (Pregnant animals), while in non-pregnant group serum P4 concentration was recorded to be 1.05±0.29 ng/ml which is considered as basal level of progesterone in dromedary camel. Mean serum estr...

Heba Abdo Basha1, Walaa Slouma Hamouda Abd El Naby2*, Samya Erian Ibrahim3, Abeer Fikry Elnahas2 

...dy weight and carcass traits of Black Bronze turkey with the single nucleotide polymorphism in the coding region of the MSTN gene and IGF-2 (3’-UTR), using DNA sequencing. Fifty turkeys were categorized into high and low body weight. Blood samples were collected from each bird for DNA extraction. Four birds were selected randomly/group to be slaughtered for carcass traits. In MSTN, only six non-synonymous SNPs were rec...

Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi are often found in fruits, vegetables, soil and underground water as contaminants. This necessitated the search for bio-nematicides, accordingly the nematicidal prospect of chromatographic fractions from Mangifera indica as a substitute to synthetic nematicides in the control of Meloidogyne incognita pests of tomato was evaluated. Crude extracts of M. indica bark was fractionated on silica-gel (120-150 mesh) using glass column. The resulting fractions were ...

Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir Rajput1, Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar1, Ghulam Murtaza Kaleri2, Tanzeela-ul-Zahra1,3, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi4 and Zeeshan Rasheed1

...efore, understandings of its biological features in introduced locations could improve understanding of its invasive features, which is necessary for better management. Accordingly, life table and fertility schedule studies of FAW were conducted under laboratory conditions on maize leaves and stems. Three cohorts comprised of 131, 112 and 105 eggs of similar age were used for both leaves and stems. The results indicated that...

Yahia A. Amin1*, Alaa Eldin Z. Mahmoud2, Mohamed Sabry Aref3, Abd El-Latif Shaker Seddek4, Waleed Younis5 

...ble for endometritis and its effect on the days open and pregnancy rate. The current study was carried out on 100 Holstein Frisian cows that were not pregnant for 90-120 days after calving. The cows were classified into two groups: the first group is the normal control group (9 cows), and the second group (91 cows) is the treated group and suffered from endometritis. Samples for bacteriological examination were taken and subjected to antibiotic sensitivity tes...

Inam Ul Haq1*, Muhammad Ramzan1, Mansoor Khan Khattak1 and Ahmad Khan2

...epth, has countless benefits in rain-fed areas but the recent problem in the deep tillage is the loss of nutrients. Various techniques have been studied for declining the loss of nutrients. Therefore, this research was carried out in the University Research Farm, The University of Agriculture Peshawar, Pakistan to find the effect of raised seed bed dimensions and integrated nutrient management on the yield of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivar (Pirsabak...
Sara Mohamed Hemeda1, R.H. Sayed2, Hani Hassan1, Sheima A.E.2, Hassan Aboul-Ella3, R. Soliman3*
...n female New Zealand rabbits against the following β-lactam antibiotics; Amoxicillin (AMX)- Keyhole Limpet Hemocyanin (KLH) and Penicillin-G (Pen G)-KLH conjugates. The prepared anti-β-lactam antibodies were conjugated with gold chloride nanoparticles and used in the development of competitive lateral flow kits for the detection of β-lactams antibiotic residues in dairy milk. The concentration of the gold chlo...

Syed Muhammad Amir1*, Shehzad Khan2, Asif Ali Abro3, Ehsan Inamullah4 and Tahir Mehmood5

...f bio gas technology and its multiple impacts on 113 farming households in two purposively selected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province (i.e. district Mardan and Dera Ismail Khan). Based on the descriptive nature of the study, quantitative approach was used with the help of a predesigned questionnaire. Frequency distributions, percentages, and paired T-tests were used to analyze and present the data. Results indicate that time spent on cooking and fuel co...

Saima Mehar1 and Salma Javed2*

...agulans. It is known for its withanolide class of chemical compounds. The biological assessment of two primary fractions of W. coagulans crude extract, chloroform and butanol, is the focus of the current study. Crude extracts were tested against Meloidogyne incognitain vitro conditions. The second stage juveniles (J2) were exposed at 24, 48 and 72 hours in different concentrations of plant extracts. During in-vitro condition inhibition of egg hatchability and ...

Mohamed E. El-Speiy1, Tarek A. Sadak1, Mohamed A. Abd-Elaal1, Ayman M. Khalifah2, Amr S. Morsy2*

...teristics of growing rabbits. 48 male Baldi red rabbits aged 5 weeks were assigned to 6 treatments. Treatments were (1) control diet, (2) 50 mg (AG)/kg DM (AG1), (3) 100 mg (AG)/kg DM (AG2), (4) 100mg ZnSO4/kg DM (Zn), (5) 50 mg (AG) + 100 mg ZnSO4/ kg DM (AG1Zn) and (6) 100 mg (AG) + 100 mg ZnSO4/ kg DM (AG2Zn). Feeding AG2, AG1Zn, and AG2Zn recorded higher growth performance traits than ...
Amreen Zahra1*, Mushtaq A. Saleem2, Hasnain Javed3, Muhammad Azmat Ullah Khan4 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori4
...ating HIV-1 subtypes and its deadly drug resistant variants in Pakistan in the recent years. However, such molecular approaches in developing nations like Pakistan, will pave favourable strategies for advanced drug design, diagnostic assays and antiretroviral regimen therapies.

M. Fatmawati1, L.T. Suwanti2*, Mufasirin3
...of T. gondii in milk and its derivatives and raw milk as a risk factor for toxoplasmosis in humans.
Keywords | Toxoplasmosis, Raw milk, Environmental contamination
Dalia M. Aboelhassan1*, Inas S. Ghaly1, Noha E. Ibrahim2, Nermeen M. Shaffie3, Mariam G. Eshak1, Aboelfetoh M. Abdallah4, Ibrahim M. Farag1
...ned attention because of its ubiquitous presence in our living environment. However, it was revealed that this component has potent genotoxicity, causing various disorders to human and animal health. Hence, the present work is designed to investigate the capacity of Fagonia cretica extract (FCE) to inhibit bisphenol A-induced genotoxicity and histopathology in rats. In the genetic study, the assaying of expressions of IkBα and COX-1 genes in liver tissue...

Amany R. Sultan1, 2, Gamal A. Morsi2, Hoda El-Fayoumi1, Abdel-Azeem S. Abdel-Baki1*

... miner Tuta absoluta and its parasitoids as well as the rate of parasitism, the parasitoids assemblages and the relative impact of parasitoids on its population over two seasons on tomato in the experimental farm of the Agriculture Research Center, Sids in Beni Suef Governorate, Egypt. During first plantation in the first plantation, The results revealed that T. absoluta started to appear after one month from the plantation ...

Atta Ullah*, Nasrullah Khan, Ataur Rahman and Rafi Ullah 

...ovide valuable folk benefits for the local peoples. This study aimed to document the folk benefits obtained by local inhabitants from different indigenous angiosperms and their products in Sheikh Buddin National Park. Information from 250 respondents (240 male, 10 females) was gathered randomly about plants’ medicinal and folk uses in the park. One hundred and sixteen plants species belonging to 99 genera and 50 famili...

Sajid Ali1*, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin2, Asad Ali Khan2, Dawood Ahmad4, Ikram Ullah5, Faiq Ahmad2, Sajjad6 and Sikandar Azam1

...P), foliar zinc (Zn) and its time of application plays an important role in crop productivity. To study its effect on maize, field experiment was conducted at Fodder and Forage Crops Section Harichand- Charsadda, Pakistan. The field experiment was conducted on 7 July 2021. Two levels of P (90 and 120 kg ha-1) and three levels of Zn (0 i.e., water spray only, 2.5 and 5 kg ha-1) were applied at three growth stages, full at veg...

Abdullah Channo1*, Asmatullah Kaka1, Qudratullah Kalwar2, Imdadullah Jamali3, Ghulam Jelani2, Muhammad Bakhsh4, Ghulam Nabi Dahri5 and Jai Parkash Goil6

...lasma and milk by using kits of progesterone assay, and to confirm the diagnosis of COD, mostly trans rectal palpation and trans rectal ultrasonography methods have been used. COD should be treated by using different treatment protocols such as hormonal, medicinal and homeopathic medicines.


Xiaowei Huang1, Jinji Wang1, Zhun Yu2, Minghua Duan1* and Zhe Lin1*

...tudy aims to investigate its protective effect on kidney injury and its influence on BMP-7/Smads/TGF-β1 signal pathway in irradiated rats. Total 60 Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into 5 groups: the normal (normal saline), model (normal saline), and low, medium, high dose of ASP groups (9.0, 18.0 and 36.0 mg/mL, 2.0 mL/kg·d, intragastric gavage once a day for 14 days). On the 15th day, all other gr...

Xinjun Zhang1,2, Pengyong Wang1,2, Huimin Ju1,2, Yanhong Wang1,2, Yang Yang1,2* and Guoqiang Zhu1,2*

...nfection. To investigate its characteristics and explore the interaction between UPEC and human urinary bladder cancer T24 cells, 7 canine UPEC strains were isolated from dogs in Yangzhou, China. The adhesion-encoding genes (iha, fimH, papA, papC, papG allele I, papG allele I’, papG allele II, papG allele III, focA, focG, sfaS), virulence-associated genes (sat, cdtI, cnf1, hlyD), iron uptake system encoding genes (iroN, iut, ireA) were investigated, and ...

Xiaojing Liu and Zhongxin Li*

...hy (DN) rats and analyze its action on vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase (MMP-) 9 protein expression in kidney tissues, in order to reveal the mechanism of TSG. After 12 weeks of administration, compared with those in the DN modeling group, 24 h urine protein, serum creatinine (Scr), blood urea nitrogen (BUN), blood uric acid (UA), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST) significantly reduced in ...

Madiha Khalil1, Amjad Farooq1, Asim Faraz2*, Abdul Waheed2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Riaz Hussain Mirza2 and Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq2

...fecting the lactation traits. For this purpose, data on lactation performance of Holstein Friesian cows were collected from government livestock farms located at Quetta. Data obtained on calving from 608 cows during last sixteen years (2000-2016) were analyzed. After editing the data for consistency and errors it was subjected to statistical analysis using fixed effect models. Independent variables were year of birth, season of birth, year of calving, season o...

Harpreet Kaur* and S.S. Hundal

...GST activity followed by its decrease with the duration of exposure to imidacloprid. Imidacloprid is highly toxic to earthworm inducing physiological which may cause catabolism of enzymes. Earthworm M. posthuma was observed to be more susceptible as compared to E. eugeniae. The current study signifies that the irrational use of such insecticides could pose high threat to non-target organisms, for example earthworms which play a key role in soil ecosystem produ...

Reyad R. Shawish, Reda E. Hamed*, Zakaria H. Elbayoumi 

... recommended standard limits. Regarding the obtained findings, kabab recorded the highest concentrations of PAHs and PAH4 (the sum of four different polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, named benzo[a]anthracene, chrysene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, and benzo[a]pyrene) made it of the highest health risk to the consumers, followed by kofta, shawarma and burger, respectively. Besides that, positive samples were compared with the European Commission Regulations (EC) ...

Abdul Ghaffar*, Niaz Hussain, Muhammad Nadeem, Khalid Hussain, Muhammad Aslam, Mudassar Khaliq, Muhammad Irshad, Zubeda Parveen and Muhammad Younas

...for the data recorded traits. Principal coefficient analysis differentiates all the traits into six PCs. Two components expressed more than one Eigenvalue which collectively contributed 80.12% towards the genetic variation. High positive loadings were expressed by the secondary branches per plant and pods per plant in all components. Path analysis revealed that secondary branches/plants expressed the highest direct positive ...

Muhammad Waqas Imam Malik1, Khalid Usman1*, Amir Hamza1, Muhammad Saad1, Said Ghulam2 and Azmat Ullah1

...ted yield and quality traits except fiber micronaire. Potassium fertilizer (soil-applied) at 250 kg ha-1 along with five foliar sprays of K2SO4 produced higher plant height, sympodial branches plant-1, bolls plant-1, 100 cotton seed weight, seed cotton yield, ginning outturn, fiber length, and fiber strength compared to other K-levels. Moreover, tillage × potassium interaction indicated that reduced tillage along with 250 kg K ha-1 plus 5 foliar sprays w...

Masudul Haq Wani and Arshad Bhat*

... J&K UT and has laid its utmost emphasis on the urban morphology and degree of level urbanization. Attempts have also been made to assess the changes in workforce structure and food availability and consumption pattern in the UT over the years. The study also analyses the inter-district scenario of urban growth and its level and extent in to consideration. The annual exponential growth rate of urban population in India h...

Bibi Hajira*, Imran Khan and Zia-ud-Din

...etes mellitus because of its high starch digestibility. Previous studies suggested that the addition of other grains, legumes and medicinal herbs to bread might reduce its starch digestibility. However, the incorporation of these non-wheat materials into bread is challenging from consumer acceptability perspective. Therefore, the current study investigated the effect of incorporating red sorghum and barley flours in white br...

Umair Faheem1*, Qurban Ali2, Mussurat Hussain1, Abrar Ahmad3, Tamsila Nazir2, Ghayour Ahmad3, Idrees Ahmad3, Madiha Mobeen4, Hammad Hussnain3 and Nadia Hussain Ahmad3

..., which severely affects its quality and quantity. Cotton also contains the populations of parasitoids i.e. Trichogramma spps., Braconid wasps and Encarsia spps., which act to reduce the population of these notorious insect pests. Cotton plants shows genetic resistance or tolerance against these insect pests. In the current experiment six varieties of cotton i.e. CIM-496, CIM-534, NIAB-111, MNH-786 and Bt-121 were sown in the field under sprayed and un-sprayed...

Taufiq Bachtiar1, Muftia Hanani2, Anisiyah2, Winda Puspitasari2, Wahidin Teguh Sasongko3, Teguh Wahyono4*

...cantly different. Due to its high and stable crude protein and IVDMD production, Gamasugen 2 was identified as having potential for development in the two different soil pH conditions.
Keywords | Acid soil, In vitro digestibility, Nutrient, Genotypes, Soybean

Ahmed Abd El-Salam1*, Yasser Hamouda1, Salah El-Safty2, Ahmed El-Attar2

Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini*, Ali Basim Abd Al-Hadi
...condition. Productive traits of ewes are known to be affected by lamb sex and body measurement. Thus, this study aimed to investigate the association of lamb’s sex with the ewes’ body measurement in single and twin pregnancies in Awassi ewes. Within the current study, 232 sexually mature, healthy ewes (109 with twins and 123 with single pregnancies) between the ages of 3 and 4 years were evaluated. The body measurements and the live body weight of ...
Ali Basim Abd Al-Hadi*, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini, Mohammed Baqur Sahib Al-Shuhaib
...s affect reproductive traits, including ovulation rate, hormones, and genetics. Genetics and endocrine signal transpositions between the pituitary and the ovary play a crucial role in the reproductive traits of sheep. Genetic polymorphism of candidate genes is associated with economic traits. Follistatin (FST) gene is one of the most notable potential candidate genes linked to economic tra...

Peyman Mohammadzadeh1*, Aida Rasuli2, Bahman Noroozi Gorgani2, Sajjad Mohammadi3

... top and roof of both orbits, subdural hemorrhage with edema and shifting of the mid-line to the left, frontal lobe with severe hemorrhagic discharge in the ventricles, diffuse subarachnoid hemorrhage and exclusion of berry aneurysm in vertebral arteries, traumatic tear due to intracranial and intraspinal courses, temporal were seen. Due to unilateral brain herniation, the tonsillar hernia was associated with hemorrhage and linear necrosis rather than only bul...

Ayesha Khan*, Mohammad Tariq Aziz, Urooba Pervaiz and Muhammad Zafarullah Khan

... getting information and its application in the field to increase adoption and enhance agricultural production.


Zahin Anjum1*, Farhat Shehzad1, Shaista Ali1, Sumbla Yousaf2, Amina Rahat1 and Hamid Ullah Shah3

...dures, were analyzed for its PAHs content. A total of 120 samples were collected from local food vendor spots or general restaurants, and control samples of gas and electric grilled meat samples were also prepared and analyzed. Significant difference sp≤0.05 in PAHs levels were observed in different grilling procedures. Among the mutton samples, the highest concentration of PAHs was recorded in mutton grilled on coals. The chrysene, naphthalene, flourenthen...

Muhammad Jamil1*, Kamran Javed1 and Imran Akhtar2

...s for all other study traits were found highly significant at (p<0.01). Descriptive statistics illustrated presence of sufficient range in the studied traits. Out of 11 principal components (PC), first 5 PC indicated Eigen value >1 and contributed 75.826% towards cumulative variability. Yield related traits plus lint quality attributes depicted positive loading behavior, while diseas...

Amina Batool1*, Saba Aleem1, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Imran Khan1, Waheed Arshad1, Muhammad Aslam2, Shiraz Ali3 and Muhammad Zeeshan3 affected all plant traits except days to 50% heading, plant height and germination percentage. Contrarily, the interactive effect of genotype and seeding rate on all growth and yield attributes was found non-significant. Whereas, seeding density of 120 kg ha-1 exhibited more germination percentage (85 %), shoot length (11.57 cm), coleoptile length (3.97 cm), days to 50% heading (130), plant height (110 cm), nodes per stem (5.0), 1000 grain weight (49.53 g),...

Xiaoguang Su1,*, Yanjun Gao2, Yanling Wang1 and Yaohui Ma2

...f keloid fibroblasts and its mechanism. Primary HFB cells were isolated and cultured, and treated with different concentrations of HAE for 48 h. Cell viability was measured by MTT. Flow cytometry was used to detect the apoptosis rate. qRT-PCR and Western blot were used to detect the effects of HAE on miR-128-3p and EPHB2. The above method was used to detect cell viability and apoptosis rate after overexpression of miR-128-3p or inhibition of EPHB2. The dual lu...

Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Asif Sadam2, Karim Gabol1, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Sajid Mahmood4, Mustafa Kamal5, Hamid Ullah6, Syed Abidullah7, Muhammad Tufail8, Bashir Ahmad4, Gul Bacha Khan4 and Habib Ul Hassan1

... in the growth of all traits, morphometry, diet, and food collection sites. However, no difference in feeding was noted. The main loss of nestlings was by mammalian predators and grazing and cutting of local crops. Awareness about the protection strategy of skylark from egg laying till fledging is required among locals and farmers.


Liyun Chang1, Aiju Liu2, Jianshuang Zhang3, Yingbin Chen1 and Zhiyong Liu4*

...ion for preparing ELISA kits for clinical detection.


Muhammad Furqan and Zulfiqar Ali

...eds, leaves, flowers, fruits, rhizomes, and bulbs. Invertebrates including ants, insects, larvae, and grit were also recorded. According to respondents the highest sighting (62.4%) of kalij pheasant was recorded from the forest, followed by cultivated land (20.4%). Major threats to kalij pheasant include forest fire (41.6%), followed by hunting (27.2%), habitat destruction (18.8%), and natural predators (12.4%). The hunting (n=142) of kalij and hunting index (...
Fei Wang1, Xiaofen Hu1, Feng Wen2, Xiaoen Tang3, Shanshan Yang1, Shengwei Zhong1, Zuohong Zhou1, Xu Yuan1 and Yong Li1,*
... the correlation between its molecular bioinformatics characteristics and biological function. After the desired RNA was extracted from the intestine of Wahui pigeons, the complete CDS of vasoactive intestinal peptide was obtained by PCR amplification and sequencing, in addition, a variety of bioinformatics analysis was performed to evaluate its structural characteristics. CDS of vasoactive intestinal peptide, encoding 132 a...

Mohammed A. Almujtaba1, Turky Omar Asar2, Salma Naqvi3, Vikas Kumar4, Fahad A. Al-Abbasi1, Abdulbasit I. Al-Sieni1 and Firoz Anwar1* Studies report that its alkaline nature renders it a therapeutic potential. We aimed to determine the effect of Zamzam water in doxorubicin induced cardiac remodeling in rats. Male Wistar albino rats were divided into 4 groups (n=6) for 28 days of experimental protocol. Group-1 served as normal control (NC), group 2 as doxorubicin control (DC), group 3 as doxorubicin+ Zamzam treatment (DZ) and group 4 as Zamzam control (ZZ). Doxorubicin (1mg/ kg bw) was i...

Ehab A. Fouad1*, Khaled A. Abd El-Razik2 , Eman H. Abdel-Rahman3

...erized and evaluated for its potency in diagnosis of S. aureus mastitis through indirect Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA). For purification of fraction, bacterial fresh cultures were centrifuged at 3000 rpm / 20 min and were homogenate in phosphate buffer saline and centrifuged at 15000 rpm / 20 min that known as the crude antigen. It entered to affinity column chromatography [Cyanogen Bromide-Sepharose 4B (CNBr-Sepharose 4B)] (Sigma Chemical Co.), ob...

Amira Adel Taha AL-Hosary1, Walaa Mostafa2* 

...ts, as well as to assess its epidemiological pattern and the most effective treatment. Individual clinical and parasitic examinations were performed, and infested cats were assigned to one of four treatment groups. Each group was treated with one of the following drugs: Frontline®-Merial, BARS® ampules, BARS® ear drops, and the last group received a combination of Frontline® and BARS® ear drops. The most prevalent clinical signs were prurit...

Ahmed A. Mohammed1, Madeha H. A. Darwish1, Eman A.A. Negm2, Ayman S. Abdel- Maguid3 

...good efficacy to improve its production. So this expermintal study aimed to examine the influence of the addition of probiotics in broiler diets on the economic outcomes of production. Total 120 broiler chicks were divided into three groups of fourty birds each (C, L, & H) fed with diverse concentrations of Probiotics. After the first week of treatment, the two groups (L and H) displayed a probiotics effect that manifested as a significant increase in body...

Guang Yin, Wencheng Kong, Yuqiang Shan, Jian Zhang, Rongchao Ying and Sixin Zheng*

...rcinoma Hep-3B cells and its mechanism. In present study Hep-3B cells cultured in vitro were divided into control group (normal culture), NC-siRNA group (transfected with NC-siRNA), and TINCR-siRNA group (transfected with TINCR-siRNA), In addition, cells treated with cisplatin after transfection of TINCR-siRNA were designated as the TINCR-siRNA + cisplatin group, and only cells treated with cisplatin were designated as cisplatin group. The expression levels of...

Zhaojun Wang1, Yang Zhou2 and Xinghua Song3*

...reatment, and to analyze its effect on the prognosis of knee joint function. A total of 120 knee osteoarthritis patients admitted to our hospital from January 2019 to February 2020 were selected as the study subjects and randomly divided into control group and observation group (60 cases each). The control group was given injection of sodium hyaluronate in knuckle articular cavity, and the observation group was further treated with compound betamethasone. Clin...

Hairul Islam M. Ibrahim1,2, Abdalla A. Sayed1,3, Abdel Naser A. Ahmed4,5 and Emad A. Ahmed*1,6

...low cytometry and ELISA kits. Apoptotic and neuronal markers were evaluated using quantitative real time PCR and protein blots. Results showed that PCB inhibited the infiltration of inflammatory cells and improved the myelin protective proteins. It also positively regulated the antioxidants and apoptotic markers including Caspase-3, TGF-β, SIRT-1, CCL-2 and MBP. Moreover, PCB modulated the levels of inflammatory mediators and TGF-β in splenic cells. ...

Hakan Kececi1*, Yasin Ozturk2, M. Bahaeddin Dortbudak3, Seda Yakut4, Gurdal Dagoglu5 and Merve Ozturk1

...marium L. (cocklebur) or its seeds to human or an animal. Cocklebur, potentially toxic plants is found abundantly in meadows and pastures. One of the most significant ingredients that causes toxicity is atractyloside (ATR). In this study, the concentration of ATR in cocklebur seeds was determined as 4 mg/g seed. The study involved 54 rats which were divided into a total of 9 groups including one control group. A single dose of cocklebur seed extract was provid...

Eman A. Al-Shahari1,2, Eman R. ElBealy3, Abdelhalim A. Alkhazendar4 and Abeer A. Alm-Eldeen4*

...oxidative injury through its antioxidant activity. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the possible role of quercetin in modulating liver’s function and structure in aged male rats. Forty eight male albino rats (3 and 30 months old) were used. Half of the rats at each age received 200 mg quercetin/Kg every other day for 2 weeks. Thirty months old rats showed a decrease in the liver AST, albumin, SOD, CAT and GPx while showed an incre...
Muhammad Jalees
...aborative advertising on its association. The survey-based methodology was used for the collection of data from the Telecom industry in Islamabad and Rawalpindi. 250 valid questionnaires was collected from different telecom industries. Data were analyzed using the Cronbach alpha reliability technique with the help of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 23.0. Regression has been conducted to test the hypothesis. The result of the study confir...
Samreen Fatima* and Muddasir-Uddin
...ty to achieve higher profits or lower risk positions. Due to economic globalization and advancement in information technology, the financial market has become increasingly unstable therefore to understand the pattern of the volatility is difficult. This study aims to compare the performance of Artificial Neural Network (ANNs) and the volatility models Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic in Mean (GARCH-M) to forecast the stock markets data. T...

Mehroze Amin1, Afifa Yaqub1, Qindeel Fatima1, Rabail Hassan Toor1,3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2*

...he expression of p53 and its interacting partners MDM-2, PIRH2 and ΔNp73 in breast cancer cell line MCF-7 and non-cancerous kidney cell line HEK2093. Analysis of the cytotoxicity and proliferation parameters showed that higher concentrations of metformin were cytotoxic for the breast cancer cells with EC50 of 22.75µM. Analysis of expression of p53 and the interacting partner genes showed that metformin upregulated p53 expression in a dose-dependent...

Junling Liu, Chen Sun, Qiao Yu, Yanzhi Liang, Shanshan Lin and Meng Tian*

...ights the possibility of its use in leukemia to minimize the side effect of the usual therapy.

Afifa Yaqub1, Mehroze Amin1, Qindeel Fatima1, Rabail Hassan Toor1,3, Saira Aftab1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1,2*

Zannatul Ferdous1, Abdul Goffar Sarder2, Mustasim Famous3*, Mahfuza Ferdous4, Shahabuddin Ahmed5 and Md. Amir Hossain6

Xiangli Dong1,2, Shilin Mikhail Borisovich2, Jiji Li1,*, Jianyu He1, Zeqin Fu1, Yingying Ye1, Julia N. Lukina3, Olga V. Apalikova4 and Jianshe Zhang1, and has two subunits, MRC1 and MRC2. The MRC1 and MRC2 cDNA sequences have been analyzed and characterized in the large yellow croaker, a highly valued, farm raised fish that is vulnerable to many infections. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis indicated that MRC1 and MRC2 mRNAs were expressed in eight different large yellow croaker tissues, and that their expression was up-regulated by Vibrio anguillarum challenge. Here, we performed membran...
Zahra Naz1,2, Fouzia Ismat1, Muhammad Saleem2, Mazhar Iqbal1, Aamir Shehzad1 and Moazur Rahman1,2*
...D) in chickens. Owing to its highly conserved nature among NDV strains and also due to its pivotal role in the viral life cycle, the M protein can be employed as a promising diagnostic antigen for reliable detection of NDV infection in chickens. In the present study, we have devised a strategy for extraction and solubilization of the NDV M protein from Escherichia coli in a single step using a non-ionic detergent, lauryl-dim...
Faiza Ghazanfar1, Masood Rabbani1*, Aamir Ghafoor2 and Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq3
...hange the composition of its microbiome and ultimately protecting the chicken from pH-sensitive pathogens. The purpose of this study was to define the bactericidal action of organic acids on Campylobacter jejuni, individually and in combination. Total 120 broiler chickens were randomly distributed in ten groups. The groups included negative and positive control, pure organic acid group and commercial organic acid formulation group. Excluding negative control g...

Victoria Rankotsane Hlokoe, Thobela Louis Tyasi* 

...ured body measurement traits such as heart girth (HG), body weight (BW), rump width (RW), body length (BL), head length (HL), withers height (WH), ear length (EL), rump height (RH), head width (HW) and sternum height (SH), and to detect the best-fitted regression model for the prediction of BW of Nguni cattle. A total of 70 Nguni cattle (59 females and 11 males) aged 2-4 years were employed in the current study. Pearson’s correlation and stepwise regress...

Saba Rashid*, Rehan Ashraf, Hafiza Faseeha Iftikhar, Zohaib Bilal Khan, Samreen Sanawar, Aamina Jamil, Misha Salam Bajwa, Manahil Riaz 

... generalized, seizures (fits), cerebellar and vestibular signs, visual deficits, paresis, paralysis, limb weakness, tremors and myoclonus may be observed. Seizures and myoclonus (chorea) are the two most common signs of neurological involvement.

Keywords | Athetosis, Fasciculations, Ballism, Chorea, Cramp, Myoclonus, Tetanus, Tremor 


Alexander Tsybulsky1*, Eduard Kostetsky1, Anton Degtyarenko2, Michail Shchelkanov1,2,3 

...sed in the tumour tissue itself, in WBCs and in the uterus tissue. Decreases of gadd45g and ifnλ1 genes expression in BC tumour tissue were the most significant. Recent findings and conclusions. The high level of p53, rb1 and cdkn2a gene expression in animals with BC can serve as a criterion for the intensity of the mechanisms of antitumour surveillance in general. However due to the inhibition of gadd45g gene expression, the described expression patter...

Abdulkhaliq A. Al-Janabi1*, Mohammad S. Alsalami1, Arkan B. Mohammed1, Abdulkhaliq A.R. Al-Douri2 

...New Zealand (albino) rabbits. Twelve male rabbits aged 6-7 months with an average initial weight of 1308.00±39.97 g were used in this study. The rabbits were divided into three groups; the control group was treated orally with distilled water, and the second and third groups were treated orally with 150 or 300 µl Omega-3, respectively. The rabbits

Heba S.S. Salem1, Hend M. Megahed2, Marwa M. Sarhan2, Maha M. El Alem3, Gehan N. Alagmy3* infected cases of rabbits with arthritis were screened for the prevalence of S. aureus as a causative agent. S. aureus was diagnosed in 40% of the examined cases via traditional culture methods and molecular confirmation using PCR. All tested S. aureus isolates were positive for virulence-associated genes (nuc, icaA, and Hlg). In an experimental trial, a total of 75 healthy rabbits were divided equally into five groups (n...

Khurram Sheraz* and Taj Ali Khan past and may predict its reflection in the future. Analysis of trends in meteorological variables is challenging as they are of non-stationary nature and may include both stochastic and noise components. The aim of this research is to integrate the signal processing technique Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) with different versions of Mann-Kendall (MK) trend tests for investigating the dominant climate systems characterizing the long-term time-series of th...

Sarzamin Khan1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Rafiullah1, Ibrahimullah1, Ghulam Abbas3*, Jabbar Khan4, Muhammad Saeed Imran5, Asghar Ali Kamboh6 

... performance, carcass traits and histomorphology of ileum.

Keywords | Mealworm scales; Japanese quail; Performance; Gut histomorphology 


Ezz Ibrahim Khalifa, Ahmed Loly Ibrahim Desoky, Adel AbdElaziz Elbadawy, Gamal Ibrahim El-Emam, Tarek Messlam Mahmoud Mahdy* 

...igher positive values on its fertility (46.15 and 53.85%) and productive performance (53.85 and 69.23%) rates in E0 and E3, respectively. In conclusion, these results suggest that a ram semen extender adding 1.5% of BBE was optimum to obtain improved semen preservation.

Keywords | Rams, Semen extender, Bee bread extract, Sperm function, Fertility. 


Haitham Al Masruri1, Rashid Al Zeidi2, Aiman Al Mufarji3, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed3, Ahmed Al-Madani4, Al-Hassan Mohammed5* 

...of using M. oleifera and its extracts on animals’ production and health have shown beneficial effects in several studies. The roles of M. oleifera and its extracts on nutrient digestibility, rumen fermentation and enzyme activities, growth and reproductive performances, antioxidants, and milk production and composition have been well documented. M. oleifera contains valuable chemical constituents such as proteins, esse...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Shakeel Ahmad Jatoi2, Muhammad Jawad Nazir1, Ehtesham Ul Haq1, Faheem Abbas1 and Muhammad Saqib Raza Shah1

...groforestry. To quantify its severity, the phytotoxic impact of popular (Populus deltoides L.) leaves aqueous extract was determined in cultivated oat (Avena sativa L.), maize (Zea mays L.), rice (Oryza sativa L.), pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucumL.), bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and sorghum [Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench. Response of aqueous leaves extract was assessed through various agronomic and physiological parameters including number of plants emerge...

Muhammad Riaz Gondal1,2*, Sobia Ijaz1, Nauman Ali1, Muhammad Saeed Ashraf1, Muhammad Naeem Khan1, Muhammad Arshad3, Muhammad Arif1, Jamil Akhtar4, Naeem Iqbal1 and Bushra Zulfiqar5

...age Yield gap because of its palatable and nutritional nature that provides forage in repeated cuttings almost year round is mandatory to be addressed, that is the main focus of the present investigation. The recent investigation was performed to assess the impact of seeding rate consequently plant density on forage and seed tonnage in order to enhance the net return. Experiment treatments comprised of seven seed rates viz., 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20, 22.5 and 25...

Sajid Hanif1, Abdul Shakoor1,4*, Muhammad Farrukh Saleem1, Ifra Saleem2, Sajid Ali3, Muhammad Awais Ashraf4, Majid Nadeem4, Hira Shair4, Anwar ul Haq5, Rana Abdul Hamid Khan6 and Muhammad Amir Amin7

...of exogenous proline and its quality attribute due to improved chlorophyll and relative leaf water contents (10% increase) alongside reductions in undesired quality parameters like chalkiness, opaqueness and abortive kernels. Concurrent heat and drought stress were the most hazardous as comparison with individual stress and 30 mM proline utilization gave more amelioration against stress.


Muhammad Umer Chattha1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Imran Khan1, Athar Mahmood1, Muhammad Bilal Chattha3*, Ambreen Fatima4, Muhammad Iqbal5, Muhammad Tahir Akbar6, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal5, Faran Muhammad7, Muhammad Talha Aslam1 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

...gical and biochemical traits of chickpea cultivars. The experiment comprised of different levels of salinity stress i.e., 0, 8 and 12 dsm-1 and different chickpea cultivars i.e., NIAB-2016, Bittle-2016 and Bhakar-2011. The maximum time to 50% emergence (T50), and mean emergence time (MET) and minimum germination percentage (GP) and emergence index (EI) was recorded when high level of salt stress (12 dsm-1) was imposed, while minimum, T50, and MET and maximum G...

Muhammad Mansoor1, Shahid Hameed Khan Khalil2*, Zafar Islam2, Muhammad Asif2, Ghani Akbar2, Muhammad Ashraf Khan3 and Ibadullah Jan4

...s causing spoilage of fruits at early ripening stage, hindering ripening and drying processes at the end. Growers are adapting some alternate options of making ‘Chuhara’ (dried dates) at Khalal stage instead of processed Rutab dates. Experiments were conducted to find out comparative yield potentials of ‘Chuhara’ as well as processed dates produced from the fruits collected from trees protected from r...

Amna Sulaman1, Qurat-ul-Ain Ijaz1, Muhammad Shafi2 and Faiz Muhammad1*

... This research validated its molecular identification as T. pyrum. The neighbor-joining results revealed that it clustered with the same species of family Turbinellidae except for the individual of the same species from India’s west coast. Individuals of this species have demonstrated less genetic difference. The present findings will be beneficial for taxonomists and future researchers of the region. 

Shailendra Sharma, Smriti Shrestha, Naresh Pandey and Laxman Khanal*

...tion before and after visits. Higher levels of disturbance had a significant negative effect on the grooming frequency and time investment. The non-lactating adult female delivered higher grooming to the troop members, while the sub-adult male received more grooming than others. We conclude that the nature of disturbance rather than the number of visitors affects social bonding among the captive langurs. 
Novelty Statement |...

Amir Masoud Jafari-Nozad1*, Keyvan Samadi2, Kamran Akbarzadeh3, Hasan Bakhshi4*, Kourosh Arzamani4 and Amirsajad Jafari5

Rashid Al Zeidi1, Haitham Al Masruri2, Aiman Al Mufarji3, Abd El-Nasser Ahmed Mohammed3, Al-Hassan Mohammed4* 

...of oocyte maturation and its effect on further development of embryos in vivo and in vitro.

Keywords | Oocytes, Cumulus cells, Cytoplast, Nucleus, Embryos 


Sajid Ali1*, Shahen Shah2, Muhammad Amin3, Asad Ali Khan2, Sajjad Khan4, Dawood Ahmad5, Faiq Ahmad2, Maaz Khan2, Sikandar Azam1, Siddique Ahmad2 and Bismillah Khan2

...horus (P), Zinc (Zn) and its application timing play a very important role in crop productivity. To study its effect on maize, an experiment was conducted at Fodder and Forage Crops Section Harichand, district Charsadda- Pakistan. Two levels of P (90 and 120 kg ha-1) and three levels of Zn (0 i.e., water spray only, 2.5 and 5 kg ha-1) were applied at three application stages (AS) i.e., full at vegetative stage V6 (AS1), full...

Waqas Raza1*, Muhammad Usman Ghazanfar1, Muhammad Asif2, Ikram-ul-Haq3, Muhammad Zakria4 and Laith Khalil Tawfeeq Al-Ani5,6

Hassan A. Aidaros, Eman M. Hafez, Halla E.K. El Bahgy* 

... active compound chosen, its concentration, and the cleanliness of the surfaces to which it is applied. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of some disinfectants (Prophyl 2000®, G7®, Pron-Tech®, Alkadox®, and Biodine®) at different concentrations and contact times at 20, 40, 60, and 90 minutes against field isolated serotypes of E. coli, Pasteurella multocida, Campylobacter jejuni, and Staphylococcus aureus from chic...

Gudeta Nepir Gurmu, Tade Bitima Mulisa, Alemu Lenco Gemechu, Kegna Gadisa Amena and Gemechu Nedi Terfa*

...eld and yield-related traits such as harvest index, above-ground biomass, number of seed per pods, and hundred seed weights were recorded. Analysis of variance combined over five locations manifested significant differences among varieties, environment, environment, and varieties interaction for grain yield and other yield-related traits. The combined mean of grain yield of varieties indicated that Bursa (3.03 t/ha), Adi (2....

Madumetja Cyril Mathapo and Thobela Louis Tyasi* between testicular traits, body measurements and body weight. A total of twenty-five (25) Boer goat males aged between one and two years were used in the study. Testicular length (TL), scrotal circumference (SC), body weight (BW), body length (BL), heart girth (HG), rump height (RH), withers height (WH) and sternum height (SH) were measured. Pearson’s correlation and simple linear regression were used for data analysis. Phenotypic correlation outcomes...

Muhammad Waseem Akhtar1*, Khalid Mahmood Khawar2, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar3, Muhammad Rafique1, Khalid Hussain4, Sharmin Ashraf1 and Muhammad Fida Hassan1

...rameters are affected by its infestation. This pest is controlled by phosphine fumigation and synthetic insecticides. Unfortunately, this pest has developed resistance against these pesticides. Moreover, with application of these pesticides, chemical residues may cause severe damage to non-target organisms. Host plant resistance against insect pests is considered best ecological approach to pest management. Keeping this in consideration, the current research a...

Sohail Nadeem1, Muhammad Aziz2*, Ayesha Mohy ud Din1 and Tayyaba Jamil1

...s as well as to evaluate its antifungal properties. In order to achieve the goal, softwares like Avogadro, Gamess, Gabedit, Chimera and free online databases were used. The infrared and raman spectra were computed at the harmonic level with restricted Hartree-Fock in basis sets 3-21G and 6-31G. Molecular docking is calculated using online server with Lanosterol 14α-demethylase to know antifungal properties. The theoretically computed results of heterocyc...

Arshad Mahmood Malik1*, Nigah Hussain1 and Nasim Akhter2

...ustrial labor to improve its supply. This study is designed to ascertain the factors effecting agricultural labour supply of irrigated area of Khushab District of Punjab. Primary data of three villages was collected having different cropping patterns and irrigation systems of the study area. Multivariate model was developed to ascertain the various socio-economic factors i.e., off-farm work, farm size, farming experience and family size, on changing dynamics o...

Anara Ryskeldina, Indira Iskakova, Nurgul Sarina , Alexander Shevtsov , Laura Syzdykova, Alexander Shustov, Yerlan Ramankulov, Marat Kuibagarov* 

...1 cDNA and are reporting its nucleotide sequence. Bacterial expression of a portion of the natural gene encoding a mature form of boPAG1 failed. But a fusion protein made up of E. coli thioredoxin and boPAG1 was efficiently expressed in E. coli. Using the recombinant protein as an antigen, mAbs were generated. One mAb reacted with a protein present in extracts from cow placenta. The described results are useful for creating immunological reagents to detect pre...
Gema Wahyudewantoro1*, Rahmi Dina2, Haryono1, Sekar Larashati2, Siti Aisyah2 and Sopian Sauri1
...ers of Java which is not its distribution areas. Fishing gear used was gill net with a diameter of 2 inches”.The characteristics, morphometric and meristic records are supplemented with water quality information to supplement existing data.


Fatin Khalil*, Harinath Yapati, Zainab Al Blallam, Ronia Jose 

...ors are within normal limits. The hematological data revealed that WBCs and RBCs vary by type and season (WBCs: 7.1–9.9 (x103/µl), and 5.2–7.9 (x103/µl); and RBCs: 8.7–11.6 (x106/µl), and 10–10.8 (x106/µl), respectively). The MCH values (11.7–12.9 pg) are above the normal range, which is linked to two other factors: mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) are both ...

Iram Amin1,2*, Shazia Rafique1, Nadeem Ahmed1, Muhammad Shahid1, Samia Afzal1, Tahir Rehman Samiullah1, Mohsin Ahmed Khan1 and Muhammad Idrees1,3

...igenic region of HDV and its amplification, the fragment was cloned in bacterial expression vector. The expression of recombinant protein was checked by SDS-PAGE and after the purification of protein by using Ni-affinity column. antigenic protein was confirmed with Western Blot analysis. The study demonstrates the expression and purification of HDAg recombinant protein of HDV local isolate in the bacterial expression system. The purified protein has potential ...

Huajun Lin, Wei Qu and Zhuxian Yu*

...ide poisoning (ACMP) and its effect on patients’ cognitive function. A total of 64 patients with ACMP treated in our hospital from January 2019 to March 2020 were selected as the research object, and these 64 patients were divided into an experimental group and a control group by random number table method. Patients in the experimental group were treated with Dex and ganglioside, and the control group was treated with conventional methods. The clinical t...

Sajjad Ali1*, Atta ur Rahman1 and Sher Ali2

...on of built-up areas and its impact on farmland and primary crop production of Peshawar valley, Pakistan. The build-up needs to be with more significant planning to avoid any inconvenience among agricultural land and infrastructure. Built-up is necessary; however, it is worth mentioning to feed 11.23 million people in the district. The region’s land is the most fertile and productive in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province. Data were taken from the Agricultur...
Muhammad Younas1*, Khalid Hussain1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Atiq2, Niaz Hussain1, Wasim Abbas3, Muhammad Azeem Khan4, Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Irshad1, Nasir Ahmad Khan2 and Muhammad Zubair5

Zulqarnain Haider1*, Muhammad Akhter2, Syed Sultan Ali1, Tahir Latif1, Rana Ahsan Raza Khan1, Awais Riaz1, Tahira Bibi1, Muhammad Ijaz3, Qasim Raza1, Mohsin Ali Raza4, Samina Sarfaraz1, Muhammad Iqbal1 and Muhammad Rafiq1

...lative to all studied traits in all the advance Basmati lines. Convincingly, the higher yielding and more stable among the studied advance Basmati lines can be utilized as new candidate Basmati lines as compared to existing Basmati verities used as checks. 


Robina Karim1*, Farhan Ali1, Ali Muhammad1, Nasrullah2, Azra3 and Tahir Mehmood4

...a and 149.07 gm total fruits daily. In the study area an adult takes 2647.66 calories from the daily food consumption representing a positive figure which is more than the recommended calories of 2350. The estimated poverty line (1.13) based on daily food consumption patterns shows that the people in the study area, on the average, are above the poverty line.


Hafiz Qaisar Yasin1*, Dora Marinova2 and Muhammad Naveed Tahir3

...r charging rates lead to its inefficient use by farmers. Under the rapidly increasing water scarcity and climate change issues, it is inevitable to assess the actual economic value of canal irrigation water in Punjab. This study applied the Residual Valuation Method to assess the real economic value of canal irrigation water of four major crops (wheat, rice, cotton and sugarcane) in Punjab. The study found that the average economic values of wheat, rice, cotto...

Zayed M.A1, M.F. Shehata1, I.M. Ismail1, Mona Mohammady1, M.A. Radwan2*  

...ed one of pre-weaning traits which influence the post-weaning growth performance. In addition, ultrasound technique is commonly used in the livestock sector, such as a diagnostic tool and a tool in animal science and veterinary research. So, the present study was performed to study the effect of different weaning weights on growth performance, ultrasound measurements, carcass characteristics and meat quality of Barki ram-lambs. Moreover, this investigation aim...

Marcos E. Bollido1,2*, Renell Jay G. Villaluz1,2 and Ronald L. Orale1 chain of pork and its effects on small-scale raisers in Catbalogan City was examined using mixed methods. Supply and consumption were forecasted using Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA) models. Pork prices increased by 22-50% in 2021 compared to 2010 data. Live-weight pig prices also increased by 9-39% for the same year in review. It was noted that 27% of the supply was locally produced, and 73% were imported from other regions. Locally so...

Riaz Hussain1*, Adnan Ihsan2, Azaz Ali Shah2, Najeeb Ullah2, Hamza Iftikhar3 and Ranra Jalal4

...5% and Chinaberry dry fruits (Melia azedarach) @ 10% concentrations were used singly and tobacco dry leaves (N. tabacum) + Chinaberry dry fruits (M. azedarach) @ 1% + 5%, garlicbulb (A. sativum) + Red chili(Capsicum spp.) @1% + 2.5%, tobacco dry leaves (N. tabacum) + Red chili (Capsicum spp.) @ 1%+2.5%, and garlic bulb (A. sativum)+ Chinaberry dry fruits (M. azedarach) @ 1%+2.5% were used ...

Asim Ali Khan1, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan1, Yasir Iftikhar1*, Mustansar Mubeen1, Maham Sohail1, Sonum Bashir1, Malik Abdul Rehman2 and Muhammad Usman Ghani3

... based on percentage of pits in the 1 sq. inch piece of bark at bud union of infected tree. This rating scale has been developed for the first time to record the tristeza disease severity. The maximum disease severity was recorded in Kot Momin (62%) followed by Bhalwal (56%) and Sargodha (50%). The study concluded that CTV is one of the most promising factors playing role in the citrus decline.


Sadaf Ansari1, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Abdul Jabbar Tanweer2, Abdullah Sethar3, Ghulam Abbas4, Sabahat Ansari1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1* 

...d cooked meat because of its inappropriate processing, handling and cooking. Therefore this research was performed for the evaluation of bacterial contamination from raw and cooked fish, mutton and beef sold by retailors in district Hyderabad. During present study, 150 total meat samples, 100 from raw meat (beef=40, mutton=40, fish=20) and 50 from cooked meat (beef=20, mutton=20, fish=10) were randomly collected from district Hyderabad and cultured on differen...
Zain-ul-Aabdin Abro1*, Naheed Baloch1, Raza Muhammad Memon2, Niaz Hussain Khuhro2 and Iram Shaikh1
... with mango and guava fruits were studied during (January, 2019 to December, 2019) to determine the population dynamics of these notorious pests in different climatic zones of Sindh Province. Steiner type (Tando Jam) traps baited with methyl eugenol and 5% pesticide were incorporated in the guava and mango orchards of Hyderabad and Larkana. Fruit flies were trapped in the field throughout the year. The results revealed the distinct patterns of population dynam...
Alicja Kowalczyk1*, Inga Kowalewska-Łuczak2, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska3*, Jesús Juan Cantalapiedra4, Joaquim Orlando Lima Cerqueira5,6 and José Pedro Pinto de Araújo5,7

Habib Ullah Habib1, Malik Muhammad Akram2, Mujahid Ali1*, Tahir Mehmood3, Muhammad Manzoor4, Maqsood Ahmad3, Hasseb Ahsan1, Muhammad Mazhar Iqbal3, Malik Abdul Rehman5, Muhammad Mohsan1 and Ahsan Mohyo ud Din6 

...the average weight of fruits, the weight of large size fruits, the weight of medium size, the weight of small size fruits, number of fruits per plant, number of small fruits per plant, number of medium-size fruits per plant, and number of large size fruits

Zain-ul-Aabdin Abro1*, Naheed Baloch1, Raza Muhammad Memon2, Niaz Hussain Khuhro2 and Waseem Akbar Qazi2

... are noxious pests of fruits mainly infecting guava and mango in Sindh. Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis are the deleterious pests of several plant species. Trybliographa daci (Weld.) and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead) are natural enemies of fruit flies widely used as bio-agents in biological control programs against Bactrocera species. In current investigations we inspected the infected guava and mango fruits

Kokab Nazim1*, Asghari Bano1 and Ghulam Jellani2

...ght, setting %age and fruits per plant was observed in sensitive genotypes. Antioxidant enzyme essay showed enhanced production of Superoxide Dismutase and Catalase coupled with higher accumulation of proline in tolerant genotypes while their production was lower in sensitive genotypes during two growing seasons under stress. All the genotypes made two major clusters. Main cluster “I” was comprised of two genotypes. Main cluster “II” wa...

Yêyinou Laura Estelle Loko1*, Joelle Toffa1, Azize Orobiyi1, Gbèblonoudo Anicet Dassou2, Rolande Okpeicha1, Dieudonné Gavoedo1 and Alexandre Dansi2

... seven grain physical traits (testa thickness, colour, texture, hardness, length, breadth, and 100-grain mass) on the susceptibility of eight soybean varieties to C. maculatus were evaluated in the laboratory. The correlations and contributions of the studied traits were evaluated using correlation path coefficient analysis. The tested soybean varieties showed a variation in physical seed characteristics. A differential susc...

Ishtiaq Ahmad1,2* and Muhammad Akbar Anjum1

...ased on morphological traits was analyzed in multivariate analysis. Cluster analysis indicated that 78 genotypes were grouped into five clusters where cluster-I comprised of (19) genotypes, cluster-II contain (8) genotypes, cluster-III contain (21) genotypes, cluster-IV contain (6) genotypes and cluster-V contain (24) genotypes. PCA analysis based on first two components for morphological attributes of Capsicum frutescens genotypes explained (39.62 %) variabil...

Dong-Min Hou, Hong-bi Peng, Wan-Long Zhu* and Zheng-Kun Wang*

...imal taxa. The extent of its occurrence in Tupaia belangeri remains unclear given the difficulty of observing infanticidal and cannibalistic behaviors. Here, we report observations of maternal infanticide and cannibalism in two female T. belangeri in two laboratory experiments. Our footage provides the first video documentation of infanticide, cannibalism, and parental care behavior in T. belangeri. Analysis of the video data indicated that the observations we...

Hasan Çelikyürek

...fluence on testicular traits or on any of the body measurements except body length. Live weight gain had significant impact (p<0.001) on all traits. Age also had significant impact on lambs’ body length, chest width, and chest depth (p<0.001), a significant effect on rump height and chest girth (p<0.01), and a significant effect on withers height (p<0.05).


Ghulam Ali Bajwa1*, Zahid Rızwan2 and Muhammad Atıf Majeed1

...yielding quantitative traits. Heterosis was measured using multiple evaluation index (MEI), mid-parent heterosis (MPH) and better-parent heterosis (BPH), and hybrids were ranked using MEI and cumulative sub-ordinate function (CSF). The hybrids produced MEI >50 with the highest in PO206×J101 (63.2). All hybrids produced evaluation index (EI) >50 for filament length, while seven hybrids produced EI >50 for fecundity, larval body weight, pupation r...

Muhammad Usman1*, Aneela Zameer Durrani1, Nasir Mehmood2, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1 and Mamoona Chaudhry3

...ular surveys to estimate its prevalence in wider geographical areas and additional animal species as well as human population.


Abhishek Pandit1, Suman Poudel2, Manish Gautam3* and Shambhu Shah4

...ty of the ovary and inhibits the dominant follicle maturation due to the suppression of both FSH and LH. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone or an analog is administered with PGF2α to estrous- cyclic and noncyclic cattle disrupts the patterns of follicular growth, inducing ovulation on a large follicle. To select and successfully implement the estrus synchronization regime in animals’ proper knowledge of the hormonal profile and functional structure pre...

Muhammad Jamil1*, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah2, Taj Muhammad2, Syed Waqar Hussain Shah3, Khezir Hayat4, Muhammad Zahid Aslam5 and Abdul Sattar6

... influenced all study traits significantly except for staple length. Similarly, genotypes and interactive effects were found significant. Genotype VH-351 yielded the highest (2523.3 kg ha-1) when sown in 1stMarch, while VH-402 gave the lowest seed cotton yield (209 kg ha-1) on the planting date of 16th June. The finest lint-bearing micronaire value (3.9656) was obtained by normal season sowing in 1stMay. Late sowing on 16th June resulted in coarse lint with (4...

Hossam Mahrous Ebeid1, Ahmed Abdelkader Aboamer1*, Amgad Ahmed Abu Elella2, Ibrahim Mohamed Khattab3, Osama Hefny Matloup1, Fatma Ibrahim Hadhoud1  

...highly digestible due to its high ruminally degradable fraction (76.1%). Increasing supplementation amount of DMSC in goats’ diets reduced their blood cholesterol (linear; P = 0.012). However, total protein, albumin, globulin, urea-N, glucose, and liver enzymes showed no significant changes. DMSC supplementation increased milk energy content (MJ/kg), milk total solids, non-fat solids, protein, and lactose (g/kg) (linear; P < 0.05). In conclusion, supp...

Shabana Ehsan1*, Aneela Riaz2, Muhammad Amjad Qureshi1, Abid Ali1, Ifra Saleem3, Muhammad Aftab3, Khalid Mehmood4, Fakhar Mujeeb1, Muhammad Asif Ali1, Hina Javed1, Fraza Ijaz1, Anwar-ul-Haq5, Khaliq-ur-Rehman3 and M. Usman Saleem

... of 46.2 % siderophore units, as shown by results between positive isolates. Out of 15 positive, 7 isolates significantly improved root/shoot growth over control in the growth chamber study. Inoculation with siderophore-producing bacteria showed a significant increase in plant height, grain yield, spike length, grain weight, no. of tillers plant-1, and wheat quality in a field trial. The results from the current study proposed that in the plant, rhizobacteria ...

Khalid Khan1*, Mahmood-ul-Hassan2, Ihsan Ullah1, Haris Khurshid1, F.Y Saleem Marwat1, Salman Saleem1, M. Jehanzeb1 and Zubair Ahmad1

... were finalized based on its morphological traits and statistically interpreted. Its genetic diversity is most important for exploitation of the genetic resources to develop promising hybrids. The objectives of such experimental study were to assess the best performing hybrids; on the basis of genetic diversity by applying different statistical techniques. Total 14 sorghum hybrids including standard Check, were used and data...

Xiajun Zhang1, Jie Yang2, Wenjun Zhou1, Zhenshi Chen2, Weidong Wu3, Shaoru Zhang2 and Lihui Wang2*

... pathway, and inhibiting its signal transduction pathway is an important strategy for tumor therapy. First, we have found lncRNA CASC7 is a poor prognostic marker of endometrial cancer. Then, ASPN was specifically expressed in endometrium and cell specific expression in basophils, among the most similar genes, we found TGF-β3. Moreover, lncRNA CASC7 acts on miR-26, and miR-26 was predicted to regulate ASPN. Next, Except for SMAD2 and XIAP, the expression ...

Syed Ishfaq Ali Shah1,3, Azaz Ahmad2 and Wanzhi Cai1,*

...cies in Pakistan. Due to its variable color patterns, its taxonomic distinction from Acanthaspis flavipes Stål, 1855 has been confounded. The genitalia in Reduviidae are commonly used for species identification and in present studies, because of identical genitalia, A. flavipes Stål, 1855 stat. restit. is restored as a junior synonym of A. quinquespinosa. The authors surveyed different locations of Pakistan for m...

Xin Xing Dong1*, Gai Cui Bai2, Ming Li Li1, Guo Xiang Lan1, Da Wei Yan1, Xiao Yi Wang1, Qiang Chen1 and Shao Xiong Lu1*

...ovel SNPs with growth traits. PCR-SSCP and sequencing were used to detect the GHRL gene polymorphisms in the present study. Three SNPs were detected, one in the exon 1 (g.3734 G>T), which was synonymous, and two SNPs in intron 4 (g.7691 A>C and g.8523 T>C). The sites g.3734 G>T and g.7691 A>C had significantly impact on body weight at 21 days (BW21) and body weight at 70 days (BW70), the days when the pigs reached the target weights of 30 kg(D30...

Zheng-Yong Wen1, 2*, Chuan-Jie Qin1,2, Bin Li1,2, Rui Li1,2 and Xiao-Tao Shi3*

...n and immunity. However, its roles are still limited in teleosts. In the present study, a leptin gene was characterized from the darkbarbel catfish (Pseudobagrus vachellii) and its expression patterns in response to different feeding status were investigated. The cDNA of the pvleptin was 1186 bp long, containing a 519 bp open reading frame (ORF) that predicted to encode a protein of 172 amino acids. Multiple Leptins alignmen...

Ibrahim S. Abu-Alya1*, Nagwa I. Sheraiba2, Enas K. Aziz2, Noha A. Osman2, Afaf A. Kishta1 

...p received ginger oil in its diet at a 0.5% rate (T4) showed a significant increase of growth performance (overall body weight, weight gain, and specific growth rate) with a lower feed conversion ratio. Besides, garlic oil supplementation on fish diet at a 0.5% rate (T2) improved the overall body weight. The plasma biochemical parameters results indicate that garlic oil and/or ginger oil supplementation on the Nile tilapia diet at different levels raises marke...

Qamar Javed Iqbal1*, Zainab Masood2, Asad Abbas3 and Sidra Munir4

... industry and to discuss its kinetic and thermodynamic properties. The characterization of epoxidized pumpkin seed oil was accomplished by FTIR analysis which shows peak of epoxy group at 845cm-1.


Ahmad-ur-Rahman Saljoqi, Muhammad Tayeb and Muhammad Salim*

...palosiphum padi (L.) and its associated natural enemies on different wheat cultivars was carried out at Agriculture Research Institute (ARI) Tarnab, Peshawar Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP)-Pakistan during rabi season 2018-2019. Fourteen wheat cultivars i.e Wadaan-17, Paseene-17, Khaista-17, Ghaneemat, KT-2017, Pakhtunkhaw-15, PS-15, NIFA-Insaf-15, NIFA-Aman-15, Pakistan-13, PS-13, Shahkaar-13, PS-5, NIFA-lalma were planted in Randomized Complete Block design (RCBD) h...
Rafiq Ali Khan1, Sajjad Ahmed1, Salim Raza2* and Shehla Gul1
...nto three lithological units to assess its geotechnical characteristics. The representative samples of the units are used for Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) tests to establish the fracture pressure and fracture gradient of the formation in Kohat-Potwar and Nizampur Sub-Basins and adjoining areas. Based on the UCS tests and extrapolation techniques, a benchmark value for fracture gra...
Farzana Bashir2, Aysha Saleem1, Khalid Iqbal Khichi2, Rubina Nelofer3* and Rauf Ahmad Khan2
...) with 95% confidence limits. The antibacterial susceptibility was optimized for flow rate, bacterial count and column height. High regression coefficient between the variable and response (R2=99.4%) showed good evaluation of experimental data by polynomial regression model. The optimum conditions suggested by the model for the variables such as flow rate, bacterial load and column height were 46 ml/min, 262 bacterial count/ml and 8 cm respectively with maximu...

Ayesha Saeed1*, Farzana Kishwar2, Ahsan Nazir3, Sharjeel Abid4, Muhammad Abiodullah5, and Danial Ali6

...trial recognition due to its biocompatible nature. Traditionally, Musa Acuminata (MA) and Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis (HRS) leaves famous for its medicinal value as they contain phytochemicals such as triterpenoids, polyphenols, flavonoids, and alkaloids. Keeping in view and get benefit from their fruitful properties the aim of the study was to develop antibacterial dry sheet nanofiber mask loaded with leaf extracts of MA and HRS...

Shahid Iqbal, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Muhammad Atiq*, Nasir Ahmed Rajput, Muhammad Usman, Ahmad Nawaz, Ghalib Ayaz Kachelo, Azeem Akram and Hadeed Ahmad

...y reach up to 100% on fruits under humid conditions. Many management strategies such as chemical control, biocontrol, use of Phyto-extracts and nanotechnological approaches have been introduced to combat this disease. The synthetic fungicides are used to curb the disease incidence. Pathogen have developed resistance against various chemicals that are generally utilized to overcome this disease. Because of its antifungal pote...

Jie Li, Gaofu Wang, Xiaoyan Sun, Lin Fu, Peng Zhou* and Hangxing Ren*

...r, the KITL function and its influence on Youzhou dark goat skin pigmentation remains unclear. The present  study cloned goat KITL gene sequence, predicted the physicochemical properties of the gene-encoding protein, and analyzed the different expression level in goat tissue. The result showed that the coding region of goat KITL gene was 825-bp long and encoded 274 amino acids. The goat KITL amino acid sequence had high homology with this molecule in othe...

Murad Ali Rahat1*, Muhammad Israr2, Hakim Khan1, Ishtiaq Hassan1, Mohammad Islam1 and Muzafar Shah3

...prevalent human color traits among Pakhtun population of Shangla was brown eye color and the IrisPlex system accurately predicted blue and brown eye color as such as an actual eye color of the individual while intermediate was misclassified into brown eye color, so online tool of IrisPlex system needed more SNPs inclusion for the prediction of accurate intermediate eye color prediction. Therefore, the Irisplex system represents a useful tool for immediate appl...

Shahid Amin1*, Jabbar Khan1, Imran Khan2, Dost Muhammad1, Kamran Ullah Khan1, Naqeeb Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Azhar Jameel3 

...and to correlate it with its health status. Total of 500 blood samples (Sheep, n=250, Goat, n=250) were collected from different areas of South Waziristan. Samples were processed meant for the incidence of haemo-parasites and diverse hematological limitations were anticipated. Prevalence of haemo-parasitic diseases was recorded as 14.4, 10.4 and 7.2% for anaplasmosis, theileriosis and babesiosis, respectively. Different risk factors were studied but statistica...

Florence N. Nworah*, Nene O. Uchendu, Ifeoma F. Chukwuma*, Emmanuel C. Ossai and Emmanuel C. Ezeako

...e P. sinuatus blood exhibits both haematopoietic and antioxidative potential and could be a good source for the amelioration of leucopenia and anaemia.


Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1*, Hamna Rashid1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2, Sana Bashir1, Fatima Khalid1 and Nisar Ahmad3

...nimal is a reflection of its immunological status. Results showed significant improvement in the hematological indices and proximate composition of catla fingerlings. The highest carcass composition (CP 18.84%, CF 9%, GE 2.44 kcal/g) was found in fish fed on test diet III supplemented with 2g/kg of probiotics. Similarly, counts of RBCs (2.75 106 mm-3), WBCs (7.87 103 mm-3), Hb (8 g/100ml) as well as PLT (64.68) were highest in fish fed on the 2g/kg probiotics ...

Hira Jabbin1, Muhammad Arshad1*, Naunain Mehmood1, Wardah Hassan1, Syed Zakir Hussain Shah2 and Farzana Siddique3

... quality and to increase its shelf life. One of these alternatives is the chitosan which is natural preservative having antimicrobial properties. In present study, the effectiveness of chitosan coatings as natural preservative was assessed on rancidity development and quality changes in mori fillets during 28 days of storage. The control and chitosan coated samples were analyzed periodically at intervals of 7 days, for determination of pH, water holding capaci...

Akbar Hayat1*, Ehsan Ul Haque1, Marayam Nasir2, Rab Nawaz3, Tariq Mahmood4 and Sohaib Afzaal1

...acteristics of exotic fruits belonging to orange group of citrus was carried out at Citrus Research Institute Sargodha. The candidate varieties/cultivars were Rhode Red Valencia, Cara Cara, Amber Sweet, Sun Star and Salustiana. All of these different five citrus varieties evaluated objectively assessing their suitability both for direct consumption and value addition. The work spread over two years (2018and19) produced distinctive results for their commercial ...

Hasnain Raza1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Imran1, Nabeel Ahmad Ikram2 and Muhammad Bilal Shoukat1

...ater gets treated before its disposal. The reported research aims to assess the concentration of contaminants in wastewater. Samples of wastewater were collected from Wali Muhammad Canal, Multan, and analyzed for heavy metals (HMs) including cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), nickle (Ni), and zinc (Zn), along with basic physicochemical parameters including biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), total solids (TS)...

Madad Ali1, Muhammad Ahsan1, Muhammad Zubair Akram*2 and Samreen Nazeer3

...t crops in the world for its nutritional value and productivity. Skyrocketing populations demand more food to consume without expansion in agricultural land which can be achieved by utilizing hybrid vigor. A field trial during 2018 was conducted at the University of Agriculture Faisalabad to screen out the best single cross doubled haploid hybrids of maize using eleven doubled haploid single cross hybrids. A randomized complete block design was used to conduct...

Samina Kausar1, Rana Badar Aziz2, Muhammad Waseem3, Muhammad Ahmad3, Hamza Shafiq4, Muhammad Asim5, Usama Zia6, Sobia Afzal7, Wanpeng Xi8*, Mansoor Hameed1* and Muhammad Usman Shoukat9

...d in many vegetables, fruits and flowers. They are categorized into two types: (1) xanthophylls and (2) carotenes. For instance, lycopene is found in tomatoes and watermelon, beta carotene in sweet carrots and potatoes, lutein in marigold flowers, and capsanthin and capsorubin in crimson pepper. Zeaxanthin is protective against scalp diseases, UV and skin redness. Lycopene is a bioactive component regarding the remedy of persistent sicknesses and lowering the ...

Ishtiaq Ahmad1*, Muhammad Nafees1, Maryam2, Irfan Ashraf3, Ambreen Maqsood4 and Muhammad Saqib5 

...n: justify;">Mulberry fruits (Morus alba and M. nigra) are highly nutritious that can be used to mitigate malnutrition of human beings, however have very low shelf-life. The present study was aimed at evaluation of different drying methods to improve shelf-life of dry mulberry fruits for their sustainable availability in the market for human consumption. For this purpose, common drying methods viz., sun drying, shade drying ...

Adefunke Fadilat O. Ayinde1*, Peter Allison Johnston2, Olanrewaju Olusoji Olujimi3, Purnamita  Dasgupta4 and Dare  Akerele5

...riety) to farmers, given its inherent capability to withstand cassava mosaic virus disease, extreme weather conditions, and its long gestation period. Government of both states should provide infrastructure support to improve the cassava-based farmers’ adaptive capabilities to climate variability and reduce their vulnerability.


Ty Nguyen, Giang Thi Huong Phung, Lan Le Thuy Hoang and Giang Van Tran*

... fish species in view of its immense contribution to the need of this country in terms of nutrition, economic growth and development. The results of morphometric and genetic analysis of M. cunnesius in this study contributed the documents for identification and the genetic diversity, which are the basis for further research about M. cunnesius in breeding, species conservation and management at the Tam Giang Cau Hai Wetland Reserve. Research results showed that...

Mahmut Islamoglu

...tegriceps spends most of its life in overwintering sites. It is thought that knowing the wintering characteristics of Sunn pest will provide important advantages in the fight against this pest. In this study; The effects of air temperature, soil temperature, humidity, soil moisture and photoperiod on the migration of Sunn pest from aestivation sites to overwintering sites were investigated in 2020 and 2021. For this purpose; air temperature, soil temperature, ...
Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
...carnea fed on L. erysimi its handling time was 0.029h and its attack rate was 1.55h-1, while when fed on D. noxia its handling time was 0.14h and its attack rate was 0.72h-1. This study revealed that third larval instar of C. carnea has great predatory potential for L. erysimi and D. noxia.

Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
...carnea fed on L. erysimi its handling time was 0.029h and its attack rate was 1.55h-1, while when fed on D. noxia its handling time was 0.14h and its attack rate was 0.72h-1. This study revealed that third larval instar of C. carnea has great predatory potential for L. erysimi and D. noxia.

Yasir Hameed, Muhammad Rizwan, Muhammad Shahzaib, Muhammad Sarmad, Muhammad Farrukh Hamid, Syed Muhammad Zaka*, Khalid Abbas and Muhammad Zakria
...carnea fed on L. erysimi its handling time was 0.029h and its attack rate was 1.55h-1, while when fed on D. noxia its handling time was 0.14h and its attack rate was 0.72h-1. This study revealed that third larval instar of C. carnea has great predatory potential for L. erysimi and D. noxia.


Widiastuti Ardiansyah1,3, Osfar Sjofjan2*, Eko Widodo2, Suyadi Suyadi2, Danung Nur Adli2 

...compound of turmeric and its effects on the reproductive organs of Mojosari ducks. A total of 500 grams of turmeric were prepared for the identification of bioactive compounds and flavonoids, while a total of 280 Mojosari ducks aged 20–28 weeks were used in the second step. The study comprised a descriptive analysis and a completely randomized design with six treatments and four replications with eight Mojosari laying ducks in each experimental unit. An ...

Masixole Maswana, Thinawanga Joseph Mugwabana and Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...tion in morphological traits among donkey breeds of the same area within that country. One of the key aspects in animal evolution and migration from one area to another is at the core of it informed by adaptability. This study will help donkey farmers, extension officers and researchers to understand the morphological variation among donkey breeds.


Noha M. Abd El-Azeem*, Hemat A. Abdel Magied, Mervat N. Ghazal, Nehad A. Ramadan, Enayat H. Abo El-Azayem, Y. S. Hussein, Heba H. Habib New-Zealand White rabbits age 6 months and weighting 3.2 kg were assigned randomly into six treatment groups. The treatments were fed basal diet as control (G1), basal diet plus 0.3 % turmeric (G2), 0.05 % MOS® (G3), 0.015 % Biostrong® 510 (G4), 0.05 % MOS +0.3 % turmeric (G5) and 0.05% MOS +0.015 % Biostrong (G6), respectively. Rabbits fed with turmeric, MOS and Biostrong recorded a significant (P≤0.05) increa...

Irshad Ahmad1,2* fish health but also its unique array of bioactive compounds can improve coloration and quality of fillet. The aim of this review is to provide an update of the current knowledge of microalgae as a supplement or feed additive to substitute FM and FO in aquafeeds. This review will provide a platform to highlight the potential of microalgae-based aquafeeds for a sustainable aquaculture industry.

Abdullah Iqbal1, Muhammad Abubakar2, Shumaila Manzoor3, Muhammad Kamran Ameen4 and Rani Faryal1*
Mansha Tahir1, Abdul Rauf2,3, Syed Ayaz Kazmi2,3*, Nuzhat Shafi2, Muhammad Hasnain Ali Gillani3, Sundus Khawaja4, Syeda Maria Fiaz Bukhari4, Tehniat Summer4 and Muhammad Majid Bashir2
...g Immuno-Chromatography Kits, ELISA and further confirmed by PCR. Among the tested individuals 174 (24.5%) including 90(51.7%) male and 84(48.3%) were found positive for both HBsAg and anti-HCV including 4.6% HBsAg positive, 19.7% anti-HCV positive. After ELISA 168 individuals were found positive which were also found positive after PCR. Out of these 29 were HBV positive and 138 were HCV positive. One individual was confirmed after PCR for co-infection of HBV ...

V. Sunitha*, V. Vasudeva Rao, V. Ravinder Reddy, P. Venkateshwarlu, A.V.L.N. Ramalingeswar Rao and B. Naresh

...ral landscape by knowing its food habits. A total of 282 pellets were collected during the study period were analyzed and identified by using standard keys.The diet of the owlet was predominantly insects (51%) followed by rodents (33%), herpetofauna (9.5%) and unidentified invertebrates (6.5%). Among the rodents (33%) Rattus rattus, Bandicota bengalensis, Funambulus palamaram, Mus musculus and Mus booduga. The insects (51%) ...

Iqra Qazi1, Sohail Raza1*, Masood Rabbani1 and Muhammad Avais2

...prevalance of BoHV-1 and its associated risk factors in District Sheikhupura, Punjab, Pakistan. The sample size was calculated using Raosoft sample size calculator. A total of 250 animals were sampled from herds of different sizes for sampling through convenient sampling technique. A questionnaire having variables related to animal species, age, herd size, parity, breeding method and housing management was filled at sample collection time. The serum samples we...

Asma Basharat1, Abdul Wajid2*, Andleeb Batool1, Tayyeba Batool3, Abdul Basit4, Kamran Abbas5, Aziz Ullah1 and Mahmood Shaukat6

...esent report is first of its kind in Pakistani population. The findings suggest that TBX22 polymorphisms may responsible for a significant proportion of non-syndromic CP cases in Pakistani population and confirming its importance as a frequent cause of non-syndromic CP across various populations. The robustness of the association between TBX22 and CP is worth further examination in the future across different populations.

Qingyue Han1, Ying Li1, Jichang Deng1, Kunxuan Huang1, Yanyang Yang1, Quanwei Li1, Zhuowei Zhang1, Na Qiao1, Yanju Ji2, Khalid Mehmood3, Sarfaraz Ali Fazlani4, Hui Zhang1 and Zhaoxin Tang1*

...effects of vitamin D and its metabolites on heart development in swine. The effect of 25(OH)D3 and Ca2+ supplementation in diets on heart development in neonatal piglets during pregnancy were examined in this study. Total 40 sows of 7 gestational age with good health and nutritional condition were divided into four groups (n=10): the control group, low calcium, 25(OH)D3 group and low calcium with 25(OH)D3 group. Each groups consist of 5 piglets, randomly selec...

K. H. El-Kholy1*, Enayat Hassan Abo El-Azayem2, Safaa Ataya Barakat2, Mona Gamel Mohamed3, Sara H. M. Hassab1 

...AV addition on growth traits, caecal ecosystem and some physiological and biochemical responses in growing rabbits. APRI rabbits (age = 6 weeks, n = 60) were split equally into four groups (n = 15 in each group). First group was fed a basal diet only (control group, G1), while the other three groups fed a basal diet along with 0.5 (G2), 1.0 (G3) and 2.0 g (G4) AV leaves powder/kg diet. The...

Faiq Ahmad1, Shahen Shah1*, Muhammad Amin2, Ikram Ullah3, Sajid Ali4, Maaz Khan1, Muhammad Shakur5 and Sajjad Khan6

... beneficial microbes and its application in the field one month before sowing can enhance phenology and crop stand.


Zarnosh Habib1, Muhammad Ibrahim2*, Nasir Shah2, Israr Ullah3 and Norman Javed Gill4

...depths of host pupae and its age on the amount of parasitism by parasitoid. Maximum significant (F = 10.78, P < 0.0001) parasitized pupae were recorded at 72 h of age at surface of the debris, while minimum number of parasitized pupae were recorded in a day old pupae at 3 cm depth. Correlation of percent pupal parasitism with depths of host pupae in plant debris, showed a negative linear trend. With increasing depth, the percentage of parasitism decreased, ...

Ghani Akbar*, Zafar Islam, Muhammad Umar and Shahi Salam and productivity benefits of rice on furrow irrigated narrow beds (NB-65cm furrow spacing with 2 crop rows), drip irrigated wide beds (WB-130cm furrow spacing with 5 crop rows) and flood irrigated flat basin (FB) as control. The irrigation was scheduled at above field capacity (30kPa matric potential). The calibrated Aqua Crop FAO model was used for evaluating the root zone and atmospheric water balance and water productivity based on evapotranspiration (WP...

Muhammad Mansoor1, 2, Sheheryar1 and Shahid Ali Khan1*

... percent (63 percent) of its total yield in the 1st and 2nd flushes, respectively, with maturity for both flushes in around 63 days. In addition, its yield was higher than NM-2011, Dera Mung, and NM-98 by 21 %, 51 %, and 40 %, respectively. Cultivar Inqelab Mung may be recommended for planting in rain-fed conditions where the supply of water for the second and third irrigation is uncertain for farmers. In addition, through a...

Muhammad Mansoor1, 2, Sheheryar1 and Shahid Ali Khan1*

... percent (63 percent) of its total yield in the 1st and 2nd flushes, respectively, with maturity for both flushes in around 63 days. In addition, its yield was higher than NM-2011, Dera Mung, and NM-98 by 21 %, 51 %, and 40 %, respectively. Cultivar Inqelab Mung may be recommended for planting in rain-fed conditions where the supply of water for the second and third irrigation is uncertain for farmers. In addition, through a...

Abdul Kabir1, Muhammad Rasheed2, Hubdar Ali Kaleri5, Depeesh Kumar Bhuptani3, Mithan Kumar4, Raza Ali Mangi6, Abdul Wahid Solangi4, Sheva Dari1, Saqib Kakar4, Panah Munir4, Ekra Akbar4 and Rameez Raja Kaleri4,5*

Muhammad Bilal Munawar1, Saima Naveed1, Shafqat Nawaz Qaisrani1, Jibran Hussain2, Shahzad Munir3, Ayesha Ahmed3, Mubbashir Hussain4, Ahmad Kamran Khan5, Abdullah Jalal6 and Irfan Ahmed7*

...and 750 powder phytase units (FTU)/kg) and G, H supplemented with NC+ (500 and 750 liquid phytase units (FTU)/kg) respectively. Pelleting temperature was set at 85°C during feed processing production. Blood, ileal digesta, weight of visceral organs, left tibia were sampled for the quantity of phosphorus in plasma, its digestibility and tibial calcium and phosphorus. The present study r...

Layth Saleem Salman Al-Shihmani

...he Kut Dam, to determine its chemical, physical and mineral properties. After the soil horizons of the study were determined , samples were taken from each horizon according to the specific depth of each horizon, and the laboratory examination was conducted for the physical and chemical properties. As for the mineral examination, it was conducted for only two depths (surface depth and subsurface depth). The results showed a variation in the chemical properties...

Ahmed Rizk1, Gomaa Said Ramadan2*, Alaa Eldin Abdou3, Ossama Ahmed El-Weshahy1, Omer Sayed Rashed1 

...), and egg production traits (EP) from 36 - 42 weeks of age were also applied. Our results showed that the average body weight for Tanta G-1 and Mamourah chicken strains was 866.45 grams and 558.75 grams in the first generation. In the second generation, the Tanta G-1 line’s body weight was 1006.50 grams against 555.10 grams for the Mamourah strain, while in the third generation the average body weight in the Tanta G-1 line was 1068.93 grams versus 551.2...

Ibrahim El-Ratel1*, Mostafa El-Moghazy2, Amira El-Gaml2, Ibrahim Abu El-Naser2 

... function and quality traits of rabbit bucks. This study amid to investigate the efficacy of propolis ethanolic extract (PEE) oral administration on antioxidant capacity, reproductive hormones, immunity response, and quality and fertility of fresh and cryopreserved rabbit buck semen under HS conditions. A total of 40 APRI line rabbit bucks (7months old and 3.00±0.20 kg live body weight) were divided into four treatments (10/treatment). The 1st, 2nd, 3rd...

Phan Truong Khanh* and Tran Thi Hong Ngoc

...otranspiration (ETc) and its actual estimation was 1,588 mm.yr-1. In whole province the total water demand in the year 2020 was based on 2,796 million m3. The results also showed that reliable projections of water requirements at different spatial scales enable water management authorities to assess and upgrade irrigation infrastructure and manage water allocation to meet for rice production.


Antonius1,3, Anuraga Jayanegara2*, Komang Gede Wiryawan2, Simon Petrus Ginting3, Anjas Asmara Samsudin4, Elizabeth Wina5 

Nosheen Jehajo*, Nasreen Memon, Mansoor Ali Shah and Naheed Shah

...t up to the tolerable limits in integrated pest management. Moreover, the present study suggests further work on the efficacy of some other local plant extractions as an alternative to chemical pesticides.


Hafiz Ghulam Muhu-Din Ahmed1*, Aziz Ullah2, Muhammad Asim Bhutta3, Ammara Yasmeen4, Hafeez ur Rehman5 and Umar Farooq5

...of yield and physical traits of grain in 33 spring wheat genotypes were examined under field experimental conditions during the wheat crop season of 2020-21. The experiment was set up in a three-replications through randomized complete block design (RCBD). Analysis of variances revealed that all the studied parameters, like spikelet per spike (SPS), number of grains per spike (NGS), grain yield per plant (GYP), grain length (GL), grain width (GWD), grain area ...
Humaira Gul1*, Muhammad Junaid Yousaf1*, Fawad Ali1, Mamoona Rauf1, Farhad Ali2 and Iqthedar Ali3
... of leaves, branches, fruits, plant height, proteins, and chlorophylls were significantly (P<0.05) increased in sandy soil proportion whereas in soil analysis moisture, hygroscopic water, pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC), chlorides, organic matter were significantly (P<0.05) increased for the soily soil in same proportion that is of sandy soil. This reveals that Barley should be grown in sandy soil for its better gro...

Naheed Zahra*, Muhammad Qasim, Muhammad Azam Niazi, Muhammad Ishaq and Mubbashira Nazir

...gram decreases and hence its production decreases compared to competing crops. It is recommended that as gram producers are risk averse and prefer crops with sustained profitability so there is a need for policy package for improving gram production in gram area. The package may include gram crop insurance packages to farmers that motivate them to enhance the area under gram. To make gram competitive there is need to provide level playing field i.e., support p...

Ifrah Amjad1, Muhammad Nouman Khalid1*, Muhammad Kashif1, Muhammad Noman1, Sajid Ali2, Rizwan Ahmed Shaikh3, Muhammad Babar4, Muhammad Asim Bhutta5 and Amna Bibi5

...ght tolerance related traits. The results suggested that genotype having Sub1 genes can effectively be grown under rainfed region which are equally prone to floods and drought stress.


Mushtaq Hussain Soomro1, Jan Muhammad Mari1, Imtiaz Ahmed Nizamani1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal2* and Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar2 to control because of its conspicuous habitat and damage. Considering the effectiveness of aggregation pheromone (Ferrolure+) against RPW in different regions of the world, we started experiments in June 2018 to evaluate the synergistic effect of various food baits on the performance of Ferrolure+ against RPW. Three locally available food baits i.e., date palm, sugarcane, and banana alo...

Naila Shahzadi1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Azizullah1, Muhamamd Farooq Bhatti2, Shaukat Ali1, Muhamamd Summer1 and Farman Ahmad Chaudhary3

...omical and biological traits of Bombyx mori (L.) (Lepidoptera: Bombycidae) was recorded. The 5th instar (day 1) mulberry silkworms were divided into four groups of 20 each: namely a control and three experimental groups. Plain (untreated) mulberry leaves were offered to the control group while experimental groups were fed on the mulberry leaves treated with exogenous nutrients alone (5% sericin, 3% honey) and in combination (5% sericin + 3% honey). Results sho...

Hafiz Husnain Nawaz1*, Ayesha Ahsan2, Amir Afzal1, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah1, Muhammad Jan1, Kashif Ali1, Muhammad Arsalan1 and Rizwan Latif3

...s and socioeconomic benefits. Antioxidants abound in C. sativa extract, thanks to its high phenolic content. It’s a high-polyunsaturated acid crop that’s strong in antioxidants. Extraction from C. sativa seeds yielded a 33% yield of C. sativa oil, which was then analyzed for TPC and antioxidants in comparison to commercially available C. sativa oil. The Folin-Ciocalteu reagent and the α, α-diphenyl-&b...

Ahmed M. El-Waziry1,2*, Saeid M. Basmaeil1, Ibrahim A. Alhidary1, Gamaleldin M. Suliman1,3, Mutassim M. Abdelrahman1, Maged A. Al-Garadi1 

...e rumen, which increases its by-pass to the small intestine and decreasing the ammonia concentration in the rumen. Moreover, ionophores increase propionic acid in the rumen, which is used as an energy source; hence, ionophores increase muscle growth by enhancing the daily weight gain due to the improved feed conversion rate. Studies indicate the effect of ionophores on the characteristics and quality of the carcass have been limited. Ionophoers may be enh...
Shahrokh Mojarradgandoukmolla* and Hasan Akan
... of many diseases due to its various effective compounds. Trigonella strangulata, Trigonella filipes and Trigonella uncinata are three widely used species and folk medicine that grow well in the northern suburbs of Iraq. Therefore, the present study was designed to evaluate and identify the effective compounds of these species and to investigate their physiological and biochemical effects on biochemical, and hematological parameters in rat...

Monis Hussain Shah1*, Rizwan Rafique2,6, Munawar Almas1, Muhammad Usman3, Sadia Yasin4 and Sajida Bibi5

... of excellent quality fruits in coastline, tropical, subtropical and temperate regions. Pakistan is one of the top fruits producing country globally. Pakistan ranks 4th in Mango (1.880M Tones), 6th in Guava (2.4 M Tones), Dates (0.72 M Tones) and Citrus (2.1 M Tones) production around the globe. Since the year of 1969 Pakistan builds the infrastructure for agricultural development due to that; significant increase in product...

Riaz Noor Panhwar1*, Abdul Fatah Soomro1, Muhammad Chohan1, Illahi Bux Bhatti1, Ali Hassan Mari1, Samia Arain1 and Sagheer Ahmad2

...ane sugar percentage) traits. Experiments were conducted in plant crop for two consecutive years 2018-19 and 2019-20 during the autumn cropping season at Makli farm of PARC-National Sugar and Tropical Horticulture Research Institute (NSTHRI), Thatta, Pakistan. A total of four sugarcane genotypes i.e., YtTh-1701, YtTh-1705, YtTh-1707, and YtTh-1730 against standard variety Thatta-10 as check were tested. The genotypes were developed from the exotic fuzz of Chin...

Khunsa Khakwani1*, Muhammad Asif1, Zaheer Ahmed2, Ghulam Sarwar1, Yasmeen Abbassi2 and Ghulam Murtaza2 

...ity to exploit in the traits which were investigated.


Andi Tenri Bau Astuti Mahmud1, Lellah Rahim2, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2*, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati2, Wempie Pakiding2 

...losi chickens, so RFI traits could be used as one of the selection parameters for Kalosi chickens.

Keywords | Kalosi Chicken, RFI, Feed Efficiency, Carcass Quality, Physical Meat Quality, Growth Traits


Eighty Mardiyan Kurniawati1*, Budi Santoso1, Fedik Abdul Rantam2, Widjiati3, Budi Iman Santoso4, Tri Hastono Setyo Hadi1, Gatut Hardianto1, Hari Paraton1  

...udy used New Zealand rabbits which were female and weighed 3-4.5 kg. The first stage of the study created a model of a vesicovaginal fistula. The second stage of the study closed the vesicovaginal fistula which was successfully created in the first stage. The study used a post-test-only control group design. The histological examination included fibroplasia, angiogenesis, re-epithelialization, and collagen deposition on day 21. Data were analyzed descriptively...

Mochamad Rizal Umami1, Zainuri*2, Sebastiana Viphindrartin2 and Rafael Purtomo Somaji2 market model due to its lower transaction costs. The proposition (substantive theory) produced in this study states that in conditions of sugarcane commodities facing a captive market, the market mechanism is more efficient than the contractual mechanism. Furthermore, this study found that the development of accelerative information technology during the COVID-19 pandemic (social media) has destroyed social capital between sugarcane farmers and partners (...

Jinzhao He1, Pengfei Feng2, Junqi Qin2, Yun Teng1, Xu Luo2*, Zigui Chen1*, Huawei Ma2* and Dayan Zhou1

...y. The in-depth study of its regulatory mechanism contributes to understanding the genetic mechanism of red tilapia and improving the body shape.


Sayed H. Al Habty1, Dina N.Ali2* 

...rvative in yogurt due to its highest antimicrobial activity and acceptable sensorial properties.

Keywords | MDR, Antibiotic resistance, Sensory evaluation, Yogurt, Ice cream, Damietta cheese 


Sumaria Maqsood1*, Muhammad Ali 2, Amna Shoaib3, Shahbaz Ahmad2 and Noor-ul-Ain2

...S. litura, and tomato fruits were taken as a natural diet. Results revealed that development attributes based on mass rearing of S. litura on the modified diet (wheat germ + tomato paste) significantly reduced the larval and pupal developmental duration by 30%, while, considerably enhancing eclosion rate, pupation survival rate, and the number of eggs by 20-30% along with the 40-50% reduction in the pupal and larvae mortality rate as compared to the tomato pas...

Asim Zubair1*, Zohaib Atta Mehdie2, Iffat Batool3, Ghulam Akbar Malik4 and Ayesha Aziz5

Zaheer Ahmed Lashari1, Muhammad Saleem Sarki1, Saleem Maseeh Bhatti1, Muhammad Sachal Khokhar1 and Zohaib ur Rehman Bughio2* prepared in cemented pits. The prepared composts were sampled and analyzed for selected parameters. Afterwards, a field experiment was executed to study the effect of prepared composts and their integration with inorganic fertilizer on growth and yield of onion (Allium cepa L.). The treatments were: T1=Control (No NPK and/or Compost), T2=Recommended NPK (120-60-60 kg ha-1), T3=Compost 1 (15 tons ha-1), T4=Compost 2 (15 tons ha-1), T5 Compost 3 (15 tons ha-1...

Shaolin Zeng, Shuai Yuan* and Kai Liu

...(I/R) injury in rats and its causative role. The differential expressions of miRNA in the rat myocardial tissue after post-ischemic treatment with sevoflurane were screened by miRNA expression profile chip. The potential targets of miR-26a-5p were predicted by application of Targetscan, microT-CDS, miRtargetLink and miRpathDB database. The luciferin reporter groups were used for verification. We detected the impact of miR-26a-5p expression content on the PTEN/...

Ahmed Fathy1, Rania A. Hassan2, Essam S. Soliman3* is more powerful than its non-parametric alternatives, we aimed to evaluate the performance of the single discriminant analysis in classification between Baladi buffaloes and crossbred using clinical epidemiological measures of some productive and reproductive traits such as milk yield (MY/kg), days in milk (DIM/days), age at first calving (AFC/months), calving interval (CI/months), days open (DO/days), dry period (DP/wee...
Alia Tajdar1,3, Shaghef Ejaz2, Muhammad Shah Zaib1, Anum Ishfaq1, Syed Muhammad Zaka1*, Hafiz Muhammad Safeer1 and Khalid Abbas1
...ant pest of different fruits in tropical and subtropical regions. It damages the fruits at early ripening stage and reduces the quality and the final yield of fruit crop. Moreover, to maintain the quality parameters of fruits after harvesting, is an important aspect of post-harvest management. For the management of fruit fly and to keep the natural quality of fruit after harvesting differe...

Amal G. Abdelrahman1, Nabil A. Yassien1, Hussein M.H. Mohamed1, Khaled S. Tolba2, Heba H.S. Abdel-Naeem1* 

...nt hen meat by enhancing its texture properties using natural tenderizers will not only provide a good affordable source of protein but will also provide economic benefits to the poultry meat industry. Therefore, this study aims to appropriate utilization of this meat to produce less expensive and highly nutritious value-added chicken meat patties. In this context, five groups of spent hen meat patties were formulated as fol...

Doaa H. Assar1, Rasha A. Al Wakeel2, Mahmoud M. El-Maghraby3, Mohammed M. El-Badawy3, Adel A. El-Badawy3, Wael M. Nagy3, Mustafa S. Atta2, Abdel-Khalek E. Abdel Khalek4* 

...ese positive impacts via its ability as a scavenger of free radicals by enhancing the endogenous antioxidant enzyme activities, metabolism, immunity, and reproduction.

Keywords | Allicin, Antioxidative enzymes, Healthy status, Immunity, milk, Lambing rat.  


Nazish Manzoor1*, Alim Khan1, Muhammad Yaseen1, Abid Ullah1, Zulqarnain2 and Iftikhar Jan2

... bacterial strain N1 and its activity was checked at distinct pH and temperature. The optimum pH was from 6-8 whereas the temperature was 40 °C. Saccharomyces cerevisiea was added for enhanced fermentation and ethanol production. The acid pretreated sample produced the highest ethanol (15.2%) than the alkaline. The percent production of ethanol and the amount of sugar in pretreated samples was confirmed using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) a...

Faisal Khurshid1*, Asad Ullah1 and Sana Manan2

...n technology facilitated its adopters in timely awareness of market information and government subsidies to boost their motivational level and let them persuade a favourable attitude towards agricultural innovations. Awareness raising among farmers for efficient use of ICTs for accessing innovation technological and encasing subsidies hired by the government alongside other information updates were the main recommendation in light of the study.


Shabana Parveen1*, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Ayaz Hussain Qadri1, Ghulam Dastagir3, Muhammad Hanif Chandio4, Pervaiz Khan4, Faheem Saddar5, Naveed Ahmad Abro6, Shahnaz Rashid7 and Ghulam Abbas7

...imation of fecundity and its relationship with other body parameters, variation in egg size and calculation of gonadosomatic index. The results of fecundity estimation were based on 10 mature female fish ranging in size 30.4 to 43 cm and from 235.0 to 765.0 g in length and weight respectively. The lowest egg production (2193) was noted from small sized and highest was recorded (11830 eggs) from large fish. Egg production ability was noted ideally co-related by...

Ibrahim Samir Abd El-Hamid1, Alaa Emara Rabee2, Moustafa Mohamed M. A. Ghandour2, Rasha Salah Mohammed3, Ahmed Mohamed. Sallam4 

...ion and immunological traits in goat males under heat stress conditions.


Keywords | Herbs additives, Quebracho tannins, Antioxidants, Sperm quality, Damascus goats. 


Samiya Rehman*, Eman Mustafa, Ali Ahmad Faiz, Maheen Kanwal, Farkhanda Yasmin and Arooj Fatima

...and neurobiological circuits also acts supportive factors of addiction. As the rate of drugs usage has increased from era of industrialization, so now it is prevalent everywhere in rural and urban areas also in educational institutions of different countries of the world. Drug addiction has impacts on health and caused unbearable mental as well as emotional pain. Brain functioning is adversely affected by drug addiction, which causes reduction in cortex of bra...

Maskur1*, Muhammad Muhsinin1, Sulaiman Ngongu Depamede2 

...affected the prolific traits of Kacang and Boerka goats. This study indicates that the FecXG and FecB mutations were associated with litter size in Kacang and Boerka goat breeds. The FecXG has two genotypes in both Kacang and Boerka goats, namely homozygote wild type ++ and heterozygote mutant carrier G+ with a litter size of 1.56 and 1.65 (Kacang); 1.61 and 1.75 (Boerka), respectively. Meanwhile, FecB mutations produce three genotypes: homozygote wild type ++...

Mohamed M. Bahr1, Mohamed S. Amer1*, Khaled Abo-EL-Sooud2, Shaimaa M. Kamel3, Marwa A. Fouly4, Ahmed N. Abdallah5, Ashraf A. Shamaa1, Omar S. El-Tookhy1 

...e New Zealand albino rabbits were used in this study, divided randomly into 4 groups (6 rabbits per group), induction of corneal ulcers centrally in groups (I, II) and peripherally in (III, IV). Treated groups are (I, III) using topical lyophilized canine Mesenchymal Stem Cells derived EVs & control groups are (II, IV) using topical normal saline. Result: both treated groups appeared fluorescein negative at the 5th day a...
Wasim Akram1, Azhar Hussain2*, Sartaj Ali2, Iqbal Hussain3 and Muhammad2
... they play a key role in its socio-economic development. It is, however, susceptible to several diseases and pests, resulting in decreased yields and substantial financial losses. One of them is the genus Bactrocera, which has almost no data on its Spatio-temporal variability. Between July and September 2021 in district Hunza, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, this study aimed to determine the spatiotemporal variability of two spe...

Quang Minh Dinh1*, Tran Thi Huyen Lam2,3, Y Thi Nha Nguyen4, Thanh Minh Nguyen1 and Tien Thi Kieu Nguyen5

...uo;s food and feeding habits is essential in aquaculture and research on invasive species. Butis koilomatodon is one of the potential candidates for aquaculture in the Mekong Delta because it can survive in a wide range of water temperature (26–36 °C) and salinity (3.8-37.25%), but data on this fish species’ food and feeding habit are still fragmented and deficient. Consequently, this research aims at supplying necessary data related to diet co...

Mian Shamas Murtaza1,*, Aysha Sameen2, Saima Rafique3, Muhammad Shahbaz1,*, Nabeela Gulzar4, Mian Anjum Murtaza5, Umar Farooq1 and Iram Hafiz6

...nt of starch to increase its properties. These have functional and health-promoting properties as they reduce caloric value, add dietary fiber and endorse prebiotic effects. These are frequently used in industrially processed dairy as a bulking agent for fat replacement, textural modifications and organoleptic improvements. Hence, these can be fruitfully be used in manufacturing different kind of cheeses to have reduced or low fat, texturized or symbiotic prod...

Monu Karki, Amit Kumar and Gnanavel Venkatesan*

...heep and goats, ensuring its presence and related economic loss all over the world. The virus is the prototype member of the Parapoxvirus genus of the Poxviridae family and is known to cause zoonotic affection sporadically. The main attraction to this virus has always been its wide range of virulence factors, known to be responsible for deceiving the host’s defense strategies and causing re-infection within a year of i...

Barbosa Carla1*, Gregori Fabio2, Thomazelli Luciano1, Oliveira Amanda1, Araújo Jansen1, Ometto Tatiana1, Marcatti Roberta3, Nardi Marcelo3, Paludo Danielle4, Utecht Nathalia1 and Edison Durigon1

...aviruses (CoVs). Despite its relevance and complexity, studies on the detection and genetic characterization of these viruses are scarce, especially in South American wild birds. Thus, this paper aims to detect and discuss the diversity of these agents in birds at migratory stopping and wintering sites, along Brazilian Segment of the Atlantic Flyway. Therefore, 738 avian samples from different regions of Brazil were subjected to a RT-Nested-PCR protocol, with ...

A. Beyan1, A. Seid†2 and H. Shifa1

...rown worldwide. However, its yield in Ethiopia is very low as compared to the world and African average yield. Root-knot nematodes and Fusarium wilt are among the most economically important pathogens of tomato. A study was initiated with the objectives of determining the interaction effect of M. javanica (MJ) and F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici (FOL) disease complex and evaluating the response of selected tomato genotypes against this disease complex under gl...

W. M. El-Nagdi,1†, Z. , E. Ghareeb2 and E. M. Zayed3

...ected for all studied traits except for fresh foliage weight. The relative susceptibility to root-knot nematode parameters (gall index, gall size, gall area and damage index) indicated that two fodder beet genotypes Beta Rozsa and Jamon were considered as the best with high yield and resistant reaction to M. incognita; in contrast Starmon genotype had highly susceptible reaction while Jary, Mnro andVorosch genotypes had moderately resistant. Fodder root yield ...

Urooj Shakoor* and Syed Attaullah Shah conducted to identify its determinants. Data set of 3035 rural households, extracted from Pakistan Social and Living Standard Measurement survey (2018-19), was grouped into three geo-climate zones (Northern, Central and Southern zones). Results from data analysis revealed that 46.6 percent of the sampled rural households were multidimensional poor and the derived Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI), at 0.30 cutoff level, was 0.254 for the overall rural Khy...

Muhammad Shahid Nadeem*, Jalaluddin Azam Khan and Firoz Anwar

...d at pH 8 and above 90C, its KM and Vmax values were found 25µM L-alanine and 149 U/min/mg respectively. In silico studies have shown that the enzyme was found in a monomer structure. Molecular docking studies with potential molecules involved in the reaction catalysed have been conducted and binding energy values were calculated for each molecule including L-alanine, pyridoxal 5 phosphate, pyruvate, alpha ketoglutarate and L-glutamate. Present study pro...

Sony A.E. Moningkey1*, Ronny A.V. Tuturoong1, Ingriet D.R. Lumenta1 and Nova L.I.M. Ogi2

...dy used 30 calf male rabbits strain New Zealand White (8–11 weeks old, 435-1,037 g). The feed consisted of fermented rumen content sludge mixture (FRCSM), and other feed materials, such as corn, coconut cake, pollard, bran, sugar drops and minerals. Rabbits were given complete feed with following treatment: R0 = feed without FRCSM, R1 = feed with 10% FRCSM, R2 = feed with 20% FRCSM, R3 = feed with 30% FRCSM, and R4 = f...

E. Mahdikhani-Moghadam†, J. A. A. Bub, S. B. Chery and S. Alvani

... of
stone fruits in different areas of the province. Soil analysis results in the identification of 5 species of mononchid
nematodes viz., Anatonchus kashmirensis, A. tridentatus, Clarkus papillatus, Mylonchulus brachyuris and M.
paitensis. Among them, A. kashmirensis is recorded for the first time in Iran.

S. Aatika, K. Nasira and F. Shahina† maize and
its adjoining crops from Punjab, Pakistan. New species Filenchus maqbooli n. sp., characterized by small body with
short stylet and tail long, filiform has been described. Five new record species of plant parasitic nematodes viz.,
Helicotylenchus certus Eroshenko & Nguen Vu Tkhan, 1981, Helicotylenchus gulabi Jain, Siddiqui & Aruna
Parihar, 2000, Helicotylenchus j...

M. A. Radwan†, M. M. Abu-Elamayem, S. A. A. Farrag and N. S. Ahmed

acid (SA) and its two derivatives; acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and 3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid (DNSA), along with Lascorbic
acid (AA), oxalic acid (OA) and citric acid (CA) for managing Meloidogyne incognita infecting tomato
plants was investigated under greenhouse conditions. The results showed that all tested organic acids as well as the
application methods significantly reduced tomato root galls and 2nd stage juve...
K. Nasira, S. Shamim and F. Shahina†
...Pakistan Indus River and its tributaries are the major sources of
fresh water. Fresh water is clear from pollutants in upcountry, but as it flows downstream it becomes more pollutant.
In the present study nematodes were selected as bio-indicators for these pollutants at eight localities of Sindh, which
are Malir, Karachi; Kalri (Keenjhar) Lake, Thatta; Karachi Canal and Al-Manzar at River Indus n...
M. M. A. Youssef† and W. M. A. El-Nagdi
...use conditions to assess its ability as a trap
crop to reduce population density of root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita on subsequent common dry bean
(Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Treatments were made by removing whole plant or cutting sugar beet above the surface of
soil in each pot 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 days after nematode inoculation. The population density of root-knot
nematode as indicated by the number ...
A. M. Khan1,†, S. Naz1 and M. Abid2
...amnus afaqhusainii using its powder and different extracts
including n-hexane, DMSO and water extract against naturally occurring soil nematode namely Meloidogyne
javanica anti fungal activity against Fusarium moniliforme and Rhizoctonia solani and fertilizing potential on okra
Abelmoschus esculentus. It was observed that the soil sample which was mixed with algal powder supported the
growth of the okra plant and...

K. Nasira† and S. Shamim

... the basis of feeding habits and the community structure.

Shaista Naz1*, Muhammad Arif2 and Akhtar Ali3

...f women in livestock and its determinants in the developing countries. To achieve these objectives, a total of 32 publications after following the inclusion and were reviewed. Content analysis has been used for analysing data and the study found that women have higher participation in livestock management as compared to crop production due to the easy accessibility of livestock and the quick outcome in the shape of milk and milk products for home consumption a...

Muhammad Nadeem1*, Aneeta Rehman1, Masooma Munir1*, Hira Fatima2, Faiqa Malik1, Aqsa Iqbal1 and Alaiha Asif3

...quo;s most overlooked fruits; despite its high nutritional value, it fails to capture the attention of food processors in Pakistan due to its seasonal availability. Many types of products can be made because of its starchy taste, firm and crispy texture. In the present study, three treatments (T0, T1 and T2) of date bar of approximately 36±2g weig...

A.E. Ismail† and A.M. Kheir*

...t (Giza 2 corn) to reach its peak at the crop maturity, while the
nematode population dropped sharply when the field became fallow. Likewise, the population densities of the
previous stages declined gradually even though in the presence of the non host crop (Meskawii Egyptian clover).

A.W. Amin† and A.W. Mona*

...ruit characteristics (fruits weight,
length and diameter), total early fruits (first four gathering) and total fruit per plant were significantly improved in
plant leaves compared with infested cucumber. Consequently, the shoot macro and micro-elements were increased
compared with infested cucumber. The macro and micro-elements and chlorophyll contents were recorded but the

A.E. Ismail† and A.M. Kheir*

... 2 were used to evaluate its influence on infectivity, development and
virulence of Heterodera zeae. The results revealed that the nematode final population and rate of build-up
correlated negatively with the host age. The nematode multiplied highly on the youngest seedlings; and was more
virulent on the youngest than on the oldest plants.

O. A. Fabiyi

number of fruits per plant and fruit weight per plant as compared with Carbofuran (p<0.05). In the laboratory,
chromatographic fractions from acetone extract had the highest percentage juvenile mortality. The infrared analysis
of the fractions revealed the presence of anhydride and carbonyl stretching frequencies at 3638, 1702, 1735 and
1771 cm-1. The Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) of the fractions showed si...

Farhana Binte Zalal, Prodip Kumar Sarkar*, Mahbuba Sultana, M H Kawsar, Swapon Kumar Fouzder 

...of eggs, the broody hen sits on the eggs and incubates them to get chicks. The study was carried out to know the natural incubation and broody hen management practices in the selected areas of Barishal district, Bangladesh. We randomly selected 150 farmers (50 broody hens/Upazila) practicing natural incubation from three Upazilas in the Barishal district. The results show that mainly females (93.3%) were engaged in family poultry production and they used indig...

Aiman Amur1*, Nasreen Memon1, Khalida Unar2 and Roshan Jamali3

... economical important fruits of world. The Bactrocera dorsalis (handle) complex fruit fly according to morphology, physiology and genetically. It is very serious pest of many fruits in the overall world; such as guava, apricots, Sapodillas etc. this species is voracious for the mango in whole world mostly; means the favorable host of delicious mango. During current study observe the ecological margins and

Belema Robert1, Favour Welenya1, Deborah Achi1, Cynthia Onyeagwara1, Soala Obie Minimah2, Ebele Anulika Obichi2, Chidinma Charity Amuzie1* 

...oidiasis in man. Part of its life cycle is spent on the soil qualifying it as a geo-helminth. This research examined the geo-helminth species associated with selected edible vegetables from markets and farms in Port Harcourt metropolis, Nigeria. Methodology: Vegetables (fluted pumpkin leaves, waterleaves, bitter leaves and scent leaves) were purchased and harvested from selected markets (Creek Road, Mile 1, Mile 3, Timber, Rumuokoro, and Rumuokuta Markets) and...

Yuejing Yang1,2, Mengbin Xiang1,2, Zhengshi Zhang3, Minrui Zhou1, Bingjie Hu1, Tingsen Jing1, Zhe Li1, Fenglin Liu1, Hui Luo1, Qinglu Li1* and Hua Ye1*

...ic markers for growth traits, correlation analysis between 31 SNP markers and growth traits in S. prenanti was analyzed using 164 samples with the same growth conditions. Principal component analysis showed that the body weight accounted for 94.50% of the variance, the eigenvalue was greater than 1, and the accumulative variance was more than 85%. So, the body weight was the first principal component of the growth tra
Ghulam Jelani1, Qudratullah Kalwar1*, Asmatullah Kaka2, Abdullah Channo2, Ayyaz Ahmed1, Majid Hussain Soomro1, Hidayatullah Soomro1, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1 and Yar Muhammad Jalbani1, embryo recovery and its transfer, in vitro fertilization, cryopreservation and transgenesis. Among these technologies, embryo transfer has achieved a great importance having produced numerous offspring from a genetically superior female. After the first successful transfer of mammalian embryos in 1890, it was approximately 60 years before significant progress became quite noticeable in the basic technology of embryo transfer in cattle. In embryo transfer ...

Mohsin Shad1, Muhammad Usman2 and Qurratulann Afza Gardner1*

...contains four large subunits which include cytochrome f, b, Rieske iron-sulfur protein, and subunit IV. Electrons transferred through these complexes are responsible for the pumping of protons across the membrane to produce ATP through ATP synthase. The present review provides the structural comparison of mitochondrial cyt b in ten model organisms targeting archaea, prokaryotes, and eukaryotes, highlighting phylogenetic and mutational analysis. Polymorphism in...

Salman Hussain1, Basit Zeshan2*, Rabiya Arshad1, Saba Kabir1 and Naveed Ahmed3

...essary interventions for its effective treatment and control.


Kalsoom1, Nasir Shah2, Muhammad Ibrahim3*, Tahira Bibi1, Kazim Ali4 and Zahir Shah2

...throughout the world but its salt sensitive. A large portion of irrigated land in major countries is affected by salinity or is likely to be salinized in near future. This study assessed the impact of various salt levels on morphology and biochemical attributes of a wild (Sante wild) and two transgenic (Sante 2 event and Sante 8 event) potato varieties in in vitro condition. These varieties were grown on Murashige and Skoog (MS) media subjected to (0, 25, 50, ...

Ayesha Bakhtiar1, Sardar Azhar Mehmood2, Abdul Rauf Bhatti3*, Shabir Ahmad2, Naqash Khalid2, Javed Iqbal5, Azra Nadeem4 and Waqas Ahmad1

...assessed. As evidence of its strong efficacy, Group C, which had received the Lasota (vaccine-2) vaccination, displayed high antibody titers throughout the experiment. In terms of geometric mean titers, there was a significant difference (p 0.05) between the groups. On days 7, 14, 21, and 35 of the experiment, data on other performance indicators, including as feed intake, water intake, total body weight, and feed conversion ratio (FCR), were gathered. Through...

Saima Mumtaz1,3*, M. Imran Kasana1, Riaz Alam1, Noorullah Khan1, Muhammad Noman1, Sanjeela Sabahat1 and Hussain Shah2

...ana) for root induction, its development and success rate of survival in hardwood cuttings. Six treatments of IBA (1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000ppm) and one with control (without IBA) were applied at base of hardwood cuttings (6mmØ) of different litchi cultivars. Statistically analyzed data showed that root induction, root growth and survival of rooted cuttings was significantly influenced by IBA concentrations, litchi cultivars and their interacti...

Dina N. Ali1*, Sayed H. Elhabtey2*, Manal M. Amin1  

...ell moringa oil (MO) and its nano emulsion (Nano-MO) work on some food poisoning bacteria inoculated into white cheese in vitro and in vivo. Prepared (Nano-MO) had the Z-average diameter of 76.04±51.13 nm and polydispersity index (PDI) of 0.319. The spherical shape of the generated nano-emulsion was revealed by Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM) and the flow of active functional groups was clarified by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)....

Zubair Aslam1, Ali Ahmad1*, Korkmaz Bellitürk2, Hira Kanwal1, Muhammad Asif1 and Ehsan Ullah1

...eld and yield related traits (petiole length, no. of primary branches, stem diameter, time taken for flowering, time taken to fruit set, fruit diameter, fruit length, fruit weight plant-1, plant-1 no. of fruits, plant-1 fruit yield, and yield ha-1) and physiological traits (membrane stability index, relative water content of leaves, total carotenoids, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, total ch...
Ulvi Fitri Handayani1, Wizna2, Irfan Suliansyah3, Yose Rizal2, Maria Endo Mahata2*
...he matrix tomato, change its structure from trans to cis lycopene, and increase the absorption of lycopene in the digestive tract of laying hens. Lycopene is a compound in tomatoes and is known to inhibit cholesterol synthesis. Cholesterol in the body is transported in the blood by lipoproteins. Therefore, that is important to know the effect of giving processed tomatoes wastes (PTW) on laying hens to lipid profile of blood serum consist of cholesterol total, ...
Makruf Arif1*, Claude Mona Airin1, Dwi Sunu Datrianto2, Dinda Anggun Roro Sejati3

Sutawi*, Ahmad Wahyudi, Abdul Malik, Suyatno, Asmah Hidayati, Imbang D. Rahayu, Endang S. Hartatie

...quo;s success in freeing itself from FMD after 100 years is thanks to the implementation of maximum security policy by enacting a country-based system, which is to only import livestock and livestock products into the country from FMD-free countries. Second, the share of imports of boneless frozen beef/buffalo meat originating from India continued to increase from 33.8% in 2016 to 51.9% in 2020. Third, economic bioterrorism, an act of terror using biological a...
Rafik Soliman1, Neven Waheeb2, Essam Nasr2, Mahmoud El-Hariri1, Heidy Abo-Elyazeed1, Hassan Aboul-Ella1*
...idely distributed rapid kits for as a suitable substitution for the gold standard bovine tuberculosis diagnostic techniques. IQRT Anigen Rapid Bovine TB Ab kit and Ubio quick VET Bovine Tuberculosis Antibody kit were used in testing 3750 dairy cattle. The results obtained were compared with the ELISA, bacteriological examination, and tuberculin skin testing. By the tuberculin test, 69 (1.8%) animals reacted positively, from which 51 animals (73.9%) showed visi...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel4, Abdelwahab M. Abdelwahab1,5
...rol), and egg quality traits, such as Haugh unit, yolk color, shell strength, and shell thickness, with the increase in the BSFL inclusion levels into the layer diets. The BSFL treatment linearly (p < 0.05) augmented the concentration of total protein, triglycerides, cholesterol, and calcium in the plasma. Furthermore, a linear increasing effect (p < 0.05) on the T3 and E2 hormone concentrations and on the humoral and cellular immune response were obtain...

Seema Perveen Memon*, Nasreen Memon, Mansoor Ali Shah, Reshma Sahito and Aiman Amur

...reness about malaria and its control.


Abdul Hadi Wasil1,2*, Jasmin Arif Shah1, Nur Bahiah Mohamed Haris1, Sardar M. Hashimi3 and Khal Mohammad Ahmadzai4

...f organic fertilizer and its adoption among farmers in order to achieve sustainable development.


Tariq Mahmood1*, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2, Sami Ullah1, Bilal Ahmad3, Zarmina Aslam4, Naveed Ahmad Khan5, Muhammad Shahzaib Tariq6, Muhammad Ali Raza6, Rana Usama Iqbal7 and Samia Zain8

...linate various crops, fruits, vegetables, and nuts (Apis mellifera L.) is known to participate in foraging. Foraging behaviors in honey bees include seeking for food, recognizing and remembering the location of food sources, transporting and storing food, and interacting with other bees. The foraging activities of honey bee colonies connect them to their surroundings. As a result, several in- and out-of-colony factors impact this behavior. Foraging is advantag...

Bashir Ahmad1*, Ali Muhammad Yousafzai2, Waqar Ali1, Ikram Ilahi1, Farman Ullah3, Saeed Ahmad1, Ayaz Ali Khan1, Umair Ahmad2 and Hafsa Maria2

...acetamol-intoxicated rabbits. Moreover, the amount of (DPPH) free radicals that garlic aqueous extract scavenged at various doses was used to determine its antioxidant capacity. There were five groups each of which contains eight rabbits as experimental animals. These groups were, group A (control animals), group B (intoxicated animals), group C (Animals treated with standard drug), group ...

Shakeel Ahmed Tunio1, Muhammad Naeem1*, Atique Ahmed Behan1, Asmatullah Kaka2 

...ent systems on growth traits and carcass characteristics of male Kachhi lambs. A total of 18 post weaned male lambs having three months of age were distributed into two groups (A & B), comprising nine lambs in each group. The lambs of group A & B were kept under intensive and semi-intensive management systems respectively. Initially the lambs were provided 15 days adaptation period, followed by 12 weeks experimental period. The average final body weigh...
Farid S. Nassar1,2, Abdulaziz M. Alsahlawi3, Mohammad A. Al-Mahaish4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2*, Abdulaziz A. Alaqil1, Nancy N. Kamel5
... performance, carcass traits, meat quality, physiological status, and economic efficiency of broiler chickens. The study included 360 unsexed Cobb500™ commercial broiler chicks aged 1 day and weighing 46±1.5 g. Starting from the 22nd to the 42nd d of age, the chicks were randomly distributed according to the dietary inclusion levels of MWM into six treatment groups (6 replicate pens per group × 10 chicks per replicate, considering the equal ...

Aiman Amur*, Nasreen Memon, Reshma Sahito and Seema Memon

...le to fruit flies due to its seasonality, is the next fruit variety. However, as mango season comes to a close, some populations of Bactrocera species rapidly decline since there is a lack of host food and they are attempting to oviposit.

Aamir Mushtaq1*, Fatima Habib2, Umar Farooq Gohar3, Abdul Malik4 and Mobasher Ahmad2

...y is designed to explore its acute and chronic toxicity. The dried fruits/seeds of P. anisum were powdered and its methanolic extract (with 19 % yield) was prepared by cold extraction technique. Acute toxicity studies were performed in female albino mice by administration of single oral doses (4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 g/Kg/po) respectively, to individual groups (n=5) and after that the behavioral ...

Tilahun Bekele* and Abebaw H. Georgis seed spice crops. But its production and productivity are constrained by a shortage of improved varieties and poor cultural practices including seed rate. Therefore, studies were carried out in Andracha woreda of southwestern Ethiopia during the 2017 and 2018 major cropping period of year to identify the top-performing genotypes of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.) in response to seed rate. The experiment composed of four varieties (Dirshaye, Darbera, Aden, a...

Idrees Ahmad1, Muhammad Jamil2*, Hafiz Muhammad Zia Ullah1, Saira Saleem1, Syed Ahtisham Masood3, Umair Faheem4, Imran Akhtar5, Muhammad Abdullah6, Abdul Majid Khan5 and Naeem Iqbal7

...ative and qualitative traits. Bagh-o-bahar Raya is the name for strain KJ-238 and is an outcome of pedigree selection after hybridizing KJ-206 and J90-43001genotypes. Its maximum grain yield (3306 kg ha-1) was recorded at the Sahiwal location in national trials during 2017-18. Mean oil recovery was 38% with an average grain yield of 2048 kg ha-1 across twelve test locations in the national trial. It showed a 17% higher grain yield than the check variety (Khanp...

A. Yu. Aliev1*, A.A., Aliev1, A.M. Musaev1, M.Z. Magomedov2 

...ytocin, at a dose of 5 units in once a day on of the first 2 days of treatment, and also of carry out arrogant novocaine blockade according to D.D. Logvinov, twice 0.25% novocaine of solution, at a dose of 0.5 ml / kg body weight. In the experimental group, where the complex antimicrobial preparation Dioxinor was used, the effectiveness of treating serous mastitis in sheep was 96,3%.

Lovita Adriani1*, Chitra Kumalasari1, Endang Sujana2, Ronny Lesmana3
...rofile, Physiological traits, Immunostimulant, Gut micro flora
Seyedmohammad Karimi1, Mohammad Darvishi2*, Mohammad Barati3, Ramin Hamidi Frahani4, Mohammad Hassan Kazemi5
...mdesivir, which, despite its many benefits, has harmful effects on the liver. Melatonin and N-acetylcysteine, two drugs that have previously been shown to protect the liver with their antioxidant properties, may reduce the hepatic toxicity induced by Remdesivir. Given that few studies have been performed on the role of oral melatonin and N-acetylcysteine on reducing the hepatic adverse effects of Remdesivir, we decided to co...
Fatma Salih Mohammed1*, Nasser Khedr1, Tahia Ahmed1, Liza S. Mohammed2
...rmulations on carcass traits and histomorphological changes in the intestine. A total of 198 one-day-old Ross® 308 chickens were randomly distributed into three groups with different dietary treatments (66 birds per group). The dietary treatments were as follows: D1, control (soybean meal 46%); D2, D1 + EE-SBM (50 kg starter, 100 kg grower, and 200 kg finisher/ton); and D3, D1 + EE-SBM (100 kg starter, 150 kg grower, and 250 kg finisher/ton). The study res...

Muhammad Humayun Kabir* and Md. Saiful Islam

...garding farm and home visits, demonstration, and training programs. These services of public extension organizations were more effective than the private sector. The public extension organizations should strengthen their services that were not more effective than the private sectors and the private extension providers should rethink how they can increase the effectiveness of their extension services.


Ahmad-ur-Rahman Saljoqi, Sadar Iqbal and Imtiaz Khan*

...of shoots (8.19%) and fruits (6.23%) were recorded in the plots treated with Voliam flexi followed by Neem oil and T. Chilonis with 12.77 and 12.73%, and 14.01 and 16.37% shoots and fruit infestation, respectively. Significantly high infestation of shoots 20.35 and 25.78% fruits was recorded in control plot. The yield data showed that significantly maximum yield was recorded in Voliam flexi and Neem oil treated plots. It was...

Muhammad Umair1,2, Muhammad Naeem1, Asad Jamil3 and Muhammad Younas2,4*

...fficient approach due to its long-term stability in soil. Thus, a pot experiment was conducted using a completely randomized design to evaluate the effect of three different modified biochar on properties of saline-sodic soil and growth of maize. Rice husk biochar (RHB), wheat straw biochar (WSB) and orange peel biochar (OPB) were applied after washing with distilled water. Results showed that all treatments improved the soil chemical properties as compared to...

Ayaz Ahmed1*, Muhammad Zulfiqar1 and Saadutullah Khan2

...t certain NTFP price and its market should be enhanced through radio and other media. Forest department should design plan for management and sustainable extraction of NTFPs in study areas and also provide tools and trainings to local collectors.


Saba Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Qurrat-Ul-Ain Akbar1, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique3, Saqib Arif1, Shahid Yousaf2, Masooma Munir4, Abdul Karim Khan4, Shazia Arif5,  Abdul Ahad6 and Muhammad Arif7

...t is the staple food and its hardness is one of the basic quality traits being used in local and international trade. In addition to the NIR-spectroscopy, wheat grain samples were also analyzed through standard methods for hardness such as hardness index (HI) and particle size index (PSI). Samples had hardness scores ranging between 55.5 and 79.1. A positive correlation shown among the values of NIRS and HI (r = 0.92). Howev...

Sajid Mehmood Shahzad

...imize the utilization of its land, sea, and air assets. The reason for this is the persistent issues with the trade and payments balance and inflation, unemployment, and program inconsistency. This is one area where the maritime sector has been a quarry for years. Contrary to the maritime transportation industry, fisheries are the only coastal resource used nowadays. The maritime sector of Pakistan’s economy is becoming less viable as rising maritime vul...

Muhammad Afzal1,3*, Shafqat Saeed1, Hasan Riaz1, Muhammad Ishtiaq1, M. Habib ur Rahman2

...strategies for CLCuD and its vector whitefly.


Faustin Dokui1*, Frédéric M. Houndonougbo1, Service G. Djidda1, Venant P. Houndonougbo1, Edith Gangbedji1, Gwladys Menon Agbo2, Sedjro Ludolphe Dedome2, Séverin Babatoundé1, Soumanou Seibou Toleba1, Christophe A.A.M. Chrysostome1 

...ting milk production and its economic return. The present study aimed to examine the efficiency of the supply of cows with feed supplements using locally available ingredients. Three lick stones were made and tested on 16 Borgou cows in the central part of Benin, West Africa. All test animals had similar initial milk yield, lactation number and body weight. They were divided into four groups of four animals and each group was randomly assigned to one type of d...

S. A. Khanzada, M. Naeemullah, A. Munir†, S. Iftikhar and S. Masood

...ther be investigated for its role as nematode repellent and can be used either as mulch or inter cropping.


Salahud Din

...ale and females). The digits of Chinkara in each limb comprised the lateral and medial proximal, middle and distal phalanx. The first two phalanges were long bones. The shaft of the phalanx proximalis (P1) was thick proximally than distally and slightly arched. The phalanx media (P2) was shorter in length than the proximal. Its proximal articular surface was divided into two glenoid cavities “axial and abaxial’ by a dorsopalmar ridge. The phalanx d...

Hidayat Ullah1, Sadia Tabassum1, Sultan Ayaz2, Shumaila Noreen1, Atta Ur Rehman1, Naveed Akhtar3, Muhsin Ali3, Zaib Ullah3* and Sajid Mahmood1,4

Aadil Sultan, Mohsin Ahmad Khan*, Nadeem Ahmed, Muhammad Hassan, Rashid Bhatti, Hafsa Naeem, Muhammad Islam Khan, Saad Tahir,  Samia Afzal* and Ahmad Ali Shahid
...gene dosage and explores its effect on the expression of human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) by constructing three types of expression vectors i.e., pET28-EGF-C1, pET28-EGF-C2 and pET28-EGF-C3, each containing single, double and triple expression cassettes, respectively. These vectors were transformed in E. coli strain Rosetta-gami 2 (DE3) to develop three different bacterial populations. Expression of human epidermal growth factor was analyzed by SDS-PAGE an...

Rehman Shabbir1, Ghulam Sarwar1, Noor us-Sabah1, Mukkaram Ali Tahir1, Muhammad Luqman*2, Muhammad Fahad Ullah3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1 and Imran Shahzad1

...odha directly discharges its effluents that flow into a stream. This industrial wastewater was taken for this trial. The contaminants of the stream water were utilized for this trial to check its impacts on soil properties and growth of tomato plants. The physiochemical parameters of the soil such as pH, EC, organic matter, heavy metals and physiological parameters of the tomato plants were observed. Most of the soil paramet...

Yusri Sapsuha1*, Nur Sjafani1, Suryati Tjokrodiningrat2

...urrently prohibited from its use in broiler chicken feed.
Keywords | AGP, Broiler, Cloves, Health status, Performance

Esam A Razin1, Hassan Sobhy2, Tarek R. AboElnaga1, Asmaa A. Darwish1*, Rasha S. Mohammed1

...inal plant. It confirmed its anti-trypanosomal activity in vitro before. This research aimed to study its effect against T. evansi in vivo. For this purpose, 28 parasite-free female rats were used, seven non-infected (control group (CG)), while the others were intraperitoneally injected with T. evansi and then equally divided into Trypanosoma Group (TG): which remained without treatment. Diminazene aceturate group (DAG): inj...

Ghada A. Ibrahim1*, Mohamed Sayed Helal1, Nahed Abd Elhafeeze Kamoura2, Mohamed Samir3,4, Amira Mohamed Mazid5, Mohamed F.M. Farag6 of virulence traits that make it is more difficult to be treated. This study provides insight into the respiratory infections by Klebsiella spp. and its MDR profile in bovine cases, as well as the potential target genes that were involved in the links between virulence determinants and MDR. The bacterial examination of 200 nasal swabs and 30 lung tissue samples (taken from 30 emergency slaughtered cattle) indicated ...

Muhammad Shahid1*, Muhammad Idrees1, Afza Rasul2, Iram Amin1 and Samia Afzal1

...e is quite important for its control, which can be achieved by investigation of liver enzymes, complete blood count, and lipid profile of patients. In this study, 144 CHC and 20 controls were included. The serum of CHC patients was analyzed for HCV viral load and genotype. The liver function test, lipid profile, sugar levels, and complete blood count values were assessed in the laboratory. Receiver operating characteristics were used to find the biomarkers of ...
Ferzana Bhatti1, Fiaz Hussain2, Zain ul Abdin1*, Muhammad Arshad1, Saqi Kosar Abbas2 and Muhammad Zeeshan Shabbir3
... developmental arrest in its host, Galleria mellonella (L.) (Pyralidae: Lepidoptera) was studied. Bioassays were performed with microinjections carrying crude and diluted venom and secretion of Dufour’s gland of B. hebetor into healthy and mature host larvae. To observe the effects of venom injection on development of parasitoid progeny, freshly laid eggs of the parasitoid were transferred from stung hosts onto non-stung hosts. Venom caused 100% mortalit...

Rana Aamir Shehzad1, Ghulam Sarwar1*, Sabir Hussain Shah2, Mukkram Ali Tahir1, Noor-us-Sabah1, Sher Muhammad2, Muhammad Aftab3, Muhammad Zeeshan Manzoor1, Imran Shehzad1 and Usman Saleem4

...ailability is low due to its fixation, which is a major constraint in achieving sustainability in crop production. A pot trial was performed to estimate the efficiency of organic manures for P release from rock phosphate by wheat. The fourteen treatments with six replicates were arranged according to completely randomized design (CRD). Treatments of the study were T1 = Recommended N, K with no P, T2 = Recommended NPK from mineral fertilizer, T3 = T1 + all P fr...
Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1*, Iqra Javed1, Muhammad Irfan2*, Shaukat Ali3, Muhammad Khan1, Farah Rauf Shakoori1, Javed Iqbal Qazi1 and Muhammad Abrar Yousaf1
...ficant importance due to its various industrial applications. Tannase production using pure tannic acid as substrate is very expensive especially at industrial level. In present study, various physical parameters and medium components were optimized for maximum tannase production employing Raoultella ornithinolytica in solid state fermentation (SSF) using corn (Zea mays) leaves as substrate to reduce its production cost. The...

Songruo Tao1, Cuiyi Liao1, Jinju Peng1, Yuexia Ding1,* and Yi Ma1,2,*

... Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) types decreased with the increase of florfenicol concentration, and the percentage of OTUs number to bacteria were the lowest at 100 mg·kg-1 florfenicol concentration after 21d treating, which was 8.33%. The phosphorus-solubilizing bacteria were amplified by ERIC-PCR after 21d treating, the fingerprint type of ERIC-PCR decreased with the increase of drug concentration, and the diversity index of the drug group was sig...

Rahmat Ullah Khan1*, Karim Gabol1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamidullah4 and Abdul Rahim1

...y, but the basic data on its status and breeding performance have not been collected. To stipulate all the associated data about its breeding and nest characterizations, complete research was carried out in the cultivated areas of Bajaur valley during 2020. The breeding season starts from mid-April and lasts until July. Nests were explored orderly in all the probable sites with help of the landowners. Overall, 52 nests were ...

Alsaied Alnaimy Habeeb*, Amaal M. Kamal, Mostafa Abbas A. Atta, Ahmed K. Sharaf  

...h and ability of doe rabbits to reproduce as well as the survival of the young from birth to weaning. In this study, twenty female New Zealand White (NZW) rabbits were employed, immediately following first parity. The young rabbits were left with their mothers for the first two days after kindling so they could nurse on colostrum. By adding or removing the kits

Dalia Zaafar1*, Heba M.A Khalil2, Soha Hassanin3, Mohamed R. Mousa4, Mona G. Khalil1 carcinoma in terms of its ability to inhibit cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Six groups were created using sixty male mice after the Ehrlich inoculation tumor growth was confirmed: control, Cis (5 ml/kg), Pio low dose (LD) (17.5 mg/kg), Pio high dose (HD) (30 mg/kg), Cis+Pio LD, and Cis+Pio HD. Different parameters, including behavioral, biochemical such as malondialdehyde (MDA), reduced glutathione, superoxide dismutase (SOD), tumor growth factors, an...

Safriyanto Dako1, Nibras Karnain Laya1, Syukri I Gubali1, Ari Ardiantoro2, V.M Ani Nurgiartiningsih3, Gatot Ciptadi3, Desinta Wulandari3, Suyadi Suyadi3*

...y. The Genomic DNA Mini Kits were used for DNA extraction for an analysis fragment in the microsatellite DNA region using ILSTS017, HEL13, and BM1818 primers. A total of 74 alleles were identified across entire populations. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.407±0.216 (Bali) to 0.716±0.050 (Gorontalo), and the observed heterozygosity ranged from 0.471±0.084 (Bonebolango) to 0.778±0.222 (PO). F statistical analysis includes FI...

Ghulam Jelani1, Muhammad Haris Raza Farhan2, Rida Asrar3, Muhammad Ahmad1,4*, Chanda Naseem5, Zafar Ali Khoso6, Majid Hussain Soomro7* 

...ade and thus established itself as a disease of the major economic importance of the poultry industry. The eradication of this contagious disease remains a challenge to the poultry industry that can be transmitted from infected birds to healthy ones by respiratory routes. The lack of proper isolation and diagnostic methods as well as improper use of antimicrobial therapy causes the treatment failure. Different types of antibiotics are used to treat it and diff...

Ambrin Rajput1* and Mehrunisa Memon2

...tment (82), number of fruits bearing branches (23), number of pods plant-1 (88), 1000 grain weight (45.3 g), biomass yield (2478 kg ha-1), yield of grain (2986 kg ha-1), yield of straw (509 kg ha-1), protein (22%), leaves P (0.46 %) content, P uptake (11.49 kg ha-1) and P utilization efficiency (10.3 %) were noted by P application with N and K applied treatment. However, the lowest values were recorded where no P was applied. The highest yield had 100% increas...

Abdirahman Barre*, Karanja D Njuguna, Bebora Lilly Caroline and George Chege Gitao

... presented during the visits based on clinical manifestations suggestive of Brucellosis obtained upon ante-mortem examination and clinical history from owners. Sero-prevallance determination that involved the blood collection from the jugular and screening serum for attendance of Brucella antibodies using Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), serum agglutination test, competitive- enzyme linked immune sorbent assay and double agar gel immunodiffusion test. The select...


...o 96-hr LC50 of zinc and its sub-lethal concentrations viz. 2/3rd, 1/4th and 1/5th of LC50 for 30 days at constant laboratory conditions. After 30-day, the fish were sacrificed and their liver and kidney were analyzed for peroxidase enzyme activity. Change in activity of peroxidase enzyme in the fish exposed to sub-lethal concentrations was compared with the control. Dose dependent increase in the activities of peroxidase enzyme was observed in the tissues of ...
... victim of T. gondii and its infection in pregnant women has serious consequences on women as well as on fetus health. Present study was conducted to assess the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii among pregnant women of Lahore, Pakistan.
239 blood samples of pregnant women were collected from Lady Walingdon hospital, Lahore along with other details on associated risk factors of infection. From these samples, 86 were randomly selected to be evaluat...
...did not meet the safe limits for drinking water of the country as well as the WHO guidelines. Conclusively it was declared that water quality is unacceptable for human consumption. It is therefore recommended that the authorities should take every possible measure to provide safe and clean water to household especially drinking water. Filtration plants, proper chlorination and awareness program should be carried out for safe drinking water.

Subramaniyam Suresh, Saravanakumar Marimuthu*, Prashanth D’Souza 

...being of dairy cows, yet its prerequisites have not been clearly characterized. Therefore, the present study was designed to assess the impact of supplementing phytogenic feed additive (PTF; a natural replacer of synthetic choline chloride) on milk production, milk quality and biochemical parameters. A total of 35 (15 nos. – control group and 20 nos. – PTF group) early lactating dairy cows weighing average of 450 kg were randomly distributed to two...


...l field. Compound 2 exhibits more inhibition against BChE (67.7%) while compound 1 showed maximum inhibition of α-glucosidase (65.1%). Theoretical study i.e. docking of the prepared compounds was also related to experimental work. In-Silico ADMET study of both compounds exhibited various therapeutic properties, which depicted that they are quite similar to the drug-like candidates.



...Cinnamaldehyde, owing to its acid generation, acid tolerance and virulence gene expression has gained a considerable attention. Keeping in view its beneficial aspects, the present study has been conducted to investigate the contents and compare the nutritional and antimicrobial activities of Cinnamon collected from various regions of Asia. In this study, antimicrobial activity of c...
...different vegetables, fruits, and milk samples collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. Sucrose-based medium, supplemented with vancomycin and tetracycline, was used for the selective growth of Leuconostoc species. The obtained isolates were screened by using the shake flask method. The isolate IIB-C9 was selected for the parametric optimization as it gave the maximum activity. Among the 10 different fermentation media screened for enzyme pr...
...different vegetables, fruits, and milk samples collected from the local market of Lahore, Pakistan. Sucrose-based medium, supplemented with vancomycin and tetracycline, was used for the selective growth of Leuconostoc species. The obtained isolates were screened by using the shake flask method. The isolate IIB-C9 was selected for the parametric optimization as it gave the maximum activity. Among the 10 different fermentation media screened for enzyme pr...
...lower that is famous for its attractive and wonderful colors. The gerbera is produced in all around the globe especially in South East Asian country of Japan and in Netherlands in Europe. The short vase life of gerbera is limiting factor in earning full profit from gerbera cut-flower sale. The standardization of suitable substrate for extending vase life of gerbera is not present. The gerbera was placed in substrates 6-Benzyleadenine, Silicic acid and Silver n...
... oilseed based diets and its inclusion is essential in aquafeeds particularly when low fishmeal levels are used. Fish feed with addition of organic acids lowers the pH of fish gut that ultimately improves the hydrolysis of phytate, improves minerals absorption, upsurges the pace of gastric activities and augment digestion. The present study was designed to judge the effectiveness of Tau supplemented LMS (linseed meal) based diet in enhancing mineral absorption...


...production from LCW, and its favorability towards commercialization in developing countries like Pakistan, which is eighth largest country among GDP sector for farm production.
Key Words: Oleaginous yeast, Single cell oil, Lignocellulosic wastes, LCW, Biodiesel, Yeast extract

Ubaida Hussain1,2*, Amtul Jamil Sami1*, Shazia Rafique3*, Muhammad Idrees khan3 and Ahmad Ali Shahid3

Amber Khalid1*, Amjad Rashid Kayani1, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1, Muhammad Mushtaq1, Mirza Azhar Beg1 and Surrya Khanam2

...consumed plant matter in its diet (74.5%) along with animal matter (25.5%). Among plant matter, Triticum aestivum (wheat) was the major consumed item followed by Brassica campestris (mustard) and Arachis hypogaea (peanut). Sorghum bicolor (millet) and Vigna radiata (mong bean) was also consumed in small proportions. Pearson chi-square was used to calculate the significance difference among every food item and among seasons. Significant difference (p<0.05) w...

Chenchen Liu1,2, Tong Wang1, Muhammad Khan3*, Xiaolin Cui2 and Yongming Li1,2*

... we report that ALT inhibits growth and induces apoptosis in parental and cisplatin-resistant ovarian cancer cells. Growth inhibitory effects of ALT are evident from CCK-8, Edu, and colonogenic assays. The molecular mechanism associated with induction of apoptosis includes ROS generation, G2/M phase arrest and inhibition of aerobic glycolysis. Inhibition of glycolysis was found to be linked with down-regulation of lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) and glucose tra...

Ahmed Ali Chandio1, Asghar Ali Kamboh1*, Nazar Ali Korejo2, Riaz Ahmed Leghari3 and Muhammad Ali Chandio4

...t fashion thus suggested its’ inclusion in broilers diet up to 2% level.


Irene S. Gamil1* and Dalia Fouad1,2

...taset based on 473 bp of its 18S rRNA gene regions was carried out to determine the phylogenetic position of the new species among other proteocephalideans. Ophiotaenia tessellata sp. n. shows a close relationship to O. lapata Rambeloson, Ranaivoson and de Chambrier, 2012 parasite of the endemic snake Madagascarophis colubrinus from Madagascar; both infect African colubrid snakes.


Dalia Mansour Hamed1, Mohsen Zaky El Dimerdash1, Ahmed Abdelatif Ali2, Samer Adel Abd El-Gaffar3, Mona Salim Abdallah1* 

Nazish Huma Khan1*, Muhammad Sufyan Khan1, Tooba Saeed2, Mohammad Ilyas3 and Hazrat Husaain4
...nd is important to check its efficiency as it effects varies from person to person. Therefore, it is important to know the effectiveness of vaccines against COVID-19. For this, both medical and conventional methods need to be adopted depending on the severity of viral attack. Moreover, vaccination is also referred to improve the immunity against this viral attack.

Zhe Lin1, Yumo Li1, Yuchen Wang1, Yuechen Li1, Ke Pei1, Guangfu Lv2, He Lin1* and Zhun Yu3*

... of activities. However, its anti-stress effects mechanism has not been fully revealed. In this work, based on network pharmacology, the potential targets of OR were screened, and an protein-protein interaction (PPI) network between the target of OR and anti-stress target was constructed using STRING database. Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) was used for analyzing the pathways of target gene. To further verify this, total 96 ICR mice were used, ...

Yang Hu, Jingxin Ding, Beilei Xu, Xiangming Sun, Guoyu Li, Hui Song, Zheng Zong and Wenlan Li* estrogen-like effect; its active ingredients are glycosides. To explore the absorbed constituents of total glycosides (TGs) in vivo and its estrogen-like activity, and reveal its direct acting substances in the body, in this study, 30 female Wistar rats were orally administered with TGs, and serum fingerprints of blood samples collected at 10 different times were established by UPLC-Q-T...

Doaa H. Assar1, Rasha A. Al-Wakeel2, Zizy I. Elbialy3, Mahmoud M. El-Maghraby4, Helmy K. Zaghlool5, Adel A. El-Badawy4, Abdel-Khalek E. Abdel-Khalek6*

...l feed supplement due to its nutrient profile, lack of toxicity, and therapeutic effects. This study aimed to explore the effect of dietary inclusion of Spirulina platensis (SPL) algae on growth, hemato-biochemical parameters, antioxidant status, and semen quality of cross-bred lambs (½ Finnish × ½ Ossime). Twenty-four lambs aged 10 months with 32.93±0.48 kg LBW were distributed into three groups (8/group). Lambs in G1 (controls) wer...

Yusmarini Yusuf*, Usman Pato*, Shanti Fitriani, Emma Riftyan, Evy Rossi, Diky Arma Fauzi, Ghina Ismadiah, Miftahul Hidayah, Windy Sabiliani

...create 16 experimental units. The treatments in this study were the addition of several types of preservatives with different concentrations, namely without the addition of preservatives (P1), the addition of 0.3% sodium nitrite (P2), 2.5% chitosan (P3), and 0.6% bacteriocin (P4). All samples were stored at freezing temperatures for 30 days. Data were analyzed statistically using analysis of variance, and differences between treatments were analyzed using DNMR...

Theresia Nur Indah Koni*, Tri Anggarini Yuniwati Foenay, Stormy Vertygo

... a viable feedstuff, but its use in non-ruminant feed is limited due to its high crude fiber content of 14-16%. One of the methods to reduce crude fiber is through anaerobic fermentation, which requires carbon from soluble carbohydrates such as palmyra sap and nitrogen from Non-Protein Nitrogen such as urea. This experiment aimed to evaluate the fermentation characteristics and nutrient content of rice bran fermented anaerob...

Doungnapa Promket1,2,4*, Khanitta Pengmeesri2,4, Jennarong Kammongkun3, Thassawan Somchan2

...s with egg production traits in 300 Thai native chickens were investigated. DNA was extracted from blood samples for genotyping using specific primers and restriction enzymes for each gene, and polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism was used to identify the genotypes (PCR-RFLP). Three genotypes were found for each gene as BB, Bb and bb for NPY; TT, TC and CC for DRD2 and II, ID and DD for VIP. Genotype frequencies of NPY (range 0.13...

Omnia M. Khattab1, Morcos I. Yanni2, Hala K. Abdelmegeed2, Mahmoud Eliwa1, Naglaa M. Hagag1, Sara M. Elnomrosy1

...using Rapid FLV Ag test kits kit (VDRG FLV/FIV Ab rapid kit). Fifty-seven blood samples of the same animals were subjected for hematological examination to investigate the severity of leukopenia. Thirteen out of nineteen samples were positive with a polymerase chain reaction assay (PCR) targeting VP2 gene. Three positive fecal samples in animal showing sever and moderate leukopenia were successfully sequenced Partially. Sequence analysis results showed no vari...

Safaa Rhaimi1, Sara Brikat2, Mouloud Lamtai2*, Mohammed Ouhssine1

...sive studies to document its traditional use and to find new biological effects. Numerous studies have been carried out in this contest and most of them were interested in Salvia officinalis extract’ effects and not many explored the biological activities of Salvia officinalis essential oil, especially the ones related to the central nervous system. The Purpose of this study is to investigate the acute toxicity of salvia officinalis essential oil in fema...

Siti Fairus Mohamed Yusoff1, Annie Christianus1*, Yuzine Esa1, Muhammad Fadhil Syukri Ismail1, Bashiru Garba2, Nik Siti Zaimah Safiin3, Nur Hamid Hidayahanum4

...mes;PN, in comparison to its parents’ species in terms of proximate compositions, fatty acid, and amino acid profiles. The results revealed that the biochemical composition of hybrid PH×PN was comparable with either one of its parents’ species. The crude lipid and total saturated fatty acids (SFAs) were significantly higher in hybrid PH×PN and P. hypophthalmus. Also, crude protein and docosahexaenoic ...
Riaz Muhammad1*, Aamer Sharif2 and Muftooh ur Rehman Siddiqi³
...-power plants because of its low head, cost-effectiveness, environmentally friendly and minimal installation and setup time. In the present study, the performance of single-stage gravitational water vortex turbine assembled in a conical basin with curved blade has been analyzed at different head and flow rate to investigate the performance parameters such as vortex formation, vortex height and rotational speed. In addition to that, the influence of vortex form...

Anhar Ibrahim Elhanafy*, Amr Mohamed Mousa, Amaal Mohamed Kamal 

...roid hormones in doe rabbits at high ambient temperature. Forty mature female New Zealand White rabbits (6 months age) were divided into four groups. Three of them (0.1, 0.2 and 0.3 mg/doe) represent different concentrations of BV, while the fourth group was control. Twice weekly injections of does were carried out along 12-weeks. Results revealed that BV treated does were significantly improved RBCs count, WBCs, serum total...

Oussama Zghari*, Mouloud Lamtai, Sofia Azirar, Mohamed Yassine El-Brouzi, Hajar Benmhammed, Aboubaker El-Hessni, Ali Ouichou, Abdelhalem Mesfioui

...cluded that, by exerting its properties against the oxidative action of this metal in the hippocampus, MEL may play a potential role in protecting against the behavioral and histopathological alterations induced by Al.
Keywords | Aluminum, Melatonin, Neurobehavioral alterations, Oxidative stress, Biochemical indices, Histopathology

I Nyoman Sulabda1, Anak Agung Gde Oka Dharmayudha2, I Wayan Nico Fajar Gunawan3, Dwi Fortuna Hashilonda4, Luh Gde Setyawati5, I Ketut Puja6*

...kes ten years to improve its quality and population size. If this was not achieved, the Kintamani dog was removed from the breed category. Therefore, efforts must be made in the future to increase the population and genetic quality of Kintamani dogs. This study aimed to provide frozen semen of Kintamani dogs for rapid improvement of the quality and population of Kintamani dogs with the specific target of evaluating the fertilization capacity of frozen semen of...

Imran Muhammad Siddique1, Naseem Sharif1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Mudassar Naseer1, Ammara Noreen3, Naseem Akhtar4 and Safeer ud Din5

...ulata Blanco) right from its introduction and successful acclimatization continues to dominate both in area and production besides an exportable commodity. Presence of large seed number in Kinnow is big issue for fresh consumption and as well as for processing industry in the international markets. Visualizing such compulsions of international markets, a systematic study was undertaken by Horticultural Research Station, Sahiwal with identification of five less...

Faradji Khalil1*, Slimani Noureddine2 and Senoussi Abdelhakim3

...tock breeders because of its rusticity and ease of fattening.

Muhammad Arabi Awan1, Hafiz Husnain Nawaz2*, Naeem Akhtar2 and Azmat Ali Awan3
...he olive tree, affecting its growth and yield, and also reducing the quality of the olives produced. A study conducted in 2020 at the agricultural research center in Tarnab, which evaluated the effects of different pesticide treatments on the population of olive psyllids in an olive orchard. The study tested three treatments: CHLORPYRIPHOS 50% EC (T1), THIAMETHOXAM 25 WG (T2), and Detergent (T3), and compared the results to a control group (T4). The study foun...

Riaz Hussain1*, Ata-ul-Mohsin1, M. Farooq Nasir1, Zahid Akram2, Muhammad Sajid Qureshi1 and Abdul Mannan Hamzah1

...anagement strategies for its control, based principally on manipulation of its parasitoids including Diadegma insulare. The research study was conducted to investigate the effects of two cabbage varieties on fitness parameters (i.e. percent parasitism, offspring sex ratio and developmental periods) of Diadegma insulare, a larval parasitoid of Plutella xylostella. All experiments were carried out under controlled conditions m...

Rashid Khan1, Muhammad Sajid2, Saud Khan3*, Jehanzeb4 and Aslam Noor5

...y;">Supply of quality fruits to consumer is a major challenge due to storage and packing issues in developing countries. The current study was designed to evaluate postharvest quality of apricot at different harvesting stages i.e., M1 (greenish), M2 (light yellow) and M3 (orange-yellow) while, storage conditions i.e., packed in plastic bags with F0 (closed), F5 (5 pores), F10 (10 pores), F15 (15 pores), F20 (20 pores) and F25 (25 pores) at 5+2oC. The fru

Shaimaa M. Ahmed1, Gehan M.A. Kassem1*, Fernando Pérez-Rodríguez2, Heba H.S. Abdel-Naeem1 

...monitoring and modelling its potential growth in chicken breast and thigh meats at room temperature (25 °C) and refrigeration temperature (4 °C). The calibration curve showed a linear relationship between the turbidity measurement and bacterial cell count in TSB. Moreover, the coefficient of determination index (R2) was 0.8789 which indicates that the linear function was acceptable for reflecting the relationship between them. The growth kinetics of S....

Muhammad Ahsan Riaz1, Ayesha Riaz2, Muhammad Asif Mahmood3, Muhammad Uzair Mukhtar3*, Zaib Un Nisa1, Beenish Ijaz4 and Muhammad Shahid Rasool5

...ater temperature affects its development.

A. A- E. Abo-Elkhier1, K. S. E. Abdel-Wahab2, M. A. Ali3, M. A-H. El-Sayed4, N.A-K. Saleh5 and A. A. Atef6

...mission of the virus and its effect in infected pregnant women. 120 aborted women between 17-36 years old and 120 women aged matched who had normal full-term pregnancy in labor were included in the present study. Maternal blood was tested for anti-HEV IgG and IgM antibody and the positive cases were tested for HEV Ag and HEV RNA. The fetal tissue from anti-HEV IgG and IgM positive aborted women and cord serum of infant of anti-HEV IgG and IgM positive full ter...

Hala A. Amin1; A. Barakat2; A.A. Abou Zeid1

...iserum obtained from rabbits after injection with the BBP-rCTV-CP fusion protein showed comparable reactivity in the serological detection of CTV. This antiserum could be used at dilution or 1: 10.000 at the detection stage in an indirect ELISA (IDAS-ELISA) and was efficient for trapping the virus in standard ELISA. These polyclonal antibodies reacted with a wide range of CTV isolates from different Egyptian geographic sources, and or different biological prop...

Hayam S. Abdelkader1; Gamalat M. Allam1; T. A. Moustafa2; and M. El-Hanunady2

...rally infected tomato fruits. The virus infected a wide host range showing different symptoms varied from local necrosis, systemic necrosis, systemic mosaic yellowing, bronzing, or stunting. The virus transmitted by mechanical means as well as by Thrips tabaci. Its TIP was between 45-50oC, DEP was 10-5 and LIV was between 5-6 hrs. Local lesion technique for biological purification and electron microscopic analysis confirmed the production of mature infectious ...

Waheed Khan1, Muhammad Ajmal Khan2, Bakhtawar Khan1*, Aftab Amin3, Muhsin Ali4, Awais Farid, Ali Hazrat5 and Muhammad Yahya5

...tively less toxicity for its use in ethno-medicine for diabetes management.


Asim Faraz1, Amal AlKharusi2, Nasir Ali Tauqir3, Muhammad Shahid Nabeel4, Syeda Maryam Hussain5, Abdul Waheed1*, Muhammad Arslan Akbar6

...he country. By improving its productive and reproductive parameters, the sheep rearing enterprise will flourish and it will pave the way for poverty alleviation in Pakistan. 

Muhammad Ismail1, Abu Bakar Muhammad Raza1,2, Zarina Qasim3, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*

...stroy a wide range of fruits. Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel is an emerging threat to the export of Pakistani citrus fruits to overseas markets. Integrated pest management (IPM) is an appropriate and sustainable strategy for controlling fruit flies as it is based on integrated application of all available pest control methods with minimum implication of hazardous synthetic insecticides. In this study, five treatments including f...

Muhammad Akram¹,²*, Rashid Mahmood³, Fahim Arshad4 and Umer Farooq Gohar5

...e family Solanaceae, but its survival is under threat, and limited long-term conservation approaches are available. We employed an in vitro plant tissue culture technique to develop a mass propagation system for the effective multiplication and conservation of P. minima. Juvenile leaves were cultured on MS basal medium supplemented with 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0 µM thidiazuron (TDZ). As a result, 100% callus induction was achieved on the medium contain...

Fang Chen

...ration and invasion, and its apoptosis rate increased (P<0.05). The abnormal expression of miR-4728-3p mediated the apatinib resistance of SCLC by targeting PTEN and regulating PI3 K/AKT pathway.

A.l. Abd El-Fattah; A.s. Saclik M.M. El-Kholi; I.A. Åbdcl-Hmnid and M.A. Madkour
... in PCR for confirmation its specificity to the SCMV-cp gene as a PCR product with a size Of about 400 bp was amplified. The cp gene PCR product was cloned into the pGEM-T easy vector and introduced into Escherichia coli strain DH5_ and the plasmid was then isolated. purified for sequencing the nested PCR product. The similarity between the present sequence (SCMVEgvl) and that or the 14 overseas strains belonging to dillërent 

Rafik Soliman1*, Rafik H. Sayed2, Hanan Mahmoud3, Heidy Abo El-Yazeed1, Marsell Saad1, Shaimaa Abdelall Elsaady2, Khalid Sh3 

Tarique Ahmed Khokhar1*, Atta Hussain Shah1, Muneer Ahmed Jamali1 and Asghar Ali Kamboh2

...d more importance due to its export potential and domestic consumption. Due to the fast growing life style of urbanization, most of consumers purchase the meat in fresh form because they hardly find time to purchase daily fresh meat. Therefore, they purchase the meat in bulk quantity to meet their daily necessities and stored in freezer or refrigerator and consume after certain intervals. Hence the present study was designed to evaluate the effect of chilling,...
Mansoor Ayoob1, Atta Hussain Shah1, Zaheer Ahmed Nizamani2, Muhammad Faisal Ayoob2,3*, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani1,5 and Abdul Sattar Baloch4
...microbial numbers due to its antimicrobial and antioxidative attributes. Hence, it prolongs the shelf life of beef meat without having any adverse effects on its quality.


Keatisak Soisuwan1, Hatairat Plaimast2, Atichat Thongnum3, Soranot Chotnipat4, Manatsanun Nopparatmaitree4* 

...ble bird return, net profits return per bird, return on investment, and feed cost per gain compared to the control group (P < 0.05). Likewise, supplementation of natural multiple enzyme had no effect on the viscosity of the duodenal content and cecal microbial population, of broilers (P > 0.05). In addition, dietary treatments had no significant changes on carcass composition and meat quality (P > 0.05). Inclusion of 100 g/ton feed of natural multi-en...

Shaimaa A.Tawfik2,3, EL S.T. Awad1*, Hoda O.Abu Bakr1, Amira M.Gamal-Eldeen4, Esmat Ashour2, Ismail M.Ahmed1  

...sistance is the cause of its limited use. Objectives: This study aimed to explore the influence of CSO on DOX-induced resistance and antioxidant status. Methods: 40 male albino rats weighing 150-200g were divided equally into four groups 10/each. CSO (5% w/w) were administrated oral daily for 30 consecutive days. DOX treated groups were injected IP at a dose of 2.5 mg/kg trice weekly to be totally 15 mg/kg for two weeks. G1 Control, G2 CSO, G3 Doxorubicin, G4...

Adel B. Salama and Reham M. Sabry*

...single purpose plant for its flowers or recently for its seeds, whereas information for calendula cultivation for both flowers or petals and seed production is very scarce. A field study was conducted on two seasons to evaluate the effect of petal harvesting on flower heads fresh and dry weights, monthly and cumulative number of flower heads/plant, seed yield, fixed oil percentage and fatty acid analysis of pot marigold (Cal...

Muhammad Asim Bhutta1,2*, Amna Bibi2, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Sadia Kanwal2, Zarmeena Amjad1, Hafeez ur Rehman3, Umar Farooq3, Muhammad Nouman Khalid4 and Syeda Fiza Nayab5

...d in photoinhibition and its protective elements.


Rameez Raja Kaleri1,2*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi3, Raza Ali Mangi4, Muhammad Anees Memon5, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptani6, Aimal Khan Kasi7, Mansoor Ahmed Gopang1, Abdul Wahid Solangi1, Sheva Dair1 and Mudasar Khosa1

... vertebrae variation and its relation with carcass weight and quantity of Balochi and Harnai sheep breeds of Baluchistan. For this purpose, we have observed Thoracic T and lumber L vertebrae variation by removing carcass from 3 randomly selected male animals of each breed. We have observed seven vertebrae variation in both sheep breeds from T-12 to T-14, L-5 to L-7 and T-11 to T-12, L-4 to L-6 in Balochi and Harnai breed, respectively. The thoracic and lumber ...

Mehwish Kanwal1, Muhammad Mushtaq1*, Surrya Khanam2, Irfan Ahmed3, Muhammad Sajid Nadeem1, Amjad Rashid Kayani1 and Tariq Mehmood1

...sodium glutamate added baits. Results of the present study suggested that groundnut–maize (1:1 ratio) supplemented with 5% egg components (albumen and yolk) was the most preferred bait combination; and it is suggested that this combination may be further tested with different rodenticides (acute and anticoagulants) for controlling Indian crested porcupine populations in agro-forestry ecosystems.


Rahma Boukarine*, Leila Hamdi and Kamel Khelili

...s like vegetables and fruits have therapeutic potential in treatment of many human diseases. Several bioactive compounds have been extracted from plants and fruits, especially antioxidants which aid protect against oxidative stress. This study was conducted on Albino Wistar rats to investigate the antioxidant effect of Eruca sativa on the hepatic and renal profile damaged by xylene. Seventy rats were divided into seven equal...

Yue-Xia Ding1, Qun Wu2, Zhao Namula1 and Yi Ma1,*

...istance and virulence traits of bovine Streptococcal isolates. Induced resistance was conducted for Streptococcus pneumonia ATCC49619 and erythromycin-sensitive strains by gradually increasing the antimicrobial concentration. Plasmid conjugation test was carried out by membrane filtration method. The correlation between antimicrobial resistance and virulence traits was analyzed by LD50 and related genes. Sensitive Streptococ...

Meng Wang, Dongliang Zhou, Huixia Li, Chunqin Wu,Yan Zhao and Houqiang Luo*

... of T5SS, and summarizes its potential applications and existing issues. Presently we have not elucidated the specific pathogenic mechanism of this system, thus the intensive study is significant.


Fei Shang and Pengfei Liu*

...have female-like body traits (wing length and plumage coloration) to avoid attacks from adult males in breeding season and increase maneuverability to escape predation risks. Adults have the longest wing, which could support their early arrival at wintering ground in migration. Our studies suggest that body size in juveniles is fully developed and the yearling males display female mimicry in wing length which is an adaptive strategy to sexual selection.


Xiaowei Huang1, Chao Ma1, He Lin1, Yuchen Wang1, Yan Xu1, Guangfu Lv2* and Zhe Lin1*

...nal medicine. To explore its mechanism of antidepressant effect, healthy Institute of Cancer Research (ICR) male mice were divided into control, chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS), fluoxetine (3 mg/kg), OR800 (OR 800 mg/kg) and OR400 (OR 400 mg/kg) dose groups. After the last administration, the content of corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT) in serum were detected. Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&...

Muhammad Kefayatullah* and Said Wahab

...of apricot fruit. The fruits were stored at 5±1°C with 85–90% relative humidity during the period of analysis. The data regarding various parameters were recorded at each 7days intervalup to 28 days of storage. The samples T1 (control), SA1 (1 % sodium alginate), SA2(2 % sodium alginate), MC1(1 % methyl cellulose), MC2(2 % methyl cellulose), P1(1 % pectin), P2(2 % pectin), BW1(1 % bees wax), BW2(2 % bees wax), CC1(1 % calcium chloride) and CC2...

Faiza Siddique1, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed1, Rana Arsalan Javaid1, Alvina Hanif1, Maria Rabnawaz1, Muhammad Arshad2, Irum Raza3 and Abid Majeed1*

...s towards crop yield and its stability over the time and locality. In terms of sensitivity to this environmental stress, rice, which is a drought-sensitive crop, exhibits notable varietal variability. for the estimation of elite coarse rice lines to withstand against the drought stress especially during early plant developmental phases and germination and seedling stage, an experiment was carried out from June to July 2021 a...

Abid Hussain1*, Hassnain Shah1, Muhammad Nadeem Iqbal2 and Tariq Sultan3

...onutrients for citrus fruits and their application for off-season vegetables, use of Biozote for wheat crop, and Pak Seeder technology for sowing wheat crop by zero-till method. Keeping this in view, economic viabilities of these technologies have been determined through marginal analysis. Unfortunately, Pak-seeder technology could not be demonstrated effectively due to few institutional and technical limitations. Thus, technical issues in

Lalu Ahmad Zaenuri*, Rodiah Rodiah, Adji Santoso Dradjat, Oscar Yanuarianto, I Wayan Lanus Sumadiasa , Lukman Hy 

Natalia Shchur1,2*, Olha Chechet1, Tetiana Mazur2, Oleksandr Martyniuk2, Olga Gorbatiuk1, Halyna Buchkovska1, Iryna Musiets1, Diana Ordynska1, Olena Finkova3, Larisa Moskalenko3, Tetiana Ponomaryova-Gerasimyuk3, Maksym Lusta3, Vitalii Nedosekov2 

...try products, as well as its resistance to various antibiotics. The study also reports a high rate of detection of resistant Campylobacter spp. among agricultural animals and the population in Ukraine, necessitating the introduction of an effective strategy for systematic monitoring of campylobacteriosis. Research results showed a high rate of detection of resistant Campylobacter spp.  in Ukraine, circulating both among agricultural animals and among the ...

Roy Malindo1, Anuraga Jayanegara2, Osfar Sjofjan3, Siti Chuzaemi3*

... gain (ADG) did not meet its target of 0.5 kg/head/d and a low level of Natural Increase.
Keywords | Average daily gain, Bali cattle, Body weight, Dry matter, Nutritional status

Sahar Ezeldien1,2, Foromo Dramou2, Fatma M. Yousseff3*, Alexander A. Nikishov2, Sergy B Seleznev2

...dicinal plants known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties. This study was conducted to determine the effect of chamomile aqueous extract on the productivity, egg quality, and serum biochemical parameters of laying Japanese quail. A total of 42 Japanese quail were separated into two groups of 21 birds each, with three replicates per group (7 birds) at random; the control group without any additives and the supplemented group with...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Tan Loi Le1, Thi Kim Ngan Vo1, Chi Hieu Do1, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Nguyen Khang Duong3, Quang Minh Luu4 the exon 5 region and its association with reproductive traits of TB crossbred ducks. Three hundred and thirty-one crossbred ducks were used in this study, with blood samples collected from the wing vein for DNA extraction to amplify the fragment length with 536 bp by PCR, and then the PCR products were cleaved with the PstI enzyme. The fragment length with 536 bp was successfully amplified in all individual samples, whil...

Sukandi Sukandi1,4, Djoni Prawira Rahardja2*, Herry Sonjaya2, Hasbi Hasbi2, Sudirman Baco2, Sri Gustina3, Kirana Dara Dinanti Adiputra1

...emand in the country. In its development, both horned and hornless Bali cattle were found. This study aims to determine the influence of heat stress on the physiological and hematological profiles of horned and polled Bali cattle. Eight male Bali cattle (four horned and four polled) with an age range of 2.5–4.5 years were used. Parameters observed were the body’s physiological response (rectal temperature, skin surface temperature, respiration rate...

Munasik*, Titin Widiyastuti, Caribu Hadi Prayitno

... price of corn rises and its supply declines, it becomes essential to find alternative ingredients to use in animal feed. This study explores the use of cassava (tapioca by-products) and tofu dregs as substitutes for corn through fermentation technology using Neurospora sp. This produces alternative feed ingredients with nutrient levels that are in balance with corn. To improve the quality of the cassava-tofu dreg mixture, this study used red oncom mushrooms e...

Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Mudssar Ali1*, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed1

...lination (free insect visits) was 58 and 70% higher and seed weight of 1000 seeds respectively as compared to self-pollination (no insect visits). Hence, conserving these most efficient native pollinators can lead to higher seed yield of T. alexandrinum and other seed crops in South Punjab, Pakistan.


Imran Ahmad

... arbitrarily selected fruits (strawberry, banana, and apple) and vegetables (beetroot and carrot) at three different levels (3%, 5%, 7% w/w). A Texture Analyzer determined hardness, adhesiveness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness. The difference among the treatments was analyzed using standard deviation and ANOVA (p ≤ 0.05). To evaluate the various samples, a focus group of twelve panelists on the same day of preparation using a 9-point hedonic scale f...

Sar Zamin Khan1*, Muhammad Waqas1 and Sagar M. Goyal2

...d poultry industry since its discovery in 1931. The virus mainly affects the respiratory, renal, and reproductive systems. Multiple serotypes of IBV have emerged due to the high rate of mutation and genetic recombination, which has made it difficult to control the disease. Certain serotypes have disappeared because of the availability and use of vaccines but new serotypes have emerged. A regular watch on the disease including virus variation, prevalence, patho...

Indira Jurinskaya1*, Tynyshtyk Kenzhebaeva2, Kairat Iskakov3, Bekzat Niyazbekov1 

... partially increased and its technological qualities improved – the thickness of the down fiber was 0.3 and 0.5 microns thinner in experimental animals, and, as a result, had a higher comfort factor.


Md. Rashedul Islam1, Abul Farah Md. Hasanuzzaman1*, Md. Latiful Islam2, Ghausiatur Reza Banu1 

... and bacteria isolation kits were used for the isolation and identification of bacteria. The genus Vibrio, Aeromonas and Pseudomonas were identified in different components of the larval production line in the hatchery. V. mimicus, V. parahaemolyticus, V. harveyi and V. alginolyticus were the major species identified from the Vibrio genus. The average concentrations of Vibrio spp. in brood, brood’s tank water, eggs, larvae, larval tank water, and larval ...

Rogia SA Gomez*, Said H Mbaga 

...s cattle, goats, and rabbits (41.7%). The average mortality rate recorded in these farms was 11.7%. Biosecurity Index Score ranged from 44-66% (mean 53.83 ±4.23). There was low adoption of biosecurity between the farm’s boundary and the poultry houses. The study concludes that in the Pwani region biosecurity was moderately applied, which shows that farmers in this region are aware of the need to exercise biosecurity measures to prevent disease out...

Endang Baliarti1*, Muh Auliya Rozzaq2, Adi Tiya Warman2, Sigit Bintara3, Tri Satya Mastuti Widi1, Diah Tri Widayati3, Bayu Andri Atmoko4, Tristianto Nugroho1 

... predicted as members of its origin. However, Simbal cattle are classified as Simbal (62.50%) and Limbal (33.30%) while Limbal are classified as Limbal (66.70%) and Simbal (29.60%). The set of body morphometric and reproductive performance variables on Bali Cross have a high canonical correlation. It is concluded that Simbal and Limbal have a high similarity in body morphometrics and a high correlation to reproductive performances. 


Muhammad Zeeshan Siddiqui1, Mujahid Ali2*, Shoaib ur Rehman3, Shahid Iqbal4, Malik Abdur Rehman5, Hafiz M. Tayyab Khan4, Muhammad Ali6, Muhammad Azher Nawaz4 and Saqib Ayyub1 Various agronomic traits and physiological traits along with seedlings’ ionic content of sodium, phosphorous, potassium, and sodium in leaves revealed that ‘Round ball’ has better NaCl tolerance ability compared with other genotypes used in this study. The highest ionic sodium concentration (10.34 µg g-1 DW) was found in Green ball, whereas Round gold (8.92 µg g-1 DW) showed the minimum. NaC...

Md. Saiful Islam Siddiqui1*, Sharmin Akter2 and Mohd. Riajul Islam2 

...tibiotics resistance and its impact on public health. No monitoring or surveillance concerning ABR and haphazard and misuse of antibiotics from any government and non-government organization were observed during the study period. It is concluded that, misuse and haphazard use of antibiotics is the normal feature at broiler farms in the study area of Bangladesh, which plays a major role in the egress public health crisis of ABR. Therefore, regulative authoritie...

Hafiz Muhammad Walayat Ali1, Hafiz Basheer Ahmad1*, Zaheer Ahmad Nazar2, Muhammad Akhlaq Mudassir1, Mahmood-Ul-Hasan1, Abdul Khaliq1 and Muhammad Shahzad Afzal1

...t (p≤0.05) for the traits such as cane weight, cane height, cane girth, and sugar recovery during plant and ratoon crop. Nevertheless, the smut was found significantly but negatively correlated with cane height and cane girth in both years. Estimations of broad sense heritability along with genetic advance was higher for cane weight, sugar recovery and smut incidence which indicated additive gene action and selection would be effective in later generations ...

Imtiaz Khan1*, Bashir Ahmad1, Ahmad ur Rahman Saljoqi1, Shah Alam Khan1, Javed Khan3 and Muhammad Azim Khan2

...e study (2020-2021) with its peak activity in the month of August. Significantly, positive correlation was recorded between P. perpusilla (eggs clusters and nymphs/adults) population infestation and average abiotic factors (temperature, humidity and rainfall). The correlation between leaf length and leaf width with P. perpusilla (eggs clusters and nymphs/adults) was significantly positive, the correlation of P. perpusilla (eggs clusters and nymphs/adults) with...

Asmaa A. Darwish*, Adel M. El-Kattan, Mona A. Mahmoud, Mohamed T. Ragab, Amani A. Hafez 

...melitensis infection elicits a prominent innate immune response in sheep and goat, resulting in several hormonal and iron profile alterations. IL-1β, IL-6, Fb, and Hp are good markers for sheep brucellosis, and IL-1β, IL-1α, and Hp are good indicators for goat brucellosis.


Abdulaziz A. Alaqil

...roductive performance traits, including the total feed intake, final body weight (FBW), BW gain, and feed conversion ratio in the EC group by approximately 7.7, 22.5, 30.6, and 33.3%, respectively, relative to the group C. The spleen, thymus, and bursa indexes as relative weights of FBW were significantly (p < 0.05) decreased by approximately 16%, 20%, and 35%, respectively, due to EC. Other immunological aspects were significantly (p < 0.05) impaired by...
Nasir Ali Tauqir1*, Asim Faraz2, Abdul Waheed2, Ayman Balla Mustafa3, Irfan Shahzad Sheikh4, Michela Pugliese5 and Shahid Nazir6
...n on milk production and its composition in lactating Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Sixteen early lactating nili-ravi buffaloes were divided into four groups according to Randomized Complete Block Design for this study. Four experimental diets were formulated supplementing 0, 15, 25 and 35g of methionine/ animal/ day. The experimental period was of 56 days out of which 10 days were as adaptation period. Daily feed intake and morning-evening milk yield of each animal wa...
Umara Amir ud Din1, Waqas Ahmed Khan1*, Khurrum Shahzad1,2, Basharat Ali3, Misbah Hussain1,4 and Fazli Rabbi Awan4
...polymorphism studies for its association with kidney function and risks of DN have been reported in different populations but with varying results. Hence, the objective of current study was to study the association of ACE (I/D) polymorphism with risk of DN in Pakistani subjects. For this study, 702 subjects were recruited who were divided into three groups; healthy control (n=222), diabetics without nephropathy (n=230) and diabetics with nephropathy (n=250). C...

Chang-Man Kim1, Sam-Churl Kim2 , Young-Ho Joo2, In-Hag Choi3*

...ed weekly to pig slurry pits (3.5×9.0×1.5 m) at 0, 0.05, and 0.1% AlCl3 on a volumetric basis determined by the estimated final manure volume for each flush cycle. Ammonia levels were measured twice a week at 90 cm height and ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methyl mercaptan, and dimethyl sulfide levels were measured twice a week at 10 cm height from the pig slurry pits. Over time, the addition of 0.05% and 0.1% AlCl3 ...

Rameez Raja Kaleri1,2*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Raza Ali Mangi3, Deepesh Kumar Bhuptan4, Sana Noor5, Zainab Lanjar6, Hubdar Ali Kolachi7 Abdul Wahid Solangi1 and Sheva Dari1

... analyze the economic traits of two different breeds of sheep, Rakhshani and Harnai. These sheep were being raised at two different farms, Langhove and Pirkani, located in Dera Murad, Baluchistan. The study focused on several parameters related to the weight of the sheep, including their birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), as well as their weight at 6 months, 9 months, and 12 months of ageData was collected over a three-year period (2018-2020) and analyzed...

Aqleem Abbas1, Mustansar Mubeen2, Waqar Younus1, Qaiser Shakeel3, Yasir Iftikhar2*, Sonum Bashir2, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan2 and Azhar Hussain1

...elds. Plant protection units are needed to tackle these challenges to prevent future outbreaks. Herein, we describe significant diseases and pests that are catastrophic to GB’s crops in the future. In addition, this review shows how diseases and pests impact the yields of GB’s crops.


Mohamed Adam1*, Hassan Sobhy2, Mohamed Abouzid3, Dalia Elhafny4 and El-Desouki Ibrahim5

...amiphos in leaves and fruits were not detected during the whole experiment. The amounts of ethoprophos and fenamiphos decreased from zero to 5 days from (4.88 to 3.61 ppm) and (15.25 to 7.31 ppm) with loss of 26.02% and 47.93 %, respectively. For all tested products, no impacts on Chlorophyll degree in leaves were detected when applied on the soil. From the result of this research, it is recommended that both bionematicides could be used for nematode control i...

Falah Mahmood Hameed1*, Asaad Khalaf Talal AL-Shuwaili2, Eman Jawad Jabber3, Mayada Sahib Hassan1  

...ects the capacity of rabbits to heal full-thickness cutaneous lesions, 24 clinically healthy adult male rabbits weighing 1.5 to 2 kg were utilized in the experiment. The interplay between intramuscular of 5 mg/kg xylazine hydrochloride, 35 mg/kg ketamine hydrochloride, and 1 mg/kg diazepam were carried out. Based on the sort of treatment applied, these animals were allocated into three groups (A, B, and C). Chitosan powder ...

Ikram Ullah1, Zaib Ullah2*, Junaid Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1, Zafar Iqbal3 and Naveed Akhtar2

...rop (50%) followed by fruits and vegetables (27.1%, 22.6%). Goats were the most (47.61%) predated animals, followed by sheep and cattle (37.14%, 12.38%). Human casualties were rare and mostly accidental, while victims often experienced deep injuries. Local communities faced annually Rs.167,922 (US$ 1085.47) agriculture loss and Rs. 1,620,000 (US$ 10,731.19) livestock loss during 2015-19. Generally, local inhabitants expressed negative attitudes (48%), and they...

Yajuan Zheng, Qiuping Mo, Hongchao Tang, Qinghui Zheng and Dandan Guan*

...inking to IQGAP1 through its own C-terminus. This study proved that LGR5, which is highly expressed in breast cancer cells, interacts with IQGAP1 through its C-terminal end, reducing the phosphorylation ratio of IQGAP1, thereby improving the viability, migration and invasion ability of breast cancer cells, and ultimately increasing the malignant transformation rate of breast cancer.


Amina Rahat1, Zahin Anjum1*, Sehlina Zehra2, Fatima Umal Baneen3 and Rabia Chishti1

...out the world and due to its aromatic nature, as a fragrance and Plantago ovata is traditionally used for many therapeutic purposes; laxative anti-acidic stabliser, stomach soothing, diuretic; and it is also anticancerous. Nigela sativa is used for jaundice, paralysis, metabolic syndrome, insulin resistant syndrome, and high level of cholesterol, nerve tension problems; it stops hair fall and boost’s immune system. Based on the results of this study, it ...

Dina A. Yousif, Mohamed M.T. Emara, Marwa R.S. Abdallah*  

...ed mutton and facilitate its use in further processed meat products without color or flavor problems. 


Antonius Agung Wiono1, Maria Elizabeth Nana Wijayanti1, Dhika Yonika Primacitra1, Trioso Purnawarman2, Andriyanto3, Aulia Andi Mustika3, Amaq Fadholly3* 

...duced by heat stress and its productivity of broiler chicken.Materials and Methods:Broiler chicken were divided to six groups (normal control, negative control, heat stress treated vitamin C 200 g/ton and 400 g/ton, heat stress treated PhytoceeTM 200 g/ton and 400 g/ton). Its productivity was measured in different parameters including early – weekly - final body weight, feed consumption ratio (FCR). Each group were also evaluated through hematology and ...

Ying Guan1,2, Puqing Song2, Xing Miao2, Hai Li2, Rui Wang2, Liangming Wang3, Yuan Li2* and Longshan Lin2*

...ding to their feeding habits, the fish species in the surveyed area were classified into six functional groups, including planktivores (FG1), planktivores/benthivores (FG2), benthivores (FG3), benthivores/piscivores (FG4), piscivores (FG5), and omnivores (FG6). FG3 was the most diverse group, with 43 species, followed by FG4, with 29 species. The biomass of FG3 was the highest among all functional groups throughout the year and in each individual season. FG1 a...

Ayesha Anwar, Sadia Aslam and Nauman Khalid*

... beef patties to measure its impact on physicochemical and sensory properties. The varying concentrations of beef fat was replaced with 5 to 15% linseed oil-based emulsions. The chemical composition of the patties was affected by the inclusion of the linseed oil emulsion in patties. The cooked and uncooked patties prepared with the 10% and 15% linseed emulsion showed highest moisture and ash content while patties with 20% beef showed highest fat and protein co...

Asifa Hameed1*, Haider Karar2, Abdul Ghaffar1, Abid Hameed Khan1, Muhammad Mubashir1 and Ghulam Mustafa1

...uit setting i.e. zero fruits per panicle in netted trees where the insects could not visit, the inflorescence during peak period. Maximum fruit setting occurred on trees where the trees were not covered with net. The most abundant insect was blue bottle flies. The other insects in the order of abundance were house flies, syrphid flies, native drones, zebra flies, stingless bees, bumble bee, wild bees, and flesh flies. Honey bees Apis florea can be utilized as ...

Muhammad Salman Ikram1, Tahir Mehmood1,2*, Sehrish Firyal3, Huma Sattar4, Shagufta Saeed3, Fareeha Nadeem3 and Muhammad Imran Mahmood Khan5

... of Y-STR in relation of its haplotype diversity and frequencies among different population, role of paternal lineages identification which helps to determine the mutation rate of Y-STR and its relationship with paternal lineages determination. When familial searching is coupled with genealogy inquiry, the review article will help us comprehend the combined use of Y-chromosome information and family information and understan...

Desi Kurniati Agustina1,3, Suyadi Suyadi2*, Veronica Margaretha Ani Nugiartiningsih2, Kuswati Kuswati2 

...ion of Madura cattle and its crossbreeds of different sex and age. The results are expected to provide a better understanding of the condition of livestock raised by the community. Blood samples were obtained from 60 heads of Madura and Limura (Limousine x Madura) cattle, which were differentiated by sex and age. Blood samples were collected into tubes and immediately stored in a cold box at approximately 4°C. Data analysis was conducted at the Veterinary ...

Isatay Tusupovich Jakupov, Gulzhan Tursunovna Yeszhanova, Gulnur Kurbanalievna Mamytbekova* 

...of C. leucocladum on rabbits, it was found that no irritating effect and allergic reaction was observed within 24 hours in animals with 10%, 20%, 40% content of C. leucocladum. Studies of the antimicrobial properties of C. leucocladum extract with 10%, 20%, 40% concentrations, suppositories containing 20% and 40% of C. leucocladum showed antimicrobial activity against E. coli, St. aureus. C. leucocladum shows the highest antimicrobial activity at 40% concentra...

Abdur Rauf1*, Muhammad Jawad1, Farooq Jan1, Muhammad Qayash2, Muhammad Yasin4, Samrin Gul5, Wisal Khan3, Ikramullah Khan1, Farkhanda Bibi1, Wajid Khan6, Tanweer Kumar6, Muhammad Arif6 and Khilwat Afridi7; 0.01) for studied traits, indicating that genotypes performed differently in three sowing times. Under early, normal and late planting, genotypes PR-138, PR-140 and Gulzar-19 had the highest grain yield respectively. PR-138 performed outstandingly across three sowing times for seed yield. Hence, it is concluded from the present study that delayed sowing progressively decreases the yield performance of the studied genotypes and the most suitable sowing time...
Umer Farooq1,2, Nimra Murtaza2, Abubakar Siddique1, Bilal Saleem1, Obaid Ur Rehman1, Nageen Zahra1, Muhammad Uzair1, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1,3* and Muhammad Ramzan Khan1*
...conomically important traits including milk and meat yield, development, and resistance against diseases. In this present study, our main objective was to identify the deleterious SNPs and their associated genes which possibly disrupt protein’s structure and function, as well as lead to genetic disease. We performed genome wide reference-based sequence alignment and functional annotation to identify deleterious non-synonymous SNPs (nsSNPs) in cattle bree...

Beenish Shahid1* and Muhammad Ijaz Khan2 in buffalo species limits the commercialization of in vitro embryo production technology in field conditions. The present study aimed to improve the cytoplasmic and nuclear maturation of in vitro matured oocytes of Nili Ravi buffalo in the presence of hormones. The denuded oocytes (DOs) obtained by repeated pipetting were collected from 2-8mm follicles. A series of experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of oestradiol (2 μg/ml), recombinant hu...

Rizki Palupi*, Arfan Abrar, Fitri Nova Liya Lubis, Yuni Kurniati, Bianca Ikriza Octa Nadia Putri 

...aced in 25 postal cage units. The feed used was commercial broiler chicken feed: a mixture of concentrate, corn, rice bran and fishmeal, and CCI according to the treatment. The observed variables were nutrient digestibility (dry matter, crude protein and crude fiber), hematological status and blood malondialdehyde levels in blood of broiler chickens. Data were analyzed by ANOVA and further tested by Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT). The results of this study ...

Arshad Javaid1*, Iqra Haider Khan1, Malik F. H. Ferdosi2, Aneela Anwar3 and Mujahid Manzoor4 

...phytochemical profile of its flowers. In the present study, flower extract of this plant was analyzed by GC-MS in search of identification of medicinally important constituents. The dried and crushed material of flowers was extracted in analytical grade methanol for one week and after filtration, it was subjected to GC-MS analysis. Major compounds in the flower extract were germacrene D (12.44%), n-hexadecanoic acid (12.15%), and caryophyllene (11.28%). Modera...

Saqib Ali Rustam1, Shoaib Sultan Afridi2, Muhammad Inamullah Malik1*, Shakeeb Ullah1, Syed Muhammad Kamal Shah1, Faiqah Ramzan1, Arsalan Khan3, Israr ud Din3, Wasimullah3, Hafiz Ahmad Raza4

...s major crop of area and its pulp is easily available as there are four function Sugar Mills in the district. Its first study to check the effects of urea treated sugar beet (Beta vulgaris) pulp feeding on weight gain of Bulkhi sheep.

Salman Ahmad1*, Muhammad Asim1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed2, Muhammad Atiq3, Yasir Ali4, Hafiz Bashir Ahmad5, Malik Abdul Rehman6 and Naeem Akhtar7

...he in time management of its vector.  
Novelty Statement | The epidemiology of D. citri and yield losses caused by CG have been studied first time in citrus belt of Punjab, Pakistan, during this research.

Abiyu Tadele 1,2*, Gebreyohannes Berhane2, Wondmeneh Esatu3

...mance and egg quality traits of chicken are essential for consumers and chicken husbandry, helping them to anticipate yield, market, and exploitation of the genotypes in future breeding plans. The main ecotypes in Southwest Ethiopia are the indigenous naked-neck and normal-feathered chicken genotypes, and the exotic Tetra H, a dual-purpose genotype that was imported from Hungary. Data were collected from 168 hens of the three genotypes kept under intensive man...

Chitra Kumalasari1,2, Lovita Adriani2*, Indrawati Yudha Asmara3, Nazri Nayan4 

...ry of the potential benefits of probiotics in prolonging the production cycle of late-phase laying hens based on existing literature. The research presented in this study offers pertinent insights and theoretical frameworks for enhancing productivity in aging hens, particularly for individuals engaged in small-scale farming. 


Ahmed El-Sayed Ismail 

...t (Giza 2 corn) to reach its peak at the crop maturity, while the nematode population dropped sharply when the field became fallow. Likewise, the population densities of the previous stages declined gradually, even in the presence of the non-host crop (Egyptian clover CV. Meskawii).


Ramzan Ali1, Erum Iqbal1*, Muhammad Ismail Bhatti2 and Saboohi Raza1

...logy and morphometric traits of native populations of these nematodes were found correspond to the type specimens. According to the latest information, these identified nematodes species are new records from Pakistan.


Farooq Jan1*, Abdur Rauf1, Ikramullah Khan1, Muhammad Yasin2, Muhammad Qayash3, Hazrat Wali1, Muhammad Luqman1, Fayaz Asad4 and Muhammad Khalid5

...e atmosphere by two ways its production and dispersion. Different meteorological parameters like seasons, mean temperature, rain fall, and wind speed are correlated with total pollen count (TPC) using SPSS 16.0 and MS Excel to draw a relationship between them which are useful for allergy patients. The results showed that mean temperature, wind speed and rainfall are the factors that influence pollen of Broussonetia papyrifera only during the spring seasons and...

Selvaraj Thanga Malathi¹, Venkatraman Anuradha1*, Mohamed Yacoob Syed Ali2, Muhameed Sajjad Sarwar3, Nagarajan Yogananth2

...race metal pollution and its effect in freshwater fish species. 
Novelty Statement | The study is based on the hypothesis that the deposition and exposure of heavy metal lithium is arising as environmental threat. Lithium exposed fresh water fishes can accumulate the ingested lithium in their vital organs. Further, it can cause acute toxic effects to both fresh water biota and humans upon feeding...

Kazi Afsana Homayra Orchy1, Mst. Antora Akter1, Nelema Yesmin1, Md. Moshiur Rahman Khan1, Marzia Rahman2, Md. Mahmudul Alam1* 

...udy was conducted on rabbits to evaluate the efficacy of heterologous platelet-rich plasma (hPRP) in the treatment of third-degree burn wounds. A total of 18 circular third-degree burn wounds measuring 10mm in diameter were made in six rabbits and studied under two groups: Group A and Group B. The wounds of Group A were treated topically with freshly prepared hPRP gel twice a week. The control rabbit...

Karamat Shah1, Muhammad Fiaz Khan1, Zaib Ullah2*, Rashid Ali Khan1, Sajid Mahmood1, Naveed Akhtar2 and Muhammad Naeem Awan3

Li Qiao*, Shubao Geng, Shibao Guo, Hongmin Liu, Jian Yin and Quan Zhang

...fects of violet light on its growth, development and reproduction, the 2nd and 5th instar larvae were irradiated under light at the wavelengths of 400 and 420 nm with 6 different irradiation times (0, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180 min). The development duration, pupation rate, abnormal pupation rate, pupal weight, adult emergence rate, male and female adult longevity, oviposition rate of S. subpunctaria were measured. The results showed that with the increase of tr...

Lianci He1, Dingxi Bai2, Chenxi Wu2, Yizhu Zhong2, Shi Chen2, Xinru Bao2, Jing Gao2*, Chaoming Hou2*

... the CFS model, SXC inhibits the transmission of NF-κB signaling pathway by down-regulating the expression of inflammatory cytokines and protein targets, and has an immunoregulatory effect on chronic fatigue syndrome.


Maryam Beheshti1, Mohammad Reza Taheriyan2*, Sikander Shahzad3, Memoona Siddique4, He Tianwei5, Muhammad Farooq5*, Huzaifa Kashif6 and Naila Ilyas7*

...ceeds the permissible limits in the soybean oil sample (513). The hemp oil sample was taken into account since it had the most unsaturated fatty acids among the quality factors. Palm oil was also considered to be suitable for frying since it had the best oxidative resistance. Hemp oil was suggested because it had indicators of the permitted limit compared to the control sample. This was based on the influence of the oil samples during the period of consumption...

Jie Wang1, Di Fang1, Jianqing Zhao1, Fei Huang2, Bo Liu2, Weikun Tao2, Baoshan Cui2 and Qinghua Gao1,2,3*

...ciated with important traits. Yet, so far, only a few studies have reported differences in single-cell transcriptome between bovine embryos of different genders. In this study, we performed transcriptome analysis of cattle embryos based on a single Cell RNA-Seq. Bovine sex-controlled semen for artificial insemination were used to obtain different stage embryos: bovine 8 cell XX embryo, 8 cell XY embryo, 16 cell XX embryo, 16 cell XY embryo, morula XX embryo, m...

Muhammad Ali1*, Rukhsana Perveen2, Khalil Ahmed3, Ghulam Raza1, Muhammad Akbar1, Maisoor Ahmed Nafees3 and Muhammad Ayub4

Yakun Ge bovine serum, 50μunits/mL penicillin and 50μg/mL streptomycin, maintained at 37°C and 5% CO2 in a humid incubator environment. Quantitative analysis of ROS was performed using flow cytometry and median fluorescence intensity detection. Cell proliferation was detected by MTT method. Combined treatment promoted the production of ROS. The cell viability of the combined treatment group was lower than that of the control group at 24h, 48hs and 72h (P&l...

Kinza Javed1, Muhammad Ali1, Waqas Farooq2, Majeeda Rasheed1*, Farkhanda Yasmin3, Samiya Rehman3, Sadaf ul Hira1 and Jawad Ali3

... quarantined, restricted its movement and place them in a place of no entry of vectors, arthropods. The recent review investigated new knowledge on several facets of the disorder, including its distribution, transmission, origin, pathophysiology, host vulnerability, diagnosis, preventiand therapeutic approaches.  Lumpy skin disease virus belongs to Poxviridae family and genus, Capripoxvirus. It cause acute to fatal infe...

Vui Van Nguyen1, Samorn Ponchunchoovong2, Sajeera Kupittayanant3, Pakanit Kupittayanant2* 

...s membrane and enhancing its property parameters was determined to be a supplementation of 100 µg/ml essential oils, which demonstrated a significant difference from the control treatment throughout the 12-day storage period (P<0.05). In summary, the results indicate that the properties of dog sperm during preservation are influenced by the dosage of Ocimum gratissimum leaf essential oils in a manner that depends on the concentration. The most favorab...
Tariq Ahmad1*, Anum Razzaq2*, Li Bo1, Faiz ur Rehman3, Gul Saba2, Omama Saqib1, Saif Ullah2 and Muhammad Suliman1
...ldlife management due to its expanding magnitude and nature complexity, affecting largely local communities that nearer to forests. Therefore, the two villages of District Dir lower (village Takoro and village Koherai Malakand), the part of great Himalayas has been selected to highlight the conflict between Himalayan palm civet (Paguma larvata) and local community during January 2018 to end of November 2020. During current studies it was found that the problem...

Ni Putu Sarini1*, I Gde Suranjaya1, I Gusti Agung Arta Putra1, I Wayan Suarna1, Lindawati Doloksaribu1, I Ketut Puja2, I Ketut Gde Natakesuma3, I Gusti Ngurah Bagus Rai Mulyawan4 

...pigmentation process and its variations are associated with differences in the skin and coat colors. The purpose of this study was to analyze the genetic variations of the MC1R gene in 10 Bali cattle reared in Bali Province which have aberrant color patterns. Blood samples were taken from the 10 Bali cattle consisting of three having normal coat color patterns, three albino, two injin, and two poleng. The blood samples were extracted using a commercial kit...

Rameez Raja Kaleri1,2*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Nazeer Hussain Kalhoro5, Raza Ali Mangi3, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi4, Deepsh Kumar Bhuptani6, Sher Muhammad Khosa1, Abdul Wahid Solangi1, Ayaz Ali Lashari7 and Sheva Dari1

...egarding quantitative traits were observed using the measuring tap mentioned in the (FAO) manual. The findings of our study 86.69% out of the 470 birds recorded with normal feather pattern. The common color of shank was found 27.71% white with 89.11% pea comb. The result for body weight revealed that significantly higher body weight was recorded in male birds as compared with female 2425±27 and 1482±11, respectively. The result for overall averag...

Umana Niazi, Muhammad Mushtaq*, Mehwish Kanwal and Momina Raheem

...quite low as compared to its potential, which is some 3000 kg. The low productivity of groundnut is attributed to a number of factors, like, rainfall uncertainties, low yielding varieties, diseases, insect and rodent pests etc. (Okello et al., 2010; Parshad, 1999).


Uzma Ishaque1, Erum Iqbal1*, Shahnaz Dawar2 and Nasira Kazi1

...sp., is characterized by its body, 1.508-1.528 mm long, lip region 23-24 µm wide, buccal cavity 34-36 x 16-17 µm with tooth apex located at 20-22% of stoma length and 3.9-4.2 anal body diameter long tail. M.oryzae n.sp. comes close to M. nudus Gagarin, 1991 and M. labiatus Shah and Hussain, 2016. It differs from former in smaller body length, in the values of b and c, vulva located more posteriorly and in shorter tail length. From M. labiatus it di...

Yu Liang Cao1, Yue Guo2,3*, Hui Zhang2 and Chun Sheng Wang2

...Pomacea canaliculata and its new breed the gold snail, Achatina fulica and its new breeds the white jade snail, have been sold on the Internet in recent years. We concluded that 24,853 sales of P. canaliculata and A. fulica had been made through the Internet selling platform before 2019. Further surveys indicated that 51% sellers were located in endemic areas of Angiostrongylus cantonensis. However, no A. cantonensis-positiv...

Satya Fahriani1, Hadri Latif2*, Herwin Pisestyani2, Zhang Shuqi3, Suyanto Chen3

...BN quality by decreasing its rehydration capacity.
Keywords | Edible bird nest, Nitrite, Rehydration capacity, Retort

Wizna1, Rusfidra2, Robi Amizar3, Romi Andika1, Muhammad Haikal1, Zurmiati1*

...ave positive health benefits for livestock. This study aims to the effect of fermentation of leftover food from restaurants and hotels with Bacillus amyloliquefaciens on total colony count of Bacillus sp. and nutrition content of leftover food.   The research, a 3x3 complete randomized design factorial, consisted of two factors, and each treatment was repeated three times. Factor A is the dose of B. amyloliquefaciens (3, 4, and 5%), and factor B is t...

Rida Ahmad1,2*, Zulfiqar Ali2*, Farkhanda Manzoor1, Usman Ahmad3, Safdar Sidra4, Irfan Zainab2, Muhammad Furqan2, Aliza Batool1,2 and Zaidi Zona2

...nly due to habitat loss, its fragmentation and hunting pressure. Species prefer habitat with specific characteristics and this paper provides recommendations for the conservation and management of Steppe Eagle and Western Tragopan. Primary and secondary data based further studies are needed to manage the population of threatened species.


Muhammad Nasir Bhaya1,2* and Hikmet Keles2

... a polyphenol, known for its antioxidant properties. In this study, the protective effect of EA on CP-induced renal damage was evaluated. For this purpose, 24 rats were divided into four groups, control, CP, CP+EA50, and CP+EA75. Histopathological examination of kidneys revealed hyperemia, epithelial degeneration, swelling, cystic dilatation and luminal proteinaceous material in tubuli, congested and hypercellular glomeruli and also inflammatory cells infiltra...

Lichun Jiang1,2*, Lan Zhu1, Meiqi Li1, Xinyue Bao1, Zhenkun Zhao2, Haifen Qin2 and Wei Chen3*

...ry little is known about its nuclear and mitochondrial genomes and their phylogenetic position within the family Cervidae. In this study, we have determined the complete sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the tufted deer, by using a long polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The entire mtDNA sequence is 16,196 bp in length, which compared with previous studies is the least, containing 13 protein-coding genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, 22 transfer RNA ...

Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan and Abdul Rauf Shakoori*

...current understanding of its molecular mechanisms is continually increasing, the identification and consequently the roles of transcription factors (TFs) in the respective molecular events under neuroinflammatory conditions in distinct brain regions is still lacking. To address the said gap in knowledge, first we have identified the TFs specific to IL-1β a key player in mediating inflammatory process using online databases. Next, we identified the interac...

Bing Yan1, Meng Meng Zhang2, Xi Chen2, Yongming Li2*, Muhammad Khan3* and Tonghui Ma1*

...mary brain tumors due to its high malignancy and heterogeneity. Despite recent advances in medical technology and concerted effort to improve therapeutic methods, the prognosis of GBM still remains very poor. The poor prognosis is associated with cancer stem cells (CSCs) which hold the potential of self-renewal, and differentiation into pathogenomic heterogeneous tumor formation leading to therapeutic resistance. Therefore, targeting CSCs and their associated ...

J. Ma1, F.B. Zhang1,2, J. Li1, Z.Y. Lv1, C. Zhang1, L. Mao1 and Y. Zeng1*

...e seasonal difference of its feeding habits. Gut contents of 268 S. dabryi in the downstream (Hechuan section) of the Jialing River were collected seasonally from September 2015 to August 2016. The feeding habits of S. dabryi were studied by microscopic examination, analysis of similarity, and the Amundsen graphical method. A total of 26 food categories were identified, among which algae a...

Gang Liu*, Na Xu, Zhizhong Gong and Jiahui Feng

... operational taxonomic units (OTUs) from 20 fecal samples (ten per lake). The OTUs from the Shengjin Lake geese represented 7 phyla, 27 classes, 81 orders, 151 families, and 395 genera; those from the Caizi Lake geese comprised 7 phyla, 28 classes, 73 orders, 133 families, and 232 genera. Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Zygomycota and Rozellomycota were the dominant gut fungal phyla in the geese. The alpha-diversity indices differed significantly between the Shengj...

Irtaza Hussain1, Muti ur Rehman Khan1*, Asim Aslam1, Masood Rabbani2 and Ahsan Anjum1

... were detected by ELISA kits up to 50th day post-infection in the current study. This is the first study that reported the seroprevalence of contagious ecthyma in Punjab, Pakistan. Comprehension of risk variables will not only be helpful to develop awareness amongst farmers but will also provide guidelines to government officials about the prevention and control of the disease.


Sherein H. Mohamed1, Soad El Naggar2*, Ayman A. Hassan3, Mohamed A.M. Mousa3, Mohamed M. Basyony3, Mohamed F. Sadek3, Mohamed A. A. Ahmed4, Saadia M. Hashem5 New Zealand White rabbits aged eight weeks old with an average body weight of 675±47.95 g were divided into six equal groups 21 rabbits each, control diet group, C fed the basal diet and the other five groups (GE, ClE, ThE, TE, and CE) fed on basal diet supplemented with 200 ppm of garlic, clove, thyme, turmeric and cinnamon extracts respectively.  These extracts revealed an increase in final body weight, dail...

Mohammed Naji Odhah1,2, Faez Firdaus Abdullah Jesse1*, Bura Thlama Paul3,4, Bashiru Garba5, Zaid Mahmood1, Eric Lim Teik Chung6, Mohd Azmi Mohd Lila7  

.... pseudotuberculosis and its Mycolic acids (MAs) immunogen extract. About 12 healthy crossbred female Boer goats were assigned into three groups (A, B and C), each comprising of 4 goats. Group A (Negative control group) was inoculated intradermally with 2 ml of sterile phosphate-buffered saline (PBS-pH 7); Group B (Mycolic acid group) was inoculated intradermally with 2 ml of immunogenic Mycolic acid extract (1g /ml); while group C (Positive control group) was...

Laikun Ma1,2, Jiaojiao Wang1, Shanshan Lyu2 and Jianhua Hou1*

...which includes trills in its song, it is unclear whether song length meets the context, prediction and response criteria of aggressive signal needs further study. We studied the responses of males to invaders with different threat levels by playing back songs of various length during the breeding season of the dusky warbler in Saihanba National Forest Park. We observed no significant differences in physical and song behaviours in male dusky warblers in respons...

Jamshid Ali1,2, Sabeeqa Usman Malik1*, Muhammad Irfan Ashraf1, Jia Zhongkui2, Zuhair Husnain3 and Saeed Gulzar1 

...imate change. Nature has its mechanisms for carbon storage. Forests are important natural storehouses of carbon in terrestrial ecosystems. Estimation of forest biomass in various ecosystems is of key importance in the context of international climate treaties. The objectives of the current study were to assess above-ground carbon (AGC), belowground carbon (BGC) and total carbon stock in the sub-tropical pine forest in Upper Kurram District, Kurram (Pakistan). ...

Muhammad Noman Khan* and Ghulam Nabi

...dical industry. However, its poor yield discourage farmers from its cultivation. Plant nutrients particularly Potassium plays critical role in growth and yield of citrus crops. Therefore, for the possible solution the current study Potassium fertilizer source and timing regulate growth, flowering and yield in trees of sweet lime (Citrus limetta L.) was conducted during the year 2019. Experiment was laid out in RCBD split plo...

Saeed Ahmad1, Muhammad Iqbal1*, Muhammad Akram1, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid1, Muhammad Shahid1, Taj Muhammad1, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah1, Zunera Saeed2 and Mazhar Ali3

...served in all studied traits (Number of bolls per plant, boll weight, boll retention %, seed germination %, seed index and fiber characteristics). However, T3 (organic matter (1.5%) showed maximum increase in all characteristics. In T2 (organic matter 1%) varieties showed 15.8 to 19% increase in bolls per plant and 33.3 to 36.8% in T3. In treatment with organic matter (0.5%) the boll weight was (2.46gm), number of bolls (19.0), boll retention (38.0%), Ginning ...

Arshad Khan, Mohammad Ihsan, Maryam Bibi, Gul Rahim, Fazl Ullah, Komail Khan and Ali Hazrat*

Sameh Abdel-Moez Ahmed Amer1*, Aly Mohammed Ghetas1, Asmaa Mahmoud Maatouq1, Hagar Magdy Ahmed1, Khaled Mohamed El-Bayoumi1, Mohamed Abd El-Rahman Bosila1, Ahmed Ali El-Shemy2

...021” and evaluates its efficacy against commercially available NDV genotype II vaccines in broiler chickens. Eighty chickens were housed in four groups (A, B, C and D) of 20 birds per group. Group A has been received the experimentally prepared inactivated genotype VII NDV vaccine by day 9 old, subsequently primed and boostered with commercial live attenuated genotype VII vaccine at 7 and 21 days-of age. While group B was treated with commercial live and...

Elfadil, G.E.1,3, G.F. Gouda1*, M.A. Rashed2, A.R. Shemeis1

... Zealand white (NZW) rabbits, six unrestricted, two single-restricted and one double-restricted selection indexes were constructed using phenotypic and genetic parameters estimated using multi-trait animal model on 458 growing rabbits, progeny of 25 bucks and 92 dams. The aggregate genotype involved post-weaning daily gain (DG), higher percentages of dressing (DP) and boneless meat (BMP). Sources of information were various ...

Eman M. Abdelhady1, Nader Y. Mostafa1, Mohammed A. El-Magd2* and Ghada A. Kirrella1

... meat   during its refrigerated storage for 9 days. The size of CNPs ranged from 150 to 350 nm as determined by transmission electron microscopy. Comparing the effect of the two chitosan products, CNPs exhibited higher antibacterial properties against S. aureus and E. coli, as revealed by lower minimal inhibition concentrations than the CP. Among these bacteria, E. coli was the most sensitive to CP and CNPs. Minced meat samples treated with CNPs show...

A.M. Abdul Azeem1, A.N. El shahat1* and Mohamed H.M. Abd el Megid2

...ids such as naringin and its aglycone naringenin that play significant roles against various physiological threats. Synthesis of nano-selenium particles (SeNPs) using a natural source as a reducing agents might have more advantages as an alternative to physical and chemical methods because it is inexpensive and considered environmentally friendly. Therefore, the objective of this study was to synthesize selenium nanoparticles from Citrus paradise peels extract...

A.M. Abdul Azeem1, A.N. El shahat1* and Mohamed H.M. Abd el Megid2

...ids such as naringin and its aglycone naringenin that play significant roles against various physiological threats. Synthesis of nano-selenium particles (SeNPs) using a natural source as a reducing agents might have more advantages as an alternative to physical and chemical methods because it is inexpensive and considered environmentally friendly. Therefore, the objective of this study was to synthesize selenium nanoparticles from Citrus paradise peels extract...

Xiaowei Huang, Yajie Wang, Jia Zhou, Junxiu Liu, Zhe Lin and Ruili Li*

...syndrome. To investigate its effects on the hematopoietic function, aplastic anemia (AA) rat model was established by injection of cyclophosphamide (CTX) intraperitoneally. 60 SD rats were randomly divided into 6 groups, control, model, positive drug (compound E-jiao slurry), SBG high-, medium- and low-dose (SBG-H, SBG-M, SBG-L) groups. After 21 days of intervention, the changes of thymus and spleen indexs were compared, the levels of white blood cell (WBC), r...

Xiang Li1, Zhijun Zhao1, Lei Zhang2, Jinhuan He1, Fengling Li1, Jing Li1 and Chunmei Pan1*

...rients and economic benefits of piglets, this paper analyzes the effect of fermented feed (taking grape pomace residue as example) on the nutrient apparent digestibility of piglets. Through the determination of tannin content in grape pomace residue, the nutritional value of grape pomace residue was evaluated, and the influence of feed with different grape pomace residue content on the nutrient apparent digestibility of piglets was analyzed, which provided sci...

Azza M. El-Kattawy1, Tarek Abou Zed1, Randa Megahed1 and Mohammed El-Magd2*

...been confirmed, however, its actual mechanism of action has not been investigated yet. Therefore, this study aimed to unveil the biochemical and molecular changes that accompany the application of Sim as anti-arthritic in a mouse model of pristane-induced arthritis. Female Swiss albino mice (20-30g) were randomly divided into 5 groups (n= 10/group): control, Sim control, pristane-induced arthritis, Sim co-treated, and Sim post-treated group. Sim treatment sign...

Xu Yun-Ming1*, Sun Zhi-Yuan1, Yang Jian-Bo1, Bian Rong-Rong2, Ren Hong-Lin3, Zhong Si-Yuan1, Cai Yu-Hong1, Peng Jing1 and Bao Hua-Xia1

Peng Chen1, Jiaqi Li1, Hongbo Li2, Qin Lu3, Wei Liu1,4,5* and Jianliang Zhang1*

...16,627 bp in length, and its structure was circular. The structure and gene arrangement of the genome were basically the same as those of Anseriformes species. The mean base composition of the mitogenome of Anseriformes was T (22.31 ± 0.51%), C (32.63 ± 0.64%), A (29.36 ± 0.64%), and G (15.71 ± 0.52%), indicating a slight specific bias towards A and C. AT content ranged of the mitogenome was from 50.27% to 55.31%, with an average va...
Misbah Ammanat1, Abdul Qadir1, Zulfiqar Ali2*, Rida Ahmad2,3, Usman Ahmad1, Irfan Zainab2 and Aliza Batool2,3
...ound the Indus River and its tributaries. The study area is 7,951 km2, stretching from the Dasu Hydropower Project in the north to the Islamabad West Grid Station in the south. Field surveys at 678 observation points were conducted from November 2017 to October 2018. A total of 38,939 birds were sighted, representing 215 different species. Tarbela Reservoir and the future Dasu dam site had the greatest abundance and diversity of avifauna. The number of individ...

Yang Pan1,2, Yang Huang3, Guo-hai Wang4* and Qi-hai Zhou3*

...ns of bird functional traits (behavioral traits: foraging quantity, number of birds per visit, and foraging duration; morphological traits: weight and body, wing, and tail lengths) to both seed removal patterns and dispersal distances of Cayratia japonica in an urban garden in southwest China. Eleven bird species were recorded feeding on its seeds, and e...

Kandiah Pakeerathan*, Konesalingam Jeyavithuyan, Aruchchunan Nirosha and Gunasingham Mikunthan

Yousef Ahmed Alkhamis1,2*, Basanti Mondal3, Roshmon Thomas Mathew2, Ganesan Nagarajan4,5,6, Sheikh Mustafizur Rahman3, Md. Mostafizur Rahman7, Adnan Alhajji1 and Md. Moshiur Rahman3,8*
... different phenotypic traits in Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in order to find out any traits that can be expressed through compensatory growth. Equal sized juvenile Nile tilapias were randomly assigned into two treatments including control treatment (CT: constantly 0 ppt) and salinity treatment (ST: 25 ppt in 1st and 3rd month and 0 ppt in 2nd month). Each treatment contained 45 fish having three replications and the...

Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Masood Rabbani1*, Sohail Raza1, Ali Raza Awan2, Aleena Kokab1 and Iqra Nazir3

...nt non-mutant confirming its auxotroph inability towards purine pathway biosynthesis which serves as a crucial factor for disease induction and survival inside the host system revealing enhanced attenuation in the deleted mutant. However, after supplementation of purine bases, the ΔpurD mutant bacteria regain growth in enriched media. The results confirmed that the highly attenuated Brucella abortus ΔpurD mutant can be used successfully as a potent...

Sajida Batool, Iqra Ashraf, Shafaat Yar Khan, Sitara Shameem* and Breha Kazmi

...ious diseases because of its phytochemical composition. In the present study, the methanolic leaf extract of C. procera was investigated for its immunomodulatory potential in vitro using T-lymphocytes. Phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) st imulated T-lymphocytes were treated with extract of C. procera (1, 2, and 4 µg/mL) for 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 h. Levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines (Inte...

Caiyun Li1, Tao Xu2, Luyang Zhang3, Xuesong Yan4, Yu Xin5, Li Li6 and Jinghua Chen7*

...ish as main sources of baits. This study reviewed the current situation of snakehead culture in Shandong, compared the advantages and disadvantages of feeding forage fish and compound feed for snakehead culture. In addition, the development status and trend of compound feed for snakehead were analyzed. This review will provide insights into the green aquaculture development and industrial upgrading of snakehead in Shandong, China.


Jialing Zhang1, Yan Ma2, Lili Lian3 and Min Wei1*

...osis recurrence and benefits for fertility outcomes.


Amna Sulaman1, Qurat-ul-Ain Ijaz1, Muhammad Shafi2 and Faiz Muhammad1*

Sumaira Kousar* and Safdar Ali Shirazi

...LE model, celebrated for its simplicity and efficiency, offers a lens to assess soil losses quantitatively, categorizing the basin area into five distinct vulnerability groups predicated on their proneness to soil erosion. The study’s findings spotlight alarming terrain vulnerability, specifically in the district’s northern expanse, encompassing locales like Kalam, Bahrain, and Pashmal. Within these regions, the magnitude of exposure is underscored...

Mohammed A. El-Sayed1*, Mahmoud H Hatab2, Heba AEM Assi3, Nashaat S Ibrahim2, Hisham M Saleh2, Waheed AA Sayed2, Birgit A Rumpold4 

...and HS, whereas these traits had no or minimal effects on the diet B and diet C groups. The HSP70 gene transcription level was highest in birds exposed to cyclic HS and fed control diet A, and lowest in birds in the diet C groups. Conclusively, 100% replacement of the soybean meal with H.illucens meal can enhance the growth response, reduce HSP70 gene transcriptionand mitigate the negative effects of HS on quails exposed to cyclic heat stress. 


Shaista Ilyas1, Safdar Ali1, Amer Habib1, Misbah Ali1,2, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan3*, Yasir Iftikhar3, Muhammad Usman Ghani4,5 and Muhammad Umair1

Javed Hussain Umrani1, Roseena2, Ashfaq Ahmed3, Saba Iqbal2, Amtul Sami4, Mumtaz Ali Salito5 and Gulnaz Parveen2*

...ll the initial growth traits. However, seeds germination percentage  root and shoot length were remained satisfactory as compared to control at 50 mol m-3 of NaCl salinity level.


Tahir Abbas Khan1*, Imran Ashraf1*, Athar Mahmood1, Muhammad Ilyas2, Sardar Alam Cheema1, Muhammad Mahmood Iqbal3 and Muhammad Umair Hassan1

Qingjin Li1,2, Zhiyuan Sui1,2, Jihu Zhang1,2, Zhishuai Zhang1,2 and Feng Xing1,2*

... was relatively low. But its expression level in the ovary at puberty was significantly higher than that in other tissues. These results suggest that CTSD may play an important role in the onset of puberty in sheep by regulating the development and ovulation of follicles in the ovary.

Burarah Arooj1, Zeeshan Mutahir1, Moazzam Ali1, Mohsina Akhter2, Malik Siddique Mahmood1, Arslan Hamid3 and Mahjabeen Saleem1*

Muhammad Hasnain1*, Ghulam Mustafa2, Asif-ur-Rehman3, Ali Raza4, Abrar Ahmad4, Taj Muhammad4, Muhammad Rafiq Shahid4, Umair Faheem5, Muhammad Shahid4, Muhammad Akram4 and Muhammad Kashif Nadeem5

...small to medium-sized fruits that are flavorful, fragrant, and well-suited for preserving. Assessment of the pre-harvest amino acids application on the postharvest life of mangoes cv. ‘Rataul No. 12’ was done. The effect of amino acids on mango cultivar ‘Rataul No. 12’ with the objective of studying and improving fruit retention, yield, or qualitative and quantitative changes in physio-chemical characteristics during ripening. The impac...

Nadeem Akmal1, Abid Hussain1*, Muhammad Yousaf2, Waqar Akhtar1 and Hassnain Shah1

... raising the nursery and its transplanting through mechanical method are higher than conventional sowing method by 13.55 percent and 2.33 percent, in case of Basmati Super and Basmati-386, respectively. While, all other cost items of the crop production are more or less the same across both methods. Thus, it is reaffirmed that mechanical transplanting of rice (MTR) is labour saving, and more productive than conventional sowing method. Productivity of Basmati-S...

Bdour Muhammed Al-Shweily1*, Jawad Bulbul Al-Zaidawi2, Muhammed Jubair Hanawi1 

... in cucurbit crops, lays its eggs in the fruits and feeds on them. Consequently, extensive studies and experiments have been undertaken to identify optimal methods for its control. Due to the adverse effects of chemical pesticides on consumer health, particularly human health, the pursuit of alternative safe measures has been paramount. Among the prominent alternatives, biological control ...

Fatima Ali1*, Rimsha Tahir1 and Tahir Rehman Samiullah2

...usands of years, however its effectiveness in clinical trials not yet been fully recognized. It is now known that honey acts as a biologic wound dressing with multiple bioactivities. Major aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of honey in combination with N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) for the treatment of excisional wounds in rats. Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were inflicted with excisional wounds. Wounds were treated with honey as control group and in combinat...

Meryem Betmezoğlu1*, Dilek Arsoy2 and Mahmut Çerkez Ergören3

... scrapie cases, based on its resistance genotype H154 ratio. Larger studies are needed to gain a complete understanding with regards to the impacts of the 146D, 146S, and 154H alleles in Damascus, Cyprus Native Hair Goat and Damascus-Saanen hybrids.


Mamona Jabeen1, Sumra Naz1, Hina Amjad1, Khalid Abbas1*, Sajid Abdullah1, Muhammad Anjum Zia2, Taqwa Safdar1 and Muhammad Sarfraz Ahmed1

...ulations due to the deficits of heterozygotes suggesting either due to inbreeding or recent mixing of stocks. AMOVA revealed that the majority of the variation (77.21%) lied within the individuals than among the individuals within populations (15.48%). The UPGMA dendrogram based on Nei’s genetic distance revealed that the C. marulius population was divided into two major clusters. This study would be helpful to underpin the causes of decline in genetic d...
Yongming Zhang1,2, Yuyu Wang2*, Jing Jia2, Sihe Zhang2, Xiaohua Guo3, Aihua Sun3, Hao Dong3, Peiqiang He4 and Xiefa Song1*
...and positive health benefits, it is a potentially healthier alternative to the wild Conger myriaster.


Bayanda Mdoda*, Faith Machabi, Busisani Wiseman Lembede, Eliton Chivandi 

...evaluated by determining its effects on growth performance, feed intake and utilisation efficiency, gastrointestinal tract (GIT) organ, and GIT accessory organ macromorphometry, visceral fat mass and carcass yield. One hundred and twenty unsexed 1-day-old Cobb 500 broiler chicks (10 chicks per replicate with 3 replicates per diet) were randomly assigned to four dietary treatments where zingerone replaced zinc bacitracin (ZnBcn) at 0 mg/kg (control: 500 mg/kg o...

Abnet Mekonnen1*, Kadir Abderehman1 and Feti Seyaka2

...ed in small ruminants as its administration results in several side effects such as; ruminal tympany, regurgitation of reticuloruminal contents, aspiration of refluxed material or saliva, hypoventilation, hypotension and fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Ketamine (injectable) is a commonly used general anaesthetic agent in veterinary practice. Injectable anesthetics offer the advantage of requiring less expensive equipment. Isoflurane (inhalant) provides a ver...

Fatimah A. Al-Saeed 

...ity may be attributed to its antioxidant activities.


Dhurgham K. Seger1, Rahman H. H. Al Qasimi2, Azhar A. Jaffar3, Salah H. Faraj4, Ahmed I. Ateya5* 

...the remaining carcass traits including live weight, carcass weight, clearance percentage, and spleen and kidneys weights. This study highlights the possible efficiency of using SSTR1 as candidate marker for carcass traits in sheep. 

Rabail Hassan Toor1,3, Raazia Tasadduq2, Jane B. Lian3, Janet L. Stein3, Gary S. Stein3 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*
... (RSV) as a standard for its anti-osteoclast activity. Upon RANK-L induction of RAW264.7 cells to differentiate into osteoclasts, we found 10ng/ml CQ-H as most efficacious concentration for inhibiting osteoclastogenesis with 57.8% inhibition of TRAP activity. Whereas, in comparison 20ng/ml RSV showed 49.9% inhibition of TRAP activity. Expression of osteoclast marker genes such as NFATc1, ACP-5, CTSK, MMP-9 and CTR corroborated our results. Distinct downregulat...

Razia Sultana1, Shinawar Waseem Ali1*, Ghulam Murtaza2 and Shahid Mahmood2

...effects on the health of its consumers. For decades yogurt has been prepared traditionally by the method of back-slopping. Recently, it is also prepared commercially by using bacteria in different combinations. In this study, we aimed to detect and identify bacteria present in locally processed yogurt using the advanced next-generation sequencing (NGS) method. Yogurt samples were collected from open-air shops located in different areas of Pakistan. All yogurt ...

Muhammad Haseeb Malik2, Muhammad Moaeen-ud-Din1*, Ghazal Kaukab Raja2 and Feroza Hamid Wattoo2

...ivate semen production units. The present study was designed to develop standard molecular markers for Sahiwal to ascertain their purity for breeding purpose. In this study 50 and 48 unrelated males were sampled for each Sahiwal and Crossbred cattle respectively. Candidate molecular markers present in Sahiwal but absent in Crossbred and vice versa were detected using amplified fragment length polymorphism method. Eleven markers were developed that were convert...

Khalid Mahmood1*, Muhammad Akbar Khan1, Sayyed Ghyour Abbas1,2, Muhammad Adeeb Babar3 and Muhammad Asim4

...omprises freshwater deposits having an age that spans 18.0-0.6 Ma. The new material recovered from the Dhok Ban Ameer Khatoon (Chinji Formation) and Sethi Nagri (type locality of the Nagri Formation) is assigned to Sansanosmilus rhomboidalis based on the morphology of canine. The recovered material is unique and rare in the Siwaliks of northern Pakistan. It also increases the stratigraphic range of this barbourofelines species from the Chinji Formation to the ...

Di Zhou1, Qingmeng Long1*, Rong Yang1, Xiaoshan Tan1, Jun Li1, Mingyan Tang1, Zhonghai Zhao3, Ye Ao2, Zhinan Zhou1 and Changxue Chen1

...ffecting reproductive traits for the Guizhou black goat. We utilized mRNA collected from uterine, ovarian and fallopian tube tissues of goats with the same pedigree and analyzed the results using bioinformatics and qRT-PCR. We found 8120 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in ovarian tissues (3205 up- and 4915 down-regulated), 5255 DEGs in the fallopian tubes (1317 up- and 3888 down-regulated) and 5180 DEGs in uterine tissue (2597 up- and 2583 down-regulated...

Zhipeng Song1,2, Jialiang Xin1,3, Xiaoli Wei1,2, Abula Zulipiya1,3, Kadier Kedireya1,2 and Xinmin Mao1,3*

...marein on db/db mice and its mechanism of action intervening in diabetic retinopathy. For in vivo experiment: 10 healthy db/m mice were used as the control group. Forty healthy db/db mice were randomly divided into the model, positive, ranibizumab and marein groups. There were 10 mice in each group. All mice were adaptively fed for one week. They were given the appropriate drugs by gavage. Tissue material was taken after 12 weeks. Haematoxylin-eosin (H&E) ...
Skorykh Larisa Nikolayevna1*, Fominova Irina Olegovna1, Kovalenko Dmitriy Vadimovich1, Skokova Antonina Vladimirovna1, Dmitrik Irina Ivanovna1, Kizilova Natalia Igorevna2 and Violeta Caro Petrovic3
...heir influence on the traits of meat productivity. Genotyping of sheep for somatotropin and calpastatin genes was carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) with further study of restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Three genotypes were identified for the GH gene (AA, AB, and BB) and two for CAST (MM and MN). The highest frequency of occurrence for the GH gene was characterized by the heterozygous AB genotype (42.8%), for the CAST gene - the ho...

Bilal Ahmed Shah1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Masood Rabbani2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum2, Muhammad Asad Ali2, Muhammad Awais1, Sohail Ahmad3 and Shahan Azeem2*

... either into mice or rabbits or cow calves. Challenge protection studies revealed a significantly higher survival rate in vaccinated mice and rabbits compared to placebo groups. None of the vaccines when streaked onto culture media showed any growth indicating sterility of the vaccines. Repeated measures ANOVA was applied to compare mean O.D values of treatment groups for evaluation of humoral immunity. Serum ELISA O.D value...

Liyun Chang*, Yazi Li, Yumei Cai and Chenghui Li;L for BCV, indicating its high specificity and sensitivity. The results of the clinical detection of 150 samples, collected form calves in Hebei Province, by multiplex PCR were the same as those obtained by colloidal gold test paper detection. We discovered that the co-infection rate of BRV and BCV was 41.3% (62/150), of BVDV and BRV 8.0% (12/150), of BVDV and BCV 6.0% (9/150), and of BVDV, BRV, and BCV 10.0% (15/150). In our clinical samples, mixed infecti...

Tehreem Iqbal1, Roheela Yasmeen1* and Faheem Hafeez2

...">Bisphenol-A (BPA) exhibits toxic, endocrine, mutagenic and carcinogenic effects in living organisms. However, some dietary elements, such as cinnamon is gaining attention as it has antioxidant effects both in vivo and in vitro. The present research study was designed to see the effect of cinnamon against BPA induced Sprague Dawley rats. In the study Sprague Dawley rats of an average 300 gram body weigt were used. The rats were divided into control and treate...

Asmaa A Darwish* 

... in sheep farming due to its economic implications. It may result in fluid and solute imbalance, renal failure, bladder rupture, azotemia, and death. This study aimed to examine the immunological and clinicopathological alterations associated with urine retention in sheep. Twenty Barki rams were apparently-healthy and considered the control group (CG) and twenty Barki rams suffered from urine retention considered the diseased group (DG). Blood samples were col...

Naeem Akhtar1*, Sana Noureen1, Muhammad Asif2, Ahsan Aziz2, Usman Saleem1, Talat Mahmood3, Nadeem Raza4 and Waqas Raza5

...garcane mosaic virus but its yield was very poor as compared to others due to its genetic makeup. SC3 exhibited high disease incidence, having less brix percentage but showed maximum cane yield. Genotype SC7 revealed moderate susceptibility but exhibited high yield with maximum brix percentage. Evaluation of all agronomic traits and screening of superior genotypes would help in future suga...

Aryaf Mahmood Sabea1*, Majida A. Al-Qaiym2 

...dism in immune cells and its relationship with selenium supplement in vivo has not well explored. Accordingly the present study designed to elucidate role of selenium in immunosuppression of hypothyroidism rats. Forty four female Wister rats of 3-4 months aged were equally and randomly divided into 5 groups except the control, which contains 8 rats. The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th groups were subjected to hypothyroidism by oral intubation of 0.02% Methimazole daily...

Mustafa M. Khalaf*, Rana A. Salih 

... However, as a result of its serious negative consequences, including liver damage associated with oxidative stress, its therapeutic usage is restricted. The most potent antioxidant among flavonoid chemicals is quercetin, the aim of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of quercetin against cyclophosphamide. An explanation of quercetin’s hepatoprotective effects against cyclophosphamide-induced hepatotoxicit...
Qiangsheng Wu1, Yumei Yin2, Hui Gao1, Baoding Chen3, Jianjun Yu2, Jian Zhang4, Donglai Zhu5, Fang Liu6, Guohong Ge7 and Ya-Mei Dang8*
... the critical reason for its increasing mortality. In this study, a microarray containing 24 hepatocellular carcinoma patients’ tumor tissues were compared to 8 normal liver tissues to screen out the significant abnormal expressed genes. The potential interactions and mechanisms of these genes in promoting hepatocellular carcinoma were analyzed through bioinformatics analysis. The results showed that the functions of these 1495 differently expressed gene...
Mohamed I. El-Katcha1, Mosaad A. Soltan1, Seham M. El-Kassas2*, Mahmoud M. Arafa3, El-Sayed R. Kawarei 3, Karima M. El-Naggar1*
...rganic copper (CuO) with its organic or nano source on productive performance, egg quality and blood biochemical constituents of layers. Three hundred, 55 weeks old of Isa Brown hens were randomly allotted into 5 groups. First group received CuO at 8 mg/kg diet, while the second and third group supplemented with the organic form of Cu (copper polysaccharide complex) at 8 and 4 mg/kg diet, respectively. Fourth and fifth group received the Cu as nanoparticles (C...
... fish consumption due to its healthy and
nutritious characteristics. So, a simulated research was designed to study
consumer‘s attitude towards Wild-caught fish and Farm-raised fish in
district Bahawalpur, Punjab province, Pakistan. By using consumer‘s
survey data, analysis techniques were carried out to achieve attitude
measurement for a set of scales. Significant percentage effects were<...


...eded 13 times the WHO limits (50
μg/m3 24-hours mean value for PM10). It was noticed that many
anthropogenic activities like cleaning, cooking, movement of people and
smoking were the principal indoor sources of particulate pollution and
observed to have a significant impact on PM levels. The study is
significant for being the first of its kind, as previously no ...


thus rationalizes its use in traditional medicines for the cure of different
...l importance of milk and its
contamination through pesticides application. For this purpose, raw cow
milk samples from citrus plantation zone in district Sargodha were
collected and analyzed for the presence of deltamethrin and malathion
pesticides using HPLC technique. Results showed that 100 % of milk
samples were contaminated with pesticide residues. Maximum
concentration of malathion (...
...earning in Pakistan with its two main
academic campuses located in the city of Lahore. Besides several oncampus
plantations, PU has a dedicated botanical garden established in
1963. We documented all the tree species of the botanical garden and
both of the campuses through extensive surveys during 2014-15. A total
of 220 woody plant species belonging to 157 genera of 55 plant families

Salam N. Aritonang*, Elly Roza, Rizqan, Winda Habsani 

Zainab Sattar Ali* , Safa Azhar Razzaq , Layla Hammody Hashem 

...t made the evaluation of its toxicity an urgent requirement. This study designed to investigate the impact of Green synthesized of SeNps and prophylactic effects of L-Arginine and propolis for male reproductive system. The animals evenly partitioned to four groups; (G1) group: were received distilled water. (G2) group: were intubated 200mg/kg B.W of Black Tea Selenium Nanoparticles (BTSe), (G3) group: were intubated 200 mg/kg of (BTSe) + 200 mg/kg of L-Argini...

Nusrat Habiullah1*, Shah Nawaz Kumbar1, Fahmida Parveen Samo1, Shamusuddin Bughio2, Asghar Ali Kamboh3, Burirah Rehman Talpur1 

...ty on Japanese quail and its alleviation with dietary selenium. Thirty healthy Japanese quails at the age of about 3 to 4 weeks were divided into six groups viz., A (control group), B (selenium 1.0 mg/L), C (lead acetate 200 mg/L), D (lead acetate 400 mg/L ), E (lead acetate 200 + selenium 1.0 mg/L) and F (lead acetate 400 + selenium 1.0 mg/L). Both selenium and lead acetate were given by adding in the drinking water for 20 days. At the end of experiment, fo...

Abdul Latif Rind1*, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Rameez Raja Kaleri2,3, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi4, Raza Ali Mangi5, Muhammad Anees Memon6, Depeesh Kumar Bhuptani7, Sana Noor8, Zainab Lanjar9, Zahid Ali Mangrio10 and Abdul Wahid Solangi

...control measures to curb its propagation.


Qasim Ali1, Mudssar Ali1*, Muhammad Awais Ahmad1, Asif Sajjad2 and Shafqat Saeed fruit crop due to its rich content of essential vitamins such as C, B-complex, and flavonoids, which play a crucial role in maintaining a balanced human diet. The process of pollination, a vital ecosystem service, substantially contributes to enhancing the nutritional quality and yield of cross-pollinated fruits and vegetables. To evaluate the impact of bees and syrphid flies on enhancing the physical and biochemical ...

Shakirat Bolatito Ibrahim1, Raheem Olatunji Aminu1,2*, Aisha Olushola Arowolo1 and Adams Sanusi Musa1 society, extension visits, access to credit, remittances, and land ownership significantly influenced household dietary diversity status. In the logit model, age, household size, land ownership, cooperative society, extension visits, credit availability, land rights, and distance to medical centres are significantly correlated with food insecurity. Thus, policy strategies aimed at improving households’ access to fun...

Ali Mosa Rashid Al-Yasari1, Zahid I. Mohammed2, Haider S. Almnehlawi3,4, Ali F Bargooth5, Nawar Jasim Alsalih1, Huda F. Hasan6*, Mohenned A Alsaadawi1 

... milk group demonstrated its capacity to lessen the effects of STZ, but it did not completely eliminate the consequences of diabetes as there were still some disparities between the camel milk group and the control group. In conclusion, although camel milk didn’t completely restore the body’s health condition, our research showed that it significantly ameliorated the adverse effects caused by diabetes. 

Fariha Javaid1*, Zahoor Qadir Samra1, Madeeha Shahzad Lodhi1,2, Aroosha Hussain1 and Gulnaz Pervaiz1
...etergent industry due to its stability at a wide range of pH and temperature; results showed that stem BRM has the highest enzyme activity at 23.5 U/ml as compared to crown leaf (11.7 U/ml) and peel (19.5 U/ml). The specific activity of leaf, peel, and stem BRM was determined 0.8, 1.2, and 1.4 U/mg, respectively. Total protein content was 660 mg, 810 mg, and 865 mg from leaf, peel, and stem samples. The percentage yield of BRM was determined in the range of 60...

Erni Damayanti1, Herry Sonjaya2*, Sudirman Baco2 and Hasbi Hasbi2

...ed for 48 h. After that, its development was re-evaluated and H2O2 measurements were taken. The 2-cell embryo was not able to reach the morula, while stage 4-, 8- and 16-cell were able to develop to the morula stage as much as 6(9.83%), 5(12.83%) and 4(25%), respectively. The concentration of H2O2 in each group of cells did not differ significantly (P>0.05). However, the results of the correlation test between the H2O2 concentration and the embryo’s a...
Saad Ibrahim Al-Sultan1, Mariam H.E. Khedr2, Ahmed S. Abdelaziz3, Mostafa M. Abdelhafeez4, Tamer Mohamed Gad5, Sabry Mohamed El-Bahr6,7*, Sherief Abdel-Raheem1,8 and Hesham A. Khalifa3
...d maximum permissible limits (MPL) in 65%, 20%, and 70% of liver, kidney, and tongue samples collected from Egypt, while only 35%, and 20% of the Saudi liver and kidney samples exceeded MPL. Arsenic residue levels exceeded MPL in 50%, 50%, and 25% of the Egyptian liver, kidney, and tongue samples. None of the examined samples exceeded MPL for Pb, and Hg. Calculation of the hazard ratio (HR), and hazard index (HI) for Egyptian and Saudi adults and children indi...

Shafi Muhammad1, Bibi Nazia Murtaza2, Aftab Ahmad1, Muhammad Shafiq3, Nurul Kabir4 and Hamid Ali1*

...he network of IL-17A and its KEGG pathway related gene IDs were constructed using GeneMANIA and STRING online web tools. IL-17A serum levels were significantly higher in fibrotic patients compared to chronic HCV patients and showed a positive correlation with age. The constructed gene network revealed interactions between IL-17A and various other genes, especially chemokines. IHC analysis revealed significant changes in the architecture of liver especially an ...

Jaweria Iqbal1, Muhammad Tanveer Altaf2, Muhammad Faheem Jan3, Waqas Raza4*, Waqas Liaqat5, Ikram ul Haq6, Amna Jamil7, Sameer Ahmed1, Amjad Ali2 and Arif Mehmood8

...arieties with desired traits.


Al Salihi karima Akool1* , Almas. M. Al-Bayati2, Iman Mousa Khaleel3  

...ammary gland samples and its teats ( 8 SCPMG and 8 SCN-PMG) were collected from Al Muthanna abattoir. Gross examination, and full description were done and recorded. The samples were dissected and kept in a 10 % neutral buffered formalin. All samples were processed by histological technique and stained with Haematoxylin and Eosin. This study showed that SC’s udder appeared with four quarters, covered by brown to solid black tint skin. Both conical and cy...

Nur-E-Farjana Ilah1, Md. Joynal Abedin2, Esmout Jahan Alice1, Taiba Akter Laboni1, Mst. Shahinur Khatun1, Most. Shakila Sarmin1, Md. Ashekur Rahman1, Obaidur Rahman1, Md. Akhtarul Islam1, Muhammad Ali Fardoush Siddquy3 and Md. Yeamin Hossain1*

...tter understanding about its growth and health in this particular habitat. A total 100 individuals were collected from fishers catch during November 2021 to October 2022 by using traditional fishing gears such as trawl and gill nets (mesh size: 2-3 cm). Data showed that  TL was found to be  between 15 and 21 cm and the BW remained as 46 and 136 g. All LWRs had r2 values below 0.945 and were significant (P<0.001). The estimated allometric coefficie...

Aamir Ali, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Azizullah, Shaukat Ali, Muhammad Farooq Bhatti, Muhammad Summer and Ali Haidar Gormani

...tant plants including fruits, root bark, stem and leaves are of equal importance in terms of uses but their leaves are the most excessively used part. Traditionally leaves have been used in different folk remedies, dietary supplements and herbal medicine. Commercially these are used in sericulture to feed silkworms. Leaves are also used in Indian spices, poultry feed and to feed herbivores. Moreover, mulberry leaves are rich in medicinal potentials and found e...

Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad1*, Tehreem Shabbir1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2, Fatima Yasin1, Humayoun Huma Maqbool1, Aasia Karim3

...on of diets, to evaluate its effects on the carcass composition, immunity, and mineral absorption in common carp. Six experimental diets using BM as an alternative protein source containing different graded levels of BM (0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, and 50%) were prepared. Three replicates were used for each treatment having fifteen fingerlings per tank. Fingerlings were fed at the rate of 4% wet weight twice a day for 70 days. The results revealed that C. carpio f...

Slamet Widodo1*, Mohammad Ikhsan Shiddieqy1, Teguh Wahyono2, Yeni Widiawati1, Zultinur Muttaqin1

... plants, each possessing its own characteristic physical and biological traits that contribute to its individual ability to adapt, grow, and produce. While some generalizations can be made, it is vital to recognize the quality differences between various plant species and even different cultivated varieties. This   study was conducted to evaluate the relationship between nutrient...

Mohammed M. Jassim, Mohammed R. Abduljaleel*, Zainab B. Abdulkareem, Noor H. Sanad, Ibrahim M.H. Alrashid

...ys-period in control rabbits (n = 5) and the rabbits that have been exposed to the SMF (300 gauss) (n = 5). The healing of the bones has been assessed through the quantitative and qualitative evaluation of the serial radiographs each couple of weeks. The histopathological study has been carried out as well on the osteotomized femor upon the completion of experimental time. The radiographic recovery of the osteotomy sites was...

Arief1*, Roni Pazla2

...;s milk is influenced by its content. Forage is the main element that forms milk fat. We aimed to enhance the production of FCM (Fat-Corrected Milk) in Etawa crossbreed goats through the use of a mixture of high-quality forages such as Mirasolia diversifolia (Md), Indigofera zoolingeriana (Iz), and Gliricidia sepium (Gs) with palm concentrate (PC). We used a completely randomized design, implementing four treatments with four replicates as follows: Treatment T...

Nguyen Thi Thu Hien1, Dong Huu Rin2, Nguyen Xuan Hoa1, Le Viet Tuan Khanh2, Phung Thang Long1*, Dinh Thi Bich Lan1

... BL21(DE3), and evaluate its antigenicity as a base for further studies to against M. hyopneumoniae. The gene encoding M. hyopneumoniae P36 protein isolated from DNA of fresh lung tissue samples from PEP infected pigs was cloned into pGEM®-T Easy vector for sequencing, and then was inserted into pET28a vector to express the protein. The cloning result revealed that the gene encoding the M. hyopneumoniae P36 protein was 432 bp in length, and 99.07% similari...

Hamdy Abdala El-Nagar1, Abdelaziz Mohamed Elhais2, Ayman Hassan Abd El-Aziz3, Wael Mohamed Wafa1, Mohamed Sobhy Elsayed Farrag2, Moataz Ibrahim Badawy1, Safaa Elsayed Salah Atia2

...tment could increase profits by reducing morbidity, diarrhea cases, and mortality, and improving the performance of breeding male calves during suckling and the early post-weaning period. 
Keywords | Friesian-calves, Propolis, Thyme, Immunoglobulins, Hematology, Blood constituents

Sri Suharyati, Tiwi Aries Pani, Akhmad Dakhlan, Syahrio Tantalo, Kusuma Adhianto*

Sajid Mehmood Shahzad

...tential and the state of its seaweed trade.

Salma Sharif1, Rana Arsalan Javaid2*, Abid Majeed2, Muhammad Shahzad Ahmed2, Qurat ul Ain Sani2, Faiza Siddique2, Muhammad Arshad3 and Niaz Ali

... all the quantitative traits as days to heading, days to maturity, plant height, number of tillers, panicle length, flag leaf area, leaf length, culm length, culm diameter, number of grains per panicle, grain length, grain diameter, chlorophyll content, net differential vegetation index, thousand grain weight and grain yield. The overall mean for Grain yield ranged from 1.71 tons/ha to 6.18 tons/ha. Grand mean of all genotypes for Grain yield was 4.1 tons/ha. ...

Sona Salem El-Nwehy1*, Assem Abbas Mohammed El-Naggar2 and Adel Badr El-Nasharty1

...K exhibited similar benefits, according to the findings in obtaining the highest percentage of increase, especially in the following traits: leaf area, Days to first floret opening, Fresh weight of florets/spik, new corm diameter, new corm fresh weight, chlorophyll and the content of N, P, K, Fe, Mn, and Zn in leaves. It was concluded that using 2% EM1 in combination with either 75 percent or 100 percent NPK significantly im...

Muhammad Raza Salik1, Muhammad Babar Shahzad Afzal1,2*, Ayesha Komal3, Muhammad Nawaz Khan1, Muhammad Ihsan Ullah4, Faheem Altaf5, Akbar Hayat1 and Hira Tariq1

... effect was observed. Fruits obtained in the year 1 (2012) did not differ in weight but in the second year (2013) plants of T1 yielded fruits of significantly less weight. Significantly less number of seeds/fruit was found in plants grown at a distance of 10` × 10` as compared to others. Plants grown at 22` × 22` distance yielded more fruits as compared to others with less spac...

Michelle Anne Diano1,2, Loel Dalan1,2, Neil Pep Dave Sumaya3 and Nanette Hope Sumaya1,2*

...tions, thereby extending its geographic distribution and habitat range.


Mahfouz M.M. Abd-Elgawad 

...e metrics. Yet, their merits and demerits, discussed herein, should be considered by researchers and stakeholders. As they should be tailored to fit the intended goal of application, related modifications to derive more accurate and appropriate conclusions for nematode management are reviewed in this study. For instance, iteration improved sample size of Meliodogyne incognita to be 389 instead of 402 using the same assumptio...

Muhammad Salman1*, Naveed Ahmed2, Mir Manzar Ud Din3, Fazli Amin4 and Arsalan Ali5

...t mulberry varieties and its effect on their cocoon characters during spring and autumn silkworm rearing seasons 2022. The study comprised of thirty number of larvae and cocoons of Chinese C-21 strain. The parameters that were studied in the present experiment and recorded were weight of full-grown larvae (1.4-3.6 gm), length of larvae (49-67 mm), cocoon weight with floss (0.34-2.3 gm), cocoon weight without floss (0.32-1.76 gm), cocoon shell weight (0.16-0.83...

Nurul Fajrih1,2, Komang Gede Wiryawan1*, Sumiati1 and Suraya Kaffi Syahpura3

...banana corm and evaluate its potential as a prebiotic in vitro. Extraction activities were carried out by maceration with a ratio of 1: 10, namely 200 g of banana corm flour and 2 liters of aquadest by chromatographic column elution using ethanol as the mobile phase and diaion as the stationary phase. Further tested to determine the content of glucomannan in the extract. The extract was tested as carbon source for lactic acid bacteria (L. plantarum and L. rham...

Retno Setyaningsih1, Sri Murtini2*, I Wayan Teguh Wibawan2, Surachmi Setiyaningsih2, Ekowati Handharyani3

...ntibodies to RHDV in rabbits without vaccination indicates exposure to the virus. Thus, this study aims to investigate the presence of RHDV antigen in asymptomatic seroconverted RHDV rabbits in West Bandung District, West Java Province, Indonesia also to see the relevance of seroconversion within rabbit’s profile. Liver, intestines, and faeces were collected purposively from seroconverted rabbi...

Nurul Isnaini*, Dedes Amertaningtyas, Hanief Eko Sulistyo, Aulia Puspita Anugra Yekti, Faizal Andri

...gate the reproduction traits of eggiest of black soldier flies (Hermetia Illucens) in different enriched media and its potential as a poultry feed. A total of 1000 one-day-old eggiest were weighed (pool of 200 eggiest per single weight), randomly divided into groups of five and allocated in 5 bio ponds (12 cm x 15 cm x 10 cm) (5 replicated per dietary treatments). The treatments enriched media was formulated as follows: T0: ...

Hermawan Setyo Widodo1,2*, Tridjoko Wisnu Murti1, Ali Agus1, Ambar Pertiwiningrum1

...reveal the variation and its expression in those breeds. RFLP-PCR (XmnI) was applied to identify A, F, and N alleles with AS-PCR for the E allele on 44 PE, 121 SA, and 15 SP does then sequencing. SDS-PAGE fractionated then quantified the milk proteins from 34 PE, 57 SA, and 15 SP does. The study found the A allele was predominate followed by F and N on PE and SA. However, the SP goat only has A and F alleles in equal frequency, and the E allele was only found ...

Raed Hussein Salih Rabee1, Yahya Sabah Abdulameer1, Walla Farhan Obed1, Noor R Abady1, Adnan Mansour Jasim1*, Firas Hussein Albawi1, Mohammed Jasim Jawad2, Ahmed Samir Abukhomra3

...ering from diarrhea, and its isolation was confirmed by culturing it on MacConkey agar medium. In this study, a total of one hundred chicken chicks were reared, and on the tenth day of the experiment, they were divided into five equal groups:NCG: This group represented the control and was given normal drinking water. T1: The chickens in this group were orally inoculated with E. coli at a dose of 0.5 ml containing 6x108 CFU/ml of E. coli. T2: The chickens in th...
Rusli Tonda1, Lili Zalizar1*, Wahyu Widodo1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi1, David Hermawan1, Damat Damat1, Zane Vincēviča-Gaile2, Irum Iqrar3, Trias Agung Pakarti4,5, Shazma Anwar6 and Wirawan Wira7
...quo; palatability to see its chance to substitute corn and rice bran with an experimental design of three replications employing three treatments of corn (T1), “aking rice” (T2), and rice bran (T3). Broiler chickens aged 35 d with an average body weight of 1 870 g were involved – each treatment unit was of three, making a total of 27 chickens. Data gained from the experiment were run through one-way ANOVA, followed by an LSD test should any d...

Qi Jiayi1, Huang XuMiao2, Lin Wei3, Ao YaHui3, Zhao Wenting2* and Cao Chunhao3*

...lncRNA signatures formed its structure. In addition, in virtue of gene ontology (GO) and KEGG pathway enrichment analysis genes were given functional identification. In total, there were 102 differentially expressed immune-related lncRNAs which were identified, and there were four genes (USP30-AS1, U62317.1, ZEB1-AS1 and MIR205HR) which were screened from the gene signature to form a prognostic signature model. Based on the survival analysis results, patients ...

Abir Ishtiaq1*, Abdul Ghaffar2, Maria Younas1, Tasveer Ishtiaq1, Zara Naeem3 and Muhammad Naeem4*

...mposition is crucial for its maximal consumption.


Afshan1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Rafiq Ullah1, Tahira Tayyab1, Fatima Syed3, Raheela Taj3, Shumaila Gul4, Faiza Khan5, Ibad Ullah Jan6, Syed Weqas Ali7 and Assad Ullah8 

... commercially available kits. The current study resulted that selenium supplementation improved(P≤0.05) the catalase level in the liver and muscles which fight against the free radical and reduce oxidative stress. In the blood serum the catalase and Malondialdehyde (MDA) both shows significant (P≤0.05). In conclusion I assume that 0.3mg/kg of selenium supplementation in redox status and thyroid hormone show better results in comparison to the control gro...

Hafiz Nawaz1*, Kashaf Nawaz2, Attiq ur Rehman1, Muhammad Bashir3, Mussera Hira2 and Mariyam Nawaz4

... Thus, mungbean viral traits, differentiating features, and dispersion must be studied critically. Mungbean Yellow Mosaic Disease (MYMD) is a whitefly-transmitted viral disease. Infected plants have uneven yellow-green spots. Diseased plants develop late and produce few flowers and pods. MYMD causes 85% of economic losses. Begomovirus is a Begomovirus. DNA-A and DNA-B make up its single-stranded genome. The virus’s vir...

Sajida Batool1, Mubeen Akhtar1, Shafaat Yar Khan1,2*

...ating factor, which inhibits cell death and enhance the persistence of mega-karyocytes, macrophages and mast cell specifically in stress condition. This research is first contribution to find correlation of IL3 with hematological aspects in polycystic females.

Javed Iqbal*, Mamoona Hanif, Nadia Hussain Ahmad, Amna Bibi, Zaib-un-Nisa and Sadia Kanwal

... a deleterious impact on its formation. The goal of the current study was to investigate the genetic foundation of upland cotton’s heat tolerance. On the basis of CMT%, canopy temperature, seed cotton production, node number of first fruiting branch, days to first effective boll, heat index (HI), and heat tolerance index (HTI), fifty upland cotton genotypes were screened against high temperatures. Based on the traits u...

Waqas Ahmad*, Muhammad Naeem

... notopterus and analysed its genetic diversity. For the purpose of identification 15 specimens of N. notopterus were collected from Satluj, Ravi, Indus, Jehlum and Chenab rivers of Pakistan and barcoded with mitochondrial COI gene. BLAST analysis confirmed 100% identity of Notopterus notopterus with reference sequences belonging to NCBI GenBank database. Genetic diversity was analysed by using PCR amplification of 75 specimens of N. notopterus with five RAPD m...

Wenxiao Jia1*, Yilinuer Yilihamu1, Yunling Wang1, Shuang Ding1, Dilinuerkezi Aihemaiti1, Hanjiaerbieke Kukun1 and Yanhui Ning2

...aorta of New Zealand rabbits. The experimental New Zealand rabbits were fed adaptively for one week before being punctured through the abdominal aorta with a balloon to injure the intima. Vitamin D (1.5 mL/kg) was administered one week after the surgical model was completed. Following injection, the animals were fed a high-fat diet for 16 weeks. High-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (HR-MRI) and a histology-based method...

Frah R Kbyeh1*, Ahmed N. Abedsalih2 

...resented study, all rabbits, forty-eighth adult female rabbit aged (6-8 weeks) and weighing between (1500 and 2000) gm., was randomly divided into six equal groups(8/each) groups injection 0.1 ml in 1 x 109 CFU Escherichia coli 0157: H7 by urinary catheterization route excepting in negative control and all groups resulted in a significant increase in urea creatinine, sodium, Potassium, chloride concentration in the blood after three days comparison with n...

Zain Ali1, Amjed Ali1, Bilal Ahmad Khan1*, Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Muhammad Asif1, Adnan Ashraf1, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Iram Inayat2, Aneela Nijabat3 and Rameez Hussain3,4

Hafiza Mehwish Iqbal1, Salman Khurshid1*, Saqib Arif1, Qurrat-ul-Ain Akbar1, Saba Iqbal2, Shahid Yousaf3, Kainat Qureshi1, Abdul Karim Khan5, Abdul Ahad6, Aqeel Ahmed Siddique4 and Neelofar Hamid7

... better results and benefits to society and human safety. Use of medicinal plants for antimicrobial and secondary metabolites activities has gained tremendous attention from researchers. 


Abdul Hayee Gabol1, Arfan Ahmed Gilal1*, Lubna Bashir Rajput1, Jamal-U-Ddin Hajano2, Muhammad Ishaque Mastoi3, Ghulam Qader Mangrio1 and Jam Ghulam Mustafa Sahito4

...kistan, where studies on its biology and management are lacking. Therefore, studies were conducted to determine the relative resistance of widely grown hybrid (Rota F1, Early King, G1612, NAGA F1 and T-1057) and local tomato varieties (Desi Local and Shimlo) of Sindh, Pakistan against T. absoluta. All the varieties grown with standard agronomic practices as data on infestation of T. absoluta was taken weekly since the fifteen days of tomato transplanting depen...

Muhammad Nauman Arif1, Muhammad Mansha1* and Tanveer Hussain2

...ecies in Pakistan due to its meat, skin and antlers, but there are insufficient molecular data, provoking us to explore its genetic variation and phylogenetic analysis using ATPase 6/8 genes of mitochondrial DNA. The blood samples from hog deer were collected and DNA was extracted by using in-house organic methods. PCR was used to amplify a total of 880 bp of overlapping genes, which were then sequenced. Bioedit software was...

Jasir Hakim Hidayah1,2, Yos Adi Prakoso2, Sitarina Widyarini3* 

...cation of this fruit and its processing product must be elucidated. 


Yanmei Wang1,2, Haoyun Li1, Lijuan Han1 and Wenkui Wang1*

... and gene expressions in its downstream signal pathways need to be studied to explore the mechanism of MIF participating in PH. In this study, 4-5 weeks broilers with clinical PH were collected as experimental (PH) group, while the healthy broilers were taken as control group. The related mRNA expression levels were determined by qRT-PCR. The protein expressions and distributions were detected by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. The results showed th...
Hyun-Su Hwang1, Jae-Kang Lee2, Tae-Kyung Eom2, Seung-Hun Son3, Dong-Ho Lee2, Hyeongyu Ko2 and Shin-Jae Rhim2*
...mine the frequency of visits, duration of stay at the feeder, frequency of pecking on food items, and number of consumed food items. Moreover, social behaviors were analyzed. In this study, we used peanuts as high-fat food type. Peanuts were consumed at the highest frequency by marsh tits (Poecile palustris), great tits (Parus major), and Eurasian nuthatches (Sitta europaea). In addition, ...

Muhammad Ayub1*, Syed Arif Husain Rizvi2, Ishtiaq Hussain3, Musa Ali Hashmi4, Iqbal Hussain5, Shahid Hussain1, Zakir Hussain1 and Rehmat Kabir6 

...t-Baltistan). Currently, its management relies on the use of synthetic chemical insecticides. The massive use of these synthetic chemical insecticides results in environmental pollution. Therefore, combining integrated pest management strategies is considered a practical approach to control this pest. During 2019-20, the individual and combined effects of cultural control techniques including soil racking, egg burning, and egg removal from stem crevices, were ...

Amna Ali Mohammed Makoof Zabanoot, Al Wafaa Ahmed Suhail Qatan, Amal Salim Mahad Hubais, Khadijah Hamid Musallam Bait Said and Selvaraju Sivamani*

...conditioner and evaluate its effectiveness for the growth of the green gram (Vigna radiata) plant. The soil samples were collected from eastern (16.9931° N, 54.7028° E) and western (16.7118° N, 53.1857° E) mountainous ranges of Dhofar Governorate, Oman. Soil and rejected lime samples were evaluated for pH, electrical conductivity, particle size, moisture. In addition, the collected soil samples were mixed with various proportions of rejected li...

Ahmed H. El-Anwar, Eid A. Mabrouk, Khaled M. Ali, Nermeen A. Helmy, Rehab M. Reda* 

... growing V-line male rabbits. A total of 45 V-line were randomly separated into 3 equal groups; the first group (acted as control) was fed on a plain ration, and the two other groups (second and third groups) were nourished for 3 months on a plain diet supplemented with 60 mg ZnO/ kg and 60 mg n-ZnO/ kg, respectively. Growth performances; body weight (BW), body weight gain (BWG), food consumption (FC), and food conversion ratio (FCR), as well as serum levels ...

Aniqa Nasir1, Rashid Masih1, Shazma Massey1*, Laiba Arshad2, Sabi Ur Rehman2, Irva Waqar1 and Anwar Khalid3

...erent wound dressing and its stability is determined by thermal analysis by using advanced isoconversional method. Isoconversional method is used to determine kinetic triplet including activation energy, pre-exponential factor and mechanism of thermal degradation. The prepared dressings were subjected to thermal analysis. Thermogravimetric analysis showed that the degradation of wound dressing occurs at 225˚C - 400˚C. Thus, the dressing was found to be stabl...

Khanitta Pengmeesri1,2* Thassawan Somchan1 , Doungnapa Promket1,3 

...or 10 and 12 weeks. CBN hits market weight (around 1.2 kg) in the tenth week, while YWN takes 12 weeks. At both weeks, ten chickens from each breed were randomly selected per 5 cages and slaughtered. Post-carcass dressing, breast and thigh sections were hermetically sealed and stored at -30°C for four weeks, followed by thawing at 4°C for 24 hours. The assessment covers thaw, cooking, and drip losses, along with shear force measurements. Muscle fibers ...

Sara H. Zughayyar*, Amer H. Gyad 

...of Prosopis farcta L. fruits demonstrated promising antidiarrheal activity, potentially due to the phytochemical constituents identified, warranting further research for clinical applications. 


Muhammad Farooq Bhatti1, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir1*, Aamir Ali1, Hooria Ashraf Khan1, Rabia Fajar Ali2, Ayesha Muzamil1, Fariha Munir3, Fatima Ijaz1, Rizwan Khurshid3

...ological and economic traits at optimum conditions. The silkworm eggs were hatched at a range of temperatures (21-30°C) and humidity levels of 75-80-% and 80-85% respectively. The silkworms hatched at optimal conditions were provided variable meals and the leaves consumption rate was calculated. In a separate experiment, the 5th instar silkworm larvae were assessed for biological and economic traits. The results of this ...

Agha Mushtaque Ahmed1*, Ali Zachi Abdul Qadeer Alhilifi2, Fahad Nazir Khoso1, Muhammad Ibrahim Kubar1, Tehniyat Naz Shah3 and Touseef Ahmed1

...gricultural crops due to its polyphagous nature. The plants on which it feeds possess variable chemical and physical properties which may influence its biology particularly for growth and reproduction. This study evaluated the growth and fecundity of S. frugiperda on artificial diets. The FAW larvae were reared on two distinct composed artificial diets (bean D1 and chickpea flour D2) and one natural diet D3 (fresh and health...

Sidra Hafeez1, Tayyaba Sanaullah2, Hafsa Naeem3, Mah Noor Hassan4, Muttalib5, Farhana Kausar6, Muhammad Salman Hameed7*, Muhammad Anayat Ullah8, Abdul Samad9, Memoona Bashir10 and Sadaf Shabbir11

Hafsa Saeed, Soumble Zulfiqar, Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan and Abdul Rauf Shakoori*

...robacteriaceae. However, its role has not yet been explored in K. pneumoniae. This study focused on molecular characterization of ZntR, a transcriptional regulator of znt operon. The minimum inhibitory concentration of zinc, lead and cadmium were 10, 10 and 4 mM, respectively against K. pneumoniae KW. The strain also exhibited metal uptake and storage ability. Having amplified and cloned zntR gene, expressed and purified ZntR protein showed binding with zntA p...
Hina Mumtaz, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed*, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Arshad, Arif Mehmood and Muhammad Qasim
...information available on its susceptibility to insecticides in Pakistan. We evaluated selective synthetic insecticides with different modes of action to control S. frugiperda larvae in the laboratory as well as under semi-field and field conditions. All insecticides performed well in controlling S. frugiperda larvae under laboratory conditions. Though, chlorantraniliprole @ 50 mL/100L (58.0–100%), abamectin @ 400 mL/100L (56.0–100%), lambda-cyhalot...

Siswanto Imam Santoso*, Agus Setiadi, Maulina Syafa’ati Ningrum 

...r farm and BRI Bank deposits


Khansa Jamil1, Muhammad Ramzan Khan1, Asad Jan2 and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

...stem was used to examine its antibacterial activity and phytochemical screening. Antibacterial assay was carried out by well diffusion method. A maximum number of compounds were eluted by methanolic extract by thin-layer chromatography and a total of 70 compounds were identified by GC-MS analysis. The phytochemical screening showed that the methanolic extract of the whole plant was rich in alkaloids and tannins. Zones of inhibition around the bacterial colonie...

Muhammad Afzal1, Muhammad Ashraf Sumrah2*, Azhar Hussain2, Zoma Saleem2, Syed Hamza Mehfooz2 and Javeria Sherani3

...ducers. It is famous for its dietary and economic benefits all over the world. Field experiences and literature reveals that avocado varieties behave differently in different locations. These studies were conducted for standardization of promising commercial variety of avocado for cultivation in Punjab. Avocado varieties Murree Gola and Ceylon blue were tested in different locations for their performance. Data was collected ...

Nusirat Aderinsola Sadiku1, Oluwatoyin Adenike Fabiyi2* and Tesleem Taye  Bello

... pests of many crops but its nematicidal potential is yet to be fully determined. We, therefore, investigated the nematicidal activities of Bamboo Pyroligneous Liquor in managing root-knot nematodes of Lactuca sativa in greenhouse trials. Bambusa vulgaris biomass was carbonised at 500 oC in a locally fabricated pyrolizer with automatic temperature control to obtain the Bamboo Pyroligneous Liquor (BPL). Two weeks old lettuce plants were inoculated with 1,000 ju...

Shu-Zhi Qin, Wen-Pei Ling, Mei-Fang Yin, Chun-Yu Luo and Cheng-Guo Zhao*

...enation (H/R) injury and its effect on MAPK signal pathway to reveal the mechanism of PF against myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury, in this study, the H/R model of H9C2 cells was established by hypoxia for 3 h and reoxygenation for 3 h. H9C2 cells were divided into 4 groups, the control, PF + control group, H/R group and H/R + PF group. The activities of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) were measured by colorimetry; Apoptos...
Xiao-Wei Huang1,2, Mei-Li Liu1, Jin-Ji Wang1, Yue-Xin Liu3, Zhe Lin1, Chun-Shu Rong4* and Ji-Xiang Ren4*
...s of MCI model rats, and its mechanism may be related to the regulation of PI3K, Akt and mTOR expression levels in the hippocampus of rats. This study provides a basis for further development and utilization of VAP and a better understanding of its mechanism of improving MCI.


Yu Song1*, Yueping Wei2 and Peng Wang3

... widespread interest for its potential to control soil-borne diseases, improve soil quality and increase rice yields. Therefore, it is necessary to further explore its mechanism. In this study, the samples of different growth stages of rice, including tillering stage (TS), jointing stage (JS), heading stage (HS) and mature stage (MS) were collected to analyze the impact on the community composition, diversity and functional ...

Nguyen Huu Van1*, Nguyen Thi Mui1, Dinh Van Dung1, Van Ngoc Phong1, Tran Ngoc Long1, Le Tran Hoan1, Le Duc Thao1, Vo Thi Minh Tam1, Ngo Mau Dung1, Bui Van Loi1, Nguyen Xuan Ba1, Ton Nu Minh Thi2, Nishino Naoki2

Abida Mushtaque1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1, Aamir Ghafoor1*, Wasim Shehzad2 and Nadeem Ahmad3

...pticemia (HS) because of its immunogenic nature. Pasteurella multocida has economic importance because of endemic and epizootic diseases in domestic and wild animals. This bacterium is an opportunistic pathogen of upper respiratory tracts of wild and domestic animals and birds as well as in livestock . The ompH gene was amplified with in-house designed primers, the amplified gene (1002 bp) was cloned into pET 40-b (+) vector and transformed into E. coli BL21 (...

Dan Song1,2, Ming-Juan Ge3, Jie Li1,2, Yi Jiang1, Xiu-Mei Kong1, Jiao-Jiao Xu1, Xu Ji1,2, Rui-Xin Shi1 and Qin Zhao1,2*

... anti-hypoxia effects of its ethanol extract. Three extract methods were employed to evaluate the best extraction methods. Male Kunming specific pathogen-free (SPF) mice were randomly divided into blank control, model (hypoxia), positive (propranolol 30 mg/kg + hypoxia), and three G. straminea ethanol extracts dose groups (10, 5 and 2.5 g/kg respectively + hypoxia), administered intragastrically once a day for 14 consecutive days. After that, multiple hypoxia ...
Muhammad Furqan1*, Zulfiqar Ali1, Muhammad Mudassar Shahzad2, Rida Ahmad1, Faraz Akrim3, Imad-ul-Din Zangi4
...nd the information about its habitat characteristics and suitability is lacking. In the current study, presence of kalij pheasant was recorded from 166 sites of Mirpur Division Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan. The maximum abundance was recorded at Gaian site (2.33/ha). Estimation of Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) from 166 sites revealed that ten sites fell under the category of highly suitable habitat based on parameters including water, food, vegetation, di...

Farhana Umer1, Muhammad Sheryar2 and Sangam Khalil3*

...ns then to consumers and its own environment is tremendous. Among various hazards, the overhead wires associated with power lines are the most fatal hazard to birds. The power lines and poles have caused fatal risks for birds and have affected their habitats significantly. Dangerous types of power poles in the middle voltage lines which have small distances between the lines and short insulators cause short-circuits between ...

Milena Vlahovic*, Dragana Matic, Marija Mrdakovic, Larisa Ilijin, Anja Grcic, Aleksandra Filipovic, Jelica Lazarevic and Vesna Peric-Mataruga

...reatment at 30 μg and its three-day recovery. The PMM reduction during acute treatments is a consequence of cadmium action, while in chronic treatment, the genetic factor (egg mass) plays a crucial role in the change of PMM. According to the index of plasticity, distinct phenotypes were not produced. Significant correlations were shown between PMM and trypsin (Tryp) and leucine aminopeptidases (LAP) at acute and chronic treatment with higher cadmium concent...

Abdul Aziz1,2, Hamad Bin Rashid1*, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Asim Khalid Mahmood1, Ayesha Hassan1, Hamid Akbar1, Sadaf Imran1, Naveed Hussain1, Muhammad Umar1, Muhammad Asif1, Sajjad Javaid1 and Mamoona Chaudhry3

...panded stem cells due to its quick availability for clinical use and easy preparation. Burn wounds are a serious problem faced by veterinary clinicians in various animals. In this regard, the study was planned for the preparation and characterization of SVF from the adipose tissue of rabbits. Twelve healthy rabbits having body weight of 1000-1500g and of the same age were included in this ...

Usama Mahalel1, Barakat M. Alrashdi1, Ibrahim Abdel-Farid1, Sabry El-Naggar2, Mohamed Hassan3, Hassan Elgebaly1 and Diaa Massoud1,4*

...ryanthemum forsskalii fruits extract against the hepatotoxicity of carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) in mice at two different doses (low; 100 mg/kg BW and high; 500 mg/kg BW). The obtained results showed that CCl4 injection significantly reduced the body weights of mice and increased the relative liver weight. Treatment with M. forsskalii extract after CCl4 injection restores the weights of mice to the normal range and reduced the relative weight of the liver. Mice ...

Aleena Kokab1, Ali Ahmad Sheikh1*, Masood Rabbani1, Wasim Shehzad2, Muhammad Ilyas Riaz1, Sohail Raza1 and Rida Haroon Durrani1

... reduction of 1.47 log units and 2.72 log units at MOI 100 and 10,000, respectively with greater MOI providing greater reduction. For standardizing the use of bacteriophages, physiological characterization is a crucial constraint. Owing to the strong lytic regime and spectrum, bacteriophages proved to be ideal for their use as an alternative or addition to conventional antimicrobials used in the food industry.


Mohammed A. Ali1*, Firas A. Alhasson1, Thaer A. Mohsin2 

...pithelial cells covering its anterior surface. Unlike terrestrial animals, the posterior sclera was made up of a cartilaginous cup contained in a collagenous matrix. The retina was avascular, and the layers of the retina were arranged in a normal vertebrate pattern. 


Khalid Ali Khan1,2,3* and Hamed A. Ghramh1,2,4

... diverse landscapes with its own specific vegetation. The country-specific vegetative diversity has a great ecological and economic impact on the conservation of local fauna. It has huge potential for the sustainable beekeeping industry if properly exploited. Beekeeping in Pakistan is mainly focused in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, central and northern regions of Punjab provinces but nowadays it is growing rapidly across the country. Three native species of honey bees i...
Kanwal Nisa1, Sadia Roshan1, Shazia Shamas1,2*, Raheela Atta Mustafa3, Shamaila Irum1, Kalsoom Sughra4 and Memoona Iqbal1 
Annum Razzaq1*, Zia Ullah2, Arooj Naseer1 and Abdul Nasir Khalid1
...ave been used to amplify its ITS region of nrDNA and sequenced for phylogenetic analyses. This genus is a new record for Pakistan.

Rizki Dwi Setiawan1, Zurmiati2, Wizna2, Ridho Kurniawan Rusli2, Ade Trisna3, Surya Aulia4 

Adnan I Khamis1, Jasim Mohammed Saleh2*, Najwa Ali3 and Anwer T Gaffoori2

...he Fallujah district and its sub-districts through eight areas that represent the focus of capacity development (economic capabilities, social capabilities, administrative capabilities, knowledge and skill capabilities, problem-solving ability, and adaptation). With the work environment, marketing capabilities, and the ability to create and excel), the study also aimed to identify the determinants that hinder work in agricultural projects. The number is (235) ...

Khalid Alhudaib

...n 1.6 million tons of fruits annually. Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV), Prune dwarf virus (PDV) and Plum Pox virus (PPV) are the most important and common viruses infecting stone fruit trees in nearby countries, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Egypt. In spring 2009, field surveys were carried out in an area of stone fruit production (Al Juof- North of Saudi Arabia) to record virus incidence of stone fruit trees. Apricots and peaches were observed showing ch...
Elamien***, Mohammed; Kotob**, Nahla S.; Elsayed*, Eltayeb A.; Ragab, Yasser M. and Mourad, Fathia E.
...vaccine is still keeping its potency after being exposed to storage and transportation conditions. Several fixed, outreach and mobile immunization clinics were selected from all Red Sea State localities. Fifty seven bOPV samples and fifty seven topV samples were taken during NIDs campaign in February 2010 and June 2010 respectively, and their potency were tested by the determination of a cell culture infective dose 50% (CCID50) in Hep-2 Cincinnati cell line an...

Ibrahim l , Madiha Salah and Ikuta 2, Kazuyoshi

...linical specimens due to its high specificity. Additionally, an advantage over the other kit is specifically reacting with viruses of avian origin but not human or even swine origin, thus proving worthy for discriminating influenza A infections.


Mansour, Abeer E.M.; Khodeir, M.H. and Hussein, A.M.H.•

...d cell 1 division due to its of amino acid content and accordingly increased the available cell number for virus replication. There will be a need to more research to investigate the effect of CaC12 and MSG on the immune response of vaccinated animals with FMD vaccine including such materials and their effect on the vaccine stability.


Wisit Ketpanyapong1, Kulisara Marupanthorn2* 

...traditional medicine for its multiple bioactive components beneficial to animals and humans. However, the effects of Moringa oleifera leaf extract (MOLE) supplementation on growth performance and intestinal morphology in weaned pigs are poorly understood. This study examined the effects of MOLE supplementation (250 mg/kg or 500 mg/kg diet) on 144 Duroc × Landrace × Large White weaned pigs over a 5-week period. The results of this study showed that ...

Sofyl *, A.R.; Soliman , A.M.; Mousal, A.A. and El-Dougdoug , Kh.A.

...RNA was determined using its primary sequence at 370C. The sequence appeared to fold into a rod-like structure at -122.1 kcal mol-I while CCaVd-EG at -120.5 kcal mol-I. lhe five domains of the rod-like structure were determined. The sequence variations between Egyptian cit-us gummy bark isolate and Egyptian citrus cachexia isolate in the pathogenic domain (P) tend to influence the pathogenicity of the HSVd-EG. Finally, the genetic diversity and evaluation of e...

Rabia Anjum

...tic approach to minimize its progression. This review focuses on the understanding of disease, hypothesis and treatment of disease to slow its progression. 
Novelty Statement | Amidst the challenges posed by the current medications, the narrative extends into the realm of experimental drug therapy, shedding light on the potential breakthroughs, such as aducanum...

Iftikhar Alam1*, Sumbal Ali1, Anwar Ali Shad2, Aneela Tahmeed1, Hafsa Nawaz1, Shumail Bakht1 and Muhammad Farooq3*

...nt of a health story for its literary attributes. Following a comprehensive literature search, an initial twenty-one-item scale was developed and was subjected for content validation to a panel of experts (n=30). The pre-validation version of the scale contained 21 items. However, the final version of the scale was reduced to 15 items as six items were removed and/or merged together. Content validity index showed that the “item content validity-index&rdq...

Abo Elmagd l , Enas K.; Abdel-Wahab l , Kouka S.; Alrasheedy l , Zeinab E. and Khalifa2, Ahmed S.

...ssion. Commercial ELISA kits for IgG, IgM, IgA anti-HCV epitopes and RT-PCR kits were used according to kit instructions. Dot ELISA for detection of HCV antigen in infants PBNINC lysates was an in house test. Previous exposure to HCV infection indicated by antibodies to the HCV six epitopes was detected in 8/61 (13%) mothers. Active HCV infection by anti-core and HCV-RNA detection was 5/8 (62.5%). All mother samples were neg...

El.-Kadyl, M.A.S; Badr2, A.B.; zein3, Saiwa N. and Khalifa4, M.A.A.

...ufficient quantities for its antiserum production. The absorption spectrum of the purified virus had a min at 245nm and a max at 260 nm. The A260/280, A280/260 and Amax/min ratios were 1.30, 0.76 and 1.29, respectively. The estimated yield of the purified virus was 3.35 mg/100 g leaf tissues. Electron micrographs of the purified virus preparation revealed the presence of filamentous flexuous virus particles about 730-745nm long. Antiserum obtained after the se...

Ahmed, AmalA.; Zein, Salwa N. and Khatab, Eman A. H.

.... CeMV was identified by its host range, symptom expression, modes of transmission and particle morphology.  CeMV able to infect only 20 plant species and varieties from 22 tested by mechanical inoculation. The virus was transmitted in a non-persistent manner using Myzus persicae Sulz. Infected plants were reacted positively only with the specific antiserum for the CeMV using double antibodies sandwich—enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA). ...

El-Sayed • l , Eman H; Mahfouze , Sherin A.; Shaltout ,A. D.; El-Dougdoug3 ,Kh. A. and Sayed1 , R. A.

... to enhance agronomic fraits of banana crop. It is being used to produce virus resistance in various susceptible banana crop to improve it yield and quality traits against BBTV and BMV viruses. There are several mutagens available for banana crop improvement and each mutagen has its important role as positive or negative effects on banana plants. The chemical mutagens such as create mutati...

Karl Maramorosch

...mas illustrates the benefits derived from collaboration between experts working in diverse fields of science and from participation in symposia and congresses.


Ahmed Abd El Samie Hassan Ali

...l into 6 New Zeeland rabbits. The rabbits were observed for 25 day, slaughtered then tissue harvests from spleen, lung, lymph nodes and intestine were pooled, homogenized; the supernatant was clarified and concentrated for second inoculation. A another 16 BVDV seronegative New Zeeland rabbits, classified into 4 groups, each of 4 designated for second closed inoculation with clarified super...

Attyat, M. Kotb; Abeer, E. Mansour; Naglaa, I. Aly; Zeinab, T.Salama and Azab, A. Mohamed

...m 1 st week till reached its peak after 8 weeks (1.8 log10), while in calves vaccinated simultaneously with BEF and FMD the serum neutralizing antibody titer reached to 1.85 log10 by the 8th week. Evaluation of the cell mediated immunity for both FMD and BEF in vaccinated calves revealed that such immune response was started to increase from the 3rd day post vaccination (DPV) and reached its peak at 21 - 28 (DPV). So, simult...

Amer, H.M.; Hussein, H. A.; El-Sabagh, I. M.; El-Sanousi, A. A. Saber,M.S. and Shalaby, M. A.

... protein as indicated by its distinct reactivity in immunofluoresence, solid phase ELISA and Western blot.


Manva F.M. Abdel Monem; Gihan K. Mohammed;** Sami A.M.; and Saber M.S.*

...ost vaccination to reach its peak by the 6th  month and still in a protective level only 10th  month post vaccination.


Sabry Y. M. Mahmoud; Maher H. Hosseny and Mamdouh H. Abdel-Ghaffar

...Y infected plants, which its yield was affected strongly. Tubers of potato plants which gave a positive reaction to PVY only were collected at harvest, stored in cold store room for three months and then planted in a greenhouse to obtain materials for virus elimination studies. Virus status in vitro plantlets was determined by double antibody enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (DAS-ELISA) and biologically test before and after treatments The two cycles of therm...

Manal A. El-Shazly1, A. s. 2 Abdel Wahab and Salwa N. Zein3

...tudied. TSWV differed in its stability properties from IYSV in dilution end point (DEP) and longevity in vitro (LIV) but the two viruses are heat-inactivated at 55 oc. Purified TSWV and IYSV each migrated as a single zone in density gradient column. Ultraviolet absorbance of both TSWV and IYSV were typical of nucleoprotein with minimum and maximum at 247 and 260 nm for TSWV and IYSV, respectively. The ratios of A260Q80 and A were 1.2 and 1.11 for TSWV and 1.2,...

S. A. Sidaros*, S. A. EL-Kewey*, Eman A. H. khattab**, M. M. ELsharkawy* 

...V were 1.20&1.22 and its yield was 3.52 mg/100g of cowpea leaves. The maximum antiserum titer against either BBSV or CABMV was I :512. The dilution end point of BBSV in faba bean sap was I :320 using indirect ELISA, whereas it was 1:280 for CABMV. Both of BBSV and CABMV were detected in stems and all flower parts (sepals, petals, pistils and anthers) in intact seeds and all seed parts (seed coats, cotyledons and embryos) of immature seeds obtained from inf...

S.Y.M. Mahmoud1 and M. Hashem2

...a-like symptom roots and its adjacent soil were taken from these areas and tested for the presence of BNYVV using indirect DAS-ELISA with specific polyclonal antibodies to C-terminal 60 amino acids of BNYVV coat protein and bait plants test, respectively. The results confirmed the presence of BNYVV in 46 out of 184 and 24 out of 50 root and soil samples, respectively. The virus was found with percentage of 65% in root samples collected from Kafr EI-Sheikh. The...

B. A. Othman; Kh. A. El-Dougdoug; M. H. Abdel Ghaffar and T. F. El-Arabi

M.E. Shawky and A.M. Daoud.

....50-0.50 and 2.50-0.60 units, respectively


Ahmed Abd El-Samie H. Ali

...nd kinetic evaluation of its effect of in vivo infection on clinical and immunological parameters. All virus-inoculated calves developed a fever on days 3-7-post infection. BVDV antigens were detected in the buffy coat cells on days 3, 5, and 7 post infections. Most calves developed low neutralizing antibody titers as type I (3, 12, 18 and 44) and type-2 (6, 16, 20 and 48) on days 5, 7, 10 and 15 post infection, respectively. There was a significant and minor ...

M.S. Wassel1; Elham A. El-Ebiary1; Soliman, Y.A.l and El-Sayed, M.M.2

...vaccine besides studying its safety, potency, and the duration of immunity in pregnant and non-pregnant sheep and cattle as well as remaining its antigenic and immunogenic power in animals using its protein analysis and Western blotting.


Arwa H. El -Naggar, Nirmeen G. Shafiek, and M. S. Wassel.

...d in guinea pigs through its inoculation with complete and incomplete Freund's adjuvant and without adjuvant in successive doses into susceptible guinea pigs. Serum neutralization (SNT), ELISA and indirect fluorescent assay (IFA) tests were used to evaluate the hyper immune serum Before conjugation with fluorescent. The antibody titer reach 32 by SNT and 5984 by ELISA and identified by IFA to be Bovine rota. Separation of anti B. Rota immunoglobulins IgG "...

Huda M. Hamid1, Fadia W. Al-Azawi2* and Zaid F. Makki3

... demand for water due to its agricultural sector and its growing population. In this study, an analysis of hydrology characteristics of Iraqi dams has been presented which include DAM flow direction, mesh flow, agricultural area improvement, waterway division, and basin determination. These characteristics provide valuable insights into country’s water resources management, including the optimization of water use for d...

Anak Agung Ayu Sri Trisnadewi*, I Gusti Lanang Oka Cakra

...e were 16 experimental units. The four treatments were: A = silage with 0% corn straw silage + 60% elephant grass silage + 40% concentrate; B = 20% corn straw silage + 40% elephant grass silage + 40% concentrate; C = 40% corn straw silage + 20% elephant grass silage + 40% concentrate; D = 60% corn straw silage + 0% elephant grass silage + 40% concentrate. The variables observed were body weight, feed consumption, nutrient consumption, and nutrient digestibilit...

Rizqan*, Hilda Susanty, Linda Suhartati, Azhar, Arief, Elly Roza 

... reticulata) and analyze its organoleptic properties as well as its inhibitory effects against Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli pathogens. Eco-enzyme was prepared from citrus peel waste, resulting in a solution with a typical fresh sour aroma. The pH of the eco-enzyme ranged from 3.7 to 4.5. Conducting the agar diffusion test revealed a dose-dependent inhibitory effect of the citrus fruit peel eco-enzyme against bo...

Divanildo Outor-Monteiro1,2,3*, José António Silva2,3,4, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3 (cages - Cg; 13.3 rabbits/m2, closed parks - CP; 7.7 rabbits/m2, and open-air systems - Oa; 0.25 rabbits/m2) and slaughter age (70 and 84 days) on the growth, carcass traits and meat quality of growing rabbits. 120 animals were randomly allocated to three different production systems. At both slaughter ages, the M. ...

Nurlan Akhmetsadykov1*, Tanatar Kydyrov2, Moldir Akhmetzhanova1, Gulnazi Akhmetova3, Maxat Berdikulov4 

.... evansi and investigate its immunological properties for the detection and diagnosis of trypanosomosis. To create a recombinant antigen, bioinformatic analysis of the primary structure of T. evansi GM6 antigen from several regions was carried out. The protein sequence was reverse translated to the nucleotide sequence, after which the gene was synthesized using solid-phase method. The gene fragment, encoding the GM6 protein, was inserted or cloned into the pET...

Faisal Alzahani1* and Mohammed Abu El-Magd2*

...lis (bee glue), however, its anticancer effect is limited due to its rapid degradation into caffeic acid. To get rid of this disadvantage and increase the anticancer effect of CAPE, CAPE-loaded chitosan nanoparticles (CNPs) were used. The anti-tumor effects of CAPE and chitosan CNPs on cancer cells have been separately studied but the precise epigenetic molecular mechanisms for the combined therapy are still unclear. This st...

Qurat ul Ain1, Asifa Khan1*, Asia Riaz2 and Nazia Suleman

...of C. septempunctata for its use as natural enemy in biological control programmes. Such studies may help in planning the storage, transportation and release of these useful natural enemies in the IPM programmes. 


Syed Majid Rasheed1*, Tauseef Ali1, Saad Jan1, Faiz ur Rehman2, Muhammad Ali Shah3, Zahid Hussain1 and Abdul Waheed4

...ere observed for most traits, except stem diameter and marketable fruit diameter. Among genotypes, G10 flowered earliest (41.5 days), G22 had longest internodes (3.59cm), G16 had heaviest fruits (9.65g), and G14 had longest and thickest marketable fruits (13.8 cm, 1.74cm). Combing ability analysis revealed that non-additive gene action was involved in controlling all tra

Doungnapa Promket1*, Khanitta Pengmeesri1, Jennarong Kammongkun2, Thassawan Somchan1 

...n with egg production traits. The results revealed significant associations between these genes and several egg production parameters on Thai indigenous chicken populations. In the case of the MTNR1C gene, significant effects were observed on WE360d, NE360d, and E/M (P < 0.05). Specifically, Thai indigenous chickens carrying the AA genotype in the MTNR1C gene displayed higher WE360d values compared to GG genotypes. Furthermore, the GG genotypes of MTNR1C we...

Saddam Hummadi1, Nadia Al-Falahi2* 

...o;g/ml AgNPs to evaluate its effect on healing of infected wounds in rabbit. Forty eight adult rabbits aged 8-12 months, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg, were divided randomly into three equal groups (n=16) after inducing infected wounds. In control group (GI), the infected wounds were managed by rinsing with normal saline after debridement and bandaging without any topical application. In SIS hydrogel group (GII), the infected wounds w...
Yongke Zhu1,2, Yun Fang1, Songhua Tang1, Yuan Gu3, Jinming Zhao4, Wolfgang Scherzinger5 and Yue-Hua Sun1*
...n the breeding hole with its nestlings. In the second stage, which lasted 17 ± 4.34 days until the fledglings left their nest, the female stood outside the hole. The individual fledglings left the nesting site in intervals of 2.55 ± 1.92 days.


Xiaojun Li

... moth insects because of its biological effects such as dihydrotanshinone and cryptotanshinone. This effect is firstly fatal to diamondback moth larvae after feeding, and may also cause antifeedant and aversion of diamondback moth larvae.

Saliha Bashir*, Muhammad Shafique, Muhammad Shahzad, Muhammad Sohail Anjum and Ahmad Ali Shahid
...elations of pigmented traits and iris surface features in Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa (KPK) province of Pakistan. Digital images of eyes and skin were examined by investigators to determine color using Fitzpatrick Phototype Scale. Similarly, iris patterns were characterized by Edward iris feature software and association studies were conducted through SPSS program. Intermediate eye color was frequent in KPK (44%) while brown was higher in Punjab (47%). Contr...
Raed M. Al-Atiyat1,2*, Gamaleldin M. Suliman3, Khaled Abu-Alruz4, Firas Al-Zyoud5, Amer Mamkagh6, Ahmed M. El-Waziry7, Abdullah N. Al-Owaimer8 and Rifat Ullah Khan9 body and carcass traits. The traits were body height at wither and rump, body length, heart girth, body depth, head length, ear length, body weight at slaughtering, empty body, dressing percentage, hot carcass, cold carcass, and head weight which had a significant effect on breed. The phenotypic associations between the traits were also studied and strong associations between economic...

Muhammad Talha Sajjad1, Hamid Akbar1*, Muhammad Arif Khan1, Muhammad Hassan Mushtaq3, Shehla Gul Bokhari1, Muhammad Abid Hayat4 and Ghulam Mustafa2

...ient evidence to support its usage in animals with cutaneous wounds. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of PRP gel on cutaneous wound healing in rescued horses. Twelve horses were divided into two groups: group A (PRP-treated) and group B (control). The group A (n=6) animals were treated with autologous PRP gel, while the group B (n=6) animals were treated with sterile saline. Full-thickness (3 x 3 cm2) skin wounds were selected in each horse o...

Ali Zohaib1*, Muzzammil Hussain2, Ishtiaq Hassan3, Muhammad Tahir Latif2, Tahira Tabassum1 and Naeem Faisal2

... yield and economic benefits of MTR.


Farid S. Nassar1,2, Osama A. El-Sayed3, Saidi Ouassaf4, Ahmed O. Abbas1,2* 

...erformance, slaughter traits, biochemical components, cholesterol profile, stress indicators, and immune status. Four hundred male Cobb500 broiler chickens were grown on floor pens and fed a mash-based corn-soybean diet from one day to 21 days old. From 22-42 days of age, the birds were divided into four experimental groups (10 replicate pens × 10 chicks each) in which the birds were fed on a finisher-based diet supplemented with 0, 10, 20, and 30 g/kg F...

Lingang Dai1,2,3, Xiang Chen1,2,3, Jiajin Huang1,2,3, Jiali Xu1,2,3, Meimei Xiao1,2,3, Jiajing Chen1,2,3 and Yong Ruan1,2,3*

...e goat hybrid to improve its production performance. To study the effect of PGAM2 gene polymorphisms on the performance of F3 generation hybrid goats, the relationship between PGAM2 gene polymorphisms and slaughter traits, meat quality traits and organ coefficients was determined in 39 F3 generation hybrid goats. The results showed that the slaughtering performance of male goats was better...

Kouengoua Kouengoua Armelle Prudence1*, Yessinou Roland2, Nankam Chimi Roland1, Fotsac Dzousse Muller1, Kouam Alain1, Djuikwo Felicite1, Facho Balaam1, Awah Ndukum Julius3, Farougou Souaibou2 

...veloped countries due to its impact on economy, public health and conservation. Researches on bovine tuberculosis (bTB) in under developed countries still remain stagnant or not really progressing even though it is an endemic disease in cattle. Cattle are considered as the main host of this disease but other studies have shown that several wildlife species are involved in the maintenance and transmission of bTB. Recent studies on the status of bTB at the wildl...

Vladimir Vasilievich Shimalov Linnaeus, 1758) inhabits of drainage channels banks on reclaimed areas, where a specific complex of helminths is formed. The aim of the study is to conduct a helminthological investigation of common shrews inhabiting on drainage channel banks on model reclamation systems in Brest Polesie (South-West Belarus), to establish the species composition of helminths and their infection of these animals under conditions of increased anthropogenic pressure on the ch...

Hillary M.O. Otieno1,2*

...lores the potential benefits of widespread herbicide adoption in the region. Also, the study investigates the potential crop and environmental risks that may arise from the improper use of herbicides and highlights the importance of implementing mitigation strategies to ensure sustainable and responsible herbicide usage in the region.


Tabinda Nowsheen1, Sayed Wadood Ali Shah2, Ali Hazrat1*, Muhammad Yahya1, Gul Rahim1, Muhammad Mukhtiar4 and Muhammad Ajmal Khan3

...l effect which suggested its usage for treatment and management of different contagious diseases. In the present study we concluded that A. maritima possess therapeutic effectiveness.

Geeta Moolchandani1, Jaiperkash Moolchandani2*, Nasima Iqbal3
Syed Mohsin Turab4, Muhammad Kashif5 and Lubna Farooq6
... of delivery process and its management, prolonged second stage labor, vacuum extraction and fetus related factors like premature delivery and IUGR are quite common which prone the neonates to develop HIE.


Taleeha Roheen1, Shagufta Kamal1*, Shazia Anwer Bukhari1, Ghulam Mustafa1 and Saima Rehman2

...ade was also evidence of its distant evolutionary relationships with the other three isolated strains of Sphingomonas sp. (MG-2, MG-1 and MT-2). The strain designated as MT-1 was found to be rod-shaped with μmax 0.065±0.25 h-1 and 13.59±0.25 UmL-1 sMMO. The optimum pH and temperature for the growth of MT-1 and production of sMMO were 6.3 and 37 °C, respectively. The concentration of MG-1 and MT-1 was significantly higher in the soil of Fai...

Julieta M Lopez-Martinez and Imran Ahmad* perceived health benefits and dubbed as superfood. The food industry is formulating new products adding amaranth to cereal-based food and gluten-free products such as bread, muffins, cookies, pasta, breakfast, beer, and beef. This comprehensive review is focused on the important aspects of amaranth such as the taxonomic and origin, proximal composition, phytochemical composition, and amaranth as food ingredient added to common foods.


Tinda Afriani1*, Jaswandi1, Yurnalis1, Putri Oktavially1, I Made Merdana2 

... for desirable growth traits. One approach to improving the performance of Pesisir with Holstein Friesian cattle crosses involves identifying growth hormone variations through analysis of the exon 5 gene. This study aimed to identify the characteristics of qualitative and quantitative traits and growth hormone patterns in crossbreeds between Pesisir and Friesian Holstein (FH) cattle. A total of 60 crossbreeds of Pesisir and ...

Aalaa S. Saad1*, Taghreed H. A. Ali2, Nayerah Alatfeehy3, Dalia Elmasry4 

...tractive option owing to its antibacterial action against many pathogens in food. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of propolis extract (PE) and propolis nanoemulsion (PN) on L. monocytogenes, its toxins’ expression, and the sensory qualities of breaded chicken panne during chilled storage. The 30% PN concentration had a size of 19.783 nm and a narrow size distribution (polydispersity index: 0.253) wit...

Pedro Nunes1*, José Teixeira1,2, José Luís Mourão1,2,3, Divanildo Monteiro1,2,3, Victor Pinheiro1,2,3

...a total of 60 hybrid rabbits (New Zealand x Californian) were employed. Three distinct diets were formulated, progressively substituting alfalfa with EOC at levels of 0%, 5%, and 10%. Zootechnical performance was monitored by recording weekly feed consumption and growth performance. Visceral development and carcass traits were evaluated in 10 rabbits from each treatment group at 64 days of...

Sudeb Saha1,2*, Jay Prakash Ray3, Apurbo Kumar Mondal4, Md. Irtija Ahsan5, Marina Debnath6, Dilruba Afrin7, Syed Sayeem Uddin Ahmed5, Jayanta Datta Gupta3, Nivedita Datta8, Hugo O. Toledo-Alvarado9, Haruki Kitazawa1

...lood parameters, Milk traits, Subclinical mastitis

Mathew O. Ayoola1*, Kayode Sasona1, Oluwakamisi F Akinmoladun2, Tolulope O. Faniyi3, Abel O. Oguntunji1, Tunde E. Lawal1

... response of growing rabbits. The study involved Ninety unsexed matured New Zealand White rabbits, which were randomly assigned to three housing systems (concrete pen with litter filled floor [H1], concrete pen with soil filled floor [H2], and battery cage [H3]) and three feeding systems (forage only [F1], concentrate feed only [F2], and forage + concentrate [F3]) in a 3x3 factorial completely randomized experimental design ...

Nasir Shah1,4, Muhammad Ibrahim1*, Zarnosh Habib2, Kalsoom3 and Zahir Shah4

...the other hand chikoo fruits which were used for flies to settle on, were dipped in same concentrations of these plant extracts, and dried under shade and exposed to peach fruit flies for feeding for 15 days. All the three plants exhibited insect repelling potential but these had no significant difference from each other, while A. indica showing nonsignificant but most promising results. Similarly, there was no significant combine effect of plants extracts and...

Faramin Javandel Soum Sarai1, Mir Daryoush Shakouri2* and Alireza Seidavi3*

... performance, carcass traits and some blood biochemical and hematological parameters of broilers under heat stress (34 ˚C for 8 h). A total of 160 28-d-old Ross 308 broiler chickens were divided into 4 treatment groups with 4 replicates and 10 birds per each by employing a completely randomized design. Broilers were fed on corn-soybean meal basal diets with no additive (control) or added chromium picolinate (400 mg/kg), chromium picolinate (400 mg/kg)­&sh...
Rahmat Ullah Khan*1, Karim Gabol1, Abbas Khan1, Asif Sadam2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Hamid Ullah5, Muhsin Ali4, Gul Bacha Khan4 and Habib Ul Hassan1

Aimal Zeb1, Abdur Rauf1*, Nabila Bano2, Muhammad Qayash3, Muhammad Yasin4, Ikramullah Khan1, Syed Abidullah1, Wisal Khan5, Muhammad Asmat Ullah2, Abdul Ghaffar Khan6 and Samrin Gul

...arieties for examined traits. The maximum number of green leaves (28), was produced by PVH-2324 at first picking, while PVH-1600 showed the maximum number of leaves (22), leaf area (1241cm2), green leaves (29.3 Kg) and cured leaves weights per plot (4.6 Kg). Furthermore, PVH-1600 and K-399 showed the maximum mean values for green leaves (0.97 Kg) and cured leaves (0.227 Kg) weights respectively. The tallest plant was identified as PVH-2324 (136.21 cm). Genotyp...

Kadhim Kh. K. Al-Khayat1*, Athmar K. A. Al-Azawi2

...ormis of local breed rabbits (2 to 24 months old)  based on morphologically and molecular detection by using NAD1 and COX1 genes and conventional PCR during the period from 1/ March / until 31/ May/ 2022 in Baghdad city, Iraq. Rabbits were humanely euthanized and abdomen opened longitudinally to looking for any cyst may be founded grossly in the peritoneal cavity or on the visceral organs, all cysts were examined for th...

Shakir Ullah1*, Lubna Shakir2, Ghani Subhan3 and Mohammad Sohail4

...effect on most of the traits except the weight of the plant. The pod full stage is more affected by the drought than other stages on most of the parameters tested. Irrigation regimes at pod full stage reduced the number of pods plant-1 by 38.4% and 26.0%, the weight of pods plant-1 by 23.7% and 53.6%, the number of seeds plant-1 by 29.0% and 28.8%, seeds weight plant-1 by 17.2% and 38.8%, 100-seeds weight by 35.3% and 38.1% for 1488, respectively. Irrigation r...

Joseph Oyiguh Abraham1, Cornelius Arome Omatola1*, Martin-Luther Oseni Okolo1, Ruth Foluke Aminu1, Emmanuel Edegbo1, Olubunmi Marvelous Emurotu1, Danjuma Muhammed2, Jesse Joseph Chock3, Helen Ojomachenwu Ocean4 and Yahaya Ocholi5

...tertiary institution and its environs in Idah, Kogi State, Nigeria. Sera obtained from 1000 consented individuals were screened for HBsAg, anti-HCV, and HIV antibodies using commercial immunoassay test kits. Relevant demographic information was obtained from each participant with a structured questionnaire. Of the 1000 participants, HBV, HCV, and HIV were detected in 28 (2.8%), 2 (0.2%) and 3 (0.3%), respectively. However, n...

Pankaj Gargotra1, Judith Betsy C1*, Cheryl Antony2 and Stephen Sampath Kumar J3

... limited data related to its nutritional requirements and reproductive biology. Therefore, a detailed study was carried out to analyze the effect of vitamin enriched diets on the captive maturation and breeding performance of L. thermalis. Vitamins A, C and E were incorporated at three different doses in basal feed containing 23% C.P and fed to brooders for a period of 90 days. Fecundity, GSI, gonad histology, hormone (cortisol and progesterone) variations, br...

Amina1, Muhammad Zahid Rashid1*, Muhammad Asim Rashid2 and Amina Rashid2

... flowers (38), No. of fruits (46), fruit length (41.69 mm), fruit weight (12.12) and yield (634.2g/plant) was included. While in qualitative characteristics germplasm Sogoya revealed highest total soluble solids (10.85%), total sugars (8.61%) and vitamin C (66.24 mg/100g). The outcomes of this study depicted that exotic genotype Sogoya has the potential to develop into a unique and valuable variety.


Riaz Alam1*, Muhammad Sajid2, Imtiaz Hussain3, Gulzar Ullah1, Hussain Shah3, Muhammad Arshad Farooq3 and Rashid Muhammad4

...d oil from Manzanilla fruits has lower Peroxide Value (POV) (3.21 meq kg-1) with high chlorophyll (4.58 mg L-1) as well as Phenol (616.67 mg kg-1) contents. The extracted oil from Frontoio fruits exhibited a lower percentage of Free Fatty Acids (FFA) (0.43%) and a higher carotene content (2.70 mg L-1). These quality values fell within the established standards for extra virgin olive oil category by International Olive Counci...

Muhammad Tahir Latif1*, Muzzammil Hussain1, Ali Zohaib2 and Ishtiaq Hassan3

... large scale to find out its adopters easily; therefore, twenty innovative farmers were included in sampling frame with non-probability sampling procedure for field survey as well as six field experiments were conducted in Gujranwala zone, Pakistan to evaluate four sowing techniques, i.e., CT, happy seeder, ridge sowing and SS with Randomized Complete Block Design. As compared to CT the SS has been estimated as resource conservation technique regarding sowing ...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Naveed2,3*, Muhammad Shafiq2, Irfan Rasool2 and Muhammad Afzal Zahid2

Muhammad Usman1*, Muhammad Uzair Khalid2, Muhammad Hasnain3*, Muhammad Tauseef4, Ali Raza4, Muhammad Akram4, Muhammad Shahid4, Abrar Ahmad4, Muhammad Shoaib Ismail1, Rabia Afzal2, Atta-Ulla2 and Muhammad Hussnain Babar3

...ial for health. However, its production is being reduced day by day due to many issues but one of them is late sowing. Subsequently, it reduces grain filling and also production. This emerging issue can be solved by using the seed priming techniques. An experiment with randomized complete block design (RCBD) with two factors on area of four-acre land was conducted. Further, four treatments have been adopted like hydro priming, osmo-priming, on-farm priming, an...

Anisa Muthia Fakhira1, Madihah Madihah1, Susi Susanah2, Erick Khristian3, Ratu Safitri1*

...ncreas, where it impairs its structure and function. The aims of this study is to ascertain the iron dosage that affects changes in pancreatic beta cell structure and fasting blood glucose levels in male Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus). The study using 7 treatment groups with 4 replications. Iron dextran (ID) was administered intravenously in three 3-day intervals, with cumulative doses of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 mg/kg BW, whether the control injected with ...

Thobela Louis Tyasi*, Lebo Ngorima, Victoria Rankotsane Hlokoe in the egg quality traits that can best predict egg weight in chickens. The study aimed to develop a model that can be employed to estimate egg weight from egg quality traits with stepwise regression in the Lohmann brown chicken breed. The study was conducted at Kitamu farm in Ntsima village in Limpopo Province, South Africa. The Pearson’s correlation findings displayed that egg weight (EW) had a highly positive rem...

Diky Ramdani1*, Dwi Cipto Budinuryanto1,2, Siti Darodjah Rasad1, Novi Mayasari3, Krisna Rizki Rismawan1, Muhammad Fajryanto Solihin1, Ririn Siti Rahmatillah1

...SS) in sheep, showcasing its potential as an anthelmintic. A total of 18 naturally Strongylus-infected Priangan male lambs (initially with an average mean of 120 ± 31.8 eggs/g feces) were allocated using a completely randomized design. The objective was to compare three different as-fed doses of PPS inclusion, comprising 0% (PPS-0), 50% (PPS-50), and 75% (PPS-75) in a PSS-based diet. This comparison aimed to evaluate lamb performances both before (Phase...

Qamer J. Jadoaa, Raffal A. Omar*

...orty-five adult male rabbits of the local breed were employed to create a 3.5mm hole defect in the proximal third of the medial aspect of the tibia by an electric drill with dropping isotonic normal saline to prevent thermal necrosis. The experimental animals were divided randomly into three equal groups, each group include fifteen rabbits (n=15). control without any additive. group 1(lidocaine hcl). Which applied daily sing...

Alif Rahman Rohim Puarada*, Safika, Agustin Indrawati

...reasing attention due to its profound consequences. Recent investigations have revealed the presence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria among wild bird species in remote habitats, suggesting the potential for these avian populations to serve as reservoirs and sources for emergent AMR profiles. Recognizing the critical role of wildlife in AMR dynamics this study focuses on birds of paradise, indigenous to Indonesia. Their gastrointestinal microbiome, intricately ...

Irfan Ullah1, Asad Ullah2*, Tahira Tayyeb1, Rafiq Ullah1, Muhammad Hanif1, Faiza Khan3, Imad Khan2, Raheela Taj4, Fatima Syed4, Shumaila Gul5, Muhammad Sadeeq6, Muneeb Islam7, Arsalan Khan8 and Khudija Ghani9

...ured through commercial kits. The result of the current study showed that the values of Alanine transaminase (ALT), Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and Alkaline phosphatase (ALP) were higher significantly (P≤0.05) in negative control group (B) as compared to the group C, D and E. The level of uric acid, creatinine and blood urea were significantly higher (P≤0.05) in group A (negative control) (P≤0.05) as compared to the group B (positive control) C, ...

M. Imran Kasana, Rashid Iqbal Khan*, Noor Ullah Khan, M. Noman, Shahid Ali, Saima Mumtaz, Shamaila Rasheed and M. Qamar-Uz-Zaman

...energetic fruit owing to its high nutritional value has gained global popularity. Its global production has witnessed a two-fold increase in the last decade. This scenario has led a pressure on avocado nursery production. Generally, avocado has been propagated through seed production that led to variability among off-spring and long juvenile period. Therefore, asexual propagation via grafting is the most appropriate method for producing high-quality, true to t...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1 and Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito2

...stry and Citrus limon fruits are regarded as table fruit, rich content of vitamin “C” appreciated due to delicious taste with high economic and medicinal value. The present research work indicates the per hectare lemon benefit cost ratio, gross returns and net returns were benefited to Lemon cultivation in this area and proved that the Lemon growers earning profit in changing situation. Previously there is no such type of comprehensive assessment s...

Wahid Hussein El-Dabae*, Eman Shafeek Ibrahim, Eslam Gaber Sadek, Mai Mohamed Kandil

...cinate 20 SPF chicks and its protective efficacy was checked. Intracerebral pathogenicity index (ICPI) of the attenuated strain was 0.2, the mean death time (MDT) was 120 hours and infectvity titer was 7 log10 EID50/ml compared to 1.97 ICPI, 36 hours MDT, and 9.5 log10 EID50/ml of the original strain. The attenuated AOAV-1 was protective in vaccinated chicks by means of HI antibody response and protection from heterologus virulent challenge while showing littl...

Cut Intan Novita1,2, Kartini Eriani3, Amalia Sutriana4, Tongku Nizwan Siregar5,6*, Ni Wayan Karja7 superovulation due to its high content of both hormones. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the effect of bovine pituitary extract (BPE) supplementaion to vitrification media. A total of 18 ovaries were usedwhich was divided into two groups: the vitrification medium group without Bovine Pituitary Extract (BPE, GibscoTM) (1 ml PBS + 0.5 M sucrose + 30% ethylene glycol) and with BPE addition (1 ml PBS + 0.5 M sucrose + 30% ethylene glycol + BPE 30 μg...

Zahid I. Mohammed

...f goat meat to guarantee its acceptability on the part of the consumer. The current study was conducted at many private farms in Baquba city from December 2022 until February 2023 to assess the impacts of Spirulina supplement on several physiological and biochemical traits in Black Iraqi kids. A total of 28 male kids aged 4-5 months, with body weight 18.35 to 22.76 kg, were randomly assigned to four nutritional groups (each ...

Shirina Akter Toma1, Shah Ahmed Belal2, Md Abdul Baset3, Md Nazim Uddin3*

...l properties, Quality traits

Eluzia A. Barus*, Khansa N. Salsabilah, Achmad Firman, Linda Herlina

...provide even higher benefits in a long run.
Keywords | Closed-house broiler farm, Cost revenue, Profitability, Break even point, SWOT analysis, Developmental strategies

Muhammad Qazzafi Khan1, Iqtidar Hussain1, Ejaz Ahmad Khan1, Sara Zafar2*, Zuhair Hasnain3* and Moneeza Abbas4

...ainfall which may delays its planting in the season. Between November 10 and December 20, there were five planting dates that were spaced 10 days apart in a 3 replications of a split-plot layout in a randomised complete block design. The impact of planting dates on types and advance lines was examined using both main plots and sub plots. On days to maturity, the data were kept, spike length, grains/spike, 1000-grain weight and yield. The interaction between pl...

Yaseen1, Asad Ullah2*, Imad Khan2, Maryam Begum3, Sumbal Bibi3, Umber3, Namra3, Abbas Khan4, Shumaila Gul5 and Raheela Taj6

...of pesticides to protect its crops. The use of pesticides has substantially increased in Pakistan over the last decades, which when reach the water bodies, adversely affect the rich biodiversity found in aquatic systems of Pakistan. This review discusses research over past decades regarding toxic effects of pesticides induced in edible freshwater fishes of Pakistan and future considerations.


Shahid Iqbal1, Arshad Khan, Ali Hazrat1*, Gul Rahim, Mohammad Ihsan1, Umar Zad Gul1, Maryam Bibi1, Khadija Bibi1 and Muhammad Mukhtiar2

... all the quantitative traits, where a positive correlation was recorded for plant height (0.37), leaf length (0.18), and seed per plant (0.127). Biomass per plant shows a positive correlation with leaf length (0.118), leaf width (0.27), and seed per plant (0.22) whereas a negative correlation was found in petiole length (-0.044), plant height (-0.002), pod length (-0.59) and pod per plant (-0.99). Principal component analysis (PCA) based on 9 quantitative tra<...

Zhenglei Qiao*, Jie Xing and Fang Li

...quencing technology, and its structure and characteristics were analyzed. The P. stoliczkana mitochondrial genome contained a total of 16,966 base pairs, including 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transport RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes, and one control region. The A+T content (59.7%) of the whole mitochondrial genome was greater than the G+C content (40.3%), indicating an obvious A+T preference. The mitochondrial genome of P. stoliczkana is similar to that of...

Lijuan Liu1, Jinghang Chen2*, Min Wang3 and Wei Li4

...ct, which has clear benefits in the treatment of respiratory illnesses. However, existing inhaled medications are difficult to fulfill clinical prescription demands, and the research and development of novel inhaled pharmaceuticals has significant hurdles due to a lack of comprehensive theoretical and practical experience guidance. Personalized customization of candidate pharmaceuticals to fulfill the needs of inhalation treatment using prodrug technology is n...

Huda S.J1*, Nasr T.M1, Mohanad A. Al-Bayati2

...ificially induced in rabbits using Nano hemosome encapsulated Nano Cobalt Ferrite. Additionally, investigated the Hematological correction profile after the blood samples treated period. Hemorrhagic Anemia was artificially induced in rabbits through a process of bloodletting depending on the body weight. Nano Cobalt Ferrite was prepared and encapsulated by Nano hemosome via the Bangosome method. Anemic rabbit dosed with Nano...

Faris Sahib Imran1*, Layth Hamzah Merzah2, Mohammed Mohsin Kareem3

...ria and pond gardens for its fast growth rateability to improve water quality by excess nutrients, and toxins, and can be included in the sheep diet as a protein source at certain levels. The study was conducted in Karbala province, using the Al-Husseiniya River as the source of C. demersum. A total of 40 Awassi sheep were divided into two groups. The experimental group received a diet containing C.demersum as the primary protein source, while the control grou...

Zaryab Murad1*, Sobia Bibi1, Shehr e Yar Ahmad1, Mohsin Ali Khan1, Rimsha Sadaf2, Mauz ul Haq1, Umair Manan1 and Muhammad Younas2

...he experimental results, its depicted that rice yield and biological yield was increased from control to 4% BC application (4.9 and 4 g/pot to 10 and 20 g/pot), organic matter, soil N, P and K were also improved from control to 4% BC application (0.4 and 0.02%, 2.1 and 58 g/pot to 0.7 and 0.03%, 5 and 83 mg/kg). Aside these the application of BC at 4% incredibly decreased the concentration of Cd in soil thus reduced their uptake and accumulation in rice plants...

Wafa’a Mohammad Abduwhab1*, Waseem Ali Hasan2, Mohanad Abdulsataar AL-Bayati3

... process aims to bolster its physical resilience and therapeutic advantages while mitigating potential adverse reactions. The central objective of this research centers on assessing the curative impacts of the innovative Nano phytosome pumpkin-lidocaine gel in the context of third-degree burn wound healing. The reformulation of standard pumpkin seed oil involved the encapsulation of conventional Lidocaine within a phytosome structure, resulting in the formatio...

Feri Eko Hermanto1, Yuli Frita Nuningtyas1, Filoza Marwi1, Fajar Shodiq Permata2, Agus Susilo1, Muhammad Halim Natsir1*

... poultry industry due to its pivotal role in efficient food absorption. Given the constraints on antibiotic use in industrial settings, there is a growing interest in natural-derived products as potential enhancers of intestinal health through immune system modulation. Teak Leaves, Turmeric, and Ginger have emerged as promising feed additives for fortifying the mucosal immune system in broiler chickens. However, understanding how these herbs confer protective ...

Ediset1*, Jaswandi2, Fuad Madarisa1, Amrizal Anas1, Rizqan2

...ver, the success rate of its implementation is good.
Keywords | Innovation adoption, Adoption rate, Pregnancy rate, Success rate, Birth rate, Padang pariaman

Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory1*, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2, Majeed Ajafar1, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali1

Kashif Abdaal, Aneeza Batool, Muhammad Tariq Navid*, Saeed Ahmed, Asma Saleem Qazi, Waseem Safdar, Haidar Ali, Mobeen Ur Rashid, Somia Rafaqat 

... a vaccine that leads to its success in preventing infectious diseases. It is crucial to address these challenges to make safer vaccines for effective infectious disease control and prevention to save humanity. Addressing challenges in vaccination coverage and gaps is crucial for global health. Vaccines have played a crucial role in global health preventing diseases and saving lives as evident from the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccines in response to the...


... up to 66%, number of fruits plant-1 up to 89%, fruit fresh weight up to 79%, fruit dry weight up to 78%, concentration of N up to 20%, P up to 65%, K up to 20%, and protein contents up to 20% as compared to uninoculated control. It is concluded that inoculation of ZSB strains like Bacillus sp. ZM20 and Bacillus aryabhattai ZM31 is an effective approach to improve the productivity of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.).




...ere are many methods for its disposal. The most suitable and economical method is its land application. Lagenaria siceraria L. plant was grown in various amendments of soil and sewage sludge to check the tolerance of the plant and to select the optimized mixing of sewage sludge with soil for this particular plant. Estimation of biochemical parameters like chlorophyll content, carotenoid content, and protein content along wit...


...ith fine quality RNA for its downstream processing. Mostly RNAs are degraded as tissues are taken from fields, therefore the protocol for PSTVd RNA isolation was optimized and improved for obtaining Pure and high quality RNA having an increased and nondegradable life from infected plants of Potatoes. The present study was aimed to confirm the presence and identification of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) on potato plants in Pakistan. RNA was extracted and ...


...ustrial applications but its high cost hindered its use. Development of low-cost biotechnological process for laccase production has gained great attention. Present study is concerned with the enhanced production of laccase by Aspergillus flavus Maf 0139. Five different cultural media were tested and best one was selected for laccase production. Different cultural conditions such as inoculum size, pH, temperature, incubation...


...rphology of functional units. It is concluded from findings of the present study that farm-raised Labeo rohita were healthier and safer to consume compared to the wild-caught fish.



...ucts such as pizza, biscuits and cakes etc. Swiss albino mice of six weeks were divided into control group and experimental group. Experimental group was administered with Alloxan monohydrate (200 mg/kg) intraperitoneally and then livers were extracted after 3, 6 and 12 hours. All the samples were processed for gel run and thermo cycler program, which revealed alterations in the expression of hepatic mRNA (IL-6) in all loads equally confirmed by the results of...


...ts. Ethanolic extract of its dried fruits was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively for evaluation of phytochemical agents. Then its antioxidant and anti-diabetic activities were found. The results indicated the presence of carbohydrates, tannins, phenols, alkaloids, flavonoids, saponins, glycosides, amino acids and proteins in crude extract with phenolic and flavonoid contents ob...


...metals (DIM) standard limits, cultivated on wastewater. Whereas health risk index (HRI) was found maximum (23.22 mg kg−1) for this vegetable cultivated on waste water in Kasur region. From the health point of view, the long-term consumption of contaminated vegetables is one of the causes of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic health risks.



...eir wide variety of benefits to their hosts and their diversity of geographical distribution. In this study, bacterial endophytes were isolated from the leaf midrib of different varieties of citrus cultivated in the Sargodha region of Punjab Pakistan. The endophytic bacterial community associated with citrus was characterized and screened for antifungal activity against Alternaria solani which causes losses to crops. A total of twelve strains were identified b...


...ulted in the decrease of its glacial volume such as Baltoro and Biafo. Passu, the glacier whose water feeds Hunza River, is also facing retreat due to climate change. Changes in the area under vegetation in Passu village due to Passu glacier retreat have also been estimated using normalized difference snow index (NDSI) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) which were also derived from the satellite images. NDSI for snow cover mapping of Passu glaci...


... impact of the metals on its growth in Miandam valley Swat, Pakistan. Dermatocarpon miniatum species samples were collected from control site, primary, secondary and tertiary roads and were investigated for Pb and Cd concentrations and reduction in chlorophyll contents. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, correlation and regression analysis. Significant (P<0.05) variation in Pb and Cd concentrations in lichens along different roads were found. It was conclu...


...onal parameters improved its biosynthesis in liquid culture.



...stics of Cry1AB gene and its variants.


Uqba Mehmood

...ation (Spo) gene or have its inactive form) revealed that many of these strains did not produce extracellular proteases. Some evidence for the involvement of serine proteases in sporulation has been provided by inhibitor studies. Nevertheless variation in germination response of germination defective strains with different nutrients was recorded in ALA system, but overall responses of germination defective spores with substituted amino acids and alanine are no...


...gate the prescription habits of general practitioners dealing with asthma in Lahore. Among 200 practitioners, 166 (83%) responded. One hundred and sixty six asthmatic subjects were selected and given to the practitioners at Gulab Devi hospital, Lahore. Practitioners were asked for a prescription for each subject and also to write views on dietary restrictions in asthmatics. The practitioners prescribed totally thirty patterns of short acting β-2 agonist a...


...ed to be most potent for its antioxidant and α-amylase inhibition activity, hence could be used for formulation of new plant based functional food sornutraceuticals to improve human health.



...omponents to original limits were evaluated, while another group of 6 dogs (group C) served as untreated control. The clinical reclamation to normal state of consciousness, respiration and heart rates were comparable among both treatment groups. No adverse reaction was observed following transfusion of blood or Haes-sterilTM in any experimental dog. Hematological parameters like total leukocytic count (TLC), red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb) and total pro...

Olaolu Fadeyi1,2, Oluwatoyin Fabiyi3*, Tesleem Bello4 and Gabriel Olatunji5

...lth and the environment, its continuous use is discouraged worldwide. The search for other eco-friendly alternatives has led to the use of different plant extracts with known pesticidal properties. This current research was conducted to determine the nematicidal status of Anacardium occidental fractions. Analysis of ethanol extract of A. occidentale using gas chromatography spectrometry revealed the presence of several phyto constituents such as phenol, triter...

Karima Akool Al-Salihi1*, Luay Jumaah Jihad2, Abbas Najm Aldin Saleh3

...nd zoonotic diseases and its effects on Veterinary Medical Education (VME) in Iraq. A cross-sectional analysis was designed and the participants were invited to answer an online questionnaire on veterinary medical online education. Data of reported diseases were collected from veterinary hospital and ministry of health authorities. This study showed aggressive distribution of external parasites particularly ticks, and other diseases such as Theileria, Anaplasm...

Bela Putra1*, Budi Prasetya2

...ic soil, with a focus on its macro-mineral content and rumen fluid characteristics. The research findings focus on the impact of gamma radiation solely on macro minerals and rumen fluids, enhancing our insights into innovative approaches for improving livestock nutrition in regions with prevalent acidic soils. The experiment involved the application of various gamma radiation doses (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 Gy). Four replications were done using a randomiz...

Deni Novia*, Indri Juliyarsi, Rizki Dwi Setiawan, Clara Mustika, Cindi Melani

...t to provide health benefits. We aimed to determine some instant egg tea drinks qualities, such as the antioxidant, physicochemical, and sensory properties using a food dehydrator that can maintain antioxidant, nutritional, and sensory properties. We employed an in-vivo trial with a completely randomized design consisting of five treatments and four replicates. The egg tea was dried using a food dehydrator at 60°C for five different drying times (2, 3, 4, ...

Inayat ul Islam1, Rooh Ullah1, Ahmed Zia2, Abdul Rauf Bhatti2*, Maryum Ilyas2, Sohail Hayat1 and Khabab Hayat1

...r territories in many of its valleys and villages. Such areas have a strong potential to come-up with important scientific records. Current study revealed four families, eleven genera and seventeen species and added new geographic range to Odonata fauna of the country. Among recorded fauna, family Libellulidae appeared to be the dominant group, representing 14 species, followed by family Aeshnidae, Calopterygidae and Coenagrionidae representing single species ...

Ngoc Tan Nguyen1*, Thi Tuong Vi Trang1, Thi Thuy Tien Nguyen2, Tuan Thanh Hoang2, Duc Thoa Nguyen2

...s studied, together with its association with the reproductive traits of color dual-purpose VLV hens. Egg production parameters were recorded as age at first egg (AFE; days), body weight at first egg (BWFE; gram/bird), mean egg weight (MEW; gram), and accumulated number of eggs (ANE) up to 38 weeks of age. DNA collected from the wing vein at 38 weeks of age was extracted from whole blood samples of 393 VLV chickens. The 24 b...

Anisa Mushtaq1, Murtaz ul Hasan1*, Asim Shamim2, Muhammad Ali Abdullah Shah1, Muhmamad Arif Zafar3, Abdul Asim Farooq4, Aayesha Riaz1, Muhammad Kamran1 and Saif ur Rehman

Firda Arlina1*, Mangku Mundana1, Linda Suhartati1, Agmelia Jasfaria2

...enggek chicken reared by its farmers in Solok Regency, West Sumatra. There 60 Randah Batu Kokok Balenggek chickens were sexually mature. This study used a survey method, and sampling was carried out using purposive sampling. The parameters observed were qualitative and quantitative phenotypes. The data obtained were analyzed by descriptive statistical analysis. The results showed that the qualitative variety of the Randah Batu Kokok Balenggek chicken reared by...

Laila Ibouzine-Dine1*, Inssaf Berkiks1,2, Mouloud Lamtai1*, Hasnaa Mallouk1, Ayoub Rezqaoui1, Abdeljabbar Nassiri1, Abdelhalem Mesfioui1, Aboubaker El Hessni1

...rsquo;s development exhibits increased sensitivity to specific types of learning and external influences. This period is usually associated with the development of age-related neurodevelopmental processes. Nitric oxide (NO) is an essential signaling molecules that play an important role in physiological processes including neuronal survival and differentiation, neurogenesis, synaptogenesis, pruning, and brain plasticity. In the present study, we aimed to deter...

Srisukmawati Zainudin1,3, Hartutik2, Edhy Sudjarwo2, Osfar Sjofjan2*

...ssessed, with a focus on its short chain fatty acid and omega content. The initial phase involved conducting a skipjack tuna offal meal experiment using a complete randomized design with 3 treatments and 9 replications to examine the short chain fatty acid and omega content. Following this, a second experiment was conducted using 24 male Kampong Unggul Balitnak (KUB) local chickens, employing a completely randomized design with four treatments and six replicat...

Nawab Ali1, Akeel Ahmed Memon1, Asmatullah kaka1, Amjad Hussain Mirani2, Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar3*, Nisar Ahmed Solangi1, Kashif Ali Malik1, Fazul U Rahman1, Moin Akhtar Vistro1 

...and frozen-thaw sperm traits) and in-vivo conception rate of Kamohri buck semen. 


Erika P. Grijalba-Bernal*, Fernando Rodríguez-Villamizar, Martha L. Chaparro-Rodríguez, Juan C. Ovalle, Martha I. Gómez 

... protection over time to its four constituent anaerobic probiotic bacteria (Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens B9, Streptococcus bovis C2, Fibrobacter succinogenes Fs, and Ruminococcus flavefaciens Rf). When it was stored over 6 months at 4ºC, a significant reduction (P ≤ 0.05) of viable cell counts, from 1.95 x 109 CFU/mL at time zero to 3.02 × 108 CFU/mL at 6 months, was noted; despite this, viable cell counts were never less than 1 × 108 CFU/mL; ...

Nabaa Fadhil Abbas*, Raffal A. Omar

...urn wound healing in rabbits. The research involved 30 rabbits divided into five groups: G1 (Lidocaine), G2 (Tramadol), G3 (Remifentanil), and two groups that received combinations of remifentanil with epinephrine. Additionally, one group received remifentanil in a gel formulation. After local administration of these substances by infiltration (s/c) and compared with the control group. the severity of the burn injury and sub...

Teedzai Chitura*

...ed commissioners and summits have legislated and banned the use of antibiotic growth promoters in livestock feeds. Given these scenarios, animal nutritionists embarked on the quest for the search of alternative and sustainable growth promoters, as a replacement for antibiotics. The application of probiotics in poultry production appears to be an economically feasible alternative. Hence, the present review aims to provide comprehensive information regarding the...

Shama Sadaf1*, Ayesha Saeed1, Komal Hassan1, Zeeshan Ahmad2 and Maha Naeem Butt1

...le compare to level 1 to its own washes it gives same color fastness on each wash. Same results was showed for level 2 and level 3.


Waseem Abbas, Imtiaz Ahmed* and Imran Khan 

...ient-rich ingredients in its formulation. The main objective of the present study was to investigate the feasibility of incorporating chamomile and wild thyme powder in wheat bread to further improve its nutritional profile. For this purpose, three composite test breads (CWB) were prepared by incorporating chamomile and wild thyme at an equal proportion of 1, 2 and 3%. Proximate analyses of wheat flour, chamomile powder, thy...

Mehwish Zafar1, Muhammad Shahzad1*, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Quratulain3, Mehak Shehzad4 and Samreen Nazeer5*

...ers growth of plants and its yield of biomass by impacting major physiological mechanisms i.e., ionic, oxidative and osmotic stress. One possible and climate resilient strategy is to introduce new crops that can bear high level salinity and allow irrigation with saline water. Quinoa has great potential to grow under saline conditions having outstanding nutritious value. Pot based complete block design was conducted in COMSATS University Abbottabad, Pakistan du...

Addisu Jimma1,2*, Aberra Melesse1, Aynalem Haile3, Tesfaye Getachew3  

... progress, economic benefits, and livelihood improvements for smallholders in the pioneer sheep breed improvement cooperatives in Ethiopia. Although the Doyogena sheep CBBP is one of the well-performing breeding cooperatives, there is a lack of up-to-date information regarding farmer perspectives on morphological and reproductive changes (such as conformation, coat color, litter size, growth, and lambing interval), socio-economic benef...

Muhammad Wasif Gulzar*, Riffat Maqsood, Muhammad Zain, Muhammad Suleman, Tayyab Ur Rehman, Sana Asif, Abdul Wadood and Jawad Hussain

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Muhammad Inam Ullah Qaisrani1, Abdul Aziz Khakwani1, Zuhair Hasnian2, Umar Khitab Saddozai1, Muhammad Naeem4, Hadia Gul5 and Moneeza Abbass3

...m has been attributed to its alllelopathic potential. Allelochemicals released from parthenium have been reported to decrease germination and growth of agronomic crops, vegetables, trees and many other weed species. Growth promoting effects of parthenium extracts at low concentrations have also been reported in certain crops. A laboratory experiment was carried out to evaluate the germination and germination indices of maize with estimation of maize growth inf...

Abeer Alahmari1,2* stress as a result of its rich chemical content of furano-sesquiterpenes, which possess powerful antioxidant activities.


Ali Hassan1, Javaria Ashraf1*, Salman Wahid1, Kamran Alyas1, Samaria Nisar1, Sadia Kanwal2, Nadia Hussain Ahmad2, Amna Bibi2 and Rameen Nawaz3 and yield related traits using line × tester design is very important to identify best performing parents in future cotton breeding program. Therefore, in this study five lines (MNH-1020, MNH-1035, FH-152, CIM-632 and BS-20) were crossed with three testers (CEMB-100, RH-662 and NIAB-5) using line × tester crossing design, which resulted 15 F1 hybrids. The analysis of variance found significant variation between the parents and hybrids, demonstr...

Shakil Ahmed1, Mahin Das2, Md. Rayhan Sojib3*, Shishir Kanti Talukder4, Sadia Sultana5, Prantika Datta1, Shofiqul Islam1 and Gazi Md. Mohsin2

...riment involved seven traits, including germination percentage, days to first flowering, fruit weight, fruits per plant, fruit length, seeds per plant, and yield. The study compared local hybrids (Saba, Lalbeni, Tokii, and 1070) and exotic hybrid (White Beauty, imported from Thailand) using a Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD). The results revealed that exotic hybrid varieties had a positive significant difference (p<...

Shahbaz Hussain1, Asif Ameen2*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar3, Atif Naeem1, Ahmad Jawad1, Madad Ali1, Muhammad Ather Nadeem3, Ghulam Abbas2, Muhammad Arif2, Muhammad Ahmad Zafar4, Zahid Hassan5

... next best economic benefits (Rs. 81906 ha-1). Thus, applying Puma Super at 92.66 g a.i. ha-1 is appeared viable approach to control grassy weed flora and ensure higher paddy yield with higher economic returns when rice is sown under DSR technology. 


Iqra Munir*, Farrah Iftikhar, Hira Fatima, Sunbal Khalil Chaudhari and Roha Ramash

...ponents included were fruits, leaves, roots, barks, seeds, and sometimes whole plant. There was a total of 50 plants out of which 20 plants were used through the preparation of decoction, 17 plants in the powder form and 10 plants used through infusion. 80% plants used to cure cough, asthma, fever, influenza, diabetes and liver diseases. 60% plants used to cure digestive diseases, diarrhea, cancer, inflammation, stomachache and dysentery. About 30% plants used...

Umair Ahmad1*, Asad Sultan1, Sarzamin Khan1 and Muhammad Tahir2

...y for the performance traits like feed intake, weight gain and FCR. Phyto-protease addition at 100mg kg-1 feed exhibited significant effect on body weight, FCR, and carcass traits compared to the control. The highest body weight gain was recorded in birds fed GPP2, followed by birds on GPP1 and the lowest in N-CON fed birds. Ginger-derived phyto-protease supplementation significantly lowered serum cholesterol (TG and LDL) wh...

Qurrat ul Ain Shafique1, Sana Batool2, Hanfa Ashfaq2, Asima Tayyab2, Roquyya Gul3 and Mahjabeen Saleem1*

Hayder S. Rwayyih*, Tahani S.S. Al-Azawi

...t and ovariectomized rabbits. Twenty rabbits, aged seven to eight weeks, were employed in this investigation. The animals were split up evenly into the following four groups: The intact rabbits in Group One (G1) were given distilled water. The intact rabbits in Group Two (G2) were given an oral dose of alpha lipoic acid (10 mg/kg B.wt). The ovariectomize...

Bushra AL-Khaqani, Amira Mohammed*  

... has been researched for its potential anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant qualities, and to induce relaxation of airway smooth muscle. The current study investigated whether Resveratrol (RES) could lessen allergic asthma that ovalbumin (OVA) causes in rats. Current results revealed that RES improved significantly (P<0.05) allergic asthma attenuation by decreasing the number of infiltrated mononuclear cells in Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid (BALF) and non-sign...
Asad Ali1*, Khalid Javed1, Imran Zahoor1, Khalid Mahmood Anjum2, Numan Sharif1, Imtiaz Ahmad3 and Aftab Hussain Aftab3
...or seven reproductive traits using phenotypic records from an experimental Kajli flock in Punjab, Pakistan. Phenotypic data comprised 2501 records of litter size at birth (LSB), cumulative litter weight at birth (LWB), and mean litter weight at birth/ lamb born (LMWB), 1657 records of litter size at weaning (LSW), cumulative litter weight at weaning (LWW), and mean litter weight at weaning/ lamb weaned (LMWW), and 1674 records of lambing interval (LI) from Kaj...
Li Tian1*, Chun Wang2, Hailiang Li2, Haitian Sun2 and Chang Wang3
...y operation of CPSO, and its performance and application are analyzed. The experimental results show that the classification accuracy of CBPSO-SVM algorithm is 98.22% and 97.78% respectively in gray spot disease and algal spot disease, higher than that of PCA-SVM (82.5% and 83.67%). In addition, the average classification accuracy of CBPSO-SVM is 91.26%, better than that of PCA-SVM (81.83%). At the same time, through the comparison of CBPSO algorithm, BPSO alg...
Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1*
...ues in the productive traits, whereas spacing with 0.3 m and 0.4 m reported the best behavior. The spacing of 1.1 m between rows and 0.3 m between plants showed the best Marginal Rate of Return for cultivated cotton with the variety “BRS-336”. The combination of the studied factors registered higher values in agronomic and productive variables when compared to the control treatment (conventional spacing used by farmers).
Luis Fernando Díaz-Toral1, Carlos Eddy Alvarado-Zamora1, Ernesto Gonzalo Cañarte-Bermúdez2*, José Bernardo Navarrete-Cedeño2, Gilmar Jesús Cañarte-Cañarte1 and Fernando David Sánchez-Mora1* 
...plant, efficiently using its nutritional resources. When the growth regulator was applied at a single time, that is at 50 DAS, the best average yield of raw cotton was obtained (4,642 kg ha-1). Meanwhile, the most efficient dose was that of 300 mL of MC, with which the highest yield (4,613 kg ha-1) of raw cotton was obtained. 
Julio Adolfo Corzo-Bacallao1*, Carlos Alfredo Salas-Macías1, Osvaldo Fonseca-Rodríguez2,3, Felipe R. Garcés-Fiallos1, Erika Isabel Alcívar-Muñoz1 and Henry Fabricio Baque-Loor1 
...phyll measured in SPAD units, as a possible compensation for the increase in photosynthetically active uptake in that condition.

Aspen Abutalip*, Batyrbek Aitzhanov, Assiya Mussayeva, Vladislava Suchshikh, Natalya Yegorova

...rch for methods aimed at its elimination. One such approach is the timely and rapid diagnosis of the disease, which will allow the timely implementation of preventive measures. The purpose of the study was to develop an express test to identify cases of animal morbidity for emphysematous carbuncle in the field. For this purpose, a serological method was used using the latex agglutination test (LAT). When preparing the diagnostic, antibodies to surface proteins...

Thuong Thi Nguyen1*, Nhu Quynh Ho1, Thuan Khanh Nguyen2, Tuan Phong Vu Anh Vo3, Hai Thanh Duong4

... from cows HIS < 75 units were reported daily. Of 250 cows 0-90 days of milking, 205 cows had at least one disease, and 45 were healthy. The SCR system sensitivity was 58.33%. Rumination alerts recorded 345 alerts, including 203 alerts of diseases after clinical examination, in which abomasal displacement was 100% alert effective, ketosis at 73.53% alerts, and mastitis at 63.83% alerts. However, the rates of mastitis, ketosis, and abomasal displacement were...
Yanis Cruz-Quintana1*, Ana María Santana-Piñeros1, Byron Manuel Reyes-Mero1, Leonela Griselda Muñoz-Chumo1 and Lenin Cáceres-Farías1,2 
... or early ages. However, its incidence and effects on Amazon traditional aquaculture species such as Piaractus brachypomus has been little studied. The objective of the present investigation was to establish the presence of Trichodina heterodentata, its parameters of infection, and associated damages in three aquaculture farms of P. brachypomus located in Puyo, El Coca and in Joya de los Sachas, Ecuadori...

Muhmmad Asif1, Khunsa Khakwani1, Muhammad Hasnain1*, Farrukh Ilahi1, Muhammad Hussnain Babar1, Shahid Munir Chuhan1, Jehanzeb Farooq1, Hafiz Ghazanfar Abbas1, Iqra Parveen1, Ghulam Sarwar2, Saeed Ahmad2 and Hammad Hussnain2

... cotton yield as well as its impact on fiber quality. The cultivars differed in their susceptibility to sucking insects and pink bollworm. The lowest whitefly population was observed on genotypes FH-492 (2.48), FH-498 (2.97), and ‘FH-494 (2.80) per leaf. The lowest jassid population was recorded on cultivars FH-494 (0.87), FH-498 (0.97), and FH-492 (0.68) per leaf. The lowest thrips infestation was recorded on FH-492, FH-494 and FH-498, having 1.05, 1.13...

Wajid Ali1, Muhammad Noman Khan1*, Ghulam Nabi1, Shahid Ur Rahman1, Saira Sattar2, Muhammad Fawad Khan1, Saeed Ur Rahman1, Sayed Zubair1, Qurat Ul Ain1, Muhammad Sabeeh1 and Afsar Ali3

...Moringa leaf extract and its solution application forms on growth and yield of okra” was carried out at Agriculture Research Institute North Mingora, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan in the year 2019. Current study was consisted of two factors and was carried out in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Factor ‘A’ was solution application forms i.e. fresh Moringa leaf extract solution and dry Moringa leaf powder solutio...

Muhammad Ayyub, Mitha Khan*, Syed Abdul Malik, Sakhawat Ali, Syed Shamsullah, Mujeeb ur Rehman, Ikhlaq Ahmed, Ameer Uddin, Habibullah Kakar, Mohammad Zahid, Khalil Ahmed, Mana Khan, Mukhtiar Ahmed, Muhammad Rafiq Khetran, Zia ul Haq and Muhammad Azam

...nalysis of variance exhibits significant differences at (p<0.001 and 0.005) for all studied parameters. In hybrids, Benazir×Raskoo had the highest average value (92%) and in parents, TD-1 (89.66%) found best among hybrids. Similarly, correlation coefficient results indicated significant association among all genotypes for all characteristics. Most of the parameters among crosses showed highly positive significant heterosis. Similarly, parents and thei...

Asmit Subba1*, Jash Hang Limbu2 and Laxman Khanal1*

...the dispersal route from its original description locality in Bangladesh.

Bilal Atta1*, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir1, Muhammad Dildar Gogi2, Muhammad Asif Farooq3, Muhammad Ijaz1, Tahir Hussain Awan1, Muhammad Ahsin Ayub4, Muhammad Usman Saleem1, Amara Nasiba1

...ty of this study lies in its investigation of the effectiveness of light traps for early detection and management of rice insect pests. By analyzing population data spanning multiple years, the study provides novel insights into the temporal dynamics of six specific insect species, highlighting their peak populations at different times. This research contributes to the understanding of pest population dynamics and emphasizes the significance of utilizing light...

Muhammad Adnan Khalid1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain1*, Shafaqat Ali2,3*, Abdullah Ijaz Hussain4, Muhammad Asrar1, Nisar Ahamd5, Majid Hussain6 and Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan7

...oduce animal protein but its growth is impeded by the cost of fishmeal, an optimal protein source for fish health. In this study, we examined the feasibility of various biochar supplements with Moringa oleifera seed meal (MOSM). Six iso-nitrogenous and iso-energetic diets were prepared: Control (without biochar) and diet II (parthenium biochar), diet III (farmyard manure biochar), diet IV (poultry waste biochar), diet V (vegetable waste biochar) and diet VI (c...

Saira Jabeen1, Muhammad Avais1*, Jawaria Ali Khan1, Kamran Ashraf2, Aftab Ahmad Anjum3

...t of 20 locally bred rabbits. For preparation of vaccines, the antigen concentration was adjusted to 10^10 cells/mL, a level determined to trigger highest IHA antibody response in rabbits. Three distinct vaccine types were prepared, each employing different adjuvants. To ensure the quality and safety of these vaccines, quality control assessment was carried out. The efficacy evaluation of the vaccines was performed on 24 loc...

Yan Wang1,2*, Lin Liu3, Na Li4, Yijun Zong1, Wei Liu1, Wenhua Xu1, Qi Wang1, Peijuan Zhang1 and Huiling Feng2,5*

...lung adenocarcinoma exhibits high levels of LY6K expression and is associated with a poor prognosis. The expression of LY6K was most significant in A549 cells. In A549 cells, LY6K knockdown significantly inhibited cell proliferation and plate clonal formation (all p < 0.05), and inhibited tumor formation in nude mice (p < 0.01). The protein expression levels of GLUT1, HK2, PFKL, ALDOA, PGK-1, PKM2 and LDHA were down-regulated (all p < 0.05), and the g...

Yanfei Cai1, Jiahong Feng1 and Wanlong Zhu1,2,3*

...bolic healthy obesity limits its study. Tupaia belangeri is a new type of experimental animal emerging in recent years and is extremely widely used in various disease models because of its evolutionary status and high affinity with primates. Here, in order to judge whether this new experimental animal can serve as special materials in obesity research, we constructed an obesity model in T....

Akbar Khan Khajjak1,4*, Adnan Nazir2, Tehmina Mangan1 and Ali Raza1

...has almost 38 percent of its fertile land under wheat crop, and it is one of the main dietary foods of the indigenous population in comparison to other grains, fish, chicken, and meat. A total of 300 farmers were interviewed, therefore 150 farmers from each district Naushehro Feroze and Benazirabad were recorded. In this study, the Cobb-Douglas stochastic production frontier approach was employed for examining the technical efficiency and inefficiency factors ...

Arif Mehmood1*, Muhammad Naeem2, Abu Bakkar Muhammad Raza1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1, Muhammad Irfan Ullah1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Ikram ul Haq1 and Waqas Raza1

...asis of their feeding habits and behavior. Spatial hotspots are the target areas in precise control. The diversity indices and habitat web structures are the tools which can be helpful in controlling disease vector in case of epidemic. In this study, microhabitats were specified, surveys were conducted to explore specified microhabitats in Chakwal district of Pothwar region, Punjab, Pakistan. After qualitative and quantitative sorting, checklist of mosquitoes ...

Apurbo Kumar Mondal1, Md. Rabiul Auwul2, Md. Momotaj Hossen3, Md. Sodrul Islam1*, Narayan Paudyal4, Md. Shahidul Islam1 and Kazi Khalid Ibne Khalil1

...: justify;">Peste des petits ruminants (PPR), a prevalent viral disease of sheep and goats that impacts productivity and international animal trade globally. Meta-analysis serves as the most suitable approach for obtaining pooled data from individual studies. This study aimed at using a random-effects model of meta-analysis to compile the estimates of the global prevalence and potential risk factors of PPR among sheep and goats. Based on the selection criteria...
Shahid Iqbal Khattak1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch*1, Khalid Naveed2, Muhammad Amjad
Nadim1, Asghar Ali Khan1 and Kaleem Ullah3
...) and grain yield, while its application at
heading stage produced maximum net assimilation rate (NAR). Among different doses, the
application of potassium at the rate of 60 kg ha-1 potassium at the rate of 60 kg ha-1
produced maximum growth and yield and its components during two consecutive cropping
seasons of wheat crop while weed density (m-2), relative weed density (%), fr...

Rehan Habib1, Khuram Mubeen1, Ammar Matloob1 and Muhammad Baqir Hussain2

... till 45 DAE to get benefits as the control single weed is economical as compare to all

Ali Hazrat1*, Qasir Ali2, Mohammad Nisar1, Khan Sher2, Tour Jan1 and Abid Ullah1

...wet habitats, as well as its bigger area, seem to account for the higher diversity of the
bryophyte species in Sheringal valley. Most bryophytes in Sheringal valley are corticolous
(40%) followed by epiphyllous (30%), saxicolous (20%), and terrestrial (10%). Further
studies are suggested to further confirm our findings.
Mona Adel El-Wakeel1*, Salah El-Din Abd El-Ghany Ahmed, Sanaa Abd El Rahman Mohamed
and Nadia Khalil Messiha
... parameters and yield traits, sole
application of PLP at successive rates is more effective than PLP at the same successive
rates with acetic acid 5%. So, it was observed that PLP at 60g pot-1 and 45 g pot-1
significantly developed most of growth parameters and yield traits of C. annuum than the
healthy plants in both seasons. On the contrary, acetic acid treatment alone record...
Iqra Munir1, Abdul Ghaffar2, Asad Aslam2, Muhammad Khuram Shahzad1 and
Muhammad Jafir3

Ali Hazrat1

...ed devotion not only for its cultivation, but emphasis must be made on conservation for sustainable utilization of plant resources.


Adil Hussain1*, Muhammad Qasim Hayat22 and Syed Ali Imran Bokhari1

...akistan by investigating its geographical distribution and phylogenetic analysis. To date, we have observed this species in stony landscapes of Ghizer district of Gilgit-Baltistan. Phylogenetic analysis of A. verlotiorum with maximum likelihood approach using its ETS (External transcribed spacer)and ITS (Internal transcribed spacer) of nrDNA sequences sh...

Mona Adel El-Wakeel1 and Ibrahim Mohamed El-Metwally1

... parameters and yield traits of common bean. Estimated phenolic
compounds, flavonoids and essential oils in orange peels may be responsible for this
inhibitory effect.

Farrukh Hussain1, Sajid Aziz1, Gul Hassan2, Khalid Aziz1 and Sapna Raisham1

...orcing bodies for the visits of outsiders, which made possible this first preliminary piece of work on weeds of Cannabis sativaL. fields. Although, the cultivation of C. sativa is legally banned in Pakistan vide the Control of Narcotics Substance Act of 1997, yet it is a regular cash crop in Tirah-Maidan Valley. Cannabis sativa fields were analyzed in three localities: Kalona, Zangai and Kawarli during August 2019. Ten fields were analyzed using 10, 1m2quadrat...

Muhammad Rafiq,1 Amna Shoaib,1 Arshad Javaid1

...s asper was assessed for its antifungal activity against R. solani. The methanolic
extract was prepared by soaking dried root biomass in methanol and analyzed by GC-MS.
Antifungal potential of the extract was detected in test tubes filled with malt extract broth.
The results revealed fungal biomass was significantly reduced (52–97%) with increase in
concentrations of the extract (1.56–200 mg mL-1). GC...

Arshad Javaid, Amna Ali, Iqra Haider Khan and Amna Shoaib

...ickpea plant and reduces its survival rate, growth and yield. This study was
undertaken to assess the benefits of soil amendment with a weed Chenopodium album L.,
on growth, yield and physiology of chickpea var. Bakhar-2011, against S. rolfsii. For this
purpose, soil was sterilized by fumigation with formaline and then inoculum of S. rolfsii was
mixed. After one week of pathoge...
Muhammad Bilal Niaz1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Khuram Mubeen1, Mahmood Alam Khan1
and Wazir Ahmed2

Khalid Ali1, Asif Tanveer1, Naila Farooq2, Tasawer Abbas3*, Ghulam Sarwar2, Muhammad Ather Nadeem4, Ishtiaq Hassan3, Muhammad Mansoor Javaid4, Anees-ul-Hussnain Shah5, Bilal Ahmad Khan4 , Ali Raza6

Shabana Mangi1, Waheed Ali Panhwar1, Abdul Manan Shaikh1, G. Sarwar Solangi2, Khalid Hussain Rind3, Nazir Ahmed Abro4, Zaibun-nisa Memon1, Gul Hafeeza Lund1 and Paras Somroo1

...orphology represented as its body is lengthened, brown to blackish in body coloration, with densely coarse punctures on whole body, frons depressed, prontal angles tapered, lengthened, scutellum shield shaped trigonal spots, 1st to 3rd antennomers quadrates, clypeus bigonal, legs lengthened, tarsi denticated, 5 claws on tarsi, meta tarsi slightly smooth. Male genitalia (aedeagus) is wider than longer, base broader, lateral lobe of parameres slightly bigonal, l...

Muhammad Ather Nadeem1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*1, Saima Anwar2, Hasnain Abbas3, Muhammad Yasin1, Rizwan Maqbool3, Muhammad Mohsin Amin1, Amir Aziz5, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1, Muhammad Shozib Javed5

...ts of leaf, roots and fruits applied at 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8% (w/v) along with a control (0%). Data regarding seed emergence, emergence index, emergence percentage, root length, shoot length and seedling dry weight were recorded. All the tested concentrations of all the parts of S. oleraceus significantly inhibited the seed emergence, emergence index, emergence percentage (%), growth and delayed mean emergence time and time taken to 50% emergence of E. cru...

Haroon Khan1*, M. Mubassir Khan1, Bakhitar Gul1, M. Fawad1 and Imtiaz Khan1

...easing trend compared to its earlier status evident from the previous study.


Shazia Shafique1, Sobiya Shafique1 and Sonia Sahar1

...hich are responsible for its low productivity. Like many other diseases; leaf spot is very important due to its significant yield losses. Therefore, control of this disease is obligatory to reduce the causal agent lower than commercial thresh hold level. Biological control provides safe fungal management program. Presently, the research was under taken to ascertain the antitoxic effect of Thymus serpyllum against eggplant le...

Amir Ehsan1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Amjed Ali1

...eed plants m-2) enhanced its plant dry biomass up to 348 and 353%; and relative competitive index maximally to 80 and 77% in years 2015 and 2016, respectively. While the corresponding increases in plant dry weight and relative competitive index of D. arvensis were 367 and 360% and 79 and 82%. The enhancement in N (up to 258 & 257 %), P (up to 220 & 232%) and K (up to 293 & 301%) uptake in years 2015 and 2016, respectively were made by E. Colona whe...
Barkatullah1, Sumayya Noreen1.Khushnood Ur Rehman1, Zahid Ali Butt2, Tabassum
Yaseen3, Kamran Akbar3, and Salma Noreen3
... mandatory to understand its allelopathic performance in field
conditions contrary to its related types and to recognize the noxious value.
Imtiaz Khan,1 Muhammad Kabir, Muhammad Ishfaq Khan, Haroon Khan, Saima
Hashim and Muhammad Azim Khan
selected to check its performance by adopting methods of sowing and mixed tank herbicides
application. The experiment was arranged in split-plot with randomized complete block
(RCB) design with 4 replications. For practical adaptation of the experiment, the sowing
methods were allotted as the main plots, while tank mixed herbicides were kept in the subplots
to get prominent results for the possible positiv...

*Arshad Javaid1, Syeda Fakehha Naqvi1 and Iqra Haider Khan1

Shabnam Javed1 and Amna Shoaib2 (Lindl.) Rehder] exhibits
medicinal value as a large woody shrub. The present study examined the cytotoxic activities
of S. tomentosa using methanolic extracts and fractions (n-hexane, dichloromethane, ethyl
acetate and water) against three cancer cell lines (lung A-549, hepatocellular HepG2and
urinary bladder EI-138). Cytotoxic assays were carried out with five concentrations (0.05,
0.01, 0.05, 0....
Muhammad Sikander Hayyat1*, Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1, Muhammad Mansoor
...llelopathic potential of its plant leachates and soil-decomposition plant residues towards
emergence and seedling growth of rice. In first experiment, aqueous extracts from various
plant parts of red sprangletop (stem, root, leaves, flower and entire plant) at their 5% (w/v)
concentration were applied to germinating rice seeds. In second experiment, soildecomposed
red sprangletop plant residues of variable concen...

Muhammad Nasir Mazhar1, Muhammad Arif*, Naeem Akhtar1 and Muhammad Shafiq1 and Muhammad Yousaf1

...s for animals. Moreover, its frequent application also developed resistance in some weed species against the herbicides. Therefore, a field experiment was planned to assess the effect of multi-approached weed suppression in wheat at Reclamation Research Station, 7/3-L Ahmad Pur Sial District Jhang during winter 2019-20. Experimental treatment was comprised of two wheat cultivars i.e. Ujala 2016 and Faisalabad 2008 and seven weeds control approaches i.e. hand w...

Afrah Adil Hassan1*, Hawraa F. H. Alowaid1, Majdy Faisal Majeed2 

... in multiple tissues and its interactions with bio-elements, essential for various biological functions. This study aimed to investigate the combined protective effects of Chrysin (Chy) and Ginkgo biloba (Gnk) against the bioaccumulative toxicity of Pb+2 on histological liver profiles and antioxidant enzyme activities in male adult rats. Adult male Wistar rats (250±10 g) were divided into four groups: group I (n = 6) served as the control and received 2...

Yuping Liu, Sige Wang and Tianyan Yang*

...ication origin (OL), and its gene composition and order were similar to those of most teleosts. The A + T content of the whole mtDNA was 55.39 %, suggesting an obvious anti-G bias (16.64 %). The positive AT-skew (0.01) and negative GC-skew (-0.25) were revealed. The analysis of codon usage showed that NNA-type codons were used most frequently, which was consistent with the A bias at the third codon positions in PCGs. Three base mismatches were detected in the ...
Wagner Antonio Gorozabel Muñoz1*, Mayra Jossenka Loor Solórzano1, Josselyn Gema Palacio Intriago1, Virginia Vanessa Andrade Andrade1 and Carlos Alfredo Cedeño-Palacios1,2 
...complished by evaluating its properties and conducting physicochemical, antioxidant, and beta-carotene analyses on the flours obtained from the pulp of three squash varieties: vermilion squash, pepo and macre. For the research project, the squash samples were subjected to a process of selection, classification, sectioning process, dehydration at 60°C for 12 hours, and grinding at 210 mm. The physicochemical evaluation was determined by: fat NTE INEN-ISO110...

Siti Zubaidah1, Chusnul Hanim2, Bambang Ariyadi3, Aji Praba Baskara2*, Zuprizal2

...lm kernel cake (PKC) and its cell-wall structure. PKC with and without shells samples were used to study the chemical composition of PKC, and PKC with and without enzymes were used to investigate cell-wall structure. The enzymes consisted of mannanase (182 g/tons), nonstarch polysaccharide degrading enzyme (200 g/tons), and protease (130 g/tons). The chemical composition included dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), ash, ether extract (EE), nitrogen-free extra...

Tebogo Letsukulo Percy Thepa, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

... between ovine growth traits and the SNPs of the MSTN gene. Four databases (PubMed, Web of Science, ScienceDirect and Google Scholar) were systematically evaluated using the keywords sheep, MSTN, polymorphism, genetic variation, growth traits, gene polymorphism, skeletal muscle growth, GDF-8, without any year of publication restrictions and 8 studies were found to be eligible. The results indicated that eight (n = 8) publica...

Mir Manzar Ud Din1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Muhammad Salman1, Fazli Amin1 and Saeed Ud Din

...ilk protein, focusing on its structure, synthesis, and functional properties. We delve into the molecular composition of silk protein, the mechanisms of silk synthesis, and the factors that influence its physical and mechanical properties. Furthermore, we explore the potential applications of silk protein in various fields, such as biomedicine, textiles, and materials science. This research paper aims to deepen our understan...

Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Hammad Ud Din1 and Fazli Amin1

...her yield attributing traits. Numerically, the top-performing Sesame varieties in terms of seed yield were Till-18 (11 qt/ha), TS-3 (10.3 qt/ha), and DM-14 (10 qt/ha), and they are recommended for the specific community and its vicinity. None the less, further studies are needed, including the evaluation of recently released varieties, to strengthen the recommendations for improved Sesame production in the target area and en...

Ghalib Nadeem* and Muhammad Irfan Anis 

...sion up to 97% affirming its supremacy in classifying bovine events. This achievement underscores the efficacy of employing ML algorithms for accurate and timely disease identification. This ground-breaking fusion of ML techniques with bovine disease detection holds trans-formative potential, promising to elevate animal welfare standards, optimize dairy productivity, and usher in a new era of data-driven dairy management.

Rameez Raja Kaleri1,5*, Hubdar Ali Kaleri1, Ahmed Nawaz Khosa2, Raza Ali Mangi3, Ghulam Mustafa Solangi4 Mushtaq Ahmed Jalbani1, Irfan Ali Sahto1 and Muhammad Ismail1
..., the meat production traits or carcass traits are not studied well. In this study 8 months old, 120 healthier animals with 30 males from each Balochi, Rakhshani, Harnai and Bibrik sheep breeds were randomly selected from various sheep farms of Balochistan. They were divided into A, B, C and D groups including Balochi, Rakhshani, Harnai and Bibrik sheep breeds respectively, raised under the semi-intensive management system. ...
Muhammad Shahid, Bashir Ahmad, Riaz Ahmad Khattak , Gul Hassan , Haroon Khan
Abdullah, Gul Hassan, Ijaz Ahmad Khan, Sheraz Ahmad Khan , Hussain Ali
Muhammad Arif , Muhammad Azim Khan, Habib Akbar, Sajjad , Sajid Ali
GUL HASSAN,MUHAMMAD IQBAL MARWAT,Khan Bahadar Marwat,Haji Khalil Ahmad
Ijaz Ahmad,FAZAL MUNSIF,Rizwan Ullah Shah,Wiqar Ahmad,Wasiullah Malik,Mushtaq Ahmad Jadoon,IMRAN KHAN,Sadiq Hussain
Nancy Shackelford , Michael Renton , Michael Perring , Kristine Brooks , Richard Hobbs
A. Tunabuna,B. Swamy,J. Saul-Maora,W. Orapa,A KAWI,J. Fidelis,J. Ratutuni,C.F. Dewhurst,M.D. Day
Zaid Khan, Bashir Ahmad, Habib Akbar, Muhammad Ayoub Khan , Sajjad Ahmad, Hafeez ur Rahim, Barkat Ali and Laiq Zada

Xiaodong Lin*, Guangyao Wu and Fu Zhang

... the lamina propria, and its expression level in the observation group was significantly lower than that in the control group (P<0.05). It was concluded that the UC destroys the intestinal mechanical barrier and immune barrier resulting in the dysfunction of intestinal mucosa barrier.


Aftab Khan*, Yasir Khan and Saleem Iqbal 

...ire manual estimation of its parameters in the traditional restoration case. Due to this parameter adjustment, restoration filters require parameter estimation which itself is a tedious job. This study proposes a novel technique for using image fusion to dispose the restoration filter’s parameter tweaking processing. Image fusion is used to produce a single deblurred image by firstly generating multiple deblurring resu...

Muhammad Bilal Zia1*, Ashar Farooq1, Hammad Ud Din1, Barkat Ullah Khan1 and Samee Ud Din2

...gro-forestry systems for its application as industrial raw material and a promising afforestation agent for phytoremediation of heavy metal-polluted soils. Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar introduced Paulownia species in 1989 and six species were evaluated in multi-location trials. The studies for optimal planting stock and propagation methods for Paulownia indicated that the root stumps grew substantially taller, having straight stems and symmetrical crown...

Ali Nawaz, Qazi Bilal, Anwar Ali*, Nowsherwan Zarif, Faizan Ahmad, Asim Karim and Atif Majeed

Hadi Awad Hassooni1, Safaa Sabbar Atiyah2*, Alaa Saleh Jassim1 

... in selecting desired traits, such as milk production, disease resistance, and growth monitoring, which in turn leads to improving the overall productivity of animals. This research aims to study the linkage among the genetic marker DIK20 and several physiological and productive features in Holstein cattles, which includes milk production, mastitis, and percentages of fat, lactose, and protein. The research was conducted in one milk production season, starting...

Mohamed A. Abu El-Hamd1*, Abd El-Salam M. Metwally2, Mohamed I. Bassiouni2, Mohamed M. Hegazy2, Mohamed A. El-Gendy1 and Mohammed A. El-Magd3

...ontaining permissible limits of organic trace minerals could significantly improve the digestibility coefficient, nutritive values, reproductive performance, and milk yield compared to cows fed on inorganic trace elements.


Manar Neamah Al-Shreefy*, Suhaib A.H. Al-Taai, divided according to its position into three portions. The stomach was a transverse, transparent, whitish-pink sac-like structure of the digestive system with a weight of 1.13±0.05 gm, a length of 2.76±0.04 cm, and a capacity of 2.57±0.08 ml. The stomach lacks an outward demarcation-limiting ridge between its divisions and appears relatively lobulated. This age was characterized by longitudinal and t...

Majeed Ajafar1, Hashim Hadi Al-Jebory1*, Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Saeedi2

...hospholipid, Hatching traits, Chick’s quality, Chick’s physical traits, Broiler, Energy

Marah Salim Hameed1, Raad Mahmood Hussein Al Zubaidi2, Ali Ibrahim Ali Al-Ezzy3*

...or white New Zealand rabbits. Thirty adult white New Zealand male rabbits were classified equally in to 3 groups, G1 were administrated 28mg/day of aqueous extract of Melia azedarach for 14 days, G2, were administrated 28mg/day of ethanolic extract of Melia azedarach for 14 day, G3 administrated pellets and green food for 14 days. Blood samples were taken at (0, 7, 14) days for separation of serum. Serum cholesterol, triglyc...

Putri Islamiati1, Muhammad Fathin Hanif2, Joko Sujiwo1,3, Adi Nugroho4, Bambang Ariyadi1*

... performance, carcass traits, digestive organs, blood hematology, and intestinal histomorphology of broilers. A total of 240-day-old male New Lohmann broilers were randomly assigned to two treatments: ad libitum feeding (AF) and restriction feeding (RF). Restricted feeding is carried out by fasting method once a week after the brooding period at 10, 17, 24, and 31 d. Each treatment was replicated in 15 groups (each replicate consisted of 8 broilers). Data coll...

Katleho Lephuting, Lebelo Joyceline Selala, Kwena Mokoena, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...esticular measurement traits of Savanna breeding bucks. The study follows the descriptive research method. A total of 19 Savanna goat bucks between the ages of 2 and 3 years old were used as experimental animals. Three testicular measurement traits namely testicular length (TL), testicular diameter (TD), and scrotal circumference (SC) were collected using a measuring tape. Body weight (BW) was collected using the electronic ...

Chengrui Yan1, Jing Miao1, Jiantong Feng1, Liping Xia1, Yingying Ye1,2*, Jiji Li1 and Baoying Guo1,2

Syed Basit Rasheed*, Farrah Zaidi, Samiullah and Tehmina Jan

... and population reaching its peak during the month of August. A supplementary collection from Charun area of Chitral revealed 12 species of Phlebotomus and four species of Sergentomyia. Among the total 31 species collected from both areas, six species of Phlebotomus (P. angustus, P. comatus, P. kabulensis, P. rupester, P. turanicus and P. newsteadi) collected from Chitral and a single species of Sergentomyia (S. sagodina) collected from Nowshera are new report...

Safdar Abbas1, Jawaria Ali Khan1*, Syed Saleem Ahmed1 and Aftab Ahmed Anjum2

...irus Antigen Rapid Test Kits were used to screen samples, which were then subjected to RT-PCR for molecular characterization. For the haemato-biochemical analysis, blood was taken from calves infected with BCoV. A questionnaire was used to collect information about the risk factors associated with the occurrence of BCoV infection. BCoV infection was found in 3.5% (7/200) of calves using diagnostic screening kits and 3.0% (6/...

Sara Brikat1*, Imane Kherrab1*, Yassine Taaifi2*, Sara Haida3, Laila Ibouzine-Dine1, Oumaima Abouyala1, Ilhame Fitah1, Abdelhalim Mesfioui1, Aboubaker Elhessni1 

...od supplement, known for its valuable natural bioactive compounds. This study aims to investigate the acute toxicity, antidepressant effects, antioxidant activities, and memory enhancement potential of methanolic extract of Curcuma longa (MECL) in high fructose-treated rats. To assess acute toxicity, rats were divided into five groups treated with different doses of MECL (2000, 3000, and 4000 mg/kg) for 14 days. For the evaluation of antidepressant, antioxidan...

Abdul Rahman Sesay1,2, Muhammad Saif-ur-Rehman1*, Faisal Ramzan1 and Faisal Saeed Awan3, mostly attributed to its ability to withstand high temperatures, resilience to diseases, and satisfactory performance when fed low-quality roughages. Domestication and breeding of mammals have exerted a consistent selection pressure on a wide range of characteristics in many domesticated species, resulting in discernible genetic modifications at the individual genome level. The study aimed to discover and analyze potential indicators of recent selection in...

Zeinab A. El-Moaty1,2*, Hoda Ahmed1,3, Wafaa Sorour4,5 and Tarfa H. Alsheddi6;0.05), except Fe that its concentration was significantly higher in the cement site. In addition, six mean differences of MHs out of seven were proven highly significant in plants and insects collected from the cement site. Mg level was the same in plants and insects collected from the two inspected sites. The concentrations of different MHs were higher in beetles than soil and plant. Only, the concentration of Zn in plant (163.59 µg/g) was higher tha...

Lipigwe Lauya1*, Peace Nkiruka Okeke2, Nanma Tongnan Cosmas1 and Chukwudi Chizorom Ibeh1

...g incidence of HIV-2 elicits mixed feelings of victory and doubt. Previously, we published a systematic literature review which identified factors contributing to this declining trend but also raised concerns about its sustainability. The aim of this article is to caution against interpreting this trend as a triumph against HIV/AIDS in the region. This caution is deserved due to serious challenges in West Africa that require...

Yasameen Waleed Al-Abedi1, Murtadha Kadhim Hasan2*, Alaa Abdalhadi Halboti3, Ali Abdulhussein Saleh Alsaeedi3, Rafed Abbas Kadhum1

...vering the capability of its use for the upcoming revolution of genetic engineering. The study provides an outline of the CRISPR-Cas system, followed by the mechanisms of genome modification, mainly focusing on the repair mechanisms of the double-stranded breaks. This key idea becomes the starting point of the investigation for the grander pathway that leads to exploring the essence of epigenetic modifications and their role in gene regulation. The precise gen...

Abdur Rahman Khan1*, Mansoor Ali Khan1, Abdur Rehman1 and Muhammad Umair Khan1

... many fields, because of its unique properties. Nanomaterials are those materials, which have a size in between 1-100 nm. Nano level sized materials show distinct physical and mechanical properties and incomparable chemical and biological properties. Nano based composite wood products are manufactured now a days by incorporating different nanomaterials in the synthetic adhesives. These nano based wood composites are highly hydrophobic, resistant to pesticides,...

Basheer Ahmad, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

... from this challenge, as its population continues to grow, reaching 208 million, leading to increased pressure on food production and forest resources. To tackle this problem, there is a pressing need for effective food structures that not only improve efficiency and financial outcomes but also bring about positive ecological impacts and gain social acceptance. Traditional land management practices like agri forestry offer a promising solution in Pakistan. To ...

Arshama Sheraz1, Shabir Ahmed1*, Sardar Azhar Mehmood1, Wali Khan2, Waheed Ali Panhwar3, Fiza Sadiq Awan1

...phibians fauna and hence its conservation in various terrestrial environments and water bodies of the Abbottabad district.
Manahil Wahab1 and Anwar Ali2
...y that has multiple benefits including source of cash income. The study recommends to diversify tree species and include more species particularly nitrogen fixing native species such as Kikar, Shisham and Siris in the farmland plantations. There is also need to educate farmers on optimum spacing for plantations of different species in the area.

Keywords: Agroforestry, Tree growth, Plantation, Poplar, Farmland....
Muhammad Umair1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Zahid Rauf1, Anwar Ali1, Ghayyas Ahmed1, Basheer Ahmed1, Salman Ahmad1 and Saifullah1
...ty of socioeconomic benefits. According to the findings of the study farmers were generally supportive of intercropping and border cropping. Most farmers regarded agroforestry systems as most beneficial due to their ability to protect surrounding crops from dust storms. Age, education level, and distance from the farm to the market were significant factors in determining agroforestry adoption. In contrast, farmers who are older, less educated, and whose prope...
Syed Farooq Shah1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Zahid Rauf1, Anwar Ali1, Ghayyas Ahmed1, Basheer Ahmed1, Salman Ahmad1 and Saifullah1
...rious socioeconomic benefits, including food, fuelwood, fodder, fiber, timber, non-timber forest products, supplementary income, etc. Agroforestry systems' potential to provide farms with environmental services protecting soil erosion, bioenergy, the effects of trees in agricultural landscapes on carbon sequestration, sustainable land management techniques, pest control by natural enemies, and the global habitat for biological variety are all important. Accord...
Tanvir Hussain1, G. M. Nasir2, and Ayaz Marwat3
...ntification features and its distribution. The developed software program proved to be robust and efficient for wood identification process....
Ghayyas Ahmad1, Arifullah Awan2 and Muhammad Imran3
...atus of the practice and its impact on the tree health, tools used in lopping, species preferred and the role of gender were investigated. It was found that the practice was quite prevailing in the area. Main purpose of lopping was to meet the domestic need for fuel wood. Local people were largely unaware of its legal status or lopping's adverse affect on the tree's health. Axe was the main tool used for lopping. The preferr...
Afra Siab1, Saif Ullah Khan1, Anwar Ali1, Nowsherwan Zarif1, Basheer Ahmad1, Salman Ahmad1
...y are receiving the benefits in form of fuelwood, timber, aesthetic value, control soil erosion and environmental improvement. The study reveals that, average income from selling the farm trees upon maturity by the framers is Rs 236954 / annum. The study suggests that technical guidance is more important because farmers have no idea which species to plant and how to plant, that can lead to more production. The study also recommends to solve the sale problems, ...
Basheer Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Salman Ahmad1, Nowsherwan Zarif1* and Saif Ullah Khan1
... forest department lends its full assistance. The assistance is provided in the form of a cheque payment, and the director of I&HR also provided the necessary trainings. The forest guard provides on-site training for the nursery farmers. Out of 50 individuals who were interviewed, 68% believe that there are no significant types of damages in plantations, whereas 28% believe that damages have happened in plantations. In accordance with the survey, 38% of people...
Muhammad Rayyan1, Basheer Ahmad1, Anwar Ali1, Nowsherwan Zarif1*, Saif Ullah1 Khan and Salman Ahmad1
... of households gets benefits from agroforestry in the form of cash and fuel wood 10% in the form of fuel wood. From the survey it is also revealed that 45% of farmers are directly benefited from fuel wood from farmland, while 32.5% of farmers relied for fire wood on their land as well as from market. Overall, the findings indicated that factors related to socio-economic status, such as family size, land possession, subsidies received, livestock raising, types ...
Khush Bakht Arooj1, Muhammad Salman2 and Naveed Ahmed3
...aining food, health benefits, gaining jobs and income, pollination of plants to increase crop yield, maintains biodiversity and to protect the environment. The current status of apiculture in district Bannu is evaluated in the study as it is also a famous area for honey production in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In this study the primary data was collected through well-designed questionnaire and the study was carried out in different villages of Tehsil and District Ban...
Pervez Manan1, Farhat Jabeen1 and Ahmad Zamir2
...ardiana is known for its high value edible seeds (nuts), locally called as �Chilghoza�, rich in carbohydrates and proteins. It is native to the north-western Himalaya and is distributed in eastern Afghanistan, northern Pakistan and north-western India, growing at altitudes ranging between 1800 and 3300 m. It is often associated with the Blue pine (Pinus wallichiana) and Deodar (Cedrus deodara). In Pakistan these forests are mainly located in ...
Tanvir Hussain and G. M. Nasir
...years i.e. 1985-2015 and its impact on the tree ring widths (growth) of Blue pine (Pinus wallichiana). Results of the study showed an increase of 1.20oC in annual temperature and 9.58 mm in annual precipitation for the studied period. Correlation and Response Function Analysis between tree rings and climatic parameters indicated an obvious transformation in both coefficients from June-September of the previous year to current growth years in ...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Hassan Sher2, Junaid Khan2, Shahid Hussain2, Ashfaq Ali2 and Atif Majeed3
...idation purpose field visits were arranged. Data about conservation status was obtained through quadrate method. The study reported 40 herbaceous medicinal plants belonging to 33 different angiosperm families used by local people to cure different ailments. Lamiaceae was represented by maximum number of 6 species followed by Apiaceae and Solancaceae represented by 4 species each. Alliaceae was represented by 3 species while Amaranthaceae, Asterceae, Brassicace...
Muhammad Yousaf Khan and Pervez Manan
...ut the world, because of its adoptability to site, types of management systems, multipurpose nature and fast growth the Eucalyptus was introduced in Sub-Continent in late 18th century for the first time. Need for conducting this study was felt to dig out the facts about Eucalyptus plantations in Malakand District after a protest of few participants organized and brought by NGOs based at Peshawar and Islamabad with Play Cards in their hands against ...
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
...g is an efficient way of its utilization. Presently these rangelands are desecrated continuously because of high human impact. Contemporary necessity is to reinstate the forage potential by increasing the efficacy of forage species in rangelands by employing various rehabilitation techniques such as reseeding etc. The present study was designed to assess the growth performance and biomass production of reseeded grasses in scrub rangelands of Kherimurat scrub f...
Asad Abbas Khan1, Amina Batool2, Muhammad Aslam1, Muhammad Ehtesham Asghar3, Abdul Ghafoor1 and Muhammad Arif1
...g is an efficient way of its utilization. Presently these rangelands are desecrated continuously because of high human impact. Contemporary necessity is to reinstate the forage potential by increasing the efficacy of forage species in rangelands by employing various rehabilitation techniques such as reseeding etc. The present study was designed to assess the growth performance and biomass production of reseeded grasses in scrub rangelands of Kherimurat scrub f...
Zahid Rauf, Tanvir Ahmad Qureshi, Ghayyas Ahmad and Wahiba Iqbal
...he experts and cottage units. Results showed that the furniture industry utilized 2,722,643 cft of different wood species annually collectively in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Chipboard industry had its utilization of various wood species standing at 178,084 tons cumulatively annually in both provinces. Plywood industry consumed 170,133 cft and 1095 tons of wood in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa respectively on yearly basis...
Nasim Abbas, M. Yousaf Khan, Tanvir Hussain and Muhammad Zahid observed which showed its better strength. The wood may be less durable or non-durable, however, chemical preservation can be made easily to enhance its durability. Seasoning may also be done easily if due care is provided. After that the determined results have been compared with shisham wood (Dalbergia sissoo). It can be used as alternate of shisham wood in manufacturing work after some processing is carried out ...
Bilal Ahmad1, Maqsood Anwar2 and Muhammad Sadiq Khan3
...and causes of decreasing its population in town Thana of district Malakand. Primary data was collected through visits to the study areas in the morning and late afternoon along with the three helpers to study its habitat and their different activities in the study areas and through questionnaire survey. Secondary data was collected from literature. Dabber Tangy (Chrhat), Obukhwarh, Topdara...
Syed Fazal Baqi Kakakhel
... packed and marketed for its economic incentives, medicinal value and use for food. The locals of the valley use their endogenous knowledge for collection, drying, packing and marketing. Questionnaire of standard questions was designed and data regarding five years back record, recent information on collection in the beginning of summer season and at the end of summer season was investigated and asked about the total quantity of morels (Species wise) collected...
Ahmad Khan and Muhammad Ayaz Khan
...ably more protected than its peripheries. The open areas in the park reduced from 317 ha to 231 ha in 2013, however the degradation is more towards the edges, where local communities living around the park is probably cutting the forests. However, this degradation at edges, creating open areas which are preferred habitat of chinkara, has probably played a key role in escape of the chinkara from the park and establishing its ...
Farah Samuel and Syed Kamran Hussain
...e river banks. As far as its significance is concerned, conservation is the need of the hour for various threatened species such as fish fauna, freshwater turtles, migratory birds and otters. Illegal hunting and trade along with many harmful human activities are posing a serious danger to the River Kabul ecosystem. This study quantifies the ongoing unsustainable hunting and poaching practices in River Kabul and suggests proper conservation measures to secure t...
Rukhsana Kausar1, Mamoona Wali Muhammad2 and Mian Muhammad Shafiq3
...aluate non-tangible benefits (Ecotourism) of forests. Ecotourism is the travel to enjoy the world's amazing diversity of natural life and human culture without causing damage to either (Naeem et al., 2014). It is important to aware communities and public at large about conservation of natural resources by maintaining its forests and making ecotourism spots. In this study the recreational value of Ecotourism, was a...
Tanvir Hussain, G. M. Nasir and Khalid Hussain
...ervation behavior due to its vessels frequency and diameter. Moreover, on the basis of parenchyma distribution Ash wood grown in Kashmir may be comparatively durable against biological decaying agents as compared to that of grown in Quetta, Balochistan....
Anwar Ali1, Muhammad Iftikhar2, Sajjad Ahmad3, Ayaz Khan4 and Sultan Muhammad5
... diameter of the log and its length were measured for determining volume of logs. Total volume of a tree was determined by adding volumes of all logs. Different regression models were tested for deterring best relationship between DBH and height and DBH and Volume. On the basis of the best fit models, volume tables were prepared in 2cm dbh classes. These tables yielded volume estimates closer to the actual values obtained field measurement....
A. S. M. Helal Siddiqui1, Abul Khair2, M. Masudur Rahman3 and S.M. Mosfeka Hasnin4
... status of heart rot and its causal organism the research works were conducted from 2007 to 2009 at different locations in the Sundarbans. The locations are Baniakhali, Chunkuri, Kalabogi, Kashiabad, Bojboja and Supati. The result shows that heart rot affected percentages are 64%, 62% and 60%, 54% and 48%, 17% respectively. Very low amount of trees are affected at Supati located in the fresh water zone of the Sundarbans. The results also show that in the six l...
Mazhar Iqbal1, Ahmad Hussain2 and Zulfiqar Ali Sheikh3
...despite of the fact that its main purpose was to improve the forest, the resource depletion has been at constant rise. One of the reasons is the poor forest governance. This study was carried out to assess the current level of forest governance in terms of Efficiency and Effectiveness in Joint Forest Management at Allai Guzara Forests of Pakistan. Multi-stage sampling was adopted and FAOs framework for assessing and monitoring forest governance was used. In to...
Zahid Rauf and Syed Jawad Raza
...khtunkhwa was tested for its physico-mechanical properties and pulping characteristics to find out its better utilization. Results revealed that the comparatively high value of cleavage made it better for carving and cutting works. A comparison of physico-mechanical properties of Chinar (Platanus orientalis) wood with that of Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) wood properties also showed that the wood could be used as ...
Madiha Batool, Tariq Khan, Mazhar Iqbal and Anwar Ali
...onservation and find out its social and economic impacts on the rural dwellers. The results of the study are encouraging as the technology adoption has significantly reduced the fuelwood consumption and hence pressure on the forests. Similarly, the technology has contributed significantly in improving the socio-economic condition of the households using this technology.

Key Words: Solar Water Heaters, Forest Conservations, Social and economic impacts, Fu...

Muhammad Tahir Laeeq and Maqbool Hassan
...strict is mountainous in its characters and lies between two important mountain ranges i.e. Makran coast range and Central Makran range. The objective of the study was to asses the present status and practices, market mechanism, dependence and perception of household engaged in Mazri products manufacturers and trade, and to propose the management strategy for better use of the resource through community participation in Mazri area of Kech district.

The ...

Muhammad Bilal Zia and Muhammad Tahir Laeeq
...erences in the tested traits among the four species. Paulownia catalpifolia was top ranking followed by Paulownia tomentosa. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation were higher i.e. 23.43% and 24.36% for DBH. During the study of both years this trait also showed genetic consistency for these coefficients, broad sense heritability (0.93, 0.96) and genetic advance (2.62, 2.92). Based on these findings it is suggested that P. catal...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir and Khalid Hussain Solangi
...wood was studied to ease its identification and provide the anatomical data helpful in different practices of wood testing and processing and assess its better utilization. Results revealed that in Pilu wood, the fibers were short, medium in diameter, wide lumened, fairly thick-walled and occupied about one third volume of the wood. The vessels were medium in frequency, smaller in diameter and engaged minimum volume of the w...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Muhammad Yousaf Khan Syed Zakir Hussain Shah and Khalid Jan
...ntry and runs throughout its length of more than 1700km from northern high peaks to Arabian Sea in the south. This provides maximum opportunity for irrigating the plains situated in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, Balochistan and Sindh while flowing from north to south. The precipitation received in the catchments of Indus is in the form of snowfall during December to March and the monsoon rain during the summer. The precipitation received both in the form of wint...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Abid Hussain
...ey to determine the benefits and constraints of raising Hurrie plantation in the three Union Councils; Seri, Hatri and Masoo Bhurgri of Hyderabad district. Among 24 respondents 21% farmers have 1-5 acres of Hurrie plantation, 13% have 6-10 acres, 29% have 10-16 acres and 37% have more than 16 acres. The results show that 58.3% farmers raised hurrie by themselves and 41.7% grow through tenants. The cost for raising hurrie varied from 7000/acre/rotation (15% res...
Ch. Muhammad Muslim and Sohail Sikander
...aceous plants because of its multipurpose uses in different disease treatments. The study was conducted to elaborate the performance of morpho-anatomical characters of Linum usitatissimum to diverse habitat conditions of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. Five years cultivation data of Linum usitatisimum is analyzed with the objective to find best habitat for the growth and maximum yield of Linum usitatisimum and also to give farmer an easy way to get ma...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Muslim
...more than 2000 acres and its vegetation was unique consists of mixed crops of Mangifera indica, Butea monosperma, Zizyphus mauritiana, Dalbergia sissoo, Adhatoda vasica, Cedrula toona, Melia azedarach and rarely Tamarindus indica and Azadirachta indica. Singri is another large tract, where settlers cultivated agricultural crops like wheat, rice, maize, sugar-cane etc. This area had footprints of Hindu civilization near Singri Police Chouki...
Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Miskeen Ali

Tanveer Haider, Aurangzeb Ashraf, Ambar Masud
...ned 1160 kg/ha, animal units was almost .03. Pressures and threats to park and particular compartment are directly and indirectly increasing day by day. Major pressures are increasing human population, overgrazing by animals, environmental pollution, like water contamination and forest fires. A thing of concern was the identification of a fast depletion of indicator species Dodonea viscosa. Forest fires occurred 1-2 times annually. All these factors sho...
Tariq Mahmood and Zulfiqar Ali
...rolonged so as to permit its exploitation not only for the present generation but by the generations to come. This can only be achieved through integrated watershed management and the active participation of local communities. This is a holistic approach, by now generally accepted as the best one and gaining popularity all over the world including Pakistan. The article addresses the same issue and emphasizes that participatory watershed management is the only ...
Rahim Muhammad Akmal Syed1, Hasnain Shahida2, Mamoona Wali Muhammad3 and Jabeen Farkhanda4
...farmland plantations) of its area, which is insufficient to provide the material needs for the growing population, expanding industry and to retard and arrest the ongoing environmental and ecological degradation process. Based on physiographic, climate and ecology, Pakistan is divided into nine major ecological or vegetative zones, which are further sub-divided into 18 habitat types, an arrangement for the development of Protected Areas System in terms of repr...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...ed for the assessment of its various technological properties. Permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections were prepared by standard laboratory techniques and observed under the microscope for structure, frequency and dimensional measurements of different wood elements/structures in the wood species. Results showed that in Acacia ampliceps wood, the fibers are medium in length and reasonably thick-walled. The vessels are small in diameter ...
GPS Dhillon, Avtar Singh and DS Sidhu
...oticed for all growth traits at all ages. Clones S7C8, 113324, L-188/84, L-313/85, L-51/84, L-71/84, 154/84, 110702 and 64-243-1 were promising clones at 7-year age with volume per tree ranging from 0.242 to 0.320 m3. The phenotypic and genotypic coefficients of variation were relatively higher for volume (11.15-31.78%) and the minimum for tree height (4.71-13.65%). The broad sense heritability ranged from 29.68 to 73.11 per ce...
Enefiok S. Udo1, Opeyemi Olajide1 and Eyo A. Udoh2 restore and sustain its natural ecological integrity.

Key Words: Akwa Ibom, Density, Diversity, Nigeria, Non-Timber Products, Plants, Rainforest, Regeneration, Sustainable Management, Ukpom Community.

Babar Khan1, Muhammad Zafar Khan2 and Garee Khan2
...ent of agro forestry and its impacts on protection of natural forests in Bunji, a small village in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. On average, land fragmentation has resulted into a loss of 1.3 ha per capita during the past fifteen years. However, compared to farm land (46%) only 7% loss in land under farm forestry was observed. A remarkable change had occurred in land use patterns. Land under crop production has decreased on an average rate of 2.3% year-1
Ch. Muhammad Muslim1, Yahya Karamat2, Muhammad Shabbir Mughal3 and Imtiaz Hussain4
...aceous plants because of its multipurpose uses in different disease treatments. The study was conducted to increase the production of Nigella sativa by applying the NP fertilizer. This study was carried with objective to find the optimum doze of NP fertilizer for the growth and maximum yield of Nigella sativa and also to give farmer an easy way to get maximum benefit of his land resources during the rabbi season as compared to the other crops like maize...
Muhammad Afzal, Aqeela Mobeen Akhtar and M. Mahboob-ur-Rahman
... to one in New Guinea in its vegetation type and structure, climate, soils, etc., but these forests are inhabited by plants with very different evolutionary histories.

The Punjab province is mainly a fertile region along the river valleys, while sparse deserts can be found near the border with Rajasthan and the Sulaiman Range. The region contains Thar and Cholistan deserts. The Indus River and its many tributaries ...

Syed Said Badshah Bukhari, Ghulam Ali Bajwa and Miskeen Ali
...on eight quantitative traits. The heterosis was estimated using multiple evaluation indices (EI), mid parent heterosis (MPH), better parent heterosis (BPH), and sub-ordinate function indices (SF). The results showed highly significant (p<0.01) difference in rearing performance of inbred and hybrid breeds. Hybrid JL04xCL04 showed superior performance in the fecundity (596.50±4.03 eggs per female), larval body weight (3.55±0.07 g), pupation rate (94.80...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir
...uire preservation due to its chemical composition. Preservative treatment and seasoning of wood of all the studied species (except Sohanjna) may be slow or somewhat difficult due to medium sized or smaller vessels. In Sohanjna the vessels are very large in diameter and the wood may be easily seasoned and treated with preservative. Furthermore, based on the Runkel ratio, Kabuli keker, Alstonia, Jacaranda, Sohanjna and Mesquite wood may also be used as raw mate...
Maqsood Anwar1, Abdul Wahid Jasra2 and I. Ahmad3
...cological regions due to its immense latitudinal and altitudinal variations. These regions include the coastal mangrove forests of the Arabian Sea as well as some of the highest mountains of the world. This diversity contains variety of habitats and landscapes that support a rich faunal and floral biodiversity. During the last two-three decades, a number of animal and plant species have become threatened or endangered mainly due to over-exploitation and loss o...
Tahir Laeeq1, Tariq Mahmood2 Mohammad Amin3 and Khurshid Alam4 utilized according to its capability class, grazing should be regulated through a proper system, plantation along with protection of local as well as exotic species should be carried out and soil conservation technique should be adopted if lands are to be cultivated. ...
Shakeel Haider Zaidi, Ch. Muhammad Muslim, Muhammad Shabbir Mughal and Imtiaz Hussain
.../i> plant is reputed for its psoralen content, largely used in psoriasis and certain immune diseases. To assess the possibility of its introduction and cultivation as a specialized crop, yield trials with different levels of nitrophos fertilizer (20:20 NP) on the seed yield were conducted for three consecutive years at Medicinal Plant Farm of Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. The plant has successfully acclimatized under ...
G. M. Nasir and Iqbal Mahmood
...d were studied to assess its various technological properties and find out better utilization. For anatomical properties, permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections of the wood were prepared by standard laboratory procedure and observed under the microscope. For physical and mechanical properties (both in green and air dry conditions) the wood samples were prepared and tested according to ISO and ASTM standards. Results showed that Robinia wood ...
Iqbal Mahmood, Gul Rukh and Tanvir Hussain
... a number of uses due to its better strength figures....
Muhammad Afzal, Amjad Ali Ch., Javaid Ahsan, Shahzad Fazal and Saima Tabassum
... was conducted to assess its vegetation and carrying capacity. Cenchrus ciliaris (Dhaman) was the principal grass sp. (47.85%). General grass coverage on average was 57.01% and 30.27% in protected and open pastures respectively. Dry matter yield of protected pastures was 1316 kg/ha while it was only 388 kg/ha from open pastures. Carrying capacity based on herbage biomass for protected and open pastures was found to be 0.40 and 0.12 AU/ha/yr respectively...
Amjad Ali Ch., Tariq Mahmood, Shahzad Fazal and Nowsherwan Zarif
...shed by planting tuft splits in 1x3 m plots at 0.3x0.3 m spacing. No fertilizer was applied and frequent irrigation was done to ensure adequate soil moisture. Four clipping stages i.e. CS1, CS2, CS3 and CS4 (clipped after 1, 2, 3 and 4 months, respectively) were studied. Response variables were dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM), crude protein (CP), Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL).With increasing clip...
Shad K. Khalil, John G. Mexal, Abdur Rehman, A. Z. Khan and Iftikhar Hussain Khalil
...onditions in addition to its use in pulp and other wood products. Rapid and complete germination is one of the problems associated with this species. Osmoconditioning has been used for the speedy germination of most plant species. Eldarica pine seeds were osmoconditioned with the objective to evaluate its response to priming. Seeds were preconditioned in an aerated solution of polyethylene glycol (PEG) 8000 and water for 1,...
Ghayyas Ahmad, Anwar Ali, Miskeen Ali and Irfan Akhtar
...eight and no pruning, on its diameter and height growth rate. The Randomized Complete Block Design was used. Data were analysed using the Analysis of Variance procedure and the Duncan multiple range test. Results reveal that at 5% level of significance there were significant differences between the three treatments as far as diameter growth was concerned. As regards the effect on height growth, no significant differences between the three treatments were obser...
A. W. Jasra and I. Ahmad
...mains major component of its household economy. Water shortage has emerged as major problem for this community due to prolonged drought conditions and excessive mining of ground water for agriculture. The highest concern of transhumant community is the scarcity of forage and fuel wood at the winter stations. Animal health, prolonged droughts and feed shortage on migratory routes were the major problems of nomadic community. Poor marketing opportunities, high f...
Majid Azizi and Mohammad Modarres the framework of benefits, opportunities, costs, and risks (BOCR). A hierarchy is used to prioritize the BOCR themselves are prioritized using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) ratings approach. A control hierarchy is then created and prioritized using the Analytic Network Process (ANP) to evaluate the control criteria of the system. There are a total of 19 control criteria in the system and each controls a decision network evaluated using the ANP. The f...
A.W. Jasra and Imtiaz Ahmad
...en historically used for its medicinal value especially in China and Tibet. A methodical approach wheel was invented in Pakistan with the support of International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and International Centre for Research and Training on Seabuckthorn (ICRTS) to use seabuckthorn natural resource for producing high value products with the objective of economic empowerment of local communities and to enhance ecological conservation....
Asad Ullah, Abdur Rashid and Sher Aman
...(50%) Plants yielding fruits, 8(40%) Thatching/sheltering, 8(40%) Fencing, 3(15%) Condiment/spice, 8 (40%) Furniture, 7(35%) Ornamental, 6(30%) honey bee flora, 3(15%) Beverage, 1(5%) Bark used for writing, 1(5%) Bark used for huts/rooms, 1(5%) wool dye. Being a far flung area, the locals totally depend upon the Plant Natural Resources (PNR) for their livelihood. Biotic pressure and unsustainable utilization have caused tremendous loss to the biodiversity of t...
Hasanuzzaman, Md., H. Mahmood, H.L. Sharif and Md. N. Islam
...orestry applications for its multiple uses, tolerance to light, frosts and long dry seasons. Nutrients (P, K and Na) leaching from leaf litter of D. sissoo were studied in the laboratory. About 20% of initial weight of leaf litter was lost, while conductivity and TDS (Total Dissolved Solid) of leached water increased to 239 µS/cm and 114 mg/l, respectively and pH decreased to 5.81 after 96 hours. Weight loss (%) of leaf litter, conductivity and TDS ...
Mohammad Khan
...alue of the tree lies in its edible seeds. In order to bring chalghoza pine under clonal propagation at par with other fruit crops, efforts were made to graft scion-wood of this species on root stock of chir pine, which has proved successful. This paper presents results of two experiments conducted for the purpose....
Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...h and economic cocoon traits was assessed. Besides, different transportation modes and means were evaluated. The results revealed that the young age larvae of C-102 strain reared under cooperative house conditions and transported by motorbike gave 5.12% (larval body weight gain), 11.34% (cocoon weight) and 12.69% (shell weight) more than conventional methods of rearing. In case of 206-PO, return of larval body weight gain, cocoon and shell weight were 8.15%, 1...
Anwar Ali and Hakim Shah forest legislation limits the rights of local people in the forests but still majority (72%) of them have access to forest resources in the area. They fulfill all their requirements from these forests but contribute nothing to the protection and development of the forest resources. The existing forest legislation and forest management have totally failed to achieve their objectives. It is feared that if nothing is done to check this process, these forests w...
Mohammad Athar and Syed Mahmood Nasir
...i>) in California. Since its first appearance in California in 1998, the olive fruit fly has spread from Los Angeles to 37 counties, including all of the state's commercial olive growing areas. Olive fruit fly was trapped from 19 tree species belonging to nine genera distributed in seven families of angiosperms. Olives (Family Oleaceae) were the preferred host of the olive fruit fly. Family Rosaceae has nine tree species followed by Rutaceae (five tree spec...
Sardar M. Rafique and Ghulam Ali Bajwa
...s. Eight quantitative traits viz., total food ingestion (Tl), Total food digestion (TD), cocoon weight, shell weight, efficiency of conversion of ingested food into cocoon (ECIC) & shell (ECIS), efficiency of conversion of digested food into cocoon (ECDC) & shell (ECDS) were measured. Rearing was carried out at 24±1°C and 75±5%RH during spring and 28±1°C and 75±5%RH during autumn. The strains J-99, J-101 and 205-MKD were the most ef...
Ghulam Mustafa Nasir the pith, reaching to its maximum value beyond that it fluctuated minutely. The frequency of vessels decreased from pith to outward whereas, the frequency of wood rays increased except near the bark where it slightly showed a decreasing trend. The size of wood rays did not show any specific trend of increase or decrease from pith to bark. Maximum impact of the distance from the pith was recorded on fibre length (0.934) and fibre wall thickness (0 915) where...
Bashir Ahmed Wani1, Shakeel Haider Zaidi2, Hakim Shah3 and Muhammad Muslim4
... leading manufacturing units of Greco-Arabic, Homeopathic medicines as well as allied food processing and cosmetic industries.

Keywords: Marketing potential, Herbal drugs, Medicinal plants.

Sardar Muhammad Rafique and Saliheen Khan
...s of the Indus River and its tributaries and huge complex of mountains and plateaus lying in north and northwestern boundaries The plains are by and large, level country consisting mostly of irrigated agriculture and arid and semi-arid deserts The mountain complex comprises of broad level valleys, partially irrigated, and high steep and rugged mountains, hills and plateaus.

More than 60 percent area of Pakistan is arid and receives less than 250 mm rainfal...

Mohammad Iqbal Swati
...of upper Indus River and its tributaries. The watersheds of Indus water basin are the life-line for people of Pakistan. The rivers and streams sprung from these watersheds irrigate farmlands in the plains and provide drinking water to the millions of people.

The majority of upland watersheds suffer from varying degrees of soil erosion and land degradation mainly due to high rate of deforestation, inadequate soil conservation measures, poor agriculture t...

Klaus Euler and Zulfiqar Ali Qazi
...he Western Himalayas and its unique fauna, including the endangered Western Tragopan. Palas Conservation & Development Project (PCDP) is active in the Valley to conserve its unique biodiversity through community participation. Spaced over 135,300ha, the Valley has 27.4% of its area under forests, 24.2% under rangelands, 39.4% under wastelands, 7.6% under water bodies and permanent snow, wh...
Muhammad Arif Chaudhary and Ejaz Ahmed
...athology Herbarium since its creation. The herbarium preserved more than 3500 specimens of Myco-pathological importance including those received from Dehradun, India. In all 175 available specimens of Agaricaceae, Russulaceae, Tricholomataceae, strophoraceae and Schizophyllaceae families of Basidiomycetes were sorted out for the purpose but 135 only are identified to their taxonomic positions while remaining 40 are awaiting generic status and even for some the...
Kanwar Muhammad Suleman, Muhammad Tahir Laeeq, Nasreen Fatima Rao and Altaf Hussain
... rupees. Additional benefits like land reclamation, employment generation, import substitution and environmental protection will also accrue from afforestation of saline and waterlogged areas with eucalyptus....
Abdul Hameed Khan, Bashir Ahmed Wani and Hakim Shah
..., 1999 for six mapping units of erosion in the Hilkot watershed project area. The analysis revealed that 98 ha (6.8%) of the area was under slight sheet erosion, moderate rill and river bank erosion, 350 ha (24.2%) were under slight rill erosion and moderately gully erosion, 263 ha (18.2%) under moderate rill and gully erosion, 517 ha (35.8%) area depicted moderate sheet rill erosion and gully erosion, 104 ha (7.2%) area showed severe sheet, rill, gully erosio...
Sarfaraz Hussain Bangash
...O3-N, whereas its sufficiency decreases NO3-N in plants (Oram, 1961). Boron has an effect on pollen germination and prevents bursting of Pollen Tube, hastens flowering and fruiting process and increases seed & fruit formation, activities salt absorption, Increases seed & Fruit formation, hormone movement, metabolism of pecitc sustances, water metabolism and the water relations in plants and respiratory activities. Boron is said to be a co...
Mahmood Nasir and Mohammad Noor
...of unprotected area, but its density remained unchanged which shows that the species is a grazing resistant The cover percent (5%), above ground biomass (78 kg/ha) and density (3) of

Cymbopogon jawarancusa were higher in un-protected area. The data show that Chrysopogon aucheri is a decreaser while Cymbopogon jawarancusa is an increaser under prevailing free grazing in Mithawan rangelands. The higher cover percent, above ground biomass and...

Mian Muhammad Shafiq and Umeed Khalid the crop. Frequent visits of house sparrow to the wheat field in the month of April-May is mainly due to the presence of large population of army worm, Heliothes armigera which they collect to feed their young ones in the breeding season....
Raza-ul-Haq and Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry
...ctively while in simple pits it was only 70%. The average highest survival percentage of three water conservation techniques was in E. camaldulensis (92%) and minimum with Acacia modesta (57%). The average height growth after 8 years of age of four tree species in contour trenches, micro-catchment, gradoni and simple pit was 4.74 m, 5.45 m, 5.30 m and 3.89 m respectively. Maximum positive response to the conservation techniques was observed with ...
Muhammad Naqash, Anwar Ali, Ahmad Hussain, Mamoona Wali Muhammad, Ahmad Zamir, Ikram Ul Haq
...eration, the density of pits, and number of seed bearers, soil, survival rate and occurrence of any disturbances was collected. The results showed that the pit density was 1261 pits per hectare, while the average number of plants regenerated per hectare is estimated to be 136, some of which were coming out of natural regeneration besides plantations. The average survival rate was 92.36% in Mingora and Matta Forest Subdivisio...
Mohammad Nabi and Muhammad Ullah
...scosa, and correlate its regeneration intensity with respect to slope, aspect and fuel wood collection area, and to find out the total number of sapling in Malakand Forest division of Dodonaea viscosa.

Presently 55.83% regeneration represents 'Poor regeneration' 25.83% shows 'fairly good regeneration' while 18.33% indicates 'Good to excellent regeneration'. It was estimated that there are 1, 66, 78,779 Seedling/saplings in the whole Malakand...
Tanvir Hussain, G. M. Nasir, and Khalid Hussain Sulangi
...dardization (ARSTAN) and its empirical modeling was done by the software Dendroclimb 2002. Tree-ring chronology showed a strong positive response to precipitation (p<0.05) and weak response to temperature. Significant positive correlation was found with January of the current growth season in case of annual temperature and August to precipitation. These findings showed that the Pinus wallichiana growth is mainly limited to precipitation rather than temp...
Siraj-ud-Din and Abdul Waheed Baloch
...ments and eyebrow plant pits was 48%, 43%, 33% and 30% respectively while in simple pits it was 26% respectively. But at Karak valley it was 55%, 48%, 43% and 38% and in simple plant pits survival was 33%.
The average height growth of Atriplex canisence under trenches, earthen bunds, micro-catchments and eyebrow plant pits was 1.412m, 1.350m, 1...
Khalid Hussain and G. M. Nasir
...i>) wood was studied for its anatomy to ease identification of the species, evaluate various technological properties and find out its better utilization. Permanent slides of cross, radial and tangential sections of the wood were prepared by standard laboratory procedures and observed under the microscope. Data were collected for the frequency and dimensional measurements of different wood el...
Tanvir Hussain, G. M. Nasir and Ayaz Khan Marwat
...requisite and can favour its endurance against biological deteriorates. Moreover, pulp and paper products may also be manufactured from this species....
M. Muhammad Rafi
...nstration scheme. During its first ten years sufficient knowledge has been gained to enable us to extend scientific range management to other areas. The results of range improvement studies have been indicated. Complete protection from grazing for a minimum period of five years seems to be essential to enable the area to allow proper grazing management. '"Pitting of flat land has proved to be useful. The provision of stock water and supplemental feed and prote...
Ahmed Zamir, Muhammad Waqas Khan, Muhammad Waqas Khan, Waseem Ullah and Rizwan Ullah
...other environmental benefits respectively. It was observed that educated farmers favored tree farming as compared to the less educated one. Further farmers listed many problems when questioned about the constraints in planting trees on farmlands. Lack of availability of growing stock, lack of land for planting trees and problems regarding marketing was raised by 30%, 10% and 25% of the farmers. Results clearly depict that farm forestry in district Swabi is inc...
Abdul Samad Mumtaz, Mir Ajab Khan and Tanweer Akhtar
...> is distinguished from its closely resembling species due to its double columella layer in its exine. Therefore, palynological studies in this genus are potentially significant in species delimitation....
Amjad Ali Chaudhry, Muhammad Afzal, Muhammad Mushtaque and Barket Ali Awan
...ting only 0.177 animal units (AU) per hectare per growing season on a re-seeded and protected pasture. Cenchrus ciliaris stood at the top of the palatable species (24.80%). The other species included Eleucine flagellifera (27.52%) and Elionurus hirsutus (13.85%)....
...ies in southern Asia and its utilization in breeding programmes against stem rust (Cronartium rabicola J.C. Fisch ex Rabenh.) and dwarf mistletoe (Arceuthobium minutissimum Hook. F.), a detailed study on several provenances of the species alongwith the data on soil and geoclimatic variables has been collected during the past several years. Seedlings were also grown in a greenhouse to compare the level of association of genetic variation with tho...
Ghulam Rasool
...eds have been evolved by its crossing with domestic cattle. Yak breeding is common in the high lands of the Northern Areas of Pakistan (Gilgit & Bultistan). Its role in the high lands is more or less the same as the camel in the deserts. The British travelers who first saw the Yak in Pamir, being widely reared by the nomadic tribes, remarked It seemed to be able to do every thing except lay eggs....
Maria Mussarat, Amanullah Bhatti and Mehmood Elahi
...phs followed by field visits. The survey revealed that extent of the gully erosion, rill erosion, patches of land sliding, land sliding, land sliding and stream bank erosion was 46.31, 22.08, 1,00, 8.85 and 17.33 hectares, respectively. The general slope of the study area was 10-80% of which 10-30% was slope of the terraced area and 50-80% was slope of the forested/pasture lands. Major causes of erosion in the study area were poor land and crop management, sl...
Kh. Rizwan Shehzad, Z. H. Malik and Rizwana Aleem Qureshi
.... Index of diversity and its components decreased from low altitude to high altitude, but in Oxalis-Pinus-Olea community it was high. Soils were generally loamy, sandy loamy to clayey loamy type with pH varying from 7.0 to 7.6 organic matter 0.8 to 1.6%, Potassium 70.4 ppm to a 99.1 ppm and Phosphorous 5.46 ppm to 14.97 ppm. The communities reflect highly deteriorated condition....
...ich (50-70%) each, while its damage on P. alba ranged from 5 to 30% in these areas....
Mohammad Ayaz
...d, will reduce burden on its natural survival and, on the other, provide employment opportunities to the local population....
Jehan Zeb, M. Aslam, Shahid Ahmad, Aamir Kabir and Taj Ali Khan
.... nilotica 75-89% of its height during May-August. The peak daily potential evapo-transpiration (ETo) of 9.41 mm/day was observed during June....
Asif Kamal and Rizwan Ahmad
...ossed the permissible limits. Due to high level of noise, traffic controlling staff, pedestrians and people living and working along the roads are liable to be affected by noise induced physiological and psychological health hazards. To overcome this problem, the existing motor vehicles rules should be strictly implemented through the coordinated efforts of traffic police and Environmental Protection Agencies. Trees and shrubs planted in track belts along the...
M. Ayaz and M. Nauman Arshad
...other environmental benefits....
Mirza Hakim Khan and Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...omic and ecological benefits....
Mian Muhammad Shafiq
...ndian) subcontinent and its flora and fauna represents of a blend of palaearetic and Indomalayan elements, with some forms oi the Ethiopian region, Pakistan can be divided in a formal sense into the following biogeographical provinces. Pamir Karakoram and Himalayan highlands, bordering Anatolia-Iranian Desert, Indus Monsoon forest and Thar Desert (Udvardy, 1975). The palaearetic species contain a mixture of those common to a large part of Eurasia, and ...
Iqbal Mahmood and G. M. Nasir
...templated in addition to its traditional uses....
Muhammad Afzal and Muhammad Hafeez
...fruit trees. Although fruits give direct satisfaction to the consumers but wood with several other important utilities has an unavoidable use of cooking food for human life.

Due to fast growing population, wood is becoming a scarce commodity in Pakistan. Productive land is also becoming short due to essential colonization for excessive population. Moreover, to feed this increasing population,more and more land is being put under food-production. T...

S. Shakeel Haider Zaidi
...d strategy discussed for its sustainable management for future exploitation....
Muhammad Ayaz
...of Kuth, compatible with its survival, and on the other provide additional job opportunities for the local communities....
Muhammad Ayaz
...omic and ecological benefits of afforestation programs. The multiple use of trees is defined as the array of goods and services which they produce for direct and indirect human use. On this criterion, 42 species of trees both exotic and indigenous have been identified and discussed for their multiple uses in this paper....
Kanwar Muhammad Suleman and Muhammad Ayaz
...tus marketing and hence its profitability and production. In the present study benefit cost analysis has been carried out to determine the economic feasibility of manufacturing Eucalyptus chips at the stump for export purposes. The results of this analysis showed that at present the marketing margin in export of Eucalyptus chips from Pakistan is negative because of high production cost than the price offered in the international market. Higher producti...
Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry, Sahibzada Muhammad Hafeez and Muhammad Jahangir Ghauri
...otted nursery plants and its effect on the out-planting success. Survival percentage and height and diameter growth of seedlings at nursery as well as field phase were found non-significant. Economy in irrigation water and use of labour for irrigation without affecting the growth of plants was also worked out....
Mohammad Hafeez and Muhammad Rafique
... chemical 'alkasorb' for its water retaining capacity and its ultimate effect on the survival and growth of tree species....
Muhammad Rafique
...fresh bark, dry bark, fruits and floral buds of Eucalyptus camaldulensis whereas ordinary water was used for control. Fertilizer was also applied to the wheat crop. Effects of different parts of Eucalyptus camaldulensis on germination percentage, number of tillers per plant, hight of crop and yield of wheat crop were studied which were statistically insignificant....
Abdul Khaliq Chaudhry and Jehangir Ghauri
...alyptus has established itself as a tree most suitable for Agroforestry, as it can grow on a variety of soils under various climatic conditions. It has desirable qualities, such as fast rate of growth, clean straight bole, thin crown, ornamental value and less shade casting. Besides that, it has multiple uses i.e. poles, pulp, fuel, charcoal, fiber board, chipboard etc. and above all it gives high and early return.

Due to these characters Euca...

Muhammad Shabir Mughal and Muhammad Arif Chaudhary (1 species each). Fruits of maximum species ripe (6 out of 33) in the month of June, followed by August and November (5 species each), July, September, October and December (3 species each) May (2 species) and February and March (1 species each). 16 species foliate in the month of March followed by February and April (5 species each), May (4 species) and June (3 species). Maximum species defoliate in deciduous tree species (12 species) in December ...
K. M. Siddiqui
...ecosystem and constitute its natural climax vegetation. They are essential for climatic stability, prevention of global warming and conservation of biological diversity. Originally, about 10,000 years ago, two third of earth's surface was covered with forests. Presently, only half of this forest area is left. World-wide, the biggest threat to forest resources has been clearance of forests for agriculture. This has also resulted in aridity in many countries. A...
...9% infestation of the fruits of a medicinal plant Nigela sativa in the medicinal plant garden at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar during 1993. It caused complete seed losses in 73% of the infested fruits. In rest of the 27% fruits seed loss rated as heavy (8%), medium (8%) and Light (11%)....
Bashir Ahmad
...icance and economic benefits of investment in commercial forestry. Many farmers now grow forest tree with a commercial orientation. At the same time, however, forestry producers are affected by changes in the price received and paid and by technological and marketing developments. In order to enable farmers to achieve maximum economic benefit, knowledge about cost of production and returns from forest products is needed to make appropriate production decision...
Sahibazada M. Hafeez
...stan has acute wood deficits and firewood is still the principal source of fuel for heating and cooking. There is an urgent need to reforest such areas and other waste lands with salt tolerant, fast-growing trees.

In order to identify salt tolerant tree species which could be grown in such areas, seeds of 26 salt tolerant species were procured from CSIRO Australia, plants raised in the nursery and then out planted in the field trial during Septembe...

Udo Schickhoff Dr.
...ape has been created in its basic patterns. In the twentieth century the quantitative loss of forest cover is negligible. The last decades are rather marked by negative structural alterations within the forest stands and along the forest margins....
K. M. Siddiqui and Saliheen Khan
...n, forming the upper limits of the Indus basin. It is dominated by jagged granite, snow-covered Hindu Kush mountains in the northwest, the Karakoram mountains in the northeast and the great Himalayan mountain range in the centre east. Great expanses of rocky desert, bare of vegetation, dominate the landscape at 5,000 to 6,000 m elevation in this tract. Over half the territory is glacier, rock and scree. Mountain ranges form a natural barrier to summer...
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...national recognition for its multiple uses. The tree is fairly fast growing, deep-rooted, broad leaved, semi-evergreen and large-sized with a wide spreading branches forming rounded or oval shaped dense crown. It attains a height and girth of about 12-15m and 1.8-2.7m respectively (Parker, 1921; Troup, 1921). It has moderate, thick grey bark (1.2-2.5 cm) and reddish hard and durable heartwood (air dried specific gravity 0.72- 0.83); leaves are compo...
Inayat Ahmad Hafiz study their effect on its development at different stages especially on economic cocoon characters. The results show that mortality of larvae and pupae was low and the effect of PFI-1 and PFI-2 was significant on economic cocoon characters of the variety. The chemical analysis of these varieties showed that protein contents of PFI-1 and PFI-2 were higher then in Japanese hybrid and Karyansuban varieties and hence gave better cocoon shell ratio. The ...
Hanif Gul and M. Ismail Chaudhry grubs in 14 months of its predatory larval life. Due to predation by mites on A. cinerea a mortality of 8-18% was recorded. Predation of formicids on larvae of I. quadrinotata was studied at Islamabad and 8 to 35% larval galleries were observed to contain formacids. The maximum predation occurred in the month of December. Natural enemies comprising of predators and macro and micro parasites have a considerable importance as bio-control...
M. Ayaz and G. M. Nasir
...resin canals, wood rays pits ray crossing, ray tracheids, procumbent cells, vascular tracheids, pits on vascular tracheids and pit pores. On the basis of these anatomical variations a key is prepared for the identification of important conifers of Pakistan....
Muhammad Shabir Mughal
...broad. It flowers and fruits from June to November respectively. Its natural range extends to Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran (Bailly, 1935 and Malik,. 1984). In is widely distributed in Makran, Kharan.Khuzdar, Hernai and Sibi area of Balochistan, Kohat,. Hungu, Orakzai, Waziristan and Kurram Agencies of N.W.F.P., and Jacobabad of Sindh (Watt, 1891; Troup, 1921; Parker, 1921; Blattar, 1926; and Stewart, 1972)....
Shakeel Haider Zaidi, Anwar Ahmad Khan and Muhammad Muslim
... plant is well-known for its active constituents extracted from leaves and roots. It is widely used in a number of pharmaceutical preparations. In order to develop regeneration techniques of the plant for its conservation experiments on regeneration and cultural studies were conducted for 3 consecutive years in its natural habitat. Standardized techniques of raising seedlings from s...
*Muhammad Iqbal, James A. Moore and ***Charles R. Hatch
...d (Dbh2) and its square proved to be the independent variables to predict crown biomass weights....
Mohammad Rafique Sardar
...>A. albida based on its performance is recommended for planting under slope method of planting in areas having similar climatic conditions like Peshawar valley....
Mohammad Arif Chaudhry and Ashraf Hassan Chaudhry
...nd comparable to some of its previously reported strains in morphological and physiological characteristics. The isolate produced reddish brown to whitish brown pigmentation on solid medium. Though Qmod medium proved to be the best for isolation but it showed maximum growth on P+N and tween-80 media, in 28 days. In the absence of combined nitrogen, the strain CN5 fixed nitrogen showing acetylene reduction assay (ARA) and was found highly sensitive to h...
Shakeel Haider Zaidi and Anwar Ahmad Khan
... L. plant in reputed for its healing and anti-inflammatory properties and is largely used in indigenous and allopathic medicines. To assess the possibility of its introduction and cultivation as a special crop, yield trials with various spacings were conducted for 3 consecutive year (1989 to 1992) at Medicinal plants farm, Peshawar. The plant has successfully adapted to the climatic condition of Peshawar giving the h...
K. M. Siddiqui and Mohammad Amjad
...commercial fuels to meet its domestic energy needs. They do not purchase any fuel from the market as fuelwood is a non-tradeable commodity in rural areas. The land owners obtain its supplies from their farmlands and other people collect it as a free good from the waste lands and public forests. But the situation in urban areas is altogether different. Here people purchase all fuels from the market to meet their do...
Fazal Said Khan
...nd knowldge of the area, its people and the crops they grow. Data were collected from 270 farmers (138 owners, 41 owner-cum-tenants and 91 tenants) using a questionnaire containing 29 questions of both qualitative and quantitative nature. Charsadda, farmers grow a number of trees on their farmlands. Some of these trees (Populus deltoids, Dalbergia sissoo and Salix spp.) are used in wood based industries and generate US$ 2 million income a...
Pazir Gul and Muhammad Farooq
... L. was analyzed for its physico-chemist constants and the fatty acid composition. It was found to be nondrying comparing oil favorably well with oil from plants grown in colder climate but less unsaturated than Russian oil. It was also observed that the oil was of fair standard and could be used in place of oil from other Ricinus spp....
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Shakeel Haider Zaidi
...l-know plant reputed for its menthol control content all- over the world. In order to determine the possibility of its cultivation as a crop, introduction and fertilizer trials were conducted for two consecutive years at Medicinal Plants farm, Peshawar. Yield data indicated that 3-cuttings proved better as compared to two cuttings/annum.Application of split doses of NPK at the rate of 150:30:30 kg/ha significantly in...
Zahid Javid and R. F. Fisher
...rry deplete the soil of its essential nutrients. The soils under Pinus roxburghii Sarg., Leucaena and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. Show increased net nitrogen mineralization rates, whereas continuously grazed and leaf-litter harvested sites of mulberry and hybrid poplar (1-214) have comparatively low total soil nitrogen, net nitrogen mineralization rates and, consequently, low N assimilation....
Zahid Javid and R. F. Fisher
...rry deplete the soil of its essential nutrients. The soils under Pinus roxburghii Sarg., Leucaena and Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehn. Show increased net nitrogen mineralization rates, whereas continuously grazed and leaf-litter harvested sites of mulberry and hybrid poplar (1-214) have comparatively low total soil nitrogen, net nitrogen mineralization rates and, consequently, low N assimilation....
K. M. Siddiqui
..., provide numerous benefits to man and contribute to ecological and environmental stability and sustainable development, the efforts for forestry development and extension have been meagre, widely dispersed and erratic over past many decades. The current worldwide international forest conservation assistance amounts to only US $ 1.35 billion. The allocation of financial resources to forestry sector by individual governments and international age...
Shakeel Haider Zaidi and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...Wall. plant is known for its steroidal sapogenin extracted from rhizomes and is widely used as a precursor for synthesis of various steroidal drugs and sex hormones. In order to develop regeneration technology and its sustained supply, a number of long-term experiments on effect of cultural and fertilizer requirements on growth performance of the plants were under-taken in its natura...
Bashir Hussain Shah
...s, gradonii and simple pits were used for planting Eucalyptus canaldulensiss, Leucaena leucocephala, Acacia nilotica and A. modesta seedlings. Preliminary results based on the years data are presented in this article. All the three techniques proved effective for the establishment of tree species. Both the survival as well as growth rate of seedlings planted with water conservation techniques was almost double as compares to those planted...
K. M. Siddiqui
...f ancient cookstoves and its replacement with more ancient and economic fuels to improve environment....
Abdur Rauf Khan, Farrukh Siyar Hamid and Naseer Ahmad
...than US $ 200 million on its import. To meet the growing demand for tea and to save the foreign exchange, efforts were made to produce tea locally, for this purpose, tea seed was imported from Indonesia, Srilanka and China and were sown at various locations in Murree, Azad Kashmir and Hazara. The agro-ecological conditions of the Daively in Hazara were found to be suitable for tea cultivation because of low pH (6.0 - 5.5) and sandy loam characteristi...
Malik Muhammad Khan and David R. Betters realize economic benefits. An approach to determining economic benefits is illustrated in an application to a typical small irrigated farm in Punjab. The analysis first finds the most economically efficient single crop and joint poplar-wheat production possibilities then analyzes these possibilities under typical farm constraints and requirements. In the case study, the result show that applying agroforestry pract...
K. M. Siddiqui
...orest have multiple benefits e.g. timber, fuelwood, fodder, wildlife, water and recreation. Their voice was truly one in the wilderness. They did not receive any particular attention and political support for a long time. The forestry problems were given a very low priority in national and international development programmes especially in the developing countries. On the other hand, agricultural and industrial development started attracting the atten...
Mian Muhammad Muslim earning due to its enormous demand world over.

Sericulture was introduced in Taxila locality of Punjab immediately after independence in 1947. Subsequently, it was introduced in and around the irrigated forest plantation where mulberry was available in abundance to support the silkworm rearing programme. Since then it made a slow but steady progress in Punjab. Presently, sericulture is one of the major cottage industries in rural areas of t...

M Ayaz, M.A. Cheema, H. Duerrstein and M. Kleine of large quantity and its manual processing was always a time consuming and tedious task. Consequently, the results obtained in this way were not of a desired standard and mostly not available on time. This was a big hinderance in the efficient execution of forestry operations. To overcome these difficulties, the Pak-German Project assisted the PFI in developing modern data processing facilities by providing suitable computer hard-and software (...
K. M. Siddiqui
... timber and pushing up its price steeply. Until early seventies, the forests in Pakistan were harvested by private contractors, who became heavily involved in malpractices, and institution of private contracts came into serious disrepute and was abolished. Since mid-seventies all the provinces of Pakistan are carrying out their timber harvesting and marketing either departmentally (Punjab and Sindh) or through public corporations (NWFP and Azad K...

During recent visits to the Northern Areas of Pakistan, three diseases of willows: canker, witche's-broom and shiny-black oily secretion incited by a bacterium, Mycoplasma-Like Bodies and aphids respectively were recorded. Bacterial canker was more common and damaging as compared with witche's-broom and aphids attack in Phander areas situated about 200 km north-west of Gilgit at an elevation ranging between 2286 and 2438 m. The important forest...

K. M. Siddiqui and M. Khan
...e (Anon, 1986). One of its species (P. tomentosa) was accidentally introduced into United States about 150 years ago and now appears throughout the southern and central hardwood regions as naturalized wild plantation tree (Beckjord et al., 1984; Hardie et al., 1989). It also grows in Japan, Brazil, Paraguay and Argentina. Presently, the interest in the Paulownia species is increasing due to its...
K. M. Siddiqui
...ocial and economic benefits of development of state forests are not reaching small farmers in developing countries. Further, with increase in population, the pressure on natural forests was also increasing and pace of development was not fast enough to reduce it. Side by side, due to energy crisis, the demand for fuelwood was also increasing. This called for drastic changes in the aid policy of the donor countries, which could ensure development at gra...
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Shakeel Haider Zaidi
...> rhizomes at Kuza Gali, its natural habitat. Results indicated that yield of rhizomes significantly increased with the increase in duration of time. The yield was optimum after 6 years growth period followed by progressive decline in yield of rhizomes harvested after 8th and 10th years of growth. Monsoon planting provided more number sprouts and higher yield of rhizomes as compared to fall planting. Application of NP fertilizer at 135 kg N and 65kg P/...
S. I. Zafar, Ulfat Naheed, N. Abdullah and M. Yasin
...r importance because of its high recalcitrance (Reddy, 1984) and protection of cellulose from attack by various cellulolytic microbes (Fan et al., 1982) thereby preventing bioavailability of as much as half the photosynthethically produced high energy carbon. Though lignocellulosic biodegradation under laboratory conditions has been well investigated, reports on this aspect under natural conditions are limited (Zadrazil et al., 1982). Suc...
Mahmood Iqbal Shiekh, Saliheen Khan and Hakim Shah
...ilway wood consumption units of the Pakistan Railways, viz. Railway Workshop and Track Department at Lahore( inherited by Pakistan at independence)and a new carriage factory, established at Islamabad in 1970 currently require 14,260 m3 of wood. Number of persons employed the year round in wood-working units being 2216, projected demands of wood of the various tree species, mostly Dalbergia sissoo Ro...
Yar Mohammad Khan
... dilating on the subject itself it would be more pertinent to have a glance over the land-use statistics, population status, extent of degradation of land resources and development strategy in Pakistan and N.W.F. Province in particular....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...ents without a trench, pits and flat ground to serve as control.

The tree species tested included Acacia albida (Sudan). Acacia aneura (Australia), Amodesta, A. tortilis (Sudan), A. victoriae. (Australia), Parkisonia aculeate, Prosopis cineraria and Tecoma undulate. The results over a period of 7 year have indicated that trees can be successfully planted if some micro catchment is provided for harvesting ext...

Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, R. W. Hussain and Saliheen Khan
...lected from 60 sampled units throughout the province. An average kiln was loaded 5 times during 1985-86. Mean annual capacity and actual production was 377 and 327 thousand bricks per kiln. Average annual requirement and actual consumption of firewood per sampled unit was 167m3 and 163 m3, while the corresponding figure for coal was 417 and 373 tonnes. Average wholesale price of firewood was Rs.28/-, 40/-29/17 per 40Kg for Hazara, ...
Mohammad Afzal Cheema and Michael Kleine
M. I. Shiekh
...d in 1878. On account of its low requirement of water it has done well in parts of Baluchistan and Punjab. The species is now naturalized in almost all parts of the country. Prosopis juliflora was introduced in 1912 and has been planted in Lahore (Compounds of the old forest office) etc. While Prosopis glandulosa is occasionally a tree of 6 m high with a trunk of one meter in girth. Prosopis juliflora is the comments tree form in the ...
Ihsan Illahi and Farrukh Hussain undertaken to improve its germination under laboratory condition. Non-treated exhibited 26% germination at 20 and 25°C and 54% at 30°C at pH5-7. Seeds treated either alone with warm water, mechanical scarification, or coupled with soaking in water, KNO3, and IAA gave over 90% germination at 20 - 30°C. A 60-80%germination was achieved with acid scarification, IAA, KNO3, sodium hypochlorite and acid scarification coupled with IAA at variou...
Mohammad Ismail Zafar, Mohammad Shafiq and Ali Gohar
... firewood in addition to its effective in soil conservation even under the drought, severe and unfavorable climatic conditions. ...
J.O. Adegbehin, S. Nokoe, J. A. Okojie and G. O. Otegbeye
...ulting growth figures to its management....
M. I. Shiekh, R.W. Hussain and Saliheen Khan
...ollected from 58curing units throughout the province. The average loading capacity of green tobacco per unit is 1500-2500 kg. The average consumption of fire -wood per sample unit is 1.26 m3 per load and 6 to 7 days are required to cure one load. The average price of fore wood is 20/-, 28/- and 35/-per 40 kg for Malakand, Hazara and Peshawar Civil Division respectively. Average rate of rented kilns was load was Rs.300/-....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, Saliheen Khan and R. W. Hussain
...tly, 250 manufacturing units are engaged in production of sports goods; 50 units working on large scale and the rest on small scale. The export earnings during 1984-85 was 350.0 million rupees. Data were collected from 35 units. The annual installed capacity of the surveyed units is 400, 291, 377 + 156 and 219 thousand pieces for hockey sticks, cricket b...
...stry Abstracts publishes its 250000th Abstract CAB News (Home and Foreign News)...
Bashir Mohammad Khan, Mohammad Ismail Chaudhry and Pervez Khawaja
Raja Walayat Hussain and M. I. Sheikh
...clone, with two size of pits and four spacings....
Mohammad Afzal Cheema, Mohammad Aliul Hassnain Fatime and Raja Walayat Hussain
Mohammad Afzal Cheema and Raja Walayat Hussain
M.Ismail Chaudhry and Ashiq Ahmad
...ntry. The pest completes its life cycle in about 30 days and has 9 generations in a year. During severe infestation premature leaf shedding is caused, resulting in a poor and stunted growth of this valuable crop. In insecticidal trials, out of 5 test chemicals Lebayucid 50%proved most effective against larvae at 0.05%level and against pupae at 0.1%level. Ekalux gave 92%kill in 0.05%dose and 100% kill in 0.1%dose....
M.I. Sheikh, Saliheen Khan and Raja Walayat Hussain
...-organized and modern units were set up. The total production during 1983-84 was estimated at 1668 million match boxes out of which 40% were produced from wood and 60% from wax and cardboard. Currently 9 large units using wood as a raw material are producing 537 million match boxes every year. The wastage of the wood for this industry has been estimated at about 15-20%. The production cost and the whole sale price of one gr...
Gerald Foley
...aking is clearly seen in its broader social and economic context, the way is opened to a more creative approach than simply promoting technical improvements.

Charcoal Making in the Developing World by Gerald Foley, head of the Earthscan Energy Information Programme. It is copiously illustrated and written in a clear and lucid style. It is the fifth report in the Earthscan Technical Report series; previous reports covered biomass gasification, improve...

M.I. Sheikh
... 30 cm and 18 cm in the pits of 0.5 meter diameter...
K.M. Siddiqui and Iqbal Mahmood
.... E. tereticornis, E.kitsoniana and E. sidropholia were determined and found to better than those of commonly grown local species of hard-wood. The results of current study indicate good utilization potential of these Eucalyptus species for many purposes....
Saliheen Khan and M. I. Sheikh
...s 1960. Currently ten units are working in different parts of the country. Out of these seven units are running below their installed capacity due to availability of suitable raw material in required quantity. The required data could not be had from the other three units as the owners were not prepared to give requisite information. The surveyed units...
Wali-ur-Rahman and M. I on ail Chaudhry
...which was well known for its resistance against insect pests has fallen pray to lepidopterous pests in the very recent years. In 1980 a new giant defoliator, Biston regalis Moore (Geometridae: Lepidoptera) attacked kail forests, denuding large patches of hill tops in beautiful tourist resorts of Murree in the Punjab (Pakistan) and Loon Bagla and Danna of Azad Kashmir. In 1984 microlepidopterous leaf stitchers caused defoliation of kail trees in patches ...
Bashir Mohammad Khan, Mohammad Shahid and M. Ismail Chaudhry
...ythene bags bore few fruits resulting in the lowest yield of 21 grams per panicle with least minimum fruit setting of 3.75%. The highest yield of 708 grams was obtained from panicles left open to honey bee's pollination under natural condition with fruit setting of 82.93 percent; whereas the panicles left open under natural conditions without honey bee visitation yielded 252 grams per panicle with fruit setting of 46.15 percent....
K. M. Siddiqui, S. Rehman and A. Hussain
...h rate of Eucalyptus kitsoniana are high as compared to other species of this genus. Large scale planting of this species is recommended in afforestation programmes in the country....
M. A. Latif, S. A. Khan and M. K. Bhuiyan
...s may be raised to study its growth and performance in this country and elsewhere and for raising seed-stands and ultimately Seed-Orchards as a source of seed supply for further plantation programmes....
S. Fazal Hussain and Arfa Yasmin
... process development and its economic feasibility evaluation....
M.A. Hassnain Fatime and Raja Walayat Hussain
... 60 inches for British units and 2Cm to 136cm. for Metric Units at different heights of stem from ground level up to 7 feet (2.13 meter)....
Abdur Rashid Tariq and Haji Moosa A. Tayab
...n within three months of its initiation. Thereafter this programme was extended further over an area of about 2000 hectares under various agencies. The Forestry Department, besides raising pastures on project scale, also initiated a study to test the adaptability of Pioneer Rhodes grass to irrigation water having higher levels of salinity. The study was laid on to various soil types available in the region. Observations on the response of Pioneer Rhodes grass ...
M. N. Malik, A. R. Beg and M. Iqbal Khan
...n plant communities as units indicating type and degree of salinity. An exploratory work was done in Peshawar basin, and several communities were marked specifying salinity status of land....
K. M. Siddiqui
...paper and paperboard and its quality was compared with imported long fibre pulp used for the same purpose. The strength properties of paper and board containing chir pine pulp in the mixed furnish was comparable to that which had imported long fiber pulp. However, folding endurance and breaking length were lower in the former than the latter. ...
Salahuddin Ahmad
...gns, endeavours and pursuits. All trees are multi-purpose assets but the choice should fall on a specie which fulfills the chief object of planting; the secondary benefits would accrue automatically. Among the multifarious uses of plants, the one rather less appreciated and even neglected aspect is that the plants are the sole source of nectar and pollen for the bees and bee-keeping industry .We talk and dream no stalically...
Amjum Amin, Zafar Uddin, Rukhsana Roohi and Tayyab Jamil
...n different major land units viz, (i) dissecting rolling plains, (ii) stream beds, adjoining slopes and edges, (iii) eroded hill slopes and tops and (iv) gravely hills, laying adjustable decimal collapsible (ADC) quadrat in homogeneous stands of vegetation. Analysis of data resulted in four plant communities, i.e. Chrysopogon montanus, Heterioigib contortus, Desmostachya bipinnata, Desmostachya bipinnata, Saccharum spontaneum, Cymbopogonschoenanthus, Cappa...
Ashiq Ahmad
...xtinct in many places of its previous habitats in Baluchistan and N.W.F.P. The population which is left over, some how, can be increased to sizeable number in Koh-e-Suleman provided it is declared as game sanctuary and sufficient preventive staff is employed for this purpose. Present population of the Suleman Markhor in the study area was determined as 53 which indicated the presence of at least 400 animals in whole Koh-e-Suleman....
M.I. Sheikh
...5 x 4.5 m in 0.5 m deep pits. ...
Mohammad Shariq Khan, Altaf Ahmad and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...m very ancient times and its curing properties are because of the presence of an alkaloid ephedrine (C10 H15 N0). Ephedra plants are a good remedy for curing bronchial asthma, cold, cough, urticaria, renal colic, itching, typhoid, hey fever and body pains. It can also be used as a tanning material for curing goats and lamb skins. This natural resource is exploited on large scale to the tune of 2.2 million kg. per annum for the ...
K.M. Siddiqui
...y special problem during its pulping. The values of tall oil were found to be about 1% and 20 - 22kg on oven-dry wood and per ton of oven-dry pulp basis respectively....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Fazle Subhan
...s by sowing the seed in pits. Due to increasing biotic pressures it became rather difficult to get satisfactory results from this method. Planting of Chir plants in polythene tubes was started in early seventies and it has now been adopted as the standard practice for artificial regeneration in all Chir pine areas of the country....
M. Ismail Chaudhry
...Pakistan, well known for its resistance against insect pests fell prey to a very robust 10 cm long ugly looking looper, identified as Biston regalis Moore. The measuring worm (Geometridae Lepidoptera), absolutely unknown before, appeared all of a sudden in blue pine forests of Murree (50 km from Islamabad) and Azad Kashmir and avaged large areas during 1980 killing tens thousands trees of all ages by complete defoliation. Having an annual life cycle the...
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Shakeel Haider Zaidi
...or commercial utility of its seed and essential oil which find a variety of uses in various industries. The fruits form an article of commerce and are extensively used by bakers and confectioners to flavour their products. Aniseed on distillation yield 2 to 3.5% essential oil, which contain 80 to 90% anethole, an important estrogenic agent used for the treatment of millennia. The bulk of oil is used in medicine, perf...
M.I. Sheikh and Abdul Aleem
... Islamabad. Yellowing of its foliage and subsequent death caused considerable alarm in the nation's capital. A study was started in 16 and 6 year old blocks to find out if irrigation, spray with dieldrin and use of N.P. could improve the situation. The study was maintained for five years and was assessed recently. It was found that fertilizers improved the growth of 16 year old plants and hence resistance to the disease but none of the three treatments...
K.M. Siddiqui in Chir pine wood on its pulping characteristics. Physical, anatomical and chemical properties of wood samples from 15 trees of three age groups were determined in the standard manner. Considerable variation was observed within individual trees as well as between trees of different age groups in moisture content, bark percent, latewood percent, wood specific gravity, fibre lengthy and diameter, extractives contents. Trees of 36 - 45 year age were f...
M. N. Malik and M.I. Sheikh
...eral factors of land and its management. In Pakistan, being an arid/semi-arid land, and the vast plains of Indus Basin and its tributaries allowing irrigational network, the supplemental irrigation has in due course of time brought forth with intensive culture in piecemeal form patches of salt-affected soil and placement of water table at zone affecting culture of common agricultural crops and tree plants. This menace of la...
Parvez Khawaja, I.A. Hafiz and M. I. Chaudhry
...nue tree, well known for its medicinal value and producing a very valuable timber is severely attacked by a leaf stitcher, Piesmopoda obliquifasciella (Hmps). Heavy infestation tarnish the beautiful look of the tree for which it is grown as well as destroy annual growth of the tree to the extent of 50-100% depending upon severity of infestation. For developing a control method safer to the environment a pathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana
M.I. Sheikh, B. H. Shah and A. Aleem
...C av. max temperature. Pits were prepared having 0.5 meter diameter and 0.2 meter deep. Plants were raised in 30 cm and 15 cm long polythene tubes. Three tree species viz: Acacia aneura, A. tortilis and Tecoma undulata were planted at two depths i.e., 30 and 18 cm in July 1980. After one and half year it was found that in deep planting 64% plants of all species survived and in shallow planting 54%. In both depths maximum survival was of <...
Mohammad Ayaz
...ively used on account of its properties e.g., lighter weight, straight grain, good seasoning and working characteristics and high durability. One of its important uses is the manufacture of containers for various items. However, tarnishing of the metal surface of the material kept in deodar containers is generally observed. This difficulty arises due to the presence of oleo-resins in the wood which are volatile at room tem...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh, Ali Akbar Khan and Mohammad Khan
...e in polythene tubes and its planting out was started quite a few years back, the methods adopted in actual practice left much to be desired. Under the Hazara Preinvestment Project, World Bank authorities desired that in view of the extensive planting programme involved in the project it would be better if these practices were standardized for the benefit of the field foresters. The job was assigned to the Pakistan Forest Institute....
Ashiq Ahmad
...oschiferous revealed its distribution in about 60 places in Northern Areas. The animal was observed feeding on flowers of Peucedanum skadicum, leaves of Betula utilis and Salix himalayensis and tuberous roots of Lindelofia anchusoides. Some behavioral studies were also conducted. ...
Raja Walayat Hussain and Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...were laid out to assess its growth performance. Data were available for different spacing in each locality, therefore, the data were considered separately for determination of growth parameters for each locality and for each spacing. Under proper management 6 years old crop with 10'x10' spacing gives MAI of 400cft or more, with 15'x15'and 18'x18' MAI is 200cft to 320cft per acre. ...
K.M. Siddiqui and Mohammad Pervez
...tified condition retains its viability and maximum terminations per cant as well as speed of germination are obtained if the seed is stratified for 120 days. Insecticidal treatment of seed in storage adversely affects its germination. Large differences were also noticed between different seed sources of blue pine in respect of various germination characteristics....
Sultan Maqsood Khan 371 thousand animal units in Hazara Per-investment Forestry Project area, which require 948 thousand tones of air dry forage annually against the present production of only 547 thousand tones from cropland, rangeland and forests combined. The production of Shaftal can be increased by 90 thousand tones if the local variety is replaced with improved variety and fertilized. Planting of summer legumes in 10 per cant of the cultivated land and alfalfa un...
Relph R. Stewart
...clay along with Trapa fruits and a few seeds. Many of the leaves were of oaks, maples, birch and willows which seemed to be similar to modem species and some I could not identify. The most interesting seemed to be a Ginkgo or a fem leaflet resembling it. I named the specimens as far as I could, without a great deal of microscopic work, and gave a list to Dr. de Terra which he published in 1939 in De Terra, H. and Patterson, T.T., Studies on the Ice Age in Indi...
Raja Walayat Hussain and M. Afzal Cheema
...structure which has lost its activity as conductive tissue. Use of tree bark for different purposes has been enumerated by Hussain and Cheema (1)....
A. R. Beg and Mirza Hakim Khan
...actual biogeograhical limits of the zone were determined. Dry oak forests were found to indicate Mediterranean climate as elsewhere in the world. They, however, comprise of two sub-types in this country: the pure dry oak forests with true Mediterranean climate and the dry oak-chir ecotonal forests with transitional Mediterranean climate. Four plant communities have also been described in the zone....
M Shabir Baig, M. Akram and M. Amjad Hassan
...ccurring physiographic units which represent homogenous areas on the surface of land with respect to land attributes such as geology, land forms, soils pedoclimate and vegetation. These units have been, on the basis of similar potential, grouped together into range management units have different capabilities and capacities for forage and livestock production and therefore requiring differ...
Mohammad Amjad and Iqbal Mohammad
... Sialkot comprises 290 units employing 2,650 workers. 42 work on factory scale and the rest as small units. Very little mechanical equipment is employed. Finishing operations are generally carried out manually. Annual average timber consumption based on the data for the past 5 years is 19,000 m3. Mulberry and willow account for 66% of timber consumption. 50% of mulberry is obtained from the state owned irrigated...
Abdul Aleem
... (about 401,000 animal units). Most of the scanty and erratic rainfall is received in spring. Based on 40 years record, the average annual rainfall of Gilgit and Skardu is 130 and 160 mm respectively (App.1). Most of the area is mountainous and is used for grazing. Agriculture is confined to about 10% of the area, in the narrow valleys. Land holdings are very small, about 0.1 to 0.4 ha. The main crops grown are cereals which supply about...
G. M. Baloch and M. A. Ghani
... attack crucifers, eucurbits, potato, egg plant, tomato, sunflower, carrot, celery, lettuce and legumes (Kasaian, 1971). The dodders, Cuscuta spp., parasitise a large number of plants including trees, herbs, shrubs, cultivated crops (mostly legumes) and weeds (Baloch et al., 1967a)....
G. M. Khattak and Ashiq Ahmad
...ral seedlings of fir and its relationship with slope, ground vegetation and light intensity. Better regeneration was found on steeper slopes. Poorest regeneration was associated with turf, followed by Rumex and Paeonia. More seedlings also occurred inside Skimmia and Viburnum shrubs unless they were too thick. Light intensity over plots bearing for seedlings varied from 16 to 58% of full sunlight and that over plots without fir seedlings, 63 to 100%. An area o...
Shahida Parveen and Zakaullah
... medicine. The dry fruits are a rich source of thymol. They contain 17.2 % of protein and 13% of fat (Chopra ., 1958). The area under the valuable crop is expected to increase in the country. Cultivation of cumin is being tried under the Peshawar conditions. Work on the collection of information about the diseases of the crop was initiated and available literature on the subject was reviewed.

Joshi and Agnihotri (1958) ...

Khial Badshah and Zakaullah
.... It is well-known for its aromatic qualities and use in condiments. The seed yields golden yellow essential oil which is employed in perfumery and various beverages. Cultivation of the crop is being tried at Peshawar. The literature on the diseases of the crop was. therefore, reviewed.

Kvarts Khava (1958) carried out studies on the infectious wilting (Fusariosis) in basil. The plants in the nursery were found severely attacked by a spe...

G. M. Khattak
...p building centre and its timber supply was from the Chittagong Hill Tracts (STEBBING, 1921). The Chittagong Hill Tracts have since ancient times been inhabited by the Chakma, Mog, Murung, Tripura, and Lushai tribes who subsist on shifting cultivation (jhuming). They cut and burn the forests and sow rice, millets, vegetables, cotton, melons and tobacco by dibbling in patches and harvest the crops as they ripen. Every two to three years,...
Zakaullah and Khial Badshah The feasibility of its introduction is being studied in Pakistan. Work on the collection of information on the diseases of the crop was initiated at the Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar and available literature on the subject was reviewed.

Ramakrishnan (1949) reported the occurrence of Pythium vexans on several hosts including ginger growing at elevations of over 915 m. The aerial shoots of ginger were found to turn yellow and ...

K.M. Siddiqui
...illing Corporation since its establishment in 1971. The Corporation has been running short of targets in both extracting timber from forests and its subsequent conversion in the saw-mill at Mirpur. The out-turn of round and sawn timber is also low and sawing operations are highly uneconomical. Since market currently prefers round timber, it is suggested that AKLASC should concentrate on its
G. M. Khattak, M. I. Sheikh and S. H. Bangesh
... the growing season, and its crude protein content. The objective was to increase the quantity and quality of feed for silkworms....
K.M. Siddiqui and Mohammad Parvez
Raja Walayat Hussain and M. Afzal Cheema
...tructure which has lost its activity as conductive tissue. The use of tree bark as a mulch has resulted in weed supression (1). It has been processed into useful garden and farm products (4). It has been accepted as a marketable product in the form of soil amendments and decorative mulches used in landscaping (3). Recent studies conducted in P.F.I. (2) show that chir pine bark can be used as a tanning material. Bark volume estimation will thus help...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
...have responded well to its new environment with luxuriant growth producing abundant seed and good natural regeneration at favourable site (deep sandy loam, 1000 mm rain or irrigation)....
Pazir Gul and F. W. Khan
...olvent, was analysed for its physico chemical constants and composition of fatty acids. The analytical data obtained were compared with those of oil from Quercus ilex, Quercus incana and Quercus glauca, (5, 6, 7, 8, 10). It was concluded that this oil, being non-drying in nature and have no toxic compounds, can be used for edible purposes. The seeds, which were analysed for protein, carbohydrate and ash, indicate that they can be utilized as poul...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Aleem
...rate Forests. Because of its high value for ornamental veneer, attempts are being made to grow it artificially. Usual methods are: planting one year old bare rooted nursery raised stock, and dibbling of seed. In the Murree Hills, dibbling of seed has been the usual method with poor results. This investigation was started to find the best method of growing walnut in that area....
Nasim Akhtar, Himayat Husssain Naqvi and Farrukh Hussain
...e inhibitory not only to its own growth but also to other species used in the bioassays. The toxicity in both the cases increased with increasing concentration and soaking time. Cinhrus had more allopathic potentiality than Chrysopogon. The toxicity in both the cases was species slated. The possible effect of allelopathy of these grasses is discussed in relation to the vegetation dynamics....
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... a tropical species and its extreme limit is the Margalla Hills in Rawalpindi District. It also grows naturally in the salt range. Forest Department, Punjab has been trying this bamboo off and on in irrigated plantations and a few rumanents can still be seen in the Daphar, Changa Manga and Chichawatni irrigated plantations....
Abdul Ghaffar Marwat, Pazir Gul and Fazli Wahid Khan
...olvent, was analyzed for its physico-chemical constants and composition of fatty acids. The oil was found to be a non-drying comparing favorably well with oils from Querous ilex, and Quercus incana (5, 6, 7). It was concluded that this oil can be used for edible purposes. The seeds, which were analyzed for its nutrients, indicate its utilization a as poultry and livestock fee...
Abdul Aleem
...d been exterminated from its natural habitat-Cholistan-and the need was felt to reintroduce it. In April 1970, 10 blackbuck (3 males, 7 females) were presented by World Wildlife Fund through San Antorio Zoo to the Forest Department, West Pakistan. The animals were kept in an enclosure for multiplication and ultimate release in the wild. 31,200 hectares of Cholistan desert (including Lal Suhanra irrigated plantation and Lal Sunhanra lake) were declared as Natio...
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Wali-ur-Rehman
...r bags by uniting small bits of bark of twigs and pass through 5 larval instars during 10.5 to 11 months including 5 moths of hibernation. The larvae pupate in May - June for a period of 7-30 days. The life cycle is annual. Brachycorphus nursei Cam. (Ichneumonidae) Sturmia inconspicuella and Podomyia sp. (Tachinidae) were recorded parasitizing bagworms in the defoliated area. Gradual increase in parasite population over took pest ...
Raja Walayat Hussain management it finds its use in financial control of forest operations, for estimating and controlling forest production, for allocation of resources and for planning and control of new planting programs. In information management it finds its application in maintaining upto- date records of long range experiments and files of employees. Different decision making techniques such as linear programming simulation, researc...
Abdul Aleem
Because of its abiding concern for the conservation of renewable resources, the Pakistan Forest Institute hosted a seminar from August 13-15, 1977 on the Role of Social Sciences in the MAB Programme. UNESCO, Pakistan Science Foundation and University Grants Commission also co-operated.
The seminar was inaugurated on August 13 by Mr. Justice Abdul Hakim Khan, Acting Governor, NWFP. In his address of welcome, Dr. Mohammad Asla...
M. A. Quraishi, A. Khalique, Shahida Perveen and Perveen Akhtar
...ported it on juniper but its pathological significance was brought up recently by Jamal and Beg (1974) while conducting a survey of the diseases of forest trees. According to Zaka (1977) about 36 percent of the trees in Sasnamana forest are infected. The only known control method for the control of the pruning of infected brunches. But this causes damage to the host. To develop new methods of control efforts are being made all over the world to collect basic p...
S. Maqsood Khan
...twenty seven years after its establishment, eighty randomly selected one square meter plots were studied for forage production, frequency and surface features inside the exclosure and equal number outside. Trees cover; forage yield and frequency of grasses, and frequency of more palatable shrubs was higher in the exclosure than in the open. All the species recorded in the grazed area were also found inside the exclosure, but with lower forage yield and frequen...
Abdul Khalique
...othing is reported about its heterotrophic mice of growth - especially during seed germination. The present investigation was taken up or determining the rate of growth in the embryo after the germination is initiated and to establish the precise limits of heterotrophic growth in the radical, hypocotyle and cotyledons....
Fazli Wahid Khan, Pazir Gul and Abdul Ghaffar Marwat
...lex was analysed for its physicochemical constants and composition of fatty acids. The analytical data obtained were compared with those of oils from Q. incana, Q. ruba, and Q. palustris. It is concluded that the oil is non-drying in nature and is fit for edible purposes as it has non-toxic compounds and can be purified cheaply. The seeds have been analysed for protein, arbohydrates and ash and the results indicate their utility as poultry a...
Islam Mahmud Khan, Shaukat Islam and Qaisar Ali
...growing in Peshawar exhibits bicarpellary and tricarpellary, apocarpous condition. This character has been noticed and reported for the first time. The appearance of a rudimentary carpel ranges from 31% to 0% in the plants growing in the similar environmental conditions. The point of attachment and the T.S. of the gynophores and ovary are given. The probable mode of inheritance is also discussed. ...
M. I. Shiekh and Abdul Aleem
...the lower elevational limits of the chir-pine forests where regeneration had failed to establish. Planting in February and June gave equally good survival....
S. M. Chaghtai and Mohammad Yusuf
...en species diversity and its components was studied. Species diversity and its components were correlated with the structural characteristics of the communities. The general behavior of some important species has also been discussed....
Abdul Aleem
...the increase. Feeding habits and food plants preferred by the animal were observed and the results of the analysis for nutritional contents of food plants have been reported. ...
Anwar Ahmad Khan and Altaf Ahmad
...medicinal plants lead to its logical conclusion, that is, gradual evolution of science of Taxonomy. In the present age because of synthetic products some of the medicinal plants have lost their old value but still a considerable number of drugs mentioned in the formularies are manufactured from plants. A casual look on the national formulary booklet confirms this statement.
Pakistan is importing crude extract of drug plants from developed countries, althou...
Miss Munawar Sultana and Anwar Ahmad Khan
...plant is much valued for its powerful expectorant and anti-spasmodic properties. Leaves are used in asthma, chronic bronchitis and all kinds of coughs. The powdered leaves are used in malarial fevers, dysentery and diarrhoea. The boijed leaves infusion is useful for tuberculosis and rheumatic joints (1).
Adhatoda vasica locally known as Berg-e-Bansa is extensively used in Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicines from time immemorial. Recent...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Abdul Aleem
...erritory of Kashmir on its north; Chitral on its west; Kohisten areas of Swat and Hazara in the southwest and south. Kaghan and Azad Kashmir share the southern borders whereas south eastern, eastern and north eastern borders are contiguous with Indian held territory of Jammu and Kashmir. There are three administrative districts: Gilgit, Diamar and Baltistan. A Resident Commissioner is the head of ...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh and Raja Walayat Hussain
...s certain basic needs of its own which have to be provided for to get the best out of it. ...
F. W. Khan and K.K. Niazi extracted from the fruits of bitter variety of Prunus amygdalus was analysed for its physico-chemical constants and the fatty acid composition. It was found to be a typical semidrying oil comparing favourably with oils from warmer climates but less unsaturated than the English oils. The HCN content of the oil was also investigated. ...
K.M. Siddiqui and M. Saleem Khattak population determines its mating pattern and consequently local and geographic variation in the species. Studies carried out in the past have shown that pollen and seed travel relatively short distances and gene flow is limited enough to promote genetic differentiation (Wright, 1953, 1962; Strand, 1967; Sluder, 1969). On the other hand, though it implies that breeding unit is small in most tree species, even in those species with arealy...
Sultan Maqsood Khan
...a reservoir by retarding its siltation rate. To find out suitable species for introduction in the Mangla watershed project area (dry sub-tropical) grass introduction trials with 39 cotypes of 14 species are being carried out in collaboration with Watershed Management Project of WAPDA in Missa Research Plot of Rawalpindi district since February,1973. On the basis of 1-1/2 years' observations on establishment, vigour, longevity and forage yield of these introdu...
M. Ismail Chaudhry and Ashiq Ahmad
...very effective. Poison baits prepared with Zinc phosphide, sevin and Recumin were not eaten at all. ...
Bahadur Ali Khan, let the nature take its Couise. During the current year, the present Government which is giving top priority to the development of Northern Areas, sent a team of 180 scientists under an N.D.V. Programme to survey, identify and to suggest practical solutions to various problems. The people of Northern Areas are anxiously waiting for the report of the team which may bring revolutionary changes in Northern Areas....
Ali Akbar Khan
...f point sampling in all its ramification. ...
Abdul Aziz Khan and M. N. Malik
...water had permissible limits of soluble salt content. The soil was however, distinctly alkaline (pH 8.4 to 8.8). Presence of unusual high content of lime was suspected to be responsible for causing deficiency of P and other available nutrients. Applications of ammonium sulphate and superphosphate are suggested to improve soil reactions and availability of common plant nutrients.
Mulberry (Morus spp). and Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) plants...
Raja Walayat Hussain and lshtiaq Ahmad Qazi
...nmental factors finds its expression in the volume increment of the stands supported by the area. An easier and quicker index for expressing the site quality is the raltive height growth as a function of age. This is closely related with the ultimate measure of site quality i. e. volume and is only slightly affected by the stand density (5,10). In over stocked and stagnated young stands height may not be the proper measure of ...
Jalil Ahmad Khan and Pervaiz Akhtar
...nga Manga. On account of its adaptability to a wide range of climatic conditions and its past performance in Africa and India, it has been recommended by Pryor (8) that this species should be preferred keeping in view the overall needs of timber for various end-uses. Like other phenomenon in the universe, trees also require a systematic study. The growth of the trees is influenced by a number of factors involving ...
Raja Walayat Hussain and Ishtiaq Ahmad Qazi
...nd density on account of its easy computation and application (8, 25)....
F. W. Khan, Khawas Khan and M.N. Malik
...e extracted from the fruits of Sapium sebiferum Roxb. and various physico-chemical constants of these fractions determined. The separation of tallow appears feasible since it does not involve any cumbersome steps in processing....
M. Hafeez and M. I. Sheikh
...cana CV-I-214 due to its intrinsic qualities of almost cent per cent rooting and fast rate of growth. Subsequently, some deltoides clones were also imported which showed comparatively better rate of growth but low rooting capability, prohibiting their large scale planting. Experiments were under� taken both with cuttings as well as entire plants exposing them to a number of treatments such as time of planting, different rooting media, frequency of ...
Qamar A. Abbasi and Narjis Yousuf notatus Westwood its close ally. This is the first record of a phymatid from Pakistan....
M. A Quraishi and Manzoor Ahmad
... is often cultivated for its valuable fruit. Wild trees are lopped for fodder. Spirit is extracted from leaves which is used in checking the sick- ness of pregnancy. Bark is used to clean the teeth and strengthen the gums. It is also used as an astringent, anthelmintic and lactifuge. Outer bark is used as a dye in Kashmir. An oil is extracted from the fruit which is used internally as a teanicide especially for tapeworms and is a mild laxative. Externally it ...
Dr. K. M. Salim and Gul Shahid
...ion zone but because of its altitude and situation it is a mixture of Poor Monsoon Western type and Poor Mediterranean vegetation types. The annual precipitation is about 16 inches most of which is received during winter. The temperature range is around 28-90-92°F at Cherat. Snowfall at Cherat is upto a foot or two in colder winters but is variable from place to place. There is a steady wind blowing most of the time usually from the South-East to...
T. J. Roberts
...tained these nomadic habits. In the main valleys a limited settlement with crop cultivation under irrigation appears to have been in existence for several hundred years. Such cultivation depended mainly upon the indigenous construction of subterranean percolation trenches or tunnels which are known locally as Kharezes. This was supplemented with a few open wells. Even from the times of the earliest British administrative contr...
Mahmood Iqbal Sheikh
... origin of the stock and its quality. An attempt has been made to collect willow material from different sources and to propagate the same by growing at close (3x3 ft) and wide spacing (3x3 ft) and planting out the latter when one year old. The results at the nursery stage as well those of field planting are quite encouraging. ...
Raja Walayat Hussain and Muhammad Afzal Cheema district and one of its best avenues is seen on the road from Abbottabad to Mansehra. Very beautiful specimens of the species are also found in Gilgit agency specially towards Punyal and Yasin side where it attains huge dimensions and seems to be pyramidalis variety. When the trees attain a diameter between 5 inches to 10 inches at breast height these are felled by the farmers to meet their small constructional demands. The wood is in great demand ...
Ghulam Rasul
... the powerful strokes of its hoofs. ...

Muhammad Ikram Ullah Malik1*, Aamir Saleem1, Lubna Ansari1 and Arshad Mahmood Malik2

...estry for livelihood and its importance to human welfare. The work was carried out to evaluate the agro-silvopastoral system as compared to the conventional agricultural crops. An area of one acre (8 kanals) was taken for practicing this model. 3 kanals were used for the plantation of tree species (Poplar and Sheesham), to increase the soil fertility and production of income for the household. 2 kanals were used for the growth of agricultural crops such as whe...

Fatima Aziz Mahdi Al-Badry

... on human health because its intake randomly, Puma (super fat) is a one of nutritional supplements which used for weight increasing. So, the aim of the present study was to estimate dangerous effects of Puma (super fat) on kidney and liver functions and histopathological alterations of these organs. The total number of animals in present experiment was thirty two of adult female rats, It were divided into two groups (16/each), the first group which gave distil...

Kremlin Mark B. Ampode

...he mechanisms underlying its beneficial effects.
Keywords | Origanum vulgare, Antimicrobial alternatives, Phenolic compounds, Flavonoid compounds, Gut health, Mortality

Amal Mohammed Ali Alah Al-Marmadhi*, Saadeya Ali lefelef Al-Gnami

...f B.W appears to enhance its bioavailability and effectiveness combating oxidative stress associated with hyperthyroidism.
Keywords | Allicin nanoparticles, Methimazole, Hyperthyroidism, T3, T4 and TSH, Iodine levels, Thyroid gland, Female rats, Herbal medicine, Garlic and biochemical

Javaria Sherani1*, Tehseen Ali Jilani2, Jalil Ahmad3, Rashid Jawad1, Shabana Nazeer4 and Muhammad Jan5 

...n as the King of Arid fruits and is rich in vitamin C, A, and B complexes. In this study, two years of experimentation with the four (04) cultivars of the Ber for morphological and biochemical attributes were evaluated. Different treatments such as: T1: control; T2: (500 g NP + 300 g P2O5 plant-1), zinc sulphate spray (0.3%); T3: (500 g NPK+ 300 g P2O5 plant-1), zinc sulphate spray (0.5%); T4: (500 g NP + 300 g P2O5 plant-1), zinc sulphate spray (0.7%). Each c...

Ahsan Abbas Abro1, Imrana Khushk1, Abdul Nabi Jatt2, Chaudhary Haider Ali3, Abdul Sattar Qureshi1*, Farah Naz Talpur4, Safia Bano1

...iodiesel production from its commercialization prospects.  
Novelty Statement | Utilization of onsite produced lipase from locally isolated strain to produce biodiesel from waste cooking oil.

Syed Shahid Imran Bukhari

... is directly linked with its concentration. CO2 concentration is a surrogate indicator for the assessment of IAQ and ventilation efficacy. Average indoor CO2 can be helpful to identify ventilation system performance. Data was gathered from 50 asthmatic homes with natural ventilation located throughout the nine administrative towns of Lahore, Pakistan. The levels of CO2, the rate of air change, and the rate of ventilation per person per second were all closely ...

Shabana Islam1, Shahida Shujaat1*, Erum Akbar Hussain1, Mateen Abbas2

...bee hives to investigate its therapeutic potential. The present work is the first report on the phenolic profile and antibacterial activity of Propolis from different regions of South Punjab, Pakistan.

Abdul Aleem Memon1*, Inayatullah Rajpar2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro2, Javaid Ahmed Shah3 and Saima Kalsoom Babar2

...LDS), 2% in two equal splits (1% at LDS and 1% inflorescence emergence stage (IES), and 2% in three equal splits (0.67% at LDS, 0.67% IES and 0.67% flower bud development stage (FS). Three repeats of treatments arranged in randomized complete block design. The Kfs affected growth related parameters, chlorophyll concentration, leaf K concentration, seed yields significantly. Application of NoP and SoP raised the seed yield by...

Ahmad Shandookh Hameed1, Ali Abd Kadhum2 and Murtada Wafi Beden1 in intensive care units, is the main reasons of Multi drugs resistance (MDR) bacterial infections. These infections can worsen the clinical outcomes of SARS-CoV-2 patients, resulting in prolonged hospital stays, the need for mechanical ventilation, and higher mortality rates. Additionally, weakened immune systems due to viral infections can also make individuals more susceptible to MDR bacterial infections.


Ammar Abdulhasan Aldhalemi1, Murtadha Abdulhasan Aldhalemi2, Ali Joodi3, Qais R. Lahhob4*, however, to lengthen its shelf life and increase organoleptic values. In this experiment, ginger oil extract was being extracted and used at different ratios in soft cheese samples. This was shown by consumption test as well as Panel test where cheese samples which were added with ginger oil extract indicated much better visual properties, texture and taste compared to control/base cheese. Chemical tests were performed which confirmed a change in water con...

Ammar Abdulhasan Aldhalemi1, Murtadha Abdulhasan Aldhalemi2, Ali Joodi3, Qais R. Lahhob4*, however, to lengthen its shelf life and increase organoleptic values. In this experiment, ginger oil extract was being extracted and used at different ratios in soft cheese samples. This was shown by consumption test as well as Panel test where cheese samples which were added with ginger oil extract indicated much better visual properties, texture and taste compared to control/base cheese. Chemical tests were performed which confirmed a change in water con...

Dunia Tahseen Nema Al-Aridhi 

...l function, highlighting its potential utility as a risk factor or prognostic marker for CKD progression. The development of a predictive model incorporating uric acid could inform clinical management strategies to mitigate CKD progression. 

Javairia Mehboob1, Syeda Hafsa Ali1*, Fahima Ashraf Kasi1, Syeda Ayesha Ali2, Safa
Farooqi3, Muneeza Arbab4, known
for its antimicrobial nature. This study elucidates the qualitative phytochemical properties of
three plant extracts and utilizing it in biosynthesis of silver nanoparticles. Green Silver
nanoparticles (AgNPs) were synthesized from 1mM Silver Nitrate (AgNO3) solution incubated
with leaf extracts of Cynara scolymus (Artichoke), Alkanna tinctoria (Alkanet), and
Lavandula angustifolia (Lavender)...
Muhammad Naeem Korejo1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Aijaz Ahmed Soomro1 and Niaz
Ahmed Wahocho2
...bean growth and yield traits
particularly seed yield (2404 kg ha-1). Bermuda grass extract @ 15 L ha-1 in integration with
herbicides (atlantis @ 0.1 L ha-1 + puma super @ 0.156 L ha-1) followed in effectiveness
with weed density of 61.0 m-2 and weed dry weight of 132.0 g m-2 as well as mungbean
seed yield of 2282 kg ha-1. As much as irrigation frequencies are concerned, the least weed
density (82.0 m...
Rizwan Maqbool1, Bilal Ahmad Khan*2, Sumbal Parvez3, Muhammad Ather Nadeem2, Azhar
Hassan1, Jamshaid Qamar2, Ali Nawaz1, Muhammad Adnan2, Rafia Khalid3, Muhammad
...elease biochemicals into its surrounding environment that act as bioherbicide
at high concentration and plant growth promoter at low concentration. Therefore, this study
was planned at the Weed Science laboratory, Department of Agronomy, University of
Agriculture Faisalabad-Pakistan, during winter 2018 to evaluate the hermetic effects of
Althaea officinalis L. (Khatami) on Radish (Rap...
Muhammad Yahya1, Muhammad Ajmal Khan2, Fazle Subhan3, Ali Hazrat1*, Javed Khan5, Aftab
Amin4, Hayat Ullah1 and Tabinda Nowsheen1
...tial that all aspects of its production to be monitored. At present, there is a limited
scientific data regarding the use of pesticides in relation to the seasonal incidence of insect
pests in the Bajaur district of Pakistan. This study was carried out at a local farm, where the
efficacies of Flurofenafire pesticide were examined. The pesticide Flurofenafire was applied
once a week to examine

Hina Ilyas1, Umar Hanif2, Anser Ali1, Zahid Hassan Tarar3,Hamza Javed4, Tehreem Tahir5, Muhammad Rafiq6*

Tariq Ahmed Keerio1*, Muhammad Nawaz Kandhro1, Ahmed Naqi Shah1, Muhammad Ibrahim Keerio2, Ghulam Murtaza Jamro3

...rior growth and yield traits particularly kernel yield (t
per ha ) of maize . Sorghum mature plant extract @ 15 L per ha in integration with
herbicide (Mesotrione Atrazine @ 1.0 L per ha ranked 2 nd in effect iveness of controlling
weeds as well as increasing m aize kernel yield t per ha As the effect of seed rates is
concerned, the le ast weed density m 2 and greatest kernel yield (t per ha ) were noticed

Saiful Islam1*, Muhammad Zubair Khan1 and Haroon Khan2

...ets and culverts dipping its flow. In this apprehension a research study was conducted to investigate the effects of hydrophytes on canal capacity and at the outlets on the performance of the secondary canal known as Yar Hussain Minor (YHM) of Maira branch canal; part of the upper Swat canal irrigation system in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) province of Pakistan. Maira branch canal and its secondary canals were designed for crop b...

Md. Nazrul Islam1*, Md. Saiful Islam Siddiqui2, Md. Rafiqul Islam3, Emdadul Haque Chowdhury3’ 

... import of livestock and its commodities. The analysis was done by the “OIE Risk Analysis Framework 2006 and Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) 2003”,consists of hazard identification, risk assessment and risk management. Importation of live cattle from Spain was identified as external hazard. This hazard had negligible risk for the introduction of infectious prion protein in the cattle population of Bangladesh. Scrapie was never prevalent in Bang...

Hong Chen1,2, Jiawei Liu1,2, Chuan Lin1,2, Hao Lv1,2, Jiyun Zhang1,2, Xiaodong Jia1,2, Qinghua Gao1,2 and Chunmei Han1,2*

... tissue regeneration and its related mechanism. This study explored the mechanism of the rapid growth of regenerated antlers after top pruning damage using transcriptome sequencing technology. A damage repair model was constructed by top pruning treatment on the left antlers of three 10-month-old Tarim red deer, and RNA-seq analysis was performed on the Illumina platform to compare the transcriptome sequencing results of the left regenerated antlers with the r...

Muhammad Arslan Akbar1, Khalid Javed2, Asim Faraz3, Abdul Waheed3*, Ecevit Eyduran4 and Muhammad Tariq5

...uate the multivariate traits in Thalli sheep for phenotypic characterization and their association with the live bodyweight of the animals for the selection of superior individuals by using the principal component analysis (PCA) technique and regression equation. Twenty-one (21) multivariate traits were taken of young Thalli sheep aged 0-12 months in Thall area of Punjab, Pakistan. Morphometric trait...

Muhammad Nadeem1, Jamshaid Iqbal2, Muneer Abbas1*, Niaz Hussain1, Muhammad Tariq Javeed1, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Irshad1, Muhammad Aslam1, Gul Rehman2 and Shahar Yar Ahsan1

...type, 13TM-04, known for its comparative resistance, was chosen for these trials. The treatments, whether applied alone or in various combinations, showed significant differences in efficacy when compared with each other. A combination of treatments viz., imidacloprid seed treatment+ installation of blue sticky traps and chlorfenapyr 360 SC @ 100ml/acre spray was observed to be the most successful against thrips and resulted in maximum yield 1970.1 kg/ha of mu...

Mariana Isti Dwiningsih1, I Ketut Suatha2 and I Ketut Puja3*

...e factors that influence its success is crucial. This study aimed to investigate the impact of different transport times (0 hours, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours) on the motility and viability of chilled semen on Kintamani dogs. The study used a completely randomized design, with four treatments and six replications. In experiment 1, sample examined immediately after added extender, experiment 2, 3 and 4 were. The results of the study found that the average moti...

Muhammad Ramzan Ali1*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed1, Mubeen Fakhar1 and Aleem Khan1

...duced in Pakistan due to its high growth and economic importance. The feeding experiment was performed to find out the optimum level of protein in the diet of African catfish formulated from low cost locally available feed ingredients. This feeding trial was performed on African catfish in twelve fiber glass circular tanks (2000 L water capacity) for period of 12 weeks at the stocking rate of 20 fish/ tank. The experimental design was CRD with 4 treatments hav...

Ali D. Nashmi1*, Jawad K. Hasan1, Manal A. Ibrahim2 

... airways in rats through its ability to decrease total and differential WBCs in BALF.

Nazish Huma Khan1*, Mohammad Nafees2, Tooba Saeed3, Sarzamin Khan1, Hazrat Hussain4, Adila Bashir2 and Nida Naz1
...rity of stone-crushing units are operating illegally as 567 units have been declared hazardous to health and safety in the Peshawar region. Due to the lack of safety measures, workers involved in stone crushers were exposed to significant exposure to dust and noise, including respiratory (45.1%), skin (43.3%), eye irritation (17.8%), dyspnea (14.7%) and hearing (21%). It is therefore important to formulate a comprehensive, p...

Riam Yousfe Muttair improved. Having done its best checks on the subtype of cells to be targeted, current algorithms and checkpoint inhibitors have been adopted to perfect preferences and specificities that address resistance mechanisms and immune-related adverse events. Advancing efficacy and safety profiles represents the core objective in the development of the new generation of inhibitors based on bi-specific antibodies, nanoparticle delivery systems, etc. The novel humani...

Zhenyu Chang1,3, Qingqing Xiao1,2, Yourong Ye1,2, Mujahid Iqbal4, Mengqi Duan1,2, Yangzom Chamba1,2* and Peng Shang1,2*

... screened, obtained, and its biological characteristics were found good, which could provide reference and support for the development and utilization of Tibetan porcine probiotics.


Xinyue Wang1, Shengao Chen1,2*, Fangze Zi1, Jianmin Ge1, Desheng Chang1, Yong Song1 and Congxin Xie2

...River. In order to study its population characteristics and improve the conservation measures, 940 specimens of T. yarkandensis were collected in 2018 and 2020 from the Alar Section of Tarim River. Otoliths were chosen as the main age structure in this study. Results showed that the rings of T. yarkandensis formed once per year from March to May. The ages ranged from 1+ to 10+, with 2.5+ to 6.5+ predominating in the total specimens. Among them, 5+ predominated...

Rawa Abdulkareem Abd

...iogeochemical cycles and its implication for ecosystems’ dynamics, the environment, and biotechnologies. As a result of unveiling the secrets of the microbial dark matter, we shall enhance our understanding of the complexity of life on this planet and it shall be revealed to be a system of interconnected ecosystems.


Baby Nhor K. Ambel1*, Nneka Djen A. Matandog1, Neil Pep Dave N. Sumaya2, Florence Roy P. Salvaña1, Bryan Lloyd P. Bretaña1 and Ma. Teodora N. Cabasan1*

...concerns arise regarding its long-term effects on soil health and ecosystem stability. In order to ascertain the fact, this study investigated the impact of different durations of monocropping Lakatan banana on soil health as reflected by nematode community structure. For the extraction of nematodes, soil and root samples were collected from various banana farms practicing monocropping for 2-4, 5-9 and 10-15 years. Farms with prolonged monocropping showed an i...

Agus Subhan Prasetyo, Tutik Dalmiyatun, Siwi Gayatri, Kadhung Prayoga, Wulan Sumekar and Joko Mariyono*

... was higher than that of its counterpart, and the system improved the productivity of the land. These findings imply that the glebagan system is functional and can be socialized with other farmers. The system can be modified to shallot and other horticultural crops. The study is novel regarding the analytical model that includes control variables to show the attributable impact of the glebagan system. 


Lei Chu1, Jie Yang2, Zhenshi Chen2, Xiajun Zhang1, Weidong Wu3*, Shaoru Zhang2 and Lihui Wang2*

...nant tumor in women, and its prognosis is poor. The key genes and pathways of CC need to be further discovered. GEO2R was used to identify differentially expressed genes (DEG), GO and KEGG enrichment were analyzed by DAVID. Then, the PPI network is constructed with strings. The HUB gene and module of DEGS were obtained by Cytoscape. Finally, GEPIA also analyzed the differential expression and survival of key genes. 234 DEG were extracted from GSE9750. The uter...

Walid Elmonir1*, Dalia Abdeltawab1, Hanem El-Sharkawy2 and Rasha N. Zahran3

...imicrobial resistance traits of non-typhoidal Salmonella in commercial and backyard egg production systems in Kafrelsheikh Governorate, Egypt. A total of 610 samples (200 egg shells, 200 egg contents, and 210 environmental samples) were collected from 10 commercial layers farms and 170 samples (50 egg shells, 50 egg contents, and 70 environmental samples) were collected from 10 backyard layers flocks. The overall prevalence of Salmonella was 4.1% for each prod...

Shaofei Zhang1, Na Xu2 and Gang Liu2*

... operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in the gut archaea of geese wintering in the two lakes represented 16 phyla, 16 classes, 24 orders, 27 families, and 45 genera, with Euryarchaeota, Thaumarchaeota, and Bathyarchaeota being the dominant gut archaeal phyla. The results of alpha diversity analysis showed a significant difference in composition between the Shengjin and Caizi Lake samples, and orthogonal partial least squares-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) analy...

Mati Ullah1*, Muhammad Rizwan2, Ali Raza3, Xianlin Zhao4, Yanling Sun4, Sarah Gul5, Muhammad Ihtesham Waheed6, Muhammad Nadeem Khan7, Alvina Gul8, Sami Ullah Jan9* and Chao Huang4*

...nt in fermented milk and its products have a long history of safety and health associated uses. If bacteria isolated from yogurt is characterized technologically and gnomically, it could be used in fermentation for selective purposes. In the current study, we have comprehensively analyzed the genome of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus NDO2 isolated from traditional yogurt samples using the next-generation sequencing approach. The GC contents of the ...

Hasina Basharat1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Aziz Ahmed2, Muhammad Zubair Anjum1 and Shamim Akhter1

...e. However economic benefits showed increasing trend with increasing stocking densities. By increasing the stocking density, the production parameters were directly increasing, ultimate yield were higher at 20,000 fish/acre followed by 15,000 and 10,000/acre. Financial analysis assessment of the present study showed encouraging net earnings at all stocking densities. Highest net profit as well as net production achieved at a stocking density of 20,000/acre fol...
Guangcan Lin1,2,3, Xingyu Chen1,2,3, Xiaohao Shi1,2,3, Xiaolin Li1,2,3
Anwar Tanwari Kamran4, Zhengxiang Wang1,2,3, Qing Zhu5, Gaodao Liang5* and Lei Pan1,2,3*
...ial to spread outside of its current locations and regions, all-continents-spanning invasive range. The invasion of P. parva has threatened the existence of native species. Therefore, evaluation of the condition and fitness of the invasive P. parva population in different regions is necessary. However, no systematic reports of the P. parva length-weight relationships (LWRs) around the world has been documented, especially comparing indigenous and non-indigenou...
R. Javed1,2, T. Usman1, S. Niaz2, N. Ali2,3, H. Baneh4, K. Ullah5, I. Khattak1, M. Kamal1,2
S. Bahadar6, N.U. Khan1, S. Khan1,7, Y. Wang3*, Y. Yu3* and Mostafa K. Nassar8
... quantity and quality traits in cattle are affected by udder health, breed, genetic (such as heritability, repeatability, and heterosis), and environmental factors. The present study was designed to evaluate the effect of udder health, genetic factors and environmental factors on milk performance traits in cattle breeds. The study was conducted on four dairy farms in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. A total of 291 milk samples ...

Jagdish Jaba1*, Sumit Vashisth2, Sivakumar Golla1 and Suraj Prashad Mishra1

...a and leaf webber due to its indeterminate genotypic character of ICPL 88039. Between the two genotypes, the sucking pests more preferred to ICPL 87 when compared ICPL 88039. Maximum jassids were recorded 12.76 and 8.38 (ICPL 87) in fourth sowing and third sowing respectively. It was observed that highest spider population recorded 2.23(ICPL 88039) in first and second sowing. Ladybird beetle Coccinella transvasalis population recorded a maximum 8.52 (ICPL 87)....

Yue Guo1,2*, Hai Yan Dong1, Hong Chang Zhou1,2, Hui Zhang1 and Ming Ke Lu3

...ncidence were collected, its epidemiological feature was analyzed by time, location and age. A total of 78 656 cases and 15 deaths of schistosomiasis were reported in China between 2004 and 2018. The incidence of schistosomiasis in 2009-2013 was statistical significance higher than before and after. Hubei was the most seriously afflicted among all endemic provinces in the periods of 2004-2009 and 2010-2014. In addition, the 50-59 and 60-69 age groups had signi...
Zain-ul-Aabdin Abro1*, Naheed Baloch1, Raza Muhammard Memon2 and Niaz Hussain Khuhro2
... devastating pests of fruits and vegetables among them Bactrocera zonata and Bactrocera dorsalis (Diptera: Tephritidae) are principal pests of mango and guava growing areas of Sindh. Field studies were conducted in mango and guava experimented orchards of Sindh to determine the effectiveness of Trybliographa daci and Diachasmimorpha longicaudata against Bactrocera flies in combination with mass trapping. Results shown significantly (P<0.05) maximum parasiti...

Chao Du1, Li Liu1, Li Gao1, Yongqi Ren2, Shiqiang Wang3 and Wei Liu4*

...pletely rebuilt. Whether its diversity and biomass can provide sufficient food during the breeding period is the key to the recovery of the relict gull. Here we investigated aquatic arthropods in the TAN and Hotong Qagan Nur (HQN) to compare the food supply and predict the capacity of the reserve after the lake water was restored. The results showed that the arthropod communities are low abundant in two lakes with a total of 16 taxa, but their biomass in TAN w...

Shoaib Zawar1, Muhammad Waqas Yonas1,2*, Muhammad Mujahid Akbar1 and Abeer Ahmad1

...method, which was due to its ability for plants to maintain optimum density per unit area, reduced intraspecific competition, and enhanced grain formation, leading to higher grain yield (5562.38 kg ha-1 in 2020-21 and 5220.22 kg ha-1 in 2021-22). Adapting an appropriate sowing method is crucial to maximize wheat production which has been proved in the augmented furrow method over a broadcast and/or the usual drill sowing methods. The relatively better performa...

Sardorbek N. Turgunov, Oybek O. Amirov*, Erkinjon B. Shakarboev, Abdurakhim E. Kuchboev

Amal Ahmed Abdel-Halim1, Esteftah Mohamed El-Komy2, Ahmed Mosaad Abdelsalam2, Gomaa Said Ramadan2*

...anding of the genetic traits and growth potential of these quail hybrids, with Hy5 Imported Quail demonstrating superior performance in carcass characteristics.
Keywords | Carcass characteristics, Growth performance, Japanese Quail, Quail, Selection

Tanvir Hussain*, Zahid Rauf, Mansoor Ali Khan and Khalid Hussain 

...nt study was to evaluate its dendroclimatic potential under Shangla’s wet temperate climate in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa . In order to conduct study, wood samples in the form of cores were taken from the district of Swat’s Shahpur and Liliani Forest areas. Using standard laboratory techniques, the collected cores were processed and measured for tree ring width. Cofecha and R packages, two computer - based programs , were used to statistically evaluate the...

Wadood Shah* and Sanam Zarif Satti

...tage stress worse and limits plant growth and productivity by reducing nutrient uptake and increasing osmotic load. In addition, dramatic climatic changes can reduce water availability, leading to a variety of problems, including the ongoing limited water condition. The present review article intends to critically analyze morpho-physiological and growth, responses of plants to various levels of drought stress as well as their ability to regulate and alleviate ...

Rhuan Chaves1, Diego Leal2, Ygor de Paula³, Andreia Vilas Boas4, Ana Toledo4, Sígfrid López-Ferrer5, Vinicius Cantarelli3, Cesar Garbossa2* 

... of vitamins in feed and its metabolism generates a compound that can taint animal-origin products. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of feeding diets containing natural choline (Kolin plus™ FC) as a replacement of choline chloride on performance and blood variables of weaned piglets. A total of 360 piglets with an average initial body weight of 6.33 ± 0.20 kg were utilized in a 41-day experiment. The experimental design followed a...

Gautam Kumar Deb1*, Md Faizul Hossain Miraz1, SM Jahangir Hossain1, Shahrina Akter1, Md. Ahsanul Kabir1, Md Ruhul Amin2, Md Panir Choudhury1, Nure Hasni Desha1

...terize the phenotypic traits of native horses and investigate the management practices and socioeconomic status of horse owners. A total of 233 horse-rearing households were interviewed by structured questionnaire from selective locations covering all divisions of Bangladesh. Phenotypic traits (Body weight, body length, chest girth, neck length, head length, ear length, wither height, back height, length from ear to tail, ma...

Hala Harifi*, Mouloud Lamtai*, Siham Ait Salhi, Fatima-Zahra Azzaoui, Omar Akhouayri, Abdelhalem Mesfioui, Leila Bikjdaouene

...sure to Mn, specifically its impact on the general condition of male Wistar rats, by recording all clinical symptoms associated with this intoxication. Different doses ranging from the lowest to the highest (6 mg/kg, 25 mg/kg, 30 mg/kg, and 40 mg/kg i.p.) were administered intraperitoneally over a period of 12 weeks. The objective of the study was to identify the lethal dose and the tolerated toxic dose in order to establish a toxicity model. Weight gain was m...

Iman Hernaman1*, Budi Ayuningsih1, Diky Ramdani2, Romy Zamhir Islami1, Shelvia Octaviana1, Ina Aviana1, Galuh Rahayu1, Aldena Bina Salimah1, Urip Rosani1, Atun Budiman1, Muhammad Rifqi Ismiraj3

...ecreased ADF and NDF and its use of 20% in rations yielded the best in vitro digestibility and fermentability.
Keywords | Ash, Corncob, Digestibility, Fermentability, In vitro, Rice hull

Hafizuddin1, Sri Wahyuni2, Tongku Nizwan Siregar1*, Amalia Sutriana3, Ririn Triyuliani4, Siti Hanyyah Herviani4, Muhammad Farhan Syuhada4, Nur Salimah4, Muharni Mardiah Eriswandi4, Ratu Permata Ayu4, Putroe Hayatun Nufus4

...l responses of local rabbits after superovulation induction with BPE. The sample comprised of 1 local male rabbit and 9 local female rabbits with a history of giving birth and weighing between 1.8-2.2 kg. The animals were adapted for 30 days in separate cages and provided with feed and water ad libitum before treatment. The rabbits were divided into 3 treatment groups (n=3), the first grou...

Hawraa F.H. Alowaid1*, Afrah Adil Hassan1, Majdy Faisal Majeed2

...d in many nations due to its accessibility and low price. High doses or prolonged administration of TML are linked to hepatic and renal damage. There is currently no known precise mechanism for how TML damages the liver and kidneys. The goal of the current investigation was to assess the potential contribution of oxidative stress dysfunction to the etiology of renal and hepatic injury brought on by TML. For this purpose, male adult rats were treated with TML (...

Istna Mangisah*, Lilik Krismiyanto, Vitus Dwi Yunianto Budi Ismadi, Mulyono Mulyono, Nyoman Suthama, Fajar Wahyono

...ced in 20 experimental units in stilt cages following a completely randomized design procedure, 5 treatments, and 4 replications. The research ration was prepared with an EM content of 2900 kcal/kg and 18% crude protein. The treatments tested included T0: density of 5 ducks/m2 + basal ration, T1: density of 5 ducks/m2 + 0.25% ALM, T2: density of 5 ducks/m2 + 0.5% ALM, T3: density of 10 ducks/m2 + 0.25% ALM, T4: density of 10 ducks/m2 + 0.5% ALM. The parameters...

Li Wang, Feifei Feng, Kefei Peng, Yan Zhang and Ling Zhou*

...oup are poor, suggesting its relevance to obstetric prognostic and may need more attention from early pregnancy period, including antenatal examination and necessary laboratory tests to exclude other systemic diseases.


Kashif Haleem, Basheer Ahmad, Muhammad Rayyan, Nowsherwan Zarif, Saif Ullah Khan, Salman Ahmad and Anwar Ali*

...oking and heating due to its availability, while 32.5% also use firewood, and 6.25% use crop residues along with firewood. Of the 80 respondents, 63.75% use fuelwood from their farmland, and 36.25% purchase it from the market. Regarding agricultural production, 35% of respondents indicated that crop trees increase production, while 58% believed that the prevalence of poplars in the area decreases agricultural production due to shade and water absorption, and 8...

Asad Ali, Anwar Ali, Muhammad Farooq and Basheer Ahmad* 

... spacing, with only 663 pits found compared to the required 1075 pits per hectare. The average regeneration per hectare was estimated at 75 plants in pits and trenches at the plantation, with a composition of 70% Prosopis juliflora, 19% Zizyphus nummularia, and 7% Phoenix. The study identified established regeneration, while unestablished regeneration (below 9 inches) was not observed. The...
Marchel Putra Garfansa1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Iswahyudi Iswahyudi1, Shazma Anwar3
Damat Damat2,Tony Liwang4, Mardiana Sri Susanti5, Diah Hermayanti2*, Meddy Setiawan2
Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi2, Dewi Mariyam6, Yolla Muvika Ananda2, Satriyo Krido Wahono7
Adil Basir8, Musrif Musrif9 and Anwar Saeed Khan10
... deep concerns regarding its potential impact on human health. Numerous experiments have been conducted on living organisms to investigate the dispersion patterns of MPs. Furthermore, the extent of distribution and research conducted on MPs about mice still needs to be improved. This study aimed to determine the impact of PET (polyethylene terephthalate) MPs on mice’s weight, feces, and appetite. Four feed experiments, P0 (pellet BR1), P1 (potato from Pu...

Ihteram Ullah1*, Iftikhar Hussain Khalil2, Said Salman1, Nasir Mehmood3, Abdul Majid4, Syed Noor Muhammad Shah5 and Zahoor Ahmed6

...ditions. All measured traits, except grain weight per seed, showed significant differences (P ≤ 0.01) amid environments. There was also substantial genetic variation among the wheat lines for all traits with significant genotype × environment interactions, particularly for spike production and grain yield. Compared to irrigated conditions, rainfed conditions caused significant reductions in studied tra

Arshad Bhat1*, Abid Sultan2, M. Latief3, Parvaiz Rashid3, H.A. Malik4 and Iqra Qureshi5

...ror Correction model and its probability output, except for the case where horticulture production is considered an independent variable and GSDP as a dependent variable. The Johansen Cointegration Test results indicate that there is a long-term relationship between the variables. The Granger Casualty Test revealed that there was no cause-and-effect relationship (in either direction) between the three variables. The GSDP and horticulture production were the on...

Nask Jawher Ahmed and Kawa A. Ali* and physiological traits of sesame. The study was consisted in two different environments. Treatments were irrigation based on principal development stages according to the general BBCH (Biologische Bundesanstalt, und Chemische Industrie) scale, with three levels of water regimes: (a) control (full irrigations), (b) No further irrigation after flowering (65BBCH), and (c) No further irrigation after seed development (79 BBCH) stages of the crop. There were ...

Aysha Fatima1, Safdar Ali1, Saira Azmat2, Luqman Amrao1, Muhammad Usman Ghani3*, Yasir Iftikhar4, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan4*, Adeel Ahmad5 and Humaira Kalsoom6

Umair Khatri1, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1*, Shahzor Gul Khaskheli1 and Omer Mukhtar Tarar2

...ducts (MBFPs) i.e., biscuits, noodles, nuggets and soup mix were developed using mushroom powder. Results regarding the fatty acids profile showed that, Saturated fatty acid (SFA) followed by (palmitic acid 13.20g/100) BMP, (stearic acid 3.97g/100) OMP, (margaric acid 3.43g/100) BMP, (behenic acid 1.15g/100) BMP, (arachidic acid 0.37g/100) BMP and (lignoseric acid 0.34g/100) BMP. Unsaturated fatty acid (USFA) followed by (trans linoleic acid 66.49g/100 BMP, (c...

Hamid Ullah Khan1*, Muhammad Anas1*, Rozina Gul1, Waseem Ullah Shah1, Abdul Haleem2, Muneeb Ahamd Khan1, Muhammad Taimur1, Tahreem Shah1, Sajjad Ur Rahman1, Noman Anjum1 and Muhammad Saqib3

...l and yield-promoting traits over different years is a key component in cultivar development. The main goals of the current research studies were to identify pod worm-resistant/tolerant and high-yielding genotypes over two years along with other desirable traits that could be manipulated in future chickpea breeding programs. The experimental material consisted of 45 chickpea genotypes tested over two years in the Randomize C...

Le Thanh Phuong1, Pham Tan Nha2*

...g games and food because its firm and crispy skin. Nowadays, there are not many surveys on the reproductive performance of this breed. The study aimed to evaluate some indicators of reproductive performance of Noi chicken over two generations (G0 and G1 generations). A total of 300 hens and 60 cocks at the 21 weeks old local Noi chickens were used in this experiment. They were randomly distributed into two treatment groups of 5 replicates (30 hens and 6 cocks)...

Alain Kouam Simo1, Roland Nankam Chimi1*, Stevine Ngoueni Megouo1, Ariane Megne Fossouo1, Félicité Flore Djuikwo-Teukeng2, Mamoudou Abdoulmoumini3

...e of schistosomiasis and its prevalence showed us significant variations, the region of origin of the animals (p=0,0001), the department (p=0,0001), the breed (p=0,0001), body condition score (p=0,0001), body condition (p=0,002), watering site (p=0,0001). Bovine schistosomiasis is endemic in the northern and Adamawa regions of Cameroon. This pathology is favoured by factors such as the place of watering, the body condition score, and the place and department o...

Kh. Amber1, S.G. Kotb1, W.A. Morsy2* and W. Khalifa1

...rameters, and carcass traits of broiler. A total number of 576 unsexed one-day-old Cobb broiler chicks were grown over a 35-d period. Chicks were similar concerning body weight and sex. The experimental design was factorial 3x2; three forms of feed (pellet, crumble, and mash) with or without supplementing CIBENZA enzyme (0.005%) in diets. All diets were nearly iso-nitrogenous and iso-caloric based on digestible energy and contained similar levels of microeleme...

Iwona Szatkowska1, Jan Udała2, Daniel Zaborski3*, Ewa Czerniawska-Piątkowska1, Wilhelm Grzesiak3, Małgorzata Wasielewska1 and Jerzy Wójcik4

...smitting at least one of its copies to PIS individuals. Two sex-reversed animals (Czech White Improved and Polish White Improved), two polled and two horned bucks were examined. Three primer pairs were designed for the identification of the PIS deletion in the sex-reversed individuals and polled bucks. Additional 24 primer pairs were used for the identification of the deletion region in sex-reversed individuals. Selected PCR products were sequenced. The identi...

Muhammad Salman1, Rao Zahid Abbas1*, Muhammad Kasib Khan1 and Muhammad Shahid Mahmood2

...ed the cinnamaldehyde as its major component. The acaricidal and the repellent efficacies were evaluated at five concentrations (1, 2.5, 5, 10 and 20%) of the C. verum essential oil. Different parameters like adult tick mortality, fecundity index, egg hatchability, oviposition reduction, reproductive estimation, product effectiveness, larval mortality and tick repellency were determined. The results indicated a dose-dependent effect of C. verum essential oil s...

Muhammad Zahir Shah1,2 and Syed Basit Rasheed1,*

...ulation density reaching its peak in the month of August. A positive correlation was observed between sand fly abundance and climatic variables, which was significant with temperature only. The high abundance of Phlebotomus sergenti support the endemicity of anthroponotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in the study area. Presence of species of subgenera Adlerius and Larusius suggest the possibility sporadic visceral leishmaniasis in the region.


Malik Muhammad Yousaf1*, Abou Bakar Siddique1*, M. Jahangir Shah1, Mumtaz Hussain1, Bashir Ahmad1, M. Bilal Zafar1, Maryam Hayat1, Shamsa Rasool1, Zainulabdeen1, Muhammad Mohsin Raza3, Malik Ibrar Yousaf2 and Usman Majeed1

... medicinal plants due to its pharmacological properties and placed in leading medicinal crop in worldwide. Research plot was located at Bahawalpur divisions at different location under (Pakistan Agriculture Research Council PARC), Arid Zone Research Institute in two crop seasons 2022-2023. Five different germplasm were used for the study 21213, 21474, 20617, 21260 and 21988. The study was carried out to calculate the effects of chemical plant fertilizer includ...

Tahani Ahmad Al-Matrafi1, Zuhair M. Mohammedsaleh2, Mamdoh S. Moawadh2, Waheeb S. Aggad3, Rawabi Mohamed almuhimed4, Zamzam Alhuwaymil5, Aishah E Albalawi6, Ifat Alsharif7, Hailah M. Almohaimeed8, Fatima S. Alaryani9 and Mona H. Soliman10,11*

...r disorders, emphasizing its promising role as a natural hepatoprotective agent.


Junaid Khan* and Muhammad Sajid

... in November produced fruits with maximum fruit firmness (1.90 kg cm-2) and titratable acidity (0.35%). Regarding nitrogen doses, maximum TSS-acid ratio (39.72%) and ascorbic acid (212.42 mg 100g-1) were observed in trees treated with 225 kg N ha-1. Maximum ascorbic acid (217.76 mg 100g-1) and reducing sugar (5.85%) were recorded in trees fertilized with 150 kg N ha-1 while maximum non-reducing sugar (4.80%) and TSS (10.55 oBrix) were observed in trees treated...

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Asmat Ullah2, Arbab Jahangeer1, Naveed Akhtar3, Tahira Tabassum3, Ali Zohaib3, Naveed Ramzan3

...ation from soil hence limits upward movement of salts. Moreover, it also reserves soil moisture, increases utilizing efficiencies of nutrient and water hence improves crop yield. Critical research gaps exist in understanding the long-term effectiveness of various mulching materials on cotton yield and soil health in saline soils. Comparative analyses between organic and inorganic mulches and mechanistic understanding of salt reduction in the rhizosphere are li...
Supardi Rusdiana1, Tatan Kostaman1*, Priyono Priyono2, Diana Andrianita Kusumaningrum1, Lisa Praharani1, Yeni Widiawati1, Agustin Herliatika1, Nurul Pratiwi1, Nurul Azizah1, Paul Ade Iji3
...e broiler population and its meat production decreased by 7.90% in 2019 and 1.04% in 2021. The broiler and its meat price decreased in the early pandemic, but they significantly rebounded at the end of the pandemic. Nevertheless, the cost of broilers among farmers has experienced a significant decline of 6.34%, while the price of broiler meat at the consumer level declined by 3.9% during the early pandemic. The crucial impac...

Zahraa M. Mahdi 

... detailed view of the limits in this field. This paper is summarized with future applications of nanocomposite membranes in enhancing the processes of forward osmosis, wastewater treatment, and solar desalination. The main conclusion is that such membranes will provide a promising future for water purification processes. 

Shruti Yadav1,2*, Kamana Singh2, Pratap Adinath Divekar3 and Suhas Gorakh Karkute1,3* transgenic plants and its protein level was as high as 30.94 µg/g in fresh leaves and 20.57µg/g in fruits. Insect bioassay showed the BSFB larval mortality between 90% to 100%. Altogether it was observed that expression of the Cry2Aa protein in the shoots and fruit of transgenic brinjal lead to high BSFB larval mortality. Thus, Cry2Aa is a potential alternate gene to presently used Cry1Ac gene which can also b...
Nguyen Van Vui1*, Duong Hoang Oanh2, Nguyen Thi Kim Quyen1, Nguyen Thuy Linh1, Kim Nang1, Nhan Hoai Phong1
... creating potential benefits for poultry farming and human nutrition.
Keywords | Spirulina algae, Performance, Egg quality, Lipid peroxidation, Serum parameters, Laying hens

Usman Ali*, Badat Muwakhid and Dewi Masyithoh

...he effect of feeding rabbits with fermented cassava by-products, coconut flesh skin, and soya bean skin on their performance, nutrient digestibility, and the cholesterol levels in their meat. A randomised block design was used. There were five treatments and three animal groups (two animals per group), classified by body weight. The treatments involved substituting soya bean with fermented cassava by-products, coconut flesh skin, and soya bean skin (FCCSB) at ...

Sairah Syed1, Rafia Urooj Saman1, Ayesha Manzoor1, Muhammad Arsalan1, Abdul Latif1*, Madeeha Khan1, Rehmat Ullah2, Muhamad Bilal2, Rizwan Latif3, Ejaz Ahmad4, Muhammad Amjad1, Muhammad Aslam5, Sair Sarwar6, Sabir Hussain Shah7 and Amaima Masood8

...ever, studies related to its utilization and effect in combination with reduced chemical fertilizers on plant growth are still limited. Therefore, this experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of varying levels of VC (0 and 2.5 tons/ha) and NPK (60:80:60 kg/ha or RDF, 75% RDF, 50% RDF, 25% RDF) fertilizers on the growth and yield of spinach, peas, and radish. In a Randomly Complete Block Design (RCBD), the soil for each plot was amended with different V...

Amaq Fadholly1,2*, Endang Tri Margawati1, Alek Ibrahim1 and Widya Pintaka Bayu Putra1

... for selecting growth traits in Pasundan beef cattle. Amount of 50 blood samples was collected from Breeding Center (?) of BPPT Cijeunjing, Ciamis, West Java, Indonesia. DNA samples were isolated and then purified following the extraction continued with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). The Association of MYF5 genotypes with body weight and body size measurements was analyzed using General Linear Model by ...
Shahida Rashied1*, Ahmed Zia2, Riaz Aziz Minhas1, Sumera Aslam3, Abdul Rauf Bhatti4 and Ghulam Ali1 of Control. It shares its border with Indian Occupied Kashmir and due to prevailing of uncertain ground conditions in the past did not allow to get explore this area for the Odonata species complex. In study area first time detailed surveys were conducted for exploring the diversity of both sub orders of Odonata (Anisoptera and Zygoptera) during the summer season of 2018-2019. A total 346 specimens were collected yielding 20 anisopterous species under 13 ge...

Rijanto Hutasoit1,3, Edison Purba2*, Simon Petrus Ginting3, Nevy Diana Hanafi2

...roughage animal feed and its effect in soil characteristics on saline soil. The study used a randomized block design (RBD) with four treatments of gamma-irradiated M2 generation I. zollingeriana (0, 100, 200, and 300 gray) and six replications. The data were analyzed by ANOVA and then evaluated using an orthogonal polynomial contrast test. In this study, the soil characteristics were analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that there was no significant dif...

Hazrat Younas1,*, Khuram Nawaz Sadozai1, Amjad Ali1 and Rizwan Ahmad2

...taking led to higher profits, with Rs. 4,25,875/- compared to Rs. 1,92,000/- for linear staking, demonstrating the increased profitability of vertical staking practices. Based on the analysis, the study offers recommendations to foster the growth, promotion, and enhancement of vertically structured tomato production. Notably, labor costs constitute a substantial portion, approximately 50%, of tomato production expenses in the study area. To mitigate these cost...

Qais Abdulrahman M. Al-Jaghifi, Zina Saab Khudhir* 

...erial reduction in log units was recorded. The bacterial counts before dipping meat samples in 2% chitosan solution showed initial counts of 5-6 log10 CFU/g. After treatment at both ambient and refrigeration (4ºC) temperatures for 4 hours, counts were reduced to 2-3 log10 CFU/g. The number of MRSA isolated from frozen meat decreased significantly more when treated with 2% chitosan at refrigeration temperature compared to ambient temperature. The antibacte...

Razaq Animashahun1, Funmilayo Okeniyi1, Olayinka Alabi1, Samuel Olawoye1, Precious Oluwafemi1, Princess Odhe1, Oluwatola Akintola1, Adedeji Animashahun2

...New Zealand male kit rabbits was conducted. The rabbits, aged eight weeks, were assigned in a Completely Randomized Design into five dietary treatments, each containing 12 rabbits per group with 3 replicates. Treatment 1 served as the control, while treatments 2, 3, and 4 included 6% tithonia, parkia, and synedrella leaf meal, respectively. Treatment 5 consisted of 2% each of these three l...

Khansa N. Salsabilah*, Achmad Firman, Lilis Nurlina

...ative Savings and Loan Units: Regulation of the Deputy for Supervision of the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Indonesia Number 06/PER/DEP.6/IV/2016 and Key Performance Indicators (KPI). Financial performance analysis emphasizes aspects of capital, quality of productive assets, efficiency, liquidity, and independence and growth. Meanwhile, KPIs emphasize the achievements of all financial aspects, where the KPI value ...

Sana Nawaz1, Shahzor Gul Khaskheli1*, Aijaz Hussain Soomro1, Inayatullah Rajper2, Saghir Ahmed Sheikh3, Ashfaque Ahmed Khaskheli1 and Shaista Soomro1

...and functional foods. Fruits and vegetables are highly valuable horticultural crops, offering health benefits and culinary versatility. However, substantial losses and waste pose significant challenges in the modern food industry and present major economic and environmental concerns. Notably, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) reports that waste and losses are highest in FVs among all types of food, accounting for u...

Muhammad Shahid Hassan1, Nargis Naz2, Hassan Raza Javeed1*, Sabahat Zafar1, Laraib Kanwal1, Seerat Mariyum1, Areej Fatima1, Areeba Bashir1 and Muhammad Imran Atta3

... used staple food due to its source of indispensable nutrients such as proteins, vitamins, and minerals. Weeds compete with wheat plants for essential resources (nutrients, light, space, and gases) and ultimately reduce yield. The current study was conducted during 2021 – 2022 in the wheat fields of three tehsils of district Layyah to investigate the weed biodiversity. Weeds biodiversity data was recorded by a random quadrate sampling method using the qu...

Muhammad Ehsan Safdar1*, Muhammad Sikander Hayyat, Muhammad Zeshan Maajid, Mubashar Nadeem and Amjed Ali

... as a tool for employing its cost-effective management. Studies were carried out to find out competitive effect of field bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis L.) on wheat at research area of College of Agriculture, University of Sargodha, Pakistan during winter season 2014-15. Experimental treatments included varying densities (0, 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 plant m-2) of Convolvulus arvensis. The weed densities were maintained by thinning the excess weed seedlings one week...

Umm-e-Kulsoom1, Saima Hashim2, Fazli Wahid3, Haseena Gulzar4 and Tamana Bakht5

...khwa is a hilly area and its major cash crop is potato. The area produces good quality potato and the farmers have small land holdings and thus majority of the farmers prefer to grow potato. There are limited pathogens or insect that can significantly affect the potato while presence of weeds is a major concern for the potato growers. As per our documentation survey, Amaranthus viridis and Chenopodum album were found as major weeds infesting potato fields. At ...

Iqtidar Hussain1*, Mohammad Safdar Baloch, Ejaz Ahmad Khan and Asghar Ali Khan

... morpho-physiological traits of maize crop. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design having three repetitions. Water extracts of ten different plants viz., neem (Azadirachta indica L.), eucalyptus (Eucalyptus camaldulensis L.), tobacco (Nicotiana tobacum L.), Indian lilac (Melia azadirach L.), acacia (Acacia nilotica L.), poplar (Populous deltoids L.), sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), jaman (Syzygium cumini L.) and karir (Capparis deci...

Rafaqat Hussain Shah1, Mohammad Safdar Baloch1*, Muhammad Zubair2, Khalid Naveed3, Muhammad Amjad Nadim1 and Aminullah Khan4

...flora (Sw.) DC. by using its aqueous solutions. Extracts of all main parts of mesquite including leaf, stem and root were prepared in different concentrations to see their efficacy as phytotoxic components on wheat. The trial was conducted under laboratory conditions at the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan, Pakistan. Different concentrations (10, 20, 30 and 40%) were compared with control (tap water treatment)....

Gul Hassan, Anees Amin, Haroon ur Rashid, Naqib Ullah Khan and Hussain Ali1

...which perhaps was due to its allelopathic effect at higher concentration. Berseem also showed allelopathy to maize and sorghum even greater than parthenium, as it inhibited all the parameters studied. Further research is suggested to confirm these findings.


Zuyang Zhou1, Xi He2, Yufang Liu1, Qiuling Li3, Pingqing Wang2, Yongfu An4, Ran Di1, Yuze Yang5 and Mingxing Chu1*

Uzma Zafar1*, Zaima Ali1, Ambreen Tauseef2 and Saba Khaliq3 adiponectin levels in its polymorphic genotypes. It was an observational study conducted at University of Health Sciences, Lahore. Study approval was granted by institutional Review/Ethical Board. Informed consent was taken from all the participants. The venous blood sample was taken after an overnight fast of 8-10 h. Blood was secured for DNA analysis and biochemical tests. Adiponectin rs266729(-11377 C>G) and rs1501299(+276G>T) genotypes were determ...

Afnan Ahmed Allhyani1, Mohamed Baeshen1, Nagwa Thabet Elsharawy2,3

...eservatives by examining its antibacterial effect by (aquas & ethanolic) extracts by different concentrations (1.25, 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5 & 15) cc against six foodborne microorganisms (Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella typhi, Escherichia coli, salmonella enteritidis and Vibrio parahaemolyticus). Finally, the different concretions of each extract were added to the chevon. Obtained results observed that all extracts have antibact...

Ahmed J. Jaafer1*, Alaa K. Jassim1, Nidhal A. Hashim2 

...ellitus is a way to stop its consequences. An abnormal body mass index can lead to many problems during pregnancy. It is also one of the main risk factors for pregnancy that can be changed. Knowing and evaluating the relationship of body mass index with insulin resistance in women with gestational diabetes. This case-control study included 50 pregnant women suffering from gestational diabetes who were diagnosed by doctors at Maysan Children’s and Materni...

Raad M. Sayed-Lafi*

...and the contributions of its researchers. The same is true for educational establishments. Therefore, collaboration between institutions and on an international scale both tended to make the research more impactful. Future priorities should include international collaboration, stimulation and improvement.


Saima Naz1*, Moazama Batool2*, Qurat Ul Ain2, Ahmad Manan Mustafa Chatha3, Sheeza Bano2, Sadia Nazir4, Ghulam Abbas5 and Unab Zahra1

...ffects on fish therefore its seepage into aquatic bodies should be carefully monitored.


Muhammad Ramzan Ali1*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed1, Mubeen Fakhar1 and Shamim Akhter2

...brood stock and to study its reproductive performance and breeding success in culture system of Pakistan. For the brood stock development, one thousand fingerlings of Clarias gariepinus were stocked in earthen ponds. The shooter fish were separated and kept in separate ponds of 0.04-hectare area. The mature 100 males and 100 female brooders fish were selected on basis of morphometric characters. Monthly gonadosomatic index of male and female Clarias gariepinus...

Mohammad Wasiullah Khan* and Abdur Rab quality of fruits during storage. Plum fruit exhibits climacteric behavior and its quality characteristics depending on the harvest stage. The present research study entitles “Influence of zinc on pre and postharvest quality of plum” was conducted at Horticulture Research Farm and postharvest laboratory Department of Horticulture, The University of Agriculture Peshaw...

Nesreen Ahmed Nasser1, Anas H. Sadek2, Bayadir Abdulhussein Mahmeed3, Osama Akram Mohsein4* 

...ype of cancer because of its future risks. 


Israa M. Essa*, Ghazi Y. Azzal, Alaa Tariq Abdulwahid

... five isolates indicated its identity to Saudi Arabian (MN559388.1) F. hepatica isolate. In conclusion, Molecular and phylogenetic analysis of ovine liver flukes indicated worthily that F. hepatica was the more prevalent Fasciola species in sheep of Basra province. In addition, our results provided an initial basic data for monitoring this potentially important parasite in field. However, the main limitations of the present study include the low number of exam...

Truong Thanh Trung1, Nguyen Thi Kim Dong2, Tran Long Hai1

...hirty crossbred male rabbits (New Zealand White x local), with an average weight of 2.59 ± 0.14 kg, were completely randomized design consisted of five treatments and six replications, with one buck rabbit as an experimental unit. The five experimental treatments were diets containing 14%, 16%, 18%, 20%, and 22% crude protein corresponding CP14, CP16, CP18, CP20 and CP22 treatment, respectively. Feedstuffs used in the experiment included fermented soya ...

Roy Sukbir Singh1, Jekson Martiar Siahaan2,3*, Endy Juli Anto4, Syafruddin Ilyas5, Putri Eyanoer6, Hendrika Andriani7,8

... Aloe vera, renowned for its secondary metabolites, is suggested as a potential treatment because of its hypolipidemic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory qualities. This study employed both in-silico and in-vivo approaches to explore these effects. The in-silico analysis involved molecular docking simulations to evaluate the interactions of Aloe vera compounds with inflammatory mediators such as TNF-α and COX-2. Furth...

Doni Supadil1, Sri Melia2*, Indri Juliyarsi2

...od, offering health benefits through its prebiotic and antioxidant properties.
Keywords | Antioxidant activity, Lactic acid bacteria, Acidity, Prebiotic, Probiotic, Functional food

Hasan Ali Al-Sailawi1, Araa Ali Hadi1, Hussein A. Raheem2, Mustafa Mudhafar3,4, Sahi J Dhahi5, Qais R. Lahhob6*

... skin of albino male rabbits by N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and Serratiopeptidase and then compare their effect on the skin grafting of rabbits. Nine rabbits were divided into three groups. Each group had three animals: Group 1 (G1) was used as a control (skin grafting without any drug), and the skin was taken from the shoulder to the femoral area. In group 2 (G2), the skin graft was taken fro...

Mohammed Haider Asker1*, Yahya Fawzi Hashim2, Huda Hamid Mohsen3

...e. For this purpose, rabbits were categorized into four groups: control group was mock-treated with distal water only (G1), another group was treated with nitrofurantoin alone (G2), a third group with CoQ10 alone (G3), and a fourth group was treated with nitrofurantoin plus CoQ10 (G4). Serum levels of oxidative stress markers (e.g. MDA), cardiac injury markers (CPK and troponin), inflammation markers (e.g. CRP), and thyroid function (e.g TSH) were assessed. Ad...

Baraa Najim Al-Okaily 

... and biology, as well as its influence on animals. Many endeavors prioritize the participation of ROS from various molecules in both states of health and illness. Oxidative stress can result in unfavorable consequences, such as degenerative illnesses. Chronic liver and kidney disorders are highly widespread globally and are intricately linked to oxidative stress, a phenomenon that has been extensively studied and highlighted for many years. Collectively, we ca...

Auras Muhi Taha*, Ibrahim Ahmed Ibrahim, Hassanein Abduladeem, Mohammed Qais Yassen, Omaima Khalid Ahmed and Tabark Najim Abdul-Allah

Idrissi Ouedrhiri Housna1, Bikri Samir1,2*, Benloughmari Douae1, Aboussaleh Youssef1

...latonin (MEL), known for its potent antioxidant properties and various benefits against hyperglycemia and stress-related complications, is particularly intriguing. The primary objective of this study was to investigate whether combining Melatonin and Metformin (MET) could ameliorate biochemical and behavioral changes associated with persistent hyperglycemia, specifically by reducing lipid peroxidation (LPO), a key marker of ...

Muhammad Ariana Setiawan1, Ujang Hidayat Tanuwiria2*, Andi Mushawwir2

...tion process. Therefore, its nutrient requirements must also be taken into consideration. Nutrient requirements for rumen microbes can be met from rumen degradable protein (RDP) and non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC). Nutrients that are easily degraded in the rumen can be seen from their metabolite products such as total gas production, gas kinetics, and methane gas production. This study aims to determine the effect of the balance of rumen degradable protein (RDP) ...
Niaz Hussain1, Muneer Abbas1*, Abdul Ghaffar1, Muhammad Aslam1, Mudassar Khaliq1, Khalid Hussain2, Muahammad Nadeem1, Muhammad Irshad1, Zubeda Parveen1, Fiaz Hussain3 and Azhar Mahmood Aulakh4
...ckpea variety highlights its promising traits, including high yield potential, disease resistance, and adaptability to various conditions. “Thal-2020” offers future benefits such as enhanced productivity, reduced pesticide use, and improved economic returns for farmers. Its introduction is expected to significantly enhance the sustainability and profitability of chickpea cultiv...

Bilal Ahmed1, Faheem Ahmed Khan2, Nuruliarizki Shinta Pandupuspitasari1*, Muhammad Rizwan Yousaf1 and Asep Setiaji1 

...e, is under scrutiny for its substantial role in greenhouse gas emissions. The need for higher productivity has resulted in use of natural fermentation agents like Saccharomyces cerevisiae that can be methanogenic. The use of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been under question for it’s possible methanogenic effects. This meta-analysis showed Saccharomyces cerevisiae supplementation did not significantly alter methane emissions (CH4), dry matter intake (DMI)...

Wali Muhammad Mangrio1*, Yasmeen Buriro1, Hakim Ali Sahito1, Faheem Ahmed Jatoi1 and Fahmeeda Imdad Sahito

...rded (3.65±0.45), its weights reported (4.94±0.72), and (4.66±0.80) in grams. The radish-brown black colored patches of male length were (2.98±0.51), female (3.22±0.60) at (30±2°C) as followed (3.14±0.31), (2.87±0.29), (3.10±0.58) mm at (20±2°C). Five days old adult males and females weights were (2.16±0.31), (2.52±0.40) and (1.87±0.29), (2.10±0.48) at bot...

Aasma Rasheed1, Dilbar Hussain2, Usama Saleem1, Saddam Hussain3, Zeeshan Javed1, Mashal Shahzadi1, Muhammad Sohail Qadir2, Muhammad Saleem2, Abdul Ghaffar2, Mawra Rafique4, Ayesha Ikram5, Saad Rasheed1 and  Muhammad Asrar1*

...onsume many preys during its lifetime. C. septempunctata larvae and adults are both active predators. The present study regarding toxicity of new chemistry insecticides against C. septempunctata was conducted under laboratory conditions. The toxic potential of six synthetic insecticides Emamectin benzoate (200ml/acre), Indoxacarb (175ml/acre), Lufenuron (200ml/acre), Spinetoram (80ml/acre), Chlorantraniliprole (50ml/acre), and Flubendiamide (50ml/acre) were te...
Plinio Vargas Zambrano1*, Luis Vásquez Cortez2,3, Julio Ibarra Arteaga4, Camilo Chávez Ceballos4 and Ramona Párraga Alava1
...l to health. Garlic with its compounds become a preservative agent, therefore, the objective of the research was to evaluate the effect of garlic extract (Allium sativum) as a preservative in a kefir-type fermented milk beverage. A completely randomized design was used where C (control) presented the percentages of natural kefir; T1 1Lt/ 3mlA; T2 1Lt/ 5mlA; T3 1Lt / 7mlA with three treatments and three replicates. Garlic...
Damat Damat1, Roy Hendroko Setyobudi2, Shazma Anwar3, Mohammed Ali Wedyan4
Zane Vincevica-Gaile5, Yogo Adhi Nugroho2, Tony Liwang2, Thontowi Djauhari Nur Subchi1*, 
Ahmad Fauzi1, Hanif Alamudin Manshur1, Devi Dwi Siskawardani1, Vritta Amroini Wahyudi1
Yolla Muvika Ananda1 and Hemalia Agustin Rachmawati1
...lly-grown CP and confirm its feasibility for coffee cherry flour (CCF) production. Dried CP samples from Ijen, Karangploso and Mengani farms were assessed for mineral, heavy metal, crude protein, crude fiber, crude lipid, dietary fiber, and sugar contents and compared to La Boitê commercial product from Brazil. Principal component analysis (PCA) and analysis of variance (ANOVA) tests were run for the purpose, followed by Tukey posthoc test for certain va...
Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1*,Nuratiqah Emran1, Nurul Elyni Mat Shaari1, Arba Aleem2, Zanariah Mohd Nor1 and Ali Majrashi3
...organisms susceptible to its acute and chronic toxicity through plant food. Similarly, Cd hinders the growth of plants by causing the loss of chlorophyll, which in turn negatively impacts the activities of photosynthesis. Therefore, this current study aims to evaluate the effects of Cd on the germination behaviour, morphology, growth and development of Pak Choi plants. The sterilized Pak Choi seeds were germinated on a soaked filter paper of a petri dish. The ...

Nasr Tarq Mohammed 

...cell lines, highlighting its potential as a promising and accessible therapeutic agent in cancer treatment strategies. 


Mohsin Rafique1*, Muhammad Atif Majeed2, Aamir Shakeel3, Tahir Iqbal4 and Ziad Raza5

...reaching ecological benefits, including improved air quality, climate change mitigation, and enhanced urban living quality. This research contributes valuable insights into the evolving urban landscape of Lahore, serving as a foundation for further studies and providing sustainable development strategies not only for the city but also for other rapidly urbanizing areas facing similar challenges.


Haifen Qin1,2, Yujia Liu1, Yujie Zhang1, Jingfeng Liu1, Zhenkun Zhao1,2 and Lichun Jiang1,2*

... analyses indicated that its gene arrangement and content is similar to that of other Cucujiformia species. The Anoplophora species control region sequence with rich A+T content exhibited high genetic variability. All PCGs initiate with ATN and terminate with the TAA or TAG except for COXI-COXIII and ND3-ND5, where they end with an incomplete stop codon (T--). All tRNAs form clover-leaf structure only apart from trnS (AGN) which possess a reduced DHU arm. The ...

Abdul Ghaffar1*, Ayesha Maqsood1, Riaz Hussain2, Ghulam Abbas3, Rabia Tahir4, Habiba Jamil1, Fozia Afzal5, Ahrar Khan6,7, Muhammad Ahmad Chishti1, Shahnaz Rashid3, Aliya Noreen8, Kashfa Akram1 and Maria Niaz1

... individuals and compare its prevalence across different age groups. The findings indicated an increase in the rate of DNA damage with age. Highly damaged cells exhibited a greater tail length of DNA compared to slightly damaged, damaged, and undamaged cells.


Khalid Hussain, Muhammad Jamal Nasir*, Anwar Saeed Khan and Hafiz Ullah Khan

...and development. Despite its prominent importance, water resources are highly stressed in different parts of the globe, particularly the developing nations. High competition for water resources with an increase in population and their poor management led to water scarcity that ultimately badly threatened global food security. This study aims to identify the degree of agricultural water poverty and to propose a map of AWP in district Dir Lower, using GIS. The d...

Mohammed H. Asker*, Nagham S. Mohammed, Zinah S. Zamil of ovariectomized rabbits. Twenty rabbits, aged 8–9 weeks, were divided into four groups: intact rabbits receiving distilled water (Group 1), intact rabbits receiving oral vitamin C (10.166 mg/kg/B.W) (Group 2), ovariectomized rabbits receiving distilled water (Group 3), and ovariectomized rabb

Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, Mahmoud Yassin Mohamed1*, Mahmoud Sayed Sayah2,1, Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Ezzat Arafa Ahmed El-Beltagi1, Shimaa M. Ali1

...owth and reproductive traits in Friesian calves. thirty calves (15 males, and 15 females), were categorized into three equal groups. The 1st group (n=5 males and 5 females), which recorded the lowest values from GH, and LP at weaning (105 d) considering then the average daily gain (ADG) from birth to weaning in each animal; 2nd group that had moderate values, and 3rd group that had the highest values. The results indicated that the 3rd group exhibited the 33.4...

Heba El-Sayed Mostafa1,2*, Lama Sulaiman Alahmadi1, Shiyma Abullah Alrahule1, Nada Fareed Alzughaibi1, Hala Rafat Zulali1, Yasmin Islam Magdi3, Saada Saad Alharbi1

... research has great benefits for humans (80.7%). Unexpected findings that 39% believed that animal research should be conducted in favor of human benefits even if it causes harm to animals. The study found that a considerable number (75.5%) of participants favored the use of animals in scientific research. There was a statistically significant increase (P ≤ 0.05) in those who accepted the use of animals as they got older....

Emad M. Gad1, Haidy G. Abdel-Rahman2, Mohy Eldin Abd-El-Fattah1, Merna M. Kamal1, Ahmed Shaker Eltahan3, Amina A. Dessouki3*

... that, DAPA, mulberry fruits and leaves extracts alleviated diabetic nephropathy complications due to their powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, combining these ingredients in a supplement may be promising for modulating diabetic nephropathy. 
Keywords| Diabetic nephropathy, Dapagliflozin, Mulberry, Glucose, Kidney, interleukins, RT-PCR, western blot, inflammation, oxida...

Muhammad Al-Maruf1, Mahfuzul Islam2, Md. Rashedul Islam3, Syidul Islam1, Md. Sirazul Islam4, Md. Roknuzzaman Khan1, Md. Khairul Islam1, Md. Akib Zabed1, K. B. M. Saiful Islam1* spp. colonization and its associated risk factors in the broiler farms of Munshigonj, Narayanganj, and Narsingdi Districts in Bangladesh. Cloacal swab samples were collected from 100 broiler farms. We speculated that individual samples had a higher possibility of isolating Campylobacter; however, five randomly selected broilers from each farm were used to create a pooled sample for this study. Standard bacteriological and molecular techniques were followed ...

Abdulla A. Albishtue1,3, Nurhusien Yimer1,5*, Md Zuki A. Zakaria2, Abd Wahid Haron1, Abdul Salam Babji4

...t may persist even after its concentration in the blood reduces. It produces neurotoxicity related to the deterioration of brain functions. Edible bird’s nest (EBN) is important natural product that has biological characteristics, such as regenerative effect. The objective of this research was to evaluate EBN’s neuroprotective role on the cerebral and cerebellar cortexes of lead acetate-exposed adult female rats. Thirty Sprague Dawley rats were all...

Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara*, Tina Sri Purwanti, Budi Hartono, Awang Tri Satria, Izdihar Ratnaduhita Hidayat

...luenced by individual traits and environmental background. Hedonic value positively influences consumer attitudes, showing that enjoyment and positive emotions associated with UHT milk enhance favorable purchasing behavior. However, environmental value negatively affects consumer attitudes, as consumers may perceive eco-friendly packaging as less convenient. Product knowledge positively influences consumer attitudes, indicating that providing detailed product ...

Suparmin Fathan1*, Nibras K. Laya1, Safriyanto Dako1, Sayekti Handayani2, Siti R. Machieu3, Mohammad Z. Hippy3

...ffective due to the benefits gains both materially and non-materially. However, there was still a need for improvements and evaluations due to the community’s lack of understanding of the government’s Bali cattle assistance. Resources, implementer disposition or attitude, and bureaucratic structure have a positive and significant impact on the effectiveness of the cattle assistance program policy in Bone Bolango Regency, both directly and indirectl...

Rahmat Ullah Khan* and Karim Gabol

...6). Regarding feeding habits, most bird species were insectivores (49.39%) followed by omnivores (20.48%) and carnivores (18.07%) while the low number of bird species were granivores (7.22%), and second low frugivores (4.81%). Based on migration status, the highest diversity of bird species was residential (36.14%) followed by summer visitors (25.30%) and winter visitors (19.27%). Out of 83 species, 10 were the most insightful and had significantly (P<0.05)...

Wen Xiong1, Zhimin Jin1, Zinuo Yuan1, Qin Liu2* and Peter A. Bowler3

...xtraordinary endemism in its 33 terrestrial ecoregions, there is little information about its freshwater fish biodiversity. Based on our field investigations and an extensive review of the literatures, we identified 137 fish species (including two non-native species), representing 9 orders, 26 families and 88 genera, that are distributed in the Yujiang River and its drainage basin. Accordi...

Shiguftah Khalid1, Muhammad Jahanzaib2*, Haris Khurshid2, Rabia Khalid3, Sundas Waqar3, Faiza Siddique3, Fazal Yazdan Saleem Marwat3 and Zahid Akram1

...s of the tremendous benefits of this crop from the health and nutritional point of view, arousing considerable production in Pakistan. The pod that encloses the seeds is an economically vital part of the groundnut plant and enhance the market value of groundnut. The experiment was conducted in the Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Pir Mehar Ali Shah, Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi during Kharif, 2020 with RCBD Design 15 genotypes keeping in v...

Suroor Hafedth Mohammed, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini* hormones using ELISA kits made by SunLong Biotech. This study revealed that litter size significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influences the live body weight and adipose tissue hormones of Awassi ewes. Ewes with twin births had higher live body weight, leptin, and visfatin (50.41±0.92 kg), (192.16 ±27.63 pg/mL), and (3.56 ±0.96 ng/mL), respectively, compared to single births ewes. There was the highest correlation (P ≤ 0.05) between litter siz...

Zahraa Ahmed Khlaf*, Alfred S. Karomy, Qutaiba Jassim Gheni 

...n terms of production traits, birds fed with T3 feed showed a significant improvement (P ≤ 0.05) in average live body weight and weight gain rate compared to the control group (T1). Moreover, a significant improvement (P ≤ 0.05) in feed conversion efficiency was observed for all ozone treatment groups compared to the control. 


Iram Alam Sthanadar1*, Muhammad Zahid1, Sami Siraj2 and Omar Malik2

...ompared to metformin and its combination therapy. To study the association of CY2PC9 gene variant rs1057910 in T2DM patients of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP) origin, the cohort study was conducted for a period of 12 months including 150 patients receiving metformin, glimepiride and its combination therapy. Purposive sample technique was used for sample collection. Data collection was done by proper questionnaire. DNA was extracted...

Bingzhao Yan1, Guiping Chen2, Lulu Ding1, Ruxue Huang1, Wenjing Yu1 and Jicang Wang1*

...widely distributed in fruits and plants, belongs to the class of flavonoids and is thought to have health benefits and protect many tissues from heavy metals. This experiment aimed to explore the effect of Que on Cd-induced PERK-CHOP apoptosis pathway in rat testis. A total of 24 8-week-old Sprague–Dawley rats were divided into four groups: control group, CdCl2 group, CdCl2+Que group, and Que group. The control group w...

Saher Mahmood Jwad1, Tamadhur Hani Hussein2, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini2* 

...acetamol probably due to its biologically effective ingredients, particularly the strong antioxidants. 


Tamadhur H. Hussein, Layth H. Merzah, Tahreer M. Al-Thuwaini* 

... and tested using ELISA kits to measure leptin and visfatin hormone levels. The results revealed that litter size significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influenced the live body weight, body measurements, and adipose tissue hormones of Hamadani ewes. Ewes with twin births had higher live body weight, chest girth, tail length, tail width, leptin, and visfatin hormones (65.35 ± 0.65 kg), (102.12 ± 0.38 cm), (35.15 ± 0.10 cm), (31.72 ± 0.22 cm), ...

Shahid Ali Khan1*, Farooq Ahmad1, Muhammad Zubair Akram2, Yan Tongyu3, Fatima Urooj1, Kamran Ahmad1, Saeed Ullah4, Sharmeen Zulfiqar5, Tahira Batool6, Aqsa Sarwar1, Yaqoob Sultan7 and Samreen Nazeer8*

...ughout the world. The habits of plants are annuals, perennial herbs, shrubs, and trees. The identifying characteristic feature of plants in this family is the formation of milky latex, because of their succulent nature; they can tolerate or resist water deficit conditions. Different ecotypes of this genus were collected from different areas of Faisalabad region. Different species of this genus Euphorbia hitra was collected by random collection method for morph...

Abid Jan* and Asad Ullah

...eive their food waste habits through the lens of financial loss (P= 0.000 and tau-b=-0.292), the decision to prepare a single meal with the intention of utilizing leftovers and economizing expenses (P=0.000 and tab-b=-0.222), and planning of monthly food budget based on food preferences and prevailing market prices (P=0.000 and tau-b=-0.320). Furthermore, socioeconomic status explains the association between awareness of monetary damage and food wastage. Peopl...

Muhammad Nauman Hanif1*, Tanveer-ul-Haq1, Muhammad Naeem Akhtar2*, Abid Hussain3 and Amar Matloob4

...e residues. Initial deposits of lufenuron of 0.93, 3.19, and 5.63 ppm were detected in the cauliflower samples of day 1 (after pesticide application) from the fields of farmers 1, 4, and 8, respectively. Bifenthrin residues of 1.64 and 1.78 ppm were detected in the cauliflower samples of day 1 (after pesticide application) from the fields of farmers 1 and 8, respectively. Similarly, bifenthrin residues of 0.81 and 0.61 ppm were detected in the cauliflower samp...

Sadia Rashid1, Muhammad Waqas Alam Chattha2, Almazea Fatima1*, Muhammad Farooq Hyder3 and Nazia Tabasam1

...>Pakistan is mainstay of its economic development and known as an agricultural country. In the agriculture sector, wheat is the most important crop cultivated in the largest areas in almost every part of the country. In wheat production, fertilizer is one of the important inputs like other crops. In the current growing season, the shortage of fertilizer on the one hand and the higher prices, on the other hand negatively effecting the use of this input in wheat...

Rico Anggriawan1*, Widya Paramita Lokapirnasari2, Sri Hidanah3, Muhammad Anam Al Arif4, Diyah Ayu Candra5

...above the permissible limits in some broiler product samples. These findings indicate the need for increased awareness and regulation of antibiotic use in the livestock sector to protect consumer health.
Keywords | Residue, Broiler chickens, Enrofloxacin and tylosin, Commercial farming,Consumer health

Ridha Tunnisa1, Muhammad Ihsan Andi Dagong2*, Sri Purwanti2, Sri Rachma Aprilita Bugiwati2, Wempie Pakiding2 in Alope chickens and its relationship to the growth traits of Alope chickens. A total of 120 animals consisting of 52 cocks and 68 hens, were included in this study. Chickens were kept in individual cages to observe growth traits, including initial body weight, final body weight, daily body weight, body weight gain, feed consumption, and feed conversion ratio. Growth tra

Yusuf Subagyo*, Merryafinola Ifani, Hermawan Setyo Widodo

...e substitution regarding its phytochemicals and the effect on Indonesian Peranakan Etawa crossbreed Goats (PE), which needed to be comprehensively explored. Dried C. calothyrsus leaves were extracted with 70% ethanol, hexane, and chloroform. Twenty PE does on the third week of lactation with an average body weight of 35.22 kg and 1.5 to 2.0 years old were used. The experimental design of this research was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD). Animals were divi...

Sutaryo Sutaryo1*, Jeksen Nikolas1, Nain Ufidiyati1, Ivena Setiany1, Nadlirotun Luthfi2, Retno Adiwinarti1, Agung Purnomoadi1 

...ency of growing male rabbits. A total of 28 New Zealand White (NZW) male rabbits, aged 9–10 weeks (body weight = 1.45 ± 0.45 kg), were used in a completely randomized design. The rabbits were divided into four treatment groups (seven replications per treatment): basal feed (T0), and basal feed with 4% (T1), 8% (T2), and 12% (T3) ILM inclusion. As the level of ILM inclusion inc...

Hina Abrar1*, Hina Yasin1, Hira Naeem2, Rabia Bushra1, Shaukat Mahmood2 and Kaneez Fatima3

... PRL in healthy male rabbits. Post treatment level of various liver enzymes including alanine transaminase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), gamma-glutamyltransferase (γ-GT) and bilirubin (BRB) were measured and compared with the normal values. Additionally, histological examination was done through micrometry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to estimate the intensity of hepatotoxicity induced by PHY and PHY with PRL. Animals received PHY alone tr...

Efi Rokana1*, Zein Ahmad Baihaqi1,2, Khoirul Wafa1, Kalvin Putra Wahyudatama1, Ferdian Ginanjar1, Rini Mastuti3, Amiril Mukmin1, Miarsono Sigit4 

...ations provides the benefits of low cost and high protein content, with no detrimental effects on the health or performance of the sheep.

Wan Norhafizah Wan Azman and John Yew Huat Tang* 
... with agitation, it exhibits a notable decrease at the minimal concentration of 0.5%. The amount of L. monocytogenes does not, however, significantly change when the period is extended from 15 to 30 min. To summarize, when physical force is applied, acetic acid is more effective than citric acid; nevertheless, without agitation, the data demonstrate that citric acid is more effective than acetic acid.
Shaiqah Mohd Rus1*, Anika Z.M.R.2, Awis Sukarni Mohmad Sabere3, Mohd. Rushdi Abu Bakar4,5, Farahidah Mohamed4 and Abd Almonem Doolaanea6*
...t that is well-known for its antioxidant property and used in food and traditional medicine. BSO is encapsulated in micrometre-sized alginate beads (AB), to increase its palatability. This encapsulation is established and produced on a small scale in the lab. To achieve the ideal BSO alginate nanoemulsion during large-scale manufacturing, it is vital to use suitable parameters where two parameters were manipulated: the flow ...
Che Ku Nur Ain Mardhiah Che Ku Azman and Norlia Muhamad*
...ood processing to extend its shelf life. The main objective of this project was to investigate the thermal degradation kinetics of the dried immature Melon Manis Terengganu (MMT) using a hot air dryer at four different temperatures (40, 50, 60, and 70 °C). Drying kinetics is very helpful as it can design and optimize thermal processes to maximize the quality of dried products. The immature MMT was immersed in 0.2% sodium metabisulfite before drying. T...

Ishtiaq Ahmad Khan1, Sarzamin Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib1*, Sohaib ul Hassan2, Abubakar Sufyan3, Waqas Alam1, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Aamir Khan4, Qudrat Ullah2, Muhammad Ayaz4 and Tayyab Khurshid5

...ficial insemination exploits the optimal role-play of both the male and female lines to overcome low fertility in commercial poultry and may replace natural mating as per business needs, particularly after the peak egg-laying period.

Roshita Ibrahim1*, Anis Nursyazwani Aminuddin1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...his study, attributed to its shorter spawning time and the highest yield of mushrooms produced.
Nurul Aini Kamaruddin, Nur Qistina Afiqah Muhamad Asri and Nur Alya Adila Rosli 
...rophylla and measure its effects on the growth performance of Saanen doelings. The feeding treatments consisted of Control (100% Pak Chong Napier), T1 (90% Pak Chong Napier + 10% A. microphylla), T2 (80% Pak Chong Napier + 20% A. microphylla), and T3 (70% Pak Chong Napier + 30% A. microphylla). The mixture of treatment feeds was analysed using proximate analysis. For feeding experiments, twelve 4-year-old female Saanen doelings were ch...
Nur Anis Hashim1, Nor Hasima Mahmod1*, Abubakar Abdullahi Lema2, Lee-Hoon Ho3 and Mohammad Moneruzzaman Khandaker1
...oselle is well known for its high antioxidant content. This species is originated in West Africa and spread to Asia by the colonials in 1700s. The optimal conditions for the preparation of dried materials for further processing and suitable drying techniques while preserving their antioxidants have yet to be inferred. Thus, the present study aims to determine the content and activity of the antioxidants in fresh and dried roselle calyx. The random sampling tec...

Oluwakamisi F. Akinmoladun1,2*, Olusegun O. Ikusika1, Conference T. Mpendulo1

...iv>Keywords | Carcass traits, Coturnix coturnix Japonica, Growth performance, Haematology, Sodium

Layth H. Merzah, Tamadhur H. Hussein, Tahreer m. Al-Thuwaini*

...mone levels using ELISA kits from ELK Biotechnology. The study revealed that litter size significantly (P ≤ 0.05) influences the body weight and cortisol hormone levels of Awassi ewes. Twin-born ewes were heavier and had higher cortisol hormone levels, as determined by an ANOVA test. However, they had lower lamb weights at birth and weaning compared to ewes with single births, as indicated by the t-test. The highest Pearson correlation (P ≤ 0.05) was fou...

Jennarong Kammongkun1, Doungnapa Promket2*

...rmance and morphology traits in 281 PH chickens using PCR-RFLP genotyping. The analysis revealed significant associations between growth performance and morphology traits in PH chickens. The correlations between average daily gains (ADG4 to ADG16) and body weights (BW0 to BW16) ranged from 0.33 to 0.99, indicating a consistent upward trend over time. The high body weight (HBW) group exhibited superior growth performance and ...
Aamir Khan Awan1, Nighat Sultana1*, Rahmat Ali Khan2, Rifhat Sultana3
Umm-e-Kalsoom1, Fayaz Ahmed Sahibzada4, Rifat Ullah Khan5, Naimat Ullah Khan6, Nazir Ahmad Khan7, Syed Haider Zaman8, Mir Sadiq Shah9 and Assar Ali Shah10*
...ariety of medicinal benefits. The present study was conducted to find the antioxidant activity and antidiabetic potentials of P. granatum peels extracts in alloxan-induced diabetic albino rats. The diabetes was induced in albino rats using alloxan at the concentration of 150 mg kg-1 body weight. After 15 days, the treated groups with glabinclemide and different varieties of methanolic and aqueous extracts showed a significant (P<0.05) decrease in the blood ...

Adham Omar Mohamad Sallam1*, Ashraf Abd El-Hakem Ahmed El-Komy1, Enas Abdulrahman Hasan Farag2, Samar Saber Ibrahim3

...inflammation, supporting its potential therapeutic role.
Keywords: Meloxicam, GSE, SOD, CAT, MDA, Histopathological. Immunohistochemical
Sultan Çobanoğlu1, Waheed Anwar2*, Muhammad Asim Javed2 and Hafiz Azhar Ali Khan3
... several field crops, fruits, and vegetables. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the efficacy of entomopathogenic fungi using two concentrations (4×104 and 4×108 conidia/ml): Beauveria bassiana, Metarhizium anisopliae, Trichoderma longibrachiatum and Verticillium lecanii, against the adult female of T. urticae strains (red and green) using leaf-disc bioassay method. Their corrected mortalities were also calculated using Abbot formul...
Phuong-Thao Ho1, 2, Thi Tuong Vy Nguyen3, Ngoc Hai Tran3 and Tran Van Giang4*
...system and humans due to its environmental functions and nutritional as well as medicinal values. Thus, the current study intends to determine systematic validity and to assess the weight–length relationship of the sipuncula living along the central coast of Vietnam. Species identity is evidenced by the key features of external morphology and internal anatomy. The results show that all these sipuncula have striking similarities to the sipuncula Siphonoso...
Dyana Louis Anak Peter, Elldiwirna Saimen, Lucky Poh Wah Goh, Mohd. Khalizan Sabullah, Rahmath Abdulla, Jualang Azlan Gansau and Roslina Jawan*
...robiota and provide benefits to the host’s wellbeing and health. However, probiotic substrate preferences vary according to the strain, and choosing a suitable prebiotic is essential to produce symbiotic products. This study aimed to investigate fermentability of different types of prebiotics by bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (BLIS) producing lactic acid bacterium, Lactobacillus mindensis CA4. The prebiotic tested were bambangan, noni, tuh...
Nor Adila Zulkifli1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1*, Zalilawati Mat Rashid1, Zarinah Zakaria1, Norshazila Shahidan2, Lee-Hoon Ho1 and Faridah Yahya3
...tional attributes due to its heat sensitivity. Hence, ultrasound which is a non- thermal processing was chosen as an alternative method to minimize the quality loss during the processing of Kelulut honey. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of ultrasound processing on the quality of Kelulut honey. The ultrasound processing was conducted at five different amplitudes (20, 40, 60, 80, and 100%) and three different treatment times (5, 10 and 15...

Siew Ing Nguang, Nur Syafiqah Binti Zainal, Ahmad Mukhlis Bin Hafas, Hou Chew Ha, Connie Fay Komilus, and Asmad Kari*

... popular in Malaysia for its hardiness and rapid growth is an excellent choice for aquaculture. Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) (Av) shows promise in spermatogenesis, but its use as a cryoprotectant in semen extenders is still underexplored. This study investigates the effects of antibiotic- and sugar-free Av-based extenders on cryopreserved tilapia sperm. Semen samples were collected and divided into four treatment grou...

Farida Bibi2, Zahin Anjum1*, Imran Khan3, Shaista Ali1 and Rabia Chishti1

...reakfast in Peshawar and its macro-nutrient content.


Farhan Anjum1*, Sheraz Ahmad Khan1, Raees Muhammad2, Yousaf Jamal1, Durrishahwar1, Jawad Ali Shah1 and Hidayat Ullah1*

...otypes for almost all traits. Genotype ‘Saleem Khan-2’ had the maximum days to tasseling, whereas the ‘Bamkhel-2’ genotype had the shortest. The genotypes ‘CIMMYT Yellow’ and ‘Saleem Khan-2’ took the maximum number of days to silking, while ‘Bamkhel-2’ had the minimum days. Genotype ‘Eidhi’ had the lowest plant height, whereas genotype ‘Bamkhel-2’ had the highest. Genotype &lsq...

Eslam F.M. Eisa1, Bardees K. Elgohary1*, Mahasen El Shair1, Hagar F. Gouda2, Ali E. Kandeel1

...;">Ketamine is known for its analgesic and sedative properties. However, the effectiveness of low-dose ketamine in minimizing the cardiorespiratory depression caused by propofol and sevoflurane in spontaneously breathing dogs during laparotomy remains uncertain. This study aimed to investigate the effects of low-dose continuous ketamine infusion to mitigate the hemodynamic fluctuations associated with propofol, sevoflurane, and surgery. Therefore, sixteen heal...

Pankaj Gargotra1*, C. Judith Betsy1 and J. Stephen Sampath Kumar2


...Se, and Zn) in improving its growth, maturity, and spawning. According to the findings of this study, Se is a crucial mineral impacting the capacity of L. thermalis to develop in captivity. Mn and Zn, on the other hand, may boost the loach’s capacity to develop and reproduce. Dietary additions of Mn, Se, and Zn to the diet of loaches at rates of 10 mg/kg, 0.35 mg/kg, and 10 mg/kg resulted in the best growth performance, whereas dietary additions of Mn, S...
Anum Razzaq*, Tariq Mahmood, Ammara Saman, Ammara Baig, Nadeem Munawar and Muhammad Farooq
...n focussed on dietary habits of this species in particular Plateau. Therefore, the focal aim of the current study was to investigate the dietary habits of Indian gerbil by using micro-histological analysis of stomach contents in croplands of the Pothwar Plateau and to study the variation in its food composition during cropping and non-cropping seasons. A total of 30 specimens were trapped ...

Abdul Zahir1*, Asad Ullah1, Yonis Gulzar2*, Mohammad Shuaib Mir2, Abdus Salaam3 and Arjumand Bano Soomro2

...khwa (KP), Pakistan, and its impacts on farmer satisfaction. A multistage stratified random sampling technique was used for interview schedule, and data collected from 466 farmers of districts i.e. (Malakand, Charsadda and Mardan). Chi-square and Kendall’s Tc tests were applied to analyze the relationship between the formal influences and farmer’s satisfaction with irrigation water distribution. Results showed significant positive associations betw...

Arshad Iqbal1, Shahid Javed Butt1, Zia Ul Haq2*, Ismara Naseem3, Qaisar Ali Khan4 and Muhammad Sajid1 were recorded for fruits and vegetables. This economic loss imposes growers for the adoption of suitable packing materials. The utility of packaging material enhances the shelf-life of fruit, while the selection of packing material depends on its availability, affordability, and performance. To examine the effects of various packing materials on the postharvest life of hydroponically grown tomatoes and to access the best...

Faisal Noor1, Shahid Iqbal1, Muhammad Irfan Shan2, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed3*, Abbas Sheer4, Muhammad Shahroz Khan3

...fect on the number of fruits, fruit weight, fruit diameter and average fruit yield. The results revealed that the presence of beehives improved pollination of round gourd and showed 1.32 to 1.95 fold increase in number of fruits per plant, 1.33 to 2.10 fold increase in average fruit yield per plant, 0.92 to 1.32 fold increase in fruit weight and 23.9% increase in fruit size. Moreover, treatment plots with bee hotels and flow...

Ali Meawad Ahmed1, Asmaa I.A. Morsy1, Rehab E.M. Gaafar2, Nada Ibrahim H. Ahmed1

...quo;s fluid salinity and its correlation to sensory and bacteriological parameters. A total of 150 Nile tilapia samples were sensory evaluated by the quality index method, then bacteriologically evaluated for total bacterial, enterobacteriacae counts, and for the incidence of E. coli and Salmonella. In addition, the fish eye’s fluid salinity was measured by a portable refractometer. In the experimental part, 80 fresh tilapia fish were stored in ice for 8...

Nesreen Z. Eleiwa1, Radwa A. Lela2, Eman K. Fathalla2

...ermentation and enhances its flavor, quality, and shelf life. Therefore, this study was conducted to compare Lactobacillus plantarum, which acts as a control group, and different concentrations of Kefir 1%, 3%, and 5% in the fermentation process of oriental sausages. The results demonstrated that including water Kefir notably improved the sausages’ quality. Specifically, water Kefir 3% and 5% concentration groups showed overall acceptability till the 15t...

Muhammad Iqbal1*, Saba Iqbal1, Arbab Jahangeer1, Muhammad Arshad1, Naveed Akhtar2, Ansar Hussain3, Mussarrat Hussain4, Muhammad Shahid5 and Qaisar Abbas4 of apical shoot, inhibits excessive vegetative growth and redirects the resources for the improvement of lateral/reproductive growth which results in improvement in seed cotton yield. However, for lateral growth enhancement, plant needs wider plant spacing. Therefore, two years (2019 and 2020) field experiments were planned and executed to optimize plant spacing as well as time of de-topping to maximize cotton yield. Two factors were studied: plant spacing ...

Shahid Ali Khan1*, Farooq Ahmad1, Fatima Urooj1, Shabana Ehsan2, Yan Tongyu3, Tahira Batool4, Aqsa Bibi1, Muhammad Bilal1, Amrat Eman1, Javeria Tariq1, Ansa Asghar1, Yang Yan5, Asima Shabbir2 and Samreen Nazeer6*

...amily exhibit various habits, including annuals, perennial herbs, shrubs, and trees. The distinguishing trait of plants in this family is the production of milky latex due to their succulent nature, enabling them to withstand or withstand water scarcity conditions. Various ecotypes of this species were gathered from distinct regions within the Faisalabad area. Various species of the Euphorbia helioscopia genus were randomly collected for morpho-anatomical exam...

Budi Guntoro1*, Nguyen Hoang Qui1,2, Ahmad Romadhoni Surya Putra1, Nguyen Thi Anh Thu1,2 and Nguyen Van Vui2

...nvestment costs and benefits.

Khaled A. El-Dougdoug1, Wael S. El-Araby2* and Rehab, A. Dawoud3
... and various examples of its effectiveness are highlighted.

Md Kamrul Hasan1,2, Hong-Seok Mun1,3, Keiven Mark Bigtasin Ampode1,4, Eddiemar Baguio Lagua1,5, Hae-Rang Park1,5, Young-Hwa Kim6, Md Sharifuzzaman1,7, Chul-Ju Yang1,5*

...ttention recently due to its potential applications across various industries, including the livestock sector. To facilitate the adoption and integration of DT technologies in livestock farming systems, this study aims to discern and appraise the most recent advancements by assessing scientific and technological progressions. The objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive review of the literature to determine the status of DT application in livestoc...

Soumia Ed-Day1*, Meryam Laanaya1, Chaimae El Kourchi3, Radia Elgui1, Fatima Ezzahra Kacimi2, Latifa Didou1, Samira Boulbaroud2, Hicham Harhar3, Fatima-Zahra Azzaoui1

...amily. The berries or fruits of Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi are highly regarded for their aromatic flavor and have drawn interest due to their possible therapeutic applications in illness prevention and treatment. This study aims to determine the acute oral toxicity of the ethanolic extract obtained from Schinus terebinthifolius Raddi fruits and assess the impact of the berries extract on behavioral patterns in Wistar rat...

Manar Mousa Alhussein*, Eman Faisal Albghdady

...using competitive ELISA kits. The scrotum was dissected, the epididymis detached from the testis, and the weight and length were taken, then divided into three divisions (caput, corpus, and cauda) for histopathological study. HandE staining was used to detect general structures and histopathological changes. Special stains are used to detect collagen fibers, and mucopolysaccharide. The treated group (G2) shows a significant reduction in total length of epididy...

Efe Peterson Irikefe-Ekeke1, Oghenebrorhie Obakanurhe1*, Adimabua Mike Moemeka1, UfuomaGodstime Sorhue2, Ifeoma Jane Onwumelu1, Ifo Alex Amata2

...limate change because of its strong antioxidant qualities. A four-week study to determine the response of weaned rabbits at 5 weeks old on varying levels of organic and inorganic chromium supplementations was conducted. One hundred and twenty-six composite breeds of weaned rabbits of both sexes were randomly divided into seven groups. This was replicated thrice with six rabb

Mostafa R. Zaher1,2*, Amir A. Shehata1, Azza M. El Amir2, Naglaa M. Hagag1, Reham H. Tammam3**

...D infection and reducing its transmission. FMD vaccinations have been able to control and eradicate the infection in various countries or regions, however, it is still endemic in some areas of Asia and Africa. FMD vaccine technologies have substantially developed during past decades, yet more robust and flexible technologies suitable for developing countries’ situations are needed. This review offers an in-depth analysis of the status of FMD vaccine deve...

Dheyaa Ali Aljuhaishi*, Firas Hussain Kadim Albawi 

...broiler’s diet and its effect on body performance, bacterial population of the gut and immune responses against infectious bronchitis. For this purpose, a total of 250 one-day-old Ross308 broilers were randomly allotted five treatments with two replicate pens of 25 birds per pen. Different treatments regimens were practiced where G1 chicken were orally inoculated with E. coli at a dose of 0.5 ml containing 7.5x106 CFU/ml and were treated with bacteriopha...

Hamayun Arshad1, Muhammad Waris2,3 and Qurratulann Afza Gardner1*

...f L. sphaericus and test its S-layer protein for toxicity against Culex quinquefasciatus and Anopheles stephensi larvae. For this purpose, we isolated various bacterial strains from our local environment using standard microbiological techniques. Among those isolates, we found novel strain of L. sphaericus Q001, identified by ribotyping and MALDI-biotyping. The 16S ribosomal RNA gene of this strain is 96% similar to that of highly entomotoxic WHO reference str...
Maimoona Imran2, Farah Rauf Shakoori2*, Soumble Zulfiqar1
Abeedha Tu-Allah Khan1 and Abdul Rauf Shakoori1*
...ties of silver depend on its accumulation in bacterial cells. Klebsiella pneumoniae remains a major health concern around the globe due to its associated infections, such as, pneumonia, meningitis and bloodstream, surgical site and wound infections. The present study reports a locally isolated K. pneumoniae strain exhibiting high resistance (MIC=90mM) against Ag+ and its accumulation poten...

Y. Eid1, S. Abo El-Sood1, A. Fawzi1, W.A. Morsy2* and H. Mehany3

...and twenty APRI line rabbits, with an average live body weight of 914.4±12.35 g and an age of 6 weeks, were divided and randomly assigned into four experimental groups, each with 30 rabbits. Four experimental diets were formulated containing 0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5% fish oil, respectively. The results indicated that rabbits fed diets containing 1.0 and 1.5% fish oil had the highest fin...

Nguyen Ba Trung1,2*, Pham Thi Kim Phuong1,2

...conomically important traits have not yet been examined. This study centered on examining the genetic traits of Vang cattle by utilizing molecular markers. We investigated the nucleotide sequences of mitochondrial DNA and the SRY gene on the Y chromosome, as well as performed genotyping of the DGAT1, NCAPG, and RNF212 genes related to economically important traits such as milk yield, carca...

Mohamed T. A. Soliman1, Hadeer M. Shosha2, Hala M. Ebaid2, Heba Nageh Gad El-Hak2, Heba M.A. Abdelrazek3*

...ving the freshness of fruits and vegetables in supermarkets for extended durations and can result in various illnesses. Consequently, consumers and agricultural laborers may encounter fungicide residues in food and water through oral ingestion, inhalation, and skin exposure. However, there have been only a limited number of research investigating the impact of prenatal exposure to COC on the animal’s immune system. Therefore, three groups of pregnant rat...

Wan Nurfarzana Wan Mohamad Zani1, Norrizah Jaafar Sidik1*, Asmah Awal2, Nurul Izzati Osman3, Lyena Watty Zuraine Ahmad1 and Mohd Khairi Nordin4 variety renowned for its economic significance across industries like food, construction, and handicrafts, is presently a surge in demand for large-scale propagation and sustained supply. Traditional propagation methods are inconvenient and time-intensive. As an alternative, micropropagation techniques are opted to overcome these challenges. This research aimed to develop a micropropagation protocol for expanding D. asper bamboo through the utilization of ...

Elfira Kariane Suawa1*,  Juliet R. Roberts2, Greg Parkinson3,  Angelina Novita Tethool1

Tamadhur H. Hussein1, Zainab M.A. Alrubayei2, Tahreer M. Al-Thuwaini1*

...r size and phenotypic traits in Awassi ewes. In conclusion, Awassi ewes with twin births had lower thyroid hormone levels. These results provide valuable insights into the relationship between litter size, thyroid hormone, and lamb growth. In this context, further investigation into thyroid hormones may enhance understanding of sheep breeding and reproduction.
Keywords | Birth type, Lamb weight, Pregnancy, Reproduction, Sheep, Th...

Noorulhuda A. Mahdi, Nadia H.R. AL-Falahi*

...ifteen healthy adult rabbits with 9-12 months old and weighted 1.5-1.7 Kg. were divided equally into three groups (n=5), in all animals the segmental defects of 5mm were induced in the midshaft of the radius, the first group was induced segmental defect and untreated (control group) , the second group was created defects, wrapped using the previously prepared a cellular fish swim bladder (FSB) and sutured around the bone defects (FSB group), while the third gr...

Walid Elmonir1*, Ahmed Abdel-Fattah Tayel2, Suzan Abdelbaky Kotb1 and Wael Fawzy El-Tras2

...e role of vegetables, fruits, and fish as a source of Toxoplasma gondii and to determine effective decontamination approaches. A total of 200 agricultural produce samples (50 per each of carrots, radishes, lettuces, and strawberries) and 315 fish samples (200 Mullet and 115 Tilapia) were collected. The T. gondii were identified in these samples by microscopy and molecular analysis. In total, 9% (18/200) of agricultural produce samples had Toxoplasma oocysts. T...

Ivania Farrah Nadhira1, Trioso Purnawarman2, Chaerul Basri2*

...nimal Product Business Units 2023, while the microbiological quality of meat, namely total bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, Salmonella and Staphylococcus aureus, was tested using microbiology testing method written on SNI 2008 and ISO 21528-2:2017. The correlation of animal welfare practice and the microbiological quality of meat was analysed using the Spearman rho correlation test. Based on the results obtained, most of animal welfare practice at traditional mar...

Heni Suryani1, Sri Novianti2*, Fatati2, Jul Andayani2, Saitul Fakhri2, Muhammad Ambar Islahudin3

...zoa by 30.2%, suggesting its potential to enhance nutrient utilization, feed efficiency, and livestock performance in tropical areas.
Keywords | Active compounds, Anredera cordiofolia, Ruminal fermentation, Feed additive, Microbiota ruminal, Plant extract

Nguyen Phi Bang1,2*, Nguyen Thi Hanh Chi1,2, Ngo Thuy Bao Tran1,2, Nguyen Thi Bich Hanh1,2, Nguyen Ba Trung1,2, Le Thi Thuy Hang1,2

Zainab Sadik Chetheer*, Aseel Abdullah Ibraheem hormones of males rabbits induced hypothyroidism by propylthiouracil (PTU). Twenty-four rabbits were divided into four groups: the first group received tap water only (control group), the second group received Withania somnifera supplement at a dose of 500 mg/kg B.W., while the third group received PTU at a dose of 100 mg/kg B.W. and finally the forth group T2 was received both PTU and Withania somnifera supplement. Blood...
Jessenia Castro-Olaya1, Dorys T. Chirinos1* and Takumasa Kondo2
...ere estimated as well as its correlation with climate variables. A total of 8,372 scolytines separated into 14 taxa within nine genera were observed. Scolytine diversity was low in all the agroecosystems, due to high dominance of Hypothenemus sp. (87.9%). LAF exhibited the highest scolytinae community, with six indicator taxa (IndVAl: ranging 25.4 to 48.7%). Rainfall and temperature were negatively associated with abundance. Although Xyleborus ferrug...

Baraa Qasim Mohammed1, Asmaa Hamoody Abdullah1, Ahmed Raheem Rayshan2* 

...tis infection of dog and its susceptibility to essential antibiotics. For this purpose, a total of twelve ear swabs were taken from affected canines. The isolates were initially identified based on their morphological characteristics, such as size, color, and shape, as well as by Gram’s staining, biochemical tests, and Vitek2 system confirmation. Pseudomonas aeruginosa was then confirmed by PCR assay. Importantly, all isolates tested positive for the abi...

Abeer S. Hafez1, Shereen M. Aly1, Dalia M. A. Elmasry2*, H. A. Hussein3, Marwa A. Abdelmagid4

Mariam Ismail Ali1*, Rania Helmi Abdou1, Mary Ayad Sargious2, Omnia Mohamed Khattab2, Kawthar Abdelwahed Elhady1

...s in rats by considering its possible antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-apoptotic effects. The results showed the nephrotoxic effect of cadmium: a significant increase in serum creatinine, urea, and histopathological lesions in the kidney of cd-treated rats. Bee venom showed nephroprotective effects, decreasing serum creatinine and urea by 16.9% and73.4% respectively and also improving histopathologic lesions in the kidney. Also, the neuroprotective eff...
Abrar ul Haq1, Shusheng Yin2, Amara Maryam1, Muhammad Khan1*, Hafiz Abdullah Shakir1, Muhammad Akhtar Ali3, Muhammad Irfan4, Muhammad Faisal Maqbool1 and Yongming Li2* evaluate lathyrol for its broad-spectrum anticancer activity and binding affinity with STAT3 DNA binding domain. Using CCK-8 assay kit, we showed that lathyrol reduced the cell viability of Hep-3B, MHCC97-L, A2780 and taxol resistant Hey-T30 cells in a dose-dependent fashion. Using Molecular docking study, we found that lathyrol exhibits strong binding interactions with STAT3 DNA binding domain through hydrogen bonding an...
Chang Guoliang1,2*, Pan Zhengjun1,2, Zhu Chuankun1,2, Zhao Haitao1,2
Yan Zhang3, Summaya Rajput4 and Laghari M. Younis4*
...M. nipponense that meets its nutritional requirements. Generally, soybean lecithin oil (SO) is used as a major source of phospholipids and an emulsifier in aquatic animal feed, which is very costly. In recent years, as a good emulsifier, lysolecithin attracted increasing interest in fish species. In the present study, lysolecithin as a substitute for SO was used to observe the growth and immune performance of M. nipponense. Four types of diets containing simil...

Sehar Aslam1, Muhammad Qasim1*, Mohsin Khurshid2*, Usman Ali Ashfaq1 and Muhammad Akhtar Ali3 potential health benefits to the host, including modulation of the host immune system, improvement of anti-inflammatory response, enhancement of antibacterial and anti-allergic properties, as well as anti-proliferative properties. These beneficial microorganisms can interact with the gut microbiota to restore an impaired gut microbiome. While probiotics can be sourced from various sources, this study focuses on isolating and characterizing novel probiotic s...

Zuhaib Nishtar1, Wang Fangzong1,  Nan Yang1 and Jamil Afzal2* and the protection of its irreplaceable natural heritage if it coordinates its conservation efforts with the development of renewable energy sources. Wildlife conservation and renewable energy go hand in hand in this innovative approach to sustainable development to create a more promising and long-term future for Pakistan.


Bibigul Sansyzbayeva1, Sholpan Adylkanova1, Toleukhan Sadykulov1 and Koray Kırıkçı2* quality and growth traits. A fat-tailed Kazakh sheep, the Saryarka is characterized by a hardy constitution that allows for year-round grazing. In 2016, two factory lines (for meat and wool production) were created from the Zhanaarka type of the Sаryarka sheep breed. The aim of this study was to investigate the polymorphism of the CAST gene in lambs of the Saryarka meat production line and to evaluate associations between the CAST genotype and live weight ...

Javeria1,2*, Mudasser Habib1,2 and Muhammad Salahuddin Shah1,2

...: justify;">Peste des petits ruminant (PPR) is a highly infectious viral disease affecting mainly small ruminants i.e. sheep and goats. It exerts socioeconomic impacts on livestock in the developing countries. The current study was designed to investigate the genetic relationships of the PPRV strains circulating in some districts of Punjab, Pakistan after detecting by PCR. Samples showing definite clinical signs, were collected from reported disease outbreaks ...
Roshita Ibrahim1*, Mohd Firza Ahmad Fauzi1 and Mohd Nizam Lani2
...auricula-judae) with its gel-like texture in producing healthy drinks, aiming to diversify the market’s range of wholesome beverages. The investigation involves creating a drink with suspended black jelly mushroom pieces and sweetening it with various agents like sucrose, xylitol, erythritol, stevia, and honey. The study evaluates the drinks’ physicochemical, and functional properties, including sensory acceptability to see the potential utiliz...
Zarinah Zakaria1*, Nur Nabilah Norsham1, Nur Hasyimah Mat Shah1, Nurul Zaizuliana Rois Anwar1, Napisah Hussin2, Fauziah Tufail Ahmad3, Faridah Yahya3 and Norshazila Shahidan4
...he potential health benefits associated with these products. Tea intake is frequently hampered by its odour, colour, and taste since it is processed as a crude aqueous extract, restricting its consumption despite the fact that it provides considerable medicinal benefits due to the inclusion of important bioactive components. In this study, green tea, ool...

Shireen Ali Hasan1*, Ahlam A. Al-Rikaby2, Maitham Ali Al-Rikaby3  

...ical indices in male rabbits. Eighteen rabbits were used and distributed randomly into three groups, group one considered as control which was administered 1ml of distilled water orally, group two was administered 40mg/kg of aspartame orally, group three was administered 80 mg/kg of aspartame orally, the administration of aspartame continue for 45 days. Our findings revealed that the administration of ASP significantly affec...

Bassant Mahmoud Emam1, Jehan Abd Elrazek Hassanen1, Abeer Gaffer Ali Hassan3, Azza Mahmoud Abdullah1, Hadeer Said Aboelnaga2, Amina Ali Dessouki2*

... diabetes mellitus (DM), its prevalence and related complications continue to increase. There are already well-established antidiabetic drugs in the pharmaceutical sector like Dapagliflozin (DAPA). However, medicinal plant remedies, e.g., Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum), are efficiently utilized for DM treatment with low side effects. Accordingly, the study aimed to compare the effects of DAPA and Fenugreek seeds powder (FSP) or extract (FSE) on hypergly...

Ashraf B. Said*, Ibrahim A. Ibrahim, Hoda I. Bahr, Marwa A. El-Beltagy

...IV injected with 1x106 units/once), GLP-1 plus metformin and the last group BM stem cells plus metformin for 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, rats were sacrified, blood samples are collected to measure FBG, FINS, C-peptide, and HOMA IR. TNF, IL-6 beside Kidney and liver function parameters were also measured. Liver and kidney tissues examinated for histopathological and Immunohistochemistry. Untreated diabetic group showed significant (P≤0.05) hyperglycemia, hyperin...

Asim Karim*, Anwar Ali, Bilal Ahmed Qazi, Nowsherwan Zarif and Wadood Shah

...d and the possibility of its utilization. Paulownia hybrids and cultivars have a similar appearance, but they react to their environment differently depending on the situation. The best growth (with good results) for this tree is in the Middle East and Southern Europe. These are regions where planting has been practiced extensively in the past. The cultivation of Paulownia today is usually achieved with hybrids of selected traits

Talha Shafique1, Mustansar Mubeen2, Yasir Iftikhar2, Qaiser Shakeel3*, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan2, Haseeb Ahmed Lalika4, Malik Abd-ur-Rehman5, Atta ur Rehman2, Muhammad Irfan Zafar6 and Farwa Seemab2

... counting the number of pits per square inch. The results revealed significant variation in CTV incidence and severity across the three citrus varieties. Musambi exhibited the highest incidence rate at 4.5, followed by Feutrel’s Early at 2.89 and Kinnow at 1.71. Musambi also had the highest severity score at 53.5 pits per square inch, followed by Feutrel’s Early at 27.5 and Kinnow at 11.5. Geographical analysis o...

Bakht Zada1, Ahmed Zia2, Sardar Azhar Mehmood1, Abdur Rehman3*, Toheed Iqbal4*, Kiran Shahjeer5 and Shabir Ahmed1

...kistan, characterized by its geographical diversity across four regions, holds a unique position in terms of flora and fauna. However, many regions, including District Battagram in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, remain largely unexplored due to geopolitical challenges, social barriers, and uncertain ground conditions. Despite being covered with dense coniferous forests, District Battagram has never been surveyed for aphids, a prevalent pest in pine plantatio...

Muhammad Usman Saleem*, Tahir Hussain Awan, Bilal Atta, Arshed Makhdoom Sabir and Muhammad Ijaz

...n agronomic and yield traits of Basmati rice (cv. Basmati 515) cultivated with a direct-seeded rice method. Field trials were carried out during 2019 and 2020 in rice growing seasons. The five fertilizer treatments were applied as recommended from the combination of DAP + Urea, DAP + CAN, NP + Urea, NP + CAN along with a control (no fertilizer). Agronomic data such as tiller per square meter, plant height, panicle length, and rice yield were recorded. The comb...

Sanjita Gurau1,2 and Ram L Ray1*

...tes superiority and exhibits high productivity. In contrast, Shlesha 1214 has the advantage of yielding earlier compared to any other varieties in the study. The results of this experiment thus clearly suggest the benefits of using the Sunny House variety in the southern climate of Nepal. This experiment can benefit several farmers in southern Nepal and elsewhere with similar climates and landscapes globally.


Anisa Aprilia*, Syafrial, Djoko Koestiono, Fitria Dina Riana and Silvana Maulidah chain can improve its sustainability. This review compiles relevant data from recent literature and evaluates it to identify strategies for managing sustainable agro-food supply chains while mitigating environmental risks. It emphasizes the importance of gathering such information in order to devise approaches that can effectively address the challenges inherent in the agro-food industry. This review also provides a concise overview of intervention stra...

Qasim H.A. Aljboori* and Saadoon Murad Saadoon

...t rice plants and affect its growth, in addition to producing various mycotoxins that are dangerous to humans and animals. Therefore, a study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of four levels of agricultural sulphur (0,100,200 and 300 g/m2)and the fungicide Benomyl (100 ppm) against F. solani fungus infecting three varieties of rice (Anbar33,Yasmeen and Mishkhab2) grown in Iraq. The study results showed that sulphur reduced the F. solani infecting ric...

Habeeb M. Alsudani1*, Sura K. Abduljabbar1, Firas A. Alhasson2, in the nature due to its ability of adaptation with different environmental conditions. These adaptations are compatible with the aquatic body needs to use minimum energy. According to the Oxygen requirements, some of the fish appeared active and other appeared inactive. The gills are the major site of external environment adaptation. Although the gills are very important in fish respiration, the literature on the histological aspects of gills is limited t...

N. M. Abed 

...roup. Blood-based ELISA kits were applied to determine T3, T4, TSH, LH, FSH and testosterone in the rats after four weeks of medication. Results analysis indicated a significant increase (P≤ 0.05) in TSH and lower T3 and T4 levels in the NiCl2, CCl4 and NiCl2+ CCl4 groups compared to the control group. Propolis treatment in the NiCl2 and CCl4 groups significantly (P < 0.05) lowered TSH levels compared to the control group. In contrast, the CPF-treated gr...
Jalal Ahmed Khan1, Ishfaq Ahmed Hafiz1, Ayesha Maryam2, Sher Muhammad2 and Rashid Iqbal Khan1,3* the gardens. However, its growth has been prone to several environmental conditions. The current study was planned to evaluate the impact of silver nanoparticles (30 and 40 ppm) on growth and productivity of five different gloxinia cultivars i.e., Kaiser Wilhelm, Violaciea, Blenche de Meru, Mont Blance and Tigrina Red. The experiment was conducted following complete randomized design under controlled conditions. The results concluded that Blenche de Meru an...

Abid Hussain1*, Bilal Khan Yousafzai1 and Muhammad Ishaq2

...n consumption of both fruits and vegetables have occurred over time by more or less half kilogram per capita per month for each. Fruits and vegetable consumption increased by 43.3% and 14.8%, respectively. In the same way, monthly consumption of milk and milk products has increased by 0.55 kg (7.2%) and 0.37 kg (4.5%) per capita in urban and rural areas of the country, respectively. As per PSLM/ HIES 2018-19, people in Khybe...
Syed Zeeshan Ahmed Naqvi1, Aftab Khan1*, Abdul Majid2, Tahir Javed1 and Muhammad Huzaifa1 
...earning has demonstrated its capacity to deliver tangible benefits. Furthermore, the review discusses the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating machine learning into these sectors, addressing issues related to data privacy, scalability, and ethical considerations. This comprehensive review aims to provide researchers, practitioners, and policymakers with valuable insights into the dynamic landscape of mach...

Jaafar Haider Abd Alrudah1, Nada Fadhil Abbas2*, Farah Ali Hadi1, Haider Tuma Kaab3 

Khalid Abdullah1, Muhammad Mamoon-ur-Rashid2*, Muhammad Safdar Baloch3, Iqtidar Hussain3, Zuhair Hasnain4 and Muhammad Naeem2
...sts damaging numerous fruits and vegetables across the globe, causing significant economic losses. In the present investigations, a series of experiments were conducted comprising of food and sex lure, and neem oil to devise an IPM model for the management of fruit fly B. zonata in mango orchards. The data were recorded on the percent infestation in dropped and harvested fruits. The neem oil at 5% and 3% concentrations was f...

Saiqa Jehan1*, Tahir Sarwar1, Naveedullah1, Shahzad Khan Khattak2 and M. Jamal Khan3 

...on of climate change and its impact on water resources of selected areas in district Chitral with high climatic vulnerabilities. General observations and a survey based on questionnaires were used to collect field data. The questionnaire survey used both closed-ended and open-ended questions as a tool. This study was conducted in the three villages of Upper, middle and lower Chitral (Buni, Garam Chashma and Darkhanandeh) respectively. Of district Chitral, whic...

Ma Huadan1,2,3, Sher Zaman Safi3*, Huang Junjie4*, Wei Hua5, Guo Xingrong6 and Ikram Shah Bin Ismail3

...the function of VECs and its potential molecular mechanism, aiming to provide a conceptual basis for the potential of using MEG3 as a clinical diagnostic, prognostic, and targeted therapeutic approach for vascular-related diseases.


Hussain Shah1, Ali Hazrat2*, Ateef Ullah1, Hafsa Razzaq3, Shabir Ahmad1, Muhammad Yahya2, Muhammad Abdullah1, Sahar Nasim2, Waqar Ahmad2, Muhammad Junaid1 and Gul Rahim2

Hasan SA Jawad1*, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali2, Galib A. Al-Kassie3, Abdul-Razzak L. Al-Rubaie3, Lokman IH4 

...l of the histological traits were studied such as the villus height, the crypts depth, the percentage of the villus height to the crypts depth and immunological traits are both the immunity directed against Newcastle disease and the test of the relative hypersensitivity in the wattles and relative weight and the Fabricia gland index, and biochemical traits, such as concentration of glucose...

Arshad Javaid1*, Freeha Anjum1, Aneela Anwar2, Mahrukh Asif1, Sadia Ahmad1 and Malik F.H. Ferdosi3

...restris was assessed for its antifungal activity against this fungal pathogen. Roots of T. terretris were collected from Lahore, Pakistan and shade dried. The dried and crushed roots were extracted in methanol for two weeks and the effect of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5% concentrations of the extract was checked in vitro against P. oryzae using malt extract broth as a growth medium. All the applied concentrations of the extract exhibited significant antifungal activity an...
Arbab Waseem Abbas1*, Waseem Ullah Khan1, Huda Nauman1, Khalid Saeed2 and Syed Mujtaba Abbas Zaidi3 shapes and forms of its characters depending on their position in a word. The segmentation of Pashto characters remains an underdeveloped area in language processing, significantly hindering OCR performance. To tackle this, an image database of isolated Pashto characters was created. Pashto text samples were generated in Microsoft Word, with images saved in Bitmap (BMP) format for processing. These images were preprocessed, converting them to binary form ...

Muhammad Waqas1*, Razia Bashir1, Haroon Ali2, Arslan Shahzad1 and Tehmina Saddique3

...n them for nearly 88% of its energy needs. This study aimed to evaluate the bioenergy potential of Spirogyra microalgae for biodiesel production, offering a sustainable solution to fossil fuel dependence and environmental degradation. Lipids from microalgae Spirogyra were extracted using n-Hexane as a solvent by both the hot plate magnetic stirrer method and simple solvent extraction method. The effects of habitat nature, n-Hexane to algal biomass ratio, algal...

Roheela Yasmeen1*, Sadia Amjad1 and Naseem Zahra2

...ean Union permissible limits. In brown rice, 40% of samples were contaminated, with 20% exceeding permissible levels. The highest aflatoxin concentration (16.45 ± 0.06 µg/kg) was found in brown rice. Detoxification results showed a maximum reduction of 40.09% through cooking, 62.31% with 10% citric acid, and 82.24% with 10% clove oil for physical, chemical, and natural methods, respectively. Among these, essential oils proved to be the most effect...

Bushra Shaikh1*, Naeem Tariq Narejo2, Faheem Saddar3, Muhammad Hanif Chandio4, Majida Parveen Narejo5, Urooj Imtiaz2, Athar Mustafa Laghari4, Ghulam Abbas5 and Shahnaz Rashid5

.... Total body length exhibits better relationship with fecundity of experimental fish B. bagarius from Manchar Lake than the other parameters.


Muhammad Mushtaq1, Ihsan Ullah Khan1, Muhammad Shuaib5*, Naila Chand1, Abubakar Sufyan3, Muqader Shah2, Ziaul Islam4, Muhammad Shahkar Uzair1, Aamir Khan5, Qudrat Ullah2 and Usman Zeb6 of the intestine, and its economic importance in broilers. For this purpose, 120 days old broiler chicks were randomly assigned to 4 groups comprised of group A (Control), group B (4×106spore @0.01 ml/L), group C (8×106 spore@0.02 ml/L) and group D (12×106spore@0.03 ml/L). Each group consisted of 3 replicates (n=10/replicate). The results revealed that water-supplemented B. clausii had no effect on daily feed intake i...

Huda Hameed Kadhim Alabbody 

...tals in Baghdad city and its suburbs. The most common health problems of pets reported were parasitic infestation at 25%, tumors and cancerous lesions at 14%, diarrhea and vomiting symptoms at 10% each, the least were dental problems at 2%. Other problems such as obesity, arthritis, ear infections and skin issues were reported. The study recommends more explanation about companion animals including to encourage health practices, arrange breeding, appropriate n...

Nuning Nur Laila1, Abdul Manab1, Hari Dwi Utami1, Retno Budi Lestari2, Lilik Eka Radiati1*

... cheese without reducing its nutrient value. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physical quality of the dried Gouda cheese produced by different drying methods and drying times. The 2 x 2 factorial completely randomized design (CRD) was applied: drying methods (oven and dry roasting) and drying time (60 and 120 minutes). The physical quality observed consists of water, fat, protein, ash contents, pH, and color (whiteness index). As a result, both drying...

Maria Endo Mahata*, Yose Rizal, Sepri Reski, Zurmiati, Elsanila Suryadi Buwono, Kamiliya Rahma Sari a limiting factor for its use in broiler chicken diets. In this study, immersing in water flow reduced the salt content of the brown seaweed Padina australis. Crude fiber was reduced by fermentation using local microorganisms as inoculum. This study aimed to determine the effect of brown seaweed Padina australis, with reduced salt and crude fiber content, on the growth performance and physiological organs of broiler chickens. This study used a Completely Ra...

Faheen Riaz1, Sarfraz Mehmmod1, Aatka Jamil1, Khansa Jamil1, Imran Riaz Malik2, Muhammad Naeem Riaz1* and Ghulam Muhammad Ali1

... typical quantitative traits that are simultaneously regulated by many QTLs and polygenes. The cytochrome P450 enzymes can impact several dairy functions. Steroid 11-beta-hydroxylase is a mitochondrial enzyme that is produced using instructions from the CYP11B1 gene. In cattle, it facilitates the conversion of 11-deoxy-cortisol to cortisol and 11-deoxycorticosterone to corticosterone. The protein produced by the bovine CYP11B1 gene, which has nine exons and ei...

Shaila Akter1, MD Zobayer Rahman2*, Farzana Islam1, Zamal Hussan1, Rasel Mia3, Kazi Rabeya Akther1, Nirmal Chandra Roy1

...gained popularity due to its profitable components, mostly focused on developing microorganisms that swiftly convert floc chemicals into feed for H. fossilis. The investigation focused on the nursery rearing of H. fossilis fry in non-biofloc (T1) and biofloc (T2, T3 and T4) reared systems for 60 days to examine growth without exchanging water. At the same time, water quality metrics were carefully monitored and maintained. The stocking density in all tanks was...

Srisukmawati Zainudin1*, Hartutik2, Edhy Sudjarwo2, Osfar Sjofjan2

...ulting in 25 treatment units. A total of 25 pen units, each measuring 1 m × 0.5 m × 0.5 m, were used. Each pen was equipped with a feed and water bunk, and 250-day-old chicks (DOCs) of local chickens were used to assess body weight variability and were randomly assigned to the prepared pen units. During the experiment, the temperature ranged from 32°C in the first few weeks...

Muhammad Abdul Basit1, Lionel Kinkpe1,3*, Abdur Rahman1, Boko Michel Orounladji2, Hafiz Qadeer Ahmed3, Muhammad Subbayyal Akram4, Elodie Dimon5, Gadah Albasher6, Syed Muhammad Suhail1  

... region characterized by its wet climate. Results demonstrated that Makhi Cheeni and non-descript goats achieved the highest weight gains under stall-feeding (1.50 and 1.20 kg/week, respectively), with outcomes statistically comparable to those in the semi-intensive system (p > 0.05). Grazing produced the lowest weight gains for these breeds (1.08 and 0.81 kg/week, p < 0.05). In contrast, Barbari goats showed no significant difference in weight gain acro...

Suhad I.J. Al-Asady1*, Mohammad H. Al-Hasnawy2

... to humans, highlighting its epidemiological importance of Cryptosporidium.
Keywords | Cryptosporidium, Dog, Zoonotic species, Nested PCR, DNA sequencing

Ozdan Akram Ghareeb1*, Goljameen Midhat Abdulla1, Sanaz Sheikhzadeh2

... biochemical assays, and its liver was removed to assess oxidative stress markers. Comparing treated versus untreated rats, the results showed that AS exposure significantly raised malondialdehyde levels in liver tissue while clearly inhibiting the level of total antioxidants. Furthermore, a time-dependent significant increase in serological concentrations of hepatic enzymes and pro-inflammatory cytokines was noted in comparison to control rats. It was conclud...

Heba Saleh Shaheed1, Zainab J. Malik2*, Ghusoon A.A. Alneamah1, Salih T.H.2

... sixteen mature male rabbits by dividing the animals into two groups. As a general anesthesia by using xylazine ketamine and rabbits were anesthetize by using atropine sulfate (1 mg/kg B.W.) inter-muscularly than after 15 min rabbits were anesthetized intramuscular with a mixture consisting of ketamine hydrochloride (40 mg/kg of B.W. and xylazine hydrochloride (20 mg/kg B.W.). After anesth...

Saif Dhulfiqar Abdulhasan Al-Khafaji, Siraj Moner Al-Kafagy* the different food habits. Twenty adult healthy birds with undetermined sex (10 bulbul and 10 cockatiel) were investigated. Our histological study showed that the mucous membrane covering the tongue in bulbul and cockatiel consists of a multi-layered epithelium covering the lamina properia. The skeletal muscle fiber was absent in the apex of the tongue in bulbul and present in the body and root in large number with longitudinal and circular direction. In co...

Amal S.Omar, Mahmoud A. Ahmed, Nada A.S. El-Shahawy, Wael A.H. Ali, Sabbah F. Youssef, Hoda M.A. Shabaan, El-Sayed M. Abdel-Kafy* 

...stem, focusing on the traits and perspectives of breeders. The goal was to gather information that could aid in the conservation of local geese in Egypt and improve their production system. The study was conducted in the governorates of El-Fayoum, Luxor, and Kafr El-Sheikh, representing the three main regions in Egypt. The research involved a cross-sectional survey of 78 randomly selected villages. Semi-structured questionnaires and field observations during i...

Sura Saad Hamada Alkhuzaie

...E. coli colony-forming units (CFUs) was performed for all groups. The metabolites were detected using mass spectrometry (MS). The results revealed significant (p<0.05) increases in the E. coli CFUs of the NNBM group when compared with those from the SW group. These levels decreased significantly (p<0.05) in all groups, especially in the 0T group. In the case of the metabolic activity, significant (p<0.05) increases were seen in the abundance of pantot...

Herna Febrianty Sianipar1,2,3, Wahyu Widoretno1, Luchman Hakim1, Rezi Rahmi Amolia4, Fatchiyah Fatchiyah1,2,5*

... and Aglaia tomentosa fruits were tested for proximate, amino acid, phytochemical, and total flavonoid content. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry/Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and the Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Potential (FRAP) method were employed to determine antioxidant activity. Proximate content and amino acid content  tests showed that Castanopsis argantea had significantly higher levels (P<0.05) of carbohydrates (84.09%), fat (3.07%), ener...

Moses Teye1*, Joshua Amoni1, Awal Fuseini2

...olis was selected due to its cosmopolitan nature, while the Assin South district was selected due to its agrarian nature and absence of approved livestock slaughter facility in the locality. Six communities were randomly selected from each of the study areas, making a total of 12 communities. The systematic sampling procedure was used to select 30 households from each of the 12 communities, and the person(s) in charge of mak...

Ming-Hao Yu, Ming-Hui Gu, Xin Dai, Dao-Chen Wang and Sheng-Mei Yang*

...acid on reproduction and its underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. Therefore, this study explored the effects of tannic acid on the reproduction of Brandt’s voles. We treated female Brandt’s voles from four weeks postpartum with varying tannic acid doses (0 (control), 0.3% (low dose) or 0.6% (high dose) tannic acids) until 8 weeks (puberty) and 13 weeks (sexual maturity)). Ovarian specimens were collected for immunohistochemical analys...

Mohamed H.M. Abd El-Megid1, A.N. El shahat2, A.M. Abdul Azeem2* and Amal A. Mansour2

...seeds without destroying its bioactive compounds. In addition, Irr.SSAE is a potent inhibitor of α-amylase and α- glucosidase and has beneficial effects in the treatment of diabetes.


Soumble Zulfiqar* and Abdul Rauf Shakoori

...d provides insights into its functional dynamics across diverse bacterial species. These results enhance our understanding of metal resistance mechanisms and could inform future research on bacterial adaptation to environmental stresses.


Oumaima Abouyaala, Soukaina Bougrine, Mohamed Yassine El Brouzi*, Radia Elgui, Sara Brikat, Khadija Elmotia, Abdelhalem Mesfioui, Aboubaker El-Hessni, Moulay Laarbi Ouahidi

...peutic effects. However, its potential toxicity and adverse effects necessitate thorough investigation. The present study investigated the acute and subacute toxicity of Lemon verbena, within 14- and 28-day exposure, respectively. In acute toxicity, female hamster was treated orally with methanolic extract of lemon verbena (MELV) at 1, 2, 3, and 5 g/kg bw, respectively. For subacute toxicity, doses of 125, 250, and 500 mg/kg bw, of MELV were administered daily...

Kwena Mokoena, Thobela Louis Tyasi*

...n chicken egg quality traits. PubMed, Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and Web of Science were evaluated systematically using the combination of the following keywords: Chicken, storage methods, and egg quality traits. A total of 5 eligible articles published between 2013 and 2022 in Nigeria, Poland, Sri Lanka, and Egypt were included. The results showed that out of the 5 included articles, vegetable oil was the most used (n = ...

A. Arif Rahman1, Renny Fatmyah Utamy2*, Ambo Ako2, Mohammad Mijanur Rahman3, Siti Annisa Sukri1

...n in short supply due to its extensive use as a raw material in various industries. Thus, alternative materials are highly needed as substitutes for both cement and molasses. This study assesses the effects of using cocoa pulp as filler and tapioca meal as an adhesive in UMMB production on Holstein Friesian dairy cows’ performance, milk yield, and milk quality. The experiment applied a complete randomized design (CRD) with three treatments, namely withou...

Iriani Sumpe1,2, Bambang Suhartanto1, Siti Andarwati1, Tri Anggraeni Kusumastuti1*

...ulations to maximize profits. Policies should be implemented to control the slaughtering of productive cows to preserve genetic resources and maintain livestock population balance. Improved management and feeding practices are also needed to maximize the economic value of beef cattle.
Keywords | Added value, Beef cattle, Carcass, Economic value, Non-carcass, Sex

Khalid Hadi Kadhim1*, Iman Mousa Khaleel2, Firas Abbas Hussen3

...ive barrier by utilizing its diverse cellular coalition.
Keywords | Skin, Gazelle, Histological, Histochemical staining, Periodic acid-schiff (PAS) staining

Martina Tri Puspita Sari1, Muhammad Ridla2,3*, Heri Ahmad Sukria2,3

...rancidity, which affects its quality and shelf life. Moringa oleifera leaves, which grow easily in diverse environmental conditions and are widely available in Indonesia, contain high levels of bioactive compounds with numerous benefits. This study evaluated Moringa oleifera leaves as a stabilization method to preserve rice bran quality over a 30 days of storage. A randomized block design was employed with ten treatments and...

Iftakher Alam1,2, Biswajit Das1,3*, Kazi Md. Younus Tanim1, Rafiat Zannat1,3, Amiya Das Hridoy1,4, H.M. Fahad Hossain1,4, Tarikul Islam1 and Md. Atiqur Rahman Bhuiyan1

...e other morphological traits (number of tillers, number of effective tillers, panicle length, grains per hill and yield), comparatively modern varieties outperformed. Binadhan-10, a modern variety, showed the highest yield of 5.23 tons/ha, demonstrating superior performance in the coastal region due to its adaptability to saline conditions. In the principal component analysis (PCA), the first two PCs explained 68.01% of the ...

Roheena Abdullah*, Kinza Nisar, Afshan Kaleem and Mehwish Iqtedar

... to further characterize its properties. The result indicates the selected strain was found to be A. niger.and this strain was given code A.niger KBT-3. The Five fermentation media were also screened. The Medium2 gave higher titer of alpha amylase activity 1qand found to be the best medium. Different parameters including time and temperature of incubation, pH, Inoculum size, volume, carbon and nitrogen sources were also tested. Optimal enzyme production was ob...

Abdul Razak1, Imran Altaf1*, Aftab Ahmad Anjum1, Ali Raza Awan2 and Farhat Nazir Awan3

... virus purification from its NSPs. Present project was designed to optimize different parameters of size exclusion chromatography (SEC) for the purification of local isolate of FMDV from NSPs. For this purpose Bio-rad Econo-Column 15/50 was packed with SephacrylTM S-300 resin and fitted with BioRad BioLogic LP Chromatographic system. Mixture of blue dextran and bovine serum albumin used as biomarkers for FMDV and NSPs respectively was employed to optimize resi...

Zeng Jianhui, Shao Mingqin*, Zhi Yijin and Yang Fucheng

...habitat. The foraging habits of Pied Avocet Recurvirostra avosetta are similar to those of Spotted Redshank, and the spatial and temporal niche overlap with Spotted Redshank was relatively high. These species had spatial niche separation to decrease competition and improve coexistence, mainly through differences in foraging mode and micro-habitat. The results indicate that the diversity of micro-habitat types can provide habitat for more shorebirds and decreas...

Misbah Farooq1, Muhammad Zubair Anjum1*, Zahir Muhammad1, Maqsood Jan1, Muhammad Shahbaz Azhar1, Shaina Rasool1 and Muhammad Qayash Khan2


...erlings. Morphometric traits were measured including total length (TL), standard length (SL), fork length (FL), head length (HL), eye diameter (ED), dorsal fin length (DFL), pectoral fin length (PFL), pelvic fin length (PvFL), anal fin length (AFL) and caudal fin length (CFL). The highest FBW (14.20±0.08g), WG (11.25±0.08g), AWG (0.18±0.00g), SGR (2.61±0.05% day-1), %WG (381.340±14.40g), and SR (100%) and lowest FCR (1.94&plu...

Yonis Gulzar1*, Faheem Ahmad Reegu2, Arjumand Bano Soomro1,3, Mohammad Shuaib Mir1, Abdul Zahir4* and Choo Wou Onn5

...ion Techniques, and Benefits and Economic Outcomes, and consequently, how these factors influence the adoption of Internet of things technologies among local farmers. The results of the study show that farmers’ knowledge and awareness of IoT technology and their willingness to adopt Internet of Things technologies have a significant positive correlation, which supports the first hypothesis. A second hypothesis that has been affirmed by this study is that...

Nounagnon Darius Tossavi1,2*, Mariette Sindété3, Nike Fumilayo Aladetohun4, Marie-Line Escande5, Adam Gbankoto3

...eters were collected and its correlation with the prevalence of infection was assessed. The mean prevalence was 10.91% (37/339). No significant difference was observed either between males and females (χ2=0.136; df=3; p=0.987) or between seasons (χ2=1.772; df = 3; p=0.621). However, significant difference was recorded between fish class weight (χ2=11.781; df = 5; p=0.038). Longitudinal and transverse sections in the ABO revealed cysts establishment...

R. Umamaheswari*, P. Prabu, M.S. Rao, B.M. Kavya and G. N. Grace

...ciens IIHR BA2 increased its antagonistic action against nematodes. 

Muhammad Sarwar1*, Areej Javaria2, Muhammad Zain-ul-Abideen3, Muhammad Farhan Sarwar4 and Muhammad Haroon Sarwar5
...ce of suitable chemical, its formulation, and method and timing of applications. An investigation was carried out to detect the population frequency of rodent (Rodentia: Muridae) pests in wheat at various growth stages of crop and control operation against them. For evaluating the effectiveness of chemicals in pests control operation, two acute rodenticides (aldicarb, zinc phosphide), an anticoagulant rodenticide (racumin), and a fumigant (phostoxin), were app...

Munib Hussain1, Abdul Razzaq2, Mohammad Qasim1*, Muhammad Jamil3, Abid Hussain4 and Najeeb Ullah5 in four federating units of Pakistan. As per farmers perceptions the warble fly prevalence was 1-66% in goats this year while in cattles it was 0-33% as compared to last year (20–80%). The warble fly larval prevalence was recorded physically (66%) in goats at Gilgit during autumn, followed by Ziarat (1-8%), Fort Munro (0-14%), D.I. Khan (0-5%), while in cattle it was 33% followed by Ziarat (0%), Fort Munro (2-0%), Gilgit (0-33%), D.I. Khan (1-13%).&n...

Wasan Abdulmunem Taha1*, Umer Abdullah Ahmed Alelyan1, Raid D. Hashim2, Zainab Nizar Jawad3, Mohammed Khaleel Jameel4, Mohammed Ahmed Mustafa1

... adult female Albino rabbits was divided into two groups (n = 50). In the control group PCOS wasn’t motivated, while in the residual other group (n = 50) PCOS was motivated with a alone i.m. testosterone injection every day. Biomarkers assessed include: Glutamic-Oxaloacetic Transaminase (GOT), Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline Phospahatases (ALP), Blood glucose, Luteinizing hormone (LH) and Insulin hormone. The research identifies a gap in the cur...

Arshad Farooq1, Abdul Hassan1, Muhammad Ishaq2 and Asif Nawaz3*

... disposal of infected fruits and pheromone traps were the major eco-friendly pest management techniques adopted by the majority of the sample peach growers. High prices of inputs, lack of knowledge, adulteration in pesticides and fruit fly control were the main problems faced by the sample growers in the study area. The study suggested that agricultural departments and other private organizations involved in agricultural development may organize awareness and ...

Ata Ullah1,2, Tariq Masood1*, Zafar Ali Shah1, Azmat Ali Awan3, Sahib Alam1, Nasiruddin4, Muhammad Arif5 and Muhammad Arabi Awan6

...within the acceptable limits established by the International Olive Council (IOC) in 2010 for the best category of virgin olive oil.


Esam M. Al-Shaebi, Saleh Al-Quraishy, Saleh N. Maodaa, Hossam M.A. Aljawdah and Rewaida Abdel-Gaber* 

...ation of ASJ (100%) inhibits sporulation by 100%. At 96 h, other concentrations of ASJ (50%, 25%, 12.5%, 6.25%, and 3.12%), as well as amprolium, DettolTM, phenol inhibits oocyst sporulation by 42.29%, 38.02%, 22.44%, 11.63%, 8.50%, 26.66%, 75.45%, and 88.65%, respectively. Results suggest that ASJ possessed strong anthelmintic and coccidiostat properties.

Irsa Shafique1, Saiqa Andleeb1*, Farrukh Naeem2, Shaukat Ali3, Tauseef Tabassum4 and Tariq Sultan4
...cow dung which indicated its efficiency to promote the growth of plants. It was concluded that E. fetida could be used as a potential animal source for the solid waste management via vermi-composting.


Zhishuai Zhang, Zhiyuan Sui, Jihu Zhang, Qingjin Li, Yongjie Zhang, Chenguang Wang, Xiaojun Li and Feng Xing*

Yushuang Zhao, Jin Li, Ling Mao, Juan Guo and Yu Zeng*

...dispose of Squalidus and its related genera. In this study, we primarily reported the complete mitochondrial DNA genome of S. nitens by high-throughput sequencing, and explored the phylogenetic position of S. nitens within the subfamily Gobioninae. The entire length of the mitochondrial genome is 16,606 bp, containing 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 ribosomal RNA (rRNA) genes, 22 transfer RNA (tRNA) genes, and a control region (D-loop). The nucleotide compos...

Asher Azeem1, Misbah Javed2, Muhammad Riaz ul Haq1, Maria Shahzeen1, Muhammad Asif1, Gul Muhammad1, Khalid Hussain3, Ahmad Ali3, Muhammad Latif4, Noreen Samad2 and Furhan Iqbal1*

...anism like C. idella and its entry in water bodies must be prevented in order to conserve our fresh water ecosystems and food web.


Iqra Javed, Beenish Maqsood* and Muhammad Khurshid*

...cades. It is notable for its use as an anticancer drug and an acrylamide mitigator in the food industry. The screening of L-asparaginase from new microbial sources, with greater yield and fewer drawbacks is greatly appreciated. The present work attempts to screen and identify L-asparaginase producing bacteria from soil, as well as to optimize the bioprocess parameters for higher yield of extracellular L-asparaginase. For this purpose, fifteen isolates were scr...
Muhammad Saeed1, Farhana Aslam2, Muhammad Sajjad Khan2,  Asghar Ali Kamboh3, Zahid Farooq2, Rifat Ullah Khan4, Rizwana Sultan2, Ahmed Ali Moryani3 and Huayou Chen1*
...d protein composition of its egg and meat has more benefits than other birds. Despite their small size, quail eggs have three to four times the nutritious value of chicken eggs and are high in vitamins and minerals. The fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, palmitic, and stearic acid are most prevalent in the meat of quail. Oleic acid exists around 1/3 of the total fatty acids in the quail breast meat and it is 47.7 and 37.1 ...
Nan Jiang1,2, Chaochao Luo3, Mingying Shao4, Ziping Zheng4, Shakeeb Ullah5, Qudrat Ullah6, Guangming Sun2, Dun-Zhu Luosang2, Rubina Mushtaq7, Yulin Ma8, Muhammad Kamal Shah5, Saima Naz9, Muhammad Zahoor Khan5,8* and Wang-Dui Basang1,2*
... improving production traits in yaks, this study explores the potential of harnessing genetic diversity and marker-assisted selection (MAS) techniques. The genetic diversity of yak populations is a valuable resource that can be tapped into to enhance desirable traits such as meat quality, milk yield, disease resistance, and adaptability to harsh environments. This study emphasizes the importance of conducting comprehensive g...

Yifan Wang1,2, Liangyu Hu2, Numan Ullah2 and Mengzhi Wang2,3*

...ncreased interest due to its key roles in metabolism and physiology. Arg not only regulates lactation performance (milk yield and milk composition) by serving as a building block to synthesize milk protein, but also acts as a signaling molecule coordinating casein protein gene transcription and translation. A number of studies have characterized various possible pathways by which mammary total milk protein synthesis can be affected. Changes in the abundance of...

Faturrahman1,3*, N.L. Nakadira1, N. Anjani1, B.N. Fajriah1, B.F. Suryadi1, A.A.M.N. Kasman2, T.W. Setyaningrum1

...ens (Gallus turcicus) as its primary ingredient. However, challenges in the growth of these chickens have been reported. The use of probiotics, particularly Bacillus spp., has been proposed as a key solution due to their benefits in enhancing digestive organ weight and feed intake, which positively impact the chickens body weight. This study aims to investigate the distribution of Bacillus spp. within the chicken digestive t...

Adnan Ibrahim Khamis1, Jasim Mohammed Saleh2*, Najwa S. Ali3 and Anhar Mohamed Ali Hasan4

...partment of Training and its affiliated training centers in Baghdad Governorate, regarding climate change and its effects on the agricultural sector and identifying the mechanisms and procedures adopted by the agricultural extension regarding these risks. These procedures included five topics (administrative and technical, irrigation water, crops, agricultural land, and environment). Researchers included agricultural adviser...

Asad Ullah1*, Faizan Hafeez2, Raheela Taj3, Shumaila Gul4, Imad Khan1, Brekhna Faheem5, Mansoor Ahmad5, Rafiq Ullah5, Ashfaq Ahmad5, Muhammad Hanif5, Aziz Ullah Khan5, Muhammad Owais Khan5, Abdul Basit5, Muhammad Idrees Khan6, Shakirullah Khan7 and Muneeb Islam8

...; to detect M. bovis and its antigens/mycobacterial fragments through immune-histochemical (IHC) technique the avidin-biotin complex peroxidase (ABC-P) method and to distinguish their possible relationship with the type of lesion. The one-year (January–December 2017) retrospective analysis showed 0.44% culled animals and meat inspection of slaughtered animals (118453) at ring road slaughter house Peshawar showed that 0.099% animals (100) were found with ...

Zarifshan Malik1, Muhammad Ramzan Ali2*, Hasina Basharat2, Aziz Ahmed2 and Sabina Noor1

... of nutrition because of its high biological value, high protein deposition compared to the fat content and low cholesterol level. African catfish is cultured widely all over the world through artificial propagation, but male gametes cannot be collected through simple hand stripping method. Therefore, the males require to be sacrificed in order to get the milt from the testes. As millions of sperms are present in per ml of milt so, in order to utilize milt mor...

Urfiana Sara1,3, Muhammad Irfan Said2*, Wempie Pakiding2, Sri Purwanti2

...pounds are the main culprits behind manure odor. High ammonia emissions will harm laying hens’ health and decrease their egg-producing efficiency. This study aims to determine the factors that influence NH3 emissions in the agricultural sector of laying hens, specifically in Sidrap Regency. This study uses quantitative techniques to ascertain how the independent variable (X) affects the dependent variable (Y) in the four sub-districts of Sidrap Regency, ...

Ariani Trisna Murti1, Budi Hartono1*, Hari Dwi Utami1, Tri Wahyu Nugroho2, Tina Sri Purwanti1, Jaisy Aghniarahim Putritamara1

...ole of WTP, highlighting its importance in bridging the effects of consumer characteristics on purchase intentions. Based on these findings, the study suggests several practical implications and business policy recommendations . Programs such as loyalty cards or discounts can encourage repeat purchases, while educating consumers about the benefits of free-range eggs may enhance their willingness to pay and positively influen...

Mube Kuietche Hervé1*, Saknteh W.B1, Azoutane Julien2, Kana Sagne Derrick1, Vemo Bertin3, Djoumessi Gina4, Tatsinkou Alain Serge1, Francois Djitie5, Defang F. Henry1

...tive capabilities of rabbits. A total of 40 rabbits of a local breed, aged 38 days andweighting on average 550±60g, were randomly assigned to five treatment groups, each containing eight animals. The treatments included a control diet without additives (T0-), a diet with 0.1% antibiotic (T0+), and diets with 0.2%, 0.4%, and 0.6% ginger powder (T1, T2, and T3, respectively). Data on growth characteristics, carcass tra<...

Burhan Khalid1*, Muhammad Umer Javed2, Talha Riaz3, Muhammad Atiq Ashraf4, Hafiza Zara Saeed5, Musrat Shaheen6, Shumaila Nawaz4, Amir Khan Korai7, Rabiya Riaz8 and Muhammad Asim4

...ns of intrinsic viral traits and extrinsic environmental factors. We investigate how a virus’s capacity to infect a variety of host species is influenced by genetic uniqueness, adaptive trade-offs, and virus-vector interactions. This review also looks at how ecological factors, like species cohabitation and community interactions, affect the dynamics of viral transmission. Because environmental heterogeneity makes it difficult to extrapolate trends, the ...

Ashraf Ali Mehany1, Wael Mohamed Wafa1, Al-Moataz Bellah Mahfouz Shaarawy1, A. F. A. El-Hawary1, Mahmoud Sayed Sayah2,1, Adel Bakr3, Reda Abdel-Samee Ahmed Rezk4, Shimaa M. Ali1*

... Friesian dairy cows and its effect on their productive performance under Delta Egyptian conditions during the hot months. The study included 20 mid-lactating dairy cows, aged 3–8 years and with 2–5 parities, housed loosely in the same yard with semi-open sheds throughout the experimental periods from 1st June to 30th August 2022. Animals were split up into two similar groups (10 each) by related percentage of white (WH) vs. black (BK) area on the ...

Naveeda Anjum1, Muhammad Aqeel Feroze1, Rizwan Rafique2,3*, Monis Hussain Shah4, Tehseen Ashraf5, Muhammad Asim6, Bushra Zulfiqar6 and Muhammad Shahid Iqbal7

...ape yield and quality traits are interlinked and understanding their interactions is highly critical. This challenge is more obvious under rain fed conditions which impose physical constraints for normal plant growth. The present study was designed to find interactions between yield and quality characters of grapes cultivars. Therefore, several grapevine cultivars like ‘Kings Ruby’, ‘Flame Seedless’, ‘Perlette’, ‘Super...

Aizaz Akbar1*, Ijaz Ahmad2, Aftab Jehan3, Imtiaz Ali4 and Muhammad Haris5

...types for the studied traits. Genotype CIM-47 was observed for early heading, while CIM-39 showed early maturity. Genotype CIM-37 had the longest grain filling duration, while CIM-18 showed the shortest plants. Genotype CIM-10 produced the most productive tillers plant-1, while CIM-36 revealed the longest spikes. Genotype CIM-48 had the highest 1000-grain weight, while CIM-10 and CIM-36 showed the highest grain yield. Heritability and genetic advance as a perc...

Ahmed Saeed Mohmed

...ts of stored, because of its specifications that make it promising in the field of controlling insect pests. One of the most important specifications that characterize nano-insecticides is the small size of their particles and increased surface area, as well as the range of shapes they can take, including nano emulsions, nanocapsules, nano suspensions, etc. Soon, it is anticipated that nanopesticides will transition from the research stage to practical applica...

Koffi Komoe1, N’Guessan Roméo Lozo1*, Estelle Sévérine Konan2

...ction, which is damaging its biodiversity. The aim of this study is to contribute to our knowledge of phytoplankton in the Ouladine lagoon. For this purpose, phytoplankton samples were collected using a 20 µm mesh plankton net during the period from January to June 2017 at three stations (named as ST1, ST2 and ST3). An Olympus CKX 41 photonic microscope equipped with a digital camera was used to observe and photograph various phytoplankton taxa. These ob...

Vitta Herina1, Suraya Kaffi Syahpura2, Dwi Desmiyeni Putri2* New Zealand White rabbits. This study used 32 rabbits divided into 4 treatments, P0 as a control, P1 given honey supplements 0.2 ml kg-1 body weight, P2 given honey supplements 0.4 ml kg-1 body weight, and P3 given honey supplements 0.6 ml kg-1 body weight. Rabbits were reared for eight weeks. The parameters studied were carcass percentage, meat bone ratio, physical quality and chemical...

Renny Fatmyah Utamy1, Ambo Ako1, Syahdar Baba2, Zulkharnaim1, Sri Gustina1, Laode Alhamd3, Indrawirawan2, Aulia Uswa Noor Khasanah1, Arif Rahman4,5, Siti Annisa Sukri5, Rara Mufliha5, Zyahrul Ramadan5 and Purnama Isti Khaerani6

...hereas, morphological traits like plant height, the optimal combination was associated to P1D2 with P 5 ml/l and D 0.33 g/cm². Similarly, fresh and dry weights indicated the best combination in P2D3, with PGPR at 10 ml/l and a seedling density of 0.40 g/cm². The optimal combination for proximate analysis was P2D2, with PGPR at 10 ml/l and a seedling density of 0.33 g/cm². Furthermore, a positive correlation (p<0.001) was observed between fres...

Yunita Sari1, Arif Hendra Utama1, Arif Irawan2, Pramudya Andiana1, Riska Faradila3, Abdul Manab1, Lilik Eka Radiati1*

...s Milk powder to improve its physical and functional properties. The main objective was to determine the optimal dextrin concentration that improves the physicochemical properties while maintaining the structural integrity of powdered milk. This research used a laboratory experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) with four treatments (addition of 15%, 20%, 25% and 30% dextrin) and four replications. In this study, Sumbawa Mare’s Milk...

Epro Barades1,4*, Iskandar2, Ibnu Dwi Buwono2, Yuli Andriani2, Ayi Yustiati2, Roffi Grandiosa2, Ratu Siti Aliah3

...igate the potential benefits of tryptophan supplementation in feed and its impact on melatonin, estradiol, and vitellogenin levels and oocyte maturation in African catfish. Thirty out of 90 broodstocks, with an average weight of 700 ± 160 g, were randomly selected for treatment, with a male-female ratio of 1:1. A completely randomized design was used with three levels of tryptophan as treatments (0.33% (X), 0.41% (Y),...

Irma1*, Siti Darodjah Rasad2, Nena Hilmia2, Cece Sumantri3

..., Belgian Blue (BB), and its crossbreeds (BB x PO). The experiment was conducted using 21 donors from Livestock Embryo Centre (LEC), which were selected for the superovulation based on oestrous synchronization. The normality distribution of data was evaluated using Kolmogorov-Smirnov, followed by non-parametric analysis. Furthermore, Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP) was used to determine genotypes and their association was analyzed with the Kruskal-Wallis ...

Dina Al-Shinawy1*, Reda E.M. Moghaieb2, Sara B. Awaly2, Gihan El-Moghazy1 and Dalia S. Ahmed2

García Domínguez María Fernanda1, Páez Lerma Jesús Bernardo1, Reyes Jáquez Damián1, Carrete Carreón Francisco Oscar2, Guerra Rosas María Inés1, Araiza Rosales Elia Esther2*

Hebat–Alla Adel Alhamdani1, Mohammed Ali Shahooth2, Nihad Abdul-Lateef Ali3, Baraa Hameed Mousa2, Tahreer Mohammed Al-Thuwaini3*

...on some physiological traits and immunological responses. Seventy-two laying hens, 45 weeks old (Lohman Brown), were randomly assigned to six treatments with four replicates per treatment (three hen/replicate). The experiment was carried out in cages. Birds in T1 fed basal diet without addition, birds in T2 fed basal diet contaminated with AFB1 200 ppb, birds in T3 fed basal diet contaminated with AFB1 200 ppb + commercial anti-fungal, birds in T4 fed diet con...

Elly Farida1,3, Abdul Manab1, Mashudi1, Retno Budi Lestari2, Lilik Eka Radiati1*

...e of milk without losing its highly nutritious content. This study aims to understand the effect of different heating temperatures and acetic acid concentrations in curd-making as a basis for producing milk nuggets. A 3 x 3 factorial Completely Randomized Design was used, with heating temperatures of 75°C, 80°C, and 85°C, and acetic acid concentrations of 0.2 M, 0.4 M, and 0.6 M. Five parameters (amount of whey, yield, pH, texture, and whiteness in...

Dadile M. Abdulrahman 1 Abdullahi M. Daskum 1 Kura M. Abdulrahim 1 Abubakar M. Dadile 2 Hajja Amma 3

Volume 1, Issue 1, November and December 2017, Pages 3-13
...f -20oC, does not affect its potency, however, its potency was slightly lost at high temperatures above 37oC. The broth dilution test was performed to investigate the Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and Minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) of the AGE against the bacterial isolates at 37oC. Investigating the activity of AGE loaded on Gel dressing revealed that it can have potency when applied on patients with Staph...

Abdelhak Rhouma 1 Ibtissem Ben Salem 1 Mahmoud M’Hamdi 2 Naima Boughalleb-M’Hamdi 1

Volume 2, Issue 5 September and October 2018 Pages 85-100 responsible for cucurbits Monosporascus root rot and vine decline, is worldwide spread notably in Tunisia. The most appropriate strategies to suppress disease development are those able to reduce the ascospores population using eco-friendly approach treatments. Seven soilborne fungal isolates were tested in vitro (by dual confrontation technique) and in vivo in the greenhouse as potential bioagents against three virulent M. cannonballus isolates. In vivo ex...

Rawia F. Gamal

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 101-104
...ther than the host plant itself. The plant endosphere contains diverse groups of microbial communities. There is general consensus that these communities make significant contributions to plant health. Endophytes are microbial symbionts residing within the plant for the majority of their life cycle without any detrimental impact on the host plant. The use of these natural symbionts however, offers an opportunity to maximize crop productivity. Endophytes promot...

Amirreza Amirmijani Mahdieh Sadeghian Behanz Karimi

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 105-113
...iated with some dried fruits including; Common fig, Date palm, and White Mulberry, 35 fruit samples were collected from common markets in the south of Kerman province, Jiroft, Iran, during 2016. After surface disinfestation with 0.5% NaOCl, small fragments of each dried fruit were plated onto Potato dextrose agar (PDA) medium. Recovered fungal isolates were purified by single spore method. Morphological characteristics of each isolate were recorded. Results of...

Eze E.M. 1 Unegbu V.N. 2 Ezebialu C.U. 3 Nneji I.R. 4

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 147-155
...matory disease (PID) and its associated microbes among reproductive aged women in Onitsha north, Anambra state, Nigeria, were investigated. A total of 500 reproductive aged women between the ages of 10 - 50 years were examined; where 300 of them showed positive results. A total of 640 microorganisms were isolated. Nine (9) microbial genera were recovered consisting of seven bacterial genera; one yeast sp. and one protozoan i...

Solange Gahongayire 1 Ibrahim Ntulume 1 Kagimbura Ervine 2 Bizimana Évariste 2 Adamu A. Aliero 3

Volume 2, Issue 6 November and December 2018 Pages 156-166
...xtracts of leaves and fruits of Capsicum annum against Staphylococcus aureus&...

Sheheryar1 and Iqtidar Hussain2*

...ificant cereal crop, but its productivity is often constrained by weed competition, particularly from jungle rice (Echinochloa colona L.). This study examines the impact of varying densities of jungle rice on maize growth, yield, and quality to identify sustainable weed management strategies. The experiment was conducted at Gomal University, Pakistan, and employed a randomized complete block design with six jungle rice density treatments (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, and...
Samia Sharafat1, Dildar Hussain Kalhoro1*, Muhammad Saleem Kalhoro1, Shahid Hussain Abro1, Mazhar Hussain Mangi1, Azhar Ali Laghari2, Ali Raza Nizamani3, Abdul Ahad Soomro3, Rani Wagan1, Asmatullah Kaka1, Abdullah Channo1, Hubdar Ali Kolachi4, Muhammad Ibrahim Panhwar4 and Mehkar Hussain5
...onsumed by people due to its good quality of protein and presence of all essential amino acids. In the present study, 100 poultry meat samples were randomly collected from district Hyderabad and cultured on selective media for the isolation and identification; mannitol salt agar for Staphylococus aureus (Staph. aureus), Salmonella Shigella agar and brilliant green agar for Salmonella and MacConkey agar for Escherichia coli (E. coli.). Furthermore, biochemical ...
Abdul Qadeer1,2, Muhammad Avais1*, Abdul Wajid3, Muhammad Zahid Iqbal1, Hanif Ullah4, Asad Khan5, Sajid Ur Rahman2,6, Aqeel Javeed7 and Sher Zaman Safi8,9
...a helix was assessed for its in-vivo anthelmintic activity at doses of 1.13 and 2.25 gm/kg respectively in naturally infected sheep with H. contortus. ED50 of egg hatch assay (EHA) was studied with a dose of 0.103 for methanolic extract, 0.117 for aqueous extract, and 0.069 for albendazole. ED50 of LDA was seen at a dose rate of 0.035 for methanolic extract, 0.091 for aqueous extract, and 0.058 for albendazole. The in-vivo study of the methanolic extract showe...

Kazi Abdus Sobur1*, Shabuj Kumar Pal2, Md. Abdur Rahim3 and Palash Bose1

...Bangladesh, renowned for its premium-quality meat and leather. The study aimed to gather information on the existing management systems of Black Bengal goat rearing in the Jhenaidah district of Bangladesh. A survey was conducted among 90 goat owners, with data collected on their management practices, treatments, and breeding methods. The majority of respondents (77.8%) identified agriculture as their primary occupation. Most farmers provided green grass, tree ...

Yasir Iftikhar1*, Talha Shafique2, Shahzaib Asghar1, Sonum Bashir3, Malik Abdul Rehman4, Maham Ikram1, Muhammad Ahmad Zeshan1, Farwa Seemab1, Komal Ambreen1 and Ashara Sajid1

...ign: justify;">Citrus fruits are the most common commercially grown fruit in the Rutaceae family worldwide. They are very nutritious and have a significant impact on the global economy. Its widespread cultivation has allowed it to rank first in fruit production in Pakistan. Unfortunately, several microbial diseases (like citrus canker caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri has a great impact on the citrus industry. The current study was focused on checking...
Habtamu Tedila1*; Addisu Assefa1; Feto Haji
Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 190-203
...lergic disease of human; its symptoms include; fever, cough chest pain or breathlessness. Cryptococcus neoformans is one of the most effective human pathogens; it causes severe form of meningitis and meningo-encephalitis in patients with HIV infection and AIDS. C. gattii was endemic to tropical parts of Africa ...

 Yahaya, S.M.1*; Mardiyya, A.Y.1; Sakina, S.B.1; Hayatu, L.W.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 204-214
...fect all aerial parts of its host plants; where infection may cause enormous damage both during plant growth and in the post-harvest stage (during cold storage or transport). B. cinerea is a major cause of economic losses in the production chain of cut flowers, bulb flowers and pot plants. Molecular-genetic studies performed over the past decade have provided a wealth of novel insights into the infection mechanisms utilized by this pathogen. Fungal genes impor...


Taher A. Salaheldin1,2; Ghadir A. El-Chaghaby3*; Mohamed A. El-Sherbiny3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 215-222

 Gonçalves, A.P.P.1; da Rosa, G.2*; Merlini, L.S.1; Geronimo, E.1; Borges, J.L.1; Neto, A.P.3; de Lima, J.S.1; Almada, A.F.1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 223-231
... Brazil, and to identify its in vitro resistance profile against different antimicrobials. Samples were collected through swabs from the slaughtered cattle carcasses, and then were forwarded to the Preventive Veterinary Medicine laboratory, at University of Parananese (UNIPAR). From the 100 samples, 18 (18%) recorded growth of microorganisms, and 16 samples of these were selected for the antimicrobial assay, according to the standard count for coagulase-positi...

Mahmoud Saber Kelany1*; Ehab Aly Beltagy2; Maha Abd El-Fattah Khalil3; Mohamed Ahmed El-Shenawy2; Wagih Abd El-Fattah El-Shouny3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 258-270
... compound and evaluating its bio-toxicity, for its potential use in the control of bacterial human, animal and fish diseases.



Naïma Boughalleb-M’Hamdi1*; Najwa Benfradj1; Ibtissem Ben Salem1; Paloma Abad-Campos2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(1): 271-280
...ous damages to the cucurbits production areas in Tunisia. The goal of this investigation was to study the genetic characterization of F. solani f.sp. cucurbitae Tunisian population. Ten isolates of F.s.c. (F.s.c.1 to F.s.c.10) collected from infected watermelon plants in numerous regions of Tunisia; were subjected to PCR identification using ITS1-

 Abeer, F. Ahmad1*; Afaf, O. Ali1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 286-296; led to a decrease in its total bacterial count, and increase in number of Lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Colored RBCA extract had more acceptable flavor and color. Results of the current work suggested that beetroot extracts could be used as natural additives to Rayeb milk with several advantages including; their antibacterial potency, positive effects on the phytochemical and chemical composition of Rayeb milk.



Muhammad Junaid1*; Ayesha Bibi2; Musharaf Ahmad3; Muhammad Ali4; Yousaf Noor5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(2): 314-325
...acearum) isolate through its colony characteristics, molecular tools; and to investigate the ability of this pathogen to cause Bacterial wilt (BW) disease, when being inoculated into tomato plant using different inoculation methods. For this purpose, a total of 74 locations covering all over the KP were visited for the presence of tomato plants with BW disease, caused by R. solanacearum. The bacterial pathogen was isolated from diseased plant tissues by growin...

Eze, E.M.1*; Ezebialu, C.U.2; Unegbu, V.N.3; Nneji, I.R.4

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(3): 379-386
...rowth appearing on the baits after 2-4 weeks of incubation at 37°C were macroscopically and microscopically examined, and were also cultured on Sabroaud dextrose agar (SDA). These fungal isolates were identified on the basis of colony and microscopic features. A total of 150 isolates of keratinophiic fungi were detected. The isolated fungi were classified into 19 species belonging to 11 genera mainly; Chrysosporium indicum, C. tropicum, Aspergillus flavus,...


Ahmed Ali1*; Ahmed I. Abd El-Mawgoud2; Al-Hussien M. Dahshan1; Azza A. EL-Sawah1; Soad A. Nasef3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(4): 415-427
...relation to virulence traits were discussed. In addition, the most recent vaccination trials against the APEC diseases in poultry were discussed. We concluded that the virulence gene patterns of APEC can be considered as molecular markers of pathogenicity. Although of their current limitations, some vaccine trials showed promising results as good alternative to control colibacillosis in poultry.



Dalia G. Aseel1*; Mahmoud H. Abd El-Aziz2; Sanaa A. Riad3; Azaa Makhlouf3; Gaber I. Fegla4; Elsayed E. Hafez1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(4): 453-463


Zakaria Ahmed1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 485-492
...such products is tea and its tree oil (TTO); which is a secondary metabolite derived from tea plant (Melaleuca alternifolia). Both black and green tea has several polyphenolic compounds with possible antibacterial effects. It is employed largely due to its antimicrobial properties, and is incorporated as the active ingredient in many topical formulations used to treat cutaneous infections, in addition to being marketed as a ...

 Dalia Gamil Aseel1*; Mahmoud Hamdy Abd El-Aziz2; E. E. Hafez1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 493-501
...nd leaf deformation, and its sap seemed relatively insensitive to the inhibitors of infection. Mottling of Glycine max was detected after inoculation, but inoculation of Nicotiana glutinosa didn't induce any symptoms. This study aimed to detect and identify a new isolate of GFLV-DA3 from Egypt us...


Bassma H. Elwakil1; Safaa M. Ali2*; Soad F. Hafez3; Adnan A. Bekhit4; Moustafa Y. El-Naggar5; Zakia A. Olama5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 535-545
... to the Intensive care units (ICUs). Some resistant genes were transferred vertically or horizontally within many microbial communities, directly between bacteria through plasmids or integrin. Different techniques including; phenotypic and genetic ones were used to evaluate the presence of β-lactamases among the isolated strains of K. pneumoniae. This bacterial species is the most commonly isolated pathogen (95 isolates) from all the examined samples (51....


Sohila A. Abd Elmohsen1*; Samah A. Mohmed1; Ghadir E. Daigham2; Essam M. Hoballah3; Nagwa M. Sidkey2


Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 546-557
...drinking water fungi and its potential for the synthesis of silica oxide (SiO2) nanoparticles (NPs). Metal oxide NPs can be synthesized biologically by different methods including; microorganisms, plant extracts and\ or plant biomass. These methods in some time are better alternatives to the chemical and physical methods through an environmentally route. In the present work, twenty fungal strains were isolated from eight potable water samples and tested for pr...


Ungo-kore, H.Y1*; Ibrahim, Y.K.E.2; Tytler, B.A.2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2019), 3(6): 579-589
...reover, the seed oil and its fractions recorded classes of several compounds which included; alkyl, alkanes, alkenes, aliphatic esters, ketone, carboxylic acid, amide, and alkyl halide. The seed oil had inhibitory potential against a dermatophyte which causes ring worm (T. corporis), thus confirmed the claims of using the A. indica extract for treatment of such disease. This study aimed to evaluate the antidermatophytic activities of the oil obtained from A. i...


Jonathan D. Hulse

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 606-612
...l activities which allow its use as a biological control agent (BCA). Chaetomium sp. has been recorded on the seeds and within the rhizosphere of a variety of genera of the family Cucurbitaceae including; Citrullus, Cucumis, Cucurbita, Lagenaria, and Luffa. Within the genus Cucurbita, Chaetomium sp. has been documented in association with Cucurbita pepo and Cucurbita moschata, however up till now there is no record of association of Chaetomium sp. with Cucurbi...
Nahla Anber1; Maysaa El Sayed Zaki2; Mona El Wassefy2* 
Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(1): 613-623
...ic patients, to evaluate its role as a biomarker for early detection of HCC, and to find any association of rs153109 with the hepatic diseases.



Girma Waktola1; Tasisa Temesgen2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(2): 688-695
...hat cause development of its therapeutic functions. The bioactive components that are present in Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom comprise: polysaccharides, lipopolysaccharides, proteins, peptides, glycoproteins, nucleosides, tri- terpenoids, lectins, lipids and their derivatives, in addition of

Bilal Javid*, Hafiz Muhammad Bilal Akhtar, Tahira Kamal and Muhammad Naeem Riaz

...horough understanding of its mechanisms and management approaches. Diagnostic techniques such as histopathology, biochemical assays, and imaging modalities are crucial in identifying and monitoring FLD progression. Dietary changes, stress management, and welfare interventions are all included in management techniques because they are meant to minimize stress and maximize liver function. Animal welfare is greatly affected by the living environment of poultry. T...

Sivamani Selvaraju, Naveen Prasad Balakrishna Pillai Sankari*, Halima Khalid Mohammed Al-Shukaili, Mohammed Ahmed Al-Mashikhi and Salim Said Salim Shaaban Bait Jamil

..., vegetables, spices, fruits and nuts. The main objective of a circular feed mill is to obtain fine and uniform particle sizes, thus improving product quality. The aim of the study is to obtain the minimum particle size by controlling rotation time, spherical rotation speed, and feed rate. Food scientists and manufacturers can adjust conditions if they are used to produce specific characteristics, such as softness or more pronounced sweetness. In addition to s...

Shahzadi Sarrah Atique and Ishrat Aziz* 

...n Pakistan, highlighting its previously undocumented presence in the region. These findings emphasize the significant presence of Ascaridia spp. in captive parrots and highlight the need for effective management strategies to ensure their health and welfare.


Saad Rasheed1, Dilbar Hussain2, Usama Saleem1, Muhammad Usman1, Zeeshan Javed1, Saqlain Irshad1, Muhammad Imran1, Usama Bilal1, Saddam Hussain3, Rashid Ali1 and Muhammad Asrar1*

...tly produces only 18% of its edible oil, with sunflower contributing 11%. Sunflowers are cultivated on 151,000 acres, yielding 87,000 tonnes of seeds and 33,000 tonnes of oil. The Present study evaluated the effectiveness of conventional insecticides and indigenous plant extracts against sucking insect pests (Whitefly and Jassid) on sunflowers. Two different concentrations (50 ml/L and 100 ml/L) of botanical extracts of Azadirachta indica, Eucalyptus globulus,...

Shahbaz Hussain1*, Atif Naeem1, Asif Ameen2, Muhammad Yousuf3, Imtiaz Hussain3 and Muhammad Ehsan Safdar4

...on yield-contributing traits and paddy yield were recorded. An Economic analysis was also carried out to determine the cost-effective planting method. Rice cultivars PK-386 and Super Basmati produced the highest number of tillers (410 and 350 m-2) under DSR, while the lowest number (276 m-2 and 253 m-2) from CTR, respectively. Number of grains per panicle and 1000-grain weight remained unaffected from planting methods whereas paddy yield was significantly infl...

Bushra Mushtaq, Aamir Ali, Hafiz Muhammad Tahir*, Ayesha Muzamil, Hooria Ashraf Khan, Hamid Manzoor, Naveed Akhtar,  Kiran Zainab

... resulting economic benefits associated with improved silkworm growth and silk quality could encourage wider adoption of sericulture, contributing to rural development and sustainable agriculture in the country.
Hodan Ibrahim Nageye1, Mohamed Hassan Mohamud1, Abdiaziz Idiris Mohamud2,3*, Mohamed Ahmed Jimale1, Mohamoud Abdirahman Awil1, Abdirahman Aden Hussein1 and Mohamed Isse Dhaqane1 
...only 11.2% were aware of its zoonotic nature, and 13.8% understood the transmission from animals to humans. Knowledge regarding the association between toxoplasmosis and abortion in humans and animals was low (24.3%). Furthermore, awareness about the treatment of toxoplasmosis in animals was limited (34.4%). In terms of attitudes, 31.25% of participants were knowledgeable about the dangers of toxoplasmosis, while the majority either lacked knowledge or showed ...

Qingqing Liu1,2, Zhilong Tian1, Chunhuan Ren2, Zijun Zhang2 and Mingxing Chu1* important economic traits in sheep. This study aimed to explore the association of polymorphisms of ESR1 gene (g.75521224T > A, g.75378892A>T), PGR gene (g.4187121T>C) and CYP19A1 gene (g.56122588G> A) with litter size in sheep, searching for new molecular markers for litter size trait in sheep. Sequenom Mass ARRAY® SNP technology was used to detect polymorphisms at these loci of ESR1, PGR and CYP19A1 genes in seven sheep breeds including po...

Wafa H. Alamshani*; Faisal Al-Sarraj; Mashail A. Algamdi

... are many medicinal benefits of the
pomegranate (Punica granatum) plant that makes it to be known as a wonder fruit.
Pomegranates are the predominant species that belong to the family Lythraceae. Due to its
extensive range of bioactive compounds, the diverse parts of this P. granatum plant exhibit
significant pharmacological activities. The bioactive compounds of this plant hav...

Enas M. Hefzy1*; Reda M. Taha2; Safaa Abd El Salam2; Abdelrhman Abdelmoktader1; Mahmoud A.F. Khalil3

...material that gives hvKp its hypervirulence phenotype. Although the vast majority of
hvKp isolates are antibiotic-susceptible, the incidence of virulent as well as resistant isolates,
such as carbapenem-resistant hvKp isolates, is continuously growing. Multidrug resistance
(MDR) and increased virulence of these strains may be the cause of the subsequent clinical
crisis. This study aimed to review and analyse the ...

Souvik Roy1*; Dibyanshu Shaw1; Tiyas Sarkar1; Lopamudra Choudhury2

...eir numerous health benefits. However, it should be noted that mycotoxin-infested
fermented food is not uncommon, due to the use of poor-quality starter microbial cultures for
fermentation and/or other improper practices; thus making this mycotoxin-infested fermented
food an important food safety issue. However, due to the recent developments in food
processing and the advent of very sophisticated and precise tec...

Amira H. El-Ashry*

...ystems withstand against its spread in the clinical applications until
introducing an improvement. The aim of this review was to summarize how the various
CRISPR systems work; their important medical applications, and their limitations.

Ali, A.A.M.1*; Hassanin, M.M.H.2; Abdel-Rahman, T.F.M.2; Mergawy, M.M.3

caused wilting of its seedlings. The essential oil emulsions of thyme; basil, and marjoram,
inhibited the in vitro fungal growth of F. oxysporum, and significantly suppressed its
sporulation and spore germination. However, thyme oil was the most effective one, which
completely inhibited the fungal growth at a concentration of 2000 μg/ ml, and completely

Dmitriy V. Alekseev; Artem V. Lyamin; Karim A. Kayumov body
and its microbiota. It is reasonable to extrapolate some ecological principles of the bacterial
community's assembly in the humans; as there is a wide variety of factors affecting this, which
can be considered as ecological ones. The human microbiota is formed during changes of the
different bacterial succession types; under the influence of stochastic and deterministic
ecological processes, ...

Naam Fadhil Abbas Al-Helli*; Jehan Abdul Sattar Salman

...romyces cerevisiae, then its
antibiofilm activity was evaluated against the multi-drug resistant E. coli (MDR-E. coli)
isolates obtained from various clinical sources (i.e., urine, stool, wound, and catheter). Using a
standardized protocol with slight modifications, the crude mannan extraction yielded 37.6 %,
and subsequent purification achieved an efficiency of 99.6 %. Characterization assays of the

Muhammad Waqas1*, Shahid Mehmood1, Muhammad Shabir Shaheen1 and Saeed Ahmed2

...ich neutralized the benefits of low cost diluted diets. To sum up, 10% dilution is viable in commercial rearing while less than 10% dilution produce non-significant results. Furthermore, it is difficult to balance nutrients for higher than 10% diet dilution which produce some unwanted side effects regarding growth and egg production.


Gamal, Abdelaziz1*; Heba, A. Mostafa2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 736-745
..., attenuated virus, subunits and recombinant proteins. However, scientists believe that under the best condition, the vaccine will not be available before January, 2021. The aims of this review were to express the main trials for COVID-19 treatment via drug repositioning, as well as the movement of the companies and the different organizations towards finding a suitable active vaccine, before the crisis become improbable.


Ola Joshua Ajibola 

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 779-789
...d shelf-life of fresh fruits and vegetables, and control sprouting of tubers and bulbs such as potatoes and onions; thus, can be used as a food preservation method. It is a safe process that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and more than 60 of other national food control authorities for many types of foods. There are three types of ionizing radiation that can be potentially used in food irradiation including; Gamma rays from Ce...

Sheeza Sakhawat, Aniza Iftikhar, Uswa Zeb, Aqsa Noreen, Suleman Hussain Shah and Mubashar Hussain*

...’s environment and its symbiotic relationship with them. The bacterial taxa and their metabolic pathways related to dung decomposition, nitrogen fixation, and antimicrobial synthesis show distinct specificity. These findings reinforce the symbiotic relationship between dung beetles and their gut bacteria, contributing to a deeper understanding of microbial diversity and its ecological significance. The study also offer...


Rabaa Yaseen

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 790-807
...hiooxidans, according to its morphological, biochemical characteristics, and according to its 16S rRNA sequencing. Five native plants remains including; Pomegranate peel, chili waste, prickly peel, olive leaves and garlic stalks, were hydrolyzed by the selected cellulolytic B. thiooxidans strain UAB7, and their extracts were tested for in vitro antifungal potential against a number of fungal phytopathogens mainly; Rizoctonia...

Michael E. Nkereuwem1,2*; O. Fagbola2; Iniobong E. Okon3; Ini D. Edem4; Adeniyi O. Adeleye5; Victor O.

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 808-824
...pollution on plants, and its implications on food security and environmental safety, it becomes imperative to screen for plants with strong tolerance to crude oil contaminated soil. This study was conducted to assess the influence of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (AM) and a mineral fertilizer (NPK 15 15 15 grade), on the performance of African spiral ginger (Costus lucanusianus) plant, under crude oil contaminated soil. About 10 kg of sterilized soil was conta...


Abeer F. Ahmad*; Heba A. Shehta

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(3): 825-844
... to investigate the benefits of ultrasonic method of extraction compared to maceration method, on intensifying the phytochemicals, antimicrobial, and cytotoxicity activities of Eruca sativa leaves and sprouts ethanolic extracts. The ultrasonic treatments of E. sativa leaves and sprout, were tested after 10, 20 and 30 min., whereas, maceration treatments of E. sativa leaves and sprout, were considered after 72 h. Results of Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry ...


Rabaa Yaseen1; Ahmed I. S. Ahmed2; Amal M. Omer1*; Mohamed K. M. Agha2; Tamer M. Emam1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 884-900
...ltural practices, due to its role in improving plants production, protection with environmental security, biological supportability and financial steadiness. Production of nano-fertilizers is considered as the most important alternative to the conventional fertilizers and pesticides, due to their potential roles in crop production, reducing the use of chemical fertilizers and mitigating the adverse impacts in soil. The aims of the current study were to highlig...

Sagorika Rai; Pallabi Banerjee; Anshuman Chandra; Imteyaz Qamar*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 901-906
...-2) overflow event, with its epicenter point in the Wuhan (China), has risen as the health of the public crisis is of global concern. This started as an episode in the December, (2019), and till the 28th of February, (2020), there have about 83,704 committed cases of the SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) disease at the global level, including 2,859 deaths. This showed overall cases including 3.41% of the fatality rate. At this point more than 58 nations or regions were af...


Noura Sh. A. Hagaggi

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 907-920
...o retain the majority of its activity in the presence of Ni2+, Mg2+, Oxi and Fairy detergents, ethyl acetate, dimethyl formamide and toluene, respectively. Overall, as the lipase from O. iheyensis strain QCS has a number of interesting properties especially its stability at extreme conditions; it could be used as a potential promising candidate for detergents industry, and as a biocatalyst in low water enzymatic processes.


Yasmine Abdallah; Ranya M. El-Ashmony; Abdelrazek S. Abdelrhim*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(4): 939-954
...ell membrane of Xoo lost its permeability after treating it with culture filtrate of P. polymyxa at its MIC (40 %). Transmission electron microscopic (TEM) observations showed an influence of the culture filtrate of P. polymyxa on the cell morphology of Xoo. Applying P. polymyxa decreased the severity of bacterial leaf blight on rice seedlings to 4.9 %, compared to 42.5 % of the control. Moreover, this strain also improved t...


Gehendra Adhikari

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 955-967
...o give short notes about its possible prevention and treatment.



Hosam, El-Sayyad1, 2; Khaled, F. Elyasergy3; Tahany, M. Abdel Rahaman3; Moustafa, A.S. Aly1, 4; Menna Allah, Ashraf 1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 979-991
... of heavy metals, due to its higher surface area and extensive hyphal density in the soil. About seven fungal spp. were isolated from the soil garden of the Middle Eastern Regional Radioisotope Center for Arab Countries (MERRCAC); however, a single isolate of Aspergillus japonicus with high potential of metals biosorption was selected for further research during this work. Soil analysis revealed that lead concentration was 5.25 mg/ l. The aims of the present s...

Alaa Fathalla Mohammed

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(5): 992-1004
...ngi (AMF), and promoting its growth under water stress conditions. In a greenhouse experiment, the effect of three AMF species on wheat plant growth was studied using single- inoculations with Glomus monosporum, G. mosseae and Gigaspora gigantean, and mixtures of various AMF species. Moreover, inoculation of wheat plant with pair of AM fungi composed mainly of; SN (G. monosporum and Gigaspora gigantean) and AA (G, monosporum and Glomus mosseae) were investigat...


Hani M. A. Abdelzaher1,2*; Koji Kageyama3

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(6): 1029-1044


Fatma M. Abdel Baset; Noura Sh. A. Hagaggi*; Francis F. Hezayen; Usama M. Abdul- Raouf

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2020), 4(6): 1045-1056
...piadaceae which known by its medicinal properties. It is a widely growing plant distributed in tropical and sub-tropical Africa, and America. This study is the first report which highlights the diversity of bacterial endophytes from C. procera as sources of numerous hydrolytic exo-enzymes. Endophytic bacteria were isolated from all plant parts such as; roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and latex. Bacillus was the prevale...


Emad, M. Abdallah

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1057-1062
...r of the skin and one of its defensive components. On the other side, S. epidermidis is a causative agent of serious infections including wound infections, and bacteremia. The aims of the current mini- review were to attract the attention of the scientific community to this perplexing bacterium, and to develop an enhanced understanding about the role of this microorganism in the skin. Furthermore, it is necessary to understand the relationship between the prot...


Yusuf Muhammed; Mkpouto Pius; Bashiru Sani; Bulus Timothy; Jafar Usman; Musa Garba


Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1063-1076
... of the virus to prevent its interaction with the host cell ACE-2 receptor. However, others such as Tocilizumab prevent the inflammation caused by the cytokine storm.


Maysaa, T. Alloosh1*; Walid, I. Khaddam1; Adbulsalam, K. Almuhammady2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1077-1090

Zeinab, S. Hashem1*; Rehab, M. Abd El-Baky1,2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(1): 1091-1105
...chia coli bacterium exhibits multiple drug resistance, which is responsible for recurrent urinary tract infections (UTI) that are difficult to eradicate. The work aimed to investigate the antibacterial and antibiofilm activities of Lactobacilli isolated from fecal microbiota of healthy infants; to identify these isolates and determine their probiotic characteristics. E. coli isolates were recovered from urine samples of patients with urinary tract infections. ...

Rasha M. Elnagar

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(2): 1194-1213
... at different surgical units, Mansoura University Hospitals, Al- Dakahliya Governorate, Egypt. A total of 186 wound specimens were collected from patients showing symptoms and signs of SSIs; used for isolation of bacteria and then identification of these bacterial isolates according to colony morphology; microscopic examination and biochemical reactions. About 173 specimens were positive for bacterial pathogens; out of them 83 were GNB isolates. The most commo...

Omnia A. Eltantawy1*; Amany M. Kamal2; Lamyaa E. Allam3; Nadia M. Elsheshtawy2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1227-1240
...culture, and to evaluate its impact on IE diagnosis in cases of negative blood cultures. The current study was conducted on 30 patients admitted to the Cardiology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Ain Shams Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt, which were diagnosed clinically as infective endocarditis according to the modified Duke’s criteria. After processing of the patient's blood samples, the blood cultures recorded positivity in 5 cases (16.7 %). The most common r...

Bikash Chandra Behera1; Bijay Kumar Sethi1; Sonali Mohapatra2; Hrudayanath Thatoi3; Rashmi Ranjan Mishra1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1241-1255


P. I. Orjiakor*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1269-1282
...alis and optimization of its activity in shake cultures. The bacterial isolate; A. faecalis (2 % v/v) was able to grow and effectively degrade 68 % of acrylic paints (1 %) amended mineral salt medium after 14 d of incubation. The rate of biodegradation was significantly (p< 0.05) increased with increasing the medium concentration, inoculum size, agitation speed and nitrogen sources. The most significant biodegradation efficiencies were obtained at a pH of 7...


Abdulnabi A. A. Matrood1; Abdelhak Rhouma2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(3): 1283-1293 activities of 4.128 units/g/ml/min. and 3.038 units/g/ml/min., respectively. Current findings can be used to assist the eggplant growers to improve the control of early blight disease, and increase the marketable yields of this crop.


Shrikant Verma1; Mohammad Abbas1,2*; Sushma Verma1; Aliya Abbas Rizvi1; Almas Khan1; Syed Tasleem Raza3; Farzana Mahdi1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(4): 1313-1324
...d, affecting people's habits and lifestyles. According to the viral genomic sequencing, the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein uses angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), which is established on the ciliated epithelial cells of the human lungs as its particular receptor. In this specific situation; precision medication is an integrative helpful methodology that thinks about conventional elements (i.e. age, sex, clinical aggregate), j...


Sunday Zeal Bala1*; Abdullahi Nasiru1; Madinat Hassan2; Priscilla Kini3; Paul Isaac Ojodale4; Yusuf Muhammed5

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(5): 1351-1370
...e disease. These include its transmission, pathogenesis and vaccine development. The aims of this study were to discuss the SARS-COV-2 vaccines development, mechanisms of action as well as the general acceptance of these vaccines by various countries/or people. Sequel to the outbreak, several vaccines models have been discovered with promising outcomes. Few of these vaccines have been approved for emergency use; but so far, only a small portion of the world&rs...

Ghadah A. Alsubhi1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1405-1414
...y, and paved the way for its large-scale production in the 1940s to enter the era of antibiotics. In recent years, resistant bacteria have contributed to increasing the studies on bacteriophages. A remarkable difference between phages and antibiotics is the remarkable phage's specificity to infect certain types of bacteria, which makes them excellent alternatives for treatment of the bacterial infections. Moreover, bacteriophages have different life cycles; kn...


Samuel Adedayo Fasiku1*; Sherifah Monilola Wakil2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1480-1493


Noura El-Kattan1*; Kamilia A.M. Allam2

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2021), 5(6): 1447-1462
...ical methods and API 20 kits. Staphylococcus aureus was found to be the most prevalent isolate (26.1 %), following by Pseudomonas aeruginosa (25.2 %), Klebsiella pneumonia (23.5 %), Acinetobacter baumannii (12.2 %), Proteus vulgaris (7.8 %), and the less common isolate of Escherichia coli (5.2 %). Among 14 antibiotics tested in vitro for their susceptibility using the standard disk diffusion assay, results showed that imipenem was the most efficient antibiotic...

 Jorge G. Robalino1; Patricio A. Salazar2; Nelson E. Muñóz3; Diego M. Tene4; Adriana B. Pedreáñez5*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1635-1658
...ealth and in particular, its association with the severity of COVID-19. The gut microbiome plays several important roles therefore; its balance is determinant for the human health, due to its relationship with several essential physiological processes, including maturation of both of the innate and the adaptive immune responses. Intestinal dysbiosis has an impact on the respiratory mucosa,...

Ena Gupta1; Neha Mishra2; Pragya Mishra3; Priyanka Singh3*; Uroosa Noor1; Shashi Soni1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(4): 1670-1681
...nbsp;Recently, and after its emergence in Wuhan, China, the COVID-19 infection caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) has spread in almost every country in the world. This infection has appeared as a subject of intensive debate and concern among most of the government’s public health systems, researchers, and policymakers. The severity of this zoonotic disease upshot a pandemic situation, which has a long-term impact o...


Simiat O. Jimoh*; Semirah A. Sanusi; Farouq A. Olaogun; Ramot B. Badmos-Oladapo; Kifayat O. Asafa- Adedimeji

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2022), 6(6): 1821-1835
...ications of isoprene and its derivatives, the complexity of controlling its chemical synthesis due to the formation of greenhouse gases is a significant problem. To overcome the productivity and yield challenges, in addition to generating environmental and economic benefits, this study aimed to focus on the direct fermentation of cellulosic materials into bioisoprene. In this study, bioiso...

Syeda Sadaf Wajahat

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2265-2284
... which have several benefits in the biotechnological developments. This review aimed to investigate the potentials of using the marine microbial enzymes in therapeutics. The marine microbial species were uncultivable but recently, scientists cultivated certain seawater microbes effectively by a metagenomic technique. Several studies on the marine microbiome are undergoing and it can be assumed that approximately 91 % of the microbial species in the oceans are ...


Ghadir A. El-Chaghaby; Heba A. Shehta; Sayed Rashad; El-Shaimaa A. Rawash; Heba R. Eid

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(1): 2303-2319
...ic extract was richer in its active components than the aqueous one. Additionally, the in vitro antibacterial efficacy of the extracts against several food-borne bacterial strains revealed that spent coffee ethanolic extract was effective against all the tested bacteria with inhibitory percentages ranging from 34.62 to 66.69 %, whereas the aqueous extract expressed an inhibitory effect only against Salmonella typhimurium (35.82 %). To assess the practical util...


Sharma S.; Gupta V.; Yadav M.; Sain D.; Rahi R.K.; Neelam D.K.*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2354-2369 is widely used due to its ease of availability and utility; however, the outcomes must be evaluated by considering the patient‟s pretest probability depending on the characteristics and symptoms. Most UTIs can be treated with antibiotics such as Amoxicillin, cephalexin, and doxycycline. But the Gram-positive bacterium (Enterobacter faecalis) exhibited great resistance to erythromycin, while the Gram-negative bacterium (Escherichia coli) displayed great re...


Shrouk E.E. Farg1; Shafik D. Ibrahim2; Samir Mahgoub3*; Atef S. Sadik1; Mamdouh H. Abdel-Ghaffar1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(2): 2370-2392 (ZYMV)-infected cucurbits compared to the healthy plants based on three molecular tools. When sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS- PAGE) analysis was used to determine the genetic variability of four cucurbits infected with ZYMV compared to the healthy ones, a total of 15 storable protein bands were recorded. The experimental results showed that DNA polymorphisms included 38 polymorphic DNA frag...


Mohammed Ajdig1,2; Bahia Rached2,3; Ahlam Mbarki1,2; Taha Chouati2,4; Chouhra Talbi1; Elmostafa El Fahime2,4; Marouane Melloul1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2414-2434
...addition, several PGP traits such as phosphate solubilization and the production of siderophores and indol-3 acetic acid were also observed. Molecular identification through 16S rRNA sequencing initially identified all the isolates as Bacillus spp. The multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) scheme, using six housekeeping genes (adk, ccpA, recF, rpoB, sucC, and spo0A) had unveiled distinct allelic profiles resulting in 13 unique sequence types (ST). Notably, a comp...


Simiat O. Jimoh1*; Faizah R. Adebowale2; Kifayat O. Asafa-Adedimeji2, Ramat B. Badmos-Oladapo2; Taiwo A. Sorunke1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2452-2468
...i DT1 strain by assaying its alginate synthesizing enzymes and modifying genes, synthesize alginate from the agricultural residues, and eradicate the pathogenicity and risk associated with Pseudomonas aeruginosa alginate. Preliminary screening for alginate production revealed the presence of different alginate products. High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) confirmed the existence of varying alginate concentrations, such as sodium alginate (2.42754&tim...


Osama M. Ghanem1; Nehal Kamal2; Alaa F. Said3*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(3): 2469-2490
...lant growth promoting traits. The promising isolates were identified by sequencing of their16S rRNA as Arthrobacter globiformis (MW3) and Micrococcus luteus (AB3). A field trial was conducted to evaluate the activity of the two PGPB and their mixture to act as biofertilizers for maize under deficit irrigation 0.75 from crop evapotranspiration (ETc). All tested inoculants significantly increased yield components of maize, NPK uptake by plants, availability of N...


Souad Oirdi Zahir1,2; Mounia El Khadir2,3; Dafr-Allah Benajah1,4; Sidi Adil Ibrahimi1,4; Laila Chbani5; Mohamed El Abkari1,4; Bahia Bennani1,2*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(4): 2542-2554
...lori infection, increase its eradication rate, and avoid the use of therapeutic protocols that have serious side effects.



Subhasmita Mallik1; Samikshya Nayak1; Arpita Panda2; Smrutirekha Behera1; Kamalakanta Swain2; Archita Patra1; Rukmini Mishra1; Jatindra Nath Mohanty1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2604-2631
...les present several benefits, including their natural origin, biocompatibility, and potential for targeted delivery. Our aims in this review were exploration of the complexities and limitations of plant-based phytochemical extraction processes and addressing the challenges of synthesizing nanoparticles for combating multidrug-resistant (MDR) pathogens. It also examined the effectiveness of phyto- based nanoparticles in drug delivery systems to treat MDR infect...


Zine El abidine Bzazou El Ouazzani1*; Laila Reklaoui1; Monsif El Madany2; Houda Benaicha3; Said Barrijal1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(5): 2632-2652
...resistance and surveying its global prevalence are crucial steps in managing the growing
menace of antimicrobial resistance and safeguarding the effectiveness of existing antibiotics.
This review aimed to provide an in-depth and up-to-date overview of the colistin antibiotic,
detailing its updated modes of action and associated side effects. Additionally, it delves into
various mechanisms of resis...


Artem V. Lyamin1; Lyudmila V. Orlova2; Vladimir I. Platonov3; Natalia M. Troz4; Aleksey S. Sustretov1; Elena A. Zakharova1; Karim A. Kaiumov1; Dmitriy V. Alekseev1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2683-2693
...microbiota but also from its connection with the environmental microbiota (i.e., soil microorganisms in particular). Today, with respect to the background of active use of modern technologies, including genetical ones, we have the opportunity to examine such volumes of data that will allow us to fully analyze microbiological diversity of the different ecological niches in terms of their common features, differences, and mutual influences. Such studies will mak...


Artem V. Lyamin1; Lyudmila V. Orlova2; Vladimir I. Platonov3; Natalia M. Troz4; Aleksey S. Sustretov1; Elena A. Zakharova1; Karim A. Kaiumov1; Dmitriy V. Alekseev1*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2683-2693
...microbiota but also from its connection with the environmental microbiota (i.e., soil microorganisms in particular). Today, with respect to the background of active use of modern technologies, including genetical ones, we have the opportunity to examine such volumes of data that will allow us to fully analyze microbiological diversity of the different ecological niches in terms of their common features, differences, and mutual influences. Such studies will mak...


Belal Natey1; Ahmed M.M.A. Kasem1; Younes M. Rashad2*; Nageh Fathy Abo-Dahab1

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2712-2733
...vora is difficult due to its sclerotial high survival rate that can extend for decades in the soil. In this study, forty-nine Trichoderma species were isolated from the rhizosphere and tissues of 25 plant species collected from different sites across four Egyptian governorates. The antagonistic activity of all isolated Trichoderma strains was screened against S. cepivora BYAN1 in vitro. Microscopic examination showed that isolate B3R12 (identified as T. afroha...

Aml Ghanem1,2; Ahmed A. Al-Karmalawy3,4; Noha E. Morsy5; Mahmoud Elsabahy6; Ahmed M. Rayan2,7*

Novel Research in Microbiology Journal (2024), 8(6): 2750-2771
... regarded herb known for its wide medicinal and culinary uses. Endophytic fungi, residing harmlessly within plant tissues, have attracted much attention as potential sources of novel bioactive compounds. This study aimed to evaluate the chemical and biological characteristics of Alternaria alternata as an endophytic fungus isolated from Thymus vulgaris. Alternaria alternata was isolated from Thymus vulgaris leaves and characterized using morphological and mole...

Linda Herlina*, Anita Fitriani, Marina Sulistyati, Khansa Nurul Salsabilah, Achmad Firman

...d propose strategies for its sustainable development in Indramayu District. Using survey data from 96 duck farmers, multiple regression analysis identified 7 independent variables affecting profits. Among them, livestock population and egg sales had the most substantial positive impact, while seed prices, cage costs, feed costs, equipment costs, and labor costs negatively influenced profits

Tesfaye Edjem1,2, Yisehak Kechero2*, Asrat Guja2

...or fattening based on traits such as breed, sex, age, conformation, reproductive performance, and body color, reflecting cultural and practical preferences (e.g., breed: χ² = 127.2, P < 0.001; selection criteria: χ² = 208.9, P = 0.001). For instance, 83.7% of pastoralists prioritized pedigree in cattle selection, compared to 51.6% of agro-pastoralists and 36.2% of mixed farmers (P = 0.001). Feed availability varied significantly across sys...
Muhammad Fahad1, Muhammad Asam Riaz1, Muhammad Zeeshan Majeed1*, Saba Tabasum2, Saeed Rauf2, Saba Tahseen3, Abdul Munim Farooq4 and Idrees Ahmad Nasir4
...hic and physiological traits with boll damage by H. armigera. ELISA results revealed significantly high toxin (Cry1Ac) contents in Bt varieties particularly in PB-38, CRS-456 and PB-896 at 30-day post-germination. Moreover, toxin level in leaves decreased after 30 days of germination in most varieties except CRS-456 and PB-896. Bt varieties PB-896, CRS-456, PB-38 and VH-57 had the highest yield with low to moderate bollworm damage and exhibited a high and stab...
Gerardo J. Cuenca-Nevárez1,2* and Juan Carlos Menjivar-Flores2,3
...DSD than by WB, and that its content was different depending on the apparent soil density and carbon level C as soil parameters. The methodology that best correlated with the WB indicator was DSD, so this indicator is a great predictor tool of nitrogen fertilization to achieve agronomic and environmental sustainability of livestock farms in tropical Ecuador.

Usman Pato1*, Emma Riftyan1, Yusmarini1, Evy Rossi1, Azzahra Adeela Putri1, Shelvia Karvina1, Tri Zulia Ningrum1, Nisa Ikhwana1, Tjipto Leksono2, Aqilah Sakura Usman3, Agrina4

... that confer health benefits when administered in enough quantities, have garnered significant interest for their capacity to modulate the immune system. This study aimed to investigate the effects of challenging Limosilactobacillus fermentum InaCC B1295 (LFB1295) with Staphylococcus aureus on weight gain, the amount of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and S. aureus in feces, and the immune system in rat blood serum. This research was conducted experimentally in viv...

Edy Rianto1*, Vita Restitrisnani1, Sutaryo Sutaryo1, Sri Mawati1, Agung Purnomoadi1, Endang Purbowati1, Retno Adiwinarti1, Muhammad Hesa Karim1, Putty Kinanti Anif Machfiroh1, Niar Ulfa1, Agnes Ragil Mustikasari1, Dwi Wahyu Setiawan1, Farkhan Farkhan1, Marcelinus Dwi Septian1, Nadlirotun Luthfi2

...had less than 3 animal units (AU) buffaloes. They spent 3-6 hours a day for caring their buffaloes. The buffaloes were fed grass or agricultural waste. The buffaloes were mated by natural mating. The age at first calving of the cow buffalo in this study was 3.3 years with calving interval being 19.8 months. The buffalo calves were weaned at 8.2 months of age. The buffalo grew from birth until they reach maturity at around 12 -15 months of age. This study found...

Cut Intan Novita1*, Zahra Shafa Hudzaifa2, Tongku Nizwan Siregar3, Sri Wahyuni4, Teuku Armansyah5

...ue. Six local female rabbits, weighing between 1.8–2.2 kg and having previously given birth, were used in this study. The rabbits were divided into two treatment groups (n=3): KL1, the control group, which was injected with physiological NaCl (2.6 ml total), and KL2, the treatment group, which was injected with BPE (2.6 ml total). Both groups received injections of physiological NaCl or BPE five times at 12-hour interv...

Ahyuni Indahwati, Edy Kurnianto, Enny Tantini Setiatin, Daud Samsudewa*

...ion about qualitative traits of Ongole grade cows is important for breed conservation and reproduction performance observation. Measuring the conformity of qualitative traits of Ongole grade cows in Rembang regency to the Indonesian National Standards across different grades is the purposes of this research. The research was held May to July 2022 in Rembang regency. Two hundred and thirty-nine cows of Ongole grade cow used i...

Muhammad Zamin1*, Fazli Rabbi2, Hamayoon Khan3, Muhammad Zahid1, Raheel Saqib4, Shafi Ullah5 and Muhammad Shakur6

... horticultural crops (fruits) yield has been reduced while the occurrence of pests and diseases have increased significantly over the last 3 decades. As far as the mitigation strategy is concerned, 40% of the farmers use compost; 29% use crop rotation; 13% use soil conservation, 9% use planting different varieties, 6% farmers leave the land in fellow condition, while 3% farmers use various agroforestry as measures to cope with changing climate. The study res...

Hassan A. Faisal1, Ahmad Y.L. Hzaa2* and Yahya N. Kalaf1

...and immaturity of the fruits. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the effect of spraying nano-silicone (0, 250, and 500) mg. L-1, and rice water extract (0, 50 and 100%) help alleviate and reduce this phenomenon. The results showed that using aqueous rice extract at a concentration of 100% was the most effective treatment, improving most physical and chemical characteristics of the fruit compared with the comparison treatment. However, the compari...

Syed Muhammad Saqib Raza1, Sheheryar1, Rabia Khalid1, Muhammad Mansoor2, Sonia Sumreen3 and Muhammad Muzammil Bin Khalil1

Tan Loi Le1, Thi Tuong Vi Trang2, Tuan Thanh Hoang3, Pin-Chi Tang1,4*, Ngoc Tan Nguyen2*

...ion with reproductive traits in the reciprocal TB and BT duck lines were assessed. The 441 bp segment of the PRL gene was amplified from the genomic DNA samples derived from total of 225 ducks (111 TB and 114 BT), and the PCR-RFLP technique to examine the genetic variations in the PRL gene among individuals. The restriction enzyme, XbaI, was digested to cleave the 441-bp PCR products and revealed the TT, TG, and GG genotypes. The TT genotype was most prevalent...

Israa Kareem Abdulhussein Al-Kanani and Harith Mahmood Azeez Al-Tamimi*

... fresh, locally grown fruits. This experiment was carried out at the Horticulture Station located in the Al-Hindiya district of Kerbala, Iraq, during the 2023 growing season. A completely randomized design with three replications was employed. This study intended to assess the response of two orange varieties, Blood and Navel, when subjected to foliar application of the growth regulator Brassinolide at three levels (0, 0.3, and 0.6 mg/L) and the addition of Hu...

Ajmal Hussan1, AT Ramachandra Naik2, Subhendu Adhikari3, Arabinda Das3, Farhana Hoque3, Pramod Kumar Sahoo4 and Jitendra Kumar Sundaray4*

...uate the reproductive traits of Amazon sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys pardalis in relation to the nutrient contents (nitrogen and phosphorus) of the invaded sites of East Kolkata Wetlands (EKW), India. Over the study period a total of 608 adult specimens of the fish and 120 water samples were collected from five distinct sites of the wetlands. Sex ratios were found highly female-biased in all study sites with no discernible site-wise variation (χ2= 1.372...
Xianmei Song1, Yuchen Zhao1, Peng Zhao1, Yinxiang Ma1, Ming Bai1,2 and Xinpu Wang1,*
... secondary structures of its tRNAs. The results showed that the mitogenome of P. poligraphus was 15,302 bp (partial genome) in length with A + T content of 69.65% due to large-scale duplication. The nearly complete mitochondrial genome of P. poligraphus contained a set of 36 genes typical of the insect mitogenome, including 13 protein-coding genes (PCGs), 2 ribosomal RNA genes (rRNAs), 21 transfer RNA genes (tRNAs) but lacked tRNA-Ile, as for the typical insec...
Muhammad Azhar1, Muhammad Hassan Saleem1*, Muhammad Ijaz1, Ayesha Safdar2 and Kamran Ashraf3
...of animal species due to its four unique seasons. Numerous antelope and cervid species have their natural habitats in Pakistan’s deserts, mountain ranges, along the Ravi River and Indus eco-regions. These species can also be found both in the wild and in captivity. We have to face great loses for both known and unknown reasons while keeping these species at different public and private zoological gardens. Hemoparasitic infections particularly theileriosi...

Nusrat Jahan Lily1*, Kazi Abdus Sobur2, Minhaz Zabin Saif Mim3, Anika Thasin Bithi4, Hamja Hasanat5, Tabassum Mounita5, Foysal Ahammad6,7, Abdus Samad7,8 and Palash Bose2

...ZIKV inhibition based on its high binding affinity, molecular stability, and favorable ADME and toxicity profiles. Targeting the NS2B-NS3 protease complex represents a promising strategy to disrupt ZIKV replication, supporting CID: 56649692 as a viable candidate for further investigation. Future in vitro and in vivo studies are recommended to validate these in silico findings and assess the therapeutic efficacy of CID: 56649692 under physiological conditions.<...

Nura Abubakar1, Abubakar Sadiq Yakubu1, Salisu Buhari1, Adamu Abdul Abubakar2,1*, Mohammad Sani Ismaila3,4, Hassan Abubakar Bodinga1, Hassan Yahaya Nawawi5, Ashiru Dahiru6, Shehu Zaid7, Umar Salisu Ahmad1, Umar Abubakar Uwais8, Kabiru Zaki9

...cluded that lidocaine or its combination with tramadol has no adverse effect on physiological parameters in goats undergoing rumenotomy. 
Keywords | Loco-regional, Analgesia, Lidocaine-tramadol, Physiological parameters, Rumenotomy

Umar Salisu Ahmad1,2*, Adamu Zoaka Hassan2, Echiobi Gaba Emmanuel2, Munir Ari Sani2, Fatai O. Anafi3, Adamu Abdul Abubakar4,1

...materials like titanium, its alloys, and steel are used for treating fractures and skeletal injuries. Although inert, these materials are often removed post-healing, necessitating a second, costly surgery that can impact patient well-being. To avoid this, a bioabsorbable/biodegradable material (xenograft) is needed.This experimental study aimed to evaluate the effects of implanting camel bones into rat muscle tissue, comparing findings with a control group tha...

Theresia Nur Indah Koni1*, Agustinus Paga1, Asrul1, Antonius Jehemat2, Gregorius Gehi Batafor2, Oswilda Henyati1, Tri Anggarini Yuniwati Foenay1

...n chicken feed. However, its high crude fiber content (about 24.43%) and phytic acid content (about 6.63%) limit its use in animal feed. A reduction in crude fiber and phytic acid content in rice bran has been reported in our previous research when combined with 10% palmyra sap and fermented for six days. This research was conducted to determine the effect of feeding fermented rice bran on the growth performance of Java Supe...

Qassim Ammar Ahmood AL-Janabi1*, Ahmed Hadi Abdul Saheb2, Aqeel Khaleel Ibraheem3 agriculture. However, its residues in the environment pose a toxic threat to animals, bees, aquatic life, and humans, and it has been classified as a carcinogen. The present study aimed to investigate the adverse effects of sub-acute exposure to doses of 50 mg of fipronil (FPN) and 50 mg and 25 mg of nano-fipronil (N-FPN) on hematological parameters in male rabbits over a period of 45 days. The study involved twenty-four ...

Csongor Demeter1, Zoltán Német2, Zsolt Gerencsér1, Róbert Juráskó1, András Mayer1, Boróka Bárdos1*, Anett Demeter-Jeremiás3, Erika Lencsés-Varga4, Zsolt Matics4

...biguus infections of rabbits by day of life. From 2018 to 2024, pooled faecal samples were collected from 29 Hungarian and 2 Slovakian rabbit farms. Low level of Eimeria oocysts infection was observed during lactation. In the week following the weaning the proportion of positive samples increased. Between day 43 and slaughter age, the proportion of positive samples was consistently high. The average OPG values (number of Eimeria oocysts per gram faeces), never...

Jassim M. Khalaf Albozachri1*, Hameed A. AL-Timmemi2

...manent neurological deficits, often resulting in severe disabilities such as complete paralysis. Current therapies for spinal cord injury frequently show limited success. This study aims to clinically evaluate the effects of human placenta (HP) and adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) on restoring spinal cord injuries in cats. Twenty-four adult healthy cats were randomly assigned to three equal groups (n = 8 each). Under aseptic conditions, the cats...

Ke Li1,2, Hai Liu1, Jiangang Zhou1, Hongbing Chen1 and Zhengxiang Wang1,2*

...-based information about its freshwater fishes is very limited. We summarize and update the freshwater species list of fish in Liangzi Lake. Based upon our field investigations and literature review, there are 95 freshwater fish species belonging to 12 orders, 28 families and 61 genera in Liangzi Lake. In recent years, the fisheries resources have declined because of waterway disconnections, overfishing, habitats destruction and non-native species. To recover ...

Fengwei Ma1*, Qihua Wen1, Qingfang Deng2, Yihao Lu1, Buyan Zhang1, Yongyou Cheng1 and Su Xu1* and animal nutrition, its supplementation holds great significant. In the study, Gastrodia elata polysaccharide (GEP) was extracted and further purified via DEAE-52 column chromatography. High selenized Gastrodia elata polysaccharide (Se-GEP) was obtained by presulfation prior to the selenylation modification process. The structures of GEP and Se-GEP were characterized using various chemical analysis techniques, including ultraviolet (UV), Fourier-transform...
Muhammad Nur Syafaat1,2, Che Zulkifli Che-Ismail3, Adnan Amin-Safwan2, Mohamad N. Azra2, Mohammad Syahnon2, Ambok Bolong Abol-Munafi2 and Mhd Ikhwanuddin2* or crab ponds and for its selection breeding program or monosex culture development.


Aklilu Getahun*, Yisehak Kechero and Nebiyu Yemane

...r processing to maintain its quality, freshness, and safety. Modern consumers demand minimally processed fishery products that retain their natural attributes without compromising nutritional integrity. Consequently, innovative technologies in aquaculture and seafood processing have become essential for sustaining industry growth while ensuring food safety. Advancements in aquaculture, such as biofloc technology, robotic systems, sensor-based monitoring, and n...

Bashar Falih Zaqeer1, Muntaha Y. Yousief1*, Eftekhar Hassan Muhssen1, Hadar A. Al-Bataat2

...ic influence on these traits. This suggests that genetic improvement can be achieved by selecting animals with favorable genotypes. 
Keywords | DGAT1 Gene, CAPN1 Gene, Estimating breeding value, Free fatty acid in meat, Veal meat, Heritability of fatty acids 

Yulin Zeng

...issues was explored, and its role in the phosphorylation process under growth factor stimulation was demonstrated. IGF1 and TRAF6 levels in the matrix of TZ tissue were superior to those in PZ tissue. After TRAF6 expression was inhibited, the Pro activity of TZ matrix cells slowed down, while after it was enhanced, the Pro activity of PZ matrix cells was dramatically increased. The TRAF6 in the inhibition group of TZ tissue was greatly lower, while that in the...

Mashael Alhumaidi Alotaibi*

... breast cancer cells and its underlying mechanisms. MCF7 cells were exposed to increasing concentrations of lemongrass leaves extract (0, 50, 100, 200, and 300 μg/mL) for 24 h, and cell viability was assessed using the MTT assay. The results demonstrated a concentration-dependent reduction in the survival of MCF7 cells when treated with lemongrass leaves extract, indicating its selective cytotoxicity towards cancer cells....

Zohair Mehdi1, Ifrah Khalid1, Iqbal Bano2, Muhammad Usman Ghani1*, Muhammad Farooq Sabar1, Muhammad Umer Khan3, Hafiz Muzzammel Rehman4, Mureed Hussain5, Sadia Anjum1, Ayesha Mumtaz1, Iram Amin6 and Mariam Shahid6 with asthma, however, its allele “T” plays a protective role against asthma susceptibility in the Punjabi population of Lahore, Pakistan.

Zia Ur Rahman1*, Naveed Ahmad1, Adnan Ahmad2, Muhammad Idrees1, Faisal Bashir2 and Sher Ali Khan2
...aragus officinalis, with its white tuberous roots, holds significant importance. This plant naturally grows in regions such as southern Africa, Europe, Australia, and Asia. Its roots are used to make nourishing tonics, rich in vitamins and being consider a healthy source of carbohydrates with minimum calories. This plant provides numerous health advantages due to the presence of constituents such as tannins, alkaloids, saponins and protein playing a vital role...

Moushumi Purkayastha1*, Rakibul Hasan1, Kazi Asma Akther2, Chhanda Rani Das3, Shofiqul Islam1, Shahriar Rahman Sagar4, Saiful Islam5, Sohag Talukder5, Bashudeb Paul5, Sultan Ahmed1, A.T.M. Mahbub-E-Elahi1

.... Rapid diagnostic test kits were used to validate the presumptive diagnosis. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to determine the associated variables for FPV in cat. The overall prevalence of FPV was 9.80% in our study area. The incidence of FPV was higher in kittens (10.20%) of ≤ 6 months of age, while in young adults it was 10.10% and 6.70%, respectively (p-value 0.833). Interestingly, tom cats were noticed almost 1.104 times more infect...

Andi Mushawwir1*, Ronnie Permana1, Johar Arifin2, Najma Ali3, Eli Sahara4

...izing abdominal fat deposits. Amino acids can influence growth and are linked to energy synthesis through metabolic feedback mechanisms. This study investigated the effects of a low-calorie diet supplemented with various amino acids (valine, serine, tryptophan, and arginine) on local chickens’ ileum morphology and growth. Three hundred and fifty day-old Sentul chickens were randomly assigned to 35 experimental groups, each containing ten chickens. The st...
Kashif-ur-Rehman1,2, Ahmad Bakhsh1, Muhammad Akram Tariq3
Muhammad Khalil Ahmad Khan4 and Sumaira Mehboob1*
...requency distribution of its variants were 5% heterozygous for A/C/G variants, 9% heterozygous for A/G variants, 7% heterozygous for A/C variants, and 79% homozygous for A/A wild type. The overall frequency of CYP1A1 G variants was 14% and C variants were 12%. Our results suggested that there are significant inter-ethnic variations in the allelic frequencies of CYP2C19*3 and CYP1A1 which may be responsible for variable clopidogrel treatment response in Pakista...

Yanhua Zhang1, Hui Li1, Xinya Li1, Yong Zhang1, Rongqing Li1* and Chen Qing2*

...inds of tumors. However, its expression characteristics and functional role in ovarian cancer (OC) remain unclear. In this study, we aimed to investigate the characteristics and mechanism of CPEB3 in OC. CPEB3 expression data from patient specimens, TCGA and GEO database were evaluated to assess its expression level in OC. Moreover, the effects of CPEB3 on tumor were further evaluated through nude mice xenograft model. We fo...

Dan Liao1, Mingchao Li2, Zijun Xiong3, Qiuming Ji4, Ying Xia5, Bing Liu6 and Xiu Gui1*

...blood lithium levels and its concentration to dose ratio (C/D) in patients with manic episodes. A total of 112 patients with manic episodes from the Wuhan Wudong Hospital between July 2021 and December 2022 were assigned into a control group (CG) and a hypertension group (HG). The patients’ blood lithium concentrations, blood lithium C/D ratios, antihypertensive medication use, Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS) scores, adverse reactions (ARs), and other pa...

Hu-Hu Chen1,2, Xin Li2,3, Mohd Hijaz Mohd Sani2 and Siat Yee Fong2,4*

... offering potential benefits for patients with TNBC.


Haichao Wang1,2, Yi Liu1,2, Jingwen Wu1,2, Wenjing Wang1,2, Hongyi Zhang1,2* and Cunjian Yi3*

...the relationship between its methylation status and gene expression level. The objective of this study was to explore the promoter methylation status of tumor suppressor gene HOXA5 in OC. HOXA5 mRNA expression was detected by RT-PCR. OC CAL-27, H357, and HSC-3 cells were treated with different concentrations of 5-aza-deoxyeytidine to analyze the inhibitory effect of 5-aza-deoxyeytidine on methylation. The methylation status of HOXA5 gene promoter was closely r...
Muhammad Zubair-ul-Hassan Arsalan1, Syed Makhdoom Hussain2*, Basharat Ali3, Bilal Ahmad2, Muhammad Qurban1, Adan Naeem2, Eman Naeem2 and Tariq Rasheed1
...ulture production due to its limited supply and high price. So, the aim of this study was to develop more sustainable and economically viable aquaculture production by substituting fish meal with Moringa oleifera leaf meal (MOLM). In this research, the mineral digestibility of Labeo rohita fingerlings (6.57±0.03 g) was investigated over 70 days by formulating five iso-nitrogenous diets to substitute MOLM with 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40% of fish meal. There wa...

Chaoqi Yin1*, Ruyi Tao1, Kaixi Tan2 and Jianfei Zhang3

... Knockdown of ADAR1 inhibits cell proliferation and cell tubule formation abilities through down-regulation of Akt/mTOR signalling pathway.

Diego Armando Tuárez García1, Hernán Humberto Chevez Véliz2, Luis Humberto Vásquez Cortez3,5, Kerly Estefanía Alvarado Vásquez4, Jaime Fabián Vera Chang1, Cynthia Yadira Erazo Solorzano1 and Frank Guillermo Intriago Flor6
...ood for centuries due to its high nutritional value and versatility. The Maqueño banana “Red Dacca” is a unique variety with a reddish-purple skin, smaller size, and greater nutrient density compared to the conventional yellow banana. Its flavor, often likened to fresh raspberries, makes it a promising alternative for both local consumption and export. Despite its potential, limited scientific data on Maqu...

Muhammad Luqman1*, Muhammad Yaseen1, Talha Mohsin Tanvir1, Tahir Munir Butt2, Muhammad Usman1 and Abdus Salam3

...d 66% of farmers sold fruits online, with farm sizes averaging 23 acres. Almost 81% earned less than Rs 60,000 per month from various sources, and about half owned and rented land. Respondents perceived the platform as valid and effective, with high mean scores of 3.55 and 3.54 respectively, and disagreed with the statement that the platform had usage problems. Furthermore, fruit farming was more prevalent than vegetable farming, with 66% selling fru

Onifade Sururoh Joy1,2, E.F. Aluko2,4, Olowe Rita Ayanbolade1,3 and Olugbenga Adekunle Olowe1,2*

...tomach is facilitated by its urease activity, which neutralizes gastric acid, and its motility, which allows it to penetrate the mucus layer. Virulence factors, such as the cytotoxin-associated gene A (CagA) and vacuolating cytotoxin A (VacA), play a critical role in the pathogenicity of H. pylori, promoting cellular damage and immune evasion. Transmission occurs predominantly through fecal-oral and oral-oral routes, but gro...

Syeda Khshnood1, Muhammad Yasir Khan2, Qayash Khan1, Farooq Jan1, Saman Yaqoob1, Kashmala Jabbar1, Ikramullah Khan1, Nasir Shah2, Iqra Ambreen1, Guleena Khan1 and Abdur Rauf1*

Maryam Nasir1*, Nida Mahreen1, Muhammad Maaz Aziz1, Malik Mohsin Abbas1, Akbar Hayat Saggu2, Afzal Ansari1, M. Amna Jamil Kanwal1 and Hira Faiz1

... fruit set, number of fruits matured, average yield and fruit quality (TSS, TA, vitamin C, sugars, Total phenolic contents and antioxidants. Results showed that the vegetative growth, yield and quality of Red lady is better than Calena and it is well adapted for cultivation under climatic conditions of Punjab.


Ahmad Fahrudin Husen1, Suyadi1, Yudi Parwoto2, Muhammad Sairi2, Veronica Margareta Ani Nurgiartiningsih1*

...) goat breed, valued for its dual-purpose meat and milk production and high adaptability, dominates the local goat population in Indonesia and plays a crucial role in supporting smallholder farmers throughout the country. This study aimed to identify early predictors of growth and potential selection criteria for more effective breeding programs. Data were collected from 210 PE goats at weaning and eight months of age. Nine morphometric tra

Fang Li1, Na Zhao1, Dan Wu1, Jingya Hei2 and Yuyang Pan1*

...OT patients is high, and its diagnostic effect is good. In order to ensure the accuracy of the diagnostic results of cytology smear combined with frozen section diagnostic results, the size of the diameter of the patient’s tumour and whether metastasis occurs should be taken into account during the actual test, so as to improve the diagnostic accuracy of the case and provide a strong basis for clinical treatment.


Zhihong Huang1, Xuemei Zhang1, Ling Li1, Min Hu1, Mo Chen1 and Qunchao Mei2*

...d to control tissues and its relationship with factors that confirm the poor prognosis of the disease cannot be introduced alone as a possible candidate for further studies to confirm the role of a poor prognostic biomarker in gastric cancer.


Hu-Hu Chen1,2*, Jiao-han Zhou3 and Siat Yee Fong2,4

...ticancer agent. However, its antitumor effects and underlying mechanism against Dox-resistant breast cancer remain largely unexplored. This study investigated the effect of carvacrol on cell viability, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis in Dox-resistant triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) MDA-MB-231/Dox cells. Western blotting analyses were performed to access protein levels associated with apoptosis and the PI3K/Akt pathway. The results revealed that carv...

Hong Sun and Jie Shao* (SAP), and to explore its effect on the levels of inflammatory factors. Sixty patients with acute pancreatitis (AP) in the Department of Gastroenterology of Lin’an District First People’s Hospital from February 2021 to February 2023 were grouped: controls and experimental group, 30 cases in each group. The controls received somatostatin and conventional treatment, and the experimental group adopted modified Dachengqi decoction based on the contr...

Biao Zhong1*, MengMeng Zou1, Jie Zeng1, Juan Bai2, YongJun Deng3, Xin Li4 and YongQin Wang5

...ngs PFS levels, and exhibits an ideal effect in improving tumor markers such as CEA, CA15-3, and CA125 in patients. Moreover, it does not significantly increase the occurrence of adverse reactions while increasing drug usage, thus presenting a relatively ideal treatment safety profile.


Jia-lue Hua1,*, Peng-fei Wang2,*, Ye-ping Song3, Meng-lei Ding4, Li-ling Wang3 the mutation site and its nearby sequences were highly conserved. Pathogenicity prediction (Polyphen 2 and Mutation Taster) indicated this mutation may be pathogenic. The expression and distribution of GLRB were not significant between the mutant and wild types. Our results suggest that the novel GLRB mutation may cause hyperekplexia. In addition, we also tried to explore the possible pathogenic mechanism of this mutation. It is essential to conduct more ge...

Saima Younas1*, Quratulain Maqsood1, Aleena Sumrin1, Muhammad Umer Khan2 and Nazim Hussain1 in prevalence of hepatits C virus (HCV), all over the world. HCV genome depicts huge genetic variability resulting in seven different HCV genotypes (GTs) including around 90 sub types. Direct acting antivirals had revolutionized HCV treatment with less side effects and higher sustained virological response rate (SVR). For achievement of better SVR, Pakistan National HCV treatment guidelines include the use of DAAs, sofosbuvir (SOF) and daclatasvir (DCV). Cu...
Akbar Hussain1, Syed Riaz ud Din1, Kavish Hasnain Khinsar1, Muhammad Noman Ramzan2, Min Huang1, Anhong Ning1, Xiaoli Wang1, Mintao Zhong1* and Bibi Nazia Murtaza3*
...5 protein was tested for its effect on the viability and cytotoxicity of various cancerous and non-cancerous cell lines using a cell counting kit-8 (CCK-8) assay. The LP-5 protein had the lowest IC50 value against the liver cancer line HepG2, at 58.15 μg/ml. Dose- and time-dependent morphological changes, such as cell shrinkage, blebbing formation, and cell fragmentation, were observed in treated cells. Apoptosis markers were evaluated using qPCR, flow cyto...

Muzhi Pan1,2, Pengli Si2, Ping Zheng2 and Bingwei Ai2,3*

... has been recognized for its potential to reduce body weight, the efficacy of different manual acupuncture techniques in obesity treatment remains to be elucidated. This study aims to investigate the differential effects of various manual acupuncture methods in an obese rat model. We categorized rats into five groups: a control group, a model group, a conventional acupuncture group, a high-frequency twisting group, and a low-frequency twisting group. All group...

Yan Liu1* and Xiao Zhang2

...elopment of diabetes and its complications. This study aims to systematically evaluate the efficacy and safety of integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine in treating non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy (NPDR). Our study used a descriptive-analytical technique and established a corresponding model diagram to analyze and study diabetic retinopathy. We examined non-value-added DR based on integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine. Further...

Li Nanlin1, Liu Huijun2, Ma Han1, Ma Yanshou1, Lv Fengquan1, Dong Xiangyuan1, Wang Yongting1, Zhao Huicheng1, Li Huanxiang1 and Bao Guanghe1*

...ty arterial embolism and its correlation with acute lower extremity arterial embolism. One hundred and twenty patients with acute lower extremity arterial embolism diagnosed and treated in Qinghai Provincial People’s hospital from January 2020 to January 2022 were selected as the study group, and 120 healthy people examined in Qinghai Provincial People’s hospital in the same period were selected as the control group. The levels of hemoglobin and fi...

Haiyan Li1, Dan Li2, Yashi Xu3 and Xingxiang Guo4* treatment offers benefits such as improved renal function, the elimination of protein-bound toxins, enhanced blood coagulation parameters, and better glycemic and lipid metabolism indicators, all contributing to the reduction of micro-inflammatory reactions in the body.



Nada A. M. Abdelbary1*; Rawia F. Gamal1; Waleed M. Abdulkhair2; Sawsan Y. Elateek

...bacteria, and to knowing its suitability for the human use. Seventy β-lactam resistant bacterial isolates were sampled randomly from several hospital laboratories across ten governorates of Egypt. The isolates were screened against six different antibiotics; mainly Amoxicillin; Amoxicillin-Clavulanate, Penicillin, Ampicillin-Sulbactam, Cefepime, and Piperacillin-Tazobactam at 250 μg/ ml, and their Minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was recorded. Th...

Meixiang Li, Meiyan Liu, Xuehua Sun and Juan Li*

...37 in women with GDM and its relationship with neonatal hyperbilirubinemia. During this cross-sectional descriptive study, the serum of forty patients with GDM (13 pre-diabetic and 27 diabetic) were collected at different gestational ages. Then, the total amount of cellular RNA was extracted and the expraession level of miR-137 was analyzed using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). The results showed that the expression level of miR-137 increased sig...

Xia Huang1, Jin Guo2, Zhijun Fan1, Yue Xiao1, Lifang Li1 and Yuehua Luo1*

...tion with nifedipine and its impact, renal function and hemodynamics of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH). The sample of ninety-eight patients diagnosed with PIH and treated at Shanghai East Hospital Ji-an Hospital between August 2018 and July 2019 were included in this study and randomly assigned to an observation group (OG, n=49) and a control group (CG, n=49) using the random number table method. Patients in the CG were treated with intravenous labetalol...

Pakistan Journal of Zoology


Pakistan J. Zool., Vol. 56


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